Explanation by MAW for examining the family of Hight and others...
Jeff Palmer, Kingfisher, Oklahoma, wrote to me, informing me that he grew up in a home just one block north of my residence. His parents were Charles and Lorene (Hight) Palmer. Charles Palmer was the city engineer until his death in 1973. Lorene Hight Palmer passed away in 1878, when Jeff Palmer was a senior in Arkansas City Public High School.
Jeff’s grandparents were Philip Kearney Hight and Stella (Chambers) Hight. They assisted in the three books published, called Between The Rivers, years ago.
Jeff informs me that he did a paper on the Cherokee Strip Run, and that a copy of it is in the Cherokee Strip Land Rush Museum in Arkansas City.
Jeff stated: “I found information on my great grandfather and his brother.” His great grandfather was James Thompson Hight (known sometimes as J. T. Hight), whose brother was Jacob Hight. “Uncle Jake, as my grandfather referred to him, was a city councilman, and I noticed that he ran for Police Judge in April 1887.”
As a result of Jeff Palmer’s interest, I am attempting to learn what I can of the various families he mentioned: Hight, Chambers, and Palmer.
[Note: I found oodles of Chambers mentioned as I went through the early-day newspapers, and many were not identified as to first name or initials. I really got lost in the maze of Chambers. MAW]
Bolton Township 1878: Chambers, James W., 27; spouse, Mary E., 20.
Bolton Township 1878: Chambers, Mathew, 58; spouse, Mary, 52.
Bolton Township 1880: Chambers, J. W., 30; spouse, M. E., 23.
Bolton Township 1880: Chambers, Matthew(s), 62; spouse, Mary, 62.
Bolton Township 1882: Chambers, James W(esly), 31; spouse, M(ary B.), 26.
Bolton Township 1882: Chambers, M(atthews), 63; spouse, Mary, 63.
Arkansas City 1893: Chambers, C. F., 28; spouse, S. A., 30.
Arkansas City 1893: Chambers, J. A., 67; spouse, S. A., 62.
Arkansas City 1893: Chambers, S. C., 33. No spouse listed.
First mention of Chambers in Traveler. Microfilm starts with 1876.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
Within the past few weeks, the following sales of real estate have been made.
E. B. Kager to Mathew Chambers, 160 acres in Bolton Township; consideration, $500.
Robert H. Cox to Mathew Chambers, 130 acres in Bolton Township, $2,200.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877.
Cattle Herded. I have a range of 4 miles on the Arkansas River and Territory line, with timber and good water, and will herd cattle for 20 cents per month and colts at 25 cents, and be responsible for the stock. A good Durham bull with the herd. M. Chambers, 9 miles southeast of Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
MR. CHAMBERS, a member of the Free Methodist church, preached on the street in front of Haywood’s store last Saturday. His sermon was generally well received.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
ERRATUM. In last week’s issue, we stated that Mr. Chambers (the open air preacher) was a Free Methodist. We have since been informed that such is not the case, but that he is a member of the United Brethren.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
EAST BOLTON, January 4, 1878.
A social dance at Peter Myers’ house was the event of the new year. All of East Bolton was there. Grouse creek was not represented—Grouse Creek was there in full force.
It was a dance for the hardy sons and daughters of toil, whose cheerful hearts are not to know the fear of soul contracting want. No dainty fingered foppery there from fashion’s beaten walk; no rouge painted faces, contracted waists, or opera airs, to mar the pleasures of the evening; but Nature’s make-up, from the slender waist and curly hair to the full faced and round features of two hundred pounds. At 9 o’clock the dance began.
Many were elaborately dressed, though I mention but one. Miss Mary Myers wore a white Swiss, high corsage, and full sleeves, princess train artistically looped and held up by clusters of flowers.
At ten o’clock came supper, and the table groaned beneath all that any appetite could crave. Sixty took supper, among whom were Mr. and Mrs. Denton, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherholt, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, Wm. Stewart and wife, O. C. Skinner and wife, Miss Landis, the Misses Chambers and Keys, and a host of young ladies your correspondent did not know. The dance continued until the wee small hours of morn, and in taking leave not one could say, “I am weary of this weary world.” A. B. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.
Mr. Chambers, of East Bolton, had a horse cut on the hip, to all appearances with an ax.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
East Bolton Celebrates.
Did East Bolton celebrate? Of course she did. Patriotism is one of the commendable virtues among the people. As Sol exhibited himself above the boulder-crowned bluffs, many a household was up getting ready for the great day. By 10 o’clock Smith’s grove was full of a patriotic crowd. By noon the number was increased greatly.
After dinner came the exercises of the day. The Declaration of Independence was creditably read by Thomas Armstrong. Never had the accusations against old King George sounded so soul stirring as when coming from the lips of this elocutionist.
A short speech by Mr. Chambers, and an essay by Miss Maggie Myers, entitled “Uses of the Arkansas River,” followed. Miss Myers’ essay was loudly applauded, being full of wit as well as wisdom.
But the crowning event of the day was the speech of Mr. C. Weatherholt. Mr. Weatherholt is a talented speaker, and I would give his oration in full if its length would admit.
Other good things followed. Then the young people enjoyed themselves playing croquet and swinging. A match game of croquet between Misses Mamie Ireton, Ollie Myers, Master Tom Lynn, and Miss Elvie Key, resulting in the victory of the two latter.
That every day must end, the sun sinking behind the hill reminded all, and the good people of East Bolton wandered peacefully home to do “chores” and go to bed. ARCANA.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
At a meeting held at the Bland schoolhouse, July 13, for the purpose of making arrangements with D. B. Hartsock to carry our produce down the Arkansas River to Little Rock, Capt. R. Hoffmaster was called to the chair, and A. H. Buckwalter was chosen Secretary.
On motion the following six men were appointed to solicit subscriptions in aiding Mr. Hartsock in building a boat: E. Bowen, Lyman Herrick, G. O. Herbert, W. Chambers, Frank Lorry, and Wm. Trimble. Moved and seconded that the proceedings of this meeting be published in the TRAVELER. R. HOFFMASTER, Chairman.
A. H. BUCKWALTER, Secretary.
In connection with the above, we will state that Mr. Hartsock’s plan is to raise money on the wheat solicited from the farmers, and then build or purchase a steamboat at Little Rock, or some other river town where boat building is carried on. Mr. Hartsock is a river man of large experience, having spent most of his life on the water, and if successful in raising the wheat, he will put a boat on this river as soon as one can be built. It will pay our farmers to contribute liberally to this enterprise, as they can more than save the amount of their donations in the price they will get for their grain shipped south. As we said last week, the surest means of success is in unity of action, and the farmers cannot do better than to join in advancing this project. Mr. Hartsock is a thoroughly reliable, honest, and upright man, and has only taken hold of this at the earnest solicitation of numerous friends in Bolton Township, who are alive to the necessity of a water outlet for their grain, and he proves his confidence in the practicability of the scheme from the fact that he puts all his own wheat (the product of a hundred acres) in with the rest.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 28, 1878.
The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the August A. D. 1878 term of the District Court of Cowley County, and have been placed on the Trial Docket in the following order.
Robert H. Cox vs. Mat. Chambers, et al.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
The young people of East Bolton number eight young ladies to one young man. Nevertheless we understand that a pleasant time was had at “Picnic Grove,” one day last week, in which Miss Mattie Chambers gained the honor of being the champion croquet player of the day. What are the boys thinking of?
Arkansas City Traveler, May 28, 1879.
HERBERT - CHAMBERS. At the residence of the bride’s father, in East Bolton, this night, John Herbert and Miss Mattie Chambers. The occasion will require the services of two officiating clergymen.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.
Mr. Chambers, of lower Bolton, is building a large stone barn on his place.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 10, 1879.
At a bridge meeting held at Spring Side schoolhouse, it was resolved that our trustee be requested not to expend any more money on the old part of the bridge, as said bridge is regarded as unsafe and in an unsound condition.
Excerpt from article...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880. Editorial Page.
Editor Traveler: In tramping over Cowley County, where I propose, when the trumpet blows, to rest my weary bones, as per promise, I will give you my impression of the several townships as I pass them.
The first point I struck after leaving the Territory was what is called East Bolton, and at the point where the Arkansas River enters the Territory. There lives Mathew Chambers on a rich first and second bottom farm of two hundred and forty acres, and one has only to partake of his fluid and substantial hospitality; view his one hundred head of brood cows and two hundred stock hogs, to pronounce him a prosperous and successful farmer. He is building a stone barn, 30 x 46, with a two foot Wall. On his farm is located a saw mill, and the yard is filled with oak, walnut, elm, and cottonwood logs, and I was told that it kept four teams constantly running to keep the mill supplied.
East Bolton is a narrow strip south of the river, six miles long and three in width, and yet in that small strip, that has only been settled seven years, there is now in wheat over two thousand acres, and more than one-third of the township.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
From W. B. Skinner we learn that the Texas fever is getting away with the stock in the southern portion of East Bolton. Mr. Chambers has lost ten head; Mr. Bush seven; and several others one or two, making in all, an aggregate of twenty-five head at this writing.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
We received a pleasant call from Messrs. Chambers and Skinner, of East Bolton, and Mr. Snyder, of Brooklyn, Iowa, last Monday. Mr. Snyder has for many years been engaged in the raising of shorthorn cattle, and is prospecting with the idea of removing a part of his herd to Kansas. He is very much pleased with this county, and will doubtless decide to cast his future lot in our midst. He is an old-time friend of Mr. Chambers, with whom he is staying.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
June 11th, 1881.
Wheat in this end of the township is worthless.
Corn is good where not bothered by the chinch-bugs.
Mr. Snyder, of Iowa, has bought out Mr. Marshall and Mrs. Shoup. He is a fancy stock man, and will ship in, from Iowa this fall, a couple of car loads of blooded stock and hogs.
MARRIED. A man from Missouri came unexpectedly to Mr. Chambers and claimed his daughter, Lizzy, and today they are married and gone. Mr. Chambers says he feels as though he had made an assignment without receiving the profits that usually accompany such a procedure. East Bolton will miss Lizzy.
There is one chance left, however, come on boys.
Weather hot and dry. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 15, 1881.
WEST - CHAMBERS. At the residence of the bride’s father, in East Bolton, Saturday, June 11, by Rev. L. F. Laverty, Mr. Charles H. West to Miss Lizzie Chambers.
The happy twain took the afternoon train for their future home in Missouri, having received, and bearing with them, the congratulations and best wishes of their numerous friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
M. Chambers, of East Bolton, indulged in a kicking spree last week, for which Judge Bonsall mulcted him $25 and costs—some $30 in all.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
Capt. Siverd, of Winfield, was here a day or two last week, serving summons in Bolton Township. One farmer sued another, on a corn contract. The parties were Mr. Chambers and Peter Myers.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 27, 1882.
Taken up at F. A. Chambers, on State line, 8 miles southeast of Arkansas City. One sorrel mare and colt, mare has a bell on. One Roan colt branded I on left shoulder. One sorrel blazed face colt.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1882.
East Bolton Items.
There being no regular correspondent from this end of the township, I take it upon myself to occasionally drop a few items that may interest some of the many readers of the TRAVELER.
We are made sorry by the loss of Mr. Wesley Chambers and his estimable family as neighbors. He has rented his farm and will move to Ark. City. Mrs. Chambers and children are now on a visit to her parents, who reside in Saline Co., Miss.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 25, 1882.
MARRIED. Mr. Frank Lorry and Mrs. Chambers, both of Bolton township, were united in the bonds of matrimony by Esquire Titus on Sunday last. The TRAVELER tenders its good wishes for their long life and happiness.
Chambers was one of the cattlemen who had problems with the “Sinclair Oil” people from Pennsylvania...apparently a little-known story of the problems encountered in the early days by the cattlemen associations that started then...C. M. Scott went to Washington, D. C., and got this particular matter straightened out.
The Sinclair people branded their cattle “O I L.”
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 21, 1883.
Wire Fence Again. Senator Roberts, of Pennsylvania, accompanied by Mr. Windsor, arrived at this place Tuesday of last week, and remained several days looking up their interests in the stock speculation they are about to engage in, in the Territory south of this place. It was the intention of these gentlemen to fence in all that country west of the Arkansas River, and north of the Ponca Reserve, as far west as the Shakaska River; but another Cherokee, Mr. Mills, laid claim to the range as far east as Bitter Creek, and that portion of it was abandoned. The original intention as suggested by Mr. Gore, superintendent of the company, was to run the fence on the divide between Deer Creek and Chilocco, leaving a strip about four miles wide on the State Line. After losing the Shakaska country, he was overruled in this and the posts were set about one mile below the line, cutting off the ranges of Mr. Chambers, Mr. Hill, Scott & Topliff, Mr. Fox, and Mr. Parvin along the State Line, who had paid the Cherokee tax, besides a number who hadn’t paid, and several in the Territory who had paid. This wanton overriding of the rights of these gentlemen naturally produced trouble and the Secretary of the Interior interfered and stopped it.
Mr. Roberts then came out to see what had been done, and returned with the conviction that the people had not been treated fairly, and with the determination that they should be, and the result is that the rights of all those who have paid the tax will be respected. C. M. Scott’s range will be left entirely out, as well as all of his neighbors, and the fence placed west of the Ponca road and south of Chilocco Creek.
There is a disposition with some to crush out the company entirely, which is wrong. These gentlemen have the same right to the unoccupied range as anyone when they have paid the tax imposed by the Cherokees, and as long as they hold themselves within the bounds of right, without infringing on others, we would rather have them there than not have them. That the Cherokees have a right to impose a tax is recognized by the Department of the Interior, and having that right, it is clearly a matter for them to decide the terms and the parties to whom the grazing permit is granted. Those having paid the Cherokee tax are protected, and we cannot well see what more could in justice be demanded.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The board of arbitration, recently in session at Caldwell, allowed Mr. Chambers his range on the state line, but cut the Estus brothers’ range down nearly one-half, as they also did that of Mr. Wicks. Mr. Beach was allowed nearly all of his. We learn that several of the cases will be appealed to the board of directors.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1883.
Mathew Chambers, of East Bolton, sold his farm to Mr. Klingman last week for $3,000.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1883.
Trial Docket for the October Term, 1883.
15. Matthew Chambers vs. Peter Myers.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1883.
Chambers & Hoskins are reaping the benefit naturally coming to men who are good workmen. Their blacksmith shop on Sixth street is running almost day and night.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 2, 1884.
CHINA WEDDING. On last Thursday, in Southeast Bolton, at the residence of Mr. S. and Mrs. M. Kennedy, was witnessed an occasion of joy and gladness. It was the China wedding of Mr. Silas and Mrs. Mary Kennedy, who had witnessed twenty years of married life. Upwards of a hundred guests were present to see the nuptial, which was performed by the Rev. H. S. Lundy, of Arkansas City. After the ceremony the company was invited to surround the table to partake of the rich viands which it was so heavily laden with. The following are some of the valuable presents received.
A set of plates, ten-set and bread plate, Flance ware, by Mr. and Mrs. M. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. D. Beton, Mr. and Mrs. B. Masterson, Mr. and Mrs. Creechfeld, Mr. and Mrs. W. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bayent.
Two cups and saucers by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Weatherholt.
Match safe by Master Wallie Weatherholt.
Set of vases by Mr. and Mrs. C. Renps.
Two mugs by Mr. and Mrs. Bennett.
One fruit dish by Mr. and Mrs. W. Kay.
Fruit dish, card receiver, and mug, by Mr. and Mrs. F. Chambers.
Two cups and saucers by Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Snyder.
Pair of vases by Mr. and Mrs. E. Bowman.
Two cups and saucers by Mr. Marshall and daughters.
Cup and saucer by Mr. and Mrs. Beatty.
Bread plate and cup and saucer, by Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Carlisle.
Vase by L. Caster.
The guests enjoyed themselves socially, and it was a day long to be remembered by all who were present. May Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy enjoy a long and happy life together is the wish of all who were present to witness the twentieth anniversary of their conjugal life.
Do not think the Chambers mentioned next were local girls...
Arkansas City Republican, June 7, 1884.
The new rink of this city will be completed in about a week or ten days. It will be opened by Mr. L. Woodcock, Miss Geneva Chambers, and little Bessie Chambers, champion roller skaters; also Mr. Charles Woodman and Master George Israel, champion bicycle riders of the state. It will be opened in grand style and the gentlemanly managers will do all in their power to make it pleasant for all present. The following rules and regulations will be adopted and enforced.
On entering the rink gentlemen will please remove their hats.
The use of tobacco in the rink is strictly forbidden.
Spitting or throwing any substance upon the floor is dangerous, and will not be permitted.
No person without skates will be allowed on the skating surface.
Not more than two should skate abreast.
Skaters must observe a uniform direction, keeping to the right.
All persons who stop skating before the rink closes will return skates at once to the skate room, and none will be allowed to let other parties use their skates.
Pushing, tripping, racing, tagging, or taking hold of others’ garments, or any rude and dangerous actions, are strictly forbidden.
When a march is announced, gentlemen will select lady partners and follow the leader.
THE BELL. The ringing of the bell is to call your attention. More than one ringing is for the skaters to retire from the floor, which should be done at once, and all should keep quiet.
Shouting, whistling, and other rude and boisterous demonstrations are not allowed within, and should be avoided on the streets while going or returning from assemblies, by all who wish to maintain the good name of the institution.
When the time for closing is announced, all skaters will please buckle their skates together, and return them to the skate room.
A cheerful compliance with the above, and a careful regard for the comforts and enjoyment of others is respectfully requested.
Mr. Chambers’ first name is not mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 12, 1884.
To the Public.
So many have requested me to make a public statement concerning the difference between Mr. Chambers and myself, that I have finally decided to yield and give the facts. I have no ill will towards that gentleman, but think this explanation is due all parties.
On or about the first of May, young Mr. Chambers came to my stables and requested a team to go to Winfield; to this I consented and at the appointed time gave the team into his charge. From the evidence, the facts are developed that he first drove to Winfield and numerous other places and was seen in the city about dusk, but did not return the horses to the stable until about nine o’clock. When they were brought in, they were terribly jaded and exhausted, and one rapidly grew worse and died next morning. I then desired Mr. Chambers to settle the difficulty amicably, but he preferred to settle by arbitration. To this I agreed, and Messrs. Benedict, Hite, and Hill were chosen. Those gentlemen investigated the matter, and found that at the least calculation the team had been driven 65 or 70 miles, crossing the Walnut in their heated state several times that day. They consequently awarded me $90 damages.
For several days I waited for Mr. Chambers to settle with me, but he so delayed that at last I sent Mr. I. H. Stafford as a friend to treat with him. Mr. Chambers agreed to give me $40 in cash and his note for $50. I again agreed and received the money and the note. Upon presentation of the note at the Cowley County Bank, I ascertained that the note was his son’s, a minor, and valueless, and asked Mr. Chambers to endorse it. He refused, and I was compelled to bring suit before one of the justices of the city. Mr. Chambers procured a change of venue and the case came before Esquire Schiffbauer and six jurymen. The award was adjudged to be just, and while I stand ready to defend my rights, I sincerely hope this may be the last of this vexatious matter. I truly desire to live in peace with my fellow citizens. To my friends and Mr. Stafford, my attorney, I desire to return sincere thanks for kindnesses and favors bestowed. With this explanation, which I feel is due to all parties concerned, to the public I am Respectfully, R. O. LUTES.
Arkansas City, Kansas, July 10, 1884.
Arkansas City Republican, July 12, 1884.
In the lawsuit of R. O. Lutes against Chambers, before his Honor, Esquire Schiffbauer, judgment was rendered in favor of the plaintiff for the costs and full amount claimed.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 6, 1884.
Council Proceedings.
C. R. SIPES, Treasurer.
I herewith submit my report of the amount of water tax collected up to August 2, 1884.
F. A. Chambers $5.00
Arkansas City Republican, January 17, 1885.
About 4 o’clock yesterday evening, while the south bound train on the Santa Fe was at the depot in this city, a man named Charles Chambers from Arkansas City, while attempting to cross the train between the cars, got his foot badly crushed between the bumpers. The engineer was just pulling up the slack in order to pull a pin so as to cut the train to open the crossing, when the injured man had got between the cars. His foot slipped between the bumpers and was jammed near the instep. No blame is attached to the railroad men. The man is at the European Hotel. Eagle Thursday.
Charlie Chambers is a son of our fellow citizen, Frank Chambers.
Chambers mentioned in next item, but not identified...
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1885.
We see some of our neighboring towns making loud brags about the amount of improvements made in their respective localities. We are candid in saying that it is impossible to ascertain the amount of improvements made here in the last year. The number of dwellings amounted at the very least to 250. We will put them at a very low estimate, $500 each. This makes $125,000. Then we have the Commercial and Hasie Blocks, $75,000; the Cowley County Bank, $25,000, the new schoolhouse, $10,000; the Houghton Block, $7,500; the Mason building, $2,000; Sipes’ block, $7,500; H. P. Farrar, $5,000; addition to the building occupied by Wyckoff & Son, $2,000; Baptist Church, $3,000; Christian Church, $2,500; Free Methodist Church, $1,000; Methodist and Presbyterian Churches, repairs, $1,500; W. M. Blakeney, $1,500; Leland Hotel, $4,000; Newman, building block 69, $1,000; Arkansas City Building Association, $5,000; Skating Rink, $1,500; J. H. Punshon, $1,000; D. W. Stevens and L. Eldridge, $1,000; Beecher & Co. and McLaughlin Bros., $1,500; J. H. Hilliard, $1,000; Thompson & Woodin, $1,000; Chambers, $1,000; J. Alexander, $1,500; Ayres’ Mill and Landes, Beall & Co., improvements, $1,000; DeBruce, $1,000; Park & Lewis and W. M. Rose, $1,000; Kroenert & Austin and Stedman Bros., $1,000; A. Harly, $1,000.
These, which we recall on the spur of the moment, foot up nearly three hundred thousand dollars. We are confident that we are not exaggerating when we place the amount above five hundred thousand dollars, which shows a fair gain for our thriving little city.
Arkansas City Republican, January 24, 1885.
Chas. Chambers, who got his foot mashed between the bumpers of two freight cars last week at Wichita, was brought home Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, January 28, 1885.
Mr. A. B. Chambers, of Sparta, Illinois, was the guest of the Wilsons’ at Capital hill a few days this week. He was on his way to Arkansas City, where he intends to remain for the summer. He was accompanied from here by Will Rolls, who has been staying at Mr. Wilson’s for a few months. If the boys conclude to remain in the City, we speak for the City an addition of two young men of which the people may be proud, as they are very energetic and enterprising young men. Torrance Cur. —Courier.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 7, 1885.
Bolton Township Items.
S. D. Klingman and Mr. Keller of Arkansas City exchanged farms some time since, and are now preparing to move their effects. Mr. Klingman will move about twelve miles southwest of Wichita. The farm which Mr. Keller now moves on, is the old Chambers’ farm, which Mr. Chambers sold about a year ago for $5,200. Mr. Keller now pays $9,250 for it.
DIED. Matthew Chambers and wife are in Liberty Township attending the funeral of his nephew, Lincoln Caster, who died very suddenly at the home of his father. Mr. Caster leaves a wife to mourn his death. They had but recently been married. Mr. Caster had made many friends in east Bolton. B.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
Bolton, No. 89.
Clyde Beck, the boy who has been missing so long, is now staying at Mr. Chambers in East Bolton.
Arkansas City Republican, September 12, 1885.
MARRIED. Rev. Lundy united in marriage last Sunday Frank Chambers and Miss Emma Gassoway, Bolton Township. By the transaction the bride will likely gain many Chambers and the groom will have to allow her to Gassoway her natural lifetime.
Chambers mentioned in next item...not identified.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 7, 1885.
A Brief Statement of the Building Growth of Arkansas City.
The cry of hard times may be raised, but where building activity continues unabated, there can be no cause for dejection. Almost every day we see new buildings started, all of a permanent and solid character and an evidence of the progress and thrift of the city. In the burnt district foundations are being dug for six new business buildings, two story and basement, each 25 feet by 100. William Gall, the architect, has prepared the plans for four of these buildings, those of J. H. Sherburne, S. B. Pickle, Mrs. Benedict, and Dr. Shepard, and this row of iron fronts, extending 100 feet, with plate windows and elaborate finish, will be an enduring monument to the enterprise and growth of our city. Messrs. Kroenert & Austin, at the south end of the burnt region, intend to erect a one story brick, uniform with the building adjoining it on the south (Mowry & Sollitt’s drug store), and Mr. Bittle, at the north end, is excavating his foundation without having decided fully on his plan.
Just north, the handsome stores of Dr. Chapel and W. B. Bishop have received tenants, and the finishing touches are being given to the upper floors. They are being finished off for dwellings or offices, the doctor retaining a portion of his upper floor for a medical office. On the opposite side T. H. McLaughlin is making progress with his double building, putting in such solid work as to secure the safety against all stress of wind and weather.
Mr. Gall has finished the plans of J. C. Topliff’s new double building south of the Hasie block. This will be in keeping with the elegance of the structure it adjoins, and will be the cause of just pride to our citizens. On the corner just south, the Frick Bros., new building shows off to advantage, and when the upper rooms and basement are finished, will furnish commodious and handsome quarters for the occupants. At the other end of the block, Ed. Grady has begun to dig the foundation for another first-class brick store and residence, and there is talk that Messrs. Chambers, Newman, Hess, and Dunn will join in the erection of three brick stores on the site lately occupied by Mr. Grady as a coal yard.
Mr. C. D. Burroughs’ handsome stone building across the way is likely to be rented for a hotel. It is eligibly situated for such a purpose and has room for the comfortable accommodation of fifty guests.
Hermann Godehard’s new and commodious brick store and G. W. Miller & Co.’s new hardware store are now finished and occupied and are not to be forgotten in enumerating our recent city improvements. O. P. Houghton’s 32 foot extension to his dry goods store still leaves him insufficient room, but as it is now late in the season, we believe he defers rebuilding the main part of his house till the coming spring. The Johnson Loan and Trust Co., have also postponed the erection of their two-story office till after the winter is past. The large extension to the Arkansas City Bank has been completed recently, but the carpet and furniture for the private rooms are not yet in place.
This in addition to the many tasteful private residences that have been built and are now in process of construction, makes a creditable record for Arkansas City, and shows that in growth and business prosperity she keeps fully abreast with her sister cities.
Arkansas City Republican, March 20, 1886.
Chas. Chambers was arrested last Friday by Capt. Rarick for complicity in the horse-stealing affair down in the Territory on Sand Creek ranch, from M. Conroy. It will be remembered that the thief was arrested last week and is now in the Winfield jail, and he connects young Chambers with the affair. From what we can learn, young Chambers was down in the Territory hunting for work. On the night the horses were stolen, he was on his way home and stopped at Mike Roup’s house all night. We are informed the fellow in jail told Chambers he intended stealing the horses, but the latter supposed he was only joking and said nothing about it to anyone. Now, it is alleged that Chambers was to come to the state line and there meet the thief with the two horses and receive one. John Anderson was also arrested as an accomplice and both are now under bonds to appear in U. S. Court April 27.
Arkansas City Republican, March 27, 1886.
In the Traveler this week Chas. F. Chambers, over his signature, says the REPUBLICAN perpetrated a foul slander upon him last week. We print his explanation in full, which corresponds with ours of last week, excepting the portion relating to his arrest.
“I went down to Moses Johnson’s ranch on business; the fellow who stole the horses was working there, and got in a conversation with me. He said he was going to steal Mr. Conroy’s horses that night. I thought strangely of this talk, and went to Mr. Johnson’s foreman and told him the conversation. He said the man was lying, and I thought the same. I then started home, stopping on the way at Mr. Roup’s. Having been invited to attend the Literary at Springside, I put up my pony, and by invitation rode with them in their conveyance to the Literary, and returned with them. I remained all night at Mr. Roup’s house. All of which I am fully able to prove, and that is all there is in it so far as I am concerned.”
It seems to the REPUBLICAN editor that Mr. Chambers has kicked before he was spurred.
Chambers & Haskins...Chambers not identified.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
It is wonderful to note how a great number of people continue to get taken in by advertising dodges and frauds. One worked the town this week on a revolving cylinder. But a few cards are correct. Some of the worst blunders ever seen appear in them. For instance, take these of Chambers & Haskins, Central Avenue Hotel, E. L. McDowell, and W. M. Henderson. The first mentioned card says he does “horeshoing,” instead of horse-shoeing; the next says he furnishes the best of “accomadations,” instead of accommodations. E. L. McDowell is the proprietor of the “Cresent” jewelry establishment instead of Crescent, and he makes a “speialty” instead of a specialty. Wm. M. Henderson is a “builer” instead of builder, and so on all through the entire list of cards in the machine. The REPUBLICAN is not complaining, but we hate to see our businessmen taken in this way. They should get value received for their money.
Chambers living in East Bolton and J. T. Hight mentioned...
Arkansas City Republican, September 4, 1886.
East Bolton. August 29, 1886.
EDS. REPUBLICAN: As the game has begun, we think it is no more than justice to our district, No. 80, and ourselves to right matters and place the facts before the many readers of the REPUBLICAN. Your correspondent, “voter,” of the 19th states that the first ballot for the office of director disclosed 23 voters present. J. T. Hight received 17 votes and F. Wick-line 6, a total of 23, with a majority of 11 for Hight. C. S. Weatherholt and W. Stewart were nominated for treasurer. The former received 13 votes, the latter 12, a total of 25. Mr. Weatherholt received one majority. We present a list of those in attendance at the meeting: Messrs. Skinner, Loper, Sims, Bell, Pruitt, Liddle, Fletcher, Buchanan, Wickline, Bennet, Myers, Chambers, Kennedy, Judy, Tillson, Snyder, Hight, Whitney, Davis, Beaty, Ireton, Kay, Bond, Weatherholt, Roberts, and Crutchfield. By counting “noses,” we found 26 persons present. The only fraudulent vote cast was by Sims and he voted for Stewart. He is not old enough to vote. Now, I call on all law abiding citizens to join me and prosecute Sims for fraudulent voting. He came in company with “voter,” and Loper to the election; the trio bore “fraud” stamped upon their countenances. Now, in conclusion, we wish to say that that voter simply lied. The above are the facts, which the records of the meeting will reveal. If “Voter” had his just dues, he would now be wearing a convict suit for highway robbery. He is unfit even for thieves to associate with. The records of the Cowley County courts will bear us out in our statements. “FACTS.”
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
F. M. Chambers went to St. Louis this morning on the Santa Fe.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 18, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Judge Kreamer issued a warrant yesterday and had Jas. Chambers arrested for carrying on a game of chance on the streets of Arkansas City. He plead guilty and was fined $20 and costs; total $30.
Skipping to 1891 and 1892...
Daily Calamity Howler, Saturday, October 24, 1891.
Our officers are getting after the gamblers. One, W. H. Chambers, was arrested yesterday and fined ten dollars in Justice Ingman’s court for betting on a game of cards.
Winfield Monthly Herald, June, 1892.
MARRIED. Charles F. Chambers and Surilda Brown, of Arkansas City, were married at the parsonage by the pastor, May 10th.
Now we skip to 1922...
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, June 29, 1922.
Plays up Kelly-Springfield Tires....comments from customers:
Grover Chambers, 1226 North First Street
R. W. Beeks (farmer), 5-1/2 miles northwest.
George Spruill (grocer), 419 North D Street
Chas. Morrow, 402 North Fifth Street.