Cattlemen Files Sent to Dr. Bottorff
1. HodgesWJ.wpd
2. Windsor&Roberts.wpd
3. SherburneJH.wpd
4. PollockWJ.wpd
5. FlorerJohnN.wpd
Note: Sent Hodges on February 13, 2002.
Note: Sending Windsor & Roberts, Sherburne, Pollock, Florer on Feb. 14, 2002.
January 18, 2002...
Bruce sent Chinn file to Dr. Bottorff today.
January 20, 2002...
Sent the following files today.
1. c:\accattlemen\WarrenDrury.wpd
2. c:\abjudgelawyer\BeachDavidC.wpd
3. c:\accattlemen\BeachJJ.wpd
4. c:\fam\Beach-Berrie.wpd
5. c:\accattlemen\BerryBrothers.wpd
6. c:\accattlemen\CherokeeStripLandRush.wpd
Note: Send item relative to “Craig” after putting in Conner file.
February 25, 2002...
Sent the following files today.
1. C:\fam\Henderson.wpd
2. C:\fam\HendersonRev.JamesP.wpd
3. C:\famHendersonMrsWM.wpd
4. C:\abjudgelawyer\HendersonBen.wpd
5. C:\accattlemen\HendersonJames.wpd
6. C:\accattlemen\HendersonJamesC.wpd
7. C:\accattlemen\FlorerJohnN.wpd [Revised with last item]
March 4, 2002...
Sent the following files today.
1. C:\abdocs\WinfieldWhiting Col.&Family.wpd
2. C:\accattlemen\CarlisleDr.wpd
3. C:\accattlemen\Weathers.wpd
March 10, 2002...
Sent the following files today.
1. C:fam\SnowAB.wpd
2. C:fam\SnowHP.wpd
3. C:fam\SnowJAFamily.wpd
4. C:fam\SnowMisc.wpd
5. C:\abjudgelawyer\Snow.wpd
March 17, 2002 - St. Patrick’s Day...
Sent the following files today.
Under c:\fam
1. C:\fam\SnyderDrJW.wpd
2. C:\fam\SnyderFamilyAc.wpd
3. C:\fam\SnyderJC.wpd
4. C:\fam\SnyderJohnMapleCity.wpd
5. C:\fam\SnyderJohnWesley.wpd
6. C:\fam\SnyderMisc.wpd
7. C:\fam\SnyderRev.JH.wpd
8. C:\fam\SnyderRobertM.wpd
Under c:\abdocs
1. C:\abdocs\AcLeaderSnyderNT.wpd
Under c:\accattlemen
1. C:\accattlemen\SnyderAF&WH.wpd
2. C:\accattlemen\SnyderMH.wpd
3. C:\accattlemen\SnyderWHWinfield.wpd
4. C:\accattlemen\SnyderWmM.wpd
March 20, 2002.
Sent the following files today.
Seven files all under accattlemen\
1. Moorehouse.wpd
2. BurdenRF.wpd
3. BurressSP.wpd
4. Clendenning.wpd [not a cattleman, but he took minutes at important meeting.]
5. DeanBrothers.wpd
6. DentonGeorgeandJohnT.wpd
7. Shriver.wpd [madstone]
March 28, 2002.
Bill, Starting with this file (#1) [accattlemen\SaundersJH.wpd] will send altogether 14 files.
#2. fam\SaundersVarious.wpd
#3. fam\RobertsAB.wpd
#4. fam\RobertsBrothers.wpd
#5. fam\RobertsCharlesA.wpd
#6. fam\RobertsDavid.wpd
#7. fam\RobertsEd.G.wpd
#8. fam\RobertsHT.wpd
#9. fam\RobertsJamesC.wpd
#10. fam\RobertsJohnC.wpd [Biggest file among Roberts]
#11. fam\RobertsJohnWinfield.wpd
#12. fam\RobertsJosephC.wpd
#13. fam\RobertsRF.wpd
#14. fam\RobertsVarious.wpd
Overlooked on first go-around...
File #15. fam\RobertsWD.wpd
April Fool’s Day, 2002.
Six files sent...
April 5, 2002
Dear Bill,
I am sending three files covering Endicott family members.
This has been one of the most difficult files that I have ever worked on.
Poor Kay gave up and never did finish it.
It appears to me that “Between the Rivers” really goofed up royally in printing the reminiscences of Patrick F. Endicott, oldest son of Henry C. Endicott, Sr. It appears to me that Patrick (probably in his dotage) wanted to take a lot of credit for being part of the Norton party. I have very serious doubts that he ever was a participant. Think he and the rest of the Endicott family came “SOONER” than Norton party.
Files being sent:
First One (on which I am outlining all three) accattlemen\EndicottCC.wpd
Second One accattlemen\EndicottHenryC,Jr.wpd
Third One fam\Endicott.wpd