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Mercer School

                                                             Wm. Mercer.
                                                         Mercer Cemetery.
                                                Hope Cemetery Association.

Arkansas City Traveler, August 30, 1876.
WANTED. A male teacher for school district 53 for a six months’ term of school beginning October 1, 1876; ability to teach the rudiments of music; recommendation from District Board preferable to graded certificate.
                                      WM. MERCER, Director, Bolton Township.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
                                               BOLTON, November 20, 1876.
The electioneering season is over, politics dead, and father Hollenbeck has again resumed the quietude of a farmer. The clatter of the grain drill and the “Whoa! haw!” of the farmer’s voice are no more heard since the recent snow storm.
Many of our sportsmen have been engaged in hunting and gathering pecans in the Territory since seeding is done.
The first spelling school of the season was held at the Mercer schoolhouse on last Friday evening. Mr. Young was chosen to act as chairman. Ed. Parker and Lester Burnett were selected as leaders. After spelling twice around, Mr. Myrtle spelled “rouster” and took a back seat. In course of time, and after wrestling with many difficult words, all but Lester Burnett were floored.
Bolton has more acres in wheat, more bachelors, more rab­bits, and more marriageable young ladies than any other township in the County.
Mr. L. E. Norton has given up his abode to a family of seven cats, which are having a general jubilee with the vermin of the ranch.
Mr. Burnett has been threshing almost constantly since some three weeks before the election, and has yet nearly 500 bushels of wheat and oats to thresh.
Our township is in need of a singing teacher, and I think one could easily get up a school in our vicinity. C. C. H.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 22, 1876.
NECK-TIE FESTIVAL. The members of the Frontier Union Sunday School will hold a neck-tie festival at Mercer’s schoolhouse, in Bolton Township, at 7 o’clock on Friday evening next. The object of the entertainment is to purchase singing and Sunday school books. Admission 25 cents. A general invitation is extended.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
The receipts of the Neck-Tie Festival, held at Mercer’s Schoolhouse last Friday evening, were $14.90.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1877.
A meeting was held at Mercer’s schoolhouse Monday evening, at which it was decided every man should take care of his own grasshoppers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
                                                 BOLTON, January 28, 1878.
At the regular meeting held by the Prospect Grange at Theaker’s schoolhouse Saturday evening, January 26, the follow­ing officers were installed for the ensuing year.
J. A. Scott, Master.
Wm. Hadicke, Overseer.
Wm. Trimble, Lecturer.
John Christian, Steward.
James Headley, Asst. Steward.
Wm. Mercer, Chaplain.
A. J. Kimmell, Treasurer.
J. M. Sample, Secretary.
Wm. Parker, Gate keeper.
Sister A. J. Kimmell, Ceres.
Sister S. C. Sample, Pomona.
Sister S. F. Sample, Flora.
Sister M. Prewitt, Asst. Stewardess.
                                                           AUNT JACOB.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 20, 1878.
It is said Bilson, the man arrested for burglary, was to have been married on the day his trial took place, to Miss Maggie Mercer. It was a lucky thing for the young lady he was discov­ered so soon.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878.
                                                       Steamboat Meeting.
The following was intended for publication in last week’s issue, but was handed in too late. ED.
                                                    BOLTON, Oct. 19, 1878.
The meeting was called to order by Mr. Walton, after which Mr. Mercer was called to the chair and J. O. Wilkinson was chosen secretary. Mr. Walton then came forward, and made a stirring speech in favor of the practical navigation of the Arkansas River. Said that all the people living along the river should be interested in its navigation, and Bolton in particular. The people of Bolton had shown more enthusiasm in the matter than the people of any other township so far. His whole speech was pithy, pointed, and well delivered, and at the close was greeted by a round of applause from the audience.

Mr. Walton then introduced Mr. Barnes, an old river pilot of thirty years’ experience, who told them in a brief speech that he had made a trip down the Arkansas, and gave them a practical knowledge of its peculiarities, its drifting channel, chutes, etc. He found that the rocky chutes had a good stage of water in them the greater part of the time. This is in contradiction to what we have heard heretofore in regard to this matter, but he presented it in such a truthful manner the people believed his statement. He further said that there was as good a stage of water from here to Ft. Gibson as from Gibson to Ft. Smith. Mr. Barnes had visited the boat now being built by Messrs. McClaskey and Seymour, and pronounced it good for carrying one thousand bushels of wheat on twenty inches of water, and also said she would take three barges in tow.
His remarks were well received by the meeting, after which committees were appointed and resolu­tions passed. Messrs. Lorry and Mercer were added to the solic­iting committee, and Mr. Lorry was appointed a committee of one to wait on Mr. Hartsock for the purpose of collecting those wheat notes given him (Mr. Hartsock) by the farmers, to aid him in his now abandoned steamboat enter­prise.
The following resolutions were then carried unanimously.
Resolved, That the TRAVELER be requested to add its influ­ence in Arkansas City and elsewhere, in aid of the steamboat,
Resolved, That the proceedings of the meeting be published in the Arkansas City TRAVELER. J. O. WILKINSON, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1878. Editorial Page.
We assure our Bolton Township friends, and all interested in the navigation of this river that anything we can do in their behalf, or in furtherance of their enterprise, will be done willingly and cheerfully. Our faith in the ultimate success of this scheme was never stronger, and we believe the day is not far distant when this southern tier of countries will have the best outlet in the State for their produce, and at a saving to them of thousands of dollars in railroad bonds not voted. Next spring and summer will see many boats here from the South, buying our grain at a good round figure, or for a moderate sum ready to float it down to the best of markets, where its superior quality will command the highest prices. The snug, well built craft lying west of town is a monument to the industry and self-denial of the two gentlemen who have risked their little all, and confidently devoted their time and means to the completion of the boat, relying only upon the generosity of their many friends for what assistance is tendered them. If the enterprise is a success (and we earnestly hope it will be), to Messrs. Walton and Speers, no less than to those now laboring on the boat, the people owe a debt of gratitude not easily paid, as they have worked untiringly for the interests of the community.
Note discrepancy in initials of Mercer in following items...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 19, 1879.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s mother, on the 12th inst., by the Rev. T. B. Herbert, R. W. Mercer and Stella Burnett; both of Bolton Township.
Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.
                                                        Marriage Licenses.
Marriage licenses issued since Feb. 1st.
Christian C. Wolfe, Elizabeth Bear.
R. W. Mercer, Stella Burnett.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1879.
The following are a list of marriage licenses issued by the Probate Judge since February 1st, 1879.
                                                 W. W. Mercer - Stella Burnett
Arkansas City Traveler, January 7, 1880.

                                                    BOLTON, Dec. 26, 1879.
Meeting of Bolton township in response to a call of the Township Trustee.
Mr. Sample, the Trustee, was called to the chair, and Mr. Guthrie, Secretary.
Object of the meeting was stated by the Chairman: to take into consideration the interest Bolton township should take in the bridge across the Arkansas river, and some other matters.
It was decided to appoint a committee of three to meet with Arkansas City and the people of Cresswell, under the following resolution of instructions.
Resolution offered by Mr. Mercer that we reserve a one sixth interest in the bridge with free passage to the people of Bolton. Amended by Mr. Deweese so that Bolton should give the bridge to Cresswell township or Arkansas City, in consideration of their giving free passage to the inhabitants of Bolton, with their goods and chattels, for all time.
Resolution adopted.
Vote taken in regard to driving cattle from the line to the city. Nine against, seven for, and sixteen not voting.
Meeting adjourned with the best of feeling. J. D., Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880. Editorial Page.
                                                   ANNUAL LOVE FEAST.
