Winfield, Kansas.
Cowley County Censor, March 18, 1871.
JOHN B. FAIRBANK. Attorney and Councillor at Law, Winfield. Office: Millington & Fuller’s new Bank Building.
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
See dissolution notice of Webb & Coon. Mr. Coon remains at the Bank building of J. C. Fuller, where he is prepared to do all business in the legal line. Mr. Webb has moved his library to the CENSOR office.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
W. W. WALTON, DEPUTY COUNTY SURVEYOR OF COWLEY COUNTY. All orders promptly attended to. Office in Fuller’s Bank.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
L. H. COON, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. Office in new bank building, corner 9th Avenue and Main street.
Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.
DENTISTRY! DR. C. L. FLINT. Orders left at Fuller’s Bank, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas, will receive prompt attention.
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
The foundation is being laid for A. H. Green’s new law office. It will be built on the second lot south of J. C. Fuller’s Bank, will be a frame 16 x 28, with a handsomely finished front, in connection with the Bank building to be erected by M. L. Read, the coming spring. It will add much to the appearance of that part of Main street.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 6, 1873.
SUITS & WOOD, Attorneys and Counselors at Law, Winfield, Kansas. Will practice in all the courts of the State, U. S. District and Circuit Courts and U. S. Land Office.
WINFIELD BANK, OF J. C. FULLER. Bank building located at corner 9th Ave. and Main St., Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 20, 1873.
J. C. Fuller, of the Winfield Bank, pays highest market price for School Bonds.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 17, 1873.
J. C. Fuller has removed the old town company building on the lot south of Maris & Baldwin. He proposes to finish it up in neat style, suitable for a storeroom.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
Bank Notice. On and after September 1st, 1873, our Bank will open for business at 9 o’clock A. M., and close at 4 o’clock, P. M. J. C. FULLER, M. L. READ.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 16, 1873.
J. C. Fuller wants it distinctly understood by those persons in the east part of the county who think all the banks in the county have suspended, that the Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller has been opened for business every day at regular hours, has paid all demands and checks in cash, has continued to loan to its regular customers, and is prepared to do the same in future. The bank is not buying eastern drafts, but takes them for collection.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1874.
Webb & Millington have moved their law office into Fuller’s bank building.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
J. C. Fuller is having his bank building fitted up in good style.
Winfield Courier, November 18, 1875.
J. C. Fuller’s six thousand pound fire and burglar proof safe has arrived.
Winfield Courier, November 25, 1875.
Mayor Millington is attending the Winfield Bank during Mr. Fuller’s temporary absence.
Winfield Courier, December 2, 1875.
J. C. Fuller is having his bank counters varnished and grained.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
Our “Courier” Patrons. In beginning the “Centennial year,” with an enterprise like the one we have engaged in this week, it is but right and proper that we make honorable mention of the men who, by giving us their patronage, have greatly helped us in the “financial” part thereof.
FULLER, J. C., is the proprietor of the Winfield Bank, the first bank in Cowley County; established in the spring of 1871. Of it we need say nothing; words of ours would add little to its prestige. He is also a co-partner of the town and one of its leading citizens. May the town become full of Fullers like J. C.
Winfield Courier, March 30, 1876.
Fuller’s Bank has a new and handsome sign.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, April 6, 1876.
Does a General Banking Business.
Interest allowed on time deposits.
Collections promptly attended to.
Money always on hand to loan on approved paper.
Winfield, Kas.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1876. Last Page.
Banks. Arkansas City Bank, Arkansas City; Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City; banking house of M. L. Read, and Winfield Bank of J. C. Fuller, Winfield. The total amount of capital of these banks is $51,300.
Winfield Courier, November 30, 1876.
Bank Notice. The undersigned Bankers of Winfield give notice that on and after Dec. 1st, 1876, their respective banks will open for business at 9 o’clock a.m., and close at promptly 4 o’clock p.m. No business transacted out of banking hours. M. L. READ, J. C. FULLER. Winfield, Kansas, November 27, 1876.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1877.
J. C. Fuller makes an addition to his ad this week. He has one of the best burglar proof safes in the State, which is guarded by the Yale time lock. No city in Kansas has two sounder, safer banking institutions than those of J. C. Fuller and of M. L. Read, of Winfield.
Winfield Courier, November 8, 1877.
[From the Kansas City Journal of Commerce.]
This is one of the few towns in Kansas that manage to keep its streets cumbered with building material the year round. Since I was here in the summer, two dozen houses have been built, and fifty are now under way. The principle ones of the former are Lynn & Gillelen’s two story cut stone, 25 x 100 feet, and a brick hotel at the south end of town. Among the latter, as conspicuous and handsome as any will be, the elegant seven thousand dollar residence of Mr. J. C. Fuller, President of the Winfield Bank. Mr. Fuller has been here since 1870, established the first bank in the county, and has large and valuable tracts of real estate adjoining the town. He has recently laid off a part of his land in an addition, and is selling some very desirable residence plats. The other bank is that of M. L. Read, of which M. L. Robinson is cashier and W. C. Robinson assistant. This bank has been established five years, and occupies the first brick building in Cowley County.
Both banks are doing a good business and have the entire confidence of the community. They are supplied with the celebrated “Yale Time” locks.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1877.
Mr. Ned Fuller, late of Lockport, New York, brother of J. C. Fuller, has located in Winfield and will keep the books of the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, March 14, 1878.
The family of Mr. N. O. Fuller, assistant in the bank of J. C. Fuller, arrived last week and are temporarily domiciled with his brother. The family consists of a wife and two children. Another new residence will be the result.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 25, 1878.
[Special Correspondence Kansas City Times.]
BANKS. There are three banks here, viz: M. L. Read’s, Citizens Bank, and J. C. Fuller.
Read’s Bank is located in a fine two story brick. The gentlemen connected with it, including Mr. Read and the Robinsons, are genial gentlemen and successful businessmen.
J. C. Fuller is the oldest banker in the county. He is prudent, safe, and responsible.
The Citizens Bank was formerly located in Arkansas City, J. C. McMullen is President and A. W. Berkey cashier. It has about twenty-five farms for sale on long time and low rates.
Winfield Courier, October 31, 1878.
WINFIELD, October 30, 1878.
After this date Mexican dollars will be received by us at 90 cents.
M. L. ROBINSON, Cashier Read’s Bank.
J. C. FULLER, Winfield Bank.
B. F. BALDWIN, Cashier Citizens’ Bank.
WINFIELD, October 18, 1878.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser:
WINFIELD BANK. This is one of the Winfield institutions, and being established eight years ago, is the oldest bank in the place. It has a large safe, with burglar-proof and combination, and time locks, with other appliances for safety. J. C. Fuller, the proprietor, is a man of large means, being a very extensive owner of real estate. He is very careful and prudent in his transactions and perfectly reliable in every respect. From a long and intimate acquaintance, we have learned to place implicit trust in his honor. Neal Fuller is his gentleman cashier and attends strictly to his business.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1879.
Last Friday the Citizens’ Bank and the Winfield Bank consolidated, under the head of the Winfield Bank, with a capital of $50,000. J. C. McMullen was elected president, B. F. Baldwin, vice-president, J. C. Fuller, cashier, and D. A. Millington, secretary. They will immediately begin the erection of a brick building, 25 x 140, on the lot now occupied by the Winfield Bank. The first floor will be occupied by the bank, the second story for offices, and the basement by the COURIER. This organization makes one of the strongest banking institutions in the country.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1879.
The two banks of Winfield have been consolidated and will now do business under the name of the Winfield Bank. The capital stock is $50,000.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1879.
The cellar of the new Winfield Bank Building will be ready for the mason work this week.
Winfield Courier, May 22, 1879.
Capt. Ed. Hewins, of Chautauqua County, was in town Tuesday morning and traded $2,100 exchange at the Winfield Bank. He was a member of the legislature last winter where he made a good record. He has shipped fifteen car-loads of stock within a week and has 2,600 head of fat cattle in the Territory south of this place.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1879.
THE WINFIELD BANK is ready to receive bids for furnishing material and work for the new bank building. Those who desire contracts should call soon.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
Plans and specifications are ready and bids will be now received at the Winfield Bank for the work and material of the new bank building.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1879.
The contract for the Winfield Bank has been let and the foundation is being laid. It is to be completed in 100 days.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.
Mr. Benj. J. Bartlett, the architect in charge of the Baptist Church building, arrived in this city last week Wednesday, and returned to Des Moines, Ia.; Saturday morning. He waked up things generally, and exhibited the most energetic business qualities. He is a gentleman who understands his profession, and will make the work on the church go ahead now rapidly. He is perfectly enthusiastic over our rock for building purposes. Thinks it beats anything he ever saw. He takes the order of Swain & Watkins to Chicago for lumber and material for the Winfield Bank. He saved considerable money in his purchases for the Baptist Church, for which the material is now on hand.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1879.
Mr. Stiles, the gentlemanly agent of the Adams express company, has a local advertisement in this paper. He promises express at more reasonable rates than we have been getting heretofore. Their office is in the building next to Shoeb’s blacksmith shop.
THE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., having opened for business in Winfield, are now prepared to do Express business with greater dispatch, and at lower rates than was ever known in Winfield.
All matter entrusted to the Company’s care will receive prompt attention.
Goods delivered anywhere in the City limits.
Office on Ninth Avenue, 4 doors west of Winfield Bank. C. F. STILES.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1879.
We regard it a first rate compliment to say of the officers of the Winfield Bank that they refused to rent the basement of their new bank building at $75, which they were offered for the purpose of a saloon, preferring to let it for a printing office at $30 per month.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.
The plate glass windows for the Winfield Bank have been put in and also the stained transoms.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.
We learn from the Emporia News of last week of the arrest of one T. W. Hughs, who for some time peddled pianos and organs in this and Sumner County. It appears that he had committed peculations while in the employ of Messrs. Fox & Co., of Emporia to the amount of over fifteen hundred dollars, and then left the country. After a most diligent search he was arrested in Arkansas, and is now lying in jail at Emporia.
He had mortgaged the team, wagon, and harness, which belonged to Fox & Co., to James Dewar of Eldorado, for $120; had sold a sample organ that cost $169 for $55 cash; sold another for $100; another for $65; sold a mare which the firm was having kept in the country, which cost $55, for $35, taking therefor a note payable to Fox & Co., and had sold the note to the Winfield bank, forging the endorsement; had made and forged a note on B. S. Phillips, of Oxford, for $250, on which he secured a loan of $75 from L. Gower, of Douglass, Butler County; forged a note on H. T. Dally of Belle Plaine, Kansas, for $175, which he left as security for a livery bill at Douglass; had forged a note for $90 on T. Walker, of Goldore, Cowley County, which he sold to James Dewar, of Eldorado. He collected $147 of B. S. Phillips, of Oxford; $117.15 from J. J. Benepe, of Douglass, and $100 from Emeline True, of Douglass. This is the fellow who married Jessie True, of Douglass, for some time a page in the House of Representatives.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
The counters for the Winfield Bank are being put in and are certainly the finest in any bank in the country. They are of solid black walnut, paneled, and surmounted by a two-foot wire screen.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
The Winfield Bank is now moved from its “one horse” frame building into its new and magnificent building on the corner. If you cannot find the place, please remember that it is over the COURIER office. The internal structure, fixtures, and furniture of the bank are more magnificent than even its outward appearance would indicate.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.
M. G. Troup has secured one of the offices in the new bank building, and is completing his arrangements to step down and out and into a first-class law practice after the 12th day of January. His intimate knowledge of titles, together with his clear and concise ideas of law will soon place him in the foremost rank of attorneys at our bar.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
Our young friend, Chas. E. Fuller, goes into the Winfield Bank as bookkeeper. He is a young man of unexceptional habits and an accomplished bookkeeper. It is a good place for him and we doubt not he will please his employers.
Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.
The office of the engineer of the S. K. & W. railroad has been established in the old Winfield Bank Building. This road has reached Burden, and the track-layers are pushing this way at the rate of a mile a day.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
The bland and smiling countenance of Col. McMullen shines out from behind the wire screen of the Winfield Bank again. His two weeks ramble among the mountains of Colorado makes him look five years younger.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Our young friend, Lafe Pence, has recently “settled down” in his new quarters in the Winfield Bank building. Mr. Pence is one of our brightest young lawyers, and will make his mark in the profession. We are glad to see him prospering.
Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.
Last week the counters of the Winfield Bank were completed by putting on the handsome wire screen which now surmounts them. The counters are models of cabinet work, being of seasoned black walnut, paneled, polished, and inlaid, the wood grown on the soil of Cowley, and manufactured by Cowley County skill. The Winfield Bank now has “room according to its strength,” and its sound financial condition is rapidly gaining for it the entire confidence of the people.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
The Library Association have secured the rooms in the back part of the Winfield Bank building, and will fit them up as a public library. These are neat, airy quarters, and when filled with books and periodicals, and presided over by the ladies now so zealously at work in the matter, will present far more attraction for the young men than the billiard saloon.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
The World-Renowned Excelsior & Empire Mower & Reaper...
W. A. LEE, Agent.
Winfield Courier, February 19, 1880.
The Library and Reading Room Association has secured the west room in the Winfield Bank, entrance on the north side of the building, from Ninth Avenue. All persons not having been called upon will please send to this room, next Saturday afternoon, donations in the way of books, periodicals, papers, and furniture. The ladies having this enterprise in charge are exceedingly anxious to make this room the most attractive of any in the city. Let all the friends of this noble enterprise send in something to beautify and furnish the room.
Winfield Courier, March 4, 1880.
A large stone, 7 feet wide, 14 feet long, and 6 inches thick was delivered in front of the Winfield Bank Monday. It will be dressed and put down in front of the Bank building.
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
M. G. Troup and A. B. Lemmon have formed a co-partnership in the practice of law. Their card appears in this paper. CARD: TROUP & LEMMON [M. G. TROUP/ALLEN B. LEMMON], ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Special attention given to Collections. Office in Winfield Bank Building, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, April 22, 1880.
The Winfield Bank declared a dividend of 10 percent on April 1. When it is considered that the bank declares its dividends semi-annually its prosperity is evident.
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
The Winfield Bank is having the stone delivered for its new circular stone steps. When completed the steps will add much to the appearance of the bank front.
Winfield Courier, May 27, 1880.
The stone steps now being put up in front of the Winfield Bank will be the finest in the southwest.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
The elegant stone steps of the Winfield Bank are about completed.
Winfield Courier, June 10, 1880.
The new stone steps to the Winfield Bank are admired by everyone. This is one of the handsomest buildings in the country.
Winfield Courier, December 16, 1880.
The stockholders of the Winfield Bank will take notice that the annual meeting of the stock holders will be held at the bank building in Winfield on Tuesday, January 4th, 1881, at 7 o’clock p.m. J. C. FULLER, Cashier.
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
Mr. James Lorton returned from attending commercial college in St. Louis last week. James is one of last years graduating class from our high school. He will take a position as assistant bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1881.
BANK ELECTION. At the annual election of the Winfield Bank last Tuesday evening, A. A. Wiley, J. J. Buck, D. A. Millington, J. C. Fuller, and J. C. McMullen were chosen directors. The directors met and elected J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier, and D. A. Millington, secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The express company have taken the safe from the old Winfield Bank building for use in their office.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The Winfield Bank shows deposits to the amount of ninety-four thousand eight hundred and sixty-two dollars and twenty-three cents. This is a splendid showing and places the bank on the very highest footing. The business for the past year has been immense and the dividends large. The stockholders are well satisfied with the work.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
The library rooms are open two days each week, Wednesday and Saturdays. These ladies inaugurated this library a little less than a year ago with no capital except their own warm hearts and willing hands. In less than a year they created quite a valuable library besides paying the rent of their fine rooms and the services of a librarian. They are adding new books from time to time. They are now about to invest one hundred dollars, their late earnings, in well selected new books.
Winfield Courier, January 13, 1881.
Winfield Bank: Monitor mentions what Courier had about officers and directors...but adds a wee bit more!
Chas. E. Fuller takes the position of paying teller; A. W. Berkey, collection clerk, and Jas. Lorton, a new man, takes the position of bookkeeper. Mr. H. G. Fuller retires. The business of the bank for the past year has been prosperous and unusually satisfactory to the officers and stockholders.
Winfield Courier, January 27, 1881.
W. A. Lee has rented the old Winfield Bank building for an implement house, just back of the new bank building.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Anna Y. Thompson, daughter of Rev. David Thompson, of Arkansas City, a lecturer of considerable note and for several years a missionary in Egypt, is visiting her friends in this county. To show that she is a lady of good practical sense, we will mention that she has invested her surplus funds in stock of the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
W. A. Lee has rented the old Winfield bank building for his large and constantly increasing trade, and says that hereafter he intends taking things a little easier. He is one of the hardest working men in this county.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
T. R. Bryan has removed his office to the rear room in the Winfield Bank building and has formed a partnership with T. J. Harris.
Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.
The Winfield Bank has received two magnificent oil paintings, the work of Miss Schermerhorn, of Chicago, and one of the stockholders in the bank. One represents a scene on Lake Michigan and the other South Park, Colorado. The lady is one of the finest artists in the country, and these specimens of her work are certainly the finest paintings we have ever seen. They are valued at five hundred dollars. The pictures have been hung up in the bank and can be seen by any who desire to examine them.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
Allen B. Lemmon has fitted up offices in the second story of the Winfield Bank building and has hung out his law shingle.
Winfield Courier, March 31, 1881.
Our young friend, A. W. Berkey, of the Winfield Bank, was in town Saturday last, shaking hands with his many friends.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
A great many Republicans were not satisfied with the Republican nominations for city officers, and joined with the Democrats to nominate a citizens’ ticket. They met at the opera house on last Saturday evening and put in nomination J. B. Lynn for mayor, O. M. Seward for city attorney, T. R. Bryan for city treasurer, J. D. Pryor for treasurer of the board of education, W. E. Tansey for justice of the peace and police judge, John Moffitt and A. H. Doane for councilmen, N. L. Rigby and E. P. Kinne for members of the school board, and J. T. Quarles and B. McFadden for constables. Mr. Bryan was not present at the meeting, but it was understood that he would support the straight Republican ticket, having already accepted the nomination for city treasurer tendered him by the Republicans.
On Monday evening the supporters of both tickets held meetings, and speakers harangued the people. The Citizens held their meeting in the street, and used the stone steps of the Winfield Bank for a rostrum.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The Winfield Bank declared its fourth semi-annual dividend on April 1st of ten percent, with a good surplus left. The bank stock is rising rapidly. An offer of $1.10 was refused last week. At the present rates of interest, Winfield Bank stock, as an investment, is worth $2. The bank is booming and no mistake.
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
The Winfield Bank was caught in a rather unpleasant predicament Tuesday. On Monday they had a workman fixing something about their safe, and it is thought he accidentally turned the dial on the time lock; at any rate, when the cashier came to open the safe at the usual time, he found that it would not open. This left the bank dead broke as far as the availability of their cash was concerned. In the emergency Read’s Bank came to the rescue and furnished Cashier Fuller with a roll of bills about the size of a man’s hat, with which the Winfield Bank did business until by close watching they caught the changed time of their lock and got the safe open. These time locks are sometimes as annoying to the banks as they are to the burglars.
Winfield Courier, April 28, 1881.
Mr. A. W. Berkey, cashier of the Winfield Bank, paid his friends in the city a short visit last Friday.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
The business deposits in the bank are much better and larger in volume than ever before. We do not think the increase of the volume of business of the city is much over that of a year ago, but we attribute a considerable portion of the increase of our deposits to newcomers who have settled in this vicinity bringing with them large sums of money to invest. Many of these have told us that they would not have settled in Kansas but for the prohibition laws. This law is favorable to banks because it raises the value of names as securities. A man who is good for $1,000 now, is likely to be better a year from now, while formerly many such would be likely to be depreciated as sureties by liquor. All Kansas banks will stand better with their eastern correspondents because their home securities will be more valuable.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
J. P. Short can be found with M. G. Troup, upstairs, in the Winfield Bank building.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Notice is hereby given that the stock books of the Caney Valley Prospecting Coal and Mining Company, of Elk and Chautauqua counties, Kansas, will be opened on the 21st day of June, A. D., 1881, at the office of the secretary of the company, in the city of Grenola, Elk County, Kansas, and at the Winfield Bank, in the city of Winfield, Kansas, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the company, and will be kept open at the above named places until all the shares of the stock are subscribed.
By order of the Board of Directors, J. C. McMULLEN, President.
W. S. MENDENHALL, Secretary.
Next article reveals that D. A. Millington was the owner of stock in the Winfield Bank...
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
If anyone supposes that we bought the Monitor office for the purpose of keeping out competition in the newspaper and printing business in this city, we wish to set them right in the start. We could not keep out competition if we desired. This business is like any other and anyone may start in the business that shall choose to do so; besides, we have yet as lively a competition in the Telegram as can be found anywhere. The Telegram office is an institution worth ten thousand dollars and the work necessary to have been done to give it the large subscription list, the large advertising and job printing patronage, and the wide popularity which it enjoys would cost some five thousand more. Its proprietor has plenty more money to put into it and is able to employ the best mechanical and editorial talent and skill. If we can compete with such an institution, we need not be uneasy about other competition. We bought the Monitor office as a pure business transaction, just as one merchant might buy the goods of another who wanted to close out, not that he expects to suppress competition, but because he can buy the goods at such prices as make it an object for him to buy them. We bought it because we thought it a good bargain for us, that the stock, material, etc., would supplement the COURIER office and make one of the largest and best offices in the state. We expect other papers may be started here. Knowing the itching that many have to run newspapers and that scores of newspapers do not pay more than running expenses, we deem it probable that one or more of they may drop in here, canvass the businessmen, show that they are brainy and experienced newspaper men and will make things rip, promise to circulate five thousand copies in the county of a larger and better paper than was ever published here, and secure lots of business advertising and other patronage.
Many of our businessmen advertise in everything that comes along, whether it is probable it will do them any good or not, and subscribe to everything that starts or promises to start. In this way a new paper would get a start. We do not think, however, that anyone with money enough and brains enough to succeed in building from the ground up a paper that will compete on equal terms with the older established papers here will repeat the experiment of the Monitor. That paper was “well heeled” from the start. It had wealthy and influential friends who responded when called on. It had strong political leaders at its back and secured a large share of public and private patronage. Its editor was sagacious and enterprising, pushing its circulation widely over the county, and he was one of the ablest and hardest working editors in the state. The amount of effective work he did on both the local and editorial columns of his paper was phenomenal. Yet after three years of hard work, he found he could not make it pay and so he sold out.
We do not boast that the COURIER has been a paying institution. The money its proprietors have spent upon it has been largely derived from other sources and would have earned more profits had it been loaned out at ten percent. It now has the Monitor subscriptions added to its own, making its subscription list well up towards three thousand, much the largest list of the County papers of the State, and is worth as an advertising medium about as much as the two papers have been. We shall now keep our advertisements down in space, running only those which pay, and fill up our columns more with reading matter. It will cost us more for editorial and other work than it did before, but far less than the two papers together did and therefore we shall make a saving to ourselves and a saving to our advertisers, while we shall make the paper more valuable to our readers.
The Monitor office was a comparatively new office. Its material in type, presses, machinery, furniture, etc., was nearly new and in good condition, having cost over $1,600 besides freight, most of which is wanted in our office, and the rest is salable. It had on hand paper and other printers stock which cost $300, exclusive of freight, nearly all of which is as good as cash to us. There was over $2,000 due it on its subscription list. It would have cost us at least $300 to publish the county business in the Monitor as we had agreed for this year. This sum we save to the COURIER by combining the lists. We get other work on which the profits are considerable in the aggregate which would have been given to the Monitor had it continued, but has been promised us as an inducement to buy.
For all this we paid $2,258.00 cash and it will cost us not over $100.00 to supply the Monitor subscribers who have paid in advance. While it was undoubtedly a good trade for the proprietor of the Monitor, we think it was a good trade for us even though a ten thousand dollar republican newspaper should start in competition with us tomorrow.
We wish to say here once and for all that there is no ring or net of men, no community officer or businessman, who owns one cent in the COURIER otherwise than through legitimate newspaper patronage. With the exceptions of a small amount of stock in the Winfield Bank, not one of the proprietors of the COURIER owns any interest in any other business than that of the COURIER office. But the COURIER is interested in the success of every legitimate business calling, competition, and industry in the county, and will do what it can for the success of all. It needs and desires the good will and support of all and will merit such by its support of all these and its fairness towards all. All we ask for the COURIER is the support and patronage it fairly merits. With this it will pay us well for our work and a fair interest on our investment.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
During the day the canvass of the city resulted in the following cash subscriptions.
COURIER Co. $25.00; Winfield Bank $25.00; Read’s Bank $25.00; Lynn & Loose $20.00; W. P. Hackney $15.00; J. E. Platter $15.00; Telegram $15.00. There were many more listed.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
“Sheriff Shenneman, of Cowley County, arrived in this city on Thursday last from Watertown, Wisconsin, having in charge Jacob Gross, who with Haywood, was successful a year ago last April in forging drafts, and getting them cashed, each for $500, at the Winfield Bank, the Kohn Bros’ Bank, Woodman’s Bank.
“Both were successful in getting away and since that time Mr. Shenneman has been working the case up, and some time last spring succeeded in arresting Haywood in Illinois: Chicago, we believe, but on his way back, Haywood gave him the slip on the cars.
“A second time he was more successful, and for some weeks, Haywood has been enjoying the hospitality of Cowley County, and Gross has gone to keep him company.
“The successful arrests have given Mr. Shenneman a wide reputation as an efficient officer and a shrewd detective. Each forgery constitutes a separate offense and a conviction on all would put these ‘chevaliers d’in’ out of the way for some years. Wichita Beacon.”
“The Beacon is mistaken about the forgers getting a $500 forged draft cashed at the Winfield Bank. Both of our Banks here had tempting baits offered them, but they are a suspicious set and would not bite.”
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
The present outlook for Cowley’s farmers is certainly a bright one. We have a fair crop of wheat and will have an excellent crop of corn. Although the crop is not so large as that of 1876 and 1877, still the present prices compared with those paid for produce at that time are more than double for wheat and four times as much for corn with a probability of its being still higher. Thus the present crop, although a light one, is worth more than double that of any heretofore.
Another indication of our present prosperity is received from the banks. Mr. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, informs us that payments on notes and securities are more prompt than ever before in the history of the county, and that farmers come in promptly and take up their paper at maturity.
Winfield Courier, November 17, 1881.
Last Monday, during banking hours, with all the clerks present, a man stepped behind the counter of the Winfield Bank, walked to the vault, entered, took up a package containing $500, belonging to the President of the bank, and walked away with it unmolested. The man who executed this cool proceeding has always stood high in the community and is well known. He is president of the bank.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
M. G. TROUP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, Winfield bank building, upstairs.
Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.
BRYAN & HARRIS, LAND, LOAN, AND COLLECTING AGENTS. Office in Winfield bank building, first floor. Entrance on 9th avenue.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Cowley County Courant, December 1, 1881.
In the case of the Winfield Bank against F. M. Linscott and others, Judge Torrance made a decision which establishes a new rule, at least in this county. The Winfield Bank had judgment against Linscott and a decree of foreclosure of mortgage. At the sale the bank bid enough for the land to satisfy its claim, but George Heffron bid five cents more and it was sold to him. Now, Mr. Heffron asks the court to order that unpaid taxes, amounting to $40 or more, be paid out of the purchase money, and the court so ordered, which leaves the bank so much out. In both these cases the opposition attorneys threaten to go to the supreme court and reverse the decisions, but until they do, they will doubtless be regarded as the law in such cases.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
Subscribers to the Garfield Memorial Fund are entitled to a certificate. These certificates have been received at the Winfield Bank and are models of beauty. Those who have subscribed should call and get their certificates.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.
Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Bank for the election of directors and for any other business that may come before them, will be held at the rooms of said Bank on Tuesday, the 3rd day of January, 1882, at 2 o’clock p.m.
J. C. McMULLEN, President.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
The annual meeting of the stockholders of Winfield Bank was held at the bank building on Tuesday evening. J. C. McMullen, J. C. Fuller, J. Jay Buck, W. J. Wilson, and D. A. Millington were elected directors for the ensuing year. The financial condition of the bank was examined and approved. An order was passed restricting the allowance of overdrafts. The directors elected held a meeting and chose J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; and D. A. Millington, secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 5, 1882.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
Persons who have contributed to the Garfield monument fund will please call at Winfield Bank and get their certificates. These are beautifully executed and will be worth preserving as heirlooms to later generations.
Could not find statement published in January 26, 1882, item mentioned...
Winfield Courier, January 26, 1882.
Winfield Bank statement published in another column shows over $127,000 in deposits. This remarkable showing is due to the fact that the COURIER carries its balance with Winfield Bank.
Cowley County Courant, February 9, 1882.
Our young friend, Smith, agent of the Chicago Lumber Company in this city, comes forward in the last issue of the Courier and has several good words for his company and the hardships it has undergone for poor suffering Winfield, which little city, according to friend Smith’s theory, does not justify his company to keep their yard here, but then we are inclined to think that Mr. Smith has made an error of some kind in footing up his balance sheet, because the yard is doing a splendid business, and we know they are too well schooled in the arts of business to sell lumber at a loss. The point we wished to make in a previous item was that lumber could be sold cheaper here by a company organized for the purpose of furnishing cheap lumber to those wishing to build than it is being furnished by the yards here, who are selling lumber as a matter of business. We did not intend any fight upon those companies, because they are running their own affair, and we have no ground to question their right to do as they like. We claim they charge more for lumber than it can be sold for by a town company, and are able to prove it. For instance, a gentleman at the Winfield Bank is supplying those who want lumber in carload lots, from Chicago. He sent for a carload a few days ago for a gentleman who wished to build here, and we are creditably informed that he saved his customer $150 on the carload as compared with Winfield prices. Whether these large companies can afford to sell cheaper or not, we do not know; but it is a fact that were the people enabled to buy cheaper lumber, there would be much more improving made in the city and county.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Mr. Thorpe, proprietor of the Kansas Tannery in this city, has on exhibition at the Winfield bank a beautifully tanned calf skin, upon which all the work was performed in just eight days.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Our attention was attracted a day or two ago by a fine piece of calf skin hanging in the Winfield Bank. This skin is thoroughly tanned and was the work of the Kansas tannery, managed by E. E. Thorpe. The tanning was accomplished in eight days.
Winfield Courier, April 6, 1882.
The Winfield Bank counters are a source of much interest to newcomers here when they learn that they are made from one black walnut tree of Cowley County growth. The wood is beautifully grained and after passing through the skillful hands of Ed. Brining, is nice enough to attract the attention of anyone. If the walnut timber growing on the Walnut when we first saw it, in 1871, had been saved, it would have been a fortune to the owners now.
Winfield Courier, April 20, 1882.
FARM TO RENT. The S. W. ¼ of Sec. 29, T. 31, south of range 4 East, in the township of Walnut, Cowley County. Will be rented on favorable terms to a good tenant. Possession given immediately. It is known as the Stump farm. Apply at the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
The Winfield Bank has put in a telephone and can now have connection with the outer world.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
An excellent eight-room house for rent. Good stable, well cistern, fine large yard, etc. Inquire at the Winfield Bank.
Cowley County Courant, May 4, 1882.
The Winfield Bank has just opened and stacked upon their counter 2,000 silver dollars. They are all new and look pretty shiny. They would just about fill a peck measure. There is one thing a little strange about these silver dollars. Our banks bring here on an average of about 1,000 of them per month, and distribute them out, but there is never any clue as to where they go to, as none of them are sent out of the country. Where do they go to?
Winfield Courier, May 11, 1882.
Lost. A Pocket book containing money and a check. The finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the Winfield Bank. WM. GATES.
Winfield Courier, June 22, 1882.
Mr. James Lorton, bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank, met with quite a serious accident while returning from Arkansas City Saturday night. He was riding a pony that had been purchased in the city and leading one of Col. McMullen’s fine black horses, which he had ridden down. Three miles this side of Arkansas City, he left the main road and took a nearer route. The road he followed had been recently closed by a barbed wire fence and, it being very dark, James did not discover this until he ran against it. The horses were going on a fast walk, and the pony was immediately checked, but the other became frightened and sprang through. The wire being very severe, the horse was lacerated in a horrible manner, a large piece of flesh was torn from his breast, and the muscle of one of his front limbs nearly severed, besides numerous other cuts. James managed to get the animal home, but it is in a critical condition. “Clyde,” as he was called by the family, is a very fine horse and was valued at $300. The misfortune will break one of the best matched and prettiest spans of horses in the town. Barbed wire is being made so severe that it is a dangerous thing, and when put across a recently traveled road, it certainly should have brush or something of that kind laid upon it, that a person could tell at night what they were running into.
Winfield Courier, July 13, 1882.
Loans: $127,061.36
Bank Building and fixtures: 10,900.68
Expenses and taxes paid: 1,311.25
Cash ........ $28,335.07
Exchange. 29,752.92 58,087.99
TOTAL RESOURCES: $197,861.28
Deposits: $140,811.80
Capital: 50,000.00
Profit: 6,549.48
TOTAL: $197,861.28
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1882.
We Are to Have a Creamery, the First and the Best in the State.
The Stock Made up and the Work to Begin at Once. The Town is “Waking Up.”
Last Saturday the final subscription to the Creamery stock was made and the enterprise became an assured fact. We fully believe that it will prove one of the best investments made in the county and furnish a valuable market for the dairy products of Cowley.
Mr. M. W. Babb, the originator of the enterprise, came here about a year ago and, after visiting various creameries throughout Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri, came home with the necessary papers and information and went to work, aided by a few of our public-spirited citizens; among whom Mr. J. P. Baden was first and foremost, with the success before mentioned.
Some of the stockholders listed: M. W. Babb, 20 shares, $1,000; J. P. Baden, 20 shares, $1,000; Winfield Bank, 20 shares, $1,000; J. E. Platter, 10 shares, $500; M. L. Read’s bank, 10 shares, $500.
The stockholders met Tuesday evening, adopted articles of incorporation, and elected seven directors for the first year as follows: J. C. McMullen, M. L. Read, J. E. Platter, M. W. Babb, J. L. Horning, J. P. Baden, G. L. Holt. The Board of Directors are appointed a committee to act with Messrs. Holt and Hall in the selection of a site. Frank Barclay, A. H. Doane, and J. L. Horning were appointed a committee to superintend the erection of the creamery and accept or reject it when completed.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Prosperous Kansas. As an index to the general prosperity of the county, we would refer to the statements of the Winfield Bank as published below—showing an increase of deposits of over $32,000 in profits of over $5,000, all other items in proportion—making in the general aggregate of an increase of business of about $40,000, all since June 30, 1882.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
For Sale: 125 thorough-bred merino bucks. Selections from this flock were made last year by some of the very best sheep men in the county, the result perfectly satisfactory to them. Parties wishing this class of stock will be referred to them for reference.
Inquire of F. H. Conkright, 3 miles southeast of Winfield, or to the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
The Winfield Bank has declared for the first of October a semi-annual dividend of ten percent, besides carrying another five thousand dollars to the surplus account.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Bank Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Bank was held at the bank on the evening of January 2nd, and resulted in the election of the following directors: W. J. Wilson, J. J. Buck, J. C. McMullen, D. A. Millington, and J. C. Fuller. J. C. McMullen was elected president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; and W. J. Wilson, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
The officers of the Winfield Bank refer with pride to the statement published in this issue. The bank has returned in dividends, in three and a half years, seventy percent of its capital stock, besides placing $5,000 to surplus fund. Another semi-annual dividend of ten per centum will be declared April 1, 1883. The same conservative policy will be continued in the future as in the past, and they confidently expect, by the closest personal attention to business, always looking to the interests of their customers, to merit a portion of the banking business of this community. J. C. McMULLEN, President. J. C. FULLER, Cashier.
[Note: Could not find statement.]
THEIR AD: WINFIELD BANK. Paid up Capital Stock, $50,000.
J. C. McMULLEN, President. J. C. FULLER, Cashier.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1883.
Office over Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.
When the mill was burned, it was bewailed by all, both on Messrs. Bliss & Wood’s account and because it was a great public calamity—a cutting off of one of our greatest home markets, and an institution that handled more money than any other five in the county. Its restoration was a matter of vital importance to this community, and it was so recognized by all. Thus it was that one of our public spirited institutions, the Winfield Bank, stepped to the front and gave Bliss & Wood such assistance as was needed to replace the ruined and blackened walls with the magnificent structure, now a matter of pride and congratulation to every citizen.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.
A Big Day. Saturday was one of the biggest business days in the history of Winfield. From early morning till late at night the streets were jammed with teams and people. The amount of grain handled was simply wonderful. Allen Johnson’s elevator on the K. C. L. & S. Road received over two thousand bushels, while Messrs. Beck & Sipe filled all their cars and warehouses and stopped buying before the middle of the afternoon. Mr. Horning’s elevator was out of order and not running. The wagons waiting to be unloaded at Johnson’s elevator resembled a freight train and filled the street for a block. But perhaps the best illustration of the volume of business transacted that day is given us by the cashier of the Winfield Bank. He paid out during the day, in the regular course of business, fifty-six thousand dollars, and received in the way of deposits, fifty-five thousand five hundred dollars. This is a showing that does our city and county proud.
Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.
If S. C. Priest will call at the Winfield Bank he will find something of interest to him.
Winfield Courier, March 22, 1883.
The Winfield Bank has begun cleaning house. Men have been at work every night for a week after banking hours painting the wall and ceiling and graining the wood work, and have worked quite a transformation in the appearance of the building. The directors, and president’s rooms in the back part of the first floor will be fitted up and furnished. The increasing business and popularity of the bank demands more room for the accommodation of its patrons. This demand will be amply supplied by the new arrangements, and will give Winfield the finest suite of banking rooms in the West.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
J. C. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, left for Kansas City Monday. He will return by way of Topeka, where he has been delegated by the Board of Commissioners to complete the exchange of Cowley County’s stock in the Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith railroad for consolidated stock, and also represent the county at the annual stockholders’ meeting to be held in that city on the 19th inst.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Mr. James Lorton, bookkeeper in the Winfield bank, enjoyed the country breezes this week by a three days visit to his parents in Sumner County.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Encourage the Boys. Yesterday morning Mr. Geo. W. Miller, capitalist and prominent stock dealer, came into the Winfield Bank and made a present of a five dollar gold piece each to James Lorton, C. E. Fuller, and E. J. McMullen, employees, in testimonial of their uniform courtesy, gentlemanly deportment, and correct, neat, and prompt manner of keeping accounts and paying checks.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
School Board Meeting. The Board met at the office of the Winfield Bank Monday. Present: Emerson, president; Fuller, Doane, and Wood, members. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Reports of all outstanding committees were accepted and the business of the old Board closed up as far as practicable. The new Board then proceeded to organize by electing Mr. Fuller, president; Mr. Wood, vice-president; and L. D. Zenor, clerk. The president then appointed the following committees: Mr. Wood, committee on buildings and grounds; Dr. Graham, common ways and means; Mr. Short, committee on finance.
Winfield Courier, May 17, 1883.
Where the Money Came From. The following are the cash contributions to the general editorial entertainment fund. More was raised than was used and those who subscribed first took more than their share, so that others had to be somewhat limited in their contributions to give others a chance.
Banks mentioned: Winfield Bank, $10; M. L. Read’s Bank, $10.
Winfield Courier, May 24, 1883.
William Lorton, brother of James Lorton in the Winfield Bank, left Saturday for Illinois, where he will spend the summer.
Winfield Courier, June 28, 1883.
Bank Notice! On and after the first of July, 1883, no stamps are required on bank checks and drafts as heretofore. All persons, customers of the undersigned, having unused stamped checks or drafts, can have the same redeemed by delivering them to their respective banks.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
How Prohibition Kills Winfield. As an illustration of how prohibition is ruining the business of Winfield, we call attention to the statement of business of the Winfield Bank as compared with the statement a year ago which will be found in the local columns of this issue. We might remark that the excitement produced last winter by the saloon petition and Hackney’s reply led to a change of banks by a considerable number of depositors, many prohibitionists going to the Winfield Bank and antis going to Read’s Bank. The Winfield Bank increase is: Cash and exchange on hand: $15,993,92; Loans and discounts: $10,843.54; Deposits: $79,719.57; Capital and surplus: $10,000.00.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
The Courier Band gave an open air concert Friday evening from the steps of the Winfield Bank building. It was made in accordance with the program published last week. All the pieces were delightfully rendered and the music was highly appreciated by all who heard it. During the concert the street was filled with buggies and carriages whose occupants stopped to take in the treat. Several of the overtures rendered were composed by Mr. Geo. Crippen, their leader, and are very fine. The progress of the Band is a matter of congratulation to every citizen. We understand that the open air concerts will be regularly continued during the summer.
Winfield Courier, July 5, 1883.
Statement of the Condition of the Winfield Bank, Winfield, Kansas, at the Close of Business, June 30th, 1883.
Loans and discounts ............................................ $167,904.90
Bank and fixtures ................................................ 10,108.18
Cash ........... $58,695.90
Exchange.... 45,386.01 $104,081.91
TOTAL RESOURCES: $282,094.99
Deposits .......................................................................$220,531.37
Capital stock ............................................................... 50,000.00
Surplus ........................................................................ 10,000.00
Profits ......................................................................... 1,563.62
I, J. C. McMullen, President of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. McMULLEN, President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2nd day of July, 1883.
[SEAL] C. E. FULLER, Notary Public.
For comparison we copy the statement at the close of business, June 30, 1882.
Loans ................................................ $127,061.36
Bank building and fixtures ............... 10,900.68
Cash ................... $28,335.07
Exchange ........... 29,752.92 58,087.99
TOTAL RESOURCES: $197,361.28
Deposits ............................................. $140,811.80
Capital ................................................ 50,000.00
Profit .................................................. 6,549.48
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1883.
Recap Marie F. Pierson, Plaintiff, against D. W. C. Bellville, Martha S. Bellville, and Winfield Bank, Defendants. On Real Estate. Henry E. Asp, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice given on June 25, 1883.
Winfield Courier, July 26, 1883.
The counters of the Winfield Bank last Saturday were jammed and crowded with business from morning till night. It was a good deal like a barber shop, as everyone had to “wait their turn.” It looks like prosperity to see all classes of people waiting to deposit and receive money over the counters of a bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 19, 1883. Front Page.
SPECIAL PREMIUMS. The special premiums offered below will be assigned to special location in the main building, or on the grounds, and will be under the management and control of the General Superintendent. Entries must be made as in other classes, but the Secretary’s card shall indicate for whose special premium the exhibit will enter for, and the exhibitors must be governed by the restrictions named in the special premium. Payment of premiums will be made by the parties offering the same, on the certificate of the awarding committee, said committee to be appointed by the executive board of the association.
For the best loaf of bread made by Miss under fifteen years of age, Five Dollars.
Old Winfield Bank Building on 9th Avenue used for election...
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
The Primary election of the SECOND WARD will be held on the same day at the same hours, under the same rules as the above, at the old Winfield Bank building on 9th Avenue. I. N. Holmes, C. W. Armstrong, and H. Brotherton are appointed Judges and W. T. Madden and Louis Zenor, Clerks. Six delegates are to be chosen. T. H. SOWARD, Ward Chairman.
Winfield Courier, August 16, 1883.
Charlie Fuller returned from his eastern trip Saturday and on Monday was again at his post manipulating gold and greenbacks at the paying teller’s window in the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, August 23, 1883.
SPECIAL BARGAINS -IN- REAL ESTATE. The property described below will be sold on the following terms, to-wit: One-third cash; the balance on any length of time to suit purchaser, at 12 percent interest. [Nine items listed. Giving first four as samples.]
No. 1. The east half of the northwest quarter section 5, township 34, range 4 east. Price $400.00.
No. 2. The southeast ¼ of the northeast ¼ section 32, range 4 east; one mile from the post office of Winfield; first-class place for a feed lot or for gardening. Price $500.00.
No. 3. The north ½ of the southeast ¼, section 13, township 34, range 3 east; two miles north of Arkansas City. Price $600.00.
No. 4. Lot 7, Block 126, city of Winfield, upon which is erected a fine new stone store building 25 x 30 feet with basement, opposite the Brettun House. Price $2,500.00.
Anyone wishing to purchase call upon J. C. McMULLEN at the WINFIELD BANK.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
By the Winfield Bank: $5 for the best loaf of bread made by a miss under eleven years of age, was awarded to Miss Willa Painter, of Vernon.
Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.
I would not have the reader suppose that on this trip of 1871 I did not pass the then small towns of El Dorado, Augusta, and Douglass, and thence to Winfield, where we all brushed our hair and donned our nicest attire to peep out at the future seat of government of Cowley County. We found that we had only halted at a common-place log store, with the post office, dry-goods, groceries, etc., as the chief attractions. The upper story of this old building, I remember, was the birthplace of the Winfield COURIER. Near by was the small frame bank of J. C. Fuller. On the corner where now stands a block of buildings containing the Winfield Bank and that of M. L. Read, the COURIER office and numerous offices in the upper story, was the bare prairie, so with the opposite corner where now stands the magnificent brick block containing our Opera House. These wonderful changes stand to the old settler a quiet recognition of the hasty rewards produced, not alone by perfect management, but by the progressive march of railroads and other modern inventions, which have so annihilated distance as to make it possible for us to travel many more miles in a day than in those pioneer times, and which enable us to tell a brother in New York or San Francisco at 6 o’clock that sister died in Arkansas City, on the border of the Indian Territory, at half past three. C. H. G.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
Bids Wanted. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Winfield Bank for a house to be erected in the country. Contract will be let at once.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
Col. McMullen has favored us with a copy of a book of 300 pages entitled “The People vs. the Liquor Traffic,” by Hon. S. D. Hastings. Lectures by Hon. John B. Finch, Hon. Oliver P. Mason, and Hon. Albert H. Horton. A supply of these books is left at the Winfield Bank for the life members of the Kansas State Temperance Union, who will please call and receive their copies.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
MARRIED. From the Center Point, Iowa, Courier-Journal, we learn of the marriage of Niel O. Fuller to Miss Alice Kuck, of New York. Niel is a brother of J. C. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, and was long a resident of this city, where he has many friends who congratulate him heartily on this happy event. Niel is at present assistant cashier of the Lynn County, Iowa, Bank. He is one of the most energetic and worthy young men of our acquaintance, and his future cannot fail to be a bright one.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.
The Banks named below will close their places of business today, “Thanksgiving Day,” as is their custom. Wishing their patrons a pleasant holiday and trusting that all have good and sufficient reason for happy thanksgiving, we are, Very truly,
Winfield Courier, December 6, 1883.
Wanted. A plasterer to plaster house in the country. Inquire of J. C. McMullen, at Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1883.
Stockholders’ Meeting. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Bank will be held in the bank building on Thursday, January 16, 1884, at 7 o’clock p.m., for the election of directors and the transaction of other business. W. J. WILSON, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE WINFIELD BANK, Winfield, Kansas, at the close of business, December 31st, 1883.
Loans: $188,766.44
Bank and Fixtures: $10,089.59
Expense: $1,984.40
Cash: $51,017.65
Exchange: $30,191.63
TOTAL RESOURCES: $282,059.71
Deposits: $213,670.12
Capital: $50,000.00
Surplus: $12,000.00
Profits: $6,380.59
I, W. J. Wilson, Secretary of the above named Bank; do hereby certify that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. J. WILSON, Secretary.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of January, A. D., 1884.
F. F. LELAND, Notary Public. Commission expires December 4, 1887.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1884.
The gentleman who picked up the kid mittens Monday noon in front of the post office will oblige C. E. Fuller by returning it to him at the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, January 31, 1884.
The Winfield Bank directors have elected for the ensuing year, J. C. McMullen, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; Charles E. Fuller, assistant cashier; W. J. Wilson, secretary; James Lorton, bookkeeper; Ed. McMullen, teller.
Winfield Courier, February 14, 1884.
More Fires. Again, on Sunday evening, an attempt was made to set fire to property in the city. A lot of hay was stuffed under the rear end of Hendricks & Wilson’s hardware store and ignited. It was done about half past seven o’clock in the evening. Mr. James McLain, who has been acting as night watchman, first discovered and put it out. Shortly before, when walking across Manning Street and Tenth Avenue, he passed a man who was walking hurriedly. As soon as he passed, the man broke into a run, and a moment after McLain discovered the fire. When he turned, the man had disappeared in the darkness. What the object of these incendiaries is cannot be defined. The fire in the Hodges barn could have injured but little business property if successful. The fire started in the Shenneman barn, immediately after, when the hose was handy and hundreds of people standing around to use it, could not have been set with a very villainous intent to destroy, as the destroyer might have known it would be put out in a minute. The setting of the Sunday evening fire early in the evening, when everyone was about, showed a lack of deep intent to do great injury. However, our people have resolved to put a stop to it, and to that end the following paper has been prepared and duly signed, and the total sum of $222.50 goes to the person who runs the fire-bugs in.
We, the undersigned, promise to pay the sum set against our respective names as a reward for the apprehension and conviction of any person or persons engaged in setting any incendiary fire in the city of Winfield, either heretofore or hereafter.
The following banks contributed $5.00: Winfield Bank, M. L. Read’s Bank, Farmers Bank.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
The Democracy of Winfield has awakened from its slumbers and gone to house-cleaning. Last Sunday for the first time in two years, C. C. Harris and Joe O’Hare pulled off their coats, took the broom and mop in hand, and absolutely gave their room in the Winfield Bank building a thorough renovation. Harris has been greatly prostrated since, but it is hoped that he will recover.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Buy and sell city and farm property on commission and on their own account. For description of property, call or address us, with stamp. Those wishing to invest in First Mortgage Real Estate Loans, address us. References, Winfield Bank, and Donnell, Lawson & Simpson, Brokers, New York.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Among the institutions which are doing much for the material interests of Winfield and Cowley County, the Roller Mill of Bliss & Wood is the most important. It deals exclusively in our most important product, a large part of which is here manufactured into flour and shipped thousands of miles directly to consumers. During the past year the mill has made every bushel of wheat raised in this county worth from five to ten cents more on the bushel than it would have been if depending solely on a shipping market. Aside from this it has employed a large number of persons who with their families, go toward swelling our population.
A year and a half ago the old mill of Bliss & Wood was burned. It carried but little insurance and its loss left the proprietors nearly bankrupt. But the importance of the institution to Winfield was recognized by the Winfield Bank, which at once lent its assistance in a financial way, and Messrs. Bliss & Wood commenced the erection of a new mill on the old site. Encouraged by the friendly feeling and assistance, and seeing in the future agricultural development of the county the fullest promise for such an institution, they concluded to make it first class in every respect and fixed the capacity at six hundred barrels. The building was accomplished under many difficulties and vexations, but it finally started up, since which time it has prospered, gone on extending its territory and improving the quality of its product, until today it controls the markets of Western Colorado, New Mexico, and a large part of Southern Kansas.
The amount of business done by this mill is simply astonishing. Its full capacity is six hundred barrels a day, to produce which it takes two thousand nine hundred bushels of wheat every twenty-four hours.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
E. L. Clymer has returned from Iowa and taken a position as assistant bookkeeper in the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
Charley Fuller and Ed McMullen, of the Winfield Bank, took a trip over to Harper Saturday, returning Monday morning. They report an unusual briskness all along the line.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
There were 8 places listed: 80 acres, Dutch Creek; 160 acres, Grouse Valley; 175 acres 5 miles from Winfield; 240 acres, Grouse Creek; 160 acres near Constant; 160 acres, Vernon Township; 950 acres, location not given; 1,120 acres, Grouse Creek.
Announcement: H. B. Schuler purchased interest in Winfield Bank...
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
An Accession to the Winfield Bank. Mr. H. B. Schuler has purchased an interest in the Winfield Bank and will immediately move to this city and attend to business in the bank. Mr. Schuler has a capital of two hundred thousand dollars, which he will bring to this city, and invest in bank stock and other property and help build up the interests of the city and county. He has been in the banking business for the last thirteen years, ten years as cashier of the First National Bank of Lincoln, Illinois, and three years as cashier of the Laclede bank of St. Louis. He comes here because he has a son to whom he expects to leave his business in a few years and prefers that he shall be located in a smaller town than St. Louis, where he may have an equal chance with the wealthiest and grow up with the country. Mr. Schuler is recommended by the best men and financiers of Chicago, Lincoln, and St. Louis as a man of a high order of intelligence, honor, and business sagacity. He will be a very valuable acquisition to the business of this city and his family a very pleasant acquisition to Winfield society. Mr. Schuler came here in April last while on a trip of observation to find a location to suit him, and he concluded that Winfield suited him best, all things considered. The proprietors of the Winfield Bank encouraged him and concluded to sell him an interest, which was concluded Tuesday. There will be no change in the organization of the bank other than Mr. Schuler will be one of the directors and officers in the bank.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
Some of the Winfield bank stock was sold this week for sixty percent premium. This is a record that the officers of that institution may well be proud of. Beginning with the early history of the town, the Winfield Bank has grown and prospered until it is known all over the west and by banking institutions everywhere as one of the soundest and most conservative banks in the country.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
We publish in another column the quarterly statement of the Winfield Bank. It shows total resources of nearly three hundred thousand dollars and deposits of $221,777.99. This is a wonderfully strong showing. The Winfield Bank is fast taking the lead among the financial institutions of the state. [DID NOT COPY STATEMENT.]
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
Chas. E. Fuller left Sunday for a two weeks’ vacation around the northern lakes and in the East. During his absence Ed. McMullen will manipulate the sheckle department of the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
For sale on a year’s time, 40 Texas brood mares, bred to a first-class Percheron Norman Horse. Call on S. E. Eslinger, office of Winfield Bank President.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
H. B. Schuler arrived yesterday and entered the Winfield bank stocks in which institution he purchased some time ago.
Building back of Winfield Bank? Could this refer to “Old Winfield Bank?”...
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Fred Barron now occupies the building back of the Winfield Bank, with his sewing machine stock.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Mr. H. B. Schuler was, on Monday, elected Vice-President of the Winfield Bank, he having, some time since, purchased a large interest in the stock of that institution. He will take an active part in the management of the bank from now on.
Old Winfield Bank building still used for voters...
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1884.
In the First Ward, in the building on Ninth Avenue next to Beach and Denning’s office, and W. A. McCartney, Frank Leland, and John Arrowsmith will act as judges. In the Second Ward in the building on Ninth Avenue back of the Winfield Bank, with Hiram Brotherton, Samuel Dalton, and B. F. Wood as judges. All persons who will be qualified as voters at the November election, and who propose to vote with the Republican party and for its nominee, will be entitled to participate in the selection of delegates. C. Trump, Chairman, 2nd ward Republican Com.; Ed. P. Greer, Chairman, 1st ward Republican Com.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Charles Fuller lost his new umbrella, Monday. The finder will receive thanks by leaving the same at the Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
E. H. NIXON, ABSTRACT OFFICE and Notary Public. Office in Winfield Bank Building, upstairs. Telephone connection.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Anyone wishing or desiring the privilege to save hay near the city of Winfield can secure it by calling at the Winfield Bank.
Col. J. C. McMullen resigns as President of Winfield Bank. He is succeeded by H. B. Schuler...
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
A Business Change. A week ago Col. J. C. McMullen resigned his position as president of the Winfield Bank and was succeeded by the election of H. B. Schuler. Mr. Schuler comes among us with a very heavy capital and business character and reputation of the very highest grade. He has had many years experience in the banking business as cashier of Illinois and St. Louis banks of heavy business and capital and is well known as an honorable, prudent, gentlemanly successful businessman.
Col. McMullen retires with the respect and best wishes of the community. He is one of the early settlers in this county and much of its growth and prosperity is due to him. Probably no other man has invested so much money in making improvements in this county as he, and few have so well merited the high regard for intelligence, honor, and business qualifications, with which he is held. He has been in business so long that a rest will be grateful to him and his fortune is such that he may now live as much at ease as he may desire.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
CAPITAL: $50,000.00
SURPLUS: $18,000.00.
Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871. [Skipped Correspondents.]
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
The family of Mr. H. B. Schuler, President of the Winfield Bank, arrived last week from St. Louis, and are permanently settled in the commodious Rigby residence.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1884.
Ed. McMullen retires the first of November from his position in the Winfield Bank, for other vocations. His labors have ever been faithful and efficient. He has the essentials to success in any business that may engage his attention.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
A Card to the Afflicted. It is with much gratification and a pardonable pride that I announce to the citizens of Winfield and surrounding country that in all my extensive practice during the year just passed I have lost but one child and an adult in this city, and but one child of the country. This article is not written for bombast, but for the purpose of bringing to the eyes of all those afflicted with chronic diseases the fact that I have invested largely in instruments for their especial treatment, among which is the celebrated Brinkerhoff system for the cure of piles, patula, and all their maladies of the rectum—a system that is scientific, sure and painless, and I intend devoting a great deal of my time to these especial diseases.
Very respectfully, H. L. WELLS, M. D., Office over Winfield Bank, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
CAPITAL: $50,000.00.
SURPLUS: $18,000.00.
American Exchange National Bank, N. Y.
Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo.
Union National Bank, Chicago, Ill.
Armour Bros. Bank, Kansas City, Mo.
Bank of Commerce, St. Louis.
Citizens National Bank, Kansas City.
Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The Winfield Bank. Prominent among the substantial and prosperous institutions of our city is the Winfield Bank. Its capital stock is fifty thousand dollars; with a large surplus, and its officers are: H. B. Schuler, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; C. E. Fuller, assistant cashier. Mr. Schuler came to our city with his family in July last and brought a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. He has been in the banking business for the last thirteen years and is thoroughly conversant with its every detail. He is a man of high intelligence, honor, and business ability and is proving a valuable accession to our city and county. Mr. J. C. Fuller’s superior qualifications are too well known to need comment, while Mr. C. E. Fuller, through his long association with our people as assistant cashier of this bank, has gained deserved popularity. The Winfield Bank is doing a flourishing business and is one of the best institutions of the State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
E. H. NIXON. ABSTRACT OFFICE and Notary Public.
Office in Winfield Bank Building, upstairs. Telephone connections.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
STATEMENT of the Condition of the Winfield Bank, of Winfield, Kansas, at the Close of Business December 31st, 1884.
Loans ....................................................................................... $161,978.42
Real Estate, furniture and fixtures ........................................... 11,094.29
Expense .................................................................................... 2,796.27
Overdrafts ................................................................................. 788.32
Cash on hand ................ $51,824.02
Sight Exchange ............. 34,088.74 $262,570.16
Capital stock .............................................................................. $ 50,000.00
Undivided profits ....................................................................... 8,395.63
Deposits ...................................................................................... 204,174.53
STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County: s.s.
I, H. B. Schuler, president of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. B. SCHULER, President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1885.
H. G. FULLER, Notary Public.
Next item indicates that W. A. Lee is owner of Old Winfield Bank building...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.
W. A. Lee has bought a large stock of garden and field seeds and will in a few days open up a seed store in the old Bank building west of the Winfield Bank. He will be glad to see his old customers and many new ones taking fresh, new seeds from his house.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 12, 1885.
JNO. D. PRYOR, Real Estate Agent and BROKER.
No. 17. 80 acres, nice slope, land, about 2 miles northwest from the railroad station of New Salem and about 8 miles from Winfield; frame dwelling house; 2 rooms, a fair orchard, bearing; about 10 acres enclosed by wire fence for pasture; about 50 acres under cultivation; pleasant location. Price $2,000.
No. 21. 80 acres, about 10 miles from Winfield and 2 from Tisdale; running water; small stone dwelling house, some stone fenced corrals and stone stable partly completed; a few acres plowed. Price $800.
No. 23. 155 acres, about 25 miles from Winfield and 3 from Maple City and cornering with the village of Otto; 40 to 50 acres cultivated; very fine bearing peach orchard and some other fruits; good 3 or 4 room dwelling house, stable, etc.; a large number of forest trees of good size, well, etc. Price $3,000.
No. 25. 240 acres, about 25 miles from Winfield and 3 from Maple City; about ½ miles from Otto; about 30 acres under cultivation; 2 small dwellings; a few bearing peach trees of good variety; lasting water; about 60 to 80 acres of bottom land. Price $3,000.
No. 65. 160 acres, about 6 miles southwest of Dexter and 22 from Winfield; about 30 acres under cultivation; a bearing peach orchard; 2 springs. Price $1,000.
No. 71. 160 acres, about 4 miles from Winfield; about 40 acres under good state of cultivation; a small frame dwelling; good well with pump; a nice bearing peach orchard; nice building site in view of Winfield. Price $1800.
No. 78. 160 acres, about 3 miles from Seely and 10 from Winfield; small house; fine bearing orchard; 120 acres enclosed for pasture; all enclosed by hedge fence; running water most of the year. Price $5,000. [Note: Seely or “Seeley.” Both were used.]
No. 84. 160 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield, in full view of city; about 40 acres under cultivation; a fine assortment of fruits; good well with pump; good four-room dwelling house with good cellar; about 80 acres enclosed by wire fence in one pasture and 20 acres in another pasture; good hog corral fenced with stone fence; frame chicken house, frame stable, good cattle corral. Price $5,000.
No. 88. 160 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield; about 80 to 100 acres under cultivation; good 4 room dwelling house; good well; a very large orchard of peach, apple, grapes, and berries; a lot of forest trees; mound slope land. Price $5,000.
No. 90. 240 acres, nice prairie land; 30 miles from Winfield and about 6 from Maple City; running water most of the year. Price $1800.
No. 99. 80 acres, about 12 miles from Winfield and 3 from New Salem; 15 acres under cultivation; 5 acres timber; 15 acres Timber creek bottom land; house, stable, corn crib, and some other buildings; some fruits and berries; running water all the year; a good hog ranch. Price $1,000.
No. 102. 100 acres, about 3 miles from Winfield; nice location; a large young orchard of various kinds of trees; fair dwelling house, 2 good wells; 40 acres enclosed for pasture; good hog corral, fenced. Price $3,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
President Schuler of the Winfield Bank looks more pleasant than usual behind a splendid new desk.
Name Change: “The Winfield National Bank” in lieu of “Winfield Bank”...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
ANOTHER NATIONAL. “The Winfield National Bank” will succeed the Winfield Bank and will be ready for business in May. Another evidence of Winfield’s boom.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Painters, Grainers and Paper Hangers.
Estimates furnished on all work and satisfaction guaranteed.
Ninth avenue, next to Winfield Bank. WINFIELD, KANSAS.
Winfield National Bank: Name change effective June 1, 1885...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
The “Winfield National Bank” will open for business as successor to the Winfield Bank on June 1st. The directors have been elected and the organization fully closed. The gentlemen composing the directory are live, energetic businessmen of large capital, and will make the “Winfield National Bank” take high rank among the solid monied institutions of the State.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
James N. Young, President of the K. C. & S., has fitted up an office over the Winfield Bank, where all the business of the company will be transacted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 11, 1885.
W. O. McKinlay, Udall, Kansas.
E. V. Higgins, Winfield, Kansas.
McKINLAY & HIGGINS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Bank of Commerce, Udall, and over Winfield Bank, Winfield.
The Winfield National Bank: June 10, 1885...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 10th, 1885.
WHEREAS, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The Winfield National Bank,” in the city of Winfield, in the County of Cowley, and State of Kansas, has complied with all the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the United States, required to be complied with before an association shall be authorized to commence the business of banking,
NOW THEREFORE I, Henry W. Cannon, Comptroller of the Currency, do hereby certify that “The Winfield National Bank,” in the City of Winfield, in the county of Cowley, and State of Kansas, is authorized to commence the business of banking as provided in Section Fifty-one hundred and sixty-nine of the Revised Statutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof witness my hand and Seal of this office this 10th day of June, 1885.
[SEAL] H. W. CANNON, Comptroller of the Currency.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
THE WINFIELD NATIONAL BANK. We are in receipt of a handsome circular announcing the change of the Winfield Bank to the Winfield National Bank, with a paid in capital of one hundred thousand dollars, and an authorized capital of five hundred thousand dollars. H. B. Schuler is president and E. T. Schuler, cashier. The directors are H. B. Schuler, J. B. Lynn, C. Perry, Dr. Geo. Emerson, Arthur H. Greene, of Pleasant Valley; H. R. Branson, of Dexter; and George H. Williams, of Rock. The new National opens up under the most favorable auspices. Mr. Schuler is a banker of long experience and is conservative and careful as a manager. The directors are among our best businessmen and capitalists. The old Winfield Bank has long enjoyed the confidence and a large share of the business of our people and THE COURIER predicts for the Winfield National, into which it has merged, long continued success and prosperity.
Chas. E. Fuller retires. Everett T. Schuler becomes Cashier...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 2, 1885.
Chas. E. Fuller has retired from the Winfield National Bank, to engage in other business for himself. Charlie’s many years’ service as cashier of this bank have won for him the esteem and confidence of all. Clear, careful, energetic, and honorable in business, genial and accommodating in manner, his daily transactions with the public have always been agreeable and satisfactory. He has the essentials to success in any vocation. He will soon launch his business shingle in the loan, investment, and insurance business in this city. Everett T. Schuler takes the cashier’s desk in the Winfield National. He is capable and agreeable and will be very acceptable to the patrons of that bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
We present Friday the first statement of the condition of the Winfield National Bank. It shows a most healthy condition and a profitable business. The bank has only been running under its national charter twenty days and the business is not yet fully turned over. A quarter of a million dollars is a nice little banking capital.
Winfield National Bank to be extended in size...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
The excavation is being made for the extension of the Winfield National Bank. It will be seventy feet, back to the alley, contain four store rooms twenty-five feet deep, with offices in the upper story, and will represent over five thousand dollars. Chas. Schmidt has the full contract, sublet to John Craine, brick work and plastering; Hank Paris and Ben Harrod, excavation of cellar, and Willis & Sons, carpentry. It will be whooped right up and when finished will be a big improvement to West Ninth avenue business appearance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Messrs. Willis & Sons, contractors, have just completed J. W. Johnston’s fine residence and have the contract for the Winfield National Bank extension and other buildings of like magnitude. They are young men, but the excellence of their work, with the fact that as soon as they came here, only a short time ago, their business was put before the public through THE DAILY COURIER, has placed them into prominence as among our most desirable contractors. Enterprise and reliability always tell.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Loomis street, this side of the Court House square, is getting a fill up from the Winfield National Bank cellar. It needs it, heaven knows. It is about the only street in the city that’s a disgrace to the city. In dry weather, the stones and rubbish make it impassable and in wet weather it is a regular swamp. We are glad to see this move toward redeeming it.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Messrs. Harris & Clark will occupy the rooms of the Winfield National Bank until the new extension is finished, when they take its first room.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Among the prominent business buildings going up is the Winfield National Bank extension. It will be two stories, three store rooms below and three suites of offices above, and when completed will make the Winfield National Bank building one of the most imposing and creditable blocks of the city.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
W. M. Bowman and family, of Lincoln, Illinois, old friends of the Winfield National Bank folks, have located in Winfield. Mr. Bowman has bought a fine farm near Oxford, which his sons will run, while the remainder of the family reside here. This family is one of means and enterprise, and are most gladly welcomed as residents of the Queen City and banner county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 24, 1885.
Winfield National Bank. NO. 3351.
CAPITAL, $100,000. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000.
President: H. B. Schuler; Cashier: E. T. Schuler
DIRECTORS: C. Perry, H. B. Schuler, Geo. H. Williams, J. B. Lynn, A. H. Greene, Geo. Emerson, H. R. Braum.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
The second quarterly official statement of the Winfield National Bank appears in this issue. It is a splendid exhibition, and shows that this bank is getting right to the front. It shows deposits of about one hundred and seventy-eight thousand, with resources of about three hundred and nine thousand. This bank is one of the soundest banks in the west. Starting but a short time ago as a National Bank, it is rapidly gaining in public esteem and confidence. Its official statement is highly creditable in every respect.
Note: Second quarterly statement not found in above issue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The addition to the Winfield National Bank is beginning to assume a finished appearance. It is now being plastered, and will make a set of elegant offices for most anything.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 29, 1885.
The reporter mounting a steed sallied forth early Friday morning to take an inventory of the improvements and new buildings which have gone up since the season opened, and the ones under construction at the present time. Being rushed, we are satisfied many have been overlooked. The valuation given is below the market value rather than above. The following list we know will surprise our own citizens.
Winfield National Bank, addition: $10,000.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The K. C. & S. W. has moved its general offices to the rooms in the second story of the Winfield National Bank extension. The officers have four suits of rooms, neatly and conveniently arranged, giving them airy, well-lighted, and more commodious quarters.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Harris & Clark are now located in their bright, new office in the Winfield National Bank extension. It is large and well lighted and well furnished. They ought to be able to talk a land seeker blind in two minutes in such an office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886. Editorial.
NOT MUCH, HANNAH. The Arkansas City Republican thinks it has struck a bonanza point in the following, but is clear off its pedals: “Our readers are well acquainted with that enterprising journal at Winfield by the name of THE COURIER. We all know that it would not speak falsely, not even in behalf of Winfield. Neither would it antagonize the interests of the country seat, yet that astute journal reports a very big decline in real estate. A short time ago THE COURIER told the American people that the Winfield National Bank had purchased a corner lot on Main street, on which a frame building stood, the consideration being $12,000. Tuesday in the real estate transfers, which THE COURIER publishes, it was sold for only $9,500. Great Scotts! How the real estate business fluctuates in Winfield. One day a man is rich in that market, and the next day poor. Life is too uncertain at the county seat for us.”
Yes, the lot mentioned was transferred in name, but not in ownership. There was no purchase about it. The old deed stood in the name of the Winfield Bank, an organized corporation. This corporation changed to the Winfield National Bank a short time ago, with about the same names forming the new corporation. To make the ownership of the lot coincide with the new incorporation, the deed was changed. The consideration cut no figure whatever. It could just as well have been one dollar. That lot is one of the best locations in the city, has a magnificent building, and couldn’t be bought for scarcely four times the amount named in that deed. We don’t suppose it could be bought for any price. Try again, Dick.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed proposals will be received until noon of Thursday, Feb. 4th, 1886, at the office of W. A. Ritchie & Co., for the erection and completion of an Office Building for J. C. McMullen, Esq., according to drawings and specifications prepared by W. A. Ritchie & Co., Architects, which are now on file at their offices in the west end of the Winfield National Bank extension. Bids will be received on the building complete or on the different parts of the work. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. Willis A. Ritchie & Co., Architects.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Will R. Lorton was down from Wilmot Tuesday. He is a brother of our Jim in the Winfield National Bank, and is as bright and gentlemanly as his brother.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
Architect Ritchie has moved his architectural rooms to the west rooms of the Winfield National Bank extension, second floor. These rooms are large, airy, and generally pleasant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 21, 1886.
A meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield National Bank was held Tuesday, Jan. 12th, 1886. C. Perry, Arthur H. Greene, Geo. Emerson, J. B. Lynn, Geo. H. Williams, Henry R. Branson, and H. B. Schuler were elected directors. The officers elected are H. B. Schuler, President; Everett Schuler, cashier; and Geo. H. Schuler, assistant cashier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
Mr. Will Schuler, brother of H. B., of the Winfield National Bank, is over from Medicine Lodge. He will take in the masquerade and visit here a day or two.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 11, 1886.
The Cowley County Horticultural Society held its first meeting for this year, with President Jas. F. Martin presiding and Secretary Jacob Nixon at the recorder’s desk, and a good membership present.
Dr. Perry, in behalf of Winfield National Bank, tendered to the Society the free use of the room in the new addition for their use at any time. Thanks of the Society were voted for their offer.
The election of officers for 1886 resulted as follows: President, J. F. Martin; Vice-President, Dr. C. Perry; Secretary, Jacob Nixon; Treasurer, G. W. Robertson; Trustees, Messrs. Millspaugh, Thirsk, and F. A. A. Williams.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
UP TOWN TELEGRAPH OFFICE. Sol Palmer, line manipulator of the Western Union Telegraph Company, was in the city Thursday and today, and arranged for the establishment of an up-town telegraph office. The company’s business here has increased until this move is a necessity. The room in the Winfield National Bank extension, formerly occupied by K. C. & S. W. paymaster, Carey, has been rented. Lines connecting all the depots with this office will be put in at once and an operator given charge. This will be a big convenience to the company’s patrons and greatly increase telegraphic business.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
The quarterly official statement of the Winfield National Bank makes a remarkably fine showing for this young institution. It makes a showing of $315,563.69 in resources and $178,043.54 in individual deposits, a good increase over its last statement. Under the present experienced management The Winfield National is getting right to the front among the solidest banks of the enterprising and prosperous west.
Daily Calamity Howler, Friday, October 23, 1891.
These cool days you can have a warm room to bathe in at W. S. Augustine’s under the Winfield National Bank. Hot and cold baths. When you want a shave, hair cut, or bath, or in fact anything in the barber’s line, see W. S. Augustine.