Note: The early newspapers spelled the name of the person responsible for this building in Winfield in various ways. In order to be consistent, am changing the spelling wherever it appears to “McDougall.” MAW
Winfield Courier, May 13, 1880.
Curns & Manser have bought for Mr. Thos. McDougall, of Cincinnati, attorney for the Longworth estate, the two lots on the corner of 10th and Main Streets, belonging to O. F. Boyle, for $3,000 cash. Mr. McDougall proposes to immediately build a two-story brick building thereon.
[Paper had McDonough: I have changed item.]
Winfield Courier, February 3, 1881.
Mr. McDougall, the gentleman who purchased the Boyle corner, is making arrangements to erect a fine two story brick building as soon as the spring opens.
[Paper had McDonald: I have changed item.]
Winfield Courier, April 21, 1881.
Mr. McDougall is removing the buildings from the old Boyle lots and will begin work on his elegant new building at once.
Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.
Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.
CURNS & MANSER, Real estate, loan, and insurance agents: Our business generally is about the same as a year ago. The value of real estate in both city and county, has appreciated during the last year. Farms are held firmer and at higher prices than a year ago. There is more being done in the way of building and other improvements than ever before. Farmers are doing their work better and putting in their crops in better shape. The cultivated acreage is much greater than a year ago. An immense amount of prairie breaking is being done. More tree planting is being done than ever before. We travel over the county frequently and have had plenty of opportunities to observe. A considerable number of new settlers have already located in the county this spring and we have correspondence which indicates that a great many more will soon be here. Those who have settled this spring are well fixed. Many of them say they came because of our prohibition laws.
We have a list of three hundred families who are coming from various states to settle in this state and probably in this vicinity. Notwithstanding we had last year the boom of two railroads just completed to this city, the demand for real estate is as great now as it was then. Some large and fine buildings will be erected in this city this year. One business house in our charge by McDougall will cost $8,000. Money is plenty here for loaning and can be had at as low rates as in any of the western states.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
The contract on the McDougall building was let to John Swain, on Monday and work was begun immediately. It is to be completed by September 1st. The work is in charge of a superintendent, and referees have been appointed to settle disputed questions between the contractor and superintendent. The referees appointed are A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup, and M. L. Robinson.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Messrs. Beaton & Conner are doing an immense lot of building this spring. They now have on hand and are pushing forward the McDougall building, the Brown building, the Wallis building, and the Gridley building. They are splendid mechanics.
Winfield Courier, August 25, 1881.
The McDougall building is looming up nicely. The towering zinc cornice is on and makes a good show. This building will rank among our finest architectural monuments.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
The McDougall building is enclosed and is one of the finest buildings in the city.
Winfield Courier, September 8, 1881.
The tower for the town clock on the McDougall building is going up. With a town clock we can put on more airs than anybody.
Winfield Courier, September 15, 1881.
The clock tower on the McDougall building shows up well, but we have not yet got the hang of telling the time of the day by that clock.
The McDougall building presents an elegant appearance. The clock tower sets it off to good advantage. The magnificent galvanized iron cornice was put on by Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co.
Winfield Courier, October 6, 1881.
Mr. Dever keeps the Star Bakery rolling, and has brought up this time on his own premises on 10th Avenue, east of the McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, October 27, 1881.
Mr. McDougall, the gentleman who is building the magnificent brick block opposite the Williams House, spent several days of last week in the city. Mr. McDougall is one of the rising young attorneys of Cincinnati, Ohio. His success has been wholly due to his own efforts, and he is such a citizen as any state might be proud of. We hope that his interests here will soon be so large that he will have to settle among us.
Cowley County Courant, November 24, 1881.
Joe Barricklow is putting down a splendid flag stone sidewalk around the McDougall building.
Cowley County Courant, December 15, 1881.
Dr. Green has moved his office upstairs in the new McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Dr. Green has removed his office to very nice quarters in the second story of the McDougall building, and has fitted it up in fine style.
Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.
Fresh bread and cakes at the Star Bakery on Tenth Avenue, east of Main street. [The Star Bakery has been removed to Tenth Avenue back of the McDougall building, where those wanting nice fresh bread and confectioneries can find what they desire.]
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
Dr. F. E. Allen, of Thornton, Indiana, has located in our city, and thinks of opening a dental office in the McDougall building. The doctor is an old acquaintance of the Holmes.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
We dropped into Dr. C. C. Green’s new office Friday. He has the front room in the McDougall building. It is large, light, and airy, and the Doctor has furnished it in splendid style. He can now boast of having the finest office in the city.
