Looking for the man who was a cattleman...
I did not find out who he was. He probably was located elsewhere.
Below are listed names of the different “Welch” people I found. There was enough information to place “Thomas Welch” in a separate file. I had to quit after March 1886 with the Winfield Courier. MAW February 21, 2002.
Cedar Township 1882:
Welch, Ira D., 58; spouse, Mary A., 40.
Dexter Township 1882:
Welch, H. L., 46; spouse, M. D., 41.
Arkansas City 1893:
Welch, J. C., 72; spouse, Kate, 66.
Welch, Joseph, 25; spouse, Jessie, 21.
J. H. Welch...
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1874.
One Man Killed and Ten Seriously Wounded.
An accident occurred last Saturday at the saw and grist mills of Lacy & Roberts on the Grouse Creek. One man was killed and ten seriously wounded, besides a large number slightly wounded. Below we give our correspondence on the subject, which will give the details.
LAZETTE, March 8th, 1874.
ED. COURIER. A terrible accident occurred at the mill of Lacy & Roberts on Saturday about 12 o’clock M. by which one man was killed, ten wounded. The mill was running at its usual speed, grinding corn, the steam gauge standing at forty pounds. Everything seemed to be in perfect order; the mill house was full of men waiting for their grinding, when by some unknown means the iron band that held the stone together bursted and runner flew into atoms knocking people down and tearing the mill house to pieces, throwing fragments some twenty or thirty yards.
Freeman Wedding was struck by a large stone, which crushed his hips to a jelly and dislocated his back. The poor sufferer lingered for an hour and then expired. He leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss.
Among the wounded were Samuel Sherman, Gear Dawson, Wm. Gintes, Wm. Gubbond, Hezis. Hodgkiss, Delfunt Sutton, My Kimble, Messrs. Lacy and Roberts, and two others, names unknown. It is thought by the physicians in attendance that all the wounded will recover.
The mill is situated on the Grouse Creek four miles above Lazette, and has been doing a prosperous business for some two years. The proprietors are deeply grieved at the disaster, and they have the sympathy of the entire community.
Yours respectfully, COLUMBUS SPRAGUE.
We, the undersigned, who were present at the mill of Roberts & Lacy at the time the burr burst, by which one man was killed and others wounded, take this method of exonerating the proprietors and employees of the mill from all blame, It was in our opinion, an unavoidable accident.
One of those who signed: J. H. Welch.
M. E. Welch...
Arkansas City Traveler, April 12, 1876.
MR. M. E. WELCH, a stone cutter from Osage Agency, has located among us.
Arkansas City Traveler, June 28, 1876.
MR. W. H. WILSON, north of town, is building a stone house 21 by 20. Welch & Glenn are doing the work.
Arkansas City Traveler, September 20, 1876.
The following persons were appointed last Saturday as delegates and alternates to the Democratic Convention, to be held at Winfield on Saturday, the 23rd.
Delegates: J. Benedict, A. Walton, T. McIntire, P. F. Endicott, A. J. Burrell, M. E. Welch.
Alternates: W. M. Berkey, Wm. Green, Jno. Harmon, S. Johnson, W. Dolby, Wm. Gray.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
MR. M. E. WELCH, of this place, desires to contract for any church, house, or barn that may be built in Cowley or Sumner counties. Mr. Welch is a thoroughly reliable and expert workman, and can do as good work in his line, for as little money, as any man we know of. He is now engaged in building the new church at Winfield. Try him.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 13, 1876.
Brick Laying or Stone Work.
M. E. WELCH, Arkansas City, Kansas, desires to inform the people of Cowley and Sumner counties that he is prepared to contract for and build Churches, Houses, and Barns of any description. Best of references given.
Winfield Courier, January 11, 1877.
A Cornerstone.
The cornerstone of the new M. E. Church building was favorably lowered to its resting place yesterday, at 2 o’clock p.m. A derrick had been erected over the northwest corner of the sub-structure of the edifice and a beautiful white magnesia limestone two feet in length, eighteen inches wide, and one foot in thickness, with a cavity chiseled upon its lower side, prepared for the occasion. Between the hours of one and two p.m., a procession was formed in front of Masonic Hall, composed principally of members of the Masonic fraternity, including several from the Arkansas City and Douglass lodges. The order of procession was as follows: First, Tyler, with drawn sword, stewards, master masons, members of the order, band of music, city officers, Royal Arch Masons, past master, oldest member of the order, carrying bible, square, and compass, chaplain and orator, wardens of Winfield Lodge deputy G. M., deacons on either side. The procession marched to music to the building grounds. A large concourse of people were already at the appointed place.
The ceremony of settling the consecrated stone in the place where it shall rest for ages, commenced by an invocative prayer, full of eloquence, passion, and pathos, from Rev. Platter. At this point of the proceeding the ancient order of Masons conducted the ceremony. High Priest Read was master of the occasion. The stone was squared, leveled, and plumbed, corned, oiled, and wined, surrounded with jewels, badges, weapons, and ceremonial words that were imposing and impressive, but not fully comprehended by the uninitiated.
The High Priest produced a small tin box containing a copy of the Telegram, Traveler, and COURIER. Also, a history of the county of Cowley, city of Winfield, M. E. Church Society, a list of its officers, name of pastor, names of contributors to the building fund, a specimen of all American coins, a centennial 25 cent piece, and other mementos of interest to “ages yet to be” and in presence of the audience it was sealed and placed in the under side of the stone.
Contractor Welch then, by direction of the High Priest, settled the “cornerstone,” amid benedictions, music by the choir and band. Rev. Rushbridge delivered an oration that came from the heart and went to the hearts of his hearers. The benedictions being pronounced and doxology sung, the assembly dispersed. Taken all together the occasion was the most noted that ever transpired in our little frontier city, and will long be remembered by the participants.
Winfield Courier, February 8, 1877.
MR. WELCH, the contractor on the M. E. Church at this place, has been dangerously ill at his home in Arkansas City this week.
Winfield Courier, April 5, 1877.
M. E. Welch, the contractor and superintendent of the stone work upon the M. E. church building in this place, is a well skilled mechanic and is executing tip-top work on the building in hand. When completed it will be a credit to him as well as to the city.
Arkansas City Traveler, August 15, 1877.
The house built by Mr. Chamberlain on Central Avenue, some years ago, has been moved to Summit street, between Kager’s and Al. Horn’s buildings. Mr. Welch had the contract for moving it. It is to be rented for a saloon by some parties now in Wichita.
M. E. Welch buys Houghton’s interest in grocery store; teams up with Mantor...
Arkansas City Traveler, September 5, 1877.
CHANGE. R. A. HOUGHTON sold his interest in the grocery store to M. E. Welch last week. The firm will be Mantor & Welch, who will continue to give bargains in groceries, queensware, etc. R. A. Houghton will open a clothing house in the two-story building recently moved to Summit street opposite the Traveler office in the spring.
M. E. Welch...
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
The Democrats of this township held a meeting Saturday night and elected five delegates and five alternates to attend the Democratic nominating convention at Winfield next Saturday. The delegates are M. E. Welch, Amos Walton, Noah Kimmel, A. J. Burrell, and M. R. Leonard.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 10, 1877.
JUST RECEIVED. 1,000 pounds of Side and Breakfast bacon, at Mantor & Welch’s.
Arkansas City Traveler, October 17, 1877.
This space reserved for Mantor & Welch,
successors to R. A. Houghton & Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 27, 1878.
We welcome the return of Mr. Welch, who left here last spring in search of health. He now has the physical appearance of the average giant, and is ready for active business. Be up and doing for the Santa Fe road.
Winfield Courier, May 30, 1878.
For the week ending May 27, 1878.
M. E. Welch and wife to Wm. Rhodes, lot 4, block 91, Arkansas City; $500.
Arkansas City Traveler, July 16, 1879.
We regret to state that Mr. M. E. Welch has been compelled to quit business, suffering from swelling of the veins in his right limb. His many friends hope he will find speedy relief.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, July 23, 1879
M. E. Welch and family started for Colorado last Friday morning.
Arkansas City Traveler, January 28, 1880
Mr. Welch and his little son, Manford, have returned from Santa Fe.
Mr. Welch???...
Winfield Courier, October 21, 1880.
The contract for the building of the new schoolhouse at this place was given to Mr. Welch, of Grouse Creek. Work will begin in a short time.
Mr. Welch...
Winfield Courier, February 23, 1882.
Mr. Dave Merydith will soon move on Crab Creek. He has rented his place at Dexter to Mr. Welch.
Wm. Welch of Pleasant Valley...
Winfield Courier, September 27, 1883.
Last week Nick Williams, Wm. Welch, Owen and Steve McCollum, of Pleasant Valley, were brought before Justice Soward on the charge of disturbing the peace of the Odessa neighborhood at night by shooting and using obscene language on the highway. The case was continued to this week, and after a day and a half’s arbitration, the jury found them guilty, and a fine of five dollars and the costs, about two hundred dollars, was assessed against them.
Peter Welch of Creswell...
Arkansas City Traveler, March 5, 1884.
Mr. Peter Welch, of Creswell, by the accidental discharge of a gun last week, so injured his left hand that amputation is thought to be necessary.
Samuel Welch...
Winfield Courier, July 24, 1884.
Commissioners’ Proceedings, July, 1884 session.
[Listing names only.]
REGULAR JURY. T. J. Anderson, J. W. Aley, J. W. Browning, H. J. Donnelly, Jonas Seedy, R. R. Longshore, Wm. Mercer, Samuel C. Kelly, George Russell.
SPECIAL VENIRE. Joseph Abrams, C. G. Bradberry, George Esterly, J. M. Jarvis, Warren Wood, R. N. Huff, D. S. Beadle, E. B. Gault, J. F. Carter, Z. B. Myer, J. M. Midcalf, A. DeTurk, T. F. Axtel, Adin Post, J. S. Pickering, I. H. Bonsall.
TALESMEN. David Doty, H. Zimmerman, James Tweedle, Samuel Welch, Alex McCartney, Charles Cunningham, Lafayette Wells, Ransom Crinin, J. W. Jackson, M. S. Teter, Noble Caldwell, Samuel Bard, Samuel Smedley, M. M. Scott, B. F. Wood, E. F. Blair, Wm. Trezise, John Waters, Lewis Meyers, S. E. Burger, J. J. Plank, J. P. Short, A. H. Doan, H. C. Loomis, D. Rodocker, J. O. Mack, D. W. Frew, H. W. Stubblefield, Sampson Johnson, Daniel Hunt, W. J. Hodges, W. P. Hostetter, F. M. Freeland, Joseph Davis, S. H. Jennings, H. Baxter, R. B. Mitchell, H. B. Wakefield, T. A. Blanchard, S. Cure, J. C. Monforte, Jr., D. Robertson, John Ross, John Mentch, J. W. Arrowsmith.
Charles Welch...
Arkansas City Republican, August 23, 1884.
The following is a list of teachers granted certificates at the late examination.
Listed as a teacher: Charles Welch.
R. A. Welch and Thos. Welch...
Abstract of County Auditor’s Report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.
The following is an abstract of the report of the claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D., 1884.
[Report Showed To Whom/For What/Claimed/Allowed.]
R. A. Welch. Road damages.
Thos. Welch. Road damages.
[Note: Thomas Welch covered in separate file. MAW]
Wm. Welch...
Arkansas City Republican, April 4, 1885.
Wm. Welch, a youth, while fooling with a loaded revolver Thursday evening, was shot through the second finger, the ball lodging in the little finger. Dr. Chapel dressed the wounds.
Gene B. Welch...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
An expectant party of four of our best young men, composed of Aus. F. Hopkins, Addison Brown, Claude Rinker, and Gene Welch, lit out Thursday for a three weeks’ vacation in the wilds of the western counties. Claude’s team and lumber wagon were the means of transportation, accompanied by a complete camping outfit and enough guns and ammunition to kill the whole Cheyenne tribe—or a cotton tail rabbit. The boys are innocent and credulous and we don’t blame them for going as a kind of perambulating armory. They will certainly have the grand time they expect, and will return weighing four hundred pounds apiece, more or less.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 10, 1885.
Gene B. Welch, who has been with Sam Myton for some time past, left Monday for Syracuse, Kansas, where he will start a hardware store on his own hook. Gene is one of those sterling young fellows who will succeed anywhere, and in wishing him success, we know our wish will reach its fruition.
Lydia Welch...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds yesterday.
Lydia Welch to J Wade McDonald, ne qr 34-31-5e: $30.00
David H. Welch...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 4, 1886.
David H. Welch and Mary McWilliams, James Liggett and Anna E. Coats are the last to take the blissful path of matrimony. The latter couple were married by Judge Gans Tuesday. They live near Dexter.