[Early records quite often referred to Likowski as “James” Likowski.]
Kansas 1875 Census, Winfield Township, Cowley County, March 1, 1875.
Name age sex color Place/birth Where from
Jos. Likowski [Grocer] 56 m w Germany Minnesota
Ida Likowski 54 f w Germany Minnesota
Emma Likowski 22 f w Germany Minnesota
Frank Likowski 21 m w Germany Minnesota
Josie Likowski 16 f w Minnesota Minnesota
Edward Likowski 14 m w Missouri Minnesota
John Likowski 12 m w Kansas
Winfield 1878 Census: Jos. Likowski, 59; spouse, Ida M., 57.
Winfield 1880 Census: Jos. Likowski, 61; spouse, Ida M., 59.
Winfield 1880 Census: Frank Likowski, 24; spouse, Anna, 22.
Winfield City Directory 1880.
LIKOWSKI, JOE, & SON, wines, liquors, and cigars, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues;
r., s. e. corner Millington and 8th avenue.
Likowski, Emma, r. Joe Likowski.
Likowski, Frank, stock, boards Jos. Likowski.
Likowski, Jno. W., confectionery, Main, e. s. bet 9th and 10th avenues, boards Jos. Likowski.
Likowski, Edward, confectionery dealer, boards Jos. Likowski.
The above named gentleman is one of Winfield’s oldest settlers, having come here ten years ago when the city was first being laid out. He has been in business ever since that time, and owns one of the most popular resorts in the city for those who wish to play a game of billiards or refresh the inner man. Joe Likowski is well known as a genial, enterprising gentleman. He is located on Main Street, between 9th and 10th avenues.
Bergdorf, George, bartender, Joe Likowski [they had Likousky], r. 7th av., s. s.,
bet. Fuller and Andrews.
John N. Likowski and H. Eddie Likowski mentioned in teacher’s report...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
Teacher’s Report. To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873. Whole number enrolled, 104.
PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Average daily attendance, 31.
John N. Likowski was listed on Roll of Honor.
UPPER ROOM. Average daily attendance, 31.
Present every day. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Annie Newman, R. W. Dever, I. E. Johnson, H. E. Likowski, Walter A. Lewis, Harold H. Mansfield, O. Orlando Menor, W. D. Menor, Richard S. Whitaker, Charles E. Weathers.
Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin, M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster, F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt, Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski, Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield, Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 25, 1873.
In the department of needle and fancy work, there were many beautiful articles. We have not time to specify but give a list of those to whom premiums were awarded.
Mrs. Bonsall, Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. McLaughlin, Misses Deming, Mary Stewart, Foos, Porter, Jane Stewart, Likowski, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Bostwick, and Mrs. Shepherd.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
FIRST DAY. State of Kansas vs. Joseph Likowski, fine $5.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1874.
Four papers have been going the rounds of the city this week. One was a petition to the city council to grant Joseph Likowski license to retail spirituous liquors, another was a petition to the City Council to grant E. R. Parker license to sell spirituous liquor, another was a petition to Judge Campbell to make the sentence of Wm. Bryant as light as possible, and the fourth was to raise by subscription enough money to pay the fine of Al Headrick and liberate him from jail. Every man keeps his lead pencil handy now.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
The following bills were audited by the committee on finance and severally allowed and ordered paid. Bill of Joseph Likowski, expense of suit, claimed and allowed $26.85.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1874.
A petition was presented signed by Joseph Likowski, R. Ehret, and E. R. Parker, asked that the license tax on saloons be reduced from $300 to $200; on motion the petition was rejected, the vote being as follows: ayes—J. P. McMillen, H. S. Silver and S. Darrah—3; nays 0.
A petition was presented by Joseph Likowski asking for a dram shop license under and by the laws of 1868, and that he be allowed to retail spirituous and fermented liquors in his frame building on lot 8, in block 109, in Winfield. On motion the petition was granted and ordered that a dram shop license be issued to Joseph Likowski for the period of one year from May 1st, 1874, on the payment of $300 per annum, payable semi-annually, and also that the said Joseph Likowski be required to give a bond in the sum of Two thousand dollars to the City of Winfield as required by law.
A petition was presented by R. Ehret asking for a dram shop license. The petition not having sufficient names was referred back to R. Ehret.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1874.
We notice that the City Council has paid the costs in the District Court which Eben R. Parker and Joseph Likowski were adjudged to pay for selling liquor without license, amounting to $86.05. Why should the City have this to pay? Every taxpayer in town would like to know. Will our City Fathers, City Attorney, or anyone with a knowledge of the facts, rise and explain?
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1874.
Council met at Courthouse May 18, 1874. Mayor S. C. Smith in the chair; Councilmen present, H. S. Silver, S. Darrah, J. P. McMillen, and R. B. Saffold. J. W. Curns, Clerk. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
The bonds of Joseph Likowski and Reinhard Ehret to the City of Winfield as dram shop keepers were presented to the Council and on motion were approved.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1874.
City Treasurer’s Report. The City of Winfield in account with M. L. Robinson, Treasurer, June 15th, 1874. RECEIPTS. May 5, By Reinhard Ehret, saloon license, $150.00; May 9, By Joe Likowski, saloon license, $150.00.
Winfield Courier, January 7, 1875.
The icemen are in their element now, and they are packing away the frigid article at a lively rate. A. T. Stewart, A. N. Deming, and Joe Likowski are among the packers. The ice is clear and nice and eight inches thick, being thicker than it ever was before in this county, within the memory of the oldest inhabitants.
Winfield Courier, February 4, 1875.
A report was given relative to pupils attending grammar and intermediate departments of Winfield schools by W. C. Robinson. “The efficiency of our schools is much hindered by tardiness and irregular attendance. Parents will oblige us by aiding in overcoming this difficulty.” Students in different departments were listed.
Intermediate Department. Georgie Black, Grant Bodwell, Oscar Cochran, Charley Dever, Willie Ferguson, Frank Freeland, Robert Hudson, Joseph Hudson, Willie Leffingwell, John Likowski, Richie Mansfield, Bennie Manning, Georgia McDonald, Willie Prescott, Frank Robinson, Willie Tarrant, Alfred Tarrant, Willie Walker, Charlie Weathers, Robert Hubbard, Hattie Andrews, Mary Bodwell, Cora Bullene, Ida Black, Anna Bishop, Winnie Barnard, Luella Cowen, Sylvia Darrah, Ida Dressel, Julia Deming, Katy Davis, Lela Doty, Annie Hunt, Emma Howland, Alice Hill, Sarah Hudson, Ida Johnson, Edith Kennedy, Josie McMasters, Nannie McGee, Amy McQuiston, Lutie Newman, Minnie Stewart, Jennie Weathers, Effie White, Lillie Lappin, Mary Knowles, Emma Knowles, Leona Corkins, Iola Corkins, Martha Copple.
Grammar Department. Delhe Kennedy, Eddie Whitehead, Frank Howard, Holiday Menor, Addison Powers, Thos. Cochran, Robert Dever, Rolly Millspaugh, Frank Howland, Harry McMillen, Robert Deming, Isaac Johnson, Fred Hunt, Thos. Lowry, Wm. Hudson, Harvey Thomas, Willie McLellan, Harold Mansfield, Eddie Likowski, Ora Lowery, Ella Freeland, Nettie Quarles, Belle Galbraith, Inez Griswold, Ella Manly, Kate Johnson, Jennie Hane, Jennie Lowry, Mary Cochran, Ida McMillen, Mary Hudson, Nellie Powers, Nellie Barnard, Cora Andrews, Bertha Lamb, Eugenie Holmes, Laura McMillen, Pella Bradish, Jessie Millington, Hortense Holmes, Mattie Minnihan, Maggie Dever, Lillie Ford.
Winfield Courier, April 29, 1875.
Joseph Likowski and Rhinehart Ehret made application by petition for a dram shop license. Said petitions were read and on motion were referred to a special committee of three, appointed by the Mayor, to report on said petition to this Council at an adjourned meeting to be held on Friday evening next. J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, and N. M. Powers were appointed on said committee. It was moved and seconded that the Council go into the committee of the whole to consider the Ordinances in relation to license. A motion was made to amend by inserting the words “with the Mayor in the chair,” which carried. The question recurring on the original motion with the amendment was carried. After duly considering the subject of licenses, the committee prepared an Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors, and one in relation to the appointment, duties, and pay of city officers, which were recommended for passage by the committee. On motion the committee arose from a committee of the whole, and the Council proceeded to pass on an Ordinance in relation to the sale of intoxicating liquors. On motion said Ordinance was read and duly passed by sections. The vote on the final passage resulted as follows: Yeas—J. M. Dever, M. G. Troup, N. M. Powers, C. C. Black. Nays—none.
Winfield Courier, May 6, 1875.
The Council met at council room, May 1st, in pursuance of adjournment. Present: D. A. Millington, Mayor; N. M. Powers, M. G. Troup, C. C. Black, Councilmen; J. W. Curns, City Clerk. The special committee to whom was referred the petitions of Joseph Likowski and Rhinehart Ehret for draft shop license, reported that after examining said petitions that they were of the opinion that the petitions contained a majority of the bonafide residents of lawful age. On motion report of the committee was received. Moved and seconded that a license be granted to both petitions. Motion carried.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Joseph Likowski vs. Andrew Dehn.
Winfield Courier, January 6, 1876.
“Courier” Patron. “GRANGER Saloon,” is one of the most quiet, orderly saloons in the valley; Joseph Likowski, proprietor. It is the oldest in the county; has paid an immense revenue into the city coffers.
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1876.
Joseph Likowski and Rhinehart Ehret made application, by petition, through their attorney, A. H. Green, for dram shop license. The petitions being read and the Council believing them to contain a majority of all persons residing within the corporate limits of the city of Winfield, over the age of twenty-one years, on motion of M. G. Troup voted that dram shop license be granted to the said petitioners.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
The bond of R. Ehret as a dram shop keeper in the city of Winfield was read and approved as to its security. The bond of Joseph Likowski as a dram shop keeper in the city of Winfield was read and approved by the council.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
Bill of J. W. Curns, police judge, fees in case of city of Winfield versus Joseph Likowski, $8.95, was read, and on motion of Councilman Troup, was referred back to him for an itemized account in full.
Winfield Courier, September 7, 1876.
Bill of J. W. Curns, Police Judge, fee bill, in case of City of Winfield vs. Joseph Likowski, for $9.45, was read, approved, and ordered paid.
Winfield Courier, September 14, 1876.
The City Hotel has a new register and blotter. The blotter contains the advertising cards of Messrs. Webb & Torrance, Wm. and Geo. Hudson, M. L. Read, J. D. Pryor, John Nichols, W. G. Graham, J. M. Reed, A. G. Wilson, B. F. Baldwin, Joe Likowski, Herman Jochems, J. B. Lynn, W. B. Gibbs, McGuire & Midkiff, and Hill & Christie. It the neatest register in the valley. Mr. Hudson is starting off on the right foot this time.
Both Ehret and Likowski played up in ads...
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
See the addition of the “cut” of a billiard table in the card of the National saloon and billiard hall, which appears on the first page.
The best Liquors, Beer, Ale, and Cigars can always be found at the National.
East side Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
The oldest house in the city. Choice Kentucky whiskies, wines, beer, and cigars always ready to be “set up” (for the cash) by “Old Joe.”
Interesting Publication Notice...
Winfield Courier, June 7, 1877.
Publication Notice. STATE OF KANSAS, COWLEY COUNTY ss.
In the District Court of Said county, W. H. Hitchcock and O. F. Boyle, plaintiffs,
versus John N. Yerger and Julia Yerger, defendants.
Julia Yerger, one of the above named defendants, in the State of Illinois, will take notice that the above named plaintiffs did, on the 26th day of March, A. D. 1877, file their petition in the said District Court of Cowley county, Kansas, against the above named defendants, setting forth that the said defendants gave a mortgage to one Joseph Likowski on the southeast ¼ of section 27, in township 31, south of range 3, east, situated in said county of Cowley, to secure the payment of $450.00, according to a certain promissory note referred to in said mortgage; which note and mortgage has been assigned to these plaintiffs, who are now and were, at the commencement of this action, the legal owners and holders of the same; and praying for a judgment against the said defendant, John N. Yerger, for the sum of $450.00, with interest at 12 percent per annum from the 14th day of April, A. D. 1874; for an attorney’s fee of $25.00, stipulated in said mortgage; costs of suit, and a sale of the said land according to law, to satisfy the said judgment. The said Julia Yerger will take further notice that she has been sued and must answer the petition filed by the plaintiffs in this action, on or before the 12th day of July, A. D. 1877, or the petition will be taken as true and a judgment as prayed for aforesaid will be rendered accordingly.
W. H. HITCHCOCK & O. F. BOYLE. By J. M. Alexander, their attorney.
Winfield Courier, July 12, 1877. Editorial Page.
The Bridge Question. We, the undersigned, agree to pay the amounts set opposite our names for the purpose of completing an iron bridge across the Walnut, Cowley County, Kansas, and votes aid therefor in the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) at an election to be held July 17th, 1877. Said sums of money to be due and payable in consideration of the erection of said bridge, to the order of the party to whom the officers of the said township let the contract for the erection of the said bridge. WINFIELD, KAN., June 25th, 1877.
Joseph Likowski agreed to pay $20.00.
It appears that Likowski changed name of saloon...
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1877.
JO’S SALOON, JOS. LIKOWSKI, Proprietor. The oldest house in the city.
Choice Kentucky whiskies, wines, beer, and cigars always ready to be “set up” (for the cash) by “Old Joe.”
Winfield Courier, December 27, 1877.
The following named pupils of the high school department of our city school are especially mentioned for their scholarship and deportment during the past term, namely, Misses Ella Freeland, Mattie West, Alice Johnson, and Sadie Davis, and Master Edward Likowski.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
The City Council met Monday evening last and voted to grant licenses to three saloons on petitions of J. Likowski, J. Page, and James Var.
Winfield Courier, June 27, 1878.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, June 25, 1878. EDITOR COURIER: In reply to a communication in your columns last week, dated 17, 1878, and signed by the Committee on Saloon License, I have this to say: On the evening of the 15th of April Jos. Likowski and Jay Page presented to the city council their petitions asking for dramshop license. On that evening the committee on saloon licenses was appointed and those two petitions referred to it for examination. On the afternoon of the next day the committee examined those two petitions, and by the courtesy of that committee and at the request of the temperance committee, it was agreed that I should be present at such examination. I was present, and expressed myself satisfied with the manner in which the examination was made; but the two petitions were on the same evening referred by the council back to the parties who presented them that they might procure additional names, and they were not again presented until the evening of the 22nd day of April. At this meeting of the council the petition of James Fahey for dramshop license was for the first time presented, and the temperance committee presented a census of the competent petitioners residing within the corporate limits of the city, taken by three of our citizens and sworn to by them to be correct, asking the committee to examine the petitions in connection with such census, stating that the petitions to be legal should be signed by a majority of the persons named in said census and requesting that if the committee found any names on the petition who were in fact competent petitioners that they add them to the census, and thereby form a basis from which to determine whether or not the petitions contained a majority of the competent petitioners of the city. On the same evening the two petitions before examined, and the petition of James Fahey for the first time presented, together with the census, were again referred to the committee. They took them and retired for private consultation, and in a very short time they returned to the council chamber and made their report favorable to the granting of the saloon licenses, which was accordingly done. The petition of James Fahey was said to contain about 400 names; the census contained 769 names besides the additional names that had been procured to the petitions of Page and Likowski. I desire to make no comments, but the above is a true statement of the facts. Very respectfully, HENRY E. ASP.
Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.
Listed as a Courier Advertiser: JO’S SALOON is very remarkable in one respect. Joe Likowski has kept his saloon in this place for several years, in all which time we have never heard of a fight or disturbance of any kind in his saloon. Liquor always breeds rows elsewhere.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
The following is a list of the principal business firms of Winfield.
SALOONS. Joe. Likowski. James Fahey.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1879.
WINFIELD, KANS., March 24, 1879. To Hon. J. B. Lynn, Mayor of the city of Winfield.
The undersigned would respectfully submit herewith his report of his receipts and disbursements as Treasurer of the City of Winfield up to the present date as shown by the enclosed itemized statement.
May 8, 1878. To cash rec’d. of J. C. Fuller, former Treasurer: $750.21
May 13, 1878. To License, J. Likowski: $300.00
Sept., 1878. To cash of T. R. Bryan: $144.80
Oct. 13, 1878. To cash, J. Reynolds for pest house: $60.00
Jan. 13, 1879. To cash, N. C. Coldwell, City Attorney: $95.80
Feb. 6, 1879. To cash, Co. Treasurer, sidewalk tax: $223.53
To cash from all other sources: $290.22
Total: $1,863.56
CONTRA. By cash paid on vouchers drawn by J. B. Lynn, Mayor, and J. P. Short, city clerk: $1,864.28, leaving a deficiency in the Treasury of $.72.
J. C. McMULLEN, City Treasurer.
I hereby certify the above to be a true and correct copy of the city treasurer’s report as filed in my office the 24th day of March, 1879. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
SYNOPSIS OF REPORT. At the regular council meeting, March 24th, the clerk was instructed to examine the itemized report and vouchers accompanying the above, and if found correct to certify to the same, and publish it, with a synopsis of the report, which is given below, the fully itemized accounts of which are on file in my office and open to the inspection of anyone interested. The following are the principal receipts and expenditures not specified above.
RECEIPTS. License, Saloon: $900.00; License, Billiards and ten-pins: $67.50; License, Concerts, shows, etc.: $54.00; License, Auctioneers, peddlers, etc.: $98.75; Fines in police court: $84.00; From Brooks estate: $95.80.
EXPENDITURES. Small pox prevention: $587.04; Street crossings, gutter stones, etc.: $842.39; Sidewalks: $222.53; Official salaries to date: $480.00; Boarding prisoners: $64.74; Rent to date: $51.00. The unpaid salaries, rent, and other expenses will probably increase the total expenditures for the year ending March 31st, 1879, to $2,000. There are outstanding at this date unpaid city warrants to the amount of $100.15. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. SHORT, City Clerk.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.
JO’S SALOON. JOS. LIKOWSKI, Proprietor. The oldest house in the city. Choice Kentucky whiskies, wines, beer, and cigars always ready to be “set up” (for the cash) by “Old Joe.”
It appears that the above ad was the last one by Joseph Likowski. He was not mentioned again until the following item in 1881...
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
A considerable number of the citizens of Winfield met on Monday evening on the steps of the Winfield Bank to provide for raising funds for the immediate relief of the sufferers caused by the cyclone Sunday evening. Mr. Crippen called the people together by music from the band.
During the day the canvass of the city resulted in the following cash subscriptions.
Jos. Likowski $1.00, and Ed. Likowski, $1.00, were listed.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.
The undivided one-half (½) lot number eight (8) in block number one hundred and nine (109) in the city of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, November 3, 1881.
CIVIL DOCKET. FOURTH DAY. Eliza Riehl vs. Joseph Likowski.
Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.
“Uncle Joe” Likowski has gone on a trip to Florida for his health. He is suffering from a wound received in the army, which has broken out afresh, and we fear will in time result in his death. “Uncle Joe” is one of the old timers in Winfield, and for years until the passage of the amendment, dealt out liquid fire to our citizens. Although the calling was not a very lofty one, he followed it as decently as it could be done, and it was his only chance to make a living. He could never refuse a friend help when it was needed, and has given away enough in charity to make him wealthy.
Winfield Courier, April 13, 1882. Editorial.
WON’T COMBINE. Frank Manny says that a druggist who has got into trouble for selling liquor wants all the anti-prohibitionists to combine and contribute money to fight the law. That under the license law that he (Manny) built a brewery and sold beer, paying his taxes and licenses, and did a legal and honest business. That Jo Likowski and other saloon men paid their $500 license each in advance and gave heavy bonds to obey the law, but the druggists sold right along all they could without paying any license or giving bonds or getting into trouble. That the brewers and saloon men voted and worked against the amendment because it would render their business illegal, but most of the druggists voted for the amendment in order to drive out the competition of the breweries and saloons and get all the trade themselves. That when he (Manny) got into trouble for trying to save something out of his stock of beer on hand when the law came into effect and after his property had been depreciated more than ten thousand dollars by the law, the druggists did not combine to fight the law, not much, but it cost him (Manny) about six hundred dollars. That now if the druggists get in conflict with the law by selling liquor, he is willing they should fight it out with their own money and see how they come out.
Our comment is that if Frank violates the law, he should be prosecuted; but if there is another who is ten times as dirty and vile in the violation of the law, we want him prosecuted with corresponding vigor.
Cowley County Courant, July 6, 1882.
Uncle Joe Likowski brought us a bean, sent to him by his son Ed., who is now in Florida. It is a product of the sear merlin and grows in a low, salt marsh only. Ed. is well pleased with the situation and Uncle Joe thinks of going there sometime.
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
The following petition was circulated last week by Frank Manny, taken to Topeka, and presented by him to Senator Hackney.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, January 23, 1883. HON. W. P. HACKNEY, State Senator, Topeka, Kansas. Inasmuch as the Prohibition Amendment, as enforced, has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town—it having signally failed to accomplish the object sought, the suppression of the sale and use of intoxicating drinks—we would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for the enforcement of the law that its application shall be uniform throughout the State. If this is impossible, don’t sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle.
John Likowski, son of Joseph Likowski, was one of those who signed petition.
Winfield, Courier, April 19, 1883.
Uncle Joe Likowski returned from Florida last week to attend to some business here. He is well pleased with Florida, and has cleared, mostly with his own hands, two and a half acres of timber land. He says that all of Cowley’s people are doing well there. Jake Keffer is postmaster, proprietor of a new town and a saw-mill with a lease on twelve hundred acres of timber and has made himself rich in a year.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
CIVIL DOCKET. SECOND DAY. 1494. Eliza Reihl v. Joseph Likowski.
Next item shows that Likowski sold his billiard hall fixtures and that his building was being fitted up as a restaurant for Sid Majors...
Winfield Courier, September 13, 1883.
Uncle Joe Likowski has sold out his billiard hall paraphernalia and the building is being fitted up by Sid Majors for a restaurant. This change will seem strange to the old settler for awhile. For the last nine years “Old Joe” has held forth at this stand, dealing out the ardent before the prohibitory law, but since running only the billiard hall. The old gentleman is being sorely afflicted by an old wound received on the left ankle while serving with the Kansas militia just before the war. It is growing so much worse as to threaten amputation. He will go to Florida in a few weeks.
Sid Majors remodels store: opens up “Sid’s Place” (restaurant and confectionery)...
Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
Sid Majors has thoroughly remodeled the old Joe Likowski stand and got opened up in good shape. It is a restaurant and confectionery store, and will be called “Sid’s Place.”
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
HOWARDS, Colorado. EDITOR COURIER—Dear Sir: You will see, by the heading of this, that I have wandered away from the haunts of vice and am now whiling away a short period in the virtuous State of Colorado—blessed Colorado, beautiful Colorado. God forgive me if I lie, for if I do, it is done meaningly, and through pure cussedness. We are now located in a little valley in Fremont County, called Pleasant Valley. God forgive the author of that name. This Pleasant Valley is about twelve miles long by from twenty feet to a quarter of a mile wide, made up of rocks and a little, very little, farming land; and oh, such farming land! Why, if a man should be caught on such a piece of land in Cowley County, he would be arrested, taken before Judge Gans, tried for a lunatic, convicted, and put into the hands of By Gravy to be taken to the insane asylum. But when I think of it, there is no danger of such a thing happening, for I do not believe there is as poor a piece of land in the whole State of Kansas as this valley contains. Nothing is raised here, only by irrigation. Now, the middle of September, we sit down to table to eat green peas, corn, cucumbers, and all other vegetables, except tomatoes—these are not ripe yet. The town of Howards consists of a depot, one store, and two houses—yes, and eight coal pits. The inhabitants consist of about a dozen young men who call themselves pine pushers; that means they chop and haul pine wood for the coal pits, and, by the way, there is one more important personage here, who calls himself a prospector. No one ever knew him to find anything until the other day, when he says he struck it rich. He has good naturedly shown me some of his specimens, and offered to sell me one-half interest in the mine for $1,000. I came mighty near buying it. I did not grumble at the price. I offered him his price, and offered to pay him $1.00 down, and give my note for the balance, but he could not see it that way; but did offer to take $100 down, and wait for the balance until I made it out of the mine, which he assured me was very rich. But I only had my little old dollar, and therefore I lost a fortune. By gravy, I told him, if he would wait until I could send for Geo. Miller, Dave Long, Mart Robinson, Joe Likowski, and Tom Soward, we would take the whole mine. I told him I knew Tom Soward would invest, for he was just about to be elected register of deeds of our county, and he was bound to have more money than he could invest in Kansas. That last seemed to strike the fellow, and he agreed to let me know day after tomorrow, providing I would spend the dollar for cider, which I agreed to do, feeling sure my partners would refund it to me. Now, Ed., if you should see any of them (my partners, I mean), tell them not to whisper it to anyone, for I know, if it should get out, we will be pestered to death with applications to join our company. And now I must tell you that, while I am sitting writing this, with the doors and windows open, I can look out onto the mountains that do not look to be more than a mile off, but which are really fifteen miles off, and see them covered with snow, and still snowing; and I want still further to say to you that I am not to blame for being caught out in this beautiful State; but I came to nurse young By Gravy, who has been very sick with typhoid fever. But, thank the Lord, with His help, and the nursing of his mother, he is getting better, and will soon be able to come back to glorious old Kansas. BY GRAVY, alias J. H. FINCH.
Likowski regains his half interest in the Riehl property on Main Street: this means he got back one-half of Lot Number 8, Block 109...
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Uncle Joe Likowski has at last recovered his half interest in the Riehl property on Main Street. This is right. We are glad that he has at last secured his just rights in the matter.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
Several nights ago Uncle Joe Likowski was roused from his slumbers about midnight by loud rapping on his chamber door. He got up, opened the door, and found a couple, male and female, standing there. They were after him to stand godfather for the bride. As he was in undress uniform, he climbed into bed, the couple were admitted, and Uncle Joe “gave the bride away” in the most approved fashion. It was a decidedly romantic affair.
Suit between Col. Alexander and Likowski for property next to McGuire Bros.’ store: it appears that Likowski may be able to hold the property...
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
Judge Torrance adjourned court Monday until Thursday noon. But little business except criminal has been transacted. The Jury in the assault and battery case against Graham of Dexter failed to agree. It will be tried again next term. The suit between Col. Alexander and Uncle Joe Likowski for possession of the property next to McGuire Bros.’ store came up this term and Likowski gained a point by the court overruling demurrer to plaintiff’s petition. It looks a good deal as if Joe would be able to hold the property.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
CIVIL DOCKET. SECOND DAY. Joseph Likowski vs. J. M. Alexander.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1884.
Uncle Joe Likowski came in from Florida last week and will remain until after court. He says Florida agrees with him.
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
Joseph Likowski vs. John M. Alexander—Postponed to April, 1885, term.
Winfield Courier, November 20, 1884.
Jos. Likowski was allowed $5.00 for a privy destroyed in election bonfires.
Likowski wins back one-half interest in lot and building next to Curns & Manser’s real estate office (Curns & Manser, 913 Main Street)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 21, 1885.
The case of Mrs. Eliza Riehl against Joseph Likowski, an action to recover half interest in the lot and building next to Curns & Manser’s real estate office, has been decided in the supreme court in favor of the defendant, giving him one-half of the real estate and half the rents accruing from the premises since the controversy began, in 1877, about nine hundred dollars, which stand a lien against the property. The property is worth $3,000.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 4, 1885.
Uncle Joe Likowski came in Saturday from Mt. Dora, Florida, to look after his property interests and visit. He reports the formerly of Winfield folks at Mt. Dora all doing well and happy.
New suit by Riehl’s sons against Likowski for his property next to Curns & Manser’s real estate office (Curns & Manser: 913 Main)...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.
John A. and Chas. A. Riehl, minor sons of Mrs. Eliza Riehl, have filed in the District Court, by their guardian, Daniel Mater, suit against Joseph Likowski, for $5,000 damages, charging him with causing the death of their father, Jacob Riehl, whom they claim died on July 22nd, 1877, from liquors obtained and drank in Likowski’s saloon in this city. Attachment and garnishee are filed with the case, attaching Joe’s property next to Curns & Manser’s real estate office, and garnishing money belonging to Joe, in the hands of Eliza Riehl, G. H. Buckman, and E. J. Crary. Mrs. Riehl, it will be remembered, litigated with Likowski for years over the latter’s west Main property. It was decided a few months ago, in the Supreme Court of the State, Likowski gaining the suit on the grounds of the Riehl deed being only in trust, a contract to which effect Joe held. In this damage suit, A. B. Jetmore & Son, of Topeka, and Jennings & Troup, of our city, are attorneys for the plaintiffs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
2171. John A Riehl et al vs Joseph Likowski. Jetmore & Son and Jennings & Troup for plaintiff.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 15, 1885.
