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[Starting with Thursday, January 1, 1885.]
Editor: D. A. Millington.
Note to File: Under "aapapers2" I am starting new data from newspapers, beginning with the first issue of the Courier in 1885. This paper is very hard to read in places and appears to be set up differently. I am skipping many items in order to concentrate basically on the County. Type appears very small in first issue. MAW 2000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Referring to the reported sale of all the Normal School lands to a bank president at $3.00 per acre, Hon. Jacob Stotler in the Wellington Press says:

The Press called attention to this matter in September. The bank President referred to is undoubtedly H. C. Cross, of the First National Bank of Emporia. Early in the summer the regents sold the remainder of the Normal endowment lands, between seven and eight thousand acres, to Mr. Cross for $3.50 per acre, not $3.00 as the Eagle has it. The lands are located in Mitchell County, and are represented to us as being worth $7 or $8 per acre. Whether Mr. Cross made the purchase for himself or for the Emporia Syndicate we have never learned, and as we said in our former article the purchasers could not be blamed much by their code of morals, in jumping at a transaction in which they will pocket a cool $25,000. Whether the exchequer of the State Normal School can stand depletion at this rate is another thing, and is a matter in which the public is directly interested. We have been told that at the time the offer of $3.50 was made an offer of $4 per acre was pending. We suppose the Board of Regents was responsible for such transactions as this. The whole thing looks suspicious. The very poorest lands in the state have brought more than $3.50 per acre for the past two years. It seems hard to think that the guardians of the interests of one of our state schools would deliberately consent that its financial interests should suffer at their hands, yet it looks as if the Normal regents had either done this or had committed an unpardonable blunder. The fact that the lands were sold stealthily, instead of being thrown open to the highest bidder, is another very suspicious circumstance. We hope the boast of Governor Glick about the pure and superior manner in which the state institutions have been run under his administration will not be marred by the discovery of anything crooked in the sale of the Normal lands, but we insist the matter will bear investigation by this Legislature. If the treasury of that institution has been cheated, the blame and punishment ought to fall where they belong.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The assembling of the legislature next month presents the opportunity to two or three score of persons who desire a soft, comfortable place at Topeka for the winter to urge their claims and qualifications for the few positions to be filled, and as usual the eastern portion of the state is asking for everything, and expecting to get all for which it asks.

The most important position--that of speaker--is being contested by Hon. Geo. T. Anthony, of Leavenworth, and Hon. J. B. Johnson, of Shawnee, and while we do not now desire to discuss the fitness of either of these gentlemen, or candidates for any of these positions, we feel that it is about time for the western portion of the state to enter its protest to the further parceling out of the public places to a few gentlemen along the eastern border.

The syndicate politicians about Topeka contend that the position of locality should not enter into these contests, but this is begging the question. Other things being equal the matter of location ought to be taken into consideration, and it will be, and the question is, shall it be considered now. When a thing ought to be done the best time to do it is the present.

The four contiguous counties of Sedgwick, Sumner, Butler and Cowley, cast at the last election a larger vote than any four contiguous counties in the state; they cast a larger Republican vote than any four contiguous counties in the state, and yet these four large counties have had the positions of clerk of the house, superintendent of public instruction and secretary of state. Contrast this with some of the eastern counties.

Kansas has had ten governors: Robinson, Carney, Crawford, Green, Harvey, Osborne, Anthony, St. John, Glick and Martin. Of these, three, Carney, Osborne and Anthony, came from Leavenworth County; two, Glick and Martin, from Atchison County; two, Harvey and Green, from Riley, and one each from Douglass, Anderson and Johnson. Five came from within less than one mile of the Missouri line, and all but two within fifty miles of the eastern border.

Kansas has elected eight United States senators, and of these, two, Lane and Ross, have come from Douglass; two, Pomeroy and Ingalls, from Atchison; three, Carney, Caldwell and Corzine, from Leavenworth; and only two, Harvey and Plumb, have been selected outside of this territory, and neither of them have been western men. The other state officers have been selected with an equal disregard to the rights of the western portion of the state.

The remedy is plain and simple. It is for the western portion of the state to stand together. The eastern portion of the state is no longer a power in the land. The southwest and northwest standing together can absolutely control the organization of the next house of representatives, as well as the nomination of every state officer in the future. Will they do it?

We clip the above from the Wichita Eagle and think it is about level. We have no personal objection to ex-Gov. G. T. Anthony, of Leavenworth, or ex-Speaker J. B. Johnson, of Topeka. Both are able bodied men and would do their work well. Of the two we should prefer Johnson as not having quite as large an axe to grind for his city as has the ex-Gov. The only other prominent candidate is J. R. Burton, of Abilene. He is young, honest, able and ambitious and has no special axe to grind. He made a splendid record in the last legislature on the railroad legislation and is in harmony with the great majority on aiding the enforcement of all the laws on our statute books. We have noticed as a rule that the best speakers are young men and believe he would make one of the best. But he is not the only one that the southern and western part of the state can furnish and we urge upon the representatives from these portions of the state to unite on some one and elect him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The Champion took the position some time ago, that bread and meat at retail should be sold lower than they are. When times are hard, when laboring men are thrown out of employment; when the wages of those who work are being cut down, food should be sold cheaply; and this should certainly be the case when the wheat and corn and beef and pork in the farmer's hands are lower than they have been for years. In other words, the Champion believes that the baker who sells his bread and the butcher who sells his meats at the same figures he did a year ago, when wheat and steers and hogs were much higher than they are now, is taking an undue advantage of the poor. They are as much of an advantage and are as much monopolists as the railroad that charges as much for hauling low wheat as high wheat.

The Champion is glad to notice that other papers are taking up the discussion of the subject, and it trusts that the agitation will go on until bread and meat are dealt out at living figures.

From a long article in the Wichita Eagle, we make a couple of extracts. It will be perceived that the milers are included, rather than the bakers.

"According to our market report, wheat in this market ranges from 25 to 48 cents; we will call the average 40 cents. Flour ranges from $2 to $3 per cwt., the average being from $2.50 to $5.00 per barrel. It is generally estimated that five bushels of wheat will make a barrel of flour. Five bushels of wheat at 40 cents equals $2.00, therefore, the profit in a barrel of flour, exclusive of insurance, labor and capital invested is $3. The bran at 50 cents and shorts at 60 cents will pay for grinding. From the foregoing statement it is plain that the best flour in this market at the present price of wheat, could be sold at $2 per 100 and yield a larger profit than any other business we know of. In Cincinnati, where No. 2 winter wheat sells for 75 cents a bushel, winter family flour sells at $5.50 per barrel."

And here is something about meat:

At present, beef cattle in this market brings 3 cents per pound on foot.

Now it is estimated that a good fat steer will dress two-thirds of his live weight. Take a steer whose live weight is 1,500 pounds, at the above rate would dress 1,200--well, cut it down to 1,000. The price of beef here will average 10 cents all around. Now, a steer 1,500 pounds gross at 3 cents amounts to $45, and, according to the figuring, the meat will bring $100 which anyone must admit is an enormous profit. In the east, butchers say if the meat pays for the entire animal, thus leaving them the hide and tallow clear, they are satisfied. The best cuts of beef could be sold at 10 cents per pound and a very profitable business be done. In pork it is the same. Atchison Champion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

There is something about Kansas particularly precious to every one of us. There is no country on the green earth that can equal its beauty and grandeur. Every reaper in the fields sings songs of gladness and every sheaf of grain tells of the richness and fertility of our soil. The thousands of acres of growing wheat, the shout of man laborers, hundreds of her towns and cities nestled amid the deepening shadows or sitting gracefully upon the bosom of our vast prairies, the many happy homes that sound a royal welcome, that glide down the years of time in peace and plenty are the symbols of ennobling life and the precursor of the grandest thoughts and purposes. Kansas is an asylum and home of honest men at all times. It has been singularly unanimous in its regard of public pledge and enforcement of the law. It has demanded always that simple manhood was superior to mere riches, and aristocracy, so-called, has no recognition in its borders. Inexhaustible in nature, all abounding in good harvests, pure, social relations, unrivaled in scenery and unsurpassed schools and churches, she stands forth the great of all west of the Father of Waters, an honor to the government and a beacon light to progress and civilization.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

One nuisance permitted in Kansas is the roaming of unlicensed peddlers over the State disposing of their wares in competition with the merchant who pays taxes and helps improve the country. The Legislature this winter should provide that these men pay a fair State license for the transaction of their business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The Legislature this winter would make a good change were they to substitute the word shall for may in the section of the prohibitory law providing that the District Judge and County Commissioners may call a grand jury. This would make short work of the saloon business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Spain, the home of earthquakes, suffered a severe shock December 24th [?] doing much damage in the province of Malaga and Grenada, destroying several villages and 200 or more lives.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

What has become of the D. M. & A. R. R.

I wish all the readers of the COURIER a happy and prosperous New Year.

Dance Christmas eve at Ben Wilson's under the auspices of the Tisdale Gun Club.

Frank Millhouse and wife meditate an early return to Tisdale. Iowa don't suit Cowley county folks.

A leap year party at A. C. Davis' in honor of Miss Georgia's return was the event of last week. The fun ran high until the "wee sma hours."

We notice the fruit tree man is loose again as urbane as ever. Better buy at home: more certain to get what you want. Cowley has reliable nursery men.

We are glad to learn that Mr. Bradley's little boy is out of danger and will probably soon be around again, delighting his friends with his cute tricks. Score one for Dr. Griffin.

No property changing hands now; we come to stay and won't sell without big money. This is one of the most peaceable communities in the state: no quarrels or disturbances of any kind.

We hear vague rumors of a railroad, a "new deal" by the way of Burden; "will come through Tisdale if encouraged." Hold your breath, boys, don't do anything rash; we may yet be a railroad center.

Owing to the inclement weather our literary has not been a marked success for the past few weeks. A strong effort will be made Friday night to put it in running order again. Its too good a thing to drop.

Our people are becoming much interested in grinding feed for stock, the great trouble seems to get a mill that runs light enough for one horse. It saves one third of the grain and stock does much better when the grain is ground.

Rumors of hog cholera reached us last week. Mr. Dressler, on the old Holloway place, is reported to have lost forty head. If true, steps should be taken at once to stop the dreaded disease if possible. Will someone publish a prevention.

Ask Low Myers how he burst his gun. We are all glad to hear of the scrap of your tiger hunter. Would it not be a good idea to organize a band of "skunk hunters" and clean out some of the drug stores in Winfield that are but little better than doggeries?

The foolish practice of firing guns, etc., Christmas eve ended as usual with an accident at the post office. A shot gun burst in the hands of Joe Pierce, lacerating his hand considerably and tearing a hole in the side of the store, giving Joe's head a close call. It just takes four yards of cloth to do said hand up.

We learn that our old and much esteemed friend and neighbor, John Rohrick, is preparing to move to Ashland where he has built a hotel and proposes to adopt the role of "mine host." Old John will make a "bully" landlord and Cowley County's exiles will be fortunate in getting their hash at the Hotel De Rohrick.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mark heartily seconds "A Farmer's" sentiments in regard to the holding of a Farmer's Institute, assisted by the professors of the State Agricultural College. The COURIER's call for the farmers to meet at its office on the afternoon of the 20th inst., to take decided action in regard to the matter, was undoubtedly too short a notice. The fact that most of the farmers only receive their mail on Saturday and then do not read the papers received until after returning home accounts for the meeting of only a few farmers in response to the call of the COURIER on that date. There are certainly a sufficient number of intelligent and enterprising farmers with their families in this county interested in the progress of agriculture, to form an organization that will redound immensely to their mutual benefit. By all means let us have the Farmers' Institute, and get acquainted with each other in different parts of the county, and organize for future work in the elevation of the farmer and his family, socially and financially. Have no hesitancy in meeting College Professors, they are not dangerous animals, but amiable, learned beings who know how to commiserate your misfortunes and fully appreciate your efforts toward advancement. It matters not if a portion of your capillary covering has never been lost by friction with walls of classical halls of culture, the free interchange of ideas and discussion of theories and relation of experiences will be of incalculable value to all who participate in the exercise of such meetings. I would suggest that the COURIER announce a meeting of farmers to be held at its editorial room on Saturday, January 10th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the appointment of committees to propose a programme and make necessary preparations for the holding of an Institute the latter part of January. This will give ample time for prominent farmers in distant localities of the county to learn of the proposed organizations for attending the same with their families.--MARK.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The latest humbug afflicting our township is a man representing himself as an agent of an Ohio nursery, who pretends that his apple trees are budded on two year old roots, and that his trees are of three years growth; the roots then being five years old, are sure to bear when set in orchard two years. These fine trees he is selling for the modest little sum of 50 cents apiece and the truth is that apple trees are not propagated by budding at all.

He also shows a pear in a glass jar that is magnified about one third, and a cut of a pear tree full of pears which he calls Keffers' Hybrid pear, of which he has much to say. He sells these trees for two dollars and swindles his patrons out of one dollar and twenty-five cents on every tree he sells. VERNONITE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The Kansas Equal Suffrage Association is hereby called upon to assemble at Topeka, on Thursday and Friday, the 15th and 16th of January, 1885. Auxiliary societies are urged to send full delegations, and it is especially desired that the State Associations and speakers should arrive as early as the 14th. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Entertainment for delegates and friends has been provided at reduced rates at the St. James Hotel, where a committee will await them. Executive Committees will meet at ten o'clock each morning in their respective rooms at the hotel and public sessions will be held at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. at the G. A. R. Hall, over Manspeaker's store.

By order of HETTA P. MANSFIELD, President.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Krout fresh and good at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Pickles in bulk and in bottles at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Choice mince meats, 2½ cts., per pound at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Pure buckwheat flour and maple syrup at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

A full assortment of dried fruits at bottom prices at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The best California canned goods, ring marse brand at low price at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Vases, vases, vases by the hundred and at prices that will defy competition, must be sold at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

STOCK OF HARDWARE FOR TRADE for farm or city property. For particulars enquire at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT. The Winfield Roller Mills are now giving 35 lbs. of Home Flour and 10 lbs. of Bran per bushel for good Wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Lost. A six-tined fork, on 11th avenue, between my place and that of Mrs. Pierson, last week. Finder will be rewarded on delivery. J. W. Manning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We propose to do the best work for the price of any one in our line. Bring us your buggies, carriages and spring wagons for repairs. Albro & Bishop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Call and price our immense stock of library and hand lamps. The very latest patterns. None like them in the city, and at prices to suit the hard times, at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

FOR SALE. Two imported and three grade Percheron-Norman stallions. These are fully acclimated to our climate and are of the finest specimens of their class. Terms easy and prices to suit the times. Enquire of J. C. McMullen or H. E. Silliman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Those owning buggies, carriages and spring wagons, will find it to their interest to have them overhauled and repaired now, before the rush of spring trade fills up the shop with new work. For a good job at reasonable prices, bring them to the Winfield carriage shop. Albro & Bishop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

In regard to church privileges, Cowley County and the city of Winfield are well represented in nearly all denominations. Beautiful church edifices point their spires heavenward in nearly all directions. Winfield, with its magnificent church structures, will surprise the newcomers. The pastors are--

Baptist--Rev. J. H. Rider.

Catholic--Rev. Father John F. Kelly.

Christian--Rev. J. S. Myers.

Episcopal--Rev. W. M. Brittain.

Methodist--Rev. B. Kelley.

Presbyterian--Rev. Dr. Kirkwood.

United Brethren--Rev. J. H. Snyder.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The following is a list of names set for trial at the January, 1885, term of the District Court of Cowley County, commencing January 6th, 1885.

First Day - Criminal Docket.
1. State v. Frank Manny.

State v. John Fleming.
State v. A. L. Thomas.
State v. Thomas Jones.
State v. John Graham.
State v. Elias Burton.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. L. D. Skinner.
State v. Frank Killman
State v. Edgar C. Mason and John Doe.
State v. Dennis P. Hurst.
Nothing listed.
State v. W. J. Burge.
State v. C. G. Thompson.
State v. Charles G. Thompson.
State v. Newton Knowles.
State v. Newton Knowles.
State v. Newton Knowles.
State v. H. M. Banta.
State v. H. M. Banta.
State v. John Clark.
State v. John Clark.
State v. William Brumine.
State v. William Brumine.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. T. K. Johnston.
State v. J. N. Slade.
State v. J. N. Slade.
State v. E. Y. Baker.
State v. E. Y. Baker.
State v. W. I. Burge.
State v. Maurice P. Roe.
State v. Karn Moore.
State v. Mollie Burk.
State v. David C. Beach.
State v. J. E. Johnson.
State v. Charles Stewart.
State v. James Baxter.
State v. Thomas Poor.
State v. William Wilson.
State v. J. L. Herron.
State v. Jennie Case.
State v. John Doe.
State v. Albert Smith.
State v. Isaac Fier.
State v. John Doe.
State v. Thomas Hawkins.
State v. Thomas Hawkins.
State v. Thomas Hawkins.
Second Day - Civil Socket.
Assignment of Daniel Read.
Not listed.
Bernhard Geiser v. Antonia Daleschall.
Warder, Bushnell & Glessner v. H. E. Noble.
Henry Ansen v. Joseph Davis.
Elizabeth McQuain v. Nancy A. Baldwin et al.
Mary Stokes v. J. S. Hunt, County Clerk, et al.
Houghton & McLaughlin v. John W. Brown.
Francis J. Sessions v. John P. Strickland.
Wm. M. Sleeth v. Sarah A. Drennan et al.
Byron Farrar v. Sarah A. Drennan et al.
J. C. Fuller et al v. L. B. Stone, Co. Treas., et al.
Dwight Ripley v. D. A. Millington.
Winfield Bank v. William A. Hybarger et al.
William M. Null v. Neil Wilkie et al.
The Southern Kansas Railroad Co. v. L. B. Stone, County Treas.
Appeal of C. W. Gregory from County Commissioners.
Assignment of Conway Brothers.
Third Day.
James Jordon v. Winfield Township et al.
J. N. Knowles v. C. Ferguson.
Bliss & Wood v. C. C. Harris et al.
M. L. Read et al v. The Winfield Creamery.
John F. Hill v. The Southern Kansas Railroad Co.
Charles C. Black v. Addison A. Jackson.
David McKee v. Hull Bixby.
J. A. Field & Co. v. Brotherton & Silver.
C. E. Foss & Co. v. Phillip Sipe.
David Hahn v. Isaac Wood.
School District No. 13 v. School District No. 133.
Elizabeth Weakley v. Jacob W. Weakley.
Bartlett & Co. v. The A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.
The Wichita & South Western Ry. Co. v. L. B. Stone, Treas. Et al.
Fannie Lewis v. Irwin Cole.
R. R. Conklin v. James Galliher et al.
Application of Bliss & Wood to raise mill dam across the Walnut river.
The City of Winfield v. Henry Brown.
Fourth Day.
R. O. Lutes v. F. A. Chambers.
Scott McGlasson v. E. H. Gilbert.
Jennie Reynolds v. John W. Reynolds.
Schuster Tootle & Co. v. G. B. Sigler.
Smith Frazee & Co. v. G. B. Sigler.
Stout & Wingert v. S. S. Baker, Sheriff, and Smith Frazee & Co.
Stout & Wingert v. S. S. Baker, Sheriff, and Smith Frazee & Co.
Nannie C. Fuller v. Board of County Commissioners et al.
Gideon Lease v. Luther Keeney et al.
O. M. Stewart v. David A. Merydith et al.
Burton L. Weger v. City of Winfield.
J. J. Merrick v. C. A. Bliss et al.
Frances McGregor v. John McGregor.
Benjamin F. Bartlow v. Floyd M. Hurst et al.
W. P. Carpenter v. Truman M. Godfrey et al.
James Jordon v. Elihu Wade.
F. W. Schwantes v. C. A. Bliss et al.
John Cronin & Winfield Stone, Brick and Tile Co.
Fifth Day.
M. Ingram et al v. P. Fouts et al.
Martha F. Werden v. Linden O. Werden.
Alice L. Harmon v. John L. Harmon.
S. F. Sheets v. E. M. Godfrey.
M. L. Read v. J. E. Parkins et al.
Appeal of R. H. Waite.
Appeal of R. H. Waite.
Appeal of Henry S. Ireton.
Appeal of Henry S. Ireton.
James K. Shaffer v. David Hahn.
Appeal of F. W. Schwantes.
Appeal of F. W. Schwantes.
Alice Keys v. Henry E. Keys.
Marshall Lambert v. Hiram Blenden.
H. S. Bixby v. William Cohagan.
Arkansas City v. Wm. Blakeney et al.
Metrick Thread Co. v. Lucius L. Day et al.
Monotuck Silk Co. v. Lucius L. Day et al.
Sixth Day.
Benjamin W. Matlack v. W. B. Beebe et al.
The Standard Implement Co. v. Allison Toops.
W. A. Lee v. C. S. Seits.
Hardwick et al v. Vance et al.
Cahn Wampold & Co. v. Sheldon & Speers.
G. P. Wagoner v. J. L. Andrews.
L. Weimer v. A. L. Crabtree et al.
Dennis P. Hurst v. Benjamin Bartlow.
E. S. Jaffray & Co. v. Day Brothers & Co.
W. T. Curtis v. H. G. Fuller et al.
Mary T. Griffith v. William D. Griffith.
A. H. Green v. D. F. Best et al.
Lewis Conover v. Pink Fouts.
Cora E. Lippencott v. Charles S. Lippencott.
Sugg & Berdsdorf v. J. H. Punshon.
John S. Mann v. Fanebaum David & Co.
Malvina Stocking v. Horace Stocking.
M. M. Rutherford v. William T. Wise et al.
Seventh Day.
John P. Martin v. Samuel Clark et al.
B. H. Clover et al v. Charles H. Elliott.
Maria Schiffbauer v. John J. Clark.
Joseph S. Putman v. D. R. Green et al.
Ella Burdick v. D. R. Green et al.
O. O. Brown v. Alonzo D. Penland.
Ada M. Rice v. Lewis O. Rice.
James Jordan v. Harriet A. Doty et al.
The Travelers Ins. Co. v. Myron F. Munson et al.
Willis A. Provines v. Rosa Provines
J. F. Wallace v. A. J. Henthorn et al.
James H. Tallman v. Nathaniel P. Holden et al.
Jeremiah Weekly vs. Burton D. Guinn et al.
Francis M. Mallett v. Burton D. Guinn et al.
Wesley Mallett v. Burton D. Guinn et al.
J. Albert Hyden v. Joseph Burger.
The Travelers Ins. Co. v. Mathew S. Hooker et al.
H. T. Simon & Morse v. Wert Bros.
Eighth Day.
James E. Allen v. C. C. Waltz.
E. J. Millis v. Ennis Patten et al.
William W. Kendall & Co. v. Wert Bros.
O. C. R. Randall v. D. D. Parsons et al.
Jacob Teeters et al v. R. B. Wait.
Belle R. Williams v. A. P. Johnson.
Irwin & Eaton v. Wert Bros.
Winfield Bank v. Wert Bros.
E. S. Brown v. W. J. Pointer et al.
Appeal from County Commissioners.
E. S. BEDILION, County Clerk.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

JOHN OSBORNE has opened a shoe shop on East Ninth Avenue, South side, and is prepared to do all kinds of shoe making. Has thirty years experience.

Abstract of County Auditor's Report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The following is an abstract of the report of the claims allowed by the County Auditor for the month of November, A. D., 1884.

[Report Showed To Whom/For What/Claimed/Allowed.]
[Will attempt to put down Names/For What Only. MAW]
McGuire Bros. Pauper bill.

Rinker & Cochran. Pauper bill.

J. P. Baden. Pauper bill.

A. J. Chapel. Pauper bill.

Kroenert & Austin. Pauper bill.

Jamison Vawter. Pauper bill.

O. L. Goodrich & Co. Pauper bill.

Samuel Thompson. Pauper bill.

J. I. Grimes. Pauper bill.

A. J. Chapel. Pauper bill.

Sweeney & Smith. Pauper bill.

Nancy Stewart, Pauper bill.

Creswell Township. Pauper bill.

D. P. Marshal. Pauper bill.

H. S. Rude. Pauper bill.

J. P. Baden. Pauper bill.

Bryan & Lunn. Pauper bill.

H. F. Mabee. Pauper bill.

Courier Co. County printing.

L. B. Stone County Treasurer's salary.

Horning & Whitney Co. Supplies.

H. W. Marsh. Coroner's fee bill.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's costs.

G. H. Buckman et al. J. P. fee fill.

H. D. Gans et al. Examining County Treasury.

Geo. D. Barnard & Co. Books and stationery.

J. D. Maurer et al. Road Viewers.

N. A. Haight. Road surveys.

John Morris Co. Books and stationery.

R. W. Stephens. Jury fee.

O. P. Darst. Jury fee.

D. W. Ferguson. Jury Fee.

J. C. Morton. Jury fee.

J. C. Dwyer. Jury fee.

J. W. Laffoon. Jury fee.

S. H. Smith. Jury fee.

Lewis Fitzsimmons. Jury fee.

G. Gobble. Jury fee.

W. L. Reynolds. Jury fee.

A. P. Cochran. Jury fee.

Z. M. Guthrie. Jury fee.

Alex Graham. Jury fee.

R. I. Hogue. Jury fee.

J. M. Miller. Jury fee.

H. B. Wakefield. Jury fee.

D. W. Pierce. Jury fee.

R. Hite. Jury fee.

W. A. Freeman. Jury fee.

I. W. McGill. Jury fee.

E. S. Everts. Jury fee.

P. Hedges. Jury fee.

B. F. McKee. Jury fee.

E. E. Hunt. Jury fee.

W. R. Watkins. Jury fee.

J. A. Smith et al. Jury fee.

J. F. Hahn. Jury fee.

G. Searcy et al. Jury fee.

James Wood. Jury fee.

B [?] Allison. Jury fee.

W. E. Poindexter. Jury fee.

[?] H. Conkright. Jury fee.

Adam Sipe. Jury fee.

A. A. Knox. Jury fee.

J. H. Cottingham. Jury fee.

Wm. Hudson. Jury fee.

W. H. Shearer. Jury fee.

M. Howard. Jury fee.

P. L. Edwards. Jury fee.

A. McCurley. Jury fee.

D. W. Frew. Jury fee.

Wm. Saunders et al. Jury fee.

E. M. Reynolds. Jury fee.

G. H. McIntire et al. Drawing jury.

H. W. Marsh. Coroner's fees.

Tom Herrod et al. Coroners fee bill.

P. A. Osburn. Road damages.

R. A. Welch. Road damages.

Thos. Welch. Road damages.

B. R. O'Connor. Road damages.

Jno. W. Groom. Road damages.

L. Harrison. Road damages.

J. M. Hamill. Road damages.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

F. W. Finch. Jail expenses.

F. W. Finch. Boarding prisoners.

F. W. Finch. Sheriff fees.

F. K. Raymond. Stenographers fee.

Courier Co. County printing.

G. H. McIntire, Sheriff's fees.

Henry Kirkpatrick et al. Witness fees.

E. S. Bedilion. Dist. Clerk's fees.

J. D. Pryor. Assistant Co. Clerk.

A. B. Arment. County supplies.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

E. S. Bedilion et al. Fee bill.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

Geo. Campbell et all. Witness fees.

E. S. Bedilion et al. Fee bill.

G. H. Buckman. J. P. fees.

E. S. Bedilion et al. Fee bill.

E. S. Bedilion et al. Fee bill.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

E. S. Bedilion et al. Fee bill.

E. S. Bedilion. Dist Clerk's fees.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

Isaac Kay. Witness fee.

Grant Hurst. Witness fee.

[?] I. Kay. Witness fee.

Alfred Muret. Witness fee.

John Adams. Witness fees.

Nancy J. Campbell. Witness fees.

E. D. Bedilion, Dist. Clerk's fees.

G. H. McIntire. Sheriff's fees.

S. H. Gary. Sheriff's fees.

D. A. McIntire. Witness fees.

E. B. Walker, Witness fees.

G. B. Green. Witness fees.

J. B. Nipp et al. Fee bill.

J. W. Browning et al. Election fees.

TOTAL CLAIMED: $5,840.60. TOTAL PAID: $4,845.55

I. M. G. Troup, County Auditor of the County and State aforesaid do certify the above and foregoing to be a correct statement of the accounts allowed by me during the month of November, A. D. 1884. M. G. TROUP, Auditor.

[Note: In aapapers1 I put in the list of letters unclaimed at post office.]
Summons by Publication.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Recap Only:

Alice L. Harmon, Plaintiff, against John L. Harmon, Defendant, Petition to be answered on or before January 22, 1885, relative to divorce. Plaintiff wanted property, both real and personal, settlement and the resumption of her maiden name, Alice L. Jenkins. Hackney & Asp were her attorneys.

Notice. Thomas and Anna Quarles.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

PUBLIC notice is hereby given that on the 9th day of January, A. D. 1885 a petition for a pardon will be filed with the Governor of the State of Kansas for Thomas Quarles and Anna Quarles heretofore convicted of Grand Larceny at the November term A. D. 1882, of the Cowley County District Court.

W. P. HACKNEY, Attorney for Plaintiff.
A Card to the Afflicted.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

It is with much gratification and a pardonable pride that I announce to the citizens of Winfield and surrounding country that in all my extensive practice during the year just passed I have lost but one child and an adult in this city, and but one child of the country. This article is not written for bombast, but for the purpose of bringing to the eyes of all those afflicted with chronic diseases the fact that I have invested largely in instruments for their especial treatment, among which is the celebrated Brinkerhoff system for the cure of piles, patula, and all their maladies of the rectum--a system that is scientific, sure and painless, and I intend devoting a great deal of my time to these especial diseases. Very respectfully,

H. L. WELLS, M. D.
Office over Winfield Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

And great sensation now is the especial bargains we are giving in Men's and Boys' Overcoats.

Our customers inform us that their neighbors are loath to believe what small prices have been paid for substantial Overcoats purchased of us.

An examination of our goods and prices will convince you that we are the King Clothiers of the Great Southwest.

Also headquarters for Fine Holiday Goods and Gent's Furnishings.

The Leading Clothier and Furnisher.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.


M. Hahn & Co.'s Grand Prize Drawing at Opera House
For the benefit of those who feel interested in this drawing, below once more is a list of the hundred prizes to be drawn, and as to the method of our drawing we would hereby insure the public that it will be conducted in a fair and square manner. Each prize will be numbered in rotation to correspond with the list as given below, and the prizes will be exhibited on the stage at the time of the drawing. We shall place the box containing the duplicate numbers corresponding with all the tickets in the drawing. A little girl, selected from among the audience, will be called upon to draw one hundred numbers, one at a time; the first number drawn will win price number one, the second number drawn will win prize No. 2, and so on that all are drawn.

[Am not listing all 100 prizes outlined starting with #2. It was a large silver castor, valued at $10.00. The last item mentioned was a handsome Bible, price $5.00.]

We would inform those who are not able to be present at the drawing that we shall advertise all the lucky numbers in both the "Courier" and "Telegram" in their first issue succeeding the drawing.

With a Happy New Year to all, Respectfully, M. HAHN & CO., Proprietors of the Ever-Reliable Bee Hive Stores. Entrance on Main Street and Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.


CAPITAL ..... $50,000.00

SURPLUS .... $18,000.00

American Exchange National Bank, N. Y.

Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Mo.

Union National Bank, Chicago, Ill.

Armour Bros. Bank, Kansas City, Mo.

Bank of Commerce, St. Louis.

Citizens National Bank, Kansas City.

Oldest Bank in the County. Established 1871.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Partners individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes for the debts of the Bank.

N. Y. Correspondent--First National Bank.

Kansas City Correspondent--Bank of Commerce.

Any Bank in Central Ohio, the Commercial Agencies, or Bank of Commerce, Kansas City.

ROBERT KERR ........................................................................... President

JOHN A. EATON ......................................................................... Cashier

M. H. EWART ............................................................................... Assistant Cashier

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

First-class teams and carriages furnished on short notice and reasonable terms.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

ED. P. GREER, Local Editor.
The Winfield Markets.
Butter 20@22 cents; eggs 20 cents, turkeys, live, per lb. 6¢ to 7¢, dressed, 9¢ to 10; chickens $1.50@$1.00 per dozen; potatoes 50¢@75¢; wheat, 58¢, corn 22¢; oats 21@22¢; hogs $3.40 per cwt.; Hay $5 per ton.

Thirteen Years Old.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

With this issue the COURIER adds another "I" to its volume number and commences its thirteenth year of newspaper existence. Looking back through the musty pack of files which has grown up with it, it seems but a little way to the small six column sheet, printed in large type on dirty paper which suggests the idea of worn out dishrags but that pile of paper contains much of the light and shadow of pioneer life and all of the history attending Cowley's "incubation" period. Its county seat fights, waged with a fierceness that drove advertisers from its columns to give place to the fiery scintillations of "A Citizen," "A Farmer," or "One Who Knows," and generally ending up with a home-made wood cut of a little man with a big head and eye-glass hunting snipe over the territory supposed to be occupied by the rival town. "The railroad is coming!" is often a prominent headline. "Court House rings," "postoffice rings," and "rings" of all description and geographical significance are unearthed, examined, exploded, as the leaves of those old files are turned. But above all this there is a weekly record of material growth and development such as few generations have witnessed. Yesterday a shoreless sea of prairie grass--today beautiful houses, surrounded by fertile, well hedged and people by citizens as happy and prosperous as any under the face of the shining sun. Surely those who passed through the terrible ordeal of drought and grasshoppers in the 70s have seen their hopes abundantly realized in 1884.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

On Christmas day the Sheriff and his deputies raided the Jim Fahey building on Ninth Avenue, where a contrivance for dealing out liquor, known as a "Blind Tiger," was in operation. After capturing the operator they took a tour through the building. In the cellar was found several barrels of whiskey, and a basket containing a large number of pint and quart bottles filled with liquor and apparently ready for delivery. Pasted up in this cellar was a government liquor license, setting forth that James Fahey had paid the requisite fee as a retail liquor dealer. The young man occupying the upper part of the building and in charge of the "blind tiger" had no government license. Thus, unless he can prove by Mr. Fahey that he was the latter's agent in the sale of liquor, he becomes subject to indictment and conviction under the revenue laws of the United States in addition to the penalties inflicted under the statutes of our own state for liquor selling. The young man has certainly got himself into a very serious predicament unless Mr. Fahey will generously sacrifice himself by coming to his relief.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Wm. Hill, colored, was brought before Justice Buckman Tuesday and plead guilty to assault and battery and was sentenced to thirty days in the county jail. He had an altercation with John Mathews at a colored ball Christmas night, and gashed John's head badly with a hatchet. Our colored citizens have always been very steady and peaceable, and this disturbance is out of the usual order of things with them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Winfield to New Orleans and return, good for 45 days, $29.00; good until June 1st, 1885, $35.45. Also winter tourists tickets to Jacksonville, Fla., and return and through tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada. Direct connection made with all roads out of Kansas City, north, east and south. Call on W. J. Kennedy, agent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We can make you any kind of a loan you desire. We can make you a loan for straight five years, or we can give you a privilege of paying the loan after a year from the first interest payment, or we can give you the privilege of paying in installments of $500. We can give you annual or semi-annual interest. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The S. K, extends a Happy New Year to all its patrons, and wishes everybody desiring information to call at the office. We have special rates to New Orleans and return. Beware of tickets on sale on the streets. Buy your tickets of regular agents, and save money by buying through tickets to destination.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association will be held at the Opera House, in Winfield, Monday, January 12th, 1885, at 1 o'clock, for the election of the Board of Directors for the ensuing year. Respectfully, Ed. P. Greer, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

"What our neighbors are doing" is brightly portrayed by our splendid corps of correspondents this week. Several new reporters appear; and this department of our paper is becoming very complete. Who will represent the few unrepresented neighborhoods of our county?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The Methodist church has a stationery box near the door on which is inscribed, "Remember the poor," and where each Sunday a goodly amount of coin is dropped for the unfortunate. This is a very appropriate and practical recognition of the divine injunction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

A petition to Governor Glick for the pardon of Frank Manny has been extensively circulated and signed by over 300 citizens. Frank's white house reception to the Governor doesn't seem to have borne the desired fruit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Parties who contemplating borrowing money upon farm security will do well to consult Jarvis, Conklin & Co. for rates and conditions. They give the best conditions and the best rates, and transact business promptly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Jarvis, Conklin & Co., at the old stand south of A. T. Spotswood's, loan the cheapest money in the state of Kansas. Their rates cannot be met. Do not fail to call and see them if you want a loan on farm property.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We have the only 6 percent money to loan in Kansas. Why pay seven, eight, nine and ten percent interest on good farm security when you can make a loan drawing 6 percent?

Jarvis, Conklin & Co.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Call at the Farmers' Bank when you want to borrow money or transact any banking business. Our rates are as low as at any bank in the county. Give us a call before going elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The young folks Mutual Improvement Society meets tonight with Mrs. Geo. Ordway. An interesting literary and musical program will be rendered.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Curns & Manser loan money on terms to suit borrowers--long or short time, annual or semi-annual interest, or any way it may be desired, at lowest rates.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We guarantee to borrowers the cheapest rates in Southern Kansas. We ask no business if we do not make good our guarantee. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

A meeting of the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union will be held at Odessa schoolhouse Tuesday night, January the 6th, 1885. D. B. McCollum, Capt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Our Udall correspondent sends a letter chuckful of "meat" this week. The growth of that little city in the last year has been remarkable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Go to P. H. Albright & Co. for real estate loans when you want the money promptly and on the safest and most reasonable terms.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

6 percent money to loan by Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Remember the place--at the old stand south of A. T. Spotswood's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The M. E. church, at New Salem, will be dedicated Sunday, Jan. 11th, 1885, at 1 o'clock p.m., by Rev. C. A. King.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Wanted. A small house at reasonable rent, or suit of rooms centrally located. Inquire at the Central Hotel.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

For loans on real estate, chattel and personal security go to the Farmers' Bank, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Curns & Manser will loan you money on long or short time, at annual or semi-annual interest.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Flour, corn, meal and feed always on hand at Kirks' mill, 8th avenue, west of Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Before you borrow money, either long or short time, get the rates at the Farmers' Bank.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We now have a full-fledged ticket-scalper. How are you, Wellington?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The county bastille contains fourteen victims.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Our ice men are all happy and full--of ice.

Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Miss Tillie Hahn, sister of Mr. M. M. Hahn of the Bee Hive, left for her home in Topeka Tuesday after a week's visit here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. A. S. Wickham, one of the proprietors of the Blue Front grocery, South Main, returned from his old home, Memphis, Tennessee, Tuesday, with a fair young bride.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Frank Hall, Spence Miner, R. S. Howard, C. W. Averill, M. L. Wortman, and other Winfieldites came in from Ashland to eat Christmas turkey with the folks at home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Branham, of the Southern Kansas, was handsomely "caned" by the attaches of the station Christmas. He was also recipient of a handsome gold badge from Conductor Lockwood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Master Charlie Forgey won the beautiful silver mustache cup as the campion gentleman skater of Winfield. The contest between he and Mr. Marion Pitts was very close, and they performed some very difficult fancy skating.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Billy Dawson came in Friday last from his visit to the National capital. His ramblings among the noted men of the country in Congress assembled was most enjoyable. He disappointed Madame Rumor by returning still in state of single blessedness.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

F. D. Blackman and Ida M. McDonald; D. P. Van Fleet and Sadie Garrison; John E. Larranee and Minnie Sheff; C. H. Messenger and Maggie Seabridge have taken the matrimonial route to happiness during the past week, according to the records of Judge Gans.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Messrs. S. H. Myton, Capt. Chas. Steuven, G. W. Yount, S. M. Vanorsdal, Zeigler and Rev. Thomas got home from a Territory hunt last Friday. The extremely cold wave struck them and compelled a lively hugging of the camp fire. They got a good lot of large and small game in spite of the frigidity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Ed. G. Cole, who left very quietly for the east some time ago, was married last week in Toronto, Canada, to Miss Zula Farringer, well-known to Winfield people. The newly wedded pair started immediately for the World's Fair. They will arrive here about the middle of January and occupy the neat residence which Ed. Has recently erect5ed on East 10th Avenue.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. L. A. Millspaugh has returned from a ten days visit at the World's Fair. He was present at the grand opening and took in all the sights. Mr. Millspaugh thinks, though, the displays are yet incomplete, that the great exposition will surpass the Centennial exposition of 1876. He reports the Kansas exhibits up to the average, but not quite what he expected owing to the scant appropriation by the state for that purpose.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

We learn that H. P. Standley has sold the Arkansas City Traveler to Mr. J. C. Douglass, late of New Castle, Pa. Mr. Douglass is an old army friend and comrade of Major Sleeth, and has been engaged in the newspaper business for twenty years. For the last five years he has published the Zanesville Courant. We congratulate the people of Arkansas City upon securing such a valuable acquisition to their community.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

"Mark" makes some sensible suggestions in another column on the subject of a Farmers Institute. He suggests another meeting at this office on Saturday, January 10th, 1885, at 2 o'clock P.M. In conformity with his suggestions the COURIER hereby invites all the farmers of Cowley who feel disposed to take an interest in the matter to meet at this office on the date mentioned. It is a most important matter and cannot fail to be of lasting interest to our farmers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Chas. M. Leavitt, for some months past connected with Mr. Henry E. Asp and Mr. W. D. Halfhill, of Van West, Ohio, an old pupil of Mr. B. F. Wood, formed a law partnership last week and have taken rooms over the post office. Mr. Leavitt has developed talents which show him to be possessed of a keen legal mind and among the most promising of our your attorneys, while Mr. Halfhill has been an attorney of prominence in Ohio. The firm will soon work up a merited business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

There was a report in town last Friday that S. H. Myton, our opulent hardware man, had been shot and killed in the Indian Territory by the Indians. He had been absent on a hunting excursion in the Territory for many days and had not been heard from, and his family had become quite uneasy about him, hence the credence given to the report. But he arrived on the afternoon train from the south as well as ever. If we were obliged to hunt in the Territory in such weather as we had for the two weeks preceding his return, we should want to be shot by the Indians to end our misery.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

After the rush was over at the Methodist Christmas tree, Christmas Eve, Rev. B. Kelly was handed a sack containing a large donation of gold, silver, and greenbacks with a note attached stating that the present was made by members of the church and citizens in appreciation of his sterling qualities as a minister and his earnest advocacy of the right in every walk of life. Among the staunch men of the State, Rev. B. Kelly is foremost. He carries his religion into every day life and is found zealous in every enterprise for the upbuilding of the community and state, morally, politically, and financially, and this tribute of respect is very fitting.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Fourteen years old,

Area, 739, 840 acres.

Number of hogs, 70,000.

Number of sheep, 96,000.

Number of cattle, 32,000.

Number of canines, 3,244.

Population, about 30,000.

Acres of oats for 1884, 9,537.

Bearing fruit trees, 468,870.

Acres uncultivated, 362,616.

Corn acreage for 1884, 112,777.

The most intelligent people.

Acres in cultivation, 377,824.

The richest soil in the world.

Value of all property, $23,668,794.

Acres of growing wheat, 57,000.

Total taxable property, $441,568.93.

Wool clip for 1885, 302,233 pounds.

Number of organized schools, 143.

Number of horses and mules, 12,000.

The most enterprising businessmen.

Thirteen well patronized newspapers.

Value of field products for 1884, $3,454,600.

Average bushels of oats per acre for 1884, 66.

The most refined and handsome women.

Average per acre in corn for 1884, 40 bushels.

Ranks fiftieth in point of assessed valuation.

Average bushels of wheat per acre for 1884, 22.

Acreage of rye, for pasture mostly, for 1884, 1,100.

Ranks twentieth in point of total indebtedness.

A church on every hill top; no saloon in the valley.

Value of cattle sold and slaughtered in 1884, $605,606.

The most industrious, independent and happy farmers.

An astonishing number of fine grade cattle and pure blood horses.

The best flouring mills and water power of any county on the globe.

Total indebtedness, including school districts, township, etc., $277,000.10.

Scarcely a square section in the county that can't be successfully cultivated.

The Santa Fe and Southern Kansas railroads, with flattering prospects for two more lines soon.

The finest fair grounds in the West, and annual fairs whose displays are excelled only by state or national fairs.

A. T. Spotswood - Groceries, Queensware, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Family groceries are one of the most necessary adjuncts to humanity and where one can get them the readiest, in the best variety and for the least money is bound to absorb a good deal of attention. Ever since his entrance into the field, Mr. Spotswood has had a big share of the public's patronage--his finely selected delicacies, fresh staples, and courteous and honorable manner of dealing never fails to draw. During his eight years in this city he has had a business unexcelled. Last year marked a new era in his institution, when he adopted the cash system. "Quick sales and small profits" was a safer motto under the cash system, and the "pay-as-you-go" people have given him an enviable patronage. Especially attractive is the beautiful and varied queensware stock of this establishment, embracing the finest china and hand pointed tea and dinner sets, never introduced here until Mr. Spotswood's enterprise did it. A man of strict business integrity, much public spirit, and an extensive experience, A. T. Spotswood has gained a deserved popularity and success.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

No great attention has been given to the cultivation of tame grasses until a few years since. All who have given it a fair trial have been successful. We would be pleased to have all newcomers visit the writer, and he will take time to convince them, both by argument and drives, of the truth of the above, and that they will grow as well in Kansas as in the older States. Our opinion is that the longer the land is cultivated the better success our farmers will have in raising tame grasses.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

In the eastern part of the county may be seen miles of nice stone fence, some of which is laid up in such a manner as to baffle a rabbit to get through. In the western portion you will find miles of as fine Osage hedge fence as can be found anywhere.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Her Magic Development.
Beautiful Residences and Complete Domestic Surroundings.
What old pioneer can behold the large number of pleasant, commodious homes which adorn Winfield, and consider the short time in which they have been made, without thrilling pride? As you look back over a few vanished years, you see the site on which the Queen City of Southern Kansas now stands, as a black and dreary waste, inhabited only by the festive buffalo and the Noble Red Man. You think of the early settlers who had the nerve and courage to stake their all with the destiny of the infant city; of the occasional failures of crops without resources to bridge over to the next season; of the terrible grasshopper scourge of 1874, and of the dangers and privations incident to the development of Cowley County and Winfield. Little did those veterans who held the picket line, in 1870, of the vast army that was to follow, realize that at the beginning of 1885 Winfield would be a city of nearly six thousand inhabitants, with water-works, gas works, prospective street railway, telephone, and all the modern improvements of the age, surrounding homes whose beauty, convenience, and elegance would do credit to an old eastern city. In looking back upon the thirteen or fourteen years of the city's existence, they seem to afford the opportunity for only the beginning of home comforts, but the finely-improved places in all parts of the city show what good taste and industry, combined with our rich soil and genial climate, can do. These explain the magic change we have wrought. On all our principal streets may be seen large and convenient residences, provided with all the comforts of modern invention, and furnished with the richness and elegance of the older cities east. Most of these homes have beautiful, commodious grounds, adorned with all that can make them desirable and perfect. We would like to make special mention of some of Winfield's prominent residences had we the space. The COURIER extends the heartiest congratulations to all who are enjoying these well-merited domestic surroundings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

An Animal That Was Born to Die in Infancy.
Developments have proven that Cowley's climate lays death to "blind tigers." Scarcely do they see the light before their toes are summarily turned up to the daisies. A tiger hide makes an excellent Christmas gift, as was attested to by Sheriff McIntire last Thursday morning. As the COURIER mentioned last week, it was known that a blind tiger had existed for several days in the Jim Fahey building on East Ninth Avenue, and that the thirsty had been constantly wending their way in and out. The query of our officials was the most approved method of choking the animal. But he took that Christmas morning. In the absence of the "tiger's" vigils, Sheriff McIntire and Deputies Frank W. Finch and Tom H. Herrod obtained entrance, put a dollar in the circular tough, and ordered "three whiskies." Around went the trough, a hand was seen to take the money, and back came the three whiskies and fifty cents in change. The officials used the "forty rod," and immediately demanded admittance to the den. The demand was refused, and they kicked in the door. In the meantime the tiger had run into Tom Herrod's anxious arms in trying to make a hasty exit through the front door. The operator was Dick Hawkins, a young man who has been about the city for some time. In default of bail, he was promptly lodged in the bastille. The tiger's premises contained a large stock of whiskey. Hawkins' trial will probably develop other guilty parties.

Our Compliments.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

With the beginning of 1885, the COURIER presents a few complimentary words for its larger advertising patrons. During the past year the COURIER has received a very liberal advertising patronage, for which its editors feel truly grateful. But no advertiser is unaware of the fact that his patronage has brought good returns. The COURIER is without a peer in Kansas as a weekly advertising medium, a fact long since recognized by all individual advertisers. It has the largest circulation of any county weekly in the State. Its readers are among the very best class of people--those whose trade is most valuable. That a large majority of Winfield's merchants know a good medium and are firm believers in printers ink is constantly shown by the columns of the COURIER. Of course there are certain tradesmen in every town who labor under the sleepy impression that they can sit still and custom will walk right up to them, but they mostly end in failure, or sell out to enter some pursuit that takes no "rustling." Of such persons our notices this week make no mention. The reader of today invariably turns to the newspaper for information regarding the commercial world as well as for general and local news.

The Christmas Night Wedding.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

A large assembly witnessed the marriage of Mr. Fred D. Blackman and Miss Ida M. McDonald, in the Methodist church last Thursday evening. The ceremony was most impressively conducted by Rev. B. Kelly, and the happy couple were attended by Misses Lizzie McDonald and Maude Kelly and Messrs. W. C. Robinson, Lewis Brown, James Lorton, and Charley Dever. The bride was beautifully attired in white satin. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mr. Robinson, on behalf of the official church board, stepped to the rostrum, and in a very neat speech presented the bride with forty dollars in gold as a token of appreciation of her valuable musical services to the church. At eight o'clock a large number of friends were received at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McDonald, where congratulations, an excellent repast, and general mirth were freely indulged in. The presents were numerous and elegant, and the congratulations hearty. Among the most noticeable presents was a very handsome silver pitcher, presented to Mr. Blackman by his young gentlemen friends. No personal mention of ours could possibly add to the high esteem in which the happy couple are held by all who know them. The COURIER again wishes them happiness and prosperity. We append a list of the principal presents: White velvet hand-painted pin cushion, Miss Belle Lowe; pair of silver napkin rings, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Millspaugh; picture and easel Madonna, Charles Dever; silver vase, Leota Gary; silver celery stand, Lizzie Graham; silver vase, Minnie Gibson; colored glass with castor, Nettie McCoy; colored glass water set, W. C. Robinson; pair of hand-painted gilt plaques, Lena Walrath; hair ornament, Gracie Oliver; hand-painted velvet banner, Mrs. Leavitt; bracket lambrequin, Jessie Millington; hand-painted hammered brass plaque, Miss Anna Hunt; beveled-edge French plate mirror with Hammered Brass frame, M. Hahn; gold-lined individual silver butter dishes, Miss Delia Lisk; set silver teaspoons, sugar spoon, and butter knife, Lizzie and Margie Wallis and Maggie Taylor; Russia leather photograph album, Louis and Addison Brown; one-half dozen China fruit plates, Lucy Tomlin; one set silver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Robbins and Miss Carrie Tillotson, Aurora, Illinois; China salt and pepper bottles, Mr. and Misses Rev. Kelly; silver cake basket, Ida Johnston; silver fruit basket, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Miner; silver berry dish, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Kennedy and Miss Lydia Young; large mounted silver water pitcher and mug, E. H. Nixon, M. H. Ewert, Geo. Headrick, James Lorton, and M. J. O'Meara; silver tea-set and waiter, bride's parents.

A Rule of Good Society. By a Winfield Lady.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

There is one rule of good society that is well for all to remember: That on being invited to a party at a given hour it is our place to be present promptly at the hour named. The reasons for this are plain. The lady should not be kept receiving guests all the evening. Then probably the refreshments are all ready to be served immediately after the guests have arrived and every lady knows with what bad grace hot tea, coffee, rolls, and scalloped oysters wait for tardy guests. Remember then, if you are invited at a certain hour, be present promptly at the time. You are not invited at any other hour than the one named in your invitation. Fifteen minutes is usually given for variation in time.

Christmas in Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Numerous entertainments attracted the attention of our people on Christmas eve and Christmas night, and taken with the ever-interesting turkey and noonday feast, the folks in general seemed to have a "merry Christmas." The Sunday schools of the city all had Christmas trees, with appropriate exercises, and many little faces were brightened with the usual allotment of confectionery. But the hard times dampened generosity largely and, as is attested by our merchants, not as many valuable gifts were distributed as is usual on this festal day.

To The Public.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

On Thursday evening, January 1st, 1885, will be the grand distribution of our holiday presents. You are all invited to be present at the Holiday Bazaar. Respectfully,

Henry Goldsmith.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Go to P. H. Albright & Co. for real estate loans when you want the money promptly and on the safest and most reasonable terms.

Brief Mention of Winfield's Merchant Princes and Their Establishments.
From Small Beginnings to Opulence and Prominence.
A Record to Tickle the Pride of Every Citizen of Cowley!
S. H. Myton. The Mammoth Hardware Dealer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Ever since the COURIER first tooted its little horn the hardware house has been represented in its columns. Mr. Myton came to Cowley in 1871 and this business has grown from a small beginning to one of proportions unexcelled by any hardware and implement house in the State. Some years ago he erected the substantial brick he now occupies, but after building on as much as possible, he found the building yet too small for his immense and growing business. Last year he commenced the erection of the fine cut stone block on the corner of 8th Avenue and Main, where he is now nearing completion and is one of the most imposing ornaments in the business part of the city. Its cost is over twenty thousand dollars and when Mr. Myton gets his mammoth stock on that eighteen thousand square feet of floor it will be a showing fit to tickle the pride of any city, and especially the man who has had the ability, business tact, and energy to accomplish such results. He will occupy the whole building; three rooms on each floor, 2 x 80. Elevators run from the basement to the third floor and everything is arranged with especial conveniences for his business. Mr. Myton has certainly grown with Cowley; and, like her, his growth has been through worthy and deserved popularity.

[Paper had 2 x 80 feet for each room. This does not seem correct! MAW]
The Winfield Bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Prominent among the substantial and prosperous institutions of our city is the Winfield Bank. Its capital stock is fifty thousand dollars; with a large surplus, and its officers are: H. B. Schuler, president; J. C. Fuller, cashier; C. E. Fuller, assistant cashier. Mr. Schuler came to our city with his family in July last and brought a capital of two hundred thousand dollars. He has been in the banking business for the last thirteen years and is thoroughly conversant with its every detail. He is a man of high intelligence, honor, and business ability and is proving a valuable accession to our city and county. Mr. J. C. Fuller's superior qualifications are too well known to need comment, while Mr. C. E. Fuller, through his long association with our people as assistant cashier of this bank, has gained deserved popularity. The Winfield Bank is doing a flourishing business and is one of the best institutions of the State.

The Winfield Roller Mills.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Of the numerous big institutions of Cowley, none have been of more substantial benefit or have given wider advertisement to the County than the Winfield Roller Mills. It is a monument to the enterprise and pluck of Messrs. Bliss & Wood. Its capacity is six hundred barrels per day. All of the machinery is of the latest and most improved patterns and experts pronounce it one of the best roller mills in the West. Its flour carried off numerous prizes last fall at eastern expositions and is unsurpassable. We have at different times given extensive descriptions of this mill and of course it is useless to reiterate here. The benefit the county derives in the way of enhanced prices for wheat, through our mills, is very plain. Week after week the market here has been from one to four cents above the Kansas City market. Wheat in Kansas City last week was fifty-two cents and here fifty-three and fifty-five. This, of course, is attributable alone to our mills.

Horning & Whitney. Hardware, Tinware, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among our thoroughly reliable and enterprising firms, that of Messrs. Horning & Whitney are foremost. Their hardware house contains an elegant line of everything pertaining to a first-class establishment of the kind and through the energy and popularity of the proprietors has an enviable patronage. Connected with this firm is that of J. S. Lyon & Co., plumbers. This branch carries a complete stock of gas fixtures and steam heating apparatus. Few young men have the industry and business tack of Mr. W. R. Whitney. Mr. Horning is not only a through businessman, but is chuck full of enterprise and everything for the good of the city and county receives his hearty support.

The First National Bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

For twelve years M. L. Read's Bank was foremost among Cowley Institutions and enjoyed a remarkable prosperity. In July last, it was made The First National Bank, with the following officers: M. L. Read, president; M. L. Robinson, vice-president; W. C. Robinson, cashier; George W. Robinson, assistant cashier; and Chas. F. Bahntge, Teller. The First National is officered by the same gentlemen who so successfully carried on the affairs of M. L. Read's Bank during its long career. They are all men of large and varied banking experience and heavy property interests and have placed the First National among the foremost financial institutions of the West. It has an immense business. Its managers have always been prominent in the inauguration and push of enterprises for the advancement of Winfield and Cowley County.

W. A. Lee. Agricultural Implements.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

One of our most successful and reliable businessmen is Mr. W. A. Lee, whose Agricultural Implement House has done a flourishing business during the past year. As an implement dealer Mr. Lee has few equals, and his establishment has a wide reputation for square dealing and first class goods. He has branch establishments in Arkansas City, Grenola, and several other points. His success is certainly well-merited.

O'Meara & Randolph. Boots and Shoes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

No articles in the way of merchandise are more deceptive than boots and shoes. Most people depend on the judgment and take the word of the dealer. Messrs. O'Meara & Randolph, by their square, one-priced manner of dealing, have placed themselves in the front rank of Winfield boot and shoe firms and send from their store an astonishing number of foot gear. People have learned that this firm never misrepresent. When they say a shoe is hand sewed, it is hand sewed; and when they sell a French kid shoe you rest in no uneasiness that you are getting a spurious article. Mr. M. J. O'Meara is the resident manager of the firm's business, and his keen ability, sterling integrity and genial demeanor have won the firm a splendid reputation and business. They carry a large stock of the most stylish ladies' and gents' shoes and take pride in supplying the finest trade. Mr. Randolph being closely resident to the large eastern manufactures, embraces every golden bonanza and thus enables the firm to continually offer great retail bargains.

Warner Bros. Planing Mill.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Messrs. Warner Bros. have recently located here with a first-class planing mill and are getting a good business. They are extensive contractors. Their mill has complete machinery and turns out all kinds of bracket and scroll work and everything in fancy carpentry.

Kirk's Mill. A Flourishing Institution.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

About a year and a half ago Mr. James Kirk established a corn meal and feed mill on West 8th Avenue. Though small to start with, it has rapidly come to the front and is now a very healthy and paying institution. It started with only a corn burr, but additions and improvements have been made until the mill is one of no small proportions. A few months ago Mr. Kirk added a second story to the building, put in burr stones for flour, and started a regular custom mill. A very fine fifty-horse Westinghouse engine furnishes the power. The first floor of the mill contains a network of shafts and belts, two burr stones for flour, and one for meal and chopped feed. The second floor contains the purifiers, bolting chests, fans, etc. The grade of flour is first-class and is receiving merited praise from lovers of a purely wholesome article. Mr. Kirk is one of our most honorable and energetic citizens and we are glad to note his success.

S. Kleeman. The North Main Street Dry Goods Man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This dry goods establishment is a late acquisition, having been here scarcely six months, but is has now a prominence only attainable through indomitable energy, keen ability, and a thorough knowledge of the business. Mr. Kleeman is a young man of marked business energy, and his stock comprises all the latest novelties in dry goods and notions, with a large stock of all staples pertaining to his line. His display of Christmas and holiday goods was the wonder and admiration of all. He procured an orchestra several days during his "opening," proclaimed low prices and large stock, through the COURIER, and otherwise, and now the query of astonishment comes from all who enter his store: "Why, Mr. Kleeman, what has gone with all your goods?" However, he will soon be as full as ever--of dry goods, etc.--and can again make folks happy.

J. B. Lynn. The Pioneer Merchant.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Almost before the howling coyote and the festive buffalo had departed from the plains of Cowley, J. B. Lynn was dispensing merchandise to the denizens of our county. Magical has been the development of Cowley, but equally magical has been the spread of Mr. Lynn's business. Commencing in a small frame building with but a few wagon loads of goods, he now has a stock unequaled in size, variety, and popularity, occupying his own building and employing corps of clerks equal to that employed by many of the large eastern establishments. The first goods, fancy goods, and boots and shoes in attractive array; the back room, 25 x 36 is occupied by a large and well-selected clothing stock; a good-sized basement contains trunks, valises, etc., while the large, well-lighted room upstairs contains a splendid stock of carpets and oil cloths. Mr. Lynn's judgment and experience in the mercantile business is at once apparent on entering his store. Everything is selected with especial adaption to the trade and he never carries over any goods to become rusty and out of style and which must be palmed off on an unsuspecting public. Mr. Lynn's long residence here has acquainted him with everybody in the county, and his prominence in matters of public interest have made him one of our most valuable citizens, aside from his qualities as a merchant. In addition to his dry goods and clothing business, he is a partner in the grocery firm of Bryan & Lynn. His store building is one of the largest, most substantial, and attractive of the city, and a big ornament to North Main. An unique feature of Mr. Lynn's splendid store is the elevated cash railway, the most convenient cashier system ever invented.

Smith & Zook. Boots and Shoes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Though but of a year's standing as a firm, Messrs. Smith & Zook have won the confidence and patronage of the public and are enjoying a very enviable trade. Mr. W. H. Smith had long been familiar to the people of Cowley as the head of Smith Bros., for years one of our most prominent boot and shoe firms, and by his pleasant manner and strict integrity had won a warm place in the opinion of our people, while Mr. Zook, as a member of the firm of Pugsley & Zook, had well established himself. So the firm of Smith & Zook took prominence from the first, and their splendid stock, low prices, and square dealing will continue them a trade not excelled by any similar establishment. The matter of boots and shoes is an important one and but few people can tell a good article when they see it. The firm that practices no deception, sells a customer an honest quality at an honest price, will always prosper. Such a firm is that of Smith & Zook.

The Winfield Bakery.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Though in the hands of one of our youngest businessmen, through his business activity and unlimited zeal, the Winfield Bakery has secured a splendid business and reputation. Mr. Frank L. Crampton, the proprietor, has no superior among young men as a business rustler. His bread is of the very best quality, and gives excellent satisfaction. In addition to his bakery and confectionery business, he has recently started a first-class restaurant and is meeting with merited success.

Brown & Son. Drugs and Fancy Goods.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The elegant drug house of Brown & Son never fails to attract. In addition to the finest building in Southern Kansas, their stock is unsurpassed, embracing everything, fresh and pure, in drugs, together with an excellent stock of fancy notions and paints. They have recently had constructed one of the handsomest prescription cases in the West. With a thorough knowledge of the business and honorable manner of dealing, they stand prominent among our pioneer firms.

J. W. Prather. The Boot and Shoe Man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among the establishments of Winfield that of Mr. J. W. Prather, on South Main, is worthily noticeable. He came here last spring from Hoosierdom and opened a boot and shoe store whose carefully selected stock and low prices soon introduced themselves. Straightforward, of wide experience and pleasant manner, he has gained for his establishment a profitable business and meritable reputation. He is one of those merchants who believe in and adhere strictly to the old motto of "Quick sales and small profits," and people have not been slow to embrace his bargains as shown up weekly through the COURIER. His goods are always as represented, and when he once gains a customer it is with an eye to entire satisfaction and future patronage.

John D. Pryor. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among our most reliable businessmen, Mr. Jno. D. Pryor stands high. During his many years residence here, he has worked up a large Real Estate, Loan and Insurance business and has a splendid reputation for integrity, business energy, and enterprise. His partial land list which appears in the COURIER embraces some rare bargains and gives a good index to his enterprise and real estate business. His loans are made at the lowest rates of interest and easiest terms. No man is more worthy of the prosperity he is enjoying than John D. Pryor.

J. W. Johnson. Furniture and Undertaking.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Johnson is one of our oldest merchants and has a business as fixed and regular as years of patient advancement can make. His institution is one every citizen is proud of, containing a stock of furniture and undertaking goods which would do credit to a much larger city than Winfield. No one finds it necessary to leave our city to obtain furniture for the most fastidious home. His store contains everything desirable in the furniture line, and combined with low prices and Mr. Johnson's geniality and strict integrity, never fails to catch the purchasing public.

P. H. Albright & Co. Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Since opening business here, some four years ago, Messrs. P. H. Albright & Co. have ever been prominent among the loan brokers of this city, always loaning at the lowest rates, easiest terms, and with the smallest inconvenience to the borrower. Mr. Albright, resident manager and head of the firm, is one of those pleasant, sturdy gentlemen with whom it is a real pleasure to do business, and aside from making a good reputation and business for himself, he has done much for the city and county in numerous public enterprises. During the summer he inaugurated a real estate business with his loan brokerage and formed a partnership in this branch with Mr. W. W. Limbocker.

Q. A. Glass. Dealer in Drugs and Coal.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Glass entered the drug business in Winfield in the early days, and has ever maintained a good trade and business reputation. He is a first-class prescription druggist, carries a large and pure stock, is courteous and obliging, and will ever remain at the head of the drug procession in this city. In addition to his drug trade he deals in all kinds of coal and dispenses a large amount of this article.

A. B. Arment. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.


Starting with small pretensions, by square dealing and a keen knowledge of his business, Mr. Arment has spread out until he has a furniture store that resembles an eastern wholesale establishment. He has added to his building and stock until over twenty-five hundred square feet are now occupied and he has a trade that is permanent and gratifying. His knowledge of the furniture and undertaking business is extensive, as is evidenced by the growth of his business and the universal satisfaction given in quality, low prices, and courteous treatment of his customers. Mr. Arment always tries to excel.

Curns & Manser. Real Estate and Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Way back in the early history of Cowley up to the present time, Curns & Manser have been one of the prominent firms of Winfield and the county. As real estate and loan brokers their reputation has been second to none and they enjoy a business to be proud of. Their faith in our city and county has just been attested in the erection of the finest real estate office in the West, one which is a great ornament to the city. It has two stories and a basement. Messrs. Curns & Manser occupy the entire first floor, whose office is spacious, pleasant, and well lighted, while the private apartments are comfortable and convenient. A splendid adjunct is a room, throughly burglar-proof vault. The large stove, comfortable chairs, and extra desk room will soon make their office popular with visitors who are desirous of a cosy place to spend an hour in gaining information regarding Cowley. This firm is just turning out a large edition of real estate bulletins descriptive of the county.

The Farmers Bank.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This bank was instituted over a year ago by Ohio capitalists, whose capital and assets reach seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Robert Kerr is president; John A. Eaton, cashier; M. H. Ewert, assistant cashier. John A. Eaton, cashier and resident manager, is a man of much ability, enterprise, and affability, and is placing the bank in the front rank of Western institutions of its kind. He has had large experience as an attorney and financier and is one of our staunchest citizens. The transactions of the Farmers Bank have been universally satisfactory and it is gaining a prominent place in the confidence of our people.

M. Hahn & Co. Dry Goods, Clothing, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

It makes a fresh Easterner's eyes bug out to step into a store like that of M. Hahn & Co., occupying one hundred and twenty feet fronting on Main Street, and sixty feet fronting on Ninth Avenue, embracing over four thousand square feet of floor. It gives him a much larger opinion of the "Wild West" and makes him think for the moment that he is standing in one of the eastern wholesale establishments. Mr. M. Hahn and the junior partner of the firm, Mr. A. Burgauer, opened their establishment in its present quarters in 1878 and have grown into an esteem and patronage commensurate with their enterprise and experience. Their business got too large for the one building and in 1883 an archway was made and the neat Ninth Avenue room made a part of their emporium. Their stock embraces dry goods, clothing, carpets, oil cloths, etc., the completeness, quality, and prices in every department attesting the superior judgment and experience of the proprietors. Their stock of oil cloths and carpets are especially large and attractive and always secured the purchaser. Through their large, varied, and well selected stocks in every department, together with their conscientious and straight-forward dealings, this firm maintains a place in public esteem which certainly must be gratifying to them. They use the newspaper medium extensively, always back up what they advertise, and are reaping their reward. Their grand prize drawing comes off at the Opera House on the 3d inst., when over one hundred prizes will be awarded to customers holding lucky tickets.

L. M. Williams. The Druggist.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This gentleman succeeded Messrs. Johnson & Lockwood last fall and has come forward rapidly in public esteem and patronage. He is one of the most affable and obliging gentlemen, thoroughly conversant with his business, and carries a stock unexcelled. Mr. Williams has introduced many novelties in the drug and fancy notion line which are becoming popular with our people. His store room exhibits much taste.

Hendricks & Wilson. Hardware Dealers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The store room of Hendricks & Wilson contains one of the most complete stocks in the city, and the integrity and experience of the firm have long since been established. They do a very thrifty business and in the last few years their establishment has spread astonishingly, now ranking with any of its kind. Their stock embraces everything in hardware, stoves, and tinware. They also do a large business in plumbing and gas fitting, carrying a complete line of fixtures and employing one of the best plumbers in the west.

Julius Goczliwski. The New Merchant Tailor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This gentleman has recently located here, from Kansas City, with a merchant tailoring establishment and seems to be doing a good business and working up a reputation as a thoroughly reliable tailor. He carries a large and well-selected stock of suitings and can please anybody from the common gentleman to the one-eyed dude.

A. E. Baird. The New York Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among the pioneer merchants of Winfield, none have figured more prominently than Mr. A. E. Baird, and the New York Store has ever been a household word in Cowley County. Baird Bros. opened up in the building now occupied by McGuire Bros., as early as 1878, in general merchandise; as their business grew, they sought more commodious quarters--first in the present postoffice stand, then in Eli Youngheim's present stand, and finally in 1880 their business had reached such proportions and their confidence in our city became so firm that they built the handsome and roomy brick and stone block now so familiar as the New York Store. Their stock was then confined to dry goods and boots and shoes. In 1881 Mr. W. F. Baird retired and the business has since been carried on by the present proprietor. Mr. Baird's experience in dry goods is extensive and as a careful buyer in the eastern markets he has no superior, as is plainly attested by a glance through his splendid stock. His stock embraces carpets, oil cloths, gents' furnishings, boots and shoes, and everything pertaining to a first class dry goods establishment. He pays special attention to fine and fancy dry goods and never fails to please the most fastidious lady.

D. C. Irwin. The South Main Furniture Man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Irwin is a new accession to our business circles, having started the Kansas Furniture House on South Main Street last fall. He is an active young businessman, has a good stock, and seems to be working up a good business.

Eli Youngheim. The Mammoth Clothier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Everywhere in the West we hear of the indomitable will, energy, and perseverance of men achieving great results, but seldom is found a more prominent case than that of Eli Youngheim. Coming here way back in the early days, he and his brother, Charlie, "set up shop" in a little 10 x 12 room with but a few arms full of clothing. Soon Charlie branched off and started up in McPherson. From the first Eli has gradually "climbed the golden stair" of esteem, integrity, and prosperity. Enlarging from year to year and constantly dealing in a strictly honorable and business-like manner, he now has a retail establishment equal to any of its kind in the State and a business worthy of his ability, honesty, and courtesy. His stock is of a character to at once please the taste and judgement--clothing that for fit and quality is the equal of regular tailor-made and a stock of gents' furnishings that please the most fastidious. Eli's magnificent establishment is a monument to perseverence, industry, and integrity, as well as to the possibilities and rapid development of Cowley County and Winfield. Eli believes that "if you have a thing worth saying, say it," and not a little of his success can be attributed to judicious and never-ceasing newspaper advertising.

Wm. Atkinson's Tailoring Establishment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Atkinson has been building clothing for our people for a number of years and has given good satisfaction, both in fit, style, and quality. He is a very obliging gentleman and worthy of the substantial patronage extended him. His stock of piece goods is always complete.

J. C. Long. Dealer in Groceries, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The grocery establishment of Senator J. C. Long, though of less than a year's standing, has won a permanent place in the esteem of the trading public. Mr. Long came among us from Chautauqua County, where he had been a prominent citizen, and aside from his splendid grocery, has been a great acquisition in the way of public enterprise, always prominent and influential in anything that comes up for the good of the city, county, or State. He is a gentleman of the highest honor and integrity and one with whom it is a pleasure to do business. His stock is new and fresh and contains everything in his line--staple and fancy groceries, queensware, wooden ware, glass ware, etc. Senator Long is one of those men who are always to the front when the interests of this live, wide-awake city are at stake and ever ready to put their shoulders to the wheel to increase her growing prosperity or enhance her increasing popularity. Such men find no trouble in gaining public patronage, whatever their business.

The Hoosier Notion Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This establishment was started on South Main Street six months ago and has grown into a nice business. Mr. T. K. Williams, the proprietor, is one of those substantial Hoosiers who never tackle a business unless to muscle its every detail. He has had large experience in some of the big notion houses in the east and has a stock of fancy and staple notions and gents' furnishings that at once introduces itself.

J. S. Mann. The Never-Resting Clothier.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Among the first men to open up a first-class clothing store in Winfield was Mr. J. S. Mann, in the stand now next to the Farmers Bank. From the first he carried a stock specially adapted to the fine trade and by judicious advertising and fair dealing soon won popularity and took front rank among our merchants, which enviable position he has never ceased to maintain. Soon his quarters became inadequate to his immense stock and he removed to the old Williams House building; that also proved too small and he now occupies the large and well-lighted room in the Torrance-Fuller block. Everything about his store exhibits taste and experience and his stock is unexcelled. His clothing is all from the very best eastern manufactures, and in fit, quality, and price never fails to please. His stock of gent's furnishings equals that to be found in any of the larger cities and never fails to catch our tony dressers. Mr. Mann has gained a business and reputation highly merited and of which he should certainly feel proud. Aside from his qualities as a merchant, he is ever found prominent in matters of church and public enterprise. His name has greeted the COURIER readers from week to week and from year to year until it has become as familiar as the paper itself.

McGuire Bros. Winfield and Tisdale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Prominent among the pioneer merchants of Winfield are McGuire Bros., and their store at "McGuire's corner" is one of our oldest landmarks. Commencing way back in the days that "tried men's souls," we remember Messrs. McGuire & Crippen. A year or so after, Mr. John A. McGuire, who settled among the first at Tisdale, with a store, and was the first postmaster of that then expectant burg, formed a partnership with his brother, T. M., and made the Tisdale store a branch of their Winfield establishment; as such it still exists and is doing a thriving business in general merchandise. Their manner of dealing has always been the most honorable and their stock of goods complete, and as a result, they have a business as stationary as the sun. Their stock embraces groceries, queensware, clothing, gents furnishings, etc. In matters of public import, they have always taken an active part, and are ever ready to give a new enterprise a lift.

The Dollar Store.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

This store is always very attractive about holiday times. Messrs. Howland & Company have always succeeded in stocking up with a class of goods most desirable, and as a result their sales are large. As headquarters for novelties, they have made a good reputation.

Bryan & Lynn. The North Main Grocers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

It is a pleasure to do business with a firm where you can step in, make an order, and have it delivered to your home if needs be, without personal inspection, and be assured that it is filled with the freshest and best quality of goods; especially is this so with the purchaser of groceries. A little over a year ago the grocery establishment of Messrs. Bryan & Lynn was opened. Mr. Bryan had become well-known all over the county through his association as County Treasurer and otherwise, while Mr. Lynn's long mercantile career had made him equally as well known. So the firm soon had a large patronage and is now one of our most prominent groceries. Through the characteristic honor, enterprise, and ability of Mr. Bryan, as manager of the business, their grocery has a reputation unexcelled. They handle a very large stock of staple and fancy groceries, queensware, etc. Everything to delicately tickle the palate is always in stock, and their staple groceries are freshest and best, and all are sold at prices in harmony with these tough times.

Wallis & Wallis. Staple & Fancy Groceries.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The COURIER always takes pleasure in calling attention to those firms who cast their lot with the Queen City in its infancy and have advanced with its prosperity. Prominent among these firms are Messrs. Wallis & Wallis. Their firm was among the first unpretentious groceries which were launched with the future of Winfield, and now it stands first in public esteem and patronage. By always handling the best, the largest, and most seasonable stock at very reasonable prices, they have always gained and never lost. When once they obtain a customer, his treatment is such as to hold him. Their stock embraces everything in fancy and staple groceries, and a very large and judiciously selected stock of queensware, glassware, and wooden ware. Any delicacy of the season can always be obtained of them and any article they send out is strictly first-class. Ever courteous and honorable, dealing with a view to satisfaction and future patronage as well as present profits, they will continue to hold a prominent position among Winfield merchants.

Harris & Clark. Real Estate Dealers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

The enterprise of this firm has recently been brought to the front in the publication of a large edition of their Real Estate News, descriptive of Cowley County. Their land list, a small part of which can always be found in the COURIER, is very large and embraces such a variety of land that they never fail to suit a land seeker. The reliability of Messrs. Harris & Clark is well established and their courtesy in receiving strangers and visitors has done much for our city and county. They rank high among real estate firms in Southern Kansas.

A. Herpich. Merchant Tailor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

"Where can I get a nobby suit--one from the best and latest style cloth and made in the highest perfection of the tailoring art?"is an important question with every admirer of good clothes. Mr. A. Herpich, during his three years business here, has shown himself to be a first-class tailor and a pleasant, reliable gentleman. He employs none but the best workmen and never turns out a garment unless creditable to his establishment. His stock of suitings embraces everything to the finest imported goods.

W. B. Norman. Udall's Real Estate Man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Norman is a believer in printers ink, and although he does business some distance from the capital, in the thriving little city of Udall, he realizes the profit of a large "ad." in the Great County Weekly. He has worked up a splendid business and has probably done more for Udall than any other man there. His enterprise is unbounded, and being intelligent and pleasant, he immediately enlists the friendship of the stranger, and is always ready to fit him out with a fine farm or city property. Mr. Norman has ever held a prominent position among the denizens of Udall.

Henry Goldsmith. The Novelty Man.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Goldsmith has thoroughly demonstrated the success of advertising in the manner in which he managed the holiday trade. He realized that this being a dull season, trade on Christmas goods would be light, but this didn't keep him from buying heavily. He laid in a big stock, rented an extra room, and prepared to get a corner in trade by opening up his holiday bazaar. Then he made the printers ink fly, had numerous play-card "ads.," filled his store with customers and succeeded in clearing out his stock nicely. His enterprise and grit brought their reward, as they always do. Henry understands how to carry on a business successfully. His success in Winfield is due to keen judgment, quick business ability, and the fact that he has the most complete book, stationery, and novelty store in the state.

Jarvis, Conklin & Co. Loan Brokers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

One of the oldest and most successful firms of the city is that of Messrs. Jarvis, Conklin & Co. The firm is composed of Mr. S. M. Jarvis and R. R. Conklin, extensive loan brokers of Kansas City, and at one time in charge of their business here, and Mr. Ed. Jarvis, who assisted by Mr. F. C. Hunt, manages the affairs of the Winfield office. They loan money in any way desired--straight five years, or with the privilege of paying in installments, annual or semi-annual interest. The extent of their business and the wealth and reliability of the firm enables them to loan money at astonishingly low rates. This fact and the personal responsibility of the firm have given them a very extensive business.

J. P. Baden. Everything Under One Roof.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Winfield has many establishments in which she feels much pride, but none are more worthy of this feeling than the Immense Double Store of J. P. Baden. Mr. Baden came here from Independence in 1878 and started a general merchandise store on the corner of Main and 8th Avenue that would look very unpretentious indeed compared to his present Mammoth Emporium. In connection with general merchandise, he combined a shipping business, drawing all the country produce of Cowley and adjoining counties at greatly enhanced prices. No man has been of so much benefit to our farmers as Mr. Baden, in making a first-class market for all their small produce. His shipments to the markets of New Mexico, Colorado, and Arizona have exceeded those of any shipper this side of the Missouri river, and his name is familiar all over the West. He has annually given employment in this connection to over thirty men. His business had become so large that last year he removed his grocery and queensware to the McDougal building, corner of 10th Avenue and Main, where he carried on a very large wholesale and retail grocery business. But having his stores separated didn't suit J. P., and he arranged with Mr. McDougal for large additions to his fine block and soon had his goods all under the name too, in his present quarters. His stock now covers over seven thousand square feet of floor and the establishment can't be excelled in the State. It embraces almost everything necessary to humanity--dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes, groceries, queensware, etc., in endless variety. The cashier system is one of his metropolitan conveniences. Mr. Baden's faith in printer's ink is unbounded and his advertisements are always of the reliability that brings quick returns. In everything for the upbuilding of Winfield and Cowley County, J. P. Baden has always been energetic and prominent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Nothing so helps to swell the onward growth of a city toward the metropolitan as manufactories. Winfield can point to none of her prominent industries with more pride than to her carriage works. The works are owned and controlled by Messrs. Albro & Bishop. Mr. Albro's long residence here has shown him to be one of our most active and straightforward businessmen, and Mr. Bishop, though connected with the works but a short time, has exhibited superior mechanical skill in this line. The success of this institution has been very marked. During its five years existence it has continually had all it could do, giving employment to thirty or more expert workmen in the different departments. Every employee is first-class in his particular part of the business, and the buggies, carriages, and vehicles of all kinds turned out by the Winfield Carriage Works are the handsomest, best constructed, and easiest running, and have walked clear away with eastern made work. Its patronage has not been confined to Cowley, but extends all over the southern portion of the state.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Cold; yes, very cold.

Dr. Ramey has built a new house on his farm.

Mr. Sims is putting a basement under his house.

D. A. Bartgis will work the Kauts place next year.

Geo. Hosmer is home from Manhattan during vacation.

How about "Jasper" and his best girl, are they both dead?

Literary at the Cedar Creek schoolhouse every Saturday night. Rob Nelson, Chairman.

L. D. Johnson has moved into the house on the Belveal place, now part of the Aley farm.

Lehri Guthrie and family have been visiting at Oswego, being called there by the sickness of Mrs. Guthrie's brother.

No school for two weeks at Cedar Creek for the teacher, Miss Robbins, is spending the holidays with friends in Winfield.

D. Kauts had a man arrested for stealing wood, the case was tried before J. B. Graves, resulting in the man having to pay a small fine. "Verily the way of the transgressor is hard."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mrs. John Byers is visiting her parents at Beaver Center.

There is a disease raging in this vicinity known as the Oklahoma fever.

Mr. James Wright will now move on to the Snyder farm lately vacated by Mr. Ryner.

Country Jake was invited to eat oysters Christmas, and of course he did justice to his position.

The Victor Sunday School is talking of giving an oyster supper for the benefit of the school. Won't there be lots of Christmas?

Mr. F. M. Benson lost one spring calf and one cow last week. They were taken sick and died in a few hours. Cause unknown.

There was an effort made to find out who Young Nasby was at the Christmas tree, by giving him a present, but Y. N. played the opossum.

We were not lucky enough to be at the third Christmas tree at Mr. Lewis Brown's. There was a few of the select met at Mr. Brown's and gave and received presents and ha a good time in general.

Mr. Ricks, Pleasant Valley's Nimrod, sacked one hundred and forty-four quails recently, making his two dollars a day. Mr. R. is a good shot and very seldom misses when he gets a shot at a whole dozen or two.

The Christmas tree at the Victor schoolhouse was a success, considering the cold weather. There was a very good turnout and some good presents given and a good many sells distributed. Mr. Sheridan Teter received the most valuable present--a fine silver watch.

The Christmas tree at the M. E. church, two miles west of Constant, was a success in every way. There was all present that the house would accommodate and the best of order was kept. The tree was loaded to its utmost capacity and many presents that were not on the tree; there was a good many valuable presents given.

[UDALL. "O."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

John Coulter, from Wichita, will open a grocery store soon in the O. O. Brown building.

There will be a grand pigeon match in Udall on New Year's day. A big time is anticipated.

The G. A. R. Post No. 361 will give a grand hop at their ball New Year's night. All are invited.

And now to the COURIER and its numerous readers your correspondent extends Happy New Year's greeting.

Our Christmas tree was a grand success but who put those two mittens on for two of our society gents is an all absorbing question with Jim.

Christmas passed off very quietly and everybody seemed to enjoy themselves in the usual manner. Only two plain drunks for his Honor, Judge Werden, to pass judgment upon.

We hear some intimation of a secret society being organized here, even the object is secret. Perhaps it is to discover the "pocket saloon" that the Udall correspondent of the Wichita Eagle spoke of.

Some of our leading citizens are kicking against the occupation tax. For instance, the draymen are taxed $10 per annum and are all willing to pay it, while others who make $100 while these poor fellows make $10 grumble at the same tax because someone else pays less than they are called upon to pay.

The growth of Udall for the year of 1884.
[Structures listed are followed by Valuation.]
Akers stone store building. $3,000

Badger Lumber Co. $10,000

Amman addition. $2,000

O. O. Brown's store building. $1,200

Boyles residence. $300

Bullen & Co., granary. $150

Bradley. $1,500

Booth addition. $300

Brannan. $200

Beaver residence. $200

Clark. $400

Cooper blacksmith shop. $100

Carr residence. $200

Chisjohn. $200

Campf. $200

Christian church. $1,200

Crossen. $200

J. T. Dale addition to residence. $200

J. T. Dale grain house. $500

J. T. Dale barn. $300

Davis residence. $300

Fitzsimmons addition to harness shop. $200

Fitzsimmons residence. $250

Gridley. $200

Guard shop. $150

Gray Bros. addition to store. $150

Harvey residence. $500

Huff Bros. meat shop. $100

J. Hammon residence. $200

Hildebrand. $600

Holmes. $300

Hammon. $650

Hornbeak, blacksmith. $100

Irwin residence. $200

Jund residence. $600

Johnson & Gatlin wagon shop. $100

Kendall & Shultz shop. $100

Kellogg addition to store. $500

Moffit residence. $450

M. E. Church. $2,000

Moore. $300

Martin store and addition to same. $1,000

Martin addition to residence. $200

McKinlay barn. $500

Napier addition to barn. $300

Norman barn. $75

Ratliff addition to residence. $200

Ratliff store. $800.

Richards residence. $200

Randall. $450

Steele & Co. elevator. $2,500

Smith & Hildebrand addition to store. $250

Simms residence. $150

Turner residence. $400

Wallace residence. $250

White residence. $150

Wentz residence. $500

Walker grain house. $150

Total Valuation: $37,825
Which we claim for our city during the year of 1884. Is there any place its size that can show better? Remember that one year ago we were in our infancy; there was scarcely a hundred inhabitants. Since then we have secured a bank, a newspaper, a furniture store, and several other additions to our business interests here and with the assurance of a roller mill being erected, Udall during the year of 1885 will outstrip her record of 1884.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

A Happy New Year to all.

Will Jenkins was on the sick list last week.

Sunday school has froze out at the Victor schoolhouse.

A terrible epidemic is raging in this neighborhood, namely (bad cold.)

A breeze from Dakota swept across C. S. Byers' countenance last week.

Has Loyd Guyer been fooling with a cyclone, or was it some barber that blacked his lips?

Rumor says John Hughs [? Hughes] and Earnest Richardson are prospecting in Butler County, in view of matrimony.

Mrs. John Byers of Pleasant Valley is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Jenkins, in Beaver Township.

Quite a number of young folks spent the evening very pleasantly at the home of Mrs. Alexander last Friday night.

Mr. E. W. Miller and wife of Saratoga, Pratt County, are spending the holidays with Mrs. Miller's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hughs, [? Hughes] of this place.

A Card. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks, for the beautiful "led pencell" donated Young Nasby on the Christmas tree, at Pleasant Valley M. E. church. (Neptune). The Lord loves a cheerful giver.

A re-union dinner was held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Alexander's, on Christmas day. Friends and relatives, numbering twenty-eight, surrounded the table spread with the necessary food to sustain the inner-man, and oysters were served in the usual style, one oyster and three soups.

Mr. Boon Newell and sister Jennie made a flying trip to this neighborhood on Wednesday of last week. They attended the Christmas tree at the Victor schoolhouse, which was in every respect a grand success. They remained overnight with their uncle, Mr. E. L. Williams, and started for their home near Rock P. Office on Christmas morning.

We will allow our jolly itemizer, Mark, the pleasure of making himself a public benefactor by revealing the success of the Christmas tree at the Pleasant Valley M. E. church, and as he has taken upon himself the liberty of informing Santa Claus of Young Nasby's weakness, we are laboring under the impression that Mark has a domineering power over that community.

Mark, we come before thee acknowledging our weakness, and willingly admit that we can see nothing to arouse suspicion in the erection of a new barn on the Page estate; but if Mother Grundy's eye witnessed the scenes of last fall, gentle readers, is she not justified in making the following prophesy, that Mark will soon be a husband to the widow and a father to the orphans.

Miss Bell Copeland gave a birthday party on Christmas night in honor of her 20th birthday, and judging from the goodly number present on the occasion, we believe Miss Copeland fully possesses the art of making and retaining many friends. The evening was pleasantly spent in social glee, and refreshments were served in the following manner, allowing each and every one to judge for him or herself and so eat according to the dictates of their conscience. We wish Belle a happy New Year, and may her future life be as pleasant as she was on Christmas night.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Health good in the neighborhood.

Weather cold and everybody keeps close to home.

The Richland Sunday School is in good running order; its attendance is about fifty on average.

Farmers are doing well in general and this part of the county will soon shine in splendor.

The Prarieview stock farm has a large barn which adds much to the looks of this part of the county, its length is 72 ft., its width 60 ft. The proprietors are building the manager [? manger] of this farm. We are glad to see these enterprising men take hold in the stock business and we wish them success.

The Richland Sunday school had a tree Christmas Eve, the house was full, and so was the tree. We had a splendid time, although Jack Frost was with us. The presents were received with joy and happiness, old Santa Claus came along and stopped and gave the little folks a song and a short talk, also distributed a basket full of nicknacks, and, Mr. Editor, we had a genuine good time. Mrs. Givler received a nice album from her Sunday School class of young ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Matthews received a nice scarf from his Sunday School class of 20 scholars, intermediate grade, and T. D. Givler gave a boot jack made out of an elm bark; this jack will pull boots big and little and only weighs about 40 lb.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Mr. Fraley and family of Winfield are Salemites.

The Salem Sunday Schools continue interesting.

Mr. L. M. Dalgarn spent Sunday in the city as the guest of Mr. Wm. Files.

Miss Castor will remain with her sister, Mrs. Shields, for an indefinite time.

Messrs. Ford and Downs are having quite a busy time (since the roads froze) shoeing horses.

Mrs. Chamberlin will return to her home in Wisconsin this week. Bon voyage, Mrs. Chamberlin, and come again.

Mr. and Mrs. McMillen entertained friends on Christmas evening, serving oysters and other good things in abundance.

Mr. Louis Davis arrived from Wyoming Territory recently and is having a pleasant time visiting relatives and friends.

Mr. Wm. Mullenry was summoned by telegraph to his old home in Virginia to the bedside of a sick brother. We hope he may find the loved one better.

Miss Dollie Gilmore is giving her music class vacation, and she is rusticating. She was the guest of the Misses Cayton and Hoyland, two days last week.

Mr. Held concluded his trade was too good to dispose of and Salem society too pleasant to leave, consequently the selling of store, etc., to Mr. W. C. Douglass is counteracted.

Messrs. Chase and Shields have returned from their national hunt, but for our visitors of venison, not a deer did they capture; a few sild turkeys came back with them to spend the holidays.

Mr. T. S. Pixley has been gone from home quite awhile ministering to the wants and wishes of his sick father, but the father has gone to the silent land, and Mr. Pixley will soon be home, we presume.

Vacation during holidays at Old and New Salem schools. Pupils are having a regular picnic. Mr. Burrell made all his pupils happy by pretty mementoes, in the form of Christmas and New Year cards.

The M. E. church members will have a social at the hall on New Year's eve to help finish their church. A good time is anticipated and everybody turn out that can and have a fine time and help in the good work of church building beside.

The series of meetings at Salem have closed, but also, there is not the success to chronicle this season that made happy hearts last year. The weather was unfavorable this time. Rev. Graham is now holding protracted service at the Walnut Valley church.

Christmas is with the past. Christmas ladders graced the Salem Hall, but unlike Jacob's ladder, for no angels descended on them nor did they reach heaven; but they were filled with pretty things and Olivia though not present was kindly remembered.

On Christmas day different families celebrated in various ways. Mr. I. O. Truman invited friends to dine on roasted turkeys in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoyland. I happened to be among those bidden and enjoyed the bachelor feast (prepared by feminine hands).

Mr. Standford is holding his sheep at Mr. Lowes at present. He has lost twelve by feeding on corn stalks that contained smut. Troubles never come singly, and his fine young pony broke her leg, how he could not discover, and poor pony had to be killed to put it out of its misery.

Messrs. W. B. Hoyland and Olivia Truman had a party in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vance on Christmas night. They "tripped the light fantastic toe," and chilblained heel till the clock in the tower struck--I'll not tell the time. A pleasant time was reported excepting their crowd was too large.

There has been a very decided advance in the price of wheat during the past week. After standing at forty-eight and fifty cents for nearly two months, it advanced first to fifty-two, then to fifty-five; and yesterday first-class wheat brought fifty-eight cents on our streets from both millers and shippers. The eastern market seems to back this price.

Mr. Gardner and family, also Mr. Newel [?Newell] and family recently arrived in our little burg, are now keeping house for themselves. Hope newcomers will not be disgusted with our unusual cold winter. Old Jack Frost and his family seem to have come to Kansas to stay this winter, but I hope they are homesick now, as the beautiful crystals are dissolving in tears, or in other words, "tis raining."

I enjoyed the Tisdale items and "Growler" says the new doctor is a daisy, and I agree with him as I know of a poor little suffering boy for whom this same doctor was summoned, but he demanded $5.00 in advance from the boy that called on him, and the boy not knowing what to do, although he had over that amount with him, hastened back home and found the little suffering child free from pain, "Safe in the arms of Jesus." The northern part of Tisdale township will not pay Mr. doctor in advance. He certainly has not taken the right way to work up a Salem practice.

Mrs. Hughes, lately of Ohio, had the sad duty to perform of laying her little Johnny to rest in the Salem Cemetery on the 24th inst.

He is free from sin and sorrow,

Free from suffering and blight

Basking in the Heavenly sunshine,

Where there are no storms, no night.

Weep not then poor stricken mother

For your darling is at rest,

And although your cross is heavy

Yet our Savior knoweth best.


Yet our Savior wept when bending

O'er the dark and silent grave,

And our tears may fall in sorrow

Tho' we know our loved are saved.

For we miss the form and faces

When they rest beneath the sod.

They are missed by friends and kindred

Tho' they happy rest with God.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

People coming to our city will find the streams on all the main roads leading into Winfield well bridged with good iron-arched structures, having spans 155 to 180 feet in length and put up in the best workmanlike manner. In fact it is a difficult matter to find better bridges in any of the older States.

[The next page had some interesting items that I skipped. Among these: Gov. Seward's Valet, Wolf's Comet, Away With Suspenders, Bob Ingersoll's Big Fee, Snakes Sent by Mail, Russian Stoves, etc. All of these I believe were "filler items" containing news around the world. I am going to keep with local news as much as possible. After all, it has taken 45 pages thus far in one issue to give local news. I am skipping the ads given in this issue as they were covered with the "listing of advertisers." MAW]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

Elizabeth McQuain, plaintiff, vs. Nancy A. Baldwin, William C. Schooling, Francis A. Schooling, Isabella S. Schooling, Mary A. Schooling, and Luella C. Schooling, defendants.

G. H. McIntire, Sheriff, announced the sale of property on Monday, January 15, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 1, 1885.

James H. Tallman, plaintiff, vs. Charles W. Harris, George B. Harris, Robert B. Carskaden, Elizabeth Carskaden, Anson B. Moore, J. H. Nesbitt, and Thomas W. Watterson, defendants.

G. H. McIntire, Sheriff, announced the sale of property on January 5, 1885.

The Winfield Courier.
Professional Cards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Physician and Surgeon. Office in McDougal Block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office in McDougal Building.
Residence Fourth House west of Spotswood's Store, north side of street.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office at home, on Mansfield Street fronting M. L. Robinson's residence [?].

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office over Harter Bros. drug store.
Tuesday and Saturdays will be devoted exclusively to office practice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office: 10th Avenue, 3rd door west of Main St.
(Office formerly occupied by Dr. Taylor.)
Special attention given to Diseases of Women.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office over Hudson Bro.'s Jewelry Store.
Residence on Eighth Avenue, 8 blocks east of Main street.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office 2 doors West of the Post Office, on 9th Avenue.
"Nitrous Oxide Gas" always at hand for the painless extraction of teeth.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

S. R. MARSH, M. D.
Offers his professional services to the citizens of Winfield and vicinity for the practice of medicine and surgery. Office over the P. O. where he may be found at all hours day or night when not professionally engaged.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Physicians and Surgeons, Winfield.
Especial attention given to chronic and surgical diseases.
Office in Torrance-Fuller block, up stairs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

All calls promptly attended to.
Office in the Jennings-Crippen building, Main street, between 8th and 9th Avenues.
Residence on south Fuller street, between 12th and Riverside avenues.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

DENTIST, Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Rooms first building North of Johnson's Drug Store.
Don't have your teeth extracted because they ache, or are badly decayed. Call and have them examined free of charge. All work warranted.

Attorneys Cards.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas.
Office in Hackney Building, opposite the Court House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas.
Ninth Avenue. Practices in all courts.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winfield, Kansas.
Loans money on real estate on short notice. Money loaned on chattel mortgage security and notes bought on reasonable discount.

Office in Fuller & Torrance Block.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Office Torrance-Fuller Block, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Correspondence solicited.
Office in McDougall building.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

ABSTRACT OFFICE and Notary Public.
Office in Winfield Bank Building, upstairs.
Telephone connections.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Will furnish estimates and do all work complete on short notice.
Will be found for the present at the Olds House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

ANY ONE wishing to obtain a copy of the Scriptures, who is unable to pay for it, can have the same by applying at the Depository, Brown & Son's Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

MRS. E. D. GARLICK, Kindergartner.
All the apparatus and appliances found in a first-class Kindergarten. Terms, $3.00 per month for single pupils or $4.00 where there are two pupils from the same family.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Job work of all kinds and charges reasonable.
Also Manufacturer and Dealer in the Four Peg Washer.
Orders from a distance solicited and promptly filled.
Shop on Ninth Avenue, east of Main street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

3 doors South of Commercial Hotel.
Your patronage solicited and orders promptly executed.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Beautify Your Homes!
Are now running in first-class style their
They make a specialty of putting up
with the latest and most attractive designs. Their machinery is complete for turning out all classes of turned work, Scroll Work, Brackets, Window and Door Frames, Circle Moulding, and everything in fancy carpentry. Estimates furnished on all classes of buildings at short notice, and contracts taken for the same.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Caveats, Re-Issues and Trade-Marks, and all other patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly and carefully attended to.

Upon receipt of Model or Sketch of Invention, I make careful examination, and advise as to patentability FREE of charge.

Fees moderate, and I make NO CHARGE until patent is secured. Information, advice and references sent on application.

J. R. LITTELL, Washington, D. C.
Near U. S. Patent Office.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

JUST AS GOOD. Most unscrupulous dealers may tell you they have remedies for Coughs and Cold equal in merit and in every respect just as good as the reliable Dr. Bosanko Cough and Lung Syrup, unless you insist upon this remedy and will take no other, you are liable to be greatly deceived. Price 50 cents and $1.00. Sold by J. N. HARTER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

J. N. HARTER--the Druggist, who is always looking after the interest of his customers has now secured the sale of Dr. Bosanko's Cough and Lung Syrup, a remedy that never fails to cure Colds, Pains in the Chest and all Lung affections. For proof, try a free sample bottle. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

CURE FOR PILES--The first symptoms of Piles is an intense itching at night after getting warm. This unpleasant sensation is immediately relieved by an application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy. Piles in all forms, Itch, Salt Rheum and Ringworm can be permanently cured by the use of this great remedy. Price 50 cents. Manufactured by the Dr. Bosanko Medicine Company, Piqua, O. Sold by J. N. HARTER.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The devil jumped up in a rage and set two lines to fill this page.

[Note: The last item was the last item on first page. The only item that dealt with local entities were the three ads run by Harter. As a general rule, the first page still had items that I do not consider of interest to Cowley County readers. By the way they had "deivil" instead of "devil." MAW]

Official Paper of Cowley County.
D. A. Millington, Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

GOOD-BY Gov. Glick. We are happy to see you go than you can ever know.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

DAN MANNING is to be collector of the port of New York, probably on civil service reform principles.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The New Orleans street car drivers are on a strike. A nice state of things for visitors to the great exposition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Kansas City Journal has a two-column editorial upon "The Barrenness of the Unknowable." Good Lord!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Captain Eads is again before Congress for a little subsidy. He only wants $7,000,000 this time. This is modest--for him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

It costs only $5 a day to attend the New Orleans Exposition. This explains the fact that so many editors are in attendance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Has Mr. Hendricks' paralysis of the toe affected his tongue? He has not talked to the reporters any for three whole days.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

MR. HENDRICKS is still "shooting off his mouth," and in a new role, as the "friend" of the negro. Hendricks is an "amoosin' cuss,"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

CLEVELAND would not consent to see Dr. Mary Walker. Perhaps he feared the apostle of bloomers had not Maria's yielding disposition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

THEY call our Ingalls the "lash of the Senate." A good many Southern Bourbon Senators have felt that lash--Brown, of Georgia, for instance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

It is reported that an Indian man was struck dumb for blasphemy. If that is so what a lot of dumb Democrats there will be after the 4th of March.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Kansas Representatives get $3 a day for fifty days, and have to pay from $14 to $20 a week for board. It must be bushels of fun to be a Representative.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

A New York policeman, being informed that his wife must die, went out and shot himself. Exceptions prove the rule. All policemen are not heartless.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

PRESIDENT ARTHUR goes right along appointing postmasters, just as though there was not a Democratic administration coming into power next March. This is adding insult to injury.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

MR. HENRY WATTERSON is a very bloodthirsty man--with his mouth. But Uncle Randall probably remembering that vociferous canines never masticate does not seem to be very much scared.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

HORIZONTAL BILL MORRISON thinks he will be the Democratic caucus nominee for United States Senator from Suckerdom. Carter Harrison thinks he will. Whose expectations are to be "horizontally reduced?"

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

When the nominations were first made we thought that Democratic ticket would have been better tail foremost. We have changed our mind. Cleveland at least, knows enough to keep his mouth shut; Hendricks doesn't.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The legal season for shooting quail expires the first of January. The slaughter of quail has been immense this year. Never before has there been such a quantity in market. Prices have kept up well for the reason of large shipments to Colorado.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

JAMES MONROE MILLER, presidential elector from Kansas and messenger to carry votes to Washington, has just married, and his wife will accompany him upon the trip. Happy Monroe--who can thus combine business with pleasure as a matrimonial messenger.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

They are having pitched battles out in Dakota over location of County Seats. The adherents of one town arm themselves with revolvers and Winchester rifles, go and sack the other town and carry off the County records, after more or less bloodshed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

There have lately been some natural gas explosions in Western Pennsylvania resulting in much damage to property and some loss of life. The explosions of natural gas in Congress, this season, though still more destructive to property, have not produced any fatal results.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Apropos of the rumor that Henry Ward Beecher is to be made minister to England, the Globe Democrat opines that he would prefer Turkey to England, for "though the salary is not so large, the domestic institutions are more Beecherian in Constantinople than in London."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

EVEN Christmas times furnish further business for the lawyers. Farmer Drake's turkey ran away to neighbor Morey's place and brought forth a brood of eight. Moray claims the increase on the ground that his gobbler is the Father. Drake replevied the turkey and the constable chased them all over Morey's farm, and charged mileage for 37 miles. The justice decided for Morey and Drake appealed to the Circuit Court. How many turkeys will be used up in coats and lawyers' fees before the suit is concluded?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Not long before old Commodore Vanderbilt's death, Horace Greeley went to him with a subscription list for some worthy charity and said he wanted $500. Vanderbilt replied, "Not a cent!" Greeley blushed and said, "Vanderbilt, you are the meanest man in New York." The old Commodore looked up at him with his hard, cold eyes, and replied, "That may be. I have one consolation. I shall leave my money to a meaner man than I am." He referred to his son, W. H. Vanderbilt. Now, when that "meaner man" than the old Commodore is forcing Gen. Grant to sell even his sword and medals, the incident seems very pat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Chinese ring of the prohibition army (those who make a great deal of noise, but do very little effective work for the cause) held a convention in Topeka last week. Among 146 names reported by Committee on Credentials as duly elected (many of whom were not present) the only late Republicans we recognized were GOV. ST. JOHN, Rev. A. M. RICHARDSON, Rev. MILLER, and JOHN E. RASTALL. There were doubtless many others, but they do not have a state reputation among temperance men. The number of Greenbackers who took part indicates there may be some foundation for the report that the remnants of that organization are to be swallowed by "the new party." Nationalist.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

A GREAT deal of curiosity had been manifested among Republican politicians in Washington to witness the first meeting of Blaine and Logan, and see how the distinguished candidates would greet each other. They met on Pennsylvania avenue a day or two ago. Blaine was riding in a carriage and Logan was returning from the senate on foot. They sighted each other fully a block away, and when the carriage was about passing Blaine raised his hat in a most dignified manner. Logan cleared his throat and shouted: "How are you Burchard?" Blaine's face flushed for an instant, and he looked embarrassed. Then he smiled, and Logan went into the street and both men shook hands heartily. The incident was witnessed by several citizens, and is being repeated at Blaine's expense.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The greatness of a soldier is always shown in defeat. So it is with the real statesman. Like the soldier the statesman rallies his defeated followers and reorganizes them for future battle. Mr. Blaine's Augusta speech was the bugle blast calling on his six million followers to raise their battle standard and rally once again to meet the enemy with solid front. That call has been heeded. The Republican party stands today stronger than before it engaged in the November conflict. Divisions have been healed. The traitors have been driven over to the enemy, and must fight hereafter face to face instead of skulking in the rear and stabbing Republicans in the back.

The independent correspondents who have been interviewing Mr. Blaine since his arrival in Washington seem to have been very much disappointed that they did not find him disheartened. They report him as making no complaints, evincing no anxieties, and giving evidence of no political aspirations. He has been neither crushed nor soured by defeat. He is unmistakably cheerful, full of energy, and of plans for literary work, and shows evidence of the most vigorous health. The correspondents who expected to find him a physical wreck and full of animosities scarcely know what to make of him. They were simply mistaken in their man. He means to finish the work he had begun before the election, and, if he lives, four years hence, whoever may be the Republican candidate, Mr. Blaine will be found giving him a vigorous support.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Several Troops of U. S. cavalry arrived at Caldwell Monday. After shoeing their horses they will move on to the Oklahoma camp at Stillwater. There will be five or six companies of troops altogether in command of Gen. Hatch. They have two Hotchkiss guns and unless the boomers surrender have orders to bombard their camp. The boomers are three hundred strong and say they propose to fight. If they mean what they say, a collision will probably occur the last of the week. Bucking the United States is about as foolhardy action as a man could engage in at the present day. No one will be permitted to occupy Oklahoma until the lands are lawfully opened to settlement; which we hope will be done.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Manhattan Nationalist comes to hand last week with a severe article on Senator Ingalls. The Junction City Union has been at this mud throwing business for some time but got little return for its praises until the Nationalist sees fit to give some little character to the job. The Senator's prominence in the party and high character as a statesman are fully recognized by the Republicans of the state. The question of his re-election has been settled by them beyond a doubt, and if it were not, those who try to encompass his defeat for personal ends would find it up-hill business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

A number of small post offices in the vicinity of Cincinnati have been paying raised postal notes. The forgery is only accomplished by the use of the first issue notes, which had the dollars column punched by the issuing postmaster. A note for 20 cents could be bought and made $4.20 by filling up skillfully the punched cipher and filling in the word four in the body of the note. One office has redeemed ten or twelve of these raised notes. The work was neatly done. It would be impossible to accomplish it with the latest form of postal note.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Democratic investigation into the appointment of Deputy U. S. Marshals to guard the polls in Cincinnati during the October election is proving a regular boomerang. As it progresses a state of repeating and intimidation on the part of Democratic plug uglies is being developed which puts to shame the wildest effort of a South Carolina bourbon. Let the investigation proceed.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The following letter from Senator Plumb to the editor of the Coffeyville Journal embodies the senator's opinion in regard to the possibilities and the probabilities as to the opening of Oklahoma.

"It is only a question of time when the lands in the Indian territory not in use by the Indians will be opened to settlement. There are some four hundred thousand acres of land in what is known as Oklahoma which have not been set apart for Indians, which I think the government can dispose of without the consent of any tribe. Those are lands covered by my bill which is now pending before the senate committee on Indian Affairs. Just what the committee is going to do about it I don't know, but they have promised to give it an early consideration, and I am in hopes they will report it favorably. If they do so, I shall try to have it pass the senate at once.

"As to going in there before legislation is had, I can only say that the President has heretofore removed everyone who has gone there with the intention of settling, and still thinks it to be his duty, under the law, so to do. While I do not wish to advise, still it seems to me it is hardly worthwhile to go in until there is some more definite hope to be able to remain. If the Executive should change his mind, of course it will be entirely different, but there does not seem to be any chance of that occurring, for the present, at least.

John McCullough, Actor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

JOHN McCULLOUGH, the actor, narrowly escaped being run over by a railway train, at the Broad Street station, recently. He bought a ticket for Chicago and reached the car shed just as the train was leaving Philadelphia. He dashed through the gate, followed by a colored attendant, who had been set with him to the station, who rushed past him and jumped on the train, and then attempted to assist the actor to get aboard. As McCullough grasped the servant's hand and attempted to lift himself onto the car, his foot slipped and he fell from the platform. The colored man exerted all his strength and lifted him onto the car just in time to save him from being crushed, as the swinging motion of the train brought the cars together.

Train Derailment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

THROUGH the Adams express office late last evening word was received that the St. Louis & San Francisco eastbound train which left Wichita yesterday morning at 10 o'clock was derailed near Severy while under full speed. A terrible wreck with loss of life and broken limbs is reported to that office. Mr. J. B. Barrett, the route agent, is reported killed, and Messenger Williams, of the Adams express company, had a leg and arm broken and mangled. The train's newsboy is also reported killed and one passenger whose name is unknown with a number injured. The westbound Frisco train at 10 o'clock last night was still unable to get around the wreck. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Brave old Ulysses S. Grant is fighting the most cruel battle of his life today. All his property, even to his medals of honor, have been inventoried for sale to satisfy a debt due Wm. H. Vanderbilt. The "silent man" complains not, but bears it as he has always borne defeat, bravely with undaunted front. But the struggle must be a pitiful one. Surely; some of the rich men, whose heart unlike Wm. H. Vanderbilt's, are not harder than granite, will come to the old hero's rescue.

Ben Butler.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

If it be true, as stated by some anonymous oracle, that Benjy Butler spent $90,000 of his own money during the late campaign, all we have to say is that he spent it like a hero. The man who does not know that Butler got more than $90,000 worth of money [?] out of that campaign should be put in the printer class immediately.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by
Our Regular Washington Correspondent.
It is interesting to sit in the congressional library to watch the members and Senators who come in, and listen to their questions. There is a sort of tradition about the Capitol that the Librarian, Mr. Spofford, knows everything, and can answer any and all questions. They come to him to know the author of some saying or expression of remote origin, to get apt quotations, to decide upon authorities, and to tell them just where they can find all about any matter they have in mind. He is even asked for the views of the great men of the country, running back to the time of Washington, upon certain leading questions. He has certainly a remarkable fund of information to draw from, for the collection of books over which he presides is the greatest in the country. Though the part of the Capitol occupied by the library furnishes shelf-room for only 300,000 volumes there are 525,000 stowed away there. A large number are "colonized" in the dark and badly ventilated vaults in the cellar. The shelves along the long aisles of the library are piled one above another with valuable books until they reach the roof, two stories high. There are stored the best collection of newspapers in the world. There are continuous files of British papers, running back for two centuries, and American papers for over a century. The file running farthest back of the American publications is the Philadelphia North American, which under the name of the Packet, was the first daily paper published in America. It appeared as the Packet in 1771. Afterwards the name was changed to Claypole's Advertiser, then to Paulson's Daily Advertiser. And, finally in 1839, to the name it now bears.

I like to go over to the Library when I am at the Capitol, and study the various phases of congressional life exhibited there. Congressmen come and go, and there are so many of them that their literary indulgence is diversified. There are always a few veteran students of finance and political economy in both houses. There is a constant demand for a book to give in concise form the legislation of the states concerning corporations and the result of its application. There is no such book, and I don't know that anybody contemplates preparing one. As it is, the members and Senators devour all they can find upon the subject, and are constantly seeking information. The social question, so far as it enters into the question of the control of the body of the people through the influence of corporations, is an interesting question. I have observed a group of members and Senators who particularly study these questions, and they pay daily visits to the Library. Some of our legislators evince a decided preference for light reading novels, poetry, and all kinds of fiction, but chiefly voyages and travels. Stories of the Arctic regions and narratives of the explorations in Africa along the Congo basin are much read. A peculiar feature now observable is the popularity of poetry in this Congress. All the British and American poets are read.

A careful observer can tell what the Nation is talking about by watching what certain active Congressmen read, Apropos, everything relating to treaty questions is now in great demand. There are about a dozen Senators and eighteen or nineteen members who study this question very carefully. I might add that this Congress reads more than any of its predecessors for twenty-three years. There are from three to four thousand books out of the Library all the time. All books are read in which the question of how far the House may oppose the Senate in matters of treaties is discussed. They are always looking for precedents. There never was a body so eager for precedents as the American House of Representatives, and none so ready to topple over.

Mr. Randall started on his southern trip Saturday, accompanied by his wife and Representative McAdoo. He has received invitations to extend his tour through about twenty southern cities, but owing to lack of time has been obliged to decline all and confine his visit to Louisville, Nashville, Birmingham, and Chattanooga. Several special correspondents accompany him on the trip.

When the President awoke Christmas morning he found his stocking filled with the usual number of hammered silver button-hooks, toilet articles, umbrellas with silver heads, choice brands of cigars, etc. The servants at the White House each received a bright, new five-dollar gold piece, from the hand of their master, with the usual Christmas greeting. In addition the steward was directed to present the family of each with a big fat turkey.

Samuel J. Tilden has engaged quarters here for the Inauguration. He is expected to arrive March 1st. LENOX.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Recent controversies upon the assesses and taxation questions, in this country, shows plainly that the system of assessment in this State needs remodeling, and the laws in regard thereto a thorough revision.

As the law now stands, it requires all property, real and personal, to be assessed at its true value in money, and compels the assessor, upon making his return, to solemnly swear that he has done so. It also requires the assessors to meet on the first Monday of March in each year, and then agree upon an equal basis of valuation of such property as they may be called upon to assess. And here is where the trouble comes in. The assessors meet, and taking advantage of this latter feature of the law, which presumably gives them power to make a basis of value less than that of actual cash value, they ignore the former feature, and generally agree upon some rate percent of true value. In this way, some counties are assessed at forty, fifty, or sixty percent of true value, while others are assessed at the least twenty-five, or thirty percent, and as a result, the counties assessed at the least rate will pay less proportion of State tax than counties assessed at higher rates. It is simply offering a premium to assessors to bring in false statements of value for the purpose of benefitting their counties in the matter of State taxes. Why not repeal this feature of the law requiring assessors to make a basis, or rate percent, of valuation, and enforce the law requiring property to be assessed at its true value in money? In such event, all counties would bear an equal proportion of State taxes.

If such repeal be made, then a thorough rigid limit of tax levy law should be enacted, that would hold the tax-levying authorities within the bounds of equity and justice to the taxpayer. It would not require an amount of brain or calculating power to determine where and how the line should be drawn. A law of this character should tend largely to a decrease of taxes. The rate of state tax, now four and one-half mills, would not be more than two mills, and the rate of our city tax, now thirty-five mills, will not be over twenty mills. The rate of taxation for all purposes, state, county, and city, as it now is in this city, $47.80 on each $1,000 of assessed value, is enough to kill the best city in the world. Let a law be enacted that will hold an assessor guilty of perjury who knowingly makes a false return of the value of property assessed, and an individual equally guilty who makes a false return of his personal property, and we will soon have a different state of affairs from what we now have, and a more just and equitable apportionment of our taxes. Champion.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The restoration of Jeff Davis to United States citizenship is one of the cherished schemes of the Southern Democrats. Members of the Commercial Club triumphantly claimed immediately upon hearing that Cleveland would be seated next President "that President (sic) Davis would soon be reinstated in the purple togs of full American citizenship." In the Senate they claim they can secure several Republican votes, and as they presume Cleveland would not veto such a resolution the ex-Confederate really expect Davis to be reinstated. In which case the speculation runs that Lamar being promoted to the Cabinet or a foreign minister ship, Jeff Davis would be elected United States Senator of Mississippi for Lamar's unexpired term. "Then," said my Mossback-Bourbon friend, "the American people would after twenty years' sober reflection have fully endorsed the justness of our lost cause."

Wash. Cor. Cin. Gaz.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

When the Republican party came into power in the year 1861, it was in very much the same plight that the Democratic party is now in. It was new to the responsibilities of offices. It was confronted with a powerful, alert, and well-disciplined enemy, led by Stephen A. Douglas, the most adroit, vigilant, and popular leader the Democratic party has had during a whole generation. New York Post.

Here is a remarkable lack of knowledge. Stephen A. Douglas was repudiated by the South in the Charleston Convention, and in the year 1861 was a delegate candidate for the Presidency, with only a fragment of a beaten party behind him; and he stepped to the front at the inauguration of Lincoln, as his friend, and held Lincoln's hat while the ceremony of inauguration and the reading of the inaugural address took place. He never led the Democratic party against Lincoln at all, and his death occurred a few weeks after the inauguration. Cin. Com. Gaz.

Low Price of Corn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Speaking of the low price of corn, Hon. Geo. Picket, of Mayday, Kansas, says that he can remember when his father in Illinois offered 1,000 bushels of corn for $50, and could not sell it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

From a squib published in the Arkansas City Republican some weeks ago, we clip the following:

"The COURIER has always ignored Arkansas City and made fun of her. Arkansas City can get along without Winfield, but can the COURIER get along without Arkansas City?"

If the person who wrote the squib knew anything of the history of Cowley County, and especially of the COURIER, he would not have penned it. The COURIER has never since the old matters of County Seat and other purely local feuds were settled, said ought adverse to the growth and prosperity of any portion of our splendid county. On the other hand, it has taken great pride and assisted not a little in promoting the growth and advancement of Arkansas City, Burden, Udall, and every other portion of the county. The COURIER recognizes the fact that no community can build permanent prosperity by tearing others down. Such policy is pursued only by narrow-minded bigots, and not by persons of sound mind and liberal views. Arkansas City has enjoyed its full share of our general advancement. This has been brought about by the indomitable energy of such men as Sleeth, Newman, Matlack, Hill, Huey, Cunningham, Hess, Scott, and a score of others whose faith in the future of the city has been shown in works, the successful prosecution of which left no time, if the inclination existed, to snarl and growl at their neighbors. This is indulged in only by the lesser lights who come in to enjoy the benefits of other's industry and find a fruitful field in promoting discord where harmony should prevail. We are glad to know that no respectable portion of the people of our sister city indulge in the small and contemptible feelings which seem to inspire the Republican man."--COURIER.

We cut out the foregoing, not to give publicity to the little mistake of our sister city's editors little spat, but to give the sensible words of the COURIER. We believe that Judge Millington, in these few lines, gives the true secret of success in any new town or county. Perhaps no two towns in Kansas are better examples of the truth of his statement than Winfield and Arkansas City. We well know of another town not far off which took the Killkenny cat code. Its citizens' best abilities were taxed to the utmost on all improper occasions to prove that about all the other citizens of the place were just the wrong men for the places they occupied. Strangers were too polite to disbelieve them, and located elsewhere. Although located on the best townsite in Southern Kansas and surrounded by the best four townships of arable land in the state, it grew less, until it had driven away or buried in contempt the last one of the Kilkennys, when it commenced again to grow, and will yet be one of the prettiest little cities in the state. Its motto should be "Quarrels killed me once; Quit quarreling or die again."

Winfield and Arkansas City were quite different. Two of her citizens might be like Mark Twain's twin bull pups, want to chaw on the same bone and fight terribly over it, but if an outsider interfered, they were a double barreled unit until they used him up. We know Arkansas City when it was principally sand dunes and a section of very poor prairie, but it was not the proper thing to tell Capt. Scott, Amos Walton, or Maj. Sleeth. We were a little too smart to tell them so when it was eight or ten miles to the next place where we could get rations for ourself and team. I suppose they had their private bone, and had private fights, but they did not call on any outsider to settle it, nor did they advertise their little difficulties. If any of their men wanted an office, you might depend on a solid delegation, and if nominated by his party, he was elected if the city and one or two townships near it could cast votes enough to do it.

We have known Winfield ever since it was a prairie of tall grass, a lob cabin store, Max Shoeb's cabin blacksmith shop, and a few cottonwood shanties that kept the coyote out till the owner could go out and show some new men a very fine claim. But the town company were "one man" when Winfield's interests were at stake, whether you struck Millington, Fuller, Alexander, Mansfield, or Jackson. Winfield was the exact center of the Union in general and South Kansas in particular.

The fertility of soil was proven by great stalks and ears of corn that were raised just north of the townsite (perhaps much nearer Emporia). The health proven by Drs. Mansfield and Graham; the morality by Ross; the loyalty of the people by Col. Manning. In short, if it was necessary to prove anything to catch a newcomer, they knew just where to get the evidence and got it.

It became necessary to have a paper so their stories would not conflict, so the COURIER was started and Jim Kelly put in charge; one of the jolliest, social editors in the state. The power behind the throne was Millington, to write heavy editorials for the eastern people to read, Mansfield to write articles comparing favorably the climate and health of Winfield to the Italian skies, the robust health of the English and Scotch, proving the almost impossibility of a foreign consumptive to die here; Manning and Alexander to write up the loyalty and far-abiding qualifies to the people, with Wirt Walton to write up the immense area of arable lands going to waste in the flint hills, Dick Walker to do the same for the Arkansas Valley. And they had a score or more to work up the special good qualities of the city, of the county, or of the Walnut, Arkansas and Grouse valleys. In short, every man in the town was a committee of about ten to prove Winfield the great future and Max Shoeb was there to translate it into Dutch if necessary. If a storm came, and the Walnut ran four feet deep across the townsite, it was found upon the next issue of the COURIER, that a reliable Indian chief said the like had not happened once before in a century or more. If a drought as in 1874 came, Arkansas City and Winfield could forthwith have an Indian scare and have the young men ordered out at good wages and rations for themselves and horses, till the next corn crop was safe. Winfield and Arkansas City today are monuments not only to the pluck, energy, and faith of their friends but to that unity of action and the sacrifices of that little narrow selfishness so common in little towns. We have much of the same spirit in Burden, and it will be our endeavor to encourage this unity that should exist. Burden Exchange.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

STATEMENT of the Condition of the Winfield Bank, of Winfield, Kansas, at the Close of Business December 31st, 1884.

Loans ....................................................................................... $161,978.42

Real Estate, furniture and fixtures ........................................... 11,094.29

Expense .................................................................................... 2,796.27

Overdrafts ................................................................................. 788.32

Cash on hand ................ $51,824.02

Sight Exchange ............. 34,088.74 $262,570.16

Capital stock .............................................................................. $ 50,000.00

Undivided profits ....................................................................... 8,395.63

Deposits ...................................................................................... 204,174.53


STATE OF KANSAS, Cowley County: s.s.

I, H. B. Schuler, president of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

H. B. SCHULER, President.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1885.

H. G. FULLER, Notary Public.
Distress in New York.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

JOE HOWARD has written a remarkable letter to the Philadelphia Press, in which he says that he has never known such distress in New York as at present; men lately occupying good situations are now thrown out and actually suffering from hunger; and yet, in the vaults of insurance companies, savings banks, and other corporations in New York, he is confident, there is today $600,000,000. Why the money and the men who haven't got any, cannot be brought together, is the question that puzzles Joseph.

Indian Territory.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The fellows who have been led to look upon the Indian Territory as a sort of modern Garden of Eden, will be somewhat surprised to find it spoken of as follows by Dr. Bland, in the Council Fire.

"The popular opinion in the states is that the Indian Territory is a marvelous fertile country, altogether too good for Indians, hence it ought to be opened to general settlement. This popular opinion is false. There are portions of that country which are quite fertile, but much of the land is poor. Not only is the soil thin, and much of it stony and worthless for farm purposes in the mountainous and other hill regions, but this is true also of a large proportion of the prairie lands.

Henry Ward Beecher.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The New York Sun says of Henry Ward Beecher: "The people who went with him when he was on the ragged edge, and who covered his nest hiding with garlands of flowers, the deacons who wept publicly and opened their coffers to his need, show no more feeling than so many wall eyed pike. His friends may bolster up the pew rent next week and make a show of escape for their battered pastor; they may drag new elements into the congregation and fill the vacancies left by the sad eyed seceders; but the impression prevails that Beecher has pranced up and down the vertebrae of Plymouth church just once too often."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

[Skipped an article on Business of Winfield Post Office for 1885.]
First National Bank at Winfield.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

REPORT of the Condition of the First National Bank at Winfield, in the State of Kansas, at the Close of Business December 20th, 1884.

Loans and discounts ......................................................................... $203,187.91

Overdrafts ......................................................................................... 162.46

U. S. bonds to secure circulation ...................................................... 12,500.00

U. S. bonds on hand .......................................................................... 1,500.00

Premiums on bonds ........................................................................... 2,600.22

Real estate, furniture and fixtures ...................................................... 12,500.00

Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer .............................................. 562.00

Due from State banks and bankers .......... $12,077.76

Due from other National banks ............... 6,532.67 18,610.43

Legal tender notes .................................... $18,000.00

Bills of other banks .................................. 44,106.00

Gold .......................................................... 8,500.00

Silver ......................................................... 4,286.00

Nickels and pennies .................................. 221.01

Checks & other cash items ........................ 6,645.25 81,853.26

Capital stock ......................................................................................... $ 50,000.00

Undivided profits .................................................................................. 9,535.30

Circulation ............................................................................................. 11,240.00

Deposits ................................................................................................. $265,608.11


I, W. C. Robinson, Cashier of the First National Bank of Winfield, Kansas, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

W. C. ROBINSON, Cashier.
Correct - Attest:


M. L. ROBINSON, Directors


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 2d day of January, 1885.

F. S. JENNINGS, Notary Public.
My commission expires February 13th, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Recap: Alice L. Harmon, Plaintiff, against John L. Harmon, Defendant. Alice L. Harmon sued John L. Harmon for divorce, seeking restoration of her maiden name, Alice L. Jenkins. Date set: January 22, 1885. Hackney & Asp, Attorneys for plaintiff.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Recap: John R. Thompson, Administrator, for the estate of John W. Miller, deceased.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Recap: Petition for pardoning Thomas and Anna Quarles by W. P. Hackney.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Notice of Appointment of William D. Halfhill as administrator of the estate of Morgan Watts, deceased.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Farmers, remember the meeting on Saturday next, in the COURIER editorial rooms, at 2 o'clock p.m., to arrange for the holding of a Farmers Institute in Cowley County. This is an important matter and every farmer should give it his careful consideration.

The Winfield Markets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Butter 20@22 cents; eggs 20 cents, turkeys, live, per lb., 6¢ to 7¢, dressed, 9¢ to 10; chickens $1.50@$3.00 per dozen; potatoes 50¢@75¢; wheat 55¢; corn 22¢; oats 20@22¢; hogs $3.50 per cwt.; Hay $5 per ton.

The Sequel to a Supposed Tragedy.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

We published a horrible discovery, as chronicled by the Wellington Press, a few weeks ago, wherein eastern hunters in the Territory were supposed to have been plundered by the Indians, bound with buckskin thongs, and left lying on the prairie at the mercy of the howling blasts. The report originated from some boys who were just from the scene. The Caldwell Journal thus knocks the romance out of the story. "The Press failed to get the full particulars of this find. The boys found the decomposed remains of two or three horses near the bodies with bullet holes in the center of their foreheads, an old saddle or two lying near them, and some brass kettles, frying pans, and other traps commonly used by the Cheyenne Indians. Those boys were so badly frightened at their find that they never thought of the fact that the Cheyenne Indians bury their own dead in blankets bound around them and above the ground, and then slay a horse nearby, place all the necessary traps at the foot of the corpse for him to continue his hunting expeditions in the hunting grounds of the spirits. The boys simply found a Cheyenne graveyard of about six months standing."

[Skipped a number of items that were really ads.]
Note: One of these ads was by S. Kleeman, 3 doors north of J. B. Lynn.

Kansas State Teachers Association.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Kansas State Teachers Association convened at Topeka, December 29th, 1884. The opening meeting was a convention of principals and city superintendents of the state. About one hundred were present and many subjects of interest were discussed. Supt. Gridley, of this city, was elected president of the Association for the ensuing year. Prof. Taylor, of Emporia, President of the State Teachers' Association, delivered a scholarly and practical lecture on the evening of the 9th. During the two days following many papers of primary importance in the management of schools were presented by educators thoroughly competent to lead in such matters. Dr. Harris, of Nashville, Tenn., delivered a lecture on Art Culture which was a strong plea for placing art by the side of science in our public school work. Prof. J. C. Weir, of Arkansas City, was elected secretary of the Association for the coming year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

A communication came to us this week with this appendix: "I send you a few items from this neighborhood. Hope they will not find the wastebasket, for I am only a school girl. It is my first attempt." The letter is newsy and well written and of course appears with the rest. There are no persons the COURIER so delights in encouraging as our bright school girls and boys. They are our future kings and queens. Young correspondents who endeavor to say something and say it in as brief space as possible can always find a place in the COURIER.

Travel by Train.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Winfield to New Orleans and return, good for 45 days, $29.00; good until June 1st, 1885, $35.45. Also winter tourists tickets to Jacksonville, Fla., and return and through tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada. Direct connection made with all roads out of Kansas City, north, east and south. Call on W. J. Kennedy, agent.

Hose Companies.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Robinson House Company gave a very enjoyable and well attended ball on New Years night in the McDougal hall. The boys are arranging to hold regular bi-weekly hops.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Robinson and Telegram Hose Companies will give another ball on Friday evening, the 16th inst., in the McDougal hall. These hops have proven very enjoyable so far and this will be no exception to the rule.

Paying Taxes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The time for paying personal taxes will be up about the 10 inst. Warrants will then be issued. Those who want to save the cost of warrants should settle with the County Treasurer before that time.

Winfield G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Winfield G. A. R. will present, under management of Col. L. D. Dobbs, "The Tennessee Scout," on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, January 16, 17 and 18.

Cowley County Commissioners.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Board of County Commissioners is in regular quarterly session. County road contests have occupied their attention mostly so far.

Rev. Cairns.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Parties having books of Rev. J. Cairns, will please return them to Jas. A. Cairns. A cane of the Reverend's is also abroad for return.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Mr. and Mrs. Cal. Ferguson are off for the worlds fair to be absent a month.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Miss Bertha Wallis entertained a number of her young friends at her pleasant home on last Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Schwantes of Vernon lost their youngest child, a bright little three-year-old-boy, last week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

N. W. Dressie, now route agent on the Girard branch of the S. K., came in Tuesday last for a short vacation with his family.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mrs. Allen Johnson left Saturday for Newark, O., in response to a telegram announcing the dangerous illness of a brother.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Ben W. Matlack and Frank F. Leland got in Friday from several weeks' rambling in the east, having had a glorious vacation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Dr. G. B. Stiles, formerly an optician here, has removed to Oxford and will engage in the grocery business in connection with his profession.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. R. O. Copeland, formerly a disciple of the jewelry trade here, came down from Hutchinson and spent several days of last week among relatives and friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Frank F. Leland brought with him from the east a very fine heavy-weight cane, as a present to Night-watchman McLain. It was turned out at the Joliet penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Miss S. Conaway, after an extensive visit with Mrs. Samuel Smedley, departed for her home in Muscatine, Iowa, yesterday, having made many friends during her stay.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

We are in receipt of beautiful cards announcing the marriage of Frank J. Hess, the rustling young real estate man of Arkansas City, and Miss May Johnson, on January 1st, at Suncook, N. H.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. J. C. Curry left yesterday for the World's Fair in the interests of Messrs. Bliss & Wood. The Winfield Roller Mills will be represented there by both flour and advertising circulars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Will A. McCartney, with his mother, sister, and brother, left Tuesday for Ashland, where they will reside. Will and his father have two of the best "claims" in that country, adjoining Ashland.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Geo. D. Headrick, the handsome and popular young salesman of O'Meara & Randolph's boot and shoe establishment, left yesterday for a three weeks vacation in St. Louis and other eastern cities.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. Chas. Messenger, of Burden, and Miss Maggie C. Seabridge, of this city, were married on Wednesday last, by Rev. E. P. Hickok. Mr. Messenger is one of the sturdy farmers of the county and has won a prize in Miss Seabridge.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Hon. F. S. Jennings, our Senator, Hon. John D. Maurer, Representative of the 68th District, and Ed. P. Greer, Representative of the 66th District, left for Topeka yesterday. Hon. L. P. King, of the 67th District, goes up Saturday. The Legislature convenes Tuesday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Misses Fannie and Jessie Stretch and Cora Reynolds got home from the New Orleans Exposition last Friday after two weeks sight-seeing. They report the exhibits grand and the climate most pleasant. Parasols, fans, and attendant apparel are in vogue and the "Myrtle and the ivy are in bloom." Their vacation was delightfully spent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. R. A. Freeland, a brother of Mr. F. M. Freeland of the Commercial, came in Saturday from Shelbina, Mo., for a visit. The brothers hadn't met for eighteen years. R. A. registered under a fictitious name, had supper, and there still being no recognition on the part of F. M., he made himself known, and a joyful meeting resulted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Wan Sing, one of our Chinese laundrymen, is only twenty years old, has been here but a few years, and can read English as plainly as the average American. He can also read our print pretty well and handles money with an alacrity surprising. He has picked his knowledge up without a tutor and shows a brightness which would be creditable to many of our American boys.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mrs. Geo. Ordway again entertained the Young People's Social and Literary Society on Thursday evening last. A large number were present, an excellent literary and musical program was rendered, and under the pleasant hospitality of Mrs. Ordway all passed a highly enjoyable evening. The society meets on Friday evening, the 16th inst., with Misses Kate and Carrie Rogers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. E. E. Wilson, of Akron, and Miss Carrie M. Maxwell, of North Creswell township, were married on New Year's night at the home of the bride, Rev. J. O. Campbell, of Arkansas City, conducting the ceremony. Mr. Wilson is one of the staunchest young farmers in Cowley and he won a merited prize in Miss Maxwell. If sterling qualities can make them success and happiness, these will certainly be the lot of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. Morgan Watts, landlord of the Lindell hotel, died suddenly Monday morning. He was afflicted with pleurisy, and suffered much pain at times. To relieve this pain the physicians left small doses of morphine, with strict directions, but through some sad mistake of the nurse, doses were given too frequently, and brought death. Mr. Watts came here with his family only a few weeks ago from Shelby County, Ind., and was in his sixty-fourth year. The remains were sent home for interment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Some weeks ago J. P. Short inserted an advertisement of his fine pedigree Berkshire hogs for sale, in the COURIER. His first customer was from McPherson County, who ordered one by express. In a letter acknowledging the receipt of the pig, he says it was much better than he expected, and finer by far than some which a neighbor had expressed from the east. J. P. has heard from that advertisement many times, and instead of having to hunt up customers, they come to him.

Probate Court Doings.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Inventory filed in estate of J. W. Miller, deceased.

Sale bill of property filed in estate of Dewitt Green, deceased.

Inventory of property filed in estate of Wm. White, deceased.

W. C. Spruens appointed administrator of estate of James A. Spruens, deceased.

John Bobbitt made an annual settlement as guardian of J. F. Nance, a minor.

J. W. Douglass appointed administrator of estate of Wm. White, deceased.

Marinda Ela, executrix, made final settlement in estate of W. A. Ela, deceased.

Final settlement made by administrator in estate of J. J. Riley, deceased.

A. Dunn made final settlement as guardian of estate of Philip A. Huff, a minor.

W. D. Weimer appointed administrator (de bonus non) of estate of J. H. Harris, deceased.

Benjamin L. Wilson made final settlement as guardian for Calvin M. Wilson, a minor.

C. A. Goforth made final settlement as administrator of the estate of C. B. Goforth, deceased.

S. W. Phenix, as guardian, made annual settlement in estate of Delphine and James Phenix, minors.

Confirmation had of sale of real estate made by J. E. Goforth as guardian of the minor heirs of Narcissus Goforth, deceased.

C. M. Nickle made special settlement in estate of Rebecca Nickle, and administrator was ordered to pay to each of the heirs of said decedent the sum of $200.

J. D. Munford and Hattie Lewis; John E. Gillman and Alrilda J. Rusher; E. T. Kinzey and Ida E. Kinsey; W. H. Grove and Virginia A. Yeaman; Russell L. Cole and Jennie Reynolds; E. L. Wilson and Carrie Maxwell; Willie Triplett and Lizzie Harrod; John H. Berry and Katie Beach, have been granted certificates of matrimonial bliss since our last.

Another Monument to Enterprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. John Coffey showed us the plans Monday of the beautiful Methodist church at New Salem which has just been completed and will be dedicated next Sunday by Rev. C. A. King, of Augusta. It has a seating capacity of nearly three hundred, contains a roomy lecture room and vestibule, and a good belfry and spire and in every way does great credit to that enterprising neighborhood. It is of frame and cost about two thousand dollars. Nothing could speak louder for the energy, character, and intelligence of our New Salem friends than their splendid church and school buildings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The new third ward school building will not be ready for occupancy before Feb. 1st.

Meeting of Important Railroad Officers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

On New Year's day the following named officers of the Southern Kansas railway visited Winfield: E. L. McDonnaugh, advertising agent, Indianapolis; Samuel Rogers, passenger agent, Kansas City; G. C. McDonnaugh, general traveling agent, St. Louis; D. E. McClelland, traveling agent, Chicago; C. W. Cook, assistant general passenger agent, Lawrence; and Jake Hallerman, passenger agent, Fort Wayne, Indiana. They came upon a special car and left the following morning. The object of their visit was to learn something more of this city and county and to complete arrangements for the engravings and advertisements that will enter into Curns & Manser's real estate bulletin. The gentlemen visited the COURIER and a number of our prominent businessmen and in the evening they met a further number of citizens in Curns & Manser's office where arrangements were perfected that will give us a number of excursions early in the spring. Some of the gentlemen comprising the party had never before been in our city, and our handsome churches, fine school buildings, and public works were a matter of wonder. While their stay was short they rapidly took in the town and the effects will be seen hereafter in a largely increased immigration to Cowley. These men are enthusiastic workers, they are the ones who have passed through Winfield for the past year. The policy of the Southern Kansas railway has been to build up its local interests and they have been more successful than any other railroad in Kansas, and the visit of these gentlemen means that the year 1885 will be a more stirring one if possible than the one just passed away.

Tin Wedding Celebration.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

On Wednesday evening of last week, Mayor Emerson and lady threw their pleasant home open for the entertainment of invited guests, it being the tenth anniversary of their wedding. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. O. Branham, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ordway, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schuler, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Williams, Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mrs. J. E. Saint, Mrs. Perkins; Misses Sadie French, Margie Wallis, Jessie Millington, Josie Baird, Nettie McCoy, Anna McCoy, Mattie Harrison of Hannibal, Mo.; Messrs. E. H. Nixon, R. B. Rudolf, M. H. Ewert, M. J. O'Meara, and Ezra Meech. Each bore a token of respect and good will. Under the royal entertainment of Dr. and Mrs. Emerson, all passed the evening most enjoyably and departed with the old year, heartily wishing the "bride and groom" many anniversaries of their wedding, down to the one of diamonds, with its silver tresses.

Four Wards and Eight Councilmen.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

At a special session of the city council Tuesday evening, an ordinance was passed dividing the city into four wards. The division was made from Main Street and Tenth Avenue. The ward east of Main and north of 10th Avenue is the first ward. That south of 10th and east of Main Street, the second ward. That west of Main and south of 10th, the third ward. That north of 10th and west of Main, the fourth ward. This will necessitate the election, in the spring, of four additional councilmen and the same number of additional school board members. This will give us a city government commensurate with our proportions. It will also do away with the present liability of a lack of a quorum at council meetings. With our present number of councilmen, it has periodically occurred that business had to be postponed from time to time owing to the absence from the city of two of our councilmen. We think the division has been equitably made and will result in general satisfaction.

The Bee Hive Prize Drawing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Opera House was packed to overflowing Saturday last at 2 p.m. for the prize drawing of M. Hahn & Co. The Juvenile Band discoursed sweet music for the entertainment of the throng. Capt. H. H. Siverd superintended the drawing, to the satisfaction of all, while Capt. Myers and Lou Zenor kept the record. The lucky numbers were drawn from the box by a little girl selected from the audience. There were over eighteen thousand tickets and the array of one hundred prizes made a beautiful appearance displayed on the stage. The lucky numbers appear in the regular advertising column of this firm elsewhere in the COURIER. Everything was transacted exactly as advertised and all holders of tickets were satisfied.

The Largest Circulation.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Says the Wellington Standard: "The Winfield COURIER commenced its thirteenth year on January 1st with an edition that was full of valuable information, and a copy of that edition after ten years will be very valuable. The COURIER claims the largest circulation of any weekly paper in the state--please remember Sol Miller has not ceased to publish the Troy Chief." Even the Chief has long since "raved"--because it is a nonpareil paper in a plea county. Compared to the intelligence, pluck, and "git up and git" of our people, those of conservative, forty-year-old Doniphan would be as a tallow candle compared to an electric light. To have a rattling circulation, you must have a rattling people.

An Unusually Brisk Day.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Saturday was a gala day for Winfield, considering the past few months. Wheat had taken a raise to fifty-five and fifty-eight cents and the streets were jammed with trains of wheat from morning till night. A large number of fat hogs were also marketed and a great deal of corn. Our merchants report the biggest sale for three months. The eastern tendency points to continued raises in the wheat market and our farmers and merchants are jubilant. Cowley has a large amount of unmarketed produce and if the markets get to a point where farmers will be justified in disposing of it, times will greatly ease up and smiling faces become more numerous.

The Last Rose of Summer.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The leap year skate at the rink on New Year's eve was well attended and a most complete and happy event. It ushered out the old year nicely and the last golden opportunity of the young ladies was mastered with becoming grace. The young ladies accompanied their fellows to the rink, secured them skates, and "did the elegant" with all the "sang froid" of experienced hands. Still, the enterprise and grit of our young ladies is not creditably shown in the fact that this is the only leap year party given in our fair city in all of 1884. But our ladies are all so winsome that rather than being besiegers they are continually besieged.

The Baptist Reception.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The Baptists gave a public reception last Friday evening at the church in honor of their new pastor, Rev. J. H. Reider. The church was crowded and everything passed off very pleasantly. The ladies were on hand with appropriate refreshments. Rev. Reider is a gentleman of prepossessing appearance, good social qualities, and if his sermon last Sunday is a true index, a learned and fluent talker. He will soon meet with favor from our church people and church goers.

The New York Store's Prize Drawing.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The drawing for the beautiful sixty dollar Russian circular offered as a prize by Mr. A. E. Baird came off at his store on New Year's Eve and Mrs. John Stalter, of Rock, was the lucky holder of the winning ticket, number 2206. Two uninterested parties did the drawing to the satisfaction of the large number present.

District Court.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The January term of the District court opened Monday. The time so far has mostly been taken up with preliminaries and no important cases have yet been reached.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The list of successful numbers at Goldsmith's holiday gift distribution are as follows:

1st prize--ship, No. 58 Q.

2nd prize--doll, No. 31 G.

3rd prize--donkey, No. 15 A.

4th prize--tool box, No. 9 D.

5th prize--dishes, No. 68 F.

6th prize--monkey, 21 Y.

The 2d prize has been claimed by Mr. A. H. Doane, the 3d by Mr. W. D. Wilson, the 4th by Mr. Pratt, and the 5th by Miss Wallis. The 1st and 6th prizes are still unclaimed. The holders of the winning numbers will please claim the articles. In case they are not claimed in thirty days, the following are the substitute numbers entitled to those gifts:

1st substitute on ship, No. 87 Z.

2nd substitute on ship, No. 25 F.

3rd substitute on ship, 56 Z.

4th substitute on ship, 84 D.

1st substitute on monkey, 64 D.

2nd substitute on money, 71 F.

3rd substitute on monkey, 64 E.

4th substitute on money, 17 L.

These substitute numbers are drawn to prevent any prize being unclaimed. Only one substitute can get the gifts. Respectfully, Henry Goldsmith.

Other Items.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Flour, corn, meal and feed always on hand at Kirk's mill, 8th avenue, west of Lynn's store.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The W. C. T. U. will meet next Tuesday at three p.m. at the residence of Mrs. J. W. Curns.

A Pleasant Surprise.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Bryan, who have just passed the twentieth mile stone in their married life, were enticed away from their home on the evening of the 2d inst., ostensibly to take tea with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller. Before tea was announced, however, a messenger arrived and informed them that some parties had called to see them on very important business and that they must hasten home. Imagine to their surprise at being met at the door by Mrs. G. W. Miller, whom they had just left at her home, and being ushered in and greeted by about fifty of their friends. The raiders had captured the entire premises, even to the kitchen and dining room, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan were made to understand that a china wedding was on hand and that they were the victims. Mrs. Bryan was spirited away to an upper chamber, where she was soon attired in her wedding dress of twenty years ago. The wedding pants were produced by Mr. Miller, but alas, the increased rotundity of the bridegroom forbade the thought. They were led to the parlor and a pleasant ceremony pronounced by Elder J. S. Myers. After congratulations the company was invited to the dining room, where a feast such as only the ladies can prepare, was greatly enjoyed. The table was spread in elegant style with a very handsome set of Haviland china, which was presented to the bridge and groom by their many friends. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Buford, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Journey, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin, Dr. and Mrs. W. G. Graham, Dr. D. Gans, Elder and Mrs. J. S. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Smock; Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. French; Mrs. Dr. Capper, Mrs. Galbreth, Mrs. Judge Tipton, Mrs. Grinnell, Mrs. Iles, Miss Emma Fulton, Misses Ida and May McGhee, Miss Atha Suess, Miss Bessie Graves, Mr. C. G. McGhee, Mr. J. F. Miller, Mr. Frank Miller, Mr. J. T. Hackney, Mr. R. Hackney, Elder Hopkins, and others whose names we did not get. It was a very enjoyable evening and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan desire to express their sincere thanks to their friends for their kind remembrances and will ever cherish the memory of that occasion as one of the greenest spots in their lives.

"Shall Bridges be County Property?"
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The above is the heading of an article in the COURIER of last week: said article says that petitions will be presented to the legislature asking that some action be taken looking that way. I wish simply to call attention to the action of the legal voters of the county at the last election. The question was then sprung upon the people and met with a partial defeat; a great many communities not voting on it, not having considered the matter. I think it would be perfectly safe to say that if the question had been sprung at any other time it would have been completely "snowed under." The COURIER suggests that the expense falls heavy on the townships in which the bridges lie, while the public at large travel over them. The position is a false one; the public across the Walnut for a small portion of the taxpayers of Cowley County. It seems strange that said public across the waters of the Walnut in the vast and fertile valley of the Arkansas should ask us that live on the sterile, rocky ridges of the central and eastern parts of the county to build bridges for them, after they have laughed so many years at our attempts to live. We never thought of asking for help to build bridges over Grouse and Silver, and let me tell you they are often impassable. From the tone of the article referred to I judge the Hon. Ed. Greer thinks favorably of the project. Go slow, Edward; remember you have aspirations. The voters of the county have spoken on the bridge subject.

We clip the above from the Telegram of last week. As to the merits or demerits of the bridge question, Mr. Greer has given it, up to this time, but little attention. However, there seems to be a demand from the people of Bolton, Creswell, Beaver, Vernon, Pleasant Valley, and Winfield for some action which will relieve them of the heavy burden of keeping up so many bridges. There is also a demand from many citizens of the Grouse Valley for bridges on that stream. And now comes the eastern divide people with a protest. The bridge question is mixed. Less than a third of the voters at the last election voted on the question, and the vote was nearly a tie, so this is no guide to the wishes of the people. Should the question come up the member from this district will try to find out what a majority of his constituents want and act in accordance with that finding.

The Circumstances in Toto.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

There are so many versions of the circumstances of Mr. Morgan Watt's death--so many exaggerations, some of them ludicrous. Indeed, it seems to me well for all parties that a correct statement be made of the unfortunate circumstance.

Mr. Watt was taken Monday night with a severe pleurisy. Dr. Pugh was called about three o'clock in the morning, found him suffering intense pain, and gave him a dose of morphine, waiting an hour and a half to watch the effect of the remedy. At the expiration of this waiting, he was but little, if any, relieved; he then gave the patient five grains of Lully powder. This preparation is composed of gum camphor, sugar of milk, and licorice, there being one grain of morphine to sixty grains of the above ingredients. In this lully powder the Dr. gave, there was one twelfth of a grain of morphine. After waiting an hour from time of giving the lully, the patient being much relieved, the doctor left four powders of morphine, each powder containing one eighth of a grain, and directed the nurse, if pain resumed severely, to give one of the powders in two hours and if that failed to give relief, to report at the office and one of us would see him. Leaving an appointment to see him about noon, he left the patient about half past six in the morning, having been with him since three that morning. At half past twelve the doctor visited the patient, found him quite comfortable and cheerful. They had not found it necessary to give any more of the powders. Some half hour after the doctor left, the nurse gave the patient another powder, about one o'clock, and at three a second was given, at eight a third one was given. About nine o'clock noting that the patient was listless and a stupor supervening, the nurse sent for the doctor. On the doctor's arrival the nurse stated the following to have occurred after the doctor left the patient at half past twelve in the day. "Soon after you left, I asked patient if he was suffering pain. He said he was. I gave him a powder. I gave him another at three o'clock; at eight o'clock he was feeling bad and as he has slept none the night before, I thought I would give him another and he would perhaps go to sleep and rest through the night."

The doctor found him profoundly narcoticised and worked with him until 12 o'clock. There seeming to be no improvement, the doctor came for me to see him and give what assistance I could.

Mr. Halfhill and Mr. Frazier were there and, by the way, these gentlemen cannot be too highly commended for the interest they took in carrying out the fatiguing exercise of keeping him awake. The question is, out of what circumstances did the misfortune occur. The treatment the doctor gave and the directions he left are what any intelligent physician would have done under the same circumstances. It will be noted that the amount given at a dose was small. One fourth and one third of a grain would not be considered too large a dose to give in case of severe pain in pleurisy. Any physician knows that a third of a grain would not be beyond discreet prescribing--yet the doctor gave but one-eighth grain doses. It will be noted also that in the sixteen hours he had taken not over one-half grain of morphine. He took no more until one o'clock in the afternoon. The nurse gave another one eighth grain, at three another was given, at eight another, and the last one was given, making but a slight fraction over one-half grain in all, an amount that is often given at a single dose.

He must have been one of those persons of unusual susceptibility to the effect of the drug. It is quite evident that in the anxiety of his friends for his relief, they had not given sufficient stress to the directions that the powders were not to be repeated unless the pain was severe.

A peculiar susceptibility of the patient to the effect of the drug and the over anxiety of the friends for the patient's relief, not giving due thought to follow explicitly the directions with reference to repeating the powder only in case of severe pain, are the only discoverable reasons for the sad misfortune. W. T. WRIGHT.

About the Farmers Institute.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

It would probably have an encouraging effect on the parties who wish to take part in the much agitated "Farmers Institute" to learn that, in response to a letter of inquiry relative to dates of holding said Institute, the chairman of the Farmers Institute committee of the college faculty has notified me that the professors can meet the farmers of the county on the 29th and 30th of this month. These are the only dates they can hold for this county this winter. Every farmer interested in the progress of agriculture attend the meeting called for the 10th inst., and make arrangements for holding the institute the last of the month. If the necessary arrangements are made, they will be with us four strong: Profs. Shelton, Popenoe, Tallyer and Supt. Thompson. M. H. Markum.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Cowley County Horticultural Society held at the

"Courier" Office on Saturday, January 24, 1885.
Meeting called to order by the President. In absence of Secretary, F. A. A. Williams was appointed Secretary pro-tem.

Treasurer's report for 1884 was heard and adopted.

On motion vouchers were ordered drawn for one half of the expenses of the society's delegates to the State Horticultural Society for 1884.

Essay read by President Martin as follows.

Farmers are subject to many kinds of deceptions and are more frequently humbugged than any other class of persons. Their isolation from each other renders them more liable to be thus imposed upon than those of any other occupation or profession. But in these days of organization of the industrial classes, and while reading matter is disseminated everywhere and on every subject which can be procured at trifling cost, there can be no excuse for any farmer to be humbugged. Tree agents in wielding their deceptive arts are more generally despised and withal more patronized by credulous farmers than is any other class of soliciting agents. This statement, strange as it appears, is certainly true. Not that the selling of nursery stock by agency is evil in and of itself, for when pursued in an honorable way and on business principles, it is made a blessing to the agricultural class, but it is to the unprincipled and irresponsible humbug that the blame belongs.

It is ever a matter of wonder that farmers frequently after having been imposed upon will again listen to the wonderful statements of more wonderful fruits offered by a stranger at fabulous prices, will be overcome as by a magnetic charm, and contrary to his experience, his pecuniary interest and his better judgment, will sign a contract for another lot of trees. He believes every extravagant statement that the agent makes, although it is usual that this is the first time that they have met and most likely will be the last, yet he binds himself by written contract and places himself in the power of one who goes away thus secure, exalting over his from two hundred to five hundred percent profit.

The agent is a good talker, plenty of cheek and persistency, and is highly gratified in being able to offer to the public at special list of Russian apples that never fail to produce a full crop of the best apples in the world, at the exceedingly low price (just to introduce them) of seventy-five cents each. He also has tree gooseberries at fifty cents and grafted blackberries at the same price. With every good order he will send "free" to the lady some fine roses; also choice geraniums.

Now, he and every intelligent horticulturist knows full well that forty-nine fiftieths of the varieties of Russian apples are impositions, that tree gooseberries can be (if at all desired) grown by any farmer, that grafted blackberries are utterly valueless as the stock on which they are grafted lives but one year, as anyone can observe, and that the promise to donate extra plants is but seldom fulfilled.

Agent No. 2 comes along, addresses the farmer by name, expresses great pleasure in supplying a long felt need for apples that he warrants, in writing, to bear a half crop of fruit the second year after planting and a full crop the third year. He does not deal in such worthless stock as is usually sold by nurserymen at low prices, for these cheap trees are grafted and are all of them rotten at the heart, will live but a short time, and will at best, after several years of sickly existence, bear but little fruit. His trees are budded, hence the wonderful results that he promises. These superior trees of five years growth he will supply at the low price of fifty cents each. Neither does he sell such worthless varieties as the Concord grape and the Wild Goose plum. Instead of these, he sells a large Transparent grape that is seedless and a Yellow plum, the size of a hen's egg. Inasmuch as these varieties are very scarce and of great worth, he will charge one dollar for each vine and tree.

Notwithstanding the professed superior knowledge of this agent, the facts are quite to the contrary. The subject of propagating by grafting and budding has been investigated by practical fruit growers and has resulted in the almost universal adoption of the former method. The warrant of the unparalleled early fruitfulness, if it bore the least semblance of the truth, indicates unhealthfulness of the tree, in accordance with the adage "early maturity, early decay." Quite contrary to the impressions given but it is most evident that the Concord grape and the Wild Goose plum are the fruits for the million, but the people cannot be humbugged in the price of these varieties, hence agents resort to unknown and generally worthless varieties.

Every year these agents have new novelties and new methods whereby the uninformed and credulous may be deceived. The next may be an Alpine Tree Strawberry that is overbearing, a Thornless Gooseberry, or a Hybrid Cherry. The expenditure of fifty cents to one dollar and a half a year in procuring a horticultural paper, if read, will save many dollars besides teaching the farmer many other matters he needs to know. Or he may attend horticultural societies and get reliable information. Sure it is such persons are not often deceived. You have no way of binding a stranger, then why do you sign a contract when only yourself becomes bound. Business principles should govern the farmer and merchant alike in their purchases. We have nurserymen and employees throughout the country known to be intelligent and reliable. Why not go to the nursery and get your trees fresh from the nursery row or give your order to a known agent representing a known company near you and avoid deception, loss, and sometimes years of disappointment. I have no ax to grind in this matter. I have grown and sold nursery stock and I think I know whereof I speak. I say plant small fruits and orchards. Plant forest trees as well and rejoice in their growth, bequeathing these grandly good things to posterity, remembering always that brain power is essential to ultimate success.

Then followed Mr. Williams as follows:

I have learned nothing this year that is likely to be new or edifying to the majority of the members of this society, but for the benefit of any who are comparatively new to this climate, I will record a few of the lessons I have learned. I have had most to do with apples and with my bearing trees have had most gratifying success. I never saw trees anywhere with finer fruit or more of it. This I attribute mainly to thorough cultivation. It has been often claimed that bearing orchards should not be cultivated, but my cultivated trees have doubled those which were let alone, both in quality and quantity. As to varieties, Ben Davis Winesap, Missouri Pippin, and Rome Beauty have succeeded best with me, though the Smith Cider, Roman Stem, and several other varieties have done fairly well. I would recommend the Rome Beauty as the best late fall and early winter apple for general purposes. It excels the others for cooking and eating, and is also very salable. The only successful warfare against Borers is with the knife and wire two or three times during the season. Washes have failed with me. As the schoolboy would say, "the rabbit is a very destructive little animal," and I find that all young fruit trees need protection against them by either wrapping or smearing with bloody meat liver, is most convenient. This protecting must be done early in the fall--not later than November 1st. If not done by this time, you will find some valuable trees barked before you have thought of any danger. I have learned a lesson, not by my own experience but by observation, that will be worth thousands of dollars to the farmers of this county if heeded, and that is let the "tree peddlers" severely alone! As I say, I have not learned this lesson by experience, for I have never bought a nickles' worth of one of them yet, but some of my friends have learned the lesson by costly experience. The firm which made the biggest sales in this county and did the tallest lying was Peters & Sons, Troy, Ohio. Their agent made such unreasonable representations that it is a wonder he succeeded in deceiving sensible men. His "forte" was "Russian" apples. These he warranted borer proof, sure bearers at three or four years old, as possessing every other desirable quality in an apple tree, and he sold them at the remarkably low price of fifty cents apiece. He also sold wonderful new peaches and pears at fifty cents to a dollar apiece. He offered a reward of $100 for every borer found in trees furnished by him. One man ordered a bill of twenty or thirty dollars worth of him, but after hearing the swindle exposed by myself and others, decided not to take them and would not go after them when he received the notice. But the agent brought them out and scared him into taking them, and he had to take a load of hogs to town and sell them at a low price to pay for his wonderful trees. After the agent was gone he found several borers in them! Another man had to sell his best cow to pay for his "Russian" apples! Another ordered eleven dollars worth which he afterwards refused to take and the agent was glad to sell the bill for five dollars. Several men bought orders of a hundred dollars worth (?) of the smooth tongued swindler. I venture to say that the thousands of dollars which have gone out of this county the past year for useless nursery stuff have contributed their share toward the hard times from which our farmers are now suffering. There is one cheap and easy remedy for all this and that is to join the County Horticultural Society and learn there from the experience of the best fruit growers both of the county and state, just what fruits to plant and where to get them.

On motion of G. W. Robertson, the Society appointed Mr. G. W. Robertson and Mr. Adams to attend as delegates the meeting next Saturday to confer with our citizens in regard to holding a Farmers Institute at Winfield.

On motion of Mr. Geo. Ordway the officers of the Society for 1884 were unanimously elected as the officers fo4 1885.

On motion, Mr. Ordway, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Robertson were elected trustees of the Society for 1885.

Mr. Ordway stated that Ben Davis was all killed in Black Hawk County, Iowa; Grimes Golden Pippin, Winesap, etc., were all right. He also stated that the Wild Geese plum on his grounds here was very full and lasted in season for thirty days.

Mr. Williams stated the Ben Davis is very valuable for this climate.

Mr. Hogue stated that the more rapid the circulating of the sap, the less fruit bids are formed. He asked: "Mr. President, which shall we plant, early or late varieties for profit?"

Mr. Ballard, late from Iowa, said the Grimes Golden Pippin was a gross feeder and if led well, would bear immense crops.

Mr. Williams advocated heavy manure on second bottom.

Mr. Harbaugh did not manure, but gave good cultivation.

Mr. President would like to see the full monthly reports are published in book or pamphlet for distribution or sale.

Secretary Nixon read a report on fruit failures.

A record of my failures in orchard culture may be of interest to beginners. It has been a large factor, at least in my experience in fruit culture in Cowley County. I have now some 14 acres in orchards and shelter belts. I will try and keep this ground fully occupied by trees and plants by replanting where they die out, and substituting good for worthless varieties. The fact that the first settlers planted their first orchards with little or no reliable information as to varieties and culture adapted to our climate, has been a serious drawback and the thousands of dead and worthless trees has been dearly bought experience to our orchardists in this county. The free exchange of experience in fruit growing is most commendable, all thereby sharing in its benefits, or its warnings. Considerations of this character alone induce me to give this society a brief history of my failures in fruit culture in Cowley County. As you are probably aware, there are four distinct and separate soils in Cowley County. First, our upland, limestone land; second, the valley of the Walnut and its tributaries, a black loam with clay subsoil; third, the Arkansas bottom proper; a sandy loam resting on a gravel base, permeated with water from the river (to be considered in the near future the best fruit land in Kansas); fourth, the foot hill of the Arkansas valley on the east side, which has a mulatto soil--containing a large amount of sand ground to fine powder by the action of the elements in ages past, also a large amount of iron pyrites in strata. This soil retains moisture and affords excellent drainage. On this mulatto soil my orchard is located, which seems peculiarly adapted to the peach and pear, judging from results so far attained.

With these four and distinct soils in our county, it is of especial interest to our fruit growers to know what varieties to plant that will be successful on their soil, and not be governed in their selection of varieties from a soil in no way adapted to their wants. These fruit districts are as sharply defined as the hills and valleys which are their cause.

Taking my claim October 1st, 1870, my first apple trees, 250, and 24 Standard pear (Bartlett, Seckel, and Belt Lucrative) were started the fall of 1872. In November 1873 I planted 200 more apple trees. The drought and grasshoppers of 1874 killed nearly all of these and the borers girdled some 50 of my first planting, killing the tops. These I grafted at the crown the spring of 1875 with Domine, Strawberry, and Vandevere Pippin with fair success. I have replanted from time to time as means would permit. Following previous training I headed my first apple trees high, planting them 22 x 30 feet apart, giving our hot suns a fine show to scald the trunks, and the borers a lodgement which they improved. This high heading also gave our Kansas winds a splendid leverage on the young roots, and necessarily all pointed their limbs toward the north star. I also noticed that these old trees persisted in growing their fruit as far in that direction as possible. Seedling peaches were planted between these apple trees in the spring of 1879, making the trees stand 15 x 20 feet apart, which has induced a good upright growth the last two years. These peaches will soon be removed for firewood from want of proper care and failure with me. In March, 1874, I planted one dozen each of Mountain, Smith's Imp., Houghton and Porter gooseberries, and White Dutch, Fertile d'Pallua, Versailles and White Grape currants, none left. Also Red Antwerp Miami and a native raspberry. These with the exception of the Red Antwerp ( which were eaten by gophers) have done well.

My first planting of blackberries was the Kittatinny from A. S. Fuller, of Ridgewood, New Jersey, whose stock was from the original plant, which has done well. I will fruit the Lawton and Snyder next summer if not winter killed. The Wilson, Triumph d' Gand and Hovey strawberries have been a failure with me. The Sterling and Great American promise to give some returns--I have not tested the Crescent as yet. In forest trees and evergreens I am growing a few Red Cedar and a single Juniper. Soft Maple were greatly injured by the borers in 1874. Of later years they seem to be generally free from their work. Black Ash transplanted from the bottoms have been a nesting place for the borer and are a nuisance, scattering the seed over my apple orchard, requiring the removal every spring of thousands of young plants. The Cottonwood makes a magnificent growth, free from insects and making good windbreaks, and is useful for many purposes on a farm. The common Catalpa (Bignoids) is making a large growth easily broken by the wind and full of seed the past season. This variety is comparatively worthless. I prefer the Cottonwood to it. The Specidsa is no doubt valuable, but the Russian Mulberry or Osage is known to be adapted to our climate and will make fully as valuable timber.

I have Walnut, Coffee tree, Elm, common Mulberry, Burr Oak, Sycamore growing slow, very slow. They are free so far, excepting the Walnut, from insect depredations. In conclusion, I will describe an attachment to my Diamond Plow for orchard culture that is a great convenience and satisfaction in using--no patent. I attach a gauge wheel in front of end main beam by two bolts, cutting off clamping ends of frame near axle. I then put on extra 2 x 4 beam, putting in a long bolt instead of the short bolt through the beam and handle, bolting both beams together at the rear, put on 16 inch clevis bolted to clevis hole in main beam; for plowing from trees, bolt at right angles to right side of small beam, with false or second beam through it bolted fast. To this false beam attach the clevis and single tree and the horse can walk in the furrow and you can cut a full furrow--plowing up to the very trunks of small trees and plants. For plowing to the trees, the false beam is placed on the left side of main beam. I will give it a trial on the cultivator another season.

Fruit lists to be given by several members for discussion at next meeting.

Mr. Hogue was appointed chairman of said committee.

President requested Mr. Hogue to prepare a paper for the next meeting, on wind breaks for orchards. Also Mr. Ordway and Mr. Adams papers on subjects of their own selection.

Mr. Ordway asked, Can we obviate the slanting of trees in this climate and protect the trunks and get heads lower?

Mr. Hogue and Mr. Ordway appointed committee to prepare articles for nest meeting.

Secretary appointed a committee to make report on publication of report.


[Note: Article was evidently taken directly from minutes. Hard to read! Hard to understand! But it had some very interesting information about the early days. MAW]

Twentieth Anniversary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

December 27th was the twentieth anniversary of Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, pastor of the M. E. church of Neodesha, Kansas, and well known and warmly esteemed by Winfield people. It was observed by a number of the members of that church and friends by meeting in the church, where, after appropriate music and prayer by Rev. M. V. Levitt, Rev. J. A. Cooper, pastor of the Congregational church, made the speech of congratulation and presentation, to which the pastor replied. After general hand-shaking, one hundred guests were received at the parsonage, where Rev. Hyden and family had prepared supper. It was an occasion of rare interest and enjoyment, adding another green spot to the many already strewn along the pathway of this itinerant and his family. Supper over, there was a general social. The guests were dismissed with prayer and benediction by the pastor, leaving substantial tokens of appreciation and good will. Among the presents were a New Home sewing machine, a china tea set, a chamber set, and many other valuable gifts. Letters of congratulations were received from Burlington, Cherryvale, Independence, Baldwin City, and Winfield, the value of which cannot be computed in dollars and cents, for a minister, after he has done all he can to make the people better and happier, to know that he and family are held in tender remembrance by them, constitutes a large part of the earthly rewards.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The week of prayer is being observed at the different churches of the city.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

E. Fibbs and Charley Guyer read Vennor's signs in Udall last week.

After two weeks vacation Miss Beach wields the rod at the Centennial schoolhouse.

Mrs. S. A. Beach entertained her brother, Dr. Grimes, of Arkansas City, last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Mace Kenear, of this place, visited in Pleasant Valley last week.

A box of cigars is offered as a reward for the capture and conviction of "Young Nasby."

James Wright has moved into the house lately vacated by Mr. Ryner. Jim is ready for a house warmer now.

Another "all join hands and circle to the left" was held at the home of Mr. McDonald on Wednesday night of last week.

A protracted effort will begin at the Pleasant Valley M. E. Church next Saturday night. Give the young minister a good hearing.

We do not object to "Nepture" treating our future remarks with silent contempt, but it will be sickly for him, should he undertake to treat "Young Nasby" with contempt.

Two of our Beaver Center young ladies stole a march on us last week while we were out hunting and left our overcoat in the house in which they found and read Nasby's items.

Mr. and Mrs. Cal Snyder furnished music for quite a number of our young friends on Wednesday night of last week. The evening was enjoyed by all and we think that Mr. Snyder's is a good place to spend the evening.

The latest discovery is a sure cure for genieveve fits, and all suffering humanity of the same should avail themselves of the golden opportunity of obtaining instant relief by committing Fannie Newell, Lillie Williams, or C. S. Byers, before their departure for other fields of labor. Come! Do not delay. No cure no pay.

[Note: Do not understand the word "genieveve" that was used. MAW]
The long expected marriage of Mr. John Berry, of Arkansas City, to Miss Kate Beach, of Beaver township, took place at the home of the bride on Jan. 1st 1885, Rev. Harris officiating. May their future be as bright before them, as the day they were made one, and if marrying is a lottery, Mr. Berry has surely won a prize.

A spelling school was held at the Victor schoolhouse last Friday night. Miss Jennie Watt proved herself to be the champion speller and Miss Lola Victor the champion arithmetician. A good and profitable time was reported by all, and we have the promise of another spelling school at the above named schoolhouse in the future.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Happy New Year.

Cold! Colder!! Coldest!!!

Thermometer seven below.

Corn thirty cents per bushel.

Mr. Kendall's baby is very sick.

Mr. Johnson, of North Cedar, is quite sick.

George Horner, Jr., has returned home from Manhattan.

Farmers indefinitely postponed corn husking about Dec. 10th.

Mr. Joseph Phelps is about to sell his farm to N. F. Lynch, of Cedarvale.

Now is a good time to put up a supply of ice for the coming hot weather.

Mr. Symmons' boy is getting able to go about once more. He had a very close call.

Uncle John Kennedy and his son, Jim, are digging a basement for Mr. Symmons.

Aley Bros. have at last got a United States patent for the N. Belveal land, so long under dispute.

Two new school districts are being organized, one north and one west of district 63. Old districts are too large.

Mr. Guthrie and family recently made a visit to see a sick relative at Oswego.

Many in this neighborhood are cutting hedge and using the largest for fuel.

Mr. Courtright is wintering his cattle mostly on stalk fields and thinks them excellent feed and very cheap.

Andrew Kennedy has moved his claim building on to his old place and now with the two buildings has an abundance of room.

Mr. McGinty, who has been sorely afflicted with neuralgia, has quite recovered and is buying up calves for Mr. King, of Cedarvale. He tells me he has bought 17 head at an average cost of ten dollars.

Jim Kennedy's horse died very suddenly and, upon examination, the stomach was found to contain about ½ gallon of meat (something they had never fed it)--very green colored. Horse is supposed to have been poisoned.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Still the cold weather keeps to the front.

The Literary has gone where the woodbine twineth, since cold weather.

The spelling school fever seems to be contagious, for it is all the rage here at present.

School at Prairie Ridge is progressing finely under the management of Miss Lizzie Lawson.

The young folks had a social hop at Mr. A. P. Cochran's last Friday, and all report a good time.

Mr. Geo. Fry and A. Hoel have been hauling wheat in Winfield the past week and they say wheat is on the raise.

The Haney boys have quit drilling on account of bad weather and a broken drill; they broke eye-loops off of their drill.

The social at Mrs. McKee's was poorly attended on account of the bad weather. All that were there enjoyed themselves, in spite of the cold.

Newton Hall and wife are spending their holidays at Newt's old home in Illinois, ut are expected home soon. We will all be glad to have Newt with us again.

Link Caster and his young bride are with us again, and expect to stay in this part the rest of the winter; and then he will continue his work of selling maps and charts in the west part of the state.

Dame Rumor says that certain parties in the southwest part of Sheridan Township are about to commit the great deed of matrimony. Come, boys, get your guns and cow-bells ready for a grand jubilee.

Not many weeks ago a young man from Winfield, who is very intimate with our school "mam," stayed rather late (we didn't say where he stayed) and being rather sleepy got lost and when he found himself, his horses were eating hay from a neighbor's hay stack. Then he tried it again, and found himself at Mr. Halls, who told him to take the road just north for the peach orchard, but he went to the apple orchard instead, in fact, I don't believe he knew either one from a corn field. Come "set 'em up," and we will not give you away, it makes us shiver to think what a cold night it was.

[UDALL. "O"]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Wm. B. Norman and J. T. Dale made Winfield a flying visit on Tuesday.

Webb Thompson and his sister, Clara, returned to Emporia to school on the 3d inst.

The three Miss Martin's, Anna, Kate, and Maggie, visited Mulvane on Saturday.

The City Council are wrestling with the subject of a cooler to keep their criminals in.

Smith & Hildebrand are doing a rushing, driving business, that is when they are carrying hogs.

Lovell Webb, one of Winfield's rising attorney's, paid our city a visit last week on legal business.

Lew Roberts is here getting the sheller at Steele & Co. elevator in running order, they commence shelling on the 6th.

The editor of the Sentinel has at last struck a job tying up soiled fingers for the newsboy on the train, but don't ask about it.

J. P. Voorhies is here to try and help the farmers, loaning money at 3 percent. Pem has the stuff for all that can furnish security.

Jas. Napier has a wonderful trotter, pacer, or some other kind of a flyer in the shape of horse flesh that exceeds anything heretofore brought to our city.

The G. A. R. dance at Akers Hall on New Years night was a success in all particulars; it could not be otherwise with Jake Boyles as manager.

Our merchants and businessmen generally are paying their occupation tax quite promptly, and our City Treasurer has been compelled to build more vault room.

Some talk of another grain buyer here. We certainly need another. There are at least 4 or 5 loads of grain coming here every week and only four buyers here. The fifth ought to do well.

Our Young man of "ability" is all broke up since the departure of a certain fair and gushing "Juliet," but cheer up "Ability," remember the old adage, "a faint heart ne'er won fair lady."

There is considerable talk of establishing another newspaper here. The report is that Will Higgins, ye editor of the Sentinel, has suddenly become enormously rich by publishing the ordinances of the city. How is it, Will, please explain?

Constable Jim Casey created considerable excitement among the boys on Monday by tapping them gently on the shoulder, calling them to one side, and reading subpoenas to them on a whiskey suit. Verily the way of the transgressor is hard, in Cowley County at least.

A Good sister of the Baptist persuasion seems to have lost sight of the sweet spirit of charity as promulgated by our Savior. Judging from the remarks she made to Bro. Burgess, relating to a Masonic funeral that was preached here a few weeks ago. Bro. Burgess was requested by one who had charge of the funeral on that day to preach a "Masonic Funeral" sermon and he did so, to the entire satisfaction of all Masons. Had the deceased been a member of any church and the minister of their choice should have seen fit to have consigned his soul to the lowest pit of Hell, Masons certainly could find no fault with the verdict, and why any person outside of the order should object because we do not send our members to the same Post is a mystery we do not understand. Masonic religion does not consist in abusing or vilifying anyone. We object to the opinion of no one; it is one of the fundamental principles of our Order to respect the opinion of others and we ask the same concession of others.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Gus Cronk's grist mill is materializing.

The material is on the ground for the construction of our stockyards.

Miss Gence Holland received a handsome present of a gold watch and chain.

Will and Dick Holtby now measure time with watches presented by Kriss Kringle.

Bartlett's new scales have arrived and will be "set up" as soon as ground can be broken.

The Grange store company have purchased one acre of ground of Lewis Brown near the depot for one hundred dollars.

The ground is frozen sixteen inches deep. We become cognizant of this fact while being engaged in throwing out an underground water pipe.

After two weeks recreation, Miss Clara Beach will take up the spankers and start the "Centennial wax works" in Dist. No. 4, Monday.

Mr. Sherman Albert, traveling agent for the Marcy Organ Company, of St. Joe, Mo., spent the holidays at home. He kept an eye to business, however, and disposed of an organ to Mrs. Cal. Snyder.

"Mark" is sincerely thankful to Santa for a beautiful scarf, nine feet in length, a pair of pretty wristlets, and an elegant mustache cup and saucer. Also a diary and gazetteer, pop corn, and candy ad infinitum.

Permit Mark to whisper to "Young Nasby" that a correspondent from South Bend in the Arkansas City Republican is saying dreadfully and awfully naughty things about him. Y. N., don't cuff your friend while you have "foemen worthy of your steel."

Spelling school on last Friday night at Victor schoolhouse. "Young Nasby" was the last one chosen as usual. The teacher spelled and did not "go down" on the first word, which is an exception to the general rule. Jennie Watt and Hon. Harbaugh were the champions. Ed. Garret played dictator.

What a blessing it would be to suffering humanity if the cost craze would strike the grocery fellows and coal dealers, our opulent millers, sleek butchers and hotel nabobs. Especially do we wish that the coal men had gone to school long enough to learn that it takes twenty hundred pounds to make a ton.

The debut of the Republican party was made in the state of New York in 1855, by the nomination of Preston King for secretary of state. Its national organization dated from a convention at Pittsburgh the following year. Would it be a coincidence if New York has succeeded in witnessing the demise of the G. O. P. The birth of the party and the writer was a happy coincidence.

New Years day the shackles of wedlock were quietly cemented on Miss Katie Beach and Thomas Berry. The affair was so quiet that the next door neighbor did not learn of it for two days afterwards. The writer had hoped that Katie would wait till that barn was finished. But fate seems to be against him. This startling episode so unnerved him that he has about given up to despair. Rev. Lundy, of Arkansas City, officiated. Bon voyage, Kate.

A few days ago ye reporter chanced to discover an old copy of the North American Review while sauntering through the tenantless rooms of a deserted house. The following excerpt was penciled as a frontispiece: "Dam your latin eyes. It always disgusts me to see good English spoiled by expressions from a foreign tongue. One language is quite enough for an ordinary mortal." Hit him again, Doff, poke him in the ribs and punch his eyes out--crucify him!

"Young Nasby's" weaknesses appear to be growing on him. He is now developing another failing, viz: (and mildly) prevarication. After heralding through the COURIER the assertion that he would be present at the M. E. Church Christmas, he stealthily slunk off to a neighbors and manufactured "taffy." Besides disappoint a large audience who were eager to court his acquaintance, he had the unblushing audacity to credit "Nepture" with the present he received. In addition to his other eccentricities, Y. N.'s prophetic propensities seem to be struggling for domination. Your prophecies relative to the widow and orphans, Y. N., is, if possible, more unreliable than the recently deceased Vennor's weather prognostications. If the deceased were alive, I should apologize to him for this comparison.

As an extra pressure of business prevented me from reporting the Christmas festivities that transpired in this community last week, it may not yet be too late to briefly state that the trees at the Victor schoolhouse, Mrs. Davis Brown's residence, and M. E. Church were all a decided success. The performances of Santa Claus at the church were particularly attractive and interesting. The spacious building was densely packed with anxious humanity. Many persons were present from a radius of several miles. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. Lundy, presiding pastor, followed with a brief but entertaining talk on a subject in harmony with the occasion. The months were represented and their several advantages strongly advocated by twelve charming young damsels. Old Santa amused the little ones by his unique costume, comicalities and eccentricities. The tree was placed on the rostrum and its resplendent beauty was advantageously displayed. It was a large and handsome evergreen especially ordered for the occasion from a nursery in the northern part of the state. Its graceful boughs were profusely and artistically ornamented with all imaginable kinds of articles to the number of three hundred. Many articles, too heavy for suspension, were placed beneath the tree. Everyone present seemed to receive a token of remembrance. Quite a few costly presents were distributed. C. W. Roseberry, superintendent of the Sabbath School, was presented with a silver chalice by his scholars. Rev. Lundy was the recipient of a dray load of the substantial necessities of life in the shape of flour, canned fruit, meat, and potatoes. The exercises were interspersed with appropriate and choice selections of vocal and instrumental music. The best of decorum was preserved throughout the performance and all dispersed for their homes well pleased with their reception of Santa Claus.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Our Torrance correspondent, though usually very terce and correct, seems to have made an unintentional misstatement a few weeks ago in reporting that Rev. Warren failed to put in an appearance at one of his regular appointments to preach at that place. The following explanation from a Torranceite relieves the Reverend.

"Rev. Warren arrived in Torrance in due time and called at the house of one of his members to await the building of the fires and the ringing of the bell, which was not until twelve o'clock, when it was too late for him to preach, provided there had been a congregation, but there was none; only two gentlemen being present beside the sexton. It is true that the people here have several times been disappointed, but I will say in behalf of Rev. Warren that in no instance where he has failed to "put in an appearance" has he not beforehand notified the stewards that he could not be with us, or tried to procure a substitute. He has labored under a great many discouragements since he has been on the work and is deserving of much praise in the patient manner in which he has served the faithful few who have stood by him thro' it all. I can truthfully say that it is the fault of the citizens here and not the minister; and I can safely say that in no case where anyone has listened to his preaching that they have gone away feeling that they were not well paid for having gone. I don't suppose there is another place in the state where denomination prejudice runs higher than in this little burg, and so much more noticeable because it is a small place. Of course, there are a few professing Christians that will go to hear all; but there are a much larger number who positively will not go or hear any but their own. Therefore, I hope the public will not attach any unmerited blame on Bro. Warren. TORRANCEITE.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Ugh! How the cold weather hangs on!

Dr. Rising has again invested this neighborhood, his victims this time were Wm. Tricklet and Miss Elizabeth Herrod, the affair occurred on New Year's day. Still they go and the new crops come on. Mose has lost a daughter but has got triplets.

The literary at Victor Point is quite an institution and may be heard from in the future. Every neighborhood should maintain a first class literary. The good influence exerted over a community by such societies cannot be over estimated; both old and young should engage in them.

It was not cold enough on New Year's night to prevent our Amateur Theatrical Company from giving us a capital entertainment, consisting in part of comedy characters, tableaux, and songs. Miss Georgia Davis is supported by her sisters, Edna and Sadie, and Mrs. Hamilton was hard to beat. Dr. Griffin, as a French County, simply beats the French. Elliot was a most disconsolate lover. Mrs. Griffith and Coleman as Irish servants were simply immense. Miss Josie Bard, of Winfield, presided at the organ and gave us some elegant music and song. Come again, Miss Josie. Mr. Gray and Mrs. Griffin and the Dr. rendered some very difficult music in a style that would do credit to professionals. Miss Georgia Davis read Longfellow's Jamie, holding the house entranced. The Tableaux of the three Graces, Miss Dillon, supported by Corie Gay and Estella Boatman, was pretty enough to craze the average bachelor. Miss Hattie Young recited "Kentucky Bell" by Constant Woolson, eliciting great applause from the audience. The comedy of the "California Uncle" caused uproarious mirth. Mattie Young, Estella Fluke, and Mamie Young as Mrs. Lawrence and her two marriageable daughters, appeared as much at home as in their own parlors. C. P. Murphy as the rich uncle in disguise, brought down the house and held it down. F. P. Vaughn personated Col. Graham to perfection. R. D. Fluke as the Duke was just "to utterly too-too." Willis Young as Post boy, played his part well. Too much praise cannot b e awarded to the young folks for this their first effort in this line. The object was to raise funds for the Presbyterian minister; although the weather was cold, a fair house was had. An effort is being made to have it repeated. The urbane manager, Mr. Henry Huff, was equal to the occasion. Long may he wave.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. C. Mann are off on a visit.

Mr. R. P. Burt is quite sick, also Mr. N. Hanlin.

Mr. Thompson of the Akron store is very sick.

Mrs. Wimer has been very sick, but is recovering slowly.

Mr. Savage wends his way south, quite often. Wonder why?

The many friends of Mr. Wimer and his daughter, Miss Jane, were happy to see their smiling faces among the congregation last Sabbath.

There was a dinner given at the W. V. Presbyterian church on Christmas for the Sunday school. All appeared to enjoy themselves.

Mr. Earnest Wilson, of this place, and Carrie Maxwell, of Arkansas City, were married on New Year's Day. Both are splendid young people and promise a life of happiness and prosperity.

A series of meetings was to have commenced last Sunday at the Walnut Valley Presbyterian church, conducted by the Rev. C. P. Graham, but owing to bad weather was postponed till the next Sunday.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Hunters are exterminating quail at a great rate.

J. A. Stuller has returned from El Paso, Texas.

Charles McClung is visiting his brother, Kyle, of this place.

The dance at Grange Hall Christmas eve was a pleasant affair.

A number of young folks enjoyed themselves at an evening social at Mr. Morton's residence a few evenings since.

Cot Bryant and Chas. Bell are "batching." Cot says, "I won't be Cot batching next year," so I predict that he will go out west to grow up with the country.

Miss Ella Broadwell, who has been visiting her brother, Lon, of this place, will go to Topeka soon. Lon will probably accompany her as far as there, and then proceed on his Salt River journey.

Since my last to the COURIER, I have seen the "elephant." I have glided gently across America's surface and caused many footprints to exist in the sand thereof. I sailed from San Francisco to Liverpool, and there, across the great deep, I beheld those people who "blast" their "h'own bleedin' h'eyes." I do not sigh to be a "gallant sailor lad." He is not the same boy at sea that he is in books. In the book he is brave and gallant at sea, covered with tar and grease, and blessed with a splendid appetite for other pursuits than sailing.

Doings of the City "Dads."
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

The City Fathers held their regular semi-monthly commune Monday evening last. Dray license petition of G. H. Klaus et al was tabled. Petition of J. Wade McDonald et al for sidewalk on west side of block 100 was referred to proper committee. A. H. Doane & Co. were given permission to move their scales from 9th Avenue to Manning Street. Petition relating to numbering the houses of the city was referred to the Committee on streets and alleys. Same committee was given further time to report on petition to widen the sidewalk on 9th Avenue on north side of block 129. The city treasurer was ordered to transfer to the general city fund all money left from the judgment fund after paying the city's proportion of the W. P. Carpenter judgment vs. C. C. Pierce et al. Hill of Winfield Water Company, hydrant rented to Jan. 15, 1885, and exchange was continued to next meeting. The following bills were allowed and ordered paid: J. H. Rice and Son, justice docket and eight registration books, $28.00; J. N. Harter, supplies for fire department, $4.00; Q. A. Glass, et al, $3.50; City officers' salaries and expense for Dec. 1884, $130.63; J. C. Fuller, rent Council room from Oct. 1, 1884, to April 1st, 1885, $60.00; J. C. McMullen, rent fire department building for December 1884, $25.00. Bills of Black & Rembaugh, printing, $34.00, and Winfield Gas Company, lamppost rental to Jan. 1885 $852.15, were referred to finance committee. Bill of Gas Company, $17.40, for gas furnished fire dept. building, was rejected. Following pauper claims were recommended to County Commissioners for payment: Holmes & Son, coal, $18.50; Rinker and Cochran groceries, $20.00; McGuire Bros. ditto, $31.00; J. W. Johnson, coffin, $10.00; J. N. Harter, medicines, $32.00; Mrs. H. H. Horner, Midwife services, $10.00; J. S. Rothrock, board, $2.00; L. L. Beck, R. R. fair, $12.00; Geo. Emerson Medical attendance $151.00.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 8, 1885.

Krout fresh and good at Wallis & Wallis'.

Pickles in bulk and in bottles at Wallis & Wallis'.

Choice mince meats, 2½ cts. Per pound at Wallis & Wallis'.

Pure buckwheat flour and maple syrup at Wallis & Wallis'.

A full assortment of dried fruits at bottom prices at Wallis & Wallis'.

The best California canned goods, ring marse brand at low price at Wallis & Wallis'.

I will take 200 head of cattle to feed till grass, at $1.00 per month a head. T. S. Green, Akron, Kas.

Vases, vases, vases by the hundred and at prices that will defy competition, must be sold at Wallis & Wallis'.

STOCK OF HARDWARE FOR TRADE for farm or city property. For particulars enquire at the COURIER office.

FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT. The Winfield Roller Mills are now giving 35% of Homo Flour and 10% of Bran per bushel for good wheat.

LOST. A six-tined fork, on 11th Avenue, between my place and that of Mrs. Pierson, last week. Finder will be rewarded on delivery. J. W. Manning.

We propose to do the best work for the price of anyone in our line. Bring us your buggies, carriages, and spring wagons for repairs. Albro & Bishop.

Call and price our immense stock of library and hand lamps. The very latest patterns. None like them in the city, and at prices to suit the hard times, at Wallis & Wallis'.

[Believe all the above items were given in issue before this. MAW]
The Democratic papers are now publishing the correct form of an application for office. It is a matter that interests every Democrat in the land.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

It appears that the hold which the Independents imagined they had upon Cleveland was only a tail-hold, and the tail clean shaved and copiously greased.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

It is now said that the sale of Mr. Blaine's book is exceeding all expectations, orders for 500,000 copies of the first volume having been filed with the publishers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A seventy year-old Schuyler county farmer has become the father of a ten pound boy. One by one the benefits of a change in the administration are making themselves felt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

An Italian woman in New York celebrated the day before Christmas by eating a porous plaster which had been prescribed for her arm. She didn't know any other way to take it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Connecticut legislature which assembled last week will have the privilege of selecting an entire ticket of State officers, as nobody received a clear majority at the election in November.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Over two thousand democrats in the state of Kansas confidently expect a Federal appointment. The Civil Service Reform predilections of the coming President auger badly in their hopes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Henry Ward Beecher's week day prayer meeting appears to weaken. He said at the last one that he would be glad if he could secure a pledge from his deacons that they would attend the meeting once a year.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Secretary Teller says the Indians have the right to secure compensation for pasturing stock on their reservations, and that now that they are doing so freely they are receiving $50 for every dollar received under the old system.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The report that Governor Cleveland deferred his resignation until after the day set apart by the Adventists as the end of the world, in order that he might be "at his desk" when the call came, is indignantly denied by the governor's admirers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

President Arthur and President-elect Cleveland have accepted invitations to attend the charity ball in Baltimore if public business will permit. The prospect of either of the distinguished gentlemen find that public business will permit is very slight indeed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The signal officer on the Summit of Pike's Peak says the highest velocity of the wind ever recorded there was 110 miles per hour, when the instrument broke and cordwood began flying down the mountain. The guide adds that seventy-five miles per hour would lift a mule out of the trail.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Henry Watterson, the devotee of the star-eyed goddess of tariff reform, calls S. J. Randall the "hog iron statesman," and the Atlanta Constitution styles Watterson the star-eyed ass of the prairies." So honor is about even between the tariff and free-trade wings of the democratic party.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

An item is going the rounds of the press stating that Calhoun County, Illinois, has not a mile of railroad, nor a telegraph office, nor a bank within its limits. By reference to the election table we find that Calhoun County casts usually about 1,500 votes, two-thirds of which are Democratic. The fact is "old Calhoun," although in Illinois, is in the state of barbarism.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

BEN: PERLEY POORE, the veteran Washington correspondent, explains the reason why he uses a colon instead of a period after the abbreviation of his name. He says Washington and Franklin always used the colon. We had a different idea of it. A colon is always placed after the words to wit: and we supposed he used it because he thought it was wit. But it was Poore wit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Sunday week was the time set for the end of the world. But she still wags. There was to have been no mistake, this time. The engineer showed where others had made their errors, and why there could be no mistake in his figures. Yet the very next crank who fixes the time for the wind-up, and gives an array of figures and quotations from the prophecies to prove his assertion, will find thousands of dupes who will believe him, and who will get angry with anyone who makes light of it. The end of the world will come to us all too soon. We shall sleep a long, long time before the real call comes. And when it does finally come, who can say whether it will be harder on the living or dead? If the dead are to be hustled out of their beds, to take part in the final scene, let us hope that it will not hurt much.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

It is estimated that the American people annually lay out $900,000,000 for liquors while they pay for bread but $595,000,000; for meat $303,000,000, iron and steel $290,000,000; woolen goods $237,000,000; sawed lumber $233,000,000; cotton goods $210,000,000; boots and shoes $196,000,000; sugar and molasses $155,000,000; public education $85,000,000. Thus it will be seen that the people of our country pay out more money every year for liquors than they do for bread and meat combined; also more than they do for all their clothing, boots and shoes, and public education. When it will be remembered that at least two thirds of the amount thus squandered on drink is spent by the laboring classes of our country, whose families need every dollar they earn, who will pretend to say that a national prohibition law would not work wonders in their behalf?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The business record of the year 1884 shows a larger number of failures than ever occurred in any previous year. Yet, when comparing the records with that of 1878, it is not so bad after all, though the number of failures is much greater. In 1878 there were 10,300 failures with liabilities of $234,000,000 to 46,000,000 inhabitants, who grew 2,301,000,000 bushels of grains and 4,773,865 bales of cotton to an area of cultivated land of 112,000,000 acres, and mining only 17,005,000 tons of anthracite and making 2,300,000 tons of pig iron, while last year we had 11,000 failures to a population of 57,000,000 and a production of 2,970,000 bushels of grains and 5,418,000 bales of cotton on an area of 151,380,000 acres, mining 26,908,418 tons of anthracite and manufacturing twice as much pig iron. If the number of failures had increased proportionately with the population and resources, then there might be graver fears of the future. But we think that times will revive after the fourth of March and the business interests revive early this year. Already all lines of trade and manufacturing interests are showing a better and easier feeling. With the conservative policy which it now seems will be adopted by Mr. Cleveland, there is every probability that the reaction will set in early and all interests soon gain their wanted activity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

An Executive Mansion is among Topeka's recent wants.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Small pox is reported among the colored people in North Topeka.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Kansas has 999 postmasters who receive less than $10 per annum.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The January term of the Supreme Court commenced last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Topeka City Council makes an allowance to the Public Library of $208.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The loss in Sheridan Co. through prairie fire is estimated by the Sentinel at $30,000.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Counterfeiters are getting in their word around El Dorado. The pieces are $20 gold coins.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Ashland Clipper says the wolves are digging into the graves at their grave yard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

According to City Engineer Nelles, Leavenworth is full of impure and dangerous wells.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Anthony and Harper are still contending for the honor of being the county seat of Harper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Cowboy band of Dodge City is talking of going to New Orleans to the World Exposition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

There are seven denominational colleges in Kansas, representing as many leading denominations.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Boomer, a new paper devoted to the settlement of Oklahoma, will shortly be started at Coffeyville.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Governor Martin will not remove his family to Topeka during his administration of the affairs of the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. I. C. Johnson, of Silver Lake township, Shawnee County, has a chrysanthemum which had 405 blossoms and buds.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Dodge City has had no rain for three months and is beginning to complain about it. Let them have water by all means.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Topeka will light up the electric lamp on the tower during the sitting of the legislature. It costs $4.00 per night to do it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Stockton Record is authority for the statement that more women are needed up in Graham County to civilize the old bachelors.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The broomcorn shipped from Lindsborg the past fall is estimated to have realized to the producers over two hundred thousand dollars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A Salina doctor, in an advertisement, speaks of "the immensity of my practice." He ought to be shot in the neck with the code of ethics.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

In Topeka, Dr. Pill advertises: "Yesterday I treated three patients Dr. Purge couldn't cure." The code of ethics seems to have got lost in the scuffle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Jerry Bigler, of Butler County, thought he would not wait for the Adventist crowd on the 4th, so he cut his throat and went on ahead, probably to get a front seat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

John Sherman, of Eureka, was sent to jail by Judge Graves for refusing to testify before the grand jury. He said he had promised not to tell, and therefore went to jail.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Gen. C. W. Blair was appointed by Gov. Glick to act as Field Marshal for Kansas at the unveiling of the Washington Monument, in Washington, D. C., February 22d.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Harvey County Bank, at Newton, suspended last week, but soon resumed. Bad faith on the part of the eastern correspondent is said to be the cause of its embarrassment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

While the number of horses in Kansas has increased 100 percent in the last ten years, in the same time the number of cattle has increased 250 percent, and mules 309 percent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Capt. E. Hensley, one of the oldest of Leavenworth's citizens, passed away last week. He had been an active businessman of that city since 1857, until about two years ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A young lady in Parsons served a written notice on a young gentleman, who claimed the first-place in her affections, that after the 1st he must either quit whiskey or quit her.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.


Twenty two merchants at Solomon City signed an agreement and gave notice to the public that on and after Jan. 1, 1885, they would close their books against the credit system.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Lawrence Journal says seven of the oldest conductors on the Southern Kansas railway were relieved of their positions. They were getting rich at the expense of the company.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

According to observations taken at the State University, the entire rainfall for the year 1884 has been 43.70 inches, which is 6.65 inches above the annual average for the preceding 16 years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A wreck on the Frisco road near Severy last week severely injured thirteen people. Mail agent A. J. Paul, of Augusta, was one of the wounded. The mail car and all the mail was burned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A broken rail threw a freight train from the track at Netawaka on the Central Branch Christmas morning, killing J. P. Stewart, of Odell, Kansas, and severely injuring the conductor, James Kelly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The trial of Samuel Lappin, the defaulting State Treasurer of years gone by, had his trial in the Shawnee Court postponed in April. He is under bond and living at his old home in Seneca, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A few evenings ago at a public Masonic installation in Elk Falls, a veritable "goat" entered the hall and participated in the services, enlightening the uninitiated in the mystery of the "Ancient Order."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The aggregate mileage of railroad in the State is: Main track, 4,020 miles; side-track, 466 miles. Value of railroad property in the State, $28,455,907.86, or about one-sixth of the total property valuation of the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

From all accounts Topeka will be a lively city for the next four weeks. The inaugural ceremonies of last Monday, when bourbonism bid adieu to the State Halls of Kansas, attracted thousands from all portions of the state.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Says the Girard Press: Joseph Lukens presented us with a nicely developed apple of the Maiden Blush variety, which he claims was the third crop of the season, the trees having actually borne and matured three crops of apples.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Judge N. T. Stephens, of Lawrence, died on the 29th inst. of cerebral hemorrhage, after several weeks sickness. He has been Judge of the Fourth Judicial District since 1876, and was regarded as one of the ablest Judges in the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.


Dr. Wilson Hobbs, Knightstown, Ind., has sent to the State Historical Society his "Personal Recollections of My Residence at Friends' Establishment Among the Shawnee Indians in Kansas Territory from November 1850 to November 1852."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Methodists have a movement on foot for establishing a great university at Topeka. A lady in Topeka has subscribed $30,000, a gentleman the same amount, and $40,000 will be raised by other Topeka Methodists. In addition to all this, a wealthy gentleman has agreed to give $300,000--on condition that he shall have the privilege of giving it a name. A university of this "financial caliber" would overshadow all other institutions in the State.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Saloon men at Emporia have been having a hard time of it during the past few days. Five of them were fined from $1,000 to $2,000 each, and fifteen others condemned to fifteen days in the county jail and to pay a fine of from $1,500 to $3,000 each.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Considerable excitement has been caused at Harper by the posting of bills by the vigilantes notifying certain gamblers and saloon men to quit the county in twenty-four hours. Should these threats be backed up, an exciting time may be expected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Rev. Mr. Hill, of Clay Centre, the other day, in that city, took a position upon an empty beer keg, the beer keg in a wagon, and rode through the streets perched thereon. A bystander offered to donate fifty cents to the church if he would do so, and the Reverend gentleman did it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The board of county commissioners of Elk County gave out that Elk would pay a bounty of five cents on each rabbit scalp, and now scalps are being shipped in from all the neighboring counties. Of course, these commissioners think this an imposition, but to save their necks they cannot tell Elk County rabbit scalps from those of any other county.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A double wedding occurred a few days ago at the home of Mr. A. Pontius in Lawrence. Fred Richardson and Miss Callie Pontius and Herman Richardson and Miss Ina Pontius, two brothers and two sisters, were united in marriage, Rev. J. H. Bonebrake officiating. The wedding was especially interesting because of the peculiar relationship.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Comanche County has several new towns of surprising growth. Nescutunga is six months old, and has about three hundred inhabitants. Arilla, ten miles south of Coldwater, has twenty or thirty houses, and does a thriving business with cowboys from the Territory. Protection is six miles west of Coldwater. It is a bran new town, only four weeks old, and has ten or twelve houses.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The State has an area of 81,318 square miles, with a total population of 1,135,614. The average population per square mile is 13.87. The total assessed valuation of property is $236,020,391.25; total tax levy for all purposes in 1884, $7,288,227.32, or an average of $8.85 on each $100. At the close of business on December 31st, there was a balance in the State Treasury of $308,343.65.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

N. B. Perry, formerly city editor of the Leavenworth Times, has become insane, and is now confined in the Leavenworth jail. The poor fellow's illusion is that someone is trying to get at him to kill him, and he is in constant dread of assassination. He has been ill for some months, and his reason has been dethroned. His eyes are wild and starring, and he looks haggard and worn. As yet he is not violent, and will hurt no one unless he thinks harm is meant toward him. Perry is a member of the Knights of Pythias, who will see while he remains in confinement that Mrs. Perry does not lack for anything.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

We see by our exchanges that a great many cattle are dying in different parts of the State from eating too much dry feed in stalk fields. Nearly every paper containing a notice of this kind, also contains a receipt or two from "some experienced stock man," telling how to prevent cattle from dying from eating dry feed, but the best one we have heard of, although it may be as old as the hills, was given to us by John McManis, of this place, the other day, and is simply this: "Sow rye in the stalk fields in the fall, so cattle can have something green to eat to work off the dry stalks." A few bushels of rye used in this way may be the means of saving several dollars worth of cattle and afford them an abundance of feed in the spring after the stalks have been exhausted. Lenora Leader.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Interstate Commerce.
[Note: It appears that article started before data printed in paper. MAW]
Consideration of the interstate commerce bill was then resumed. Mr. Bayard expressed the hope that consideration of the bill in the Senate would be carried no further for the present as the question embraced in the bill was under consideration in the House with the probability of an early decision on it by that body, besides there were questions far greater in importance involved in the measure. Mr. Bayard, for his own part, wished for a longer time for deliberation and for more information on the subject. He did not seek to restrict the power of Congress to regulate interstate commerce, but all men know that the railroads were working under State charters and however plain may be the right or power of Congress to regulate commerce between the States, it was certain that Congress had never hitherto exercised it. He could not help but feel there had never been so much power committed to any five men on earth as it was proposed by this bill to commit to five commissioners. They were to form a sort of superior board in the direction of all transportation companies of thirty eight States and several territories. The internal commerce of the United States was at least ten times as great as the foreign commerce and such a proposition as was embodied in the pending bill, if proposed to be applied to foreign commerce, would scarcely receive respectful attention.

Mr. Ingalls was surprised at the position taken by Mr. Bayard that the Senate should not consider a subject contemporaneously with its consideration by the House. When the House has any topic in hand, the Senate would have either to take up some other topic or go into executive session. There was no subject of greater importance to the people of the United States than that of transportation and with only a two months' session remaining, we are advised to await the result of the deliberations of the House. "We may as well deal plain with this subject," continued Mr. Ingalls. "The Senate of the United States, (I use plain language) is suspected by the people of this country with a desire not to do anything on this subject. I do not need to appeal to the consciousness of any Senator, I need not appeal to current strains of observation inside in the public press, when I say that the Senate of the United States is not an object of public adulation at this moment in this country. I regretted to hear the Senator from Delaware (Bayard), supposed to be the leader of the new public opinion under the new regime of reform in the days that are to come, gravely recommending the Senate of the United States purse the 'do-nothing' policy that has characterized Congress on this subject for ten years." Mr. Ingalls added that he would as strongly resist injustice to the railroads as he would resist injustice to the settler in the remotest "dug out" upon the western frontier. The railroads were creatures of the law and should have the protection of the law, but it would not be denied there existed in the country a conviction in which he profoundly shared that the railroads had made actions that rendered it necessary to subject them to limitation and control. The subject was too important to allow of Rip Van Winkle activity. He (Ingalls) did not know but that the time was approaching when an active coalition of several forces in the country would be required in order to prevent destructive organic changes in our system of government. The people demanded these subjects should be discussed and a man or a body of men who should attempt to stand in the way of the great injury would be as politically absurd as the man who should attempt to refute the law of gravitation by jumping from the summit of the Washington monument.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Inter-State Commerce bill as it passed the national House of Representatives last Friday is given below. We hope it will pass the senate and become a law. It is not all we could wish but is a good beginning. We fear, however, for its fate in the senate.

Be it enacted, etc., that it shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged alone, or associated with others in the transportation of property by railroad, or by pipe line or lines from one state or territory to or through one or more states or territories of the United States, or from any foreign country, directly or indirectly, to charge or receive from any person or persons, any greater or lesser rate or amount of freight compensation or reward than is by him or them charged to or received from any other person or persons more like from contemporaneous service in carrying, receiving, delivering, storing, or handling the same. All charges for such service shall be reasonable, and any person or persons having purchased a ticket for passage from one state to another or paid the required fare shall receive the same treatment and be afforded equal facilities and accommodations as furnished all other persons holding tickets of the same class without discrimination, but nothing in this act shall be construed to deny to the railroads the right to provide separate accommodation for passengers as they may deem best for the public comfort and safety, or to relate to transportation or relating to points wholly within the limits of the state. Provided that no discrimination is made or made on account of race or color, and that furnishing separate accommodations with equal facilities and equal comforts at the same charges shall not be considered a discrimination, nor shall any railroad company or its officers charge to or receive from any person who is to be conveyed from one state or territory into another, any sum exceeding three cents per mile for the distance to be traveled by such persons, and all persons engaged as aforesaid shall furnish without discrimination the same facilities for carriage, receiving, delivering, storage, or handling property of like character carried by him or them, and shall perform with equal expedition the services connected with the contemporaneous transportation there as aforesaid, no break, stoppage or interruption, nor any contract, agreement or understanding shall be made to prevent the carriage of any property from being treated as one continuous carriage in the meaning of this act, from the place of shipment to the place of destination, unless such stoppage, interruption, contract, arrangement or understanding as made in good faith for some practical and necessary purpose without any intent to avoid or interrupt such continuous carriage or to evade any provisions of this act.

Section 2. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged in transportation of the property aforesaid directly or indirectly to allow any rebate, drawback, or advantage in any form of shipments made or services rendered as aforesaid by him or them.

Section 3. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged in the carriage, receiving, storage, or handling property as mentioned in the first section of this act to enter into any combination or agreement, or change the schedule or carriage in different cars, or by any other means, with intent to prevent the carriage of such property from being continuous from the place of shipment to the place or designation, whether the carriage be over one or several railroads; and it shall be unlawful for any person or persons carrying property as aforesaid, to enter into any contract, agreement, or combination for pooling freight or to pool the freights of different or competing railroads, and to divide between them the aggregate or net proceeds or earnings of such railroads or any portion of them.

Section 4. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons engaged in the transportation of property as provided for in the first section of this act, to charge or receive any greater compensation for similar amounts and kinds of property, for carrying, receiving, storing, forwarding, or handling the same for a shorter than for a longer distance, which includes a shorter or anyone on any one railroad or pipe line and road of a corporation which shall include all roads or whether owned or operated by it under contract or agreement or lease by such corporation.

Section 5. All persons engaged in carrying property as provided in the first section of this act shall adopt and keep posted up schedules which shall plainly state, first, the different kinds and classes of property to be carried; second, the different places between which such property shall be carried; third, the rates of freight and prices of carrying between such places, and all services connected with receiving, delivering, unloading, storing, or handling the same, and accounts for such service shall show what part of the charges are for transportation and what part for loading, unloading, and other terminal facilities. The remainder of the section regulates the manner of changing the schedule and requires copies of all schedules to be filed with the clerk of the United States court of the circuit in which the road operates.

Section 6. Provides that the regulations apply equally to the carriage of property whether the entire passage by one railroad or partly on several roads.

Section 7. Decrees that for the violation of any provisions of this act the offenders shall pay to the person or persons sustaining damage thereby a sum equal to three times the amount of damage sustained, to be recovered in a United States court of competent jurisdiction, and if the court finds the violation was wilful, it will also award the party injured, his counsel fees. The remainder of the section prescribes the method of procedure in the courts and provides that any director of officer or agent of the corporation of company aforesaid may be compelled to appear in court and testify; also that the production of books and papers may be compelled the same as in the case of other witnesses. No action aforesaid shall be sustained unless brought within one year after the cause of the actions shall accrue or within one year after the party complaining shall have come to the knowledge of his right of action. The section also empowers the courts to issue writs of mandamus to compel the movement and transportation in order to prevent any undue discrimination. In cases of urgent necessity, an alternate mandamus may issue returnable forthwith, provided adequate security be given by the complainant. No case brought in competent state courts shall be removed to any United States court.

Section 8. Provides that any director or officer or agent of any company or corporation aforesaid who violates or permits the violation of this act or fails to fulfill its requirements, shall be amendable to a fine not to exceed $2,000.

Section 9. That nothing in this act shall apply to carriage, receiving, storage, handling, or forwarding of property wholly within one state and not shipped from or destined to some foreign country or some other state or territory, nor shall it apply to property carried for the United states at lower rates of freight and charges than for the general public or to transportation of articles, fare, or at reduced rates of freight for charitable purposes, or to or from public fairs and expositions for exhibition.

Section 10. That the words--person or persons--as used in this act, except where otherwise provided, shall be construed and held to mean person or persons, officer or officers, corporations or corporations, company or companies, receiver or receivers, trustee or trustees, lessee or lessees, acting or engaged in any matters or thing mentioned this act.

D. A. Millington, Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The COURIER will do the county publishing all the same.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

In the city of Cleveland, Ohio, there are 12,000 persons dependent upon charity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Will J. Wilson, of this city, was elected Journal Clerk of the Senate without opposition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A Labor riot occurred at South Bend, Ind., Tuesday in which several persons were killed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Ex Vice-President Schuyler Colfax died suddenly at Mankato, Minn., Tuesday morning, from what is supposed to be heart disease.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

According to statistics compiled by the New York Telegram, there have been about nine murders a day in the United States during the year just closing, while executions of murderers have averaged barely two a week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Sam J. Randall's tour through the South has been one series of ovations. The free trade south seems to take considerable stock in the democratic tariff for revenue representative from the North. In the meantime Henry Watterson sulks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The statistician of the Philadelphia Times has evolved the following solution for his theory of probability: "In all these cases where fools elope, it is the woman who is the chief fool. She has everything to lose, and in ninety-nine cases in a hundred she loses."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

President Arthur has an unmarried sister visiting him, who, until quite recently, has taught school; and Miss Cleveland, who has also been a school teacher until her brother's political elevation, is expected to preside at the White House after the 4th of March.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Indians are savages, of course, and civilization of a high grade is to be found in Washington, but Indian Commissioner Price asserts that there is more drunkenness and crime among the 300,000 inhabitants of the Capitol than among the 250,000 unsophisticated red men.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Capt. Nipp returned from Topeka yesterday morning, where he had been investigating the inaugural ceremonies and ball and the organization of the legislature. He reports that all was done in a satisfactory manner and that our Cowley boys at the Capital are all sober and lively.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A Kansas criminal indicted and convicted on three distinct counts, has been sentenced to three years on the first charge, for ten years upon the second, and the rest of his natural life upon the third. It would seem as if the last sentence might cause him to lose interest somewhat in the other two.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

All the members of Congress from Kansas voted for the Reagan inter-state commerce bill in the House which passed recently, a copy of which is published in this paper today. We conclude that in the senate, both of our senators will do likewise. Notice Senator Ingalls' remarks in reply to Bayard, in this paper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A new building material--a mixture of cork, silica, and lime--is coming into extensive use in Germany. It has the advantage of keeping out heat and cold, and is also claimed to be an excellent preventive of damp and a deadener of sound. It is substantial, light, and durable, and seems to be especially adapted for ceiling and wall lining.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Chief Justice Waite, of the United States Supreme Court, has been attended by a woman physician during the recent serious illness from which he is just recovering. Mrs. Dr. Winslow is the family physician of the Waites. A strong pressure was brought to bear on Mrs. Waite to induce her to call in some other physician. As this was on the score of gender and not of ability or experience that lady positively declined.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

After all, it seems that General Grant was about the only one of the well-known men who failed last year, who have seriously suffered. Mr. Villard was not quite hopelessly stranded. Mr. George I. Seney managed to exist comfortably on the property he gave his wife. Mr. Fish still lives in the gorgeous apartments he previously occupied in the Mystic Flats. It is true that Mr. Ferdinand Ward is in jail, but he is in comparative luxury there, and his family are not suffering. General Grant, however, has had to give up everything, and, what must be harder for him to bear than poverty, he has to appear again as a pensioner on his friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The National Republican says: "The price of anthracite coal has long been fixed by monopolies whose control of the output and its marketing has been so complete in every detail that small consumers are forced to pay for each ton at least double the price at which it would be furnished them under a fair system of competition. The Pacific Mail Steamship company has lately contracted for its coal, laid down in New York, at $3 per ton, from the same companies that force dealers to sell to their customers at from $6 to $7 per ton in the Atlantic coast cities." And yet the wages of coal miners are being reduced.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Said one of the patrons of a school not long since, when applying for a teacher: "I wish we could get such a teacher as we had last year; he taught the children hundreds of things they never thought of before, and my boy has pestered me with questions ever since; he will scarcely give me any rest; he tells me everything he has ever heard there, and relates to me all the stories in his reading book, and comments upon everything." He could not have paid a higher compliment to the former teacher. The teacher had succeeded in awakening in the pupil's mind a desire to know. Curiosity, the great incentive to the acquisition of knowledge, was fully aroused.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A series of astronomical observations will soon begin at the naval observatory, to determine with the utmost nicety the latitude of the institution or to speak more exactly, the latitude of a certain telescope which will be used in the process. A naval officer has been detailed to perform the duty, which may require two years for its completion--one year for observations and the other to work up the results mathematically. A similar series of observations will be made by Portuguese astronomers at Lisbon, and ultimately at the National observatories in several other parts of the world. The purpose of these undertakings is to secure a standard by which comparisons may be made ten, twenty, or fifty years hence to determine if in the meantime geological changes which are supposed to be taking place in the interior of the globe have altered the position of its center gravity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

After the oath of office had been administered to Governor John A. Martin by Chief Justice Horton, the following officers were sworn in by the same official: Lieutenant Governor A. P. Riddle, Secretary of State Allen, Auditor McCabe, Treasurer Howe, Attorney General Bradford, and Superintendent of Public Instruction Lawhead.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The County Commissioners awarded the pay for the county printing to the Tribune. We say "the pay," for we suppose they well knew that the COURIER would do all the county advertising as a matter of news to its readers, whether it got pay for it or not, which is a fact. The COURIER will publish the whole matter the same as heretofore.

But we are astonished and indignant at the action of the County Commissioners. We had confidence in them that they would do what was honorable and right, and had no doubt that the COURIER would be awarded the pay as well as the work. Their action in effect says: "The COURIER shall do the advertising and the Tribune shall get the pay for it." It robs the COURIER to help build up its would-be rival. It says in effect that the Tribune, though practically without circulation in the county and without means or prestige, is in need of the help to be able to live, while the COURIER is a strong, thoroughly established paper, having the largest county circulation of any weekly paper in the State--2800, of which 2150 is in the county--the best advertising patronage, and is making money, therefore the COURIER can afford to pay the Tribune several hundred dollars a year, whether it is willing or not, to help put the Tribune on its legs. . . . [Skipped the rest of this article.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Osage City Free Press has had a talk with Mr. Mendenhall, one of a party who went from Osage City to Oklahoma a few weeks ago. Mr. Mendenhall says that the "boomers," as they are called, are camped on the Oklahoma land. They are living in dug-outs, wagons, tents, and huts. Some of them have no tents even. The "headquarters" are very comfortable, and the expenses, of course, are paid by the deluded colonists who pay an average of $10 for membership in a colony, that, at present, can afford them no protection whatever. The "claims" they take are merely child's play and they give no one any precedence whatever. There is nothing to do--no way to earn a living--and unless the claimants could lay down on their claims and lie there until they come into market by the act of congress, these pretended titles are absolutely worth nothing. At present the colonists are menaced by United States troops and will be driven from the lands without the least doubt in the world.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The average yield of corn per acre in Kansas last year was forty-two bushels, the greatest ever know. The nearest approach to the average was in 1878, when every acre planted to corn yielded a little over thirty-seven bushels. The total crop last year amounts to over 190,000,000 bus., an increase of nearly forty million bushels over the big crop of 1882. In round numbers, counting both winter and spring, this state has fifty million bushels of wheat this year, and nearly two hundred million bushels of corn. It looks as though we are going to have an early spring and if so you may look for a heavy immigration and one of the largest crops ever known which will put Kansas to the front.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Augusta Gazette seems to have the butcher business down pretty fine: "A butcher pays $36.00 for a fat cow weighing 1,200 pounds, the carcass will dress 800 pounds, leaving a net cost of 4½ cents a pound for the meat, estimating the hide and tallow will pay for slaughtering. Commencing at the neck, he retails the meat at 7 cents a pound, increasing the price 12½ cents for the best cuts, the average for 750 pounds being 10 cents. For the other 50 pounds--shanks, etc., he will receive $1.50, making his total receipts $76.50 from an outlay of $35.00. An average of two beeves a week gives him a profit of $360.00 a month."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The government treasury begins 1885 with $140,811,926 cash on hand available for its use. As $100,000,000 of this is held by law as a special basis for the redemption of greenback currency, it follows that the actual available surplus is this $40,811,929, and this is not an unreasonable amount. As for other coin in the treasury, $257,790,451 is there to redeem the same amount of gold and silver certificates, and is therefore practically in circulation itself and should not be spoken of as money belonging to the government or surplus of any kind.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

There are now sixteen states with Republican and twenty-two with Democratic governors. Of the latter, however, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and several others have Republican legislatures, giving the Republicans a larger majority in the next than they have in the present senate. If during Mr. Cleveland's term state legislatures change so that a majority of the senate becomes Democratic, then and not before, can the Democratic party claim to be in actual control of the country.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

At the inauguration on Monday after Governor Glick had delivered his retiring speech, he said:

"I now introduce to the people of this commonwealth our Governor, John A. Martin," who was received with a wild outburst of cheering. He stepped forward and said:

MR. PRESIDENT AND LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Many thousands of years ago it was said: "Let not him that girdeth on his harness boast himself as he that putteth it off" and upon an occasion of this character such an admonition is peculiarly pertinent.

My predecessor can tell of duties performed, of purposes accomplished, of deeds and words that are now a part of the history of Kansas.

I stand on the threshold of two years of official labor and responsibilities, and look into the unknown future with great anxiety and apprehension. A great State has honored me. A brave, intelligent and generous people have given me their confidence. How can I deserve this kindness and partiality? How may I acceptably fill the place so worthily occupied by a long line of able and eminent men? These are the questions to which I must make answer, not here and now, in the presence of this vast audience, but in the days that are to come, each bringing its new cares, duties, and responsibilities.

I have known all the governors of this State, many of them intimately, and I take this occasion to say that I believe Kansas has, in the past, been fortunate in the choice of chief executive officers. First on the list of eminence and usefulness, as well as date of service, is the name of Charles Robinson. Long before Kansas was admitted into the Union his splendid courage and comprehensive ability had made him the leader of the free State men. He enjoys the distinction of having been elected Governor under two constitutions and of having guided the State through the darkest and stormiest years of its history. The old war Governor is still hale and hearty, and as honored in private life as he was in public station.

Following him came Thomas Carney, a trained man of business, who, in a critical period of our history, performed the part that Robert Morris did in infancy of the Republic: pledged his private fortune to save the financial credit of the State.

Samuel J. Crawford, a gallant and enterprising soldier, succeeded Carney. He served the State creditably, and is still in its service, employed as its agent at Washington.

Then came James M. Harvey, a steadfast and sturdy soldier, plain and unpretentious, but of sterling honesty. Assuming a high station without pride, he resigned it without murmuring. Yet, he alone of all our Governors, reached the goal at which so many of them have aimed--the U. S. Senate.

Thomas A. Osborne, the most adroit and skillful politician of them all, followed Harvey. He stepped out of the executive office into the diplomatic service of the country, in which he has grown gray and handsome.

George T. Anthony, a man of imposing presence, an eloquent and forcible speaker, and a thorough man of affairs, succeeded Osborne. He has since retiring from office borne a conspicuous part in the construction of a great international thoroughfare connecting the republics of the United States and Mexico. Now, returned home, he is again in the service of the State, representing his district in the Legislature.

Then came John P. St. John. A ready and impressive speaker, he has since achieved a national reputation as an advocate of the temperance party.

Last on the list is the name of my townsman and neighbor, Geo. W. Glick, the first member of his party to be elected Governor of Kansas. A capable and experienced legislator, always energetic and industrious, I think I may say here in his presence that even his political opponents will credit him with a desire to promote the welfare of the State, however much they may disagree with him concerning the method or policy by which such a result is best attained.

With the example, the experience, the precedents established by these, my predecessors, I enter upon the duties of the office to which I have been elected. And if at the close of my term I can surrender to my successor the trusts I now assume, and know that my administration has been marred by as few faults and failures, and distinguished by such a record of duties honestly, faithfully, and intelligently discharged, as are the records of my predecessors generally, I shall certainly feel that I "have kept the faith."

The oath of office was then administered to Col. Martin by Chief Justice Horton. He reverently kissed the Bible and modestly bowed his acknowledgments of the hearty applause given him.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Among the petitions presented on the 7th inst., was one by Senator Plumb, from the Oklahoma settlers, who set forth that the land that they occupied has been long since bought from the Indians by the United States, and paid for; that the United States did not expect nor intend that the Indians should again occupy the land, and the petitioners, therefore see no reason why they should not be allowed to remain and establish homes for themselves and families; they protest against the cruelty of their removal, and say that they would not have been disturbed but for the great influence of the wealthy and powerful cattle owners, who do not pretend to have any title for the land, but who use the land for grazing purposes. The petitioners add that they have gone to Oklahoma to stay, with their plows and oxen, and that thousands of their friends expect to go there, and they pray that Congress will withdraw the military forces, and instead take early steps to organize the territory of Oklahoma into a state.

In presenting the petition, Senator Plumb said: "Although these settlers may be guilty of a technical violation of the law, as the law was interpreted by the Attorney General, yet Congress had already said that the lands in question should not be again occupied by Indians, and it seemed to him that the time had come when Congress should say yea or nay on the question of the occupancy of these lands by white settlers. He hoped that the committee on Indian affairs would act on the subject at their earliest opportunity.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The speakership of the Kansas House of Representatives was being contested for Monday in a lively way. The fight was between ex-Governor Anthony, J. R. Burton, A. W. Smith, and J. B. Johnson. Johnson is away in the lead and Anthony way behind.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Bob Ingersoll said lately: "With corn in Kansas at 8 and 10 cents a bushel, we need not look for the good times in the near future." Col. Ingersoll is right in looking to Kansas as the regulator of the times, but corn has not struck 8 cents as yet, though it has gone within 14 cents of it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

That women on the sunny side of fifty are in the zenith of their powers of mind and genius is already attested to by Patti and Nilsson and Bernhardt and Kellogg, and thousands of others, and now by Ellen Terry, as Edmund Yates narrates in his Men of Letters, made her debut some 27 years ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A fire occurred in Osage City, Kan., Thursday last, first making its appearance about 1 o'clock in a candy factory and restaurant kept by F. N. Elliott. The contiguous buildings were frame and as the town is practically without protection against fire, it was soon beyond control. The buildings burned were on Market street and stood between the Osage county bank building and a two story building occupied as a drug store. The walls of these buildings prevented the spread of the fire. Elliott's restaurant and contents were a complete loss. A. P. Howard's shoe store was burned with most of its contents. Harry Lewis' meat market and contents were also destroyed. The total loss is estimated at $15,000 or $16,000; insurance, $8,700. The adjoining buildings were damaged to some extent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

At one o'clock Thursday last the office of the Adams Express company, Harper, Kan., was entered by burglars, the safe was drilled and blowed open, and the contents rifled. Fortunately there was no money in it and but one package of jewelry valued at $25.90. Fred Loyd, the agent there, had been warned a day or two since not to leave any money in the safe and hence no loss. The belief is that they were experts from Wichita. If they had come a night earlier they would have captured a lot of specie belonging to Medicine Lodge National bank. Considerable excitement has also been caused by the posting of bills by the vigilantes notifying certain gamblers and saloon men to quit that city within twenty-four hours. Should these threats be backed up, exciting times may be expected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The fourteenth annual report of the Kansas City stockyards, lately issued, has some very interesting figures. The total receipts of cattle at the yards in 1871 were 120,827, in 1884 nearly five times that number, or 553,526. The number of hogs received in 1871 were 41,535, in 1884 the number was forty times as many or 1,798,556. Sheep receipts in 1871 were 4,527, increasing to fifty times the number in 1884, 237,964. Of horses and mules, the number received in 1871 was 808, and in 1884 the number increased to 28,163, over thirty times the receipts of the former year. The number of carloads of stock of all kinds received in 1884 was 55,227, which would be equivalent to 2,761 trains of twenty cars each; or, if all were put in one train, allowing thirty feet to the car, the line would be 1,656,810 feet, or 304 miles, in length--about equal to a train whose engine is in St. Louis, Missouri, and the rear car in Wichita, Kansas.

Of the total number of cattle shipped into Kansas City last year, the Santa Fe road carried 543,561, or half the total number, which was 490,081. The number shipped over the other railroads to the Kansas City stockyards was as follows: Missouri Pacific, 56,900; Union Pacific, 63,253; Southern Kansas, 88,243; Kansas City, Fort Scott & Gulf, 33,469; Kansas City, St. Joe & Council Bluffs 10,546.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A Second Adventist of Detroit writes to one of the papers of that city that the fixing of January 5, 1885, as the time for the world to come to an end is unauthorized. The Adventists as a body do not set any time for the end of the world and the second coming of Christ, he says, and are not responsible for any prophesies of that sort. They simply hold, he adds, "that the great event is hastening on, and that in all probability there are persons now living who will witness it" belief which is held, he goes on to declare by many prominent clergymen of the various denominations, among whom he names Rev. Dr. Tyng, of New York; Rev. A. J. Gordon of Boston; Rev. D. N. West, of Cincinnati; Rev. J. H. Brooks, of St. Louis; and Bishop Vail, of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Old Ben. Butler is a brick. In presenting a petition the other day praying for the restoration of a soldier's widow to the pension roll, who had been dropped therefrom, under the law for unchastity, Ben. said in effect, among other things, that the highest court in the land had recently decided that a similar offense on the part of a man was no bar to the honors and emoluments of office, and he, Butler, could not see why the woman should not have the pension if the man should have the presidency.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

From experimental measurements of the temperature of the body during sets of motion the following conclusions have been reached by a French observer: That the lowest temperature in man, following a period of rest, is 98 4 degrees; that the temperature rising under the influence of an ascending effort to 100.6 degrees, and under the influence of a descending effort to 100.3 degrees; that it increases after any exertion, but more after an ascending than after a descending one; and that the chemical actions of the organism are augmented after every movement.

Summons by Publication.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

RECAP: F. M. Savage, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas J. Jackson and Martha Jackson and George F. Crestenberry, Defendants. Specifically spells out George F. Crestenberry, a non-resident of the State of Kansas, relative to judgment concerning real estate. Hackney & Asp. Attnys. For Plaintiff.

Notice of Dissolution.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership now existing between the undersigned will be dissolved on or before the first day of March 1885, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to us on account must come in and settle before that time. In the meantime we offer our entire stock of groceries, queensware, Glassware and notions at greatly reduced prices for cash. We mean just what we say. BRYAN & LYNN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Administrator's Notice. Recap: Concerned estate of John W. Miller, deceased, and naming John R. Thompson as administrator.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

J. W. Connor named as administrator of the estate of Morgan Watts, deceased.

Skipped ads and other data on this page.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The committee chosen to make arrangements for a Farmers Institute will please report promptly at the COURIER editorial rooms Saturday, the 17th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m., to perfect arrangements. By order of the chairman. M. H. MARKUM.

The Winfield Markets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Butter 15@20 cents; eggs 25 cents, turkeys, live, per lb., 6¢ to 7¢, dressed, 9¢ to 10¢; chickens $1.50@$3.00 per dozen; potatoes 50¢@75¢; wheat 55¢; corn 22¢; oats 20#22¢; hogs $3.50 per cwt.; Hay $5 per ton.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Look out for tramps! The Chief of Police of Kansas City has notified the officials of the different towns in Kansas that the police will dislodge about 2,000 "bums" from that city within the next few days. They are becoming so bold that it is absolutely necessary to fire them out for the safety of the city. The great mass of them will likely make for the south, and we may look for our share of them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mulvane seems to be the paradise for which we have all been looking. The Record man says: "This place has not had a death, a severe case of sickness, an accident, a blizzard, a hot wind, a case of sunstroke, a fight, a runaway, or even a plain drunk this year that we have heard of." The editor certainly must have been continually out of the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Winfield to New Orleans and return, good for 45 days, $29.00; good until June 1st, 1886, $35.45. Also winter tourists tickets to Jacksonville, Fla., and return and through tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada. Direct connection made with all roads out of Kansas City, north, east, and south. Call on W. J. Kennedy, agent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Skipping items that are more or less ads. Some already given.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

With the disappearance of the beautiful snow and extreme frigidity came the horrid mud, and last week was a continual slop, slop, reminding the denizens of Winfield that Main street was too high and her crossings too low. In filling in and grading the street, we have got oo much of a good thing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Winfield's splendid flagstone pavements have been doing appreciated service during the past week. People in Wellington were almost afraid to step outdoors for fear of being submerged in mud. But they had a few "oasis in the desert" constructed of Cowley County stone.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Lost. A pocketbook containing $150 in currency and 2 notes, between the Winfield postoffice and McKinnen's boarding house, in the northeastern part of the city. A liberal reward will be paid for its delivery to me or the above boarding house. P. P. Gibbs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Republicans of Liberty township will meet at the Rose Valley schoolhouse on Saturday, January 24th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting candidates for the various township offices. J. A. COCHRAN, Chairman Township Committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Young Men's Social Club has arranged for a grand masquerade ball at the Opera House on the evening of February 5th. Invitations will soon be issued. A costumer will be present and the Club expect to make this the social event of the winter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Jack Foults, the pioneer barber, now occupies the beautiful, roomy basement in Curns & Manser's new building where he is "sleeking up" the millions with his old time perfection--and razor. Jack takes precedence as a tonsorial artist.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Cedarvale shows improvements for 1884 amounting to $52,000. She is also about to have two roller skating rinks and the two physicians and surgeons there are smiling over the prospective revival of business in their line.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Messrs. Harris & Clark present a new list of lands for sale in another place in this paper. It shows much desirable property and some rare bargains, but only a small portion of what they have for sale. [Skipping ad.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The ladies of the Christian Church and Sunday School will give a supper on Friday evening and a dinner on Saturday at the Holiday Bazaar, next door to Wallis & Wallis'. Meals 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Tisdale township primary for the nomination of township officers for the coming year will be held at Tisdale on Saturday, the 24th inst., at 2 o'clock p.m. G. H. Sparrow, Ch'mn.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Winfield G. A. R. will present, under management of Col. L. D. Dobbs, "The Tennessee Scout," on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, January 15, 16 and 17.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Parties desiring hair work of a superior make, such as hair chains, necklaces, eardrops, etc., will do well to call on Mrs. Addie W. Sykes, north Menor St.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

All persons interested in the Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle are requested to meet at the Kindergarten rooms Friday, 16th inst., at 3 p.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Sunny Southern Kansas tired of her successful imitation of Alaska, the latter part of last week, and now begins to look natural.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The recent thaw raised all the streams of the county, and where no bridges were handy, much inconvenience was experienced.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Work in the building line, brought to a standstill by the recent zero weather, is being resumed over the city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The people of Winfield can get a first-class meal at the Holiday Bazaar for 25 cents, on Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Woman's Suffrage Association will meet Tuesday, 20th, inst., at 3 p.m., at Mrs. E. A. Turner's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Arkansas City will soon have a woolen mill and her new pork packing house is progressing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Her Chronicle of the Coming, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Miss Nellie Cole got home Monday from her Des Moines visit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The grocery firm of Bryan & Lynn gives notice of dissolution.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Miss Millinger, of Columbus, this State, is visiting with friends in this city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Dan. Wooden is "tip-toeing it" over the advent of a fine eight pound girl at his house.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Ed. Bedilion is assisting the District Clerk, Ed. Pate, during this term of Court.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mrs. Ledrue Guthrie, of Wellington, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Dr. Mendenhall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Miss Susie De Lamater, of this city, has reopened her Kindergarten School at Wellington.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. D. P. Marshal, one of Bolton township's substantial farmers, was in the metropolis Monday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

John Willis and lady came over from Harper last week for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Beck.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Elder Morgan Morgans, editor of the Topeka Faithful Witness, will preach at the Christian Church next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hendricks left Saturday for a few weeks' visit to relatives in Pleasant Hill and other places in Missouri.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Rev. B. Kelly attended an executive meeting of the State Temperance Union at Topeka, Monday, and also took in the inauguration of Gov. Martin.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. A. B. Sykes, foreman of the COURIER, received the sad news by wire Saturday of the death of his father on that day in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. E. E. Hunt, of Beaver township, marketed a hog last Saturday that netted him $20.50. The swine medium is a grand one through which to cage the "filthy lucre."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

M. A. Boyer, the west Main Jeweler, made an assignment last week to Will Hudson. The principal creditor, L. J. Buchanan, of Cleveland, O., has been selling the stock at auction this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Master Elmer McGuire was given a very pleasant surprise the other evening by some thirty of his young friends, girls and boys. The Juvenile Band, of which Elmer is a member, discoursed splendid music.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood filled the pulpit of Rev. J. D. Hewitt, who has been too ill to preach for several months, at Wichita last Sunday, and in consequence there were no services in the Presbyterian Church here.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. E. E. Trego, for some months past with J. B. Lynn, left Sunday for Wier City, this State, to take charge of a mining store there. He gained friends and popularity here and we regret his departure. Mrs. Trego will follow in a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mrs. David Hahn, of Vernon, sold her entire wheat crop of over three thousand bushels, last week, to Winfield grain buyers at sixty cents per bushel. This is the highest price paid for several months. Mrs. Hahn's wheat all graded number two.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

J. W. Henthorn, the Burden Eagle man, was in the capital Thursday. He is making his paper boom, and brings out in its last issue a three column write-up of the development and resources of that sprightly little city. It shows a splendid record.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. W. D. Hills, of Valley City, Dakota, joined his mother, who has been visiting some weeks with the family of Mrs. C. Strong, Friday last. Mr. Hills and mother, with Mrs. Strong and daughter, Miss Emma, contemplate a visit to the World's Fair soon.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Rev. J. H. Snyder, Pastor of the United Brethren church in this city, is called away to dedicate a new church at Rosalia, in Butler County, the coming Sabbath. In his absence, his pulpit will be occupied morning and evening by Rev. O. W. Jones, of Mulvane.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

C. G. Pring and Annie E. Allison; Luther Nellis and Nellie E. Gwillan; David M. Lippard and Nettie M. Waugh; Isaac F. Beil and Barbara Greenwell; David J. Spear and Forest R. Harlan, have taken the matrimonial route to happiness during the past week, as appears by Judge Gans' record.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Ed. G. Cole and bride came in Saturday night and will go to house-keeping immediately in Ed.'s new residence on East 20th Avenue. They visited the World's Fair and other places of note after their marriage on Christmas at Toronto, Canada. Mrs. Cole, nee Miss Zulu Farringer, is warmly welcomed on her return to our city, and the happy couple have many well-wishes.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. J. G. Bullene is at home from Athles, Dakota, where he is engaged in the lumber and coal business, for a few weeks' sojourn with his family. He reports that country donning civilization amazingly, and as soon as school facilities are broadened, he anticipates the removal of his family. He has three lumber yards in Spink County, that Territory, and is doing a prosperous business.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Married. At the residence of Samuel Waugh in Winfield, the evening of January 8th, Mr. Daniel M. Lippard and Miss Nettie M. Waugh, Rev. J. H. Snyder officiating. A very pleasant company of friends and relatives were in attendance, brining many valuable presents. The occasion was a very enjoyable one. The COURIER tested the culinary taste of the bride in as fine an allotment of cake as ever tickled the palate.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mrs. Louisa D. York and son, Francis, were up from Cedar township Tuesday. Mrs. York came to Cowley with her husband and six children in 1871 and settled on her present farm. The family were direfully afflicted with "fever 'n agre" and within a few months after arriving here were bereaved by the death of Mr. York. The only living animals on the "claim," two mules, were stolen and the family were left in what was then an almost uninhabited wilderness with absolutely nothing but grit and providence to depend upon. But they stuck to the claim and have made it one of the very best farms in Cedar township. For their years of patient toil the family are now realizing peace, plenty, and happiness. All honor to Cowley's pioneers!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A correspondent of the Burden Eagle gives a little sketch of Miss Hattie Horner, who has obtained enviable notoriety in Kansas as the author of "Ad Astra," and "Per Aspera," two charming poems on Kansas, and other writings. The poems were first produced at the State Normal school on a "Kansas Day." "I notice in the Arkansas City Republican two well written poems on Kansas by Miss Hattie Horner, who, the same paper states, is now principal of the Arkansas City schools. The paragraph and poems call to the mind of the writer a little bright-looking, black-haired, bright-eyed girl of some eleven or twelve summers, who, some eight years ago, could be seen daily mounted on an Indian pony, carrying her books and umbrella, and assisted by her faithful Shepherd dog, driving her father's flock to graze on the Butler County prairies, and while the dog watched the flock, sitting on the grass and from the book before her, laying the foundation for future success in life."

County Bastille Notes.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

E. Kimmel, who was discharged by the October term of the District Court from a charge of robbery at Arkansas City was rearrested Monday on another phase of the same charge, and now languishes in the bastille.

Lindsey Gillespie, an orphan ward of Sheriff McIntire, who left for parts unknown last fall, was found at Derby, Sedgwick County, this week and is again a privileged boarder at the Hotel de Finch. He is ten or twelve years old, and was left at Maple City last year by his father, penniless and alone, and our officials made Sheriff McIntire his guardian.

Barrow Brothers, four in number, were arrested and placed in jail last week, charged with stealing millet hay in this city. They gave bond Tuesday to appear before Justice Buckman for a preliminary hearing next Monday.

Sheriff McIntire found two young men at Arkansas City, Saturday, with valises full of jewelry and a good supply of fire arms on their persons. He took them in and they now await developments under county hospitality.

Lillie Taylor, a soiled dove of rather uncomely mein, was arrested last week in this city and in default of money to pay fine is a guest of the city. This is the second unfortunate female who is incarcerated in the jail.

The jail now contains nineteen victims, criminals of all classes and conditions. No criminal escapes the keen scent of Sheriff McIntire.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Hose Companies postponed the hop to have been held at McDougal's hall on Wednesday evening, to the same evening of next week, on account of the storm.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The erection of a number of substantial brick and stone blocks in the early spring is talked of by our property owners.

Mr. C. E. McClaren, of West Fairview, Is Found Dead Under Sad Circumstances.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

West Fairview had its equilibrium disturbed last Friday morning by the finding of the dead body, near his home, of Mr. C. E. McClaren, who was a tenant on James Jordon's farm, about six miles northeast of this city. About 10 o'clock last Thursday morning, Mr. McClaren went to his work, trimming hedge, in apparently good health. The family were in the habit of having dinner at 3 o'clock, and as the father failed to put in an appearance, the wife, not knowing where he had gone, made a fruitless search for him around the premises; night come on and still no return, and the wife became very uneasy. Chas. H. Snyder, a neighbor, came over to see Mr. McClaren, and learning the wife's uneasiness, visited the different neighbors; he also went to the river, where Mr. McClaren had recently been cutting timber on the ice, but got no trace. Mr. Snyder returned the next morning, hitched up the team, and started for the home of Mr. McClaren's father, a few miles off, the wife supposing that he might have been hastily summoned there without time to notify her. As Mr. Snyder turned the corner of the hedge, he spied a coat, a hat, gloves, and a hedge-ax. On further investigation he found the body of the unfortunate man lying on its face in a deep double-furrow, in several inches of water and ice, frozen stiff and stark. Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned and inquest held Friday night. At the inquest the fact was developed that the deceased, when about twenty years old, had an epileptic fit, and another a year ago. The physicians advised him, if ever again threatened with one of these fits, to lie down flat on his back. The supposition is that, while trimming hedge, he realized the approach of a fit, lay down on his back very near this ditch, and in the paroxysm rolled in. Being perfectly helpless, and on his face, he soon drowned. The verdict of the coroner's jury was death from natural causes. By request of the family, no autopsy was made. The deceased was thirty-one years old, a sober, industrious man, and leaves a wife and six children. He came here from Illinois in 1870, living on Grouse creek until August last, when he moved on to Mr. Jordon's place. He was not blessed with a great amount of worldly goods. His sad demise is greatly regretted by all who knew him.

On Thursday and Friday, Jan. 29th and 30th.
Let Every Farmer in Cowley be Present, with the Ladies.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A number of prominent farmers met at the COURIER office Saturday last, and determined to hold a Farmers' Institute at the Opera House in Winfield, on Thursday and Friday, Jan. 29th and 30th, to be conducted by Professors of the State Agricultural College. J. S. Baker, of Tisdale, was chairman of the meeting and Jas. F. Martin, of Vernon, secretary. An executive committee of nine was appointed by the meeting, to have charge of the entire matter, composed of the following gentlemen: M. H. Markum, Pleasant Valley, chairman; Dr. C. Perry, Winfield; T. A. Blanchard, Walnut; J. R. Sumpter, Beaver; J. S. Baker, Tisdale; J. F. Martin, Vernon; F. W. McClelland, Walnut; Henry Harbaugh, Pleasant Valley; and S. P. Strong, Rock. This committee is arranging an interesting program of music, essays, lectures, and discussions, which will appear next week. Four Professors of the Agricultural College will be on hand with addresses and the occasion promises to be of much pleasure and benefit to the farmers of the county. Let every man constitute a committee of one to work up a large attendance from his neighborhood. In addition to splendid addresses and essays, everything of interest to farmers will be throughly discussed. This is a grand opportunity for Cowley farmers to interchange ideas and broaden knowledge, and everyone of them should be present with their ladies.

Morphine Carries Away Another Victim, A Bright Little Girl.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

One of those sad accidents which forcibly illustrate the brittleness of human life occurred at the Ohio House on South Main Wednesday night of last week. The bright, little two-year-old girl of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Thompson had been ailing slightly and was very restless. Late in the night she seemed to defy all efforts to quiet her, though there were no signs of serious illness, and the mother went to a large open mouthed morphine bottle, dipped the spoon in it, and gave the child what she thought was a small dose. But the spoon was damp, and it is supposed as much clung to the bottom as there was in it. The child immediately went to sleep and nothing more was thought of her until the father heard very hard breathing. Efforts were made to arouse her, without avail. A physician was summoned, but when he reached there, the little soul had fled, and the father and mother were wringing their hands in despair. It was a terrible blow to the parents.

The New County Officers.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The County officers chosen at the November election donned their official robes Monday last and those not succeeding themselves stepped down and out.

Mr. Pate assumes the place of an "old war house," but from what we know of him he is just the man for the office and will discharge its duties with care and dispatch.

Capt. S. C. Smith succeeds himself as County Commissioner from this district, and in the reorganization of the Board, Monday, was again honored with its chairmanship.

Henry E. Asp, the new County Attorney, with the able assistance of Senator W. P. Hackney, will make the fur fly among evil doers during his administration. No stronger legal team exists in the Southwest than Messrs. Hackney & Asp.

Judge H. D. Gans, as in years gone by, again succeeds himself to the office of Probate Judge. No office was ever filled more worthily and satisfactorily than the Judge has filled this one. He is a most obliging gentleman and his official career, from beginning to end, has been marked by watchfulness, strict integrity, and business tact.

Senator F. S. Jennings, after four years administration of the office of County attorney, retires with the esteem and satisfaction of all. He has performed, valuably assisted by Mr. M. G. Troup, the duties of county prosecutor with ability, justice, and energy. His labors in the State Senate, we predict, will also be most acceptable to his constituents.

Mr. E. S. Bedilion, for years past manipulator of the office of District Clerk, is succeeded by Mr. Ed. Pate. Mr. Bedilion has filled this office with marked satisfaction and ability and retires in the consciousness of the appreciation of all, especially the court and bar who have been most convenienced by his courtesy, promptness, and accuracy.

Winfield Building and Loan Association.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The annual meeting of the stockholders of this association was held on Monday evening with a fair attendance. The reports of the secretary and treasurer were read, exhibiting in detail its affairs. From these reports it appears that there has been loaned by the association on bond and mortgages $11,750, secured by first lien on productive real estate in each case of more than double the amount of the loan. The association has three series running and aggregating about 450 shares, and opened a fourth series on the first of January, upon which nearly a hundred shares have already been subscribed. It was shown that the profit on the first series for three years, since it was first taken, amounted to $26.50 on the investment of $36.00, and on the second series, upon an investment of $24.00, $6.50 for two years, and on the third series, an investment of $12.00 for the past year, a profit of $1.75. The stock is paid in monthly installments at $1.00 per share. The institution is growing finely and is a befit to Winfield in building houses and in furnishing a safe and profitable way of investing monthly savings. The new board of directors consists of W. C. Robinson, A. B. Snow, C. F. Bahntge, J. F. McMullen, C. E. Fuller, J. P. Short, J. S. Mann, J. W. Connor, and A. T. Spotswood.

The Board met on Tuesday evening and elected their officers for the coming year: President, J. S. Mann; Vice President, J. W. Connor; Treasurer, Henry Goldsmith; Secretary, J. F. McMullen. Subscriptions to the fourth series may be made at the secretary's office on 9th Avenue.

Stockholders Meeting.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Stockholders of the Cowley County Fair and Driving Park Association met in annual session at the Opera House Monday last. The reports of officers, election of a Directory, and some other matters came before the meeting, but owing to the large volume of business to be transacted an adjournment to next Saturday was had when officers will be elected, the by-laws amended, and many other important matters adjusted. We will give the proceedings in detail next week.

Petition Circulating to Erect a Bridge Across Grouse Creek.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

A petition was circulated this week, and signed by a majority of our people, asking the County commissioners to submit a proposition to vote county bonds for erection of a bridge across Grouse Creek at the crossing of the Dexter and Winfield road. We understand a similar proposition has been gotten up at Arkansas City to bridge the Arkansas.

Dexter Eye.

What Has Been Done to Date at its Present Session,
Beginning on January 5th.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

D. Hite given constitutional exemption of $200 for 1885.

Frank A. Chapin et al, section line road ordered open.

McCaw county road laid over until April session.

Tax remitted on $124 of valuation on lot 19, block 141, Torrance.

Personal tax of H. F. Hicks, of Windsor, for 1884 was remitted.

The Winfield Tribune was awarded the County printing for this year.

Personal property tax of Wm. Dunn, Spring Creek township, remitted.

Erroneous assessment on property of J. M. Jackson of $400 was remitted.

Jos. O'Hare county road granted and viewers report confirmed. No damages.

Tax remitted on $90 of valuation for 1884 on lot 2, block 3, Dexter: John Clifton.

Tax remitted on 11 percent of $1,300, property of S. H. Jennings, in Pleasant Valley.

Tax of E. Lament, Tisdale township, remitted for 1884 on $280 personal property tax.

The section line road of Cornelias M. Boyd and Elihu Wade was ordered opened.

Viewers report in T. L. Salmon county road adopted. No damages claimed or allowed.

S. G. Castor county road rejected because 12 householders did not sign the petition.

Personal property tax of Ezra Meech, Dexter township, valuation $1221, sheep, was remitted.

James A. Goforth was appointed trustee of Silver Creek township, in place of Ed. Pate, resigned.

Report of viewers in V. T. Osborne county road was adopted. No damages claimed or allowed.

Personal property tax of Owen Shriver, on 16 head cattle and 25 head hogs, double assessment, was remitted.

Road petition of H. R. Branson et al granted, and S. M. Fall, H. B. Clover, and S. Morris appointed viewers.

Petition of A. Buzzi for county road granted and P. A. Ireton, I. Gilbert, and Fred Arnett appointed viewers.

Board petition of S. A. Bendure granted, and Justus Fisher, J. A. Cochrane, and S. G. Caster appointed viewers.

County road petition of S. G. Carter granted, and M. K. Hull, Shelton Morris, and Ike Phenis appointed viewers.

Road petition of W. H. H. Rathburn granted, and Lewis Funk, A. A. Mills, and J. W. Searle appointed viewers.

Petition of T. J. Hughes et al for county road granted and S. M. Fall, I. Winters, and R. Roberts appointed viewers.

The new Board reorganized Monday morning last by electing Capt. S. C. Smith chairman for the ensuing term.

John Grier, of Cedar township, was allowed a constitutional exemption of $200 on personal property assessment of 1884.

N. R. Penny county road: viewers report adopted. By consent, where road crosses Grouse it was laid on section line.

Tax remitted on 76 head of cattle in Vernon township, valued at $608, belonging to Geo. Gould; cattle not in county.

Road petition of Lyman Johnson granted, and J. M. Barrick, A. J. McCollum, and J. S. Savage appointed viewers.

Tax remitted on $200 of valuation, for 1884, on lots 3 and 4 and e ½ of sw 1/4 section 18, township 33, range 7, Dexter township.

Petition of H. S. Brock et al, for county road granted and John Tull, Joseph Shaw, and Henry Wilkins appointed viewers.

Road petition of James E. Hanlen granted and W. H. Grow, George Williams, and J. M. Harcourt appointed viewers.

A certain invalid tax deed of M. Haskins, sold in 1881, was declared "off" and money refunded holder, with 10 percent interest.

Viewers report in A. A. Jackson county road adopted and damages awarded: Justin Hollister $25, and James Bruington $100.

Viewers report on C. B. Summerville county road was adopted and damage given Ephraim Carter, $18, and L. P. Marsh, $40.

Road petition of A. A. Bowers et al, Windsor township, granted and Joseph Shaw, John Tull, and Henry Wilkins appointed viewers.

The Board allowed Henry E. Asp, County Attorney, $7.50 per month as office rent and also one half of the fuel expense of the office of Hackney & Asp.

The sale deed being invalid on se 1/4 of nw 14 of sec 9, township 32, range 4, sold September, 1881, for tax of 1880, deeded on 1884 to F. E. Lewis. Money was refunded on Lewis making quitclaim to owner.

The Grinding of the Mill of Justice.
Nearly All Criminal Cases To Date.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

State vs. John Graham: case set for the 20th.

State vs. L. Thomas: warrant ordered returnable to the April term of Court.

State vs. L. D. Skinner, robbery: dismissed on motion of County Attorney.

John P. Martin et al vs. Samuel Clark et al: case dismissed without prejudice.

State vs. David C. Beach, adultery: trial by court and finding for defendant.

State vs. Albert Smith, misdemeanor: proceeding demurred by County Attorney.

State vs. J. E. Johnson, election betting: defendant plead guilty and was fined $5 and costs.

Bliss & Wood vs. Wm. H. Colgate: costs paid and case dismissed on plaintiff's motion.

State vs. J. L. Herron: defendant's motion to quash indictment sustained and the case dismissed.

State vs. Thomas Jones, assault and battery: proceedings dismissed on motion of County Attorney.

State vs. Albert Smith and Isaac Frier, two misdemeanor cases: proceedings dismissed by County Attorney.

State vs. W. J. Burge, murder: defendant failing to appear, a warrant was issued returnable to this term.

Alonzo Howland vs. George H. Sprague et al: sheriff's return of real estate confirmed; deed to purchaser ordered.

State vs. H. M. Banta, two indictments for selling liquor. Defendant arraigned and plead guilty. Sentence deferred.

State vs. J. N. Slade, two indictments, perjury and embezzlement: defendant arraigned and plead not guilty. Cases continued.

T. H. Tallman vs. C. W. Harris et al: sheriff's return of real estate sale confirmed and an order made distributing proceeds among creditors.

State vs. Dennis P. Hurst, assault and battery: case continued and bail fixed at $75, defendant to stand committed till given.

State vs. Elias Burton, malicious trespass: recognizance forfeited and warrant ordered for defendant's arrest, returnable first day of April term. Bond fixed at $200.

State vs. Frank Manny, violation of liquor law: on motion of County Attorney, and with leave of the Court, a nolle prosequi was entered and defendant discharged. Thus, after taking precedence on the criminal docket for several years, Frank "steps down and out," and Court will have to fire its first shot at some other victim at the beginning of the next term unless Frank is again in the toils when he ought to be honored with his old time place. His experience has been mighty costly.

State vs. John Fleming, illegally administering liquor to patients with a probate court permit: motions to quash information were overruled by the Court. The defendant refusing to plead guilty or not guilty, the Court ordered a plea of not guilty. The Co. Attorney, with leave of the Court, entered a nolle prosequi and the defendant was discharged. The Supreme Court recently decided that such administering as herein charged was violation of the law, but the County Attorney seemed to lack evidence to convict.

State vs. Frank Hillman: trial by jury and verdict of robbery in first degree. It seems that Hillman and a young man, the prosecutor, were approached while alone in an Arkansas City alley by one Kimmel, who "held up" the prosecutor. The young man, from the evidence, had been lured to this place by Hillman and Kimmel to be robbed. Hillman's sentence was deferred. Kimmel, the main actor, was discharged by the October term of Court, but on this new evidence, he has been rearrested and will serve a like fate to his pal.

Band of Hope.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The program for the Band of Hope at the next meeting, January 10th, is as follows. Dialogue: Winnie Limerick, Agnes Myers, Nora Greer, and Laura Herpich.

Songs: Bernice and Florence Bullene, Lulu Bethel and Bell Stubbs.

Recitations: Bertie Bosley, Harry Tooman, Hope Manser, Allie Dillon, and Johnny and Jimmy Constant.

M. K. Herpich, Secretary.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The chronic croaker has struck this office with his annual song, in the old strain, that the severe cold has killed the fruit buds.

Rambling Scintillations From Our Itemizer's Pen, Paste, and Scissors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Cambridge is without a hotel, the only one having closed a few days ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

And now Arkansas City comes up with four wards and a corpulent city government. Metropolitan, that.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Evan James and S. M. Fall, of Cambridge, are among Cowley's present representatives at the World's fair.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

An oddly mated couple were cemented in wedlock at Geuda Springs recently, the groom being over sixty and the bride only twenty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Arkansas City Traveler is still run by the old-reliable Standley, he not having sold out as reported. The trade was declared "off."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Dexter Eye started the new year with an excellent write-up of Dexter and eastern Cowley, showing magic development and much wealth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Before adjourning the Sumner County District Court week before last, Judge Torrance ordered a grand jury for the April term of that court.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Geuda Springs News wants the Arkansas spanned at that place by the Oxford pontoon bridge, which can now be bought very cheap. Good scheme.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Cambridge is an important point on the Southern Kansas line. The company have put in horse power to pump water into the railroad tank when the windmill goes off on a bum.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Champion remarks that "the most striking figure at the Downs skating rink is a youth six feet and seven inches high." That downs the longitude of Winfield's tall man on wheels.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Fay Templeton opened the new Opera House at Caldwell Monday night last. It is said to be a very fine structure seating eight hundred. Caldwell is gradually donning civilization and tone and shaking her old-time barbarism.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Dr. J. D. Hamilton, of Douglass, used coal oil to start the kitchen fire. The oil fired, the can burst, his sack cloth was turned into ashes, and he narrowly escaped death. Moral: Let your wife build the fires--without coal oil.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Last week's Cambridge News: "A protracted meeting is being held at the schoolhouse in our town, with H. D. Gans, of Winfield, as preacher. The house is crowded nearly every night, and the sermons of Rev. Gans are excellent."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Wellington has closed her saloons and gambling dens and is getting pious. Winfield would do well to knock the daylights out of a certain gambling hall known to be in existence here. It has "strapped" numerous victims, mostly among the boys and young men.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Dr. S. Wilkins, vice-president of the second district of the county temperance union, according to the Cambridge News, has appointed a committeeman for each of his townships as follows: J. W. Tull, Windsor; Wm. R. Stolp, Omnia; E. I. Johnson, Sheridan; Nathan Brooks, Silver Cree; Robert Strothers, Harvey.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Frank Martin, of Hutchison, an Oklahoma boomer, lost his bearings in the Territory last week, traveled two days and two nights without fire or food, and becoming completely tired out, laid down to sleep. He awoke badly frozen, and four toes had to be amputated. It was a narrow escape from death.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Udall Sentinel remarks: "We are pleased to note that our friend, C. M. Leavitt, of Winfield, has formed a law partnership with Attorney Halfhill, of that city. Mr. Leavitt, who is a talented, aspiring young man, is well-known hee. He has built up a good law practice in Winfield and surrounding country."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Messrs. Cooley and Rowell, residing on Grouse Creek, says the Arkansas City Republican, brought into our office recently, a large bald eagle which they had killed down on Coon creek in the Indian Territory. It measured seven feet and six inches from tip to tip of wings and was two feet and eight inches in height. He was a large monster and could easily have carried off a large size lamb.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Wellington thinks she has struck "Ile" and the papers of that place are sifting ideas to ascertain "what shall the harvest be." The oil was first noticed bubbling up from the bottom of a ditch of water. The Standard thinks there is no rubbing out the fact that there was coal oil in the bubbles. No definite developments have been made. Some speculative fellow may have been "pouring oil on the troubled waters."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Arkansas river navigation company held another meeting at Arkansas City last week. Mr. B. F. Wood, of the Winfield Roller Mills, represented this city. The company empowered James Hill to have a propelling boat constructed immediately, and Mr. Hill will likely go east for that purpose this week. The river has been surveyed and engineer Morehead says emphatically that boats of right proportions can be run on the Arkansas. Thus will the "Nile of America" succumb to enterprise and grit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

An Oxford father, according to the Register, went to the train to see his daughter off. Securing her a seat he left the train, stopping at the window, as he passed on the outside, for a parting word. But in the meantime the fair daughter left her seat to speak to a friend and a primp old maid took her place. Unaware of this change inside, the fond father put his face up to the window and said: "One more kiss, sweet pet?" That instant the point of a cotton umbrella took him in the nose, followed by the interjection, "Scat you gray-headed wretch!" He scatted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Arkansas City Republican remarks: "Wheat is coming up a little. Farmers all seem to be holding for a higher price. We know farmers who are borrowing money at a high rate of interest, and holding their wheat until it reaches a higher figure. Several farmers in this vicinity have not yet threshed their last year's crop. They may realize their hopes of obtaining a higher price for their wheat by holding it for a time and we hope they will. The questions naturally arise, will the increase of price pay them sufficiently to allow them to borrow money and hold their wheat, or to sell now at the market price.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Cambridge News man gets off the following ludicrous "take in." "A little incident has just reached our ears which happened while the protracted meeting was in progress at Grand Summit lately. An experience meeting was in full blast, and brother after brother got up and told his experience. Shortly an old gray-headed man raised to his feet. Every eye was turned upon the feeble old man, and the good brothers shouted: "Amen!" "Lord bless the--," but the blessing was not finished, for the old man stepped to the stove, squirted a mouthful of tobacco juice on the fire and sat down. The silence that followed was oppressive in the extreme."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The Democrat waxes eloquent and gives a picture of beauty and truth: "The broad and fertile prairies of Cowley are dotted over with the homes of happy and prosperous farmers. Fifteen years ago not a legal setter could be found within her boundaries. Now more than thirty-five thousand people are numbered in her population. Cities, towns and villages have sprung up, railroads have been built, telegraph lines established, and today we speak and traffic with the great metropolises of the world. She owes much to her productive soil, but most to the hardy pioneers who opened the way and broke down the barriers to civilization and laid plans which have developed and made Cowley today the Banner County of the State. Yes, to them we owe much. They labored hard and endured many hardships while laying the foundations of our towns and putting the machinery in order for the development of our county. But those gloomy days passed rapidly away. The dawn of a brighter day soon came. Evidences of civilization shown forth from every hill top and valley. Immigration poured in from all quarters of the globe. From the north, south, east, and west they came, and, today, 35,000 people claim Cowley as their home."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

We have just received the biennial report of the directors and warden of the Kansas State Penitentiary for the fiscal years 1883 and 1884, says the Democrat, and upon looking over its contents we find Cowley County quite well represented. She has twenty-five in this institution, whose names, ages, date of sentence, and crimes committed are given as follows.

Thomas J. Armstrong, age 36 years; sentenced Nov. 21st, 1881; term 15 years; crime, murder in the 2nd degree.

John Atkins, age 18; date of sentence, Oct. 11th, 1883; term, 1 year; crime, grand larceny.

William Buner, age 18; date of sentence, Jan. 14th, 1884; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Leonard Carder, age 24; date of sentence, Oct. 11th, 1883; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Chas. H. Cooper, age 23; date of sentence, Oct. 11th, 1883; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Mary Freylinger, age 51; date of sentence, Dec. 4th, 1882; term, life; crime, murder in second degree.

Ewell Harmon, age 27; date of sentence, Nov. 21st, 1881; term, 4 years; crime, grand larceny.

George Haywood, age 27; date of sentence, Nov. 21st, 1881; term, 7 years; forgery second degree.

Robert Herriott, age 32; date of sentence, Dec. 4th, 1882; term, 2 years; crime, grand larceny.

James Jackson, age 24; date of sentence, Nov. 21st, 1881; term, 5 years; crime, grand larceny.

Frank S. Marston, age 21; date of sentence, May 6th, 1884; term, 1 year; crime, grand larceny.

Ann Quarles, age 17; date of sentence, Dec. 4th, 1882; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Thomas Quarles, age 22; date of sentence, Dec. 4th, 1882; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Dennis F. Smith, age 21; date of sentence, June 14th, 1883; term, 3 years; crime, grand larceny.

Frank Wilson, age 24; date of sentence, Aug. 28, 1880; term, 10 years; crime, assault with intent to kill.

The report also shows that eight from this county have been discharged from the "pen."

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Rev. Graham is still at Walnut Valley.

Miss Esther Gilmore was an Old Salem guest recently for several days.

Miss Jessie Hoyland, of Burden, was a guest in this vicinity last week.

Some strange guests in town, but I do not know with whom they are visiting.

Quite a number are suffering with rheumatism. Among the afflicted, Mrs. J. W. Hoyland.

Mr. Will McHenry found his brother cold in death when he arrived in the old Virginia home.

Mr. Watsonberger is entertaining two of his cousins, the Finch brothers. Mr. Wolf, of Grenola, also spent several days with them.

The Misses Etna and Mary Dalgarn, entertained a few friends for New Years dinner. A good and merry time reported by the "School marm."

A family dinner, that is relatives and a few friends, dined with the family of J. W. Hoyland on New Years day. Other families celebrated in different ways.

The M. E. Social was very well attended for such a cold night, and those that were lucky in being there report an unusually good time; supper good and people friendly.

Miss Fanny Saunders entertained Miss Pearl Friend, of Winfield, last week, and gave a party in her honor which pleased the young people very much. A fine time is reported.

Mrs. Bovee is entertaining Mrs. Dobson, while Mr. Dobson is absent in Missouri. We understand that Mr. Dobson contemplates going into baking business in Salem. We extend a welcome to all those trying to help build up our town.

Mr. type-setter, don't you call Mr. Oliver Turman "Olivia," next time. I also got credit for one editorial item about the price of wheat on the streets. It sounded nice and big for Salem. All right, I know I make hundreds of much worse mistakes.

Some of the people surprised Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chapell by dropping in to spend the evening. Music on harp and piano, playing Authors and different games made time pass rapidly. Olivia spent the evening quietly at home, as all my evenings are passed this winter, very nearly.

The young people of church were happily surprised by seeing the smiling faces of Dr. Downs and his good little wife in the audience on Sabbath morning. We are glad to hear they are back to stay. The Doctor has finished his college course and will devote his time and talent to mending the shattered constitutions of his neighbors and friends. May success and happiness attend this young couple on the voyage of life.

The dedicatory services at the M. E. church were excellent. Rev. King and Rev. Tull were present from abroad, and the Salemites were held spellbound by the eloquence of Elder King, and his singing of the pretty song, "I'm a child of the King," which elicited much applause in a silent way from the appreciative audience. He made us all wish to be rich, for that day at least, that we might help in erecting temples for the worship of God. All the ministers did well in their different parts. The people responded nobly to the money part, and everything passed off finely. A gentleman and his wife from Winfield favored the audience by helping with the singing and playing. The choir did finely.

On Jan. 6th, I, with relatives, was bidden to a wedding feast in the home of Mrs. B. I. Hoyland. There we witnessed two hearts united as one, by Rev. Knight of Burden. The contracting parties were Miss Lela Stevenson (daughter of Mrs. Hoyland) and Mr. Emsley Woodle of Monroe, Wisconsin. They looked happy and everyone played happy if not really in that pleasant mood. May their happy, loving hearts never suffer blight, and nothing but death sunder the ties that bind them. Happiness in all thy walks adown the vale of time, and happiness without alloy in the life beyond, is my wish for these dear ones. If they fare as sumptuously every day as we did on their wedding day, I fear they will fall victims to gout. The bride received a nice supply of presents, all being useful as well as ornamental; quite a number came from friends in the old Wisconsin home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoyland spent the night and took breakfast with this happy household.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Frank Pierce, proprietor of the livery and feed stable, took in the sights of the city on Monday last.

Mrs. Wilson and Mattie were in Winfield on Thursday. They say it was awfully muddy on the crossings.

School will be out soon. What shall we have for the last day's exercises? Some one come to the front and suggest.

Mr. Reynolds of this city has taken possession of a blacksmith shop in Burden and has commenced work there. His family is still in Torrance.

The people of Torrance have been attending the revival services at Cambridge conducted by the Rev. H. D. Gans, of Winfield, and report splendid meetings.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Higbee returned home on Monday night after a two weeks visit to their old home in Schell City, Missouri. They report a fine time, but dull times and money scarce.

The young folks mite society met at the residence of Mrs. Wilson at Capital Hill, but the mud being so deep there were not many out; still those present seemed to enjoy themselves hugely.

Rev. Warren filled his appointment at the schoolhouse on last Sunday at 11 o'clock. He had a large audience and a very attentive one. In the afternoon the Sunday School was largely attended and the school is progressing finely.

The young ladies and gentlemen of Torrance started to Cambridge last Sunday evening to church in a large wagon, but owing to the cold and mud, concluded they would not go; so they returned to the hotel, got warm and then went home.

The young folks of this place attended a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Weaverling of Cambridge a few nights ago and they report a fine time. They say Mr. and Mrs. Weaver know how to entertain. After wishing them all the joys, they departed for home at a late hour.

Mr. C. P. Brintzinghoffer, who has been at work in this neighborhood building a house for Mrs. Hemenway, has at last completed the same. The weather was unfavorable, but he kept on and at last has finished one of the best, if not the finest, houses in this part of the county.

Mr. Frank H. Greer, of Winfield, was in this city on last Thursday night, the guest of H. G. Norton. They took a trip to Capital Hill. Notwithstanding the mud was quite deep, Frank lost his shoe--I mean his overshoe--the girls say he is a dandy dancer. Come again, Frank.

On last Sunday another cold wave struck this burg driving all the summer warmth from us, the little birds that had begun to sing to the little frogs which were busy getting their music boxes in time, but, like the ground hog of yore, they have all gone back to their nests.

Mr. Branson, father of the Branson boys, is visiting the boys. He came in on Saturday night from Eureka, his home. They all sat side by side at the table at the Torrance hotel and partook of dinner Monday last. They arranged themselves according to their ages. The father first, Henry next, Mart next, then Abraham, and Lincoln last.

Mr. Wilson, brother of G. W. Wilson of this place, who was visiting here, returned to his home last Thursday. He is quite a genial and sociable man, is a route agent on the I. & L. C. R. R. from St. Louis to Indianapolis. His mother, Mrs. Ralls, who has spent the greater part of the winter here, returned with him. So, of course, it is lonesome at the Hill.

Bro. Shanghai, of the Cambridge News, has got worse in the last few days. He thinks he will make himself famous or infamous by writing poetry (?). This time he seems to have chosen the same subject as on former occasions and written two little, blank verses about our school teacher. (I suppose they are blank for I fail to see anything in them.) Come, now, Brother Shanghai, give us a rest.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Township elections are almost at hand.

We are glad to learn that the D. M. & A. R. R. will be built next summer.

Our farmers are getting things ready for work, in anticipation of an early spring.

That bridge communication in the Telegram was about the sentiments of our people.

J. D. Mulford captured Hattie Lewis on the 6th. As I did not get a bid, I cannot describe the bride's dress or the manly bearing of the groom.

We notice that Ben Franklin is around again with a patched face, the result of a row at Silver Creek schoolhouse.

Is it not singular that the brave Oklahoma boomers about here are so quiet? Why don't they go down and help whip General Hatch?

The Presbyterian mite at Mrs. A. C. Davis' last week was an enjoyable affair. Mrs. Davis and her accomplished daughters never do anything by halves.

Tisdale's literary society, last Friday night, was a good thing. We expect a grand time at the next meeting. The question for debate is, Resolved, that the present prohibition laws are detrimental to temperance should be repealed." Some of the old heads propose to take part.

We have a thing called a man, a "Christian, forsooth" in our community that is a wife beater, an abuser of small children, a Pharisee who "thanks God that he is not as other men are." What should induce a big, healthy brute of a man to abuse, knock down, and curse a little, weak woman (and she his wife, that he has promised before High Heaven to cherish, honor, and protect) is "beyond our kew." A word of warning, my friend; such things sometimes go "too far to be healthy" in the Great West. A word to the wise, etc.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Oh! Slush!!

Hurrah for the Times Journal.

Rubber shoes are in demand.

The war on the levee is at an end and all the boys feel that they are ahead.

A new firm in this city, D. D. Hoy & Son, aged respectively, 43 years, and 4 days.

The Times Journal press is set to running today, having been transferred to the Boyd building and put in fine shape by our esteemed friend, Joseph Swope.

Times are very pressing and some of our businessmen find it difficult to keep on their legs, but we are expecting a fine boom when the springtime comes, gentle Nora.

Cedarvale is still ahead in hotels, stores, stables, banks, shops, skating rinks, parks, sunshine, and everything which promises big for a town. We are happy to see her boom.

Bill Carmichael and Herbert Brown were in town this week. Bill didn't say anything about it, but he looked as though he wanted me to send his regards to Mr. William Hackney.

The Brindle dog got loose last Saturday night. The kid went off smiling, Jess Lawson was fined $25.00 and costs; Ed. Smith $5 and trimmings and Marshal Hamon $5 and results.

We all hope that while Ed. P. is inspecting the ornamentations in the halls of the legislature, he won't forget those who were his friends and companions in the dug-out and sod cabin days of Cowley.

William Andrews (colored) shot down two other gentlemen of the same complexion in Little Cana a few days ago. On examination it appeared that he was entirely justifiable, and Andrews was discharged.

A bran new paper (Democratic) is going in our town. A. D. Dunn, publisher and J. T. Mattingly, Editor, of the Sedan Graphic, are men of sense and experience in journalism and will certainly succeed. They have our best wishes.

C. M. Turner plumed his wings for a flight in the new atmosphere of the legislature last Monday. May he succeed in a manner worthy of the people whom he represents. Lon Turner was among us a few days ago. He thinks the D. M. & A. is a certainty yet. As a R. R. commissioner and a man of fine judgment, we feel decidedly encouraged by his opinion in this matter.

Some solicitous friends from the eastern slope of Flint Ridge mournfully inquired of Jasper and his best girl. It is a well known fact among his intimate friends that Jasper is in the practice of law and has very little time to indulge in newspaper budge; and for his best girl the weight of her imported tresses has drawn her fair head down on some other devoted breast. Sufficient to say Jasper will always come promptly to the front whenever he sees an opportunity to bore somebody.

I can heartily concur in the late proposition of a correspondent, in regard to an agricultural and industrial association in Cowley County. Your county is neglecting the cardinal industry of its people in not organizing and methodizing its agricultural resources, as only a general and systematic association can do it. Now that "Mark" has turned away from matrimony and metaphysics to stock raising and agriculture, we may expect him to support, if not propose, every movement which would redound most effectually to the development and prosperity of Cowley.

Our old friend, C. M. Shartel, is no longer among us (bachelors). He took the last matrimonial express the other day and went around the bend like an angel on a gold streaked cloud. May his track be as smooth as the Sedan pavements during the late freeze; may his supply train be well loaded; may his route abound with many promising branches; may he never make a coupling on any other line; may the many side tracks along his route be named after the great Republican heroes who have figured in the history of our country; may his headlight be reason, his signals lights loving care; and his destination the crystal depot where devoted hearts can know no separation.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mr. R. B. Pratt was to start to Clark County Saturday.

Akron school has resumed work again after the holidays.

Mr. Thompson is again able to attend to duties in his store.

Mr. Ramsey's eldest daughter died Sunday, January 4th.

The sunshine seems warm and pleasant after such a long cold spell.

Mr. Will Grove and Miss Jennie Yeaman, both of this place, were married on New Year's day. May happiness attend them.

Tuesday night of last week we were aroused from our reveries by firing of guns, ringing of cow bells, and beating of tin pans. The boys were trying to serenade Mr. Wilson and his bride. They got the treat.

Mr. C. E. McClaren went out to his work as usual on Thursday, the 8th, and as he did not come in through the day his wife thought he had gone to a neighbor's. But he did not come through the night. In the morning friends went in search of him and found him dead in the field. It is supposed he died of heart disease.

We have now entered upon a new year and with it formed new resolutions to improve our time better and live a higher and better life. We realize:

"The year has gone,
And with it many a glorious throng of happy dreams.

Its mark on each brow: Its shadow in each heart.

In its swift course it waved its scepter o'er the beautiful

And they are not.
It laid its pallid hand upon the strong arm

And the haughty form is fallen and the flashing eye is dim.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Jones Leedy was in town Friday.

Rev. Warren preached at Windsor Sunday week.

Capt. Rowe spent last Friday in Winfield, attending court.

Mr. Holden sold two carloads of fat sheep last week, so we hear.

Capt. Stohl, of Holden, Missouri, is visiting his son, Frank Stohl, living northeast of here.

We are beginning to think Sunny Kansas is coming again, and we are glad to see it.

James Harris, who has been living on Cedar creek, moved over near Birds Eye Mound a few days ago, where he has taken a claim.

Will Beck, a young man staying at Mr. Kinley's, on Cedar creek, killed a monster eagle a few days ago, measuring eight feet from tip to tip. Who can beat that?

Mr. Nott Fenton, of Pleasant Hill, Mo., who has been visiting his Uncle, Duane Foster, the past two weeks, returned home last Friday. He was well pleased with the country and all he met during his stay.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mose Keever and Sheridan Teter were on the sick list last week.

Boon Newell, from near Rock post office, shook hands with friends and relatives of this place last Saturday and Sunday.

We are not a reader of the Telegram or Arkansas City Republican, therefore all remarks therein concerning Y. N. hereafter will be passed by unnoticed.

A series of sermons will commence next Saturday night at the M. E. church instead of last Saturday night, as the members preferred a little light on the subject.

Mr. R. O. Copeland, who has been sojourning among friends and relatives to this vicinity for some time, returned to his home in Hutchinson, Reno County, this week.

Mark, we tumble, beg your pardon, and compliment you on your generosity; but you should allow us to compliment "Neptune" when convenient, as such opportunities are seldom afforded us.

Mr. Louis King and Mr. Warren Wood were baptized into the Christian church on Monday of last week by Rev. Frazee; also Mrs. Dr. Marsh united with the same by letter on the following evening.

W. E. Miller, our live and energetic fruit tree agent, took his departure for the wilds of the West on Friday of last week. His wife will remain here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hughes, until spring.

"Mark" is trying to excite our combativeness by saying we have "foemen worthy of our steel." Mark, we are not of a quarrelsome disposition, and have no desire to intrude or impose on good nature and should our foeman smite us on one cheek (readers pause, think a moment), we turn the other also.

The Davis Brothers treated their many young friends to a party on Saturday night. Apples, candy, and popcorn were served in an acceptable manner, and Thomas favored us with splendid music on his accordion.

"Mark" has exposed his weakness by abusing Prof. Vennor, who has passed off the state of action and gone to try the realities of the unseen. Should Vennor be appointed fireman in that land that is warmer than this, he will make it hot for "Mark."

Newton Wright met with a misfortune while on his way to the party. One of his horses slipped and fell, breaking the buggy tongue. Newt and his girl were sitting in the buggy meditating and trusting to Providence for relief when a wagon came along and took them on board.

An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Wright on Wednesday night of last week. Social games were the order of the evening until 12 o'clock, when oysters and other necessary food to sustain our frail and decaying bodies were served.

Earnest Richardson and John Hughes have returned from their prospecting tour in Butler County, the latter bringing with him a picture of his attraction. This is John's second visit to Butler County this winter, and when you hear of him going again, boys, load up your muskets and have your bells ready.

Mark speaks of Young Nasby as being the last one chosen at a spelling school recently held at the Victor schoolhouse, which is one among his few mistakes. Were the statement true, we are living in an enlightened day and age of the world, and wise people always save the best until the last.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The M. E. Church has been holding prayer meetings every evening for some little past.

Miss Kate Paullin is away visiting friends in Cherryvale. "Ed" looks rather disconsolate.

Mr. Wilson, the blacksmith, has had his shop moved back from the street and is putting an addition to it in front and remodeling it generally.

Our public schools opened again after the holiday vacation with a very full attendance. The schools are in good condition and making fine progress.

Mr. S. J. Day has taken advantage of the fine weather and is rapidly pushing his two-story stone building on Main St. to completion. The stone work is all finished.

"The Spy of Atlanta," given under the auspices of the G. A. R., was a great success and drew large audiences every night except the last, which was very stormy. Our home talent showed off to very good advantage.

The officers of the M. E. Sunday School elected at the beginning of this month are as follows: Nathan Brooks, Supt.; Dr. Newman, Asst. Supt.; Jennie Manser, Sec.; Clara Whitaker, organist; and Mrs. Dr. Newman, Treasurer.

A choir has been organized for the M. E. church, composed as follows: Mrs. J. W. Henthorn, organist; Misses Stone, Kate Paullin, Susie Day, and Rose Pierce; and Messrs. J. W. Henthorn, Will Frazier, J. F. Stodder, and R. B. Moore.

The Good Templars Lodge, of this place, from some untoward circumstances, had not met for a couple of months until last Friday night, when a meeting was held and an effort made to go on regularly. There is no reason why a strong lodge should not exist in our town.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The recent thaw has turned our soil into mud.

The well on Mr. Eastman's place has been sunk 125 feet, and yet no liquid.

Progress on Albert Graves' bank barn was deferred by the late frigidity.

Jay Myers mounted his bronco Monday week and left for Harper County to "grow up with the country."

Miss Etta Broadwell left for a few weeks in Topeka Wednesday of last week, and will be greatly missed by our young folks.

Our school recommenced Monday week, after a two week's vacation. Mr. Akers, the teacher, well deserves the praise given him by the district.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Mud plenty and prospect for more.

Mr. Sturm has his barn painted, which adds much to the looks of his farm.

Boys, clean your boots before you come in, is the words of mothers now-a-days.

Our Sunday School on last Sunday was well attended; there was an attendance of 70, and Sunday before last, 71.

The Baptists are holding a protracted meeting at the Richland schoolhouse. It is conducted by Elder Hopkins, of Douglass.

Mr. Hornaday, who located with us last spring, is one of our energetic farmers. He is in the sheep business and is getting along with great success. We give himself and family a hearty welcome to our community and wish him success.

Mr. T. R. Carson has one of the finest stock farms in Cowley! It contains 1120 acres. Mr. Carson is a great help to our neighborhood in many respects. He buys the extra corn the farmers have to spare; also cattle and hogs. His farm is watered by two large wells, each having a windmill pump. He is also building some good cattle sheds. May his labors be crowned with success.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Kansas has all kinds of weather at present, but warm weather.

Mr. Jim Hon, of Burden, visited his parents in this vicinity recently.

Mr. Conley is talking of moving on to the Bess farm, lately vacated by Burt Eastman.

Mr. D. Eastman, of Winfield, was out to his farm last Monday. He is enjoying city life this winter.

M. S. Shivers lost a fine heifer recently. Running in the corn stalks is supposed to be the cause.

Preaching at the Irwin Chapel next Sunday at 11 o'clock a.m. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 o'clock a.m.

"Mark," you have somewhat aroused Mr. A. C.'s indignation. He did not want everybody to know he was going to ship his old blind sow.

Mr. M. S. Keever visited relatives in this vicinity last week. Mr. Keever talks very strongly of moving to Florida. He says it is too cold in Kansas for him.

Mr. Bert Eastman will cultivate the cockleburrs on his father's farm this year. Bert, you will certainly "earn your bread by the sweat of your brow."

Mr. M. Lindle, who came to Cowley County this winter, is very much dissatisfied with Kansas. It is strange that a man comes to a good county and don't know it.

Mr. Riley Constant threshed last week. There was considerable of his wheat damaged. If he had waited a little longer, he could have threshed with the rest of his neighbors.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Once more the sun is shining and the snow all gone.

S. G. Caster was defeated in getting his road, running through Mr. Weimer's place.

School was poorly attended last week on account of high water in the streams, which have now run down.

George Fry is drilling himself a well. He contemplates moving his house to his well instead of the well to the house.

Mr. Newton Hall has returned from a visit east to his old home in Illinois, bringing his brother with him, who likes this country very much.

Rev. Funk will preach every other Sabbath evening, next Sunday eve, the 18th will be his next time. Come out and give him a good house.

The school was visited last week by Mr. Ballard, assistant superintendent, and from all reports he likes the way the school is progressing.

Rev. Mr. Spears preached to the people of Prairie Ridge last Sunday. Although there was a small crowd, he delivered a very good sermon.

Monroe Knight bought a wild pony some time ago, and has been having a young circus ever since. Roc is boss part of the time, and part of the time this pony is boss.

The spelling school Friday night was not as good as usual on account of some bad boys, who behaved very badly; which we all hope will not happen again. Miss Nellie Cochran was the champion of the evening. She spelled the school down.

[UDALL. "O."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Most of our citizens have had occasion to visit Winfield during the past week.

Steel & Co.'s elevator and corn sheller is in running order, calls for the thousands.

Corn 20 cts. Per bushel here, and quite an amount coming in. Wheat from 40 to 45 cts.

Pap Ammon is again running the billiard hall. Clarence Boots had enough of it for one season.

Rufus Huff has sold his Meat Market to Mr. Greenland, who will hereafter deal out the savory Porter-House steak to hungry Udallites, while Rufus will rusticate among the wild and unsophisticated denizens of the far West.

W. W. Smith has sold out his interest in the firm of Smith & Shiver and will shortly open an exclusive Grocery Store here.

The Stout Bros. are shipping as fine a carload of hogs as has been shipped from Udall in many a day. The car will average 390 lb.

We are pleased to see Frank Gray on the streets again. He has had a long siege of the rheumatism, but is now regaining his usual health.

Your correspondent, in his rambles last week, accidently stumbled upon the City Council while in session. His honor, T. M. Kelly, occupied the chair, which, by the way, was a Dry Goods box, while the Clerk, Prof. Campf, rested his portly form upon a nail keg, and the elongated form of my friend, Staton, found comfortable quarters on a bundle of barbed wire. Hammon, the wit of the Council, stood up quite gracefully in one corner, while Wm. June, the deep thinker, occupied the other, and a few feet from the Mayor stood Messrs. Ratliff and Mose, in deep consultation as to whether the bill of Wm. Higgins should be laid on the table, or under it. The silence grew oppressive while the cold clammy sweat broke out from his Honor's brow, and his large cotton bandana was called into requisition. But relief came at last: the city attorney had become aroused from his slumber by the entrance of the Marshal, and searching deep into his pockets he found 12 pool chips, calling for that many cigars. So in honor of the event, his Honor declared the Council should have a recess of 15 minutes, and the Marshal took the chips with certain liberal contributions from one of the other members and secured cigars for all. Will Higgins and W. O. McKinlay having arrived meanwhile, your correspondent securing a weed, departed with the query on his mind, would it not be well to have a more suitable and convenient place for the council to hold its meetings?

Those Bridges Again.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The bridge question seems to be one of the important questions before the people of Cowley at the present time. Shall the people in certain localities be under the necessity of loading themselves with a debt that will require a generation to pay in order to build a bridge which is not only a benefit to themselves, but to the county at large? When a township by reason of its location and public necessity is compelled to build one or more bridges, which in turn adds increased valuation to the land, is it fair that that township must pay its increased taxes into the public treasury for the benefit of those who did not or would not assist in making said improvement? Suppose it is necessary in a certain township to build a bridge that will cost $4,000, and that there are 144 quarter sections in said township, the cost would be almost $28 per quarter; now, instead let the whole county pay 9 cents on each quarter and the bridge is paid for and no one overburdened with tax, and next year the county will be able to build a bridge in some other township where it is needed.

"You Don't Know," whose communication the COURIER copied from the Telegram, says: "It seems strange that the public across the Walnut should ask us that live on the sterile, rocky ridges, to build bridges for us." With his permission we will say we never have, nor do we ever expect, to ask them to build our bridges. All we ask is that each one throughout the county pay in proportion to his valuation. There is no one here who claims to have compelled "You Don't Know" to locate on the "sterile, rock ridges" he speaks of, and if he don't like it there, there are a few farms for sale here yet.

At the close of his communication, he raises the lash and threatens the Hon. Ed. P. Greer, and he may just as well save his wind because Ed. Will do what he believes is right and agreeable to the wishes of his constituents.

Now a word respecting the vote on the bridge question at the last election: a large part of the people of the county did not vote at all. Another portion voted against all the propositions except one or two in which they were personally interested. Another part consisting of the Southwest, where their bridges are already built, voted in good faith for all the propositions without a scratch, and now the result is if that vote is legal, after building one iron bridge, we must keep these in repair ourselves and also help to build and repair bridges in other parts of the county. Is this fair? Is it not worse than the matter complained of by "You Don't Know?" A LOVER OF JUSTICE.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Try the Grinnell Steel Wire.

Grinnell Steel wire can't be beat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Krout fresh and good at Wallis & Wallis'.

Pickles in bulk and in bottles at Wallis & Wallis'.

Pure buckwheat flour and maple syrup at Wallis & Wallis'.

A full assortment of dried fruits at bottom prices at Wallis & Wallis'.

The best California canned goods, ring marse brand at low price at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

I will take 200 head of cattle to feed till grass, at $1.00 per month a load. T. S. Green, Akron, Kas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Vases, vases, vases by the hundred and at prices that will defy competition, must be sold at Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

STOCK OF HARDWARE FOR TRADE for farm or city property. For particulars inquire at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Simmons' Summer Cordial is a specific for Cholera, Cholera Morbus, and all summer complaints. Price 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

J. P. Baden wants all the poultry of the county, for shipment, and will pay the highest market price in cash or trade.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Simmons' Cough Balsam is the most pleasant, and best in the market. Price, 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Quincy A. Glass.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Take your turkeys, chickens, ducks and everything in the poultry line to J. P. Baden, who will pay you the highest market price.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

FLOUR EXCHANGED FOR WHEAT. The Winfield Roller Mills are now giving 36 lbs. of Homo Flour and 10 lbs. of Bran per bushel for good wheat.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

LOST. A six-tined fork, on 11th avenue, between my place and that of Mrs. Pierson, last week. Finder will be rewarded on delivery. J. W. Manning.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

We propose to do the best work for the price of anyone in our line. Bring us your buggies, carriages, and spring wagons for repairs. Albro & Bishop.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Call and price our immense stock of library and hand lamps. The very latest patterns. None like them in the city, and at prices to suit the hard times. At Wallis & Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

J. P. Baden's shipping department wants all the poultry, dressed or otherwise, in the county, for which he will pay as much as any other firm in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

Simmons' Golden Aperient for all liver complaints has no superior. It restores the appetite and is an excellent Blood Purifier. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale by Quincy A. Glass.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

FOR SALE. Two imported and three grade Percheron-Norman stallions. These are fully acclimated to our climate and are of the finest specimens of their class. Terms easy and prices to suit the times. Inquire of J. C. McMullen or H. E. Silliman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

The latest styles of Toilet sets, the latest styles of cologne sets, the latest styles of chamber sets, the latest styles children's toy sets, the latest styles of decorated tea sets, the latest styles of fine globe sets, the latest styles of fancy tea pots. These goods are marked at a trifle above cost, and must be sold in the next 30 days, at Wallis and Wallis'.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 15, 1885.

PUBLIC SALE. I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at my place on Dutch Creek, 1½ miles north of Floral and 11 miles from Winfield, on Thursday, Jan. 29th, 1885, commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., the following described property: One span brood mares, six brood sows with pig, 1 male Poland-China hog, 1 cow and calf, 1 cultivator, 1 corn planter, 1 stirring plow and 1 stalk cutter. Will also rent at this time fifty acres of my cultivated land, with dwelling house. Terms: All sums under $5, cash; $5 and upwards, 9 months time on bankable security; 10 percent off for cash. T. W. DICKEN.


Skipping First Page.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Private Donations. Creek.
Leavenworth is again early on deck in the Legislature for donations for private enterprises. Senate bills 2, 3 and 4 are for appropriations for three Leavenworth institutions, which are good institutions in themselves, but there are no more reasons for making state appropriations to maintain them than there are for making appropriations for a thousand other private institutions in other towns all over the State. In the contest as to what town should be favored with the location of the soldiers home, Leavenworth made the largest bid, agreeing to raise a large sum of money for the institution, and was successful. She now appeals to the Legislature to donate her the money to redeem this obligation. She proposes to make the rival towns which bid their own money for the institution, help pay their successful bid. Leavenworth is exhibiting very porkish propensities. The legislature should sit down heavily on all these donations. No money should be donated by the state for any such purposes. If the State is going to appropriate money for Orphan Asylums and Homes for friendless women, she should assume their ownership and control and put them on the same footing as other state charitable institutions.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The national legislature does not seem to be doing anything in particular. The Democratic majority in the House seem to have no desire to do anything but manipulate the appointments to office by the incoming administration. The Senate is far ahead with its business and seems to have nothing to do but wait upon the House for its action on the bills the Senate has passed. The only important bill passed by the House this session is the Reagan inter-state commerce bill in an amended and weakened condition. This bill is now before the Senate and we observe that Senator Ingalls is striking some good blows on the side of the people in the discussion of this measure.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

There are about a dozen hungry Democrats in the city who are on the "ragged edge" and their efforts to get up a boom, each in his own favor, is simply amusing. They all want to be "P. M., which is postmaster," in the words of Nasby, and circulating petitions buttonholing citizens, interviewing Democratic statesmen and even Republicans who are supposed to have influence with Senators Plumb and Ingalls, each wanting to get them to defeat confirmation of any except himself. We do not know how many of them have visited or will visit Albany. While we are preparing to vacate to give place to a Democrat, we expect to get a considerable fun out of it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

As early as the 15th two joint resolutions were presented in the State Senate to provide for the repeal of the prohibition amendment and two to provide for a constitutional convention the main object of which is to accomplish a resubmission on the same. We do not apprehend that either measure will succeed in either house, made up as they are by members fresh from the people, a large majority of whom are practically instructed against both of these measures, and for legislation to make the prohibitory amendment more effective and more easily enforced. Such legislation ought to be and we believe will be effected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The total receipts of the Kansas State treasury for the last six months foot up $742,301.54 with $313,564.65 still on hand January 1st, 1885. What a commonwealth we have grown to be. The permanent school fund now amounts to $3,051,601,000. Unless a change in that respect should be made in the constitution, the time will come, it would seem, when the interest on the permanent school fund will support the common schools of the state or at least leave but a trifle for each man to pay annually. Wichita Eagle.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The prices of cereals and meats are slowly advancing, having risen at Kansas City, from 51 cents for No. 2 wheat, the lowest, up to 85 cents, and there is a good prospect for a continuing advance. The Kansas City markets, on Monday, were as follows:

Wheat, No. 2, red, 65.

Wheat, No. 3, red, 60 ½.

Wheat, No. 2, soft, 74.

Corn, No. 2, 30 ½.

Oats, No. 2, 26 ½.

Cattle, native shippers, $5 to $5.35.

Cattle, native butchers, $4.20 to $4.55.

Cattle, native Cows, $3 to $3.40.

Hogs, extreme range, $4.20 to $4.60, with bulk of sales at $4.32 to $4.45.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

In olden times it took the Kansas legislature from a week to a month to elect a united states senator. This year it will hardly require more time than is necessary to count the votes. Yet we doubt if the legislature gets through its work a day quicker than usual.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Our member, Ed. P. Greer, has been treated with great kindness and consideration by the Speaker and members of the House, for which they have our warmest thanks as well as his. He was honored with the position of assistant secretary in the preliminary organization, with a position on the most important committee, that of ways and means, and a member from the House of the joint committee on rules. The House members of that committee are Bond, of Mitchell; Greer, of Cowley; and Currier, of Douglass. The Senate members are Green, of Manhattan and Smith, of Waterville, which makes a very strong committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

[Skipped next two entries, which refer to Governor Martin's message and full report of the proceedings of the State Legislature. These items took up much of Page 1, which I skipped.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Senator Jennings, of Cowley, is on the Senate Committee of Ways and Means, on that of Fees and Salaries, on Corporations, on Cities of the Second Class, and is Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Bridges.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Hon. John D. Maurer, of Cowley County, is a member of the Committee on County Lines and County Seats; also of the Committee on Agriculture and Horticulture and of the Committee on Inter-state Commerce.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Hon. Louis P. King, of Cowley, is on the House Committee on Penitentiary, and on the Committee on Temperance.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Ed. Greer is the Chairman of the House Standing Committee on Printing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Our new and fresh "esteemed cotemporary" gives its handful of readers about two columns of nonsense about the county printing, which we need not notice but for its misstatements. In the first place in relation to the COURIER's promise to continue to print, as a matter of news, all that the c. c. gets pay for from the county, it states: "This is not true, and the editor of the COURIER knows that he does not intend to do so."

We said nothing unkind or disrespectful of the c. c. or its editor, and therefore it had not the excuse of calling us a liar by way of retort. We thought the editor of the c. c. was a gentleman, and have treated him as such. He now seems to be a low blackguard, but we will not call him such until further developments.

Of course he cannot know what our intentions are, and therefore his falsehood is purely gratuitous. We shall do the printing we promised all the same, not excepting the road notices and school land sales.

It states that it, the Enterprise, of Burden, and the Democrat, of Arkansas City, combined, have a county circulation exceeding that of the COURIER by a considerable number. Now we will give the c. c. another large bonus for the proof that the three papers named have all together one half of the number of bona fide paying subscribers in the county that the COURIER has. We suppose that either the Enterprise or Democrat has three times the number the c. c. has, but their circulation has nothing to do with the letting of the printing to the c. c. The commissioners could let it to only one paper, and this agreement to print in other papers is all moonshine and void. It will not make a cent's difference in the amount paid the c. c. whether printed in the other papers or not.

It tries to excuse Commissioner Smith further, by trying to make out that its bid was a great saving to the county, and that the COURIER was paid a very large sum last year for the printing. Now, as a matter of news to our readers, we will give a table of the exact figures we received for last year, which was an extraordinary year for amount of election proclamations, road notices, and some other items. We received for printing:

1. Tax list: $273.20. 2. Delinquent tax notice: $47.90. 3. School land sales: $134.10.

This totaled $455.20. 4. Claims allowed by Commissioners: $181.00. 5. Claims allowed by Auditor: $41.00. 6. Treasurer's statements: $92.50. 7. County Superintendent's notices: $8.50. 8. Road notices: $310.50. 9. Election proclamations: $190.50. 10. Other notices: $33.30. This totaled $857.30.

For the matter in the 1, 2, and 3 items above, the c. c. gets the same rates we did.

The road notices (8) this year, judging from past five years and present situation will not amount at legal rates to more than $100.00.

And election proclamations (9) $20.00. Claims (4 and 5) to $160.00. (6) Treasurer's statements to $92.50. (7) Co. Supt.'s notices: $8.50. (10) Other notices: $33.30. This totals $414.30. For these the c. c. will get fully $144.80; and for the first three items full rates: $455.20. This totals $600.00.

On the COURIER's proposal for this year, it would have got for:

Items 1, 2, and 3: $455.20. Item 8, Road notices: $100.00. Item 9, Election proclamations: $20.00. Item 10, Claims audited: $160.00. Other items free. Comes to a total of $735.20. The difference in favor of c. c.: $135.20.

On the grounds of circulation if it is worth $600 to publish in the c. c., it would have been worth $5,000 in the COURIER. If Commissioner Smith was right in refusing it to the COURIER on the grounds of a lower bid, he was wrong in not giving it to the Democrat or Eagle with still lower bids, and he was grossly wrong last year and year before in awarding it to the COURIER against much lower bids.

But he was right the two last years and wrong this year. The delegates in the convention who put him in nomination and the voters who voted for him did it under the belief that he would award the printing to the COURIER at legal rates, as he had twice done before. His nomination and election was an approval of these past acts and virtually an instruction to give it to the COURIER. He could not have got the nomination without the approval of the COURIER; indeed no one talked of him for re-election until the COURIER took hold of the matter and pulled him through against the objections and warnings of many good citizens, but at his desire, as stated to us. It was the COURIER's fault that he was re-nominated and elected. We believed he was an honorable man and a friend, and we have always treated him as such. We never have omitted an opportunity to do him a favor, and having placed him in his office and knowing that the COURIER had a clear right to the printing at legal rates, we never had the shadow of a doubt that it would get it, and the announcement to the contrary came upon us "a clap of thunder from a clear sky." We know more now than we did. This matter has added one to our list of ingrates.

We have not yet been able to get a solution of the matter of what possessed him to commit this outrage on us and on the county.

We now have had our say and propose to drop it. We shall not suffer materially and can get along well as it is.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The southern senators came up very gallantly to the recognition of General Grant's military services in crushing the rebellion. His magnanimity in the hour of triumph is bearing fruit in the appreciation of his former antagonists. The bill to place him on the retired list of the army with full pay allowance since March 4, 1869, an aggregate of possibly $300,000, passed the senate by the handsome majority of 40 to 9. If it meets with equal favor in the house, it will speedily solve the problem which Mr. Field and Vanderbilt seem unable to solve.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

E. P. Greer, the present member of the House from Winfield, Cowley County, is a son of S. W. Greer, the first territorial superintendent of common schools in 1859. Representative Greer is the youngest member of the Legislature and as bright as any member in it. Capital.

Thanks, Mr. Capital. We like to see evidences that our boys are appreciated.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The i. c. mentions its promises to give legislative reports and criticizes the COURIER for containing little of them last week. We notice, however, that the COURIER had five times as much of that and other news as the c. c. had and the same state of affairs appears this week.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The United States Senate is investigating the leases which the rich cattle companies have obtained in the Indian Territory. It is claimed that many of these leases were obtained through corruption and fraud.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

It is understood at Washington that the South is to have two places in the Cabinet. Garland is to have one of these: the Attorney Generalship. About the second place there is great uncertainty.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The first water-works in the United States were contracted at Bethlehem, Pa., in 1762. In 1786 leaden pipes were instituted. In 1813, these were changed to iron.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Probably the only newspaper in the world that is owned, edited, and managed by a blind man is the Cherokee (Iowa) Enterprise.

Postmaster General's Report.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

We have compiled from the Postmaster General's report for the past year the following Post Office statistics for the year ending March 31, 1884, showing the business of the postoffices of the thirteen leading cities of this State for that year.

[Skipping table given. Am giving rounded-out Gross Postal Receipts only.]

Topeka $51, 798; Leavenworth $28,927; Atchison $25,408; Lawrence $22,074; Wichita $16,525; Emporia $16,489; Fort Scott $15,904; Wyandotte $14,308; Parsons $9,810; Ottawa $9,543; Winfield $9,214; Wellington $8,841; Newton $8,666; Arkansas City $5,071.

We have appended Arkansas City though not the next in importance by any means but as having a local interest and showing a large postal business.

The indicated population on this basis is no doubt in some cases less than the real, but the relative populations as indicated are correct. Arkansas City then claimed 2,800 instead of 2,536; Winfield then only claimed 4,000 instead of 4,677, and her assessor returned less than 3,700, which we never believed was a full count. Wellington claimed 6,000 but we never believed she had as many as Winfield. Wichita claimed 13,000 but we never believed she had anything near that, but she is undoubtedly the fifth city in the State in population. Emporia, Ft. Scott, and Wichita are so close up to Wichita that we should put them in the same grade. Next come Parsons, Ottawa, and Winfield so nearly equal that we put them in one grade while Wellington and Newton follow only a few hundred dollars behind.

Since a year ago the business of the Winfield postoffice has increased as well as the population, probably in a greater ratio than either of the other cities and we believe now she has as many as 4,077, the population indicated for a year ago.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

From the looks of the long list of claims allowed by our "County Dads" at their last session, a stranger might think that some influence was brought to bear t hat was not just as it should be. To say the least, for instance, Doane & Co.'s coal bill for Court House ($191.00) was sufficient for at least twenty families for the same time, beside twenty-one pauper bills. No doubt Doane & Co. are all right, as perhaps all the rest may be, but it does seem to the uninitiated that it's not a different thing to get in a bad account as a pauper bill; in fact, some of our merchants have boasted that it's a slick way to collect bills when other methods fail. I am creditably informed that it is not unusual for such bills to contain charges for tobacco, cigars, candy, and the like.

Another large item is the doctor bills. Why don't our "Dads" contract with some good doctor to attend to the county poor as do other counties in eastern states, for a salary. It seems to me that the service would be as good, and at much less cost.

One question that troubles us grangers is: what constitutes a pauper? We have known instances of fellows owning teams that will not work them at reasonable wages receiving aid from the county. Now we think these things are not looked into as they should be.

One more complaint: We believe it to be the duty of public servants to consider always the best interest of the master, the public, and we think that duty has been disregarded in the matter of printing. If it is necessary for the Tribune to receive aid, the end might be accomplished by a "pauper bill." Justice would say the paper having the largest circulation should have the public printing in order that the greatest number of taxpayers might be benefitted.

Another suggestion: We grangers think the county seat ought to be run somewhat in the interest of the county. As things are tending, Cowley will soon be an attachment to Winfield.

The above was written by a very intelligent and substantial farmer of the Democratic persuasion, a man whom we very highly respect. We have not scrutinized the work of County Commissioners very closely and cannot say how much justice there is in the above strictures. We presume they are just in some directions, but have been hearing the most bitter and indignant complaints on the other side of the question. It is stated that this winter has been very severe on many persons of moderate means, both in the city and county, and many families have suffered very much because they were unable to obtain fuel and other means to keep them warm; that physicians have reported this distress in various cases to the township trustees and the city mayors and urged the necessity of aid from the public funds; that these orders have been approved by the township boards and city councils and the bills have been allowed by the County Auditor, who has simply done his duty in the premises, but that the County Commissioners, or rather that Commissioner Smith has repudiated these bills and refused to allow them to be paid, and this on the slimmest pretexts, such as that this bill had omitted the word "pauper," and that bill had omitted some other word, and thus rendered it technically imperfect. It is now stated that the coal merchants and other dealers, have, in consequence of this action of the commissioners, refused to honor all orders of the trustees and mayors, and there are many poor and worthy families who are suffering terribly without a pound of fuel and cannot get it, and this, during the extremely cold weather. Mayor Emerson and our city council are said to be very indignant and excited over this outrageous action, as it has been called, of the county board, and are about to call a public meeting to devise means of relief.

Now we have given two sides to the question and leave it with our readers. We are not deciding the case, but expect a careful scrutiny of the county expenses would show many places where economy could be exercised much more humanely than in disallowing these bills for coal and similar necessaries to save many families from perishing.

A Meeting of Leading Prohibitionists.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The Executive Committee of the State Temperance Union held a meeting at Topeka Tuesday morning, Jan. 13th, at the Windsor Hotel, to talk over matters relating to the Prohibition movement in this State, and the plans that shall be pursued hereafter. The entire committee seemed to think and expressed themselves that the movement is stronger now than it has been for a long time, and with help from the present administration and Legislature is bound to become still more effective. A resolution was passed granting that so far as the law refers to druggists and physicians, it should probably be modified somewhat, and the message of Governor Martin was sanctioned.

Messrs. Kelley, of Winfield, President of the Association, Albert Griffin, Manhattan, and Dr. Philip Krohn, Atchison, were present at the meeting.

The committee elected Dr. Krohn organizer for the State of Missouri, and then adjourned.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Platinum wire has been drawn so fine as to be absolutely invisible to the naked eye.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

At the Senate chamber in Topeka Jan. 13th, 1885, at 12 m. Lieut. Gov. Riddle called the Senate to order and the roll was called, every Senator answering to the call. The senators were sworn in my Associate Justice Johnston. Senator Miller was chosen secretary pro tem. The rules of last Senate were adopted temporarily and Senators Blue, Buchan, Crane, Smith, and Redden were appointed a committee on rules. Resolution passed that hours of meeting be 10 o'clock a.m. and 2 o'clock p.m. Senate adjourned.

At 12 m. the House was called to order by Secretary of State, E. B. Allen. Associate Justice Valentine swore in the members by platoons of twenty. Hon. L. E. Finch was chosen temporary chairman and J. Ware Butterfield temporary chief clerk. In the afternoon session Ed P. Greer, of Winfield, was elected temporary assistant chief clerk. The rules of last House were temporarily adopted. Hon. J. R. Johnson was elected Speaker and Hon. R. R. Burton speaker pro tem; H. L. Millard, of Rice, assistant chief clerk; C. C. Norton, of Mitchell, sergeant at arms; F. G. Dofflemeyer, of Sedgwick, assistant sergeant at arms. House adjourned.

The following Senate officers were elected: C. C. Baker, of Topeka, Secretary; John B. Shaffer, of Franklin, Assistant Secretary; S. C. McDowell, of Cherokee, Sergeant at Arms; Will J. Wilson, of Winfield, Journal Clerk; A. P. Jetmore, of Topeka, Docket Clerk; L. G. Gillmore, of Woodson, Doorkeeper; Wash Marks, of Atchison, Sam Lee, of Douglass, Assistant Doorkeepers; C. E. Moore, of Montgomery, Postmaster; Georgie Connell, Willie N. Neff, Sid Matthews, Frank Brown, Clay Allen, Walter Best, and Willie McNall, Pages.

Senators John Kelley and R. M. Crane were appointed a committee to wait upon the Governor to inform him that the Senate was ready for any communication from him.

Hon. James Smith, Governor Martin's private secretary, presented the Biennial message of the Governor, which was read.

Senator Young presented a resolution to appoint a committee of five to inquire into the alleged corrupt sale of the Normal school land in Mitchell County. Laid over under the rules.

Senator Barker presented a resolution for a joint committee of seven to investigate the condition of the penitentiary. Laid over under the rules.

Resolution to print 6,000 copies of the Governor's message passed.

Messrs. McNall, McBride, and Clogston appointed a committee to wait upon the Governor and inform him that the House was ready for business.

Messrs. Smith, Anthony, Cloyes, Kelso, and Burton appointed a committee on rules.

C. A. Lewis, of Phillips, was elected Journal Clerk; Miss M. L. Slough, of Leavenworth, Docket Clerk; J. A. Furnish, of Kingman, Doorkeeper; M. J. Cupp, of Atchison and F. A. Kipps of Woodson, Assistant Doorkeepers.

The Governor's message was presented and read.

Messrs. Smith, Pratt, Currier, Carroll, and Osborne were appointed a committee to apportion the Governor's message.

A. Hammon, of Nemaha, was elected as Assistant Doorkeeper; Gilbert Bedell, of Pawnee, Postmaster; Miss Nora M. Shaffer, of Shawnee, Assistant Postmaster; Rev. Wm. Dean, of Douglass, Chaplain.

Resolutions on the death of ex-Vice-President Schuyler Colfax, were presented and passed.

Resolutions adopted authorizing Sergeant at Arms to procure furniture.

Senators Green and Smith were appointed on a joint committee of five on rules. The Senate concurrent resolution to investigate the penitentiary was passed. A resolution passed to print 5,000 copies of the Governor's message in English, 1,000 in German, and 500 in Swedish. The resolution to investigate the normal school land sale was adopted.

Senator Blue presented the report of the committee on rules. Laid over.

No. 1, by Senator Green, making appropriation for the Agricultural college.

No. 2, by Senator Lowe, making donation to St. Vincent Orphan Asylum.

No. 3, by same, making donation to Home of Friendless Women.

No. 4, by same, making donation to Kansas Orphan Asylum.

No. 5, by Senator Sheldon, making appropriation for erection of State House.

No. 6, by Senator Congdon, establishing a board of health and regulating the practice of medicine.

No. 7, by Senator Wasson, to regulate the practice of dentistry and punish violators.

No. 8, by Senator Harwi, to amend the laws in relation to the jurisdiction of police judges.

No. 9, by same, to regulate the sales and fix the weights of certain kinds of oils.

No. 10, by Senator Whitford, to authorize a certain Anderson County school district to fund its indebtedness.

No. 11, by Senator Ritter, to prevent fraud in the sale of dairy products.

No. 12, by same, regulating fees and salaries of county officers in Cherokee County.

No. 13, by Senator Hick, to amend the laws relating to the settlement of estates.

No. 14, by Senator Young, to provide for the payment for stock killed, to prevent the spread of glanders.

No. 15, by Senator Allen, providing for the condemnation of sites for county buildings.

Petition, by same, for a law regulating dentistry.

Resolution adopted in relation to the death of Schuyler Colfax.

No. 16, Bill to provide for uniform text books in the public schools.

No. 17, by Senator Redden, relating to the study of Physiology and Hygiene in the public schools.

No. 18, by Senator Hewins, repealing the Texas cattle act.

No. 19, by Senator Howe, regulating fees of county attorney.

No. 1, by Senator Kelly, to amend the constitution by striking out the clause prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage.

No. 2, by Senator Redden, to provide for a constitutional convention.

No. 3, by Senator Lowe, same matter as No. 1.

No. 4, by Senator Kelly, same matter as No. 2.

House resolution to provide each member with $10 in postage stamps was adopted. House resolution to elect State printer on next Tuesday at 2 o'clock p.m. passed.

The report of committee on rules was adopted, and resolution to print 500 copies of the rules passed.

Senator Harwi offered a concurrent resolution to construct an elevated railroad between the two houses. Senator Jennings opposed. Laid on the table.

Mr. Clogston presented a concurrent resolution for a joint committee to investigate the normal school land sale. Senate resolution on same subject was substituted and adopted.

Concurrent resolution by McNall to furnish each member with $10 in postage stamps passed.

Concurrent resolution by Mr. Finch providing for election of State printer next Tuesday at 2 p.m. passed.

Speaker appointed Laf. C. Smith, of Rooks, Assistant Journal Clerk; Edwards, Bryant, and Overmyer, committee on status of members from Rawlins and Finney, new counties, and not provided for in representation under the apportionment law, which committee reported in the afternoon session giving the two members all the privileges of the House except voting which report was adopted.

A committee on the political rights of women was ordered. Chairs were ordered for six reporters. Senate resolution for joint committee on rules was concurred in as was also the Senate concurrent resolution to investigate the penitentiary; also the senate resolution to print the Governor's message, also senate resolution in relation to printing the rules.

A resolution was adopted complimentary of Gen. Arce, a distinguished statesman from Mexico, then present. Adjourned until Monday.

Senator Donnell of Rooks introduced a resolution to constitute a standing committee on woman suffrage and made a very effective address on the right of women to the ballot. The vote stood 19 to 19 and the resolution was lost.

Senator Jennings of Cowley introduced a resolution for the appointment of a committee of five on the political rights of women. Motion to lay on the table was lost. The vote on the adoption stood 19 to 19 and was lost.

A resolution was adopted to secure telephone connection between the two houses.

Senator Kellogg offered a resolution to appoint a special committee of five on the political rights of women. Laid over under the rules.

Senator Jennings offered joint resolution No. 5, to amend Art. 3 of the constitution by striking out Sec 2. Laid over.

Adopted a resolution asking congress to place Gen. Grant on the retired list.

No. 20 by Barker to provide for the current express of the state university.

No. 21 by same to prevent incompetent persons from engaging in pharmacy.

No. 22 by same to aid the natural history department of the State University.

No. 23 by same concerning law graduates of the University.

No. 24 by Donnell to amend school laws.

No. 25 by Redden to authorize proceedings in District Courts against garnishees.

No. 26 to regulate terms of court of 16th Dist.

No. 27 by Edmonds concerning county surveyors.

No. 28 [This was skipped.]

No. 29 by Ritter to protect laborers in coal mines.

No. 30 by Pickler to amend crimes and punishment laws.

No. 31 by Miller relating to County Treasurers.

No. 32 by Hick to amend road laws.

No. 33 by Allen to amend session laws of 1883.

No. 34 by Green to prevent carrying concealed weapons.

No. 35 by same, to amend the civil code.

No. 36 by same to amend procedure before Justices of the peace.

President Riddle appointed the following.

1. Judiciary: Blue, Green, Redden, Bawden, Ritter, White, Hick, Harkness, Pickler.

2. Ways and Means: Buchan, Crane, Smith, Kelley (John), Harwi, Jennings, Young.

3. Elections: Kelley (H. B.), Miller, Whitford, Ritter, Case.

4. Federal Regulations: Humphrey, Congdon, Green, Kellogg, Edmonds.

5. Railroads: Case, Kelly (M. C.), Harker, Lloyd, Kohler, Kelley (H. B.), Buchan, Hewins, Miller.

6. Assessment and Taxation: Redden, Granger, Allen, Humphrey, Rush.

7. Fees and Salaries: Granger, Kimball, Shean, Edmonds, Jennings.

8. Municipal Indebtedness: Ritter, Shean, Granger, Congdon, Harwi.

9. Corporations: Bawden, Congdon, Humphrey, Jennings, Kellogg.

10. State Affairs: Smith, Young, Donnell, Sheldon, Crane.

11. Roads and Bridges: Jennings, Edmonds, Kimball, Kohler, Blue.

12. County Seats and County Lines: Hewins, Redden, Edmonds, Kohler, Harkness.

13. Military Affairs: Donnell, Harwi, Humphrey, Smith, Barker.

14. Claims: Congdon, Shean, Kohler, Harwi, Ritter.

15. Public Health: Whitford, Harkness, Kelley (H. B.), Shean, Smith.

16. Temperance: Barker, Allen, Blue, Lowe, Sheldon.

17. Emigration: Kohler, Ritter, Miller, Pickler, Bawden.

18. Agriculture: Edmonds, Kelley (John), Young, Granger, Hewins.

19. Inter-State Commerce: Rush, Hewins, Marshall, Edmonds, Kelley (John).

20. Manufactories and Industrial Pursuits: Lowe, White, Wasson, Shean, Granger.

21. Mines and Mining: Marshall, Lloyd, Kelly (M. C.), Kimball, Lowe.

22. Banks and Banking: Kimball, Marshall, Crane, Case, Rush.

23. Internal Improvements: Lingenfelter, Bawden, Lowe, Marshall, Buchan.

24. Printing: Miller, Barker, Buchan, Allen, Kelley (H. B.).

25. Insurance: Wasson, Sheldon, White, Hick, Humphrey.

26. Education: Young, Kellogg, Lingenfelter, Donnell, Whitford.

27. State Library: Kellogg, Buchan, Hick, Blue, Marshall.

28. Public Buildings: Sheldon, Whitford, Hick, Smith, Pickler.

29. Charitable Institution: Shean, Donnell, Sheldon, Kelly (M. C.), Wasson.

30. Educational Institutions: Crane, Blue, Allen, Barker, White.

31. Public Lands: Green, Lingenfelter, Kelley (John), Rush, Young.

32. Cities of the First Class: Harwi, Lowe, Sheldon, Bawden, Green, Kellogg, Baker.

33. Cities of the Second Class: Harkness, Wasson, Jennings, Whitford, Kimball, Lingenfelter, Redden.

34. Cities of the Third Class: Hick, Pickler, Rush, Allen, Lloyd.

35. Legislative Appointment: Kelley (John), Kelley (H. B.), Harkness, Redden, Donnell, Kelly (M. C.), Crane, Bawden.

36. Judicial Appointment: White, Hick, Ritter, Pickler, Case, Green, Whitford, Marshall, Rush.

37. Congressional Appointment: Lloyd Smith, Young, Wasson, Buchan, Miller, Sheldon.

38. Mileage and Per Diem: Allen, Case, Kellogg, Hewins, Congdon.

39. Engrossed Bills: Kelly (M. C.), Kelley (H. B.), Hewins, Harkness, Lloyd.

40. Enrolled Bills: Pickler, Miller, Case, Lingenfelter, Redden.

Committee on division of the message reported dividing it between twenty standing committees; report adopted.

Senator Hewins offered a joint resolution instructing our Senators and members of congress against the national cattle trail through Kansas.

No. 37, by Lingenfelter, to create the 19th judicial district. (This we suppose to consist of counties west of Cowley County.)

No. 38, by Shean, making appropriations for the Deaf and Dumb Institution.

No. 39, by same, to erect additional building for same.

No. 40, by Picker, to relieve Zimmerman.

No. 41, by Kelley, to change the mode of electing boards of education in cities of the second class.

No. 42, by Case, to amend a session law.

No. 43, by Congdon, to compel railroads to fence their tracks.

No. 44, by White, to create the 20th judicial district.

No. 45, by same, to prevent five insurance companies from establishing rates on property and rating boards.

No. 46, by same, to amend the laws providing for the assessment of taxes.

No. 47, by Kimball, to authorize condemnations proceeding in aid of water works.

No. 48, by same, to amend the laws of corporations.

No. 49, by Ritter, to amend session laws.

No. 50, by same, to amend session laws.

No. 51, by same, to protect citizens in reslating the collection of judgments on railroad bonds.

No. 52, by Kelley, to amend the crimes act.

No. 53, by Buchan, relating to surveyors.

No. 54, by same, creating of labor bureau.

No. 55, by same, in relation to handling grain by railroads.

No. 56, by same, to regulate grain warehouses.

No. 57, by same, to regulate inspection of grains.

No. 58, by Hick, to establish a code of civil procedure.

No. 59, by same, to provide stenographers for district court.

No. 60, by Harkness, concerning conveyances of real estate.

No. 61, by Kellogg, making appropriations for the Normal School.

Several committees were allowed clerks.

Kellogg introduced a resolution making it the duty of the Governor to fix a day for the hanging of murderers sentenced to death by this court. Laid over.

Kelley offered concurrent resolutions to reduce grain freight on railroads. Rules suspended and resolutions adopted.

A communication of thanks from Gen. Francis O. Arce, of Mexico, was read and ordered spread upon the journal.

Bryant presented a petition for maximum toll rates in grists mills.

Speaker Johnson announced the standing.

Judiciary: J. B. Clogston, F. E. Gillett, E. Kelso, J. J. Buck, Frank J. Kelley, W. H. McBride, W. H. Slavens, R. Hatfield, D. Overmyer.

Ways and Means: L. E. Finch, Chas. E. Faulkner, V. R. Ellis, F. E. Cloyes, C. M. Turner, Ed Carroll, E. P. Greer, D. Overmyer, W. C. Edwards, D. B. Moore, J. N. Roberts.

Municipal Indebtedness: Geo. T. Anthony, J. S. Gilespie, A. J. White, J. M. Morgan, P. Loofbourrow, W. S. Ashby, J. J. Cox.

Amendment and Taxation: J. Ware Butterfield, W. C. Sweezey, J. F. Coulter, J. A. Johnson, C. S. Cummings, W. R. Campbell, C. J. Butin.

Cities of the First Class: Chas. W. Denning, E. S. W. Drought, A. H. Vance, Geo. T. Anthony, D. Overmyer, Ed Carroll, R. Hatfield.

State Affairs: A. W. Smith, J. P. Spiers, W. A. Lower, William Kreger, C. A. Lewis, F. J. Matlock, H. S. Miller.

Banks and Banking: G. D. Thompson, R. H. Brewster, J. B. Cook, J. E. Orwin, C. M. Turner, R. J. Huckle, V. R. Ellis.

Federal Relations: J. C. Davenport, C. N. Coggesdall, F. E. Cloyes, Samuel Carter, J. A. Burdick, J. H. Bonebrake, Wiley Bolinger.

Private Corporations: V. R. Ellis, C. W. Denning, F. W. Rash, T. F. Rhodes, R. H. Roseberry, B. R. Swartz, A. H. Thompson.

Railroads: Webb McNall, F. E. Gillett, J. M. Simpson, G. E. Bates, R. F. Bryant, Phil Kelley, F. J. Matlock, Alfred Blaker, A. P. Collins, T. F. Rhodes, L. E. Finch, A. J. Vickers, W. R. Campbell, W. H. Barnes, J. A. Johnson, R. P. Blaine, R. F. Bond.

Municipal Corporations: J. J. Buck, E. S. W. Drought, J. F. Coulter, D. A. Hunter, John S. Gilespie, B. F. Wallace, D. McTaggart.

Internal Improvements: Daniel McTaggart, J. M. Morgan, G. W. Patton, F. E. Raymond, S. J. Stewart, S. S. Stine, Van B. Wiggins.

Charitable Institutions: J. H. Bonebrake, Phil Kelley, R. S. Bryant, B. Stine, H. Wentworth, A. B. Caldwell, Samuel Carter.

Educational Institutions: A. P. Collins, Geo. T. Anthony, W. H. Woodlief, C. J. Butin, J. W. Martin, W. A. Lower, A. S. Thomson.

Public Schools: F. J. Kelley, B. R. Mosher, P. Dickson, E. J. Dewey, W. H. Dockard, I. N. Cooper, C. J. Butin.

Public Buildings and Grounds: T. L. Hogue, R. J. Huckle, F. J. Holman, J. P. Johnson, Joseph Justus, C. E. Faulkner, Thos. Beatie.

Elections: C. J. Turner, E. J. Hardesty, C. S. Cummings, J. W. Martin, J. M. Randall, E. C. Scammon, Van B. Wiggins.

Militia: J. B. Cook, W. A. Lower, Stephen Ogden, F. L. Raymond, Samuel Carter, C. N. Coggesdall, J. M. Simpson.

Education: W. H. Barnes, A. E. Currier, J. C. Davenport, W. G. Patton, E. G. Dewey, G. M. Kreger, E. C. Wellep.

Roads and Highways: J. M. Simpson, R. P. Blaine, D. A. Hunter, R. H. Roseberry, G. W. McCommon, S. F. Ashby, P. Dixon.

Printing: Ed. P. Greer, P. F. Loofbourrow, B. J. Smith, T. A. McNeal, W. A. Slavens, E. R. Swartz, A. W. Smith.

Fees and Salaries: H. C. Cooke, B. F. Wallace, R. P. Blaine, Wm. Glasgow, R. H. Brewster, J. A. Burdick, J. N. Cooper.

County Lines and County Seats: J. L. Burton, A. W. Mann, R. E. Lawrence, T. A. McNeal, R. F. Bryant, J. D. Maurer, H. R. Talbott, G. E. Beates, Levi Wilhelm.

Agricultural and Horticultural: Wiley Bolingar, R. E. Lawrence, E. J. Holman, R. P. Blaine, J. D. Maurer, S. J. Stewart, W. H. Dockard.

Manufactures: B. F. Bond, W. A. Reeves, H. R. Talbott, J. J. Veatch, A. J. White, G. Y. Johnson, J. F. Coulter.

Penitentiary: G. E. Beates, Alfred Blaker, Daniel McTaggart, L. P. King, C. J. Burton, F. Hopkins, J. J. Veatch.

Claims and accounts: E. S. W. Drought, F. Hopkins, B. L. Stine, G. D. Thompson, A. J. Vickers, L. Wilhelm, J. N. Gray.

Engrossed Bills: S. J. Osborn, G. W. Patton, T. E. Raymond, S. F. Roach, E. G. Dewey, A. B. Caldwell, Jas. Justus.

Enrolled Bills: W. C. Edwards, S. W. Martin, W. A. Lower, J. W. Randall, R. A. Roseberry, E. K. Swartz, W. H. Woodlieff.

State Library: T. A. McNeal, G. M. Moore, W. S. Pratt, J. N. Roberts, J. P. Spiels, H. R. Talbott, L. W. Hostetler.

Insurance: Henry S. Miller, S. J. Osborn, F. S. W. Drought, John Hargrave, A. W. Mann, Webb McNall, Phil Kelly.

Legislative Apportionment: R. F. Bryant, R. E. Lawrence, Jas. Hargrave, W. H. Woodlief, B. R. Mosher, A. W. Smith, S. F. Roach, J. C. Cox, F. W. Rash.

Judicial Apportionment: C. Kelso, J. J. Buck, J. Ware Butterfield, T. S. Rhodes, J. M. Simpson, R. J. Hardesty, F. E. Gilbert, B. J. Smith, A. H. Vance, Levy Wilhelm, T. L. Hogue, S. J. Osborn, I. N. Cooper, W. H. McBride, J. P. Spiers, Thos. Beale, L. W. Hostetter, C. H. Lewis, E. C. Scammon.

Mines and Mining: J. S. Gilespie, A. J. Vickers, E. C. Wellep, A. E. Currier, J. A. Burdick, A. Blaker, E. C. Scammon.

Interstate Commerce: W. D. Pratt, A. J. Hardest, S. J. Osborn, S. Odgen, J. M. Morgan, J. S. Maurer, J. P. Johnson.

Revision of Laws: W. H. Slavens, A. S. Thompson, Van B. Wiggins, G. Y. Johnson, D. A. Hunter, William Hollenshead, G. W. McCammon.

Mileage: R. Hatfield, William Hollenshead, J. N. Gray, A. J. White, H. Wentworth, R. H. Roseberry, W. A. Reeves.

Temperance: A. H. Vance, Samuel J. Stewart, George Morgan, George Seitz, D. Overmyer, W. C. Sweezey, L. P. King.

Hygiene and Public Health: B. R. Mosher, W. C. Sweezey, J. H. Bonebrake, A. E. Currier, J. W. Butterfield, J. E. Corwin, G. M. Moore.

Political Rights of Women: George Morgan, George Seitz, D. Kelso, T. W. Rash, W. C. Edwards, F. J. Kelly, W. H. Dockard.

Forty-eight House bills have been introduced, which will be noticed as they are acted upon.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corp of Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Mr. Rigden and H. G. Norton took in the sights at Burden on Saturday last.

Still the cold continues, the atmosphere indicating at this writing 12 degrees below zero.

Viola McKee was compelled to stay home from school two days last week because of the toothache.

W. S. Rigden and A. L. Branson, of Torrance, were in Winfield on Monday of this week on business.

Mrs. Mohler, of this place, is visiting her parents at Independence. She expects to be gone four or five weeks, and Sam is boarding at the hotel.

The young folks had quite a lot of fun this week. They had two parties: one on Monday night at Mr. Reigles, and one Tuesday night at Mr. Gardenhire's.

There was preaching at the schoolhouse on last Sunday by Rev. Tull, our former preacher. He shows himself to be awake to his duty, as he delivered quite an able sermon.

We would like for somebody to get married or do something awful, so there would be more news. Try and break a mule, or kill a rat, or whip your mother-in-law, or do something else.

T. P. Vaughn, of Tisdale, the teacher of that place, visited the school at this place on Monday of this week. He was also looking for a school for the summer. Have not heard what success he met with at this place.

Hon. J. D. Maurer, Representative from this district to the State Legislature, spent Saturday evening and Sunday at home. He reports everything lovely as can be expected. He thinks F. S. Jennings is one of the big guns of Kansas and is destined to become a leader of the senate.

Mr. A. B. Chambers, of Sparta, Illinois, was the guest of the Wilsons at Capital hill a few days this week. He was on his way to Arkansas City where he intends to remain for the summer. He was accompanied from here by Will Ralls, who has been staying at Mr. Wilson's for a few months. If the boys conclude to remain in the City, we speak for the City an addition of two young men of which the people may feel proud, as they are very energetic and enterprising young men.

The young folks of Torrance have organized a theatrical troup and intend to give an entertainment in the near future. The title of the play is "Among the Breakers." Following is the cast of actors: David Murry, H. G. Norton; Larry Divine, C. G. Elliott; Hon. Bruce Hunter, C. D. Magner; Clarence Hunter, W. A. Swim; Peter Paragraph, A. L. Branson, Send (colored), Add Higbee; Miss Minnie Daze, Mattie Baxter; Bess Starbright, Mattie Wilson; Mother Carey, Mattie Rittenhouse; Biddy Bean, Eva Reynolds. We shall expect a good entertainment from them, as they are all talented young people and each one is suited to his or her particular part.

[UDALL. "O."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Walter Kennedy is the father of a fine bouncing boy.

Chas. Clark, of Oxford, paid our quiet burg--or rather one of our fair damsels, a visit on the 18th.

Mrs. Pem Voorhees has been visiting here during the past week, and returned to Wichita on the 19th inst.

The restaurant of Mrs. J. E. Hutson is rapidly approaching completion, under the charge of S. B. Johnson.

E. H. Bradley is having a well dug at his residence on the hights of Udall. Engle & Casey are doing the work.

Work will commence on our new Roller Mill, in a few days--as soon as the weather moderates sufficiently.

Gray Bros. have received an invoice of fine California oranges, raised by a brother of theirs at Sanbenanda, California.

Professor Campf went to Seely to perform a marriage ceremony last week. The Professor ties a very binding knot.

Mr. Harkins, of Arkansas City, was here a few days ago looking for a location to feed mules for the spring market.

George Austin, of Wellington, was here the 18th, endeavoring to read those specifications on well digging for our mill company. George is an old hand at wells, but say they were too long for him.

Some two weeks ago a party of our young men went to the Territory on a hunting expedition. They returned a few days ago and the following report was made: One decoy deer, slain at first fire; also three decoy ducks. Boys, probably your luck will be better in the future.

The Musical and Dental troup, of Stone and Buck, will give a free concert at the Baptist church on the 23rd inst. and will afterwards organize a musical convention of a weeks duration if sufficient encouragement is given.

Our good Baptist sister seems very much grieved at our article which appeared a few weeks ago relative to a Masonic funeral, and gives vent to her feelings of indignation through the columns of the Sentinel in language more forcible than elegant.

The mill company's specifications for a well to be dug, to supply them with water, are of a length that excites and mystifies our practical well-diggers to such an extent that it will be almost an impossibility to let the contract. The writer thereof must have been hired to draw the contract at so much per diem or else he certainly would have put the specifications much shorter.

Our worthy Mayor got off his base on Monday morning because Mr. W. O. McKinlay presented the order of Mr. Higgins on the City Treasurer for his signature. As there has been considerable said relative to this matter, it is but justice to Mr. Higgins to say that his bill as presented to the City Council for Printing, was just, according to the terms agreed upon between a committee of the council and himself. Even when the bill was thus presented, the council reduced it about $5.00, but what was for the interest of the city, and during the whole matter he endeavored to conduct his paper for the best interest of the city and to advance the interest of all.

On the morning of the 15th, Oliver Jewett, of the firm of Werden & Jewett, on arriving at the store, was surprised to find the west window open. Upon entering he also found the south window taken out entirely and laying on the ground some feet away from the building. An investigation showed that the thief or thieves had effected an entrance at the south window and left by the west one. Two watched and three shot guns were missing. Marshal Frazier was at once notified, and in a short time had the thieves spotted, who gave their names as Chas. Neal and John Newton, and had come from Wichita the evening previous. The Marshal at once arrested them, and then searched in the barn loft of D. D. Kellogg, where they had slept the night of the robbery. Here secreted beneath the hay was found all the property except the watches, which were subsequently found by one of the thieves. An examination was held before Esquire Norman, when they both plead guilty to the charge of grand larceny. Our Marshal has the thanks of the city for the zeal and promptness which he displayed in working up the case, and his clever manner of capturing the thieves, for it was scarcely three hours from the time the robbery was reported to him until the thieves were on the road to the county jail. Udall is a bad place for thieves while George is Marshal.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

F. M. Benson and wife of Pleasant Valley visited in Beaver Township this week.

Lays and Charlie Guyer entertained their cousin, Mr. Frank Fowler, from Illinois last week.

U. S. Teter and a Mr. Green, both of Illinois, are the guests of the Teter Bros. this week.

Wm. Guyer and family did ample justice to a turkey roast at Mr. Carter's, in Vernon township, on Tuesday of last week.

Come out and hear the new minister at the M. E. Church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, sharp.

M. H. Keever, who has been under Dr. Marsh's care for some time, is now convalescent.

At this writing we have learned of but three persons in Beaver township who held lucky numbers at M. Hahn's prize drawing, names as follows: Miss Belle Copeland, John Vandever, and Wm. Beach.

About three weeks ago, one of our east side Beaver township young men stalked into the Irwin chapel just as the minister was concluding his sermon. The young man, thinking service had just begun, walked up to the stove, laid off his overcoat, and was just comfortably seated when the minister invited the congregation to arise and be dismissed. The young man realized his mistake and acknowledged the joke, and when asked why he was so late, he smilingly replied, "I might have been here sooner, but I didn't start quick enough."

John Byers of this place was the guest of Mr. Heizer's and Mr. Strange's families in Sumner County last week. Mr. Heizer and Mr. Strange are well known in this vicinity, and John informs us that he found them pleasantly located, well, happy, and in prosperous circumstances, having purchased farms and permanently located in Sumner County. They invite all their old friends and neighbors of Cowley, when in search of a good home and fertile soil, to come that way.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Mr. Cain's little boy is very sick.

Mr. Metzger and family are entertaining visitors.

Mr. Jasper Taylor and family are entertaining guests from Wichita.

The two brides were among the congregation last Sunday.

The Walnut Valley Sunday School is flourishing under the superintendency of Mr. Joe Green.

Mr. Henry Wymer [Weimer?] and Miss Alice Masse were married last Wednesday. Mr. Wymer is one of Cowley's most promising young men and Miss Masse is a very estimable young lady. We wish them a long life of happiness and may a kind fate grant all their wishes.

Mr. Ballard, representing Superintendent Limerick, visited our school last week. Wonder what he thought of our old windowless schoolhouse? It isn't much credit to our school board to leave the house in such a condition this cold weather.

Death has again entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey, taking their two children; the last they have. How very, very lonely their home must be, but they sorrow not as those without hope. Their little ones have only gone on before to a fairer clime.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

A cold breath swept across our cheeks last week.

Mr. John Byers has returned from an extended visit in Beaver.

Mrs. Shaw is on the sick list.

It is reported that Mr. R. Victor has sold his 160 acre farm, for $9,000. How is that for drouthy Kansas?

C. S. Byers is promenading the streets of Hackney.

The latest arrival in Hackney is a girl at the home of Mr. William Teter.

Cowley's items are being pretty well written up from all parts.

Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

The committee appointed by the Winfield Post No. 85, G. A. R., take pleasure in thanking the citizens of Winfield for their liberal patronage of the Tennessee Scout. Considering the inclement weather, you more than surprised us, and through your liberality the Post has added $50.00 to its relief fund. We especially thank Miss Jessie Stretch who, in the character of "Alice Coleman," would win laurels from professionals; Cora Finch, as "Aunt Jemima," Hattie Andrews as "Bessie Fox," Mattie Vanorsdal as "Maria Carey." The Misses who formed the tableaux did so with credit to themselves and to the entire satisfaction of all citizens, who join with the Post in thanking the whole cast for their unceasing endeavors to make the play a success.

C. E. Steuven, J. H. Finch, H. L. Wells, A. H. Limerick, and D. L. Kretsinger, Com.
Boomer Couch.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

"A certain gentleman of this city informs us that he was in Winfield just before Couch left with his party for the Oklahoma country," says the Wellington Press, and that J. Wade McDonald, the attorney for the colonists, instructed Couch to go ahead, settle upon the Oklahoma strip, and if the soldiers undertook to drive them off, to pay no attention to them, let them fire shells or rifle balls over and about them, and to remain passive; but as soon as one of the colonists was injured by said soldiers, open fire upon them and kill every mother's son of them. Couch, we understand, intends to carry out these instructions; hence we may look for some interesting news from that land before a great while.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Until further notice we will sell heavy goods at CASH PRICES and take good notes without interest. J. S. MANN, The Leading Clothier.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Bee Hive Prize Drawing.
[Am Listing Names Only and not the Lucky Numbers.]
M. G. Shannon, G. W. Miller, S. J. Smock, H. Silliman, Mrs. R. H. Hudson, Miss D. Williams, W. H. White, Mrs. Jacob Nixon, Miss Heffner, Mrs. George Dillett, M. A. Oldham, Lafe Dow, H. Shivvers, John Clifton, F. Blueball, E. R. Morris, W. R. Beach, Miss Maggie Amoosan, Mrs. J. F. Plank, Mrs. J. Dix, Mrs. Shaw, J. Williams, Theo. Johnson, Mrs. Mount, Mrs. Earnest Reynolds, John Long, M. Gear, Miss Belle Cooper, J. W. Kirfman, Mr. Hook, Charles Beaulin, Mrs. Doctor Wells, Miss Mollie Klauser, Miss Fanny Headrick, Mr. John Davis, Mrs. C. M. Fredrick, Samuel Rinker, Mrs. Griffin, M. Barnes, Miss Hattie Young, John Brooks, G. H. Hesket, F. Finch, Wm. Kaatz, L. Barnes, Mrs. F. M. Freeland, Miss G. Newland, D. G. Wooden, M. Gear, Mrs. Becket, Mrs. W. T. Wright, Mollie Olds, Mrs. L. Brown, J. A. McCann, Miss I. Nickels, William Gray, Miss Minnie Forney, Mrs. B. R. Wells, Miss C. Tyner, Charles Harter, A. Hollingsworth, M. M. Scott, J. L. Vandevere, J. H. Lane, Miss T. J. Murphy, J. S. Mann, Miss Sue Handyside, G. H. Buckman, A. Hartley, J. F. Clifton, J. M. Green, H. Amos, Miss L. Rogers, Mrs. Jennie Beadle, Mrs. R. J. Roderick, M. C. Hedrick, Mrs. D. Eastman, Ira D. Black.

Respectfully, M. HAHN & CO., Proprietors of the Ever-Reliable Bee Hive Stores.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Great Excitement
Was caught and arrested, and to keep him from doing further mischief we have
him. We will frankly admit that we have murdered prices, and will gladly
devise the time to showing you how we did it. We feel confident that we
can prove to your satisfaction that we have an immense
Owing to the great depression of the trade we have determined to put prices within the reach of everybody, which the following prices will show. (Space will only permit of a few enumerations.)

Brocade Silks and Satins, $1.30, worth $1.75.

Brocade Silks and Satins, $2.00, worth $2.50.

Heavy Gros Grain Silk, 50 cents, worth 75 cents.

Heavy Gros Grain Silk, 75 cents, worth $1.25.

Guinet's Standard Gros Grain Silk, $1.05, worth $1.50.

Guinet's Extra Heavy Gros Grain Silk, $1.50, worth $2.25.

Ottoman Silk, $1.25, worth $1.65.

Cashmeres, 37 inches wide, 30 cents, worth 50 cents.

Heavy French Cashmeres, 55 cents, worth 85 cents.

Extra Heavy French Cashmere, 75 cents, worth $1.15.

Superfine French Cashmere (17 count), 90 cents, worth $1.25.

Silk Velvets, $1.80, worth $2.25.

Brocaded Silk Velvets (20 inches), $1.50, worth $1.75.

Chenille Fringes, in all colors, 55 cents, worth 75 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 12 ½ cents, worth 20 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 15 cents, worth 25 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 25 cents, worth 40 cents.

Fine Dress Plaids, 7 cents, worth 12 ½ cents.

Brocaded Dress Goods, 12 ½ cents, worth 20 cents.

Brocaded Dress Goods, 15 cents, worth 25 cents.

Best Prints, 4 cents, worth 5 cents.

Lonsdale (make) Muslin, 9 cents, worth 12 ½ cents.

Androscoggin Muslin, 9 cents, worth 12 ½ cents.

Hercules' Shirting Muslin, 8 cents, worth 10 cents.

Indian Head Sheeting, 7 cents, worth 10 cents.

Dwight Sheeting, 7 cents, worth 10 cents.

These prices will be continued until Feb. 1, 1885.
P. S. Everybody owing me will please call and settle their accounts by January 1st, without fail.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Largest Stock and Largest Business House in Southern Kans.
Thousands of Dollars Worth of Goods to be Slaughtered.
I have Reduced the prices on our entire Stock of
General Merchandise.
You can again buy goods at almost your own prices. Grain of all kinds is Cheap, money scarce, but I have Inaugurated a business that overcomes all of these difficulties. I buy nearly all kinds of Country Produce and not only pay Market Price, but the top of the market. I have made Winfield the BEST MARKET IN THE STATES and no one can deny this, and I only ask the Trading Public to come and examine our Stock and Prices. Bring your Wives, Mothers, and Mothers-in-law with their children and I will try and make you all happy with more goods for your money than any House in the State. Remember the place.

Corner 10th and Main Streets.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

Passenger, going East, 3:06 p.m.

Passenger, going West, 11:24 a.m.

Freight, going North, 6:50 a.m.

Freight, going South, 7:45 p.m.

Time table going into effect September 14, 1884.

(Going West.)
Passenger No. 1, 11:25 p.m. Leave Kansas City 10:05 a.m.

Passenger No. 2, 9:50 a.m. Leave Kansas City 10:00 p.m.

Freight No. 27, 4:05 p.m.

Freight No. 33, 8:38 p.m.

(Going East.)
Passenger No. 3, 5:09 a m. Arrive Kansas City 5:35 p.m.

Passenger No. 4, 5:26 p.m. Arrive Kansas City 5:05 a.m.

Freight No. 34, 7:10 p.m.

Freight No. 28, 9:35 a.m.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1885.

R. R. East: daily at 4:45 and 9:00 p.m.

R. R. North: daily at 2:30 p.m. except Sundays.

R. R. West: daily at 9:20 a.m.

R. R. South: daily at 10:20 a.m. except Sundays.

Douglass hack daily at 7:00 a.m. except Sunday.

Dexter hack daily at 2:00 p.m. except Sunday.

Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 8:00 a.m.

Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 1:00 p.m.

By R. R. from East daily at 7:30 a.m. and 11:16 a.m.

By R. R. from North daily at 12 noon except Sunday.

By R. R. from West daily at 5:45 p.m. except Sunday.

By R. R. South daily at 3:30 p.m. except Sunday

By Douglass hack daily at 6:15 p.m. except Sunday.

By Dexter hack daily at 12 noon except Sunday.

By Salt City hack, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 5:15 p.m.

By Polo hack, Tuesday and Saturday, 12 noon.

POST OFFICE OPEN: 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., except Sundays @ 12 noon to 1:00 p.m.
Closes week days from 10:15 a.m. to 12 noon for distribution of the large mails from the East and North.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A FAMINE is prevailing in the eastern part of Russia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The prohibitionists of Indiana have raised $15,000 with which to start a state paper.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

MORGAN O'CONNELL, second son of the late Daniel O'Connell, the great Irish Agitator, is dead.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The wife of Stanley Matthews, of the U. S. Supreme Court, died last Thursday in Washington.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Large failures of business houses continue to be reported in most of the principal cities of the nation.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The West Shore and the Pennsylvania road were making fares from New York to Chicago $1 last Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

GENERAL GRANT has positively refused to accept the gratuitous donations of friends to help him out of his financial distress.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A MRS. MAGUFFIN, in Kentucky, hearing a notorious hog thief prowling about her barn in the night went out and shot him down.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

SULLIVAN, the smasher, last Thursday got drunk and hired a team to ride. The horses ran away and the smasher got badly smashed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Oregon Central land forfeiture bill has passed both Houses of Congress. This is the first bill to forfeit unearned lands that has become a law.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Illinois legislature convened on Wednesday of last week. It will be watched with considerable interest until it elects a United States senator.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

CLEVELAND, Ohio, according to one of its newspapers, has nearly 10,000 people in total destitution. Immediate relief is unanimously urged by the press of that city.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

WHEELING, W. Va., has just elected her first Republican mayor. Jacob W. Grubb is the successful candidate. That city will have more and better "grub" than heretofore.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

HENRY W. OLIVER, of Pittsburg, thinks the business depression had reached its lowest point, and adds that his works, and he thinks most others in Pittsburg, will shortly resume on full time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

It is claimed that homeopathy was introduced in this country by Dr. H. B. Gram, who came from Copenhagen in 1825. His sister, Mrs. Anna H. Greenleaf, is still living at New Britain, Connecticut.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Senator Jones, of Florida, who is regarded as one of the most eloquent men in the senate, never attended school regularly, and owes all his education to his own efforts after his twenty-first birthday.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A new Federal office has been established, known as "Inspector of rags." Two United States Inspectors of Egypt have been ordered on duty at Alexandria, Egypt. Office seekers will make a note of this.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

GROVER CLEVELAND has resigned his office as Governor of the state of New York, to put himself in training for the presidency. He will have no difficulty in finding men ready to tell him just how to run the presidency.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The mills and factories which a few months ago shut down are resuming business, and financial unevenness which has been shaking the country up of late, is gradually settling itself.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The new Oklahoma invaders have already commenced placing themselves on the good side of Cleveland, by naming their proposed capital after him. But troups have been ordered down there with Gatling buns, to run them out in the meantime.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The letter "O" on a United States coin denotes that it was coined at the New Orleans mint; "S," at the San Francisco mint; "CC," at the Carson City mint; and "D" at Denver, Colorado. The coins having no mark on them were made at the Philadelphia mint.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Princess Beatrice, the youngest daughter of Queen Victoria, is to be married to Prince Henry, of Battenberg. Princess Beatrice is artistic, devotional, domestic, and good looking--for a Princess. The Prince is remarkable for nothing in particular.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A bill has been introduced in the United States Senate providing that any Indian born within the limits of the United States who may voluntarily give up his tribal affiliations shall be considered a citizen, with the white man's political rights.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The wheat market shows some improvement, caused by the English semi-annual report showing that the stock on hand in Liverpool is $1,500,000 bushels less than two months ago, and $4,000,000 less than a year ago, and also the degree to which the farmers of the west are holding their grain out of market. The season, however, is so far, quite promising for another full crop in both continents this coming season.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The best known men who died during the year 1884 were Wendell Phillips, Edward Lasker, Charles Reade, Judah P. Benjamin, Charles O'Connor, Cyrus H. McCormick, Sam Ward, Bishop Simpson, Allen Pinkerton, Count Todleben, Paul Morphy, Senator Anthony, Secretary Folger, Brignolia, Wilbur F. Storey, Reuben R. Springer, and Henry Fawcett. Among the best known women: Mrs. Jane Gray Swisshelm, Madame Anna Bishop, Taglioni, and Fanny Ellsler.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The success of the two great Chicago panoramas, the "Battle of Gettysburg" and the "Siege of Paris," seems to have brought out a new similar undertaking. A company has been formed in Chicago to produce the "Battle of Shiloh." The Paris artist who painted the Destruction of the Bastille has been engaged to produce the picture, at a cost of $42,000. The artist will bring over from France ten assistants. Ground for the panorama building has been leased on Michigan Avenue, between Madison and Monroe Street.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

If a man lives with a woman as his wife and introduces her to his friends and acquaintances as such, the law says he shall not afterwards be heard to say that during all the time he so treated the woman he was living a lie. The woman, and the friends and acquaintances, and society in general, have a right to demand that such a man be made to stand by his declarations and the language of his conduct. He shall not be permitted to deceive and cheat innocent persons with impunity. Ex-Senator Sharon has been adjudged to be the husband of a woman that he represented to good society and had to be his wife. It is a righteous and lawful judgment, and it will have a salutary effect in other cases of a like nature.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A number of petitions for a geological survey of the State were presented.

Senator Green made a report from committee on joint rules, which was adopted. A number of committees were allowed clerks. Senate refused to allow president and secretary $10 worth of stamps each.

President appointed Senators Barker, Green, and Case a committee to investigate the penitentiary, and Senator Young and Humphrey, a committee to investigate, the Normal School land sale.

No. 62, Blue, Appropriations for building and repairing for Osawatomie insane asylum.

No. 63, Blue, Appropriations for expenses of same.

No. 64, Blue, To legalize acts of commissioners of Linn County.

No. 65, Young, To change the name of St. John Co.

No. 66, Barker, Relating to rape.

No. 67, Hick, To dispose of surplus taxes in hands of county treasures.

No. 68, Hick, to amend the civil code.

No. 69, Hick, a new prohibitory law.

No. 70, Pickler, to amend township laws.

No. 71, Kelly, to prohibit holding courts on election days.

No. 72, Lloyd, punish provocations to commit breach of the peace.

No. 73, Lloyd, to pay funeral expenses of deceased soldiers and marines.

No. 74, Lloyd, to incorporate hail stone insurance companies.

No. 75, Buchan, to make donation to a private charitable Mission in Kansas City, Kansas.

No. 76, Kellogg, to relieve supreme court.

No. 77, Kellogg, to endow Normal School.

A number of bills were read second time and referred.

Hick's bill No. 69 changes the prohibitory law by doing away with doctors' prescriptions and druggists' bonds, and requiring all sales to be made on the sworn statement of purchasers as to the use it is to be put to, makes it the duty of the attorney general to prosecute violations when county attorneys fail to do so, and provides for assistants to the Attorney General. It makes the State instead of counties liable to the costs. It has several provision to make it easier to enforce.

Concurrent resolution 13 to reduce the freight on grain which had passed, was called up on a motion to reconsider.

The following is the resolution:

WHEREAS, The grain industry is the great source of wealth and prosperity to the State of Kansas and as such should not be burdened with excessive freight rates, therefore be it

Resolved, By the Senate (the House of Representatives concurring therein), that the attention of the committee on railroads is called to the present grain freight charges over the several roads of this State, with a view that they be restricted to a fair and equitable maximum by the Legislature of the State of Kansas.

The motion to reconsider was lost. Those voting in the affirmative were Senators Barker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Green, Hewins, Hick, Humphrey, Marshall, Shear, and Sheldon.

Those voting in the negative were Senators Allen, Bawden, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Edmonds, Granger, Harwi, Jennings, M. C. Kelley, H. B. Kelley, Louis Kelley, Kellogg, Kimball, Kohler, Lloyd, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Pickler, Ritter, Rush, Smith, Wasson, White, Whitford, Young.

Absent: Senators Harkness, Miller, and Redden.

Several petitions were presented for geological survey and other subjects and 57 bills raising the number of House bills presented to 106, embracing nearly every subject mentioned in the 77 senate bills already mentioned by number.

No. 51 is an appropriation to enlarge the State reform school, No. 57 is to compel companies to fence their railroads.

Introduced by McPherson, presented the report of the committee to apportion the Governor's message, which was adopted. The joint committee on rules reported and their report was adopted.

Resolution adopted to provide each member with a copy of Dassler's compiled laws of Kansas; also resolution to print 300 copies of the joint rules.

Several committees were allowed clerks.

A long discussion over the resolution against the national cattle trail through Kansas took place in which many members opposed the trail.

The Senate concurrent resolution No. 13 above quoted was passed.

The two Houses in joint session elected T. Dwight Thacher, State printer, he receiving every vote given except one for Frank T. Lynch.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Many positions were presented for a geological survey, and several resolutions relating to business.

Senator Jennings introduced a resolution in regard to Oklahoma. Laid over.

Senator Blue offered a resolution asking for 60 volumes of State laws for use of the Senate; also inquiring the number of notaries in the state, whether there was any limit or any powers of revocation.

Bills were presented numbered from 78 to 95, inclusive. Several are of local character. That of Senator Crane, No. 78, "relating to the collection of taxes," etc., increases the percent of penalties as time passes after taxes are due. No. 81 is to amend act for protection of birds, No. 82, by Senator Barker, provides for the payment of losses by raids in 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, and 1865, which includes the raids all along the border, that at Humboldt, the Lawrence massacre, and other similar occurrences, and will undoubtedly attract much attention. No. 86, by Senator Rush, to create the Nineteenth Judicial District, embraces a large area of country in the extreme southwest part of the State. Also, that on splenetic or Texas fever. No. 85, by Senator Hewins, for the prevention of disease among cattle. No. 87 and 88, by Senator Allen, relating respective to killing of stock and to passenger rates. No. 89, by Senator Sheldon, appropriations for Topeka Insane Asylum, No. 90, by Senator Buchan, to regulate foreign insurance companies.

Senator Blue, from the Judiciary Committee, reported back the bill in regard to estates and administrators, with some amendments, and recommended its passage.

The bills of Tuesday were read and referred.

Senator Jennings, of committee of Roads and Bridges, reported back bill and recommended passage.

Senator Lowe's bill, No. 92, for geological survey, constitutes a commission for that purpose and appropriates $40,000.

Senator Harwi has a bill making a donation to the Atchison City Hospital Association.

Senator Smith introduced a resolution ordering railroad companies to inform the Senate of the original cost and equipment of their roads.

A number of petitions were presented asking for a geological survey of the State; two for payment of damages incurred by incursions of rebel guerrillas; one for creation of office of State Entomologist; several for legislation concerning dental surgery. Ten new bills were introduced; one by Mr. Bond to prohibit cities and townships from aiding in construction of railroads; one by Mr. Roberts for care, sale, and leasing of school lands in unorganized counties; several bills relating to counties of Meade, Clark, and Seward, to recreate them; one by Mr. Cook to establish a Soldier's Orphan's Home; one by Mr. Faulkner for an appropriation for a State display at Cooper building in New York City.

A concurrent resolution offered by Mr. Turner, of Chautauqua, asking Congress to enact a law to permit settlers to occupy lands known as Oklahoma, was adopted.

A concurrent resolution offered by Mr. Hargrave, of Rush, asking Congress to make appropriation for an artesian well system in Western Kansas, was adopted.

Committee work occupied the afternoon to the exclusion of a second session of the House.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Quite a discussion occurred on a proposition to make Harold Mansfield assistant sergeant-at-arms, but it was finally adopted.

Senator Jennings' resolution with regard to Oklahoma was indefinitely postponed and the House resolution taken up and passed. It reads as follows.

WHEREAS, The Government of the United States, by treaty with the Seminole Indians in 1866, and in the same year the treaty with the Creek Indians, purchased absolutely all of the lands belonging to said tribes lying west of the Indian meridian, which is about the ninety-sixth meridian, and

WHEREAS, Hundreds of our hardy and homeless pioneers are already occupying said Government lands, and thousands more with their families are preparing to go thereto in the near future; and

WHEREAS, We believe it to be the right of every homeless American citizen to secure the same on the public domain; therefore be it

Resolved, (by the Senate, the House concurring therein), That our Senators in Congress be instructed, and our Representatives requested, to use all honorable means to procure the passage of the bill, opening for settlement, under the homestead laws, all of the Indian Territory unoccupied by Indian tribes. And

Resolved further, That correct copies of this resolution be enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate, and sent to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress, and that a copy be sent to the President of the United States and the Secretary of the Interior; also to the President of the United States Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and that they be requested to lay the same before their respective bodies.

A lengthy discussion was had upon the Senate concurrent resolution instructing the various committees on charitable institutions to visit them, participated in by Senators Green, Blue, Buchan, Kellogg, Jennings, Barker, Allen, John Kelly, and others. All agreed that it was well to visit the institutions, but it was defeated on the ground that the committees already had the power and it was unnecessary to instruct.

The resolution of Senator Kellogg to appoint a special committee of five on the rights of women being under consideration.

Senator Buchan moved to amend by inserting, "and all other troublesome humans."

Senator John Kelly moved to lay the whole subject on the table.

On this motion Senator Kellogg demanded the yeas and nays, which resulted as follows.

Ayes: Allen, Barker, Blue, Buchan, Case, Greene, Harkness, Harwi, Hick, Humphrey, M. C. Kelly, John Kelly, Lingenfelter, Lowe, Marshall, Miller, Redden, Shean, Sheldon, Smith, Wasson--ayes, 21.

Noes: Bawden, Congdon, Crane, Donnell, Jennings, M. B. Kelly, Kellogg, Kimball, Mohler, Pickler, Ritter, Rush, White, Whitford, Young--noes, 15.

Bills were presented numbering from 100 to 118, as follows: Amending chapter 38 of the General Statutes of 1868; on counties and county officers, amending chapter 25, General Statutes of 1868; to enable County Commissioners to assume and pay for bridges built by townships and cities; to protect mechanics, laborers, and persons furnishing material for the construction of public buildings and making public improvements; to amend the law concerning lunatics and habitual drunkards; in relation to the practice of medicine, surgery, and midwifery; relating to insurance companies and security to policy holders; relating to mills and millers; relating to protection of game; to amend section 18, of chapter 122, of laws of 1876, and to repeal chapter 133, laws of 1883; relating to the construction of buildings in certain counties; to amend chapter 83, laws of 1868; an act relating to the boundaries of Tisdale township, Cowley County; for the relief of W. R. Mattock; to amend the prohibitory laws, to establish the salaries of State officers, judge, and officers of the Legislature; to reimburse the permanent school fund for fraudulent bonds of Comanche and other counties; to authorize the County Commissioners to construct and improve roads, on petition of a majority of land owners along and adjacent to the lines of said roads; to authorize Larned and Pleasant Valley township in Pawnee County.

A long discussion followed several attempts of Senator Kellogg to procure the reference of certain woman's rights petitions to special committees, which failed.

A suspension of the rules. Senator Blue, Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, made report of a majority and minority report on the joint resolution calling a Constitutional Convention. The majority report is signed by Senators Blue, Greene, Bawden, Ritter, Hick, and Pickler; the minority report is signed by Senators Redden, White, and Harkness. The majority report merely reads: "With the recommendation that it do not pass."

The following is the report of the minority.

"The undersigned members of the Judiciary Committee dissent from the report of the majority with reference to Senate joint resolution No. 4 providing for the calling of a Constitutional Convention, and we recommend that the same be passed.

"We think that the condition of our State is so different from what it was at the time of the adoption of the present Constitution, industries so much more diversified, its advancement in population and wealth has been so marvelous, that what was sufficient for 1859 does not suffice for 1885."

Numerous petitions were presented for paying the Price raid claims and for a geological survey.

A resolution was adopted inviting Mrs. Helen M. Gougar to address the House on the subject of Woman's suffrage. Mrs. Gougar then addressed the House for an hour.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Several committees reported back referred bills with recommendations for or against.

Bills were presented from No. 119 to No. 132, inclusive, to wit: To amend section 13, chapter 39, General Statutes of 1868, and sections 2 and 8, of chapter 84, session laws of 1871, relating to fees and salaries; to amend sections 4 and 6, of article 229; article 381, article 8, and to add a supplemental section to article 16, chapter 92, Compiled Laws of Kansas, of an act entitled "An act for the regulation and support of common schools, and repealing laws in conflict;" in relation to mortgages; act to amend and repeal section 5, of chapter 68, of the General Statutes of 1868; to establish a Soldiers' Orphans' Home; to amend section 6, article 3, and sections 8, 16, of article 4, of "An act for the regulation and support of common schools;" to authorize second-class cities to provide public parks; to amend sections 6, 7, and 8, chapter 42, General Statutes of 1877, relating to fish; in relation to the fees of sheriffs and others for conveying persons to charitable and other institutions; supplementary to the prohibitory law; to vacate the La Cygne Cemetery; to repeal chapter 76, session laws of 1877, for bounty on wolf, coyote, wildcat, fox, and rabbit scalps; in relation to farm crossings over railroads; for the safety of guests and employees in hotels.

Bills of yesterday read and referred.

Senator John Kelly offered a concurrent resolution instructing the Committee on Assessment and Taxation to report a bill to compel assessors to value property at cash rates, under penalty. Laid over under the rules.

Senate went into executive session on the appointment by the Governor of A. B. Campbell as Adjutant General, which was confirmed.

The new bills included from No. 143 to No. 185. These include one by Mr. Rash to establish a State Board of Pardons. By Mr. Osborn, a funding bill for Sheridan County. By Mr. Roseberry, to vacate La Cygne Cemetery. By Mr. Randall, to amend game laws. By Mr. Carroll, to make appropriation for the Western Branch of the National Home for disabled Union soldiers. By Mr. Pratt, creating the office of county printer. By Mr. Overmyer, to empower the Topeka School Board to issue bonds to purchase schoolhouse sites. By Mr. F. J. Kelly, to create State and Local Boards of Health. By Mr. Finch, relating to the militia. By Mr. Wellup, to change the name of Butler County to Lockwood County. By Mr. Bond, to prevent fire insurance companies from establishing "board rates." By Mr. Vance, to legalize the drawing of juries in Shawnee County.

A bill passed to legalize the Shawnee County jury now in court.

Committees reported favorably on bills concerning telephone companies, studies in schools, pay of judges and clerks of elections, and unfavorably on about a dozen other bills.

Senate resolution fixing time for joint convention for election of successor to Senator Ingalls, at 12 o'clock M., Tuesday, January 28, was called up, and the House concurred therein.

The Senate having amended House resolution No. 7, asking Congress to legislate for the settlement of Oklahoma, Mr. Turner moved that the House do not concur in the Senate's amendments. This was supported by Mr. McNall because, as he said, the Senate's amendment does not recite facts as they exist. Mr. Buck opposed concurrence because the Senate's amendment has too much buncombe and too little of fact. The motion to not concur prevailed.

A concurrent resolution was introduced, asking Congress to pension all living Union soldiers, which went over.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Sheldon made a protest against the confirmation of Hon. A. B. Campbell. Several committees reported back bills with recommendation.

Bills were presented from No. 133 to 149, inclusive, to-wit: Amendatory to the act fixing the fees of certain officers, being chapter 39, of the General Statutes of 1868; to amend chapter 80, of the General Statutes of 1868, "an act to establish a Court of Civil procedure," to amend the act of 1884, for the protection of domestic animals; to amend the act of 1884, for the appointment of Veterinary Surgeon; to establish a Court of Appeals, apportioning the State into five districts; to provide for the appointment of a Commission to inquire into the advisability of amending the prison system, by establishing a State Industrial Reformatory; to amend the act of 1883, concerning railroads; concerning tramps; to authorize school districts and Boards of Education in any county to adopt uniform series of text books and contract for same; fixing the term of office of constables in second-class cities; relating to injunctions and amendatory of section 253, article 12, chapter 80, of the General Statutes of 1868; two bills making appropriations to carry out provisions of an act to create State and local Boards of Health, appropriates $5,000 per year; two bills to prohibit the advertising or selling of obscene or indecent books, pictures, etc.; to authorize County Commissioners to offer rewards for the capture and conviction of persons charged with felonies.

Leave of absence was granted several members who had gone, or who desired to go home over Sunday.

Petitions were presented: By Mr. Burton, for regulation of dental surgery, From Barber County, for reorganization of Meade County. From Saline County, for granting municipal suffrage to women. By Mr. Hardesty, relating to county lines of Ford and other counties. By Mr. Wallace for a geological survey of the State. By Mr. Spiers, for prohibiting incompetent persons from engaging in drug business. More petitions relating to road claims. By Mr. Johnson, to regulate the dentists. By Mr. Cox, asking for a bridge in Douglas County; by Mr. Wright, for restraining secular work on the Sabbath.

By Mr. Hatfield, concerning sewerage corporations. By Mr. Buck, to amend law relating to selection of juries. By Mr. Anthony, to provide for appointment of state land commissioner. By Mr. Lawrence, relating to State veterinary surgeon. By Mr. Bond, amending law relating to interest of money. By Mr. Currier, making appropriations for exhibit at New Orleans. By Mr. Thompson, of Pratt, concerning appeals in contested elections. By Mr. McBride, to change a name. By Mr. Randall, requiring railroad companies to maintain fences and gates. By Mr. Finch, relating to investment of county sinking funds. By Mr. Scammon, to protect the health of coal miners. By Mr. Vance, relating to injunctions. By Mr. Cox, about Douglas County bridges. Other bills were introduced reaching No. 214.

Bills introduced on previous day were read a second time and referred to committees.

The number and scope of the reports made by committees show active committee work during the week.

The Judiciary Committee squelches bills to change names, referring interested parties to the statutes on that subject.

The Committee on Educational Institutions reported unfavorably upon H. B. 119, providing for the care, sale, and leasing of school lands in unorganized counties.

The Committee on County Seat and County Lines favored the passage of an enabling act for Cloud County, for the purpose of providing county buildings.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Bills were introduced from No. 164 to No. 167 inclusive, to-wit: To change a State road; for the relief of W. F. Harker; an act providing for a Metropolitan police in all cities of the first class and for the appointment of a Board of Metropolitan Police Commissioners for such cities and defining their duties and prescribing their powers providing for the appointment of police judges and police officers, policemen and other members of the metropolitan police force of such cities by such board, and the manner of paying them for their services, and providing for the abolition of the office of city marshal and other existing police offices in such cities, and repealing all laws in conflict with the provisions of this act; to amend sections 147 and 153, articles 3 of General Statutes of 1865, relating to arrest and bail; to amend sections 14 and 15 of chapter 34 of the General Statutes of 1868, "an act regulating crimes and punishments," to amend section 2 of the Session Laws of 1883, "an act to provide for the appointment of sheep inspectors and prescribing their duties," and in relation to costs in justices' courts.

In committee of the whole a long discussion occurred on S. B. 32 to change the road laws in the midst of which a vote was taken on U. S. Senators, 68 for Ingalls, 1 for Glick.

A petition was presented asking for a change in the south line of Atchison County. One by Mr. Corwin on dental surgery. By Mr. Morgan, of Clay, for woman suffrage. More petitions for the Lawrence and Topeka State road. Mr. Speaker laid before the House a communication from women of Winfield, asking for municipal suffrage of women.

By Mr. Osborn--Referring to jurors' fees. And one to refund to Rawlins County certain moneys. Mr. Buck--to protect gas light companies. By To enable cities of the second class to extend their corporate limits. By Mr. Beates--Appropriations for the penitentiary. By Mr. , Clay County. Bridge bill. By Mr. Mosher--To reimburse Edwards County for expenses in capturing train robbers. By Mr. Finch--Appropriation for salaries, claims, expenses, etc., of the State Veterinary Surgeon and Board of Commissioners.

Other bills were introduced, reaching No. 256.

Vote on U. S. Senator was taken. Ingalls 106, Glick 3, Blair 4.

Discussions occurred on the bills to provide mortgage redemption after sale and on equalization of assessments.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Committees reported back thirteen bills, recommending passage.

Bills were presented from No. 150 to No. 164, inclusive, to wit: To enable Greenfield township, Elk County, to organize a graded high school; an act relating to Grand Juries, and amendatory of sections 73, 74, and 99, of chapter 82, of the General Statutes of 1868, etc.; to transfer certain moneys and lands to the permanent school fund; to create the counties of Clarke, Meade, Seward, Stevens, and Kansas; to provide that stenographer's transcripts may be used as evidence; to amend section 13, chapter 39, General Statutes of 1868, "an act fixing fees of certain officers and persons therein named;" to amend section 15, chapter 31, of the General Statutes, relating to crimes and punishments; to vacate a portion of El Dorado; to amend an act relating to county lines, chapter 25, session laws of 1868; to levy taxes in aid of the Marion Library; to change name of Cummingsville to Cummings; to amend "an act relating to organization of new counties," approved June 4, 1861, for the protection of domestic cattle against Texas or Spanish fever; to remove the political disabilities of F. A. Venable, of Cowley County.

A considerable discussion ensued on the Oklahoma resolutions, in which Senator Jennings and others took part.

Several new bills were presented. Committee on Temperance reported back resubmission resolutions, with adverse recommendations, and a considerable discussion ensued, concluding by reference to Committee of Whole House.

A message was received from Gov. Martin, covering a report of ex-Governor Glick on pardons, and his reasons for granting them. It was referred to the Judiciary Committee for report on the legal sufficiency of the reasons given.

Political, Official and Social Notes as Gathered by Our
Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The winter's session of Congress may be said to have now begun, for the December term was as barren of legislation as ever, in spite of brave promises. There are now about fifty working days left, and it is not too much to say that, ignoring all private and special legislation, there are at least fifty important matters of common concern awaiting action. Of the time left, half will be necessarily occupied over appropriation bills, so that Congress cannot afford to waste an hour. But it will waste a good many, and the fifty important matters will have to wait for a more convenient season that never comes.

The Administration is undergoing sharp questioning in reference to some of its doings in the development of a new American foreign policy. Last week two notable resolutions of inquiry were introduced in the House of Representatives: one by Mr. Herbert, of Alabama, the other by Mr. Belmont, of New York. The inquiry in substance was the same in both. They requested the President to inform Congress if he accredited Mr. Kasson, Minister to Berlin, and Mr. Sanford, who was once Minister to Belgium, delegates, to represent the United States at Prince Bismarck's Congo Conference; what was his purpose in doing so, if he did accredit them; what the exact nature of their authority was, and in fact, what business or interest the American Republic had any way in a European congress the avowed purpose of which was to create a new State under continental government on the African Continent to be ruled by a king.

The inquiry in the House is timely. The American people want to know what they are being let in for. What with the Mexican, the Dominican, Spanish, and the Nicaraguan treaty we are in danger of biting off more than we can chew. We had better see where we are likely to bring up to all this reaching forth for foreign complications. With a Navy that is the laughing stock of the world, we are in a nice fix to be stepping on people's coat-tails and hunting up a fight. France has planted 50,000 men on the Isthmus, who Capt. Benford Pim, of Her Majesty's Navy, who is new in Washington, is reported to say could be mobilized into two army corps in a fortnight's time. Germany is growling ominously at our friend and ally, Spain. England is seriously thinking of the feasibility of trying to cut the ground from under our feet in the canal scheme by entering into an arrangement with Nicaragua which will be pecuniarily better for certain enterprising and ingenious gentlemen of that republic than ours is. Some day a real emergency will be upon us, and then the rural idiot who believes that the American flag on a pole hoisted above two logs tied together and set afloat is enough to make the effete monarchies tremble, will be calling on the rocks and mountains to fall on him and hide him from the wrath and scorn of the people of the great Republic.

Apropos to the Nicaraguan question, the senate is giving Capt. Eads a great deal of unnecessary trouble; they have compelled him to shift his quarters and his $10,000 model of the gigantic ship railway from the room of the committee on naval affairs to the Butler building, opposite the Capitol, which has been rented for use as Senate committee rooms, etc. It is true that Senate employees were made to do the work of taking down his model of the Tehuantepec ship railway, conveying it over to the other building, and putting it up again. But still it was putting the gallant captain to a great deal of inconvenience, and was a piece of mere thoughtlessness.

This generosity towards this particular Eads scheme opens up a perfectly dazzling prospect to the gentlemen of the vestibule of the genus lobbyist. No more cooling of heels with the common herd out in the corridors! No more rebuffs from busy congressmen who will not receive cards during the session! No! Each and every scheme for getting money out of the treasury will be provided by Congress with a fine room, elegantly appointed and equipped with a clerk or so, and a messenger or two, with laborers galore to do the heavy work, and all paid for out of the public treasury! No one who is not an absolute porker could ask anything better than that.

From now till Lent there will be no rest for society. The President announces his series of official receptions, and fashionable people are following in his footsteps with every species of social gatherings. The President himself is accepting one or two invitations out to dinner each week, and General Sheridan and Senator Hale have already entertained him. In less than two months a great change impends, but the administration means to die with its pumps on.

Regular Washington Correspondent.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

I was fortunate last week in meeting a gentleman, an old friend of the President-elect, Cleveland, who comes from the same section of New York, and now holds an important office under Cleveland's commission.

"I have known Cleveland twenty-five years," said this gentleman, "and he has not changed a particle in manner in all that time. He is forty-nine years old and weighs about two hundred and twenty-five pounds. In religious faith he is a Presbyterian. I presume that will become the Court church in Washington when he comes into the Presidency.

"As to the cabinet, the only thing I know which has been determined on is that the Presidential advisers will be selected from those States that cast their electoral votes for Cleveland. I say I know this, because he has said as much to me, and I was talking to Dan Lamont, and he intimated the same thing. I can tell you, however, what I believe. I think New York will get the Treasury. I cannot say who the man is, or if he has been selected. The south proper will be offered two places; they will most probably be the Post Office Department and Attorney-General, and they will both go to far-South States.

"Now as to Cleveland socially, he is different from President Arthur in very many ways. I have always liked Arthur. I was a member of the New York Assembly one term when he was Governor Morgan's Quartermaster General and Arthur once tore the shoulder-straps off a New York Colonel's shoulders, and gave him a sound whipping besides, for some vulgar insolence. Arthur is a good dinner-giver and dinner-out. Cleveland is like Gen. Sherman or Gen. Grant in his tastes. Neither of the three care very much what they eat, just so it is plain and well cooked. Cleveland is a fairly good drinker, so the table menage will not be an ice-water one, but his drinking is mainly beer, though he relishes a cocktail now and then. He is very regular in his sleeping, and does not sit up all night, as Gen. Arthur used to do, and still, I believe, and not feel it. I never saw such a man as Arthur in this respect. He becomes brighter after midnight, and about two in the morning, after he has had a good supper and a bottle or two of champagne, he is positively brilliant. We used to call him the 'owl' at Albany, for he seemed never to sleep, and I believe he is the same still. Cleveland's capacity for hard work is wonderful, and he has not had a day of illness worth speaking of since he was a boy."

Absurd as it may appear, the story is going the rounds that the President will retire from office a comparatively poor man, having been unable to save anything from his salary. Nothing can well be farther from the truth. Nearly all the expenses of running the presidential establishment are paid by Congressional appropriations, in one form or another, leaving the necessary outlay of the President to be only what it may cost for food and clothing, and the expenses of a few entertainments. The salary is $50,000 a year, and a liberal estimate of expenses of all kinds would fall far below $1,000 a month, taking the year through, thus leaving a net income of $38,000 per annum. Of course, it is not pretended that more may not be spent, if the incumbent of the place be a man of extravagant personal tastes or habits, but there is nothing in the official or social obligations of the position requiring a greater outlay than the figures named above, and there is no good reason for believing that it will ordinarily reach that sum. In other words, the President is able to do all that can be justly expected of him, officially and personally, in the way of living and entertaining while in office, and still leave it with a competent fortune, as was intended to be the case when the salary was fixed at the liberal sum now paid.

The Inauguration Committee are vigorously at work, and all branches of the great undertaking evince a remarkable degree of activity. The preliminary work at the new Pension building is being pushed forward, and everything is almost ready for stretching the great steel cable which is to serve as the ridge pole of the temporary canvass roof in. The canvass which is to comprise the temporary roof is now being sewn by sail makers at the navy yard. The hall in the new Pension building in which it is proposed to hold the inauguration ball is 300 feet long, and will form, it is expected, a ball room which for spaciousness and elegance of appointments will be fully in keeping with the importance of the event celebrated. It is estimated that twelve thousand people can be accommodated at the ball without discomfort.

On dit [?], that the President elect is positively engaged to be married to a lady in Buffalo soon after the inauguration. The name will not be publicly announced at present, if it can be kept a secret, but it is not that of anyone who has heretofore been spoken of as a possible candidate for the White House. LENOX.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Washington, January 21. The following are the official instructions from the War Department to General Augur yesterday regarding the course to be pursued with the Oklahoma invaders.

To Brigadier General, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas:

In accordance with instruction from the Secretary of War, the Lieutenant General directs you to be informed that the President's order for the removal from the Indian Territory of the intruders thereon is to be enforced. It is hoped that it may be done without an armed conflict, but the responsibilities for any blood shed must rest upon those who do not accept the warning of the President's proclamation of July 1, 1884, and attempted with an armed force to resist the troops ordered to compel their removal. In order that the mischievous influence of the leaders of the present intrusion to incite a conflict may be reduced as much as possible, the military force should be increased so that all intruders may see the hopelessness of resistance. The Lieutenant General, therefore, directs that you immediately reinforce Colonel Hatch by the remaining companies of the Ninth Cavalry, and also send him reinforcements from the Tenth, Twentieth, and Twenty-second Infantry, until the force he now has on hand shall be increased by 800 additional men. Acknowledge receipt.

Signed: R. G. Derum, Adjt. Gen.
The Wichita Eagle received a special from the Cheyenne Agency, the 21 of January, which says that five companies of troops left that place on Saturday, in charge of Major DeWees, of the Ninth Cavalry, with orders to join General Hatch's force, now at Stillwater, for the purpose of ejecting the boomers who numbered nearly 300.

The special also says that the latest courier from the field brings word that the settlers are loud in their denunciation of the United States Army, the Interior Department, and the cattle men; that they have blood in their eyes, and propose to battle. The army forces now in the field number about 800 well armed and well mounted men, and the commanders do not anticipate any trouble in ejecting the men who, for the purpose of speculation, have gone into the Territory in defiance of the warnings of the Departments and the proclamation of the President.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A circular sent out by James H. Walker & Co.'s dry goods house, Chicago, furnishes a very interesting comparison of the prices of farm produce in 1878 and 1884, the figures being taken from the market quotations in that city.

Average price of grain in 1878 and 1884
1878 [Cents Per Bushel.] Corn: 37. 1884 [Cents Per Bushel.] Corn: 51¼.

1878 [Cents Per Bushel.] Oats: 22. 1884 [Cents Per Bushel.] Oats: 29.

1878 [Cents Per Bushel.] Rye: 50. 1885 [Cents Per Bushel.] Rye: 57¼.

1878 [Cents Per Bushel.] Wheat: 96½. 1885 [Cents Per Bushel.] Wheat: 83.

Live meats, December 1878 and 1884.
Stock cattle, per cwt.: $2.00 to $2.50, 1878. $3.35 to $3.80, 1884.

Good to choice beeves, 100 to 1,500 pounds--

1878: $2.75 to $4.80 1884: $4.00 to $6.15

Bacon hogs--

1878: $2.50 to $2.75 1884: $3.25 to $4.15

Packers' & Shippers Heavy Do.--

1878: $2.50 to $2.90 1884: $4.20 to $4.75

A table is also given showing lower prices on every article which farmers purchase in 1884 as compared to those in 1878. The circular than says the comparison of figures proves the following.

First: That farm products are much higher now than in 1878: wheat excepted.

Second: That the supplies which farmers and their families require and all farm machinery are very much cheaper now than then, or than ever before. In a word, all that farmers buy is cheaper; what they sell is dearer.

It certainly seems as if this is the intelligent view of the situation; and that grain fed live stock is paying so much better now than six years ago that the majority of Kansas farmers are doing a great deal better than they imagine. Most of them do not know how well they are doing, and the knowledge of their prosperity is all that is required to make them contented and happy. Emporia Republican.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Putnam (Conn.) Weekly Standard published the following story about the horse that bore J. Wilkes Booth from Washington after the murder of President Lincoln.

"The story of the murdered President--the history of the murderer, John Wilkes Booth--is familiar to all but the horse, what of him! The animal was confiscated, sold by auction, and fell to the Soldiers' Express Company of New York. This company, it would seem, was either swindled by its managers or fell into financial difficulties. At any rate, it was short-lived, its property sold, and the Booth horse was purchased by John Grant, who was at that time a Brooklyn expressman. In 1860 Colonel John A. Peal, then a resident of Brooklyn, New York, offered $100 for the horse, but the offer was not accepted. That same year the Colonel moved to Abington, Connecticut, and the horse was soon after shipped to him for the price originally offered. The animal was then in a dilapidated condition, but under the kind treatment of his new master, soon recovered some of his qualities of sleekness, fleetness, strength, and endurance. The horse was a large, powerful animal, with long, heavy mane and tall, bright intelligent eyes, of a dark bay color, a white star in the forehead, and one white hind foot and ankle. The animal became a great favorite with the family, and during the latter years of his life was allowed to have pretty much his own way. About three years ago the horse, on account of his age and domicile habits, was allowed to wander about the door yard and along the roadside at his leisure and pleasure. In one of these ramblings, the poor animal fell into a ditch and was killed. Thus it would seem that all, even to the dumb beasts having part in the terrible tragedy, met with a violent death.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Henry Clews, the banker, says of the business prospect of 1885: "The year begins under quite favorable auspices produced by cheap food, cheap clothing, cheap money, cheap stocks, cheap passenger fares, cheap freights, cheap coal, cheaper labor, and with the prospects of cheaper rents and cheaper real estate--all of which united constitute a legitimate and genuine basis for real prosperity in a country abounding in inexhaustible natural resources as does America. Hence hope should now begin to take the place of the heretofore existing doubt and by a united effort on the part of the world-wide recognized enterprise of the people of this country, we will soon get out of the present gloomy rut and prosperity will again reign from one end of the nation to the other and be enduring in its character."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Some thirty young farmers and businessmen of Arizona have sent one of their number east to find wives for them. The agent says: "I have the photographs of the members, and I also have letters of recommendation from the township officers. All I want now is to secure the young ladies. Their expenses to Arizona will be paid by the association immediately, or, if they prefer, they will be given the addresses of the members whom they prefer, and a correspondence can be opened."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The best businessman in the city of Albany said that he spent the most of his money for advertising when people felt poorest. "That is the time," he said, "when people read advertisements. If they find a store advertising bargains, they will leave their old place and go to the newer, and the new one, if it is smart, will keep them every time. The old fashioned businessman will feel that he must do things in a modern style if he wants to swim with the current."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A serious fire occurred in Osage City Monday morning, arising from the explosion of a lamp, in which several buildings were destroyed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

In the State senate Tuesday noon a vote was taken for Senator, resulting 30 for John J. Ingalls, and 1 for G. W. Glick. At the same time the House took a vote resulting J. J. Ingalls 106, G. W. Glick 3, C. W. Blair 4.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

G. Y. Johnson and Frank Bacon, with the persuasive eloquence peculiar to Kansas men, have worked the authorities of the New Orleans exposition for free passes for the officers and members of the Kansas Legislature. An excursion is imminent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Gen. Stewart in command of the expedition for the relief of Khartoum on the Upper Nile has had a severe battle with the Mahdi's forces in Upper Egypt. The English were victorious, losing 65 in killed, while the enemy lost 800, according to the English reports.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

There is a rebellion among the Skye crafters, or small renters in the Island of Skye. They earn a bare subsistence, have to pay large rents, and are liable to be turned off at any time. All their woes, it seems, are because they cannot read their titles clear to mansions in the Skye.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. Greer has represented the wishes of the Cowley County Horticultural Society by introducing a bill in the House authorizing the appointment of a State entomologist whose duty will be to inform himself and the people of the State concerning insects injurious to grain and fruits and the best methods of destroying them.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Miss Tillie Frelingheiser, daughter of the Secretary of State, who was reported to be engaged to President Arthur, is under medical treatment for an injured knee, received from a fall last spring. Perhaps this is why the wedding was postponed. She is not in good condition to be spoken of as Mrs. Arthur knee Frelinghuisen.

[?First time Frelingheiser. Second time Frelinghuisen.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

If brevity is the soul of wit, President elect Cleveland must be one of the most humorous men in America. Here is his letter of resignation as governor of New York.

Albany, Executive Chamber, January 5, 1885. To the Legislature: I hereby resign the office of Governor of the State of New York. GROVER CLEVELAND.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Elite John Porter is endeavoring to establish the belief that he can be reinstated in the army by the President without any action on the part of Congress. He has made a formal demand on President Arthur for reinstatement: this is only preliminary to a similar request to President Cleveland, which will be granted.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Senator Edmunds' bill tp punish dynamiters and the manufacture of dynamite and similar compounds, for the purpose of damaging persons or property in this or any other country, and for aiding in furnishing it for such purposes, passed the United States Senate with only one vote against it, that of Senator Riddleberger, of Virginia.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A gentleman who came in from the west yesterday said to a reporter of the Commonwealth that between Grenada, Colorado, and Coolidge, Kansas, he saw over one hundred thousand head of cattle snow bound, with nothing to eat and almost on the point of starvation. Among them he noticed several dead ones and if the snow lays many days longer, the losses will be very great. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Fire was discovered in Washington on the morning of the 26th, in a lot of books and records stored under the roof of the House of Representatives. The firemen cut away the wood and soon put out the fire, which was confined to a space less than twenty feet square. The damage is trifling. The fire is supposed to have been started by the electric wires used in lighting the hall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Reports are going the rounds concerning the arrest and confinement in jail, recently, at Washington city, of an eight year old boy charged with the heinous crime of stealing a pair of shoes, in mid winter, in order to keep his feet from freezing. We hardly credit the truth of the report, yet if it is a fact, it is a burlesque on justice. "A mountain labored and brought forth a mouse."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The State Teachers Association at its recent meeting resolved "that as county superintendents have no voice or jurisdiction in educational matters within the corporate limits of cities of the first-class and second-class, their election should be determined entirely by the electors of the county residing outside said corporate limits, and the tax creating their salaries should follow the same rule."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. Vanderbilt having generously tendered Gen. Grant, and upon his refusal, Mrs. Grant, the full benefit of his claim against their property, both have gratefully but positively declined to accept anything from him. Mr. Vanderbilt has done all he can. His offer was honorable, and its declination by the beneficiaries will be apt to discourage valuable gifts to public men hereafter.

The Kansas City Star says that whatever else may be said of Blaine, he must be admitted to be a man of great vitality and self-control. After the most trying campaign ever made by any politician, and following the defeat of a life's ambition, he settles down in the very whirl of Washington animation to complete his book, and outlines another historical work of great breadth involving enormous application and labor. He has some of the qualities of Gladstone.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

There are 622 newspapers and periodicals published in foreign languages in the United States, the New York World says, and of these 483 are published in German. Next in number come the French publications with 41, the Scandinavians with 33, the Spanish with 25, Bohemians with 12, Hollandish with 11, Italians with 6, the Welsh with 4, and the Poles and Hebrews with 2 each. There is one paper published in the native Irish, one in Cherokee, and one in Chinese.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The New York Word, in discussing the election of Evarts, curiously reasons that "Blaine has greater power in the Republican party than he ever had before, because in contributing to his defeat his enemies either left the party or, like Arthur and Edmunds, lost the confidence of the politicians who look upon their conduct as unpardonable if not treasonable. This defeat makes Blaine what he never was before--the great party chief, without rivals or competitors, and Evarts is his best friend.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Chief Justice McAdam, of the New York city court, regards an instrument attested before a woman as a notary public as good. Miss Jennie Turner, "one of the best stenographers in the county, and a good lawyer," is the notary in question. Judge McAdam takes the sound and clear ground that "disabilities are not favored and are not intended by implication." He says that her title to the office could be directly tested by a suit on the part of the attorney-general of the state to oust her.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Commonwealth quotes approvingly from the Inter-Ocean a tirade against the Reagan inter-state commerce bill which has passed the lower House of Congress and against Van Wick, of Nebraska, an advocate of the bill. The Inter-Ocean states that the rate "per mile" shall be the same on long hauls and on short hauls and shows clearly enough that such a law would be disastrous to the farmers of Kansas and Nebraska.

We do not know whether the Inter-Ocean and Commonwealth have made an ignorant mistake or are attempting to create opposition to the bill by willful misrepresentation in the interest of the railroads. If the above statement concerning the bill is true, all the copies of it that we have seen are misquoted and the members who have made addresses on it in Congress have grossly misunderstood it.

The clause in the bill referred to, as we have seen it, simply prohibits railroads charging a larger sum for a shorter distance than they do for longer distances. This only means that if a railroad charges say only fifty cents per 100 lbs. from Kansas City to Topeka, it shall not charge more than fifty cents per 100 lbs. from Kansas City to Lecompton, which is a shorter distance; that if it charges one dollar from Kansas City to Denver, it shall not charge more than one dollar from Topeka to Denver. It is frequent that railroads will charge double for a shorter distance than it does for a little longer distance to a town where it has competition, and this should not be allowed. The fault we find with the bill is that it does not go far enough in that direction. It should prohibit charging as much for the shorter distance as it does for the longer and though the shorter distance would be greater per mile, it should be graded fairly as to distance so that in no case should the shorter haul pay as much money in the aggregate as the longer hauls.

The bill as it passed the House is not near as good as we would like, but is as good as we expect can be passed; and we hope the Senate will pass it and that it will become a law during this season.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Hon. James F. Legate has written a long letter to the Capital explaining his connection with the alleged attempt to sell St. John out to the Republican National Committee for $25,000. He labors to make it appear that he and St. John are very noble patriots and their accusers, Clarkson and Kerens, very ignoble falsifiers, but he has failed to clear up anything. He admits that he tried to get the Committee to appropriate $25,000 for campaign expenses in connection with the project of getting St. John off from the track, claims that they were about to make the appropriation but the favorable result of the Ohio election caused the committee to withhold the money and therefore St. John did all he could against the Republican party and effected its defeat. To our mind the letter as a whole is equivalent to an admission that he tried to sell St. John either with or without St. John's consent, and the presumption is the former, in fact, he states in effect that St. John was privy to the efforts to get the appropriation. We hope St. John can explain better than Legate has done.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Wellington Press mentions our statement that the COURIER has over 2,000 county subscribers and thinks if that is true we must be sending at least one thousand papers to subscribers who do not pay up. It says newspaper accounts against subscribers are not worth $300 in $1,700, or words to that effect, and that it has dropped 500 names from its list who do not pay up and is going to drop 500 more. We also have dropped more than a thousand names for the same reason in the past few years and have now a very clean subscription list. Come over and see us, Mr. Stotler, and let us show you the names of more than 2,000 citizens of Cowley on our subscription list who are now paid up in advance. We issue well onto 3,000 including subscribers in arrears, subscribers out of the county, exchanges and complimentaries. We believe the COURIER has now a larger paying list than any other county paper in the state, but it has cost a great deal of money and hard work to make it so.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Dynamiters have finally got in their work on the Parliament buildings, Government office, and Tower in London.

At 2 o'clock last Saturday a terrific explosion of dynamite occurred in the House of Parliament and offices and great damage was done. About the same time a similar explosion occurred in the London Tower. A second explosion in the Parliament House occurred soon after. There were many visitors in the Tower and many of them were severely injured. Some were injured in the Parliament House, where also many visitors were collected. The packages of dynamite were left loose on the floors of the buildings.

O'Donavan Rossa, in New York, is said to express the liveliest satisfaction. It is about time that our Government cleared our borders of such things as he, who, under cover of our national protection, plans such diabolical outrages for foreign countries.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Wellington Standard explains the superiority of the business of the Winfield and Wellington postoffice by the assertion that Winfield's business comes from the country and has no other postoffice nearer than Arkansas City, 14 miles, while Wellington is surrounded by five postoffices within that distance. We remark that Winfield is surrounded by postoffices as follows: Kellogg, 5 miles; Constant, 5 miles; Seeley, 8 miles; Akron, 8 miles; Floral, 8 miles; New Salem, 8 miles; Tisdale, 8 miles; Tannehill, 8 miles; Oxford, 10 miles; Udall, 12 miles; Rock, 13 miles; Wilmot, 13 miles; Arkansas City, 13 miles; making thirteen postoffices within the distance of Wellington's surrounding five. Try again, Mr. Standard.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Couch has surrendered his 400 armed boomers to Gen. Hatch and marches peaceably out of Stillwater and out of Oklahoma. We did not expect they would be foolish enough to fight. "A barking dog never bites."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

At a secret session of the Woman's Suffrage association in Washington, Mrs. Blake, chairman of the committee on plan of work, made a report which was adopted, recommending that the women of the several states labor with their legislatures for the passage of suffrage laws and mark each member antagonizing measures in favor of women in order to oppose them. The work before congress for the passage of the sixteenth amendment is to be continued. Women in the several states are also requested to oppose the re-election of senators and representatives voting against women suffrage. Vice presidents of the association were requested to obtain, if possible, the passage of resolutions by their respective state legislatures recommending to congress the adoption of the sixteenth amendment. The question of municipal suffrage was discussed at some length.

It was stated that school suffrage had been granted in twelve states. The resolution which caused a warm discussion at yesterday's public session was informally laid aside until the next annual meeting. At a public meeting addresses were made by Mrs. Riggs, Kansas; Clara B. Colby, Nebraska, and Dr. Alice B. Stockham, Chicago, and reports were read by Matilda Hindman, Pittsburg; Dr. H. B. Chapin, Mrs. Shattuck, and Rev. Olympia Brown.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A further cut of two cents on east bound grain and provisions was quite generally quoted at Chicago, January 20th, the prevailing rate being 20 cents on grain and 15 on provisions, a total cut of 5 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Representative Oates, from the Committee on Public Lands, prepared a report on the bill to prohibit aliens and foreigners from acquiring or owning lands within the United States, which the committee has reported to the House with a recommendation for its passage. Oates said: "Your committee has ascertained with reasonable certainty that certain noblemen from Europe, principally Englishmen, have acquired and now own in an aggregate about 21,000,000 acres in the Southern States. We have not sufficient information to state the aggregate of liens. This alien, nonresident ownership will in course of time lead to a landlordism incompatible with the best interests and free institutions of the United States. The foundation for such a system is being laid broadly in the Western States and Territories."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Postmaster General Hatton has sent the Chairman of the House Committee on Postoffices and Post Roads the draft of a bill providing for the reduction of postage on second class matter, as follows: On newspapers mailed by publishers, from 2 cents to 1 cent per pound. It is provided in the draft that this rate shall not apply to circular or sample copies generally although publishers may twice a year circulate sample copies to not exceed in number the actual circulation of the paper at the time of mailing. There is no sense in any such movement. It costs the government to transport newspapers several times as much as they pay in postage and all this at the expense of the letter writers, for the benefit of the great newspaper monopolies of the large cities.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

On Monday, the 19th, the following U. S. Senators were elected by the legislatures of their respective states.

New York, Wm. M. Evarts, Republican.

Connecticut, Orville H. Platt, Republican.

Missouri, Geo. G. Vest, Democrat.

Colorado, Henry W. Fuller, Republican.

Indiana, Dan W. Voorhees, Democrat.

Pennsylvania, J. D. Cameron, Republican.

Rhode Island, Jonathan Chase, Republican.

North Carolina, I. B. Vance, Democrat.

California, Leland Stanford, Republican.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Emporia Republican has an Arkansas City, Kansas, special which says: "Gen. Hatch has surrounded the boomers at Stillwater with the intention of starving them out. He allows no one to approach them, but lets anyone leave who desires. A courier just in reports several leaving already, as provisions are running short. The Oklahomaites have been trying to raise money here for relief, but with no success. No firing done."

[Note: The following lengthy report was written by E. P. Greer.]
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Dear COURIER: Good resolutions are not always righteously kept. Before coming up I resolved to write at least a column and a half each week for the COURIER and its home circles. My idea of a legislative term was that it was a sort of picnic excursion--a period of rest where ones time for a few hours each day would be occupied in listening to words of wisdom and eloquence from the lips of profound statesmen grown gray in the service of their country. The balance of the day was to be occupied in looking through the various state institutions or rummaging through the collection of the State Historical Society for rare literary and historic curiosities.

Experience thus far does not justify this roseate view of legislative service by several "jug fulls." "Profound and eloquent statesmen" do not abound with that profusion which suggests itself to the mind in connection with our authoritative body of law makers. Then the idea of it being a term of rest and ease is sadly dispelled. It is plainly evident that if a member desires to be of any service, he must be unceasing in vigilance and prodigious in labor. The hundreds of bills introduced must go through the hands of committees, who carefully revise and compare with others presented and with existing laws and the constitution. They are then referred back to the House for consideration in committee of the whole, amendment and debate and final passage. Each member is expected to follow his bills through their various channels and be on hand at any and all times to defend them. The work of the ways and means, judiciary, and railroad committees, the three leading committees of the House, occupy fully one half of their time. The members of these committees, of course, must attend to their duties on the floor when the House is in session, so they are compelled to work during the evening and recesses. The Ways and Means now has before it application and demands for over three million dollars. Of course, the half of that cannot be allowed, but the task of sifting the worthy from the unworthy, calculating and providing for the needs of the various charitable, educational, and other institutions for the two years to come, investigating their needs in the way of additional buildings and at least defending their allowances in committee of the whole House, is a job of monstrous proportions.

For the purpose of informing itself as to the condition and necessities of the public institutions of the State, the Ways and Means committees of both House and Senate have appointed sub-committees to personally inspect and report upon them. Senator Jennings will investigate the penitentiary on the part of the Senate and Ed. P. Greer from the House committee will report upon the charitable institutions. The sub-committees start on their rounds Monday.

Ex-Governor Geo. T. Anthony is the most prominent member of the House. His eloquence and logic are irresistible and his influence is powerful. While not so ready a parliamentarian as Hon. J. R. Burton, his eloquent reasoning almost always carries the point.

After Mr. Anthony, J. R. Burton is unquestionably the leader on the floor. Although young in years and quite youthful in appearance, he is a fluent, eloquent, and powerful debater. His personal figure is striking and his voice and delivery are as perfect as that of Senator Ingalls. As Speaker pro tem he displays many of the most successful qualities of a presiding officer. Mr. Burton's political future is very bright, and the writer predicts for him a long career of honor and usefulness.

From the southwest, Mr. Clogston, of Greenwood, and Mr. Gillett, of Kingman, are the leaders. Both are legislators of experience and large influence. Judge J. J. Buck, of Emporia, is also a prominent figure. In addition to these the whole power of the body is wielded by a baker's dozen.

Although the House has been in session two weeks, it is only just ready for business, and will begin to grind out additions to our already bulky and complex statutes tomorrow.

The prohibition and railroad questions will receive much attention. The temperance committees in both Houses are admirably constructed. In the Senate Hon. Geo. I. Barker, a splendid lawyer and earnest prohibitionist of Douglass County, is chairman. In the House, Mr. Vance, who, as County Attorney of Shawnee County, has had large experience with the working of the present law, as chairman. These two gentlemen are jointly preparing a bill which will be presented as a substitute for the many bills on the subject prepared by as many different members, many of whom know but little of what is needed, but fire in "A Bill" on some important question hoping to regain renown and get their names on the House Journal. The writer had a pleasant and profitable interview with Mr. Vance on the features of the committee's bill and ventured some suggestions upon the "search and seizure" clause which seemed to meet with favor. The bill will remove all restrictions from druggists, putting them on a plane with all others in case of violation and only requiring them to take out a permit at the Probate Court without fees or bond. The physician clause seems to be the most difficult to agree upon. There seems to be a general desire to exempt honorable physicians from the annoyances and complications thrown around them by the present law, but the existence of so-called physicians who creep into the practice to pose as middlemen in the violation of law, and are content to perjure themselves for from fifteen to fifty cents a perjury, makes it necessary to carefully look after this phase of law. However, the committee are honorable, faithful, and efficient men and will, I fully believe, succeed in bringing forth a law that will be just, but efficient. Cowley is honored with a member of this committee, in the person of Mr. King.

From the present indications the great fight upon the question will be made under the cloak of a constitutional convention. In this position there are many elements of strength, as our present constitution contains very many glaring irregularities which become painfully apparent to a member on the floor. One section provides that the House shall not have to exceed one hundred and twenty-five members, and the very same section goes on to say that every organized county which has two hundred and fifty legal votes shall be entitled to a member. Two members appeared from Finney and Rawlins counties. They were in excess of the constitutional number but were constitutionally entitled to seats by being each from an organized county casting over two hundred and fifty votes. The House wrangled over this question for two days and finally violated both requirements of the constitution by admitting them with all powers except to vote upon roll call. Thus the House admits more members than the constitution allows, yet withholds the voting power from counties entitled under the constitution to enjoy it. Then the Supreme Court is in bad shape. The Justices are overworked and the Court way behind, yet the constitution does not allow its enlargement. Judge Buck has conceived a very ingenious plan to get around the constitution and still relieve the Court. His House Bill No. 4, reported favorably by the Judiciary Committee Friday, provides for the appointment by the Government of two "assistants" who shall be "learned in the law," etc. It will probably pass. These inconsistencies are urged and made prominent by those who want a constitutional convention, with the farther announcement that it is not prohibition they are after, but a general revision, wherein each question will stand on its own merits. The fight will be lively and interesting, as the strong men on both sides are "buckling on their armor." However, the "anti's" cannot conceal the fact that this is their "last ditch" in the attempt to wipe out the prohibition amendment. Their efforts in this direction will go down by a strong majority in the House, while the Senate committee has already reported adversely on the joint resolution offered there on the subject. As I write, the information comes that the House committee has tabled the resolution, or ordered it "indefinitely postponed."

The bills introduced on the railroad question are of every conceivable kind. As yet they have hardly taken form in the committee, so it is hard to conjecture what will be forthcoming. The temper of the House seems to be decidedly in favor of more stringent legislation.

An attempt is being made in the committee to amend the bill introduced by your member compelling railroads to fence their track through lands enclosed by a lawful fence, by compelling them to fence their whole line, whether through occupied lands or not. If they succeed in this, it will kill the bill, as it will set the whole power of the railroad corporations against it with the excuse of its being an unjust and unnecessary requirement. I am not now sure but that the intention of those pressing the amendment is to kill the measure, for I observe that in and about here the negative and positive forces are both employed to accomplish the same end.

Speaker Johnson is making a most admirable presiding officer and has won the respect and good-will of all the members in a remarkable degree. His rulings are prompt, fair, and impartial. If the Speaker were to be re-elected tomorrow, he would receive every vote in the House but two.

Among the younger members of the House, Hon. Geo. D. Thompson, of Harper, is prominent. He is possessed of a high order of ability and in appearance and deportment is a thorough gentleman. Although thirty years of age, he looks scarcely twenty. He is essentially a self-made man. His talents and qualifications were fitly recognized by his appointment as chairman of the committee on Banks and Banking: a place of great importance and responsibility. Our neighboring county of Harper is to be congratulated upon the standing and character of her representative.

Another of the rising young members of the House is C. M. Turner, of Chautauqua. He has already been recognized as one of the bright lights, and the House stood by his Oklahoma resolution in a body when the Senate tried to suppress it with one of their own. He is one of the most popular members on the floor and the target for all the opera glasses in the Speaker's gallery.

Senator Jennings is attaining a deserved prominence and his ability and influence are felt and recognized. He is a member of the Ways and Means Committee of the Senate. With two members in the Joint committee, Cowley may hope for substantial recognition, and if she does not get it, it will not be the fault of her delegation.

Hon. J. J. Johnson, of New Salem, was on the floor Monday. He comes to protest against the bill introduced by Senator Jennings last week, defining the boundaries of Tisdale township.

I shall try in the future to keep the COURIER readers fully informed on every question of general or local importance which comes up. There is such a mass of legislation presented that it is a very serous matter to separate the "wheat from the chaff." E. P. G.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

At Cedar Rapids, vigorous efforts are being made here to enforce the prohibitory law. Several saloonists have been bound over for maintaining nuisances. There has also been one or two convictions for violating the law. William Ostrander was convicted this afternoon and fined $50 on each of seventeen counts, or $850. Other prosecutions are pending.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Topeka, Kansas, January 20. The state historical society met in annual session here this evening. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, D. R. Anthony, of Leavenworth; first vice president, B. F. Simpson, of Paola; second vice president, S. N. Wood, of Topeka; secretary, F. G. Adams, of Topeka; treasurer, John Francis of Topeka.

The number of directors was increased from forty-eight to ninety-nine and elected in classes for one, two, and three years. The retiring President, Mr. F. P. Baker, and M. W. Reynolds delivered addresses tonight.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

That married men are longer lived than bachelors has long been a recognized fact. But the value of marriage to the male sex as a preservative against death by cholera is shown in a series of figures which can scarcely be called anything less than astounding, by the Municipality of Paris, in a singularly valuable publication called the "Bulletin Hebdomadaire de Statistique Municipale." It is a table of the ratio of deaths by cholera, per 100,000 inhabitants of persons of the male sex during the late epidemic, from November 3rd to November 29th.

Ratio of Deaths. Single. Married.

From 25 to 30 years of age. 51 18

From 30 to 35 years of age. 78 21

From 35 to 40 years of age. 58 40

From 40 to 45 years of age. 152 44

From 45 to 50 years of age. 83 47

From 50 to 55 years of age. 167 37

From 55 to 60 years of age. 83 57

From 60 to 65 years of age. 117)

From 65 to 70 years of age. 89) 46

From 70 to 75 years of age. 455)

It is remarkable that the female mortality from cholera has also been much lower than the male, in the proportion of 379 to 561. Thus women manage to keep themselves alive and their husbands, too.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The St. John scandal is a puzzle difficult to unravel. That James F. Legate offered, for $25,000, to pull St. John off the track as the temperance Presidential candidate, is proved; that Legate was St. John's trusted friend is proved; that St. John's oratorical movement corresponded with Legate's promise and predictions is proved; but it is not actually demonstrated that St. John agreed to betray the temperance people for money, while it is not denied that the Republicans repudiated Legate's offer. Thousands of St. John's temperance backers were honest, however quixotic; and it is possible that this man Legate is one of the flying battalion of bummers that hang about the flanks and rear of every army, determined to keep out of danger and live on the spoils. The report that St. John could be bought off the track was current in Republican quarters for weeks before the election, and was stated as a fact to the editor of this journal; but it will probably never be known, for certain, whether Legate was an authorized go-between, or a mere volunteer charlatan and dead beat, who took a low view of human nature, and believed he could deliver anything that he could sell.

Frank Leslies Illustrated.

Senator Blue Introduces Bill for Grand Jury.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

"Senator Blue has introduced a bill providing for a grand jury at each term of the several district courts. It provides that if talesmen are to be called in to fill up the jury that they shall be selected by the judge of the court. These amendments on the old law will require a grand jury of fifteen and the concurrence of twelve to find a bill. The jurors to be drawn and summonsed as they are now drawn and seem summonsed in the district court. It repeals the law providing for commissioners to request a grand jury. A grand jury only interferes with lawbreakers in a community. There is no occasion for honest law-abiding citizens to fear their operations."

This bill should be amended so that ten jurors, instead of twelve, would be sufficient to find a true bill, and then the bill should pass.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Harper is desirous of becoming a city of the second class.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A little child at Hiawatha was fatally poisoned last week by drinking from a can containing concentrated lie.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A twelve year old girl, born in Hutchinson, is one of the boasts of that town. She was the first child born there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Newton butchers have organized to do away with the credit business. An arrangement "for revenue only," as it were.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

There are eight men in Seneca whose aggregate wealth will equal half a million. Next spring, when the assessor comes around, it will be much less.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

There are six hundred colored people in destitute circumstances in and around Topeka. A meeting of the more thrifty of that race has been called for their relief.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The customary want of nearly all western towns is expressed by the Sun City Union thus: "Twenty-five dwelling houses could be rented at a good figure in two days' time at this place."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Last week, at Atchison, a vile scoundrel named Wilder, fresh from Leadville, deserted his sick wife and two children, one of them a new born babe, in a third-rate hotel. He left them penniless, taking the last dollar the woman had.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Harper Graphic: Caldwell got in her work first in the list by having a shooting scrape on the morning of the 1st, before daylight. It is hard to get ahead of Caldwell, and a man must get out of bed the day before in order to stand any kind of a show.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

There are no saloons now in Hutchinson. The prospect of a grand jury wiped them out. In a rough and tumble set-to between a healthy grand jury, backed by the law, and an enfeebled dispenser of beverages, the latter has little or no show; and he has sense enough to realize it.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Harper Sentinel published what purports to be a picture of the Harper courthouse. It is not a bad looking building, but the atmosphere around it is black enough to represent the abode of the damned. The picture was evidently taken during a total eclipse of the sun.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A resident of Waterville, William A. Moore by name, who is troubled with cancer, asks through the papers of that town for the prayers of "all praying Christians and people who believe in prayer or believe in the Bible." It is a request easily granted: a charity which costs nothing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A Harvey County doctor, in administering medicine to two children aged respectively five and seven years, mistook corrosive sublimate for Santonine, from the effects of which drug both children died. The doctor admitted his mistake and plead "couldn't help it" as an excuse. Such a mistake on the part of any physician is inexcusable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A young man named Joe Friend, residing near Sedgwick, rode a mule to a spelling school. On his way home the animal slipped and fell, throwing the rider and breaking his left leg above the ankle. This, we believe, is the first instance on record of a mule inflicting injuries upon a person by falling, when it could have accomplished the same result equally well with its hind legs.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

At Gettysburg an unknown assassin discharged a load of buckshot into the head of J. W. Cheeney, killing him instantly. The murdered man was very unpopular among his neighbors, and no effort has been made to discover the assassin. The verdict of the coroner's jury was simply killed by some person unknown. Even the authorities seem not inclined to interest themselves in the matter.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

At Beloit our unsophisticated namesake is wrestling with the problem involved in the closing of the saloons of that place. He says: "Voluntarily, so far as we know, the saloons of this city simultaneously closed doors on New Year's Day, or the day previous. Just why they took such action we do not know, nor have we yet procured a satisfactory explanation." Over this way it would be easily elucidated. The boys all swore off New Years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Prof. Shields, a worm doctor, who has been dosing some of the residents of Topeka, when he left that place last week, in addition to his nostrums and his profits, took with him a handsome and accomplished young lady, very respectably connected in that city. She had been taking his medicine, and finding that he could not take the worm from her, he concluded to take her from her family. The relatives seem to regard the cure as much worse than the disease, for they desire to get her back to her home, and assert that money is no object in accomplishing it. Shields and the girl are supposed to be domiciled in Leavenworth at present. It is the opinion of those who ought to know best that her friends are unnecessarily alarmed about her. When she is relieved of the worm, she will return home.

Republican Mugwumps.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Now let the nation tremble! The Republican mugwumps have met in convention, resolved that they are perfectly satisfied with themselves, made mutually admiring speeches, and determined that the beautiful life of the organization should be indefinitely prolonged. They recognize in their existence the great beneficent fact of the century, and remarked that they were steering Mr. Cleveland in the way in which he should go. There was once a Fly perched ostentatiously upon the Tail of a camel, And he glanced about him with some Conceit, and exclaimed, "Now all will go Right. See how I Steer the Caravan."

Leslies Illustrated.

Campbell Succeeds Moonlight.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Governor Martin has appointed Hon. A. B. Campbell, late president of the Kansas Temperance Union, as Adjutant General of the State, succeeding Hon. Thos. Moonlight.

Petitions Granted at the Last Meeting of the Commissioners.
Descriptions, Time of Survey, etc.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Petition of W. H. Primrose and others of Harvey township, granted for road commencing southeast corner of section 32, thence north on section line 6 miles in Township 30, range 7. Viewers, John W. Gull, Evan James, J. H. Reynolds. Meet with county surveyor at place of beginning, February 24th, at 10 a.m.

Petition of Joseph Jackson and others of Windsor township, commencing at southwest corner se ¼ sec 34; thence w 240 rods; thence n 40 rods; thence w 160 rods; thence nw to nw corner sw¼ sec 33; thence sw along R R 40 rods to Grouse creek; thence sw 6 rods; thence n across creek and R R; thence w. along R R 480 rods to e line se of nw sec 31; thence n to sw of nw sec 81; thence w 100 rods; thence nw to se corner sw of se section 25, tp. 31, range 7. Viewers, Samuel Rash, Joseph Kidwell, R. S. Strother. Meet with county surveyor at place of beginning, March 2, at 10 a.m.

Petition of A. A. Bowen and others, of Windsor township, commencing at ne cor nw of nw section 33, township 31, range 8; thence s one mile; thence e to e line of county road to be 40 ft. wide. Viewers, Joseph Shaw, John W. Tull, Henry Wilkins. Meet with county surveyor at beginning, March 6, at 10 a.m.

Petition of T. J. Hughes and others, of Windsor township, commencing ne corner section 2, township 32, range 7; thence e to se cor lot 29, sec 31, tp 31, r 8; thence no to ne cor lot 29; thence to ne cor lot 30; thence so to se cor lot 30; thence e to e line of county; thence n to intersect county road. Viewers S. M. Fall, J. Winters, R. Roberts. Meet with county surveyor at place of beginning, March 4, at 10 a.m.

Petition of H. L. Brock and others, of Harvey and Windsor townships, commencing at nw cor lot 22, sec 18, tp. 30, r 8; thence down Grouse to Joel Rivers' ford; thence e to se cor sec 19; thence so to se cor sec 31; thence e 3/4 mile to line of sec 5 in tp 31; thence e 360 feet; thence s to n end of 1st street, Grand Summit; Shrively's hedge fence not to be removed. Viewers, Joseph Shaw, John W. Tull, Henry Wilkins. Meet with surveyor Feb. 26, at 10 a.m., at place of beginning.

S. G. Castor et al; for road in Liberty township, commencing on sw corner of sec 6, in township 33, s of range 6 e; thence w along the sec line, or as near thereto as practicable, to point on said line w of place of beginning, where a public road is now located, between sections 2 and 11, in township33, s of r 5e, in Cowley County; same being 1¼ miles in length. M. K. Hull, Shelton Morris, and Isaac Phenis, viewers; and N. A. Haight, county surveyor, will meet at place of beginning on March 23rd, 1885, at 10 o'clock a.m., survey said road, and give all parties a hearing.

S. A. Bendure road, Liberty township, commencing at a point on ½ sec line running e and w through w ½ of section 31, township 33, range 6 east, where the J. Darnell County road crosses said ½ section line; thence w on said ½ sec line to w line sec 31; thence n ½ miles on sec line to ne cor sec 36, township 33, r 5 e; thence w on section line between sections 36 and 25 and 26 and 35 to intersect the J. Darnell county road where said road crosses section line running e and w between sections 26 and 35, same township and range; also to vacate as much of the Darnell county road that lies between the places of beginning and ending of road petitioned for above. Justus Fisher, J. C. Cochran, and S. G. Castor, viewers, and county surveyor will meet at place of beginning March 25th, 1885, at 10 a.m., and survey said road and give all parties a hearing.

Road of A. Buzzi et al., commencing on nw corner of sw ½ of section 9, township 35, range 4 e, Bolton township; running thence east 1 mile to ne corner se ¼ of section 9, township 35, range 4 e. P. A. Ireton, J. Gilbert, and Ferd Arnold viewers, and county surveyor will meet at place of beginning on March 31, 1885, and survey said road and give all parties a hearing.


Jas. E. Hanlen road, Rock township, commencing at nw cor of sec 34, township 80, range 4 e, running thence on section line 3 miles to ne cor sec 37, same township and range. W. H. Grow, Geo. Williams, and J. M. Harcourt, viewers, and county surveyor will meet at place of beginning on April 2nd, 1885, at 10 a.m., giving all a hearing and survey said road.

Lyman Johnson road, Fairview township; commencing at ne cor of Section 6, township 31, range 4 e, running thence s on sec line as near as practicable, between sections 5 and 6, 1 mile to se cor of said sec 6. The viewers, J. M. Barrick, A. J. McCullim, and J. S. Savage and county surveyor will meet on April 1st, 1885, at place of beginning and survey said road and give all parties a hearing.

Franklin Batch road, Harvey township; commencing at nw corner of section 17, township 30 s, of range 7 east; thence running south on sec. 1ine between sections 17 and 18, township 30 s, range 7 e, as near as practicable, 1 mile to intersect county road known as the J. R. Ridpath road. The viewers, James Smith, Wm. Freeman & F. M. Savage and county surveyor will survey said road on March 9th, 1885, commencing at 10 a.m. and give all a hearing.

J. W. Hiatt road, Windsor township; commencing at sw corner of se ¼ of section line to a point 526 feet n of center of sec 8, said town, on ½ sec line; thence e to w end of Main street, Grand Summit; said road to be fully 40 feet wide. Henry Wilkins, Jos. Shaw, and J. W. Shull, viewers, and county surveyor will meet, survey said road and give all parties a hearing on March 11th, 1885, at 10 a.m.

W. H. H. Rathbun road, Cedar township; commencing sw corner of nw ¼ of sec 8, township 34, r 8 e, and running thence west 1 mile; thence about 200 yards; thence nw to a point about 200 yards w of ne cor of lot 14; thence w 2¼ miles to w line of sec 12, township 34, r 7 e. The viewers, Lewis Funk, A. A. Mills, and S. W. Searl, with county surveyor, will survey said road and give all a hearing on March 13, 1885, commencing at 10 a.m.

Road of M. L. Hauser et al, Cedar township; commencing sw cor sec 16, township 34, r 8 east; running thence w ½ mile; thence s about ¼ mile; thence s to section line, there to intersect with S. C. Winton County road; also to vacate so much of S C Winton road, commencing at point of ending of above petitioned road; thence e and ne to where S C Winton road crosses a line of sec 16, township 34, range 8 e; also to vacate the Jas. Utt county road running s w from place of beginning of above petitioned road. A. H. Smith, John Wallace and F. M. Osborn, viewers, and county surveyor will meet, give all parties a hearing and survey said road on March 17, 1885, commencing at 10 a.m.

H. R. Branson road, Dexter township; commencing at center sec 33, township 32, r 7 e; thence n on ½ sec line to n line sec 33, township 32, r 7 e; thence w on n line of sec 33 to nw cor of said sec; thence w on n line of sec 32, same township and range, until it intersects R T Wells county road. Also to vacate that portion of the Wells road commencing where it deviates from n line of sec 32, township 32, r 7 e, near nw cor of sec 33, town 32, r 7 e; thence sw till it reaches center of sec 33, same township and range. A. M. Fall, B. H. Clover, and S. Morris, viewers, and county surveyor will survey said road on March 19, 1885, at 10 a.m., and give all a hearing.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Land Office at Wichita, Kansas. September 6, 1884.
NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before E. S. Bedilion, a Notary Public at Winfield, Kansas, on March 2nd, 1885, viz: Abraham Spoon, of Winfield P. O. for the lot 8 sec 6 twp 33 range 3 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Patterson, Frank Akers, Notes Mox, and Jerry Patterson, all of Winfield P. O. Kans.

R. L. WALKER, Register.
Land Office at Wichita, Kansas, January 28, 1885.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

NOTICE is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Jno. D. Pryor, a Notary Public, at Winfield, Kansas, on March 13th, 1885, viz.: Joseph J. Cunningham for the s ½ of ne ¼ section 35 township 30 south, range 4 East of 6 P.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: James Hanlen, Charles H. Holmes, and Ben White, of Rock P. O., Cowley County, Kans., and A. L. Weber, of Floral, Cowley County, Kansas.

R. L. WALKER, Register.
Administrator's Notice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

RECAP: Estate of Francis Hays, late of Cowley County, Kansas, deceased.

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration were granted by the Probate Court of Cowley County on the 27th day of January, 1885, to the undersigned as Administrator of the Estate of Francis Hays, deceased. JAMES F. MILLER, Administrator.

HACKNEY & ASP, Attorneys for Administrator.

FRANK H. GREER, Local Editor.
Program of Farmers' Institute, to be Held at Opera House,
Winfield, Kansas, Thursday and Friday, January 29 and 30.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Forestry: J. F. Martin. Discussion.

Farm Experiments: Prof. E. M. Shelton. Discussion.

Benefits of Quadrupeds and Insects: R. L. Hogue. Discussion.

Chemistry in the House and on the Farm. Prof. Geo. H. Fallyer. Discussion.

FRIDAY, 9:30 A.M.
Stock Breeding: F. W. McClelland.

Economic Entomology: Prof. Edwin Popenoe. Discussion.

FRIDAY, 2:00 P.M.
Tame Grasses: J. A. A. Williams. Discussion.

Important Suggestions: Supt. Geo. F. Thompson. Discussion.

Small Fruits: D. F. Armstrong. Discussion.

The exercises will be interspersed with music by the Winfield Glee Club. Farmers, attend the Institute, and take part in the discussion of the above papers.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Note: I am not going to give breakdown on report as given in newspaper. They covered the Winfield, Kansas City, and Chicago markets.

Wheat No. 2. 63 cents Winfield, 63 cents Kansas City, 70 cents Chicago.

Wheat No. 3. 55 cents Winfield, 59 cents Kansas City. Chicago was not reported.

Corn, mixed. 28 cents Winfield, 31 cents Kansas City. [Several prices at Chicago.]

Oats, No. 2. 20 cents Winfield, 26 cents Kansas City. [Several prices at Chicago.]

Rye. 50 cents at Kansas City. 62 cents at Chicago. [Winfield not listed.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The long continued cold weather has made it impossible for laboring men to obtain employment, there being no work to do, and severe destitution has been in many worthy homes of our city. But the benevolence of our citizens is equal to the occasion. The ladies have formed a local relief society for the collection and distribution of everything that will alleviate suffering, and are doing a world of good. These destitute families who, through pride, refuse to see official aid, are being hunted out and made comfortable.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

After a season of rioting, murder, and lynching, Wellington has closed up her saloons, driven out her gamblers, and is beginning to finger her bibles, hymn books, etc., and cast coquettish glances at the church. A city as bad as Wellington can never be converted by a New Year's swear off. Sack cloth and ashes, with a good long season of sitting on the stool of repentance, are necessary before the world at large will believe that Wellington's repentance is genuine.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

What has become of that large petition that was presented to the City Council some time ago asking that the buildings of the city be numbered? Has some committeeman turned his toes up to the daises, or will it serenely bob up at the next commune of the Fathers? Let it pass by all means, and thus put another high trick in our Metropolitan dome. The numbers will be a convenience that is needed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Having had but few theatricals here this winter, Lizzie Evans' "Dewdrop" drew a large house last Thursday evening and the charming, petite actress and her company won loud praises from all present. The dull times have sucked the life out of a majority of traveling troupes. None but the best can draw a good house anywhere--a state of affairs that is in the interest of the people at large.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Bal Masque of the Young Men's Social Club at the Opera House on the 5th prox. Promises to be a very brilliant affair. Several hundred invitations have been issued to prominent persons in this and surrounding cities. The music will be superb and all arrangements perfect. Mrs. Archer, of Kansas City, will be on hand with a full line of costumes for ladies and gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Winfield to New Orleans and return, good for 45 days, $29.00; good until June 1st, 1885, $35.45. Also winter tourists tickets to Jacksonville, Fla., and return and through tickets to all principal points in the United States and Canada. Direct connection made with all roads out of Kansas City, north, east, and south. Call on W. J. Kennedy, Agent.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

We can make you any kind of a loan you desire. We can make you a loan for straight five years, or we can give you a privilege of paying the loan after a year from the first interest payment, or we can give you the privilege of paying in installments of $500. We can give you annual or semi-annual interest. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The heaviest snow Southern Kansas has had in many a day fell last Thursday night, fully four inches on the level, making splendid sleighing. Every imaginable kind of sled was out and sleigh and cow bells rent the air, until Monday, when the snow began to dwindle. It made itself perfectly at home this time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Miss Sunny Kansas, the well known star in the great sensational drama, "Italy of America," faberizes the Wellington Standard, is now in Alaska playing to overflowing houses. In this section no artist has met with more gracious receptions in the past and many old admirers are anxiously awaiting her return.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The sad accident of last Sunday morning is another strong warning against the useless presence of firearms and should be promptly heeded by those who are in the habit of burdening themselves with revolvers, where true civilization reigns as supremely as in Cowley County and Kansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Bring your wheat to our mill and get 25 pounds O. B. flour and 10 lbs. bran for a bushel of good wheat; 30 lbs. Superb flour and 10 lbs. bran for a bushel of good wheat; 35 lbs. Homo and 10 lbs. bran for a bushel of good wheat. A fair exchange robs no one. Bliss & Wood.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

These dull times are being embraced by our merchants in taking inventories of stock. The merchant that balances his account with even a little heavier weight on the profit side, will be in luck indeed. But "there are better times acomin', boys."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Baptist Church was crowded to overflowing Tuesday, for the funeral services of Thomas Welch, and Rev. Reider preached a most eloquent and forcible sermon. The Grand Army had charge of the obsequies.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

We publish the entire list of road notices this week--our "official" e. c. publishes five out of the fifteen though the copy was sent into them in due time by County Clerk Hunt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Southern Kansas has added a number of new routes to its list of tickets. Call and see us before purchasing. Sleeping car berths, etc., reserved by applying to O. Branham, Agt.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Parties desiring hair work of a superior make, such as hair chains, necklaces, ear-drops, etc., will do well to call on Mrs. Addie W. Sykes, north Menor St.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Oklahoma War Chief has been moved from South Haven to Arkansas City, and will wave its battle-ax in that city until further notice.

Her Chronicle of the Comings, Goings and Doings of Persons at Home and Abroad.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. T. K. Williams has disposed of his Hoosier Notion Store and gone to Colfax, Iowa.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Randall leave for a three weeks visit to the Worlds Fair, Sunday next.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. H. C. Reynolds is elated over the advent of a big, bouncing boy at his home Monday night.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Major Penn and Geo. Cairns are stirring up the sinners of Wichita. No city needs religion worse.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Bull have a late addition to their family, a nine pound girl, born Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Charley Beck was present from Eureka to attend the obsequies of his brother Elgy; a sad mission indeed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Rev. A. M. Steward, of Salina, representing the Western Baptist, Topeka, filled the Baptist pulpit in this city Sunday last.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mrs. C. Strong and daughter, Miss Emma, left Friday last to take in the sights at the World's Fair. They will be absent two weeks.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

E. H. Nixon took a run out to Medicine Lodge the latter part of last week--just to see that country in a western blizzard, you know.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

John Keck, the jolly and competent livery man, is rejoicing after two months' widowhood. Mrs. Keck has returned from her eastern visit.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Master Frankie Burroughs had an arm broken last Thursday while out sleigh-riding. Dr. Park set the broken member and Frankie is now doing nicely.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A. T. Spotswood has fixed up the cutest little postoffice you ever saw right in the middle of his store to practice on while he is waiting for his appointment.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Lou Zenor got in from Ashland Saturday, looking none the worse for his two weeks' hugging of a buffalo "chip" fire; but he didn't rest his future on Uncle Sam's domain.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. G. W. Miller went to his ranch in the Territory a few days ago to look after the interests of his cattle. His loss has been comparatively small during the severe weather.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. Elmer E. Mills and Miss Carrie E. Rowe, both of Arkansas City, were married at the Methodist parsonage in this city, Wednesday evening of last week, by Rev. B. Kelly.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

J. H. Finch was stricken with paralysis in his left side last Friday, and though slightly improved at present, is in a dangerous condition. Being a man of strong constitution, he may rally for a time.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mrs. A. J. Pyburn died at her home in Arkansas City Wednesday morning of last week. She came to Cowley with her husband, Judge A. J. Pyburn, in early days, and had many friends in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The many friends of Miss Mollie Brooks, niece of Mrs. G. W. Miller, will be glad to know that she will accompany Mr. J. J. Carson's family to Winfield this week, to spend the spring and summer.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Sheriff McIntire captured Tuesday Rob. Perry, one of the four prisoners who broke jail at Wichita a few days ago. He took the prisoner to Wichita yesterday. He nabbed Perry at a place south of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

L. F. Blodget, of Wellington, has been appointed guardian of minor heir of Thomas Welch, deceased, and J. F. Miller appointed guardian of estate of Wm. A. Wright, a minor; letters of former guardian having been revoked.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

County Attorney Henry E. Asp is attending to his work in the most effective manner: cases ready, papers perfect, and sure convictions of the guilty; and is more than justifying all the good things we said about him during the campaign.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Will A. McCartney dropped in from Ashland Monday to attend to a few legal matters. His shingle is hung out permanently at Ashland and already he is getting a good business. He reports buildings going up numerously in that burg.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Judge Gans' matrimonial victims for the past week; Elmer E. Miles and Carrie V. Rowe; Silas Wise and Ovira Cunningham; John S. Cravens and Cora E. McIntire; Wm. Jarvis and James E. Brown; Hiram Brotherton and Belle E. Lowe.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

James A. Cairns spent Saturday and Sunday with his brother George at Wichita. Major Penn and George are making a big stir there with their revival meetings. Over one thousand people were turned away from the Baptist Church last Sunday evening for want of room.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Constable H. H. Siverd "took in" a number of boys last Thursday who were charged with breaking the tranquility of the lyceum at Sheridan schoolhouse, in Sheridan township, by boisterous and uncomely demeanor. Their trial is set for the first week in February, before Justice Buckman.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. J. R. Sumpter, of Beaver township, contracted the remainder of his wheat crop Saturday, six hundred bushels, to Bliss & Wood, for 65 cents per bushel. This raise in the price of farm products makes everybody jubilant. But eastern tendencies point to still better prices ere long.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Messrs. Jennings, Crippen & Co. have forty thousand bushels of wheat in bin in this city. As the average price paid is about fifty cents per bushel, the present market tendency indicates a handsome speculation. An investment in wheat at fifty cents per bushel is as solid as the rock of ages.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The jury in the case of Tom Hawkins, the "blind tiger" man, recommended mercy from the Court owing to the defendant's peculiarly hard position financially and because the evidence indicated him only a minor partner in the guilt--30 days in jail. J. L. Hodges has been arrested as one of the principals.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Ed. is one of the 99. Though there will be little joy in Heaven over him we are glad he is not the one lost sheep. The State Historical society at its late annual meeting increased its board of directors to 99, 33 going out each year and making full terms three years. Ed. was elected a director for three years.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

One of Mr. G. W. Miller's ranchmen was up from the Territory last Thursday and reports a loss of but twenty out of Mr. Miller's five thousand head of cattle--a remarkable showing considering the mortality at many other ranches. Mr. Miller will bring five hundred head to the State immediately and feed them for the early spring market.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Ashland Clipper tells of a prairie Eagle that Spence Miner brought down with his Winchester at a distance of one hundred and sixty-four rods. It measured five feet from tip to tip of its wings, and the skin was sent to Cleveland, Ohio, to be stuffed. Spence is getting to be the boss marksman of the Western plains.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Russel True, representing himself to be "wild and wooly and full of fleas," raised a disturbance on Lynn's corner, Saturday, and after flourishing his revolver around awhile, paid his "full" respects to Mr. T. R. Bryan in a way that prompted Marshal Herrod's custody. He wanted to "take the store" because the glare ice on the step gave him a fall.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

John Callaghan, a measly book agent, who attempted to frighten Wellington women into buying his books, and when he couldn't succeed, used language more forcible than elegant, was hauled up before a magistrate and fined fifty dollars and costs, last week. This we think was the same fellow who used insulting language to ladies in this city a few days ago. Serves him right.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The vein of revenge in the human frame is pretty vigorous. Last week Lott Basden made complaint against Barrow Brothers for stealing three hundred pounds of millett, and a trial before Justice Snow found them guilty and brought a fine and costs of forty-two dollars. This week John Barrow made complaint against Basden for the obscene and boisterous manner in which he besieged his premises last week in accusing him of the hay peculation. Basden sensibly plead guilty when brought before Justice Snow by Marshal Herrod and got off with ten dollars.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

It is now eight weeks since cold weather set in, during which time the ground has been frozen and covered with snow almost continually. The rain and sleet storm of January 15th was the hardest of any on stock. Cattle in the Territory have suffered terribly, both for food and water, and the end is not yet. Predictions are made that the average loss will be thirty-three percent on through cattle and horses. Rube Houghton, C. M. Scott, and others will bring their stock to the State to be fed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Our c. c. kindly admits that the COURIER runs 83 quires. As we run 25 sheet quires, this allows us 2,075 copies. A like liberality induces us to admit that the Tribune runs 518 copies and that about half of these are sample copies sent out free.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The beautiful, commodious home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller was the scene of a most pleasant gathering of our young society people on last Thursday evening, the occasion being in honor of Miss Mattie Harrison, a highly accomplished young lady of Hannibal, Mo., who is visiting here. The pleasing entertainment of Mr. and Mrs. Fuller, gracefully assisted by Miss Harrison and other members of the family, banished all restraint and made genuine enjoyment reign supreme. Miss Harrison made a beautiful appearance in a lovely evening costume of white Nuns-veiling, entrain, and a number of elegant toilets were worn by the ladies. Those present were Mayor and Mrs. Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cole, and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Fuller; Mrs. W. J. Wilson and Mrs. J. Ex. Saint; Misses Jessie Millington, Anna Hunt, Nellie Cole, Emma Strong, Jennie Lowry, Hattie Stolp, Mamie Baird, Lena Walrath, Mattie Kinne, Alice Dickie, Maggie Taylor, Sarah Kelly, and Alice Aldrich; Messrs. Ezra Nixon, T. J. Eaton, M. J. O'Meara, M. H. Ewert, Ed. J. McMullen, B. W. Matlack, F. F. Leland, Everett and George Schuler, Lacey Tomlin, James Lorton, Louis Brown, W. H. Smith, D. E. Kibby, and Frank H. Greer. At the proper hour a splendid repast was spread and received due attention from the joyous crowd. The "light fantastic" keep time to excellent music and the hours flew swiftly by until the happy guests bid adieu to their royal entertainers, feeling delighted with the few hours spent in their pleasant home.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

It was so cold at Wichita recently, according to the Eagle, that when a gun was fired, the blaze froze into an icicle at the muzzle before it could escape. The constitution was headed off by knocking in the heads of whiskey barrels, chopping the liquor out with a hatchet and selling it at five cents an ounce. Streaks of smoke issuing from chimneys became solidified, and the boys, dressed like Esqamaux, [Eskimos], amused themselves by sliding up the columns of smoke and climbing down. Great chunks of lightning froze around the telegraph instruments at the depot. Frozen hogs stood around on their hind feet all over the butcher shops, and dogs tails, about three feet long and frozen as stiff as pokers, stuck out of the sausage grinders. Stoves were kept red-hot all night in the stores, to keep red-hot pokers on hand to run down the throats of early morning customers to thaw out their talking apparatus so they could tell their wants. An editor's brains were so icicled that no editorials are threatened before another Democratic convention, and a mass meeting was held to discuss the feasibility of moving the town to the New Orleans Exposition.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Philomathian Society of the High School will give an entertainment at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, Feb. 3rd. This entertainment will be somewhat novel in character as the members of the society have chosen for their theme Dickens' most famous work, David Copperfield. His best character will be portrayed by sketches giving their connection with the plot and the whole will be enlivened by various tableaux and scenes representing the striking events of the work. The price of admission will be 25 cents and the proceeds are to be devoted to the purchase of a school library, which is much needed. Let all friends of education come and by your patronage encourage the society in this, its first public appearance, and help in a grand cause. If you have read David Copperfield, come and review again the scenes therein presented. If you have not read it, come and get an insight into the plot of one of Dickens' most delightful works. A cordial welcome is extended to all. Come yourself and bring your friends.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

We chronicle with deep regret the death of Elgy Beck, sone of Judge H. Beck, which occurred at the home of his parents in this city Sunday evening, after nearly a year's illness with quick consumption. Elgy became well known to all while clerking at the New York Store a few years ago. In 1883 he entered a dry goods house in Atchison, where he contracted this dread disease, came home, and gradually declined to the last. He was in his twenty-third year and of marked probity, energy, and promise; and his death takes away one of our most valued young men. That afflictions never come singly is deeply realized at this time in the home of Judge Beck. The Judge was taken to his bed two weeks ago with typhoid fever and at the time of his son's funeral, he was unable to be up. The funeral took place Tuesday at 2 o'clock from the residence, Revs. Kirkwood and Myers conducting the ceremonies.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The merchants of the city having refused to fill pauper orders, owing to the action of the County Commissioners in disallowing bills on technicalities, Mayor Emerson called a meeting of businessmen at the Council chamber Thursday last to devise means for the sustenance of the dozen or two freezing and starving families in the city. A guarantee was numerously signed to the amount of over three hundred dollars, vouching the payment of these bills if rejected by the Commissioners. Thus were the unfortunate little faces that had been vainly trying to draw warmth from a cold stove and succor from an empty cupboard made comfortable. Our merchants were justifiable in refusing these orders unless guaranteed, for they must wait at least three months for the currency and when a big risk of having the bills refused is attached, it is much more than should be expected.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

And still the silent cupid goes over the land encircling brave and gentle hearts with irresistible charms. Among the late victims, it gives us great pleasure to chronicle Mr. Hiram Brotherton and Miss Belle E. Lowe, who were married at the home of the bride's parents in this city, on Wednesday evening of last week, by Rev. B. Kelly. "The party of the first part" is a member of the firm of Brotherton & Silver, a valued gentleman and one of our best known businessmen. The bride is accomplished and warmly esteemed by all her acquaintances. The wedding, though witnessed only by intimate friends, passed off very enjoyably. The COURIER extends its congratulations and best wishes for the continued happiness of Mr. and Mrs. H. Brotherton.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

C. H. Doame, a Wichita photographer, attempted to swing off the South-bound passenger near Udall, Tuesday, while in full speed, supposedly to go across the prairie to his brothers, living between Udall and Seely. He struck the frozen ground, fell against the rail with his head, and cut the whole side of his face to the bone; also a bad gash under his chin. A couple of passengers saw him, and signaled conductor Myers, who stopped the train and took the insensible man in and made him as comfortable as possible to Seely, where he was put in the care of physicians and his friends telegraphed for. He was still insensible when left, was bleeding terribly, and Mr. A. N. Stone of Ramsay, Millet & Co., K. C., our informant, saw no hopes of his recovery.

[Note: This article and others calls town "Seely." Others call town "Seeley."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. W. L. Holmes, of Vernon, recently had the greater part of eight hundred bushels of wheat destroyed by weevils. We have also heard of other losses. The insects never appear excepting in damp wheat. They eat out the kernels and after working in a bin for some time the wheat becomes so heated that you can hardly bear your hand in it. The only alternative is to put the grain through a fanning mill until the bran and hollow grains are all out, and market it immediately. If put into a tight bin again, it will soon be as bad as ever. Farmers should frequently examine their wheat bins and see that no dampness is admitted. This done, they will never be troubled with weevils.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Severe losses are reported among hogs in several townships of the county from cholera. Mr. Alex Cairns, of Tisdale township, dropped into the COURIER office Saturday, and in the course of conversation told us of a simple and ever handy remedy that has never failed with him: coal oil and spirts of turpentine. As soon as he sees his hogs ailing, he doses them with a tablespoonful of each. He says that one dose will cure light cases and three doses will cure very bad ones. If he doesn't happen to have the turpentine, he uses the oil alone, with about as sure effect. Mr. Cairns says he has never lost a hog from cholera since adopting this remedy.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

M. P. McCoy, a graduate in short hand writing, will organize a class at the East Ward school building Monday evening, Feb. 2nd. A new system that can be learned at odd moments in two to three months. Terms $10.00 in advance.

Lecture at Opera House.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The press at large are enthusiastic in praise of Geo. R. Wendling in his wonderful lecture, "Personality of the Devil." Don't fail to hear him at the Opera House on February 10th.

From the Sleep That Invigorates to That of Eternity.
Thomas Welch, an Old Soldier and a Pioneer of Cowley,
Instantly Killed in His Bed by the Accidental Discharge of a Six-Shooter
In the Hands of Chas. F. Skinner.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The tranquility of last Sunday morning was broken by an accident that ushered the soul of Thos. Welch, with scarcely a moment's warning, into that undiscovered country from whence no traveler returns. The victim of this unfortunate accident, with Charles Skinner, William Kelly, and Frank Herrod, occupied a room over Hudson Bros. Jewelry Store. They retired on Saturday night, leaving two large six-shooters, which had been in the room for several weeks, on a box in the center of the room. In the southeast corner of the room was a bed on which Welch and Kelly slept, and in the northeast corner one on which Skinner and Herrod slept. Skinner arose first, about 8 o'clock Sunday morning, and began to clean up the room. Herrod soon followed and while putting on his clothes, with his back to Skinner, the latter picked up the revolvers to move them onto another box against the wall. As he raised the one in his right hand, a huge 44-calibre, it mysteriously discharged, and simultaneous with the report, Welch, who was still in bed, though supposed to be awake, threw the cover off his head and exclaimed, "My God, you have shot me through the heart! I am killed!!" Skinner dropped both revolvers to the floor, turned white as a sheet, and advanced to the bedside of Welch. Kelly, who was lying on the back of the bed in a sleepy stupor, raised up and looking Welch in the face said, "You're not shot, are you Tom!" but the lips were speechless and the spirit had flown. Skinner seemed terribly grief-stricken over the awful accident and gave himself into official custody. Coroner H. W. Marsh was summoned, a jury empaneled composed of Messrs. T. H. Soward, J. W. Arrowsmith, F. M. Pickens, C. M. Leavitt, A. B. Taylor and O. M. Seward, and an inquest held, developing the facts as given above and resulting in a verdict of accidental death. Drs. W. S. Mendenhall and S. R. Marsh examined the body and ascertained that the bullet entered the left side between the fourth and fifth ribs, severed several arteries just above the heart, crashed through the breast to the collar bone, and lodged in the base of the brain. It was one of the wickedest wounds, splintered the bones terribly, and it is supposed that the victim hardly realized what had struck him before life was extinct. The evidence as drawn from the witnesses by County Attorney Asp indicated that the revolver was laid on the box cocked, as neither was a self-actor and could not have discharged without the trigger drawn; but neither of the remaining occupants of the room could testify to having cocked it. Skinner and Welch ran the Palace lunch room, on West Main, for about two months; but about a month ago, they sold out to Kelly, though both still remained around the place as occasional assistants. No witness testified to knowledge of other than amicable feelings having ever existed between any of these parties.

Thomas Welch was born in Morgan County, Ohio, and he was in his forty-second year. In 1869 he was married at Olathe, Kansas, to Adell T. Hoyt, who died six years ago near Arkansas City, leaving a girl, who is now nine years old and living in Pratt County. He served three years in the 13th Kansas Volunteer Infantry and was in several of the hardest Southern battles. He was a member of Winfield Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, whose members took charge of the body and conducted the funeral. He was also a member of our battery. Mr. L. F. Blodget, who married a sister to the unfortunate man's wife, was summoned from Wellington. The deceased came to Cowley in 1871 and settled on Grouse creek. He was honorable, affable, and highly esteemed, and his sad death causes much regret, especially among his old comrades-in-arms.

The "Nile of America" to be Navigated Sure.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Arkansas River Navigation Company, composed of Cowley's millers and other prominent businessmen, held a meeting at Arkansas City last week, at which full plans were made for the construction of a shallow water steamer. Mr. B. F. Wood represented this city. Engineer T. S. Moorehead is now in St. Louis superintending the building of the boat. The steamer will be used in propelling flat-boats loaded with freight down the river to Little Rock. The Republican says:"The steamer is to be 75 feet in length and the beam 15 feet. The hold will be three feet. It is to be a stern-wheel with two engines of 70 horsepower. Without cargo it will draw less than 12 inches of water. The engine room at the rear and quarters for the crew and the pilot house at the front compose the compartments of the steamer. No accommodations will be made for passenger traffic. Mr. Moorehead will be in the east until the steamer is completed. Then he will sail down the Mississippi to the mouth of the Arkansas, and thence up the river to the head of navigation--Arkansas City. Mr. Moorehead is a thorough engineer. He has surveyed the river, finding 18 inches of water all the way down, and has pronounced it navigable, and now he proposes to verify his assertions. The steamer will be run up the river first and the overhanging trees removed. Lighters will then be built on which the flour is to be conveyed down the river. "When our steamer comes sailing up, it will be an epoch."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Spence Miner came in from Ashland last week. He says that Friday week four cowboys rode into that place, began shooting off their "guns" and showing intentions to take the town that were mighty soon nipped in the bud. The exciting experience of Ashland's earlier days had prepared everybody for the festive shooter of the Western plains. In a very short time the cowboys were covered with a dozen or two Winchesters and ordered to "hold up," which they did without a moment's hesitation. They were disarmed, locked up until sobered off, and sent on their way amid ignominious defeat. The manager of the old Clark City whiskey hole, a half mile above Ashland, where the cowboys got their liquor, was then visited by four citizens and given four days to "git up and git," which orders were promptly obeyed, leaving nothing but the old shell in which the ardent had been dispensed. A saloon has recently been started seven miles up the valley and a committee has been appointed to give its managers a stated time in which to shake the dust of the valley from their feet. Without whiskey, the cowboys are as peaceable and citizen-like as anybody; but whiskey makes them hyenas, and Ashland is determined to have no liquor near its jurisdiction.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

A few of the Cowley County teachers met in Winfield on Saturday and enjoyed a very interesting meeting. The subjects under consideration were thoroughly discussed. These meetings are beneficial to those interested in their work and make an effort to attend them. It is impossible for the teachers of any city or county to come together for a day and not be benefitted. If there is a class of teachers of which this is not true, they should be ashamed to own it. The next meeting will be held at New Salem. Efforts will be made to make it one of the best associations of the year. It is hoped the teachers will be there.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Both of our railroads are out with new time tables, which took effect yesterday, Jan. 28th. The changes at Winfield are slight, and the present departures are as follows: Going North, Express, 15:42, Freight 7:15. Going South, Express, 11:28, Freight 19:45. Going East, Express, 4:15 and 17:24. Going West, Express, 10:28 and 22:49.

Mails will now close at the Winfield Postoffice going north at 15:, South at 11:30, East at 16:40, West at 10.

The above time is counted from midnight according to the plan adopted by the Supt. Of railway mail service. From hours over 12 deduct 12 to show afternoon time by the clock.

A Splendid Lecture Course.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Ladies' Library Association has arranged a course of four lectures, embracing Hon. Geo. R. Wendling, "Personality of the Devil," Col. L. F. Copeland, "Tie Up That Dog," Col. J. P. Sanford, "Past, Present, and Future of Our Country," Hon. Frank W. Smith, "In and Out of Andersonville." Wendling will appear at the Opera House Tuesday evening, Feb. 10th.

Grand Clearance Sale.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

I will sell my entire stock of winter Boots and Shoes beginning February 2nd, 1885, at actual cost in order to reduce stock and make room for a large stock of spring goods.

J. W. Prather.
A Worthy Entertainment.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The ladies of the city have formed an organization and will give an entertainment on next Monday evening in the basement of the Presbyterian church, a "weigh social," for the benefit of the poor. Turn out, everybody.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

School will open in the new third ward schoolhouse next Monday.

Delegates From Seven Counties Meet at Wellington and Arrange
Consecutive Dates for Fairs.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Delegates of the Southwestern Kansas Fair Circuit Convention met at the Arlington Hotel, Wellington, January 22, 1885. Col. St. Clair, of Sumner County, was called to the chair and D. L. Kretsinger, of Cowley County, chosen secretary. On call of the circuit roll, the following delegates responded: Butler County, W. H. Litson; Cowley County, J. F. Martin and D. L. Kretsinger; Harper County, F. T. Pryor and I. B. Forbes; Kingman County, Geo. E. Filley; Sumner County, George R. Fultz and J. K. Hasty; Sedgwick County, T. D. Fouts and H. H. Peckham. On motion the delegates from the Harper Driving Park and Agricultural Association were admitted as members of the convention. On motion, each Fair Association was entitled to two votes in convention. On motion, a committee of one from each Fair Association was appointed to report upon dates for holding the annual fairs of each association for the year 1885. After the deliberation, the committee submitted the following: "That we recommend the holding of annual fairs within the circuit for the year 1885, as follows: Harper County at Anthony, September 1st to 5th; Sumner County Fair at Wellington, September 8th to 11th; Harper County fair at Harper September 15th to 18th; Cowley County fair at Winfield, September 22nd to 26th; Kingman County fair at Kingman, September 29th to October 2nd; Sedgwick County fair at Wichita, October 4th to 9th; Butler County fair at El Dorado, October 12th to 16th. On motion, the report of the committee was adopted. Mr. Kretsinger, of Cowley County, offered the following: Resolved, That we recommend a uniform price in stalls and pens at all fairs in this circuit: box stales, $2; covered stalls, $1; open, cattle, hog, and sheep pens free, the association to furnish straw free, exhibitors to pay market price for hay and grain and pay regular price of admission, admitting all grooms free. That we further recommend as admission price, single admission, 25 cts.; all vehicles, 25 cts., saddle horses, 15 cts. Family ticket, with daily coupons, admitting family and children under 18, $1; amphitheater, 25 cts.; quarter-stretch, 25 cts." On motion, the resolution was adopted. Mr. Fultz, of Sumner County, moved that 10 percent be charged upon all entrees for premiums. Pending the discussion of the motion, Mr. Litson, of Butler, moved an adjournment until Wednesday, March 4th, at the Arlington House, which prevailed.

D. L. Kretsinger, Secretary.
Its Proceedings During the Past Week.
Violators of The Liquor Law Getting Full Justice.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

State vs. Kain Moore, selling intoxicating liquor. Trial by Court and finding against defendant. Defendant adjudged to pay $100 fine and to give bond in the sum of $200 to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a term of two years.

State vs. Jennie Case, keeping house of ill-fame. Trial by jury and finding of guilty. Judgment against defendant to pay $10 fine and to give $300 bond to keep the peace and be of good behavior for a period of two years. In default of bond, the defendant stands committed in the county jail.

State vs. Thomas Hawkins, violation of Prohibitory law. Trial by jury and finding of guilty. Defendant sentenced to thirty days imprisonment in the county jail and to pay costs of prosecution.

State vs. H. M. Banta, indictment for selling liquor. On plea of guilty, defendant was adjudged to pay a fine of $100 and costs of prosecution.

State vs. R. H. Black, forgery in 3rd degree. Defendant plead guilty. Sentence deferred.

Cora E. Lippencott vs. Chas. S. Lippencott. Divorce decreed on grounds of adultery. Plaintiff restored to her maiden name and awarded the custody of her children; defendant barred from interest in plaintiff's real or personal property; plaintiff to pay costs.

State vs. Dr. E. Y. Baker, Arkansas City, illegally prescribing liquor. Defendant plead guilty in one count; judgment deferred. Remaining counts dismissed on motion of County Attorney.

State vs. J. N. Slade, indictment for embezzling money from Hogue & Mentch--now on trial by jury.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Regarding Mr. J. J. Carson, brother-in-law of Mr. G. W. Miller, our cattle dealer, and whom we mentioned last week as arriving here from Richmond, Kentucky, to locate in business, we find the following in the Richmond Herald.

"It is with sincere regret that we note the departure from our city of one of her most worthy citizens, Mr. J. J. Carson, who will leave tomorrow for his new home in Winfield, Kansas. Mr. Carson entered the Federal army at the outbreak of the war as a private in the 3rd Kentucky Regiment and by indomitable pluck and courage, he was soon promoted to a captaincy. He followed the fortunes of the army of the Cumberland from the bloody field of Shiloh through all its various campaigns, and was wounded at Stone River and again at Missionary Ridge. When the contest ended, Capt. Carson laid aside the animosities of war with his sword, as did all good and true soldiers, and entered upon the peaceful avocations of life. For many years he was engaged in business as principal salesman in a large dry goods house in Cincinnati, receiving a handsome salary, but with a manly sense of independence he came to Richmond in 1877 and started in business for himself. Though a comparative stranger, his fearless Christian character, affable manners, and thorough personal integrity in all social and business relations of life soon won for him a host of friends and a reputation, envied by all and surpassed by none. He is not only a thorough-going businessman, but a public spirited citizen, and will be a worthy acquisition to any community. While deploring his departure from our midst, we congratulate the people of Winfield upon having such a citizen among them. His estimable wife, whose social qualities are only excelled by her Christian virtues, preceded him a few weeks ago, carrying with her the heartfelt affection of many true and devoted friends. We bespeak for them many years of happiness and prosperity in their new Western home."


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Brother Henthorn, of the sprightly Burden Eagle, always hits the mark: "The Winfield Courier and Telegram are vying with each other for the fullest details of congressional, legislative, and judicial, as well as county news. These papers are among the best in Southern Kansas. News boiled down--divested of stuff contained in a complete history of each and every point of some item of news--is what the reader likes. Any editor can fill the columns of his paper, but it takes a good one to avoid the superfluities."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

From this date and until after our dissolution, we will positively sell goods only for cash. All accounts now on our books must be settled up either by payment or note. To accomplish our purpose we must reduce our stock and now will sell our goods at cash. Come and convince yourselves that such is the fact.

Winfield, Kansas, January 21, 1885. Bryan & Lynn.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The ladies of the Christian church were very successful with their dinner and supper last Friday and Saturday, and wish to extend thanks to the COURIER Cornet Band for excellent music, and to friends for assistance and patronage. A few articles of small value still remain unclaimed at the building. The ladies contemplate a Martha Washington Tea on the 22nd of February.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The ladies of the M. E. Church will give a missionary tea on Friday evening of this week in the church, from 6 to 8 p.m. Ladies, 10 cents; gents, 25 cents. A cordial invitation to all.

Mrs. E. Smith, president.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Hon. Geo. R. Wendling appears at the Opera House on Tuesday evening, February 10th, and will give a treat that no one can afford to miss. Tickets for the course will be $1.50; single admission 50 cents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Judge L. Beck and lady desire to thank many friends for kind acts and words during the late illness of their son, Elgy, especially Mr. and Mrs. Manser and Mrs. W. H. Albro.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Several interesting correspondence came too late for publication this week. Correspondents should have their letters in by Monday, or Tuesday at the latest, to insure publication.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

All those having tools belonging to Cairns & Reynolds will return them at once, as they are closing out business. Pumps and windmills at cost.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Arkansas City Republican cruelly alludes to a brother journalist as "pulling hair out of his bald head."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Round trip tickets to New Orleans, Jacksonville, Fla., and other points.

Newsy Notes Gathered by The "Courier's" Corps of Neighborhood Correspondents.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

C. P. Humphry manipulates the soil for A. T. Gay.

For lack of something better shall be obliged to give small matters this time.

The Bourdette minstrels are quite an institution and furnish lots of fun for the boys.

The Sackett boys are talking about emigrating to Marion County. Sorry to lose Norman and Henry.

Henry Huff has trimmed his sails for Chicago. He is not influenced by anyone else. Eh! Georgia?

Dug Wilson has accepted a position with A. C. Davis for the coming year as dairy clerk and coachman.

Our literaries have become a necessity and are a success every time. They are well attended by old and young.

We were much pleased with the racket of "Old Settler" in last week's issue, although he was a little off in some things.

The Methodist mite society was held last week at Mr. Joe Frye's and was one of the most enjoyable mites of the season. Uncle Joe and his good wife know how to entertain.

Our school closes this week. We understand that Mr. Vaughn has applied for the Torrance school; if they secure him, they will be fortunate. He has but few equals as a teacher.

Who wouldn't growl when the pump is froze up and no water for the cattle, no sled to ride in, and coal advancing all the time, no news to write, and everybody asking what has become of the Tisdale correspondent?

The Methodist society propose to have a supper for the benefit of their minister Wednesday evening, February 4th. As the ladies never do anything by halves, a good time is certain. All ye hungry mortals will do well to remember the date and get a square meal for once this winter.

I notice in an article published in the COURIER on bridges a calculation that somewhat surprises me. "Lover of Justice" says that a tax of 9 cents on each quarter section will raise $4,000. Now we have, I believe, 4,352 quarters in this county; the tax that our friend proposes would amount to $391.68. "You Don't Know," in the Telegram was not far out of the way.

Our outgoing set of officers have given most perfect satisfaction, particularly G. H. Sparrow, the trustee. To a man, we regret in this part of the township that he could not serve us another year, believing him to be one of the noblest works of God, "an honest man." In a country when such jobs are as scarce as they are here, you must know they are appreciated. Bye-bye, Harry.

The fun of the season was had at our primary last Saturday. There is as you must know a little friendly strife between the north and the south ends of the township in regard to the voting precinct; both factions claiming to be in the right of course. As it is an old fight, it has become somewhat interesting and likely to be more so. The regular nominations were made and our Salem friends will bolt, of course, as they always do. J. J. Johnson and E. P. Young had their customary battle of words (a part of the program that could not well be omitted) but best of feeling prevailed. The nominations were: For trustee, Alex Cairns; Clerk, J. W. Lafoon; Treasurer, S. W. Chase; Justices, C. C. Krow and E. P. Young; Constable, Wm. Conrad. Road overseers to be selected on day of election.

[Note: I have seen Lafon, Lafoon, Laffoon. Unknown: Which is correct!]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

J. W. Dillow, of Anna, Ill., is visiting his uncle, Mr. Sitter.

Miss Melissa Hughes of Red Valley, is spending a few days with Miss Lizzie Bookwalter.

And now the farmer looketh wistfully from his door and lamenteth the loss of his wood pile--under a snow drift.

If anybody wants to send an item to the COURIER by "D. B.," they can do so by posting it at the corners.

A series of meetings under the supervision of Messrs. John and Crawford, was begun at South Bend on Thursday evening.

We obtained the following report from our teacher for the month ending Jan. 23rd: No. pupils enrolled, 43; average daily attendance, 28; No. visitors, 8. The extreme cold weather makes it impossible for many of the little folks to attend.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Father Lucus, from Parsons, is visiting relatives and friends in North Richland.

District 22 is in good condition financially, and pays its teachers at the end of each month if they say so.

Miss Jennie Brengle is teaching in District 22 and is conducting the school in a style that suits the citizens of the District.

The weather has been so bad that the Protracted meeting at the Richland schoolhouse, has not been as much of a success as we would like to have seen.

What's the matter with those fellows up in Iowa and Nebraska? They must have got into a rumpus by the storm that came from that direction on last Thursday morning. We believe in sunshine and could stand more of it than we get now days.

Mr. Hutchinson, from Illinois, has located with us. He has bought the C. C. Groom farm and has built a nice stable, corn crib, and granary combined, and is now building a neat dwelling house. Success to him in his Kansas home.

The Temperance meeting at the Summit schoolhouse last Sunday was well attended. The exercises consisted of: 1st, Prayer; 3rd, song; 4th, select reading, by N. J. Larkin, one of Rev. Talmage's sermons, "The Monopoly of the Abomination," which was good; then a song and dismissal.

[Note: If there was a "2nd" in list, it was not given.]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Oh the snow, the villainous snow,
Nipping so many little jobs, you know.
There, I was about to write a poem, just to show 'Em, and all who happen to know 'Em, that I am still in a literary mood. But I guess I won't.

Our rink opened Jan. 19th, under the proprietorship of R. H. Turner, editor of the late Chautauqua Journal,--Bob goes off immensely and receives the cordial patronage of the boys in a way that points to his probable debut in the cattle business next spring.

Jesse Milton dropped down from Cedarvale Sunday. We rejoice, for Jesse is a good fellow; his ma is happy, for her curley headed prodigal has returned; and his best girl is happy, for the skating rink has just opened and she needs a flush fellow awfully bad.

I understand that the Cedarvale Star will twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, upon another diadem of gems soon. The newspaper patronage of Big Cana Valley, while it requires business and ability upon the part of an editor, offers a flattering support to any paper which is managed upon those principles.

Our new County officers, C. M. Ellis, W. R. Hillman, and Ben S. Henderson, waded grandly into the harness on the 12th. Charley says he don't understand it, Squire Hillman says he will be doggoned if he can realize it, while Ben, dropping back into the County Attorney's chair, says in a languid sort of a way "Oh, thunder." Lou Kuenaman doesn't say anything loud enough to hear.

Cedarvale is building a maple rink 36 x 100, and pretty soon the ribbons, frizzes, ruffles, swallow-tailed coats, and other interesting articles of modern dress will be "flying true 'de air" or mopping up the floor to the tune of "Capsicolus" and the "salute to N. Y. quickstep." Dr. Smith broke his leg gently off in the rink a few days ago, for what reason he has never been able to explain.

The Sedan Oratorical Society met last Friday night with more than its traditional talent and enthusiasm. H. L. Walker, to whom the society is undoubtedly indebted for its existence at one time, led off with an eloquent and successful appeal for reorganization, while Messrs. Claybaugh, Bradley, and others fired the heart of the Sedan heavy weights and started the society off with a new and peculiar impulse.

A young married couple from the west end gave an exhibition of tenderness down at the Grand Central yesterday, which went for one bachelor heart like a July day for a roll of country butter. The bride having accidentally turned a stand of warm syrup out upon her gingham apron, immediately screamed, trembled, murmured, and fainted away on the devoted bosom of the gallant groom; and as the latter retreated from the room with his manly arms full of bride, molasses, and hysterics, we heard him lisping to his unconscious love, "Maudy, I told yer that new fangled de-up would do yer up."

[UDALL. "O."]

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Father Gifford is lying very sick again at his residence in the west part of town, as is also Mr. Irwin.

Mrs. Dr. Knickerbocker is visiting friends this week and the Doctor is enjoying the felicity of bachelorhood.

Our shippers are complaining for lack of cars. The A. T. & S. F. could certainly afford to supply their road with more rolling stock.

Ike Fryer was fined $25.00 for assault on Mr. Churchill by 'Squire Norman; and in default of payment, was sent to the Hotel De Finch.

Smith & Hildebrand are shipping quite a number of hogs at present. The prices they pay are an inducement to the farmers to sell them.

D. D. Kellogg has the thanks of our young men and ladies for the energy he displayed in fitting up a sleigh for the accommodation of the public.

The Mill Company gave contracts at their last meeting for the delivery of rock and sand for the basement, and also for the digging of the well. Jerry Hammon, with his usual energy, secured the job on the well.

We have some peculiar names in Udall; for instance, in one house the head of the family is called "Giddy," while his better half rejoices in the appropriate name of "Sizzle," and a sister responds to the graceful cognomen of "Derrick."

We noticed a roughly constructed sled pass through town the other day with a very handsome lady and gentleman occupying the same. This was all right had not this inscription been prominently displayed on the outside, "160 lbs. hams."

The musical concert given by the Happy Hour Comedy Company at the Baptist church was a decided success. They organized a singing class of forty members and will give instructions in twenty-four lessons; and as they are all perfectly qualified, we have no fears but what the class will be a success. They have our best wishes.

Mayor Kelly seems to be in great tribulation. A few days ago he discovered a loss of ten dollars; and as his cook had left that morning, His Honor came to the conclusion that he was the one who took it, hence he assumed the role of detective and started for Mulvane, where he found his man, who gladly returned here with him. An examination was held before 'Squire Werden and the prisoner discharged. Thus His Honor's fondest hopes as the greatest of modern detectives were crushed, and hereafter he will devote his leisure time to the contemplation of the Sentinel's last caricature.

Your reporter, in his rambles one night last week, discovered a very singular tableau at a certain store. Act first was the discharge of a No. 22-calibre pistol twice in a dark cellar with no spectators; then followed an ominous silence, broken only by a sepulchral whisper-- "Will, is he dead?" as with hurrying feet he rushed toward the door, leaving "Pem" to face the danger alone. But he was equal to the emergency. Hastily piling bolt after bolt of muslin and calico in one promiscuous heap, he secreted himself beneath and opened a terrible fusillade on the cellar, which eventually attracted the attention of two ladies who were passing, who went in to see if the fourth of July had arrived. After some persuasion, "Pem" was induced to come forth and explain matters. He said that the cellar was full of thieves; that he was certain he had slain a number of them. The ladies suggested the propriety of going down and ascertaining the exact status of affairs, but nothing would induce him to go until the ladies offered to take the lead. One of them, holding a lamp aloft with one hand and a broom in the other, the other lady with a cheese knife, and "Pem" in the rear with his revolver, descended the stairs. The only thing found was a small kitten that had been trying to climb a rope that was suspended there, and thus caused all the trouble. "Pem" at once took the train for Wichita with the solemn admonition to the ladies to say nothing about it.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The choir still exists. Wirabile dictu.

"The snow, the snow, the beautiful snow," etc., is all here and some to spare.

Dr. Crabtree has been confined to his house by sickness for the past few days.

Miss Mattie Calt, of Hartford, Conn., and Miss Annie Tyler, of St. Louis, Mo., are visiting the family of Mr. S. J. Day.

The fourth Quarterly meeting of the M. E. Church will be held next Sunday. Preaching by the Presiding Elder, singing by the choir if nothing happens.

The sleighing is simply magnificent and would put Dakota or Minnesota to shame. It is being enjoyed by all who can borrow, rent, steal, or make anything that will slide.

We notice in the "Shakespeare quotations" in the last Eagle, there is sandwiched a couple from Dickens. Under the circumstances, however, we suppose it was allowable.

There will be a change in the management of the Leedy House on Feb. 1st, Mr. Leedy retiring and Mr. Zeigler taking charge. It is rumored that Mr. Leedy will then take charge of the Commercial House.

The High School here, under the supervision of the teacher, is preparing to give a public entertainment in the near future. The proceeds are to be used in purchasing an organ, if enough to warrant it.

The Ball given at the rink Friday night was quite a success, some twenty-five couples being in attendance. Quite a number were there from the surrounding villages and country, especially New Salem, which sent over some very fine followers of the "light fantastic."

An energetic attempt is being made to establish a Library in this place. The Burden Library and Lyceum Association has been organized and a charter applied for, according to law. The capital stock is placed at one thousand dollars, shares selling at twenty dollars each, and no one can purchase more than one share. The Directors are: R. F. Burden, S. H. Tolles, P. B. Moore, J. F. Stodder, S. F. Day, A. M. Newman, and J. W. Henthorn. A Literary Society, or Lyceum, is to be held in connection with the Association, which expects to give entertainments, the proceeds of which will be used in purchasing books. From the number of shares of stock already sold and the general enthusiasm manifested, we predict that it will be a grand success.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. Wolfe's little boy is very sick.

Mrs. Cain and her son, Butler, are sick.

Mr. Schock's sons have gone out west to seek their fortune.

Miss Maxwell, from Arkansas City, is visiting Mrs. Wilson.

We were pleased to see so many visitors in our school last Friday. We hope they will come again.

The oyster supper at Metzger's, last Monday night, was a very enjoyable affair. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. As Mr. Irvin Scofield was taking his girls to the party, he ran his sleigh against an apple tree and threw the girls out in the snow. But that wasn't all: before he got there he ran against a stone and upset again. I would advise Irvin to be more careful in the future.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Republicans of Rock township will meet at Rock on Saturday, Jan. 31st, at 2 p.m., to nominate township officers. H. F. Hornaday, Chairman.

There will be a Republican Caucus held at Little Dutch Schoolhouse Jan. 29th, 1885, at 7 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of nominating a township ticket. R. B. Corson, Chairman.

The Republicans of Walnut township will meet at the usual voting place on Saturday, Jan. 31st, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the nomination of township officers. John Mentch, Ch'n.

The Republicans of Vernon will hold a primary for the nomination of township officers on Saturday evening, the 31st inst., at the Werden schoolhouse, at 7 o'clock.

Thos. Thompson, Chairman.
The Primary Convention of Ninnescah Township for the purpose of nominating township officers will be held at the Store of Werden & Jewett, in the city of Udall, on Tuesday, Feb. 3rd, at 2 P. M. Geo. Cole, Chairman.

The Republicans of Beaver township will meet at the Tannehill schoolhouse on Saturday, January 31st, at 2 p.m., for the purpose of selecting candidates for the various township offices. J. R. Sumpter, Chairman Com.

The Republican primary for the nomination of township officers for Fairview will be held at the Akron schoolhouse on Saturday at 2 o'clock p.m., the 31st inst.

By order of Chairman Township Committee.
There will be a mass meeting of the voters of Walnut township at Frank Manny's on Monday, Feb. 2nd, 1885, at 2 P. M., for the purpose of nominating township officers for the ensuing year. By request of many voters.

The Republicans of Liberty township will meet at the Rose Valley schoolhouse on Saturday, January 24th, at 2 o'clock p.m., for the purpose of selecting candidates for the various township offices. J. A. COCHRAN, Chairman Township Committee.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Notice is hereby given that the partnership now existing between the undersigned will be dissolved on or before the first day of March, 1885, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to us on account must come in and settle before that time. In the meantime we offer our entire stock of groceries, queensware, Glassware and notions at greatly reduced prices for cash. We mean just what we say. BRYAN & LYNN.

Rambling Scintillations From Our Itemizer's Pen, Paste, and Scissors.
Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Udall wants a photographer and a city bastille.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Wellington coal dealers have solemnly resolved to sell no more coal unless the "filthy lucre" accompanies the order.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Douglass has organized a company to bore for coal. The Tribune sees strong evidence that the article underlays that town.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Wichita has a night school in which all the common branches are taught. It is well patronized by those unable to attend day schools.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Oxford Register objects to Rev. J. H. Kinney, of Winfield, holding religious services in the postoffice of that place, claiming that the church is the proper place for such exercises.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Democrat says that Cowley County was named in honor of Mathew Cowley, first lieutenant of Company I, Ninth Kansas Cavalry, who died in the service August, 1864, at Little Rock, Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

After the officials at Dodge City had vainly endeavored to disperse a mob, the local minister mounted a box and made the simple announcement, "A collection will now be taken up." The result can be easily guessed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Arkansas City Democrat: Rev. S. B. Fleming informs us that he attended more weddings and less funerals in 1884 than in any preceding year during his ministerial services in our city. He reported eighteen weddings and fifteen funerals.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Says the Enterprise: "Mrs. Tillie Chance, widow of Mr. Chance, was the first person married in Tisdale township, July 10, 1872. She now lives in this city, near her father, R. H. Moore, Esq. Mr. Chance died two years ago in Rooks County."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The editor of the Traveler, at Arkansas City, describes his indisposition on a certain day last week in a half column article, and says the doctor called it ague. From the description he writes, we would imagine that Brother Standley had 'em, and had 'em bad at that.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Cowley County has twenty-five postoffices as follows: Akron, Arkansas City, Baltimore, Box, Burden, Cambridge, Constant, Dexter, Floral, Glen Grouse, Grand Summit, Maple City, New Salem, Otto, Polo, Red Bud, Rock, Seely, Silverdale, Tannehill, Tisdale, Torrance, Udall, Wilmot, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Stand up, Munchausen! The Press says that Wellington grain buyers have become disgusted with the old system of buying wheat by weight and measure, and will buy it hereafter by the kernel, regulating the price on a basis of six grains to the bushel. We think the hugeness of Cowley's wheat would hardly admit of over four grains.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

An exchange recites the following pumpkin story: "A pumpkin rolled off a side hill on the Kildare farm, into Cross creek, and partially dammed the creek." This will prove of no intelligence to the average Cowley County farmer. If they have a creek they want dammed, and want it dammed badly, they simply roll a potato in and the work is done."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Burden Eagle says that seventeen sheep, belonging to H. M. Strickland, of Sheridan township, froze to death during last week's snow storm, and as many more were left in a condition to die. This is the first loss we have heard of in Cowley, among any kind of stock. Our stock men are learning that straw sheds are much less expensive than frozen animals.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

According to the Burden Enterprise, I. Schermerhorn's little boy had a narrow escape from a serious accident some days ago at that place. He put his hand in an open box of lye and put his hand in his mouth. It gave him quite a burn. Sweet oil was applied immediately; gave relief, and saved him from having a very sore mouth. Mothers cannot be too careful how they set lye in reach of children.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The ministers of Arkansas City have formed a ministerial association, whose object is "to hold conferences on subject of common interest, promote brotherly love, unite the efforts of Christian people of all the churches in the suppression of vice and immorality; to arouse a healthy moral sentiment in the community; and in every way possible to subserve the common cause of Christ by concentrated action."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The merchants of Oxford recently met in convention and resolved that they would credit no more, not even their bosom friends, under penalty of $100, whereupon the surrounding farmers also met in convention and amid warm speeches expressed a firm resolution to have, forever after, no dealings with the merchants whose names were put to the resolution referred to. A Farmers' Co-operative Association was formed.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Wellington Press tells of an unfortunate alligator that a citizen of that place brought from New Orleans. The ten inch pet was placed in a vessel under the dining room stove to keep it warm; but the atmosphere hugged zero before morning, and when daylight broke, it found the alligator stiff and motionless. With womanly tact, the lady of the house put the little animal in the oven to thaw. More coal was added to the fire, breakfast was prepared, and the alligator forgotten. When the lady had occasion to open the oven, she found the pet not only thawed out, but baked to a crisp.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The country tributary to New Salem is of the best in the county or state, remarks a correspondent of the Burden Eagle, and is occupied by intelligent, moral, and temperate people. Many of the residences in the vicinity cost from $1,000 to $1,500. Also, there are many good barns and stables, good orchards of apples and peaches, and a full variety of small fruits. With full granaries why should we complain, even though the product is not as "elevated" as might be desired. The wheat crop is more than the average for this season of the year. With a favorable spring we will have an unusual yield.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Burden Enterprise man seems to deal in hogs as well as ideas, and propounds a problem for our State swine doctor: "We have lost half a dozen very fine pigs and shoats of 75 to 150 pounds in the last ten days with a disease like quinsy. Their throats swell and the circulation stops, and they die. Mr. Mays says it is black tush. On examination I find everyone affected has extra tushes that are black. I had some of them knocked out, and have not lost any more. What does our State Veterinary Surgeon call the disease? Quite a number have died of the same disease in this vicinity. Some of our finest Poland China as well as pure elm peelers have died."

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Goddard, a little town situated between here and Wichita, is enlivened by a veritable ghost. It makes its appearance in a boarding house, frightening the boarders out of a good appetite for their meals. Rival chop houses declare it is a fraud, constructed by the landlord out of his old soup bones, whose usefulness has been much impaired. It is said that one denizen of the hash factory mustered up courage enough to chase it and was just in the act of flinging his boot at the apparition, when it melted away. No ghost could be expected to stand up and have a boot of a Sedgwick County man fired at its head because that missile was certain to be followed up by one of his socks, and what ghost, even an imp of darkness or an angel of light, could be expected to withstand the power of such a weapon?

Kingman Courier.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Says the Kansas Lyre: "Some scoundrel with no blood in his veins took a large, sagacious looking dog into the woods near John DeGraff's last week, drove a wedge into a log, stuck the dog's tail in the crack, and then knocked the wedge out and went off and left the canine pinioned to the fallen tree. Several days after Ben Mileham, hearing the dog's pitiful howling, discovered the creature and released him. Ben now uses the dog to herald his poverty to the world. He calls him "Entomologist," because he is engaged in making a collection of miscellaneous, strange, and antique bugs. He takes great pride in his collection. It is about all he has to be proud of except his appetite. His tail looks like a bald-headed, fourth-class Bologna sausage in fly-time." Whose, Ben's or the dog's?

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Udall Sentinel also chronicles the finding of a rabbit with numerous horns on its body. Cowley cotton-tails are evidently inaugurating a mode to stand off the pesky canine.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Wanted. A situation, by a woman with two children; hotel work preferred. For address, inquire at COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Wanted. A few more boarders at Mrs. Van Doren's.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Lost. A gold watch, Bartlett's patent, between Badger creek and Winfield, on the Maple City road. The finder will be rewarded by leaving the same at the COURIER office.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

Mr. W. A. Lee: I bought of you in 1883 a Hapgood Sulky Plow with your rolling landside. A better plow or lighter running plow I never used. I can recommend this plow to anyone wanting a plow. I. M. BOWMAN.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

ANOTHER BOOM. Down comes prices to suit the times. I will sell until April 20th, all of my nursery stock at lowest prices and make a discount of ten percent on fruit trees by the hundred. Call on or address J. G. PIERSON, two miles west of Winfield on Oxford road, for No. one home grown trees.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

No. 11. Adam Express Company.

No. 7. Arkansas City.

No. 43. Asp, Henry.

No. 76. Albright, P. H. & Co.

No. 28. Bangs, Arthur, residence.

No. 46. Baden, J. P., store.

No. 1. Bliss & Wood, office.

No. 35. Bliss & Wood, mill.

No. 18. Bliss, E. H., residence.

No. 2. Berkey, D., residence.

No. 44. Brettun House.

No. 44. Black, C. C., residence.

No. 67. Beach, D. C., office.

No. 68. Beach, D. C., residence.

No. 97. Bahntge, Charles, residence.

No. 12. Court House.

No. 33. Courier office.

No. 41. Curns & Manser.

No. 2. Doane, A. H. & Co.

No. 37. Emerson, Dr., residence.

No. 88. Emerson, Dr., office.

No. 34. First National Bank.

No. 29. Farmers Bank.

No. 77. Fuller, H. G., office.

No. 27. Gilbert, S. L., residence.

No. 49. Gilbert & Johnson, office.

No. 36. Glass, Q. A., store.

No. 69. Greer, Ed. P., residence.

No. 98. Geuda Springs.

No. 48. Hackney, W. P., residence.

No. 50. Hackney, W. P., office.

No. 60. Horning & Whitney.

No. 20. Holmes & Son.

No. 17. Hoosier Grocery.

No. 26. Jennings & Troup.

No. 99. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

No. 22. Kraft & Dix.

No. 30. Lockwood, Frank, residence.

No. 58. Long, J. C., store.

No. 59. Lee, W. A., office.

No. 14. McDonald & Webb.

No. 9. McMullen, J. F., office.

No. 10. McIntire's office.

No. 16. McIntire, J. C., residence.

No. 39. McGuire Bros. store.

No. 42. Millington, D. A., residence.

No. 66. McMullen, J. F., residence.

No. 86. Morehouse & McMaster.

No. 70. Pryor & Nixon.

No. 19. Park, Dr., office.

No. 47. Park, Dr., residence.

No. 3. Read's residence.

No. 5. Robinson, M. L., residence.

No. 80. Soward, T. H., office.

No. 6. Shaw, G. B.

No. 21. Spotswood, A. T., store.

No. 38. Schmidt, Chas. Stone quarry.

No. 31. Southern Kansas Depot.

No. 32. Santa Fe Depot.

No. 23. Telegram office.

No. 90. Wallis, R. E., residence.

No. 79. Wallis & Wallis' store.

No. 28. Wright, Dr. W. T., residence.

No. 13. Wright, Dr. W. T., office.

No. 15. Winfield Bank.

No. 45. Wells-Fargo Express.


On the very last page they had a roster of the members of the Kansas Legislature. It will be interesting to compare notes with all the names that are incorrect in different articles written!

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The following is the complete roster of the members of the legislature.

District No. 1. Sol Miller, Troy.

District No. 2. A. J. Harwi, Atchison.

District No. 3. Matt. Edmonds, McLouth [?].

District No. 3. P. G. Lowe, Leavenworth.

District No. 4. W. J. Buchan, Wyandotte.

District No. 5. R. W. Blue, Pleasanton.

District No. 5. W. M. Shean, Gardner.

District No. 6. W. J. Bawden, Fort Scott.

District No. 7. M. C. Kelly, Mulberry Grove.

District No. 8. John N. Ritter, Columbus.

District No. 9. C. H. Kimball, Parsons.

District No. 10. L. U. Humphrey, Independence.

District No. 11. R. N. Allen, Chanute.

District No. 12. J. H. Whitford, Garnett.

District No. 13. L. Wasson, Ottawa.

District No. 14. T. L. Marshall, Osage City.

District No. 15. O. J. Barker, Lawrence. [?Could be Q. J. Barker]

District No. 16. Chas. E. Sheldon, Topeka.

District No. 17. R. S. Hick, Louisville.

District No. 18. W. W. Smith, Waterville.

District No. 19. George S. Green, Manhattan.

District No. 20. L. B. Kellogg, Emporia.

District No. 21. L. M. Hewins, Cedarville.

District No. 22. Frank S. Jennings, Winfield.

District No. 23. A. L. Redden, Eldorado.

District No. 24. R. M. Crane, Marion.

District No. 25. Conrad Kohler, Enterprise.

District No. 26. F. P. Harkness, Clay Center.

District No. 27. George H. Case, Mankato.

District No. 28. K. M. Pickler, Smith Centre.

District No. 29. L. D. Young, Beloit.

District No. 30. Ira E. Lloyd, Ellsworth.

District No. 31. H. B. Kelley, McPherson.

District No. 32. W. M. Congdon, Sedgwick.

District No. 33. John Kelley, Goddard.

District No. 34. W. J. Lingenfelter, Caldwell.

District No. 35. I. W. Rush, Larned.

District No. 36. J. W. White, Lyons.

District No. 37. E. J. Donnell, Stockton.

District No. 38. H. S. Granger, Phillipsburg.

District No. 1. Phil. Kelley, White Cloud.

District No. 2. William H. Deckard, Palermo.

District No. 3. F. E. Cloyes, Lancaster.

District No. 4. Charles W. Denning, Atchison.

District No. 5. A. J. White, Nortonville.

District No. 6. Levy Wilhelm, Winchester.

District No. 7. G. W. McCommon, Valley Falls.

District No. 8. Edward Carroll, Leavenworth.

District No. 9. Geo. T. Anthony, Leavenworth.

District No. 10. W. S. Ashby, Easton.

District No. 11. F. J. Holman, Leavenworth.

District No. 12. E. S. W. Drought, Wyandotte.

District No. 13. B. L. Stine, Rosedale.

District No. 14. T. L. Hogue, Shawnee Mission.

District No. 15. V. R. Ellis, Gardner.

District No. 16. J. N. Roberts, Lawrence.

District No. 17. J. H. Bonebrake, Lecompton.

District No. 18. Joseph J. Cox, Lawrence.

District No. 19. L. W. Hostetter, Wellsville.

District No. 20. W. J. Woodlief, Ottawa.

District No. 21. H. A. Miller, Paola.

District No. 22. H. Lewis, Fontana.

District No. 23. R. H. Roseberry, Humboldt.

District No. 24. Alfred Blaker, Pleasanton.

District No. 25. S. T. Rosen, Garnett.

District No. 26. Samuel J. Stewart, Iola.

District No. 27. A. E. Currier, Hammond Station.

District No. 28. Wiley Bolinger, Mill Creek.

District No. 29. A. J. Vickers, Pittsburg.

District No. 30. E. C. Scammon, Stilson.

District No. 31. John S. Gilespie, Knoxville.

District No. 32. E. C. Wellep, Galena.

District No. 33. David Kelso, Parsons.

District No. 34. H. C. Cook, Oswego.

District No. 35. J. B. Cook, Chetopa.

District No. 36. J. A. Burdick, Independence.

District No. 37. Daniel McTaggart, Liberty.

District No. 38. J. W. Martin, Ladore.

District No. 39. Ben J. Smith, Erie.

District No. 40. J. F. Coulter, Rest.

District No. 41. C. J. Butin, Fredonia.

District No. 42. W. H. Slavens, Yates Center.

District No. 43. Stephen Ogden, Lebo.

District No. 44. L. F. Finch, Burlingame.

District No. 45. W. C. Sweezey, Olivet.

District No. 46. David Overmyer, North Topeka.

District No. 47. A. H. Vance, Topeka.

District No. 48. J. B. Johnson, Topeka.

District No. 49. Peter Dickson, Holton.

District No. 50. G. Y. Johnson, Willis.

District No. 51. R. H. Brewster, Hiawatha.

District No. 52. J. R. Corwin, Sabetha.

District No. 53. C. S. Cummings, Centralia.

District No. 54. James Billingsley, Axtell.

District No. 55. T. F. Rhodes, Frankfort.

District No. 56. John A. Johnson, Mariadahl.

District No. 57. Thos. Beattie, Wamego.

District No. 58. P. F. Loofbourrow, Leonardsville.

District No. 59. George E. Beates, Junction City.

District No. 60. F. L. Raymond, Maple Hill.

District No. 61. J. J. Buck, Emporia.

District No. 62. D. A. Hunter, Emporia.

District No. 63. J. B. Clogston, Eureka.

District No. 64. E. G. Dewey, Grenola.

District No. 65. C. M. Turner, Sedan.

District No. 66. Ed. P. Greer, Winfield.

District No. 67. Louis P. King, Winfield.

District No. 68. J. D. Maurer, Dexter.

District No. 69. F. W. Rash, Douglass.

District No. 70. J. M. Randall, El Dorado.

District No. 71. W. G. Patten, Cottonwood Falls.

District No. 72. J. Ware Butterfield, Florence.

District No. 73. Wm. A. Lower, Skiddy.

District No. 74. J. L. Burton, Abilene.

District No. 75. C. N. Coggesdall, Solomon.

District No. 76. George Morgan, Clay Center.

District No. 77. J. P. Spiers, Washington.

District No. 78. J. J. Veatch, Palmer.

District No. 79. W. A. Reeves, Harebine, Neb.

District No. 80. William Glasgow, Prospect.

District No. 81. G. M. Kreger, Willowvale.

District No. 82. D. B. Moore, Jamestown.

District No. 83. R. P. Blaine, Lamar.

District No. 84. Charles E. Faulkner, Salina.

District No. 85. A. P. Collins, Solomon.

District No. 86. A. W. Smith, McPherson.

District No. 87. J. M. Simpson, McPherson.

District No. 88. T. J. Matlock, Burrton.

District No. 89. Rodolph Hatfield, Wichita.

District No. 90. R. E. Lawrence, Wichita.

District No. 91. R. J. Huckle, London.

District No. 92. L. N. Cooper, Caldwell.

District No. 93. G. D. Thompson, Harper.

District No. 94. F. E. Gillett, Kingman.

District No. 95. T. A. McNeal, Medicine Lodge.

District No. 96. A. S. Thompson, Harper.

District No. 97. I. M. Gray, Nickerson.

District No. 98. A. B. Caldwell, Hutchinson.

District No. 99. E. R. Swartz, St. John.

District No. 100. W. B. Campbell, Great Bend.

District No. 101. R. F. Bond, Sterling.

District No. 102. George Seitz, Ellsworth.

District No. 103. H. Wentworth, Russell.

District No. 104. R. E. Bryant, Lincoln.

District No. 105. Samuel Carter, Asherville.

District No. 106. F. J. Kelley, Cawker City.

District No. 107. I. M. Morgan, Dawns.

District No. 108. A. W. Mann, Burr Oak.

District No. 109. B. F. Wallace, Mankato.

District No. 110. J. C. Davenport, Smith Center.

District No. 111. Webb McNall, Gaylord.

District No. 112. W. H. McBride, Kirwin.

District No. 113. W. H. Barnes, Stockton.

District No. 114. Frank Hopkins, Walker.

District No. 115. John Hargrave, Lacrosse.

District No. 116. W. C. Edwards, Larned.

District No. 117. B. R. Mosher, Kinsley.

District No. 118. R. J. Hardesty, Cimarron.

District No. 119. W. D. Pratt, Jetmore.

District No. 120. J. P. Johnson, Ness City.

District No. 121. S. J. Osborn, WaKeeney.

District No. 122. James Justice, Millbrook.

District No. 123. W. Hollenshead, Norton.

District No. 124. Van B. Wiggins, Lyle.

District No. 125. H. R. Talbott, Kenneth.

Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 29, 1885.

The Southern Kansas
And is thoroughly identified with the interests and progress of the State of Kansas and its people, and affords its patrons facilities unequaled by any line in Eastern and Southern Kansas, running

THROUGH EXPRESS trains daily between Kansas City and Olathe, Ottawa, Garnett, Iola, Humboldt, Chanute, Cherryvale, Independence, Winfield, Wellington, Harper, Attica, and intermediate points.

THROUGH MAIL trains daily, except Sunday, between Kansas City and Wellington, and intermediate stations, making close connection at Ottawa, Chanute, and Cherryvale with our trains for Emporia, Burlington, Girard, Walnut and Coffeyville.

ACCOMMODATION TRAINS daily except Sunday between Kansas City and Olathe and Ottawa.

REMEMBER that by purchasing tickets via this line connection is made in the Union Depot at Kansas City with through trains to all points, avoiding transfers and changes at way stations.

THROUGH TICKETS can be purchased via this line at any of the regular Coupon Stations, and your baggage checked through to destination, East, West, North, or South.

PULLMAN SLEEPERS on all night trains.

For further information, see maps and folders, or call on or address

Gen'l Passenger Agt., Lawrence, Kansas
Or O. BRANHAM, Agent.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum