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Salt City

                                        [LOCATED IN SUMNER COUNTY.]
                                               FROM THE NEWSPAPERS.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1874.
SALT CITY PICNIC A SUCCESS. We learn that the basket picnic at Salt City last Saturday was a decided success, everybody getting plenty to eat; they filled themselves with the briny fluid, danced all night, and came home with the girls in the morning.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1874.
Kinne & Meigs purchased one acre near Salt City for $500, containing the sulphur springs. On this acre is a pond of water, from which three different kinds of mineral water can be dipped, which is claimed by persons who have drank and bathed in it, to be very healthy. Press.
The Commonwealth, Sunday Morning, June 27, 1875.
To the Editor of the Commonwealth. I have spent several days in traveling through that portion of the Arkansas Valley lying between Wichita and the Indian Territory. My route was mainly down the valley on the west side of the river, through Oxford, Belle Plain, and Salt City; into the Territory, and crossing the river below Arkansas City and going up on the east side, through Arkansas City, Winfield, and El Paso. This route, with some digressions along the Walnut, the Little Arkansas, and the Ninnescah, embracing over one hundred and fifty miles traveled with horses and wagon, gives me some definite knowledge of the counties of Sedgwick, Sumner, and Cowley.
Last winter, in the Relief rooms, the question was often pressed upon us by residents of the older portions of the State, and by persons living in the East, “Why do people go down to a frontier where they are liable to suffer so many privations? Why have they not sense enough to keep out of such a country?” I was in the habit of replying, “So far as the valley of the Arkansas is concerned, people go into it because the lands are fertile and cheap, because the country is exceeding fair to look upon, and because it is certain to become populous and rich, in due time.” I was also accustomed to say, “The frontier people happen to need our help just now, on account of a special calamity which might befall the inhabitants of any country, but the next cry we shall hear from them will be that they are not able to gather and save their immense wheat crop.” I had visited the region referred to, especially the counties mentioned above, and I knew whereof I affirmed.
Well, we all like to find that we have been true prophets. That which was predicted in January and February is more than fulfilled by the facts in June. No region of country is more beautiful than that which I have just traveled. The wheat fields extend mile after mile almost without interruption. On every hand the hardy frontiersmen are gathering the fruit of their labor—they are reaping a harvest which is in more sense than one a golden harvest to them and to their families. The area of wheat sown is very large, the yield is heavy, and the quality of the grain is excellent. The people are using all the machinery that they can command, and generally of the most modern and improved kinds, but the crop is so large that it will require all their industry to secure it.

There is a fine prospect for oats, corn, potatoes, and all kinds of vegetables. In short, nothing could be more encouraging than the present situation, and the promise for the future in the region to which my personal exploration has extended.
It is a favorite saying in some quarters that the people of this State are not industrious, that if they would use more enterprise and energy, they would not be compelled to ask help from abroad, etc. Such remarks grow out of ignorance or a willingness to be unjust.
For now more than six years I have been acquainted with the valley of the Kansas from Kansas City to Abilene and beyond, and have had some opportunities for learning the habits of the farmers living in this valley. I have had similar opportunities as regards those who live along the line or in the vicinity of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad, say as far west as Reno County, and including the counties heretofore mentioned in this letter. I know what the country was when a large portion of the present occupants began their operations, and what it is now. And I can say emphatically that I believe that nowhere has a greater amount of hard work been done, and effectively done, in proportion to the means controlled, in the same period of time, than by the farmers of the State of Kansas. Our agricultural community as a class are not indolent and shiftless—they are enterprising and industrious. No doubt there are frauds and dead beats among farmers. It is even said that such creatures sometimes make their way into cities and towns, though that is hardly credible. But it is bad policy for us to discredit ourselves abroad by disparaging any class of our people on account of the faults of its neighbors. In this instance the disparagement is clearly against justice and the facts in the case. My own conviction is that the people of Kansas, of all pursuits and avocations, though laboring under a succession of misfortunes, are showing a high degree of patience and courage. These qualities ought to bring success and they will bring it as surely as there is One in whose hands we all are.
If there be cowards among us, let them go to the rear. Let all brave and honest men hold fast to their faith in God, and (what is next in importance) to their faith in themselves and in each other. F. S. M.
Winfield Courier, September 16, 1875.
C. C. Stevens, an old ex-merchant of Winfield, called in yesterday and ordered the leading county paper to appear at Salt City weekly, from now till the centennial.
Winfield Courier, October 14, 1875.
There ain’t a boy three years old and over living at Salt City but what can tell you that the coal drill is down “three hundred and sixty-two and a half feet.”
Arkansas City Traveler, January 26, 1876.
The “TRAVELER” and Its Claims! For five years and more we have been publishing the TRAVELER at Arkansas City, dating from the 25th of August, 1870. The building in which the first papers were printed was, like the old “Arkansas Traveler,” without windows or roof; and when it rained, the only dry spot was UNDER the BED.

The Arkansas, Walnut, Grouse, and Shawkaska Rivers were the favorite camping places of the Indians, and abode of wild ani­mals. Sumner County was almost uninhabited, and Harper and Barbour almost unknown. A few settlers had “stopped” on Cedar and Grouse and many more were coming in to see. This was the beginning of Cowley County. Since then we have weekly chronicled the advancement of the new
GREAT SOUTHWEST. By our frequent rambles through the county in search of news and new subscribers, every portion of it has become as familiar to us as the old home county “back East.” From the flint range on the head of Grouse Creek to the deep steep banks of Bluff Creek, in Sumner County; and from the head to the mouth of the Walnut, the scenery is as well known as the picture on the wall. The early settlement of Cowley County is as a pleasant remem­brance, and such as we yet expect to witness and enjoy, as it is yet IN ITS INFANCY.
Think of it!  Five years ago the first election of officers was held and the organization of the county completed. Now it has a population of 5,995 souls, 1,990 families, 26,648 acres of wheat, 40,355 acres of corn, 2,116 acres of orchards, and a total taxable property of $1,635,451. And this, too, in spite of drouth, grasshoppers and INDIAN SCARES.
What a future there is before us!
But we are wandering from our purpose. The object of this article is to present to all readers our claims to consideration, and to induce, if possible, every resident of the county to read, compare, and then subscribe for the paper. The foundation of a newspaper is in its circulation, and we want every man, woman, and child to be familiar with the TRAVELER. The terms are two dollars per year, one dollar for six months, fifty cents for three months, postage paid and mailed to your address. For every one year’s subscription we give the companion pictures, “THE ARKANSAS TRAVELER” and “THE TURN OF THE TUNE,”
Or one of each to every six month’s subscriber. The “TRAVELER” is the Oldest Paper in the Arkansas Valley, in Kansas. It is strictly a Home Paper, devoting its space to communications from all parts of the county, and from residents temporarily absent in other States. It contains the News of the Territory, and of Indian Matters. Has the latest weekly Market Reports, Official County Proceedings, and everything of general interest to the reader. Among its correspondence, Lazette, Red Bud, Otto, Maple City, Silverdale, Dexter, Winfield, Nennescah, Oxford, Salt City, Guelph, South Haven, Caldwell, Kaw Agency, and several Ranches in the Territory, are represented. Every man should read his own county paper, and no family should be without one or more. The terms are reasonable, and within the reach of all—not costing one-half the price of your tobacco, extracts, and “other necessaries.”
Call on or address, C. M. SCOTT, Publisher, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Remittances can be made at any Post Office in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 2, 1876.
The first salt made by the Arkansas Valley Salt Company is at Gillett & Foote’s, at Hutchinson. The company have furnaces with capacity for thirty barrels of salt per day.    Wichita Beacon.
Guess not. Salt has been made at Salt City, in Sumner County, for the past two years.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 9, 1876.

DIED. On Thursday, February 4th, of pneumonia, Charles W. Windell, aged 36 years. Mr. Windell was a resident of this county, living near Salt City. He leaves a wife and four chil­dren; the oldest eight years and the youngest three months. The funeral procession to this place consisted of three solitary individuals, besides the widow and babe, and was a sorrowful sight. The order of Mason’s took charge of the corpse, and buried it under the Masonic rule.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
DIED. At his residence, two miles northwest of Salt City, on Tuesday, February 22, at 11 a.m., Mr. James Fernald, aged 35 years. Deceased leaves a wife and one child.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1876.
See What You Can Do At Salt City.
4 lbs. Best Coffee for a dollar.
Best Prints, Seven Cents.
Frazer Axle Grease, two for a Quarter.
All the Sugar you can carry for a Dollar.
Dooley’s Baking Powder, 40 cents per pound.
Teas, from 35 cents upward.
I sell for sharp cash and can undersell any man who sells on time. Come and see me.
Winfield Courier, February 24, 1876.
Sixteen candidates were baptized into the Mount Zion Baptist church last Sabbath, making an increase to the body of upwards of thirty-five within the last three weeks. The pastor is Elder Hopkins, of Salt City. The church is six miles directly west of Winfield.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 1, 1876.
The derrick at the coal well at Salt City was blown down last week, and considerably damaged.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1876.
MARRIED. On Wednesday, March 1st, 1876, by Esquire Letts, of Salt City, Mr. F. L. Davis and Miss Lydia Jones. In order to distinguish the gentleman from other members of the same family, we will state it was “Boots” Davis. Another man made happy. So mote it be.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
COAL. It is expected coal will be brought to the surface at the derrick, at Salt City, next week.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 29, 1876.
MARRIED. By his Honor, J. J. Letts, of Salt City, Mr. LEWIS SAMPLES and Miss ZELMA BELKNAP. There will be Samples of Belknaps in due course of time.
Cowley County Democrat, Thursday, March 30, 1876.
The parties boring for coal at Salt City claim to be close to the mineral. They now have everything in shape to push right along and according to Prof. Norton’s prediction, have but a few feet to go. They are down 380 feet.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 19, 1876.

They have gone down nearly 400 feet at the coal well, at Salt City, and the indications of coal is almost positive.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 26, 1876.
HAIL STORM. One of the heaviest hail storms ever known in this section passed over a portion of this county last Friday evening, doing considerable damage to windows.
Near Salt City, Henry and Alfred Pruden had over fifty glasses broken out, and many of the neighbors suffered similar losses. One man lost six calves, and others pigs and chickens. Quite often prairie chickens and small birds were found dead. All agree the hail stones to be as large as walnuts.
At this place the fall was much lighter, and few stones were found to exceed a hazelnut in size.
The roaring of the storm could be heard some distance; yet the wind was not so very strong.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 10, 1876.
                                        THE WALNUT OUT OF ITS BANKS!
                                        THREE BRIDGES WASHED AWAY.
                                                    The Crops Under Water.
The greatest rise of the Walnut River ever known by the residents of this place was last Saturday afternoon and night. It is asserted by those who watched it that the river rose four feet in one hour, and the amount of drift wood, saw logs, rails, etc., carried down was immense. Not until late in the day was any danger apprehended to the bridge at the Water Mills, but Sunday morning brought the news that the bridge had been washed away. The loss will be greatly felt, as it is doubtful whether another will replace it soon. It cost this township $4,500 only three years ago, besides the additional expense of repairs since and interest on the bonds. The abutments remain, however, and to replace it now would not cost more than one-half what it did before.
Particles of the structure lodged on Callahan’s farm and on the island at the mouth of the Walnut, but we do not know what condition they are in. The bottoms from the east edge of the town site nearly to the river are under water, and the water in the woods at the mill would swim a horse. In many places large patches of wheat are entirely submerged, and fences, wood, and lumber have been washed away.
At Winfield we learn the lower bridge across the Walnut was taken down the stream; also, the bridge across Dutch Creek. The fall of rain at this place was but three and one-half inches, but it had the appearance of being much more up the Walnut.
Near Salt City they experienced another hail storm, entirely destroying two fields of wheat. We have not heard from Grouse Creek and other localities, but expect the damage will be consid­erable. It seems as though the bridge across the Walnut at this place cannot be dispensed with, as nearly one-fourth of the year the river is not fordable, yet there is a strong prejudice against bonding the township for any purpose.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.

Coal in Cowley County. Mr. Todd, formerly of this city, but for some years a resident of Wichita, has been boring for coal at Salt City, Cowley County, for about eighteen months. Week before last, at the depth of four hundred feet, he struck a good vein. This is within four feet of the depth that geologists have stated that coal would be found in that region. It is supposed that the vein struck is the same as the one discovered on the Canadian River in the Indian Territory. If so, it will be about four feet six inches.
Mr. Todd keeps the thickness of the vein to himself. He has shut up the hole and is at Wichita making arrangements for mining. It is said that he is offered a large price for an interest in the mine. If it proves that there is such a vein, it is of great importance. It is in the immediate vicinity of the salt wells. It is also in a section of the State that has no coal, except this. Every month seems to open up something new and rich for southwestern Kansas. What helps one part of the State helps all parts. Commonwealth.
The above cannot be altogether credited. The hole has been drilled; but our information is they have not struck coal yet.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
The salt works at Salt City are now turning out salt at the rate of a thousand pounds a day. May it soon be able to supply the whole county.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876.
For several weeks past one Rev. McDonald, of Chanute, Kansas, has been holding religious exercises at the Salt City schoolhouse, with an interested audience. Mr. McDonald belongs to the denomination calling themselves “Followers of Christ,” and believes in and preaches miracles. If our informant has told the truth, Mr. McDonald claims to be ordained to preach the gospel; has raised one person from the dead, and can cure the sick and heal the afflicted. Several persons are to be baptized by him at Salt City next Sunday.
Cowley County Democrat, May 18, 1876.
Bolton Item. They are still after that coal at Salt City, and Goff’s evaporators are turning out salt right along.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1876.
GRANGERS’ PICNIC. A picnic will be held at Pruden’s Grove, near Salt City, on the first Saturday in June, by the Grangers of Bolton Township and vicinity. All are requested to come with well filled baskets.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1876.
A day spent with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Pruden, at their River View farm, near Salt City, last week, convinces us that native Ohioans are the most genial, sociable, hospitable, and energetic people on the top of this “oblate spheroid.” The Pruden Brothers own nearly a thousand acres of land, half of which is in cultivation; two farm-houses, one of which, a two story brick, cost $3,800; blooded stock, and improved farm machinery enough to run a small Earldom. They will sow over five hundred acres of wheat next fall, and probably erect a mill at a large spring on their farm, with which to convert it into the staple of life. This is what we call broad gauged farming.
Todd and Royal from Wichita...
Arkansas City Traveler, May 31, 1876.

There is no material question of more importance to the people of this valley than that of cheap fuel. “Have you discov­ered coal yet?” is the stereotyped question of a majority of prospectors. Upon the satisfactory settlement of this question depends much. Without cheap fuel the manufacturing interest of this valley will never attain to that importance that they other­wise would. Our water powers, for the most part, remain undevel­oped and untested.
But two or three systematic efforts have ever been made in this vicinity to settle the question. One of them was abandoned when the drill had reached only 150 feet. Another, the McCampbell shaft, which we have often noticed, and which is being sunk five miles east of town [Wichita], is still being put down. Messrs. Todd & Royal, formerly merchants of this city, both of whom yet reside and do business here, and who are the proprietors of Salt City, Sumner County, have been boring for coal at the latter point for over a year back. Word was received here the other day that the “black diamonds” had been struck sure enough, at a depth of four hundred feet. The shaft is within a few rods of the famous salt springs and the deposit found only varied four feet in depth from the estimate made by the geologist. It is supposed to be the same vein discovered on the Canadian River in the Indian Territory, which has over four feet of a workable face. The Commonwealth in speaking of it says, truly, that “every month seems to open up something new and rich for Southwestern Kansas.” We talked with Mr. Todd the other day about the matter and he assured us that as soon as he could he would give us a reliable data connected with this important discovery, when we will gladly lay the facts before our readers. There is one thing certain, if a paying vein of coal exists at Salt City, it exists here also, for the geological formations are identical. If such vein is the Canadian vein, and it does not dip at a greater angle to the north between this point and that, then it is just as certain that we can reach it at Wichita at a depth of from 600 to 700 feet. Upon the other hand, if the dip should be to the south, that is, if the deposit should rise faster than the surface of the country, then less than 400 feet would reach the same vein here. We shall await, anxiously, further developments touching the Salt City vein. . . . Wichita Eagle.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
DIED. At Salt City, Monday morning, June 3rd, of whooping cough, Mary, daughter of Dr. Paxton, aged one year.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1876.
FOR RENT. About 100 acres to put in wheat. For particulars enquire of J. H. Mettler, 3½ miles southwest of Salt City, Sumner County, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 2, 1876.
ARRIVAL at the Central Avenue House during the past week.
H. B. Pruden, Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 9, 1876.
Last Friday night, just as Dr. Kellogg was closing his drug store, a courier arrived from Salt City, about eight miles from this city, with the report that Frank Jones (formerly of this place) had shot a man while under the influence of liquor, and requested the doctor to lose no time in repairing to the scene, as he had sent for him. The doctor left immediately, and from him we obtained the following particulars.

It seems that Frank Jones and Dr. Paxton were sitting in the upper room of the latter’s drug store at that place, when the former carelessly picked up a gun lying near, under the supposi­tion that it was unloaded. The doctor advised him to lay it down—saying that a gun was a dangerous thing with neither lock, stock, nor barrel, and that he would prefer the weapon was not so handled while he was in the room. Frank then swung the gun around, carelessly remarking that he would “snap it out of the window,” and suiting his action to his words, pulled the trigger with the muzzle pointing outward and downward. To the surprise of both parties in the room, the gun proved to be loaded, and as the fatal bullet sped on its course, it struck a young boy of some sixteen years standing outside—entering just below a left rib, and passing entirely through his body and right lung, also injuring his left lung. The unfortunate lad was sell cared for, but he was past human aid, and at 7 o’clock Sunday morning his spirit took its flight to that “bourne from whence no traveler e’er returns.”
Frank remained by the victim of his carelessness from the time of the shooting until life was extinct. The affair is generally regarded as purely accidental, so far as we can learn, and we are further informed that the report of Jones being intoxicated was erroneous. The rumor that the shooting was the result of a drunken row caused some little excitement on our streets for awhile, as Jones’ former career at this place is well known; but all are now glad that it was the result of careless­ness and not of drunkenness.
Winfield Courier, August 10, 1876.
A Boy Shot and Killed. While at Salt City yesterday, we learned the particulars of a sad affair that occurred there last Friday evening. Frank Jones, a modern highwayman, whose name has been connected with several outrages along the border for some years, deliberately shot and killed Joseph Lheurxe (Loury), a boy fourteen years of age, on the streets of Salt City, last Friday evening. Mr. Lheurxe, accompanied by his son, had been at the blacksmith shop, when the boy started across to the dry goods store, passing in front of the drug store on his way.
Just as he had reached the middle of the street, Jones called out from a window above: “Halt! Halt!” repeating it three times. The boy, of course, not knowing to whom he was calling, walked on, whereupon Jones fired on him, the ball passing through the left lung and ranging down, lodging near his right side. The boy fell to the ground and was carried home and on Sunday morning expired. The gun used was a rifle of very large bore and carried a terrible ball. It was kept in the upstairs room over the store, and was always loaded. The room was used, it is said, and generally considered by the people of the neighborhood, as a saloon. Several parties were in the room when the firing was done, and conflicting reports necessarily followed. The funeral of the boy took place Monday. Jones was arrested and taken before Justice Lett [Letts], Monday, and bound over to appear Wednesday for examination. Whether the shooting was done wilfully or accidentally, it is terrible, and Jones should be placed where such “accidents” will not occur again.
Winfield Courier, August 24, 1876.
FRANK JONES, the man who shot Joseph Lheureux [Loury] at Salt City, and who was to have had a preliminary examination last Wednesday, before John J. Letts, Esq., was released without an investiga­tion. Sumner Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 13, 1876.
ESQUIRE LETTS, of Salt City, will visit the Centennial soon. Cowley is largely represented in the East this year.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.

Steamboat Meetings! Meetings will be held at the schoolhouses in the several school districts, to discuss the question of steamboat navigation on the Arkansas River, as follows:
At Salt City Schoolhouse, Parker’s Schoolhouse, South Bend Schoolhouse, Bland’s Schoolhouse, Coburn’s Schoolhouse, Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7 p.m.
At Theaker’s Schoolhouse, Hunt’s Schoolhouse, Holland’s Schoolhouse, Spring Side Schoolhouse, Thomasville Schoolhouse, Maple City Schoolhouse, and the store at Silverdale, Thursday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m.
Speakers will be in attendance, and all are requested to be present and express their views.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
MULE TEAM FOR SALE. I have a good mule team, with wagon and harness, I will sell for $325. W. H. WALKER, Salt City. Inquire at this office.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 11, 1876   
A meeting was held at Salt City yesterday in the interest of the steamboat enterprise. Speakers from abroad were present and much was said but little was done. If a sail-boat was built and these blowers from Arkansas City and Little Rock would take charge of it, drift sand would be but little bother. Sumner Co. Democrat.
Come boys, Sumner County is as much interested in the navigation of the Arkansas River as Arkansas City; if she is not, she should be. It requires no bonds for a steamboat.
Winfield Courier, October 12, 1876.
The Southwestern Kansas Baptist Association. The sixth anniversary of the Association was held with the Silver Creek Church on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, October 6th, 7th, and 8th, 1876, and was remarked by all attending to have been the most profitable and entertaining session of the Association.
The officers elected for the present year are C. H. Manley, Moderator; Robert Kerr, Clerk; A. H. Dunlap, Treasurer. Rev. C. G. Estell preached the introductory sermon after which the Association proceeded to the transaction of its business. Among other things they adopted resolutions and made arrangements looking to the reorganization of Ottawa University. Ottawa University is the only Baptist College in Kansas and should receive the hearty support of every Baptist within the bounds of this Association. Dr. Gunn, of Lawrence—the agent of the Baptist Home Mission society, was present and preached on Sunday and afterwards presented the Home Mission work for consideration. The Association subscribed $30 for the purpose of making Rev. C. G. Manley a life member of the Mission Society. The Associa­tion seems to be in a very healthy condition. There were four churches received into the Association as follows: Charity, Alton, State Valley, and Harvey.
There was one church which applied and was rejected on account of the church practice of “feet-washing.”

The names and P. O. addresses of ministers belonging to the Association are: John Brown, Augusta; W. R. Burroughs, Douglass; William Carter, Belle Plain; A. H. Dunlap, Modena; H. G. Estell, Modena; L. D. Grow, Augusta; W. G. Hobbs, Wichita; E. P. Hickok, Winfield; James Hopkins, Salt City; J. M. Haycraft, Baltimore; Robert Kerr, Winfield; W. W. Learning, C. G. Manley, Eldorado; A. C. Miner, Douglass; N. L. Rigby, Winfield; Jesse Stone, Augusta; J. L. Saxby, Eldorado; Henry Small, Eldorado; David Thomas, Winfield; R. S. Williams, Augusta; E. S. Noble, South Haven; W. E. File, Wichita; S. H. Roads, South Haven.
The next anniversary will be held with the Mount Zion church—about five miles west of Winfield, commencing on Friday before the second Saturday in October 1877.
The Association adjourned on Sunday night with the best of feeling existing. All seem to have enjoyed themselves and were spiritually refreshed and departed to their homes each feeling determined to build up and strengthen the cause of Christ.
It is due to Silver Creek church and vicinity to say that the delegates and visitors though numerous were well provided for and entertained, and it was remarked by many old ministers that they had never attended so pleasant an association and observed so good order and so great an interest as was manifested as at the present one. S. M. J.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 1, 1876.
A FOUL MURDER. A Man Found Dead, With Two Bullet Holes in His Head!
Last Friday, as some boys were hunting on Salt Creek, about one mile and a half from Salt City, Sumner County, they saw the body of a naked man floating in the stream. The children soon gave the alarm and a party gathered about and took the body from the water, and began an investigation.
On examination two bullet holes were found in the back of the head. The body had been stripped of very garment except a shirt, shoes, and stocking, and the moustache partly cut or burned off. The body had probably been in the water ten days or two weeks, as decomposition had set in sufficiently to deface the countenance.
A track was visible, showing where a wagon had been driven up to the deep hole in the creek, where the body was found, but no evidence gained as to who committed the foul deed.
Some three weeks ago a young man of medium height, with dark moustache, wearing cloth shoes, was in the vicinity of Salt City driving a mule team, with a new wagon. He inquired at a house in reference to a tract of land, and started to see it, saying that he would be back again. He never came, but nothing strange was thought of it.
The only man we can learn of being missing, is one from Elk County, who came to this place about the time the supposed murdered man came, with a mule team, new wagon, and a load of apples, who has yet not been heard of.
The case demands the attention of the authorities and should be traced out. The person who committed the murder, evidently was an experienced one, and knew how to conceal all chance of recognition, as the stripping of the body and cutting of the hair from the face shows.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 8, 1876.
I was called to hold an inquest on a body, found one mile west of Salt City, on the 26th ult. The deceased evidently had been murdered three or four weeks previous, and the body hauled to this pool in Salk Creek, and thrown into it.

The body had been floating some days, and the sun had changed that portion of the body which was above water. It was the body of a man about 25 years of age, with light complexion, sound front teeth, dark brown or black hair, little or no beard, appeared to have had light brown mustache—very thin and short—decomposed so this was not certain, height about 5 feet 10 inches, weight about 150 pounds; had on congress gaiter shoes, white cotton socks not mates, a cheviot striped shirt white and brown—some worn; nothing else was worn on the body.
Had been shot with a pistol—calibre about 22—near the crown of the head. The wounds were about two inches apart, one ranging directly down the middle of the neck, the other slanting toward the right ear. Neither came out. Either would have caused instant death.
A wagon, drawn by ponies, had passed from the road to the pool and stopped, where the grass had been broken on the bank, and then turned north and all traces were lost near the road. Believed to have been a land buyer, and to have been murdered for money and brought some distance, and stripped to hide his identi­fication, and thrown into the pond.
The above facts were found by the jury, and the conclusions were that of the people present when inquest was held. The body was interred in the Salt City cemetery. Any information concern­ing the matter will be given, by addressing George T. Walton, Oxford, Kansas. Independent.
Winfield Courier, November 9, 1876. Editorial Page.
MURDERED. From the Oxford Independent we learn that “on the 26th ultimo, two boys, Walter J. Willard and Lucien Snyder, found the dead body of a man floating in a pool in Salt Creek, in Walton Township, Sumner County, one and a quarter miles west of Salt City. Judge Walton, of Oxford, held an inquest thereon on the 27th. He reports the facts as follows.
The body was of a man probably twenty-five years of age; probably had been dead three or four weeks; light complexion; dark hair; light moustache, or perhaps none, as the face was much mutilated; five feet ten inches high; sound front teeth; weight about 150; thought by the jury not to be a laboring man; pair Congress gaiters; instep cut as a flower; odd cotton socks on, a cheviot shirt brown and white, and no other clothes, rings, or marks—either on person or feet; had been shot in the top of the back part of the head, near the crown, with two pistol balls about No. 22; ranging down through to the base of the head. Either shot would cause instant death. The man it is believed had been dead some time when put in this pool, which is about ten feet deep, as the limbs are straight, as though he had died lying on a flat surface, as a wagon bottom. The trail of a wagon drawn by two ponies left the road, a little south, and drove west to the pool, where the six feet grass was broken, and then turned northeast and again drove into the road. It is thought that he had been a land buyer with some money, and had been in company with others who had killed him, hauled him some distance, and stripped off his clothes to prevent recognition. Friends in the East having friends missing should write.
This should be published in Iowa and Illinois, as it is believed that he probably was one of the many land buyers from those States.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.
DIED. At the residence of her parents at Salt City, Kansas, Nov. 18th, 1876, of paralysis, Anna L. Couden, daughter of Wm. A. and Rachel Couden, aged 16 years. She was paralyzed two years ago, but had partially recovered therefrom.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 29, 1876.    

In another column will be found an interesting communication from Mr. J. Russell, of Russell’s Ranch, at Elm Springs, in the Territory, relating the killing of three men by Charley Lyons, formerly of this place and Salt City. While a resident of this County, Mr. Lyons was a quiet citizen, residing on a farm. We have heard but one side of the story, by which it seems Mr. Lyons committed the murder of the three men in self defense.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 6, 1876.
CALDWELL, KANSAS, Dec. 2, 1876.
Mr. C. M. Scott: I read a communication in your paper today about Charley Lyons, formerly of Arkansas City and Salt City, stating that he had killed three men in the Indian Territory about November 12. I will say for Mr. Lyons that he has been at this place about two or three months, and it would be impossible for him to have been at Elm Springs at that time. Yours Respectfully, JOHN A. BLAIR.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. REYNOLDS, the gentleman who came from Ohio and stopped in town for a short time, has purchased a farm one mile south of Salt City, and is building one of the finest residences in that section.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
CHARLEY LYONS, the man who was reported wounded at Elm Springs ranch, turned up all right last Thursday at Salt City. He did not know that he had been wounded until he saw an account of the affair in the papers. It was another Lyons.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876. Front Page.
The mineral and salt springs at Salt City produce water thoroughly medicated and as good health restorers as the hot springs of Arkansas. Some enterprising man could make money for himself and a reputation for Sumner County by building a large hotel and advertising the true medicinal qualities of the water. The locality is a healthy one and the scenery picturesque. The village is situated about a half mile from the west bank of the Arkansas River. On the south, north, and west is high, rolling prairie, and nearby is Salt Creek, which empties its waters into the river, ladened with almost every mineral property imaginable. Sumner County Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
ROBERT C. MILLS, of Salt City, opened his new store last week, regardless of who was elected.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 20, 1876.
W. H. WALKER’s house, near Salt City, was destroyed by the prairie fire in that locality, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 3, 1877.
SALT CITY, December 26, 1876.
Salt City has not improved much of late, but is waiting for spring to open, when boring for coal will be resumed.

We have one of the best schools here Salt City has ever had, under the charge of Miss Bella Nichols. We also have a spelling school on Thursday evening, which is very interesting. The house is crowded to overflowing, and is presided over by the teachers. A debating society has been organized, which is attracting considerable attention.
A grand Christmas hop came off last night in Thompson’s Hall, and a large number of the bon ton of Sumner and Cowley counties were present. Fine music was had, and a sumptuous feast was partaken of with good relish by the lovers of the dance. Messrs. W. H. Walker and Charles Sullivan were the managers of the festivities.
The wheat crop looks fine in this part of the country, and the farmers predict a bountiful harvest. They are busy hauling their wheat to market, and getting in their winter’s supply of wood.
The mystery still continues about the man found in Salt creek, supposed to have been murdered, but the case is being worked up, and from what I can learn, it will soon be unraveled.
During my sojourn at the Centennial, I observed that Kansas and Colorado surpassed all other States in their display of the production of the soil. Such a display of fruits, vegetables, grains, and minerals far exceeded the expectations of all, and it was the best way of advertising. I was interviewed by hundreds, anxious to know all about Kansas, and in the Eastern States I found colonies forming, numbering from 20 to 60 people each, and getting ready to come to Kansas in the spring. The main question was, “Did you see the Kansas building?”
A grand Christmas gift and birthday present was presented to Mr. F. L. Davis by Mrs. F. L. Davis, this afternoon, in the way of a 10 lb. boy. All doing well. L.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
Some person or persons drove off Mr. Huff’s team from the schoolhouse at Salt City Sunday evening, Jan. 14th, and at noon, Monday, he had no trace of them.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 24, 1877.
It was reported that one of Pinkerton’s detectives was in town last Thursday. The Salt City mystery and several other matters need looking after, besides the many depredations daily committed in the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 14, 1877.
COAL. The power with which the Salt City coal prospectors have been drilling has been purchased by L. C. Wood of this city, and was removed to this place last week. Considerable territory has been leased in this vicinity for the purpose of prospecting for coal, but whether this is an indication of renewed efforts in that direction, we cannot say. We are informed that the works at Salt City are still to be pushed forward, and a steam power for that purpose has been purchased.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
A new store is to be opened at Salt City next week with a full stock of goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.
At the Lyceum at Salt City, last Friday, the question of debate was “Resolved that a man should be worth $1,000 before he could be married by law.” It was decided by the ladies that he should not. Question for next Friday: “Resolved that women should have the right of suffrage.”
Arkansas City Traveler, February 21, 1877.

MR. LETTS received a letter from Todd & Royal of Wichita, that they would resume boring for coal at Salt City in a few days. The gentlemen surely have pluck.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
BERKEY has a Post Office at last, at Salt City. That is, he has one in his store.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1877.
MR. BERKEY traded his farm to Houghton & McLaughlin for $2,200 worth of dry goods and will open a store in Salt City this week. His stock will be about a $3,000 one, and will be a great benefit to the residents of Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 14, 1877.
NEW STORE. In another column appears the advertisement of W. M. Berkey, who has recently opened a large stock of goods at Salt City. We have examined his stock and find it to be one of the best, and would suggest that the people of Salt City and vicinity give them a liberal patronage, as they propose to sell as cheap as any house south of Wichita.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877. Front Page.
From Salt City.
SALT CITY, March 15, 1877.
Editor Traveler:
DEAR SIR: Shortly after the 7th of November last, we started up the Arkansas River on the steamer Gen. Wiles for Washington, to look after the post office at your city. After traveling for several weeks, with prospects the brightest, on nearing an island opposite Big Bend, we saw an armed force, and supposed they were friends, but afterwards found them to be enemies, strongly fortified. They ordered us not to attempt to pass. We finally laid siege, and after several weeks of most bitter struggling, they sent out a flag of truce with the follow­ing: “You can’t take an eight spot with a seven.” They went back and opened out on us with all vengeance, and we soon finding ourselves overpowered by numbers, dropped back, and off to the left to the mouth of Salt water. In order to save ourselves, we ran up Salt water some distance, and on examination found the water was getting hot. Fearing some evil ahead, we dropped back and made for land, and on nearing land we were met by friends, who welcomed us among them, even offering us the post office of this city. Now that the struggle is over, we feel safe, happy, and contented. The country is lovely, with good lands and cheap homes for all that may wish to come among us. W. M. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
SALT CITY has a new doctor.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 21, 1877.
SALT CITY held a railroad meeting last week in the interests of the east and west railway. We are glad to notice them so wide awake.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
HENRY PRUDEN, the enterprising farmer of Salt City, has forty acres of corn planted.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1877.
SALT CITY, March 30, 1877.
A mining party leaves here next week for the San Juan mines. Among the number are J. J. Letts, Dr. Covell, Jno. Reynolds, Will and Hugh Walker.
While Dr. Covell was out hunting geese, his gun bursted, and a piece of the barrel struck him in the face. He is doing well.
An entertainment was given by the Salt City Literary Society last Thursday evening. It was a grand success.
A great many grasshoppers were hatched out previous to the last rain storm; from appearances most of them were destroyed.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Palmer, on the 18th inst., a boy, weight 10½ pounds, all doing well.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 25, 1877.
Salt City, Sumner Co., April 16, 1877.
Robert Thompson was married to Miss Ora Belknap on Tuesday evening.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Mills, on Sunday the 7th, a daughter: weight 9½ lbs.
Salt City is favored with a saloon and drug store.
Crops are looking well and farmers are busy. B.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Letter from an Old Miner—Grasshoppers in the Mountains—Narrow Gauge.
Friend Scott: A thought just struck me that you would like to hear direct from Colorado, and from me, Jack, once more. In the first place I must let you know all about the grasshopper crop in the Rocky Mountains at present. About four days ago they were hatched out by the millions, about the size of a grain of rice, and every­thing looked favorable for the hopper. But “there is many a slip, etc.” Monday, the 22nd, it commenced snowing and it is still snowing. Snow two feet, four inches deep at present, and good indications for another foot. Now, I would like to know how the grasshoppers are going to live until their blanket of snow wears off of them. But perhaps the grasshopper commissioners may explain that for me, as they are paid for such work, but I have my doubts about their ability to settle that question, as there are hundreds of men in these mountains who say that this snow will not injure the ‘hopper at all. Well, we will see what we will see.

I see by your paper that you are having quite a lively time on the railroad question, standard gauge vs. narrow gauge. I also see in your paper some well written pieces concerning the different gauges of railroads, but I think the narrow gauge has the best of it—that is as far as my experience goes, and I think I have had quite an experience, if you call riding on a narrow gauge any experience. I always pay great attention to it for it is my favorite railroad, and I think it will just suit Cowley County. I would like you to ask your many readers if they can cite a case of a bankrupt narrow gauge railroad. Of course, there are not many in this country yet; but all that are built, pay well, so that speaks well for the narrow gauge railroad.
I see that your old enemy, Winfield, has broken out in a fresh place. It appears that they want the terminus of a rail­road, and will not be satisfied with anything short of that. Now it seems strange to me that Arkansas City and its surroundings will be bulldozed so long by Manning & Co. You have got the fort, now hold it. Make no compromises, for you are in the right and the right wrongs no man, and I hope you will succeed in voting the necessary bonds to build the road.
You know that I have taken your paper ever since I left Arkan­sas City, something over two years ago, and in that time I have shown it to some hundreds of people. They read the paper and say, “Well, Jack, that must be a great country, but what caused you to leave it?” “Well, it is sixty miles to a railroad point.” “Ah! that is it. Well, I don’t want any of it in mine.” Now that is the prevail­ing opinion with everyone that I have come in contact with, that is, if they want to farm. For myself, with a railroad, I can go on my claim and make money, or salt, but without one, it is no earthly account to me.
I see by your paper that quite a number of men are coming to Colorado from Salt City, to go into the mining business, but they will find that it is not all gold that glitters. They will find that there is quite a lot of base metal mixed with it—at least, I have found it so, and I am an old miner. I suppose they will not be contented, however, until they give it a trial. They will find, also, that it is quite different in a man working for himself or for someone else, especially in these bad times; for when a man hires another, he takes the worth of his money of him. They will find that there is quite a sprinkling of the “slave driver” in the employer in mining districts. JOHN McLAY.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877. Front Page.
Coal at Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAS., April 28, 1877.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth, Secretary.
A letter was read by Mr. Wm. Berkey, from Todd & Royal, with regard to their proposition, on the shaft already begun. Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past, present, and future goal prospects: Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Wm. Berkey, an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. This resulted in the selection of the following gentlemen: George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and Wm. Berkey.
Moved and seconded that H. B. Pruden be the Treasurer of the company. On motion, W. E. Chenoweth was chosen Secretary.
Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd & Royal and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft.

Motion made by Mr. Lewis that the two men who confer with Todd & Royal meet the Board of Directors on Saturday, May 5th, 1877, at 10 o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference, and that they invite Todd & Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse at Salt City.
Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity, and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place, May 5th, 1877.
Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes.
On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 9, 1877.
Salt City was represented last Saturday by Wm. Berkey and H. B. Pruden.
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877.
RAILROAD MEETINGS. There will be public meetings held at 7 o’clock p.m. of the following days at the places named for the purpose of discussing the question of voting aid to the Memphis, Parsons & Ellsworth, Western Branch Railroad. Speakers will be in attendance. Full meetings are expected.
[Listing townships/schoolhouses only. Dates shown start with May 14, 1877, and end with May 21, 1877. MAW]
ROCK: Rock, Darien, L. Dutch, and Green Valley schoolhouses.
RICHLAND: Floral, Groom, and Bellmyre schoolhouses.
OMNIA: Baltimore schoolhouse.
HARVEY: Armstrong schoolhouse.
MAPLE: Star Valley, Walck’s, and Centennial schoolhouses.
WINDSOR: Elliott’s schoolhouse.
SILVER CREEK: Fitzgerald and Jarvis schoolhouses.
BEAVER: Thomasville and Morris schoolhouses.
BOLTON: Theaker, Bland’s, and Salt City schoolhouses.
VERNON: Werden and Olmstead schoolhouses.
NINNESCAH: Ninnescah and Blue schoolhouses.
SHERIDAN: Sheridan and Shriver schoolhouses.
TISDALE: New Salem, Tisdale, and Chase schoolhouses.
LIBERTY: Rose Valley schoolhouse.
SILVERDALE: Park, Coburn, and Liman’s Mill schoolhouses.
SPRING CREEK: Maple City. [Schoolhouse not mentioned.]
DEXTER: Dexter. [Schoolhouse not mentioned.]
CEDAR: Patten schoolhouse.
OTTER: Sartin and Cedar schoolhouses.
PLEASANT VALLEY: South Bend, Brane, and Holland schoolhouses.
CRESWELL: Arkansas City. [Schoolhouse not mentioned.]
Winfield Courier, May 10, 1877. Back Page.
From Salt City.
At a meeting called for the purpose of taking action with regard to the organization of a coal company at this place. On motion Mr. L. Small was elected Chairman and W. E. Chenoweth Secretary.

A letter was read by Mr. W. Berkey, from Todd and Royal with regard to the proposition on the shaft already begun.
Short speeches were made by the following named persons, concerning the past prospects and future coal prospects.
Messrs. Foster, Broadbent, Acton, Mills, Ward, Berry, Chenoweth, Berkey, Reynolds, and Lewis. A lively time was had.
On motion of Mr. Berkey an election of five directors for a coal company was ordered. Respectfully in the selection of the following gentlemen:
George Reynolds, J. H. Hudson, Robert Mills, L. Small, and W. Berkey. Moved and carried that H. B. Pruden be the treasurer of the company.
On motion W. E. Chenoweth, was chosen secretary, Messrs. Berkey and Mills were instructed to confer with Todd and Royal, and make arrangements with them on a proposition to proceed with the old shaft. Motion made by Mr. Lewis that these two men who confer with Todd and Royal, meet the board of directors on Saturday, May 12th, 1877, at ten o’clock a.m., and give their report of the result of the conference and that they invite Todd and Royal to meet the board at that time in the schoolhouse in Salt City. Motion carried that there be a meeting of the citizens of the vicinity and all interested parties, at 2 o’clock p.m., at the same place May 5th, 1877. Moved and carried that the Arkansas City Traveler, Winfield Courier, and Oxford Independent be requested to publish these minutes. On motion the meeting adjourned. L. SMALL, Chairman.
W. E. CHENOWETH, Secretary. April 28th, 1877.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 13, 1877.
John Broderick Drowned. On last Thursday, as John Broderick, of Salt City, was attempting to cross the Nenescah River on a ferry boat, with a team of mules, the boat was capsized by the mules becoming frightened and jumping, and all were thrown into the river. Mr. Broderick went under the water at the first plunge, and drowned with very little exertion. He will be remembered by many in this locality.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
SALTY. MESSRS. WILSON and J. I. MITCHELL, of this place, have opened branch stores for the transaction of their respective businesses at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 20, 1877.
FOUND. The body of John Broderick, who was drowned some weeks since by the upsetting of a ferry boat on the Nenescah River, has been recovered.
Winfield Courier, June 21, 1877.
From Salt City.
SALT CITY, KAN., June 15, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER—Dear Sir: I send you a list of city officers for this city, who were duly elected yesterday.
Mayor: Robert Mills.
Marshal: W. E. Berry.
Council: Daniel Roof, O. J. Ward, D. T. Baker, Dr. W. T. Arnold, and Thos. Mills.
Trade good; two more stores came in here yesterday. W. M. BERKEY.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 27, 1877.

SALT CITY has elected city fathers. One of the principal amusements in a western city of the third class is to pass ordinances. Some western Legislatures are addicted to the same habit.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 11, 1877.
MEAT. A. W. PATTERSON will deliver fresh meat at Salt City every Monday morning, and at the houses at this place every day in the week except Sunday and Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 18, 1877.
Mr. Robert Mills, of Salt City, informs us that it is all “bosh” about him being Mayor of that city. Said the report was circulated by some slanderous mischievous individual of Winfield, who entertained fears of that becoming a rival town. Sumner County Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
SALT manufactured at Salt City is retailed from the stores of this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Mr. Goff, proprietor of the salt works at Salt City, we are informed, has already manufactured upwards of fifty thousand pounds of salt this season. The salt is obtained by evaporation. The water from these springs is said to contain one pound of salt to every gallon of water. If coal should be found at this point, and no doubt it will at some future day, hundreds of thousands of pounds of salt will be manufactured yearly, and Salt City will become one of the liveliest towns in the Southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
SALT CITY, July 17, 1877.
Mr. Berkey is at Wichita, as usual, purchasing goods for his store at this place. He has had a rich harvest this summer as his numerous trips to the railroad indicates.
Mr. James Mitchell is running a first-class harness shop at this place. He also keeps on hand a full supply of harness, saddles, and all kinds of goods pertaining to first-class establishments of this kind.
Mr. Thos. J. Royal, formerly of the firm of Todd and Royal, Wichita, Kansas, has located at this place. He is going to remain with us permanently. He is going to continue the coal prospecting at this place, commencing immediately. All parties interested in the discovery of coal at Salt City should inquire or address Thos. J. Royal, Salt City, Kansas.
The majority of the wheat is in stack. Several parties have threshed and report wheat yielding from 14 to 18 bushels to the acre. This is better than they expected.
The proposition to vote bonds to repair the old bridge across the Arkansas River at Arkansas City does not meet with much favor from the residents of West Bolton. Bonds for a new bridge west of the city would be more acceptable.
A bakery and restaurant, blacksmith and wood worker, and drug store would do well at this place. Parties desiring a good location address Wm. Berkey, Salt City, Kansas.
James I. Mitchell is going to open a full stock of hardware; shelf goods of every description can be found at his store.

Farmers have commenced plowing for wheat ground. The majority of them see the importance of early plowing and seeding. ANTI BONDS.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
MARRIED. MR. WILL BERKEY and MISS BESSIE REEVES were married last week at Salt City, in the presence of several persons from this place and a number from the adjoining neighbor­hood. The fair bride did not forget the hungry printers during the feast of plenty, but sent in a supply of good things calcu­lated to make the inner man happy.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
SHOOTING SCRAPE. We learn that the blacksmith at Salt City and Wm. Berkey came very near having a shooting scrape last week. The blacksmith becomes very quarrelsome when he is intoxicated and has attempted to pick a quarrel with Mr. Berkey on several occasions, during which he has not only threatened his life, but said “he would shoot the first Berkey he could get his eyes on.” That’s pretty strong language in a country like this, especially when it is made against a peaceable citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1877.
Sealed proposals will be received at Salt City, Sumner County, Kansas, until August 15th, 1877, for the erection of a stone schoolhouse in School District No. 79, Bolton Township, Cowley County, KAS. Plan and specification can be seen at the TRAVELER office in Arkansas City, and at the residence of W. E. Chenoweth, in the above named District. The board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the bids at 2 o’clock p.m. of August 15, 1877. Job to be paid for in cash when completed according to specifications.
A. M. SHURTZ, Director; W. E. CHENOWETH, Clerk; O. J. PALMER, Treasurer.
School District No. 79, Cowley Co., Kan.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
I WILL SELL fifteen yards of best standard prints for one dollar, and twelve yards of Merrimac for the same. FRANK WALDO, Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1877.
A ferry boat is to be placed on the Arkansas east of Salt City. Wm. Berkey has the contract for constructing it.
Winfield Courier, September 6, 1877.
They have a ferry across the Arkansas River at Salt City now, which makes a direct line from Winfield to that place, South Haven, and Caldwell, without going to Arkansas City.
The ferry is said to be the best ever constructed on the river.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
WM. BERKEY, the Salt City merchant, was in town last week to see his friends. He reports travel across the new ferry is increasing.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 12, 1877.
REVOLVER LOST. Last Monday, on my way to Salt City, I lost a five cartridge revolver. Anyone returning the same will be liberally rewarded, as it was a present. Leave at the Traveler Office. W. B. TRISSELL.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 26, 1877.

Mr. Pruden, with his wife and daughter, arrived at Salt City last week, from his home in Dayton, Ohio. They have come out to see the boys: Henry and Alfred.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
Tom Mills, Baker the blacksmith, and Lewis left Salt City last week for Arkansas. The blacksmith made $710 at that place in five months.
Mr. Berkey started to Kansas City after a new lot of goods yesterday.
The ferry is well patronized and meets the favor of everyone.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 24, 1877.
In another column will be seen the advertisement of the Salt City ferry, offering to cross parties at any time of the night or day for the small sum of twenty-five cents. The route by the way of Salt City is a good one, and generally favored by freighters going to the Indian agencies in the Territory.
AD: SALT CITY FERRY. THIS FERRY IS LOCATED ON one of the best crossing points on the Arkansas River, within one mile from Salt City, and on the most direct route to Caldwell and the Indian Agencies. Teams or horsemen taken across at any hour of the day or night. Good shelter for stock and ample accommodations for travelers at the city.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1877.
The Democratic candidate for Register of Deeds is a “middle man.” His only visible means of support is a little store at Salt City. His place of business will soon be at the head of Salt River.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
This town is prospering finely. Mr. Thomas Royal, formerly of the firm of Todd and Royal, of Wichita, keeps the hotel in this place, and has ample accommodations for the trading public. He also has a large livery stable which he has been fitting up of late. Mr. Royal is also Superintendent of the Coal Company here, and expects to continue drilling. He has propositions from different parties to do the work.
Frank Waldo is going to move his goods into Royal’s store building, the present building being not large enough. Dr. Arnold will remove his office to the building that Frank occupies at present. He has been located here for the last seven months, and has established a good practice throughout the surrounding country.
Wm. Berkey is doing a good business in a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, drugs, etc., and probably the only merchant in Kansas that sells calico by the pound. His rates are one dollar and a half a pound. His motto is to sell cheap for cash.
Mr. Wm. Resch who has lately located here is doing a good work in the blacksmith line. He solicits the patronage of the surrounding country. The town is improving morally as well as in business.
The United Brethren have a church established, and preaching every alternate Sabbath. Rev. McCune presides. They are going to build a parsonage as soon as possible.
Singing school is held once a week at the schoolhouse. CHRISTMAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.

There will be a coal meeting held at Salt City, Saturday evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
FRANK WALDO is going to move his goods in a large building, the present building is not large enough. Frank is doing good business.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1877.
We got hold of the wrong Berkey last week as the democratic candidate for Register of Deeds. A. W. Berkey is a clerk for the bank of J. C. McMullen, of Arkansas City, not a merchant at Salt City. He will go up Salt River all the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
Thomas Hunter, the landlord at South Haven, is the Democratic nominee in Sumner County for Treasurer, and Mr. A. Huff, of Salt City, for Clerk. Both parties are well known in this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 7, 1877.
MR. LETTS, of Salt City, left with us a sample of silver ore taken from one of the mines he is interested in in the San Juan country that is very rich. He expects to return in the spring to work them.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 5, 1877.
The Salt City ferry is in running order.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
We must announce the arrival of two young Axley’s last week, both Sam and John, are happy. Mr. Wm. Berkey shook the land from his number nines last week, and will halt in the vicinity of Independence. He reports good trade and money scarce.
Frank Waldo bids fair to make a success of the stock of dry goods and groceries he has on hand, judging from his prices and the way he is handling over the goods.
The majority of the wheat that is hauled to Wichita goes by the way of the Salt City ferry, since they can cross the Arkansas River at less ferryage than the proprietors of the Belle Plaine bridge charge for crossing the Ninnescah.
Thirty teams loaded with flour for Cheyenne and Wichita Agencies passed through here last week.
The constant inquiry is how is the K. C. E. & S. W. railroad getting along? We are getting anxious.
Mr. Royal still continues in the hotel business, and contem­plates building a new hotel soon. He is at Wichita making his arrangements. R. R.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
Protracted meeting has been in vogue for the past week, and continues, conducted by Rev. Broadbent.
Mr. Berkey has returned.
The store of Frank Waldo was entered on Monday night of last week, by cutting a hole in the door and pulling back the bolt. Mr. Waldo was at church at the time, and had taken all the money out of the drawer except one cent, which the thief took.

Arrangements are being made to have a Christmas tree at the schoolhouse. Thirty dollars has been subscribed to buy presents for the poor. Frank has ordered a supply of candies, so there will be no lack of sweetness.
A hog fell into one of the springs, and before it could be taken out, was transferred to pickled pork—the brine being so strong.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
Last Monday we met a gentleman named Allen, who has land and other interests at and near Salt City. He was direct from Colorado Springs, Colorado, and informed us that Mr. J. P. McMillen is gaining in health and quite prosperous in his business, hotel keeping.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 26, 1877.
The committee of seven, composed of five ladies and two gentlemen, appointed to buy $21 worth of goods for the Christmas tree at Salt City, were in town on Friday, all together, and you ought to have seen the young gents and small boys getting off the sidewalk.
Winfield Courier, December 20, 1877.
West Bolton Items.
December 17, 1877.
EDITOR COURIER: We ask space in your columns for a few items.
As spiritual matters should first claim our attention, we will state that a protracted meeting has for the last ten days been in progress at Salt City. It was initiated and has been conducted most of the time by the Rev. J. J. Broadbent. Judge Gans, of your city, preached to a full and attentive house last Sunday. A considerable interest is manifested and the meeting will continue during the present week.
At Theaker’s schoolhouse, district thirty-six, Rev. McHugh, of the United Brethren, begins a series of meetings tonight. Their quarterly meeting occurs next Saturday and Sabbath. A Sabbath school has been maintained at each of these places during the season.
The little folks will have a good time on Christmas Eve. With other attractions there will be a Christmas tree laden with a present for each child in the vicinity.
We have quite an interesting school in this place. The term closes about the middle of February.
Trade is good.
The Salt City ferry has a good business, running constantly, while other Arkansas River ferries are idle part of the time.
Farmers are improving this pleasant weather hauling wheat to Wichita. We hope that the next great crop which now promises so well may be transferred by rail. There are some heavy wheat growers in West Bolton, having from 100 to 800 acres. We surely need a railroad.
Please keep us posted about the Emporia road and all others, for we who are on the out posts shall not have to haul to Wichita when the lines are extended to Winfield.
The COURIER is vastly improved, and we wish you abundant success. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
One-fifth of the purchase money required as FIRST PAYMENT, Balance on FIVE YEARS’ TIME.

Below will be found a partial list of our lands and town lots, both improved and unimproved, we have for sale. This property is situated in the most desirable portion of Kansas, the great Arkansas River Valley, and adjacent thereto. The climate in this locality is unsurpassed, and the land is as fertile as any in the West. This portion of Kansas is keeping pace with the civilization of the age in building Railroads, Churches, and School Houses. Come here if you want a very desirable home for a very small amount of money.
E ½ of NW ¼ sec 5, tp 34, S R 4 E. Upland; known as the Waldo tract. Price $300.
SE ¼ sec 7, tp 34, S R 3 E. This is a most excellent tract of land near Salt City, in an excellent neighborhood; price $1,200. Known as the Sweet farm.
Lot 1 and 2, and S ½ of NW ¼ sec 13, tp 35, S R 4 W, in Sumner County, Kas. Known as the James W. DeHoney tract; price $400.
NE ¼ sec 9, tp 35, S R 2 W, in Sumner County, Kansas; known as the James R. Prange farm; price $400.
NW ¼ sec 11, tp 35, S R 3 E. Known as the Buckwalter farm; price $1,500.
Inquire of J. C. McMullen or Jas. Christian, Arkansas City, Kansas.
NOTE: The above was only a partial list of properties in ad.
Winfield Courier, January 17, 1878.
                                                  Commissioners’ Proceedings.
At the regular meeting of January 7th, the board ordered the opening of the Laubner, Loy, and Owings roads; rejected the report of the commissioners to locate the Arkansas City and Independence state road, and refused to pay the expenses; allowed various claims, amounting to $3,878; approved the bond of Chas. Harter, sheriff; approved the bonds of a large number of township officers; received and approved the reports of trustees of all the townships except Otter, Sheridan, and Silverdale; canceled county orders paid by the treasurer to the amount of $4,403.17; canceled $27.50 in orders that had been left in the county clerk’s hands three years uncalled for; and granted ferry license across the Arkansas River, near Salt City, to Henry Pruden.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
Last Saturday night William Skinner and Hugh Steiner, aged about eighteen years, met in Frank Waldo’s store and engaged in some bitter words against each other. The bystanders knew that an ill feeling had existed between the two since the 4th of July, at which time the boys had a quarrel at a picnic, and thinking there would be trouble, sent for A. H. Acton, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Acton soon came and separated the two, took the pocket knife from young Skinner, and handing it to his son, asked Skinner to go home with him.
As they were turning to go, the knife was handed back to Skinner by Acton’s son. As soon as Skinner got the knife, he made a rush at Steiner and stuck him between the lower ribs, at the same time exclaiming: “There, d__n you, take that!” Steiner than ran out of the store accompanied by Acton’s son.

From the store they went to a hay loft, and hid by crawling under the hay. The matter was talked over, and it was concluded that it would not do to let it pass unnoticed, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the avenger. After some searching, they were heard talking in the hay loft, and constable Sam Axley ordered them to come out. Young Acton did so, but declared that Skinner was not there. A lantern was procured, and the constable went into the mow and Skinner came out and gave himself up.
It was a very unfortunate affair, and the parents of both parties feel deeply aggrieved. There is too much of a desperate spirit manifested among men, and generally indulged in by boys to shoot or use a knife on the slightest provocation, that should be discouraged by all law-abiding citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
A Card.
Editor Traveler: In your notice of the stabbing affray at Salt City, the inference would be that Willie Skinner was entire­ly in fault, and as it may be judicially investigated, it is but justice to both parties to state the facts.
Until the day of the trial, I did not know of any difficulty on the 4th of July, and all I now know is what Mr. Steiner told me. Doubtless Willie Skinner was badly to blame for the language used on that day; but it is also a fact known to many that it would not have occurred but for the whiskey sold at the picnic, to minors and others, that day.
On Saturday last I sent Willie Skinner to Salt Springs, and in the evening he was in Waldo’s store. Some boys, ready to get others into trouble if they can escape, went to the church where Hugh Steiner was, and by rapping on the window and loud talk, succeeded in stopping the discourse and attracting Steiner’s attention. Steiner left the church and went with the other boys to the store, where the trouble began.
Esquire Acton stopped the disturbance, and Willie Skinner left for Acton’s house. Steiner, urged on by others, followed after and declaring the thing must be settled, raised his hand as if to strike. Then came the trouble. No “rush for Steiner;” no “d__n you, take that.”
Such, Mr. Editor, any responsible citizen of Salt Springs will tell you, and many will state further that Willie Skinner did only what the most of older men would have done. No trouble would have occurred between the boys had it not been for the meddlesome interference of others, who are far more to blame than either of the boys.
Three Justices sat on the trial, and fined Willie Skinner $10, which fact ought to satisfy any man that the blame was not entirely on one side. I will say that the father of Hugh Steiner acted like a gentleman, and reported the fuss as brought on by others. WM. SKINNER.
Winfield Courier, February 21, 1878.
The COURIER office has, in spite of the mud, been recently honored by visitors from many of the substantial men of the county, among whom we mention W. E. Chenoweth, of Salt City; Dan Maher, Richland; T. Hart, J. Fisher, and J. H. Mounts, Liberty; P. M. White, J. W. Millspaugh, and J. A. Rupp, Vernon; Ira Howe, L. N. Floyd, W. H. Fry, Rev. P. G. Smith, and H. C. McDorman, Dexter; W. H. Walker, Arkansas City; F. M. Savage, Lazette; and E. A. Millard, Tisdale.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 27, 1878.

DIED. Near Salt City, February 18th, Mr. ELLARD ELLARS. He came to this county on the first day of this month, and died on the “Oaks” farm after a residence of only four days. His wife started on the 19th with his body for Miami County, Indiana, their former home. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. A. H. A.
Winfield Courier, March 7, 1878.
DIED. On Monday the 18th Mr. Ellis died of lung fever. He had moved into the vicinity with his family only a few days ago. They returned immediately with the corpse to Indiana.
Health of the community generally good.
Wheat still looks finely.
The farmers are preparing to plant a larger acreage of corn this spring than they have ever done. A more diversified crop seems to be the idea, which appears to me to be correct.
Mr. George Reynolds, an experienced nurseryman from Ohio, is making arrangements to put out about forty acres of nursery this spring on his place one mile south of Salt City. He has purchased an interest in the Chetopa nursery of which this will be a branch. We wish him abundant success, as it will be of great advantage to this whole country. Their motto is fresh stock, fair dealing, and low prices. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
FRANK WALDO has closed his store at Salt City, and Wm. Berkey has the entire trade of that community.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.
MR. REYNOLDS, near Salt City, sent us in a quart of new potatoes of this year’s growth, and has had two meals of the same lot this spring. The vines had a wagon sheet thrown over them to protect them from the frost, hence the early growth.
Winfield Courier, March 28, 1878.
The silver bill has passed, the bridge bonds carried, and the country is saved. The wheat continues to grow all the same, and the peach trees have donned the full “bloomer” costume.
We are either to have an early spring, or we agree with the Dutchman that even nature “can’t most always sometimes tell.”
Rev. Platter, of your place, has a fine farm in the edge of Sumner (240 acres) which is nearly all covered with a crop of very promising wheat.
Mr. Reynolds is still very busy arranging his new nursery.
Pruden’s ferry is still a complete success, and that is where you want to cross the river.
There has been a very enterprising meeting in progress at Salt City for nearly two weeks. Full house, attentive audiences, and deep interest.
The salt works under the management of Mr. John Oxley, will very soon begin the summer’s campaign.
Our old county commissioner, Capt. O. C. Smith, has been very low for several days with pneumonia.
Mr. Berkey is making arrangements to build a residence in Salt City this summer. He has had a good trade during all the  hard times. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.

DIED. At her residence in Salt City, Kansas, of consump­tion, Friday, March 29th, 1878, Mrs. Chenoweth, wife of Capt. W. E. Chenoweth. Our sympathies are extended to the afflicted husband.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 3, 1878.
Rev. McHue preached a sermon at Salt City, on last Friday night, taking as his text “Who shall stand at Judg­ment Day. Flee from the wrath to come.” After the sermon a bench was moved out for those who desired to come forward, but in moving it two lamps were upset and an explosion followed. Great consternation prevailed. Two men sprang through the windows, followed by one woman who climbed out but immediately fainted. During the excitement some of considerable presence of mind, took off their coats and smothered the flames, while one old lady never ceased praying and shouting.
Winfield Courier, April 4, 1878.
Scare at Salt City. During the services at a religious meeting at Salt City, on the evening of the 22nd ult., a stand on which were two burning kerosene lamps fell by the giving away of a weak leg. The lamps fell to the floor, one was broken and the oil took fire. The house was instantly in an uproar and the audience behaved like stampeded buffalo, notwithstanding the efforts of Rev. McHugh and Johnson to allay the excitement. One lady and two young men jumped out through the windows. Dr. Collins finally extinguished the fire with his coat. Two ladies fainted but no one was hurt. EYE WITNESS.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 24, 1878.
Mr. Letz [Letts] and Doc. Covil [Covell], of Salt City, intend going to the mining region in Colorado this spring.
Winfield Courier, April 25, 1878.
SALT CITY, April 19, 1878.
ED. COURIER. Why is nothing done to stop the wholesale slaughter of timber in the Indian Territory south of Sumner County? I saw sometime since an article in your paper calling attention to this matter and hoped you would follow it up, and a stop would have been put to these proceedings. Hundreds of men have been engaged in cutting and carrying off the best of this timber for fuel, fencing, lumber, and speculation in open and notorious violation of the law. Men have taken large contracts to supply lumber from these lands. I am credibly informed that one man has been hauling saw logs from this land all winter with seven mule teams; that several saw mills are doing a large business cutting these logs; that several hundred cords of wood are now corded in the woods along the line; and that several lumber contracts of various kinds are to be filled out of the timber yet to be hauled from the lands. If nothing was taken but the down and wasting timber, it would not be worth noticing; but the fact is, the entire amount of valuable timber is being destroyed. Something ought to be done at once to protect this timber from further waste. PADIE.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 1, 1878.

FIVE WAGONS loaded with salt from East Saginaw, Michigan, drove up to Schiffbauer’s grocery last Sunday, and we have noticed equal amounts left at H. Godehard’s, Pierce & McLaughlin’s, Hoyt & Speers’, and Houghton & Mantor will soon have a like amount—and this, too, when salt just as good can be manufactured at Salt City, within nine miles of this place. Someone should engage in the business, as it would surely pay.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
SALT CITY, April 19, 1878.
Editor Courier: Why is nothing done to stop the wholesale slaughter of timber in the Indian Territory south of Sumner County? I saw, some time since, an article in your paper calling attention to this matter, and hoped you would follow it up, and a stop would have been put to these proceedings.
Hundreds of men have been engaged in cutting and carrying off the best of this timber for fuel, fencing, lumber, and speculation in open and notorious violation of the law. Men have taken large contracts to supply lumber from these lands. I am credibly informed that one man has been hauling saw logs from this land all winter with seven mule teams; that several saw mills are doing a large business cutting these logs; that several hundreds cords of wood are now corded in the woods along the line and that several lumber contracts of various kinds are to be filled out of the timber yet to be hauled from the lands. If nothing was taken but the down and wasting timber, it would not be worth nothing; but the fact is, the entire amount of valuable timber is being destroyed. Something ought to be done at once to protect this timber from further waste. PADIX.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
FOUND DEAD. A young man by the name of Armspiker, about 20 years of age, living near Salt City, went out on Saturday evening to shoot an antelope, and was found dead on Sunday morning. It is supposed he accidentally shot himself while getting off of the mule he was riding—the ball passing directly through his heart.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
The steamboat made a trip to Salt City last Sunday evening without trouble. Becoming too confident, they then endeavored to go on after dark, and stuck on a bar, on which they remained until morning, compelling many of the anxious excursionists to return home on foot.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
The steamboat made the trip from Salt City to this place in three quarters of an hour last Monday morning—a distance of seven miles.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 8, 1878.
The steamboat, “Arkansas Traveler,” made another voyage several miles up the river last Sunday, loaded with excursionists.
Winfield Courier, May 9, 1878.
Saw S. P. Channell yesterday. He says the steamboat runs nicely between Arkansas City and Salt City. Salt will come down of course. He says the steamer took on a new pilot at Salt City, who ran the steamer aground. The piles are being driven for the bridge across to Bolton.
The Daily Winfield Courier, Saturday Morning, May 11, 1878.
Arkansas City Item.

Arkansas City has quietly built a steamboat that will carry fifteen tons, and it has made a successful trip to Salt City and return at the lowest stage of water for more than a year, and yet they seem to think this is nothing to what they are to do in the steamboat line when the river is surveyed.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 15, 1878.
SALT CITY should be included in the route from Arkansas City to South Haven, with mail three times a week. Petition for it, gentlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
MULES FOR SALE. I have one large pair and one small or medium sized pair of good work mules I will sell for cash, or on time with good security. Also one span of work horses.
H. B. PRUDEN, 1 mile east of Salt City.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
SALT CITY, KANSAS, May 22, 1878.
Weather warm. Crops looking well. Wheat is now in condition to cut, if done with a harvester. Corn is growing rapidly, and farmers are generally at work cleaning it. Land is in good condition. Fruit is in good condition, though somewhat thinned by the hail of last Friday evening. Wheat was but little damaged, though some of it was knocked down.
Some new arrivals in the vicinity and improving is being done by some of the old settlers. Rev. Platter of your place is putting up a new house on his farm. He has dug a well and indications are that business will be done on scientific principles. Mr. Berkey has moved into his new residence. Mrs. Donohue is now erecting a new residence on her place west of the town.
Mr. Reynold’s nursery stock is now doing well, weather very favorable. He has 27 acres of hedge plants up that look finely. Next week will be the busiest of the season. Much of the wheat will be cut. Come down and see what the prospects are. You can cross on the “boss” ferry at H. B. Pruden’s. Be sure and call on RUDY.
Winfield Courier, June 13, 1878.
Steamboat Travel on the Arkansas River.
ED. COURIER: Supposing that you would be interested in common with the citizens of Cowley County in an experiment which we have been making with what the K. C. Journal calls a “sorghum pan,” to develop the capacity of the Arkansas River for transportation, I send you this brief history of the attempt as far as developed.
Our boat is 16 x 50 feet, our engine 12 horsepower, our draft about ten inches. Our first attempt was up the river; from Arkansas City, the river at a very low stage, we succeeded in finding sufficient channel as far as Salt City ferry, and left the investigation there in good water. But as we desired to know the channel below Arkansas City while the water was low, and we were expecting a rise, we turned down the stream and below the mouth of the Walnut. Our first trip was below the mouth of Grouse into the Indian Territory and about twenty-five miles. We found the river channel, after passing the mouth of the Walnut, a great deal better.

The obstructions or hindrances to navigation, I think, can mainly be set down under three heads. The rocky chutes where rocks on top and underneath have to be avoided, and where the water runs very swiftly. Three of these occur between the mouth of Walnut and Deer Creek, but in all of them the water is amply sufficient to float a light draught boat.
The next difficulty is the crossings where the channel crosses from one side of the river to the other, and in these are the principal difficulties, as the water divides, and you must follow the main body or strike a bar; but I think we found no place that the deepest water in the main channel would not go 15 inches, or sufficient to carry a light draught. These crossings could be greatly improved by a very little aid in turning and directing the current. The only other obstructions are the snags. They are generally in deep water, and sometimes they seem to have piled in together to keep each other company, and the mariner has to do considerable dodging to keep from shaking hands.
As I wrote, we made our first trip 25 miles down, and we felt considerable anxiety as to how our little craft, geared with belt and pulley, would drive us up stream. But when we turned our little engine in against the Arkansas, we soon had our confidence restored. It showed us from the first mile that it had the power and the will to take us back home, and I thought the little fellow kept saying, “Now if you will only make those old belts stand, I’ll put you through.” We made home in less than a day without any trouble.
Our next trip was 50 miles down the river. We ran 45 miles from 1 o’clock, and the rest next morning. I think the river grows better and the channel deeper as you go down. This trip was made without meeting any difficulties. There is some beautiful scenery as you pass down where the scattering trees stand out on the hill slopes and remind one of the gentlemen parks of merry old England, of which we have read, and a trip up and down is worth taking, for there is certainly some of the fairest country that ever laid out of doors in the possession of the noble red man along the waters of the “Big Sandy.”
In conclusion, if we have only taken the initiative step that will make useful the waters of this grand highway that will open the doors to a cheaper transportation and a better market, we have done something. Our reward so far has been laughter; our encouragement nix, but we shall hold out faithful to the end, as we try a freight trip to Pawnee Agency on Tuesday. Yours truly, A. W. [Believe this was Amos Walton.]
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 3, 1878.
Nearly three years ago Messrs. Berkey, now of Salt City, and Winton built a pine flat boat at this place, loaded it with flour, and started for Little Rock. It was purely a venture, and a private one. Both parties were satisfied that a boat could go down the river with a good load, and they realized that the best way to demonstrate this to the satisfaction of everyone was to make the trip, or trial. It would furthermore serve to draw the attention of the people of Arkansas to the incalculable good to be drawn from the success of those engaged in the work. The boat started in low water, but after the first two or three days little or no trouble was experienced in making the trip.

Well can we remember the Sunday morning when they were adver­tised to start. The bridge over the Arkansas was crowded with spectators eager to see the first boat from Arkansas City start for the South, and the churches were mainly filled with empty benches.
News from that unassuming flat boat was watched for with as intense interest as though the lives of all on board were in peril. This enterprise was not a success financially, but it was the cause of sending Mr. Samuel Hoyt east the following summer—the Centennial Summer—with instructions to do all in his power to get a boat to come up to this point. Mr. Hoyt went to Ohio, where he purchased a light draught steamboat, and engaged a captain and crew to make the trip. They steamed down the Ohio and into the Mississippi, the father of rivers, and thence down to the mouth of the Arkansas. Here they experienced considerable trouble with high water, as the engine was not powerful enough to work against the strong current of the Arkansas, but after a delay of several weeks they got as far up as Little Rock, where the boat was abandoned, it having become evident that it was not the right sort of a boat for this river. The failure of this enterprise was a damper on the spirits of our people, and the enemies of the project crowed louder than ever over our loss. It was considerable of a loss, as the boat cost three thousand dollars, and only sold for three hundred—not to mention the expenses of Mr. Hoyt during the many weeks of his absence.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 3, 1878.
SALT CITY, June 20, 1878.
Commodore Berkey made another successful voyage down the raging Arkansas, with less water than Columbus started to sail on. His boat was launched at the post called Oxford, and we are informed they took a load of fruit and lumber to Salt City. His enterprise and perseverance as a navigator is commendable to all. BILLY BARLOW.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 10, 1878.
A FAIR OFFER. Messrs. Seymour and McClaskey say that if the town will buy the ferryboat west of town, they will put a 20-horsepower engine on it, and take a load of wheat to Little Rock. Mr. Henry Pruden also makes a good offer: He would buy this boat and the one at Salt City, and putting 1,200 bushels of wheat on the two, take the load down to Little Rock. Here he would sell the barges for what he could get, and only ask the town to pay the deficiency, as they are worth much less there than here.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
STEAMBOAT NAVIGATION up the Arkansas River is the great cause of good quality and great bargains at Hoyt & Speers’ Athletic Grocery. Down we come, passing bed rock to Little Rock prices. 5 lbs. coffee for one dollar; 4 lbs. tea, $1; 18 bars of soap, $1; 13 lbs. soda, $1; fruit jars almost at your own price. From this time we are in hopes to get our goods direct from St. Louis and Little Rock, via steamboat up the Arkansas River, which will enable us to start a wholesale house for the benefit of smaller towns in our county, such as Winfield, Maple City, Thomasville, Salt City, Webb Center, etc.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
The Salt City ferry is in running order.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 17, 1878.
THE PRUDEN BROTHERS, of Salt City, have loaded the boat formerly used as a ferry west of town, and intend taking their wheat down to Little Rock, if it can be done by mortal hands. Success to you, boys.

Winfield Courier, July 18, 1878.
Salt City. At Salt City is the best ferry on the Arkansas River, and it is on the shortest route from Winfield to South Haven and Caldwell. Salt City is fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, is a nice little town with one store, two hotels, one blacksmith shop, one large feed stable, and nine residences. Travelers can get good accommodations there. The people want the mail route opened up from Winfield via Salt City to South Haven and Caldwell, which shortens the distance eight miles. Dr. W. J. Arnold is a practicing physician at that place. Wm. Resch does all kinds of blacksmithing and also does horse shoeing and plow work splendidly.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
R. M. Wood, near Salt City, in Sumner County, has cut 389 acres of grain this year with a single header machine and has it well stacked. He says that notwithstanding the low price of wheat and other products, he can make more money farming in this county than in the state of New York, where he came from.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
Navigation. Henry Pruden and O. J. Palmer started from Salt City down the Arkansas River with 700 bushels of wheat in their boat last week Wednesday. The farmers in that vicinity intend to ship their wheat in that way. David Maricle says he intends to ship the proceeds of his 700 acres of wheat on flat boats.
Winfield Courier, July 25, 1878.
SALT CITY, KANSAS, July 10th, 1878.
Since May last we have been harvesting. The early part of it being very favorable; indeed, all that one could wish, while the latter part has been very wet and tedious. There is yet some late wheat standing upon the ground that is flat. The quality is very good, yield will be good, also; but with the promise of extremely low market, there is very little to encourage one. Oats are good, though some are affected with rust. Corn is looking better in this vicinity than ever before since the settlement of the country.
The hedge and fruit trees put out last fall and this spring have made an unusual growth. This is partly owing to the season, but much is due to the stock furnished by W. B. Trissell.
We have had a visit from one of our relatives of late. She did not like to travel with a team and would not travel by railroad for fear of smallpox, so she surprised us one morning by stopping in and announcing that the Arkansas was navigable, and that she had demonstrated the fact that it was useful for other purposes than “raising catfish.”
W. E. Chenoweth has rented his farm to a man from New York.
Tom Mills has traded his house and lot in Salt City and 80 acres of his farm for property two and a half miles from Florence, and is going to live near the railroad. We think if he had known “Aunt Sally” was coming up and that he was owner of property upon the banks of the main freight line of the west, he would not have been so hasty. Oh! It is a “big thing” even if “Aunt Sally” would not take our wheat. She will come again and surprise us. RUDY.
Winfield Courier, August 1, 1878.

Salt City Mineral Springs. Salt City, fourteen miles southwest of Winfield, on the line between Cowley and Sumner counties, promises to become the Saratoga of Kansas. It has four mineral springs that will become famous. We have known before this that these springs possessed very curious mineral properties, but have paid little attention to the claim that they had medicinal and curative properties of the highest order. But recently events have proved all that has been claimed for them. Several persons seriously afflicted with erysipelas, rheumatism, eruptions, and various cutaneous diseases have visited these springs and by drinking their waters and bathing in them have experienced rapid and wonderful relief.
Among these cases we will mention that of Judge McDonald. He has had a most terrible eruption covering his face, head, and neck with sores, scabs, and pustules, and his face was bleeding in many places. On the 28th ult., he visited the springs and drank and bathed freely. In less than three hours the scabs came off his face and his appearance was wonderfully improved. He has since, for three days, continued to use this water, and now looks and feels like a very different man and has every prospect of a speedy and perfect case.
Robert Mills was very seriously afflicted with erysipelas. He has been using these waters for three weeks and is now entirely recovered. It is claimed that these waters are a sure cure for every species of cutaneous diseases and impurities of the blood. So far as they have been tried, the claim has been sustained. The water is clear and cool, but we are not very partial to its taste; in fact, we have tasted very many kinds of drink that we liked better. The day is not far distant when Salt City will rival Hot Springs as a resort for invalids.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 7, 1878.
Generally speaking, there is little to create an excitement in our town, though we live on the border of the Indian Territory, the harbor for all horse thieves and desperadoes who are fleeing from State Justice.
Last Wednesday, however, our people were rudely awakened from their dream of security from invasions by lawless charac­ters, by the report that the Cowley County Bank had been robbed in broad daylight, and that the robbers were heading west with their booty as fast as their horses could carry them. The particulars, as near as we can gather, from the thousand-and-one statements afloat, are as follows.
At ten minutes of ten o’clock on that morning, four horsemen rode into town, two of whom put up at Finney’s livery stable, and gave orders to have their horses fed immediately, but not unsad­dled, as they would want them soon. Behind each saddle was a two-bushel seamless sack and a pair of over-alls, and small saddle bags were attached. They inquired particularly as to the time of day, and also were anxious to gain all the information they could concerning a herd of ponies near Caldwell—the exact location, condition of ponies, etc.
The other two ponies were taken to a different portion of the town, and left standing.
One of the two men who stopped at the stable was known by Mr. Finney as a person who used to herd for Mr. Smythia several miles south of here, who went by the name of Jim Kennedy. This man is about five feet, eight or nine inches in height, dark complexion, with dark brown moustache and chin whiskers trimmed short, and is probably between thirty and thirty-five years of age. The other one was nearly six feet in height, sandy complex­ion, with light brown moustache.

At five minutes after 12, just after Major Sleeth, president of the bank, had gone to dinner, a man stepped into the bank and requested Mr. Fred Farrar (who, in the absence of his brother, H. P. Farrar, acts in the capacity of cashier) to change a twenty-dollar bill. Mr. Farrar seeing that the bill was genuine, turned to make the change, when the man exclaimed roughly: “Here! Hand that bill back!” Naturally a little surprised, Farrar looked up, only to see the muzzle of a large seven-shooter staring him in the face; and before he could recover from the shock, two men, each with their revolvers cocked and pointed at him, stepped around the counter and politely invited him to come into the back room. Realizing in a moment that resistance was more than useless, Mr. Farrar coolly replied: “All right, sir,” and walked back, when one man guarded him, while the other went through the safe, taking all the money that he could find, the third man standing guard at the door. By the time the money was taken, the fourth man, who had been standing with the other two horses on the corner some fifty yards south, walked into the bank, and two of the robbers waited with Mr. Farrar while the other two went for the horses. Bringing the horses up to the door, they all mounted, turned to Farrar, and with a polite “Good day, sir,” they galloped off. The whole proceedings in the bank had not occupied over five minutes’ time.
Mr. Farrar immediately gave the alarm, and in an instant all was confusion. Men rushed up and down the streets in search of horses and fire arms, seemingly bereft of their senses. C. R. Mitchell and J. A. Stafford were first in the saddles, and started after them in the direction of Salt City. Stafford caught a glimpse of them, and cutting across the country, came near enough to them to fire, which he did. The leader looked around at him and coolly remarking, “You G_d d____d son-of-a-b___h,” leveled his gun and returned fire, the bullet singing past Stafford’s ear, but not striking him. As all the party stopped, Stafford thought he had better go behind a small mound of sand, and just as he dropped down, another bullet from the robbers threw the sand all over his face. Mr. Stafford returned this shot, when the men touched up their horses and galloped easily off. By this time a crowd of our citizens had arrived on the spot and all joined in the chase.
After they had passed the “jack oaks” northwest of town, the pursuers could find no trace of them, and concluded they were hiding in the oaks, when they turned back and sent word to town for more men and guns—that they had the robbers corralled in the oaks.
Here is where the great mistake was made, as the thieves were still going toward Salt City, and crossed the ferry at that place shortly after 1 o’clock.
Our men did not discover their mistake until too late to catch up with them, though the party in pursuit crossed the Salt City ferry one hour and a half behind them.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878.
Unknown Robbers Go Through a Bank at Noonday. The James Boys Outdone.
On Wednesday, July 31, 1878, at about half past 12 o’clock, four strangers effected the robbery of the Cowley County Bank at Arkansas City. The amount of money obtained is said to be $2,300. The robbers were seen in town during the forenoon; two of them entered a saloon, called for beer, drank, and sat down in the saloon for some time. The other two walked around town together; and at one time came into the saloon and called for beer, but pretended not to recognize their pals sitting there.

At dinner time two brought out their horses from a stable and hitched them not far from the bank. The two others came towards the bank from another direction and hitched their horses in another place. A drug store is next door to the bank and the salesman was at the door. One of the robbers called for quinine, saying he would step in and get it in a few moments, and the druggist went into his store to weigh it out while the customer patrolled the sidewalk.
Another robber went into the bank, where Mr. Farrar was alone in attendance, Mr. Sleeth having just gone to dinner, and presented a $20 bill, requesting small bills for it. Mr. Farrar proceeded to make the change, but immediately a revolver was presented at his head and silence commanded; at the same time two other robbers appeared with cocked revolvers. One of them led Mr. Farrar into the back room while the other two went through the safe, which was open. They took what money there was to be readily found and then Mr. Farrar was brought out to the door and required to sit down. The robbers made some jokes, thanked him for his kind attention, and promised to call again when they wanted more money. They bade him good-bye, mounted their horses, and rode together out the south side of town, then around to the west side and north past the cemetery. They were each armed with revolvers and a long range rifle.
The alarm was immediately given, and in a very few minutes a large number of men were on horseback, with such arms they could get hold of quickly, in pursuit. Messengers were at once sent over the river into Bolton Township to notify Frank Lorry and Rudolph Hoffmaster and rouse the people with the view of cutting off the retreat into the Territory.  Others, including Mr. Sleeth, the president of the bank, rode rapidly up to Winfield for help to head them off in case the robbers should go north toward Wichita. A considerable numbered followed rapidly on the track of the robbers.
Mr. Stafford nearly overtook the robbers and got two shots at them; but they turned on him and fired a rifle shot, just scratching his cheek, and another throwing dirt over him, as he lay close to the ground in the grass to avoid their shots. The robbers then rode on, as other pursuers were coming up. At one place they rode into a grove or ticket and the pursuers immediately surrounded the grove and believed they had corralled their game. They spent a hour or more in searching the thicket, and finally determined that the robbers were not there. They then pursued on to the Salt City ferry. There they learned that the robbers had crossed more than an hour before and had turned southwest through Salt City in the direction of the Territory.
Messrs. Lorry and Hoffmaster had collected a number of men in Bolton and were patrolling the road all the way from Arkansas City to South Haven, two of their men having crossed the robbers’ tracks nearly half an hour before they got along; but their place of crossing this line was so uncertain, it was scarcely possible that Lorry’s men should be at the right place at the right time, so the robbers crossed their line and passed on into the Territory; but Lorry and his men soon got together and pursued.

Burt Covert and others, of Winfield, started out west from Winfield to intercept the robbers, if they went north. They rode over to the Arkansas River and discovered that the robbers had escaped across the Salt City ferry going southwest. Covert and C. G. Holland, of Beaver, having first-class horses and courage, pursued some thirty miles into the Territory and long into the night, until Covert’s horse got so sprained in crossing a bog that he was unable to proceed except at a slow and limping gait. They therefore abandoned the pursuit.
On Friday following Frank Lorry returned. It appears that they got a long ways ahead of the robbers in the Territory and therefore lost all track of them. They therefore abandoned the pursuit and probably passed them on their return.
It is believed that at least one of the robbers was a James. It is evident that they are experienced hands at the business.
Winfield Courier, August 8, 1878. Editorial Columns.
Mail Route. The mail route from Winfield via Thomasville, Salt City, and South Haven to Caldwell is an important one; but as the bill establishing the route did not get through both houses of Congress before the adjournment, the matter will not be consummated until next December. In the meantime the Post Office Department under the existing law may make the letting to be valid until the next meeting of Congress. A movement is on foot to procure such letting immediately with a good prospect of success.
This is a good route and much needed. There is at Salt City the best ferry that there is on the Arkansas River. The salt works and the mineral springs at Salt City are going to attract a great deal of attention and Salt City will become a great attraction to invalids. The travel and business by this route will become large.
Winfield Courier, August 15, 1878.
Jo. Harter, D. Giles, M. B. Wallis, and Ivan Robinson left last Tuesday with tent and frying pan to go to Salt City and beyond on a hunting trip and try the pleasures of camp life.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 4, 1878.
EDITOR TRAVELER: The ennui of Salt City was enlivened last Sunday evening by the excitement of a double wedding. Dr. Arnold, our highly respected physician, and Miss Becky Reynolds; and Mr. Edward Willard and Miss Jennie Reynolds, were married at the residence of the brides’ parents by Elder Broadbent, on Sunday evening at 4 o’clock. The wedding was a splendid affair. A READER.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 18, 1878.
SALT CITY. Salt City Mineral Springs.
[From Green’s Real Estate News.]
About fifteen miles southwest of Winfield, in Cowley County, and one half mile north of the little village of Salt City in Sumner County, are situated the famous salt and mineral springs now owned by Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, attorneys of Winfield.
These springs are among the wonders of the world. The salt marsh comprises about twenty acres and the supply water is simply beyond computation and so strong that by solar evaporation four pounds of salt is obtained from each gallon of water placed in the vats.
On the same quarter section with the salt marsh are located the mineral springs and it is said that no other water known to medical and chemical science possesses such wonderful curative properties, that by mere local application fever sores, erysipe­las, sore eyes, and all manner of cutaneous eruptions and diseases are completely cured in from one to ten days, while scrofula, syphilis, rheumatism, dyspepsia, jaundice, etc., yield to a course of bathing combined with free and regular drinking of the water in from one to six weeks.

These springs should be improved and advertised, when they would speedily become one of the greatest resorts in the United States, but their present owners pay but little attention to the matter. Being engrossed in their profession, their splendid property lies unimproved and neglected, and invalids visiting the springs are forced either to “camp out” or depend upon the very insufficient hotel accommodations at Salt City.
Winfield Courier, September 19, 1878.
Salt City Salt Works have changed hands and the new proprietors are making preparations to engage in the manufacture of salt on an extensive scale. While in conversation with a gentleman from there, the other day, we learned that the springs at that place were visited by people for miles around who came with jugs, bottles, etc., and filled them with the water which they drank on account of the medicinal properties contained therein. He also told us that all the farmers in the vicinity have all the boarders they can possibly accommodate, as well as all the residents of the village. He thinks a large hotel built at that place would pay. The water of the springs is pronounced by a number of physicians to contain medicinal properties equal to those of the Hot Springs of Arkansas.
Winfield Courier, September 26, 1878.
SALT CITY, Sept. 18, 1878.
EDITOR COURIER: Since my last we have had continued dry weather. Corn is dry enough to crib. Many of the farmers are sowing wheat; some few have finished. The breadth sown will not be so large as last year. Threshing and sowing is now the order of the day. Machines are more plenty than ever before in our vicinity, and rates of threshing have been reduced to 4 cents on wheat and 2½ for oats, in sympathy with other reductions.
Several new arrivals in the township, which have caused the erection of as many new buildings. The place formerly owned by Sohn Broderic is now occupied by a man of family, who has built a snug little house.
A. Haight has sold his farm, 1 mile south of Salt City, to a man who will move into it immediately.
Mr. Reynolds has just completed the budding of his 52,000 peach trees, and will next season show you more home-grown stock from their celebrated nursery. This is a branch of the Rose Hill and Walnut Valley Nursery, which has been sending out so much fine stock through their agents, Trissell and Baird.
If apples and other fruits succeed as well as peaches, Southern Kansas will shortly cease to ship in dried and canned fruits. Almost every farmer in our county has dried all the peaches he will consume, and many will have bushels to spare.
The mineral springs still continue to attract the afflicted. A. W. [W. M.] Berkey seems to continually increase his trade, and is bringing in new goods almost every day.
The building of a mill seems to attract considerable attention and assumes a more definite shape.
The health of the people is improving; but little complaint now, except chills.
MARRIAGES. Our doctor is prepared to take better care of the afflicted now than ever, having taken a partner for life. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Broadbent, and the fortunate young lady was Miss Rebecca Reynolds.
At the same time and place, by the same party, Mr. Ed. Willard and Miss Jane Reynolds.

Long may they live and prosper. More when we get it. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 9, 1878.
The Salt City Salt Works have changed hands, and the new proprietors are making preparations to engage in the manufacture of salt on a large scale. While in conversation with a gentleman from there the other day, we learned that the springs were visited by large numbers of the farmers for many miles around who came to procure the water for the sake of its medicinal proper­ties. The farmers in the immediate vicinity, as also the resi­dents of the village, have all the boarders they can accommodate. A good hotel, either at the springs or in the neighborhood thereto would be a paying investment. We have been told by several physicians that the waters of this spring are similar in their medicinal qualities to the celebrated Hot Springs of Arkansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 4, 1878.
The Steamer, CHEROKEE!
Will leave her moorings below the Arkansas City Bridge on Tuesday next, loaded with freight for Ft. Smith, but S. MATLACK will remain and continue to supply the trade at lowest prices on Prints, Sheeting, Duckings, Jeans, Doeskins, Waterproofs, Ginghams, Alpacas, Flannels, Nubias, Scarfs, Hosiery, and No­tions, Boots and Shoes, and Rubber Goods; Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Spices, Canned Goods, Crosse & Blackwell’s Pickles, Bott’s Nabob Sauce and Ketchup, Raisins, Currants, Prunes, Apples, and Peach­es. New York and Salt City Salt, No. 1 Bay Mackerel and White Fish, Sauer Kraut, and other articles too numerous to mention.
A fresh supply of Butter and Eggs always on hand.
I will be found ready at all times to duplicate Winfield prices on any goods in Stock, and let it be understood I will not be undersold. Respectfully, S. MATLACK.
Thomas Royal, owner of town site of Salt City, selling lots...
Winfield Courier, December 5, 1878.
Mr. Thomas Royal, of Salt City, called on us last Saturday, having just arrived. He owns the town site of Salt City and has had it surveyed and platted. He is prepared to sell lots on advantageous terms to settlers. Mr. Royal informs us that large numbers of invalids are coming to Salt City to use the waters of the medicinal springs which are near Salt City, and that the water is proving highly beneficial. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, who are the proprietors of the Springs, propose putting in tubing for the conveyance of the water to baths and drinking reservoirs. This may yet be a popular resort not only for invalids but for the fashionable world. Wichita Beacon.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 29, 1879.
A valuable saddle was stolen from the barn of Thomas Royal, of Salt City, last week.
Winfield Courier, February 6, 1879.

Already calculations are being made of the time that will be saved in hauling the crops to Winfield and Arkansas City instead of Wichita, and a determination formed to use the difference in making permanent improvements on the land. This alone will be a great addition to the county. There are several persons in this part of the township who have sold land within the past few days, and at better prices than formerly, allowing to the outlook of the near future.
Henry Pruden will engage in business at Arkansas City and Pawnee Agency. He leaves his farm for the present, and will sell a large amount of farming implements and stock on February 26th. We are sorry to lose Hank from among us for the present. He can scarcely afford to leave 480 acres of such land as his is without having almost daily oversight of it.
There has been quite a number of sick persons of late, but I believe all are better now. Dr. Arnold seems to have been very successful again with quite a number of severe cases.
The Salt City Lyceum is the central point of attraction here and has been quite an interesting affair.
Berkey is still doing a good business, and all things considered, I presume we have no cause for complaint when we compare our condition with that of other sections.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 12, 1879.
Winfield Courier, February 13, 1879.
SALT CITY, KS., Feb. 11, 1879.
Henry Pruden has sold considerable of his stock and has rented his farm to Mr. Rice for a term of three years. Mr. McCommon, brother-in-law of Mr. Platter, has arrived and will succeed Mr. Thompson in command of the Platter farm. Mr. Berkey, “our merchant,” has so far recovered from his illness as to be able to visit the metropolis today.
DIED. Amos Hazard, nephew of Capt. Foster of this place, died yester­day after suffering for several years with consumption. Mr. Ward anticipates making a trip to Colorado in the spring. Rev. Mr. Broadbent held a series of meetings for the past ten days.
The Lyceum elected new officers on last Friday night, as follows: President, James Lobdell; Vice Pres., O. V. H. Acton; Sec., Jas. Wilson; Treasurer, Dr. Arnold.
Can’t we hear something of the railroad? Please keep us posted, as we consider our future is to be judged by the A. T. & S. F. railway.
Winfield Courier, February 27, 1879.
A. W. Berkey was called away very suddenly last week to attend the bedside of his father, who was taken dangerously ill at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
March 21st, 1879.
How we do flourish over here, our salt preserves us. The gentlemen having charge of the salt works expect to commence work on a large scale in a few days. The prospects for the mineral spring are good. Mr. Wm. Berkey, our merchant, has been sick for some time. Church every Sabbath evening, and a skip or two during the week. BAZ.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 26, 1879.
We understand that Wm. Berkey, of Salt City, proposes to put in a windmill at that point for the purpose of grinding grain. It will certainly be a great advantage to that place.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.

The question of utilizing the vast, though ever-changing current of water, known as the Upper Arkansas River, flowing through our State from west to south-east, and making it the highway to a southern market, has been a living subject with the enterprising agricultural people of Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, and those counties lying along and contiguous thereto, ever since the first settlement of that fertile valley in 1870. Owing to their remote distance from a railroad or a market, and the consequent cost of transporting the vast surplus of wheat raised in Cowley and Sumner, this matter has been of vital interest to the people living within their borders. The subject has been discussed in the field and in the grange; has been the slogan of the country politician and the shibboleth of the farmers. It has been resolved upon by conventions, petitioned for by representatives and memorialized by our State Legislature until Congress has taken the matter under consideration, and appointed a commission of competent engineers to personally visit, examine, and report on the feasibility of opening up the stream for navigation, from some point near the terminus of the Wichita branch of the Santa Fe railroad to Little Rock, Arkansas.
In view of these facts, a brief account of the local and individual efforts to solve the problem will doubtless be of interest. During the fall of 1872, A. W. [W. M.] Berkey and S. C. Winton, of Cowley County, built a small flatboat at Arkansas City, loaded it with flour, and started down the river, bound for Little Rock. While they may not have had the “unexplored wild­ness” that lay between De Soto and the dream of his ambition or the dangers that beset Coronado in his march of disappointment through undiscovered Kansas to encounter, yet four hundred and fifty miles of an unknown river, guarded by a semi-barbarous people who have no particular good feeling towards a frontiers­man, lay between them and civilization, presented anything but a cheerful outlook for this pioneer voyage. The trip was made, however, without adventure, and in a reasonable length of time. The produce disposed of, the navigators returned overland to Arkansas City, and reported a fair depth of water and a lively current from the State line to Fort Gibson.
On the strength of this report, a joint stock company was immediately organized, and an agent appointed to proceed at once to the Ohio River and purchase a suitable steamer to ply between the points named. A light draught wharf packet was procured, and a point known as Webbers’ Falls, between Little Rock and Fort Gibson, reached on her upward trip. Here it was found that her engines were of insufficient power to stem the current, so she was taken back to Little Rock, and there sold at a loss to her owners of twenty-five hundred dollars.

This failure temporarily dampened the ardor of even the enthusiastic commercial path-finders, and nothing further was attempted until the summer of 1878, when Messrs. W. H. Speers and Amos Walton, two leading public spirited citizens of the county, equipped a “ferry-flat” with a 10 horse-power threshing machine engine, and by several trips up and down the river for a distance of 60 miles from Arkansas City, demonstrated beyond a doubt that a steamer could be successfully propelled on the Arkansas River at any season of the year. The flat was fifty feet long, sixteen feet wide, and drew ten inches of water. This novel little craft visited Grouse Creek, the Walnut River, Salt City, the Kaw Indian Agency, Oxford, and other points along the river, and attracted crowds of people wherever it went. At Oxford a public reception was tendered its officers and crew! These experimental trips were all made while the river was at its lowest stage, and prior to the annual “June rise.”
Soon after the “Aunt Sally” returned South, Henry and Albert Pruden and O. J. Palmer, of Salt City, Sumner County, started for Little Rock with a “ferry-flat” loaded with seven hundred bushels of wheat. The wheat was sold at a good round figure, and the gentlemen returned, reporting a successful trip and a good stage of water.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1879.
Through the persistent efforts of Hon. Thomas Ryan, four new mail routes have been established in this county and the lettings for mail services will be made with the general lettings of mail contracts for this spring. The routes alluded to are
1st. Winfield via. Tannehill, Salt City, Guelph, and South Haven to Caldwell, tri-weekly.
2nd. Winfield via. Silverdale and Maple City to Otto, tri-weekly.
3rd. Winfield via. Bushnell, Littleton, and El Paso to Wichita, daily.
4th. Winfield via. Floral to Polo, tri-weekly.
The last has been run for a while as a semi-weekly before being established by Congress. It will now be regularly let.
The Winfield to Wichita route will be direct and will supercede the route via Oxford and to Arkansas City. A separate daily mail will be established from Winfield to Arkansas City and probably another from Winfield via. Oxford to Wellington. The Wichita mail will probably be required to reach this place at 3 o’clock p.m. and leave at 9 o’clock a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 16, 1879
Salt City is improving. A new drug store and heavy prepara­tions for manufacturing salt and one or two new dwellings. Mr. Wm. Berkey after a serious illness is able to get out and says he is bound to make a smashing trade this season. (We don’t mean a smash up.)
Arkansas City Traveler, April 23, 1879
On Thursday last, we made a visit to Salt City; and in company with Mr. Wm. Berkey, went down to the renowned springs just north of the town, and there saw one of the grandest foun­tains of mineral water that exists on this continent. Within a small space, covering less than fifty square yards of surface, flow four strong veins of water such as sulphur, magnesia, iron, and salt. These springs have been brought into notice within the last year, and we predict that within a short period their reputation for health giving qualities will be renowned through­out the west. In conversation the other day with one of the Santa Fe R. R. officials, we were told that these springs, if properly advertised and improved, together with good accommoda­tions for the public, would become of more value than anything of the same character in Colorado. About three hundred yards from the springs, across the county line, salt is now manufactured and a large volume of very strong saline water runs to waste. Near the latter place, springs of a high temperature exist, too hot for human endurance. We are informed that persons who have suffered with skin diseases have found almost immediate relief, while diseases of the kidneys, and the organs of digestion, have been restored to health in a miraculously short time. If steps are taken to improve this property, the public will have cause to rejoice while the owners will be richly remunerated for their outlay.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 7, 1879.
ARKANSAS CITY POST OFFICE. Departure and Arrival of Mails.

WICHITA. Leaves Daily 7 A.M. Arrives 7 P.M.
SILVERDALE, OTTO, AND MAPLE CITY. Leaves Wednesday and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday and Friday 6 P.M.
KITLEY, GUELPH, AND SOUTH HAVEN. Leaves Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 A.M. Arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 6 P.M.
EUREKA. Leaves Thursday, 4:30 P.M. Arrives 4 P.M.
SALT CITY AND CLEARDALE. Leaves Saturday 6 A.M. Arrives Friday 6 P.M.
Office hours—7:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sundays from 12 to 1 P.M.
Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A.M. to 6 P.M.
NATHAN HUGHES, Postmaster.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1879.
SALT CITY, April 25, 1879.
Many visitors to the springs, most all of whom go away satisfied that there are curative properties of great value in them, and that there is a great future before us, which tends to encourage us, and as a community we are indeed hopeful.
Since my last Dr. Arnold has put up a 1½ story frame 16 x 30 in which he will soon have a full line of drugs. Two new physicians have located within the past ten days.
Mr. Trenary occupies Capt. Foster’s old residence, and buildings are all filled with occupants.
N. A. Haight has re-surveyed and corrected Mr. Royal’s town plat, and everything is now ready for business.
Mr. Walker has sold his farm, also Mr. Carpenter, and still there are fine farms, improved and unimproved, that can be bought at low rates. If you are skeptical on this point, come down and we will convince you of the fact.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 14, 1879.
Hotel Arrivals.
The following is a list of arrivals at the hotels since May 8th, 1879.
Winfield Courier, June 5, 1879.
SALT CITY, MAY 27, 1879.
Mrs. Royal has almost recovered from her injuries received several weeks ago by being thrown from a spring wagon while making a trip to Arkansas City.
Thirty-four teams loaded with wheat left Bolton one day last week for Wichita.
Charley Willard is putting up a snug frame house 16 x 24 on his farm.
Capt. J. B. Nipp and Wm. Berkey have a herd of 250 ponies here, just up from Texas, and are meeting with good success in sales.
T. C. Mills has returned from Florence. He has rented his place there and thinks too much of this country to stay away.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1879.

The Sumner County Vidette will please bear in mind when reference is made to the far famed Medicinal Springs, at Salt City, owned by Hackney & McDonald, that their locality is in Cowley County.
Winfield Courier, June 12, 1879.
Dr. Allen’s horses ran away Sunday while out driving. He had a couple of young ladies from the entertainment in with him and the horses took the drop on him while he was busy holding one of the fair damsels in the buggy. They had not run far when the doctor was thrown out on his back and both of the girls on top of him. The doctor feels as though he had been run over by a one-horse street car. This morning sees him going towards the spring for relief. He was into Dr. Arnold’s to get some sticking plaster for the girls. How much danger there is in running around with a married man. The buggy is somewhat damaged, too.
[Thanks, Boz, come again and give us your name.—Ed.]
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879 - Front Page.
[Item written by Topeka Commonwealth Correspondent.]
SALT CITY, KANS., JUNE 10, 1879.
This is the famous salt region of Sumner County. It was laid out by Messrs. Mills and Foster in 1874. It is situated in the southeastern part of the county near the Arkansas River. It is surrounded by some of the best lands of the valley. The farms show that their owners understand their business, as they are well improved and cultivated. The population at the present time is only about fifty. It has a weekly mail, which arrives on Friday. It is very unjust to the people, as it arrives just at the right time to prevent them from receiving the weekly papers until they are at least ten days old. If the date of arrival was on Monday or Tuesday, it would be a vast advantage to them. Something ought to be done for them by the postmaster officials.
The town contains one business house, a drug store, a large blacksmith shop, and two hotels. The great future of the town is in their salt and mineral springs. The salt marsh, as it is called, covers an area of at least ten acres. Salt Creek runs through this marsh, and is fed by hundreds of small springs. The banks of the streams are as white as snow, from salt which covers the ground from one to four or five inches, all along its banks.
The water contains a large percent of salt. A test of four gallons yielded four pounds of salt, and the method of testing was very crude.
D. H. Prouty & Co., have organized themselves into a company for the purpose of developing the springs and establishing works. Another company has been formed to prospect for coal. It is believed that a coal formation underlays the whole section of the country. The funds for the prospecting are being raised by subscription. The company have agreed to sink a shaft 600 feet for $800. If coal is found, the future of the salt company is assured. It is assured any way as soon as the railroad penetrates this county.

The large thing for this place is its mineral springs. There are a great many of them, and they are already known to contain medicinal properties of the highest order. I met Dr. S. A. Allen, of Rhode Island, late of Cincinnati, who was severely afflicted with diabetes. He has been troubled with it for four years in its most aggravated form. He has traveled far and wide, visiting in his tours nearly all localities in the United States for relief, but failed to find any until he came here, 4th of last April. At that time he was almost helpless. Now he is strong, and able to do more than for years before. He says that it is the first time that he has ever received any benefit in doctoring, and knows that it is the water that does it.
As nearly as he can judge, the properties of the water are chloride of potash, soda, zinc, sulphur, and iron. He is confi­dent that their medicinal properties will be vastly beneficial for ulcers, catarrh, kidney diseases, and all skin diseases. He could not be hired to leave here.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, of Winfield, own the largest of the springs. They have sent water out of the springs to two or three different parties for analysis. If I mistake not, these springs will become a favorite resort in the near future, for all who are suffering from any of the above named difficulties. Just so soon as they are known, the future of Salt City is assured.
It will only be a few miles from the railroad, just far enough to make it a pleasant drive. It is my sober opinion that it will only be a short time, till that event will occur. Dr. Allen is an educated gentleman, and knows whereof he speaks in stating the above. He is also a gentleman of considerable means, and means business in his statement.
I send you a specimen of the salt with this article, so that you may see that it is fine, and that these springs are no illusion.
I am under obligations to Drs. Allen and Arnold, and Messrs. Berkey, Resch, and Mills, for courtesies shown, for which I thank them.—W. G. H. in Commonwealth.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1879.
SALT CITY, JUNE 20, 1879.
During our stay of one day in your city last week, we met several of your citizens who had been using the mineral water from this place, and everyone spoke in very flattering terms of it, as they had been testing it themselves.
It would astonish you to see the number of persons that come here to use it and carry it off, and Mr. Whistler has worked up quite a business marketing it at the different cities and towns around here. Has found ready sale for it in Wichita, Winfield, Wellington, Oxford, Arkansas City, etc. Dr. Allen still contin­ues to improve by its use, and is now able to take as long a walk as the average man. Others in the vicinity are digging with the hope of either tapping the vein, or developing more of a like character; some claim success in this direction, but we think with the supply at present exhausted, they will either have to fill up again or abandon their hopes.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 9, 1879.
Some parties are talking of erecting a new hotel near the springs of Salt City, for the accommodation of those seeking the benefits derived from the use of the waters at that place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 23, 1879.
George Russell proposes to make one or two trips weekly to the mineral springs at Salt City if he can get orders enough at 5 cents per gallon to justify him in going. Several of our citi­zens have already offered to take some every week during the hot weather, and to those who are ailing, we advise them to try it for awhile. Orders left at the Post Office will be attended to.
Winfield Courier, August 14, 1879.

Drs. Arnold & Allen have formed a co-partnership in the practice of medicine and also in the drug business; and have stocked up more fully, now having quite a complete stock of fresh drugs, and are ready to prescribe compound and issue at all hours and at reasonable rates.
W. M. Berkey having gone east with his ponies, the business here has been run for some time by “Will,” who has been over-tasked and is not on the list of complainers.
Mr. J. N. Notestine, of Sumner County, is getting material on the ground on Royal’s addition to the city, to erect a building for the accommodation of part of those health seekers who are flocking in so numerously to the springs.
The vicinity of the springs for some time has presented quite a war-like appearance, being dotted over with tents occu­pied by parties from all directions. Quite a crowd from the vicinity of Independence. All unite in testifying to the benefi­cial results from the use of the water, and we are just as well satisfied of the fact as we ever were that there is a fortune in it for those who will put in means to develop it, and that there is health to those who will use the water. Quite a delegation visited this place on last Sabbath from Winfield and Wellington and parties from other points beside.
Newman and Mitchell purchase the mineral springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, the gentlemen who lately purchased the mineral springs at Salt City, were at that place last Wednesday, looking out a location for their new hotel, which is to be completed this season. It is stated that the hotel when finished will cost ten thousand dollars, and will have every convenience, bath-rooms, etc., and all modern improvements. Wellington Vidette.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Capt. Scott tells some wonderful stories of the healing powers of the Salt City waters.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Dr. W. T. Arnold, of Salt City, was in town Monday. The Doctor is just recovering from a severe attack of fever, and contemplates taking a trip East this winter to recuperate.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
Mr. Rodocker, with Miss Mattie Walters and Miss Patton, two of Winfield’s fairest daughters, drove to the mineral springs at Salt City last Sunday, and in the afternoon favored our city with their presence. Being of a devout turn of mind, they attended church in the evening before returning home.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 27, 1879.
“All the go” is going to Salt City on Sundays. Every day in the week witnesses increased numbers visiting the mineral springs, the virtues of whose waters are fast becoming known all over the country, and on Saturday the crowd is multiplied by ten. The curative properties of these springs are doing wonders and ere many months are fled we expect to see a large hotel and commodious bath houses erected for the accommodation of visiting pilgrims. The lame, the blind, and the halt flock to this resort, and none fail of obtaining relief.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1879.

A. A. Newman and C. R. Mitchell have purchased the Mineral Springs at Salt City, of Hackney and McDonald. They gave the neat little sum of $4,000 for the quarter section. These gentle­men intend erecting a large hotel and bath-house thereon, and as they are live businessmen, we doubt not will make it a success. The healing properties of these springs cannot be excelled if equaled in the Union.—Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 10, 1879.
Salt City wants a newspaper.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 17, 1879.
J. P. Marshall, one of the old settlers in these parts, but for the past five years a resident of Leavenworth, paid his old friends a visit last week. He is interested in the salt springs at Salt City, and had been over there viewing his possessions.
[CORRESPONDENT “H. P. M” - (Hattie P. (Crocker) Mansfield of Winfield.)]
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
SNOW HILL, SALT CITY, KS., Sept. 12th, 1879.
ED. COURIER: After a dusty drive of three hours, we arrived at this Saratoga of the “Great American Desert,” without meeting any hair-breadth escapes, or observing anything wonderful on the way. Having pitched our tent and pegged it down strong, we proceeded to unpack our provision-chest, to find “refreshments for the inner (wo-)man.” A sheet-iron stove, which we found in the garden at home, answered our purpose well, and we were soon provided with a splendid cup of coffee; in fact, a good dinner altogether.
Finally our teamster left us for Winfield, and we (two women) turned to and settled—put down our carpet, made our bed, fixed up a shelf for dishes, and lots of little nothings which only a woman knows how to do, for comfort and convenience. Then we began to wonder how we should ever kill the time, as there were so few places of interest, or objects for society.
Alto­gether there were five families on this snowy-eminence, made white by the salt at the north of us, and at first sight looked like frozen water; so I christened it “Snow Hill.” Nothing disturbed our quiet, care-free slumbers, not even the snakes, which the people at home declared would be our nightly visitants.
Next day we spent the morning in watching for our Oxford friends, and just at noon they “hove” in sight, bag and baggage. Now Richie had a companion, and he saw his way through two weeks.
This day we explored the immense salt-works, and found that some shiftless parties had control of it, for more than half of the vats were empty and dried up for want of proper care—the hose rotten and the windmill falling to pieces.
Mrs. Foster, an old resident of Salt City, spent the day with me, and in her true kindness, offered us anything we needed to add to our comfort; afterwards sending us vegetables, jellies, milk, etc., which were acceptable.
The boys borrowed a gun and brought down a fine duck for our dinner Wednesday, and since then we have had all the game we wanted. Varieties of birds, both webbed and non-webbed, are shot here, but the strangest one was a pelican, measuring five feet or more from the tips of its wings, and could swallow a fish weigh­ing four or five pounds. What with wandering about, three meals a day, and all the gossip of three cities—Salt City, Oxford, and Winfield—besides letter writing and knitting, we manage to get through the days in a hurry.

Yesterday Mitchell and Newman came up with shovels, forks, rods, and pipes, to play in the springs, and upon drawing an auger attached to a rod 20 feet long from a spring which had the old pipe, stones were thrown out as large as a goose-egg, which had every appearance of having been melted by extreme heat. What these gentlemen will accomplish they themselves do not know, but it will take a small fortune to employ competent men to put things in order, to make a paying investment. Then look out for a nickel a glass for this medicinal water. Better all come this year, while you can pitch your tent anywhere, wear calico dress­es, dispense with cosmetics, shoot birds, and romp to your heart’s content.
We are waiting and watching for Sunday and that Winfield party: Read’s, Robinson’s, and Spotswood’s, besides Mrs. Best and Mrs. Roberts, with their tent and goodies, which we may be able to borrow, as they are freshly cooked.
Yesterday afternoon a black cloud in the west admonished us to gather up our wetables, as we should probably have an opportu­nity to see whether our tent, which had never been wet, would turn water; and I assure you, I not only shall turn agent for the manufacturer, but shall always speak a good word for the lender.
That, like the rest of the world, you and your readers may be envious, I will say that we are to have green peas, fresh from the field, for dinner today. Respectfully, H. P. M.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1879.
Geo. H. Smith, a boy, nearly thirteen years old, large and stoutly built, dark-red or auburn hair, dark-hazel eyes, full and much freckled in the face—left home on or about July 25th. Heard of him in Wellington, also in Wichita and Winfield. Was with Rev. A. K. Hopkins twelve days, and left him. Anyone giving information of his present whereabouts, or holding him in custody until we can reach him, will greatly oblige his sorrowing parents.
J. E. & MARY SMITH. Salt City, Kansas, September 12, 1879.
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1879 - Front Page.
SALT CITY, KANSAS, September 15, 1879.
Mr. Notestine is occupying his new building and it will hereafter be known as the “Salt City Hotel.”
The crowd visiting the springs on Sunday, the 14th, was simply immense. You could scarcely get within sight of the fountain. Those who visit here each week can now be counted by hundreds. Such demonstrations should urge the proprietors to prompt action in preparing the necessary accommodations.
The ferry is no longer the ferry, but a real bridge. Mr. Conley has built out into the river, with different material, a substantial driveway so nearly across that the remaining way is spanned by two good boats, and the public can now drive across as easily and quickly as over the King truss bridge.
One of Winfield’s men is to be a fixture in our town within a few days, as Mr. Royal is getting his house ready for Mr. Holloway’s groceries. RUDY.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 15, 1879.
Mails now leave for Salt City and Wellington twice a week, having commenced semi-weekly since the 1st inst.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 22, 1879.

Newman and Mitchell are erecting a handsome bath house at their mineral springs in Salt City, and in another year there will be a grand rush to that favorite resort.
Winfield Courier, October 30, 1879.
Mr. J. F. Holloway was over from Salt City last Sunday. He reports business lively at that place and the farmers feeling jubilant over the prospect of good prices for their wheat.
Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.
A meeting of the citizens of Valverdi, Walton, and Bolton townships was held at Salt City, on the 27th of December, 1879, to take into consideration the subject of a railroad from some point to that place. The meeting was called to order by A. W. Berkey, and organized by the choice of T. C. Fernald for presi­dent and James M. Woodbury for secretary.
After a careful discussion of the subject, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Woodbury, Snyder, and Davis, repre­senting the towns above named, were chosen to correspond and personally confer, if necessary, with railroad officials asking for a survey of the route from Winfield or Oxford to a point at or near the salt and mineral springs near Salt City. Thence south or southwesterly, if it should be deemed practicable, to the north boundary of the Indian Territory. The committee has power to invite propositions from any railroad company, and confer with town authorities relating to the issue of bonds. Also, the authority to call future meetings in towns above named. T. C. FERNALD, Pres.
J. M. WOODBURY, Sec’y.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
Mr. Berkey has built a warehouse in the rear of his store, to make room for more goods. Still his room looks as full as ever, thus showing the increase in his trade.
Mr. Holloway has worked up a good trade and is selling good goods at fair prices.
Mr. Berkey has also put in a pair of hay and stock scales to accommodate those who visit the springs and gain in flesh so rapidly as to be unable to weigh on the ordinary kind.
A new building has also been erected opposite the Salt City Hotel, and furnishes the public with hot meals, as well as fresh meat, by small or large quantities, being what is commonly called in the west a combination “restaurant and meat market.”
Mitchell & Newman still continue to bring forward material for the improvement of the springs, and whenever the weather will permit, are at work.
Mr. Royal has returned from his trip to Indiana, where he has been for several weeks. He reports everything “booming.”
Mr. Furgeson and wife, of Goschockton, Ohio, are here visiting their relatives, Messrs. Abram and Isaac Shurtz. The latter has been suffering of late with rheumatism.
Robert Mills will shortly move his command to his farm, where he intends to make a vigorous campaign against sunflowers, etc. But his place will be filled, in name at least, by another mill, to be built and operated by a Mr. Flemming. Work is to begin at once and the mill to be in running order by March 1st, 1880. The burrs to be a new invention in the line of wind mills, said to have greater capacity than anything of the kind ever manufactured.

The railroad meeting appointed a committee Dec. 27th to confer with the railroad officials with regard to the matter of running a line through here and on to the line of the state.
District 79 has built a schoolhouse and have a full, interesting school now in operation, under the management of Mr. Sam. Gilbert.
Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.
We are informed that Ed. Holloway and Ed. Lemmon have gone to Salt City to run Baird Bros.’ store in that place. They are bright, active, reliable young men.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 21, 1880.
Mr. Wm. Berkey, of Salt City, was in town last Saturday.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880.
Wm. Berkey gave the TRAVELER a call last week and reports everything lively at Salt City. The bath house is being erected and will be ready for service in a few weeks. A new hotel will be erected and every accommodation offered the public. We are glad to see these springs improved, and with the cars at Arkansas City, those in search of pleasure or health will find the springs readily reached and a visit to them will more than repay for the time and expense.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1880.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s sister, by Elder Broadbent, February 7th, 1880, Mr. James Lobdell and Miss Hattie Ward.
Both parties are members of the Christian church at Salt City, are well known and highly respected, and although they have stepped from the circle of the young and taken upon themselves the responsibilities of married life yet we hope still to have their society. May they long remain among us and the Lord bless them on the journey of life.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
DIED. At Salt City, Feb. 22nd, 1880, an infant child of A. H. Acton.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s parents, in Salt City, Feb. 11th, 1880, by Elder Broadbent, Mr. George Hood to Miss Julia Wetzler.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Salt City is plagued with mad dogs. A number of hogs were bitten by a mad dog last week, and now there are a few less of the canine race in that city to care for and keep people awake at nights.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1880.
Rev. J. J. Broadbent, of Salt City, was in town last week, and showed his appreciation of the TRAVELER by dropping into the office and depositing two dollars with our foreman, and ordered his paper sent right along. Thanks.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 10, 1880.
Salt City is expecting the boom in the near future. Consid­erable improvements are underway, among which is the new hotel building of Messrs. Mitchell & Newman, of this city. These gentlemen are making extensive preparations for the accommodation of a large number of guests who annually visit the mineral springs at that place to partake of the health restoring quali­ties of those wonderful waters.
[Note: Paper goofed in above item. Newman and Mitchell built a bath house.]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 24, 1880
There has been a change in the arrival and departure of the Salt City and Cleardale mails which will be found in the pub­lished schedule. [DID NOT PRINT SCHEDULE.]
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Mr. Ed. Lemmon came over from Salt City last week. He will probably remain in Winfield for some time.
Winfield Courier, March 25, 1880.
Mr. Joseph Turpin, living near Salt City, lately had his stable, four horses, hogs, farming implements, and other property to the value of $500, destroyed by a prairie fire set by a scamp who has skipped out to avoid punishment.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 21, 1880.
Mr. Mitchell is giving his attention to improving his property at Salt City, which he expects to have in readiness for the accommodation of a large number of guests who will visit those wonderful, health-restoring springs during the season.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 28, 1880.
Notice the change in Mrs. Henderson’s advertisement.
AD: MILLINERY. Mrs. W. M. Henderson, late of Chicago, wishes to announce to the ladies of Arkansas City and vicinity that she has now on hand a stock of fine MILLINERY GOODS, Embracing the latest Novelties of the season. Call and see me at Mrs. D. B. Hartsock’s old stand. BLEACHING & PRESSING Done to order, Feathers recurled, etc. Embroidery and stamping done to order.
Will visit Salt City every Tuesday afternoon, commencing May 4, with a stock of ready trimmed hats.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
The wind-mill enterprise at Salt City, for some unknown reason (can’t be lack of wind), has fallen through and Mr. A. W. [W. M.] Berkey has converted the building into quite a cosy residence.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
The leap-year picnic, which was to have been held in the grove today, has been abandoned, we are informed, and the young folks will “wait for the wagon and all take a ride” to the famous mineral springs at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 5, 1880.
Mr. Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City, paid his respects to the TRAVELER last Friday, and informed us that everything in the vicinity of that growing burgh is in a blooming condition, and that crops generally are looking better than could have been expected. Wheat, he thinks, in that section will average a good half crop, while corn, potatoes, and other crops promise well so far.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 12, 1880.
Salt City, May 9, 1880.

Ed. Traveler: In order to be in the style, I must report a goodly quantity of dry weather, much to the detriment of our wheat. A rain anyway soon, however, will guarantee us something over half a crop. Our farmers look somewhat blue, as they are not used to drouths. I would take this occasion to advise the farmers to plant more corn, and not confine themselves so exclu­sively to wheat. A diversity of crops pays better every time.
Eight or ten couples from your city visited our moral village last Wednesday. They passed through town on their way to the bath house, horses prancing, girls driving, and all looking as if they felt their oats. After taking a good bath and gouging the sand out of their eyes, they repaired to McLay’s grove, in which “boundless contiguity of shade” allowed them to enjoy a hearty picnic dinner. The dinner looked tempting, and reminded us of the “aid” days, only we didn’t get some.
Salt City has improved wonderfully during the last six months. Several new buildings have been erected in that time. Berkey’s large stone is nearing completion, and Newman & Mitchell’s bath house would be an ornament to Saratoga. New people are seen on our streets daily, some investing, and others rusticating in the suburbs, where Mr. Hoffmaster, formerly of your city, ministers to their comfort.
Horse races are of frequent occurrence in this place. There were three last Saturday, when several of the boys dropped the dollar they should have invested in a shirt.
With love for all the afflicted, which includes the newspa­permen, we are,
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Salt City is fixing for a big time on the fourth of July.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Dr. Arnold, of Salt City, visited our office yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Those who are in the habit of visiting Salt City report an almost perfect arrangement of the bath house at that place. Mr. Rudolph Hoffmaster now has charge of the baths, and will show you every attendance possible, which, bath included, only costs you fifty cents.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 12, 1880.
Mr. J. Milliken, of Salt City, while driving around town yesterday, somehow upset the buggy. As he was traveling at a pretty good gait when the accident happened, it is needless to state that both buggy and harness were sadly demoralized. The occupants of the carriage as well as the horse were uninjured.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 26, 1880.
                                                  SALT CITY, May 20, 1880.
Editor Traveler: A fire broke out in George Reynolds’ stable and out-houses last Friday, burning up the buildings together with a large quantity of corn, oats, and meat. No stock was burned. The loss is between $300 and $400.
The farmers are busy working their corn and are living in hope of realizing a good crop.
Several of our young friends, of both sexes, being tired of city life, took a trip into the Territory recently, to rusticate on fish. They returned with reports of a good time but no fish.
Several babies have made their appearance in the last month, and others will be on hand in time for the census taker in June.

Dr. Arnold has gone to Missouri on a visit. We have a new doctor who will attend to the wants of the suffering during Dr. Arnold’s absence. B. D.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 2, 1880.
Sumner County Democrat..
The corn crop is now a certainty.
Thomas Royal, of Salt City, has taken up a stray horse, 16 hands high, gray, Norman stock. Owner can have property by calling and proving same.
The railroad will run regular trains into Caldwell during the coming week.
Winfield Monitor.
Salt City grows in favor as a resort for our young people. Last Sunday half our livery teams were engaged to go there, and Tuesday last a number of our gay young people made the trip as an occasion for a picnic.
The South Haven folks burned Captain Folks, of the Sumner County Press, in effigy because he opposed bonding Wellington for ten thousand dollars in aid of the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern railroad.
Winfield Courier, June 3, 1880.
Jim Holloway and his partner were up from Salt City last Friday. They report lively rains and lively trade.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 23, 1880
DIED. At Salt City, on Monday, Mr. Tremany. We were unable to learn further particulars.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
A meeting to make arrangements for the due celebration of the nation’s birthday was held at Salt City, June 19, at which W. M. Berkey was elected president, F. L. Davis, secretary, and R. Hoffmaster, treasurer. On motion it was decided to hold a celebration in McLay’s grove near the ferry, on the 3rd inst. Messrs. Berkey and Hoffmaster were appointed a committee to procure a flag; Davis, Berkey, and Hoffmaster, to secure speakers for the occasion. W. M. Berkey was appointed marshal of the day, and J. F. Holloway president. Messrs. Holloway, Berkey, and Bixler were appointed to assist the secretary in drawing up a programme. Everybody in the neighborhood is requested to assist in furnishing lumber for conveniences on the ground. It was agreed that all stands for refreshments should be admitted free and no intoxicating liquors are to be allowed on the ground. The meeting then adjourned. The following is the programme for the day: Procession from bath house to grove, at 10 a.m. Prayer. Reading of Declaration. Music and Singing. Oration. Dinner.
In the afternoon: Music, Vocal and Instrumental; Toasts; Speech­es by Everybody; Singing of “Star Spangled Banner” by the Assem­bly. This will be followed by a tub race, wheelbarrow race, sack race, and climbing of the greased pole. Last of all, a terrible leap from the precipice that overhangs the treacherous Arkansas by Prof. John Smythe. There will be a free ’bus to and from the Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Salt City will celebrate on Saturday, at J. McLay’s grove near the ferry on the west side of the Arkansas River.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
W. A. McDonald, of Wellington, will orate at Salt City next Saturday, and will do both himself and the eagle much proud, we doubt not.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 30, 1880.
Drs. Allen and Arnold, late of Salt City, have left for other climes. These gentlemen sold out their interest in the drug store to F. L. Davis, who is now running the same. Mr. Davis is well known, and may rest assured that his many friends will not fail to call upon him when sick, or visiting the far-famed Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Mr. Berkey, of Salt City, was in town last Friday. He purchased the counters and shelves in Mantor’s former store room for his store at the famed Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 14, 1880.
Salt City, July 10, 1880.
ED. TRAVELER: There is quite a stir in our little city. Notestine has rented the Salt City Hotel to Royal of this place, he having got the Hunnewell fever. J. C. Mills has rented the Travelers’ Home to F. L. Davis, who will minister to the wants of the traveling public, and will furnish private rooms to those visiting the Geuda Springs for health.
William Resch, our blacksmith, is putting up a new dwelling house, having rented his former residence.
We have been having good rains, and our corn is looking well. The farmers anticipate a good yield.
Mineral water is being shipped to surrounding cities for the convenience of parties that are busy and cannot visit the Springs.
Berkey will soon occupy his new store room in the stone building.
Newcomers are making their appearance daily, and without an exception are pleased with the country. Bolton can’t be beat.
Health is generally good, and the physicians are grumbling about hard times. B.
The Geuda Springs water is daily becoming better and more favorably known, and it will not be long ere its wonderful health-giving properties are heralded throughout the land, bringing hosts of visitors and health seekers to our county and dispensing the priceless boon of health without money and without price. Arrangements have been made by the proprietors of the Springs for supplying the town with this water, and the same will be kept for sale by our druggists, either by the gallon or on draught, from this time forth, thus placing within the reach of all a bona fide specific for “all the ills that flesh is heir to.”
Arkansas City Traveler, July 21, 1880.
George Russell now brings the Geuda Springs water from Salt City. He makes two trips each week, and all who wish may obtain it fresh from the drug stores at this place.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880. Front Page.

GEUDA SPRINGS. Geuda is a Ponca word, meaning healing waters. The springs, eight in number, and all different, are near Salt City, in Sumner County, Kansas. The nearest railroad is Arkansas City, about eight miles southeast of the Springs, although they are within a circle formed through Arkansas City, Winfield, Oxford, Welling­ton, and Hunnewell, all railroad towns. The proprietors, Messrs. Newman and Mitchell, of Arkansas City, have erected a commodious and tasteful bath house at the Springs, and the place is begin­ning to be quite a resort for the ailing. Some remarkable cures of catarrh, rheumatism, and cutaneous diseases are related. There are always camps of invalids in the vicinity. When the analysis is completed, the Commonwealth will probably have more to relate. Enough now, the place is certain to become famous and fashionable. Commonwealth.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 28, 1880.
Mr. Appleby left for Salt City with the steamer “Necedah” yesterday, but requests us to state that he will be at Harmon’s ford on the Walnut next Sunday, ready to give another one of those delightful excursions. The Walnut at this place is a most beautiful stream, and there is nothing nicer than to be one of a good crowd gilding over its placid waters in the “Necedah.”
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
A large party of young folks consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Misses May Roland, Nettie McCoy, Sarah Hodges, Kate Millington, and Miss Westgate, and Messrs. Will Robinson, Will Wilson, Roland Conklin, Fred Hunt, and W. A. Smith made Salt City lively by their presence the other day. Some of the party took dinner with Mrs. Holloway, and the rest repaired to the beautiful grove east of the town, and partook of a picnic dinner, thus spending a very pleasant day. Salt City is fast becoming a very popular resort; there were between twenty and twenty-five teams there Sunday, from Winfield, Wellington, and Oxford.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.
Miss Nettie Porter and Miss Jessie Millington spent several days of last week at Salt City, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holloway. They report Salt City in a flourishing condition and the baths as invigorating and refreshing.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880. Editorial Page.
SALT CITY, August 2, 1880.
A good corn crop is secured, and people are spending their money freely.
Quite a number of the fashionables of Wellington stopped at the Springs last week, and this week we are favored with some of the elite of Arkansas City, making our city a great deal livelier by their presence. Several camps may be seen in the vicinity of the Springs, and good results are being obtained every day by the use of the waters. So say the invalids.
I was glad to see Dr. Kellogg’s smiling face in our midst last week. Arkansas City having been the home of many of our citizens in years past, we welcome her people as old friends.
Berkey is now in his new quarters, where he can be seen at all times, lord of all he surveys.
DIED. A child of Mr. Bishop, of the Wellington Press, died in this city on the 30th, the first death in many weeks. The bereaved parents returned to their home on Sunday, the 31st.

There are two hotels now in Salt City—the Royal House and the Travelers’ Home, the latter conducted by that smiling host, Frank Davis. They will both try and make it comfortable for their guests. Call and see them. We are glad to see the travel­er come in. We mean the Arkansas City Traveler. BO.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 4, 1880.
Mrs. Farrar and Mrs. Searing are rusticating at the Geuda Springs near Salt City, this week, testing the medicinal quali­ties of salt waters.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
We hear a great deal of nonsense about Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, and other springs in the distance, while we have the best spring we know of right at our doors. We refer to the Geuda Springs near Salt City just across the Arkansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1880.
Last Thursday evening we enjoyed the hospitality of Rudolph Hoffmaster at the Geuda Springs bath house, near Salt City. These Springs are visited daily by large numbers of people, and no better man could be chosen to look after the comfort of the wayfarers than our friend Rudolph. He is all accommodation, and the soul of hospitality. Parties wishing to board at the Springs will find it most agreeable to put up with Rudolph and his amiable wife, who set as good a table as any hotel in the county.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
Elsewhere in this issue appears the card of Frank Davis, proprietor of the Travelers’ Home at Salt City. This house has been renovated throughout, and under Frank’s genial management will doubtless receive a generous patronage.
This house has been entirely refitted and refurnished throughout, and now offers to the traveling public first-class accommodation. Choice cigars and good stabling.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 18, 1880.
The Salt City Sunday schools will hold a children’s meeting, with basket dinner, in McLay’s grove, just east of their town, on Sunday, August 29. All schools desiring to participate are most cordially invited.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1880. Editorial Page.
SALT CITY, Sept. 1, 1880.
EDITOR TRAVELER: We have had some good rains recently, which have brightened the farmers’ countenances visibly.
Several invalids are at the Springs this week, and report themselves greatly benefitted.
The marble quarries northwest of town are being worked quite extensively now, being the property of a new firm from Kansas City. They are shipping one carload per day from Oxford.
All we want is a railroad to make us independent. If we had a road, the salt water of this place would be converted into salt, and the western demand supplied. Hundreds of barrels run away daily. Several prospectors have been here, and will go to work if they can get a lease and secure a road for transporta­tion. Our great marble quarries, salt beds, and mineral springs are in the heart of a fertile country, and demand a railroad. We are corresponding with the superintendent of a prominent railroad at present. B.

Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
The salt marsh at Salt City is one of the prettiest scenes of natures doings we ever saw. It covers forty acres of land. Viewing it from the South it appears like a beautiful lake; from the north, like a vast snow-field glistening in the summer’s sunshine, but upon approaching it, you find a vast field of crystalized salt. It is indeed beautiful, and will pay anyone well to make a trip to the city to see it.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1880.
Salt City has a Dr. Tanner. He is of little faith, however, as his fasting, which commenced last Friday morning, was to last but three days. With what success his undertaking was blessed, we were unable to learn. He violated the conditions, though, by chewing tobacco.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1880.
There will be a temperance meeting at Salt City Tuesday night, October 5, and at Stony Point the next night. T. H. Soward, of Winfield, will address the people. J. J. BROADBENT.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1880.
SALT CITY, Oct. 2, 1880.
Fall is being ushered in by a fresh supply of weather, and as the comforts of home life in winter suggest themselves to the young people many of them are making steps toward the connubial state.
MARRIED. A young fellow from Wichita took a Royal prize from our community a short time since, in the person of Miss Royal. May good fortune attend them.
BIRTH. John Corby, our ex-ferryman, is the father of a brand new boy.
The signs this fall point to a big crop. Corn is being cribbed, and is yielding better than expected. The farmers have finished plowing wheat, and are preparing their ground for next season.
Dr. Stansbury, of this city, has sold his property here for a good figure and gone to Kansas City, to attend a course of medical lectures.
Our stores are full of new goods, and everybody is fixing for a lively fall trade. In fact, Salt City is booming. B.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.
Wm. Berkey, Jr., called on us last Wednesday, and incidently informed us that his esteemed Senior was in Chicago, buying goods for the new stone store at Salt City. The old gentleman proposed taking in the St. Louis fair during his absence and seeing the sights generally.
P.S. The old man got home yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 13, 1880.

Last Wednesday, about 2 o’clock in the morning, the people of Salt City were aroused to the fact that the house of Mr. James Axley was in flames. It was a new house, and its owner was just finishing it up ready for occupancy. Before anything could be done, the flames had gained too great a headway, and the building burned to the ground. Fortunately there was nothing in it but the workmen’s tools, which, however, is quite a severe loss to them. This is the second loss sustained by Mr. Axley by fire, his stable and horses burning last spring.
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
The dwelling of James Axley, of Salt City, was destroyed by fire last week, Tuesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 22, 1880.
Mrs. Mills has again assumed control of the “Traveler’s Home” at Salt City in the stead of Frank Davis, who now confines himself to the management of his drug business.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 12, 1881.
SALT CITY, Jan. 9, 1881.
Holidays, Christmas and New Years, passed off pleasantly. We had a nice tree full of precious gifts for the little ones.
Business is brisking up since the holidays.
Prospects are good for a railroad now—it is being talked up by our citizens. We anticipate good things and times in the future.
We also expect a large grist mill to be erected on the bank of the river near town. The gentleman is a stranger to us that will execute this enterprise.
The salt water question is being agitated here again, and is becoming very strong, with new men in the field—men that have plenty of money. They have become convinced of the fact at last that thousands of barrels of salt run away weekly, which is equivalent to thousands of dollars being swallowed up by the treacherous Arkansas. These men mean business, and the work will boom here next spring. They mean to buy or lease.
The bath house is in good running order.
Some Indiana men have rented Mr. Near’s place west of town, and Mr. Near will move to town.
Mr. Berkey made a sale of some town property—the remains of his windmill, which is put up in the shape of a house. It makes a good wind break.
Wm. Resch, our blacksmith, has rented out his shop to James Millson, of Hunnewell, formerly of this place. B.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 23, 1881.
MARRIED. Married at Salt City on February 18th, 1881, by Elder Broadbent, Mr. Bartlett Y. Hunt, of Pleasant Valley town­ship, to Mrs. A. M. Graham of Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 16, 1881.
SALT CITY, March 14, 1881.
Our town is building up surprisingly, owing to the bright prospects for a railroad and consequent ready market for our abundant crop of salt, though we have no doubt that Arkansas City, with its canal and railroad facilities, is bound to make the great city of the southwest.
The people of this vicinity are beginning their spring work.
Will Berkey is on the sick list, but is getting better.

BIRTH. Boots Davis now rejoices in the possession of a large sized baby of the feminine persuasion. As usual, it has red hair.
The ferry is in good running order. People are crossing every day on their way to Arkansas City to obtain work on that canal. It makes a bonanza for the ferryman, as his charges are reasonable, and by this route some four or five miles of travel are saved, economizing both time and horse flesh.
While at your county seat recently, I learned that some of her citizens felt sick over the canal business at Arkansas City. Several talk of moving to your city to take advantage of the general prosperity prevailing therein. While your enterprising citizens are doing the heavy manufacturing, we will furnish you with the best salt made.
MARRIED. At the residence of the bride’s father, near Salt City, by Elder Broadbent, on Wednesday, March 9, 1881, Mr. James D. Wilson and Miss Libbie M. Conrad, all of Salt City. Both parties are well known and highly respected, and the best wishes of their many friends in this vicinity will follow them wherever their lot may be cast.
Robert Mills has bought a fine span of mares of an Arkansas City man, paying therefore $240.
The bath house is full for this season of the year. Hot baths can be had at all hours. B.
Winfield Courier, March 24, 1881.
Charles Willard, living near Salt City, cultivated twenty-five acres of land last year, but he did it well. He had one and one-fourth acres of potatoes, for which he prepared the ground well and mulched heavily after planting. From this patch he supplied two families one year and sold two hundred bushels for two hundred dollars. He planted twenty acres of corn and took care of it, producing eight hundred bushels of good sound corn, which is selling at thirty-five cents, and will amount to two hundred and eighty dollars. Considering that 1880 was a year of general failure of crops, this will do to show that good culture and less acreage are what is wanted for successful farming in this country.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 20, 1881.
Our old-time friend and whilom fellow-citizen, Mr. Berkey, of Salt City, favored our town with his genial smile last Friday. He reports everything as progressing tip top in the sanatorium of the Southwest.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
W. M. Berkey, of Salt City, was in town Friday.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 4, 1881.
E. R. Thompson has sold his Drug Store, at Cleardale, to F. L. Davis, late of Salt City. Mr. Davis took immediate posses­sion, and we hope will make it a success.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 11, 1881.
FOR SALE: A No. 1 Haines Header, with header boxes, in good running order; also a John Deere gang plow, with breaking attachments, in good order. A good chance for a cash customer or bankable paper. Inquire at my farm, one mile east of Salt City. H. B. PRUDEN.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 18, 1881.
It was with pleasure we grasped by the hand our friend George Reynolds, of Salt City, one day last week. He was looking hearty, as usual, and said things in general were progressing so so in his part of the world.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Dr. McCormick, brother of Will McCormick, late of Indiana, has located at Salt City.
Dr. Marsh is seen making calls toward Salt City. He runs a branch office there.
Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.
Salt City is getting quite a reputation as a resort for invalids and pleasure-seekers.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 25, 1881.
The Sumner Co. Press has the following in reference to the famous “Geuda Springs,” situated on the line between Sumner and Cowley counties, some five miles west of Arkansas City. It will doubtless prove interesting, as the most prominent man in the company mentioned is that of our fellow townsman, Mr. Jas. Hill, the engineer and primary worker on our canal enterprise.
“Recently, parties at Arkansas City proposed to conduct the brine through pipes to that point, and engage extensively in the manufacture of salt by the inexpensive process of solar evapora­tion. This scheme, had it been successful, would have taken from Sumner County the benefits to be derived from this great natural resource, and built up in an adjoining county, manufacturing interests at her expense.
“To prevent such an undesirable consummation, the people of Salt City and vicinity have, as above stated, made arrangements by which these waters are to be utilized in the interest of our own county and people.
“To this end they have entered into a contract with James Hill & Co., by the terms of which the latter agrees to open up, develop, and utilize the entire product of brine flowing from the springs. To accomplish this desirable end, the patriotic people of Walton Township have agreed to take two thousand dollars in stock in the enterprise; or, more properly speaking, they have agreed to loan to Messrs. Hill & Co. that amount, to be repaid in salt at the rate of one dollar per sack of one hundred and forty pounds each. This is an enterprise in the success of which every loyal citizen of Sumner County is very properly interested; and we feel assured that the efforts of our Walton Township friends to develop these springs and establish a valuable industry, will meet with the heartiest sympathy and encouragement from every other portion of the county.”
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
A Salt City man reports that D. O. McCray has made a propo­sition to the citizens of that place to remove the Enterprise from Burden to Salt City. This will be sad news to the candi­dates for office who have invested their money in the concern.
Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.
Mr. W. M. Berkey, Salt City’s enterprising merchant, spent several days in the city.
Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.
MARRIED: Last Saturday, at your city, Mr. Asbury Neer, of Salt City, to Miss Maggie Gilmore, of Big Bend. She is a step daughter of Mr. Stewart.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.

A representative of the Press attended the public meeting held at Salt City last Saturday and picked up some items in reference to the salt resources of that vicinity. Long before the first pioneers ventured west of the Arkansas River, the numerous salt springs of Walton Township and the Slate Creek bottom were well known to the Indians and buffaloes that occupied Sumner County at that time; and before this territory was ceded to the United States by the Osage Indians, these springs were “claimed.” There is no available record of the earliest opera­tions in salt manufacture from their brine.
In 1873, O. J. Ward constructed a vat 20 inches wide, 8 feet long, and 3 inches deep. In this he evaporated the brine taken from little oozes in the ground. By this means he manufactured 63 pounds of salt in 7 days. He also took one gallon of this water; and by boiling, obtained 3½ pounds of salt from it.
When we say salt, we mean salt, and the purest and best of the arti­cle. Repeated and careful chemical analysis show that this salt carries only a trace of foreign substances. The large majority of the old settlers in this county have used this salt; they testify, with one accord, that it has no superior for ordinary purposes, and that it preserves meats much better than imported salts.
In 1874, Brainard Goff began the manufacture of salt at Salt City by solar evaporation. He used 100 vats, and pumped all the water from a 5 ft. well, which was very imperfectly protected from fresh water seeps. He did all the work himself, and re­ceived as a reward for his labors an average of 1,000 pounds of salt per diem, as is shown by the State Agricultural report for 1875. But he soon overstocked the home demand. At that time, Wichita, 55 miles distant, was the nearest railroad point, so that he was devoid of all shipping facilities. During the summer of 1875, the property changed hands, the title was called into question, Mr. Goff became discouraged, and suspended opera­tions. From that day to this, this great boon of nature has been lying idle, while the richest brine on the globe has flowed ceaselessly on to the Arkansas River, thence to the Great Father of Waters and the ocean; where it has mingled with the native brine of the great deep, without doing benefit to man or beast.
But these great natural resources cannot remain undeveloped. James Hill & Co., of Arkansas City, have leased these salt wells for a term of ten years, and are busy engaged in preparations for a resumption of the manufacture of this most useful commodity.
The main well is to be sunk to a depth of twenty-eight feet, walled and cemented, so as to exclude all fresh water. Several hundred vats will be put in for solar evaporation during this summer. This fall, boilers will replace them, and the work will go on without interruption all the year around. The home trade is much more extensive now than it was formerly; the railroad is within twelve miles. In addition to these facts, this salt has obtained considerable note abroad. It requires no prophet to see that in the next few years these salt works will be the most noted on the continent. The facts condensed are these: Here in Sumner County is the richest and purest brine known to civilized man. The supply thereof is inexhaustible. Its manufacture has been taken in hand by men who understand the business, and have sufficient capital to prosecute the work. It is within easy reach of railroad transportation, and can supply all the western country with better and cheaper salt than can be obtained from the east. It is no idle boast to say that Salt City, Sumner County, Kansas, will soon outrival all competitors in the manu­facture of salt. Wellingtonian.

Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
Charley Chapel now makes his home at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 8, 1881.
D. E. Sifford is now making his headquarters at Salt City.
Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.
Burden is making arrangements to celebrate the 4th in grand style. Among the attractions will be a fat man’s race and the editor of the Enterprise will “walk off on his ear.” We have been mentioning him in the COURIER each week to stimulate him to a rehearsal of his part in the celebration. He does it well. He will rehearse again in his next issue, for we will here remark that we don’t think he will move his paper to Douglass or Salt City until after the 4th.
Winfield Courier, June 16, 1881.
The Burden Enterprise man is talking of starting a newspaper at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 29, 1881.
Al Beecher is in Salt City, with a number of hands, con­structing vats for the new salt works.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
James Hill & Co. have one hundred solar evaporation salt vats in successful operation at Salt City. Arkansas City is making gigantic efforts to transfer this enterprise to that place. To accomplish this purpose, they offer Hill & Co. a bonus of $5,000; which will more than construct a system of pipes from Salt City to Arkansas City sufficient to carry all the brine of these salt springs to that place. The brine once there, the people of Arkansas City offer a large subsidy to encourage the enterprise. Arkansas City people have an eye to business, and know how to promote their own interests.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 20, 1881.
We’ve just been to milk, and here we come with our pail full of cream.
We have an abundance of rain water, as well as mineral and salt water, thus making us happy.
Still they come to the all-healing Geuda and get what they want—a square meal and their health.
The Salt City Hotel is again opened for business, and the public will find it a convenient place to stop.
Mr. McClellen, of Winfield, who has been stopping at the bath house for the past two weeks, is entirely cured, and left yesterday, on the Winfield hack, for home. That is the way we fix them up down here.
O. P. Houghton and Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City, accompa­nied by some Illinois gentlemen, paid our city a flying visit the other day; they, of course, took a bath and a square meal, and went home happy and healthy.
Dr. Chapel, who has charge of the salt works, is just tearing the gizzard out of the salt water, and taking out 1,000 (?) pounds of salt per day.

W. M. Berkey says if you want to smell tar on his har, you can smell till you get tired, for he doesn’t give a tarnal cent nohow.
Prof. J. L. Berkey’s mustache is long enough to twist, and Prof. likes to twist them, so says the girls; all caused by the free use of mineral water.
Q. U. says “he’ll be darned” if Iulas can have his girl, for he’s got himself a fine buggy team, and has got plenty of old clothes left.
Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Arkansas City, was over on Monday last, and says he will soon commence work on his hotel at this place. This is what we want bad. GOLD DUST.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
The Best Mineral Water That Flows!
These Springs are all situated near SALT CITY, KS., seven and one-half miles northwest of Arkansas City. They are seven in number within a circle of 25 feet, and contain seven different kinds of Mineral Water. We have fitted up a first-class Bath House, and are prepared to give baths at nominal prices that are better than any Turkish Bath. They are a sure cure for all Female complaints, diseases of the skin, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Catarrh, Diabetes, Diseases of Liver and Kidneys, Erysipelas and Dyspep­sia, and are the best known remedy to tone up the digestive organs.
We mean just what we say, and to prove it, we will enter into a written contract to cure any of the above named diseases—no cure, no pay—and we will pay the board of invalids in case they are not benefitted by use of the water. A large number of persons are being cured every week by the use of these waters. Go and see for yourselves. For further particulars call on or address, GEUDA SPRINGS CO., ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
Our Arkansas City friends are agitating the scheme of bringing brine from Salt City to the terminus through pipes and carrying on the evaporating industry at that point. We understand that the practicability of so doing has been demonstrated, and we are satisfied it would be a good thing for the latter place in furnishing employment to a considerable number of people. We take it the saving on freight on the manufactured article by rail instead of wagon would repay the cost of the plant in a short time. Success to the enterprise. A similar scheme has just been put in operation at Sweet Springs, Missouri, where the water is brought five miles through pipes, and dis­charges 200 gallons per minute. Cost of pipes, etc.: $17,000. Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 27, 1881.
D. O. McCray, late editor of the Burden Enterprise, will start a paper at Lee’s Summit, Missouri.
Arkansas City is red-hot over the scheme of bringing Salt City water to that place to be manufactured, and have raised a bonus of $5,000 to promote the enterprise.
Winfield Courier, July 28, 1881.

The mail will hereafter be carried regularly from Winfield to Salt City by way of Tannehill. Messrs. Burkhalter & Newcomb are the contractors. It leaves Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881. Editorial Page.
Ed. Traveler: Allow me through the columns of your valuable paper, to inform the reading public of the events that are transpiring in the vicinity of the city of Chloride of Sodium.
Robert Mills’ house is undergoing repairs, and our druggist has turned carpenter for the occasion. Madam Rumor says: He has quite a fancy for the country, especially that portion to the west; also that there is, a fair damsel, somewhere out that way, that is proving quite an attraction.
Dr. Collins has returned from a trip to Montgomery Co., Kansas, where he was called to treat a cancer. The Dr. is very successful in the treatment of this much dreaded scourge, having successfully treated one from that county last spring. He reports the crops in that section as excellent, and the people doing well.
We came very near having a little excitement in the way of a team running away, on Sunday evening last. While Mr. Jessie Reeves’ team was being driven to the springs, the neck yoke came down, throwing Mr. Berkey and Julius Royal from the buggy. The ponies were stopped, and no damage done further than soiling Mr. Royal’s good clothes; but since Q. M.’s girl wouldn’t go pluming with him, he says he don’t care for that. Q. M. tends to the knitting closer than he used to.
Our gentlemanly and courteous bath house man has had a busy week of it. Over 130 persons have taken baths, besides a great many who visited him but did not improve the opportunity of bathing in the best medical water in the United States, if not in the world. A large list of visitors for the past week embraces residents from Winfield, Arkansas City, Grainfield, Illinois, Bolton, Cleardale, Eureka, Wichita, Bradford, Pennsylvania, Constant, Floral, St. Joseph, Kansas City, Mo., Wellington, as well as a host of our own citizens. The above speaks well for the notori­ety these Springs are daily acquiring by reason of the marvelous cures effected. OBSERVER.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The people of Cowley, Sumner, and adjoining counties are just wakening up to the fact that the “Geuda Mineral Springs,” near Salt City, Kansas, are fast becoming quite a popular health resort. The history of these springs is, that the s. w. ¼ of Sec. 6, R. 34, Tp. 3, on the west line of Cowley County, was purchased of the government by a Mr. Walpole when the Osage lands first came into market, supposing it to be quite valuable on account of a large salt marsh and some very clear water springs that were on the land, since which time the land has passed through several hands.

The quarter section opposite this tract was at about the same time purchased by other parties for the famous salt spring on that tract, and for over two years salt was manufactured there, but on account of the vats being constructed of inferior lumber, and because there was no transportation for the salt produced, the manufacture was abandoned until this summer, when James Hill & Co. got a ten year’s lease of the land and have commenced to manufacture again, and the salt produced is of the very best quality, equal to any salt we have ever seen, and it is claimed that the water produces 1¾ pounds to the gallon, being equal to the great Syracuse salt well, at Syracuse, New York, heretofore claimed to be the strongest salt water in the world.
Messrs. Hill & Co. are under contract to manufacture 500,000 pounds of this salt the coming year, and at least 1,000,000 per year for the balance of the term of their lease.
As the water is almost inexhaustible, the prospects for an extensive salt manufactory appears to be good.
The clear water springs on the other tract were, for several years, supposed to be of no particular value, as the water in most of the springs had a very strong taste of mineral, and, to a person unaccustomed to drinking mineral water, was very disagree­able to taste.
Robert Mills, Esq., however, an old resident of Salt City, was seriously afflicted with the rheumatism, and, having tried about everything else, concluded to try the water of these springs, and in a short time all symptoms of rheumatism disappeared.
At about the same time, or soon after, others began to use the water for different diseases, and almost invari­ably found relief. The people in the near neighborhood soon had a great deal of faith in the curative properties of the water, but it was not publicly known or generally used until Messrs. Hackney & McDon­ald, of Winfield, Kansas, purchased the land, and Judge McDonald, who was very seriously afflicted with eruptions on his face, which he had been unable to get cured, concluded to try the use of his own medicine, and to his surprise, he was cured up by using the waters for a very short time by bathing his face.
Then Dr. James Allen, who had been at most of the watering places in the United States for his health and finding no relief (he being afflicted very badly with diabetes, and also catarrh—so much so, in fact, that he was unable to even walk), came to try the benefits of these waters, and in a few month’s time was entirely cured.
The news spread until the people generally in the counties of Cowley, Sumner, and some of the adjoining coun­ties, would after­ward, when afflicted, go to Salt City for their health; and there being no accommodations whatever at the springs, they were compelled to camp out.
During the summer and fall of 1879 there were often 8 or 10 tents to be seen near the springs, occupied by persons in search of health.
Messrs. Hackney & McDonald, being attorneys with a very lucrative practice, were not in a situation to improve the springs and sold the same to Messrs. Newman & Mitchell, of our town, for $4,000 cash, and in a short time, probably the best bath house in the State was erected near the springs, and during the summer and fall of 1880, on Saturdays and Sundays, from one to three hundred persons would visit the springs; generally going out of curiosity, but now it has become so popular a place for health that it is impossible to accommodate all who go.

The springs, so far as we are able to learn, have never yet failed to cure ulcerations and other diseases of the uterus, rheumatism, skin and blood diseases, dyspepsia, diabetes, catarrh, and diseases of the liver, kidneys, and digestive organs in general, and are especially effective in female diseases, rheumatism, and affections of the skin and blood.
We have, heretofore, always been skeptical about cures of such magnitude as claimed here, “but seeing is believing,” and we have personally known of at least fifty persons who have been undoubtedly cured by the use of these waters, and we are told that at least five hundred persons have been cured, and we do not doubt it in the least.
Most of our people who have been talking of an expensive trip to Hot Springs, Saratoga, or Colorado, are now going to Geuda Springs. The springs themselves are a natural curiosity. There are seven of them, and they each contain a different kind of mineral, and are within a circle of twenty-five feet in diameter, and it does not require a chemical analysis to detect the difference, as it is readily distinguished by the taste. There are two of these within eight feet of each other that taste as different as does common rainwater and vinegar. It is well worth a trip to anyone who has never seen them to make the trip for that purpose alone.
The ancients supposed that such springs that were of a healing nature, were manipulated by spirits of ghosts—Bethesda, Siloam, and others are instances of such belief. Modern scien­tists, however, have, by chemical analyses, discovered that the curative properties of such springs consists in the different kinds of minerals contained in the waters, and the minerals found in this state are undoubtedly natures purest remedies.
A qualitative analysis of the Geuda Springs shows that they contain the bicarbonates of iron, soda, magnesia, and calcium; sulphates of ammonia and magnesia; chlorides of sodium and potassium; iodide of sodium, bromide of potassium, sulphur and silica, and are strongly charged with carbonic gas.
The name “Geuda” is taken from the Indian name “Ge-u-da,” meaning healing, and, although not euphonious, is very appropri­ate. We say this because we have personally tested many of the mineral springs of this country and Europe, and have never known any, in our opinion, to equal their healing and curative proper­ties. The letter “G” in this name has the hard sound, as in the word “get.”
We are informed that a joint stock company is about to be formed, called “Geuda Springs Co.,” and that it is the intention to build a new hotel, and make other improvements which are greatly needed, as not more than half the people, who now want to go there, can be accommodated with boarding. If we mistake not, by the time next spring opens, Salt City and Geuda Springs will experience a boom, such as it never before thought of, and all she will need is a railroad, connecting her with the commercial world, which in time will be built. A narrow gauge road connect­ing it with our town can easily be built if taken hold of right, and thus be a great benefit to both places.
There is also a large quantity of excellent salt water, or more properly brine, there running to waste, which, if here, might just as well as not be manufactured into salt. We see no good reason why pipes should not be laid and this water conveyed here in the near future. By this means it could be utilized not only to the benefit of our town, but to Cowley County, and the adjacent counties. We believe there is some hostility to this enterprise, but if the people in the neighborhood of these springs cannot manufacture it themselves, it is certainly a dog in the manger policy to object to others doing so, especially when they would be equally benefitted by the undertaking.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.

Dr. Chapel and his son, Charles, spent Sunday in the city, returning to Salt City Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 3, 1881.
The ’bus made its initial trip to Salt City on Sunday last, with a full complement of passengers each way.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 10, 1881.
Editor Traveler: Dear Sir: We are still right side up with care. There is quite a crowd in town today—comprising citizens of Wellington, Winfield, and Wichita, besides a large delegation from the Terminus, who came over to take a bath to rouse their systems from the nervous prostration caused by the excessive heat.
Mr. Resch returned from Colorado yesterday evening, and we understand he intends to remove thither shortly, provided he can dispose of his property here satisfactorily.
Dr. Collins has been quite busy the past few days.
DIED. The funeral of the infant daughter of Mr. Chas. Willard will take place this morning at 9 o’clock.
Mr. Dix, who came here a few weeks ago, unable to turn himself in bed, is getting along finely.
Salt City wants a $10,000 [? $19,000 ?] hotel to accommodate those who are daily visiting Geuda Springs for their health.
Q. M. Bixler and his father returned from a trip to Chautauqua County yesterday evening. They report the discovery of a mineral spring in that locality, also of rich lead mines. Q. M. hastened home lest Julius, “the son of Thomas of the House of Royal,” should prevail with Ida “of the house of the Amalekites,” and she should hearken unto him.

The following is a list of the visitors at the Geuda Springs Bath House for the week ending August 7, 1881: A. A. Jackson and family, Seeley; A. M. Sherp, Kansas City, Mo.; A. E. Kelley and lady, Cowley County; B. C. Swarts, Arkansas City, Kansas; M. Stanton, Arkansas City, Kansas; C. R. Mitchell, Arkansas City, Kansas; J. M. Hoyland, Cowley County; H. O. Vigus, Wichita; C. E. Decker, Eureka; G. S. Simpson, Kansas City; Mrs. M. E. Roberts, Kansas City; J. E. Platter and family, Winfield; Miss Ella Johnson, Winfield; Miss Ida Steward, Winfield; Miss S. W. Bowman, Winfield; Mrs. E. H. Matlack, Arkansas City; Miss Mary Matlack, Arkansas City; Miss Lucy Walton, Arkansas City; Mrs. A. A. Newman, Arkansas City; Mrs. W. Gooch, Arkansas City; Mrs. R. C. Haywood, Arkansas City; Mrs. J. H. Searing, Arkansas City; J. H. Folks, Wellington; ____ Blodgett and family, Wellington; Mrs. Parmenter, Arkansas City; F. C. Nommsen, Winfield; H. Endicott and wife, Arkansas City; P. Endicott, Arkansas City; Mrs. Tyner, Arkansas City; G. C. Cleveland, Indiana; L. Calvert, Indiana; A. N. Maher, Wichita; M. French, Wichita; J. Kelly, Arkansas City; Mrs. G. Miller, Salt City; S. D. Palmer, Chicago; N. Bowman, Chicago; C. C. Harris, Winfield; Mrs. G. L. Horning, Winfield; Mrs. G. S. Loose, Winfield; O. M. Reynolds and family, Winfield; A. G. Wilson and family, Winfield; A. W. Davis and wife, Winfield; E. P. Young and wife, Winfield; W. T. Grey and family, Winfield; W. C. Grey and family, Winfield; Miss Allen, Winfield; Mrs. H. P. Farrar, Arkansas City; Mrs. C. A. Howard, Arkansas City; W. Wentworth, Sumner Co. GEUDA.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 17, 1881.
A daily hack line between this place and Salt City is in contemplation, by our new livery men, Hilliard & Thompson.
Winfield Courier, August 18, 1881.
A lot of our citizens have gone over in Sumner County to Salt City for health and recreation.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
Yesterday morning saw the initial steps taken towards the erection of an $8,000 hotel at Salt City, in close proximity to the far famed Geuda Mineral Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 24, 1881.
An Old Pioneer Gone.
DIED. At Salt City, at the residence of her son, William M. Berkey, on Saturday, August 20th, 1881, Margaret Brown, well known all over the county as Grandma Brown, in the 79th year of her age. Few persons in Kansas are better entitled to the name of pioneer than Grandma Brown. She was born in Ohio, in the year 1802, when that country was but a wilderness. Her parents having moved from Pennsylvania, were of the stock called the Pennsylva­nia Dutch. Her maiden name was, I think, Jesenmyer. At an early age, I think she went to Indiana. Here it was that, I think, she was wooed and won by Henry Berkey, the father of William M. Berkey and grandfather of A. W. Berkey, of Winfield; by whom she had a large family. After the death of her first husband, Henry Berkey, she was married to a Mr. Brown, whose name she still bears. In many respects Grandma Brown was a remarkable woman, with little education or refinement, as it is termed. She bore a conspicuous part in the settlement of the western states. Born in Ohio, she lived there a number of years, then in Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, and, I think, in Iowa before she came to Kansas, eleven years ago. During all the period of her varied life, which had many ups and downs, she bore the character of an honest, hard-working, industrious woman, and died in the hope and faith of a blessed immortality. For many years she has been a constant member of the Christian church. Peace be to her ashes. C.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
Geuda Springs have had no Western boom yet to force them to notoriety; but, by their actual merits as curative agents in all bilious, skin, and chronic diseases, they are steadily and surely coming to the front rank among the mineral waters of the West. And the time is not far distant when, in the opinion of your humble servant, they will outrank them all.
Among the wonderful cures to be noted this season, I may mention a case of dropsy which had been given up by the attending physicians, several cases of rheumatism, and four or five cases of venereal diseases in their worst form, and scores of cases of debility, dyspepsia, liver complaint, etc., in all of their complicated forms, each giving away and decidedly benefitted and cured by the use of these waters alone.

Through the kindness of Mr. Berkey, one of Salt City’s best merchants, I learned that a fine hotel will soon be completed and located south of Mr. Berkey’s store building in Salt City, to be three stories high, and contain one hundred rooms. The means are to be furnished by a young lady now residing in Salt City, a guest of Mr. Berkey.
Salt City Correspondence to Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
The Salt City Hotel scheme has busted, but Dr. Perry, of Illinois, has in contemplation the erection of five cottages for rent near the Bath House.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 31, 1881.
The Express Companies have extended their lines to Salt City, for the purpose of shipping the famed Geuda water to their many patrons now demanding it. We understand a daily hack will be run in connection with this department. Our citizens should give this matter attention.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
Mrs. Cyphers and Mrs. Basset have been spending several days in the salubrious vicinity of Salt City and the Geuda Springs.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 7, 1881.
WINFIELD, KANSAS, Sept. 5, 1881.
The following described property, owned by the Winfield Bank, Winfield, Cowley Co., Kansas, was taken from near Salt City, Sumner Co., by one E. Collins—calling himself a physician.
A liberal reward will be paid either for the property (whole or in part) or the thief.
One iron gray horse, ten years old, about 14 hands high; one bay horse about 6 years old, 14½ hands high; saddle mark on right side; one double Bain wagon; 3¼ Thimble; one set of double harness. Notify by telegraph. J. C. McMULLEN, President.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 14, 1881.
Geuda Springs. The Geuda mineral springs, which are just coming into prominent notoriety, are situated in the southwestern part of Cowley County, near Salt City. They were known by the Osage and other Indians, and used by them as a medicine before any white people had settled there, and their traditions are that big medicines, or in common parlance, their pow-wows, were held there every third moon far back in the dim past. They take their name from the Indian word Ge-u-da, which means healing. There are seven of the springs, all very near together, and each of them appear to have a different taste.
They were not known by white people as mineral springs until about 1870, when by accident, they were tried by Robert Mills, who was cured of scrofula and rheumatism. There being but few settlers in that section at the time, no particular attention was called to it for some time afterward.
The water being very bright and sparkling, however, and a road passing close by, many persons, of course, took a drink of them, and pronounced them almost invariably, unfit to drink, as the taste was not agreeable, and they had the effect of a cathartic.

Hackney and McDonald, of our town, purchased the land in 1878. The springs were soon afterward tried by many persons for skin diseases, and we believe invariably with success. They were soon after purchased by Newman & Mitchell, of Arkansas City, Kansas, who paid $4,000 for them, and in the spring of 1881 built a large bath house, and they have since been tried for all the diseases imaginable, almost, and prove to have remarkable effects in most uterine troubles, liver, kidney, and skin diseases as well as rheumatism. Up to the present time only a qualitative analysis of the waters has been made.
Since March, 1881, the bath house has been crowded, and there being but meager hotel accommodations, many who would have tried the waters could not be accommodated there. They have, however, gained an excellent reputation for curative properties. Several persons of our town have been benefitted by use of the waters, notably T. H. Stivers, L. B. Thomas, J. E. Searle, and Judge J. Wade McDonald, and we now understand Jacob Kearsh, who formerly was a baker for Mr. Dever here and whom everybody thought was going to die with dropsy, is improving very rapidly by use of the waters.
C. R. Mitchell has lately bought out the interest of A. A. Newman, and is now making arrangements to build a sanitarium. A gentleman from Illinois is in Chicago purchasing the material for ten cottages; other parties are making arrangements to put up a good hotel, and several parties in Winfield and Arkansas City have engaged to put up summer residences at the Springs.
Parties going to the Springs now and intending to stay any length of time should go prepared with tents as the houses are full most of the time, but it is expected that good accommoda­tions will be made for all within the next sixty days. Kansas never furnishes anything by halves, and we believe we have the best mineral springs in existence.
Winfield Daily Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 21, 1881.
From Judge E. Evans we learn that Mrs. Evans is rapidly recovering at Geuda Springs. Mrs. Evans was taken to Salt City on the second last. Last Sunday she dressed herself and walked about her room, which she has not been able to do since February. Her appetite is excellent, and her general health greatly im­proved. Moreover, she has laid aside a portion of her medicines. We are sincerely glad to publish the good news, not only because it is another testimonial to the virtues of Geuda Springs, but also because we rejoice to know that a heretofore confirmed invalid is regaining health. Wellington Press.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
A newspaper is talked of at Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
Dan. E. Sifford, after a year’s absence in the vicinity of Salt City, has returned to our burg for the winter.
Believe the next item refers to C. R. Mitchell and others starting the town of Geuda Springs...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 28, 1881.
A new town was surveyed and laid out at Salt City last week, and as soon as the corner stones are set, lots will be offered for sale. We learn that a number of parties will invest, believ­ing it will be a good speculation.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
Mr. Q. M. Bixler, one of Salt City’s enterprising merchants, was in town on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 12, 1881.
AD. SALT CITY SALT, Best in the world for Cattle, and curing meats, at $2.50 per barrel at Schiffbauer Bro’s.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 19, 1881.
Keep an Eye on Him. There is an old man with a very bad countenance prowling around here, of whom the inquiry is again and again made: “Who is he?” and “what is he up to?” Every now and then rumors reach us from afar off, which if they do not tell us who he is, give a pretty good idea of what he is probably trying to do. The first sight of him arouses a suspicion which every rumor confirms. This merciless old sinner seems to make it his general business to prey upon the mistakes and misfortunes of his fellow man. He worms around the dusty records of the past, hunts up flaws in old titles that honest men and innocent purchasers may have to their homes, buys the claim, whatever it may be, for a mere trifle, and deliberately goes to work to financially ruin the equitable owner of the premises and turn him out from his home and fireside. His later actions indicate that when he can’t find a flaw in a title, he does not hesitate to try to make one, or to create some kind of a dispute out of which he may make some money. Such a man is, in our opinion, meaner than a sneak thief, and far more contempt­ible. Such appear to be the characteristics of the strange old creature, who is now plying his favorite trade in the neighbor­hood of Salt City and Geuda Springs.
This old simpleton is now trying to run a line, which, were it possible to adopt, would put Geuda Springs on the quarter section west, changing the title to most of the buildings in Salt City, as well as changing the lines to many of the farms in Bolton and Walton townships for two or three miles on either side of the county line, and wrest thousands of dollars of improve­ments from the parties who have made and now own them.
You ask what business has he there? None whatever. He does not, we believe, even claim to own a foot of land, or one dollar’s worth of improvements in that vicinity. He probably imagines that he can scare Bob Mitchell and the citizens of Salt City into paying him some money to desist from annoying them. He has probably heard that the survey lines are more or less crook­ed, which may all be true, for there are but very few lines, either in Cowley or Sumner counties, that are straight for a distance of four consecutive miles; in fact, many of them are as crooked as a worm fence, but still they are Government lines, were so made by the Government surveyors, and there is no power to change them now, even if a desire existed (which it does not) among the owners generally that they should be so changed. In fact, we understand a severe penalty is attached to moving Govern­ment corners. We have taken the trouble to inquire into this affair as much as possible, and find the people are united in the opinion that the county line is correct as now laid out, and that the same has been surveyed by Orville Smith, a former County Surveyor of Sumner County, an ex-Government surveyor, thoroughly proficient in his profession, and one of the most honest men we know of. Several persons still reside in the vicinity who were present at the time the lines were run by the Government survey­ors, and one of the parties who helped make the Government survey is still a resident in that neighborhood. All these are a unit in saying the corners are still where they were put by the Government surveyors. Such being the case, we think the owners need give themselves no uneasiness on account of any blackmailing scheme that may be set on foot in this or any other manner.

Some of the Salt City people think that there are one or two other parties who have been induced to wink approvingly at this scheme, at least until they saw the odium with which the proceed­ing was regarded by the people at large. The object sought was to prevent the erection of buildings at Salt City and Geuda Springs, and raising a question as to the lines seemed the most ready way to gain that end. We hardly believe such to be the case, as we doubt whether Cowley or Sumner possesses a citizen mean enough to stoop to such a contemptible trick.
What kind of a critter one must be, who, without having any interest at stake himself, or any good reason for it, will deliberately try to injure a whole community, is beyond our comprehension, and how long a law abiding people will patiently submit to such scoundrelism is also a question. If there is not, there ought to be, a law that would give the man who attempts to perpetrate such a villainous outrage a good long term in the penitentiary. Mob law is never justifiable, and we hope will never be resorted to in this section, but if that old man ever disturbs a Government corner in this State, we are in favor of giving him all that the law will allow.
We understand this man claims to live in Chicago. He is about six feet in height, light complexion, weighs probably some 300 pounds, and goes by the name of Palmer here.
We do not anticipate anyone hereabouts will be scared into paying him anything on account of this trick, but we deem it advisable to apprize other communities of his mode of obtaining money so they may be prepared to checkmate his little game. If we are any hand at reading the signs of the times as interpreted by the light in which this fellow’s maneuvers are viewed by the residents of Salt City and vicinity, we think an immediate trip to Chicago, bag and baggage, would be far more conducive to the general health of this old busybody than a longer sojourn at Geuda Springs. Take our advice, skip to a clime which knows you not, mend your dissipated ways, try to earn an honest living, and you will feel better and be more respected by your neighbors.
Pass him around.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 26, 1881.
GOOD TEAMS Furnished on short notice and at LOWER PRICES than heretofore.
HACKS Run Regularly to Salt City and Geuda Springs.
Stable on Fifth Avenue, just east of City Hotel.
Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.
A man while crossing at the Salt City Ferry the other day was shooting at some ducks up the river and shot one of the strands out of the long rope that is stretched across the river. This may cost Will Mc. a new rope.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 30, 1881.

Mr. J. W. McCamy, now a resident of our city, who is in charge of the Salt City mission under the auspices of the United Brethren church, called upon us on Monday last. He informed us that a protracted meeting was commenced last Sabbath evening in the Theaker Schoolhouse and will be kept up for at least two weeks. Quarterly meeting will be held at that place on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 4th and 5th, with Rev. Lee as presiding elder. An invitation is extended to all to attend and participate.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 7, 1881.
We were pleased yesterday to grasp by the hand our old friend and subscriber, Geo. Reynolds, of Salt City. Mr. Reynolds has been in Colorado and while he likes that State, yet thinks that Kansas will strike a good average with any State in the Union, in which we entirely agree with him.
Cowley County Courant, December 29, 1881.
Dr. W. R. Davis, of Winfield, will, if Dr. Standiford does not put in an appearance soon, complete and take charge of the sanitarium at Salt City. Arkansas City Democrat.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 4, 1882.
SMASH UP. An accident occurred last Thursday morning by which one young lady was very severely bruised, several other persons badly shaken, and two buggies totally demolished. A dance had been held the previous night at Salt City which was attended by Mr. A. Davis and lady and Horace McConn and Miss Tate. It was on the return therefrom that the accident occurred about 8 o’clock a.m. Mr. Davis’ buggy was ahead and McConn following closely behind when in turning the corner to enter the timber the other side of the Arkansas River, McConn’s buggy upset, throwing out the occupants and scaring the team so that they literally ran over the team in advance and it was little short of a miracle that the parties occupying it escaped instant death. As it was, Miss Tate was the only one seriously bruised while all were more or less shaken up. The horses were unin­jured, but the buggies were in about the condition of the “one horse shay” on its one hundredth anniversary. At this writing we are glad to state that under the care of Dr. Shepard the injured young lady is progressing favorably and no permanent ill effects are feared.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 11, 1882.
Geuda Gossip.
Esquire Butterfield’s residence is completed.
Dr. Perry’s five houses are almost completed.
The Springs are beginning to boom in good shape.
James Stiner has his two story hotel nearly completed.
Hon. I. J. Buck is building a summer residence in Geuda.
Joe Conklin has finished the foundation for his residence.
Dr. George A. Cutler has his drug store about completed.
Mr. Bixler will soon commence his building for a grocery store.
George B. Green had the first building on Geuda Springs town site.
Dr. Perry will improve the Salt Lake for boating, and will put on several new boats.
Several parties from Leavenworth, Kansas, are prepared to build at the Springs.
There has been at least twenty-five parties here this week selecting lots to build on. Boom! we should remark.
J. P. Marshall intends to build a business house and put in a hardware store, and our friend, Johnnie Houston, will run it.
Near & Axley have completed their Livery Stable, which, with the additions soon to be put on, will be about 45 x 60 feet.

Perry has his foundations, for five more houses, completed, and talks of putting up still another five houses in the spring.
Mr. Mitchell has about 50 cords of stone on the ground to fix the springs and build an addition to the bath house, so as to be able to give salt water baths.
A new two story building is about finished by parties hailing from Oxford, the first story of which is to be used for a billiard hall and the upper story as a general hall. This building is 25 x 60 feet, and put up in good style.
Mr. Foss has built an ice house that will hold 200 tons of ice, but has no ice yet to put in it. He will commence his elegant two story residence in about two weeks hence. It is to be 36 x 40 with wings, and two stories high.
The new feature of salt water baths will be an additional attraction at Geuda. The waters are found to contain salt 22 percent, soda, iron, and sulphur, and are pronounced much better than sea water for bathing purposes, so you need not go to the sea coast any more.
The Geuda Springs Company are shipping the Mineral Water in all directions, and are receiving many complimentary statements from its effects. They have made arrangements with the express companies to return cans free of charge, and the shipment of water is rapidly increasing.
Quite a number of parties are still at the Springs for their health, and all are improving.
Winfield Courier, January 12, 1882.
The proud and happy holder of ticket No. 387 which drew the prize doll turned up Saturday evening. He is not a newly married man as we predicted, nor was bashfulness the cause of his not coming forward. The simple fact is he had not taken the newspapers and wouldn’t have known he had a baby if someone hadn’t told him about it. His name is W. E. Gilbert, of Salt City. The “sweet thing” was turned over to him at half past four o’clock, and at thirty-one minutes past four he had swapped it off to Jake Goldsmith for $10.00. What on earth Jake wants with it remains to be seen. If we had it, we’d send it to boarding school.
Cowley County Courant, January 12, 1882.
We clip the following from the Salt City correspondent to the Arkansas Valley Democrat, which is good.
And in those days came Warner, the “Jockey” saying unto the “Moss-backs and Hoosiers,” (the citizens of Salt City). Bet ye! bet ye! for the race is now at hand, and the “Moss-backs” did hear, and many wondered at the words spake by the man of the turf, and they did get sore afraid, except Samuel, of Salt City, who is a descendant of the house of Axley, a man of much knowl­edge. He sayeth unto the stranger, “I’m your huckleberry.”

There also came John, of the house of Berkey, whom the people round about call the wise, and he calls unto them that he had shekels of gold and of silver, and also greenbacks, even five dollars, to bet on the horse; and then there came unto John a Moss-back saying unto him,  “Beware ye, you will lose your substance.” Straightway did John, the wise, make answer, saying “The court knows herself,” and John did bet his money on the horse, and forthwith the race came off, and the horse got left. Then did John go down to the city saying, “Woe unto Warner, he played me false.” I bet my money for a sham, and the disciple of the turf refuses to give me my ducats,” and then he straightway took a deadly weapon, and every Mossback was struck with fear, even so much they dare not hinder “John the wise” from his deadly intent, and they did follow from afar off with fear and trem­bling, lest in his wrath he would tear things to a fuzz.
John did go down unto the camp of the wicked man of the turf, and he then did discover the man of the turf armed with bows and spears and swords, and there came a great fear over John the wise, yea, even so much that his knees smote together, and then says he unto him, “Give me back my hard earned shekels, yea, my greenbacks, which I did earn by the sweat of my brow, my hard earned ducats which I had saved for my poor widowed mother.” Then spoke the man of the turf, “Depart, ye worker of shams, go and get it out of the Moss-backs;” and John did return to the city much cast down, and with mourning, and refuses to be comforted.
Cowley County Courant, January 19, 1882.
Salt City is growing like an evil weed this pleasant weather. About fourteen houses are nearing completion, among which is the infirmary: a large, substantial, stone building. Besides these the foundations are laying for eight or ten more and still the boom goes on. Soon we shall expect to see these springs assume the respectable proportion and patronage which they deserve.
Cowley County Courant, February 2, 1882.
Now that there is nothing in particular going on, Salt City is endeavoring to make things lively. Two of her citizens got into a fracas over a horse race and pounded each other a little, and now they are carrying arms, and there is every indication of a first-class tragedy on the boards.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 18, 1882.
James Fair, near Salt City, began with almost nothing a few years ago, and now owns the Henry Pruden farm. He manages to make about a thousand a year raising hogs.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
We received a pleasant call from Ed. Haight, our energetic and popular County Surveyor last week. He was en route for home, via Salt City, at which place he had some surveying to do. He had been surveying down on the line, and from what he said, we presume had played smash with some old-time land marks.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 15, 1882.
Our old friend, Jake Musgrove, accompanied by Mr. Newcome, favored us with a call last week. These gentlemen intend to shortly engage in the mercantile business, in Salt City, and were in the city last week for the purpose of purchasing lumber for a store building. Jake is a first-rate businessman, and makes a success of everything he undertakes. We congratulate our Salt City friends upon the acquisition of this firm.
Note: Next item refers to Geuda Springs, formerly Salt City...
Arkansas City Traveler, February 22, 1882. Editorial Page.
What Pluck and Enterprise Will Do.
The Medical Qualities of the Springs.
The Salt Works.

[Correspondence of K. C. Journal.]
HUNNEWELL, KAS., FEB. 9. As your valuable paper, although published in Missouri, is eminently a Kansas paper, I take it for granted that any items of interest from our State will be acceptable to your numerous readers.
We have a new town springing up here in Sumner and Cowley coun­ties, for the county line runs through the town, that bids fair to make quite a sensation in the next twelve months.
I mean the new town of Geuda Springs, formerly Salt City. The new town is springing up like magic. Already some twenty-five new houses have been built within the past few months, and some fifty others contracted to be finished by the 1st of April. A $10,000 stock company has been formed to erect a large and commodious hotel. The foundation for the new sanatarium, a large, three story stone building, which is de­signed as a hotel, bath house, etc., for invalids has been laid, and a number of other large buildings will be commenced soon. The medical qualities of the water have been thoroughly tested, and is pronounced the best in the country. A number of patients who have tested these waters and those of Eureka Springs, Ark., pronounce those of Geuda Springs far superior to the former.
One of the most singular features of these springs is the fact that there are several distinct springs; all large and affording an abundance of water, not four feet distant one from the other, and all of different mineral qualities.
The famous Sumner County salt works are here, and in a few years the manufacture of salt at this place will be an important industry.
About 160 yards from the springs is a large salt spring. The proprietors have put a large iron tube in this, which throws the water up some six feet. It is the intention to fix here for a regular plunge bath, where the visitor can take a genuine ocean swim.
Just in front of the springs, and some fifty yards distant, commences a beautiful lake, which extends for a mile and a half, where the pleasure of boat riding can be indulged in to the fullest extent. A beautiful carriage drive extends along the lake; trees are being set out on both sides of the drive. In fact, no place in the country offers so many inducements for either the invalid or the pleasure seeker as this.
Heretofore there have been no accommodations of any kind, but now numerous cottages are being built. Dr. Perry has just finished ten handsome cottage houses, which are all spoken for. He will build ten more at once. These, with the new hotels and other accommodations, it is thought, will be ample to accommodate the vast number of visitors who are expected at the springs the coming season. Hon. C. R. Mitchell, who has had the direct management of the improvement, has been indefatigable in his labors, and his work now begins to show.
Of course we, of Sumner County, are proud of anything that adds to the wealth and prosperity of our county, and it is with no little pride that we hail the new town that is now springing up like magic in our midst. VERITAS.
Cowley County Courant, March 16, 1882.
Hereafter the South Western Stage Co. will run a hack to and from Salt City at least twice a week and as much oftener as the public convenience demands. Parties wishing Geuda Springs water or transportation can leave orders at Wells, Fargo & Co.’s express office, or at the Brettun House, where it will be prompt­ly attended to. A. C. BANGS, Agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 22, 1882.

Mr. Cole, a well known sheep man, is holding a large herd up on the east side of the Arkansas River, opposite Salt City.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882. Front Page.
                                           Southern Border of Sunny Kansas.
We give below, says the Wichita Leader, a well written communication from a citizen of Wichita, who has lately taken in Geuda Springs.
ED. LEADER: The G-e-u-d-a Mineral Springs, located near the line of Cowley and Sumner counties at Salt City, are fast devel­oping into a noted health resort and famous watering place. Located as they are in the finest agricultural and stock country in the State, they will eventually be surrounded by an abundance of every product indigenous to a prolific farm, fruit, and stock district. Nature having provided all of the ground-work for this abundance, it only remains for the husbandman, the artist, and the mechanic, to develop it into a paradise of health, beauty, and grandeur. The springs, within themselves, are a curiosity which is claiming the attention of scientific and chemical experts to develop what the early settler might well have sought as the “Fountain of Youth,” and the fact of its being surrounded by so many other natural advantages would probably poetically refer to it the following couplet:
Of all wise gifts of “good things,”
The best of all is G-e-u-d-a Springs.
But your readers will probably prefer a description of the Springs. They are seven in number, located in a radius of twenty feet, and—as singular as the assertion may appear—all contain­ing a distinguishing difference of taste. They are composed of eleven constituent parts, or remedial agents, strongly charged with carbolic acid gas. Around these springs is an artificial stone wall three or four feet high, with an opening at one side where the water all flows through a single pipe, forming what is known as the “combination.” This flows beneath the hotel and bathrooms, where it is pumped up and heated for bathing purposes. Near this is the salt lake from which considerable salt has been manufactured. These springs have but recently come into the hands of a company by whom it is being developed into one of the “booming little cities” in this “booming State.” New business houses and residences are going up as if by magic, but still the demand cannot be supplied fast enough to satisfy those who eagerly seek the benefits of its waters as remedial agents. Dozens of houses are under way, and dozens more are under con­tract, while dozens of workmen are pushing the work, and dozens of teamsters are provid­ing the material for new buildings.
James Stiner has just completed, and is now occupying, a neat and cosy little hotel building. Dr. C. Perry has ten houses completed for residents, and has contract for ten more, while a number of other parties are securing locations, putting in foundations, and bringing the lumber to the grounds. The hotel proper is under the efficient control of A. H. Buckwalter, and Hon. C. R. Mitchell is President of the Town Company. Either of the above gentlemen will be glad to furnish other desired information.
It is only seven miles from here to the Nation, where there is plenty of game, timber, etc., and where stock men have herded their entire winter without additional feed.

Excellent opportunities are offered to parties with capi­tal—who desire to build—lots being furnished free to those who agree to put up good buildings. But all of the free lots will soon be taken at the rate at which they are going off, and from this on, the town will be built up with a rush. If desired, I may write again soon. Yours, OCCASIONAL.
Cowley County Courant, April 6, 1882.
A Geuda correspondent of the Arkansas City Democrat ventilates himself to no small extent, and winds up his letter with the information
That Mr. Mitchell has sold his property in Arkansas City, and is going to move to Geuda Springs.
That Foss is building a large store to be rented to F. L. Davis, who intends to fill it with groceries.
That Mart Bixler is about ready to move into his new store at Geuda.
That Wm. Berkey has a new awning in front of his store. Take notice ye loafers.
That Foss has gone to east St. Louis after thoroughbred cattle; also is going to bring a fine Percheron Norman stallion.
That Hall, Axley, Neer, and Walker have taken a trip to the Cherokee Nation, for the purpose of buying ponies.
That there is soon to be an I. O. O. F. Lodge instituted at Geuda Springs.
That the hotel is going up for a certainty.
That there is more building at Geuda Springs than any town in Southern Kansas.
That winter wheat is looking better than ever before at this time of the year.
That Miss Una Royal and Lina Snyder are going to attend the Manhattan College another three months.
That Dr. Vawter is looking toward Geuda Springs with a view of locating permanently.
That Mr. Marshall, of Leavenworth, and one of the Geuda Springs Town Company members, proposes to build a summer resi­dence at Geuda Springs.
That Dr. Perry’s houses are almost completed and ready for occupancy.
BIRTH. That they have a new boarder at the bath house. It’s a girl and Buckwalter is the happy man. He sets up the cigars.
That ’tis an awfully bad year for candidates, and a good one for snakes, on account of the scarcity of “St. John’s amendment.”
That it is a good joke to buy one of those double strength lamp chimneys to take home and throw into the house for your wife. She thinks it will break, “you know,” and gives a scream, and, the chimney hits the stove leg, well, she calls you an old soap keg, and you go and put the team away, get kicked in the abdomen by a mule, trying to figure out where that joke came in. The next time you buy, the cheap ones are good enough, and then you ain’t liable to play jokes on your wife with that kind.
That Jake Musgrove is set up ready for business. Groceries as cheap as anywhere in Kansas.
That Patterson, the butcher, is going to tear down the old Salt City saloon building, move it to the springs, and construct a two-story house out of it.
That T. C. Mills is about to sell his three-year-old colt to Wm. Thompson, for $300; pretty good price for a colt.

That a party of young folks got badly fooled; went into the country to attend a supper by invitation, went early, stayed late, no supper, went home down in the mouth, and also in the region of the digestive organ.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 3, 1882.
Mr. Kemp, a newcomer from Dayton, Ohio, was in the city last Saturday, and called upon the TRAVELER. Mr. Kemp has purchased a quarter section of land near Salt City, and will locate upon and work the same.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1882.
Salt City has a new brass band; the instruments for the same passed through town on Monday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 24, 1882.
Wm. Berkey, Salt City’s live merchant, was in the city yesterday.
Winfield Courier, May 25, 1882.
Ordained. At a call of the Wichita Baptist Church last Wednesday, May 17th, a council convened to consider the propriety of ordaining to the ministry the Rev. Mr. Harper, their pastor elect. The council organized by electing Rev. J. Cairns, of Winfield, Moderator, and Rev. D. S. MacEwen of Wellington, Clerk. After a most thorough examination, in which the candidate acquitted himself to the entire satisfaction of the council, they voted unanimously to ordain him, in the following order: Sermon by Rev. F. Rice of Augusta; Ordaining prayer by Rev. J. Cairns; Charge to the candidate, by Rev. S. S. Merrifield, of Newton; Charge to the church, by Rev. D. S. MacEwen; Hand of fellowship by Rev. J. C. Post of Salt City; Benediction by the candidate. Mr. Harper is a young man of fine culture who has been president of an institution of learning in Indiana, and a man of great promise. We congratulate the church in securing such a pastor. FRATER.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 5, 1882.
Mails. Many of the mail routes were somewhat changed on July 1st, and for the convenience of our patrons we subjoin a table of the time of arrival and departure of mails on our local routes.
Northern mail arrives at 12:30 and departs at  2:30 p.m. daily.
Ponca, Red Rock, and Pawnee arrives at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and departs at 6 a.m. on Monday, Wednes­day, and Friday.
Kaw and Pawhuska arrives at 9 p.m. of Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and departs at 6 a.m., Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
Salt City and Wellington arrives Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 4 p.m. Departs Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 7 a.m.
Bitter Creek, Guelph, and South Haven arrives Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday at 6 p.m. Departs same days at 7 a.m.
Silverdale and Maple City arrives Tuesday and Friday 7 p.m. Departs Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 12, 1882.
On the mail route between this place and Wellington, the only post offices called at are Salt City, Cleardale, and Con­cord, all in Sumner County.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 19, 1882.

DIED. At Salt City, of catarrh of the lungs, on Saturday last, J. W. Howard. The deceased came to Geuda some two weeks since, but the disease was too far gone for the water to help him.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 18, 1882.
The county commissioners at their last meeting ordered the division of the townships of South Haven and Walton. The new voting place of South Haven township will be at Hunnewell. In Walton township the new voting place was not named, but in all probability it will be at Salt City or Geuda Springs. Wellington Press.
Winfield Courier, October 19, 1882.
The following are the appointments of Winfield district made last week at the session of the Arkansas Valley Conference over which Bishop E. B. Kephart, D. D., presided.
WINFIELD DISTRICT: P. B. Lee, Presiding Elder.
Winfield Station: W. M. Friedley.
Winfield Circuit: D. S. Henninger.
Sheridan: T. W. Williams.
Douglass: J. A. Rupp.
El Dorado: J. Guyer.
Butler: G. W. B. Lacy.
Mulvane: F. P. Smith.
Cambridge: J. B. Hunter.
Salt City: A. Yeake.
Wellington: J. W. Fisher.
Harper: E. Ozbun.
Kingman: G. H. Smith.
Sego: A. E. Helm.
J. H. Snyder, who was in charge of the work in this city the past year, is Presiding Elder of the Sedgwick District.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 28, 1883.
Mr. J. T. Stewart, of Salt City, paid us his annual visit yesterday, for which he has our thanks. Mr. Stewart is busy marketing his potatoes, of which he raised over 700 bushels last year.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 28, 1883.
DIED. At the residence of his parents, S. A. and Parmelia Neer, in Salt City, Thursday, March 15th, at 3 o’clock p.m., of quick consumption, Louis E. Neer, aged 19 years 7 months and 15 days. He was buried the following day at 3 o’clock p.m., by the Good Templars, of which order he was a member, and was followed to his last resting place by a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The bereaved relatives have the sympathy of the entire community in their great affliction. Herald.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 18, 1883.
William Berkey, Jr., of Salt City, was in town on Saturday last.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 16, 1883.

MARRIED. By Rev. A. Yeakle, on Sunday, May 6th, 1883, at the residence of the bride’s father, in Cowley County, near Salt City, Miss Elenor S. Robinson and Mr. James Fair. The happy couple have the best wishes of the TRAVELER for their future happiness.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
The ferry across the Arkansas River at Salt City broke loose from the cables while crossing the stream last Saturday morning. There were three persons on at the time. Two of them succeeded in getting out, while the third was struck by a floating log and sank. Up to this time the body has not been recovered. The River was very high at the time, and on several occasions the day before the boat came near going under.
Winfield Courier, June 14, 1883.
DIED. The young man drowned at Salt City was named Wynant. Mr. Corby and Mr. Goss also had a very close call.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1883.
Last Monday’s train brought in A. W. Berkey and wife, of Kansas City, who are here on a visit to his many friends. They started to Salt City Monday afternoon to visit his parents. We understand they will remain about two weeks.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 1, 1883.
Peter Pearson has added a telephone to his furniture establishment. His patrons at Geuda and Salt City will make a note thereof.
Winfield Courier, August 9, 1883.
A lively and exciting horse race came off Saturday on a track on the Howland addition, between a horse belonging to Mr. Blenden, of Maple City, and “Cyclone,” a fine running horse from Salt City. Over two hundred spectators were present. The five hundred yards was run in thirty-two seconds, and was won by the Blenden horse with twenty feet to spare. The result was a surprise to all, as the “Cyclone” was the favorite.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 29, 1883.
The cheerful effects of liberal potations were illustrated in a little friendly altercation at Salt City, in which Dr. Holland’s face tested the efficiency of a beer bottle in the hands of Lyman Steiner. From the looks of the doctor’s face, the glass must have been harder than his cheek. Lyman is roaming in fresh pastures.
Post Office discontinued at Salt City on September 19, 1883, on the same date that the Geuda Springs Post Office was started. Item below indicates that the Geuda Springs Postmaster was the editor of the Geuda Springs Herald???...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 19, 1883.
We received official information from the post office department today of our appointment as postmaster of this place. We also understand that the postmaster at Salt City received official notice of the discontinuance of that office. Geuda Springs Herald.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
AN ILLINOIS VIEW. We clip the following letter from the Central Illinois Review. It is written by W. H. H. Denning, father of Walter Denning, who spent a week here some time ago.
“WINFIELD, KANSAS, September 11, 1883.

“Ed. Review: Thinking that some of my Onarga friends might be interested in the welfare of the state of Kansas, I concluded to give a short account of my trip, and what I have seen since leaving home. We left Onarga on the noon train, and arrived at Louisburg the following morning at 8:30 o’clock. Found the corn crop poor from Onarga to St. Louis, but plenty of saloon signs, and the effects of the license system. Left Louisburg for Winfield, Kansas, on the 4th of September in a two horse wagon. Our route lay through the towns of Osawatomie, in Miami Co.; Garnett, in Anderson Co.; Burlington, in Coffee Co.; Eureka, in Greenwood Co.; El Dorado, in Butler Co.; and ended at Winfield, Cowley Co. I never saw as good oat and corn crops in my life, oats yielding from 60 to 100 bushels per acre—several farmers’ average 100 bushels per acre. After leaving Greenwood County, we found plenty of peaches, and the whole land abounded in watermelons and sweet potatoes. We saw no drunken men after leaving Missouri, but we did find the schoolhouse on the hilltop, and no saloon in the valley. Either prohibition does not prohibit, or else Kansas had a very sober people to begin with, and the necessity for the amendment was not very great. Or it may be that the whiskey men have all gone to other states and their places have been filled by a wiser and more sober people. I see nothing but the indications of prosperity around me, and the people all say, “If Illinois fails in the corn crop, let her come to Egypt.” I have been sleeping out doors for the last four nights, and am feeling first rate.
“On the 10th we visited the farm of Walter Denning, five miles east of Winfield. We passed over rolling prairie that can be bought for from $8 to $15 per acre, partly improved.
“On the 11th we visited the sheep ranch of Mr. Chafey, who will be remembered as having married Lizzie Hastings, formerly of Onarga. Here we spent a very pleasant afternoon, partaking of the kind hospitality of our old friend.
“September 12th we traveled northeast 20 miles to attend a stock sale. Everywhere we saw good houses, rich lands, and splendid crops.
“On the 13th we visited Salt City, some 16 miles southwest of Winfield. Our route lay through the rich valley of the Walnut River, and the far-famed Arkansas Valley. This is certainly the finest country that I have ever seen. After crossing the Arkansas River on a ferry boat, we entered Salt City, driving at once to the famous Geuda Springs. Here we found seven flowing springs, all within a radius of fifteen feet, yet all possessing different mineral properties, notwithstanding some of them were not over six inches apart.
“The invalids from all over the State flock here to drink and be made whole. I talked with some of the invalids and they seemed to have great faith in the healing powers of the waters. Some were drinking from one spring and some from another, and some from two or more, according to their disease, while the lame and the halt, and the blind drank freely of the water and seemed to like it. I confess, that although I drank sparingly, it took a great pressure to keep my breakfast down, but we were told that the longer a person uses the water, the better he likes it.
“Today, the 14th, I expect to take in the city of Winfield, and about Tuesday start for home.”
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.
United Brethren Appointments. The following are the appointments for the Winfield district, as made by the session of the Arkansas Valley Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, held in the city of McPherson, October 25th to 29th.

Winfield District: R. W. Parks, Presiding Elder; Winfield: J. H. Snyder; Mount Zion: P. B. Lee; Sheridan: J. L. Miller; Salt City: A. Yeakle; Wellington: J. B. Lowry; Barbour: W. M. Friedley; Haysville: O. W. Jones; Mulvane: D. S. Henninger; Sedgwick: F. P. Smith; Peabody: T. C. Hahn; Cottonwood: J. Z. Mann; Rosalia: E. Hill; El Dorado: T. W. Williams.
Winfield Courier, February 7, 1884.
WINFIELD POST OFFICE. POST OFFICE open from 7:30 a.m., to 7 p.m., except Sundays, open from 9 to 10 a.m. Money Order and Registry Department open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Sundays. The mails arrive from the North on the A. T. & S. F. at 11:15 a.m., and leave for the North at 3:35 p.m. From the East on the K. C. L. & S. at 9:50 p.m. and leave, going Eastward, at 5:40 in the morning. The El Dorado stage leaves at 8 a.m. and arrives at 7 p.m. The Sedan and Dexter stage leaves at 6 a.m. and arrives at 7 p.m. The Floral and Wilmot mail arrives at 12 m, on Tuesdays and Saturdays and leaves at 1 p.m. of said days. The Salt City mails leave Thursdays and Saturdays at 7 a.m. and arrive at 5 p.m., of said days. Letters to go out on any of these mails must be put in the post office at least 30 minutes before the time of leaving. Those to go out on the K. C. L. & S. must be mailed by 11 p.m. D. A. MILLINGTON, P. M.
Arkansas City Traveler, April 2, 1884.
Thursday’s Wind Storm. Last Thursday’s wind storm was without exception the most severe that has ever visited Cowley County. From early morning the breeze was rather stiff, but from noon it had very nearly approached the dimensions of a cyclone. About 5:30 p.m., an especially violent current struck the new roller mills of Landes, Beall & Co., with such force as to wrench about ten feet of the roof away and hurl it to the ground. The mill operatives say the immense five story structure shook very perceptibly for nearly a minute. When it is remembered that the walls to this mill are from five to two and one-half feet thick, the power of the wind may be imagined. A piece of cornice work was also blown off the Cowley County Bank building, though no damage of any consequence was done in the city.
Many farmers suffered from prairie fires which came up from the Territory south of us. Some two weeks ago large quantities of dead grass were burned off the cattle ranges, during which some hay stacks caught on fire. There was a great deal of fire smouldering in the remains of these stacks when the wind of last Thursday came along and blew the fire across the burnt districts, on to old grass, and then the race to the state line was a short one.
The heaviest loser is probably Mr. Pettit, on the Christy farm, just north of the Indian school, whose outbuildings were entirely destroyed, together with over 3,000 bushels of corn, making his loss run up to $1,500 and over.
Mr. Voris lost his house; Mr. Rhinehart’s stable and farming implements were consumed; Chris. Wolfe’s hedge on three sides of his farm was burned, besides some farming implements; other farmers lost in a greater or less degree. Mr. Wolfe’s hedge was of compact, nine years’ old growth, and is of itself quite a loss.

A Mr. Lingenfelter, with his son, was making a trip in the Territory after posts, having two teams. The fire was on them before Mr. Lingenfelter fairly realized it, and when it was too late for him to start a fire for his own safety. He wrapped his boy in a blanket and laid him in the middle of the road, and then looked after himself and horses as best he could. One team ran away and escaped death; one horse was burned to death and the other nearly so; his wagon was destroyed, and himself most severely burned, the boy escaping with only slight injuries.
Mr. N. C. Kenyon, near Salt City, we understand was also a victim to the ravaging flames, losing nearly everything except his residence. Mr. Caldwell, of West Bolton, had the upper part of his house blown down, sustaining a loss of about $100.
Altogether it was a sorry day for southern Cowley, whose like we hope never to see again.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
U. B. CHURCH CONFERENCE. The Arkansas Valley Conference, of the United Brethren Church, held its fourth regular session last week, convening in the city of El Dorado. The following are the appointments for this district, which we give for the benefit of many of our readers.
Winfield District: P. B. Lee, Presiding Elder; Winfield: J. H. Snyder; Sheridan: I. Rollins; Mount Zion: S. Garrigus; Salt City: J. B. Lowry; Wellington: R. W. Parks; Haysville: O. W. Jones; Mulvane: D. S. Henninger; Sedgwick: F. P. Smith; Wichita: To be supplied; Peabody: T. C. Hahn; Cottonwood: P. Milligan; El Dorado: T. H. Watt; Rosalia: E. Hill; Little River: C. H. Smith.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, May 31, 1884.
The location of the new M. E. Church has been changed from Salt City to Geuda; work on it will soon be commenced.
Arkansas City Republican, May 31, 1884.
Rev. F. M. Romine, of Salt City, was in the city Wednesday.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 11, 1884.
MARRIED. Mr. J. L. Berkey and Miss Ivy Burrell, of Salt City, were married at that place last Friday, by Rev. H. S. Lundy.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
Mr. Mountjoy, of Salt City, called on THE REPUBLICAN a few days ago. He reports his corn good, and gives as the reason deep plowing, and early and deep cultivation.
Arkansas City Republican, September 6, 1884.
The following guests partook of H. H. Perry’s hospitality last Monday.
From Salt City, Kansas: O. B. Actam and wife.
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
R. R. East daily at 4:45 and 9:00 p.m.
R. R. North daily at 2:30 except Sundays.
R. R. West daily at 9:20 a.m.
R. R. South daily at 10:25 a.m. except Sunday.
Douglass hack daily at 7:00 a.m. except Sunday.
Dexter hack daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sundays.
Salt City hack Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m.
Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 1:00 p.m.

By R. R. from East daily at 7:30 a.m. and 11:10 a.m.
By R. R. from North daily at 12 noon except Sundays.
By R. R. from West daily at 5:45 p.m. except Sunday.
By R. R. South daily at 3:30 p.m. except Sundays.
By Douglass hack daily at 6:15 p.m. except Sunday.
By Dexter hack daily at 12 noon except Sunday.
By Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:15 p.m.
By Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 12 noon.
POST OFFICE OPEN, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. except Sundays 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Closes week days from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for distribution of the large mails from the East and North.
The rents for post office boxes for the last quarter of 1884 are due October 1st.
THOSE NOT PAID BY OCT. 10th WILL BE VACATED in strict compliance with Sec. 301 of Postal Laws & Regulations. Key deposits will be forfeited unless the rents are paid or the Keys returned by Oct. 10 for in such cases new locks must then be put on for new renters and the old Keys will be valueless to the postmaster and department.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 8, 1884.
School district No. 39, in Bolton Township, will need about five cords of good hard wood this winter; which some man can furnish by applying to J. J. Broadbent, district clerk, whose post office address is Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 3, 1884.
G. W. Cunningham put in an Eclipse Wind Mill for Mr. Royal, of Salt City, last week.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 10, 1884.
Robt. Mills, of Salt City, visited our city Monday.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.
                                                       MAILS CLOSE FOR
R. R. East: daily at 4:45 and 9:00 p.m.
R. R. North: daily at 2:30 p.m. except Sundays.
R. R. West: daily at 9:20 a.m.
R. R. South: daily at 10:20 a.m. except Sundays.
Douglass hack daily at 7:00 a.m. except Sunday.
Dexter hack daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sunday.
Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m.
Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 1:00 p.m.
                                     MAILS ARRIVE AND ARE DISTRIBUTED
By R. R. from East daily at 7:30 a.m. and 11:16 a.m.
By R. R. from North daily at 12 noon except Sunday.
By R. R. from West daily at 5:45 p.m. except Sunday.
By R. R. South daily at 3:30 p.m. except Sunday
Douglass hack daily at 6:15 p.m. except Sunday.
Dexter hack daily at 12 noon except Sunday.

Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:15 p.m.
Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 12 noon.
     POST OFFICE OPEN: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except Sundays @ 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Closes week days from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for distribution of the large mails from the East and North.
Arkansas City Republican, June 20, 1885.
Gilbert & Co., have purchased the boat belonging to parties at Salt City and removed it down to Rock ford on the Arkansas near the mouth of Chilocco. A boat run at this point will be of considerable convenience to cattlemen.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 19, 1885.
Postmaster Topliff wishes to inform our readers that the post office at Salt City has been discontinued. All mail matter directed to that office will be sent to Geuda Springs for distribution.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
Dave Bright, who lives close to Salt City, arrived in town yesterday with a big load of watermelons, one of which tipped the scales at 58½ pounds. Mr. Bright claims he has one that has worn the vines out, that will soon be up this way, that will go ten pounds better. McGuire Bros. are figuring on these whoppers. If they get them, we hope to get a chance to sit down under its shade and “carv dat melon.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
V. A. Beard bought 61 watermelons Thursday of Dave Bright, who resides near Salt City, that weighed 2,620 pounds. This would average nearly 43 pounds. The largest weighed 60 pounds and the smallest 25. How is this? If you think we are lying, Beard can show you the figures.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 19, 1885.
D. P. Marshall came into our office yesterday morning and reported seeing for the first time in this section the occurrence of a mirage. Mr. Marshall resides on a farm in West Bolton Township. Several miles to the northwest of his home lies the town of Geuda, down in a valley. While standing in his doorway yesterday morning and looking in the direction of Geuda, he was astonished very much by beholding the entire town of Geuda Springs and Salt City. He could not believe his eyes at first, so he called his wife, who saw and proclaimed the same as he. He says the outline of the town, buildings, etc., was plainly visible.
Arkansas City Republican, January 2, 1886.
Thomas Royal, of Salt City, while in the city Monday had a mouse-colored yearling colt to follow him home.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.

FROZEN IN THE TERRITORY. The bodies of Wm. Gilbert and a neighbor, living four miles southwest of Salt City, in Walton township, Sumner County, were found Monday down on Duck creek in the Territory, where they froze to death in the terrible storm of last Thursday. They started early Thursday morning, before the storm set in, for wood. Each had a good team and wagon. Whether the teams perished or not is unknown. They were not found with the bodies. The particulars are scanty. Gilbert was a young man and a cousin of Mrs. Sampson Johnson, of Pleasant Valley. Both men were well-to-do farmers.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 2, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
The Frisco Railroad Company have purchased a one-half interest in the Geuda Springs Town Company, which comprises a large amount of occupied as well as unoccupied lands and will at once proceed to erect a $50,000 bath house near the springs, as also is a $100,000 hotel near the old Salt City townsite. C. R. Mitchell, the former owner of the lands, is now $75,000 better off than he was some days ago. The wife of Rev. B. C. Swarts, presiding elder of the M. E. Church for this district, owns eighty acres near the townsite, which is now valued at $5,000. Winfield Visitor.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 25, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
This afternoon J. P. Deimer was arrested at his home in Bolton Township, one mile east of Salt City. The warrant was issued on the complaint of his wife, Elizabeth Deimer, who charges that he threatened her with assault and to take her life, and that she has cause to fear him. The complaint was sworn out last evening. Deimer was taken before Judge Kreamer, and up to time of going to press the court had taken no action in the matter. The plaintiff and defendant are both well along in years, the latter having the appearance of being some  5 [? Part of age left out?] years of age.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, April 22, 1922.
Taylor Petite, one of the old-time residents of Sumner County, but now living east of Ponca City, Okla., was in the city yesterday visiting the firm of Hoffman & Ward, the feed mill men. This was a social visit and it was enjoyed talking over old times. Mr. Petite said that when he first came to Sumner County, Geuda Springs was called “Salt City.” Mr. Hoffman, who is also an old-time settler, said he saw salt produced at “Salt City” in 1879. The water was put in salt vats and when it evaporated, the salt was taken out. Mr. Petite remarked that “they had to kill a man to start a graveyard at what is now Geuda Springs.” The man who did the killing was named Burkey, and he shot a man while in the act of trying to steal one of his mules. “The victim of this shot was the first man to be buried in Geuda Springs.”Mr. Hoffman stated.
[Above item was the very last one found on Salt City. It appears to me that Mr. Hoffman might have been referring to “Berkey” rather than “Burkey.” Doubt if his memory was good relative to a man being killed and as a result a graveyard was started at Geuda Springs. MAW]


Cowley County Historical Society Museum