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[From Wednesday, April 29, 1885, through May 27, 1885.]

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.


Real Estate Brokers, Loans, Insurance, and Abstracts.
Will make loans on city property and improved Farms. Business and city lots a specialty. Will pay taxes, rent property, and collect rents.

Office under Cowley County Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.

Both Sidney Clarke and Capt. Couch, on their return to this city from Washington, dwelt with great gusto on the truculence of Brick Pomeroy, in charging the Kansas Senators with corruption, and being beneficially interested in the stock breeding companies who hold leases of the Indians in the Territory.

These gentlemen tell that this political crank devotes several columns of his paper, in every issue, to befouling Messrs. Ingalls and Plumb, charging them with all the crimes in the calendar, and that he has streamers in front of his office, setting forth in glaring capitals that Ingalls and Plumb and Teller are land thieves and cattle-monopolists, and offering to produce evidence to sustain these assertions. This talk is eagerly listened to by the boomers, and their commentary is, these charges must be true, because there is the law of libel to punish him if the parties implicated are belied. These people forget that Brick Pomeroy is bankrupt in character as well as in purse, that defamation is his stock in trade, and that a controversy with the public men he so brutally assails would bring him the notoriety he covets.

From Senator Ingalls we have the following explicit denial of the charges, in a letter dated the 20th inst.

"After a Republican and a Democratic administration have both taken the same position on the legal question (of the right of entry to the Oklahoma lands) that I announced originally, it would seem as if my sincerity should not be open to question. With regard to the resolutions against me, adopted by the colonists, I would say I never had any interest in the Indian Territory to the extent of a blade of grass, either for myself or through others, directly or indirectly. I was never consulted by any person on the subject, nor did I request or recommend the granting of any issue, either by the Indians or by the department."

The case resolves itself into a question of veracity between our home statesmana leading member of the United States Senate, enjoying the confidence of the people he represents and elected to a third termand a political outcast like Brick Pomeroy, whose life is a public scandal, and whose pen drips with the gall of detraction and abuse. The boomers make a great point of the justice of their cause, but they should be careful to practice justice in their dealings with public men. They also profess to be solicitous to win the approval of the American people, but it would be well for them to consider whether unstinted abuse of all who differ with them in opinion is the best way to win confidence in their aims and methods.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.

When the Oklahoma colonists classify this journal among the newspapers hostile to their cause, they show gross misapprehension. We wish to see the surplus lands in the territory thrown open to settlement, and, certainly, those who have devoted years to the agitation of the matter, and committed their all to the success of the endeavor to get in, should be allowed to have a share. To take a purely selfish view, Arkansas City would be greatly benefited by the settlement of the Indian lands, as it would extend her trade over a wide area now under the pall of barbarians, and impart a stimulus to her growth that would last for years. And to consider the matter on its intrinsic merits, it would be well to remember that the occupants of the territory are divided among themselves in regard to the allotment of their lands. Some years ago the Chickasaws stirred up a movement to apply to the Secretary of the Interior for the survey of their land, with a view to allotment in severalty and the sale of the surplus to white settlers. The Choctaws, however, affiliated with the Chickasaws, and who outnumber the latter tribe four to one, were less progressive, and when the question was brought up in the national council, it was defeated by the preponderance of the Choctaw vote. In the Cherokee nation there has long been a division on this point; the Ross party clinging to tribal relations and the social conditions of their early ancestors, while Col. E. C. Boudinot with a considerable following, desire the leaven of pale face energy let in, with the further advantage of a revenue derived from the sale of their lands.

How this desirable movement is to be brought about, is a question for statesmanship to determine. To attempt to coerce the red tribes by a forcible occupation of their soil would arouse their resentment, and hinder rather than advance the work.

As a feeble concession to pale face demands, a number of tribes have leased a portion of their land to cattlemen, partly to relieve themselves of the odium of keeping their domain idle, and because they have abundant uses for the rent derived from the same. The boomers claim that these leases are illegal, quoting Sec. 2,115 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, which prohibits the making of any lease, grant, or conveyance of land, by any tribe of Indians, unless by treaty or convention. How this law should be interpreted by the courts is a matter of conjecture, as treaties are no longer made with Indian tribes, and the word "convention" has wide signification.

But the colonists are naturally suspicious. They see eastern capitalists and European land grabbers gaining a foothold on the soil, and, having experience of their unscrupulous methods, they believe this step to be preliminary to ultimate absorption. Therefore, they are imperative in demanding that the cattlemen with their herds be driven out, and this done, they express themselves willing to abide the action of the administration.

While reasonable counsels prevail with the colonists, they have the TRAVELER's hearty support. We desire to see the Indian Territory opened to settlement, and we insist that the surplus land, after the red occupants are provided with homes, shall be parceled out among actual settlers. The boomers by organizing themselves as colonists, by urging this step on the government, and forcing it on the attention of the American people, as such agitation tends to advance the desired consummation, are rendering useful service to the country. But when they undertake to override Congress and the law, when with demagogic clamor, they denounce all branches of the government as composed of thieves and usurpers; and when they declare their intention to commit sedition and enter the territory, "soldiers or no soldiers," it is clear they are transcending the rights of citizens, and no law abiding journal can sanction their excess.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.

How the Young Idea is Being Taught How To Shoot.
Our reporter visited the West Ward school on Monday, and found teachers and scholars in the agony of a monthly examination. The studies that have been gone over during the past month are carefully reviewed, and a resume of the lesson is given in written exercises. In Miss Collins' room our reporter found sixty scholars present, comprising the second and third reader grades. Excellent order prevailed, and a glance over the work of the scholars showed they were setting down what they knew about language. As text books are not used, the teachers impart instruction by oral lessons and blackboard examples; and the scholars in stating what they know are thrown largely on their own resources. The work in this room is merely elementary. The employment of capitals, the use of the particles "a" and "an," rules for punctuating, and such minor details mark the progress made by these juvenile students. An examination day is not a favorable time for a visitor to discover the merits of a school, our itimizer made but a brief stay.

In Miss Patterson's room he found 41 scholars present, out of 58 belonging to the school. The average attendance is 47. A few of the more dilatory are apt to stay away during examination, from the fear of exposing their weakness. The fourth and fifth readers are used in this room, and the exercises of the scholars show corresponding advancement. Miss Patterson exhibited with becoming pride some of her pupils' feats in drawing, and as she herself possesses superior skill in this graceful accomplishment, it may be supposed she teaches the art with some success. The lady desires the publication of the following monthly report of her school.

The following pupils were 100 in attendance and deportment during the month of March: John Cue, Maud Adams, Estelle Kellogg, Grace Love, John Warren, George Armstrong, Dick Mitts, Pearly Lane, and Aola Krebs.

Their average scholarship was also 90 and upward. Aola Krebs passed the best term examination, having an average of ninety-eight. FLORENCE PATTERSON.

Miss Lena Ganse teaches grades 6 and 7; there were but 19 percent in her room, out of an enrollment of 30. The scholars were busy writing brief memoirs of Professor Wilson, Longfellow, and other authors; their memory serving them for facts and the narrative their own composition. This was creditably done. The story was told with directness, the style (as a rule) was correct and natural, and the facts were grouped together without labor or distortion.

A few moments were devoted to Miss Ida Springer's school, who had an attendance of 90 little folks, with 96 belonging. This is an immense task to impose on any fellow mortal, and if our school teachers after a few years of actual service give up, the victims of insomnia and nervous prostration, the evil is due to the overwork imposed on them by cruel task masters. Miss Springer conducts her school with admirable method. There is perfect order, the children are interested in their studies, and in their early attempts at writing, quite a number give promise of excellence.

The following general remarks may be made on this school. The building is new and pleasantly situated. The rooms are commodious, well lighted, and ventilated, and the single- seated desks provided for the scholars are a blessing to any community. (The most fertile cause of disorder in a school is sitting two scholars together, one of whom is unruly and who pesters his unhappy schoolmate with his exuberance.) The halls are built on a liberal measurement, which admits of the classes entering and leaving the building without crowding or confusion. The dismissal of the two upstairs rooms was the perfection of school discipline and harmonious movement. On Arbor day Prof. Weir quite liberally set out the ground with saplings, and now if the school board would put up a fence around it, this very pleasing public building would assume a more finished appearance.

Prof. Weir speaks in terms of warm approval of the efficiency and esprit de corps of his teachers. The four ladies above named are certainly competent and painstaking. Well equipped for their duties, advanced in their methods, and devoted to their work, their attainments and fidelity should advance our schools to the foremost rank. And yet, we regret to state the fact, a careful observation of the result of their labors is somewhat disappointing. The average calligraphic skill of the pupils cannot be rated highly, and the spelling in all the rooms is certainly defective. One cause for the poor writing might perhaps be found in the scholars writing with pen and ink on a single sheet on the bare desk; and some of them using ink-bottles instead of ink wells, by which means they get their hands saturated with the discoloring fluid. It would be well also for the teachers to confine their scholars to black ink; carmine and purple tints look tawdry and where the writing is defective, they intensify its bad qualities. But the ladder of learning is not climbed in a day, and with the agencies now at work, we may look to see any ground that has been lost successfully made up.

In Miss Peterson's school, our reporter found thirty-eight scholars present, out of an enrollment of seventy names. The teacher accounted for the light attendance on the ground that scarlet rash was prevalent among her pupils. The second and third readers are used in this school, and arithmetic is taught as far as short division. Grammar is merely introduced by the scholars being taught to designate nouns as "name words," verbs as "action words," conjunctions as "connecting words," and so on. One young grammarian in his haste to describe the word "and," inadvertently called it a "Connection word." To a teacher who, like Miss Peterson, has been accustomed to more advanced grades, it is a difficult matter after bringing her scholars to the portals of grammar, to suppress herself and proceed no farther. Naturally she desires to tell the more apt of her scholars about the intricacies of person, number, and case. During our reporter's stay in this school, the B class read from a supplement, and both A and B classes wrote dictation lessons. This exercise is useful in testing the scholar's proficiency in spelling, and it accustoms the memory to carry a sentence. In such sentences as, "animals and plants grow," "John writes well, but George writes more rapidly," the scholars are requested to underline the nouns, or some words. In the B class (18 scholars present), six erred in spelling.

There are a number of excellent writers in this school, and some of these were prompt to show their work to the newspaper man. Others betrayed evident carelessness, and assigned as a reason that their pencils were too short to write with, exhibiting morsels half an inch long in some cases. It would be wise for the school board to provide pencils, and place them in the care of the teacher.

Text books are not much used in the lower grades, the teacher being required to pump up knowledge from her own well of wisdom. This avoids the formalism of mere rote work, and develops the reason of the young folks more than a mere exercise of the memory. With such a mode of instruction, the A class wrote down about two score geographical terms, such as inlet, Isthmus, peninsula, promontory, with commendable exactitude. A map of Missouri was drawn on the blackboard by several scholars, the outlines and prominent features of the state being correctly given. A water piece, "Row, Boatman, Row," etched in crayon by the teacher, shows her possessed of considerable skill as a draftsman. (This is no bull; commissions are made out to women as postmasters.)

When the studies were over and the books laid away, the scholars rehearsed short passages from the standard poets and also repeated a number of maxims. The emulation shown by the school to earn a favorable mention from the reporter showed a perfect support existing between teacher and scholar.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, April 29, 1885.

Secretary Lamar's Talk.
The boomer organ in this city, professing to report a conversation between Secretary Lamar and Capt. Couch, puts into the mouth of the former the following astonishing declaration.

"I would not be surprised if the next issue of the Emporia Republican, Wichita Eagle, and Arkansas City TRAVELER contained a proclamation for all settlers west of the 100th meridian in Kansas and Nebraska, to vacate the country within sixty days, or all the powers of the country will be used to eject them."

This shows that the Secretary of the Interior keeps a close watch on Kansas journalism, but we are at a loss to conceive why he should attribute any such intentions to this unoffending journal. The editor of our lively contemporary might have been giving play to his imaginative powers.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

M. B. Vawter has removed his dental rooms to the Hasie Block.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A. B. Holman, the school teacher at Ponca, spent Sunday in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

P. C. Wyeth, of the Wyeth Cattle Company, paid us an appreciated call yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Public meeting of the People's Building and Loan Association on Thursday evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A. V. Alexander left for Chicago, Monday last, on business, to be absent about ten days.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Agent L. J. Miles and E. G. Gray, from the Osage Agency, are spending a few days in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Kendall F. Smith came to town on Friday in company with Joe Sherburne from the Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Rev. J. O. Campbell left for the East last Monday, and upon his returnbut we must not tell tales out of school.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Miss Brown, the noted elocutionist of Boston, will be in Arkansas City on the 8th, to give a literary entertainment.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

My dear friends, will you please return the three saws that I loaned you. C. R. Sipes.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A great attraction just added to the coming circus is the wonderful Lepard family, and there is no extra charge to see them.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Fourteen wagon-loads of goods have been sent to the Schiffbauer trading post on the Osage Reserve during the past week.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Mr. French, of the Ponca Agency, is making additions to his house on Sixth Street, with a view to removing his family to town.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The erection of dwelling houses and stores on all hands shows that the building boom this summer will assume large proportions.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

John Murray, the carriage painter on 5th Avenue, invites attention to his card. He is an artist with the brush, and is known for his stylish work.


Carriage and General Paint Shop.

Fifth Avenue, Opposite Star Livery Stable.

Best of Work. GUARANTEED. Orders Promptly Attended to.

Best of References Given.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

WANTED. A competent cookman or woman, to cook for a school mess of nine persons. Wages $4.50 per week. Apply to A. B. Holmes, Ponca Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The veterans of the G. A. R. Post, in their meeting on Saturday evening, had under consideration the proper celebration of Decoration Day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The city council held an informal meeting on Friday evening. Mayor Schiffbauer being absent from the city, no business of importance was transacted.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The refection given by the ladies of the Christian Church, in Highland Hall, on Friday, was well patronized, and a respectable surplus was netted for church uses.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The early closing movement with the dry goods stores begins on Friday, May 1st. Business closes at dark, and lamps will not be lighted during the summer months.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

According to the last quarterly report of State Secretary Sims, the central southern portion of Kansas is the only section of the state where the fruit crop is uninjured.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

By order of Gov. Martin, on Monday, flags were raised over the state capitol at Topeka, and sixty-three guns were fired on the state-house grounds, in honor of the 63rd birthday of Gen. Grant.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The People's Building and Loan Association of this city has been incorporated, with A. J. Pyburn, W. R. Smith, I. H. Bonsall, A. J. Chapel, A. G. Love, and N. N. Winton as incorporators.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Our friend, D. D. Keeler, of the Kaw Agency, was in the city on Saturday last, and made us a short call. The gentleman has something to say in another column of this issue regarding stock, which will be of interest to many of our readers.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Kaw Round Up.
Stockmen and all interested will take notice that the stock in Kaw pasture will be rounded up on May 10; and all desiring to inspect the same will be in attendance 3 miles north of Kaw Agency on the Arkansas City road on that date. No stock will be allowed to be cut out from this pasture after the round up without a permit from the superintendent.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Finney and child arrived in our city, Friday last, from Lawrence, Kansas, where they had been visiting relatives and friends. They left for their home, at Kaw Agency, the following day.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Messrs. J. Wilcox, Sam D. Wilcox, and G. N. Snyder started from our city for Pawnee Agency last Saturday. They will spend a week or so hunting and fishing and we wish them a jolly and successful time.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Frank Dressler, the tailor, has removed from over the Cowley County Bank and is now occupying the room one door east of the Fifth Avenue Livery Stable, where he will be pleased to have his friends and patrons call upon him.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

MARRIED. Married in this city, on Monday, April 20th, 1885, at the residence of the groom, Mr. J. W. Strohm to Miss Alice Taylor, of Kalamazoo, Michigan, Rev. Buckner officiating. We congratulate the happy pair and wish them much joy.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The large cistern sunk in the rear of the Commercial Block, with a capacity of 2,000 barrels, has caved in as a consequence of the heavy rains, and a contract has been let to wall the sides with stone. Workmen are now engaged in removing the loose earth.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A. V. Alexander returned to his house in our city last Friday after an absence west for several weeks. The lumber firm of which Mr. Alexander is the head have now established yards at Larned and Kinsley, in addition to their yards in this city.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Col. Henry F. Sumner, of this city, being apprised of the death of a married daughter in Colorado, left the city on Wednesday last to be present at the funeral. The TRAVELER extends its hearty condolence to the Colonel in his severe bereavement.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The willingness of the boomers to wait awhile longer for access to the Oklahoma lands to be opened to them, has tired out the patience of quite a number, and there has been a considerable thinning out of the boomer camp. The giving out of their means compels them to scatter in search of work.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

It is with pleasure that we chronicle the advent in our business cards of Mr. W. H. Nelson, late of Rockville, Indiana, who has purchased an interest in the late real estate firm of Meigs & Howard. Messrs. Meigs & Nelson, the new firm, are in every way prepared to supply all wants in their line and being live, energetic business men, we doubt not will be eminently successful. Their offices are located under the Cowley County Bank. [ALREADY TYPED CARD.]

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

DIED. We regret to announce the death of Robert A. Delzell on Thursday, the 23rd inst., at the age of 57 years. The deceased has been a resident of this city three years, and leaves a wife and five children, besides two married daughters in Illinois. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Church Festival.
A festival will be given on Friday evening, May 8th, for the benefit of the A. M. E. Church of this city, and all are invited to come and enjoy a good time. The best of ice cream and other refreshments will be served.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Mr. D. J. Buckley, of the Chicago Lumber Co., leaves today for Davenport, Iowa, whither he goes for the purpose of bringing his wife and family to Arkansas City, where the gentleman has erected a handsome dwelling house and proposes to make his home in the future. He will return in about 10 days, when we shall be glad to welcome Mr. Buckley and family to the society of our city.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Dr. Brown, late of Cadiz, Ohio, is now busily engaged in fitting up and furnishing the stone building he purchased from E. Mason, on north Summit street, for a drug store and physician's office, and hopes to have the same ready for occupancy in two or three weeks. The Doctor is quite an acquisition to our business circle and we are pleased to chronicle his advent to the Canal City.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A Great Show.
For once we are to have something new. Mammoth posters displayed on the walls informing the public that Pullman, Mack & Co., are coming with a great show, made up of novelties, and the very best of everything attainable in the amusement line. Among the chief attractions is a three-headed lady songstress who walks, talks, and sings. There is a circus company of arenic stars, and a menagerie of wild beasts and trained animals, to delight the gaze of the amusement loving public. Prof. Mack's troupe of trained leaping and acting dogs are worthy of more than passing mention. Clowns, acrobats, gymnasts, riders, trapeze artists, contortionists, and a thousand other wonders are here congregated. This great show will exhibit in Arkansas City on Monday next, May 4th.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Railroad Meeting.
On Wednesday several gentlemen interested in the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad visited the city for the purpose of submitting a new proposition to our citizens for aid to that road. The notice being impromptu, a few score persons were notified on the street, and when the meeting was convened in the Cowley County Bank, in the evening, about fifty of our citizens were present. The railroad company was represented by Henry Asp, Esq., their attorney, who was accompanied by ex-senator Long and W. P. Hackney, both of Winfield. The proposition originally made was for this county to issue bonds to the amount of $160,000, on certain conditions known to our readers. Whether such a proposition would carry with the voters of the county was considered doubtful by some, as the eastern portion of the county would be less directly benefited by the road. The modification made in the proposal submitted on Wednesday, was the issue of $100,000 in county bonds, with $20,000 of city bonds by this city and a similar amount by the city of Winfield. With this was coupled a proposal to render county aid to the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road to the tune of $100,000 more. This addendum received but slight favor from the meeting, and after a feeble effort to support it, it was withdrawn. The other portion of the proposition was debated in an informal manner at some length, and at 10 o'clock an adjournment was taken till the following morning.

On Thursday the meeting reconvened and approval of the modified proposition was finally given. On motion Judge Pyburn, H. O. Meigs, and A. A. Newman were appointed a committee to lay before the County Commissioners, in session in Winfield, the petition of the people of Arkansas City, that a county election be called to vote on the $100,000 bonds to aid in the construction of the Kansas City and Southwestern road. The issue of city bonds by this city and Winfield will, of course, be determined by a city election in both of these places.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

From our Exchanges.
The Winfield Telegram says:

"George Arnold wants a partnerwants one bad. No capital required, easy employment. Female preferred."

A Topeka exchange says:

There are rooms and cellars in this city filled with barrels of liquor. They are real elephants on the hands of their owners. The law prevents their shipment, and of course they cannot be sold. Draymen will not even move them, and until they are moved, no one will rent the rooms where they are stored. We know a businessman who wants to move into a house lately used as a saloon, but will not take it until this contraband of peace is taken away. But how to get it away, and what shall be done with it, are the pertinent questions.

The Udall Sentinel says the farmers have about made up their minds that the loss of the wheat crop is as much due to the ravages of the Hessian fly as to the severe winter. Early sown wheat is worse killed than the late.

Belle Plaine Resident. About 100 ft. of the fishery dam is gone. The loss cannot be estimated, but as the carp have gone through the break, and those remaining are mixed now with all kinds of fish, we are told that $3,000 would not tempt the owners to have the present condition of affairs as they are, if they were the same as before the break.

The Topeka Capital recommends the Kansas farmers who have not sold their wheat to hold on to it awhile longer. That journal says: "There will not be anywhere nearly as large a wheat crop in the country this year as there was last, and from this cause alone the price of wheat will be higher."

Udall News: Rev. James Tull has moved with his family to Udall, his new field of labor. We can highly recommend Mr. Tull and his estimable wife to the citizens of Udall.

A Cedar Vale veteran is in luck. John H. Van Vost, of that place, has recently received $500 of back pension, and he is to receive $10 a month hereafter.

Harper Sentinel: Once more there are prospects for a mill in Harper. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick, but as live men have taken the matter in handMessrs. Clark & Rosecrans, of Wellingtonthe prospects are better than ever before.

Wichita Eagle: Last week freight engine No. 3, on the Sunflower road, went through the Ninnescah bridge, and the engineer, John McDaniel, has not been seen or heard of since. The cause of the accident was the washing away of the center bent of the bridge, leaving the stringers in place. The fireman and brakeman made a narrow escape of their lives.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The question commonly asked on the streets last week was why Sidney Clarke came here if not to address the boomers and tell what he heard and saw in Washington? He was absent from the meeting on Wednesday morning, and Couch gave out that he was sick; but he was well enough the evening preceding, and on Wednesday evening he appeared in customary health. Was he afraid of having some awkward questions asked that he refrained from giving an account of his stewardship?

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Those who want to save rent and possess a home of their own should attend the meeting in Highland Hall, tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The Principles and Methods of the People's Building and Loan Association Explained.
The popular and rapidly-spreading system of Co-operative Banking, or a Mutual Saving Fund and Loan Association, is simply a combination or partnership of individuals, organized to advance money to its members, or such of the members as may become borrowers of its capital, for the purpose of assisting such members in the acquisition of freehold property, the erection of buildings, the removal of its cumbrances upon property already held by them, or for any purpose that may be required, the loans being in every case fully secured, either by a pledge of the stock (if of sufficient value), or by a mortgage upon approved real estate. The profits resulting from the employment of the capital of these organizations accrues from the interest and premiums paid upon purchased loans, together with other and minor items, such as fines for non-payment of dues, and withdrawals and forfeiture of stock, these combined profits being divided to the credit of every stockholder.

As a distinct system of cooperative benefits, it is especially designed for the industrial classes, whose sole capital is that which their labor produces, and with this object constantly in view, it is found to suit the circumstances of this class, allowing them to reap the advantages consequent upon a union of many small capitals into one grand whole, fortified and strengthened by strict economy and light expenses of management, and a mutual and equitable division of these expenses and the constantly accruing profits.

The uniform success of this system of mutual cooperation in almost every state in the Union has been demonstrated so completely, that no question as to its mutuality of interest and benefit to participation, whether borrowing or investment members, can possibly be raised, as regards the principles involved.

The City of Arkansas City offers an excellent field of operation of this kind. We have an enterprising and industrious population here, largely constituted of mechanics, laboring men, and men of small or limited means, who are equally desirous of securing homes of their own. To the end that this class of our people should be placed in position to enjoy the privileges and benefits of the system in question, the People's Building and Loan Association has been organized, offering to the public many new and very important features, alike beneficial to the borrowing and to the investment people.

Different methods of conducting cooperative societies of this character have been devised from time to time, but the most recent and also the most popular is that called the

which grants to the borrower the full number of dollars which his share of stock represents; or in other words, $500 will be loaned on each share, which loan is to be paid back in 18 monthly payments, and the system contemplates that this stock shall likewise be paid in periodical payments for a stated time, for the purpose of making the burden as light as possible for all participants.

The Association has organized with a stock capital of $100,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $100 each, which is to be paid for at the rate of $250 per month on each share. This Association offers an opportunity to all who need the use of a considerable sum for improvements, as it enables a borrower to reduce his debt by small monthly payments, which privilege is not allowed by banks and others loaning.

Is it not better, then, that you become your own landlord, by borrowing from this Association, building yourself a home with the money advanced, your paid-up stock at the end of a few years canceling the entire loan? Is there any plan better calculated to insure to you a home of your own upon equally liberal and equitable terms? And if not, is it not to your interest to become a member of this cooperative organization at once, and be among the very first to enjoy its advantages, and reap its unquestioned benefits?

Persons desirous of becoming members are respectfully informed that subscriptions to the capital stock will be received tomorrow night (the 30th inst.), at 8 o'clock, at Highland Hall, when a full attendance of all interested is desired.

In the meantime any information on the subject may be had by applying to the undersigned, W. B. SMITH, Secretary. By order of the Board of Directors.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Fair and Festival.
The Woman's Relief Corps of the city, yesterday opened an entertainment in the Opera house for the benefit of the veterans of the Arkansas City Post. Upwards of one hundred of the survivors of the war are members of the post, some of them suffering from wounds or disability acquired in their term of service. These occasionally come upon their comrades for assistance, and their appeals are never unheeded. The Woman's Relief Corps is engaged in the laudable work of helping out the finances of the post, in order that their alms may be more liberally dispensed to suffering and distressed veterans. This evening closes the fair and festival given by the patriotic ladies of this city, and as their purpose is a truly laudable one, we trust they will be liberally patronized.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Steamboat Enterprise.
In Geuda Springs a stock company has been formed to run a steamboat between that place and Arkansas City. The directors chosen are George Ferris, J. H. Noble, Will M. Berkey, and D. F. Hall, of that city, and C. L. Swarts, Amos Walton, and A. V. Alexander, of Arkansas City. An investigation of the Arkansas River between the two points named, shows a course in no place less than fifteen inches deep, the shallowest place being found just south of the large island below the ferry. A boat 20 by 75 feet is to be built, with a draft of 12 inches. It is expected the boat will be ready to make trips two months from date.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Rev. John N. McClung of Wellington will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning and evening. The pastor of the church, Rev. S. B. Fleming, leaves today on a trip to the East, where he will visit his parents, and on his return will attend the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, which meets in Cincinnati, May 21st, 1885, and remains in session about two weeks. Rev. Fleming is Commissioner to that body, representing the Presbytery of Emporia. The gentleman expects to return to this city about June 1st.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The detachment of the Ninth U. S. Cavalry, stationed here watching the boomers, will shortly leave this state for the department of the Platte, to garrison posts in Nebraska. The post quartermaster, 1st Lieut. O'Conner, of the 9th [? 8th ?] cavalry, will shortly vacate his office in the Commercial block, and devote his own residence, near the depot, to official uses. We understand that several troops of the fifth cavalry will replace the force now here.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

A business change went into effect in the Windsor Hotel on Saturday last, Mr. J. A. McIntire parting with his restaurant to George A. Druitt, and retaining to himself the duty of providing for the domestic comfort of his guests. Mr. Druitt is an experienced restauranteur and will furnish a first-rate table with civil and attentive waiters.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The People's Building and Loan Association receives subscription for stock tomorrow evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

The Oklahomites Discuss the Present Situation.
And Take Solid Comfort that the Cattle Men Must Leave.
They Adopt Resolutions and Have a Good Time.
The announcement that the Boomers would hold a meeting on their camp ground at 9:30 o'clock, on the 22nd inst., to hear the resolutions to express the sense of the colonists that had been prepared, drew together a considerable gathering of Oklahomites and others interested in the movement. At the hour designated the leader of the boomers, Capt. W. L. Couch, presented himself on a stand, and called the meeting to order. He said the colonists would be deprived of the pleasure of listening to Hon. Sidney Clarke, who had come to Arkansas City from Washington for the purpose of telling them what had been done in the national capital the past winter in relation to their interests, and also to counsel with them as to the steps now proper to take. But that gentleman was unable to appear before them, as he had been taken down with sickness in his hotel and was now confined to his bed. The speaker said it was for the colonists to determine which they would do. He had the assurance of the government officers that the cattle men should be excluded from the Territory.

A voice: "And their stock?"

Capt. Crouch: "Yes, and their stock, and their improvements, and all they have placed there."

Capt. Crouch stated he believed the administration was acting in good faith. If the colonists sought to force an entrance upon the prohibited lands before the government had taken the necessary proceedings, it would prejudice their cause, and forfeit the favorable opinion that was now held of the law-abiding character of the colonists. He desired them to listen to the resolutions that would be read, debate them fully, every man and woman saying what they thought about them, but he hoped they would restrain themselves from uttering anything that would beget ill-feeling.

Col. Crocker, of Iowa, who is a sort of attorney-general to the boomers, then mounted the stand with the resolutions in his hand. He explained that the committee which had framed the resolutions had been enlarged to 34, that being the number of states represented in the colony; it had met at 8 o'clock the preceding evening to consider the question, and although there was diversity of opinion among the members, the report he was about to read was unanimously approved by the committee. He then read the report as follows.

WHEREAS, The members of Payne's Oklahoma Colony have received the report of Capt. W. L. Couch, Gen. James B. Weaver, and Hon. Sidney Clarke, who presented our cause and views to the President, the Cabinet, and the Hon. Secretary of the Interior, and solicited favorable action in our behalf. And

WHEREAS, Assurance has been given us through our delegates that the question at issue, relating to Oklahoma, will be speedily settled by removing the cattle syndicates from the whole territory in dispute, including the occupancy of the surrounding Indian Reser- vations under illegal leases, preparatory to instituting negotiations to open the country to homestead settlement, as provided by the recent act of Congress.

Therefore, Resolved that in order to aid the Administration to carry out the aforesaid measures in good faith, and to solve the problem of the settlement of Oklahoma as soon as practicable, we deem it advisable to wait for a reasonable time the contemplated action.

Resolved, That the headquarters of this Colony shall remain at Arkansas City, Kansas, until a more suitable place be secured by officers of said Colony.

Mr. Furlong being called for, said he held different views from some others as to what it was best to do, but he would acquiesce with the sense of the meeting. He had insisted on going to Oklahomasoldiers or no soldiers, because he was tired of being trifled with. Promises had been repeatedly made to them that the cattle men should be driven from the Indian lands. Had this been done? Now there was another promise offered them. If his brethren thought the administration was acting in good faith and would do as it said, let them adopt the resolutions. If they thought confidence was not to be placed in any such pledges, then vote them down and march into Oklahoma in spite of all obstacles. If the colonists should conclude it was right to go there, he was willing to take all chances of gaining possession.

A murmur arose among the crowd that they were being stuffed with the same old story; their delegates had come back from Washington and brought nothing new.

Mr. Echelberger being next called, said it was premature to ask his views, as he had just joined the meeting and had not heard the resolutions. But this he was willing to say: He had been a devoted follower of Capt. Payne for four years, and now that W. L. Couch was their leader, he was willing to follow him through thick and thin. When Cleveland issued his proclamation warning the boomers off the Indian land, they sent their leader to Washington to see what could be done in their behalf. He has performed the duty assigned him faithfully and worthily, as all are willing to believeand now he is here to give us the benefit of his judgment. What we know of the intents and professions of the officials at Washington cannot be measured with his knowledge, and he did not believe that any were present who desired to cast a reflection on his fidelity. The speaker favored the adoption of the resolutions, as he believed in supporting Capt. Couch as long as he stood by the cause.

Col. Wilcox, the next speaker, thought it would be best to make haste slowly. Yesterday he did not favor delay, but after talking with Capt. Couch and Sidney Clarke, he now thought it best to abide by their judgment. The impression has been produced by senators, cattle owners, and others, that the colonists are a reckless, law-defying set of men, and this has injured their cause in Washington. Mr. Clarke assures him that this sentiment is entirely changed, and the vilifiers of this people are now under the ban. The simple statement of their agents had more weight with the authorities in Washington than all the reports of Hatch and the other government agents. He with others had waited years, during which time it had been a struggle to keep body and soul together. Still they had survived, and could pull through another year. If in the end they could secure a home in Oklahoma, it would abundantly repay them for all the suffering it had cost.

Mr. Shepherd was then called for, who on presenting himself, said he approved the resolutions. To reject them would affix the hand of untruthfulness on their delegates and convict them of treachery to the cause they were identified with. It was proper to trust in the honesty of the administration. A commission had been appointed to rid the territory of the cattle men before settlers are admitted. A boom had been made in Washington last winter that had helped their cause more than anything done before. His counsel was to adopt the resolutions, and then give the government time to redeem its pledges. Capt. Couch should be sustained as he had shown his fidelity when put to the proof, and they all know that he feared neither man nor the devil. When the proper time arrives, he will take you into Oklahoma, if he has to open the way at the point of the bayonet. He (the speaker) cared more for the approval of popular sentiment then all the opposition of cattle men and their lying auxiliaries. His advice was to stand by their leader, for if he had to go back on Couch he should be ready to lose confidence in himself. What he wanted to see was the territory ridded of the cattle men, and not have the government make fish of one class of citizens and flesh of another. He again urged the colonists to sustain the resolutions and show they still held confidence in their leader.

Mr. Echelberger resumed the stand to enter his protest against the disparagement cast by the last speaker upon the labors of Capt. Payne. During the five years their deceased leader had carried the Oklahoma banner, he had fought a hostile public sentiment, won thousands of supporters to his cause, and so pressed the justice of his claims on the American people that the government was now ready to concede what they asked.

This brought Mr. Stewart again to his feet, who said he thought his brother had insight enough into human nature to know what he (the speaker) meant, if he didn't say it. Capt. Payne had planted the seed and nurtured the plant; it had blossomed at Washington, and now they were ready to pluck the fruit.

Dr. Pile said he was here and had no other place to go to. He was looking for the appointment of a commission to remove the cattle men and admit honest settlers in their place. He cited instances where commissions had been appointed to treat with Indians for their lands, and settlers had been admitted before the negotiations were concluded or the lands surveyed.

A Texas boomer, named A. T. Stone, said he was stopping at a city hotel, and cattle men were coming there in great numbertheir name was legion. Some of these people mistook him for a cattle owner, and had taken him into their confidence. The declaration of Secretary Lamar that the cattle men should be put out of the territory had scared them badly, and they were now ready to extend their hands to the boomers and make common cause with them. He believed that within thirty days the colonists will be invited to enter. The stock is too poor to drive yet, and the owners want time to fatten them. Those that are fit for market they will then sell, and the others they will drive out west. He believed that within a month the President would issue a proclamation declaring the land they were seeking public domain.

Isaac McClaskie said he was in favor of adopting the resolutions, but he was not certain that their work was all done when the resolutions should be adopted. The next step would be to memorialize government to remove the cattle men at as early a day as possible. No Indian permit or lease justifies them in keeping stock in the territory. When this is done, they had done all they could, until the time comes for them to take possession. If the way is not opened to them in the manner promised, he would then favor their going in spite of the devil.

Mr. Crocker, in a second brief address, gave a history of the Oklahoma movement since its inception in 1879. It had grown in public favor because the claim of the colonists was just, and the opposition they now encountered came from capitalists in the east and European land monopolists, whose aim was to rob the working-man of his heritage. But he believed the colonists had beaten them in their game, and this was the first successful effort of the kind since the days of the revolution. He then indulged his hearers with a lofty flight of the American bird, which they seemed in no humor to enjoy. He declared his belief that by June 1st they would be permitted to enter their long coveted Oklahoma homes.

The debate on the report of the committee being brought to a close, its adoption was submitted to a vote and unanimously carried. A resolution offering the entire confidence of the colonists in their leader, Capt. Couch, was also sustained with unanimity; and another awarding the thanks of the meeting to Hon. Sidney Clarke and Gen. Weaver for their faithful and effective services.

Capt. Couch said the headquarters of the colonists would still be kept in Arkansas City, and the interests of the company would be diligently looked after. Those who were com- pelled to work to support their families would do well to seek employment as near at hand as possible, so as to join in the rally when the call comes. Those who could afford to wait awhile longer should stay by the camp, as he did not wish the report to be spread abroad that the boomers had scattered and given up their organization. Three rousing cheers were then given for Oklahoma, and the meeting dispersed.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Bible Reading.
On account of the rain storm on Friday evening, only a few hearers were present at Rev. W. H. Hurlburt's Bible reading on "the Lord's Supper," in the Baptist Church. Having been requested to repeat it, this is to give notice that I will treat on the same subject this (Wednesday) evening. All are cordially invited to attend.

Rev. R. L. WALKER, Pastor, Baptist Church.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Notice to Hog Buyers and Others.
You are hereby notified not to purchase or remove any hogs from my hog lot, situated upon my mill property, and near to what is known as Speers' Custom (or Union Mills); the same being situated upon a part of the s 1/2, ne 1/4, sec. 13, township 34 south, range 4 east, Cowley County, Kansas, as I own an interest in all of said hogs. Arkansas City, Kansas, April 28, 1885. WILLIAM H. SPEERS.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

For Sale. A good heavy Caldwell wagon, 3-1/2 axle, almost new, at my place on the state line. Price, $66. Z. CARLISLE.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Now is the Time. 12 yds. Excellent toweling for $1.00, worth 12-1/2 cts. per yard. We cannot duplicate it and have only enough to supply about a hundred families with one dollar's worth each. It is all linen and a big bargain at S. MATLACK's.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

Lost Note. Notice is hereby given to all persons not to buy any note signed by J. W. Calhoun, made payable to J. H. Himes, or order, or bearer, for the sum of $81, dated about the 6th day of March, 1885, payable about the 20th day of same month, as said note has been lost. J. W. CALHOUN, J. H. HIMES.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.


Increase brand: As on cut, three half circles, on right side; bar (-) on left jaw; and heretofore an upper half crop to each ear, but hereafter a small crop off both ears.


Range on Creek reservation.

Wm. J. Pollock, Secretary and Manager.

Address, Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.


J. A. McCormick, Manager.

[ILLUSTRATION: O I L Anywhere on Animal.]

P. O.: Darlington, Indian Territory. Range: Willow Springs, on Duck and Bodock Creeks, and Cottonwood & Campbell Creeks, south of Cimarron, Indian Territory.

Ear marks: grub right ear.

SKIPPED REST RE HORSES, I THINK...THEY ENDED UP SAYING: "RemarksNo stock sold in this brand."

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.


Range Willow Springs, Indian Territory.


Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

J. A. SHOWALTER, Arkansas City, Kansas.

[Illustration shows bull with "S S S" on side.]

Range Bois d'Arc. (Could not readily read the rest!)

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

WINFIELD CATTLE CO., John Tomlin, Manager.

[Illustration shows cattle...on side "S H above bar".]


Range on Turkey and Possum Creeks, north of Ponca Agency, Indian Territory.

Horse brand same as cattle.

Ear marks: Smooth crop on left and swallow-fork and over-bit on right.

Arkansas City Traveler, April 29, 1885.

PEORIA CATTLE CO., M. H. SNYDER, Manager, ARKANSAS CITY, KANSAS. Range: Otter Creek and Lower Skeleton, Indian Territory.

[Illustration...cattle with "D and D" in different locations shown.]

Horse brand: D left shoulder. Ear-marks: crop, the right, half crop, the left, etc. These letter brands have bars on right side and are all steers. Grade Durham and Hereford bulls for sale.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 6, 1885.

A Judicial Decision Affirming the Title of the Cherokees.
FORT SMITH, ARKANSAS, April 28. One of the mot important judicial decisions ever rendered in the Federal Court of this district was docketed here today. In September, 1884, the Federal Grand Jury at Wichita, Kansas, indicted Connell Rogers, chief clerk of J. Q. Tufts, Indian Agent, charging Rogers with arson. The alleged offense consisted in burning a small board cabin, built by one of Oklahoma Payne's followers, at the time of Payne's last expulsion from the Indian country. The cabin was situated upon the Cherokee strip, or outlet, known as Oklahoma. Mr. Rogers was acting in the place of Tufts, carrying out an order of the Interior Department to remove all settlers from such lands. A copy of the indictment was forwarded to this court from Wichita. This court ordered a warrant, upon which Rogers was arrested on the 31st of December, 1884, and brought here. The United States District Attorney for this district asked an order of removal for Rogers to Wichita for trial. At the same time Rogers sued out a writ of habeas corpus, and challenged the jurisdiction of the United States Court of Kansas to try the case. The relator insisted upon the jurisdiction of the court of Wichita.

The court held that all that tract of land lying west of the ninety-sixth meridian, known as the Cherokee strip or outlet, is now, and was at the time the illegal offense was committed, a part of the Cherokee country, owned in fee by said tribe and occupied by them under a patent issued by the United States on Dec. 31, 1838 [? 1888 ?], and still owned by them, except such as was sold to the Osage tribe and one or two other tribes, still leaving them owners of more than 7,000,000 of acres of unsold land. This virtually declares the Cherokees, as a tribe, the owners of all the Oklahoma country, and decides that the act of Congress of January, 1883, creating the Federal court at Wichita, with jurisdiction over all that country lying west of the ninety-sixth meridian and north of the Canadian River, unoccupied by the Cherokees, negatory, because these lands are part of the Cherokee country. Therefore, Rogers was released, the jurisdiction of the Kansas court denied, and the Cherokees own Oklahoma.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 6, 1885.

One of our New Mexico exchanges, the Silver City Enterprise, quotes, with hearty approval, Secretary Lamar's declaration that the government would protect the Indian Territory from the intrusion of white persons, and his further saying that it would be the policy of the administration to remove all stockmen now holding cattle on the Oklahoma reservation. Upon this the editor extends the following hospitable invitation: "This will force the ejected stockmen to secure new ranges for their herds, and will doubtless give New Mexico a lasting boom in the stock line, as there are yet many unstocked ranges in this Territory which can be had at reasonable prices."

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 6, 1885.

The decision rendered by the Federal court at Fort Smith (which we give on another page), declaring the Oklahoma land the property of the Cherokees, sustains the ground taken by the Administration. The case tried was one of ejectment by an Indian agent (acting through his clerk), and the act was justified on the ground that the Cherokees, by virtue of a patent issued by the government to that tribe, are owners of all the Oklahoma country. Brick Pomeroy and the boomers declare the coveted region public domain, but with the administration and the judiciary against them, there is slight chance of their loose allegations having effect. This will probably bring the matter before the Supreme Court of the United States, and then it will be decided beyond revocation.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 6, 1885.

Journals devoted to the livestock interest are bestowing a good share of attention on the subject of leases. The question lies between stock raisers taking in large tracts of land for grazing purposes, and the same being left open for agricultural use. A warm feeling has been aroused over this question, and the matter is debated with some energy on both sides. The charges against the leasing system are that vast tracts of land are enclosed to the detriment of settlers and often in violation of their rights, that roads are closed up, access to streams denied, and one case is mentioned where a barb wire fence was extended around a county building. The rent, it is alleged, is in many cases, merely nominal, and the suspicion is strongly intimated that many of these leases are but a preliminary step to an eventual absorption of the land. Foreign corporations figure among the most extensive lessees, and the question is asked whether these English lords and plutocrats will not soon invest in our corn and wheat lands, and introduce the practice in vogue in Ireland of leasing the same to American citizens.

Every new development in social and political life has a tendency to run to excess. When the policy was inaugurated of granting land subsidies to railways and wagon-roads, the bounty of the nation was found so profitable that charters were obtained for roads by companies who invested no capitalexcept for laboring purposesand to traverse routes where business would not support them. This was continued till the public domain was nearly all parceled out to "greedy corporations," and it became such a public scandal that the people imperatively forbade its continuance.

This cattle business has also run riot. Leases are recorded of half a million acres to private individuals, and a corporation in this state is said to have a domain of 6,000,000 acres (nearly 10,000 square miles), larger than some European kingdoms. This arouses public resentment; it is land monopoly, and the whole system is condemned without discrimination.

There is sound argument on the other side. The supply of beef to our population of 55,000,000 is as useful an industry as the cultivation of grain, and the man whose enterprise is as much a public benefactor as he who makes two blades of grass grow in the room of one. The grazing lands are mainly found in the arid regions of the far west, in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and New Mexico. Ranges in those uncultivable countries, which produce native grasses, support numerous herds, where the settler who depends on the plow for his support, would run the risk of starving to death. A good portion is public domain subject to entry, under the various land laws, but settlers without capital have no use for it, and that it may be turned to the best use it is capable of, leases are granted to stock raisers, which gives them secure possession.

There is much useless clamor in this outcry against cattle land leases. The country must have beef the same as it must have other necessaries, and a place must be devoted to raising the supply. If the people depended on the animals raised on cultivated grasses and foddered through the winter, butcher's meat would become as great a luxury as it is in the old countries where the working man tastes it once or twice a week and the farm laborer no oftener in the entire year. A feeling of jealousy lies at the bottom of this outcry; several cattle men have grown rich and some suppose their success is gained at the expense of the many. But this works its own correction. Large profits attract competition; and there has been such large accessions made of late to the stock raising industry that if there is no actual danger of the business being overdone, there is certain to be a paring of profit, and an economical equilibrium will thus be established.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 6, 1885.

The Topeka Capital argues itself into the belief that the Indian Territory must be opened to white settlement at no distant time. Population is pressing up to its borders, and traffic with the gulf country must be uninterrupted. The Indian occupants are entitled to fair treatment at the hands of the government, but there is no justice in discriminating in their favor at the expense of the white man. Let each head of an Indian family have a quarter section of land allotted to him (or half a section if deemed advisable), and make it inalienable for a term of years; then let the surplus land be sold to settlers at the government price of $1.25 per acre, and the entries so guarded that monopolists cannot get hold of the domain. Too many million acres of public land have already been given to greedy corporations, and profiting by this costly experience, we should be careful to provide that what remains passes into the hands of the honest toiler. The more progressive of the Indian occupants of the territory ask that this disposition be made of their reservations, because they are aware that they cannot put the land to proper use themselves, and they are willing to part with the surplus to those who can. This would open roads through that unoccupied region, cause the building of towns and cities, and transform what is now a mere wilderness into a busy home of thrift and industry. Our Topeka contemporary says: "The white people of this country have concluded that if 160 acres of land is enough for a white man, it is equally so for an Indian, and they intend to apply that theory in practice." This is the whole thing in a nutshell, and the force of logic will prevail.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

A. M. E. Festival tomorrow night.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Prematurely interred was what the boys called it, and it was a dreadful case too. Phew!

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The Chicago Lumber Co., last week, sold $1,000 worth of lumber for the new building at the Chilocco school.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

J. A. McIntyre, mine host of the Windsor, returned home on Saturday, after a prolonged absence from the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Remember the ice cream and cake festival at the Opera House tomorrow night under the auspices of the A. M. E. Church.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The TRAVELER job presses have turned out some excellent work the past week, and are now in perfect trim to repeat the performance.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The communication in another column, offering sanitary suggestions, is commended to the attention of our city counsel.

Sanitary Suggestions.
ED. TRAVELER: There is no city in Southwestern Kansas more thrifty, more prosperous, or enjoying a more healthy growth than Arkansas City. No city in the state whose future prospects are brighter; probably no city within a thousand miles of us preferable in regard to natural advantages. And yet we have two obstacles in our midst that need immediate attention by your city authorities, either or both of which, if not promptly removednow hot weather is approachingwill overwhelm us with disease and death during the summer months. Already sickness among children is beginning to make its annual visitation. The great number of hogs kept in the central portion of the city, together with the shallow and uncleansed vaults, poison the atmosphere, and will inevitably spread infection. The perfume that fills the atmosphere at night is hardly suggestive of the redolence of night blooming cereus.

A second obstacle wielding a more potent instrument of death than our physicians can contend with, is the miasmatic slough, poorly drained as it is, and threatening cholera all around. It is to be hoped that these timely suggestions will move the authorities to take early steps to establish a sanitary condition and thus avoid the affliction that threatens to scourge the city. A PHYSICIAN.

Arkansas City, May 4th.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The troops stationed at Chilocco were paid off last Sunday, and the boys in blue are having a good time with their ducats.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Gould, in the post office, has set up his elegant soda water fountain, and others are preparing to dispense this refreshing beverage to the thirsty.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

W. J. Hodges, of Winfield, has been appointed trader to the Poncas. This will relieve Joe Sherburne of his present feeling of lonesomeness.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The old frame building, on the corner of Summit Street and Fourth Avenue, was removed yesterday to make room for a two-story brick business house.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The city council on Monday evening appointed J. J. Breene assistant marshal, Jacob Dunkle, night watchman, and James Moore, street commissioner.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

LOST. From the residence of W. E. Gooch, on Friday evening, a mocking bird. The finder will be suitably rewarded. Apply at the TRAVELER office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The city schools were dismissed on Friday that the teachers and scholars might enjoy May day. They took a picnic on the banks of the Walnut, and had a happy time.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

LOST. Between Bonsall's photograph gallery and north end of Summit Street, a lady's red pocket-book. Anyone finding same will be rewarded by leaving at post-office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The city council wrestled with the water ordinance in committee of the whole, yesterday, and the matter was referred to Councilman Hill to report an amended proposition.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Mr. Frank Williams and Mr. Perry, the former the popular proprietor of the Occidental Hotel at Wichita, and the latter one of that city's largest capitalists, were in our city on Monday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The watch offered by the Woman's Relief Corps was contested for by Miss Nellie Stafford and Miss Viola Bishop, the former winning the prize by a majority of 19 on a total vote of 117.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Every mail brings us several postal cards from writers in the east asking a copy of the TRAVELER. The star of empire still bears its way westward, and Arkansas City is the object of inquiry by many.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Mr. C. H. Searing is in New York to put in a bid for a flour contract for the Chilocco school and the various Indian agencies in this vicinity. The bids were opened yesterday, but at this writing it is not known who has received the award.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

C. T. Sifford, an aged resident of this city, was relieved of $500 on Monday by some sharpers on the circus ground. It was a showing up game, and the victim showed up his pile, and that was the last he saw of it. This is buying wisdom at a dear rate.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Rev. Dr. Fisher, of Topeka, lectured last evening in the Methodist Church, on "Mormon- ism." The doctor has lived several years in Salt Lake, as pastor of the Methodist Church in that city, and is well fitted to show up the true inwardness of that iniquitous institution.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The boomers were comforting themselves a while ago with the belief that the cattle owners in the Territory would make common cause, and within thirty days invite them in to joint occupancy. But the stockmen are now perplexed with the inquiry whether they can hold the fort themselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The People's Building and Loan Association is now fairly started, and previous to the first regular monthly meeting held last evening, 150 shares were sold and engaged. This affords an excellent opportunity for persons without capital to secure a home, and we look to see it successfully carried through.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

We understand that our enterprising fellow-citizen, Frank Beale, is working out a canal project for Belle Plaine, and an election to vote bonds in aid of the enterprise will be held a month hence. Frank is a good man to engage in the undertaking, and will faithfully carry out what he engages to perform.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

We were favored with a call yesterday from J. S. Wasney and Geo. F. Smith, two young men who have left their homes in Washington, D. C., to cast in their lot with the people of Arkansas City. The last named is brother to W. R. Smith, attorney, and both are men of enterprise and intelligence. We hope they will prosper and grow up with the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The McLaughlin Bros., have sold out their grocery store to Henry Endicott, and the last named took possession on Monday. Mr. Endicott is one of the old settlers of this valley, and has been associated with the store as salesman for the recent owners. He is known to our citizens, and is certain to secure a fair share of their patronage.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

The fair given by the Ladies' Relief Corps last week for the benefit of the Arkansas City Post, G. A. R., was well attended and gave satisfaction to all. The patriotic spirit that ani- mated the women of the country during the war still survives, and the W. R. C. Is untiring in its labors to aid surviving veterans who need assistance. Upwards of $50 was realized for the treasury of the post.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Church Festival.
A festival will be given on Thursday evening, May 7th, for the benefit of the A. M. E. Church of this city, and all are invited to come and enjoy a good time. The best of ice cream and other refreshments will be served.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

MARRIED. Wedding Bells. If there is no failure to connect, our debonair Presbyterian friend, Rev. J. O. Campbell will be married today. The bride is Miss Grace E. Medbury, formerly a teacher in our public schools, a lady of accomplishment and sterling worth. The practice so common among western celibates of going East for their brides is heartily condemned by the fair ones who gild home life with their presence; but when an enamored bachelor travels a thousand miles to recover a pearl that has got loose from our midst, such devotion is creditable and we award him praise. The happy couple are expected to arrive here by the end of the month, and then will be a good time to extend congratulations.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Literary Entertainment.
Miss Nella Brown, the celebrated Boston elocutionist, will give one of her charming literary entertainments on Friday evening, and we understand that a full house is already secured. The entertainment will be given in Highland Hall.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Have We a City Government Under the New State Law?
Monday evening a regular meeting of the city council was held, Mayor Schiffbauer presiding. When most of the routine business was performed, Mr. Amos Walton presented himself, and asked to call the attention of the mayor and council to a law passed at the last session of the state Legislature (Senate Bill No. 145), which requires as a qualification to the office of mayor or councilman that the incumbent be an owner of real estate in the city.

Councilman Rarick said the provision of law had just come to his knowledge, and as he was not an owner of real estate in the city, he felt himself disqualified to hold his seat. He had written out his resignation that morning to tender to the council, and he now gave notice that he should no longer perform the functions of councilman.

Some debate followed this tender as to what should be done with the resignation, but it was decided that no action was required, as the gentleman was not a member and the law declared that fact.

Mr. O'Neil then asked leave to introduce his water proposition , and a statement was read bearing his signature, but he disclaimed the authorship of the document or the signing of his name. This water supply business comes up in loose shape before the council, and the unwillingness of some of the members to act on it has a tendency to delay proceedings. At 7:30 o'clock a motion was adopted to adjourn the council meeting till 10 a.m. the next day (Tuesday), and that the council sit in committee of the whole to consider the water works question, the session to begin two hours before the adjourned meeting of the council.

But in the morning a new trouble arose. It was talked on the sidewalk that Mayor Schiffbauer and Councilmen Thompson and Davis, were also ineligible to hold office, they not being the owners of real estate in the city. This seemed to have a paralyzing effect on the honorable board, as the members did not present themselves to sit in committee of the whole. The matter was talked over by the groups on the sidewalk, and the question whether their past acts were valid caused a feeling of painful uncertainty.

At 10 o'clock the council met, Mayor Schiffbauer again in the chair. The recent act of the legislature was discussed, and "what are you going to do about it?" seemed a poser to our legislative Solons. Mr. Hill desired that some intelligent proceedings be taken to learn the facts in the matter; and after various suggestions were offered, it was finally resolved that the roll of the members be called and they be asked to declare whether they were owners of real estate within corporation limits. The mayor said he owned real estate; the councilmen from the first ward (High and Hill) also declared themselves real estate owners, Messrs. Dunn and Dean, of the second ward, had the necessary qualification; Capt. Thompson, of the third ward, declared himself a property holder, Capt. Rarick, of the same ward, was not in his seat, Councilman Davis, of the 4th ward, reported himself not a property owner, Mr. H. G. Bailey said he had the necessary qualification. This left two members ineligible on their own statements. The mayor questioned whether Councilman Bailey was ineligible to serve. He owned a homestead in the city although it was held in his wife's name. She could not dispose of it without his assent and joint signature to the deed, and hence his mayor regarded him as a property owner. But Mr. Bailey took a different view of the matter. He said he did not own a lot on the city plat, he was not listed as the owner of real estate, and hence the law made him ineligible.

The talk on the subject is that two other members of the city government are in the same box with the fourth ward member, and a number of our citizens declared that elections must be held to fill their places. The question is referred to the attorney general of the state for an opinion, and when that official gives his views, a way will be devised to disentangle the snarl.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Railroad Meeting in Dexter.
The citizens of Dexter are stirred up over the subject of railroad communication, and on Saturday they held a mass meeting to consider the question. They favor the bestowal of county aid upon the Denver, Memphis and Atlantic road, and desire that the $100,000 of county bonds asked by that corporation shall be granted. But they seem to be impressed with the fact that the diversity of local interests may interfere with the success of this project, and hence the expedient was favored of pooling issues in order that all may work together. After an animated discussion, a motion was adopted that the citizens of Dexter lend their support to the proposed issue of bonds to aid the Kansas City and Southwestern road on condition that Arkansas City gives its assistance to secure an equal amount of bonds to aid the D. M. & A. Road, and in order to present this matter to the voters of this city, and learn from them whether they favor the proposed consolidation of interests, a committee consisting of W. E. Merydith, R. Hite, A. S. Gray, C. W. Ridgway, A. C. Holland, and W. G. Seaver, of the Dexter Eye, was appointed to visit this city, and interview our citizens on the subject. Those gentlemen reached here on Monday at midnight, being delayed on their way by swollen streams, and yesterday they employed in carrying out the purpose of their visit.

A meeting was held in Judge Pyburn's office, at which a number of our representative businessmen were present to confer with the delegation from Dexter. The latter rehearsed the facts as briefly stated above and asked an expression of sentiment from those present. The offer of cooperation from the citizens of Dexter Township was very cordially received, and the assurance given that Arkansas City would work with them in good faith in granting aid to the road they are most directly interested in. It was stated that the county commissioners, in cession at Winfield, would that day (Tuesday) order an election to vote on the issue of $100,000 of county bonds to aid in the construction of the north and south road; the election to vote bonds for the road running east and west will be held later.

The result of the conference was satisfactory to the Dexter delegates, and they were unreserved in their assurances that the Dexter vote will be given for the Kansas City and Southwestern.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

G. A. R. Orders.
The Arkansas City Post G. A. R., at its last meeting, had under consideration the proper observance by the war veterans composing it, of Memorial Day; but deferred preparation of a programme till its next meeting on Saturday, the 9th inst. The following order from department headquarters is in relation to the business on hand.

1. The observance of Memorial Day in an appropriate manner is enjoined upon the various Posts of the Grand Army of the Republic. This is the day of all days in the year "when the crowning principle of loyalty" reigns supreme. We decorate the graves of our fallen comradesnot out of charity, they are beyond the reach of it; not in fraternity, that is only for the livingbut through the principles of loyalty, loyal to their memories, and loyal still to the cause which they have made sacred. The "Roll of Honor" in this department steadily increases as the years go by. As you visit the resting places of our dead, you will find graves to garland where last year was the unbroken sod.

2. The 30th day of May having been constituted a legal holiday, all members of the various Posts of the G. A. R. throughout this Department are earnestly requested to lay aside secular pursuits and repair to their respective Post rooms between the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 2 o'clock p.m., and thereupon act in accordance with such arrangements as may previously have been made for the proper observance of this solemn and impressive occasion.

By command of

MILTON STEWART, Department Commander.

L. N. WOODCOCK, Assistant Adjutant General.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

A Municipal Dead Lock.
The city council has been playing at cross purposes of late. A week ago last Friday it held an informal meeting, the mayor being absent from the city, and the heavy rain keeping several members at home; but no business was done except to swear in some of the newly elected officers, and resolve to meet on the following Monday.

On Monday the honorable body did not get together, but the following evening they met, the mayor also being present. Mr. O'Neil was in attendance, expecting the water ordinance would be brought up for revision, to state what changes in his proposed contract with the city government he was willing to concede. At 8:15 o'clock Mayor Schiffbauer rapped the council to order, and informed the gentlemen that their proceedings would not be valid unless held in compliance with a call duly signed by the mayor and a majority of the council. City Clerk Benedict then wrote out the call for a special meeting to which the signature of the mayor and four of the council were appended. Another name was wanted, and here came the hitch. Councilmen Dunn and Dean declined to affix their sign manual, unless it was specified in the call that the water works question would not be considered. They were opposed to the present contract as being too loose; it did not go sufficiently into detail, and failed to guard the interest of the taxpayers. Councilman Hill was not present, and they deemed it unwise to take action on so important a matter, or bring it up for consideration, a full board not being present. Councilman High advanced the same objection. After some time had been spent in informal debate, the mayor said it would be well to give effect to the call as other public business was awaiting action, and the council could use its own judgment about taking up the water works question.

Leave being granted Mr. O'Neil to address the council, he said he hoped there would be no further delay in considering the contract to which he was a party. It was not for him to say what he would do, but for the gentlemen to specify their requirements. If his present engagement for the construction of water works was not satisfactory, he was willing to amend it; he was there to make liberal concessions, but he must first know what was demanded of him. He hoped there would be no further delay as he was here under expense, and had money on deposit to go on with the work which could be put to profitable use elsewhere.

A lively cross-fire ensued between Mr. Dunn and the speaker, to which Messrs. Dean and High contributed an occasional shot. The debate made the fact apparent that those gentlemen opposed any action on the question in the absence of Mr. Hill, and as this maintained the deadlock, at 9 o'clock the mayor declared there would be no meeting of the council, and the business ended in smoke.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

A Way Suggested to Reduce the Rates of Insurance.
Property holders complain that the rates of insurance against fire in this city are excessive. Underwriters see that no adequate means are provided for extinguishing fires, and they mark up their rates of insurance because of an increased risk of loss. The city has provided a hose-reel, we believe, and 200 or 300 feet of hose; but this apparatus, without the vital element, would afford weak assistance to devouring flames. To afford security to property and relieve our overtaxed citizens from burdensome insurance rates, some plan should be devised, until we get our long talked of water supply, of extinguishing a fire when the hour of need comes.

The Hasie Bros., have sunk a cistern, capable of holding 2,000 barrels, in the rear of their fine building, to afford a supply of water for domestic uses to the occupants of the rooms. We have already explained that their security against fire is afforded by tanks placed on the roof, and a hose and reel in the building, which can be carried to any floor by means of an elevator.

But the cistern might be put to other uses should necessity arise. In case of fire within three blocks in any direction, a fire engine and a thousand feet of hose would deal with it promptly and efficiently. But the city does not possess an engine, and the question for property holders to determine is whether they can afford to do without one any longer. The cost of a serviceable engine would be about $1,200, and the manufacturers sell them on time. Suppose one-third of the amount was paid down, and the balance allowed to run one and two years. An immediate outlay of $400 would procure us a fire apparatus, and the engine house could be built near the cistern so as to be on hand when an alarm is given. A feed pipe thrown into the cistern and a fire started under the boiler, and in a few minutes a stream would be ready to quell the mastery of the flames.

It will be said this only provides a partial protection. That a radius of three blocks from the Commercial building does not take in the city, and would leave the majority of our citizens without aid. But the water supply could be extended by sinking other cisterns contiguous to buildings that have a breath of roof sufficient to afford the necessary drainage. With the engine and hose provided, any portion of the city could be reached if a supply of water was available. The outlay necessary to perfect such a system would be trifling in comparison with its value to the city, and the saving it would effect in insurance rates would fully meet the expenditure.

These suggestions are thrown out while the city council is laboring with a water ordinance, and they stand for what they are worth.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Kansas Still Ahead.
A New Orleans special to the Emporia News, dated May 1st, gives the following gratifying news.

"Our dearly beloved state is still in the van, Kansas again leads the procession and carries off the banner prizes at the World's exposition. An array of premiums which makes every Kansas heart swell with joy and pride, has been won by the great Sunflower state. Our products have paralyzed the less fortunate inhabitants of other states and indeed have beaten the world. Read the record. The awarding committee has given Kansas the first premium on white corn, the first on yellow, and the jury afterwards recommended that in addition to the above premiums a gold medal be given Kansas for the best corn in the world. Listen again. Kansas is awarded the first premium on red winter wheat. The first premium on flour by the graduated process was awarded to Kansas, to Bliss & Wood, of Winfield, and the first on flour by the old process to Pierson Bros., of Lawrence. The Franklin County Sorghum works captured the first premium in sorghum sugar. The Rice County works the second on sorghum and amber-cane sugars. After a hot contest by the middle and northwestern states, Kansas received the first premiums for the best hundred varieties of apples. The state, it is known, duly received the ten first and two second premiums on short horn cattle, and the first premium on polled Angus to Warren, of Nemaha, Kansas, takes sixty-five miscellaneous first and second premiums.

"Commissioner Bacon is as happy as a clam at the extraordinary high tide, and through him the people are doing Kansas proud. Bacon was serenaded and Kansas given sweet words till you couldn't rest. The exposition attendance yesterday was the largest yet known, and was estimated at from 10,000 to 60,000."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Pay Your Subscription.
Delinquent newspaper subscribers are thus dished up by a Wichita exchange.

"There is a large number of people in the United States who make it their business to beat newspapers out of subscription dues. They will walk into a post office from one to five years and take their papers regularly every week, and think the editor a real nice fellow and his paper exceedingly newsy and readable, until the aforesaid editor begins to crowd him for the amount due, when all of a sudden his tune changes, and also his opinion of the paper, and he hands it back to the postmaster with the remark: `I do not want that paper any more,' thinking by that means he can escape his debt.

"Now, while the law does not hold such action as criminal, yet it would be a good thing for the newspaper fraternity if it was so. Next to stealing a newspaper from the door of your neighbor, the pilfering of several hundred from the office of the publisher under the guise of being a subscriber, when there is no intention of paying for them, the latter thief stands only an inch below the former, and they are both upon the same grade of depravity."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Skipped long article re Prohibition Re-Submission.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

From Our Exchanges.
The contract for the stone work of the foundation of the Soldiers' Home, at Leavenworth, has been awarded to George H. Evans and J. D. Bicker, of Topeka, for $29,988. The next highest bid was $30,530. Work was to commence on Monday last.

The celebration in Topeka of Grant's 63rd birthday, on the 27th ult., was a great success. The city was filled with visitors and the observances were marked with enthusiasm and devotion to the stricken hero.

A building association has been formed in Douglass, Butler County, which will begin operations May 12th.

In Wichita a colored pair quarreled with an inmate of the house, a barber (also colored), and the woman shot the latter, inflicting a dangerous wound. The man and his wife were about to remove to Arkansas City, but the sheriff cruelly detained them.

Winfield Courier: Another paper is threatened at Arkansas City. The fool killer should certainly get in his work on the individual who would start a paper in opposition to three as good papers as that city now has. He would only jump into a yawning abyss of financial ruin.

The new court house at Wellington was dedicated yesterday, with a genuine house warming. A member of the prominent men of Sumner County took part in the proceedings, and many visitors were in attendance.

Frank Manny having petitioned Probate Judge Gans, of this county, for permission to manufacture beer (for medicinal purposes), the citizens of Winfield have signed a counter petition setting forth that such an enterprise would be prejudicial to the best interest of the city and county.

Clark County Chief: Never before has there been such a rush of emigration to southwestern Kansas, as this spring. The eastern and middle parts of the state have yielded such rich rewards to the husbandman, that those who are not so fortunate as to possess a patch of that are now scrambling for a juicy slice of the new southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Clark County Chief: The United States Grand Jury, in session at Topeka, has returned sixty-eight indictments against as many boomers, and a general indictment against the remainder of the Arkansas City colony, charging them with inciting and engaging in rebellion against the government in disregard of the President's proclamation. As the colonists have scattered, making arrests will be a somewhat difficult matter.

The Winfield Courier tells of a Mr. Morris, living near that city, who lost 400 sheep in the rain storm last Tuesday. He had sheared 600 head, fine Merino sheep, expecting fine weather, and the cold rain chilled them through.

The Harper County Times, edited upwards of six years by W. M. Graham, was sold last week to J. T. Tricket, of Winfield.

Col. John Davis, of the Junction City Tribune, has five boys and two girls, all practical printers. Three of them are engaged on the Winfield Tribune, and the family conduct two lively papers.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Skipped letter from "Nemona" sent from New Orleans.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 6, 1885.

Ad. For Sale. A good Schumaker Piano. Inquire of PROFESSOR DUNCAN.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

Skipped article on Front Page re Benders.


Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.






14 SUBURBAN Residence Lots, containing 5 Acres each, in DUNCAN's ADDITION, North Arkansas City. These are very desirable lots, and will be sold very cheap and on easy terms.

TEN ACRES of good land only one-half mile from City; splendid place for a small fruit farm. Will sell for $700; $400 cash, balance in one year at 10 percent.

Five acres south of Arkansas City; good new frame house; good well and lots all improved and fenced.

TWO LOTS and a fair house and barn on North Summit Street. Good location for business house.



Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

Capt. Couch's followers have changed their base, and are meditating, as we are again told, another inroad into the territory. They take credit to themselves of having outwitted the authorities. While loafing in their camp in Arkansas City, eating up their scant substance, a number of the more enterprising, who had wagons and teams, went to work at freighting for the government; and a dispatch, dated the 13th inst., mentions twenty-seven boomer wagons loaded with Indian supplies, taken on at the depot in this city, having delivered their loads at the Cheyenne Agency, passed on to the Oklahoma district. They had concealed what farming utensils they possessed, and on arriving at the coveted land, instantly set about farming operations. The absence of the military, consequent upon the change of regiments, gave them the opportunity they sought, and these men, who have effected an entrance, now invite their brother boomers to join them in their raid.

What they are to gain by this sharp practice we are a loss to see. The fifth cavalry, under Colonel Merritt, will reach here early in June, and as their duty is to keep invaders out of the territory, they will make short work in dislodging those unauthorized occupants and destroying what improvements they may have made. It was a cute game they played, but the question is, what good are they going to derive from it?

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

The Indian appropriation bill passed by congress in its last session, provides for the appointment of a commission to negotiate with the Cherokees for the cession of their lands comprising the Cherokee strip, comprising an area of 6,500,000 acres. This large extent of country was leased by the Cherokee council, in a special session, held two years ago (May, 1883), to a number of cattle companies for a term of five years, at an annual rental of 1 ½ cents per acre. This supplies a revenue, during the continuance of the lease, of $17,500, a more profitable return, it is fair to suppose, than the Cherokees would derive from it, if they retained it as pasture land for their own stock.

But there appears to be dissatisfaction with the authority exercised by the Cherokee legislators in granting the lease. A memorial laid before President Cleveland asking that negotiations for the cession of the above mentioned land be deferred, rehearses the following facts: That the Cherokee people were not consulted by their representatives in the council about the terms and conditions of the lease; that these members had been elected nearly two years, and the granting of a lease was not contemplated when they were elected; that corrupt means were used to procure the lease, and, finally, that the contract is in violation of the Cherokee constitution and of the laws of the United States.

There will be a general election in the Cherokee nation the first Monday in August, to elect members of the national council, which body will convene in regular session the 2nd of November next. There the question of the legality of the lease will be considered, and the methods whereby it was procured and granted, inquired into. These are the grounds advanced by the memorialists for asking that the proposed negotiations be postponed; but what real force may be contained in them, a lack of a full knowledge of the facts prevents our hazarding an opinion.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

A recent Washington dispatch informs us that Senator Dawes, with his sub-committee, commissioned to investigate the leases granted to cattlemen in the Indian Territory, will take the field during the present month. But we learn from later information that the appropriation to pay the expense of this commission will not be available till July (the beginning of the next fiscal year), thus it is not likely the gentlemen will start till the money to pay their expenses can be drawn. They propose to make diligent inquiry, travel from post to post, see the country, and learn from the Indians how the leases were obtained, and whether the contracts are satisfactory. At the meeting of Congress next December, it is probable the commission will recommend legislation either to legalize and define this practice of leasing or to prohibit it entirely.

There is also another commission authorized by Congress to inquire into the status of the Cherokee strip and to learn on what terms the five great nations will release what claims they have upon Oklahoma and the strip, with a view to opening these lands to settlement by the whites. Under existing treaties with the tribes for the purchase of the tracts by the government, it is stipulated that they shall only be occupied by Indians. Numerous applications have been made to the President and Secretary Lamar for appointment on this commission; but as the appropriation does not mature till the opening of the next fiscal year, it is not thought that any commissioners will be chosen till that time is at hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

A Few Practical Remarks on Home Affairs.
ED. TRAVELER: Please give space in your columns to answer a few of the many slurs contained in the Bank organ of last week.

1st. The city printing was acted on unanimously by the committee on printing and by the council.

2nd. The matter of reconsideration originated within the walls of the Cowley County Bank, and was a very lame movement to come from a lawyer.

3rd. Each member of the council has stated that he is an owner of real estate in the city; consequently, the party who wrote that article can only be regarded as a deliberate falsifier, until the statements of the councilmen are disproved.

4th. Our city attorney is qualified and authorized to practice in any court in this state and the state of Iowa, a few contemptible lies to the contrary notwithstanding. Any and all in doubt, as to this averment, have only to call on the city attorney and be convinced. To any who may seek conviction in this manner, I guarantee courteous treatmenteven to the blackmailer.

5th. If Dick wants the would-be leader of so-called reform appointed, why don't he say so?

6th. His article on police court doings is not correct in any statement made, and it will be a matter of news to taxpayers that one of our city papers opposes the punishment of such offenders.

7th. There is now before the people a man who is asking $61,000 from the taxpayers of the city and $100,000 from the county; and if reports are true, this party is a "stranger from a foreign land." Let taxpayers answer.

8th. The TRAVELER would be safe in offering a large reward for any tax receipt that could be shown by the present managers of the Republican.

9th. This trouble all arises from the fact that reform, like Ben Butler on the James River, has "bottled itself up."

10th. The only excuse for that sheet is that its managers are acting "de jury" and not de facto.

Arkansas City, May 18th.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

The proclamation of the sheriff of Cowley County, ordering an election on June 1st, to vote upon the issue of $100,000 of county bonds, to aid in the construction of the Kansas City and Southwestern railway, has been widely published in the papers, and is made the subject of newspaper discussion. The matter was laid before the county commissioners at their regular meeting last month, in a petition signed by the requisite number of taxpayers, asking that a special election be called to vote on the above proposition. The conditions, as set forth in the petition, and repeated in the call of the sheriff, are for the citizens of this county to subscribe the above amount to the capital stock of the railroad company, the bonds in payment of the same to run 30 years, but redeemable after ten years at the will of the county, and to bear six percent interest until paid.

The bonds are to be issued in the following manner. When the road is built and operated ten miles in the county, bonds to the amount of $30,000 are to be issued; when the line is extended to Winfield, $20,000 more; when it is built to Arkansas City, an additional $30,000 will be issued; and when the road is carried on to its proposed terminus at West Bolton, the remainder of the subsidy is to be paid. Provision is made in the contract that the road shall be of standard gauge and first-class in every respect, and that it shall be built to this city within six months of the date of the election, and carried on to its terminus within three months thereafter.

It is generally contended by the press of the county, that an affirmative vote on this proposition will not burden taxpayers with any additional impost, as the tax on the road bed and property of the company will more than meet the interest on the bonds, and the saving in freight charges to one half the people of the county will be a clear gain. A misgiving has been expressed by a number of our citizens that the bonds would not carry, because the eastern portion of the county will receive no direct benefit from the road. But other considerations have weight. The road running east and west has greater attractions for our neighbors just east of us, and they will require the help of the western portion of the county to vote bonds to aid in the construction of that line. Thus the two issues are a fair stand off; and if it is an accepted fact that the interest on the bonds issued will be no burden on taxpayers, and that railroads promote the growth and development of a new country, it is very clear that it will be to the good of all to vote for aid to both railways, and then join in a generous rivalry to get the most advantage from the coveted boon.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 20, 1885.

From Our Exchanges.
During the past year a million and a quarter acres of land have been taken up in the Larned district.

Wichita Eagle: Considerable wheat is coming into the city; it brings from 90 cents to $1 a bushel.

Wichita Beacon: Col. J. R. McClure, of Junction City, having recovered from his mental aberration, is again an applicant for the marshalship of the state of Kansas.

Wellington has instituted a special feature for decoration day. The Oklahoma boomers will decorate the grave of Capt. Payne. Sidney Clarke will deliver the eulogy at the cemetery and will give an address in the evening.

A movement is started in Topeka to establish a teachers' reading circle, for the benefit of the county institutes. Five leading educators of the state will constitute a board of directors, who will be selected by the teachers in the public schools indicating their preference to the State Superintendent of Instruction.

The following apt conceit is to be credited to the Winfield Press. A clergyman calls the face "the play-ground of the soul." That's all right, and we might mention several men of Wellington who devote most of their efforts to redeeming their noses, under the belief that it is their especial duty to keep the play-ground lighted up.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

C. Willard, editor of the Geuda News, made a brief stay in town last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Sam Gilbert, of Winfield, was in the canal city Friday, interviewing his many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

All lovers of the fragrant weed will do well to read the cigar specials of S. F. Steinberger in this issue.


An elegant line of Shears, Revolvers, Pocket Cutlery, Etc., which will be Closed Out at Cost. Remember the place. SOUTH SUMMIT STREET DRUG STORE.

Ad. SMOKE. Eleventeen, Charlie's Choice, Polka Dot, On Track, La Gloria, Zero, Fumas, La Rosa, Small Blossom. A few choice brands of cigars for sale at the Hoosier Drug Store. One trial will convince you they are good. S. F. STEINBERGER.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, our genial county treasurer, was in town last week, and favored us with a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

A letter from Ponca Agency says there is no news there to talk of, except that it is raining. This announcement it would be safe to keep standing.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Dr. C. S. Acker places his professional card in our columns. He has lately hung out his shingle in this city, and is working up a nice practice.


Office and residence in Commercial block. Prompt attention given to all calls in the practice of Medicine and Surgery, in city or country, night and day.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Capt. C. W. Burt reports his small herd of beeves doing well, his increase this spring is forty-two calves. Mr. Burt's ranch is located a short distance up the Walnut.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. David Compton, of Flat Rock, Indiana, are in our city visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Steinberger. We trust their stay may be a pleasant one.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Mr. S. H. Bowman, a banker, of Jerseyville, Illinois, whose family is on a visit to Winfield, came to town on Friday, and spent a pleasant few moments in our sanctum.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

G. W. Cunningham now has as large a stock of buggies as many jobbing houses in the East, and can make prices accordingly. Better goods for less money than in any house in Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Mr. Hodges, the newly appointed trader at Ponca, is putting up a store opposite the schoolhouse. It is a story and a half building, 20 by 40 feet, and will be lathed and plastered.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, D. D., will preach morning and evening in the Presbyterian Church, next Sabbath, for Rev. Fleming, who is absent attending the meeting of General Assembly.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Rev. Archie Lawyer, the Indian preacher, who has been stationed in Lapwai for some time, has removed to the Umatilla Agency, in Eastern Oregon, to carry the message to some of his wild brethren.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Col. W. J. Pollock, of the Aurora Cattle Company, well known to all our citizens, returned on Thursday from a few weeks sojourn in the east, and returned the next morning to his ranch.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

We call attention to the "ad." of G. G. Matthews in this issue, whose stock of goods just opened in the rink, is to be disposed of at fabulously low prices. Read what he says and call and see the bargains he offers.

