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Col. John T. Quarles

                                       QUARLES, THOMAS B. AND ANNA.


The Winfield Census of 1873 listed J. T. Quarles, age 52, and single.
The Winfield Census of 1880 listed J. T. Quarles, age 52, and a female, Anne E. Quarles, age 25.
The Beaver Township Census of 1878 lists Jno. C. Quarrels, age 60, and a female, A. E. Quarrels, age 24.
Excerpts relative to Quarles children...
Winfield Courier, Saturday, February 1, 1873.
                                                          Teacher’s Report.
To the Clerk of Public School Board of Winfield, Kansas, for the month ending Jan. 25th, 1873.
Whole number enrolled, 104.
                                                           UPPER ROOM.
Average daily attendance, 31.
Present every day. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Annie Newman, R. W. Dever, I. E. Johnson, H. E. Likowski, Walter A. Lewis, Harold H. Mansfield, O. Orlando Menor, W. D. Menor, Richard S. Whitaker, Charles E. Weathers.
Roll of Honor. Cora E. Andrews, Luella Blandin, M. Callie Blandin, Adida V. Boucher, P. Nellie Covert, C. Louis Crapster, F. Ella Freeland, Lydia A. Kenworthy, Mary L. Koehler, Jessie Millington, Anna Newman, Nettie C. Quarles, Ida B. Weir, R. Nellie Wiggan, Fred C. Hunt, Frank E. Howard, Frank A. Howland, I. Ernest Johnson, H. Eddie Likowski, Wm. Dean Menor, Holiday H. Menor, O. Orlando Menor, Harold H. Mansfield, Addison F. Powers, Charles E. Weathers.
Col. J. T. Quarles...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 26, 1873.
The citizens of Winfield, in pursuance to a previous call, met at the Methodist church this evening to take into consider­ation the subject of appropriately celebrating the 4th of July, 1873. Col. J. T. Quarles was chosen chairman, and J. C. Lillie Secretary. The various committees appointed by a former meeting were read and approved. The only principal question before the meeting was the selection of appropriate grounds upon which to hold the celebration.
It was resolved to prepare an arbor with seats and rostrum for speakers, in the nearest and best adapted grove for the purpose. The races, as heretofore advertised, to come off at 3 o’clock p.m. upon the Fair Grounds of the Cowley County Agricul­tural Society.

Officers of the day were chosen as follows: Chaplains, Rev. J. B. Parmelee and Lowry. Reader of the Declaration of Indepen­dence, Byron A. Snow. Marshal, Col. J. T. Quarles. Orators, J. B. Fairbank, Hon. Jas. McDermott, J. W. Scull, Esq.
It was ordered by the meeting to prepare grounds for the accommodation of 5,000 people.
                                              COL. J. T. QUARLES, Chairman.
J. C. LILLIE, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 10, 1873.
RECAP. Thanks are given to the efficient officers and various committees appointed to carry out the programme on the Fourth. Col. J. T. Quarles was Marshal of the day, assisted by James Kelly, Esq., and W. M. Allison.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 28, 1873.
At a meeting held by the children of Winfield on Wednesday of last week in the Methodist Church it was decided to have a picnic in Mr. Andrew’s grove on Friday Sept. 5th. The following committees were appointed.
To obtain the grove: E. Freeland and Cora Andrews.
To invite Brass Band: Callie Blandin and Nettie Quarles.
To attend to the dinner: Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Wm. Marris, McClellan, Blandin, McMaster, Hill, Mrs. M. W. Palmer, Miss M. Bryant.
To attend to the refreshments: Messrs. Quarles, Hill, Baldwin, Ellis, Kelly, Allison, Torrance, Freeland, and Newlin.
To arrange seats, stand, etc.: J. Swain, Jas. Hill, Dever, Saint, Ray, and Smiley.
To arrange the swing, croquet, etc.: J. D. Cochran, Spencer Bliss, Mrs. Flint, Miss Mary Stewart, Rev. Lowry, and T. A. Rice.
Committee to see that the trees are not injured in any way: A. T. Shenneman, Sheriff Parker, M. L. Robinson.
On invitation: Mrs. E. P. Hickok, O. Lowry, M. Dever, Laura McMillen.
Chief Marshal: E. P. Hickok.
The children of the town and vicinity will meet in the Methodist church on that morning so as to start for the grove at 9 A.M. Outside districts are cordially invited to come and join with us in enjoying the day. Per order of the committee.
Winfield Courier, December 12, 1873.
                                            GRAND MASONIC FESTIVAL!
To be given for the benefit of Adelphi Lodge, A. F. & A. M. At the Courtroom, Winfield, Kansas, Dec. 25th, 1873.
There will be a public installation of officers of the Lodge at the Baptist church at one o’clock P.M. After the Installation there will be a few short addresses by members of the order.
Dinner will take place at the courtroom at five o’clock P.M.
A cordial invitation is extended to the public.
After dinner a grand ball will be given at the courtroom. Good music will be in attendance. A cordial invitation is extended to the fraternity to be present. Special invitations will be given by the Committee to those not members of the order.
The following is the list of the committees appointed for the occasion.

COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS. A. A. Jackson, T. A. Rice, J. E. Saint, W. M. Boyer, L. J. Webb, J. C. Fuller.
SOLICITING COMMITTEE. A. T. Stewart, S. H. Myton, I. Bing, A. T. Shenneman, J. A. Simpson, J. Swain, T. A. Blanchard, R. B. Saffold, John Rhodes; Mrs. Flint, Mrs. McMasters, Mrs. A. H. Green, Mrs. Brotherton, Mrs. Tousey, Mrs. Limbocker; Miss Jennie Stewart, Miss Lowry, W. W. Limbocker.
RECEPTION COMMITTEE. Dr. Graham, M. L. Read, A. Howland, P. Hill, J. P. Short, Mrs. A. A. Jackson, Mrs. P. Hill, Mrs. Robin­son, Miss Ella Quarles, J. L. M. Hill.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1874.
Quarles & Ferguson have raised the frame of their new barn.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1874.
A couple of the lads in this city overreached themselves slightly when they plundered the store of W. H. South, a few weeks ago. The boys were hunted so closely that they concluded the best thing they could do would be to bring the property back, which they did. They wrapped the watches and other jewelry (with the exception of a few rings and a pocket-knife or two) in a gum cloak (stolen at a dance at Little Dutch recently) and deposited them upon the salt barrels in front of the store where they were soon discovered by Mr. South. The walnut box which contained the watches when stolen, had been deposited in the Walnut River for safekeeping, and was not returned.
On the evening of the day upon which the goods were returned (Wednesday), Lucian McMasters turned states evidence, confessing that Tom Quarles and himself had stolen the jewelry and kept it hidden in Cliff Wood’s timber. The boys were immediately arrest­ed, and yesterday, after an examination before ’Squire Boyer, were committed to bail in the sum of $500; Quarles to appear before the District Court on charge of grand larceny, and McMasters to appear as a witness. It appears from the confession that there are some dozen boys in this town who have kept up a systematic thieving for the past two years, and it is hoped that this will be a lesson for them.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
                                                  District Court Proceedings.
State of Kansas vs. Thomas Quarles, Recognizance forfeited, alias warrant issued, and bail fixed at $1,000.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1874.
Ferguson & Quarles have their new barn nearly completed.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1874.
Captain Davis has bought Cal. Quarles interest in the new Livery Stable and has settled down once more to his old business. The Captain is an old hand at the business, and a good one
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1874.
We learn from private sources that Tom Quarles of this place is quietly resting in the Neosho County jail charged with horse stealing.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1874.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the September term of the District Court, Cowley County, Kansas, to be held on and from the 28th, inst., and have been placed upon the Trial Docket in the following order.
                                          CRIMINAL DOCKET—First Day.
The State of Kansas vs. Lucius McMasters.
The State of Kansas vs. Thomas Quarles.
Winfield Courier, October 2, 1874.
The jury in the case of Tom Quarles, charged with stealing the watches of W. H. South, returned a verdict of not guilty, and the prisoner was discharged.
Winfield Courier, October 9, 1874.
S. D. Klingman and J. D. Cochran had each a fine horse stolen last Sunday night. From the fact that Tom Quarles was seen lurking around Mr. Cochran’s stables during the day before the horses were missing, and he and young Bodwell were missing simultaneously with the horses, it is supposed that the lads are the thieves. They are still at large.
Winfield Courier, June 17, 1875.
A new livery stable has been started in Col. Quarrel’s [Quarles’] barn on Ninth Avenue. The proprietor is from Elk Falls.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1876.
COL. QUARLES, who for some time past has been “under the weather,” is able to be on the street again.
Winfield Courier, January 4, 1877.
COL. QUARLES’ many friends will be pleased to know that he looks better and feels happier than for many a day. His new young wife and rustic home have inspired him with new energies and hopes, and he intends to live his life over again and if possible improve upon the one that is gone. (If the improvement is sufficiently meritorious, it will be patented.)  The Col. has seen about as good a day and about as long a one as any man in the State. A Kentuckian of high social standing, an associate of the immortal Clay, once Speaker of the House of Representatives of the blue-grass State, always one of the men who commanded respect and exerted influence wherever he lived, he will have to get up and dust to cut the swaths of his early history.
Winfield Courier, March 8, 1877.
Of the Philomatic Society for Friday evening, March 9th, 1877.
 1. Music, By String Band.
 2.  Miscellaneous business.
 3.  Music, Vocal.
 4.  Select Reading, by Mrs. Jno. D. Pryor.
 5.  Music, by String Band.
 6.  Weekly Paper, by Misses Emma Saint and Jessie Millington.
 7.  Music, Vocal.
 8.  Declamations, by Miss Minnie Quarles and Ezra Bartlett.
 9.  Music, by String Band.

