Old Money of Cowley County
by Bruce Hedrick
Cowley County National Bank of Winfield Twenty Dollar Note, 1902 DB

This note is owned by, and was scanned by Bruce Hedrick of Arkansas City. Bruce says that the note is a series 1902 Date Back (DB). It doesn't matter what date is written it is still a 1902. This series had Date Back's, Plain Back's and Red Seal. There was a Brown Back issue in 1892 .The Jarvises signing the note are noted below. In 1891 the Jarvis Conklin Loan Company purchased the Farmer's State Bank and consolidated with the Cowley County National Bank in 1896. In 1922 the Cowley County National Bank purchased the 1st. National Bank, and from that point onward operated as the 1st. National Bank of Winfield. There are only 7 recorded notes known to exist for this bank
Subject: Banknotes
Date: Thu, 27 May 1999
From: "Phil Jarvis"
The two signatures on the banknote are those of James Edmund Jarvis and Martin Fugate Jarvis. James was my great-grandfather. Martin was James' son. He was born in 1875.
Hope that helps.
Phil Jarvis - Director of Information Services
Southwestern College - The Premier College of Kansas
Cowley County National Bank of Winfield

Another 1902 Date Back on the Cowley County National Bank of Winfield. 1902 Date Backs were issued between 1908 and 1915 and have the dates 1902-1908 printed on the back of the note. There are three distinct issues for the 1902 notes. The first had the Treasury imprint in red and are the rarest of this issue. The second was the 1902 date back with Treasury imprint in blue and dated on the back side. The last was the 1902 Plain Back which were issued from 1915 to 1929. The back design for all three notes was the same except for the date back.This $5 note has one distiction over the $20 note in that it has a 3 didgit serial number instead of 4 which also increases its value.

Photo of President Harrison.
Cowley County National Bank of Winfield

Dexter National Bank

Of the eight National Banks that existed in Cowley County the Dexter National Bank is one of two with the shortest history. (The American National Bank of Arkansas City lasted 18 months between 1889-1890.) Chartered in 1908 the Dexter bank closed in 1914. This was ironic in a way as 1914 was the same year that oil was discovered in Cowley County east of Winfield. Both officers of the bank went on to become respected business men of Winfield. W.R. Coffey became president of the State Bank of Winfield in 1934. W.B. Light became president of the State Bank of Winfield in 1912 while still associated with the Dexter Bank.
In later years the Light family would form Winfield Electric.
All National Bank notes were issued by the Fed. in sheets of 4 and then hand cut by the issuing banks. The marking at the bottom of this note indicates that it was the last note on the sheet. This is one of 5 individual notes recorded on this bank.
Farmer's and Merchant's National Bank of Dexter

First National Bank of Winfield

In July of 1929 the Treasury changed the size of all notes from large to small. The change to small notes was made for two reasons: They were cheaper to produce and the Treasury wanted to adopt a uniform design for all forms of paper money. This note on the First National Bank of Winfield is a type 1 issued from July 1929 to May 1933. The charter number is imprinted twice in black, and the serial numbers are sheet numbers and have both a prefix and suffix letter. This note also has the distiction of being classified as a radar note. Radar notes have serial numbers that read the same right to left or left to right and are rare enough to demand a premium in price.
First National Bank of Winfield

First National Bank of Winfield
This is a type 2 note on the First National Bank of Winfield. Type 2 notes have the charter number stamped 4 times instead of 2 and are rarer than the type 1 notes. There are 46 recorded 1929 notes known to exist.
First National Bank of Winfield

Another small size 1929 National Bank note from the First National Bank of Winfield. The bottom left margin is a good example of what happens when notes are manually cut.
Home National Bank of Arkansas City

Home National Bank of Arkansas City, Ks.
Incorporated in 1888 and called Strong and Ross Banking Company. Officers were Fred Strong, Pres., A.A. Newman, Vice Pres. and Howard Ross, Cashier. One year later it Nationalized and became Home National Bank with it's first location at 5th Ave. and 1st. Street. The present main bank building at 5th and Summit was completed in 1917.
Read's Bank, Winfield

This is an original check from M. L. Read's Bank, now owned by Bruce Hedrick who grew up in Winfield. Bruce is a collector of "old paper" and while he has good working knowledge of the field he refers us to Bill Youngerman out of Fla. as the recognized expert on National Bank notes.. He has kindly supplied us with several images of his collection relative to Cowley County, Kansas.
This check was written April 21, 1875 for the amount of $29.42 to A. L. Sleeth Esq. It was signed by Robinson for M. L. Read, but it could have been either of his nephews, W. C. Robinson or M. L. Robinson. It was routed to the German American Bank of New York City and the 2 cent stamp, was placed on the face of the check to pay for postage through the U. S. Inter. Rev. (whatever that is???). The stamp is dated 4/21/75 with the initials MLR.
The pictures on the face of the check are filled with interesting hints about life in Winfield in the spring of 1875. The two stairways entering the building cross the sunken walk that goes to the basement of the building. The stair on the right goes to the upper floor. Upstairs one window is open for ventilation. The two windows at each side are cracked open, but only the one on the left distinctly shows the window frame on the upper glass. The one at right is just barely visible in the right hand pane. This etching was most likely made from a photograph, so that this detail is a measure of the accuracy of the artist making the image.
The stairs down to the lower lever descend from the left side of the building, as shown by the handrail. The opening behind the handrail is a window and the door would be the other opening at the bottom of the stairs. Thus we are looking a building with three seperate entrances such that three seperate business could be operating from this same address. (which we are still trying to pin down).
The image in the upper right corner of the check is also very interesting. The near wheel of the impplement is connected to a rod that drives a fitting on the cutter that causes the sickle to cycle back and forth cutting the grain in the forground. The arm that extends out to the farmers right is obviously very rigid to resist the motion of the operating rod. This arm is lifted by the chain attatched to the lever by the farmers right hand. This is the high-tech method of farming in 1875. The horses power the whole process of cutting. The farmer must still pick up the grain and seperate the wheat from the chaff, but he doesn't have to use a manual scythe in the manner of the previous two thousand years.

Read's Bank building was the first brick business building in Winfield. The building was on the west side of Main Street, a few doors south of 9th. Approximately where the Graves Drug Store is today. In 1884 Read's bank became the First National Bank of Winfield and in 1885 it moved across Main Street to take up its present location on the South - East corner of Ninth & Main.
The building to the right of Read's brick building is Fuller's Bank, which was the first bank in Winfield, established in 1871. Fuller did well and built a fine brick house by 1878.

Fullers new brick house. Later Col. J. C. McMullen built a house with the same plan and started a furor between the two men.
Some things going on in Winfield about the time this check was written.
- From the Old Newspapers of the 1870's
- The New Brick Courthouse courthouse
- The New Brick Methodist Church
- The New Brick Prespyterian Church
- The New Brick Store of Sam Myton
- Pryor & Kager Move to Read's New Brick
- Black Hills Fever
- Joe Jim, Kaw Chief in Town
- George Miller
- Myton - Read Wedding
- Citra (Quanna) Son of Cynthia Ann Parker Looking For Mother
- No-pa-wal-la, Chief of the Little Osage Band Is Gone
- The German Girls Are Rescued
- War Is Coming In The Black Hills
- The Brewery
- Flat Boat to the Indians
Bricks and other Miscellaneous Topics
From the Cowley County Newspapers of the 1870's
Saturday, March 18, 1871.
CITY BAKERY. Messrs. Fisher & Gessler have completed their bakery and have it now in running order. The best of bread, pies, and other edibles are kept constantly on hand. They have a fine brick oven connected with their establishment.
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Winfield Messenger, Friday, March 15, 1872.
Cowley county is beautifully supplied with a beautiful white magnesian limestone in convenient layers, which is easily quarried and readily shaped and cut with the chisel, band saw, or hatchet. It is whiter and more compact, but in other respects the same as the famous Junction City stone, which is readily sawed up into slabs of any desired dimensions, in a saw mill. Arrangements are in progress to work a saw mill for this purpose at Winfield. The best of building sand is found in inexhaustible quantities. This magnesian limestone makes a lime of unusual coherence and whiteness. Ledges of Gypsum of the finest quality and excellent water lime are found within twenty miles of Winfield.
There is plenty of good brick clay in various parts of the county and some brick have been manufactured of good quality. It is expected that enough brick will be made at Winfield this year to supply all demands.
An extensive brick yard has already been started, and several are making their plans to erect brick buildings at once. In fact, we feel enthusiastic over our prospects. And we desire the people of the whole county to rejoice with us.
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Mr. A. Bickel wants a good brick moulder immediately, to whom he will pay good wages.
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Col. J. M. Alexander started for Leavenworth last Sunday.
The bricklayers are putting the finishing toch to the walls of the new bank building.
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Mr. W. W. Andrews tells us he intends burning 500,000 brick this season. We hope he will have good luck for there will be a demand for all of them.
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Come and see the Brick yards north of town. I am prepared to make half a milion bricks this season, or more if ordered early. I will use a heavier and better Clay, than used last season, will temper and mold, on an improved plan. The brick will in every way be larger, and make a stronger, handsomer, and better wall than any brick that has ever been manufactured in the county.
May 1st, 1873.
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Winfield, May 8, 1873.
Besides, the County Commissioners have advertised for bids for the purpose of erecting a $10,000 courthouse. The proposition was first made on condition the city would build a $2,500 jail, which the City Council has accepted. We saw the plans and specifications of the courthouse, which is to be a two story brick, 40 x 50, with stone finish. The first floor will contain eight offices and a hall eight feet wide. The courtroom will occupy the entire upper story, except space for the stairways. The bonds have been negotiated; and the City Council have appointed a committee to perfect plans and specifications for the erection of a jail at once.
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The New Court House and Jail. Through the kindness and courtesy of our capable Deputy County Clerk, Mr. J. P. Short, we are enabled to give our readers some idea of the new Court House, that is to be. The building is to be 40 x 50 feet; two stories high; the lower story 11 feet high in the clear; the upper story 13 feet high; hall 8 feet wide, running entire length of the building, with doors opening into rooms, eight in number on either side. At the head of the stairway, which runs from the main entrance door in the hall, are two small rooms which may be used for Jury, hat and cloak room, etc., or if necessary, can be added to the courtroom by folding doors. The courtroom proper is 37 feet 4 in., by 34 feet 10 in., in the clear, lighted by
[? word obscured ... 2 ?] large 4 light windows. The building is to be built of brick with a stone foundation. The contractors are Baily & Sloan. The building is to be completed by November 1, 1873.
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We take pleasure in noting the completion of M. L. Read's new bank building. The contractors, Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, deserve every credit as experienced mechanics, as this piece of their work will fully testify. The material used in the construction is an extra quality of limestone rock for the foundation, and also used in the walls of the basement. The main building is of brick structure, and exhibits as fine an appearance exteriorly, as any brick block in the eastern States. The front has iron columns to support it, and the window sills are of white limestone rock and are capped with the same. The folding doors at the entrance are magnificently constructed of fine material, and grained and finished in modern style; while the large windows on each side of the door will be one solid glass, French plate, 4-1/2 feet in width and 9-1/2 feet in height.
The appointments of the building consists of basement full size of building, which is now occupied by Messrs. Miller & Meyers in the restaurant business. The second floor is exclusively occupied by the bank, and has attached every convenience desired in a banking house. The third floor is cut into rooms for office purposes, and is occupied by Messrs. Scull & Michener, attorneys; Messrs. Pryor & Kager, attorneys; J. F. Paul, Esq., County Recorder; John Curns, City Clerk; T. A. Wilkinson, County Superintendent; and E. B. Kager, Esq., County Treasurer. The building is completely occupied, and its interior, in point of finish and adaption to the business for which it is used, is not excelled by a like structure in any city.
The business energy and willing disposition so liberally manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town since he became a citizen, endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public.
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The New Stone Culvert at the head of Main Street and the one on Tenth Avenue, are a decided improvement over those old "mud-holes" that have been standing there since we came to the country. This speaks well for our Road Overseer.
At a meeting of the Building Committee of the Presbyterian Church, it was resolved to take steps immediately toward building a brick church which will seat over 300 people. Very encouraging subscriptions toward this object have been already received.
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Archie Stewart, Stone Cuttter, Mason, Bricklayer, and Plasterer is prepared to fill all orders in his line. Mr. Stewart is a good workman and guarantees to give entire satisfaction. Give him a call.
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On Saturday morning we went to Winfield expecting to meet our brother farmers and spend the day socially with them, comparing notes of crops, profits, losses, experiments, etc. We hoped to take by the hand our friend, Renfro, and inquire after his horses and colts; to ask Mr. Cochran as to his corn crops in the valley and on the uplands; to congratulate Mr. Stewart and Capt. Lowery on their fine impovements and with them much happiness in their new residences; to obtain from Mr. Clingman some valuable information in regard to growing hedge; to inquire of Mr. Andrews of his brick making enterprise, and learn whether brick can be furnished so as to take the place of wood as a building material thus saving money in the county rather than sending it to the lumber men of Wisconsin and Michigan; to ask Mr. Davis and Mr. Holcomb of their fine Swine; to obtain some valuable information from Mr. Foos in regard to the management of the dairy, etc.
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A number of Winfield sporting men have started west on a buffalo hunt.
Maris & Baldwin's new building on Main street is fast being completed.
The Rev. J. E. Platter will preach in Hudson's building on Main Street next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. and 7 p.m.
Mr. Holmes on the Martin farm just south of town is preparing to build a fine large brick house. The foundation is in, and the brick and other material are being put upon the ground.
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Fine rain last Saturday night.
Beautiful Indian summer weather.
L. T. Michener has removed his law office to Fuller's Bank.
Mr. Anderson killed two panthers at the mouth of Silver creek last week.
Only about half the usual number of votes were polled at the election in this county.
Ned Perkins is back again. He thinks herding cattle isn't what it is cracked up to be.
Capt. Davis and lady started last Friday for New Orleans, where they will spend the winter.
Capt. Folks and Dr. Maggard gave us a call Monday. One of them has lost a hat on the section in their county. Which one was it!
McDermott says he does not so much object to a trip up salt creek as he does to the shabby crew with whom he is compelled to make it.
Mr. Silver undertook to burn around his stacks last week when a few sparks reached them and in a short time they were totally destroyed.
The Republicans elected their entire ticket with the exception of Representative and commissioner for the second district, who were defeated by small majorities.
The foundation of Mr. Andrew's new brick house is rapidly being laid. He has some of the finest building stone on the ground that we have ever seen in this vicinity.
Vernon township was subjected to a severe conflagration last week which swept over nearly the entire township, burning stacks and hedge rows, causing considerable damage.
W. H. Parks has recently bought the wagon shop of the Robinson Brothers. He is also a producer. This year he produced some fine California russet potatoes.
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The Courthouse is now completed, and the county officers assigned to their respective places. We think that a description of this beautiful structure will not be altogether unintersting, at least, to the tax payers of the county; although we may say right here, that no pen picture can give more than a crude idea of this splendid building.
The main building is 40 x 50 ft. The foundation is of stone, ruble worked, cut-stone water-table, door, and window sills. The walls are 16 in. thick, and are of the best quality of brick. The first story is 11 ft. high, and the second 15 ft. The roof is what is commonly denominated double gable truss and heavily iron strapped, and bolted, with a tower 22 ft. high, the foundation posts of which are 12 x 12 inch oak timbers extending clear across the entire width of the building, the whole surmounted by a beautiful weather-vane, constructed by Mr. C. R. Sipes of Arkansas City, and we believe, a present to the county. A hall 8 ft. wide runs through the building, from South to North, with heavy double pannel doors at each end. The offices are arranged on each side of the hall, six in number, and are 13 x 15 ft. sq. [??? hard to read...could be 18 x 15 ft. sq. ???] with two large 10 light windows in each room. The Courtroom proper is on the second floor, and is 37 x 38 ft. in the clear. On the north end, and on either side of the stair landing, are two jury rooms each 12 ft. square, which open into the courtroom by folding doors. The inside is painted both inside, and out, with three coats, and has three coats of plaster, the last a plaster paris finish; and is, on the whole, one of the best, prettiest, and most substantial buildings, of the kind--and certainly the best for the money--in the state. Of the contractors,
we need say but little: their work speaks for them. The brick bank building of M. L. Read, and now the courthouse, will stand as monuments of the skill, honesty, and integrity of Messrs. Stewart & Simpson, long after they will have passed away. The sub-contractors, Messrs. Rice & Ray, carpenters, also deserve special mention. But our space will not permit us to say further than that they have shown themselves to be master workmen, and have done the county a good, honest job.
We cannot close this imperfect sketch without saying a word for our county Board, Frank Cox, O. C. Smith, and John D. Maurer. They early saw that the building of good substantial buildings would be a saving to the county every year. The history of our neighboring county, Howard, is just now a case in point. Election after election has been held, the county seat moved, to use a homely phrase, "from pillar to post." Thousands of dollars annually squandered in vain attempts to settle it. They, in common, with all right thinking men, saw that in a short time the history of Cowley would furnish but a parallel to the history of Howard, and that so long as the county had no buildings of her own, the county seat was simply a bone of contention, to be pulled hither and thither at the whim or caprice of any who might take it into their heads to move it.
The Board of County Commissioners of Cowley county have built a better courthouse, for less money, than can be found in any other county in the state. No stealing, no jobbing, no trickery, of any kind whatever, but honesty, faithfulness, a desire to do the very best for the public have marked the history of the enterprise in an uncommon degree. The Board of County Commissioners deserve the thanks of every taxpayer in Cowley county.
Winfield is the chief town and the county seat of the county. It is located on the Walnut, in the centre of the county north and south. It is a beautiful town of about 1,000 inhabitants. It possesses some fine public buildings, a splendid brick Courthouse, one of the best in the state. A substantial stone Schoolhouse, and a stone and a wood Church. Its business and residence houses of wood, stone, and brick are all of a most substantial and for a new county, elegant kind.
The Walnut River is spanned by two bridges near Winfield. Two large flowering mills are busy grinding the corn and wheat of this and adjoining counties. Near town are three brick yards in full operation, at which brick of the first quality are made and sold at very low prices.
Arkansas City is finely located at the confluence of the Walnut and Arkansas Rivers, near the south line of the state. It has a good trade and is a thriving town. Near this place, both the Arkansas and Walnut Rivers are bridged, and one of the best flouring mills in the state is in successful operation. Both Winfield and Arkansas City have a daily communication by stage to Wichita, the nearest railroad station, and tri-weekly with
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The buildings erected during the year just closed have been of the most substantial kind, the most prominent of which we call to mind, the splendid brick Bank building of M. L. Read; the neat Drug house of Maris, Carson & Baldwin; the magnificent flowering mills of C. A. Bliss and Blandin & Covert; the jail and Courthouse; the residences of Kirk, McMillen, and Dr. Graham. These are but a few of the many built during the last twelve months, and they are such as to do credit to any town in the state. Bridges of magnificent proportions span all main streams on the roads leading to town.
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Nate Robinson has moved his harness shop into the building formerly occupied by the Telegram office.
Owing to the "stringency of the times," the Telegram has been compelled to move out of its former office to cheaper quarters.
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STEWART & SIMPSON are going to burn 200,000 brick this Spring. Those who contemplate building will do well to send in their orders early.
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To Builders.
BIDS will be received until Wednesday, April 30th, for the erection of a brick dwelling house in Winfield. The building is to be 26 x 32 with a one-story wing 14 x 14. Plans, specifications, and conditions of contract at Curns & Manser's.
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Geo. Miller keeps lemonade.
W. W. Andrews is putting up a brick residence in the north part of town.
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The Courthouse is reported as being in an unsafe condition. The self-supporting roof, is not a self-supporter at all, but is pushing the walls over.
Stewart and Simpson have now 100,000 good brick for sale at $8.00 per thousand, and will have another lot of 100,000 ready inside of two weeks.
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The county jail has now six boarders.
Several new houses are being erected in town, most of stone and brick.
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Sam Myton is preparing to build a two story brick building, 25 feet wide and 60 feet long, on the site of his present building. The lower story will be used for his hardware store and the upper story will either be used by the Masons or made into offices. The front will be made of cut stone and the building when finished will be one of the finest structures in the city.
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The Methodists have received aid from the Methodist Aid Society, and will begin the erection of a 25 x 40 brick house, to cost $3,000.
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The teachers' Institute commences next Monday.
The Band go serenadeing nearly every evening nowadays.
Remember the literary and dramatic entertainment on the 7th.
Stewart & Simpson have commenced laying the brick on Sam Myton's new building.
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Mr. James G. Service has gone to New York to spend the winter.
Rev. James E. Platter has moved his family into his new brick residence.
PRYOR & KAGER. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will practice in Cowley and adjoining counties; aso in the Federal Courts. Devote exclusive attention to the profession. Office in brick Bank building, West Main street.
OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. FRAZIER & LAMB, PROP'S. The only brick hotel in the city and everything new. Corner Main and Second sts., Wichita, Kansas.
Special Notice.
Editorial rooms at the office of Alexander & Saffold in the Stone Building on 9th Avenue.
The best grade of home manufactured flour can be bought at Bliss' for $3.25.
There is a very desirable assortment of prints at C. A. Bliss. The ladies are specially invited to call and see them.
Kirk's new cottage residence on 8th Avenue is nearly completed, and Dave Kenworthy's foundation started for a dwelling on same street.
J. M. Read's new building is about to receive its finishing touches, and Rogers two splendid new residences are finished. So we go. Improvement is the order of the day in Winfield.
Mrs. T. K. Johnston and little son have recently returned from a visit "way down East." T. K. has been observed to smile frequently since their arrival and the sun shines again around the Post Office.
If you want good coffee, 4 lbs. to the dollar, you must patronize the Old Log Store. Or if you are in need of any articles in the grocery line, the Old Log Store is a first class place to go to find it at bed-rock prices.
We have secured the services of Mr. J. C. Lillie for our foreman. As a compositor he is not excelled by any in the State, and his skill in the mechanical arrangment of newspaper matter speaks for itself.
Our patrons who desire to visit the Press Room, or do business with the office, will find in Mr. Lillie a courteous and obliging gentleman.
He is authorized to make all necessary contracts relating to the business of the office.
The contractors, Stewart & Simpson, have completed the brick work on Myton's new building. The building is two stories in height, the first story 15 feet, the second 13 feetCand 25 x 60 feet in size. The walls were carried up to the top 18 inches in thickness to stand fire, and the front has cut block stone corners, and iron columns. It is a credit to the owner, the builders, and the town.
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The plasterers spent the holidays plastering Sam Myton's big two story brick. How is that for winter?
Without doubt the finest paving stones in the Walnut Valley are being delivered in front of Sam Myton's new brick. The flagging is five or six inches thick, six feet wide, and from nine to fifteen feet long.
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We hope for lots of hot weather next summer to make a market for the vast amount of ice that is being put up in this place. No less than six ice houses have been filled, amounting to about four hundred tons.
The carpenters are at work putting the counters and shelving into Sam Myton's new brick. G. W. Prater and Irv. Randall are doing the work. It is expected that it will be ready for occupation in about four weeks.
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Sam Myton has taken the building which has stood so long in the rear of this office, and attached it to the back end of his new brick to be used as a tinshop.
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When you step into Sam Myton's splendid new brick now, the first thing you see is the ever smiling face of Mr. J. P. Short, who will wait on you so pleasantly that you feel like spending your last nickel there.
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Sam Myton has the "blazingist" sign in the county mounted on the t
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Materialized Spirit Caught.
For about a year past there have been spiritual meetings held by Major F. Strout, formerly from Gridley, Illinois, at the houses of Esq. Butterfield and a Mr. Adams, living on Grouse creek, near Silver Dale, and claimed to have very strange and mysterious demonstrations in the way of "Materialized Spirits," appearing in life-like form, and conversing with friends on earth. A number of persons in that vicinity have frequently been invited. Fifteen attended their meetings and conversed and joined hands with the materialized forms of their departed friends, and for those who could believe all they saw, it was a grand entertainment, and made lasting impressions on their minds by being honored by the returning spirits of departed friends.
But there were some in the neighborhood who were slow to believe all they saw; consequently, it was talked up by a few to put it to the test--to prove it to be a fraud or true.
So on the night of the 14th inst., there were quite a number invited to attend a meeting at Esq. Butterfield's, among whom were Messrs. Lippman, Blendin and brother, Allison and lady, Harlow, Hilton, Dornall, and myself, and several others besides their own circle. We went prepared with lamp and plenty of matches, and with an understanding that when the signal was given that we make a rush.
When the medium, Mr. Strout, was put under control of the spirits, there was considerable discussion as to the propriety of so large an audience, as it was feared they would not be able to produce satisfactory result; but at length all were admitted, and seated by Esq. Butterfield, who gave a brief lecture as to how we should conform to certain rules and laws during the exercise, in order that satisfactory results might be produced.
Then it was voted that I should witness the tying of the medium in an adjoining room, with a curtain hung over the door. After he was securely tied in his seat by Mr. Butterfield, the curtain dropped, and the music commenced. In about three minutes something commenced poking at the curtain and calling through a French harp to lower the lights, which was in the main room in rear of the audience, and also doubly curtained. At first the spirits seemed very shy, but as one and another scene seemed to produce the desired effect, and was undisturbed, they became more bold, and showed some wonderful scenes, provided the same were Heavenly spirits and the medium still bound in his seat.
But that was the question we wished to solve. So at about the usual time, the controlling spirit called for a quick step by the musicians, and there would be an Indian spirit in material form come forward and dance the war dance, which was done to the satisfaction of the audience, he coming forth dancing and waving his war club, letting the curtain drop behind him, and coming out in the main room among the audience.
At this moment the signal was given and there was a grand charge for the spirit, which did not vanish into the ethereal regions, but fought manfully with his club and pulled hair. 2 There was hurrying to and fro, upsetting seats, lighting matches and lamps, women screaming, and cries of don't kill the medium, etc. When the room was sufficiently lighted, I saw some of the boys kindly caressing the stranger from the happy hunting ground, but it turned out to be the materialized form of Major F. Strout, instead of the Indian dancer. On the opposite side of the room, I saw another person lopping against the wall. It was Butterfield and it seemed as though some fellow was feeling his coat collar.
If there were any spirits or angels hovering around there that night to behold the exposure of the fraud, I am quite sure they turned away in disgust when they heard the benediction pronounced on the head of Strout by those who had grasped his clammy hand instead as they supposed a father, mother, sister, or brother, who had long before departed. In the closet overhead was found left open a board in the ceiling, that slipped in its place very readily, and there is where he kept his spiritual trimmings.
April 20th, 1875.
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Emigrants arrive daily.
Croquet fever is raging now.
Spelling matches are very popular.
Judge Saffold is now alone in the law business. He can be found at his old stand.
Johnny Reed is painting the numbers on the boxes in the post office and is doing a good job.
Several parties in this city, confident that they will "strike it rich," will start for the Black Hills short.y
W. P. Hackney left for San Francisco yesterday, in search of a new location. His family will remain here until fall.
We suggest to the new council that the funds and labor of residents of this city be applied on the streets instead of outside of the district.
The soldiers at Cheyenne Agency, Indian Territory, had a little "misunderstanding" with the Cheyenne prisoners confined at that post, on the 6th inst.
We are out of an editor this week, owing to the fact that he is fixing up the post office. He has 263 new boxes; 27 are lock boxes.
Rice and Swain made the boxes and did the work in the post office. They are good workmen, as is shown by the appearance of things downstairs.
The prospects are that the "noble red men" will make it "red hot" for frontier settlers this season. Several depredations have already been committed.
Councilmen Newman and Powers are confined to their beds with sickness. We learn that Mr. Powers is improving, but that Mr. Newman is quite low. We hope to see both about soon.
Our new city dads mean business. They have provided by ordinance a time for holding their regular meetings, and by another they prescribe the duties of the various officers of the city, and the Police Judge, Clerk, Marshal, and Treasurer will have to give bonds. 'Tis well.
It will be seen by the council proceeding that our worthy banker, J. C. Fuller, is now a resident of this city, owing, probably to the fact that the council did not have a stranger whom they could "take in," and being anxious to take somebody, took Fuller. They might have done worse.
Just as we go press we learn that the decision of Judge Campbell, in the town site case, has been affirmed by the Supreme Court. As the cases were passed upon nearly two years ago, and the matter proably has been forgotten by all outside of this city, we will say for their information that the decision is in favor of the town company.
The Union Sunday School will meet hereafter at 9-1/2 o'clock a.m., at the Baptist church. Friends of the school will please note the change of time, and be present at the opening of the school, which will be promptly at the second ringing of the bell. All who feel an interest in the prosperity of the school are requested to be present next Sunday morning. By order of the teachers.
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Joe Jim, Chief of the Kaws, in town today.
The Indian camp was visited by many last Sunday.
Col. Mannning has returned from serving the people as a U. S. Grand Juror at Topeka.
Land speculators claim tht land has increased in value 20 percent since the late rains.
Mr. Combs of this place has put out 7,000 young cottonwoods on his farm in Sumner county.
Most of the boys have purchased bows and arrows from the Kaws who have been visiting our city.
The Kaw Indians, who have been visiting our city for several days, left for their reservation on Monday afternoon last.
DIED. Sarah Ann, wife of Fredrick Brown, of Beaver township, on the 28th of April, 1875, aged 44 years, of typhoid fever.
S. H. Myton has returned from Kansas City, and now sells all kinds of machinery and farming implements cheaper than ever.
T. A. Wilkinson has now on hand for free distribution something over one hundred bushels of corn for seed for the Granges of the county.
George Miller has fitted up his butcher shop at the old stand in a very handsome style, and it is now the most popular steak dispensing shop in the city.
The winter wheat through central and northern Kansas is about one half froze out. Cowley will certainly have to furnish that barren country with flour next winter.
Hon. Thos. R. Bryan, of Dexter, made us a friendly call last Saturday. He informs us that Meigs & Kinne, of Arkansas City, are about to erect a steam flouring mill at Dexter.
M. S. [? can't read ?] Roseberry, of the board of County Commissioners, was in town last Monday looking after the distribution of the Government rations for which he has been appointed agent.
Maj. Chas. Reynolds, U. S. Post Chaplain, at Ft. Riley, is in town distributing the proportion of government rations assigned to Cowley county. It consists of 19,000 pounds of meat, meal, beans, coffee, and sugar. It is given out on lists of needy furnished by the county commissioners.
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The Black Hills.
The fever to go to the Black Hills in search of gold is abroad. The Indians, according to all precedent and regardless of treaties, will have to look up some other hunting grounds. The white man wants the gold, and the whole army won't keep him out of the land that promises to "pan out." We call it the march of civilization. When we desire to violate a treaty, we secure possession of territory occupied by Indians, select some remote territory, sign new treaties, sacredly giving our pledges never to intrude upon their new hunting grounds, which in the future will again be violated in the interests of what we call civilization. It is not this phase of the question, however, that we started to say a word upon, but to utter a caution to the many restless spirits among the young men on the farms.
With the glittering stories of these new gold fields where fortunes are to be easily made, and their labors having shown such meager results the past two years, it is only natural that a feeling of dissatisfaction may arise, and a hope be entertained that possibly the money would come easier in the New Eldorado. But there is another side to this which we only wish now to foreshadow. In the first place, the story of the great gold deposits of the Black Hills, rests upon the most indefinite heresay and lacks practical proof. Far removed from supplies, with the government troops harrassing all who may endeavor to prospect for gold, it seems to men of common sense, that starting on such a venture is an evidence of lunacy. Beyond this there are suspicions that there is a future railroad enterprise at the bottom of the excitement, that this is the preliminary step to asking for a grant of land to build a branch road.
We say to the young men on the farm, don't let a bubble excite you. There are thousands of old experienced miners in the territory west of Kansas who will develop the gold of the Black Hills if there is any there. It will pay to stick to the honest labor of a farmer, rather than become a wandering adventurer, vainly hoping to find riches easier than by useful labor.
Kansas Farmer.
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The greatest disadvantage that people of Cowley labor under is the high rate of interest on money. No money is loaned for less thatn twenty-five percent per annum. Thirty percent per annum is the average interest. Fifty and sixty percent is no uncommon interest.
Since July 1st, 1871, the citizens of Cowley county have paid in interest alone nearly or quite $500,000. This is an awful drain upon us. It is a paralysis upon our enterprise. It makes the poor poorer without hope, and the rich richer without labor. If the money that has been absorbed in usurious interest during the past four years could be distributed through the county in improvments, it would make a marked difference in the appearance of the country and condition of our farmers.
In most cawes this interest is collected by non-residents and is not even expended in building homes or substantial improvements here. It also escapes taxation. One device or another is resorted to to keep the principal off the tax rolls of the county.
We cannot censure men for taking all the interest they can get. A man is allowed to charge what he pleases for the use of a team, a reaper, a thresher, a saw mill, a grist mill, an axe, or a jack plane. What we deplore is the necessity that compels, or the folly that persuades men to borrow at such ruinous rates. No business, no circumstances will justify it. It must stop in some way.
There are several legitimate remedies. One is economy in expenditures; another is a repeal of the usury law; another is a prompt payment of matured obligations; another and more effectual method would be the establishment of a fiscal agency that should have credit and character abroad through which eastern capital could be loaned without commission.
These are matters which the Grange of Cowley county could appropriate and successfully address itself to the consideration of. There is no reason why the accruing liabilities in the county should not be renewed at about twelve percent per annum. Who will put this matter in shape?
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MYTON - READ. At the residence of M. L. Read, Esq., Thursday evening, the 20th inst., Mr. S. H. Myton, Esq., and Miss Mollie C. Read, all of Winfield.
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The Parker Captives.
[Galveston News.]
Many old Texans will remember the massacre at Fort Houston, Texas, in 1838; the capture of women and children by the Indians, and the subsequent recovery of Cynthia Parker, after some twenty years of captivity among the savages. The following letter of inquiry, will doubtless, meet the eyes of someone who can give the desired information. The last information on this subject possed by the News placed Cynthia Anne Parker with her relatives in Parker county, probably in the family of her uncle, the venerable Isaac Parker, long a member of the Texas congress, who spent years in endeavoring to recover the captives.
Indian Territory, May 19, 1875.
Capt. E. J. Strang, A. Q. M., U. S. A., Denison, Texas:
SIR: Citra, a Qua-ha-de Commanche, who came into this post a few days ago, is the son of Cynthia, or Cynthia Anne Parker, a white woman, and is very desirous of finding out the whereabouts of his mother, if still alive, who was captured by the Indians near the falls of the Brazos nearly forty years ago, while yet a girl, and captured by the United States troops eighteen years ago, since which time she has remained in Texas.
She took with her to Texas a little girl and left with the Indians two boys, one of whom has since died, and the surviving one (Citra), who was here, makes inquiry concerning her and his sister.
Any information you can obtain as to this woman, dead or alive, or of her daughter, will be gratefully received.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant.
Colonel Fourth Cavalry, commanding post.
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No-pa-wal-la is Dead.
The old settlers of Cowley remember No-pa-wal-la. He is gone. We take the following from the Coffeeville Courier.
From Jessie Morgan we learn of the death, at the Osage Agency, last Friday, of No-pa-wal-la, Chief of the Little Osage Band. He was well advanced in years, and at one time the most noted warrior of the tribe. Of late years, however, he has taken a peculiar interest in the work of Indian civilization, and proved a valuable assistant to the agents and others engaged in the work. He was respected and admired by all who knew him, both white and red, and his funeral, which took place last Saturday, was perhaps the largest ever witnessed in the Territory. His remains were taken to agent Gibson's house where an appropriate ceremony took place. During the ceremony speeches were made by several Indian chiefs, and many were moved by the touching pathos and sensible points contained in those impromptu addresses.
The remains were deposited in the Agency Cemetery, and were followed to the grave by an immense concourse of Indians and white men.
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They Arrive at Fort Leavenworth, and are Interviewed
By a Reporter.
[Leavenworth Commercial, 11th.]
Yesterday afternoon Gen. Miles called at the Commercial office and informed us that the German (not Germain) girls had just arrived, and we at once went up to interview them.
As already stated, there are four of them: Catherine Elizabeth, aged 18; Sophia Louisa, aged 12; Julia Ann Amanda, aged 8; and Nancy Adline, aged 6.
The family came from Georgia to Missouri in 1870, and from Missouri to Howard county, Kansas, in 1873, and in October, 1874, started for Colorado, when the father, John German, the mother, Lydia, the oldest daughter, Rebecca Jane, aged 21, the ston, Stephen Wise, aged 17, and younger sister, Joanna Cleveland, were brutally killed by the Indians.
Stephen was about a mile from the wagon hunting antelope, and was chased down and murdered. Catherine was 75 or 100 yards from the wagon looking after some stock, and escaped the first massacre.
As soon as the Indians came up, they shot the father down, and killed the other three at the wagon in a few seconds; then rushed off and dispatched Stephen.
The four girls were captured, and as already stated, the two little ones were left on the prairie to perish when the savages were hotly pursued by the soldiers, but were fortunately found by the troops and cared for.
Catherine and Sophia were compelled, as previously reported, to ride upon ponies at a fearful rate, and in bad weather, to escape the troops in pursuit. They were treated very roughly, and had nothing to eat much of the time but raw buffalo meat without salt. Catherine was forced to cut wood and carry it for fires, etc., and when she did not do the work fast enough, the squaws would beat her. Most of the squaws were rough and cruel; but a few of them were kind and protected the girls whenever they could. The men never struck them; and they were never outraged by the chief or any other Indian, as was reported by sensational reporters at first. We are happy to relieve the story of their captivity of this horrible feature.
Mr. Cleveland, the agent's clerk, came up with the girls from the Cheyenne agency. They expect to return to Lawrence shortly. They appear to be without a home or a definite purpose in life; but are now kindly cared for by those under whose care they are placed for the time. They deserve all the kindness and consideration which can be bestowed upon them.
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Dispatches from the frontier state that large parties of Sioux, Cheyennes, and Arapahoes started on the war path lately. The objective points are thought to be the Pawnee, Ponca, Ute, and Shoshone agencies, which have been warned of the impending raids. It is believed by men well posted in savage ways that the Sioux and other hostile tribes are preparing for a gigantic Indian war, and that the government will have to decide which course it will pursue--protect the peaceful tribes and the settlers, or leave them to their fate and keep miners out of the Black Hills. The troops are not strong enough to do both.
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Cliff Wood has five acres of tip-top millet.
Dr. Houx is fixing up a nice dental office one door south of C. A. Bliss'.
They have commenced work on Main street at last. That's business.
Hon. James McDermott is to make the oration at Lazette next Saturday.
The Good Templars here now number over sixty persons, with new accession every night.
Doty has sold out his interest in the livery barn on Main street to Mr. Wilson, of Elk Falls.
We noticed Thos. H. Henderson and E. B. Green, of Pleasant Valley Township on our streets last Tuesday.
Big times are expected at Little Dutch next Saturday. Col. Manning and Professor Wilkinson are the orators.
Charley Way, a printer in this office, will spend his "fourth and fifteen cents" at Augusta, where he has relatives.
C. A. Bliss and I. E. Moore, our millers, are making negotiations to furnish the agencies and others south of us with flour.
Who wrote that order for a gallon of beer and signed Sheriff Walker's name to it? That's what Dick wants to find out too.
A grand ball will be given at the Courthouse in Winfield Monday evening July 5th. Good music aill be in attendance.
The 4th of July occurs on the 3rd and 5th this year.
George Morris has some silk worms that came from Gallotti's silk orchard. They are spinning cocoons now and are quite a curiosity.
Mrs. Vandever and daughter, of Taylorville, Illinois, are visiting friends in this countty. They are stopping at present with our firend, Joel Vandever, of Pleasant Valley Township.
There will be a Grand Basket Picnic at Kennedy's grove in Beaver township Saturday the 3rd. Everyone is invited to take a full basket and enjoy their own hospitality.
That corn stalk, "big as a tree," ten feet high when pulled, that Senator Ingalls mentioned in his speech, is standing in the Post Office. Granger Manning raised it; and it's a whopper!
There is hanging in the Post Office a potato of this year's growth, which was raised on the farm of A. Menor, just south of town, and weighs within a fraction of a pound, and is sound to the core.
Henry W. Cook, senior member of an extensive law firm of Wyandotte and Kansas City, passed through here last Sunday en route for the Osage Agency, to attend to business concerning a cattle lawsuit.
Mr. S. L. Brettun and family, who have been visiting Charlie Black, of this place, left for their home in Illinois last Monday morning. Burt Crapster went with them, and will attend college there this summer.
H. O. Meigs, one of the old residents of Cowley county, came over from Dexter last Saturday, where he is building a fine stone steam mill. The mill will have two run of burrs, and will commence work by the first of August.
Winfield may have an electroplate showing the town, valley, and surroundings published in the next Kansas Agricultural Report, provided her citizens foot the bill. The cost of the artist's visit, who takes the view, and the plate and other expenses, will amount to ninety dollars. The plate after being used in the report will be the property of the city, and can be used for letterheads, display cards, etc. Who will raise the necessary ninety?
Dog Notice. Notice is hereby given to owners of dogs upon which the tax has not been paid, that all dogs will be shot, when found without the tax tag upon them, on and after the 1st day of July. ED. EVANS, Marshall.
D. S. Brown has bought the Jos. C. Roberts farm, and is not going to leave Cowley by any means. He sold his farm to Mr. Holloway, of Chillicothe, Illinois, for $2,000, and now pays $1,700 for one in the same school district. Tally one for Brown.
Col. E. C. Manning will orate about the "glorious 99th anniversary of American Independence" at Little Dutch, and Mr. Amos Walton will worry the tail feathers of the proud bird of liberty at Arkansas City on the 4th. Winfield furnishes two orators! Hip! hip!!
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Winfield Courier, July 1, 1875.
Capt. Shenneman, Frank Lutz, and C. C. Harris started to Ft. Sill last Saturday to attend the government sale of ponies to be held there on the 5th of July. Considering the number of buyers going there, we think there will be about one pony, and a half mule for each person.
Fish oil is not kept at the Post Office, or "garden truck" bought. Persons having a surplus of the latter can trade it for the Plow and Anvil. Traveler.
We are sorry for you, Scott. Amos will think you are poking fun at him, and of all things, he can neither stand nor understand is a joke.
Miss Melvill's sister, Emma, is complimented by the Emporia News, on an essay read before the Normal school last week, of which she is a new graduate. Marion county Record.
Miss Emma is also a sister of Miss Anna Melville, late teacher in our public school here.
Our defunct Frontier B. B. Club received an invitation to attend a grand base ball tournament at Wichita next Monday. Twelve different clubs are expected to be present, and take part in the great national game, and extensive preparations are being made for their reception. A big dance in the evening will be one of the features of the occasion.
Mr. A. G. Wilson, late of Elk Falls, has bought out Mr. Doty's interest in the livery stable of Darrah & Doty. Mr. Wilson comes well recommended as a first-class liveryman, and we know that Sam. Darrah has few superiors in that line. They have now one of the largest and most complete livery establishments south of Emporia, and all who patronize them will be fairly and liberally dealt with.
From a private letter from Cheyenne, of the 19th inst., we learn that the Arrapahoes and Cheyennes have gone out on a big buffalo hunt, but as they were accompanied by a body of Uncle Sam's cavalry, they will do no harm. What a fine Indian policy this Quaker peace-making business is! Every time atn Indian wants to go on a buffalo (?) hunt, he has to have a couple of bayonets at his side to prevent him from stealing into the state and murdering some defenseless settler or cattle herder along the border.
We were shown the other day at the St. Nicholas Restaurant a monster head of lettuce. It was raised by Mr. J. W. Thomas, of Tisdale, from seed sent out by the Agricultural Department last winter. It was as large as an ordinary cabbage head with stock as thick as a man's wrist. Mr. Thomas informs us that all the seeds obtained from the Agricultural Department have produced the largest and best of anything ever brought to this country. Keep sending, Uncle Sam, Cowley county soil and Cowley county farmers are just what can test your seeds to your entire satisfaction.
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Roasting ears have come.
Wheat is selling at 75 cents.
The pony fever is raging in town.
The Black Hills business is fizzling out.
Lynn & Co. have issued an advertising paper.
Wheat is selling from $1.30 to $1.56 in St. Louis.
William T. Estus is the new postmaster at Silver Dale.
"Amanda," a contributor to the Plow and Anvil, is a "he."
Wagon loads of plums in the market selling at three dollars per bushel.
Ex-Gov. S. J. Crawford and L. B. Kellogg, late of Arkansas City, have formed a law partnership at Emporia.
A brother of Phillip Stump, our miller at Bliss', has come on from Ohio and will help him through the wheat campaign this fall.
B. F. Peacock, of the Arkansas City mills, and B. F. Smith, a merchant of Oxford, called on the COURIER boys this week.
Squire Boyer bought two of last summer's colts for five year year old ponies. Will you drive them through to the centennial, W. M.?
Capt. Shenneman and the boys returned from Ft. Sill. They brought up some nice ponies, but had to pay all they were worth for them.
Mrs. I. N. Ripley, of Iowa, recently well-known here as Miss Mollie Millspaugh, is down visiting her relatives and friends in this vicinity.
Southern Colorado has had no rain for the past two months till last Sunday, and the whole country is flooded and much damage has been done.
We saw Frank Lutz and thirty-four other men and boys watching one of those Comanchee ponies last Tuesday and wondering what it would do next.
Uncle Isaac wants more wood to cut, and says he may be found three times a day at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of the Lagonda house dining-room.
Sam Phoenix, one of the jolly farmers of Richland township, was in town Monday. He reports no wheat damaged in that part of the county in consequence of late rains.
Tell W. and Peter Walton passed through town yesterday with a herd of match ponies. They had some very fine ones. Tell amused the boys awhile by lassoing and riding the wildest.
Saturday night a violent wind and thunderstorm passed over town, completely demolishing an unfinished building belonging to Johnnie Read, and one chimney of the Courthouse.
We noticed Hon. James McDermott and Messrs. Harden and Hines, of Dexter, C. R. Mitchell of the City, McD. Stapleton of Lazette, and J. R. Musgrove of South Haven, in town yesterday.
The Winfield school will commence in the September with Prof. A. B. Lemmon as principal, Miss Jennie Greenlee in charge of the intermediate department, and Miss Ada Millington the primary.
Old friends of Mrs. J. O. Houx are pleased to see her back here once more. We knew that she and "Doc" could no better afford to do without Winfield than Winfield could do without them.
Ingalls and Osborn are working hand in hand in the effort to change the Indian policy of the Administration. Harvey is looking over the top of a roasting ear after some other fellow to turn out of office.
It took 147,200 pieces of type to set up the tax list as printed in our paper last week. These pieces lying end and end would reach a distance of 12,266 feet, or from the Courthouse to the--brewery and back again.
The faces of our M. D.'s are now wreathed in smiles in consequence of the decomposition of the luxuriant vegetation, and the resultant miasmatic gases arising therefrom. Or in other words, the ague season is coming on.
What has become of our street commissioner? They say there are weeds growing along the sidewalk on 10th Avenue that a horse couldn't pull, and that the citizens down there cross the street by swinging from the top of them.
Fred Hunt is clerking at Black's. Wilber Dever at Green's. Robert Deming at Myton's, and Billy Hudson at Yerger's. That's right, boys; stick to it and it will make men of you. A. T. Stewart and old man Vanderbilt used to be clerks.
Mr. O. F. McKim, of Decatur, Illinois, has taken up his abode with us and will soon hang out his shingle as an attorney at law. Though a stranger among us, his appearance and gentlemanly bearing are all in his favor, and we wish him success.
Mr. Amos Walton, editor of the Plow and Anvil, started for Douglass county last Monday, to be gone about twenty days. Charlie McIntire will hold the plow and Tom Copeland will sit on the anvil till he returns. The paper shows marked improvement already.
We neglected to call attention to the new lumber advertisement of W. H. H. Maris last week. Mr. Maris keeps the largest and best stock in the county, and those in need of lumber should examine his stock and prices before purchasing. Rest assured you will be fairly dealt with.
E. B. Kager has the biggest turnip in Cowley County. It measures 32 inches in circumference, and weighs 4-1/2 pounds. He also has a raddish that measures six inches across the top and it ain't done growing either. How's that, you peanut raisers of the "great Arkansas valley?"
Serviss & Merydith have commenced threshing wheat in the vicinity of Dexter. They threshed twenty-two acres of upland wheat for Mr. H. L. Laplin which averaged fourteen bushels per acre, and one hundred and thirty acres for Mr. R. S. Wells which averaged thirty-five bushels per acre.
Geo. Melville and several others on Posey creek sent a cargo of unthreshed wheat down to Ft. Smith via the Walnut & Arkansas rivers. If they get good returns from it, they may try it again. They weren't quite ready to send it, but Posey came along on a "high," so they let it go.
Mr. H. B. Lacy delivers nice crystal ice every morning and evening to the desiring. He never skips ye printer or anyone else that leaves an order with him. His team may not make "the fastest time on record," but it is quiet and honest, never frightens, never runs away, and is always on time.
On the principle of "better late than never," we tender thanks to Mrs. Benedict, Mrs. Sipes, and Mr. Will. Mowry, of Arkansas City, for courtesies received while at their place on July 3rd, and for genuine old-fashioned hospitality. We recommend the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity as par excellence at all times.
"Ikie Bordie," is the name of the new club organized by the young ladies of town in opposition to the young men's "Bazique Club." We learn they have five cents in the treasury and are now trying to "strike a dividend." Don't undertake the solution of that problem, girls. Buy chewing gum with it and then dividend that.
We call special attention to the new advertisement of Cedar Grove Nursery, at Olathe, Kansas. They have a large assortment of the best varieties of fruits, flowers, climbers, and shade trees. Judge H. D. Gans, of this city, is agent for this nursery and all who may desire to purchase anything in this line will profit by purchasing of him.
Wm. GANS, Proprietor.
Make Home Beautiful.
One Million Hedge Plants for Sale.
An Experience of Fifteen Years in the Fruit Growing and Nursery Business in Kansas, together with facts gathered from the experience of others, convince me that the following varieties of apples are those best adapted to the soil and climate of Kansas, and are the earliest bearers ever introduced into this State. We have for sale
50,000 Apple Trees From One to Three Years Old.
(Fall and Winter)
Mo. Pippin, New York Pippin, Rand Pippin, Florence Bellflower, Yellow Bellflower, McAppee Nonsuch, W. W. Paremane, Willow Twig, Rome Beauty, Baile's Sweet, Golden Sweet, Big Romanite, Pound Apple, Pennsylvania Red Streak and Maiden Blush, Swaar, Rambo, Porter, Janiton, Johnathan, Winesap, Wagoner, Janitor.
Summer Queen, Earley Harvest, Summer Pennock, and Red June.
I have many varieties other than those named, but the man who wants apples in Kansas should have in his orchard some of those mentioned above.
Flemish Beauty, Duchesse de Angouleme, Osborn Summer, and other varieties.
Cherries, Dwarf Service Berry, Grapes, Currants, Blackberries, Gooseberries, and Raspberries.
After a trial of eight years, I pronounce this the best of the many different kinds, including Wilson's Albany, Russells, and others. In eight years it has not failed to give me a fair yield. Every family should have some of the plants.
Mammoth Pie Plant, Flowering Shrubs, Flowering Plants, Rose, Running Roses, Climbers, evergreens and
Shade Trees.
All of which I offer for sale on the most reasonable terms. Will take Corn, Wheat, and Cattle at the market price for the same at time of delivery in exchange, or will sell on short time.
WILLIAM GANS, Proprietor.
H. D. GANS, Agent, Winfield, Kansas.
As will be seen in another column, Mrs. Martha A. Richmond sues for a divorce from Charles W. Richmond, and prays the court to grant her alimony (or all his money) and the privilege of taking up her old name of Martha A. Lappan. We suppose if the court grant her petition, she will go round Lappa(o)n up some other member of the sterner sex.
To the person bringing us the largest watermelon this season, we will send the COURIER one whole year free.
John Manley threshed 7-1/2 acres of Wheat last Friday that measured fifty-two bushels of clean wheat heaped measure to the acre. It was the big May variety and was sown the 5th of September. Two bushels per acre was the seed.
Attention, Sir Knights!
There will be a meeting of the "Bazique Club" at the Bachelor rooms over Read's bank on Friday evening next, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and transacting such other business as may properly come before them. Sir Knights will govern themselves accordingly.
By order of the
Wanted Every One to Know
That Jackson & Hill have the largest stock of candies in Winfield, and that they keep the best Five Cent Cigars in town. You can get a good glass of Soda for a Nickel, or a glass of Lemonade that will make you feel good all over for a dime. They keep their Ice Cream parlor open every night, and always keep plenty of Lemons on hand, with which to make Lemonade with. Remember the St. Nicholas is still kept by
The Festival.
The Congregational festival at the courthouse last Thursday evening was well attended. The tables over which Mrs. Howland and Mrs. Wait presided were well patronized, and we think the ladies at the other end of the hall had no reason to complain as we noticed the frank and open countenances of Prof. Lemmon and the senior editor of the COURIER up there the greater part of the evening. A lemonade stand from behind which Misses Manley and Powers handed out the cooling beverage and took in the nickels was a feature of the evening. Several old fashioned songs were sung by an impromptu "glee club," and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves.
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Indian Affairs.
By request of Mr. Berkey, of Arkansas City, on the 14th of this month we wrote Mr. Enoch Hoag, inquiring whether it would be any violation to existing government regulations of Indian Affairs to sell flour or wheat at the intermediate points along the Arkansas river in the territory should flat boating prove successful down said river. The following letter is an answer to ours.
LAWRENCE, KAN., July 22, 1875.
Supt. Pub. Instruction,
Winfield, Kansas.
I am in receipt of the communication of 14th instant, inquiring whether the sale of wheat and flour along the Arkansas River, in the Indian Territory at points where the demand and price would be sufficient to induce such sale, would be any violation of Gorvernment regulations, etc.
In reply I have to call thy attention to the 2nd section of the "Intercourse Law," the first clause of which I quote,
"That no person shall be permitted to trade with any of the Indians (in the Indian country), without a license therefor from a Superintendent of Indian Affairs, or Indian Agent, or Sub Agent," etc.
Section 4 says: "And be it further enacted, That any person, other than an Indian, who shall attempt to reside in the Indian country as a trader, or to introduce goods, or to trade therein without such license, shall forfeit all merchandise offered for sale to the Indians or found in his possession, and shall moreover forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred dollars."
I am of the opinion that the traffic proposed would be a violation of the foregoing, and perhaps other clauses of the "Intercourse Law."
Very Respectfully,
Hot - 104 and no breeze yesterday.
Hon. T. R. Bryan in town yesterday.
246 letters left the Winfield P. O. Tuesday.
Mr. R. C. Story, of Lazettee, was in town last week.
Big stalk of corn at P. O. Raised by Titus - 15 footer.
The Lagonda has a new sign. Prof. T. J. Jones was the artist.
Mr. Newt. Ury and mother left for their home in Fort Scott yesterday morning.
John E. Allen has returned and has settled down to the practice of law and croquet again.
Bread from new corn is the latest arrival except Charlie McIntire at the Valley House.
W. M. Boyer has some spicy novels and magazines now. They got wet crossing Bitter creek.
Winfield has a new dentist in the person of Dr. W. C. Hare of Kansas City; a young man, who comes well recommended. We wish him success.
John Cottingham lost fifteen acres of wheat by the Timber creek flood last week.
W. B. Norman, postmaster at Redbud, called in one day last week. He reports everything flourishing in Maple township.
Vinnie B. Beckett is foreman of the Burlington, Iowa, Hawk-Eye, and Arthur H. Hane is at work on the Kansas Farmer--both old friends, and late attachees of this office.
Frank Gallotti, the GRAND KHEDHIVE of the "Bazique Club," gave a royal supper at the St. Nicholas last Friday night to its members, it being the anniversary of his birthday.
Charley Way, an attache of this office, has been on the sick list for several days, and has been confined to his bed most of the time. He is recovering rapidly and will be out in a few days.
E. P. Kinne, of Arkansas City, finished threshing last Monday night at 11 o'clock. One piece of wheat, upon which only eighteen bushels of seed was sown, threshed out five hundred and twenty bushels.
From a private letter to Mr. Frank Baldwin, we learn that our esteemed fellow townsman, Johnathan Newman, is lying very dangerously ill at Cherry Vale. There seems to be little chance for his recovery.
The most dilapidated thing "barrin'" in the reform party in Cowley county today, is the fair ground fence and buildings below town. Not less than fifteen thousand feet of lumber have been maliciously, feloniously, or otherwise, been carried away from there the present year. It's a burning shame, and our lumber men should rise up in their might and scoop the agricultural society in. They need never expect to sell their lumber when the choicest pine can be got for the taking.
Hon. T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, came to town one day last week with a grist, which he says is the last that he will be obliged to bring here, for the new steam grist mill at Dexter will be running soon. The proprietors will use Cowley county coal for fuel.
Today (Wednesday) we go up to Maple township to make a survey for Mr. Daniel Haynes and others. J. D. Cochran (weight 240 and strikes a ton) has kindly consented to do our fighting till we return.
W. H. Walker, familiarly known as "Old Dad" of the city, is responsible for saying that the Arkansas City town company cut a watermelon every afternoon, and call up all the boys to a three cent treat, and that sunflowers grow as large as trees in the rear of the postoffice.
As will be seen in another column, the firm of Maris & Baldwin have dissolved partnership. B. Frank will go it alone now. He deserves additional patronage for this new venture, and we are sure the public will give it to him. This has been one of the best drug firms in our city, and if it were not that one of the firm still remains, we would be loth to chronicle any change.
"It never rains but it pours." Mr. Kelly now has another Post Office. Floral, nine miles up Timber Creek, has been discontinued as "unnecessary," and all the business will be done at this office. This will be somewhat inconvenient for our Floral friends, but considering the irregular manner in which they have received their mail for the past six months, it may be the best in the long run.
John Easton, our gunsmith, is not only a good workman in that line, but he can do you a good job on your broken sewing machines, apple pearers, cherry seed pickers, or anything else that requires skill or patience.
J. W. Thomas, the champion vegetable producer of Cowley, the man who raised those enormous lettuces, that whoppin' cabbager, that awful onion, and those immense beets, placed us under obligations by handing us some fine peaches Tuesday morning.
The teams that went to Wichita after W. H. H. Marris' lumber were four days making the trip. They were compelled to pontoon and corderoy Bitter, Dog, and Dry creeks with the lumber off their wagons. A more dirt-begrimed, weary-looking set of individuals, juding from the appearance of the wagon bosses, Mell. Graham and Mr. Bartlett, would be hard to find.
Notice to Builders.
The Building Committee of the Presbyterian Church, at Winfield, will receive bids for laying the stone foundation of the Church building according to the plans and specifications in the hands of the Clerk of said Committee, at Winfield. All bids must be in writing and handed to said Committee, on or before 8 o'clock p.m., August 10th, 1875. The Committee reserve the right to reject any part or all of any or all bids.
By order of the Committee.
E. B. KAGER, Clerk.
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SEPTEMBER 2, 1875.
Among the improvements going on in Winfield is the building of a Presbyterian Church, creditable to the town. Its dimensions are 40 x 60 feet, with a corner tower 13 feet square. It will be a Gothic structure, with brick walls on a heavy stone foundation, and will cost about $6,000. The pastor, Rev. J. C. Platter, is a young man of fine abilities, a graduate of Princeton, and of most exemplary christian character, which commends him to every acquaintance. He is wealthy, owning and cultivating several fine farms, and has considerable money loaned out, refusing to take usury. He is married, to the fervent sorrow of the single ladies of his church; for, he is what may be termed, emphatically, a handsome man. With Beecher proclivities, it is hard to tell what woeful disasters might follow in this community. But fortunately, he is not one of that kind.
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S. H. Myton this week forwarded to Stewart, of the late firm of Stewart & Simpson, a photograph of his beautiful new brick store building, which they erected here. The picture goes to Champlain, Clinton county, New York.
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Notice to Builders.
Sealed Bids for the erection of the First Presbyterian Church of Winfield will be received until Nov. 18th, 1875, at the office of Curns & Manser. The bids to be made out for the construction of either stone or brick, and according to plan and specifications at Read's Bank. The right to reject any and all bids is specially reserved.
J. W. CURNS, Secretary.
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You will notice in our columns the "ad" of Messrs. McBride & Green, brick-makers, late of Parsons, Kansas. They have purchased 9 acres of land of Manning & Walton, lying on Timber Creek adjoining the city, and have commenced work thereon. They are enterprising young men, and have come here to stay. We bespeak for them financial success in their undertaking. Give them your orders.
AD: Brick! Brick! McBRIDE & GREEN are now ready to take orders to furnish brick in any quantity from 100 to 100,000. They have purchased land at the edge of the Winfield townsite and have commenced the necessary improvements thereon. A Kiln of 150,000 will be burned as soon as the weather will permit. They are experienced in the business and Will Guarantee
all orders filled. Those contemplating building in the spring should Send in Their Orders at once. Prices as Low as the Lowest. McBRIDE & GREEN, Winfield, Kansas.
PRYOR, KAGER & PRYOR [S. D. PRYOR, WINFIELD/E. B. KAGER/ARKANSAS CITY/J. D. PRYOR/WINFIELD], ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Brick Bank building, Winfield, Kansas, and at Arkansas City, Kansas.
OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, FRAZIER & LAMB, PROP'S. The only brick house in the city, and everything new. Corner Main and Second sts., Wichita, Kansas.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, May 18, 1876.
Newman, Channell, and Haywood's brick buildings swarm with workmen and are rising every day.

Another M. L. Read Bank check. This one is made out to David f. Best and is payable to him at the Wichita Savings Bank.
Security National Bank of Arkansas City

Founded in 1905 as Security State Bank it became Security National Bank in 1915. At that time J.E. Tutton was President and Wm. Stryker was Cashier-by 1918 Stryker was President. Directors in 1915: John S. Creg, W.C. Bando, R.C. Dixon-Dixon became Cashier in 1915- J.E. Tutton, E.F. Day, F. Trimper and W.M. Stryker. Robinson of Winfield took over in 1923. In 1937 it was purchased and merged with Home National Bank.
Winfield Bank

Early Winfield Downtown, SW corner 9th and Main. Read's Bank, Fuller's Bank.
Note: This is block 109 on city maps.
The first banking house in Cowley County was the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller founded in 1870. No currency was isssued by this bank and all business was done with checks. The top check is a personal check dated 1871 and seems to be signed by John Tomy. The middle one is dated 1871 and signed for Mr. Fuller by D. H. Millington. The bottom check is dated 1876 and is signed by J. C. Fuller. In 1945 The Winfield Bank merged with the First National Bank of Winfield.

Winfield National Bank
Prior to the more modern form of banking bank drafts, (checks) as they were called, were sent to the issuing bank for collection. Depositers were notified by mail of these transactions.

Dated 1895, this notice shows C. Perry, President, H. E. Silliman, Vice President, Wm. E. Ottis, Cashier and James Lorton, Asst. Cashier.

This card dated 1908 was issued by the State Treasuer, Mark Tulley.

Dated 1915 this notice lists James Lorton, President, J. L. Parsons, Vice-President and Henry E. Kibbe, Cashier.
Winfield National Bank
The Winfield National Bank was chartered in 1885. In 1878 J. C. McMullen started the Citizen's Bank and in 1879 consolidated with the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller to become the Winfield Bank that was chartered under State law. The original building was constructed in 1879 for $8,000 with two stories and a basement, the latter once occupied by the Winfield Courier.

Winfield National Bank

The Winfield National Bank was charted in 1885, the year following the chartering of the First National Bank. Located on the Southwest corner of 9th and Main its original neighbor to the South was the Read Bank building. Although the face of the bank went through a number of changes the name still exists along the top of the present face. In 1945 the Winfield National Bank merged with the First National Bank of Winfield. This is one of 13 recorded 1929 notes on this bank.
Winfield National Bank

Check from the Winfield National Bank used after 1929.