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[From Wednesday, February 11, 1885, through March 11, 1885.]

H. P. STANDLEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

A Large and Enthusiastic Meeting Held in Topeka.
Agreeable to call, a state convention of delegates from the different Oklahoma colonies in Kansas met at 3 p.m., February 3, in Odd Fellows hall in Topeka.

Samuel Dolman, chairman of the Topeka colony, called the meeting to order.

The hall at the opening of the convention was well filled. A large number of delegates were in attendance, representing thirteen colonies, among whom were Col. Couch, of Oklahoma fame; W. A. Eddy, of Cherokee County; Hon. Sidney Clarke, of Lawrence; P. M. Gilbert, of Arkansas City; and other well known residents of this state.

W. L. Couch was called to the chair; I. W. Pack, Secretary.

Committees on permanent organization, on resolutions, plan of organization, etc., were appointed.

The committee on credentials reported the following gentlemen as delegates representing the several colonies.

Captain W. L. Couch.

J. H. Thoroughman.

E. S. Wilcox, of Oklahoma Territory.

W. E. Richie.

E. H. Sanford.

Walter A. Eddy.

Mark Sage.

Henry Kinsey.

George Blair.

Walter Sage, of Wabaunsee County.

John Hoenscheidt, Frank Ferris, George Honninger, M. Marcus, of Atchison.

P. M. Gilbert, of Arkansas City.

W. H. Osborn, C. P. Wickmire, Wichita.

H. L. Strong, Coffeyville.

B. S. Walden, Kansas City.

Dr. Jacobs, Burton.

B. L. Stone, Rich Hill, Missouri.

W. D. Halfill, Cowley County.

C. E. Lincoln, Coffeyville.

Orrin Wood, Osage City.

John Armstrong, S. N. Wood, John Carter, Samuel Dolman, and E. A. Tuttle, Topeka.

A spirited discussion arose concerning the manner of voting in the convention which was was disposed of by the adoption of the motion made by S. N. Wood, that each colony be permitted one vote for each twenty members, not to exceed five votes for each colony.

Loud calls were made upon the chairman for a speech.

In response to these calls, Capt. Couch made some interesting remarks, giving a history of the Oklahoma movement, in which he gave the legal statutes of the lands, together with an account of the different expeditions of the "boomers" to Oklahoma.

Mr. Couch, who is a modest appearing man, with a good address, paid a tribute to the character and services of the late leader of the colonists, Capt. Payne; much of his remarks being devoted to giving a description of the latest trip made by Capt. Couch and his followers to Oklahoma, which narrative was listened to with great interest by the meeting.

Before 8 o'clock the senate chamber was full, even to occupying standing room and every seat in the gallery was occupied.

Capt. Couch arrived and entered the chamber unannounced, and without any attention. But few knew the leader who had assumed, or on whom had fallen the mantle of the recently deceased leader of the "boomers," who had so recently been driven from Oklahoma.

Captain Couch quietly took the chair, and in a very modest, unassuming manner announced that this was an adjourned meeting of the Oklahoma advocates for the purpose of organizing a National League. Responding to the yells for "Couch! Couch!" he arose and said he was not cut out for a speaker. Then there were calls for various persons, among them for Overmeyer, who responded. He said he did not know why he was called upon. He had never been in Oklahomanever in the Indian Territory. But wherever there was an attempt to overrun the rights of man, his voice was for the oppressed and downtrodden. In this Oklahoma question were involved the rights and the liberties of the people. He went on for some time, eloquently defending the settlers in their cause.

The meeting was further addressed by Messrs. Sidney Clarke, S. N. Wood, and Jetmore.

Hon. Sidney Clarke, the chairman of the committee on resolutions, presented the following.

Resolved, That the use of the United States army to expel men, women, and children from their homes in Oklahoma, who have settled on lands owned by the Government, and subject to homestead and pre-emption under the laws of Congress, has but one parallel in history, to wit: Free state legislation of Kansas by United States troops in 1856, in the old border ruffian days.

Resolved, That we denounce as an outrage the use of United States troops to deprive people of their homes and property without any warrant of law. That there is no excuse for the recent exercise of arbitrary power in the Oklahoma country, and that we denounce the invasion of any Territory by an armed force, under any pretense, as among the greatest of crimes.

Resolved, That we are opposed to interfering with the rights of Indians to their lands existing under the laws or treaties of the United States and will not defend men in the violations of their rights; and we demand, also, that the protection of the Government should be extended to all settlers alike on the Government lands.

Resolved, That it is not a crime to settle upon Government land, but a right given to every American citizen by law; that the Indian title to the Oklahoma lands has been extinguished; and under the laws of the United States statutes they are subject to settlement, pre-emption, and homestead.

Resolved, That the bold and lawful stand taken by Capt. Couch and his heroic followers in defense of their homes against arbitrary power entitles them to the gratitude of every friend of Constitutional government.

Resolved, That the action of the President of the United States in ordering Colonel Hatch to shoot down men, women, and children whose only crime was a desire to occupy Government lands, is an outrage that would disgrace the worst momarchies of the old world.

Resolved, That we have a right under the laws of the United States to settle and occupy Government lands, and by the Eternal, we are going to do it.

Resolved, That all dispatches sent by the Associated Press Agent at Caldwell, relating to the status or settlement of the Oklahoma lands, and charging that there are no cattlemen holding large herds of stock enclosed by fence on said lands, are wilfully false and calculated to mislead the public.

The following resolutions were offered by S. N. Wood and adopted.

Resolved, That a committee of five be appointed by the chair to prepare and publish an address to the people of the United States defining the position of the Oklahoma colonists on the settlement of the Oklahoma lands.

Resolved, That said committee be authorized to present the case of the settlers seeking homes in Oklahoma to the President of the United States, the Attorney General, Secretary of the Interior, and Commissioner of the General Land Office, and demand in the name of the people of the United States seeking homes on Government lands, that they be not molested in settling on such lands in the Oklahoma country as do not belong to any Indian tribe.

Resolved, That we demand that all unearned land grants to railroads shall be forfeited and restored to the public domain and held for actual settlers only; that our thanks are due the House of Representatives in Washington for the passage of laws restoring some seventy millions of acres of the public domain to actual settlers; that the United States Senate, in refusing to pass land bill, proves that the Senate represents the corporations and not the people.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

N. G.
An Engineering Expert's Opinion of the Country.
The Wichita Eagle of Wednesday morning contained an interview with C. B. Young, a gentleman who has just finished a careful survey of the Oklahoma district in the interest of an independent colony, an organization of men who possess the means to develop and improve farms. He traveled over the enire ground, and up and down every stream and tributary of any importance, carefully examining the soils, grasses, and minerals, timber, and water where found, as also the locations of the townsites of the speculators and leaders of the boomers' invasions, with the eye of a practical farmer and stock-raiser, going into the district at Bull Forkes ranche, and coming back by the way of the Otoe Agency. He unhessitatingly declares that, including the bottoms of the Cimarron and its tributaries and the Cottonwood River, Deer Creek, and all other streams, that not to exceed 2 percent, or one section in fifty, is fit for anything but grazing purposes. That, as an agricultural country, it is a humbug whose glories and richness have no existence outside of the brains of the men who have for speculative purpose been deluding honest and confiding men. Mr. Young says he is acquainted with the soils of western and southwestern Kansas, and he knows of no lands subject to homestead and settlement in the unorganized counties of Kansas that do not far excel the barren square known as the Oklahoma district. That even no tribe of Indians desired to occupy it, and that it was worse than highway robbery to delude confiding men into going down there with their wives and children. His report shows that in all his travels, covering hundreds of miles, he found no lands in the territory outside of the reservation, and, with the exceptions of a few narrow belts, which were also outside of the Oklahoma district, nothing suitable for agricultural purposes. The interview is too long for an Associated Press dispatch, but it is evident that the order of the government has saved thousands of poor men from hardship and want. Solely as a duty to all those who may contemplate going to that territory under the protection of the boomers' organization, he, as an officer of the St. Joe colony, sent down there for the purpose of information, desires his report made public.

Another story about the village built like that of the Zunis. . . .

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

A Son of Noah, According to Its Inhabitants, Said to be the Founder.
Our special correspondent with the Afghan Commission thus describes an extraordinary- looking village which he passed at the distance of 100 miles from Teheran.

"We had not proceeded far on our way when vestiges of the former condition of things met our eyes. It was at a place only 100 miles from Teheran that we first realized the dreadful state of danger in which the people had lived. We found a most remarkable village at which we encamped. Supposing no information could have been procured, and an archaeologist had come upon it by accident, he would have had a profound puzzle to unravel and explain. The name of the village is Lasgird. The people ascribe an immense antiquity to it, and say that Las, or Last, a son of Noah, drew in the ground the `gird,' or circle, which is the plan of the structure. The hero of this legend is not very familiar to Biblical scholars in the West, but he is not unknown in Afghanistan. The Colosseum at Rome, although an oval, would convey some idea of the general appearance of Lasgird, only it must be conceived as built of mud, which is almost the only building material of this country. It should also be recollected that the one belongs to a period of good architecture, of which it is a celebrated monument, while the other may be said to be entirely destitute of any pretensions of this kind.

"The rude mud walls are thick and solid all round at the base, and rise some thirty or forty feet, where there is a line of doors, with here and there a small window between them. By means of projecting beams, or branches of trees, over which smaller branches are laid, a kind of gallery is produced, bearing a strong resemblance to those simple forms of birds' nests which are formed of sticks placed on the upper branches of trees. The wonder is how the eggs do not roll over; or that the chicks do not tumble down to destruction. So it is with the galleries of Lasgirdthere is no protection on the edge. Yet we saw women and children, sheep and goats, upon thema more frail and dangerous-looking arrangement it would be hard to conceive.

"There are two tiers of houses all round, and in some places there appeared to be three. All had these galleries in front, either to communicate with the next house, or, as some did not communicate, they were only of use to come out upon to sit, or work, or for the children to play upon; to us these places seemed the brink of destruction, while to the women and children it all appeared as safe and comfortable as if they had been monkeys. Of course, there was no getting up to these galleries from the outside; that would have suited the Turkomans. The means of going up were all on the inside. In some instances there are rough steps of mud, and in others there are inclined planes, half ladders and half road, made in the same way as the galleries. These lead up to galleries communicating with the houses, which were an exact repetition of those on the outside, the only difference being that they were not so high up, and there were walls at places which did duty as a parapet, hence the certainty of falling over did not seem so great from the inside as on the outside.

"While looking at this strange structure from one of these upper galleries, an old woman, of at least 70 years of age, passed me, with a child stuck in some primitive way on her back; a few yards from me was one of their means of ascent formed of sticks with the remains of mud hanging to it. It would have done for fowls to go up to their roosts upon. She clambered up on this to the gallery above, but that was not her desination; her house was one up still higher in a corner, and to reach it she had to crawl up on the edge of a crumbling mud wall, not above eighteen inches wide; on her left hand was a perpendicular descent, enough to make anyone dizzy, and death at the bottom of it, if a fall should occur; although the other side there was only a few feet, if the old creature had slipped, the chances are that she would have rolled down, and fallen over the gallery with the baby on her back. The old lady went up very handily, and reached her crow's nest in perfect safety. I could not help thinking that a few generations of this kind of thing would undo all our development, and that we would go back again to our original Simian condition.

"The dwellings of the people were all in the upper part of the great circle, and the center was filled up with strange moss structures, which are now falling to decay, as there is no longer any danger from the Turkomans. These places were for containing the grain of the village and for receiving the livestock of the villagers when a raid occurred. One of a number of wells was pointed out to us within a circle, and we were told that they had three or four which were all kept in good order in the days of danger. There is only one entrance to this circle, and that is by a small entrance scarcely four feet in height, to which there is a stone door working with a pivot and socket similar to the ancient stone doors found in the Hauran and other parts of the Soudan. This stone door of Lasgird is a very rude one, being eight inches thick in some parts, and it tells its tale of the existence of great danger and the necessity for protection.

"Sir Peter Lunsden had a long conversation with the Khet Khodah and some of the principal villagers, and it seemed that they not only ascribed the origin of Lasgird to the Son of Noah, "Nu," as they called him; but they likened their strange dwelling place to the Ark. Extreme theologians, who identify the church with the Ark, say all who were in the Ark were saved; all without were destroyed. This was exactly the case with `Lasgird.' When a Chupao took place, all who got in were secure; all who were left outside became victims. A chronic state of war existed, and this fortified village was the result. `The Government either could not, or would not, defend the people, and they had to take means for their own safety.'" London Daily News.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

C. R. Mitchell was appointed a member of the board of Regents of the University, February 5, 1885.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

The post office appropriation bill, as prepared by the committee on Appropriations of the House, makes two important changes in the rate of postage. The rate on letters and other sealed packages is changed from two cents for each half ounce or fraction thereof to two cents an ounce, while the postage on newspapers and other periodicals mailed from a recognized office of publication is reduced from two cents per pound to one cent. Both changes will be welcomed by the public, and both are in the interest of the people. Congress should have no hesitation in adopting the report of the committee.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

Our esteemed contemporary of the backwoods persuasion presumes to critizize the TRAVELER's position as taken in our last issue on the Oklahoma question. We said in that article that we are in favor of opening up Oklahoma, improperly so called. So we are. But our object then was not to explain why we were. The sole object was to give both sides of the question.

In regard to the only point made at all, the Democrat exposed its utter ignorance of the subject. We said, "but owing to a defect in the law, no penalty being affixed, he (Payne) was allowed his liberty." The comments are as follows: `The TRAVELER knows and so does everybody else here know, that there is a law to punish trespassers upon Indian lands, and there is no defect in the law either." Notwithstanding this sweeping assertion there is a defect and a grave one in this law. The only penalty is a fine of $1,000, with no way fixed for its collection, no punishment for its nonpayment. Is this not a defect? A fine of $1,000 had no more terror for Payne than it would have for any other dead beat. It made no difference to him how many fines were assessed against him, so long as no way was fixed for their collection or punishment for nonpayment. Perhaps even the Democrat can now understand that there is a defect. If it can, the point is of course clear to all.

As our statement of both sides of the question has subjected us to the above puerile criticism, we take pleasure in plainly stating again our opinion in regard to this question.

In the year 1866 the Creek and Seminole Indian tribes ceded to the United States 5,400,000 acres of land, taking in all the Seminole lands and the west half of the Creek lands. The third article in the treaty with the Creeks, and the same was in the Seminole treaty, was as follows.

"In compliance with the desire of the United States to locate other Indians and freedmen thereon, the Creeks hereby cede and convey to the United States, to be sold to and used as homes for such other civilized Indians as the United States may choose to settle thereon, the west half of their entire domain, to be divided by a line running north and south."

The consideration in the treaty was, to the Creeks, 20 cents an acre, and to the Seminoles 15 cents an acre. These prices are ridiculously low if we consider it to be an absolute sale. Another thing, is it to be presumed for a moment that if the Indians had any idea that the whites were to become their nearest neighbors, that they would have considered at all the proposition of 15 and 20 cents an acre? No, indeed. But when other Indians and freedmen were to be placed there near to them, it assumed an entirely different aspect. In law, the Indians according to this treaty, have got a title to this land. The United States does not own this land in fee simple, but in conditional fee, conditional on the not using it for any purpose other than the settling of Indian tribes and freedmen. This is the legal aspect of the case.

Now, what is the proposition made by some of the boomers? To go down to that country, take possession of the lands, devote them to their use, wrest them from the Indians by force, and proclaim as has been too often done, the "right of power." This Government can do this. It can take every foot of land now occupied and owned by the Indians and open it for settlement, by force. But, thank God, that is not the policy of the Government. The Indians are to be treated with the same faith, the same standard of honesty, as if they were a nation powerful enough to avenge her wrongs. This is right.

As we have often repeated, the TRAVELER is in favor of opening up this country for settlement, we are heartily in favor of it and will lend a helping hand to that project whenever and wherever the occasion arises, provided that it be in a proper and lawful manner. This wholesale invasion of the Territory we have always denounced and always will. We have asserted that it is our belief that Payne's only motive was the money there was in it, and we still believe it. But this does not destroy our desire to have this country opened. The time will come and it is not far off when the Indian Territory will have to be opened also; but it must not be stolen, taken from the Indians by brute force, with no consideration whatever for justice and right.

The Indians will sell their right to the Oklahoma lands. Let the Government buy it, pay for it, and own it legally. This is the way and the only way to obtain possession of this country. We are not a nation of thieves and robbers, even though many past actions of the nation would lead to that inference. It is said that "reform" can never come too late. Even at this late day, then, let us begin to deal fairly, justly and honestly with our red neighbors.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

The loss of many cattle this winter, as strange as it may seem, was caused by falling down creek banks. The cattle get very cold, and in drifting come to a bluff or creek bank and either stagger over or are pushed over by those behind them; if not injured by the fall, they are too cold to get up, and lay there and die for want of food or water, and freeze.

Dodge City Journal.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 11, 1885.

After all the facts about cattle losses it turns out that about the only loss amounting to much was in two or three counties south of San Antonio, where there is no grain, and the cattle very poor. And even in these counties, the loss was greatly exaggerated.

San Antonio Stockman.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

W. J. Hodges was in the city Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Capt. W. L. Couch Sundayed in this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. H. Sherburne was up from Ponca Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Frank J. Hess was in Winfield Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

W. A. Lee, of Winfield, was here on a business trip Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

H. P. Farrar and W. D. Mowry visited Winfield Wednesday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Miss Etta Barnett returned from a week's visit to Wichita Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

We're glad to hear of Mrs. W. D. Mowry's recovery from her recent illness.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

M. L. Robinson was down from the hub Thursday to make a short visit for Ivan.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Wyckoff & Son and C. Atwood have put an elegant coat of paint on the fronts of their stores.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mrs. Peter Wyckoff returned from a short visit to her daughter at Otoe Agency Thursday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Jas. Hill registered at the Occidental hotel in Wichita Tuesday, and H. C. Deets at the _______ [COULD NOT READ NAME OF LAST HOTEL.].

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

We call attention to the specials of C. M. Scott in this issue, advertising for sale some Poland china hogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Same Ad ran last week also. Ad. POLAND CHINA! I have six thoroughbred Poland China male hogs, I will sell at a bargain. C. M. Scott.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

John Gibson's new barber shop, just south of the St. Louis Restaurant, is one of the neatest rooms in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. R. Perry was improving nicely up to Saturday night, when he had a relapse, and is now in a dangerous condition.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

T. M. Finney, of Kaw, made us a short call Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. R. Perry has so far recovered that he was able to be brought here from Wellington last week. He is very low yet, however.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The ladies of the M. E. Church propose having a New England dinner, also Fair in connection, February 21. Further notice next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Do not fail to attend the Japanese social given by the ladies of the Presbyterian Church at Highland Hall, next Saturday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Wm. Prince, agent of the Cowley County Marble Works of Winfield, interviewed our people Monday and Tuesday on the subject of tombstones.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. W. Hutchison sold his residence on Central Avenue last week to Henry Endicott. J. W. says he will board around awhile now, until he can build.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The heroic efforts of the marshal, W. J. Gray, to conquer the mud on the street crossings was rewarded by many a smile from the fair ones compelled to cross.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mr. M. Greenabaum left last Monday for Arkansas, where he expects to be absent two or three months buying cattle and preparing them for the drive to this point.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

There was a small break in Searing & Mead's dam across the Walnut Friday, but as the water was low in that river, it did not result seriously, being readily repaired.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

D. J. Murphy, the sterling Democrat, made us happy Saturday last by sufficient virtue to carry the TRAVELER to his home for the next year. May it do him good politically.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Irving French spent a day or so in the city last week, returning to his Ponca home last Wednesday. Irving is a little heavier, but just as jovial and good natured as ever.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Ivan Robinson, Miss Florence Grosscup, Frank Grosscup, Miss Anna Meigs, J. L. Howard, and Mrs. Lizzie Benedict attended the bal masque at Winfield, Thursday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

F. [? NOT SURE OF FIRST INITIAL AT ALL...PAPER VERY HARD TO READ AGAIN THIS TIME AS FIRST COLUMN HAS A LOT OF BLANK SPOTS AND TORN SPOTS.] L. Thompson moved a drove of hogs from East Bolton to a lot on the Canal last week. He was unable to buy sufficient corn where he was, and was compelled to make the change.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The I. O. O. F., A. E. [?] & A. M., and K. of P.'s are each circulating papers soliciting the subscription of [???] for the purpose of building a lodge hall. They are meeting with fair success.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Sam Gould has a unique and forcible sign over his paper counter. It has the words "Do not" then a large sponge, "your reading." The counter is tolerably free from the sponges now.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Rev. Dr. Kirkwood assisted Rev. Fleming in the services held at the Presbyterian Church last week. His sermon Friday evening was pronounced very fine by those who were fortunate enough to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Owing to the back water in the Walnut River, the Roller Mills were compelled to shot down Thursday. The Canal Mills will in running order today, and as soon as possible, both will begin running night and day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Clyde Beck, for whom the TRAVELER advertised some time ago, has returned to Arkansas City. He was hunting a place to board and go to school. He gave as a reason for leaving home that there were too many children there. His folks have been notified.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

William V. Love, son of John Love, has been visiting his relatives here for a couple of weeks. He made us a very pleasant call Wednesday evening and allayed our palm with sufficient balm to carry the TRAVELER to his home, Joy, Mercer County, Illinois, for one year.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mr. Boyd, whose wife is now visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Ayres, after visiting the New Orleans Exposition, will arrive here this week to make a short visit. Mr. Boyd is engaged in law at Oakland, Nebraska, and also interested in a newspaper there.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

As ye local was slowly and solemnly trudging his way home last Friday night he heard approaching two young couples who were apparently enjoying themselves to the full. As everything was quiet their conversation was audible for quite a distance. The parties will remember the occasion as ye local was claimed by one of the party as "dad"which was until then unknown to the so-called Peter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Our opinion that Arkansas City will enjoy a building boom this spring was strengthened last week during the warm weather. We noticed then not less than half a dozen frames being erected in different parts of the town. And this at a time, too, when mild weather could not be expected for any length of time. So many are waiting, though, that the carpenters will rush things every day it is possible to work.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

C. R. Sipes last week put into working order an incubator for C. C. Sollitt and John B. Walker. The lamp to this incubator is said to be the best used. It was presented to Mr. Sollitt by a friend of his. The lamp is made of copper, with a wick about three-fourths of an inch in length. Elevated above the lamp is a reservoir connected with the lamp by a tube. The manner of operating the lamp is to fill it with oil and the reservoir with water. The pressure of the water keeps the oil crowded to the top and thus makes the even heat so necessary to the artificial hatching of eggs. Above the lamp is a pan of water and it is from the heat of this water that the eggs are hatched. This is the improvement over the old way. It is necessary that the eggs should be more or less damp all the time and this water keeps them so, without having to remove the eggs to wet them, as was necessary by the old machines. We look for chickens to make a tumble now that Kit and Johnny are playing settin' hops.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

W. N. Sinnott was in the city Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

We extend you an invitation to the Japanese Wedding.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. E. Jarvis, of Winfield, was in our midst Wednesday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

John W. Preston, of Geuda, was in the city Monday on business.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mary Matlack, daughter of S. Matlack, is very seriously ill at present.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. M. Pollock, of Wichita, came down to see our prosperity Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. S. Fleming and wife, of Medicine Lodge, registered at the Windsor Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. F. Henderson returned from his visit to friends in Missouri last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Miss Julia Deming, of Carthage, Missouri, arrived Tuesday to vist her many friends in this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Henry Asp was in the city Thursday representing the state in several trials before Justices Schiffbauer and Kreamer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Miss Fannie Skinner accompanied her aunt to Brookville, Salina County, this state, last week. She will be absent about a week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Messrs. L. W. Armstrong, of Wichita, and E. V. Abbott, of Udall, friends of Ralph Field, made us a pleasant call Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mr. H. W. Young, editor of the Star and Kansas, at Independence, will visit his father-in-law this week and expects to stay about a week. His wife is now here.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Mr. O. Mead has been very seriously sick for a week or more. As we go to press we learn that he is somewhat better, and there are hopes of his speedy recovery.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Miss Lida Strong spent Sunday in our city visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Pentecost. The young lady is teaching school at Udall whither she returned on the morning train Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

DIED. Died in this city Thursday, February 5, 1885, Mr. J. Robinson. The funeral services were held Friday. The deceased leaves a wife and children, to whom the community extend condolence.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Wes Ferguson took advantage of the few days of warm weather last week to commence the erection of his dwelling house on Fourth street. Operations have been suspended this week, however, for obvious reasons.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Grouse Creek has been on a bender again. The mail was delayed here four or five days last week on account of high water, and the suggestion of the TRAVELER for the purchase of the Oxford pontoon bridge is more pertinent than ever.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

All the streams in the Territory are swollen to their utmost capacity by the recent thaw. Salt Fork is so high it can neither be forded or ferried over. The consequence is that freighting and teaming of every description is at a standstill.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The Cambridge News says T. O. Smith came very near drowning his team last week. His wagon was loaded with hay, and as he was crossing a stream it was swept down by the current about two rods, when he succeeded in cutting the horses loose and swimming ashore.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The roads have been in such condition for the past week that our farmers have been unable to haul in any corn and the consequence is that there is a great scarcity in this market. The cattlemen are feeding a great deal of corn now, and it takes all the corn we can ship in to supply them and keep our mills running, including the amount offered on our home market.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Kroenert & Austin will occupy the central room under Highland Hall as soon as Ochs & Nicholson vacate. They expect to fill this room with a large and complete stock and run it in connection with their other store, the Diamond Front. These gentlemen are building up a business second to none in this city. They expect to build a large two-story, brick and stone building on their present site in the spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

A horrrible crime was committed near Independence, Kansas, last Wednesday. Mrs. Sarah Bonham, her daughter, Helen, and son, Charles, were murdered with a hatchet while in bed. The older son discovered their dead bodies Thursday morning, having been absent since Monday morning. The object was undoubtedly robbery, as the lady was said to have from $1,000 to $1,500 in the house. There is no clue to the perpetrators.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The New Republic, of Wichita, describes how a woman in that town cured her husband of drinking. When he was brought home dead drunk one night, she had him placed in an upstairs room, had the door nailed up, cut a wicket in the door, and kept him there four weeks, she herself sleeping in the hall outside the room with a baseball bat to keep him from escaping. He is now cured of the habit and is a respectable, law abiding citizen, thanking her for her action. Let some of our women try this and see if it will succeed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

A man named Frank Randles was lately arrested at Iola, charged with incest in marrying his cousin. There is a law in Kansas making the marrying of cousins a penitentiary offense, but like many other laws, it is practically a dead letter, and but few are ever arrested for the offense. If all who have done this were arrested, it would put a good many in the penitentiary. Randles was bound over to court, and in default of $1,000 bail was committed to jail. He escaped recently, and is now at large, and we doubt very much if any great effort will be made to recapture him. Colony Free Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The unfair treatment our city receives from some of the neighboring cities was again called to our attention this week. The gentlemen, Messrs. Warner & Hubbard, who will locate here in the pork-packing business in the spring, visited every town in this part of the state except Arkansas City. They first went to Wellington, and on inquiring about Arkansas City, were told that it was a little one-horse town of not more than 2,000 population. From there they cane to Winfield. Here they were told that Arkansas City was dead and did not have even 2,000 inhabitants. The parties to whom these gentlemen talked were leading businessmen, endeavoring to get these gentlemen to locate. They wilfully and knowingly misrepresented facts. Such actions do not help their towns and in most instances do not hurt ours. But what we object to is the unfairness of it. In this case, the gentlemen, after they had started home, heard such different reports from those who had been here, the drummers who sold goods here and all of whom they inquired, that they retraced their steps, and the consequence is will locate with us. The misrepresentations rebounded, and these gentlemen, we venture to say, could not be induced to locate in either of the cities who traduced us.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The attention of our readers is called to the below communication to our genial P. M.

Postmaster Arkansas City, Kansas. Sir: Complaint is made that smoking is permitted to be indulged in the room in which the Post Office at your place is located, to the annoyance of ladies, and others, calling for their mails. Your attention is called to ruling 101. "Postmasters are not authorized to exclude the public from the lobby of a Post Office during the distribution of the mail. They, however, have the right to prohibit smoking in the lobby, and enforce the observance of good order, and when necessary, to call upon the local authorities for assistance." Very Respectfully, JAMES H. MARR, for First Asst. P. M. Gen.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The ladies of the Presbyterian Church will give a unique entertainment at Highland Hall on the evening of St. Valentine's Day. First will be a Japanese wedding, in which the high contracting parties will be Jas. C. Topliff and Miss Linda Christian, with Miss Anna Meigs, Mrs. J. W. Heck, Phil L. Snyder, and Ernest L. McDowell as attendants, and Rev. J. O. Campbell as njukkorzatti ogrekzwim, or whatever officiating clergyman is in Japanese, Then there will be an elegant supper for all the guests. There will also be a Japanese table where fancy goods of all kinds and descriptions may be obtained. An admission fee of 35 cents at the door will entitle those who come to the entertainment and refreshments.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The Bristol Sisters of Topeka, whose fine display of flowers and plants at Eddy's Drug Store last spring will be remembered, will soon issue their new catalogue of spring specialties. These ladies will visit our city again this spring, and all who are desirous of beautifying their homes and gardens should await their coming. They will be at Eddy's Drug Store as before with a larger assortment than ever.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The Y. P. S. C. will give a select Mother Hubbard ball at Highland Hall next Tuesday night. They will have the best music to be obtained, and expect to have the same caller from Winfield who gave such satisfaction at their last ball. Our people have come to expect something fine when the Social Club are interested in anything, and have never yet been disappointed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

S. F. George, the Co. member of the firm of G. W. Miller & Co., has located in our midst and will assist in the store from this time on. George, as he is familiarly called by his acquaintances, is one of the jolliest and gentlemanly "boys" on the road, and will add great strength to the firm in popularity.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

A merry party, composed of Phil Snyder and Molly Christian, Ed. Kingsbury, and Etta Barnett, Charles Chapel, and Minnie Stewart, spent a pleasant evening at Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Sollitt's residence last Saturday night. The home of "Kit" and his amiable wife is very popular with our young folks.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

About a dozen couples of our young folks spent a most pleasant evening at J. L. Huey's residence last evening, which goes without saying when we mention that to the rare tack and eminent social qualities of Mrs. Huey was added the graceful presence of Miss Julia Deming.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Col. Neff has charge of a petition to President-elect Cleveland, praying that he look into the Oklahoma question and as speedily as possible allow the settlement thereof. The petition now has about 500 signers.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Fred McLaughlin, who graduated from our public schools last year, re-entered this week to review. Fred wishes to have perfect everything he has at all.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

We are informed that Frank Austin has quit handling chickens from Newton, and will now devote his attention to the cultivation of yaller dogs.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

John F. Delzell and wife, of Pawnee, came up Sunday night to spend a few days with friends and relations. They will return Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

It is currently reported that Ralph Field is so elated over the success of his restaurant, that he can't tell Jupiter from "Brightside."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

F. L. Pike put us under such obligations to him this week in a monetary way, that we shall send him the TRAVELER for a year.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Frank J. Hess and wife will receive calls at the residence of James L. Huey, Thursday afternoon and evening of this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Ware & Pickering started twelve teams loaded with coal and salt for Florer, Gould & Ayres' range yesterday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Caldwell has no more open saloons. Thus, little by little, the only claims she has for being noticed disappear.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Thos. W. Sollitt, of Chicago, brother of C. C. Sollitt, has been visiting here for a few days past.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Miss Clara Thompson went to Geuda Friday and spent Sunday there with friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Geo. W. Thompson, of Wichita, son of Capt. C. G. Thompson, is visiting in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Dick Silvers came down from Winfield Thursday, on his way to the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

W. F. McCague, of Kaw Agency, came up to the land of civilization Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

A. P. Johnson, of the hub, viewed the crowd on our streets Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

C. C. Cline, of Wichita, was in the city last week on business.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

J. B. Nipp circulated among friends here Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

A Man and His Little Razor at Work.
Thursday night, seeing a crowd gathering near the Post Office, ye local hastily "strode" thither to "catch on." He found that the little razor had been on the war path with the usual attendant gore. The facts, as near as we were able to gather was that Frank Sheats and Bob McGinnis had got into an altercation about a dog. The trouble was of long standing, and there has been a bitter tongue fight going on about the matter for some time. Thursday, one Bass, Frank Sheats, and Bob McGinnis came together. Bass and Sheats each wanted to "lick the waddin" out of the latter. McGinnis, in the course of the not overly polite, personal remarks, became greatly enraged, and after Sheats left, working himself into a white heat, and followed him up, giving him three slashes with his razor, cutting him very severely on the back of the neck, and making a wound five inches in length and quite deep, the other two only taking effect in the clothing. Dr. G. H. J. Hart dressed the wound, and Sheats was around in the streets Friday, so that it was not serious. McGinnis had a preliminary examination before `Squire Schiffbauer Thursday night and Friday morning was brought over to the Circuit Court.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

The Mystic Five.
We have made mention several times of the above organization. Its origin is wrapped in mystery, its proceedings in impenetrable darkness, its members in horrible oaths and secret secrecy. They meet in the dead of night, in dark and out-of-the-way places. The local of this paper in a way we dare not divulge for fear of life, obtained a knowledge of the objects, secret workings, and who compose the membership of this much-to-be-feared organization. The name, "mystic five," denotes the object of their banding together. They are, first, the production of compressed gas, or dynamite; second, murder; third, arson; fourth, "dull thuds;" and fifth, kidnapping.

The membership of this company are made of all classes, types, and temperaments. During the day they pursue the peaceful avocations of peace; at night they devote their time to the objects of the order. They are seeking to extend their band to other cities if this country, and for the furtherance of that object one of them visited our neighboring city Wichita last week. We fear he was successful in part anyway, as his face was illuminated with a ghastly smile as he traversed the streets upon his return. He was met by his brother confederates and warmly shaken, by the hand, and who can tell the horrible secrets hinted at in their apparently harmless greeting. They have sworn vengeance upon a harmless and necessary class in this city; and not a Sunday night passes that the members indivually do not ply, unharmed and unsuspected, the secret missions of this order. We run great risks in thus exposing their dark ways, but we appeal to the general public for protection.

The names of the principal conspirators, and we wish all good citizens and lovers of good government to brand them with their crimes, so that all who see may know, are King S. Buried, Snide Fill, Comb S. Vloot, Glow Skupfrank, and Chap L. Chawis, certainly an army of names to be looked on with suspicion and carefully scrutinized. Our hope is that this exposure will turn them from their dark and evil ways. If this will not, the action of the proper authorities must be invoked, for our skirts will be clear.

P. S. Lest the objects of the order may be misunderstood, we will explain more fully. Their first object, as we said above is, the manufacture of compressed gas, or dynamitewith their mouths. The second, murderof the King's English. The third, arsonof tobacco rolled into round, elongated shapes. The fourth, "dull thuds,"to be produced in the hearts of the fair sex. The fifth, kidnappingrelates to the same objects in the same class.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Dam Badly Broken.
Last Saturday morning it became known on the streets that the dam in the Arkansas River had given way before the crush of ice. We, in company with many interested persons, hurriedly made our way to the river. Here we found the damage much greater than was expected. The ice had by immense pressure, displaced the top of the dam and the consequent rush of the packed ice and long repressed floods, carried away about 150 feet of the dam and the same length of the bridge above it. This accident will compel the stoppage of the mills on the canal for three or four weeks, and the loss of employment to their many employees just when it is, perhaps, the most needed. The worst feature in the case, is, that all the farmers west of us will be compelled to go round by the South bridge, lengthening the distance by from two to four miles. This will cut us off from a great deal of trade we have been getting, which will now go to Geuda. As long as the high water lasts, there is little hope of being able to do anything, and we fear this will last for a month or so yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Card of Thanks. Mrs. J. B. Perry desires to tender her sincere thanks to the conductors and railroad men upon the Caldwell & Arkansas City branches for their courtesy and helpful attention in the transfer of her invalid husband to this city from Wellington on Tuesday of last week, and to assure them that herself and other relations and friends of the invalid will ever remember the same with gratitude.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

DIED. Died at the residence of his sister, Mrs. E. H. Denton, in East Bolton Township, Cowley County, Kansas, on Sabbath evening, February 8, 1885, Logan S. Hamilton, Esq., in the forty-first year of his age.

Mr. Hamilton was the youngest son of Mr. W. J. Hamilton, who survives him, and Mrs. Abigail Hamilton, who departed this life October, 1875.

For several years past he has been prominent in railroad circles, having been connected with the construction of the Southern Kansas, Cherokee & Parsons, Narrow Gauge, and other roads.

At the time of his death he was engaged in the employ of the Missouri Pacific. He was an enterprising, energetic businessman, popular with his associates and public, and courteous and kind in all his relations with his fellowman.

In the early part of November last, not feeling real well, he took a brief vacation, and came down to spend a week or two with his father and sisters, Mrs. E. H. Denton and Mrs. Weatherholt, hoping that a few days rest and recreation would be all that was necessary to set him right. But such was not to be the case. He gradually declined until his friends became seriously alarmed, dispatching for his brother, Dr. W. J. Hamilton, a prominent physician of Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, who came about the beginning of the year and remained with him until his death. All that human skill could do was exhausted. His disease baffled all remedial agents; and thus in the midst of his years and usefulness, he passed away.

He leaves a wife and daughter, thus sadly and sorely bereaved, to mourn his loss.

The stroke falls heavily upon his aged father, now rapidly approaching four score years, and his estimable sisters.

We trust that by grace he was prepared for a happy meeting with that sainted mother, whose memory was so precious to him on his death bed, and with other loved ones gone before.

The deepest sympathies of their many friends are extended to all the members of this stricken family.

The funeral took place from the residence of Mrs. E. H. Denton, on Tuesday, February 10, at 12 m., Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating. After a brief service at the house, all that was mortal of L. S. Hamilton was laid to rest by the side of his mother in East Bolton Cemetery.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

"Death Loves a Shining Mark."
DIED. Again has this been sadly proven, in the sudden demise of one of the fairest and best of our ladies. Wednesday morning last, Mrs. Mamie Aldridge, the beautiful and accomplished wife of Will L. Aldridge, peacefully breathed her last. The life of this lady has been dispaired of several times in the last month, but of late she was apparently regaining her strength. Tuesday night at 10 o'clock she began to sink, and at 5 in the morning her soul passed from its earthly tenement, winging its way to paradise slightly in advance of the sun's morning rays. No earthly light was needed to guide it homeward, as the refulgence of its purity surely made all bright as it journeyed to the right hand of the father. Mrs. Aldridge was but 18 years of age. To the bereaved husband and the two little motherless children, the deepest sympathy is extended. Rev. S. B. Fleming conducted the funeral services, Thursday, at the family residence, after which all that was left of her on earth was put aboard the train to be taken to Topeka for burial. [SKIPPED POEM, ETC., THAT FOLLOWED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Wholesale Pork Packing.
D. A. Warner and E. C. Hubbard, of Geneva, Ohio, arrived in our city last Monday. These gentlemen, who had been all over the Southern portion of the state looking for a location, were on their way home, when by chance, Dr. Fowler, of Sparta, Ohio, of whom we made mention last week, met them and so lauded Arkansas City as a business city, that they turned back to visit it. We wish right here to express our thanks to the Dr. for his good words and will welcome him on his return to locate in no mean style. Messrs. Warner and Hubbard had scarcely been in the city an hour before they made up their minds that Arkansas City was the place for their business. About 4 o'clock they called on us, having fully made up their minds to remove here. They are going into the pork packing business on an extensive scale, will prepare their own hams, shoulders, and bacon. They will open a retail store in the city, and from their packing house will expect to do a large wholesale business, devoting especial attention to the southern and Territory trade. We are more than glad to welcome these gentlemen to our midst, as they are undoubtedly men of business energy and will; and if it can be done at all, will make it a great success. They are old hands in this business, having been engaged in it for years. We welcome "Warner & Hubbard, Wholesale and Retail Pork Packers."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Women's Relief Corps.
Mrs. L. H. Brown, of Olathe, president of the Kansas Department, instituted a post of the Women's Relief Corps of the G. A. R. in this city Monday afternoon last. The names of the officers and members are as follows.

Mrs. Priscilla D. Ashton, President.

Mrs. Sue E. Mansfield, Senior Vice President.

Mrs. Ella Taylor, Junior Vice President.

Mrs. Arona E. Watts, Treasurer.

Mrs. Emma A. Stafford, Secretary.

Mrs. Lorinda Daniels, Chaplain.

Mrs. Sara M. Davis, Conductor.

Mrs. May Daniels, Guard.

Mrs. Abbie R. Randall.

Mrs. Hettie C. Bishop.

Mrs. Sophia A. Davis.

Mrs. Julia C. Derr.

Mrs. Margaret Nail.

Mrs. Ella Ludwick.

Mrs. D. R. Cooper.

Mrs. Sid Lindsay.

They will meet in the Masonic Hall Saturday afternoon preceeding the meeting of the G. A. R. All loyal ladies interested in the welfare of the old soldiers are eligible to membership and are cordially invited to unite with this worthy organization.

[NOTE: Header had "Women's"...Article showed "Woman's"...changed the word in article to women's....could be wrong!]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Councilmen Perhaps.
To the list of men who would make good reliable councilmen, published in a former issue, we add the following names, whose strength is known.

1st WARD.

J. D. Farrar, A. A. Newman, C. C. Sollitt, S. B. Adams.

2nd WARD.

V. M. Ayres, P. Pearson, Archie Dunn, John Landes, E. D. Eddy.

3rd WARD.

O. Stevenson, O. P. Houghton, P. Wyckoff, H. D. Kellogg.

4th WARD.

J. Vawter, D. L. Means, C. M. Scott.

With such material on hand as the TRAVELER has from the above and the list mentioned previously, we can now select a Council which will make a success in municipal affairs as they have in their own.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Our Neighbors.
Wm. Gall, the Architect, will locate at Arkansas City.

Mr. Frank Pentecost, one of Eli Youngheim's sprightly clerks at Arkansas City, was in the Metropolis Wednesday.

Arkansas City thinks she has enough pious young men and will have a Young Men's Christian Association.

Ery Miller and Alida Vandermark recently desecrated the Methodist Church at Arkansas City by lodging therein; and the TRAVELER loudly condemns the heinous offense, and the authorities sat down on the rapscallions a hundred dollars worth, which they were unable to pay and languish in the county bastille.

The criminal victims of this term of court were brought before Judge Torrance last Saturday evening and sentenced.

Chas. Neal and John Newton were given two years in the "pen" for breaking into a store at Udall a few weeks ago and getting a short distance with two guns and other valuables. They are in their teens, of good appearance, and took their sentence more like a huge joke than the stern, terrible reality that it will prove to be.

Frank Hillman, a rather good looking, smooth faced fellow of twenty-five, gets ten years in "durance vile" for his first attempt at highway robbery. Last summer at Arkansas City, he planned with a confederate to decoy the latter's friend into an alley, where he would appear, and without resistance on the part of his confederate, "hold up" their young victim. But the result of his $50 haul is an eternal blight to his life, and an opportunity for silent, long repentance. His pal will probably be sent up by the April sitting of court.

Another bitter pill for a seemingly small offense, was J. N. Slade's sentence of one year. He was a fruit tree agent of Hogue & Mentch. An order of $90 came in last summer, purporting to be from Silas Kenedy, of Beaver Township, for fall delivery. The order was delivered at the appointed time, but Kenedy refused it and claimed the order a forgery. Slade had received his percent for the order, not over fifteen or twenty dollars, and Hogue & Mentch had him arrested for forgery and embezzlement. Slade plead not guilty, the trial was ended, and the jury hung, when the defendant withdrew his plea of not guilty and entered one of guilty, thereby lessening the senntence should conviction occur. One man hung the jury and nothing but conviction would have resulted in another trial.

R. H. Black is another fruit tree man who came to grief, being convicted of forgery and embezzlement, and sentenced to two years' state hospitality. He was an agent for Brewer & Stenard, Ottowa, and gave several Cowley farmers surprises in fruit tree deliveries they had no previous knowledge of. His whole summer's work was forgeries; but after one or two deliveries were refused, the company "caught on," and ceased delivering and had the gentleman placed behind the iron bars. Winfield Courier.

"Billy" Anderson, from Arkansas City, spent Sunday in town. Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Township Elections.
The following is the complete vote of the townships as nearly as we have been able to obtain them.



F. M. Vaught: 74

Washington Allen: 13


G. W. Ramage: 53

D. W. Ramage: 34


J. L. Wade: 85

Justice of the Peace.

T. C. Bird: 84

Washington Allen: 76

J. P. Close: 8

P. Endicott: 1


James Coffey: 86

B. Summerville: 88

C. C. Holstein, road overseer, 1st district; W. Abbott, 2nd; A. Goff, 3rd; W. Cunningham, 4th; E. Bird, 5th; I. N. Adams, 6th; E. H. Auman and J. W. Stausburg, tie, 7th.



John A. Scott: 86

R. L. Balyent: 85


John Sturtz: 96

P. A. Lorry: 75


C. J. Beck: 71

Wm. Trimble: 90


P. F. Haynes, Trustee; John Alyo, Clerk; Theodore Hamble, Treasurer.



J. R. Pate: 150

A. F. Sutton: 82


A. J. Mercer: 157

J. W. Leach: 76


Johnson Chandler: 154

O. P. Pierce: 85


S. S. Leffler: 259

S. B. Blakey: 226

P. McCommon, road overseer, 1st district; Wm. Bottomly, 3rd district; C. Tredway, 4th district; Hall and Garner, tie, 2nd district.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Arkansas City Markets.
As gathered from the different dealers in articles named.

Wheat, per bu.: $.60

Corn, per bu.: $.32

Ots, per bu.: $.25

Potatoes, per bu.: $.75 @ $1.00

Apples, green: $1.25

Chickens, doz.: $2.50

Chickens, dressed, per lb.: $.08 @ $.10

Eggs, per doz.: $.30

Buttter, per lb.: $.15 @ $.20

Lard, per lb.: $.10

Dried peaches, per lb.: $.07 @ $.08

Dried apples, per lb.: $.06 @ $.08

Bacon, per lb.: $.12-1/2

Shoulders, per lb.: $.08

Hams, per lb.: $.14

Flour, per cwt.: $3.20; $3.00; $2.75; $2.50.

Corn meal, 25 lbs.: $.30

Hogs, fat, per cwt.: $4.03 [? HARD TO READ...COULD BE $1.03 ?]

Beef cattle, per cwt.: $4.00 @ $4.50

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Hizzoner the Judge.
Judge W. D. Kreamer reports the following cases since our last issue.

City vs. J. R. Frazierwife beatingfound guilty and fined $10 and costs, total $14.50.

City vs. Frank Sheatsdisturbing the peaceguilty; fined $1 and costs.

State vs. Wm. Robertsobtaining goods under false pretenseguilty; fined $1 and costs, total $24.05.

