Winfield, Kansas.
Short leases ground on Ninth Avenue for hardware and stove store.
Short puts up a building adjoining, to be occupied by Col. McMullen’s bank...
Winfield Courier, December 13, 1877.
J. P. Short has leased ground on Ninth Avenue to Weston & Hyskell, who are erecting a hardware and stove store. He is also putting up a building adjoining, which will be occupied by Col. McMullen’s bank. This makes six new business buildings that have gone up on that street within the last thirty days.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Notice the new advertisement of the Citizens Bank. Col. McMullen has come to stay and do business. He has invested largely in real estate in this town and will make still further investments, while he is selling at a sacrifice the improvements he has left. He is a gentleman of large means, large business experience, and a large heart. He will of course command a large business patronage in his new location. Mr. Berkey, his assistant, pleases everybody, and will soon attain an enviable popularity.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
(Successor to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
Pays Interest on Time Deposits, Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.
Has a Very Superior Burglar-Proof Safe, With all the Recent Improvements.
CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York. First National Bank, Emporia.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
REMOVED. The Arkansas City Bank closed its doors at this place last week for the purpose of temporarily removing to the county seat to extend its business. Col. J. C. McMullen, its president, during his residence here for the past five years, proved himself a valuable citizen, and a prudent, careful businessman. We owe to him the credit of building one of the finest residences in Southern Kansas, and locating some of the best and most extensive farmers in this section. By his liberal advertising and constant efforts, he brought many to Kansas and Cowley County that might never have been here, had he not been with us himself. Being a man of reputation and means, besides an affable gentleman, he is bound to succeed wherever he goes, as we earnestly hope he will. Traveler.
All of which we heartily endorse except “temporarily removing.” Well, that is good. Do not be consoling yourself with the hope that Col. McMullen will ever return to Arkansas City. He is sacrificing his property there at any price that he can get for it and has come to Winfield to stay. Welcome, Col. McMullen, to the present and future business center of the Southwest. Your head is level.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
NOTICE the new card of Col. J. C. McMullen in this issue. The Colonel expects to offer good inducements to his old patrons.
(Successor to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
Does a General Banking Business.
Pays Interest on Time Deposits.
Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.
Has a very superior new burglar proof safe, with all the recent improvements.
Correspondents: American Exchange National Bank, New York; First National Bank, Emporia.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
WINFIELD, KANSAS, APRIL 10. Winfield is the county seat of Cowley County. It is situated on the Walnut River, about fifteen miles from the south line of the state. It contains a population of sixteen hundred people. It is one of the best and most prosperous towns in Kansas. The streets are crowded with teams, and the entire appearance of the place gives evidence of life, thrift, and prosperity. There are a large number of residences in process of erection, many of which are fine, commodious buildings, among which may be mentioned the house of J. C. Fuller, banker, which, when completed, will be one of the best in the county.
BANKS. There are three banks here, viz: M. L. Read’s, Citizens Bank, and J. C. Fuller.
Read’s Bank is located in a fine two story brick. The gentlemen connected with it, including Mr. Read and the Robinsons, are genial gentlemen and successful businessmen.
J. C. Fuller is the oldest banker in the county. He is prudent, safe, and responsible.
The Citizens Bank was formerly located in Arkansas City, J. C. McMullen is President and A. W. Berkey cashier. It has about twenty-five farms for sale on long time and low rates.
Winfield Courier, August 22, 1878.
Mr. L. Wilson, father of J. W. Wilson, the obliging clerk in the Citizens’ Bank, and family, have arrived in Winfield and intend making this their permanent home.
Winfield Courier, October 10, 1878.
Citizens Bank. This institution is now organized as a corporation under the laws of the State of Kansas, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen is elected president, John D. Pryor, vice president, B. F. Baldwin, Cashier, and A. W. Berkey assistant cashier. All these gentlemen are stockholders in the bank and are gentlemen of honor and excellent business qualifications. This will become the popular institution of the county and we expect to record its abundant success.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
WINFIELD, October 30, 1878. After this date Mexican dollars will be received by us at 90 cents. M. L. ROBINSON, Cashier Read’s Bank. J. C. FULLER, Winfield Bank. B. F. BALDWIN, Cashier Citizens’ Bank. WINFIELD, October 18, 1878.
Next item shows attorney John E. Allen was next door west of Citizens’ Bank...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 14, 1878. Front page.
[Note: Later newspaper items show that Allen was next door EAST of Citizen’s Bank.]
Next item shows that “Winfield Feed Store” was next door west of Citizens Bank...
Winfield Courier, November 28, 1878.
FARMERS! Bring your Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Apples, Butter, Eggs, Chickens, etc., to us, and receive IN CASH the highest market price therefore.
WINFIELD FEED STORE, North side Ninth avenue, next door west of Citizens Bank.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
CITIZENS BANK is one of the best managed and safest banks in the state. It has a large safe, burglar proof, combination and time locks, and is thoroughly secure. J. C. McMullen, its president, brought a large capital to this place and has built a residence that would do credit to any city. B. F. Baldwin, the cashier, is a young man of means and industry well known in this city. John D. Pryor, the vice president, is a talented accountant and familiar with his business, and A. W. Berkey, the assistant cashier, is quite experienced in the business. All are gentlemen of honor and reliability.
Winfield Courier, January 9, 1879.
FARMERS! Bring your corn, oats, potatoes, apples, butter, eggs, chickens, etc., to us and receive in cash the highest market price therefor. WINFIELD FEED STORE, north side Ninth Avenue, next door west of Citizens Bank.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
The Citizens Bank is doing a red-hot real estate business. Col. McMullen has sold four farms in the last ten days, and still there’s more to follow.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
The increasing business of the Citizens Bank demands “more room behind the counter,” so they have moved it forward several feet.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
BANKS. M. L. Read’s, Citizens.
[Note that the Fuller Bank was not listed.]
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
The Citizens Bank has declared a dividend of 10 percent, being the net earnings on its capital for the six months ending March first, 1879. This is a splendid showing and goes to prove that Winfield has the soundest and best conducted banks in the state.
Creation of “Winfield Bank” from Citizens’ Bank and Winfield Bank...
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Last Friday the Citizens’ Bank and the Winfield Bank consolidated, under the head of the Winfield Bank, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen was elected president, B. F. Baldwin, vice-president, J. C. Fuller, cashier, and D. A. Millington, secretary. They will immediately begin the erection of a brick building, 25 x 140, on the lot now occupied by the Winfield Bank. The first floor will be occupied by the bank, the second story for offices, and the basement by the COURIER. This organization makes one of the strongest banking institutions in the country.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
T. C. Glasscock has opened a boot and shoe shop on Ninth ave. opposite Citizen’s bank.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1879.
Application of the Citizen’s Bank for permission for their frame building to remain in the street until the new one can be erected was laid over till next meeting.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
E. E. Bacon, the “boss” silversmith, has left Goldsmith and moved into the room lately occupied by the Citizens Bank, where he exhibits a splendid stock of silverware, clocks, watches, and jewelry.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
Mrs. E. E. Bacon gets up the best ice cream you ever saw or tasted, and if you don’t believe it, go around to the late Citizen’s Bank-room and try it. We did so the other evening, and that is how we came to know about it.