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Coal in Cowley County, Kansas - Part I 1868-1882

[With the recent interest in obtaining coal in the United States, I found myself wanting to revisit the early newspapers that I have which reflected the interest in coal in Cowley County and elsewhere. That is my objective in presenting the subject. MAW]

Emporia News, March 20, 1868.

THE LOWER NEOSHO COUNTRY. Watson Stewart, an old resident of Allen County, furnishes the Humboldt Union with the following account of a trip he recently took from Humboldt, down the Neosho, to the State line. As we have many eastern subscribers who are desiring information in regard to all parts of Kansas, and as we are working for the upbuilding of the whole State, we give his communication to the Union a place, merely remarking that we have known Mr. Stewart for many years, and consider him entirely reliable. The country described is in the Southeastern part of the State, mostly what is known as the Osage lands. The letter is dated March 12, 1868.

Last week I made a trip down the Neosho Valley as far as the South line of the State. I have not, since the settlement of this country, passed through it, and I was favorably impressed with the progress made in the past two or three years.

Our road for 12 or 14 miles passed over fine rolling prairienot much settledas the road runs east of the river from two to four mileshere we cross Big Creek, where are some good farms. For the next six miles, to Canville, the country is high and rolling; from Canville to Erie, we passed through rich bottom, well settledsome of the land rather low and wet. Erie is surrounded by a good body of landhas some very good buildings; I believe it claims to have possession of the county seat of Neosho county.

Osage Mission is situated some six miles beyond Erie. It is decidedly the best town south of Humboldt; the Catholic element decidedly predominates; I was informed also that the Democracy were largely in the ascendency, nevertheless it is a pleasantly located placehas some very good buildings, and a hotel that would be an honor to any town.

From the Mission for about ten miles we travel over a well settled countrya settler being on nearly every quarter section. We now cross the Neosho river, at "Trotter's Ford," pass through a fine country, well dotted over with settlements.

We now enter Labette county, pass Montanan, where is a good saw mill that seems to be doing more and better work than any other mill on the route. The town don't seem to be prosperous.

Next we reach Oswego, the county seat of Labette. It has a beautiful location upon the west bank of the rivercommanding an extensive view of the surrounding country, which is very beautiful. At this point Messrs. Clover & Barnes are improving a water power, in the construction of a very substantial dam across the Neosho river. They are now erecting a saw and flouring mill, which they propose to have running this spring.

The town is not yet a year old, has already some 30 or 40 buildings completed, and others in process of erection. It is well supplied with timber, stone, for building, and coal in great abundance and of the best quality.

From Oswego we travel for ten miles over a beautiful tract of country, lying between the Neosho and Labette, which I think cannot be surpassed in the State for its beauty of location and fertility of soil.

We now reach Chetopah, a town of but few months growth, but which has quite the appearance of a live town.

Chetopah is located upon the west bank of the Neosho river, just below the mouth of the Labette, within about two miles of the south line of the State. It has a beautiful location, is surrounded by an excellent farming country, which is being settled up rapidly. It is well supplied with timber, good stone for building, and coal, of the best quality, abounds.

It aspires to be the "border town" of Kansas, and from its location, the chances are that it will succeed. Our former townsman, Col. Doudna, is running a steam mill here, and seems to be doing a good business. There are now upon the site some 25 buildings, and several others under contract.

Several good business houses will be built the coming season, one of brick 25 by 50 feet, two stories. 250,000 brick are to be used.

The U. P. R. W., S. B., has surveyed its route to this place. Chetopah will be the most Southern point in the State on the railroad, and with its advantages of climate, soil, timber, and above all, its great abundance of superior coal, it would seem that its prospects are equal or superior to any other town in Southern Kansas. Chetopah is the only town in Labette county where a title can be obtained for lots. The town Company have a deed for the site, and are making deeds to persons who will build.

Our whole trip was upon the Osage Lands, which are to be sold in May. I had intended to speak of the prospects and feelings of the settlers, but I have already taken up too much space.


Emporia News, January 21, 1870.

Should the bill now pending in Congress for the removal of the Kaw Indians, and the opening up of their lands to actual settlers, be passed, it will be the making of Americus. This large reservation, extending to the town site, being entirely excluded from the market, has always been a fatal drawback to this place, and should it be thrown open in time for the spring immigration, hundreds of farms would at once be opened up near us, and this whole country begin a forward march that would place us alongside the most thriving localities in the State. Some of the choicest lands in the valley are embraced in this reservation, supplied with good timber, good water, and it is believed there is an abundance of coal on portions of the same. The progress of this bill will be watched with the greatest interest by our citizens.

Emporia News, March 11, 1870.


Capt. G. H. Norton lately arrived from this new settlement on the Arkansas. He reports buffalo abundant within one day's ride; deer, antelope, and wild turkeys daily visible. Several parties from Illinois and elsewhere have passed through town within a few days, on their way to this point. Coal has been discovered within two miles of Cresswell; in how large quantities is not yet known. It is in the bed of a stream, and nearly covered with sand. The fragments taken out are clean, brittle, and burn with a brilliant flame. Cresswell has a beautiful site and a capital location for business. The Osages are not in that vicinity now. They are perfectly quiet and peaceable, being powerless in the presence of so great a number of settlers as are now pouring into this region.

Emporia News, April 29, 1870.

A Washington foundry has been making use for some months past of petroleum for fuel. It is said to work like a charm, to be cheaper than coal, and to dispense with firemen, coal heaving and other labor connected with the use of coal.

Walnut Valley Times, May 20, 1870.

Mr. William White, who is holding a claim on the Arkansas, in Cowley County, placed on our table this week some of the finest specimens of coal we have seen in the State, which he says abounds in large quantities in that vicinity. He also had a specimen much resembling cinnabar, which, if not valuable, is really a great curiosity.

Emporia News, June 24, 1870.

Coal from the State line is coming up the Valley road to this place.

Emporia News, August 26, 1870.


Coal is abundant in all parts of the county, more especially the western part. In fact, Cowley and Greenwood counties are supplied with Howard County coal. . . .


Emporia News, November 25, 1870.

A Trip in Hunt of a Home for the Kaw Indians.
AMERICUS, 11 mo., 15th, 1870.

ESTEEMED FRIENDS, STOTLER & WILLIAMS: On the 26th of last month I joined the company that were going to look out a new home in the Indian Territory for the Kaw Indians, consisting of their agent and farmer, six of the prominent Indians (four of them that are part French), one Frenchman who had married a half-breed, and Carlos Briges, our cook. Two of the party acted as interpreters when occasion required it. The first night most of the party camped near Soden's mill. The night was quite wet. The next day, being still wet, we got a late start, and when we reached Eagle Creek, near Elmendaro, it had risen so that we could not cross with safety for near two days. Then by going up the creek near two miles, we crossed it and went over to the Verdigris, and followed it on the east side to near the Falls, where we camped for the night. The day following we pursued our journey down the Verdigris, passing near Virgil and Sheridan, which are very small towns. At the latter there is a steam saw mill and a little grocery. The next town we came to was Toronto, which had about fifteen or twenty new houses on it. It is situated on a nice elevated prairie, about seventy feet above the bottom land, and near one mile and a half from the river, and ten miles northwest from Coyville. Several of the settlers are from Canada, and our Indians appeared to be rather a curiosity to some of them. Some of the party were not pleased with being looked at so much. A little beyond this town we camped for the night in a little grove of timber.

Early in the next day our company divided, as the river was too high to be forded. We left the wagons and all of the party but Mahlon Stubbs and myself, to wait until they could cross the river, and then go nearly south to the south line of the State, where we would meet.

In Wilson County I heard that they had a thin vein of coal cropping out, and I think likely that coal will be found in other places in the southern part of the State.

Emporia News, May 5, 1871.

Mr. Fagan, Assistant Superintendent of the A., T. & S. F. railroad, furnishes the Topeka Commonwealth with a few figures, which give an idea of the business the road did in the year 1870.

During the year there were transported over the road 3,758 car loads of coal (1,125,900 bushels), 94 of sand, 1,146 of lumber, 973 of merchandise, 2,617 of company materials, 89 of grain, and 593 of stock. Total car loads transported: 9,270. Total tonnage: 98,917.



Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.

We give below an extract from a letter published in Carrollton, (Illinois) Patriot. The writer is one of the leading men of our county, a close observer, and one who knows whereof he speaks.

"From the indications in and around Winfield as noted by miners, the idea obtains that coal exists here in great abundance, though at what depth no one knows, for the coal fields as yet have had no pioneer. A company no doubt will soon be organized with a view to ascertain the depth at which the hidden treasures lie."

The Commonwealth, Tuesday, November 7, 1871.

The Burlingame Chronicle says that the coal shaft, being sunk near the depot by Judge Schuyler, is progressing. A depth of about 33 feet has been reached. The trouble has been with the water. But at this writing, the sides of the shaft have been puddled, and further trouble from that source is not anticipated. Slate has been struck, and coal will, no doubt, be reached in a few days.


Walnut Valley Times, December 22, 1871.

[From the Arkansas Traveler.]
DEXTER. Dexter has a large Masonic Hall, 20 x 40, a good saw mill, and many other public improvements. Good, first class claims can be taken on all sides of this village, in bodies from one thousand to four thousand acres. Good water can be procured on any part of the town site, and coal within ten miles.

The Commonwealth, December 24, 1871.

The coal mine at Leavenworth is now sending up four thousand bushels per day, and the amount is absorbed by the city.

Winfield Messenger, Friday, March 15, 1872.

This is the fifth county west of the Missouri State line in the southern border tier of Kansas.

The east line of Cowley County is 105 miles west of the west line of Missouri.

It lies between 37 and 37½ degrees of north latitude, and the meridian of 97 degrees of longitude west from Washington, passes through Winfield Township in this county.

It is bounded on the East by Howard County, on the North by Butler County, on the West by Sumner County, and on the South by the Indian Territory.

It is the largest and most attractive county in the famous Osage Diminished Reservation, which was opened for settlement by the act of Congress of July 15th, 1870.

FUEL. The timber along the streams afford a full supply of fuel which can be obtained with slight expense besides the labor of cutting and hauling. Cord word is delivered in Winfield at $3 per cord. Coal is found in some places, but not yet in noticeable quantities except in the eastern part of the county, but there is much geological evidence that it underlies the whole county. Early measures will be taken to test this matter at Winfield.


Winfield Messenger, October 4, 1872.

Lot 40. There were some very interesting specimens of Cowley County salt and coal, also gypsum, and some stalactites from a cave in Tisdale Township, exhibited by Mrs. Magness.

The Commonwealth, November 27, 1872.

Mr. Hazard, who lives four miles north of Solomon City, has just discovered a two foot vein of coal on his place, sixteen feet below the surface. Mr. Hazard also reports that someone on negro creek has found coal.

The Commonwealth, December 24, 1872.

Petty thieves along the line of the Kansas Pacific steal coal off passing trains.

The Commonwealth, December 24, 1872.

Coal is twenty-eight cents per bushel in Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.

Coal. A Mr. Clain, hailing from the central portion of Howard County, exposed for sale on the streets of Winfield, a superior quality of stone coal, mined from the bluffs of Baker Creek, in the vicinity of New Boston. The vein from which this was taken is four feet under the surface, and averages sixteen inches clear coal, and can be easily mined by stripping.

The Commonwealth, Saturday, February 1, 1873.

It is rumored that a vein of coal has been reached at the Ft. Scott oil well at a depth of 220 feet.

The Commonwealth, Saturday, February 1, 1873.

Dr. Brogan says that he has discovered a vein of coal three feet thick, only three feet from the surface, on his farm, about a mile from Boston, Howard County.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1873.

It is rumored here about that coal has been found, but as yet the writer has not seen it. More anon.

The Commonwealth, Wednesday, September 17, 1873.

EMPORIA, KANSAS, September 15th, 1873.

From our Special Correspondent.

The boring for coal, now over 700 feet deep, has been resumed. The maxim of the company is "coal or China."


The Commonwealth, Friday, September 19, 1873.

THE ARKANSAS VALLEY. The Land of the Locomotive, Pioneer, and Steam Plow. Thirty Thousand Homesteads Awaiting Settlement.

Starting from Topeka at early morn, it is not expected that much will be learned or discovered of that portion of the country lying between there and Emporia, and so with the window open we feel the cold dark currents of the morning breeze fan our cheeks and utterly oblivious to Carbondale, and Burlingame with its turmoil of strife with Lyndon for the county seat, or Osage City with its ochre, coal, and brick, we are through by daylight to Emporia, and as the trains run from the junction to and through the town, we catch a slight glimpse of the decorous little city, its prim streets and coal hunting inhabitants. Let no traveler attempt hurling a brick-bat into the throngs that crowd its streets and jam the depot grounds, for sure as he does, the slates of this unambitious town will have to be rearranged and some new man put forward as candidate for the United States senate in place of the wounded one. If Emporia has a weakness, it is in this direction, but withal, for a town of three thousand people, it is entitled to the appellation of the nicest town in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.

Last Wednesday we were favored with a call from Mr. Houghton of the firm of Farrar, Houghton & Sherburne of Arkansas City, and Mr. Davidson of Wellington. Mr. Houghton had been having a troublesome tooth operated upon by the dentist, but was as sociable as ever. Mr. Davidson reports considerable excitement at Wellington over the coal question.

The Commonwealth, Thursday Morning, April 16, 1874.

FOREIGN. Terrible Explosion in a Coal Mine.

London, April 15. A shocking explosion occurred today in a coal mine in Duncanfield, near Lancashire, by which a large number of miners were killed and injured, many of the latter being terribly burned. Thus far 30 bodies have been recovered. It is feared that many more remain in the mine.

A later dispatch states that 46 bodies have been recovered from the mine at Duncanfield in which the explosion occurred. One hundred miners have been safely recovered. The explosion was caused by naked lights.

Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.

A NEW DISCOVERY. Lead in Cowley County.

T. A. Blanchard, Esq., has left in our office a specimen of lead ore which he found on his farm north of town. It is as large as a hen's egg, and contains about 75 percent pure lead. Mr. Blanchard has found several "chunks" of this quartz in the last few weeks, and is quite sanguine that there is plenty of the mineral there, enough at least to warrant him in making a thorough examination. We have no doubt but it exists in paying quantities. What with coal, salt, lead, etc., Cowley County is blessed far beyond the most of her sister counties. Mr. Blanchard has already taken steps to satisfy himself on the subject, and will let us know in a short time the result of his "prospecting," when we will give it to our readers.

[ITEM FROM THE Arkansas City Traveler.]

Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.

D. H. Clough had the lowest bid to drill a six inch hole for coal, but the award is not yet made.

Winfield Courier, July 3, 1874.

COAL. Col. O. P. Johnson has brought in several specimens of coal, of excellent quality, from a seam near the edge of the coal basin, about twenty miles south of the State line. He declares the supply to be abundant, and the mine entirely accessible. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, July 24, 1874.

The Salt Springs. Todd and Royal of Wichita have bought a quarter section of land near the springs, and expect, so we learned, to bore for coal in a short time. All agree that the coveted anthrax can be found at the trifling distance of from 700 to 1,000 feet. The capacity of the works at present is about one ton per week, but it seems to us that it could, with the proper fixtures, be made to turn off 100 ton just as well.

[ITEM FROM THE Arkansas City Traveler.]

Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.

COAL. The specimen of cannel coal handed us at Salt Springs, turned out on inspection to be nothing but bituminous shale. We are sorry to dispel the pleasant illusion of the finder, but to somewhat ameliorate the blow, will say that this shale is a good, though not infallible, indication of the proximity of the genuine article.


Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.

Remanto is boring for coal, laying off their townsite, talking of having a newspaper, and doing things up in a business manner generally.

Winfield Courier, November 5, 1874.

Dr. Thompson has found a vein of coal one inch thick on his farm two miles south of Tisdale. In hopes of finding a thicker vein deeper down, he has bored two feet into the hard rock, and broke his drills. He will commence boring again in a few days, and either find coal or convince himself that there is no coal there. He reports the indications for a thick vein are good, and feels confident of success.


Winfield Courier, November 12, 1874.

Dr. Thompson will commence boring for coal again this week. BEATUS.

Winfield Courier, December 10, 1874.

E. Simpson, Esq., once county commissioner of Cowley County, now resides in Howard County, on Rock Creek, north of Howard City. He informs us that coal is furnished the schoolhouse in his district for 8 cents per bushel.

Winfield Courier, March 18, 1875.

The coal seekers are down fifty feet with their drill, on Mr. Parr's place, west of town. Two hundred feet or coal, is the watchword.


The Commonwealth, May 11, 1875.

Within the last year an enterprise has been developed here that promises a rich return to those who are interested in it; this is the manufacture of salt. A well has been dug 560 feet deep, and an apparently inexhaustible vein of salt water struck, from which is made a quality of salt equal to any seen in the market. This water yields twenty per cent of salt, and a company with ample capital has been organized who propose to work it to its utmost capacity, and in the course of a few weeks, they will be manufacturing over fifty barrels per day. This will prove of immense benefit to the city and to the whole State. The company as at present formed consists of the Carbon Coal Company of Topeka, Mrs. McCollum and Strible & Stein, and the officers are W. Ewing, of Topeka, President; Mr. McCollum, of this place, treasurer; Mr. Stein, also of this place, Secretary. This company have also found a vein of excellent gypsum, nine feet thick, which they propose to work. This gypsum has been tested, and it makes a very superior quality of plaster. Of course, the people here are naturally elated over their prospects, and John Maloy, the Mayor, already begins to look forward to the time when he can drive his blooded bays with gold mounted harness, as becomes the chief officer of a metropolitan city.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1875.

Prof. H. B. Norton in an excellent letter from California comparing Kansas thereto said the following.

To sum the thing up: Kansas has the best soil, and the most arable land; the best summer climate; abundant grass and coal.

California has the best winter climate, and a good supply of timber, but no coal. Kansas is the best agricultural state.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1875.

Hon. T. R. Bryan, of Dexter, came to town one day last week with a grist, which he says is the last that he will be obliged to bring here, for the new steam grist mill at Dexter will be running soon. The proprietors will use Cowley County coal for fuel.

Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.

There ain't a boy three years old and over living at Salt City but what can tell you that the coal drill is down "three hundred and sixty-two and a half feet."


Winfield Courier, October 28, 1875.

Some talk here of organizing a "Joint Coal Company" for the purpose of sinking a shaft. Experienced miners say that there is coal within sixty feet. Tisdale, Oct. 24, 1875.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 6, 1876.

Dexter Township includes nine miles of the Grouse Valley, all of Plum Creek, nearly all of Crab Creek, and the prairies adjoining, and contains a population of nearly 500. There was harvested in the township last year over 30,000 bushels of wheat and double that amount of corn. Timber is abundant on Grouse Creek and firewood can be bought for $2.50 and $3.00 per cord. Coal can be bought for 15 cents per bushel at the bank 12 miles distant. There is some good land to be had at $1.25 per acre by actual settlers, and improved bottom homes can be purchased at from $10 to $15 per acre. Improved upland at from $3 to $6 per acre.

TISDALE TOWNSHIP. Coal has been found in small quantities.

Coal: Wichita, Kansas...

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.

Considerable excitement was caused in town the other day by the announcement that coal had been struck in the shaft being sunk by the Messrs. McCampbell's. We met Mr. McCampbell in a short time afterward and he showed us a small specimen of very good, indeed, excellent coal, which he said he had taken out, together with a conglomerate of coal and sulphur not so good. We dispatched one of our attaches out to the mine for further particulars, but none were obtained worthy of mention. The character of the material taken from the last blast satisfied us upon examination that Mr. McCampbell has not reached a paying vein of coal, yet. But with the whole county we hope he may ere long reap the reward for his industry, perseverance, and large expenditure of money. The shaft is now 191 feet deep. Wichita Eagle.

Excerpt from Norton letter...


Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876. Front Page.

Fuel is the one costly item on this coast: good coal, $16 to $20 per ton, and wood $10 to $12. However, we live on manna: Water and gas come in pipes; milk, during the night, miraculously appears in a can placed on a veranda; dirty clothing is carried off by a Celestial being in wooden shoes and a long pigtail, and returns in a fluted and enameled condition fit for the New Jerusalem; bread, the daily paper, meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, wineall are delivered at our door by similar angels, more or less in disguise; though I must admit that our Providence presents weekly or monthly bills, as that of the Hebrews did not. . . .


Arkansas City Traveler, February 16, 1876. Front Page.

COAL has been found in small quantities near us, and in the eastern part of the county veins of from one foot to eighteen inches are being worked.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1876.

John Fenner and Preston Martin have been prospecting for coal. They have sunk a shaft 35 feet, and found some coal, but no regular vein yet. The indications are good.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.

The derrick at the coal well at Salt City was blown down last week, and considerably damaged.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.

The Leavenworth coal shaft yields a million bushels of coal annually.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.

COAL. It is expected coal will be brought to the surface at the derrick, at Salt City, next week.

Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.

The parties boring for coal at Salt City claim to be close to the mineral. They now have everything in shape to push right along and according to Prof. Norton's prediction, have but a few feet to go. They are down 380 feet.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876. Front Page.

Coal has been found in paying quantities near this place, and parties are prospecting with good success in different parts of the county.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.

They have gone down nearly 400 feet at the coal well, at Salt City, and the indications of coal is almost positive.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Coal in Cowley County. Mr. Todd, formerly of this city, but for some years a resident of Wichita, has been boring for coal at Salt City, Cowley County, for about eighteen months. Week before last, at the depth of four hundred feet, he struck a good vein. This is within four feet of the depth that geologists have stated that coal would be found in that region. It is supposed that the vein struck is the same as the one discovered on the Canadian River in the Indian Territory. If so, it will be about four feet six inches.

Mr. Todd keeps the thickness of the vein to himself. He has shut up the hole and is at Wichita making arrangements for mining. It is said that he is offered a large price for an interest in the mine. If it proves that there is such a vein, it is of great importance. It is in the immediate vicinity of the salt wells. It is also in a section of the State that has no coal, except this. Every month seems to open up something new and rich for southwestern Kansas. What helps one part of the State helps all parts. Commonwealth.

The above cannot be altogether credited. The hole has been drilled; but our information is they have not struck coal yet.

Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.

They are still after that coal at Salt City, and Goff's evaporators are turning out salt right along.


Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876. Editorial Page.

Parties east of Silver contemplate the organization of a stock company to bore for coal. Hope they may not "bore" in rain. PAUL PRY.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

There is no material question of more importance to the people of this valley than that of cheap fuel. "Have you discovered coal yet?" is the stereotyped question of a majority of prospectors. Upon the satisfactory settlement of this question depends much. Without cheap fuel the manufacturing interest of this valley will never attain to that importance that they otherwise would. Our water powers, for the most part, remain undeveloped and untested.

But two or three systematic efforts have ever been made in this vicinity to settle the question. One of them was abandoned when the drill had reached only 150 feet. Another, the McCampbell shaft, which we have often noticed, and which is being sunk five miles east of town [Wichita], is still being put down. Messrs. Todd & Royal, formerly merchants of this city, both of whom yet reside and do business here, and who are the proprietors of Salt City, Sumner County, have been boring for coal at the latter point for over a year back. Word was received here the other day that the "black diamonds" had been struck sure enough, at a depth of four hundred feet. The shaft is within a few rods of the famous salt springs and the deposit found only varied four feet in depth from the estimate made by the geologist. It is supposed to be the same vein discovered on the Canadian River in the Indian Territory, which has over four feet of a workable face. The Commonwealth in speaking of it says, truly, that "every month seems to open up something new and rich for Southwestern Kansas." We talked with Mr. Todd the other day about the matter and he assured us that as soon as he could he would give us a reliable data connected with this important discovery, when we will gladly lay the facts before our readers. There is one thing certain, if a paying vein of coal exists at Salt City, it exists here also, for the geological formations are identical. If such vein is the Canadian vein, and it does not dip at a greater angle to the north between this point and that, then it is just as certain that we can reach it at Wichita at a depth of from 600 to 700 feet. Upon the other hand, if the dip should be to the south, that is, if the deposit should rise faster than the surface of the country, then less than 400 feet would reach the same vein here. We shall await, anxiously, further developments touching the Salt City vein. . . .

Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 7, 1876.

MR. MARICLE is prospecting for coal on Capt. Nipp's farm.


Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.

A vein of coal crops out on the banks of a stream near the Pawnee Agency. The coal is said to be good.

Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876.

MAPLE CITY is a village of five or six houses in Spring Creek Township, ten miles south of Dexter. The country round about it is rich and well settled. An industrious and intelligent people center there for business and mail. A blacksmith and wagon shop is located there. A good schoolhouse for educational and religious purposes is erected. A mercantile house is badly needed there. A merchant would do well to go in at that place now, and stick by it. A good steam grist mill would do well there also. Coal is handy and water plenty. For any further information concerning the place, address R. P. Goodrich, Maple City.


Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Last Page.

Coal has been found in the southeastern part of the county, but none has been developed of any consequence.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 23, 1876.

THE PARTIES AT SALT SPRINGS intend to resume boring for coal on the 15th of September, and bore until they strike it this time. Their energy is commendable, and we believe will succeed.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.

SMALL pieces of coal have been found in a well twenty-seven feet below the surface at Caldwell.

Winfield Courier, October 5, 1876.

Thos. C. Groom brought us in a fine specimen of bituminous coal from a sixteen inch vein, recently discovered on his farm, on south Cedar Creek, in Otter Township. It is as fine looking coal as we have ever seen in the West, and it burns well. The want of sufficient means prevents his going down for a sub-vein, which he thinks is at least three feet thick. He is selling coal at the bank for 30 cents per bushel. An experienced miner, with a little money, can make a fortune on Cedar Creek.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.

WITH WOOD AT $4 AND $4.50 A CORD, it is going to cost something to keep warm this winter. Why don't the freighters coming from Pawnee Agency bring back a load of coal on their return? It is said there is plenty of it within eight miles of the Agency, and the Pawnees will be glad to open a bank.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.

SALT CITY, December 26, 1876.
Salt City has not improved much of late, but is waiting for spring to open, when boring for coal will be resumed.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 17, 1877.

COAL six dollars per ton in Wichita.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1877.

COAL. The power with which the Salt City coal prospectors have been drilling has been purchased by L. C. Wood of this city, and was removed to this place last week. Considerable territory has been leased in this vicinity for the purpose of prospecting for coal, but whether this is an indication of renewed efforts in that direction, we cannot say. We are informed that the works at Salt City are still to be pushed forward, and a steam power for that purpose has been purchased.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.

MR. LETTS received a letter from Todd & Royal of Wichita, that they would resume boring for coal at Salt City in a few days. The gentlemen surely have pluck.

Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.

Coal sells on the streets of Cherokee, at the other end of our east and west road for 8 cents per bushel, delivered.


Winfield Courier, April 19, 1877. Editorial Page.

G. H. Power is a railroad builder, and at present the President and sole owner of the Hudson & Columbia Co. railroad, 55 miles long. It transported 255,000 tons of coal last year.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.

SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.

A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future coal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.

On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.

Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.

Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.

Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o'clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.

Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.

Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.

On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.

W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877. Editorial Page.


EDITOR COURIER: Having seen a copy of your paper today, I see by it that you are having a big fight on the railroad proposition to vote bonds to the Memphis & Ellsworth road. I do hope you will succeed. All the elections in Crawford County have gone for the bonds and when Parsons votes on the 12th, and Neosho Township on the 15th inst., work will then commence in earnest. Teams are now grading and about four or five miles is now ready for the iron, and in a few days as much more will be ready. Do all you can to carry the bonds, you cannot afford to fail. We stand ready to put coal on the cars here at three cents per bushel on the track and are anxious to do it. The officers of the road are very busy and have no time as I suppose to write you, hence these lines from me. I saw Mr. Green, of the Kansas City Journal of Commerce, yesterday. He intimated that it was a big thing for him to write that article against the M. P. & E. road, as he sold 20,000 copies of his paper and also advertised it. Tell the people that this road will bring them cheap lumber, and give them cheap freight to the seaboard. I am not interested in this road except as a private citizen, yet I am one of those who believe every man has a duty to do, hence I deem it a part of my duty to write you and help you to win Cowley for the road. JOHN F. PRICE.

Winfield Courier, May 17, 1877.

Coal is selling in Cherokee County for three cents per bushel. Think of that, farmers, before you vote. One bushel of your wheat will buy thirty-five bushels of Cherokee coal.


Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.

SALT CITY, July 17, 1877.

Mr. Thos. J. Royal, formerly of the firm of Todd and Royal, Wichita, Kansas, has located at this place. He is going to remain with us permanently. He is going to continue the coal prospecting at this place, commencing immediately. All parties interested in the discovery of coal at Salt City should inquire or address Thos. J. Royal, Salt City, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, July 26, 1877.


The greatest uprising of labor against capital ever witnessed in this country has reared its bloody head along the lines of railroad from Baltimore to St. Louis. In different cities and railroad centers throughout that vast extent of country, the firemen, brakemen, and other employees of the railroad have quit work, organized and armed themselves, and not only refuse to run trains but also prevent others who have not joined the movement from running them. In some districts the whole population, officials and militia, are on the side of the strikers.

The President of the United States has been called upon by the Governors of several States so widespread and powerful is the uprising. In some places the strikers and their allies have become an infuriated mob, burning buildings and robbing and destroying trains. The soldiers have fired into several riotous gatherings and killed quite a number of men. We cannot give full particulars this week, but according to our last advices, the end was not yet. The immediate cause of the trouble was an attempted reduction of wages by the railroad companies.

LATER. By Monday morning's extra from Kansas City, the startling news arrived Tuesday evening giving information of the extent and degree of the insurrection. It assumed the most formidable proportions at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday night, at which time the latest news was telegraphed. At Buffalo and other cities in New York; at Philadelphia, Reading, and other cities in Pennsylvania; at Cleveland and other cities in Ohio; Vincennes and other places in Indiana; at Chicago and St. Louis, the strike is in operation. No serious outbreaks so far at these places. At Pittsburgh, however, 800 Philadelphia State troops fired into the rioters on Saturday evening. This increased their fury and numbers. The coal miners and rolling mill men joined the mob and the numbers grew to be thousands. The troops were driven out of the city, three miles of railroad buildings, locomotives, and loaded trains were destroyed by fire, and at evening Sunday the fires were spreading to other parts of the city. One hundred and twenty-five locomotives, over four hundred loaded cars, lumber yards, railroad hotels, union depots, etc., are among the ashes of the fire. Many of the cars were loaded with oil, coke, coal, and other combustible material. The amount of damage to property was several millions and loss of life several hundred at last accounts. Women and children joined in the onslaught and carried off thousands of dollars worth of all kinds of goods from the loaded trains before they were burned. The law stood paralyzed. Fifty thousand people from the housetops and other heights around Pittsburgh witnessed the work of destruction on Sabbath, but were afraid to interfere in behalf of justice or order.

LATER. By the dailies of Tuesday, information comes that the strike has extended to many other cities between New York and St. Louis and to several railroads. In most places the freight trains have been stopped and stock unloaded. Violence had been resorted to in but few places, and that not of a very serious character. The destruction and riot at Pittsburgh had died down on Monday. Uncle Sam is sending troops in several directions. A strike was to take place at Kansas City at noon Tuesday.


Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.

The Walnut Valley Oil Company let a contract last Monday to Mr. Spencer, for boring a five-inch hole one thousand feet deep for the sum of $2,500, work to commence at once and to be completed by March 1st. A hole 1,000 feet deep will strike coal, petroleum, lead, or something else. But we will not predict. The indications for coal are excellent and the boring will commence at once.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.

This town is prospering finely. Mr. Thomas Royal, formerly of the firm of Todd and Royal, of Wichita, keeps the hotel in this place, and has ample accommodations for the trading public. He also has a large livery stable which he has been fitting up of late. Mr. Royal is also Superintendent of the Coal Company here, and expects to continue drilling. He has propositions from different parties to do the work.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.

There will be a coal meeting held at Salt City, Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.

A six foot vein of good coal has been discovered in the north part of Montgomery County. It is one hundred and thirteen feet under ground.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 21, 1877.

EL DORADO claims to have found a three-foot vein of coal seventy-five feet below the earth's surface, while boring for oil.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.

A twenty inch vein of coal has been discovered on Indian Creek, in Pottawatomie County.

Parties in digging a well at Neodesha, at the depth of 123 feet found salt water, and immediately struck coal and have gone down six feet in coal without finding bottom.

Bent Murdock is jubilant. The borers for oil, a few miles below Eldorado, struck a three foot vein of coal, of a superior quality, almost equal to anthracite.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1877.

C. Birnbaum just returned from the eastern part of the state. He says that Messrs. Paul Bro.'s are building a new iron jail at Sedan, which is a very fine building, and looks as though it would hold those fellows who are so handy with the pistol and knife. He also says that coal has been discovered in this county east of this place near the surface of the ground. He did not learn the thickness of the vein, but saw some of the coal which was clean and hard like anthracite.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1877. Editorial. D. A. Millington.

Butler County. ELDORADO, Nov. 23, 1877.

I found the people here excited about the coal discoveries. The oil company claim that they have drilled through more than three feet of coal at the depth of seventy-three feet. Bent Murdock showed me a sample of superior coal, not anthracite, but better than any Kansas coal I ever sawcompact and hard. He said he knew it came out of the bore. I judge that he is not fully satisfied that it is a bona fide affair. I regard it possible that the company or some interested person may have procured the coal from some other source and repeatedly placed some of it in the bore of the drills. One reason for suggesting this idea is that the coal is so different from anything I should expect to find here. The citizens have the consent of the company to sink a well; have an offer of well-diggers to sink a well four feet in diameter to the depth of eighty feet for $285, and propose to raise the money at once, sink the well, and test the matter, so there shall be no doubt about the matter. If such a vein as is claimed has

been reached, it will be of inestimable value to Butler County, and even to Cowley.


Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.

It still lives. The name of our east and west road has been changed to Memphis, Kansas and Colorado Railroad. The contract has been let for the construction of sixty-six miles of the road, to-wit: from Brownsville via the coal beds to Cherokee, thence to Parsons and Neodesha. Its present objective point is Winfield.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.

The culture of sun flowers for fuel out in the Arkansas Valley, where wood is very scarce and coal has to be brought from a great distance, is recommended by W. F. Shamleffer, of Council Grove. He says an acre of sun flowers well planted and cultivated, and gathered and stacked when ripe, will furnish fuel enough for one family all winter. and the seeds make good feed for stock and poultry.

Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.

Rumor says that the test drill put down beside the hole at Eldorado in which the three- foot vein of coal was said to have been found, struck no coal. Just as we expected and asserted. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.

The coal shaft has been sunk to about three hundred and fifty-five or sixty feet. At this depth they have struck a slate formation, which is commonly found immediately over the coal formation. We wait, still hoping Mr. McCampbell will be successful. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877. Editorial Page.

A mining company is organized at Wellington with a capital stock of $20,000, and shares at $10 each, for the purpose of prospecting for coal.

The Eldorado Press says of the boring for coal in that vicinity, that in that community, faith in coal has shrunk wonderfully while faith in cussedness has advanced. The drill in the new hole had passed the fifteen inch vein and no coal.


Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Supplement.

THE BLACK HILLS. Actual Condition of the Mining Interests in that Region.

A correspondent of the St. Paul Pioneer Press at Central City, D., writes as follows under date of December 13th.

Coal of excellent quality has been discovered about thirty miles from Central, near Redwater, and a California company have agreed to build a narrow gauge railroad from Central to the mines. A company of sixteen hold about four miles of this coal deposit, and in another year this fuel will be used in nearly all our mills.

Petroleum has been discovered forty miles southwest of Central, and new discoveries of gold-bearing quartz have been made at a place called Elk Creek. In fact, when the many hills that look down on us are thoroughly prospected, we shall then know the real wealth of this country.

Another season capital will turn its attention more particularly to the development of mines than the purchase and erection of mills, of which there is an all sufficient number for the amount of good paying ore on the dump of veins whose real values have not yet been demonstrated. "All is not gold that glitters," is as applicable here as elsewhere, and my advice is, to those coming to the hills, come to meet and grapple with facts rather than the rosy hues of vivid imagination. It is no fun living in the hills; it is a stern reality, and he who expects to come here and get rich on "chin music," or by folding his hands, has mistaken his calling. It is work with the brainwork with the hands and the limbsfight for your rightslive on one meal a daysleep on nothingrun the risk of losing your life very occasionally, and finally, perhaps, "strike it big."

Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.

Mr. McCampbell, of Sedgwick County, was in town last week, and reported that he had struck coal at the depth of 335 feet. Owing to the escape of gas, he was unable to determine the thickness of the vein, but so confident is he of there being paying "dirt," that he contracted with Mr. Palmer, of this city, for hard lumber from which to construct his apparatus to hoist the coal. The shaft is but fourteen miles from our city and will be of immense advantage to us if no coal should be found in our county. Augusta Gazette.


Arkansas City Traveler, January 16, 1878.

WICHITA, KANS., Jan. 10, 1878.

Mr. McCampbell, who is sinking the coal shaft near town, was caught in some of the machinery and his arm torn off, and bruised badly otherwise.

Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Editorial Page.


To the Editor of The Commonwealth: There is no coal in the "Eldorado coal hole."

Meekly yours, T. B. MURDOCK.

FOR SALE. A COAL HOLE. A large, first-class coal hole is now offered for sale near the thriving town of Eldorado. It can be had very cheap. For further particulars call on, or address Dr. Allen White, or T. Higginbotham Murdock, Esq. Parties from Winfield need not apply. If they do they will get h_____l knocked out of them in short order. We are authorized to say that the Emporia coal hole is withdrawn from the market until the above is sold. The Walnut Valley Times will please copy three times and send bill to the proprietors of the "East and West" railroad. Emporia News.

We insert the above advertisement to assist friend Stotler in making the sale, but expect him to pay the COURIER out of the proceeds.

Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.

The Wichita coal hole is sunk 343 feet deep. McCampbell, the proprietor, met with a serious accident. In stopping the windlass to save persons in the shaft, his arm was terribly torn.

Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.

Butler County is nothing without a sensation. Since the coal hole has fizzled they have found a cave and a long ways underground a vast hall adorned and illustrated with gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites which appears to have been a preglacid museum of enormous lizards and monstrous men with heads 27 inches in diameter. The worst trouble is that you have to crawl about a quarter of a mile on your belly to where the show is. The veracity of Butler County discoverers must not be questioned.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

The Masonic hall has been nicely carpeted, furnished with coal heating stoves, and adorned with a beautiful chandelier.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 23, 1878.

They are putting more money down a coal hole at Eldorado.

Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.

And now it transpires that the item that has been going the rounds of the press about coal in Barton County is a hoax. The people out there sympathize with Bent.


Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

Dr. Rising will commence sinking a shaft for coal soon. The indications for coal on his farm are good.

Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial.

As we predicted the Wilson silver mine bubble burst much quicker than the Eldorado coal hole did. Cowley has had a few silver mines and we know how it is ourselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

The Sheriff of Neosho County, with one of the owners of the horses stolen from Thayer, Kansas, were here last Friday after the property that had been taken to Winfield. The thieves, Isaac Ingalls and Martin B. Dailey, alias Al. Wilson, had been working in a coal mine before they took the horses. Both had been in the mountains, and were known as bad characters. W. J. Gray received $25 reward for their capture.

A series of humorous items in which coal is mentioned!...

Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.

AUFUL ISENT IT. On the stage from Eldorado to Winfield the other day were two Cowley County six year old boys, Jesse and Bertie. After crossing the county line into Cowley, while passing a very much better field of wheat than any seen further north, Jesse asked what county they were then in. "Cowley County," answered Bertie, "don't you see that wheat? That is Cowley County wheat." Winfield Courier.

Smart children. We presume they could also see the line which is supposed to divide Butler from Cowley. We presume the "old man," who heard the conversation, was glad to know that God Almighty, when He made this earth, took particular pains to chuck into the soil of Cowley a large quantity of all the elements which go to make up a good wheat producing land. While to spite Butler, which was going to get a railroad first; He gave us an extra dose of hard pan and gravel. To prove this we will state that we met a man the other day who owns a farm which "straddles" the line between Butler and Cowley. His home is in Butler while half of his orchard, and half of his wheat field, is in Cowley. He said that his fruit trees in Cowley were as large again as those in Butler, although they were all of the same age and planted at the same time; also that his wheat in Cowley was much stronger and more vigorous than that in Butler County He said that it sometimes happened that a grain of wheat accidentally fell across the line, so that the stalk would grow up in both counties. Where this happened the Cowley County half always grew so fast that it just tore the roots out of the ground over in Butler. The grains on the Cowley County side were shrunken and shriveled, notwithstanding they all grew on one stalk. He said he had a bull calf born, one night, just on the line, and strange to relate, its Cowley County legs were fourteen and a half inches longer than its Butler County legs. Our farmer friend went on to say that there was the greatest difference in everything. One of his cows got the lock-jaw from trying to chew her cud in both counties; a handsome school-marm, who attempted to teach a school in a schoolhouse which "straddled the line," became cross-eyed and bow legged, and finally died in the insane asylum from the terrible effects of trying to keep up an equilibrium in two counties. In fact, we have long known of these things. Butter made in Cowley is stronger than butter made in Butler County, and the hair in it is much longer. It is hard to find a Cowley County liar, but when you do find one, he is an awful liar.

We hope the editor of the Courier will investigate this matter further and tell us more about it. Give it to us on scientific principles. Walnut Valley Times.

Well, the scientific explanation is this. In the Paleozoic age the enormous accumulations of oil and coal so weighed down the earth's crust in the vicinity of where Eldorado now is, that they broke off a considerable section and the fracture occurred at latitude 375814.

This fissure was soon filled up with washings from the surface impenetrable to the oil which in course of time completely saturated the earth on the north side of the fissure and combining with the soil made it less productive. When the survey of the county line was made, the mineral in the fault, or seam, had such an effect on the needle that it traversed along this seam, causing the seam to become the county line.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.

Answer to Inquiries.
Syl Johnson, Montezuma, Iowa.

There is no coal mine being worked, although there is coal in the eastern part of this county. Coal brought from Wichita, the nearest railroad point, is worth $13 to $18 per ton.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

Response from C. M. Scott, Editor, relative inquiry about coal.

Coal has been found in the eastern part of this county, but it is not extensive. In eastern and northern Kansas it is very plentiful. Osage City, Kansas, coal sells for $13 per ton here, after being hauled 50 miles from a railroad.


Winfield Courier, May 2, 1878.

McCampbell's coal shaft is down 400 feet. The county board have agreed to give McCampbell eight dollars per foot for the next 100 feet or until he finds coal. The prospects are considered favorable.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

COAL MARKET. Osage, $6; Colorado, $8.50; Fort Scott, $9; Red River, $10; Trinidad, $12.50; Blossburg, $15; Anthracite, $15.50.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 21, 1878.

Dick Evans and Morris Collar have the contract for furnishing Fort Dodge and Fort Lyon with coal for the next year, at between nine and ten dollars per ton.


Arkansas City Traveler, October 2, 1878.

British Commercial Report No. 10 for 1875, under the title of "Proposed Inland System of Navigation," says:

"As to relative costs of transport by water and railways, an instance is given of a case in point. A Cincinnati steamer with her tows laden with coal from Pittsburgh, was passing down the Ohio river, bound to Orleans, distant from Pittsburgh about 2,000 miles. The cargo consisted of 336,000 bushels of coal weighing 13,440 tons. This coal was being transported to New Orleans at 5 cents per 100. At this very moderate rate the down trip brought to the boat and barges $13,440, considered a remunerative trip by the owners. Now, to have carried such a freight by rail would have demanded a force of fifty trains, or 1,344 cars, with 10 tons each. At $2.00 a car, with 10 tons freight, to be carried 2,000 [which is even lower transportation than can be profitable on the railroads], this cargo would have amounted to $268,000, making a difference of more than $250,000 on the transportation of the cargo by one cheap steamboat and her barges.

Cost by rail: $268,000

Cost by water: $13,440


Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878. Editorial Page.

SAD DISASTER. The beautiful State Normal School building at Emporia was destroyed by fire last Saturday morning. The loss is a heavy one, the building being worth about $100,000. The fire was caused by spontaneous combustion of coal stored in the basement of the building. We have not learned whether the building was insured or not.


Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.

There are good coal beds in Cedar Township, two of which have been opened; besides there is timber enough on Beaver, Rock, and Cedar Creeks to run this country for ten years.

Winfield Courier, March 13, 1879.

Silver Lake has a coal mine.

Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.

A. T. & S. F. R. R. We have the authority of Gen'l. Strong of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. for stating that the extension of the Wichita branch will be commenced at once and that the iron and ties have been contracted for. In view of the building of lines in Kansas this season by this company, twenty locomotives, five hundred box cars, one hundred stock cars, fifty coal and flat cars, fifteen cabooses, five baggage cars, and eighteen coaches have been ordered. The new cabooses are to be the same as those already in use, which are so popular with stockmen. Mr. Strong says that this southern extension of the road will be one of the most important divisions on the line and that within another year, it will, in all probability reach Fort Smith, Arkansas. It might not be out of place for us to add in connection with the above that Gen'l. Strong seemed quite anxious to impress upon our mind the fact that he is specially desirous that the interests of the Company and the people shall be mutual and that a sympathy between them shall become firmly established. Before the next harvest is ready for shipment, another reduction in freight charges will take place; and we are informed further reductions will voluntarily be made as rapidly as the business of the Company will permit.

Gen'l. Strong appears to be very sincere in all he says regarding the welfare of the people along the line of his road, and we believe if his ideas are faithfully carried out, much good will result to all concerned. We found him to be a gentleman in every respect and very frank in expressing his ideas on the subject mentioned in this article.Harvey County News.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 9, 1879.

The Extension of the Arkansas Road Down the Valley.
The people of a county whose producers have raised 2,000,000 bushels of wheat may well rejoice that work has actually commenced upon the branch, which is to give them railroad communication with the eastern and western world. The Atchison road having failed in no promise heretofore given, true to the promise of its official, has commenced the permanent location of its road bed and will follow immediately with the shovels and we can predict with a certainty that the agreement will be filled to more than the letter. And by the time this road shall have reached us, the western end of the A. T. & S. F. will have penetrated the Rocky Mountains sufficiently to open up a grand market for our supplies, and to supply us with coal, cheaper than we can buy wood today. Nothing is truer than that "Money makes the mare go" and the Atchison road has the money and the brains to grasp the trade of Southwestern Kansas and outstrip all rivals for our favor.


Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.

GROUSE CREEK, May 19, 1879.
Crossing Grouse creek at Benderville, I spent sometime in company with several others examining the banks. Here are excellent indications for coal. Several small veins have been discovered in the vicinity. Time and means may develop rich paying coal fields deeper down in terra firma.

Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.

Messrs. Hughes and Rhodes have on hand a large stock of coal, wood, lime, etc., and are ready to fill all orders left with them.

AD: HUGHES & RHODES, have just received a fresh supply of FORT SCOTT AND TRINIDAD COAL, Louisville Cement, Plaster Paris, Hannibal Lime and Hair, which they will sell at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. Native Lime, Oak, and Hackberry Wood constantly on hand. OFFICE AND YARD ON SOUTH MAIN STREET.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1879.

DIED. A man near Cedarvale went into a coal mine one day last week, and while at work the bank caved in, crushing him to death. His name we did not learn.

Winfield Courier, October 16, 1879.

Messrs. Hughes & Rhodes have purchased ground near the depot and are erecting buildings for a coal yard.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

Mr. W. C. McDonald will open a coal yard here soon. He will deal in the celebrated Fort Scott coal, and being connected with mines at that place, will be able to sell at very low prices.

Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

We learn of the discovery of a 2½ foot vein of coal on the farm of Mr. Barnett, one-half mile from Dexter. The vein has not been sufficiently developed to show the extent of the mine, but it is the opinion of our informant that coal will be found in paying quantities.

Winfield Courier, November 6, 1879.

Mr. O. E. Baker is doing an immense coal business. On Monday he had two teams delivering from daylight to dark, and could not fill the orders as fast they came in.

Winfield Courier, November 13, 1879.

Our coal dealers are doing a rushing business.

Winfield Courier, November 27, 1879.

Messrs. True & Morris have their coal office with Brotherton & Silver, on Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.

The county offices have been furnished with new coal stoves.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.

COAL! COAL! COAL! We are now prepared to sell Osage Shaft COAL, Trinidad COAL, and Blacksmith COAL selected from the mines near Trinidad. LEONARD & CO.



Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.

We left La Junta at noon of the 8th, on an accommodation train made up of freight and railroad iron and two passenger cars. As yet no regular passenger trains have been put upon the road southwest from La Junta.

Before dark we passed El Moro, the terminus of one branch of the Denver & Rio Grande narrow-gauge railroad, crossing its track leading to its coal mines in a bank in sight to our left, and reached Trinidad, six miles farther.

Trinidad is a pretty town of some 3,000 in a gorge of the foot-hills of the mountains, with its residence adorning the slopes...a trading point of a large territory of stockmen. Its principal industry is the coal mining.

On February 15th, in the morning, we started for Carbonateville south for Los Placeres, or the Placer Mountains. The first five miles was down grade, among hills and winding, rock canon, to Cerrillos station, on the Gallistes river. Here the track layers were in force, laying a switch on which to run a long train of freight cars, which was standing on the main track. Here is being constructed a large smelter and reduction works by the Carpenter company. Here also are extensive coal mines.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880.

M. R. Leonard has purchased Mr. Evans' coal yard and office, where he will be found to supply you with the black diamonds and choice town lots. Give him a call if you want a clear title and desirable location.

Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.

Mr. S. S. Linn, who owns the Sheridan farm, called on us last Saturday with specimens of coal from a well he is drilling on his farm. The samples were from the depth of seventy feet, are chipped up fine by the drill, but are clear coal of a compact species more like anthracite than like the Osage coal. Mr. Linn is a thinking gentleman, whose views on the subject of coal beds and geological subjects are clear and consistent.

Winfield Courier, June 17, 1880.

Several coal fiends have been nabbed during the last ten days.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Col. C. Wood Davis, the gentleman who worked up the San Francisco road through Sedgwick County, was in town last Friday in the interest of Cherokee coal mines.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880.

We saw a fine specimen of coal last week brought from Captain Nipp's place, eight miles from town, on the Walnut. The presence of coal in this vicinity has been a mooted question for some time, but from what we now learn the coal millennium for Cowley is not far distant. Should the present expectations be realized, this discovery will form a memorable epoch in the history of the county and totally revolutionize the fuel question, which has been increasing in importance every season.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.

Cherokee Jones, who has fenced in Hunnewell, was in town last week. He is now engaged in looking up the coal fields said to exist on the Cherokee strip south of this city.

Winfield Courier, September 16, 1880.

It is said that Capt. Nipp has discovered coal on his farm in South Bend.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 24, 1880.

Last Sunday and Monday the coal at Mr. Ekel's yard gave out, leaving many of our citizens in a rather uncomfortable position. A carload had been shipped from Osage City on the 13th, and should have been here the next day, but was unaccountably detained, at some way point. We suggest Mr. Ekel keep a car or two ahead of the demand.

Winfield Courier, December 2, 1880.

G. W. Childers, while digging for water to supply his sheep, on his farm on Rock Creek, in Cedar township, cut through a vein of coal twelve to fourteen inches thick. Further investigation shows that the vein extends through a large tract of land. He immediately got out two loads of coal, which he sold at Cedar Vale for 25 cents per bushel. He has employed several hands and will supply the whole section. Samples sent to us are an excellent article. We think he has a bonanza.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 8, 1880.

The supply of coal gave out again last week, calling forth a considerable flow of language more forcible than elegant from those of our citizens who happened to get "left."



Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.

GRENOLA, Kans., Nov. 24, 1880.

Monday I came across the hills to Cambridge, where I spent the day clambering over the bluffs to Cedar creek. Cambridge, the metropolis (in anticipation), of Kansas. In the evening I boarded a freight for this place, arriving at 8:30 p.m. Here are to be found good accommodations for travelers. Grenola is a town of about 400 inhabitants, twelve business houses, some of them carrying large stocks of goods. Indeed, I find in all of these towns evidence of thrift and intelligence. The town is located in the Cana valley; which averages about two miles wide, and is of rich land. Nine miles below here are being opened and worked several coal mines, and old miners say there are strong indications of minerals; this of course is prospective. In all of these towns a good, nice, and substantial schoolhouse is the first public building that is erected. Elk County has a population of about 11,000. The surface is generally rough and limestone predominates. The valleys are productive. The Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern Railway affords an outlet to the East. I would not recommend Hoosiers to come here to raise grain, but would consider stock raising, cattle, and sheep a good business.

Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.

Mr. Lynn has discovered a thin layer of coal west of town near the west bridge. It is not probable that coal can be found in paying quantities less than 300 feet deep in this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.

James Utt, of Cedar township, was in town Friday. He thinks he has got a coal vein under his farm and proposes to investigate. He is wintering 1500 sheep.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.

Mr. C. Y. Castanian, living one mile north of the famous Goldore mine, has a spring in which water boils up containing sulphur and carbon particles, and the water smells like the interior of an old gun-barrel. The presumption is that the water rises through a stratum of coal, but at what depth is a matter of conjecture. We think it should be prospected. Cowley needs a diamond-drill machine to bore for coal and other treasures of the earth. We believe it would develop something that would pay a thousand times over.

Winfield Courier, December 23, 1880.

James Utt dropped in to see us Friday. He comes from near G. W. Childers's coal mine and reports that they are still taking from it rapidly. He has used some of the coal and pronounces it first-class.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 5, 1881.

Our thriving and enterprising county seat has begun to agitate the question of Cowley County coal. All geologists of prominence that have been consulted are of the opinion that at a considerable depth a rich and almost exhaustless field of coal exists in the vicinity of Winfield. Fully alive to the importance of this fact, and realizing the vast commercial benefits to be derived from the successful operation of a series of coal shafts, some of Winfield's best men have taken the subject under consideration. Judging from the conversation we listened to last week while at the county seat, these parties mean business, and will shortly come to the front with a proposition, the success of which means the lasting prosperity of Winfield and Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.

The Santa Fe railroad comes to the front in a most benevolent manner with a splendid gift to the poor of Winfield. They propose to carry free of charge from the mines in Trinidad, Colorado, to Winfield two cars of coal. The freight on the coal would amount to $147.20. It is a large gift, and shows a disposition on the part of the management to extend all the favors possible to the people along their lines. It will certainly bring warmth and gladness to the hearts of many poor families in our city. Mr. Garvey laid the matter before General Freight Agent Goddard, and it was through his efforts that the donation was made.

Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.

That company to prospect for coal in the vicinity of Winfield should be organized at once. "There are millions in it." Now is the time to work it up while business is dull and men are wanting work.


Winfield Courier, January 20, 1881.

On last Sunday the two cars of coal donated to the poor of Winfield by the Santa Fe road arrived, and is now being distributed under the direction of Mr. Jillson.

Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1881.

Coal is in good demandor would be if there were any in town.

Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.

COAL COMPANY. Much interest is being taken in the matter of prospecting for coal. A company is being formed with capital stock of thirty thousand dollars. Seven gentlemen have agreed to take $1,000 each and others have expressed their willingness to subscribe. The charter will be received in a few days, when work will begin in earnest. This is one of the best enterprises for Winfield that has yet been sprung. The advantages of coal to our city would be inestimable; in fact, we can never hope to build up manufacturing interests without it. The question of fuel is always an important one, and our distance from the nearest mines makes the freight cost nearly as much as the coal at the mines.

This country is certainly underlaid with coal, and the sooner it is developed, the better it will be for us. The gentlemen who have the matter in hand intend pushing it forward as rapidly as possible, and will not be deterred by obstacles. They propose to go down until they find coal.


Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.

Doctor Davis in last Tuesday's Telegram has a very interesting article on boring for coal. Many of our best businessmen are of the opinion that our future prosperity largely depends upon the solving of the question, whether or not we have coal within working distance. Doctor Davis' plan is to organize a company at once, with a capital stock of thirty thousand dollars, make a small assessment on each share, and proceed to boring. He gives his own name and there are others who will each take one thousand dollars of stock. This starts the ball, let us keep it rolling. Later: The good work is started and the company organized.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1881.

Our coal dealer sent a man up to Winfield recently after a load of coal. It was weighed, and the man charged for 2,500 pounds, which he paid. When weighed out on scales in this city, the load was 500 pounds short, and not a pound had been taken off on the road. Strange.

Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.

A vein of coal six feet thick has been discovered at Grenola, Elk County.

[Exchange: "Well, yes; but that six foot vein proved to be a chunk of coal, the dimensions of which was about a foot square on the end and six feet long, buried in the ground so as to stand directly upon one end." While boring a well, the drill-bit chanced to go squarely through the chunk of coal. After the excitement had swelled to the highest pitch, and the fact published to the world, then digging commenced in good earnest. The "six-foot- vein" contained about four bushels of Fort Scott coal.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1881.

Winfield coal merchants make money; they buy by weight and guess it out by the load. So much makes so much.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15. Daily Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

TRADE NOTES. The past week has been a rough one on business of all kinds, with no shipments of grain or stock, owing to the blockaded condition of the roads. Businessmen and tradesmen have felt the effects of bad weather to a great extent. Prices have undergone no change. Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15; market entirely out. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Traveler is worried over a Winfield coal dealer giving an Arkansas City man short weight. Our neighbor should keep his temper and not worry over such a little thing as this, or perchance he may get a "couple of feet in the rear end" for his pains. That coal dealer weighs 210.


Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.

Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7.00; hard, $16.00. Telegram.


Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.

The council has passed an ordinance granting to the Winfield coal company the right to mine under any street, alley, or public ground belonging to the city, provided they begin to sink their shaft during 1881 and find coal within three years.


Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.

Several Winfield gentlemen have organized a coal company with their base of operation at Grenola. They have several fine specimens of surface coal from the shaft, taken out six feet below the ground. They intend to go down one thousand feet. Col. McMullen is president, and Dr. Mendenhall, secretary.


Winfield Courier, April 14, 1881.

Edward Dee is prospecting for coal on the farm of John Loper. He is an old miner and says that the signs are good.

Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.

Why don't the coal company get to work? Don't linger in developing the mine of wealth which lies under our feet.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.

Dr. C. F. Adams, whom we mentioned last week as making an investigation of the Arkansas river, with a view to its navigation, arrived in town last Thursday, and of course reported at the TRAVELER office. He is traveling alone in a small boat, 4 feet beam and 14 feet in length, and expects to arrive at Ft. Smith in about two weeks. The trip from Oxford to this city was made in a little over half a day, and the Dr. is firmly convinced of the navigability of this stream by properly constructed boats. Among other interesting matters, Dr. Adams stated that he found coal at various points along his route, and called especial attention to a vein near the mouth of Slate creek, which he estimated at 12 feet thick and but forty feet below the surface, which he traced for a mile and a half along the river. Should this fact be verified, it will be the means of solving the much vexed fuel question for this region. That coal underlies the greater portion of the State seems to be pretty generally believed, the only question being as to whether it exists at a depth which will render the working of the veins practicable.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Notice is hereby given that the stock books of the Caney Valley Prospecting Coal and Mining Company, of Elk and Chautauqua counties, Kansas, will be opened on the 21st day of June, A. D., 1881, at the office of the secretary of the company, in the city of Grenola, Elk County, Kansas, and at the Winfield Bank, in the city of Winfield, Kansas, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the company, and will be kept open at the above named places until all the shares of the stock are subscribed.

By order of the Board of Directors, J. C. McMULLEN, President.

W. S. MENDENHALL, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

In the southeastern part of Cowley County, in Cedar and Otto townships, are found many veins of coal. Several farmers mine their own fuel, while many others have dug through veins of coal in digging for wells. Coal has been found on the farms of Johnson, Acker, Childers, Harpole, Fisher, and Bartgis; and it crops out at many points in the hills and gulches back of the valleys. The coal burns well, and the quality improves as the mines deepen.

Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.

George Rhodes found Monday morning his coal on fire at the bottom of the pile in such situation that only spontaneous combustion could account for it. It was a bin of Osage coal. This is not the first case of spontaneous combustion in a coal pile. The burning of the Normal Institute at Emporia two years ago was started by spontaneous combustion in the coal bins.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 13, 1881.

Ed. Traveler:

I write to have you continue sending my TRAVELER here for a few weeks longer, as it is looked for with interest each week. I meet many of Arkansas City's former citizens: among them, W. H. Walker and Dave Lewis, who are glad to see the old TRAVELER.

Coal Creek is thirty-five miles west from Pueblo and five miles from the Green Horn mountains, and is a lively coal mining townor camp, as they term it here, of over eight hundred inhabitants.

Our friend, Dave Lewis, has been here about four years, during which time he has tried his hand cutting stone, keeping boarders, and now owns a well-stocked drug store, and is Postmaster. He has lately received the contract for building the stone work, for mining machinery, to be put in at Rockdale. Rockdale is a new coal camp one mile from here, and is owned by the Santa Fe R. R. Co., who are sinking a shaft, for mining purposes, 400 feet deep. Two coal veins in this vicinity are respectively four and six feet in thickness. This will be a good place for coal miners as soon as the machinery is put up. A. C. WELLS.


Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.

Two companies have been formed for the purpose of boring for coal at no distant day, and $25,000 stock for each has already been subscribed.

[Arkansas City Traveler ITEM.]

Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.

A six foot vein of coal is announced as having been discovered in the vicinity of Elgin, Chautauqua County, some 45 miles east of this place. If true, it will materially affect the fuel problem of this section of country.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881. Front Page.

A six foot vein of bituminous coal has been discovered in Chautauqua County.

Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.

Mr. W. J. Hodges brought over samples of coal two feet thick from a new discovery in Chautauqua County. He, with S. H. Myton, and H. S. Silver, have formed a company, bought the land, and are going to put their money in to win. When such men invest, it is a sure thing, you may depend. The coal has been tested by Mr. Legg in his forge and he says, "It gets away with the Rock Hill coal badly."

Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.

Coal $7 a ton.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.

Henry E. Asp et al are the proprietors of a coal mine in Chautauqua County.

Winfield Courier, September 29, 1881.

Mr. James Fahey returned from New Mexico and spent several days with his family. We have an idea from what we can hear that Jim is largely interested in the coal deposits of that territory.


Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.

September 4th.

Bound for Southwestern Missouri, the land of the free and home of the brave, brave James boys, and free whiskey. The Hon. W. P. Hackney was on board the train, Messrs. Myton, Hodges, and Silver boarded the train and got off at Grenola. I am informed that they have a bonanza coal mine near there, a two foot vein. Mr. H. E. Asp, of Winfield, has become so elated that he intends quitting the law practice and manage the mine at Elk Falls.

We saw three barrels of empty beer bottles marked E. M. Trimble. What are the initials of our worthy Professor Trimble?


Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.

W. L. Burton moves to the coal regions next week, and intends to work in the coal mines.

Winfield Courier, October 20, 1881.

The coal business has been rushing for the past few days. Almost all of the dealers had more orders than they could fill.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.

We are pleased to state that Mr. John H. Walker has at last concluded to spend the winter in our city. He will not, as reported, "go into the grocery business," but intends to run a coal and wood depot during the cold season. John is deservedly popular, and will, undoubtedly do a rushing business. His office will be in Kellogg & Mowry's drug store.


Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.

Coal, retailers price, soft, Pittsburg and Thayer, $6.00; Oswego and Fort Scott, $7.00; Trinidad, $8.00; hard coal, $15.00.

Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.

Farmers should buy coal of A. H. Doane & Co. They keep all grades and sell sixteen ounces to the pound. We know whereof we speak.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 2, 1881.

COAL COAL Coal in Cowley County. I have opened up my coal bank in Cedar Township, and am now prepared to furnish coal in any amount, and will not disappoint any who want coal. Quality is good. Address, G. W. Childers, Cedarvale, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.

G. W. Childers wishes to inform the public that he has coal for sale at his mine in Cedar township. Persons who wish fuel should call on him.

Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.

Messrs. J. B. Walker and Cal Swarts, two of Arkansas City's youngest young citizens, paid the metropolis a visit Saturday. They were chasing down a COURIER coal advertisement and succeeded in supplying themselves with the needful, "warranted full weight and sixteen ounces to the pound." J. B. is now filling prescriptions for Kellogg & Mowry, and smiles more complacently over the sale of one little liver pill than the senior partner could over a gross of "canawis." We shall buy hair restorative there in the future.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.

John B. Walker received a carload of Anthracite coal on Saturday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.


Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.

The Courier says our friend, John B. Walker, was chasing down a coal advertisement last week and succeeded in obtaining a supply of the "needful."

Whatever he may have been chasing we don't know, but he found out that coal or anything else for that matter can be shipped to the terminus just as cheap or a little cheaper than to any way station on the line, Winfield not excepted.

Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.

Honors to whom honor is due. We have no hesitancy in recommending to our readers the reliable coal firm of A. H. Doane & Co., whose office is on 9th Avenue, west of the post office.

Winfield Courier, November 10, 1881.

COAL MINERS WANTED. At the C. V. C. & M. Co.'s coal mines, eight miles south of Grenola, Kansas. (Formerly Binyons mines.) Inquire of, or address W. J. Hodges or S. H. Myton, Winfield, or W. O. Johnson, Supt., Grenola, Kansas.

Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881. Editorial Column.

Coal is selling for eight cents at the banks, and twelve and a half cents in the city. This is higher than it has been for a great many years at this season. Fort Scott Monitor.

Eight cents per bushel is equivalent to $2.00 per ton. It retails here at $7.00 per ton, and our dealers make but a small margin at that. The bulk of the five dollars goes to the coal company, and the railroads, who must be making big money.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 23, 1881.

Fuel seems to be in considerable demand already. Those who can, should remember the tough times to get wood and coal that was experienced during the severe weather of last winter, and try to lay in a supply while they can, before they are caught in the same predicament. Although a mild winter is predicted, this country is liable to sudden freeze ups, when a scarcity of fuel is at least inconvenient and uncomfortable.

Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.

Henry Asp, one of Winfield's brightest young attorneys, has been employed on one or the other side of each criminal action tried at this term of court, notwithstanding the fact that he has been giving a good deal of time to a coal bank enterprise the past few months.

Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.

Coal $7 a ton.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Independence proposes to drill an artesian well for coal.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

GRENOLA, KAS., Dec. 5, 1881.

EDS. COURIER: As time hangs heavily this evening, I thought I would pen you a few lines and extend to you an invitation to visit the Caney Valley Coal Mines, situated nine miles southeast of Grenola. If you are a geologist, you will find many things to interest you. As this is a Winfield enterprise, you are doubtless interested in its success.

We are beginning to take out coal, and are getting the mines in good condition to put in miners as fast as we can get them. Miners are rather scarce, and right here I will say that prohibition is in part the cause of it. Now don't go and say that I am talking against prohibition, for I am not. I only wish it was more rigidly enforced. But I must say that it makes coal miners in demand. There is a large local demand for coal, teams coming a distance of thirty miles for coal.

I do not think the coal company will be able to ship any coal this winter as the local trade will consume all that will be taken out at present. Coal sells here for 16_ cents per bushel, and is in great demand.

The country around here is rather thinly settled, and is used principally for grazing purposes, as it is somewhat broken and hilly, although there is very good valley land. It has been rather lonesome for me here. I get the COURIER every week, which is a welcome guest, and read it, ads and all, until I wear the print out. I guess I had better close before I wear you out.

Again, extending to you the hospitalities of our shanty, I subscribe myself.

Very Respectfully, W. O. JOHNSON.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Messrs. G. B. Shaw & Co. have opened a coal office on South Main Street at the Champion Furniture House. They keep both wood and coal, and deliver twenty hundred for a ton.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

James Fahey has a bonanza in the western part of New Mexico on the St. Louis & San Francisco road. It consists of four sections of land all underlaid with a vein of coal from four to five feet thick. He is already delivering 30 tons a day at a profit of $1.75 per ton net, and will soon deliver 100 tons per day. If he can continue to make such a profit until his estimated 5,000,000 tons of coal are exhausted, he will be tolerably well heeled.

Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.

We noticed that A. H. Doane & Co. are filling the vacant block on Ninth Avenue with cord and stove wood, and have 25 carloads of coal in stock and under cover, preparatory for a cold snap or a snow blockade.

Cowley County Courant, December 22, 1881.

S. H. Myton, W. J. Hodges, and H. Silver visited their coal mine in Chautauqua County last Wednesday. They found Superintendent Johnson reposing on an oriental divan and smoking Havana cigars, and the coal tumbling out of the mine and loading itself into the wagons; Superintendent Johnson knows how to run a coal mine. W. J. Hodges, the president of the company, came back highly indignant. They made him crawl on his hands and knees about five hundred feet into the mine, and told him it was quite likely the whole thing would tumble in any minute. Those who saw the knees of his pants when he came out thought he had been through a long and earnest season of prayer. . . .

Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.

A. G. Wilson is putting in a pair of hay scales in front of the transfer office, preparatory to going into the coal business.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Leavenworth Coal Company now operates two shafts, 716 feet deep, and have a full capacity of raising 75,000 bushels of coal per day, the present product being 8,000 bushels.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Like many others we have been compelled to use soft coal in a base burner for three or four weeks. Last Saturday we obtained a small invoice of hard coal and attempted to clean the soot out of the stove. We tried zinc and it worked like a charm. When the fire was good, we put a nickel's worth of zinc scraps in it. In five minutes time all the inner parts of the stove were white as chalk and every vestige of soot decamped and gone up the flue. We give these results of our experiment for the benefit of our fellow sufferers from soot.

Wellington Press.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum