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James L. Andrews

                                                          [Handled Cattle.]
                               Winfield and Maple City, Spring Creek Township.
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
Every week sees the advent of desirable additions to our city, and the best of it is, the men who are now coming have capital. The latest addition is that of Mr. James L. Andrews, lately of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Andrews intends making Winfield his headquarters and will engage in the cattle business. To show the estimation by which he is held at his old home, we copy the following from the Columbus Dispatch. “Ohio man going west: Mr. James L. Andrews and family today left for Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. Winfield is in the southern part of the State, near the Indian Territory line. Mr. Andrews has been a resident of Franklin County twenty-five years, and of the city of Colum­bus twelve years. In the meantime, in addition to mercantile pur­suits, he served as a member of the Board of Education of Colum­bus four years, as Steward of the Ohio Penitentiary during the administration of Governor Bishop two years, and made a grand canvass for sheriff of Franklin County. There were eight candi­dates in the field, and out of one hundred votes in the conven­tion, after thirty or forty ballots, he received fifty-one and a half votes, but was ruled out of the nomination by the chairman. The convention then adjourned for one week. At its next meeting another candidate out of the eight was nominated. Mr. Andrews leaves a host of warm friends in Columbus, who wish he may grow up with the country and have the usual good luck of the Ohio man.
Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.
Mr. J. L. Andrews’ household goods have arrived, and he is now fixing up to live at home in the Sam Jarvis’ residence.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1882.
President appointed Dr. Marsh, J. A. Burrell, and T. A. Blanchard committee to report on fruit on table. Their report follows.
J. L. Andrews, Indian Cling peach.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1883.
Recap Land Office Notice. Notary Public, E. A. Goodrich, Maple City. Claimant: Margaret D. Goodrich. Witnesses: Josiah Artherton, T. Pinnard, Mat Anthis, J. L. Andrews, all of Maple City. Same date as above. Notice placed by R. L. Walker, Register, Land Office at Wichita.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
CIVIL DOCKET. SIXTH DAY.   G. P. Wagoner v. J. L. Andrews.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 21, 1885.

The directors of the Farmers Co-operative Milling Exchange met at the Windsor Hotel Wednesday evening. The meeting was called to order by the temporary president, and D. P. Marshall was chosen temporary Secretary. The roll of Directors was called, and the following persons answered to their names: H. Harbaugh, T. W. Gant, D. W. Ramage, John Myrtle, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, C. W. Jones, F. H. Brown, G. Greene, and Ed Grady. After which the charter was read and approved. The constitution and by-laws were then read section by section and adopted as a whole.
On a motion the Secretary was instructed to have 500 copies of charter, constitution, and by-laws printed in pamphlet form. Also a copy of today’s proceedings published in the papers of this city, and in one of the papers at Winfield. The organization was then completed and the following officers elected: Henry Harbaugh, President; Ed. Grady, Vice President; D. P. Marshall, Secretary; John Myrtle, Treasurer; T. W. Gant, General Manager. It was decided to hold regular meetings the first Monday in each month. The meeting then adjourned to meet on February 25th. H. HARBAUGH, Pres. D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.
The following are the ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.
FIRST. The name of the incorporation shall be “farmers co-operative milling exchange.”
SECOND. The purposes for which it is formed shall be the construction and operation of a flour mill for the purpose of doing an exchange and general milling business.
THIRD. The place of business of said corporation shall be at Arkansas City, and on the canal adjacent thereto in Cowley County, Kansas.
FOURTH. The term for which said corporation shall exist shall be ninety-nine years.
FIFTH. The number of directors of said corporation shall be thirteen and the names and residences are as follows: H. Harbaugh, Winfield; T. W. Gant, Arkansas City; D. W. Ramage, Arkansas City; John Myrtle, Arkansas City; C. F. Snyder, Arkansas City; D. P. Marshall, Arkansas City; A. V. Alexander, Arkansas City; C. W. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota; F. H. Brown, Constant; G. Greene, Silverdale; Ed. Grady, Arkansas City; J. L. Andrews, Maple City.
SIXTH. The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be $75,000 and shall be divided into 2,000 shares.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.
I, E. B. Allen, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas, do hereby verify that the following and annexed is a true and correct copy of the original instrument of writing filed in my office February 14th, 1885.
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my official seal. Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 14th day of February, 1885.
E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
First: The name of this corporation shall be “FARMERS’ CO-OPERATIVE MILLING EXCHANGE.”
Second: The purpose for which it is formed shall be the construction and operation of a flour mill for the purpose of doing an exchange and general milling business.
Third: The place of business of said corporation shall be at Arkansas City and on the canal adjacent thereto, in Cowley County, Kansas.
Fourth: The term for which said corporation shall exist shall be ninety-nine years.

Fifth: The number of directors of said corporation shall be thirteen and the names and residences as follows.
H. Harbaugh, Winfield.
T. W. Gant, Arkansas City.
D. W. Ramage, Arkansas City.
John Myrtle, Arkansas City.
C. F. Snyder, Arkansas City.
D. P. Marshall, Arkansas City.
Wm. Trimble, Arkansas City.
A. V. Alexander, Arkansas City.
C. W. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
F. H. Brown, Constant.
G. Greene, Silverdale.
Ed. Grady, Arkansas City.
J. L. Andrews, Maple City.
Sixth: The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be 75,000 dollars and shall be divided into 3,000 shares.
We the undersigned hereby subscribe our names to the within articles of incorporation.
Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for Cowley County, Kansas, Amos Walton, C. W. Jones, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, and T. W. Gant and duly acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notary seal, this 7th day of February, 1885. A. J. PYBURN, Notary Public.
(Seal.)  Commission expires November 18th, 1887.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
                                                   Cowley County Democracy.
The democrats of Cowley County held their love feast in Winfield on Saturday, and had rather a lonesome time. About a half a hundred delegates composed the convention; visitors were few and far between. The convention organized by choosing J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, chairman, and Edward Gage, secretary. Committees were appointed according to established custom, and reports made, although but slight interest attached to this part of the proceedings. When the nominations were arrived at, the greed for office which characterizes the average democratic politician, seemed lacking in zest. The choices of getting there were too dim. However, appearances had to be kept up, and victims were found for the sacrifice. 
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.

COWLEY DEMOCRACY. The democrats of Cowley County met at the courthouse Saturday to go through the same old farce of nominating a county ticket to be easily defeated by the Republicans—a sequel inevitable in grand old Republican Cowley. About fifty delegates were present, with a small audience of visitors. J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, was chosen chairman and Ed Gage secretary. Everything was as tranquil as a May morning. The office went around hunting its man, as usual in Democratic conventions in Cowley. Nobody could smell meat, and didn’t care to sacrifice themselves on the party altar. The convention was exceedingly tame—no opposition whatever.
The Democratic County Central Committee for the coming year stands as follows.
Arkansas City: Geo. R. Westfall, T. E. Braggins, Peter Wyckoff, and C. M. McIntire.
Winfield: Capt. Gary, H. S. Silvers, Geo. Crippen, and J. B. Lynn.
Creswell: W. J. Abbott.
East Bolton: Amos Walton.
Cedar: Martin Dale.
Dexter: W. J. Hardwick.
Richland: R. W. Stevens.
Harvey: J. A. Primrose.
Maple: A. J. Walck.
Omnia: E. Harned.
Windsor: G. W. Gardenhire.
Silverdale: O. S. Gibson.
Silver Creek: John Ledlie.
Tisdale: ______ Bacon.
Sheridan: W. M. Smith.
Spring Creek: J. L. Andrews.
Walnut: J. R. Smith.
Vernon: J. Scott Baker.
Ninnescah: E. M. Buffington.
Pleasant Valley: [LEFT BLANK].
Rock: Jeff Williams.
Fairview: H. C. Shock.
Beaver: Garnett Burke.
Liberty: M. Calkins.
Otter: Wm. Gammon.
The committee met, after the convention adjourned, and elected Capt. S. G. Gary, of this city, chairman, and C. M. McIntire, of Arkansas City, secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The county commissioners are grinding on road cases. The viewers’ report in the Tousley county road was adopted and damages allowed Rolf $30 and W. J. Humbert, $60; petition in the A. Bryan road was granted and Robert Hamil, Yates Smith and T. Williams appointed viewers; in the Irving Cole road and same men appointed viewers; in the O. A. Olmstead road, with S. D. Black, J. L. Andrews, and R. E. Goodrich, viewers; in the J. W. Parker road, with Jos. Shaw, H. Wilkins, and John W. Tull, viewers; in the E. D. Carter road, with S. D. Black, J. L. Andrews, and R. E. Goodrich, viewers; the W. Ketcham road was laid over to the January term. The S. E. Scott road was rejected.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 24, 1886.
                                                                  A Card.
The TRAVELER is requested to publish the following vindication of a former resident of this city.

                                               ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
DEAR SIR: We wish to state through the columns of your paper, since Dr. Hart has been at Maple City, his conduct has been the reverse of that reported in the Arkansas Valley DEMOCRAT. Instead of proving himself a dead-beat and failing to pay his bills, we have personal knowledge of his having made sacrifices to be able to pay his debts. His conduct has been that of an honorable man, and he has been held in the highest esteem as a physician in this community.
Arkansas City Republican, May 8, 1886.
                                                              The Jubilee.
Yesterday was a gala day in Arkansas City. Our friends from the eastern townships along the State Line road had been invited to come to our city and partake of the hospitality of our citizens, and assist in the celebration. It was a grand celebration, indeed. It surpassed anything we have ever had in commemoration of July 4.
Yesterday was a beautiful day. Bright and early our merchants and citizens began the decorations of their stores and homes. Everybody decorated. After one o’clock the visitors began arriving. About 3:30 the delegation from Cedar and Spring Creek Townships came in a body. They were met by the bands of the city and escorted along our main thoroughfares, and citizens falling in the procession to the Opera House, where a most sumptuous feast awaited them, which was prepared by the ladies of Arkansas City. After one and all had eaten heartily, they adjourned to the streets. At 7:30 a grand procession was formed, everybody falling in. After the procession came the pyrotechnic display and the firing of anvils and then our citizens and their guests repaired to the opera house to give vent to their enthusiastic feeling.
The vast assemblage was called to order at 8:30 by Maj. Sleeth and the following gentlemen responded to toasts.
J. L. Andrews, “Spring Creek Township.”
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
                                               The Maple City Town Company.
J. L. Andrews and Dr. Cooper, of Maple City, were in the metropolis, Monday and Tuesday, for the purpose of organizing the Maple City Town Company. Tuesday night the organization was partly effected: Maj. W. M. Sleeth, Jas. Hill, and A. A. Newman were selected as directors of the town company from Arkansas City; J. L. Andrews, Robt. Howe, Philip Hoffman, G. A. Sutton, and Dr. Cooper, as directors from Maple City. The charter has been sent for and will be here in a few days.

The citizens of Maple City, since the carrying of the bonds for the State Line road, have put their heads together with more determination than ever, to increase the importance of their town. As it has been heretofore, Maple City has not had the prospects of obtaining a railroad. She now has, and the efforts of our friends over east to build up their home city will not go unrewarded.
At present the incorporated limits of Maple City contain only an area of six blocks. But surrounding J. L. Andrews owns 320 acres of as fine land as the sun ever shone upon. A portion of this will be platted and converted into town lots and placed upon the market. There is no reason why Maple City should not grow to be a city of from 1,500 to 2,500. She is surrounded by a most fertile farming country, as well as considerable grazing land. Her citizens are enterprising and patriotic; they will leave no stone unturned in the upbuilding of their town. They have a scope of country for 20 miles around to draw trade from. No town of importance is nearer than Arkansas City, and our citizens will lend our neighbors a helping hand. The REPUBLICAN rejoices with our friends in their boom.
Arkansas City Republican, May 15, 1886.
Peter Pearson takes time by the forelock and purchases a town lot of J. L. Andrews in Maple City, ere the boom begins at that thriving town. Mr. Pearson will erect a building there, and open a branch store of his large furniture establishment in Maple City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews, of Maple City, is in the city attending to business matters.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 29, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews, John Drury, H. D. Cooper, Geo. A. Sutton, and P. H. Huffman were all over from Maple City today.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.
                                       MAPLE CITY, KANSAS, June 16, 1886.

