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MAKE your fire guards.

UCH-TUN-BA-KA, and old Osage friend, called on us last week.

STOVES. Benedit and Sipes are getting in their heating stoves.

MRS. CRAMER has opened a boarding house in A. A. Davis' building.

FIFTY-FIVE children attend the primary school, and thirty-five the graded.

MR. WM. COOMBS has returned from the East and the Centennial, improved in health by the trip.

CAPT. McDERMOTT made one of the best speeches ever delivered in this county at Tisdale last week.

It must be gratifying for a man to read his own puffs in his own paper, as the editor of the Courier does.

JAMES I. MITCHELL shipped one car load of wheat to Kansas City and received 76 cents per bushel for it.

MRS. BROWN, mother of Wm. Burkey, aged 70 years, started to Iowa, alone, last Monday to see her son.

They have a band in Winfield tht dub themselves "Sitting Bull's Band." They are warring against the white's.

The steam thresher has been at Dr. Leonard's and Dr. Hughes. Some of Dr. Leonard's wheat yielded over thirty bushels per acre.




The troops are still pushing the Indians further into the mountains.

The Indian Commissioners held their first council with Red Cloud on the 8th instant.

The editor of the Cowley County Telegram, has withdrawn his name from the Independent State ticket, taken down the flag of that party, and hoists in its stead the banner of pure Democracy.




On a little mud island, where the fresh water of the Mississippi River and the salt water of the Gulf of Mexico meet and mix, stands a brick fort, built by the Spaniards more than one hundred years ago, when they traded with the Great and Little Osage Indians. As the long years have flown to the past, this ancient structure has been gradually sinking into the sea, but the portions yet above water are intact, and was no doubt well remembered by Bigheart and Strike Ax of this once powerful tribe. They yet have Spanish manuscripts upon parchment, one hundred and forty years old, which they have carefully preserved and passed from father to son. Indian Herald.




JOE HOYT is back, and the boys are organizing the brass band for the fall campaign.

Our farmers have to haul wheat fifty miles to market, and only a mile, generally to mill.

T. R. BRYAN has removed to Winfield, and taken charge of the County Treasurer's office.

The Pawnee Indians who left the Agency several weeks ago have arrived at the Sioux country.

MONTGOMERY MOORE, of Cana, has the contract to carry the Pawnee Agency mail from Independence.

ISH-TAH-WAU CUN-I-U-GA, the Indian name for "white man doctor" called on last week. In short, it was Dr. Hunt.

The small boys captured a live owl in the school house last week, and amused themselves by exhibiting it on the street.

I. D. FOX & CO. sold to the Kaw Agency Indian school, Indian Territory, one of their fine ten-stop Geo. Wood & Co. organs.

MR. NEWMAN has purchased an immense stock of goods this fall, that he expects to trade for wheat. He says he has a suit of clothes for every man in town.

FORT SILL. J. M. JORDON stated for Fort Sill last Friday with a load of flour to deliver on Newman's contract. Silas Ward went with him. He expects to remain in the Territory to work.

The Finney boys, A. T. Gay, and J. L. Stubbs, all of "White Hair" town, were here last week. The Finney brothers have leased Mr. R. Hoffmaster's livery, and will devote their time to accommodating the traveling public. J. L. Stubbs came home to prove up on the Arkansas, and Mr. Gay as company for the crew. Rudolph will go into the blacksmith shop with Henry Franklin, and assist in the work.




ED. FINNEY returned from the Osage Agency last Monday, where he had been for several weeks assisting in the payment of the Osages.




GREY EAGLE. Mr. Caldwell shot a large grey eagle near the Arkansas bridge last Saturday, and left it with us. It measured eight feet from one tip of the wing to the other, and three from the beak to the tip of the tail. Its talons were fully one inch in length.



DECEMBER 13, 1876.

CONGRESS is in session!

WINFIELD has a fire extinguisher on wheels




The late snow almost insures the wheat crop.

BORN. To Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davis, on Tuesday, December 26th, ann eight-pound boy.

BUCKSKIN JOE and the boys with their ladies had a dance after the M. E. Festival on Monday evening.

VAN KELSO keeps a No. 1 fine cigar at the Central Avenue. His El Pluto and Flora de Cuba are excellent.

The Courier writes its own communications from Sheridan and Beaver townships denouncing W. P. Hackney.

DIED. On Tuesday; December 26, 1876, Sarah Louisa Gillis; born July 17, 1853; aged 25 years, 5 months, and 7 days.

SOME HUNTERS tracked and killed a wild cat while hunting for deer during the first snow, about two miles north of town.

GAME. In front of the City Bakery last week, we saw a pile of deer and wild turkeys, brought in from the Territory.

ANOTHER GROCERY is to be opened in Pearson's building soon after R. A. Houghton & Co. move to their new quarters.

"TOM" FINNEY is back at Osage Agency again as though it was his fate to be there. We regret to lose him from our social circle.



O. P. JOHNSON, AN INDIAN SCOUT OF CONSIDERABLE RENOWN, dropped down from the Centennial last week. He expects to join McKenzie's command, and go north after Sitting Bull. O. P. has seen considerable service as a scout, and is recognized as one of the best in this section. At one time he was with Custer during the trouble in the Territory, and later acted with Gen. Miles.




NINETY-NINE YEARS OLD. FOR SEVERAL MONTHS PAST, NANCY McGUIRE, GRANDMOTHER OF MRS. BAKER, has been living at this place, and caused no particular notice. She is a native of Ireland and came to this country about one year ago. From her childhood she has enjoyed good health, and is now as strong and spry as most women are at fifty years of age.

She was born in August, 1777, and is now over 99 years of age. At the age of fifty, she frequently walked eight miles to market and back in one day, carrying a pail of butter. She now does her own washing and housework, and bids fair to live to be a centenarian. Her habits are very regular and if she can have bread, buttermilk, and potatoes, she has all she desires.




JOHN BOYD is a Granger.

WALKER has three bay teams.

WILL BURKEY has returned from Iowa

CHARLEY SIPES makes the best stove pipes.

S. D. PRYOR has married the cousin of his first wife. Success.

F. M. FRIEND will make your old watches new for a small sum.

Before going to Wichita, price Haywood's Kansas wagons.

The prospects of the war in Europe is raising the price of grain.

CORN. A number of teams are in from Sumner county after corn.

REV. RIGBY, of Winfield, has invented a patent safely lamp burner. [LOOKS LIKE SAFELY...???]

February 14, 1877.

We have a Mrs. Partington in Arkansas City, who, when told that one of our musicians had a catarrh in the head, sententiously remarked, "That must be where he gets all his music." Fact.


MARRIED. On Thursday, Feb. 8th, by Rev. F. W. Nance, at the residence of the bride's father, Joseph N. Moyer to Miss Mary M. Guinn, both of Sheridan township. Prosperity attend them.


The concert last Friday night was attended by one of the largest audiences ever assembleed in Arkansas City, the hall being literally crowded. The performances passed off smoothly, with frequent applause. Ed. Finney's stump speech "brought down the house," while the music by the full brass band, and the songs, "Speak, Only Speak," "Cora Lee," and "Little Barefoot," were enthusiastically encored. It was a financial success, as the boys cleared about $50. The dance held n the hall after the concert was well attended, and juding from the demeanor of the participants, was fully up to expectatons. Given lovely belles, manly beaux, good music, and a well lighted and convenient hall, nothing short of success could result.



The wilder tribes are more honorable in war, and more faithful to promises than many of those nearer civilization. The language of the Kiowas cannot be interpreted; and in order to make their wants known, they talk Comanche, which is regarded as the predominent and standard language of the western portion of the Territory. Many speak Spanish, and all know the answer: "No savey,"--(don't understand), so commonly used in this country by the Chinese. "Wano," is good, and "chuckaway," something to eat. Many of the whites have abbreviated the word, and call it "chuck." All names of individuals have a meaning, and when anyone distinguishes him or herself, they are given a new name. "Ese-tike" is one of very peculiar meaning. "Ese"--wolf, and "tike,"--tail.



SHOOTING AFFAIR. One week from yesterday a slight quarrel ensued between Charley Lyons and Hiram Jones in a saloon at Caldwell, finally resulting in the shooting of Lyons. The circumstances as near as we could obtain them were as follows.

Hiram Jones had left a pistol and belt with the saloon keeper, and Lyons had taken them. Hiram asked Charley for them, and was refused. He then watched his opportunity, and as Charley was walking down the street, Hiram stepped up behind him and grabbed the pistol, presented it to the face of Lyons, remarking, "Now, give me the belt." Lyons refused to give it up, and no more was said until Jones got Lyons' coat. Both agreed then that each should go to the saloon and leave the property of the other, which was done; but as Hiram reached for the belt, Charley grabbed the pistol, and during the scuffle it went off, the ball striking Lyons on the cap of the knee and causing him to fall. Hiram, becoming frightened, fled, but was soon brought back under arrest, and tried for the offense. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty, which seemed to be the sentiment of most those who were acquainted with the facts. Lyons was taken to Wellington and his leg amputated, but his recovery is pronounced doubtful. Both parties are well known in this vicinity.

LATER. Charles Lyons died from his pistol wound in his knee, at Wellington, last Friday. His career has been a varied and excited one.




PECULIAR. The gentleman (?) who has been "living with his sister" in the vicinity of Eads' school house, Sumner county, had an addition to his household last week.




The House passed a bill removing the boundaries of the Texas cattle grazing ground to the west line of Comanche county, about one hundred miles west of Wichita. This practically opens up for agricultural purposes the counties of Barber, Harper, Comanche, and the west half of Sedgwick, which are at present within the range of the "long horns."

The bill is being vigorously opposed by the delegation from Sedgwick county, reinforced by a large lobby from Wichita, and the officers of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railroad company.

The effect of the bill, if it passes the Senate and becomes a law, will be to compel the extension of the railroad to Arkansas City, or Caldwell, or some other point on the line of the Indian Territory, to which the cattle can come without let or hindrance, for the Santa Fe folks will not surrender the cattle trade to the Kansas Pacific rather than build sixty miles of road through a level county.

Mr. Hubbard deserves well of his people for the untiring efforts for this bill, which resulted in its passage by a large majority. Journal of Commerce.


Legislative Summary.

WE neglected to state yesterday that the House passed the bill removing the Texas cattle dead line ninety miles west of where it is now.

The Senate yesterday adopted a resolution calling on the proper authorities to tell what they know about Sam Lappin and his securities. It passed, on third reading, several bills; one enfranchising some fifty persons, and one giving the rights of majority to some minors, which could have been done by the courts.

The bill to amend the herd law so that counties that wish to repeal it was lost.

The bill to repeal the law for funding the Territorial debt was carried.

The concurrent resolution providing for the opening of the Indian Territory and its apportionment among the different tribes, was adopted by a vote of 63 to 21. In the afternoon Speaker Wood entered a protest against the passage of the above resolution, on the ground that it would be the means of depleting the population of Kansas.


BORN. On Friday, February 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Mussleman, a son. Weight eight poinds. It is two pounds below the average, but it is a bright, sparkling boy. This makes nine for Mr. Mussleman.




WINFIELD has a milk wagon.

A slight snow fell last Sunday.

ED. FINNEY and JOE SHERBURNE have returned from Osage Agency.

A CHASE. Sunday evening of last week a man riding a jaded horse supposed to be stolen, stopped at the City Livery. After he had left the next morning, a Colt's improved revolver was missing. The constable and Ed. Finney went in pursuit, following up the Arkansas to Oxford, thence to Nenescah, where they learned their game had passed during the afternoon.

Near Winfield, at about 10 o'clock at night, they found the house he stopped at, and riding up to the door, shouted, "Hello." Presently the man of the house came to the door and inquired what they wanted. He was told, and requested to tell the stranger to come out. The stranger declined, asking the boys to "come in." The boys insisted that he should come out, and he finally did so, when they told him what had been found missing. He simply remarked, "You've barked up the wrong tree this time, gentlemen. It won't take two minutes to go through my baggage." They examined him and found nothing stolen, and soon came back, as they had no authority to detain him for the supposed stolen horse.




ALL WHO SERVED IN THE MEXICAN WAR, who reside in the Arkansas Valley, are requested to meet at Eagle Hall, in Wichita, on the afternoon of March 24th, for the purpose of creating and perfecting an organization of the old veterans, the object of which will be explained at the meeting. It is hoped that all who possibly can will attend.




We are sorry to learn that Ed. Finney is soon to return to Osage Agency, to take his former place in Florer & Rankin's store. His older brother will take his place in the Livery here. Ed. has a host of acquaintances and warm friends at this place, as he deserves to have.




White people must get off of this reservation.

The atmosphere was laden with the fragrance of the dead--dogs.

David Finney will quit the Osages and try his hand in Arkansas City.

Governor Florer is studying botany. He has the largest garden of our knowledge.




WAGA-res-sa-gab-ha, (Ed. Finney), is visiting Osage Agency this week. The above is his Indian name, and means "make write," or the man that writes.



TRAVELER, MAY 2, 1877.

J. L. STUBBS and Miss GERTRUDE FINNEY are to be married by Rev. Fleming, at Osage Agency tomorrow. We have not the pleasure of the acquaintance of the lady of Lindsey's choice, but know she is of one of the best families of Lawrence. What we could say in behalf of our friend could not add more to his credit, as he is, and always has been recognized as one of the most gentlemanly young men that ever graced the Kansas border. May peace, prosperity, and long life attend them.


IN THE AIR. A marriage contagion surely pervades the atmosphere at Osage Agency. Tomorrow J. L. Stubbs is to be married. Next week Ed. Finney will do likewise, and the week following Mr. Furguson, of the same place, will unite himself. Bachelors from Kaw and the neighboring Agencies fear to remain long while on business at Pawhuska's fair capitol on account of the prevalence. The trader from Kaw made a visit there last week and nearly killed a horse getting home, so great was his fright.



TRAVELER, MAY 9, 1877.

STRAW HATS are in vogue now.

Mr. Newman has wheat that has headed.

Jeffers has a boy, and Hawthorne a girl.

A child of Mr. Garris was buried yesterday.

Mr. Estus is building a good frame building.

Chet Ward sold his blacksmith shop to Felton & Wood.

Haywood sold three mowing machines to the Osage Agent this week.

Old Mr. Sweet is living with his son George at Alleghany, Pennsylvania.

Rev. Wingar expects to be absent three or four weeks on a tour to recuperate.

E. C. Hawkins has his cane mill ready for work waiting for the time to come.

Salt City was represented last Saturday by Wm. Berkey and H. B. Pruden.

Ladies always meet a cordial reception and prompt attention at Wilson's Central Store.

Rev. David Thompson supplied the pulpit of the First Church last Sunday evening.

Will Mowry was learning city life in Wichita this week. He returned Monday evening.

Charley Hawkins, Rev. Blevins, and old Mr. Terry were married last week. All widowers.

J. L. Stubbs and wife, escorted by Monateur De La Ed. Finney, will be at this place May 16th.


We are pleased to announce the location among us of Doctors W. W. and W. A. McCormick, of Fredonia, Kansas. Both are medical men of no small reputation, and are bound to make friends.


The bridge across the Walnut is to be completed by June 2nd. Work on the piers has began and the material for the iron span is at Wichita. Mr. Bullene, of Leavenworth, has the contract.


MARRIED. On Thursday evening, May 3rd, at Osage Agency, Indian Territory, by Rev. Fleming, Mr. J. L. Stubbs and Miss Gertrude Finney, both of that place. Further notice will be given next week.



TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.

Kansas has more newspapers in proportion to population than any other State in the Union: One hundred and seventy-two.



TRAVELER, MAY 23, 1877.

It was our privilege to meet the good people of Osage Agency at the nuptial ceremonies of Mr. Stubbs and Miss Finney, on Thursday evening, May 3rd, and seldom have we seen a more social and joyous group of individuals. We were surprised to meet there ladies and gentlemen who had graced the best society in the land, and others whose presence would adorn any reputable society.

Our host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Florer, spared no pains to make everything pleasant for their guests, and how admirably they succeeded, the good feeling and hearty enjoyment of all present may testify.

We congratulate our friend, Stubbs, in his success in marrying into one of the most reputable families of the State of Ohio. Rev. Mr. Finney and his noble wife, the parents of Mrs. Stubbs, and "the boys," known to all, were missionaries of the Presbyterian church in the State of Ohio, and their sterling character and earnest piety contributed in no small degree to the high position which that State takes today in all questions of morals and religion. Though now in heaven, yet the impress of their lives and character is reflected in their children.

We extend our congratulations also to Mr. Ed. Finney and his estimable wife in their recent and happy union, and take this occasion to assure both of these recently married couples that the best wishes of their many friends in this community accompany them to their new homes.




TRAVELER, JUNE 20, 1877.

Several self binding Harvesters have been used in this vicinity, doing excellent work and saving an immense amount of labor necessary to harvest a crop.



Harry Brown, a mail carrier, reports two horse thieves shot and killed near the Sac and Fox Agency, last week. The thieves were caught with horses stolen from the Indians, and after a desperate fight, they were riddled with bullets by the Indians.








The Osages are coming in from all quarters for enrollment and are camping all around the Agency. The beat of the drum--which must be heard to be appreciated--can be heard in all quarters, and at night their singing and whooping while gathered round the camp fire playing mocasin, or in the still wilder sport, dancing, adds to the general confusion.

A band of Ponca, six by six in number, have been swapping ponies with the Osages for the last week. We did not recognize among them any member of the delegation which accompanied Inspector Kemble through here, and left him unceremoniously at Arkansas City. They say they will go west from here to Cheyenne Agency, to visit one of the present chiefs of that tribe. They claim that several years ago the Northern Cheyennes made a successful raid into their camps, and among their captives was a boy, that had not heard of him, and had given him up as dead, until their arrival in the Territory, since which they have heard of his presence among the Cheyennes and his position of honor.

Seventeen hundred head of beef cattle are being held about ten miles from here for the Osages; also 500 head of stock cattle will be issued after the Indians are enrolled. More anon.

Wah pemole [? pemore ?]. T. M. FINNEY.




MR. MARICLE, of Bolton township, has 800 acres of wheat that is looking exceedingly well.

The barber shop has been removed to Mr. Baker's house, nearly opposite Finney's livery stable.



The war continues in Europe, and our farmers have more wheat in the ground than ever before. Russia, to whom England looks for her grain, will have none to spare. We predict wheat will be worth $2 per bushel at least.




CHANNELL's new house goes up this week.

A ball will be given at Winfield tomorrow evening.

THE TRAVELER is erecting a fine stable in the rear of the office.

MR. CHANNELL has the lumber on the ground for his new house.

MR. GIBBY sold his house and lot to Mr. Frank Schiffhauer for $600.

MR. RANDALL returned from Arkansas last week with a load of apples.

The eastern approach to the Walnut river bridge is nearly completed.

The sound of the hammer and saw is heard in every direction this week.

DAVID FINNEY is reshingling a part of his stable, and intends making an addition to it.


ANOTHER SHOW. Glenn's tin-pan opticon illustrated centen-nial exhibition; an amusing and instructive entertainment, for small boys, projected upon an illuminated screen and magnified fifteen hundred feet in circumference, by a pair of Scopticans, with acromatic magnifing lenses, calcium lights, dissolving saleratus, and foreign appliances, will be here tonight, if the horse don't give out, and exhibit his mystical and incomprehensible crow-mo-types to the awe-stricken and benighted inhabitants of the romantic Arkansas Valley.

Admission: Full grown adults

occupying reserve seats, 50 cents.

Half grown adults, 25 cents.

Children from 4 to 12 years, 15 cents.

Children from 2 to 4 years, 10 cents.

Children from 1 to 2-1/2 years, 5 cents.





To the People of Bolton and Cresswell Townships:

Your officers having refused to pay for the lumber used in repairing your bridge across the Arkansas river, we have purchased lot No. 1, in section No. 1, upon which the South end of your bridge rests, and there never having been any road laid out across said lot No. 1, to your bridge, we have closed up our land at the end of the bridge, and, after next Monday, no person will be allowed to cross said land; and all persons crossing said land will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, unless the said lumber, and all expenses, shall be fully paid us in the meantime.



June 3rd, 1879.



TRAVELER, JUNE 11, 1879.

Quaker Thoughts.

Editor Traveler:

I notice that the action that was brought against Cresswell township by the Attorney for the Chicago lumber company to recover the value of the pine lumber in the Arkansas Bridge has been abruptly dismissed.

The status of this Chicago claim seems to be of some interest to others besides Cresswell township. It appears that at the time the bridge was erected, Cresswell township was too deeply involved to vote bonds to build bridges so a subscription for this purpose was raised, and the work went on. But after awhile difficulties arose in collecting the monies subscribed, and those who had paid in, began to forsee that unless something was done to help the cause along, they would soon be left without money or bridge. What to do, in this dilemma, was the question. Finally, those who had managed to drag the township into debt, far beyond any authority of law, concluded they would hit it another slap and fix the balance of the needful upon the township! They were not long in persuading the Township trustee to look through his glasses at the subject, and although admonished at the time by the trustee of Bolton, that he was exceeding his authority, he promptly placed his official signature to a contract to bind, if possible, the township of Cresswell to pay for the lumber!

Lawyers, who have no interest in the question, place the responsibility of the debt upon the trustee. Mr. Hackney, himself, stated in the hotel in this town that he would bring an action against the former trustee for the value of the lumber; but he was satisfied the defendant would shove his property into the hands of his wife and beat the plaintiff out of his judgment. Now, Mr. Editor, with these events passing before our eyes, is it justice, is it fairness, is it decency to undertake to shove this debt upon the people of Cresswell? I answer No. Not so long as law can arrest it. Place the responsibility where it belongs--upon him who created it.




APRIL 29, 1880.


Topeka, Kansas, April 22, 1880.

D. A. Millington, Esq.

DEAR SIR: This society has received from you as a donation to its library, ninety-two manuscripts: Letters and papers of the late Colonel James Montgomery, for which grateful acknowledgment is tendered.

Yours respectully,


Secretary, Historical Society.





A herd of two thousand buffalo is reported as being in Cheyenne county, near the Colorado line.

James Bridger, of Kansas, the old scout and companion of Fremont, after whom Fort Bridger is named, and the first white man to follow the Santa Fe trail across the plains, is dead, aged 76 years.



Chief Joseph and Yellow Bull, Nez Perce Indian Chiefs, were in town yesterday, accompanied by several members of the tribe.


Geo. Cunningham has removed his residence, and now occupies the stone house, recently vacated by A. C. Williams, in the west part of town.


Miss Annie Norton returned to her home last week from St. Louis, where she has been for several months visiting her sister, Mrs. G. L. Kennedy.


The Daniel boys have fixed up their store building and will, if nothing unforeseen occurs, be ready for business about the first of September next.


Mr. W. S. Voris, of West Bolton, called upon us last week.


Mrs. F. C. Wood paid our city a visit last week, to settle business matters preparatory to returning to Wichita, where she intends to spend the winter.


C. W. Drennan returned from Colorado last Wednesday. He reports as having made fair wages while away, but still prefers the old stamping ground in Cowley.



The Medicine Lodge Cresset says: "The report reaches us that Big Horse's band of Cheyennes rounded up a couple of Billy Quinlan's men a short time ago and made them give up their six-shooters, while they (the Indians) helped themselves to a beef. As Big Horse has about sixty young warriors with him, he has his own way in these matters to a considerable extent."


GOLD QUARTZ. We have a specimen of gold bearing quartz now in the office from the farm of U. Spray, east of the Walnut river. Old miners inform us it is the genuine article, and Mr. Spray says it is very abundant on the place. We hope it may prove a veritable bonanza for all concerned.


Emmet Fox and Chas. Brantley, with Ed. Hewins' greyhounds, "Black Jack" and "Blue," caught a grey eagle on Fire Creek, Monday, after a chse of three miles. The dogs jumped the eagle in the prairie and creowded him so close that he couldn't rise much above the ground. The bird measured nine feet from tip to tip of his wings. Hunnewell Independent.



Every family in this city, or any other, should not be without a good revolver in the house, kept in good order. It may not be at all probable that anything will happen, but the sense of security that a good weapon at hand inspires in the mind will repay the outlay. Often women are left alone in the house at night, and, if unprotected by any weapon, absolutely at the mercy of any tramp, thief, burglar, or sneak, who may be prowling around with evil intent. Buy a good revolver, and if your wife doesn't know how to run the machine, teach her how to use it. Of course, you needn't give the weapon to your children to play William Tell with.

The above, clipped from the Courant, is sound advice, and if followed, would be one of the surest defenses against the raids of tramps, etc.




Winfield has a mutual protective association.


Robert McFarland, who died recently, at Lawrence, might have been called the oldest settler. In 1853 he removed from Pennsylvania to Kansas City, to await the opening of the Indian country across the border, and the hour he heard of the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, he hitched up his teams and started. He located near where Lawrence now is, and was a free state man.





Some Remarkable Facts and Figures From the

Auditor of State.

[Topeka Capital, January 29.]

Twenty-nine years ago, this day, Kansas became a state by its admission into the union. Many of her citizens of that date are yet upon the "stage of action" and remember with what joy that event was hailed. For years the people of the territory had been elated and depressed, victorious and defeated, and when, after years of struggle, destitution, and bloodshed, victory crowned their efforts, and Kansas was admitted as a free state, they were as happy as the Israelites when they reached the land of Canaan.

But it is not of this we propose to write, but to give some figures showing the growth and development of the material and other interests of the state, from the date of her admission to this, her twenty-first birthday.


By the census of 1860, just preceding the admission of the state, the population numbered 107,206.

By the next census, June, 1870, the people numbered 364,399 a gain of 173 percent in the decade.

We may safely estimate at this date, one a half years since the last census, that the state has a population of 1,100,000.


The taxable property of the state, as returned for the year 1861, was fixed at $24,737,000; for the year 1871 at $108,753,000 an increase of 310 percent in ten years.

For the year 1881 the taxable property was returned at

$170,813,000 an increase in the last ten years of 57 percent.

Putting the taxable value at one-half the true value, we have for true value:

In 1861: $ 49,474,000

In 1871: 217,506,000

In 1881: 341,626,000

Equal to $310.57 of wealth per capita.


The Southwestern Stage and Mail Company, of which Mr. H. A. Todd is manager, was awarded the contract for carrying the mails on the Caldwell and Ft. Sill, Caldwell and Cantonement, Supply and Mobeetie, and Harper and Medicine Lodge routes, and several others we do not know the names of. The contracts run from July 1st, 1882, four years. Some of the routes were taken at surprisingly low rates, while others were away up yonder. Caldwell Post.



The following taken from a private letter from a young man is too near the truth to be lost.

"Are there any Government lands handy to town that can be bought for $1.25 per acre in your county?"

Great guns, old man, wake up. Read something. Look at the map of Cowley county, with railroads running east and west, north and south, through the entire length of the county. See the towns marked out every few miles, with schoolhouses dotted all over the prairies. Hunt up the statistics published in our agricultural reports of our million bushels of wheat and two million bushels of corn raised yearly to say nothing of our fruits, sheep, cattle, hogs, etc., and then ask yourself if you are not a fool.

You are just ten years behind the age, if I have to inform you of these facts; you will be asking me next, what is a telephone, or is President Garfield dead? Do try and brush up a little. If you can't read a newspaper, get someone to read one for you, or if you are deaf, why--go and drown yourself, but don't come to Kansas--there's no room for you here!



TRAVELER, MAY 10, 1882.

[Published May 10th, 1882.]


Entitled an ordinance providing for the constructing of sidewalks, and condemning certain wooden sidewalks, herein named, and replacing said sidewalks with stone.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the city of Arkansas City. Etc…..


Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, August 15, 1885.

A Jolly Crowd Visits Winfield.

The ladies of the Woman=s Relief Corps, a short time ago, received an invitation to visit the Relief Corps of Winfield, which they accepted and made a raid on that city Aug. 12.

It was decided to go in carriages as the trains were inconvenient; eight o=clock found eighteen ladies with three teams ready for a start. They left dust but soon found mud, as the Centre had been blessed with a bountiful rain. For this reason the ladies of Winfield were not expecting them so they drove to the Brettun House, where they found the gentlemanly proprietor waiting to receive them, having been notified by telephone that they were on the way.

After a sumptuous repast they were waited upon by our old townsman, Capt. Nipp, in company with the Courier reporter.

The Winfield ladies having been notified of the arrival of the A. C. Ladies, soon had a committee ready to receive them and escort them to the G. A. R. Hall, where they were right royally entertained. Capt. Nipp again called around, and brought with him Judge Soward, Prof. Limerick, and others of the G. A. R. Boys, who favored the ladies with some able remarks, and last but not least, escorted both Corps to the ice cream parlors, where they were entertained with ice cream and cake.

Both ladies and gentlemen accompanied them to the hotel and started them safely on their journey home, well pleased with their visit, and feeling assured that more such days of pleasure would make life happier.

Arkansas City Republican, March 13, 1886.


Colonel E. C. Manning, of Winfield, has brought suit at Washington, D. C., against the Union Transfer Company, for $10,000 damages for the killing of his son, E. B. Manning, who was run over by one of the company=s hansom cabs on March 4, 1885, during the jam occasioned by the inauguration, and died two days afterward of the injuries received.

Arkansas City Republican, April 10, 1886.

Stallion Notice.

The well-known horse, Rob Roy, will stand at the home on the Wilcox farm, 5 miles northeast of Arkansas City, first four days of the week; in Arkansas City Tuesday and Saturday at Smith & Crocker=s barn. Season commences the 10th of April.


Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.

There are in Cowley County 6,612 families and only 6,200 houses for them to live in.

Composing these families there are 17,388 white males; 13,464 white females; 147 colored males; and 127 colored females.

Arkansas City Republican, June 12, 1886.


The returns show 503,208 acres of Cowley=s rich loan in cultivation. This gives about 14-1/2 acres to every man, woman, and child in the county, and a fraction over 37 acres to every horse and mule.

Arkansas City Republican, July 3, 1886.


It now comes to light that the jury in the McCoy whiskey case, after being shut up in the jury box all night, came out in the morning with the hair on their head pulling very hard. The jurors, who were bald-headed, wished they possessed hair to pull. It appears that the beer captured in the Ablind tiger@ sometime ago was too near them for safety. Such a racket was kept up all night by the jury that residents in that vicinity talked of having each one arrested for disturbance of the peace.

Arkansas City Republican, July 24, 1886.

Saturday morning two tramps applied to W. Ward for work. He didn=t have any for them; this made them angry and they took their departure, threatening him. Sunday Ward took his team to the Walnut to wash them, and there the same parties made up their mind to lick him. After a war of words, one made at him with an axe. Ward thought it was time to make himself scarce and so came uptown, swore out a warrant, and went down and had them arrested upon the charge of assault. This morning the trial came off before Judge Kreamer; and the prisoners were discharged, the court finding that the evidence adduced was not sufficient to hold them.


Arkansas City Traveler, August 11, 1886.

Buel T. Davis announces his retirement from the Winfield Tribune, and Cad Allard succeeds to the editorial management. This gentleman, in his salutary, says: AIn a few weeks we hope to be able to commence the publication of a daily, which may prove a credit to our beautiful and thrifty city of Winfield.@ Three dailies in a town of 6,000 persons is a model instance of journalistic enterprise.

Arkansas City Republican, September 4, 1886.


Thos. Finney, of Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, while in the city the latter part of last week, made the purchase of the City Book Store, of W. S. Thompson. Mr. Finney returned to Kaw yesterday to pack up his household effects and to remove them and his family to Arkansas City. They are expected to arrive Wednesday. Mr. Finney will go east the latter part of this week to make purchases of stock. He intends carrying a five thousand dollar stock, everything that is sold in a book store. The REPUBLICAN gladly welcomes Mr. Finney and family to our city.

Arkansas City Republican, September 4, 1886.


Yesterday Wm. Conner, an employee of the A. T. & S. F. Company on the bridge, cut his foot severely with an adz. The nerve was severed. Dr. C. D. Brown was summoned and attended the injury.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.

MARRIED. Now our friend, Byron Wagner, of the Republican, being tired of the lonesomeness of celibacy, has taken unto himself a wife and gone off to enjoy the honeymoon. He is a deserving citizen and worthy of all the bliss this fleeting life affords.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 8, 1886.

Mrs. T. M. Finney has been seriously ill the past few days, but is now recovering. Mr. Finney has charge of the post office book store today.

Arkansas City Republican, September 11, 1886.

Thos. Finney and family arrived from Kaw Agency the latter part of last week. Mr. Finney has entered upon his duties as proprietor of the City Book Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 15, 1886.


Sufferings of a Disabled Soldier Who is Refused a Pension.

The Republican, on misinformation last week, reported that John Senthouse, a disabled veteran of the late war, and a very deserving citizen, left the city on Friday last to become an inmate of the Soldiers= Home, at Leavenworth. The veteran is still in our midst seeking admission to the home, being friendless and unable to support himself, but his application has not yet been acted upon. It will be asked, why does he not receive a pension, so many million dollars of the public money being expended every year in support of our disabled soldiers. But his care is the same as thousands of others whose applications have been pending for years in the pension bureau and some missing link in the chain of testimony depriving them of the support that a grateful nation has provided for their needs.

J. E. Perkins, who, it will be remembered, was the victim of a fatal railroad accident a year ago, writing to Postmaster General Vilas, with whom he had a personal war acquaintance, says: AI think it is a perfect outrage that a good, faithful soldier, who served over four years in the army, lost his health in the service, being also disabled with wounds, should be allowed to suffer for want. But for me, the poor fellow would have gone short of food last winter. He is a stonecutter by trade, and a good one at that, but he cannot stand to work. When I see other men getting pensions who are not half so badly in need of help as this man, it makes me think there is a terrible wrong somewhere.@

Perhaps it will be interesting to the reader to be informed of the services of this patriot soldier at a time when our country was most in need of help. The following statement is furnished by a member of the Arkansas City post of the G. A. R.

John Senthouse, an old disabled soldier, who enlisted in St. Louis in 1861, in Company K, first regiment of engineers (Missouri volunteers), was born in Leeds, England, March 8, 1825, and emigrated to the United States in 1850. He served till the close of the war with his regiment, in all the campaigns of the army of the Tennessee. He was with Gen. Pope at New Madrid, Missouri, and helped to saw trees five feet under water in the canal in the rear of Island No. 10. He took part in the expedition to Fort Pillow, under the same commander. In the advance upon Corinth, in 1862, he served as fireman on a locomotive running on the military railroad--Mobile & Ohio line. While opening the road to Columbus, Kentucky, he lost the sight of his left eye while in the line of his duty, with the fracture of his right wrist, being thrown from the cars while doing service as a brakeman.

He served with Gen. Grant at Holly Springs, Mississippi, and took part in the second battle of Corinth. During October, 1862, he was building bridges and opening the road to Memphis. February 13, 1863, he was wounded by a gunshot over the region of the liver at Cypress Bend, Mississippi, during a skirmish. After recovering from this wound, he served in the gunboat expedition up the Yazoo River. We next find him with Gen. Sherman at the seige of Vicksburg, taking part in the difficult fighting up the Black River.

He re-enlisted January 21, 1864, and went through to Atlanta. When Gen. Sherman cut loose from there, November 15, 1864, on his famous march to the sea, Private Senthouse was with his regiment, having the pontoon service in charge, doing duty with the Thirteenth and Fifteenth corps, on the right wing of the army. AWe carried the boys over in safety,@ Comrade Senthouse remarks, Alived well when we could forage our rations, and went hungry when we struck a bare spot; that march was a military romance. I forget how many rivers we crossed, but we got there all the same.@

It remains to be said that our undistinguished hero took part in the triumphant review at Washington, where his regiment turned over the pontoon outfit which had rendered such useful service. He was mustered out in Louisville, Kentucky, October 22, 1865, having been in active service, except when in hospital from wounds, upwards of four years.

It seems an outrage, as the late J. E. Parkins has described it, that this deserving soldier, who applied for his pension in 1877, should be deprived of needed support, through circumlocution and red tape, the country having made such generous provision for just such as he. Not long since another of our war veterans, a German named Post, died in needy circumstances, his application for a pension unheeded and his wife and family left in destitution. Hon. B. W. Perkins is making an effort to push Mr. Senthouse=s application through; in the meantime he asks admission to the soldiers= home as his only resort.

Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.


Having purchased the stock of books, stationery, etc., of the late firm of W. S. Tompsons & Co., I shall continue at the old stand, and shall endeavor to merit the patronage of all old and new customers. My stock of school books and school supplies, miscellaneous, juvenile, and holiday books and novelties will be complete. I shall also carry a line of art goods and artists= materials, pastel, oil, and water color, painting and picture frames. I shall continue to carry the latest periodicals; also Lovel=s and Seaside Library, and receive subscriptions for all the monthly, daily, and weekly newspapers.



Arkansas City, Sept. 14th.


Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.


Thos. Finney, the proprietor of the City Book Store, left this afternoon for Chicago, where he has gone to lay in a mammoth stock.

Arkansas City Republican, September 18, 1886.

T. M. Finney has just received a nice stock of Seaside Library, and other books in pamphlet form, at the City Book Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 22, 1886.

Baufman, AOld Bauf,@ guide and scout of Capt. Hamilton=s cavalry company that was stationed at this place last winter, is said to be the man who opened the switches during the strike at Chicago, for which he received $1,000. ABauf@ took six shooter in one hand and told the crowd of 300 strikers to shoot, Abut remember, boys, it comes my turn next.@ Not a shot was fired.

Arkansas City Republican, September 25, 1886.


T. M. Finney returned today from his trip to Chicago.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.

Gone to the Home.

We mentioned a few weeks ago that John Senthouse, a disabled veteran of the war, had made application for admission to the soldiers= home at Leavenworth. A notification of his admission to that asylum was received last week, together with transportation from this city to Leavenworth. At a meeting of the Arkansas City post on Saturday evening, the battle scarred veteran being present, a letter from Hon. B. W. Perkins was read, detailing the efforts the writer had made to procure him a pension. The application having been nine years before the bureau, and recommending him to obtain an affidavit from one or more citizens, setting forth his physical disability and impoverished circumstances. The statement was made by Major M. S. Hasie, and promptly forwarded to Mr. Perkins. In recognition of this gentleman=s ready and disinterested services to disabled and war worn veterans, leave was granted Comrade Lockley to introduce at the next meeting of the post a resolution expressing the sense of the members of Mr. Perkins= patriotic performance of duty. A small grant of money was made to Comrade Senthouse to enable him to perform his journey in comfort, and a hearty God Speed was given him by all the veterans present. He started by the 6 o=clock a.m. train for the soldiers= home.

Arkansas City Traveler, September 29, 1886.

Those monkey-faced owls belonging to Oscar Titus, on exhibition in J. O. Johnson & Co.=s store, are objects of much curiosity. This pair of strange looking birds are regarded as a freak of nature, as anything exactly resembling them has never been seen by any of the crowds of spectators who have examined them. They are male and female, and were caught in a cave on the Arkansas River bank about three months ago. They are smaller than the common owl, their plumage is of a light drab color, and their comical looking countenances are covered with a fine hair or down. Their legs also are similarly covered. Oscar has had the female photographed; it does not make a handsome picture, and the happy owner of the birds declares the male is still less prepossessing. Their actions are also peculiar. When a person approaches the cage, the male bird shows his uneasiness by an oscillating movement of the head and body, while the female blows off steam like the emission of vapor from an escape valve. They bear their confinement well, eat heartily, and preserve their good condition. They are regarded as a natural curiosity, and would be a valuable addition to the zoological collection of a dime museum.

Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.

Bill Hackney was arrested and fined $11 for the part he took in the caucus held in Winfield Monday night. A warrant is out for W. M. Allison. He espoused the cause on the opposite side. Allison has left town; when he returns, he will be arrested.

Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.

John Ingliss has got back from seeing his AKentucky Belle@ at Milton, and is now devoting his entire devotions and attentions to his ASunflower.@

Arkansas City Republican, October 2, 1886.

About 30 Pawnees were in the city yesterday. They were on their way home. They were with Buffalo Bill=s Wild West show. They purchased an immense amount of provisions, clothing, etc., from our merchants.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 6, 1886.

In a political meeting last week, W. P. Hackney allowed his evil passions to rise, and his unruly tongue fell foul of W. M. Allison, editor of the Visitor. This brought about a collision between the two, which was promptly stopped by bystanders. The next morning Mr. Hackney interviewed the police justice, and condoned the offense by paying $12.25.

Arkansas City Republican, October 9, 1886.


Seaside, Monroe, and Lovell Libraries.



City Book Store.

Arkansas City Republican, October 16, 1886.

E. L. McDowell, of Arkansas City, opened up a fine stock of jewelry, watches, clocks, etc., at Baugh Bros. Drug Store this week.

South Haven New Era.

AMc@ is branching out. He goes over to South Haven once a week, gathers up all the broken watches, and brings them over here and repairs them.

Arkansas City Republican, October 16, 1886.

F. K. Higgins, of the firm of Healy, Bigton & Co., was in the city last week en route for the Pawnee Agency to obtain some Indians. Mr. Higgins returned here yesterday, accompanied by 20 Pawnee braves. They went on to Philadelphia this morning. The Indians are wanted to advertise the patent medicine business at the above firm.

Arkansas City Republican, October 16, 1886.

Geo. Cunningham came in from St. Louis last evening. He informs us that on the whole, St. Louis is not much larger than Arkansas City--is going to be. He met Mr. Bud Weiser and Mrs. Ann Hauser, formerly of Kansas, well-known to many of our readers. Although they are doing a good business in the old town of St. Louis, they prefer coming back to this state. They hope to get in by Moonlight, at least. But their hopes are small on this point and they are already beginning to realize that their Bacon is cooked. George further deposes that Mr. Bud and Mrs. Ann were real glad to see him and insisted on shaking hands with him Atoo numerous times@ to mention. When he went to bid farewell to the pair, his head was so turned by the confusion of hand-shaking he didn=t know Mr. Bud from Mrs. Ann, and in his eagerness to be sociable he embraced the former for the latter. Such is life of a Sandhiller in St. Louis.

Arkansas City Republican, October 16, 1886.

We are informed that a few days since the professors of the

M. E. College at Winfield were paid their first month=s salary. They took the checks to the banks to have them cashed and were refused payment. Winfield=s $90,000 investment in a college to improve the morality of the town is in a Abad row of stumps.@

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, October 20, 1886.


He Describes the Soldiers= Home at Leavenworth, and the

Domestic Life of the Inmates.


October 15th, 1886:

COMRADE LOCKLEY: You kindly mentioned my departure from your city to become an inmate of the Home provided for disabled veterans, and as some description of this national asylum and an account of the life we lead here may be interesting to the comrades and your readers generally, I will try my powers at the task. I arrived in Leavenworth on Monday, Sept. 27th, about 11 o=clock a.m., pretty well worn out with the journey. I stayed the remainder of the day in town to rest up, and the next morning walked 2-1/2 miles (the Home lying that distance south of town), to report. I was admitted and assigned to quarters in Castle Garden, where novitiate inmates are kept until they go through a bath, new clothing is issued them, and they are thoroughly cleaned up. Then they are removed to permanent quarters. I am quartered with Co. E, north of the dining hall and the lecture room.

The headquarters of the station is north of the hall, and there are three barracks in that portion of the building. The quarter-master=s rooms and the police department adjoin headquarters. The reading room, which is provided with desks for writing, is over these offices. South of the hall are four barracks, one of them used as a hospital. Two are ready for plastering; and two others, now going up, will be ready for the plasterer next month. The dining hall is a capacious apartment, capable of seating 1,000 men, and the lecture room is as large. The building fronts to the west. The barracks consist of four rooms each, and each room furnished with 24 cots. The main entrance is in the center of the building. The foundation is of stone with a brick superstructure and stone facings. Our bedding consists of three blankets, two linen sheets, and coverlid of the same material; with a chair and wardrobe to each cot. These dormitories are twelve feet high, with six windows on each side. A glass casement at the end, 11 feet high, opens on a balcony. The building is lighted with gas and heated with steam. A wash room and water closet on each floor, also a bath room. Each barrack is under the command of a sergeant and corporal. Everything is kept scrupulously neat and clean.

The bill of fare is good enough for every reasonable man: plenty of wholesome, nourishing food and well cooked. Of the comforts of this home I can only say I wish every person in Arkansas City was as well provided. There is a home store where we can get a good square glass of beer for five cents. This is endorsed by the board of managers, in spite of a vigorous protest from the Ladies= Temperance Committee.

Every inmate is at liberty to go and come, provided he does not abuse the privilege. Reveille is beaten at six a.m., when we get up, dress and wash, and sit down to breakfast at 6:30. The meal over, we go back to our quarters, make up our beds neatly, sweep around our cots, and cleanse the cuspadores. Dinner is served at noon and supper at 2 past 5. Retreat is sounded at 8:30, and taps beat at 9. Then silence prevails.

If a man is able to perform manual labor, he can get work and pay. Since I came here there must have been a hundred veterans admitted. They are from all parts of the country, and of all nationalities. There is no color line here; all are admitted whose record is good. We draw chewing and smoking tobacco, blacking and brushes, and other domestic necessaries. On Saturday I draw my uniform: pants, vest, blouse, cap, shoes, socks, drawers, and shirt. We are entitled to more clothing yet. We are allowed a great many privileges, such as furloughs. A man can obtain a furlough extending from 5 to 90 days. For instance, if I stay here till spring, and feel able to work, I can apply for a furlough for ninety days. It is granted me and I go where I can get work. At the end of that time, if I want it extended, I drop the governor a card telling him how much more time I want, within the above limit, giving my reasons, and the extension will be granted. But if I come back before my time dead broke, they will give me 30 or 60 days on the dump (as it is called), or give me a lodging in the guard house. The reason of this is, some of the inmates are drawing pensions who go out on leave, get on a drunk, and come back penniless before their time is out. These have to take the punishment.

There is a disposition manifested by the board to turn out men with large pensions, and I approve the movement. If a man is drawing $20 a month, or more, I think he ought to be satisfied, and give room to the more needy. With that amount paid me, I would try to get along.

We had inspection last Sunday, and passed in review before Commander-in-Chief Fairchild, of the G. A. R., and several members of his staff. We made a tolerably fair display, considering the mixture of artillerists, cavalrymen, and infantry, their drill all different. We have a brass band to enliven the boys, which plays every evening. All the calls are made by bugle.

This will be a beautiful place when finished. The grounds comprise 640 acres, hills and hollows and nearly all timbered. There is a clearing west of the building, where the men are cleaning up the underbrush and blowing out the stumps to sow blue grass. There is a cemetery on the grounds, where sixteen veterans take their repose. It will not be many years before that silent camping ground will be more populous than the Home. Three of the inmates have died since I came here; all are buried with military honors. We have a chaplain, and divine worship on Sundays. In the hall there is one orchestra organ and pieces are played by the band. In all it is a great Home, and worthy of the nation that provides so generously for its needy and disabled defenders.

I receive the TRAVELER regularly, and read it with interest. I am glad to see you stand by Perkins; he has been my friend, and deserves to be supported as the soldiers= friend. Frank Bacon, who paid his fulsome devotion to Jeff Davis at New Orleans, loyal Kansans can have no possible use for.

Well, comrade, if you can use this for the benefit of the post and the edification of your readers, you are welcome to put what portion of it in print you think right.

Yours in Fraternity, Charity, and Loyalty,


Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.

Now the post office is moved, the remaining occupants of the building, T. M. Finney and Ridenour & Thompson propose to extend their counters and shelving to the rear of the building and give better display to their stock of goods. Mr. Finney is spreading out an

elegant display to the public gaze.

Arkansas City Traveler, October 20, 1886.

That worthy old veteran, John Senthouse, calls B. W. Perkins Athe soldier=s friend.@ From the National Home in Leavenworth he appeals to his comrades to send this faithful representative of loyal Kansas back to congress and his appeal will not be unheeded. The boys who fought secession have no use for a man who adopts Jeff. Davis as his hero and model statesman. [Referring to Democratic candidate, Frank Bacon.]

Arkansas City Republican, October 23, 1886.

Since the removal of the post office, T. M. Finney will occupy that portion of the room vacated by it in addition to his present space. Mr. Finney proposes to have a book store in keeping with Arkansas City=s great prosperity.

Arkansas City Republican, October 30, 1886.

The press reports state that one J. M. McLees was hanged by a mob at Montrose, Colorado, a few days since. This same McLees was once a client of our lawyer friend, A. J. Miller, of this city, in which case he was acquitted of the charge of murder. But this time the law didn=t save him.

Arkansas City Republican, November 6, 1886.

There are 910 prisoners confined in the Kansas penitentiary. Of this number, 56 are sentenced to be hung.

Arkansas City Republican, November 13, 1886.

Twenty Pawnee braves arrived in the city this morning, in charge of an agent of Buffalo Bill=s Wild West combination. They were going to New York.

Arkansas City Republican, December 11, 1886.

J. E. Finney came up from Osage Agency, Indian Territory, last evening and remained in the city until the afternoon Santa Fe train. He left then for Prescott, Arizona, where he has gone to take a position with the Atlantic & Pacific railroad company. Mr. Finney brought up with him some elegant specimens of the handiwork of A. B. Sheddan, bookkeeper at the agency, in the shape of a center table, large stool, and several small ones. The center table is made exclusively of cattle horns, the top being covered with plush goods. The stools are made of deer horns, ornamented with cattle horns, and covered with plush. They are of elegant designs, and we believe we are safe in saying there are no other similar pieces of furniture in existence. They are on exhibition and are for sale at T. M. Finney=s book store.

Arkansas City Republican, December 18, 1886.

We happened in a drug store yesterday, and while absorbing all the heat we could from the Abase burner,@ a man came in and asked for a bottle of beer. He was sick, he said. The druggist demanded to know his ailment, and the would-be customer, if he could be, replied that he had malaria. He was told by the druggist that beer was not good for malaria. The man said he wanted the beer for fits; again, the druggist told him that beer was not adapted to the curing of fits. This made the man angry, and he demanded to know whether the druggist would sell him a bottle of beer, and if a man must have fits before he could get any. The druggist said he sold beer only for diseases which he knew it would benefit. The man left in disgust.

Arkansas City Republican, December 25, 1886.


Troop L, Fifth cavalry, has a library fund, consequently the boys have always on hand a good collection of books and periodicals, among which may be found the DAILY REPUBLICAN. All of which goest to prove that the American army is the most intellectual military body on earth.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum