Kay had clippings that someone had gathered from various newspapers with “Oil and Gas News.”
1. Winfield Courier, November 19, 1917.
Wheeler and McCann, of Oklahoma City, were in Winfield Friday looking after oil interests with M. E. Johnson. Mr. McCann left Friday evening for Tulsa, to attend to oil interests there. Mr. Wheeler will return later.
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The Empire lease on the Kep [rest of word blanked out...Kephart???] farm, three and one-half miles south of town, is drilling at a depth of 250 feet.
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Drilling has been resumed on the Searle well at Dexter. Oil was struck at a depth of 2950 feet, but was not strong enough to pay, so the company decided to go down a [rest of line blank] the hope of striking [rest of line blank]. [Note: this was xeroxed...right side of this item did not get xeroxed.
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The Peacock No. 1 [rest of line blank]
down, awaiting tools. [rest of line blank]
Probate Judge Miller married Mitchell Papan, of the Kaw Agency, and Dasle Parker of Maple City, Friday evening. Papan is a Kaw Indian and Miss Parker a Cherokee.
PAPER UNKNOWN: June 11, 1903. [Think it might have come from Traveler.]
The hole at Peru, being drilled by the Kansas Drilling company for the Crescent Oil & Gas company of this city, yesterday reached a depth of 550 feet. It is expected the well will be completed in about a week. Oil has been struck in that neighborhood, at a depth of 960 feet, and the prospects in the present hole are excellent. The members of the company are confident they will strike a good flow of oil in their first hole.
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Arkansas City Traveler, September 3, 1903.
Will England came down here recently from Topeka to visit around in this county. He has lived in this county for a number of years and in fact got his present political job from this county. When Will lived in this section, there were some people who were foolish enough to believe that he possessed a few grains of sense. But since he got up at Topeka he has got his head swelled. He went over and viewed the well at Dexter, then he hopped on the cars, went to Topeka, and blabbed to the papers up there that Arkansas City and Winfield were jealous of Dexter and for that reason the papers of the two towns said that the well at Dexter was wind. Of course, we can’t speak for Winfield; but as far as Arkansas City is concerned, we can safely say she is not envious or jealous. We sincerely hope that Dexter has the biggest well in Kansas because we know that if there is gas at Dexter, it can be found in this vicinity. If we couldn’t, we could buy a well from Dexter. People are hereby warned to not sell Will England any guns for there is no telling what he might not take a notion to do with one.
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Arkansas City Traveler, November 26, 1903.
The Arkano and Gas Mfg. Co. has incorporated with Sheriff J. Day as president, and D. U. Walker of Arkansas City, as one of the directors. The company will operate in Chautauqua County in and near Peru, where they have leased 200 acres of land. They have offices in Winfield.
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Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1903.
Said to Be the Biggest Oiler in the State, 500 Barrels Per Day.
The Crescent Oil & Gas company, which is made of Arkansas City capitalists, this morning received more news from Peru. Mr. Hess over the telephone said the well is the best gusher in the field and that it will produce 500 barrels per day. If this statement is correct, then the well is the biggest one in the state. It gushes every fifteen minutes and the company is prepared to take care of the well’s output.
Heretofore the biggest well in the state was the Banks well at Bolton station, eight miles southwest of Independence. The Banks well produced 350 barrels per day and was one of the best in the country. To say the stockholders of the Crescent Company are delighted, puts it mildly, they are figuring themselves millionaires already. The company will at once drill another well near the present gusher.
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