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Our Wholesale House. J. P. Baden has rented the McDougall building, which he will use as a Wholesale Grocery House. His retail stores will continue as they now are and this new arrangement applies exclusively to the wholesale business. It is with no small degree of pride that we record this—the establishment of Winfield’s first exclusive jobbing house.
Cowley County Courant, March 30, 1882.
While in Winfield this week we visited the “Headquarters” and jobbing house of J. P. Baden, in the McDougall building, the new brick building just finished on the corner south of the old Williams’ House. Mr. Baden has fitted this elegant store up in good shape, and is selling goods in job lots at St. Louis prices, thus giving the smaller merchants the advantage of goods at wholesale prices, without freight. Mr. Baden is one of the closest buyers that visits the eastern market, and by buying goods in large lots and paying cash, is enabled to give very low figures to parties wanting job lots of goods. Such a store as the “Headquarters” is of great advantage to Cowley County, and should be liberally patronized.
Burden Enterprise.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
Geo. A. Schroeter extends a cordial invitation to all to call in and examine the new clock to be placed in the McDougall building. This is an opportunity that should not be lost. After it is up, many of the beauties cannot be seen from the street.
Cowley County Courant, April 27, 1882.
The tower clock for the McDougall building, ordered recently by George Schroeter, our popular jeweler, arrived today and will be put up as soon as possible. Schroeter is an excellent workman, and will put up this excellent time piece in a manner that will be a card for him and an ornament for the town.
Winfield Courier, April 27, 1882.
The town clock, which is to go in the McDougall tower, has been received and will be put up in a few days by George Schroeter. It is a very nice one. Those who wish to see the machinery of it should call at George’s.
Cowley County Courant, May 11, 1882.
The new tower clock will soon be in its place over the McDougall building. Mr. Schroeter has advertised himself considerably by putting it upon a table in the Winfield Jewelry House, where his numerous callers could see its running gears exposed.
Cowley County Courant, May 18, 1882.
The tower clock will be put up in running order in the McDougall building by Mr. Schroeter as soon as the architect, Mr. Cook, gets time to put up the dials.
Winfield Courier, April 12, 1883.
Mrs. McDougall and family, who have been spending a week with Rev. Platter and J. O. Taylor, left for their home in Cincinnati, Ohio, Tuesday.
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
A. H. Doane was offered eight thousand dollars for his corner on Main street by Mr. McDougall last week. He wouldn’t take it.
Winfield Courier, April 26, 1883.
J. P. Baden has been figuring with Mr. McDougall for the erection of two two-story brick buildings next to the one he now occupies on Main and 10th Avenue. If these are erected, Mr. Baden will occupy all of them with a wholesale stock.
Excerpt from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884. Editorial by D. A. Millington.
THE VALUE OF THE ROAD. We print in another column an article sent us by Mr. Thos. McDougall, which was published in the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette of the 28th ult. Mr. McDougall is the owner of the tower brick building, corner of 10th and Main Streets, in this city, and is otherwise interested in this city and county and it seems fair to give the article a place. We do not expect a narrow gauge road would be near as valuable to us as a standard gauge over the same route would be, but it should be considered that no company proposes to build a standard gauge over this route and there is no present probability that such a project will ever be worked up. The route is one on which a road is very much needed. It brings a market and railroad facilities close to the homes of the people of a large section of one county in the central and southeastern part of the county, who are now far from such facilities and who have contributed their quota to paying for and procuring such facilities for other and more favored sections of the county.
[Article by McDougall referred to in editorial did not appear in paper. This issue showed his name as “McDougal.”]
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
Curns and Manser received final instructions Wednesday to begin at once the erection of two two-story brick buildings for Mr. McDougall. One is to be a storeroom adjoining his present building, and the other fronting on Tenth Avenue. Over this will be a fine hall 40 x 50 with stage and dressing rooms, for small entertainments, balls, etc. The buildings will cost upwards of $12,000.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
A Big Shipping Business. J. P. Baden’s fame as a produce dealer has reached New York City and is spreading to the uttermost parts of the earth. A man came direct from New York City last week and bought of him three carloads of eggs, 40,500 dozen, and bargained for more. Another carload goes today. Baden has sold $13,500 worth of eggs alone in the last two weeks. He has rented, in addition to his other buildings, the old foundry on North Main, and has thirty men constantly employed packing eggs. He has made a market in Winfield for produce second to none in the west. He gets produce from nearly every county in Kansas and ships it all over the United States. He will put his immense business under one roof as soon as the additions to the McDougall Building are finished.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
The excavation for the new McDougall building is now being made. The Brick and Tile Co. has the contract for the erection of the entire buildings. S. A. Cook is superintendent and architect.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
Why isn’t the clock in the McDougall tower kept running? It’s time someone was looking after it.
Winfield Courier, April 3, 1884.
The oldest landmark in the city was moved off Main Street this week, the old Tony Boyle building, to give room for the new McDougall brick. It was the second or third building that went up in Winfield, and at that time was considered a very fine structure.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The cellars for the McDougall buildings are nearly finished and about twenty or thirty men are busy on different parts of the work.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
The walls of the McDougall brick block are up to the second story and progressing rapidly.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Dr. Green now has his residence and office both under the same roof, in the McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1884.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1884.
Our Town Clock. Our City Clock in the McDOUGALL building has at last fallen into good hands and is now, after being as dead as a door nail for a year or more, running in good shape. The work of fixing it up was done by Hudson Bros., our enterprising jewelers, and as a result of their skillful handling, it is running “on time,” for the first time. It has been through the hands of several workmen, but has been getting worse instead of better. Hudson Bros. have put it in first-class order and will keep it so. They are now the “official time keepers” of the city.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
J. P. Baden shipped two car loads of butter to New Orleans, Louisiana, last week. The Southern Kansas railroad has built a lot of refrigerator cars for him in which Cowley’s butter and egg crop will be transported all over the south.
J. P. Baden is arranging to remove his entire business under one roof in the McDOUGALL block about July 14th. He will occupy lots of room and when he gets the different parts together, will have the biggest institution in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 17, 1884.
J. P. Baden has been making things lively in mercantile quarters during the past week, and is showing us his inducements in extraordinary shape in the COURIER and through the poster medium. He is bound to clear out the bulk of his stock before removal to the McDougall building, which will occur about August 1st.
AD. $5,000.00 Saved to the People of Cowley Co.
$30,000.00 WORTH OF DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS & SHOES TO BE SOLD AT ACTUAL COST Until August first to save expense of moving. Call early while our stock is complete. J. P. BADEN.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
J. P. Baden’s Immense Mercantile Stocks All Under the Same Roof in the
McDougall Block.
J. P. Baden and his large corps of clerks have been busily engaged this week in removing the North End store to “headquarters” in the McDougall Block and are now almost straightened out. The magnitude of J. P. Baden’s business can be more fully realized now that he has his stocks all under the same roof. On entering his establishment now you at once pronounce it the largest mercantile house in Southern Kansas. Its arrangement is very “citified.” Every department is to itself with a special salesman in charge. The first room contains, systematically arranged, everything in the line of dry goods, notions, boots and shoes, etc., while in the back room, fronting on 10th Avenue, is the clothing and gents furnishings. The room south of this and the cellar of this wing are the produce departments. The second large building contains the large and superior stock of groceries, queensware, glassware, etc. Between the main buildings is a large archway in which is the cashier’s desk. Kansas doesn’t possess a larger or a more complete establishment than J. P. Baden’s “Head-quarters,” and every citizen of the county should feel proud of it. Mr. Baden has worked up by his wonderful energy, judicious advertising, and honorable dealing, a reputation and business worthy the personal pride he takes in them. He is known all over the country as the largest produce shipper in the west, and the benefit he has been to Cowley in creating a profitable market for her garden produce, poultry, eggs, etc., is incalculable. Everyone should take a look through Baden’s Headquarters. Nearly 28,000 square feet in one building covered with salable wares isn’t to be seen in every city of the west. Winfield is gradually taking on metropolitan airs and in a few years will not take a back seat for even Kansas City.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Thos. McDougall spent a part of last week viewing his property interests in this city. His investments in Winfield are large and paying well, in charge of Curns and Manser.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
J. P. BADEN now has his immense business all under one roof IN THE McDOUGALL BUILDING. The wonderful bargains he has been giving during the past few weeks will still continue, and should be embraced by every man, woman, and child in Cowley County.
BIGGEST STORES, BIGGEST STOCKS, BIGGEST BARGAINS are emblazoned on the wall of J. P. Baden’s “Headquarters,” never to be removed.
EVERY CITIZEN OF COWLEY COUNTY should step in and look through the Largest Mercantile Establishment in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
DR. C. C. GREEN. OFFICE in McDOUGALL Building. Residence fourth house west of Spotswood’s store, north side of street.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
German Lutheran services at the McDougall Hall over Baden’s store. Pastor R. Ehlers.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Dr. T. B. Tandy, from Malta Band, Missouri, a graduate of the Louisville Medical College and a practitioner of many years, has located here and taken rooms in the McDougall block.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
T. B. TANDY. Physician and Surgeon, Office in McDougall Block.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.
[Skipped long article on front page re Tariff vs. Free Trade (The American Mechanic vs. the Foreign Mechanic, from the personal experience of Thomas McDougall at Mt. Gilead, Ohio, in a speech given October 1, 1884.) Compared U. S. to Ohio, etc.]
Winfield Courier, November 6, 1884.
S. A. COOK, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Correspondence solicited. Office in McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, December 11, 1884.
The German Lutherans hold services next Sunday at 11 a.m. in the McDougall hall, when Rev. Ehlers will preach in German. Services will also be held on Christmas, at which time the sermon will be in English.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
The boys of Hose Company Number One have arranged for a ball on New Year’s night in the McDougall Hall. Good music and complete arrangements will make it a very enjoyable affair.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
The Hose Companies will have a uniformed parade New Years Day and at night will have a pleasant ball in the McDougall hall. Tickets will be sold at fifty cents, and care will be taken to have the attendance select.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
J. P. Baden. Everything Under One Roof. Winfield has many establishments in which she feels much pride, but none are more worthy of this feeling than the Immense Double Store of J. P. Baden. Mr. Baden came here from Independence in 1878 and started a general merchandise store on the corner of Main and 8th Avenue that would look very unpretentious indeed compared to his present Mammoth Emporium. In connection with general merchandise, he combined a shipping business, drawing all the country produce of Cowley and adjoining counties at greatly enhanced prices. No man has been of so much benefit to our farmers as Mr. Baden, in making a first-class market for all their small produce. His shipments to the markets of New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona have exceeded those of any shipper this side of the Missouri river, and his name is familiar all over the West. He has annually given employment in this connection to over thirty men. His business had become so large that last year he removed his grocery and queensware to the McDougall building, corner of 10th Avenue and Main, where he carried on a very large wholesale and retail grocery business. But having his stores separated didn’t suit J. P., and he arranged with Mr. McDougall for large additions to his fine block and soon had his goods all under the name too, in his present quarters. His stock now covers over seven thousand square feet of floor and the establishment can’t be excelled in the State. It embraces almost everything necessary to humanity—dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, queensware, etc., in endless variety. The cashier system is one of his metropolitan conveniences. Mr. Baden’s faith in printer’s ink is unbounded and his advertisements are always of the reliability that brings quick returns. In everything for the upbuilding of Winfield and Cowley County, J. P. Baden has always been energetic and prominent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
T. B. TANDY. Physician and Surgeon. Office in McDougall Block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
DR. C. C. GREEN. Office in McDougall Building.
Residence Fourth House west of Spotswood’s Store, north side of street.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Correspondence solicited. Office in McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
Hose Companies. The Robinson Hose Company gave a very enjoyable and well attended ball on New Years night in the McDougall hall. The boys are arranging to hold regular bi-weekly hops. The Robinson and Telegram Hose Companies will give another ball on Friday evening, the 16th inst., in the McDougall hall. These hops have proven very enjoyable so far and this will be no exception to the rule.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.
The Hose Companies postponed the hop to have been held at McDougall’s hall on Wednesday evening, to the same evening of next week, on account of the storm.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The presence in the city of Italian musicians last Monday imbued the city’s many lovers of the fascinating waltz and quadrille, and a “hop” was arranged for that evening in McDougall’s hall that proved by far the most enjoyable party of the season. Our dancers were out in full force, and a jollier, more comely or more refined company, we will challenge any city of Winfield’s “calibre” to produce on a few hours’ notice. The “light fantastic” had full vent under the charming Italian music.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
Our citizens will not lack for places of entertainment tonight. The revival meetings at the Baptist and Methodist churches, the meeting of the Winfield Enterprise Association at the Court House, the Jolly Pathfinders at the Opera House, the masquerade skate at the Rink, and the hop at McDougall Hall will make things lively indeed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 19, 1885.