10.  Discussion—”Resolved, that man is a creature of circumstances.” Affirmative—M. G. Troup and J. D. Pryor. Negative—G. H. Buckman and C. C. Black.
11.  Music, Vocal.

12.  Answers to Scientific and Historical questions.
13.  Music, by String Band.
14.  Adjournment.
Instrumental music for the evening by Prof. Easton’s string band.
All are invited.                          F. S. JENNINGS, Pres.
O. M. SEWARD, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1877.
                                                        The Closing Exercises
Of the Winfield public schools came off Friday afternoon of last week under the direction of Geo. W. Robinson, principal. The four schools united in giving an entertainment in the Courthouse hall. These exercises consisted of songs, declamations, essays, dialogues, and a paper. Jay Bryan, in a well delivered declamation, told us why a dog’s nose is always cold, and Samuel Aldrich rendered the “Wedding of Whitinsville” quite well. Three little girls, Ada Rushbridge, Minnie Andrews, and Nellie Plank gave a dialogue teaching the true source of pleasure, and Minnie Quarles and Anna Hunt illustrated the difference between the “good old times” and the present degenerate age. Frank Robinson came to the rescue of the much-abused grandmothers, while George Black advised us to “smile” whenever we can. Berkey Bartlett gave a good rendition of “The Sculptor Boy,” and Johnny Howland told us how well we look “sitting around.”
The essays by Misses Robertson, Nauman, and Winslow, were well read, and showed that this important branch of education has not been neglected by our teachers.
Lady Clare, by Miss Lizzie Kinne; Maud Muller, by Miss Laura McMillen; and The Ballad Carnilhan, by Miss Eugene Holmes, were recitations of some length and much merit.
The opening song was a good selection, and was well rendered. The quartette, Beautiful Rain, sung by Misses Jennie Hane, Lutie Newman, Eugene Holmes, and Jennie Lowry, was finely executed and highly appreciated by the audience.
The exercises altogether were quite pleasant, and scholars and teachers deserve praise for the labors which ended in this afternoon entertainment.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
Col. Quarles lately fell from his buggy and was seriously injured.
Winfield Courier, April 8, 1880.
Tuesday passed off very quietly. There was considerable “scratching” on both tickets resulting in the election of a mixed ticket. The following are the official returns.
                                                            FIRST WARD.
J. H. Finch:                   82
J. T. Quarles:                63
D. F. Kerr:             50
Bert Covert:                 49
Thos. Benning:        35
Ed. Weitzel:                  26
                                                         SECOND WARD.

J. H. Finch:               82
J. T. Quarles:                  92
T. H. Benning:          28
Bert Covert:                   82
D. F. Kerr:               34
Ed. Weitzel:                    53
Winfield Courier, December 30, 1880.
The Rev. J. A. Hyden invited to dinner on Tuesday last all the old men in the vicinity. Quite a gay party met and did full justice to the magnificent tables loaded down with turkeys, hams, cakes, pies, coffee, and the many et ceteras, got up in the best order and with the best taste.
During and after dinner the guests and host entertained each other with many pleasant stories and reminiscences of the past. Mrs. Hyden and her sons and daughters furnished charming music. Mr. Hyden made a short and very entertaining address, and the guests made short speeches of sentiment and thanks.
John T. Quarles, born in Pulaski Co., Kentucky, May 11, 1818; came to Kansas in 1855, and to Cowley in 1873.
Winfield Courier, April 7, 1881.
The result of the city election of last Tuesday is given in the table below. Names of candidates on the Republican ticket are in Roman, Citizens ticket in small caps, and on both in caps.
            J. T. QUARLES WON: MAJORITY 106.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881. Front Page.
                                                          CIVIL DOCKET.
                                               John Rhodes vs. John T. Quarles.
A new name appears among the Quarles family...Marquis Quarles! Later on, when the list of pensioners is given, the spelling of first name is changed to “Marcus.”
Question: Was Quarrels in next item really “Quarles?”
Winfield Monthly Herald, March 1882.
Received since our last publication. Richard Quarrels, received by Baptism. Charles Quarrels, by Baptism.
The following contributed to the free will offering: Quarrels, Dick; Quarrels, Charles; Quarrels, Wade.
Cowley County Courant, July 4, 1882.

Pursuant to the call issued, members of the Winfield company of old soldiers met at the Courthouse last evening, to fill vacancies. On motion, Jacob Nixon was elected chairman and James Kelly secretary. John A. McGuire was elected Captain, vice Bard transferred. Jacob Nixon was elected 1st Lieutenant, vice James Kelly, promoted. Henry L. Barker was elected 2nd Lieutenant, vice A. T. Shenneman, resigned. On motion the captain was requested to call a meeting of the company for Monday evening July 3rd, at the Opera House. The following appointments were made by Captain J. A. McGuire. Marquis Quarles to be Orderly Sergeant. On motion the meeting adjourned to meet at the call of the commanding officer. James Kelly secretary, Jacob Nixon chairman. In accordance with the foregoing the members of the Winfield Company of veteran soldiers will meet at the Opera House Monday evening July 3rd, for the transaction of business, prepa­ratory to the soldiers’ reunion at Topeka in September, and any other business that may come before us. Any honorably discharged soldier of the late war, who has not done so, can meet at that time and sign the roll. It is imperative that we know at once how many will go to Topeka in order that transportation be secured. J. A. McGUIRE, Capt. Commanding.
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman captured two negro horse thieves Monday. They had stolen horses from the Territory and sold them to Patterson, of Arkansas City. As soon as Shenneman got his eyes on them, he knew they were horse thieves, and took them in. He raked in another man Tuesday. It was the one who stole Mr. Raymond’s ponies and Mr. Hurd’s buggy some weeks ago. Some think it is Tom Quarles, who will be remembered by early settlers as a pretty bad case. He was living with a woman at Independence and had in his possession Hurd’s buggy and harness, one of Raymond’s horses, and a horse that was stolen from L. C. Norton at Arkansas City. Shenneman is a terror to horse thieves.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1882.
Our jail at present contains four as hard characters as ever decorated its grates. Tom Quarles, the unknown gentleman who tried to make a target of Shenneman’s ear, and the two Territory negroes, one of whom is wanted for killing a United States Marshal over a year ago.
Winfield Courier, September 21, 1882.
                   Glass, Noted Desperado, Escapes from Shenneman and Thralls.

Last week as Sheriff Shenneman and Joe Thralls, Sheriff of Sumner County, were taking Dick Glass through the Territory, overland to the Cherokee Nation, he jumped from the wagon and escaped. It was their third night out, and just as they drove up to a ranch to put up, Glass sprang from the wagon and rushed for a thick patch of underbrush near the road. It was about nine o’clock and very dark. The prisoner was shackled hand and foot and, as the sheriffs thought, perfectly secure. He was sitting between them, and his actions were so quick that he was two rods away before they got their revolvers on him. They fired twice each, but failed to bring him down; and nothing more was heard of him. He left a part of the shackles in the wagon and an examination showed that he had filed them nearly in two between the jams before leaving the jail, and had, by rubbing his feet together, broken them apart. It was also found upon examination that Quarles and Van Meter, the two in jail here now, also had their shackles filed and the three were to have made a grand rush for liberty on the self-same night that Glass was taken away. Glass has accomplished a feat that few men would care to attempt. The chances were desperate, but the man was equal to the attempt, and escaped from two of the shrewdest and bravest officers in this or any other state. Sheriff Shenneman feels badly over losing the prisoner and the five hundred dollar reward which he was to get.
Winfield Courier, October 5, 1882.
Another attempt to break out of the County jail was nipped in the bud Tuesday. Quarles and Van Meter had sawed the staples which held the locks of their cell doors and proposed to break them in the night, seize the guard and take his keys, compelling the outside guard to open the outer door to save the life of the former, then make a break for liberty. The plan was discovered in time. Tom Quarles is a hard one.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
The Cowley County Jail contains a female who proclaims herself a horse thief and wants to go to the penitentiary. She claims to be Tom Quarles’ wife and wants to go where he does. She presented herself and demanded to be incarcerated.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1882.
Tom Quarles and Van Meter cut their shackles again last Friday. They were cut between the jaws, just as Dick Glass had cut his. While making his usual morning examination of the jail and prisoners, Sheriff Shenneman detected the cut in the shackles, which was neatly filled with soap and blackened with charcoal. Quarles is one of the worst prisoners ever confined in our jail, and it takes watching to hold him.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
Sheriff Shenneman brought in another horse thief last week—one Bob Herriott, who was a member of Tom Quarles’ gang of horse thieves and stole L. C. Norton’s horse at Arkansas City.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1882.
                                                      CRIMINAL DOCKET.
Winfield Courier, November 16, 1882.
Tom Quarles and his wife plead guilty before the court Tuesday to stealing Hurd’s buggy. They have not yet been sentenced.
Winfield Courier, December 7, 1882.
The Court sentenced Mrs. Quarles to the penitentiary for three years; Tom Quarles for three years, and Mrs. Freylinger for life.
The following refers to Sheriff who captured Tom Quarles...
Winfield Courier, February 1, 1883.
                                                          The Dead at Rest!
       Sheriff Shenneman Buried Sunday Afternoon—Thousands Assisted in the Ceremonies.
                             THREE SPECIAL TRAINS FROM OTHER TOWNS.

The burial services and interment of Sheriff Shenneman, last Sunday, were the most impressive and imposing ever yet held within the borders of our county. The arrangements were in the hands of the Masonic fraternity, and the services were held at the Baptist Church at 1:30 p.m. Early in the morning the farmers from the surrounding country began pouring in; and at eleven o’clock a special train from Arkansas City, bearing the Masonic fraternity of that place and a large number of citizens, arrived. This was followed by another special from Newton and Wichita, and soon another from Wellington. By twelve o’clock the streets and hotels were thronged with people; many gathered here and there in little knots, talking over the terrible occurrences of the past week. Most noticeable among these groups were the Sheriffs who had come in from other counties to pay a last tribute to their brave comrade who had fallen in the line of duty. There was Sheriff Thralls, of Sumner, with whom Sheriff Shenneman had traveled thousands of miles, and through many dangerous ways in pursuit of criminals, and between whom there existed a personal friendship as strong as brotherhood. Also Sheriff Shadley, of Montgomery, who has the reputation of having handled more desperate criminals than any other officer in the State, and who captured Tom Quarles. Sheriff Watts, of Sedgwick, was precluded from being present by having the prisoner in charge. Sheriff Douglass, of Butler, was present; also Sheriff Thompson, of Elk, Sheriff Boyd, of Chautauqua, and Sheriff of            .
Death of Col. John T. Quarles. [Paper referred to him as “Quarrels.”]
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1883.
DIED. Col. Quarrels died Tuesday, after years of suffering. Thus ends a varied and eventful life, full of bright and dark shadows and ending in weary years of pain and dependence upon the charity of friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.
DIED. We learn from the Winfield Courier that Col. John Quarrels died in that city last Thursday, the 8th inst. Quarrels was well advanced in years, and although in the early period of his life he was blessed with a comfortable living, his later years were passed in penury and want. He was more than an ordinary man of ability, and at one time was speaker of the House of Representatives of Kentucky, his native State. His nature was warm and generous to a fault. Peace to his ashes.
Am not sure if the following was related to Col. John T. Quarles...
Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.
                                                       ROLL OF HONOR.
We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that “Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans.”
                                 LIST OF PENSIONERS, COWLEY COUNTY.
LISTING “Number of Certificate.” MAW]

                       Quarles, Marcus H., Winfield, dis lt eye, $4.00, September 1882.
The following April 23, 1885, article really brings up questions! It starts talking about a widow lady [Anna Quarrels, widow of Col. Quarrels]...before article ends, paper refers to her as Anna Quarles. More articles follow, calling her “Quarles.” I typed “Quarles”each and every time instead of alternating like the newspaper did.

Questions: Could this lady be related somehow to Tom Quarles, the outlaw? It is apparent that she could not be the wife of Tom Quarles, as that lady was only 17 when she went to prison. This widow lady was supposed to be about 30 years of age with three children [oldest about eight years old; youngest about four years old].
In 1882 Anna Quarles, age 17, wife of Tom Quarles, was convicted of grand larceny. Received in prison December 6, 1882. She was to serve 3 years, and was supposed to be released about June 17, 1885.
Thomas B. Quarles, who caused so much trouble while in Winfield jail, was sentenced December 4, 1882, for grand larceny for only one year. However, his term in prison was lengthened for another two years, commencing at expiration of first term (one year). His father was J. T. Quarles, who was listed as a resident of Winfield.
J. T. Quarles was sometimes referred to as “Colonel Quarles.” It appears that the lady might have been his second wife...MAW
                                                    A DASTARDLY DEED!
               The Home of a Lone Widow Entered at Midnight by a Human Brute.
                                                  BEATEN WITH A CLUB!
                While in Bed—Screams and Neighborly Assistance to The Rescue.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
                                      MRS. ANNA QUARLES THE VICTIM.

An act was perpetrated Thursday night between the hours of twelve and one that makes a very dark spot on the fair name of Winfield. The home of Mrs. Anna Quarles, widow of Col. Quarles, so well known in days gone by, was entered by some damnable demon and she nearly beaten to death as she lay in her bed. A DAILY COURIER reporter called at the house on Riverside avenue, a block east of the Santa Fe depot, and found Mrs. Quarles lying in bed and suffering terrible pain. Just above her right temple was an awful gash about two inches long and to the bone, evidently made with some blunt instrument; her right shoulder and arm were beaten black and blue, her eyes swollen nearly shut, and other marks of violence. She said: “I was partially awakened last night by footsteps in my room. I thought it was one of the children and said, “Who’s there?” Before I had aroused from my comatose condition, a low flash came from the lamp, and before I could look around, I was struck an awful blow on the head. This stunned me for a second, when I screamed: “Murder! Murder!! And tried to rise from the bed. The blows, from what seemed to me to be a heavy cane or club, came thick and fast on my head and shoulders. I threw my arm up; and as I did so, a fearful blow was given me on my left side. I was sightless from fright and pain and could do nothing but scream for mercy. Everything came so suddenly that I could distinguish nothing. I got from my bed—I don’t know how—and with blood streaming down my face rushed into the street, when Mr. C. C. Pierce and other neighbors came to my assistance. I have only a faint recollection of the circumstances. Can’t tell whether there was more than one person attacked me or not—was too badly stunned and frightened to realize anything. Hardly knew what had been done until it was all over, and not till this morning did I know all. With my recalling memory, I think it was a large man who beat me. I have not an enemy in the world that I know of, and have no idea what caused this brutal assault. No attempt, whatever, was made to outrage my person—all was with the club and no words were spoken. Think I must have left the door unlocked last night, but don’t know. My youngest child was sleeping with me, and the others in that bed (a small bed in the corner of the same room). Don’t know what they did, but think they screamed also. The children say they don’t know what kind of a person it was.” Mrs. Quarles moved into this house last Monday. It is a small box house with two rooms, fronting north. Her bed was just to the right of the door on entering and the other bed was in the southeast corner, just back of hers. The stand on which sat the lamp was a few feet from her bed to the left of the entrance. The floor and sidewalk where she went during the terrible assault were lined with blood. Mrs. Quarles is a woman about thirty years of age, of frail and delicate physique, and has seen a hard time in the last few years. She has three children, the oldest about eight years and the youngest four. Since the death of her husband, nearly three years ago, the only means of subsistence for herself and family have been her own exertions, with rent to pay. During the past winter she has been almost constantly sick, and dependent upon neighborly assistance. She is accomplished and fairly winsome. Her circumstances in early life were such as to make present circumstances terribly humiliating to her natural pride and ambition. Her ambition to do for herself and be free from the charity of others is traceable to her winter’s feebleness. This brutal assault is very mysterious. One of the theories advanced by general gossip is that for some years there lived in this house a family whose domestic infelicity was the talk of the neighborhood. His threats were deep and loud. A year ago he departed for other pastures, and she soon after obtained a divorce. Since his departure the widow has occupied this house. Last week she took onto herself another husband, and together they vacated the premises last Saturday. Monday morning Mrs. Quarles moved in. Certain parties were almost positive that they saw the person in question in this city Thursday. This gave rise to the theory that he had returned in a rage at his former wife’s re-marriage and with vengeance in his heart and blood in his eye sought the house where he supposed she still lived to beat her to death. The screams showing his mistaken victim, he suddenly decamped. To ascertain whether this man had been in the city during the past few days, the DAILY COURIER reporter visited the Santa Fe and Southern Kansas trains, interviewed the conductors, train, and depot men, Arthur Bangs, and everyone likely to know whether he came in, and found no trace whatever of his arrival. No one but the woman before named had seen anything of him, and she couldn’t swear to identity. This theory is doubtless without foundation. The man was so well known that he couldn’t get in and out of the city stealthily enough to avoid recognition. Another theory is that local jealousy did it, with a woman at the bottom. This case is so dark and unfathomable that every circumstance that seems in the least plausible is greedily devoured by a curious public, and much injustice is likely to be done. Mrs. Quarles stands well among her neighbors, none of them attributing for a moment the awful deed to any action of hers. That the scoundrelly savage was prompted by no desire to satisfy his animal passions is plain from the manner of the assault. That he did not enter for robbery is also very evident. The surroundings and circumstances were far from burglarious. He went into that house with murder in his heart, and the brutal determination and weapon with which to beat out life. The whole circumstances show nothing else. Our officers are following up every link in the case and will likely reveal something soon—If it can be done.

Several parties who reside near the Santa Fe depot report having seen a man on horse-back going down Riverside avenue west at full-tilt just after the screams of Mrs. Quarles were heard Thursday night. This would seem that the perpetrator of the damnable deed rode into town, concealed his animal, and rode right out after partially carrying out his very evident purpose of murder. Our officials are on the scent and will keep it warm until something can be unearthed. Mrs. Quarles is resting easily, and it is thought nothing dangerous will result from the terrible bruises.
Under the care of Dr. Emerson, Mrs. Quarles is doing as well as could be expected. The kind neighbors are giving all the care and assistance in their power.
Second article on Anna Quarles...
                                                           MORE CLUES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
Some new clues are being developed regarding the villain who made the terrible attack with a club on Mrs. Anna Quarles, which the COURIER is not yet permitted to make public. Our officials are following them up with vigilance, and some startling revelations will soon be made, if the secrit [? secret?] pans out as indicated. It was the most dastardly deed ever committed on Cowley’s fair domain, and the scoundrel must have the just penalties of outraged law. Mrs. Quarles is slowly recovering.
Third item that appears about Anna Quarles...
                                     CHARITY, THE PRINCE OF VIRTUES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 30, 1885.
Mrs. Anna Quarles, the victim of the brutal and mysterious assault with a club, last week, is slowly recovering, though yet unable to be out of bed. She is terribly disheartened over her unfortunate circumstances. This is an opportunity for our ladies to do services that will redound to the honor and glory of the cause they espouse as well as to themselves. Mrs. Quarles needs your assistance. Call on her, ladies, and learn her condition. She is sensitive and will never call on you. Mr. C. C. Pierce and daughter, with other neighbors, have kept kind vigilance. But all should not be left to them. We are satisfied that our ladies will not let this victim of the most damnable assault ever committed want for anything, if her needs are ascertained. This woman and her little children need much more sympathy and assistance than they are now getting. THE DAILY COURIER is satisfied that she will get it, now that the matter is known.
And now we get an article about Mr. and Mrs. Tom Quarles [only the paper spells it “Quarrels”]...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Tom Quarrels and wife came in Friday, having been pardoned from the penitentiary by the State Board of pardons. They were sent from Cowley, she as an accomplice of her husband, for two years, for stealing Hurd’s horses and buggy. Their term would have expired next May. Tom says he will remain here, and proposes to go to work for reputation and fortune.
An item about Annie E. Quarles...COULD THIS BE MRS. ANNA QUARLES?
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Married, January 1st, at Kansas City, Mo., by the Rev. De Frost Bishop, Mr. C. C. Pierce and Annie E. Quarles.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum