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Winfield Public Library

JANUARY 22, 1880. - Courier - On January 17th, the ladies who met for the purpose of organizing a public reading room and library, received reports from the four ward committees who had been canvassing the city.

The city had obtained 63 lady members at $3 per year and received $175.00 in books, $77.75 in cash, 10 papers (daily, etc.), 1 clock and bracket, 2 window shades, and several pictures. The southwest ward has been but partially canvassed.

A committee on constitution was appointed, consisting of Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Dr. Davis, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Trimble, and Mrs. Holloway. This committee is to report at next meeting.

Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Hickok and Mr. Beach were made a committee on procuring a suitable room, to report at next meeting.

Meeting adjourned to meet at 4 p.m., Jan. 22nd, at the Baptist church.

Everybody interested in this important enterprise is earnestly requested to be present at this meeting.


Sec'y pro tem.

Feb. 12, 1880 - Courier - The Library Association have secured the rooms in the back part of the Winfield Bank building, and will fit them up as a public library. These are neat, airy quarters, and when filled with books and periodicals, and presided over by the ladies now so zealously at work in the matter, will present far more attraction for the young men than the billiard saloon.

Feb. 19, 1880 - Courier - The Library and Reading Room Association has secured the west room in the Winfield Bank, entrance on the north side of the building, from Ninth Avenue. All persons not having been called upon will please send to this room, next Saturday afternoon, donations in the way of books, periodicals, papers, and furniture. The ladies having this enterprise in charge are exceed-ingly anxious to make this room the most attractive of any in the city. Let all the friends of this noble enterprise send in something to beautify and furnish the room.

Feb. 26, 1880 - Courier - The library and reading room is already becoming very popular.

Mar. 11, 1880 - Courier - The reading room under the supervision and excellent management of our ladies is gaining popularity rapidly. The collection of books and periodicals is very large, and embraces most of the leading authors.

MARCH 11, 1880. - Courier - The officers and stockholders of the Winfield Institute are requested to meet at the COURIER office on Monday, the 15th of March, 1880, at 2 o'clock p.m., to determine whether the library shall be turned over to the Ladies' Library Association.

Persons having books belonging to the Winfield Institute are requested to hand them into the COURIER office before that time. signed D. A. MILLINGTON, Pres.

MARCH 18, 1880. - Courier - Those having books belonging to the Winfield Institute Library will please deliver them at the room of the Winfield Library Association soon.

signed D. A. MILLINGTON, Pres., Winfield Institute.

April 1, 1880 - Courier - The Reading Room is free to all.

Books and magazines may be taken out by the members.

Persons not holding membership tickets can draw books by depositing the price of the book with the librarian. Ten cents will be charged for the use of a book and five cents for a magazine. The balance will be refunded upon the return of the book.

We have back numbers of several different magazines that can be drawn the same as books.

The regular days for taking out books are Wednesday and Saturdays.

The last two numbers of the following periodicals are regularly placed on the table, besides others not regularly received.

Kansas City Daily Journal.

Kansas City Daily Times.

Leavenworth Daily Times.

Topeka Daily Commonwealth.

Topeka Daily Capital.

Chicago Daily Inter-Ocean.

Winfield Daily Telegram.

New York Semi-Weekly Times.

New York Weekly Herald.

New York Weekly Witness.

Harper's Weekly.

Harper's Young People.

Sabbath Reading.

Toledo Blade.

And the weeklies of our own counties.

Also, the following monthlies:

Harper's, Scribner's, Popular Science, St. Nicholas, American Young Folks.

Others will be added as fast as our means will admit.

Visitors not seeing what they want will be waited upon by speaking to the Librarian.

April 15, 1880 - Courier - The ladies of the Library Association have lately purchased a collection of new books for the library. Thanks to the efforts of the ladies, this institution is in a most flourishing condition.

April 29, 1880 - Courier - The following has been handed us in regard to the Library by one of the members.

"We take pleasure in calling the attention of those interested in the growth of our Library. Within the last week or ten days we have added to our list of books 26 volumes. Among thse are Charles Dickens' complete works, 'Don Quixote,' Mark Twain's 'Roughin it,' 'St. Elmo,' 'Beulah,' 'Hugh Worthington,' 'Daisy Thornton,' 'Lean Rivers,' "Edna Browning,' 'Mill Bank,' and others of like character. The library now numbers 230 volumes, and others will be added soon, as they have already been ordered. It is our purpose to continue to add to our beginning, from time to time, such books and periodicals as will not only be attractive, but useful. Let all friends of this most worthy enterprise continue to lend a helping hand."

August 12, 1880 - Courier - The Winfield Library Association, now six months old, by continued efforts, has always paid it expenses promptly. The Association, purchased $25.00 worth of books about 3 months ago, and during the past week has sent off a considerably larger order for standard novels. There are at present about 230 volumes in the library, and while the greater part of the works of fiction among these are represented: the works of Mrs. Holmes, Marion Harland, Augusta Evans Wilson, May Agnes Fleming, Pansy, George Eliot, Wilkie Collins, and others; in the library are also Charles Dickens works, part of the Wverly Novels, and part of Mark Twain's novels. Any book may be drawn from the library by the holder of a library card. A library card may be purchased for $3.00 for one year, $1.75 for six months, or $1.00 for three months.

The reading room, the most important feature of the enterprise, is fully realizing the expectation of the Association and visitors will find it a cheerful, well lighted room. The table is covered with the standard monthlies, weeklies, and dailies of the day.

Sept. 16, 1880 - Courier - Free Library. The free library is again secured to us for another year by the action of the city council on Monday night, in passing an ordinance appropriating $1,200 to pay the running expenses of the Topeka library association. The people value the library more and more, day by day, and since it is settled that they are to still enjoy it, they are glad. Commonwealth.

"How is this for high?" Have our city council the authority to do likewise by the Ladies Library Association in Winfield? If so, can they do a better thing for this city than to make an appropriation of about $50.00 per month.

The Ladies' Library Association met at the library rooms on Tuesday, January 25th, and elected the following members as directors. Mesdames D. A. Millington, T. R. Bryan, T. G. Ticer, W. R. Davis, W. O. Scovill, J. C. Fuller, J. Swain, _________ Eastman, J. P. Butler, ________ Raymond, W. P. Hackney, _______ Wallis, A. E. Baird, M. L. Read, E. S. Bedillion, ________ Doane, G. Emerson, J. A. Hyden, A. T. Spotswood, C. S. Van Doren, J. W. McDonald, J. S. Mann, J. S. Loose, J. A. Earnest. The six last hold over under the constitution. The three first are re-elected.

The following officers were re-elected: Mrs. W. L. Mullen, president; Mrs. N. L. Rigby, vice president; Mrs. E. T. Trimble, secretary; Mrs. M. L. Robinson, treasurer.

The officers and directors voted upon themselves a tax of three dollars each to raise funds for the purchase of books and other expenditures of the association.

The editor congratulates the people of Winfield on the presence as citizens of such an array of self-sacrificing, intelligent, and enterprising fair ladies, and hope the city council will make a liberal appropriation and men having money will assist them in their noble work.


Cowley County Historical Society Museum