The German Lutherans will have services Sunday next in the McDougall hall, when the Rev. H. Ehlers will preach.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 26, 1885.
Hose Company Number Two will give one of their pleasant hops in McDougall’s hall Friday evening, to which they invite all devotees of Terpsichore.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Hose Company No. 2 gave a very enjoyable hop in McDougall’s hall Friday evening last.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Robinson Hose Company will give another of their pleasant hops in the McDougall hall tonight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 9, 1885.
Robinson Hose Company gave another of their pleasant hops at McDougall’s hall Thursday evening last. They give another Thursday evening of next week, to which they invite all their friends.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
We dropped in on the drill of Company C, Kansas State Militia, at McDougall’s hall Friday. The company embraces over fifty of our best young men, and under the training of their Captain, Chas. E. Steuven, one of the best drill masters in the State, are becoming proficient in the manual of arms. They will soon be capable of competing with any of our State companies on dress parade.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
The members of the Normal Institute held a social in McDougall’s Hall Thursday, for genial commingling with each other and our citizens. Depositing his heart in the safe, under a time lock, our elongated reporter hied himself to the scene, and a happy, good-looking and entertaining lot of folks he found—among the ladies. The gentlemen, as usual at every gathering, were horribly ugly, in comparison. As our reporter stood awkwardly in the corner, with no place to put his big hands and no room for his huge pedal extremities, his eyes took in several things. County Superintendent Limerick was master of ceremonies. Elder Myers, of the Christian church, gave a sparkling welcome address, responded to very happily by Prof. Wilkinson, conductor of the Institute. Mrs. O. McGuire read a pithy essay on the educational profession, and Prof. Davis gave an applicable and mirthful little talk. Then a novel scheme was carried out, that of finding from what states the teachers present had come from to Kansas. Pennsylvania had two represented in a neat little speech by Mr. Littell, who mentioned that he was delighted with Kansas, but his heart was way back east—a sad blow to the girls. West Virginia also had two, one of whom, Mr. McClellan, told of its glories and sorrows, as compared to the Garden of Eden. North Carolina stood with the preceding ones, two, with the wittiest oration of all from Bob Holland. Kentucky had three, and Elder Myers and Prof. Craddock discussed its virtues and failings. George W. Bain, who is attending the Normal, wasn’t present. Wisconsin had two to unfurl her banner, which was done very nicely by Mr. Arnett. Michigan had two, without any speechifier. Ohio had six representatives and one orator, Will C. Barnes, who thought the Sunflower state at the head of the procession. Hoosierdom came up with a boom, sixteen. The orators of the occasion were divided as to the merits of her school system. Mr. H. A. Owens thought it far inferior to that of Sunny Kansas, while Miss Fannie Stretch and Mrs. O. McGuire touched the ire of the native Kansan by going back on the Sunflower State—placing the Hoosier school system above ours. Illinois carried off the golden belt in numbers, twenty-one. Mr. S. F. Owens, H. S. Wallace, and Miss C. E. Plunket discoursed on its merits, while Mrs. Limerick was proud to have come from the state that gave us Lincoln and Grant and that had old John Brown. Iowa showed fourteen. Mr. F. E. Haughey spoke splendidly of her grand prohibition record and commended Kansas for her proud advance. The Empire State was represented by but one, Miss Celina Bliss. “Arkansaw’s” spokesman was absent. But Kansas came up smiling with thirty-three, who had first taken up the pointer within her borders. Prof. Gridley, who was one of the first graduates of the State Normal, was chosen orator. He was proud to belong to the State of baked beans, grasshoppers, and chiggers, ending with a mention of her grand record. Prof. Limerick announced three lectures during the session of the Normal: Dr. Kirkwood, “Obedience to Law as Related to the Teacher,” Prof. Jay, principal of the Wellington schools, “Our Boys,” and Prof. Cowbric, principal of the Harper schools, “The Teacher’s Place in the Nation.” During the evening the musical talent was let loose, conducted by Prof. Merriman, closing with “America.” It was a very pleasant occasion throughout. There should be more such socials during the Normal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
Prof. Jay, of Wellington, delivered a lecture Friday to the Normal at McDougall’s Hall. The subject was “Our Boys.” It was in a humorous vein and full of good hits. The speaker referred to the different kinds of small boys, and their various propensities. It was plainly to be seen that the Professor knew the nature of a small boy thoroughly. The teachers’ attitude toward the small boys was shown; their proper course to pursue, and the true teacher’s kingdom, how, no matter what the surroundings were, the true teacher can bring light out of darkness. After the lecture a good time was enjoyed in a social.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
Prof. J. A. Wood, brother of our B. F., will open on September 7th, a Normal and Commercial College in the McDougall Hall and rooms adjacent. He will be assisted by Prof. I. N. Inskeep, just retired from the principalship of the Titusville, Pennsylvania, commercial college. Prof. Wood was for eight years just past superintendent of the Salem, Indiana, public schools, and is an educator of large ability and experience. He starts this college as a permanency. A corps of first-class assistants have been procured and the institution will be an honor to the city. Prof. Inskeep is at the head of the profession in penmanship, bookkeeping, and drawing. Everything pertaining to a thorough normal and commercial education will be taught, and the tuition will come within the reach of all. A night school will accommodate all unable to attend during the day, and will likely be attended by many of our ambitious young men.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The pretty school ma’ams held another of their lively socials in the McDougall hall Thursday. They were out in full force, with many of our citizens, arrayed in their brightest smiles and jolliest spirits. Besides the excellent music, led by Prof. Merriman, some appropriate toasts were given. “Our State Educational Institutions—Their Place and Power,” was responded to by Prof. Wilkinson in a very neat speech. The Professor has taken part in Kansas educational matters for some time, and is thoroughly conversant with them and their great civilizing power, as his talk on this occasion evidenced. The pithy toast, “Our State Normal School—Its Attractions, Its Usefulness, and Its Successful Graduates,” was thrown at Prof. Gridley. It was one nearest the Professor’s heart, and he did it full justice. He is one of the first graduates of the State Normal School, has attended nearly all of its alumni meetings, and his speech was very happy and profitable. Alfred Wing, of Arkansas City, responded to “Our Common Schools, the Headlight of the Nation”—a subject as truthful, deep, and broad as the nation itself. Mr. Craddock, of Tannehill, did justice to “The Recruits of our Educational Army.” These applicable toasts gave spice and instruction to the occasion and were happily received.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
Office in McDougall Building. (Over Baden’s Store.)
All the modern improvements in the profession, and first-class work a specialty.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 20, 1885.
Mrs. Sophia Gibbs, a Universalist, preached in McDougall hall yesterday morning and evening. She is a pleasant speaker—unusually so even for a woman, showing a thorough command of language and of her subject. Her morning sermon was from Cor. xii:12-13. She dwelt upon the brotherhood of humanity. As every member of the individual body reflects the shock at any injury of its fellow member, so does the public at large feel the individual act of every inhabitant. Our every act, no matter how insignificant, has its effect on humanity surrounding us. The Universalist doctrine of punishment by nature, on earth, was advanced. Every violation of nature has its punishment—for the prompting of perfect life.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
The fireman’s ball at McDougall’s hall Monday night passed off pleasantly. The music was led by Will Schell and John Eastman and was good. Restraint was completely banished and everybody waded in for a gay time.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 17, 1885.
Owing to the unfinished condition of the Central school building, the high school and one of the grammar schools will open in rooms in the McDougall block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
School opens Monday and the small boy from then on for the next eight months will suffer all the torment that confinement can inflict on the young mind. The high school and grammar department will open in the McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 1, 1885.
The city schools opened Monday and the Superintendent, Prof. A. Gridley, has been bobbing around variously in getting the various departments started off. The high school and grammar rooms of the Central school building are dilapidated by the progressing addition and the high school and one grammar department have rooms in the McDougall building—the main hall and a room suite—until the Central building is finished. The teachers this year are: Prof. W. N. Rice, Principal of high school; Miss Lola Williams, grammar department—McDougall building.
McDougall’s hall; Thomas McDougall...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The committees, appointed at the citizens’ meeting, to work up the submitting of propositions for the extension of the Florence El Dorado & Walnut railroad from Douglass to Winfield, met yesterday afternoon in McDougall’s hall to determine on the apportionment of the amount of aid asked. Judge T. H. Soward called the meeting to order. S. P. Strong was chosen chairman and W. J. Wilson, Secretary. M. L. Robinson then explained the object of the meeting, to get everything in readiness for aggressive work in submitting the propositions and securing this road.
Every movement must have money back of it to insure its success. This and other enterprises needing agitation take money. Contributions were called for to be placed in the hands of the Winfield Enterprise Association for use in submitting these railroad propositions and any other progressive enterprise for which the Association sees necessity. Over $500 was subscribed as follows.
Farmers Bank, $50; First National Bank, $50; Hackney & Asp, $50; T. H. Soward, $25; A. H. Doane, $15; Harris, Clark & Huffman, $15; F. S. Jennings, $15; Curns & Manser, $10; H. Brown & Son, $10; Jennings & Bedilion, $15; Thos. McDougall, $10; H. G. Fuller & Co., $10; Cash, $10; G. L. Gale, $5; Col. Whitney, $5; Ed. Weitzel, $5; C. Schmidt, $5; H. T. Shivvers, $5; J. G. Kraft, $5; G. H. Buckman, $5; W. J. Wilson, $5; W. G. Graham, $5; Dr. C. Perry, $5; W. L. Morehouse, $5; J. P. Baden, $5; G. B. Shaw & Co., $5; Sol. Burkhalter, $5; Hendricks & Wilson, $5; Dr. Pickens, $5; E. F. Blair, $5; Mrs. E. J. Huston, $5; W. S. Mendenhall, $5; John W. Dix, $5; Gregg & Rice, $5; E. P. Young, $5; J. B. Farnsworth, $5; J. E. Conklin, $5; A. F. Hopkins, $5; V. W. Baird, $5; John McGuire, $5; A. E. Baird, $5; W. C. Root, $5; A. C. Bangs, $5; H. E. Silliman, $5; Bertram & Bertram, $5; Daniel Taylor, $5; W. C. Robinson, $5; W. F. Bowen, $5; R. B. Waite, $5; T H Group, $5; Frank W. Finch, $2.50; Stafford & Hite, $2.50; A. Gridley, Jr., $2.50; Frank Manny, $2.50; W. H. Dawson, $2.50; A. DeTurk, $2.50; D. Gramm, $2.50; W. B. Cayton, $2.50; Geo. L. Gray, $2.50; I. W. Cook, $2.50; D. L. Kretsinger, $2.50; W. W. Limbocker, $2.50; Sol Frederick, $2.50; F. J. Barnes, $2.50; John Stretch, $2.50; W. L. Pridgeon, $1.00; E. I. Crary, $1.00; J. D. Appleby, $1.00; T. B. Ware, $1.00; R. B. Mitchell, $1.00; J. A. Barr, $1.00; R. Taggart, $1.00.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 31, 1885.
The Episcopal folks are holding regular services in the McDougall hall. Though their congregations are rather small, much interest is manifested. Rev. McDonough, Rector of the church, delivers some fine sermons.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
DR. S. J. GUY. Office in McDougall building over Baden’s, where he can be found day and night when not professional engaged.
DR. C. C. GREEN. Office in McDougall Building. Residence, fourth house west of Spotswood’s store, north side of street.
S. A. COOK, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. Correspondence solicited. Office in McDougall building.
Excerpts from a lengthy article...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
When the written proposition was received by M. L. Robinson from the general manager of the Santa Fe railroad, offering to build from Douglass to Winfield, if sixty thousand dollars in bonds were voted as aid, a meeting was called at McDougall Hall, of a number of the prominent citizens of the townships of Rock, Fairview, Walnut, and the city of Winfield. The sentiment at that time was well nigh unanimous that the townships would not vote such an amount of aid, but a promise was obtained from those present that the effort should be made, by hard work, to enlist a sufficient number of electors. The opposition then commenced their work and two weeks ago the prospect for carrying the bonds was dark indeed. Then those who saw the grand possibilities and appreciated how tremendous was the stake for which we were striving, got down to their work. Local committees were organized, every voter was seen, meetings were held in every district, which were addressed by speakers who thoroughly believed what they advocated, and the result was that the bonds began to gain friends hourly; the opposition weakened, and in the last two days preceding the election, the revolution in the sentiment of the electors was something marvelous. Good men who believed that the practice of voting bonds was both wrong and dangerous, went to the polls undecided; but, when they saw how life-long friends and neighbors were talking and how they felt, the pressure was greater than they could stand, and they joined the procession and voted the aid asked. All glory to the noble citizens of these townships; they will never regret their action, and the opposition as well as those who were friends and advocates of the proposition will have cause to rejoice that Wednesday’s vote was the best day’s work ever done in this county.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Permit was given to S. E. Hunt to raise the front and back of the old Stump building, in the McDougall block.