W. B. HUTCHISON, Publisher.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain is making a hot war upon the Atlantic and Pacific road, for the general cussedness of its management in the Indian Territory. The management of that road may yet find out that it pays to act half white and part human.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
TOPEKA, March 12, 1883.
Ben S. Miller, Esq., Caldwell, Kansas. MY DEAR SIR: Your telegram requesting the appointment of Hon. A. B. Mayhew, of Wellington, Kansas, as railroad commissioner, is at hand. I have no control over the appointment of railroad commissioners. Mr. Mayhew, by his vote, with his party, took the appointing power out of the hands of the Executive, whereby in precedent and decency it properly belonged. The politicians are now running the machine for the benefit of the Republican party, and they expect to make the railroad com-mission a potent engine in favor of a party organization, instead of being an organization for the protection of the people against the wrongs committed by the railroads upon them. Mr. Mayhew’s vote contributed to that result, and his appointment as a commissioner would simply be perpetuating it. I am sir, your obedient servant. G. W. GLICK.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
This resolution adopted by the Live Stock Association, thanking Messrs. Plumb and Ryan, could have been very properly amended by striking out that portion relating to the Pennsylvania Oil Company. That company took their range on the same plan and under similar conditions to other cattlemen who had fenced. It did not attempt to take any advantage of those rightfully holding cattle on the range which they had hired; on the con-trary, the company had offered to buy out all such parties, if said parties would sell. Those who did not want to sell were given to understand that they could remain, without inter-ference on the part of the company, so long as the Cherokee authorities were satisfied.
The whole hue and cry against the Pennsylvania Oil Company came from men who had for years held cattle upon the grounds leased by the company without paying one cent to the Cherokee Nation, or to any other government. Under the laws of the United States and the Cherokee Nation, they had no right to occupy one foot of the ground in question, and therefore their howls about monopolies, etc., should never have received the least attention or support from stockmen who had acted in good faith to the Cherokees.
It is the fashion just now to howl against corporations and men of large capital, and there-fore any defense of the Pennsylvania Oil Company will meet with but little consideration. Notwithstanding all this, the COMMERCIAL claims that the company and its managers are entitled to fair treatment, especially at the hands of those whose right to hold a range and fence it is not one whit better than that of the above named company.
Since the above was put in type, we have learned that there is no such organization as the “Standard Oil Company” or the “Pennsylvania Oil Company” laying any claim to a range or doing any business on the Cherokee Strip. The firm all the fuss has been kicked up about is composed of W. B. Roberts and J. H. Windsor, and their cattle business has no connection in any way with any oil company on the face of the globe. As individuals, they have put their own money into the stock business, secured a defined range from the Cherokee Nation, and they have not sought in any way to infringe upon the rights of others. When they obtained the privileges of the range they now hold, Messrs. Roberts & Co., were informed by Major Lipe that the range was unoccupied, or if it was, the parties so occupying it were intruders, because they had never paid any tax to the Cherokee Nation. Now, if Messrs. Roberts and Windsor are treated fair, as they should be under the circumstances, they will do what is right by all parties concerned. But if there should be any attempt to coerce them, or trample upon their rights, they are not the men we take them to be if they quietly submit. Give them a fair deal, and the rights of all will be strengthened thereby.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
From the St. Joe Gazette.
A reporter for the Gazette met Col. A. M. Saxton yesterday, and the following conversation ensued.
“I understand, colonel, you have been to the Indian Territory to a cattle meeting?”
“Yes; I went there to a meeting of cattle raisers. We have a yearly convention, and met as heretofore at Caldwell, Kansas, which is about two miles from the Territory. There were several hundred cattle owners there from the different states, and perhaps a thousand employ-ees and resident Territory ranchmen present. In fact, the streets of Caldwell were thronged. It was estimated that the owners of two millions of cattle were there. Great harmony prevailed, and I think I never saw a more stalwart, intelligent body of men. I made a great blunder this time. You see, I went from home Sunday night after church, took the night train, and wore my Sunday-go-to-meeting clothing, plug hat, umbrella, and all. I was the only man there wearing a plug hat and umbrella, which had been telegraphed ahead, I suspect, for when I walked up from the depot I was met by a half dozen men, or cowboys, as they call them, on horseback. I thought they were awful polite, as they halted me and gave me a grand salute in broken Indian and fired in the air their pistols and waved their broad brims high. One man dismounted from his horse and insisted on my accepting his hospitality. I got up of course and took the reins; in an instant he bounced on behind and put spurs to the beast and reached as far round my stomach as his arms would go and we came pell mell up to the hotel with all the broad brims and mustangs following, and cheering. I saw five kegs of beer at the saloon door. I took in the situation, and in behalf of my plug hat and umbrella, I ordered the landlord to tap the whole lot and ‘set ’em up.’ Having no firearms, I could not fight in any other strategic way. That is part of what my Sunday clothes cost me that fore-noon. At night they escorted me to the opera house to witness the play entitled ‘Our Boy.’ I accepted the invitation on the condition that the tallest ranchman should change hats with me and walk arm in arm. I wore his broad brim and he my stove pipe, which covered his head and neck. I have seen myself heretofore in a silver spoon and that is the way I was mashed beside my tall chaperone. The next day we witnessed foot races, wrestling matches, and target shooting. I put up my hat and umbrella and got them papered with bullets. We had lots of fun, and if our boys enjoyed it better than I, why, then I’ve no more to say. Don’t let this get into print. I went there to attend to business and had fun with it too.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
W. H. Terwilliger left for Texas on Monday last, to bring up a herd of horses. He hopes to reach Caldwell about the middle of April.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Charter and By-Laws.
The meeting was called to order by President Miller at 9 o’clock a.m.
President Miller announced the appointment of the following committees as having been appointed by the Board of Directors on the evening previous at its meeting.
BRAND BOOKS. M. H. Bennett and W. E. Bridge.
FINANCE. M. H. Bennett, S. Tuttle, and J. W. Hamilton.
ARBITRATION. H. W. Timberlake, W. M. Corzine, and D. R. Streeter.
TRAILS, POST ROAD, AND QUARANTINE GROUNDS. H. Hodgson, W. B. Helm, O. Ewell, W. J. Hodges, and John A. Blair.
INSPECTION. A. M. Colson, J. Will Carter, and Marion Blair.
ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION. M. H. Bennett, A. M. Colson, W. P. Herring, A. Drumm, and E. W. Payne.
CLAIMS. S. Tuttle, Ben Garland, and Charles H. Moore.
Mr. Payne offered the following resolution, which was adopted and upon motion of Mr. Hewins, second by Mr. Hamilton, was ordered telegraphed to Governor Glick at the Associa-tion’s expense, which was done.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, March 3, 1883.
To the Honorable George W. Glick and the Executive Council, Topeka, Kansas.
SIR: We the cattlemen of Southwestern Kansas and the Territory, now in convention assembled, considering the vast importance of our shipping interests, do respectfully request that by the way of recognition, you do appoint as one of the Board of Railroad Commis-sioners, the Hon. A. B. Mayhew of Wellington, Kansas, a man in every way suited and fully competent to fill that position, and for which we will ever pray.
[Signed] BEN S. MILLER, President. JOHN A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Mr. Payne offered a resolution tending a vote of thanks to the citizens of Caldwell for kind treatment while in the city, for the use of the hall, elegant banquet, and pleasant enter-tainments provided for the stockmen. Adopted.
Mr. Collins offered the following resolution, which was adopted and ordered spread upon the journals.
Resolved, That this convention tender their thanks to Messrs. Plumb and Ryan for the able manner in which they defended the rights of the cattle men on the Cherokee strip, and sat down on the Pennsylvania Oil Co., and all other monopolies.
Mr. Hamilton read a telegram concerning telephone connection between this city and Wellington. A few resolutions were offered upon the subject, which were adopted.
On motion of Mr. Hewins, a vote of thanks was tendered the members of the press present for courtesies shown the Association and interest manifested in the same by the newspaper men of the state.
On motion of Mr. Herring, a vote of thanks was tendered Messrs. Bennett, Drumm, Hewins, Hamilton, and others for work done in the interests of the Association.
Mr. Hamilton offered the following resolution, which was unanimously adopted.
Resolved, That this Association offer a standing reward of two thousand dollars for the arrest and conviction of any person or persons stealing any animals belonging to any member of this Association.
Mr. Hewins moved that hand bills printed on muslin be issued offering the reward of $2,000 as provided for in resolution. Carried.
The convention having completed its labors, on motion of Mr. Payne, adjourned to meet in Caldwell on the 13th day of November, 1883, thereupon President Miller declared the convention adjourned to the date named. J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
We, the undersigned persons of competent age, do hereby associate ourselves together for the purpose of forming a private corporation under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, the purpose of which is and shall be “the improvement of the breed of domestic animals,” by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
The name of such corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECOND. The purpose for which the corporation is formed is the improvement of the breed of domestic animals by the importation, grazing, breeding, sale, barter, and exchange thereof.
THREE. The principal office and place of business of the corporation shall be at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, but its place or places of and for holding, breeding, grazing, selling, bartering, and exchanging the domestic animals for the improvement of the breed of which the corporation is as aforesaid organized shall be wherever the same can be in the opinion of the directors or such other body of the stockholders or members of such corporation as may be authorized to act for the corporation most advantageously located.
FOURTH. The terms for which the corporation is to exist shall be for forty years.
FIFTH. The number of the directors of the corporation shall be nine, and the following named stockholders are appointed directors for the first year, viz:
E. M. Hewins, whose residence is Cedarvale, Kansas.
J. W. Hamilton, whose residence is Wellington, Kansas.
A. J. Day, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
S. Tuttle, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
M. H. Bennett, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Andrew Drumm, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
Ben S. Miller, whose residence is Caldwell, Kansas.
E. W. Payne, whose residence is Medicine Lodge, Kansas.
Chas. H. Eldred, whose residence is Carrollton, Illinois.
Which said charter was on said date duly transmitted, postage pre-paid to the Honorable Secretary of State at Topeka, Kansas, and on said date the by-laws for the regulation of the business of said corporation were by your said committee formulated, and that thereafter to-wit: On the 8th day of March, 1883, the board of directors of said corporation, met in pursuance of the provisions of said charter and in conformity of law elected Ben S. Miller, one of said board of directors, president of said corporation, and at the same time appointed John A. Blair as secretary and M. H. Bennett as treasurer thereof, and duly ratified and accepted the by-laws herein before referred to, wherefore we respectfully suggest that our action in and about the matter aforesaid, be approved and accepted as the fulfillment of the duties by you imposed upon us as your committee for the purposes aforesaid, and that we be now discharged from further duty.
SECTION 1. The name and style of the corporation shall be “The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.”
SECTION 2. The object of the Association is to provide for and promote the improve-ment of the breed of domestic animals by all lawful means, such as providing for the purchase, importation, barter, sale, and exchange thereof, at such place or places, within or without the territorial limits of this State, as shall be or seem to be, most conducive to the advancement of the interests of the Association; in pursuance of the purpose and object of which the same has been and is as aforesaid organized inclusive of the right by which and on behalf, of said Association to purchase any and all of whatsoever kind of domestic animals it, the said Association, may see fit or desire to purchase, or in any lawful manner acquire, together with the right to purchase or lease any or all parcels or tracts of land, where-soever situated, as may be necessary for the holding, keeping, grazing, breeding, handling, selling, bartering, or in any lawful manner whatsoever exchanging any or all of any or all kinds of domestic animals so as aforesaid purchased, imported, handled, bred, grazed, obtained by barter or exchange by or on behalf of said Association.
All persons, corporations, or companies who now occupy undisputed range in the Chero-kee Strip, and who agree to pay the assessments to which may be hereinafter levied upon them by authority of persons empowered by the Association to make levies for any and all purposes, may be eligible to membership in this Association upon the payment of the membership fees, as hereinafter provided.
All corporations, stock associations, or companies becoming members of this Associa-tion, shall do so in the name of the corporation, stock association, or company by which they are known, and in all elections or business which is to or may be decided by votes of mem-bers of this Association, such member or representative of any and all other corporations, stock associations, or companies being members of this Association shall be entitled to one vote, and no more.
Any party holding an undisputed and prescribed range, whether of one person, a company, corporation, or pool, shall be entitled to one membership; that is to say, if one person holds a certain prescribed range alone, he shall be entitled to one membership, and the same rule as to corporations and companies if, for convenience, two or more individuals hold each a prescribed range, and hold such range in common, each of such ranges shall be entitled to one membership, and each membership shall be entitled to one vote. Any person possessing the qualifications hereinbefore mentioned, and desiring to become a member of this Association, shall first pay to the treasurer the sum of ten dollars ($10), and take said treasurer’s receipt therefor, and upon presentation of said receipt to the secretary of this Association, and subscribing to the by-laws, shall be entitled to a certificate of membership, which said certificate shall thereupon be issued in the name of this Association; provided that persons owning ranges or holding cattle contiguous to the range occupied by the members of this Association in the Indian Territory, may be elected honorary members of this Asso-ciation upon the recommendation of the board of directors.
All transfer of ranges by purchase or otherwise shall be recorded by the Secretary of this Association in a book to be by him kept for that purpose.
All members of this Association are required within thirty days from their admission to membership to furnish to the secretary a plain and accurate description of the “marks and brands” of all domestic animals owned or held by such member; which said description of said marks and brands shall be plainly and fully recorded by said secretary in a book to be by him kept for such purpose.
A board of arbitration shall be appointed, to consist of three members of the Association, such board to be appointed by the directors and to hold their office during the pleasure of said board of directors, who shall have power to settle all questions in dispute between members of this Association, and from the decision of such board of arbitration either party in interest may appeal to the board of directors by giving, upon the rendition of said decision, immediate notice of his intention to so appeal, and by entering into and undertaking to the opposite party in such sum as said board of arbitrators shall deem sufficient credentials for the payment of all costs and expenses necessarily incurred by reason of such appeal. In the event of the decision of said arbitrators being affirmed by said board of directors, thereupon the chairman of said board of arbitrators shall immediately notify the board of directors of the pendency of such appeal and state the time and place when and where said board of directors shall meet to hear and determine the same; which time shall not be less than ten nor more than sixty days from the time of taking such appeal, and the time and place of sitting of said board of directors to hear said matter shall be at such point as said board of arbitrators may direct; provided, always, that in no event except by consent of parties shall the place of the sitting of said board of directors for such purpose be other than at the city of Caldwell, in Sumner County, Kansas, or at some well-known and convenient ranch upon the grazing lands of the Association; and the chairman of the board of arbitrators upon the giving an acceptance of the appeal bond hereinbefore provided for, immediately notify the parties in interest of the time when, and the place where, the board of directors shall be called to meet to hear and determine and appeal; and the decision of said board of directors shall be final.
The following are the names of members of the Association so far as we have been able to obtain them.
Blair, Battin & Cooper
E. W. Payne, for Comanche County Pool
T. F. Pryor & Co.
S. T. Tuttle, S & Z Tuttle
R. B. Clark
W. H. Harrelston
H. Hodgson & Co.
John Myrtle
McClellen Cattle Company
Johnstone & Horsmer
G. A. Thompson
C. M. Crocker
Robert Eatock
Wm. Corzine
M. J. Lane
Hammers Clark & Co.
McGredy & Harlen
Walworth, Walton & Rhodes
D. P. Robinson & Northrup
Windsor Bros.
H. A. Todd
Wicks, Corbin & Streeter
W. B. Helm
N. J. Thompson
Bates & Payne
E. W. Rannells
P. S. Burres
W. W. Wicks
Dean & Broderick
Shattuck Bros. & Co.
H. H. Campbell
Briggs & Wilson
John Love & Son
J. C. Weathers & Sons
Ewell & Justis
A. M. Colson
W. S. & T. Snow
Dominion Cattle Company
Theo Horsley & Co.
Southern Kansas Border Live Stock Company, J. W. Hamilton, manager.
G. W. Miller (W. M. Vanhook in charge)
B. H. Campbell
Drury Warren
L. Musgrove
A. A. Wiley
Tomlin & Webb
Geo. V. Collins
J. F. Conner & Co.
Cobb & Hutton
A. J. & C. P. Day
Moore & Rohrer
Carnegie & Fraser
M. K. Krider
Texas Land and Cattle Company (limited)
W. C. Quinlon
Ben Garland
Ballenger & Schlupp
A. T. & T. P. Wilson
A. Mills
H. W. Timberlake & Hall
Stewart & Hodges
Drumm & Snider
Williamson Blair & Co.
Charles Collins
Ben S. Miller
Gregory, Eldred & Co.
W. R. Terwilliger
M. H. Bennett
Barfoot & Santer
Hewins & Tims
Sylvester Flitch
D. A. Greever
Stoller & Rees
Crane & Larimer
Dickey Bros.
McClain & Foss
E. M. Ford & Co.
Dornblazer & Dole
J. C. Pryor & Co.
HONORARY MEMBERS: W. E. Campbell, L. C. Bidwell.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
L. Candee, trader at the Cheyenne and Arapahoe agency, arrived on Monday, and went north after new goods. Since beginning of the year, Mr. Candee has had a hard time of it with one physical affliction after another, but he comes up smiling out of all of it and is more intent on business than ever.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
A congressional party headed by Senator Dawes, of Massachusetts, will pass through Caldwell some time in the near future, on their way to investigate the situation in the Cheyenne and Arapaho region. The Senator will of course pay his respects to the COMMER-CIAL as soon after his arrival as circumstances will permit.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Messrs. Hays and Fouts have sold the Willow Springs Ranch to Roberts & Co. The latter firm will run the stage station at the Springs, and in addition build a bridge across the stream at that point for the accommodation of travel. Willow Springs is out of our bailiwick, being directly south of Arkansas City, still we are glad of the change because it will make travel more convenient in the eastern portion of the Strip.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Two New Hotels Projected.
The satisfactory manner in which all matters relating to the occupancy of the Cherokee Strip by the stockmen has been settled, has greatly encouraged our citizens, so much so, that they have undertaken two hotel projects, one hotel to be erected on the corner of Main and Fourth streets, and the other on the corner of Main and Seventh streets.
An organization of a company to build the first was completed on Monday, all the stock being subscribed and the articles of incorporation sent to Topeka to be filed with the Secretary of State.
The officers of the company are as follows:
A. M. Colson, president.
O. Beeson, vice-president.
W. N. Noble, treasurer.
John Doubleday, secretary.
Directors: A. Muntzing, H. Lebreton, J. R. Swartzel, W. N. Nobel, and C. F. Hulbert.
The capital stock of the company is $10,000, and the building is to be 50 x 100 feet, three stories high.
The enterprise shown by the parties who have taken hold of this matter, is worthy of the highest commendation, showing as it does, a confidence in the future of Caldwell, and a determination on their part to make that future secure.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Death of P. Carnegie.
On Thursday morning of last week, Mr. P. Carnegie, of the firm of Frazier & Carnegie, left Caldwell for Texas to bring up a herd of cattle he had bought. He left in the best of spirits and to all appearances in the best of bodily health. Arriving at A. M. Colson’s camp, thirty-five miles south, he stopped for the night, ate a hearty supper, and retired. Shortly after he complained of being ill, and by Friday morning his symptoms were dangerous. Word reached here on Monday regarding Mr. Carnegie’s condition, and arrangements were at once made to have him brought up. The services of Dr. Noble were secured and he went down, returning late Tuesday night, and a few minutes after 10 o’clock on Tuesday night, March 13th, the soul of Pat Carnegie was called to the final round-up.
Yesterday morning Ben S. Miller called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, of which the following is a report.
At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, held in the city of Caldwell, March 14, 1883, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, and L. Banks Wilson were appointed a committee on resolutions regarding the death of P. Carnegie. [SKIPPED THE RESOLUTIONS.]
Aleck Frazier, Mr. Carnegie’s partner, was at once wired, and arrived at noon yesterday, and gave orders for the body to be held until today, when Mr. Carnegie’s sister would arrive.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 15, 1883.
Agent Tufts’ Report to Commissioner of Indian Affairs.
SIR: Referring to cattle letter dated January 6, 1883, I have the honor to report that I have visited the lands known as Cherokee land, west of 96 degrees, and find there a large number of cattle, estimated to be 300,000, ranging on the Strip. About 200,000 are there by and with the consent of the Cherokees, and on which there was paid a grazing tax to the Cherokee authorities of about $41,000 during the year. About 100,000 cattle on these lands belong to citizens of Kansas, who turn them loose on these lands and pay no tax.
After a careful investigation, I have to answer the questions submitted in the above official letter as follows.
1. How much fencing has been done?
Answer: 950 miles.
2. To whom do the fences belong?
Answer: To citizens of the United States and a few citizens of the Cherokee Nation.
3. Name each and all companies or organizations claiming to own fences and the quantity of wire in each.
Comanche pool, 55 miles.
Bollinger & Schlupp, 60 miles.
Drumm & Snyder, 50 miles.
Miller & Pryor, 45 miles.
B. H. Campbell, 30 miles.
George Thompson, 40 miles.
S. & Z. Tuttle, 58 miles.
Bridge & Wilson, 45 miles.
Bates & Co., 33 miles.
Hewins & Titus, 60 miles.
Cobb & Hutton, 56 miles.
C. H. Moore, 24 miles.
George Miller, 72 miles.
H. Hodgson, 35 miles.
Dean Bros., 40 miles.
E. M. Ford, 87 miles.
C. H. McClellan, 72 miles.
G. Greever, 60 miles.
T. Mayhew, 37 miles.
4. How long since fencing was commenced?
Answer: During the spring of 1882.
5. What effect has such fencing had upon legitimate travel and upon mail routes?
Answer: There are but two mail routes through the land in question: from Caldwell, Kansas, to Ft. Reno and points beyond; from Arkansas City to Nez Perces Agency. There are no fences within two miles of either road. There are no other roads for legitimate travel across these lands. Pastures are supplied with gates for the use of parties traveling through. The fences do not interfere in any manner with legitimate travel or mail routes.
6. What effect has the wire fences on the reservation of destruction of timber on said lands?
Answer: Timber extended only along the water courses, and for miles into the Territory along the state line of Kansas, has been destroyed by parties from Kansas, who have used it for fuel and fencing. Much of this valuable lumber has been taken from the Cimarron River, a distance of sixty miles from the Nation line. Unless this wholesale destruction of timber is stopped, it is safe to state that all timber on these lands will be destroyed within three years.
While the value of this timber to those who steal it is not great, its value to the country can hardly be estimated, and whatever disposition is made of these lands ultimately; the supply of water will determine its value for any purpose.
There is no law in the statutes of the United States to punish for stealing timber from the reservations of any of these five civilized tribes, and it is very evident there never will be any, and these people from the states will continue to destroy this timber as they are now doing until it is all gone.
Where ranges have been fenced, the cattle men neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone else to do so; and in my judgment, if the fences now on these lands are permitted to remain, and others are permitted to fence under proper instruction, it will put an effective stop to the destruction of the timber on these lands, and as these cattlemen place fire-guards around their ranches, the young growth of timber will add much to the value of the lands.
I respectfully recommend that the fences now on these lands be permitted to remain, and that others desiring to fence their range have permission to do so.
1st. Permission from the Cherokee Nation must be obtained.
2nd. That no fences shall be erected within two miles of any post road.
3rd. If any parties fencing their range cut or permit any timber to be cut within their pastures, they shall be subject to removal from the Territory and the fences destroyed.
4th. All fences shall be removed at once from the Territory whenever those in possession shall be notified to do so by the department.
The effect of a settlement of this matter in this way will be that the Indian office will not be called upon every few months to remove from the Territory cattlemen who refuse to pay tax. The Cherokee National will collect double the tax; the destruction of the timber will be effectually stopped, and the young timber protected from fire.
The only opposition I found to this fencing was from those who claimed that the timber on these lands belonged to anybody that got it, and from those who live in the states and own large herds of cattle on these lands and refuse to pay tax.
The Pennsylvania Oil Company, who attempted to fence without permission from the Cherokee authorities and enclose the ranges and owners of small herds of cattle on which they had paid Cherokee tax, have agreed to settle with those whose ranges they had intended to enclose in their pasture, and obtain permission of the Cherokee authorities, or go else-where for their range.
This arrangement satisfies Mr. Scott and others, who complained to the Department of the action of the Oil Company; and if permitted to do so, will fence their ranges during the coming summer.
Very respectfully, JOHN Q. TUFTS, U. S. Indian Agent.
To Hon H. Price, Commissioner Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
The experience of many stockmen on the Cherokee Strip has demonstrated the fact that it pays to feed sufficient, at least, to keep stock in good condition. And now that all matters relating to the occupancy of the Strip have been satisfactorily settled, whatever the weather may be next winter, the majority of the stockmen on the Strip will make an effort to feed, if for no other purpose than to keep their stock in good heart during the hard season. Some will feed to supply beef cattle for the early spring demand, and as all must buy at the nearest home market, it is plain that the farmer on the border who raises corn this year, and plenty of it, will strike a bonanza. Stock raising and stock feeding must be the future policy for this country, and it can only be made so by raising grain for home consumption instead of for shipment.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Away back last fall, on representations made by one or more of the attorneys of Mr. Danford, and some of the creditors in the city, the COMMERCIAL announced that satisfac-tory arrangements had been made whereby said creditors would receive at least 40 cents on the dollar due them from the defunct M. & D. Bank.
Then came stories of Danford’s illness, insanity, etc., growing out of the “brutal treat-ment by the Caldwell mob,” and those innocents of the press who are so rich in sentiment, but wonderfully poor as to a sense of justice, wept scalding tears over the hardships of the poor, persecuted J. S., and the robbed people of Caldwell were advertised all over the country as men whom it was base flattery to call barbarians.
Well, the people of Caldwell maintained a patience aimed of despair hoping that finally, under all the profuse promises made, they would be able to obtain a moiety of the money they had entrusted to the very respectable J. S. Danford’s keeping, until last Friday night, when they were summoned together in order to confer with J. W. Haughey and Chas. W. Wilsie in reference to a new proposition. The proposition was unctuously stated by Haughey, and divested of its verbiage and legal technicalities, simply amounted to the creditors giving up everything and letting Mr. Danford go free with the booty in his pocket, and opportunity to play the same game upon another unsuspecting community.
The medicine failed to work, and the man who, while county attorney, had taken a fee from another whom he should have prosecuted as a criminal, with his slick partner, quietly took the morning train and returned to Wellington. The creditors, on the other hand, pro-ceeded to business at once, and decided to enter criminal prosecution against Danford and his assistants in rascality. Complaints have been prepared, and, we presume, warrants issued before this, and if there is any justice, the creditors will yet obtain a portion of their money and Danford will enjoy the privileges of a felon’s cell.
P. S. Since the above was put in type, it is stated that Danford’s attorneys and the com-mittee on the part of the creditors, are still at work endeavoring to effect some kind of an arrangement satisfactory to all parties. At present writing no one can tell what the outcome will be.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
The Creek Indians are at it again. Out of consideration for other tribes in the Territory, they should be allowed this time to kill each other off in the most expeditious manner possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Prairie Fires - Indians Going to Farm - The West Trail.
EDITOR COMMERCIAL: As I promised, I write you a few lines, although there is nothing of very great importance going on here to write about—everything is unsettled, and it seems as though nothing is steady.
Last week the prairies were set on fire in every direction and not a blade of grass can be found in the burnt districts. The country from North Fork to Red River and from Reno to Supply has been burnt off. There is no grass between here and Reno, and but little between this point and Supply.
I returned from Reno this morning. While there, I met a great many Indians who told me that a large majority of them intended to farm it, and would locate their farms up in this direction, as this is a better country than around the Agency. They intend moving as soon as the grass gets up a little.
Some parties anticipate trouble here in the spring, but I think not, at least I can see no foundation to base such an opinion on.
The citizens of Caldwell ought to have someone here to make arrangements to have the trail kept open through here—from the way the Indians are taking up claims, they are liable to change the trail. As this is the nearest and best trail to Caldwell, it should be looked after. There are now parties below in the interest of Dodge City.
The Indians will hold a “big meeting” as soon as grass comes. Respectfully, W. WELLS.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
M. H. Bennett and H. W. Timberlake sold their cattle and ranges last week to Messrs. Cragin & Marston, who, we understand, are organized under the firm name of the Phila-delphia Cattle Company. The price paid was $95,000 to Bennett and $65,000 to Timberlake. This is one of the largest transactions of the kind which has occurred on the Cherokee Strip for some time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Captain Nipp, the “hoss” man, whose range is in the eastern part of the Strip, was in the city last Monday.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
A number of cattlemen have been losing their cow ponies. The ponies that die are in good flesh, and it is supposed their death has been caused by feeding too much uncleaned corn.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Horse Thief Arrested.
Last Sunday, Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire came over from Arkansas City, and during the remainder of the day were engaged in very close conversation with Mayor Colson and others. On Monday the party suddenly disappeared, and early the next morning returned to town with Deputy U. S. Marshall Cash Hollister, who had in charge a young fellow going by the name of Frank Hostetter. The circumstances which led to Hostetter’s arrest are about as follows.
For some time stockmen on the range have been missing their horses, but all efforts to trace the stock were unavailing until one day last week, when Hostetter appeared in Arkansas City and sold a horse which he claimed he had bought from an Indian. After which he left town, and on his way, stole a horse from Mr. Warren and put out.
Capt. Nipp and Mr. McIntire immediately started for Caldwell, and securing the services of Mr. Hollister, started to find the thief. They came upon him near Johnson’s ranch, finding him in company with Jay Wilkinson, another party who has for some time been suspected of being engaged in stealing stock. The latter, however, getting away, taking one of John-son’s horses to aid him in his escape.
Hostetter was taken to Arkansas City, where he will be examined before the U. S. Commissioner.
As for Mr. Wilkinson, he will yet be taken in. The stock owners on the Strip are deter-mined to break up the system of cattle and horse stealing which has been carried on for some time, and if the thieves don’t have a care, some of them may find themselves at the end of a rope one of these fine spring mornings.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
Association Brand Book.
Members of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are hereby notified to at once send a complete description of their stock brands, ear marks, location of range, post office address, etc., to M. H. Bennett, Caldwell, Kansas, for publication in the Association brand book now in press. One cut of animal, no charge; for each additional cut, two dollars must be sent. There is no cost to the individual member for first cut used.
M. H. BENNETT, Chairman, Brand Book Committee.
Caldwell, Kansas, March 14, 1883.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 22, 1883.
A party of young folks, headed by Prof. Sweet, guarded by City Marshal Brown, and served by old man James, the popular lightning striker of the Santa Fe, started last Sunday for the classic shades of Polecat in order to enjoy a picnic. They had reached the grounds and were about spreading their humble repast, when the blizzard came down upon them. When the party reached home in the afternoon, the boys’ shirts looked as if they (the shirts) had been picked up in the road or stolen from the Cheyenne Indians. Of course, not one of them will acknowledge to the charge of going picnicking, but we will wager they will all be found in attendance upon the Easter services next Sunday in order to make up for lost time.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
A building to cost $40,000 is to be built four miles south of Arkansas City, to be used as an industrial school for Indian youths.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Now that the Cherokees have received their $300,000 for lands sold to the Pawnees and other Indians, they are in a big stew as to how the money shall be disposed of. It must be distributed per capita, but the grave question is as to who are entitled to citizenship.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Vulture feathers must be valuable property in the Cherokee Nation, if we may believe the following notice in the last Vinita Chieftain.
Found—A vulture feather, between Vinita and J. O. Hall’s place, which the owner can have by calling at this office, describing same, and paying for this notice.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The strike of the cowboys in the Panhandle seems to be more serious than was at first thought. The boys threaten to prevent men taking their places. It is thought a compromise will be effected. Cowboys have some knowledge of the immense profits cattle owners are making, and it should not be at all surprising if they asked fair wages for what is the hardest kind of hard work.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Editor Comments About Dr. Noble.
The tragedy which occurred in this city last Thursday, speaks in loud tones for the enactment of two very important laws. The first, prescribing that whiskey insanity shall be no excuse for crime, and the second, that where one makes an attempt upon the life of another with a deadly weapon, and it can be proven that the assailant has been in the habit of carrying said weapon concealed, such fact shall be prima facia evidence of an intention to commit murder.
This, at first glance, may seem hard. But can adequate reasons be given why a prominent citizen or a so-called “respected member of society,” in this or any other well organized com-munity in Kansas should habitually carry double-action revolvers, or for that matter, dangerous weapons of any kind?
With no desire to prejudice the case or add to the misery of the chief participant in last Thursday’s affair, it must be honestly confessed that had not Dr. Noble been armed with a weapon upon which he could rely and the merits of which he had undoubtedly tested, no matter to what extent his intoxication, he would have thought twice before making any war-like demonstrations upon anyone, especially upon a man who was in no wise his enemy.
There should be no mawkish sentimentality regarding any man, however high his stand-ing, or whatever his wealth or social position may be, who, habituated to going armed in a civilized community, under a fit of alcoholic insanity makes use of a weapon. The law should be as strictly enforced in his case as in the case of any cowboy who comes off the range and, unacquainted with the customs and regulations of the town, fails or refuses to lay aside his arms.
Treat all alike, prince or peasant, rich or poor, citizen or stranger, and make no rule in one case that will not be applicable to all other cases under like circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The following is published in the Cherokee Advocate of the 23rd inst. The letter bears date of March 16th, and it is somewhat singular that it never found its way into print until the 23rd. It reads very much as if the Honorable Secretary was making an effort to carry water on both shoulders.
To the Commissioner of Indian Affairs: SIR: I have considered your letter of the 15th inst., submitting with other papers the report of Agent Tufts on the subject of fences put up by cattle men on the lands in the Indian Territory west of 96 degrees west longitude, of which the Cherokee Indians have jurisdiction under the provisions of the treaty of 1868, between the United States and those Indians.
The Agent’s statement, that “where ranges have been fenced, the cattlemen neither cut timber themselves nor do they permit anyone to do so,” is not sustained by what appears to be the facts in the case, since the large quantity of posts required for nearly 1,000 miles of fencing already constructed, have nearly, if not all, been cut from those lands without authority and without payment therefor. No further fences will be permitted to remain except with the consent of and under proper and satisfactory arrangement with the Cherokee National authorities, to be secured within reasonable time to be fixed by you; failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced. Any person found cutting timber from these lands will be removed therefrom at once.
Very respectfully, H. M. TELLER, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
It would seem, if the letters of Major Lipe, Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, are any criterion, that the so-called Pennsylvania Oil Company are not the only parties endeavoring to get the best of previous occupants on the Cherokee Strip. The St. Joseph Cattle Company, an organization of capitalists who went on the Strip last year, attempted to run out Peter Stewart, who held a range and had paid his taxes in a scope of country which the St. Joseph Cattle Company desired to take in. At first, the company sang low and soft to Mr. Stewart, and he was lulled into fancied security by their sweet music, until one fine morning they informed Stewart that his room was better than his company, and that the St. Joseph Cattle Company wanted all the range within the bounds of their fence.
Mr. Stewart, being one of those hard headed Scotchmen, would not submit to the imposition, stood upon his rights, and communicated at once with the Cherokee authorities. The result was a letter to Mr. Stewart stating that he had the first right, and would be upheld in maintaining his range. The St. Joseph Cattle Company will therefore have to let Mr. Stewart severely alone, or fare worse.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Old man Teller writes too many letters, and like a policeman or city marshal who has been patted on the back once or twice for faithful performance of duty, he has obtained the idea that, like a care-all, he is absolutely necessary in the National government. The old gentleman means well, but if he would disabuse his mind of the idea that he is not the United States, he might be less conspicuous but would add largely to the sum of human happiness.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
The Ikards and the Harrold Brothers, of Texas, have sold to the Franklin Land and Cattle Company of New York, composed of a representative of the Cunard Line of steamships and other prominent capitalists. The number of cattle is 75,000, and the price paid was nearly $2,000,000. This is the largest transaction of the kind which has taken place in the United States, and shows most forcibly that if cowboys, mechanics, and others would only put their little savings together, and invest them on the same plan adopted by large capitalists, they might be able to compete with what the Poles call “thieves or the sons of thieves.”
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
W. G. Noble, of Weston, Missouri, is here on a visit to his son, Dr. W. A. Noble.
Mrs. S. K. Noble, of Bloomington, Illinois, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. B. Roberts.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
H. C. Keeling, the old post trader at Cantonment, surprised us by walking in yesterday afternoon and wanting to know what had become of his COMMERCIAL. It seems that after leaving Cantonment, he went to Deming, New Mexico, there made a location, and is now on his way to Cantonment after his goods. Mr. Keeling will return to Deming within ten days, and we know he will carry with him the best wishes of a host of friends in this country for his financial success.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Another Tragedy.
An unfortunate and tragical affair occurred in this city last Thursday afternoon, in the shooting of Charles Everhart by Dr. W. A. Noble. Shorn of all details, the facts are that the Doctor had been drinking, and while in McChesney’s “Place,” took offense at Everhart, who attends the lunch counter in the “Place.” Of the cause of the offense—real or supposed—no exact information could be obtained, but it appears that the Doctor suddenly drew a self-cocking pistol, and began firing at Everhart. The first shot missed. The second shot struck Everhart in the left breast, an inch or two above the nipple, and passed out at his back, just below the shoulder blade. The third shot seems to have been fired as Everhart turned to get out of the way, for the third ball struck him in the back, ranged up and passed out in front a little above the collar bone and about four inches above the place where the first ball entered.
Before the Doctor could fire another shot, the pistol was wrenched from his hand, and he was taken in charge by Assistant City Marshal Wheeler. Meantime Everhart had fallen to the floor, and Drs. Hume and Robertson were called in.
It was at first thought that Everhart could not live, but under the treatment and care which have been given him, he seems in a fair way to recover.
An examination of Dr. Noble before Justice of the Peace T. H. B. Ross, was called on Friday, but the case was continued, and the defendant held in $10,000 for his appearance on Wednesday, March 28, at 1 p.m. Bail was promptly furnished.
The unhappy affair is a source of regret, not only to the Doctor, but to his numerous friends, by whom he is held in high regard, both as a physician and a man. He is a man of a generous nature, but impulsive, and while strong in his likes and dislikes, we do not believe he bore malice toward anyone. He certainly had none for Everhart, and his attack upon the latter can only be accounted for upon the ground of his mental condition previous to and at the time of the occurrence.
Yesterday, at the trial set, Mr. George, deputy county attorney, appeared and requested a continuance. The continuance was granted until April 6th, and a new bond filed.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
More Thieves Captured.
Last Thursday J. B. Johnson came up from his ranch, bringing with him Jay Wilkinson, one of the gang of thieves for some time past engaged in stealing horses from stockmen on the Strip and farmers in this and Cowley County. Wilkinson gave himself up to U. S. Marshal Hollister, and was taken over to Arkansas City.
About the same time, G. H. McIntire, who has also been on the hunt after the thieves, caught Hatfield at Arkansas City, and when Hollister arrived at that place with his prisoner, he found the town considerably stirred up over the arrests. Loper was another of the thieves circulating around, evidently under the impression that he was not known as belonging to the party and unaware of his name being connected with illegitimate horse trading. Hollister slipped the handcuffs on him and took him to Winfield, where he was locked up in jail.
Wilkinson, it seems, had stolen a horse belonging to the Carnegie & Frazier outfit, and took it into the state and turned it over to Loper to sell, with the understanding that Loper was to give one-half the proceeds to Wilkinson’s wife, who lives in Arkansas City. Loper sold the horse at Mulvane, but refused to divide, and his course induced Wilkinson to inform on him. Mr. Hollister also informs us that Loper, previous to his arrest, had obtained an interview with him shortly after the latter’s arrival in charge of the deputy marshal, and took occasion to say to Wilkinson that if the latter informed on him, he (Loper) would shoot him at the first opportunity.
Loper’s father is a farmer living near Mulvane, and he is said to be the most dangerous man of the crowd. As there is ample evidence to convict him of the crime with which he is charged, it is more than likely that Loper will not have an opportunity for several years to carry out the threat he made to Wilkinson.
Besides the parties arrested so far, there are others living on the southern border of Cowley County who are suspected of being engaged in stock stealing, but as yet there is no direct evidence against them. They will have to leave the country, or it will be but a short time before Hollister and McIntire round them up.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, March 29, 1883.
Miss McIntyre of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency Mission schools, arrived last Saturday, with eight Indian girls—four from each tribe—who were sent on to the Indian industrial school in Iowa. Mr. Hutchison, one of Agent Miles’ right hand men, acted as escort, and superintended the transfer of the Indian maidens to the train. The effort to instruct the Indian girls in the duties of life as understood by white women, is a move in the right direction. So long as the female portion of a tribe is left with all the customs and habits of their predecessors, it is like blowing against the wind to undertake the education and eleva-tion of the males. Get the women of any tribe or nation to change their mode of life, thought, and feeling, and the bucks will be compelled to succumb, and that at a very early day.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
Thomas Shelton, of Dutch Creek, Cowley County, was married in 1815, at the age of nineteen. He has enjoyed sixty-eight years of wedded life with the choice of his youth.
At the Tunnel mills, at Winfield, James McGuire got caught in the belting and was carried around the wheel at the rate of one hundred revolutions per minute, immediately stopping the machinery. He was so broken up and mutilated that he lived but a few hours. He was a brother of McGuire Bros., prominent merchants of that city.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
WASHINGTON, March 21, 1883.
SIR: Referring to the subject of wire fences on the Cherokee lands west of 96 degrees, I have to say that your report of the 2nd inst., was duly received and submitted by this office to the Department.
I now enclose for your information a copy of the Hon. Secretary’s reply, dated the 16th inst., from which you will perceive that all further fencing on these lands is strictly prohibited, and that those constructed will not be permitted to remain except with consent of, and under proper and satisfactory arrangements, with the Cherokee national authorities, to be secured within a reasonable time, and to be fixed by this office, failing in which, the order heretofore given for the removal of the fences will be at once enforced.
In an interview had here with Chief Bushyhead yesterday, he promises to call an early session of the National Council to consider the subject and to report the same to this office. Upon hearing from him the time within which arrangements are to be made with the Cherokees will be at once fixed, and you will be advised thereof. In the meantime the exist-ing status will not be disturbed, but you will take such measures as you may deem necessary to prevent the construction of any more fences on the lands. The 47th congress closed without action by the house upon the bill which has already passed the senate to prevent timber depredations on these lands, hence the only remedy at present consists in the continued removal of trespassers. Very Respectfully, H. PRICE, Com.
To John H. Tufts, U. S. Indian Agent, Union Agency, Indian Territory.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The Inside of the Oklahoma Boom.
To the Editor of the Eagle: DEAR SIR: I desire to give the reason why Capt. Payne does not open Oklahoma, and help many parties come to a full conclusion, who think they were sold out on the last trip.
I will state that last May, while at Hunnewell, Cap came to me and said: “Nugent, there are parties here who want to buy me out, and there are but two men I can trust, you and Berry Eastas, and as Berry is not here, I will fetch them to you and introduce them to talk to you about it. And you tell them that Capt. Payne will not trouble them providing they will pay $200,000. If they won’t give that, come down to $160,000, but no less. Now I want you to do this for me, for I won’t dare to sell to them myself.”
I said, “No, Cap; for if the colony was to find it out, they would hang you sure.”
“Well,” said Cap; “You catch my meaning.”
I then said, “Cap, what are you going to do with the parties that have suffered, worked, spent their money and time as much as you have?”
“Oh,” said Payne, “I can easily satisfy them, but I shan’t be seen for a few days.”
I took from that, that he would not be seen at all.
He said, “Would you be afraid to do it?”
Now this I told in one of the colony meetings, and Cap acknowledged it. This being the case we would naturally suppose that he sold out this last time, as many have concluded who was with him. On this account I have never gone with him any more, and I blame myself for not telling it, to have saved lots of others; but I thought he would surely prove true when he had such a large crowd as he had this last trip. I am told he was the first man to surrender. And as the old adage is, that it is never too late to do good, I tell this, that people may not be fooled by him any more. Although he says now, (as of old), that he is going to stay this time sure, this he does from raid to raid, to get all the money he can. I know he will come back as usual. There are many more things about the man that citizens of Wichita know, and that every man ought to know, such as his borrowing money from all he can, and never paying it back. The money he gets for a certificate, he must always spend in the saloons. He has lived with an unmarried woman here for years, who has a boy nine or ten years old. And Cap took these parties with him to Oklahoma this last trip. And as it has been said to me, he is certainly the best educated dead beat in the State. E. H. NUGENT.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
Gen. Crook has given orders not to make prisoners of any of the Apaches on the war path. Had that policy been pursued heretofore, the Apaches would have been a very peaceable lot by this time, and one hundred white men, women, and children would not have been killed in the past two weeks.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The next time a brand book is to be published, it would be an excellent plan for our local stockmen to give notice in advance that the man who can do and say the meanest things about Caldwell shall be given its publication and all the money he wants.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
Settled at Last.
The matter between J. S. Danford and his Caldwell creditors was settled last week, by the former turning over to the latter all his property in Sumner County. Of course, this will not give the creditors a very large percentage on the amounts due them, but it is better than nothing, as they can now fully understand what they are to rely upon.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 5, 1883.
The City Election.
The COMMERCIAL’s lariat roped in the old city government, with the addition of O. Beeson as one of the council. It couldn’t pull Judge Kelly through, for Ross got there by a plurality vote.
Mayor Colson was re-elected unanimously, which was a high and deserved compliment.
All the old members of the council have also good reason to be proud of the endorsement given them at the hands of their fellow citizens.
The new government will stand as follows: A. M. Colson, Mayor; J. W. Dobson, M. H. Bennett, A. McLain, William Corzine, O. Beeson, councilmen; T. H. B. Ross, police judge.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
The first lot of cattle, 20,000 head, of the spring drive has reached Wichita.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Just as we go to press, Dan Frank, one of the employees of the Kansas City Cattle company, came in and reported that John Neal was murdered and robbed last Saturday at the Cottonwood camp on the range of the above company. No trace of the murderer could be found. Mr. Neal was on the police force here last summer under Marshal Brown. Full particulars will be given next week.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Payne’s lieutenant—we have forgotten his name—is organizing an Oklahoma boom on his own hook. Perhaps it has crawled through his head by this time that he might as well make the outside lucre as Payne.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Hostetler and Hatfield, the two horse thieves taken by Deputy Marshals Hollister and McIntire, had an examination at Wellington last week, and were committed to the Wichita jail for trial at the September term of the U. S. District Court. Loper, who appears to be the worst pill in the box, will not have his examination for a week or two. Three of the horses stolen from the Carnegie & Frazier ranch were recovered.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
Peter Stewart bought the Jones & Prescott cattle the other day, paying $12,500. On Tuesday last, he shipped three car loads of beeves out of the herd, and made a contract with Mr. Mitchell, north of town and near the Chikaskia, to feed the balance of the herd, which consists principally of she cattle. We have not been able to ascertain what Jones & Prescott made out of the sale, but we are satisfied Mr. Stewart’s ultimate profits on the transaction will be something handsome.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 12, 1883.
A huge prairie fire loomed up in the southwest on Monday afternoon, flying with the wind and sending dense clouds of smoke over the city and far to the north. We learn from S. Taylor that the fire apparently started between Pole Cat and Pond Creek, but so far as he could learn, did no other damage than burning off the range. A large number of sheep are held on the range in the Territory, immediately south of this city, but the owners and herders managed to get them out of the way in time to escape the fire. But there is no grass to speak of left for them, and owners will have to do the best they can until grass starts on the range.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
Arkansas City Democrat: The matter of irrigation is becoming an important one up on the Arkansas river. Engineers have arrived from the east for the purpose of laying out the irrigating ditches for the Eureka Irrigation company. It is proposed to commence this work at once. The ditch will leave the Arkansas river twelve miles west of Dodge City, will follow the course of the divide between the Arkansas and the Saw Log, and will cross the bend of the Arkansas to Kinsley. The ditch will be forty feet wide, and it is intended that it will carry four feet of water, with an average fall of a foot and a half to the mile. This all looks well enough on paper, and if the people along the river proper don’t object, during dry times, to having their water supply diverted from its natural channel, and if the water is sufficient to keep up both the ditch and the channel nature plowed out several years ago, we hope to see the scheme a success.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The Caldwell COMMERCIAL was a little too fast last week in stating that George Loper, of Mulvane, had been arrested in our city for horse stealing and locked up in jail. The arresting part was all right, but George gave bail and is walking the streets as free as anyone. And further, the COMMERCIAL says, that “Mr. Loper’s father is a desperate man.” Now this is uncalled for, as we understand that Mr. Loper is a respected citizen of Mulvane, and has no blemish upon his name, and why the COMMERCIAL should abuse him, we cannot see. The son may have done wrong, and if he has, we hope he will be punished, but we see no reason why Mr. Loper should be abused for the actions of his son. Arkansas City Democrat.
We find the above in the Arkansas City Democrat of last week, and feel constrained to say that paper is off wrong. The COMMERCIAL did not say anything against George Loper’s father. It did say, however, that the aforesaid George was a hard case, and said so on information derived from reliable men. So far as Mr. Loper, senior, is concerned, we have good reason to believe that all the Democrat says in regard to him is strictly true, and we have no desire to abuse him because his son has gone off wrong.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The Caldwell COMMERCIAL suggests that in portioning out the county officers this fall, the coronership should be given to a Caldwell man in order that he may be close to his business. We would suggest W. B. Hutchison as the proper candidate. Wellington Press.
There are three things to which we have an unconquerable aversion: a bulldog, a jackass, and running for office. No coroner in ours, if you please.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
One Killed, and One Dangerously Wounded.
Last Sunday, J. H. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, came into town and hunted up Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, to whom he stated that he wanted some assistance in capturing a band of horse thieves he had followed from Texas. The thieves had stolen two mules and two horses from Mr. Herrin, besides a lot of other stock from other parties.
Hollister started out with Herrin, and ran foul of the party a few miles southeast of Hunnewell. The party consisted of a man named Ross, his wife, daughter, two sons, daughter-in-law, and her child. There was another party camped close by. The family, while not apparently connected with the Ross outfit, had been their traveling companions.
Hollister, finding he could do nothing alone, returned on Tuesday, and securing the services of Henry Brown and his assistant, Ben. Wheeler, the party left about 11 o’clock a.m. At Hunnewell, the party picked up Jackson, day marshal of that place, and Wes. Hamils.
From Hunnewell the party struck out for the camp of the outlaws, and just at the gray dawn surrounded the outfit.
The Ross party, in reply to a demand to surrender, opened fire with their Winchesters. The shooting lasted for about half an hour, when it was found that the oldest Ross boy was killed and the younger one dangerously wounded in two or three places. The latter, after the capture, made a statement regarding the stealing of the stock they had with them, and also stated that two of the original party had left for Wichita on Sunday with some of the stock. From the wounded boy’s statement, it is supposed that the party left Texas with about forty head of horses and mules, among the number a fine stallion, for which a reward of $500 is offered. The dead Ross was taken to Hunnewell, and the other members of the party to Wellington.
Messrs. Herrin and Wheeler returned to Caldwell about 11 o’clock yesterday morning, and from them we gathered the above particulars. They also gave us some intimate details of the fight, which time and space will not permit publishing at this time.
Telegrams, describing the three men who passed through South Haven, were sent to Wellington and Wichita, and on Wednesday afternoon the three were taken in at Wichita.
The entire party of men consisted of J. W. Ross, his sons, Sam and James, Sam being killed and the latter wounded, Frank Cornelius, Marion Horton, and Ben Merrill. Mr. Herrin thinks the two latter are brothers. Both are desperate men, and one of them attempted to shoot Marshal Cairns of Wichita, when the latter went to arrest him.
Cornelius had been working for the past year in Herrin’s neighborhood, and when the latter found that Cornelius had gone as well as Herrin’s stock, Herrin at once came to the conclusion that he was the thief.
As for the Ross tribe, they did not appear to have any local habitation, but drifted around from one camping place to another, doubtless making a business of stealing stock.
Mr. Herrin speaks in the highest terms of the commanding officers at Forts Sill and Reno, and says that they gave him every assistance possible.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
A band of horse thieves were surrounded in the Indian Territory, near the Kansas line,
by a posse, and one of the thieves shot.
[NOTE: Suspect this is national way of recapping Ross story.]
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
The women of the Ross family, accompanied by another camping outfit, drove into town yesterday afternoon and halted a short time on Main street in front of the Stock Exchange Bank. Mrs. Ross, the wife of J. W. and the mother of the Ross boys, went into the bank and deposited about $1,800 in gold. The party then drove off and went into camp on Bluff Creek, where it is likely they will stay until some disposition is made of the prisoners, who are now confined in the Wellington jail. They will be taken to Texas as soon as a requisition can be received.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 19, 1883.
Last Saturday a portion of the stolen stock found with the Ross party was brought here and put into the corral of George Kalbdesch. The animals were considerably used up, show-ing they had been driven hard and badly treated. The remainder of the stock has been put at pasture, and a list of the brands will be advertised.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
On Tuesday evening we met Mr. S. W. Herrin, of Clay County, Texas, the gentlemen who so vigorously followed and secured the capture of the Ross gang of horse thieves. He gave us an interesting account of his experience, of which we can only give a mere outline.
On the morning of April 1st, Mr. Herrin went to his stable and found that his two horses and two mules had been stolen. He immediately started out on foot, and followed north to Acer’s ranch on the side of the Big Washita, where he secured a pony. At the river he found where a mule dragging a rope had crossed the stream. This threw him off the trail, which he did not find again until after sundown that evening.
The next day Mr. Herrin crossed Red River above the mouth of Cache Creek, and about the middle of the afternoon he again struck the trail, leading to Arbuckle mountains, which he followed until he came to the old Fort Sill road, and found no trouble in tracking the stock to within eight miles of Sill, when he discovered that the trail left the road and turned east. Mr. Herrin then went to Sill for assistance, and secured the services of Jack Mullins and Comanche Jack. Starting out with them the next morning, the track of the thieves was found about twelve miles east of the Fort. This was followed until the old Chisholm trail was reached. Following that trail until he arrived at Mumford Johnson’s ranch on the Canadian, Mr. Herrin there found that the pursued had continued on up the trail. They had made lively time, and it seems that after crossing Red River, they had only stopped once on the road between the stream and Johnson’s ranch.
Leaving Johnson’s, Herrin went to Fort Reno, where he telegraphed to Caldwell, Dodge, and other places, and the next day took the buckboard and came to this place, arriving here on Sunday, the 8th. Here he found that the Ross party had camped near the stockyards, on the Thursday previous, and that some of the men had come into town and got dinner. He also learned that after leaving the stockyards, the outfit started east in the direction of Hunnewell.
On Saturday evening Mr. Herrin and Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister started for Arkansas City, and on arriving there could not find any trace of the fugitives. Returning the next day, they ascertained at South Haven that three men, having four horses with them, had passed north. A description of the stock satisfied Herrin that one of his horses was among the number. Herrin and Hollister then went to Hunnewell, and ascertaining the location of the Ross camp, assistance was secured, and on Wednesday morning the camp was taken, with the result as stated in the COMMERCIAL.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Oxford is said to be overrun with roughs.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Chief Bushyhead, of the Cherokee Nation, has issued a proclamation calling a special meeting of the Cherokee National Council, to be held at Tahlequah, on the 30th inst., to act upon such special matters and things as shall be submitted to their deliberation.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
If the Creek cattle law is strictly enforced, it will be a hard matter for cattlemen to drive to the terminus of the Atlantic and Pacific, on the Arkansas River, for the purpose of shipping over that road. The Creeks evidently don’t want cattle owned by outside parties to come into their territory under any circumstances.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
That eminent confidence operator, D. L. Payne, is out with an ill-connected mess of garbage. He has undoubtedly paid the Eagle for publishing it with money beat out of Oklahoma suckers, but as it affords him some comfort and indicts no harm upon a living soul, it is not worthwhile to find fault with Payne or his senseless twaddle. Like all others of his class, the fellow can’t comprehend the fact that he is a fool as well as a fraud.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A drummer attempted to crush a waiter girl in a Fort Dodge hotel by ordering sponge soup and quail on a fence. She built a fence of kindling wood on a platter, poised a monster quail on the top rail, and put a piece of toilet sponge in his soup. The table was full of his friends when she returned with his order, and they raised money enough on the spot to buy her a seal skin sacque. The landlord charged him a dollar extra for his dinner, and he had to leave his diamonds with the bar keeper.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
On and after the first of May, the internal revenue tax on tobacco and snuff will be reduced one-half, from sixteen to eight cents per pound, and on all tobacco and snuff in unbroken packages, on which the old tax has been paid. The excess will be refunded by the government. Congress failed to make an appropriation for the purpose, but such rebate may be “paid in stamps at the reduced rates.” The tax on cigars and the larger cigarettes is reduced to three dollars per thousand. The reduction of tax on tobacco, snuff, and cigars is just enough to benefit dealers, but not enough to make any material reduction to consumers.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A special to the Dallas News states that the cowboys now on a strike in the Panhandle district are becoming more violent. One hundred well-armed cowboys are encamped at Las Corza, Oldham County, under the leadership of one Harris, and make open threats of violence against those who may come to take their places.
It cannot be denied that the cowboys are entitled to an increase of wages, but a resort to violence on their part for the purpose of forcing cattle owners to accede to their demands will result in no benefit. Pursuing a peaceable course, the boys will have the sympathy of the public. A contrary course will make everyone anxious to suppress them.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A dispatch from Austin, Texas, says gentlemen largely interested in cattle who have just returned from an extensive trip through the ranches say that ninety-five herds of cattle, averaging twenty-five hundred each, will be driven out of the state this spring. The entire drive is estimated at 240,000 head against 350,000 last year. The shipments by rail are said to be overestimated, and will not probably exceed 50,000. Large herds of horses are also moving towards the market.
The twenty thousand cattle imported from Brownsville, Texas, a day or two ago, are from the state of New Leon, Mexico. Sixteen thousand head of them are already gathered and will be driven across the Rio Grande in a few days. They were purchased by McLord, a prominent stockman of Colorado, and all are intended to stock his ranches in that state. The prices paid were $12 per head.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
The Barbed Wire Fence Law.
The following is the law, passed by the last legislature, prescribing how a barbed wire fence must be constructed to constitute a legal fence.
SECTION 1. That in addition to the fence now declared by law to be a legal fence, the following shall be a legal fence: A barbed wire fence, of not less than three wires, with third wire from the ground not less than forty-four inches, nor more than forty-eight inches, from the ground, and bottom wire not more than twenty-four inches nor less than eighteen inches from the ground, with center wire equi-distant, or nearly so, between upper and lower wires; said wires to be well stretched and barbed; barbs to average not more than nine inches apart; said barbed wire to be composed of two wires not smaller than No. 13, or one wire not smaller than No. 9 wire, to be securely fastened to posts, which shall not be more than two rods apart, and not less than twenty inches in the ground, and set in a workmanlike manner; or the posts may be not more than forty-eight feet apart, with slats placed perpendicularly, not more than twelve feet apart, between the posts, and fastened to the wires by staples, or with holes in the slats: Provided, That in townships or counties where hogs are allowed to run at large, there shall be three additional barbed wires, the lower one of which shall not be more than four inches from the ground, the other two to be placed an equal distance apart, or nearly so, between this and the lower wire as required above.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Another Cattle Deal.
A private dispatch from Topeka informs us that on the 20th inst., Peter Stewart, of Wellington, bought the McKnight, Albro & Spaulding cattle, paying therefor the sum of $40,500. If Mr. Stewart keeps on at the rate which he has started in, he will soon own sufficient cattle to satisfy the ambition of any man.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Agent John D. Miles came up last Friday and went on to Kansas City, to look after lumber for a new school building for the Indians under his charge. The department has adopted the policy of establishing schools of an industrial nature right among the tribes in the Territory, but owing to a failure on the part of congress to make the necessary appropria-tion, only one school house will be built this year.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
W. R. Terwilliger returned from Texas last Saturday. He has on the trail nearly five hundred horses, which he expects to put on the Caldwell market about the 20th of May. Mr. Terwilliger expected to have the bunch here about the 1st of May, but owing to the condition of the grass has been compelled to drive slow.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
W. H. Harrelson has sold his stock of cattle in the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool, to the Gennessee Cattle Company. Consideration, between $83,000 and $84,000.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
Wm. McMillin, foreman for Dye Bros., and an old timer on the range, spent the early part of the week in the city. He was hiring hands and buying supplies for the spring-up.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, April 26, 1883.
A Fort Worth, Texas, special says “three or four hundred cowboys on ranches in the Panhandle are on a strike for an increase from $30 to $50 a month and board. The men are well armed and threaten to kill any new men, fire ranches, and make general trouble. Some of the largest companies have signified their unwillingness to meet the demands, and are now taking steps to secure United States troops or Texas rangers to protect their property.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Arkansas Valley Democrat: A little son of J. R. Racene, of Silverdale Township, Cowley County, was thrown from his horse last Thursday and had his arm broken in two places.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
With this number the existence of the Caldwell Post and THE Caldwell COMMERCIAL ends, and THE CALDWELL JOURNAL takes their place, making its first appearance next week.
It is unnecessary to detail how this change has been brought about. This much can be said, however, that the various interests in and about Caldwell deem it the best policy to have one substantial newspaper, and with that object in view the two papers have been united under the control of the “Caldwell Printing and Publishing Company.”
The officers of the company are Ben S. Miller, President; and John W. Nyce, Secretary and Treasurer.
W. B. Hutchison has been selected as editor, and Halsey S. Lane as Business Manager. Of the former little need be said. His editorial ability can only be judged by the manner in which he has conducted the COMMERCIAL for the past three years. Aided by men interested in the enterprise, he will give his best efforts and such talents as he may possess, to making the JOURNAL a paper useful to every interest which it seeks to represent and an honor to Southwestern Kansas. Of Mr. Lane it can be said, that in addition to his practical knowledge of printing, he has a thorough business education, an experience and a reputation which will guarantee a successful financial management of the JOURNAL. He will have entire charge of all matters relating to the business of the office, and the time will be when he will be recognized as one of the best businessmen in this city.
The Post and the COMMERCIAL served their purpose. They were excellent papers, above the average of country journals, and while their names will be no more used in connec-tion with the Caldwell of the future, yet they will be remembered for the singleness of purpose with which they labored for its advancement against many adverse circumstances. They did their work well, and only the varied interests of the community made it necessary that they should give way to one journal that should fill the place of both.
We ask for the new enterprise the united support of the stockman, the farmer, the mechanic, the laborer, and the businessman. With this support the JOURNAL can be made one of the best papers in the Southwest, and, as a representative of all our interests, do a work of which the benefits will be far reaching to this portion of Kansas.
BEN S. MILLER, President. JNO. W. NYCE, Secretary.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
The Kansas City Times announces that our highly interesting friend, Capt. D. L. Payne, started last Tuesday night on a lecture tour through the large towns in Illinois. The Times quaintly adds that “being now without money, he takes the lecture field in order to raise funds to pay the necessary expenses to secure an injunction against the Secretary of War, thus restraining him from issuing further orders for the arrest of persons who may be found upon the lands.” Of course, Payne is out of money. He always is, whenever there is an opportunity to raise a dollar without working for it. He will give the suckers a fine game of taffy, but if he leaves them with buzzards in his pouch, it will be for the reason that his borrowing racket is more successful than the lecture.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
West of 96—Leasing It Proposed.
[From April 27, 1883, Vinita Chieftain.]
We are reliably informed of offers being on hand for the leasing of the land lying west of 96, and it is quite likely the matter may be presented to Council at its called session to see what the opinion of the Cherokee people may be. It is understood the Secretary of the Interior will endorse leases for five years or under in case the Cherokees see fit to grant them. Now the question is, is it wise for the Cherokees to do so? Will they gain in any way? Will they lose in any way? If they lease the land they can get at least $75,000 a year instead of $42,000, the best figure ever obtained. They will financially gain at least $30,000 a year and lose the jealousy existing against those who have had the profits of collecting under the old law.
They will gain strong friends in the Western Cattlemen, friends the strongest of all, the friends of self-interest, who will labor to keep out the squatters and timber thieves for their cattle’s sake. Our interests are the same as the interests of the cattlemen and if the squatter and timber thief is kept out, we are greatly the gainers. We gain protection of our property.
The influence of the millions invested in cattle are strong enough in Washington to insure what seems to be already the policy of the U. S. Government, to-wit: the settlement of no more friendly Indians on these lands. If this can be done, the operation of the 16th Article of the Treaty of 1866 can be removed by act of congress and we can secure undisputed and absolute possession in fee of these lands. We can sell them for $5.00 an acre in that event instead of for 47 cents. We can get $30,000,000 instead of being refused $3,000,000, which would be a clear gain of over $1,000 a piece to every man, woman, and child in the Cherokee Nation. If it is deemed wise to sell it, this is the plan to secure a good price. If we wish to settle it ourselves, this is the only feasible way of getting it in our unconditional possession in order that we can do so. Leasing it will settle the pasture business and remove the jealousy existing against those who have made pastures there. Many people seriously think the pas-tures are wrong, although not forbidden by a law, and condemn them. It is well to remove this objection and restore good feeling by using the land so it will be of equal benefit to the whole people.
The points should be noted. What do we gain by leasing.
1st. We will be able to sell this land for $30,000,000 or, at least, a very much larger sum than we can now.
2nd. We will add at least $30,000 a year to our income.
3rd. We will offer a checkmate to the Oklahoma boomer.
4th. We will save our timber, etc., and starve the Kansas wood thief.
5th. We will remove the jealousy and ill feeling existing on account of the pastures and restore the harmonious feeling among our people.
6th. The people will then be equally benefitted by this country and no citizen will enjoy greater benefits from it than another.
If anyone sees a good reason why we should not lease, let him speak. We will publish it.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Mayor Colson has left to take a hand on the round-up, which begins at the Pond Creek ranch.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Mr. A. H. Todd, for a long time connected with H. C. Keeling’s trading store at Cantonment, arrived on Monday, and will take part in opening up the Keeling outfitting store in the Reilly block. Mr. Todd is a pleasant gentleman whom our people will take to on better acquaintance.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Wholesale Horse Stealing.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister received a postal card Saturday stating that fifty head of ponies and four mules had been stolen from the Pawnee reservation by three thieves on Tuesday of last week. The thieves shot the colts that were with the mares. On Monday Deputy U. S. Marshal Matthews arrived here, having followed the track of the thieves to where it crossed the Arkansas City trail leading into the Reno road, and finding that the party were making their way west as fast as possible. Matthews came into Caldwell and took the train for Dodge, from which point he will strike across the country and endeavor to head off the thieves before they can reach the Panhandle.
It is more than likely the thieves will be taken by the time we go to press.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Live Stock.
W. E. Campbell returned from the East since our last issue, and while absent picked up the following live stock.
Legal Tender, a young thoroughbred, with a pedigree second to no horse in the state.
Antonia, imported Hereford heifer, bred by T. Penn, Downton Castle, England. In calf by the imported Hereford bull, Rambler, 719S, at the head of Hon. M. H. Cochran’s herd.
Taurus, 1832, Hereford bull, formerly stood at the head of Barleigh & Bodwell’s im-ported herd of Herefords, and was awarded the highest honor over a strong field of imported and home bred bulls at the New York state fair.
Mr. Campbell feels justly proud over his acquisitions, as they must, with the fine stock he had before, soon place him at the head of the Hereford breeders in this state.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
P. A. Smith, of Johnson’s ranch on the South Canadian, informs us that the demand for Indian ponies is greatly in excess of the supply. Ponies that could be purchased last year for $20 to $30 each cannot be bought this year for less than $30 to $40. One cause of this is the Indians have learned the value of their stock, and as they have more or less ready cash on hand, they are not willing to sell unless they can get their price. Several parties have been through the Washita country lately endeavoring to buy ponies, but so far they have been able to gather only a small number.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
Milo B. Kellogg, of Wichita, was in town yesterday. Mr. Kellogg is U. S. Inspector of flour and corn for the Indian agencies below. Were he a ward-bummer or a political wire-puller, Milo might have been a first-class postmaster or had some other fat position ere this. But alas, post offices are given to editors, and all other positions within the gift of our congressional delegation are given to ex-members of the legislature.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
J. W. Steen, of Gonzales County, Texas, one of the old time horse men, arrived here on Monday. Mr. Steen expects a bunch of horses here in a few days, and reports that between the 10th and 20th of this month from 1,000 to 1,500 horses will be on the Caldwell market.
Steen tells us he had green peas and dew berries before he left Texas, and that corn was knee high.
The Caldwell Commercial, Thursday, May 3, 1883.
D. T. Beale arrived on Monday and will leave in a day or two for the Panhandle ranch.
Published Every Thursday by the Caldwell Printing-Publishing Co. H. S. LANE, Business Manager. SUBSCRIPTION FOR YEAR, $2.00.
[Next line illegible...gather it was address of paper.]
AD. New Photograph Gallery -BY- COSAND & MOSSER.
Pictures of any kind and style of finish.
Indian pictures for sale.
Rooms east side Main at Caldwell, Kansas.
Territory Affairs.
Cheyenne Transporter.
On Monday, the 30th, ult., was made the first payment on the grass leases recently made by the Cheyennes and Arapahos. The payment, amounting to $6,500, was made by Wm. E. Malaley, in behalf of the lessees, and was unanimously accepted by the Indians in Council, who, after receipting for the same, requested that it be placed to their credit in the Emporia National Bank, as they wished the lease money to accumulate in a larger sum before making a division among themselves. The council was the largest ever held by these tribes, the com-missary being crowded and jammed by the Indians in attendance. They signified themselves to be well pleased with the bargain they had made to graze their lands, and made a formal request to the post commander and their agent to unite in ejecting all intruders occupying or encroaching on the ranges leased, and to give the lessees full possession. It is conceded by men high in the Indian circles that these tribes have secured a valuable source of revenue by these leases, which provide them with a yearly income of sixty thousand dollars.
The field planted by the Arapaho school boys is up and growing nicely, and the boys are now busy cultivating the growing corn. They have a full stand, and if we have plenty of rain from this time on, the boys’ efforts to raise a crop will be crowned with success. Under the instructions of their superintendent, these school boys do all of their gardening, etc., for supplying the school, and to see how energetically they go about their work is really astonishing. The Indians take no little pride in having their children in school, and had they sufficient school facilities to accommodate all, we believe they would not allow a single child at school age to run at large. The tribes, as a whole, at this time, are not only willing to have their children taught English, to read, write, etc., but are eager to have them taught to abide by the general ways of the white man. To verify this statement, here is an illustration: A teacher of the Cheyenne school, having decided upon taking a child East with her next vacation, sent word the other day by another lady teacher to the child’s father to get permission to take the child, when he candidly remarked that he was perfectly willing to have his child go, as he thought it very good for the children to be under the influence of the whites.
Mule Shoe, up and down, left shoulder; also any place on left side.
Ranch and range on Turkey Creek, I. T., in Tuttle’s Pasture.
P. O. Address Caldwell, Ks.
Horse Brand: ZS on left shoulder.
STANDARD CATTLE CO. (R. M. ALLEN, Assistant Manager.)
[Cattle shows two JD on side.]
JD connected. Other brands: 7L; E3; L; JEF; TJE; JET; 7x.7; HOO; IHH; O,IVV; 3-8; [Box showing heart with tail on both sides] side, X hip; 999 left shoulder, side and hip. Range Washita river, I. T.
SAM GARVIN. [Two cattle: one shows two half moons/the other shows an unusual T with peculiar markings at top of T.]
P. O., Erin Springs, Chickasaw Nation, I. T.
Other brands: 55, OR, [half circle above S], any place on animal I on shoulder and CAL on side; 1 on left shoulder, 88 on side and 1 on hip. Horse brand T2 on side and hips. Flying [??] on left hip. T steer cattle have right horn sawed off. [Also showed a black box with big X in it.]
ARTHUR GORHAM. [Steer with half moon over rectangle.]
Postoffice address, Kinsley, Kansas.
Range on Cimarron and Buffalo rivers, west from mouth of Buffalo.
Brand shown as half circle box, on both sides.
Ear mark: swallow fork and under slit both ears.
Additional brands. [Looks like a black box with S] and LX.
[Steer with three circles]. Brand as on cut, with three circles on left side, hip and thigh; some cattle with one circle on left hip and some with circle on left side and hip. Ear mark, smooth drop off both ears. Additional brand, RW on either side.
All increase in the circle and RW brands to be branded three circles as per cut. Horse brand some with [rectangle] on left hip and some with [circle] on left hip.
S. A. GARTH, General Manager
R. H. CAMPBELL, Range on North Canadian River, I. T.
P. O., Camp Supply, I. T.
E. M. FORD & CO., John Miller in charge.
Post office address: Hunnewell, Kansas.
Range: Red Rock and Black Bear.
A. A. WILEY. Range: Lower Redrock, I. T.
P. O., Otoe Agency, Indian Territory.
DICKEY BROTHERS. Range on North Canadian River, Ind. Ter.
Ranch Post Office, Cantonment, Indian Territory.
Home Office, rooms 14 and 15, Journal Block, Kansas City, Mo.
G. W. MILLER. [Wm. Vanhook in charge.]
All cattle branded 101 on left horn. Range on Salt Fork, Indian Territory. P. O. Winfield or Hunnewell, Kansas.
Horse brand [K] One lot of cattle branded has left shoulder [K] on left loin.
It appears that K was used on both horses and cattle.
DRURY WARREN. Range, Duck Creek and Chikaskia, I. T.
P. O. Arkansas City, Kansas.
CRANE & LARIMER. Range: Crooked and Sand Creeks north of Salt Fort, Indian Territory. P. O. Anthony, Kansas.
A. J. & C. P. DAY. Ranch on North Canadian, Indian Territory.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas, or Cantonment, Indian Territory.
DYE BROS. Range on Skeleton and Boggy Creeks, I. T.
P. O. Wellington, Kansas.
H. A. TODD. Ranch, Pole-cat Stock and Stage Ranch, I. T.
P. O. Address: Caldwell, Kansas.
S. P. FLINT. Range mouth of Pond Creek, Indian Territory.
P. O. Address: Wellington, Sumner County, Kansas.
ROYAL H. HAHN. P. O. Caldwell, Kansas.
BEN S. MILLER. Range in Pryor & Miller pasture, I. T.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
HART & CLARK. Range on Little Sand Creek, south of Salt Fork, with Bridge & Draper.
Address Bridge & Draper, Caldwell, Kansas, or Hart & Clark,
858 [?] Streeter Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio.
BLAIR & BATTIN. Ranch seven miles west.
P. O. Pond Creek, Indian Territory.
D. T. BEALS. Wheeler P. O., Potter County, Texas, (Pan Handle) ranch same address.
JOHN VOLK. Ranch 25 miles southwest of Cantonment on Canadian River, Indian Territory.
PETER STEWART. Range on Red Rock, Indian Territory.
P. O. Address, Wellington, Kansas.
T. F. PRYOR & CO. Ranch on Sand Creek, Indian Territory, and
Postoffice Anthony, Kansas.
R. [? COULD BE H.] M. JOHNSON. Caldwell, Kansas.
TOMLIN & WEBB. Range: Arkansas River and Coon Creek, west of the
Kaw Agency, I. T. P. O., Winfield, Kansas.
A. FRAZIER. Range, Pond Creek, I. T. P. O. Kansas City or Pond Creek, I. T.
BEN GARLAND. Range Pond Creek, I. T. P. O. Address, Caldwell, Kansas.
W. E. CAMPBELL, Importer and breeder of Thoroughbred Hereford [ad showed Hereford] and Shorthorn cattle, Caldwell, Kansas.
Range, Medicine River & Sand Creeks, Kansas.
G. W. & O. T. GORTON. Ranch and range on Preacher [?] Creek,
I. T. Address, Red Fork Ranch, I. T., or Harper, Kansas.
COLLINS & BUTLER. Range on Cottonwood Creek, Indian Territory.
Postoffice address, Caldwell, Kansas.
CASTEEN & McDANIEL. Ranch, south of Anthony on Crooked Creek,
Ind. Ter. Postoffice, Anthony, Kansas.
CHAS. LIEBLER. Range on Polecat Creek, Indian Territory.
Postoffice, Caldwell, Kansas.
ED W. RANNELS. Range, Indian Territory.
P. O. Address, Caldwell, Kansas.
STEWART & HODGES. Range on Turkey and ‘Possum Creeks,
Northeast of Ponca Agency. P. O., Winfield, Kansas.
J. D. & J. M. LUNDY. Above cattle driven from Texas in 1882.
Postoffice, Caldwell, Kansas.
L. MUSGROVE. Range and ranch on Polecat, I. T.
P. O. Address, Caldwell, Kansas.
A. S. C. FORBES. Range on Turkey Creek, I. T.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
J. C. PRYOR & CO. Ranch on Sand Creek, I. T.
P. O., Anthony, Kansas.
L. C. BIDWELL. Pasture on Big Sandy, in Harper Co., Kansas,
Adjoining Indian Territory. P. O., Anthony, Kansas.
J. H. COCHRAN. Range on Bullfoot, I. T.
P. O. Address, Bullfoot Ranch, Indian Territory.
WALROTH, WALTON, & RHODES. Range west Crooked and Sand Creeks,
I. T., P. O., Anthony, Kansas.
H. HODGSON & CO. Range on Turkey Creek, I. T.
Postoffice address, Pond Creek, Indian Territory.
A. McCLAIN & CO. Range on Red Rock, I. T.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
ROBERT ESTOCK. Range on head East Coldwater, Ind. Ter.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
JOHNSONS & HOSMER. Range, Coldwater and Salt Fork, I. T.
P. O. Arkansas City, Ks.
Range: Bennett, and Timberlake ranges on Salt Fork and
Wagon Creek, Indian Territory. P. O., Pond Creek, I. T.
HEWINS & TITUS. Range on Skeleton Creek, I. T.
Postoffice, Grenola, Kansas.
BATES & CO. Ranch on Sand Creek south of Drumm’s, I. T.
P. O., Wellington, Kansas.
P. O., Darlington, Indian Territory.
HENRY WISNER. P. O. Address, Anthony, Kansas.
Residence, 123 Lincoln Avenue, Chicago; Office, 95 Clark St.,
Chicago, Illinois.
WM. CORZINE. Range, Osage and Pond Creeks, I. T.
Postoffice, Caldwell, Kansas.
POWELL BROS. Range Indian Territory.
P. O., Cantonment, I. T.
Range on state line 2 miles west of Caldwell.
Address, Caldwell Post, Caldwell, Kansas.
H. AULING. Range on State line three miles southwest of
Caldwell, Kansas. Postoffice, Caldwell, Kansas.
Postoffice, Anthony, Kansas. Range 6-1/2 southwest.
W. W. WOODS. Postoffice Sun City, Ks. Range on Big Mule Creek.
W. E. MALALEY. P. O., range, and ranche, Pond Creek, I. T.
Ranch on Red Rock, I. T.
E. M. HEWINS & CO. Range on Pond Creek, I. T.
P. O. Address, Hunnewell, Kansas.
G. A. THOMPSON. Ranch on Indian Creek, I. T.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
BRIDGE & WILSON. Range on Little Sand Creek, south of Salt Ford.
P. O. Address, Caldwell, Kansas.
RHODES & ALDRIDGE. Postoffice, Springer Ranch, Hemphill Co.,
Texas. Ranch on Canadian in same county.
NORTHRUP & STEVENS. Range on head Pond Creek, I. T.
Postoffice, Anthony, Kansas.
C. F. BENNETT. P. O. Address, Pond Creek, I. T.
MOORE & ROHRER. Range on Deer Creek, I. T.
P. O., Caldwell, Kansas.
GEO. F. SMITH. Range on Pond and Crooked Creek.
Pool range. P. O. Keosaugua, Iowa.
Ben Garland is gathering above brands.
BICKFORD BROS. Postoffice address, Cantonment, I. T.
M. J. LANE. Post office address, Kiowa, Kansas.
I have in hand for sale a few very desirable Ranch properties and range stocks.
One lot of wintered heifers.
One lot of wintered 2-year old steers.
One Cattle Ranch [deeded land] with 1900 cattle, 50 saddle horses and lots of good bulls on it. A full description furnished on application.
A fine stock range in the Indian Territory for sale.
126 head of stock horses for sale.
A 1600 acre stock ranch, title perfect, with 250 stock cattle for sale.
W. C. Campbell, of Campbell & Dorsey, got in last Saturday. Their horses will be here today.
Ruf. Walker arrived on Tuesday from Southern Texas with 500 head of horses, 40 head saddle-horses. J. W. Steen will have the handling of this stock.
Hilderback & Fisher of Wichita bought 237 head of horses, mostly mares, on Monday last out of Jones’ herd. The sale was made by Mr. Steen.
Chas. E. Campbell, one of the oldest fixtures at Darlington, Ind. Ter., and a most pleasant gentleman, came up Sunday, on his way to look after some private interests at Leavenworth.
S. Tuttle has bought 300 three-year-old steers and 600 cows from the Hodgson ranch. The ranch has been sold to D. T. Beals under private conditions. The terms of sale of stock are also private.
R. P. Edward writes us from Fort Worth that he will be here on the first of June with 540 head of mares and saddle horses. Those in want of that class of stock should keep this fact in mind.
H. R. Johnson, brand inspector, at Kansas City for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, is in town on a business visit. R. H. is one of the men who always gives satisfaction to his employers.
The JOURNAL occupies the old quarters of the Post, over the Stock Exchange Bank, where stockmen, farmers, citizens, and strangers will be made welcome, particularly so if they have anything new to communicate.
Spotted Horse is no more. He departed this life last Monday morning, at the hands of the city marshal, H. N. Brown. The manner of his death and the circumstances leading thereto are about as follows.
Spotted Horse was a Pawnee Indian, whose custom it was to make periodical visits to Caldwell with one or more of his squaws, bartering their persons to the lusts of two-legged white animals in whom the dog instinct prevailed. Last Friday or Saturday Spotted Horse drove into town in a two-horse wagon, with one of his squaws, and went into camp on a vacant lot between Main and Market streets. About half past six on Monday morning he walked into the Long Branch Restaurant with his squaw and wanted the proprietors to give them breakfast. This they refused to do, when he left and wandered around town, taking in the Moreland House, where he was given a sackful of cold meat and bread. From thence he and the squaw went over to E. H. Beals’ house on Market street, north of Fifth. Mr. Beals and his family were just sitting down to breakfast when Spotted Horse and his squaw walked in without the least ceremony and demanded something to eat. Mr. Beals’ wife and daughter were considerably alarmed, and the former ordered the Indians to leave. They went out and then Spotted Horse handed to the squaw the bundle of grub he had obtained at the Moreland, and walked back into the house, up to the table, and put his hand on Miss Beals’ head. Mr. Beals immediately jumped to his feet and made signs for the Indian to go out, at the same time applying an opprobrious epithet to him. The Indian immediately pulled out his revolver, and Mr. Beals told him to get out and they would settle the trouble there. Spotted Horse put up his pistol and walked out, and Mr. Beals after him. Once outside, the Indian pulled his revolver again, and Mr. Beals seized a spade that was at hand. Just about this time Grant Harris ran up to the Indian and told him to go away, that he ought not to attack an old man. The Indian then opened out with a volley of abuse, directed to Mr. Beals, in good plain English. Young Harris finally induced him to put up his pistol and leave.
The next heard of Spotted Horse and his squaw was that they had walked into the back door of the Long Branch kitchen and helped themselves to breakfast. Louis Heironymous being the only one connected with the restaurant present in the building at the time, made no objections, and the two reds had a good feast.
It appears that after breakfast the squaw went to the wagon, while Spotted Horse strolled into Morris’ grocery, one door north of the Long Branch. Meantime a complaint had been made to city marshal Brown in reference to the Indian’s conduct at Beals’ house, and the marshal had started out to hunt him up, finally finding him in Morris’ grocery. The marshal approached Spotted Horse and requested him to go with him to Mr. Covington, in order that the latter might act as an interpreter. The Indian refused, when the marshal took hold of him. Spotted Horse didn’t like that, and commenced to feel for his revolver. The marshal pulled his out and told the Indian to stop. On the latter refusing to do so, the marshal fired at him. In all, four shots were fired by the marshal, the last one striking the Indian about where the hair came down to his forehead, and came out at the back of his head. Parties who were present state that if the officer’s last shot had failed, the Indian would have had the advantage, because he had just succeeded in drawing his revolver when the shot struck him.
The Indian was shortly after removed to the warehouse two doors north, where every attention was given him, but he died in about two hours without uttering a word, although he seemed to be conscious up to within a few moments before breathing his last.
Coroner Stevenson was telegraphed for and came down late in the afternoon, viewed the body, and held an inquest that night. On Tuesday morning, the jury brought in a verdict that the deceased came to his death by a gun shot wound in the hands of H. N. Brown, and that the shooting was done in the discharge of his duty as an officer of the law, and the verdict of the entire community is the same.
The squaw, we are told, upon hearing the first shot fired, hitched the horses to the wagon and drove off as fast as she could toward the Territory.
[Note: For some reason one of the Indian newspapers spread the word that Marshal Brown had killed Hard Rope, an Osage Indian, instead of the Pawnee Indian.]
Henry Roman-Nose left last week for Carlisle. When at school there, he commenced the tinner’s trade, but not having completed it, he felt incompetent to take charge of a shop. The tools are in the commissary, ready for use when he returns. The day he left he sent his little nephew, aged five, to the school with a note asking that he be cared for while he is away. Cheyenne Transporter.
The examination of Dr. Noble was concluded last Saturday, and he was held in $2,000 bonds for his appearance at the next term of the District Court. The defense was ably man-aged by W. A. McDonald, Wellington, and, previous to the decision of Justice Ross, the general impression was that the defendant would be discharged. In view of the fact that Everhart skipped out on the night of the first day’s examination, and has not been heard of since, it is our opinion, and the opinion of many who cannot be accused of being biased toward the Doctor, that he should have been discharged. We understand that an attachment has been issued for Everhart, but that’s all the good it will do, and the county will only be put to an extra expense for no corresponding benefit.
From John A. Blair, Wm. Corzine, and others who came up from the range on Saturday, we learn that the local round-ups have progressed in a very satisfactory manner, the gatherings being far in excess of all anticipations. So far one-half to two-thirds of the cattle have already been picked up. Cattle have not shed off as early this year as usual, and in consequence no estimate of the loss on the range for the past year can be formed until after the general round-up, which begins the 21st, inst.
The late rains make the Territory cowmen feel pretty good—so good, in fact, that they are determined to hold until prices suit them, no matter what the through drive may be.
Our friend, T. L. Lemons, writes us from Fort Reno regarding an accident which oc-curred to G. W. Gorton, of Gorton Bros., whose ranch is on Preacher Creek. Owing to a lack of space we can only give a summary of his interesting letter, to the effect that while eating breakfast on the morning of the third inst., the vulcanized rubber plate to which an upper set of teeth were attached, became broken, and was accidently swallowed by Mr. Gorton. The piece was of triangular shape and about one inch in length, and lodged in the throat. Mr. Gorton immediately started for Fort Reno, and consulted Dr. Legard, Post Surgeon, and his assistant, Dr. G. A. Thompson, who used every means to remove the obstacle, but without effect. Dr. Hodge, surgeon at the Cheyenne Agency, was called in consultation, and it was decided that the obstruction could only be removed through an external opening in the throat, and the operation was successfully accomplished by Dr. Legard, with the assistance of Drs. Thompson and Hodge. Mr. Gorton has continued to improve since the operation, and, our correspondent says, will be able to return to his ranch in a few days.
200 head of broke saddle ponies.
500 head of unbroken ponies.
1,000 head of Texas and domestic cattle of all kinds and ages.
2 pair of matched driving ponies, 2 half Norman stallions, Poland China pigs, etc. Also a splendid ranch on the State line, with or without stock.
Stock to pasture.
200 head of Texas 2-year-old heifers to fill as order.
N. S. COZAD, Live Stock Dealer, Caldwell, Kansas.
AD. J. W. Steen has 80 saddle horses and about 600 stock horses, which he will close out at a bargain. Those in want of that kind of stock will find Mr. Steen at the Leland Hotel or can apply at this office.
AD. Pasture for Stock.
I have 3,000 acres of fine pasture with good water and under fence. Would like to get horses or cattle to pasture for the season or by the year. Call on N. S. Cozad or address E. B. Eddy, Caldwell, Kansas.
AD. Texas Mares.
I will arrive in Caldwell about the 18th of May with seventy-two head of Texas Mares. All extra good and will be sold for what they will bring. WALTER RICHARDS.
Hot and Cold Lunches at All Hours.
Bar Stocked with Finest Brands of Wines, Liquors, and
(Next door to Morris’ Store.) East Side of South Main St.,
The fastest time ever made in this country by a freight train was that of the St. Louis tobacco train, which left St. Louis last Thursday night for San Francisco. It consisted of ten cars loaded to their utmost capacity, and the average time was twenty miles an hour during the entire trip. The train passed over the lines of the St. Louis & San Francisco, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and the Southern Pacific. No stops were made except for coal and water and for the purpose of oiling the engine and trucks.
W. B. HUTCHISON, Editor.
Our paper is not all we desire, but if its patrons will have patience for a few weeks, they will receive it in an enlarged shape. It is the purpose of the company to make the JOURNAL the best paper in the county, and it will do it in as short a time as possible.
Last Saturday the railroad bridge across the Arkansas at Oxford went down, taking with it the engine, tender, and one car of horses. The engineer, fireman, and road master were on the engine at the time. The last two managed to get ashore, but the engineer, Howard Finley, was drowned. Up to yesterday his body had not been recovered. We learn that the K. C. L. & S. passenger train had passed over the bridge about fifteen minutes before.
Bedford is the name the Atlantic & Pacific road has given to its terminus on the Arkansas river. The point is in the Creek Nation, and fully 100 miles east of the Chisholm trail. The country is covered with timber, and if we are not greatly mistaken, cattlemen will need a greater inducement than $10 per car to undertake the job of driving their cattle through a hundred miles of black jacks.
Cherokee Lease.
An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands West of the 96th meridian.
WHEREAS, The unoccupied lands belonging to the Cherokee Nation, lying west of the 96th meridian, held for Indian settlement under the provisions of the 16th article of the treaty of July 19th, 1866, and set apart to produce revenue from grazing by the act to which this act is amendatory, and
WHEREAS, The authorities of the United States have called upon the authorities of the Cherokee Nation for the enactment of more complete regulations to prevent abuses thereon, and
WHEREAS, It is desirable that these lands should produce revenue nearly equal to their real value so long as they remain in possession of, and under the jurisdiction of, the Cherokee Nation, therefore
Be it Enacted by the National Council, That the Principal Chief be and he is hereby authorized and directed, to execute a lease for all the unoccupied lands of the Cherokee Nation being and lying west of the Arkansas river, to E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, for the term of five years, with the privilege of renewal in consideration of a yearly rental of one hundred thousand dollars for the entire tract.
Be it Further Enacted, That the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, entering into the lease, obligate themselves that there shall be no permanent improvements on any portion of the lands so leased, and only such temporary structures as may be absolutely required for the safe and profitable grazing of the stock thereon, and that all such temporary improvements, including corrals or wire fences, are hereby declared and held to be property of the Cherokee Nation; and the said lease may be terminated on six months’ notice being given, in case the said land shall be disposed of by the Cherokee Nation. And the said parties leasing shall obli-gate themselves not to cut, use, or take any timber or other material from these lands but by agreement with the authorities of the Cherokee Nation, and in all cases to faithfully observe the Intercourse Laws of the United States, and that they shall do all in their power to prevent the stealing or removal of any timber or material from the lands so leased, by any other person or persons whomsoever, and further, that the tract herein leased shall not obstruct any mail or stage line or other necessary public highway; and said lease shall also contain a provision that on failure of said party leasing to meet all payments required by the lease, or in any other manner violating its express terms or conditions, the said lease shall be void, and may be so declared by the Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, which failure shall work forfeiture of any and all rights or interests therein; Provided, That none of the three salines reserved to the Cherokee Nation by act of Congress, or the land reserved therewith, shall be included in such lease, but shall be especially excepted therefrom.
Be it Further Enacted, That a perfect record of the lease authorized under the provisions of this act shall be kept in the office of Principal Chief, who is charged with the execution of said lease, and one in the office of the Treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, and a report thereof shall be submitted to the Council of the Cherokee Nation, at each annual session.
Be it Further Enacted, That should the lease herein granted be declared by the Principal Chief vacant by default, a fresh lease may be executed to any responsible company in accordance with the provisions of this act. And provided, That in default of any and all payments which may be due, the lease shall terminate, and all rights, privileges, or interests in any portion of such, or temporary improvements thereon shall cease.
Be it Further Enacted, That no person not a member of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association shall be permitted to graze any kind of stock upon any of the Cherokee lands, lying west of the Arkansas river, without the consent of said association, and the Principal Chief is hereby authorized to cause the removal of all such persons as intruders.
Be it Further Enacted, That said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association by any or either of the before named directors shall within thirty days, after the approval of this act, by the Principal Chief, file with him in the Executive Department of the Cherokee Nation, their acceptance of the same; whereupon the Principal Chief shall cause to be issued to the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the aforesaid Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association a lease in accordance with the provisions of this act.
Be it Further Enacted, That all acts or parts of acts in conflict with the provisions of the foregoing act is hereby repealed.
The Cherokee Council last week granted a five year lease to the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, at an annual rental of $100,000 per year. The advantages of this lease to Caldwell will be immense, because it gives an assurance of a steady and profitable business. Having an assurance that they will not be disturbed for the next five years, many of the stock men will make their homes in our city, and with their wealth and influence contribute largely toward making it one of the most substantial towns in the West.
M. J. Lane, of the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool, came up from Tahlequah Monday, and is spending a few days in the city.
J. Will Carter came up from Texas yesterday where he has been looking after the inter-ests of the Kansas City Cattle Co.
A company of Indian boys came up from Fort Reno, Saturday, and went up to Halstead to work on farms there. They were more orderly and better behaved than lots of white boys.
The National party of the Cherokee Nation have nominated Hon. D. W. Bushyhead for re-election as Principal Chief. Chief Bushyhead has made an excellent officer, and the services he has rendered his people should be recognized by an unanimous election.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller, father and mother of Ben S., and Mr. and Mrs. Bowen, father and mother of Mrs. Ben S. Miller, are here on a visit to their children. Ben started for his ranch Tuesday morning, taking his two fathers, that they might see how the cattle business is run in the Territory.
Luke Short, about whom the fuse at Dodge City was kicked up, arrived here on Monday. Mr. Short is a quiet, unassuming man, with nothing about him to lead one to believe him the desperado the Dodge mob picture him to be. He says the whole trouble arose from business jealousy on the part of Webster Nixon and others. As to his plans, he has nothing to say, but he is determined to take all legal measures possible to secure his rights.
Sheriff King, of Clay County, Texas, writes to Sheriff Thralls that he had got through in good shape with the thieves captured in the Ross party and a few days after his arrival, he took in Jim Youngblood and Mose Copeland, two more thieves. Youngblood was wounded in attempting to escape.
We find the following item in the Mobeetie Panhandle of the 18th: “The I.X. ranch has started about 2,400 head of beef cattle to market, with Caldwell as the objective point. They are in three different herds, and will be very deliberate in reaching the shipping point, as of course at this season they are not in condition to be placed upon the market.”
T. W. Montague returned last Thursday from a visit to his cattle ranch in Kingman County, and reports cattle doing finely. They have had lots of rain throughout that section, and the farmers of Kingman are anticipating large crops this year. Mr. Montague started south on Saturday to meet a lot of horses he has on the way up from Texas. Despite his age, the old man is full of life and energy, and chock full of good cow and horse sense, as Shanghai Pierce used to put it.
A couple of wagons of Pawnee men and women came in Tuesday to obtain the body of Spotted Horse. They went to the cemetery and opened the grave, but finding the body too much decomposed to permit of its removal they went through with their customary rites, replaced the body, and filled up the grave. Mayor Colson gave the Indians all the assistance he could, for which the Indians expressed great satisfaction. They left for home yesterday morning.
Thos. J. Brown, for some time employed as waiter at the Leland Hotel, forged Sam Woodson’s name to an order on Leonard for a pair of shoes last Monday, and skipped out, walking to Hirst Crossing, where he took the freight train on Tuesday. Hollister happened to be going up to Wellington on the same train, and, having been informed of Brown’s operation, picked him up and turned him over to Sheriff Thralls upon arriving at Wellington. Mr. Woodson had always treated Brown in the best manner possible, permitting him to overdraw his wages, and the fellow had not the least excuse for his crime.
Notice. There will be a meeting of the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell on Tuesday, May 29th. Business of importance with regard to concluding the lease of the Cherokee Strip will be presented. BEN S. MILLER, President.
Railroad Matters.
We learn through a private source that a project is on foot to build a road from a point on the Missouri Pacific through the border tier of counties to Caldwell, by way of Geuda Springs. Parties are at work now soliciting county and township aid, and it is likely that a proposition will be submitted to our people in a short time. That is the road we want if we can get it on anything like fair terms and under such conditions as will make it in all respects a competing line.
The mules stolen from J. L. Woods were captured, with the thief, at Pawnee Agency last week. The thief managed to get away from the officer, but the mules were brought in here last Monday and turned over to Mr. Woods.
The following named gentlemen constitute the new board of directors of the Atlantic and Pacific railway: W. B. Strong, A. E. Tonzalin, Thos. Nickerson, Levi C. Wade, and H. C. Nutt of Boston; and C. P. Huntington, Jay Gould, Jesse Seligman, Edward F. Winslow, James D. Fish, and William F. Buckley of New York. The only change is the substitution of Mr. Tonzalin for I. T. Burr. The following named officers were elected by the directors: H. C. Nutt, president, Boston; E. F. Winslow, vice-president, New York; C. S. Tuckerman, secretary and treasurer, Boston; D. L. Gallup, auditor, Boston; S. A. Williamson, land commissioner and general solicitor.
The A. & P. Bridge across the Arkansas at Tulsa, was swept away last week. A new bridge is to be put up at once.
The Muskogee Journal of the 24th says that J. Milton Turner passed north Friday on his way to Oklahoma. He has persuaded 125 Choctaw negroes to emigrate to that country, and he goes to look over the ground.
Vinita Chieftain says: “The St. Louis & San Francisco railroad is under contract for completion to Albuquerque, New Mexico, by the first of November.” Would respectfully ask the Chieftain, In November of what year?
Lower Country Items.
From the Cheyenne Transporter, May 29.
We hear of one of Littlefield’s herds being lost east of us, somewhere near the Red hills. They had 1,200 hundred head of cattle when they started, but now have only about 600.
M. H. Bennett, C. H. Stone, and A. B. Overall were all down the trail last week on business, and stopped at the agency during the high water blockade.
J. H. Seger will start for Caldwell with a choice lot of Indian Ponies, from which point he will ship to Illinois. His ponies are nice ones and ought to sell readily at fancy prices.
Work upon the new brick Arapaho school laundry building goes steadily ahead, with Mr. Sterner as workman, assisted in bricklaying by Starr and Scabby, the two Cheyenne appren-tices. Starr and Scabby are industrious Indians, and are fast becoming skillful workmen.
J. W. Steen sold a car load of horses yesterday to be shipped to Buffalo, New York.
Tell Walton came up from the round-up Tuesday, and informed us that work on the first division would commence at Colson’s range yesterday.
Earnest Broquet will arrive here about Saturday with 200 horses. They are in fine condition, and will be sold on the market here.
Ed Fenlon, one of the lessees of the Cheyenne and Arapaho lands, passed through town Friday last on his way to Cantonment to look after some cattle interests.
C. B. Bickford returned last Thursday from the Bickford Bros. Ranch on the North Fork. He reports plenty of water, excellent grass, and stock of all kinds doing well.
S. Tuttle has received a couple of imported hounds, which he will take to his ranch so that when his friends visit him they can enjoy some choice midnight music when the moon is at its full.
Capt. Sommers met Payne on the train last Saturday. Payne had but recently returned from his lecturing tour in Illinois and Indiana. He did not say what success he had. He said, however, that he was going to celebrate the Fourth of July in Oklahoma. Probably in company with those Choctaw negroes J. Hamilton Turner is taking there.
We understand from Mayor Colson that the necessary amount of subscriptions has been raised to secure a telephonic connection with Wellington, Hunnewell, and Geuda Springs. The line is in process of construction now, and work on it will be pushed to a speedy comple-tion. It will be a great convenience to our businessmen, especially during shipping season.
The Ranges to be Surveyed.
The board of directors of the Association met in this city on Tuesday afternoon, and appointed A. M. Colson chairman of the Board of Arbitration, vice H. W. Timberlake, resigned.
On motion it was ordered that the lands leased from the Cherokee Nation be divided into three divisions under the supervision of the Board of Directors, for the purpose of surveying, to ascertain the amount of territory occupied by members.
M. H. Bennett and J. W. Hamilton will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor for the Eastern division, from the 96th meridian on the east to the Chisholm trail on the west, and from the state line on the north to the southern line of the Cherokee Territory.
Major A. Drumm and Ben S. Miller will have the supervision and power to employ a surveyor, and supervise the same, from the Chisholm trail on the east to a line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company on the west.
Chas. H. Eldred and E. W. Payne will have power to employ a surveyor and superintend the same, from the line running north and south on the west line of the Texas Land and Cattle company, to the 100th meridian west, and from the south line of Kansas on the north to the south line of the Cherokee country.
The expenses of surveying each range must be paid for at the time the surveying is done, by the person occupying the range.
No other business of importance to the public was transacted. We understand the work of surveying the ranges will begin at as early a day as possible.
W. P. Herring, of the Dominion Cattle Company was in town last Monday.
J. B. Love, of the Willow Springs cattle region, called on us last week. Mr. Love reports stock all right and putting on lots of grease.
T. E. Hutton, one of the committee sent to Tahlequah to look after the interests of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, returned last Thursday, and left on Friday for his ranch.
M. H. Bennett and Asa Overall returned from the Washita country on Saturday. They failed to find anything in the cattle line that they wanted at the figures asked. The Washita folks have their ideas considerably elevated as to the value of cattle.
The following stockmen were registered at the Leland on Tuesday, their visit being occasioned by the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association: R. B. Shepard, T. F. Pryor, Anthony; I. I. Ballinger, St. Jo.; Jno. H. Allen, St. Louis; Chas. H. Eldred and Wiley Payne, Medicine Lodge; C. Mead, Arkansas City; J. W. Hamilton and Jay Forsyth, Wellington.
Major Drumm, the Nestor of the cattle business in the Territory, returned last Saturday after an absence of nearly two months. In that time he has conducted a siege at Tahlequah, in the interest of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, and it is no discredit to those who worked with him to say that principally through Major Drumm’s coolness, good judg-ment, and persistency, the rights of the Stock Association were secured.
Notice of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet at Caldwell, Kansas, on the 12th day of June, 1883, to settle any differences between members of the association in regard to lines of ranges. The parties feeling aggrieved and who intend to apply for settlement of any differences shall notify the chairman of the board, A. M. Colson of Caldwell, Kansas, as well as the party with whom they are in controversy, in writing, on or before the 10th day of June, 1883. The Board of Arbitration shall each receive the sum of $5.00 per day and all necessary traveling expenses for the time necessarily occu-pied by them. The expenses shall be paid by the parties arbitrating.
A. M. COLSON, Chairperson.
On Tuesday morning Constable McCulloch might have been seen wending his way to the office of Squire Ross. Preceding him was a lively young man of apparently twenty-five summers, or some’ers about, who bore upon his broad and stooping shoulders a heavy saddle, such as the festive cowboy is wont to sit upon while chasing the flying bovine, a saddle blanket and other paraphernalia necessary to clothe a range horse. As the two took their solemn and stately walk up to the stairs ending at the justice’s office, with the bearer of burthens in the lead, our curiosity became excited, and, following the cavalcade into the sacred precincts of justice, we ascertained that the bearer of the saddle was one who gave his name as John Caypless; that, in company with two others, he had been loafing around the outskirts of the town for three or four days; that the attention of Brown, Hollister, and Ben Wheeler had been called to the fact; that on Friday night Moores & Weller lost a saddle, which fact they reported to the police. On Monday night they ran across Mr. Caypless and interviewed him so successfully that he finally consented to show where his wicked partners —who had vamoosed the ranch—had hid the saddle. They accompanied him to the spot, which proved to be the ravine near I. N. Cooper’s place, on Fall Creek, where, hidden in a clump of bushes, the saddle was found. Mr. Caypless’ attendants, taking into consideration the fact that he had packed the saddle to its hiding place, concluded that he could carry it back to town, which he did. Caypless, on examination, was bound over, and, as the poor fellow had missed his breakfast, Mac took him to get a square meal, after which the train took him to Wellington, where he is now receiving the hospitalities of the hotel de Thralls. Had Caypless and his friends succeeded in their schemes, there is no doubt that other saddles would have been missing, likewise three good horses.
Col. P. B. Hunt, agent of the Kiowa and Comanches, came up on Saturday on his way to Washington, to which point he accompanies Sunboy and Big Bear, of the Kiowas, and White Wolf, of the Comanches, who were anxious to visit their Great Father. The Indians were in charge of W. T. Woodward, and, we were informed by Col. Hunt, pay their own expenses to Washington. We asked the Colonel if the Indians were chiefs in their tribes. “Well,” said he, “I don’t recognize any chiefs among them. I tell them that the Indian who raises the most corn and does the best farming is the chief, and the consequence is, they are making rapid advances in the way of agriculture.” We believe the Colonel has taken the right course.
Tell Walton has sold his bunch of mares and colts to parties who shipped them north.
A considerable trade was consummated this week by which E. W. Payne became the purchaser from W. W. Wood of the latter’s ranch and cattle in Comanche County. The cattle consist of something over 900 head, being 4- and 5-year-old Texas cows, domestic heifers, half-breed 2-year-old heifers, and about 300 head of 2- and 3-year old beeves. Besides the cattle, there are the ranch and outfits and nearly 1,000 acres of deeded land, well watered by Mule and Spring Creeks, and is altogether a most desirable property. The price paid was $27,500. Powel Bros.—I. N. and William—will have charge of the ranch and cattle.
Major Lipe, treasurer and tax collector of the Cherokee Nation, and one of nature’s noblemen, accompanied by James Keyes, arrived in Caldwell on Saturday and returned home Tuesday. By reference to a notice published elsewhere, it will be seen that Major Lipe or his agent will be here on or about the first of next month to settle with those indebted to the Cherokee Nation.
NOTICE. All persons holding cattle on the “Cherokee Strip,” are hereby notified that I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 1st day of July, to collect taxes due the Cherokee Nation up to the date that the lease to the Association takes effect October 1st, 1883. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, began its sessions in this city on Tuesday at 11 o’clock. The board is composed of A. M. Colson, chairman; Wm. Corzine; and D. R. Streeter. For the benefit of those who have business before the board, we give that portion of the Association’s by-laws relating to arbitration.
The Grass Leases.
On January 8th, 1883, the Indians of this agency, the Cheyennes and Arapahos, in full council and representing the two tribes, leased the western portion of their reservation for grazing purposes for a term of ten years, at an annual rental of two cents per acre, payable to the tribes in cash and cattle. The leases are:
Ed Fenton, Leavenworth, Kansas. 564,480 acres
Wm. E. Malaley, Caldwell, Kansas. 564,480 acres
H. H. Denman, Washington, D. C. 575,600 acres
J. S. Morrison, Darlington, Ind. Ter. 138,240 acres
L. M. Criggs, Muscotah, Kansas [?] 168,180 acres
A. G. Evans, St. Louis, Missouri. 606,900 acres
R. D. Hunter, St. Louis, Missouri. 500,000 acres
This yields a yearly revenue of $62,357.60 to the Indians for a term of ten years, and is in every way as advantageous a lease to the Indians as is the Cherokee Strip lease. As a public enterprise, it is one of the most important moves made in cattle circles this season, and its success will result in the Indians eventually becoming self-supporting with cattle herds of their own. Cheyenne Transporter.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, June 14, 1883. [From Winfield Telegram.]
W. E. Colgate Found Guilty.
Most of our readers are already familiar with the facts connected with the history of this case. On the night of August 12th, Bliss & Wood’s mill was destroyed by fire; September 9th, W. H. Colgate was arrested and confessed to the crime of burning the books of the firm; he had his trial, and by a peculiar freak of the jury, was acquitted. It was generally supposed that this ended the case, although the action of the jury was severely criticized by many. He was, however, re-arrested on a charge of arson in the fourth degree, and for eighteen days occupied the attention of the last term of court. The case was given to the jury, who, after a tussle of thirty-eight hours, brought in a verdict of guilty. Efforts were immediately made by his council, Hackney & Asp, for a new trial, which was denied. The court then ordered the prisoner to stand up. In response to the question whether he had anything to say why sentence should not be passed upon him, he said he had not. He was then sentenced to three years in the penitentiary at hard labor. With the exception of a slight change of color, Colgate gave no sign, no indication of the effect the sentence had upon him. Smith, the horse thief, was also brought into court and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. They were taken to Leavenworth by Sheriff Gary Tuesday.
We find the following items in the Cheyenne Transporter of the 10th, last.
George Washington, a Caddo, well known and respected among the whites from Texas to the north line of the old Osage reservation in Kansas, died week before last at his home on the South Canadian, at the age of 73 years.
George left considerable property, but for all that and his adoption of many of the white man’s ways, the Transporter says he was buried in true Caddo style.
Preparations are being made for a grand celebration of the Fourth of July during the day at Reno and at night at the agency.
A. M. Walker, manager for Oburn & Montgomery, is down the country fixing to receive cattle for his firm to turn in on their Indian beef contract. The first herd of 1,100 head has already arrived.
It is announced that Ben Goode will be the inspector for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at this and the Wichita Agency. John Carmack, the recent Inspector, was obliged by bad health to relinquish the position.
The three race horses, Cow Pony, Long Branch, and Bulger, stolen last fall from George Bent, were captured on the Panhandle a couple of weeks ago, and were delivered to George last week. He valued these horses highly, and paid a reward of $100 each for their return. They were stolen by a member of the Kutch gang of stock thieves, and the thief is now jailed at Henrietta, Texas.
The rate on cattle has been fixed by the Frisco road at $60 per car from Vinita, $65 from Tulsa, and $67.50 from Red Fork, the station across the river. Western cattlemen are said to laugh at the expectations of heavy shipments, as there is so much wooded country to pass through that the losses from strays would be very heavy. Indian Journal.
The Journal is quite right regarding the wooded country and laughing business.
J. H. Seger will have a lot of Indians’ ponies here for sale the last part of this and fore part of next week.
D. T. Beals’ first Panhandle beef herd of 3,000 head arrived on Turkey Creek on Monday of last week, and were turned into Hodgson’s pasture to finish for market.
J. S. Tate & Bro. sold the remainder of their horse herd—67 head—to Tell W. Walton last Friday, and left for Texas on Monday. Tell sold the stock to Mr. A. Dorsey on Friday evening.
Two Deaths by Drowning.
We have to record this week the loss of two lives by drowning last Friday.
One was that of Green Wise, in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey. Mr. Campbell had sent him from Arkansas City with a message to Mr. Dorsey, who was in Caldwell. Wise rode one horse and led another, and when last seen he had stopped at Mr. Gilbert’s, on the east side of Chikaskia, late Friday afternoon and inquired as to the crossing. From there he went to a rock crossing at Mr. Gillett’s place. At all events the tracks made by his horses where they went in on the other side and came out on this side were plainly seen. The horses were found by Mr. Gillett about dark that evening, and it is supposed that Wise was swept off the horse he was riding, and carried down the stream, as the current was very strong at the point where he attempted to cross.
Word was brought to Mr. Dorsey on Friday night, and on Saturday morning he engaged Messrs. Bates, Fletcher, and Wilson to search for the body. They worked all day Saturday and Sunday, but owing to the high stage of the water, no trace of the unfortunate young man’s remains could be found.
Green Wise was a young man who had been in the employ of Campbell & Dorsey for over three years, and enjoyed their confidence and respect. We understand he has some relatives living a few miles west of this city.
Frank Wynant, who was well known to many of our citizens, and who bore an excellent character as a young man, was the other unfortunate who lost his life in the wild waters. In company with two others, whose names we did not learn, he attempted to cross the Arkansas river near Geuda Springs. At that point there are two wire cables stretched across the river about fifty feet apart, the upper one being used by the ferry boat. When nearly in the middle of the river, the boat was upset by the angry flood, and the men drifted down to the upper cable, which they managed to grasp and hang onto, with their backs up stream. They had not been in this position more than a couple of minutes, when a large log borne on the tide struck the men, throwing them over the wire and breaking their hold. They were carried down to the second wire, which they succeeded in grasping; but Wynant held on for a moment, when he dropped down, never to be seen again by his companions or the people on the shore. The other two worked their way along the cable toward the east shore, and were finally rescued. Two others started out in a boat from the west side to rescue the men, when their boat was swamped, and had it not been for the timely assistance of those on shore they would also have been swept down the stream.
Frank Wynant was the support of his family, his mother having been an invalid for the past two years. Mrs. Wynant was at the Springs receiving treatment when tidings were brought her of the fate of her son. She was almost heart-broken with grief, and it was feared that she would not survive the terrible blow.
The Arbitration Board have had their hands full since Tuesday. Only three cases have been brought before the Board up to the present writing, and they have been settled to the satisfaction of all concerned, so far as can be learned. There remain several difficult cases to be investigated and decided upon, but judging by what has already transpired, but little trouble will be experienced in settling matters to the best interests of all concerned.
J. S. Morter, who stretched the wire for S. Tuttle & Co., writes to Mr. Tuttle, from Gainesville, under date of June 6th, as follows.
“If you can get me a good job of work, I would be very thankful. I have a contract for 70 miles in the Chickasaw Nation, but Gov. Overton is cutting the wire between every post. He has cut down several large pastures of wire within forty miles of Gainesville. He fired the rail fence of Mr. Roff, a native, in fifty places yesterday. Washingtons are cutting down their fence today with 100 men, in order to save the wire.”
Banks Wilson had quite an experience in the Chikaskia river at the South Haven crossing, last Saturday. He attempted to cross on horseback, and was thrown off, one of his spurs catching in the rope on the saddle. After considerable difficulty, he managed to extricate himself and reach the west shore, where he undressed, left his clothes on the bank, and started back after the horse, which by this time had turned back and swam to the east side. Mounting the horse, Banks rode down to the mill, got a pair of pants, and requested the miller to send after his clothes. A boy was sent up, but when he arrived at the place where the garments had been left, someone had found them, and the story was stated that another man had gone down in the flood. Banks went on to Hunnewell, where he obtained another suit and came home by rail, leaving his horse at Hunnewell. He says he did not get frightened until he was safe on dry land, when the thought of what he had gone through and how near he came to being drowned scared him so that he shivered. Up to the present the clothes he left on the bank have not been returned to him, but he thinks they will turn up in a few days.
Horse Market.
Since the first drove of horses reached Caldwell, there have been sold over 4,000 head of horses and ponies. There are still on hand between 2,000 and 3,000 head. The horse drovers have done well at Caldwell this year. So have the buyers, and both parties are satisfied. If there are any of our Eastern readers who want horses or ponies, now is their time to come to the front. In two weeks from this time, stock of that kind will be scarce on the range.
Wm. VanHook, in charge of the Geo. Miller ranch, was in town Tuesday and gave the JOURNAL the benefit of his smile.
D. H. Doty, of Leavenworth, passed through town last week on his way to the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency, where he expects to start a trading store. He was accompanied by W. N. Hubbell, who, we understand, will be associated with Mr. Doty. It will make a strong team, because there is no man who has more friends in the lower country than W. N. Hubbell.
The following stockmen are here in attendance upon the Arbitration committee: T. H. Stevens, O. F. Casteen, C. C. Clark, O. S. Northrup, of Anthony; Fin. Ewing, F. H. Shelly, M. Strong, of Medicine Lodge; Charles W. Moore, M. J. Lane, Sam T. Ishmael, J. W. Carter, of Eagle Chief; N. B. Roberts, J. H. Windsor, A. D. Windsor, of Titusville, Pennsylvania (the two former are accompanied by their wives); John W. Blair, of Pond Creek; Ben Garland, city; John Tucker, Wichita; W. J. Hodge and J. H. Tornberien, Winfield; Capt. Nipp, C. M. Crocker, D. F. Fagins, Tipton Brothers, Arkansas City; W. Wicks, Hunnewell; Pink Fouts, Willow Springs; and a number of others whose names our reporter failed to obtain.
The Oklahoma Pilgrim, is the title of a newspaper started at Burrton, Harvey County, by W. H. Osburn, Payne’s private secretary and right bower in several raids made into the Terri-tory. The farce last February was too much for Osburn and he gives Payne the “shake,” for reasons which he sets forth in the following article. Mr. Osburn’s article confirms what we have stated heretofore, and coming from one of Payne’s confidential advisers, it should have some weight with those who still believe that Payne is able or willing to carry out all the hifalutin promises he has made and is still making.
“Many will criticize me and my colony for the step we are taking. Now I will say (and no one can dispute it), that so long as Payne acted in good faith for the opening of Oklahoma, I worked hard with him. I never grumbled at his drinking and borrowing of money, which he never paid back, as some have, I considering that outside of our business; but when I became fully satisfied that he was not for the opening of Oklahoma, then I was done with him, for I want a home there and want all the colonists, and others that see fit to go, to have homes, and have taken the course we are now pursuing to help accomplish that end. It prob-ably is necessary for me to give some reason for coming to the conclusion that Payne does not want to open Oklahoma. I have many very plain demonstrations of that fact, but of course cannot give them all here. I think the captain’s conduct on our last trip, which many know about, is sufficient to prove my views. It will be remembered by all, that our arrange-ments were to go to Oklahoma, and go to stay; as we hauled out and as we went some 700 strong, it was thought we would stay. On our road down the captain would give us a speech occasionally, always assuring us the victory was ours, that all that was necessary was for us to stay by him, that he would suffer his throat cut from ear to ear, and his arms torn from his body sooner than surrender; that if a negro soldier laid hands on him, that negro was to be laid low, or at least get the full force of Payne’s muscle. Well, let us see how the thing came out. We finally got safely camped on the North Canadian, when about 80 to 100 soldiers came, pitched their camp nearby, and after a time the lieutenant came into our camp and had a private talk of about one half hour with Captain Payne, and in a few minutes Captain Payne went with the lieutenant to their camp and gave themselves up without any resistance what-ever. He gave the colony no chance to protect him. Captain had never organized his men, and, of course, when he was gone the whole camp was demoralized, and men began to say I am sold, I am ready to go home, and away they went.
“Now why did he demoralize his men in this way? We think it was because he knew if he stayed with his men that Oklahoma was open and that would not suit him. Now it may be we judge wrong, and if Payne can give any reason for doing as he did, we will be glad to hear from him. Now Payne had surrendered and returned home time and again, and of course knew that no good could result from that way of doing. And as he had six or seven men to one soldier, so he could stay, how can it be only as we have it? But we are ready for an explanation.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, convened on the 12th, inst., adjourned on Friday, and on Monday resumed the task of settling disputes over ranges and range lines.
The first case before the Board was that of J. A. Hammers & Co., against Northrup & Co. After a portion of the evidence had been given, the parties, by advice of the Board, settled the dispute among themselves, and to the satisfaction of all concerned.
The next one was the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell & Co. This case occupied the entire day, the decision of the Board being that Broadwell was entitled to a range of 15,000 acres.
The next one was the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool of the Texas Land and Cattle Com-pany. This was a dispute about water on Sand Creek, and the Board, after hearing the state-ments from both sides, divided the creek equally between the two.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, owing to the absence of the defendants, was continued until the next meeting of the Board.
The case of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates A. Thompson was continued until the next meeting.
The case of John Love & Son vs. Standard Oil Co., P. Fouts, Manager, was next heard. Plaintiff moved for a continuance. Motion refused, and the Board decided that as plaintiff had no tax receipt, or other evidence that they had paid for range privileges, and there being nothing to show that they had a range, therefore, plaintiffs had no rights before the Board. The representatives of the defendants protested against the name “Standard Oil Co.” It was therefore ordered by the Board that the same should be changed to “Roberts & Windsor.”
The case of Crocker vs. Hollenback was reported as compromised.
The case of P. J. Burroughs vs. Richmond was decided by giving Burroughs a strip of two miles bordering on the Nez Perces reservation and claimed by Richmond.
On Friday morning the case of Colson & McAtee vs. Rees & Stoller was called and continued until next regular meeting.
The Board then adjourned until Monday, June 18.
On Monday, June 18, the Board reassembled and remained in session until Tuesday afternoon, and adjourned to meet at the call of the President. The cases disposed of were Casteen & McDonald vs. J. W. Hammers & Co. The decision of the Board was that Casteen’s range be as follows: “Commencing on the State line one fourth of a mile west of the sheep camp on Middle Crooked Creek; thence south to the old Manning & Nicholson fire guard; thence west on line of the guard to Rhodes east line.”
The case of M. Blair & Co. vs. Windsor Bros. was continued until next meeting of the Board.
Only two appeals were filed with the Board: that of Broadwell against the decision of the Board in the case of the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool vs. Broadwell; the other the appeal of J. P. Richmond in the case of Burroughs vs. Richmond. With the exception of these two cases, all the decisions of the Board have given satisfaction so far as we can learn.
The Leases Settled.
The following is from the Vinita Chieftain of the 15th inst.
Just as we go to press the following message was handed to us.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 14th, 1883.
EDITOR CHIEFTAIN, Vinita, I. T. Conveyances for occupied lands west of ninety-six degrees signed today. Money to be expended under act of council. (Signed) D. W. BUSHY-HEAD, Principal Chief.
That terrible Democrat, Bill McDonald, of Wellington, was in the city on Tuesday, and we sought to interview him, after this fashion.
“Well, Mr. McDonald, how are politics in Wellington?”
Mac put on his most solemn holy countenance, and, looking suspiciously at us, replied:
“Young man, there are no politics—no politics. Don’t you know there can’t be any poli-tics while wheat harvest is going on and the farmers have all they can do to keep the weeds out of their corn? No, my son, there are no politics.”
“Well,” said our reporter, “how’s religion? You certainly must have some religion in Wellington.”
“Yes, sir; yes, sir; plenty of religion. I think I listened to one of the finest sermons yester-day I ever heard in my life. When you strike me on religion, I am ready to talk thereon; I know nothing about politics.”
“But, Bill,” replied our reporter, “do they preach on Monday in your town?” You know, of course that yesterday was not Sunday.”
Mac: “Why do you give me away in that style? If you had kept your mouth shut, not a man in Caldwell would have known but what yesterday, or any other day in the week, was Sunday?”
Mac thereupon tucked his cane under his arm, waved an adieu, and sallied out in the direction of the Leland hash foundry.
Last Saturday the stage coach brought in from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency eight Indian police, dressed in their uniforms, but having on at the same time various ornaments suited to the red man’s peculiar notions of personal adornment. Their mission here was to act as an escort to Wm. Malaley, who left on Saturday night with the money to be paid the Cheyennes and Arapahos for the lease of the western portion of their reservation. The names of the Indians were given us by Mr. J. A. Covington, and they are as follows: Black Wolf, Bear’s Lariat, Coming Horseback, and Medicine Pipe, Arapahos; Prairie Chief, Bird Chief, Brass Hat, and Red Bird, Cheyennes. Black Wolf is a Lieutenant of Police, and Prairie Chief a Sergeant. They were rather a fine looking lot of Indians, and seemed to feel the importance of their mission.
J. A. Covington informs us that on the night of the 12th a couple of mare ponies were stolen from the Arapaho train while it was camped near town. One of them was a dun, six years old, branded B on right hip and shoulder. The other was blue or mouse colored, eight years old and branded OC on right hip. Mr. Seger says that while he was herding his horses south of the stockyards, a man riding one pony and leading another passed by his herd going straight west. Mr. Covington has sent word to all the camps west, and it is possible the thief may be picked up.
W. E. Bridge returned from the round-up last Friday. He left the round-up at the Comanche County Pool range, which will be finished up this week.
Colson & McAtee have bought all the McLain cattle, consisting of 1,300 head, including bulls. The cattle will be branded at once and turned into the Colson & McAtee pasture.
A Trail to Dodge.
Complaints have been made to us that the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association has not made suitable provisions for a trail between Caldwell and Dodge City. The stock men com-posing the Association have received at the hands of the citizens of Caldwell every assistance and every courtesy which could be expected, and a spirit of just reciprocity on their part would seem to dictate a course beneficial to the interests of the former. By having an open trail between the two places, drovers would not be compelled to rely upon one market. If Dodge didn’t suit them, they could come to Caldwell, and vice versa. We mention the matter at this time, in order that the Board of Directors, at their next meeting, may give it due con-sideration, and if possible, remove all cause for dissatisfaction upon the part of through drovers and the businessmen of Caldwell.
The Secretary of War has transmitted to the Interior Department the following telegram from General Pope. “Ft. Leavenworth, June 25. To the Secretary of War, Washington, D. C.: David L. Payne has applied to the United States circuit court today for an injunction against yourself and me, restraining us from interfering with his entrance to and occupation of the Oklahoma districts in the Indian Territory. This application brings up for decision the whole question of the status of the Oklahoma district. I sent the papers served on you and myself jointly to the United States District Attorney for Kansas, who requested that we report the facts to Washington, in order that instructions may be sent him. The case needs immediate attention, and I request that the District Attorney for Kansas be telegraphed to at once to attend to the case.”
Secretary Lincoln adds that he has furnished a copy of the telegram to the Attorney General, with a request that he take the necessary measures to meet the application.
A band of Cheyennes and Arapahos, with thirty-four wagons, arrived last Sunday after flour on the new contract.
Lieut. Jno. H. Gardiner arrived from Fort Riley last Friday with 300 colored recruits, which he turned over to Capt. H. Carrol. Capt. Carrol left for Ft. Reno with the recruits on Friday night.
Hunter & Hill finished Malaley & Musgrove’s wire fence of twenty miles on Thursday of last week, doing the work in eight days. On Friday they began work on Marion Blair’s pasture.
The brands of the New York Cattle Co. will be found in this issue. The company do a good thing in offering a reward for the conviction of any person or persons guilty of redating upon any of the stock in their brands.
Cattle branded K H on both sides. Earmark: Underslope each ear. Range on Wolf Creek, Indian Territory. P. O. Address, Camp Supply, I. T.
Additional Brands: SKIPPED THIS PART.
$250.00 Reward. The New York Cattle Company will pay a reward of $250.00 for any person or persons found redating upon any of the stock in the above named brands.
S. JACKSON, Manager.
The Board of Arbitrators entered this morning upon the work of settling up eighteen more disputes about ranges. The Board of Directors of the Association meet next Monday to act upon all appeals coming before them.
Miss Amy Scott, one of the teachers at the Cheyenne and Arapaho schools, passed through town on Monday, on the way to West Branch, Iowa, with three Arapaho and four Cheyenne girls. The school at West Branch is on the order of a seminary for Indian girls, and the dusky maidens who go there under the charge of Miss Scott hope to graduate with all the honors of their white sisters coming from a similar institution.
Posts and wire for fencing on the Strip are going down quite lively. The posts are shipped from Missouri, about fifty miles southeast of Pierce City. The freight on them, over the Frisco line to Wichita, a distance of over 200 miles, costs in the neighborhood of $50 per car, and from Wichita to Caldwell $35 to $40 per car for a sixty mile haul. Of course, there is no discrimination about this; but then it looks very queer, when the difference in the length of haul is considered.
The last Cheyenne Transporter contains the following items.
Fanny Morning, who went to Carlisle last fall, returned this week. We are sorry to find her so feeble, but hope that this climate and the free, home life may restore her. She is very happy to be at home once again among her friends. Her trip from Caldwell was made comfortable and pleasant by the kindness of Mr. Malaley.
Through the kindness of Agent Miles, children and employees were granted a holiday to witness the money issue. The children were anxious to get their share, and several suits of clothes, hats, shirts, etc., were purchased. The parents and friends of the school children were very liberal to them, giving many of them from $10 to $15, and very few receiving less than $5.
It is the usual custom of the Nez Perces to make annual visits to their neighboring tribes to witness the “Medicine dances,” etc. As it is customary among all Indians to present their guests with some ponies, the Nez Perces, of course, make this the main object of these visits. This year they came too late to receive gifts from the Cheyennes. Last year the visiting committee of the Nez Perces received at an Arapaho dance some twenty-seven head of ponies. Last Friday Yellow Bull, Chief Joseph, Jr., accompanied by about forty Nez Perces, arrived at this place, remaining a few days, and then passed down the trail to the Wichita Agency, where the Comanches are holding a “Medicine dance.” This heathen custom is not practiced by the Nez Perces, but they take a great interest in the dancing of other Indians—their main object being to get a choice lot of ponies.
Important to Stock Shippers.
KANSAS CITY, June 30, 1883.
HARRY HILL. Dear Sir: Will you please advise stock men shipping to Kansas City, to send one of their own men with their cattle, so they can see the strays, if any. The most of these men send a shipper, and he does not know one brand from another. It does not cost as much to send one of their own men, and everybody would be better satisfied about the cattle cut out. Yours respectfully, H. R. JOHNSON, Inspector.
Major D. W. Lipe, accompanied by his brother, C. C. Lipe, and Dave Faulkner, arrived last Friday, and is prepared to receive taxes for holding stock on the Strip.
Perry Ewing, T. S. Hutton, Banks Wilson, H. Hodgson, W. Butler, and H. E. Bridge, came up from the range last Sunday for the purpose of taking in the Fourth.
B. H. Campbell, accompanied by L. H. Sweet of Chicago, passed through town last Monday, on their way to the Canadian, for the purpose of looking after their cattle interests.
Sylvester Flitch, from the forks of the Cimarron and the Rackensack, put in an appearance this morning. Syl says that owing to the operations of “them cattle fellers” at Kansas City and Chicago, he has nothing to sell at present.
A Full and Correct Copy.
Duly Signed by the Contracting Parties.
THIS INDENTURE made this fifth day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883), by and between Dennis W. Bushyhead, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, for and on behalf of said nation, party of the first part, and
E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, Directors in trust, for and on behalf of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Kansas, for themselves as directors in trust, their successors in trust, and assigns, parties of the second part, witnesseth:
That the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the rents, covenants, and agreements hereinafter mentioned, reserved and contained on the part, and in behalf of the party of the second part, and their successors in trust, and assigns, to be well and faithfully kept and performed, doth by authority of law in him vested, as Principal Chief, by and through an act of the National Council, which said Act is entitled, “An Act to amend an Act to tax stock grazing upon Cherokee Lands west of the 96th meridian, approved in special session May 19th, A. D. 1883, which said act is specially referred to, and made part of these presents, does by these presents, lease for grazing purposes only, unto the aforesaid E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust as aforesaid, their successors and assigns, parties of the second part, all and singular, the unoccupied lands of, and belonging to the Cherokee Nation, being and lying west of the 96th meridian, and west of the Arkansas river, not including any portion occupied, sold, and conveyed to the Pawnee, Poncas, Nez Perces, Otoes, and Missouris, Osages, and Kansas Indians, or the Salines, set apart to be leased separately under act of Congress, approved August 7th, A. D., 1882, as hereinafter set forth; the said portion herein leased for grazing purposes containing six million (6,000,000 acres) of acres of land, more or less, and lying east of the one hundredth meridian (100 meridian) and the said hereinbefore named parties of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall, for the purposes herein set forth, have and hold the above mentioned and described premises from and after the first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three (1883) for, and during the term and period of five years, thence next ensuing from said date, subject to the qualifications, restrictions, and forfeitures, hereinafter provided for, and upon yielding and paying for the same, the amount of money as hereinafter provided for. And the parties of the second part, the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust, as aforesaid, hereby covenant and agree on behalf of themselves, as such directors in trust for said Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, and not otherwise, in consideration hereof and of the leasing aforesaid, to pay on the order of the Principal Chief aforesaid, into the Treasure of the Cherokee Nation; at Tahlequah, Indian Territory, yearly, and for each and every one of said five years, the annual sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) lawful money of the United States, the same to be paid in two equal, semi-annual payments, to be made, and so paid in advance, to wit: on the first day of October and first day of April, in each and every year during the said term. Provided always, and it is further covenanted and agreed between the said parties hereto, that if the said semi-annual payment in advance or any part thereof shall remain unpaid after the expiration of thirty days after the date, the same shall become due as herein agreed to be paid, or if default shall be made in any of the covenants hereinbefore or hereinafter set forth, or as contained and required by the act of the National Council, approved May 19th, A. D., 1883, aforesaid, on the part and in behalf of the said parties of the second part, then and from thence forth it may be lawful, and is agreed that said Principal Chief, or his successors in office may declare this lease to be forfeit and annulled, and the said party of the first part may enter into and resume possession of the premises herein leased.
And it is further agreed, in accordance with the act of said Cherokee Council, that in case the lands herein before described, or any part of them included in the terms of this lease, shall be disposed of under present existing laws or laws hereafter to be passed by the Congress of the United States, by the said Cherokee Nation, that on the party of the first part giving six months notice thereof to the party of the second part, that then and in that event, the terms and conditions of this lease, and the lease thereof shall terminate, on the expiration of the said six months from the date of said notice, to all or any portion of said tract of unoccupied Cherokee land, thus sold or disposed of, and the parties to whom the said lands or any portion of them should then be disposed of or sold to, may enter into and take possession of the same, but then, and in that event the said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, shall not be chargeable with rent on the lands so sold, but shall be allowed a rebate on all subsequent payments; made on account of this lease at the rate of one and two-thirds (1-2/3) cents per acre per annum on the lands so sold or disposed of.
Further, it shall be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to erect on said lands such fences, corrals, and other improvements as may be neces-sary, and proper, and convenient for the carrying on of their business, and for utilizing said lands for the purpose for which they are leased.
And in case this lease shall be terminated as to all or any part of said lands, by the disposal of the same as heretofore provided and set out, the said party of the second part shall have the right to remove all of said improvements, fences, and corrals, except such portions thereof as may be made from the timber or other property of the Cherokee Nation, or timber for which has been obtained from the aforesaid tract.
It shall further be the privilege of said party of the second part, their successors and assigns, to cut from the territory herein leased, such timber as may be necessary for building the fences, corrals, and improvements heretofore authorized to be erected on said leased premises, and to cut from said lands such timber as may be necessary for firewood and fuel, but not otherwise, and to commit no waste thereon.
And the said party of the second part doth further covenant and agree with the said Dennis W. Bushyhead, as aforesaid, and as parts and conditions of this lease or contract, well and truly, and without deduction or delay, to make all payments as required in the foregoing, in the manner limited and prescribed; and in case of any failure as aforesaid, the said party of the second part agrees that they will peaceably surrender the premises herein leased, and all improvements and erections thereon. And the said party of the second part, their suc-cessors and assigns, further agree and obligate themselves, and this is one of the conditions of this lease, to make no permanent improvements (the improvements, the right to make which is hereinbefore granted, being temporary improvements) on the aforesaid premises or leased tract, and only temporary improvements, as authorized by the act of the Cherokee Council approved May 19, 1883, hereinbefore referred to; and on the expiration of the lease, or its being declared forfeited by default in the payment, as hereinbefore provided, then, and in either event, all improvements, structures, or erections thereon shall be and become the property of the Cherokee Nation, and said Nation shall have possession of the same, and all and singular of such erections and improvements shall absolutely revert to, and become the property of, said Cherokee Nation, party of the first part.
And the said party of the second part further covenants and agrees with the said party of the first part, as one of the conditions of this lease, that they will cut no timber for removal from said lands, or take or remove any material or property being part of the premises so leased, or remove or ship material therefrom, and that they will use all due diligence to prevent the cutting or removing of any timbers or other material therefrom, and that they will faithfully observe the Intercourse laws of the United States; that they will obstruct no mail or stage line, and that they will not interfere with the Salines, located, or to be located, under the provisions of the act of Congress before mentioned, approved August 7, A. D. 1882.
And it is agreed between the parties of the first and second parts, that the grounds excepted and reserved from, and not included in, the terms of this lease, necessary for the manufacture of salt at the said Salines, may and shall not exceed in the aggregate, for said Salines and all of them, one hundred thousand acres, with a right of way to and from said Salines, such as may be required properly to work them. And the party of the second part do hereby obligate themselves, for themselves as directors in trust aforesaid, their successors and assigns, well and truly to observe and faithfully execute all and singular of the foregoing agreements and covenants, which are declared to be part of the agreement in consideration of which this lease is granted.
And the said party of the first part, Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, in accordance with the act of the National Council as aforesaid, and on condition of the faithful payment of the sums of money, as hereinbefore stipulated, in the manner and with the conditions hereinbefore prescribed, and as the further condition that the said party of the second part will well and truly fulfill all the conditions, covenants, and agreements herein set forth, doth covenant and agree by these presents that the said E. M. Hewins, J. W. Hamilton, A. J. Day, S. Tuttle, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, A. Drumm, E. W. Payne, and Charles H. Eldred, directors in trust for the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, their successors in trust and assigns, shall, and may at all times during the said term, subject to the conditions as aforesaid, peaceably hold and enjoy all the privileges of lease on the said premises, free, clear, and harmless, from any let or hindrance whatsoever, together with all privileges and rights of said party of the first part in reference to the same according to law and treaty stipulation.
Signed and sealed this 5th day of July, A. D. 1883.
D. W. BUSHYHEAD, Principal Chief of Cherokee Nation.
E. M. HEWINS, J. W. HAMILTON, A. J. DAY, S. TUTTLE, M. H. BENNETT, ANDREW DRUMM, BEN S. MILLER, E. W. PAYNE, CHARLES H. ELDRED, Directors of Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Payne, it seems, is determined that the troops at Reno shall not enjoy an inglorious ease, while he exists, as he is making preparations to take into Oklahoma the half dozen followers who still think he is the greatest man on earth.
W. M. Allison has sold the Wellingtonian to Samuel L. Hamilton & Chas. W. Morse. What the latter gentlemen expect to do with the concern is one of those mysteries the future alone can develop. Allison has made a good thing out of the transaction, which fact one might rejoice over were it not for the fact that a portion of his financial success is due to a sacrifice of principle.
On the first page will be found the lease made by and between the Cherokee Nation and the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. If there is anything in legal verbiage, it is strong enough to hold both sides up to the scratch (no reference to wire fences) under any and all circumstances. Those who are hunting around for a range on the Strip will do well to give the lease a careful perusal.
Some interesting sinner with more affection for railroads than regard for the rights of the people, has induced the Vinita Chieftain to publish an article slobbering over the A. T. & S. F. Railroad company. The Chieftain fails to understand the fact that John Jones, Peter Ludgruber, Sam Sawbones, and Rev. Plumpkins of Boston don’t invest their inherited millions in railroads for Kansas or any other country for simple amusement. Neither do they send out their sons, sons-in-law, nephews, or their wives’ able bodied relatives to manage their investments simply because the atmosphere of Kansas is salubrious and the nights so refreshing that blankets are a necessity to enjoy a comfortable sleep. Oh, no. They put their money in Kansas railroads because it pays. Because they get land grants, because they get local subsidies, and because they can form coal, freight, and other rings of which some of the innocent stockholders know nothing about.
Were we to venture a word of advice to the Chieftain, we would say: Don’t waste any of your tender-hearted exuberance upon any railroad company in Kansas. They are not suffering for it, and while their managers may commend your innate kindness, at the same time they will quietly throw a wink on one side and go on reaping the harvest lying almost to their hands. They will do more. So soon as they find another St. John, they will make use of him to distract the attention of the people from the unjust discriminations made by rail-roads against persons and places. But enough of this for the present. Next week we shall endeavor to find space for the Chieftain’s article and a review of it from data in our possession.
From the Wellington Press: The Belle Plaine wagon bridge over the Ninnescah gave way last Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. S. L. McMullen, of Harper, was driving a herd of horses across it. The two spans next to Belle Plaine went through with 50 horses, 9 of which were killed outright, six more were shot in mercy, and several others are cut badly, have eyes put out, etc. The facts in the case seem to be that the bridge was very rotten, and Mr. McMullen drove more horses onto it than the law allows, and that the horses were on a trot. It is very doubtful whether the county is liable for the loss.
H. Hodgson has moved his cattle to Montana.
Mrs. C. H. Manning, accompanied by her family, left on Tuesday’s train to join her husband at his ranch in Kingman County, where they will remain until Mr. Manning decides whether to locate in Kingman or Harper. The Manning family were held in the highest esteem by the people of Caldwell, where they have resided for the past four years. Miss Myra will be greatly missed, as she was a general favorite among all who knew her. We heartily commend them to the good people of Harper or Kingman, where they will be followed by the best wishes of their Caldwell friends.
Keeling & Co., have at their store one of the finest saddles we have ever seen. It was made by P. H. Sharpe & Son, the well-known saddle manufacturers at Omaha, Nebraska, on special order sent by Mr. H. C. Keeling, and cost $100. It is a California saddle, full-rigged, of California leather, and with raised stamped work all done by hand. The principal design is that of a horseman lassoing a Texas steer, the lasso extending across the entire skirt, and the figures stamped on the corners. A child’s head ornaments the cantle, and the fenders are adorned with a figure of a horse and in profusion. The cinches are leathered and stamped to match the saddle. The leggins and bridle that go with the saddle are valued at $25. Taking the rig altogether, it is one which any cattleman might be happy to own. Messrs. Sharpe & Son deserve great credit for turning out so elegant a specimen of the saddler’s art.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association began its session on Monday afternoon, and adjourned until Tuesday. Up to the time of going to press no decision had been made on the appeals before the Board.
Among other business the following was transacted by the Board.
We, the directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, now in session, request all members of this Association owing taxes to the Cherokee Nation for grazing on said strip, up to the 1st day of October, 1882, to pay the same at their earliest convenience, to D. W. Lipe, treasurer and collector of said Nation, at Caldwell, Kansas.
Resolved, That what is now known and mapped out by the committee on quarantine grounds, as quarantine land, south of Caldwell, Kansas, be and the same is by this Board of Directors declared to be for the use of shippers of marketable cattle, and that no member of this Association or other person shall fence or be permitted to fence on said land for any other purpose than the purpose herein mentioned.
Moved and carried that the trail heretofore known as the Fort Griffin and Dodge City trail, running north through the western portion of the Cherokee Strip be, and the same is hereby fixed at three miles of an average in width through the Strip, and that members of this Association who fence their ranges joining on this trail shall leave one and a half mile on an average, to each side from the center of the trail.
The action of the board, on the quarantine grounds, and the trail to Dodge City and the Fort Griffin trail is highly commendable, and will give great satisfaction to through drovers. It shows that the Association is determined to respect the rights of all parties engaged in the cattle business, and affords every facility for marketing stock at such points, as owners may deem proper for their best interests.
The case of Windsor & Roberts vs. Love & Son, on appeal of the latter from the decision of the Board of Arbitration, the Board of Directors sustained the decision of the Arbitrators, to the effect that Love & Son, having failed or refused to pay taxes to the Cherokee Nation for pasture privileges, had no range rights.
The case of Burroughs vs. Gardenhire, next claimed the attention of the Board, the Arbitrators having decided that Burroughs was entitled to a strip two miles wide adjoining the west side of the Nez Perces reservation. The testimony before the Board of Directors was to the effect that Burroughs had obtained a grazing permit from the Cherokee Tax Collector, but through misrepresentation. The decision of the Arbitrators was therefore reversed; thus leaving Burroughs without a range.
Second Session.
The Board met on the 5th day of July. The first case, Windsor & Roberts vs. Hodges & Stewart, compromised.
Next in order was the continued case of Blair, Battin & Cooper vs. Windsor Bros. The board decided that the plaintiffs were entitled to all the lands in controversy.
The case of Colson & McAtee vs. Campbell Lynch. Mr. Colson being an interested party, withdrew from the Board and Mr. D. Donovan was appointed in his place pro tem. After hearing the testimony, the Board divided the ground in dispute equally between the two parties.
P. S. Burroughs vs. G. W. Gardenhire. The Board gave Burroughs a strip about two miles wide, considerably less than he claimed.
Cases No. 6, 7, 8, and 9, being those of J. V. Andrews vs. R. H. Campbell, Conner, Tucker, Mills, Blackstone, Sterns, Kennedy & Co., and Creswell & Co. The defendants failed to appear on two adjournments, and ample notice. The Board therefore decided that defendants were not entitled to any rights on range claimed by Andrews.
The next in order was the case of H. Hoskirk vs. McLain & Foss. Settled by agreement.
Next case was that of B. H. Campbell vs. Bates & Co. The Board decided that Bates & Co., were not entitled to any of the range in controversy outside of their present pasture fence, and that the defendants were entitled to all range inside their fence.
C. Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer, next occupied the attention of the Board. The decision was to the effect that Mr. Lynch was entitled to all the range claimed.
The following cases were continued, until next meeting of the Board.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros.
Robert Estock vs. Rees & Stoller.
Mr. Chambers vs. Windsor & Roberts.
The case of Lynch vs. Crane & Larimer was appealed to the Board of Directors.
The Board practically closed its work today for the present session, and adjourned to meet again on the 23rd inst., notice of which is given in another column.
The last case decided was that of F. Y. Ewing vs. The Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the fence between the Pool and Ewing should be the permanent line between the ranges of the parties in contest.
The following cases before the Board were continued until its next meeting.
1. Windsor & Roberts vs. Beach & Welch.
2. Same vs. W. W. Wicks.
3. Same vs. Estes & Bros.
4. Same vs. Tomlinson & Webb.
5. Peter Stewart vs. The Wyeth & St. Jo. Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, Manager.
6. O. D. & H. H. Halsell vs. E. M. Ford.
Wm. Malaley has returned from the Sweetwater country. He reports cattle in fine condition.
Bert Griffin turned up on Tuesday, after an absence of a little more than a year. Bert has charge of Malaley’s Sweetwater ranch, and his duties have been such that no time was afforded him for relaxation.
Mayor Lyon, of the Cherokee Nation, is in town. The Major is one of the best lawyers in the Nation, and thoroughly imbued with the progressive spirit which is fast making the Nation an important factor in Western progress.
C. Ferguson and W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, were in the city yesterday. Bill, for some unaccountable reason, failed to represent at THE JOURNAL office. We forgive him, how-ever, in view of the fact that he has a holy horror of strict temperance men like our editor.
Notice to Appellants.
In all cases appealed to the Board of Directors from the Board of Arbitration, the party who takes the appeal will be required to pay, at the time of the rendition of the decision, at the rate of fifty dollars per day for the time occupied by the Board of Directors in hearing and determining the case.
Adopted July 11, 1883. JOHN A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Notice to Contestants.
The Board of Arbitration of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will meet in adjourned session on the 23rd day of July. All parties interested in new or continued cases are hereby notified to appear at that time, with their witnesses or statements bearing upon the points in dispute. By order of the Board. A. M. COLSON, Chairman.
Caldwell, Kansas, July 12, 1883.
Stock Notes.
F. B. York bought the Carson cattle to be delivered on York’s range in the Cheyenne and Arapaho country.
Capt. C. H. Stone has bought 1,000 head of cattle from Ed. M. Hewins & Co., and has gone down to brand them.
Tobe Odem, a well known western Texas stock man, arrived on Tuesday with a bunch of beef cattle, whether for sale or shipment we could not learn.
Harry Hill shipped on last Sunday to A. J. Snider & Co., 23 cars of cattle from the Standard Cattle Company range. The cattle were in good condition, and will bring top prices for grass stock.
Col. B. Stoddard, of Bryan, Texas, arrived on Saturday with 1,350 head of mixed cattle to be delivered on contracts. It is two years since the Colonel has visited Caldwell, and he is greatly surprised at the growth of the town.
Perry Le Froce arrived last Saturday with 2,200 head of half and three-fourth grade beeves, from the Goodnight range on the staked plains. They are splendid cattle, and will be held for future shipment in Tuttle’s pasture.
Sol. Gunter, of Munsen & Gunter, Panhandle, has sold his interest in 22,000 head and range to his partner. The value placed upon the range and stock is $777,000. He immediately turned and bought of W. B. Gunter a range and stock for $125,000.
The horse market has been slow for the past two weeks, and the changes in ownership will not go over 200 for that time. There are still on the market fully 2,500 head of all kinds, which are held at fair prices. Buyers will find this the best market to select from, both as regards prices and quality of stock.
F. J. Foster, the live representative of White & Holmes, Live Stock Commission Merchants at Kansas City, has arrived and taken up his quarters in Caldwell for the season. Mr. Foster is well known among stockmen and through drovers, and it will not be his fault if the house he represents fails to obtain its full share of the trade from this market.
Report especially for the JOURNAL by wire every Wednesday afternoon, By A. J. SNIDER & CO., Rooms 23 & 24 Exchange Building, Kansas City Stock Yards.
Stock Yards, Kansas City, July 11.
CATTLE—Receipts, 2,000. Market shows good 900 to 1,000 pound Texans, $4.00 to $4.25; good 800 to 975, $3.50 to $4.00; common, 700 to 775, $1.00 to $3.25.
HOGS—Receipts, 6,000. Market steady: bulk, $5.00 to $5.10.
A special telegram from Kansas City, dated at 10 o’clock this morning (12th) says Texans are 10 to 15 cents lower than on Monday morning.
Reported especially for the JOURNAL by wire every Wednesday afternoon By Daly, Miller & Co., Room No. 1, Exchange Building, National Stock Yards, St. Louis, Mo.
CATTLE—Receipts, 6,000. Natives 15 cents lower; Texas, 25 cents lower.
HOGS—Thirty cents lower; bulk $5.00 to $5.10.
Saddle and Work Ponies.
Campbell & Dorsey have shipped from Texas and will arrive in Caldwell on or about the 25th of April, 150 head of saddle and work ponies, in condition for immediate use. About the 1st of May they will have 500 head of general stock horses, shipped through direct and in good condition.
Later they will have 50 head of good work mules.
The wagon bridge across the Ninnescah, at Belle Plaine, went down last Saturday week. The destruction was caused by S. L. McMullen, of Harper, driving about 100 horses across it all at once. Sixteen horses were killed and drowned. It was thought at one time that McMullen ought to be made to pay for the damage to the bridge, but a close examination of the timbers disclosed the fact that they were completely rotten, and the wonder is that the bridge had not gone down sooner. The county will now be under the necessity of putting up a new bridge on the piers, which are said to be in good condition. If the commissioners are wise, they will secure an iron bridge, as it will be cheaper in the long run than a wooden structure.
We find the following description of the cowboy going the rounds without any credit. It is the best one of many we have read.
“The genuine cowboy is worth describing. In many respects he is a wonderful creature. He endures hardships that would take the lives of most men, and is, therefore a perfect type of physical manhood. He is the finest horseman in the world, and excels in all the rude sports of the field. He aims to be a dead shot, and universally is. Constantly during the herding season he rides seventy miles a day, and a majority of the year sleeps in the open air. His life in the saddle makes him worship his horse, and it, with a rifle and six-shooter, complete his happiness. Of vice in the ordinary sense, he knows nothing. He is a rough, uncouth, brave, and generous creature, who never lies or cheats. It is a mistake to imagine that cowboys are a dangerous set. Anyone is as safe with a cowboy as with any people in the world, unless he steals a horse or is hunting for a fight. In his eyes death is a mild punishment for horse stealing. Indeed it is the very highest crime known to the unwritten law of the ranch.
“Their life, habits, education, and necessities breed this feeling in cowboys. But with all this disregard of human life, there are less murderers and cut-throats graduated from the cowboys, than from among the better class of the east, who come out here for venture or gain. Cowboys delight in appearing rougher than they are. To a tender foot, as they call an eastern man, they love to tell blood curdling stories and impress him with the dangers on the frontier. But no man need get in a quarrel with them unless he seeks it, or gets harmed, unless he seeks some crime. They very often own an interest in the herd they are watching, and very frequently become owners of ranches. The slang of the range they always use to perfection, and in season or out of season.
“Unless you wish to insult him, never offer a cowboy pay for any little kindness he has done you, or for a share of his rude meal. If the changes that are coming to stock raising should take the cowboy from the ranch, its most interesting feature will be gone.”
Under authority from the secretary of war, General Pope has instructed the commanding officer of Fort Reno, Indian Territory, to provide five four-mule contractors’ teams to transport the supplies of a band of Northern Cheyennes to be escorted to Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota. The full expenses of these wagons, going and returning, to be defrayed by the interior department. The band will be escorted as far as Fort Supply, Indian Territory, by a troop of cavalry from Reno. On reaching Supply, the troop will be relieved, returning to Reno, and a troop at Supply will conduct the Indians to a point near Fort Hays, Kansas, at the crossing of the Kansas Pacific railway, where it will be relieved by a troop from Hays, and return to its station. The troop from Hays will escort the band to Sidney, Nebraska, where further instructions will await them. Transportation will be furnished the escort from the post to which it belongs. Acting assistant Surgeon G. A. Thompson will accompany the party as the medical officer from Fort Reno to Pine Ridge Agency.
Agency Items.
Cheyenne Transporter, July 12th.
MARRIED—June 28th, Chester A. Arthur and Lucy Contester. The groom gave a pony and bridle and saddle for his bride.
Wm. Crimble, of Caldwell, has charge of the carpenter work on the new store building, and the work is progressing nicely.
Having been granted a leave of absence, Agent Miles went north by coach on Friday last to join Mrs. Miles. They will make a tour to the mountains before returning.
Big Horse, Cheyenne chief, inserts his brand in the Transporter this issue, having learned the value to be derived from so doing by experience. He owns quite a herd of cattle and horses.
The furniture for the new hotel was purchased of Doubleday Bros., of Caldwell. The Doubledays are square dealers, and they compete, we might say, with Kansas City prices, else they could not have made this large sale.
This week Reed & Word delivered to Oburn & Montgomery at this Agency 1,000 head of beef cattle, consisting of three, four and five year olds, which they brought down from their ranch. The herd was received by A. M. Walker.
U. S. Indian Inspector Ward, recently appointed from Colorado, is now on an official inspection to the various Agencies of the Territory, and arrived here on Thursday from the Wichita Agency.
John Baldwin left yesterday for Cheyenne Agency to work with Crimble on Reynolds, Doty & Hubbell’s buildings.
The Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association sustained the decision made by the Arbitrators in favor of Lynch, in the case of Crane & Farringer vs. Lynch, and then adjourned until the first Monday in September.
J. H. Seger returned on Tuesday morning from Illinois, where he had taken his bunch of ponies. He sold the ponies in a very short time and to good advantage, and very sensibly bought a fine stallion which he will take down with him for use on his range. The animal is of Morgan and French Canadian stock, the former predominating, and unless his looks belie him, Mr. Seger will find the money paid for him a profitable investment.
Colonel Manee.
We are informed that Colonel Manee is in the guard house at Fort Reno, charged with giving liquor to an Indian. Colonel may be guilty of the charge for ought we know, but even if he is, he should have an opportunity to defend himself before the proper law officers. That section of the Territory is attached to the U. S. District of Kansas, and any man arrested on the charge of violating the Intercourse laws of the U. S., should at once be brought before a U. S. Commissioner, and if sufficient evidence is adduced to hold him until the next term of court, he should be permitted to give bail. That nothing of the kind has been done in Manee’s case is an outrage which should not be tolerated for one single moment. If a murder is committed in the Territory, or valuable stock stolen, the Interior and the War departments have no means by which they can pursue and arrest the guilty parties; but if a poor devil of a cowboy should happen, in the generosity of his nature, to give a half-breed Indian (who can usually get all the whiskey he wants) one single drop of an intoxicating beverage, he is at once put under arrest and deprived of any rights or privileges accorded to the worst criminals in the country. The person or persons who caused the arrest of Manee and McCasker may have done what they conceived to be their duty under the circumstances, but the suspicion prevails that private pique and malice prompted their course, and unless they can show clean hands and fair dealing, there will be lively times.
Manee is not a renegade, however true the accusation against him may be, and we venture to say that a first-class bond of $10,000 or even more, can be furnished in this city to secure his appearance at any court in the country in answer to the charges upon which he is now held at Reno.
His detention under the circumstanes is a wrong, and one which should be resented by every man doing business legally in the Territory, for the reason that if any whipper-snapper of the Indian Department can cause the arrest and imprisonment of a single man, however humble, to gratify his whim or his malice, he can also encroach upon the rights and liberties of the largest cattle owner, with his thousands of dollars behind him. Only by protecting the rights and privileges of the humble, can the rich and the lofty hope to escape injustice themselves.
Board of Arbitrators.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association continued in session until last Saturday, when it adjourned until Monday, July 23rd. The following cases decided and not reported last week were furnished us by Mark Miller, clerk of the Board.
P. M. Chase vs. Ewing & Lamont. Decision in favor of Chase, and notice of appeal filed by Ewing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Ben Garland. Decision in favor of Garland. In this case the new order of the Board of Directors went into effect, and the testimony was taken down in writing.
Northrup & Stevens vs. I. B. Gilmore. Decision favorable to plaintiffs, which leaves Mr. Gilmore without a range.
The Telephone.
The posts for the telephone wire made their appearance on our streets on Monday. On Tuesday, workmen, under the superintendence of Mr. Spicer, began digging the holes and placing the poles thereon; and by the time this issue reaches our city readers, all the posts will have been set and the work of stringing the wires commenced. It will be a week or ten days before the wires are stretched and the instruments placed among subscribers for use. All contracts, however, date from the first of August. This is a liberal concession on the part of the Telephone Co., and we are confident it will be fully appreciated by our people.
The central office will be located in the upper story of Dobson’s agricultural store, as we understand. As no one can possibly have any business at the central office, except to visit it out of idle curiosity, its location makes no difference to the general public, and can only interest the company and the person who may be placed in charge.
A special office will be established in Bent Johnson’s drug store, where all persons not having telephones can use the wires upon the payment of a fee to be established by the company. As that point is centrally located, it will be found very convenient to the general public.
Mr. Bassett, the general superintendent of the line, has appointed J. G. Denhollem as local agent. Mr. Denhollem is an experienced telegraph and telephone operator, and will do all in his power to make the telephone both a pleasure and a profit to the people of Caldwell.
K. C. Inspector’s Reports.
H. R. Johnson, cattle inspector at Kansas City, has sent in his report to July 17th, showing the number of cattle cut out at the K. C. Stock Yards. Those interested can see the report on application to A. M. Colson, chairman of the committee on Inspection.
Wichita Times: Seeing the plump figure of Ben S. Miller of Caldwell in town reminds us of the great wealth we have outside of our immense crops and abundant harvest. The people in the east who imagine that we are poor people out here should drive through our farming territory and see the mammoth display of cereals and then go to the cattle country and look at the great herds of cattle grazing in a thousand pastures. This year corn is king, oats is king; cattle kings are also plentiful. Prosperity reigns supreme. Every prospect pleases and only man is vile. But then man is always vile; money or no money. Yet the man with his pockets full of gold, silver, and greenbacks is not quite so vile as when he is dead broke. A poor sinner is a miserable vile wretch, but a rich sinner, you know, is very nearly a saint. Such are we all in southern Kansas.
J. R. Brassfield, representing the brewing establishment of Weigand & Co., at Wichita, was in the city Tuesday soliciting orders for beer. Jim says the demand for beer is good, especially in strict prohibition towns like Winfield. While there are no open saloons in that place, beer seems to be sold in almost every house representing a business.
E. W. Payne has bought Chas. Nelson’s ranch and cattle in Comanche County. Price, $7,500.
Dickey Bros. have bought the Merchant cattle, numbering 1,300 head, and consisting of ones, twos, and threes.
W. N. Hubbell and wife returned from Leavenworth yesterday, and will shortly proceed to the Cheyenne Agency.
Major Lipe, Mr. Faulkner, Jake Lipe, and Capt. John Scrimpscher left for their homes in the Cherokee Nation last Sunday. Major Lipe will not return until September, when he will finish the work of collecting the grazing taxes due the Nation.
Trouble on the Range.
Reports come to us to the effect that parties have been killing sheep and driving stock off the range of Roberts & Windsor, on Willow Creek, south of Arkansas City. Tuesday after-noon Mr. Fouts, manager of the above firm, received a telegram stating that a party of men had driven the stock off the range. If these reports are correct, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association will be compelled to take some action for their own protection, for the reason that if lawlessness of that kind can go unpunished in one single instance, it will be but a very short time before others will suffer, and the fact of being a member of the Association will be no protection whatever.
It would seem now that the Strip is made a part of the U. S. District of Kansas, there should be some way of punishing those who commit depredations upon the property of persons occupying the Strip in accordance with the laws and regulations of the United States and the Cherokee Nation. If not, a range on the Strip is not worth a song, and if any man undertake to hold one, he will have to do so through force. No argument is necessary to show that if such a condition of affairs is brought about, the Strip will become a strip of terror, where no man’s life or property will be safe for a single moment.
Taxing Cattle Driven Through the Indian Territory.
K. C. Live Stock Indicator.
Mr. C. W. Rogers, vice-president of the St. Louis & San Francisco railroad, in June, addressed a letter to Hon. J. C. Parker, United States District Judge at Fort Smith, Arkansas, informing him that parties driving cattle through the Creek nation to that road, and to points on it in the Cherokee nation, are required by the Creeks to pay a tax of one dollar per head per month for the right to drive their cattle through the Creek nation, and asking the judge whether they have any right to charge this tax. Friday, Mr. Rogers received a reply from Judge Parker, who stated that he had already in a law of the Cherokee nation similar to this one of the Creeks providing for the assessment and collection of tax upon cattle or stock of any kind passing through the nation, decided that it was void. Congress alone had the right to legislate upon and negotiate inter-state commerce, and legislation upon the subject by any other power vested exclusively in Congress. If persons took cattle into the Creek country to graze them, they had a right to collect a grazer’s tax, but if cattle are passing over their country to market, they had no right to collect any tax for such transit.
The communication of “Widows Child” published in the JOURNAL of last week had the effect of stirring up our own citizens and also other parties interested in a projected line seeking connection with this portion of the state. On Tuesday, Mr. James Hill, of Arkansas City, and a representative of the Missouri, Winfield & Southwestern Railroad, came to Caldwell for the purpose of enlisting our people in aid of the enterprise, and after consul-tation with some of our most prominent businessmen, a meeting was held at the opera house yesterday morning.
I. N. Cooper was called to the chair and W. B. Hutchison appointed secretary. Mr. Hill was then introduced and stated the object of his visit and the intentions of the company he represented. He said that the company was independent of either the Gould or the Santa Fe combinations, and that while it expected aid from the localities through which the line would run, at the same time it was not backed by Mr. Gould or any other railroad magnate. The aid asked would only be $2,500 per mile, and it was the intention of the company to build to Caldwell within the next year.
After the close of Mr. Hills’ talk, it was resolved that Caldwell needed another railroad, and that the city would extend any suitable aid for a competing line.
On motion I. N. Cooper, I. B. Gilmore, John W. Nyce, A. M. Colson, S. P. G. Lewis, and T. H. B. Ross were appointed a railroad committee with power to take all needful action in case everything was satisfactory.
The chairman notified the committee to meet at the Stock Exchange Bank next Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock, after which the meeting adjourned.
The committee is composed of some of our most energetic citizens, and we are confident that it will do its work faithfully, carefully guarding the rights of Caldwell Township in case of any agreement with the M. W. & S. W. Company.
Last of the Northern Cheyennes.
Cheyenne Transporter:
Appropriations have been made by the last Congress for the removal of the remnant of the Northern Cheyennes remaining at this agency. The department issued orders for their removal, the start being made on the 19th inst. The bands desiring removal numbered 405, of which 391 were Cheyennes and Arapahos. The Indians, with their 60 days rations, were turned over to the military by Acting Agent Woodard, and were placed under escort of a company of the 9th cavalry, under command of Lieut. C. J. Stevens. This detail will accompany the Northern Cheyennes as far as Camp Supply, where a new detail will go as far as Fort Hays, and from there the destination is Sidney, Nebraska, where the band will be turned over to the department of the Platte, which will deliver them to their final destination, Pine Ridge Agency, Dakota. It will take several months to travel the entire distance. Dr. Thompson accompanied the party as surgeon, and will go through to Pine Ridge. Sandy Williams is the interpreter for the expedition. The leaders of the Cheyennes are Red Eagle, Ridge Bear, Standing Elk, and Wild Hog. Their band has been discontented ever since their removal to this Territory six years ago, and to their number belonged Dull Knife and his band which went murdering through Kansas three years ago, and were exterminated with the exception of only about 38, who succeeded in getting through and six or seven who were captured and returned to this Agency. Little Chief’s band, who remained peaceably at home, were permitted to go north last year, and those now en route are the last of the Northern Cheyennes remaining, except a few who have intermarried and are bound by family ties.
H. A. Todd has sold his ranch on Pole Cat, resigned his position as superintendent of the Stage Company, and has taken the position as manager for the Hood Cattle Combination.
Twenty-five telephones have been put up in Caldwell so far. We presume that when everything is in prime working order the Telephone Company will issue instructions, by the observance of which parties having instruments will be able to talk with anyone in this city, Wellington, Hunnewell, Arkansas City, or Geuda Springs.
H. M. Vaile and J. R. Miner, of the star route fame, were in town for a couple of days this week, looking after their line between Caldwell and Fort Reno. They don’t look like as though they would break into a house or rob a hen roost; on the contrary, taking a good look at them in a crowd, one would take the first for a presiding elder and the second for a superannuated Presbyterian preacher. The devil is not so black as he is painted, and notwithstanding the howl of such reformers as Dana, of the New York Sun, and the highly cultured Bliss.
Marshal Brown and his assistant, Ben Wheeler, have certainly earned their salaries for the past five months. During that time they have run into the city treasury, for fines for violations of city ordinances, the sum of $1,296, being just $421 more than the salary they have received for that time. A very good showing for a quiet town like Caldwell.
Arkansas City Democrat: The indications are now that there will be trouble in the Indian Territory between the “small stockmen” and Pennsylvania Oil Company. Already things are assuming a war-like appearance; so far we have been unable to learn any facts in regard to affairs, but next week we will try to give our readers some light.
Lem Musgrove has sold his interest in the stock and range on Polecat to Wm. Malaley for the sum of $16,000. He reserves 40 head of heifers and 20 mares, and has bought the Baysolz farm over on the Shoo Fly, north of South Haven, paying therefor $4,500. Mr. Musgrove has also purchased two fine stallions, one two, the other four years old, at a cost of $1,000. It is his intention to go into the breeding of fine stock, for which the place he has bought is well adapted.
Territory Items.
Cheyenne Transporter, July 29th.
In the absence of Agent Miles, Mr. O. J. Woodard is acting agent, and fills the position with much credit to himself.
Johnson Foster, the half-breed Creek who murdered Robert Poisal, while being taken to Fort Smith, killed the marshal who had him in charge and escaped. The marshal’s name was Mr. Weir.
The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association has appointed Ben. Goode as the inspector at this and the Wichita Agency, and Ben. is now on duty. Mr. Goode has a thorough knowledge of the cattle business, and is about as well posted on brands as anyone we know of, and he will ever look to the interests of the association he represents.
The post office department has granted the application made by the citizens of Johnson’s ranch for a post office, and has appointed Philip A. Smith, postmaster, and the name of the new office, Silver City. Mr. Smith has received his official appointment of P.M., and has received his mail keys and supplies for the new office. Silver City will be supplied for the present by a special service from Darlington.
The Wellman boys, who are farming John Poisal’s place this year, are at the Agency every alternate morning with all kinds of vegetables. They raised a fine large crop, and they have no trouble at finding buyers for their products.
Chas. H. Campbell was up last week from Silver City, looking for men to accompany him down to fence his range. Laboring men are very scarce at this time, and we understand Mr. Campbell was unable to secure the services of a single one.
Herds passing Cantonment recently are:
Reynolds & Matthews, 1,140 2-year-old steers, with P. W. Reynolds in charge.
Mr. Barns, with 500 beeves.
A. Forsyth & Co., with 750 beeves in charge of D. D. Swearenger.
Texas Land and Cattle Co. (T5) had 3,500 head of stock cattle in their laurel-leaf brand.
Dr. Burnett, 1,900 steers.
Mill Iron Cattle Co., 1,000 beeves.
Witherspoon Brothers, 800 steers.
Reynolds & Matthews, 2,600 steers.
Monroe Cattle Company, 1,500 steers.
Frank Bates shipped ten car-loads of wintered Texans to Kansas City last week, for which he received $44.65 per cwt. This is the best price that has been realized this season. The steers averaged 1,085.
County commissioners Sherman and Hunt were in session Monday and Tuesday. The lease existing between Belle Plaine Township and Sumner County was canceled and the township gave a quit claim deed of the bridge to the county. The commissioners then contracted with the Missouri Valley Bridge Works for two spans of an iron bridge on the old piers for $2,000. This is a sensible solution of the difficulty. The bridge is to be completed by November 1st. Wellington Press.
W. W. Wells, a noted character among the Cheyenne Indians, died at Camp Supply about two weeks ago. No particulars regarding his death could be obtained, save that he had been attacked with dysentery, to which he succumbed.
Among the announcements this week is that of W. F. Thralls, for the office of sheriff of this county. It is no more than fair to state that, as deputy sheriff for the past four years, Mr. Thralls has proved himself in every way capable of filling the position.
Stockmen have found the telephone between this city and Hunnewell a great convenience. Some of them talk of having the line extended to their ranges in the Territory. It is certain that a line from this city to Ft. Reno would be found very useful, not only to stockmen, but to our own citizens and the folks at Reno and Cheyenne Agency. Whether a sufficient number of subscribers could be secured to induce the telephone company to build the line is another question.
Tell Walton returned last Sunday to take a little rest and renew his acquaintance with his wife and baby. In forty days, the time employed until he left the range, he has run over 400 miles in surveying the lines for pastures in the middle division of the Strip. He has considerable more work to do, and will return next week.
Geo. Coe, a former partner of Ben Miller, and J. C. Aldrich surprised Ben. last Monday by putting in an appearance. Both are looking well and George has married since leaving here, and is therefore correspondingly happy. They all went to the old range yesterday, and upon their return, Messrs. Coe and Aldrich will take a trip to the Panhandle, where they have large cattle interests.
Uncle Bill Corzine took it into his head last week to ship a few beeves to Kansas City. Under the care of Ben Garland, he got through all right until the return trip, when, to put on a few airs, because he was an alderman of his native village, he loaded himself into a Pullman sleeper for the home trip. Then his trouble began. The darkey on the car played all sorts of games on him, all of which Uncle Bill stood without a complaint until, as he says, “the darned nigger blacked my boots, so that I wouldn’t know them.” “Now,” says Bill, “I want to ask you, as a newspaper man, what kind of a job is that to put up on us old fellars? Well, I got my boots because I knowed ‘em by the slant on their heels; but blame me if I don’t believe that nigger meant to steal them.” Colson, Johnny Blair, Milt Bennett, and even Cooper endeavored to assure him that it was customary for the porter on a Pullman to black the boots of the guests; but the old man turned away in disgust, insisting, at the same time, that Cooper didn’t know any more about blacked boots than the rest of the Caldwell fellers.
Colonel Manee is at liberty again, arriving here yesterday by the train from the north. It seems Colonel was sent up to Arkansas City in charge of a Deputy U. S. Marshal, and from there taken to Wichita, where he was held by the U. S. Commissioner, under bail. As luck would have it, several of his old friends were there at the time, and they fixed up his bail bond in a short time. Those who appear to be informed about the matter state that no case can be made against Manee, and that his arrest and prosecution was instigated by the malice of outside parties. Manee has lived in this part of the country for about twelve years, and his character has been such that it would be a hard matter to make anyone hereabouts believe he could be guilty of a dishonest or a dishonorable action.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister, on Sunday night, arrested John A. Moore on the charge of stealing a span of mules from the Cheyenne & Arapaho Agency last spring. Moore has been hanging around among the Indians for the past three years, and if all reports are true, has been up to all kinds of tricks. The agent ordered him out of the Territory over a year ago, but he managed to keep out of the way, in the meantime appropriating the mules charged to his account. Word had been sent to Mr. Hollister to keep a lookout for him, and Moore, coming up with the Indian train last week, dropped into Hollister’s hands like a ripe apple. Moore was taken to Wichita, where he will have an examination before the U. S. Commissioner.
Fat beeves have been going to market from this place, quite lively, during the past two weeks. The most noted shipments were 40 cars of fine beeves for Toney Day and 15 for Keefover & Foster, last Thursday, and on Sunday for the Dickey Bros., 30 cars; John Blair 15; Johnson & Hosmer, 10; A. M. Colson 10, and 3 cars of horses for Blair & Batten, making in all 77 cars of stock. The shipments, so far are less than those of last year for the same period, but this can be accounted for from the fact that the through drive is less, and the greater portion of cattle brought from Texas has been driven on contract and not for sale in open market.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
The triumph of the Bushyhead party in the Cherokee election gives the quietus to the gee string party and settles the question of the Cherokee lease.
At the Cherokee election held last week, D. W. Bushyhead was elected Principal Chief by about 500 majority. John G. Scrimpscher was elected senator from his district.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
We are informed that about 250 boomers left Arkansas City on Friday of last week, for the Oklahoma lands. Payne was in Arkansas City at the time, but gave out that he did not intend to accompany the expedition. We learn that, in conversation with others, he stated it to be his intention to keep still pending the trial of his case before the U. S. Circuit Court, and that he thought inasmuch as he had adopted that course, the War and Interior depart-ments should also maintain a neutral position and permit anyone who chose to settle upon the Oklahoma lands.
The fellow don’t seem to understand that such a course on the part of the government would be a virtual abandonment of its claims, and one is sometimes at a loss to know whether he is a fool or a knave. Perhaps a close analyzation of his character would develop both elements, each alternately predominating as circumstances seem to require.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
T. F. Pryor, the live mayor of Anthony, arrived on Monday with over 400 head of beeves to ship from this point. Mr. Pryor was induced to ship from this place because of the difficulty experienced in getting through to Harper. It seems that the farmers on the trail to Harper object to cattle being driven through to that town, and there is not sufficient enterprise among the people of that village to secure an open way for stock.
The Union Cattle Co., is a new organization, comprising among its membership F. G. Halsey and Gov. Glick, of Atchison, with a large sprinkling of eastern capitalists. The Company owns 150,000 acres of land in the western part of the state, which they will at once proceed to fence and stock up. Mr. Halsey was here last week and engaged the services of Bedford Wood as range manager. He could not have made a better choice, as Bedford is a thorough cattle man in every particular. The company have 2,500 head of cattle below, and Mr. Wood has gone down to receive them with the purpose of at once driving them to the Company’s range. The brand of the Company is U C.
The horse market is opening up again. Several parties are here from Nebraska and Iowa looking up horse stock. We learn that the market is light just now, there being not over 1,000 head of horses of which Campbell & Dorsey hold 700 head on the range. It may be, that number will be increased by late drives, but we doubt not.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
The summer is nearly gone and but little ranch trading has been done here as yet. Owners are as firm as ever in their views, but buyers very scarce. The only ranch sale of any importance made here for some time was consummated last week between Jim Reed and Tom Word. The former sold his interest, a third, in the ranch and cattle of Reed, Byler & Word in the Cherokee Strip, to Byler & Word, his partners, for $183,000. This is one of the best ranch properties in the Territory; the range is fine, and the number of cattle estimated at 25,000. Messrs. Reed & Word are now at the ranch effecting a transfer. K. C. Price Current.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
A private letter to the Muskogee Journal, says that a crazy man was roaming around on Bird creek, in the Osage Reservation. Big Wild Cat, who saw him, declares him to be Foster, the Creek Indian, who killed John Poisal last fall, and a short time ago killed a deputy U. S. Marshal, who was taking him to Okmulgee. The letter states that the Osages would undoubtedly take him in, as they wanted a scalp to deck the grave of Hard Rope, who was shot by the marshal, in this city, last spring.
Note: Hard Rope was not shot by the marshal.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
The Danford property on the corner of Main and Fifth Streets, comprising three store rooms and the opera house, has been sold to Wewerke & Busick [?] for $8,000. They were the highest bidders, and of course after the award was made to them, lots of other fellows wanted awful bad to buy the property at $10,000. It is a valuable piece of property, and Messrs. W. & B. got it cheap only because they had the nerve to bid. In this connection it might not be out of place to ask: Isn’t it time that Danford business was settled up and the creditors given something to show for the money they expended?
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
Bob Mitchell, A. T. Mitchell, J. W. Gwinn, Harry Halsell, J. F. McClosky, T. A. Standard, Dick Weston, and Powell Wood were the names of the festive cowboys whom Sheriff Thralls arrested for disturbing the peace and dignity of Hunnewell last Saturday. The lads had to put up about $400 among them for their little bit of fun. A few hours behind the bars of the county tavern, in addition to the money took, might have further impressed them with the absurdity of attempting to run even one of the outlying villages of the border. “Wild and wooly” don’t go in this county at the present time.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
The Festive Cowboy at Hunnewell.
For the past few weeks Hunnewell has been bothered with a set of cowboys who imagined it most excellent fun to fire off their revolvers, ride over the sidewalks, and in all ways possible make themselves general nuisances. There seems to be no organization among the citizens of our neighboring village, nor a police force of sufficient strength to cope with the roughs, so on Saturday night last word was sent to Sheriff Thralls, at Wellington, to take a run down and look after affairs. The sheriff, from what we can learn, soon caught on to the situation after his arrival, and when the bold chasers of bulls started out on their usual pastime, he made a raid on them, capturing eight of the most prominent, and took them to Wellington. At last accounts they were the guests of the county, with a large prospect of continuing so for some time, and also being granted the privilege of contributing a little of their loose cash, which they might otherwise expend in cartridges for the amusement of the Hunnewell people.
The arrest and punishment of these men with fine and imprisonment may deter others from exhibiting a cowardly disregard for the peace and comfort of the citizens of Hunnewell; but somehow the impression still lingers that a coroner’s inquest over the remains of two or three of them would have had a more soothing effect upon the exhuberance of their spirits.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
John Poisal, one of those terrible Arapahos living on the North Fork, has been spending a few days in Caldwell. John says he has a big corn crop, and he don’t care shucks for all the white trash in the country.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 16, 1883.
John W. Griffith was arrested last week at his father’s residence on the Chikaskia. Sheriff Thralls found him hid away in a trunk. Griffith’s forgeries were on James Matthews for $100 and S. L. Hamilton for $357. He had already made way with $2,100 belonging to Jacob Allen, $1,000 belonging to L. Keys, and $250 belonging to Mr. Packard, of London Township.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883. [From the Winfield Telegram.]
Another Good Indian.
Last Monday at Pawnee Agency, I. T., a Pawnee Indian, name unknown, struck another Pawnee, named Johnny Wright, over the head with a revolver, inflicting rather severe cuts. In an incredibly short time Wright had whipped out his knife and had his assailant beautifully carved and his spirit sent wandering across the last river to the shores of the happy hunting grounds. The first Indian drew his knife, but was not quick enough to use it. The dead man was cut in nine places, three of which would have been fatal strokes without any other. Johnny Wright surrendered himself and was taken to Otoe and placed in prison. Savage threats were made by the friends of the dead man and more trouble was probably averted by the prompt removal of Wright. As usual, the trouble arose over a woman. Wright and his wife had dissolved partnership; another member of his band had taken her. This incensed Wright. Wright then took the foster daughter of his fellow husband to wife. (A rather mixed-up state of affairs, but not surprising to those acquainted with Indian customs.) This latter move of Wright enraged the fellow and enmity ensued between the husband de jure and defacto. It was stated that there was a conspiracy to kill Wright, but whether there was or not, his assailant whom he so quickly cut out of time, was taking up a quarrel for his friend, who had married Wright’s wife and lost his life for not minding his own business.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
The troubles between the two factions of the Creek Nation have been amicably settled through the commissioners representing the United States and a compact signed by the chief men of both parties, which, it is hoped, will put an end to the outrages which have prevailed in the Creek country for some time. A new constitution is to be adopted and those who have had their property destroyed are to be indemnified.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
The Last Boomer’s Raid Comes to Grief.
Word was brought in on Tuesday, by Capt. C. M. Scott, who came over from Arkansas City, to the effect that Capt. Carroll, of the U. S. Army, had captured the boomers on the Oklahoma lands, taking their wagons and stock.
About seven of the boomers escaped, and footed it all the way into Arkansas City. It is also stated that the boomers, previous to their capture, had run short of provisions, and sent a courier to Schiffbauer to forward flour and other provisions to them. Schiffbauer filled the order, and before the teams reached the grounds the flour, provisions, teams, and drivers were captured by the troops. A courier, sent down from Arkansas City with a dispatch to one of the boomers, had his horse taken from him and was compelled to hoof it back to his starting point.
What disposition will be made of the boomers, is not known. They will likely be held until orders are received from Washington.
Thus ends the latest attempt to make a location on the Oklahoma lands. Some people never learn anything from the experience of others, and it is more than likely a number of the stupids may be induced to make another attempt before winter sets in.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
The Muskogee Journal of the 16th gives an account of the killing of Foster, the murderous Creek who killed Robert Poisal, and afterwards killed a Deputy U. S. Marshal. About July 27th, Foster, with a companion, went to the house of Nathan and Lewis Bruner, on Deep Fork, southwest of Okmulgee. The Bruner boys were eating supper and invited Foster to take a part. When about half through the meal, he got up, and, going behind Nathan, fired three shots into his neck, killing him instantly. He then turned his attention to Lewis, who had started to run, and shot him three times in the back. Lewis ran about 150 yards into a corn field and died, his body being found next day. Foster then went back and robbed the house. The Bruner boys’ friends determined on revenge, and after a hunt, three of them came on Foster in the brush. They represented to him that they were outlaws and wanted him to join forces with them. He consented, and after getting in a lonely spot, they riddled him with bullets. Foster was a bad man, having killed four men. His first was at Shawneetown, for which he was arrested and started toward Fort Smith, but he succeeded in killing the marshal and escaped. He was a young man, but old in crime, and his taking off is a good riddance.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
NOTICE! Cattlemen on Cherokee Strip. I, or my legal representative, will be in Caldwell on or about the 5th day of September, 1883, to collect the tax due the Cherokee Nation up to the 1st day of October, 1883. I respectfully request that everyone who owes any tax will be on hand promptly at that date. D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
Caldwell, Kansas, July 14, 1883.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
AD. Saddles! Saddles!
Keeling & Co., have on hand Fine Saddles from the following well known manufactories:
Gallup’s, Pueblo, Colorado.
P. H. Sharpe & Son’s, Omaha, Nebraska.
Main & Winchester, San Francisco, California.
Every cattle man knows that the saddles made by the above houses are the best in the world. KEELING & CO., Caldwell, Kansas.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
In addition to purchasing the Creswell cattle and range, for which we learn they paid $40,000, the New York Cattle Company bought 750 yearlings at Dodge, the other day. They will be put on the company’s range on Wolf Creek.
Mr. Jackson, manager of the New York Cattle Company, writes us from Supply that his company has bought the Wm. Creswell cattle, numbering 1,400 head, and the ranch on Wolf Creek, near Camp Supply.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
About 40 cars of wire for fencing the pasture on the Cheyenne and Arapaho lands are piled up at the depot. Hill & Hunter have the contract for putting up the fence, and will enter upon the work as soon as the first lot of wire can reach the grounds.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883. [Communicated.]
“Undisputed Ranges.”
This term contains the essence of all disputes between claimants for sub-leases. Some ill-advised persons absurdly maintain that physical possession of the range gives the “undis-puted range” required for membership, and that this alone entitles a man to a sub-lease. If this were true, men who were strong enough, could speedily acquire the ranges of smaller men by driving them off, and the smaller men, not having possession, would have no right. This is the argument of monopoly.
But the proposition is not true. Before the Cherokee Nation took cognizance of her ranges here, everybody held by squatter right, or right of prior occupation. Big men would squeeze out small ones, and one man would take a range justly held by another, because might made right where none had a legal title. If not strong enough to shove the holder aside, the range would be bought.
Then it was true that physical possession gave right of range to one squatter against another squatter. But none of them had any right against the owner.
The Cherokee Nation is the owner in the case before us. It alone can give “undisputed range” and indisputable range thereon. It has given such to those who have paid the legal tax, and issued to them a sealed contract known as a license. Those not receiving such license are intruders, subject to expulsion, to seizure of cattle, and a fine of $1 per head on cattle so seized. (See section 2117, etc., United States Revised Statutes.) It is evident from the law authorizing the lease, and the lease itself, that the Cherokees had in contemplation the members of the Association as persons with undisputed ranges, or licensed persons, and meant to lease to them; certainly not to intruders, who were violating U. S. Law and Chero-kee Law, evading its tax and defrauding its treasury. The Directors could not have asked such a thing, and the Cherokees would not have granted it, if asked.
To have the intruder now come and ask the Directors to do a deliberate wrong to remedy the intruder’s deserved loss, to disregard the licenses of the Nation and the Intercourse laws, and acknowledge their claim as squatters as superior to the legal title of the Nation vesting in license, is simply preposterous.
The Directors in trust cannot do anything contrary to law without rendering the Associa-tion liable for damages. They cannot disregard the Cherokee licenses, the Intercourse laws, and the terms of the lease, without raising a row with the Cherokee Nation, with whom the Association must be on good terms or lose the benefits of the lease. Whatever claim the in-truder may have, by personal friendship or business relation, on the Directors, he should be too considerate to ask the Directors to put themselves and the Association in such a position.
The Board of Arbitrators and the Board of Directors have decided the question in the case of Love & Son. These gentlemen held range in the Strip, had cattle on it, but no authority from the Cherokee Nation. In this case, the Board of Arbitrators and Board of Directors both decided that no person whatever, without license from the Cherokee Nation, has any range rights.
The officers decided this matter according to law and equity. They have made a just and wise decision, as we have endeavored to show, and as all thinking and unbiased men agree. Those who lose range claims by this decision can blame only their own negligence in their evasion or refusal to recognize the only power capable of giving “undisputed range.”
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Arbitration met on Monday. Mr. Colson not being able to serve at present, Ben. Garland was appointed in his place pro tem. The first case called was that of Peter Stewart vs. The St. Joseph Cattle Co., E. M. Ford, manager. Monday and Tuesday was consumed in taking testimony, and Tuesday night the Board decided in favor of Mr. Stewart, giving him the range claimed, being six by seven miles.
The decisions of the Board in this case is regarded as a righteous one, and gives general satisfaction.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
J. W. Jordan and J. W. Crutchfield, of the Cherokee Nation, called at the JOURNAL office on Monday.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 23, 1883.
Peter Stewart is here in attendance upon the Board of Arbitrators. Mr. Stewart has been confined to his room for some time, by a severe attack of fever, but is now on the up-grade to his former health.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
The Dodge City Times is mad because Luke Short had Police Judge Burns arrested on the charge of misconduct in office and the collection of illegal fees. Judge Burns had his examination and was discharged. The Times says the arrest was a piece of spite work.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
EDITOR JOURNAL. In an article (headed communicated) in your last issue, with one grain of truth is mixed nearly a bushel of nicely rounded commodities that have but little value in this market. The Board of Arbitrators have never considered, in any shape or manner, the question of intruders. Neither have they consulted the United States revised statutes, Interior Dept. Decisions, or Indian treaties. They have simply, as businessmen, of at least common hard horse sense, decided who, in their estimation, had the best right to any “range” in dispute between such parties as have agreed to leave the settlement of such disputes to the Board of Arbitration. To those who are on the “inside,” the reference to the case of Love & Son is a “dead give away,” and your correspondent has lugged in as a decision something that the Board never decided The Board of Arbitration have never decided “that no person whatever without a license from the Cherokee Nation has any range rights.” They, in the Love & Son case, gave their decision upon the grounds quoted and other causes. To have this or some future Board decided as per your correspondent’s decision, is the African in the winter fence. M.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
A report comes to us to the effect that Bat Carr, formerly marshal of this city, was recently killed in one of the border towns of Texas. The report lacks confirmation, still it is possibly correct.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
The Oklahoma boomers, captured by Capt. Carrol, week before last, are on their way up under an escort of some of the colored troops who fought nobly. The boomers will reach Caldwell about Friday or Saturday.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Rev. Father Dugan, recently appointed to this parish in place of Father Kelly, celebrated mass in this city last Monday morning. He will be here every fourth Saturday in the month, and hold services upstairs in the Riley block.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found a notice from the President of the Board of Directors of Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association to the effect that appeals to the Board will not be considered at the meeting of the Board on the 3rd of September. All appeals will go over to the meeting of the Board in October, of which due notice will be given.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
A friend who visited Geuda Springs the other day informs us that efforts are being made to issue another number of the Oklahoma War Chief. Payne has had a picture made representing him at his supposed home in Oklahoma. He is supposed to be standing at the end of his log cabin, leaning on an axe. On a tree close by hangs a revolver and a belt full of cartridges, while his trusty and death-dealing rifle is braced up against the cabin. Our informant stated that while he and several others were looking at the picture, one of the party remarked: “It’s a good picture. That’s about the only position you could find Payne in with an axe—leaning on it.” The silence which followed the remark seemed to give consent.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Accepting an invitation from Chas. H. Moore, we drove out with him on Sunday to Moore & Rohrer’s range on Deer Creek, about twelve miles southeast of town. Messrs. Moore and Rohrer have a fine lot of mares, and about forty colts foaled this spring. Most of the colts were sired by two fine Norman stallions, and they are as fine looking a lot as we have seen in a long time. Next year Moore & Rohrer expect to have fully 80 colts foaled on the place, about 30 of which, it is anticipated, will be male colts, sired by a fine large Kentucky jack. From present appearances, it is safe to predict that Messrs. Moore & Rohrer will in a few years be able to supply any reasonable demand for excellent teams suitable for either the road or general farm purposes, and at a greater profit than can be made out of the same amount of capital invested in cards.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Major Hood and Ed. Fenlon left yesterday for the Cheyenne and Arapaho country.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Mrs. McGinnis, of Winfield, is here on a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hutchinson.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
R. M. Allen, of the Standard Cattle Co., is in the city. Mr. Allen makes his headquarters at Ft. Worth, Texas.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Perry Day, one of the best known cattlemen of Texas, and a member of the cattle firm of A. J. & C. P. Day, arrived last week from Austin with his son, and went below on Tuesday to see how things were running on Day pasture. Tony didn’t go down with him, preferring to let the “old man” rustle for himself the best he could.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
S. T. Major, of the Walnut Grove Pool, has purchased of Dick Broadwell the latter’s interest in the Cherokee Strip range.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
This week Col. Colcord purchased of W. B. Daigh 90 head of stock cattle, paying $35 for cows and calves, $25 for dry cows, and $20 for yearlings. These are about the regular price for stock cattle now.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
The Kansas City Cattle Company have 1,100 beeves at Hunnewell, waiting for the market to get in the proper notch. Gregory, Eldred & Co. were to have shipped 1,000 head of beeves from there this week.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
W. H. McColl this week purchased of John Runyan 48 head of mixed cattle, paying $35 for cows and calves, $25 for dry cows, and $20 for yearlings. Mac will continue in the cattle business, it appears.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
The Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool will ship from Harper Sunday morning, the 26th, inst., 50 carloads of beeves, and the owners claim they are first-class in every particular. The shipment will be divided between Stoller & Co., Snider & Co., and Platte & Evans.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Wm. Kelly, who was captain of the southern division of the Barber County round-up, will soon be riding one of the finest saddles ever thrown over a horse on this range. His friends, appreciating his services in the work of the round-up, concluded to show their appreciation, and had Henry Blickhahn get up the best saddle he could. The job is completed, and is indeed a credit to the shop. It is a double raw hide, short Trieske tree mounted in splendid style. On the tree in raised letters are the initials “W. K.,” and on the pockets is Mr. Kelly’s brand, “124.” The saddle is a daisy.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883. [Barber (Barbour) County Item.]
Monday morning early a messenger came in from the Colony and reported to Sheriff Rigg that at 2 o’clock that morning a body of armed men had forcibly taken possession of the Boyd cattle, and driven them away into Harper County. It was only last week that a similar attempt was reported, and the sheriff was considerably nettled over this last report. He started out and in a short time had secured a posse of good citizens and started at once in search of the cattle. Accompanying him from here were Ike Powell, Nath Priest, John Shepler, D. Van Slyke, Thos. Doran, E. P. McAlister, Geo. Smith, Sam Dean, R. J. Tallia-ferro, John Rowe, and Geo. Oliver, and at the Colony he was reinforced by several others.
Proceeding into Harper County four miles, the cattle were found in charge of Dr. Rockaway with six guards, who claimed to be holding them by order of the sheriff of that county, but as no such authority was shown, the sheriff had his men take charge of the herd and drove it back to the grazing grounds in this county. But not without protest from Mr. Boyd, who owns the herd. He was asked to stand aside by the sheriff, and he did so.
When the mob took the cattle by force, Irving Clough, who was acting by direction of the sheriff, stayed with them, and no threats could drive him back, and when the crowd from here went out Monday, they found the young man with the herd. He showed good pluck.
The sheriff has increased the force to herd the cattle and declares that if another attempt is made to take them out of his possession except by authority of law, someone will get hurt.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Arbitration Notes.
Since our last issue, the Board of Arbitration have decided the following cases.
St. Jo. Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford, manager. Board decided that to the St. Jo. Cattle Company belonged all the range north of Red Rock 4D pasture, except such range heretofore given to Peter Stewart. Ford to be paid for the fence.
Bridge & Wilson vs. Windsor Bros. Board gave all the range in controversy to Bridge & Wilson.
M. Chambers vs. Roberts & Windsor. Settled by compromise, defendants giving plaintiff all the range he claimed.
Roberts & Windsor vs. Beach and Welch. The latter were given a range 3-1/2 by 4 miles on the head of Wolf Creek.
Roberts & Windsor vs. W. W. Wicks and same against Estes Bros. The Board gave defendants in these two cases a combined range of 24,000 acres.
Northrup & Stevens vs. Doubleday & Co. Board decided in favor of plaintiffs. The defendants gave notice of appeal to Board of Directors.
The case of Roberts & Windsor vs. Tomlin & Webb was compromised.
R. R. Owens vs. Andrews, A. Gorham, J. M. Day, Spencer & Drew, H. Kollar, Reed, Ward, and Byler, continued to Thursday, August 30th.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Phil. McCusker came up from the Territory last Friday, on his way to Wichita to attend a term of the U. S. District Court next week. Phil. placed us under obligations for the following items.
Three children of Mrs. Richardson, wife of the late hospital steward at Fort Sill, died of diphtheria the week pervious.
An effort on the part of Shirley to lease a portion of the Wichita reservation to the Bickford Bros., failed because the Indians would not agree to it.
Crops are unusually good on the Washita and South Canadian.
All the streams in the Territory have been very high this season. The main Canadian has been higher than before known in the memory of man. One entire mail was recently lost in it.
Indian Agent Hunt, at the Wichita Agency, is doing all he can to discourage the driving of through cattle from Texas across the Wichita reservation.
The wife of Little Robe, a Cheyenne Chief, died recently.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Notice to Appellants. At the meeting of Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, to be held in Caldwell, September 3, 1883, no arbitration cases will be considered. BEN S. MILLER, President Board.
Caldwell, August 27, 1883.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
Sumner County Items from Wellington Press.
To show the increase in price of Sumner County lands, $3,500 was offered for the Parker Steve farm, near Rome, which sold a year ago for $1,600.
William Lawrence, living on the Chikaskia River, near Hunnewell, sold his farm and range last week to J. Forsythe for the sum of $5,000.
A carload of wheat shipped from Wellington last week was in such a bad condition when it reached Kansas City that a man was hired to shovel it into the Missouri River.
Belle Plaine voted bonds Monday for a $7,000 schoolhouse, the vote standing 93 for and 1 against the bonds. The schoolhouse will be built immediately, and will occupy grounds just north of the present site.
THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, August 30, 1883.
The Cowley County folks are considering a proposition to vote $100,000 in county bonds for the construction of a railroad from some point on the St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita road to Winfield and Arkansas City.