East Bolton, Salt City, Texas, Arkansas City.
Arkansas City Directory 1893.
H. Waldo, 78; spouse, Susan, 61.
Riverview Cemetery, Arkansas City, Kansas.
J. H. Waldo, born ?, space 1, lot 32, block H, Old Addition.
Susan J. Waldo, born 1832, space 8, lot 53, block K, Old Addition.
Horatio Waldo, Sr., born 1815, space 6, lot 53, block K, Old Addition.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 25, 1877.
Having bought Houghton & McLaughlin’s store south of the old bridge, will keep on hand a general stock of STAPLE DRY GOODS! BOOTS, SHOES AND GROCERIES, Which he will sell at the lowest possible price for cash. Call and see me. Frank Waldo.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
I WILL SELL fifteen yards of best standard prints for one dollar, and twelve yards of Merrimac for the same. FRANK WALDO, Salt City.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
This town is prospering finely. Mr. Thomas Royal, formerly of the firm of Todd and Royal, of Wichita, keeps the hotel in this place, and has ample accommodations for the trading public. He also has a large livery stable which he has been fitting up of late. Mr. Royal is also Superintendent of the Coal Company here, and expects to continue drilling. He has propositions from different parties to do the work.
Frank Waldo is going to move his goods into Royal’s store building, the present building being not large enough. Dr. Arnold will remove his office to the building that Frank occupies at present. He has been located here for the last seven months, and has established a good practice throughout the surrounding country.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 31, 1877.
FRANK WALDO is going to move his goods in a large building, the present building is not large enough. Frank is doing good business.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 12, 1877.
Frank Waldo bids fair to make a success of the stock of dry goods and groceries he has on hand, judging from his prices and the way he is handling over the goods.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 19, 1877.
SALT CITY ITEM. The store of Frank Waldo was entered on Monday night of last week, by cutting a hole in the door and pulling back the bolt. Mr. Waldo was at church at the time, and had taken all the money out of the drawer except one cent, which the thief took.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 9, 1878.
Below will be found a partial list of our lands and town lots, both improved and unimproved, we have for sale. This property is situated in the most desirable portion of Kansas, the great Arkansas River Valley, and adjacent thereto. The climate in this locality is unsurpassed, and the land is as fertile as any in the West. This portion of Kansas is keeping pace with the civilization of the age in building Railroads, Churches, and School Houses. Come here if you want a very desirable home for a very small amount of money.
E ½ of NW ¼ sec 5, tp 34, S R 4 E. Upland; known as the Waldo tract. Price $300.
Inquire of J. C. McMullen or Jas. Christian, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 6, 1878.
Last Saturday night William Skinner and Hugh Steiner, aged about eighteen years, met in Frank Waldo’s store and engaged in some bitter words against each other. The bystanders knew that an ill feeling had existed between the two since the 4th of July, at which time the boys had a quarrel at a picnic, and thinking there would be trouble, sent for A. H. Acton, Justice of the Peace. Mr. Acton soon came and separated the two, took the pocket knife from young Skinner, and handing it to his son, asked Skinner to go home with him. As they were turning to go, the knife was handed back to Skinner by Acton’s son. As soon as Skinner got the knife, he made a rush at Steiner and stuck him between the lower ribs, at the same time exclaiming: “There, d__n you, take that!” Steiner than ran out of the store accompanied by Acton’s son. From the store they went to a hay loft, and hid by crawling under the hay. The matter was talked over, and it was concluded that it would not do to let it pass unnoticed, and a warrant was issued for the arrest of the avenger. After some searching, they were heard talking in the hay loft, and constable Sam Axley ordered them to come out. Young Acton did so, but declared that Skinner was not there. A lantern was procured, and the constable went into the mow and Skinner came out and gave himself up.
It was a very unfortunate affair, and the parents of both parties feel deeply aggrieved. There is too much of a desperate spirit manifested among men, and generally indulged in by boys to shoot or use a knife on the slightest provocation, that should be discouraged by all law-abiding citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, February 13, 1878.
