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Winfield Gas Company

Winfield Courier, September 20, 1883.
                                                               Gas Works.
On Monday evening the council passed an ordinance granting to Wm. Whiting the right to lay gas pipes in the streets and alleys of the city. The Colonel intends to take immediate steps toward the erection of the works and in a short time we may expect the city to be lit throughout with gas.
Winfield Courier, October 4, 1883.
At the Council meeting Monday evening, Col. Whiting filed his acceptance of the gas-works franchise, and will commence work in a few weeks.
Winfield Courier, October 18, 1883.
                                                               Gas Works.
On Monday evening the Council closed a contract with Col. Whiting to light the city with gas, agreeing to take light for sixty posts at an annual rental of thirty dollars each, with provisions for extending the mains as the growth of the city demands. This contract insures the speedy erection of the works and means another step in the public improvement of our city. The lighting of the streets, stores, and residences with gas will add much to the beauty of the city and the convenience of its citizens. The location of gas mains was fixed as follows: On Main street from 6th to 12th; on 8th east to Andrews; on 9th east to Andrews; on 10th east to Andrews; on 11th east to Andrews; 12th east to Loomis; on 8th west to Mansfield; on 9th west to Walton; on 10th west to Mansfield; on Manning from 10th south to 12th; on Mansfield from 9th south to 12th; on Menor from 10th south to 12th; on Stewart from 9th south to 11th. This plat takes in the thickly settled portions of the city and makes between three and four miles of mains. The location of the gas posts will give rows of lights both ways on the streets upon which the mains are laid, with two for each street crossing on Main street and near the churches.
Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.
                                                    Winfield Gas Company.
Last Thursday afternoon the “Winfield Gas Company” was formed. It will build the Gas Works under the franchises granted by the City to Col. Whiting. The incorporators of the company are J. C. Fuller, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, Ed. P. Greer, and Frank Barclay. The officers of the Company are J. C. Fuller, President; Wm. Whiting, Vice President; Ed. P. Greer, Secretary; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer. Steps were taken to push the work through as rapidly as the material can be laid on the ground. The works will be first-class in every respect, and will be built on a scale that will supply the city should it grow to four times its proportions. The cost of the Works when completed will be between forty and fifty thousand dollars.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.
The acceptance by Wm. Whiting of the gas ordinance was ordered filed and spread upon the council proceedings.

Winfield Courier, March 6, 1884.
The Winfield Gas Works closed a contract with Mr. John Maxwell on Monday for putting in the Gas Works at once. Mr. Maxwell will be remembered as the gentleman who laid the water mains here last summer. Since then he has been engaged in the erection of gas works at El Paso, Texas. He will begin the work in about a week and push it through rapidly. He expects to have the completed works ready to turn over to the company in four months.
Winfield Courier, March 13, 1884.
J. F. McMullen, attorney for the Gas Company, filed a written request for the appointment of a committee to locate the places for the erection of the gas ports. Councilmen McMullen, Wilson, and Kretsinger were appointed as such committee.
Ordinance No. 184, contracting for the supply of gas to the city of Winfield to light the streets and public buildings of said city was passed and approved by the mayor.
The Winfield Gas Company filed a statement locating its main buildings and appurtenances for the manipulation of gas on out lot No. 3 lying north of Fifth Avenue and west of Main Street within the corporate limits of the city. The location was accepted by the council.
Winfield Courier, March 20, 1884.
The location of the gas works buildings is opposite the elevator on north Main street, and the “holder” is now being excavated. It will be a circular hole fifty-one feet across and fourteen feet deep. The piping is arriving and will soon be put under the streets.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884. Editorial.
We publish in this issue a communication on City extravagance. While we commend the general ideas advanced by the writer and the policy he sets forth as of the greatest importance to the city, we must say in justice to the present city councilmen that the extravagancies complained of, have been practically forced upon the council by the public clamor for water works, gas works, fire companies, and other conveniences and improvements at whatever cost. The mayor and councilmen have been much more conservative than the people in respect to these things. There has been a very heavy and practically unanimous pressure for these expenditures, but the Council, while yielding to the popular demand, has invariably cut down the cost to the city as far as possible and achieve the end demanded. The fault is in the people instead of in the Council, that we have been too extravagant.
We, too, think that more revenue should be raised from the tramp peddlers, shows, and other things referred to, and that citizens should suggest and advise in the matter, and the Council will readily adopt any measure to that end which appears good and practicable. Educate the people and the council will get educated fast enough.

But it is time to call a halt and attend to these things. We have our water works and our gas works are coming very soon, both at too much expense. We must not add anything to these expenses until we see by practical test of what we have that further expense is necessary and can be well afforded. In selecting men for council, we should be sure that they are men who will save all the expense possible, consistent with the interests of the city, and collect all the revenue possible from the sources mentioned consistent with justice and fair dealing.
Winfield Courier, March 27, 1884.
                                                      Municipal Extravagance.
Editor of the Courier:
As the greater part of the money expended is raised by direct taxation, I desire to enter a protest against the extravagant and reckless expenditure of the public money by the City Council.
With two more years of municipal financial management like the past and Winfield will be a good town to move out of; or at least a good place in which to own no property.
While we have had water and gas schemes put through that practically bond the city for a large sum, I think the last move caps the climax. I refer to the renting for five years at $25 per month of an open front stone storeroom, 25 x 100 feet deep, for the storage of two small hand hose carts, worth about what the five years rent will come to. While I am a friend of the owner and would like to see him get all he could for the building, I am opposed to saddling any white elephant onto the city. Twenty-five dollars a year would secure ground in a more central location and $300 would erect a suitable building.
The amount foolishly expended in fitting up a grand council chamber in which to hold meetings once or twice per month would have erected the building, and at the end of five years, including rent and depreciation of value of building, the city would not be out more than $300. When you were  Mayor, the city paid from twenty-five to forty dollars per annum for rent; afterwards, when the revenue from saloons alone amounted to $3,000, per annum, the Council hesitated for some time before paying ten dollars per month for a Council room, and then only because they were compelled to furnish the police judge with an office. Today the city is paying at the rate of nearly $500 per month for rent alone and are levying a tax of five mills or one-half the amount levied by the County.
While I am on the subject, it strikes me that a city with water and gas, and a high toned Council with bank parlor council chamber, ought to derive more outside revenue and thus relieve the taxpayer; for instance, when the city was receiving two or three thousand dollars from saloon licenses, it taxed the drug stores sixty dollars a year for selling liquor, now the saloons are gone and the drug stores do the bulk of the liquor business and pay nothing. The express companies do the balance of the liquor business and pay no more than before.
Instead of erecting city scales and deriving a large revenue, our business (?) Council give the whole thing to a private individual, who pays the magnificent sum of five dollars for the use of the street and the privilege of making hundreds, if not thousands, per year.
Traveling entertainments who take in from two to five hundred dollars at the door, generously donate the city two dollars (all it asks) for the opportunity. Apparently ways and means for increasing the outside revenue are not considered, but money is spent with a free hand; when the time comes, the cost is counted, a direct tax levied, and then whoop her up for another year. For one, I think it time to call a halt and as the time approaches for electing new officers, men should be selected who will use the same care and judgment in conducting municipal affairs that they would in their private interests, and a Mayor with sand enough to veto some of the many schemes for downing the taxpayer, would not come amiss at this time. Respectfully, TAX PAYER.

Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The report of committee on location of gas ports was adopted.
Petition to have stock yards, elevator, and gas works removed were referred to the committee on Public Health.
Winfield Courier, April 10, 1884.
The gas pipes are being distributed along the streets. The holder, retort, house, and purifying rooms are also being pushed rapidly forward. The company expect to be able to turn on gas within sixty days.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
The Gas Works at the North end of Main street are “looming up.” The walls will be completed in about ten days. About half of the five mile plant of Mains is now in. The company expects to have the works completed for a grand illumination on the Fourth of July night.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884.
Lou Nichols, a young man working on the gas works trenches, ran a sharp-pointed pick into the marrow of his left instep bone, last Friday. It made a bad wound and may prove very serious before he gets through with it.
Winfield Courier, April 24, 1884. [Part of City Council Meeting.]
The committee on Public Health reported that after investigation, they found no cause for granting the petition for removal of the elevator, stock yards, or gasworks buildings, in the north part of the city, and the report was adopted.
Winfield Courier, May 15, 1884.
The immense cistern for the holder at the Gas Works is about completed and the workmen will arrive from St. Louis next week to put up the iron work. About three and a half miles of mains are laid and the buildings are ready for the machinery and iron roofing.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Things have been lively around the gas works during the past week.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The gas company is preparing for a grand illumination on the night of July Fourth.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
The consumption of gas will far exceed the expectations of the company. Nearly every business house in the city will use it. Many private residences and offices are also being connected with the mains.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
                                                            The Gas Works.
A force of men arrived from St. Louis last week and are now at work putting up the immense iron holder for the gas works. The first fires were started in the furnaces last Friday for the purpose of slowly drying them out. The mains are all laid and the gas posts for lighting the city are in place. Prominent gas men from St. Louis have visited the works during the week and say they have never seen a more complete and substantial job. Superintendent Whiting states that gas will be turned on by the evening of the 29th.

Winfield Courier, June 26, 1884.
FIRE WORKS. In the evening the city will be illuminated with a blaze of gas lights and the grandest display of fire works ever seen in Southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, July 3, 1884.
                                                       OUR GAS WORKS.
     Another Step in the Progress of Winfield Which Makes her a Modern City in Every Way.
                                                THE WORKS COMPLETED.
From month to month and from year to year during the last twelve years, the COURIER has chronicled as faithfully as it could the growth and advancement of Winfield. Beginning with the erection of the first brick building in a column and a half article under a screaming eagle and a booming cannon, it has come down through the successive steps of the first railroad, the second railroad, then the water works, coupled with so many enterprises on every hand that it has grown to accept these steps in the city’s advancement as a matter of course, and things that, in its early history, would have resurrected every old wood cut in the office, now pass with a five line notice. As it is with the COURIER, so it is with our people. For the past three months the Winfield Gas Company has been piling up brick, mortar, and stone, laying mains and erecting machinery without creating any particular sensation, and at eleven o’clock Saturday evening, President Fuller and Superintendent Whiting threw into the furnaces the first shovels-full of coal that set the works going for all time to come.
The ordinances granting the rights and franchises to Col. Wm. Whiting were passed by the city council last September. Soon after the Winfield Gas Company was organized and chartered. In the organization Mr. J. C. Fuller was chosen President; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer; and Ed. P. Greer, Secretary. To this company was assigned the franchises given by the city to Mr. Whiting. In the month of March the task of erecting the works was begun. The completed works will cost about forty thousand dollars. They are first-class throughout and have a capacity sufficient to supply the city until it contains twenty thousand inhabitants.
From the time the first charge was put into the retorts Saturday evening until the present writing, not a leak has been found, nor mistake in arrangement or the placing of complicated machinery detected. This is a record heretofore unknown and due to the mechanical skill and high honor and ability of Mr. John Maxwell, under whose direction every section of pipe and every piece of machinery was placed. Of Mr. Maxwell’s ability as a workman and integrity as a contractor, we cannot speak too highly. Suffice it to say that both the Winfield Gas Company and the Winfield Water Company (whose works he also put in) will back him “to the uttermost ends of the earth.” He is one of the few men we have met thus far who fulfill the spirit as well as the letter of his contracts.
About forty connections to stores, offices, and residences have been made, in addition to the sixty street lamps, and most every business house and a large number of private residences will be connected as soon as the plumbers can get to them. The consumption guaranteed the Gas Company insures the financial success from the start.
The gas will probably be turned on next Friday.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.

The Gas Works were shut down Monday for the purpose of putting another coat of cement on the cistern and getting ready for permanent business. The company is well pleased with the test and everything seems to work smoothly. Light will be turned on Saturday night.
Winfield Courier, July 10, 1884.
               RECAP. Fourth of July Celebration: Fully Fifteen Thousand People Present.
On the evening of the 3rd the old soldiers gathered in large numbers at the G. A. R. headquarters and marched to the tune of “Old John Brown” to the beautiful Fair Ground Park. Here they found tents already pitched and everything in readiness for them to chase the festive bean around the camp fire and retell the thrilling stories which will never grow old to the comrades-in-arms. Regular old-fashioned “hard-tack” had been supplied in abundance and a happy reunion was had that night by the boys who wore the blue. After supper, headed by the Burden, Courier, and Juvenile bands, a torchlight procession marched into town. By sunrise Friday morning people from all sections began to pour in. . . .
The Gas Company turned on a full head both Thursday and Friday evenings and the sixty bright lamp posts, with the stores illuminated with gas lights, gave the city a brilliant appearance.
Winfield Courier, July 31, 1884.
The gas works are now running for all time and a brighter, better light was never produced. With the sixty lamp posts and most of our store buildings lit up, the city presents a really brilliant appearance.
Winfield Courier, August 7, 1884.
Notice by the Winfield Gas Company that they had finished the system of gas-works as contemplated by Ordinances No. 176 and 177, was referred to a special committee consisting of Councilmen Hodges, McDonald, and McGuire.
Winfield Courier, December 4, 1884.
                                                         The City Parliament.
It was decided to light the council chamber with gas, the gas company furnishing all fixtures gratis.
Bill of gas company for gas furnished fire department buildings during August and September was rejected.
Winfield Courier, December 18, 1884.
                                       [From Harris & Clark’s Real Estate News.]
Winfield has fine gas works, with which all of the principal streets are lighted, as well as many of the dwellings and business houses.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.
The City Fathers held their regular semi-monthly commune Monday evening last.
Disposition of bills presented.
Winfield Gas Company, lamppost rental to Jan. 1885 $853.15, were referred to finance committee.
Bill of Gas Company, $17.40, for gas furnished fire dept. building, was rejected.
                                                       Our City Parliament.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 5, 1885.

Bill of Gas Company $1.50, gas furnished fire department, rejected.
Finance Committee recommended payment of $838.15 on bill of Gas Company of $853.15, for lamp post rental to Jan. 15th, 1885; action laid over.
                                               OUR CITY GOVERNMENT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1885.
The city “Dads” met in adjourned session Monday evening last, Mayor and all Councilmen present.
The bill of Winfield Gas Company, $853.15 for lamp post rental to January 15, 1885, was ordered paid with a deduction of $345.10, for lights not furnished as per contract. Regarding this deduction, the City Attorney was instructed to agree upon a case with the Gas Company, if after investigation he sees no objectionable features, and submit the matter to this term of the district court for determination. Written opinions of City Attorney O’Hare and J. Wade McDonald, setting forth that the city was not liable to the Gas Company for lights furnished on moonlight nights—for which the above deduction was made—were filed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, June 18, 1885.
The “Dads” of the city met in regular session Monday, President Crippen in the chair, and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, and Harter present.
The petition for extension of gas mains was rejected.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 9, 1885.
W. R. McDonald and Col. Whiting had a slick game played upon them Thursday. While the Colonel was around collecting gas bills, someone stole his account book from his pocket. Some time afterward a party entered Mr. McDonald’s store and presented a bill for $1.25. Mr. McDonald was very busy at the time and made no objection to the demand, thinking it was someone deputized by the Colonel, as he had the regular book, etc. The Colonel coming in afterward demanded the bill a second time. This was a slick game.
                               A COMMUNICATION ON OUR GAS LAMPS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
At the time our city council made the contract with the Gas company of this city to pay them $1,800 a year for the use of gas to light the city, many of our people thought it an outrage for the city to pay so large a sum of money for the use of gas only part of the night. I presume our city pays regularly for the use of the gas according to its contract with the Gas company. But does the Gas company carry out their part of the contract? As an actual observer, I can say they do not, for to my personal knowledge the lamp on the northwest corner of Mansfield street and 12th avenue has not been lit half the time in the last two weeks, and the nights it has been lighted, it has been done from half past to half past ten o’clock; and at this writing half past ten o’clock p.m., the lamp on the above corner is not lighted. Now, there must be something wrong about this business. I have called the attention of one member of the Gas company and also our city marshal to the matter, and still the lamp is not lighted, and our businessmen who have business to attend to downtown after dark have the pleasure of going home in the dark simply because the Gas company are permitted to leave the lamps unlit. I would respectfully call the attention of the city council to this matter that they may take proper steps to guard the interest of the taxpayers of our city and see that we get value received for the money paid for gas. JOHN W. CURNS.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 6, 1885.
The rulers of the city met Monday in regular semi-monthly commune. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen McDonald, Connor, Myers, Crippen, and Harter. Absent: Councilmen Jennings, Baden, and Hodges.
Winfield Gas Company, lamp rent to July 15, 1885, $688.08.
A deduction of $211.82 was made from the amount allowed above to Gas Company, on account of an aggregate of 2,501 lamps not lit during the time specified.
                                               LITIGATION’S LONG LIST.
                                    Trial Docket Cowley County District Court,
                                  September Term, 1885, Commencing Sept. 1st.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
                                                         CIVIL DOCKET.
2087. Winfield Gas Co vs City of Winfield. Jos. O’Hare for plaintiff; J. F. McMullen for defendant.
                                                     THE JUSTICE MILL.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Burton L. Weger vs. City of Winfield. Trial by jury and verdict for defendant, and that the case was without cause of action, throwing the costs on the plaintiff.
                                      RAMBLERS RAMBLING RAMBLES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
Burton L. Weger hasn’t so much faith in municipal generosity as he had. A year or more ago, he fell in an open trench of the gas company, jolting his frame up pretty badly. But his feelings were jolted worse than his frame—they were bruised and bleeding and coupling them with his physical injuries, he put in a claim to the city council for $5,000 damages. It was of course readily refused and suit was instituted in the District Court. Yesterday the case was tried, by jury, with a verdict that the case was without probable cause. Mr. Weger will have to pay the costs, which are near a hundred dollars.
                                                      THE CITY RULERS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.
The City Fathers held their regular conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Myers, Crippen, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilmen Jennings, McDonald, and Hodges.
The finance committee was instructed to deduct, as usual, the moonlight nights from the Gas Company’s bill, and the city attorney was instructed to carry the case of Winfield vs. the Gas Company to the Supreme Court.
The curb-stones around the gas posts, where they interfere with water hydrants, were ordered fixed.
                                                     THE JUSTICE MILL.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 7, 1886.

The case of the Winfield Gas Company vs. the City of Winfield, on construction of ordinance whether the city shall pay for gas on moonlight nights or whether it shall be deducted from the $30 a year per post was grinding before Judge Torrance today. It was presented by the plaintiff in elaborate printed briefs. J. F. McMullen was for the plaintiff and Joe O’Hare for the defense. The Judge decided in favor of Gas Company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 14, 1886.
Joseph Poor drove into the open gas trench in front of the St. James hotel, Thursday. The horse went in with all fours; but fortunately, neither the horse nor buggy was damaged. But Joe put up for the night and made no further ventures.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The trouble with the gas for the last few nights is that the railroads have failed to get the coal through which was ordered in season of the kind which is used for making gas, and the gas company have been obliged to use such coal as they could get in town, which makes bad gas. Besides the company have just put in a new purifier, and such do not purify so well the first few days of their use. This fault is slight and will improve every day, and the coal arrived today. So our troubles will soon be over.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 28, 1886.
The gas works are all right again and are now making the best gas. This experience will teach them to avoid such troubles in future. The bad gas will soon be exhausted and by tomorrow night you will not notice the presence of what little there is left.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 4, 1886.
A number of the outlying gas posts, for an evening or two past, have not been lit. This is not according to the “statoots.” They should all be lit early enough and kept burning till the ordinance hour. This irregularity is probably the neglect of the man who attends to the lamps and will be speedily remedied by the Gas Company. Light up our paths. Darkness is always a stumbling block.
                                                      EVERY “PAT”: GAS.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
Recent improvements are getting the use of gas down “pat;” to a point greatly facilitating everything in light, heat, and power. Among the novel introduction to Winfield is a large gas range for the St. James Hotel, ordered through the Winfield Gas Company. It is the slickest thing in the stove line yet out. Its heat is furnished by perforated pipes, much or small as you  want, each jet being governed by three cocks. Its room is ample to cook for three to five hundred people. The heat is instantaneous and even and at 46 per cent less cost than any other fuel. Then the facilities afford perfection in the culinary art that can’t be equaled by any other mode. The St. James is having modern furnishings throughout and when opened for business, in a few weeks, will be a hostelry hard to beat in the state. It will have about fifty sleeping rooms, all with the neatest and most convenient furnishings.
                                                       ELECTRIC LIGHT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886. Editorial.
A public spirited gentleman of this city says Winfield has got to have an electric light plant if he has to put it in at his own expense. We hope that it will be put in, and during this season, or at least before the evenings lengthen out in the fall. It would be a nice thing to have powerful and brilliant lights high up like suns, to illumine the streets of the city on dark nights, and then, churches, opera house, and probably some other large rooms could use the light to advantage. At least it is a splendid show and a great advertising scheme.

It is thought by some that it would supplant the gas light system and “bust up” the gas company. We hope no one will lay awake nights on that account. We believe it would be an actual benefit to the gas company. At present, so large a proportion of our citizens still cling to kerosene oil, and so small a number have been at the expense of the necessary plumbing to get gas, that as yet the receipts of the company have only about paid running expenses, to say nothing for interest or dividends on the fifty thousand dollars invested. The company has kept the price of gas down to rates lower than any other city of its size and as low as in such cities as Topeka and Leavenworth, which have ten times the consumption, for the purpose of inducing and encouraging our citizens to put in the pipes and make a market for the gas. Of course, it don’t pay, but the plant is in, and when the city has grown to such dimensions as we expect, when scores of new first-class buildings are erected, with the gas pipe put in as is sure to be; when all the present good buildings have their plumbing done as is almost certain in time; when gas is used largely to run engines and cooking stoves, as is almost as certain; then will the consumption of gas in this city be sufficient to pay good dividends, even at the lower rates which are likely to follow.
The electric light would supplant both gas and kerosene oil in some places where such powerful and brilliant light would be desirable, but it would habituate our people to the use of all the light they want and cause a great many to demand better and safer lights than kerosene can afford. That will turn attention to gas lights.
Nothing can compete with kerosene at fifteen to twenty cents a gallon, for cheapness, and nothing can compete with gas where more light is needed for general purposes. Wherever in the large cities the electric lights have been put in, it has increased the demand for gas, and smaller cities which have put in electric lights, with a view of superceding gas, have afterwards revived the gas works and used a much greater amount of gas than before. The fact is, that for general use, for cheapness, safety, and little trouble, there is nothing yet discovered and probably never will be that will supply its place.
                                                           LAND SLIDES.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 8, 1886.
The following are the real estate transfers filed in the office of Register of Deeds.
Henry E Asp & wf to Winfield Gas Company, tract in out lot 3, Winfield: $10.00.
                               [Note: Above item is the last uncovered thus far.]
The Winfield Courier did not clarify in some instances where it noted that gas had been introduced into homes and business buildings whether or not the gas was supplied by the “Winfield Gas Company” or through one of the plumbers-gas suppliers that suddenly cropped up during this time period.
Winfield Courier, May 1, 1884.
Senator Hackney is having his new offices fitted up with gas fixtures. If there is anything a lawyer needs, it is plenty of gas.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.
J. S. Lyon & Co. wishes to inform the public they are ready to fit up stores and dwelling houses with gas pipes at reasonable rates. Office and shop at Horning & Whitney’s.
Winfield Courier, May 8, 1884.

As the summer approaches, Messrs. Horning & Whitney are having a big run on the lately improved “New Jewel” Gasoline stove. They do away with the worry, heat, and inconveniences of the common cook stove and are cheap, safe, and economical. Every housekeeper should call at the hardware establishment of Horning & Whitney and examine them.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
Senator Hackney and Henry E. Asp are having gas put into their offices.
Winfield Courier, June 19, 1884.
For years people have been complaining of the hilarious air of Kansas, but some inventive genius, recognizing the great want of this country, has made something by which this surplus wind can be made a comfort and joy forever. It is a stove that burns air; no other  fuel whatever needed. This seems incredible, but by calling on Horning & Whitney, you can see the wonder. And it is an immense success. It is made like a gasoline stove, only the tank holds air instead of gasoline. A rubber tube is attached to the tank; you put it in your mouth, blow the tank full of air, light the burner, and your stove is in running order for the day. It is a curiosity and should be seen by everyone. Horning & Whitney have its exclusive sale.
Winfield Courier, August 21, 1884.
Hendricks & Wilson had a wonderful display in their window Saturday evening. It was made up of gas jets in every conceivable kind of burner and globes. The burners were arranged by Gus Goegel, their gas fitter, who can carry a gas pipe where any person can carry a tow string. There were over a dozen of the jets running and they attracted much attention. He will soon have the firm name set forth in letters of light in front of the store by means of a pipe made of perforated gas pipe neatly joined into letters. Gus is a genius and understands the plumbing business clear through.
Winfield Courier, August 28, 1884.
Jas. Fahey has completed his residence on east ninth avenue and moved in last week. It is a very fine place, two stories and a basement, nine large rooms, thoroughly ventilated and fitted with gas and water throughout. It is one of the most comfortable and commodious houses on the east side.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
The First National was illuminated with gas last week.
Winfield Courier, September 4, 1884.
Curns & Manser’s new office is going up rapidly. It is furnished with gas and will be finished throughout in the neatest and best style. They will have one of the most complete office buildings in southern Kansas.
Winfield Courier, September 11, 1884.
A lamp exploded in J. J. Mann’s clothing store last Wednesday evening, throwing all over the goods, and destroying and damaging nearly a thousand dollars worth of goods. There was considerable excitement for a time and the fire companies were out, but did not turn on the stream. Mr. Mann had gas pipes ready, but was waiting for fixtures before taking out his lamps.
Winfield Courier, October 16, 1884.

The Presbyterians are putting gas in their church building. The chandeliers being down, no services were held Sunday evening.
Winfield Courier, November 13, 1884.
The Presbyterian Church is now lit with gas and is adorned with an elegant two hundred dollar chandelier. It has seventy-two jets and its illumination is superb.
Winfield Courier, December 25, 1884.
                                             Whiting Brothers Again to the Front.
With their characteristic energy, Whiting Bros. have put their popular meat market in holiday attire. Artistically trimmed and tattooed beeves, porkers, etc., appear in all quarters and superior skill have made their market very attractive indeed. One unique feature is a neat little furnace, heated by gas, which stands on the counter to warm up the fingers of customers. Everything in their line is in stock: oysters in shell, bulk and can; fresh codfish and mackerel; lobsters and poultry of every kind; venison, and everything tempting to the palate. The market of Whiting Bros. is Holiday Headquarters for all purchasers of meat.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 2, 1885.
Brown & Son deliver gasoline to any part of the city, at 20 cents a gallon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
                                               THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH
is as fresh and pretty as a spring violet in its new, fresh furnishings and should be “a thing of beauty and a joy forever” to the congregation. The gas chandeliers are especially attractive, and the gas lights give a most cheerful aspect in the evening.
Note reference to Mrs. Millington having fuel supplied by gas company...
                                                         HAPPY WOMEN.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 23, 1885.
There are at least four happy women in Winfield: Mrs. Dr. Emerson, Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mrs. Col. Whiting, and Mrs. Millington. The latter we know most about. She makes a fire to cook a meal of victuals with as little work and trouble as it takes to light a gas light, much less than it takes to light a lamp. She changes her cook stove fire to little or much by a mere turn of the wrist, cooks everything nicely and as quickly as is desirable, with no trouble and little work, bakes, boils, broils, fries, stews, and fricassees with equal facility, does not have to handle wood, kindlings, coal, coal oil, or gasoline; but her fire is always ready and always goes out instantly with a slight turn, when she is through with it. She has no fear of explosions or conflagrations, but is perfectly secure, and cooks with half the work required for wood stoves, coal stoves, oil stoves, or gasoline stoves. Besides her fuel is as cheap as any other and no bother to get.
She has a gas cooking stove and her fuel is supplied by the gas company.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Brown & Son deliver gasoline to any part of the city, at 20 cents a gallon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 16, 1885.
Holmes & Son have erected a fine awning in front of their grocery. L. W. Kimball did the work. They also have put gas in their building and are assuming city airs.
Outside Winfield gas was being introduced also...
                                     NEW SALEM PENCILINGS. “OLIVIA.”
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 23, 1885.

Mrs. Pixley is all smiles over the addition to their household furniture, viz., a nice, new gasoline stove.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 30, 1885.
                                                     GASOLINE STOVES.
A number of the most perfect make yet on hand. The season is passing. They will be sold at a decided bargain.
                                                            S. H. MYTON.
                                                         A LAMP DID IT.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 13, 1885.
“Fire! Fire!!” Shouted our elongated scribe Friday and with a single bound he landed up the steps and in two jumped and ran over seventeen men, twelve signs, and a dog, and stood breathless before the portals of the Commercial hotel, eager for an introduction to the conflagration. The scribe’s heart went down into his old brogans as he heard, “All out; only a lamp exploded!” as the hose companies came pell mell down the street, cutting a gap in a street jammed full—of excited people, all gawking and running forward. The hanging lamp in the hotel parlor got on its ear and exploded, covering the carpet, center table, etc., with coal oil, followed by fearful flames. A bucket of wet water, an old comfort, and some men squelched it before any damage was done—excepting the complete demolishing of the lamp. This is another argument in favor of gas. A hotel without gas is liable to explode. The Commercial has lots of gas—on the sidewalk in front, among the airing boarders. Put it in the building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 27, 1885.
Among the handsome and truly home-like residences of our city, that of Mr. J. W. Johnston, on the corner of Eleventh Avenue and Mansfield Street, is prominent. It is just finished and will be beautifully furnished and ready for occupancy in a few weeks. S. A. Cook was the architect and superintendent. The house throughout is piped for water and gas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, September 3, 1885.
H. H. J. Johnson is just commencing a fine residence near the East ward schoolhouse, 28 x 28, with an ell 14 x 14. It is two stories full, of nine rooms, and will be built so as to be supplied with water, gas, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 8, 1885.
S. Kleeman had a little fire Thursday evening: one that came near being very serious. In lighting the window gas jet, the cock was turned on too long before the match struck it. The escaping gas of course filled the window and when the match was lit, all was a flash. It was soon smothered out, but not until it had considerably mutilated the nicely trimmed window.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, October 22, 1885.
Louis O’Neil, formerly Spotswood’s deliveryman, has started a coal oil and gasoline wagon.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
Mr. Crary, of Crary’s restaurant, came near being cremated Thursday. He and his wife were blacking the stove, when they poured some gasoline into the blacking to thin it, and in applying it to the hot stove, it ignited, catching Mr. Crary’s whiskers. Luckily he soon put it out, doing no damage.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 12, 1885.
The City Council met Saturday morning and passed an ordinance regulating the keeping of gasoline in the city. It was necessitated by the petition of a number of the businessmen. They claim that insurance companies are canceling all insurance policies on buildings within one hundred feet of where it is known to be kept in any quantity. The most particular complaint comes from the block on which Brown & Son’s drug store stands, it being known that they keep very large quantities of this dangerous explosive stored away in their basement. The businessmen near them cannot carry insurance, hence this complaint. THE COURIER will publish the ordinance in full.
                                             MIGHT HAVE BEEN WORSE.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
J. B. Lynn’s dry goods establishment came near having a bad fire today. Gailard Stafford, the errand boy, went to the basement to get some cotton batting and in lighting the gas jet, set the cotton on fire. The fifteen hundred pounds was a mass of blaze in an instant, and it was with great difficulty and much damage to boots, shoes, and everything in the basement that it was smothered down with rags, water, etc. It created a big excitement in the store, pretty near smoking them out. It was a narrow escape.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
A public ball will be held December 2nd, for the benefit of the Fire Department, at the skating rink. As the city fails to furnish fuel, gas, and other expenses, the necessary funds must be raised somehow. Admission 50 cents a couple. Good music and everything made nice and pleasant by the Fire Department. Everybody is invited.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, November 26, 1885.
W. N. Hatcher, a resident of Winfield, will call on you with the simplest, most convenient, and sure patent fire-kindler manufactured. It is made of cast iron filled with asbestos, soaked in gasoline or coal oil two seconds; it will burn from five to seven minutes, and start a fire without wood or cob kindling. It only costs 75 cents, kindler and oil can, and every family should have one.
                                A THOROUGHLY RELIABLE INSTITUTION.
Winfield Courier, December 3, 1885.
The Winfield Machine Shops are rapidly establishing themselves in the appreciation of our people. Mr. J. M. Stayman, the proprietor, has no superior among machinists and his workmen are all first-class mechanics. During the past week Mr. Stayman and his head man, C. W. Gest, have entirely overhauled THE COURIER presses, piped our gas room, and set up our gas engine in a manner far beyond expectation. Intricate parts of our press, for which we anticipated having to send away, they have made perfectly. They can make about anything that can be manufactured from iron or steel.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 10, 1885.
                                                 BERTRAM & BERTRAM,
                                       P. H. BERTRAM.     A. C. BERTRAM.
                                 Plumbing, Gas and Steam Heating A Specialty.
                We are Agents for the Eclipse and Althouse, Wheeler & Co. Windmills.
                                             Dealers in Pumps, Pipe and Fittings.

               Estimates furnished on short notice. We guarantee our work to be first-class.
                                       OFFICE, 711 NORTH MAIN STREET.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
The Rulers of the city met in regular semi-monthly conclave Monday night. Present: Mayor Graham and Councilmen Connor, Jennings, Myers, Crippen, Hodges, Baden, and Harter; absent, Councilman McDonald.
Request of Henry Brown to allow merchants to keep gasoline in their cellars was postponed.
[Note: The newspaper failed to mention the above request again. It is unknown whether or not Henry Brown was permitted to keep gasoline in the cellar of his store.]
                                              HARDWARE, STOVES, ETC.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 17, 1885.
In walking around town today we dropped into the Hardware and Stove House of I. W. Randall & Co., and found the firm up to their eyes in business. They are carrying an immense stock of Hardware and Stoves of all kinds, which they are selling at low prices. They believe in the rule of giving value received for every dollar spent with them. In addition to their Hardware and Stove business, they are doing an extensive plumbing business, gas fitting, and steam heating. They have taken some large contracts in this line, have just finished the plumbing in D. A. Millington’s house, are also fitting up Col. McMullen and John A. Eaton’s houses, and Farmers Bank and J. P. Short’s buildings with Steam, Gas, and Water. Parties wanting work in this line should see these jobs; they speak for themselves.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, April 15, 1886.
The regenerative burner in the elegant new ice cream and confectionery parlors of Hamilton & Pentecost is the neatest thing in gas-fixture inventions. It is a good rival of the electric light, having a similar blaze and globe. The blaze is greatly brightened by a combination of heated air and gas. Inventive genius is getting things down “pat.”


Cowley County Historical Society Museum