The First Cavalry Regiment of the Kansas State Militia was formed November 24, 1874 with J. B. Nipp, Lt. Colonel; and E. B. Kager, Major.
Company D was headed by J. B. Nipp with Albert Dean, First Lt. and John Devore, Second Lt.
Company E was headed by E. R. Evans, Captain; L. K. Bonwell, First Lt. and John Mcmalon, Second Lt.
Company G was headed by E. B. Kager, Captain; A. T. Sheneman, First Lt. and L. J. Webb, Second Lt.
July 3, 1879 - The Governor issued the following commissions in the Kansas State Militia.
A. H. Green, Winfield, Brigadier General
W. E. Gillelen, Captain and Assistant Adjutant General
J. L. M. Hill, Winfield, Captain and Brigadier Quartermaster
D. L. Kretsinger, Winfield, First Lieutenant and Aide-de-Camp on the staff of Brigadier General A. H. Green of Winfield
July 23, 1879 - Considerable talk has been had about organizing a military company of home guards. We do not see why Winfield may not have a military company that will do credit to the town as well as Independence, Chetopa, Oswego, and other neighboring towns. Such a company would do good service on any occasion of parade or celebration, and in case of trouble on our border would be a nucleus for military organization. The expense of maintaining such an organization is small and we feel sure that the merchants and businessmen of our town would subscribe liberally to its support. Let us have a company of "Winfield Home Guards" that will put the Capital Guards or any other guards in the background.
July 24, 1879 - The U. S. troops at Arkansas City will give another moonlight hop Friday evening, and invitations have been sent to several of our young people. The dance given by them some time ago was the most brilliant affair ever held at the City, and all who attended are loud in their praises of the courteous and gentlemanly manner in Which Lieutenant Cushman and his men treated their guests.
Sept 25, 1879 - Last Friday the members of the new military organization met at the office of Gen. Green and were sworn in under the laws of the state. The company then organized by electing J. H. Finch First Lieutenant. The arms have been sent for and the boys have been drilling diligently. The company is composed of the very best class of young men in the city, and we predict that before long the "Winfield Rifles" will have, if not a "national reputation," at least one of being the crack company of the state. The company only lacks a few members of being full, and at least a dozen have signified their intention of presenting their names for admission at the next meeting.
Oct 16, 1879 - The "Winfield Rifles" elected a full set of officers, last Saturday evening, and the muster rolls have been forwarded to the Adjutant General's office. The General has been holding 65 stands of superior breech-loading Springfield rifles with which to outfit this company for some time, which will be sent as soon as the boys are mustered in. The officers of the company are: Mr. Charles E. Stueven, Captain; Mr. James (Jim) H. Finch, First Lieutenant; Mr. Florus M. Friend, Second Lieutenant. The official name is the Nineteenth Independent Company of the Kansas State Militia.
Oct 23, 1879 - A military outfitter from Chicago was in town last Tuesday, accompanied by Lieutenant Richey, of the Wichita Guards. They came down to see about furnishing the uniforms for the Winfield Rifles. The boys have not yet decided what uniforms they will get.
An artillery company has been organized in Winfield with a membership of over forty. Saturday night the company met and elected E. E. Bacon captain. The Governor has promised to go to Fort Leavenworth and see about getting guns for them. If Winfield gets a full-fledged artillery company, she will be able to make some noise in the world, anyway.
NOVEMBER 13, 1879. - The militia laws of the state of Kansas require that each and every company shall meet at least once in each month. Now, therefore, I, J. H. Finch, 1st Lieutenant, commanding Winfield Rifles, order each and every member to report at Manning's Hall, on the evening of the 14th day of November, 1879, at 7:30 sharp.
Nov 27, 1879 - Captain Stueven had his "Winfield Rifles" out on the street Monday evening. Sixty-four stands of Springfield rifles are expected this week from the state arsenal with which to equip the "Winfield Rifles."
Dec 18, 1879 - Courier - The artillery company is making fine progress with the organization. The influence of Hon. Thos. Ryan has been secured to assist in getting the guns, and the officers are working unceasingly. Winfield, with a company of infantry and one of artillery, will make things "boom" in reality.
Dec, 25, 1879 - Courier - The military ball to be given ty the Winfield Rifles, at the Opera House New Year's Eve, promises to be a grand affair. The committee are sparing no pains to make it a success.
The following named gentlemen are the commissioned officers of St. John Battery No. 1, at Winfield. Captain: Eugene E. Bacon; First Lieutenant and Chief of Caissons: N. A. Haight; First Lieutenant of the Line: John F. Burrows; Second Lieutenant Senior: John Hoenscheidt; Second Lieutenant Junior: Geo. W. Anderson. Commonwealth.
Jan. 8, 1880 - Courier - The artillery company was mustered into service by Lieutenant Kretsinger, A. A. G., Saturday evening. Capt. Bacon has received word that six guns and cassons have been shipped by the government direct from Washington to the company and that the side arms will be shipped from Fort Riley soon.
Jan. 8, 1880 - Courier - New Year's eve the Winfield Rifles held their first grand military ball, which was even more successful than the most sanguine of the members anticipated. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags, with the stage arranged to represent a company encampment. The crowd in attendance was immense, over a hundred tickets being sold.
At 12 o'clock an election for "Daughter of the Regiment" was announced, which was the most exciting feature of the evening. Five ladies were placed in nomination, and after a lively contest of half an hour, the friends of Miss Clara Brass carried the day and their favorite was declared "Daughter of the Regiment." The receipts of the entertainment amounted to two hundred dollars.
Jan 15, 1880 - Courier - Last week the members of St. John's Battery, No. 1, made Captain Bacon a handsome present in the shape of a sword, with belt and sash. The adjutant then read the following resolutions.
WHEREAS, Capt. E. E. Bacon has, by his gentlemanly conduct and efficiency, won the respect and admiration of St. John's Battery, No. 1, of the State of Kansas; and
WHEREAS, The Battery desire to confer upon him some testimonial of their appreciation of him as an officer and as a man; therefore be it
Resolved, That the members of St. John's Battery, No. 1, K. S. M., present this sword and sash to Capt. E. E. Bacon, with the hope that he will ever be reminded by it of the friendly regard felt for him by his comrades. . . . SKIPPED THE REST!
FEBRUARY 26, 1880. - Courier - Attention, Cavalrymen! There will be a meeting of all parties interested in forming a cavalry company at the courthouse, 2 o'clock p.m., Saturday next. All old soldiers are invited to attend. Those who have been under fire - the time-tried and battle-tested veterans - want to get up a company of "Ironsides." In time of peace prepare for war. Turn out.