BIG AD. JUST OPENED! AT THE RINK, MAY 20, 1885, A large invoice of dry goods, notions, hosiery, gents' furnishing goods, clothing, etc. An endless variety of ladies' dress goods and trimmings to be sold at one-half original cost, and a large line of ladies' silk dress goods at one-half manufacturers' prices. 2,000 pairs ladies' kid gloves, best brands made, 15 to 75 cents a pair. The above stock was bought in St. Louis and New York at U. S. Marshal's sales and will be sold regardless of cost or manufacturers' prices. Everybody cordially invited to call and inspect goods and prices.

G. G. MATTHEWS. Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Mr. Lorenz Kinsey, of Edinburg, Indiana, arrived in our city yesterday, in search of a location for a home. We predict the gentleman will be captivated by the many advantages possessed by the Canal City.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

The ladies of the Baptist Society will give an ice-cream and cake social at the residence of Allen Ayres next Friday evening, to which all are cordially invited. We hope enough singers will be present to furnish some fine music. Come one and all and give them a good house warming in their new house.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

The War Chief, an alleged newspaper partly printed in this city, fills its columns every week with lying abuse of the Kansas senators, copied from Brick Pomeroy's paper in Washington. The Chief is not identified with the interests of the state, and is simply the exponent of a filibustering crowd of boomers; it has therefore no becoming pride in the reputation of our public men, and persists in traducing and slandering them at second-hand from a reckless disregard of truth.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

We received a call yesterday from Mr. Gardner Work, a special traveling agent of the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Detroit, with headquarters at Wichita. Mr. Work is evidently a rustler, and proposes to put in a few days active canvassing in this city, and also appoint an agent for the company. We are impressed with his suave and business address, and regard him as the right man in the right place. The company Mr. Work represents is ranked among the staunch companies.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

In the Council meeting on Monday evening some bills were presented by the road commissioner for repairs on the south canal bridge. A difficulty was encountered in acting upon them. The bridge is outside of the city limits, and the cost of repairing is not fairly chargeable upon city taxpayers. Creswell Township is properly chargeable with the cost of repairing the bridge, but our neighbors seem negligent in their duty. Our merchants suffer in their trade if the approaches to the city are closed, and hence the necessity of keeping them in order. The bills were trifling, amounting to but $11.00 for a few planks and the labor of setting them, but the question of legality was involved; hence they were referred to the finance committee.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Our friend, H. Harbaugh, of Pleasant Valley, was on our streets yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Eggs are selling at ten cents a dozen, but the supply gave out yesterday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Gooseberries, green peas, and early vegetables have made their appearance in the market.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

DIED. Died on Saturday, the 16th inst., Maggie, eldest daughter of Major and Mrs. William Sleeth, aged 11 years. Funeral services were held on Monday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Mrs. De Knight and Miss Carrie B. Pearson, teachers in the Chilocco school, were in town on Monday, and graced our sanctum with their presence.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

We have this week added to the TRAVELER herd, the brand of B. H. Dixon, which will be found in another column. The gentleman's post office address is Arkansas City, with ranch and range on Bodock Creek, south of the city, in the Indian Territory.



Range: Bodock Creek, Indian Territory.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Free Letters.
Miss M. C. Hartwell, a returned missionary from Siam, will give a free lecture on Siam, its customs, and its people, at the 1st Presbyterian Church, Thursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Miss Hartwell is a pleasing speaker, and an invitation is extended to all to come and hear her. She will also entertain the children at 4:30 o'clock and this invitation is extended to them also.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Stopped on their Trail.
AUSTIN, TEXAS, May 14. The adjutant general is in receipt of information that six thousand head of cattle purchased in south Texas by Abner Taylor & Co., and now en route to their Dallas county ranche, have been stopped at Harold, Wichita County, by north Texas cattlemen and forbidden to proceed any further. Those having the cattle in charge applied to the company of rangers located near Harold, for protection, alleging that armed men would resist their passage through the country. The rangers telegraphed the adjutant general for instructions today and were ordered to respond promptly to any call made upon them by civil authorities; to whom the men in charge of the cattle were referred for aid and assistance. If they refuse or fail, the government will invoke a military post of the state. Bloodshed and trouble are anticipated when the drive is attempted.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

New Milling Enterprise.
We learn from Mr. D. P. Marshall, Secretary of the Farmers' Co-operative Milling Exchange, that most of the capital stock ($75,000) has been subscribed for, and an assessment made to start operations. The company propose to construct and operate a flouring mill, in this city, on the co-operative system, thus making the farmer his own miller, and substituting identity of interest for the antagonism that generally divides the two classes. The directors are thirteen in number, the majority of them being chosen from the best known businessmen of our city and other portions of the county. A site for the mill will be selected on the canal, and work of erection shortly commenced. We commend the energy of the parties concerned in the enterprise, as it will secure to the farmers a better market for their grain, and will add another important industrial institution to the city. God helps them who help themselves.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Cheese Paring Economy.
Yesterday the school trustees sent the clerk of the board to the various printing offices in town to procure bids on a $5 job. The TRAVELER declined to enter into the competition. The trustees were prompted to this, most likely, by a proper regard for economy, but they have taken the wrong way to promote the public interest. Competition in this city is keen enough among printers to ensure a narrow margin of profit; and when a small job is to be done for the public, their scale of charges will not be found excessive. But if open bids are to be received on a trifling order, without specifications as to the quality of material used or class of work done, the tendency is to degrade the professional standing of the contestants, and force them into a cheap John business. The TRAVELER office prefers to stand aloof from such a contest.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Drouthy Kansas Tries Its Head At A Deluge.
We have delayed writing this weather article till the last hour, before going to press, in the hope that Pluvius would step aside and give old Sol a chance to right things. But the clouds continue to "drop fatness down," until we are all surfeited with such unsparing beauty and now pray to be put upon leaner diet. The long continuance of wet weather has saturated the earth and filled every stream to repletion. On Sunday a serious and rapid rise in the Arkansas was noticed, and this arrested the outflow of the Walnut, causing that stream to overflow its banks. In the afternoon crowds were attracted thither; and as the water crept along the road leading to the Harmon bridge, and overflowed the fields on each side, vehicles were brought into requisition, and curious spectators were forced across. The river went bounding by, carrying float and driftwood on its turbid surface and steadily increasing in volume.

About three p.m., the water had reached to within four feet of the bridge and was spreading out on both sides rapidly. A settler living in a cabin near the bridge, finding the swelling tide approaching his door, loaded up his household goods in a hurry and took up a drier station near the railroad track.

The canal also took on the character of a torrent and stormed through the raceway like a young Niagara. Quite a crowd of our citizens gathered in the vicinity of the mills, where they commanded a view of the swollen stream spread out like a second Mississippi. Now and then a carcass would be carried along in the flood; and it was reported that a team of horses entangled in their harness floated by. At McDowell Bro.'s slaughter-house, the flood encroached so closely on their grounds that one hog was washed away; and to save further loss, their fine herd of 150 porkers and a number of steers in the pen were driven to another enclosure.

On Monday the Walnut made another rise, reaching almost to the railroad depot, and its stormy torrent has since been fed by the heavy showers that have fallen at intervals. No such flood has visited this region since 1875, and there is no doubt that serious damage will result.

In other parts of the state the washing away of bridges and other damage are reported. A bridge went out between Burden and New Salem, and two spans of the Southern Kansas bridge at Grenola were washed away. In Winfield the water backed up to the court house, trains were delayed, and construction trains put out for repairs. Yesterday afternoon the streams at this point were sinking, and our citizens are comforting themselves with the belief that the worst is over.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Extra Meeting.
The People's Building Association meets in Judge Bonsall's office this evening for the purpose of disposing of more shares of stock. The desire of the stockholders is to make a loan of $500 at their next regular meeting (June 2nd) and the sale of more stock is necessary to raise the required funds. As this affords a very desirable opportunity to persons without capital to procure homes of their own, by applying the money they now pay for rent to the purchase of their abodes, we hope to see the meeting well attended and sufficient stock subscribed for to enable the loan to be made.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Quite an excitement was raised in the northwest part of town last Sunday afternoon, by the headlong careering of a team of horses adorned by the remnants of a harness, which swept over that portion of the townsite, at to say the least, an immoderate speed, until one of them was thrown, when they were caught before doing further damage. The team was the property of Messrs. Snyder & Hutchison, and it would appear they broke away while being hitched up; but before leaving the premises of Mr. Snyder, made the buggy to which they were attached into patent kindling, but luckily, beyond upsetting Mr. J. Hutchison, did no further damage. Mr. Ed. Hutchison, we are informed, then hitched the team to a heavy wagon and gave them all the exercise they needed to insure them a good night's rest.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

A Captious Complaint.
The Republican expresses disappointment this journal did not try its hand at disentang-ling the snarl in which the city council lately became involved. It charges that the editor of this sheet "failed to say anything on the subject, which was conclusive evidence that he was not skilled to wrestle with law Latin." This is captious criticism. The question that perplexed our city fathers was whether several of their number were eligible to hold office under the provisions of the recent act of the legislature, which requires the mayor and councilmen of cities of the second class to be holders of real estate in the city. As the matter was too weighty for them to get away with, it was referred to the attorney general, and last week City Attorney Stafford reported the opinion of that judicial authority to the council. This pro- ceeding was in conformity with Councilman Hill's suggestion "that intelligent steps be taken to ascertain what is right in the matter," and any proffer of advice by a newspaper, while the question was under legal investigation, would have been an act of gross impertinence. Let our jejune contemporary try again.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

The Nez Perces.
It was some time since announced that Chief Joseph's band of Nez Perces, who have for some years been living near the Ponca reservation, would shortly be restored to their former homes at Lapwai, Idaho Territory. The special agent charged with the duty of conducting these people to their destination is Dr. W. H. Faulkner, who has been spending some time with his charge, and proposes to start this morning with all he can gather up in the agency, the number being given at 265 persons. There are a few children belonging to the band at the Chilocco and Carlisle schools, who will remain there for the present, and be sent to their families when they are through with their course. Dr. Faulkner with his band of Nez Perces expects to reach here some time tomorrow, and they will stay over the remainder of the day and Friday forenoon to do what trading they want, and then take the train in the afternoon. Owing to the hostility of the settlers about Lapwai, Chief Joseph and a few of his more prominent warriors will be sent to Spokane, Washington Territory. These unfortunate people have behaved in an exemplary manner during their stay in the territory, and they leave their temporary resting place with the good wishes of all who came in contact with them. Bon voyage.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

City Attorney Stafford Made the Victim of Spite and Malice.
We notice a tinge of spitefulness in the columns of the Republican, which may, perhaps, be due to its disappointment in obtaining the city printing. This we make light of, but deliberate injustice there is no excuse for. The city council a week ago fixed the salaries of the newly appointed officers, allowing the city attorney $200 a year, the assistant marshal $25 a month, and the road commissioner $1.50 for every day he actually works.

Our contemporary says of this: "It will be remembered that Stafford is the man who applied for admittance to the bar but could not pass the necessary examination, and yet our city fathers in the face of this confirmed him as city attorney at an increased salary. We would just like to ask the question of taxpayers if it is not something to feel proud of to have a city attorney who can't practice in no court except police court." Whether this unjust allegation is prompted by spite or comes from ignorance, is immaterial. It is sufficient to say there is not a word of truth in it. Mr. Stafford holds certificates of admission to the district court of Union County, Iowa, where he practiced law for years, and also to the supreme court of that state. His high standing as an attorney in his former field of labor is attested by ex- judge James G. Day, late supreme judge of Iowa, who says of our city attorney: "I have been personally acquainted with T. J. Stafford for about twelve years. He is a gentleman of good character and abilities, and of fine legal attainments. I do not hesitate to recommend him as worthy of confidence. Those desiring professional services can entrust their business to him with confidence that it will receive conscientious and skillful attention." Similar testimony is borne by Judge Chancy, of the third judicial district; by James W. McDill, an eminent lawyer of Iowa and former United States senator from that state; by Smith McPherson, attorney general of the state, and a number of others.

The Republican asks, "if it is not something to feel proud of to have a city attorney who can't practice in no court except police court?" (The grammar we do not attempt to amend.) Mr. Stafford holds a certificate of admission to practice in the supreme court of Kansas, and in the district court of Shawnee County. Both of these diplomas set forth: "It is therefore ordered by the court that the said T. J. Stafford be, and he is hereby, admitted to the practice of the law in the district courts inferior thereto in the state of Kansas."

The above is a first-class notice to give a professional man without pay; but we thought it only fair to vindicate a deserving citizen from spiteful and unjust aspersion, and a simple duty to the mayor and council to justify a judicious exercise of the appointive power.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Notice to Stockmen.
For the benefit of parties who wish to look for cattle among the school herd, notice is given that the cattle are rounded up every Saturday. As no herder is allowed by the govern- ment, it is requested that parties do not go into the pasture through the fences and cut out cattle and drive them off without first seeing the persons in charge of the school; also that persons do not put their stock into the pasture without permission. Recent orders from the Indian office are, that should the fences be torn down or cut and stock driven off, as has been done, the Indian office be immediately notified by telegraph.

H. J. MINTHORN, Superintendent. Chilocco Ind. School.
May 11th, 1885.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

New Ordinances.
We publish some city ordinances in this issue, and under the requirement of law, the publication will be continued. The creation of Arkansas City as a city of the second class necessitates the enactment of our whole code of municipal laws. The revision is now being made by a committee of the council, under direction of the city attorney, and on their adoption by the council they will be published in the TRAVELER. When the revision and re-enactment are completed, the ordinances will be re-published in collected form, in order that all persons amenable to their penalties may be duly informed of the municipal rules and regulations binding upon their conduct. There has been some laxity in the conduct of our municipal affairs, we now hope to see better order established.

Ordinance No. 1.
Relating to certain petty offenses, defining the same and providing for the suppression thereof and punishment therefor.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:

SECTION 1. That any person drawing a pistol, revolver, knife, or any other deadly weapon upon another person, unless an officer of the law in the discharge of his duty, shall, upon conviction, thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $10 nor more than $100.

SECTION 2. That any person who shall, by words, signs, or gestures, provoke or attempt to provoke another to commit an assault and battery, or other breach of the peace within the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $3 or more than $25.

SECTION 3. That any person who shall curse, swear, quarrel, or use violent and threatening language, or make any great noise so as to disturb the peace of any person within the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding $25.

SECTION 4. That any person who shall be found within the corporate limits of the city of Arkansas City in a state of intoxication or drunkenness, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $10.

SECTION 5. That any person carrying any deadly or dangerous weapons, such as loaded fire-arms, slung-shot, sheath, or dirk-knife, or any other weapons which when used are liable to produce death or great bodily harm, unconcealed, within the corporate limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than $1 or more than $10.

SECTION 6. That any person or persons carrying any of the weapons mentioned in section 5 of this ordinance, concealed about his person, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than $5 or more than $25.

SECTION 7. That any person or persons discharging any fire-arms, letting off any fire- crackers or squibs, or throwing any fire-balls, or making any bonfire in the limits of the city, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum of not less than $3 or more than $10, provided, that the section shall not apply to the 24th or 25th day of December, or the 1st day of January, or the 4th day of July, or the 22nd day of February; and provided further, that this section may be suspended on other days by the mayor; neither shall this section apply to the discharge of fire-arms in licensed shooting galleries, nor to the shooting of dogs running at large in violation of city ordinance.

SECTION 8. That any and every person who shall ride or drive any horse, mule, or other animal at an immoderate speed, or at a race within the city limits, shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $25.

SECTION 9. That any and all persons riding, driving, or leading any horse, mule, ass, or neat cattle upon or across any sidewalks within the city limits, shall upon conviction, be fined for each offense any sum not less than one or more than ten dollars.

SECTION 10. That any man or woman who are not married to each other, who shall lewdly abide with each other, or shall sleep or occupy the same apartment for lewd and lascivious purposes, within the city limits, shall upon conviction, each be fined in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars.

SECTION 11. That every person who shall make an indecent exposure of his person within the city, shall upon conviction, be fined any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars.

SECTION 12. That any person or persons who shall in any way obstruct the street crossings in the city, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than one dollar or more than five dollars.

SECTION 13. That any person or persons destroying or damaging any city property shall upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than the amount of damage committed.

SECTION 14. That any person or persons who shall knowingly or willfully create a false alarm of fire within the city of Arkansas City, by building bonfires for that purpose, or by ringing the fire bell, or by the cry of fire, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not less than five dollars or more than fifty dollars.

SECTION 15. That any person beating, injuring, or treating any animal in an immoderate, cruel, or unnecessary manner, shall upon conviction, be fined in any sum not to exceed fifty dollars.

SECTION 16. For hitching any team or animal to any lamp post, awning post, or growing trees along the streets of Arkansas City, or training or breaking any horse or mule on any street, or between the 1st day of March and the 1st day of October, hitching, training, breaking, or displaying or showing any stallion on any street, a fine of not less than three or more than ten dollars.

SECTION 17. That any person who shall be convicted and fined, under any provision of this ordinance or any ordinance of the city, who shall fail to pay such fine and costs of prosecution, shall perform such work for the city as the mayor shall direct, and all prisoners working for the city shall be allowed 50 cents per day to be applied in satisfaction of such fine and costs.

SECTION 18. The fines specified in the foregoing ordinance shall in no case include costs.

SECTION 19. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 11th, 1885.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.

Ordinance No. 2.
An ordinance concerning the public health.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and Councilmen of the City of Arkansas City:

SECTION 1. That it shall be the duty of the committee on public health to make a personal inspection of the city as often as once a month, and at such other times as may be ordered by the council for the purpose of examining the sanitary condition of the city, and they shall report to the city council at their next meeting or to the city marshal all lots or premises with the owners or occupants thereof, so far as the same can be ascertained, Where any dead carcasses, privies, pig-pens or pig-houses, stables, or any other outbuildings, filth, manure pile, stagnant water, decayed or decaying vegetables, or other matters exist which is calculated to create sickness, or in any other manner prove detrimental to the public health.

SECTION 2. That under the direction of the city council or the committee on public health, the marshal shall require the nuisance referred to in previous section, to be cleansed, removed, or abated as hereinafter provided, and in case the owner or occupant of such premises shall refuse to so remove or abate such nuisance, then the marshal shall immediately commence proceedings against such party for the recovery of expenses, fines, or costs, before the police Judge.

SECTION 3. That the owner or occupant of any hotel, restaurant, saloon, boarding house, or other public house where refuse or filth is liable to accumulate, shall deposit the same and all such filth, slops, sweeping waste water, offal, or refuse, vegetable or animal, or other refuse dangerous to the public health that may accumulate upon or be the product of such premises, in a box, barrel, or other receptacle, and shall remove or cause the same to be removed so such place as may be provided or designated by the city council, as often as every Monday and Thursday during the months of July, August, and September, of each year, and at such times as may from time to time be designated by the city council.

SECTION 4. From the first day of July to the fist day of October in each year the sale of unripe fruit, stale, or unwholesome vegetables is absolutely prohibited and persons offering for sale any such unripe fruit, stale, or unwholesome vegetables after the same shall have been exposed for sale for two days previous, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty dollars and costs, and the fruits and vegetables so offered shall be forfeited to the city. Potatoes, tomatoes, and onions are excepted from the operation of this ordinance.

SECTION 5. It shall be the duty of the city marshal during the time specified in the foregoing section to personally inspect every morning every place where fruit or vegetables are sold, and take possession on behalf of the city, of all such unripe fruit, or vegetables, and forthwith arrest the person or persons for violation of this ordinance.

SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of all owners or occupants of any premises in the city of Arkansas City when requested so to do by the city marshal or health committee, or any member thereof, to use as often as once a week chloride of lime or other sufficient disinfectant, in cellars, privies, stables, yards, and otherwise about their premises, from the 1st day of July until the 1st of October in each year, for the purpose of thoroughly cleansing said premises from all matter calculated to invite cholera or cause any sickness in the community, and all persons who may be thus notified to use such disinfectant upon their premises as aforesaid, and shall fail, refuse, or neglect to comply therewith, shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding twenty dollars for each and every time they fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with such notice.

SECTION 7. The marshal and members of the committee on public health shall in the discharge of their duties under this ordinance, have full power and authority to enter any house, shop, cellar, or public or private place in the city during the day time and for that purpose may break doors or other obstructions upon reasonable demand for entrance having been made and the same refused, and any person resisting any such officers in the discharge of their duties shall be dealt with in the manner provided for by ordinance for the resistance of an officer.

SECTION 8. The city council shall have power to cause any lot within the city of Arkansas City on which, or part of which, water shall at any time become stagnant, to be raised, filled up, or drained, and to cause all putrid substances, whether animal or vegetable, to be removed from said lot and said council may for such purpose, from time to time, direct that such lot or lots be raised, filled up, or drained, and that such putrid substance be removed from such lot or lots by the owner or owners thereof, respectively in such manner and within such reasonable time as the council may by resolution deem proper and sufficient.

SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of such owner or owners, his, her, or their agent or attorney, upon service of a copy of said resolution by the duly authorized agents of the city, to comply with the directions of such resolutions within the time therein specified. In case if by reason of absence or from any other cause personal service cannot be made upon the owner or owners of said lot or lots, him, her, or their agents or attorneys, then said resolutions shall be published in some newspaper of general circulation in said city for four consecutive weeks, which publication, so as aforesaid made, shall be deemed and held to be of the same force and binding effect upon the owner or owners of said lot or lots as if service thereof had been personally made.

SECTION 10. In case said owner or owners of said lot or lots, his, her, or their agents or attorneys shall after service so as aforesaid made, fail, refuse, or neglect to comply with the direction of such resolutions within the time therein specified, then the said lot or lots may be raised, filled, or drained, or such putrid matter or substance be removed at the expense of the city, and the amount of money so expended shall be a debt due to said city from the owner or owners of such lot or lots in proportion to the amount expended on the lot or lots owned by him, her, or them respectively, and said debt shall from the time of the adoption of said resolutions become a lien upon said lot or lots and said sum shall be deemed to be a special assessment on said lot or lots and shall be certified to the county clerk of Cowley County, to be by him placed on the tax roll for collection subject to the same penalties and collected in like manner as other taxes are by law collected.

SECTION 11. The raising, filling, or draining of said lot or lots shall be done by the city and the same shall be under the supervision of the street commissioner, and all work of raising, filling, or draining of said lot shall cease, whenever in his judgment the said nuisance shall have been fully abated and thereupon he shall report to the city clerk for presentation to the council a careful statement duly certified to, showing the amount of money due from each lot or lots, so as aforesaid raised, filled, or drained.

SECTION 12. This ordinance to take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 11th, 1885.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.

Ordinance No. 3.
An ordinance prohibiting certain persons from climbing upon moving trains in the city of Arkansas City.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City:

SECTION 1. That no persons except an employee or passenger of any railway company shall climb or attempt to climb upon any moving train upon any railroad within the city.

SECTION 2. Any persons violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall on conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not less than $3 or more than $15 and cost of prosecution.

SECTION 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 11th, 1885.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.

Ordinance No. 4.
An ordinance fixing the salaries and compensation of city officers and employees.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City:

SECTION 1. That the officers and employees of the city of Arkansas City hereinafter specified, shall receive per annum, payable monthly, to-wit: The mayor nor any councilmen, nor any member of the board of education, shall receive any compensation exceeding the amount of one dollar per annum, either as such officers or as councilmen, or otherwise; city clerk, one hundred and eighty dollars; city attorney, $200; city treasurer, no salary; treasurer board of education, no salary; city marshal, seven hundred and twenty dollars; assistant city marshal, three hundred dollars; street commissioner, one dollar and 50 cents per day for all days actually employed for the city; police judge, three hundred dollars, to be paid by the city, and in addition thereto he is hereby allowed to retain not to exceed the sum of twenty- five dollars per month out of any fees collected by him, and any amount of fees collected by him during any one month exceeding the sum of twenty-five dollars shall be turned over by him to the city treasurer the same as other city moneys coming into his hands by virtue of his office; he is also to furnish his room furniture, fuel, and lights.

SECTION 2. Any officer or employee drawing pay under the provisions of this ordinance, shall forfeit his right to compensation for such time as he shall neglect or be unable to perform the duties of his office or position, or while suspended or relieved therefrom.

SECTION 3. Any appointed officer or employee absenting himself from the city of Arkansas City, or who fails or is unable to perform the duties of his position, may with the consent of the mayor and councilmen, provide a temporary substitute, but absence or failure to act without such provision of a substitute shall be construed as a resignation, and his position may be declared vacant at the option of the mayor and council.

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 12th, 1885.

Attest: JAS. BENEDICT, City Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Registered Stock.
Imported Jerseys are coming into the market in Cowley County.
L. C. Norton and N. T. Snyder have just purchased of J. C. McMullen, the Pure Bred Jersey Bull, "Endorus," one of the finest bred bulls in the United States. The Grand sire took the first premium at the Ronal Fair on the Island of Jersey. The Dam was a descendant of one of the most celebrated families of the Island, and imported to Kansas by A. M. Harkness, of Philadelphia, and was purchased by Gov. Smith, of Vermont, on whose farm "Endorus" was bred and sold to Ezra Meech, of Winfield, and purchased by J. C. McMullen, who has made a specialty of breeding Jerseys on his farm, on Timber Creek. He is one of the finest perfect animals of the breed. His weight is 1,200 pounds, his style perfect, and every way desirable. He will be kept at the barn of L. C. Norton, where he can be seen and will accommodate all who wish to avail themselves of this rare opportunity to obtain the benefit of this famous breed of milk and butter cattle.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Council Meeting.
The city council met on Monday evening, and after acting upon a number of bills, proceeded to the revision of ordinances. The ordinance proposed by the mayor imposing an occupation tax was first read by the clerk. It is a lengthy document and prescribes a license tax upon every occupation allowed by the statute, even to fortune tellers and corn-doctors. After the reading, the council proceeded to set the amount to be taxed upon each occupation. The tax on druggists was a stumbling block. A charge of $100 a year was suggested, because these dealers by the sale of liquor make all the profit formerly gained by saloon dealers, and the city treasury is deprived of the license formerly imposed on saloons. Councilman Dunn argued the amount was excessive; if druggists abuse the permits granted them, it remained with the probate judge to deal with the offenders. He did not believe in punishing the innocent with the guilty, and thought that some discrimination should be made. At his suggestion the tax was fixed at $25 to $100 at the "discretion of the mayor."

The session was prolonged till midnight, and several ordinances were passed.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

The City Council Again Laboring With the Question.
The water question has become a hackneyed subject in the newspapers of the city; and with the rivers overflowing their banks and threatening widespread destruction, we can understand that a prolonged discussion of the question may seem excessive to some readers. But old Aquarius, who carries the watering-pot of the gods, may withhold his hand before long; our present surplus may turn into drouth, and then the subject of a water supply will not be turned from with aversion.

When the report of the committee on water works was made to the city council a week ago, through its chairman, Mr. James Hill, the question of the location of the works was referred to the council, and became the subject of prolonged discussion. Mr. Hill, as an expert, recommended the Walnut River as a source of supply, suggesting that three acres of ground at an eligible point be purchased; that the same be fenced in, cleared, and scrupulously cleaned off, and the necessary buildings and machinery erected. He recommended the Walnut River, he said, because the spring which furnishes our present supply of water is not to be depended on for the future needs of the city; and because a present saving of several thousand dollars can be made in the machinery and a considerable permanent saving in the cost of fuel.

The debate that followed brought out an expression of conflicting sentiment. The water in the Walnut was condemned as impure and unfit for culinary use. Dead carcasses, decaying trees, and vegetable debris are borne along its surface, and the several hog wallows in the vicinity of the mills taint it beyond means of purification. One or two members suggested that the water could be filtered before it was turned into the pipes, but others contended that it was so charged with vegetable and animal matter, that during the hot months, it became putrid; and no process of filtration could relieve it of its offensive odor.

Diverse views were expressed on the fitness of the spring for the supply of the city. It was asserted by Mr. Hill, and assented to by some of his brother members, that an excavation must be made to arrive at an increased supply, and in sinking down, there was danger of losing the water entirely. But others declare that large portions of our city are under flown by seepage from the Arkansas River, and that a thin stratum of rock, extending from one river bank to the other, is interposed between this subterranean inflow and the surface. In proof of this the case is mentioned of a workman drilling through this shell of rock, who lost hold of his drill when the rock was perforated, and it disappeared in the underlying water. Taking this geological formation as a basis, they insist that the rock has but to be removed from the spring where the city now obtains its supply, and water will be found in sufficient quantity to meet all our future wants should our present population be decupled.

This diversity of opinion was brought to an issue in the council last week, by the introduction of a motion to locate the water works on the Walnut River bank. But no definite vote was taken because two of the members (Messrs. Hight and Bailey), were not able to vote intelligently, not knowing anything about the prospective capacity of the spring to supply the city inhabitants. A day was granted to inform themselves, and when they came to a vote on the motion, the ensuing evening, it was sustained by a vote of four to three. This seems to have given the coup de grace to Mr. O'Neil, who has been hanging on the ragged edge for upwards of a month; he saw that his franchise to build a water system was knocked higher than a kite, so he gathered his belongings together and lit out, forgetting, in his haste to get away, to pay his debts to several confiding creditors. This puts the water works ques- tion all at sea again, and the question is, what is it best to do about it?

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

A Blighted Bud.
DIED. We regret to announce the death of the oldest daughter of Major and Mrs. Sleeth, on Saturday evening, notice of which is given in another column. Maggie was a bright child, the pet of the household, and a favorite among her schoolmates. But fell disease had seized hold upon her, and during the last few months had blighted her young life. The funeral took place Monday forenoon at the residence of the bereaved parents, and many friends of the family were present to hear testimony to their grief.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

The First Grass Beef.
The Chicago Drovers' Journal of May 9, had the following. "G. W. Miller, of Winfield, Kansas, had on the market 302 head of 835-pound Texas cattle, which sold at $4.15 to Charles Thompson for canning purposes. These cattle left Ponca station on the Pecos River, Friday, May 1, and arrived here in excellent condition in care of L. Spaulding. The cattle had large, well-built frames, and in good flesh would have been very desirable indeed. It was the first shipment of Texas range cattle for the season of 1885. No one charges these cattle with having been fed on corn, but the shipper said that after being `rounded up for shipment, they were fed allowances of cotton seed and millet hay for a few weeks. However, it was the first consignment of grass cattle for the season." [QUESTION: PECOS RIVER????]

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Memorial Day.
Headquarters Arkansas City Post, No. 158, G. A. R., May 16th, 1885.
Special Orders No. 1.
Pursuant to General Orders, No. 3, from department headquarters, the officers and members of Arkansas City Post are hereby notified that there will be a special meeting of the Post at the Post room at 9 o'clock a.m., sharp, on Saturday, May 30th, 1885, for the purpose of repairing to the cemetery and decorating with flowers the graves of our departed comrades.

The 30th day of May having been constituted a legal holiday, it is earnestly enjoined upon all to lay aside all secular pursuits and assist us in honoring the memory of those who died that their country might live.

The Woman's Relief Corps being a part of the Grand Army of the Republic, the members of that organization are requested to join us in the ceremonies of Decoration Day.

The order of exercises will be arranged at the regular meeting on May 23rd.

ALLEN MOWRY, Post Commander.
A. C. LINDSAY, Adjt.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Railroad Talk in Dexter.
The Dexter people are still red-hot, on the railroad question. The committee appointed to interview our citizens on the proposition of combining interests, and Arkansas City giving support at the polls to the D. M. and A. bonds on condition that Dexter votes for the Kansas City and Southwestern loan, have made their report to the voters, and speak in the warmest terms of the friendly feeling that greeted them here. Mr. W. G. Seaver, one of the visiting committee, who is editor of the Dexter Eye, says: "We found Arkansas City ready and willing to assist our people in securing the D., M. & A., provided our people would do the same in regard to the K. C. & S. W. We have joined hands with Arkansas City and pledged ourselves to work for each other's interests. Our people, as a rule, are satisfied with the work done by the committee."

It seems that there are a few malcontents in that opportunity, as are to be found every- where, who object to a too liberal use of the county credit, from a wholesome fear of increased taxes. These our impulsive cotemporary deals with soundly, "They must be either fanatics or fools," he petulently exclaims. "Do they want Dexter's boom to be laid in its little grave? Do they want to continue paying $9 a ton for coal? Do they want to raise corn at 20 cents a bushel? Do they want to drive cattle 15 or 20 miles to a railroad all the rest of their lives?"

This is argumentum ad hominess. "No railroad was ever built," our brother quill reminds these cautious souls, "that did not more than pay the interest on the bonds by taxation. The hue and cry that railroad bonds increased the burden of the taxpayers is the sheerest nonsense! Every mile of railroad built in the county adds $6,000 to $8,000 to its taxable property. Is this increasing taxation?"

But without this ginning up, the citizens of Dexter Township are strongly in favor of the railroad because they are impressed with the belief that remoteness from the rail retards growth, and because all are more or less interested in gaining direct communication with the world. Population is pouring into Southern Kansas, Cowley County is receiving its full share of the inflowing wave, and those portions of the county that are not accessible by rail, feel they are losing a golden opportunity, and are clamorous to be put in a position to make hay while the sun shines. It has been said that voters in the eastern portion of the county would oppose the K. C. and S. W. bonds on the ground that the road would be of no direct benefit to them; but if the feeling that prevails in Dexter is diffused through the county, voting bonds will be made a reciprocal affair, and equivalent interests will induce united action from all.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Kansas Crop Report.
Major Sims, secretary to the State Board of Agriculture, furnishes the following statement of the growing crops in this state, in his last report.

From information received at this office, it is found that the area sown to winter wheat in this state, in the fall of 1884, did not exceed 73 percent of that sown the preceding yeara decrease of 590,000 acres as compared with the acreage of last year; that of the acreage sown 27 percent has been killed by frost and destroyed from other causes, and the land to a large extent, seeded to other crops, leaving but 1,145,000 acres from which a product may be expectedan area equal to but 52 percent of the acreage of 1884.

From a careful compilation of the reports of 315 legal and volunteer correspondents of the Board, representing every county in the state except one (Barber), the condition of the crop, April 30, is found to be 70 as compared with the condition one year agoan improvement of 3 percent over the condition shown March 31. We therefore estimate the winter wheat crop of this state for this year at 20,800,000 bushels or a small fraction less than 45 percent of the total product of the harvest of 1884and slightly in excess of 68 percent of the average annual product for the last five years.

The acreage of rye has fallen off from that of the preceding year about 20 percent, leaving an area of about 240,000 acres. There was an improvement in condition during April, and as compared with April 30th, 1884, it is 98.

This cereal has decreased in area, as compared with that of 1884, a little more than 2 percent, the state area, as estimated for 1885, being about 83,000 acres.

The acreage of oats has been increased over that of 1884, about 10 percent, the state area being estimated at 860,000 acres; much of the wheat ground having been seeded to this cereal.

The prospect for fruit is very encouraging. All varieties, except peaches, promise a full crop. The counties lying in the south-central section of the state have a fine prospect for a peach crop, but outside of this section, there will be none. Small fruits, especially grapes, promise an abundant yield.

In the extreme western portion of the state, and some of the counties on the northern line, the season is reported as far advanced as it was last year, while the reports from the remainder of the state show it late from ten to twenty days, as compared with last season.

WM. SIMS, Secretary, State Board of Agriculture.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Letter List.
Letters remaining in the post office May 16. Robert Barr, David Babb, J. B. Baughman, Robert Bishop, Mrs. Cassie Brown, Rich Block, Willie Blair, John Bloomfield, W. A. Butterfield, Joseph Curry, W. H. Canfield, Wm. Casselman, C. H. Cornell, Geo. S. Clark, Chas. Clifton, H. J. Crow, Ebeneaser Dorsey, Freddie Davis, Andy J. Dunigan, James Davis, A. K. Duval, B. F. Darnal, Thomas Ellet, Josiah Eas [? Eash], H. S. Fry, Dr. A. H. Fuller, Alfred A. Glass, W. M. Gage, Frank S. Gillispie, Geo. Gibson, W. R. Gaines, Sarah A. Hall, James Harmon, John Hawkey, Ishman Hanell, Frank Hines, Hoover & Gaines, James Hudson, Wm. Hardiche [?], Cora Jones, Geo. King, Jim Kellen, Archiles [?] Lambert, Wm. McGrady, J. Milton, A. M. Morten [? Morton], Reuben T. Morris, Emma Murphy, Mrs. Matter Patten, Dick Paugh, Jerry Perkins, Dale Policks, M. M. Pender, A. S. Quick, Juston Paidel, Mrs. Mantor Smith, Robert Stinson, Chas. W. Stover, Staley [No first name or initial], John R. Thomas, Dory Vanchester, J. B. Woodin, W. M. Wilsh, Geo. H. Webb, M. S. Wiley, Allen Wood, W. H. Walker, Wm. A. Young.

Anyone calling for any of the above please say advertised.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

It is well-known that we exclude patent medicines from our columns, because so large a number of the nostrums are villainous combinations which should be labeled "poison," instead of "cure-alls." The only exception to our rule is made in favor of Smith's Bile Beans, a pill which has certainly proved a specific in the community for torpid liver, dyspepsia, biliousness, and chills and fever. This medicine has within our knowledge, effected remark- able cures which have been extensively noted, and has never failed to prove in the highest degree satisfactory and beneficial to invalids. We are always willing to advertise and assist the sale of a reliable remedy for human infirmities, hence the departure from our rule in favor of Smith's Bile Beans. Texarkana Inter-State News.

Sold at two bits per bottle by E. D. Eddy.

[Traveler did not have same policy as the Texarkana newspaper. They advertised all sorts of crazy medications for Arkansas City druggists. MAW]

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Election Proclamation.
I, Franklin P. Schiffbauer, Mayor of the City of Arkansas City, county of Cowley, and state of Kansas, by virtue of the authority vested in me by law, do proclaim and make known that there will be a special election held in the said city of Arkansas City on the first day of June, A. D. 1885, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of said city of Arkansas City, a proposition for said city to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company to the amount of Twenty Thousand Dollars ($20,000).

[See Mayor's proclamation.]
There will also be held on the said 1st day of June, A. D. 1885, a special election of the qualified voters of said city of Arkansas City for the purpose of voting for or against a proposition for said county of Cowley to subscribe to the capital stock of the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company to the amount of One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000).

[See Sheriff's proclamation.]
The form of the ballots to be used at such special election for and against the proposition to take stock and issue bonds therefor, as above recited, shall be in the following form, to- wit: the ballot in favor of such proposition shall contain these words, "For the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company," and the ballot against said proposition shall contain these words, "Against the railroad stock and bonds of the Kansas City and Southwestern railroad company." The places for voting at such election will be: 1st ward, at the office of Will L. Aldridge, North Summit Street; 2nd ward, at the office of Thompson and Woodin, Star Livery stable, east 5th avenue; 3rd ward, at the office of J. H. Hilliard, 5th avenue livery stable, west 5th avenue; 4th ward, at the office of Fairclo Bros.' livery stable, West Central avenue. And I hereby designate Timothy McIntire and J. P. Eckles as Judges and J. B. Walker, O. Grimes, and John Sheldon as Clerks of said election in 1st ward; and Chas. Bryant and Ira Barnett as Judges and J. J. Clark, Dell Plank, and John McGill, as Clerks of said election in 2nd ward; and M. C. Copple and John Love as Judges, and James Benedict, W. B. Kirkpatrick, and H. L. Lundy as Clerks of said election in 3rd ward; and H. G. Chinn and A. A. Davis as Judges, and Wm. Henderson, Alexander Wilson and S. C. Lindsey as Clerks of said election in 4th ward. The polls will be opened at 9 o'clock a.m., and will be closed at 5 o'clock p.m.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 19th day of May, A. D., 1885.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Money to Loan by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Winfield, Kansas. Interest coupons are delivered when the interest is paid. Privilege is given in paying the mortgage in installments, or the whole loan, any time after the first year. No trouble in finding mortgages when they are paid. Annual or semi-annual interest. We guarantee the cheapest rates. Do not fail to call and see us if you are thinking of making a loan.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

If you have property to rent or sell, apply to Meigs & Nelson, under Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Three cars of buggies at Cunningham's.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Life Insurance.
Insure your life in the Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Detroit. Under the laws of Michigan, the state indemnifies all policy holders against loss. Policies issued on the endowment plan. Policy holders can stop paying any time after two years without loss. Reliable agents wanted. Call on Gardner Work, special agent, at the Windsor House, or address P. O. Box 927, Wichita, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

WOOL. Highest market price paid for Wool by Beatty Bros., at City Meat Market.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

ICE CREAM. Delivered without extra charge, at any time, to any part of the city, from the St. Louis Ice Cream Parlor.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

Wheeler & Wilson Silent No. 8 Sewing Machine at W. P. Wolfe & Co.'s.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

We have several good farms in this county and in Butler County to trade for Arkansas City property.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.

MY IMPROVED CONDITION POWDERS. C. G. THOMPSON, Veterinary Surgeon, Arkansas City, Kansas. -For Sale by- MOWRY & SOLLITT.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 20, 1885.


Don't fail to examine our elegant line of novelties in Prints, Ginghams, White Goods, Ladies' Neckwear, Ladies' Jerseys, Shawls, Embroidered Shoulder Scarfs, and Spring Wraps. Our stock of Carpets, Mattings, Lace and Cloth Curtains is full and complete and one of the most extensive to be found in the southwest.

Your visit will be appreciated by us any time. Very Truly Yours,

A. A. NEWMAN & CO., Commercial Block, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.

Skipped New Orleans Fair item from "Nomena" on Front Page.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.

The county papers continue the discussion of the railroad propositions with unabated interest. The good to be gained by increased transportation facilities is set forth in detail and enlarged upon for all it is worth; and the objections that can be urged against additional railroads are next set down, and carefully examined to see what they amount to. The last issue of the Winfield Courier devotes three columns of editorial to the subject, and its local page is sandwiched with numerous paragraphs urging this matter on the reader. Such laborious persuasion seems like love's labors lost. The pros and cons have been maturely considered by the voters of Cowley County, and we give them credit for having intelligence enough to understand their interest in the matter. In Winfield and Arkansas City the direct benefit will be felt, and in these cities, the vote (for one of the bonds at least), will be affirmative. It has been supposed that the eastern portion of the county will not view the subsidies asked with any favorable feeling, and opposition has been expected from that section. But it has since been shown, with pretty conclusive logic, that the tax on the road will fully offset the interest on the bonds, and supply a surplus to the county treasury; hence the former objection to increased expense is effectually disposed of. It requires no weight of argument to prove a truism. The sum of two and two can easily be told. The amount of county bonds asked for the two roads is $200,000, and it is figured up that the tax valuation on their road bed and property in the county, counting ninety miles of rail at $6,000 per mile, will be more than half a million dollars. The yearly interest on the first named amount, at six percent, will aggregate $12,000 dollars, and an assessment of 25 mills on the railroad companies, will produce $12,500. This so clearly proves that the payment of the subsidies asked will create no increased burden, that all labor spent in demonstrating the fact is clearly thrown away.

The opposition to be encountered at the election on Monday will spring from the objection, now deep seated in the American mind, to granting subsidies of money or land to any corporation. This public bounty has been carried to such excess and been so outrageously abused, that popular sentiment is set against the practice, and it is a hard matter to get the people to make exceptions to the rule. This is clearly a case for the exercise of judgment. If it is a fact that railroads stimulate progress and development; that they bring remote localities into closer communication with the world; that they reduce freight charges, facilitate commercial interchange, and stir up the energies of a people, then the consideration is brought home to us whether in the case now before us it is worthwhile to depart from an accepted rule, and to do a great good, give tolerance to a slight harm.

With the experience of the Kansas Pacific monopoly before us, it is hard to talk a tax- paying community into a friendly regard for railroad corporations; but it is well to remember that the days of railroad license and extortion are well nigh over, and we may now treat with such soulless entities as with agents whose power for mischief is largely restrained. The TRAVELER joins in the general newspaper chorus, "Vote the bonds."

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.

Stock Notes.
Mr. Trimble, of Bolton Township, shipped several carloads of fall cattle and hogs to Kansas City last Tuesday. Mr. Andrews, of Silverdale Township, also shipped five cars of sheep to St. Louis. Prices on all kinds of stock are low now, yet when hogs are fat, there is no delaying the disposal of them. We are glad to notice our farmers shipping their own stock. There is very little money in sheep, cattle, or hogs at present prices, with corn 50 cents per bushel, and they should receive every dollar there is in the business.

The timely use of salt, sulphur, and saltpetre is one most effectual mode of treating blackleg in calves.

Several herds of Arkansas cattle have been brought into this state, along the south line, regardless of the quarantine orders issued by the governor.

The long continued rainy spell has been hard on the corn, and most of the crop will need to be re-planted; but the grass has thriven luxuriantly, and the cattle are everywhere reported in fine condition.

A Dodge City correspondent says: There has been so much loss on sheep the past year or two, that sheep men are keeping very quiet, even if they know they have got a good thing in their flocks, and if the lambing season turns out favorable, followed by a good year in the business, the sheep men will be heard again in this country.

Indian Chieftain, Vinita: A civil engineer and corps have been sent out by the Frisco railway company to locate a cattle trail from Red Fork to Fort Reno. They will make a careful examination of the country and select the most practical route. It will then be so marked that all cattlemen can find it. It is not improbable that this will be the means of diverting a large number of cattle from shipment at Caldwell and Hunnewell.

Mr. W. P. Herring purchased at Dallas, Texas, on the 18th inst., 8,000 head of yearlings at $10 a head, for his ranch in the Indian territory.

The Cowley County Cattle Co., with a capital of $150,000, is the latest addition to our moneyed interests. The officers of the company are Wm. J. Hodges, President; R. A. Houghton, Vice President; Geo. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer; Wm. M. Snyder, Secretary and General Manager. The present Board of Directors are R. A. Houghton, Wm. M. Snyder, Geo. Kirkpatrick, A. C. Wright, and Wm. J. Hodges. The P. O. Address of the company is Arkansas City, with ranch and range on the Nez Perce Reservation, Indian Territory.

Cheyenne Transporter: The general round-up of the ranges in this vicinity is progressing nicely, although the boys have experienced considerable bad weather for over a week. The main body is now working down the river, while the sub-divisions are sweeping the ranges in various parts of the country.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.

From our Exchanges.
From the Wellingtonian we learn that during the floods on Sunday evening, the 17th, James Morrison, his wife, six children, and three men were out boating on the Ninnescah near Stumkle's mill, and the water being swift, the boat became unmanageable and was overturned. After a desperate struggle for life, all were finally saved except Mrs. Morrison, who floated beyond reach of help and was drowned.

The Burden Enterprise of last Thursday says: Grouse Creek was on a high old bender on last Saturday night, and overflowed its banks. At Dr. Goodnight's farm, it left the main channel and took a short cut across his fields, doing considerable damage. The creek was never known to be high enough to make that cut-off but once before several years ago, but much less water passed through at that time than this.

D. C. Young has parted with his interest in the Wellington Standard, and W. A. Sturm, of Caldwell, succeeds him. The Standard is a Democratic sheet and is quite liberally patronized.

The fourth semi-annual grass lease payment was made to the Cheyennes and Arapahos last week. The sum paid them was $32,000, which makes $6.25 to each man, woman, and child in the two tribes. Ed. Fenlon, of Leavenworth, who is a member of the cattle associa- tion, was the paymaster.

Geuda Springs Herald: Our steamboat company have gone to work in earnest now. Mr. Amos Walton, the president of the association, was over to see the members of the board at the end of the route Wednesday. Arrangements were made to go to work soon. The engine and boiler will probably be purchased inside of two weeks.

W. A. Irwin, of Wichita, a former conductor on the Fort Scott and Gulf road, has sued the company for $20,000, because of injuries received last fall in consequence of the faulty construction of a bridge.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, May 27, 1885.

Senate Committee on Indian Affairs.
LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS, May 25. A special from the Indian Territory says that the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs have arrived at Muskogee. The visit is creating great interest. They began work at Muskogee, Creek Nation. The most important question, other than the sale of Oklahoma and the Cherokee Strip, will be that of citizenship.

The Indians claim that the Territory is being overrun by whites claiming Indian blood. Many hundreds have been declared intruders, and ordered to leave; but the Interior Department has interfered and prevented their ejectment. The sale or lease of the western portion of the Territory is being warmly discussed. An outright sale is generally opposed, but the advocates claim that it is gaining ground.

In the Cherokee Nation there is a great diversity of opinion. A communication signed by many leading Cherokees has been sent to President Cleveland asking that he defer sending a special committee to negotiate for the purchase to the Territory until after the election of a new legislature in August, so that the measure may be brought before the people and deliberated upon during the campaign. Although it is not a decided stand, yet it is the ground taken by the leaders of five tribes who must unite on a decision.

The opinion prevails that Bushyhead [Dennis W.], the principal chief of the Cherokees, and J. M. Perryman, chief of the Creeks, favor a sale. McCurtain, governor of the Choctaws, also is said to be in sympathy with the move to dispose of the lands.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Sheriff McIntire was on our streets Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Our old time friend, Pink Fouts, smiled on us last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Street Commissioner Moore has graded the north end of Ninth Street near the foundry.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Henry Asp, our genial county attorney, was in town on Monday, and was warmly greeted by his many friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, of Winfield, will preach in the 1st Presbyterian Church next Sabbath, morning and evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Parties desiring to purchase a new four-drawer Remington sewing machine can obtain a bargain by calling at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Hereafter telephone talks between this city and Winfield, not exceeding five minutes in duration, can be indulged in at the cost of twenty cents.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

J. C. Armstrong, real estate dealer, who settled in Arkansas City in early spring, has been joined by his wife and family, and is now a happy man.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

W. P. Matthews and J. M. Hale (of Hale & McCague), traders at the Osage Agency, were in town on Saturday, and favored the TRAVELER office with a call.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

School examination has been in progress during the week, but we defer any report of the work until the next issue when the results will have been arrived at.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

E. L. McDowell, on Monday, received a handsome show case for his display of jewelry, and also an ingenious engraving machine, which does fine work on all metals.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

At the called meeting of the People's Building Association on Wednesday evening, A. V. Alexander declined the office of treasurer, and N. N. Winton was appointed to fill the place.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Lost, on Saturday evening, between Mr. Blakeney's store and the Rink store, a black bow with small jet pin attached. The pin is valued as a gift. The finder will be suitably rewarded on leaving at this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The following lacks sentiment, but it contains a power of common sense: Don't spend your money for a motto of "Feed my Lambs," until you have cleaned out the back yards and disinfected the vaults and sewers. Cholera doesn't care a continental for mottoes.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Charlie Harter, of Winfield, and his friend, Mr. Adams, made a flying visit to the Canal City last Monday. Charlie said he brought his friend to the city so he might be able to say he had seen one No. 1 good city in Cowley County.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

A number of Kiowas and Comanches came in on Monday with a bunch of ponies, which they offered for sale to bystanders. Their prices were too high, however, to meet the views of bargain hunters.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ponca was represented on our streets last week, by the presence of Agent Scott, Joe Sherburne, the trader, and Col. W. J. Pollock, a cattle magnate. The two latter made an affectionate adieux to the departing Nez Perces.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

We are pleased to learn that A. V. Alexander has no intention of retiring from business in this city, as the Republican announced on Saturday. He will accompany his wife on a visit to her relatives in the east, but will be on deck during the summer for active operations.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Two of our real estate men had an angry altercation on Monday, and one of them became so excited as to draw a pistol on the other. No blood was shed, but this warm weather people should guard against letting their angry passions rise.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The post office will be kept open on Memorial Day, notwithstanding the department allows a holiday to the inmates. Being Saturday, and a national holiday, many people will be attracted hither from the country, and our obliging postmaster is willing to remain at his post that these visitors may get their mail.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

We had quite a pleasant call from our old subscriber, Wm. Trimble, of West Bolton, last Monday. Mr. Trimble started on the excursion for the East which left our city on that day and expects to be absent several weeks. We wish him an enjoyable time and a safe return to his Kansas home.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The excursion to Brown's station, so extensively advertised by J. L. Howard, started off on Monday in high spirits. Thirty-five tickets were sold for the trip and most of the holders were present. Mr. Howard accompanied the holiday seekers, and while absent, will work up a return excursion party.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Mrs. L. M. Lutes and one Fanny Allen were arraigned before Police Judge Bryant last Monday, charged with keeping a disorderly house. They were, however, released, the papers upon which they were arrested being illegally drawn up. Yesterday Mrs. Lutes attacked and attempted to horsewhip the city marshal, but was arrested; and at this writing, the case is pending before the police judge.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The Woman's Relief Corps request donations of flowers and evergreens from patriotic citizens, for decorating the graves on Memorial Day. The offerings should be delivered to Dr. Fowler's office (over Matlack's store) by noon on Friday. They also request the names of deceased soldiers, whom their friends desire to have inscribed on the cenotaph. The company and regiment of the deceased should also be given.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The Baptist sociable given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ayres, on Friday evening, was well attended by the church members and their friends and proved a very enjoyable festivity. Ice cream and cake were dispensed to the guests, and music, conversation, and parlor games furnished amusement for all tastes. The host and hostess spared no pains in securing the enjoyment of their guests.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Funeral Notice.
DIED. The funeral of the late Wm. A. Badley will be preached in the Coburn School- house, on Grouse, next Sunday, May 31, 1885, by Rev. Kitch. Friends and neighbors of the family are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

We shall always remember with feelings of gratitude and thankfulness the many acts of kindness shown in our last sad bereavementthe death of our darling Maggieand the kind and thoughtful ones who prepared and laid her away in her resting place among the flowers.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The Belle Plaine Resident comes out warmly in advocacy of the proposition to vote $25,000 city bonds to build a canal thither from the Arkansas River. The editor gives the reasons for the faith that is in him as follows: It will attract population and increase business; it will induce the investment of capital; the farmer will get 10 to 15 cents extra for his wheat; it will increase the value of city property; it will furnish water power for any amount of mill machinery; and $100,000 invested on the ditch will reduce the tax levy, and lighten the burden borne by property holders. The vote on the question will be taken next Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Business Improvements.
Summit Street now shows the march of improvement. Four new brick stores are going up on four contiguous blocks. The Frick Bros. have begun laying the foundation of their brick store on the corner of Fourth Avenue; Herman Godehard is laying the timbers of the second story to his commodious store; and Miller & Co., are making good work on their foundation now the weather is favorable to building enterprise. One door north of Central Avenue, next to Judge Bonsall's photograph gallery, Dr. A. J. Chapel is excavating for a two story and basement building, Ashton having the contract. It will be 25 by 75 feet in outside dimensions, the basement 9 feet and aerated; the store floor 14 feet, and the upper story 12 feet. The cost of the building will be about $4,000. Other similar improvements on Summit Street are projected.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Sanitary Suggestions.
One of our city physicians in the TRAVELER a few weeks ago called the attention of the city government to the unwholesome condition of our streets and alleys. "The impurities that are allowed to remain," he said, "infecting the air we breathe with their exhalations, threaten an infection which will involve our population in disease and death." The necessity of the adoption of some sufficient sanitary measures was made evident to the senses a few days ago when Street Commissioner Moore made an ineffectual attempt to level a portion of Summit Street by dragging a heavy plank through the liquid mud. The stirring up of this noisome compost produced an effluvium that assailed the nostrils with the virulence of the sixty-seven different stenches which Coleridge detected in Cologne.

City ordinance No. 2, published in our columns last week, prohibits the sale of stale or unwholesome vegetables; but decaying vegetables can affect the health of the people without being taken into the stomach in the shape of food. A week or so ago we noticed at least a peck of wilted lettuce, radishes, and other unsalable vegetables thrown into the gutter in front of a tradesman's store. It was being tramped into the mud by horses' hoofs and ground into fragments by passing vehicles, and in this unrecognizable shape left to ferment and fester in the sun. Such garbage scattered along the streets and filling the air with poisonous particles when dried into dust, is as deleterious as the cholera microbes which slaughtered thousands in Marseilles and Toulon last summer.

The ordinance above referred to makes it the duty of the city council to attend to the sanitation of the city; but these officials have their own affairs to attend to, and this important public duty is apt to be slighted. A more effective preventive would be the appointment of a board of health from our city physicians, who would certainly be ready to render voluntary service in the public interest, and whose scientific experience qualifies them for the duty. Passing needful laws is one way towards proper government, but these accomplish nothing unless they are duly enforced. Our correspondent referred to in this article concludes his appeal to the city council by reminding that body that "prompt steps to establish a sanitary condition are asked at its hands," in order to avoid the affliction that threatens to scourge our people."

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The Department Redeems Its Promise and Sends Them Home.
The promise of the Indian department to Chief Joseph and his band of Nez Perces, so long unfulfilled, of returning them to their former home in Idaho has at length been redeemed, and on Friday the rejoicing redskins started off to the number of 268 souls. It is known to the reader that this band of the Nez Perces were gathered up by Gen. Miles at the close of the war with that tribe, about five years ago, and after their removal to Fort Leavenworth and detention there for a time, they were assigned to their recent place of abode, adjoining the Ponca reservation. Being swept up by the military as prisoners of war, the band was composed of parts of families, and when they found themselves banished to a strange land, they became moody and discontented and took no interest in the affairs of life. A warmer climate did not seem to agree with them, for the children born to the tribe in the Indian Territory died in infancy, and some of the adults so completely lost heart that they resorted to suicide. But they grew out of this feeling of despondency after awhile, and, under the teachings of the agency people, applied themselves to work. Chief Joseph, who as the champion of the rights of his people, had shown himself one of the most doughty warriors who have illustrated the annals of the red race, when subjugated by superior force, accepted the situation in good faith, and has since exercised a wholesome influence over his followers. The Nez Perces pursued the white man's path, planted corn, raised cattle, sent their children to school, and behaved in an exemplary manner.

But their hearts still turned to the home of their fathers, and promises have been made to them all along that they should be taken back to Idaho. After long delay and repeated disappointment, the government has at length got ready to move; and two weeks ago, Dr. Faulkner came out, entrusted with the duty of removing these people to Lapwai. They gladly packed up their effects, and on Thursday morning started from their agency, leaving the horses and cattle issued to them by the government to be sold in their interest by Agent Scott. Transportation was furnished for their baggage, and some few women with their young children rode; but most of the tribe tramped through the deep mud, and arrived in town late the same night or early the following morning.

Here they spent the early forenoon, disposing of the few ponies they had brought along, and making necessary purchases. By ten o'clock they were mustered at the depot, where a special train of seven emigrant cars, sent here from McPherson, was in waiting to receive them. Some little trouble was caused by the children from the Chilocco school, who had been sent to town to join in the hegira of their parents, being refused transportation by the special agent. But Dr. Minthorn's deputy (a Mr. Munson), who had the children in custody, urged upon Dr. Faulkner the moral obligation that rested upon him to take them, informing him of the argument used with the parents that sending their children to school would be regarded by their great father as an evidence of their trust and docility, and would hasten their return to their former homes. The solemn promise was at the same time made that the young folks should accompany their parents on their return to early camping ground. This argument prevailed with the doctor, and he admitted the children to the cars.

The departure of the train was delayed till the arrival of the Winfield express at noon; the last adieux were then said, the whistle screamed, and those battle-tried aborigines started on their return to their former homes. This route will be by the Santa Fe to McPherson, thence to Denver by the Kansas Division, and on to Cheyenne and Ogden. The Utah & Northwestern (narrow gauge), running to Montana, will carry them within a few miles of Lapwai. Only 124 of the band go to this station, the remainder accompany Chief Joseph to Eastern Washington.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Suspicious Death.
On Sunday evening a body in an advanced state of decomposition was discovered in the Arkansas River, near the mouth of Chilocco Creek. Information was brought to this city, and Capt. Rarick, the following morning, proceeded to investigate the case. From the facts gathered by this officer, it appears that the deceased, whose name is Geo. Mussulman, with another man named Jack Cooley, some ten days ago started out together to fish. The last named has been since seen by Lon Skinner, to whom he told several contradictory stories about the loss of his companion. It is reported that Mussulman had $50 in his possession and a gold watch, and Capt. Rarick on searching the remains found but one dollar in silver and no watch. There was also a bad bruise on the upper part of the face, which is supposed to have been inflicted before death. Cooley has not been seen since, and some suspicions are entertained in regard to his complicity in the tragedy. The body being discovered beyond the state line, and being so badly decayed, no inquest was held, and it was buried near where it was found.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

MARRIED. Married on Thursday, the 21st, inst., by Rev. F. L. Walker, Robert M. Moore and Miss Eva Lane, all of this city.

MARRIED. Also married on Saturday by the same clergyman, Seymour Goff, of Creswell, and Miss Augusta Finley, of Chetopa, Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Lost. A bunch of keys. Finder will please return to this office.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Sam Swarts, one of the old time TRAVELER boys, is again on our force, temporarily.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Mr. C. A. Barnett left for the west last Monday, and expects to be absent several days.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Charles and Mrs. Schiffbauer arrived in our city Monday last after a several weeks stay at their Territory ranch.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

A large bay mare and colt are estray from D. M. Emery in Pleasant Valley. See full notice in another column.

Ad. Strayed. From my farm in Pleasant Valley Township on Sunday, May 24, one large bay mare 15-1/2 hands high, star in face and cross snip on nose; also a large bay colt, star in forehead and scars from recent cuts on barb wire. Reasonable reward will be paid for delivery of same or information thereof to D. M. EMERY, Constant P. O., Cowley Co., Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Lute Coombs is again with us after his trip to New Orleans. He says he had a way up time and we do not doubt it.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

John Nading, of Flat Rock, Indiana, a wealthy miller and grain buyer of that section, is now in our city on a business visit.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

W. J. Woods is now at the Rink store, where he will be glad to see his many friends. He is an old jobber and at home in the dry goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ollie Stevenson, an employee of the TRAVELER, left with the excursion party on Monday, and expects to have a good time for three weeks.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

W. B. Kirkpatrick has decided to leave our city to engage in business in Topeka. We are sorry to lose him, but wish him success wherever he goes.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Mrs. K. F. Smith and children have arrived in town and will occupy their tasty residence on Central Avenue, which is just completed.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fee, of Winterset, who have been spending the winter months with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Barnett, returned to their Iowa home last Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

We are glad to chronicle the arrival of Mrs. H. O. Meigs and family, who are now permanently located in the canal city. Mrs. Meigs was one of our earliest settlers and her many old-time friends will gladly welcome her return.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Of the numerous resorts for ice cream and other summer refreshments in our city, the St. Louis Restaurant is so far ahead, both in elegance of accommodation and excellence of comestibles furnished. Mr. Burnett, the gentlemanly proprietor, is determined to make the St. Louis the best restaurant in the city, and so far certainly has succeeded.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Several lovers of music in this city propose to form a class to be held in the brick schoolhouse and last through June. Prof. J. Warren Duncan, of this city, will conduct the class, with Miss Mary B. Bradley as assistant. Application for membership can be made to Will Blakeney. Prof. H. S. Perkins, of Chicago, has consented to close the term.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Change of Base.
Three more companies of the Ninth cavalry left Arkansas City on Saturday, their destination being Fort Robinson, Nebraska. The battalion consists of Co. F, Capt. Carroll; Co. E, Capt. Parker; and Co. C., Capt. Valois. The force bivouacked today at the depot, during which time the quartermaster and commissary stores were shipped on the cars and early on Saturday morning the battalion struck tents and marched off, the men looking cheerful and their chargers in fine condition. This leaves but three companies in camp at Chilocco (A, G, and L), which will remain at their present station until relieved by the Fifth Cavalry, which is expected to reach here in the early part of June. The morale of the colored boys in blue is excellent, and their conduct and discipline are a credit to the service.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

City Council Proceedings.
The city council was late in getting together on Monday evening. Capt. Rarick, having resigned; and Mr. Davis deeming himself without the necessary property qualification to hold his seat, the body is reduced to little more than a quorum. Mr. Hill was also absent, having left on the afternoon train. The mayor and four councilmen waited till 8:30, and no quorum appearing, the marshal was sent after Archie Dunn, who promptly responded to the summons and then the business began.

In accordance with city ordinance No. 125, a license of $25 a day had been demanded of G. G. Matthews for selling a bankrupt stock of dry goods, thereby demoralizing the trade of our home merchants; but he refused to pay the tax. This was reported to the council in writing, and after some discussion, the matter was postponed indefinitely.

Mr. Hight reported in behalf of the sanitary committee. A new vault should be dug at the Windsor Hotel and better provision made for carrying off waste water. Mr. Stedman, owner of the bath house, was required to make the same provision. The water spout on Kellogg & Coombs' drug store should be removed to a more suitable place, and the privy in the rear of their lot removed. The portion of the alley in the rear of the Arkansas City Bank should be filled up, and certain manure piles at different points mentioned removed. Also some hog pens and stagnant pools in the first ward required attention. The report was accepted, and the attention of the street commissioner called to the various nuisances named.

The mayor stated to the council that Night Watchman Dunckel had resigned; and on recommendation, his honor had appointed Mr. Johnson to fill the vacancy. He submitted this action for the approval of the council. Mr. Yont's name being also mentioned for the office, a ballot was taken which resulted in two votes for Jackson and three for Yont. The latter was approved as night watch without cost to the city.


Mr. Hight asked for the report of the water works committee. Capt. Thompson, the only member of the committee present, asked further time, which was granted.

W. L. Dookson [? Dockson ?] then presented himself before the city council asking to be heard. He set forth that he was a professional house numberer, had numbered the houses in Wichita, Sedgwick, Winfield, and other places, and asked the passage of an ordinance by the council giving him the right to number the houses in Arkansas City. He was followed by Bert Risden, who asked that the privilege be accorded him, and engaging to employ Mr. Ferguson, one of our own citizens, to do the painting. Referred to the committee on ordinances.

The committee on streets was instructed to report a system of guttering and curbing for action by the council.

Some discussion arose over the purchase of four lots by the city, where the springs, which furnish the water supply, are located. There is a mortgage of $75 on the property, while the rent paid by the city is $25 a year. It was urged that if the city pays the mortgage, it will acquire title to the property, and thus save the cost of rent. Referred to the finance committee.

The next business in order was the consideration of ordinances, and the ordinance imposing an occupation tax was the first to come up. But it was now ten o'clock, and members suggested it was too late to take up so comprehensive a matter.

At this moment, Mr. Collins, of Wichita, attorney for Mr. O'Neil, presented himself and asked if the council was willing to grant definite terms to his client. The franchise granted by the former council allowed 90 days for furnishing the plant to supply the city with water; that time was two-thirds gone, and his client had been hindered from prosecuting the work because of the refusal of the present council to carry out the contract of their predecessors in office.

Mr. Dean inquired if the company Mr. O'Neil represented was willing to go on and do their work without bonds.

Mr. Collins could not say as to that. His client had spent months here, had supplied the city with water, paying for fuel and necessary help, and had incurred other expenses. He now wished to know whether an arrangement could be made with the council so that he could go on and fulfill his contract.

Mr. Dunn said O'Neil had collected water rent from the Leland House and Mr. Geo. E. Hasie, but this the latter emphatically denied.

Some show of feeling was developed during the discussion, which the mayor endeavored to suppress. At 10 o'clock the council adjourned to meet the following evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

A Conflict of Authority.
There is a question of authority raised on the fitness of our city attorney to practice in the district court of this county. The Republican says: "The writer in the TRAVELER willfully misrepresents when he says Stafford is qualified to practice in any (our neighbor meaning every) court in this state." The certificate of admission held by Mr. Stafford to practice in the supreme court of Kansas, sets forth as follows: "It is therefore ordered by the court that the said T. J. Stafford, be, and he is hereby, admitted to the practice of the law in the district courts inferior thereto in the State of Kansas." The diploma issued to him by the district court of Shawnee County holds nearly similar language. In order to test whether these declama- tions meant what they stood for, or were a mere glittering generality, the city attorney, among other questions, addressed the following to Attorney General Bradford: "Does a certificate of the district court of one county and district, issued to an attorney, authorize said attorney to practice in any other county or district in the state?" To which the attorney- general answered with an unqualified, "Yes."

The Republican, to wriggle out of the false position it has assumed, makes the silly statement that a certificate of admission to the supreme court is very easily obtained. "It is only a courtesy extended to any lawyer." We would inquire, "How about a certificate of admission to an inferior court?" The district court of Shawnee County, for instance. Is that merely "a courtesy extended to any lawyer?" If admission to practice in one district of a state confers the right to practice in all the district courts of the same state, as the certificate sets forth, with what color of truth can our jaundiced cotem declare that for Mr. Stafford to practice in the district court of Cowley County, "is at the option of Judge Torrance?" His Honor does not authorize such a declaration because this would place his court in conflict with the judicial system of the state, and a refusal to admit our city attorney to plead in his court would set him in contempt to a superior tribunal. The necessity is imposed on our too hasty neighbor of eating his own words, and this is never a nutritious diet.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Survey Party Returns.
The survey party in charge of Chief Engineer Morehead, which left here early in April to survey the route for the Kansas City and Southwestern railway, returned to town on Monday. It consists of T. S. Morehead, Harry Hill, Dan McDonald, T. E. Coppage, Dr. J. D. Love, James Jones, C. W. Robinson, Will McCune, Fred. Barrett, and W. T. Sherwood. The survey was begun at Beaumont, Butler County, and carried on amid interruptions from rain storms and swollen creeks to within three miles of Arkansas City. The track is begun at Beaumont and three miles of rail laid; the work of grading is being actively carried forward. The route surveyed is found entirely practicable; cuts and fills will be light; but some slight deviation will be made on account of creeks. Some portions of the route will require to be done over, in order to make connections, the bad weather interfering with the work. The three miles intervening between the city and the end of the survey will shortly be gone over, and the survey continued to the state line. The election for bonds will be held on Monday, and if approved, we may expect to see this line completed to our city borders during the summer, and an important factor added to our future progress.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

The regular meetings of the city council will hereafter be held on the first and third Mondays of each month.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Programme of the Services in Commemoration of the Dead.
Pursuant to order the committee on arrangements appointed by Post No. 158, G. A. R., and a committee of ladies to confer with them from the W. R. C., held a meeting on Monday, May 25th, at which time the following programme was adopted.

The members of the post to meet at their rooms promptly at 9 a.m. sharp, and as soon as equipped to march to Highland Hall, where the two organizations will unite in the public services laid down by the service book of the order. It is the request of the Commander that the best of order be observed during our memorial exercises.

1. Assemble at Highland Hall.

2. Prayer by Chaplain.

3. Address by Commander Mowry.

4. Music.

5. Reading orders of the day.

6. Line of march.

7. The procession will move to the cemetery from in front of Highland Hall and proceed there in the following order.

1) Band.

2) Decoration wagon with cenotaph and flowers.

3) Invited organizations and secret societies.

4) Woman's Relief Corps.

5) Decorated wagon containing little girls and boys.

6) Arkansas City Post G. A. R.

7) City officials in carriages.

8) Citizens in carriages, wagons, and horse back.

At the cemetery the procession will proceed directly to the cenotaph or unknown grave, where the greater part of the cemetery services will be held, conducted by such officers of the post as are prescribed by the department regulations. A salute of eight guns will be given at the conclusion of the services at the cemetery. The procession will be under conduct of Col. M. N. Sinnott, marshal of the day. It is hoped that good order will be observed on the return from the cemetery. When the parade arrives in front of Highland Hall, it will be dismissed by the officer in charge for rest and refreshments.

The Post, Relief corps, Military, and all organizations as well as citizens, are requested and cordially invited to assemble in Highland Hall at 3 p.m., where the memorial services will be concluded. Addresses by Judge Sumner and others, also Post exercises and select readings.

By order of Committee.

G. A. R.: F. Lockley, H. T. Sumner, C. R. Fowler, A. A. Davis.

W. R. C.: Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Bluebaugh, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hubbard.

COL. SINNOTT, Chief Marshal.
Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

I. O. O. F.
At the regular semi-annual election of officers for Arkansas City Lodge, No. 160, which occurred last Monday evening, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term.

Noble Grand, W. C. Guyer.

Vice Grand, M. C. Copple.

Secretary, W. F. Wallace.

Treasurer, W. J. Gamel.

Representative to Grand Lodge, Geo. W. Ford.

Alternate, Howard McIntire.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Attention, Members Arkansas Valley National Guard.
By an invitation from the G. A. R. Post, you are requested to turn out on May 30, mounted and without uniforms at the Star stables, to attend decoration services, at 9 o'clock a.m. sharp. By orders, C. G. THOMPSON, Captain, commanding company.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Is it Cholera?
The above headline is becoming familiar. The epidemic of bowel complaint on Long Island last fall, and in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and parts of the South, during the past winter and spring, have each called it out, but have been traced to local causes. Whenever bowel complaint has occurred, it has been so violent as to cause apprehensions of cholera, and the indications are that it will be more common than usual during this summer. Every family should be prepared for it. There is nothing equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy, as shown by the thousands who have been cured by it; besides it is pleasant to take. It is put up in 25 cent, 50 cent, and dollar bottles. Sold by Mowry & Sollitt.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Itch cured in thirty minutes by Wonlord's Sanitary Lotion. Warranted by E. D. Eddy, druggist, Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

CHEAP MONEY. From $200 to $10,000 loaned. MEIGS & NELSON.

Insure your property against fire, lightning, and cyclones, with Meigs & Nelson.

If you have property to rent or sell, apply to Meigs & Nelson, under Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Still on the Track. We will sell Pacific lawns for five cents a yard as we want to close them out to make room for NEW GOODS. We have a large line of Piece Goods, Jeans, Fishnets, etc., at half price. Friday, May 28, we will have a large line of Bed Spreads and Lace Curtains. We will cut the prices on Clothing for the next few days to make room for a new invoice. Don't forget the place. THE RINK STORE.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Card. I wish to state to the public that my claim of $110 for eleven weeks disability caused by accident was promptly and satisfactorily settled by the old reliable Travelers' Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn., through their popular and gentlemanly agent, N. T. Snyder, of this city. While thanking this company for their prompt and courteous treatment would suggest to my friends that the jingling of the dollars helps the hurt that a crippled hand feels. Respectfully yours, WILL M. HENDERSON.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.


1) Byron Farrar vs. Sarah A. Drennan, Noah Gribben as the guardian of Olive E. Gribben, a lunatic, Samuel E. Maxwell, et al.

Real estate property to be sold June 29, 1885, at the south door of the courthouse in Winfield by GEO. H. McINTIRE, SHERIFF.

A. J. Pyburn, Plaintiff's attorney.

2) Wm. M. Sleeth vs. Sarah A. Drennan, Noah Griffen as the guardian of Olive E. Gribben, a lunatic, Samuel E. Maxwell, et al.

SAME AS #1....Sheriff McIntire to sell real estate property on June 29, 1885, to settle claim. Pyburn, Plaintiff's attorney.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ordinance No. 6.
To provide against danger of frightening horses and teams, and for the prevention of runaways in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to play at ball, or throw or pass balls along or upon Main street, or Third, Fourth, Fifth, Central or Sixth avenue, or upon or along any sidewalk thereof.

SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to throw out or put in or upon any of the streets or sidewalks mentioned in section one of this ordinance, any paper, litter, filth, or anything that is liable to be blown by the wind along, upon, or through said streets and sidewalks in the city of Arkansas City.

SECTION 3. That any person violating any of the provisions of sections one and two of this ordinance shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not less than two dollars or more than ten dollars and costs of prosecution.

SECTION 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons to break or train wild ponies or horses in or upon any street within the city.

SECTION 5. That it shall be unlawful for any person to picket out any horse or cow or any other domestic animal within reach of any street, alley, or sidewalk within the city, or upon any school grounds.

SECTION 6. Any person violating any of the provisions of sections four and five of this ordinance, shall be fined in the sum of five dollars and costs for each offense.

SECTION 7. That this ordinance shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 18th, 1885.

Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ordinance No. 7.
Relating to larceny and assault and battery.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

SECTION 1. That any person who shall take, steal, and carry away any money or personal property or effects of another, under the value of twenty dollars (not being the subject of grand larceny without regard to value), shall be deemed guilty of petty larceny, and on conviction shall be punished by confinement in the jail of the city, not exceeding three months, or by fine in any sum not to exceed one hundred dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the police judge.

SECTION 2. That any person who shall assault and beat or wound another under circumstances not to constitute any of the higher grade of offences against the laws of the state, shall be deemed guilty of assault and battery, and shall upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city jail not exceeding three months.

SECTION 3. That any person charged with the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall have a speedy trial before the police judge of the city, and shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges, and immunities of persons charged with like offences under the laws of the state, and the police judge shall in all such cases proceed in the manner required by law in the trial of like cases before justices of the peace.

SECTION 4. This ordinance will be in force and take effect on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 18th, 1885.

Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ordinance No. 8.
Relating to repairing sidewalks.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

SECTION 1. In case any portion of any sidewalk in said city shall be out of repair, it shall be the duty of the mayor to direct the city marshal or street commissioner to give the owner or owners of the lot abutting upon such portion of sidewalk two days notice in writing which may be served by copy left at the residence or place of business, requiring of such person or persons to make the necessary repairs at their own expense, subject to the direction of the marshal or street commissioner; provided that in case such lots are owned by non- residents, then such notice shall be given to the occupants, if any there be; and provided further, that in case of vacant lots owned by non-residents, no notice shall be necessary.

SECTION 2. In case any owner, owners, or occupants of lots coming within the purview of this ordinance who shall receive the notice provided for in the preceding section, and shall fail to comply with the requirements thereof, and in every case of non-resident owners of vacant lots, it shall be the duty of the mayor to order the marshal or street commissioner to make the necessary repairs of such sidewalk in a substantial manner, and report the cost thereof in such case to the city clerk and the same shall be levied as sidewalk tax on such lots.

SECTION 3. It shall be the duty of the marshal to report all defective sidewalks promptly to the mayor.

SECTION 4. This ordinance to be in force, and take effect from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 18th, 1885.

Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ordinance No. 9.
Relating to obstructions on Main street.

Be it ordained by the Mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

SECTION 1. That all obstructions on Summit street in said city, including hay scales and hitching posts which interfere with the grading of the streets, or the excavation of the gutters on either side of said street, shall be removed by the parties owning, using, or occupying and controlling the same, under the direction of the street commissioner. That every such person shall be notified by the mayor to remove such obstruction, and upon failure to do so for five days it shall be the duty of the mayor to wholly remove such obstruction from the street, provided that no notice is required in the case of non-resident lot-owners.

SECTION 2. That in case any person coming within the purview of this ordinance shall refuse or neglect to remove such obstruction after receiving the prescribed notice, he shall upon conviction thereof before the police judge, be fined in such sum as it may reasonably be worth to remove such obstruction, not to exceed one hundred dollars and costs of prosecution.

SECTION 3. That each person or association of persons owning, occupying, or controlling any lot on said Summit street or any other graded street in said city shall keep the gutter in front thereof clean and in condition to carry off the water; and failing to do so, the same shall be done by the street commissioner and the cost thereof reported by him to the city council to be levied and assessed as a special tax against such lot according to law; and any such persons, who shall cast into any such gutter any filth or other obstruction shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined by the police judge in any sum not to exceed the sum of fifty dollars.

SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 18th, 1885.

Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.

Arkansas City Traveler, May 27, 1885.

Ordinance No. 11.
Fixing times for the regular meeting of the council of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

Be it ordained by the mayor and councilmen of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas.

SECTION 1. That from and after the 1st day of June, 1885, the regular meetings of the council of Arkansas City, Kansas, shall be held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month at thirty minutes past seven o'clock, p.m., of such days.

SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and after its publication once in the Arkansas City TRAVELER.

Approved May 18th, 1885.

Attest, JAS. BENEDICT, Clerk.


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