John A. and Chas. A. Riehl, minors, vs. Joseph Likowski, suit for $5,000 damages for death of their father from liquor sold by Likowski, was removed to the U. S. Circuit Court, the sum demanded exceeding the jurisdiction of the inferior Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
The City Council met Thursday afternoon to open the various bids to furnish grounds for the city building. No conclusion was reached and an adjournment was had till after supper, when all the bids were rejected as being too high. There were nine bids in as follows:
Joseph Likowski, one lot on Millington Street between 8th and 9th, $1,800.
Episcopal Church Board, two lots, corner of Millington and 8th, $2,400.
Senator Hackney, two lots, corner of 9th and Fuller, opposite the Court House, $2,000.
J. A. Cooper, two lots, opposite M. E. Church, $4,500.
Dr. Fleming, 3 lots, all or parts, back Christian Church, $1,000 to $2,800.
Christian Church, $1,000 to $2,800.
E. C. Seward, two lots just west of Kirk’s mill, $2,400.
The council intended to advertise for more bids; but Senator Hackney was on hand, grabbed a chair, and in two minutes had written out a bid offering his two lots for $1,000. The council was inclined to continue consideration when W. A. Lee said, “Put it there and I’ll give you a check for $100!” This put the lots down to $900, and without parley the council said in one voice, “Accepted.” And everybody, barring a few fellows who would kick if their mother-in-law should want to die, is heartily satisfied with its location. The lots are cheap—dirt cheap—they were cheap at $2,000. They are centrally located, and plenty near the business portion of the city for the fire department. The extremely low price of these lots is another exhibition of Hackney’s indomitable enterprise. The City Fathers now have $9,100 to put into a city building—sufficient to erect an elegant and spacious building, a credit to the city in architecture and large enough to supply the demands when our city gets its twenty-five thousand inhabitants, in a few years. The council is determined, now that they have money enough, to make this building complete in every way. Architects Ritchie and Cook are now at work on pencil sketch plans, to submit to the council Monday evening, when a plan will be adopted and bids for the building’s construction advertised for immediately. The building will probably be fifty feet wide, eighty or a hundred feet deep, two stories. The east and south fronts will be of pitched ashler work, like the Farmers Bank building. On the first floor, in front, will be the fire department; next police court; next a dozen or more cells for a city prison. Upstairs will be a large council hall, big enough for all public meetings of a municipal character, with a full set of offices for the city government. A couple of rooms upstairs will also be arranged for firemen, that some of them can sleep there regularly. Altogether the building will be one an honor to the city—one to answer every purpose for years to come. It will not be built for the present only, but for the future growth that is inevitable.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Joseph O’Hare got home from Topeka Thursday, where he appeared before the Supreme Court in the Riehl vs. Likowski case in which she sues Joe for damages for the death of her husband by whiskey. The case will be settled in a few days.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
Recap Sheriff’s Sale. G. H. McIntire to sell Monday, January 4, 1886, property to settle District Court order, Eliza Riehl, Plaintiff, versus Joseph Likowski, Defendant. Property described: One-fourth interest in Lot No. 8, Block 109, Winfield. Said property was appraised at $1,200.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
Recap. G. H. McIntire, Sheriff, by F. W. Finch, Deputy, to sell property January 4, 1886, to settle case of Eliza Riehl, Plaintiff, vs. Joseph Likowski, Defendant.
Doane buys from Ridenour old Likowski property south of Christian Church...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 18, 1886.
A. H. Doane bought the old Likowski property, south of the Christian church, Thursday from Mr. Ridenour for $1,800.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 25, 1886.
The removal of the old McGuire rookery, revealing the ten-year old sign on the Mullen building, “groceries, wines, and liquors,” brings up queer memories and comparisons. This building was one of the first general supply houses of the city and later the saloon of Joe Likowski and has a romantic history were it known.
[Some Observations: The paper showed Reihl, Rich, and what I believe was the correct name: “Eliza Riehl.” Could not find the Riehl family in early census records. It is apparent that Joseph Likowski owned several properties in Winfield, the main one of course being his saloon. It appears that the saloon was owned previously by W. L. Mullen, who later was a partner of C. M. Wood in handling hogs for some time. It seems strange that A. H. Doane, whose mother married W. L. Mullen, ended up with some of the Likowski property. MAW]