A Card. Editor Traveler: In your notice of the stabbing affray at Salt City, the inference would be that Willie Skinner was entirely in fault, and as it may be judicially investigated, it is but justice to both parties to state the facts. Until the day of the trial, I did not know of any difficulty on the 4th of July, and all I now know is what Mr. Steiner told me. Doubtless Willie Skinner was badly to blame for the language used on that day; but it is also a fact known to many that it would not have occurred but for the whiskey sold at the picnic, to minors and others, that day.
On Saturday last I sent Willie Skinner to Salt Springs, and in the evening he was in Waldo’s store. Some boys, ready to get others into trouble if they can escape, went to the church where Hugh Steiner was, and by rapping on the window and loud talk, succeeded in stopping the discourse and attracting Steiner’s attention. Steiner left the church and went with the other boys to the store, where the trouble began.
Esquire Acton stopped the disturbance, and Willie Skinner left for Acton’s house. Steiner, urged on by others, followed after and declaring the thing must be settled, raised his hand as if to strike. Then came the trouble. No “rush for Steiner;” no “d__n you, take that.”
Such, Mr. Editor, any responsible citizen of Salt Springs will tell you, and many will state further that Willie Skinner did only what the most of older men would have done. No trouble would have occurred between the boys had it not been for the meddlesome interference of others, who are far more to blame than either of the boys.
Three Justices sat on the trial, and fined Willie Skinner $10, which fact ought to satisfy any man that the blame was not entirely on one side. I will say that the father of Hugh Steiner acted like a gentleman, and reported the fuss as brought on by others. WM. SKINNER.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 13, 1878.
FRANK WALDO has closed his store at Salt City, and Wm. Berkey has the entire trade of that community.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 22, 1878.
CHARLES GALLERT, BILLY GRAY, and FRANK WALDO have departed for Oregon and Washington Territory in a wagon. They expect to be two or three months on the trip, and promise to write occasionally. Charley and Billy have lived in this vicinity for many years, and the boys could not help regretting to part with many old acquaintances. “You can look for them back before the grass is green in another year,” is predicted by many.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 19, 1879.
Letter from Texas by C. M. Scott. On turning around one day on the square of Sherman, we were accosted with “dinner sir!” and on looking at the individual we recognized our young friend, Frank Waldo, the head man of a good restaurant, and clearing about $50 a week. Frank sends his regards to all the girls and boys—especially the girls.
Frank Waldo of Texas visits sister, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin...
Arkansas City Traveler, August 8, 1883.
Frank Waldo, formerly of this place but late of Texas, is visiting his sister, Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin. It looks natural to see Frank’s smiling countenance about again.
Frank Waldo working for L. McLaughlin & Co., grocers...
Arkansas City Republican, March 6, 1886.
Having located with L. McLaughlin & Co., Grocers, I would be glad to see all my old friends at the above named place. Yours, FRANK WALDO.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 19, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Frank Waldo purchased a cottage of Dr. Vawter in the 4th ward today; consideration $700.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, June 26, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
The trial of Bill McCoy for selling beer is going on in Judge Kreamer’s court today. The jury was impaneled this morning: Frank Waldo, Tip Davenport, H. P. Standley, G. Allen, Al. Mowry, J. M. Godfrey, H. Annis, N. Kirkpatrick, Hugh Ford, John Landes, R. W. Campbell, and Frederick Lockley compose the jury.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Tuesday’s Daily.
Frank Waldo sold his fourth ward property this morning to O. D. Smith for $700.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 10, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Frank Waldo has accepted a position with Wm. Decker, the A. T. & S. F.’s licensed trader. Frank leaves tomorrow for his quarters along the line in the Territory.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, July 24, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
Frank Waldo came up from W. S. Decker’s store down at Ponca last evening. He will return Friday.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 7, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
Frank Waldo is the company portion of the coal firm of P. L. Snyder & Co. Frank has concluded that he would remain in Arkansas City as he has gone into business. The REPUBLICAN takes pleasure in recommending this firm to the public. They are gentlemanly, courteous, and enterprising.
Horatio Waldo, father of Frank and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, from Sherman, Texas, comes for a visit...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 21, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. Waldo arrived in the city on the noon train today. He is the father of Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, and will visit here for an indefinite time. His home is at Sherman, Texas.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.
Horatio Waldo, of Sherman, Texas, father to Frank Waldo and Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin, is on a visit to the city, and is charmed with the activity that surrounds him.
Horatio Waldo and family become citizens; Frank Waldo marries Clara Barnett...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
H. Waldo, wife and daughter, Miss Laura, arrived in the city last evening from Sherman, Texas. This is to be their future home. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo are the parents of Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin and our Frank Waldo, who is united in marriage this evening.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 9, 1886.
MARRIED. Last evening at the home of the bride’s parents at 8 p.m., Miss Clara Barnett and Frank A. Waldo were united in marriage by Rev. J. P. Witt. The ceremony was performed in the presence of a large number of invited friends and the presents they showered upon the new couple indicates the high esteem in which they were held. The bride is the daughter of one of Arkansas City’s most respected families; the groom, well, we can say no worse for him than he is a gentleman. The happy couple at the conclusion of the festivities wended their way to their new home in the fourth ward, which Mr. Waldo had fitted up in becoming style to receive his bride. This morning Mr. and Mrs. Waldo partook of their first meal. The REPUBLICAN extends congratulations.
H. and Frank Waldo lease corner lots owned by J. H. Hilliard for coal, feed, grain business...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 16, 1886. From Wednesday’s Daily.
H. Waldo and son, Frank, have leased the corner lots of J. H. Hilliard and will embark in the coal, feed, and grain business. Since Frank has got a family to support, he says he cannot afford to be idle and so has commenced business again. The REPUBLICAN wishes the new firm success.
F. A. Waldo & Co.: Name of firm owned by Horatio and Frank A. Waldo...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 23, 1886. From Monday’s Daily.
F. A. Waldo & Co., have opened up for business.
Harry McLaughlin: shot by Edward Waldo, son of Frank Waldo...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 13, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
Shot in the Neck. Yesterday afternoon, between 4 and 5 o’clock, Harry McLaughlin was shot in the neck by Edward Waldo. It was done in play. The boys have been in the habit of playing with some revolvers and when the accident occurred, were playing “shoot each other” in T. H. McLaughlin’s wood shed. They were engaged in snapping the weapons at each other when the one Master Waldo was using went off and Harry fell to the ground, the bullet taking effect in the neck. The revolver had no sooner been fired than the boy realized that he had shot his playmate and fainted. Harry arose from the ground, hid the revolvers, and assisted in bringing Edward to consciousness. Instead of telling anyone of the accident, Harry tied a handkerchief around his neck and the two boys went to the residence of Mr. Waldo, almost half a mile distant. When asked why he had his neck tied up, he replied that it was stiff and made other evasive answers. Finally the truth was learned, and then Dr. J. A. Mitchell was called, who probed for the ball but failed to find it. The boy exhibited a wonderful nerve, scarcely flinching during the examination. He was taken to his home later on where he rested quietly during the night. How severe the shot may prove to be is not yet known.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, November 20, 1886. From Thursday’s Daily.
Go to F. A. Waldo & Co., for coal.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, December 4, 1886. From Friday’s Daily.
F. A. Waldo & Co. will have next week a carload of “candle coal.” This coal will burn in about any stove as it requires no draft.
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 5, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
Mrs. Frank Waldo has an attack of measles.
F. A. Waldo & Co. sell feed, grain, and coal business to Allton & Leach...
Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, February 26, 1887. From Friday’s Daily.
F. A. Waldo & Co., have sold their feed, grain, and coal business to Allton & Leach.
[Above was the last item found on Frank Waldo. MAW]