To the Editors of the REPUBLICAN, DEAR SIRS: Will you permit me through the columns of your valuable paper to express my heartfelt gratitude, for free advertising, to my quadram friend or friends, for it must have taken more than one of the “strictly I. & S. W. supporters” of Spring Creek Township to give birth to such a wonderful production as was the Courier article from Spring Creek last week. The article starts out with deep lamentations for the dead silence that prevails in Spring Creek (with the I. & S. W. fellows, for it is with them only) since the Winfield men were here, and says that Spring Creek is “praying for another shower of a prospect such as the Santa Fe offers.” Now, that is really good, especially “shower of a prospect.” Why, gentlemen, three-fourths of the sensible men of Spring Creek could not even see a shadow of a prospect in the I. & S. W. proposition. The fact is, the people of Spring Creek do not believe the Santa Fe would have built the I. & S. W. to Winfield had their proposition carried, but they do believe all along the line, and have the greatest confidence that the State Line will be built, and so express themselves on all occasions. It is amusing to me these fellows imitating that “truly great man,” Tom Soward, by quoting “he laughs best who laughs last.” That saying is as stale as the I. & S. W. supporters. Better wait for the last laugh and see who gets it. As to the town of Maple City, it is located to stay, and people are attesting their faith in it by purchasing lots and making arrangements to commence business. The Maple City Town Company sold ten lots last week on which to erect business houses and residences. There is in nearly all localities some sorehead, who has filed to be the high “cock-a-lorum,” and who attempts to defeat everything that is calculated to benefit the place or community in which he lives and will stoop to misrepresentations and falsehood (as in the case in the article referred to) to accomplish their ends. Whenever such people seek the medium of the press to give vent to their spleen and malice, they withhold their names from the public, in order to escape the odium that attaches to such conduct; but the article referred to in the Courier plainly bears the ear-marks of the writer, and it would be as well in the future to give your name, as you are known already. Remember that quacks and criminal accomplices wear slippers.
                                                         “J. L.” ANDREWS.
Arkansas City Republican, June 19, 1886.
                                                  Fourth of July at Maple City.
At Maple City, on the State Line road, there will be a grand celebration and old time basket picnic July 3, in honor of our natal day. Able speakers will be present and entertain the crowd with a “feast of reason and a flow of wit.” An excellent programme of the popular amusements of the day has been prepared. In the evening there will be a grand display of fire works. An invitation is extended to everyone to come and participate. A large crowd will go over from this city.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
John Drury and J. L. Andrews are in the city selling lots in Maple City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 3, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Maple City is having a little boom of her own just now. Arkansas City parties have purchased fifty lots of J. L. Andrews of that place. Phil. Hoffman has also platted out ten acres into town lots, which are also sold to Arkansas City parties. Howe & Drury are doing an extensive business. Maple City and Arkansas City are going to have a little time of their own on the 3rd. Dexter Eye.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 17, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews and John Drury are over from Maple City today. The latter was making purchases for his Star Grocery, which he has just established.
Arkansas City Republican, July 24, 1886.
                                                     The Dexter Eye Put Out.
                                      MAPLE CITY, KANSAS, JULY 21, 1886.
Editors Republican.
DEAR SIRS: The Dexter Eye of the 17th inst., contained the following editorial.