The following report of the Annual Love Feast of some of the Boltonites has found its way to the TRAVELER. We think it was written by some Peace of a Justice, as the first line gives evidence of legal lore.
“Know all men by these presents: Whereas, on the 14th day of February last, the citizens of Bolton Township met in mass, at the Bland schoolhouse in the open air, for the purpose of reviewing their past lives and preparing for the future. So after bustling around a while, W. C. Skinner was chosen chairman of the meeting. The chair arose and announced that the proceed­ings must be opened with prayer. So S. H. Deweese with the assistance of W. Mercer implored divine forgiveness for the folly of those who had spent many months in molding paper wads to be fired at the cattle drive and the wickedness of others who had buried, on the “trail,” the dreadful torpedoes of sulphur and snuff to hurl into the clouds the last hope of long horns. But Hank Hollowell who sat near, with an ear that lopped like a limp leaf of Kraut, declared that the prayer did not go as high as the third plank on the fence.
“After reading the statute by John Linton, the Chair an­nounced a recess of fifteen minutes. Whistling by Frank Lorry; tune Patsy won’t you drink some. The Chair then called the meeting from refreshments to labor.
“Now the various characters arose into prominence. The old Polar Bear, James McGuire, with that same old bed blanket on old Bob, rode up. Then came A. P. Lorry leading brother Frank while they stepped to the marshal music of old hundred. In fact, the drill was handsome.
“George Hagar made a speech on the wreck of man. Frank Reed, on the smart young man. G. Schnee presented facts to prove that the ground hog should be captured and cut into pork for spoiling a great deal of fine weather.

“Frank Lorry opened an argument in favor of the self made man, but his remarks were short, as the meeting gave him a unanimous vote for having more self-made worthlessness in one body than had ever before been found in Bolton Township.
“The chair announced that the hour had arrived for preparing ballots to elect some person of the township to the honorable position of attending to other people’s business. This called out a full and harmonious vote without distinction of race, color, or previous condition, and the judges of election, ap­pointed and sworn in due form of law, consisting of Uncle Berry Banks and Peter Andrews, proceeded to count the ballots, result­ing as follows: Frank Lorry received 69 votes, S. H. Deweese 19 votes, scattering 3 votes. The chair arose and amid the still­ness of death announced that Lieut. Lorry having received a majority of the votes cast was duly elected.
“Hick Deweese now arose with cussedness in his eye, and charged the judges of election with fraud and favor; they grew pale as the speaker, warm with the smart of disappointment, accused them of stuffing the box in favor of another.
“John Brown called, order, and said that a blind man could see that the best thing to do was to adjourn. So the Chair said the meeting was adjourned to meet St. Valentine one year from that date. “EAST BOLTON.”
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
BIRTHS. The gossips of the port bring us news this week of increased immigration into Bolton Township. The agents in this line are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mercer. The papas and mammas are proud of the dear little boys, who reported themselves for duty on board the ship of life last Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
At the services held by the Baptists in the Mercer schoolhouse last Sunday, Mrs. Voris was received into the communion of the church. The rite of baptism took place in the Territory on that day, and was witnessed by a large concourse of worshipers. The services, which were conducted by Elder Hopkins, concluded in the evening by the celebration of the Lord’s supper.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
                                          MERCER SCHOOLHOUSE, Sept. 7.
The Bolton Township temperance organization met, and in the absence of the present, Rev. Broadbent, was called to order by the secretary. Rev. Fleming delivered an eloquent address of an hour’s length, and commanded the very closest attention through­out. The pledge was passed around, and nearly all gave their names. A unanimous vote of thanks was given the speaker, and the meeting adjourned to Tuesday evening, September 14, at the Guthrie schoolhouse. D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
The S. P. U. of Southwest Bolton will hold a meeting at the Mercer schoolhouse on Saturday, July 2nd, 1881, at early candle-light. All members are requested to be on hand, as also are the residents of Southwest Bolton generally. F. LORRY, Capt.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.

Miss Susie Hunt and Miss Mary Theaker, two of our city’s young ladies, have returned to town; the one has just conducted a term of school in the Mercer district and the other a term in the Theaker district, both in West Bolton. In their chosen avocation they are earnest and efficient workers, and leave their several districts the better for their stay. Would we could say the same for a certain other district, a little nearer home.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 9, 1881.
                                                   Report of Mercer School.
The following is a report of the standing of the advanced grade of the Mercer school, Dist. 53, for the month beginning Oct. 2, and ending Oct. 28, 1881: Carrie Rice, 85; Clara Lorry, 90; Florrie Yourk, 85; Anna Coulter, 95; Chas. Weathers, 80; Al. Linscott, 84.
                                                     L. C. BROWN, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
The S. P. U.’s of South-West Bolton will meet at the Mercer Schoolhouse on the evening of December 3rd. All members are requested to be present. By order F. LORRY, Capt.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.
The following is a report of the Mercer school, district 53, for the month ending Nov. 25, 1881.
No. of pupils enrolled, 57; number of visits during the month, 4. The following list of pupils shows their standing on a grade of 100.
                                                           FIRST GRADE.
Anna Coulter, 93; Clara Lorry, 97; Forest Yourt, 90; Will Gamble, 97; Chas. Weathers, 93; Jennie Weathers, 98; Carrie Rice, 95; Fred De Mott, 98; Sammie Gamble, 95; Al. Linscott, 90.
                                                         SECOND GRADE.
Mamie Schnee, 87; Clara Gamble, 86; Albert Bowker, 80; Mattie Christy, 83; Sam’l Christy, 80; Ruth Voris, 82; Clarence Patton, 81; Nellie Parker, 85; Stevie Rice, 83; Tannie Weathers, 84; Geo. Christy, 80; Alvin Voris, 80; Rosetta Bowker, 80.
The only pupil neither absent or tardy was Rose Bowker.
                                                      L. C. Brown, Teacher.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 25, 1882.
DIED. On Wednesday last, January 18th, 1882, at his resi­dence, in Bolton Township, of pleura pneumonia, Elisha Bowen, in the forty-eighth year of his age. The funeral took place on the Friday following at 2 p.m., and the remains were deposited in their last resting place in the Mercer cemetery in the presence of many sorrowing relatives and friends.
Mr. Bowen was born in Ohio, but come to Kansas while it was yet a Territory, and afterwards moved to Bolton Township—eleven years ago—where he resided up to the time of his death. He leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss, and to them is extended, the deepest sympathy in their sad bereavement.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1882.
The S. P. U.’s, of South West Bolton, will hold their annual meeting in the Mercer Schoolhouse, on Saturday next, at which officers will be elected for the ensuing year. A large atten­dance of members is desired.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
The S. W. S. P. U. will hold a meeting at the Mercer school­house in West Bolton on Saturday, May 6th, 1882, at 7:30 p.m. An attendance of all members is desired, business of importance being on hand. F. LORRY, Capt.

Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.
Mr. Wm. Mercer, one of Bolton’s prominent citizens, called and enrolled himself on the TRAVELER books yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 26, 1882.
                                                                  S. P. U.
A regular meeting of the South West Bolton Stock Protective Union will be held at the Mercer schoolhouse in West Bolton on Friday, July 28, at 7 o’clock p.m. A full attendance is requested. F. LORRY, Capt.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1882.
A Sabbath school convention will meet in William’s Grove in Bolton Township on the 11th day of August, 1882, at 11 a.m. A general invitation is extended to Sabbath school workers through the county, to come and bring well filled inner baskets. William’s Grove is on the Shoo Fly road one mile west from the Arkansas River bridge.
                                 REV. CLARK, J. D. GUTHRIE, WM. MERCER.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
The Southwest Bolton S. P. U. will meet at the Mercer Schoolhouse next Saturday evening, March 31st. All members are requested to be present as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. F. LORRY, Capt.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
The S. P. U. of Bolton Township will meet at the Mercer Schoolhouse Saturday evening, July 7th, 1883. A full attendance is requested.  W. S. VORIS, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 4, 1883.
At a meeting of the members of the Baptist Church in Arkansas City, the following gentlemen were elected trustees of the First Baptist Church of Arkansas City: Wm. Mercer, N. T. Snyder, C. C. Hollister, Samuel Clarke, L. Goff.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1883.
DIED. At his residence in this city on Tuesday, August 7, 1883, of lung disease, in the 74th year of his age, Charles Crocker, after an illness of but a few days. The remains were interred in the Mercer Cemetery, in West Bolton, and were followed to their last resting place by a large number of relatives and friends. The funeral ceremony was preached by Rev. Fleming in the Presbyterian Church of this city on last Sunday.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.

Obituary. DIED, at the residence of Mr. O. Stevenson, in this city, of consumption, on Thursday, September 13, 1883, in the 72nd year of his age, Wm. F. Dickenson, of Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas. The funeral took place the following day when the remains were laid to their long rest in the Mercer Cemetery. The deceased was born in New York state on Oct. 11, 1811, but moved with his parents to Iowa when but a child and afterwards made his home in Bloomington, of which he was for many years a resident and one of its earliest citizens. In the memorable gold excitement of 1849, the deceased crossed the plains, and returning, subsequently made several trips to the Golden State, where he resided for seven years. About twelve years since he came to Cowley County, locating in Bolton Township, where he lived till his decease, at which time he owned one of the best fruit farms in the county. His last hours were soothed by the presence of his nephew, Mr. R. S. Light, of Mercer County, Missouri, who was summoned by telegram to the bedside of his dying relative. In the death of W. F. Dickenson, we lose one of our oldest and best farmers, and an honest and upright citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 3, 1883.
                                               CIVIL DOCKET. THIRD DAY.
                                               S. R. Mercer vs. A. B. Henthorn.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1883.
E. A. Barron and O. A. Titus furnished the new seats for the school here. They are also to furnish seats for the Mercer district. These are the handsomest, most durable, and comfortable seats in the market.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1884.
                                                            Dropped Dead.
DIED. Newman Newton, an old gentleman aged about 65, dropped dead at his home in Bolton Township last Saturday afternoon. He and his son were out loading up some hay, with the elder gentleman in the wagon. When they had about half a load, Mr. Newton cautioned his son not to pitch so fast, as he could not take care of it. The son commenced to toss slower, but on looking up failed to see his father, and fearing he had fallen from the wagon, the young man walked around to the other side, but still could not see any sign of him. Then looking into the wagon bed, he discovered his father lying at full length, and cold in the embrace of death. His death had been instantaneous and painless. No cause is known for his sudden death other than heart disease, from which, however, the gentleman had never suffered previously. We understand that for two or three years he had had considerable trouble with his kidneys, which may have contributed somewhat to the final dissolution.
The deceased leaves six children, all grown, three daughters and three sons, two of the latter now living near Peoria, Illinois. The family are one of the most respected and prosperous in Southwest Bolton, and have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. The body was placed in the Mercer Cemetery yesterday.
Arkansas City Republican, April 26, 1884.
The following petit jurors have been drawn to serve for the May term of court, which convenes the first Tuesday in May: J. W. Brown, Beaver; H. J. Donnelly, Bolton; J. R. Perry, Creswell; Milton Houston, Beaver; William Mercer, Bolton; Samuel C. Kelley, Cedar; Jonas Leedy, Windsor; George Russell, Creswell; R. R. Longshore, Sheridan; J. W. Alley, Otter; T. J. Anderson, Bolton; J. R. Russell, Omnia.
Arkansas City Republican, June 28, 1884.
Notice. A meeting will be held at Bland schoolhouse, Bolton Township, July 19, in reference to Hope Cemetery Association of Bolton Township. All those who have subscribed to the capital stock of this association, and those having secured lots, and those wishing to secure lots, pay for them to treasurer, on or before July 19, and as soon as possible deeds will be made out. By order of

         Wm. MERCER, President, A. J. KIMMEL, Treasurer, A. T. COOPER, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
                                                            Death in a Well.
DIED. An accident of the most heartrending nature, and resulting in the death of two well known residents of Bolton Township, transpired last Thursday afternoon. The facts as we received them from an eye-witness are, in substance, as follows.
A short time since Mr. Bristow purchased a farm about two miles south from Geuda, and upon said farm was an old-disused well, some forty-five feet deep, which it was desired to have cleaned out and fitted for use. With this object in view, Mr. Bristow and his nephew, C. W. Crank, left home on Thursday last and proceeded to the old well, which Mr. Crank at once descended and proceeded to work, but soon complained of the gas hurting his eyes and requested to be drawn up. This Mr. Bristow tried to do, but the well bucket having become lodged, he was unable to draw him up, when Crank attempted to climb the curbing; but becoming overpowered by the gas, fell back, whereupon Bristow descended by the pipe to his assistance, his wife and boy, in the meanwhile raising an alarm. It would seem that both men were overpowered by the gas, and, notwithstanding every effort, it was nearly two hours before the bodies were brought to the surface through the heroic efforts of Messrs. Willard and Tompkins, but unfortunately life was extinct. The bodies were taken to the residence of Mr. Bristow, from whence the following day they were conveyed to the Mercer Cemetery, where, in the presence of a very large assembly of friends and neighbors, they were laid to rest. The funeral obsequies of C. W. Crank were conducted by the Masons, of which fraternity he was a member, but the remains of both the unfortunate men were conducted to their last home at the same time. Mr. Crank was an unmarried man, about 30 years of age, while Mr. Bristow, aged 40, was married and leaves a wife and children to mourn his untimely taking away, and to whom is extended the deepest sympathy in their direful affliction.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 30, 1884.
                                                             In Memoriam.
At a special meeting of Crescent lodge No. 133, A. F. and A. M., held in Masonic hall, Arkansas City, on Friday, July 25, 1884, the following memorial resolutions were reported by the committee appointed, and were read and adopted.
WHEREAS, it has pleased the Supreme Grand Master of the Universe in His infinite wisdom, to remove Brother C. W. Crank from the busy scenes of our earthly lodge, to the Eternal Lodge of refreshment, joy, and peace above; therefore be it
Resolved, That we deeply feel the loss of our departed brother; and
Resolved, That we recognize in the life of our departed brother an illustration of the beautiful and pure principles of our time-honored fraternity, and the example of an honest and upright citizen.

Resolved, That while the departure of this highly esteemed brother to “that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns,” has filled our hearts with anguish, we will remember that the evergreen emblem of our faith reminds us of a beautiful world beyond the cold river of death where all who here lead virtuous lives and promptly discharge their duties to God, their neighbor, and themselves, may hope at last to meet and join in everlasting songs of praise and glory to the Supreme Grand Master, who so richly bestows these heavenly blessings upon the faithful craftsmen.
Resolved, That we shall ever cherish the memory of the departed in the inmost recess of our hearts, and strive to emulate his virtues, that when our summons comes to give an account of our work, we may pass the inspection of the Grand Overseer, and be permitted to clasp hands with our brother in the eternal blessedness of heaven.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be published in the Arkansas City Traveler and copies sent to the relatives of the departed.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1884.
H. E. Asp will speak at Mercer Schoolhouse in Bolton Township, on Friday night of this week, and on Saturday night at Terwilliger’s Schoolhouse.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 12, 1884.
DIED. Died at Gibbon, Nebraska, on Tuesday, November 4, Mattie Ethel, the two-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Metcalf, of Sumner County, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Metcalf were visiting relatives at Gibbon when the little one was taken sick with acute sporadic dysentery and despite all that medical skill or parental care could do, the little spirit wended its way to the all-wise Father. The remains were brought to this city by the sorrowing parents, and on Sunday, November 9, were laid to rest in the Mercer Cemetery, in West Bolton.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
                                                  Hope Cemetery Association.
Notice. The Hope Cemetery Association, of Bolton Township, have incorporated under the laws of the state, and having purchased, fenced, and surveyed the grounds, would request all those having friends or relatives buried there to meet at the grounds on Monday, December 20, 1884, at 1 o’clock, p.m., to locate their lots or graves so that they can be marked on the ground plat as taken, and receive therefor a deed on payment of $5.00. Any others wishing to select burial lots at that time will have an opportunity, and deeds will be given on payment of $10 for first choice, $7.50 for second choice, and $5.00 for all others.
          WM. MERCER, President. A. T. COOPER, Secretary. A. J. KIMMEL, Trustee.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 17, 1884.
We call attention to the notice of the Hope Cemetery Association elsewhere in this issue. It is with pleasure we note that steps are being taken to render this resting place of the departed comely to the eye by the planting of trees, fencing, etc. We trust their efforts in this direction may be seconded by the people of Bolton Township, as most assuredly nothing helps to sooth the feelings of sorrowing relatives more than to lay their loved ones away where the care and attention of the surroundings testify to the loving remembrance of relatives and friends.
Arkansas City Republican, December 20, 1884.
                                                  Hope Cemetery Association.

Notice. The Hope Cemetery Association of Bolton Township, having been incorporated under the laws of the state, and have purchased, fenced, and surveyed the ground, would request a meeting of all those having friends or relatives buried there to meet at the grounds on Monday, the 28th of December 1884, at 1 o’clock p.m., to locate their lots or graves so that they can be marked on the ground plat as taken and receive therefor a deed on payment of $5, and any others wishing to select burying lots at that time will have an opportunity, and deeds will be given of payment of $10 for first choice, $7.50 for second choice, and $5 for all others. WM. MERCER, President. A. T. COOPER, Secretary. A. J. KIMMEL, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 14, 1885.
Seven head of cattle taken up by Mr. Mercer, of Bolton Township, a few days since, advertised in this issue. Parties owning stock are advised to read the same.
Ad. Stray Notice. Taken up by the undersigned, living three miles south and three miles west of Arkansas City, in Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas, three head of native cattle, supposed to be 3-year-olds.
DESCRIPTION. One roan line backed steer, branded M on right side; one pale red heifer, slit ears, no brands; one dark roan steer, slit ears and half crop, no brands.
Owner can take same by proving property and paying charges. WM. MERCER.
January 5th, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.
                                                          S. P. U., Attention.
There will be a meeting of the Stock Protective Union at the Mercer Schoolhouse in Bolton Township, on the fourth Friday evening of March, at 7 o’clock sharp, for the election of officers, and to attend to such other business as may come up. Your presence requested.
                                                     W. S. VORIS, Secretary.
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
                                                          Notice Stockmen.
S. P. U., of West Bolton, will meet at the Mercer schoolhouse, Friday evening, April 10th, to transact business of importance. All turn out.
                                  By order of, P. H. SOMERS, Capt. Commanding.
Arkansas City Republican, August 15, 1885.
The Ladies of the Pleasant Valley Baptist Church of Bolton Township, Cowley County, will give a Grand Farmer’s supper at the Mercer schoolhouse grounds, Dist. No. 53, on the eve of August 20th, 1885, the proceeds to be appropriated to the building of the foundation of a church house in said township. Ample accommodations and provision for all. Music vocal and instrumental will be given. MRS. S. H. DEWEESE, Chairman Com.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 2, 1885.
For Rent. Rink Store. Apply to W. H. Mercer, on the premises.
Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.
                                                         Stockmen Attention.
S. P. U. of West Bolton you are requested to meet at the Mercer schoolhouse on Friday evening, March 26th, to transact business of importance by order of P. H. SOMERS, Capt.
Arkansas City Republican, April 17, 1886.
Notice, Stockmen. S. P. U., of West Bolton, will meet at Mercer schoolhouse, Friday evening, April 30. All are requested to attend. By order of P. H. SOMERS, Captain.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 22, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
S. P. U., of Bolton, will meet at Mercer schoolhouse Friday evening, June 4th. By order of P. H. SOMERS, Capt.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 5, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
DIED. Mrs. Clara Manning, wife of J. L. Manning, and daughter of Daniel and Elisa Venters, of West Bolton, Sunday, May 30th, 1886, and was buried Monday, in Mercer Cemetery. Funeral services were conducted by Elder J. P. Witt assisted by Jesse Gresham. The deceased for several years had been a consistent member of the Christian Church. As a citizen of the neighborhood in which she lived, she was much loved and respected by all who knew her as was manifested by the large concourse of people who followed her to the grave.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Wm. Mercer has recovered his horse and buggy reported stolen in yesterday’s daily. The horse unhitched himself and took a ramble over the city. He was taken up by one of our citizens.
Not certain if the following is related to Wm. Mercer...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 15, 1887. From Monday’s Daily.
The following have been installed officers of the A. O. U. W. Lodge of this city: Edward Grady, M. W.; I. H. Bonsall, F.; J. C. Thomas, O.; M. N. Sinnott, Rec.; N. W. Winton, F.; H. D. Kellogg, Re.; Pat Franey, G.; J. W. Sparks, I. W., and J. Mercer, O. W.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 19, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
                                                      Headstones for Soldiers.
By an act of congress dated August 4, 1886, the quartermaster’s department at Washington was authorized to furnish headstones for all unmarked graves of deceased Union soldiers, sailors or marines, either of the regular or volunteer army; and whether they died after their muster out or discharge. The stones are to be of white marble, thirty-six inches long, ten inches wide, and four inches thick, and are to be inscribed with the name, age, date of death, regiment and company of the deceased. The stones will be delivered at the nearest railroad station, freight free. But the person sending the requisition to the department must agree to receive the stones and see that they are properly set up without any further cost to the government.
I, having received the proper requisitions from the department at Washington, would request (and urge) all who have a father, husband, son, brother, comrade, whose last resting place is not marked, to avail themselves of this kind tribute of the soldiers’ friend—the government. I would include all soldiers’ unmarked graves at Riverview, Parker’s, and Mercer cemeteries. We want these headstones placed in before Decoration Day. So please come with the requisites and vouchers, as set forth, to me at once.
G. W. MILLER, Quartermaster, Arkansas City Post No. 158.
The next Mercers mentioned are unknown!
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Saturday’s Daily.
Lowe, Hoffman & Barron sold over $30,000 worth of property within the last five days. The following is a partial list.
House and two lots to George Mercer in South Side addition, $1,200.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 5, 1887. From Tuesday’s Daily.

There was a fire in the first ward this afternoon. It was the stable of T. W. Gant. Robt. Mercer and family occupied the house on the lots. His little 3-year-old boy obtained some matches and struck one in the stable, lighting the hay. Mrs. Mercer discovered it in time to save the child from being burned to death. His face and hands were badly burned. $300 will cover the loss.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 19, 1887. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Mercer Bros., E. P. Hancock, and Clay Robbins, all of Paxton, Illinois, are in the city buying real estate. They are loading up heavily. They have about decided to locate here. They are men of capital and enterprise.
Daily Calamity Howler, Wednesday, October 7, 1891.
                                                       HACKNEY ITEMS.
The district alliance will be held in the Mercer school house in West Bolton on Saturday, Oct. 10.




Cowley County Historical Society Museum