State vs. Bob McGinnisassault with intent to killbound over in the penal sum of $400. Released on bail.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Public Sale.
I will sell at my residence, in East Bolton, lots 1 and 2, section 15, Thursday, Feb. 12, 1885, the following described property: Three horses, five domestic cows with calf, five yearlings, five calves, one full blooded Berkshire sow and pigs. Also farm implements and household furniture.

TERMS OF SALE. Sums of $5 and under, cash in hand. Sums over $5, eight month's time will be given on approved security, without interest, if paid on or before maturity; if not so paid to bear 10 percent interest from date. JAMES UPTON.

AUSTIN BAILEY, Auctioneer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Telephone List.

Ayres' Mill; A. T. & S. F. Depot; Arkansas City Bank; Alexander's Lumber Yard; Ayres' Office, Arkansas City Coal Co.

Braden's Stable; Beall's Residence.

Cunningham's Office; Cunningham's Residence; Cowley County Bank.

Eddy's Drug Store; Eddy's Residence.

Farrar's Residence.

Geuda Springs; Grady's Lumber Yard.

Hutchison's Grocery; Huey's Residence.

Kellogg's Residence; Kellogg & Coombs' Drug Store; Kroenert & Austin's Grocery.

Leland Hotel; Landes' Residence; Landes, Beall & Co.'s Mill; Landes, Beall & Co.'s Office.

Mowry & Sollittt; Mowry's Residence; Matlack's Store; Miller & Co.'s Store.

Newman's Store; Newman's Residence.

Ohio Livery Stable.

Pyburn's Office; Post Office; Parson & Och's.

Republican Office.

Searing & Mead's Mill; Searing & Mead's Office; Sollitt's Residence; Snyder's Residence; Standley's Residence.

Traveler Office.

Windsor Hotel; Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

Card. The undersigned desires to express his sincere and heartfelt thanks to the kind and sympathizing friends who so willingly devoted their time and sacrifice to me and mine in our sore affliction. The time may come when I may return all favors. Until then I feel myself deeply in their debt. Very Respectfully, WILL L. ALDRIDGE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 11, 1885.

John T. Sidnerer, foreman of the Watson & Foreman ranch in Comanche County, says that the winter has played the very mischief with cattle on their range. The cattle were in good condition when winter approached and there is no loco there in use as a scapegoat. Two-year-old range steers have died by the score, which is something unknown before. Two hundred head are being corn-fed at Sedgwick City, and they are all right. There are 5,000 head on the Watson & Foreman ranch.


Mr. Ross, manager of the Wisconsin & Montana Cattle Company, located on Deer Creek, says a number of cattle look poor, but he has seen but a few dead ones. Eph Palmer, of Palmer Bros., Cabin Creek, says a few late arrivals among the Texans are dying, but that he has seen no dead States cattle thus far. W. C. Burge, on the Yellowstone below Glendine, says his cattle are in a prime condition. Charles Dole, manager of Sampson & Fahnestock's ranch, on Spring Creek, says he has seen a few dead Texans; that the Texans look poor, but other cattle are not looking bad. He states that the prolonged cold is making cattle travel; and in riding, he saw bunches drifting over good feed without eating.

We are told that Geo. Wins [? NOT SURE OF LAST NAME ?], of Caldwell, formerly of Wellington, bought 130 head of fine cattle last fall and sent them into one of the western counties to winter. Thirty of them died, and lately he sold the others at $5 a head and retired from the cattle business. A gentleman was seen the other day, who had just come from the Indian Territory. On one creek he counted the carcasses of 1,000 head of dead cattle. One gentleman who kept 18,000 head of cattle to winter in the Territory said that if anyone will pay him for 9,000, he could have all that was left. We do not vouch for the correctness of all these reports, but give them as they were told us by a reliable citizen. There can be no doubt, though, that the fatality among cattle in the Territory, and in some of our western counties, on account of the severity of the winter, is very great, and will seriously affect our business interests generally. Wellington Press.

The recent unprecedented bad weather has been the source of numerous wild and extravagant rumors relative to the loss of stock of all kinds. Careful investigation showed, however, that all stories of great mortality among cattle have either been grossly exaggerated or manufactured out of the whole cloth. Authentic reports from the Arden-Metcalf ranche Thursday shows a loss of only ten old sheep out of 8,000. From Grinnel & Tweedy the news came Wednesday that comparatively very few sheep had died. Determined to satisfy himself regarding the reported loss among the cattle, H. B. Pullman rode down the Main Conchas Wednesday morning, where the heaviest drift struck the river; in the course of a long ride, he only found three dead cattle. This shows how much dependence is to be placed on the stories of people who mistake what in their judgment ought to happen. The loss this year will no doubt be above the average, but not so much so as to cause any serious alarm. The losses in the northwestern territories, however, have been so severe, owing to the unusually hard winter, that it is highly probable that both Texas beef and wool will command a higher price then the most sanguine dared to hope for last fall. The general effect of this winter among stockmen will be to demonstrate clearly the advantage of this section for stock-raising purposes, and enhance the price of Texas land and cattle.

Tom Green, Texas Times-Enterprise.

Mike Bennett has a letter from his foreman, on the Pawnee range, stating that fourteen days of snow on that range passed off and left the cattle in very good shape. There being lots of springs and spring branches, shorter and long grass, the cattle went through in good shape. A loss of only four head, up to Jan. 26th, was all he had to report.

We have reports from a majority of the ranges on the Cherokee Strip and they are not so bad as we expected to hear by a great deal. The general complaint is with the pilgrim ones and twos and old cows. But few really good cattle have died yet, and if we have average weather from this our losses will not be as heavy by 50 percent as we expected.

Mr. A. R. Young and family returned from a visit to a Texas friend Thursday last. A. R. reports things mighty blue there for stockmen of all classes, but especially horse and sheep men. In the section of the state he visited no rain fell between May 1 and September 1 last year, and all forage was killed. The September rains came too late to start the grass before frost. Immense numbers of sheep and horses, as well as cattle, have died there this winter and more will yet die. One sheep man started into the winter with twenty-five hundred good graded sheep, and one day while Mr. Young was there, the herder came in with the dogs and turned them over to the owner, saying as he did so, "Boss, here are your dogs, its all there is left of the herd." Caldwell Journal.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.

The town marshal of Hunnewell resigned Friday, and on Saturday a gang of roughs began to "paint the town red," riding through the streets and shooting promiscously. The citizens gathered in force and drove them out. Lots of firing, but no one hurt.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.

A Wichita editor purchased a cow the other day of one of the local cattle dealers. Some one jokingly asked him if he knew the cow was so old as not to have any teeth in her upper jaw. The man went home, and, upon examining the cow. Found that she had no teeth in that region, and promptly returned the cow. He would not believe the story that cattle never have teeth in their upper jaw.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.

GREENVILLE, MICHIGAN, February 13, 1885.

Editor Traveler:

When did the United States buy the Oklahoma, and how much did they pay? Has it been surveyed, and when? What direction from Arkansas City, and what distance? Please answer through your paper, for I am one of its subscribers.


ANSWER: In our last issue you will find the answer to the most of your questions. We will recapitulate.

The government purchased the Oklahoma country of the Creeks and Seminoles, paying the former 30 cents per acre and the latter 15 cents.

It has been laid out into townships six miles square, not being sectionized. It is due south of Arkansas City about 75 miles. The Oklahoma land so-called contains about a million and a quarter acres. The stipulation in the treaty that this land was to be used for the settlement of other Indians or freedmen, is what is causing the trouble. The supreme court of the U. S. in the Joy case, the President, the Secretary of the Interior, the Attorney General, and the Senators of the United States without a single exception that we now call to mind, all and each of them, say the Indians have a residuary, contingent, or conditional interest in that land, a purchasable interest.

Until this question is legislated upon, this interest acquired, the title is not clear, and hence the land should not be settled upon.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.

Remarks About our Neighbors.
The Winfield Tribune says George C. Malony, of Arkansas City, called on it last week.

We like to see our newspaper work appreciated, but the Winfield Tribune appreciated it almost too well. In their last issue they clipped two articles entire, one about the amount of teaming done to the Territory, and another about Payne's Oklahoma Colony, without credit. We hope it was an oversight, however, not its usual practice.

Winfield has now a "bottling" works, where all kinds of light drinks, such as sarsaparilla, ginger ale, pop of all kinds, etc., are manufactured at the rate of 200 bottles a day.

The Winfield Telegram says:

The Hon. W. P. Hackney is indeed a lucky man. He has been a state senator, attained much prominence as a lawyer, is assistant county attorney and now bears the added dignity of road overseer of Walnut Township, defeating Sid Cure by one vote.

Dr. W. I. Burge, who skipped out some time ago while under $3,500 bond to await trial for violation of the prohibitory law, came back very quietly and tried to settle his little difficulty with the county attorney. While in Mr. Asp's office, Sheriff McIntire happened in and recognizing Burge, took him into custody. Burge is now out again on a reduced bond of $1,000.

Caldwell wants a flour mill, and wants it bad.

Douglass has a man who has challenged any businessman or any other man to meet him in a spelling match.

The Wellington Press says it takes $117 a week now to pay its hands.

The Supreme Court has refused a writ of habeas corpus in the case of the Caldwell saloon men. All they will have to do now is to pay up or stay in jail. Good.

E. C. Hubbard and D. A. Warner, two businessmen of New York, who have been stopping at the Phillips for several days, left for home Thursday. They intended coming to Wellington to locate, and will engage in some branch of trade. They either desire to lease a good room or buy a lot and build. Wellington Press.

Not much, they don't. Mr. Press, they had not seen Arkansas City when they thought they would locate in Wellington. They have seen us since, and of course will locate here.

Wellington now has a man who not only writes poetry, but the music for it. "And has it come to this?" Poor Wellington!

Belle Plaine boasts of a man, Mr. Mat Jones, who measures full 6 feet 7-1/2 inches in heighta regular Kansas production. Belle Plaine News.

One of the largest land deals made in this part of the country for some time, was made in Belle Plaine last week, when a farm of 580 acres changed hands, the consideration being $20,000.

The city attorney of Wellington receives $600 a year.

The Geuda Springs Herald says Frank and Sherman Thompson, of this city, were there attending the dance last Friday night, and that Miss Clara Thompson was a guest of Miss Effie Garland a few days of last week.

The Arkansas City TRAVELER is in a bad humor, because some Wellington man told a stranger that "Arkansas City was a little one horse town with not more than 2,000 population." Standard.

"Forbearance has ceased to be a virtue" in the TRAVELER office and truth to be a frequenter of the Wellington Standard office. We have submitted quietly to being called one-horse, we have emitted no brimstone when we were ridiculed, we have curbed our angry passions when we heard the discouraging toots of our neighbor's tin horns, we have been a monument of good natured forbearance. But now, from this on, forever, we are in for gore, bloody, bleeding, dull thud gore. We want to see the editor of the Standard, we want to see him bad. We would like to link our bony arms around his neck, introduce our fingers into his eye sockets, fill his mouth with limburger cheese and compel him to accompany us to the bank of the aforesaid beautiful stream and convince him that the river was not frozen to the bottom by shoving him head foremost about a dozen times through the clear water to the gravelly bed. We would compel the boys who are swimming there to tie his clothes into double compound, complex knots, to mud ball him, duck him, roast him. We would insist on him taking a turn fishing and we would push him into the river's limpid waters, and hook him out with fish hooks; we would take him out boat riding and make him row, and after all this we wouldn't give him a bite to eat, and will do this tomorrow if he will show his jealous countenance in this burg. You knock that chip off my shoulder, if you dare, doggone you.


The Burden Enterprise says:

The Canal Mills of Arkansas City have installed an agency with our live grocers, J & D. Pauline, for the sale of their celebrated flour.

That is what we call Kansas enterprise, bringing their flour under the very smoke of the Burden mills. "The survival of the fittest," is about the religion of the average Jay Hawker.

W. D. Furry's house in northwest Creswell caught fire in some way and burned to the ground last Saturday morning. The fires had been started but a short time when the rooms overhead were discovered to be in flames, and before they could be arrested fruit, clothing, bedding, and everything in the upper story was destroyed. The flues were good and the origin of the fire is a mystery. Loss about $600. Geuda Springs Herald.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.




S. MATLACK Extends a cordial greeting to his many patrons for their liberal support during the year just closed, and desires to inform them that a more strenuous effort, if possible, will be made to improve the stock by the addition of new lines of goods during the year 1885. We guarantee lowest prices, and invite a cordial inspection of the stock at all times. Our aim is to please our patrons. A. MATLACK'S. CLOTHING!

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.



The Leading Real Estate Agency of the City,

Transacts General Real Estate Business.

If you want to sell your farm, bring it to our office. Our contracts are simple and short; our commissons reasonable.

If You want to buy a farm, call at our office. We have a choice list of famrs of every description.

If You want to buy a business house, residence, or residence lots, examine our list. We can sell you lots on easy terms. We have the sole agency of 9-10 of the lots for sale in the city, and can make you better figures than any office in the city.

If You want your farm property insured, we can insure you in a good company.

If You want an abstract of title, call and see us. Our abstracts are made by a competent abstracter, and made direct from the records.

If You want deeds, mortgages, or any other papers drawn or acknowledged, call and see us.

If You want anything in our line, we will be pleased to see you and do our utmost to please.

Call or send for list of farm and city property.

FRANK J. HESS, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 18, 1885.

BIG AD. AUCTION -AT- FITCH & BARRON'S AT 2 P.M. AND 7 P.M. EACH DAY for the sale of Dry Goods, Clothing, Notions, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Fancy Goods, Glass and Queensware.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

H. P. Farrar visited Winfield Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Hon. J. P. King was in the city Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Corn sold on our streets Saturday for 37 cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

E. A. Goodrich, of Maple City, paraded our streets Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Judge Gans came down from the Hub and spent part of Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

J. P. Mussleman will soon become a citizen of the Canal City town.

Note: Sometimes Name is spelled Musselman/sometimes Mussleman.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

John W. Parks, of the Wyeth Cattle Co., was up on business last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Wm. O'Gilva did some very fine work on the windows of Frank J. Hess' office.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The Ninnescah bridge, near Oxford, was somewhat injured by ice Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Isaac Ochs left for his former home in Indiana yesterday, to be absent several weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The Women's Equal Suffrage Society will meet with Mrs. C. H. Searing, on Wednesday, March 17.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Searing & Mead and Frank J. Hess have hung out the black flag, and declared war against competitors.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The Arkansas River dam will be repaired by the last of this week, and the mills commence running night and day.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Winfield [?] C. Bradwell bought J. J. Musselman's farm on Grouse Creek for $2,600. U. Spray & Co., effected the sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mrs. E. D. Power, of our city, whose daughter has been here attending school this winter, is visiting the family of T. H. McLaughlin.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mrs. Chamberlain, mother of Mrs. Chas. Schiffbauer, who has been visiting here for two months or more, returned to Kansas City yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Our friend, C. R. Sipes, this week appeals to the people through the medium of a new "ad.," in which is stated some valuable information to all.

BIG AD. This space is reserved for C. R. SIPES, -DEALER IN-


Until he returns from the East, where he will have something to day that will interest you. In the meantime, he will do business on the nimble six-pence plan, and say that he has something new and complete in the way of BARBED WIRE AND STEEL NAILS. It will pay you to investigate.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

One Barcaw, who has been rusticating in Winfield under the tender care of Sheriff McInire for the last few months, was released last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The scholars of the 8th grade will give an entertainment at the brick schoolhouse next Saturday evening. The admission will be only 10 cents, and will be well worth itt.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

We had the pleasure of shaking by the hand, last week, our long time friend and old subscriber, A. H. Smith, of Otto, while in our city on business. We are always glad to see him.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mr. James Upton and family for several years residents of this section, returned last Monday to their former home in Canada, where they intend to reside permanently in the future.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

One of our dairymen said it was so cold last Saturday night that when he attempted to milk, his cows gave ice cream. We do not vouch for the truth of this as much as we believe it.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

We call attention to the advertisement of S. F. Steinberger in this issue. Mr. Steinberger has been with us for some months, and has built up a large patronage for his South Summit Street Drug Store.

BIG AD. IF YOU WANT TO BUY DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES, LAMPS, CONFECTIONERY, TOBACCO, OR CIGARS, CALL ON S. F. STEIN- BERGER. An elegant line of Shears, Revolvers, Pocket Cutlery, etc, which will be closed out at cost. Remember the place. SOUTH SUMMIT STREET DRUG STORE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

We made an error last week in stating that the I. O. O. F.'S, A. F. & A. M.'s, and K. of P.'s were circulating subscription papers for the building of a common hall. It should have been: I. O. O. F.'s, A. O. U. W.'s, G. A. R.'s, A. O. R. M.'s, and K. of L.'s.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The president has issued a proclamation directing that the military reservation at Fort Dodge, Kansas, being no longer needed for military purposes, be placed under the control of the secretary of the interior for disposition by sale or otherwise.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The wife of an Arkansas City preacher takes turns with him in preaching. When the parishioners see the old gentleman digging worms in the back yard, they know it is his Sunday off. Wellington Press.

Arkansas City has the best climate and the most industrious and accomplished women, but the picture of a preacher or any other man out digging worms this time of year could only be produced by a Wellington paper.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The At-Leisure Men's Society have received a great blow in the loss of C. E. Ward, 1st Vice President, and DeWitt McDowell, Grand Passive Secretary. We fear this very ornamental society will be compelled to disband, although we have no doubt the individual members will pursue uninterruptedly the performance of the duties of the order. W. B. Hagins, the Supreme Sitter, is now casting his eyes about for new recruits.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

G. W. Miller is erecting a neat litttle residence on Seventh street.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ferguson, Wednesday, February 11, a son.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

A. D. Hawk spent a few days at Pawnee last week assisting W. D. Bishop.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

T. J. Raymond & Son place themselves before the public in this week's issue.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

A. Delzell is confined to his bed by sickness. It is feared that it is consumption.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Beecher & Co. are doing the work on the Hasie building, which is now nearly completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

M. C. Copple purchased J. W. Hutchison's residence last week; but has since disposed of it to Henry Endicott.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Townsend & Pickett report that their cattle are in excellent condition and they have not lost one percent so far.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

We see Bert Worthley in the city again this week after quite an absence spent in the Maine Cattle Co.'s range in the Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

P. C. Wyeth was in the city the last of the week. He reports cattle to be in fair condition and expects a light loss this year.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Geo. Cunningham made his wife an elegant present last week in the shape of an $80 decorated china dinner and tea set. Frank Hutchison, who sold it, says it is the finest set in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mrs. Ed. Hutchison returned from Texas Friday, where she has been visiting her sister for a month or so. Ed.'s face is two inches shorter.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

G. F. Maxwell, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, is here visiting his brother, S. E. Maxwell. He will endeavor to find a place suitable for keeping cattle, and if successful, will soon cast his lot with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Four teams from Cheyenne, in charge of G. L. Woods, loaded with Government freight Friday. The Indians cannot be induced to do any work this cold weather, and the agent is compelled to hire white men to freight.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The drawing at Brunswick's Arcade last week resulted as follows. 1st prize, $159 music box, F. T. Sallade, Geuda Springs; 2nd, suit of clothes, Geo. Young; 3rd, overcoat, Chas. Chapel; 4th, hat, F. P. Schiffbauer.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The members of the Ladies Relief Corps will give a social at Highland Hall this evening. The proceeds are to be devoted to the benefit of the poor. Supper 25 cents. All our citizens should patronize this extensively.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

S. P. Gould held another drawing at the Post Office last Friday night, which resulted as follows. 1st, Chas. Neis, Unabridged Dictionary and holder, $15; 2nd, Ernest Eberlin, Plush holder and glass, $5; other prizes of less value were drawn by each holder of a ticket.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Next Sabbath the Presbyterian Sunday School will take up a novel collection for missionary purposes. It is agreed that each member of the school shall give one cent for each pound he weighs. As ye local is no ghost, he will contribute something like $1.85. Oh! Oh! Oh!

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

McDowell Bros. have opened a meat market in Kiowa. These gentlemen made a great success here, in their business, and were well liked by our people. We recommend them to the people of Kiowa.

LATER. We are informed that they have not. W. B. Hagin says they did, J. W. Hutchison says they did not. As soon as we Mc, we are going to find out the truth if it takes blood.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Supt. H. R. Nickerson, F. A. Burgess, H. B. Morris, A. McDowin, H. W. Gustin, and thirteen other officials of the A. T. & S. F. Road arrived here Friday about 10 o'clock in the Superintendent's private car, and returned in time to meet the down passenger at Winfield. Their avowed object was to examine the road, but is rumored that Arkansas City is soon to have some much needed and extensive improvements in and around the yards.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The individual who posted up the obscene and abusive letter at J. W. Hutchison & Son's store has been discovered. There is a law in this state against the circulating of obscene matter in any way whatever; and if the parties who discovered the perpetrator desire, they can make it exceedingly warm in his immediate vicinity. Any further demonstrations from the party will be followed by exposure and punishment, even if this is not.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Drs. Reed and Mitchell performed a painful and difficult operation Thursday last, on Robt. Pollock, son of James Pollock, living east of the Walnut. The young fellow had, in a fall, crushed the crest [?] of the illium or upper part of the pelvis (hench bone). [?] The new bone formed across the piece broken off and it was necessary to make an incision [?] in this to remove the old bone. The operation was successful and the boy is getting along as well as could be expected.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The immense crowd which was on our streets last Saturday evidence that Arkansas City has not lost any of her prestige as a business point. The crowd was certainly as large as ever was on our streets when there was no excitement or entertainment. And this was the case when the west bridge was down, which necessarily cut off many who would otherwise have been here.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Arkansas City is becoming known as quite a fish market. Parties who want to handle fish are corresponding with different persons here, and the article in the TRAVELER several weeks ago concerning the amount of fish caught here has been copied extensively all over the country.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

All interested in the Prairie View Cemetery are requested to meet at the Parker Schoolhouse Thursday, March 5, for the purpose of electing officers, and transacting such business as may come before the meeting. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The members of the A. O. U. W. Lodge took steps Friday night last to organize a Degree of Honor. This lodge is composed of Ladies and Workmen members and allows $1,000 insurance to each of its members. We think it is something our ladies will appreciate.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

W. D. Mowry, Jas. Ridenour, Jas. Benedict, and Chas. Hutchins, left Monday noon for Emporia, where they go to attend as delegates the meeting of the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of A. F. & A. M. They will be absent until Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Miss Fannie Peterson, of Oswego, Kansas, who graduated in music last fall at Emporia, arrived in the city Friday last. She intends teaching music to such as may wish instruction, and can be found at the residence of P. Pearson.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

H. W. Young, of Independence, Kansas, editor of the Star and Kansas, arrived Monday to visit friends and relatives here. He found his little girl quite ill, but recovering under the skillful treatment of Dr. S. B. Parsons.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The Maine Cattle Co. estimate that they cannot lose 10 percent if they have the very worst weather to contend with from this on. So far their loss has been somewhat severe, but not as bad as was expected.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Reports from the Ohio Live Stock Association's range is favorable. Their cattle are somewhat thin, but if the weather is at all favorable, they will all pull through in good shape.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

P. B. Andrews was over from Maple City Friday. He reports that he had no losses at all among his sheep. He is taking good care of them, and does not expect even a slight loss.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, in West Bolton, Thursday, February 12, by Rev. F. L. Walker, Joseph Harbour and Miss Sarah F. Sample.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The ladies of the Baptist Church held a social at the residence of Mrs. John Landes Friday night. It was well attended and enjoyable time was had.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

David G. Wettimer disposed of his farm on the Arkansas River last week to Ross Merrick for $1,600. Snyder & Hutchison effected the sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

H. N. Higginbotham and wife, of Marshall, Field, & Co., Chicago, came in on the noon train Monday last to visit V. M. Ayres.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The reserved seat plat will be open today for the location of seats for the Jolly Pathfinders at Highland Hall Friday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mrs. L. H. Brown, president of the Kansas department of Women's Relief Corps, returned to Olathe Wednesday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mr. U. Spray sold the Bradwell house to J. P. Mussleman this week, consideration $1,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

That old timer, A. A. Jackson, of Seeley, visited the Canal City yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Septimus Andrews is in the city for the first time in many months. "Sep" is back to Wellington after a residence of many months in the quiet little village of Arkansas City, and the great change makes him feel once more like a citizen of civilization.

Wellington Standard.

A man with blood in his eyes, a cocked razor in his hand, and the quintessence of brimstone rolling out of his mouth, bolted into our sanctum Monday and wildly demanded a retraction; denounced it as, to put it mildly, a radical deviation from the truth, that it was a disgrace and he wouldn't stand it. Under the peculiar circumstances we were willing to do all that and anything else as reasonable and were beginning to chatter to that effect, when he thrust the above article under our nose, and, looking up we recognized "Sep." We did not blame him, do not now; although he nearly made us spill a bottle of ink. He laid his wild looks and disheveled appearance to the influence of Wellington and Caldwell, but said that a week here would make a respectable, law abiding citizen of him again. But the experiment of visiting those places would prove fatal to a great majority, and came nearly so to "Sep." We warrant that he will be content to stay in God's country hereafter, with no desire whatever to again approach the infernal regions.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

It was amusing to stand in the Post Office last Saturday and watch the faces of the children and some older ones, too, as they received letters carrying a one-cent stamp, and carefully opened them. The looks of amusement, disgust, anger, surprise, and the tender looks, brought on by the receipt of a nice valentine, the sender of which was thought to be known, all these expressions, and many more, were displayed to the public. Many a heart beat faster as some kind remembrance was received, many a sensitive nature was wounded on the receipt of some personal allusion, many an angry feeling was aroused and some tears shed. Yet St. Valentine's Day, for all that, is one of the bright spots in our lives, a day looked forward to. How anxiously we, when a boy, have selected some valentine, paying especial attention to the poetry (the softer the better), and watched the girl the next day to see if she did not know it was I who sent it. And she invariably gave some fellow bigger than me the credit and smiled on him accordingly, and murder was in my heart. But I am old, now, and these emotions, so real and torturing at the time, furnish amusement. It is ever thus.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Our old time friend, W. R. Smith and family, late of Washington, D.C., arrived in our city last week, to make a permanent home. The gentleman will occupy the position of clerk in the office of our real estate man, F. J. Hess. We welcome the newcomer to our city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

What a wonderful change time brings about. It is in the memory of our citizens that Winfield was wont to make merry over our "ditch." How they took delight in throwing that word in our faces, "ditch." It was of no account, foolish enterprise, insane project, etc.; how often we have heard them. But we have made ours a success, a great big, booming, five storied success, and now, Winfield wants a canalthey call it "canal" now. Let a delegation go up there, cut out the extracts relating to the "ditch" from the Courier and Telegram, and rehash it to them. They are author of the argument and will not go back on the truth. A canal would do them no good, they cannot make a success of it, it is foolish to think of it. Oh ye hypocrits!

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

The Ladies of the Presbyterian Aid Society desire to express their sincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen who so kindly assisted in making the Japanese wedding the grand success that it was, in illustrating Oriental costumes and custom. Also, the musicians who rendered such excellent music, and to all the friends who contributed to the entertainment of the evening. MRS. S. B. FLEMING, President.

ELLA LOVE, Secretary.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Daniel Frakes and family, who have been in the city for several months past, returned to their old home in Valparaiso, Indiana, where they expect to remain; but it is the experience of most persons who stay here a month or so, that they can be suited to no place else.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mr. O. P. Houghton left for the East yesterday to be absent for several weeks. He will visit Canada, Maine, and New York before returning and purchase a full stock of new season goods for the old reliable green front.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mr. Hamilton, of Bolton Township, sold Ira Barnett 70 head of hogs that averaged 334 pounds each, a total of 83,380 pounds, which at four cents a pound makes a very neat little sum to carry in your vest pocket.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Ira Barnett shipped five cars of hogs to Chicago yesterday morning. He went as far as Kansas City, but will return tomorrow.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

A most enjoyable social was held by the Episcopal ladies at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beall, last Wednesday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

S. P. Strong, of Rock Township, was in our city last week visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ed. Pentecost.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Ten thousand two and three-year-old apple trees, $10 per 100 at Walnut Valley Nursery.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mrs. Edward Grady came home Monday from a month's visit to friends in Ohio.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

A. Gilkey, of Maple City, was in town purchasing goods Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Capt. Gary, of Winfield, was on our streets yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mamma Hubbard.
The most successful of the season's social events occurred last night at Highland Hall under the auspices of the Favorite Social Club. A large and select party of maskers were they, who glided about the hall in the many intricacies of the dance. A feast for the eyes was the many colors as they glided in and out in serpentine movements or moved along stately in massed colors. The beautiful costumes of the ladies, the grotesque and glaring ones of the gentlemen, called up scenes of oriental splendor and was soothing and calming while yet exciting to the lookers on. The names of those who were invited to the Ma Hubbard, were, so near as we could learn as follows.

C. H. Searing and wife.

S. Matlack and wife.

H. P. Farrar and wife.

F. W. Farrar and wife.

E. L. McDowell.

W. D. Mowry and wife.

C. C. Sollitt and wife.

J. V. Hull.

Frank Austin and wife.

John Kroenert and wife.

Al Heitkam.

C. O. Harris.

Dr. Westfall and wife.

John B. Walker and wife.

Matt Aldridge and wife.

C. R. Sipes and wife.

John Ingliss.

Will Griffith.

A. A. Newman and wife.

Wyard Gooch and wife.

L. N. Coburn.

A. V. Alexander and wife.

Dr. J. Vawter and wife.

Geo. Schmidt.

J. Landis and wife.

Frank Beall and wife.

C. G. Thompson and wife.

J. H. Hilliard and wife.

Joe Finkleburg.

J. A. McIntyre and wife.

E. L. Kingsbury.

F. K. Grosscup.

A. D. Ayres and wife.

Thos. Kimmel and wife.

Will Moore and wife.

Ivan Robinson.

J. C. Topliff.

Will Thompson.

R. E. Grubbs and wife.

Chas. Schiffbauer and wife.

L. H. Northey.

O. Ingersoll and wife.

Chas. Chapel.

Oute Coombs.

P. L. Snyder.

J. W. Heck and wife.

Frank Thompson.

Sherman Tompson.

W. A. Daniels.

F. B. Willitts.

Jerry Adams.

Sept. Andrews.

Will L. Aldridge.

A. J. Pyburn.

S. B. Reed.

Dr. S. B. Parsons.

Dr. M. B. Vawter.

Dr. J. A. Mitchell.

Isaac Ochs and wife.

H. Nicholson.

Frank Hutchison.

R. P. Hutchison and wife.

Herman Wyckoff.

F. J. Sweeny and wife.

J. L. Huey and wife.

R. B. Norton.

Chas. Hutchins and wife.

Cal. Dean and wife.

C. M. Scott and wife.

Frank J. Hess and wife.

R. U. Hess.

R. L. Howard and wife.

Dr. H. D. Kellogg and wife.

H. P. Standley and wife.

E. O. Stevenson and wife.

H. H. Perry and wife.

G. W. Cunningham and wife.

J. G. Shelden and wife.

Sam Wyle.

Maj. M. S. Hasie and wife.

Chs. Hilliard.

Tillie Crawford.

J. W. Duncan.

O. H. Fitch.

James Ridenour and wife.

S. B. Read and wife.

J. R. Rogers and wife.

Tip Davenport and wife.

E. W. Weston, of Wellington, Kansas.

Ed. Cole and wife.

Lafe Tomlin and wife.

Ed. McMullen, of Winfield.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Rev. Dr. Hill at Presbyterian Church.
We had the pleasure of listening to a very interesting talk by Rev. Dr. Hill, of Kansas City, Synodical missionary for Kansas and the Indian Territory, at the Presbyterian Church last Sunday evening. His talk was about the Indians and the work of the Presbyterian Church in their midst. We made some notes of points of interest which we append. There are thirty Indian tribes in the Territory and thirty dialects spoken. The Indians were brought from all points of the compass, from Alabama, Florida, Montana, Idaho, Tennessee, New York, Iowa, Mississippi, and Kansas. The most civilized Indians are the Cherokees. Among them the most missionary work has been done. The least civilized are Cheyennes or Apaches. Among them the least missionary work has been done. Which apparently proves the statement of the Dr. that to the christian missionaries the Indians are indebted for their civilization.

The Dr. has traversed every part of the Territory east of the 110th meridian. He says the Territory is very much inferior to either the same scope of country in Kansas or Missouri, being in parts very rocky, exceedingly mountainous, a good part of the prairie having alkali in composition. The Oklahoma land being no exception to that so far as he could tell. The word Oklahoma is of Indian origin, composed of Oklahoma people, and home, red, meaning the land of the red people. This name is certainly significant, as it was called this in the treaty of 1866. Among the Indians, the Cherokees and Creeks are increasing in population, the majority of the other tribes decreasing. These two tribes have a great mixture in blood, the former principally of white and Indian, and the latter principally negro and Indian.

After the address a collection was taken up for the purpose of aiding in the establishment of a mission school at Tahlequah.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Mr. Rice called our attention to the following paragraph in the Republican of last week.

"Thursday Capt. Rarick arrested Lewis C. Rice and Blanch Bigsby for co-habiting. He took the guilty pair to Winfield, where they now languish in the county jail."

He desired to make a statement of the facts in the case, and the following is MR. RICE' STATEMENT.

I was arrested last Thursday, but was not in jail, as I gave bond immediately. Blanch Rigsby has not been in this city or county since September 28, 1884, and consequently was not arrested. I was charged with unlawfully co-habiting with her, but it is a clear case of MALICIOUS LIBEL, gotten up by my wife to injure my reputation, and help her in her endeavor to obtain a divorce from me and to obtain control of our child. The facts are, that Blanch Rigsby kept house for me for two months; but she was a lady and no improper relations whatever existed between us. My wife endeavored last meeting of the Grand Jury to have me indicted on this charge, but failed. My wife is a bad woman, who has run away from me once or twice with other men, and was caught in adultery with a Winfield lawyer. She informed me that if I did not let her have control of the child, she would have me arrested, and she did so last week. It is but justice that, since the matter has been aired, the truth should be told. As to Blanch Rigsby, I have neither seen nor heard from her since last September, nor do I know where she is. It is a trick to steal my child.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

District Court Proceedings.
Stave vs. W. J. Pointer. Disposing of mortgaged property. Trial by jury and verdict of not guilty.

Drs. E. Y. Baker and C. G. Thompson, on plea of guilty to issuing illegal prescriptions, were fined $100 each and adjudged to pay the costs. Also were placed under bond to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a period of two years.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Police Court.
City vs. Ed. Bass, disturbance; $2.50 and costs.

Justice Court.
State vs. ____ Coupe [?? Toupe ?? Roupe ??, trespass, judgment not rendered as we go to press. [LAST ITEM WAS ALMOST COMPLETELY OBSCURED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

Public Sale.
I will sell at my residence in East Bolton, six miles southeast of Arkansas City, on the Territory line, Tuesday, February 24, 1885, thirty head of domestic cattle, heifers, and steers.

1 yearling Galloway bull.

20 milch cows.

1 2-year-old StallionHamiltonian.

12 head of hogs.

1 Buggy.

TERMS OF SALE. Sums of $5 or under, cash in hand; sums over $5, six month's time will be given on approved security without interest if paid on maturity. If not so paid to bear 10 percent interest from date. B. E. WING.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 18, 1885.

BIG AD. "And a Sower Went Forth to Sow!"

Seeds! Seeds! Seeds!

We have the largest and best assortment of Paper and Bulk Garden and flour Seeds in the city. Barteldes, D. M. Ferrys, and Crosman Bros., etc., at bottom prices.

Do not put it off too late. THE DIAMOND FRONT.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 25, 1885.

WASHINGTON, Feb. 23, 1885. The bill introduced today by Representative Perkins concerning Oklahoma lands authorizes the President to negotiate with the Creeks, Seminoles, and Cherokees, and learn on what terms the Indians will relinquish and convey to the United States all their interest in the Oklahoma lands with a view of opening up that territory for settlement under the homestead laws.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 25, 1885.

There are thousands of voters throughout the West interested in our issue between the parties which is not made prominent in the East. This is the homestead question. In 1859 a homestead bill was passed in the House by a vote of 120 to 76, every Republican except one voting for the bill, and every Southern Democrat, except three, voting against the bill. An attempt to bring the bill to a vote in the Senate was defeated by the Democrats.

In the House, in March, 1860, Mr. Lovejoy reported the homestead bill, and after several days it was passed by a vote of 115 to 65. All the affirmative votes except one were from the free States, and all the negative votes except one were from the slave States. The Senate adopted a substitute and conference committee finally agreed upon a bill, which was passed. The bill went to the president (Buchanan), and on the 23rd of June he returned it with his veto.

This bill gave to every settler 160 acres of land, stipulating that he should live upon it five years and receive a deed of payment of 25 cents per acre. The President's objections were that the bill was unconstitutional in that it virtually gave away the public lands; that it was unjust because it conferred a boon on cultivators of the soil; that it was unfair because it treated new settlers better than the older ones had been treated; and that it was unjust to the old States.

This was the action of the last Democratic administration. In the campaign of 1860 the issue was squarely made. The Republican platform adopted at Chicago declared:

"We protest against any sale or alienation to others of the public lands held by actual settlers and against any view of the homestead policy which regards the settlers as paupers or suppliants for public bounty; and we demand the passage by Congress of the complete and satisfactory measure which has already passed the House."

The bill as it passed the House omitted the price of 25 cents per acre, the settler paying only the registry fees. One of the battle cries of the campaign of 1860 was "Free land for free men," and although the Republican Executive and Congress was embarassed by the war, the homestead bill of 1860 was in 1862 improved upon and passed. Amendments and modifications were made in 1866, 1872, and the homestead laws as they stand are as much the annunciations of Republican policy as the declarations of the platform adopted in June. The homestead bill was framed by a Republican, introduced by a Republican (Mr. Grow), and was from first to last favored by Republicans and opposed by Southern Democrats. In the coming campaign these things should not be forgotten.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, February 25, 1885.

There is some doubt whether the world will be able to eat all the sugar that is made for it next year. The crop will be over 4,500,000 tons throughout the world. Over half of this is beet sugar; the rest cane. Of maple sugar there is made only 25,000 tons.



Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

S. Thompson, of Caldwell, was in the city Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Fitch & Barron have purchased [???] D. Hollenbeck [???]. Mr. Hollenbeck will go to Florida [??].

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

E. A. Barron has made some notable improvements in and around his residence on Central Avenue. He has repainted his house, erected a new fence, and made other beautifying alterations.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The entertainment given at the High School building Saturday evening by the scholars of the eighth grade waa well attended, the room being crowded. They realized about $8.00 towards buying a library.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Two ladies were baptized by Rev. Witt last Sabbath day in the Walnut River. We understand them to have been Mrs. Randall and Miss Bradley. The Christian people are receiving a number of accessions under the ministration of Rev. Witt.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Ed. Grady, the Arkansas City lumber merchant, is in the city today. We told him we had not been in his town for over two years. Says he: "You wouldn't know it; it keeps a fellow who lives there a humping to keep up his acquaintance with it. It will be a lively place, about the 5th of March." Wichita Beacon.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

MARRIED. Married on Wednesday, February 18, 1885, at the residence of Rev. Dr. Kirkwood, Winfield, Mr. D. R. Beatty, of this city, and Miss Mattie Evans, of Iola. Mr. Beatty has been here but a short time, but he has made many friends during his short sojourn among us, and they all join with us in welcoming his bride in our midst.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The Women's Relief Corps social was a success last Wednesday and Thursday.....In all they realized the sum of $50, which will do a good deal of good in the hands of the ladies to relieve the poor of the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The machine shop has changed hands, and is now owned by Danks Bros. The members of the firm are F. Danks, J. G. Danks, and C. H. Danks, the second one of which is well known to our businessmen although he has been here but a short time. F. And C. H. will arrive next week, having purchased new machinery, material, and tools as were necessary to properly conduct the business on the scale they propose. These gentlemen are all experienced workmen in their linehave made it the business of their lives. They have been employed for many years by the Cincinnati Rolling Mill Co. We bid them welcome and hope they will achieve the success we are satisfied they deserve.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

W. L. Couch was in the city Wednesday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Cunningham has erected a fine new awning in front of his building.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

H. C. Deets returned from his New Orlean's trip last week. He has made some improvements since his return, and now runs three chairs at the Red Front Barber Shop.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Geo. Newman, of Emporia, came down Friday last to spend a few days with his brother, A. A., and to look at the condition of the cattle in which he owns an interest. He returned Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

We call the attention of our readers to the request of Dr. Minthorn, in another column. He sets aside Tuesday of each week as visiting day at Chilocco schools and has no time to receive visitors on any other day.

By request of the Superintendent of the Chilocco schools, Dr. Minthorn, we make the following statement.

The appropriation for the school is now running short and the employees have been cut down in number in consequence. There are now barely sufficient help to conduct the school. Under these circumstances it is impossible to perform their duties and also spend several hours each day in receiving and showing around visitors. On every pleaant day from five to fifty persons visit the school, and all expect to be shown through the building. This involves a very large amount of work. While the Dr. is willing to be accommodating, it is impossible, with his present force, to do this. He requests us to ask our people to come to the schools only on Tuesdays, being willing to devote that day of each week to visitors. He will welcome all who may come then, but it will be intrusions on any other day of the week. In the case of strangers, who find it impossible to wait for that day, and who would like to visit them, if someone of our businessmen will give them a card of introduction and explanation, he will try and entertain them to the best of his ability. The great majority of the visitors, however, are home people, who can just as well go on Tuesday as on any other day, and we hope the Dr.'s wishes will be remembered. It will be but courtesy to do so.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Dr. Carlisle, having leased his farm, made a trip to Great Bend, staying their Monday and returning Tuesday. The Dr. expects to locate in Great Bend and engage in the practice of his profession. We would be very sorry to lose him from our midst.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The Baptist society will dedicate their beautiful church next Sabbath. The pastor, Rev. P. L. Walker, will be assisted by Rev. W. H. Connely, of Atchison, and Rev. Rider, of Winfield. A cordial invitation is extended to all our citizens to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

`Tis an ill wind, etc. The farmers claim that the snow storm is sure to be of great benefit to the wheat, for they say that if the weather had continued dry and the wind high for a short time longer that great loss would have resulted to the staple product.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Our late townsman, T. J. Sweeny, has decided to locate at Larned, Kansas, where he has purchased business property and will leave for there today.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

BIRTH. Born Monday, February 23, to Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McIntire, a son, weighing 8 pounds.

We hardly know whether to look for a better or worse paper from here on from Charley. We may or we may not. They do say that he now wears a No. 8 hat, and that his fingers involuntarily spell "dad" as he wields the fabre. We think, however, that it is more likely his scissors cut a circle, a "bawl" as it were. Our congratulations, Charles.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Allen Smith has quit working at this office and will go to Kansas, Cowley County. His brother and sisters are there. Al. worked four years with us and it affords us pleasure to state that he is as steady, industrious, and reliable a young man as we ever knew. Besides possessing these excellent qualities, he has a brilliant mind and is a first-class printer. We cheerfully commend him to the craft. All he needs is a chance in the world and he will climb high in his calling. That he may have good health and prosper is the wish of all that know him. Bloomfield (Iowa) Legal Tender.

Al. is now one of the TRAVELER force.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Gen. Hatch was in the city last Saturday. His object in visiting us at this time was to look over the ground and if the recommendations were as stated by Mr. C. Schiffbauer, that this was a better point for the troops than Caldwell, that the roads to Oklahoma were far better, and that we were nearer that country were true, he would make Arkansas City instead of Caldwell the base of future movements. After a thorough examination, he so made up his mind and in a few days will bring down five or six companies of soldiers, part of whom will be stationed here, part on Chilocco, and part on Ponca Agency. [THERE WAS MORE TO ARTICLE, BUT ALL OF IT WAS SO HARD TO READ, I QUIT AT THIS POINT.]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

We give below the register for Monday last from the two leading hotels, as it shows the amount of travel in our city.

LELAND HOTEL: N. A. Haight, Winfield; J. W. Bray, Oswego; C. M. Sheldon, Geuda; Miss Annie Meigs, City; Lather Garhom [?], Geuda; H. P. Standley, City; Jas. H. Anderson, Kansas City; S. H. Osborn, Kansas City; W. D. Seachrest [?], Kansas City; Chas. Goldanimer, St. Joe; J. E. DeNuir, Chicago; J. G. Raney, St. Louis; W. C. Hartley, St. Louis; E. H. Denight, St. Louis; A. W. Patters, Fred Patty, City; D. H. Hails, Chicago; Jeanne Bowen, Nora McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Robinson, Ed Billings, Fred Howes, Ed Barry, Fred Lundrey, Carl Berg, Wilson Davis, Joe Martin, F. J. McHenry, A. Harvey, Indian Territory; D. Warren, Indian Territory; D. J. Hallo, Chicago; W. Slymacile, Chicago.

WINDSOR HOTEL: Henry Asp, Winfield; J. F. Willetts, Kaw; McFons [?], Kaw; A. McNeale [?], Constant; C. W. Bries [?], Kansas City; Will Heller, Kansas City; J. W. Brickner, Newton; J. C. Brown, Winfield; Jesse L. Bell, Winfield; D. C. James, Kansas City; F. K. Sperry, Emporia; O. B. Still, Little Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Eld. F. M. Rains will preach at the Christian Church next Sabbath at 11 o'clock a.m., and 7:30 p.m. Eld. W. H. Hopkins will deliver a discourse on the death of Christ. All are cordially invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

A Social will be given at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Snyder Friday evening, Feb. 27, under the auspices of the Ladies' Mite Society, of the Baptist Church. A lap supper served during the evening. A cordial invitation is given to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The latest is the "Senior Quartette" Society recently organized in our city and composed of members taken from the elite of our city. Its objects are mutual good fellowship, hence we say "long may it wave."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Will L. Aldridge & Co., contemplate adding three more rooms to their office accommodations, which when completed, will give them an elegant quarters.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Mrs. Erett Johnson, of New Salem, Kansas, a friend of Mrs. Ed. Barron, has been visiting in the city for several days, returning home yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

C. R. Sipes will attend the meeting of the Grand Lodge, of A. O. U. W., at Leavenworth this week, on his way to New Orleans.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Frank Landes will leave for Ottawa, Kansas, on Friday next, when he goes to attend the spring term of the University.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Mrs. Strong, of Rock, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Ed. Pentecost, for several days, returned home yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Snyder & Hutchison inform us that they have loaned $10,000 on real estate security in the last month.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Geo. E. Hasie returned to the city Monday after an absence of two or three months in the South.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

M. C. Copple purchased Mr. Crew's house in the Godfrey addition for $700.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

While in our city last week, General Hatch was a guest of the Leland Hotel.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Neff & Henderson shipped 52 head of cattle to St. Louis Tuesday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Ira Barnett shipped one load of hogs to Kansas City this morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Phillips, Monday, February 23, a girl.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

A. C. Neidlander, of Wichita, was in the city Tuesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

B. W. Matlack was in the city Saturday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Buy fresh garden seeds at Cunningham's, at half grocery store prices.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.



Replying to a couple of communications in reference to the miliing interests and flour monopoly (?) Signed recently [NAMES REFERRED TO ALL OBSCURED EXCEPT FOR ONE..."Homo,"...NEXT THREE LINES OR SO ARE IMPOSSIBLE TO DECIPHER...trying (in their ignorance of the subject) to break down the very institutions that build up and maintain the price of grain, and if they are farmers, hanging out a club to break their own works. Now let me ask S. W.? To put [THREE OR FOUR WORDS ???] of a few facts. [AGAIN MORE BLANKS]. Will he please look up [AFTER THIS LINE AFTER LINE OF IMPOSSIBLE TO READ WORDS]

They are not compelled to buy high patent flour at the high prices quoted by him. He also takes exceptions by the claim of loss on trashy wheat, and claims the millers estimate the amount of waste in some way. We think the mills here would be willing to give a handsome bonus for the secret, and could well afford to. Farmers know nearly to a pound how much wheat they have on each load, and efforts on the part of the buyer to dock on weights, the least particle, brands him as a thief. He claims that he knows that four and a half bushels of wheat will make one barrel of flour as good as there is in the market. Now if S. W. or any friend of his will put up the collateral with a guarantee that they can make a barrel of as good flour as there is in this market out of four and a half bushels of average wheat as brought to the mills, and keep it up for a years' run, the writer will obligate himself to furnish a situation for such a miller right away, at from $2,000 to $3,000 per year, according to size of mill operated, and he will not be asked to work, only superintend, and can wear kid gloves all the time.

Among many other things we might mention is, that in taking 60 pounds of the clearest wheat and reducing it to meal on a mill stone or any other process, catch the meal as it comes from the burr and weigh it, and you find a loss of two pounds caused by evaporation and escaped dust. Then take the cleanest wheat the farmer brings in and run it through the cleaning machine of a modern mill, and it is bound to scour off and lose three pounds to the bushel. This makes a five pound loss, calculating on the most liberal basis. S. W. says that flour made from 60 cent wheat at $2.00 per 100 pounds, or even less, 2-1/2 bushels at 60 cents, is $1.50; this would leave a balance of 50 cents. Add to this the bran and shorts, 52 pounds, worth about 40 cents, and you have 90 cents margin. Now, we submit that 2-1/2 bushels of wheat at 60 cents a bushel weighs 150 pounds. Take out 100 pounds of flour, and where would S. W. get 52 pounds of offal besides. He makes no allowance for evaporation or cleaning. We have worried over this problem considerably, but must confess that Homo and S. W.'s calculations does us up. SECRETARY.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

In view of the fact that the west bridge is down and that this in consequence cuts off a large amount of trade from our city, it is pertinent to ask what is to be done. It is not likely that the township will be in any hurry to rebuild it. It will not benefit the township, so much as it will the city. For this reason we think the township will hardly be very energetic in the matter. As to Bolton's cooperation, we think there is little hope judging from the past. The rebuilding of the bridge then falls on to the city, unjustly but necessarily. The proposition by Major Sleeth presents the quickest solution of this question. It is in effect this: The businessmen of Arkansas City are the ones to be most directly benefitted. Let them contribute the amount necessarynot more than $100 or $500. This amount would, when divided proportionally, amount to $25 each. This is the quickest solution. A more just one would be for the businessmen to contribute half the amount necessary, and the city to furnish the other half; for what benefits one class, also helps the city. Of the amount to be given by the City, the businessmen will, of course, pay a large proportion, as they pay more taxes a great deal than other citizens. This will in the end amount to the businessmen paying three fourths, or, at least three fifths, of the amounta very fair proposition. Our city cannot afford to wait on the dilatory action of the township. Every day the bridge is down means dollars out of the pockets of our businessmen, consequently so much from the prosperity of the City. If our businessmen and citizens take a proper view of the matter, the west bridge will soon be ready for crossing.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Some wicked cowboy perpetrated a cruel joke on one of the "Jennie Bowen" combination. Wm. Davis, the "kid" of the troupe, is a Welshman who has never before been out West, and cowboys and Indians were "them be queer critters," to him. His greenness in this line was so prominent it stuck out far enough to hang an overcoat on. Several cowboys, who were staying at the Leland, soon caught on; and while they were in the washroom, suddenly turned on Davis and ordered, "Hands up." It is needless to say that hands went up, and heart too. His knees knocked together like dry limbs in a gale as he looked in the barrels of two "bull-dog" revolvers. After a little loud talk, they told him he could go. He went. Afterwards we asked him if he was scared. "Scared!" he said, "well I should remark."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jenkins Saturday, February 21, a bouncing boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

County and Township Bridges.
We make the following extracts from the Senate Bill introduced by Senator Jennings. The bill makes provision for the defects in the present law and has the merit of exceeding practicability.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Kansas:

SECTION 1. Whenever the trustees of any township in any county of this state shall present to the board of county commissioners of his county a petition, signed by two-fifths of the resident taxpayers of each township, praying for the construction of a bridge within said township, at a point to be mentioned in said petition, the necessary cost of which will exceed five hundred dollars, the board of county commissioners of above named state shall inquire into the facts set forth in such petition, and if said board deem the building of said bridge of sufficient public necessity and utility, it shall determine upon a plan, the kind of materials to be used, and estimate the cost thereof.

SECTION 2. The said board of county commissioners, after determining the necessity and public utility of building a bridge under section 1 of this act, shall submit to the qualified electors of the township in which said bridge is proposed to be built, at a special election to be held for that purpose, a proposition as to whether said township shall pay one-third of the cost of building said bridge; which proposition shall state the precise point at which such proposed bridge is to be constructed, the kind of materials to be used, and the estimated cost of the same. At least twenty days' notice of the time and place of holding said election, either by publication for three consecutive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation in said township, or by posting up printed notice thereof in not less than eight conspicuous places in said township.

SECTION 10. The county commissioners of the several counties in this state are authorized to levy a tax annually on all the taxable property of their respective counties, of not exceeding five mills on the dollar for the purpose of providing a bridge bond, to be {??] provisions of this act.

SECTION 11. The board of county commissioners shall have the executive control of letting all cotracts under the provisions of this act, and making payments therefor, and the county treasurer shall pay out no money out of this bridge fund to be expended under the provisions of this act, except upon a warrant signed by the chairman of such board and attested by the county clerk. Provided further, No money shall be paid to any person, company, or corporation contracting to build such bridge, until all the materials for such bridge are on the ground: And provided further, That not more than half the cost of building such bridge shall be paid until such bridge is completed and accepted by said board.

SECTION 12. All bridges constructed under the provisions of the act shall thereinafter be repaired and kept up jointly by the township in which said bridge is located, and the county; the township bearing one-third and the county two-thirds of such expense.

SECTION 13. All bridges proposed to be built under this act, over any stream or other place requiring such bridge, and across the boundary line between two townships in the same county, the election for such bridge shall be called in each township at the same time and in the same manner as hereinbefore provided for holding the election in one township; and if a majority of the votes cast in each township shall be in favor of the proposition, then the board of county commissioners shall levy and collect from each of said townships one-sixth the cost of such bridge, which shall be expended as herein provided.

SECTION 14. The board of county commissioners of the counties of this state shall hereafter appropriate out of the bridge fund of their respective counties, money sufficient to pay two-thirds of the necessary repairs and expenses of keeping up any bridge or bridges already built by township or townships, or by the county where the original cost exceeds $300; and such township or townships in which such bridge or bridges are located, shall pay one-third the expense of the repairs and expenses out of the road and bridge or other tax fund of such township or townships.

SECTION 16. Whenever the township shall declare on the records of that township that the building of a bridge is necessary at some point in their townships, and that the cost of the same will be less than five hundred dollars and more than one hundred dollars, then the township trustee shall immediately present a copy of the record of that action of such board to the board of county commissioners, and if said board deems the building of such bridge practicable and of sufficient public utility, and that it will cost less than $500 and more than $100, said commissioners may build the same as provided herein for the building of other bridges, without an election for that purpose being held in the township or townships where such bridge is located.

SECTION 17. All bridges in the counties in this state costing one hundred dollars or less shall be built and repaired exclusively by the township in which they may be situated.

SECTION 19. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the statute book.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

The men of this community are taking steps to form an organization, looking not to the perpetuity of their elegant shapes so much as to having a good time. We opine that this club will produce and enjoy more fun and laughter at their meetings than would be possible for any other band. It seems to be a fact that "laugh and grow fat" has been the motto of their lives; the latter we have ocular proof of, and of the former auricular (copy wrighted). A more jolly fun loving and laughter enjoying crowd could not be scared up in any community. The following persons are eligible to membership, each being over 200 pounds in weight.

C. Atwood; J. L. Howard; Mr. Richardson; H. H. Perry; A. A. Davis; A. W. Patterson; R. Hubbard; A. J. Pyburn; E. B. Multer; D. P. Marshal; T. V. McConn, J. W. Hutchison; L. E. Woodin; Chas. Bryant; Mr. Robinson; M. S. Hasie; S. B. Fleming; T. L. Mantor; H. B. Calef.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Quite a serious accident befell Jim Chapin yesterday. As he was working under the awning being erected in front of Cunningham's building, a heavy ladder fell on him, mashing one foot badly. He will be laid up for three or four weeks in consequence.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

School will commence in District 32 just east of the Walnut, Monday, March 2nd, with Horace Vaughn as teacher.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

G. W. Cunningham's buying German millet seed at 85 cents a bushel. Farmers bring in your seeds and get the cash.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Farmers' Co-Operative Milling Exchange.
The Directors of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange met at the Windsor Hotel Wednesday evening. The meeting was called to order by the temporary president, and D. P. Marshall was chosen temporary secretary. The roll of directors was called, and the following persons answered to their names.

H. Harbaugh, T. W. Grant, D. W. Ramage, John Myrtle, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, C. W. Jones, F. H. Brown, G. Green. After which the charter was read and approved. The constitution and by-laws were then read section by section and adopted as a whole.

On motion, the secretary was instructed to have 500 copies of the charger, constitution, and by-laws printed in pamphlet form. Also a copy of today's proceedings published in the papers here and at Winfield. The organization was then perfected and the following officers elected.

Henry Harbaugh, President.

Ed. Grady, Vice President.

D. P. Marshall, Secretary.

John Myrtle, Treasurer.

T. W. Grant, General Manager.

It was decided to hold regular meetings the first Monday in each month. The meeting then adjourned to meet on February 25th. H. Harbaugh, President.

D. P. MARSHALL, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 25, 1885.

I, E. B. Allen, Secretary of State of the State of Kansas, do hereby verify that the following and annexed is a true and correct copy of the original instrument of writing filed in my office February 14th, 1885.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my officla seal. Done at Topeka, Kansas, this 14th day of February, 1885.

E. B. ALLEN, Secretary of State.
First: The name of this corporation shall be "FARMERS' CO-OPERATIVE MILLING EXCHANGE."

Second: The purpose for which it is formed shall be the construction and operation of a flour mill for the purpose of doing an exchange and [? goodwill ? general ?] milling business.

Third: The place of business of sid corporation shall be at Arkansas City and on the canal adjacent thereto, in Cowley County, Kansas.

Fourth: The term for which said corporation shall exist shall be ninety-nine years.

Fifth: The number of directors of said corporation shall be thirteen and the names and residences as follows.

H. Harbaugh, Winfield.

T. W. Grant, Arkansas City.

G. Ramage, Arkansas City.

C. F. Snyder, Arkansas City.

D. P. Marshall, Arkansas City.

Wm. Trimble, Arkansas City.

A. V. Alexander, Arkansas City.

C. W. Jones, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

F. H. Brown, Constant.

G. Greene, Silverdale.

Ed. Grady, Arkansas City.

J. L. Andrews, Maple City.

Sixth: The amount of capital stock of said corporation shall be 75,000 dollars and shall be divided into 3,000 shares.

We the undersigned hereby subscribe ourr names to the within articles of incorporation.






Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for Cowley County, Kansas, Amos Walton, C. W. Jones, D. P. Marshall, A. V. Alexander, and T. W. Grant and duly acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my notary seal, this 7th day of February, 1885. A. J. PYBURN, Notary Public.

(Seal.) Commission expires November 18th, 1887.

[NOTE: NOT SURE IF "MARSHAL" OR "MARSHALL" IS CORRECT ABOVE. As a rule, the article portions showed "Marshal." But whenever a signature was called for, it always shows up as "D. P. MARSHALL."]

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Capt. S. A. Field, of Wichita, accompanied by Mr. Samuel Allen, of Missouri, is paying a visit to his sons at "Brightside." Both gentlemen express themselves as highly pleased with our town and its prospects as rivaling any city in the state.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

M. C. Copple traded a house and lot in town for the Ford farm on Grouse Creek last week, consideration $1,000.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Bolton District 98.
This is our first attempt to write up news of our vicinity, but we will do the best we can.

Chas. Roberts has returned from Iowa, where he was visiting his mother and friends. He reports a good time, but says it was awful cold up there.

Miss Lillie Beatty hs been on the sick list for the past week.

BIRTH [?]. The boys of East Bolton turned out the other evening, and Joseph Harbour, the new Benedict, set up the cigars.

The best party of the season was given at Mr. Aaron Gordon's, Tuesday evening, February 17th. Quite a number of the young people were present, and after the supper they regretfully bid adieu, as it was nearly morning, and returned to their quiet houses to "sleep no never," that morning.

Mr. Jack Gilbert, accompanied by Theo. Parvin, started with two loads of corn, for Red Rock. It's pretty cold weather for freighting, ain't it, Jack?

A number of farmers think that wheat is hurt, and some think completely killed.

Joseph Naylor returned from his visit in the East, where he has been visiting friends and relatives. We supposed that Jos. was going to bring someone back with him, but as he did not, it will cause him another trip.

The prairie fires are beginning to loom up. Farmers should look out for their own fronts and not get caught along the line this spring as they did last.

Sunday, Feb. 15th, we listened to a very nice sermon delivered by the well known Rev. Dr. Hill, of Kansas City. The Dr. is evidently a smart man and knows whereof he speaks. Come again, Dr., we like to listen to your sermons.

Last Saturday evening, Feb. 14th, some of the boys met at Mowry's, or "Jack Knife" schoolhouse, to practice for debate. The following recitation was chosen: "Resolved, That the dog has done more for man than the gun." The question was ably debated on both sides, and was decided in favor of the gun.

The Lyceum met Thursday evening. The question was, "Which has caused the most distress, whiskey or war?" Whiskey gained. This was followed by a comic Negro debate on the question, "Which has caused most wonder, the land or water?"

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Police Court.
"City vs. James Williams, assault; fined $2.50; total $15.75."

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.

Drs. Shepard & Hart will shortly engage in the practice of medicine together with offices in the Commercial block.

Arkansas City Traveler, February 25, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 4, 1885.

Let our next council look especialy to the construction of sidewalks; graveling of streets; and beautifying of the city in general. The time has come when this is a crying need. Nothing so much needs their attention at this particular time, in our opinion, as this. We have now reached a time when we ought to be able to do this, and it is the need of the times.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 4, 1885.

The bill reported to the Senate to enable the President to negotiate for the purchase of the Oklahoma lands provides, among other things, that any person who, without authority of law, enters these lands shall be fined not more than $500 or imprisonment not more than one year, or both, for the first offense; and be fined $1,000, or be imprisoned for more than two years, for each subsequent offense. It also authorizes the seizure of the outfit of such persons.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 4, 1885.

Why the Government Hesitates to Grapple with the Problem of Opening Oklahoma. The Shrewd Chiefs of the Creeks Puts the AlternatesA Masterly Protest Coupled with a Business-Like Proposition. The Price of Abrogating the Treaty Fixed at Millions.

A middle-aged man, with mild eyes, a pleasing cast of countenance, and a bright yellow complexion, which leaves an impression of perplexity as to what race he should be classed with, appeared at the Capitol while the Indian matters were monopolizing attention recently. He remained only two or three days and then went away. While he was there, it was notable that the various representatives of the tribes in the Territory did him considerable deference. Now that he has gone, it is learned that he had some documents which go far to explain the hesitancy of the Government in dealing with the Oklahoma problem. Chief Perryman, of the Creeks, is smart enough to have inherited the best mental qualities, as he has the blood of three races.

His documents are two in number, and they are drawn with wonderful concisement. In less space than any United States Senator has been able to do the subject justice, the Chief presents the whole situation so clearly that a child may understand it.

In the first of these two State papers, which would do credit to men more illustrious in diplomacy than the Creek Chieftain, he hastily sketches the Indian policy of the Government, refers to the understanding upon which the Indians ceded Oklahoma, and then utters his most solemn protest against the pending bill for the opening of the lands to white settlers.

"As long as thirty years ago," writes the Chief, "it became the well defined and active policy of the United States to locate a tribe of Indians within such limits as would not at first, or too suddenly, change the modes and manner of hunter life for purely agricultural, yet at the same time compel the members to labor for subsistence." In proof of this the Indian Commissioner, W. P. Dole, in 1864, emphasizes this necessity by declaring: "I feel that I cannot too strongly urge the importance of preserving the Indian country for the use of the Indians alone, and in all treaties or other arrangements, which may hereafter be made with its former owners insisting, and if needs be, enforcing such terms as will insure ample homes within that country for all such tribes as from time to time it may be found practicable and expedient to remove thereto."

"In consonance with this policy, the Indian Bureau has removed from other portions of the counry some fifteen or more tribes and located them upon portions of these lands, and the unanimous testimony of the Indian agents of the Government attest the efficiency, wisdom, and humanity of the system. Under the workings of this policy, the so-called Indian problem is gradually but surely being solved. The bill, for no just reason, however, proposes to interject a state of affairs in the Indian Territory which must surely obstruct the workings of this policy, and relegate the Indian problem back to the domains of mooted questions. Almost all Indian Commissioners and other government officials conversant with the subject unite in endorsing the policy of holding the Indian Territory inviolate as a home for the Indians, and never yet has any objections or complaints arose against it, except such as have come from the agents of railway corporations, cattle syndicates, and irresponsible parties, misled by the late D. L. Payne, and like adventurers."

"The policy is one suited to the preferences of the Indians already occupying the Territory, and it is questionable whether the Muskogees ever would have consented to a cession had it at the time been thought that the lands would ever in the future be affected by such provisions as those embraced in H. R. 7,598. But it being expressly understood that the lands were to become the homes of other Indians, thus making the whole Territory an Indian Territory, in fact, as well as in name, the Muskogees, after much negotiation, ceded their right of occupancy. In view of the fact that the lands were to be occupied by neighbors who are Indians like themselves, and not white people, and the fact that the Muskogees still held the right by treaty of objecting to their occupancy by people other than `Indians and freedmen,' they ceded the lands for the palpably inadequate price of 30 cents per acre. Had the Muskogees surrendered all future voice and interest in the ownership of these lands, it is hardly to be supposed that they would have done so for so paltry a sum of money as 30 cents per acre. They would more likely have demanded at least the minimum price as fixed by the United States for her public lands. I protest, therefore, against the passage of the bill, because it is a palpable violation of the third article of the treaty of 1866, between the Muskogees and the United States, and will become a fruitful source of evil only, and benefitting no one unless it be cattle syndicate, and railroad corporations, who, in the shock and confusion that must inevitably ensue, may hope to reap the lion's share.

"These lands, as is well known, are worth today, for grazing purposes alone, not less than $2.50 per acre. The Muskogee Nation still possesses a certain interest in those lands ceded in 1866; and while I earnestly protest, in the name and behalf of the Muskogee Nation and people, against the enactment into a law of the bill, I hereby give notice to the President and Congress of the United States, that if it shall be determined to pass it over this protest and in plain violation of the provisions of the treaty of 1866, they will insist on full indemnity to them in money for such of the lands involved as were ceded by them in 1866, at a price per acre that shall be then full value, according to the price of such lands at the time of the passage of the bill."

The above is Chief Perryman's personal protest to the opening of Oklahoma. There has been some dispute as to the stipulation under which the Creeks parted with the land, and that the United States Government may be reminded, the Chief furnishes a copy of the pertinent section. It reads:

"In compliance of the desire of the United States to locate other Indians and freedmen thereon, the Creeks hereby cede and convey to the United States to be sold to and used as homes for such other civilized Indians as the United States may choose to settle thereon the west half of their entire domain, to be divided by a line running north and south, * * * and in consideration of said cession of the west half of their lands, estimated to contain 3,250,000 acres, the United States agrees to pay the sum of 30 cents per acre, amounting to $965,168."

These are the terms under which the Government has acquired all the title it has got to Oklahoma.

In his prayer to the President and Congress given above, Chief Perryman appeals to the sentiment which should sustain consistency in the Indian policy, and he searches for a sense of justice in the White House.

There is another paper emanating from this wise Indian. It is in the form of a business proposition and comes ostensibly from the Creeks, who are here to watch their interests. But it has got the old Chief's finger marks in it. He seems to realize that the white men are bound to get into Oklahoma, and that all he can expect his petition to accomplish is to awaken a feeling that the Indians have not been treated justly in the matter and that their claims deserve recognition.

In this second state paper of the Creeks, there is no waste of sentiment. All through there is recognition of the inevitable and at the same time a manly assertion of the Indians' rights, and a demand that they shall be respected.

"A treaty is a contract as well as law," says this skillfully worded document, "and binds the United States as well as the Indians."

"The Creek nation owned the land in question by the title in fee-simple, and if it had been known that they were to be opened for settlement, or disposed of otherwise than expressly provided in said treaty, they never would have ceded and conveyed on any terms, much less for the paltry sum of 30 cents per acre.

"The purpose for which this land was bought by the United States, as expressed in the treaty, entered into and became an element of the contract, and it cannot now, in law or justice, be disregarded by either of the parties in interest.

"At the date of treaty mentioned, the lands in question could have been sold to individuals at a price averaging not less than $1.25 per acre, and at the present time could be sold for several times that amount.

"The difference between 30 cents per acre, the price stipulated in the treaty, and $1.25 per acre, the real value of the land at the date of the treaty, is $3,202,308.96.

"The aggregate amount of land and 3,402,430.46 acres, which at 30 cents per acre, amounted to $2,020,729.14. But at $1.25 per acre, the minimum price at which government lands are usually soldit would amount to $5,286,638.10, making a difference, as above stated, of $3,262,308.96." [NOT 100% SURE I COPIED FIGURES CORRECTLY!]

"If therefore, the lands so ceded are to be thrown open to settlement by the United States, contrary to the terms, provisions, and stipulations of the said treaty of 1866, then we ask, on behalf of the Creek nation, that said lands shall be sold by the United States at their real value, which certainly is not less than $1.25 per acre, and after deducting the expense of such sale, and the amount heretofore advanced, that the remainder of the proceeds of such sales be paid to the Creek nation. Or if it be the purpose or intention of congress to declare them to be public lands of the United States and subject to entry under the homestead laws only, then we ask that the matter may be adjusted according to principles of equity and fair dealing, and a reasonable price paid the Creek nation for said lands.

"The United States, we submit, cannot do less than to accede to one or the other of these propositions, especially since a part of the interest on the stipulated price of 30 cents per acre has not yet been paid.

"The Creek nation has observed with fidelity its treaty obligations. May we not expect the same good faith on the part of the United States?

"To declare the lands mentioned public lands and subject to entry, under the homestead laws of the United States, as proposed in the bill now pending, would not only be a violation of the treaty, as already stated, but an infraction of all treaties with other tribes or nations in the Indian Territory.

"The manifest object of the legislation proposed is to open the Indian Territory to settlement; and that, in the opinion of the undersigned, means the total annihilation of Indian rights, titles, laws, customs, institutions, and governments, and, finally the extermination of the Indians themselves.

Against all such legislation, therefore, we beg to offer our earnest and most solemn protest. * * *

"More than half a century ago, the Creek people, at the instance of the government of the United States, embodied in treaties to the effect that they should never be included within the bounds or jurisdiction of a state or territory, without the consent of the Indians.

"Now in violation of all these treaties, comes a proposition to open a part of the territory to settlement which means a territorial government, first for the district known as Oklahoma, and next for the Indian territory. And that means as already stated, annihilation of Indian rights, laws, and governments, and the gradual extermination of the Indians themselves, because the two races cannot live together and prosper. The weaker and less skillful in the management of their own affairs must yield to the stronger and more artful.

"Your attention, therefore, is respectfully but earnestly invited to the whole subject, including treaties between the United States and the several tribes or nations in the Indian territory, to the end that justice may be done to all parties in interest."

Some days ago just as Gen. Hatch was at the point of driving the boomers out of Oklahoma, the senate adopted a resolution calling on the president for what information he had as to the exact status of the lands and what was necessary to be done before they could be opened for settlement. Mr. Arthur has replied by sending to the senate these two state papers from the Creeks. They present the Oklahoma question conclusively and they exhaust it. In all the arguments before congress and in all the reports and recommendations, there is no such presentation of the matter. Chief Perryman is a statesman.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 4, 1885.

The fact, recently brought to light, that Jefferson expended in one year $2,668 for intoxicating fluids is slightly opposed to the idea that he was a man of severe simplicity in his ways of living, but at the same time it confirms his right to be regarded as the founder and boss prophet of the Democratic party, particularly when we take into account the additional fact that his bills for washing during the same year aggregated only $100.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mr. Heitkam is at last able to hobble up to the store on crutches.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Ten thousand two and three year old apple trees, $10 per 100 at Walnut Valley Nursery.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Eli Youngheim & Co., per F. E. Pentecost and wife, Monday, March 2, 1885, a ten pound boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Kellogg & Coombs have painted up the front of their Palace drug-store in nobbby style.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

S. F. Steinberger has ornamented the windows of his South Summit Street drug store with two handsome signs.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mr. J. B. Curry, an old time contributor for the TRAVELER, called on us last week. He has located in Comanche County and is doing well.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Hugh Ford has commenced the erection of another residence in the second ward. Arkansas City owes Hugh many substantial favors in this line.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

World's Fair will open at Silverdale Schoolhouse, Wednesday night, March 11, 1885. Prof. Will Waugh at the grandstand, assisted by Montford Scott.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Arkansas City Coal Company have made arrangements for the sale of corn in large or small quantities, but will make special figures on carload lots.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The TRAVELER has had three extra men for the last two weeks on job work, etc., and has turned out an immense amount. We cannot complain of hard hard times.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Colorado Springs claims the honor of beating the whole country in the variableness of temperature, the thermometer there having shown a variation of 72 degrees in 24 hours during the late cold spell.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Capt. O. S. Rarick, deputy United States marshal, of Arkansas City, arrived by the Santa Fe train yesterday evening. He says there are about 100 boomers gathered about Arkansas City. Wichita Eagle.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

MARRIED. Married Tuesday evening, February 24, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents in Bolton Township, Miss Lena Jackson and J. W. Rose, Rev. Lorry officiating. A few friends of the parties only were present.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Fred Whiting and others discovered a red fox about three miles south of town Tuesday, gave chase with horses and dogs, and ran the animal in. This is the first red fox we have heard of in the country. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

W. R. Little, of Sac and Fox Agency, was in the city last week, and, of course, called on the TRAVELER. He left a large order for job work and commended us for the excellence of our paper. He is always welcome.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

R. U. Hess is out of his brother's office for a few weeks while he makes preparations for going extensively into the poultry business. He has now about 200 chickens, and is buying pure blood. He will endeavor to always have on hand settings of fancy chickens.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The assessors of the various townships of Cowley County will meet at the county clerk's office in this city, on the first Monday in March, for the purpose of agreeing upon an equal basis of valuation for such property as they may be called upon to assess.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A correspondent of the Kansas City Indicator from Hunnewell, does not understand why the Government freight is not shipped there and then freighted below. Of course, if there were no other towns in the Kansas border, Hunnewell might stand a show, otherwise _____.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Notice is hereby given that the books of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange are now open at the office of A. V. Alexander and Edward Grady, in this city, for subscription to the capital stock of said corporation. The opportunity is offered to all.

T. W. GANT, Gen. Manager.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

H. W. Cresswell [Creaswell ?], one of the best known ranchmen in the Texas Panhandle, who has just returned from Europe, has sold to a company of foreign capitalists, the __C ranch, consisting of 150,000 or 200,000 acres of land and about 40,000 cattle. The price of the land we do not know, but the cattle are to be counted out in the summer at $27 per head, this season's calves to be thrown in. The transaction will foot up over $1,500,000, on which $100,000 has been paid as a guaranty. This is the largest sale made in this country for many years.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

We made some reference last week and week before to the Duroc-Jersey or red hogs, which are so highly recommended by Hon. F. D. Curtis, of New York. Mr. H. Ward, of Burlingame, says that he has interviewed farmers in Osage, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Pottawatomie, and Lyon counties, and finds that in all cases they have been deceived and lost money on them. They are not at all what they are represented to be. They will not fatten, they are always flab-sided, and are frauds invariably. We would like to hear from some of our farmer friends on the merits of different breeds.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Wellington now has a man who not only writes poetry, but the music for it. "And has it come to this?" Poor Wellington! Arkansas City Traveler.

Such a generous accumulation of ignorance as is displayed in the above paragraph, we have seldom seen. So far as heard from, the only man in this town who writes poetry is Tom Richardson, and if is of the peculiar, plaintiff kind"Let us smile," or something of that sort. But the music! Why he couldn't tell Hail Columbia from "Sweet Violets." Wellington Press.

Worse and more of it. None at all or too much. That's Wellington.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Z. Carlisle will sell at his residence, on the state line, south of Arkansas City, in Bolton Township, on Tuesday, March 10, 1885, at public sale, the following: Three heavy work horses, one or two ponies, one milch cow, fifteen head of hogs, one or two wagons, one double buggy, one trotting single buggy, one sulky plow, one walking plow, cultivators, and other implements. Also, household goods, viz: Cook stove, heating stove, table, safe, harness, chairs, bedsteads, wash machine, one organ, and other furniture. Terms: on sums over $5 eight months time will be given on good bankable paper without interest if paid when due, if not, 10 percent from date. All paper must be made satisfactory before the articles are removed. Mr. Thomas, is his auctioneer.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

S. Matlack has been laid up for several days with a sprained ankle.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

DIED. Died March 1st, infant child of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Chinn.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Revival meetings are being held at the Christian Church this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Rev. Walker began a protracted meeting at the Baptist Church this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Gilbert, Tuesday, Feb. 24, a daughter.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Frank Landes left Friday to attend school at Ottawa.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

T. J. Sweeny and family have returned to Larned, where he will engage in the grocery business.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Ladies Prayer Meeting will meet with Mrs. O. H. Lent, next Fridqy afternoon, at 3 o'clock.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

J. C. Duncan has laid out part of his land north of town into town lots, and will soon offer them for sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Methodist Church suspended revival meetings last Thursday night. They received a number of accessions.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

We were glad to see James Chapin out, although his gyrations were neither graceful nor pretty.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Harry Hill promenaded the streets Saturday on one leg and two crutches. He is rapidly improving.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Ware & Pickering are beautifying the interior of their store with a new coat of paint.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

An attempt was made to break jail last week at Winfield. One man escaped but was recaptured.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Free Methodist Church still furnishes fun for the boys, who congregate every evening to see the "show." Good order is unknown.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Presbyterians contemplated the holding of religious services nightly, but as several other denominations are now doing so, have deferred it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Thursday evening, February 26, Miss Cordie Armstead and Wm. S. Scott, Judge Kreamer, officiating.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, in this city, Miss Jessie Elmore and G. W. Cunningham, Rev. J. P. Witt, officiating.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Thos. E. Berry, of Wellington, made us an appreciated call last week. He fixed up with the TRAVELER and ordered some work done.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Chas. Danks, of the firm of Danks Bros., arrived in the city, Friday last. He is the youngest member of the firm, and will with his brother, J. G., run the business here. The remaining member of the firm will not come here until work justifies or demands it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

H. P. Goeden and wife came in on the noon train, Saturday, to visit J. M., and wife. H. P. and the old original "dad" Goeden, will go to Meade County today or tomorrow to look after their claims there. Mr. Goeden thinks very strongly of locating here permanently.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The snidest entertainment of the season was given at Highland Hall last Saturday night by McFadden; "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Company. It is surprising that a company of this kind can draw the audiences they do, where the whole thing is so unmercifully butchered. McFadden's troupe will long be remembered by our citizens, and ridiculed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

We issued this week one of the neatest and best Real Estate papers published in the county, the Farm and Home, for Snyder & Hutchison. These gentlemen have a very large list of farm and city property, and they send this paper all over the United States. It is a great advertisement for the city and themselves, and brings many a newcomer into our midst.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Geo. E. Hasie returned to the city Monday, after an absence of two or three months in the South. Traveler.

Mr. Hasie won't be home for a month yet. Mr. McConn, your eyesight is surely defective. Republican.

While we do not deny the unnecessary reflection on our unavoidable affliction, yet it was our information that was defective.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

DIED. Died March 2, 1885, at 12 o'clock, after a very short illness, G. W. S. Warner. Funeral services Tuesday, March 3rd.

Mr. Warner purchased David Thompkin's farm last fall and removed here in November. Although a comparative stranger, his kind, generous, and manly actions as a neighbor and friend hve made him well known, and will make his loss greatly felt. We have had some dealings with Mr. Warner and found him scrupulously honest, straightforward in dealing, and a true gentleman. We extend our deepest sympathy to his estimable family in their sore bereavement, "strangers in a strange land."

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.


Instead of the usual Friday afternoon literary exercises, the pupils of the Intermediate Department celebrated the anniversary of the birth of our great poet, H. W. Longfellow.

The school sang the Psalm of Life, after which each pupil recited a short selection from his writing.

Edith Ochs and George Lindsay, each read an essay consisting of a brief sketch of his life.

Grace Love and Estelle Kellogg sang "The Bridge."

Lillie Rarick, Annie Dodson, Ella Robertson, Grace Love, Estelle Kellogg, and Annie Spiers sang an amusing parody on Excelsior, entitled Upides, at the close of which the pupils were dismissed, felling well pleased with the change from the usual routine of school work.

Both teacher and pupils regretted that more friends of the school were not present.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The residence of Mr. Terwilliger was invaded by a host on Monday evening who took the inmates captive and held the place in full possession for almost two hours, during which the prisoners enjoyed themselves socially. It was the 40th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Terwilliger, who were united in bonds of holy matrimony in Pickerway County, Ohio, by the Rev. S. Wharton, of the Cincinnati Conference. After partaking of the rich viands provided by the good ladies of the invading host, the Rev. N. S. Buckner, in a few appropriate re- marks, presented a beautiful silver castor and comfortable rocking chair as tokens of friend- ship by the friends present, which numbered about fifty, to Mr. J. And Mrs. M. A. Terwill- iger. The party then dispersed feeling they had a very pleasant and enjoyable time. L.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

There was another wreck on the Santa Fe Monday morning. This time between Belle Plaine and Cicero on the Caldwell branch. A freight train was ditched by the breaking of the flange from one of the engine wheels, ditching the whole train and piling six cars upon the engine. The brakeman was slightly injuredthe only accident.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The new process of ironing and polishing introduced in this place a few weeks ago, by Mr. J. Harvey, general agent, is taught by Mrs. H. S. Lundy, who was appointed as the only agent in this place and vicinity. Anyone desiring to learn can apply to her and receive immediate attention.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mac. Peecher did not go west last week as was announced. He could not get ready. He will, however, go next week to locate permanently in Ashland, while his wife remains in Doniphan County, visiting her parents. Mac. is a first-class barber and we can heartily recommend him to his new associates.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Fitch & Barron moved their stock into the store building formerly occupied by T. H. Houghton yesterday. They expect to devote their time to the sale of organs and Sewing Machines especially.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

DIED. Died March 2, the oldest son of G. W. Ramage and wife, aged between 3 and 4 years. The funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock, Rev. F. L. Walker officiating.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Henry Bowe and family arrived Monday. Mr. Bowe is the owner of the horses now being kept in the rear of the Commercial block, of which A. W. Patterson is the agent.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

We are glad to learn that in the near future we are to have a National bank. We have been assured of this much, but the particulars are not ready for publication yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

We call the attention of our stockmen to the communication in another column signed "Stockman." We think the suggestion made is very good and should meet their approbation.

To Stockmen.
Ed. Traveler: In conversing with a large number of parties interested in the stock interests in this vicinity, I find it to be a very general expressed desire that an association of stock men with headquarters in your city and having for its object the maintaining of a club or reading rooms where the current publications in the interest of this industry could be found and a general place of meeting for stockmen when in the city, would meet with a hearty support. Now Mr. Editor, in this connection, I would ask you to give notice that all persons favoring such an association are invited to meet in the room over Brunswick's store in the Commercial Block on Saturday next, March 7, at 3 p.m. STOCKMAN.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mr. Ross, of Vinita, has leased the Ohio Livery Stable and will endeavor to run a first- class stable for the accommodation of the traveling public.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at Iola, Kansas, Sunday, March 1st, 1885, Miss Drusa Myers and Ira Willetts. The young couple are expected to arrive today. We extend our hearty congratulations.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A raffle for a horse was held at the Leland Hotel Tuesday. The highest number was thrown by J. W. Patterson, being 40. The horse is worth $125, and the throws were $5 each.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

T. R. Houghton removed his stock of harness into the old Fitch & Barron building yesterday. He has now one of the best locations in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

C. W. Burke, of the cattle firm of Burke & Martin, returned to the city last week, from Ohio, where he has been spending the winter with his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

J. B. Nipp finds it impossible to stay away from the city of his first love, as evidenced by his frequent visits. He was down again.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Hutchison & Sons got a mammoth barrel of sugar the other day. The net weight was 1,300 pounds.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

C. A. Burnett went out to Meade County last Thursday, staked out two claims, and returned Saturday. Charlie is a rustler.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

DeWitt McDowell returned Friday last, from a visit to friends in Illinois. He is as yet undecided where he shall locate.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mr. J. S. Wynant and daughter, Pearl, started Monday for Warsaw, Indiana, their old home, where they expect to remain.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

One of the best undertakings of the year is the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange. We predict success for it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mowry & Sollitt are repainting their front in elegant style, repainting inside, and making improvements generally.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

J. C. Callahan, of Caldwell, came over Saturday to see the liveliest town in Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

J. Reeder, of Caldwell, came over Saturday to see the soldiers, and verify the downfall of their little village.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Archie Stewart has taken up his abode in the Leonard addition. The young folks are hereby notified.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The TRAVELER turned out some very neat job work for D. R. Beatty, of the City Meat Market, this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

M. T. Curtis, of Winfield, came down to escape the mud, and travel dry shod once more.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mrs. Bishop, of Pawnee, has been in the citty for a few days past, visiting friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

W. A. Lee was in the city last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Maj. L. J. Miles and family, of Osage, were in the city Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Geo. W. Abbott, of Winfield, was in the city Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

E. H. Loutrel, of the Eagle, was in the city Wednesday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A. Gilkey, of Maple City, was in town Wednesday and Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

G. W. Sargent, of Topeka, registered at the Leland Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

G. H. McIntire was in the city Saturday. He said he didn't mean "nothin".

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Miss Pearl Farrar entertained a number of her little friends last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

M. B. Kellogg, of Kingman, was in the city Tuesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Southwestern Colony Company.
Yesterday the Southwestern Colony Company, composed of men and families from all parts of the State, met at the Occidental to discuss plans and determine the methods that shall govern them in settling and colonizing new lands. The company is composed of families who desire to build up a good community, having the advantages of schools and churches, on government or other cheap lands in Southwestern Kansas. The members must have a capital of not less than $500, and a membership fee of $10 is assessed on each person belonging to the organization. They must invest in either farm or town lands. Those living in the town will not be subject to the rules governing the farm districts and vice versa. The company will issue shares of stock of $25 each, and not more than eight of such shares can be purchased at first by any one man. Each member of the townsite must erect either a residence or a business house, to cost not less than $300, on a lot before the 1st of next July. The location committee will fix a minimum value upon each business and residence lot, and on an appointed day auction them off to the highest bidder. But no person shall have more than one choice until each member of the colony has chosen one first. The farm lands within three miles of the townsite, in tracts not exceeding 160 acres, will be put up to auction under the same condition as the town lots. The board of directors are W. C. Girard, Crawfordsville; C. Holler, South Bend; P. A. Huffman, Thorntown; W. H. Taylor, Bellefontaine; E. T. Allen, Indianapolis; H. C. Nichols and Anson Porters, Fowler; Harvey Lewis, Edinburg; W. F. Newhouse, Argus; Nathan Lamar, Dalton; and Nathan Brown, Charlottesville. The president of the company is C. Holler, while the secretary and treasurer are respectfully H. C. Nichols and P. A. Huffman. Indianapolis Journal.

The TRAVELER will visit each of these gentlemen in the interest of this part of the West.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Traveler Would Like to See
Spring open up.

Everybody prosperous.

Money more plentiful.

An East and West railroad.

The building boom commence.

A prosperous year for farmers.

The land agents running three teams each.

The street crossings made a great deal better.

Telephone connection with Wellington and Caldwell.

More of the children attend school in our fine schoolhouse.

An election that would be satisfactory to everybody and what the result would be.

More of our business houses put in the tubular lamp system adopted by J. Frank Smith.

A railroad through the territory giving us command of the southern trade.

More attention paid to the planting of shade trees, by our citizens in the ornamentation of their houses this spring.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Hackney Trumped.
It is a puzzle for us to find out how the Hon. Bill Hackney or his Winfield friends count themselves ahead of the sixteen Wellington gentlemen who were called to Topeka on a bogus telegram. A goodly number of these influential citizens who made the trip, did so on passes, and when they got to Topeka made the would be joker pay their grub and cigar bills, and we imagine something else was furnished to wash down the eatables. The only matter in which Hackney is ahead, might be about $300 worth of free advertising as the "celebrated Kansas clown." Of course, it was a good joke, but no other man on earth but Bill Hackney would have the cheek, assurance, and gall to perpetrate it. But what Bill wants is a free advertisement, and he has most certainly received a big lump." Wellington Standard.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Notice. The increase of pupils in the first primary of the East building necessitates a division; half of the pupils will attend in the forenoon, the other half in the afternoon. We think this plan to be better than to exclude all under seven years of age, as the law allows.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Messrs. Burke & Martin shipped two carloads of stock from here to St. Louis last week. These gentlemen were able to get the same rates from this point that they could at Winfield and so shipped from here.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mode Compton and family, of Flat Rock, Indiana, friends of our popular druggist, S. F. Steinberger, who were brought here through his instrumentality, arrived this week, and will locate in this vicinity.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Our hotels are crowded every day in the week. Our streets are thronged with strangers. Our stores filled with customers. And all this in the face of the incoming great unwashed regime. Truly we cannot be downed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Mrs. J. S. Hunt, and daughter, came down from Winfield Sunday to attend the dedication of the Baptist Church. They were the guests of Mrs. L. C. Norton.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Our marshal rendered valuable assistance in cleaning the crossings during the muddy days. He is the right man in the right place.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Building has now commenced in earnest. Soon a new house with each sunrise in each ward, will be the rule.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A large force of hands is now working in the dam, and it is rapidly nearing completion.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A good many people appear discouraged over O'Donovan Hosea's improved condition.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The soldiers will be removed to Chilocco this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Coffeyville has a National bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Bolton No. 89.
We were suddenly awakened a few days ago from a few nights of beautiful sleep into a country of avalanches and snow slides. As Wiggins did not promise us this last storm, it must have been accidental. If the people will agree, I will dispose of Wiggins. We will smuggle an air tight coal above into his body, get him insured against dynamite and all other combustibles, and send him on a mission to the antipodes, to [?] rabbit tracks.

Times are hard financially, but lively mentally, morally, and spiritually. That is, in our part of the township. Any person can see this by the regular attendance at church and at the lyceum.

Fellow readers: gentle Annie and spring have arrived. Annie brought with her lots of mud, which she must leave soon.

The more we look at the wheat the more we think it is killed.

School has again commenced, in the new district, in Mr. Buzzi's house. Miss Minnie Turner, teacher.

Mr. Fred Knight has stopped boarding at Snyder's and is now at Beaty's. Fred, you are pretty long headed.

Will Snyder is building a house on Chilocco Creek. Will is going into the log business, and he could not find any better place for that business.

There is talk of a retired list of deadbeats in Bolton. We are not prepared to say who is going to head the list.

Miss Battie Parvin, of Maple City, is visiting friends in Bolton. Battie used to be one of our school girls, and we are glad to see her smiling face once more among us.

John Blazier has stopped working for C. M. Scott, and says he is going to work for street and walker.

There is talk of another marriage in Bolton. Guess who it is?

Lyceum No. 89, "jack knife" schoolhouse, met as usual last Thursday evening, and gave to the assembly a new and lengthy program, consisting of numerous declamations, select readings, and music by the string band. A few minutes of recess was enjoyed by the assembly, in making up the program for next meeting, after which followed the debate, on the question: "Resolved That the bachelors should be taxed and the tax paid as a dower to the marriageable ladies." Al. Mowry (solemn eloquence), chief of affirmative; and Geo. Stevens, of negative. Decided in favor of affirmative. W. O. Beason read his lengthy side- splitting, pointy paper, and we adjourned to meet again in one week. PETER SPRIGGINS.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

The Boomers Arrested.
The first trick has been taken by Uncle Sam, in the arrest of eight of the boomers, Monday morning. They are to appear in Wichita, March 5, the day which was set to start for Oklahoma. This, we presume, will delay the start for a few days. With United States officers using civil process, and Gen. Hatch prepared to use military force, things look very blue for the boomers. This course will again call out the severe condemnation of the boomers; but we can do no less than reiterate the statements before made that the government and the executive can do nothing else than expel them and keep them out of the Oklahoma, under the existing state of affairs. We were in hopes congress would have taken such action by this time as would have opened up this country. It has not, however, and the case stands just where it did two months ago. On the second page of the TRAVELER will be found the Indians side of the story, and to this, as well as to any other question, there are two sides. We do not think there is any grounds for the hopes of the boomers that the incoming administration will change the action of the government in this question. Law is law, and neither Grover Cleveland, as chief executive, or Chester A. Arthur, will change that law. The movement has had the effect, however, of agitating this question, and will finally force the purchase of the Indians' rights, a most desirable object.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Baptist Dedication.
The Baptist Church was not dedicated last Sabbath as intended, on account of the debt not being entirely lifted. A detailed statement below will show their standing at present. As will be seen, the debt Tuesday morning was only $93.39, which amount will e raised today and tomorrow. Next Sabbath morning the dedication will be completed, and the congregation will have one of the neatest and handsomest church edifices in the city, great credit being due their pastor, Rev. F. L. Walker, for his continuous labors and the success they have achieved by his means.

Total cost of church: .......................... over $3,500.00

Amount due March 1st: .......................... 1,193.21

Amount raised by cash and notes Sunday morning: $897.14

Amount raised by cash and notes Sunday evening: $ 44.18

Amount raised by cash and notes Monday: $158.50



The members of the church take this opportunity of thanking the community for their generous treatment and assistance, trusting that if they receive no reward here, in the world to come may they be blessed through eternity.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Market Reports.
Wheat, per bu.: $.63

Corn, per bu.: $.83

Oats, per bu.: $.25

Potatoes, per bu.: $.75 @ $1.00

Apples, green: $1.50

Chickens, doz.: $2.50

Chickens, dressed, per lb.: $.08 @ $.10

Eggs, per doz.: $.15

Butter, per lb.: $15 @ $20


Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

A Few Advantages She Offers to Those Seeking Homes and Investments.
It Will Repay a Careful Reading and Thoughtful Consideration.
We are in receipt of the Constitution and By-Laws of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange. This is the direct outgrowth of our magnificent water power, upon which we now have three large flour mills, and a woolen mill contracted for. The originators of this project are principally farmers; men who have made a success in their business, and will, no doubt, do equally as well in this new enterprise. The capital stock is to be $75,000, divided into shares of $25 each. They purpose the erection of a mill five stories in height, with a capacity of 500 barrels every twenty-four hours. Arkansas City is becoming known far and wide as a manufacturing town, her products quoted in western and southern states, her name oft repeated.

In this connection it will not be out of place to reiterate the claims Arkansas City has on the attention and consideration of all who desire to locate in the West. In the first place, because our city is on the border is no reason we would be composed of rude, lawless, and carousing citizens. The reverse is the case. We have six churches, a high school, a very fine public school, a Chautauqua Literary Society, have never had a saloon since the prohibition law went into effect, a city calaboose but no criminals, no houses of prostitution, no gambling halls, 4,000 peaceful, intelligent, happy citizens.

In the second place, we have a very large farming country all around us, an immense trade from the Territory, and cattle men on all sides. This means business activity, plenty of money, a prosperous city of prosperous citizens. As a consequence, we have had no business failures. Another result, our laborers have employment, we have less pauperism than can be found in any city of our size in the State.

In the fourth place, our citizens are energetic, wide-awake, go-ahead, and progressive. They saw the advantage of our position and availed themselves of it. Therefore, our canal, a constant reminder of pluck, prudent foresight, and determined obstancy. This furnishes us with a water power second to none in the state, having at present a capacity of 700 horse- power, running now three large mills. The Woolen Mill Co. have contracted for a location, the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange have selected their site, a total of five mills. In addition to this we have the Walnut Mills on the Walnut River. Our flour mills now have a capacity of 850 barrels a day, which with the new mill, will make 1,350 or eleven cars a day.

This spring will witness the opening of a pork packing establishment of large capacity, the owners of which are now in their eastern home disposing of their property. The gravel beds which supply the Santa Fe road with material will also be reopened as soon as the weather will permit. There are 150 houses now under contract, waiting a permanent settlement of the weather. The building, the new canal project laid out and capital stock subscribed, the mills, the enlargement of the present canal, all this and the thousands of enterprises usually undertaken in our bustling city, every summer, means the employment of over 1,000 day laborers.

When we take these facts into consideration, when we remember that we supply the whole Indian Territory with flour at Uncle Sam's expense, when we have the millions of pounds of freightall the supplies furnished by the Government to the Indian tribes passing through here, necessitating the monthly visit of a horde of red faces in freighting this to their homes, when we consider the opportunities for the poor man, the chances for the rich, it is but natural that we should receive the immense immigration we have begun to cease wondering at.

With these advantages, and they are but a small part of the whole, we can confidently recommend the Canal City to all who are seeking homes in the West, to all who have means, to all who wish to secure a fair living. The Canal City extends a welcome and a helping hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Withering Venom.
Now smite us on the other cheek, brother TRAVELER.

"What a wonderful change time brings about. It is in the memory of our citizens that Winfield was wont to make merry over our "ditch." How they took delight in throwing that in our faces, "ditch." It was of no account, foolish enterprise, insane project, etc., how often we have heard them. But we have made quite a success, a great big, booming, five storied success, and now Winfield wants a canalthey call it canal now. Let a delegation go up there, cut out the extracts relating to the "ditch" from the Courier and Telegram, and rehash it to them. They are authors of the argument and will not go back on its truth. A canal would not do them any good, they cannot make a success of it, it is foolish to think of it. Oh ye hypocrits!"

We have been on the stool of repentance, lo these many years happily disappointed. We have arrived at a point where we put nothing beyond the possibility of grand old Cowley Co. Her vocabulary knows no such word as fail! Her motto, like that of the State, is Ad Astra Per Aspera, and with this nailed to the mast-head of our ship of progress, we will join hands and sail ondig "ditches," produce wonders from the soil, establish factories, and conquer the world! Oh, we can do it. Winfield Courier.

We will not do it, Mr. Courier. Our article was written somewhat to ridicule, although it was true. Such a reply disarms us. We recognize the fact that the Courier is working for the good of the whole county, and will not willfully disparage any part of it. Such a course deserves the popularity and success it enjoys.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Last week three companies of cavalry and two of infantry arrived in our city, under the command of Gen. Hatch. They are here to prevent the incursion of the Oklahomaites to the much promised land, which is to start tomorrow. In all there are 275 men, and a fine body of men they are too. They are camped in the southeast part of the city near the railroad track. Last Sabbath hundreds of our fair and brave citizens called on them, and were all politely treated. Their presence here, together with the gathering boomers, makes our city very lively day and night. Our streets are thronged with gay uniforms and dusky countenances, and the tills of our businessmen are muchly replenished. "May they live (here) long and prosper."

[Funny! Earlier article in same issue points out that eight of the boomers was taken by Hatch's boys and then sent to Wichita...???]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

Our New Orleans Letter.
NEW ORLEANS, February 22nd, 1885.

The Crescent City is still in gold dress and everywhere are the bunting decorations and flags of the "Kingdom" to be seen. On "Mardi Gras" there were supposed to be about 175,000 visitors in the city, and 400,000 street-car fares were reported. News stands, offering for sale prints of the carnival procession, wrapped for mailing, occupy every available corner in the principal part of the city, and do a lively business.

VISITORS are numerous, and everywhere. They timidly wander into the side door of the old Cathedral, some just peeping in for a moment and then cautiously but quickly leaving as if afraid to cross the sacred threshold; others quietly entering, sparingly use the consecrated water in a manner which at once indicates their ignorance of its purpose, through a desire to respect the forms, and then turn around and gaze in a way that seems to shock the faithful who are earnestly engaged in their daily devotions.

THE FRENCH MARKET is quite a resort from its reputation for good coffee, and as one of the visitors remarked: "A great place, that, where you can get anything from a needle to a thunder-clap." Such crowds you never saw, free of wonder, with bright faces and in holiday dress, elegant, refined, hungry, and delightful people sitting around the dirtiest looking coffee stands, waited upon by filthy attendants, and eating with the greatest satisfaction. In fact, the newcomers enjoy the novelty of the dirt and inconvenience, particularly the ladies, who regard it as a frolic and seem to have a good time. Everything is full, that is, I mean, everything where lodging is to be hadall the boats at the landing, the hotels, private houses, and I almost believe the dry goods boxes on the sidewalks are utilized for lodging purposes. I have heard that some people tried to use clothes closets by standing two cots upright in them, but it was suggested that over-critical lodgers might object to it as being a little inconvenient, and so their use was abandoned for the present. Every eating house is taxed to its fullest capacity, and people go everywhere and anywhere that promises a rest for the daily travelers and something to eat, and notwithstanding that fact, I am told that many people are renting, in parties, and doing their own cooking, "picnicing," as they call it, and having a cheap and compatible expense, and a pleasant time.

THE THROUGH RAILROAD COMPANIES are talking of a reduction of fare, which they expect will largely increase the travel and thereby aid the exposition. Though now the railroad officials are busy, and the many ticket brokers say they can sell all the tickets they are able to obtain. There has been a source of great disappointment, nearly every other day raining, and no morning when it was not desirable. The "Sunny South," the visitors seem to think, is a misnomer, or she is treating them rather coldly; however, they prefer this to the freezing days of their western homes and while many will prolong their stay here, others will miss the winter enjoying the pleasures and warmth of Florida, while not a few will travel to the city of Mexico to gratify in a measure, a curiosity, which the wonderful exhibit of our sister republic has created and developed.

THE STREETS, I must speak of as a disgrace to any community. Outside of the main one, they are muddy and filthy, with green water standing in the gutters, that would breed sickness in a far healthier and less malarial section than this, and if the cholera ever does come to this country, it will find the surroundings so favorable hee, and be so closely engaged, that it will have no time or inclination to go elsewhwere. WANDERER.

[Note: I like the way "Wanderer" reports as opposed to the other correspondent covering the New Orleans Exposition.]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.

New Advertisements.
LOST. On Summit street, north of post office, a Livermore Stylographic Pen. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at the CITY BUREAU OF INFORMATION.

FOUND. The place to procure help for Farms, Ranches, Hotels, and Private Familes at CITY BUREAU OF INFORMATION.

WILCOX & WHITE ORGANS. See the new styles and hear their exquisite tone; none better; moderate prices; easy terms. Agents wanted.


WANTED. Everybody to insure against Fire, Lightning, Tornado, and Windstorms in the STATE INS. CO. C. B. ANTHONY, Agent at


WANTED. Your business in Life Insurance. Call and examine policies. C. B. Anthony at CITY BUREAU OF INFORMATION.

KINDLINGS and Shavings for sale cheap. Inquire of the Janitor of the Commercial Block.

WANTED. Situations for Farm Hands and Laborers.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.






BUSINESS CHANCES for cash buyers.

SITUATION WANTED for reliable help.


Reception Rooms over Post Office, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.



Prices guaranteed from 5 to 10 percent less than can be had within 100 miles.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 4, 1885.


DANKS BROS., Engineers and Machinists.

Steam Engines, Boilers, Pumps, and POWER MACHINERY of all kinds furnished on short notice. Special attention paid to repairing Steam Engines, Mill, and Agricultural Machinery. We guarantee good work at reasonable prices. ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.


Spring Goods of All Kinds.

Ladies' and Misses' Fine Shoes and Slippers a Specialty.

Sign of the "BIG BOOT."

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.

The bill relating to townships and township officials, which has just passed both houses, provides that hereafter the annual election in the several townships shall be held on the Tuesday succeeding the first Monday in November, beginning in 1886 and each year thereafter. The board of county commissioners will constitute a board of canvassers, to canvass the votes of the several townships for township offices, which will be done on the Friday following each election. Also the township trustee shall annually on the 2nd day of October, settle with and audit the accounts of the township trustee and of all road overseers.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.

Secretary of War: William E. Endicott, of Massachusetts.

Secretary of the Navy: William C. Whitney, of New York.

Secretary of the Interior: L. Q. C. Lamar, of Mississippi.

Attorney General: A. H. Garland, of Arkansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.

Below is the full text of the Dawes Indian bill. It will be seen by dispatches that the house provision which was agreed to by the senate, provides for negotiations looking to the abandonment of the Indian title to Oklahoma. This virtually settles the Oklahoma question for the present, and indicates as plainly as words can, that congress considered there is an Indian title in these lands. Judging by Senator Vest's remarks in this connection, there is no reason to believe that the boomers will be allowed to remain in Oklahoma until the negotiations referred to are completed, which will be some time yet, unless an extra cession of congress is called.

[Dawes Indian Bill.]
Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in congress assembled, That the president is hereby directed and empowered to ascertain, without unnecessary delay, by communication with the authorities of the Creek, Seminole, and Cherokee nations of Indians, in the Indian Territory, upon what terms the said nations will relinquish and convey to the United States all their right, title, and interest in and to all that country described in article three of the treaty made between the United States and the Creek nation on June fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, as "the west half of their entire domain," and the lands described in article three of the Seminole treaty of March twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty-six (fourteenth statutes, page seven hundred and fifty-six), and so much of the lands described in article sixteen of the treaty made between the United States and the Cherokee nation on July nineteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty- six, as has not been already purchased by the United States from said Cherokee nation for the purpose of settling friendly Indians thereon, all provided for in said treaty, and to submit the result thereof to congress at the next regular session.

SECTION 2. That every person who, without authority of law, enters and shall be found upon the lands described in the first section of this act, with intent to occupy any such lands or reservation, or any part thereof, shall, for the first offense, upon the conviction thereof, pay a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned at hard labor for not more than a year, or both, in the discretion of the court, and for every subsequent offense shall, upon conviction thereof, pay a fine of not more than a thousand dollars and be imprisoned at hard labor for not more than two years; and the wagons, teams, and outfit of such person or persons so offending shall be seized and delivered to the proper United States officer, and be proceeded against by libel in the proper court, and forfeited, one-half to the informer and the other half to the United States.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.

Gus Ivey.
The article in the TRAVELER of some time ago, headed as above, has created such a demand for that issue that we are compelled to reprint the article to supply the many calls. Every paper of that date we could possibly get hold of has been sent away. Here is the article, and may it do him as much good as he deserves.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, March 11, 1885.

Skipped latest "Prohibition Law in Kansas." Started on Page One; continued Page Two.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.



Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Mr. J. R. Perry is lying at death's door.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

R. F. Grubbs is now part of the Post Office Book Store.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

DIED. Died Sunday, March 8, the wife of Rev. Bowles.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

G. E. Sabin, of Winfield, was in the city Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The soldiers and the boomers make our city very lively.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

C. A. Bliss, of Winfield, called on our millers last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

J. B. Lynn, of Winfield, came down Monday to see the boomers.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The U. P. Parsonage is under headway, and will soon be completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

T. J. Eaton, of the Farmers' Bank, Winfield, was in our city Sunday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Capt. Ross Pickering of Pawnee was up Saturday to do some trading.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

T. M. Finney, of Kaw, has been in the city for a few days visiting friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

W. L. Couch was in the city Sunday, and left for Wichita Monday to attend his trial.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

We had the pleasure of meeting Capt. Waters, [?] in the camp below us, this week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Kroenert & Austin are getting ready to occupy the room just vacated by Ochs & Nicholson.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Mr. Isaac Ochs, who has been visiting friends in Indiana for a month past, returned Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

N. Rice, Indian trader at Pawnee Agency, was in the city purchasing a large bill of goods for his store.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

F. T. Sallade, the tenial boss of the Grand Central Hotel at Geuda, was in the city Friday with his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

A. W. Patterson is a rustler in his line and can't be beat. He has disposed of $3,092 worth of horse flesh in the past 60 days.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

C. T. Pritchard disposed of one of his farms last week to Joseph Bittle for $2,700. Snyder & Hutchison effected the sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

C. S. Duncan, of the Chicago Tribune, is in the city, watching the movements of the boomers and soldiers in the interests of his paper.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

O. H. Lent and T. V. McConn are erecting handsome fences around their residences in the second ward, and making other improvements.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

O. Ingersoll has commenced the excavation of a cellar preparatory to building a handsome residence on the corner of 4th Street and Fourth Avenue.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Ochs & Nicholson are now occupying their new room in the Hasie Block. Their elegant and attractive display of goods is second to none in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

There is talk of a new band being organized in the city. We doubt the success of the venture, even should they succeed in getting sufficient talent, which we doubt.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Crowds flocked to the soldiers' camp Sunday, and to the new iron bridge on the Walnut. Every hour of the beautiful day was exhausted by our citizens, riding or walking.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Couch and his right hand men arrived from Wichita yesterday and were escorted into the city by the band and about 200 boomers. They were bound over at Wichita to the fall term of court.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

We call attention to the call of W. J. Pollock, secretary, for a meeting of the Osage Live Stock Association, at Osage, March 27. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance awaits attention.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The impromptu dance at the Leland Saturday night was a most pleasant gathering. The excellent music dispersed by the Italian players was duly appreciated, and the evening was delightfully spent.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

J. N. T. Gooch and family, of Otoe Agency, came up to the city Wednesday last. Mrs. Gooch and son will remain here visiting her father and mother for some time. John returned Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

J. F. Delzel and family returned from New Orleans last week, delighted with their trip, although they had the misfortune to lose the valise containing all their clothing except what was on their backs. They went to the Territory Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Miss Fannie Peterson received an elegant upright Grand piano yesterday, which she places at the service of her pupils. Miss Fannie is a thorough musician, a good instructor, and is meeting with the success she deserves. With the addition of this fine instrument, she will doubtless have many more applications. She can be found at the residence of P. Pearson on Fifth street.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Among the many who visited us last week with a view of locating, we noticed: H. J. Cally, of Bluffton, Ohio; J. M. Bently, J. L. Smith, George Seit, W. H. Barker, J. F. Rice, and W. W. Crooks, of Ada, Ohio.

These gentlemen were exceedingly well pleased with and greatly surprised at our city. They are men of means and integrity, and we hope to welcome them in the near future as among us.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The ladies of the M. E. Society are to be congratulated on the grand success of their entertainment that took place at Highland Hall on Thursday of last week. On entering the hall, the sight of four large tables, groaning beneath their load of silverware and skillfully prepared eatables, of every name and variety, was sufficient to tempt everyone to partake, and to this sumptuous bill of fare, oysters were added for supper. At the west end of the Hall was displayed a fine variety of fancy work, which showed the ladies were skilled in the use of the needle and brush, as well as culinary arts. Their efforts were crowned with success, financially, the proceeds being $110, for which the ladies extend their thanks to their friends and patrons.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Through the kindness of Lieutenant Finley, we are enabled to furnish the latest order pertaining to the Oklahoma country. This order, based on the complaints of the boomers and made to correct the abuse they say exists, will certainly clear this country of all intruders.


SIR: It having been reported unofficially, to the commanding officer, that cattlemen in Oklahoma have erected houses and other permanent improvements in their ranges since the removal last year, and are now occupying them, he directs that you investigate the subject and destroy or cause to be removed, all such buildings found in the Oklahoma country.

Very Respectfully your obedient servant.

WALTER L. FINLEY, 1st Lieut. 9th U. S. Cavalry, Actg. Asst. Adj. Gen.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

H. E. Asp was down on business Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

B. F. Wood, of Winfield, visited the terminus Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Irving French was up from Ponca Agency last Thursday.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Col. Whiting came down from Winfield, Monday, on business.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Ten thousand two and three year old apple trees, $10 per 100 at Walnut Valley Nursery.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at Winfield, Tuesday, March 3, 1885, Mr. Frank Reed and Mrs. Annie B. Schnee.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Buel T. Davis, of the Winfield Tribune, was in the city Thursday in the interest of his paper.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

DIED. Died March 4, Doyt Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hoffman, aged two years, of membranous crop [? Croupe ?].

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Wellington has a mad dog scare. Hackney should not play any more of his jokes on that sensitive city.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

J. W. Mansfield purchased of Snyder & Hutchison, last week, Mr. Leonard's house in the fourth ward, for $725.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Ed. Pennie is located in the Territory again. He is now at Ponca Agency. We are sorry to have him leave us again.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Ochs & Nicholson notify our readers in this issue of their removal to their present commodious quarters in the Hasie Block. [ALREADY TYPED.]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

There are about 800 boomers in and around the city awaiting the results of Couch from Wichita, to make another move on Oklahoma.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The Oxford Register has had a change of management, Mr. Williams retiring. Mr. Converse will continue to run the newsy paper in the old style.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

R. E. Grubbs is erecting a little room just north of the Arkansas City Bank; where he expects to dispense sweetness and liquid coolness this summer.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Capt. C. G. Thompson, S. C. Lindsay, Al. Mowry, and J. B. Nipp, started Monday afternoon to attend the Grand Encampment of the G. A. R. at Ft. Scott.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

A. W. Patterson is absent in Missouri buying a carload of large mules. He is expected back tomorrow. Anyone desiring anything of that kind will do well to call on him, as his judgment can be relied on.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

A gambler who was making himself too numerous around the soldiers' camp, was fired out Wednesday, and was a picture of melancholy and fallen greatness as he trudged home through the mud.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The real estate firm of Collins & Shelden has been changed. Mr. Shelden disposed of his partnership to Geo. A. Perry, and the firm will now be known as Collins & Perry. They make a good team, but, phew, what rank Democrats.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

L. E. Hill, of Bloomfield, Iowa, an old acquaintance of ye local, surprised him Tuesday morning by his unexpected appearance in this vicinity. "Eb" is one of the leading merchants in his city, and is out on a recruiting tour, looking at the country, etc.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Geo. Wright, who has been in Kansas City for the last eight months attending the Medical College, returned with his wife Saturday. He will remain here until next fall when he will complete the course. Geo. has blossomed out into a real English dude, don't you know, me boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

A. A. Newman & Co., call the attention of our readers to their new spring stock, in this issue. They can and will meet all competition in their line, and will welcome all who shall call on them in their handsome double store in the Commercial Block.


Invite Special Attention to their Elegant Line of Ladies', Misses', and Children's SHOES. Our Spring Stock of these goods is now arriving, and we are prepared to show a line unsurpassed for Variety, Style, Neatness, and DURABILITY. We are Agents for the Celebrated ZIEGLER BRO.'S SHOE, and Guarantee Every Pair. In medium and low priced goods we carry full lines of many well known manufacturers.

We invite a careful inspection of our stock, and are confident we can please you in every respect. Very Truly Yours,

A. A. Newman & Co., Commercial Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Miss Nellie E. Thompson, the new music teacher, whose card will be found on this page, is now staying at the residence of Mrs. J. P. Johnson. She has rented music rooms in the Commercial Block, which she will occupy as soon as her piano arrives. The graceful and accomplished lady is welcomed to our midst and recommended to our patrons.

CARD. Miss Nellie E. Thompson. Teacher of music, painting, and embroidery. Orders filled for china painting, hand painted dresses, bonnet crowns, and fancy work. Sheet music supplied. Call at Mrs. J. P. Johnson's.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

It is in the memory of man that Caldwell was the most red-hot anti-Oklahoma boomer town on the border. They had the soldiers, Arkansas City had the boomers. Cases alter circumstances. Arkansas City has the soldiers and the boomers too. Now Caldwell holds an Oklahoma meeting three times a week, and invites Couch, McDonald, and others to exort `em. Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard and repentance comes high, but they must have it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Our streets are crowded all day with parties who seem, more or less, to be very busy. Some are rushing, some dashing down the street. Others are gathered in knots, discussing the question of the dayOklahoma. The blue coat mingles with the sober raiment, and a continual hum greets our ears from morning to night. A visit to the stores shows business lively. The carpenter shops are all emptynew buildings are going up. The ring of the trowel is heard. Everything betokens the coming of spring and its activity and bustle. We boom.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Wm. O'Gilva has been ornamenting the beautiful residence of James L. Huey. The result is a surprise even to those best acquainted with the ability of Mr. O'Gilva. We have no hesitancy in saying that it far surpasses anything of the kind in the city. The rooms have been finished up in oak and maple, the hallways in cherry and walnut. The graining is something wonderful in its artistic excellence. The ceilings are papered with velvet and gold in unique arrangement, and the general effect is most pleasing, being elegant as well as artistic in all its details. We have never seen better or more attractive work any place; it is the ne plus ultra of excellence.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Dr. Minthorn, superintendent of Chilocco Indian School, has tendered his resignation to take effect March 31. He is busy in getting things ready for his successor. Dr. Minthorn has been in the Indian service for six years, first as physician at Ponca Agency, then superinten- dent of Oakland Agency, then superintendent Forest Grove Indian Training School, and last, superintendent Chilocco Industrial School. He will probably (if agreeable to his successor) remain in the school for three months in some subordinate position, in order to have a better opportunity to settle his accounts with the department.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the officiating minister, Rev. M. Scott, in this city Tuesday, March 3rd, Miss Drusilla A. Myers to Mr. Ira R. Willett.

Immediately after the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Willett went to the house of the groom where they waited until the morning train and went on to Arkansas City where they will remain. The Register extends its heartiest congratulations and best wishes to them.

Iola Register.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The Canal City The Scene of Another Accidental Death.
H. W. Gustin, Santa Fe Roadmaster, the Third Victim in a Year.
On Monday last another sad accident occurred at the Santa Fe depot. This is the third vic- tim in less than a year. The first was a son of P. M. Bradley, last fall; the second, little Phillip Huff; and now, H. W. Gustin, roadmaster of the middle division of the Santa Fe R. R.

The Accident.
As the train was pulling into the depot, Mr. Gustin, who was on the engine, thinking to save a few steps, endeavored to jump to the platformsomething done every day in the year almost. The train was within twenty feet of where it stops, and consequently going comparatively slow; still, as the patent air brakes are used, which will stop a train in a few feet, much too fast to permit a safe landing. The express trucks had been loaded with express, as is customary, and stood close to the edge of the platform, ready to be dumped into the express car. Not noting this, Mr. Gustin jumped, was thrown between the express coach and the first passenger car. The wheels struck him just above the hips, almost bisecting him and crushing his cheek, gashing his head, and bruising him from his hips to the head. Death was instantaneous.

H. W. Gustin was about thirty-five years of age, was tall and "gentlemanly" looking, wore a mustache, and was a picture of health. He has been connected with the Santa Fe for a number of years, and was a trusted employee. He leaves two girls by his first wife, deceased, and his second wife and two children, now living in Newton. He was a genial, kind hearted man, and had a large circle of acquaintances and friends all along the line. "In the midst of life, we are in death."

The remains were taken to Newton on the afternoon train.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Hotel Register.
The following is taken from the hotel registers and serves to illustrate the immense amount of immigration daily going on in our city. Of course, as these are only the $2 a day houses, it shows but a small part.

LELAND: R. E. Howe, Maple City; S. G. Martin and wife, Winfield; S. M. Martin and wife, Winfield; Trix Fouts, Wichita; D. E. Smith, St. Louis; Geo. W. Taylor, Chicago; Geo. H. Park, Chicago; R. J. Hanes, St. Louis; Arthur Hill, Sangamon, Michigan; James Irving, Sagamon, Michigan; ____ Noble, Lawrence; Frank L. Webster, Kansas City Times; C. H. Phenix, Winfield; Sam Tully, Winfield; A. W. Richards, Louisville, Kentucky; T. J. Siemon, Pittsburg; C. S. Duncan, Chicago Tribune; Henry S. Seeman, El Dorado; Prof. H. Riggs, V. S., Wichita; F. B. Manchester, W. F. & Co., Express; Wm. B. Hill, Carthage, Missouri; Walter Inman, R. R.; B. D. Myers, R. R.; S. Wilcox, Mail Agent; Edward Hatch, U. S. A.; W. L. Finley, U. S. A.; W. L. Archer, Kansas City; Chas P. Mitchell, Indian Territory; E. Campbell, Atchison.

WINDSOR: H. Harbaugh, Hackney; Wm. Trimble, Bolton; Frank Anderson, St. Louis; J. B. Lynn, Winfield; Col. Whiting, Winfield; J. P. Bamer, Newton; Pat. Welsch, Sac & Fox; Ben Mays, Sac & Fox; Henry Grene, Maple City; J. Johnson, Maple City; T. Mosier, Maple City; J. S. Alters, Geuda; Mattie Marking, Kansas City; Jonnie Gray, Kansas City; G. E. Sabin, Winfield; W. E. Moore, City; Pat Walves, Cincinnati, Ohio; Wm. Burdick, Hunnewell; A. H. Martin, City; W. C. B. Gillespie, St. Louis; H. F. McNutt, Boston; A. R. Arrowsmith, Atchison; J. E. Hill, Bloomfield, Iowa; F. B. Henry, Cleveland, Ohio; Geo. Boyer, Chicago; Milton Richardson, Chicago.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Our City Dads.
COUNCIL ROOMS, March 9, 1885.
Present. Mayor, F. P. Schiffbauer; councilmen, O. S. Rarick, A. A. Davis, and T. Fairclo.

The proposition of Mr. O'Neill, in regard to the building of water and gas works in this city was laid over for two weeks.

The City Marshal was instructed to collect the regular license of Mr. Lawless.

Bill of Frank Finch, $9.40, for feeding prisoners, laid over for two weeks.

Arkansas City Coal Co.'s bill, $16.65, laid over.

C. B. Anthony, $1.25, kindling wood furnished city, allowed.

Arkansas City Coal Co.'s bill $3.25, allowed.

Adjourned until 2 weeks from date.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Stockmen, Attention!
The members of the Osage Live Stock Association are requested to meet at Osage Agency Friday, March 27, promptly at 9 o'clock, to transact business of importance.

Wm. Pollock, Secretary.
J. N. Florer, Treasurer.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Mr. E. Baldwin has purchased an interest in the lumber yard of A. V. Alexander & Co. The style of the firm will remain unchanged. Mr. Baldwin is well and favorably known in this community, and all welcome him as a valued addition to our business circle. He will add strength and popularity to the already popular firm, and their business will, no doubt, be greatly augmented. We congratulate Mr. Alexander on securing Mr. Baldwin, and may they live long and prosper.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

W. W. Huss, of Sidney, Illinois, who married a Cowley County girl, writes as follows: "Enclosed you will find P. O. Order for one dollar and a half. Must have TRAVELER or else lose my wife. That won't do in these Democratic times." He also informs us that half the roads in the county cannot be traveled on account of snow drifts. Snow on the level twenty inches. If the TRAVELER will compensate for such weather as that, count on us, friend Huss, fifty-two times a year.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange will meet every Saturday at 10 o'clock a.m. in the City Hall in Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. All farmers and others interested in the success of the enterprise are cordially invited. F. W. GANT, General Manager.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Geo. E. Hasie came in last week from the south, looking as hale and hearty as ever, and immediately had his hands full of business. He says they will open their grocery stock in a week or so.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

We are informed by Pink Fouts that a negro soldier was shot dead in his pasture near the Willows. The soldiers said it was accidental. No particulars are learned.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The Bristol Sisters, of Topeka, have issued their spring circular of flowers, seeds, and ornamental shrubs, of which more next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

A Picture Not OverdrawnAs far as to Our Capabilities and Desserts.
Anything Less a Failure.
We are not a prophet nor a son of a prophet, nor do we intend to enter the realms of prophesy. It shall be our aim to deal only with facts and from that make such deductions as cannot be disputed by any.

In dealing with the future of a city or country, the past history, the present surroundings, the people, all these and more enter into consideration. Are, in fact, the things to be considered.

In the first place, then, the past history of Arkansas City is dotted all along with cases, which, as they come nearer the present year, increase in frequency and size, so that we have almost an assurance that soon there will be no dry, hard, unfertile spots visible to the horizon. We see in the past heroic struggles against pitiless fate, a grim determination to defeat, never to give up, and hard, unconquerable faces always turned to the tide. We see the most cherished plans going awry, noting longer and oftener, the hope of our existence swept away.

Yet in this wreck are the hopeful mariners on life's voyage, not despairing, sticking close to the wreck, and determined to stem the waves of defeat. The memory of the little things done each year for ten or twelve long and weary years, our neighbors each year increasing the distance between them and us, one can but wonder at their dogged persistence and never- give-up grip. Thus we come to 1881-2. We have before this a continual record of endurance year in and year out, gaining little, but losing nothing, each member of the city bound to his fellows, and all pulling together. Now, the scene changes. Our city becomes headquarters for the distribution of Government freight. Large contracts are obtained by home men, trade begins to revive, money becomes more plenty, we have a railroad. The canal is projected, pushed to a finish, laborers flock in. The gravel beds are opened. Mills are located on the canal. Water works are erected. An opera house erected. Brick buildings begin to take the place of the old frame ones. From that time to 1884, we increased in population from 1,000 to 3,500. This was called an ephemeral growth, a short-lived boom. But is it? In view of the twelve year struggle and determined effort for existence, we cannot view this as such a growth. It is simply the beginning of the fruitage of a properly cultivated, watered, planted, and cleared field.

Our personal prospects we view with complacency. Self congratulation, under the circumstances, is not out of place. Are not our ears regaled with pleasing sounds? Are not sweet odors around and about us? And pleasing sights gladdening our eyes? Our neighbors are lowing for ditches, water is their cry, while the beautiful mirage of muddy water swiftly traversing slimy banks, mocks them in their feverish paroxyisms. To the south, the hum of machinery greets our ears, to the east long trains of cars carry our products north, south, east, and west. On the north, the dim, mountain line, weaving in and out among the hills, yet at no place sufficiently distinct to be discerned, in the new canalto be. On the west, bold and abrupt, stand the headgates of the pride of the citythe "canal." A closer look reveals, on the south, the cattle on a thousand hills, wagons coming empty; trains departing loaded down, thousands of cattle camps, with the prairie strewn with boxes, cans, and sacks marked "Arkansas City"; on the east, large bars of gravel, brown and bare, but growing "beautifully less" under the attacks of hordes of attacking laborers and long, low trains of cars bearing it away and distributing it over the A. T. & S. F. R. R. for hundreds of miles. On the north again the full booms of giant powder, the pick, pick, of the stone mason and the creaking of wagons, bearing great loads of finest building stone blends in harmony with the many sounds of agricultural pursuits. On the west again long strings of wagons are seen bringing in load after load of golden wheat and corn. Each glance reveals new charms, new beauties, new advantages. And the grand centre, the magnet which draws and repels all in the city on the hill, the Canal City.

Lastly, our people. We search in vain for the rowdy; the poor cannot be found; the drones feel out of place; businessmen cannot be idle; laborers cannot miss employment. Everybody is happy, peace and content is seen on every hand. Restless, nervous, and fidgety, our men of means are searching for new things to conquer. They have made the sand hill bear and blossom, have compelled the muddy Arkansas to produce gold eagles; the prairie to bring forth fortunes. Our streets are full, two and three story brick and stone buildings swarm with busy crowds. Our side streets are crowding up with residences, property is advancing. Ephemeral, mushroom growth! So are the granite hills.

The conclusion of all which iswhat? Public works, gas and water, demand workmen; the Farmers' Co-operative mill, five stories, demands laborers; the new canal demands laborers; the woolen mill demands laborers; the enlargement of the old canal demands laborers; the rock quarries demand laborers; the freighting demands laborers; the harvest demands laborers. The six mills require skilled mechanics; the erection of resiidences requires skilled mechanics; the machine shops and foundry require skilled mechanics. This means a heavy immigration of a solid, responsible law-abiding citizens. That means increased trade, easy money, swift and sure advancement. That means 5,000 inhabitants in 1889; increased railroad facilities; increased foreign trade.


Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Registration Record.
The following is the total number who have registered up to Tuesday.

First Ward: 154

Second Ward: 106

Third Ward: 102

Fourth Ward: 166

TOTAL: 528.

This is a very small number compared to what there should be. The books will be closed March 28, and we are afraid many will disfranchise themselves. Look to it.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

S. P. U., Attention.
There will be a meeting of the Stock Protective Union at the Mercer Schoolhouse in Bolton Township, on the fourth Friday evening of March, at 7 o'clock sharp, for the election of officers, and to attend to such other business as may come up. Your presence requested.

W. S. VORIS, Secretary.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The "New Era" a Past One.

Editor Traveler:

Permit me through the columns of your excellent paper to inform the subscribers and friends of the New Era that on account of increasing duties and scarcity of help, we have been compelled to discontinue the publication of our paper, much to our regret. We had gotten the February number partly printed (advance sheets of which I enclose herewith), but an accident to our press brought the work to an abrupt close. As no numbers were published during the months of Julyand August (vacation), No. 10 would have completed the year. To such subscribers as have paid to a later date than the present month, we shall endeavor, in settling up the affairs of the paper, to refund the balance then due, and to all our friends we return sincere thanks for their interest and encouragement. With the consent of the donors of the press and material of the office, these will probably be transferred to someone of the larger Indian schools, where the circulation will likely be more favorable to the publication of a school journal.

With warmest thanks to yourself for valuable assistance and favors from time to time, and to the public for their patience and encouragement, I remain, Sincerely,

L. D. DAVIS, Supt., Indian Schools.
Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Danks Brothers.
We take the following from the Current Fact, published in Cincinnati, Ohio, the old home of the firm above named.

In the Arkansas City, Kansas, papers, we notice the card of Danks Bros., engineers and machinists. They are John, Frank, and Charles Danks, sons of Elder Samuel Danks of Colley & Hill, inventor of the Banks Rotary-Puddling Furnaces, and other valuable devices of labor saving character in the manipulation of iron. The Danks' are a family of iron men from generations, and are well-known as master workmen throughout the rolling-mills of the United States. Frank, the elder brother, was, until recently, the master mechanic at Swifts (Harpers) mill, which, under his management, run day and night successfully. Charles was his assistant there, and John was the superintendent of the American Horse Shoe Company until a few months ago. The community that secures such citizens as these, obtains an element that will aid in building up and making up any city they inhabit, as they are honest, independent, and self-reliant men. They take with them the best wishes of a large number of friends. Cincinnati (Ohio) Current Fact.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Work to Commence Immediately on the Kansas City and Southwestern.
Henry E. Asp is just in receipt of a letter from James N. Young, of Chicago, President of the Kansas City & Southwestern Railroad Company, stating that the material has been purchased and the contracts let for the construction of that line and that work will commence at Beaumont, Butler County, as soon as the right of way can be obtained. They commence at Beaumont, which is on the main line of the St. Louis & San Francisco, because the rails from St. Louis down are cheaper there than at Kansas City, and the ties from Arkansas can be laid. Work will progress both ways from Beaumont, and the prospect is that most of the counties and townships that have voted bonds can be reached in time to fill the stipulations contained therein. Some of the bonds are valid till August; others till June, and those voted in Winfield, until May 27. But should it be impossible to reach certain places within the given time, they will be re-solicited, and the work pushed right through. This road is now a sure thing and its early construction means that Winfield and Cowley County will receive an impetus that will make her material advancement during the next year unprecedented. Further developments of a specific character will be made by our next issue.

Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

The Agility of our Limbs of the Law Again Illustrated.
About a month ago, in Wayne County, Ohio, a man was murdered by a Bob Doty, a neighbor. The murderer fled. As is customary, the description of the fugitive was circulated all over the country, and one came here. The peculiar descriptive mark on the man wanted, was a scar on the outer corner of the left eye.

Saturday last Billy Gray obtained information that the man was in this vicinity, and consequently kept a sharp look out for him. Monday he was discovered on the old Sipes corner, and Billy Gray, O. S. Rarick, and G. H. McIntire quietly arrested him. He was completely surprised, thinking himself safe when he got this far away, and broke down after arrest, confessing that he was the man they were after. He was armed and meant fight, but he had no opportunity to use his arms. The sheriff, after handcuffing and shackling him, took him to Winfield, in a buggy, Monday morning. A reward was offered for his arrest.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Grand Central Hotel.
The Grand Central Hotel is being refurnished and repaired by Mr. Sheldon under the supervision of F. T. Sallade. We took a look at it and were pleasantly surprised to find that they had practically made a new hotel out of it. The rooms are as neat and clean as it is possible to make rooms, and the new furniture and linen are of first-class quality. The new hotel will be open for business by next Monday, if not before that time, under the management of Mr. Frank Sallade, one of the best hotel men in the country. Visitors can expect all the care and attention they could wish, as well as courteous treatment, for Mr. Sallade has but few peers and no superiors in this business, and his estimable wife not only knows how to look after the comfort of the lady guests, but always makes them feel at home, a rare accomplishment that but few can claim to have. Mr. and Mrs. Sallade are persons of not only intelligence, but of culture and refinement, and we are proud to know that they are to become permanent residents of our town. Every room in the new building is neatly painted and tastily furnished. The hall is painted and carpeted in first-class style, and the ladies parlor will be a very neat and tidy room, when finished. The office is painted and grained, as well as the doors, in a manner that shows that Mr. Trotter, who did the work, assisted by A. L. Snyder, not only has good taste in painting but is a fine workman. A great deal of credit is due Mr. Sheldon whose enterprise and keen business management has accomplished this result. We hope to see Charlie permanently located here this spring, as he is one of the best businessmen in the state, as well as a gentleman in every respect, and is of inestimable value to any community where he lives. Geuda Springs Herald.

[Note: Traveler, I believe, had some items on Sallade earlier; but if I recall correctly, they called him Sallada then. MAW]

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

[Another letter from "Wanderer" on New Orleans...which again I found of interest!]

Our New Orleans Letter.
Exposition Notes.

The managers of the great show are disappointed, and well they may be. There has been, and is, a lack of interest among the southern people, and the attendance from this section is far below what they had every reason to expect. The distance from northern and eastern states, and reported high prices of living, have kept many strangers away and largely reduced the recipts below what the management had surely calculated upon to meet past indebtedness and current expenses; and the result of it all is a financial failure. And it is asserted that unless the Government aid of $300,000 be obtained, the exposition must soon be a thing to be read of and not seen. Such an early ending is to be regretted, for the scheme was grandly conceived and ably carried out and is eminently worthy of a better fate.

IN THE GOVERNMENT BUILDING, which contains the Government and State exhibits, the display is very fine, and no single letter could do justice to the many interesting and attractive features shown therein. Among the most noticeable, however, are the "Women's Department" and "Colored Exhibit." The former because it is simply elegant and remarkable in its display, unequalled by anything of a similar nature ever seen before; shows a woman as a more self-reliant and independent character, and will exert an influence favorable to the gentle sex on all general issues; in which they are hereafter interested.

THE COLORED EXHIBIT gives many evidences of struggling genius and natural talent, and is valuable as an accurate illustration of the advancement of the race, and also as a part of the history from the close of the war to the present time. It will establish for the colored people an industrial statue [? stature ?] with those who have only known them heretofore as a political factor, serve as an incentive among themselves to greater usefulness and better citizenship, and on the whole, will be productive of much good to them, both here and elsewhere.

THE MAIN BUILDING, with its thirty-three acres of space, has a very fair represen- tation of the industries of our country with a beautiful display from Belgium, Japan, Russia, France, China, and other places, but the most wonderful of all is the MEXICAN EXHIBIT, which, in its arrangement and magnificence, astonishes all beholders. There is the solid silver block valued at $114,000, which no one has tried to steal bodily, though from appearances, someone has tried and succeeded in carrying away a portion of it in chips. This was in the main building and not in with the exhibit proper, nor was it guarded by Mexican soldiers as the other things are. Among the many things which are to be seen in this display are hats, straw and felt, uniforms, saddles, and harness, books and specimens of fine printing, photographs, paintings, toys, stuffed birds and animals, guns and pistols, and models of artillery, cutlery, surgical instruments, drugs, wines, whiskeys, and brandies, blankets, white goods, candied, sugared fruits, carpets and rugs, wax flowers, jewelry, feather-work in birds and pictures, fine furniture, and much more which space forbids enumerating. All are neatly labeled, and in every respect equal to articles of the same kind from our own country, while in many cases the workmanship and beauty far exceeds anything in the exposition. The dress print display was hardly worthy of notice, while no bonnets were shown at all, and from their absence from the exhibit and its fullness in every other respect, it is to be presumed no bonnets are worn in that country, though that is not the case.

MEXICO has no doubt gone to a great deal of trouble and expense, making this a matter of pride as well as policy. And that it has been successful in its efforts, is fully demonstrated to the satisfaction of everybody who sees their buildings and exhibits. It is said that in the erection of the elegant barrack building and beautiful iron and stained glass pagoda, together with the other property, Mexico has expended over $500,000, with the intention of using as much more as may be necessary to carry out and keep up the dignity of the cause and country.

THE MEXICAN BAND, belonging to the eighth cavalry and consisting of seventy-two members in neat uniform, has created quite a furor by the fine rendition of classical music and become exceedingly popular from the tender of their services on all occasions free of charge. The exposition management has, however, made them an offer of compensation, which the Mexican government has consented to their receiving. An infantry band will probably be permitted to come to this country soon, in which case an effort will be made to have the cavalry band give a series of concerts in some of our principal cities.

That the EXPOSITION is worthy of success and will amply repay any time or money expended in visiting it, there is no doubt, but that it is the equal of the Philadelphia Centennial is an assertion which comparison will not sustain. WANDERER.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Arkansas City Markets.
As gathered from the different dealers in articles named.
Wheat, per bu.: $.55

Corn, per bu.: $.30

Oats, per bu.: $.20

Potatoes, per bu.: $.75 @ $1.00

Apples, green: $2.00

Chickens, doz.: $2.25

Chickens, dressed, per lb.: $.08 & $.10

Eggs, per doz.: $.12-1/2

Butter, per lb.: $.15

Lard, per lb.: $.06

Dried peaches, per lb.: $.06 & $.07

Dried apples, per lb.: $.06 & $.08

Bacon, per lb.: $.10

Shoulders, per lb.: $.08

Hams, per lb.: $.11-1/2

Flour, per cwt.: $3.20; $3.00; $2,75; $2.50

Corn meal, 25 lbs.: $.30

Hogs, fat, per cwt.: $3.80

Beef cattle, per cwt.: $3.50 @ $4.50

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Inaugural Ball.
At Highland Hall Wednesday night last was assembled one of the most pleasant crowds ever got together in the canal city. Good music was furnished, a good caller was present, and those there enjoyed themselves as only lovers of the terpsichorean art can. Democrats and Republicans mingled and a good time was had, even taking into consideration the depression natural in celebrating such a result as the opening of a Democratic administration.

Notwithstanding this "Spirit-Killing" occasion, the crowd enjoyed themselves, which speaks well of the management and music.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 11, 1885.

Bolton, No. 89.
Some of our farmers are beginning to cry for feed.

A meeting was held at Spring Side last Thursday evening for the purpose of depositing in that section of the country shares of the great Farmers' Mill, which is to be erected at Arkansas City. Several shares were sold and a fair prospect for more to be sold.

Some of our neighbors are taking advantage of the nice weather to do their threshing.

The stone schoolhouse in the new district is progressing nicely. Some of the neighbors in that locality suggest that it be called Pole Cat College, as it is situated in what is known as pole cat hollow.

Clyde Beck, the boy who has been missing so long, is now staying at Mr. Chambers in East Bolton.

Z. Carlisle has sold his corn to Mr. Benton and is now delivering it at the ranche in Chilocco.

If those naughty boys who tap on the windows at the Lyceum do not stop, they will get in a bad box and don't you forget it. We do not bother you boys, and you must leave us alone. If you do not wish to hear our entertainment, you do not need to come. We give you fair warning.

Everyone writing for the paper and even the editor has something to say about the weather. Let me decide it. It is neither one thing nor the other, so let it alone.

Little is being said about Washington's birthday, and, from appearances, very little will be done as the weather is uncertain and issues are growing closer. Very few, if any, ladies will receive. Gentlemen will be welcome to call at many residences if they choose to.

The harvest is over.

The leap year is ended

And I am not married yet.

The Lyceum goes off nice, a good programme each evening and a full house. Our Lyceum will hold about three or four nights longer, and will close with a comic negro performance.

Thomas Willis is on the sick list again. PETER SPRIGGINS.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum