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Winfield Courier

                              [From February 7, 1878, through March 14, 1878.]

Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Deputy Sheriff Jones, of Wichita, returned to that place last week with three men, Geo. Read, H. A. Webb, and Charles Wilson, arrested near Ottawa, as the parties who stole the horses at Wichita the preceding Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
The house has passed a resolution, ayes 179, naes, 95, that in its judgment no subsidies in money, bonds, public land endowments, or by the pledge of public credit, should be granted or renewed by congress to any person or association to engage in public or private enterprises, but that all appropriations should be limited to such purposes and amounts as shall be imperatively demanded by the public service.
We believe this is the true doctrine if the term public service includes removing obstructions to navigation and communication. We hold it to be proper and right that the government should, for instance, keep an open channel for navigating the Mississippi; but we do not hold that it should allow a private association to own the river and control it for private or corporate profit.
It might have been well enough that the government should have constructed the first road to the Pacific (it did do so in fact for the subsidies it furnished in aid, if judiciously applied, would have built and equipped the road and have left a large margin for profit), but it is not right that a private corporation should own or control the road for the profit of such corporation after the government has built or even aided in building it.
Whatever the government aids in building, clearing, or repairing, it should control for the public benefit and no person or corporation should have any special interest or control therein. It should either be for the exclusive use of the government or be open for the use of all citizens of the United States on equal terms.
The Union Pacific has been a public benefit, of course, but it has been the greatest swindle that was perpetrated on the nation. One-half of the swindle, if judiciously applied by the government, would have made a better road and better equipments, and then the government would have been in a condition to control it and keep it open to the whole public on equal terms, regulating its use and collecting a revenue on its business. It would belong to the public just as the Mississippi does.
We hold that as the government is expending large sums of money on the Ead’s jetties to provide for the passage of the mouths of the Mississippi by large vessels, she has the entire control of these channels and it would be right and proper for her to collect a revenue therefrom.

The Tom Scott Texas Pacific subsidy scheme is another projected swindle, second only to the Union Pacific and should be at once stamped with the condemnation of every member of congress and all thinking, honest men. The principle of the resolution adopted by the house is right and should be crystallized into and become a part of the constitution of the United States.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                             SCHOOL BOND INVESTMENT.
“Kansas wants two hundred thousand dollars of government bonds as an investment of her state school and sinking funds.” This is the substance of a dispatch that is going the rounds of the eastern press. It is read with surprise everywhere, and leading newspapers in all parts of the country are commenting upon it as one of the best evidences of our prosperity. As an advertisement that dispatch will be worth something to the State. It is a successful answer to many slanders.
Every man in the east who is thinking of casting his lot in the west will have his confidence in Kansas increased by the reading of the dispatch. He will think, and rightly, too, that the State that can make such an investment as that is not in very bad condition. The very fact of the subscription will help to give us a standing everywhere. We think we recognize its importance to the State and her interests. We agree with all the papers of the State that have thus far spoken, that in making this investment just at this time, and in the manner in which it has been done, our state officers have rendered good service to the commonwealth; but we want to protest against the legislation that forces them to go into eastern markets and loan the money of the state of Kansas at four percent interest, while our people are compelled to go into the same market and borrow at several times that rate. Last winter a law was enacted providing that the school fund commissioners should not pay above par for state or school district funds. Since the enactment of this law, state bonds have been at a premium of from ten to fifteen percent, and of course they could not be purchased at such a price.
By advertising judiciously, the commissioners have succeeded in getting the most of the best school bonds that have been issued during the year. Some school bonds that had been issued in former years have also been purchased from holders both east and west. Notwithstanding the efforts made to secure the investment of this fund, it continued to accumulate until it amounted to nearly two hundred thousand dollars. Under the law but one investment of this large sum could be made. The commissioners were forced either to invest in government bonds drawing four percent interest or allow the fund to remain idle in the State treasury.
Had the law permitted them to purchase state bonds and pay the premium, in this single transaction, providing the bonds run twenty-seven years, there would be a saving of forty thousand dollars, or two thousand dollars per year. If they were allowed to buy school district bonds at the prices at which they are now selling, the advantage to the State in this purchase alone would be more than ten thousand dollars per year or the full value of the bonds in twenty years. Some unreasonable (?) people will say that this is the price we pay for short sighted legislation.

Our state permanent school fund amounts today to about one and a half million dollars. It is increasing rapidly and in the near future will amount to eight or ten millions of dollars. If instead of trying to keep this great fund in bonds of different kinds, the policy should be to loan it to the farmers of the State, on unquestioned real estate security at about eight percent interest per annum, there would never be any of it lying idle in the State treasury and it would be where it should always be kept—in the hands of the people. We shall never know the real value of this fund to the State until we have a radical change in its management. How long are we going to compel our commissioners to accept four percent interest from the general government, when our people would give them two or three times this rate on a security that is unquestioned? Let the wise man answer. The COURIER will be with the people.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
There are 483 prisoners in the Kansas penitentiary.
At the Kansas Institution for the Blind, nine boys, working four hours a day each, made twenty-five dozen brooms in one week.
There is now in the state arsenal five hundred Springfield breech-loading rifles and two hundred Sharpe’s carbines; also thirty thousand rounds of ammunition. The government owes the state seven thousand dollars for arms.
The Topeka Board of Education has purchased the necessary apparatus for the teaching of the “metric system” in the schools of the city. Their example should be followed by every school board in the state. Our children should become familiar with the system as soon as possible.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
The El Paso troubles are to be investigated.
Capt. Eads has a plan to make a permanent channel for the Mississippi.
A bill has been introduced by Mr. Marsh to provide a metric system of coinage.
A bill has been introduced in congress providing that the metric system of weights shall be adopted in the postoffice system on and after Jan. 1, 1879.
Sitting Bull is said to be this side of the line on Frenchman’s creek with his own band, the escaped Nez Perces, and the bands of Black Moon, Four Horns, Long Dog, and Red Bar, together numbering 1,280 lodges. Over 5,000 women and children and 8,100 warriors went equipped with Sharp’s rifles, plenty of ammunition and government horses and mules and are moving southward on Fort Peck. Gen. Miles can put only 500 men into the field to oppose him. This report has since been contradicted by Major Walsh, writing from Fort Walsh, Canada. He says that Sitting Bull still remains quietly on the north side of the boundary line. It is possible that Spotted Tail’s band and other Sioux tribes who are known to have moved north may have been the Indians that were seen on Frenchman’s creek.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                   [From the Wichita Eagle.]
Gen. Phil. Sheridan arrived in the city last night and left by ambulance this morning for a tour of inspection of the posts in the territory. Many of our citizens called upon him at the Occidental. He was accompanied by his staff, consisting of Gens. Crook and Whipple and Cols. Strong and Moore.
                                                 [From the Wichita Beacon.]

Court will in all probability close the latter part of this week. A great deal of business has been transacted and the docket pretty well cleared. Judge Campbell, without hurry, permits no dilatoriness, and a reasonable amount of expeditiousness characterizes his sittings.
H. G. Sims was the recipient of a valuable gold watch—an Elgin, and one of the best of that factory. It’s a stem winder, half open face, and the cases elegantly enclosed. On the inside of the case is engraved the following legend: “Presented to H. C. Sims, of the Wichita Bar, 1878, by Hackney & McDonald.” This is an expression of their high appreciation of the personal character and legal ability of the leading lawyer of the southwest. We always thought that Sims needed “watching.”
[Note: They had “H. G. Sims” and “H. C. Sims.” Also case/cases referring to watch.]
                                            [From the Sumner Co. Democrat.]
The total majorities for the jail bonds are 312, and the majorities against 329. There is a strong belief that the bonds are defeated.
                                                [From the Sumner Co. Press.]
The Press tells a story of a boy weighing 100 pounds who whipped more than his weight in wild cat. Quimby Gillett is his name and his ferocious opponent was 2 feet high and 4½ feet long. The battle lasted a long time, the ferocious beast springing and the boy each time catching him on a pitch fork. The cat finally surrendered.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                       The Tebo Nursery Co.
                                                              Clinton, Mo.,
Will furnish the citizens of Cowley County with anything in the NURSERY LINE of the best quality at as Low Prices as any responsible firm.
                                              Apple, Pear, Plum, Cherry, Peach,
and all the minor fruits—Currant, Gooseberry, Raspberry, Strawberry, and Grapes in all leading varieties. Evergreens, deciduous ornamental trees, flowering shrubs, and roses in great varieties; also greenhouse stock. Hedge plants a specialty. Grain and stock taken in exchange.
All stock warranted true to name and first-class.
Leave orders at B. F. Baldwin, a drug store, or address the subscriber at Winfield by mail. C. J. BRANE, Agent.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                           B. F. BALDWIN
A large Assortment of Notions.
And in fact everything kept in a first class Drug Store, and all goods warranted genuine.
Physicians prescriptions carefully compounded at all hours of the day or night.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.

                                                 NEW CASH DRUG STORE!
                                                            GILES BROS.,
                                                           Winfield, Kansas.
Drugs, Paints, Oils (all kinds), Varnishes, Glass, Putty, Lamp Chimneys, Patent Medicines, Fancy and Notion Goods,
Perfumery of the first class, Fine Cut and Plug Tobacco
                                                       and Cigars, Snuff, etc.
Our goods are warranted genuine, and prescriptions will be filled at all hours with prompt attention.  3 Doors North of the Williams House.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
                                           CITIZENS BANK OF WINFIELD,
                          (Successors to Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.)
                                    DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS
Pays Interest on Time Deposits, Loans Money on Well Improved Farms.
Has a Very Superior Burglar-Proof Safe, With all the Recent Improvements.
CORRESPONDENTS: American Exchange National Bank, New York. First National Bank, Emporia.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                             A. H. GREEN,
                                          ATTORNEY AND LAND BROKER!
                                                           Winfield, Kansas,
Buys and Sells Land on his Own Account; and for Others, Pays Taxes, Examines Titles.
                               LOANS MONEY, MAKES INVESTMENTS, ETC.
No. 10. 150 acres, 5 miles from Winfield, all second bottom, 100 acres in wheat; fenced pasture of 40 acres, 12 acres of timber one mile from place; house 12 x 16 feet, 4 rooms, good well, stable 10 x 12; 6 acres in orchard—most of trees now bearing, 1½ acres grapes, plants, blackberries. Price, including wheat crop, $2,500.
No. 17. 160 acres, 4 miles from Winfield, 50 acres cultivated, 7 acres wheat; house of 3 rooms, good well and pump, good stable, 100 peach trees. Price: $1,200.
No. 19. 160 acres, 2 miles from Winfield, all first bottom, 50 acres cultivated, 26 acres wheat, small house. Price: $2,200.
No. 23. 400 acres, 240 of which is first bottom, the balance good upland; pine house 14 x 28, 1½ story, with a stone addition 12 x 14 and cellar; good well and spring branch on place; pasture of 50 acres, fenced with good plank fence; 53 acres wheat. Price: $4,000.
No. 24. 100 acres; 90 cultivated, 70 in wheat, house
12 x 20; pasture of 20 acres, fenced with stone; all but 5 acres first bottom. Price: $2,250.
No. 29. 160 acres; 100 cultivated, 60 acres wheat; pine house 14 x 16, hedged all round, less 40 rods; 450 fruit trees.
No. 35. 120 acres, good upland; 70 acres cultivated, house 12 x 16, 1½ story, good well; hedged all round, 500 peach trees, 1 acre forest trees. Price: $1,000.

No. 36. 160 acres; 65 cultivated, 10 acres wheat; pine house 14 x 16, 1½ story, good well and cellar; spring branch on place, 460 peach trees, 1 mile of hedge, all valley land, 5 miles from Winfield. Price $1,600; one-half cash, balance in one year at 12 percent interest.
No. 39. 160 acres; 30 acres cultivated, as other improvements; good upland. Price: $400.
No. 47. 160 acres, 2 miles from Winfield; 75 acres cultivated, 30 acres wheat, log house 15 x 16, 110 apple trees and 1,000 peach—all bearing; good well; hedged all round, and two cross hedges, from 1 to 5 years old; orchard, vineyard and garden all hedged; 170 grapevines; 75 of which are now bearing. Price: $2,000.
No. 48. 160 acres; 40 acres cultivated, 16½ acres wheat, hedged on two sides; 2 miles from Winfield. Price: $2,300.
No. 55. 160 acres; cultivated 70 acres, all good land; 25 acres wheat, house 12 x 16, smoke house 10 x 12, good well, 260 fruit trees. Price: $1,650.
No. 62. 160 acres, 5 miles from Winfield; all under cultivation and hedged into 40 acre tracts by 3 year old hedge; 500 fruit trees, most of which are bearing; pine house 16 x 18, 1½ story, with 1 story addition 12 x 18, wood house 10 x 18; good well in wood house; corn crib 10 x 20; stable 16 x 18; walnut and hickory trees 1 rod apart, all around the place 3 years old.
The above is a fair specimen of the lands in my hands for sale. If there is nothing in this list to suit you, I am sure I have something that will.
The above prices include the wheat crop on the respective tracts.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                     We are Closing Out Dry Goods, Hats & Caps,
                                                         And Boots & Shoes
                                                                AT COST
                                                           For next 27 Days
                                                       LYNN & GILLELEN.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                        GEO. W. MARTIN,
                                                   Makes BOOTS & SHOES
to order from the best stock and gives entire satisfaction to all customers.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
MEAT MARKET.                            GEORGE MILLER
Has always on hand the choicest steaks, roasts, and other fresh meats. Particular attention paid to neatness.
Shop on Ninth avenue, one door east of McGuire and Crippen’s store.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Money to loan on one year’s time by C. C. Harris.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. Leo. Graves has been dangerously ill for the past two weeks.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Ex-Sheriff Walker is erecting a residence in Manning’s addition.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mrs. Reill is building a very neat dwelling in the south end of town.

Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
There was a full force of men working on the west bridge all day Sunday.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
J. M. Dever still runs the bakery which is becoming famous for the best bread in the Southwest.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
DIED. Mr. Rutherford, who has been living on the farm of J. F. Graham, died last Thursday.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Warren E. Christie recently sold an acre of land joining the town site for $200 to J. Cochran.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. Vandeventer is now visiting in Illinois. He will soon return and lay out his land south of Timber Creek in an addition to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
The city council recently extended the city limits to include Fuller’s, Manning’s, and Read’s additions.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. N. Edwards was up last week with about ten thousand pounds of fine fish from the Salt Fork, Indian Territory.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
We would call particular attention to the new card of George Miller’s meat market. If George cannot suit you, the case is hopeless.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
A donation visit will be held in the lecture room of the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, February 26th, for the benefit of J. L. Rushbridge.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
STILL THEY COME. Elisha Groove, from Kankakee, Illinois, has bought the farm of Mrs. Bates, six miles east of town, and will settle upon and improve it.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
It is expected that the Valley View Cemetery, south of town, will go into the hands of a corporation when it will be made more accessible and convenient.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. T. W. Grant, a nurseryman from Kansas City, has bought a farm in Silverdale Township on which he will cultivate a first-class nursery of trees, plants, and shrubs.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Those persons who have been in the habit of driving on the sidewalks in the southern part of the city will much oblige the citizens thereof by using the road which was made for that purpose.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mrs. Joe Barrett’s little child, nine months old, a few days since fell from its high chair on the stove and was burned in a terrible manner. Mothers cannot be too careful with children.

Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Messrs Randall and Evans, Evangelists, are expected in Winfield today to commence the work of a revival. Their success in such work has been scarcely inferior to that of Moody and Sankey.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. Hamilton, of Bolton Township, farther of J. W. Hamilton, the manager of the Parsons road, has so much confidence in the success of that narrow gauge that he has recently invested $1,000 in it.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Max Joseph, an experienced gardener, has two hundred square feet of glass covering his hot-beds, over the river in Land’s bend, and proposes to supply Winfield and vicinity with thirty-two different varieties of vegetables, and very soon, too. Hurrah for Max Joseph!
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Clark & Dysart is the name of the firm mentioned in another place who are about to build a machine shop and foundry in this city. They have purchased four lots on Main street, north of the Anderson house, and will build a two story stone building forty feet square.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
The Cherokee Strip is again open for entry, this time at $1.25 per acre. This does not mean a ten mile strip in the Indian Territory. That humbug has no foundation in fact. The Cherokee Strip is in Kansas and lies along the south line of the state, averaging about three miles wide.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
E. R. Beardsley, of Kankakee County, Illinois, writes to John Rarick, now of Winfield, that in that county there is no business, no road, no money, no whiskey, nothing but mud; that the trees, hills, barns, and houses are gradually sinking down to a common level, and they are going to “lite out” for Kansas in the spring.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
The United Brethren have been holding a series of meetings at Fairview and Walnut Valley schoolhouses with good success; have added twenty-two to their church, and have organized a Sabbath school at Walnut Valley schoolhouse, with A. L. Rarick, superintendent; D. W. Miller, assistant; and Miss Rosy Mater, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
We notice quite a number of gentlemen who have heretofore been inveterate drinkers now wearing the blue ribbon. We have talked with several of them and they say they have taken their last drink. God, boys; stick to it and you will be trusted and honored. “In the bright lexicon of youth there should be no such word as fail.”
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
A man by the name of Coon was on trial Monday and Tuesday before Justice Boyer, charged with abstracting timber from the lands belonging to the Charles Johnson estate. The jury of twelve men hung out all night Tuesday and yesterday morning brought in a verdict of guilty. Defendant moved for a new trial. County attorney McDermott for prosecution; E. S. Torrance for the defense.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.

A. H. GREEN never does things on a small scale. When he advertises he either takes a whole column or a whole paper, and is not satisfied with a circulation of moderate extent. See his new double half column advertisement in this issue, and when you have real estate to sell or buy, be sure and give him a call. He is doing a great work in showing up the county and its advantages to the people of other states.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Notice the new advertisement of the Citizens Bank. Col. McMullen has come to stay and do business. He has invested largely in real estate in this town and will make still further investments, while he is selling at a sacrifice the improvements he has left. He is a gentleman of large means, large business experience, and a large heart. He will of course command a large business patronage in his new location. Mr. Berkey, his assistant, pleases everybody, and will soon attain an enviable popularity.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
THE MURPHY HAS COME, has been around here several days—we mean nights. We heard about Murphy meetings all over the state and all around us, but in Winfield and Cowley County, it was quiet except when someone got a little “chain lightning” for a considerable “lager.” But it was the calm which precedes the storm, and the storm has come at last sweeping away into the Murphy whirlpool, old and young; male and female; rich and poor; hard drinkers and soft drinkers. The meetings have been repeated in quick succession, each patriot has signed that he might save his neighbors, no one has been so selfish as to sign on his own account, but they sign all the same, and the number of names taken in this city already amounts to 103 [? could be 403 ?], and more coming.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
It is reported that immense quantities of the best of timber are being destroyed in the Indian Territory south of this and Sumner counties. If no timber were cut down except such as is actually used up savingly, it would be much better, but this wholesale waste should be stopped at once. Where is the deputy marshal for that territory?
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mr. Samuel Clark, of Boswell, Boston County, Indiana, has lately visited our city and made arrangements to remove to this place, build a first-class machine shop and foundry, and open a business in that line. Mr. Clark is an experienced machinist, having successfully pursued that business for twenty-one years. This will be one of the most important business acquisitions that our city and county have received.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.        
Mrs. Huston requests us to correct the statement that the church and town are indebted to her for the new bell in the tower of the Presbyterian Church. Well, we must take it all back, we suppose, but we insist that we have done her no substantial injustice, for though she may not have procured the bell, we are largely indebted to her for the church itself.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
A man was arrested in Winfield for carrying a town lot off on his boots. Traveler.

The boots were worn by an Arkansas City man. He is about to go into the business of producing “garden sass” on a certain dreary looking knoll near the mouth of the Walnut and was after some good strong soil with which to fertilize it. He failed to get the lot, and in the future the crop on that knoll will be what it has been in the past—small potatoes. Come again, Mr. Sand Hill Crane.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
We would call special attention to the new advertisement of Messrs. Giles Bros., druggists. These gentlemen keep only pure, fresh goods, but have a large stock completely assorted. They thoroughly understand their business, attend strictly to it, are particularly careful in putting up prescriptions, and are always on hand to wait upon their customers in a pleasant and courteous manner. Our readers will do well to call on them for anything in their line.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
REMOVED. The Arkansas City Bank closed its doors at this place last week for the purpose of temporarily removing to the county seat to extend its business. Col. J. C. McMullen, its president, during his residence here for the past five years, proved himself a valuable citizen, and a prudent, careful businessman. We owe to him the credit of building one of the finest residences in Southern Kansas, and locating some of the best and most extensive farmers in this section. By his liberal advertising and constant efforts, he brought many to Kansas and Cowley County that might never have been here, had he not been with us himself. Being a man of reputation and means, besides an affable gentleman, he is bound to succeed wherever he goes, as we earnestly hope he will. Traveler.
All of which we heartily endorse except “temporarily removing.” Well, that is good. Do not be consoling yourself with the hope that Col. McMullen will ever return to Arkansas City. He is sacrificing his property there at any price that he can get for it and has come to Winfield to stay. Welcome, Col. McMullen, to the present and future business center of the Southwest. Your head is level.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                        Real Estate Transfers.
D. H. Bross to Daniel A. Bells, 5 acres in s. e. 23, 33, 4; $85.
S. D. Pryor and wife to Thomasine True, 160 acres, n. w. 6, 33, 5; $500.
James F. Crawford et. al., to Pleasant Crawford, e. ¼ of n. w. and w. ½ of n. e. 7, 30, 3; $1,200.
R. B. Waite and wife to Julia A. Gilliard, 1 acre in 18, 32, 4; $25.
R. L. Walker, sheriff, to W. J. Driver, 160 acres, n. e. 17, 33, 5.
U. S. to Silas Thorla, 160 acres, s. e. 7, 33, 3.
J. C. Fuller and wife to H. I. Shafer, lot 4, block 209, Winfield; $40.
Lazette Town Co. to Thomas Walck, lots 16 and 17, block 21, Lazette.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                               PROBATE JUDGE’S OFFICE.
                                                  MARRIAGE LICENSES.
James S. Barrett to Sarah Ann Smith.
Wm. H. McCabe to Rebecca A. Williamson.
John S. Vandever to Margaret Teter.
Henderson Coanes to Sarah Redman.
Justus Fisher to Esther Williamson.

Report of O. P. Darst, administrator of estate of Ann Allison, filed and approved.
Report of O. P. Darst, guardian of Charles and Ira Allison, filed and approved.
Inventory filed in the estate of Charles Johnson showing personal assets $401.48.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                         Notice to Settlers on Cherokee Strip.
In accordance with the instructions from the general land office, this office will be prepared to receive applications from settlers entitled thereunder to enter the tracts covered by their respective settlements not to exceed 160 acres for each settler, at $1.25 per acre for the period of one year from this date. Each applicant will be required to submit proof to consist of his affidavit corroborated by the affidavits of disinterested witnesses, which shall show that he is an actual settler on the tract desired, and also that there is no other party entitled thereon as a prior settler. JAMES L. DYER, Receiver.
Wichita, Kansas, February 7, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                      FROM BALTIMORE.
                         OMNIA TWP., COWLEY CO., KANS., January 30, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Since my last nothing of special interest has transpired in Omnia.
The debating society at Summit schoolhouse, in Richland Township, labored last Monday evening with the following question, “Resolved, That it would be to the interest of Cowley County to vote $,500 per mile to the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad to extend their road from Eldorado down the valley through Cowley County,” and the judges by a vote of two against one decided in the affirmative. The sense of the house was then taken, which resulted in three majority against the bonds.
Another lot of newcomers, this time from Missouri, and still the mud continues.
BIRTH. Another newcomer arrived at J. C. Stratton’s. J. C. says it is a herder; weight unknown. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.        
                                                        Sale of School Lands.
On Saturday, 2nd day of March, 1878, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the county treasurer, T. R. Bryan, will sell at his office in Winfield, at auction, all of section 16, township 30, south of range 3 east, in eight 40-acre tracts. The land is appraised at $4.50 per acre, and no bid will be received for less. The improvements on the northwest quarter of southeast quarter are appraised at $50, as are also those on the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                          CEDAR TOWNSHIP, JAN. 31, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Thinking a line would not be amiss, I will say we had a series of meetings held by the Followers of Christ and an accession to the church of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Osborn and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Caldwell, who were baptized and confirmed on Monday the 28th.
Wheat looks well; weather wet; roads bad; health good. More anon.

[We thank the unknown writer of the above and would like to know to whom we are indebted. Items are always acceptable. ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                       BEAVER JOTTINGS.
Sorry I cannot reproduce the items you lost last week. They have slipped from my mind. However, here are a few others.
One of the smart alecs of our neighbor township, Pleasant Valley, in close proximity to this vicinity, assassinated a disorderly Indian a few days ago. The weapons used were a knife in the hands of the Indian and an ax in the hands of the assassin.
The countenances of our tillers of the soil are aglow with radiant smiles in anticipation of an abundant wheat crop this season. The prospects have never been more flattering than they are at present for a bountiful crop.
Quite a quantity of corn will ornament the stalks in the field.
Mr. Charles Whitson is testing the realities of the happiness of bachelordom, while his better half is off visiting friends in Kentucky. Being exhausted when night comes with his efforts in the culinary department during the day, Charley wearily takes down the—almanac, reads a chapter, repeats the—alphabet backwards, and, after carefully smoothing the pillows over his boots, and snugly tucking the covers around his wearing apparel, stands up in the corner to slumber.
Sweet melodies still titillate the ear and float in the atmosphere surrounding the Centennial, Tuesday and Saturday evenings.
The partaking of the Lords Supper at the Centennial last Sunday was a solemn and interesting affair. Elder Down and Rev. Judge Ross dispensed the bread and wine.
An effort is being made to organize a new school district out of a portion of No. 9 and 10. It is sheer folly, gentlemen, to do such a thing. The number of scholars and inhabitants will not justify the formation of a district. Better attach a slice of No. 4, and thus secure three healthy, prosperous schools rather than four weakly inefficient ones. Our worthy county superintendent is too wise to discommode and oppress many for the accommodation of two or three individuals.
Has Links and Pins been cremated? Horatius has no desire to supersede him as an itemizer from this township. There is room for both pencils, if you will confine your notes to the west. I will see that the east part of the township is represented.
The roads are still passable, if J. W. Browning’s success in hauling with four strong mules ten sacks of bran from the mill is any criterion to judge by.
Centennial scholars deserving special mention for excellence in recitation, attendance, and deportment are George Beach, Edward Hunt, Robert Hunt, John Williams, Willie Holtby, Dick Holtby, Sheridan Teeter, Alonzo Banfille, Oscar McCulloch, Rowell Browning, Clara Browning, Jessie Browning, Nelly Holtby, and Maggie Teeter.
Superintendent Story lately visited this school. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                            DEXTER, KANSAS, Jan. 27, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Can you give me space in OUR paper for monthly reports of my school? The following is for the month ending January 18, 1878:
Enrollment: 82

Visits: 2
Perfect in deportment: 12
Not absent: 23
Cases of tardiness: 57
Geography, advanced: 14
Geography, primary: 27
History: 10
Grammar, advanced: 7
Arithmetic, mentall: 29
Arithmetic, written: 25
Penmanship: 46
Composition: 39
Physiology: 10
                                                              T. H. ALEY.
[We think complete school reports might become rather cumbersome, but would like general results, special mention of pupils for meritorious conduct or attainments, or other items of interest. We are informed that Mr. Aley is doing excellent work. ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                       RICHLAND ITEMS.
The roads are drying up.
Weather fine.
The farmers are busy preparing for spring work.
The Baptists have closed their meetings at Richland. The Union meetings at Little Dutch have also closed. Each added several members to the church.
Floral Grange is adding members to their society, and will have a supper Friday night next.
Prairie Grove Literary, 108, has changed its meetings from Saturday night to Tuesday night of each week.
Good Templars organized at Floral last Saturday night.
A. Jarvis is again under Phelps’ care with his arm. Erysipelas has again commenced to spread.
E. P. Sawtell is going to Missouri soon after a brother, and M. C. Hedrrick for his wife, who has been on a visit to her old home.
War has broken out again and great has been the shedding of coats, but no blood as yet has been shed over the jumping of claims. This is the fourth or fifth time. “Let us have peace.”
The inquest is over and the verdict comes: “Floral Literary died of fizzle.”
They report a good Literary at the Limbarker schoolhouse.
The Baptists are holding a good meeting at the Read schoolhouse on Cedar.
I understand a protracted meeting will commence soon at the Limbarker schoolhouse.
Frank Limbarker is again able to be out.
Farmers are holding hogs and produce of all kinds for higher prices; will pack before they sell at present figures.

Several young men of sober habits, industrious and intelligent, might do well to come to Richland, as we have several ladies who desire to leave this cussed life of singleness. No rake need apply. L.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                   FAIRVIEW SCHOOLHOUSE, DISTRICT 21,
                                                          January 29, 1878.
MR. EDITOR: The Murphy movement has reached here. Rev. Mr. Rushbridge delivered a lecture here last evening, after which the following persons signed the pledge to abstain from all intoxicating drinks as a beverage.
FIRST COLUMN: Monforte, J. C., Jr.; Burton, W. L.; Baird, Mattie; McKee, Mrs. Ben.; Kicks, Emma; Baird, Allie; Lahr, Peter; Wilson, Ernest; Leech, Francis M.; Newberry, A.; Limbocker, Maggie; Newberry, Mary; McKee, Erma; Curfman, Mary; Keck, Mollie; Limbocker, Clara; Curfman, Bella M.; Wells, Samuel; Limbocker, W. W., Bartlow, Anna L.; Knox, W. W.; Curfman, Mrs. J. H.; Newberry, Chris.; White, William; Howard, J. W.; Barrick, Mark.
SECOND COLUMN: Wells, Hattie; Baird, W. C.; Limbocker, F. E.; Bush, R. A.; Bush, S. D.; Bariman, M. E.; Roberts, Cary C.; Monforte, A. C.; Robertson, Quincy; McKee, Benjamin; Morgan, Richard A.; Monforte, Hattie; Andrews, Mattle L.; Curfman, John W.; Curfman, E.; Curfman, J. H.; Graham, Emily; Lindley, Thos. J.; Curfman, Oscar; Limbocker, Fred; Walis, Wesley J.; Keck, James; Orr, William J.; Limbocker, Cynthia; Rouse, Alley; Burton, A. C.
Our organization was effected and the following officers chosen: J. W. Howard, president; W. W. Limbocker, vice president; W. L. Burton, secretary; J. H. Curfman, treasurer. Society meets every Wednesday evening at 7 o’clock. J. W. HOWARD, President.
W. L. BURTON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                       BEAVER JOTTINGS.
To the Editor of the Courier:
Now, “Links and Pins” and “Horatius” think they are some—don’t they? Just as we were getting ready to let off our blast of news and nonsense from Beaver, we found it had been let off, ahead of us. We hope they will not invade our territory again for news. They are welcome to come to our lyceum and gallant our girl’s home, but we want our news let alone.
It is reported that parties from Winfield are wanting to build a mill on Spring Creek, on the old grange mill site, in this township. Come on. We are ready for all such improvements.
The following gentlemen have built new residences in Beaver recently: Warren Wood, a good pine house; Geo. Teeter, a splendid farm house; Moses Teeter, a cottage; Harvey Dwyer, a cottage also; and David Dix, a box house. Others will build residences and barns soon. Thus, you see, Beaver is improving rapidly, notwithstanding the hard times.
A terrible fight occurred over in Creswell Township yesterday morning between two “Sons of Erin.” One of the combatants used a razor on his antagonist, and lacerated his hand shockingly, besides using him up generally. Arrests were made.

One of our young gentlemen had been taking his girl home in a farm wagon, and was composing in his mind—his little prayer that he was going to offer that night in behalf of his “true love” when, all at once, the front wheel came off and that side of the wagon fell suddenly to the ground, causing him to turn a “catastrophe” in the air and fall in a confused heap on the treacherous wheel. Being very much confused in mind, he said: “If it’s me, I’ve lost a pair of mules and wagon; and if it ain’t me, I have found a wagon wheel.” the team having gone on. After being convinced that it was “him,” the only remark he made was “Dad san the luck.”
Our lyceum is getting along bravely. At the last meeting two persons were tried and acquitted for neglect of duty. The prosecutor and wife got “huffy” and things were torn up generally, but at present everything is quiet on the “Potomac.”
Our neighbor, Geo. Chaffee, has a new sulky plow.
Mr. Abrahams has the best lot of hogs in the township. He is “waiting and watching for a better price.”
Health is splendid in this vicinity.
What is the reason that Cowley County cannot have an agricultural society? Are the people too poor to support one? Or, are they too lazy to organize it? Other counties have agricultural societies, and Cowley being the leading county ought to have one. Let us organize at once and have a fair next fall. Who will be the first to move in this matter?
Wheat is looking splendidly in this part, which fact suggests a question in the “rule of three.” If wheat is worth only 50 cents a bushel, when we have a poor crop, what will it be worth next fall after that 85,000 acres in this county have been harvested at an average of 25 bushels per acre?
The singing school at the Centennial has been resurrected and will now proceed at a lively rate. Horatius is the best looking young man that attends and “Links and Pins” is the tallest. Little Dick, the fattest, and most attentive to his girl; and Willie B., the merriest.
It is suggested that a pair of stilts be made and presented to the young man who had to get on the stove hearth to kiss his girl.
It is said by all who see it, that the COURIER is the most readable paper that circulates among the people of Cowley County.
Now shall we wait to see how this looks in type before making another attempt.
                                                       LITTLE AND MORE.
February 3, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
                                                         VERNON ITEMS.
Here we are again!
When one gets well, another gets ill. Mrs. Baker is the unfortunate one this time.
On the 27th ult., Rev. Mr. Gosland failed to put in an appearance at either of his appointments—Nose Bud and Mt. Zion. He has disappointed us twice already this year. J. A. Rupp filled his place.
Pretty little, when they are permitted to have beaux as soon, or even before, they enter their teens. Parents who have no better care or power over their children ought to have none.
                                                 GRAPE VINE TELEGRAPH.

Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Fresh mince to eat. Peach and Apple butter at WALLIS & WALLIS.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
We are not selling at cost, but will sell goods as cheap as any retail drug house in Kansas.    GILES BROS.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Four tons of New Groceries just received at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Best Coffee. Four pounds for $1.00.
                                                   McGUIRE & CRIPPEN’s.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Wm. Atkinson has just received samples of Woolen Cloths and Diagonals. Call and examine them at his shop over Lynn & Gillelen’s store.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Mrs. N. J. Ross has removed her dressmaking and hair working establishment to the third door west of Kirk’s blacksmith shop. She also has a machine for fringing dress trimmings.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
J. W. Johnston keeps on hand a well selected stock of burial cases.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Front Page.
                                                     RYAN’S OSAGE BILL.
                                                          LAZETTE, Feb. 5.
MR. EDITOR: Now that Mr. Ryan’s land bill is pending in the lower house of Congress, it can do no harm to inquire into its merits, with a view to ascertaining how far it will go toward effecting the end aimed at, and to what extent it may be depended upon as a means of settling any of the difficulties pertaining to the question with which it attempts to deal.
The measure evidently has a twofold object. In the first place, it presumes to afford some relief to claimants who may have some notion of becoming land owners, and secondly, it seems to increase the taxable property by hastening the sale of the residue of the Osage lands. In either of these cases the bill, should it become a law, will prove to be wholly inadequate to change the present status of the question, and as a consequence we may expect a continuance of the do-nothing course, which has been pursued by the class of settlers referred to, ever since the first settlement of the country. The bill provides that claimants may have three years additional time in which to make entry by paying a certain amount each year. We have seen that they have taken nearly twice that time already, without paying anything, law or no law. Will Mr. Ryan please explain to us what inducement his scheme offers the settler, to pay money for a privilege, in these hard times, which he is not debarred from exercising as has been his custom heretofore, and in precisely the same manner, without any additional cost to himself whatever?
It is a well known fact that there are numbers of settlers who are now eating peaches, raised from the seed, upon claims not even filed on.

To be sure the bill in question provides that if after a certain time the claimant fails to do certain things, he assumes the risk of losing his claim. This, however, is left wholly with him, and if he sees fit to take those chances, he is at liberty to do so, which in fact is precisely what he has been doing under the old order of things, and which he will continue to do with impunity in despite of anything in Mr. Ryan’s bill to the contrary. There is one aspect of the question Mr. Ryan appears to have wholly overlooked and that is—where a settler resides upon a claim, he virtually owns it. No one attempts or desires to molest him in its occupancy. And he is fully alive to this fact. There is one important difference, however, between the tenure by which he holds his land and that of a title in fee simple. The mere claimant has nothing to do with taxes (except perchance to vote them) while his less fortunate neighbor of the fee simple settles at the desk of the county treasurer for both parties.
This trifling difference, however, Mr. Ryan attempts to adjust by permitting the claimant to contribute his proportion to the tax fund, provided he pays some fifty or a hundred dollars for the privilege.
But unfortunately for the honorable gentleman, those persons who will pay taxes when there is a legal way to avoid it, are not numerous, and we would be glad to have him explain how taxation is to be enforced against land which nobody owns.
Evidently Mr. Ryan is a new hand at the business. And although his first attempt at congressional legislation looks very much like a harmless superfluity, still he has doubtless gained many friends among a certain class of settlers, which, however, is more complimentary to his good intentions than in his ability as a law maker. TAX PAYER.
                                                  EDITORIAL REMARKS.
The object in laying the bill referred to before our readers was to elicit such comments, suggestions, and criticisms as would aid in perfecting its provisions as far as possible before final action and for that purpose the above communication will be of value. Taxpayer states his points strongly and clearly and shows a correct idea of the objects of the bill, but considers it wholly inadequate to the attainment of those objects. He asks, what inducement this scheme offers the settler to pay money for a privilege he already enjoys and is not debarred by the bill from exercising in the same way he has heretofore done; and says the claimant, if he fails to comply with the provisions of this bill, merely takes the same risk of losing his land that he has taken heretofore.
We answer that the risk is not the same. At present the risk to the settler of losing his land is not great. The jumper must have strong nerves if he can live on a tract of land which has been improved by another, in perpetual danger of shot guns and under all kinds of terrors for the term of six months before he can enter; and but few, if any, will attempt it. But pass Mr. Ryan’s bill and the risk of losing the land is changed to certainty. The buyer has not got to live in purgatory for six months, he may never see the land or the original settler or even make the least improvement on it, he merely makes his bid, pays his money, and takes his patent. It is a sure thing and no chance for “bulldozing.” On 160 acres of land the settler must pay his first $50 within six months or certainly lose his land. The risk is merged in certainty. He will in some way raise and pay that much in probably ninety-nine cases out of a hundred in six months after the passage of the bill. Should he not, the land will be immediately sold, to speculators if you are pleased to call them so, and will be taxable in either case within seven months after passage.

But Taxpayer says, “those persons who will pay taxes when there is a legal way to avoid it, are not numerous,” and desire it explained “how taxation is to be enforced against land which nobody owns.”
Well, until somebody else owns it, Uncle Sam will have the legal title and Uncle Sam is amply able to pay his taxes, all that he agrees to pay. The unentered lands are not taxable for State and local purposes merely because congress has reserved them from taxation in the organic acts on which the state governments are formed and has repeated these enactments in each case. Should congress pass this bill in the present form, these lands will be made taxable after the first payment by act of congress itself. Uncle Sam, having assented to the taxation, will be bound to see the taxes paid, but he will be safe. When a default is made in a payment to the government, the sums of money already paid, are forfeited as well as the land will be sufficient to pay all taxes and leave a surplus. When a default is made, the title immediately passes to a buyer not a settler, and then the land can be sold for the taxes, or if no default is made, the title passes to the settler at the end of three and a half years, if not sooner, and then can be sold for all the back taxes. There is no trouble about collecting the taxes, my friend. If the bill passes, it will be just as easy as any other tax collection.
Taxpayer thinks Mr. Ryan a new hand at the business. Well, he proves to be able to get more merits into a short bill than Mr. Taxpayer has succeeded in discovering in six weeks, a bill in which the weakest points discovered by Mr. Taxpayer have peculiar strength.
Taxpayer fully realizes the evils we are at present laboring under and recognizes the necessity that something should be done, but does not suggest a remedy. Several attempts by legislation and otherwise have been made to remedy the matter, but have failed. Mr. Ryan has now taken hold of it and has produced the only scheme (as Taxpayer calls it) which is sure to give relief. It is the best we can think of and if anyone else has a better “scheme,” we would like to hear it.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Front Page.
                      RED BUD, COWLEY COUNTY, KANSAS, February 4, 1878.
ED. COURIER: Dear Sir: For the usual reason, a hitch in the mail service to this place, the Winfield papers of the 24th ult. have not yet been received at this office; and this is no unusual thing, but is rather the rule than the exception, and is a source of great annoyance and frequently of serious business delay. Postmaster Kelly, of your city, I am satisfied, has done all in his power to remedy the evil, without meeting with much success. Our mail frequently goes to Oxford; thence to Wichita; from there to Eldorado, and then to Augusta, the initial point of this route making a complete circle around us and occupying about ten days to reach a point only eighteen miles distant from the city of Winfield; and this when there is a daily mail from your place to Wichita, which might leave the mail at this office en route, and not travel one rod farther to do so, and this too with a road as good as that now traveled over. Would it not be practical to have the services rendered daily at this office by the parties now carrying between Winfield and Wichita?
Counting on your good office I am, sir, in behalf of the people of this community.
Very respectfully, etc. W. B. NORMAN, P. M.
[EDITORIAL ITEMS.]                               

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Discussion of the silver bill continues in the Senate. It is hoped a vote on the question will be reached this week.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
When State treasurer Francis applied to Secretary Sherman the other day for the government bonds that our state school and sinking fund commissioners are purchasing, Sherman said to him humorously: “Yes, I think it’s time for western people to take hold of this loan, as you have about ruined our market in the east by the silver agitation.”
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Brick Pomeroy in his reminiscences says he learned the printing business in Wellsboro, Pa., in the office of a man named Webb. We are informed that this man Webb was and is Judge W. C. Webb, of Topeka. How Brick could become the red-hot Democrat that he is, after learning the printing business under an old time abolitionist like Judge Webb is a mystery.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                  WICHITA LAND OFFICE.
We understand that a change will soon be made in the Registership of the Wichita Land office, and that Hon. L. J. Webb, of this city, is talked of for the place. We think that as far as our neighbors at Wichita are concerned, they should be satisfied with having the location of the land office and the Receivership, and we believe they are. Mr. Webb received the endorsement of a large majority of the members of the state legislature, of most of the state officials, of the county officers of Cowley County, of many of the leading citizens of Winfield, and last but not least, of the republican state, district, and county central committees. The people of Cowley endorse him and would be glad to see him appointed. In fact, in the distribution of federal appointments in Kansas, Cowley County has been overlooked, and it would be no more than right that she should have this one. Mr. Webb possesses all the qualifications necessary for the office and we hope our congressional delegation will urge his appointment.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The past week has witnessed many important movements and has been one of unusual excitement among the powers of Europe. Greece actually commenced war against Turkey. The 10,000 troops sent into Thessaly came on the 4th to Domaco, a place garrisoned by 2,000 Turkish troops, attacked and captured it at the point of the bayonet and took a large number of prisoners and considerable war material, losing themselves one hundred and fifty men. This was several days after the Turko-Russian armistice was signed, and left Greece alone at war with Turkey. The Turkish minister at Athens telegraphed home to be taken away and five Turkish men of war were sent for him. The Greek government were in great trepidation, but determined to pursue their present policy.
The Turkish troops have evacuated all the Danubean fortresses and Erzeroum in accordance with the stipulations of the armistice and the Russian troops have taken possession. They have also taken possession of the outer lines of defense around Constantinople, and a line of forts on the Aegean, Mamora, and Black seas.

The conditions of the armistice are not yet fully made public, but as far as they have transpired are, first, the erection of Bulgaria into a principality; second, war indemnity territory or money compensation; third, independence of Roumania, Servia, and Montenegro, with increase of territory for each; fourth, reforms in Hersegovina and Montenegro; fifth, understanding between the sultan and czar regarding the Dardanelles; sixth, evacuation of the Danubian fortresses and Erzeroum.
When the articles were signed by the commissioners, an order was at once dispatched to all Russian corps to suspend hostilities. The Servian, Roumanian, and Montenegrin governments likewise issued the same orders to their troops. Steps are being taken to commence a definitive treaty of peace at Adrianople. Each day something new has transpired in relation to the terms of the armistice, and it is now thought that Russia has the free occupation and use of the Dardanelles, the sea of Marmora, and the Bosphorus. It is also believed that the Turkish fleets on the Danube and Black Sea are to be delivered to Russia as a part of her war indemnity.
The office of Grand Vizier has been abolished and a new ministry formed under European names and forms, and the Turkish government promises many other reforms in the direction of civilization and equal rights of Christians.
It is thought that Russia is concentrating troops in Roumania so as to be ready to dispute successfully the pretensions of Austria.
Count Andrassy called a conference of all the European powers to meet at Vienna to negotiate on the terms of the peace. All the powers except Russia readily assented and have appointed delegates. Russia objects to Vienna or any other large city as the place for holding such conference and claims that some retired and quiet little village would be the better place.
Great Britain has been in a turmoil of excitement. She first sent a fleet to the Dardanelles, then withdrew it, and has finally sent a fleet to Constantinople. In parliament the liberals who opposed the special appropriation of $30,000,000 to meet the exigencies of the times have withdrawn their opposition and the sum has been voted. The attitude of John Bull is very threatening, but Russia has shown as much adroitness in diplomacy as power in arms and will probably avert further war.
The Russians have during the war captured 120,000 men, 20 Pashas, and 1,000 cannon. Her total losses have been 90,000 men and the Turkish losses, besides those captured, have been far greater.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
Kansas Attorney General denies the right of county commissioners to let the printing required by law at any other than the rates prescribed by law. Judge Perkins of the judicial district east of Cowley County made a decision taking the same ground. “The commissioners have no control over the tax list, except to see that the bills presented are correct and pay them; the law provides just what shall be paid the printer, etc.”

The Paola Spirit: “The county board have no more right to let certain kinds of printing to the lowest bidder than they have to contract to let out the work of the register of deeds or clerk of the court to the lowest bidder.”
Leavenworth Times: “The fees to be paid for nearly all kinds of county printing are fixed by state law, at rates that allow just a fair living compensation for doing the work—as low as any printer can do it and make wages;” and that parties who bid less, “except to get even by cheating the county in the quality of the work done.”
Under this ruling of the attorney general, those county printers who have not been paid full legal rates can sue the county and recover the balance.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
                               PROCEEDS OF THE SALES OF PUBLIC LANDS.
The house committee on education and labor have reported a bill to distribute the proceeds of the sales of public lands among the states for the purposes of education. This is far better than the old practice of using these lands to create revenue, but the system of allowing speculators, corporations, or anyone else to obtain these lands from the government in quantities exceeding 160 acres on any terms is wrong in principle, and in practice highly injurious to the best interests of the country. The only true system is to give these lands to actual settlers only, at prices not in excess of the actual cost to the government of survey, expenses of the land office, etc. The settler in a new country, in the hardships, privations, sickness, and sufferings which he must endure while he is making a country valuable not only locally but to the whole United States earns the land and more too, and should have it without paying any profit to the government or any school fund.
The management of the Osage Trust and Diminished Reserve lands has been an enormous wrong to the settlers, compelling them to pay $1.25 per acre for their lands merely to allow the Osage Indians to make an enormous profit to which they were in no way entitled. They actually made a treaty with Sturgis in 1868 by which they sold Sturgis the whole diminished Reserve at about eighteen cents per acre. This was considered by them a fair valuation. It is the labor of settlers and nothing else that has since made these lands more valuable. It was then the duty of the government to have bought these lands outright of the Osages at eighteen cents per acre, and at once to have surveyed and opened them to settlement at eighteen cents, plus the cost of survey and land office expenses, which, all told, would not have cost the settler as much as forty cents per acre. Instead of this, the settlers have been taxed eight-five cents per acre for the purpose of making “bloated bondholders” of a lot of lazy, dirty savages out of the hard earnings of industrious American citizens.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
“Old Settlers Clubs” are being organized in many parts of the state.
One hundred and eighty-eight newspapers are published in Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878. Editorial Page.
The new popular 4 percent national loan is being rapidly taken throughout the country.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The southern educational convention passed a resolution favoring the distribution of the proceeds of public lands among the states on the basis of illiteracy as an educational fund.

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
From Fort Benton we have news of a great turmoil among the Indians, stirred up by the Sioux, who are trying to organize the Indians to kill off the whites before they become too numerous.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
William Sturgis, the Chicago railroad king, who once made a treaty to buy the Osage Diminished Reserve at eighteen cents per acre, has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Liabilities, $1,200,000; assets, $500,000 in L. L. & G. stock and $250,000 in Crescent iron works stock.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Collector Booth states that his deputies and the deputy U. S. marshals have met with armed resistance on the part of illicit distillers in overpowering numbers in Winston County, Alabama, and are unable to enforce the revenue laws in that section. The commissioner replies, telling Collector Booth to employ more men and act vigorously.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
OH the mud!
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our streets need sidewalks.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
This is a good time to set out trees.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
A China wedding at Dr. Mansfield’s tonight.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Money to loan on one year’s time by C. C. Harris.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
An apple wagon was in town this week, all the way from “Arkansaw.”
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Work commences this month on the railroad from Parsons to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The new iron bridge spanning the Walnut River southwest of town is completed.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Stewart & Simpson have the contract for putting up the machine shop for Clarke & Dysart.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Walker Brothers have one of the most unique and beautiful show cases out. Go and see it.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Col. McMullen’s bank brings a good many people from south Sumner and Cowley to this place on business.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
P. W. Hughes, one of the heaviest farmers in Elk County, was here last week looking for a location in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Some Cowley County money is being invested in 4 percent government bonds through the school fund commissioners.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Word comes to us of the sale of a negro boy over near Lazette for $50. Somebody please read the riot—no, the fifteenth amendment.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
DIED. Daniel Cook, of Sullivan County, Missouri, died in Winfield on the 8th inst. of pneumonia and heart disease. He leaves a wife and seven children.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Dr. Marion Goss, of Rockville, Indiana, is in this city looking up a location. Like all other newcomers, he likes the country about here and will probably become one of us.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Sixteen teams from Vernon and Beaver Townships are hauling government supplies from Wichita to Fort Sill, and at last accounts were stuck in the mud below Cheyenne Agency.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
We want that wood. Those who have promised us wood on subscription and others would confer a favor that would be duly appreciated if they would bring it along in spite of the mud.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The communication from “Kansas Traveler” is well written and spicy, even peppery, but on a careful examination we conclude it is as decidedly personal as though names were called; so we must reject it.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Rev. F. C. Wright will be here to commence his duties as pastor of the Baptist Church about the first of March. He has been pastor of the Baptist Church of Jefferson, Ohio, for the past six or seven years.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our readers will notice the new advertisement of Prof. C. Farringer. He is a music teacher of the first class, and as a repairer and tuner of instruments has but few equals. His music rooms will be well supplied with instruments for sale.
AD:                                              PROF. C. FARRINGER.
                                                        Tuner and Repairer of
                                                    PIANOS AND ORGANS
MUSIC ROOMS on Main street, south of Williams House.
(Mrs. Farringer will attend to the selling of instruments, books, etc., and Eddy Farringer will collect and receipt all bills for tuning and teaching.)
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
During a protracted meeting on Rock Creek recently, several roughs continued to disturb the meetings and two of them, both young men, are, we understand, to be arrested and punished. The others may escape on future good behavior.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.

A low gambling concern has been operating openly in the Headquarters building. We were informed it was licensed by the city council. Probably the city dads did not know the nature of the institution, but should now arrest and punish the operators.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
That “Cherokee Strip” is a big thing! Twice it has been thrown open to settlement as long as there was anything anybody would settle on, and once it has been in market to sealed bids, and now it is in market again to “actual settlers.” Pretty poor picking by this time.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our readers will not be surprised to learn that Wirt W. Walton was the best-dressed man at the Knight’s Templar ball at Topeka last week. It is rumored that he will be married soon to the daughter of a prominent citizen of the capital city and go to Paris to spend the summer.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Messrs. Randall and Evans, Evangelists of the Baptist persuasion, are holding a series of meetings at the Methodist Church. The Presbyterians, Methodists, and Baptists are united in supporting these meetings. The interest manifested, and the skill and talent exhibited in the management, address, and music are marvelous to say the least. The house is nightly crowded and great results are anticipated.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
THE “Old Log Store” will move out and away from its present location on Main street some time in March next. It was the second building erected on the town site of Winfield, and it will be eight years in that month since its foundation logs were laid. Much of the history of Cowley County has been moulded beneath its roof. It has served the purposes of church, schoolhouse, court house, ball room, printing office, store, post office, and political headquarters during these years.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The letter of W. B. Norman, which appears on the first page, was post-marked “Ninnescah, Feb. 4,” but did not reach the Winfield post-office until the evening of the 7th; and this is no unusual occurrence, unless better than usual. There is something radically wrong in this matter. It could not well be worse. We have a daily mail route both ways between here and Wichita and there is no good reason why the mail matter between here and Ninnescah should not be delivered the same day it is mailed. In the matter of the Red Bud mail, we know of no reason for such a state of things as Mr. Norman describes. Under the present regime it should be greatly remedied, but probably a new mail route is the only thing that will afford complete relief.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                        Real Estate Transfers.
S. D. Pryor and wife to Thomas E. True, lots 3 and 4 of s. ½ of n. w. ¼ sec. 6, tp. 33, r. 5.
James Crawford et. al. to Pleasant Crawford, e. h. of n. w. qr. and w. h. of n. e. qr., sec. 7, tp. 30, r 3.
R. B. Waite and wife to Julia A. Gilleland, 1 acre of n. e. qr. sec. 18, tp. 32, r. 4.
United States to Sibel Thorle, s. e. qr., sec. 7, tp. 3, r. 3.
Abram H. Buckwater to school district No. 69, 1 acre of n. w. qr. sec. 11, tp. 35, r. 3.

Henry B. Hollowell to school dist. No. 16, 1 acre of s. w. qr. sec. 11, tp. 35, r. 3.
Amanuel Showers and wife to John S. Spangler, n. e. qr. sec 34, tp. 31, r. 3.
Edwin C. Manning and wife to Warren E. Christie, 3,875 sq. ft. of n. e. qr., sec. 28, tp. 32, r. 4.
Robert Allison and wife to J. H. Rarrick, s. qr. n. e. qr. sec. 26, tp. 34, r. 6.
Maria E. Andrews to John E. Allen, 2 acres of  s. e. qr. sec. 21, tp. 32, r. 4.
D. A. Millington and wife to M. L. Bangs, lot 15, blk. 88, Winfield.
D. A. Millington and wife to D. T. Long, lot 12, blk. 166, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                               PROBATE JUDGE’S OFFICE.
                                                  MARRIAGE LICENSES.
William L. McClellan to Rachel Rayford, by Judge Gans.
James F. Goatley to Sarah E. Key.
F. A. Hale to Viola E. Moses.
Leander F. Harris to Henrietta Spratlin.
Isaac W. Onstott to Lucy M. Turner.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                             PICK-UPS BY OUR RAMBLER.
Large numbers of wolves infest Sheridan, Liberty, and other townships and carry off pigs, chickens, and turkies. The county commissioners should at once offer bounties on wolf and rabbit scalps.
I surmise a wedding will soon take place on Turkey Creek, in Sheridan Township.
Many farmers are plowing for their spring crops. Some are breaking prairie.
There are many large lots of hogs and large amounts of wheat and corn in the county for sale.
J. G. Caster, late of Mahaska County, Iowa, has taken the Truesdell farm in Sheridan for two years and is running several plows on it.
J. J. Hawkins, of Liberty, says his growing wheat beats anything he ever saw in Illinois and wants a railroad if anyone has any to spare.
James Greenshields, of Liberty, raised last season sixty-three bushels of peanuts to the acre. They are the finest I ever saw, having four meats to the pod. He has peanuts and a large amount of corn on hand. I shall not be surprised if he should raise a coffee crop next year.
David Venator, recently from Marion County, Iowa, killed three fine large deer on Silver Creek. He is a good Iowa farmer and wants the COURIER.
Robert Shinn has a good stock farm but has rented L. Weimer’s place on Silver Creek.
R. B. Overman’s school in Sheridan schoolhouse No. 47 will close in two weeks. He is a success.
W. J. Hodges, late of Green County, Wisconsin, has 140 head of fine cattle which he is stall feeding. He has bought about 4,000 bushels of corn at 20 cents and will take 2,000 more at same price.
W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, has rented his farm to H. Hank, but stays on it to improve it by hedgerows, breaking, etc.

L. J. Davidson, of Liberty, is recovering from a severe fracture of the leg, which has kept him down since last October. He has had a hard time with it but he will have the COURIER.
A serious fight recently occurred in Creswell Township between two Irishmen, Thos. Calahan and Patrick Somers, at Somers’ house, in which Calahan was badly cut with a razor.
A fray occurred in Frank Waldo’s store, at Salt City, between two young men, Wm. Skinner and Hugh Steiner, in which Skinner stabbed Waldo seriously with a knife.
DIED. A man belonging in Chautauqua County but living temporarily with Mr. Oliver, in Otter Township, recently drank so much liquor that he laid out in a wagon overnight and was found dead in the morning. An inquest was held.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Mr. C. W. Paris, from Davis County, Iowa, has bought the farm of J. Musgrove, in this county, near Ninnescah. He was a member of the third Iowa cavalry during the late war. At Arkansas Swamp, Arkansas, he was wounded by a ball, which entered his left eye and lodged just above the right eye, and has since been totally blind, yet he still writes. About two hours before receiving the ball as above stated, he alone rescued a nephew of Jim Lane and another from five rebel soldiers. He was a brave soldier and is an intelligent gentleman. He has settled in the midst of rich land where there is not an acre unfit for cultivation for miles around, but is all fine, moderately rolling prairie. His friends in Iowa will do well to follow his example. He has an interesting family and will be quite an acquisition to this county.
[NOTE: I DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE PHRASE “totally blind, yet he still writes.” THAT IS PHRASE PRINTED!]
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                         VERNON ITEMS.
Two wagon loads of cousins just arrived from Indiana. Who’ll be the next to follow friends to this land of paradise and “mud?”
The East will soon be informed: A young man recently wrote a letter to one of his friends (not his “beeswax”) concerning Cowley County, and thirteen inches long. The sheets were all fastened together. It put one in mind of the Prophet’s roll. His friend will think, “Glory, what a letter.”
They had a prodigious greenback speech of three hour’s duration in their lyceum at Mount Zion. Hurrah for silver! If they give me plenty of the hard, they may have their paper.
Uncle James Brook’s brother from Iowa came here a few days since. More cousins. Cousins are good things.
While Will Carter was taking his pork to Wichita, last week, one got out and ran away. He went hunting in that region thereafter, and slaughtered a wild boar weighing 250 pounds.
The easiest way to subsoil is to drive through your field with a load of stone behind seven yoke of cattle. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPHER.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Perhaps you would like to hear from the north part of the county. I have just closed a five weeks’ meeting at the Richland schoolhouse, during which time eighteen names were added to the membership of the church. D. THOMAS.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                             NOTES FROM THE TRAVELER.

R. C. Story paid the schools at this place a visit on Monday and Tuesday, and gave them a pleasant talk. He reports the management good, and the school one of the best in the country.
The county surveyor, Ed. Haight, was at work surveying town lots at this place on Monday. While we think of it, Ed.’s name is North A. Haight, but somehow he has always been recognized as Ed.
Will Leonard has purchased a half interest in the Sumner County Democrat, and will be recognized as one of the members of the press at the county seat of Wellington. Will has it in him to become a worthy newspaper man, and a few months at the capital of Sumner County will convince the people of it. A good practical printer always makes a good readable paper. We hope he will have the support of the people generally.
Bridge or no bridge is the question. The $2,200 has been subscribed on this side and the matter lies with the people that will use one the most.
The county superintendent is visiting the schools in Bolton Township this week. He has visited all the schools between the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, and intends visiting all in the county. It has proven not only a pleasant task to Mr. Story, but a very useful one to many of the teachers.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                          TISDALE ITEMS.
We are having a day or two of fine weather. I wonder when we’ll have a shower!
Our enterprising friend, John McGuire, has put up a four-ton scale. He says it is best to buy and sell by weights. Wonder why?
All are glad to hear that Mrs. Ed. Millard is recovering from her protracted illness.
John Hall is building a neat addition to his house, notwithstanding the fact that our Lyceum has decided that Kansas farming does not pay.
Dr. Lytle talks strongly of moving to the Indian Territory. I hope not, for Tisdale needs a drug store and an accommodating druggist.
John Napier, our wagon maker, is preparing to leave the world and move to Arkansaw, and the old stage barn has already moved over on Thomas Sander’s farm. “We are seven,” is the way Tisdale now counts her buildings. Well, well; away they go.
Dr. Wright is raising stock quite extensively; that is, he calls out the neighbors to help raise “Old Puss” about every third day. John Mac is also a practical farmer; he holds sacks for wheat.
Art. Morse is contemplating something. It begins with M. or H. and stays over on the Walnut.
Mr. Armstrong’s congregation at this point intend making a supper for his benefit, likewise for the church.
Ivy Carson’s herd of Texas cattle is looking well. It shows that he is a splendid hand at the business.
Mr. Wm. Hodges has gone to Wisconsin to attend to some property matter. His son Charles is caring for the stock. It looks as well as any in the county.

At the horse races last Saturday I saw the largest crowd I ever saw outside of Winfield in the county; and fast horses! Whew! I think there were fifty; and betting! Shot guns, saddles, hogs, watches, poultry, jack-knives, and two dollars in money change hands in such a manner as shows the American love of feast or famine. Haven’t you a good “purp” to “stake,” Mr. Editor?
A. H. Tanner, our blacksmith, had an opportunity to sell a set of tools; but Arb. says he has more work than one man can do, so declined selling. Glad of it, Arb. I will stay here a while longer, and want some left-handed work.
Some of the Tisdale scholars will try the February examination of teachers. Don’t be too “hard,” Mr. Story.
Give us a “Murphy movement,” fire, flood, or something else; this is too dull.
Horatius, of Beaver, has my mundane poetry; and the mud is nearly gone (so am I).
Feb. 5, 1878. LYCURGUS.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.      
                                                           Church Gambling.
A bill to prohibit lotteries, pool selling, grab bags, fish ponds, and other devices of chance popular in church fairs, has passed the lower house of the Maine legislature. An amendment to exclude grab bags, etc., was voted down, the originator remarking that gambling of all kinds, however sugar-coated, was to be cut up by the roots. I understand a similar bill is before the New York legislature. Is it not time the once holy church should see the depth to which she has fallen, when legislatures have to pass laws to prevent her from gambling? M. V. PHILLIPS.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
A donation visit will be held in the lecture room of the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, Feb. 26th, for the benefit of J. L. Rushbridge.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                      CEDAR TOWNSHIP.
ED. COURIER: Last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday the good folks of this township were edified by the preaching of three of the Elders of the Joe Smith branch of the Mormon Church. Their labors were rewarded by an increase of four members, two gentlemen and their ladies. Notwithstanding the extremely cold weather, they were baptized last Monday in Beaver Creek, just above the farm of D. M. Patten.
Last Thursday the lovers of the “light fantastic” had a hop at the residence of L. W. Miller, Esq. It was one of the most enjoyable affairs of the season. The supper was an immense success.
The Beaver Creek Cemetery Association have organized by electing J. G. Custer, president; W. A. Metcalf, secretary; and G. C. Compton, treasurer. They have laid out one acre into lots, and propose to sell them at the extremely low price of three dollars each.
We have been having quite an exodus of “damphools” from this vicinity into the Indian Territory. By some hook or crook the word got out that the Indians had ceded a strip off the north side of the territory to the United States. After staying down there two nights and one day, they packed their traps and struck out for home.
Mr. O. S. Ricord’s four-month school ended last Thursday.
Our mails have been delayed on account of high water. It will be dry enough next summer. I GUESS. Feb. 5, 1878.

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                 EAST BEAVER JOTTINGS.
The gentle zephyrs—incident to this season of the year—have commenced to remind us of the approach of spring, consequently our P’s of H. are bestirring themselves preparatory to “sowing the seed of the righteous.”
The wheat fields of Messrs. Isaac Beach, J. W. Browning, D. Northrup, G. and M. Teeter, aggregating three hundred and fifty acres, are looking exceedingly beautiful.
In calling the neighborhood roll this week, we discerned the response of a strange voice, and our investigation discovered it to have emanated from J. H. Walton, of Ringgold County, Iowa. He proposes to bask in the effulgent rays of the genial sun of southern Kansas.
J. W. Browning has been performing charitable acts, with his ditching machine, this week.
A spelling match transpired at the Centennial schoolhouse last Monday eve. Representatives from four schools and many intelligent citizens contested. After two hours of word massacre, the ribbons (not the blue) were awarded to Messrs. C. Jenkins and M. H. Markcum.
Dr. C. Rogers and Mr. J. S. Herron are prospecting for claims in Sumner.
The familiar “honk” of voracious wild geese greets our ears from Capt. Northrup’s wheat fields. The Captain says they are an ornament to his farm, but he dislikes their foraging propensities.
MARRIED. Married February 3, 1878, in this township, by Esq. Bradburry, Mr. John Vandever to Miss Phoebe Teeter.
Though some condemn the course pursued,
Press on, O John, with heart renewed.
May life for you with bliss abound,
And little Johns your hearth surround.
“Little and More” introduces himself by some hits at “Links and Pins” and your humble servant. Sorry I spiled your news, but if you will dispose of that cold you may invade our dominion and raise your musical voice in our Centennial. HORATIUS. February 9, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                          BEAVER ITEMS.
Mud? oh! no mud in Kansas, is the way agents for immigration enthuse would be immigrants for the west.
After repeated efforts the young folks have organized a singing class at the Centennial schoolhouse.
“Billy” Byers has commenced his new residence in east Winfield, also G. W. Byers and R. S. Tannehill have invested in town lots and will improve them the coming summer.
From the way Sam R. writes he is evidently happy in his kingdom! Mr. John H. Walton, of Illinois, has located in our midst.
R. S. Tannehill has completed a new bridge across Beaver Creek, which connects his farm to his timber and pasture lands. Mr. Tannehill will deal largely in stock for which he has every advantage.

Little and More is a “new one on us,” but will he explain who it was that lost his wagon wheel. Geo. A. assures us it wasn’t him, as a person might infer from that dad sapped expression.
Thomasville wants a post office.
Squire Bradbury now looms up in his official dignity, and in a friendly manner he advises the young people to never avoid the sea of matrimony.
Anyone wishing to see fine hogs let them traverse the western portion of our little township.
C. C. Rogers, Shannon Herron, and Lewis Hammond are prospecting in Sumner with a view of locating. LINKS AND PINS.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
BIRTH. Mr. C. M. Wood would hardly speak to a common man last Tuesday. A ten pound boy is what was the matter.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                     OXFORD, KANSAS, FEBRUARY 4, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: If you are going to have a railroad so soon, we want to get under your wing instead of the old Eagle that spreads her wings and exercises her beak on the Athisontopekaandsantafe river terminus.
Being just “over the river” we don’t propose to do without a good many luxuries that our sort of people require over at the “City.”
Since Gen. Murphy made a success of bridging the raging Arkansas, and the mud got too deep for us to stay on top of the earth or go anywhere else, we had to have the Murphy movement on three sleighs (Jo, and Ed. and Miss Jennie). A. Graff, Prof. Hanerich, and Lillie Walton pinned the blue ribbon on about 100 Saturday, and called a halt till they can send for more “blue ribbons and cards.” Bro. Harris, Baptist minister, Bro. Stewart, Methodist, and Jno. M. Coldwell and Lillie Walton, Presbyterian, and all their people are having a big meeting together. Methodists added 40, Pres. 10, and Baptist 10, and the work still goes on lively.
The Christians are running an independent meeting. Bro. Cain is chief of the Presbyterian Church. They have consigned some 20 to the christianizing influence of immersion in the “Raging Arkansaw.” So you see we are enjoying the life that now is and have a hope for the one to come. Most of our best citizens are at work either at the church or at the college hall, where the Trinity are at work.
The Good Templars installed a crusade against dram shops, and the saloon keepers beat them at their own game by locking up the saloon and donning the blue ribbon, and will probably add the red one, oh! G. T., as soon as the meeting folks have time to open lodge.
We are glad the amend honorable was made to one of our most enterprising citizens, John M. Rothwell. It was John M. Arnold that bankrupted.
Wheat never looked so well. Cattle are fat on the volunteer wheat.
Gridley is a justice of the peace, vice Esquire Jones, by Wade McDonald’s sharpness as a lawyer.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                          DEXTER ITEMS.

Times are somewhat dull. There has been so much rain that farmers have not got along with their work as well as they would like.
Our hog merchants have just got home and bring bad news. One of them sold his hogs and deposited his money in the First National bank of Kansas City the day before it suspended; consequently, he came back without his cash.
Several of our citizens have the Colorado fever. They think the good place is just ahead.
The Silver Creek and Lazette boys met here with ours last Saturday to try their fast horses and had a good time.
James Harden got in Sunday evening with his new goods, and proposes to sell in such a way that people will call on him.
Mr. H. C. Hale has sold his stock of drugs to Mr. Hite. Dexter is quite a wholesaling town.
Greenbackers are getting quite plenty here. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
                                                        SHERIDAN CLIPS.
Rain, snow, and mud.
Wheat is looking extra good for this season of the year.
Sheridan lyceum progressing finely.
One of the best schools ever taught in the county is in District 47 by R. B. Overman.
There is to be a festival at the Sheridan schoolhouse Thursday evening, the 14th, for the benefit of Rev. Nance, of Maple City.
William Reynolds, formerly of Sheridan, who had his house burned three years ago, is now making arrangements to again settle upon his place.
We have an old chap in Sheridan that jumped a claim last fall, but abandoned it a few days ago for fear of snakes next summer.
MARRIED. Will McClellan, formerly of Indiana, and Miss Rachel Raford, of Texas, met at Owen Shriver’s and had some words. They went to Winfield, where Judge Gans adjusted the matter for them, and they are happy now. They had been home but a few hours when the Sheridan minstrel band, armed with cow bells, shot guns, and tin pans, gave them a serenade. After an hour and a half of hard pounding, the serenaders were invited in, introduced to the bride and groom, and given refreshments. After doing justice to the running gears of a turkey, pies, and cakes, the band retired in good order, and the question, as propounded by the boys, now is, who will be next? Echo answers, J. M. W.
J. W. Hamilton, formerly of our town, but now a resident of Winfield, was back a few days ago on his old stamping ground canvassing for the leading paper, the COURIER, and, I understand, with success. PAUL JONES.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
The three horse thieves arrested by deputy marshal Jones, near Ottawa, and brought back to Wichita, were arraigned before Judge Campbell last week and plead guilty. The Judge sentenced them as follows: Geo. Reed, one year; Horace A. Webb, five years; and Charles Wilson, three years in the penitentiary. William Smith was sentenced one year at same time for horse stealing and Frank H. Bartlett three years for grand larceny. The five have been taken to the prison near Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Wichita wants the office of deputy internal revenue collector located in that berg.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Mrs. Russell, Judge Campbell, and others will render the cantata of “Queen Esther” in Wichita tomorrow night.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
L. B. Snow, Esq., of Eldorado, has been appointed one of the commissioners to select the school funds recently awarded to the state school fund. A good appointment.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Eureka Censorial: Walker & Crowell received another load of flour from Winfield, one day last week.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Our worthy friend, C. M. Jackson, proprietor of the Eureka house, makes his weekly visits to Arkansas City, carrying the U. S. mail. He says that city is moving up to Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Wichita Herald: Rev. Randall’s talks were simple, yet powerful and convincing. As his objective point in coming to the state was Winfield, he was constrained by the earnest calls from them, to leave by stage Thursday morning for that town. Wellington Press:
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
Judge Walton’s head has recovered  from the effect of the gun shot jar, and he can again think clearly on the map question.
Sixty days after date, we expect to have another election for jail bonds.
A ripple of excitement was produced on Wednesday evening of last week by the arrival of Gen. Phil. Sheridan, en route for Fort Sill and other points in the Indian territory. He was accompanied by Generals Crook and Whipple and Colonels Strong and Moore of his staff. The distinguished party was entertained at the Merchants’ hotel.
[Note: Sources for some of the above items were not given by Courier.]
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1878.
NOTE: It appears that items pertaining to Education in Cowley County became a weekly item in the Courier. Am skipping most of these unless there are items of interest.
                                              TEACHERS’ EXAMINATIONS.
The teachers of our county would do well to read carefully the schedule of examinations for 1878, and then closely inspect their certificates. Instead of giving a certificate to a candidate upon his average standing, as heretofore, the board of examiners will grant certificates upon only good standing in every branch. The necessities of the schools, no less than the requirements of the law, demand this, and no measure will tend more than this one to elevate the standard of professional teachers.

From the monthly reports sent to this office by the teachers, the following facts are gathered. In the month of September four schools were reported in session, with an enrollment of 108, and an average attendance of 69. In October 24 schools were heard from, in which the enrollment was 846, and the average attendance 595. In November 36 teachers sent in their reports, showing an enrollment of 1,160, and an average attendance of 816. In December 46 districts were reported, in which the enrollment was 1,495, and the average attendance was 1,118. Reports should have been sent from twenty or thirty additional districts.
In February, 1870, Cowley County was organized, and then contained a population of seven hundred. The progress of our county since that time may be judged from the following.
1871/3 Districts/210? [Not sure of no. of pupils. Number was obscured.]
1872/43 Districts/659 Pupils.
1873/70 Districts/2,478 Pupils.
1874/74 Districts/3,038 [?] (No. of pupils figure obscured)
1875/78 Districts/3,355 [?] (No. of pupils figure obscured)
1876/82 Districts//3,013 Pupils.
1877/92 Districts/4,680 Pupils.
The misfortunes which fell upon our county and state in 1874 show their effects upon school interests in the number of children reported in the district July 31, 1875, on which estimates the appropriation of state fund was made in 1876. With this exception Cowley County can show a record second to no other county in the West, a record of which any and all of her citizens may well be proud.
                                              TISDALE, JANUARY 29, 1878.
R. C. STORY, CO. SUPT. Dear Sir: Yours of 26th inst. is at hand. I do not think there is any method of furnishing books in common schools that is so satisfactory as for the district to own them, provided the board use proper care to secure them against theft and misuse.
District 46 has the following method: The board marks the books, that is, numbers them, writing the number of district and number of book in the grade on the inside of the cover and with ink. This cannot be erased. The pupil takes a book and has sole care of it till the end of the term. If a pupil misuses a book, his parents pay for it. If the book is fairly worn out, the district furnishes another. The books are not so badly used or treated by the scholars as they would be did the parent buy them. But two books have been lost during three years of such use.
Grading: This is a difficult matter under any circumstance, but it is much less so when the teacher has a hand in it and grades to suit himself. Still I find fond parents who think I am too hard and do not promote their children fast enough. That matter I hold generally without any controversy more than a plain statement of the pupil’s ability, and I never had a pupil withdrawn on that account. I do not think however there would be any benefit on this ground (grading) if the teacher is not firm and well qualified to make just and equitable distinctions between the surface work and true ability of the pupil.
The progress of the school is certainly greater than by the old method, for it is not necessary to tie a worker to a drone, as when we cannot change scholars to either a higher or lower class; neither does it cost the patrons of school as much in dollars and cents.

In summary: The books last longer, the scholars learn faster, there is a greater interest taken, and it is much more economical and business like than the “good old way” of parents furnishing individual books. Yours respectfully, E. A. MILLARD.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 21, 1878. Front Page.
On Thursday, Feb. 7th, Rev. A. F. Randall, the Evangelist, who has been expected for some time, arrived in this city and commenced holding services. The first meeting was held in the Baptist Church on Thursday evening and since that time in the Methodist Church. On Saturday evening Mr. M. H. Evans, who, with his wife, conducts the singing in connection with those meetings, joined Mr. Randall. The meetings are a union effort of the Methodist, Baptist, and Presbyterian churches for the promotion of religious life among the churches of Winfield and the conversion of the irreligious. . . .
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Senator Jones, of Nevada, says that silver, since its demonetization, has appreciated in value rather than fallen.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Mr. Nickerson, president of the A. T. & S. F. R. R., gave one hundred dollars to help pay the debt of the Baptist Church at Newton.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Note: I skipped editorial about Congress considering the proposition to tax income.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.      
The Porte refused the firman to permit the British fleet to come to Constantinople on the ground that if granted, the Russians would at once occupy the city. Austria and other powers have applied for firmans for like permission, which have been refused. The pretense for wishing to send fleets into the Bosphorus is “to protect Christians.” Later this pretense was thrown off and British officials stated openly that it was to forward their interests. The ministry is understood to have ordered Vice Admiral Hornby to force the passage of the Dardanelles. It is reported that the Porte has ordered the forts along the Dardanelles to fire upon the British fleet if it attempts the passage, and that the Russian army are ready to occupy Constantinople the moment a British fleet shall pass the Dardanelles.
The British fleet of six ships passed the Dardanelles on the 13th with no opposition except the Turkish protest, and anchored at Prince Islands in the sea of Marmora, thirteen miles south of Constantinople.

LATEST. The situation about Constantinople is difficult to be determined because the dispatches are so contradictory. It is probable that the British fleet have not yet entered the Bosphorus and that the Russian army has not entered Constantinople. The Cretan insurrection is spreading, the people claiming annexation to Greece. Greece has again sent an army into Thessaly, encouraged by the presence of the British fleet in the Sea of Marmora. An insurrection against the Turkish government has broken out in Thessaly. It is about concluded that an European congress will soon be held in Baden-Baden, in which Russia, with the other powers, will participate. England keeps up her bravado and has set all her factories to work on war material. America seconds England in demonstrations against Russia. Germany preserves the attitude of peacemaker.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                          U. S. MARSHAL.
This question is finally settled and the lucky man is not C. H. Miller nor Hon. Sidney Clarke, but Ben F. Simpson. We should think Mr. Simpson would not want it. He is a lawyer by profession, education, and intellect. A place on the supreme bench would fit his capacity. He is one of the commissioners engaged in revising our statutes. He has held many important positions in this state which he has filled ably and honorably, and he is well and favorably known all over the state. If he accepts, he will do his duty faithfully.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                        PASSED AT LAST.
The silver bill has passed the senate in a modified form by a vote of 48 to 21. Some of the most objectionable features of the original bill were stricken out or modified. As it passed not more than $48,000,000 can be coined in a year; not more than $5,000,000 can be invested in bullion at a time; and the government, not the silver bullion owners, get the profit of the difference between bullion and coin. It will probably pass the house as it comes from the senate and we presume the president will sign it. We are heartily glad that this question is so nearly settled.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The senate territorial commission has reported in favor of making the territory of “Lincoln” of the Black Hills country.
The greater part of Turkey’s funded debt of $925,000,000 is held in England, and not a cent of interest has been paid for three years.
Fires and small-pox rage in Texas.
More fatal encounters reported at Deadwood, D. T.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Pres. Nickerson has gone to Pueblo to consolidate the business of the Colorado narrow gauge roads with the A. T. & S. F. Messrs. Strong, Morse, and other magnates are with him.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
C. L. Svenson, of Topeka, has invented a light furnace and boiler for heating rooms and water. It costs only $30.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                             PICK-UPS BY OUR RAMBLER.
EDITOR COURIER: I left Winfield on the 12th inst. on a ramble, called to see many of our farmers, especially in the eastern part of the county. I found them, generally, in good spirits, but rather blue over so much mud. I think, myself, this mud question is rather thin after my week’s ride through it.

On my trip I visited the quiet little town of Tisdale; met at this place J. W. Wright, late of Clark County, Iowa. He is both farmer and doctor. I also called upon W. D. Lytle, late of Fremont County, Iowa, who has purchased a drug store in Tisdale, and is keeping a general line of drugs; he is also studying medicine under directions of Dr. Davis, of Winfield.
After obtaining many subscriptions for the leading paper at that point, I started north through Sheridan Township. I stopped overnight with Wm. Ovington, who informed me that the rabbits around there were dying with a disease resembling cholera, four or five being found dead in one burrow. I made further inquiry and found his statement corroborated by others in the same vicinity. It is hoped this disease will spread all over the state as it beats rewards for scalps. It is to be hoped the wolves will be likewise afflicted.
I took dinner with the good-hearted, genial, hospitable Kentuckian, Arthur Bonwell, who, of course, takes the COURIER. Going north I met Geo. Saunders and E. Pate, who are making well drilling a business; met also on my journey many newcomers, among others Robert Parmleys, from Monticello, Kentucky, who has bought a farm of Mr. Burnett in Sheridan Township.
Henry Quier has been trying a new plan of catching hawks which is a success. He places a dead rabbit in a low place, then sets a steel trap over the rabbit, covering it with fur. When the hawk makes a dive for his prey, he finds himself a victim of misplaced confidence.
I visited the noted wolf hunter, Aaron Treadway, who was lately chasing a wolf when it suddenly turned and caught his best hound by the nose. Aaron, seeing something had to be done or his hound would be killed, jumped from his horse, and drawing his pocket knife in one hand, caught the wolf by the throat with the other, and held it while he plunged the knife to its hilt in its side until it was dead. I think he would be some in a bear fight.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                [Published in the Winfield Courier Feb. 21, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 71.
An Ordinance Regulating the Keeping of Hogs in the City of Winfield.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:
SECTION 1. That any person, or persons, who shall keep any pig, or pigs, hog, or hogs, within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, shall keep the same in a pen or enclosure upon a floor made of plank or boards; and any person, or persons, who shall keep any pig, or pigs, hog, or hogs, within said city, without keeping the same upon a floor as aforesaid, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding fifty dollars.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the 15th day of March, 1878, provided that it shall be first published once in the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved February 18, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                [Published in the Winfield Courier Feb. 21, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 72.
An Ordinance Taxing and Regulating Bowling Alleys, or Ten-Pin Alleys.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:

SECTION 1. Every person, or firm, who shall keep, run, or have charge of any bowling alley, or ten-pin alley, within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, shall be taxed in the sum of twenty-five dollars per annum; and, upon the payment of said tax, such person, or firm, shall receive a license, signed by the mayor of said city, and attested by the clerk thereof, which license shall expire on the first day of May following.
SECTION 2. And such person, or firm, so licensed, shall give a hand in the sum of two hundred dollars to the city of Winfield, with one or more sureties, to be approved by the city council, conditioned that they will keep an orderly house; that they will not keep the same open on the Sabbath day, commonly called Sunday; that they will not keep the same open between the hours of 11 o’clock p.m. and 4 o’clock a.m. of next day.
SECTION 3. Any person convicted of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved February 18, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
[ORDINANCE NO. 73.]                             
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                [Published in the Winfield Courier Feb. 21, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 73.
An Ordinance to Prohibit the Construction of Buildings of Combustible Material Within Certain Limits in the City of Winfield.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield.
SECTION 1. No building shall be constructed or placed upon the east one-half of block number one hundred and eight (108), or upon the east half of block number one hundred and nine (109), or upon the west one-half of block number one hundred and twenty-eight (128), nor upon the west half of block number one hundred and twenty-nine (129), within the corporate limits of the City of Winfield, in the County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, except the same be of brick or stone, or brick and stone, or some other incombustible material, with fire-proof roof; and any person violating this section of this ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in either the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved February 18, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                [Published in the Winfield Courier Feb. 21, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 74.
An Ordinance to Provide for the Construction of Sidewalks.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:

SECTION 1. That a sidewalk of the width of four feet be built, commencing at the southwest corner of block one hundred and twenty-seven (127), thence running east along the south side of said block to the east side of the same; then commencing at the southwest corner of block number one hundred and forty-seven (147), and extending east along the south side of said block to the east side of the same; then commencing at the southwest corner of block number one hundred and sixty-seven (167), and extending along the south side of the same to the southeast corner of said block; then commencing at the southwest corner of block number one hundred and eighty-seven (187), and extending along the south side of the same to the southeast corner thereof; and that said sidewalk be built of stone of dimensions not less than two feet square, and that unless the same be built within 60 days from the taking effect of this ordinance by the owners of the lots abutting on said sidewalk, that the same will be built by the city, and the lots or pieces of ground abutting on said sidewalk will be assessed for the payment thereof according to the front foot abutting on said sidewalk.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield COURIER and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved February 18, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
C. A. Bliss is putting a stone sidewalk in front of his store.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Davis & Mendenhall are erecting an office on Ninth avenue.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Ed. Burnet is making several improvements in his restaurant. [?Burnett or Burnette?]
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The foundation for M. L. Robinson’s new house is almost completed.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
They have begun laying the foundation for the new machine shop.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The new stone building of Jay Page is rapidly nearing completion.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The “old reliable,” Brooking, still “pegs” away at W. C. Root & Co.’s.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Finch, with his “boarders,” were scrubbing out the jail last Monday.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
A. A. Jackson is recovering from a severe attack of the rheumatism.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The town is again filled with a lot of prowling, dirty Pawnee Indians.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
G. T. Giles, of the firm of Giles Bros., left for Missouri last week. He will return with his family.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Union services at the M. E. Church on Sunday evening, at 7 o’clock, preaching by Rev. A. F. Randall.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

A handsome (?) bird, the property of Ed. Clisbee, now ornaments the window of F. Baldwin’s drug store.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Walker Bros. have just received a large assortment of queensware, which they are selling cheap for cash.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Frank Baldwin left for Atchison last Tuesday morning to buy goods. He expects to be absent about a week.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
We notice several new houses in process of erection in the south and west part of the city, “and still the good work goes on.”
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The time for putting down sidewalks on Main street was extended by the council at their last meeting two weeks, on account of bad roads.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
A donation visit will be held in the lecture room of the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening, Feb. 26th, for the benefit of J. L. Rushbridge.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
W. W. Andrews, of this place, is again on his way to the Black Hills mines. We have a card from him, dated Sidney, Nebraska, February 15.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
By. Terrell has a large illuminated sign, which guides the weary traveler to a place where he can “put up and stop over” till the mud dries.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Grocery stock and fixtures for sale at and below cost, next door to Switzler’s restaurant, Douglas avenue, Wichita, must be sold within thirty days.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Our city dads have taken hold of the sidewalk business in earnest. Under their energetic management Winfield will soon be the best sidewalked city in the State.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The social interest in the revival meetings at the Methodist Church is unabated. Several of our most prominent citizens have been enlisted and the interest is still increasing.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
DIED. A very large concourse of people assembled at the residence of the Rev. J. E. Platter, last Monday, to attend the funeral of his infant child. The services were conducted by Rev. Rushbridge.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
There are in Winfield perhaps the oldest couple in the State. Mr. McMullen, father of J. C. McMullen, who is ninety-six, and his wife, who is over eighty. Mr. McMullen thinks nothing of walking up town each day, and is as hale and hearty as a man of sixty.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

The Tunnel Mills have been improved wonderfully since the present proprietors came into possession. They have put in a great deal of new machinery, and are now making as good flour as any in the market. They have just finished their large Indian contract.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Col. McMullen has a new burglar-proof safe, which is quite a curiosity. It is about four feet high by three feet wide, weighs 4,800 and cost $1,200. It is furnished with the “Yale Time Lock,” which is a marvel of the most delicate mechanism, and locks and opens the safe automatically.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
We notice on Frank Baldwin’s show case, quite a curiosity in the shape of a sleigh with horses attached, cut out of a solid block of wood, with a pen-knife. The work was done by a Mr. Seabridge, living near this place. He also has on exhibition some fine specimens of carved brackets, etc.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
We wish some of our correspondents would write more plainly and be careful to spell proper names correctly. We have a very vivid imagination, but we cannot guess the correct orthography of the names of more than half the people in the county. We can also decipher almost any English manuscript, but we are not over familiar with Japanese.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Winfield, one of the leading legal lights and wide-awake politicians of the Southwest, whose name has been almost a household word in the counties of Cowley and Sumner, and whose fame is co-extensive with the Third Congressional district, was in town last Friday. He was accompanied by E. S. Torrance, Esq., who is also building up a splendid practice. Both were interested in some case brought before his Honor, Judge Campbell, on the day mentioned. Wichita Eagle.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
On Sabbath morning the union revival services will be held in the Presbyterian Church.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Settlers on the Cherokee strip are not required to file on their lands, but may make a direct entry upon showing compliance with the law.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
M. L. Wilson, of Sheridan Township, came to town last Monday for the first time since last October, when he had his leg broken just above the ankle. He still goes on crutches, but we hope he will fully recover soon.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
BAD BOYS. Almost every Sunday a lot of bad boys get together on the east part of Ninth avenue and play at base ball, to the great annoyance of the residents in the vicinity. If parents fail to control these boys, the law must be enforced.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
E. A. Mabee, from Iowa, the purchaser of the Sam. Jarvis farm, in Silver Creek Township, called on us on Tuesday. He now returns to Iowa for his family and will be on hand to commence operations very soon. Such men are welcome to Cowley. Come on.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

Ral. Stump, miller at the Tunnel Mills, came very near meeting with a serious accident last week. He was working among the machinery, when his coat caught in some of the wheels and he would have been mashed to atoms had it not been for the united efforts of two of the mill boys who happened to be near.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The Christians of Antioch, Sheridan Township, Cowley County, are preparing to build a fine church edifice near the Jarvis schoolhouse. We wish them much success. They expect to receive aid to assist them in the enterprise from Elder John H. Hamilton, pastor of the First Christian Church of New Albany, Indiana.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Justices of the Peace should bear in mind that on the first day of March in each year, they are required by law to report to the county superintendent of public instruction the amount received from the proceeds of fines and estrays during the six months preceding and belonging to the school fund of the county, and that they are required to pay the same over to the county treasurer on that day.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Our readers will observe the notice of dissolution of the law firm of Pryor, Kager & Pryor, which appears in another place. Messrs. Pryor & Pryor will continue the business in this city. These gentlemen attend strictly to business and are always ready with their cases. S. D., the senior member of the firm, has practiced in our courts since an early day and has acquired a reputation as an industrious and thoroughly well read lawyer, second to none in Southern Kansas.
                                                          Dissolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing between S. D. Pryor, E. B. Kager, and J. D. Pryor, under the firm name and style of Pryor, Kager & Pryor for the practice of law, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Feb. 1st, 1878.
(Signed)     S. D. PRYOR, E. B. KAGER, J. D. PRYOR.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The COURIER office has, in spite of the mud, been recently honored by visitors from many of the substantial men of the county, among whom we mention W. E. Chenoweth, of Salt City; Dan Maher, Richland; T. Hart, J. Fisher, and J. H. Mounts, Liberty; P. M. White, J. W. Millspaugh, and J. A. Rupp, Vernon; Ira Howe, L. N. Floyd, W. H. Fry, Rev. P. G. Smith, and H. C. McDorman, Dexter; W. H. Walker, Arkansas City; F. M. Savage, Lazette; and E. A. Millard, Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

Mr. Rushbridge attends the conference soon to be held at Garnet. We hope that the sermon announced for next Sunday evening will not be his last in this place by very many, that it will be “closing” only as relates to the present term. Mr. Rushbridge came to us under circumstances extremely discouraging to him, the church was apathetic and poor, he looked rather boyish, and the people did not seem to think a boy would do where a strong man was needed. But the boy went to work, at first almost singlehanded, but soon enlisted help. The church began to enthuse, and soon became wide awake. One of the best churches in Southern Kansas was projected and built, the pastor stimulating the men who had money and the people by his energy and untiring labor. His eloquence and enthusiasm have created a new state of things and he has a position very close to the hearts of this people. He should be returned here by all means. It is due him if he desires it, the people could in no other way be so well pleased, and no one else can so well finish up the important work he has begun.
[Note: Courier keeps calling him “Rusbridge.” Have changed to “Rushbridge.” MAW]
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                       CHINA WEDDING.
Notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, the twentieth anniversary of the marriage of Dr. and Mrs. Mansfield given at their residence last Thursday evening, was largely attended. Everything that met the eye gave evidence of a desire on the part of the host and hostess to render the affair as cheerful and pleasant as possible to their guests. As the guests were ushered from the dressing room to the parlor, they were at the east end of the room first introduced to a bride and groom manufactured for the occasion, and well done, with masks, wax eyes, and teeth, the wedding veil, hands joined and natural appearance, which caused much merriment. Directly over their heads was suspended a wreath of evergreens with 1858 in the center and above it the legend in large letters, “Looking toward Kansas.” Turning toward the west, the eyes of the guests rested upon a device arched over the opening of the folding doors, in letters of bright green moss and autumn leaves, “Looking toward sunset,” beneath which was another wreath encircling “1878.” On the west wall beyond sparkled a large star of gilt and diamond dust. All comprehended the design which was admirably arranged, at a glance. Prof. Farringer had charge of the music, presiding alternately at organ, piano, and violin, showing his talent and ability at each. He rendered Mendelsohns wedding march while the Dr. and lady were led to the altar by Mr. and Mrs. Read, who acted as groomsman and bridesmaid. Revs. Rushbridge and Platter performed the ceremony in the most humorous manner and to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Supper was elaborately spread under a tent, where all repaired to revel in a superabundance of good things. Supper was followed by an original song and music entitled “Twenty years married,” sung by the Prof., Mrs. Kelly, and Mr. and Mrs. Buckman. Music by Prof. Farringer, words by ________, Mrs. Buckman’s sweet voice entered into the air and spirit of the words while Mrs. Kelly rendered the alto and the piano accompaniment and Prof. Farringer and Mrs. Buckman supplied the other important parts. The other music given from time to time was very fine. The Dr.’s two boys are pupils of Prof. Farringer, the one on the piano, the other on the violin. The dining table in another room was filled to overflowing with China presents. A most exquisite dinner and tea set in moss rose decoration was the principal feature. Presents were received not only from citizens but from Richmond, Virginia; Brooklyn, New York; Buffalo, New York; and Cleveland, Ohio. All pronounced the affair as most enjoyable and Mr. and Mrs. Mansfield highly appreciated the kind wishes and interest shown in their behalf.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
A part of our rambler’s notes and some other communications are crowded out this week but will appear in next.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

We would call special attention to the new advertisement of the American House, by J. H. Olds. This house is now in good hands, good order, and good condition, and its patrons will be pleased with all its appointments. The traveling public and boarders will find it a pleasant place.
AD:                                                 AMERICAN HOUSE
                                                           Winfield, Kansas.
                                                      J. H. OLDS, Proprietor.
This house has been thoroughly repaired, refitted, and refurnished, and is open for business. The proprietor is experienced in the business and will keep a first-class house. The patronage of the public is respectfully invited.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The union revival meetings, which have been in progress here for the past ten days, are in every sense a success. Not less than fifty persons have been either converted or restored, and the number now inquiring will doubtless exceed this, while many more are giving the subject a serious consideration. The spirit manifested by all the workers in these meetings is excellent, and we trust will remain so to the close. Messrs. Randall and Evans are fully satisfied both with the results and spirit of the meetings. And this encourages them to look for a still more abundant harvest of which this is only the first fruits. Let the Christian people of Winfield not fail to cooperate heartily in this movement. If these men can come 1,000 miles to preach and sing for the salvation of our neighbors, surely we ought to stand by them, work with them, and pray for them. N. L. R.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
J. L. Rushbridge, pastor of the M. E. church, will preach his closing sermon on Sunday morning next.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                     Probate Judge’s Office.
Order to sell personal estate of John Broderick, deceased.
Mary Rutherford appointed administratrix of the estate of B. W. Rutherford. Inventory filed.
James L. Huey appointed administrator of the estate of Albert Chamberlain.
Report of E. B. Kager in purchase of real estate for his ward filed and approved.
Egbert H. Gallup, administrator of the estate of Charles Johnson vs. Calvin Coon. Judgment against Coon for return of 5,000 feet of lumber.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Wm. H. Cramer to J. H. Lindley, n of s w 32, 30, 5, 80, $250.
J. H. Lindley to S. L. Brettun, same, $222.
C. Underwood and husband to Sarah Daker, sw 20, 34, 5, 160, $1,000.
E. A. Newcomb to Thomas Meyers, nw of ne, w of se, and sw of ne 5, 30, 7, 160, $800.
A. M. Warren to Drury Warren, s of se 7, 35, 5, 120, $1,000.
L. B. Tolles and wife to Drury Warren sw of sw 8, 35, 5, 40, $700.
U. S. to Henry M. Jarvis, nw 5, 32, 6, 158, Pat.
M. Eikensberry and wife to Thompson Dalrymple, nw 5, 32, 6, 158, $300.
Thompson Dalrymple and wife to Ezra A. Mabee, ne 5, 32, 6, 158, $800.
John B. Holmes and wife to J. L. Homes, n of sw 6, 30, 4, 80, $1,000.
W. W. Irons, to Cemetery Association, 2 acres in ne 6, 35, 5.

Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                 EAST BEAVER JOTTINGS.
Some fears are being entertained concerning the peach crop this year, for it is conceded by many of our practical farmers that the wet, muddy weather the major part of this winter has been a detriment.
Clear the track! Here they come! Those thirty “hoosiers” arrived this week, augmenting the population of Beaver considerably. Surely they must have left a barren and desolate region in that part of “hoosierdom” from which they emigrated; however, in the language of Patrick Henry, “Let them come!” Beaver is abundantly wide.
Miss Lusetta Pyburn’s winter term of school at the Godfrey schoolhouse expires today. Though a novice in the “spanking” profession, she shot a reasonable number of ideas.
“Little and More,” in his enumeration of the individuals who have added to the attractiveness of Beaver by the erection of new buildings, omitted to classify himself among those who have completed substantial and commodious dwellings.
Your compositor, in my previous communication, caused me to make an egregious error. George R. should have read Geo. A.
J. W. Browning believes in making home attractive; consequently, he is adorning his premises by the formation of yards, erecting new fences, and last, but not least, the swinging of gates—a rare commodity.
The conflict still rages with unabated fury between the citizens of Districts 9 and 10 over the formation of the new district.
T. L. Hargrove still persists in pursuing the even tenor of his way, without an heir to inherit his wealth.
K. J. Wright ejaculates: “By Harry! These are disheartening times! No greenbacks, no silver, not even gold; nothing but mud and Murphys!”
H. Holtby predicts a drought this year. Anything for a change; mud is getting too monotonous.
Mr. N. Wintin doffs the robes—of a pedagogue this week, at the Thomasville schoolhouse.
Our Indian assassinator folded his tent like the Arab and silently stole away.
W. Freeman is a benefactor of woman and gratuitously does the washing of this community in extolation of the Dobbin’s steam washer for which he is canvassing.
February 15, 1878. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                      CEDAR TOWNSHIP.
Health is improving. There has been considerable sickness down here this winter. There were three deaths of adults last week in Otter Township.
The greenbackers have organized a club at Fairview, in Dexter Township. Seventeen years ago these self-same men howled against the issuing of greenbacks, and now they say give us more greenbacks. “Consistency, thou art a jewel.” I am sorry to see the name of J. B. Callison mixed up with this movement.
The parties that were baptized a few weeks ago in Beaver deny that they are in any respect similar in belief to the Joe Smith Mormons. Glad of it.

Unless it quits raining soon, our wheat must suffer by scalding.
When will we have another railroad bond election? It is time our township officers were getting their fingers into the county’s crib. Better times coming. I GUESS. Feb. 15, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                         FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, Feb. 16, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: There will be a festival held at the Fairview schoolhouse (better known as the Limbocker schoolhouse) on Tuesday evening, the 26th inst., the proceeds of which is for the minister of this place. All are invited.
The question for discussion by the Fairview Literary Society on Friday night is: “Resolved, that George Washington has done more for our country than Abraham Lincoln.” All are invited to participate in the discussion of this question.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                         VERNON ITEMS.
No weather yet. Our roads are spoiled, and still spoiling. “Old Sol” peeped out through the crevices of the clouds on us one day last week. Thanks; wish he would call again.
South street, of Vernon, seems to be the most unlucky part of Cowley County this winter. Scarcely a family that has not been afflicted. Apollos Kimble is the worst off, with liver complaint. Dr. Davis is attending him. Mrs. Baker, under the treatment of Mrs. Ware, is about her work again. Mrs. Ware is an excellent nurse. Mrs. Duncan is better.
The meeting at Nose Bud is progressing finely, with much interest. [AGAIN! NOSE BUD INSTEAD OF ROSE BUD!]
The editor of the Henry Republican, an Illinois paper, thinks if Cowley County is as good as the COURIER makes it, people should come and see it. In my opinion of the county, I reply in the words of the Queen of Sheba, “The half has not been told.”
      Mr. Trissell, nurseryman, paid us a visit last week, taking orders. He is thought to be a square, honest man in his business by the farmers of this region. All seem to be satisfied with his stock. He replaces the trees that do not grow. If there is anything that farmers ought to deal with honest men in, it is fruit trees. It is like buying a “pig in a poke;” you must take their word for it; and you had better buy from a man whom you expect to see again, and buy naturalized fruit.
Charley Ware looks well.
Marsh McClung left his team tied to his wagon too near and on the wind side of a piece of prairie he was burning. The fire rolled over and singed off the fuzz and ate up his overcoat in his wagon, but didn’t hurt the wagon much. It is rather cool yet to shed hair, especially when it is shed skin deep. His team is badly hurt. GRAPEVINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                            MAPLE CITY.
Mud is the order of the day, with the prospect of more.
We are thinking, and perhaps before next August we shall be wishing, for some of the moist weather of which we are now having a superabundance.

The farmers of this section are much exercised about hauling their firewood and going to mill, on account of the bad state of the roads. The nearest points to get milling at present are Winfield and Arkansas City.
J. V. Waggoner has rented his farm to George Clayton and W. E. Ketcham, and intends to remove to Winfield shortly.
The little daughter of A. A. Wiley is very sick—not expected to live. Dr. Phillips is attending her. Drs. Waggoner and Rude have been called in consultation. SUBSCRIBER.
Feb. 12, 1878.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                       BETHEL INKLINGS.
Murphy has reached us, and all the girls, with most of the boys, wear the blue ribbon. Frank Weakley is “not one who would join because of a girl,” but his name follows that of a young lady. T. A. Blanchard has called an anti-tobacco meeting.
The literary is a success in spite of the mud. It meets Thursday evenings, and the exercises consist of orations, declamations, essays, select reading, debates, recitations, compositions, reading the “Bethel Star,” music, and select songs. Visitors respectfully invited to attend.
Owing to the continued rains, Mr. and Miss [? Mrs. ?] Anderson have delayed their intended visit to Cedarvale.
We are forming a colony in this vicinity for the purpose of settling in the Indian Territory, west of the Arkansas River, upon government lands that are not occupied by Indians or anyone else. We think it a good move, for it will show the government that the people want it for homes, and as it always has done, will bring it in for settlement.
Mr. Arnold, while trying to lead a cow the other day, was jerked against a post with such force as to break one of his ribs. Bethel, Feb. 9, 1878. N.
[The above was received just after our forms were made up last week. We are astonished that any sensible person should favor squatting in the Indian Territory. Those who go will lose their time and the cost of the improvements they make, besides taking the risk of punishment for violating the laws of the United States. They will assuredly be driven out.  ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                FROM PLEASANT VALLEY.
From the amount of blowing Beaver is doing in the COURIER, one would think the greater portion of the wealth and talent of the county was located in that township. Pleasant Valley may claim some notice too, so I offer the following items.
All is quiet since the Indian massacre.
The prospect of a bountiful wheat crop is very flattering with nearly double the acreage of last year.
About time we had another railroad bond election.
We are promised a cheese factory on Posey soon.
The South Bend literary has gone “where the woodbine twineth.”
To say that Pleasant Valley is one of the best townships in the county would hardly do her justice. She is republican too, and will demonstrate the fact at the next county election. “Rally around the flag, boys.” OLD SETTLER.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.

                                                           FROM OMNIA.
                                                     OMNIA, Feb. 20, 1878.
BIRTH. Will is happy. This time it is a girl to Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gilliard.
Mrs. Steve Elkins has had a protracted illness from rheumatism, but now is improving rapidly.
Mr. Moore had the misfortune to lose one of his horses a short time since.
Edward Province visits Independence on business.
The Sabbath schoolhouse lyceum recently discussed the question of the absolute destruction of the wicked. Messrs. E. A. Eli, and A. J. Henthorn, and J. Montgomery in the affirmative; and Messrs. Stratton, Flint, McPherson, and McCormick in the negative. Decided in the affirmative.
Amos Henthorn is fencing a pasture with stone. He is tired of keeping his cows at the end of a rope.
Peach buds in good order up to date. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                                          FROM LIBERTY.
Wheat looks fine.
Some of our farmers are doing their spring plowing.
Messrs. Bryant are enclosing a large pasture, on the farm purchased of D. D. Miller, with a stone fence.
S. Beck is at work on a job of breaking thirty acres of prairie at $2.50 per acre.
Miss Elizabeth Davis is giving satisfaction as teacher in district 49.
Had a spelling school on the evening of the 12th, spelling until recess, after which were declamations, dialogues, and select readings by the scholars, with a paper got up by Mr. D. A. Mounts and Miss Rosa Rounds. It was a pleasant and profitable evening, for which we are indebted to the enterprise of Miss Davis.
Grape-Vine Telegraph, of Vernon, treats Rev. F. Gorseline unjustly in merely stating he had failed to meet a recent appointment at Nose Bud, and had disappointed them before, without giving the reasons stated, for it leaves the impression that the Rev. Gorseline pays little attention to his appointments. Mr. Gorseline was conducting a protracted meeting with such success that it was thought very important that he should continue it; and as was thought best, he employed Mr. J. A. Rupp to fill his engagements at Nose Bud and Mount Zion. A VOICE FROM LIBERTY.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
                                           DEXTER, KANSAS, Feb. 15, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The following is a report of the Dexter school for the month ending February 15, 1878: Average daily attendance, 61.8; enrollment, 73; average age, 11.4; reading, 67.6; arithmetic, 68.5; history, 59; grammar, 74.5; geography, 51.8; physiology, 55.5; composition, 51.4; number times tardy, 56; perfect in deportment, 8; not absent, 27. Those deserving especial mention for deportment are Misses Ole Harden, Alice Harden, Estella Hite, Lucy Hite, Alpha Harden, Fan. Harden, Clara Harden, Mattie Truesdell, Rowena Hoyt, Lena Taplin, and Fannie McDorman. Those passing the best examination at close of the month were Ann and Albert Jones, Allie, Ole, Alpha, Annie, and Frank Harden.

                                                              T. R. ALEY.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
C. C. Harris wants to make up two car loads of fat cattle, and will buy for cash.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
J. C. Hanson & Co. will fill all orders for lumber at their saw mill, 12 miles north of Winfield, on the Walnut River.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
A 160 Acre Farm for Sale; 80 acres under plow, 50 acres in wheat, well and spring of living water, good supply of all kinds of fruit; centrally located in township and school district; all choice valley land and plowable except two acres of stone quarry. Time given on a part of the purchase money if desired. Inquire on the premises, 9 miles southeast of Winfield, of T. HART.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
Call and see the new seamless, side lace shoes at  (?)  W. C. ROOT & CO.’s.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
I will furnish Repairs for any combined machine, except those I handle, at cost, to all parties giving their orders in time for me to send for them before harvest. W. A. LEE.
[Winfield, Southern Kansas.]
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                     SOUTHERN KANSAS.
                             THE REMARKABLE PROSPERITY OF WINFIELD.
A Glimpse at a Few of Her Palatial Residences—Episode in the Life of One of Her Citizens.
                            “A Fine Old Southern Gentleman, One of the Olden Time.”
                                  [From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
                     CENTRAL HOTEL, WINFIELD, KANSAS, February 13, 1878.
A recent census shows a population of 1,611 in this town—an increase of about fifty percent within a year. Without question, it is the most prosperous interior town in the State, and presents more evidence of wealth and permanence and offers greater inducements to businessmen and capitalists than any other.
Real estate is appreciating rapidly, and comfortable tenement houses are in demand and high. Some enterprising mechanic with a little capital could make a fortune by building cottages to sell. There are two dozen houses in course of building now, one-half of which are residences to cost from three to seven thousand dollars, and transfers of lots to parties intending to build others are of daily occurrence. As several of these buildings are being gotten up on a scale of elegance (very unusual for a new county, and especially the frontier), I may be pardoned for a brief description of them.

Mr. J. C. Fuller is building a mansion in the eastern part of town. It is a frame with brick veneer—a style new to Kansas, but in successful use in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin for the last ten years. It is elegant in all its appointments and will be supplied with hot air furnace, water, baths, speaking tubes, and all modern conveniences. The interior will be finished with walnut and ash, and the grounds will be handsomely ornamented with terraces and fountains.
M. L. Robinson has chosen the southwestern portion of town for his residence, and is building a stately mansion upon an eminence which commands a landscape of surpassing loveliness. The building has only recently been commenced, but the designs according to the drawings of the architect are elaborate and costly. A large force of workmen are engaged and the pleasant weather is being improved.
A short distance south of this, and far enough removed from the heart of the town to give it a suburban air of quiet and seclusion, Col. McMullen has decided to build his home. This also can only be seen on paper as yet, but the contract has been awarded and the material is being delivered. The design is no less extensive than the others, and in some respects shows a more elaborate style of architecture.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Hon. Colbert Coldwell, until recently one of the associate justices of the supreme bench of Texas, has removed to this town and located near Mr. Fuller’s place, in the eastern part. His mansion is completed and occupied. It is built after the good old southern style, with high ceilings, grand old halls, and wide verandahs, and an interior finish massive and imposing, suggesting the ancestral halls of history whose occupants were in the royal line.
Too much cannot be said in praise of Mr. John Hoenscheidt, the architect, and Messrs. Ray and Randall and Mr. W. B. Gibbs, the joiners, for the eminent taste and skill displayed in these buildings, which challenge comparison with any in the state.
Among the business houses now building or just completed are a brewery, a two-story brick billiard hall, a foundry and machine shop, and Manning Hall, a two-story brick block, 60 x 100 feet, the lower story for stores. Two handsome iron bridges have also spanned the Walnut River since my visit last fall, making three bridges across the river within a mile of town.

Speaking of Judge Coldwell calls to mind an episode of the campaign of 1860, that is told with gusto in Texas to this day. The judge was a presidential elector on the Douglas ticket, and was stumping the State in company with Roger Q. Mills, present member of Congress from the Galveston district, I think, who occupied a similar position on the Breckenridge ticket. They were speaking to an acre of people at Marshall, and Mills insisted, and truly, too, that the real contest lay between Lincoln and Breckenridge, and that in the event of Lincoln’s election, it would be impossible to maintain a government at the South, as no true Southerner would accept an office under him; consequently, it was either Breckenridge or secession. He impressed this idea by graphically portraying the haughty south crushed under the heel of the “tyrant Lincoln,” and turning to Judge Coldwell, asked derisively if there was a man present who would accept an office under such a monster. Coldwell, himself the personification of Southern chivalry, “one of the olden time,” six feet two, straight as an arrow and dignified as Henry Clay, arose and straightening himself to his full stature, said: “I will not assume to speak for any considerable portion of this audience, but for one citizen of the State of Texas only; if Mr. Lincoln should be elected president and should see fit to tender me the office of district attorney, I would not only accept the honor, but would signalize my accession to the office by indicting, convicting, and hanging you, sir, for treason!”
The prolonged applause which followed showed that even at that late day the heart of old Texas was in the right place. JOE FLUFFER.
[TYPICAL KANSAN.]                                
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
                                                             Just The Thing.
President John A. Anderson, in his Industrialist, does it nicely in the following paragraph. Ingalls nearly reached it when he spoke of the fascination Kansas had for those who had once seen and left the state—one of the finest passages, by the way, in Kansas literature. But President Anderson goes beyond the assertion of a fact—he gives the reason for it. Hear him.  Osage Chronicle.
“The typical Kansan differs as greatly from other gentlemen as does a Knickerbocker from a New Englander. He is a man who scans things as rapidly and minutely as does an Indian on the trail; who thinks so easily and reaches conclusions so swiftly that the act is rather intuitive than a process; who grasps the idea some lumbering eastern chap is trying to express before the old coach has got half through the sentence; who has a subtle appreciation of truth, right, and beauty that pounces on shams like a cat on mice; who has a sense of the humorous as sharp as a bee’s sting and as rollicking as a wild Irishman; who has a reasoning power as strong as the heels of a male, and a soul warm, great, and cheery as the sun; who has the grit of a bull-dog, the courage of a grizzly, the independence of a whirlwind, and the firmness of a mountain. It is because of the happy combination of these princely elements in a vigorous body, that the typical Kansan has a right to be conscious of his superiority to the citizens of other states, though his modesty keeps him from asserting it.”
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
Independence has voted to issue $8,000 off bonds and build a new schoolhouse.
The Edwards County Leader publishes the names of the Murphys at Larned.
Eastern Kansas hogs that die of cholera are shipped to a Kansas City soap factory.
A telegraph and telephone line is to be established between Osage Mission and Erie.
The school fund commissioners purchase an average of five thousand to six thousand dollars of school bonds per week.
State Treasurer Francis has returned from Washington with the government bonds that have been purchased for the state.
Ellis County Russians intend to plant large fields of tobacco the coming season. It was a very profitable crop for them last year.
Ellis County has twenty-nine mercantile establishments, ten saloons, ten school districts, six church organizations, one mill, three newspapers, and a population of 3,500.
The management of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas, have appropriated $700,000 to be used in improving the track. Ninety miles of steel track are to be laid at curves and depots.
The Chautauqua News says that a pure article of lead has been discovered about one mile south of Peru, in that county. Mr. Baker made the discovery in sinking a well. It is to be tested soon.

One of the A., T. & S. F. men started out on the road Wednesday to number all the hand cars between Atchison and Pueblo. He will enjoy the pleasure of a trip from Atchison to Pueblo on nothing but a hand car.
Fourteen cells have been completed and are now occupied in the south wing of the penitentiary. The improvements at the prison have been greatly facilitated during the past few months by the mildness of the weather. The new three-story building, erected for the use of the Kansas Manufacturing Company, has been completed and is now full of machinery and workmen. The number of prisoners has fallen off somewhat since the adjournment of the courts, and is now 472. It is thought, however, that later in the spring the number will be increased to 500. Leavenworth Times.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
On the evening of the 10th I arrived at the beautiful little town of Lazette, which is situated in the fertile valley of Grouse Creek, just in time to get a good hot supper at the Harris hotel, kept by Robert Harris. He and his amiable wife spare no pains to make their guests comfortable. He has a good livery stable connected with the house and is well fixed to accommodate all travelers.
Of course, I called upon Mr. M. Anderson; found him manufacturing some fine boots and shoes for his customers. Mat is a good workman. Call and see him when you want work done.
B. H. Clover is still running his steam grist mill, doing good work and still able to laugh.
Mc. D. Stapleton is the leading merchant of Lazette. He keeps a large stock of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes. He has some pretty good cigars and should patronize Birnbaum, of Winfield, to be successful.
Soloman Hizler is still keeping hotel at his old stand. He has built a new stable and is ready to accommodate both man and beast.
Dr. J. A. Chapman has a large stock of drugs and groceries which he is selling cheap for cash. His place of business is on the noted corner of Cherry and Main streets.
Andrew Darrah still keeps pounding away at the blacksmith business. He hopes soon to get his iron and coal by the way of the narrow gauge from Parsons.
Dr. P. S. Rule has located in Lazette and will deal out medicine to his patients in that city and vicinity.
W. S. Huff does all kind of black smithing. He can make anything from a threshing machine to a horse shoe nail or railroad spike.
I met Mr. Burden, who says, in spite of the mud, his cattle and hogs are fattening finely.
After seeing all the businessmen of the city, I visited the school taught by Prof. H. T. Albert. There were forty-eight pupils in attendance that day, and all getting along well, considering they have no uniform series of books; in fact, some of the children have no books at all. I think Prof. Albert is a boss teacher.
All of the above named gentlemen take the COURIER, but don’t know anything about the sale of the negro mentioned in its last issue. They are well versed in the fifteenth amendment.

Leaving Lazette I came west to Winfield, stopped to see all the farmers on the road, among them Mr. John Brooks, who has just started teams to Wichita to meet his wife, and Mr. James Goforth, who have been to Tennessee on a visit and have returned, bringing many newcomers with them, about twenty in all, who will be quite an acquisition to the county.
Mr. Pike Evert has just eleven of his friends from Tennessee come to locate near him.
I learned that the festival at the Sheridan schoolhouse in favor of Rev. Nance was a success (everything the Sheridanites undertake generally is). Net proceeds $33.60. One cake voted to the best looking girl brought $17.30, and was won by Miss Laura Hilzer. Her opponent was Miss Laura Smith. Now where is your legislation against “church gambling?”
My last call was at the schoolhouse in district 78. The school closed last Friday and was taught by our old friend, Manly Hemingway. He is a good teacher and gives good satisfaction.
Wheat looks well everywhere I’ve been.
Hoping you may strike not less than a hundred new copies to supply the demand on the next issue, I remain yours, etc. RAMBLER.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Front Page.
                                                      VERNON JOTTINGS.
The Slemmons’ home farm was sold a short time since to Mr. Doran, of Iowa.
Mr. McClure also sold to a gentleman from Missouri.
Fall wheat looks fine, the best ever known here.
Our growers are alarmed at the forward state of the fruit buds. Zero weather in March will give us a repetition of 1874.
Ex-Recorder Paul is improving his farm with a will. He is equally a success with the plow or transit.
J. W. Millspaugh is feeding a fine lot of steers this winter.
Mr. J. T. Carson, our Michigan acquisition to Vernon, is putting substantial improvements on his fine farm; he evidently believes that “a thing of beauty is a joy forever.”
Our new neighbor, Mr. G. Wilson, from “Merry England,” engages in farming as if he was “of the manner born.”
D. M. Hopkins removes soon to his new farm in Ninnescah Township, to our loss and their gain. He leaves many warm friends here.
Vernon Center and Aurora Lyceum are still things of the present. They have been a great success this winter. The talent displayed would put to shame many communities in older States, of greater pretentions to culture and farming.
A few greenback followers here, will write soon at length in regard to them.
Road district No. 2 is mending her ways this week; several leading roads in the township are sadly in need of new bottoms. Contractors take notice.
The Methodists had a church supper at Vernon Center schoolhouse the evening of the 13th for the benefit of Rev. Mr. Lahr. It was successful although the weather was very unfavorable.
There will be a church festival of Aurora schoolhouse March 6th by the Baptist Church.
We second your Beaver correspondent for the organization or reorganization of an Agricultural society, if not controlled by fast horse men. Vernon, Feb. 18. REX.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Front Page.

                                                  THE NARROW GAUGE.
Work has stopped on the Narrow Gauge temporarily, because of the weather. Had the company possessed ten millions of dollars, work could not have been expected in such weather as we have had in the past two months. The contractors stuck to it as long as there was any show to put in two or three days a week.
Major Fuller assures us that active work will be resumed by the 10th of next month at the farthest, and pushed with vigor.
From $20,000 to $30,000 have already been spent in this enterprise, prompt payment being its rule, and it is not at all probable that this movement is to lie idle, when there is every reason and inducement to push on to Eureka, at the earliest moment. The road has had no greater delays than everyone which has been built in this section. In fact, work was not to be commenced, according to the Lyon County proposition, and also that of Greenwood, until the bonds along the route to the South line of the State at the rate of $4,000 per mile were in escrow, and yet we find that nine miles are graded; that a large lot of ties are on hand; and that the Cottonwood bridge is far toward completion. More would have been done but for the failure of the contractor, who only lately gave up his contract. Emporia News.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The bill to regulate the compensation of postmasters passed the senate on the 20th with an amendment to restore to members of congress the franking privilege for written or printed packages not exceeding two ounces in weight.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
There are so many out of employment in the East that immense numbers are taking the advice of the lamented Horace Greeley and going West. Kansas will receive large accessions to her population the coming spring, but there is good land here for half a million more. Come on, and bring your money, thrift, and energy, and you will succeed.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The agony in regard to the U. S. marshalship of Kansas is over. Hon. B. F. Simpson, of Paola, has received the appointment. No better selection could be made. Ben is able and honest. He was our first attorney general, has been in public life during the entire history of our state, and his name and record have never been tarnished by a breath of suspicion. The congressional delegation that secures the appointment of such men as Peck, Carpenter, and Simpson to public office should and will be supported by the people.
The above was written for last week’s issue. Since then the news comes that Mr. Simpson absolutely declines the appointment. So the agony is not over after all.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                CHINESE IMMIGRATION.

The famine in the northern part of China is represented as most terrible. It is stated that 70,000,000 people are starving, and in one province of 96,000 people, 80,000 have died. It is apprehended that a horde of Chinese paupers are soon to be precipitated upon the California coast. We wish our government and people to do everything that is right and generous for the relief of these starving people at their homes, but hold that their immigration to the United States should be prohibited by law. It is a fine sentiment, no doubt, that our country should be the asylum of the oppressed of all nations, but when it comes to making it the ground where the criminal, ignorant, brutal, and pauper millions of other nations, barbarous or civilized, are to be colonized, the ideal beauty of the thing disappears.
A republican or democratic government cannot be sustained without a very large preponderance of virtuous and intelligent people. Even polished France has but recently risen to that degree of civilization necessary to sustain such a government. We have enough of the barbarous, brutal class at best, and the only safe policy is to encourage the immigration only of persons of means, energy, intelligence, and moral character. The criminal and pauper hordes should be kept out and left to the care of the nations that breed them. When we have civilized our Indians, our ku klux, and our other vicious and dangerous classes, it will be quite early enough to undertake these heavier jobs. Barbarians at best do not civilize appreciably in one generation or ten.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                      CARVING TURKEY.
Lord Derby, Prince Bismarck, and Prince Gortschakoff have announced that they will not represent their respective governments in the congress at Baden-Baden.
Bismark has explained his views concerning the true basis of peace to be adopted by the powers of Europe. The Czar has promptly stated that in deference to his friend, the Emperor William, he will adopt those views as his policy. Austria feels compelled also to accede and England alone is dissatisfied. She seems to feel angry that she was just five minutes too late to take the last train and keeps up her war preparations as a safety valve to her temper. The Congress at Baden-Baden will be hastened. It will probably meet next week. Russia has concentrated her troops in readiness for action in case of any warlike demonstrations. Her government is said to believe there will be no war. It is believed that the Turkish fleet is about to be turned over to the Russians.
The London Times says the only danger of war is the possibility of accidental collision of British and Russian forces, and of Turkey taking courage from the position and acts of England. It is said that Russia claims that unless the British fleet leaves the sea of Marmora, or guarantees are given that it will not enter the Bosphorus, the Russians ought to occupy the shores of the Bosphorus; and if the Turks continue to delay signing the terms of peace, the Russians will occupy Constantinople.
LATER. The Turks have commenced the evacuation of Erzeroum. Volunteers from Greece are still continuing the war in Thessaly and Crete and have suffered some defeats. It is now thought the Baden-Baden meeting will not be a congress but only a conference. The draft of the peace conditions constrained a stipulation that six of the principal Turkish ironclads should be ceded to Russia. There have also arisen other matters of disagreement between the powers which render the prospects of peace quite uncertain and unsatisfactory. Europe is armed to the teeth and increasing its armaments day by day.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Gen. Crook says there is no danger of trouble from Sitting Bull.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Thirty two set speeches were made in the senate on the silver bill.

Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
No decline of U. S. bonds on account of the passage of the silver bill has been reported.
The present capacity of the mints of the United States is $3,000,000 of silver dollars a month.
The house concurred in the senate amendments to the silver bill by a vote of about 100 yeas to 70 nays.
The scene in the senate on the night of the passage of the silver bill is represented as being disgraceful. Many senators are said to have been drunk.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Since writing the item in another place in relation to the U. S. bonds in the foreign market, a later dispatch states that in London was a great pressure to sell these bonds and a sharp decline was anticipated.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The Missouri railroads had the privilege of controlling their rates of fare and freight for ten years, which time is about expired. The state commissioners will reduce the fare from five cents a mile to four cents on branches and three cents on the main lines.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Oxford mill is running on full time.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Gen. Sheridan and staff returned through Wellington on the 20th.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The pontoon bridge at Oxford is again in place and in good condition and Murphy is happy.
[Sources of above not given.]
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The maple trees are in bloom. Peach blossoms have appeared.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Twenty-six persons joined the M. E. Church last Sunday morning.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Walker Bros. have just received a large assortment of queensware, which they are selling cheap for cash.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Manley Hemenway, Esq., our former county surveyor, was over from Lazette yesterday and gave us a call.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Our young lawyer, Charles H. Payson, is winning golden opinions for his legal abilities and gentlemanly qualities.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Services at the M. E. Church next Sabbath. Rev. E. P. Hickock will preach at 11 a.m., and Rev. Silas Rawson at 7 p.m.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

Harter & Hill are keeping their livery business fully up to the wants of our growing city and county.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
I. H. Phenis, of Windsor Township, has bought his old farm back. He could not stand it away from glorious Cowley, and has come back for the fatted calf.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The donation party at the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening was a very pleasant gathering and a success. The cash contributions amounted to over $100.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Miller & Craft have recently bought up a car load of fat cattle, the finest we have seen for a long time. The lot were driven to Wichita and shipped to Lawrence.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Notice the new card of Alvin Bisbee, maker of boots and shoes. He is a mechanic who has attained an enviable reputation for strict attention to business, good work, and good fits.
AD:                                                     ALBIN BISBEE,
                                                            Manufacturer of
                                                           Boots and Shoes
                                                 to order from the best material.
                                             A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Wallis & Wallis appear in a new advertisement this week. By close attention to business, first-class goods, and low prices, they have built up a large trade in the grocery line.
AD:                                                WALLIS & WALLIS,
                                                   Dealers in Staple and Fancy
                                          GROCERIES, AND QUEENSWARE,
Fancy candies, canned fruits, and everything usually kept at a first-class Grocery house. Our stock of candies and canned fruits, which is the largest ever brought to Winfield, is
                                                         ENTIRELY NEW.
                             East side Main Street, Fords old stand, Winfield, Kansas.
                                Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Last Saturday reminded us of old anti-mud times. The streets and stores were again crowded with people and the melodious voice of the auctioneer resounded from the corner of Main and 9th.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Walker Brothers are doing a good business in groceries. They are gentlemen who understand their business, and their customers are always pleased with the goods and prices. See their new “ad.”
AD.                                                    WALKER BRO’s
                                                   Dealers in Staple and Fancy
And everything usually kept in a first-class Grocery house.

                                                  STOCK ENTIRELY NEW.
We buy and sell for cash, and CASH ONLY.
                                                        At Boyles’ old stand.
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
                                Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Those who attended the performances of McEvoy’s Hibernians at the courthouse last Friday and Saturday evenings say that McGinnis, as a delineator of character, and Miss Arenza, as a vocalist, are “splendid,” and that nothing of the kind has ever transpired in Winfield so amusing and so generally good.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
In spite of old Prog. Tice, groundhog and goosebons, that terrible freeze out did not come in February and Lacy mourns his occupation gone. He should have secured a few sheets of that ice as thick as a pane of glass in November. Frank Manny proposes to import an ice machine at a cost of about $3,000.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
TO BE MARRIED. F. S. Jennings has by years of apparent good behavior and strict attention to business won the admiration and confidence of his bachelor and—lady friends, but now he suddenly dashes all this to the ground by committing matrimony in the first degree. He had his preliminary examination before Judge Platter yesterday morning, who bound him over for trial. Of course, he will not escape a long imprisonment, and it is hoped that the beautiful Mrs. Inez will manage the punishment so as to secure his permanent good.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The ordinance of baptism was administered to a large number of converts yesterday at Timber Creek above town under the auspices of the Baptist Church.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. McGinnis, who performed here last week with McEvoy’s Hibernians, will return in two or three weeks and perform for the benefit of the Murphy movement.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
W. A. Lee is spreading his plows and other agricultural implements over a considerable territory, but expects to clear them out in due time. He can accommodate his former customers both in price and quality.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
One of B. M. Terrell’s livery horses was hitched on the other side of the river when some scoundrel stabbed him twice in the abdomen with a knife. If Beecher is right, what shall be done with those who wantonly stab horses?
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
The temperance movement was organized at Excelsior schoolhouse on last Friday evening. Mr. Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, presided. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. Snow, Andrews, Greer, and others. Thirty-eight signed the pledge.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

The meetings that have been in progress for two weeks conducted by Messrs. Randall and Evans will be continued during this week. There have been about one hundred conversions. It is believed that their effort will prove a lasting benefit to this community.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
S. P. Strong, late of Indianapolis, Indiana, has bought the splendid farm of A. D. Lee, of Rock Township, and is going into farming on a large scale. He is a staunch republican, a gentleman of intelligence and culture, and will be heard from in the future history of this county.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
In a city like this, it is a great convenience to farmers and others, when they can know just where they can find live fresh seeds of all kinds, in the hands of men who are strictly reliable. It is also convenient to know just where, in such hands, can be found the best varieties of plows and all other kinds of agricultural implements at living prices. Brotherton & Silver are such men and their agricultural implement and seed store is such a place. See their new advertisement.
AD:                                   AGRICULTURE AND SEED STORE,
                                                     Keep on hand all kinds of
Davenport Sulky Plow, Skinner Sulky Plow, Peoria Sulky Plow, Boss Cultivator, Skinner Old Ground Plow, Iron and wood beams, Prairie King Sod Breaker, etc.
                              CELEBRATED O’BRIEN VIBRATING HARROWS.
                                                  BROTHERTON & SILVER.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
One of the most beautiful pieces of furniture we have ever seen is a combined desk and book case placed in the office of Curns and Manser for J. W. Curns, Esq. It was manufactured by Mr. Bull, the gentleman who made the chess board to which we called attention some time since. As a work of art, it even surpasses the latter. It is impossible to describe its beauty, grace, and workmanship, but must be seen to be appreciated. Mr. Bull is a genius of the first order.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
DIED. Charles White, living about fourteen miles north of this city, on the east side of the Walnut, left this place for his home on the evening of the 20th with a span of horses, wagon, and wood-rack. He did not arrive at home that night, and the next day search was made for him until evening, when he was found in the timber dead, with his neck broken, and hanging through the wood-rack of his wagon with one leg held fast in the rack. The wagon tongue was broken and plunged deep into the ground, and the horses were alive and fast to the wagon. Next day (Friday) Dr. W. G. Graham, coroner, held an inquest on the body, and the jury found that Charles White came to his death by falling from his wagon and breaking his neck, he being intoxicated at the time. He leaves a wife and six children. The oldest child is under eight years of age.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

A man named Nicholas Hostetler, living about four miles north of Arkansas City, had a preliminary examination before Justice Boyer charged with incest. The victims are two young daughters, fine looking and appearing modest, timid, and frightened. It is charged that the crime commenced against each when about twelve years of age, and has continued with the elder the last four, and with the younger the last two years under threats of death in case of complaint. The defense, supported by many circumstances, claim that it is a job put up by his children and others to get rid of the old man (who is near sixty years old) and get his property. He was held to bail in $3,000, in default of which he is confined in the county jail to await the May session of the district court. Public sentiment is very strong against him and there has been talk of lynching, but better counsels seem to prevail. We do not desire to prejudice the case in any way, and we avoid expressing an opinion as to the truth of the charge, but, if true, we have no words adequate to express our abhorrence.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                       SCHOOL NOTICE.
The spring term of the Winfield schools will commence on the first day of April and continue ten weeks. Teachers and pupils from other school districts will have the opportunity to attend the high school department during the term. GEO. W. ROBINSON, Principal.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
R. W. Anderson, of Beaver, is the right kind of a man to have around. Those vegetable oysters were just a little ahead of the hi-value article.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Mr. Daniel Crow, late of Indianapolis, has come to Winfield to stay. He is an intelligent gentleman and a first-class painter.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
T. H. Aley, the popular schoolteacher of Dexter, was in town last Friday and gave us a call.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Superintendent Story went last week to Dexter to superintend the teachers’ examination.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Prof. Geo. W. Robinson conducted the teachers’ examination at Winfield last week.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
F. S. Jennings, Esq., went to Arkansas City last week to conduct the teachers’ examination.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
W. A. Freeman, of Beaver Township, has been appointed a notary public.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Joseph M. Ferguson was admitted to the insane asylum at Osawatomie, on Feb. 20, 1877. On Feb. 20, 1878, Judge Gans was notified to send for him as he is now perfectly recovered.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Gus. Brodin, one of R. Birnbaum’s cigar makers, has concluded to quit the business. Cause why? He has fallen heir to $26,000, in Sweden, and goes to secure the prize. Good for Gus.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

Harry Foults closed his engagement with us as compositor last Saturday. He is one of the best typos we have met; faithful, steady, and true, and we regret to part with him. We wish him the success he deserves in whatever calling he may hereafter pursue.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
John B. Holmes, the great farmer of Rock, called on us last week.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Charles Way, an experienced typo, took his place at the case in our office last Monday. Many of our citizens will remember him as a former compositor at this office.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Leon Lippmann is moving his mill up to J. G. Titus’ timber, just below town. Lippmann is one of the men that will keep business moving in spite of bad weather and hard times.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
T. C. Copeland is at work at the Times office in Eldorado. He is a capable workman at his case and at the job press.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
John B. Lynn returned last Saturday evening from his trip to buy goods. He reports that business generally, except coming to Kansas, is remarkably dull.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
L. C. Harter returned Saturday from a trip up west on the Santa Fe road, where he went with a lot of cattle. He reports lively times there on account of the presence of a large number of immigrants and visitors.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Mr. Ira Howe, of Dexter, brought us last Saturday the finest and fattest young turkey we have seen. We appreciate such attentions very highly.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
J. L. Huey was up from Arkansas City Tuesday. He says Huey & Mitchell have moved into their fine office over Houghton & McLaughlin’s store—said to be the finest office in the county.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                     Probate Judge’s Office.
Estate of Josephine and Charles McMasters, minors. Inventory filed by W. H. H. Maris, guardian.
Sarah E. Hostetter, administratrix of estate of Amos Smith, filed her second annual report.
Petition filed for sale of real estate of John Broderick, deceased. Hearing set for March 14th.
Resignation of Egbert H. Gallup, administrator of estate of Charles Johnson, accepted, and William Hight appointed in his stead.
Estate of C. Johnson vs. Calvin Coon. Coon appealed.
Order granted for the sale of personal estate of B. W. Rutherford, deceased.
                                                  MARRIAGE LICENSES.
Willis Black to Cordelia Adcock.
James L. Pitkin to Ada Marston.
Frank S. Jennings to Inez E. Daniels.

Judge Gans performed the ceremony in the first case above on Tuesday last.
The Judge says those who have paid for licenses in flour in advance must get the licenses at once or he will “go back on it.” He has now plenty of flour and will require some other currency hereafter.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
Thos. W. Roberts to Geo. W. Page, in sec. 14, 35, 4, 104 acres, $700.
U. S. to Jay S. Clark, lot 5 in 31, 32, 3, 26 acres.
U. S. to Thos B. Ware, ne 21, 32, 3, 160 acres.
M. V. Gardenhire and wife to R. W. Hawkins, ne 33, 31, 7, 160 acres, $1,100.
Sheriff to C. W. Mitchell, nw and w of ne and w of se and e of sw 14, 32, 6, 400 acres, $801.
Hil. Holtby and wife to David L. Lamb, ne of nw 21, 33, 4, 40 acres, $200.
R. L. Walker to David J. Bright, sw 6, 34, 3, 160 acres, $585.
Winfield Town Company to Martha C. Tucker, lot 4, block 87, Winfield, $120.
W. M. Gray to J. C. McMullen, lot 11, block 66, Arkansas City.
J. C. Fuller and wife to E. S. Bedilion, lot 4, block 231; Winfield.
M. A. Millington and wife to Geo. Bergdorf, lot 4, block 187, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                         FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, FEB. 25, 1878.
A. B. Taylor closed his school at No. 21 on last Friday with a good game of base ball.
The society at 21 is in a flourishing condition.
Mr. J. W. Cottingham, while on his way to town on last Saturday, met with a serious accident. His team became unmanageable, throwing J. W. from the wagon, and away they went, demolishing the wagon, and the load of wood. They were stopped by running into a slough where they were mired down.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                     ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FE R. R.
                                            GENERAL PASSENGER OFFICE,
                                     TOPEKA, KANSAS, FEBRUARY 2, 1878.
DEAR SIR: Commencing Sunday, March 3rd, this company will put on an accommo-dation train, leaving Atchison 11:50 p.m. and Kansas City at 11:10 p.m. daily, connecting with night trains from the East and running through to Dodge. This will be a mixed train for the benefit of those moving to Kansas with their effects and to accommodate the increased local and emigrant business.
Baggage will be checked and carried on this train to all points east of and including Dodge City.
We will continue to carry through any local emigrant passengers on our regular Colorado express, leaving Kansas City and Atchison at 11:40 a.m. daily. Yours truly,
                                     T. J. ANDERSON, General Passenger Agent.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.

A 160 Acre Farm for Sale; 80 acres under plow, 50 acres in wheat, well and spring of living water, good supply of all kinds of fruit; centrally located in township and school district; all choice valley land and plowable except two acres of stone quarry. Time given on a part of the purchase money of desired. Inquire on the premises, 9 miles southeast of Winfield, of T. HART.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                    FROM SILVER CREEK.
ED. COURIER: In looking over the columns of the COURIER, I see items from almost every township in the county except this, and, judging from past experience that editors are “long suffering and slow to anger,” I will try your patience a little with my scribbling on our township. It is fast filling up. The southeast quarter of our school section is occupied by a young man named Lane, from Illinois, a regular “git up and git,” who is marring the face of the earth with his mules and breaker, for certain. Wheat looks splendid, and business is lively. This township has more “Brooks” than any other. The fountain head is near Lazette, from whence they flow westward into Silver. Their names are Nate, Luther, A. P., and Jeff, with lots of little brooklets too numerous to mention. The health and morals of the people are good. No stealing, lying, or tattling, but each man, woman, and child attends to his or her own business; so peace prevails.
If this is worthy a place in your paper, you may hear from me again.
                                                        LITTLE CHARLEY.
[Thanks. We were in want of such a Silver correspondent. ED.]
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                          DEXTER ITEMS.
Little has been doing of late, but the recent bright sunshine has sent farmers to the fields to finish gathering corn and make ready for a new crop.
Our millers, Nicholson & Co., are pushing things since the fair weather set in and hope to complete the mill soon.
Rev. Kendrick preached to us last Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and received much encouragement in reference to the organization of a Presbyterian Church at this place. The people appreciate his ability and welcome him and all others whose object is to do good.
There have been a few deaths of small children recently.
Dexter is having a splendid school. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                      CEDAR TOWNSHIP.
ED. COURIER: The Followers of Christ are holding a series of meetings, alternately at the Smith and the Beaver Creek schoolhouses. It was asserted that they were Joe Smithites, but I think the assertion groundless.
The spring fever has broken out among the farmers down here. I saw a number of plows running last Monday and Tuesday. Don Jay took it first—that is, he broke the first ground for the coming crop.
One of our bachelors is building a neat little house. He has just finished for himself a “high toned” chicken house. The question is:” What does Jim want with a cage without a bird? Perhaps he will gain a Victory yet.

Miss Taplin is teaching in 107, and successfully too. With the exception of a school taught by Mrs. Ledley and one by Mr. Hockett, she has taught the only successful school that has ever been taught in Cedar Township. Stick a period here—I am out of soap.
Feb. 21, 1878. I GUESS.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                         VERNON ITEMS.
E. B. Gault and J. A. Rupp have a new way of killing. They stand before the critter and shoot it behind the left ear.
BIRTH. A mass meeting of women was called by Charles Duncan at midnight. He was very anxious to know if it were a boy or a girl. The majority decided in his favor that it was. Charles would not trade it off for the best mustang pony in the country. Dr. Davis expounded the scripture on the occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Ware are visiting relatives near Wichita.
Mr. Ward has gone to Rush County.
Mar. Sutton has sold his place and gone to seek a future home in Rush County.
A silver meeting at Mt. Zion, Monday night.
Miss Flora Ware had her eye jammed into a cottonwood tree while riding, and was badly hurt. She had to quit school.
DIED. Last week we buried father Oliver, an old resident of Vernon. He was highly esteemed by all.
The meeting at Nose Bud closed last Sabbath, and resulted in four accessions to the W. B. church. Rev. F. Gorsline was called away to preach the funeral sermon of Mr. Reuben Bowers, near Arkansas City. Rev. Mr. Marson, a local minister, delivered us two excellent discourses in his absence. By hard riding, Rev. Gorsline reached his appointment at Mt. Zion at night.
Quite a number donned the blue at Mt. Zion, Friday night, after lyceum. Mr. Smith procured the pledges and ribbons in town, and passed them round. The boys think “the Murphy’s don’t give much ribbon—just enough to pin on.”
They are taking up a tobacco pledge at Nose Bud. If they only make people ashamed to chew in church, I will say, “Praise the Lord for that.”
They have a new thing out in Sumner. Those who have faith can go to heaven before corn planting; the rest will be punished thirty years. GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                          TISDALE ITEMS.
On Friday eve, Feb. 22, the ladies of the M. E. Church gave a necktie festival, for the benefit of Mr. Armstrong, which was very well patronized. The necktie part was a complete sell; otherwise, it was a fine affair. Quite a strife was made by Sheridan and Tisdale for a cake, which resulted in Sheridan carrying off the cake and Tisdale pocketing $17.35 therefor. Among the many ladies taking part in the preparations of the supper, I particularly noticed Mrs. Wright, Mrs. McGuire, Mrs. E. P. Young, Mrs. Handy, and Mrs. Rounds. The receipts of the evening were $33.60.

The Tisdale Grange is doing well lately. On last Saturday evening nine new members were initiated, among them Dr. Wright and wife, E. P. Young and wife, Mrs. A. S. Morse, and Miss Sadie Davis. I did not learn the names of the others.
MARRIED. Married, Feb. 17, at the residence of the bride’s father, Miss Hattie Davy to Arthur S. Morse.
Lew. V. Keller has left Tisdale and returned to Missouri. Lew. is a jolly fellow and is missed by his many friends.
R. D. Moreland and Mr. Kennett started for Arkansas yesterday. Tisdale is losing some of her best citizens.
A. T. Gay is building a stone corral on his farm.
Mr. Hodges returned from Wisconsin last week.
“Bial” Foote has engaged to A. B. Tanner, as blacksmith, for the coming season. Bial is a first-class workman.
Two Mexican “cowboys” were in town last night. They were robbed at Kansas City and are walking back to Texas. February 25, 1878. LYCURGUS.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                       NORTH SHERIDAN.
Esquire Morrow and party have returned from Slate Creek, bringing in six wagon loads of fish.
Dr. Rising has just finished his new residence. It is quite an ornament to the neighborhood.
Harvey Thomas is teaching music to a class of forty-two scholars. Harvey understands music, and the class is progressing rapidly.
Parties here from Monroe County, Iowa, looking after farms.
Your traveling agent failed to give us a call. Send him around. We all want the COURIER, and we like to see Hamilton; he is such a good fellow.
Dr. Rising will commence sinking a shaft for coal soon. The indications for coal on his farm are good.
School districts No. 30 and 39 are praying for a division of their territory, by crossing a new district out of parts of both, so that all may be accommodated, but Superintendent Story “can’t see it.” CHRANISKI.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Howard’s goods must be cleared out this week regardless of cost.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                 EAST BEAVER JOTTINGS.
The weather is quite favorable for geese and ducks, and from present indications another shower is brewing.
L. Mouser et al. have embarked for the Cherokee Nation—mortgages are unhealthy.
Rev. Fred. Brown, of Sedan, formerly of this place, is here visiting friends.
Our “hoosier” colony express themselves as being delighted with the general appearance of the country—mud of course excepted. They report several score more at Wichita, awaiting transportation to Cowley.
Messrs. J. W. Browning, S. Beach, W. D. Lester, D. Northrup, H. Holtby, and M. Teeter are philanthropists, as their voluntary working of the public highways this week will substantiate.

Theodore Dillo has arranged the preliminaries to crop with K. J. Wright this year.
We can no longer boast of an individual with the power of speaking in the biblical unknown tongue. Perhaps the Cherokees will prosper by the revelations of this extraordinary divine.
Dr. C. C. Rogers thinks the abrasion which Links and Pins’ cranium sustained in a contact with the ceiling of G’s dwelling will, with proper nursing, eventually disappear. G. contrived to repair the damage without rebuilding.
Our dilatory farmers are making every possible effort, notwithstanding the mud, to gather the remainder of last year’s corn crop in time to plant the crop of this year.
The musical talent of this vicinity, under the supervision of C. W. Roseberry, is rapidly developing.
Rev. B. C. Swarts delivered a sermon on Christian baptism at the Centennial schoolhouse last Saturday. He endeavored to establish the fact that the exclusive meaning of “baptism” is not “to immerse.”
And still the emigrants come. Mr. Vandever, an Illinoian, is the latest arrival.
Two converts to the Methodist faith were admitted to full membership of that denomination, by the ordinance of baptism by sprinkling, at the Centennial last Sunday.
The scholars of the Centennial school who have attained a meritorious standard since the previous report are Harry Lester, Tommy Wright, George Banfill, Lucius Waugh, Chrissa Wright, and Lula Teeter. February 22, 1878. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                            FROM OTTO.
ED. COURIER: There has been a series of meetings and five members have been baptized and received into the church, namely: E. Osborn and wife, Wm. Coldwell and wife, and Eva Osborn. They were formed into a class styled “The True Followers of Christ,” with F. M. Osborn, Elder and Shepherd. I am unable to get much idea of the doctrine of this sect.
                                                           AN I WITNESS.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                      FROM MAPLE CITY.
ED. COURIER: We are seriously thinking, if this kind of weather continues, of having “Grouse” bridged, so that our communication with Winfield will not be interrupted so often.
The little daughter of A. A. Wiley, of whom mention was made as being very sick, has partially recovered, but her left side is completely paralyzed.
R. B. McNonon [?McNown] had a farewell gathering at his residence on the night of the 20th inst., which was attended by a large number of his friends and acquaintances, who whiled away the time till the small hours of the morning, tripping the “light fantastic toe.” Mr. McNoon [?McNown] and family leave for the “Black Hills” the 26th inst.”
Feb. 22nd, 1878. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                         SOUTH BEAVER.
ED. COURIER: Beaver is afflicted with “literary fellers” some of whom have predicted a surrender of the municipal corporation but the timely arrival of those twenty-three “Hoosiers” insures its permanence.

Old Settler, of Pleasant Valley, may have one of the best townships and all that, but we will bet our “yaller dorg” he will not boast much of certain late occurrences in that township. Are not we glad it did not happen in Beaver.
Horatius came into our territory again for an item, but if he will send W. A. Freeman to do our washing, we will forgive him. He teaches a model school at the Centennial and is appreciated by his employers.
Last Tuesday evening a very brilliant meteor passed directly overhead making it as light as day around us. Being a little superstitious, our hair voluntarily stood erect. The explosion that followed was terrific.
School district 93 is agitating the question of building a schoolhouse. There are upwards of twenty children of school age that ought to be in school.
DIED. Mr. Reuben Bowers died last Friday night. Bolton Township has lost a valuable citizen.
An ex-county commissioner was at the county seat on business and not meeting with a chance to ride, returned home on foot after dark. When near home he met a skunk and in his effort to dodge and get around him, lost his hat. He got home hatless but happy that he escaped scentless.
Is anyone else in favor of an agricultural society? LITTLE AND MORE.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
                                                    FROM LITTLE DUTCH.
EDITOR COURIER: In my travels I had the pleasure of attending a union festival at Little Dutch and enjoyed a fine time, for the ladies of that place know how to set a table filled with good things. Peace and harmony prevail in that neighborhood, for they all take the COURIER. Persons desiring to buy land should not fail to see that part of the county. They have a splendid district school, a good Sabbath school that has been in operation four years, preaching every Sabbath, a lodge of good Templars that meets weekly, and intelligent and enterprising people. TRAVELING AGENT.
Winfield Courier, February 28, 1878.
Skipped “Educational Report” by R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Front Page.
                                                    FAREWELL ADDRESS.
Delivered by J. L. Rushbridge at the M. E. Church, Sunday, Feb. 24, 1878.
The march of time brings us this morning to the closing scenes of another conference year...My advent among you nearly two years ago I have looked upon as strangely providential.
Arriving in Winfield we found the Body Spiritual of the M. E. Church very low, and presenting symptoms of organic dissolution....goes on about low points [hints of troubles with Manning] and the efforts that went into erection of church....tells how he has been physically ill and unable to do all that he wanted to. VERY LONG ARTICLE.


Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
As we predicted the Wilson silver mine bubble burst much quicker than the Eldorado coal hole did. Cowley has had a few silver mines and we known how it is ourselves.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Hon. M. W. Reynolds, of Parsons, in a private letter to one of the editors of this paper, writes that the work on our east and west narrow gauge road is “just booming.” He thinks that there is no question of the early construction of the road.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Some of our citizens, after the appointment of Ben Simpson as marshal, wrote him asking that he come to Topeka to reside. He answered that if he had accepted the office, he should have moved to Osawatomie, deposited the effects of the office in John Brown’s monument, and had a lunatic from the asylum detailed as bookkeeper. Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
The national greenback convention met at Toledo on the 22nd, and in substance resolved that it is the function of government to create money and should create a plenty; that no property should be exempt from taxation, that all the public lands should be donated to settlers in small quantities, and that Chinese immigration should be suppressed; all of which is good doctrine except the creation of money. If government can create money at will, what is the need of any kind of taxation?
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
The silver bill has become a law. Under the circumstances we believe the law is a good one and the best that could have been done was to pass it over the president’s veto. It is a triumph of the silver men and of the people of the west and will, we hope, be accepted as the settlement of the question. We believe the west now desires that all agitation for a change shall cease, so that confidence in the stability of the present status may be speedily acquired and business revived.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Last week the emigration to this State was simply immense. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday special trains were run on all our leading railroads, crowded with people seeking homes in Kansas. It is estimated that on Thursday last not less than three thousand home seekers came into the state by rail. Most of these have come to stay. They have brought their families, stock, machinery, everything. It is no trial trip with them. Hereafter they will be “Kansans at home.” As is usual, the lion’s share of them came down the Santa Fe road to settle in the Arkansas Valley.
What is Cowley County doing to secure a share of the immense emigration that is pouring into the State? Many who are coming this spring are well-to-do farmers having a few thousand dollars each. For such no county in the State has better advantages than this. Here they can buy farms partly improved for the cost of the wild land offered by railroad companies. Our soil is richer and deeper, and our mutual advantages greater than those of the lands offered by the companies. The agents of these companies continually misrepresent us, and carry past us people who ought to find homes in our county. We are losing a golden opportunity by doing nothing.

Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Feb. 28, 1878. The president vetoed the silver bill. The house passed it over the veto by 196 yeas to 73 nays, and the senate by 46 yeas to 19 nays, giving the requisite two-thirds in both houses to the bill becomes a law.
The decrease of the public debt during the month of February was over $2,000,000.
Fifty-three employees in the general land office were discharged for want of an appropriation to pay them.
Mar. 1, 1878. The secretary of the treasury and director of the mints are using every exertion to run the mints to their full capacity in coining silver dollars. It is believed that by the middle of April the rate of $3,500,000 per month will be reached.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                                         Bancroft Bounced!
                                 An Emporia Real Estate Agent in a Tight Place.
  The State Normal School Loses $15,000 to $20,000, and “Still we have no Railroad.”
About eight years ago E. P. Bancroft, at that time a member of the board of regents of the Emporia state normal school, was appointed agent for the sale of the lands belonging to the institution. He continued to serve in this capacity until June last, not reporting during all this time the sale of an acre of land. Soon after his removal he reported land sales during the time of his agency amounting to about four thousand dollars, and paid the sum reported into the state treasury. Until quite recently no suspicion of dishonesty attached to Mr. Bancroft. He was regarded as an energetic, honorable businessman and no one doubted the correctness of his report. About a month ago a man living in western Kansas wrote to the state auditor for the deed to a certain tract of normal school land that he had purchased from Mr. Bancroft, and for the price of which he held Bancroft’s receipts. An examination of the auditor’s books revealed the fact that no report of the sale of this tract of land had been made. A meeting of the board of regents of the normal school was called at once, and ex-Senator Creighton of Labette County, a member of the board, was appointed to investigate the matter. He went first to Saline County, a considerable amount of these lands being located there, and by going from tract to tract found that much of the land had been sold and that the purchasers held Bancroft’s receipts for payments thereto. Some of these lands were sold months after Bancroft’s appointment had been revoked. Also it was discovered that Bancroft had sold and undertaken to convey, without any authority whatever, certain “salt lands” belonging to the state, some of these lands having changed hands several times. Nearly all of these lands are occupied by settlers, and on some of them valuable improvements have been placed.
The normal school lands that were sold during Bancroft’s agency are lost to the state. Those sold since his discharge, and the “salt lands” will be secured to the state, but the loss will fall heavily on the unfortunate purchasers.
The entire amount of the defalcation is not yet known. It is not less than $15,000 and may prove to be twice that sum. As his bond has not been renewed since it was made eight years ago, it is believed to be worthless.

The investigation was conducted so quietly that all the evidence necessary to convict the defaulter was secured before he suspected what was being done. Since he was first suspicioned, escape has been impossible, for the police have watched him constantly. What has been done with the money that has thus been stolen has not yet been determined. As he was the moving spirit in the K. C., E. & S. W. R. R. Co., it is believed by many that he has used it to pay for the grading that has been done on that road. If so, the enterprise will rest for the present.
It seems strange that an enterprising businessman would thus throw himself away. For years he has occupied responsible positions and has had the confidence of the public. Doubtless when he began his peculations he expected to account for every dollar that should come into his hands. He had considered it merely “borrowing.” One downward step leads to another, and today a useful member of society, one who has long been an honored citizen of the state, is ruined because he was not strictly honest.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
                                            AN UNWARRANTED ATTACK.
The Wichita Beacon has descended to a meanness. In an editorial of more than one-third of a column it has made a bitter attack upon a minister and church of Winfield, and in such terms that without calling names, there can be no doubt as to whom it was aimed. It calls a certain transaction on the part of the minister and church a scandal, a shame, and a procuring of goods on false pretenses. It uses much other language tending to illustrate the enormity of the crime charged, and holds up its pure hands in holy horror that a minister and church should be thus guilty. The offense charged, when divested of the ornaments above described is simply this, nothing more: Six months ago the minister bought for his church of a Wichita dealer $50 worth of furniture on thirty days’ time, and the dealer has not yet got his pay, although he has drawn on the church and the draft has been protested.
Now, it is undeniably a bad thing for a church “or any other man” to fail to meet its debts when due, but such things happen continually in very excellent families and churches, and are not considered to be crimes, misdemeanors, or even sins in a small way. One’s credit suffers more or less, and that is all. The Wichita man took his chances of prompt pay in the usual manner, and will probably get his pay as soon from this as from many of his other customers.
The church in question undertook last year a heavy job in church building, which grew heavier as the work progressed, so that, as is usual, the cost overreached the money raised and it was largely in debt. At the dedication large sums were pledged, sufficient to pay the debts, but there was less paid cash in hand than was expected, and the minister was disappointed as was probably the Wichita dealer. These sums will in a reasonable time be paid in and the church will clear itself of debt. If the Wichita dealer cannot stand it a little while longer, he had better come down here and whip the whole church.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.

It is difficult to determine from the dispatches precisely what the trouble is, but the European questions growing out of the war are far from being settled. The conference of the powers at Baden-Baden has been put off until April 1st, and may fail altogether. England is making great preparations for war. A peace meeting addressed by Bradlaugh at Hyde Park was broken up by a mob of 80,000 anti-Russian Englishmen. Bradlaugh was mobbed and an attempt was made to mob Gladstone’s residence. Russia is still massing troops near Constantinople. Austria is making war preparations. It is said that Russia has yielded the demand for the Turkish war vessels, is irritated at the delay in signing the peace treaty, and will occupy Constantinople soon. Austria wants Bosnia and Herzegovina, but will follow the advice of Germany in the main. Another week will be likely either to precipitate a war or settle terms of peace. If the war continues, England will surely take a hand.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
The accounts of suffering and death by starving and freezing in the northern provinces of China are becoming still more appalling. In one instance, a building in which were 3,000 starving and freezing refugees, was burned, and only 100 of the inmates escaped.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
V. R. Bartlett, Esq., the grain buyer here, received a letter from Robert Weakly, at Winfield, in which he is offered 10,000 bushels of No. 2 wheat—5,000 owned by Mr. Weakly and 5,000 by the Youle Brothers. The sample shows No. 2 grade, for which Mr. Bartlett offers $1.05, cash, delivered at Eldorado. The sample is better than any we have seen this year. Walnut Valley Times.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Pawnee Pete, an old Pawnee Indian who has been trapping on the Arkansas, has with him a white child that he claims to have bought from the Cheyennes for two ponies. She is about thirteen years old, light brown hair, black eyes, and has an intelligent expression. She cannot talk English, but speaks the Pawnee language fluently. Evidently she belongs to some family in Texas who have been mourning her loss for the past six years, as the Indians claim to have found her six years ago. The authorities should endeavor to find her connections and have her returned. Traveler.
On Sunday morning about one-third of the west pier of the Walnut River bridge was discovered to have been washed out. Mr. Newman and James Huey, the township trustee, immediately engaged four teams and had them work all day Sunday hauling rock to throw in above the pier to save it. It does not interfere with crossing, and will be permanently repaired when the water lowers. Traveler.
Wichita Eagle: Tuesday last seventy one wagons came in from Oxford and immediate vicinity loaded with hogs and wheat.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
Topeka is infested with horse thieves. So many animals have been stolen lately that the horsemen of the capital city have concluded to organize a vigilance committee.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
The Ute Indians are said to be on the war path against the United States.
The Mardi Gras procession and pageantry at New Orleans, on 28th ult., was witnessed by immense crowds of people.

Memphis, Tennessee, celebrated the Mardi Gras festivities by a grand ball, a parade of the Knights of Momus with gorgeous pageantry and tableaux, and a grand pyrotechnic display.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
                               [Published in the Winfield Courier March 7, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 75.
An ordinance to provide for the construction of certain sidewalks and foot walks.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Winfield.
SECTION 1. That sidewalks of stone of a uniform width of four feet, be constructed in said City, located as follows, to-wit: The first line of sidewalk herein provided for shall begin at the northeast corner of lot number five, in block number eighty-five, and run thence south on the west side of Manning street, in front of block number eighty-five, eighty-six, and eight-seven, in the northeast corner of block number eighty-eight, and thence east on the south side of Eighth avenue to the west side of Main street.
The second line of sidewalk herein provided for, shall begin at the northeast corner of block number eighty-eight and run thence west on the south side of eight avenue to the west side of Menor street, at its intersection with eighth avenue; and thence north on the west side of Menor street to the northeast corner of lot number five, in block number sixty-six.
The third line of sidewalk herein provided for shall begin at the southeast corner of Main street and Ninth avenue and run thence west on the south side of Ninth avenue to the north-west corner of block number forty-nine in Manning’s addition to said city.
And the fourth and last line of sidewalk herein provided for shall begin at the northeast corner of block number one hundred and eleven and run thence south on the west side of Main street to the southeast corner of block number one hundred and thirteen.
SECTION 2. Each and all of said sidewalks shall be constructed of rock of the kind commonly called “flag-stone;” and no rock used therein shall be less in size than two feet square nor less than three, nor more than six inches in thickness; and shall be so graded and as to present a smooth and uniform surface.

SECTION 3. The mayor is hereby authorized and directed upon the taking effect of this ordinance, to immediately appoint a committee consisting of three members of the council, to be called the committee on the construction of sidewalks for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this ordinance, and said committee when so appointed shall under the supervision and control of the mayor and councilmen, have full power, discretion, and authority, to make and enter into all contracts that may be necessary and proper to secure the speedy construction of each and all of said sidewalks and of every part thereof, as well as of all foot walks necessary to be constructed across streets or alleys for the purpose of connecting such sidewalks, the one with another or different portions of the same; and it is hereby made the duty of said committee to let, if practicable, the contract for the construction of each and all of said sidewalks and foot walks, within the period of thirty days from the taking effect of this ordinance, and when contracts have been concluded for the construction of each and all of said sidewalks, the council shall immediately apportion impartially the cost of such sidewalks upon the several lots in front of and abutting upon which such sidewalks have been or are to be made, and in accordance with such apportionment make an assessment upon such lots according to the front feet thereof, sufficient to defray all expenses of the construction of such sidewalks, provided, however, that if any person in front of whose lot or lots the sidewalks herein provided for, or either of them are located, shall within the period of thirty days next succeeding the publication of this ordinance, construct such sidewalks in front of his said abutting lot or lots, to the acceptance of said committee, he shall thereupon be entitled to a certificate to that effect from said committee, and upon the presentation of such certificate to the city clerk, said clerk shall make out and deliver to him under his hand and seal an acquittance in full, against any assessment against his said lot or lots, for the purpose of defraying the cost of constructing the sidewalks herein provided for.
SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the “Cowley County Telegram” and “Winfield COURIER.”
Approved March 5th, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest, HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878. Editorial Page.
                               [Published in the Winfield Courier March 7, 1878.]
                                                      ORDINANCE NO. 76.
An Ordinance to Provide for the Holding of City Election.
Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Winfield:
SECTION 1. That the city election of said city to be held on the first Monday of April, A. D., 1878, for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Five Councilmen, and a Police Judge for said city, be held at the office of J. E. Allen, on lot No. 12, in block No. 128, in said city.
SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Winfield Courier and Cowley County Telegram.
Approved March 5th, 1878. R. L. WALKER, Mayor.
Attest: HENRY E. ASP, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the Directors of the Cowley County Agricultural Society at the Winfield Bank on Saturday, March 9th, 1878, at 2 o’clock p.m., to settle up the business of said society. The directors are especially requested to be prompt in attendance. C. M. WOOD, Vice President.
J. P. SHORT, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
A large, heavy, No. 1 Yoke of Oxen for sale. Supposed to be the best work oxen in the county. One mile east of Maple City. F. W. NANCE.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                        Dayton Pitt Thresher!
                                                               At Auction!
                                        ON SATURDAY, MARCH 30TH, 1878,
we will sell IN WINFIELD, at auction, to the highest bidder, on seven months’ time, for note drawing ten percent interest, with approved security,
                                                    One Dayton Pitt Thresher.

It is a belt machine, purchased new in the summer of 1878, and is offered for sale because we desire to quit threshing. GROW & HANLEN.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
New Hats, just received at Boyer & Wallis’s.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
On Tuesday, Feb. 26th, either in the Presbyterian Church or on street between the church and the residence of the late Dr. Andrews, a small gold and coral pin. The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at this office.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
W. A. Lee has a fine stock of plows and other implements just back of Fuller’s bank. Call and see him.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
J. C. Hanson & Co. will fill all orders for lumber at their saw mill, 12 miles north of Winfield, on the Walnut River.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Dan. Maher, the wide-awake Richlandite, called Monday.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
DIED. Mrs. M. J. Miller died yesterday morning at her residence on Ninth avenue.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Rev. J. L. Rushbridge has gone to Garnet to attend the Methodist conference.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
A Murphy meeting will be held at the Presbyterian Church tomorrow (Friday) evening.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
S. Suss starts for the East next week to buy goods. He expects to be absent about three weeks.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
C. J. Brane is at work with W. B. Trissell canvassing for the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley nurseries.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Walker Bros. have just received a large assortment of queensware, which they are selling cheap for cash.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
McGuire & Crippen are turning out large quantities of goods. Their low prices have proved a great attraction.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
W. H. Clay, trustee of Sheridan Township, and H. D. Wilkins, trustee of Windsor Township, paid us a visit on Monday.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
COURIER office on Ninth Avenue, north side, between Hon. James McDermott’s law office and Graham & Moffit’s lumber office. Call and see us.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.

MARRIED. Married on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. I. S. Chase, at the residence of the parsonage, Mr. Wm. B. Kelly to Miss Gertie Perkins. All of this city.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
A. H. Green, our boss real estate man, we learn, has during the last week sold several tracts of land. His business is increasing rapidly, and he can be depended upon.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
B. F. Baldwin has returned from his trip and will soon have an addition to his stock of drugs and books, but the wife some thought he went for, where, oh where, is she?
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
BIRTH. Will Holloway is not the young man to be behind any lawyer in trying to make Winfield a city of the second class. Another girl and Will thinks it beats everything.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Harter Bros. & Co. have a large run of trade. They are running all of their stock at exceedingly low prices. Their customers are always pleased with their treatment at that house.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Hon. L. J. Webb is endorsed by every newspaper in this county as the man for Register of the Wichita land office. A very large number of Wichita businessmen ask for his appointment.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Dr. Corkins has at B. M. Terrell’s livery stable a four-year-old thoroughbred, Hambletonian, trotting stallion. He is a beauty; cost $1,600. Come and see him. He will be kept at the stone stable during the season.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Messrs. Baird Bros. are closing down their stock at exceedingly low prices to make room for their new spring stock. They propose to put in a stock that will be fully up to the wants of the best county in the state.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGinnis will give an entertainment in vocal and instrumental music at the Presbyterian Church next Monday evening. As McEvoy’s Hibernians, they have won an enviable fame, and the house will doubtless be well filled.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
We learn the particulars of a serious accident which happened to a son of Mr. Mann, an old settler on Grouse Creek. He and his son were raking up corn-stalks, when the team became frightened and ran away, throwing the boy violently to the ground, the wheel passing over his breast. His recovery is considered doubtful.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Rev. N. L. Rigby preached at the Baptist Church last Sunday evening, the first time for over two years. Though evidently feeble in health, he exhibited much of his former enthusiasm, fire, and rhetoric. We hope that he may recover his health completely and resume his true place at the desk. He will preach again next Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.

If any of our readers conclude that the present number of the COURIER is not fully up to the preceding numbers in excellence, we ask them to consider that we have been moving, which has taken more than one day for our whole force, and if that is not sufficient excuse, we will state that we have had an immense amount of press work to supply our new subscribers. We made in the last week over 3,600 impressions in printing the COURIER. We shall have to procure a cylinder power press if our subscription list continues much longer to grow in this way.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
BIRTH. S. D. Pryor was stepping around last Saturday with an air of great superiority and we concluded he had won an important case in the supreme court, but have since been informed that he had won an eight pound girl.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
It is with pain that we learn of the charges against Hon. E. P. Bancroft. It is difficult for us to believe it is all true. We shall try to suspend our judgment until we hear what he has to say for himself. If he is guilty, of course we wish him to be dealt with as he deserves.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
A movement is on foot to install Judge H. D. Gans as pastor of the Christian Church at this place. It is a good move and we hope it will succeed. Judge Gans fills the sacred desk with grace and dignity, while the Rev. Gans does up the law and marriage license business with equal facility.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Mr. Baird, of the firm of Baird Bros., at the New York store, started East Monday morning to purchase their spring stock of goods. They expect to bring on a large stock and are said to be close buyers, and will have a splendid line of dress goods, notions, trimmings, etc. Parties will do well to wait for their grand opening before buying elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
S. H. Myton is the great hardware and agricultural implement dealer of the Southwest. He has built up a magnificent business in this city because he is reliable and honorable in his dealings, keeps the best of everything in his line, sells at satisfactory prices, and, above all, advertises liberally.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
The “old log store” has for eight long years stayed at home and attended soberly to business, but now is manifesting peripatetic tendencies. The COURIER is in favor of railroads but does not fancy said building as a traveling car, so it has evacuated the premises and gone back to its cradle on Ninth avenue, just east of the stone stable and stone law office, where it will remain temporarily until we can build an office to suit us.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
The Arkansas Traveler says this “county has expended over $4,000 on railroad elections already.”

When? How? Do you include all the money and time that Arkansas City and Winfield have expended in hiring teams and canvassing empty schoolhouses when it rained pitchforks all night. The amount the county has actually expended in her three railroad bond elections is less than $1,000.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Messrs. Randall and Evans closed their evangelical labors here on last Friday evening, and on Saturday morning started for Wichita, where they will conduct a series of revival meetings. The closing address of Mr. Randall on Friday evening at the Presbyterian Church was the best of the whole course, and elicited high encomiums from his hearers. It was a practical lecture on the duties of parents, replete with sound sense and eloquent appeals. It is believed that the result of these meetings is a great and permanent good, not only to the many individuals who have been brought immediately under their influence, but to the whole neighborhood. The accessions to the church are: Baptist, 40; Presbyterian, 70; Methodist, 38.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                     Real Estate Transfers.
M. G. Troup, county clerk, furnishes the following report.
Nicholas Hostuttle to E. S. Torrance, nw ¼ 31, 33, 4; 160 acres, $50.
Perry Manly and wife to James S. Blue, in sec. 21, 32, 4; 2 acres.
John A. Hill to Robert Allison, se ¼ 15, 35, 5; 160 acres, $850.
David O. Smith and wife to Wm. Senseney, sw of sw 14, 33, 4; 40 acres, $400.
Edward F. Owen and wife to Amos and Sarah Smith, se. of sw. 14, 33, 4; 40 acres, $300.
David Bright and wife to Hackney & McDonald, sw. 6, 34, 3; 159½ acres, $290.
John H. Rarick to Margaret Rarick, e. ½ of ne. 20, 31, 5; 160 acres, $300.
J. C. McMullen to B. L. Deming, ½ of se. ¼  20, 35, 4; 40 acres, $330.
G. L. Bainbridge and wife to Eliphaz Holt, n. ½ of ne. 23, 30, 5; 80 acres, $700.
Wm. Baker and wife to Fred. Gaertner, s. ½ of nw. 33, 33, 3; 80 acres, $807.
E. L. Johnson and wife to O. A. Vanocker, s. ½ of sw. 33, 31, 5; 80 acres, $350.
Cars Leach to Chas. King, n. ½ of sw. 33, 31, 5; 80 acres, $500.
Mary A. Millington and husband to Henry Rowland, Winfield, lot 4, block 146, $50.
J. C. Fuller and wife to E. S. Bedilion, Winfield, lots 4, 5, 6, block 231, $120.
Mary A. Millington and husband to Mary Morris, Winfield, lot 1 and e. ½ of 2 block 150, $90.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
I did not plow up the public road north of town along Mr. James Graham’s farm as has been asserted. I know better than that at eight year’s old; it was other parties.
                                                          M. V. PHILLIPS.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                     Probate Judge’s Office.
Estate of Charles Johnson. Order granted to sell personal estate.
Estate of Amos Smith. Petition for sale of real estate set for hearing March 26 at 10 a.m.
Estate of Jacob Harlan. Report of sale of real estate approved and deed ordered.
Estate of John J. Clark, a minor. E. B. Kager, guardian, filed a new bond.
                                                  MARRIAGE LICENSES.
Benjamin F. Dutton to Jennie L. Lawson. (Married by Judge Gans at Williams House.)
Geo. W. Little to Susan A. Widner.
Wm. B. Kelly to Gertie Perkins.

John W. Jordan to Harriet G. Robb.
James Trout to Emily Wilson.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
The quarterly communion service of the Presbyterian Church will be held next Sunday morning, at which time the sacrament of baptism will be administered and new members enter into covenant with the church. Preaching on Friday evening and on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. J. E. PLATTER, Pastor.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                       SCHOOL NOTICE.
The spring term of the Winfield schools will commence on the first day of April and continue two weeks. Teachers and pupils from other school districts will have the opportunity to attend the high school department during the term.
                                              GEO. W. ROBINSON, Principal.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
At a meeting of the assessors of Cowley County, held at Winfield March 4th, 1878, the following basis of assessment was agreed upon for the year 1878.
Stallions and fast horses: $100 to $300.
First class work horses, per span: $75 to $150.
Second class work horses, per span: $85 to $175.
Ponies and colts: $10 to $55.
Cattle—Four-year old and upwards, including bulls: $25 to $40.
Same age, second grade: $18 to $25.
First class work cattle: $60 to $90.
Second class work cattle: $40 to $60.
Domestic cows—First class: $20 to $30.
Domestic cows—Second class: $10 to $20.
Three-year-old steers: $15 to $25.
Two-year-old steers and heifers: $8 to $15.
Yearlings: $3 to $8.
(Texas cattle 20 percent off.)
Mules—Per span, first class: $200 to $250.
Mules—Per span, second class: $75 to $200.
Mules—Young, per span, third class: $30 to $75.
Asses: $10 to $200.
Sheep—first class: $2 to $10.
Sheep—second class: 75 cents to $2.
Hogs: $1 to $15.
Goats: $1 to $3.
Corn: 8 cents per bushel.
Wheat: 25 to 50 cents per bushel.
Pork: 4 cents per pound.
Land, per acre, from $1.25 to $15.
Small tracts, well improved, left to the discretion of the assessors.

                                 FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY.
First class threshers: 50 percent off.
First class harvesters: 50 percent off.
First class headers: 50 percent off.
First class reapers & mowers combined: 40 percent off.
First class wagons and carriages: 30 percent off.
All other machinery left to the discretion of the assessors.
Gold and silver watches at their cash value.
Plate and jewelry at their cash value.
Pianos at their cash value.
All other musical instruments: at their cash value. J. M. SAMPLE, Chairman.
W. H. CLAY, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                           FROM OMNIA.
The exhibition at the close of Mr. Ridney’s school in district No. 60 was a success. The speaking and dialogues by the scholars were excellent, a spicy paper was read by J. H. Edwards and the Queen Village minstrel band (colored) added much to the enjoyment of the evening by songs, jokes, and instrumental music.
Our young friend, Joseph Baker, who has spent the winter here, leaves for Illinois this week. He has bought land here and will return to stay.
Omnia can boast of some natural curiosities. One is a petrified log on A. J. Henthorn’s place eighteen inches in diameter and fifteen feet long. Another is a well on A. N. Henthorn’s place which is thirty-five feet deep and has a never failing stream of water as large as a patent bucket running through it.
The Grand Prairie lyceum decided last week to remove the national capital to St. Louis.
Chicken wagons from Butler came through Omnia this week trading groceries, dry goods, and notions for chickens, turkeys, and ducks. ALEXANDER.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                        SHERIDAN CHIPS.
Weather pleasant with a northwest wind.
There is being held a series of meetings at the Sheridan Schoolhouse by the Rev. Gentlemen Armstrong, M. E., and Gorsaline, United Brethren.
I saw a number of plows running this week, which looks as though industry had broken out in a new place.
Owen Shriver and family bid adieu to Sheridan this week and are now residents of the Indian Territory.
School in District 47 closed on the 22nd of February.
School District 90 has under contract the building of a new schoolhouse, which is being pushed rapidly toward completion.
Jackson Cales, formerly of Illinois, has temporarily settled upon the Kern farm with a view to locating permanently this summer.
Robert Parmley, of Wayne Co., Kentucky, has settled upon the Rhodes farm.

Quite a strife between Tisdale and Sheridan for a cake—Sheridan carrying off the cake; so says Lycurgus. Well, you might know that when the strife was for the prettiest girl that Sheridan would carry off the prize, for in Sheridan is where you will find the pretty girls.                                      PAUL JONES.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                   ANOTHER VERNONITE.
Thinking it proper, for people to form acquaintances, we hereby introduce you to most of our people. We hope that the missing ones will not feel slighted.
We have Gott some Ware on one of our Wards. The Best Baker on the Rhodes—he bakes both Graham and Old-ham, and will Waite on the pay. Wil-son have a Taylor then we can Mc-Gin the work Wright; and as we have so many Newcon’s we will go to the Marshall if no one will Kerr and Rand-all the little Fishers down the Lane into the Brooks in an Easterly direction, thence depart from Ross to Step-en-son. Shin-a-man has a Powers to throw a Stone of a man when he is Sutton in his Holmes doing his own Smith work. Berries are now used for Bates, and Hawk-ins will Fowler them to thhe Mills-Pa hadn’t you better get me a Copple of them to Boyer up the boys so they can get a King as they are a very high price. But if you use Winslow’s Soothing Syrup you Dun-can catch them better than with Silvers. Alexander the great Meyers in the mud, but Mc Clung to the Ke-logg till flogged off by a Martin And-er-son. Kling-man for Johns-on the Kim-bell and the Da-vis cold and mud deep. Now lets Foster our Midcalf into the Bon-yard then Ver-don with this Page. But you may Cart-er upon the platform and Walk-er on the Grapevine Telegraph. But I’ll bet a nickel.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                 EAST BEAVER JOTTINGS.
Our husbandmen are feeling extremely jubilant over the passage of the silver bill, and in consequence of this fact and the glorious prospect of an immense wheat crop, are anticipating a revival of business financially. “Oh, the good time is coming!”
Captain D. Northrup has retired from the active duties of an agricultural life, having employed a substitute in the person of Mr. Ruckman.
Mr. John Vandever, Sr., a late arrival from Illinois, has been prospecting for a location in Sumner, and not appreciating the condition of the country, has returned to seek his desired location in Cowley.
“Links and Pins” lays down the pencil and embarks in a new enterprise, viz; the dispensation of scripture. May much good be done.
M. H. Markcum’s winter’s career as a disseminator of ideas at the Centennial schoolhouse terminated last Wednesday. A pleasant and profitable time was had. The performances closed with a spelling match in the evening. Messrs. L. King and C. Jenkins were the successful spellers.
A Miss Teeter, of Illinois, is at present visiting relatives in this vicinity. A few more of Illinois’ fair ones are needed to adorn houses in this fertile vale.
Mrs. J. W. Browning says she has pie plant almost ready for the culinary department, and other vegetables are rapidly putting in an appearance. J. W. B. is busily engaged in setting out fruit trees.
We observe quite a number of plows operating upon the soil, preparatory to sowing oats.

There are a surplus of farm hands seeking employment.
Sumner, apparently, is dependent upon Cowley’s corn producing capacity for subsistence. March 1, 1878. HORATIUS.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                    FROM SILVER CREEK.
ED. COURIER: Our wheat crop never was more flattering, though it is thought by some to be in danger. The winter being so mild, large quantities of chinchbugs have passed through without harm.
We see a lively stir among our farmers. Some are engaged in subduing the wild prairie; others stirring for and sowing oats.
Get out of the way! J. A. Goforth has returned from the East, bringing with him a large emigration of the most respectable citizens. All hail to them! Let more come. Silver Creek citizens present them with their heartiest welcome, desiring that our old friends and relatives may find homes in our midst.
The literary in school district No. 78 is a success in spite of the disreputable disorganizers that sometimes attack it. The question for the next discussion is: “Resolved, That the district should vote five hundred dollars in bonds for the building of a new schoolhouse, provided the district could get a donation of one hundred dollars.”
J. P. McDaniels and son are suffering from an old family disease, and will soon have to pass to that country from whence no traveler ever returned. With the above exception, health is good.
What about that railroad, Mr. Editor? The people are getting a little anxious to hear from it. SO-SO.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
MARRIED. Married on Wednesday, March 6, at the residence of Mr. White, in Winfield, by the Rev. N. L. Rigby, Mr. John W. Jordan to Miss Harriet G. Robb.
This wedding was to have taken place the day before but the bride’s father held her captive, and would not allow the groom to approach. A writ of habeas corpus was procured, by virtue of which the bride was taken and the marriage consummated.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                       FAIRVIEW, KANSAS, MARCH 1, 1878.
The festival held at the Fairview schoolhouse on last Tuesday evening, the 26th ult., was a grand success, the net proceeds being $25, which went to pay the minister, Mr. Lahr. The ladies of Fairview deserve special praise for their pains in getting up the excellent supper, to which we were all treated for the small sum of 25 cents.
Miss Alice Aldrich closed her school at Maple Grove on the 1st last. As a teacher, Miss Aldrich is a grand success.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                       RICHLAND ITEMS.
Farmers are busy pruning trees and hedge, setting out trees and pruning vineyards. Now is the time to set out the fruit and forest trees.
The literary at 108 elected new officers last Tuesday night. H. N. Rogers, president; S. Henry, vice; and Miss Hattie Pontious, secretary.

Floral Grange holds an open session Friday night, March 8th, and a good time is expected.
Miss Fannie Pontious’ school closed Washington’s birthday. Some 40 visitors were present and a nice dinner for the little [?] ones, which was a credit to district 55. If we judge by the interest taken by the parents, Miss Fannie’s school was a success. The literary department and singing were also good, and we predict, with experience, Miss Fannie will prove equal to her calling and will be heard of as one of our highest lights in the future.  R.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                         VERNON ITEMS.
DIED. We are sorry to announce the death of Mr. Duncan’s little boy this week. This is the fourth one, and now they are all gone. They are angels now in heaven. May their parents meet them there.
Next week is the last of Miss Klingman’s school at Mt. Zion.
There is a new way to carry babies; wrap them up well, and swing them on your arm with their heads downward.
Here is a cure for those who can’t keep quiet during church service. Sure cure, if taken as directed: 1 oz. of common sense, 2 drops of silence; 1 oz. of screech owl juice; 8 oz. of big owl fry; some bashfulness; 3 snuffs of fire and brimstone; and 7 drops of judgment in regard to the comfort of others.
Directions for use: For supper, green wheat tea, 2 cups; hard boiled eggs, five; best pickles, one; raw turnips, three; onions, half hat full; mince pie, six pieces.
Begin one hour before church time to take the medicine, taking each ingredient by itself, with one-half hour of meditation between. Shake well, and sit by the fire and roast one hour.
                                                 GRAPE-VINE TELEGRAPH.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                    FROM WEST BOLTON.
DIED. On Monday the 18th Mr. Ellis died of lung fever. He had moved into the vicinity with his family only a few days ago. They returned immediately with the corpse to Indiana.
Health of the community generally good.
Wheat still looks finely.
The farmers are preparing to plant a larger acreage of corn this spring than they have ever done. A more diversified crop seems to be the idea, which appears to me to be correct.
Mr. George Reynolds, an experienced nurseryman from Ohio, is making arrangements to put out about forty acres of nursery this spring on his place one mile south of Salt City. He has purchased an interest in the Chetopa nursery of which this will be a branch. We wish him abundant success, as it will be of great advantage to this whole country. Their motto is fresh stock, fair dealing, and low prices. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                      FROM MAPLE CITY.

ED. COURIER: The school here closed yesterday with a term of four months, followed at night by an exhibition which was attended by a crowded house. The stars of the evening were Mrs. J. Bobbitt and Miss Lura Goodrich, in a dialogue entitled “The Census Taker.” In fact, the whole entertainment was a perfect success, judging by the appreciation of the audience.
Mr. Standley, of the Traveler, was in town calling on the patrons of that paper.
Farmers are busy making preparations to commence the summer campaign.
March 2nd, 1878. SUBSCRIBER.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
Skipped “Education Section” by R. C. Story.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
                                                        WAR DECLARED!
For the next 60 days we will offer GREAT BARGAINS in the prices of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, AND SHOES. If you want More Goods for Your Money than can be bought at any other store in
                                                  GO TO Harter Bros. & Co.,
                                                      At the McMillen Stand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 14, 1878. Front Page.
                                                      CEDAR TOWNSHIP.
ED. COURIER: The burning of the Beaver Creek schoolhouse in district No. 85, on Saturday night, Feb. 23rd, was a lamentable affair in itself, but when it is charged to incendiarism, it makes it a hundred times worse. The facts in the case are, as nearly as I can gather them, as follows. On Saturday named above the Followers of Christ held a meeting in the schoolhouse. Wood was scarce and in order to have a fire, some wood was put into the stove that was too long. After the services were over, John Hanahan took those long stocks out of the stove and threw them out of doors, and he says, “put out every vestige of fire and examined around the stove to see that there were no coals or sparks dropped about, yet with all this precaution about 12 o’clock at night the house was in ashes.” There was a great deal of “vain jangling” in the district over everything, from the election of school officers to the question of bible classes in the Sunday school, and much bitterness had been engendered, yet I hold that we have not a man, woman, or child so low as to commit so great a monstrosity. No, I reject the charge of incendiarism and charge to an accident. I should have written sooner but have been absent for several days past. W. A. METCALF. March 4, 1878.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878. Front Page.
                                                          OUR RAMBLER.
T. J. Corbin, of Tisdale Township, is about to market 24 hogs that will average 400 pounds net.
J. S. Baker, of Tisdale Township, has on his farm 600 fruit trees, some of which are seven inches in diameter. His little girl, Myrta, has learned to read by using the COURIER for a text book.
At Dexter W. Drury is the wagon master and J. B. Hardin, James Hapling, and Mr. Elliott deal in general merchandise.
B. Hite has bought a store there.
James Fogle killed three wild cats in one week.

John Mentch, living two miles north of Winfield, has a well improved farm and is one of the first subscribers to the COURIER.
J. W. Yount has one of the best farms in the county. He has more mules, more corn in cribs and wheat in bins, and a finer granary than I have seen elsewhere.
W. W. Limbocker has 55 of the finest stock hogs I have seen. He is a systematic farmer.
Wheat is standing thickly and tall enough to hide a jack rabbit. The farmers are wide awake and busy. The spring seeding is far advanced. RAMBLER.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The southeast corner of the county does not complain of hard times but all is lively. Society is excellent. Farmers are busy and seeding going on.
The Rock Creek Valley for productive soil is hard to beat, and we have the best kind of a stock range from this creek to the Big Caney.
The Murphy movement at the Centennial schoolhouse has brought out eighty signers to the pledge and sixty to the anti-tobacco pledge.
A man [Our correspondent should have given his name—ED.] with four hounds had a fight for thirty minutes with two large catamounts. Teeth, claws, and one club were the weapons used. The final result was the man was considerably scratched, the dogs were badly cut up, and the catamounts were killed. The same man has killed eighteen catamounts and wild cats in this vicinity within two years.
DIED. Mrs. Harpool died Sunday night. She leaves her husband and five small children.
                                                           ROCK CREEK.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                                          SILVER CREEK.
Plowing and planting spring crops are being well attended to. A. P. Brooks is always ahead. He is running two teams.
Henry Wilkins is about to sell his farm on Grouse Creek and locate on Silver. He is the kind of a man we want here.
Mr. F. Teeter has built a stone addition to his house.
                                                        LITTLE CHARLEY.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
G. W. Gardenhire has gone to the Indian Territory to claim his head right. His one eighth Indian blood may prove a fortune to him. He is one of our first settlers and best citizens.
B. H. Clover proposes to move his mill to a point on Grouse Creek a few miles north and change from steam to water power. Since the dry season of 1874 there has always been an abundance of water in Grouse to do all the grinding for the county.
Our lyceum will close next Wednesday. It has been well attended and a success. O. K.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                                          FROM GROUSE.
Wheat looks very well.
Roads have been—well, you know how it is yourself.

James Fogle is death on wild cats. If you don’t believe it, call and see his stuffed specimens.
Grouse was on a tare recently.
Uncle Jo. Firman has added much to his farm in his new stone barn.
Major Bullington has done likewise, and will have one of the best and biggest stone barns on Grouse Creek.
Henry Bronson and his neighbor Reynolds have been doing some valuable improving in the way of ditches through their farms.
While Henry Bronson’s father and mother, from Green County, were driving along the bottom near John Brooks’ farm, their buggy ran into a deep hole in a branch and threw Mrs. Bronson out. Her shoulder was dislocated by the fall. Under the care of Dr. Rule, he has got along quite well.
Mrs. John Brooks and Mr. Goforth lately returned from a visit to East Tennessee, bringing with them a number of families, seeking homes in Cowley County.
Uncle Billy Minton was unfortunate in losing a valuable pony some days ago. The pony got caught in its halter and broke its neck.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                                  Items from the Wichita Eagle.
Judge Campbell is holding court at Eldorado.
Colonel Manning and Alexander, of Winfield, were in the city yesterday. Winfield is growing.
Shipments for the last month foot up forty-one cars of hogs, one of cattle, and three of Government stock.
Colonel Maddux bought of Leonard Stout, of Ninnescah, last Saturday, forty-five hogs, the gross weight of which was 18,066 pounds, an average of 401½ per head. They were the finest carload of porkers ever sent out of this market. Mr. Stout formerly lived in Decatur, Illinois. He has been in this valley about five years and he has demonstrated that stock raising pays. In addition to the above carload, which brought him $525.00, he sold 16 head the week before, which averaged 398 pounds. He has 80 head more for this spring market. This is the largest annual turn off, but it is a good one. The man who bought his hogs was his old Colonel in the war. Leonard Stout is a Cowley County farmer and farms for profit.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                                Items from the Wichita Beacon.
Mr. Green, from Cowley County, brought to this city, on Monday, eleven hogs of the Poland China breed, which averaged 511 pounds. They were eighteen months old. Three of them weighed seventeen hundred pounds.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The Eastern railroad pool has gone to pieces, and the several roads are engaged in a general scramble for freights. Three weeks ago the rates from Chicago to New York on certain classes of freight, were thirty cents a hundred; now they are eighteen cents, and still tumbling. There has been a cut in west-bound freights also. This is great news to shippers. It is to be hoped the combination is effectually broken up. Champion.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.

                                                   MAJ. E. P. BANCROFT.
It is asserted by the friends of Mr. Bancroft that he has concealed nothing; that the members of the Normal Board of Regents have long known from the voluntary statements of Maj. Bancroft himself all that they now find of his use of the funds, and that the entire board, with one exception, were opposed to the criminal prosecution. The total amount of money he received, according to the present account, was $15,816.10, of which he paid into the treasury at different times $5,943.46, leaving a little less than $10,000 in his hands, which the fund will probably lose. Maj. Bancroft is represented as having told the board that he would be able to pay the interest of that sum yearly and the principal probably in two or three years. The governor insisted that criminal prosecution should be commenced at once. Maj. Bancroft was held to bail in $10,000, and in default of which was committed to jail.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                                           SOW BARLEY.
Mr. Frank Manny will want more than 5,000 bushels of barley the coming year and will have to buy in other counties and ship it here unless the farmers of this county produce it. He expects to pay St. Louis prices for it delivered at Winfield. The prices at St. Louis have been ranging from 50 to 75 cents for spring barley. Fall barley is usually some higher. A good crop of spring barley, such as may be expected on our soil if properly put in and cared for, is from 50 to 60 bushels per acre. Forty bushels would be a poor crop. To make barley raising most profitable, clean seed only should be sown. Oats are the worst enemy of barley and if sown with it will run the barley out. Place your seed in a tub of water and the barley will sink while the oats will swim. Skim or pour off the oats and use them for horse feed and then you have clean barley for seed.
Do not soak your barley more than can be helped, but sow at once on new plowed ground broadcast and harrow in. Harvest early, before fully ripe. If allowed to stand until dead ripe, the heads will break off and waste. Stack at once, before rain, and it will sweat and properly cure in the stack. Do not thresh until fully cured; if you do, it will heat and spoil in the granary.
Now this industry is the most promising of all the spring crops, and farmers should see that the required amount is produced at home. If an excess of this demand should be raised, it will pay for shipment better than wheat and is much more profitable for feed than oats. In Mexico and California barley is fed altogether and the horses are kept in first class condition at moderate expense. The Mennonites in Harvey and adjoining counties are making much more money on the barley raised and hauled 20 to 50 miles to the railroad, than is being made in their vicinity on any other crop.
If you do not know where to get the seed, call on Brotherton & Silvers, Winfield. They have it which is clean and lively.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                        TOO MANY OF THE SAME NAME.

Cowley County labors under the great inconvenience of having one Cedar Township, three Cedar Creeks, two Rock Creeks, and a Maple City in a distant part of the county from its Maple Township. Some of these names should be changed now while the change could be easily effected and before long use has incorporated them into every name and fibre of their location.
The Rock Creek in the southeast corner of the county could be readily given a new name by concerted action, but the Rock Creek in the north part is more crystallized by having given its name to the township in which it flows and the post office on its banks.
We suggest that the name of that township be changed from “Rock Creek,” to Rock—we do not like long names—and then the euphony and convenience of names in that location would be complete.
We suggest also that the people in the southeast corner of the county hold a meeting to rename their Rock Creek, then when they have a new township or a new post office, let them adopt the new name of the creek.
As to the Maples we think that Red Bud post office in Maple Township should be changed to Maple, that Spring Creek Township should be changed to Spring Township and Maple City should be changed to Spring City.
As to the Cedars we suggest that as the southeast part of the county have both a Cedar Township and a Cedar Creek, new names should be given to the Cedar Creek in Windsor Township (Windsor Creek for instance) and to the Cedar Creek, between Tisdale and Richland. (New Salem Creek, for instance.)
Who will move in these matters. Do not all speak at once.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
                                              MORE SILVER AGITATION.
Senator Cockrell has introduced a bill which provides that the secretary of the treasury shall receive silver bullion in any quantities offered not less than twenty dollars, and shall give therefor certificates payable in silver coin or U. S. notes to the full amount that can be coined from the bullion; that said certificates shall be redeemable on demand and received at par for all duties on imports, taxes, and public dues.
This is emphatically the “bloated silver holder’s” bill. It would enable the silver millionaires to sell their untold piles of silver bullion at once to the government at five to six percent higher prices than it is now worth. The government must be at an enormous expense to run all her mints in coining this silver for the bullionists free of charge, and the whole people of the United States must be taxed to add to their enormous wealth.
The silver bill that has recently become a law provides that the government shall buy the bullion as it is wanted to supply the mints at its market value, which is a saving to the government and the people of at least $2,000,000, which would be given to the bullionists under Cockrell’s bill.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
March 4. The senate passed the bill pensioning the surviving soldiers of the war of 1812.
The new silver dollars will be at first used in buying silver bullion and gold.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.

The preliminary treaty of peace between Russia and Turkey was signed March 3rd. Russia waived her demands for a surrender of a portion of the Turkish fleet, for the cession of Erzeroum, and for the tributes due Turkey from Egypt which had been hypothecated to the creditors of Turkey. Turkey cedes to Russia, Batoum, Kara, Ardahan, and the district of Bayazid in Asia. Bulgaria is to include Bosragras, Varna, and Kustendje. Turkey retains Bosnia and Herzegovina and a belt of territory to connect them to her empire, between Servia and Montenegro. Roumania, Bulgaria, and Servia become independent states under the protectorate of Russia. Montenegro has the territory she had covered by her military operations. Russia has Dobrudscha, which she intends to trade to Roumania for Roumanian Bessarabia. Turkey pays Russia $60,000,000 indemnity.
The insurrection is still spreading in the Greek provinces of Turkey and the insurgents are obtaining some successes against the Turks. The whole district between the Pinder and Olympus mountains is in revolt. They claim a union with Greece. Roumania is not included in the peace stipulations, it is said. Her pretensions are too great and Russia required Turkey to treat directly with Roumania. At the opening of the congress Germany will, it is said, move that Bosnia and Herzegovina be annexed to Austria. Bismarck is in favor of the proposition. The sultan and czar have exchanged congratulations on the signing of the peace stipulations and their present friendly attitude. The Bulgarian tribute will not be determined for two years and, when fixed, will go towards paying the Russian war indemnity. France and Italy will propose that the Dardanelles and Bosphorus be neutralized.
March 6. The preliminaries of peace consist of twenty-nine articles. The indemnity to Russia is equivalent to $1,400,000,000, of which $1,100,000,000 is covered by territorial cession. The Russian troops are to occupy San Stefano as long as the British fleet remains in the sea of Marmora.
It is now understood that a congress of the treaty powers will meet at Berlin about the 25th inst.
The Duke of Argyle says that Turkey alone has broken the treaties of 1856 and 1871, that those treaties are at an end as soon as Europe can make a new system. The sultan invited the Grand Duke Nicholas to Constantinople, but the demand to be attended by a body-guard of eighty men prevented the visit. The Russians are reported as making entrenchments on the sea of Marmora and Dardanelles.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.          
                                                KANSAS IMMIGRATION.
As indications of the immense flood of immigration now pouring into our state, and especially into the Arkansas Valley, we publish below a number of Associated press dispatches sent out during the past two weeks.
Topeka, March 5th. The Atchison train on the Santa Fe road yesterday was heavily loaded, and comprised seven coaches. In the western bound train from Kansas City, on this road, were nine coaches literally “jam full” of emigrants who had their children with them, and three carloads of soldiers. These were from Columbus and Governor’s Island, and numbered 108. They were in charge of Lieutenant Robinson, and were parts of the Fifteenth and Nineteenth regiments, and going to Fort Dodge.

The Pullman car, “Arlington,” which like all that come in from Atchison, usually lays over here, was pressed into service and when the Kansas City train came in, at 5 o’clock, it was found necessary to make two sections of the train. The “Arlington,” of which Mr. Miller is conductor, went through to Wichita, and his car was filled in a few minutes from the time it was known that it would go. Kansas is receiving an immense immigration, and no mistake.
Kansas City, March 2nd. Over two thousand emigrants arrived in this city today, bound for the rich farming lands of Kansas. There were forty car loads. Extra trains were sent out on all of the roads leading west, and several hundred remain in Union depot until tomorrow. A larger part of the emigrants are bound for counties along the Kansas Pacific, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, and Leavenworth, Lawrence & Galveston railroads. They are all of the better class of emigrants from the states farther east, with a few foreigners among them. Never before has such a rush been known as is now passing this point.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum