Cindy Higgins wrote a book entitled "Kansas Breweries and Beer." in 1992. The following is quoted from that book.
"In the Arkansas Valley, Winfield enticed two breweries - one on the south end of this prairie junction, the other toward its northern limits - - to embark operations in the early 1870s. Both were small, because state agricultural reports in 1878 list their combined capital at only $5,200. John Himmelspach owned one of the small breweries and turned out 75 barrels of beer a year his first year."
Winfield Courier, January 25, 1873.
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in the brewery business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent.
Persons indebted to the firm will settle at once with Jacob Bihlmaier, who alone receipts for debts due the firm. JACOB BIHLMAIER. JOHN WEISE.
Winfield Courier, April 17, 1873.
Last Monday, Mr. Bellmire, the beer manufacturer, sent us a full eight gallon keg of beer. To say the least of it, is to pronounce it good, and we have been happy ever since—salu-briously happy. Mr. Bellmire is now manufacturing a very good article of beer, and he keeps on hand a sufficient quantity to accommodate his patrons at any time. We also learn that he has rented the large stone building situated half a mile south of the brewery, and that he will herafter give a social hop on every Thursday evening.
APRIL 10, 1874. Winfield Courier. RECAP:
PLAINTIFFS: Aug Kurtzeborn, M. A. Rozenblatt, Sol Bauman and Meyer Bauman, partners under the firm name of L. Bauman & Co.
DEFENDANT: John N. Yerger.
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that under, and by virtue of an Execution issued on the judgment in the above entitled cause and to me directed and delivered, I will on the 22nd day of April, A. D. 1874, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the brewery of Himelspaugh & Yerger, about one mile west of Winfield, in said county of Cowley, offer at public sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand, all the right, title, and interest of the defendant, John N. Yeger, in and to the following described chattels to-wit:
Three (3) large barrels.
One (1) tub.
One (1) mash tub.
Thirty (30) beer kegs.
One (1) force pump and hose.
Said property having been levied upon as the property of said defendant, John N. Yerger. R. L. WALKER, Sheriff.
Fairbank, Torrance & Green, Attorneys for plaintiffs.
April 10, 1874.
PLAINTIFFS: Aug Kurtzeborn, M. A. Rozenblatt, Sol Bauman and Meyer Bauman, partners under the firm name of L. Bauman & Co.
DEFENDANT: John N. Yerger.
RECAP: Sheriff selling at the courthouse in Winfield to the highest bidder for cash, all the right, title, and interest of John N. Yerger in and to the following described land situate in said county of Cowley to-wit.
Beginning at a point on the North line of the South half of the South West quarter of section number twenty-nine (29) in township number thirty-two (32) South of Range Four (4) East twelve (12) chains East of the North West corner of said South half of said quarter section, thence South 6" West Four (4) chains, thence North 54" 15' east four (4) chains, thence north 6" East two (2) chains and eighty-two (82) links, thence due West on line three hundred and eighty-two (382) links to the place of beginning, containing land 86-100 acres more or less. The said land having been levied upon as the property of said John N. Yerger.
The C. S. Smith Road.
One of the most important roads in the county, petitioned for by C. S. Smith, and two or three hundred others, was located last Friday by Messrs. Lucius Walton, E. G. Willett, and Jas. Vanorsdol as viewers, and W. W. Walton, as Surveyor, from the Arkansas river eight miles east via the brewery, and Lowrey's ford, on the Walnut river, to the West end of Court House Street in Menor's addition to Winfield.
This road has put the county to considerable expense, there having been two surveys during Mr. Hemmenway's term of office, the report of each irregular. Not being discouraged, however, the petitioners employed A. H. Green as counsel and commenced again, the result being the order for a new survey.
The citizens of Vernon and Beaver townships turned out en masse and showed the viewers by their presence how much in earnest they were in regard to the matter, as they have been compelled for three years to travel three or four miles in a roundabout way to get to their market town and county seat.
The viewers reported "the route practicable, of great public utility, and much needed by the traveling community," and advised its immediate opening. On the one-thousand dollars damage claim of John Lowrey, Esq., (the road having cut off about three acres of his land) they awarded him $50, to which of course he excepts, and consequently the end is not yet. Mr. Green has had prepared by the Surveyor an elaborate plat, showing Winfield and the roads for miles around it, in order to better impress the commissioners of the importance of this one. We await the action of the County Commissioners for further information.
July 11, 1877 - Traveler - Winfield votes on a proposition to erect a bridge across the Walnut at the brewery, and to repair the bridge south of that place, on the 17th inst.
Lager beer was free on the "Smith road," last Friday. We draw this inference from the appearance of the Surveying party when they reached town. This road puts the brewery two and one-half miles nearer the city.
July 17, 1879 - There are two of them. One is an unique affair. It is known as the Cave Brewery, because the whole establishment is under ground.
Note - Jacob Bihlman bought 1.3 acres of land from the original owner of the 160 acre homestead. He first took a partner in the operation of the brewery. They disolved the partnership in January of 1873. Bihlman then sold the land and brewery to John Yerger and John Himmelspach. Yerger went bankrupt and Himmelspach bought his interest. John Himmelspach operated the brewery until prohibition in 1881. In 1887, Mr. Himmelspach sold the property to Mrs. Himmelspach for one dollar. Mr. Himmelspach was then living in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. This information is from the Cowley county Registrar of Deeds.
"In 1880, Frank Manney opened his ill-timed brewery, the third and last of the Winfield breweries, and kept it going three years past state prohibition. After his brewery career ended, Manney, who lived at 804 East Third Street, became Winfield's sole ice dealer, later adding coal to his inventory. By 1903, Manney had opened a cigar and refreshment business at 1014 Main. He died a couple of years later."
March 23, 1882 - Courant - William Ogden, who is connected with the brewery west of town, has had action commenced against him for unlawfully selling intoxicating liquors. He will be tried before Justice Buckman next Tuesday.
In the case tried before Judge Buckman of the State of Kansas against Mr. William Ogden, for violation of the prohibition law, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. The defendant was sentenced to sixty days in the county jail, and adjudged to pay the costs of the suit.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882.
Frank Manny says that a druggist who has got into trouble for selling liquor wants all the anti-prohibitionists to combine and contribute money to fight the law. That under the license law that he (Manny) built a brewery and sold beer, paying his taxes and licenses, and did a legal and honest business. That Jo Likoski and other saloon men paid their $500 license each in advance and gave heavy bonds to obey the law, but the druggists sold right along all they could without paying any license or giving bonds or getting into trouble. That the brewers and saloon men voted and worked against the amendment because it would render their business illegal, but most of the druggists voted for the amendment in order to drive out the competition of the breweries and saloons and get all the trade themselves. That when he (Manny) got into trouble for trying to save something out of his stock of beer on hand when the law came into effect and after his property had been depreciated more than ten thousand dollars by the law, the druggists did not combine to fight the law, not much, but it cost him (Manny) about six hundred dollars. That now if the druggists get in conflict with the law by selling liquor, he is willing they should fight it out with their own money and see how they come out.
Our comment is that if Frank violates the law, he should be prosecuted; but if there is another who is ten times as dirty and vile in the violation of the law, we want him prosecuted with corresponding vigor.
Courier June 27, 1906 - "The "Cave Brewery" was a favorite resort those hot afternoons, John Heimmelspaugh was proprietor." This was in a column entitled "Voice from the past." It implies that it was from the paper of 25 years earlier.
Courier June 25, 1906 - "Mr. Manny emigrated to Kansas in 1870, settling and taking a claim in the south part of what is now Rock township, in this county. After proving up he came to Winfield for a year or two, then went to Wichita for a time, being married there in 1876."
Mr Manny, when he settled in Winfield founded a brewery, and was prospering in it. The going into effect of the prohibitory law in May, 1881, cut the ground from under him completely. He thereafter engaged in the ice business and gardening with fair success."