“Dr. Cooper and Mr. Andrews were over from Maple City Tuesday, and from their talk and actions, they are very solicitous of Dexter’s welfare. They seemed very much afraid if we voted aid to the Santa Fe that we would lose the D. M. & A., and they would get it. They pointed out to Mr. Truesdell the feasibility of that route going by Maple City and Arkansas City to Belle Plaine, how much cheaper, etc. Just as if Dexter and Winfield were not named on the charter and the bonds in both county and township did not call for these points. All right, boys, if you think the people of Dexter Township can be fed on such taffy as that, you are badly off. After you were fools enough to defeat the only road you will ever have a chance of getting, you come up here to embitter people against the Santa Fe so you can or may have a chance to still induce the road you defeated to come through your place. We acted fair with you and did not mix with your affairs. But now you and Arkansas City are in with Burden to down us. Raising all kinds of tales and doing all in your power on the sly and every other way; working on men who are opposed to bonds from principle. Let me tell you, betrayed ones, you can’t come that game on Dexter Township, and we think that Liberty and Otter are onto your racket and we’ll down you two to one. Save your money and keep your hands off.”
Poor old Dexter! Still pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the benefit of your “Bosses” at the “Duck Pond.” You have lived so long within the foggy influences of Grouse Creek that you are full of malarial poison, and therefore bilious; and that makes you jealous—so much so, that if any person from a neighboring town visits your befogged borough on business, your denizens rush out on the street corners and listen with jealous fear, thinking the visiting neighbor is working against your town. Trying to down you, bah!
Now take friendly advice and come out on the broad prairie where you can enjoy refreshing, life giving breezes. It will cure biliousness. Come to Maple City where you can live without fear of being downed, and where you can enjoy the benign influences of a real live Rail Road Boom. The State Line will get there, and don’t you forget it.
It is true that Dr. Cooper and Mr. Andrews visited Dexter (God forgive them) on business. It is not true that they sought to influence men on railroad matters. In conversation, Mr. Andrews casually remarked, in the hearing of the drowning Dexterites, that he did not believe the Santa Fe company ever intended to build the I. & S. W. to Winfield, even if the subsidy was voted, and that if he lived at Dexter (and he is happy he does not), he would rather increase the subsidy of the D. M. & A., and thereby prevent that road from running north of Dexter by way of Burden to Winfield. Not one word was spoken by Andrews or Cooper about the D. M. & A. running by way of Maple City to Arkansas City.
Now, Mr. Eye, if you should have any more such spasms, please report and Dr. Cooper will administer an antidote for malarial poison. MAPLE.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 31, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Democratic Convention. The Democrats held their county convention Saturday. Winfield, Arkansas City, Rich-land, Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, Spring Creek, Ninnescah, Liberty, Dexter, Pleasant Valley, and Vernon townships were represented by delegates. Capt. Gary called the assembly to order and Amos Walton was chosen temporary chairman and D. C. Young, of the Telegram, secretary. The committee on permanent organization recommended that the temporary organization be permanent, which was done. The following delegates were then elected.
STATE CONVENTION. Delegates: John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Schmidt, S. G. Gary, A. J. Thompson, J. D. Ward, C. C. Black, Amos Walton, Frank Manny, C. G. Thompson, T. McIntire. Alternates: D. V. Cole, D. C. Young, J. W. Connor, John R. Smith, J. M. Keck, J. Wade McDonald, W. P. Hardwick, E. P. Young, J. W. Ledlie, M. G. Hoover, A. D. Prescott.
CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. R. E. Howe, J. R. Smith, Arthur Smith, E. C. Million, C. M. McIntire, Ed Gage, John A. Eaton, J. B. Lynn, Chas. Smith, S. G. Gary, A. J. Thompson. Alternates: Robert Ratcliff, J. L. Andrews, J. Wade McDonald, Ed Millard, W. L. Krebs, C. T. Thurston, Garm Primrose, Fred Kropp, I. D. Harkleroad, P. M. Bilyeu.

The state convention meets at Leavenworth, August 4th, and the congressional convention at Cherryvale on the 2nd. No resolutions were passed.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 14, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews was over from Maple City today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 27, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. Cooper and J. L. Andrews came over from Maple City today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews came in from Maple City this morning. He informs us the State Line surveyors arrived there last evening, running their line on the south side of Maple City. From there they will run directly east, striking South Cedar Creek and thence up to Cedarvale.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, September 18, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Dr. H. D. Cooper and J. L. Andrews are over from Maple City today. They inform us that the State Line surveyors have run a line north and south of Maple City, but as to which one will be utilized they were unable to say.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Saturday’s Daily.
Postmaster Andrews, of Maple City, came over today to attend the democratic district pow-wow.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Postmaster Andrews is over from Maple City today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Postmaster Andrews and Dr. Cooper came over from Maple City. They were here to pick up the latest railroad news. That is, friend Andrews was, but the Doctor was here to purchase his girl a belt. We wonder how the Maple City M. D. should happen to know the size belt needed?
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 1, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Postmaster Andrews and wife, of Maple City, were visiting in Arkansas City today.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 29, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
DIED. James L. Andrews was over from Maple City today. He informs us of the death of an old settler, Josiah Artherton, which occurred Thursday. He died of pneumonia. His remains were interred yesterday at the cemetery near Maple City.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
J. L. Andrews was over from Maple City today. He tells of an exciting jack rabbit race the denizens of his neighborhood indulged in Saturday. Two dogs were entered for the race. John Wilkins’s carried off the honors. Another race will occur next Saturday. Four dogs have already been entered for the contest.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 12, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
One night last week Spring Creek Township was visited by a big prairie fire. It passed over about five miles of farming country and prairie; it ranged in width from a half mile to five miles. It originated on the farm of a railroad man by the name of Loud and went south-east. The citizens of Maple City turned out en masse and fought the flames, and saved their town by driving the fire to one side. The damage done will amount to about $1,500. Several head of cattle were burned up. Considerable hay and a large number of fences were consumed by the fire. Messrs. McIlwain, Haines, Andrews, Gilkey, and several others were the principal losers. The fire started from an attempt to burn off some prairie land.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum