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First National Bank

                                 [NEW BUILDING LOCATED AT 900 MAIN.]
                                                     WINFIELD, KANSAS.
[I am going to try and attempt to give a summary of events leading up to a new building for the FIRST NATIONAL BANK.
Southeast corner of Main Street and East Ninth Avenue.
1. Alexander & Saffold [March 1871 - October 1871.]
2. Mullen & Stevens [October 1871 - ? 1872.]
3. Tom Benning [? 1872 - December 1872.]
4. Ellis & Black [January 1873 - September 13, 1874.]
5. Charles C. Black - September 14, 1874.
6. Charles L. Harter - March 1876.
7. Harter Brothers and A. E. Baird (“New York Store”). On June 22, 1876, they make an announcement that they will wait until new building erected by Manning is completed before moving. On December 21, 1876, announcement is made that they have moved into Manning’s new brick building.
                          ITEMS FROM NEWSPAPERS UP TO JUNE 22, 1876.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
Corner of Broadway and 5th Avenue, South of Walnut Valley House, Winfield, Kansas.
Note: When the street numbering was all changed this put the Alexander & Saffold structure on Main Street and Ninth Avenue. Location: across the street from the Walnut Valley House, which went through many changes as to usage and remodeling and eventually became the Farmers State Bank. The First National Bank was on the southeast corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue.
Cowley County Censor, October 28, 1871.
WHOLESALE LIQUOR STORE. Messrs. Mullen & Stevens, formerly of Baxter Springs, have opened a wholesale liquor store in Alexander & Saffold’s old stand. This firm have on hand the finest and purest liquors ever brought to this city. Mr. Mullen has gone east after a large supply, and in a short time will be able to supply the Southwest with the best of liquors—at whole­sale.
During the year 1872 T. H. Benning took over the store of Mullen & Stevens...
Winfield Messenger, October 25, 1872.
Tom Benning keeps all the best brands of flour at the lowest cash prices, at wholesale and retail. Canned fruits of all kinds, pickles, table sauce, tea, coffee, sugar, and in fact everything you want in the grocery line can be had at T. H. Benning’s, corner of Main street and Ninth avenue.
First indication that T. H. Benning was replaced by “Ellis and Black.”...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.
New Sign. Ellis & Black, the enterprising successors of T. H. Benning, in the corner store, have ornamented the front of their establishment with a new and neat sign, the workmanship of T. J. Jones.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, January 18, 1873.

ELLIS & BLACK, General Dealers in Groceries, etc.
Corner of Main and Ninth Street.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.
A Card. The undersigned, having purchased the interest of J. J. Ellis, will continue the business at the old stand of Ellis & Black, and invites the continued patronage of the public.
CHAS. C. BLACK. Winfield, September 14, 1874.
BLACK, C. C., Merchant, City Councilman, and a “jolly good fellow,” graduated at Hampton College, Rock Island Co., Illinois, and came to Cowley and herded forty “cattle on a thousand hills” during the fall of 1875, engaged in the mercantile business January, 1873, with J. J. Ellis, whom he has since bought out. He now runs his mammoth store, assisted by the clever Charley Harter as chief salesman, and Fred C. Hunt as assistant, singly and alone. It’s useless to wish that trio success.
E. C. Manning and J. C. Fuller put down stone walk in front of a new building they are starting on Main Street...
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
See that fine stone walk in front of Manning and Fuller’s new building—that is to be.
Next item indicates that Charley Harter has taken charge at Black’s old stand...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1876.
Don’t spend all your money until you see those new goods of Harter’s at Black’s old stand. They will be here next week.
NOTE: On the same day (June 22, 1876) the Winfield Courier announced that Harter Brothers & A. E. Baird had become partners and had changed the name of their store to the “New York Store.” They would wait until new building is erected by Manning before moving.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
Attention is called to the new firm of Harter Bro.’s & Baird, of the New York Store. They have added about forty feet of shelving and otherwise improved their store. They are selling their goods as low as the lowest.
AD: THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR HARTER BROS. & BAIRD, Dealers in Everything. At the NEW YORK STORE. [Address not given.]
Winfield Courier, June 29, 1876.
The New York store runs a delivery wagon.
NOTE: On July 27, 1876, the Winfield Courier announces that A. E. Baird has purchased an interest in the Harter Brothers store.
Winfield Courier, July 27, 1876. We learn that our much respected friend, A. E. BAIRD, has sold out his store at Elk City and removed to Winfield, where he purchased an interest in the large mercantile house of Harter Brothers. We are well acquainted with Mr. Baird, and know him to be one of the very best businessmen in Kansas, and we heartily congratulate the Harter Brothers upon their good fortune in adding to the firm so valuable and worthy a  member. We also congratulate the people of Winfield and Cowley County upon the addition of so good a merchant and citizen. May you never regret the move you have made, “Gene.”

NOTE: On September 21, 1876, the Winfield Courier announces that Louis C. Harter, of the New York Store, is buying fall stock in New York City. They also state that he is due home next week at which time the New York Store will have its opening day.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
MR. HARTER, of the New York Store, is now in New York City buying his fall stock of goods. He is making a very large purchase. He will be home next week at which time the New York will have an “opening day” and these goods will be offered to the public at prices that will defy competition. Mr. Harter’s acquaintance in the east has given him the advantage of buying at low prices; consequently, the goods can be sold at correspondingly reduced figures. Don’t make your fall purchases till you visit the New York Store.
Harter Brothers and A. E. Baird moved diagonally on Main and Ninth from their old location into Manning’s new brick building on the west side of Main Street and West Ninth Avenue in December 1876. The Winfield Courier announced their move to the new brick building on December 21, 1876.
Winfield Courier, December 21, 1876.
Messrs. Harter Bro. & Baird have moved into Manning’s new brick building. It is the finest storeroom in the Walnut Valley.
First Door South of Southeast corner of Main Street [Location on Main Street.]
In 1874 W. L. Mullen was located one door south of Ellis & Black on Main Street.
The date on which he relocated his store is not known.
June 1876: Thomas M. McGuire & Will Smith start a grocery store at this location.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
See the ad of the new firm of McGuire & Smith. These gentlemen are old residents of our county and are well and favorably known in the locality in which they have resided for the past five years. We bespeak for them a share of your patronage.
AD: McGuire & Smith, Dealers in FAMILY GROCERIES. (Mullen’s old stand.)
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1876.
Messrs. McGuire & Smith having purchased of W. L. Mullen his entire stock of goods, consisting of dry goods, groceries, etc., offer for the next sixty days their dry goods, boots, and shoes at cost. They want to make room for a more complete stock of groceries. Go and see them, at Mullen’s old stand.
K. H. Midkiff & Thomas M. McGuire replace “McGuire & Smith” in August 1876.
Winfield Courier, August 31, 1876.
WILL SMITH has sold out his interest in the grocery store to K. H. Midkiff, an experienced young salesman, and the firm will hereafter be known as McGuire & Midkiff. The business will be conducted at the old stand. The new firm deserves success.
Thomas M. McGuire becomes sole owner of grocery store in September 1876.
Winfield Courier, September 28, 1876.
THOS. McGUIRE has purchased Midkiff’s interest in the grocery store and will hereafter “run it on his own hook.” Business will still be continued at the old stand. Tom is a justly popular salesman.

Next item indicates that Thomas McGuire moved into the corner building which adjoined his old stand. This places McGuire at the Southeast corner of Main Street and East Ninth Avenue...
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
Tom McGuire has moved his grocery business into the corner building adjoining his old stand. A good move, and Tom seems prosperous.
Thomas M. McGuire and George H. Crippen, partners...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1877.
Go to McGuire & Crippen’s for dry goods.
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1877.
Two new buildings, just east of McGuire & Crippen’s store, are rapidly nearing completion. One is being erected for Messrs. Brotherton & Silver, grain and feed merchants, and the other for C. Coldwell & Son, lawyers.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878. Supplement.
BANKRUPT! Great Bankrupt Sale of the Goods of McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
These goods MUST BE SOLD to satisfy creditors. Avail yourselves of this opportunity. Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Queensware and Glassware, all at cost, or less than cost. McGUIRE & CRIPPEN.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1878.
Four tons of New Groceries just received at McGuire & Crippen’s.
Best Coffee. Four pounds for $1.00.
Winfield Courier, January 16, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are selling out their stock at cost and are to give up their store soon to a new firm, who are to start a boot and shoe store.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
McGuire & Crippen are moving their stock of goods into Mr. B. P. Jillson’s building, south of Horning’s. Their customers will follow them.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A new roof is being put on the building formerly occupied by McGuire & Crippen.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1879.
The firm of McGuire & Crippen has been dissolved. McGuire continues the business.
T. M. McGuire moved his grocery store to the Hughes building, two doors south of Bahntge’s in April 1879. Address: South Main Street, West Side.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
T. McGuire moved his stock of dry goods and groceries to the Hughes building, two doors south of Bahntge’s, last Monday.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1879.
Dry goods, boots, and shoes, etc. CLOSING OUT. I will sell my entire stock of Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps at cost until they are closed out. T. M. McGUIRE.
T. M. McGuire: In May 1880 McGuire again locates a store on the southeast corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
T. M. McGuire will occupy the old stand on Main street and Ninth Ave. The room is being repainted and fixed up in good shape.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
T. M. McGuire is moving back to his old stand, corner of Ninth and Main.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
T. M. McGuire had an ad in the paper when he was selling 400 bushels of Ben Davis Apples and 10,000 bushels of corn. He showed his address: Corner Main Street and Ninth Avenue, Winfield, Kansas.
In September 1881 T. M. McGuire and his brother, J. A. McGuire, become partners in the store located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
J. A. McGuire has purchased an interest in T. M. McGuire’s business, and will soon be a resident and a businessman of Winfield.
[Note: J. A. McGuire, the eldest McGuire brother, established the first business in Tisdale and was the first postmaster before moving to Winfield. Before long the papers noted that the McGuire brothers (J. A. and T. M. McGuire) were running a store in Winfield and a branch store in Tisdale. J. A. McGuire, an old Veteran, joined the local G. A. R. organization. He became a councilman at Winfield. The McGuire Brothers maintained a branch store at Tisdale for a number of years.]
NOTE: It appears that at some time during the reign of T. M. McGuire or later when the “McGuire Brothers” were located on the southeast corner of Main Street and Ninth Avenue that the building and lot were acquired by A. H. Doane
In 1883 an offer by McDougall of $8,000 for Doane’s building on corner of Main Street was rejected by A. H. Doane...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
A. H. Doane was offered eight thousand dollars for his corner on Main street by Mr. McDougall last week. He wouldn’t take it.
Property south of McGuire Bros. Store, Winfield, in dispute: Suit by Col. J. M. Alexander against Joe Likowski for possession of property...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Judge Torrance adjourned court Monday until Thursday noon. But little business except criminal has been transacted. The suit between Col. Alexander and Uncle Joe Likowski for possession of the property next to McGuire Bros.’ store came up this term and Likowski gained a point by the court overruling demurrer to plaintiff’s petition. It looks a good deal as if Joe would be able to hold the property.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
Col. John M. Alexander left for Florida today. He will return in the spring when he will build an expensive block in Winfield and make other improvements.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
Col. John M. Alexander writes that he will build in the spring on lot 2, block 129, a fine and costly building in connection with the First National Bank.


Note: The following items indicate that Albert H. Doane owned the land on which McGuire Brothers had their store and that he sold it to the First National Bank for $11,000.00. Location given in real estate transfer: Lot 1, Block 129, Winfield....
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
Doane’s corner, which has just changed hands for eleven thousand dollars, is a splendid indication of the increase in the value of business property in the Queen City. The increase on this lot in the last seven years has been over a thousand dollars a year. Besides this increase in value, the rentals have averaged nearly a thousand dollars a year, making a bonanza investment. It is fortunate, too, that the numerous offers Mr. Doane has had for this property were refused. It is now in hands that will improve it to honor the city. The dirty old rookeries will give place to a magnificent structure. And Colonel Alexander has always said that when a good building went in on that corner, he would put up a good one on his lot next to it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 5, 1885.
And still do things materialize to boost Winfield in her onward march to substantial growth and glory. The First National Bank folks have bought the A. H. Doane corner lot, corner of Ninth and Main, for eleven thousand dollars. This is one of the most valuable locations in Winfield, and has fallen into hands that will improve it in a manner to adorn and credit the city. They begin at once to get out the stone for a magnificent bank building. It will be three stories, the full width of the lot, 140 feet, and of artistic and modern design. Tally another for the Queen city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds since our last issue.
Albert H Doane et ux to First National Bank, lot 1, blk 129, Winfield: $11,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 19, 1885.
Speaking of the recent sale of the Doane corner in this city, the Burden Enterprise says: “This old McGuire shanty has been a blot on Winfield’s beauty for a long time. We are glad it is to be moved. Probably more goods have been sold and more money made in this old shanty, than any one building in Cowley County. It never was pretty so it must stand back.”
McGuire corner: criticism...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.

Anathemas have been heaped for years on the heads of the men who persisted in coining large rents from the old rookeries on Main street, and yet were able to shove them off and put up good buildings. Sweeping fires have been silently longed for. Developments prove that the sticktoitiveness of those old frame buildings have been a good thing in many instances. Look at the J. P. Short corner and the McGuire corner. Nothing but the magic development of Winfield in the past year or so would prompt the erection of such magnificent buildings as the Farmers Bank and Short blocks and the projected block of the First National. Had those rookeries been removed even a year back, no such buildings would have adorned those corners—the main pillars to the business portion of the city. Now the old Keck barn has fallen into hands that will rear in its stead buildings a credit to the city. As the city grows, so does the class of its business blocks improve. The blocks now put in the place of these relics must be large, valuable, and of modern architecture to harmonize with the metropolitan air of our city. The next year will leave but a few old frame landmarks—all will be replaced by improvements worthy the coming Kansas City of the great southwest. And the opportunity for these magnificent improvements are largely traceable to these men whom we have been wont to class as hogs, in swinging to their old landmarks with enormous rents. But the edict has now gone forth, with the future of our city thoroughly established: the rookeries must go. And their owners know it, and are preparing to meet the inevitable demand.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The plans for the magnificent new First National bank building, on the Doane corner, will be out soon. It will be one of the very finest blocks in the State. No money will be spared to make it eclipse. Col. Alexander will put a good building adjoining it. Work will begin on both in February.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The plans for the new First National Bank building, on the McGuire corner, as pencil sketched by Architect Ritchie, show a structure whose magnificence can’t be discounted in the state. It is full a hundred and forty feet deep, ninety feet of which will be used for the bank and its private offices, and the remainder will be three store rooms forty-eight feet deep, extending on Col. Alexander’s lot, who will build at the same time. The building is full three stories high, with large windows and modern relief clear along its Ninth and Main fronts. The stairway will lead up from the center of the building on Ninth. Its entire arrangement is of modern architecture, unexcelled in exterior design and interior appointments. The First National Bank folks are determined to lay everything in the shade with this structure, and the plans are proof that they will.
Col. Alexander...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
Col. Alexander has written the First National Bank that he wants his building constructed in conjunction with theirs, same form and style, and superintended by the same architect. This will cap the finest block in the state.
John A. McGuire buys and will move McGuire Store building to vacant lot...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
John McGuire has purchased the store building where they are and will move it on the vacant lot between the Popp and Farringer buildings, on South Main, where he will still continue in the merchandise business.
John McGuire has bought the Farringer property, on South Main, for $2,500 for a little speculation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.

The First National Bank folks have accepted the plans of Architect Willis A. Ritchie for their magnificent bank block on the McGuire corner, and have employed him as architect and superintendent. This will be one of the very finest blocks in the city—as fine as any in the State. It is full three stories, 140 feet deep, with very artistic fronts on Main and Ninth. It is modern and imposing in every particular. The first ninety feet will be occupied by the First National Bank and its private offices, appointed and furnished in metropolitan style. On the rear will be three store rooms, extending fifty feet back, on Alexander’s lot. Col. Alexander expects to build at the same time. The stairway leading to the second and third floors will be eight feet wide and located at the building’s center on Ninth. The old rookery will be moved off by March first and the excavation begun, when the construction will be pushed rapidly.
McGuire Brothers lease Doane building, under construction...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 25, 1886.
McGuire Bros. have leased the Doane building now under construction on 9th avenue, where they will conduct their business the same as in the past.
Next article refers to “old Schofield livery barn.” It probably should have stated “old Keck livery barn” inasmuch as John M. Keck was the owner of barn.
Winfield Directory 1885.
Coil Geo, works Keck’s stable, 802 Main, res same.
Keck J M, livery stable, 802 Main, res 1103 Millington.
Lobdell James, works Keck’s barn, res 511 Main.
Schofield Frank, works Keck’s stable, res 113 w 10th.
Barn removed to location on North Main Street next to old foundry building, where Frank Schofield is supposed to continue his livery business. A. H. Doane to erect a business house in the place of the lot used for livery barn...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The old Schofield livery barn, one of the oldest and homeliest landmarks in Winfield, will soon be moved on north Main next to the old foundry building, where Frank Schofield will continue his livery business. A. H. Doane will erect a handsome business house in its place. And still we boom. The old shells will all be banished from Main street before 1886 goes out.
Doane moved blacksmith shop (Weaver & Keller)to rear of lot it stood on, corner 9th and Millington Streets, and erected a business building on that corner....
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
A. H. Doane is having the old blacksmith shop occupied by Weaver & Keller moved to the rear of the lot on which it now stands, corner 9th and Millington streets, and will commence immediately to erect a business building on the corner where it formerly stood.
McGuire Bros. plan to occupy frame building, being built by A. H. Doane on the corner of East Ninth & Millington, Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
A. H. Doane’s frame business building, corner of Ninth & Millington, is going up and will be occupied by McGuire Bros. It would seem to be a mistake in putting up a frame building on such a valuable corner, with the grand prospect that this year shows. Before 1886 is closed very few of the old rookeries will be left on Ninth, two blocks down. Substantial buildings, anywhere for business houses, are far safer for the city and the investor. Mr. Doane will erect a fine stone block, handsome cut front, on the lot now occupied by the Schofield stable.
Col. Alexander: owned business block next to Hudson Bros., Jewelers.
The 1880 Winfield Directory showed Hudson Brothers located on Main Street, east side, between 9th and 10th.

The 1885 Winfield Directory showed Hudson Brothers, 913 Main, Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Col. J. M. Alexander is at home from the winter at Mt. Dora, Florida, looking as plump and happy as ever. He says he will erect, in conjunction with the First National, a fine business block on his lot next to Hudson Bros. The Colonel will be here all summer.
Kropp moves old McGuire building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
Fred Kropp has his wheels under the old McGuire building and soon this oldest landmark will hie itself to John McGuire’s lot next to the South Main music conservatory. In its place will rear one of the largest and finest blocks in Kansas, fifty foot front and the handsomest design. The excavation on the cleared part is being rapidly pushed. The First National folks and Col. Alexander mean to have nothing excel them.
History of old McGuire rookery given: building first owned by W. L. Mullen and later owned by Joe Likowski...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The removal of the old McGuire rookery, revealing the ten-year old sign on the Mullen building, “groceries, wines, and liquors,” brings up queer memories and comparisons. This building was one of the first general supply houses of the city and later the saloon of Joe Likowski and has a romantic history were it known.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
When the McGuire building on the corner was moved out the other day, it exposed an old anti-prohibition-times sign on the next building, reading “Wines & Liquors.” It looked odd in these temperance times.
First building erected by J. M. Alexander...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The Alexander building with its ancient sign of “wines, liquors, etc.,” will decorate one of the lots across the railroad on North Main. It seems as though this old building is bound to be the pioneer, as this will probably be the first building in Webb’s Addition.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
Another metropolitan air is about to strike us. Col. Alexander and Hudson Bros. have arranged to build a clock tower over the stairway leading between their buildings, ninety-five feet high, sixty feet of stone. In it will be placed the huge clock on which George Hudson has been working for months. It will have a fifteen hundred pound bell, whose tones can be heard three miles as it tolls the half hours and hours. This is a bit of commendable enterprise.
J. A. McGuire...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Read & Robinson to J A McGuire, lot 10, blk 111, Winfield: $1,200.00.
Winfield Town Association to John A McGuire, lot 10, blk 111, Winfield, q-c: $1.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
Francis L Smith & hus to J A McGuire, lots 11 & 12, blk 111, Winfield: $2,500.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.

A $30,750 CONTRACT. The First National Bank and Col. Alexander let the contract today for the entire construction of their magnificent blocks on the corner of Main and Ninth. Messrs. Uhl & Giel got the contract, their bids being lower than any of the other and less than the aggregate of any of the partial contract bids. They construct the First National block for $19,500 and Col. Alexander’s for $11,250—a total of $30,750. The contract requires completion in September. The double cellar is now finished and stone work will begin at once. Uhl & Giel also got the work, the other day, of the big hotel at Arkansas City. They are now located at Winfield permanently and their families will be here in three weeks. Already they have proven themselves contractors of superior ability. Their careful watchfulness and knowledge of detail management enable them to get their bids down to the finest point. They are thoroughly reliable, are employing, outside of the three experienced foremen whom they brought from Cleveland and who will also make this their home, all resident laborers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
A representative of the Topeka Commonwealth visited Winfield a few days ago, and this is the way he writes about the southwest emporium: “This city is in the enjoyment of a boom. Several new railroad projects point to the fact that it will soon be the center of the Kansas Southern railroad system. The walls for the State Imbecile asylum are up, and work has commenced on the Methodist college. Real estate is advancing rapidly, and some splendid business houses are being erected. The Farmers’ Bank has erected a handsome building at an expense of at least $20,000. On the opposite corner, the First National Bank and Colonel Alexander are erecting a building that will cost not less than $40,000. It will be 50 x 140, three stories high above the basement. It will be the handsomest and best built block in Kansas. The lot (25 x 140) for the bank portion cost $12,000. That beats Topeka. Millington and Greer have purchased a lot north of the Farmers’ Bank, on which will be erected a home for THE COURIER. The lot (25 x 140) cost $5,000. Winfield claims a population of 9,000, and its people are confident that they will soon rival Wichita in numbers and business. The city, assuredly, has the most flattering prospects.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum