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Cowley County Fair in 1885

                                         [Part II. Cowley County Fairgrounds.]

In Part I of Cowley County Fairgrounds, I covered early Cowley County Fairs through 1884 as well as some later items relative to Fairs in the 1920s. I am now going to cover events in 1885 as given in the Winfield Courier. I already gave the articles pertaining to the Cowley County Fair in 1885 in the Arkansas City newspapers. MAW]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The Horticultural Society will hold its regular meeting in Curns & Manser’s building on Saturday, Sept. 5th, at 2 p.m. This will be an important meeting as it will be the last previous to the Fair. A large exhibition of fruit is expected at the Fair, and the Society will give all the aid and information possible to this end. Jacob Nixon, of Kellogg, is secretary of the society, and also superintendent of the fruit department of the Fair, who will gladly favor all asking information.
                                                 COWLEY COUNTY FAIR.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
The annual fair of this association will be held September 21st to 25th and promises to be a meeting of unusual interest and importance. The central exposition building, two stories high, has been erected and is now receiving the finishing touches of the painter. The two wings of the exposition building have also been floored and the interior rearranged for the fruit and other departments. The completion of this building gives 7,500 feet of floor space and altogether it is not only ornamental but will give ample space with every pleasant facility to exhibit all entries to the best advantage. The second floor will be devoted to the ladies’ departments and textile fabrics. Fifty stables and stalls have also been added to the stock department, which insures ample room for all exhibitors in this department. The amphitheater is being enlarged and other improvements are in progression.
Nothing in the power of the Board will be neglected that will add interest to the occasion. Many of the premiums, especially in the stock departments, have been greatly increased. Relying on the patronage of an appreciative public, the Board has assumed the liability of paying these enlarged premiums, and there is the most flattering prospects that its desires will be fully realized in thus attracting the largest display of the best stock ever shown in this part of the State. Bear in mind that the Board has adopted a rule that when an entry is made for a premium on horses, mules, cattle, sheep, and hogs and there is no competition (there being but one entry) that if, in the judgment of the awarding committee, the animal is worthy, the blue ribbon will be attached, and second cash premium paid. This will obviate one of the complaints heretofore justly made.
All entries for butter, bread, cake, and pie should be made on the first day of the Fair, but none of the articles should be brought for exhibition and examination by the committee until Wednesday morning, not later than 10 o’clock. By giving this attention, all these exhibits will be brought alike fresh and at the same time. A glass case will be provided for the above exhibits, which will exclude the dust as well as curious hands.

Special attention is called to the liberal special premium of Mr. P. H. Albright, being $30 for the largest and best corn. Also, attention is called to the regular premium of $55 for the largest and best display of products grown this year on a single farm. The Board, in the spirit of public enterprise, has provided liberal things and all things are now ready, so come and aid and encourage in this good work.
The Cowley County Fair under the judicious management of the Board has become of great importance to the general interest, not only of Cowley County, but of Southwestern Kansas, and is such an enterprise that every citizen may feel justly proud. Let the people of Cowley County, especially the agricultural class, arrange, if possible, to make Fair week a week of holidays. The relaxation from care and labor to the husband, wife, and children will be beneficial. If possible, take something for competition and if successful, it will aid in paying your expenses. In any event it will pay to spend the time in examining the best products and animals, learning the best methods, comparing notes, meeting friends and new acquaintances. In many ways you will become better yourselves and help others to become better.
For premium lists address D. L. Kretsinger, Secretary, or
                                                    J. F. MARTIN, President.
                                             COURIER HEADQUARTERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
THE COURIER is arranging to give the fullest daily details of the Fair. It will have a large tent next to the Secretary’s office, prominently labeled “Courier Headquarters,” where our reporter can always be found and where any special news can be communicated, and Dailies containing full details of the Fair obtained. We expect to make a pleasant and convenient place to receive THE COURIER’s friends, and thus insure a publication of everything of interest. Indications are that Cowley’s Fair this year will excel any exhibition she has yet held, and nothing worthy of note will escape the columns of THE COURIER.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Secretary Kretsinger has everything in readiness for the Fair. The last clean up around was made today. The new improvements are all finished and the grounds in the finest shape of any in the west. The conveniences are grand for as young a county as Cowley. Krets is a rustler from the word go. Nothing looking to the success of our Fair this year has been omitted. Sept. 21 to 25 will be gala days for Cowley.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Mr. Kretsinger, secretary of the Cowley County Fair, requests all stockholders to call at his office for their tickets at once. Stockholders failing to call will find their tickets at the ticket office outside the grounds, on and after the first day of the Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
D. L. Kretsinger, secretary of the Cowley County Fair Association, was in town Tuesday, and appointed N. T. Snyder his assistant. Persons wishing to make entries can call on Mr. Snyder, who will attend to their business, and save the delay of correspondence or a visit to Winfield. The Fair opens on Monday, the 21st inst., and closes the following Friday. Fare there and return will be 1½ rates. Liberal premiums will be paid, and an unusually fine display is promised. Arkansas City Traveler.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
G. S. Manser got home Saturday from a four days’ visit at Bismarck Fair. It was not as big a success this year as in the past. Its principal attractions were gambling devices. Every conceivable game of chance and dumpy show was on the grounds, despoiling victims by the hundreds. Cowley County’s Fair wants no wheels of fortune or other gambling schemes. People who haven’t sense enough to protect themselves must be protected. Like at last year’s fair, the Fair and Driving Park Association will give gambler the shake. Mr. Manser says Bismarck’s fruit and stock display was very fine, but otherwise exhibits were a disappointment—not a fair representative of the great State of Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Thursday of next week will be Winfield and Arkansas City day at the Cowley County Fair. Arrangements have been made for a special train of ten coaches, leaving Arkansas City at 7 a.m., returning at 7 p.m. N. T. Snyder has been appointed assistant at Arkansas City and is working up a boom. Friday will be Children’s Day for the entire county. All children under fifteen years of age, when accompanied by their parents, will be admitted free. Special attractions have been arranged for these two days, of which we will mention in full, later.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
One week from next Monday the Cowley County fair opens and continues five days. This is usually one of the best county fairs in the State, and, from what we can learn, this year will be no exception to the rule, otherwise than it will be better than ever before in every particular. Oxford Register.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Stockholders in the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association can get their season complimentaries by calling at the secretary’s office, before the Fair, or at the ticket office at the Fair ground, during the Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Simon’s Comedy Company will play Winfield during the Fair. They carry a fine repertoire and are receiving flattering press notices.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Conrad & Shearer will add an attractive feature to our Fair by operating their Burgess Steam Washer, and will serve hot coffee to all their patrons each day during the Fair.
                                         THE COURIER HEADQUARTERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.

THE COURIER will have a large booth on the Fair Grounds, next to the secretary’s office, where our reporter can always be found. Visiting newspaper men and all friends of THE COURIER are invited to make themselves at home in THE COURIER Headquarters. That’s what it is for. We are arranging for elaborate reports of the Fair. Our reporter will not leave the grounds and will strain every nerve to give every worthy exhibit a creditable write-up. Cowley’s Fair this year will be the grandest exhibition of her material worth ever made on her soil, and will be an advertisement of incalculable benefit. Nothing has been spared to make it a success in every minutia. To give the county the credit such an exhibition deserves, will be the ardent ambition of THE COURIER. Our WEEKLY solicitor will be continually on the grounds and newcomers into whose homes THE COURIER doesn’t go will be given a convenient opportunity to subscribe. THE DAILY will also be on the grounds at all hours, in the hands of carrier boys, with complete detailed reports and programs of the Fair. We will have first and second editions of THE DAILY, at noon and in the evening, should the occasion demand. We will keep up with the procession, if it takes the wool off. So don’t forget THE COURIER Headquarters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
                                                       COWLEY CO. FAIR
                                              Everybody is requested to visit the
                                                      NEW YORK STORE
before going home from the fair or circus. You will see one of the cheapest and handsomest lines of
                                                       DRESS FLANNELS,
                                                          DRESS GOODS.
                                                    SILKS, CARPETS, ETC.,
ever brought to Winfield. Our stock is now complete, and as goods are advancing, now is your time to buy your fall supply.
                                   Dry Goods Never were so Cheap as this Fall.
           Don’t fail to come in and take a look and get our prices before buying elsewhere.
                                                             A. E. BAIRD.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The County Commissioners finished the condemnation of the K. C. & S. W. railroad through Winfield Thursday. The route is down by Bliss & Wood’s mill and the Fair Ground. The damages allowed will not be made public till the 24th, when the Commissioners report will be made.
                                                           ONLY A COW.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
The reporter was out Sunday afternoon enjoying the pleasures of a drive—with his best girl—his wife. When approaching the Davis House in Highland Park, a fiery steed was seen coming down the hill at a 2:40 gait. Upon its back were three tow-headed boys, and one small boy with fiery hair was trotting along behind urging the animal by the application of a big sunflower stock. The sunflowers are very high and strong upon one side of the avenue. The cow-horse, seeing us coming and knowing us to be a reporter and this to be Fair week, from extreme modesty, suddenly shied, which skinned the boys off as though a cyclone had struck them. The boys seemed to revolve around and around before coming down, but finally hit the ground. We saw three revolving in the air, but upon getting out to investigate the yells which came from the patch of sunflowers, we could find but one tow-headed urchin. Says the reporter, in a soothing, fatherly manner, “Sonny, are you hurt?” “No; dog on old Moll!” It was a narrow escape—for the cow.
                                                GREAT SALE OF HORSES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.

I will sell at public auction, on the horse farm west of the fair grounds, Cowley County, Kansas, on Wednesday, October 7, 1885: Thirty-six head of brood mares—most of them Percheron and Clydesdale grades—all bred to imported Clydesdale horses, which are now on exhibition at the fair grounds. These mares are of the very best and finest of their class that could be purchased in Iowa and Illinois. Reason for selling—having disposed of my horse farm. Terms of sale: Twelve months’ time will be given, with good security. An inspection of stock solicited. J. C. McMULLEN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
“The Arnold boys sent a hack to Winfield yesterday to use during the Fair, which begins there today. Poor old Winfield can only support one cab, hence she has to draw on her neighbors. We can loan her all she needs and then have seven or eight left.” Wellingtonian.
Send on your hacks, as many as you can spare. We have several hacks, but the crowd is so immense here that it would take all the hacks in Southern Kansas to haul all who wish to ride. You fellows catch on. But nevertheless, it seems so strange to see Wellington’s second hand hacks driving along side of our painted and polished ones.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
What with the Republican convention last Saturday, the Fair all week with Simon’s theatrical troupe sandwiched in, and the circus next week, everybody will be broke by the first of October, and the man who collects half of his bills will be a daisy and no mistake.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Will Harlow came in from Burden yesterday. He says everybody is coming to the Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Palice Kimball, one of Cowley’s pioneer boys, is over from Harper, taking in our Fair. He hasn’t been in Cowley for years before.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Frank Weaverling came over last night from Attica to take in our fair. Frank is accountant for a dry goods firm at that place.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Addison Powers came in yesterday from Ashland to take in the Fair and visit with his parents for several days. Ad is in partnership with Will McCartney in the real estate and law business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
George Taylor, son of J. O. Taylor, came in from Geuda last evening to attend the fair. He, in company with several others, started out for a western trip, but was compelled to lay off at Geuda on account of sickness.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
R. B. Griffith, of the Live Stock Record, Kansas City, came in yesterday and will stay here during the Fair and will give it an extensive write-up. He says our Fair is the best, or rather starting out with better prospects than any he has yet attended.
                                                         THE BIG SHOW!
     The Third Day a Whooper—Big Crowds and Bright Sky. Everything Auspicious!
                                             THE PREMIUMS AWARDED.
           The Speed Ring Events—The Lucky Exhibitors, and General Attractions.
                                               AN AUSPICIOUS OPENING.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.


The Third Annual Exhibition of the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association opened this morning. Everything on the magnificent Fair Grounds had been put in perfect shape. Early this morning the city showed unusual animation and the Fair Ground Boulevard has been thronged all day. Buses of every conceivable kind, with their lusty rustlers, were busy while private vehicles were thick. At the Fair ground all was animation. The first day of every fair is preparation day—the day when exhibitors get their “truck” on the grounds and shape it around. So with Cowley’s Fair today. Exhibitors were as busy as bees, and by this afternoon the different “shows” were sufficiently arranged to insure the magnificence of the displays. Of course the principal attraction is the main exposition building. Here our more enterprising merchants were found working like beavers arranging displays of their wares. A. B. Arment has a fine display of elegant furniture, arranged by Sidney Carnine. Next Gene Wallis was fitting up a booth with wares from the grocery and queensware house of Wallis & Wallis. Johnnie Brooks, with coat off, perspiration on his brow, and taste in his mind, was filling a booth with displays from J. J. Carson & Co.’s clothing store. The dry goods exhibition of S. Kleeman is one of the most artistic, and will be a big advertisement for him. Horning & Whitney are always to the front for enterprise. Their display of stoves and hardware, arranged by Billy Whitney, is immense, and will be a big attraction. Bliss & Wood have a pyramid of their different brands of flour, reaching clear to the ceiling. George D. Headrick has arranged an elegant show of ladies’ and gents’ fine shoes from the boot and shoe house of W. C. Root & Co. F. M. Friend, as usual at every Fair, has a splendid display of musical instruments, etc. W. B. Caton has an elaborate display of tombstones, which present anything but a grave yard appearance amid so much animation. In the agricultural and horticultural departments things begin to loom immensely. Obese pumpkins, huge melons, and various mammoth exhibitions of Cowley’s prolific prolificness are lying all around. The display of grains, vegetables, and grasses by W. C. Hayden and Jas. F. Martin are grand—will down anything any county in the west can show up. Among leading horticultural exhibitors so far are S. C. Sumpter, of Walnut; S. C. Cunningham, Ninescah; Henry Hawkins, Vernon; S. P. Strong, Rock; J. B. Callison, Spring Creek; W. C. Hayden, Walnut; Jake Nixon, Vernon. The several displays are grand, exhibiting forcibly the fruit proclivities of Cowley. The art department was gradually filling today, the superintendent bobbing around numerously arranging the different displays. This department will show up better this year than ever before. Smedley and Gest, the fence men, have an imposing pyramid of their patent fence, just north of the exhibition building. The wind mills of Bertram & Bertram loom skyward. The greatest exhibition of all is the fine stock show. It is magnificent already, with not near all in yet. Col. McMullen has his seven Norman and Clydesdale brood mares with their seven colts. They can’t be beaten. Bahntge, Kaats & Co.’s fine herd of Galloway short horns, J. R. Smith’s herd of blooded short horns, L. S. Cogswell’s display of milkers, and Jonah Johnson’s splendid blooded animals are prominent among the cattle. N. L. Yarbrough is here from Richland with his fine stallions and colts. Among the foreigners who are on the grounds to compete for the liberal premiums are C. F. Stone, of Peabody, with eight fine Holstein cattle and a herd of sheep; T. A. Hubbard and M. B. Keagy, of Wellington, with over fifty Poland and Berkshire hogs—a grand show. Cowley’s swinish propensities show themselves already and more are rolling in. Secretary Kretsinger and assistant, W. J. Wilson, with other assistants, have been besieged with entries all day. And the end is not yet. It will be impossible to close the entry books before tomorrow sometime. Everything indicates a grand success for our Fair. About thirty “flyers” are entered for the races, some of them famous and some splendid exhibitions of speed are certain. Dining booths, swings, refreshment stands, and various money-making attractions—barring everything of a gambling nature—are tick, the lusty stand hustler is rampant. In the morning the entrance fee begins and the Fair proper starts off. Everything will be in good shape.
The second day of the Fair opened this morning with a bright sky, warm sun, and all requisites to success. The thoroughfare leading to the grounds early felt the dampening influence of Uncle Wesley Paris’ street sprinkler, laying the dust, and making the chewing of real estate less a necessity than yesterday. The Fair Grounds have been numerously animated all day—more so than expected so early in the week. This forenoon about finished the arrangements of exhibits. The main exhibition building is, of course, the principal attraction. The merchants and mechanical displays are artistic and elegant, every branch being well represented. The agricultural department is complete and grand, fully showing up the gigantic richness of Cowley’s soil. The fruit display is ahead of last year. Our county is growing older and with her age is developing her fruit possibilities in a manner to compete with any county in the fair west. The rosy-cheeked apples, luscious grapes, and entrancing pears and fruits of all kinds that make the mouth water, are the pride and joy of every old pioneer who has strained himself in boosting this result. The dairy and preserve departments, exhibiting the industry and skill of Cowley’s women, is a fine show. The fine art department is not quite as large as last year, but much better. Every exhibit is highly creditable, the prominent features of which we shall hereafter make special mention of. It is the blooded stock show that exhibits our county’s advance in all its glory. There is blooded stock of every breed, from the big Holstein cattle to the pretty little Jerseys; horses from the big Clyde and Norman to the slender little flyers; hogs embracing the perfect handiwork of nature, in the finest imported blood and a creditable display of sheep. Of course no fair is without its dumpy shows—its side shows to rake in the odd sheckles of the credulous. There are three or four of these, none of which can be classed as “snides.” But among the more passworthy facts, is the total absence of gambling schemes—no wheels of fortune games of chance or other bleeders of the innocent.

The first award of premiums was made this morning, commencing at 9:30 with the thoroughbred stallions. C. P. Buffington’s “Dailey” carried off first premium and M. C. Hudgeph’s thoroughbred second. Both of these were Sumner County horses. Mr. C. P. Cogswell showed “May Chief,” and was the only competitor to the Sumner fellows. In the Percheron Norman class there were four stallions shown. Mr. C. P. Buffington’s “Hyrade” took first and S. Allison’s “Carlo” second. Mr. Buffington also showed his black stallion, “Nigger,” and Mr. Hubbard, of Wellington, “Massasoit.” The exhibit in Clydesdale was remarkably fine, there being six splendid stallions before the Judges, their aggregate being 10,210 pounds. The entries were Col. McMullen’s “Caddie Lad” and “Iago;” J. S. Williams, of Sumner, “Lord Aberdeen” and “Duke;” S. Allison’s “Ochilboy,” and N. L. Yarbrough’s “Jack Clyde.” Again Sumner County came to the front and carried off the blue ribbon on J. S. Williams’ “Duke.” Col. McMullen’s “Caddie Boy” took second. The two horses were so evenly matched that it was very difficult to decide. The judges finally took their preference from color and preferred the dark brown. The spectators seemed to be evenly divided in judgment also. In our estimation “Caddie Lad’s” gentle disposition and easy movement should have been considered in his favor. He is certainly one of the most remarkably fine horses in the west, weighing 1960 pounds, but as supple as a cat. His form is splendid and his disposition as near perfect as can be. He can be hitched to a road cart and driven anywhere, and is but four years old, while “Duke,” who was awarded the first premium over him, is seven. “Caddie Lad” took the first premium at the Iowa State Fair as a two year old. In the class for native draft horses the show was very large. The exhibitors were E. I. Johnson, mare and colt; J. H. Land, mare and colt; L. Stout, mares, colts, and stallion; Col. McMullen, ten mares and seven colts; F. W. Schwantes, mare; S. Allison, stallion; Frank Conkright, two stallions; J. M. Buffington, stallions; J. S. Hubbard, stallion; N. L. Yarbrough, stallion; T. P. Herriott, of Marion County, span of Norman mares. The competition for premiums was very lively, and resulted as follows.
Best stallion, 4 years old and over: L. Stout’s “Roan Dick,” first; J. J. Buffington’s “Nero,” second.
Best stallion colt: Col. McMullen first and second.
Best mare 4 years old and over: T. P. Herriott first; Leonard Stout second.
Best mare 2 years old and under 4 years: T. P. Herriott first; Leonard South second.
Best mare colt: Leonard Stout first; Col. McMullen second.
The judges began their work in the hog and sheep departments this afternoon too late for reports in today’s paper. Their awards will appear tomorrow.
The ladies are making a success of the Fine Arts exhibit.
The fruit and vegetable departments are a great deal better than last year.
Sid Cure makes a handsome assistant to Chief Strong and helps regulate the police department in good style.
F. A. A. Williams’ little Jerseys are among the admirations of the fine stock show. They are beauties; three cows and a bull.
G. H. Allen displays his Leghorn fowls in the feathered department. He hasn’t much opposition and will, of course, come out Eli.
Chief of Police Strong is a host. He makes things lively in the police department, and woe be unto the unfortunate boy who is caught crawling under the barbed wire fence.
L. E. Pixley, of Eureka, is among the “foreigners” in the feathered bird department. He exhibits brown and white leghorns, Buff Cochin, Wyandottes, Black Red Games, Plymouth Rock, and others.
The hoggish propensities of Cowley were brought out in full force today, the last pen being filled. Adjoining counties are also entered in competition. But old Cowley will hold her own in everything.
N. S. Perry has also a remarkable wall display and is much admired. He has as foundation a growing vegetable garden with a good variety of “truck” and a few weeds. You must see this department to appreciate it.

Sumner and Cowley appear to be vying with each other to bring in the biggest hog. Some 50 very fine specimens were in the pen by Monday evening. All other stock departments are filling up with quite a full line of very good specimens.
The entries in live stock are way ahead of last year. Cowley is gradually climbing up in this direction. The long-horned, spindle-shanked Texas animals have given place to the finest imported stock. Your admiration of pure bred stock can have a feast at the fair grounds.
A good many of the boys braved the terrors of a barbed wire fence and crawled under this morning. One of them got a barb fastened in the dome of his pants, and could go neither backward nor forward. He hung in a very embarrassing position until he could induce a policeman to come and arrest him.
The stock department increased very fast after dinner, yesterday. McMullen’s herd of colts and mares looked like a bona-fide drove. There are horses from the diminutive Shetland pony, imported by M. Y. Hudspeth, to the 2,000 pounds Percheron from the solid farm horse to the fleet-footed trotter, or the flying racer. Cattle from the ponderous Holstein, the short-horn beauties, the coal black Angus to the fawn-like little Jersey.
It is quite a pleasant surprise to persons from the timbered States who have been in the habit of thinking of Kansas as an extended treeless plain to ramble around in the 10 acres of natural forest in the Fair Grounds, and find such fine specimens of walnut, elm, hackberry, coffee nut, and other trees that he has been acquainted with “back east,” as well as to notice the pecan and mulberry, oak, and elm, that are very different to those he has heretofore known. The part in the Fair Grounds will well repay a half day’s ramble to persons who want to know what Kansas is and why it is so.
One of the most unique things of the agricultural department is the “Farmers Motto” that decorates the grand exhibit of grain, grasses, vegetables, and horticulture by President Jas. F. Martin, of Vernon. This motto is made of eleven kinds of grain. The groundwork, on a slab 5 x ½ feet, is buckwheat reeds, fringed with dark onion seed. The first motto, “Fear God and Do Right,” is made of timothy seed. In large letters is “Peace, Plenty, and Prosperity,” made of different colored corn and watermelon seeds. This insignia is both expressive and impressive and attracts much attention. Mr. Martin exhibits in his display sixteen varieties of strawberries, all but one of which have fruited; nine species of evergreen; fifteen varieties of peaches, three of apples, two of pears, three of grapes, all magnificent specimens. This show is a grand exhibition of the possibilities of Cowley’s prolific soil.
D. Taylor exhibits the peculiar Houdan fowls. They absolutely refuse to set—lay all the year round. They are odd in plumage, white and black scattered.
Samuel Lowe shows thirty feathered birds, all Plymouth Rocks. They make a fine show, some where hugeness makes the neighboring Turkey gobblers blush with envy. Mr. Lowe is one of Cowley’s best poultry raisers.
W. P. Hardwick has his big steer on exhibition on the grounds. It is a Cowley County production, is four years old, and weighs 3,560 pounds. Only another evidence of Cowley’s productive soil.
Numerous friends keep advising THE COURIER that its airy, fairy headquarters on the grounds won’t shed rain. Of course it won’t. There isn’t to be any rain. THE COURIER arranged that matter before it erected its “summer resort.”

Capt. H. H. Siverd, assistant general manager, is everywhere at once. His sorrel Arabian is always on the jog, and the captain’s sonorous voice resounds with a dignity that introduces itself—peculiar only to the renowned Siverd. That he’s the right man in the right place is forcibly apparent.
The first arrest made on the grounds was by Chief of Police Strong. Secretary Kretsinger was the victim. He had given strict orders to arrest any horse found tied to a tree. A boy drove his horse and returning, hitched it to a tree. Mr. Strong promptly cabbaged the horse and arrested the secretary. The fine is five dollars. Krets will put up.
                                                             THIRD DAY.
Again did the sun rise in a bright sky and balmy atmosphere this morning, insuring a big day for the Cowley County Fair. Early the streets began to be a jam and the boulevard to the Fair Grounds has been thronged with every conceivable vehicle, from the big ’bus to the dumpy hack, fare, twenty-five cents. Everybody who had a rig transported themselves, and those without the wherewith, or for economy, took Old Shank’s Mare, fare nothing, with two bushels and a half of real estate thrown in. The dust rose in huge, continuous clouds. The Fair Grounds have been full all over, the large exposition building being a jam all day, while the big amphitheatre, free till noon and at 25 cents this afternoon, was “fuller’n’ a goat.” This has been a busy day for the judges. The premiums on general exhibits were largely awarded today, though not yet returned to the secretary. The lucky possessors of blue ribbons are numerous and happy, while those who got left are made, as usual, giving the judges sheol. This is all right. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be human nature. The words of surprise and praise elicited from strangers and newcomers by the grand exhibition of Cowley’s possibilities are numerous. The fair is an incalculable advertisement to Grand Old Cowley. No man can step around among the huge agricultural exhibits, and the fine show of blooded animals, without being imbued with the fact that this county is a wonder for its age—clear in advance of any county of its years in all the fair west.
                              YESTERDAY AFTERNOON’S AWARDS—HOGS.
In the hog department, Mr. T. A. Hubbard, of Wellington, took nine first premiums, four seconds, and the sweepstakes for the best board and best sow, of any age or breed. His display was truly fine, and has never been equaled at a county fair in Kansas. M. B. Keagy, of Wellington, also had a very fine display, and took six first premiums and one second. Isaac Wood took first on best exhibition of pedigreed hogs, and second on Poland China sows over one year old. E. R. Morse took five second premiums. F. W. McClellan took two second premiums. W. H. Roach had only one exhibit in the Chester White class. On the whole the hog exhibit was remarkable, and resulted in our folks being nicely done up by the Sumner exhibitors. They are fairly entitled to it, however, and the Cowley exhibitors will take warning and down them next year.
The sheep were also judged yesterday. Mrs. N. R. Lowe captured all the premiums on long wools. In short wools Mr. C. F. Stone, of Peabody, took all the first premiums and sweepstakes. Neer Bros., of Cambridge, were content with a fine string of seconds. The Stone sheep were very fine and fairly won the prize.
                                                        THE SPEED RING.

The speed ring attractions yesterday were rather light, it being the first active day. The green trot was won by Lady Hart—3 heats; time, 3:18, 3:10, and 3:13. Prince, owned by S. G. Sparks, Arkansas City, got second money. Purse, $40. There were four entries for the best rider, boy or girl—Mollie and Cora Woods, Eudell Hereford, and Frank Pixley. Mollie Woods got first money and Frank Pixley, second. Purse: $8. The amateur bicycle exhibition went off very smoothly, with three entries—Jack Hudson, Will McClellan, and Phil. Kleeman. Jack took first money and Will second. Purse, $8. The boys rode only one round, owing to lack of time, riding finely for amateurs.
The display of hogs on Tuesday was just immense. The awards of premiums give a faint idea of the number of hogs, but not of the quality. There were 92 hogs competing. One or more were neglected as not worthy of notice; in speaking of the fact, a gentleman who has been a close observer of hogs at fairs for twenty-five years or more, stated that the rejected sow twenty-five years ago would have taken the sweepstakes as a Magee hog of fine pedigree. There was very little difference between three and four of the best pens—one hog as a case in point got one vote for first premium and one vote for second premium in one of the leading classes, yet in the final decision did not get any award. Messrs. Hubbard & Kleagle, both of Sumner County, had a very fine display of Berkshires, and Mr. Hubbard had some very fine specimens of Poland Chinas. Mr. Morse, of Red Bud, this county, had a very fine lot of Berkshires. Mr. Wood did not prepare for or intend to show this year—wanted to give others a chance. He had to bring about a dozen over, and of course the judges, as has always been their habit, tied a few blue ribbons to his pens. Mr. Howells had a single hog that was hard to beat. Mr. Roach, of Sumner, had two Chester White pigs, but somehow white pigs do not suit the fancy of Kansas farmers. Hardly a person passed Keagy’s pens, but stopped to admire the “baby,” a coal black little four weeks old Berkshire, the only care of a 400 pound mother. One of the most difficult positions at a fair is a judge in the hog department. Most men can tell when a hog is nice and fat, but very few can decide between hogs that are thin in flesh as to which are best for all purposes. The judges this year appeared to know a hog whether he had on his good clothes or not. They gave as near general satisfaction as it is generally possible to do.
                                TODAY’S AWARDS.—STOCK DEPARTMENT.
The display in horses this morning was in the “agricultural” line. The exhibit was large and in excellent form. A. J. Lyon took first premium on a 4 year old stallion and H. C. Hawkins second. S. Allison captured another blue ribbon on his 3 year old, and Frank Conkright on a 2 year old, with N. J. Thompson second. John McMahan’s one year old stallion took a blue ribbon, while N. L. Yarbrough got the red. F. B. Evan’s stallion colts took both blue and red. In the Gelding ring F. W. Schwantes’s fine iron gray took first on 4 year olds. For 2 year olds M. L. Read’s handsome chestnut colt took the blue, and Gene Wilber’s fine bay second. There was a great herd of mares competing. The first prize was won by Mr. J. S. Baker, of New Salem, and the second by Mr. E. J. Johnson, of Sheridan. N. J. Thompson’s 2 year old mare also got a blue ribbon and J. R. Smith’s the red. L. Stout got away with the yearling first prize and Joseph Hahn second. The colt prize was won by R. W. Stephens, N. L. Yarbrough second. In mule colts Henry Hahn took premiums.

The shorthorns were the first called in the ring. Never has finer cattle been shown at any fair. They were all beauties, and it was difficult to judge between them. The judges selected were R. M. Clark, of Beaver; Silas Kennedy, of Bolton; and S. Allison, of Winfield. N. R. Thompson took a blue ribbon on his fine bull, and Bahntge, Kates & Co., a red. Mr. J. Johnson, of Spring Creek, captured two blue ribbons and two red ones on his fine show of short horns. J. R. Smith & Son took one first and two seconds. Mr. F. W. McClellan took two blue ribbons on his fine calves. In the Hereford class C. P. Cogswell’s bull, “Kansas,” took first, and L. F. Johnson’s “Prince Albert” second. L. F. Johnson also captured both ribbons on his splendid Hereford cows. The cattle department is very large and the judging is still progressing as we go to press.
Cowley is up along side of any of them in the fruit display.
Secretary of the State Horticultural Society, Brackett, is expected tomorrow, as President Martin telegraphed for him this morning.
In the report of premiums yesterday, P. C. Buffington was credited with several fine horses. It should have been the irrepressible J. M. Buffington, the leading horse man of Sumner County, not the ex-editor of Cherryvale.
By actual count on Wednesday morning, there were 560 plates of fruit at the Horticultural stand, over which is extended a sign bearing the laconic, and we might say ironic, words: “What a fine country we would have if we could only grow fruit,” which our president had put up this morning, which no doubt has been said to him a thousand times by tenderfeet in the last eight years that he has been in Cowley.
The Juvenile Band occupied the amphitheatre band stand yesterday and today, eliciting many favorable comments on their beautiful playing. The boys are improving rapidly and are a big credit to Winfield.
The Courier Cornet Band will be out tomorrow in full uniform.
A very fine display of young horses and cattle were out for judgment this morning. Notable among the cattle were the white faces (Herefords) exhibited by L. F. Johnson and Mr. Cogswell. The Black Polled Angus attracted much attention. The cattle were not very numerous but very fine specimens of the different kinds were shown. The improvement in cattle and horses each year is very decided. Can be seen by the most casual observer. The awards will be published tomorrow. But many fine specimens have no premiums. There were not enough premiums to go round for all the good specimens in any department.
                                                ENTERPRISE AND TASTE.
                            The Magnificent Fair Display of Horning & Whitney.
                                             Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.

Among the most attractive mercantile displays at the fair, that of Horning & Whitney, just at the left of the east entrance of the exhibition building, attracts universal attention. It is a worthy representation of this firm’s immense and popular Winfield establishment. The genial J. L. Horning, and the ever attentive Billy Whitney, are kept busy showing up the superior conveniences and general worth of the “Garland” cooking stoves, ranges, and base burners, the “Banquet,” the “Modern Hub,” manufactured by the Great Western Stove Co., than which a better or more elegant base burner has never been manufactured. Their stove display is grand, and has the admiration of all the ladies. Over the wall display is a unique lettering with bright spoons, “H. & W., Hardware.” The wall display embraces mechanic and machinist’s tools of every description; agate and granite ware and various novelties. But the big attraction for the ladies is the practical exhibition of Adams & Westlake’s “Monarch” gasoline stoves, for which Horning & Whitney are exclusive agents for Winfield. This exhibition under canvas is in the east nook of the south exposition building wing. A dozen or more stoves are on exhibition. Mr. J. M. Gundlach, of Chicago, is here on the part of the manufacturers to practically demonstrate to the people what their stoves can do—that they can do more and better work, occupy last room, and consume less fuel than any other gasoline stove on the market. This fact is proved by the turning out daily, as a practical test, every culinary delicacy, which are exhibited in a case right there. Horning & Whitney have a display to be proud of. It not only represents their establishment splendidly, but is a credit to the county. Of course, they carried off the blue ribbons for the best display of hardware, and on their Adams & Westlake gasoline stoves.
                                                         THE BIG SHOW!
                        The Last Day of The Cowley Co. Fair—A Grand Success.
                                           OUR FAME SPREAD ABROAD!
         The Possibilities of Cowley Co. Shown in all Their Glory—Various Fairisms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
This is Winfield and Arkansas City Day at the Fair and decidedly the biggest day of all. Prettier weather couldn’t be asked for than has been given the Cowley County Fair & Driving Park Association for their grand exhibition this week. Every day has been clear and balmy. Today was experienced the first terror—the dust, which a high breeze and the immense crowd stirred up in huge gobs that slapped a fellow in the face like hail stones. Uncle Wesley Paris, with his street sprinkler, kept the dust down as far as the Santa Fe depot. The wealth to send him clear through should have been raised. The first reinforcement this morning came in at 8 o’clock from Arkansas City, six coaches, jammed full, and accompanied by the Buckskin Border Band, in their Noble Red man uniforms. Their music is first class and one of the most acceptable sources of pleasure on the Fair Grounds today. The Arkansas City crowd was followed by delegations from everywhere, a big majority of Cowley’s population and a fine representation from every joining county. Winfield was out in full force and the business houses were closed this afternoon from 12 to 5 o’clock. Today finished the awarding of most of the premiums, and red and blue ribbons were decorating the exhibits in profusion, making everything in intelligent shape for the thousands of sight-seers. The profusion of compliments and enthusiasm over the vast possibilities of old Cowley fell like rain. The magnificent exhibits in every department entranced all, and made an advertisement for our splendid county that will go thundering down the ages, a charm to thousands of easterners. Strangers, in Kansas prospecting, visited our fair numerously and were almost knocked down with surprise at the hugeness of Cowley’s productions. They did not expect to find the same prolificness way down in a border county. Facts kill concocted ideas every time.

                                                      ALBRIGHT’S CORN.
There were three entries for P. H. Albright’s special bushel of corn premium. Ambrose Rowe, of Oxford, had 57½ ears in his bushel of 70 pounds, and took first prize of $15. M. S. Rowe had 51 ears and took second. S. Kennedy had 52 ears and took third.
                                                              FINE ARTS.
The competition in this department was lively and created some feeling. The display was excellent. We find it impossible to publish the awards today, but will give them in due time.
                                                   FLORAL DEPARTMENT.
The display in the Floral department was hardly as large as it might have been desired. Rose & Moueller, of Wichita, had the largest display and took ten ribbons. Miss Hope Manser took the blue ribbon on her handsome hand bouquets, and Mrs. Wm. Trezise on her best half dozen button hole bouquets. Mrs. Trezise received several ribbons on her display, which was very fine.
                                                 A. B. ARMENT’S DISPLAY.
The elaborate display of furniture made by A. B. Arment, 1007 South Main street, is as fine a lay out as was ever produced at any Fair, and charms hundreds of appreciative eyes. The display was arranged by Sidney B. Carnine, and is exquisite, showing up most creditably the mammoth furniture house of A. B. Arment.
                                                E. R. MORSE, OF RED BUD,
in the show for hogs had quite a head of English Berkshires. At the head of his herd is American Sovereign, No. 3627 (American Berkshire record), weighs 800 pounds. Kansas Queen, No. 12,000, weighs 600 pounds. Has 5 brood sows, 15 head of pigs, and quite a number of others. His hogs were not pampered the last year for show. He has been keeping them for breeding purposes and not for show. Cowley farmers can get here as good Berkshires as are bred.
                                                             THE BANDS.
This has been a gala day for music. Four bands are in attendance. The “Buckskins” of Arkansas City are very striking in their buckskin suits and coon skin caps. They are a very fine body of young men and good musicians. The Terminus may well be proud of this band and should encourage them by a liberal support. The three Winfield bands were out, the Courier, the Juvenile, and the Union. The Courier Cornet band was sixteen strong and filed up in front of THE COURIER headquarters and played one of those splendid overtures to an admiring audience. President Martin then made them a warm congratulatory speech. THE COURIER filled their pockets with cigars and the band filed out in splendid order, looking like a drilled company. The Juveniles are winning high words of praise and are great favorites with the public. THE COURIER acknowledges a fine serenade from the boys, which was highly appreciated.
                                                       FARM PRODUCTS.

Mr. J. D. Guthrie got through with his department yesterday, that of agriculture. This department includes the big pumpkins, corn, and other products, and the farm displays. Isaac Wood took the blue ribbon on red fall wheat, white and yellow corn, and orchard grass. The competition in white oats was brisk, there being five entries. H. Harbaugh took first and J. H. Curfman second. In red oats W. A. Murry was the winner. W. C. Hayden took first on sweet corn and J. H. Curfman second. Mr. Curfman also captured first on pop corn and on late Irish potatoes. Geo. Vanway had a fine display and captured six blue ribbons. W. C. Hayden also took a whole string of blue ribbons, and a lot of reds. S. S. Linn took first on early Irish potatoes. The big pumpkin prize was captured by J. Eddy. The great feature of this department was the displays of Cowley County products from a single farm, the prize being $25 to first, $15 to second, $10 to third, and $5 to fourth. There were three entries, all splendid as described in Tuesday’s DAILY COURIER. President J. F. Martin took first, N. S. Perry second, and W. C. Hayden third—Mr. Hayden took first on best display of garden vegetables from a single garden.
                                                     FRUIT DEPARTMENT.
The fruit department is attracting a good deal of attention. President Martin’s legend is ready by every person and calls out much merriment. There are a few very noticeable features—that to speak of previous to the action of the judges we don’t think we will do any harm. W. M. Limbocker has an apple of unknown variety that measures fourteen inches in circumference. J. B. Callison, a pear, “Duchess de Argentine,” twelve inches, and a plate of each averaging over eleven inches. Mr. Kennedy, of West Bolton, a peach (seedling) ten and three-fourth inches and a bucket full very little less; none less than ten inches in circumference. Kate McClung, of Pleasant Valley, has three plates—and some in a basket—of the Tallawalen apple, one of which measures thirteen and one-fourth inches. Mr. Browning, of Beaver, three plates each of Grimes, Golden, Smith, Cider, and Pennsylvania Red Streak, that are exceptionally fine. Two plates of Blood Red and Transcendent crabs, and three plates of American Golden russets attract attention—some claim that the russet can’t be made a success in Kansas.
                                                     SPEED RING EVENTS.
The 2:40 pace had three entries—“Bashaw,” owned by M. J. Willis, Burden; “Hany Phelps,” by W. J. Kinchler, Equity, Kansas, and “B. L.,” by W. Trotter, Wellington. Hany Phelps got the three straight heats, with B. L. a very close second. 2:39¼, 2:43, and 2:45. Purse $150. Bashaw, who is totally blind and at one time a daisy flyer, persisted in breaking but saved his distance. He is a reacher from long taw, without an equilibrium. Henry Phelps and B. L. paced a beautiful race—as pretty as any pace our ring has afforded.
The contestants in the running race, half mile dash, were “Accidental,” F. H. Fitch, owner; “Nellie Buckles,” owned by M. Y. Hudspeth; “Gray Buck,” by J. Barnes, and “Rosewood,” by W. M. Vizey. This race drew unusual interest from the fact that Miss Mary Williams, of Wellington, whose twenty mile contest with Cricket Still at Bismarck made famous, rode Nellie Buckles. Gray Buck took first money, Accidental second, and Nellie Buckles third. Purse $30 to first, $12.50 to second, and $7.50 to third. Time 53 seconds. Miss Williams rode beautifully, but her horse was lame, making her show disadvantageous.
The closest speed ring contest yesterday was in the 2:40 trot, 1½ mile best three in five. Judge McDonald’s “Rebecca,” A. E. Gibson’s “Brown Bird,” Emeline and Frank N. Strong’s “Nellie Mac.” The full five heats were run, the first two won by Nellie Mac and the last three by Rebecca, giving the latter first money and Gray Bird second and Nellie Mac third. Purse $100. Time 2:40. Rebecca is a beautiful traveler, a stretcher from the word go; but when she breaks on a heat, she is mighty hard to get down to business.

The speed ring runs along—the smoothest way under the superintendency of James Vance, and the judgeship of Capt. P. A. Huffman, Messrs. A. T. Spotswood, and Sol Burkhalter. They are old in turf experience and can readily tell every point in a race.
Sam Platt, of W. A. Ritchie’s architectural rooms, kept the speed ring’s official record yesterday. He’s a good one anywhere.
Mrs. Brown, of Winfield, and Miss Mary Williams, of Wellington, competed yesterday for the best driving by ladies. Miss Williams, in turning, came very near meeting with a serious accident. The harness became loosened and the horse began to run, throwing Miss Williams out. The horse ran around the track at break neck speed, getting loose from the buggy, and was finally caught. The lady was not hurt beyond a bad scare. The buggy was badly torn up.
                                                   THE ROADSTER SHOW.
The show of roadsters was very fine. Jim Vance, Joe Harter, Capt. Nipp, Gene Wilbur, Billy Hands, Arthur Bangs, Joe Moore, and Judge McDonald were in the ring with their steeds. The driving was very fine and resulted in Joe Harter capturing the blue ribbon and Gene Wilbur the red. In double roadster teams, Billy Hands, Gene Wilbur, C. C. Pierce, and John Hahn competed. The teams were as fine as any one could wish to see. Billy Hands took first premium and Gene Wilbur second. The teams were very evenly matched and the decision hard to make. In the roadster stallion class, Capt. Lyon captured first premium for 4 year-olds. For 3 year-olds, Judge McDonald’s “Malcomb Spray” took first.
Mr. Callison exhibits some Kansas grass (Blue Stem) eight and a half feet long. It was cut a little green and not fully matured. Mr. Callison says he will bring some next year not cut until it gets its growth.
The president received from Mr. Secretary Bracket a dispatch yesterday saying that it would be impossible for him to attend our fair, and that he regretted it more than we did.
Parties visiting the fair should not fail to see the operations of the celebrated steam washer, being practically demonstrated by the agents, Conrad & Shearer, just west of the exhibition building.
Secretary Kretsinger gave a lady a license to sell perfumery yesterday. In a short time her perfumery business developed into a very ingenious game, whereby the unsuspecting youth could be divorced from his dollars. Siverd’s eagle eye detected her and she was brought up and compelled to quit. She was an adventuress of the most adventurous sort.
Among the representations of Cowley’s industries, her magnificent stone has not been forgotten. J. E. Conklin has an elegant display from his quarry east of town, the most notable of which is a beautiful turned vase, as smooth and perfect as though turned from marble. Mr. Conklin also exhibits an obelisk made from Cowley County stone, showing the ease and perfection with which this stone can be worked. G. W. Yount also shows a large obelisk made of stone from his quarry near town. It is eight feet high, two feet square at the base, and a perfect specimen of the tractability of Cowley’s magnificent stone. It attracts much attention and comment as one of the industries that is rapidly making our county famous.

Yesterday was an immense day for the Cowley County Fair. Never before was there such a jam. Over ten thousand people were on the grounds and the attractions satisfactory. From morning till night all was a perfect mass of surging humanity. It is a marvel that no accidents are to be chronicled today—it is only owing to the perfect Fair management. Today has been a good day also, the grounds being well filled all day. This afternoon the crowd would compare very favorably with yesterday. This was children’s day, and all children under thirteen years of age, when accompanied by parents, were admitted free. That the Fair has been an immense success in every department is a prominent fact. The satisfaction of all patrons is most gratifying. This Fair has shown up grandly the gigantic possibilities of our splendid young county. Every old pioneer goes home with a heart running over with joy at the results he has done so much toward attaining, while strangers were at first dumbfounded and knocked down by the immense productions that everywhere greeted their eyes. They had heard big stories, but not half. And there they were face to face with facts that seemed too huge for comprehension. This Fair has been an advertisement to Cowley County that will go thundering over the country, of incalculable benefit to the best county in all the fair west.
This morning witnessed the grandest show of the fair—the sweepstakes in horses and cattle. In the ring for the best stallions of any age or blood, sixteen stallions were exhibited. The horsemen were enthusiastic over the show. There were horses of every form, shape, and weight from the limb built, silken haired thoroughbred to the mammoth Clydesdale, weighing a ton. The society was very fortunate in the selection of judges for the difficult task of awarding the premium in the persons of S. W. Phenix, D. W. Frew, and J. W. Morse. Mr. Morse is a stranger, but a fine horseman. Capt. Lyons’ “Bertrand” was awarded the premium. The premium for best mare was awarded to F. P. Harriott. The award for the best brood mare, with two or more of her offspring, was given to L. Stout, and that for best stallion, with five of his colts, to N. L. Yarbrough. In the sweepstakes for cattle, the show was equally as fine. Eight bulls were in the ring. The prize was awarded to John R. Smith & Sons. The blue ribbon for best cow of any age or breed was taken by Bahntge, Kates & Co., and that for cross cow by John R. Smith. Bahntge, Kates & Co., also took the prize for best herd of thoroughbreds. The blue ribbon for best cow with three of her calves was taken by J. Johnson, of Maple City. The judges were Owen Shriver, E. P. Young, and Chauncey Hewett.
                                                AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITS.

The agricultural exhibits of President Jas. F. Martin, N. S. Perry, and W. C. Hayden drew out universal enthusiasm from every beholder. Their grandeur is inexpressible. Easterners stood and gazed at these wonderful collections by the hour, with eyes bulged out. They embrace about everything an unsurpassed soil and experienced agriculture can produce, from the little bean to the huge pumpkins, displayed in a manner most neat and enterprising. Mr. Martin took first premium, Mr. Perry second, and Mr. Hayden third. These exhibits were the greatest puzzle to the judges. Each exhibit embraced from one to two hundred varieties—embracing everything in fruits, vegetables, grains, and grasses. As an advertisement of Cowley County’s famous prolificness, they were paramount to anything on the Fair grounds. The labor these exhibits cost is incalculable—not remunerated a hundredth part by the premium money. Messrs. Martin, Perry, and Hayden have the sincere gratitude of every citizen of Cowley for their energy and enterprise in advertising our county by these magnificent shows.
                                                     SPEED RING EVENTS.
The first race yesterday was the free for all pace, mile heats, best three in five, three entries—Budweiser, by E. J. Wood, Coffeyville; Caroline, by Judge McDonald, Winfield; Harry Phelps, by W. J. Kinchler, Equity. Caroline made the first half-mile heat in 1:14—a 2.28 gait—the best time ever made on our track. She won the three straight heats, followed by Budweiser. Harry Phelps was withdrawn after the first heat. Time, 2:23¼, 2:35¾, and 2:42. Purse $37.50 to first and $22.50 to second.
The next race was a trot, best three in five, mile heats, with three competitors: O’Neal’s  Lady Hart, Frank Strong’s Nellie Mac, and M. J. Wells’ Major B. Nellie Mac had an easy job, just reining ahead all around, getting the three straight heats without much effort. Major B. came in second, and Lady Hart tailed up. Time: 3:00, 3:10, and 2:59. Purse $75.00
The prettiest race of the afternoon was the running contest, mile heats, best two in three. There were three contestants: Rosmore, Hybernia, and Willis Renfrou. Hybernia won the two straight heats, Rosmore second. Renfrou was distanced the first heat. Purse $60.00 to first, $25.00 to second. Time 1:49¾.
The contest for J. J. Carson’s special prize of a fine hat for the best gentleman rider was competed for by Parker Hahn, George W. Miller, Dick Chase, and E. M. Chase. The judges were Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mrs. A. H. Doane, and Miss Margie Wallis. Mr. Miller won the prize. He threw a beautiful bouquet to the ladies just before the decision, which likely cut some figure.
                                        THE MONARCH AGAIN CROWNED.
One of the most noticeable and popular exhibits on the grounds has been that of the Adams & Westlake Manufacturing Company of their Monarch Gasoline Stoves. The exhibit was in charge of J. M. Gundlach, their western agent. Under a handsome pavilion in one of the L’s of the main exhibition building were arranged the stoves of all sizes and styles, in actual operation, and turning out bread of snowy whiteness, and cakes that were the envy of all the ladies. They entertained the four cornet bands with lunch, all cooked in the open air on the grounds on THE MONARCH stoves. Their exhibition proved equally attractive with the big pumpkins and fine stock, and will make the Monarch gasoline stoves very popular among the homes of our county. The display was a very important addition to the attractions of the Fair. Messrs. Horning & Whitney are the exclusive agents for these stoves in Winfield. Mr. Gundlach intends to return in the spring and will give a grand free dinner to the people of Cowley, all cooked on the Monarch. The Monarch was awarded the first premium, to which it was well entitled.
                                                      THE FRUIT EXHIBIT.

The judges, Walton, Croco, and Stewart, had a laborious day Thursday on passing through the apples only. There were some 40 varieties of late and winter, and 20 to 15 summer. Two of the judges were fruit men in Ohio, yet many of the well known varieties were so changed by the climate and soil that they scarcely recognized them. They were larger, more distinctly colored, and of a more pronounced flavor. There were exhibited in some of the more popular varieties from 10 to 15 plates, and this only increased the trouble of the judges. It was almost impossible to decide which was first and second best where there were a dozen almost or quite equally good. The rule was adopted of selecting the plate that held the fruit most fully representing in shape, color, and other qualities supposed to belong to the kind of apple presented. The same rule was applied to all fruits in their department. The judges expressed themselves as being enthusiastic over Cowley’s fruit, and the fine artistic taste of the management of class H. It probably was the finest display of fruit ever seen in Southern Kansas. There is no longer any question as to the ability of Southern Kansas as a fruit growing country. It will take some years, if not decades, to decide the special locations as to soil and altitude for the different varieties for fruit. As yet it appears that the most solid fruit comes from the highlands in the eastern part of the county. The best pears were from the Arkansas river bluff, and the largest fruits from the valleys of the Arkansas and Walnut rivers.
George M. Drake, postoffice inspector, arrived yesterday for the purpose of locating the postoffice. He is in favor of the building now occupied by the 9th Avenue Hotel.
The parade drill of Co. C., K. N. G., on the Fair grounds yesterday afternoon drew much attention. Under Capt. Steuven and First Lieutenant Finch, the evolutions were gone through  most creditably. The company was in its bright new uniforms and presented a splendid appearance. That Cowley sported such a well drilled and complete military company was a surprise to many who hadn’t had the opportunity to see them on dress parade.
Company C will go to the Topeka reunion on a special train Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Capt. Steuven issues a command for the members of the company to meet at the Rink Sunday punctually at 10 o’clock. The Courier Cornet Band and the First Light Artillery will go on the same train.
One of the finest collections in the art department is the collection of Emerson Martin. It embraces twenty varieties of coral and sea shells and ferns and shell curiosities of very conceivable kind. The exhibit is worthy all the admiration it elicits. Mr. Martin has spent years in its collection, and means to have it descend from generation to generation as an heirloom, increasing as it goes down. J. S. Mann makes a good display of clothing in the art department. He couldn’t get room for a large display in the main hall. Profs. Wood and Inskeep, of our new Normal and business college, have an elegant display of penmanship at the Fair. It is the work of Prof. Inskeep, and the specimens of animals and various fancy strokes show him to be a marvelously expert penman.
The handsome gray driving team of Gene Wilbur, which attracted so much attention in the driving team contest at the Fair Wednesday, is one of the very best teams in the West. They are perfect beauties: solid, sleek, and full of life, yet so gentle and well trained that anybody can drive them. They are perfectly built and capable for any work. Gene offers this elegant team for sale and the man who gets them will be in luck.
Of course, J. B. Lynn, the pioneer merchant, had a representation at the fair grounds. His dry goods business is just like an open book in Cowley, so he took a special turn, and made a mammoth display entirely of carpets. Every conceivable pattern, Brussels, Ingrains, mats, rugs, and stair patters. It is a very fine exhibit and the subject of much favorable comment.

The Courier Cornet Band, under its brightly arrayed drum major, Judge Snow, had a parade drill in the speed ring park yesterday afternoon, going through numerous and varied evolutions, allowing much proficiency. The boys will attend the Topeka soldiers’ reunion, and will no doubt carry off golden laurels.
Vernon township carries off the prize on wheat. F. W. Schwantes coming up with 870 bushels, raised on twenty-one acres of ground, making forty-one and three-sevenths bushels to the acre.
There were forty-two instruments playing at once in the band stand Thursday. This is the best band display ever seen at a county fair.
The lemonade men conspired against the pump on the fair grounds today. It refused to work and investigation brought to light a handful of tacks. A policeman with a club protected the water supply for the balance of the day.
Capt. Siverd, as assistant manager, as everybody who has attended this Fair expected he would, filled a “long felt want”—an assistant manager that could manage. As he is so well known and one of our own townsmen, perhaps it would look rather egotistical to say he can not be beaten for that position, but will say that he just suits the patrons of the Cowley County Fair.
The police management was the admiration of all visitors. On Thursday there were at least ten thousand persons and five to six hundred horses and a great number of all manner of wheeled vehicles inside of the magnificent grounds, and yet the quiet gentlemanly demeanor and military precision and firmness of the corps and Chief Strong kept things just as quietly and orderly as if there had been five acres to each team. Chief Strong and his score of ex-soldiers deserve great credit for their quiet yet firm manner of keeping order. But then it is not much of a job to manage a large crowd of Americans when there is no whiskey or gambling. Prohibition prohibits at least at the Cowley County Fair. Sam Strong as chief is the right man in the right place. He had had an assistant, Sid Cure, who appeared to occupy the same position.
N. T. Snyder’s Jerseys were beauties and took the ribbons all around. His herd received universal attention and were praised by all. The Jerseys are by long odds the best domestic animals.
Ab. Holmes’ Galloways carried off the ribbons. His bull is a dandy and received much attention from stock men.
The Fair association took in between fifteen hundred and two thousand dollars yesterday. The amphitheater brought about $300.
The elegant swallow-tailed coat of Julius Goczliwski on exhibition at the fair grounds is one of the finest garments ever turned from a tailor establishment, and caught all the boys.
The beautiful hand made foot rest of Mrs. Harry Steinhilber, and the lovely table scarf of Mrs. Henry Brown attracted much attention in the fine art department.
Among the fine art attractions was a lovely landscape painting by Miss Pauline Baird. This is Pauline’s second effort and most creditable it is indeed. The colors blend beautifully and the objects are fine in proportion. She takes much interest in art, and starts out with an aptness that insures success.

Isaac Woods has some orchard grass seed on exhibition and specimens of Arkansas valley growth of orchard grass. He informs us that off one half acre he gathered five bushels of seed. (Cut with cradle.) Immediately after cutting the seed, he mowed it with a machine, and got one and a half tons of good hay, and since then on the aftermath, he has pastured six of his fine Poland China brood sows with no other feed and they are yet doing fine and will till a heavy frost. As the President says about fruit: “If we could only grow grass, what a fine country we would have.” Mr. Woods claims that in the Arkansas river bottom (the best corn land in the world) he can raise as much feed for hogs on one acre of orchard as he can on two acres planted in corn, and he raises corn that weighs 2 pounds to the ear.
Saturday closed the five days of the Cowley County Fair. The attendance yesterday was very large—compared favorably with Thursday, when the attendance was immense. The interest throughout the fair was intense. The whole week has been a holiday—everybody quitting their daily vocations to witness the attractions of Cowley’s big show. A grand show it was, is the verdict of all. Representatives of various farmers’ journals, who have attended every fair in Southern Kansas so far this year, pronounce our fair far ahead of any of them in every department, and equal to the State Fair at Peabody. The satisfaction of patrons is astonishingly unanimous. Everything was complete. The management was the subject of much praise. All worked as smoothly as clock work. As to the fair’s financial success, it cannot yet be ascertained. But the fair association is safe. The receipts were enough to pay the premiums in full and total expenditures with a sum to apply on the improvements made this year.
                                                    YESTERDAY’S RACES.
The speed ring was opened yesterday afternoon with the free for all trot. Three entries, Black Tom, by H. M. Balch; Alladin, by S. B. Oberlander. Black Tom got first and Alladin second. Clifford was distanced the first heat. Purse, $50 to first; $30 to second. Time, 2:36, 2:30, 2:32¼, 2:34. The next was the novelty running race, $25 to winner first ¼; $35 to winner first ½; mile $50; and 1½ mile $65—total purse $175. The entries were Gray Buck, Hybernia, and Rosmore. Gray Buck got ¼ and 1½ and Rosmore 1 and 1½. Hybernia pulled out after the first heat.
The ladies riding exhibition had six competitors: Lille B. Rosenbury, Arkansas City; Mary Williams, Wellington; Mabel Myers, Miss Brown, and Isaac McArthur, of Winfield; and Jennie Cooper, Texas. Mable Myers took first money, $10, and Isaac McArthur, second place, $5.
                                              OFF FOR THE INDIANA FAIR.
The entire fruit exhibit, over a hundred and fifty plates of every variety, was carefully packed in barrels today and left via Adams Express over the S. K. this evening for the State Fair at Indianapolis, accompanied by the committee appointed by Cowley’s real estate men, President Jas. F. Martin, Capt. P. A. Huffman, and Mr. J. D. Guthrie. The fruit was splendidly preserved and under the management of this experienced committee, will make an exhibit of grand advertisement to our magnificent county. It will make the Hoosier’s eye bug with a great big illuminated B. The Express Company transported the exhibit free.
                                                  THE HISTORICAL QUILT.

One of the most attractive things in the department of home manufacture at the fair was the historical quilt of Mrs. Sarah P. Fazel. She is sixty-four years old, and began the quilt in the Centennial year, 1876. It is made of varied-colored calico. It is an allegorical history of the Union from 1776 to 1876. Starting with the rebellion, where “1 man beat back 1,000 and 2 men put 10,000 to flight,” there are the monuments of Washington and Lafayette; thirteen starts representing the original states; the rebellion, where “1,800,000 of our brave freed 4,000,000 slaves”—the slaves represented by dark colors; the seceding states, represented by broken links; the U. S. Senators, two for each state, with three black spots showing as many colored members. The principal trunk line railways, with the large cities on them, and their population; the capital building at Washington; the muskets of peace stocked and rusting; the names of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the name of every president, with the bright and black representing those whose terms were partially served, and numerous other historical symbols. This is indeed a wonderful quilt, exhibiting remarkable historical study and patriotism. Of course, it got the blue ribbon. The old lady finished it just before the fair began, having been working on it at odd times for about nine years.
The Fair Grounds look dilapidated today. Where all was rush and jam, all week, is now a dreary waste. Exhibitors were busy all over the grounds today pulling out their exhibits, and this evening not a thing is left, but a few racers in the stalls.
School opens Monday and the small boy from then on for the next eight months will suffer all the torment that confinement can inflict on the young mind. The high school and grammar department will open in the McDougal building.
The grand stock parade at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon was the best display of fine stock ever made in a western county. It reached clear around the speed ring, and drew thousands of enthusiastic spectators.
Monday THE COURIER will present a full gist of the premiums awarded by the Fair Association and who got them. It was impossible to get them all until transferred to the secretary’s books.
While riding a match race yesterday afternoon, a boy by the name of Connor, riding for Mr. Peters, of El Dorado, was thrown from his horse and received some very severe bruises and had his collar bone broken. Drs. Wells and Marsh dressed the wound temporarily, after which he was removed to the office of Dr. Wells and more careful attention given the case.
Foreigners were prominent in the hog department at the Fair. The object of competing with all comers is to let our farmers see what is being done and to see the very best specimen in stock, and if our breeders fail to have the very best, our farmers should know where it can be secured. The breeders are generally a class of men that take care of their interest and the papers and the citizens should assist the farmers to find who are the very best breeders of the state. Mr. Hubbard, of Sumner, had as good a herd of Poland China and of Berkshire hogs as money and a well informed head can get up. Mr. Keagy, of Sumner, and Mr. Moore of this county, have each a large number of the very best breed of Berkshire. Mr. Keagy had his in excellent trim for exhibition and consequently took most of the first premiums on Berkshires. Mr. Moore had equally as well bred a herd, but they were not in as good fix to draw attention as was his neighbor’s. The best of feeling prevailed among the competitors. They all speak highly of the officers and management of the fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

Bro. Henthorn, of the Burden Eagle, has the following to say in regard to our Fair Association. “The Cowley County Fair Association has had an opportunity to grow rich and it has done so, but at the expense of the people of the county. The small premiums offered for worthy exhibits have kept the number growing smaller each year. In this connection we wish to remark that a clearer case of robbing has never come under our notice. In most places a ticket of admission entitles the holder to all privileges of the grounds. Not so here. You get inside the gate, then if you want to see the races you must take your choice of staying in the hot sun and dust looking through fence slats, or pay twenty-five cents admission to the amphitheatre, or the same to the speed ring. If the Association fails to furnish better accommodations and let up on such unjust extortion, its future will be unsuccessful.”
You are all wrong, Bro. Henthorn. The unlimited liberality of the Association in premiums have given them enough to come out just about even and no more. The Association has never yet been able to declare a dividend and if there is a balance this year, it will be out of pocket.
                                                  COWLEY VS. INDIANA.
                    Our Magnificent Fruit Display to Go to the Hoosier State Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
A meeting was held at THE COURIER office on the Fair Grounds today to arrange for exhibiting the display of Cowley County fruit at the Indiana State Fair next week. H. G. Fuller was chosen chairman and N. T. Snyder secretary. The meeting was enthusiastic. Mr. Snyder stated that the real estate men of Arkansas City would bear their share of the expense. Mr. Manser moved that the real estate men should pledge the sum necessary to carry the exhibit east. A committee consisting of Messrs. Manser, Fuller, and Snyder was selected to attend to the finances. President Jas. F. Martin, J. D. Guthrie, and Capt. Huffman were selected to take the exhibit to Indianapolis. This idea is one of the best ever proposed in the interest of our county. A finer exhibit of fruit than ours was never made, and its display, appropriately decorated with banners, will make the Hoosiers’ eyes bug out. The committee start Saturday.
                                                        A FINE EXHIBIT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Among the exhibits in the horse department at the Fair, J. C. McMullen’s was most noticeable. It consisted of ten splendid large Clydesdale mares, with their seven colts besides, and his two magnificent stallions, Cadder Lad and Iago. Cadder Lad is one of the purest bred Clydesdales in the west. He is four years old and weighs 1,860 pounds, and of a disposition as gentle and domestic as a kitten. He took the first premium at the Iowa state fair. Iago is a three year old and weighs 1,600 pounds, and is a beauty, but not so perfectly developed as Cadder Lad. The Colonel never does things by halves; and when he went into the stock business, he selected only the best without regard to cost. He paid $3,000 for Cadder Lad and $2,000 for Iago. His enterprise in this connection will be most valuable to Cowley, and before many years “scrub teams” will be a thing of the past. The Colonel’s horses carry quite a string of ribbons now, over warm competition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

Our Fair reporter was tired Saturday: so tired that in his final summing up of Fair events he chronicled the successful lady rider as “Isaac McArthur.” It should have been Miss Sadie McArthur, who took first premium and Miss Mable Myers, second. However, after writing thirty-six columns of original matter during the week, a mistake at the last end don’t count.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The WINFIELD DAILY COURIER showed its usual enterprise last week by enlarging to a nine column paper during the fair, with a full and complete report of each day’s doings. THE COURIER is always ready to keep pace with the demands of a reading public.
Oxford Register.
                                           OFFICIAL LIST OF PREMIUMS
                                          Awarded at the Cowley County Fair,
                                                 September 21st to 25th, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The list given below shows money premiums only. Checks for same will be ready after October 1st, and must be claimed by November 1st, 1885, or forfeit to the association. (See rule 12.) Diplomas for exhibits having no competition may be had by calling at the Secretary’s office.
                                                       Class A.—HORSES.
                                                       Lot 1. Thoroughbreds.
Stallion, any age. M. Y. Hudspeth, 1st; J. M. Buffington, 2nd.
                                                    Lot 2. Percheron Norman.
Stallion, any age. J. M. Buffington 1st, S. Allison 2nd.
                                                         Lot 3. Clydesdales.
Stallion, any age. J. S. Williams 1st, J. C. McMullen 2nd.
                                                       Lot 4. Native Draught.
Stallion, 4 years old and over. L. Stout 1st, J. M. Buffington 2nd.
Stallion, 2 years old and under 4. S. Allison 1st, F. H. Conkright 2nd.
Foal of 1885. J. C. McMullen 1st and 2nd.
Mare, 4 years old and over. F. P. Harriott 1st.
Mare 2 years old and under 4. F. P. Harriott 1st.
Foal of 1885. L. Stout 1st, J. C. McMullen 2nd.
                                                          Lot 5. Agricultural.
Stallion, 4 years old and over. A. J. Lynn 1st, H. C. Hawkins 2nd.
Stallion, 3 years old and under 4. S. Allison 1st.
Stallion, 2 years old and under 3. F. H. Conkright 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.
Stallion, 1 year old and under 2. John McMahan 1st, N. S. Yarbrough 2nd.
Foal of 1885. F. B. Evans 1st and 2nd.
Gelding, 4 years old and over. F. W. Schwantes 1st.
Gelding, 2 years old and under 3. M. L. Read 1st, E. J. Wilbur 2nd.
Mare, 4 years old and over. J. S. Baker 1st, E. I. Johnson 2nd.
Mare, 2 years old and under 3. N. J. Thompson 1st, J. R. Smith 2nd.
Mare, 1 year old and under 2. L. Stout 1st, J. Harter 2nd.
Foal of 1885. R. W. Stevens 1st, N. L. Yarbrough 2nd.
                                                           Lot 6. Roadsters.

Stallion over 1 year. A. J. Lyon 1st, S. Allison 2nd.
Stallion under 4 years. J. W. McDonald 1st.
Mare or gelding over 4 years. J. N. Harter 1st, E. J. Wilbur 2nd.
Mare or gelding under 4 years. A. J. Lyon 1st.
Span mares or geldings over four years. Hand and Gary 1st, E. J. Wilbur 2nd.
Span mares or geldings, any age. F. Schwantes 1st.
Family carriage, mare or gelding, any age. F. P. Harriott 1st, J. W. McDonald 2nd.
                                                         Lot 7. Sweepstakes.
Stallion any age or blood. A. J. Lyon 1st.
Mare any age or blood. F. P. Harriott 1st.
Brood mare, any age or blood, with two or more of her offspring. L. Stout 1st.
Stallion, any age or blood, showing the best 5 colts under 2 years old. N. L. Yarbrough 1st.
                                                      Lot 8. Jacks and Mules.
Foal of 1885. Henry Hahn 1st and 2nd.
                                                       Class B.—CATTLE.
                                                          Lot 1. Shorthorns.
Bull 3 years old and over. N. J. Thompson 1st, Bahntge & Co., 2nd.
Bull, 2 years old and under 3. J. R. Smith 1st, J. Johnson 2nd.
Bull, 1 year old and under 2. J. Johnson 1st, J. R. Smith 2nd.
Heifer, under 1 year. I. W. McClelland 1st and 2nd.
                                                           Lot 2. Herefords.
Bull, 3 years old and over. J. P. Cogswell 1st, L. F. Johnson 2nd.
Cow, 2 years old and under 3. L. F. Johnson, 1st and 2nd.
                                             Lot 3. Polled Angus and Galloways.
Bull, 2 years old and over. A. T. Holmes 1st.
Bull, 1 year old and under 2. Bahntge & Co., 1st.
                                                            Lot 4. Holsteins.
Bull, 3 years old and over. C. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
Bull, 1 year old and under 2. Bahntge & Co., 1st.
Bull calf, under 1 year. C. F. Stone 1st.
Cow, 3 years old and over. C. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
Cow, 2 years old and under 3. C. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
Cow, 1 year old and under 2. C. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
                                              [Note: There was no Lot 5 listed.]
                                                  Lot 6. Jerseys and Alderneys.
Bull, 3 years old and over. Norton & Snyder 1st.
Bull calf under 1 year. F. A. A. Williams 1st.
Cow 3 years old and under 2. N. T. Snyder 1st.
Heifer, under 1 year. F. A. A. Williams 1st.
                                                   Lot 7. Grades and Crosses.
Cow, 3 years and over. J. R. Smith 1st and 2nd.
Cow, 2 years old and under 3. N. J. Thompson, 1st and 2nd.

Heifer, 1 year and under 2. J. R. Smith 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.
Heifer 6 months and under 1 year. N. J. Thompson 1st.
Heifer calf, under 6 months. J. R. Smith 1st, N. J. Thompson 2nd.
                                                         Lot 8. Sweepstakes.
Bull, thoroughbred, any age. J. R. Smith 1st.
Cow, thoroughbred, any age. H. Bahntge & Co., 1st.
Cow, cross, any age. J. R. Smith 1st.
Cow, any age or blood, with 3 of her off-spring. J. Johnson 1st.
Thoroughbred herd, owned by exhibitor, consisting of not less than 1 bull and 5 cows or heifers. J. R. Smith 1st.
                                                        Class C.—SHEEP.
                                                         Lot 1. Long Wools.
Ram. 1 year old and over. M. R. Lowe 1st.
Three ewes 1 year old and over. M. R. Lowe 1st.
Three ewe lambs under 1 year. M. R. Lowe 1st.
                                                          Lot 2. Fine Wools.
Ram, 1 year and over. C. F. Stone 1st, Neer Bros., 2nd.
Ram lamb, under 1 year. C. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
Three ewes, 1 year old and over. D. F. Stone 1st and 2nd.
Three ewe lambs under 1 year. C. F. Stone 1st, Neer Bros., 2nd.
Lot of sheep, not less than 5, shown with sire. C. F. Stone 1st, Neer Bros., 2nd.
                                                         Lot 3. Sweepstakes.
Ram, any age or breed. C. F. Stone 1st.
Ewe, any age or breed. C. F. Stone 1st.
                                                         Class D.—HOGS.
                                                        Lot 1. Poland China.
Boar, 1 year old and over. J. Wood 1st, T. A. Hubbard 2nd.
Boar, 6 months and under 1 year. T. A. Hubbard 1st.
Boar, under 6 months. T. A. Hubbard 1st, F. W. McClelland 2nd.
Sow, 1 year old and over. T. A. Hubbard 1st and 2nd.
Sow, 6 months and under 1 year. T. A. Hubbard 1st, I. Wood 2nd.
Sow, under 6 months. T. A. Hubbard 1st, F. W. McClelland 2nd.
Pen of 5 pigs, farrowed since March 1, 1885. T. A. Hubbard 1st, I. Wood 2nd.
Sow and litter of pigs, not less than 5, under 2 months old. I. Wood 1st.
Pen of breeding hogs, to consist of 1 board and 5 sows, over one year old, to be owned by exhibitor, and the sows to have farrowed and raised a litter of pigs within the past 12 months. T. A. Hubbard 1st.
                                                           Lot 2. Berkshire.
Boar, 1 year old and over. M. B. Keagy 1st, T. A. Hubbard 2nd.
Boar, 6 months and under 1 year. M. B. Keagy 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Boar, under 6 months. M. B. Keagy 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Sow, 1 year old and under. T. A. Hubbard 1st, M. B. Keagy 2nd.
Sow, 6 months and under 1 year. M. B. Keagy 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.

Sow, under 6 months. M. B. Keagy 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Pen of 6 pigs, farrowed since March 1, 1885. T. A. Hubbard 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Sow and litter of pigs, not less than 5, under 2 months old. M. B. Keagy 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Pen of breeding hogs, to consist of 1 boar and 5 sows, over 1 year old, to be owned by exhibitor, and the sows to have farrowed and raised a litter of pigs within the past 12 months. M. B. Keagy 1st, T. A. Hubbard 2nd.
                                          [Note: There were no Lots 3, 4, and 6.]
                                                       Lot 5. Chester Whites.
Boar, under 6 months. W. H. Roach 1st.
Sow, under 6 months. W. H. Roach 1st.
                                                   Lot 7. Grades and Crosses.
Sow 1 year old and over. I. R. Smith 1st.
Sows 6 months and under 1 year. I. R. Smith 1st.
                                                         Lot 8. Sweepstakes.
Boar, any age or blood. T. A. Hubbard 1st.
Sow, any age or blood. T. A. Hubbard 1st.
                                                      Class E.—POULTRY.
Trio white partridge Cochin fowls. Mrs. W. Gilbert 1st, E. R. Morse 2nd.
Trio buff Cochin fowls. L. E. Pixley 1st.
Trio light Brahma fowls. J. D. Pryor 1st, A. Knox 2nd.
Trio black-breasted game fowls. A. Pickard 1st, L. E. Pixley 2nd.
Trio Plymouth Rock. L. E. Pixley 1st, A. R. Lord 2nd.
Trio White Leghorns. L. E. Pixley 1st.
Trio Brown Leghorns. L. E. Pixley 1st, J. R. Smith 2nd.
Trio Houdans. D. Taylor 1st and 2nd.
Best and largest display by one exhibitor. L. E. Pixley 1st, J. D. Pryor 2nd.
                                               Class F.—AGRICULTURAL.
Half bushel red fall wheat. I. Wood 1st, J. R. Sumpter 2nd.
Half bushel white oats. H. Harbaugh 1st, J. H. Curfman 2nd.
Half bushel red oats. W. A. Murry 1st. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Half bushel orchard grass. I. Wood 1st, J. H. Curfman 2nd.
Peck early Irish potatoes. S. S. Linn 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Peck late Irish potatoes. J. H. Curfman 1st and 2nd.
Peck sweet potatoes (Nansemond). N. S. Perry 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Peck sweet potatoes white or red. Geo. Van Way 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Half bushel white corn. I. Wood 1st, A. W. Beswick 2nd.
Half bushel sweet corn. W. C. Hayden 1st, J. H. Curfman 2nd.
Half bushel pop corn. J. H. Curfman 1st, J. A. Huff 2nd.
Peck beets, red. Geo. Van Way 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Peck beans. I. Wood 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Peck carrots. Geo. Van Way 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
Pumpkins, five. J. Eddy 1st, M. S. Rowe 2nd.

Muskmelons, four. W. C. Hayden 1st, N. S. Perry 2nd.
Cucumbers, six. W. C. Hayden 1st, N. S. Perry 2nd.
Pie plant. W. C. Hayden 1st, J. F. Martin 2nd.
Best display of products from a single farm in Cowley County. Test to be, 1st, quantity of exhibit; 2nd, quality of exhibit; 3rd, taste in arrangement of same. J. F. Martin 1st, N. S. Perry 2nd, W. C. Hayden 3rd.
Best display of garden vegetables from a single garden in Cowley County. W. C. Hayden 1st, Geo. Van Way 2nd.
                                                  Class G.—HOUSEHOLD.
Best two pounds butter. Carrie Chase 1st, Mrs. Gilbert 2nd.
Best five pounds butter, June made. Mrs. J. H. Mounts 1st, Mrs. Trezise 2nd.
Two loaves of wheat bread, made with hop yeast. Mrs. D. H. Dix 1st, Miss M. Fahey 2nd.
Two loaves brown bread. Mrs. J. H. Curfman 1st and 2nd.
Sponge cake. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st and 2nd.
White cake. Miss F. Bullen 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Jelly cake. Mrs. N. R. Lowe 1st, Mrs. J. H. Curfman 2nd.
Marble cake. Miss M. Fahey 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Ginger cake. Mrs. Geo. Van Way 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Custard pie. Miss H. Trezise 1st, Mrs. J. H. Curfman 2nd.
                                                              Lot 2. Jellies.
Apple. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. R. F. Sparrow 2nd.
Cherry. Mrs. W. H. Serrott 1st, Mrs. M. E. Brane 2nd.
Plum. Mrs. R. F. Sparrow 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Rhubarb. Mrs. M. E. Brane 1st, Mrs. Trezise 2nd.
Siberian crab. Mrs. W. H. Serrott 1st, Mrs. M. E. Brane 2nd.
Grape jelly, green. Mrs. M. E. Brane 1st, Mrs. W. H. Serrott 2nd.
Grape jelly, white. Mrs. M. E. Brane 1st, Mrs. R. F. Sparrow 2nd.
Grape jelly, red. Mrs. J. F. Balliett 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Best display in this lot: Mrs. M. E. Brane.
                                                        Lot 3. Canned Fruits.
Canned apples. Mrs. M. E. Brane 1st, Mrs. Van Way 2nd.
Canned blackberries. Mrs. N. R. Lowe 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd
Canned cherries. Mrs. W. H. Serrott 1st, Mrs. W. H. McEwin 2nd.
Canned gooseberries. Mrs. W. H. Serrott 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Canned grapes. Mrs. K. J. Wright 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Canned peaches. Mrs. N. S. Perry 1st. Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Canned pears. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Canned plums. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. W. H. Serrott 2nd.
Canned quinces. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. W. H. Serrott 2nd.
Canned raspberries. Mrs. N. R. Lowe 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Canned strawberries. Mrs. J. D. Pryor 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Canned Siberian crab apples. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Canned tomatoes. Mrs. McEwin 1st, Mrs. N. R. Lowe 2nd.

Best display in this lot: Mrs. N. R. Lowe.
                                                           Lot 4. Preserves.
Preserved apples. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Preserved blackberries. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Preserved cherries. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Preserved currants. Mrs. G. Emerson 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Preserved pears. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Preserved peaches. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Preserved plums. Mrs. W. H. Serrott 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Preserved Siberian crab apples. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Preserved tomatoes. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Best display in this lot: Mr. G. W. Robinson.
                                                        Lot 6. Butter or Jams.
Apple butter. M. E. Brane 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Peach butter. Mrs. W. McEwin 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Plum butter. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Grape butter. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. W. Robinson 2nd.
Blackberry butter. Mrs. W. McEwin 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Raspberry butter. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Best display in this lot: Mrs. G. W. Robinson.
                                                          Lot 7. Pickles, etc.
Sweet pickled grapes. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Sweet pickled cucumbers. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Sweet pickled pears. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. H. Allen 2nd.
Sour pickled peaches. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. McEwin 2nd.
Sour pickled cucumbers. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Sour pickled tomatoes. Mrs. W. McEwin 1st, Mrs. S. S. Linn 2nd.
Sour pickled piccalilli. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. Van Way 2nd.
Pickled stuffed pepper. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. Van Way 2nd.
Pickled cabbage. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. W. McEwin 2nd.
Catsup, tomato. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. Van Way 2nd.
Catsup, gooseberry. Mrs. S. S. Linn 1st, Mrs. G. Robinson 2nd.
Best display in this lot: Mrs. S. S. Linn.
                                                         Class H.—FRUIT.
                                                             Lot 1. Apples.
Plate Maiden’s blush. H. Hawkins 1st, J. Nixon 2nd.
Plate Rambo. J. D. Guthrie 1st, H. Hawkins 2nd.
Plate Wine Pa Rs. J. W. Browning 1st, J. W. Chambers 2nd.
Plate Ortley, R. Wellman 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Plate Jonathan. H. Hawkins 1st, J. B. Callison 2nd.
Plate McAfee’s Nonesuch. F. Williams 1st, J. Nixon 2nd.
Plate Hubbardstone. M. L. Martin 1st, S. Kennedy 2nd.
Plate white winter Pearmain. S. C. Sumpter 1st, J. Nixon 2nd.

Plate Rome Beauty. F. Williams 1st, G. Robertson 2nd.
Plate Dominie. S. C. Cunningham 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Plate Smith’s Cider. J. W. Browning 1st, H. Hawkins 2nd.
Plate Yellow Bellflower. S. C. Sumpter 1st, M. L. Martin 2nd.
Plate Missouri Pippin. J. D. Guthrie 1st, M. L. Martin 2nd.
Plate Willow Twig. S. C. Sumpter 1st, J. B. Callison 2nd.
Plate Rawles’ Janet. H. Hawkins 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Plate wine-sap. J. D. Guthrie 1st, R. Wellman, 2nd.
Plate Ben Davis. Mentch & Son 1st, J. Nixon 2nd.
Plage Wagener. H. Hawkins 1st, J. Nixon 2nd.
Plate Northern Spy. R. Wellman 1st, Mrs. Prather 2nd.
Crab apples. L. E. Pixley 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Other varieties. F. Williams 1st, H. C. Hawkins 2nd.
                                                              Lot 2. Pears.
Late Bartlett [? Next to impossible to read and interpret this one.] H. Hawkins 1st, J. B. Callison 2nd.
Plate Duchess. J. D. Guthrie 1st, S. C. Sumpter 2nd.
Plate, any other variety. H. Hawkins 1st, J. B. Callison 2nd.
                                                            Lot 3, Peaches.
Plate Heath’s Cling. J. A. Denning 1st, G. S. Manser 2nd.
Plate Ward’s Late. K. J. Wright 1st, J. H. Curfman 2nd.
Plate Steadley. F. Brown 1st, H. Harbaugh 2nd.
Plate any variety. J. B. Callison 1st, H. Harbaugh 2nd.
Plate seedlings, any variety. S. Kennedy 1st, J. C. Brand 2nd.
                                                             Lot 4. Grapes.
Plate Concord. J. F. Martin 1st, C. J. Brand 2nd.
Plate Dracut Amber. C. J. Brand 1st, J. D. Guthrie 2nd.
Plate any other variety. C. J. Brand 1st and 2nd.
Plate quinces. S. B. Fleming 1st, D. U. Wolf 2nd.
                                                      Lot 8. Orchard Display.
Best display of fruit from any one orchard in Cowley County, not entered in any other class. C. J. Brand 1st, H. C. Hawkins 2nd.
                                                       Lot 9. Fruit Collection.
Best collection of fruits grown during this season. Open to all. H. C. Hawkins 1st, W. C. Hayden 2nd.
                                                       Class I.—FLORAL.
Largest and most tasteful display of cut flower work. Rose & Mueller, 1st and 2nd.
Best and most tasteful funeral design. Rose & Mueller 1st and 2nd.
Best and most tasteful basket of flowers. Rose & Mueller 1st and 2nd.
Best pair hand-bouquets. Hope Manser 1st, Rose & Mueller 2nd.
Best one-half dozen button-hole bouquets. Rose & Mueller 1st, Mrs. W. Trezise 2nd.
Best pair bouquets of everlastings or immortelles. Mrs. W. Trezise 1st, Rose & Mueller 2nd.

Best design in flowers, grasses, straws, etc. Rose & Mueller 1st, Mrs. W. Trezise 2nd.
                                                     Class J.—FINE ARTS.
Landscape from copy, in oil, done by exhibitor. Miss M. Taylor 1st, Annie Doane 2nd.
Animal painting from copy, in oil, done by exhibitor. Mrs. F. R. Raymond 1st, Mrs. C. H. Taylor 2nd.
Flower piece in oil, done by exhibitor. Mrs. F. R. Raymond 1st, Minnie Fahey 2nd.
Fancy painting in oil, done by exhibitor. Mrs. J. F. Balliett 1st, Mrs. F. R. Raymond 2nd.
Fancy painting in water colors, done by exhibitor. Mrs. J. F. Balliett 1st, Minnie Fahey 2nd.
Animal or bird piece, done in crayon, by exhibitor. Mrs. F. R. Raymond 1st, Carrie Dickey 2nd.
Specimen of plaque painting, done by exhibitor. Minnie Fahey 1st, Mrs. W. J. Wilson 2nd.
Specimens of pencil drawing, by exhibitor. H. L. Snyder 1st, Mrs. J. F. Balliett 2nd.
Best display of hair-work. Mary Anderson 1st, C. Whitaker 2nd.
Best display of scroll sawing. Willie Brown 1st, A. H. Doane 2nd.
Best painting on satin. Mrs. F. R. Raymond 1st, M. Taylor 2nd.
Geographical drawing, by any pupil in Cowley County. H. L. Snyder 1st, J. Wallis 2nd.
                                              Class K.—DOMESTIC ARTS.
Embroidery, transferred. Mrs. J. R. Cottingham 1st.
Display of crochet work. Mrs. M. Brown 1st, Mrs. S. Watt 2nd.
Crochet tidy. Mrs. J. R. Cottingham 1st, M. Schemerhorn 2nd.
Crochet Afghan. Mrs. W. J. Wilson 1st, Mrs. M. Brown 2nd.
Display of applique work. Sue Fitzgibbon 1st, Mrs. M. Brown 2nd.
Bracket lambrequin. Mrs. S. D. Pryor 1st, Carrie Dickey 2nd.
Best outline embroidery, cotton. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Minnie Taylor 2nd.
Best hand-made point lace. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Sue Fitzgibbon 2nd.
Kensington embroidery, silk. Miss March, 1st and 2nd.
Chair scarf, any design or make. Mrs. S. Watt 1st, Carrie Dickey 2nd.
Table scarf, any design or make. Pearl Van Doren 1st, Miss March 2nd.
Lamp-mat, any design or make. Sue Fitzgibbon 1st, Mrs. Howard 2nd.
Afghan, any design or make. Lib Whiting 1st, Mrs. F. W. Doane 2nd.
Bible cover, any design or make. Mrs. G. W. Robinson 1st, Sue Fitzgibbon 2nd.
Dresser cover, any design or make. Mrs. S. Watt 1st, Miss March 2nd.
                                          Class L.—HOME MADE GOODS.
Pair woolen stockings. Mrs. F. Williams 2st, Mrs. Holland 2nd.
Pair woolen socks. Mrs. Holland 1st, Mrs. Phoenix 2nd.
Cotton socks. Mrs. J. R. Smith 1st, Mrs. Holland 2nd.
Specimen of plain sewing, by lady over 60 years of age. Mrs. Holland 1st, Mrs. H. C. Lee 2nd.
Calico quilt. Mrs. M. C. Gibson 1st, Mrs. W. Gilbert 2nd.
Fancy quilt. Mrs. J. H. Fazel 1st, Mrs. H. D. Gans 2nd.
Cotton spread. Carrie Dickey 1st, Mrs. Holland 2nd.
Woolen coverlet. Mrs. Holland, 1st and 2nd.

Hearth-rug. Mrs. A. Hammond 1st, Mrs. E. Beeny 2nd.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The Board of County Commissioners have made their returns on damages allowed through Winfield on the K. C. & S. W. right of way, as follows.
                             Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association, $830.
                                              Riverside Park Association, $350.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The Fair has gone, the theater has gone, and the focus has gone, and we have all fallen from the second heaven of sweet expectancy, clear to the cellar, and we are all glad it is over. So much crowd and jam is a strain not easily borne, even by people of a town which knows nothing but constant activity. While the usual throng has subsided, our streets present a lively appearance and the music of the hammer, the saw, and the trowel resound all over the city. That we are on a regular consolidated, two-hundred-per-cent-on-the-$     Boom that is as solid as the rock of ages is apparent to every observer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
We hear complaints about our county fair that it robs its visitors by charging them twenty-five cents for admission, and then if they want to see the races from a seat in the amphitheater, twenty-five cents for a seat. These same persons, some of them at least, went to the Kansas City fair, paid fifty cents to get in, and fifty cents for a seat in the grand stand besides other charges, and did not complain a whimper, though the exposition was not near as good as that of the Cowley County Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Isaac Wood lost one of the best hogs he exhibited at the Fair while taking them home Saturday. The heat and moving was too much for the animal. It was a male and very valuable.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
We are informed that Messrs. Hubbard & Keagy, of Wellington, who made the fine hog display at the Fair and carried away most of the ribbons, are complaining that THE COURIER didn’t give them a “wright up.” THE COURIER failed to write them up for the same reason that they failed to give THE COURIER a hog. They raise hogs for a living: THE COURIER exists for the same sublime and strictly legitimate object.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Among the most active and efficient officers of the Fair was Sid Cure, assistant chief of police. He was continually on duty and kept everything in the best of shape, eliciting the warmest appreciation. Sid always does everything in “apple-pie” order, and the Fair Association made a good strike in getting him in this position. On his black charger, with his straight form and appropriate uniform, he gave dignity to the Fair and was always readily recognized.
                                        WE REPRODUCE MR. FITCH’S AD.
                               Supt. Myer’s Protest. A Few Facts by Mr. Friend.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

“The White is again crowned King among sewing machines. It is victorious in fair and square competition at the Cowley County Fair, with the Davis over which so much blate and blow has been made. Mr. A. H. Fitch, of Arkansas City, the sole agent of Cowley County, got the first premium on best sewing machine for family purposes; on best general work; best display of work; and best display of sewing machines. He exhibited nothing but the famous White and its work. Mr. Fitch was assisted in showing his machines by Mr. W. H. Seavy, of Kansas City, general agent of the White sewing machine company. In the awarding of the premiums, in competition with the Davis, were: The lightest running; less noise; general durability; finest line of attachments and general finish. The White is clear above any other machine on the market, a fact thoroughly demonstrated—not only at this Fair but in its everyday work—in its universal satisfaction and popularity with every household it enters. Mr. Fitch has established an agency in Winfield, at the Dollar Store, and will have no trouble in placing the White in every home needing a machine. Mr. Fitch had a very fine display and carried off the premiums most worthily. It was a big triumph—one deserving, a result always attainable by the celebrated and popular White.”—Mr. Fitch in Friday’s Courier.
After the award was made, Capt. T. B. Myers, superintendent of Class M., entered the following protest on class book.
“It is my opinion that in this award the judgment was not fair and impartial, and would recommend that the diploma be withheld until the matter is investigated. T. B. MYERS.”
The Davis Sewing Machine Co. have for years advertised a reward of $500 to any machine that could equal them in their range of work. The Domestic has twice accepted their challenge, but has each time reconsidered and withdrawn before the time set for work. The Vertical Feed, found only in the Davis machine, will stand all tests, where an under feed fails. The Davis Co. make their own attachments and fit them to the machine and they are the only company that make and warrant their attachments. “The Davis” always courts examination and test by experts as to material and workmanship. The 1st cost at factory of $5 to $7 more than the White for similar style of machine. This difference is in material and skilled finish, which will tell in years of use. Respectfully, F. M. FRIEND, Sole agent for the Davis in Cowley and Sumner counties.
The opinion of all who know the facts in this case is that there is something radically wrong. One judge was selected by Fitch and one by Friend, these two to select the third. The third was selected against the protest of Friend’s judge, and afterwards proved to be an old acquaintance of the White family. That the Davis exhibit was superior, all acknowledge. H. W. Darling, general agent of the Davis Sewing Machine Co., was here from Chicago to practically demonstrate the superiority of his machine. The expression of all is that the two prejudiced judges had their judgment made up before entering the investigation. Had justice been done, the Davis would certainly have got the blue ribbons, as everyone familiar with the two machines can testify. In everything considered, the Davis stands head and shoulders over the White.
                                           PROOF OF HIGH CITIZENSHIP.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.

Winfield, during the past ten days, has been continually thronged with people. The good order and perfect deportment characterizing this busy time has been a matter of wide comment, especially by strangers visiting the city. In all the rush and jam of Fair week, but two or three “plain drunks” were noted—men drunk enough to need official attention. Such order is remarkable and could have been maintained in no other city of Winfield’s size. True, our standing police force, though small, is the best, and last week’s temporary force was first-class, but they had little actual “raking in” to do. Our people are still law-abiding: people of the highest citizenship. And the necessary “stuff” to buoy our very few rowdies don’t flow like milk and honey—is might “scarce,” as has been plainly proven in the last week. The chronic growler who goes around with a visage four miles long, with his lip clear down in the cellar, jawing that “prohibition is a farce—more whiskey drank now than ever before,” got a Sullivan blow under the fifth rib in the universal good order of the last ten days.
                               RODOCKER’S ART GALLERY IN THE LEAD.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
Rodocker had a very fine display at the Fair, the pictures of some of our young ladies. The work was admired by all. Strangers stopped and gazed in admiration at those beautiful portraits and exclaimed, what fine work! I hardly thought Kansas could produce such fine work or such handsome young ladies. Call at Rodocker’s north Main, and examine this work. We challenge the state to produce such a fine collection of art.
                                                    GLORIOUS COWLEY!
        The Hoosiers Charmed by Cowley’s Grand Display at the Indiana State Fair.
                 Our Display Carries off The First Premium Amid Loudest Praises.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
                                                DRAWING EMIGRATION.

The Indianapolis Journal, in its write-up of Indiana’s State Fair, gives the grand fruit exhibit sent from Cowley County, this handsome notice: “‘And where is Cowley County!’ was the eager inquiry of hundreds of the thousands who looked admiringly upon the magnificent array of apples, pears, peaches, grapes, melons, and other products temptingly spread in the Exposition Building. Well might they ask, for surely a finer fruit display was never seen in Indiana. Cowley County is in Southern Kansas, on the border of the Indian Territory. The exhibit is for the purpose of advertising to the world the productiveness of that new and wonderful region. The display is in care of Capt. P. A. Huffman, a well known Indianan, recently moved there, together with J. F. Martin, President of the Cowley County Agricultural Society, S. P. Strong, vice-president, and J. D. Guthrie, one of the directors. The county seat is Winfield, a beautiful little city of 7,000, with gas, water, and every convenience possessed by Indianapolis. Arkansas City, another beautiful little city of 4,000 residents, is also in Cowley County. This county, only fifteen years old, is the eighth in population, ranks eighth in the production of corn, ninth in cultivated lands, and tenth in wheat. It has 30 postoffices; church organizations, 36; church edifices, 26; value of church property, $110,000. Of organized school districts, it has 145; school buildings, 143; value of buildings, $162,817; school population, 10,800. In June 1870, when the first census was taken, its population was 726. It is now 32,000. Its climate is that of the most salubrious portions of middle Tennessee. No wonder it is fertile, as it is watered by the Arkansas and Walnut rivers, and Silver, Grouse, Rock, Timber, Dutch, Little Dutch, Muddy, Badger, Beaver, Otter, Cedar, and Steward creeks, all of which are skirted with timber, such as walnut, oak, locust, cottonwood, hackberry, sycamore, mulberry, ash, elm, hickory, maple, etc. We fear that Captain Huffman and the gentlemen with him, together with the handsome showing of the products of this Kansas garden spot, will cause an exodus of thrifty, enterprising Hoosiers to that place which we can hardly afford to spare.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Under date of the 30th ult., James F. Martin writes of Cowley County’s splendid exhibit at the Indiana State Fair. “The weather has been cloudy since our arrival, and this evening it is raining quite hard, and it thus looks bad for tomorrow’s fair, which all say will be the big day. The work of your fellow servants in displaying our fruits, etc., and advertising grand old Cowley was highly satisfactory to ourselves and a joy and surprise to the Hoosiers. If you could but see the multitudes on first beholding our fruits and learning from whence and how they came here, throwing up their hands and uttering expressions of astonishment and pleasure as though they had found a treasure, you, also, would say, ‘Well done, faithful servants.’ I speak advisedly when I say that our exhibit, which comprises full one-tenth of the exhibit in horticultural hall, attracts twenty times as many admirers and enquirers as all the remaining exhibit. In certain quarters and among some officials, it has created uneasiness approaching alarm. Truly we have bearded the lion in his own den, and yesterday the Superintendent of this department was sullen, and finally assigned us space on an inside table on which our fruits could only be seen from the end of the table. This morning we quietly usurped a portion of an adjoining table, which was designed to display flowers that would have enveloped us. Then the lion growled, and told us that they did not favor such exhibits in attracting emigration from the State. Of course, we could afford to be happy in our newly gained possession, so we gently turned him over to the tender mercies of Capt. Huffman, who very pleasantly told him that Kansas nor Cowley County were neither in the mood nor position to beg for privileges or favors, and that he had but to intimate his desire and our fruit would at once be packed and removed from the building. The Superintendent settled down, feeling, no doubt, very much like a person does when it happens that his feet slip from under him on the icy pavement. Of course, you know that we are not egotistical when we say that we have our own way, and in discoursing on Cowley County to the eager multitudes, our eloquence affects them just like we have thought Demosthenes did. Well, seriously, the medicine we give is pleasant and profitable to us, and almighty good to take. I expect to remain tomorrow and next day and then return home.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

The Indianapolis Evening Minute gave the exhibit of Cowley County at the Indiana state fair this meritorious send-off. “Cowley County, Kansas, comes to the front with a display that is unparalleled in the history of our fairs, and the show is more marvelous when we learn that the entire exhibit is from this one county alone, and not gathered up from the entire state. To enumerate more particularly, there are forty-seven varieties of apples along, seven varieties of pears, and an endless profusion of peaches and grapes, mammoth melons and enormous pumpkins, corn, wheat, oats, rye, and barley, and many other items that must be seen to be fully appreciated. As this exhibit is intended more to advertise Cowley County, it has been placed in charge of representative men, including Capt. P. A. Huffman, a well known citizen of Indiana, who now makes Kansas his home; J. F. Martin, president of the Cowley County Agricultural Society; S. P. Strong, vice president; and J. D. Guthrie, one of the directors. These gentlemen are prepared to give all the information desired; but for fear some may miss seeing them and fail to learn the facts, we will state that Winfield is the county seat, with 7,000 inhabitants, and possessing all modern conveniences in the way of gas, water, etc., and as the city is, so is the county, fully up to the march of modern improvement in all that makes life pleasant. The moral tone of the county is exemplified in the fact that prohibition of the liquor traffic is strictly enforced, schools and churches abound on every side, and the emigrant leaving his home in the east for Cowley County finds that instead of moving into the wilderness, he has only exchanged one civilization for another and perhaps a better one.”
                                               WE GET THE BLUE RIBBON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
“You can put Kansas at the head, as our fruit exhibit took the blue ribbon today in a large competition for county or other society display. The blue here means the second premium. When we consider the number of entries and their character, the one taking the first prize having sixty varieties of apples, twenty-seven of splendid grapes and other fruits in proper proportion, and that the preparation of this exhibit extended over two months, while ours for shortness of time in getting it ready, was simply a surprise to everyone. It is a wonder that we came in second best. The great superiority of the fruit we had caused the recognition we have received. The day has been favorable and a vast multitude was on the grounds and jammed the exposition building almost to suffocation, and all day your committee have worked hard in talking about Kansas. It is with pleasure that we acknowledge the valuable services so cheerfully given your committee by Mr. Hynes, our railway agent. Good weather and a big crowd is expected tomorrow. Permit me to say that every available opportunity is improved by the undersigned in gaining information from experienced fair managers as to best methods, etc., for conducting fairs, and I hope to make these pointers beneficial to our fair in Winfield Oct. 4th and give personal account. I remain yours respectfully,
                                                            J. F. MARTIN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
                                                 JAMES F. MARTIN HOME.

“I arrived home Sunday morning from Indianapolis, having left our fruit exhibit on Friday evening last in care of Capt. Huffman, Mr. Guthrie, and Mr. Strong. The directors decided on Friday to continue the fair through Saturday, hence the necessity for some of us to remain. The anxiety on my part in regard to health of my family caused me to turn thus early homeward, not even remaining long enough to take a look at the city and its suburban residences and public buildings. While I am glad to find my family comfortable, I am led almost to regret being deprived of their pleasure. Mr. Guthrie will probably return on Tuesday, and Mr. Strong in eight or ten days. Capt. Huffman will start homeward with a splendid lot of Jersey cattle about the middle of the week. The Captain had a splendid opportunity to make his selections and Cowley will thus have a fine acquisition. My companions no doubt had a world of trouble with the fruit, etc., on yesterday, from which knowingly, I made an escape. During the fair we had hundreds of appeals for samples of the exhibit, that they might carry them to their homes, but from necessity we could not grant such requests during the fair, but finally arranged that at 12 o’clock on Saturday, the distribution would take place. Just think of about fifteen hundred people, more or less, clamoring for a share. Penning these lines in haste, I leave the reader to imagine the dilemma of my friends, and how, at this distance, I can enjoy, to them, a terrible ordeal.
                                                           J. F. MARTIN.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Cowley has one man who out-hog’s any two-legged hog we have yet heard of. He had a very fine peach display at the fair, some of which the committee were very anxious to take east with our fruit display. They so informed him, but as soon as he could, he gathered them in his basket and took them away. Considering the fact that our fruit exhibit at Indianapolis is for the benefit of the whole community, the action is a very small one.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
President Jas. F. Martin writes THE COURIER from Indianapolis, dated at 4 o’clock Tuesday: “Just arrived. Rained nearly all night, but has not rained here. The people here expect a very large fair. We will repair to the grounds as early as we can get there. We still hope to down the Hoosiers on fruit.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The DAILY COURIER had full and complete reports of the fair from day to day, and are deserving of great credit for the manner in which they got up their reports. The work evinces the handle and brains of well drilled newspaper men. Telegram.
                                                  COWLEY VS. INDIANA.
              Interesting Letter From Jas. F. Martin, Cowley’s Fruit Exhibit the Big
                                           Attraction of the Indiana State Fair.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.

James F. Martin, one of the committee who accompanied Cowley County’s grand fruit display to the Indian State Fair at Indianapolis, writes THE COURIER as follows, dated the 29th ult. “Well, the day’s duty is done and everything highly satisfactory. I never unpacked so fine a lot of fruit in regard to size, appearance, and condition. Most of our peaches were as fresh and beautiful as when they were first wrapped in paper. The fruit exhibit is large: I would say about six times greater than Cowley’s fruit exhibit at our county fair. When we consider this is a State fair, held in the midst of an old fruit region and that here are old fruit growers and experienced fruit exhibitors who have public spirit enough to make them do their level best in whatever they engage, the fruit show is small indeed; and when compared to Cowley’s fruit, in size and general appearance and freedom from blemishes, it is quite inferior. The states of Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana, also county and individual displays, are here in contrast and competition. We have no fear of any competition except the Indiana state horticultural, and if she takes the prize, it will be only from having a greater number of named varieties, especially, in pears. The awards will be made tomorrow, but the visiting public constantly awards ours as being the finest ever beheld here. Not a peach is on exhibition except ours, and the visitors are so captivated with their beauty and fragrance that we are led to think that many of them have not enjoyed such a sight for many years. This is a fine city and grand old country; but in contrast, ours is as a maiden of great beauty and future promise. She has nothing of which she need be ashamed, standing as she does, admiring and being admired everywhere.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The public is hereby notified that the two noted stallions, Bertrand and Col. B., will make a fall season at the Fair grounds near Winfield, Kansas. Terms, $15 to insure a live colt.
                                                              A. J. LYON.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Lost. A large halter strop, on the Fair Grounds. Finder please leave at this office.
                                                          MORE GLORY.
                     Capt. Huffman Expatiates On How We Did Up The Hoosiers.
                                                   Big Immigration Certain.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Capt. P. A. Huffman, prominent among the committee in charge of Cowley’s victorious display at the Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis, writes as follows. The Captain is an old Indianian and speaks authoritatively of our success.
“The Cowley County fruit exhibit at the Indiana State Fair was the envy and the admiration of the thousands of Hoosier who saw it, and your modest exhibitors were overwhelmed with congratulations. The questions regarding Cowley County that were showered upon us, we answered to the best of our ability and we venture to say that the information was put where it would do the most good. There is a strong interest in Indiana regarding Kansas and the eyes of enterprising Hoosiers by the thousands are turned in that direction. I think you had better make preparation for a large influx of Indianians into Cowley if one tenth of the promises we have heard come to anything. Our display was in competition with that of five states and carried off all the honors. We had some difficulty in getting a proper location for our exhibit, owing to the very narrow mind of the superintendent, he thinking that it was all out of order to give us a space from the fact that our exhibit was calculated to take away their citizens. I at once proposed to box our fruit and leave, knowing full well that it would be a large advertisement for us, but the President, learning the fact, stopped it, and we were treated with much kindness. We really now have nothing to complain of, as the Cowley County exhibit received from the newspapers here, from all the horticulturists, even those who were in competition with us, and from everybody else, the most friendly and hearty praise. When we told the Hoosiers that Winfield was a city of 7,000 people, with gas, water works, and all the comforts of civilization, and that Arkansas City was a beautiful place of nearly 4,000 people, and both cities in a county 15 years old, which in 1870 had only 700 population, and today has over 35,000, they rolled their eyes in the wildest wonder. Tomorrow is the last day of the fair, but today closes our exhibit. I only wish to say as a steward of the people of Winfield, that I feel as I had done my whole duty, and further, never in all my life have I had the pleasure of working with a more liberal and industrious committee of men, generous to a fault. P. A. HUFFMAN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
The city council held an adjourned meeting Wednesday afternoon.
Ordered payment of bills, among which was special police during fair and circus, $17.50.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Mr. Kretsinger, secretary of the Cowley County Fair, informs us that premium checks are now ready, according to the official publication in THE COURIER. All parties interested will please call at Mr. Kretsinger’s office and get their checks. All checks will be paid at the First National Bank.
                                            MORE GLORY FOR COWLEY.
                         Her Fruit Gets the First Premium at the Saint Louis Fair.
                                              More Flattering Press Notices.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
Capt. P. A. Huffman, Mr. J. D. Guthrie, and Mr. S. P. Strong, who with President Jas. F. Martin, had charge of Cowley’s grand agricultural and horticultural display at the Indiana state fair at Indianapolis last week, got home yesterday. They are hilariously enthusiastic over the magnificent success of our display. It was the biggest strike ever made for our splendid county. The committee were continuously besieged by eager witnesses and enquirers. Our committee did stalwart work in advertising Cowley. Besides the wonderful surprise and admiration elicited by our mammoth productions, thousands of circulars were distributed, showing up the vast resources of our county. Our fame was spread all over the east by this grand display, and an immense immigration is a surety. But the crowning point to our exhibit was the fact that a Michigan exhibitor who was downed by Cowley, bought thirty-five varieties of fruit from our display, took them to St. Louis, and took the first premium with them as Michigan apples—Cowley’s victory, you see. Think of our young county getting the first honors in such an exposition, and competing as fruit from Michigan, but glorious for Cowley County. That we can down the world for prolific productions is assured. The fourteen-year-old kid gets away with its full grown cotemporaries of any age or breed. Hip! Hip!! Hurrah!!! Messrs. Huffman, Martin, Guthrie, and Strong have the sincere appreciation of every citizen for the grand work they have done in this big advertisement.
                                                     MORE PRESS NOTES.
The Indiana Weekly Farmer, the representative agricultural journal of that state, gave our display this notice: “Cowley County, Kansas, with its splendid displays of peaches, pears, apples, etc., made our eyes stand out with wonder, and our mouth water with longing to taste. Such large, showy, perfect fruit it would be impossible to collect in our state, and it will not be strange if Kansas gets a large increase of Indiana immigration as a result of showing how highly nature has favored her in this respect.”
                                         KANSAS’ TRIUMPHANT DISPLAY.
The Indianapolis Bulletin grew enthusiastic and said: “It was hardly the fair thing for Cowley County, Kansas, to send such a superb exhibit of agricultural produce to the Indiana state fair because our farmers can’t help wanting to go to Kansas and raise similar produce when they view the line this county displays. Such fruits, melons, vegetables, grain, etc., as is shown in this exhibit must raise visions of Eldorado, and truly give Kansas a wonderful advertisement. The exhibit is made by the Cowley County Fair Association, of which J. F. Martin is president and S. P. Strong, vice-president.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.

Why do Kansas newspapers ignore the grand fact that the Cowley County fruit exhibit at the late Cowley County Fair was sent to the Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis, and there took the second prize, after which the commission in charge sold the Cowley exhibit to Michigan parties, who took it to the St. Louis exposition, and there exhibited it as Michigan fruit and took the first premium against all competitors in one of the best displays ever exhibited? Is not this some glory for Kansas as well as Cowley County?
                                                    KANSAS IN INDIANA.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Still the newspaper encomiums on the grand exhibit and victory of Cowley County at the Indiana State Fair come rolling in. The latest to catch our eye is the following, from the Hamilton, Butler County, Ohio, Democrat. “Everybody asked where in this wide world is Cowley County? They were told that it is in Southern Kansas, bordering on the Indian Territory. Capt. P. A. Huffman, a former Hoosier, together with J. F. Martin, president of the Cowley County Fair, were the gentlemen having the great exhibit in charge, assisted by other members of the society. Their county, although only fifteen years old, is the eighth in population. They came here with the largest and unquestionably greatest display of fruits ever made in Indiana. Apples and peaches that would make the mouth of a Buckeye water, to look at them. Apples, well we cannot attempt to describe anything so tempting as they were. Some of the Indianians present say they fear the exhibit will cause an exodus from their number that they cannot well afford. We have always heard of southern Kansas as being a great fruit country, and now we are satisfied that it is all it has been represented to be.”
                                                        A CORRECTION.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
In a recent issue of THE DAILY COURIER a statement was made that an exhibitor of fine fruit of our Fair refused to permit the committee to take his fruit to Indianapolis. I have no doubt but what this statement was made honestly, supposing the information to be correct, but it gives me great pleasure to state, as far as my knowledge extends, that such a circumstance did not occur. There were a few parties that carried their fruit away at the close of the Fair, but not until, agreeable to their request, I examined it and selected such as was not suitable to ship. As far as I know, every exhibitor most cordially acquiesced when requested by the committee to leave the exhibit entire, from which selections were made on Saturday. Great credit is due our fruit exhibitors in thus donating their choicest fruits that the committee might so grandly advertise Cowley County at Indianapolis. From the inception of this plan to its full consummation, was one continued success, and will be attended with important results. J. F. Martin.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Henry Watkins, who was fined $100 and costs for selling liquor on the Fair Grounds, during our Fair, was indicted by the U. S. Grand Jury at Leavenworth for selling without government license. He is now languishing out a thirty day sentence and his delinquent costs, in our “jug.” After we get through with him, the U. S. Marshal will take him in tow. Henry, with a silvery tear dimming his left eye, can cry out with the book of all books, “Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard.”
                                                            A BAD CASE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
During the fair it was suspicioned that a party calling himself Jim Jones was disposing of the ardent spirit upon the grounds. Jones got wind of it and slipped out between dark and daylight. Marshal McFadden kept still and kept a keen scent for his whereabouts. He largely discovered that he was in Wichita and swore out a warrant for his arrest, and gave the same to U. S. Marshal Burke, who brought him down Saturday and lodged him in our jail. Jones went by the name of T. M. Miller in Wichita. His real name is said to be J. J. Johnson, and that he is wanted in Missouri for killing his brother-in-law, for which there is $300 reward. Johnson was a quiet, able bodied man while here, and seemed to be a good natured, quiet man. He is certainly now in a close box, and will probably be dealt with severely by the rigid hand of the law.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
Why do Kansas newspapers ignore the grand fact that the Cowley County fruit exhibit at the late Cowley County Fair was sent to the Indiana State Fair at Indianapolis, and there took the second prize, all of which the commission in charge sold the Cowley exhibit to Michigan parties, who took it to the St. Louis exposition, and there exhibited it as Michigan fruit and took the first premium against all competitors in one of the best displays ever exhibited? Is not this some glory for Kansas as well as Cowley County?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
W. J. Bonnewell has left with us specimens of apples that will beat anything that was in the collection that was sent to Indianapolis in size and beauty. They were raised on his farm in Vernon, about eight miles west of this place. He was so used to big apples that he did not consider it worthwhile to take such specimens to the fair.
                                                        A MOONSHINER.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
J. J. Johnson, alias “Jim Jones,” the party who was brought down from Wichita a few days ago, charged with manufacturing “spirits Frumentium,” in this city on and before the fair, and who skipped out during fair week, waived examination before U. S. Commissioner Webb Wednesday, and will be put through the U. S. District Court at Topeka in January.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Never in the history of Cowley County was there such a yield of apples, as there is this year, says the A. C. Democrat. The orchards have been weighed down with them, and great, big, juicy, luscious fruit too. Apple wagons from the surrounding country are in our city daily loaded with fruit which Mother Eve, had she seen it in Eden, could not have resisted even had there been no wily serpent around to expiate upon its lusciousness. The excellence of the apple orchards of Kansas, like Midas’ secret, has been whispered by the leaves to the birds, the birds have told it to the winds, the winds are telling it to the world. The apple, king of fruits, is but one of the many products of Kansas, queen of the sisterhood of states.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
The papers of the State are beginning to catch on to the glorious fact that the Cowley County fruit exhibit took the first premium at the Indiana State Fair, and are giving us proper credit. They only needed a little stirring up to show the immense advertisement this Cowley County enterprise is for the great State of Kansas.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum