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[From Wednesday, December 24, 1884, through December 31, 1884.]
H. P. STANDLEY, Editor and Proprietor.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.

A correspondent of the London Daily News, traveling with the Afghan Commission, describes a peculiar village they encountered in Persia, about 100 miles from Teheran, and which seems to surpass in simplicity of defensive arrangement the famous Zuni abodes of New Mexico, which it closely resembles. It is the village of Langird, and the people ascribe great antiquity to it, declaring that Las, a son of Noah, drew on the ground the "giril," or circle, which defined the plan of the village, which seems to be one immense structure, bearing some resemblance of form to the Roman Colosseum, though built almost entirely of mud and quite without architectural pretensions. The rude walls are very thick at the base and rise to a height of about thirty feet to a line of doors opening on galleries made by filling in the spaces between projecting branches of trees.

There is no means of getting upon these galleries from the outside. The ways for getting up are all inside, in some cases rough steps of mud, in other cases inclined planes, half ladder and half road. The galleries are the modes of communication between the houses, and from their general level houses rise one above another, or are staggered peculiarly away into odd corners, access to them being very difficult for the inexperienced, though the natives get about their frail bildings and shaky projections with all the agility and certainty of monkeys.

This structure was of original defense against the Turkomans, the dwellings being confined to the upper portions of the great circle. But as there is now no danger from the ancient enemy, the center, which was filled up with strange moss structures, is falling into decay. There is but one entrance to the circle, and it is scarcely four feet in height and is protected by a heavy stone door working with a pivot and socket. The place is one of exceeding interest, and theologians may crack the nut that these people claim a direct descent from Noah. The Zunis, it will be remembered, hide away their villages, and construct their houses on a plan not unlike that prevailing in this Indian village of Persia. This question on resemblance is worth looking into.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.

The live stock interest is well represented at the exposition now open at New Orleans, the quarters for horses and cattle being able to accommodate one thousand of the former and five hundred of the latter. There is a regulation half mile track laid out adjoining the stock department and the track and enclosed space, 280 x 870 feet, will be used as an arena for the display of stock. Over $125,000 has been appropriated by the management for premiums and the necessary expenses of making the live stock display. This is by far a larger sum than has ever before been devoted to a similar enterprise. The object of the management in making this princely grant of money is to secure the presence of the best examples of all classes of live stock to be found on this continent.

The managers of the exposition have placed in the hands of Geo. Y. Johnson, superintendent of the department of Agriculture, a premium fund to be distributed as follows.

Horses: $12,000.

Breeding and Dairy Cattle: $12,000.

Fat Stock (Cattle, Sheep, and Hogs): $10,000.

Sheep: $5,000.

Poultry and Pet Stock: $5,000.

Dogs: $4,500.

The dates of the exhibition of the several breeds of live stock will be as follows: Horses, December 20 to January 25; cattle, January 25 to March 1; hogs, January 25 to March 1; sheep, January 25 to March 1, fat stock show, December 10 to January 10; dogs, January 10 to January 18; poultry and pet stock, January 15, to February 25.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.

Flaying the Farmers.
The extremely low prices now ruling in grain are calling the attention of the Western people to the exorbitant charges of the railroads for its transportation to market. The Kansas farmer gets for his wheat, marketed in Chicago, the price in that city, less the cost of transportation and the commission paid for handling it. And when the price in Chicago is extremely low, as it now is, the sum remaining for the farmer is so small as to leave him nothing for his labor. Let us give the figures in an instance or two.

A farmer at Abilene, Kansas, gets but 46 cents a bushel for the best wheat, and the freight rate per bushel to Chicago is 25 cents. That is, it costs over one-half of the gross receipts for his crop to get it to market. Wheat at Wichita, Kansas, is worth from 30 to 40 cents per bushel, and it costs 27 cents to get each bushel to Chicago.

And with corn the case is still worse. From any point west of the Missouri Riverunless there is a competing lineit costs more to get the corn to market than the farmer receives for it. Or, to state the matter in another form, the railroads get more for hauling the corn 500 or 600 miles than does the farmer for his weary summer's work in raising the crop, cutting it up, husking it, and hauling it to the railroad. No wonder the Kansas farmers are burning their corn for fuel. The exorbitant exactions of the railroads make it valueless as a marketable product.

Nor do the railways themselves pretend that the rates they charge are just. Be it understood that these figures are for points at which there is no competitionno other way for the farmer to reach a market than by the one road. He may pay the rate demanded, or he may crib his corn for the rats to feast upon through the winter, and support his family as best he may. That is no affair of the railroad. The monopolists who own and operate them know that he has no remedy. But where there is another line of road, the case is different. For example: The rate on corn per bushel from Council Bluffs, on the western boundary of Iowa, to Chicago, is less than eight cents per bushel, while from Des Moines, which is but little more than half that distance, the rate is eleven cents. The reason is, that there is competition from Council Bluffs to Chicago, and none from Des Moines to that city. The farmers of the West are devoured by these soulless corporations. Ruin stares them in the face. They have no means of reaching a market for their products but by the railroads, and these cooly demand from a third to a half of the Chicago price for the grain for transporting it.

There is but one remedy: the power of the law. The constitution of the United States gives to congress the power to regulate inter-state commerce, and its aid cannot be invoked too soon. That means a fierce contest at Washington. Any measure for the relief of the farming community from these extortions will be fought to the bitter end. The whole power of Wall Street will be brought to bear to clog the wheels of legislation. The stock gamblers want the roads to make money, as it aids them in their schemes. The men who own railway shares and bonds wish them to make large dividends. The farmers toil early and late to add to the wealth of the country, and Wall Street waits to wrest the lion's share of the fruits of his toil from him. Toledo Blade.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.

We are glad to note that the members and friends of the U. P. Church of this city intend to hold a social reunion and basket dinner at their church on Wednesday, Dec. 31, 1884, commencing at 12 o'clock, noon. A good time is promised, and a cordial invitation to attend extended to all.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.

The thirty mile race at the skating ring last week ended Saturday night. This race has been very hotly contested, and was won on the merits of the contestants. The result as to first place has never been doubted. But the result as to the second place might have been changed if one of the parties who commenced had been exluded sooner. The result is as follows.

Del Williams, first prize, $10, won by four laps over second place and nine laps over third.

Harry Hill, second prize, $5.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.





Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 24, 1884.


At the Green Front.
Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.

BIG AD. Another Invoice of New Goods just received at THE BEE HIVE STORE.

Our stock is now full and complete. Wool blankets and Comfortables by the CAR LOAD. Ladies' coats and circulars in all styles and at all prices. Also a large assortment of LADIES' SHAWLS.

In addition to our Dry Goods, We carry an immense stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, and Boots, and are selling goods very cheap for cash. Come and see us. We will use you well. OCHS & NICHOLSON, PROPRIETORS.

Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.


We are offering during the Holidays unprecedented low prices. Our stock is larger than ever before, and we have come to stay. We offer:

Mixed Candy, 12-1/2 cents.

Granulated Sugar, 12-1/2 lbs. For $1.

Eight cans Blackberries, $1.

Eight cans Tomatoes, $1.

Eight cans 2-pound Raspberries, $1.

Eight cans 2-pound Corn, $1.

Eight cans 2-pound String Beans, $1.

Good Plug Tobacco, 40 cents per pound.

Having no rent to pay, and with nine years' experience in the Wholesale and Retail Grocery business, we are able to compete with any price. KROENERT & AUSTIN.

Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.


Post Office Address: Kaw Agency, Indian Territory, Via: Arkansas City, Kansas.



HORSE BRAND: J F on left shoulder.

Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.





4. B. F. CHILDS.




8. T. E. BERRY & BROS.


10. C. M. SCOTT.

11. J. C. TOPLIFF.



14. W. J. POLLOCK.





Arkansas City Traveler, Supplement, December 24, 1884.

BIG AD. SANTA CLAUSE Will load up as usual at FITCH & BARRON'S!

A Present for Old People!

A Present for Young People!

A Present for Children!


Do not fail to see their stock of Vases, Toilet Sets, TOILET ARTICLES, PLUSH GOODS, Mugs, Mustache Cups, T O Y S !

And hundreds of articles we have not space to mention, for HOLIDAY GIFTS!


Everything in the DRY GOODS LINE at cost at the Notion Store.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

C. L. Swarts visited Winfield last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mr. Blubaugh visited Wichita last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

V. M. Ayres has removed into his new dwelling.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

F. B. Hutchison went to Winfield today to pay taxes.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

N. T. Snyder made a flying trip to Winfield Friday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

M. C. Campbell, of Wichita, was in the city last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Frank Schiffbauer visited friends in Winfield last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mrs. W. L. Aldridge's mother is visiting her from Topeka.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Our merchants are having a lively trade in holiday goods.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The Leland force are now decorated with caps and badges.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Christmas turkeys are rapidly disappearing from the stores.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Stedman Bros.' Steam Laundry has suspended work temporarily.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mrs. Theaker of the Chilocco school, spent Tuesday in the city.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Chas. Carter and Eugene Wade were over from Geuda Monday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

It makes the saints weep to see Ward and Charlie Stewart wrestle.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Our weather prophets predict mild weather during the holidays.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

For the best goods and lowest market prices, go to Herman Godehard.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

N. T. Snyder traded eight horses yesterday for two houses of Ed. Mason.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Searing & Mead's Walnut Mills were closed Tuesday for some few repairs.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

A number of deer came in Monday, which our merchants quickly disposed of.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The second hand store is now run by Biggs & Jones, vice R. A. Moore, retired.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

H. Tisdale, of Lawrence, is down, looking over his interests in these "diggins.'"

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

John Shapman, of Toledo, Ohio, is here prospecting. He expects to locate with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mrs. L. Jewett Parks and Mrs. H. W. Parks, of the B. I. T., were up last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Nobe Caldwell showed his blooming countenance on our streets last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

D. F. Hall, of Geuda Springs, made Arkansas City a short call last Wednesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Arthur Bangs came down from Winfield, Sunday, to confer with Maj. Tisdale.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Do not forget the social reunion and basket dinner at the U. P. Church on Dec. 331, 1884.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

O. C. R. Randall leaves Friday for an extended trip through the western part of the state.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The ladies have engaged Highland Hall for Christmas evening. They will give a grand ball.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Fancy candies, dates, figs, oranges, lemons, nuts of all kinds at Herman Godehard's.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We are now a city of the second class. The registration books will be open the first of January.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Four cars of hogs were shipped last week by our hog men, Ira Barnett and Neff & Henderson.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Hargis & Clark, of Wellington, have made such arrangements as will allow them to run their mill.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Charles Lish made us a pleasant call yesterday and received the TRAVELER for the new year. Thanks.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Maj. L. J. Miles, of Osage Agency, was up last week with a party of friends visiting him from the East.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We observed two wagons loaded with furniture bound for the Wyeth Cattle Company's ranch, Tuesday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mr. C. A. Denise, of Gratis, Ohio, arrived in the city Monday. He is visiting Kansas with a view of locating.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

A. E. Kirkpatrick is talking of disposing of his stock of groceries and going West to grow up with the country.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We understand that the Canon City coal mines have reopened, and that we will soon have several car loads here.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Geo. Haysel has rented the building occupied by John Gibson, as a barber shop, and will soon open a restaurant.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Christmas day the post office will not be opened except between the hours of 2 to 3 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

J. M. Rich, of Sedgwick, occupied the M. E. Pulpit last Sunday and delivered two interesting and instructive services.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Attend the snow house tonight at the Presbyterian Church. Music by home talent will fill up the intervals of waiting.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We notice R. E. Grubbs' smiling, but somewhat reduced, countenance behind Ridenour & Thompson's elegant show cases.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The Free Methodists will begin a protracted meeting next Sunday under the leadership of their new minister, Rev. Putney.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

No. 38, Kellogg & Coombs, have their stock arranged second to none. Dr. and Lute are rustlers and make things hum in their line.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Rev. Putney, the Free Methodist minister, started yesterday to visit friends near Wellington. He will remain away several days.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Agents of the Kaw Mutual Life Insurance Company have been canvassing the community, with what success we were unable to learn.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

M. Ed Harkness, of Elmwood, Illinois, writes us for the TRAVELER, which we shall have much pleasure in sending upon its weekly visits.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

E. T. Williamson, of Wellington, one of the Chicago Lumber Company, was down last week looking after the business of the company at this point.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We are in receipt of a communication from a lady correspondent at New Orleans, but are, unfortunately, unable to publish it until our next issue.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Fee, the parents of Mrs. Ira Barnett, are visiting their daughter. They hail from Winterset, Iowa, and have come to Kansas to enjoy the mild winter.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mrs. Lille Carnay and Mrs. Chamberlain, relatives of Mrs. Charles Schiffbauer, are visiting here. They will remain during the holidays.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

C. Rollin Camp, editor of Camp's Emigrant Guide, at Kansas City, is here this week, working a scheme to devote an issue to Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Winfield telephoned down for 125 turkeys this week, but we we were unable to supply them, as the demand for them is almost unprecedented.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We have been invited to a number of places to come and eat turkey Christmasand bring the turkey with us. That last clause bars us out.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

J. L. Huey traded for the furniture stock of J. W. Mansfield last week. It is supposed one of our other furniture men will take the stock.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

J. Kitch has sold 129 acres off of the farm he bought of T. V. McConn for $2,500 for $3,000. This shows the way property near the city is advancing.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The delivery wagons of our different grocerymen are on the go continually from morning till night. Hard times do not seem to have struck here yet.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The public schools were dismissed last Friday for a two week vacation. The majority of the teachers have gone to their homes to spend the vacation.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The trains on the A. T. & S. F. have been delayed several days of last week from one to four hours. They say the rush on the train line is the cause.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

V. M. Ayres' Canal Mills have a man selling their flour down in the Southern and Gulf states. They recently received an order for two cars from Atlanta, Georgia.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Geo. Whitney says he has had very few applications from the poor for assistance in the last three weeks. They are coming more rapidly now, however, since the cold snap.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Miss Laura Gould is assisting Gould & Snyder during their rush. These gentlemen are having an immense trade, and you hear no complaint about hard times from them.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

A. P. Hutchison, superintendent of the Arapahoe schools, will arrive tomorrow to spend the holidays here with his family. A. P. will soon come up to stay with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

W. C. Stevens was taken seriously ill Sunday, and for awhile his life was despaired of. He is at present slowly recovering, however. Dr. S. B. Parsons attended him.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Watt, son of John W. Patterson, had his feet so badly frozen last week while out hunting rabbits that he has been confined to the house ever since, and is yet unable to walk.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Mrs. J. L. Huey and her son, Barrett, start for the East tomorrow under the escort of J. F. Hess, who if we do not miss our guess, will be escorted home in his turn by another lady.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Dr. S. B. Parsons has fitted up his rooms in the rear end of the Cowley County Bank in a neat and attractive style and is now ready to welcome his patients in a comfortable manner.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Landes, Beall & Co.'s Roller Mills are running day and night to supply the demand. They cannot manufacture barrels fast enough, however, to keep them running full time right along.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Our old friend and subscriber, John Wahlenmaier, called upon us yesterday. He was en route for Topeka and Junction City, where he will spend about two weeks visiting relatives and friends.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Amos Walton is located over the Cowley County Bank with Judge Pyburn now. Amos says he has the cheapest money in the city to loan on real estate. He will also engage again in the law business.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

There is a lyceum held every Thursday evening in the Mowry schoolhouse in district 89, and quite an enjoyable time is had. An invitation is extended to all desirous of taking part in its debates.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Bert Thompson, we understand, will soon start a gun shop on Summit Street south of the Windsor Hotel. Bert has been doing the work for Stedman Bros. for a year or so, and is a competent workman.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Punshon & Braden are changing the interior of the skating rink in such a way as to allow the south side to be used for a bowling alley. They are endeavoring to make this a pleasure resort none can be ashamed of.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

For the first time in a year we noticed the bulletin boards of our real estate agents having notices of houses to rent that remained for more than a day. Meigs & Howard have had such a notice now for two days.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

M. B. Lewis leaves this week for Illinois, where he will make his home in the future. We are sorry to lose M. B., but as he will read the TRAVELER each week, we think he is not irrevocably lost, but may return after many days.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Peter Pearson, our enterprising furniture man, has been kept busy lately plying one of his numerous occupationsthis time as a taxidermist. He has prepared lately a number for different parties in a superior manner.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Dr. Chapel says matters are getting in such shape that his automatic coupler will receive a thorough trial. It is our opinion that a trial is all that is necessary to secure its adoption, and the Doctor receive the reward for his labor.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Oscar Titus is back at his old place in S. Matlack's dry goods store waiting on their many customers in his inimitable manner. Oscar has almost recovered from his recent attack of inflamatory rheumatism. He gives Geuda Springs the credit.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Abe Rosenfeld and Sam Wile exchanged places last week. Abe, from Wellington, took Sam's place here, and Sam took Abe's place there. It is no wonder D. Brunswick's Arcade here and at Wellington takes the lead, with such a corps of assistants as he has the knack of obtaining.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Died in this city, on Sunday, December 21, Nellie, the five-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Starr. The funeral took place yesterday. The bereaved parents, but lately removed to this city from Atchison County, have the sympathy of the community in their sorrow.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend the second annual social party of the season, given by the ladies of this city, at Highland Hall, Christmas evening. From the committee and the arrangements made, we anticipate a glorious time and shall, without doubt, make out to be there.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We understand that Messrs. Wyckoff & Son will put in a full stock of staple and fancy groceries on the south side of their clothing store, upon the expiration of the present occupant's lease next month. This firm have worked up a lucrative business and this new departure will no doubt add to their prosperity.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

The modesty of Kansas people is proverbial. It is on this account we seldom hear of this state. We are disposed to keep quiet in regard to our mild winters, our cool evening winds, our magnificently producing soil. We dislike to mention, even in a whisper, the fact that our people are a little more than half civilized, that once in a while you will find a church and occasionally a schoolhouse. That we do not all go barefooted nor bareheaded. It tears our self command to shreds to have to admit such things. But they are facts.

This feature in our people, we are sorry to say, even extends to our brother Knights of the scissorsmen who are supposed to have all the adamantine gall and three-thickness- iron-plated cheek to say and do most anything. We refer especially to some of our neighbors. Some of our near neighbors, indeed, who are well acquainted with us, know our ingoings and outgoings. These dear brethren are very much affected with modesty of expression, caused by a sudden contraction of conscience accompanied at the same time by an equally great expansion of cheek, when they think of or mention Arkansas City. You never hear them speak of our four large mills, the most of which run day and night, and ship flour to all points of the compass, from the Alleghanies to the Rockies, and from the Gulf to the Lakes, manufacturing, as they do, the flour and the barrels to hold it under the same room. They do not forget about thisthey are too modest to say anything, that is all. We do not remember to have heard them say anything about our "ditch," which is now running three large mills and will soon have a woolen mill perched on its banks. It has not, within the last decade anyway, been incidentally mentioned by them that this same canal gives us the best water power in the state, able to furnish power for a dozen large mills or manufactures. Of course, they do not allude to this because they are afraid their hearers or readers, as the case may be, may think them to be bragging. Of course, this is the reason. They "disremember" the fact that the Commercial and Hasie block is the finest block, with only three exceptions, in the state, and that our opera house is not to be exceeded south of Topeka. They perhaps never heard of it. Perhaps. It may be possible, however, that they have had an intimation that Arkansas City has all the government freight for the Territory, that that brings in thousands of dollars in trade, that we have the contract for a million and a half pounds of flour for the Indians, that this is the best outfitting point for cattlemen and traders on the border. They may have had such an intimation, but no tomb was ever more silent. Our beloved rib-of-our- sides brethren of the clipped ideas either forgot more than they remember or they do not hear as much as they hear. But notwithstanding all this, in spite of it, in fact, Arkansas City is heard of some way or other, as evidenced by the train loads that arrive every daythe full hotels, etc. See Arkansas City and live forever.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Winfield and Arkansas City have a summary way of disposing of the auction and Wandering Jew class of men who come in to stay a few days to dispose of a shoddy stock of goods and swindle the community in general. Two men of this class made efforts both here and in Winfield to get a building to put in a large stock of jewelry, silverware, etc., to auction off for Christmas trade. Our merchants here and the Winfield merchants there froze them out. We believe them to have done exactly right in this matter. Arkansas City owes her present flourishing condition to our enterprising businessmen who have come here and invested their money and time, and the citizens are in duty bound to protect them. The fact tht we can perhaps save fifty cents on an article by buying it from some traveling dead beat, does not justify us by any means in buying it of him. We do not admit that this can be done as a rule. If there is a difference in price, there will almost invariably be found a difference in quality. Guarantees, from such parties, are of no value whatever as they are not responsible, being here one day and the Lord only knows where the next. Under the circumstances our merchants did just right and ought to be supported in it.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

On New Year's Day.
The ladies of the Episcopal Society of this city will receive calls on New Year's Day in Masonic Hall from 2 to 4 p.m., and during the evening a social will be held at that same place. Elaborate preparations are being made for this event, and when we consider the high social qualities of the Episcopal ladies in Arkansas City, and their eminent fitness for holding such a reception as is contemplated, we are perfectly safe in guaranteeing a delightful afternoon and evening. Choice refreshments will be served by the ladies to all who accept their very cordial invitation extended to come and be merry with them. There will be room for all, and no one should fail to take advantage of this, the only New Year's reception in Arkansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

It is with pleasure we call attention to the professional card of Dr. G. H. J. Hart, of New Orleans, who has lately located with us and whose office will be found in the front room over the post office. The doctor solicits the patronage of our people, and as he comes well recommended as to professional qualifications, etc., we trust he may receive such recognition as will induce him to bring his family from the South and permanently cast his lot in the city by the canal.


Physician & Surgeon.

Diseases of Women and Children a Specialty.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Col. Douglass, of New Castle, Pennsylvania, is here visiting his old army comrade, Maj. W. M. Sleeth. This gentleman has been in the newspaper business for years, publishing the Cambridge Times, and other newspapers in Ohio, and lately located in Pennsylvania. The colonel is footloose now and came here to locate, if he finds anything suitable. We prophesy that he will remain with us.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Among the confirmations for postmaster on the 20th inst., we notice that of our postmaster, J. C. Topliff. We can truly say we are glad, as Mr. Topliff has proved himself thoroughly efficient in his discharge of the duties of the office, and in addition thereto has provided our city with the neatest and most commodious quarters of any post office in Southern Kansas.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Dr. S. B. Parsons' card will be found in this week's issue, and his offices are located in the rear room of the Cowley County Bank building, where he invites our people to call upon him. Dr. Parsons practices homeopathy, and as quite a number of our citizens have a preference for that school of medicine, we have no doubt the gentleman will soon acquire a lucrative practice.



Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

We had the pleasure of meeting Mr. G. Shepard, of Galveston, Texas, who is now in the city visiting George and Charles Howard. The boys were old time acquaintances at Lowell, Massachusetts, ere they started westward in the wake of the "star of empire."

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Bisque Figuresa fine line at Mowry & Sollitt's.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

A full line of standard poems in morocco at Gould & Snyder's.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to the customers and friends of HERMAN GODEHARD.

Thirteen years since Herman Godehard started here in business, and by fair dealing and the best of goods, he hopes to merit the continuance of your patronage.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 24, 1884.

Public Sale.

I will sell at public auction at my premises, six miles east of Arkansas City and one mile north of the state road, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., on Tuesday, Jan. 8, 1885, the following described property, to-wit:

One span mares.

One set harness.

One wagon.

One span colts.

One two-year-old colt.

Ten domestic milch cows.

One heifer calf.

One Durham bull calf.

One mowing machine.

One sulkey hay rake.

One stirring plow.

Prairie and millett hay, etc.

TERMS OF SALE. Sums of $5 and less, cash in hand. On sums over $5, ten months time will be given with approved security without interest. Notes not paid when due will draw ten percent interest from date. D. FRANCISCO.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

The Wellington Times and Winfield Courier comment favorably on the petition to be presented to the legislature by the people of Sumner County, in regard to the division of this Judicial District. Seeing that there are now four hundred cases on the docket, necessitating a two years' drag before cases can be brought to trial, we think the time is fully come. We cast our vote as follows: Judicial District, composed of the counties of Sumner, Harper, and Barbour Counties; ISAAC G. REED, Judge.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

The United States senate, about a month ago, adopted a resolution authorizing the appointment of a committee to investigate the matter of the leasing of certain lands from the Indians by various companies and individuals. The directors of the Cherokee Live Stock Association and of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Cattle Association met in Kansas City lately and adopted resolutions signifying their willingness to be investigated and to have all their actions and contracts laid before the proper authorities.

In consequence of this, the officers of these associations received telegrams summoning them to appear before the senate committee in person, January 5, 1885, to answer such questions as that committee may see fit to propound in regard to the lease and the way it was procured. In accordance with this, next Friday those summoned will start for Washington.

This investigation has been sought by the Association for more than a year past, on account of the report of foul and unfair means having been used, which has been going the rounds of the press. They say there is not the slightest foundation for this charge and have invited investigation. They do not fear the result at all and say they have paid for every foot of land grazed over and taken no unfair advantage whatever.

We hope this will settle the question to the satisfaction of those persons who have been so loud in their denunciations lately.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

Agent Dyer Before the Investigating Committee.
D. B. Dyer, agent for the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, is at present in Washington consulting the secretary of the Interior in regard to the conduct of some of the uncontrollable braves attached to his reservation. These Indians are classed as "wild" and some uneasiness is felt about the lawless acts of some of the young braves. They have progressed far enough in civilization to have acquired most of the vices, but few of the virtues, of that advanced state.

The cattlemen are suffering extensively from the raids of these Indians, and it is estimated that one cattle company has lost $100,000 by their acts. There are one thousand of these lawless braves, who are better armed than any like number of men in the country. Scores of them are not seen by the agent on delivery days; but whenever they want beef, they go out and shoot down what they want out of whatever herd is the handiest. It has not been long since a party of these went out and stopped a ranch train, and under pretense that they wanted meat, shot down nine head of oxen. Some choice portions were taken, and the carcasses left where they fell. The worst feature of this was that the leader was one of the educated Indians, having just recently returned from Carlisle barracks. The bucks are careful not to hurt persons, but pay no respect whatever to property.

The examination shortly to be made by the senate in regard to the leases with these Indians will show up the trials of cattlemen in their proper light.

The agent has the authority to prevent these outrages, but has not the required force. The secretary of the Interior has, heretofore, looked upon this matter in this waythat to send troops there to protect the cattlemen would look as if the department was looking too exclusively after their interests.

Agent Dyer went before the Dawes investigating committee and made quite a lengthy statement the other day. He stated that the number of acres leased by the Cheyenne and Arapahoes are about 38,000,000, at two cents per acre. That as to law in regard to leasing or not leasing, there is none; but that, for the last ten or twelve years, the lands have been occupied by various parties; that heretofore these parties paid a small sum to some of the principal Indians, which soon created a dissatisfaction among the balance and finally resulted in the cattlemen making contracts with the tribes, so that at present few or none are oppposed to it. He asserted that ninety-nine hundredths were satisfied.

The contracts, Mr. Dyer said, were made for ten years, to be paid for twice a year. That the cattlemen acted in good faith; had not only paid up promptly, but even fed, clothed, and given employment and beef to many of the Indians; that the Indians were doing better with their lands than could possibly be done otherwise. In the past a few of them received $3,000 or $4,000 while now the tribe derived $80,000 a year from it.

He concluded with the statement that these lands had been occupied for years by cattlemen without losses, and that the department ought, now that the cattlemen were paying for leases, approve the same and protect the lessors in their rights. That if this were done, more money could be got, and the Indians be better off in every way.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

NEW ORLEANS, December 16, 1884.
New Orleans and her guests have been anxious about the effect of the opening day of the great industrial and cotton exposition of 1884. Apprehensive lest the inaugural ceremonies should be lacking in scenic effect, and fail to meet the demands of the public, long waiting on tip-toe of expectancy. The topic has been fraught with intense interest. Was this exposition of ours, the latest of the world's great fairs, to be a beautiful triumph of the federation of nations? As the last showing of the world's sciences, arts, and industries, it should be an epitome of our civilization. In this community, so largely interested in it success or failure, the question has often been discussed: How will our exposition of an older generation compare with the great London fair, with those of Paris, Vienna, or Philadelphia?

Today, the 16th of December, the managers declared they would be in readiness to receive the public. Everywhere we caught glimpses of the public swarming thither. The streets were thronged with sight-seers and there was quite a pleasant air and festal-day look about the gray old town. I will try to crystallize into words a few general impressions of the day, with its shifting kaleidoscopic scenes. The papers announced the programme of the opening exercises and the hours when the exposition was to be pronounced fairly opened. Jupiter Pluvius was not in the ascendant, still the day was raw and unlovely, strangely unlike the days that so often charm our guests. So much has been promised us, and frequent criticisms had been urged that the work was in rather an uphill state of progress that all were eager to judge for themselves. Steadily the throng swayed towards the main building on into Music hall. Among the most interested of the visitors was our party. Leaving the densely packed car, we walked towards the macrocosm. Entering Government hall we stayed our eager steps a few short moments to view with our friends (commissioners from Dakota) the exhibits of the Northwest. Kansas, Nebraska, and Dakota were all strikingly grouped. Though many details remain unfinished, their work clearly indicates a grouping of attractions. The rare woods of Oregon, the beautiful exhibit of fruit from a Kansas farm, evaporated by a Kansas farmer, taxidermists' goods were all noted, but the especial thought of the day was to get an idea of the buildings and be present at the opening exercises. Entering a vestibule of the great parallelogram that forms the main building, occupying over forty acres of ground, we thought ourselves fortunate when pleasantly seated. Numbers of visitors fared badly, failing both to see and hear. It is as well to say at once that the crowning charm of the opening was the music. Exquisite strains of music from Currier's Cincinnati band and the wonderful Mexican band flooded the hall with the very spirit and soul of melody.

1. On the arrival of the steamer, J. W. Banks, at the exposition wharf, at 11:45, the guests will be met by President Richardson, the board of management, and Director General Burke. The procession will proceed to Music hall. Director General Burke will present the exposition to President Richardson and at 12 m. President Richardson will, by telegraph, present the exposition to his excellency, Chester A. Arthur, president of the United States.

2. Telegraphic response from the president officially announcing the opening of the exposition and setting in motion, with the assistance of Consulting Engineer S. H. Gilman and Master Lindsey Burke, the great Harris Corliss engine.

3. Prayer by Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Talmage.

4. Address of welcome by Hon. J. V. Guillote, mayor.

5. National anthems by the band.

6. Address of welcome by the governor of Louisiana.

7. Centennial poem by Mrs. Townsend.

8. Reception by the governor.

The bells rang out; the great engine was in motion, and the inaugural words were pronounced. The exposition is opened.

How can the first season be justified? The day was almost gone and so much was to be seen that, of course, cursory views only could be obtained. The general impression was that, after the work that is still to be done has been accomplished, an imposing and grand spectacle was to be offered to the world. Traces of work to be done, of disorder to be merged into order, are visible, but it is only just discrimination to call this a great affair. The heart of youth rejoices over this day so rich in promise. Among the great charms of the grounds are the grand old oaks, cunningly forced into the ensemble and made to pose in the exposition with a truly genuine and striking effect. The great simplicity of the gigantic main buildings makes it very easy for the visitor to find access to anything he wishes. Today Music hall was gracefully decorated with flags, large and small, and the devices of the states. The chandeliers resemble great clusters of calla lillies. The Mexican department is not yet ready. The design of the Horticultural hall is graceful, clear, and easy to comprehend. At a world's fair many effects are brought together. From Central America to Japan; from the Pacific to the Atlantic slope; all the exhibits betray their nationality. Importing these treasures one grows fervid, enthusiastic. From the fossil remains of the government to the art of the taxidermist's work; from the relics of the Greely expedition and the great exhibits of the wheat belt one goes on through the range of sciences, arts, and industries. We grow weary, yet loath to leave, but tired nature can see no more. We fail in interest, even when thrrough the swaying crowd we see the passing interesting folk. Even though it should prove to be Mrs. Howe, Mrs. Dr. Smith, Mrs. Elliott, or Mrs. Townsend. The inaugural day is over for us. We are glad indeed the inaugural words have been pronounced. The exposition is opened, and its treasures are garnered for us. NEMONA.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

Southern Wayside Jottings.
Ed. Traveler: Changes are constantly taking place in the busy north, and westward, where for several years the "Star of the Empire" has been wending its way. A great country is rapidly growing up, and even our own little Arkansas City has wrought such magical changes that strangers gaze in wonder at its growing beauties, while we proudly feel that patience has its reward and the "Queen of the Border" has a future that is bright as well as prosperous.

Here, in the sunny, idle, pleasure-loving South, how different are things, how slow and quiet and cosy all seem to move along, and how little care apparently for the morrow. On the line of the railroad one finds the same old inconvenient stations that were there years ago. The same negro boys, it seems, that used to enter the train at each stopping place, with their tin pot of coffee, fried chicken, and hard pies. The same sparsely settled towns, with the one- story frame buildings, plank walks, country looking streets, racks in front of stores with horses and mules standing hitched thereto; wagons, with bales of cotton, poor, thin, little oxen, that our cattlemen would say "had very badly wintered," negro drivers with faces that charcoal would make a white mark upon; garments fearfully made of patches; bottles that peeped auspiciously from their coat pockets and, no doubt, contained some kind of medicinewhich could be procured without a physicians certificate; and negro babies everywhere, uncombed, unwashed, ragged, white-eyed, fists full of corn bread, and happy, just the same as they were years and years ago.

is still a great source of gratification to the whites, many of whom are happy in the bright promises they now see of having "an honest administration of affairs"; a very few speak of a possible justice, in the return to the South of the Cotton Tax collected immediately after the war, and, perhaps, some remuneration for the freed slaves, but the majority, I think, are pleased because a change, which they felt was necessary, has taken place.

The negroes, who have taken little or no interest in local matters of a political nature, were greatly interested in the national election and anxious to vote for Blaine. They became great newspaper readers all at once, and many a one who could not read would buy a paper and take to to some more intelligent negro to have it read, and I am told that, for this reason, the demand for northern republican papers largely exceeded the supply.

At first the blacks positively refused to believe that Cleveland was elected, declaring even if it was so, that he would not be allowed to take his seat; but now as it is becoming plain to them that he will be inaugurated and the democratic party assume the reins of government, they do not feel so sure of their position under the new order of things, and, indeed, so unsettled were they that the leading blacks deemed it necessary to call a meeting and explain just what the situation is, and how little cause exists for being disturbed by a change of administration. So far as their liberties are concerned, in my opinion, the change will be beneficial to the blacks, it will overthrow the unnatural relationship which has existed since the close of the war, produce a better feeling between white and black, place them upon a more natural basis, and finally bring about a condition of things that will tend only toward peace and harmony, and, perhaps, a satisfactory solution of one of the national problems.

Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 31, 1884.

BIG AD. [Dr. H. D. Kellogg / L. V. Coombs.]

Kellogg & Coombs,
At The No. 33 Drug Store,
In Newman's old stand, opposite Cowley County Bank, are now opening up a Large and New Stock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Toilet Articles, Perfurmery, Patent Medicine, Painter's Supplies, and everything pertaining to a first-class Drug Store.

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded Day or Night.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Mr. Larry Stubbs is in the city today.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

J. Love, a friend of C. T. Atkinson, is visiting him.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Col. J. C. Douglass returned to this city today.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Dan Sifford is around again after a short illness.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Building is at a standstill on account of the cold snap.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Dr. Pile and outfit started this morning, for Oklahoma.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A. B. Holmes and family were up from Ponca Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

J. E. Jarvis of Winfield visited the Cowley metropolis Friday last.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Col. A. J. Alexander, wife and daughter, are visiting A. V., during the holidays.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

B. F. Childs was confined to the house several days last week with malaria.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Prof. J. C. Weir will attend the Teacher's Convention at Topeka next week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Marcia Bend was unanimously elected a member of the Y. P. S. C. Tuesday night.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

O. H. Lent goes to Pawnee next week to attend to business for Ware & Pickering.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Rev. N. S. Buckner returned last week from the Methodist Centennial at Baltimore.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

N. A. Haight, of Winfield, made us a pleasant call Monday evening, which we duly appreciated.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Miss Abbie Hamilton spent several days last week in the city visiting the Misses Christian.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The Young People's Social Club met at Ed. Kingsbury's room last week and had a pop-corn spree.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A number of J. M. Magill's friends spent a pleasant time at his residence Christmas evening.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Sam Burress came up from the B. I. T., Wednesday night, to spend the holidays among the civilized.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Frank Austin arrived Monday noon with his wife and great big boy. Frank will live at home hereafter.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

BIRTH. Born December 29, 1884, to Mr. and Mrs. Will L. Aldridge, a boy. Weight 9 pounds. Accept our hand, Will.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Died December 24, 1884, at Farmington, Maine, Celia E., sister of H. P. and Fred W. Farrar, aged 13 years.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A small party met at J. H. Hilliard's Monday night of this week for mutual enjoyment. They had it.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The petition circulated by O. Ingersoll for the pardon of E. F. Shindel was extensively signed last week.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The young people are talking of having a dance after the festival tomorrow night at the Highland Hall.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

J. W. Hutchison, J. Keller, and S. D. Klingman started for Sedgwick County yesterday to see the country.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Rev. Hewitt, of Wichita, who has been confined to his bed now for over three months, is very slowly improving.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

E. G. Gray has obtained the position of assistant clerk at Osage Agency. He left for that place Saturday morning.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A. P. Hutchison, superintendent of the Arapahoe Schools, arrived last Saturday to spend a week or so with his family.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Frank Deming, having recovered from his recent attack, is now located behind the counter at the Cowley County Bank.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

C. H. Searing, Elias Chase, H. P. Farrar, and H. P. Standley returned home from Osage Agency last night, all froze up.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

P. H. Folsom, Washington, D. C., special agent, came in on Thursday's train, and went to Osage Agency with Agent Miles.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Rev. Fleming made all arrangements to attend Presbytery at Emporia Monday, but was unable to go on account of the illness of his little boy.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The TRAVELER is delayed a few hours this week on account of the amount of job work on hand, although an extra hand was put on to assist.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Ice is being put up in large quantities this year. It is to be hoped that the experience of last summer will induce our ice men to put up sufficient amounts.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

J. R. Perry is lying seriously ill at Wellington. Mr. U. Spray left on the 1:30 p.m. train Saturday to take charge of his business until he may recover.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Samuel Howell dropped in this week and made our heart glad by paying one year for the TRAVELER for Mrs. W. A. Ela and for the Indicator for himself.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of James M. Via in Bolton Township, December 25, 1884, Mr. Menzo H. Tilberry to Miss Josephine Downing. Elder James M. Via officated.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The Osage Live Stock Association is in session at Osage Agency, Indian Territory

completing the organization and arranging a brand book to be printed by the TRAVELER.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

G. A. and F. A. Butler, of Grenola and Longton, jewelers, who were in the city for several days of last week looking for a location, left Saturday, without coming to any conclusion. They will perhaps return in a week or so.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The Knights of Pythias of Newton and Wichita will institute a lodge of that order here next Friday night. After the initiatory ceremony, a banquet will be served the visitors at the Windsor Hotel at 12 o'clock midnight.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

We are glad to learn that the Arkansas City Coal Co. has secured the agency of the Cason [? Carson ?] City coal, and that in a few days they will have in ten car loads, with twenty more ordered. We have been unable to find any as good coal in the state.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

We call special attention to the communications on the editorial page, contributed by Wanderer and Nemona.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Geo. Howard and Geo. Shepard took a whirl through the country last week, visiting Wellington, Wichita, Topeka, and Kansas City.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

C. H. Searing, Elias Chase, Harry P. Farrar, and H. P. Standley started to Osage Agency last Saturday to attend the meeting of the Osage Live Stock Association.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Mrs. E. N. Wilson was called home Christmas evening by a telegram announcing the serious illness of one of the family. Mrs. Wilson was to assist in furnishing the music at the Xmas Ball and was greatly missed.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Mr. and Mrs. Elias Chase of St. Thomas, Canada, are visiting their relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Searing. The Major, and Mr. Chase, are attending the stock meeting at Osage Agency.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Hiram Learnard of Tecumseh, Michigan, brother of Daniel F. Learnard, who recently bought Jessee Crew's place east of the Walnut, purchased half of it of his brother and took possession last Saturday.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The annual meeting of the 1st Presbyterian Church and congregation, to elect two Elders and the Deacons, will be held at the church Friday night, January 2, 1885. All members are invited to attend.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Several of our cattlemen have commenced shipping in corn from Wichita and points up the road for feeding. They say they can buy it there and pay freight to this point cheaper than they can buy it here.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Corn 22 and 23 cents. Oxford Register.

Observe our market quotations in another column and you will see that our buyers are paying 27 to 28 cents. 5 cents is a heap on corn, more than 25 percent. As usual, Arkansas City leads.

Arkansas City Markets.

As gathered from the different dealers in articles named.

Wheat, per bushel: 18 & 20.

Corn, per bushel: 25 & 28.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Wm. Tompkins of Wilmot, Dakota, whom some of the old settlers will doubtless remember, has been visiting Dr. H. D. Kellogg for a week or so past. He left Saturday, for South Haven, near which he has a claim, taken twelve years ago.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Andrew Hutchison came up from Cheyenne Agency last Saturday. He reports that there never has been a time when freighting was so bad as in the last few weeks. The Indians are getting scattered and doing more or less plundering as it comes to their hand.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

L. V. Coombs and Miss Nellie Nash, Charles Capel [? Chapel ?], and Miss Minne Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Woodson, Miss Lynch, Miss Clara Thompson, and Capt. C. G. Thompson and wife tripped the light fantastic at the residence of J. H. Hilliard Monday night of last week, to the excellent music furnished by Miss Clara Thompson.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The report that an earthquake shock was felt yesterday by the people in the vicinity of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street is without foundation. The rumor was started by the enemies of Lute Coombs, who happened to see him suddenly double up like a pocket knife and sit down uproariously on the part of the knife known as the hinge.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The most enjoyable affair that has taken place in Arkansas City for a long time was the "Snow House" at the White Church Christmas Eve. Every scholar of the school was remembered with some token. There were quite a number of handsome presents. Among them was the elegant bamboo chair given to T. V. McConn by his class. The ladies deserve all the credit for the excellent time enjoyed.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Episcopal Ladies.

At a meeting held at the residence of Mr. Wyard Gooch, on last Saturday evening, a society was formed for the promotion and advancement of the Episcopalian Church. The society is to be known as the Ladies' Episcopal Society of Arkansas City. Quite a number of prominent ladies and gentlemen were present, and the following officers were chosen.

Mrs. Dr. A. J. Chapel, President.

Mrs. M. S. Hasie, Vice President.

Mrs. Frank Beall, Secretary.

Mrs. H. C. Nicholson, Treasurer.

Dr. M. B. Vawter and Dr. G. H. J. Hart were selected by the ladies to assist them at their reception and social to be held at the Masonic Hall on the afternoon and evening of January 1, 1885.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.


What a difference there is in the loads our farmers now take out from what they used to several years ago. This year we notice that the majority of the wagons have a jag in the bed, if not more, of the black diamonds. It has not been long that this could be seen. It will not be long until more commence buying coal than now do. Every year the wood supply becomes farther and farther removed. It will, in a very short time, have to be hauled so far that the cost will exceed that of coal.

In view of this state of things, the suggestion that has been made concerning the prospecting for coal is certainly a good one. This article will soon be used by everyone, and, as it comes by rail, the expense is a matter of great concern. The discovery of a coal vein, even at a great depth, would answer the coal question, and should the expense of mining exceed the expense of other mines by one half, we would yet save money by buying home coal, saving as we would the exorbitant freight charges. The TRAVELER would like to see a company formed soon.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Christmas Tree.

Nothing is more pleasant and enjoyable than to see the fathers and mothers gather their young brood under their wing, as it were, and, by contributing to their enjoyment, at the same time teach them lessons which will not soon be forgotten. Gathering them around the fireside and in the old style, now, alas, almost forgotten, give the children the pleasure of a Christmas Tree of their own.

These remarks were suggested by the sight of the eager faces and expectant looks of the children of Peter Pearson and Charlie Balcom, Christmas Day. They were amply repaid for the anxious time they spent previous to the unveiling of the tree, by the beautiful tree and presents then revealed. It is needless to say that the children were wild with delight, and their innocent joy communicated a part of itself to the sedate and orderly elderswho skipped and danced with them to their hearts content.

Some very elegant presents were on the tree for the elder ones, for instance, a handsome office desk for Charles Balcom and a $50 gold headed cane for old Mr. Wilson, Mrs. Pearson's father.

No happier time could be enjoyed and the children, after feasting on the goodies to their repletion, retired to dream of the good things that night, as they doubtless will for many nights to come.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A most enjoyable time was had in Highland Hall, Christmas evening, by the lovers of the Terpsichorean set. Notwithstanding the failure of the musicians engaged, very good music was had by the energetic rustling of Lute Coombs and Ed. Kingsbury after the arrival of the crowd. All present made the most of the occasion and went away eulogizing the committee, which consisted of C. C. Sollitt, L. V. Coombs, F. K. Grosscup, P. L. Snyder, and E. L. Kingsbury.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

MARRIED. Married at Winfield Christmas evening at the M. E. Church, Miss Ida M. McDonald and Mr. Fred D. Blackman, Rev. B. Kelley officiating.

We wish to add our sincere congratulations to those of their many mutual friends. We have known and respected Fred for several years, and no larger hearted, more genial and companionable fellow breathes. We are also slightly acquainted with the accomplished bride. Her musical and social talents have made her known far beyond the circle of her acquaintances. Happy indeed is this union. May their journey be as happy as a summer day and end as auspiciously as it began.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

MARRIED. Married Tuesday, December 23, 1884, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Dido M. Carlisle to Mr. William E. Moore, Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating.

This is an event looked for for some time by the knowing ones, which does not lessen the heartiness of our congratulations to the least. Mrs. Moore is well and favorably known to many of our citizens, and Will, everybody knows, and, what is Moore, likes. We Will Moore-over say that both the contracting parties are to be congratulated on the excellence of their choice.

The young married couple made a short tour to Independence to visit his relatives and returned to the city yesterday. They will immediately commence housekeeping in the elegant cottage Will has been preparing for the last two monthsto rent, he said.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Klippings from our Naburs.
The rush of the County Treasurer's office ceased Saturday night. Last week's receipts were $31,357.43. Treasurer Nipp has three delivery windows and dispensed receipts and took in money with an alacrity that greatly pleased those who came a long distance and expected to stand up to the "crack," and await their turn. The half payments will compare very favorably with last year, notwithstanding the tough times. But the number who paid their whole tax to get the benefit of the rebate of five percent on the last half was very small. The penalty of five percent on all unpaid taxes is now being attached. If still unpaid, another five percent will attach March 21st, and still another June 21st.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Hargis & Clark, the big millers of Wellington, suspended last week. Times must be very close when a Southern Kansas mill is forced to suspend operations. This mill has been one of Wellington's biggest instituions, and we are sorry to hear of its embarrassment.

Winfield Courier.

We hope the Courier will give the denial of the above lie to its readers, as there was no foundation for it whatever, Hargis & Clark being in a better shape now than for a year.

Wellington Press.

The statements contained in the squib were common rumor on the streets here the day it was written. We are glad to learn that it was without foundation. The firm is one of the most active and enterprising in the southwest.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

There is at this writing a "blind tiger" in operation in Jim Fahey's building on Ninth Avenue and dozens of the thirsty are wending their way in and out getting the unadulterated bug juice from an unseen hand, on cash deposits. Probably before this reaches the public, the tiger will be a wiser if not a sadder quadruped. Tigers do not flourish like green bay trees on Cowley County soil. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

James Hill made his second annual settlement as administrator of the estate of William E. Chenoweth, deceased.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Sumner and Sedgwick County papers are making a big blow about the amount of taxes that were paid in during the last six days preceeding and including the 20th. Sumner beat Sedgwick County's biggest day's receipts by something over $1,000, while Cowley lays it over Sumner by over $5,000. The average daily receipts for the six days was $5,500.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Mr. James Hill was up from Arkansas City Tuesday. He is very sanguine as to the final construction of his Kansas City & Southwestern railroad. While in New York recently he made arrangements for the purchase of iron for a portion of the road. As soon as the weather will permit, operations on the line will commence. Mr. Hill is also enthusiastic over his Arkansas River flotilla scheme. Winfield Courier.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Captain Nipp in his management of the treasurer's office is deserving of much praise. Although the volume of taxes paid has been fully up to that of other years, the business of the office has moved along smoothly and with a celerity that has been surprising. The captain laid his plans well to meet the December rush of taxpayers, and with his able assistants, Messrs. Arrowsmith and Weaverling, transacted business with very little, if any, delay. Among the farmers especially do we hear words of commendation of Capt. Nipp's management of the treasurer's office.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The new bridge across the Arkansas River at Oxford has been opened to the public, who can now cross free of charge. It is a fine bridge and an ornament to Sumner County.

Udall Sentinel.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Major L. J. Miles, U. S. Agent for the Osage Indians, has been in town this week.

Independence Star.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

It may not be that the boomers now in the B. I. T. deserve any sympathy from us, but we could not help weeping over their suffering in camp in that wild and desolate country during those cold days and nights of last week. Poor devils! They should each and everyone of them have a leathear [?] medal for their pluck in sticking to their worthless leaders so long and persistently. Caldwell Courant.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

The first thing that a man sees on opening a Wellington paper for the last three months are glaring head lines announcing "Another Man Killed." We advise the boys to have that stereotyped. It will be of great advantage, as it has to be used regularly. Harper Graphic.

That's a fact, and in view of the necessity for greater graveyard facilities in which to bury the dead, some quiet, secluded place where nothing ever happens, we would suggest Harper.

Wellington Daily Press.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

April Fool!

Word reached this city Saturday evening of a most revolting and dastardly deed, recently committed in the Indian Territory. It seems that a party of boys were out hunting, and on arriving at a point near the Canadian River, and about 130 miles below Caldwell, they came across the bodies of three men, wrapped up in blankets and all bound together with buckskin thongs. They had the appearance of hunters, and were only a short distance from a Cheyenne camp. It is believed that these men were hunting, were captured by the Indians, bound firmly with thongs, wrapped up in a blanket, placed out upon the open ground, and there allowed to die of starvation and exposure, the appearance of their bodies giving evidence that their death had been caused in this manner. The boys who found them were terribly frightened and hastened to the nearest white settlement, where they told their story, and word was sent here to Sheriff Henderson, who left for Caldwell today. He will notify the government officials, and will doubtless be governed by their orders as to the disposition of the bodies. The clothing worn by these unfortunate men were such as to claim them well-to-do gentlemen, and no doubt they were connected with an eastern party of hunters.

Wellington Daily Times.

The Press failed to get the full particulars of this find. The boys found the decomposed remains of two or three horses near the bodies with bullet holes in the center of their foreheads, an old saddle or two lying near them, also some brass kettles, frying pans, and other traps commonly used by the Cheyenne Indians about their camps.

Those boys were so badly frightened at their find that they never thought of the fact that the Cheyenne Indians bury their own dead in blankets bound round them and above the ground, and then slay a horse nearby; placing all the necessary traps at the foot of the corpse, for him to continue his hunting expeditions in the spirit hunting grounds.

The boys simply found a Cheyenne graveyard of about six months standing.

Caldwell Journal.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Personal Mention.

The TRAVELER is not much given to bragging. Seldom has anything to say in regard to the money it is making or the amount of work done. This we do, not because we do not have a sufficient amount to serve mention, for all of Arkansas City knows we take the lead here by large odds, but becaue we think it to be in bad taste and not appropriate in a newspaper supposed to be devoted to giving the people news. We are going to deviate from this rule somewhat this issue. But we do it for a purpose none can condemn.

We wish to show our patrons and friends the advantages the TRAVELER offers as an advertising medium for our merchants and for the city itselve. We have the proof at hand. It is this:

The TRAVELER visits four times every month the following states and territories and everyone with more than one paper.

To-wit: Arkansas; Colorado; Connecticut; Dakota; Delaware; Dist. of Columbia; Illinois; Indiana; Indian Territory; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky; Louisiana; Maine; Maryland; Massachusetts; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; Nevada; New Hampshire; New Jersey; New Mexico; New York; Ohio; Oregon; Pennsylvania; Rhode Island; Tennessee; Texas; Vermont; Virginia; Washington Territory; West Virgina; Wisconsin.

And of foreign countries the TRAVELER makes regular visits to the following: Canada, England, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Ireland.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Programme for Union Services for Week of Prayer.


Methodist Church. Leader, Rev. S. B. Fleming. Subject: "The Good Fight of Faith."


Christian Church. Leader, Rev. F. L. Walker. Subject: "Praise and Thanksgiving."


U. P. Church. Leader, Rev. N. S. Buckner. Subject: "Humiliation and Confession."


Presbyterian Church. Leader, Rev. J. O. Campbell. Subject: "Prayer for the Church of Christ."


Methodist Church. Leader, Rev. J. P. Witt. Subject: "Prayers for Families and Insttructors of Youth."


Christian Church. Leader, Rev. Lundy. Subject: "For the Nations."


U. P. Church. Leader, W. H. Harns. Subject: "Missions, Home and Foreign."


Presbyterian Church. Leader, N. S. Buckner. Subject: "Waiting for the Lord's Appearing."

Services being promptly at 7 p.m.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Ed. Traveler:

As per previous arrangements our 50 Indian children were treated to a sumptuous repast furnished by our agent, and that excelled anything attempted heretofore at this agency. Each child received one or more presents, some of them furnished by friends of Philadelphia. The tables were tastefully decorated and the sparkling eyes and clapping of the hands showed how thoroughly they were appreciated. A handkerchief was placed at each plate, into which nuts, candies, and presents were deposited, and after rapidly disposing of the more substantial part of the meal, they were all allowed to go their respective play rooms to more thoroughly enjoy and look over their presents. There will be a vacation of eleven days, commencing December 25.

The children's minds were directed to Him who is the giver of all our good gifts, and with many thanks to all who contributed to make our children happy on this pleasant Christmas we are, very truly yours. D. D. K.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

"Beans Be Beans."

The guessing being indulged in by our citizens the last month would impress a stranger with the opinion that he had taken the wrong train and landed in Varmount. We assure him that he would be mistaken, however. The epidemic of guessing which has afflicted the community for some time was caught from the live grocery firm of Sweeney & Smith.

[Article: Sweeney. Ad: Sweeny.]

These gentlemen are offering 12 prizes, all of some value, to the one who shall come the nearest to guessing the number of beans contained in a glass globe. The purchaser of each dollar's worth of goods is entitled to a ticket permitting one guess at said beans. Of these tickets nearly 1,500 have been sold in the last thirty days. The judges appointed to count the beans and award the prizes are as follows: A. C. Gould, J. G. Shelden, Austin Bailey, and Will V. McConn.

These judges will meet in the office of Collins & Shelden, Friday morning, January 2, 1885, and the result will be announced by noon of that day.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Judge Kreamer disposed of the following cases this week.

City of Arkansas City vs. W. Seymour, trespass. Plead not guilty. Jury trial. Judgment: guilty. Fine $1 and costs, amounting to $33.

City of Arkansas City vs. Ed. C. Gage, trespass. Plead guilty. Fine $1 and costs, amounting to $3.50.

City of Arkansas City vs. Richard Roe, real name unknown, driving across sidewalk. Plead guilty. Fine $1 and costs, amounting to $4.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

A Warning.
C. T. Pritchard bought a business house at Cherryvale last week for $1,300. The day after he arrived home, he received word that his house had burned to the ground. The building was insured for $300. Mr. Pritchard read the handwriting on the wall and immediately insured his property here in town.

Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

Bridge Meeting.
At a meeting of the voters of Creswell Township, Monday, December 29, business pertaining to the township was transacted, after which the subject of maintaining certain bridges was brought up for discussion. We know that certain bridges have been built and maintained for the benefit and accommodation of other townships and corporations almost exclusively. Now the question is who must support these bridges. So far Creswell Township has been taxed to build and support said bridges, but the fixed determination at the present is to throw off this oppression. Not because we are opposed to internal improvements, or any legitimate expenditure of money whereby we may be benefitted to any reasonable extent.

Speeches were made by F. M. Vaughn, G. Kirkpatrick, R. L. Marshall, and A. B. Sankey. Mr. Kirkpatrick proposed to make said bridges self-supporting by making them toll bridges. Mr. Vaughn proposed to have the bridges vacated and closed, as they are the private property of the township. Others proposed different schemes. It was agreed by all, however, that the supporting of said bridges was an injustice and an imposition. It was thereupon

RESOLVED, (1) That the grievance by placed in the hands of a committee appointed by the chair. (2) That this committee be instructed to bring the matter before the county Commissioners, and to decide what steps should be taken toward righting the wrong. (3) That the Clerk be authorized to present a copy of these proceedings to the different papers of Arkansas City for publication. R. L. MARSHALL, President.

S. E. POLLOCK, Secretary.


Arkansas City Traveler, December 31, 1884.

DIAMOND BLOCK at Arkansas City Coal Co. Office on Benedict corner.

OSAGE COAL at Arkansas City Coal Company. Office on Benedict corner.

COAL AND WOOD at Arkansas City Coal Co. Office on Benedict corner.

Arkansas City Coal Co., exclusive agents for Canon City Coal. Telephone connection.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum