[From Thursday, January 3, 1878, through January 31, 1878.]
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
The editorials which appear in the COURIER relative to the silver question are simply the personal dissents and holds views similar to those expressed by Hon. Schuyler Colfax in the article we give in another column, headed “On Finance.” Editors, as well as politicians and financiers, have been exciting themselves in wrestling with this question, and we have almost unintentionally joined in it. As no one seems to know anything about it, we shall not claim to understand it.
1. This is in theory, and should be in practice, “a government of the people, for the people, by the people,” where popular will should be obeyed.
2. If today gold and silver were both equal legal tender, as when we incurred our war debt and suspended specie payments temporarily, a proposition, as a preliminary to resumption in 1879, to now demonetize silver and pay all debts, public and private, in gold alone, could not carry the popular vote of any district in the nation, north, east, south, and west, and if submitted to a popular vote would be voted down by millions.
3. No canvass was ever made in any district of the nation prior to the act of 1873, for the demonetizing of silver—no popular assemblage or convention of the people, of any party, ever asked for it; no political platform of any organization demanded it; no petitions from the people of any section of the Union sought it—and of the hundreds of financial plans for the relief of the country, for the payment of the debt, or for coin resumption, which were published and advocated, none of them proposed such an act for the amelioration of our financial ills; not one.
4. The demonetizing act, therefore, was passed, not at all as responsive to any demand or desire, or petition of the people; and was so ingeniously concealed in the coinage act that neither the president who signed it, nor the present president who has to execute it if not repealed, knew what had been done till long after it had gone into effect.
5. If this is really “a government of the people, and for the people, and by the people,” an act thus passed, though it may have legal effect, is a popular wrong that should be corrected by the servants of the people promptly and cheerfully, not hesitatingly or grudgingly, or reluctantly, or evasively.
6. If the explicit language of our national constitution means anything, gold and silver are equally the constitutional coin of our land.
7. If the explicit language of the first act of Gen. Grant’s administration, “the act to strengthen the public credit,” and which did strengthen it with our creditors and the world, means anything, the nation pledged itself in March, 1869, to pay its debts “in coin or its equivalent,” not in gold alone.
8. If the explicit language of the funding act of June, 1870, means anything, the nation again pledged itself to pay the bonds funded under it in “the standard coin of that date,” which was gold and silver, and not gold alone.
9. If in 1801, 1859, and 1880, corn and oats were both and equally legal tender for debts, “between man and man,” as the phrase is, no consideration of equity, honor, or conscience would require that debts incurred under and in full view of such a promise, should be paid in the dearer of these products, because the other happened to be cheaper from over-production or any other cause whatever.
10. If the demonetizing act was a popular wrong—if it was neither demanded, desired, nor petitioned for by the people—if it could not now, were a new and original proposition before the people, who ought to be the rulers of the land, command even a quarter of their votes—ought it not be corrected promptly? And then when the status quo is thus restored, would it not be excellent time afterward to propose an international commission of European and American nations to determine what should hereafter be the relation of the two coins to each other?
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
A correspondent writes to the St. Louis Republican inquiring whether the silver dollar of 412½ grains is legal tender to any amount, or whether it requires legal enactment to make it so, and the Republican replies as follows.
“Silver dollars of 412½ grains are legal tender to any amount; and it does not require legal enactments to make them such. There is no act of congress in existence depriving silver dollars of the legal tender quality. The act of 1873, called the demonetizing act, did not strictly demonetize silver, or take away the legal tender quality from silver dollars then and now in existence. It merely took away from the mints the authority to coin such dollars, and as there are very few of them to be had, the effect of the act is to practically demonetize silver, since the minor coin, that is, those under one dollar, are legal-tender only for debts of $5 and under. The pending silver bill in congress does specifically enact that silver dollars of 412½ grains weight shall be legal-tender in payment of all debts; but this feature is not absolutely necessary, for if such dollars be coined, they will be legal-tender without it.”
The Emporia News quotes Chap. 39, page 712, U. S. Revised Statutes Sec. 3,586:
“The gold coin of the United States shall be a legal tender at their nominal value for any amount not exceeding five dollars in any one payment.”
And says: “It seems that the demonetizing of the silver dollar was not completed until the passage of the revised statutes in 1874. The act of 1873 dropped it from the coinage, but it still remained a legal tender. In 1874, however, it was deprived of the legal tender quality except in sums of $5. . . .”
The Revised Statutes were ordered by congress to be simply a codification of the mass of ill-arranged laws then in existence, and the revision was not to create any new or destroy any existing statutes. Ex-Treasurer Boutwell was the manager of the work of revision, and . . . without the knowledge of congress or of the country, altered the coinage law so as to demonetize silver, and yet Mr. Boutwell is as “honorable a man” as any of the eminent and influential gentlemen who advocate gold as a legal measure and standard of all values. If this way, however, of demonetizing silver, is not the most brazen faced kind of fraud, we would like to know what term would correctly describe it.”
Now we are surprised to see the News make such statements. Others have made similar statements, especially democratic sheets, but we always expect that they are going to lie about every leading republican and everything that has been done by any republican or by the republican party, but we did not expect to see such trash in the News.
It has constantly been charged against the republican party; that in 1873 when the republicans had the president and a majority in both houses of congress, silver coin was demonetized by act of congress, in a mean, sneaking way, without discussion, publicity, or previous notice. The charge of the News against Boutwell does not relieve the republican party, but does great injustice to Boutwell.
If, as the News says, the revised statutes do not repeal the old, but were intended as simply a codification or condensation, the effect of the above section, 3,586, would simply make any silver coins of the United States, which were not so before, a legal tender for as much as five dollars, but would not affect such coins as were already a legal tender for that amount or more. The fact is as stated by the Republican quoted above. Neither did the act of 1873 nor the passage of the revised statutes of 1874 demonetize any silver coin.
By the coinage law of 1837, 412½ grains of silver coins whether in one coin or in several smaller coins, constituted a legal tender dollar. In 1853 when both houses of congress and the president were democratic, silver was demonetized all it ever has been. By the coinage act of that year silver half, quarter, dime, five cent, and three cent coins were degraded about seven percent, so that instead of 412½ grains of silver, only 384 grains made one dollar in these coins, but these new degraded coins had their status given them by the act of 1853 that created them. They were made legal tender for five dollars only. They never existed in any other status, and that is their status now with or without the act of 1873 or the revision of 1874.
But the act of 1853 only affected coins smaller than one dollar. The dollar coin retained its 412½ grains and its full legal tender character, but became effectually demonetized by being withdrawn from circulation. Containing, as it did, seven percent more silver than other coins and its commercial value being actually greater than that of gold at that time, it was worth more for making silverware than for coin; therefore, it was driven out of circulation, melted down, used up, demonetized.
Gold coin then became the only legal tender in existence for sums greater than $5. No law compelled the coinage of silver dollars and their coinage, when only used as bullion, was discontinued as a useless expense. Yet we got along very well with only one metal as legal tender. Gold circulated freely throughout the country, the people had it instead of the brokers and speculators, and were certainly very well satisfied with it.
This state of affairs continued until the war, when greenbacks were made a legal tender and gold went out of circulation. In 1873 the only legal tenders for more than $5 in existence, were gold coins and greenbacks. The law of 1873 did not demonetize anything in words, or in effect. It did not even stop the coinage of dollars of 412½ grains. Their coinage had been actually stopped some years before. But it did in words withdraw the authority to coin them. Under this state of things, with no dollar coins in existence and no authority to coin them, with the only silver coins in existence or that could, under the law, come into existence mere legal tender for only $5; how, we ask, could Mr. Boutwell have expressed the exact meaning of all the laws on this subject in force taken together, in terser language than he did as quoted above. If there is any wrong or any mistake in the demonetization of silver, Mr. Boutwell is not to blame, nor is the congress of 1873. The whole odium, if any, must rest on the democratic congress and president of 1853.
The charge that the law of 1873 was passed sneakingly, or hurriedly, or quietly, has not the slightest foundation in fact. On the contrary, it was first introduced in the senate (containing the clause which withdrew the authority to coin silver dollars) as early as April, 1870, when it was ordered printed and referred to the finance committee, which committee finally reported it back and recommended its passage.
The session adjourned without further action, and on Jan. 9th, 1871, it was called in accordance with a previous notice, and discussed for two days by Sumner, Bayard, Morrill, Williams, and a dozen more pro and con and finally passed the senate, 36 ayes to 14 nays, Jan. 12th. On the 16th it was presented to the house by Hon. W. D. Kelly, now leading greenbacker and silver bill man, ordered printed, and referred to the committee on coinage of which Kelly was chairman, who reported back the bill Feb. 25th with an amendment when it was again printed and re-submitted. Mr. Kelly again introduced the bill March 9th in the next congress, when it was again ordered printed and referred to the committee on coinage. Jan. 9, 1872, Mr. Kelly again reported back the bill and recommended its passage. It was then read and discussed at length by Kelly, Maynard, Dawes, Garfield, and many others. It was again discussed Jan. 10th, Feb. 9th and 13th, April 9th and May 27th, when it passed, 110 ayes to 13 nays. The bill then went back to the senate, and was there discussed, ordered printed, and referred May 29th, and reported back Dec. 16th, and, after a full discussion, finally passed Jan. 16, 1873. The bill then went to the house for concurrence in a senate amendment, was agreed to, and had the president’s signature Feb. 12, 1873, having been before congress and the country, with the anti-coinage of silver dollars clause in it all the time and frequently commented upon and discussed, for almost three years.
It certainly was not hurried, and did have a sufficient publicity and deliberate consider-ation. Besides it was supported by a large majority of the democrats of both houses as well as republicans. If it was wrong, both parties are responsible.
We do not feel particularly anxious to clear the republican party of the responsibility, for we have an idea that there was nothing very bad about it, and do not believe anyone else would ever have thought it wrong, either in principle or in policy, had the democrats, greenbackers, and soreheads found anything better to howl over, against the republican party.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Editorial Page.
Four mines at Deadwood were recently sold for $450,000.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Sitting Bull is reported on Rock Creek and committing some depredations.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
The United States produced 360,000,000 bushels of wheat in 1877, of which 110,000,000 can be spared for export.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
The Indians attacked a coach in Western Texas, killed two drivers and another man, and captured the stage horses.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Delegate Corlette, of Wyoming Territory, opposes the formation of the Black Hills country into a new territory, to be called Lincoln.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
During the past six weeks the U. S. treasury has disbursed thirty millions in currency, mostly to the army, and twenty-three million in gold on interest on public debt.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Editorial Page.
An election is called in Parsons to be held on the 29th inst., to vote bonds to the Parsons narrow gauge company as newly organized.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
The case of Ballou vs. Brake concerning land in the Grouse valley, about two or three miles below Lazette, which has been in our courts so long and has excited great interest, is finally determined by the supreme court. We give the syllabus:
James A. Brake vs. George W. Ballou.
Error from Cowley County.
Under section 12, of an act of congress of July 15, 1870, certain lands on the Osage Diminished Reserve could be sold by the United States to actual settlers, and to actual settlers only; but the plaintiff, who was not an actual settler, procured the defendant to enter upon a certain 100 acre piece of said land, and purchase the same from the United States in his own name, as an actual settler, the plaintiff furnishing the purchase money and all other necessary means therefor. All this was done under a parol agreement between the parties that as soon as said purchase was completed the defendant should convey said land to the plaintiff, and the plaintiff in consideration therefor should “convey to the defendant eighty acres of good bottom land, with sufficient timber thereon to improve said eighty acres for farming purposes.” After the defendant purchased said land, as aforesaid, the plaintiff offered to fulfill his part of said contract, but the defendant refused to convey to the plaintiff any portion of said land. The plaintiff then commenced this action to procure title to the same. Held, That, as said contract was a parol contract, concerning the purchase and conveyance of lands belonging to the United States, made in violation of the spirit of the laws of the United States, and in fraud thereof, it cannot be enforced specifically or otherwise by a court of equity; and taking said contract, together with all the facts of this case, no trust estate in said lands resulted therefrom in favor of the plaintiff which can be declared or enforced by any court of equity; and, therefore, held, that the plaintiff cannot recover in this action.
All the justices concurring.
A true copy.
Attest: A. HAMMATT,
[L. S.] Clerk Supreme Court.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Supplement.
Actual Condition of the Mining Interests in that Region.
A correspondent of the St. Paul Pioneer Press at Central City, D., writes as follows under date of December 13th.
“In a previous letter I wrote you times were hard in the Hills, and they are not improving as the winter advances. From good authority I learn there are about six hundred locations made in this district—that is, six hundred veins and deposits have been claimed, and of these about twenty are paying the balance being in course of development, or not developed at all. Some of the deposits are running about eighteen dollars per ton, in the mills, while some run as low as three and four dollars.
The Hidden Treasure is probably paying as well as any mine in the Hills, the average ore being $20 to the ton. The report of $4,000 or $5,000 to the ton arises wholly from picked specimens, but when put through the mill the average is not far from $18 to $20. The rush of mills into the Hills is unprecedented by any other mining camp in the country. One year ago today a ball pulverizer was all the machinery here crushing rock. Now there are nearly 900 stamps, or fifty mills running. Of course, I do not say these mills are all paying; some are not fully under way; others are working on low grade ore; others are tied up in litigation.
Outside of the well-defined veins, the gold is very irregularly disseminated through the rock, and in some cases, while on top it shows well, fifty feet in it shows nothing.
In well-defined veins, such as the Golden Terry (named after Gen. Terry of your city, and this is authentic, as I have the information from one of the locators of the mine); also the Homestake, the Old Abe, etc., the deeper in the tunnel is run or the shaft is sunk, the better the ore. These veins are usually more uniform in their gold bearing proclivities than the deposit formations.
In a word, what the reader wants to know is this.
That the general yield of the gold ore in the Black Hills, by a milling or commercial process, may be safely set down at from $15 to $20 to the ton, and this amount is only produced from about fifteen mines, while in mines now opening, or partially opened, the ore yields $3, $5, and $8 to the ton. New discoveries have been and are being made every week, but their value will be known only in development, and that can’t be reached much before next spring.
Mining is like almost everything else in life—one, to make money, must have money to make it with, and then it is a struggle—a good deal of a lottery—a sort of luck. But, when once underway, it pays well even at $18 to the ton. No very great recent discoveries in silver have been made, except by myself. This is a chlontic ore, with horn silver (milling), and goes about $300 to the ton—about $40 gold. The vein is about a foot wide; down in shaft thirty feet deep. When down fifty feet more it will, no doubt, prove a rich mine.
The Bear Butte district is but little developed, although it is considered very rich, but being a smelting ore, requires more money for machinery, and hence capitalists jump over that district and come to Central, where the gold is more easily extracted.
Coal of excellent quality has been discovered about thirty miles from Central, near Redwater, and a California company have agreed to build a narrow gauge railroad from Central to the mines. A company of sixteen hold about four miles of this coal deposit, and in another year this fuel will be used in nearly all our mills.
Petroleum has been discovered forty miles southwest of Central, and new discoveries of gold-bearing quartz have been made at a place called Elk Creek. In fact, when the many hills that look down on us are thoroughly prospected, we shall then know the real wealth of this country.
Another season capital will turn its attention more particularly to the development of mines than the purchase and erection of mills, of which there is an all sufficient number for the amount of good paying ore on the dump of veins whose real values have not yet been demonstrated. “All is not gold that glitters,” is as applicable here as elsewhere, and my advice is, to those coming to the hills, come to meet and grapple with facts rather than the rosy hues of vivid imagination. It is no fun living in the hills; it is a stern reality, and he who expects to come here and get rich on “chin music,” or by folding his hands, has mistaken his calling. It is work with the brain—work with the hands and the limbs—fight for your rights—live on one meal a day—sleep on nothing—run the risk of losing your life very occasionally, and finally, perhaps, “strike it big.”
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Supplement.
Russian laces are coming in favor.
Circle cloaks are growing in favor.
Point lace mittens are worn by brides.
Knife-blade pleating is as popular as ever.
The dress all in one piece grows in popularity.
Bonnets of every imaginable material are seen at present.
Bonnets of kid and velvet are considered the most stylish.
Undressed black Swedish gloves are very popular for demi-toilet.
The most fashionable fur stoles are black, white, or silver fox furs.
Fur linings and fur borderings are having a decided run at present.
The sale of decorated candles and cards for Christmas presents are enormous.
The fashionable fur for the neck this winter is the fur stole bordered with lace.
Embossed and Jacquard woven velvets are destined to have only a temporary reign.
Many ladies of fastidious tastes reject the variegated jet trimmings and embroideries.
The gypsy ring with the jewel embedded in gold is the engagement ring of the moment.
Outside facings appear on many of the handsomest cloaks where a quiet effect is aimed at.
Circulars of South Shetland seal and of Sicillienne, lined with sable, cost from $700 to $800.
Box-pleated flounces of medium depth appear on the front breadths of the latest Paris dresses.
Decorated candles cost from fifty cents apiece up to $30 a pair, according to size, length, and decoration.
Bows of ribbons, with the ends finished with tassels of various kinds, are seen on nearly all dressy costumes.
Fringes, gimps, passementeries, and other dress trimmings are gorgeous with variegated jet beads this season.
Deep collars of lace, with broad cuffs to match, and intended to be worn outside of the sleeve, are coming in vogue.
Narrow satin ribbon of various colors, and shaded from dark to pale tints, are used at the moment for trimming lingerie.
Gentlemen’s dress coats, waistcoats, and overcoats are all worn longer than they have been for several years past.
Sleeves are no longer trimmed at the wrist, broad cuffs of linen or lace, or embroidered cambric having come into such general use.
Lace-trimmed lingerie in the form of fichus and chemisettes for very young girls, is a Paris-fashion destined to become very popular in New York.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
‘Squire Gamel, of Harvey, was a New Year’s visitor.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Tell Walton, of Oxford, called on us last week.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Frank Starwalt spent New Year’s day in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Tom Bryan was the busiest man in Winfield up to the 20th ult.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
We will send the COURIER and “St. Nicholas” one year for $4.25.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
O. P. Darst, of Dexter, was looking around New Year’s day.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Wiley, the worthy Postmaster of Dexter, was in the city this week.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Wm. Carter called to see us on New Year’s day.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Lucius Walton, of Pleasant Valley, gave Winfield a New Year’s call.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. James Fitzgerald and sister, Miss Kate, were in our city Saturday last.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
MARRIED. Tom J. Johnston has returned from the East with a better half, just as we suspected.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
J. T. Tarbet, of Rock, was in on Monday to see the liveliest city in Southwestern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Theodore Dillow, of Beaver Township, had his leg broken a short time ago racing a horse.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
M. H. Markcum, one of the best teachers of the county, made us a pleasant New Year’s call.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
E. A. Millard, who teaches the Tisdale school, is one of the most efficient teachers of the county.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Frank Gallotti is pushing his new residence with vigor. It will be one of the neatest in the city.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
H. C. Loomis, of Winfield, subscribes for the best periodicals in the country, not excepting the COURIER.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. Samuel H. Myton and his Honor, Judge Gans, counted the bonds in the county treasury last Monday.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. E. Shriver, of Sheridan, was in town New Year’s day and made us a call. He is in the cattle business rather extensively.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
A. B. Taylor, the teacher in district 21, called around on New Year’s day. He is one of the wide awake young men and does good work.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
We neglected to state that Treasurer Bryan, during the campaign which closed on the 20th ult., was assisted in his arduous labors by Will H. Holloway.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Be on your guard against thieves and burglars. The indications are that several have arrived in this vicinity and will doubtless commence operations at once.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
The Arkansas City Traveler says that the new minister to England, John C. Welsh, is a brother-in-law to Mrs. E. P. Wright and an uncle to Mrs. James Benedict and Mrs. E. B. Kager, all of that place.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
A. H. Green is the boss real estate man of Southern Kansas. He is doing a magnificent work in scattering broadcast all over the United States his description of Cowley County, and of the advantages of buying farms and locating in this county. We happened to notice the mail he sent out on Tuesday morning. It consisted of about two bushels of matter addressed to almost everybody that would be likely to influence immigrants and real estate buyers. His postage for that single day must have been fifteen dollars or more, and this was only one of the many days in which he has mailed such advertising matter. The people of this county who have property for sale owe it to A. H. Green to give him a very liberal patronage in the real estate business. When a man will spend his time and money freely for the good of his county, the least that its citizens should do to second his efforts is to put their business into his hands.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
MARRIED. FRANKLIN - SCOTT. At the residence of Mr. Rex, Winfield, January 1st, 1878, by Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. Jesse C. Franklin and Miss Ella E. Scott. Both of Winfield.
This is “turning over a new leaf” to begin the year in the right way. We wish the happy couple many happy “New Years.”
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
A Big Fish Story.
The Arkansas City Traveler is responsible for the following: Jas. Bartlett, John Carr, Wm. Riggs, Benjamin Riggs, and Drury Logan, of Sumner County, went to the Chikaskia River last week with a seine thirty feet long and fifteen feet wide. They set the seine across the river and drew it up in an hour or so with a good number of fish in it. They set it again, and went above some distance and came down in the water, slashing about and driving the fish into the net. When they attempted to raise the seine again, it was so heavy with fish they could not raise it, and they began grabbing them and throwing them out. When the seine was pulled out, they counted 1,062 fish, weighing from two to forty pounds, and averaging four pounds each. They seined but a short time, and returned to the state with six thousand pounds of fish, which they retailed to buyers all over Sumner and Cowley counties. It will be remembered that fishing in the Chikaskia was not known of until within the past few years, and fish have accumulated until the water is almost black with them. The story of these men catching so many seems a little incredible, yet any of them are willing to make affidavit to the statement.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Grand Reception.
The grandest reception ever in Winfield was given by Rev. Mr. Rushbridge and wife on New Years in the lecture room of the M. E. Church. Being in close proximity with their house, the food could be transported to the tables boiling hot. Before the quadrupeds and bipeds were mutilated by the carving knife, the tables, which were laid for about seventy-five, presented the handsomest appearance, decorated, as they were, with glistening silver.
We could not, if we tried, give the exact bill of fare, but will make a slight attempt: Turkey and cranberry sauce, roast pig, roast beef, boiled ham, all kinds of vegetables, great variety of cake, plum pudding, tea and coffee, candies, nuts, etc., ending up with a friendly chat and some fine music.
Mr. and Mrs. Rushbridge well understand the secret of entertaining a large company, and all expressed themselves as having passed a few hours most agreeably.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Tisdale Items.
As your readers are aware, our town is a suburban place, situated on the west bank of Silver Creek, and that as items are not frequently found in your columns from here, I hope to be allowed space for a few scrawls.
Real estate is changing hands rapidly in this vicinity, Dr. Wright having bought A. S. Morse’s farm south of town; Mr. Sellers, late from Illinois, now owns the S. S. Moore eight east of town, and has just finished a tasty little residence and moved his family home; Mr. _____ has the eighty known as “The Vacant Beauty,” lying a mile north of town, where he and his family are now residing; Mr. A. B. Tanner sold his farm south of town, and now “poor Arb” has no home but the blacksmith shop, where he can (n)ever be found pounding away on the “red hot metal” of which we read so much.
J. A. McGuire is now selling his entire stock of goods at cost—fifty percent added for freight. John intends to retire or stock anew in the spring if resumption is not forced.
Our notary public, S. S. Moore, is here yet regaling the “boys” with songs and Black Hill adventures; also games of checkers. Sim is a lively fellow, and there is no lack of fun when he is found.
Our new druggist, D. W. Lytle, M. D., has moved his drugstore opposite Mr. McGuire’s store, where he is doing a driving trade.
The Tisdale lyceum is in full blast, but, owing to the “blasted” weather we have been having for the last two Fridays, we have not been able to decide whether “Specie Resumption” shall continue as an act or be repealed.
Christmas passed with the old traditional tree and Santa Claus. The tree was well supplied with presents for the little folks; but, owing to the dense crowd and old Santa’s lack of variety, everyone went home tired and cross.
The Tisdale school, under the teaching of E. A. Millard, is going steadily on. The enrollment of fifty-six pupils, not a few of whom never attended school before, make business lively. Among the best scholars we notice Miss Rosa Rounds, Mr. Abe Conrad, Mr. Geo. Wright, and Chas. Hodges.
Like Sam Weller, I might end with a “warse” about the “Snow, the beautiful snow,” etc., but I won’t. LYCURGUS.
Jan. 1, 1878.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Beaver Township Items.
Wheat, both early and late, never looked better.
Corn is turning out well.
Little Dick thinks he will soon outweigh Big Dick.
Thomasville wants a new schoolhouse.
Strangers in abundance.
Why don’t somebody get married?
The young man that got the mitten via the Christmas tree is in a quandary. Don’t know who sent it, but will preserve the mitten as a memento of the “beautiful days” when he did shine around among the blondes.
Our little vale is putting on a new dress slowly but surely. New buildings are going up all around.
More Hoosiers in the spring.
The Christmas tree at Easterly schoolhouse would have been an entire success had the room been larger. A building of some description for public meetings is much needed.
Some of our young “alecs” are too smart entirely. Look out, boys, your parents will be informed of your inwardness.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Red Bud Items.
MARRIED. Married, in Burton County, Missouri, November 19th, Mr. Ed. Busch, of Maple Township, to Miss Mary E. Watson, formerly of this county.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Whipple, on Wednesday, December 12th, a daughter.
BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ross, on Wednesday, December 5th, a son.
Wheat growing rapidly and looking splendid; expect to commence harvest 10th of April next if this weather continues. O.
Red Bud, Kansas, Dec. 28, 1877.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
A Card.
ROCK, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, December 23, 1877.
MR. EDITOR: Dear Sir: I desire to tender my thanks through the columns of your paper to the kind people of Rock and vicinity for their tokens of love. “Love to our Pastor” was the motto on the trestle-board, last Friday night, which was fully expressed in the liberal donations of the kind people of that place, in the amount of twenty two dollars in cash, besides other tokens. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, there were provisions in great abundance carried away. We also acknowledge our gratitude to Miss Mattie Minnihan, George H. and J. F. Williams for their musical entertainment during the evening.
Pastor on Douglass circuit.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Public Installation.
Winfield Lodge, No. 479, Knights of Honor, will have a public installation of officers at the Courthouse on Friday evening, January 4th, 1878. After the installation ceremonies, Rev. J. L. Rushbridge will deliver an address upon the origin, growth, and objects of the order. The public are cordially invited.
GEO. W. ROBINSON, Reporter.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 1st day of Jan., 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Atter, Mrs. Libbie; Austin, C. D.; Areanum, T. B.; Baily, Silas; Baum, Greil; Bennett, Marcus; Beebee, G. B.; Bell, H. H.; Boline, Mr.; Boylan, John; Brown, G. N.; Brolhert, Hiram; Brown, Mrs. E. J.; Burden, Esley; Burch, A. J.; Butler, John R.; Carley, Mary Ann; Campbell, Ed.; Cain, Lizzie; Cook, Geo. L.; Calloserer, ____; Cooper, Chas.; Crain, Issac; Crockett, John O.; Dawley, F. A.; Davis, Amanda; Dinning, J. W.; Dunn, J. E.; Eads, Geo.; Ellis, Clifton C.; Ege, A. G.; Fisher, Lyman; Fuller, M. E.; Gates, Hiram; Garrett, Ames; Gates, Hannah; Gitman, Delia; Geer, L. H.; Geer, Joseph; Graham, Eliza A.; Hart, J. C.; Hanson, John; Hopkins, Hester; Holman, Oliver; Hill. W. A.
SECOND COLUMN: Herndon, John F.; Johnson, J. L.; Johnson, B. C.; Jones, Rosa; Jones, Mary; Jones, Wm.; Johnson, Lydia J.; Kimball, Isaac; Lacy, Wm. F. M.; Edne, Elizabeth; Lewis, Wm.; Lewis, J. D.; Lloyd, Hannah; Loundy, W. H.; Marsh, S. F.; Miller, Makepeace; Mears, James; Miller, Katie B.; Moffit, Emma; Miller, Geo. W.; Miller, Catherine B.; Moreland, Jas. C.; Moore, C. P.; Noyes, G. W.; Northway, B. F.; Owings, Wm.; Peck, Andrew; Reynolds, _____; Retherford, Wm.; Riggs, Benjamin; Roberson, L. M.; Robinson, Warren; Therwood, C. E.; Shells, H. A.; Smith, Robert; Smith, Miss Willie; Steel, Isaac; Savan, John; Waters, John; White, Benjamin; Willson, Leah; Williams, John T.; Wilson, John; Wright, Wm.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.”
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
All persons indebted to the undersigned firm are requested to call and settle at once and thereby save further trouble and costs. We cannot wait for our money longer than Christmas. We must have a settlement either by cash or note. We mean business.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Job Work and roofing made a specialty at Weston & Hyskell’s.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Notice to Sunday Schools.
McCommon & Harter will supply you with the Sunday School Times, Scholars’ Quarterly, and Weekly lesson leaves; also have on hand a large assortment of bibles, testaments, and psalms. McCOMMON & HARTER, Opposite the post office.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
South side 9th Avenue, just east of Main, Winfield, Kans.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
I. O. O. F.
Notice is hereby given that Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., will hold a public installation on the first Saturday (5th) of January, 1878, at 7½ o’clock p.m. All Odd Fellows are invited to be present.
At the Courthouse.
E. S. BEDILION, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
In Boots and shoes at
W. C. ROOT & CO.’s.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Boyer & Wallis are selling overcoats at bed rock prices.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Back Page.
Wm. Carter, of Belle Plaine, and a party of nine neighbors, returned last Saturday from the buffalo range with about eight thousand pounds of beef. They killed thirty-three buffalo, had a pleasant hunt, and returned after an absence of nearly four weeks, healthy and invigorated. They found their game in the panhandle of Texas, two hundred and fifty miles southwest. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mr. McCampbell, of Sedgwick County, was in town last week, and reported that he had struck coal at the depth of 335 feet. Owing to the escape of gas, he was unable to determine the thickness of the vein, but so confident is he of there being paying “dirt,” that he contracted with Mr. Palmer, of this city, for hard lumber from which to construct his apparatus to hoist the coal. The shaft is but fourteen miles from our city and will be of immense advantage to us if no coal should be found in our county. Augusta Gazette.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Mickey Jim, the driver of the El Paso and southern stage, was a short distance north of the first named place, last Wednesday evening, confronted by a masked highwayman. Whatever the robber’s intentions, all hostile demonstrations suddenly waned before the prospects of a determined resistance upon the part of the guardian of Uncle Sam’s mail pouches, who goes armed to the teeth, and who would like no better fun than hauling to the post office an extra male and, even if he had to defunct him before bagging. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
One of the hardest worked men in this country is Rev. A. H. Walter, P. E. He has charge of the Methodist churches of Sedgwick, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Harvey, Chase, and Kingman counties. During the summer and fall he has traveled, in his own conveyance, nearly four thousand miles, and preached from four to six sermons each week, conducting also from one to two quarterly meetings, and administering the sacrament each week, besides transacting the usual business pertaining to these quarterly meetings. Few men could stand the pressure of such a mental and physical task, and bear up as does the gentleman named, who maintains his vigor and enthusiasm to a wonderful degree in spite of all. The churches of the district are fortunate in the ministrations and untiring work of so talented and persevering a Presiding Elder as Rev. A. H. Walter. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878.
Last Wednesday evening as the El Paso stage was passing a point half way between this city [Wichita] and El Paso, the driver noticed a large spotted dog with a black head standing near the road. The driver called the attention of the passengers to the animal and they requested that the stage should be stopped upon getting up to the spot. The stage stopped and Charley Allen, of St. Louis, got out, pistol in hand, and when he got near enough the animal started down a ravine, and immediately after a man sprang from a depression and started off in the same direction as the dog. Suspicion was aroused that the individual was concealed there for the purpose of highway robbery. It was about the locality of the robberies of last week, and the successful result of his operations has, perhaps, encouraged him to repeat his rascality. More than ordinary vigilance should be used to see that this thing is nipped in the bud. Success of one will encourage others in the same endeavors, and in a short time our roads will be dangerous to travel after night. We would advise all to go prepared for these knights of the road. The dog is described as a very large animal, peculiar in his appearance, with black spots on his sides and black head. Who owns such a dog? Find the dog and spot the master—on his head. Beacon.
Winfield Courier, January 3, 1878. Back Page.
The Work of Desolation.
Within ten years, no less than 12,000,000 acres of forest have been cut down or burned over in the United States. Much of the timber is used for fuel, twenty-five cities being on record as consuming from 5,000 to 10,000 acres each. Fences use up much timber, and railway sleepers require the product of 150,000 acres per annum. The amount of pine and hemlock timber yet standing in the forests of the timber states is estimated at 225,000,000,000 feet. The sum of $144,000,000,000 is invested in the timber industry, employing 200,000 men.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Front Page.
A member of Congress has received a letter from an army officer who states the case at length. We epitomize his views as follows.
1. The people of Texas and a few army officers are doing all in their power to stir up a war between the two Republics.
2. Lawlessness along the Rio Grande is by no means confined to the Mexicans.
3. Raids into Mexico from Texas are not unfrequent.
4. The Mexicans in the towns along the Rio Grande are more peaceable, industrious, and honest than their neighbors, the Texans, on this side of the river.
5. Most of the war talk is in the interest of speculators.
6. The militia are a band of freebooters and lawless adventurers. Their use by the Government is a shame.
7. Some of the army officers now here are doing all they can to provoke a war.
8. There are not enough of the Government troops here.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The population of Cowley is greater than that of any other county in Kansas, west of a line drawn north and south through Topeka. Taking the school population as a basis, and counting three inhabitants for each person of school age, we had in this county on the 31st of July last 14,040 people. Today we have probably sixteen thousand inhabitants. We have distanced Lyon and Sedgwick counties with their important cities and Butler with her aspiring candidate for fame, and Mr. Eaglenewsandtimes may put this fact “into his pipe and smoke it.” As shown by the reports of county superintendents, on the 31st of last July, Cowley had 236 more school children than Butler, 750 more than Lyon, and 868 more than Sedgwick County. Our increase in school population during the last school year was 1,189, this being the greatest increase shown by any county in the state. Sedgwick County comes next with an increase of 1,055. The fourth on the list is Sumner, with an increase of 932, and the sixth, Butler, with a gain of 715. Is not this a right good showing for the four leading counties of the “Great Southwest?” Cowley takes her place at the head of the great quartette, and “still we have no railroad.”
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
We have this week crowded out a considerable amount of other matter of interest to make room for the communication of N. C. C. on silver remonetization, because the subject is exciting much interest and will soon be disposed of by congress. The article is ably written and contains a large amount of information on this subject, but the senior editor dissents from many of the conclusions. It claims that the constitution requires of congress the coinage of gold and silver, and that congress has no power to demonetize its coins. If this is correct, the silver halves, quarters, and dimes, being coins, are the legal tender with which to pay off the national debt, because they contain seven percent less silver to the dollar than the silver dollar does, and we may as well pay a dollar with 83 cents worth of silver bullion as with 90. But there is still a cheaper way. Coin silver with only 4½ grains to the dollar and you can pay a dollar of debt with one cent’s worth of silver bullion, as well as to pay 86 or 90 cents worth. And why then are not nickel five cent pieces constitutionally a legal tender for all amounts? Two cents worth of nickel will make a dollar in these coins.
N. C. C. claims that the bondholders bought their bonds of the government, paying in greenbacks at par, worth all the way down to 38 cents gold on the dollar. In this he is mistaken. The bondholders, scattered all over this country and Europe, are largely persons of moderate means, who have invested their small savings in these bonds at rates from par up to twenty percent premium in gold coin or its equivalent in greenbacks, and have done this under the belief that they would be paid principal and interest in gold coin.
It is true that many are paid by national banks as security for their circulation, and some are held as an investment by capitalists, but it is not probable that many are in the hands of the original purchasers, who bought them as brokers to retail out to their customers. Even they have largely paid for them in gold coin.
But this has nothing to do with the question. The only thing to consider is what has the government, by its acts taken in connection with all the surrounding circumstances, given the bondholders reason to expect in payment. A great nation like this cannot afford to play baby and resort to a dodge or subterfuge in order to avoid a portion of its liabilities.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
WINFIELD, Jan. 8, 1878.
To the Editors of the Courier:
I read the article, “Legal Tender,” in the last number of the COURIER with a good deal of interest. It contains much valuable information upon the question you discuss.
He who has attempted to trace the course of legislation upon financial matters in the “Congressional Record,” the “Statutes at Large,” and the ponderous “Pub. Docs.,” which a too generous government inflicts upon its citizens, will appreciate the service you have rendered your subscribers. But I am not satisfied with the conclusions of that article from some of its propositions.
I must entirely dissent; and I have been induced to hope that you will give place to a few observations concerning them.
The proposition is to remonetize silver; that is, to make it a legal tender again, to make it “money once more,” to restore it to the place it once held in the coinage of this country.
Greenbacks have so long been the currency—the money of the people—that this has hitherto been of little practical importance. Probably there are many who have but lately learned that the “dollar of the daddies” has been demonetized and degraded.
The question is presented in two forms. The Bland Bill provides that the silver dollar to be coined under its provisions shall be a legal tender in payment of all dues, both public and private. The resolution introduced into the senate by Judge Matthews, of Ohio, is not legislation; it declares that under existing law, the bonds of the United States, issued under certain acts of congress mentioned in the resolution, are payable in silver dollars of 442½ standard grains each, and that such payment would not be in violation of public faith, nor in derogation of the rights of the public creditor. The bill and the resolution taken together present, first, the question of financial policy; second, the question of the constitutional power of congress in dealing with the coinage of the country, and third, the question of the fair construction of the act of congress entitled “An act to authorize the refunding of the national debt, approved July 12, 1879.
The question of a uniform standard of value as opposed to a double or bi-metallic standard is one that has been deeply studied by many of the ablest men of the financial world, men not in political life and animated by a sincere desire to see it settled upon sound principles. The lamentable difference of opinion among these men is enough to warn a bolder man than I from the discussion even if this was a proper time and place. But certainly it is a fair, and truthful statement to say, that this doctrine of a uniform standard is a new philosophy.
Silver has been used in all ages of the world by every nation emerged from barbarism, as money, and in every nation it has been the money of the people. I am aware that one nation (England) adopted the gold standard in the first half of this century, and another (Germany) a few years since. But at best it is an experiment. Germany is now going through a period of great depression, which is by many attributed to that measure. It is denied that England has been materially benefited by her single gold standard. Be that as it may, the experience of England is no sufficient guide for us. The English are a commercial people, they have been fitly named a nation of shop-keepers. It was argued there that if England wished to maintain her commercial supremacy she must furnish the standard to measure the commodities of the world; and so her pound sterling is the world’s money, it serves all the purpose of an international coinage.
The commercial interests of this country are great, but they are not the interests of first importance. The majority of the people of this country are agricultural people. They cannot be ignored. It were better for the advocates of the gold standard to use arguments rather than denunciation, for upon them devolves the onus of establishing this new doctrine, which (it may be said) is against the practice of every nation in every age.
If it be objected that silver has long been demonetized by reason of the failure of the government to coin it, it may be answered that this was because during nearly the whole of that period the silver dollar was of greater value than the gold dollar. It was little accounted as money, not because it was worthless as such, but because it could not be had; and more, it is within the memory of men now in middle life that before the war the people were accustomed to supply the place of the legal tender silver dollar by ten and twenty dollar rolls of the base half and quarter dollars, which were, by law, legal tenders to the amount of five dollars only. And it may be said, too, that the true question is not whether we may not do very well with gold alone, but whether we may not do much better with silver in addition. Finally even admitting the sound reasoning of the gold advocates, it seems that a more favorable time could be selected for repudiating that which has always been regarded as one of the prime resources of nations.
Now that the country and political sub-division of the country are burdened with enormous debt, it is no time to wither this great nerve of a nation’s strength. But aside from the abstract and complex principles of the science of finance, there are other things that we, as a people living under a constitution, must consider. Great lawyers and statesmen have defined the power of congress to demonetize silver. They have claimed that it is made a legal tender—or, in other words, money—by the constitution of the United States; that it is vested with attributes which that body cannot take away. That instrument provides that “Congress shall coin money and regulate the value thereof,” and it contains a prohibition that “no state shall make anything but gold and silver a legal tender.” “Congress shall coin money.” That is, it shall provide the physical agencies for the melting, the moulding, the stamping, and the milling.
What is that money which congress shall coin? By the common consent of mankind expressed by ages of usage, it is gold and silver and to a limited extent inferior measures such as copper and platinum. That assemblage of great men which formed the federal constitution did not empower congress to make money, or what should be money. It accepted the meaning given by all ages of the world, and declared that congress should coin that money, and regulate the value thereof. That is, congress shall fix the value of that money already designated. Congress is not to create value, it is not to give value, but to regulate it. It is to fix the denominations of coins, the amount of metal in each, and their proportions to each other. It is to fix the value of each and every piece of this money. Thus congress may, and in fact has declared that the silver dollar shall contain 412½ grains of silver, and the silver half dollar but 192 grains of that metal. We know that 192 is not the half of 412½, but congress, in the exercise of its constitutional power, declared that in the silver coinage of the country these numbers bear that proportion to each other.
“Congress shall coin money.” What is money? With what peculiar attributes is the metal invested to make it money? It is not the purchasing power alone. Three cows may purchase one horse without any sanction of government whatever. The transaction depends entirely upon the will of the parties. Then it must be that attribute which makes the delivery of it a payment, that which enables a man to perform his legal obligations by a tender of it; in other words, a legal tender.
But congress is only authorized to coin money; therefore, when it coins any metal and undertakes to divest it of any of the attributes of money, it oversteps its constitutional authority. And, in fact, congress has never demonetized silver by positive law, as you have shown in your article. This was practically accomplished by a failure to coin it, and this refusal to coin was because it was found, by experience, to be impossible to retain it in circulation.
By the act of 1837 the silver dollar was declared to be 412½ grains of standard silver, and the gold dollar was declared to be 25-8/10 grains of standard gold, thus making one grain of gold equal to about 16 grains of silver. This was probably the true proportion in this country. Some of the silver dollars coined under this act went to the melting pot to be used in the manufacture of silverware, but most of these were exported to Europe. And why? Because silver was worth more on the other side of the Atlantic than on this. There are about 15 grains of silver worth one grain of gold, and of course silver sought the best market. To remedy this evil the act of Feb., 1853, was passed. Congress, not willing to declare a proportion between the gold and silver dollars, which would be false in fact; so the silver dollars were no longer coined, and, by the act before mentioned, it was provided that silver half and quarter dollars, dimes, etc., should be coined, the half dollars to contain 192 grains, and the other pieces of proportionate weight. These coins were declared to be a legal tender for any sum not exceeding five dollars. This act was not to degrade silver, but to protect it as best might be. The act declared the half dollar to be worth fifty cents; in Europe it was worth only forty-three cents, of course it remained here. The object of congress, which was to provide a money of the people, was achieved.
Everyone can understand the principles upon which these acts were passed, and all will admit that they were intended for the best interests of the whole country, even if congress did overstep its power in declaring what should be a legal tender as has been contended by some.
When the act of Feb. 12, 1873, was passed the facts upon which previous legislation had been based had ceased to exist, and unfortunately it may be said with too much show of truth that either ability or patriotism of former congresses had passed away with them. Those acts were passed in the interests of the whole people, this in the interest of a class. A few years after the passage of the act of 1853, the production of silver was wonderfully increased. The mines of Nevada and Mexico began to pour out their millions. When the attention of congress was turned to the subject a few years after the war, it was found that the old difficulty was no longer to be met. Silver could be found for sufficient coinage. To a devout mind it might seem the crowning mercy of our struggle for national life. The war was ended, but the way had been long and the burden heavy. The nation had been brought up out of the darkness of Egypt, but was weary and sore athirst, when in the mountains of the West was found the rock which needed but be struck and the waters of life would gush forth. But the congress of 1873 turned away from the offered blessing and bowed down before the golden God.
In your editorial you deny the charge that the act of 1873 was introduced in a clandestine manner and passed without due consideration, and you show from the journals the day the bill was introduced, the day it was referred to the committee, when it was debated, and in fact give a history of its progress through congress. But if I am correctly informed, the charge is not that time was not allowed for discussion, but it is that the objectional measure was concealed while pending before congress or, as Mr. Colfax says, it was so ingeniously smothered in the coinage act, that neither the president who signed it nor the present president knew what had been done until long after it had gone into effect.
A measure of vast importance in the country and one utterly at variance with the traditions and of the government was effected by simply omitting to provide for coining the standard silver dollar in an act ostensibly for reforming the coinage.
From the beginning of the government in 1873, the government authorized silver dollars to be coined even when there was no silver to coin; but in that year, when there were millions awaiting the mint, congress withdrew the authority to coin it. No man proposed to demonetize silver by express law, but this was accomplished by refusing to do that which the constitution says congress shall do, to-wit: Coin money.
I think, sir, from the failure of that congress to exercise the power of demonetization, and the attempt to obtain that result by indirection and concealment, from the refusal of the wisest and best statements of this country to exercise the disputed power, and from the words of the constitution, the advocates of silver are justified in saying that congress has not the power to demonetize that metal. And they are justified in determining that a measure so hurtful to the true interests of the country shall not be accomplished by refusal on the part of congress to perform a plain constitutional duty.
I had purposed to refer at some length to that clause in the constitution which prohibits the states from making anything but gold and silver a legal tender. It is hardly necessary here, and in view of the growing length of this letter, I must refrain.
It has been deduced from that clause, and from the general scope of the instrument, that congress has no power to declare what shall be a legal tender; a question nearly related, but at the same time quite independent of the one we have considered, viz.: the power of congress to declare that the silver coin shall not be a legal tender.
But it is the proposition to pay the bonds of the U. S. in silver dollars that has excited the most feeling and provoked the sharpest criticism. The slaveocracy of the South was haughtily impatient of opposition and resented contradiction as insult. This bondocracy have manifested a similar spirit. Like all men in the enjoyment of peculiar privileges protected by law, they have come to think that the chief end of the law is the protection of those privileges and should be law which the exigencies of their service require.
The history of the bondholders in the service of this country is neither long nor difficult. During the dark days of the civil war, they bought U. S. bonds at enormous discount, sometimes not paying more than $880 for a bond of $1,000. They furnished the means to carry on the war. They staked their money on the fate of the nation. The nation won and so did the bondholders. They had speculated on the necessities of the country and events proved that they had made a bargain immensely profitable.
There seems to be great ignorance as to the full measure of their profits. They bought the bonds of the United States with the legal tender notes (greenbacks) when that currency was greatly depreciated by the disasters of the war. When the greenback dollar was worth but fifty cents in gold, when it was worth but thirty-eight cents, they bought bonds of the United States to the amount of millions, and the government received the greenbacks at par value. For one thousand dollars in greenbacks, at that time “worth in the market” but five hundred dollars, often but four hundred, and sometimes even less, the government gave its bond for one thousand dollars, nor did their good fortune cease with the war. As their investment depended on the preservation of the nation’s life, so their security was said to be bound up with the preservation of the nation’s honor.
By the act of March 18, 1864, the faith of the nation was solemnly pledged to the payment in coin, at their full face value, of those very bonds which had been bought, with greenbacks worth but fifty cents, or 38 cents in coin. By this act the bondholders received doubly treble the amount they had invested in addition to the heavy interest already received and to be received.
Many of these bonds were called in by the act of July 12, 1870, entitled “an act to refund the national debt,” and others issued, which were made payable in “coin of the then present standard value.”
By the act of Jan. 12, 1875, entitled “an act to provide for the resumption of specie payments,” still other bonds were issued, which were required to be of the same description, as the bonds issued under the act of 1870. It is then upon the construction to be given to that act that the decision of the question between the bondholders and their opponents must depend, and the question turns upon one word, the meaning to be given to the word “coin.” If we were to ask any citizen of this country, not a congressman or bondholder, the meaning of that word, he would tell us that a coin was a gold or silver piece of money. If we could refer the question to the great statesmen of by-gone days, they would tell us that a coin was a piece of gold or silver, stamped by the authority of government.
But the bond-holders say that the word does not mean both gold and silver pieces, but gold only, and insist that the bonds must be paid in gold.
The constitution requires that congress shall coin silver; by law existing at the time the act of 1870 was passed, the silver dollar was declared to be a coin of the United States. The word had a fixed and definite meaning, beyond cavil, when they accepted the provisions of that act. If their rights are to be determined by that plain rule of law and of common sense, to which men in the common currents of life are compelled to submit—the rule that the rights of parties to a contract are to rest on the words of the contract—then the bonds are payable in gold or silver at the option of the government. But they claim an exemption from that rule. It is said that while the silver dollar was a coin of the United States, in 1870. Yet in that act it was intended to apply the word to gold alone.
An ordinary man will think and perhaps say, “If you meant gold, why didn’t you say so?” There is an inherent improbability in the assertion that the able lawyers in congress and the shrewd businessmen of the financial world fail in the exercise of that ordinary circumspection necessary to the drawing of a chattel mortgage. And it appears that the very same congress that passed the act of 1870, just one year before, in the “act to strengthen the public credit,” declared that both gold and silver pieces of the United States were coin.
That act declares that the interest-bearing obligations of the United States should be paid in coin save where the law under which any of said obligations were issued provided that they might be paid in coinage or other money than gold and silver.
An inspection of the wording of that act is all that is necessary to perceive that “gold and silver” are included, and both taken together are equivalent to the word coin.
Then when this same congress in the act of the following year, concerning the same class of public creditors, used the word coined, they gave it precisely the same meaning, and intended that it should apply to both gold and silver pieces. And the history of the times refutes the assumption. Let it be remembered, that as the coinage of the United States stood in 1870 when that “act for refunding the national debt” was passed, the silver dollar of 412½ standard grains was superior in value to the gold dollar of 25-8/10 grains, and had been so for years.
There is nothing in the history of the bondholders to lead us to believe that they were willing, and in fact, bound themselves to receive the least valuable dollar. It is true that but few silver dollars were in circulation, but the law authorized their coinage, and these men intended and were entitled to receive as many of them as they could get.
But an unforseen event occurred. The production of silver bullion became wonderfully increased in this country, and demonetization in Germany caused an influx of the metal here. Silver became less valuable than gold. For the first time in history, after a wonderful run of good luck, the bond-holder met with a stroke of ill fortune and now the declines to receive the silver dollar for his bond, and is crying for protection against those “repudiationists” who want to pay him in silver, or, as he says, 92 cents on the dollar. He only paid from 38 to 59 cents. There is a distinction attempted to be taken in favor of the bonds issued under the “act for the resumption of specie payments,” passed in 1875. Then the silver dollar had been dropped from the coinage. It is impossible to pursue that subject now; but let it be remembered that these bonds were required to be of the same description as the bonds of 1870.
That the act of 1873 dropping the silver dollar was passed secretly and silently; that congress had no power to demonetize silver; that the act seeking to reach that end by indirection, was the purpose of avoiding the very question with which the country is now engaged; and we must conclude that even if by the letter of the law the bonds of 1875 are payable in gold (which I think may be denied), yet the act of 1873, which made them so, was a fraud upon the country which should be repudiated.
But there are others who take a higher ground. They say that the United States owes it to the fair name of our country to answer the demands of its creditors and pay their demands in gold. This is a matter of sentiment which everyone must determine for himself. But I must own it appears to me a most preposterous thing. This country need not beg for recognition. It has dealt more honestly with its creditors than any government that history can show. Their profits have been enormous and without parallel.
Law, justice, and a decent self-respect will hold them to what is “nominated in the bond.”
N. C. C.
[Note: I believe “N. C. C.” is attorney N. C. Coldwell, son of C. Coldwell, and a partner with his father in the firm “C. Coldwell & Son, Attorneys at Law, lately arrived from Texas to Winfield.]
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
The COURIER has often referred to, and published extracts from, the monthly reports of Hon. Alfred Gray, the worthy secretary of our state board of agriculture. His last report, advance sheets of which we have received, contains much valuable information in regard to the state. We give as much of it as our space will permit.
The following table shows the number of acres of cultivated land in the state at different times.
1860: 405,468
1870: 1,971,003
1874: 2,669,769
1875: 4,740,000
1876: 5,035,697
1877: 5,595,304
It will be noticed that our development has been rapid and continued, and that from March 1876 to 1877, the dates of assessors’ reports, more than half a million acres of wild land were brought into cultivation.
The next table shows the average yield and cash value per acre, and the price per bushel, gallon, pound, or ton of farm products, for the year 1877.
Too hard to set up.....only giving wheat and corn!
Winter wheat, bushel
Average yield per acre: $12.60
Average price per bushel: $.89
Average value per acre: $11.27
Corn, bushel
Average yield per acre: $40.38
Average price per bushel: $.20
Average value per acre: $7.88
The value of the agricultural productions of the state for the year 1877 is given as $45,597,051, or nearly one hundred dollars for each inhabitant of the state.
Next table [which I skipped] showed the number of acres and amount of each of our principal farm crops for 1877.
The value of the wheat crop for 1877 is put at more than nine and a half million dollars, spring wheat at two and a half million, and corn at more than twenty million dollars.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth:
There is no coal in the “Eldorado coal hole.”
Meekly yours,
FOR SALE. A COAL HOLE. A large, first-class coal hole is now offered for sale near the thriving town of Eldorado. It can be had very cheap. For further particulars call on, or address Dr. Allen White, or T. Higginbotham Murdock, Esq. Parties from Winfield need not apply. If they do they will get h_____l knocked out of them in short order. We are authorized to say that the Emporia coal hole is withdrawn from the market until the above is sold. The Walnut Valley Times will please copy three times and send bill to the proprietors of the “East and West” railroad. Emporia News.
We insert the above advertisement to assist friend Stotler in making the sale, but expect him to pay the COURIER out of the proceeds.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
During the past year Mr. Welch, superintendent of insurance, has collected from the insurance companies doing business in Kansas, and paid into the state treasury $13,248.42. The surplus, after paying the expenses of the office for the year, is $7,656.11, one-half of which goes to the school and the other half to the general fund.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878. Editorial Page.
Colorado produced during 1877 $7,879,432 in gold and silver.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
In Mexico recently a convoy conveying $30,000 in silver was robbed.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The coinage for the month of December was $335,360 gold, and $2,007,723 silver.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Mrs. Millington returned on last Friday from her long visit to Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The south bridge is rapidly approaching completion. It will be ready for use in a few days.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Mrs. William Matthews and family, of Harvey, were calling on Winfield friends on the 2nd inst.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Nine weddings for the first week in the year is a good promise of future greatness for Cowley.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
C. A. Bliss’ mill has ground about 75,000 bu. of wheat and 35,000 bushels of corn during the past year.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
William Fritch and Tommy McGraw, the gallant sergeant of Vicksburg, were in from Lazette last week. Will got a permit from Judge Gans to commit hari-kari.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Darwin Eastman, from Iowa, yesterday bought the Lance farm, on Posey Creek, for $1,300. Mr. Eastman is a substantial man and will be an acquisition to this county.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Messrs. McBride and Green, who made the brick for Mr. Manning’s corner brick building, have also the contract for making this season 120,000 bricks for his big block.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Grouse Creek turned loose on Winfield, Monday last, Lillburn Smith, James Lee, Robert Armstrong, Mr. Parks, Dr. Chapman, ‘Squire John Clover, and His Honor, R. F. Burden, being among the number.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Bliss & Co. have been rolling out the goods in large quantities. Their store is one of the most popular places in town, where customers are safe to find low prices, polite attention, and almost every kind of goods wanted.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Harter Brothers & Co. have a large stock of goods, do a heavy business, and give their customers entire satisfaction.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The prospects for a large crop of fall wheat were never better at this time of the year than they now are. Nearly eighty thousand acres were sown in this county, most of it in good season. It was well rooted before winter set in, and the ground is now covered with a beautiful green carpet.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Mr. C. G. Buss, father of Mr. Henry Buss, of Ninnescah Township, has bought the Richards farm, near Ninnescah, for $2,000. He also bought a farm from Mr. E. S. Torrance, of this city. He says there are seven or eight families in his neighborhood, in Illinois, who will settle in this county in the spring.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
COLDWELL AND SON appear in our columns with a professional card. This is one of the strongest law firms in the Southwest. Judge Coldwell is a gentleman of ripe experience and his legal ability has been recognized by a position on the supreme court of a neighboring state [TEXAS]. The junior partner is a young lawyer who will make his mark.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald opened their law office in this city June 27th, 1876. Their gross receipts for professional services rendered from that time until the first of this month amounted to $8,075.31, when, on balancing their books, it was found that the difference between them was but $3.69. We call this a good business showing for eighteen months, and an even race for the fees.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Curns & Manser have their real estate office arranged in new and splendid style. They have a bank counter, safe, maps, abstract books, and everything to make a first-class office. They have been expending considerable sums in circulating information about our county and city, and are energetic and reliable. Those who want to buy or sell real estate will do well to give them a call.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Marriage licenses granted by His Honor Judge Gans during the past week:
Allen Drummond to Florence A. Prater.
Henry C. Barr to Ruth Ann Read.
Jesse C. Franklin to Ella E. Scott.
Dan’l. Boomershine to Ann B. Shroup.
Isaac H. Taylor to Susan H. Dow.
Solomon Mooney to Lucy Stanton.
Joel M. Rivers to Rose Herr.
Joseph E. Harland to M. H. Shaughnessey.
William H. Fritch to Emma A. Rouster.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
There was a public installation of officers of the Knights of Honor at the Courthouse last Friday evening. Rev. J. L. Rushbridge delivered an address. The officers of the organization for 1878 are as follows: Past Dictator, A. E. Baird; Dictator, E. P. Kinne; Vice Dictator, Geo. W. Robinson; Assistant Dictator, J. L. Rusbridge; Chaplain, S. H. Myton; Guide, John W. Curns; Reporter, H. D. Gans; Financial Reporter, A. Howland; Treasurer, W. C. Robinson; Guar., H. Brotherton; Sent’l., J. F. Snyder.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The present board of county commissioners have been in regular session this week for the last time, and in reviewing their proceedings for the past year we are impressed with the good judgment they have displayed in the disposition of a great variety of difficult cases, and their general efficiency in conducting the business of the county. We do not believe there is a county in the state that has been better served by its board of county commissioners. Mr. White retires with the approval and confidence of the people, while Messrs. Burden and Sleeth, together with Mr. G. L. Gale, will constitute the board for the ensuing term, which gives the assurance that the affairs of the county will be equally well managed for two years to come.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Council Proceedings.
The city council met in regular session Monday evening last and acted upon several small bills against the city.
The report of the treasurer was received and referred to the finance committee, which report shows a balance remaining in the treasury of over $500 on the first day of January.
Among other things discussed was the necessity of enforcing ordinance number 68, providing for the construction of sidewalks on Main street, and the feasibility of passing an ordinance to compel persons keeping hogs within the city limits to put floors in their pens, and to provide for removing rubbish from the alleys.
This is an important matter, as the spring and summer months will soon be here. The health and welfare of our citizens demand that such laws should be enacted and enforced.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: Thinking you would like to hear from Richland, I send you some items.
On Christmas eve, at the Summit schoolhouse, we had a Christmas tree with over two hundred presents on it, addressed to intended recipients. The house was packed full of the best natured people you ever saw. The exercises opened with singing, followed by declamation and more music, all good, when the real fun commenced. Some of the presents were very beautiful, some comical. T. R. Carson got a pair of striped calico pants; our much esteemed and jolly neighbor, S. D. Groom, got a tin trumpet and a tin horse and buggy; Charley Groom got the champion stick of candy, and everything passed off very pleasantly. S. D. Groom is proud of his presents, and makes much merriment with his trumpet music.
T. R. Carson is up at the head of Dutch hunting antelope.
A protracted meeting, conducted by Elders Thomas and Daniels, has been in progress at the Richland schoolhouse since December 26th.
The herd law was discussed at Floral Grange on Friday evening, December 28th.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Large flocks of sheep are coming into the east part of this county.
There are many good claims to be had in the east part of Cowley County, much better than any to be had further west.
A great many newcomers are arriving in Sheridan Township.
We would advise stockmen to look in the eastern part of this county for stock farms.
E. Shriver has a splendid farm, bottom land, at the mouth of Turkey on Grouse Creek, which he would sell. His herd of Texas and domestic cattle are doing well.
R. B. Overman is doing excellent work this winter, teaching the school in district number 47.
D. Tyrrell has the finest crop of wheat out. He farms on the Michigan plan.
John Rarick, from Kankakee, Illinois, will move upon the Hamilton farm. He is a substantial man with a fine family.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
The protracted meeting is still in progress at the Richland schoolhouse, conducted by Elder Thomas, Baptist, and M. Daniels, Free Methodist. Surely this is an age of progress when these two sects unite in a revival. So it should be. There is a good attendance and lively interest.
DIED. The youngest child of Calvin and Henrietta Sterns died New Year’s eve, and has been buried at Floral cemetery. The bereaved parents have the deep sympathy of this community.
DIED. ?? One half of the children in this neighborhood under one year old have died within the last six months.
The neck-tie festival at Summit, New Year’s eve, realized $13.50, which goes to pay for a fine Rigby lamp for the schoolhouse. The young folks had a good time. L.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
DEXTER, KANSAS. Jan. 7, 1878.
ED. COURIER: The following is the report of the Dexter school for the first quarter ending December 21, 1877:
Enrolled during the quarter, males: 41
Enrolled during the quarter, females: 35
Total: 76
Average daily attendance, males: 26
Average daily attendance, females: 25.5
Skipped the average percent for the following: Deportment, Reading, Penmanship, Arithmetic, Grammar, Geography, English Composition.
T. H. ALEY, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Winfield, Kansas, January 5, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: At a meeting of the citizens of district No. 37 the following resolutions were passed.
Resolved, That we are in favor of making silver a legal tender for all debts, public or private.
Resolved, That our senators and representatives in congress deserve our thanks for the support of the principle expressed in the above resolution.
Resolved, That silver as well as gold is money in the constitutions, and it is the duty of congress to provide for its coinage and to regulate its value.
Resolved, That we are sorry to see some of the leaders of the republican party dessert the cherished principle of protection to home industry, more especially those residing in the East and who ought to know its benefits, having had ample protection for their products for the last seventeen years.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished each of the Winfield papers, with a request that they publish the same, and that a copy be furnished each of our senators and representatives in congress.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
CEDAR TOWNSHIP, Jan. 1st, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: I wish you and yours a happy new year. May your shadow never grow less. We are in mud and slush up to our ankles, the weather is so bad we can’t get out to hunt any merry making, but like Mr. Micawber we are “waiting for something to turn up.” We have been having a protracted meeting at the Beaver Creek schoolhouse, conducted by the Rev. Phillips. of the free Methodist church. He had something near ten at the anxious seat when the storm came on and chilled the whole business. Tonight D. W. Wiley has a hop and oysters. There is being more stone fence built this winter than there has been in this township for several years. Long may it continue. You will hear from me next week.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: In my last I mentioned the supper at Floral, the proceeds of which should furnish fruits for the Christmas tree. Well, that supper came off with a jolly good time. Misses Mollie and Mary sold a coon for about four dollars. The proceeds of the supper amounted to about twenty dollars. On Christmas night the tree bloomed in beauty and splendor. The schoolhouse was beautifully decorated and the hall opened by a song from the choir, followed by declamations, songs, tableaux, and the lighting of the tree, when the little ones were made happy by the receipt of their presents. To Misses Hart and Pontious is due much praise for the complete success of the merry affair.
At the Phenix schoolhouse, Queen Village, Christmas was celebrated by a tree and a neck-tie festival.
A protracted meeting was in progress at the Richland schoolhouse during holidays.
The holidays are now over and the “school marms” have returned to their work.
In my report of the officers of the grange, your compositor made L. B. Stone’s name read S. B., and Miss Mary Pontious read Martha, incorrectly.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
A NEW YEAR’s DINNER. As the hour of twelve approached, a party of young people assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh Allen, and at about three o’clock, notwithstanding the diminutiveness of the dining-room, all were seated cosily around the table, which seemed to groan under its weight of turkey, pickles, pies, cakes, and fruits, prepared only as a good cook can do it. Never did a queen or king enjoy a repast more hugely. All regretted very much that the chief guest of the occasion was necessarily absent. With much reluctance the party retired at a late hour in the afternoon.
Many thanks are due to Miss Cinthia Simons, under whose auspices the guests were invited and the dinner arranged. Would be glad to hear from you again, Miss Cinthia, if you can find one who will make ready the fattened turkey, as Mrs. Allen did. Our hearts ejaculate, Oh! for a thousand tongues to speak our thanks to her.
Sorry did not get this for your last issue, in behalf the two couples from South street.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Some time prior to this I saw a card in your journal stating and showing the damaging effect on farmers of having their machinery out in the weather. You are right. I have stored under a shed, which cost me less than two dollars besides my labor, more than five hundred dollars worth of machinery. This is one grand source of the cause of machinery being a damage to farmers. There is too much snobbish talk about “the county being ruined with machinery” in the sense that men buy too much machinery. The trouble is that there is not discretion enough used in the purchase and care of implements.
Men must have machinery enough to cultivate their ground and harvest their grain. Thought given to the purchase of the implements most adapted to the purpose for which it is designed and shelter from sun and rain are the safeguards to the farmers in this respect. How many of us have known men to mortgage a good farm to get money to build a fine house and in a short time lose both house and farm when a house within their means would have saved their home.
Too many men get the same idea in regard to machinery. They must have a “big thing on ice,” a self-binder or header to cut their grain with. We admit that they had a “big thing on ice,” but far from being of the greatest utility to the farmer in harvesting his grain. For all purposes a Combined Reaper and Mower is undoubtedly the cheapest, lightest of draft, and most durable machinery that as yet has been put in the field.
In this part of the country, where hay making is indispensable, most farmers need a mower. Now if he buys a self-binder at a cost of $325, and a mower at a cost of $125, he is out $450, while for $175 he can get a combined mower and reaper that will do his harvesting, and the wheat will be in better shape for stacking. Taking all into consideration the loose binding of the self-binder, and down wheat run over by headers, there will be less loss of grain. One span of horses will take one of these light machines while two span will draw them all day without fagging, while I have seen six of the largest horses and mules tugging their life away pushing a big bungling header through the mud and not making much more than half the speed that two horses would walk off with a reaper.
During a rainy harvest a dropper can be run when no other machine can be kept up out of the mud. I, for one, have seen the perplexity of mind and worry of body of parties tinkering with self-binders. Farmers know the advantage of having a machine at a time like this (when they are driven to have more or less help) that they can begin cutting in the morning and drive until night with but few halts.
I have confined myself principally to the purchase of a reaper and hope to be able to say something on other topics in the future pertaining to the subject.
One more thought. The reason that commission men work so zealously for these high-priced machines is that they get double the commission on them of that of a combined machine.
Respectfully, W. A. LEE.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Installation I. O. O. F.
On last Saturday evening, the 5th inst., the installation of officers of the Winfield Lodge No. 101, I. O. O. F. for the year 1878 took place at the Presbyterian church. A considerable delegation of members of the order from Wichita and other places were present, including W. E. Ritchie, grand master; _____ Russell, grand treasurer; and W. P. Campbell, grand marshal.
The ceremonies were conducted in a pleasing and impressive manner. The officers installed were: R. Birnbaum, N. G.; M. G. Troup, V. G.; J. W. Curns, R. W.; E. S. Bedilion, P. S.; Max Shoeb, T.
But the performance of the evening was the oration delivered by His Honor Judge W. P. Campbell, grand marshal, who gave the most complete exposition of the history, aims, and operations of the order we ever heard or saw within the limits of an evening’s lecture. It was a gem of rhetoric, combining finished oratory with terseness and vigor, alike creditable to the head and heart of the speaker.
After the ceremonies were over, a supper was served at the Williams House. Though we did ample justice to that supper at the time, our pencil is incapable of doing so now. It must suffice to say that it was got up in Frank Williams’ best style, and this is the highest praise we know how to bestow on any supper.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
J. A. McGuire is doing a good business in general merchandise.
John R. Smith means business. He is building a fine stone barn, and feeding large lots of hogs and Texas cattle.
Sim. S. Moore has gone into the real estate business at Tisdale. Call on him for stock farms.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
CEDAR TP., Jan. 7, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Here’s your Cedar township itemizer again.
J. W. Searle is putting up a stone fence.
The Overman boys are building a stone fence.
Mrs. Elizabeth Wells is having 100 rods of stone fence built.
D. W. Wiley is going to Winfield to work at his trade (carpenter).
Fred Myers has about 200 head of cattle, which he is herding on the state line.
Robert Howe and Alex. Tolles are building 100 rods of stone fence for Donald Jay.
Searle is feeding about sixty head of cows. He intends to have them ready for the June market. He has rented his farm on Beaver creek to a Mr. Moore and moved on the state line where he could have more range.
John Ledly is trying the cattle business, but it don’t pan-out very well for him. He has lost seventeen head by the black-leg.
You will hear from me next week.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
We are in receipt of a letter from Hon. Thomas Ryan, dated December 29, saying “Alfred Gray has been appointed one of the commissioners to the Paris exhibition, and has the honor of being the first commissioner selected by Mr. Evarts.”
Mr. Gray owes his appointment to two things, first and mainly to the reputation he gained at Philadelphia as secretary of, and having in charge, the Kansas exhibition at the centennial. The ability exhibited at that time was brought to the attention of prominent men throughout the nation, and he has had since the close of the centennial a national reputation. This fact made his selection as a commissioner, when agreed upon by the delegation from his state, an easy task. But in the second place, Kansas has a warm friend in Mr. Evarts, the secretary of state. He exhibited that friendship when a young man, not worth, all told, $10,000. He gave to Kansas in his early struggles one-tenth of that amount. He has ever since manifested a sincere and practical friendship for this state. We are informed by those who know, that since he has been in the cabinet, he has let no occasion pass to say a word for Kansas. This he has done not only in his official acts, but unofficially, when an opportunity offered. It is probable that to this friendship is due the fact that the first commissioner to be named was a Kansas man. Kansas will not forget the friendship of Mr. Evarts, and should it ever be in her power will reciprocate. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
One or two good, new houses for sale cheap. Apply to Jennings & Buckman.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Girl Wanted.
Inquire at the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
J. G. Dunscomb, of Wichita, sells dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes at lower prices than can be found elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
A gold locket marked “Nannie,” between Main street and the stone quarry 2½ miles east of town. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at Fuller’s bank.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Job Work and roofing made a specialty at Weston & Hyskell’s.
Winfield Courier, January 10, 1878.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 17, 1878. Front Page.
PERMANENT SCHOOL FUND. The present commissioners, Messrs. Cavanaugh, Davis, and Lemmon, during the year 1877 purchased Kansas school district bonds to the amount of $124,540.22. This is more work that has been done by the commission in any one year. For all of these bonds they paid par and accrued interest, thereby saving to the various districts at least fifteen percent, as that was the price of bonds when they decided last January to pay par for all good bonds. The fund on hand still amounts to over $190,000.
SUPERINTENDENT. Mr. Lemmon, in conjunction with prominent educators of the state, is preparing a “course of study” to be used by the normal institutes held during the present year. The topic of “English language” will probably be prepared by Hon. John A. Anderson; bookkeeping, by Prof. Felter; arithmetic, by Dr. Martin; physiology, by Professor Pomeroy; and other studies by masters of specialties.
Cases disposed of in 1875: 219.
Cases disposed of in 1876: 223.
Cases disposed of in 1877: 820.
Cases for hearing at January term, 1878: 252.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878. Front Page.
A letter from San Antonio, Texas, to the New Orleans Democrat says: One of the distinctive features of western Texas is the cowboy, so-called.
Heretofore there have been but few enclosed pastures. The cattle and horses have ranged at will over the prairies, and when a norther prevails, they become widely scattered. When the spring of the year returns, then a dozen or more of the young men of a neighborhood mount their mustangs, taking each a spare horse, and scour the prairies for many miles, sometimes fifty or sixty in one direction. These excursions last about ten days or two weeks. They bivouac at night, cook their own meals, seldom enter a house, drink quantities of black coffee, generally without sugar, kill a yearling when they need meat, and are truly rough and ready riders.
This kind of life seems to have an inexpressible charm for the young men. It is an exciting scene to see them in full chase, with their lariats whirling over their heads, their mustangs as much excited by the race as themselves.
From this school comes the noted Texas ranger, and it would be hard to find a better training for a cavalry soldier. Their splendid qualities were exhibited on many hard-fought fields during our late unpleasantness.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Gen. Sherman has written a letter explaining that the names of the battles of the late civil war were not omitted this year from the army register because of a desire to conciliate, but because of the many errors in the records. He says the omission is only temporary, that Gen. Whipple is appointed to correct the records so that each regiment and company will be justly credited, and that when these corrections can be effected the correct lists of battles will appear in the register.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The insane asylum at Osowatomie can take a few more patients. Do not all speak at once.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Hon. H. W. Cook, of Wyandotte, died at the insane asylum, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, on the 9th. Mr. Cook was well known in Kansas. He has visited Winfield more than once, and at one time made an able speech from the steps of the Lagonda. He came to Kansas in 1864 and has been ever since prominent as a lawyer and a politician. In 1876 he was a candidate for congress before the convention which nominated Mr. Haskell. The excitement over his canvass and defeat, together with sunstroke, brought on insanity. He was taken to Mount Pleasant and after awhile it was thought he had recovered. After he returned other excitements brought on the disease again and he was taken back to the asylum from which he is now released by death. He was an able, warm hearted, generous man, and had a host of friends in this state.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
We are constantly receiving letters from persons in various parts of the country, but mostly from Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Iowa, making inquiries about the condition and prospects of this county and town. We have twenty-nine of these letters on hand, accumulated in little over a week, which we have not yet answered for want of time, and now we undertake to answer them all in a batch and send each inquirer a paper containing this answer. We will print 100 extra, which others can get at five cents apiece to use in answering similar questions of their correspondents. These matters are a heavy tax on us, mostly in our time, but for the credit of the county should be answered.
Cowley County is one of the Southern tier and from 100 to 134 miles west of the Missouri line. It is about 33 by 34 miles in extent. It is part valley or bottom land, but a larger part upland, which is rolling. It is well watered with clear streams, has a fair supply of good timber and plenty of excellent building stone. Its soil is equal to the best, both upland and bottom. It produces the best winter wheat, corn, and most of the other products, and all the fruits suitable to the climate.
In the eastern part of the county good claims may yet be taken and after six month’s settlement, bought at $1.25 per acre. Unimproved entered lands can be bought at $2.50 to $6.00 per acre; improved farms from $4.00 to $20.00, according to amount of improvements and location. There is a good schoolhouse, with school, in almost every neighborhood in the county.
There are good churches in the principal towns. The Methodist are well represented.
Democrats vote as they please and are respected same as republicans. The county has about 15,000 inhabitants. There has never been any trouble from Indians and there is not the remotest danger. Buffaloes do not roam over this county any more. Men don’t go armed with bowie-knives and revolvers and shoot each other for fun.
People are just as intelligent here as in your county, Mr. Ohio man, and read more and better newspapers.
Winfield has about 1,500 inhabitants. There are plenty of lawyers, but we suppose there may be a little room left “in the upper story.” The medical profession is well represented.
Oh yes; reapers and harvesters are sold here, all kinds you can think of. About 500 were sold in Winfield the past year. Probably more will be sold the next. We suppose there are 80,000 acres of wheat sown, and it looks very promising.
Yes, three tinsmith establishments. There are two tailors here. Lots are worth from $40 up to $1,000. We have no railroad; expect a couple within a year. No coal of consequence has yet been discovered. Plenty of wells of good water at Winfield 20 feet deep. Perhaps a jeweler would do well, but we have four of them. Have three saloons; don’t want any more. Guess a wholesale liquor store would not do well. Yes, marble works are wanted; come on. There are a great many hogs in the county yet, and we think it would pay to pack here. There are two good banks and another coming, but interest is high; come on with your money.
We believe the steamboat has not arrived; inquire of C. M. Scott, Arkansas City.
There is some land to rent near this city; probably not much. No homestead land in this county. Almost every kind of business is carried on here. Twenty lawyers here—an able bar. The lawyer H. inquires about is all right—efficient.
The future prospects of Winfield are very promising. We think C. could trade some good work horses for land. Land rents for one-third of the crop usually. Yes, we think a foundry would do well here; we have none.
Probably the Winfield schools will employ the present teachers some time; address John D. Pryor, clerk.
Think A. C. could find plenty of work here. Come on, and bring along your $6,000, your wife, boys and girls, and we guarantee you will readily find such a farm as you want.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Dexter firms still change hands.
The firm of A. A. Wiley has changed to James Hardin, and I think Mr. Hardin will do a good, lively business.
Mr. Wiley has bought a farm near Dexter and will move on it in the spring. Mr. Wiley is a stock man and is not in his element unless he is handling cattle, hogs, and other livestock.
There is a good rally in fat hogs here this week; three buyers are collecting hogs at Dexter. Prices range from 2¼ to 3 cents. Dexter will turn out for market about 800 head of hogs this year.
The Dexter boys had a grand side hunt on the 31st ult. One side made about 3,300 counts, the other about 1,800. You bet the boys got away with lots of rabbits and birds on that day.
The hotel here will change hands this week, some of the former inmates going to Colorado.
There are parties here to take hold of our mill and put it in operation, which has long been needed to save farmers from having to go 15 or 20 miles to mill.
Mr. and Mrs. Axley started for Winfield last Friday. Mrs. Axley on getting out of the wagon, broke her leg just above the ankle.
John Graham has sold his hogs.
Mrs. Williams started for Colorado last Tuesday. The hotel business is about busted at Dexter without her.
Ed. Hewings was in town Monday. There were 278 head of hogs weighed that day.
Plenty of stock hogs for sale in this neighborhood.
Dr. Wagner has gone into the dog business, for dogs have got so scarce there are none to shoot. Perhaps he will be successful. H. C. M.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Wellington is to have a cornet band. The instruments are purchased and on the way.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Ed. Higinbotham fell from an upstairs window of the Eagle block, Wichita, fracturing his jaw and mutilating his face.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Chautauqua County has got a new jail which will furnish secure lodgings for the numerous “shootists.”
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
If you want to be murdered or robbed, just take a little trip down through Chautauqua County. They will do it up right for you. Courant-Ledger.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The Sumner County Press has a new head which looks very fine. It is also improved much in many other respects. Capt. Folks makes a lively county paper.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
A GOOD MURPHY MOVEMENT. Mr. Murphy, of Oxford, has completed an excellent pontoon bridge across the Arkansas River at that place.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The Wichita coal hole is sunk 343 feet deep. McCampbell, the proprietor, met with a serious accident. In stopping the windlass to save persons in the shaft, his arm was terribly torn.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Mr. C. C. Shore claims the mammoth hog of Sumner County. It is a Poland China, and weighs about nine hundred pounds. His hogship measures six feet and ten inches around the girth. Sumner County Democrat.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Butler County is nothing without a sensation. Since the coal hole has fizzled they have found a cave and a long ways underground a vast hall adorned and illustrated with gorgeous stalactites and stalagmites which appears to have been a preglacid museum of enormous lizards and monstrous men with heads 27 inches in diameter. The worst trouble is that you have to crawl about a quarter of a mile on your belly to where the show is. The veracity of Butler County discoverers must not be questioned.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
A man named Bacon has examined the Arkansas River from Little Rock to Newton, Kansas, and proposes for a bonus of a thousand dollars to run a steamboat to the latter place.
Journal of Commerce.
We would suggest to our friend of the Journal that he post himself in the geography of Kansas in the contemplation of a trip to Newton via steamer. Eagle.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The Journal of Commerce is all right on geography. The twenty-five miles of prairie from Newton to the old sand bed, called the Arkansas River, is quite level and sandy, and we don’t see why a steamboat could not navigate it as well as it could from Wichita down through the sand of that old river bed.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Charles H. Miller, U. S. marshal for Kansas, was sued by D. R. Anthony, of the Leavenworth Times, for libel in circulating a hand-bill denouncing him. The jury, after being out two hours, returned a verdict of “guilty” and assessed the damages at one dollar.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878. Supplement.
Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Mr. Bullock, of the Wichita Eagle, called on us Saturday.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Miss Kate Millington is visiting her friends in Wichita.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Rev. Mr. Platter will preach next Sunday morning on “Future Punishment.”
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Mr. Jarvis, late of the Cedarvale Blade, called on us last Saturday. He is looking well, and has got the vim in him to make a capital newspaper at any point where he may be offered good support.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
MARRIED. At Milan, Erie County, Ohio, on Dec. 1st, 1877, by Darwin Fay, J. P., Mr. Henry N. Banner of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, to Mary L. Wood, of Milan, Ohio, formerly Mrs. Tucker, of Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The COURIER office printed a long and ably written brief by E. S. Torrance, delivering it Monday morning of last week. On the following Wednesday that brief was read in the Supreme court at Topeka and won the cause. Moral: Get your briefs printed at the COURIER office.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
WINFIELD city is out of debt, has $500 in the city treasury, has an engine, engine-house, and hook and ladder implements, all procured within the last eighteen months; has expended much in that time on street and other improvements, and has not levied a cent of tax except a few special licenses.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The COURIER will have two special attractions next week. One will be the highly complimented oration delivered by John D. Pryor at the installation of officers of the Masonic Chapter, and the other is an able article from R. H. Pratt on the care and feeding of horses. The edition of the paper will be six pages.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Mrs. U. I. Axley, living two miles above Dexter, met with quite a serious accident on the road to Winfield on Friday the 11th inst. In getting out of the wagon about eight miles east of town, she made a misstep and fell, breaking her ankle. It was thought at first it was only a sprain, but on arriving in town, Dr. Mendenhall was consulted when it was found to be a very bad break.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Colorado and Smith had a free fight last Monday. Colorado takes bad whiskey and then wants to fight almost everybody he meets. He imbibed many doses of the poison that day and followed Smith around all day to provoke a quarrel. Smith got poison, too, and as Marshal Stevens had his eye on them, they adjourned out of his jurisdiction, east of town, and “went in.” Colorado got the worst of it until Smith’s wife appeared on the ground and interfered. Constable Finch then appeared with Marshal Stevens, as a posse comitatus, marched Colorado to the calaboose to sleep off his drunk, and Smith to the office of Justice ______, who permitted him to contribute a small sum for the benefit of the school fund.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
There was a certain man in Winfield and he played a joke upon the clerks in the post office. He went into Baird’s store and procured two mice which had been caught and killed, and laid his diabolical plans. He wrapped the mice in paper, placed them in a paper box, directed them to “Winfield,” and, when he thought no eye was upon him, he slipped them in the post office, stole silently away, and laughed and chuckled and told the “boys” what a joke he had played. But there had been an eye upon him, and those wicked clerks laid a counter-plot deep and dark. They sealed the mice up in a different box, put on some old stamps, filled out half a dozen receipts, and that evening a “certain” man received notice to apply to the register clerk for a registered letter. He applied, and while going through all the formula necessary to procure a registered letter, and considerable more than wasn’t necessary, quite a crowd had accidentally (?) gathered around. That man was eager; his hands trembled, and his face beamed with silent expectation. He paid a fee of ten cents, but he didn’t care for that. He wanted to know what was in that box awful bad, and when he lifted the cover he found out. The crowd howled, and those wicked clerks danced and hooted. That man had immediate business out doors, and when last seen was journeying toward the setting sun.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The roads are some times better and some times worse.
The Baptists are holding a series of meetings at Mt. Zion, and considerable interest is manifested. Elder Hopkins is conducting the service, assisted by Revs. Robert Kerr and George Anderson.
The United Brethren, under the labors of Rev. J. A. Rupp, have been holding meetings for two weeks past at Rose Bud. There has been one conversion.
Robert Kerr is teaching an interesting school at Rose Bud. He is rather jolly and seems to be well liked.
Mr. Brooks has been ill for some time with malaria fever; and is no better.
One or two of our young folks have been sick—not “love sick,” but for want of boys.
Our Sunday school has stopped to take a rest for a month or two.
[Note: Do not know who was responsible: they had “Nose Bud” instead of “Rose Bud.”
Was it the newspaper or the correspondent who did this? I corrected, but not sure that I should have. MAW]
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
C. M. Scott, of the Traveler, has found time to visit this city twice within a week, which is pretty well for him considering his other work. Here is what the Traveler says he has to do.
“Besides the every day pursuit of publishing a newspaper, attending post office, making collections, or rather trying to, soliciting subscribers, etc., he is a notary public, agent of some Ohio capitalists, buys and sells corn, oats and flour, deals heavily in and makes a specialty of cord wood, posts, and rails, buys, trades, and sells Texas and Indian ponies, is a member of two railroad companies, a director in the Arkansas River Navigation Company, deacon in a new church organization, is interested in a racing pony, contractor for buildings, and other minor enterprises too numerous to mention, all to make both ends meet.”
And we are informed that he visits his girl two nights a week in addition.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: I come again to tell your readers of the current events in this vicinity.
The wheat crop looks splendid and bids fair to make glad the hearts of the farmers in Tisdale Township. First among those whose crop is in very fine stand are those of O. P. West and J. H. Hall. These gentlemen farm on the Southern Illinois plan, and all agree in saying that their plan is as good as the Michigan plan of Mr. Terrill.
Mr. Wm. Hodges, of Wisconsin, is feeding one hundred and forty Texas cattle, for which he is buying all the corn he can get, and pays a good cash price.
Still come the newcomers. Two gentlemen, late of Dolphin County, are stopping at Mr. McGuire’s. They propose buying land in this vicinity; also of starting a blacksmith and wagon-shop in town.
As we of the lyceum decided to repeal the resumption act, J. A. McGuire made the hearts of his customers glad by buying a good assortment of groceries; but woe is ours, for he won’t sell only for cash.
Our carpenters, S. S. Moore and John Pack, have just finished the addition on Dr. Lytle’s drug store.
Lew. N. Keller has just returned from Missouri and is reminding sundry persons that they owe him little bills which must be paid.
Our enterprising friend, Al. Thomas, has finished his race track, and a week ago last Saturday several owners of fast (?) horses met there for grand races, the stakes consisting of calves, pigs, horses, hogs, etc. Away go the competitors, and then came a great many ugly words, beginning with capitals, threats of “licking” and calls for blood, but happily ending in calling stakes and an agreement to run last Saturday, but rain and snow prevented.
The grange had an installation supper on Saturday eve, January 5th, and invited several outsiders. Oh! what a jolly time. Turkies, chickens, ducks, chicken pie, cake of all kinds, and pies too numerous to mention graced the tables. After supper there was a little dance in the corner; then all went home, too happy, too full for utterance.
We have had a fine snow fall, and now the mud, the beautiful mud, and so forth.
Jan. 15, 1878. LYCURGUS.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
WINFIELD COURIER: On the night of the 7th inst., Mr. J. B. Southard’s store at Maple City was burglarized to the tune of about $75. Two young chaps by the name of Martin and Black are suspected of doing the work. They left about 2 o’clock the afternoon before, but it is supposed that they returned in the night and broke the window in and took their pick and choice of goods. If they get caught, it will go hard with them.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Many of our farmers are holding wheat and hogs for higher prices.
Philo Kent is erecting a new residence. Those of Warren Wood and George Teeter have just been completed.
Some of our boys have the advantage of others; they know how to knit.
On the 12th quite a number of the “old folks” feasted at Mr. Noah Hizor’s, in honor of the birthday of his amiable lady. Charley and Sam don’t know so pretty well yet.
Five families from Indiana, numbering thirty persons, will arrive about the 20th of February and locate near Thomasville. Others are expected later.
One of our young men thinks of going into the concert business.
Lyceum at Godfrey’s schoolhouse every Wednesday night.
George H. is still lamenting the loss of that mouse.
John is a friend to the poor.
Don’t give it up, George; she will be at home next time “perhaps.”
Theo Dillo, who had a leg broken some time ago, is able to be out.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
LITTLE DUTCH, COWLEY CO., KAN., January 14, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Will you please insert this in your paper?
Cowley County District Grange will meet at the courthouse, in Winfield, on the first Saturday in February, at 10 o’clock a.m., for the purpose of installing officers, and at 7 p.m. to confer fifth degree on all that are entitled. Masters of all granges who are entitled to the annual word will receive it that day. Come one, come all. All fourth degree members are invited. Come with full baskets and have a good time.
C. COON, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
DIED. STURM. December 31st, 1877, at the residence of his parents in Richland Township, Cowley County, Kansas, of yellow rash and brain fever, Orin Herbert, youngest son of Calvin and Henrietta Sturm, aged one year and eight months.
The funeral services were conducted by Marion Daniel. “I am Coming to the Cross,” was sung by the mother’s request at the close of the services.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
The following resolutions were unanimously passed by Winfield Lodge, No. 101, I. O. O. F., January 4th, 1878.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be given Hon. W. P. Campbell, P. G., for his appropriate, able, and eloquent address delivered at the public installation of the officers of said lodge, held at the Presbyterian Church in Winfield.
Resolved, That a vote of thanks be tendered the members of Wichita and Oxford lodges in attendance for the valuable services rendered Winfield lodge at said installation, and that the secretary of this lodge furnish each of the city papers a copy of these resolutions with a request to publish. J. W. CURNS, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
DEATH REPORTED. It is reported that Reizin Parr, of this county, has been killed by a pistol shot in a quarrel growing out of a disputed mining claim at the Black Hills.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
John Priest, of Kankakee County, Illinois, has settled upon school section No. 16 and is making some good improvements.
Henry Fry, Esq., of Kankakee County, Illinois, is in our midst looking for a good location. He is a good, staunch farmer and likes this part of the county. We hope he will get suited.
W. L. Mullen, of Winfield, has for sale the best bottom farm on Silver Creek, 2½ miles east of Tisdale. Terms easy.
We are looking for a large immigration to this part of the county next spring.
E. A. Wilson, of Vinton, Iowa, has purchased the farm of Courtlin Skinner.
W. H. Clay, our trustee, says there is one-third more property to be assessed the coming spring than there was last year. Hank knows how to do it, and will do justice to all parties.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Commissioners’ Proceedings.
At the regular meeting of January 7th, the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy, and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township officers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been left in the county clerk’s hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas River, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.
Monday, the 14th. New board: R. F. Burden, chairman; W. M. Sleeth and G. L. Gale. Appointed John B. Lynn and Frank Williams to assist Judge Gans in counting the county funds; appointed Jas. L. Huey trustee of Creswell Township, vice Leonard, resigned; let the pauper contract to Butterfield, of Silverdale Township; let the medical attendance to Dr. Shepard, of Arkansas City.
We are indebted to the courtesy of M. G. Troup, county clerk, for the above items, and also for the following.
Total assessment of the county, $1,967,563; total tax levy for all purposes, $70,784.92, of which $18,793.20 is school tax and $17,633.07 is school bond tax.
Treasurer Bryan has collected about $29,000 of the taxes for 1877, which is about 41 percent. Winfield Township has paid over one-half of its taxes. Mr. Bryan has gone to Topeka to settle with the state treasurer. He will pay there about $7,000, including payment of all the school bonds that are matured.
PROBATE JUDGE’S OFFICE. During the past week Judge Gans has allowed claim of E. C. Seward vs. Estate of Wm. Robinson, $22.57; first annual report of Oldham, administra-tor of estate of N. W. Holmes filed and approved; sale of lands ordered in estate of B. F. Edwards; sale of real estate ordered in estate of Wm. Hawkins; ordered partnership estate of Darrah and Doty to prorate $700 to creditors, which pays 42 cents on the dollar; granted marriage license Sewal I. Onstodt to Lucinda Smith.
C. L. Harter, the new Sheriff, has gracefully and quietly assumed the office and its duties; Mr. Haight, the new surveyor, is also installed in his office without display; E. P. Kinne and M. G. Troup succeeded their predecessors without much trouble and the county offices are ready for the business of the term.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Royal Arch Masons.
At the regular convocation of Winfield Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, held at Masonic Hall, Monday evening, January 14th, the following officers were installed for the ensuing year.
W. G. Graham, H. P.
John D. Pryor, K.
S. C. Smith, S.
M. L. Read, Treasurer.
C. C. Black, Secretary.
W. C. Robinson, C. A. H.
James McDermott, P. S.
S. H. Myton, R. A. C.
J. W. Johnston, M. 3rd V.
Perry Hill, M. 2nd V.
H. Brotherton, M. 1st V.
F. Gallotti, T.
After the installation, an address was delivered by P. H. P. John D. Pryor (which will appear on our outside next week), and the companions repaired to the Central Hotel and sat down to the best spread of the season. The supper was good and the occasion enjoyed by all present.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
Ex-Squire Forbes is in a dilemma, having closed his official labors a few days ago by welding together two happy hearts, and received as a compensation therefor one of the pedal extremities of a male turkey, when he anticipated a liberal fee. The young man’s father being a dangerous rival for the hand of the same “charming young widow,” compelled him to make this desperate leap before he had accumulated sufficient means to reward the J. P. Take down Judge Gans’ ax handle! As their names are reserved, these happy hearts will please hold their tempers.
Corn crop immense. Owing to superfluities of this cereal among some of our farmers and an insufficiency of granary room, a portion of the crop still remains in the field.
Another Illinoisian takes up his abode with us, in the person of Mr. Wm. Ruckman.
Mrs. Timmerman and daughter returned from the wilds of Colorado a few days ago, whither they had gone for the restoration of health. They are hale and happy.
“Why don’t some one marry?”—for the same reason that you don’t, “Links and Pins;” because it takes two to make a bargain.
Miss Allie Klingman is meeting with success in the capacity of a governess at the Randall schoolhouse.
Messrs. George and Moses Teeter have added materially on the improvement of this part of the county by the completion of two elegant, substantial, and commodious dwelling houses. These enterprising and energetic gentlemen are a creditable acquisition to this community. Mr. Wm. Teeter has also a dwelling in process of erection.
Dr. C. C. Holland is again intruding on the Indian reservation and committing depredations on its game. Owing to the general good health of this vicinity, Doc is necessarily compelled to hunt for a living.
Mr. Theodore Dillo [? last name almost obscured ?], of broken leg notoriety, under the inestimable nursing of Mr. J. W. Browning and lady, is rapidly convalescing.
The Centennial school, under the supervision of Mr. M. H. Markcum, never made such rapid progress as it is making this winter.
Won’t some blushing maiden have some mercy on George A_____, and take him in out of the cold and darn the “heel” in the “hole” of his sock? Unfold your lovely charms now, and don’t let him tread the remaining half of the three score and ten solitary and alone.
Twice has the Methodist ministerial servant failed in succession to fulfill his announce-ment of holding a protracted meeting at the Centennial schoolhouse. Old boreas is too many for him.
“Mr. Lucius Walton, of Pleasant Valley township,” etc. A mistake, MR. COURIER. Lucius is one of Beaver’s substantial “institutions.”
Do, mi, sol, do may be heard twice a week issuing forth from the Centennial schoolhouse—Mr. C. W. Roseberry, jolly professor.
Rev. Robert Kerr is conducting an interesting school at the Easterly schoolhouse. His reverential majesty also dispenses scripture every fourth Sunday in the month at the Centennial, being chosen pastor of a recently organized Baptist organization at this point.
A spelling school at the Centennial last evening afforded amusement for the youths and adults of this community. “Boss” spellers: Messrs. L. King, C. Roseberry, T. Timmerman, and M. Teeter.
Literary guns are discharged every Wednesday evening at the Godfrey schoolhouse. Target for next evening: “Resolved, That nature has more pleasures than art.” President, C. W. Roseberry; Secretary, Miss Alice Pyburn.
Success to your efforts, Mr. Editor, in making the COURIER the newsiest and spiciest publication in the county.
Jan. 12, 1878. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
[Note: Another Teachers’ Directory appeared in this issue. Am going to try to go by district numbers and see if all are listed. MAW]
1. Winfield—Geo. W. Robinson; Miss Emma Saint; Miss Ella Wickersham, Miss Mary Bryant.
2. Arkansas City—E. R. Thompson; Miss M. L. Ela; Mrs. T. M. Theaker.
3. Littleton—J. N. Crawford.
4. Winfield—M. H. Markcum.
5. Dexter—T. H. Aley.
6. Arkansas City—Miss Lussetta Pyburn.
7. Dexter—T. J. Rude.
8. Winfield—S. T. Hockett.
9. Winfield—E. M. Snow.
11. Ninnescah—J. T. Tarbett.
12. Winfield—John Bowers.
13. Winfield—Miss Mina C. Johnson.
14. Lazette—J. F. Tucker.
15. Lazette—H. T. Albert.
18. Lazette—M. L. Smith.
19. Winfield—Miss Sarah Hodges.
20. Winfield—Miss Mary Pontious.
21. Winfield—Mr. A. B. Taylor.
22. Floral—Miss Sarah Bovee.
24. Rock—E. F. Gard.
25. Darien—J. C. Page.
26. Little Dutch—R. B. Carson.
27. Ninnescah—P. W. Smith.
28. Rock—Miss Matt Minihan.
29. Rock—C. Eagin.
30. Arkansas City—Miss Lizzie Landis.
31. Winfield—J. D. Hunt.
32. Arkansas City—B. F. Maricle.
33. Arkansas City—Miss Kate Hawkins.
34. Arkansas City—Miss Tillie Kennedy.
36. Arkansas City—Miss Dora Winslow.
37. Winfield—Miss Lena Bartlett.
38. Dexter—Miss Mary I. Bayard.
39. Winfield—Miss Ella Grimes.
40. Winfield—Miss Gertrude Davis.
41. Winfield—Geo. W. Rhodes.
42. Arkansas City—J. F. Hess.
44. Winfield—B. W. Rutherford.
45. Winfield—Miss Alice Aldrich.
46. Tisdale—Eugene Millard.
47. Tisdale—R. B. Overman.
48. Winfield—J. Rupp.....[AND]....???
48. Winfield—Frank Starwalt.
49. Winfield—Miss S. E. Davis.
50. Winfield—Miss Allie Klingman.
51. Arkansas City—C. Swarts.
52. New Salem—Mrs. Ida Brown.
53. Arkansas City—Mrs. R. Stauffer.
54. Dexter—A. F. Overman.
55. Winfield—Miss Fannie Pontious.
56. Dexter—Miss Kate Ward.
59. Arkansas City—Miss Mary Pickett.
60. Rock—Miss Alice Pyburn.
62. Arkansas City—J. O. Wilkinson.
63. Cedarvale—Mr. W. J. Stover.
65. Arkansas City—N. N. Winton.
66. Cedarvale—Miss N. P. Seacord.
70. Cedarvale—Miss Martha Thompson.
71. Ninnescah—Miss Lissie [? Lizzie ?] Summers.
72. Red Bud—H. S. Rush.
74. Polo—Miss S. Hollingsworth.
75. Winfield—Robert Keer [? Kerr ?].
77. Winfield—Miss Sallie Leavering.
78. Lazette—M. Hemenway.
80. Lazette—Miss Kate Fitzgerald.
81. Winfield—Mrs. B. Seibert.
83. Cedarvale—Granville Huff.
84. Cedarvale—H. R. Attwater.
85. Maple City—W. E. Ketchum.
86. Maple City—O. S. Record.
88. Dexter—Miss Alpha Hardin.
89. Arkansas City—C. C. Holland.
94. Lazette—J. K. P. Tull.
95. Lazette—Miss Emma Burden.
96. Arkansas City—Mrs. Addie Baird.
97. Winfield—Miss Ella Davis.
103. Winfield—Miss Mag. Stansbery. [could be 108 Dist.]
105. Floral—Miss Amy Robertson.
106. Winfield—Miss Ray Nawman.
107. Dexter—Miss Celia Taplin.
111. Dexter—Miss Veva Walton.
114. Red Bud—Porter Wilson.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878. Front Page.
[Skipped address of John D. Pryor, delivered at installation of officers of Winfield Chapter No. 31, Royal Arch Masons, Winfield, January 14, 1878. Pryor signed as “Your Past High Priest.” Address was continued on front page of January 24, 1878, issue.]
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The commissioner of the general land office has decided that this state is entitled to five percent of all the Indian reservations in Kansas. This will make quite an addition to the permanent school fund of the state.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Reddy, the famous road agent, whose exploits between the Black Hills and Cheyenne created such terror last fall, got rich enough, married, bought a farm, and settled down to work as an “honest farmer,” but the minions of the law found and nabbed him.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Sitting Bull is at Fort Walsh, on the Canada side of the river. The fugitive Nez Perces are with him. Sixty lodges of Sioux have recently crossed to that side. They seem to think it is not so nice a thing after all to have such generals as Howard get after them.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Special Agent Amos P. Foster gives the names of about sixty persons who were engaged in the enormous Texas land swindles. Since Ham and Stevens were arrested in Kansas City, three months ago, Mr. Foster has been working up this matter; and has uncovered the most extensive gang of forgers ever heard of.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
We wish congress would do quickly what it is going to do about the silver bill. It is not the silver or the want of it that is doing a tithe of the damage to the business of the country as is this state of uncertainty and suspense. Almost any condition of things, if permanent, is better than this agitation and suspense.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Canned hash is the latest can(ie) dodge of the thrifty New Englanders. Anything will sell if put up in cans by some Eastern firm. It is perfectly absurd for Kansas people who can raise plenty of the best corn for canning at a cost of twenty cents a bushel, to pay thirty to forty dollars a bushel for Eastern corn.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
It is claimed that a free coinage of silver dollars, full legal tender, will create such a demand for silver bullion that a 412½ grain silver dollar will be worth as much as a gold dollar, which, it is claimed, will have declined because in less demand. With the general belief that the silver bill will become a law, and gold down to 1-7/8 percent premium, it does look just now as though the claim was well founded.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Topeka has a free library. It takes about $100 a month to pay running expenses; the rents are $300 a year and other expenses about $800. The resources are mostly donations. The books are procured partly by purchase and partly by donation. There are 3,130 volumes. The reading rooms are kept open at all suitable hours, are pleasantly furnished, and well warmed and lighted under the charge of a salaried librarian. It bids fair to become the most valuable institution of the capital city.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The U. S. Supreme Court has decided that the Missouri law prohibiting the driving of Texas cattle into that state is unconstitutional, as interfering with commerce between the states. This law is similar in its effect to the laws of our state in relation to Texas cattle. There are two sides to this question. It may be that the state cannot prohibit the driving of cattle into the state as a matter of interstate commerce, but she surely may protect the health of her inhabitants and of their stock by quarantine regulations. But we suppose the decision is final.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Mr. Price has introduced a bill in the house to prevent the further contraction of greenback currency. It provides that the volume of legal tender notes shall not be reduced below $350,000,000. We think this is a good bill under the present circumstances. There is practically no need of a further reduction of the volume of greenbacks. Resumption could take place today with scarcely a ripple of monetary disturbance, and then gold speculation would cease and the business of the country would be on a substantial basis.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
We honor Judge Campbell for his independent speech to a large Wichita audience in opposition to the remonetization and anti-resumption views which his audience rabidly and almost unanimously held, knowing, as he did, that his views were extremely unpopular. No one can accuse him of siding with the rich against the poor, for it is well known that his sympathies have always been with the laborers, farmers, and producers as against all who unduly take advantages of their necessities or speculate upon their hard earnings. We very well know that his convictions of what would be best for these and, at the same time, just to all, would determine the financial policy he would advocate. He is one of the very few men who are capable of comprehending this question and have made it a subject of study and observation for a long time, and his opinions of what is just for our Kansas farmers and laborers are entitled to great weight.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878. Editorial Page.
Burglars operate nightly at Wichita.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The Wichita Eagle says: “Cowley County started a long ways ahead of Sedgwick, which was a howling wilderness when Cowley was boasting of an advanced civilization.” We recollect that in 1876 we first visited Sedgwick and Cowley. We found Wichita a city of 75 houses and the country about dotted with claim houses. Such was the “howling wilderness.” From there we went to Cowley. Saw only five claim houses in the latter county until we got to Winfield, which city consisted of Col. Manning’s old log store and claim house, Max Shoeb’s log blacksmith shop, and Dr. Mansfield’s slab drug store. Such was the “boasted civilization.” Neighbor M. M. M, we fear you depend too much on Canon Farrar and Henry Ward B.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A GOOD SHOWING. The population of Cowley is greater than that of any other county in Kansas, west of a line drawn north and south through Topeka. Taking the school population as a basis, and counting three inhabitants for each person of school age, we had in this county on the 31st of July last 14,040 people. Today we have probably sixteen thousand inhabitants. We have distanced Lyon and Sedgwick counties with their important cities and Butler with her aspiring candidate for fame, and Mr. Eaglenewsandtimes may put this fact “into his pipe and smoke it.” As shown by the reports of county superintendents on the 21st of last July, Cowley had 236 more school children than Butler, 759 more than Lyon, and 868 more than Sedgwick County. Our increase in school population during the last school year was 1,139, this being the greatest increase shown by any county in the state. Sedgwick County comes next with an increase of 1,055. The fourth on the list is Sumner, with an increase of 932, and the sixth, Butler, with a gain of 715. Is not this a right good showing at the head of the great quartette and “will we have no railroad.” Winfield Courier.
We copy the above in full, and freely give it for benefit of our circulation; and right here we wish to say, plainly and boldly that, next to Butler, Cowley is the best county in Kansas. There is no discount on that statement.
We are willing to admit, also, that they have more school children down there—
prettier children and smarter children—than any county in Kansas except Butler. No use talking brother Millington, the great Walnut Valley beats them all. Cowley takes the lead in wheat and children; Butler in hogs and red-headed men; Sedgwick in lying and blowing.
Just wait till the grass grows, and spring comes, and the assessors get out taking the census and we will surprise you on population just for the fun of the thing.
Eldorado Times.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Salina is to have gas works.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The state penitentiary contains 483 prisoners.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
John C. Carpenter, of Neosho County, president of the state senate, has been appointed collector of internal revenue for the district of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Mr. Adams, a Congregational minister, late of Winfield, preached last Sunday morning and evening in the Congregational church at Fredonia.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
And now it transpires that the item that has been going the rounds of the press about coal in Barton County is a hoax. The people out there sympathize with Bent.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Hon. D. C. Haskell has introduced a bill in congress providing for the appropriation of about $40,000 with which to pay the fees of attorneys in the Osage ceded land cases.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The Associated Press met at Leavenworth on the 16th and elected officers. This is an association of the publishers of daily papers in Kansas City, St. Joseph, Leavenworth, Lawrence, Topeka, Atchison, and Ft. Scott to obtain the regular telegraph dispatches.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Pratt County lies west of Reno and south of the Arkansas River. Settlements were begun there last summer. The county is still unorganized, but they have a newspaper, the Citizen, published at Stafford, and at a meeting held the 11th of January, it was resolved to build two schoolhouses and open as many schools at once.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
As the result of the Murphy movement in Sterling, all the saloons of the place were closed. The next step was to get out a charter under the state law and organize a “social club.” Liquors were purchased and the lovers of the ardent were happy again until the Murphyites bought more than half the stock of the concern and at the next meeting disbanded it.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The railroad riot last summer cost the state of Pennsylvania seven hundred thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The production of precious metals of the United States during the year 1877 was gold $45,300,000; silver $46,075,000; lead, $2,900,000 (very precious?), copper, $975,000. Total: $95,250,000.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A mob of 150 roughs have entered and seized the town of Lead City in the Black Hills, deposed the public officers, and chosen others from their own number and are holding high carnival.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A lode of ore was recently struck a short distance west of Pueblo, Colorado, which yields the enormous sum of $12,000 in gold and $1,100 in silver per ton. The excitement is intense.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878. Supplement.
In the long disputed Wallowa valley, the home of the Nez Perces, there are now about sixty families. Many of these have gone there since Joseph left.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Last season one hundred and forty-eight track associations held membership in the National Association for the Promotion of the Interests of the American Trotting Turf.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The south bridge is up. Bring on your wood.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Dr. Howe, of Lawrence, proposes to establish himself at Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The stone building beside Boyer & Wallis’ store is progressing rapidly.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
BUSHNELL. A new city has been laid out on the old town site of Ninnescah.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Hon. T. R. Bryan, our efficient county treasurer, has returned from Topeka.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Ira McCommon has the cutest little buffalo robe you ever saw. Call and see it.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
John M. Rothwell, the Oxford Mill man, is reported to have made an assignment.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
It is reported that James Kelly has been appointed and confirmed postmaster at this place.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
BIRTH. A. G. Wilson is happy and steps around with the air of a duke. It is a girl of nine pounds.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The result of the late series of meetings at the Presbyterian Church is the accession of about thirty members.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A. A. Jackson, the restaurant man of Winfield, has been for some time confined to his bed by rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Mr. Oliver, of Vernon, has for some time been so seriously ill that it has been feared he could not recover.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Our girls at Topeka say that Gen. Kilpatrick’s lecture was the nicest, finest, the best lecture they ever heard.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
J. L. M. Hill and J. H. Finch are the deputies our new sheriff has appointed. We think he has made good selections.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Billy Anderson, who used to flourish in Winfield as “one of the boys,” is now in Baxter Springs running a livery stable.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A report has reached us that L. J. Webb of this city has been appointed and confirmed as register of the land office at Wichita.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Will Holloway has our thanks for the valuable statistics of amount of taxes collected for the several funds which appear in this issue.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Notice the new “ad.” of J. T. Wilson & Co. They are the best kind of workmen and will supply tin work and stoves at prices and of quality that will be sure to please.
To Your Interest!
Have just opened a new
Stove and Tin Store.
Job Work & Roofing a Specialty.
Prices Lower than the Lowest.
Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
Next Door East of McCommon & Harter’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The first load that passed over the new south bridge was Col. McMullen’s safe, headed by six yoke of heavy oxen. The weight of the team and load was not less than twenty thousand pounds.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Isaac Conner and George C. Holman, attorneys of Rochester, Indiana, were at Winfield on the 17th to take the deposition of G. R. Bearss before H. E. Asp, to be used in the Indiana courts in an important partnership case.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Wm. Stivers, Jr., is at Winfield, and is doing most of the work in the county clerk’s office for Cowley County, as deputy, or assistant. It is said that he proves a worthy “chip off the old block,” and makes a popular and efficient official. Fredonia Citizen.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The Presbyterian Church has a new bell. It has an excellent tone, and will call out the people to church with more solemnity than the school bell has heretofore done, we suppose. We believe the church and the city are indebted entirely to Mrs. Houston for this splendid bell.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
John Smalley, of Eden, Atchison County, Kansas, has been looking for a location down through Kansas, and has finally concluded that Cowley County is the best part of the state, and of course will locate among us. He is a good farmer, and we will welcome him in the spring.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
McAvoy’s Hibernians are performing at the towns east of this place and will be here after awhile. Their performances elicit many compliments from the press, and consist of Irish comedies, songs, and wit. The principal performers are Charles McGinnis and Miss Arenza Armond.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
This particular part of drouthy Kansas has of late had an unusually long spell of mud. The stages and mails have been hours behind time, and for some cause have not always brought all the mails that were due. Freighter’s rates have been quadrupled and some refused to move at any price.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Ed. Bedilion rode a good horse down to examine the south bridge, but while making his inspection, the horse played a joke on him by returning alone. Ed. did not say any cuss words as he waded back through the mud, but don’t say anything to him about it for he may forget himself yet.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Mrs. E. J. Dawson, of Rock Creek, has had the milk from five cows for the year from January 20, 1877, to January 20, 1878, from which she has supplied a large family with abundance of milk and cream and has made during the year eight hundred and fifty-four pounds of butter. How is this for drouthy Kansas?
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
We have been favored recently by calls from many of the substantial men of the county, including Harvey Smith, W. H. Melville, D. C. Beach, S. D. Klingman, Z. B. Meyer, E. Perigo, R. Thirsk, H. C. McDorman, C. W. Roseberry, M. B. Repp, C. H. Woodin, C. J. Brane, W. M. Wetherall, and W. Wilson. Thank you, gentlemen; call again.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The following presidential post offices in Kansas were reviewed and the salary fixed as follows on the 1st instant: Burlington, $1,100; Clay Center, $1,000; Coffeyville, $1,100; Girard, $1,200; Hiawatha, $1,200; Osage City, $1,100; Rosedale, $1,100; Winfield, $1,200. The salary of the Emporia office was increased from $1,900 to $2,000.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
ANOTHER ANSWER. Since our outside went to press, we have received more letters of inquiry, one of which is not answered in that editorial, and we answer it here. This county and city are not good places for a young man without capital to come to. Do not come unless you have either money, or energy combined with muscle, or indomitable perseverance combined with endurance. Either of these is capital. Without either, you will miserably fail. With these, there is no place on earth where success is sure.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Tell of your big sycamore trees; they are of little account compared with a walnut tree recently cut by J. G. Titus near this city. The top end of the first log cut off for fencing timber measured four feet eight inches in diameter of clean timber sound as a dollar, not measuring the bark. Every seven feet in length of such a log contains one thousand feet of sound clear lumber, inch board measure.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Rev. C. J. Adams, of Winfield, preached at the Congregational church last Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and will hold services there next Sabbath, the 13th, at the same hours. All that can should go out and hear Mr. Adams, who is reported to be a minister of fine ability. The Congregational church may decide to engage him as pastor for the ensuing year.
Fredonia Citizen.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
GREENBACK CLUB. The citizens of Vernon Township met at Valley View school-house on the 9th inst., and organized a society to be known as the “Valley View Greenback Club.” A. S. Williams was elected president; F. W. Schwantes, vice president; C. A. McClung, secretary; Thomas Deacon, treasurer. Will meet every Wednesday evening. Invite speakers from other towns.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
George Miller is in the meat market business again and the people of Winfield will be happy. This time he is in a new, clean building, just east of McGuire and Crippen’s store; his counter and block are new, his scales, saw, meat-ax, and knives are new, and he looks as if he might be new too. Everything about his shop is clean and sweet, and George knows what good beef is before it is slaughtered and is sure to have the tenderest and best; then he knows just how to cut it up and serve it, and knows how to treat his customers so that they will come again. George is a success.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
We deem it necessary to decline the communication on future punishment. We have not inflicted, and do not intend to inflict, our own religious beliefs or those of anyone else on our readers. We shall give religious information as a matter of news only, and shall avoid provoking any controversy on such subjects through our columns. Each of our readers will attend such churches and read such religious works as he shall approve; and we shall confine ourselves to morals, politics, news, and the general material interests of the people of our county. The COURIER will not discuss the doctrines of either theology, law, or medicine.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
THE WINFIELD CITY MILLS propose to keep pace with the increasing demand for fancy flour and are refitting and refurnishing from base to turret with new first-class machinery. As clean wheat is the first essential of first-class flour, the latest and best approved cleaning machinery has been procured, and new bolts of greater capacity are arranged on the new theory for merchant bolts. The leading point in the new arrangement is, that after the wheat is thrown from the scales through the floor, it is not seen again until it has passed through the entire mill and appears at the new packer in fifty pound sacks ready for market. The reputation of the Winfield mills’ flour is already equal to the best Kansas brands, but when they start on the “new deal,” look out for flour that beats the world.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878. [Editors: D. A. Millington and A. B. Lemmon.]
The south bridge across the Walnut River is completed, accepted, and in operation, and now we swing our hat and give the three times three and a tiger with the best of them. It is ready for operation just in time, for the river has recently come up booming again, nearly ten feet above the ordinary stage. The bridge is one of the most beautiful iron structures we ever saw, and appears to be in every way strong and substantial. It is 150 feet span, 33 feet above low water, on substantial stone abutments, and the approaches are splendidly graded. When the proposition was submitted to vote $2,500 bonds to this bridge and $3,000 to the west bridge, we opposed the proposition because we did not believe we could build both, and voting so small a sum as $2,500 for the south bridge would ensure its failure. But the bonds were carried and the splendid management of the township board with the contributions and active aid of other citizens has proved us to have been mistaken. But while great credit is due to the board and others, we are mainly indebted to the efficient and persistent efforts of M. L. Robinson that this project has been worked up and carried though to complete success at so little cost to the township.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. Claims allowed Jan. 10.
Bailiffs: B. Covert, $9; J. H. Finch, $9; E. L. Walker, $9; G. L. Walker, $9.
Pauper bills: J. V. Hines, $6.35; G. P. Wagner, $47.50; M. D. Stapleton, $8.87; S. E. Burger, $97.40; T. H. Thompson, $5; Boyer & Wallis, $18.50; Houghton & McLaughlin, $14.80; W. G. Graham, $28.70; K. Cline, $20.
Sheriff: R. L. Walker, $74.50, $6.05; $14.75; $46.75; $13; $24; $10.50; $8.00.
Deputy Sheriff: H. W. Dunning, $3.75; G. H. McIntire, $4.00; G. L. Walker, $2.45.
Hardware: H. Jochems, $14.
Clerk’s costs: A. Hammatt, $16.30; E. S. Bedilion, $6.40; $8.70; $3.25; $11.05; $6.10; $6.75.
Sawing wood: G. B. Rowland, $75.
Witnesses: W. Dolby, $4.30; $3.80; T. Wright, $1.50; F. Greer, $10, $1.20; J. Wood, $12.40; J. R. Bush, $13; S. Johnson, $2.40; J. Woodin, $1.90, $.80; D. Goodin, $2.10, $1.10; C. H. Woodin, $.80; $1.90; M. Bausman, $.80; A. W. Patterson, $3.80; R. L. Walker, $.50; G. L. Walker, $.50; I. F. Moore, $4.10; C. W. Raim, $4.10; A. Walck, $12.10; A. J. Walck, $12.00; W. E. Seaman, $13.60; M. Fitzmorris, $7; D. V. Killion, $6.60; E. Fitzmorris, $7; A. M. Whipple, $5.10; W. H. Grow, $5.40; W. B. Norman, $10.60; J. W. Funk, $6; G. D. Akers, $6.80; W. C. Lett, $5.40; R. A. Lett, $5.40; E. Spraldin, $7.20; E. F. Widener, $5.40; I. Tousley, $4.50; W. L. Hands, $3.80, $7.50; J. L. Pitkin, $6; J. Christian, $4.50; W. D. Linton, $5.50; L. G. Brown, $8.50.
J. P. costs: W. M. Boyer, $7.80, $6,55; J. Christian, $4.80.
Co. Supt.: R. C. Story, $150, $15.
Postage: R. C. Story, $10.31.
Stationery and books: S. Dodsworth, $18; C. B. Hamilton & Co., $40.35; Johnson & Lockwood, $2.50.
Drawing Jurors: R. L. Walker, $2; G. H. Buckman $2; W. M. Boyer, $2.
Jailor bill: R. L. Walker, $73.
Fuel and merchandise: Wallis & Wallis, $1; Baird Bros., $3.10; W. Brown, $5; Mullin & Wood, $10; A. Brown, $4.50; S. H. Myton, $210.50.
Repairing: T. J. Jones, $85, $12.
School examiner: F. S. Jennings, $6; G. W. Robinson, $6.
County clerk: M. G. Troup, $50, $1.50.
Co. printing: E. C. Manning, $15.27; Millington & Lemmon, $62.25.
Road viewers: A. S. Williams, $2; J. Stansberry, $2; J. S. Chase, $2; R. Bowers, $4; W. Turner, $4; K. A. Henthorn, $2; R. S. Strother, $2; A. F. Smith, $2; H. L. Barker, $4; B. E. Murphy, $4; F. W. Schwantes, $1.50; S. D. Groom, $4; J. Stalter, $2; R. Boothe, $2; J. R. Owings, $1.50; T. W. Walton, $18.
Co. Attorney: J. McDermott, $175.
Judgment: P. Wilson, $660.
Counting fund: H. D. Gans, $2; S. H. Myton, $2.
Constable fees: W. J. Gray, $6.60, $1.25.
Jurors: W. Butterfield, $11.60; C. Roseberry, $10.40; A. Smith, $11; L. Baldwin, $14; G. W. Burnett, $10.40; G. B. Green, $11.60; N. E. Newell, $8.60; R. R. Longshore, $10.30; T. Hart, $10; E. Baldwin, $11.60; W. C. Lett, $4; A. J. Walck, $4; A. Walck, $4; L. P. Barnett, $2; J. Jones, $2.
Co. Treas.: T. R. Bryan, $454.90.
Co. Commissioners: W. M. Sleeth, $30; W. White $45; R. F. Burden, $45.
Total: $8,878.85.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Still they come. The following are the new arrivals:
Wm. J. Rarick and family, Jackson Coles and family, John Rarick and family, Henry Fry and family, John Priest and family, Aaron Coffman, _____ Lofman, all of Kankakee County, Illinois; and E. A. Wilson and family, from Iowa. They will all settle in Sheridan Township. Still there are many good claims, and room for more.
The Sheridan lyceum meets every Friday evening at the Sheridan schoolhouse.
There are a great many strangers looking for locations in this part of the county.
Mr. Overman is now teaching a good school at the noted Sheridan schoolhouse, with about 55 or 60 pupils. It is the voting precinct of Sheridan Township.
CHURCHES. The M. E. church has an organization; also the Cumberland Presbyterian. The United Brethren and Baptist hold meetings at the Sheridan schoolhouse and will organize a class there soon. Union Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o’clock; prayer meetings, singing, and spelling school, and lyceum in the evenings throughout the week generally. This is a good country, and the people have the get-up and get about them, and everything goes on smoothly.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
PROBATE COURT. Letters of administration were granted to Edward Gallup, estate of Charles Johnson.
Marriage licenses granted:
Theophilus Wade to Mary L. Moyer.
Wm. H. Hyberger to Mary L. Howard.
John H. Ward to Mary J. Pickett.
At this rate, before long there will not be a Mary to be had for love or money.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Apolos Kinble and Web. Johnson have been sick, but are better.
M. B. Rupp and John McGin are putting up their winter’s wool. Each has cut one tree, from which he obtained five cords of wood.
A movement was on foot for an exhibition at Nose Bud, but the first attempt failed.
Note: They again said “Nose Bud,” instead of Rose Bud. Also, they had “John McGin.”
Think it should be John McGinn.
The United Brethren have closed their meeting. The Baptist still hold on, with but little success.
George A. is a “poor friend.” It all happens from trying to be “a friend to the poor.”
DIED. Since I last wrote you, one of our number has fallen. In the death of Mrs. James Brooks, we have lost a good neighbor. But a few weeks since she met me at church. It was the last time I saw her. While absent a few days, on returning, they said she was gone. May the mercies of God sustain the bereaved friends. Typhoid fever was the disease.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Mr. A. Troup, the father of our M. G. Troup, was elected sheriff of Phillips County last fall. The Kirwin Chief gives him the following complimentary notice: “Our new sheriff, Mr. A. Troup, has taken charge of his office and sails around as if he meant business. He was one of our old board of commissioners, and the people did well to entrust such an important office in his hands.”
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A. M. Fitzsimmons, of Maple Township, sold his farm of 160 acres to Sol. Wise, of Butler County, this state; improvements, 60 acres in pasture, fenced with posts and boards; 100 acres under the plow, hedge fence, 5 acres in orchard (bearing), artificial grove, well, and stock water, and temporary outbuildings. Price: $3,000.
Nelson Litton, of Winterset, Iowa, has also sold his farm in this township to T. P. Green, of Dallas, Iowa; 160 acres, 24 acres under plow, artificial grove, well, and box house. Price $1,000. Mr. Green expects to move onto his farm in February and will be accompanied by one other family.
Mr. Printy, of Illinois, has purchased the old Jacob Martin (of Leavenworth fame) place; 160 acres, 4 acres under plow. Price, $600.
Mr. Row, of Illinois, has also moved into Maple, but has not yet purchased. And still there is room. G.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
J. W. Browning and wife to School District 4, in 14, 33, 3, one acre. $15.
H. N. Banner to T. J. Johnson, s. e. 14, 32, 4, 160 acres, $2,500.
F. A. Cowles and wife to A. B. Cowles, s. w. and s. e. of n. e., 15, 34, 3, 80 acres, $100.
Isaac P. Frier to W. Pennington, s. w. 10, 31, 3, 160 acres, $850.
W. Gibby and wife to W. P. Delany, n. e. 36, 35, 2, 30 acres, $300.
A. Graff to S. R. Lee, s. e. 18, 33, 3, 160 acres, $800.
B. L. Hayworth and wife to S. Ferguson, s. e. 1, 32, 4, 160 acres, $250.
A. D. Lee and wife to S. B. Strong, n. e. 17, 30, 4, 160 acres, $2,800.
John Lamb and wife to M. L. Read, n. w. 17, 33, 6, 160 acres, $500 [?].
J. C. McMullen to H. W. Hutchinson, w. of s. w. 2, 34, 3, 80 acres, $200.
J. W. Shackelford and wife to A. Esterbrook, w. of n. e. 18, 33, 4, 80 acres, $640.
A. J. Thompson and wife to W. Snyder, lot off n. w. 27, 32, 4, $35.
R. B. Waite and wife to J. J. Hinkley, e. of s. e., 30, 34, 5, 80 acres, $115.
M. L. Read et al to James Runton, lot in 28, 32, 4, $150.
C. N. Gale to S. L. Brettun, 9, 33, 7, 240 acres, $1,600.
James Harden and wife to A. A. Wiley, n. w. 7, 33, 7, 160 acres, $3,750.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: If you will give me space in your excellent paper, I will give a few items.
Mr. James Harden traded his farm near Dexter to Mr. A. A. Wiley for his store in Dexter and is driving things lively.
Last Monday was a lively day for Dexter, as it was “hog day” for this place. Messrs. Elliott and Harden weighed and started to some Eastern market with over 300 head of fine hogs.
Dexter has three good stores and two blacksmith shops. P. G. SMITH.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Items from the Traveler.
The streets were crowded with teams last Saturday.
Saturday night’s mail arrived Sunday noon this week.
The prairie wolves killed fourteen of W. B. Turner’s sheep last week.
R. A. Houghton sold his house to Mr. Stanton, of Oskaloosa, Iowa, last week, for $700.
L. H. Hope, of Winfield, has the finest stock of jewelry we have seen in the Southwest.
A small flat-bottomed boat was built and placed on the river last week, bound for Ft. Smith.
Mr. Stafford purchased Col. McMullen’s residence for $2,500. It is the best dwelling house in this locality.
A shot gun went off in Berry Bros. store last week and bored a hole in a shelf and spread three boxes of boot blacking around promiscuously.
Mr. Lippmann took the contract to haul Col. McMullen’s safes to Winfield for thirty dollars. He has six yoke of oxen to each wagon. The safes weigh 4,000 and 4,460 pounds each.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
The Methodist Sunday school will meet hereafter at 3 o’clock in the afternoon. The first ringing of the bell will be at 2:30; the second at 3 o’clock. A song service of ten minutes (from 2:50 to 3) will be held every Sunday. As it was not convenient for us to continue our Sunday school service at 12:30, we have chosen this hour as the most convenient for all. We must cordially invite all persons, not already connected with the other schools, to join with us. We hope to make our school a pleasant and profitable place to spend an hour, and want it well filled with both old and young. We have an infant department, under the able supervision of Mrs. S. S. Holloway, which meets in the lecture room. This department already numbers fifty, but we have room for more and want our number in this department largely increased. We are trying to make our Sunday school such an auxiliary that the church will feel its influence and importance, and we ask the parents to see that they and the children are always there.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
ED. COURIER: In the midst of pleasant skies o’er head and mud under foot, we still plod the even tenor of our way.
Mr. Southard, who suffered from the recent burglary, is becoming more reconciled to his loss, but chafes to think the thief is still at large, ready to pounce upon some other unsuspecting victim.
Mr. R. McNown has just returned from Independence, expecting to have brought a load of goods for Southard, but on account of the bad roads, returned light, saying: “I would not have hauled a sack of coffee even for my grandmother.”
R. P. Goodrich expresses himself as having plenty of business—repairing wagons.
W. Keys, our young blacksmith, appears to be doing a thriving business.
Our part of the county begins to attract the attentions of emigrants. A party from Missouri recently took claims on the state line, west of A. A. Wiley. The party consists of three families, having sufficient means to start nicely in the stock business, which they intend making a specialty.
Mr. Ketcham’s school is progressing steadily. Among the scholars worthy of notice, in regard to deportment and recitation, are Jane Montgomery, Della Goodrich, Mary Woods, John Montgomery, and Roscum McNown.
Jan. 17, 1878. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Up to January 1, 1878, Treasurer Bryan had received of the taxes for 1877 the following amounts.
State $4,386.88
County $4,785.70
County bond $1,196.41
Beaver township tax $24.13
Bolton township tax $48.41
Bolton township road $157.33
Creswell township tax $249.96
Creswell township bond $1,078.36
Creswell township road ______
Cedar township tax $16.77
Dexter township tax $36.86
Harvey township tax $14.80
Liberty township tax $36.72
Maple township tax $12.25
Ninnescah township tax $52.23
Omnia township tax $9.05
Otter township tax $28.62
Pleasant Valley township tax $35.48
Richland township tax $35.22
Rock township tax $38.18
Spring Creek township tax $24.99
Silver Creek township tax $16.29
Silverdale township tax $18.77
Sheridan township tax $14.64
Tisdale township tax $28.58
Windsor township tax $32.61
Winfield township tax $169.46
Winfield township bond $1,016.74
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
ED. COURIER. Mr. Henry Thompson is in a dangerous condition, suffering greatly from a chronic sore leg. He is afraid he will lose it.
A. H. Smith, the Otto P. M., is feeding forty head of cattle and about sixty head of hogs.
The prospect for a large yield of wheat never was better. There are many fine fields in this vicinity, especially those of F. P. Myers, Donald Jay, W. A. Metcalf, Wm. Patten, and J. H. Hendrix, on Beaver creek, and W. M. Morgan, John Belles, and a great many others that I will notice at some other time. I GUESS.
Jan. 18, 1878.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A white carpet was spread over mother Earth Saturday night, January 12th, drifting on Sunday in some localities in such large banks as to blockade the public highways.
I see a new correspondent appears from the north part of Richland. Won’t someone give the news and items from the east part of the township? I will hereafter confine my notes to the west and center if L. will represent the north and someone the east and south.
Floral Literary has “gone dead;” committed “susanside” Thursday night, January 10th, 1878. An inquest will be held soon to ascertain the cause of its death.
Prairie Grove District No. 108, has a nice literary every Saturday night.
Darien Grange installed its officers Tuesday night, January 8th, 1878. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, they had a nice time and a good supper. Little Dutch installed Thursday night, 10th, and Floral on Friday night, 11th. C. Coon and ______ Jeffries did the installing at Floral.
The ring hunt was a failure.
The Good Templars were to organize last Saturday night at Floral. C.
[We depend upon this correspondent for Southwest and Center Richland. L., at Polo, will attend to the North, and we will have another for the East. ED.]
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Wheat, per bushel 70 to 75 cents.
Corn, per bushel 20 cents.
Oats, per bushel $1.00
Potatoes, Irish, per bushel $1.00
Potatoes, Sweet, per bushel $1.00
Onions, per bushel $1.00
Turnips, per bushel 25 cents.
Flour, per 100 pounds $2.50 to 3.00
Flour, Graham, per 100 pounds $4.50
Flour, Buckwheat, per 100 pounds $4.00
Corn meal, per 100 pounds $1.00
Dressed hogs, per pound 3½ cents.
Lard, per pound 8-1/3 cents.
Butter, per pound 12½ cents.
Turkeys, dressed, per pound 5 cents.
Chickens, dressed, per pound 5 cents.
Quails, per dozen 75 cents.
Eggs, per dozen 10 cents.
Wood, per cord $4.00
Wheat, No. 2, per bushel ................. None offered
Wheat, No. 3, per bushel ................. 1.02
Wheat, No. 4, per bushel ................. .92
Live cattle, per 100 pounds .............. 2.10 to 4.45
Live hogs, per 100 pounds ................ 3.50 to 3.60
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
Teachers’ Examinations.
Public examinations of applicants for teachers’ certificates will be held during the coming year at the following times and places: February 22nd and 23rd, at Arkansas City, Dexter, and Winfield; April 5th and 6th and October 25th and 26th at Winfield, and at the close of the county institute for 1878. A State examination will probably be held during the spring or summer at Winfield.
Certificates of grades one and two will be issued upon examination in orthography, reading, writing, English grammar, geography, arithmetic, United States history, and constitution. Grade “A” certificates require an examination upon the following additional branches: book-keeping, industrial drawing, the elements of entomology, the elements of botany, and the elements of geology.
Second grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 70 and whose average is 75 percent; first grade certificates will be issued to candidates whose standing in no branch falls below 85 and whose average is 90 percent; grade “A” certificates will be issued to candidates who have a standing in every branch of not less than 90 percent.
Certificates can be neither extended nor dated back.
Private examinations are contrary to law and cannot be given.
Only those teachers who hold certificates can legally teach, and with those only should school board contract.
R. C. Story, Geo. W. Robinson, F. S. Jennings. Board of Examiners.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
[Published in the Winfield Courier January 24th, 1878.]
Ordinance No. 69.
An ordinance to provide for taking the census of the city.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.
SECTION 1. That the census of the city of Winfield be taken within twenty (20) days after the publication of this ordinance; and that said census be taken by the Mayor or someone appointed by him; and that the person so taking said census shall receive for his compensation not to exceed the sum of two dollars per day.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Cowley County Telegram and Winfield COURIER.
Approved January 21, 1878.
R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
[Published in the Winfield Courier, January 24th, 1878.]
Ordinance No. 70.
An ordinance to increase the limits of the city of Winfield.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.
SECTION 1. That the limits of the city of Winfield be increased by the addition thereto, and the incorporation therein, of the territory adjacent thereto, platted and recorded by E. C. Manning, in the office of the Register of Deeds, of Cowley County, Kansas, and by the addition thereto, and the incorporation therein, of the territory adjacent thereto, platted and recorded by M. L. Read, in said office, and by the addition thereto and the incorporation therein, of the territory adjacent thereto, platted and recorded by J. C. Fuller in said office.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved January 12, 1878.
R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
By R. C. Story.
Note: I am going to name district and enrollment only.
4, 26; 6, 21; 7, 30; 10, 38; 15, 28; 18, 29; 21, 46; 25, 41; 26, 44; 30, 44; 31, 27; 87, 88; 38, 21; 89, 41; 40, 33; 41, 30; 42, 24; 45, 35; 46, 45; 47, 50; 48, 20; 50, 43; 54, 36; 61, 22; 62, 56; 65, 23; 69, 31; 78, 42; 81, 27; 85, 31; 91, 25; 94, 40; 97, 20; 107, 23.
The above figures are taken from reports sent in by about one third of the teachers in the county. Why do not all of them make reports of their schools and forward them promptly? Blanks were gotten up by the state superintendent and have been distributed among the teachers of the state. Who is to be benefited by such labor? There is no statutory law making it obligatory upon a teacher to fill out these monthly banks; but that individual who waits to be compelled to do an act which will result in good to his school is unworthy to be called a teacher or to occupy the position of a teacher.
These reports enable the public to examine the schools, give district boards the basis on which to compare their respective districts with others; put into the hands of the teacher a strong argument by which to appeal to the pride of his pupils, and furnish the people a generous and healthy stimulus in the discharge of their duties and in the promotion of habits of promptness, good deportment, and self control.
Teachers, you who neglect to use this means to aid you in your work are refusing to take advantage of opportunities which can result only in the advancement of your respective schools. Let your pupils feel that their conduct, their tardiness, their promptness, their regularity in attendance, their deportment, their standing in studies will each month go before the eyes of the public and become a source of pride and honor or a cause of shame and sorrow, and you will then begin to see the end sought for in these reports.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
A state examination can probably be held in this county during the coming summer, should the number of applicants justify the state board in taking such a step. All who are interested in this matter should correspond with this office. Full particulars of requirements will be published soon.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
To the School Boards of Cowley County:
GENTLEMEN: The law makes it one of your duties to visit your respective schools; your interests as tax-payers ask you to do the same; your relations as patrons of your respective schools demand this work of you. As school officers, as citizens, as parents, do you feel the obligations resting on you in this matter? You can stimulate the scholars in their labors by calling on them while in school; you can see the methods of your teachers; you can judge of their merits and their defects in no other way so well as by visiting, and you can give the teachers the full benefit of your moral, personal, and official help in the discharge of their important duties. If your teacher needs your help in bringing unruly and lawless pupils into subjection, you should be willing and prompt to meet the demand. You should impress the pupils who may be inclined to insubordination with the fact that you are in full accord with the teacher and that you will allow no disobedience, no rudeness, no disorder to go unpunished. The moral obligations of your position demand this of you, and your interests as parents should compel you to assume and maintain such a stand.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
NORMAL SCHOOLS. No relations of a public nature can be more intimate than those of a teacher to his pupils, and none can be more important than those which he sustains to the agencies and influences that prepare him for his work. Hence, no relations ought to be more cordial than those between the normal schools and every part of that common school system whose mission and purpose are “to secure competent instruction to every child that shall be born.” In the absence of such relations, the normal school as a public institution has no justification for its existence, or if they be merely nominal, if they exist only in theory, then will both the teachers’ seminary and the common school system be shorn of their strength. Said the eminent French statesman, Guizot, in speaking upon this identical subject, “The prosperity of the teachers’ seminary will be the measure of the success of the people’s schools.” He further declares that “without ample provision for the training of teachers, nothing can be done to improve elementary instruction.” Educational Weekly.
Winfield Courier, January 24, 1878.
MISTAKES. It is a mistake for a teacher to suppose that he can keep up with his profession without the aid of school journals.
It is a mistake for a teacher to think that he can get along with school-work without a complete program.
It is a mistake for a teacher to deem it unnecessary to make special preparation for each day’s duties.
It is a mistake for a teacher to think that his duty lies solely in teaching text-book knowledge.
It is a mistake in a teacher to neglect regular and frequent exercises in composition.
It is a mistake to let pupils pass through school without much practical work in letter writing.
It is a mistake for a teacher to allow lip-study by the pupils.
It is a mistake for a teacher to allow whispering among pupils.
It is a serious but common mistake for pupils to be put forward into readers and arithmetics beyond their powers of comprehension.
It is a sad mistake if pupils are not taught honesty, truthfulness, manliness, self-respect in their every day work.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 31, 1878. Front Page.
EDITOR COURIER: It is a sad comment on human nature that selfishness is dominant and a greed for more controls us; and it is equally true that as often as a grasp is made for more, the realization is far less, and disappointment follows.
As a rule, there is no better time to sell a crop than when it is ready for market. The idea of looking into the future and telling what is to be months hence is all wrong.
The spirit that prompts such a practice is the same that rules and ruins many men in business. The gambler in stocks predicts a margin in certain bonds or stocks, and buys or holds when he could dispose of them at a margin. The farmer has his crops or stock ready for disposal, but thinks that in a week or two prices will advance; so he waits until the price must advance a good percentage or he is a loser, as it costs to hold them. The shrinkage on grain when held is very large. The risk of being destroyed by fire, accident, or malice is considerable. With hogs, cattle, and other livestock there is liability of disease and death, to say nothing of the cost of feeding to keep them in condition. Then, again, the interest on the money is an item, and the freedom from worry and care is also an item that counts in the cost. When wheat, oats, corn, hogs, cattle, or anything else you may have for sale is ready, and you are ready to market it, then is the time to sell.
Experience teaches that those who sell early average a better price for their commodities. Not only all these things, but the seller gets his money and can pay his debts, assist general business, and make better times.
All business is largely dependent on the farmer, and the money for his crops should be put in motion. Hundreds of men fail because the farmer has not sold his crops and paid his debts. The wealth that nature gives in the crops is for the public good, and the farmer that holds his crops and refuses to sell is no better than the capitalist, or the man that lends his money at a high rate of interest, or the monopolist who locks up millions of money.
It is due the public that all these immense products should be so handled as to help commerce and relieve business and businessmen, and still you hear them talk about hard times when the trouble is with themselves, for they will not sell their products at a price that the businessman will take hold of, and bring out the money that is now idle.
P. B. R.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
It is generally known that for many years the interior department of the general government held that under the act of admission our state was not entitled for school purposes to the 16th and 36th sections of several of our most important Indian reservations. Under this decision the state lost more than 250,000 acres of land that should have been secured for the benefit of common schools.
Last winter ex-governor S. J. Crawford was appointed the agent of the state to prosecute several claims that we have against the general government. His first victory was to secure a decision giving to the state for school purposes lands in lieu of all that had been lost under the ruling referred to above. For some time our state officers have been wrestling with the question, “How shall these lands be selected?” They have reached a decision that we think will be endorsed by everybody.
Usually, in cases of this character, the legislature appropriates money to pay the expenses of commissioners appointed by the governor to do the work. In this case, no appropriation had been made; and unless somebody would advance the money to pay for doing the work, these lands could not be selected until after another session of the legislature. In the meantime, owing to our present heavy, and rapidly increasing immigration, the best lands in the west would be occupied by settlers and the state would be forced to take those of inferior quality. It was felt by all that it would be a great gain to the state for these lands to be selected at once. Our state officers, we are pleased to say, were “equal to the emergency.” They have decided to advance the money to pay the expense attending the selection of these lands, and to trust to the next legislature for reimbursement. This makes each of these officers personally responsible for the manner in which the work is done, and will give us better lands at less expense in selecting them than we would be likely to secure in any other way.
Four commissioners are now in the field locating these lands. They are men of good judgment, and all have had experience in work of this character. They are expected to go up and personally examine each piece of land selected, to take none but first-class land, and not to locate more than two sections in any congressional township. This latter provision will cause the lands to be scattered as to be more valuable to the state, and least detrimental to the counties in which they are located.
It is expected that all these lands will be selected within the next sixty days, or before the heavy immigration that we are certain to receive this spring, has fairly begun. The sooner they are selected the better it will be for the state. We are assured that the work will be pushed as rapidly as the weather will permit.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Up to now I have been skipping most of the war news...but the following article is rather interesting!
According to the last accounts the army of Sueliman Pasha, 40,000 men, had been overtaken by General Skokeloff, attacked, split in two parts, and defeated, the two parts fleeing in different directions and leaving their 75 guns and other war material with their supplies in the hands of the victors.
Adrianopolis was in the hands of the Russians and an army was advancing on Gallipolis. To understand the situation, one not entirely familiar with that country should have a good map before him. Adrianople is on the Martiza river, one hundred miles north of the Mediterranean archipelago into which that river empties, and about one hundred miles west of the Black sea. It is about 100 miles W. N. W. from Constantinople and one hundred miles directly north from Gallipoli. Constantinople is on the west side of the entrance of the Bosphorus, the strait which connects the sea of Marmosa with the Black sea. From that city through the entire length of the sea of Marmora in a W. S. W. direction 250 miles we find Gallipoli on the right, situated on the isthmus of a narrow peninsula and commanding the approaches to Constantinople from the Mediterranean.
The strait which connects the sea of Marmora with the Mediterranean archipelago is called the Dardanelles and is very narrow at its N. E. end opposite Gallipoli.
In a military point of view, one would say that Gallipoli would surely fall into the hands of the Russians in a short time and thus cut off the communications of the Turkish capital with the rest of Europe. This done, the fall of Constantinople would be only a matter of time.
The British lion sees the situation and howls. Gallipoli is the very joint of meat he intends to grab in the settlement and division of the spoils. He wanted to command both the Dardanelles and the Bosphorus. He orders all the war ships he has in reach, into the vicinity, and asks parliament to make a liberal appropriation for extraordinary purposes, claiming at the same time that he does not intend to intervene.
In the meantime the Czar has named his terms for peace, which are said to be hard, but such as the Porte would readily accept but for the menaces and diplomacy of England.
Austria, too, is ready to interject her demands. Greece and Italy want each a slice, Prussia wants Belgium, and France wants Alsace and Lorraine.
The conclusion of this war is looked to for a reconstruction of the map of Europe and the nations are on the alert. Each of these powers is trying to hide its motives, but Europe is evidently a smothered volcano which may at any time erupt and deluge her slopes with blood.
Since writing the above we have received latter news. The following is a Constantinople dispatch.
“The Turkish delegates have been ordered to sign the peace preliminaries, and the armistice will probably be concluded today. The peace conditions are stated, on excellent authority, to include the following:
Servia to be independent without compensation; Montenegro to receive Antivari, Nicsics, and Spuz, the portions of the territory bordering on Lake Schitosi; Russia to hold Kars, Batoum, and Erzeroum until a war indemnity of $100,000,000 is paid; the Dardanelles to be open to Russian men-of-war; the Bulgarian autonomy to be conceded rather on the principle of Lebanon than on the plan of the Constantinople conference, Turkey to nominate a Christian government for a long term of years, subject to ratification by the powers; Bulgaria is not understood to include Thrace, but only to extend to the line of the Balkans; part of the Russian army to embark at Constantinople for their return home, and the final treaty of peace to be signed at Constantinople by the Grand Duke Nicholas. This arrangement will satisfy the Russian military honor without involving the occupation of Constantinople. There is no mention of Roumania in this dispatch.”
It is not probable that this contains the whole of the terms, but it seems probable that they are, or will be accepted, that the war will close, and that if the other powers who are not provided with a part of the assets are not satisfied, they must get it by their own fighting or diplomacy. The Earl of Derby and Lord Caernarvon have resigned their positions in the British cabinet on account, it is thought, of the excitement on the war question. Other European powers are excited.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Coin in the treasury: $131,514,596.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Outstanding legal tenders: $349,945,776.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The New York national banks propose to resume specie payments at once.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Hon. Thos. Ryan has presented in the House a bill for the relief of the actual settlers on Sac and Fox Indian lands.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
An appalling famine is raging in four provinces in China. Nine millions of people are destitute. Children are sold for food.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
At noon on the 20th a band of Indians attacked a Black Hills freight train on the Sidney route, six miles from Rapid City. One of the freighters was shot through the back and arm and two mules were killed.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Capt. Shaughnessy, who displayed great bravery at the time of the Chisholm massacre, and has been a very earnest and courageous Mississippi Republican, has been appointed United States Marshal for Utah. We score one for the Administration. We hope it will keep on making this kind of appointments. Champion.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Independence paid a lady $50 for falling through a sidewalk.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Some wretch in Eureka is engaged in the business of cutting off the tongues of cows.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
At Humboldt the Murphyites used up fifteen bolts of blue ribbon for badges in one week.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The Kansas State Grange is out of debt, has money in the treasury, and owns about three thousand dollars worth of property.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Walnut Valley Times: Stand up. Last fall when we claimed 1,500 population for Winfield, you “drew” the last census on us. A sworn officer has just taken an authorized census of the city of Winfield and returns a population of 1,611. Now, therefore, you are hereby enjoined from “drawing” this last census on us when next fall we claim a population of 2,000 to 2,500, but you will be permitted to come and count for yourself.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The eastward bound train on the A., T. & S. F. railroad was boarded by about twenty masked robbers at Kinsley, Edwards County, on Sunday morning, the 27th inst. Conductor Mallory grabbed his shooting irons and rang the bell as a signal to the engineer to “pull out.” The robbers were baffled, everything was saved, and all western Kansas is on the warpath.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Treasurer’s Quarterly Statement for
Quarter Ending Dec. 31, 1877.
State $4,571,486
County $14,561,870
County bond $2,131,750
School district tax fund $7,863,733
School district bond fund $12,769,626
Winfield City $14,200
Arkansas City $283,846
Beaver township tax $24,740
Bolton township tax $48,670
Bolton township road $16,540
Bolton township bond $290,030
Creswell township tax $335,224
Creswell township road $138,890
Creswell township bond $1,114,482
Cedar township tax $20,650
Dexter township tax $37,080
Harvey township tax $21,010
Liberty township tax $46,650
Maple township tax $12,270
Ninnescah township tax $32,630
Omnia township tax $12,180
Otter township tax $29,310
Pleasant Valley township tax $57,875
Rock Creek township tax $40,970
Richland township tax $55,670
Silver Creek township tax $21,050
Spring Creek township tax $24,990
Sheridan township tax $56,720
Silverdale township tax $19,310
Silverdale township road $28,200
Tisdale township tax $28,580
Vernon township tax $8,270
Windsor township tax $32,617
Winfield township tax $210,560
Winfield township road $151,020
Winfield township bond $1,306,930
County school fund $159,290
State school fund $1,280,280
Personal redemptions $1,645,992
County redemptions $3,760,260
School land sales, interest $1,016,700
School land sales, principal $865,650
Delinquent taxes $131,920
District court fines $67,000
Normal Institute fund $37,550
County fees $43,400
Office Expense $23.87
Refunded taxes $997.02
Cash: $54,452,781
Total: $55,473,671
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
[Skipped School District Tax/Bond items in this issue submitted by H. W. Holloway, Deputy Treasurer.]
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The wheat in Vernon, Beaver, and Pleasant Valley is very fine.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Men and Murphy meetings! What could our exchanges do for locals without them?
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Mr. Wm. Teeter, of Pleasant Valley, is building a very nice, good dwelling house.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Dr. Goss, a son-in-law of our enterprising blacksmith, Dan Mater, is visiting Winfield.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
At Little Dutch, Revs. Berry and Lahr have been holding religious meetings for the last three weeks, with much interest manifested.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
In Vernon, Rev. Mr. Hopkins and Rev. Mr. Kerr have been holding meetings about three weeks.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Miss Allie Klingman, who is teaching in Vernon, was in town Saturday. She is reported to be one of the best teachers in the community.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
James L. Dyer is Receiver and H. L. Taylor is Register of the U. S. land office at Wichita. This is to correct a mistake of our typos last week.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The original article on first page, by P. B. R., on the best time to sell produce, is well worth the attention of producers. The writer is a clear headed, practical farmer of much experience.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
MARRIED. At the residence of J. P. Short, in this city, on Tuesday evening, January 22, 1878, by Rev. J. L. Rushbridge, Mr. William A. Hybarger to Miss Mary Howland. Both of Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The Murphy Temperance movement will be inaugurated at the M. E. church on Friday evening of this week. Addresses by Revs. Platter, Rushbridge, and others. Let all friends of temperance rally.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
E. S. Torrance, attorney, has recently got up for the supreme court one of the clearest and most succinct briefs we ever saw. He uses the right word every time, and arranges his words in a manner that shows their full value. Of course, he had it printed at the COURIER office.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
In Maple Township, Cowley County, Kansas, are living a couple who have been married for fifteen years, during which time they have lived happily together, yet neither has ever received a kiss from the other. This is the statement of the wife and is corroborated by the husband.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Quarterly meeting services at the M. E. Church next Saturday and Sunday. Preaching by Rev. A. H. Walter on Saturday evening at 7 o’clock and Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. Love feast at 9 a.m. Subject of evening discourse, by the pastor, “Does the Bible teach the existence of a local, endless hell.”
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Max Shoeb, Winfield’s first blacksmith, the other day from new wagon-tire iron, cut, bent, welded, and set twenty wagon tires on twenty wagon wheels in a thorough and workmanlike manner in eleven hours, and he was not much tired himself when the work was done. Where is the man who can beat that?
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
We recently had the pleasure of a call from Mr. G. D. Harvey and Mr. _____ Vaughn, who have recently come here from Washington County, New York. They are temporarily located in this city and will purchase farms as soon as they can determine which of the many favorable chances to take. They will be valuable accessions to our county.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
J. Hoenscheidt is the architect employed by J. C. Fuller, M. L. Robinson, Jay Page, the Misses Aldrich, E. P. Hickok, C. Farringer, and others in the erection of their new resi-dences. These residences will be built in modern style, to combine symmetry and beauty with convenience and stability, and will cost from two to seven thousand dollars each; hence the propriety of employing a first-class architect.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Two stonemasons named Cady and Roberts on last Monday evening got into a fight in a saloon on Main street. Roberts gouged at Cady’s eye while Cady bit at Roberts’ finger. The result was that the eye did not come out but the finger came off. Cady was bound over in $1,000 bonds to answer for the mayhem in the district court. We don’t know anything about the parties, and don’t wish to. We suppose the law will do justice in the case, therefore we suppress our sentiments concerning the transaction to avoid creating prejudice before judicial investigation.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
C. M. Wood, the commissioner appointed by the city authorities for the purpose of taking a complete census of the City of Winfield, has completed the canvass and is making out his report. The total population proves to be (1611) sixteen hundred and eleven. Those persons who were anxious to bet that our city had a population of over 2,000 will be disappointed, and insist that all were not counted; but, knowing the energy and efficiency of the officer, we believe it is as complete a census as could be made.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
JEWELER ROBBED. On Monday night last a burglar entered the store of Schiffbauer Bros., by boring a four inch hole in the outside door with an extension bit, and drawing the bolt. He then bored three holes in the second door with a 3/4 inch auger and cut out enough to admit his hand, drew the bolt, and went into the store. Evidently he knew just where to go for the watches, eighteen in all, kept in a small box in one of the drawers. After taking the watches, he helped himself to some silver plated knives and forks. Arkansas City Traveler.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
E. P. Kinne has a friend East who wrote him for information concerning the inducements for moving into this county. Mr. Kinne answered in such a manner that the friend came out to see. After looking over the situation, he complained to Mr. Kinne for not telling him one-half of the inducements; but Mr. Kinne excused himself with the answer that if the whole had been told, none of it would have been believed and that he probably did not believe all that was told him. The friend answered that such was the fact. Moral: Come and see for your-selves. One of Mr. Kinne’s letters East was published in a local paper and has since called out many letters of inquiry.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
SWISS BELL RINGERS. The Andrews family of Swiss Bell Ringers that gave such a successful entertainment at this place about one year ago will favor us again tomorrow night, February 1st, at the Courthouse. Performances to begin at 7 o’clock, with admission of 25 and 35 cents. We have no hesitation in saying the entertainment given before was one of the best ever rendered in Southern Kansas, and one which our people were delighted with. The exercises will consist of bell ringing, singing, and instrumental music. It will be worth the admission fee alone to see them handle the bells when performing music. Do not miss it or you will regret it until you have a chance to see them.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
St. Louis, Fort Scott and Colorado Railroad.
WINFIELD, KANS., Jan. 28, 1878.
D. A. MILLINGTON, Esq.: The survey from Humboldt to Winfield for our railroad route is entirely satisfactory. We have an excellent line both in construction of a road and points of business. The distance, one hundred and five miles. With the forty-five miles of constructed grade between Humboldt and Fort Scott, we have one hundred and forty-seven miles in construction and location, and the finest country for all purposes within the State of Kansas. Capital stock limited to one million dollars. Paid up stock, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. You being familiar with other details of the company, I will just state that within the next thirty days we will be able to publish our report of survey just completed to your city.
Very respectfully, A. J. FRENCH, Chief Engineer.
The above from the chief engineer, who has conducted the survey from Humboldt to Winfield, condenses much information of interest to our readers. The survey is the first thorough one that has been made into our county. It is substantially a locating survey. The whole country in the vicinity of the line had been thoroughly searched, every foot of the line has been measured, every grade ascertained exactly, every creek, gulch, hill, or other object noted and all the facts recorded, from which the cost of building can be definitely calculated. Mr. French is a thorough, competent, and experienced engineer and a gentleman. The company means business. They do not talk bonds, but work. They propose to iron the grade from Fort Scott to Humboldt (42 miles) first, then talk bonds to Wilson folks. If Wilson aids sufficiently, they will proceed with their work through that county and talk to Elk. If Elk aids also, they will push into that county with their work and ask Cowley to vote. They intend there shall be no promises until they are prepared to perform them.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Frank Starwalt’s school closed its winter term.
Mr. A. M. Snow is teaching his second term in Excelsior.
C. Swarts has opened school in district 51.
J. F. Hess has begun the second term in East Bend.
Miss Ella Grimes succeeded the late Miss Scott in district 39.
Polk Tull’s school, district 94, closed the 29th.
Miss Mary Picket closed her first term in 69 last week.
Miss Lena Bartlett has begun the second term in district 37.
Miss Nellie Aldrich has been teaching in 45 during the recent illness of her sister, Miss Alice.
C. C. Holland, from 89, was in town Saturday last.
J. D. Hunt closed his term in 31 on the 25th inst.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
PROBATE JUDGE. Willis Wilson appointed guardian of Geo. T. and James Critcholow.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, by his honor Judge Gans, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Simeon L. McQuistion [? McQuiston ?] to Miss Mary H. Hunt.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
MARRIED. Married, by Elder E. E. Harvey, at the residence of J. T. Cresswell, Mr. Theodore Moore to Miss Madie Jones.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The mud still continues in Omnia and the roads are in a worse condition than ever known in this part.
Last Tuesday Messrs. George Daggett, Lit Spharr, and John and Ben Stout started to Wichita with hogs. Daggett and Spharr got as far as the Little Walnut and the Stout boys as far as Douglass, where they were obliged to unload and come back, leaving their hogs to be taken care of until such time as the roads would permit to move them.
The debating society at Summit schoolhouse last Monday night decided that it is better to give a child $1,000 in education than $1,000 in money.
Jan. 28, 1878. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Real Estate Transfers.
Jos. Balentine to Levi Stump, ½ w. of s. w. 9, 33, 6; 20 acres, $500.
M. H. Frazer to J. L. Allen, s. e. of n. e. 22 [? 32 ?], 32, 4; 40 acres, $152.
John S. Harmon and wife to L. J. Daniels, s. e. 6, 34, 6; 160 acres, $100.
J. S. Hunt and wife to Wm. J. Cochran, in s. e. 21, 32, 4; 2 acres, $200.
Arthur Corbin and wife to Darwin Eastman, n. e. 29, 33, 4; 160 acres, $1,300.
J. S. Hinkley to Sheridan Cottrell, n. e. of s. e. 30, 34, 5; 160 acres, $115.
A. H. Green and wife to C. C. Pierce, of n. w. 10, 33, 4; 80 acres, $800.
Cyrus W. Pierce and wife to David Harvey, n. e. 9, 33, 4; 160 acres, $2,500.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The mud! the mud! the beautiful mire,
Unnerving pedestrians in horrors dire,
Scattering air-castles here and there,
Causing even the preacher to ____ find
It impossible to express his mind.
After three fruitless efforts to commence a series of meetings at the Centennial schoolhouse, the M. E. minister yielded to fate and retired on his dignity.
J. W. Browning soliloquizes thus: “Mules should have their harness welded on and a stalwart African to flourish a whip over them incessantly.”
Mr. W. D. Lester is ill. His life of active and useful labor is beginning to tell on him.
A series of meetings has been commenced at the Centennial under the auspices of Revs. Down and Blakely, the former, presiding elder of the M. E. Church South.
Ladies, don’t make a mistake and darn the wrong heel. It was “pop corn” George to whom the reporter referred.
Godfrey district wants more school room. Vote bonds, gentlemen; it is fashionable.
Capt. D. Northup is in negotiations about his one hundred and sixty acre aquarium and Allison’s house and Telegram outfit. Success, Captain.
Colorado Brick, after “subtracting” his broad-brim, beaver overcoat and number seventeen brogans, “adding” courage, “multiplying” determination, and “dividing” serenity, succeeds in compressing his manly form sufficiently each morning to effect an entrance into the Thomasville schoolhouse, where he disseminates ideas.
Mr. L. Mouser has returned from the Cherokee nation and reports people happy, no taxes, no bonds, no railroads, and no preachers to support. He will return to this Eden shortly.
Why cannot we have a greenback club and a Murphy society just for a sensation?
Doc., by close attention to his business (hunting is his specialty), contrives to keep on hand the necessary quantity of usquebaugh.
Fearing the length of this will consign it to the waste basket, I subside, and promise to be less tedious in future.
[One page of this communication got lost before setting up. We think the lost page was most interesting. Perhaps Horatius can supply it for next week. ED.]
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Minutes of meeting held at Bethel schoolhouse, district 37th, Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
1. On motion B. McCann was appointed president of society.
2. On motion Peter Paugh was appointed vice president.
3. On motion John Mentch was appointed secretary.
4. On motion M. J. Ross was appointed treasurer.
5. Resolved, That this society be called the Murphy Temperance Society.
6. Resolved, That the meetings of this society be held on Tuesday evenings of each week.
7. Resolved, That we appoint a committee of five on program.
8. Committee on program: Henry Weekly, Quin Paugh, M. J. Ross, Julia Anderson, and Frank Weekly.
9. Vote of thanks to J. L. Rushbridge.
10. On motion the secretary be requested to furnish the county papers with the proceedings of this meeting, and the names of those who have signed the pledge.
Minutes read and approved.
J. L. RUSHBRIDGE, Secretary pro tem.
Rushbridge, J. L. Mentch, John
Bartlett, Lena McCann, Emma
Arnold, George G. Anderson, Eva
Arnold, Rebecca Bryant, Emma
Heffner, Lizzie Sebridge, Maggie
Anderson, Matilda Heffner, Willie
Dressell, Ida Mentch, J. H.
Arnold, Frederick Paugh, John
Weekly, Frank Yount, J. W.
Weekly, Bettie Weekly, Henry
Rodgers, Isaac Yount, J. W.
Anderson, A. Paugh, Quin
Paugh, Peter Cowen, W. T.
Anderson, Alice Ross, M. J.
McCann, Annie Willis, Amanda
Anderson, Julia Dresell, Lewis
Yount, Sarah Bryant, J. L.
Thompson, J. M. Mason, John W.
Bryant, E. J. Paugh, W. D.
Yount, K. E. Arnold, Otho
Date, Davis
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
DIED. This usually quiet community was startled last Monday morning by the announce-ment that Mrs. Compton, wife of Mr. M. Compton, of Spring Creek, was dead. She leaves a family of six children, the youngest of which is only ten days old. She was buried in the grounds of the Beaver Creek Cemetery Association. It is useless to add that the bereaved family have the deep sympathy of the community.
Last spring we had several mad dogs in this vicinity, and several horses were bitten and went mad. Last week two dogs, one belonging to Mr. Brady and the other to Mr. Gallagher, went mad, and now we are shy of dogs. It there are any more cases, I will let you know.
Jan. 24, 1878. I. GUESS.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Plenty of mud.
Drouthy Kansas? Not much.
Beautiful weather overhead, but not many going that way.
Meeting still going on with good prospects. Five members united with the Baptist church by letter and four converts. There are quite a number of anxious inquirers.
Peach buds in good condition yet and the trees very full.
Wheat seventy-five percent, more breadth than last year and looks splendidly.
The jolly farmer, S. W. Phoenix, started to Wichita with a number of fat hogs. Other teams to the number of thirteen went along.
[This should have appeared last week, but was delayed by bad mail facilities. ED.]
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Wheat is looking well in this part of the county, and if the balance of the season proves as favorable as the past, farmers will have a bountiful harvest.
MARRIED. On the evening of the 22nd inst., at the residence of Mr. D. Ward, by W. E. Ketcham, J. P., Mr. John H. Ward to Miss Mary J. Pickett.
R. W. McNown is making preparations to start with his family for the Black Hills in about four weeks. May success attend you, Mac.
Jan. 25, 1878. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
There are some folks living in the township south who would do well to look up the laws of Kansas in regard to falsifying and blurring the characters of others.
The meeting at Mount Zion has closed.
Some of our neighbors started for the Wichita Agency last week. We wish them a safe journey, but our faith fails when we look at the roads.
Our sick are able to sit up part of each day.
Greenback meetings are exciting some interest in this section.
J. A. Rupp has a pony not quite three years old that, a short time ago, measured 3 feet 9 inches tall, 5 feet 4 inches long, and 4 feet 6 inches in girth. He thinks twenty dollars in greenbacks would cover it.
George W. still sheds tears when he thinks of the lone little mitten.
The attraction of George A. at E. B. G.’s is increasing mightily. Where there is so much smoke there must infallibly be some fire. George feels as if he was in paradise. “Oh! it’s funny when you feel that way.”
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Wheat looks very fine.
J. K. P. Tull’s school, in the Armstrong district, closed Tuesday.
The enterprising young folks of this district support a weekly literary society, and a paper, the Grouse Creek Witness, L. L. Newton being editor-in-chief.
Dempsey Elliott started East a couple of weeks ago with a second large lot of hogs. Independence is his market.
Parties on Upper Grouse are agitating the question of putting in a water-mill on the farm of James Lee. As a fine head of water can be had at this place, the move would be a good one.
Parks and Peebler’s sheep have gone through the winter thus far in good shape, a few having died and a few having been killed by the wolves.
S. M. Fall’s herd of Texas steers have become very docile, and seem entirely contented with their boarding house.
Stapleton’s new departure agrees well with him.
Several parties about Lazette have made bids for carrying the mails from Elk Falls via Lazette to Winfield. A change from the administration of other days is very anxiously hoped for.
The new railroad on the air line from the head of Grouse to Winfield went through so rapidly that the people along the valley got to see only the rear end of the baggage car. It is supposed that this train was run through to accommodate Rivers and Moomey in the matter of a bridal tour.
The school at Lazette is in a flourishing condition, the attendance for January averaging sixty-two.
The effort made by our county superintendent to organize a circulating library for the use of the teachers of Cowley County is meeting with much favor among the teachers. A list of books already donated will be published in a short time.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
List of letters remaining unclaimed in the Post Office at Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas, on the 30th day of Jan., 1878.
FIRST COLUMN: Abrams, Chalista; Abrams, A. N.; Abrams, Josephine; Allen, Geo. H.; Alexander, B. J.; Adams, Mrs. Nettie; Adams, Rev. W. M.; Anderson, W. B.; Anderson, C. C.; Baker, W. A.; Banner, John; Beck, R. M.; Beck, Lydia; Boyland, John A.; Bowen, Elisha; Bush, Michel; Bull, Daniel; Byrd, Jerrie B.; Calkins, W. F.; Chappell, James; Chapin, Ed.; Chase, H. L.; Clark, Theadore; Colv [? Cole ?], Evaline; Craig, H. C. A.; Dawson, J. J.; Dickson, W. F.; Dunham, Cyrus; Dyer, George; Elliott, Willis; Furguson, Mrs. B.; Fisk, Hiram; Filley, John W.; Freemont, John; Goble, Eli; Hawkins, J. J.; Harper, Jennie; Harlow, Eliza; Harlow, Wm. E.; Hensley, James; Higgins, Josiah; Higgins, F. M.; Hill, J. H.; Howard, Thomas; Hunt, Frank; Hunt, Fred; Hughes, J. E.; Hughes, Wesley; Huff, D. M.; James, Mr.; Johnston, J. L.; Johnson, J. I.; Johnson, Polly; Johnson, Mrs. L. A.; Jones, Henry.
SECOND COLUMN: Johnson, John M.; Johnson, John W.; Kelley, Wm.; Donnel, Lawson & Co.; Lackey, Missouri; Lewis, Adolphos V.; Lewis, Wm.; Leach, John; Linscott, Nancy; Libby, Nathan; Lindley, Wilson; Martin, Mrs. Mary; Loyd, Hannah B.; Martin, Miss Lim; Meece, Miss Sarah; McKinney, John J.; Miller, Catharine B.; Miller, Harvey; Miller, Kate B.; Moore, T. H.; Murray, W. B.; Phillips, Jasper P.; Quinn, Evaline; Reihl, Eliza; Saunders, Chas. W.; Scott, Louis; Shields, John; Sheles, Miss Anna; Shields, John A.; Sawtell, J. W.; Smith, C.; Smith, Lizzie; Smith, Mrs. M. E.; Stewart, Wm.; Stone, Gus; Steinhour, W. E.; Sweet, S.; Taylor, Susan; Thompson, Miss Anna; True, Lily; Turner, Chas. R.; Vessels, Thomas J.; Walker, H. J.; Watson, W. C.; Wells, Hugh; Whiteman, Geo. A.; White, Sarah E.; Williamson, R. A.; Williams, S. W.; Willis, Wm.; Wilson, Mary F.; Wilson, John P.; Woods, Benjamin; Wright, Maggie.
Persons calling for any of the above will please say “advertised.”
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
C Bliss & Co.’s offer.
C the C’s in Bliss & Co.’s offer
C what an offer Bliss & Co. makes to be
C in this column.
C Any one who will at any one time purchase goods at our store to the amount of $10 cash can have as a premium a choice of a $2.50 hat or a pair of genuine Heavy Buck Gloves.
C Any lady who will buy at any one time goods to the amount of $5 cash can have her choice of a pair of two-button-kid gloves, or 10 yards of best print.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Overcoats at reduced prices at Suss’.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Strictly Pure White Lead and linseed oils at Reduced Prices at Dr. Mansfield’s.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
A first-class 5 Octave Cabinet Organ for sale cheap. Apply at this office.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Fresh Oysters at Ed. Burnett’s.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Wood for sale. Enquire at Franklin’s harness shop.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Our stock of Children’s Shoes is complete. Call and examine them.
W. C. ROOT & CO.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Hobby Horses, Carts, Buggies, and Toy Furniture at J. W. Johnston’s.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Ten varieties of Crackers at Ed. Burnett’s bakery.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Good Coffee and Sugar as cheap as any house in town at Wallis & Wallis’.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
The largest stock of miscellaneous Books, consisting of Poems, Biographies, all the popular Novels, Picture Books, Children’s Story Books, that has ever been brought into the Walnut Valley, can be seen at the Drug and Book Store of B. F. Baldwin. He has a mammoth stock of this class as well as all kinds of Holiday goods. All you who want to buy presents for your friends, there is the place to find them.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
Buy at the Yankee Notion Store. I will sell at greatly reduced rates till after the holidays. Positively cheaper than ever before. I will not be undersold. Try me and see.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
A gold locket marked “Nannie,” between Main street and the stone quarry 2½ miles east of town. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at Fuller’s bank.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1878.
One or Two good, new houses for sale cheap. Apply to Jennings & Buckman.