The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Judge McCrary Renders a Decision in Effect Against the Oklahoma Colonists.
The following opinion rendered by Judge McCrary a few days ago will be read with interest by all persons who contemplated moving to Oklahoma.
In the Circuit Court of the United States, District of Kansas, August, 1883.
David L. Payne, complainant, vs. Robert T. Lincoln and John Pope. In equity.
The complainant alleges that he is a citizen of the United States, and that he served as a soldier of the United States during the war of the rebellion, and was honorably discharged; that he is entitled to settle upon certain territory described in the bill for the purpose of taking a homestead and of obtaining and keeping his home, residence, and his citizenship therein; that he has been attempting by all means in his power to enter upon said territory for that purpose and would have done so were it not for the acts of the defendant, who is a major-general in the army of the United States, having command of a large body of United States soldiers, and who, under orders from the president, has by force prevented complainant from entering upon said territory, and thus unlawfully deprived him of a right guaranteed to him by the constitution and laws of the United States. The bill avers that the territory in question is public land of the United States and open to settlement under the laws hereof.
The particular territory in controversy is described as follows, in the bill.
“Being that portion of the so-called Indian Territory lying south of the State of Kansas and west of the State of Arkansas, and being that portion thereof situate and lying between the North Fork of the Canadian river on the north, and the Canadian river on the south, and extending from the Indian meridian on the east, which meridian nearly corresponds with the sixth principal meridian traversing the state line of Kansas from north to south to the north and south township line between townships seven and eight to the west of said Indian meridian, as will more fully appear by reference to the United States survey thereof.”
The prayer of the bill is for an injunction to restrain the defendants from molesting, interfering with, seizing, imprisoning, detaining, or prevent complainant and others similarly situated accompanying him from going to or remaining upon said territory.
There is no service upon the defendant, Robert T. Lincoln, and the present order is only asked as against the defendant, John Pope.
The motion is submitted upon the allegations of the bill in connection with the statutes and treaties applicable to the controversy.
S. N. Wood and Waters & Ensminger, for complainant.
J. R. Hallowell, United States attorney for General Pope.
McGraw, Circuit Judge.
Is the land under question subject to enter under the pre-emption and homestead laws of the United States? This is the controlling question in the case. It is, to say the least, a question of doubt, and one concerning which there is a serious dispute. The executive branch of the government after the investigation, and being advised by the attorney general of the United States, has decided it in the negative, and have accordingly issued orders to the defen-dant, John Pope, who, as major-general of the army, has military control of the Indian terri-tory, to prevent by force the occupation of the disputed territory by white settlers. Under such circumstances, all that this court can at present be reasonably asked to do is to preserve the status quo until the final adjudication of the controversy. Were the parties at issue upon a question of legal right, and an injunction is necessary for the purpose of preserving all exist-ing rights until final hearing, a preliminary injunction will generally be granted; but in the present case the existing status would be destroyed, not preserved, by granting the writ. The sole purpose for which the injunction is granted in advance of a final hearing in such cases, is to preserve the rights of the parties pending the suit, so as to leave the subject matter intact, to be dealt with by the court in the final decree. It is to compel the party against whom it is granted to maintain his status merely until the matter in dispute shall by due process of the court be determined.
Hight on injunctions, sec. 8, Mammoth Vein Coal Company’s appeal, 54 Pa. St. 182. To grant the preliminary writ to this case would be in advance of hearing upon the merits, to open up the disputed territory by settlement, and this in effect to predetermine the contro-versy as well as to destroy the present situation.
To refuse this writ is to preserve, or at least not to disturb, the existing status. Without, therefore, considering other questions, the motion for preliminary injunction is overruled upon this ground.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
The Cherokee fair begins at Vinita on the 18th inst. The premiums will aggregate $5,000. A band of wild Indians will be in attendance.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Shot Through the Head.
DODGE CITY, KANSAS, September 2. News has just reached this city by telegraph from Camp Supply, Indian Territory, of a murder committed on Wolf Creek, near there, last evening. G. C. Smith, of Oxford, Alabama, boss of the Dominion Cattle Company’s outfit, was shot through the head and instantly killed by Al Thurman, foreman for the Jackson Cattle Company, in a dispute about a stock range. A warrant has been issued. A deputy United States marshal started tonight to arrest Thurman.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Serious Charges.
Special to the Kansas City Times.
ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS, August 31. The greatest excitement that has ever been known in this country exists now. The Oklahoma War Chief, a paper published in Geuda Springs, in this county, makes charges of not only a serious nature, but criminal in character, against Hon. P. B. Plumb, United States senator from Kansas, and Secretary of the Interior Teller. Right on top of this some buck the men driven out of Oklahoma by the United States army. These men are desperate and say, as all now believe, that Judge McCrary was improperly dealt with by these syndicates in Oklahoma. In a word, that McCrary knew that these lands were or were not public lands; that there is no excuse for this delay. The War Chief claims to be able to prove that Hood, a banker in Emporia, and partner to Senator Plumb, has men now taking up these lands, and that the settlers are held back that the syndicates may get hold of all the best lands. Certain it is that there are men now surveying, and taking up land there, and that they have the support of the United States army while all men not in the rings are driven out.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Oklahoma Boomers.
Sergeant Wilson, with a detachment of the 9th U. S. Cavalry, arrived last Friday from Fort Reno with a party of Oklahoma boomers, captured the week previous. The boomers numbered 125 and had 38 wagons. A few of them went through town while the others went to Hunnewell and Arkansas City. Our interviewer failed to get hold of any of the party, and consequently we can’t give their opinions regarding the unprofitable trip they made.
The Caldwell Journal, September 6, 1883.
Stock Notes.
Walter E. Treadwell and C. C. Clark, of Harper County, have purchased the Northrup & Stevens range in the Territory with 500 head of cattle.
J. W. Hamilton last week bought from Mr. Demman [?] 2,500 head of steer cattle—year-lings and upwards—which will be placed in his pasture on Pond Creek.
Chas. Blackstone has sold his cattle and range on the Cimarron to R. H. Campbell. The price received we understand to be in the neighborhood of $30,000.
The Texas Land and Cattle Company have recently received at the Horseshoe Ranch 5,500 head of young steer cattle from its ranges down in the [? COULD NOT READ REST.]
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
There are only two saloons running at Hunnewell at present. The city government raised the fine to $100.00 per month and the two most disreputable were forced to close their doors. The two remaining ones are compelled to close their doors on the Sabbath. There are two marshals that are paid $100.00 and $75.00 each per month to maintain order in the town, and affairs are running smoothly at present.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Wilkins, one of the men arrested last spring for stealing a horse from the Carnegie & Frasier range, was convicted at Wichita last week. We failed to learn how many moons he will remain in retirement.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Payne Skipped Out.
The Geuda Springs Herald says the JOURNAL was mistaken about Payne going to Oklahoma, and states that the boys got all ready to start, but Payne skipped out for Wichita, and they are still awaiting his return.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
The U. S. Grand Jury at Wichita failed to find an indictment against Phil McCasker or Colonel Manee. There was no evidence to show that either one of them had given or sold whiskey to any Indian in the Cheyenne country.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed his job of surveying the ranges in the middle division of the Cherokee Strip. Tell has done his work satisfactorily to the stockmen, and has only to make a plat of the country surveyed, in order that the Live Stock Association may know how much each one holding in that division will have to pay.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Robbed and Cruelly Beaten by Highwaymen.
[From Arkansas City Democrat, September 11.]
A gentleman by the name of James T. Watson, called at our office last Wednesday evening, and informed us that he had been robbed and beaten by highwaymen near Elgin on Monday the 3rd inst., and by request gave us an account of the affair, which is as follows.
He said, “I reside near Sun City, Barber County, and left home three weeks ago last Saturday, for Baxter Springs, at which place I had some business matters to settle up which placed me in possession of something over $1,200. When I got ready to return home I placed $700 in a pocket inside my shirt, and the remainder, about $500, in my pocket book. I did not apprehend any danger and consequently was unarmed. Just before sundown last Monday I stopped at a farm house some eight or ten miles the other side of Elgin and asked to stay overnight; they told me the family was sick and they could not keep me, so I thought I would ride on to Elgin. It soon commenced to get dark, and I noticed two men on horseback in the road about three hundred yards behind me, and thinking it would be pleasant to have company, if not only for a short distance, I waited for them to come up. When they got along side of me, I saw they were both armed to the teeth, but as they looked and appeared like gentlemen, I felt no apprehension.
“One of them asked me if I was a stranger in those parts, and I told him that I was, and that I wanted to make Elgin that night. He said, there is where we are going, and we will pilot you through. We rode along and chatted pleasantly for about a mile until we came to a little creek and stopped to let our horses drink, when they drew their revolvers and told me to hand over my money, or they would shoot my d d brains out. I told them I had no money and started to ride on, when one of them struck me over the head with a loaded quirt, and knocked me off my horse. They then dismounted and pounded me with their revolvers until I was unconscious. When I came to, my pocket book and watch were gone, but they did not find the $700 inside my shirt, and my faithful ‘cow pony’ had not deserted me, and I mounted him and rode about two miles to a farm house, where I was taken in and cared for, and after hearing my story a number of cowboys who were stopping there mounted their ponies and started out, and did not return until the next morning, but found no trace of the ruffians.”
We have no reason to believe but what the above story is correct, as Mr. Watson had a very bad looking phiz, and unquestionably had been very badly dealt with. He has probably arrived at his home in Barber by this time, a wiser if not a richer man.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
The Six Shooter in the Panhandle.
Word came last week that a man named John Stevenson had been killed on the Malaley Ranch, on the Washita, in the Panhandle, on the 25th, ult., by Alfred Hartman. Last Monday Mr. Malaley arrived home, and from him we learn the following particulars as reported to him while down in the Cheyenne country.
Stevenson had been employed on the range for some time, while Hartman had been there but a few weeks. The two men got along very well until the night of the 24th of August, when all hands in camp got into a wrestling match, during which Stevenson lost his pocket knife. After strict search the knife could not be found, and the next morning Stevenson saw Hartman using it. Stevenson asked for his knife, and Hartman denied all knowledge regarding the piece of cutlery. One hot word after another followed, until, as the men in camp state, Stevenson called Hartman “pet names.” Both were armed with revolvers, and it seems both made an attempt to use their weapons. The result was, Stevenson got killed, and Hart-man jumped on a horse, bare-back, rode to where a line-rider had a horse, saddle, and bridle belonging to Mr. Forbes, Mr. Malaley’s partner, made an exchange, and skipped out. Word was at once sent to Mobeetie and a warrant sworn out for the arrest of Hartman.
Mr. Stevenson has two brothers living in this township, a few miles northwest of town, who are greatly concerned regarding the death of their brother. What steps, if any, they will take regarding this matter we have been unable to hear.
Without wishing to point a moral, it will not be out of place to say that had neither Stevenson nor Hartman been armed, no serious trouble would have arisen from their quarrel about a cheap pocket knife. To quote old Solomon, slightly altered, “he who takes up the six-shooter will perish by the six-shooter”—or hemp.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Bat Carr Heard From.
DALLAS, TEXAS, September 7, 1883. ED. JOURNAL: I notice in the local columns of the JOURNAL of the 30th, ult., a paragraph setting forth that Bat Carr, former city marshal of Caldwell, had been killed in one of the border towns of Texas. This short message from Bat himself will suffice to deny the report; and through the columns of your valuable paper, let me extend to the citizens of Caldwell my kindest regards and well wishes for their future prosperity; through life will I cherish in memory the fond recollections of my sojourn in your little city. When the JOURNAL is returned, marked by the P. M., “Not taken,” then you may suspect the correctness of a like report. Respectfully, BAT CARR.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Aleck Franklin, accompanied by “Tall Horse,” came up last week with a bunch of T 5 beeves, which were sent to Kansas City.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Rev. S. S. Haury, in charge of the Mennonite mission at Cantonment, came up on the stage Tuesday morning, and went north on the afternoon train. Mr. Haury is doing good work among the Cheyennes.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
Jo. Leonard, of the Wichita Agency, passed through town last Monday, on his way home from Washington, where he had been to consult the “Great Father” in relation to matters con-cerning the Wichita Indians. He was accompanied by L. H. Pike, a son of General Albert Pike.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
S. Jackson, manager of the New York Cattle Co., was arrested at Dodge City last Friday and taken to Wichita, charged with complicity in the killing of G. C. Smith, of the Dominion Cattle Company, by Al Thurman, an account of which was given last week. As the Dominion Cattle Company are the successors of the late Millett Cattle Company, which maintained a crowd of killers and cattle thieves, it is barely possible that some of the old Millett crowd still hang around the Dominion range. If such should prove to be the case, the presumption is that Thurman acted in self-defense, and that Jackson had nothing to do with the trouble or its results.
Since the above was put in type, we learn that Thurman was indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury at Wichita, upon his own voluntary statement as to the occurrence resulting in the killing of Smith.
The Caldwell Journal, September 13, 1883.
“Man-on-a-cloud,” a Cheyenne chief, was in town from last Saturday until Monday, hunting a horse which he said had been stolen from him last July, and which had been seen on our streets. He failed to obtain any trace of the animal, and left for his wigwam on the banks of the North Fork, evidently a little disappointed. Man-on-a-cloud, although dressed in the regulation style of his tribe, seemed to be a higher order of Indian, being scrupulously clean in his person, with a rather refined face and a quiet, dignified manner.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The Other Side.
[From Mobeetie Panhandle, September 7th.]
On Saturday, September 1st, a dispute about the ownership of a portion of their range on Wolf Creek occurred between G. C. Smith and Al Thurman. Thurman with some friends, approached Smith, who was riding alone, when Thurman said to Smith:
“You must move your ranch.”
Smith replied: “I will not do it.”
Thurman said: “If you don’t move, I’ll move you.”
Smith said: “Don’t do that; it will cause trouble.”
Thurman said: “If you mean trouble between you and me, it may as well begin right here,” and immediately shot Smith through the head, killing him instantly.
Some deputy U. S. Marshals are pursuing, but we have not heard of his being captured.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Senator Bill Hackney has been firing off his mouth again at Topeka. He thinks St. John is an epitome of all virtues which the human race is capable of sustaining.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
If Bill McDonald can’t beat more sense into the head of his party than was exhibited at Wellington last Tuesday, then he ought to lay aside that cane and reduce the altitude of hat.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The water works at Winfield were completed last week, and the papers of that enterprising village are in ecstasies over an exhibition of their power to throw water in any quantity desired.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Wm. H. Lockridge has been tendered and has accepted the foremanship of the Cheyenne & Arapaho Cattle Co., operating the Fenlon and Malaley grass leases. Mr. Lockridge is a range man of experience and ability, and will, as heretofore, make a successful herd manager and general range man for his company. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
D. L. Payne, J. B. Cooper, G. B. Calvert, and A. W. Harris, officers of the Oklahoma Colony, were arrested at Wichita, on Wednesday of last week, on complaint of U. S. Attor-ney J. R. Hallowell, charging them with a conspiracy to violate the laws of the United States, by settling upon its lands in the Indian Territory.
The arrest is a good thing for Payne, because it relieves him from promises made to his deluded followers, and gives him what he dearly loves above all other things, a little cheap notoriety, and at the same time will enable him to work a new batch of sympathy that will likely aid in replenishing his treasury. Save the above results, and putting the government to an unnecessary expense, we can see no good likely to arise from the arrest of Payne and the men associated with him.
It may be, however, that the U. S. Attorney has taken this step in order to get the case into court in such a way that a decision must be rendered as to the status of the lands in question. But it is claimed that the decision of Judge Parker, of the Western Arkansas district, and the more recent decision of Judge McCrary, practically settles that point, and leave no ground upon which Payne can claim a right to settle upon the Oklahoma lands. Look at the move on the part of the U. S. Attorney from any point we may, it has the appearance to us of being a farce.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Elsewhere will be found a card from Major Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, notifying all persons on the strip who are in arrears for taxes to settle by the 26th of this month. Those holding cattle on the strip and claiming ranges, who neglect or refuse to settle with the Cherokee Nation, will be compelled to move out, therefore, for their own good, it is necessary that they give due attention to Major Lipe’s notice.
Notice to Occupants of Cherokee Strip Lands.
All persons not having license in the Cherokee Strip by September 26th will be reported by me to the Interior Department as intruders, and their range rights disputed by me before the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
D. W. LIPE, Treasurer, Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Penitentiary Statistics.
A “Visitor” to the Kansas penitentiary furnishes some interesting statistics, gathered during his visit, to the Spirit.
Since the penitentiary has had an existence, there has been admitted into it 3,101 prisoners. There are now in the prison 662; of this number, the Caldwell Wagon Company employ 217; Burdette & Hess marble workers, 18; John Sovieson in making furniture, 27; H. S. Burr & Co., making boots and shoes, 40; B. S. Richards, making harness, 13; in and about the coal and air shaft, 146; the remainder in the dining room, kitchen, laundry, etc.; in the wagon shop, a wagon is turned out every twenty minutes during the working day. The state receives from the contractor for each day’s labor of convict sixty cents. These men work hard and are certainly remunerative to the contractor. Of this sixty cents the prisoner gets 8-3/4 cents per day for himself. His board costs about 12 cents, his clothing about 5 cents, leaving a net balance to the state of about 39 cents per day.
The following statement was taken from the librarian’s office for the month of July: can read and write, white, 513; blacks, 83; Indians, 1; Mexicans, 2. Those who cannot read or write: Whites, 15; blacks, 17; Indians, 1; Mexicans, 8; Chinese, none. It will be seen that the Chinese have no illiterates. This is always so.
The library contains 3,582 volumes of books and 1,027 magazines, the legislature appro-priating $500 a year.
During the month of July the convicts read the following volumes: Biography, 293; classical, 20; encyclopedias, 9; histories, 237; juvenile, 97; legal and political, 37; light literature, 741; magazines, 1,294; miscellaneous, 141; poetry, 67; statistics, 402; religious, 261; scientific, 490; novels, 240; foreign, 93; total reading during the month, 4,351 volumes.
The only luxury the convict receives is tobacco to chew, no smoking being allowed. The state appropriates $500 a year for tobacco for the prisoners. Each convict is allowed 3-3/4 ounces per week.
Of the prisoners, 231 attend school on Sundays. They study the different text books and are taught by other students, the chaplain superintending the whole. The Chinese are the most enthusiastic and progressive students.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Luke Short, disgusted with the moral reform recently instituted at Dodge, has sold out his saloon and gone to Texas to engage in the cattle business.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Big Tree, a Kiowa Chief, came up Sunday from the Agency, and left on the train Monday afternoon for Kansas City to make arrangements for sending some of his tribe to Geuda Springs to be treated for various diseases.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Rex Akin lost eight cows out of a little bunch he has in Harper County. They contracted the disease from the Boyd herd of Arkansas cattle which was held on the same range with Mr. Akin’s cattle for over half a day.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain has changed hands, Mr. R. L. Owen retiring, and Wm. P. Ross and J. W. Scroggs assuming the editorial management of the paper. We dislike to part with Bro. Owen as a newspaper man, because he has the earnestness of a man honest in his convictions and firm in the course he believes to be right. The new editors are good writers, and we believe will keep up the reputation of their Chieftain.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
The Kiowa train which left here on Tuesday took a carload of barbed wire to be used in fencing a pasture for the Kiowa and Comanche herd. This is the first step toward carrying out Col. Hunt’s scheme for the benefit of the Indians under his charge. The scheme is an excellent one, and, if carried out, will at the end of ten years make the Kiowas and Comanches self-supporting.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
On Friday night, during the storm, a bunch of beeves, numbering something over five hundred, belonging to the Cragin Cattle Company, en route for the stock yards here, and held fifteen miles southwest, stampeded and from reports seem to have scattered to the four winds of the earth. On Tuesday two hundred and seventy-three head had been collected, and were shipped to Kansas City, but the remainder, nearly one-half, will be hard to get together, from the fact that they are so badly scattered.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
We were in error last week in stating that the Dominion Cattle Company was the outgrowth of the old Millet crowd. The range and cattle now owned by the Dominion Company were sold to them by Doc. Day, who held that range for six years previous to disposing it to the Dominion folks. At the time of the sale, G. C. Smith, the man killed by Al Thurman, foreman of the New York Cattle Company, was in the employ of Mr. Day, and was retained by the Dominion Company, Mr. Day, stipulating that whenever the Company got through with his services, they were to let him go back to his old employer. It is also stated to us upon the most reliable authority that Mr. Smith was one of the most peaceable men employed on the range in the Panhandle, that in no sense was he identified with the “killer” class, and that in all respects he was entitled to the confidence and respect of everybody with whom he came in contact. The taking of his life is regarded by the Dominion Cattle Company and his old friends as nothing less than a cold-blooded and deliberate murder, and they are determined to prosecute the affair to the bitter end. We trust this may prove to be the case, and that if it can be demonstrated that the death of Mr. Smith was the result of a conspiracy, everyone of the guilty parties will be brought to speedy punishment, without regard to their standing or former reputation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 20, 1883.
Barbour County.
[From Medicine Lodge Cresset.]
The pasture now being enclosed by Evans, Hunter & Newman on the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation, is an immense affair, taking some 250 miles of barbed wire to enclose it. There will be about 150 miles of cross fencing, making in all about 400 miles of fence. The range, thus secured, is one of the finest in the southwest, having an abundance of fine, pure water, and a luxuriant growth of nutritious grass. This, with their interest in the Coman-che Pool, will make them the largest cattle owners in this section, and if they have the success that has heretofore met their investments, they will make a mint of money in the next few years.
R. B. Clark purchased, through C. G. Taliaferro, the W. W. and H. H. Whitney cattle yesterday. This herd numbers 700 head, for which R. B. paid $29.00 around. Roll bought the cattle in the morning, and before night had almost consummated a trade by which the Wicks Bros. of the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool, were to become owners. Up to the time of going to press, however, Roll was the proprietor of the herd.
The latest sensation in connection with the Boyd herd of cattle occurred on Monday. It seems that Jackson, acting, we presume, under the sheriff’s orders, had marked the cattle by bobbing their tails. This circumstance displeased Mr. Boyd, and he proceeded to interview Jackson in a very forcible manner, and disfigured his countenance in various localities, by pealing off large sections of the epidermis. Jackson claims that Boyd attacked him in the back, when he attempted to draw his revolver, which Boyd caught and held, and then proceeded to mark him as mentioned above.
Hamilton, the young Englishman who worked last winter for M. W. Brand, but who has since been employed for some time at Geo. Hendrickson’s ranch, skipped out on Friday last, riding one of George’s best horses, which he has forgotten so far to return. He rode from George’s place to Kiowa, where he purchased a saddle from A. W. Rumsey, gave an order on Geo. Hendrickson to pay for the saddle, and then sloped with the entire outfit. When last seen he was riding east from Kiowa. George has offered a reward of $50 for his apprehen-sion. Hamilton is a rather tall, stooped-shouldered man, and speaks with a strong English accent. When he left, he wore a mustache. We understand that he got away with a hundred dollars, or such a matter, which he owed Mr. Brand. He has also beat other parties out of various sums. He is a tolerably slick rascal, but would be taken at first sight for a harmless sort of a dude, who hadn’t sense enough to steal a horse. He claims to have been in the Zulu war, a circumstance which he takes special pride in relating, and which may lead to his detection.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Roadway Through the Strip.
The Cherokee Advocate copies an item published in the JOURNAL two or three weeks ago in reference to roadways through the Strip, and makes the following comments.
It would no doubt be a great accommodation to drovers and freighters to have a four miles wide road left, here and there, unfenced, through the lands recently leased by the Cherokees to a company of stockmen. It would probably be good policy for the lucky Company to make some such provision. But, as their obligation to the public to do any such thing, that is a pony of a different color. The Cherokee Nation leased to Cols. Drumm, Hewins, Eldred, and associates, 6,000,000 acres land, more or less, for grazing purposes, with no material restrictions except as to timber and the three salt springs and their approaches. The Company acquired the right to utilize, for their own benefit, every foot of land on which they pay rental; and while of course they would have no right to close up a well established highway—such as a mail or military route, of ordinary width, it is entirely optional with them whether they do more. An open way four miles wide would contain 2,560 acres per mile, or 128,000 acres for 75 miles—a district capable of sustaining upwards of 8,500 grown cattle or horses at the low estimate of 15 acres per head. It is unreasonable to expect the gentlemen who leased these lands, or the Nation who owns them, to contribute, without consideration, so large a district and valuable a franchise simply to public con-venience! It may be good policy for the Stock Association to do so—but we cannot see that it is their duty, unless in securing the lease they gave assurances that certain routes, of certain width, would be held open. In the cattle business as in war and politics, “to the victors belong the spoils.” The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are the victors so far as the “Strip” is concerned. They will, in our opinion, work it for every dollar that it is worth. If it pays best to keep wide through routes, they will keep them—if not, they will close up some, and narrow others—and who shall blame them? Not we, while they fulfill all their obligations to the Cherokee Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Stumbling Bear and Big Tree.
An Interview With the Latter.
Last week the city was full of noble red men, and among those conspicuous by their appearance and evident authority, were Stumbling Bear and Big Tree, chiefs of the Kiowa tribe. Both had passed up the road the week previous, on their way to Olathe, where they expected to meet Inspector Haworth, and confer with him relative to matters concerning their tribe. They met Mr. Haworth in Kansas City, on his return from the West, and had a conference with him, but, owing to the fact that there was no interpreter along, they failed in completing the object of their mission. Consequently, they returned, Big Tree going back to the reservation, while Stumbling Bear waited until his son arrived from the Carlisle school, and then went over to Geuda Springs to try the effects of their waters upon his eyes. Stumbling Bear is a large, fine-looking man of about sixty years of age. He was one of the chiefs that signed the treaty made at Wichita in 1865, and since that time has strictly kept its stipulations, refusing to go off on any raids, and has always been a friend of the whites.
Big Tree is a man about thirty-six years of age, about five feet ten inches in height, weighing about 260 pounds, and rather corpulent, but at the same time, very active, and in every action exhibiting great strength and a full command of his physical and mental powers. His face is bright and intelligent, showing to the most casual observer that he is an Indian of more than average native ability.
Through the kindness of Phil. McCusker, who happened to be here when Stumbling Bear and Big Tree arrived, we had an interview with the latter. Big Tree said he wanted to tell his story so that through the JOURNAL it might get to the ears of Washington, that thereby something might be done toward Washington fulfilling the promises it had made to the Kiowas. He stated that some time ago Washington had sent instructions to have the Kiowas go to freighting; but the Indians held back. Big Tree took hold of the affair, and by his personal influence induced the Kiowas to take hold of the freighting business. In considera-tion of his services, the government promised to give him a wagon, but up to the present time no part of the agreement had been fulfilled on the part of Washington. The Kiowas had also been induced to go into farming, the government agreeing to break up the land if the Kiowa Indians would make the rails and build the fences around the land to be cultivated. Some land had been broken, but the greater portion could not be, on account of the lightness of the teams employed. The Indians, on the other hand, had made the rails, but the land was not ready for fencing, and the consequence was that nothing could be done for another year. Big Tree said his people wanted more wagons and better teams, and then they would do the best they could. When the tribe was wild, he said, they could take care of their own affairs, but now that they were under charge of the government, nothing could be done for them.
Big Tree also spoke about the education of the children of the tribe, stating that he had used his best efforts to induce his people to send their children to school. As for himself, he had lost his only son, but had sent a nephew to school.
Knowing that Big Tree was one of the Indians who had been arrested and taken to Texas along with Satanta, we endeavored to question him on that point. It was, however, a tender subject with him, and we did not press it. He said, however, that since he had been pardoned by Gov. Davis, of Texas, he had endeavored to follow the white man’s path, and strictly fulfill all the promises he had made.
At the close of the interview, which took place in the JOURNAL office, our business manager presented Big Tree with a cigar and a match, and the editor, in his usual impressive and hearty manner, thanked him for his talk. Big Tree then gathered his flowing drapery around him, shook hands with all present, and stalked out with all the dignity of a United States Senator from Kansas.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
The Catholics of this city have fitted up a room in the upper story of Reilly’s block for a chapel, and Father Dugan celebrated mass in it last Sunday morning.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Hewins & Titus bought last week twenty-four Galloway cows and heifers and thirteen Polled Angus bulls, cow, and calf. The lot were imported by John McCulloch.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
The work of plowing fire guards around the pastures on the Strip goes on with unabated vigor. Owing to the rank growth of grass this year, cattlemen are making extra efforts to guard against prairie fires.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Major Dewees returned Saturday from a trip to Leavenworth and Kansas City, and took the afternoon stage for Fort Reno.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Sol. Taylor, Major Randall’s old clerk, passed through town this week on his way to Washington, having recently been discharged from the 23rd Infantry, after twenty-three years’ continuous service as a soldier in the U. S. Army.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Wm. Crimble came up from Ft. Reno last Saturday, and reports everything running along smoothly on the North Fork. He has some work to finish up for Reynolds, Doty & Hubbell, and also a building to put up for Evans & Co., which will necessitate his return, and possibly keep him at the Fort until about Christmas.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
During the present season, Harry Hill, for A. J. Snider & Co., Live Stock Commission men of Kansas City, shipped from Caldwell 11,800 head of cattle. Harry is a worker, and, representing a first-class house, finds no difficulty in securing a full share of the business.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Dr. C. G. Thompson, of Fort Reno, passed through the city yesterday on his return from Dakota, where he accompanied the northern Cheyennes who had been permitted to return to their old reservation. The Doctor stated that the trip was a tedious one, occupying over sixty days, during which time the Doctor was in the saddle every day. He promised to send the JOURNAL a description of the trip, with an account of the most interesting incidents connected with it.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
The Wichita Times of last Wednesday, the 19th, inst., says it was reported that the marshal of Caldwell had been shot and killed, the night previous. The Times of the above date reached us on the Thursday following, and without any hesitation we started out to interview Mr. Brown, our city marshal, regarding the statement. We found him a lively corpse, engaged in the work of trying to keep down a difficulty between two irate barbed wire freighters. As he didn’t appear to be very dead, our reporter concluded that some fellow had put it upon the Times man, and the investigation proceeded no further. The reporter, before leaving Henry, exacted a promise that whenever our city marshal was killed, the JOURNAL would get the first and only reliable information regarding the affair.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Loss of Cattle on Chikaskia.
Mr. Carter, living on the Smith place, on the Chikaskia, last week lost 24 head out of 35 head of his Shorthorn cattle. The cattle were taken sick and died within twenty-four hours. Mr. Carter also has four Polled Angus and two Holsteins, but none of these seem to have been affected with the malady, whatever it was, while every one of his Shorthorns was ill. Thinking the disease was Spanish fever, Mr. Carter used belladonna, but only succeeded in saving eleven of his Shorthorn herd.
Of the 24 that died, Mr. Carter opened three, and found the manifold dry and congested, the gall full, and running over in two, while in one the gall was thick and black. Two of them, when the hides were taken off, had a thick bloody and watery substance on one side, while the other carcass was bloodshot on the hips and back.
Mr. Carter says that in the pasture where the cattle are kept, there are several pools or ponds, and that during the summer, a herd of through Texans had been driven across it. The herd had gone into these pools, and around the edges had left the impress of their hoofs. These places were subsequently filled with water by rains, and his cattle would drink out of those places. It seemed, Mr. Carter said, almost impossible to keep the cattle away from them.
The disease may not have resulted from any infection left by the Texas cattle; and we think, from the description given by Mr. Carter of the condition of the stomach, gall, and liver of the deceased cattle examined, that it did not. The JOURNAL corps lays no claim to being veterinary surgeons, and therefore with diffidence offers the theory that it may have been murrain which caused the loss. On the other hand, it seems singular that neither the Holsteins nor the Polled Angus were in any way affected. If anyone, from the statement above made, can tell what caused the death of the cattle, we should like to hear from him.
The Caldwell Journal, September 27, 1883.
Cattle Deals.
The JOURNAL has had to record few heavy cattle deals for some time, but this week it can state that M. H. Bennett has bought the Hewins & Titus cattle in charge of Sam Garvin, paying therefor, in cash, the modest sum of $90,000. The herd numbers between 7,000 and 8,000 head. Some time next month Milt will go below, round up, and brand his calves.
Hewins & Titus, in turn, have purchased all of E. Wilson’s interest in the Indian Springs Range, paying therefor, as we understand, the sum of $135,000. Mr. Wilson, we understand, has made up his mind to locate in Colorado or New Mexico.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Sheriff Thralls left on Tuesday morning’s freight train for the state penitentiary in charge of John W. Griffith, who goes to serve a sentence of three years for forgery; Chas. Davis, tried for the murder of Geo. Woods, the dance hall proprietor at Caldwell, who will serve a sentence of three years for manslaughter in the third degree; James Turner, who will serve a sentence of three years for grand larceny; and W. F. Gage, who is sentenced for eighteen months imprisonment for horse stealing. Henry Gilby, the boy who stole W. G. Foraker’s horse, is still in jail, but will be taken to the reform school.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
“Oklahoma” is the name of a new post office in Kingman County, and Joseph H. Wilson is the postmaster.
The greenbackers unanimously nominated Ben Butler for governor on the 25th ult., and the democrats endorsed it on the 26th.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Resolution passed by the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, October 3, 1883.
RESOLVED, That the Caldwell JOURNAL be and is hereby declared the official paper of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Bob Perry, a Texas desperado charged with murdering a man by the name of Hart at Hunnewell, August 1st, 1882, was brought to this city on Monday, by J. S. Crozier, U. S. Marshal of Texas, and turned over to the U. S. authorities here in pursuance of a preliminary examination held before a U. S. Commissioner, at Dallas, Texas, where Perry was captured. He was jailed, and will have to remain in confinement for a year. Wichita Eagle.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
D. L. Payne, J. B. Cooper, W. A. Harris, and A. B. Calvert, the leaders of the Oklahoma boomers, were bound over last week, at Wichita, by U. S. Commissioner Sherman, in the sum of $1,000 each, for their appearance at the U. S. Court, which meets at Leavenworth on the 8th inst. The prime object of this prosecution is to fully determine the question of the right of white people to occupy the Indian Territory, particularly that portion which the Payne crowd claim to be public lands.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Meeting of Board of Directors.
Pursuant to notice the Board of Directors of the C. S. L. S. Association met on Thursday of last week to receive the reports of the surveyors selected to run the lines of the pastures in each division, and to fix the amount to be assessed against such holder, and make a levy to raise the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation.
The report of S. T. Wood, surveyor of the eastern division, the survey being incomplete, showed 1,909,000 acres. Mr. Wood is still at work, but it will require a couple of weeks to finish the job; so as to obtain the exact number of acres in the division.
The middle division surveyed by Tell W. Walton, showed an area of 1,764,446.49 acres. The report also shows that there are 23 ranges in the division, running from 8,500 to 299,526 acres. All but three ranges are entirely enclosed with barbed wire fencing, and the three are fenced on each side.
Mr. C. H. Burgess had the east half of the western division, running west to the V range. West of that was under charge of Fred Erkhart, who has not completed his survey. The district surveyed by Mr. Burgess comprises 1,108,390 acres.
This makes a total of 4,781,865.49 acres surveyed and platted on the Strip. When the surveys are completed on the extreme eastern and western ends of the Strip, it is altogether likely the total acreage will exceed 6,000,000 acres.
From these reports, the Board levied an assessment of two cents an acre upon each occupant, in order to meet the first semi-annual payment to the Cherokee Nation, and to meet other expenses, and on Friday morning the Treasurer, M. H. Bennett, began the collection of the amounts due from each occupant. We did not learn the total sum paid in, but by Friday night there were sufficient funds in the Treasurer’s hands to meet all obligations due the Cherokees, and on Saturday morning he started for Tahlequah to make the first payment in accordance with the terms of the lease.
Since Thursday afternoon the Board has had under consideration cases appealed from the Board of Arbitration. In the case of Broadwell vs. The Eagle Chief Pool, the Board rendered a decision making Broadwell’s west line begin on the southwest corner and run north seven miles, leaving his west fence in a different shape from what he had it built.
In the case of Chase against Ewing, the Board affirmed the decision of the Board of Arbitration, giving Chase his range.
Wednesday morning the Board of Directors adopted the following resolution.
Resolved, That the Caldwell JOURNAL, be and is hereby adopted as the official organ of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Yesterday afternoon the case of the St. Joe Cattle Company vs. E. M. Ford was referred to the parties in contest, and settled by the Wyeth Cattle Co., purchasing all the interest of the St. Joe Company.
In the case of Peter Stewart vs. E. M. Ford, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, giving Stewart nearly all he asked.
The Board meets this morning at 9 o’clock, and will continue in session from day to day until all disputes regarding range are settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Attempt to Rob a Passenger Train at Coolidge.
Engineer and Fireman Killed.
An attempt was made to rob a passenger train at Coolidge, on the A. T. & S. F. Road, west of Dodge, at 2 o’clock last Saturday morning. The following particulars are gathered from the associated dispatches of the 29th ult.
TOPEKA, Sept. 29. The facts concerning the attempted train robbery at Coolidge this morning, as obtained from passengers and officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe road are as follows:
The train arrived on time and remained at Coolidge ten minutes. When Conductor Greeley stepped forward to give the signal to go ahead, he saw two men ahead of him, one of whom jumped on the platform between the cars. The other sprang into the side door of the express car, landing on his hands and knees. Greeley stood asking what he was doing there, when the robber half arose and pulled a revolver and shot in his face, so close that the powder burnt it, but he was not hit. The robber then turned and fired at S. S. Peterson, the express messenger, who returned the fire and then built a barricade around him, and the passengers say he continued a lively fusillade, though Peterson says he fired only once. The fellow ran out of the baggage door and escaped, probably with the one on the platform. Conductor Greeley then went to the engine and found Engineer John Hilton dead, with a bullet through the head under the eye, and fireman Fadle fatally shot in the breast. Fadle stated that a man jumped on the engine and ordered engineer Hilton to pull out. Hilton answered that he would when he received orders, and the robber then shot him down and fired at Fadle, with the result above stated. The plan was preconcocted, the wires having been crossed east of Coolidge since September 23.
At half-past 5 o’clock this evening it was announced the arrest of two men had been made, one of whom is supposed to have fired at Peterson. The robber is about 5 feet 10 inches in height, stoop-shouldered, and has a long, thin nose. It is believed he can be identified. The remains of Hilton will be taken to Milwaukee tomorrow for interment. He lived at Dodge, where he had a wife and four children. His wife is unconscious. Fifteen hundred dollars reward is offered for the arrest of the parties.
KANSAS CITY, Sept. 29. A Journal’s Las Vegas, New Mexico, special says: “A prominent railroad man of this city, speaking of the Coolidge train robbery, said today that he believed that the trio of robbers went from New Mexico to do the job. There are four in the gang altogether, he said, and they went east only a few days ago. The original design was to take the train on New Mexican soil, but the division superintendent was appraised of the intended attack and took precautionary measures, which defeated the object of the gang and sent them to Kansas.
“Dave Matthews, known as ‘Mysterious Dave,’ who is leading the pursuit, was formerly of Las Vegas and ferreted out the gang which robbed the trains here in November, 1879.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Harry Donnelly, a barkeeper employed at Donahue’s saloon, and a man named Dean, are the parties arrested for the attempted train robbery and the murder of the engineer and fireman. Dean is described as a man five feet ten or eleven inches high, well built, light complexioned, with a clear steady eye. He is said to have been employed on one of the cattle ranches in the Territory. From reports, the officers at Dodge seem to be satisfied that he was the leader of the party.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Wire-Cutters Killed.
Reporter, Gainesville, Sept. 20.
HENRIETTA, Sept. 15. News was received here this morning about 8 o’clock, by telephone, from Post Oak, of the killing and wounding of three of the wire-cutters last night. A man named Butler, one of the ring-leaders, was shot about twenty times and two others badly wounded. The shooting is supposed to have been done by the line riders. Butler’s body was found about three miles from where Sherwood’s fence had been cut for several miles. Great excitement prevails among our prominent stock men. About twenty of them mounted on horses and heavily armed, left for Sherwood’s ranch at 7 o’clock this evening, where a lively time is anticipated tonight. The city is wild with excitement.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Publish Your Brands.
From the Cheyenne Transporter.
There are two or three parties in this country who think their brands are “too well known already,” and that it is not good policy, more especially for small owners, to make their brands and range locations known through the papers. If it is policy for the large owners, it is doubly so for the smaller possession in stock to make public their brands, as they have not so many men in the field to look after their interests. It is of vital importance to make public all brands, so that every honest worker knows whose they are and where they belong, as otherwise he may not consider it to his interest to inform himself, as he is busy in his appointed tasks. But the only thief to be feared is the best posted man in the range, and to be successful, he must and does know every brand, large or small, and to what part of the range it belongs. The “rustler” knows your brands already, even if your herd numbers only a dozen head, for that is business; but you must constantly remind the honest toilers, else they will forget, and neglect to gather in. A brand is never “too well known already.”
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Capt. Peters bought two young Polled Angus bulls of Hewins & Titus, last week, for which he paid the modest sum of $3,000. The Capt. says Hewins & Titus have the best herd of Polled Angus cattle in the West, or in the United States, for that matter. George pins his faith on the black uleys, and is confident they are the coming breed of the West.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
E. Tuttle, of the stock firm of S. & Z. Tuttle, has bought A. J. Day’s residence on lower Market street, and will remove his family from Wichita to this city. Mr. Day will remove to his old home at Austin, where he has large property interests.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Messrs. Burgess & Walton are preparing a map of the ranges on the Cherokee Strip, made up from surveys by the various parties recently engaged in that work. The map will be invaluable to every stock man on the Strip, and no time should be lost in making subscrip-tions, as no extra copies will be published. If the plats made and submitted to the Directors are any criterion, the map will not only be a beauty, but a necessary adjunct to every well governed ranch.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Cattle Fever.
Last week we gave an account of Mr. Carter, on the Chikaskia, losing several head of cattle by what he supposed to have been Spanish fever. Yesterday we were informed that the balance of his herd had died. Mr. Wykes, on Bluff Creek, south of town, informs us that the disease has made its appearance in his herd, and that several head of his work steers have died from its effects. He states that an examination of the deceased animals shows the same condition of the liver, spleen, and gall bladder as exhibited in the Carter cattle. Mr. Wykes also states that none of his cattle had been brought in contact with any through Texas cattle. Talking about these cases with an old cattleman—one who has raised and driven Texas cattle for the past fifteen years—we suggested the theory that the disease was more of the nature of malaria. He replied that he thought so, from the fact that the disease affects cattle about the same time in the year that bilious malaria affects the human family. “In seasons when there is little or no diseases of a malarial nature,” he said, “you will find but few cattle dying from what we choose to call ‘Texas fever.’
“I have observed this fact for several years, and am satisfied that almost the same remedies that will cure a man affected with the malaria will cure a cow or a steer affected with the fever.”
He further stated that cattle affected with the disease act just as man acts while laboring under an attack of malaria, save that there seems to be no cessation of fever from the time the animal is attacked until it dies, as it usually does unless the proper remedies were applied in time. “The exact nature of the disease has not been discovered,” he said, “because every veterinary surgeon who has attempted to investigate it has started off on the theory that the disease originated solely from contact with cattle brought from the south.”He stated that while such contact might communicate the malady, he believed that the state of the atmo-sphere and the water the animals use had more to do with it than any other cause.
Of course, we don’t pretend to say how far he is right or wrong, but it is nevertheless a fact that the disease is imperfectly understood, and some steps must be taken by the stock-men of this section to discover its cause, and, if possible, ascertain the proper method of treating it.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Asso-ciation, held in Caldwell on the 3rd day of October, 1883, the following action was had.
On motion of A. J. Day, seconded by A. Drum, it was ordered that a committee of four, consisting of Ben S. Miller, S. Tuttle, E. M. Hewins, and J. W. Hamilton be appointed on quarantine grounds, in place of the old committee, who are hereby discharged; and that said committee have full power to lay off and define quarantine grounds.
The following resolution was adopted.
Resolved, That the Hunnewell quarantine grounds shall be bounded on the north by the Kansas state line, on the west by Forsythe Bros., Moore & Rohrer, and G. W. Miller’s fences; on the south by the Nez Perces reservation; on the east, by Helm & Horseley’s fence. The Caldwell quarantine ground shall be bounded on the north by the Kansas state line; on the west by Garland & Corzine’s fence, and run due north to State line; on the south by J. A. Blair’s fence; on the east by W. E. Malaley, Bower Bros., Barefoot & Santer, Moore & Rohrer, and D. T. Beals. J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
Caldwell, October 3, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Stock Shipments.
There has been a revival in stock shipments at this point since last Sunday. On that day Corzine & Garland sent out 25 cars, Capt. C. H. Stone 20 cars, Lamont 4 cars, and Foster & Mitchell 2 cars of hogs.
On Monday Capt. Stone shipped 21 and Frasier 20 cars.
Yesterday J. W. Carter, for the Texas Land & Cattle Company, shipped 45 cars.
We have not been able to ascertain the total number of cattle shipped from here to date, but from the best information we can obtain at present, it will not go over 20,000 head.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
W. H. Doty, of the firm of Reynolds, Doty & Hubbell, Darlington, Indian Territory, came up on Tuesday, to look after some delayed freight. He reports Mr. and Mrs. Hubbell in good health, and that the firm is doing a good business.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
The Cragin Cattle Company is represented here by the following gentlemen, who arrived from Philadelphia last Thursday: Chas. S. Cragin, J. Warren Coalston, Geo. K. Cragin, Dr. E. P. Huyler, Wm. Clark, Chas. Ochme, S. A. Curtis, and Thomas Curtis. The party, under charge of R. D. Cragin, manager of the company, started for the Company’s ranch on Sunday, and while in the Territory, will enjoy themselves hunting.
The Caldwell Journal, October 4, 1883.
Notice in Regard to Rewards.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, September 29, 1883.
At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, held this day, it was ordered by the Board that all rewards heretofore offered by the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association for the arrest and conviction of persons stealing stock from members of this Association, be, and are from this day, revoked.
BEN S. MILLER, President.
Attest: JOHN A. BLAIR, Secretary.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
The “Byrd” Has Flown.
Dodge City Times, October 2.
William M. Byrd, who has been lying in the Ford County jail ever since August 26th, and under the charge of grand larceny, i.e., stealing, branding, and shipping eight car loads of cattle shipped from the Dodge City Stock Yards August 25, 1883, among which shipment eighteen head of cattle were found belonging to as many different parties and members of different associations of the southwest. Byrd at his preliminary examination was placed under a bond of $6,000 for his appearance at the October term of court, and in default of bail was committed to jail.
On the 24th inst., his attorney, H. E. Gryden, swore out a writ of habeas corpus, alleging that Byrd was illegally restrained and without probable cause, and that the bond under which he was held ($6,000) was excessive, and praying that he might be brought before the Honorable Probate Court of the county and these facts inquired into. The court made an order commanding the sheriff of the county to bring said Byrd before the court, naming Sept. 26th. On the day named the case was called, the state being represented by J. T. Whitelaw, and assisted by M. W. Sutton, additional council for the association; H. E. Gryden for the defendant. State took a continuance for two days on account of absent witnesses, which would have carried the case to Oct. 6th. On the 28th day of September, counsel for defendant filed a supplemental petition of the testimony as given before the examining court, and withdrew so much of their former petition as alleging “illegal restraint and held without probable cause,” and stood upon the single prayer, “an unreasonable, unjust, and exorbitant bond,” and asked the court to reduce the same. By agreement of County Attorney Whitelaw and assistant, M. W. Sutton, who represented the Southwest Stock Grower’s Association, and H. E. Gryden, who in turn was assisted by Hon. Thos. West of Jacksboro, Texas, for the defense, a prominent stock man of that state and a member of the Northwest Texas Stock Association, from the members of which Byrd is charged with stealing cattle, or rather cattle were found in his possession belonging to members of said association. Without much argument either for the prosecution or for the defense, the attorneys between themselves appeared to think the bond excessive, and with one united appeal to the court from this innocent body of lawyers, the court was inclined to think that as the State and members of the Association who came here represented by their able attorneys came to the relief of Byrd and plead for him, why truly the charge against him cannot be as grave as at first repre-sented, and why not comply with this modest request and reduce the bond, not to the amount they had agreed on, but the court would meet them half-way—and make it $4,000. Thus the bond on this injured, innocent Byrd is reduced two thousand dollars, which enables his friends to get him out of jail—if not entirely out of the clutches of the strong arm of the law of Kansas—for just that much less money. It is easier to pay $4,000 than $6,000 to get to breathe the fresh air of southwest Kansas once more, and perhaps Byrd may decide that it is easier to forfeit $4,000 to a Ford County jury and a possible trip to the State penitentiary, and therefore may forget to return.
It is also possible that this man Byrd may get sick and be unable to be in attendance at the October term of court; such cases are not improbable, and a good strong affidavit setting forth such a statement of facts would carry his case over to the next term of court. We do not know that this man Byrd will get sick or that he will be in attendance at next term of court, neither would we wager very much on his being here. It is claimed by our stockmen that the evidence against him is strong enough to send him to the penitentiary, and if that is a fact, we think the court erred in reducing the bond. We are also asked why this great haste in having this writ of habeas corpus passed upon before the time named to which it had been adjourned to, at which time all interested parties could be present, and if released, other warrants could be sworn out against said Byrd on a statement of facts not known at the time when first placed under arrest. But the real parties in interest it appears were not consulted, and the case passed upon without their knowledge or consent; but the action of the attorneys in this case looks a little cloudy. There is a nigger in the woodpile somewhere, and perhaps our people may recall to their minds the case of the State vs. Geo. U. Holcomb, who stole one hundred head of cattle from Dunham & Ward, in 1878, who wore the State out on bonds, and was never brought to trial nor even had his bond declared forfeited. Will the Byrd case prove to become a similar one?
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
The Kansas City Times says of an individual whom many of our people remember not in the most kindly spirit:
“Mr. J. S. Danford, a well known banker at Osage City, Kansas, is in the city from Colorado, where he has been prospecting for some time. Mr. Danford has concluded to remove to Washington Territory, where he will engage in active business, establishing a bank at a thriving town in that territory. Mr. Ainsworth, formerly associated with Mr. Danford at Osage City, contemplates accompanying him to the northwest.”
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
The Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association have made arrangements with Mr. Drew to occupy the south half of the second floor of the new block which is building south of the JOURNAL office. The floor will be divided into two rooms, furnished with folding doors. The front room will be furnished as an office, and a bookkeeper has already been employed to take charge of affairs. This is certainly one of the wisest things the Directors have done, and is a great improvement over the old order of affairs. The JOURNAL compliments them on the wisdom of their choice.
[E. R. BATES.]
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
E. R. Bates, formerly of the firm of Beale & Bates, and well known among stockmen, appears to be in serious trouble. It will be remembered that something more than a year ago the inspectors at St. Louis seized sixty or seventy head of cattle from a shipment by the above firm. Last spring he sold out and returned to Boston to reside. Week before last, Sheriff G. W. Arrington, of Wheeler County, Texas, went to Boston, arrested Mr. Bates, and brought him back to be tried on the charge of driving stray cattle. As the matter may come before a jury at some future time, we refrain from comments, desiring justice to take its course.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Chief Bushyhead has appointed R. M. Wolfe and Chas. Starr to complete the surveys and locations of springs on Cherokee lands.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The following are the public proceedings of the Board of Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association since the last issue of the JOURNAL.
F. Y. Ewing vs. Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool. Board decided the line between Ewing and the Pool to be as follows: Beginning at a point where the present fence crosses Big Boggy, thence direct to the point where the present fence reaches its most southerly point; thence along said fence to the point where said fence joins Streeter’s southwest corner. Also, that F. Y. Ewing shall allow the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool $150.00 expense for moving fence.
The resignation of D. R. Streeter of the Board of Arbitrators was accepted, and Ben. Garland appointed in his place.
I. B. Gilmore vs. Northrup & Stevens. Decision of Board of Arbitrators affirmed, and that Northrup & Stevens are to pay Gilmore $150 per mile for what fence he built.
In the case of Hammers & Co., vs. C. Lynch, decision of Arbitrators affirmed.
Tracy, Doubleday and others, vs. Northrup & Stevens. Decision of Arbitrators affirmed, giving Northrup & Stevens the range claimed by them.
On Friday, the Board adjourned until Nov. 13th, at which time all cases of appeal to the Board will be settled. Parties having appeals must be promptly on hand, as it seems to be the intention of the Board to close up all contest business at their next session.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Hack leaves Geuda Springs on Mondays and Fridays at 8 o’clock a.m.
Leaves Caldwell on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 8 o’clock a.m.
Anybody desiring water from the Springs can leave orders at Sharp’s restaurant, and the same will be promptly filled. J. F. CONNER.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Northrup & Stevens have turned over their range and farm to Treadwell & Clark [?]. The sale was made some time ago, but the transfer was not made until some range disputes were settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Decisions Rendered.
The Board adjourned last Friday until the 13th of November. The following is the action of the Board during its late session, as furnished by the clerk, Mart Miller.
McDonough & Co., vs. Geo. A. Thompson. Decision, Geo. A. Thompson was entitled to all the pasture inside his pasture. No appeal taken.
Hammers & Co., vs. Ben. Garland. Tried by special board of arbitration. Range viewed by board. Decision, Ben. Garland entitled to all range inside of his fence. No appeal taken.
T. C. Gatliffe vs. J. P. Richmond. Case dismissed on the ground that Gatliffe was not a member of the Association.
Manning & Montague vs. Larrimer & Crane. Case withdrawn by plaintiffs.
R. L. Owens vs. J. V. Andrews, same against Arthur Gorham, J. M. Day, Spencer & Drew, Hi Kollar, Reed, Word & Byler. Compromised and settled in all cases.
Gregory, Eldred & Co., vs. Comanche County Pool. This case occupied four days, some forty witnesses being examined, and a pile of affidavits thrown in to confuse the minds of the Board. The Board, out of the mass of testimony produced, decided that Gregory, Eldred & Co., were entitled to a range described as follows: Beginning at the line of the State of Kansas, at the southwest corner of Gregory, Eldred & Co.’s pasture; running thence south to where East Greenwood merges into main Greenwood; thence south to the Comanche County Pool fence; that Gregory, Eldred & Co., shall pay the Comanche County Pool for all fencing east of the aforedescribed line, and the Comanche County Pool shall pay one-half the fencing on the west line. Appeal taken by Comanche County Pool.
H. Stunkle vs. Hammers & Co., same vs. Northrup & Stevens. Cases continued until the next meeting of the Board of Arbitrators, at which meeting these last two cases will be dismissed, for the reason that since their continuance the Board of Directors of the Associa-tion have decided that H. Stunkle is not entitled to membership in the Association, and have ordered their treasurer to return to said Stunkle his membership fee, notifying him at the same time of the decision of the Board.
M. H. Northrup vs. Bridge & Wilson. Board decided that Northrup was entitled to the right of holding 400 head of cattle in Bridge & Wilson’s pasture, said Northrup paying his pro rata share of all expenses connected with said pasture. Whenever Northrup refuses to pay his share of the expenses, he shall forfeit his rights within said pasture.
Dominion Cattle Company vs. New York Cattle Company. Case continued on special agreement of parties in contest.
A. L. Raymond vs. Geo. A. Thompson. Compromised and withdrawn.
The Board adjourned on Saturday morning until November 18th, at which time all cases must be brought forward and settled.
The Board has had a most arduous and disagreeable task in hearing the cases brought before them, and in every instance have endeavored to mete out even and exact justice to all without regard to fear, favor, or affection.
On Friday D. R. Streeter tendered his resignation as a member of the Board, and, as stated elsewhere, Ben Garland was appointed in his place by the Board of Directors. Mr. Streeter, while a member of the Board of Arbitrators, performed his duties in the most conscientious manner, convincing all parties that his only object was to ascertain the exact facts in every case brought before the Board, and then decide accordingly. Not only his associates on the Board, but everyone who has come in contact with him, either in a private or official capacity, speak in the highest terms of his manliness, integrity, and affability which marks him as a true gentleman.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Milt Bennett left for the Washita on Monday to look after those cows he bought of Hewins.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Hon. C. V. Rogers, an influential citizen of the Cherokee Nation, was in the city last week, returning on Friday.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Major Drumm started for his ranch Saturday afternoon, to rest for a few days, and start a bunch of beeves for market, we surmise.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
J. C. Shaw, foreman for Tony Day, leaves this week on a visit to his home in Texas.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
R. W., better known as Dick Phillips, of the Comanche County Pool, was here last week, leaving for Chicago Friday, where he will remain for some time. Of course, he had to have the JOURNAL sent to him in order to keep posted.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, returned on Friday, having completed his mission of paying over to the treasurer of the Cherokee Nation $50,000, being the amount due on the first semi-annual payment on the lease of the Strip.
One week ago last Friday morning, Mr. Bennett commenced receiving the money from the members of the Association, and before night had taken in over $80,000. On Saturday morning, accompanied by City Marshal Henry Brown, he started for Kansas City, where he had a check cashed, and expressed the money to Muskogee, he and Brown going on the same train. Arriving at Muskogee, Mr. Bennett could not find anyone to identify him at the express office, and had to drive over to Tahlequah, where he found Judge Geo. O. Sanders. The latter returned with him to Muskogee, where the cash was received and taken to Tahlequah. The distance between the two places is about 35 miles, over a road none the best, and lined on each side with brush a good portion of the distance. Milt says the trip is the most disagree-able one he ever made in his life, and nothing could induce him to repeat the experience. Notwithstanding the assurance he received that the road was perfectly free from all highwaymen or would-be robbers, all the time he was on the road, a suspicion prevailed in his mind that a half dozen men were liable to jump out of the brush at any time and compel him to throw out the grip containing the money.
The provision in the lease requiring the Association to pay the lease money in cash at the Capital of the Nation is a very foolish one, because the money has to be sent to St. Louis, where it is kept on deposit for the benefit of the Nation. It might just as well be paid in St. Louis at first, thus saving an expense to the Association, and also to the Cherokees.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Thos. E. Fenlon, of Leavenworth, and one of the best lawyers in the State, sauntered into the JOURNAL office last Friday. One of the early settlers of Kansas and an old-time personal friend, it did us good to see him and talk over the past, when Leavenworth was, in name and fact, the metropolis of the State. Fenlon’s visit was for the purpose of taking affidavits in a case before the U. S. Circuit Court, against the Stage Company. He finished his work Saturday morning, and returned home on the afternoon train.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Letter From the Territory.
FT. SILL, October 2, 1883.
DEAR HUTCH: I reached here yesterday, after a stay of six days at Reno.
I found considerable sickness among the Cheyennes and Arapahos, some twenty of the latter having died in the last two months. There is considerable sickness among the Kiowa and Comanches, as there is every fall; but so far, no deaths have occurred. This is probably owing to the fact that the Indians are widely scattered over their reservation.
No news here. Col. Henry is away, which leaves Capt. Byers in command. The hay contract for this post was completed and filled today. There has already been a good many prairie fires, and much of the country between here and the Washita has been burned over. Everything is very dry. Cache Creek and Medicine Bluff are lower than they have been for years. Rain is badly needed. PHIL. McCUSKER.
The Caldwell Journal, October 11, 1883.
Supt. Hutchison, with his Arapaho school boys, is cutting the crop of corn raised by the school boys in the field west of the stage road. The yield is very large and of good quality, which is the result of labor performed alone by these Indian boys. A large field was also cultivated by the Cheyenne school boys, whose labors were crowned by the same success. If the season is favorable, the boys of these schools each year will raise more than enough corn to supply the school during the winter. Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain, says it is reported that Deputy Marshal Grier was killed near Ft. Sill, last Tuesday, while attempting to arrest two horse thieves.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Leavenworth Times says that Payne is in that city endeavoring to organize another raid into the Territory, provided the case now before the U. S. District results in his favor.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
When we left Leavenworth on Monday, the Grand Jury had not reported an indictment against D. L. Payne and others for conspiracy in attempting to locate on the Oklahoma lands. The probabilities are, no indictment will be found, though both sides seem to be anxious to get the case into court in some shape, in order that the question as to the status of the lands may be settled.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The changes made by the retirement of Gen. Sherman from the command of the army takes Gen. Pope from this department and sends him to San Francisco. Gen. Augur will take his place at Fort Leavenworth. The removal of Gen. Pope causes great dissatisfaction at Leavenworth, because, in his long stay at the Fort, he had become endeared to the people of the city. They say, and with justice, that inasmuch as Gen. Pope has only two years to serve before his retirement, he should be allowed to remain where he is, provided it is agreeable with his wishes.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The switchmen on all the railroads centering in St. Louis and east St. Louis entered upon a general strike for shorter hours and higher wages at noon last Monday. They demand ten hours as a day’s work, extra pay for Sundays, and 30 cents per hour for all time over ten hours, besides $65 per month of twenty-six working days. The strikers number about 600 men in St. Louis and East St. Louis. The strike will probably cause a blockade of freight at East St. Louis. The strikers are determined to hold out, and if they do, the strike will have a most serious effect upon all classes of freights passing through St. Louis. Stockmen ship-ping to St. Louis will be compelled to hold off or ship their stock to another market.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
GEUDA SPRINGS, October 11, 1883.
EDS. JOURNAL: Will you permit a reader of your paper to write a few lines from this part of the moral vineyard. Geuda Springs at present is lively, and our businessmen are doing a thriving business, and laying in stocks for the winter. There is a flattering prospect for a railroad through here in the spring, which, added to the present business boom, will make Geuda Springs the liveliest little town in the state. We have recently had a few business changes. J. R. Musgrove is putting up his large sale rooms and laying in a mammoth stock of clothing, as well as groceries, and will compare prices with any clothing house in the west. Mr. Hall is also a wide awake businessman, and is looking up the interest of his hotel which is doing a thriving business. Mr. Hall has had years of experience in the hotel business and is running a first class house in connection with the Springs. Our hack line is doing a lively business and comes in well laden with visitors to the Springs, who speak in flattering terms of our city. D. J.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Cheyenne and Arapahos have driven back such cattle as were over the Territory line to this side of the one hundredth meridian, and burned a sign camp belonging to the Texas Land & Cattle Company on the Washita. The work was done by the Indian Police, prepara-tory to turning their entire country over on the lease recently made by the tribes to a company of stockmen. The ranges most affected by this action are those of the Texas and Dominion companies, through which the meridian runs. It makes about 20,000 head of cattle more on the Panhandle side of the line than there were before, but we believe those interested have good and ample ranges still, and feel no terrible uneasiness on the subject.
Mobeetie Panhandle.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Stumbling Bear, who is at Geuda Springs, using the water for his eyes, is improving rapidly. Mr. Bear is out of money, but he manages to hang on through the kindness of some white friends.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Alex Frazier has purchased from the Prairie Cattle Company all of their two-year-old steers, from the old Jones and Hall ranches, numbering 6,500, to be delivered October 25th in the Indian Territory.
The Prairie Cattle Co. have sold all of their two-year-old steers from the Jones and Hall ranches, numbering between six and seven thousand, to Alex. Frazier. They are to be delivered October 25th in the Nation.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
John A. Blair has received two car loads of thoroughbred and high grade bulls, which he will put on his range. The animals were purchased from Mr. Williamson’s breeding farm near Independence, Missouri, and are a fine lot.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Sam Garvin writes us that it is a mistake about M. H. Bennett purchasing a lot of cattle on his range. As Mr. Bennett is below now looking after some cattle he did purchase, we can do no more than give Mr. Garvin’s contradiction of the statement made in the JOURNAL two weeks ago.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
A Man and Woman Arrested.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister received word that a man had been shot on Sunday night, October 7th, on Hackberry near Skeleton Ranche, in the Territory. Inquiring into the matter, Mr. Hollister ascertained the report to be true, and that the man killed was C. Bothamley, who formerly resided at Newton, and was, at the time of his death, on his way to Texas with 2,000 head of sheep.
It was also ascertained that he had some friends at Newton, and a telegram was sent notifying them of the affair. In answer to the telegram, A. W. Carr, representing the British Association of Kansas, of which Bothamley was a member, came down, and at his solicita-tion, Hollister went down to Skeleton, exhumed the body, brought it up to this city, from whence it was forwarded to Newton.
Hollister also arrested a man and woman, whose names were ascertained to be Wm. Dodson and Nellie C. Bailey. A boy, who was along with them, was also taken in charge. The woman claimed that she and the deceased were brother and sister, and that Dodson was working for the deceased. That on the night of the 7th, the boy went out to where the man was taking care of the sheep, and while he was gone, Bothamley shot himself. Afterwards Dodson claimed that the Bailey woman was his wife. We did not learn the name of the boy, but understand that his parents live at Newton. The boy’s story is to the effect, that Dodson was out with the sheep, while the woman, the deceased, and himself were at the camp. The woman told him to go out and help Dodson with the sheep, and he started to do so. He had only gone a short distance when he heard a pistol shot, and on returning found Bothamley lying dead. The three were taken to Wichita, where the man and woman were locked up. The boy was taken charge of by Mr. Carr, who took him to Newton.
We presume an examination of the persons will be held before the U. S. Commissioner at Wichita, when all the facts in regard to the parties will be brought out.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Fin Ewing shipped as fine a lot of beeves Monday as are often seen. Five head were weighed before shipping with the following result: The heaviest weighed 1,670 pounds and the lightest 1,220 pounds—an average of 1,476. The smaller one was removed and the four remaining ones were found to weigh 1,440, 1,500, 1,550, and 1,670—an average of 1,540 pounds. We think this is about as good a showing for range cattle as anybody can make. Three hundred and sixty-one head of the above cattle were sold to J. G. McCoy, and the remainder, three hundred and forty-three head, were shipped by Mr. Ewing.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
The Vinita Chieftain publishes the following account of the accidental shooting of Capt. J. G. Schrimpsher.
“We regret to learn that Hon. John G. Schrimpsher, member elect of the Senate, was accidentally shot while sitting on the counter of his store room at Catoosa, Friday night last. The circumstances as related are that a little difficulty occurred between two or three persons, in which one of them attempted to use his revolver. A third person interfered and bore down the weapon when it was discharged. The ball struck the counter, glanced, passed through the wrist of Mr. Schrimpsher, entered the thigh, and lodged in the calf of the leg. The wounds are severe, but are not supposed to be dangerous.”
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Notice to Members.
An adjourned meeting of the Board of Directors, and of the Board of Arbitrators, of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, will be held in Caldwell on the 13th day of November, 1883, at which time all matters in dispute regarding ranges will be definitely settled.
The semi-annual meeting of the Association will be held at the same time and place. Every member is earnestly requested to be present, as business of importance will come before the Association. BEN S. MILLER, President.
J. A. BLAIR, Secretary.
The Caldwell Journal, October 18, 1883.
Capt. R. H. Pratt, who has charge of the Indian school at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, arrived on Tuesday from the Territory, where he had been after several Indian children, whom he will take to the school. Capt. Pratt was the first to propose the practical education of Indian children, and is deserving of great honor for the work he has accomplished.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
The Grand Jury of the U. S. District Court, now in session at Leavenworth, have indicted Payne and his three associates on the Oklahoma business. It is barely possible the case may come to trial at this term. Should such be the case, whatever the result may be, the case will be carried on up until it finally reaches the supreme court. By the time that very deliberate body acts upon it, Payne will have been gathered to his fathers, and the Indian Territory, as it exists today, will only be a memory.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
Deputy U. S. Marshal H. B. Bell, of this city, returned Friday morning from Buffalo Park, Kansas, where he arrested Charles Ellsworth, better known as “Arkansaw,” who it is supposed murdered Ellsworth Schuttleman in the latter part of August, who at the time was employed by Mr. Jones. “Arkansaw” was at the time employed at the V ranch. It is also supposed that he was the party that stole a horse from J. W. Carter on the Saw Log, as the horse was found and had been sold by “Arkansaw,” and the bill of sale is now in the hands of H. B. Bell. Dodge Globe.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
Gainesville Importer, Oct. 18.
That Boyd Arkansas herd of cattle, stopped in Kansas, has already cost the county more than $1,000 and perhaps, before they get through lawing, it will cost ten times their value. Probably the cattle were half starved and athirst, and not diseased at all.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
The Bothamley Affair.
Deputy U. S. Marshal Hollister returned yesterday from Skeleton, bringing with him the personal property of Bothamley. In one trunk was found a lot of diamond jewelry, a fine clock, and other wearing apparel, which evidently formerly belonged to the deceased wife. In another trunk was found about 300 pounds of silverware. All the property, including the sheep, was turned over to Mr. Carr, the agent of the administrator of Mr. Bothamley’s estate.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
WISH I COULD HAVE READ THE NEXT ARTICLE RE CHEYENNE. Covers participation in event by Northern Cheyenne at an earlier time, but it was impossible to read.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883. Supplement.
Mule Stealing. A Slick Job.
Last Sunday W. T. Darlington arrived in charge of several Cheyenne and Arapaho teams, and went into camp on the bottom east of the depot. Mr. Darlington had two mules belonging to the Agency, which were picketed out with the Indian stock. About 8 o’clock the Indians were disturbed by a commotion among their stock, and going out to ascertain the cause, found that the mules were gone. They immediately sent word to Mr. Darlington, who was staying with J. C. Covington, but as it was dark, no steps could be taken to track the animals.
The next morning the tracks were discovered and followed to the house of J. W. Herrod, about a mile and a half north. Here it was discovered that the thief or thieves had found Mr. Harrod’s wagon standing in front of the house, with a set of harness on it. They appropriated wagon and harness, and drove off without disturbing anyone around the premises. The tracks of the wagon were traced west some distance to where they made a turn and went east, but were lost, owing to the rain which fell before morning having obliterated them. Mr. Darlington returned to town and telephoned to Hunnewell, South Haven, and Wellington, and then continued his search all day, until a late hour Monday evening, but could not obtain any information regarding the team or those who had taken it.
The mules could not be ridden, and whoever took them must have known this fact, and the wagon and harness, otherwise he (or they) could not have gotten away with such ease and celerity.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
A. E. REYNOLDS, D. H. DOTY, W. N. HUBBELL. Reynolds, Doty & Hubbell
DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, RANCH SUPPLIES, AND EVERY-THING PERTAINING TO THE TRADE. OUR STOCK IS ENTIRELY NEW! Especially Selected in Eastern Markets by Experienced Buyers for the Indian Territory Trade. Come and Examine our Goods and Prices. We intend to Sell to Ranchmen, living within a reason-able distance of us, at Prices that will not Justify their going to Caldwell for Supplies alone.
The Caldwell Journal, October 25, 1883.
AMMUNITION, ETC. Guns and Pistols Repaired By a First-Class Gunsmith. All kinds of Tinwork turned out on Short Notice. Employing the Best Workmen, am enabled to Give Satisfaction. Also Agent for the Celebrated Glidden and Northwestern BARBED WIRES! THE BEST WIRES MANUFACTURED.
Nearly opposite the Leland Hotel, Main Street, Caldwell, Kansas.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Sunday evening last we had the pleasure of welcoming back from the Salt Plains and in good health our friends and fellow citizens, Mr. R. M. Wolf and Mr. Cale Starr. Dr. Walker of Chouteau, who was associated by appointment with Mr. Wolf, and accompanied the party, stopped at Chouteau. Dr. Harsha who went with them as surveyor from Hutchinson, Kansas, left the party with his son and team at Harper, Kansas, and returned home. From Mr. Wolfe and Mr. Starr, we learn that the object of their mission was accomplished in locating, survey-ing, and marking the last of the three salt springs or deposits, authorized by act of Congress and the Cherokee National Council, the other two having been previously located. The saline just located is on the Cimarron, a short distance from the state line and twelve or sixteen miles above the mouth of Buffalo Creek. Cherokee Advocate.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Indian Commissioner’s Report.
WASHINGTON, D. C., October 26, 1883.
The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.
A decided advance has been made in the improvement among the Indian tribes, particu-larly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered as settled beyond controversy, and that is, that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support, and to speak in the English language, or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem, are:
1. An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of the Indian reservations, so that both Indian and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.
2. A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to the Indians. No such law now exists.
3. More liberal appropriations for the Indian police.
4. An appropriation sufficient to defray the expense of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians. No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of the Indian reservation, but under existing laws upon the subject, it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post-traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for the Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians, to whom it is furnished. The punishments imposed by the law for this offense should be made more severe.
The practice of approving by contracts to collect from the government the money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from the government hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to have cost the Indians one cent. During the last few years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from the Indians $75,525 for collecting from the government money said to be due to the Indians.
It is the duty of the government to see that wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction on the several states and territories over all the Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.
Allotments in severalty to the number of 116 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commission will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done, and the condition is such to warrant it.
The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead laws without cost to them. It is necessary that the land within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for the special purpose.
An amendment to the law in reference to intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little to fear of a fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of Oklahoma colonists have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government to effect their removal. The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne’s operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.
Recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.
During the year there was paid the Indians in cash its annuity and otherwise $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in the various treaties.
The increase in accommodations for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 650 over last year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,396 attend schools on the reservations or in their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, 77.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Southwest Items.
Medicine Lodge Cresset: “Tom Wilson, well known to all the boys in this county, was in the city on Monday. The Wilson Bros., a short time since, disposed of their three- and four-year-old Texas and half-breed steers to Ed Hewins at the rate of $50 for half-breeds and $40 for Texans.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
The examination of Nellie C. Bailey before the U. S. Commissioner on the charge of killing Bothamley began at Wichita last Friday. The only witnesses examined up to Monday were J. C. W. Donaldson and Ralph P. Collins. The first testified that he washed and laid out Bothamley after he was shot, on the morning of Oct. 8th; that Bothamley had a wound under his right eye, and that the ball came out at the back of his head; that there was a door in the rear end of the car, and the body laid on the floor of the car with the head toward the door. Collins testified to having been called into the car by Donaldson, found a lady in the car lying on a bed; could not recall the exact words of the conversation, but as near as he could remember, she claimed the deceased to be her brother; that they were both from England, and that they had started for Texas in order to establish a sheep ranch in that State; she also stated to witness that at one time her brother was sick, and they left him behind, but afterwards returned for him; and more of such truck, all with the intention of conveying the impression that Bothamley had committed suicide. The examination had not closed at last accounts, but the testimony of the two witnesses above named, together with the well-known character of the Bailey woman, is sufficient circumstantial evidence against the theory of Bothamley committing suicide.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
The Oklahoma building, which was occupied by Payne and the War Chief, was moved yesterday to Rodof & Howard’s coal yard, to be used by them for an office. The building was sold at auction a short time ago to satisfy a mortgage. The material of the printing office is stored away in Musgrove’s wareroom, and it will also be sold at mortgage sale in a short time. Geuda Herald.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
H. R. Denman, a member of the Cheyenne and Arapaho Cattle Co., left for the East on Tuesday.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Will C. Quinlan went below yesterday to secure some cattle. Will says that Kansas City is making grand preparations for the Fat Stock Show.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
M. H. Bennett arrived home from the Washita last Friday night. He says the entire lower country is sopping wet, the streams up, and the roads in a bad condition.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Tell W. Walton returned on Saturday, having completed the survey of the various pastures in the central division of the Strip. Tell had a hard time of it, owing to the beastly weather, as the English would say; still he looks none the worse for all his hard work.
The Caldwell Journal, November 1, 1883.
Miller & Spiker give notice this week of the establishment of a new bus line. [Could not find!]
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
A project is on foot to secure Fort Riley for a Soldiers’ Home. The various homes now established are over-crowded, and new ones must be made. As Kansas contains a larger percentage of soldiers in proportion to its population than any other state in the Union, and as Fort Riley has ceased to be of any value as a military post, there is no good reason why it should not be used as a home for the soldiers of Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska.
In the next Congress, which meets in December, Kansas will have seven congressmen and two senators. If they will work unitedly, it seems to us they will find little difficulty in carrying through a measure that will make Fort Riley a soldiers’ home for the central west.
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
Stock Notes.
Jack Snider went below yesterday to receive 1,000 head of cattle bought from Mr. Bugbee. We did not learn the price paid.
Messrs. Hyde & Conner have bought 300 head of three-year-old steers from D. T. Beals, which they will take to Butler County to feed.
Lem Musgrove has bought 150 Hereford and Shorthorn spring bulls. Some of these bulls go into the Hewins & Titus pasture. The remainder Mr. Musgrove will keep on his place north of South Haven. Lem is going into the livestock breeding, and has taken a particular fancy to Herefords and Polled Angus.
Andy Snider & Co., live stock commission men of Kansas City, have handled this season 100,000 head of cattle and 300,000 hogs. They have averaged 104 cars per day, the highest number sold in one day being 172 cars. The sales averaged in cash value $60,000, and reached a grand total of 18,000,000. We doubt if there is another live stock firm in the west that can make as big a showing.
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
Power Press.
Owing to our rapidly increasing circulation, we have been compelled to order a power press from one of the best press manufactories in the country. It will be here in a week or ten days, and when set up and in running order, the JOURNAL will hold open house to give its friends and patrons an opportunity to see it operate.
The Caldwell Journal, November 8, 1883.
Grass Lease Payment.
The second semi-annual payment of grass rental on the leases of the Cheyennes and Arapahos took place on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 16th and 17th inst. The original intention of the Indians was to accept cattle instead of money on this payment, but owing to the fact that they had received no annuity goods and were in need of winter supplies of all kinds, they made request of the lessees that the payment due them in December be made beforehand as above, which request, when telegraphed to the lessees, met with a prompt and favorable response. It was understood that the spring payment should be made in stock cattle, as that would be a more favorable time to handle them to advantage, instead of receiving them in the dead of winter. The payment was made as formerly on family ration tickets, and amounted to about five dollars for every man, woman, and child in the tribes, the total amounting to something over $31,000.
The distribution was made in one and two dollar bills, instead of silver, as before. This being novel money to the Indians, they had quite a time counting over their wealth and distributing it among members of the families.
After receiving their money, the Indians made a grand rush on the traders for blankets, shawls, clothing, and heavy winter goods, and for several days kept the stores busy supplying their wants. After receiving their more pressing necessities, they reserved the balance of their money for future wants, and showed considerable policy in waiting until the severe weather should show them what they would need for protection.
The lessees and business associates present during the payment were Ed Fenlon, Esq., Col. H. B. Denman, Wm. E. Malaley, Maj. Hood, F. B. York, and Mr. Parker.
Cheyenne Transporter.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The Bailey woman, charged with the murder of Bothamley, seems to have been a much married person, if we may believe the reports from Wisconsin. It seems that after leaving Bailey, or getting rid of him (which does not yet appear), she wended her way to Waukesha, in that state, to receive the benefit of its salubrious summer climate. There she fell in with a young man named Reise, and, as he states, administered to him a potion, and while he was under its influence, married him against his will. After toying with the poor youth in the intoxicating bliss of a few weeks’ honeymoon, she left him—disconsolate, of course—under the plea of going to Kansas to settle up some business. On the way she tarried at St. Louis, whence she sent thousands of kisses, on a postal card, to her soft-pated hubby at Waukesha. History fails to enlighten us as to the number of marriages she contracted while sojourning in the city chiefly known for its veiled prophets and missing school girls. The boys of St. Louis are more “fly” than the girls, hence it is fair to presume that she didn’t get away with more than half a dozen on the half shell. Reise, when he ascertained that his young heart’s first dream of bliss was dispelled by Nellie’s unceremonious arrest on the charge of a heinous crime, immediately instituted proceedings for a divorce. It is hoped the divorce will be granted, and that ever after his mother will see to it that the poor thing is not again permitted to wander around Waukesha when there are any “vagrom” tomatoes lying around loose.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Thought show better than one held in Chicago previous year, there being a larger number of animals, and of better quality. There were 182 head exhibited in the building at Riverview Park, and also a large display of range cattle at the stockyards.
The Polled Angus, Galloways, and Short horns attracted a great deal of attention, the latter predominating in numbers. Although the Herefords were not out in strong force, they were the center of attraction, and carried off the lion’s share of the most valuable prizes. The phenomenal steers, Wabash, Benton’s Champion, and Tuck were greatly admired.
W. E. Campbell’s matchless yearling heifer and his exhibit of half-breed Hereford and Texas calves were much admired by the ladies.
Owing to the late arrival of Herefords, they were prohibited from entering in the slaughter tests.
A remarkable feature of the show was the daily sales of thoroughbred Galloway, Polled Angus, Shorthorns, and Herefords at public auction. The latter breed fairly enveloped itself in a halo of glory.
W. E. Campbell, of Caldwell, Kansas, who is always on the lookout for superior animals, found a picnic at the sale, and bought three very choice imported cows.
“Empress E,” bred by John Williams, Glanmorganshire, England. This cow has had remarkable success on both sides of the Atlantic, and is one of the best breeding animals on the American continent. She is now in calf to Sir Bartle Frere, who was bought in England for $3,000. This bull was shown at all the leading shows in England, and invariably carried off first honors.
His second choice was the cow “Blush,” bred by T. J. Carwardine, Leominster, England. This cow was sired by the renowned “De Cote,” and is a sister to that wonderful cow, “Leonora,” she being recognized as the best cow ever in England. This cow is also in calf to Sir Bartle Frere.
His third choice was the cow, Myrtle 5th, bred by S. J. Holder, Caradoc [?], England, sired by Prince Horace, by the Grove 3rd, for whom C. M. Culbertson recently paid $4,200 in England. This cow is pretty well along in calf to the bull Garfield. This bull’s show-yard career is without a parallel in English history. He was known as the phenomenal yearling in 1882, and was pronounced the best specimen of early maturity of any age or breed at the great Royal Show of England.
The bulls to which these cows are now in calf are the only two prize-winning bulls in the United States. These bulls will be quite an acquisition to Sumner County. SUMMER.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
W. E. Campbell also writes us from Kansas City, but the letter did not arrive until yesterday, and we can therefore give but a few items from it.“Walter E. Treadwell purchased the magnificent young Hereford bull, “Jumbo,” for $770. My two-year-old steers weighed 1,083 pounds average, and sold for four cents per pound, or $43.32 per head, which is a very fair price for range cattle, and demonstrates whether or not it will pay to use blooded bulls on our ranches. If the yards had not been in such a frightful condition, these cattle would have sold for fully 50 cents per hundred better. A portion of my cattle will be shown at the Chicago Fat Stock Show next week, and, I hope, will capture the prize for which they are entered.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Bent. Murdock has bought out the El Dorado Press, added new material, and brought it out in a handsome sheet called the Republican. We regard Bent. as one of the best editors and newspaper writers in the state, because, in addition to his capabilities as a writer, he has the honesty of his convictions and a charity which gives others credit for the same rectitude as he assumes unto himself. Mr. Murdock has done more toward building up Butler County than any other man in it, and even now, after a long absence, he suggests projects which, if carried out, must inure to the benefit of El Dorado and Butler County.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Tom Moonlight, Gov. Glick’s adjutant, was beaten for sheriff of Leavenworth County by seventeen votes, and now the Democrats swear vengeance against every sour-mash and lager beer vender in the city. The selling of beverages prohibited by law in the city of Leavenworth is about equally distributed between those who vote the Republican ticket and those who believe that the salvation of the country depends upon the triumph of the Democratic party; hence, any kicking on the part of Moonlight et al., might possibly make Leavenworth a sure enough Republican city.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Wm. Butler, a well-known stockman on the Washita, died on Saturday, the 3rd, inst., of malarial fever.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The Michigan Cattle Company have bought out G. W. Gardenhire’s interest, and appointed S. W. Phoenix, of Winfield, as general manager.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Hunter, Evans & Co.’s Live Stock Circular of the 9th has this in reference to a gentleman well known among Western stockmen.
“J. R. Plummer, who has been on our market for the past two years, representing the Texas Panhandle Cattle Raisers Association, proves to be a Choctaw Indian, so say the Choctaw officials. They grant him the rights of property, which secures to Mr. Plummer a home. The boys have made it rather hot for him. Who thought that Plummer would have given up his citizenship in the United States to become a Choctaw?”
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
More Ruffianism.
Last Tuesday a party of cowboys working on some of the ranges southwest, while on their way from Caldwell to camp, took occasion to indulge in more of the same kind of ruffianism of which the people along the road have had to complain during the past summer.
Stopping at the Mayhew schoolhouse, they forced the teacher, young Mr. Beals, to drink whiskey out of a bottle they had. Arriving opposite the next schoolhouse, they fired several shots at it. On the other side of Bluff Creek, a few miles of Donaldson’s Ford, is the school-house of District No. 144. Here they amused themselves by shooting the lock off the door, filling the door full of bullet holes, and shooting the lights out of several windows. They fired several shots into the next schoolhouse west, doing but little damage.
At the schoolhouse in Dist. No. 72, they gave the teacher, John Lowry, about the same treatment they did Mr. Beals, compelling him to drink their villainous whiskey.
It is about time measures should be taken to put an effectual stop to proceedings of the above kind, and we know no other way than for the people living along the route on which the ruffians do their devilment, to ascertain the names of the parties, and have them arrested and punished. While the rascals are in town, our marshal and his assistant can make them behave; but between town and camp, it devolves upon those living along the line to see that they are forced, in one way or another, to conduct themselves properly.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Caldwell Packing Co.
The project of organizing a packing company in this city was carried into effect on Thursday evening of last week. The capital stock of the Company is $10,000, all of which has been taken. At a meeting of the stockholders on that evening, the following named gentlemen were chosen directors: I. B. Gilmore, Ben S. Miller, M. H. Bennett, Wren Moores, H. C. Unsell, J. A. Covington, W. H. Keefover, Wm. Corzine, and Angus McLean.
President, Ben S. Miller.
Vice President, I. B. Gilmore.
Secretary, M. Preston.
Treasurer, Chas. H. Moore.
I. B. Gilmore was chosen manager and Wren Moores assistant manager.
Mr. Gilmore was instructed to secure the services of an experienced packer, and he left for Kansas City and Chicago last Friday on that mission.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
R. D. Cragin, while in Kansas City, bought five head of imported Polled Angus bulls at Gudgell & Simpson’s sale. The blackies arrived here on Friday night, and on Saturday morning were brought uptown, through Main street, and taken to quarters, preparatory to being sent down to the Cragin Cattle Co. Pasture. During their march up the street, they created quite a sensation, and were greatly admired by everybody who saw them. The following are the names of the animals and the prices paid for them by Mr. Cragin.
Legislator, calved April 12, 1882; $400.
Royal Oak of Monlich, calved Feb. 14, 1882, $385.
Kaffie, calved April 1, 1882, $400.
Duke of Cattle, calved August 2, 1882, $520.
Nela, calved April 15, 1882, $385.
Mr. Cragin is proud of his purchase, and well he may be, for the animals are beauties, and will undoubtedly make an impression upon his herd that will in time count in the right pocket.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Abner Wilson, foreman for Major Drumm, called on us yesterday.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Orman Wells has taken the Skeleton ranch, and will run it at high points. Mr. Wells will do his best to make Skeleton one of the best ranches on the road between Caldwell and Ft. Reno.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Major Moderwell, of Geneseo, Illinois, a member of the Geneseo Cattle Company, in the Salt Fork and Eagle Chief Pool, called at the JOURNAL office on Tuesday. The Major is a most agreeable gentleman.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Wm. Malaley arrived home last Friday, having gotten through with his fall work on the range. He reports cattle rather thin in the Canadian country, owing to the late rains. The grass, however, is becoming better, and if we have a dry winter, cattle will go through all right.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Col. Hackney, of Winfield, was in the city yesterday, attending to business for his Cowley County clients. Col. Bill is a good lawyer, but durn him, he will hang to prohibition; but we don’t think he is quite so much stuck on St. John as he was. The Colonel will reform altogether bye-and-bye.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
The following stockmen registered at the JOURNAL office yesterday: J. H. Windsor, Pink Fouts, Arkansas City; J. F. Lyon, Fort Gibson, I. T.; Walter Treadwell, Prospect Park, Harper County; S. Jackson, Camp Supply; S. W. Phoenix, Winfield; Albert Dean, Earl Spencer, M. J. Lane, Eagle Chief Pool; C. H. Vautier, Kiowa; Nick Schlupp, St. Joe, Mo.; Wm. Hobbs and Arthur Gorham, Kinsley, Kansas; Tom Hutton, Ind. Ter.; D. Donovan, Kiowa; A. O. Evans, St. Louis; C. H. Dye, Wellington; Crate Justus, Harper.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
$20 Reward.
I will pay $25 for evidence sufficient to arrest and convict the parties who shot into the schoolhouse in Dist. No. 244 at noon of Tuesday, Nov. 6th, 1883. LEE PARKER.
November 9th, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Up to the time of going to press, the Board of Directors of the Live Stock Association had not given any decisions upon the cases presented. The Board of Arbitration, up to noon of today, had rendered a decision on only one case, that of the Dominion Cattle Company against the New York Cattle Company. The decision of the Board was to the effect that the Dominion Cattle Company was entitled to all the range claimed.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Another Bold Bandit.
A bold robbery was committed at Campbell & Dorsey’s camp, about twelve miles south of town, last Thursday afternoon, by Charley Small, one of Campbell & Dorsey’s herders, the particulars of which are about as follows.
A short time ago a young man named Joe Brown hired to Campbell & Dorsey. Brown had a horse, which he sold. Small knew of the sale, and when Brown went to camp, followed him. By some means, not clearly explained to us, Small got Brown to one side, pulled his revolver upon him, and demanded his money. Brown at first refused to give it up, when Small fired a shot close to his feet and leveled the gun at his head with another demand for the cash. Brown, not having anything to defend himself with, handed over his wealth, con-sisting of $75, and Small put spurs to his horse and rode off.
As near as we can learn, Small went directly to Hunnewell, where he stayed all night, and the next day stole a horse from a sheep man in that city, and lit out for parts unknown. Having a good start, it is not likely he will be taken, if at all, this side of Texas. No move has been made, so far as we can learn, to secure his arrest.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The semi-annual meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association was called to order today by President Ben S. Miller. On motion the reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed with.
M. H. Bennett, treasurer of the Association, made the following report.
Collected on membership fees: $1,399.00
Assessment for lease to Cherokee Nation: $105,765.16
Paid on C. N. Lease: $50,000.00
Paid on rewards, Inspectors’ Salaries, etc.: $46,702.60
BALANCE ON HAND: $10,452.66
D. R. Streeter offered the following, which was adopted.
Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that the Board of Directors of this Associa-tion shall issue an order to the effect that all parties shall pay alike for building and keeping in repair all fences dividing their respective ranges.
E. C. Moderwell offered the following:
Resolved, That the officers of this Association be requested to take such steps as shall effectually prevent the driving of through Texas cattle over the route heretofore used to some extent, extending from Bullfoot Ranch through the Cherokee Strip to Dodge City.
Resolved, That said officers be requested to notify all parties concerned, through the Texas stock papers and otherwise, that said route is fenced, and can no longer be used as a thoroughfare for through cattle.
The resolutions were unanimously adopted.
H. R. Johnson, Inspector at Kansas City, reported that he had caught 108 head, amount-ing in value to $3,773.95.
There being no further business, on motion the Association adjourned to the second Tuesday in March, 1884.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
No More Shipping of Hogs. The Caldwell Packing Company is now prepared to make arrangements for the purchase of hogs. The highest prices will be paid. Apply to I. B. Gilmore or Wren Moores, Caldwell, Kansas. MORTIMER PRESTON, Secretary.
The Caldwell Journal, November 15, 1883.
Lee Weller rode his horse home about dark one evening last week, and, hitching him in front of the house, went in and ate his supper. When he came out, the horse was gone and from that time to this he has not been able to obtain any trace of the animal or the chap who rode it off. Lee offers a reward of $25 for information that will lead to the recovery of the horse and the arrest of the thief.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The report of D. W. Lipe, treasurer of the Cherokee Nation, for the year 1883, shows a balance in the treasury of $100,656.64. Pretty good showing.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
State Agent Crawford is after the Santa Fe company for 15,160.40 acres of lands in the state which that company claims. He is also endeavoring to have restored to the public domain lands already wrongfully certified to the company, and which the company has sold.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Owing, we suppose to the sympathetic efforts of several soft-hearted females in Wichita, Judge Foster has decided to admit Nellie Bailey to bail in the sum of $10,000. If she can’t furnish the bail, she will have to be confined in the Topeka jail until next September. This is another item serving to convince anyone who gives the subject a moment’s thought, that one term of the Federal Court at Wichita is worse than a farce. Nellie Bailey may or may not be guilty of the crime with which she is charged. In either event, she is entitled to as speedy a trial as the ends of justice will permit.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Our new power press is up and in good working order, and the JOURNAL this week makes its appearance as the first paper printed on a power press in Caldwell. The press is from the Babcock Printing Press Manufacturing Co. of New London, Ct., and was purchased through the Great Western Type Foundry at Kansas City. It is one of the best presses of the kind, having several recent improvements which make it superior to almost any other country press manufactured. Mr. Richard Lynch, of Kansas City, an experienced pressman, set up and put it into good running order, and we cannot compliment him too highly on the manner in which he did his work. As the press now stands, it is not only a very useful machine, but is also quite ornamental, and we invite everybody to call at the JOURNAL office and see it work.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Fight with a Desperado.
MUSKOGEE, Ind. Ter., November 17. Tonight’s train from the South brought Deputy Marshal Marks and his posse. Hearing that John Greer, a notorious desperado and whiskey peddler, was to be at South Canadian, Marks and posse laid for him. They were in the depot when he came on the porch. West ordered him to surrender, when he jumped under the depot, and as West stepped off, shot him in the leg. Marks and posse returned the fire, put-ting five bullets in him. He then made a run for a neighboring cornfield, firing with his left hand, his right arm being broken as he ran. After climbing over the fence, he fell, and it is supposed that he is dead before this time. West’s wound is bad, but not fatal.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Wellington Items from the Wellington Press.
E. F. Henderson resigned as constable of this township last Friday, and W. E. Thralls was appointed to fill the vacancy.
The surveyors were at work in Wellington all last week, determining the grades of the various streets for water works purposes. The site of the main works has been located on Slate Creek, immediately south of McMahan’s mill. Active work on the preparatory work of the system was commenced last Monday morning. The company expects to build the dam and the tower this winter. The contract requires the system to be completed by July 1, 1884.
At a meeting of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railroad Company held in Topeka on the 6th inst., J. J. Burns, of Belle Plaine, was elected its first vice-president, and Thos. Donohue, of Belle Plaine, its treasurer. The subscription books of the company were ordered to be opened at Belle Plaine, and that the work commence there. It was decided, also, to submit bond propositions all along the line. The company announces that it expects to build 200 miles of road during 1884. How much this sounds like the start of several railroads that never got any farther along—in Sumner County.
We take no delight in saying that we have strong reasons for believing that the telephone service of this vicinity would be much more acceptable to the public were the central office rid of a mob of half-grown boys and girls and children that fill it almost every hour of the day with boisterous noise and confusion. A public telephone office should not be converted into a nursery or a courting corral. The young lady in charge of the office is disposed to do her duty, but she labors under great disadvantages. Nor can any improvement be expected as long as a dozen idlers, make this their headquarters.
As has been noted elsewhere in these columns, heretofore, a committee consisting of Dr. P. A. Wood, Mayor J. W. Hamilton, and J. Y. Coffman was sent to Fort Scott for the purpose of prevailing upon the St. Louis, Ft. Scott & Wichita railroad to build through Wellington on its route west. This committee secured a promise that representatives of the company would visit Wellington and investigate the facts in the premises. Accordingly, F. Tiernan, president, and E. R. Stewart, a director, of the company, arrived in Wellington last Saturday night and remained until Monday morning, when they went to Argonia and returned to Wellington Monday evening and remained until Tuesday. They are much pleased with Wellington, and asked for a proposition from the people. Monday afternoon a meeting was held in the courthouse, when it was decided to offer them $4,000 per mile through the county. A conference was held Monday night, during which the whole situation was gone over. Of course, no definite arrangements were made, but we feel confident that the line will be built to Wellington, and thus we will have direct communication to St. Louis and Chicago.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Leland fed 300 people every day during the session of the stockmen’s convention.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Capt. Geo. W. Peters has made several valuable additions to his polled Angus stock, and now claims to have the largest herd of that class of cattle in the State of Kansas.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Caldwell Packing Co., have engaged the services of Mr. Calligan, of Kansas City. Mr. Calligan is an experienced packer and comes with the highest recommendations. He arrived today and will enter upon his duties at once.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Independence (Kansas) Star says: “Among the lessees of the Osage pasture lands, down on the tribal reservation about 80 miles southwest of here, are Messrs. Larimer & Crane, of this city, who take 100,000 acres. John Soderstrom, also of this county, rents 20,000 acres, and our genial friend, John N. Florer, a licensed trader at the agency, 125,000.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
The Packing Co. have bought the Moores & Weller slaughter house on Fall Creek, together with the grounds, consisting of five acres, and have begun the erection of a packing house. The company will commence killing next week, and keep it up all winter. They will also run a meat market, which will be kept well supplied with all kinds of fresh meats, spare ribs, backbones, tenderloin, and sausage.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Killed Because He Would Not Surrender.
On Wednesday, about supper time, C. M. Hollister and Ben. Wheeler drove up to the Leland Hotel in a spring wagon and lifting out the body of a man, deposited it on one of the tables in the front basement of that house. When the body was laid out, we found it to be that of a young man apparently about 23 or 24 years of age, about five feet seven inches in height; dark complexion, smooth face, except a brown mustache, black hair, high forehead, narrow between the temples, a long straight nose, something after the Grecian style, with large nostrils; mouth fair size, with thin compressed lips. It was the body of Chet. Van Meter, son of S. H. Van Meter, living near Fall Creek, in this township, about seven miles northwest of this city.
T. H. B. Ross, Justice of the Peace, immediately telegraphed for Coroner Stevenson and County Attorney Herrick. The former was out of town, but the latter came down on the night train, and this morning a coroner’s jury was summoned, consisting of D. Leahy, Wm. Morris, S. Sawyer, Wm. Corzine, John Phillips, E. H. Beals, and an inquest was held before Squire Ross.
We cannot give the testimony in detail, but the substance of it was to the effect that Chet. Van Meter had married the daughter of Gerard Banks, a widower living on a farm in Chikas-kia Township, about nine miles from town; that he was living with his father-in-law, and that on the night of the 20th he beat his wife. That he also, on that same night, fired at J. W. Loverton and Miss Doty, threatening to kill them, and on the following morning had beaten his brother-in-law, Albert Banks, a boy about fifteen or sixteen years of age, and made threats that he would kill half a dozen of them in that neighborhood before he got through. Young Banks and Loverton came in on Wednesday and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Van Meter, before Squire Ross, stating the above facts, and the Justice deputized C. M. Hollister to serve it, at the same time telling him to get someone to go with him, and to go well armed, as, from the statement of the complainants, Van Meter was a dangerous man, and would likely resist a peaceable arrest.
With this understanding, Mr. Hollister requested Ben Wheeler to accompany him, and about four o’clock in the afternoon the party started for the home of Mr. Banks. Arriving there, it was ascertained that Chet had gone to his father’s, about five miles south. Driving over to Van Meter’s, they found Chet standing near the southeast corner of the house, with a Winchester in his hands. Wheeler and Hollister jumped out of the wagon, and the former ordered Chet to throw up his hands, and he did so, but he brought up his gun at the same time, and fired, apparently at Hollister, as near as the evidence went to show. Wheeler and Hollister fired almost simultaneously, but as Chet did not fall, and attempted to fire again, they both shot the second time, and he fell, dead. They then, with the assistance of Loverton and young Banks, loaded the body into the wagon, and brought it to town.
An examination of the body this morning by Dr. Noble disclosed the fact that it had seven bullet holes in it, one evidently made by a large ball, entering the right side between the second and third ribs, passing through the lungs and liver and coming out between the ninth and tenth ribs. The other shots entered the chest, and one penetrated the abdomen just above the navel. There were also two gunshot wounds on each hand. The Winchester he held also showed marks where the buckshot from Hollister’s gun had struck it.
The examination of witnesses closed at 3 o’clock, when the jury retired, and after a short absence returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased came to his death from gunshot wounds at the hands of C. M. Hollister and Ben. Wheeler, while in the discharge of their duties as officers of the law, and that the killing was not felonious.
After the verdict was rendered, the body was turned over to S. M. Van Meter, father of the deceased, who had it encased in a coffin and took it home for burial.
And thus the latest, and we trust the last, sensational incident to border life in Southern Kansas has ended.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
We were considerably surprised yesterday at running across M. W. Brand, and on apply-ing the reportorial pump, we ascertained that he had just come up from his range below Red Fork, bringing his wife with him, and was on his way to settle up some business in Barber County. Our pumper also gleaned from him the fact that hereafter he would make Caldwell his headquarters, and in the nature of things will make unto himself a home in our midst, in order that he may have an objective point from which to supervise his cattle interests. One of the finest social gentlemen, with a heart in him as big as an ox, we are glad that he and Mrs. Brand are to become members of our community.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Old John Schneider is in grief. Some contemptible thief stole his horse, saddle, and bridle last night. The animal was not of much account, except to John, and its great worth to him was because he had made it a pet. It was a dark bay mare, about fourteen hands high, with a hole in the breast and a scar on the left hip, as if made with some sharp instrument. Anyone who can give information regarding the whereabouts of the animal will be conferring a favor upon an old soldier and a poor man who has to work hard for his living.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
Proceedings of the Board of Directors.
The Board met in Caldwell on Tuesday, November 13th, pursuant to adjournment, and met from day to day until Monday, November 19th.
Present: Ben S. Miller, president, and a full board.
The Board decided as to who were members of the Association, and ordered certificates to be issued to all parties who had paid the first assessment and held undisputed ranges on the Cherokee Strip.
It was also ordered that the treasurer refund the $10 fee paid him by parties not entitled to membership.
In the cases of Windsor & Roberts vs. Estes Bros., and Windsor & Roberts vs. W. W. Wicks, the Board decided as follows.
That the ranges of Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks shall commence at a point on the north line of the Ponca reservation half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence running north, or nearly so, to a point eleven miles north, and half way between Bodark and Deer Creek; thence east to East Bodark, and down East Bodark on the west side to where Miller’s branch empties into East Bodark; thence east to the Ponca trail, and south along said trail to the Ponca reservation; thence along the north line of the reservation to place of beginning; and that the Black Dog trail shall be the dividing line between said Estes Bros., and W. W. Wicks.
The following motion was adopted.
That all parties who may desire to lease a part of what is known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool shall produce a written statement, signed by every member of said Pool, stating that they desire that six different leases be executed to six different parties for the range known as the Salt Fork & Eagle Chief Pool, and giving a full description of each range and the number of acres it contains, to the satisfaction of the Board; and that upon the production of said written statement, signed as aforesaid, said lease will be granted.
In the case of Gregory, Eldred & Co., vs. the Comanche County Pool, the decision of the Board of Arbitrators was affirmed, E. W. Payne and Chas. H. Eldred, directors, being interested parties, not voting.
L. Banks Wilson, W. B. Helm, and J. P. Richmond were appointed a board of arbitrators to settle all disputes between Windsor & Roberts and all other parties contesting, and disputing ranges with them, and that all expenses of arbitration shall be paid by the parties in interest, and the arbitrators to view the grounds.
The following was adopted and ordered to be published in the official organ of the Association.
SECTION 8. The Board of Directors of this Association, at any regular, special, or adjourned meeting thereof, shall have full power to make any orders, rules, or regulations, and compel the enforcement of the same so far as the members of this Association are concerned, regarding all range and association matters not provided for in the sub-division of section seven of the by-laws, in relation to arbitration. Any order, rule, or regulation of the Board so made shall be published at least four consecutive times in the official organ of this Association, and when so published shall be and remain in full force and operation as to all the members of this Association until revoked or changed by the Board. Any member of the Association who shall fail, neglect, or refuse to comply with the requirements of any order of the Board so made, after being duly notified thereof in conformity with the orders of the Board of Directors, shall forfeit his membership in the Association, and all rights, privileges, and immunities arising from such membership.
On motion of A. Drumm, seconded by A. J. Day, the following was adopted and ordered to be published in the CALDWELL JOURNAL for four weeks.
In conformity with the provisions of Section 8 of the by-laws of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, it is hereby offered by the Board of Directors of the said Association in regular session this 19th day of November, A. D. 1883, as follows.
That in any case where two or more members of this Association own and occupy adjoin-ing ranges, and it shall become desirable or necessary to construct and maintain division or partition fences between the ranges so adjoining, and the owners or occupants of said adjoining ranges are unable to agree upon the terms of constructing and maintaining such division or partition fences, either of said parties may, by petition filed with the secretary of this Association (which petition shall state, in plain and concise language), the matter in con-troversy or dispute in relation to such fences, to the Board of Directors of the Association.
In any case where any member of this Association shall have already fenced his range, and any other member of the Association coming upon and occupying an adjoining range shall join his fence to or use any portion of the fence already constructed as aforesaid, shall be liable to pay the owner thereof one-half of the cost and maintenance of the same. And if any member of this Association shall refuse to pay for such division fence in the manner aforesaid, the member aggrieved may submit all matters pertaining to the joining and use of such fence to the Board of Directors, as hereinbefore ordered.
The secretary of this Association, at the time of filing any petition under the provisions of this order, shall give notice to the opposite party or parties, in writing, of the time of filing the same, at least thirty days before the hearing of the case, and shall attach to such notice a copy of the petition so filed. If any such petition shall be filed with the secretary within thirty days of the time of holding the next regular meeting of the said Board of Directors, the matter shall be heard and determined by the Board at the said next regular meeting, unless continued by the Board of Directors.
If any such petition shall be filed more than ninety days before the time fixed for holding the next succeeding regular meeting of the Board, the secretary shall immediately fix a time, not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days, for a special meeting of the Board of Directors, and shall give notice of the filing of said petition and the time and place fixed for holding such special meeting, by publication, not less than four weeks, in the official organ of the Association, and also by mailing a copy of such notice, authenticated by the seal of the Association, to the respondent named in such petition, at his nearest post office.
On motion the secretary was ordered to have the following notice published for three months consecutively in the CALDWELL JOURNAL, the Texas Live Stock Journal, the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator, and the San Antonio Express:
This is to notify drovers of Texas and Arkansas cattle, that a trail used in the summer of the years 1881 and 1882, by what are known as through cattle drovers, has been fenced by the members of this Association, and is included in pastures now stocked with domestic cattle, which renders it extremely dangerous to have this trail used by through Texas cattle. Said trail has been known as the eastern trail, or the trail running from Red Fork, Indian Territory, west, crossing Turkey Creek at or near Bullfoot Ranch, and up the Cimarron River to the western trail. The said western trail crosses the Cimarron River south of Dodge City, Kansas, which trail is provided for by the directors of this Association, and is left a width of three miles for the use and benefit of southern drovers.
The trail from Red Fork, Indian Territory, to the Cimarron Crossing, known as the eastern or Red Fork and Dodge City trail, cannot be used in future by persons driving through Texas or Arkansas cattle.
A strip three miles wide has also been left for what has been known as the old Chisholm trail from Red River to the quarantine grounds at Caldwell and Hunnewell, Kansas.
On motion the Board adjourned until the second Tuesday in March, 1884, unless sooner called together, as provided by the by-laws and rules of the Association.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
A. J. Day and family and Gid Rowden and family left on Tuesday for their old home in Austin, Texas. We shall miss Tony and Gid’s pleasant faces during the winter, but hope to see them return in the spring.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Mr. Gilmore arrived home last Friday, considerably used up. Shortly after he arrived in Kansas City, he was taken with cramp colic, and was compelled to return without accomplishing the object of his mission. He had so far recovered as to be able to walk around yesterday, and hopes to be able in a few days to take the active management of the Packing Company’s affairs.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Messrs. W. W. Morgan, F. P. Taylor, and John Whiting, of Chicago, acquaintances of Mr. and Mrs. Ben S. Miller, arrived here last Monday, and put themselves under Ben’s care. Yesterday Ben started with them down to the circle bar ranch for a grand turkey, deer, antelope, and bear hunt. The entire party consisted of about fourteen, among whom were Capt. Robinson, John Nicholson, and others whose names we did not obtain.
The Caldwell Journal, November 22, 1883.
Board of Arbitration.
The Board of Arbitrators of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association cleared up the docket and closed its labors on Monday.
In the case of Hollenback vs. C. M. Crocker, the Board decided that Crocker was entitled to all the range in dispute.
The case of Gorton & Munger vs. Moores & Weller, the Board disagreed on Saturday night, and on Monday a Board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Asa Overall, and Gid Rowden, was appointed to try the case. After going over the evidence, the Board divided the range in dispute between the two parties.
In the case of Windsor & Roberts vs. N. J. Thompson, the case was settled satisfactorily by the parties in dispute, on the advice of the special board, consisting of Banks Wilson, Helm, and Richmond.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Gen. Augur is fully established at Fort Leavenworth in command of the Department of the Missouri, with Major E. R. Platt as Assistant Adjutant General, Major James Gilliss, Chief Quartermaster, and Major Geo. Bell as Chief Commissary of Subsistence.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
E. Dawson, one of the largest stockmen of Clay County, Texas, has made an assignment to W. B. Curtis. Assets $125,000; liabilities $287,000. Hunter, Evans & Co.’s circular says that the failure is undoubtedly brought about by Mr. Dawson endeavoring to obtain and fence too much land.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Bent. Murdock, referring to our query regarding the insects under the sunflower which adorns the head of the Republican, gives the following explanation.
“The sunflower flourishes to such an extent in Kansas, that we are coming to be known as the sunflower State. The grasshopper is not intended to represent the red-legged locust, that has, in times past, visited our State in swarms, but the Kansas native; harmless and happy. The vignette, as a whole, represents the flora and fauna of the great sunflower State. An editor who has lived in Kansas twenty-five years ought to know a butterfly from a chinch bug.”
We are satisfied, and have no more to say.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
A Wichita telegram to the Kansas City Times, as follows, may be of some interest to parties in this and Harper County. “Special Agent Drew, in connection with the Government land office in this city for the last three months, has been investigating fraudulent land entries in the Wichita land district. More than 200 fraudulent entries have been unearthed. Papers have been prepared and are now in the hands of United States Marshal Williams of this city for service. The offenders will be prosecuted for perjury.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Wellington was visited with another fire last Monday morning, which cleaned out the frame buildings on the east side of main street from the First National Bank building to the old Buttery House.
According to the best information we have been able to obtain, the fire started in the rear of Mrs. Chestnut’s millinery store, next door to the telegraph and express offices, and spread north to the National Bank building, which, being of brick, stopped its progress in that direction and north until it was stopped by tearing down the building adjoining the Buttery House.
When the fire was first discovered, the express agent was asleep on a bed close to the wall where the flames were burning through. Being aroused, he dressed and hurried out, forgetting to take out the books and papers, and leaving his revolver, loaded near the bedside. When the fire reached the weapon, it was discharged, and one shot went clean across the street, making a big hole in one of the plate glass windows of Richardson’s dry goods store.
The damage by the fire is estimated at about $30,000, but the loss is well covered by insurance.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
The east-bound Southern Pacific Express train due in Deming at 6 p.m., Nov. 24, was ditched thirteen miles east of that point by five masked men, who killed the engineer, T. C. Webster, and afterward held up the messenger and went through the express and mail. Fortunately, the express was unusually light, and they did not get away with more than $600 to $1,000. The fireman was shot at several times, but escaped by running and hiding in the sage brush. The passengers, thirteen in number, expected to be held up, but they were not molested, with the exception of one, who stepped out of the train, and was instantly relieved of $150. The conductor was also robbed of $200. The mail was ransacked, but nothing taken. Several shots were fired through the mail car, the agent narrowly escaping. The train was ditched by removing a fish plate and spreading the rails. The robbers held the train fully an hour, by which time it was quite dark. Six horses were held for them by one of their number a short distance away. They all seemed to thoroughly understand their business. The time and place were very judiciously selected, and had they stopped the train the night before they could have secured nearly $100,000. There was but one revolver on the train, and no resistance was offered. The rear brakeman ran back to Gage Station, five miles, and telegraphed to Deming, when over 100 citizens went down on a special train, bringing back the express, mail, passengers, and the dead engineer. The robbers are described as no common tramps, but as quick, intelligent, and fearless men. A posse of men started in pursuit at daylight the next day. The express and railroad companies have offered $10,000 reward for the capture of the bandits.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Medicine Lodge Cresset.
Barber County.
A. J. Johnson, formerly one of the partners of the Turkey Creek Mills, has purchased a half interest in Mr. Denton’s race and water power on Elm Creek, and proposes to put in a grist mill immediately. In fact, he has the material for constructing the mill. There is no question but that Mr. Denton has as fine water power as can be found anywhere; one that will furnish all the force necessary to run any sized mill. The only question in our minds about the success of a mill on Mr. Denton’s place would be whether grain enough can be procured to keep the mill running. On this point the founders of the proposed mill seem to think there will be no difficulty, and that they will be able to lay flour down in Medicine Lodge cheaper than any other mill in the southwest.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
The Newton Republican says: “A brother of Clement Bothamley, deceased, was in the city a day or two the last of last week. He hails from Florida, and came here with the idea that his brother had left an immense fortune in the enjoyment of which he would be permitted to step. Finding an administrator, Mr. W. H. Phillips, had been appointed, and that there is nothing for him to do here, he returned home. He confirms the report that his brother left a wife and two children in England, and a letter has been sent to their address.”
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Two gentlemen from the east went down into the Territory last Wednesday to take a look at our Indian school building, and a number of cowboys, thinking they would have some fun with the “green Yankees,” as they call them, took some blankets and dressed themselves up as Indians, and started out after them. When the “Yanks” were about two miles on the other side of the line, the cowboys gave the war-whoop and started for them in genuine Indian style; but instead of getting up and dusting as the boys expected, the “Yankees” stood their ground, and when they got in range, let drive at them with their shot guns.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
W. E. Campbell returned from his range yesterday. While at the ranch he sold a large bunch of two-year-olds to Major Drumm.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Capt. J. B. Nipp, of Arkansas City, and S. H. Rogers, of Emporia, arrived last night to look after some range matters.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
S. and S. T. Tuttle came up from the ranch yesterday, where they have been looking after fire guards around their pasture. They left everything in good shape S. T. went to Wichita to spend Thanksgiving with his family.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
It is stated by those who claim to know that Mr. A. A. Robinson will become general manager of the Santa Fe Railroad in a few days. His appointment to that position would be a deserving one, and give satisfaction to the people along the entire line and its branches.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
On the night of the 16th, inst., three men crept up to the cabin of John Volz, and into the window. Henry Berg was sitting at a table close to the window at the time, while Adam Berg was lying on a bunk, and one of the herders was sitting in another part of the room. After shooting, the parties went to where their horses were tied, mounted, and rode off. An examination of the footprints close to the window on the outside gave a slight clue to the perpetrators of the cowardly act, but so far as we can learn no steps have been taken to follow it up.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Harry Hill dropped in last Saturday from a trip to Colfax County, New Mexico, where he picked up and shipped to A. J. Snider & Co., 7,000 head of beef cattle. Harry left on Monday, and will not return again until next spring, unless some extra business calls him.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
M. H. Bennett returned last Saturday from a trip to the mouth of the Cimarron. He informs us that the Indians have burned off the entire Oklahoma country south of the Cimarron, and thinks that some of the parties who went into that region will be compelled to turn their cattle loose.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Adam Berg came up from the Volz range last Monday, and reports everything lovely down on the Canadian, except that the Indians have been setting fire to the grass on various ranges. They have burned off considerable of the prairie on the Cimarron, and will likely burn off more.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Charlie Walton is in from a two-months’ trip in the Territory. He is now engaged in building fence on Clark & Treadwell’s pasture.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Tell Walton is surveying the cemetery, which has become the property of the city. The manner in which it was laid out makes it a difficult job to get the lines run in proper shape, but Tell will worry through, and make everything satisfactory.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
The ad. of Ed Rathbun’s ’bus and transfer line appears this week. Ed has been here ever since the first railroad ran into town, has worked hard, and in every way has endeavored to do his whole duty to his patrons and to the public generally. He is always prompt in attending to orders, either to carry passengers to trains or deliver goods received by rail, and deserves well at the hands of our people.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
We are pleased to state that the changes in the Department of the Missouri will not affect Mr. Sommer, quartermaster’s agent at this point. Mr. Sommer in the performance of his duties has given entire satisfaction, and it is the wish of the new quartermaster, Major Gillis, that he remain in his present location. This is a compliment of which Mr. Sommer may well be proud, and one which his many friends in civil and army life will rejoice over.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
John C. Weathers came in on Tuesday with a patch over his right eye, or rather the place where the eye used to be. Some time ago the eye was hurt by something getting into it, causing inflammation, which finally resulted in the loss of the organ. The trouble came just at the time when Mr. Weathers should have been here in attendance upon the meeting of the Board of Directors of the C. S. L. S. Association, in regard to some range rights; but as his unfortunate situation prevented, it is more than likely allowance will be made so that he will not be deprived of any privileges to which he is justly entitled.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Mayor Colson returned last Monday from his trip to Colorado City, Texas On arriving there he found that the meeting of the stockholders of the San Antonio, Colorado City and K. C. Railroad had been adjourned, owing to the inability of the various committees to report. Mr. Colson says that the people of Colorado City and on the projected road, clear to San Antonio, are enthusiastic over the project, and he feels confident that the road will be built to the Territory line within the next year. There is no doubt but what it will be one of the best paying roads in the West, because it will have control of the immense cattle traffic which must have an outlet to Kansas City, now that it is almost impossible to drive large herds through Texas and across the Indian Territory to shipping points on the south border of Kansas Our people should give the project their assistance, if in no other way by urging upon the Kansas members of Congress to support a bill giving the company a right of way across the Indian Territory to Caldwell. A petition to that effect should be drawn up, signed, and forwarded to our delegation, as soon as it can be definitely ascertained at what point the railroad will strike the Territory on the south line, and its general route through that country.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
Almost everybody in town has wondered why that safe belonging to the old Merchants’ & Drovers’ Bank had been hauled out to the edge of the sidewalk and allowed to remain in the way of pedestrians. Finally, the other day, the cause was learned. It seems that one of the depositors in the aforesaid bank, being in Wellington at the time Danford was arrested, immediately secured an attachment upon such property as Danford owned in this county not already covered by writs of that kind. The only property found available was that same safe, the vault which held it, and some other fixtures. Under the compromise finally effected with all parties except the chap who attached the safe, etc., that same safe was sold to a party in Wellington. The purchaser had succeeded in getting the safe out of the vault and to the edge of the sidewalk, when the attaching creditor came along and advised him to let the weighty subject alone. On a comparison of notes and a free interchange of ideas, pro and con, the safe was allowed to remain where it was, taking up considerable space, and a constant wonderment, by reason of its position, to the public generally. The safe would make a splendid monument to the confidence of human nature and the banking qualifications of J. S. Danford, and as such it ought to be set up in some prominent place, surrounded by an iron railing and labeled, “Sacred to the Memory of J. S. Danford, who loved (wine and women) not wisely but too well.” Unless some plan of that kind is adopted, the safe will continue to repose on that sidewalk until that insatiate creditor is satisfied.
The Caldwell Journal, November 29, 1883.
J. W. Nichols, of Arkansas City, and interested in the cattle business south of that place, called at the JOURNAL office yesterday, at the same time signifying his desire to keep posted on Strip affairs through its columns.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
The Western Stock Association have offered a reward of $100, in addition to the stand-ing reward of $500, for the arrest and return of Wm. M. Byrd to the Sheriff of Ford County, at Dodge City. Byrd is the fellow arrested for stealing cattle and afterwards jumping his bail. He is described as of rather slender build, light complexion, light mustache, balance of face shaved smooth, and is about five feet ten inches in height.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
The false prophet, El Mhadi, has taken Khartoum. Hicks Pascha and the Governor were killed. The prophet has a horde of followers, estimated at fully 500,000, and wherever they go they pillage and massacre without stint. The British troops in Egypt exhibit no disposition to go against the fanatics. They may yet be compelled to assume the offensive against them in order to protect Cairo.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
Tell Walton has completed the survey of the cemetery, and made an excellent map of the same. The map can be seen in the council room.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
The Stock Association have got their safe put up in their rooms in Drew’s building. These rooms will be occupied as the headquarters of the Association as soon as the plasterers can get through with their work.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
The cattle brand of Wm. Larkin appears in this issue of the JOURNAL. Mr. Larkin has been with Colson & McAtee for a long time, has worked steadily, and saved his money, and, like a wise man, laid the foundation of a fortune by putting it into stock.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
Ed Rathbun has bought from Charley Moore those two fine Norman horses.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
M. B. Kellogg, formerly of Wichita, but now of Kingman City, was in town Monday and Tuesday, inspecting flour and salt for the Indian Department.
The Caldwell Journal, December 6, 1883.
Major Drumm came in from the range last Saturday and went on to Kansas City. He reported the range in excellent condition—better, in fact, than he has seen it before at this season of the year—and cattle doing finely.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Col. Boudinot has brought a charge against Col. Wm. Phillips, agent and attorney at Washington for the Cherokee Nation, for receiving $22,500 from the Indians, and that Phillips stated this sum went to pay Senators Dawes and Secretary Teller for their influence in securing a large appropriation for the benefit of the Cherokee Nation. Col. Phillips denied the charge. He need not to have put himself to that trouble, for no one (whatever may be his personal or political prejudices) who knows the character of Dawes and Teller, will believe the story for a single moment. However, there are corrupt people who will take any charge made against an officer to be true, no matter how absurd it may be on its face. They seem to take it for granted no man can be honest and fill a public place. The reason is obvious. They would steal or be bribed themselves, and they imagine human nature, in that respect, is the same the world over.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
A special to the Kansas City Times says that a commotion has been caused in Washington by the distribution among senators and representatives of copies of a memorial to Congress on the part of citizens of the Cherokee Nation, protesting against the alleged illegal lease of 6,000,000 acres of their lands to a syndicate of capitalists for grazing pur-poses. It also states that “all the facts will be brought out by the resolution recently introduced by Senator Walker, of Arkansas.”
All the facts were brought out by the JOURNAL long ago, and they are simply that the Cherokees own the land in fee simple and as a common heritage; that, having no use for the lands, they leased them for five years to the men who had been occupying them as grazing lands, for the sum of $100,000 per annum—a sum greater than could have been obtained for their use in any other way.
The antagonism to the lease does not come from the Cherokees, but white men who were unable to secure the lease for their individual benefit. Had those men succeeded in their schemes, the small cattle-holders on the Strip would have been compelled to pay an exorbi-tant rental to those tender-hearten gentlemen who appear to be so distressed over the wrong supposed to have been inflicted upon the Cherokees, or drive their herds off to some more favored locality, if they could find one. So far as we can ascertain, the Cherokees are satisfied with their bargain. That being the case, and the lease having been made in good faith, it is not easy to understand how Congress can interfere with, or set it aside, any more than it can annul a lease of a farm, a house and lot, or a railroad; and we have not the least idea Congress will pay any attention to the matter further, perhaps, than to send Senator Walker’s resolutions to a committee.
The parties who are attempting to interfere with the Cherokees and the stockmen who have leased the lands in question will have ample time to cool their shins at the doors of the capitol before they will be able to induce Congress to even make an attempt at setting aside a contract which both sides had an undubitable right to enter into.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
About the most important information—to the public of Caldwell—we have to communicate this week is the visit, on Monday, of Messrs. Nickerson, Leeds, and Burgess of the Santa Fe road. They came in on Monday’s train, went over to the stock yards, made a thorough examination, and took the return train for the north.
Our hired man was denied the privilege of interviewing the gentlemen, but from what was said on the outside, he learned that the object of the visit was to make some kind of a calculation relative to the reconstruction and enlargement of the stock yards at this place.
It was further intimated that work on the improvements would begin at an early day, and that when the yards were finished, they would be the largest, best arranged, and most com-plete in the State. All this is a consummation devoutly to be wished for, not only by our citizens, but by the stockmen on the Cherokee Strip. They have all along preferred to come here to ship, and the only reason they have not done so heretofore, is because of the bad construction and inconvenience of the yards.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The new county officers have filed their bonds and are ready to enter upon the discharge of their respective duties so soon as the law made and provided therefore will permit. They are all Republicans, with the exception of the commissioner from this district, and he is a Caldwell man. This leads us to the reflection that Tom George’s party is not as strong as Bill McDonald’s party, and that Samuel Berry, esquire, is not always happy in selecting the time when to swap political bosses.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
We have no objections to the Kansas City Live Stock Indicator wasting time and space in criticizing the hog wash of the Kansas City Times on the issue of the Cherokee Strip, but we can’t help thinking it might employ itself to a better purpose. The Times is stupid and malicious because it wants to be so, and won’t accept the truth at the hands of the Indicator or any other paper.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Since the Dodge City folks have run the music and the women out of the saloons and into the dance houses, the papers of that city devote considerable space to religious matters, but are very careful not to say anything about the two or three dancing dives in the village. No hypocrisy about that. Just a little business tact, that’s all.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Cherry Creek Cattle Company is the name of a new organization composed of Kansas City men, with capital stock to the amount of $20,000.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Elmer Reed and Willie McIntosh, two of the party arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the death of W. H. McMillan, who was murdered on the railroad track, at Emporia, some time ago, have confessed, and state that J. E. Pierce committed the crime. Pierce, Reed, McIntosh, and four others were camped on the river, near the Eureka branch road. On the night of the crime Pierce stated that he was out of money, and was going to have some, if he had to hold up somebody. Pierce found a sickle bar in the weeds, and started up the railroad track, Reed accompanying him. Meeting McMillan, Pierce struck him with the bar, repeating the blows until his victim was dead. He and Reed then picked up the body and placed it on the track. McIntosh swore that when Pierce and Reed returned to camp, both had blood on their hands, which they washed off in the creek, after which Pierce took off his shirt, tied a stone in it, and threw it into the river. The next morning the parties left the camp, but were afterwards arrested on suspicion.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Texas Road.
[From Kansas City Live Stock Indicator.]
The Indicator is pleased to observe that the citizens of Caldwell, Kansas, are taking an active interest in the proposed railroad from that city to Colorado City, Texas, as was evinced by the recent visit of Mayor Colson to Colorado City for the purpose of attending the meeting of the stockholders. The country which the proposed railroad would pass through has been already explained in the Indicator, and is familiar to western stockmen, who, holding cattle tributary to the proposed route, are anxious to see it built.
To build railroads, as with every other enterprise, requires money, and particularly a railroad which would pass through the Indian Territory and sparsely settled portions of Texas. No subsidies from Nation, State, city, or county can be expected except the right of way, and therefore there must be an excellent field for trade presented before capital will be forthcoming in sufficient amounts to make the project an assured success.
The citizens of Colorado City, Texas, one of the most enterprising towns of the south-west, took the initiative in this enterprise. They were the first to call a meeting for the purpose of talking the matter over and they are still at work. One town, no matter how enterprising it may be, can do but little either in the way of furnishing sufficient capital or energy and influence to carry the project forward to success.
As has already been stated in the Indicator, what is needed is the active cooperation of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe, the great western stock road, and which is now con-structed to Caldwell, Kansas. This is a corporation which is wealthy, well managed, and has the good will of its patrons. Let the right of way through the Indian Territory from Caldwell to the Red River, near Vernon, Wilbarger County, Texas, be secured; and it is safe to say that the road will be built. It is useless to write or talk of disconnected railroad enterprises in these days. This is the era of great railroad systems, and of these western systems the Santa Fe is the most prosperous and the road which can, if it will, make the enterprise successful.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Ben Wheeler, our Assistant City Marshal, has a hoss. Barbecue Campbell also has a hoss. Last Saturday the latter thought twenty dollars’ worth that his hoss could beat Ben’s hoss. When the race was over, Ben was two X’s ahead.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
The Arkansas City Democrat states that A. R. Witmore and John Haygood, while in the Territory after wood last week, found the body of a man with two bullet holes in the back part of his head. All that was found on the body was a new day-book, with the name, John J. Myter, written on the fly leaf, and a letter dated, Uvalde, Texas, Nov. 6th, and evidently written by his wife. The letter urges him to come home, and at the same time congratulates him on the good sale he made of his ponies. The body was so decomposed that the finders could not remove it, so they buried it as best they could.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
W. E. Campbell sent his half-breed Hereford calves and yearlings to the Chicago Fat Stock Show and was awarded the Hereford Breeder’s special premium of $200. The heifer, “Texas Jane,” was sold for $100.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Schneider has found his “Kitty,” which is the name of his mare. The thief rode her to Wellington, where he turned her loose, and she was picked up and put in a livery stable. The animal had been rode hard, and was considerably used up.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
S. T. Tuttle has been engaged for the past week in building a huge corn crib on the property he bought from Tony Day. His attention will next be turned to making repairs upon the house and fixing it up to live in comfortably.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Horace, Mr. Cathron, and Wm. Miller, who stole two car loads of cattle from G. W. Miller’s ranch on Salt Fork, last month, have been arrested and are now in jail at Wellington. The first was captured in Sedgwick County and the second at Gainesville, Texas. Miller, after making his escape, stole a horse near Winfield, three in Sedgwick County, three more, with harness, wagon, and load of corn, near Milan, and then lit out for Texas. Against Mr. Miller serves a sufficient number of years to pay up for his little eccentricities, he will undoubtedly be too aged to take any interest in cattle or horses.
[Note: Last sentence seems garbled to me.]
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
J. W. Brownback, in company with two of his brothers, has bought a large range in Barber County, and is making arrangements to stock it. Mr. Brownback left on Monday to visit the range and will move upon it, as he will have the general management of affairs.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Big Cattle Deal.
While Ed. M. Hewins was here the other day, M. H. Bennett, of this city, made a deal with him for the interest of Hewins & Titus in the range at the forks of the Cimarron and Arkansas rivers, Mr. Dunman retaining his interest. The range is one of the best on the Cherokee Strip, and with it goes 12,000 head of cattle, 8,000 head of which are double-wintered beeves.
The price paid is $175,000, the papers for which we have seen. This may seem a large sum for a half interest in the stock and range, but when the character of both is taken into consideration, it will not seem so extravagant.
The new firm will be Bennett & Dunman, and the post office address Caldwell, Kansas. The brands of the firm appear in this issue, and will be found on the fourth page. [DID NOT TYPE UP.]
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Capt. Nipp, of Arkansas City, was in town on Tuesday.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Theo. Horsley, of the T brand, and one of the oldest cattlemen on the Strip, called at the JOURNAL office on Tuesday.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
E. M. Hewins left on Tuesday for home, after a three days’ stay in Caldwell on business. Ed is always on the go, and it seems impossible for him to keep still for a moment.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
Mayor Colson started up the road last Monday, and before he returns will have an interview with the Santa Fe officials regarding railroad matters in which our town is interested.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
J. S. Evans, of the firm of N. W. Evans & Co., Fort Reno, passed through town on Sunday, en route for the post. He has been East purchasing goods for the holidays and the winter trade.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
On Monday we had the pleasure of meeting Ben. Clarke, the noted Indian scout and guide, on his return from Washington and other villages on the Atlantic coast. While in Washington Mr. Clarke had an interview with his old friend, Gen. Sheridan, and the General, knowing Ben to be a reliable man, put him through a cross examination regarding the condition of the Indians, the lease business, etc. The reportorial pump was applied to Benjamin, but all that could be obtained from him was that he had a pleasant chat with the General of the U. S. Army, and an enjoyable visit among the friends of his boyhood. Like most men who have much to do with Indians, and knows himself, Ben is very reticent; but a history of his life as one of Gen. Sheridan’s trusted scouts, guides, and interpreters would make a story more interesting than that told of panoplied knights in the age of chivalry.
The Caldwell Journal, December 13, 1883.
E. R. Bates, of the D. T. Beals Cattle Company, dropped in last Monday, on his way from the Panhandle. His trial on the charge of taking cattle not his own has been postponed until next June. To the average person, it will seem queer that the trial should have been postponed by the prosecuting attorney, as it was.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Death of Congressman Haskell.
Dudly C. Haskell, congressman from Kansas, died at Washington on Sunday morning. His remains were taken to Lawrence, his former place of residence, for interment, accompa-nied by Mrs. Haskell and her two children, senators Plumb and Cockrell, congressmen Hanback, Kason, Russell, Brown of Indiana, Le Fevre of Ohio, and Burns of Missouri, under the charge of the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House. The funeral will take place at Lawrence today.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
The Boyd cattle, about which there has been so much trouble in Barber County, have been ordered to be sold by Judge Harris. Bids will be received for them at Medicine Lodge, by the receiver, T. A. McCleary, up to the 24th inst.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
We learn that Boudinot, in addition to bringing suit against Col. Phillips, has also brought suit against the Directors of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association. Boudinot is an outlaw in his own country; at least, he don’t dare to set a foot inside of the Cherokee Nation, and hasn’t for several years. He is a lobbyist and a sharper, and the suits he has entered are only another tack to replenish his depleted purse. Washington is full of just such harpies.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Territory Items.
Cheyenne Transporter.
Twenty-five head of horses were burned in a prairie fire which swept the range near the Red Hills last week. A number of cattle were also badly scorched.
Reports from the leased lands are to the effect that fencing is progressing rapidly and satisfactorily. Large forces of men with Indian helpers are pushing ahead with the work, and it is to be hoped the fences will be completed in time to hold the cattle this winter.
A prairie fire on the 2nd inst., did considerable damage to the range down the North Forks, and more or less perished in the scorching flames. Twenty-five head of cattle belonging to Smith, Forsyth & Morrison, the flying V, and bar N. Outfits, were roasted alive, and on the same ranges three horses were burned to death by the same fire.
Wm. H. Lockridge, range manager for the Cheyenne & Arapahoe Cattle Company, passed through here last week on his way home from Kansas City. Mr. Lockridge has the material for a dwelling now en route for his headquarters camp, which is located at the springs eighteen miles southwest of Cantonment.
Chief Shirl-Winds, Sr., sports one of the nobbiest top-spring wagons in the country, he having decided that riding in a vehicle is far more convenient than riding a sore-back pony, a la most Indians. This old chief, as well as the whole tribe, is fast abandoning the supersti-tious customs peculiar to Indians, and now believes the white man’s road is the best way.
Jacob Monahan, for some years an employee of the Wichita Agency, is now cattle inspector at this and the Wichita Agency for the Comanche Pool and Medicine Lodge stockmen.
Mr. Hutchins, of Anadarko, was here a few days last week, accompanied by Sun Boy, Chief of the Kiowas. Sun Boy was clothed in citizens’ dress, and showed marked features of civilization.
Thomas Lemons once more paid the agency a call last week. He sent his herd of hogs to Kansas, and has accepted the position of manager of the Keystone Cattle Co. Tom is a practical range man and will render his company faithful service.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Colorado Crime.
Fred Singer, sheriff of Ford County, Kansas, Mr. Kreeger, city marshal of Trinidad, and John Meagher, of La Junta, Colorado, were in town the other day, looking after one Ed Hibbard, a young fellow about 22 or 23 years of age. They had traced him to this point, where they found that under the name of Ed Lee he had purchased the saloon on Main street north of the post office, and had gone to Chautauqua County, where his parents reside. The officers started over to arrest him, and it is more than likely that he is now in their custody.
From what we could learn, it appears that young Hibbard was living with an uncle, of the same name, on a ranch about 40 miles from Trinidad. About two months ago a middle-aged man came to the ranch, driving a span of horses hitched to a buckboard. He wanted to stay at the ranch awhile and let his horses be recruited up, and receiving the older Hibbard’s consent, made himself at home. About a month ago the elder Hibbard went East, leaving his nephew and the stranger in charge of the ranch. Returning a week or ten days after, he found the place deserted, but found the stranger’s shoes inside the house. Sometime after he went to a potato pit to get some potatoes, and while digging, discovered a couple of feet. Further investigation revealed the body of the stranger and the fact that he had been murdered.
Notice was at once given the authorities and an investigation had, but everything going to show who the stranger was, or where he came from, had been destroyed.
Hibbard was traced, by the fatal buckboard and team, to Dodge City, and thence to this place. It is to be hoped the officers will succeed in bagging their game.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Sol Miller, C. D. Newman, and James Newman, substantial farmers, called the other day and renewed their subscription.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Every time Uncle Dick Stevenson goes to the Territory, we have a killing in Caldwell. This is hardly treating the old man fair because it don’t give him an opportunity to earn any fees as coroner.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Vail & Miner will put on a daily stage between Caldwell and Fort Reno next spring. The increase of travel demands a daily stage now, but the company is not prepared to establish the needed stations and put on additional stock.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
It was Simpson, and not Simmons, who lost his money, of which mention was made last week. We understand the money was part of a sum Simpson had received for a horse which he had stolen and sold. At all events, he has skipped out.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Elsie Thralls passed through town last Friday with the horses and wagon stolen by Miller from near Milan. We stated last week that Miller had been captured, but that was a mistake. Miller got away, owing to the want of promptness on the part of the officers at Gainesville. If their course in regard to Miller is anything to judge by, it is no wonder the vicinity of Gainesville has been the scene of frequent robberies during the past six months.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Wm. Crimble returned last Friday from Darlington, Indian Territory, where he has been engaged for several months in erecting buildings for various parties. Among the jobs completed was a neat three-roomed frame house, all plastered and with a porch, for Wolf Robe, a Cheyenne. Mr. Robe said that he had taken the white man’s path, and wanted to live like a white man. Mr. Crimble states that after the house was completed, all the other Indians had to take a look at it. Many of them have expressed a desire to have a house like it, and next spring many an Indian will give up his tepee to live in a house like Wolf Robe and the white man.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Newt Boyce Killed.
Newt Boyce, a gambler, was shot last Saturday night by City Marshal Henry Brown, and died about three o’clock the next morning. The coroner was telegraphed for, but word was sent back that he was out of town. Squire Ross, therefore, had a coroner’s jury impaneled, and proceeded to hold an inquest.
The testimony went to show that on Friday night Boyce had some trouble in a saloon a few doors north of the post office, and had cut a soldier, and one of the proprietors of the saloon, with a knife. Ben Wheeler, assistant city marshal, afterward took the knife away from Boyce and made him go home. Subsequently, while Brown & Wheeler were in the South-western Hotel, someone informed them that Boyce was out again and liable to do some harm. The officers started out to hunt him up, and while passing Hulbert’s store, saw Boyce in there. Brown stepped in, and seeing a knife and revolver lying on the counter, which Boyce was paying for, pushed the implements to one side, arrested Boyce, and put him in the cooler, where he stayed all night.
The next day Boyce was brought before the police judge and fined, but at the time did not appear to be angry at the officers for what they had done. During the day, however, he got to drinking, and made threats against both Wheeler and Brown.
About an hour before he was killed, Wheeler saw Boyce in the saloon north of the post office, dealing monte. Boyce asked him where Brown was, at the same time applying epithets regarding Brown. Wheeler afterward met Brown and told him to look out, that Boyce was a dangerous man, and was liable to do him some harm. Brown then went to the saloon, and some words passed between the two men, Boyce remarking that as soon as he was through with that game, he would settle with Brown.
Shortly after, Wheeler met Boyce in front of Moore’s saloon, and Boyce asked him where Brown was, that he wanted to see that fighting S. B., etc. Wheeler told him that Brown was in the saloon, but advised Boyce to go home and behave himself. While they were talking, they heard footsteps, as if someone approaching the door from the inside. Boyce immediately stepped to the alley way between the saloon and Moore’s, and, as he did so, Wheeler noticed that he had his right hand under his coat, on the left side. T. L. Crist came to the door, and Wheeler, seeing who it was, turned to go north. Boyce immediately jumped out of the alley way, pulled his pistol, cocked and pointed it directly at Wheeler’s back, but seeing Crist at the same time, he put back the weapon and started down the alley.
Crist called to Wheeler and informed him regarding Boyce’s actions, and while they were talking, Brown came out of the saloon. Wheeler informed him what had occurred, and cautioned him to look out, that he believed Newt Boyce intended to do him some harm. Brown said if that was the case, he would go and get his Winchester because he didn’t want to be murdered by anyone.
After Brown got his gun, he and Wheeler walked north on the west side of Main street, and when opposite Unsell’s store, they saw Boyce standing on the sidewalk in front of Phillips’ saloon. Brown immediately started across the street, and when within about thirty feet of Boyce, called out to him to hold up. Boyce ran his right hand into his breast, as if feeling for a weapon, and stepped around so as to put one of the awning posts between himself and Brown. The latter fired two shots from his Winchester, and Boyce started toward the door of the saloon, at the same time telling Brown not to kill him. Brown followed him into the saloon, and shortly after entering it, Boyce fell. Dr. Noble was called in, and an examination showed that the ball had struck Boyce in the right arm, close to the shoulder, broken the bone, and penetrated the right side. Every effort was made to save his life, but he expired the next morning from the loss of blood.
Boyce had a wife here, who had the remains encased and started with them, Tuesday, for Austin, Texas, where Boyce’s father lives.
The verdict of the jury was that the deceased came to his death at the hands of an officer while in the discharge of his duties.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Fine Stock.
Last Friday John Blair returned with 49 young bulls which he had bought at the breeding farm of W. H. Vaile, near Independence, Mo. Of the number 29 are thoroughbred Short-horns, 13 grade Shorthorns, and 7 half-breed Galloways. They are the handsomest lot of young bulls we have ever seen, and John is justly proud of them. Mr. Vaile has furnished Mr. Blair the pedigree of several of the thoroughbreds, but we have space to mention but one at length. That one is Belvidere’s Prince, a Shorthorn calved May 25, 1883, by Belvidere No. 34,540, out of Lady Sole 22nd. Mr. Vaile says: “This is one of the best-bred Stephen’s Princes in the world, with a pedigree running back more than two centuries, and is fit to grace the most fashionably-bred herd in any country. It was this blood, in Belvidere 1,706, which made the Duke and Dutchess the most popular family of cattle in the world. Prince is a dark red, low, thick-fleshed calf, and would sell for $1,000 readily. Very few have his blood, either in this country or Europe. His grandsire sold for $4,740, and his sire could not be bought for $5,000.”
It would seem by this that Mr. Blair has at least one valuable animal that will more than likely make his mark in John’s pasture. The bulls will be driven below in a day or two. In the meantime those who desire to see some fine animals can do so by going to Geo. Kalbfleish’s yards on Sixth street.
The Caldwell Journal, December 20, 1883.
Eleven head of horses were stolen from the Tuttle pasture about two weeks ago. A reward of $10 is offered for every head recovered, and $25 for the capture of the thief, in addition to the reward offered by the Association. A description of the stock will be found in another column.
Stole—$25 Reward.
Stolen from the pasture of S. & Z. Tuttle in the Indian Territory, eleven head of horses, described as follows:
1 black with slight spot in forehead; 1 black; 1 all black with gauche ears; 2 buckskin horses; 1 mouse colored; 1 paint horse; 1 blue roan, branded Z S; 1 light roan; 1 bay, with spot on forehead and kidney sores on his back; 1 all black, branded S on each jaw.
Most all the above horses are branded S on hip. They were stolen about three weeks ago.
A reward of $25 will be paid for the capture of the thief, and $10 per head for the recovery of the horses. S. & Z. TUTTLE.
Caldwell, Kansas, December 18, 1883.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
We find this in the Atchison Champion. It may be all so, but we doubt it: A “cattle syndicate,” composed of St. Joseph capitalists, was lately “taken in” by cowboys who herd cattle in the Indian Territory. The “buyer” of the syndicate made a pilgrimage to the Terri-tory a few weeks ago in search of cattle, and in his travels ran across a “beautiful bunch,” which, after some negotiations, he bargained for $90,000. The cash was paid, but the cattle were not watched. The buyer pursued his search, and after a few weeks he ran across another bunch, which he paid $100,000 for. The last bunch was turned over to the buyer and driven to the railroad by his drovers. He then turned his attention to the $90,000 lot, but they had evaporated into the air. Investigation proved that he had bought the same bunch twice and that his employers were out $90,000 and he out of a job.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Stolen Horses Recovered.
Friday night last, six ponies were stolen from the Tonkawa Indians near Fort Griffin. Sunday morning deputy sheriff Henry Herron, left here, traveled via Fort Griffin, where he was joined by six Tonkawas as trailers and posse, proceeded to Seymour, where they were joined by sheriff Ingram and deputy of Baylor County. They traveled north across the Wichita River, and soon after struck the trail, which was fresh. The Tonquins, like blood-hounds, followed the trail, and in a short time the game was within sight. They pressed the thieves so close that the latter abandoned five of the six stolen horses, which were recovered. Mr. Herron informs us he saw and followed one of the men for five miles, but as his horse had been under the saddle without rest, he was unable to overhaul him. It is believed by sheriff Ingram of Baylor, that these thieves are the same ones who stole cows and calves from pens in Seymour a short time ago. Two of the party were seen in Fort Griffin the night the Indian horses were stolen. Mr. Herron is entitled to great credit for his indefatigable energy in following these thieves and recovering the property. Albany (Texas) Echo.
The thieves undoubtedly belong to the same gang that find a harboring place in that portion of the Territory called Greer County. In time the cattle men of that portion of the Territory will be compelled to combine and kill them off. That seems to be the only remedy for the disease.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Tom Strode (colored), who killed Chas. Pittman at Malaley’s ranch on the Sweetwater a short time ago, was examined before the United States Commissioner at Mobetee, last week, and bound over in the sum of $500 for his appearance at the February term of the U. S. Court at Graham. The Panhandle says it appears from the testimony before the commis-sion that the killing was in self-defense.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Ed. Hibbard Captured.
John Meagher, sheriff Singer of Dodge, and City Marshal Kreager of Trinidad, returned from Chautauqua County last Saturday with Ed. Hibbard, alias Ed. Lee, charged with the murder of a man near Trinidad, as stated last week.
The officers left this city Wednesday, went to Grenola, where they procured a team, and started for the home of Hibbard’s parents, near Wauneta, a small town about eight miles from Cedarvale. Arriving at Wauneta about 3 p.m., they went into the village store, which they found full of people, and Ed. standing by the counter, behind the stove, surrounded by a throng, to whom he was relating his western adventures. The officers knew him at a glance, and sheriff Singer at once stepped up to Ed., and taking him by the hand, said: “How do you do, Ed. I want you.” Ed. reached for his revolver with his left hand, but by this time Meagher had him covered with a six-shooter, and he quietly submitted to being handcuffed, led out, and put into the wagon. In less than three minutes, from the time the officers entered the store, they had their man and were on their return trip. Ed. claimed he did not know what he was arrested for, but at the same time requested the officers not to tell the people anything about it.
Shortly after passing Cedarvale, the party was overtaken by Hibbard’s mother, who wanted to know by what right they were taking her son off in that manner. Ed. told her it was all right, the strangers were his friends, and that he would be back in a couple of weeks. This was satisfactory to his poor mother, and the party proceeded on their way, arriving here at the time above stated.
While at Cedarvale, on their return, a constable of that place stepped up to Meagher and told him that Hibbard was a hard case, that he, the constable, had carried a warrant against him for four years on the charge of horse stealing. It seems that about four years ago Hibbard left suddenly and went to Texas, where, it is stated, he killed a man. Thence he drifted to Colorado, where he ran across his uncle, stopping at his uncle’s ranch until he killed the old man.
On being searched after his arrest, $105 in money was found upon his person, all that was left of the $1,100 taken off his victim, an old account book, with several leaves torn out, and the name “Reynolds” written on the inside of the cover. The writing was so worn that the initials could not be made out, but the name is supposed to be that of the man killed.
Saturday afternoon Messrs. Singer and Kreager started for Trinidad with their prisoner, and he is ere this safely locked up in the jail at that place. There can be no doubt as to his guilt, and according to the laws of Colorado, he will suffer the penalty of his crime.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Messrs. Montgomery & Oburn flew through town last Monday, on their way to the Cheyenne and Arapaho Agency to deliver a large number of beeves on their contract with the Indian department.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
Notice has been received from Chief Bushyhead that the south line of the Strip extending to Red Fork, and that all the land on the Strip from the Kansas line to the Red Fork is covered by the lease to the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The Caldwell Journal, December 27, 1883.
The Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association are now at home in their own quarters, in Drew’s building, south of the JOURNAL office. The rooms are neatly fitted up, presenting a comfortable appearance.