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Osage Live Stock Association

Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1883.  Messrs. Florer & Pollock have just completed arrangements with the tribe of Osage Indians, by which they lease over 100,000 acres of  good grazing ground in the Osage Nation for a term of ten years, for a yearly consideration of three thousand dollars.  We are glad to note this fact, for while it is a good thing for the gentlemen, it is equally good for the Indians, who thus realize a handsome profit from otherwise waste land.
Arkansas City Traveler. March 19, 1884. At the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell, last week, the lessees of the Osage, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations met at the Southwestern hotel and organized the Osage Live Stock Association.
Mr. Crane, of Independence, was chosen president of the association and W. J. Pollock, secretary.
The following cattle firms were represented: Florer & Pollock, Hewins & Titus, Crane & Larimer, Wait & King, Carpenter & Leahy, Soderstrom & Shoals, Osage Brown & Son, Joe Hurd, all holding cattle on the Osage reservation; T. J. Gilbert & Co., Kaw reservation: R. A. Houghton (of Arkansas City), Nez Perce: J. H. Sherburne (of Arkansas City), Ponca.
This association will work in harmony with other organizations of the same kind, yet it shall be a distinctive body. It is their intention to admit the Indian cattle owners into member-ship, giving them all the benefits of protection enjoyed by their white brethren.
Nothing further than an organization was accomplished at this meeting, when they adjourned to meet again on Saturday, March 29, at Osage Agency.
The men comprising this association are each and all large cattle owners, are men of influence and wealth, of enterprise and business acumen, and we doubt not that the Osage Live Stock Association will soon rank as high and favorably as does its sister, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.
The meeting on March 29 listed the following members present: H. H. Crane, W. H. H. Larimer and J. H. Pugh, of Independence; Thomas Leahy and L. C. Wait, of Elgin; J. N. Florer, of Kaw Agency.
They met again on September 30, 1884. Col. H. H. Crane was elected Permanent chairman, Col. W. J. Pollock, permanent secretary, and J. N. Florer as treasurer. Annual membership fee was $2.00.
Mr. Hewins moved: That any member of the Osage nation, any Indian owning stock, or any person rightfully occupying ranges on the Osage, Kaw, Cherokee, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations may become members of this association upon payment of $2 to the treasurer.  Adopted.
Membership fees were then paid by the following named stock men and stock firms, who were enrolled by the secretary upon the books of the association:
W. J. Pollock                           Ponca Agency, I. T.
Florer, Gould & Ayres        Kaw Agency, I. T.
Jane Benvenue                    Kaw Agency, I. T.
B. F. Childs                              Arkansas City, Ks.
Virgil Herard                            Osage Agency, I. T.
Gus Choteau                            Osage Agency, I. T.

Louis Rogers                            Osage Agency, I. T.
Antonie Rogers                   Osage Agency, I. T.
Judge T. L. Rogers             Osage Agency, I. T.
Hewins & Titus                   Cedarvale, Ks.
W. S. Brown & Sons               Independence, Ks.
Crane & Larrimer                     Independence, Ks.
H. Roberts                         Kaw Agency, I. T.
W. P. Mathews                        Osage Agency, I. T.
J. H. Sherburne                        Ponca Agency, I. T.
Wait, King & Pugh             Elgin, Ks.
Elgin Cattle Co.                        Elgin, Ks.
T. J. Gilbert & Co.             Arkansas City, Ks.
R. A. Houghton                        Arkansas City, Ks.
E. M. Mathews                        Osage Agency, I. T.
C. N. Prudom                          Osage Agency, I. T.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 19, 1884.
                                                 Osage Live Stock Association.
At the meeting of the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association at Caldwell, last week, the lessees of the Osage, Ponca, and Nez Perce reservations met at the Southwestern Hotel and organized the Osage Live Stock Association. Mr. Crane, of Independence, was chosen president of the association and W. J. Pollock secretary. The following cattle firms were represented.
 1.  Florer & Pollock.
 2.  Hewins & Titus.
 3.  Crane & Larrimer.
 4.  Wait & King.
 5.  Carpenter & Leahy.
 6.  Soderstrom & Shoals.
 7.  Osage Brown & Son.
 8.  Joe Hurd.
 9.  T. J. Gilbert & Co., Kaw Reservation.
10.  R. A. Houghton, Nez Perce Reservation.
11.  J. H. Sherburne, Ponca Reservation.
This association will work in harmony with other organizations of the same kind, yet it shall be a distinctive body. It is their intention to admit the Indian cattle owners into membership, giving them all the benefits and protection enjoyed by their white brethren.  Nothing further than an organization was accomplished at this meeting, when they adjourned to meet again on Saturday, May 29, at Osage Agency. The men comprising this association are each and all large cattle owners, are men of influence and wealth, of enterprise and business acumen, and we doubt not that the Osage Live Stock Association will soon rank as high and favorably as does its sister, the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association.  Success to it.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum