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Crab Creek

                                    Inhabitants Living On or Near Crab Creek.
[Note: Records relative to “Crab Creek” and “Dexter Township” are scanty. I am positive that a lot of the early newspapers and the correspondents that were used did not spell names correctly. I have corrected those that I am 100% sure were wrong and put a ? after names I believe were incorrect with the possible correct spelling of that individual. I could not believe some of the mistakes made. For example, the name of “Hightower” was called something like “Highmore.” What more can I say. MAW]
Grouse Creek...
Grouse Creek is a mill stream and rises in the northeast corner of the county, running west of south, and joins the Arkansas River at the south line of the county thirteen miles east of the southwest corner. The streams that fall into Grouse from the west are Canyon, Burden, Ballou’s, Turkey, Horse, and Silver creeks. Those that flow into it from the east are Armstrong, Fall, Cedar, Plumb, and Crab creeks. Otter, Spring, South Cedar, Coal, and the two Beavers are creeks that rise in the eastern and southeastern portion of the county and flow either to the Caneys in Chautauqua County or into the Territory. These streams are pure spring water, flowing over gravel beds.
Winfield Messenger, Friday, March 15, 1872.
GROUSE CREEK. This stream, the third in importance, is 45 miles long; rises in the southwest corner of Greenwood County, runs in a direction S., S. W., through the eastern part of Cowley County, and enters the Arkansas at the south line. It is lined with timber and bottom lands, and like all the smaller streams of this county, runs in a clear, rapid current, over a stony bed.
Silver Creek is its principal tributary from the north, and Crab Creek from the east.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
DEXTER, KS., February 13, 1876. The prospect for a good wheat crop in this vicinity is better than ever before at this time of the year. People begin to talk of making a garden. Quite a number are plowing for corn and oats. Several claim hunters have come in lately and taken claims. There are quite a number of good claims to be taken yet, some with from forty to sixty and seventy acres of good bottom land lying along the smaller streams which afford abundant stock water. The best of upland claims can be taken yet.
Dexter has improved considerably this winter. We have a good grist and saw mill at this place, and another four miles below, at the mouth of Crab Creek.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 8, 1876.
The protracted meeting at Dexter has closed with good results.
There will be an exhibition at Glenwood schoolhouse, near the mouth of Crab Creek, on the evening of the 15th of this month.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.  

Crab Creek. We had occasion to make a flying trip to Crab Creek one day this week, and felt well paid for the journey. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with its locality, we will state that it is a small stream emptying into the Grouse, from the east, about seven miles below Dexter. The bottom lands average one-half mile wide, and timber now and then skirts the stream. It is a good locality, especially for those who desire to farm and raise stock, as wide ranges remain unoccupied both east and west of the stream.
Dexter and Cabin Valley are the nearest post offices; the former being three miles distant, and the latter within a mile of the mouth of the creek, on the west side of Grouse.
About half way from the mouth to the head of the creek, a beautiful little schoolhouse has been erected and named Fairview. It is in school district No. 54.
Going up the creek we noticed a number of new settlers since our former visit. Among others, Mr. Bleakmore, a thorough farmer, and respected resident, from Henry Co., Iowa. On the bluff west of Mr. Elliott’s house, we could see the wheat fields of Wm. Moore, who has 40 acres; Mr. Hightower, 20 acres; Mr. Elliott, 80 acres; Mr. Bleakmore, 20 acres; Hamel & Harrison, 100 acres. The wheat was looking fine, but the sod wheat is light. All in all, Crab Creek is a desirable place to locate; but however fond we might be of the locality, it would take some time to become reconciled to the name of Crab.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 14, 1876.
A young man by the name of Perry Barnhart, who formerly lived at Dexter, but of late has been running a saloon at Wichi­ta, sold out some time ago, and it is thought run through with his money. At any rate, he came back to Dexter last week and acted very strangely. He secreted himself in the canons about there, and remained for several days undiscovered, but at last he was seen by one of the citizens prowling around after night near some horses. In a few days several horses were found to be missing. They were diligently searched for but to no avail. This Barnhart was finally believed to have something to do with the taking of the horses, and a few of the citizens got together and started in search of him. After several hours of diligent search, he was finally found in a canon near Crab Creek. He was ordered to surrender; instead of giving himself up, he drew his revolver, and commenced firing at the party, who finally returned the fire and shot him through the leg, and after a few more shots were exchanged, he gave himself up, and was taken to Dexter and turned over to the authorities. We failed to learn what was done with him afterwards, but probably he will be taken care of. Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
A short time since Mr. Joseph Hendrick’s boy put out fire on the prairie; it ran north until it got almost to Lazette when it consumed several stacks of hay of Dr. Lear’s. The doctor mounted his pony and tracked the fire to its starting point. Mr. Hendrick got off by paying the irate Dr. $20. Last Thursday some son of a sea cook let fire out near the mouth of Crab Creek. It ran south, burning over McNown, Hennins, and several other places. Milt Lowery went down to help the widow Butler, in the absence of anything better to fight with. He took off his vest, forgetting the $1.50 in specie that he had in an old tobacco sack in the pocket of said vest, and he says the widow has a silver mine on her farm. W. A. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.

We received a call from Dr. Hoblett, of Beaton, Illinois, last Saturday. His brother of Dexter, and Uncle Moore of Crab Creek, were with him. The doctor has some sheep in this county, and is also interested in real estate.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 28, 1877.
HORSE THIEF CAUGHT. A colored man, of short, thick stature, who has been stopping with Mr. Banks on the south side of the Arkansas, was arrested at the ferry last Wednesday by Sheriff Walker, on the charge of stealing a horse from Henry Coryell on Monday night. The horse was stolen while Mr. Coryell was attend­ing church at Parker’s schoolhouse, and taken to Dexter and traded to a son of Uncle Billy Moore, of Crab Creek, for another horse. Moore’s horse was then sold to Jim Allen, the butcher in Winfield, for a watch and $20. The thief gives his name as Charley Williams; says he is from Elk County to this place, but was born and raised in Missouri, having lived awhile in St. Joseph. He has been bound over to appear at the next term of court, and will be confined in jail until that time.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877. Editorial Page.
DEAR COURIER: Again I give you the news from this part of the county. The health of the people has improved since my last writing. Dexter is moving along in its usual way. Business is about as usual. Trade is quite brisk. Mr. McDorman, our present postmaster, has taken Mr. Wiley in the dry goods business as a partner, which will add credit and prestige to the place, as Mr. Wiley is one of the most solid men in the county and a man possessing large business qualifications. The harness shop mentioned in my last letter is now ready for use and will be occupied by a Mr. Hoyt. Dexter claims to have one of the finest schools in the county this winter; it being taught by a Mr. Ealy from Cedarvale.

Mr. Editor, I will give you an account of the effect of the news concerning the political situation. Early this morning I noticed quite a large crowd of Democrats assembled at Democratic headquarters. And as you know that a meeting called in the interest of democracy is always attended by a large number of persons and plenty of alcohol. I hastened to answer to my name as the roll was called. “Mr. Nasby,” said the chairman, “have you anything to say to this meeting?” I replied by saying: “Mr. President and gentlemen of this large and respected assemblage: we are called together to consider the situation concerning the news from Washington, as it affects us here more than all the other news put together. It is now certain that Hayes will be declared elected by that infamous set of radical scoundrels assembled in Washington, and as for my part as a leader among you, I won’t stand it. I will join Mr. Hackney’s command, and go there and resist his inauguration, for you know that set of radicals that set around McDormans will continue to keep the post office and I will continue to be left out. You also know that that thief Manning at Winfield will keep Kelly in office up there and great God what will we do? The post offices are all gone for four years, and that radical little scoundrel McDermott has taken the printing out of the Telegram office and given it to Manning, and undoing everything that our good brother Pyburn has done for our party. And now you know he can’t do anything at Topeka because you know that man Manning went up there and told the radicals that Pyburn was a Democrat and not to do anything for him; if they did, it would be helping the Democrats that much. So you see he can’t fool anybody up there. Great God, what will our good chairman do for an office. We expected Mr. Tilden to give him the Agency of the Kaw tribe; but alas, all is gone. Brothers, we can only do one thing, and that is for us all to stick close together, and not trade with any radical, or patronize any blacksmith that adheres to the radical side. We can go and get a democratic doctor when we get sick, and let Wagner wait on his radical friends, as you know he was the man that lit the lamps for Manning’s meeting and in consequence of that act he is unfit to practice among good Democrats.”

With these remarks Mr. Nasby closed by saying, “May God bless the people of Crab Creek as they furnish more of that article called spirit than all the rest of the Democrats of the township put together.”
The chairman called on others to speak, but they all de­clined to say anything more than endorsing Mr. Nasby’s remarks. One member moved an adjournment, which was carried by loud cheers for Mr. Nasby and the corners. NASBY. Feb. 28, 1877.
Winfield Courier, March 29, 1877. Editorial Page.
DISREPUTABLE. The effort to precipitate a bond election for the Emporia road comes entirely from Arkansas City. And the men who are circulating the petitions tell all kinds of lies to obtain signatures. A gentleman from Crab Creek, below Dexter, was in town on Wednesday and at Harter’s store told that he was harrow­ing in his field when parties from Arkansas City came to him with a railroad petition and told him it was for a road from Indepen­dence to Arkansas City. Taking their word for it, he signed it without reading. Two gentlemen from Maple City were in town the same day and told the same story. Another gentleman from the southeast part of the county told Mr. Fuller the same story. Another petitioner from Arkansas City told Mr. Standley, who lives up the Walnut, that he was from Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
                                               CRAB CREEK, March 6, 1878.
Mr. Bruebaker and Mr. Hamil had an arbitration in regard to the damaging of crops by stock. Two of Hamil’s big boys conclud­ed to settle Bruebaker’s hash. One took a big rock, the other a revolver, and began to abuse Bruebaker. Some of the men got in the door and would not let Bruebaker out, but he pushed through the window and made for the boys.
The one who was on the shoot so big at first began to wave his revolver at him and backing out swore he would shoot if he jumped on him. Others interfered and kept the brave shootist from getting a sound threshing.
A Greenback meeting was held at Fairview schoolhouse on the 2nd to further the organization of the club. The constitution and bylaws were read and adopted by nearly all who were present. W. E. MERYDITH.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
FAIRVIEW, DEXTER TWP. Farmers are very active on Crab Creek plowing and planting corn. Wheat looks fine, but needs rain.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
A race took place at the mouth of Crab creek, a few miles below Dexter, last Saturday, between the Burt Covert mare and a gray colt belonging to Hank Robinson. The gray colt won the race by sixteen feet. Some of our boys came back minus a horse.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
                                                     DEXTER, April 6, 1878.

Everything is flourishing on Crab Creek. Corn, wheat, and vegetables of all kinds are trying to see which can outstrip the other. We had the pleasure to meet the good people of Maple City last week, at their greenback meeting. The club is in good running order.
We spent the night and a good part of Sunday with our friend, Mr. Libby. They have 130 head of cattle. Mr. Moody, a relative of Mr. Libby, has lately come out from Maine, and is going into the business with them. Success to Messrs. Libby, Moody & Bros. HUGO, S.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.
Isaac Moore has found a spring which seems to have the peculiar property of petrifying anything which is left for any time in its waters. He says that the last year’s leaves which dropped into the spring have been encrusted with a formation of stone, and the limbs and roots which project into the spring have also been petrified. He showed us a fine specimen which he took from the waters of this wonderful spring, which is on Crab Creek, in Dexter township. Cowley County Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
Everything is quiet on the east side of Grouse. The farmers are done planting, and wheat is looking fine, with an excellent prospect for an early harvest. Fruit never looked better.
There was a horse race at the mouth of Crab Creek last Saturday. Some of the Walnut River sports lost a little of their small change, and have gone back home to work for more ponies. BLINKEY.
Winfield Courier, May 23, 1878.
MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride’s parents, Sunday, April 28th, by J. B. Callison, Esq., Mr. Henry Callison to Miss Mollie Hamil. All of Crab Creek.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 5, 1878.
Wheat is just splendid; harvest about half over; corn good and clear of weeds. Strawberry season over, cherries and mulber­ries taking their place. Garden truck of all kinds till you can’t rest. Hogs being herded on the prairie and doing well.
Grand Masonic picnic at Dexter on the 24th of June. Three eminent speakers will address the people, besides instrumental and vocal music by Prof. Dr. Lenard and Mr. Bruebaker. Everybody come. H. S.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.

The storm of last week, Wednesday morning, came from the W.N.W. across the north part of Sumner County down the Ninnescah River, where it did a considerable damage. The center of the storm passed over Vernon, Winfield, Tisdale, Dexter, and Otter Townships in Cowley County in a general direction of E.S.E., and left the county in the vicinity of Cedarvale. It could not have been more than about fifteen miles wide and the track of the heaviest rainfall was scarcely more than half of that width. From all the circumstances taken together we conclude, it was a cyclone or rotary storm, of about seven or eight miles in diameter; that the rotation was not extremely rapid, and that the progress of the storm was very slow. All the streams and small creeks along the track of the storm were swollen suddenly and excessively, rising from twenty to thirty feet. Beaver, Walnut, Timber, Black Crook, Badger, Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks overflowed their banks and swept away large quantities of wheat in the shock, and many hogs. Much damage was done by washing out corn and other crops. Potatoes and onions were washed out of the ground. Stone fences and stone corrals were swept away. The losses on Silver, Turkey, Plum, Grouse, and Crab Creeks have not been specially reported to us except as stated by the following from our DEXTER CORRESPONDENT. “There has been a great flood in this vicinity, which has washed away a large amount of the wheat along Plum and Turkey Creeks and other tributaries of the Grouse. Mr. Clay, on Turkey Creek, lost 22 acres of wheat. Several others suffered severe losses of grain. Plum Creek did not suffer as much. Grouse Creek rose 16 feet at the Winfield crossing. Several head of hogs washed away. Mr. Axley lost his entire crop of wheat, and it is feared the damage to wheat will be great.”
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
Marcenus Glass, on Crab Creek, had a fine mare killed by lightning.
Winfield Courier, June 20, 1878.
A. H. Glass, of Crab Creek, sent us on June 14th samples of his ripe Early Heath peaches, which are excellent.
Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: The Fourth, the wearisome, tiresome, glorious old Fourth has come and gone, and we enjoyed it hugely. We had a nice, pleasant picnic in the grove on Don Jay’s farm on Beaver Creek. The people turned out from far and near—that is all that didn’t go to Arkansas City to see their “Aunt Sally.” They brought their ropes for swings, they brought their baskets of good things; they brought their musical instruments and their musicians. The music was furnished by the glee clubs of Beaver and Crab Creek combined.
Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.
                                          SHERIDAN TOWNSHIP, August 26.
On Saturday evening a Greenback meeting was held at the Sheridan schoolhouse, addressed by Charles H. Payson and J. W. Hamilton, of Winfield, and J. B. Callison, of Crab Creek.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
Miss Allie Harden is teaching school in district 54, on Crab creek.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1880. Front Page.

DEXTER. This town is situated on Grouse Creek at the foot of a range of oval shaped mounds overlooking the valley. The scenery along the valley is romantic and picturesque. The soil of this valley is noted for its richness. The finest wheat and corn in the state is produced on Grouse and Cedar valleys. Dexter has natural facilities for becoming a good country town. Lots are selling rapidly and settlers from all points are coming in. The people are liberal, wide awake, and well informed, and treat all strangers with courtesy. They have an excellent school, second to none in the county, church organizations, and Masonic and Good Templar societies. Business of all kinds is well represented in this place, lawyers, merchants, mechanics, etc. Timber is plenty along the creeks. Plum creek on the east and Crab creek on the west empty into Grouse near this point. These streams also abound in fish. The water is excellent.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
C. W. Harris leaves for Burden on Monday morning, where he will break prairie for H. G. Fuller.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
Mr. Stanford of Crab Creek is expecting the arrival of his brother with 400 sheep to increase his present flock of 300.
Winfield Courier, June 23, 1881.
Mr. Merydith of Crab Creek last week in riding a pony met with a serious accident. The pony “bucked” as they call it, throwing the rider forward, and his head up at the same time. The two heads came in collision, but the pony’s was the hardest; and Mr. Merydith had his skull broken, and a piece two inches and a half in diameter driven in. He is likely to recover.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
Married at Winfield, Mr. Chas. Anthis and Miss Mollie Bowman.
There was an ice cream supper and dance at Mr. Henry’s last Monday night; the boys got too much salt in the ice, and the cream wouldn’t freeze.
Mr. Sandford [Sandfort?] is having all the corn in the country cut up; he is paying 9 cents per shock.
Mr. Morton has moved back to Missouri.
Mr. and Mrs. Callison, of Missouri, have been visiting friends in this section for some time. They returned home last week.
Mr. George Braleson has bought Mr. Martin’s place. He and his newly espoused will move on the farm and go to housekeeping.
Miss Emma Elliott  is in Winfield attending the normal.
Buer & Harris will begin to make molasses soon.
Mr. Hamil has sold his cattle and place to Mr. Harrison, and is going to start to Arkansas in about two weeks.
Mr. Overman went down to the nation after a squaw last week, but his heart must have failed him, or they would not come with him, and he came back without any.
Mr. and Mrs. Hightmore [Hightower?] and Miss Kate, their daughter, are going to Texas this fall on a visit.
Noah Beyer is lying at the point of death. An infant son of Mr. Dykes is also very ill.
George Harris says he would have been a married man today if it had not been for C. W. Ridgway, but he says, “It’s all right, it’s a long road that has no turn.”
Miss Ella Whiteside is in Carthage, Missouri, now, and is coming home in about a week.
Doug. Ward is coming home soon.
Winfield Courier, September 1, 1881.
Mr. Bryan has sold his place.
Mr. Fuller has bought the farm known as the Wagner place.
There has been more corn cut up than usual. Some has sold for 50 cents a bushel.

Winfield Courier, September 22, 1881.
A very destructive prairie fire swept over Dexter and Otter townships Sunday and Monday. It commenced on Crab creek, by a camper leaving fire on the road, and rushed at a terrific rate northeast through the township, burning a strip three or four miles wide and carrying destruction to everything in its path. Almost the whole township turned out to fight it, but succeeded in having little but their houses. We have been unable to get a complete list of losses, but have learned of the following. A. Huelsenbeck, 13 tons of hay, four wheat stacks, and some corn; Mr. Barber, 100 tons hay; J. D. Maurer, all of his hay, stable, and chicken house; Mr. Sandfort [Sandford?] lost his hay; and Messrs. Bibler and Hite had much property burned. Our informant states that a report was current in Dexter that several houses were burned, but as yet no information to that effect has been received. The camper who let out the fire ran away, leaving six head of mules and horses, a wagon, and two cows, which the officers have. A boy and a girl were with the things, but the man had gone and has not been heard of since. The boy and girl state that the fire started from a pipe which the father was smoking.
Winfield Courier, October 13, 1881.
Mr. Fuller was out to see his farm on Crab Creek Monday.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
Mr. Neal Fuller expects to leave us soon as he will move to his farm over on Crab Creek. The citizens of Crab Creek might be proud of getting as good and honorable a citizen as Mr. Fuller. NOVUS HOMO.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
School has opened at Fairview with Miss Taplin as teacher. She seems to be liked.
Mr. William Merydith is preparing a basement for his house. He is also making extensive pastures for his cattle.
Mr. Hammett will soon move into Mr. Henry Coleson’s house.
Mr. Thanill Moor is talking of moving to Arkansas City, where his brother has taken a contract on the canal.
Mrs. Burdette [Bourdett?] is quite sick.
Mrs. Hamil is convalescent.
Some farmers are plowing for corn.
There have been more beeves killed here this fall than usual.
Mr. Stanford has moved his sheep to winter quarters.
It is said that some crops have failed. The crop of babies has not.
The saw mill on Cedar is doing good work.
Wheat looks well, though there was not enough sown on Crab Creek. B. H.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Wheat looks well. Corn is still selling at fifty cents per bushel. Poultry is down at present.

Christmas passed merrily away. Some turkies suffered.
Mr. Van Ormer christened his new house with a turkey roast.
Mr. Hole, the Harris boys, and some others have new houses.
Berney Goodwin was visiting on the Creek during the holidays.
Mr. Fuller has settled on his farm. We are glad to welcome a good neighbor.
Mr. Boracodan has rented and moved on the Harris boys farm.
The weather is like spring. G. B. R.
Winfield Courier, February 9, 1882.
                                                           CRAB CREEK.
ED. COURIER: I will again try to drop you a few lines to let you know how we Crab Creek folks are prospering.
There has been a good many sick in this vicinity, but they are slowly recovering.
Our lady minister has returned to Dexter again. She intends going to Sheridan to preach soon.
Mrs. Ridgway has got home at last from her visit to Ohio. She says everybody back there is preparing to have the small-pox.
Quite a good many farmers have commenced plowing for corn.
Fairview schoolhouse is prospering finely this winter under the management of Miss Hattie Taplin. Our young folks like her splendid.
Bent Moore says he is going to raise a few hills of corn this year to feed his ducks on, as he has gone into the duck business.
Miss Annie Walker has gone to Sedan on a visit to her sister. We wish she could make her visit short.
Osie Moore is back again and intends staying two or three weeks.
Mary Dow is home again from Arkansas City.
Bob Moore, if you don’t hurry up, I am afraid some of those Arkansas City fellows will beat you. Something is getting very attractive down that way.
Poor Maggie Elliott has got three fellows on her fingers. Oh, how we do sympathize with her.
John Collison [Callison?] and Ben Wells promised to take a load of girls to the dance at Mrs. Strickland’s last Friday night; but they failed to come after us. Boys, it is time you were explaining.
A splendid snow fell last Sunday night and afforded the best sleighing we have ever seen. We were riding around all day Monday.
It is a pity, boys, that cannot hold ladies in the wagon, let them fall out right on level ground.
Mr. Whiteside talks some of returning to his farm in the spring.
Hoping these few items will be acceptable, I will close. NELLIE GRAY.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
                                                           CRAB CREEK.
The teacher of the Fairview school is still ill and there has been no school this week.

Mr. Charlie Allison was preparing to go to Colorado, but he has concluded not to go.
I came up Grouse Creek the other day and was pleased to see the wheat looking so well.
Mr. Ridgway is putting in an addition to his building.
There is some talk of a new schoolhouse in district No. 124, but talk is cheap.
The Busby boys, who came here last fall and rented C. Burdett’s [Bourdett’s?] place, have their plowing all done and are waiting to plant corn.
Mr. S. Allison has the finest bull in this part of the county.
J. M. Stinson has sold the farm he bought of Lippman to Mr. Weddle.
Ben French is puzzling his brain to know what relation he is to Miss Allison since Ira married his sister-in-law.
Chance Robinson has come from the range to see his new home and reports that his cattle are fat enough for beef, and that they have lived on the range all winter. The question arises, what did he do with the 70 tons of hay he put up?
Mrs. Thorne is putting out a nice patch of onions. G. B. H.
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
George Callison intends returning to Dodge City soon.
O. Brubaker has come home looking healthy and fat; western life must agree with him.
Brother Wheat preached at Dexter last Sunday. He delivered a very able address.
There is some talk of a dance in the hall at Dexter the 22nd.
Mrs. A. Hamil is not getting any better.
Mr. Truesdale had a storm at his house last Sunday evening.
Willie Stanford has moved his sheep over near Mr. Campbell’s, where he bought some corn last fall.
Mr. Dave Merydith will soon move on Crab Creek. He has rented his place at Dexter to Mr. Welch.
George Harris says he is agent for Mr. McMullen and has $20,000 to loan. Girls, here is a chance if you want to exchange single life for married. George is not old, very handsome, and besides has a good piece of land.
I wonder which Mr. Hardin [Harden?] pets the most, John, Ed., or Charlie, as they call them Mr. Hardin’s [Harden’s?] pets. NELLIE GRAY.
Feb. 14th.
Winfield Courier, March 9, 1882.
We have had quite a change in the weather down this way.
Mr. Harrison has moved to Mr. Gilleland’s farm, near Maple City.
Miss Hattie Taplin’s school has closed.
Mr. Walker has returned home from Sedgwick County, where he has been visiting his daughter.
Miss Emma Elliott has bought an Organ. Her school closed last week.
The last cold snap stopped all farming down this way.
John Harden has ninety head of the best beeves in the county, they will average fourteen hundred pounds.

A great many have planted potatoes, they will not need to tend to them at present, as they are mulched by a sheet of ice.
Miss Mary Turney has stopped her school at Dexter. She talks some of going to her old home, in Missouri.
Ogg and Miss Arvilla Elliott were visiting friends at Crab Creek last week.
Mr. A. A. Hamil & Son are talking of going to Dodge City, to freight from there to Texas.
Down on Grouse Creek, at the dance last week, some of the boys got in a quarrel and were badly injured.
Bent Moore went to Elk City to get married. We do not know whether he has come back.
The boys are going to organize a brass band. Go in boys, Crab Creek needs one. They will probably be in tune by the Fourth of July. SISTER KATE.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
EDS. COURIER: Dave Merydith has moved on the Creek.
Mr. Armstrong intends moving away soon.
More newcomers on Crab Creek. Come on, folks, plenty of room for more.
Mr. Will Merydith’s house has sprung a leak and water is coming in from all directions.
Mr. Blakey’s father-in-law has come on. They all intend living together this summer on Mr. Harrison’s farm.
Mr. Gardner has got his pension and has moved to Winfield to live on the interest of his money.
Anson Moore came very near getting killed at Dexter the other night. He and Al Strickland had some little difficulty, and Al hit him just over the eye with a sling shot.
Mr. Barnhart has rented his farm and moved to Dexter to live in the city this summer.
The dance at Dexter the other night came near being a failure. As they have a good hall and every facility for making such an occasion entertaining, we think the difficulty must be that the boys all go, and expect the girls to follow suit; however, they sometimes get disappointed.
The people anticipate having a large crop of peaches on the bottom lands this year.
Mollie Callison is still having the chills.
Mr. Ridgway is enclosing quite a large pasture. SISTER KATE.
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Ed. Nicholson has purchased the Alfred Hightower’s place on Crab Creek, in Dexter Township. He bought the farm, stock, and farming implements for $3,000. Mr. Hightower will remove to Texas.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Cattle for Sale. We offer for sale 45 head of two year old steers, 58 head of two and three year old heifers, 36 yearling steers and heifers and 31 head of milch cows. The above cattle will be found on Grouse Creek in Dexter Township, at the mouth of Crab Creek at Alex Busey’s corral. The cattle will be on sale at that place for ten days. Tucker & Lewis.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.

DIED. On the morning of the 10th of August, 1883, Miss Maggie Elliott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Elliott, died at her home on Crab Creek, near Dexter. She was the youngest of the family and had reached the womanly and interesting age of 19 years and six days. The disease of which she suffered was typhoid fever. For three weeks she was anxiously watched and prayed over by loving friends, but it was His will who doeth all things well, to call her home. The precious subject of so many joys and hopes was committed to consecrated earth with broken hearts who realize the old, old story alone gives consolation.
[The newspapers began to cover items from Crab Creek area through “Dexter News” only.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
School closed in District No. 7 last week with an entertainment at night. Quite an interesting time was reported. J. R. Smith, Jr., conducted the school there this winter. The school at Fairview, Crab Creek, also closed last Wednesday evening with an entertainment, assisted by the literary society and Dexter band.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum