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[FROM FEBRUARY 8, 1883, THROUGH MARCH 15, 1883.]

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Chimes from Cedar.
A Mr. Hahn from Iowa is building a new residence in Lookout Valley.

Stock in the township are all wintering well; plenty of feed and some to spare.

Mr. T. H. Larkin is making ready to build a fine house on his farm. He needs it sure.

Mr. G. W. Childers has rented his farm for cash rent, and I hear he will remove to Arkansas City for the present.

We had a regular blizzard some time ago, judging from the looks of the boys' earsand some of them froze their fingers, too.

Everybody is on the go now, some hauling wood, some coal, and some feed; more of that for a few days past than anything else.

Mr. L. Dawes has located a claim at last and is preparing to build on now soon. Go ahead, Labe, the world will stand many years yet.

Mr. Richard Courtright has sold his nice farm lately to C. H. Johnson, the cattle king of this township. We hate to give up Dick, but such are the ways of life.

There are a good many people here talking of marching to Oklahoma next week. If they all go, Lookout Valley will be almost deserted for a short time anyway. I wish them success, but I think the time has not yet come for them to go down and take a claim.

Oh, yes! We had our Township Convention the 27th. It was a grand affair. We have a habit here of having both conventions at the same place one after the other, and we have lots of fun for the boys on both sides. We, the Republicans, made, or a few men made the ticket. I should say for us it was jolly to be there. Every man had his little piece to speakthat was the few menthen the deed was done and they walked out to make room for the "odder fellers." Now I, being a firm Republican from principle, object to any such proceedings, and I find there are more men than one who think so, too. CEDARITE.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Sheriff A. T. Shenneman.
Sheriff A. T. Shenneman, of Cowley County, died at the residence of Walter Jacobus, where he was shot, last Thursday evening. He was buried in Winfield on Sunday with Masonic honors.

His funeral brought together the largest congregation of people ever seen on a like occasion in Southern Kansas. Trains were run to Winfield from all neighboring counties and his home people turned out en masse.

His funeral sermon was preached by Rev. J. E. Platter in the Baptist Church, which did not hold more than a moiety of the people present. The funeral procession required more than an hour to pass a given point and a large part of it did not reach the cemetery until after the services there were over.

These facts demonstrate the estimate placed upon Mr. Shenneman by those who knew him best. In his private and social life, he was a true and trustworthy friend, happy in his home, a man without personal enemies and always ready to help those about him.

As an officer he was without a superior. He was shrewd, always on the alert, and, in short, a natural detective. He was the most noted horse-thief catcher in Kansas. He knew all about a horse and never failed to identify a stolen animal months after he had read the description of it. If he had a fault, it was that of absolute lack of fear and a dread of killing. He had been constable, city marshal, and sheriff for years and always did the bulk of the dangerous official work. He was much respected by his fellow officers in surrounding counties for his ready and unselfish cooperation at all times. In his untimely death Cowley County loses a most valuable officer and the state one of its very best citizens.

Wellington Press.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Robert Smalls, the colored man just placed on the naval retired list with the rank of captain, was one of the bravest men the world ever produced. He was a pilot on the rebel steamer, Planter, and taking advantage of the absence of the officers, he cut her loose at 3 o'clock in the morning, took his wife and children aboard, sailed under the guns of Fort Sumter, and in the face of death delivered the steamer and her cargo of guns and ammunition worth $70,000 to the federal fleet. He has earned his honors.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The funeral of Sheriff Shenneman was the largest in the history of the state. Six sheriffs constituted the pall-bearers. An extra train left here Sunday morning and returned in the evening. Wichita Beacon.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

An old gentleman by the name of Charles Wolf and his daughter, Louisa, were out herding sheep on their ranch, twenty miles north of Cimarron, and were caught out in the storm on the 18th and were found by their friends on the 19th frozen to death. Also a son of Mr. Newby, who was out herding near Cimarron, was found frozen to death on the prairie.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.


Secretary Teller has written two letters to the senate committee of Indian affairs, urging the immediate action on legislation in regard to keeping invaders out of the Indian Territory. He recommends imprisonment. He has informed western officers of the contemplated inva- sion, and ordered that no one be allowed to settle in the territory.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883. Editorial.


We understand that Robinson and Troup are going to freeze out the COURIER. We will keep from freezing if we can. In this number we have thrown in an extra hod of native coal which we can get, not only in this county but in Missouri and other places. We think we can keep it warm for awhile, at least.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.


It is stated that the man who originated the petition to Hackney in the "glorious cause of prohibition," before that petition was circulated, approached County Attorney Jennings and asked him the following question in substance: "Now if the city council should pass an ordinance licensing the sale of lemonade and other drinks, something like the Topeka ordinance, and could thereby raise a revenue of $3,000 a year on the sale of liquor, would you not be willing to leave the prohibition and liquor business to the city authorities and refuse to prosecute?


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.


Mr. Seaton offered a bill for the relief of Frank Manny, the Winfield brewer, whose name and fame have become national through the lectures of St. John, who held Frank up to the world's gaze as a bright illustration of the success of prohibition, as having converted his brewery into a conservatory and turned his attention from the brewing of tonics Teutonic to floriculture. Frank has a large collection of plants and flowers and a large, pleasant, cool and shady garden, on the banks of a little creek, but he says his $25,000 brewery is no good for raising flowers, and he asks reimbursement from the state in the sum of $15,000 for losses suffered by reason of the prohibition law. C. C. Black.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.


Every day at roll call the reports show an alarming amount of sickness among the members. From five to ten are excused each day on this account. It has been suggested that a legislative physician be employed, and that one of the committee rooms be turned into a hospital. The idea is a good one, for in addition to sick members, it would be a good place to store sick bills. The name of Mr. Mitchell, of Cowley, has been suggested as hospital Steward, while Dr. E. N. Stearns, being well acquainted with the diseases of sick legislators, would make a most acceptable surgeon. Judge Borton, being of a scientific turn of mind, would make a most invaluable assistant. The supervising board should consist of Mr. Green, Mr. Knappenberger, and Mr. Orner, all heavy weights and extremely pious.

Topeka Special to Leavenworth Times.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Robinson in the Role of Prohibition Leader of Antis.
Another Crank.
When the COURIER of last week came out with the petition to Senator Hackney, his answer and our remarks, some few of our anti-prohibition friends were red hot, particularly those few who were specially hit. Our friend, Robinson, was the hottest of them, and after the call of the meeting for the following Monday evening of all citizens, irrespective of their opinions on the prohibition question, to consider the petition to Hackney, he spent about four days on the street, trying to infuse his anger into other citizens, particularly to show those who signed the petition and were not hit that they were hit; and in organizing a crowd to attend the meeting and defeat prohibition resolutions. A plan was adopted and was carried out in the meeting of Monday as far as the noise and howling was concerned.

On last Monday evening, at an early hour, the Opera House was packed full of people. Every seat and every foot of standing room was filled. There were not less than eight hundred, and possibly one thousand, present.

Judge Tipton, not one of the callers of the meeting, pushed himself into the position of temporary chairman, and nominated Rev. J. E. Platter as Chairman, who was elected. Mr. Platter refused to be silenced in that way, and nominated Hon. T. R. Bryan for Chairman, who was elected and took the chair.

Millington offered a resolution to the effect that this meeting is utterly opposed to the establishment of saloons in this city, and moved its adoption, which was seconded by numberless voices all through the hall.

Robinson jumped up and made a long, loud, and excited speech to show that the resolution was unfair and unjust.

Tipton moved to lay the resolution on the table. A vote was called on Tipton's motion, and the saloon element set up a tremendous howl of ayes, repeated by comparatively few voices. The nays were general throughout the house. The Chairman could not decided, and a rising vote was taken. About 150 rose to lay on the table, and nearly the whole congrega- tion rose on the vote against the motion. The prolonged howling prevented the Chairman from deciding the motion, and Millington withdrew his resolution temporarily.

Robinson then got the floor and read in a loud tone, very slowly and excitedly, a long speech abusive of Senator Hackney, and stating, substantially, that he drew the petition to Senator Hackney, and knew what it meant; that it simply meant that the prohibition law was not as well enforced in other cities as in Winfield, and that somehow this operated against Winfield; that he was enthusiastically in favor of the "glorious prohibition amendment and law," and the petition was to urge Senator Hackney to procure the passage of a law that would strictly enforce prohibition everywhere in the State; and that the closing clause, "If this is impossible, don't sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an imprac-ticable principle, did not mean anything at all, but was only some big words which he had on hand, left over, which he threw in merely to round off the paragraph.

During this tirade of three-quarters of an hour the audience sat quietly and heard him out, except that Mr. B. F. Wood raised the point of order that abuse of Hackney was foreign to the object of the meeting as stated in the call. The Chair ruled the point well taken, but the orator was permitted to proceed.

When he yielded the floor, Millington remarked that, as the originator of the petition meant only prohibition in its strictest sense, there seemed to be no controversy, and he there- fore offered the following resolutions as the sense of the meeting, and moved their adoption after debate, which motion was seconded by hundreds of voices.

We, citizens of Winfield and vicinity, in mass meeting assembled, to express ourselves in relation to the matter of the late petition to Senator Hackney, do hereby declare;

FirstThat we are utterly opposed to the establishment of saloons in Winfield, or in this county.

SecondThat we are opposed to the re-submission of the prohibitory amendment.

ThirdThat we are earnestly in favor of such legislation as will make the prohibitory law more effective.

FourthThat we heartily endorse and will stand by Senator W. P. Hackney in his efforts to make the prohibitory law more effective, and honor him for his fearless and manly course on this question.

FifthThat we request our Senator and Representatives to continue their efforts to strengthen this law and to guard against unfavorable legislation.

SixthThat the prohibition law has been much better enforced in this city and county than any former law in relation to the sale of intoxicating drinks.

SeventhThat, through the operation of the prohibitory law, drunkenness and the sale and use of intoxicating drinks have very largely decreased in our midst; that our city has become largely more orderly and moral than before it went into operation, and that all legiti- mate business is more prosperous and flourishing than it could have been in the presence of saloons.

EighthThat it is our honest conviction that the temperance movement in Kansas has been a blessing to thousands of our citizens.

Rev. J. E. Platter then made a short, concise, and practical speech showing the obvious meaning of the petition as interpreted by almost everybody and expressing his strong and earnest dissent from its evident objects.

Mayor Troup then got the floor and spoke loudly and slowly for about an hour and a quarter with the evident intention of worrying out the temperance people in the congregation and making them leave the hall, but they quietly heard him out. He took an entirely different view of the meaning of the petition from that of the originator. He signed that petition because it meant to him that the prohibitory law is an utter and absolute failure; that the amendment ought to be repealed; that it urged Hackney to vote for the re-submission of the amendment, and for revenue purposes, saloons ought to be re-established in Winfield. He knew that prohibition in Winfield was an utter failure; for there were two of the dirtiest saloons here, where the stench of liquor offended the nostrils of the noble mayor (who is also assistant county attorney and don't prosecute) and that three awful saloons are known as Express offices, and are bringing in intoxicating drinks by railroad every day.

Mr. T. H. Soward was called out and took the floor. Troup tried to choke him off by interruption and the audience tried to yell Troup down. Soward in a gentlemanly manner got through with his remarks in a few minutes.

Judge Tipton took the floor for the purpose, evidently, of worrying out the temperance people, for he had absolutely nothing to say but rambled on for fifteen minutes with the most wishy-washy and senseless jargon we had ever heard from the lips of a sane man.

Another old crank got up with a nose about three by six and as red as a beet, and howled about Hackney.

It was evident from the first that three-fourths of the audience at least, were in favor of passing the resolutions offered by Millington, and the scheme of Robinson was to prevent a vote being taken on them by howling. This was kept up until the chairman got so disgusted that he pronounced the meeting adjourned, and the crowd began to move toward the door and go out.

Robinson sprang upon a chair and called the meeting to order. Millington sprang upon another chair and called out swinging a paper in his hand. The audience halted a few moments in quiet, and Millington said in a loud voice:

"The question in order before the house is on the passage of the series of resolutions presented by me. All in favor of the passage of these resolutions will say, Ayemeeting with a general response of "Aye" by nearly the whole crowd. He then said; those opposed will say, "No." A few feeble responses were heard and he proclaimed that the resolutions were carried by an overwhelming majority. The crowd then continued to pass out amidst such a noise that nothing could be heard.

Robinson sprang upon the stage and swung his arm yelling something at the top of his voice about coming to order, but he could not be heard and the audience continued to pour out.

The writer remained until nearly all the audience had passed out and the lights were turned down. Nothing more was done and he left.

This meeting demonstrates that the people of this city are overwhelmingly in favor of all the above resolutions, and particularly enthusiastic in their endorsement of Senator Hackney.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Speaking of the petition to Senator Hackney in behalf of saloons in Winfield and the remarks in the Kansas City Journal from its Topeka correspondent, the Wellingtonian remarks:

"While it is true that Cowley County was the banner prohibition county of the state, it is equally not true that Winfield was ever anything of a banner prohibition city. None know this any better than the Journal's clever Topeka correspondent. None better than he know that the businessmen of Winfield, as a class, never were prohibitionists. He also knows what he dare not tell, for the effect it would have, that the `prominent manufacturer and ice dealer' is, or rather was, a manufacturer of beer, only. There are in the town, exclusive of the hotels and drug stores and including the two banks, eighteen that could by any decent reasoning, be called `largest' business houses. Of this numberfifteen of these same `largest business houses' never were prohibitionists. So that leaves but three to be accounted for, and the correspondent does that for two of them, namely: the bank and hardware, and leaves but the grocery house to be accounted for, and we can do that. Winfield, like other towns of its like, and for purpose of this sort, too often counts every peanut vender, billiard saloon keeper and lunch counter president, as `prominent' businessmen.

"Again: had the astute correspondent said, something over 200, instead of almost 300 names, he would have impressed us as being nearer the truth. It would also have been better had he told his readers, that many of these same businessmen allowed themselves to be classed as prohibitionists, when in reality, they were not; but on the contrary, their sympa- thies were all the other way. Senator Hackney himself was not; and is perhaps not yet, a prohibitionist, as he himself says in this interview, and yet it would be hard for Journal readers to understand that. While it is true that Winfield has always been rated a prohibition city, yet these same businessmen have no settled convictions upon this or any other subject, any farther than it may effect their pockets and their standing in society. There are more people in Winfield whose lives go to disprove the Bible doctrine, `a man cannot serve God and Mammon,' than any other town in the state. Hence it will be seen that any apparent reaction in this town is not much of a `pointer' and bears with it but very little significance."

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Mayor Troup in his speech Monday evening complained that Hackney in his letter of reply called him a money changer.

Why, my dear fellow, Hackney did not call you a money changer. You neglect the coat the senator prepared you, don the coat made for the other fellow, and complain that it don't fit. Please read carefully the first part of the letter about sworn officers of the law disregard- ing their oaths and their duties and doing all they possibly can do to subvert law and render aid and comfort to outlaws. That is the coat made for you. The onslaught on money changers was prepared for the other fellow. Are you not the mayor of the city whose sworn duty it is to see the laws are enforced? Are you not assistant and acting county attorney whose duty it is to prosecute violations of the law? Did you not state in that speech that you knew of two of the meanest, dirtiest kind of saloons which have been selling intoxicating drinks for a long time in this city, known as express offices? Have you prosecuted these men for violation of the law? Have you closed up these places as nuisances? Are you not owned body and soul by the money changer who will use you just as long as you will do his dirty work and squeeze a nickel out of you and then sell you to someone else or kick you one side among the rubbish?

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Some conservative prohibitionists have admitted that Hackney in his answer to the petitioners, handled the originators of the petition too roughly. Now if they knew all the badgering and attempted intimidation these same men had heaped upon the Senator to induce him to violate his promises to his constituents before his election, to violate his oath to sup- port the constitution, and to second and help them in their schemes to have saloons opened in Winfield and the law set at defiance, they would say as we do, that his answer was just right. Nothing that the popular senator has ever said or done has made him so many enthusi- astic friends as that letter. Hundreds of men have called into our office to express their warm- est approval of the letter and of course on this question, and many of them who have always opposed him politically, say now that they would vote for him for anything he should want. We believe that a majority of those petitioners would now vote the warmest approval of his letter.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Mr. R. R. Conklin, late of this place, but now a leading loan agent of Kansas City, writes us a letter in relation to Prof. Henry A. Weber of Champaign County, Illinois, who has invented a process by which sugar, of a quality superior to the New Orleans, can be most profitably made from the sorghum cane. He has demonstrated this fact by establishing a sugar works at Champaign, Illinois, and running it successfully one year, during which it has produced 86,000 pounds of sugar which grades "yellow C" and sells at 8-1/2 cents at the factory, and has made 25,650 gallons of very superior molasses.

Mr. Conklin is well acquainted with Prof. Weber and says he proposes to establish some sugar factories in Kansas this year because of the advantage of climate and suitable land for cane. Mr. Conklin has induced Prof. Weber to visit Winfield with a view of establishing a factory here, and thinks he will arrive soon. The advantages of such a factory at this place are too apparent to require an argument and we hope our citizens will receive the professor with cordiality and give him all the assistance and encouragement in their power.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Valley View Sabbath School.

This Sunday school closed its third year on January 23, 1883. Its prosperity has been continuous since its organization. The secretary, Miss Lizzie Thompson, read a well prepared report, in substance as follows: Number of officers and teachers during the year, 327; average attendance, 6 45-17; No. of scholars present during the year, 2364; average attendance 50 14- 47, No. of visitors, 130. The superintendent (Jas. F. Martin) was absent only one Sabbath during the year. The school failed to meet four Sabbaths on account of bad weather.

The treasurer, F. W. Schwantes, reported $76 expended for organ and papers, and that there was a balance on hand of $16, thus showing the financial health of the school. . . .

The school elected the following officers, Wm. Staggers, Superintendent; C. W. Short, Assistant Superintendent; Miss Carrie Schwantes, Secretary; Miss Katie Schwantes, Librar- ian; and F. W. Schwantes, Treasurer. The school meets every Sabbath at 3 o'clock p.m. All are cordially invited and will be made to feel at home at its sessions. The Valley View Sunday School is one that does not "freeze out" in the winter season. We are sorry to say it is the only one in Vernon Township that can claim such a record. M.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Floral Jottings.

Health is good in this vicinity at present.

Daniel Read is off to northwest Missouri, on the patent hens' nest. Success to you Dan.

Cole Bair and Orand say if anyone has a better evaporator than theirs (the Stubb's) to trot it out.

The sorghum crop of this part was quite an item last year and promises to be greater this yearif talk is worth anything.

If it were not for occupying so much space in your valuable paper, I would like "The true Inwardness" and "A Monumental Fraud" to be left standing in your columns for some time.

In reply to Mr. Patten I would like to say I think a large majority of the farmers don't want a hedge law. They want a herd law, I think. But as he says, let each one speak out for himself.

The Baptists at Floral have just closed a successful meeting under the labors of Revs. Hickok and McEwen. They expect to build a stone house for worship soon; have about $700 subscribed.

T. W. Dicken don't expect to go thirsty after this, as he has a new drilled wella large one two feet in diameter. Jack Yarbrough has one of the same kind. It is said Thos. Walker will be the next lucky man.

Mark Irwin and family will soon be residents of Cowley County. As good as Saline is, he can't stay away from Cowley. It is always thus with folks away from our fair county. A few months or years absence brings a longing to return.

J. W. Randall still has a lively trade. Farmers, you will do well to stick to John. You'll find it's less trouble to go to Floral when you want fifty cents worth of tobacco or twenty- five cents worth of coffee or sugar (isn't that the way to put it?).

By the appearance of wheat it will be a light crop. Considerable corn in the field yet. Mr. Wm. A. Hart says he will gather his corn as soon as it will do to crib; he has been busy this winter building cribs. J. M. Dunbar says it pays to feed his corn so he is picking up a few stock hogs.

I think "Horatius" in the COURIER of Feb. 1 expressed the sentiments of the majority of the better class when he said, "While we respect the law of the land and believe in main- taining its dignity, at the same time we think it a wholesome idea to purify the country of atrocious, reckless, infamous dare-devils by summarily dispatching several of them in a manner that would be a forcible reminder and an impressive warning to bandits, outlaws, and vicious characters generally." If law was not so often a farce, the citizens would be willing for it to take its course; but how often is a murderer turned among us or sent up for a short time to be pardoned, or if he serves his time, come back in society worse than before, in a great many cases. D. O. GOOD.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Otter Scriblings.

Severe colds prevail in Otter.

Mr. E. Nelson has rented his farm to Henry Slater.

Mrs. R. R. Turner, Sr., is lying very low of typhus fever.

The storm king has been wielding his mighty sceptre of late.

The ground hog failed to see his shadow in Otter on his annual visit.

G. C. Cleveland has left his farm for a clerkship in Davis & Dale's store.

G. W. Webb has rented his farm to Mr. Bates and intends devoting his time to stock.

BIRTH. R. R. Turner, Jr., is the happy father of a bouncing boy. The father is doing wellso is the boy.

A petition is in circulation to divide school district 63, it being the third or fourth attempt without success.

Mr. Graves is overhauling and repairing his house on the Ross place, and is also building an addition.

Mrs. Buckley is expected back from Ohio shortly, where she has been on a visit to her parents and friends.

Mr. L. Guthrie has sold his farm to Mr. Nelson, lately from Illinois, and has gone to Oswego to look up a location.

Wednesday evening while returning from a dance, George Bowen's horse fell on him, bruising him internally. The result of horse racing at night.

There was quite an excitement in Cedarvale on Saturday last over the railroad question, which is again being agitated by our leading men, who think there is a chance of an east and west road from Oswego through Sedan and Cedarvale westward to Arkansas City.

The sad news of our brave Sheriff's death was received with deep regret by the citizens of this community, and we think we express the feelings of the majority when we tender, with our own, their deepest sympathy to Mrs. Shenneman in this her sad hour of affliction.

To our Hon. Senator W. P. Hackney is due the thanks of every citizen of Cowley County for the worthy manner in which he disposed of the late petition sent him from Winfield, and if every person taking the oath of office to support and enforce the laws of the state had done their duty as well as our Hon. Senator, I doubt no prohibition would have been a success throughout the entire state. And we think the broadside he pounded to their whiskey ranks will prevent their petitioning to him again. TELLER.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Excelsior School Report.

Report of Excelsior school, District No. 9, for the month ending January 20, 1883.

No. of pupils enrolled, 31; Average daily attendance, 20. No. of visitors present during the month, 5. Names of those perfect in attendance: Metta Byers and Harry Pierce. The examination held at the close of the month resulted in the following standings, graded on a scale of 100.

Of the advanced grade, Frank Crawford 95; Dora Smith 93; Harry Pierce 94; Flora Smith 97; Anna Crawford 96; Josie Robinson 94.

Intermediate grade: Welden Crawford 94; Katie Robertson 90; Philena Copple 84; Harry McLaughlin 86; Willie Sherrod 97; Ora DeWitt 93; Willie Wright 96.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

It is now thought that Langtry will not visit Winfield this season.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

$600 worth of beautiful costumes in the Operetta Tuesday Evening.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

S. G. Gary entered upon his duties as sheriff of Cowley County last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Arkansas City has organized a Post of G. A. R., with Capt. Nipp as commander.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The coal men of Winfield have all made fortunes this winter and it is not over yet.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Charlie Shenneman returned Saturday to his post as keeper at the Kansas penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Miss Jennie Hane returned from Topeka last week after an absence of several weeks.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Judge Torrance left for Pennsylvania Tuesday, called there by news of the serious illness of his mother.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Frank Manny is confident that his bill for $15,000 damages against the State on account of closing his brewery will pass.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The call for extra copies of the COURIER last week was simply immense. We printed almost a double edition, and then didn't have enough to supply the demand.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

M. L. Robinson's amateur circus company which performed so satisfactorily to them- selves Monday evening at the Opera house are expected to take the circuit and will next perform at Wellington and Wichita.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Post No. 85, G. A. R., Winfield, have their regular meetings on 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Jake Goldsmith spent last week at Topeka among our law-makers. He was much inter- ested in the legislative proceedings.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

J. M. Householder brought in a dozen chickens last week and received from J. P. Baden for them $5.40. This is a big price for chickens.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The social at the Presbyterian Church last Friday evening passed off very pleasantly, though the extreme cold lessened the attendance somewhat.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Several beautiful cutters were out Saturday and Sunday, and the merry jingle of sleigh bells were heard on our streets for the first time this winter.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Murdock, the skating rink man, skipped for a more congenial clime last week, leaving many men with unpaid bills to mourn his untimely departure.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Frank S. Jennings received a dispatch from Ohio Tuesday morning announcing the death of his father, which occurred Monday night, of apoplexy. He and his brothers, H. S., and Ed., started east on the 3:30 train.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Dr. L. Burgheim, of Columbus, Texas, is visiting with his cousin, Henry Goldsmith. The Doctor is a highly cultured and intelligent gentleman and is watching the course and effects of prohibition in Kansas with much interest.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The COURIER is under many obligations to Fred Blackman, the telegraph operator at the Santa Fe depot, for favors last week. Fred is one of the most courteous and obliging gentlemen we know of and it is always a pleasure to do business with him.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Mr. R. R. Conklin of Kansas City was in town Tuesday, accompanied by Mr. M. A. Scovill of Champaign, Illinois, who is looking up the sugar refinery business. Recent developments indicate that sugar refining, or the manufacture of sorghum sugar, is destined to become a profitable industry in the West, and capital is turning its attention to it. No better field for investment in this line can be found than here in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Is He Fish or Fowl?
A Remarkable Record Made by a Remarkable Man.

[Left column] FOUR WEEKS AGO. "Suppose the City Council were to license three persons at a thousand dollars each to sell `soda water and other drinks, what would you do?'"

M. L. Robinson to County Attorney Jennings.

[Right column] THIS WEEK. "Friends, let us not do anything to injure the glorious cause of prohibition, so near to our hearts!" M. L. Robinson at meeting Monday night.

[Left column] PRESTO! "Inasmuch as the Amendment as enforced has always resulted in injury to the development of our town . . . . We would respectfully urge upon you the necessity of so providing for its enforcement that its application shall be uniform throughout the state. If this is impossible, don't sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an impracticable principle." Petition written by M. L. Robinson.

[Right column] CHANGE! "That petition meant that the law should be enforced in other parts of the state as well as here, and did not mean saloons in Winfield." M. L. Robinson's explanation of the petition.

Above we present four utterances from the tongue and pen of M. L. Robinson. Placed as they are the reader will have no difficulty in determining that M. L. Robinson is either a vacillating hypocrite or a knavish fool.

But in order to show the peculiar manner in which this gentleman works to secure the backing of citizens in his schemes, we will be pardoned for referring to the above chronologically.

Some four weeks ago Robinson approached County Attorney Jennings and in the very cautious manner shown in his language above quoted, intimated to him (Jennings) that three men stood ready to pay a thousand dollars each for a license to sell "soda water and other drinks" in this city, and asked him what he would do, in his official capacity, if such license was granted and they opened up. Mr. Jennings very quickly told the gentleman that he would prosecute all infringements of the law to the fullest extentthat he had sworn to enforce the constitution and the law, and should regard his oath and his duty without fear or favor. This was a fitting reply to such an insult, and Mr. Robinson sought elsewhere to find a man who would betray his honor, his pledges, and his oath to accommodate a "smiling, influential banker." Strange as it may seem, he settled upon Senator Hackney as the man. Wily in all his undertakings, he knew that backing must be secured for such a proposition, so a petition, ambiguous in language and uncertain in construction was drawn and placed in the hands of a man interested in opening saloons, and by him circulated. Upon its face the petition meant something or nothing, or anything. To the businessman, glancing at it in the hurry of busi- ness activity, it meant just what his convictions on the prohibition question were. To the pro- hibitionists it meant "Strive to have the law enforced in other places as it is here." To the anti-Prohibitionist its true and real animus could be shown in a moment. Thus, in the hurried way petitions are always signed, this harmless looking document was signed by lawyers, doctors, businessmen, and citizens generally who would no more lend their names to assist M. L. Robinson in his efforts to subvert constitutional obligation and trample law under foot than they would start on a trip to the moon. The petition was then taken to Topeka and placed in the hands of Senator Hackney, by Frank Manny. Had the petition been a fair and square declaration of principle, either for or against prohibition, every sane and sensible man knows that it would have received respectful and candid consideration at the hands of Senator Hackney. But he knew a few things that the signers of the petition did not know. He had spent the Sunday before in Winfield and at that time learned of Mr. Robinson's proposition to County Attorney Jennings. He also knew that he was equally interested with Robinson in a scheme whereby three thousand dollars saloon tax would materially benefit both of them in a financial wayand this scheme was the water-works business. He looked at the petition and saw that it was in Robinson's hand-writing. He also saw it was not a fair, square statement of principle, but contradictory, ambiguous, and calculated to deceive. In an instant he saw through it all, as would everyone who signed the petition had they known these facts. He saw that M. L. Robinson, seeing an opportunity of adding to his hoarded wealth, was willing and anxious to open up the "flood gates of drunkenness and debauchery" in our city. He knew that Robinson had approached a sworn officer of the law with intentions looking to that end, and receiving no encouragement, had come to him, thinking that he, if fortified with a respectable petition and with the same personal interests involved, would betray the pledges made by him to the people of Cowley County, turn his back upon the constitution and his oath to support it, and sell himself and his people for gold.

M. L. Robinson little counted upon his man when he reckoned that W. P. Hackney could be cajoled or influenced into such an action. Turning upon his maligner, he hurled the petition back into his teeth in words of burning indignationwords that will live in the hearts of the people of Cowley County as long as love of honor lasts, and words that will rise to haunt the author of that petition until he passes beyond the scenes of human weakness. With that desire for fairness so characteristic of Senator Hackney, he did not confine the full measure of his wrath to the one at whom it was directed, but supplied a part of it to some officers of the law. This loop-hole was eagerly seized by the doughty banker, and through it he seeks to wreck his vengeance on the Senator by drawing into the fight the men who had signed his petition, and who hoped to express a matter of principle, knowing nothing of the sordid motives and dark pit-falls behind it. In this he partially succeeded, until the above facts were brought out at the Monday night meeting.

When a resolution, severely condemning Mr. Hackney, was offered, to defend the Senator from this gross and venomous assault, Rev. Platter opened the eyes of the people to Robinson's duplicity by making a statement of the facts, as given him by Mr. Hackney. Since then one of the best men who signed that petition, a citizen as highly respected as any in the community, said to us: "Until I learned the true inwardness of this matter, I thought Hackney's letter was ill timed and intemperate. I now think he did just right, and wonder why he didn't make it hotter." Others of our businessmen, signers of the petition, have expressed the same feelings; and all of them, except a few who were in collusion with Robinson, or whose souls are owned (through the medium of mortgages or overdrafts) by him, will take a similar view, and, instead of feeling outraged toward Hackney, will put their anathemas where they belong.

By his action in this matter, M. L. Robinson has lost the confidence of all the better classes of this community. Having betrayed the principles he has heretofore, and now pretends to avowbetrayed men into supporting him with a false document, written with the intention of deceiving, he has certainly placed himself in an unenviable light before his fellow men, and must of needs, reap the consequences. A man who works honestly, openly, and fairly against a cause he believes to be wrong, is a freeman exercising the highest and noblest rights of citizenship decreed him by the Constitution of a free country. But when a man steals forth under the cloak of hypocrisy, and attempts to subvert law and unduly influ- ence those in whom the people have vested power, he sinks below the level of a freeman, and becomes a menace to liberty and good government.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The new nickel 5-cent piece has made its appearance in the city. Instead of a figure 5 surrounded by thirteen stars, it has a large V in the center surrounded by a wreath, while to the outside encircling words, "United States of America," are added "E Pluribus Unum." The shield and the motto "In God We Trust" on the reverse are supplanted by a regulation head of Liberty with thirteen stars around it. The size of the new piece is between that of a three- cent piece and a twenty-cent piece. The coin is the same weight of the old and of the same alloy, the proportions being twenty-five of nickel and seventy-five of copper.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Capt. Payne with about 50 teams and 150 followers left Arkansas City February 1st to go to the North Fork of Canadian River, in the Indian Territory, about 130 miles south of this place, to the land known as Oklahoma. The colonists were well provided with food and arms. A few hours after their departure someone telegraphed the Secretary of the Interior, who made a requisition for troops, and Gen. Pope ordered Major Bennett, Commander of Fort Reno, Indian Territory, to send all the available troops to the Oklahoma country to intercept them. The cavalry started so as to meet the "boomers" on the ground, for the purpose of ejecting them.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The report came up Tuesday that Mark Greenlee and another young man had frozen to death in the Territory at the Jones cattle camp. The person who brought the news said that the boys had been riding their range, got very cold, and returned to the dugout, where they found the fire out and no matches, and finally becoming exhausted, laid down and were frozen, and their bodies were found next day. Mr. Greenlee, Mark's father, thinks the rumor a mistake as Mark is not at the Jones ranch but at Tomlin & Webb's camp. Joe Greenlee went down to learn the facts Monday night.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

DIED. A little son of Mrs. McCalluma widow lady who resides at the mouth of Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley Townshipwhile sliding on the ice on the river last Thursday broke through and was drowned. A man who was chopping wood nearby heard the boy scream for help, but before he had time to reach the river bank, the boy had disappeared beneath the ice. A number of the neighbors were immediately summoned and every effort made to rescue the boy, but it was some time before his body could be found, and he had probably been dead about a half hour when taken out. Democrat.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The Good Templars installed their officers for the ensuing quarter on last Friday evening as follows.

W. C. T.: Frank W. Finch.

W. V. T.: Mrs. N. J. Lundy.

W. Secretary: Chas. Jenkins.

W. F. Secretary: D. C. Beach.

W. T.: Mrs. A. Hamilton.

P. W. C. T.: S. B. Davis.

W. M.: Miss Alice Corson.

W. I. G.: Miss Ella Rounds.

W. O. G.: Geo. Case.

W. Assistant Secretary: Miss Lena Walrath.

W. D. M.: Wm. Lorton.

W. R. S.: Miss Lucy Cairns.

W. L. S.: Miss Rose Rounds.

W. C.: James A. Cairns.

Organist: Lola Silliman.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Bard & Harris are now cosily fixed up in their new office back of Harter's drug store. This firm by liberal advertising and obliging treatment of customers are gaining an enviable reputation as land and loan agents, and are gentlemen with whom it is a pleasure to do business.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Post No. 85, G. A. R., meets at Odd Fellow's hall every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month. All comrades in good standing are cordially invited to attend.

J. E. SNOW, Adjutant. H. W. STUBBLEFIELD, Post Commander.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Commissioner Walton returned Wednesday of last week from a visit to relatives in Douglas County. He stopped over in Topeka to have a word with Gov. Glick about the sheriff appointment, but arrived too late.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of C. A. Bliss, January 31st, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Thos. W. Forter and Miss Lizzie M. Allen.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Will Wilson and Ez. Nixon went up to Topeka Wednesday and will spend two weeks among our law makers.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Timme, the Tailor, went up to Newton Tuesday afternoon to look after his business interests there.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Rob. Phelps and lady were in the city Wednesday. Bob is looking well and keeps business booming.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

McDermott & Johnston have removed to the Manning building over the post office.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The fate of Cobb, the boy who was lynched at Winfield on Wednesday last, was a sad, but a deserved one. He stated just before he was hung that it was reading the sensational narratives of the exploits of Frank and Jesse James that led him to destruction. We have frequently seen Atchison boys pouring over these works of the devil, and afterward imitating the supposed exploits of the James boys in their play. This is extremely dangerous, and the sooner the fact is impressed upon the youthful mind that these men were not heroes, but brutal, cowardly robbers and murderers, the better it will be for the rising generation. All such books and plays should be suppressed, and that murder and robbery is heroic eradicated from the youthful mind, by a vigorous application of the paternal slipper. Let the boys learn that honest, patient labor is heroic, and that dishonesty and crime are despicable, but keep forever out of their reach these untrue stories that have already ruined so many.

Atchison Champion.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

How 'Twas Done!
The Evidence Before the Coroner's Jury and the Verdict.
The investigation by the Coroner on the body of young Cobb was commenced Thursday morning and lasted until Friday noon. The courtroom was constantly thronged with people during the inquest. The Coroner secured the services of Judge Tipton as attorney and David C. Beach as clerk. Below we give a synopsis of the evidence.

The first witness put upon the stand was Frank W. Finch, who knew nothing whatever of the occurrence until told in the morning, when he notified the Coroner, and they together repaired to the scene of the hanging.

Sheriff McIntire was the next witness called. He stated that the deceased was brought in the evening before and placed in his custody by Deputy Taylor. He made a bed and fixed him comfortably for the night, leaving on one pair of shackles. Mrs. Shenneman and several others were allowed to enter the jail and look at the prisoner. About ten o'clock the crowd in the office were requested to retire, and they did so. Mr. Wm. Shenneman and Deputy Taylor remained to assist the Sheriff, should anything occur. Mr. Shenneman is a police officer in Bay City, Michigan, and though his feelings were not of the kindest toward the prisoner, he said he would do all in his power to protect him from violence.

The prisoner was taken from the jail about half past two o'clock in the morning, when all fear of such a visit had subsided, and Mr. Shenneman and Deputy Taylor had retired to the house, just across the walk. Sheriff McIntire was sitting by the stove, where he had been sitting for about a half an hour, when the front door was jimmied open and twelve or fourteen men appeared outside. Four of them, with revolvers drawn, rushed in and the leader ordered him to throw up his hands. The request was instantaneously complied with. The leader then said to the other three: "Keep your revolvers right on him! If he moves a hand, put a hole through him! Do only as I order!" He then asked where the keys were, and on the Sheriff hesitating to reply, said, "Blow him through if he don't answer!" McIntire said they were in his pocket, and the captain demanded their immediate delivery to him. The Sheriff took down his hands, but was ordered to again raise one of them; with the other, he took the keys out and handed them over. The captain then stepped forward, threw the jail door open, and said, "No. 1, 2, and 3 to your posts!" And three men came right in and walked into the jail. He then ordered, "Reserve, guard the door!" The three men soon came out leading the prisoner. The witness heard no words spoken in the jail.

The men in charge of the Sheriff and the captain stayed at the office door for about five minutes. The captain demanded: "Do you promise you won't follow us?" No answer was immediately given, and the captain shouted "Halt!" to the men on the sidewalk with the prisoner. He then turned to the Sheriff again and said, "Now say you won't follow us, and say it d d quick!" The other three left, but he stayed in the door, with revolver drawn, for a moment, when he again ordered, "Command halt! Send me two men!" The men came and the leader left. The two men guarded the Sheriff about five minutes, when they pulled the office door shut and left. The witness said the office door was not locked when the men came in, and that the first thing he heard on its being thrown open was, "Throw up your hands!" He made no resistance; did not think it policy to do so, though he had a revolver on his person. He was alarmed, for he had dispelled the expectation of any such visit at that late hour. The leader gave his commands in a loud but distinct voice, and the Sheriff could see the bullets in every revolver as it was pointed at him, and he instantly concluded that the men holding them meant business. He could not recognize a single man, black cloths being tied over their faces with only eye-holes cut therein. There seemed to be no attempt at disguising their clothingsome being dressed in dark and some light. He could not recognize the voice of the leaderthe only one who spokebut said it was rather a deep, coarse voice.

After the maskers had retired, Deputy Taylor came in, and the Sheriff put on an overcoat and said they would follow up if possible. The crowd with the prisoner was not visible in any direction when they started, but they succeeded in finding the place where the victim was hanging, but all was deathly stillness and not a living soul in any direction. After ascertaining that the man's life was entirely extinct, they returned to the jail and went to bed about five o'clock.

The Sheriff stated that he did not have the least apprehension when the prisoner was lodged in jail the evening before of his being taken by lynchers, and intended to take him before a magistrate the next morning for a preliminary examination.

Deputy Taylor took the stand at the conclusion of Mr. McIntire's testimony. He said he left Wichita with the prisoner in a carriage about 8 o'clock p.m., Tuesday evening, arriving at the jail in this city about the same hour Wednesday evening. The driver lost the road near El Paso and they wandered around on the prairie for some time, but struck the trail again and brought up at Mulvane just at daylight. His intention was to reach Winfield about 4 o'clock Tuesday morning, but their losing the way prevented it. Mr. Taylor's understanding of the situation was that everything had quieted down, and it was perfectly safe to bring him here. He had not the least intimation that a lynching would occur Wednesday night until, while in the house, he heard a noise and went out and discovered that the jail was being entered by masked men. He walked around in front of the office and was suddenly "held up" by two black maskers, who, with revolvers thrust in his face, ordered him to keep his mouth shut, and said, "You beat us Saturday night, but you can't do it this time! We're organized!" He offered no resistance, for he saw that they were determined, and thought that they would even disable him to accomplish their purpose. He had no idea as to the identity of the men who guarded him.

Marshal Herrod was next called, and stated that he had no knowledge whatever of any intention to lynch the prisoner, and knew nothing of his being hung until morning. He visited the jail on the evening before and saw the prisoner, but everything seemed so quiet and orderly that he went home about eleven o'clock and retired.

James A. Cairns then took the witness stand. He testified that he did not know the prisoner would be hung that night, but to satisfy his curiosity, stayed up with a number of others to see the performance, if it came off at all. He, as all others, recognized none of the maskers.

T. R. Timme, Joseph O'Hare, and John Hudson were put on the witness stand, but were only a few of the many persons who followed the procession as spectators, and their account of the affair was substantially the same as that contained in the COURIER's second edition last week and which appears on the fourth page in this issue.

Geo. Emerson, John Nicholas, J. P. Short, John Riley, and James Bethel were also called as witnesses, but were all enjoying peaceful slumber at the time of the lynching, and were merely at the jail to see the prisoner on the evening before.

The following is the verdict of the Coroner's jury.

"An investigation began at Winfield, in Cowley County, Kansas, on the first day of February, 1883, and continued to February second, before me, H. L. Wells, Coroner of said county, on the body of Charles Cobb, there lying dead, by the jurors whose names are hereunto subscribed. The said jurors, upon their oaths, do say, That the said Charles Cobb came to his death on the morning of February first, 1883, by being hung by the neck from the R. R. bridge of the K. C. L. and S. R. R. across the Walnut River, in Cowley County, Kansas, at the hands of parties unknown to the jury. In testimony whereof the said jurors have hereunto set their hands, this 2nd day of February, 1883. T. R. Bryan, A. E. Baird, James A. Cooper, S. C. Smith, Henry Brown, A. D. Hendricks.

"Attest: H. L. Wells, Coroner."

The following telegram was received from Cobb's father by Coroner Wells in answer to a message informing the father of his son's death.

"VALLEY FALLS, KANSAS, February 2nd, 1883.

"H. L. WELLS, Winfield, Kansas:

"Will you box my son and send him by express to this place? If not, hold him until I come. C. M. COBB."

The remains were placed in a casket and sent to Valley Falls on the Santa Fe train Friday afternoon.

Deputy Taylor informs us that the prisoner was quite talkative while he was being brought down from Wichita, and exceedingly abusive. He said Shenneman was the fifth man he had killed, and he was glad he had killed him. That he expected to get away, and wanted to kill five more men before he died, mentioning Jacobus, the school teacher, Frank Finch, and Taylor as four of them. He seemed to talk in the most cold blooded manner of murder and revenge. When Taylor examined his shackles before taking him from the Wichita jail, he found them cut, and put on two new pairs; but left the old ones on, saying nothing about his discovery. Several times on the road, the prisoner tried to get Taylor to take off the shackles on one pretext and another, but the Deputy kept him heavily ironed just the same. He showed no signs whatever of weakening during all his captivity until he made the confession in the jail on Wednesday evening to Mrs. Shenneman.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Sugar Meeting.
A few leading citizens met Mr. Scoville and Mr. Conklin at the Brettun House Tuesday evening at which samples of the new process sorghum sugar were exhibited, the process explained, the advisability of the establishment of a sugar factory discussed. The samples were very fine and satisfactory and the gentlemen present expressed the fullest confidence in the matter and a belief that a sugar factory here will not only pay largely but be of the greatest value to the farmers of the county and business of the city. The business will be further considered. Samples of the sugar are left at the COURIER office, and a barrel of it will be sent to Wallis & Wallis, grocers of this city.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Frank Finch tells a good joke on M. L. Robinson, and which portrays certain traits in the gentleman's character so clearly that we reproduce it.

Frank and Troup were coming into town, Monday evening, before the meeting. When passing near M. L.'s house they were hailed, and that worthy came rushing up to the buggy, stuck his head under Troup's nose in that confidential manner so peculiarly his own, and said: "We've got 'em on the hip! Now don't be too strong anti-prohibition. We want to go slow. Just keep cool; we've got the resolutions!" He had his resolutions, and he has them yetin his pocket. By the way, how do the anti-prohibition boys, who turned out so nobly at his solicitation, like the way he kicked them overboard and flopped back to the "glorious cause of prohibition, so near to his heart?" His eagle eye must have detected a nickel on the side of prohibition that he hadn't seen when he was negotiating with them.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The new Board of Directors of the Winfield Building & Loan Association, eleven in number, met at the secretary's office Tuesday evening and elected officers for the current year. H. G. Fuller was elected President; D. L. Kretsinger, Vice President; J. E. Platter, Treasurer; and J. F. McMullen, Secretary. The entire board was present. The new series is being rapidly taken.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Wheat today (Wednesday) brings 75 cents for best. Hogs $5.60 to $6.00. Corn 30 cents. Butter brings 20 cents per pound and eggs 25 cents per dozen. Chickens live, 6 to 7 cents per pound; dressed 7 to 8 cents. Potatoes $1.25 per bushel. Apples $1.40.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

A petition numerously signed, has been received from residents of Vernon Township, protesting against the exercise of lynch law in punishing crimes. It will be published next week.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Mr. Gessler is one of our best law-abiding citizens and calls to give us a word of encouragement in the cause of supporting the law, and endorsing Hackney's letter.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The township election in Walnut resulted in the election of T. A. Blanchard over his Democratic competitor for trustee by one majority. D C. Beach was elected clerk.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Dexter Township re-elected S. H. Wells, trustee, giving him 99 out of the 105 votes cast. This was a fitting compliment to an efficient officer.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Council Proceedings.
Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in the chair. Roll called. Present: Council- men Wilson, McMullen, and Gary; absent, Councilman Read.

Minutes of last regular meeting, and of the adjourned meetings of Jan. 16 and 17 were read and approved.

The bill of F. M. Freeland for 75 cents for board furnished city poor, was approved and recommended to the county commissioners for payment.

The following bills were presented and allowed and ordered paid.

A. T. Shenneman, board city prisoners: $1.50.

Frank W. Finch, Assistant Marshal, January: $15.00.

Beach & Denning, rent, Council room: $3.00

City officers' salary, January: $67.00.

Wm. Moore & Sons, well stone: $5.00.

The City Attorney was instructed to inquire into and report upon, by ordinance or other- wise, the question whether those taking out licenses as movers of buildings cannot be protected as such licensees.

On motion Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Good Bargains.
For Sale or Exchange. 120 acre farm, 35 acres, in good cultivation, frame house, 1-1/2 acres orchard, good well, No. 1 land, 5 miles west of Cedarvale, in Cowley County. Price $800.

For Sale or Exchange. 320 acre farm, 80 acres in cultivation, 2 houses and stables, 3 good wells, 3 acres bearing orchard, splendid location for stock farm. Price $1,000, per 1/4 section, or $2,000, for whole tract.

For Sale or Exchange. 2 houses and lots in Winfield. Price $60 & $300 respectively; will exchange for team in partial payment. S. L. GILBERT, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Cheapest Pork in town at Packing House Market.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Back bone, ribs, and tenderloin at Holmes & Son's today.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

A splendid line of cook stoves at Horning & Whitney's.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Best XXXX Flour at $2 per 100 lbs., Blue Front, Udall.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Solid gilt lined black walnut picture frame 60 cents. Red Front.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Scarfs, nubias, hoods, and underwear at Blue Front, Udall.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Cheapest dress goods in Cowley County, at Lightwater's, Udall.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Mince meat choice and nice, 400 lbs. For sale at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

A small choice farm adjoining Winfield, to rent. James Jordan.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

A good extra Cardigan Jacket, only one dollar. Red front Building.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Children's Scarlet Medicated Vests at the Red Front Building.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Brick. For good brick go to Green's brickyard, near Bliss & Wood's mill.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

No. 1 Warranted Cast Steel Saw only one dollar. Red Front Building.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

We have received 2,000 lbs. Choice solid Head Cabbage. A. T. Spotswood & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

500 lbs. Choice new apple butter by the gallon or pound. Just try it; at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Try Canon City nut coal for your Base Burners. Sold by G. B. Shaw & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Three or four good work mares wanted. Inquire of A. H. Green. A. Hollingsworth.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

The Red Front Building known as Strahan's New York Bargain House is the place.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Good business house for rent. Possession given on March 1st. Apply to Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

We have received 300 bushels of good Winter Apples for sale. A. T. Spotswood & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

F. K. Raymond, Court Stenographer, will give instruction in shorthand writing. Resi- dence, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

For rent. Possession is given on March 1st. The property now occupied by Taylor & Taylor on east side Main Street, just South 10th Avenue. This house has three rooms. Rent low. Apply to Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

Skipped statement, County Treasurer, quarter ending Dec. 31, 1882, and School Funds.


Winfield Courier, February 8, 1883.

JOHN H. TOMLIN/WALMER L. WEBB. TOMLIN & WEBB, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS, WINFIELD, KANSAS. We desire to call your attention to the following prices.

SUGARS: Brown, 8-1/2 to 11 pounds for $1.00.

Coffee "A," 8-1/2 pounds for $1.00.

Granulated, 8 pounds for $1.00.

COFFEES: Rio, 3-1/2 to 8 pounds for $1.00.

COFFEES: Java, 3 pounds for $1.00.

TEAS: Dust, per pound, 20 to 25 cents.

TEAS: Japan, per pound: 35 cents to $1.00.

TEAS: Oolong, Gunpowder, and Young Hyson, per pound: 60 cents.

(A present is given with each pound of Tea.)

Pure Vermont Maple Syrup, per gallon: $1.20.

Sorghum, per gallon: 25 to 50 cents.

Best Carolina Rice, per pound: 12-1/2 cents.

Fresh Buckwheat Flour, both ordinary and self-rising.

We carry a Full Line of Dried Fruits, Raisins, Prunes, Prunelles, Currants, Blackberries, etc., while in can goods we have everything that is in the market, viz: Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Preserves, Jellies, Oysters, Salmon, Lobsters, Sardines, and other Fish, etc.

Our Queensware stock is full and complete, and we defy competition in price.

We pay the highest price in cash or goods for country produce.

Remember the placeEarnest's old stand.

Main Street, Winfield, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883. Front Page.

Skipped long article by R. C. Story entitled "Kansas Schools."


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

A Protest.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, Feb. 6, 1883.
To the Editor of the Winfield Courier:

SIR: We, the undersigned residents of Vernon Township, solemnly and sincerely enter our protest against such proceedings as were held in Winfield on the morning of Feb. the 1st, viz.: the hanging of Charles Cobb by a mob. We are in favor of punishing crime, but not in favor of mob law.

E. D. Skinner, Henry Hawkins, W. W. Painter, J. T. Prewitt, J. M. Householder, P. Hill, M. Gesler, L. F. Hess, A. H. Miller, Joseph Astor, J. S. Baker, F. H. Werden, T. Thompson, I. B. Corson, P. B. Lee, J. W. Millspaugh, R. Wellman, M. Nixon, L. E. Gault, M. W. Brown, W. L. Pennington, M. Nicholson. George Wilson, L. Gibson, T. B. Ware, Wm. Carter, H. G. Woolley, J. S. Ward, S. E. Case. W. S. Woolly, J. E. Wooley, W. L. Holmes, E. C. Martin.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Cedar Creek Items.

Geo. Childers will move to Arkansas City.

Larry Guthrie has sold his farm to Mr. Nelson.

Dr. Hart of Cedarvale has skipped, so says rumor.

Lots of newcomers in these parts and more coming.

G. W. Hosmer has rented part of his farm to Mr. Harden, late of Illinois.

Several of the Rock Creek folks started for Oklahoma this week.

Dan Ramey and Mart Wright are both expecting friends from the east.

Frank Shatz has sold his property in Cedarvale to Mr. Legate and is going to Missouri.

Mr. Montgomery, who is feeding cattle on the J. H. Service place, is using up the most of the surplus corn in these parts. He is feeding 250 head, and they are looking fine.

At our primary C. K. Myles was nominated for trustee. By the way, G. W. Bartgis is a candidate for Recorder of Deeds, and if elected, will make a good officer. We think that as this is the first time we have had a candidate out, he will stand a good chance.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.


A Little Rock special says advices from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Nations, Indian Territory, say an unknown and fatal disease is creating great ravages among the horses. They fall dead without warning. There is great alarm among those in the neighborhood owning large herds of horses.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.


Officials at the Indian Bureau assert that Captain Payne's raids upon Oklahoma lands in the Indian Territory have already cost the government $200,000, and this expenditure might have been saved if Congress had adopted the repeated recommendations of the Commission- ers, providing punishment for trespassers upon public lands.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Dick Glass, the noted desperado whom our late Sheriff Shenneman arrested here last fall and who escaped from him when he was being escorted to Fort Smith to be delivered up to the authorities for trial, is still at large and committing murders and depredations in the Territory. He was one of the leaders of the Spiechie party in the late outbreak, and in the amnesty arrangement which followed, he was not included. Now both parties are agreed that he should be killed on sight.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

A dispatch from Muskogee, Indian Territory, says there are strong indications of a renewal of hostilities between the contending bands of Creeks. George Parker has been appointed commander of the Checote faction, and has called in all available men, and, it is said, will attack the consolidated forces of the Spiechies, now camped about fifteen miles from Okmulgee, as soon as the weather is favorable. Both parties are buying all the Winchester rifles and other weapons and ammunition they can obtain, and it looks as though trouble may result.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

We do not believe half of the gentlemen called "monumental frauds" by the COURIER are such. We believe the originators of the petition formed a majority of the number of those who understood the object. Enterprise.

Please notice, Mr. Enterprise, that the COURIER did not call anybody a "monumental fraud." You find that expression only in the headlines, which read as follows: "A MONU- MENTAL FRAUD, WITH AN ATTEMPT TO ESTABLISH GLICKERIES IN WIN- FIELD." Then follows the petition to Hackney. No other construction can be placed upon the words than that we pronounced the petition a monumental fraud, which it really was. But if the term is considered personal, it could mean but one person, for it is used in the singular number, "a monumental fraud." If such construction were placed upon it, no one need hesitate in pointing out the particular person whom the coat would fit.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Chicago Swindlers Failed.
We clip the following relating to our friend, T. S. Green, who lives ten miles up the Walnut, from the Chicago Tribune of the 10th.

At least one Granger has got even with Flemming & Merriam. His name is T. S. Green, and he lives in Udall, Cowley County, Kansas. A few days before the Tribune exposed the methods of these menor these alleged menGreen shipped to them direct twenty car loads of corn, exacting an advance of $100 on each car load, or $2,000 on the lot. Nine car loads had been disposed of before the exposure was made, but the remaining eleven were in storage in Armour, Dole & Co.'s, and Vincent & Co.'s warehouses. After reading the Tribune, the elevator men determined to protect the shipper from the sharks, if possible, and accordingly declined to give the receipts to Flemming & Merriam when they applied for them, on some pretext or another.

Meanwhile they telegraphed to Mr. Goddard, General Freight Agent of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, inquiring who T. S. Green was. Mr. Goddard replied that Green was a responsible farmer. The elevator men were afraid to telegraph to Green direct at first, not knowing him, lest it might transpire that he was merely an agent for Flemming & Merriam. On receipt of Mr. Goddard's telegram they immediately mailed to Green a copy of the Tribune, and he took the first train for Chicago. Yesterday he arrived, and was over-joyed to find that his interests had been protected by men who were utter strangers to him. He brought suit by attachment, and the warehouse receipts were turned over to him. His eleven car-loads of corn had been sold "on the bulge," or for much more than it would bring today, and after figuring up he found that, including the $2,000 advanced before shipment, he was a little ahead on the deal. Farmer Green will return to Southwestern Kansas, on the border of the Indian Territory, with a full purse and a good opinion of Chicago elevators.

Flemming & Merriam were one of those firms lately "set down on" by the Post Office Department as swindlers. They had been in the commission business in Chicago for some years, and had achieved a good reputation in that line. Mr. Green, like many others, shipped his corn to them for sale. The P. O. D. discovered that they, with Kendall & Co., and other firms, had been sending out circulars all over the country inviting men to send them funds with which to operate in grain corners, and that these firms had in this manner received money from various farmers and others all over the country amounting to not less than $200,000, and were simply wholesale swindlers. The Department ordered that no money orders should be paid them and no registered packages delivered to them. This opened the eyes of those who had sent them money or shipped grain to them, and there was a rush to recover. The swindlers skipped out for Canada.

As soon as Mr. T. S. Green got wind of their character, he started for Chicago, with the above result. He expresses the warmest thanks and gratitude to Mr. H. K. Elkins, of the firm of Vincent & Co., St. Louis Elevator, and to the Commission firm of S. H. McCrea & Co., 169 Washington street, Chicago, for their noble, effective, and disinterested assistance ren- dered him, and recommends them as entitled to the highest esteem and confidence of shippers.

We congratulate our friend Green on his energy and success in beating Chicago swindlers.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

TOPEKA, February 13th, 1883.
D. A. MILLINGTON, Esq., Winfield, Kansas.

DEAR SIR: My bill locating the Feeble Minded Institute at Winfield, and appropriating fifty thousand dollars to build necessary buildings, passed the Senate today by a handsome majority. Yours truly, W. P. HACKNEY.

P.S. My bill changing our terms of court passed the House today and awaits the Governor's signature. HACKNEY.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.



Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Wichita Daily Times has ceased to exist.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The new district court bill gives Cowley three terms per year.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Sheriff Gary went east Tuesday morning and brought Colgate in.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Jack Hyden has been very sick for some days, but is now improving.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Jim Rothrock, Seeley's live young merchant, was in the city Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Fifteen days more will stop the wonderful flow of statesmanship at the capital.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Allen B. Lemmon came down from Newton Monday and returned in the afternoon.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Commissioner Walton was in the city Tuesday, on business connected with county affairs.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

M. Hahn returned this week from a two week's visit with friends in Topeka and Junction City.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Mrs. Jacob Seeley and family left this week for Iowa, where they will locate permanently.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Taylor & Taylor will remove March first into the Jillson building, two doors north of their old stand.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Frazee Bros., have opened up a new harness shop in the Smith building on East Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

A. J. Burgaur left for the east this morning. He will visit New York, Philadelphia, and Cincinnati in the interests of the Bee Hive.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Petitions containing over fifteen hundred names were sent to our representatives at Topeka last week praying for railroad legislation.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Read Robinson, the fat and jolly tourist, has been spending a few days visiting relatives here. The boys always have a hearty welcome for Read.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

J. Wade McDonald returned from Colorado last Thursday, bringing with him his family, who have sojourned there for the past six months.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Seeley Choral Society will repeat their entertainment Friday evening. It was well received Saturday evening and is an excellent entertainment.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Mr. J. C. Sample is working Cowley County in the interests of the "Vigilant Insurance Company," being a concern for the insurance of stock and farm animals.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Cal. Ferguson has furnished his livery barn with the best outfit of horses ever gathered together in this city. It is a pleasure for horsemen to look through his barn.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. Geo. S. Gillett, of Udall, Friday. Mr. Gillett is a sturdy defender of free trade, and earnestly opposed to any but a tariff for revenue.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Joe went down and found Mark Greenlee all right and looking very lively and active for a dead man. The rumor of his having frozen to death was without foundation.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The mumps have taken here like an epidemic, and heads as well defined as a Poland China porker are no uncommon thing. Even printers are not exempt, and the COURIER force has its share of the bid head.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Senator Hackney ventured to come down Saturday, without a body-guard. But little excitement prevailed, and he returned Monday. During his stay his office looked like a reception room and was thronged with citizens.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Henry Paris will continue his street sprinkling contract of last year through the coming summer. No one ever did this work so well as Hank, and with better satisfaction to the citi- zens. He never attempts anything that he don't do right.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

We wonder that the Telegram critic who discovered Hackney's "lamentable ignorance," and who is so familiar with Dickens, did not notice the striking similarity of Mayor Troup's "simplicity," in his open letter, and Uriah Heep's "humbleness."

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Dick Glass, the noted desperado, has been captured by the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, and will possibly be held for keeps this time.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Frank Manny came near losing one of his hot-houses Sunday night. Someone had laid a wet coat on one of the flues, and during the night it caught fire. The fire spread to the greenhouse and before it was discovered much damage had been done.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The different departments of J. B. Lynn's store covers more space than any establishment south or west of Topeka. The amount of business done by him during the last six months would make the common country merchants' eyes bug out to contemplate.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Over in Missouri the other day a celluloid comb exploded and tore up a lady's back hair. Things are getting mighty explosive now-a-days. A man exploded in our presence, lately, in such a violent manner that we were unable to account for it. It now seems probable that he had been feeding on celluloid combs.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

During the past week banker Robinson has fretted and fumed and worried himself nearly into a fever over some fancied reference to him in late issues of this paper. He has grown hollow-eyed and haggard, and mopes around seeking to inflict people with the tale of his wrongs. At first he found a few sympathetic listeners, but now they merely smile and wag their heads when he raves. We, together with other friends who never forsake the afflicted, hope to work a thorough reformation before we leave him. In this undertaking we have the best wishes of the whole community.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Col. J. P. Sanford's lecture on "Old Times and New," was highly appreciated by the large audience in attendance Friday evening. Having traveled all over South America, crossed the ocean many times, and visited all places of note upon the Eastern continent, besides taking a trip around the worldin fact, as he expressed it, having "eaten bread in every known country the sun has shone upon"he is eminently qualified for his position, and perhaps, as a lecturer on travels, is without a peer.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Harry Pierce, a fourteen year old son of C. C. Pierce, of Pleasant Valley Township, met with a serious accident last Friday. He was riding a pony, which reared up and fell over a pole with the boy underneath. The boy had the bones in his right arm at and near the elbow joint so broken and splintered that his physicians, Drs. Emerson and Mendenhall, found it necessary to amputate the elbow joint. The operation was performed on Saturday morning.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Tell W. Walton, of the Caldwell Post, and Marion Blair, a jolly cattle man, left their autographs on our table Monday, together with one of the most wretched-looking, ungainly conglomerations of curved lines we have ever seen. The boys said it was a pencil sketch of a range-fed Texas steer. It looked as if it had been subsisting on a cockleburr and barbed wire during the winter, and that the melancholy days of its existence were fast drawing to a close.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Mr. Gailord Davis, a young man living west of town about four miles, became insane last week and is now extremely violent. The first symptoms were noticed last Thursday, when he exhibited intense excitement on religious subjects, and soon became so vicious that it took six men to hold him. He will probably be sent to the asylum. No cause is given for the malady.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Mayor Troup's letter on Senator Hackney is a wonderful document. Withering in sarcasm and running over with scintillating invective, it metaphorically dangles the mangled scalp of our Senator before a horrified public. We understand he wrote it with a stick. What would it have been if he had written it with a steel pen? The thought is too saddening for contemplation.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Last week's COURIER made some unhappy souls hereabouts. One of them came down and stopped his paper, his brother's paper, and his uncle's paper, and from indications we were lead to believe that he would have stopped the whole edition had it been the right time of the moon. Our subscribers will rejoice with us that the publication is still allowed to go on.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Roadmaster Prowell, of the K. C., L. & S., leaves for Washington Territory this week. His family go for a few weeks visit to friends in Fort Scott, after which they will join him there. Mrs. Prowell and her accomplished sister, Miss Amy Scothorn, have borne a prominent part in the social life of our city and will be greatly missed.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

DIED. Father Ives, one of the oldest residents of the county and of Ninnescah Township, died Monday evening. He was in his ninety-fifty year, and was stout and hearty up to ninety. He had been all his life strictly temperate in everything, never using tobacco or liquor in any form.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Wichita Leader has revived after a long silence, and is this time a neat little five column weekly. It is edited by two bright boys, one of whom is George McDonnell, formerly of Winfield, and some years ago an apprentice on the Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Deputy Taylor received a letter from Cobb's father last week in which he requested that his son's pony and gun be turned over to Mrs. Shenneman, to be disposed of as she saw fit. Cobb's mother is said to be very much prostrated.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Another Tragedy and Another Life Gone Out.
DIED. Timothy Hart, a man well known to many of our people, and who was at one time in partnership with J. M. Dever in the bakery business, suicided Monday evening by shooting himself through the heart with a thirty-two calibre revolver. About six months ago he and Mrs. Smith, of Vernon Township, were married. He soon exhibited signs of crankiness and ran his wife's son off the place. This caused a separation and Hart came to town. Monday he told several persons that he was going to kill himself. In the afternoon he went out to his wife's place. On the way out he met several persons and informed them that unless he could make a settlement, he would kill himself. He went to the house, went in and sat down imme- diately in front of his wife. He then asked her if she would give him some shoats for a piece of land he had, and whether, if he went out of the house, she would let him come in again; that he hadn't anything to live for and nothing to live on, and asked if she would give him enough money to buy him a coffin. The woman sat sewing, with her head down, and did not see his movements. Her daughter, Dolly, who was sitting near, saw him draw the pistol, put it to his heart, and fire. He fell over on the floor and died in a few minutes. The Coroner was summoned and a jury empaneled as follows: A. A. Knox, foreman; Wm. Rose, J. M. Jarvis, J. A. Kerr, M. J. Land, J. S. Baker. The verdict was that he came to his death by his own hands. Hart's mind had been unsettled for several years.

Mrs. Hart has had more than the usual amount of trouble in her household. Her first husband was killed by a threshing machine, and now her second husband kills himself.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Colgate Again Arrested While Trying to Get Away.
For some time past Bliss & Wood have been perfecting the papers upon which to again try Colgate. He seemed to have got wind of it and before daylight Monday morning appeared at New Salem station six miles east of town, where he was observed to get on the train. He seemed tired and heated, and his actions were such that a man at once came down and reported the circumstance. The papers were got up, charging him with arson and grand larceny, and the officers at Ottawa were telegraphed to arrest him, which they did. The case is a continuation of the one on which he was tried before, and a grave doubt exists in the minds of several of our lawyers as to whether it can be made to stick or not.

Bliss & Wood are acting as the agents of the insurance company in bringing the prosecutions.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

A Most Important Enterprise for Winfield.
The Missouri Winfield and South Western railroad project has met with encourage- ment and substantial backing far beyond the most sanguine expectation of its projectors. The counties all along the line are taking hold with a will, and wealthy eastern roads which are anxious for southwestern connections are becoming interested. Never yet has a railroad been started in Kansas under more favorable circumstances, and with brighter prospects. It opens a direct way to the coal fields of Missouri, through one of the finest regions of the state, on through Winfield and Geuda to the cattle trade of the Territory and finally will go on through Oklahoma to the Rio Grande River. We expect within eighteen months to hear the whistle of the M. W. & S. W. locomotives, which means a new life and big boom for Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Drama.

The Winfield Library Association will give an amateur dramatic entertainment at the Opera House on the evening of Thursday, March 1st. Some of the best amateur talent in the city will appear and two plays will be enacted. The particulars will be given next week. It is the object of the Library Association to open and keep open a reading room in some conve- nient place on Main Street, and this entertainment is a move in that direction. The ladies of this Association are doing a large amount of gratuitous work to make this institution useful and valuable to our city and everyone should second their efforts and render every assistance they may ask.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Directions to Voters.

It is directed by the Board of Education of the City of Winfield, Kansas, that the territory adjacent to the city, attached for school purposes, be attached to said city for voting purposes as follows, to-wit: That portion of such adjacent territory lying west of a line running north and south with the center of Main Street in said city be attached to the second ward of said city for voting purposes, and that portion of such territory lying east of a line running north and south with the center of Main Street be attached to the first ward of said city for voting purposes.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat today (Wednesday) brings 82 cents per bushel. Corn brings 32 cents per bushel. Hogs bring $6.00 per hundred. The produce market is steady and strong. Eggs bring 20 cents. Butter 20 cents. Butter will probably go down before Saturday as it has already fallen in the east.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

We learn of a very bad case of destitution in the south part of town. A family by the name of Lewis, comprising an old lady who is paralyzed and her husband who is sick, a son, nearly dead with the consumption, and a small granddaughter. They want to get back to Pennsyl- vania, their old home. The Commissioners were applied to for transportation, but refused to furnish it, preferring to keep them in the poor house. Our charitable citizens should look after this case.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Judge Gans was extremely jubilant Wednesday, having made three pair of souls happy, as follows.

MARRIED. T. J. Huff and Margaret A. Irwin.

MARRIED. Geo. C. Marriott, and Delia L. Stone.

MARRIED. J. E. Mulvany and Annie Starbuck.

During the first of the week he issued marriage licenses as follows.

F. W. Beaman and Carrie Coon.

J. C. Harris and Maggie E. Hammill.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Senator Hackney has been overrun with letters and numerously signed petitions thanking him for his stand on the prohibition question. The people are with him in his stand for law and order as against hypocrisy and Shylocks.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

There was an ice gorge in the Walnut Wednesday, just above the mill. The river rose five feet in about fifteen minutes when the gorge moved out. The river is rising rapidly.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Miss Alice Dunham, cousin of the writer, returned to her home in Lincoln, Nebraska, Wednesday afternoon, having spent the past year in this city with relatives.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

High water is worrying the railroad companies. A bridge near Harper is gone and the bridge across the Arkansas at Oxford is in a dangerous condition.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Mrs. Millington returned yesterday from Newton, where she had been staying for two weeks on account of the illness of her daughter, Mrs. Lemmon.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Township Elections.

The following township officers were declared elected by the Board of Commissioners at their canvass of the vote on Tuesday.

BEAVER: S. D. Jones, trustee; J. H. Watts, clerk; E. F. Wright, treasurer; J. D. Hammond, J. P.; constables W. C. Spruens and W. McCulloch.

BOLTON: P. A. Lorry, trustee; C. Cipher, clerk; A. J. Kimmel, treasurer; A. J. Gilbert, J. P.; Al Ramsey and J. W. Fagan, constables.

CEDAR: D. Beard, trustee; R. E. Howe, clerk; Jacob Smith, treasurer; W. Rutherford and Jacob Shipman, J. P.'s; Wm. Morgan and E. E. Moore, constables.

CRESWELL: J. B. Nipp, trustee; W. D. Morey, clerk; W. M. Sleeth, treasurer; G. H. McIntire and J. J. Breene, constables.

DEXTER: S. H. Wells, trustee; C. W. Barnes, clerk; C. A. Walker, treasurer; R. J. Gilbert, J. P.; Joseph Church and Thomas Blakely, constables.

FAIRVIEW: R. B. Corson, trustee; Wm. White, clerk; J. H. Curfman, treasurer; M. C. Headrick, J. P.; Abijah Howard and N. E. Darling, constables.

HARVEY: E. Holmes, trustee; H. Glaves, clerk; W. F. Hall, treasurer; W. Smith and

A. M. Moon, J. P's.; G. W. Wingert and S. D. Moon, constables.

LIBERTY: J. A. Cochran, trustee; J. E. Grow, clerk; G. W. Stover, treasurer; W. S. Castor and J. D. Mounts, constables.

MAPLE: Jos. Graham, trustee; A. J. Walch, clerk; C. M. McKinney, treasurer; E. J. Cole, J. P.; J. B. Norman and W. E. Smith, constables.

NINNESCAH: Wm. Sensenney, trustee; J. Craven, clerk; G. S. Cole, treasurer; A. A. Jackson and W. B. Norman, J. P.'s; J. A. Copple and M. June, constables.

OMNIA: D. S. Cogswell, trustee; J. H. Morgan, clerk; J. A. Mitchell, treasurer; E. Harmon, J. P.; J. C. Stratton and J. Gregory, constables.

OTTER: C. R. Myles, trustee; J. W. Aley, clerk; G. W. Bartgis, treasurer; W. H. H. Rathbun, J. P.; W. Nash and J. P. Hosmer, constables.

PLEASANT VALLEY: Ludolphus Holcomb, trustee; Frank A. Chapin, clerk; Daniel Gramm, treasurer; D. S. Sherrard, J. P.; S. Miller and A. Post, constables.

RICHLAND: H. J. Sandfort, trustee; C. H. [?U.?] Bing, clerk; J. R. Cottingham, treasurer; D. C. Stephens and A. D. Kennedy, J. P.'s; S. J. Holloway and A. O. Welfelt, constables.

ROCK: S. Williams, trustee; A. W. Railsbeck, clerk; G. L. Gale, treasurer; Reuben Boothe and M. N. Martindale, J. P.'s; A. B. Tuggle and J. C. Martindale, constables.

SHERIDAN: B. Shriver, trustee; W. H. Funk, clerk; J. C. Partridge, treasurer; A. J. Crumb, J. P.; J. C. Lawrence and C. Hall, constables.

SILVER CREEK: J. M. Hooker, trustee; J. R. Tate, clerk; Johnson Chandler, treasurer; Ed. Pate and Clark Walker, constables.

SILVER DALE: I. D. Harkleroad, trustee; John Algeo, clerk; P. F. Haines, treasurer; R. C. Smith, J. P.; Geo. B. Pratt and Wm. Probasco, constables.


SPRING CREEK: Geo. Easton, trustee; Robt. Haines, clerk; Albert Gritkey, treasurer; Samuel Thompson, J. P.; Robt. Shinn and Frank Schofield, constables.

TISDALE: Hugh McKibben, trustee; J. W. Conrad, clerk; Alex. Cairns, treasurer; E. P. Young, J. P.; W. L. Holmes and Scott Wooley, constables.

VERNON: E. D. Skinner, trustee; P. B. Lee, clerk; Thos. Thompson, treasurer; H. H. Martin, J. P.; W. L. Holmes and Scott Wooley, constables.

WALNUT: T. A. Blanchard, trustee; D. C. Beach, clerk; Joel Mack, treasurer; J. L. King, J. P.; J. Mentch and J. C. Montfort, constables.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Valley View Items.

Wheat looks badly.

The care of stock and keeping up good fires seems to be the principal occupation this cold winter.

Mrs. S. D. Smith received serious injury by falling a few days since, which it is feared will confine her to the bed for a number of days. Her Sabbath school class will greatly miss their teacher until she is able to meet them again.

A number of young people have been giving themselves special training, and on Thursday evening (Feb. 15th) will give a public entertainment in our schoolhouse. The drama "Bread on the Waters," with songs and other exercises will be given. To those who will be fortunate in getting into the crowded house, it will be an evening pleasantly spent.

While we are not uninterested spectators of Winfield's agitation, we hope prohibition will not suffer for want of charity on the part of its friends. We cannot believe that the good sense of the masses are in favor of either free or licensed saloons to infuriate our sons to madness and drag them down to drunkard's graves. With all of the evidence before our eyes, are we willing to re-open this traffic and fill our jails with criminals and our poor houses with paupers? No, no! This cannot be. Our young men are most certainly worth saving. Do not let us lead them into temptation.

This is a wide-awake, moral community, so much enjoyed by its people and eagerly sought by those seeking homes. The school is held eight months in the year. Mr. Wm. Staggers, late of Illinois, is the successful teacher. Then we have a Sabbath school every Sabbath afternoon that does not burn out during the summer or freeze out during the winter; besides having excellent officers and teachers and full supply of bibles and testaments. It has a good organ and scholars that know how to use it. During the winter months, one of the chief attractions and a source of much social enjoyment and mental improvement, is the lyceum which is held each Thursday evening. The aged and young together make these occasions of much interest and a source of great improvement on the part of the young. Here the young learners display their talent on the organ, the young Demosthenes in declamation; and the young men learn to preside with dignity and intelligence. The latter attainment, which is of great importance, can only be acquired by practice, and it is the opinion of the writer, that a greater number of young men are profiting by these opportunities in the rural districts than from an equal population in towns and cities. Ye farmer boys, be not discour- aged. In our own country more great and good men have come from the country than cities. At the last lyceum the following question was discussed: "Is Conscience a True Guide to Conduct?" As leaders, Wm. Staggers affirmed and J. F. Martin took the negative. A number of persons participated. . . . M.

Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

Skipped long poem, "Reflections," written by Mrs. R. D. Jillson.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.
Mr. Avis is better, so I hear.

Look out for valentines, girls.

Mr. Chappell has threshed his millet.

What glorious weather, bright sunshine and blue sky "trimmed" with cloudy, foamy white.

A brother of Mrs. W. C. Douglass has come to Salem to stay. He arrived on the Sunday evening train.

Mr. Earnest Johnson recently hauled a load of hay to Winfield that weighed two tons and seventy pounds. Pretty good for one team.

Miss Etna Dalgarn is in the city helping nurse her "measley" brother. We hope he may soon recover from that disease that is so very severe sometimes.

There is to be a little social party at Mrs. J. J. Johnson's tonight (Friday) and I have to send regrets for I cannot go. I know those that attend will be entertained in an excellent manner.

Mr. Miller and wife took a trip to Cambridge not long since, looking for a suitable place to summer his sheep. We do not like to lose good neighbors. They have not yet decided where they will go.

Mr. Baker Jr. has been around in Salem with the petition, asking our men to sign it, praying our Legislature to reduce the R. R. fare to 3 cents per mile. Hope it will be done.

Mr. Pixley is suffering with the fever but it is not dangerous. It is of the "Oklaho" type. Several others are just as bad, and some since they heard the soldiers would drive them out are better or may be considered convalescent.

Mr. Wesley McEwen and wife are home from their bridal tour in Iowa and will settle down to housekeeping right away. They experienced some very cold weather while there as the thermometer chronicled 40 degrees below zero. Mrs. McEwen brings tidings of our old time neighbors and friends, the Parker family. We rejoice to hear they are well and doing well.

Plenty of people attended the Prairie Home meetings, and quite an interest was mani- fested, but the last week was so bad I did not learn how they closed. Some of the neighbors in that vicinity are suffering with the mumps. Mrs. J. W. and Mr. W. B. Hoyland are victims to them at present and sometimes their sufferings are intense. They "contracted" them at meeting.

With many regrets that he could no longer stay, Mr. E. T. Vance left for home on Thursday last; will go via Iowa, and anticipates a fine time there. He seemed charmed with Salem and its inhabitants and intends to come back in the not far-distant future. The boys gave an oyster supper in his honor at the home of Mr. G. D. Vance, and all seemed to enjoy themselves and were perfectly delighted over the excellent way the delicious bi-valves were served. There were different kinds of cake and other goodies to make the supper complete.

Quite a number of us, armed with oyster, crackers, and cake, sailed into the cozy home of Mrs. Wolf and her family one evening last week as a farewell party to Mr. Vance. They had been informed of it by some "little bird," and the light streamed forth from several rooms and inside was warmth and a hearty welcome to us all. The time passed with music, joke, and song until the evening was far spent. But the extension table was brought forth and the odor of various savory viands greeted our nasal appendages and the table fairly groaned beneath the weight of nic-nacsand perhaps some of us were ditto after supper. OLIVIA.


Winfield Courier, February 15, 1883.


"For the purpose of paying teachers' wages and improving and repairing school buildings, the laying of sidewalks and improvement of school furniture. . . ."

Election 1st ward: to be held in a building situated on Lot No. 19, in Block No. 129, in said ward. J. C. Fuller, George Emerson, and G. H. Buckman to be judges; John M. Reed and H. E. Silliman to act as clerks.

Election 2nd ward: to be held in a building situated on the rear end of Lot No. 1, in Block No. 109, in said ward. B. F. Wood, A. H. Doane, and T. H. Seward to be judges; L. D. Zenor and J. H. Vance to act as clerks.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The Taking Off of Cobb.
VERNON TOWNSHIP, February 14, 1883.

I have been waiting in vain for the papers of Winfield to endorse or condemn the hanging of young Cobb, several days ago. If it was right, why don't the press, the pulpit, and the people endorse it? Why don't the actors unmask in the presence of a grateful people? Why depend upon civil law to repress other mobs and punish criminals? Why not let these good men capture as well as hang their own prisoners? Why have we civil officers sworn to resist these right-doers? Why want these good men to imperil their lives, as they would have done had A. T. Shenneman commanded the fort that night? In a word, why all this clashing of rights, compelling these good men to kill a good officer (as they seemed ready to do) that they might kill a bad man who had killed another good officer?

On the other hand, if it was wrong, why did not the press, the pulpit, and the good people cry out boldly against it, before and after its commission, to prevent it and its repetition? Why did not your city and State officers arrest and punish all disturbers of the peace, and all inciters to mob violence if it took all the officers, good people, and militia of the State to do it? Why did the preacher barely wash his hands of this crime, and not improve the grandest opportunity, perhaps, of his life to do a lasting good? Why did he not tell them truthfully but kindly, before the deed was done, that the laws of God, of this and all civilized countries, would condemn such an act as cold, revengeful murder? [He did. ED.] That the pitiful cry of that poor, doomed, God-forsaken wretch would ring in their ears through life? That a life of penitence could not repair the wrong they were about? That "Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord?" That the sevenfold vengeance of the slayers of Cain would await them now and hence? That the spirit that animates the mob has no kinship with Deity, and that the tribute paid to the memory of the noble dead was a rebuke to the spirit of the mob?

I should like to know, further, why Cobb was brought to Winfield the second time, after he was known to be the Jefferson County criminal, when he had to be taken away for safety before that fact was known? And why brought the third time when he had to be taken away the second? Why did not the officers of the law show themselves worthy the dead chieftain by protecting his prisoner as he would have done? If they were unable to do so themselves, why did they not invoke "the powers that be" to help them? Could it be that they wanted Cobb killed because he wanted to kill them? Or could it be that Cobb should want to kill them because he saw that in their hands he was doomed? Don't it look strange that Cobb should want to kill them for saving him? Stranger still that he should ask the man to unbind him whom he told he wanted to kill? Was Cobb insane? What means that paternal letter setting forth strange paternal feelings? Did young Cobb inherit his vicious nature? What means many other stories afloat that would seem to extenuate the act of this mob? If it was right, does it need any bolstering? If wrong, who can bolster it?

I put the foregoing in the interrogatory style for two reasons: First, it is the shortest way of stating my convictions; second, it is the best way to get the facts I want. I write this in no spirit of ill-will toward anyone, and with a view to the future instead of the past. Personally, I am glad that Cobb is dead, but deplore the way he was killed. I hold this act up to the scorn of all good people, with no malice toward those who did it. Possibly some of them are my friends. I know that some, who were carried away by the excitement of Shenneman's sad fate, are such. It is time, I think that all good people passed a final judgment upon this question. I did so many years ago. With my notion of right I could not under any circum- stances, in the presence of civil law, countenance, encourage, or engage in a mob. I conceive it to be the duty of a good citizen to help to resist one when called to do so by an officer. Even a life lost in such a cause would not be sacrificed in vain. It is useless to say that all men who sanction or engage in mob violence are cowards and bad men. This is not true. One must have deep settled convictions, indeed, to withstand the impulse to avenge the death of a good man, a faithful officer, and a true friend, like A. T. Shenneman. I would not, for one moment, deny my own feelings in this case. I wish every man, woman, and child was anchored to the Rock in this matter. Our laws are, in the main, the reflex of the sober sense of the people. We mould them ourselves. No excitement should carry one beyond his cool convictions of right. The law that stands for protection when none assail, but fails to protect when assailed, is a fraud. Every violation of a law impairs the force and usefulness of all law. Hence I conclude that the highest duty of a citizen is to stand up boldly for the majesty of all laws at all times and under all circumstances. If wrong, who will correct me? J. B. EVANS.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

More About California.
WINFIELD, February 14, 1883.
Upon reviewing the communications I have sent from time to time for the perusal of the readers of the COURIER, I find that very many interesting occurrences and observation have been omitted. In fact, I forgot what I had told and what I had not.

Before I proceed, I cannot fail to remark that this lovely spring morning, with its breath of balmy sweetness, produces an exhilarating sensation, such as can never be felt in Cali- fornia, from the fact that they never have such mornings. I mean in the part of the State where they boast of a fine climate. Indeed, it would have been worth a mint of gold if this rainfall could have descended upon their wheat fields and orange orchards. Up to the time I left Los Angeles Johnston, there was a general expression of fear lest the rain, so long expected, would fall upon more devoted heads. Grape vineyards and orange groves depend entirely upon irrigation, and when the supply is short from want of their annual rains, every ranch is put on an allowance of a certain number of inches, according to his acres, that all may fare equally; so, you see, art supplies as grudgingly as nature, and is quite as unrelish- able. Many streams and rivers have been drained of every drop of water through irrigating ditches, and the probability is very reasonable that unless some method is adopted to bring water from the earth in shape of Artesian wells, it will not be many years before the products of such huge dimensions will wither and die under the arid rays of the perpetual sunlight. This is their orange harvest, and, without doubt, it is the handsomest sight that the eye ever rested upon. Riding, as I did, for seventy-five miles over smooth roads, either side of which was lined with trees loaded with the golden fruitin many cases bowed with the heaviness until they lay upon the ground, and almost hiding the dark, glossy, rich foliagemore beau- tiful than words can explain, and one must be indeed most unappreciative if they failed to admire and exclaim, "When this golden fruit is turned into golden dollars, then will my acme of hope be realized, and I can take a trip to the land and home of my birth, where the loved ones await me, and where I can die under the reign (rain) of a happy childhood!"

The immensity of the vineyards all through Los Angeles Johnston, and it is over 200 miles from north to south, impresses a prohibitionist of the enormity of the traffic in wine alone; and a visit to the cellar of Wm. Konig at Anaheim, where 36,000 gallons stare you in the face, at all ages, from ten years to the juice of the last yield in 1882, makes you feel that to diminish his stock by bringing away even a half pint of his best, was one less drinkto the wine-bibber. I am no judge of wine. I don't know, by the taste, California wine from Winfield wine. The former, I am told, is made of the Mission grape; the latter is supposed to be the dregs of everything. California can never carry a temperance face, and it is no wonder saloons prosper by the millions, so long as the agricultural pursuit tends so strongly to raising the Mission grape. A vineyard of hundreds of acres, with the fruit spread upon boards three feet square, already assuming the color of raisins, is a handsome sight. The most extensive production, however, of this grape (Muscat Alexandria) is in the Napa and Sonoma valleys. So far as my likes and dislikes were considered, Los Angeles Johnston is the garden of California, although there had not been sufficient rain up to the 20th of January to grow a blade of grass; but the people generally took more pride in beautifying their homes, and altogether were more like the citizens of the East. The flowers, which "bud and bloom" the year around, afford very little satisfaction, as they are so covered with dust that both beauty and odor are a libel on God's works, and not half as attractive as when seen through the window of a conservatory. If we could be transported instantaneously from here to there and back at our will, it would be very agreeable, but as a fixture, from choice I prefer Southern Kansas, with all her cyclones and grasshoppersfor such is her reputation in California.

I enjoyed to the fullest extent every inch of my tour, from the day I left Winfield until I stepped into it again. My journey of a night from Santa Barbary to Ventura by stage, a distance of fourteen miles, which took seven and a half hours to perform, this on washed out roads, now on the ocean beach, now on a side hill, now the driver off hunting the road, shut up with a Chinaman and Spaniard, you may think was something but enjoyable. When we at last arrived at that end of the route, chilled and tired at 1:30 at night, with no fire but in the billiard-room, around which, later, sat two stage drivers, one stage agent, the Spaniard (drunk), who had taken two drinks at the bar to prevent taking cold; the bar-tender, and the landlord. All but the Spaniard could talk straight, although the entire atmosphere was impregnated with the perfume of whiskeydrank and not drank. Miss Sue Hunt and myself, I assure you, thought it was something to remember in our travels, especially as when we left at four in the morning, Wagner, the landlord at the Palace Hotel, wrapped us up well in a double blanket, with instructions to the driver to bring it back the next day. At 6 p.m., we struck the S. P. R. R., just in time to see the express train pull out. So there was no hope for us but to put up for the night, and take the morning train for Los Angelespronounced in Spanish Lo-san-ka-les.

The many funny adventures we had in different places would be more laughable if told verbally than if put upon paper, so when opportunity presents, I will tell you. And right here let me say, that everybody is invited to come and see the variety of specimens and the stereo- scopic views I have from nearly every place I visited.

Probably no State in America is represented by people from everywhere as is California. Whichever way I turned I met someone who knew those whom I did. If on land or water, the first question was, "Where are you from?" Travelers generally have a good time; all are sociable and strive to make the best of their journey, while steamboat captains and hotel proprietors are too polite for anything. At San Francisco alone, the men are extremely uncivilunless they are going to make a few dollars.

There are several pleasantly located little towns from San Francisco in all directions, but the want of heavenly moisture prevents displaying them to good advantage. A stay of two months in the Golden Gate City gave me ample time to visit all places of interest, and see the sights. One day we would take a street car to the North Beach, where warm salt-water baths were served up for twenty-five cents; another, out to the Precedio, at the fort; and beer gardens, inside of which they gave a clam chowder for ten cents, in hopes you would buy lots of beer and whiskey. Then, there was the Cliff House, a fashionable drive for Sunday; fine roads, through Golden Gate Park, at both ends of which it was the custom to liquor up and drive fast. The Cliff House is a modest structure, with balconies all around, overlooking the ocean, and but a few yards out are the Famous Rocks, where the sea lions can always be seen in large quantities sunning themselves and roaring above the tumult of the breakers. The Farallone Islands are forty miles out in the sea, and in summer time parties go in search of Gull's eggs, which are laid in crevices of the rocks in quantities. They are shipped by the cargo, being so large, and are quite as palatable as a goose egg. Here the sea lions are so huge in dimensions, and in such vast numbers, that they often show fight, and it is never safe to go bathing around the Island. At Prescadero Beach, south of the city about 53 miles, are found very handsome pebblesas handsome as many which are set in jewelry. The Geysers is of too strange a formation to be passed by; no route would bring you in its way. The trip there is one on purpose to see a canon altogether not larger than one block, as laid out in a city, with boiling water hissing like a locomotive from every crack and crevice of the rocks. Springs seem to boil up under your feet, and you feel as though you dare not stand still a second for fear of sinking into a seething cauldron. No tourist should miss the Geysers. It is a mystery what ever left such a place.

Lone Mountain Cemetery, the Industrial School, House of Correction, Alms House, prison at San Quintin, Oakland, Berkeley, Alameda, all are interesting. The Yosemite alone remained unvisited. Not until June will the snow be thawed to admit of running the stages again, which were hauled off in October. Another trip to accomplish that omission will be imperative at some future time. MRS. H. P. MANSFIELD.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Rock Items.

ROCK TOWNSHIP, Feb. 16th, 1883.

Muddy. School 2 weeks longer. Plenty of ducks on the river.

BIRTH. Bob Bailey is happy once morea boy.

Ab. Holmes has returned from Arkansas.

Everybody either has a bad cold or is just getting over one.

Mrs. S. D. Williams has returned from a visit to Lawrence.

Marion Harcourt is delivering his wheat in Douglass at 80 cents per bushel.

Stock suffered greatly during the past cold spell, but we haven't heard of many dying.

Frank Dawson left for Colorado last week, where he has a good position offered in a coal office.

The Teachers' Association at Darien last Saturday was a failure on account of the rainy day.

Prof. Shoemaker, principal of the Douglass schools, visited with Gene Wilbur over Sunday.

Mr. McKinley moves onto the Wilkie farm and a young man from Illinois takes the farm he has been on.

Election passed off very quietly. Nobody wanting office, truly the office sought the man in this case.

Said Dawson went to housekeeping Monday. He has rented the farm occupied the past year by Mr. Pratt.

Quinton Thompson has bought the 1/4 section just east of him, belonging to Scott, of Illinois. Price paid, $2,400 cash.

If you are a lover of fine sheep, just stop east of here, at John Stalter's. He has one of the best sheep ranches in Kansas.

Gene Wilbur has some four or five hundred fat wethersand they are fatwhich will be on the market now in a short time.

Pedagogues are gradually preparing to lay off until fall for repairs, and attend to putting their money out at interest, and collect overdue notes.

Mr. Hollingsworth, living for the past year on J. B. Holmes' farm, will move 4 miles east, and James Rodgers and brother will take his place for the coming year.

Mack Strong, son of S. P. Strong, has returned home after a winter's sojourn in Indianapolis. He has been attending a medical institute, for the benefit of his hearing, and comes back some improved.

Considerable R. R. excitement before the past cold spell, over the proposed continuance of the Douglass branch of the Santa Fe, but alas! The biting cold has frozen excitement out of all animate and inanimate objects and we hear no more about it. JIM.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


The story is current that the leasing of the Mutual Union by the Western Union enabled Mr. Gould to unload 60,000 shares of Western Union stock on friends of the Mutual Union, who expected a rise in the stock on the announcement of the lease. The stock "rose" the wrong way.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


His allusion to my approaching county attorney Jennings is but a tissue of falsehood and distortion. . . . . We asked him (Jennings) what he would do in case the council as talked granted license to sell soda water, pop, and other drinks as done in Wichita and other towns.

M. L. Robinson in the Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


Last week Wednesday the House carried Hon. C. R. Mitchell's motion to reject the joint resolution re-submitting the prohibitory amendment by a vote of 65 to 51. In the roll call we find the names of Mitchell and Weimer for rejection and Johnston against rejection. What do the prohibitionists who voted for J. J. Johnston think of that?


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

J. H. Hall, of Tisdale Township, is one of those farmers who do not get scared before they are hurt. He says he does not believe the wheat is killed or badly hurt to any extent, that the wheat, particularly the late sowed, is mostly killed down to the ground but the roots are all right and an excellent crop may be expected.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The Commonwealth's tow-line failed to pull that re-submission of the prohibitory amendment joint resolution through the House. That tremendous effort of correspondence with antis all over the state to prove that there were 609 saloons in the state of which five were in Cowley County all went for naught. Try something easier next time.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

How the "Courier" was to be Squelched.
"Oh, that Mine Enemy Would Write a Book!"
M. L. Robinson has another defense in an article in the Telegram of last week. We are glad he has got mad enough to write over his own signature instead of skulking behind an assumed name. When he goes around and pleasantly persuades men to agree with him he is a success, but when he gets howling mad and rants, and when he writes a newspaper article and vituperates, he is an utter failure, and hurts himself more than anyone else.

He defends himself by calling us such names as "whited sepulchre," "vile wretch," "enemy to truth," "senseless old idiot," "old bag of wind," "dog," "falsifier," "base," "treacherous," "dastardly," "animus," "apostle of temperance," "stole the livery of heaven," etc., and says he "could write volumes of such stuff," which he calls "red-hot coals."

He remarks that, as he is "opposed to mobs," he "will let the law (of morals and decency) take its course."

Ah! Was that his little game? Had he tried to get up a mob to "squelch" us and the COURIER, and failed? When he found not more than two or three, if any, who would like to have it done and they as cowardly as himself, did he then conclude to announce that he would not mob us? How kind!

But he "will let the law take its course." That beautiful threat has a hole to crawl out of in the parenthesis, "of morals and decency." Well, as we are very careful to make no charges until we have the proofs at hand, we do not fear the law. Were he on the bench, we might fear being hauled up and fined two hundred or two thousand dollars for contempt, but that danger is spared us.

We have had many dark hints about some terrible punishment for opposing and exposing his jobs, frauds, and schemes, but could not discover exactly how we were to be "squelched." We had hints that he had such tremendous power and influence everywhere that he would turn us out of the post office, take the county printing from us; the city printing, too; induce our subscribers to dessert us; induce businessmen to withdraw their advertising and their job work; create a tremendous public sentiment against us; start a rival newspaper; "write volumes of such stuff," etc. Some of these things would hurt; but the fear of them would not excuse us for sitting on a shelf, "like a Stoughton bottle," and letting him draw two hundred thousand dollars out of the taxpayers of the city, and establish saloons in the city, without a protest or an attempt to expose his jobs.

Then we had some doubts of his power to do all these things. He has certainly demon- strated his ability to take away from the COURIER one advertisement and three subscrip- tions, and his ability "to write volumes of such stuff;" and we do not doubt his ability and disposition to turn the screws and squeeze hard some of his customers with matured notes or overdrafts due his bank, unless they should do his bidding. Of course, he can hurt us in many ways; but we shall continue to do our duty by our readers and the community, all the same.

We don't believe he can "squelch" us with a mob, or stir up popular indignation against us; and we don't believe that, when he "writes volumes of such stuff," it will hurt us as much as it will him. He may go on with the "volumes" under the assurance that we shall never descend so low as to write any "such stuff" in reply.

The COURIER has often been criticized because it did not "pitch in" and "make it hot" for such men. Our excuse is that we have always had a horror of doing any man an injustice, and preferred that ten guilty men should escape than that one innocent man should suffer injustice at our hands.

Now, supposing that M. L. has told the truth about us, we do not see how it proves any- thing in his defense. Does it prove that the rumors of fraud which come from Missouri are false? Does it prove that he did not make money out of that sale of stock and purchase of bonds of this county when he was the trusted agent of the county? Does it prove that he did not get up and work through a scheme to make one or two hundred thousand dollars off from the taxpayers of this city? Does it prove that the franchise he asked was almost valueless, as he asserted and spent hours and days to prove to the council and citizens? Does it prove that the present franchise, of not half of the value of the first proposed, is not claimed by him to be worth one hundred and fifty thousand dollars? Does it prove that he did not get up a scheme to establish saloons in Winfield, that the license money might enrich his pockets? Does it prove that he would not sell his best friend for a dollar, if he could make more out of him in some other way? Does it prove that he is worthy of any confidence or trust? Does it prove anything to his advantage? We think not.

He accuses us of having objected to his name prominently on a card, and of saying that M. L. Robinson is getting too much strength, and must be kept down. No such thing ever occurred in our presence. We have used no such language; but since he gives us the hint we will say it now, and add that it is dangerous to trust such a grasping unprincipled man with anything that he can sell, or by any scheme turn to money for himself.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883. Editorial.

On another page we give a communication from Mr. Evans of Vernon, because it is well written and forcibly put, and contains a strong plea against violence and in favor of none but legal measures in dealing with criminals, which we heartily endorse. But at the same time many of its incisive questions tend to do injustice to some officers, clergymen, and other citizens. We have no more knowledge that he worked and talked to prevent the threatened hanging than he seems to have of such efforts on the part of officers, clergymen, and other citizens, yet we know that there was a great deal of such work and talking done by several though the act was very generally approved.

He seems to take it for granted that all the street rumors and stories favoring the prisoner were true and all those against him were false. There were a great many things said, no doubt, which had little or no foundation in fact.

The overwhelming public sentiment which demanded summary work, was not confined to Cowley County, but was nearly equally strong in adjoining counties and general through- out the state, compelling the officers to keep dodging about with the prisoner, to let him loose, or to jail him in Winfield. After the mob spirit had apparently subsided and all had been quiet for two days, they quietly confined him in the jail and watched him there. In all that long night there was not the slightest indication of a mob or any excitement. The streets were still and the opinion that no further effort to mob the prisoner would occur, seemed justified. It was not a mob which did the work. It was a band of thirteen masked men, perfectly organized under a thorough and skillful leader, and the work was done in the most quiet and perfect manner possible. If ever a work of the kind was done decently and in order, this was the time.

Again; it is not at all certain that any Cowley County man was in the gang of thirteen. We know of no person in this county who has the experience and skill shown by its leader. There is not the slightest evidence which points to any Cowley County man as in any way mixed up with the matter. Yet it cannot be denied that the overwhelming sentiment of the county, though earnestly opposed to mob law, justifies this taking off. Nor can it be denied that such is the sentiment of the state and the country generally. However bad that sentiment may be, it has grown out of the necessities of the case. Here was a young man seemingly destitute of conscience or human feeling; his brute nature corrupted by reading the exploits of desper- adoes; his whole ambition to rival Jesse James. He had started out on a mission of killing, had been successful in two cases, or five as was believed, the last of whom was the noble, respected, and accomplished sheriff of this county. It was believed that he was determined to kill several persons who had helped in his capture if he ever got loose; and his chances to get away during the course of law seemed as nine to one, from desperate attempts, insecure jails, the delays and quibbles of the law and various other means, against whom the public indignation was justly aroused to its highest pitch, and it was not strange that the public desired sure protection against him.

Then it will be remembered that but recently Dick Glass, the infamous murderer and outlaw, had escaped from this best of sheriffs; that Van Meter whom Shenneman had arrested at the risk of his life, a shot from the prisoner's revolver barely missing him, the proof of whose crime was perfect on his trial beyond a reasonable doubt, and yet he was acquitted by a jury; that Colgate was acquitted when from the evidence none doubted his guilt, and is it a wonder that the people desired some better security in the Cobb case than the legal course?

Moralize as we may, there is deep in the undercurrent of our natures a sentiment which asserts that a man has a right to protect himself and family even to the taking of life; that the community has a right to protect its members to the same extent, and that when the state has repeatedly failed to prevent known and hardened criminals when once in its hands, from repeating their murders and outrages, utterly failing in such cases to secure the citizens against them, the community will assert this right and it cannot be helped.

No more law abiding community than this can be found anywhere. Though cases have arisen in which the criminal would have been mobbed, even in staid old Massachusetts under similar circumstances, yet never before have the people attempted to take the law into their own hands.

Now while we agree with Mr. Evans in relation to the demoralizing effects of such performances in a community and the importance of a strict adherence to legal processes in such cases, we have no denunciations to make in this case.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The star route trials have just received a new and startling impetus and interest. One of the conspirators, Rerdell, has withdrawn his plea of not guilty, entered the plea of guilty, thrown himself on the mercies of the court, and offered to testify. He has been on the stand as a witness for several days and has exposed the whole workings of the vilest conspiracy to defraud the government. His testimony is voluminous and gives a minute history of the workings of the conspiracy with books, letters, and other corroborative evidence. Neither salt peter, brimstone, or Bob Ingersoll will be able to save Brady, Dorey, and other conspirators now. It is reported that Miner has wilted and wants to testify.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The senate railroad bill passed the senate by a unanimous vote, but seven or eight senators explained their votes mainly to the effect that the bill was not stringent enough, but was much better than no legislation. When the House bill came in, the senate amended by striking out all after the title and inserting the senate bill, and passed it. . . .


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

We copy the following from the Wichita Leader, the paper edited by two boys, one of them, young McDonald, from Winfield. It has recently revived and starts out with the right ring. [Article about saloons in Wichita. Paper took temperance stance.]


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Article shows the Seven Districts within the Congressional Apportionment bill which passed by the House. It is open to the same objections as the bill passed by the Senate a few days ago, but afterwards reconsidered.

THIRD DISTRICT: Counties of Crawfords, Cherokee, Neosho, Labette, Wilson, Montgomery, Elk, Chautauqua, and Cowley.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

We would call the attention of the voters of this school district to the approaching election of Wednesday the 28th inst., to vote on the proposition for issuing $5,000 bonds of this school district to pay the district indebtedness; the bonds to run two, three, four, five, and six years. There are now about $5,000 of District scrip out drawing seven percent. It can be funded at six percent, and besides, the holders of the scrip will get their money at once. This indebtedness has accrued in several years past for balance of teachers' wages, the heating apparatus and furniture in the schoolhouses and other improvements. The board are keeping the running expenses below the eight mill tax but this old debt is a drawback. By funding the debt and paying it by a yearly tax of two mills a year, which will pay it off in five years, the difficulty will be easily settled. We advise our electors to vote for the bonds.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Seventeen members of the House filed their protest against the passage of the House railroad bill. Gave 8 different reasons why bill wrong!

House refused an amendment providing a classification of roads and fixing rates for each class separately; thus compelling weak roads to carry for the same rates as those which have the largest traffic, etc. Felt great railroad monopolies would control everything. They could fix their own rates, forcing out weak railroads. Also seemed to think that counties on the main trunk lines would screw those counties not so fortunately situated, etc.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

1. Los Angeles Johnston is 124 miles long.

2. Mr. Wm. Konig had 360,000 gallons of wine.

3. Distance from Santa Barbara to San Buenaventura is 24 miles.

4. Precedio instead of Precedia. [Already corrected. MAW]

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Akron Brevities.

Miss Green's school at Valley Center will close next Friday Week.

Mr. Savage is preparing to build a fine residence on his farm next spring.

The mill has been delayed ever since Tuesday on account of high water.

BIRTH. It is a boy and weighs 9 lbs. And N. E. Darling is the happiest man in Kansas.

The festival last week was a decided success and between $35 and $40 was taken in.

Jasper Taylor has sold his farm to Mr. Covert. He is preparing to build a house soon.

All the farmers seem to be selling their milk to the creamery and report a good profit.

The measles and mumps seem to be prevailing to quite an extent throughout the neighborhood.

The girls at the Walnut Church are like powder in a musket all ready to go off, but cannot get a cap to snap.

BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. John Kane come to the front with a bouncing boy which tips the beam at 10 lbs. The baby is doing well and Mr. Kane has about recovered.

Rev. Graham has been holding a series of meetings here with good success which closed last Sabbath, and he is now holding meetings at Star Valley.

The first thing Mr. Burt did after the high water was to warn out hands and fix the bridge across Little Dutch at Akron. We will have good roads as long as Mr. Burt has anything to do with it for whatever he undertakes to do, he does right. AUDUBON.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


Several cases of measles in town.

It has been muddy the last few daysvery muddy indeed, extremely so.

The Presbyterians are making a strong effort to build a church at this place. May success crown their efforts. Dexter needs one.

Owing to muddy weather and the ill health of our teacher, school was adjourned last week, and the small boys were let loose in consequence.

We are sorry, but it can't be helped. We've lost our crank. We wanted to grind out some poetry wherewith to immortalize the great Robinsonbut then, perhaps if he keeps on, he'll succeed anyhow.

We are somewhat exercised in our mind as to what we shall do if the new railroad runs down Main street and spoils the town well. We don't know where we could get water. It would be such a pity. It is a good well and so convenient. But perhaps we could do without water awhile to get a road, you know.

We had a "Bean Bake" on Saturday night. The old boys were there, beans and hardtack were there, the new boys were there, and so were the girls. Army songs, army coffee, army fun, "Old Joe," "John Brown," "We'll rally round the flag, boys," etc.

And back through the years gone by

Swift winged memory flew,

And again the camp fire scenes came back

And brought old friends to view;

We heard again the cannon's roar,

And saw the foeman's steel.

But hark! That cry! And we bid good-bye to memory's dreams,

As we list to the cry of "More baked beans!"

Well, we had a good time. X. Y. Z.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Pleasant Valley Pencilings.

Out of forty-one fat hogs Zack Whitson realized $800.

Prof. Hager is conducting a singing school at Centennial.

The countenances of returning Oklahoma boomers are strongly expressive of gloom, sadness, and disappointment.

Venerable Grandma Teeter is slightly affected with a derangement of mind. Her many friends hope that it may not prove serious.

Having come off victorious in the township election, in the office of trustee, Ludolph Holcomb concluded to celebrate his success by making a trip to Kansas City.

"Horatius" extends his sincere thanks to the unknown individual who so kindly remem- bered him through the mails on St. Valentine's day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. May the donor's pathway through life be surrounded, if not strewn by the purest, prettiest, and choicest specimens in this department of the botanical kingdom.

After a three months' visiting tour among the aristocracy of the East, Mr. Wilson Shaw and wife returned home to the land that is fairer than all other lands, viz: Cowley County, Kansas. We expect to see a large immigration of their friends from the rock-bound hills and ague-laden valleys of Eastern states to this section of country.

The past two weeks your humble servant enjoyed a business and pleasure trip to Topeka, Manhattan, Lawrence, Ottawa, and Ossawatomie. While at the capital city, he spent two days at the State House observing the workings of the Legislature. To him the House appeared to be a more dignified body than the Senate, notwithstanding the fact that the latter excels in eloquent, classical oratory. Our Senator Hackney, by his fearless, daring, and undaunted style of expression, never fails to command attention when he secures the floor; and his utterances on all questions under discussion ring out no uncertain sound. The time your reporter spent in the Senate, our efficient Senator was the recipient of a flood of complimentary letters from his constituents for the bold stand he had taken against the anti-prohibition clique of Winfield. The Senator is evidently correct on this principle, and "He who is right is twice armed for the fight." Our members in the House were continually on the alert for any legislation affecting the welfare of Cowley County. "Our Bob" is the observed of all observersbeing decidedly the handsomest Representative of the entire body. Weimer possesses keen insight, quick perception, and sound judgment, and speaks and votes correctly on all questions. Johnston, although the most restless, keeps an eye to retrenchment and reform. The writer is under many obligations for kind treatment to our able Senator and efficient Representatives. HORATIUS.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Capt. Hunt went up to Topeka Monday.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Zephyrs in all colors at ten cents an ounce. M. Hahn & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The mud is rapidly drying up, and the weather is very spring-like.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The music of the blind violinist was heard on our streets Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Bard & Harris have covered the front of their office with an immense land sign. It shows off well.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

We understand that Mose Teter has sold his place in Beaver and contemplates going to Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Rev. Morehead of Arkansas City is holding a protracted meeting at Enterprise school- house, in Beaver.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

J. McCloy has a lot of best breed Silverton Berkshires for sale and pork raisers should examine them.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Bliss & Wood paid ninety cents a bushel for several loads of wheat today. They are compelled to have it.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

A large number of new residences are going up all over town. The time for daisies and house-moving is almost here.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

W. W. Limbocker dropped in Monday. W. W. has enjoyed his share of the prosperity accorded Cowley's citizens during the past year.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Several of our merchants have returned to their private delivery wagons. Wallis & Wallis put on a wagon last week and Baden this week.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Mr. W. G. Webster of Mulvane called on us Tuesday. He is an intelligent advocate of prohibition, and an enthusiastic friend of our senator.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

John Stewart came up from the Territory last week and will spend a few days with friends, after which he will start for Jacksonville, Florida.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

BIRTH. And now comes our friend, Amos Becker, with a bran new boy of regulation weight and handsome as a picture. Amos is correspondingly happy.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Ex. Nixon and Will Wilson are home from Topeka, having failed to pass any bill except, possibly, a board bill. The returns from Topeka are not in yet.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The Methodists are getting aesthetic. They have recently finished a beautiful paling fence around the church building, and it is being painted green.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The bridge across the Ninnescah on the Santa Fe road was washed out last week and trains on the Caldwell branch are run to and from Wellington by way of this place.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Messrs. A. J. and A. N. Henthorn made the COURIER a very pleasant call Friday.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

A. J. is the leading spirit of the Burden Enterprise and is making the little paper sparkle.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

It is now the "city of Burden," having been incorporated as a city of the third class, and the election for city officers will be held in April. The application for incorporation sets forth that the city contains 293 inhabitants.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Some writer has been devoting a good deal of attention to the brain weights of great men. He finds that Gambetta's brain weighed thirty-nine ounces and those of Napoleon and Webster, fifty-seven. Mart Robinson's brain has not been weighed yet. In the interests of science, it ought to be done.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Frank Manny contemplates turning his brewery into a chemical laboratory for the manufacture of "Stomach Invigorator." If he would include an efficient "Liver Regulator" among his compounds, our friend Mart Robinson might interest himself in the scheme. His liver is evidently disordered.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Echoes From the Past. We have before us bound files of the COURIER from the first copy, issued ten years ago. They contain an ever-varying panorama of the life and growth of Cowley and her people, of peculiar interest to the old residents, and replete with incidents and anecdotes of early life for the new-comers.

In the issue of March 27, 1873, Mr. James Kelly modestly announces in a half column salutatory that he has bought the COURIER, and has "no friends to reward or enemies to punish;" and in a card below R. S. Waddell, the founder of the paper, says his last say.

January 25, 1873, we learn that "Wirt W. Walton has been successful in his canvass for Journal clerk of the House of Representatives."

A little farther on we learn that "Dr. Geo. Black, hailing from Iowa, has settled among us."

April 24, 1873, was the COURIER's first experience in house-moving, and we are informed that "The COURIER office is now removed to the Old Log Store, and we are now in better shape than ever to entertain our friends."

For many years the Old Log Store continued as the COURIER headquarters, and from it each week issued scathing articles on the "Post Office Ring" and the "Court House Ring," and various and sundry other "rings," which then, as now, tried to gobble up everything in sight.

The subject which seemed to engross most of its attention during these pioneer times was that of encouraging immigration and railroads. Week in and week out we find one, two, and three column articles setting forth the beauty and fertility of Cowley County and the splendid commercial advantages of Winfield, while upon the fourth page was kept standing a long "Description of Winfield and Cowley County."

The issue of April 17, 1873, seems to disclose the COURIER's first leaning toward prohibition, as we find that "Mr. Bellmore sent us a keg of beer and we have been happy ever sincesalubriously happy."

The first authentic railroad boom appears in the same issue, and stunning article in flaming head-lines announces "Glory Enough! Cars are Coming!!" In the light of the present, we find that it took the cars six years to get here.

June 12, 1873, we learn that "Rev. J. E. Platter, our new Presbyterian minister, preached a very able sermon at the stone church last Sabbath," and that "another shanty is being stuck up on Main street."

In the issue of July 10, 1873, we find a half column description of M. L. Read's new bank, which concludes by saying: "The business energy and willing disposition manifested by Mr. Read to invest money in our town endows him with the respect and confidence of the whole public."

July 24, 1873, we learn that "E. P. Young, late of Pennsylvania, is building a fine stone house on his farm near Tisdale." We are also informed in three words the astonisher that "Winfield still alive!" and that "Ed. Bedilion was made happy the other day by a little `incident.' It's a girl."

August 21, 1873, attention is called to "the announcement of A. T. Shenneman for the office of sheriff," and the editor adds, by way of endorsement, "We are glad to see such men asking for the suffrage of the people. Mr. Shenneman has made a good marshal and will make an honest, sober, and impartial sheriff." How little did the writer realize what the future would bring forth.

In the same paper appears the announcement of M. G. Troup as a candidate for county clerk "without regard to rings or cliques."

We also find that it is "hot and dusty," and that "Sam Myton is digging a well."

The "walls of the new Court House are now one story high."

The same issue contains notice of the marriage of Abe Steinberger and Ida Mann, and that "the bride in losing a short Man gains a long one."

September 4, 1873, we learn that "the Commissioners changed the plan of the Court House so that it has a double gable instead of a single gable roof."

In the same paper is a notice of the death of Mrs. Robert Hudson.

In the issue of September 11, 1873, the announcement is made that "J. W. Curns, of this place, and G. S. Manser, of Arkansas City, have formed a co-partnership to do a general land office business." We also learn that "Democrats are on their ear." They are in the same position yet. This paper also contains the announcement of R. L. Walker for sheriff.

September 18, 1873, "Richland Township wants a threshing machine." That was before she got Sam Phenix. We also learn that "Mr. Menor threshed 380 bushels of wheat from twelve acres."

Sept. 25, 1873, "Capt. Hunt, of South Haven, is in town purchasing seed wheat for his farm. He is a stranger now." Oct. 2, "First frost of the season," and "Spaulding's store at Tisdale burned." Oct. 9th we learn that "two cells of the jail are now in readiness to receive any of our citizens who can't behave themselves outside."

From the issue of October 16, 1873, we learn that "J. C. Fuller wants it distinctly understood by those parties in the east part of the county who think all the banks in the county have suspended, that the Winfield Bank has been open for business every day, has paid all demands and checks in cash, has continued to loan to its regular customers and is prepared to do the same in future." Mr. Fuller's bank was about the only one in the State which was paying currency on demand at that time, it being the time of the great panic.

October 23, 1873, it is announced that "the jail will be dedicated by a dance tomorrow night," and "this week the Telegram enters on the second year of its publicationif it gets out." This issue also contains a lengthy local, "To correct any erroneous impressions that may have been created in the minds of the readers of a small paid local in last week's COURIER and Telegram, Read's Bank wants it distinctly understood that it, also, has been open for business at all hours during the panic," etc.

April 8, 1874, "C. G. Grady's mammoth circus" exhibited. This was Winfield's first circus. In the same issue, "J. B. Lynn, formerly of Olathe, has opened out a stock of dry- goods and groceries."

May 1, 1874, we find that "Tom Blanchard has discovered lead." This seems to have been Tom's first mining enterprise.

July 3, 1874, the announcement is made that "R. C. Story, of Indiana, is now here looking up a location. We hope he will conclude to remain with us."

July 31, 1874, "James Harden, of Dexter, threshed his wheat and got 28-1/2 bushels per acre." This was early threshing.

July 17, we find a card from Jim Hill denying charges made by Allison that his dog caused the runaway of a lady's team. Jim says: "Please allow me to say, that my dog is not a worthless, contemptible cur, as he would have his readers believe, nor does it bark at him. My dog never barks at such insignificant objects. I have no dog and never owned one."

August 28, 1874, the types say, "We are happy to welcome to our town Mr. W. P. Hackney." On the 7th of the same month the editor felicitates himself with the thought that "This week's issue of the COURIER reaches the handsome figure of 441 copies. This gives it much the largest circulation in the county."

Oct. 22nd we find that "There was a dance at Thomasville last night."


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The feeble-minded bill has passed the Senate and is now pending in the House. It will probably pass that body, as M. G. Troup, the author of the reply to Hackney, went up Monday, and will exhibit himself before obstreperous members when other arguments are of no avail. A committee of citizens should be appointed to try and get Mart Robinson to write a letter. It would have a powerful effect upon members who doubted the necessity of such an institution at Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Several Indians had some trouble at Arkansas City Friday evening. A lot of northern Otoes had come down to visit friends in the Territory and brought some whiskey with them. They met with an unusual amount of spirit, and when enough liquor had been hoisted aboard, engaged in a general row, one fellow being stabbed with a butcher knife. A man who passed reported that he saw two of them dead. They were probably dead drunk, as no remains could be found by persons who visited the spot next morning.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

DIED. Menius Ives, born at Goshen, Connecticut, February 5, 1789, died in Ninnescah Township, Cowley County, Kansas, February 13, 1883, aged 94 years, 8 days. Those who knew him best say that he was an amiable man and a devout Christian, for more than 50 years a member of the Congregational Church.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The Winfield Mill Grinds Again.
Bliss & Wood Make Their Best Bow to the Public Again, and Cry for Wheat.
A great concourse of people filled the Winfield Mill of Bliss & Wood last Tuesday to see the splendid new machinery put in motion. The streets and sidewalks were lined for several hours with visitors going to and coming from the mill, including ladies as well as men, all exhibiting the highest gratification and enthusiasm over the grand success of the rebuilding of the mill, and the boom it is bound to give the business of this city and wheat raising in this county. Bliss & Wood were the lions of the day and the recipients of the warmest congratulations for their pluck, energy, and perseverance in rising above the crushing loss of their valuable mill by fire, rebuilding it on a much grander scale, filling it with all the best known machinery with all the latest and best improvements, changing the old process to the new, and making it the most complete and excellent flouring mill in the state of Kansas. The mill has seventeen sets of double rollers. This is the largest number in any mill in the state, the next largest being the one at Topeka, which has thirteen sets. The mill is five stories high. The first, or basement story, is a perfect net-work of shafting, machinery, and elevator ends. On the second floor are rollers, seventeen double sets, and the flour packing apparatus. The wheat is all received in an elevator of 30,000 bushels capacity. Here it is thoroughly cleaned and sent over through a tube to wheat bins in the mill of 1500 bushels' capacity. The wheat is first taken through a coarse set of rolls where it is just merely cracked. It is then put through a "scalper" and a part of the husk taken off. It then goes to a roll and is broken a little finer than in the first, and again "scalped." This process is repeated five times. The wheat then looks like fine sand. During this process the soft germ of the wheat grains have been removed. It is then put through rolls of the very hardest steel and polished to perfection. In these the wheat is crushed to a pulp. It is next taken through the patent bolts and beaters, re- crushed and re-bolted, purified, and submitted to several processes, when it finally comes out the most beautiful soft-white and flaky floursuch as makes a house-wife's eyes glisten to look at. The third and fourth floors are filled with bolters and furnished with patent dust- catching machines. The fifth floor contains the "scalpers." Running from the second to the fourth floors are six large bins for storing flour, bran, shorts, and wheat. The flour-bins are located just over the packers, and a car-load of flour can be sacked and sent off in a very short space of time. The water-power at most seasons of the year is amply sufficient to run the machinery. When it fails, the proprietors have but to turn on their one hundred horse- power engine, and thus the mill can be run to the greatest advantage at all times. It is so arranged that both water and steam power can be used if necessary. The mill is the most complete in capacity and arrangement of any similar institution of the West, and is a matter of pride to every citizen. Below we give a few figures.

Mill building, engine room, and dam complete: $25,000.

Machinery: $30,000.

Elevator with capacity of 35,000 bushels: $12,000.

Thirty acres of land including tenement houses, mill site, water privilege, etc.: $33,000.

TOTAL: $100,000.


Bushels of Wheat. Daily 1,500 Yearly 450,000

Barrels of best patent flour Daily 150 Yearly 45,000

Barrels of Bakers' flour Daily 135 Yearly 40,500

Barrels of "Cowley Co. Grit" flour Daily 15 Yearly 4,500

196 lb. Packages of shorts Daily 25 Yearly 7,500

196 lb. Packages of bran Daily 75 Yearly 22,500

Total barrels of products Daily 400 Yearly 120,000

Total value of products Daily $1,500 Yearly $450,000

By the above estimate of values of products, it will be noticed that it makes the wheat worth one dollar per bushel after it is manufactured. Such an institution in our midst, demanding nearly half a million bushels of wheat per year, will make the briskest competition in the wheat market and raise the prices paid to the farmers of the county very materially. It will be remembered that during the last two or more years that the old mill was running, which demanded much less grain, the competition of Bliss & Wood kept the prices of wheat up nearly or quite to Kansas City prices much of the time, to the great disgust of the other wheat buyers. The extraordinary demand which such a mill will create in the hands of Bliss & Wood may well be expected to put into the pockets of our farmers from five to ten cents per bushel more for their wheat than they could get without it, which to a farmer raising 2,000 bushels of wheat is from $100 to $200 extra profit.

When the mill was burned, it was bewailed by all, both on Messrs. Bliss & Wood's account and because it was a great public calamitya cutting off of one of our greatest home markets, and an institution that handled more money than any other five in the county. Its restoration was a matter of vital importance to this community, and it was so recognized by all. Thus it was that one of our public spirited institutions, the Winfield Bank, stepped to the front and gave Bliss & Wood such assistance as was needed to replace the ruined and blackened walls with the magnificent structure, now a matter of pride and congratulation to every citizen.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Our Pretty Songsters.

The Operetta of "Effie, or the Fairy Queen," for which Prof. F. C. Cushman had a class in training for two weeks previous, was presented at the Opera House Wednesday and Thursday evenings of last week with marked successso far as the entertainment itself was concerned. The slushy condition of the streets at that time prevented the entertainment receiving the patronage it merited, and as a pecuniary benefit to the manager was a partial failure. A majority of Winfield's young misses were engaged in it, and where all performed their parts so well it would seem invidious to particularize; but the most prominent actors deserve more than a passing notice. The splendid singing of Miss Zulu Farringer, the fairy queen, was the subject of much favorable comment by the audience. Her appearance was beautiful, and her solos were executed with such ease and grace as many a professional might envy. Will Ferguson as fairy clown produced much merriment. In this vale of tears the business of fun-making is far from being overdone, and the world is always ready to appre- ciate those who make it laugh. Misses Bertha Wallis and Minnie Andrews, as "Effie" and "Mary," also elicited much favorable comment, and demonstrated that they were possessed of much natural talent in the musical and dramatic art. Miss Cora Andrews represented the poverty-stricken mother very nicely. Fritz Sherman carried out the part of the drunken father splendidly, though a little beard to have covered up that smooth face would have given him a more fatherly appearance. The tableaux were pretty, unique, and effective, especially that of the angels, with their beautiful wings and flowing tresses, ascending to heaven with little Fannie, which was composed of Misses Gertrude McMullen, Willie Wallis, and Minnie Fahey, with little Lula McGuire as Fannie. Those comprising the maids of honor, maids' attendants, and queen's pages, all did credit to themselves by their beautiful singing and excellent rendition of the parts assigned. There were about seventy performers, all in bright costume, and some of the scenes presented were very brilliant. The instrumental music was made perfect by Ed. Farringer presiding at the piano. These entertainments do much to draw out and improve the musical talents of the young, and we must say that this one plainly shows that the abilities of Winfield's young ladies in this line is of no ordinary character.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Mr. S. F. Gould of Mulvane made us a pleasant call Tuesday, commended Hackney, and also the COURIER in a substantial way. He is in the tree business and canvassing for nursery stock.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Five Hundred Sheep Drowned.
From Mr. Ezra Meech we learn of a very strange disaster which occurred on Rock Creek last Tuesday week. Mr. Andrew Dawson was crossing a flock of seven hundred sheep, over Rock Creek near his house. He had taken some wagons, removed the end gates from the beds, put them end to end and was running the sheep through. They had been taken trough to an island and the wagons were taken to the other side, placed in position, and the sheep started on across. About two hundred had got through when a roaring noise was heard and the men on the island looked up and saw a wall of ice and water about four feet high rushing down upon them. In an instant they were engulfed, with the five hundred sheep remaining on the island. The two men, Mr. Dawson and his son, succeeded in getting out, but the sheep were swept away and not a vestige of them has since been seen. Mr. Meech owned about three hundred of the sheep and his loss is upwards of a thousand dollars. Mr. Dawson owned the balance. The parties had no thought of danger until the ice wall rushed upon them. It was probably the breaking of an ice gorge farther up the creek.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


DIED. E. A. Johnson died Thursday morning, the 16th inst., at his home near Seeley. The funeral was held on Saturday following from the residence of the family.

Alfred Elliott Johnson was born at Manchester, England, in 1853. His parents crossed the ocean to Canada in 1854, afterward coming to Winfield, Kansas, in 1870. He was a son of the late Rev. S. B. Johnson, who organized and was pastor of the First Congregational church of this place. The hardships and exposure incident to the settlement of a new country, undermined a naturally delicate constitution, and a paralytic stroke two years ago laid him aside from engaging in active employment. On the 10th inst., he was taken with a violent hemorrhage, and a second attack a few days later prostrated him and he sank till the morning of the 16th when he passed away from this life. He was much loved by those who knew him, for his loving and unselfish disposition. The funeral services were held at his late residence near Seeley, on Saturday, conducted by Rev. J. E. Platter. Owing to the distance and impass- able state of the roads, only those necessary accompanied his remains to the cemetery at Winfield, where he was laid to rest beside the ashes of his parents. He was the first to be taken from an unbroken family of ten children now scattered in England, Canada, Kansas, Arizona, and Oregon.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The Markets.

The markets today (Wednesday) are much more lively than usual, wheat selling at 86 to 87 cents. Corn is also brisk at 33 cents, and hogs bring $6.10. Produce is still active and high, butter bringing 20 cents per pound, and eggs 20 cents per dozen.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Some two weeks ago about forty of the citizen taxpayers of Vernon Township petitioned Senator Hackney to frame and introduce a bill allowing the township to vote not exceeding ten thousand dollars for the purpose of establishing a high school. Our Senator took the matter in hand with such vigor that it passed the Senate last week by a handsome majority.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Judge Gans granted certificates of unallowed bliss since last week as follows.


Emizire Johnson and Jennie Snyder.

Nelson Gunsaulis and Mary J. Proctor.

Gilbert Gilman and Amanda E. Lacey.

Chas. L. Page and Mary E. Sanford.

John J. Hutton and Sarah J. Yount.

Thomas J. Huff and Margaret A. Irwin.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Geo. Miller bought thirty-three steers from J. J. Johnson last week. They averaged 1,600 pounds and he paid eighty-two dollars per head for them. J. J. can evidently afford to throw away his passes and pay fare.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Dick Bowles skipped out Tuesday, probably for St. Louis. He had been on a tare for a few days past. Before leaving he relieved his employer's till of about eleven dollars more than his account called for.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

The roof of Bliss & Wood's mill was covered with people Tuesday. It affords the grand- est view of the countrybetter than the mound. It is a panorama that no citizen should fail to see.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Another car of Topeka patent flour, every sack guaranteed to be as good as any made. Also a ton of Oil Cake meal just received by A. T. Spotswood & Co.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of Mr. Stone in Vernon, Cowley County, Kansas, February 14, 1883, Mr. Geo. C. Marriott and Miss Della L. Stone, Rev. P. B. Lee officiating.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

August Kadau has purchased a new lot of men's shoes of the latest style and different shapes. He is now ready to fit anyone in the line of boots and shoes.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

H. G. Fuller is doing a lively and prosperous loan business. He has something to say to our readers in an advertisement this week.

Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Billy Hands is having the old Stout blacksmith shop torn down preparatory to putting in his new livery stable.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in regular session. In the absence of the Mayor, President Read took the chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen Wilson, Gary, and Read. Absent, Councilman McMullen.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

The City Attorney presented a proposed ordinance entitled "An ordinance regulating the moving of buildings in Winfield," which was read, and the further consideration thereof postponed until the next regular meeting.

The following accounts were presented and referred to the Finance Committee:

COURIER CO., City printing: $75.95.

M. E. Knox, care city poor: $20.50.

L. A. Belmont, care city poor: $5.00.

A written communication from the Mayor was presented and read appointing J. P. Short Assessor of the city for the ensuing year. On motion the appointment was confirmed by an affirmative vote of the three Councilmen present.

On motion the Council adjourned. M. L. READ, President of Council.

Attest: L. H. WEBB, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.


After a long silence your correspondent would again offer greeting to the COURIER and its numerous readers.

Hundreds of hogs and thousands of bushels of corn have been marketed at Floral this winter. A fair price has been realized.

Our public library association is in a flourishing condition. The membership is now 36. Connected with it we have a diversified system of literary exercises, including vocal and instrumental music, debates, etc.

Real estate has advanced at least ten percent the last year, and our people are prosperous in spite of the croakings of "the monumental fraud." In this connection, I would say that W. P. Hackney's friends admire his manly independence and honor in redeeming his pledges in defense of prohibition. He sticks well and will do to tie to. . . .

The Floral school is in a flourishing condition. The primary department is under the excellent control of Miss Kate A. Martin of Udall. . . .

Mr. R. B. Corson is principal of the school . . . . BUCKEYE.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883.

"Silverton Berkshires." I have for sale a fine lot of young boars and gilts as good in breeding and quality as can be obtained in the county. Also a lot of ½ blood sows over a year old in farrow by my present breeding boar. Jos. McCloy, residence in Liberty; Post office, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 22, 1883. Editorial Page.

The Wichita Eagle gets itself into a sulky mood because the Atchison Patriot happened to substitute Wichita for Winfield, in connection with the lynching of Cobb, and vehemently declares that "mob rule is unknown to our historyas a town, and such sensational and misrepresenting dispatches are very hurtful in many directions. No town in Kansas, no town in any State, ever maintained better rule or better order than has Wichita since the hour she was incorporated." The trouble is that Wichita is a kind of a mob all the time. No matter how heinous or brutal the crime, the morals of Wichita are never disturbed. Since the palmy days of the "Reds" and "Rowdy Kates" to the present time, with her fifteen or twenty open saloons, her forty or more houses of ill repute, and gambling dens innumerable, all in violation of law, she probably hasn't enough decent people to get up a respectable mob.



Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

After returning from the public meeting at the Opera House on last Monday night, I felt completely unstrung, my feminine nerves not being accustomed to such a strain. It was a long time before I fell asleep. Toward morning, however, I fell into a troubled slumber. I dreamed a dream which was possibly suggested by incidents in the meeting.

I dreamed that I was standing on the corner of Main St. and 10th Avenue. The street was full of people, the cause of whose coming together I could not at first discern. My eye soon caught sight of a banner down the street, and behind it I could distinguish what seemed to be the outline of a procession. They were evidently coming in my direction, so I waited to see the sight. As they drew near I saw that the bearer of the banner was Mr. Frank Manny. On the banner was inscribed the words, "Prohibition Forever." Following the leader was a magnificent chariot drawn by four milk-white steeds, and in this chariot was seated with arms folded in solitary grandeur, Mr. M. L. Robinson. The reporter of the Telegram was standing by and I asked him what that meant, and he said, "There is the author of a grand declaration and petition in favor of Prohibition, and the four milk-white steeds are symbolical of the purity of this mission."

After the chariot came the Mayor and City Council in carriages. Some Councilman seemed to be missing, however. Next came a hearse with three men on top bearing petitions to the City Council. I could not read all that was written on them, and the men wore black masks. I could, however, distinguish the words "petition," "soda water and other drinks," and the figures "$1,000." Then came a procession of men on foot who looked rather dazed and bewildered. As the procession moved on, a party of women in which I found myself, followed along on the pavement to see what was going to happen.

When we came abreast of the front of the procession the solitary man in the chariot saw us, and waving us back with his hand, said, "This is no place for women!"

We dropped back a little, but when some men who were following along said, "Go ahead. You have just as much right to see this performance as anybody!" we kept on.

The procession passed east on 11th Ave., to Millington Street, and thence south until they came in front of Senator Hackney's residence, where they paused. Then the man in the chariot said, "No. 1 to your post!" and straightway one of the masked men on the hearse dismounted and went forward and took hold of the bridle of Mr. Manny's horse. Mr. Manny dismounted and carrying the banner in one hand and a roll of paper in the other, went up the steps and rang the door bell. After a pause Senator Hackney came out. He took the paper, which was smilingly handed to him, and read it aloud. I may not remember the exact words, but it ran somewhat thus:

"Inasmuch as the prohibitory law as enforced has always resulted in injury to the material development of our town, we would respectfully petition our honorable senator to use his endeavors to secure its uniform enforcement throughout the state. If this is impossible, do not sacrifice our town on the altar of inordinate devotion to an IMPRACTICABLE PRINCIPLE."

He rolled up the paper and looked over the procession. Seeing that the man holding the horse had a paper, and also the other two-masked men, he said, "What's that paper you fellows have in your hand?" When they saw he was getting mad, they hastily folded up their paper and said nothing. Just then County Attorney Jennings, who had followed the pro- cession, said: "They contain petitions to the City Council for licenses to sell soda water and other drinks for $1,000 each, and they are in the same hand writing as the petition you hold in your hand."

Then the Senator's eyes blazed and he said so that it could have been heard all over the town: "You fellows want me to violate my constitutional obligations and help you to get a law framed under which you can open up saloons in Winfield."

Thereupon he flung the paper at the petitioners. Some of it dropped in the chariot and some fell into the carriages of the city officials. Then up rose the man in the chariot and said vociferously: "This is an outrage! It isn't fair! It isn't just! No representative has a right to treat petitioners this way! It don't mean saloons! It only expresses our devotion to the glorious cause of prohibition, so dear to our hearts!"

Some profane person in the procession or crowd, I couldn't distinguish which, yelled out, "In a horn!" At this point a large number deserted the procession and all became confusion.

I awoke and it was broad daylight.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Skipped Florida correspondence from J. M. A. on Front Page.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Skipped a long article re Kindergartens by E. D. Garlick.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

A bill providing for the removal of negroes from the Cherokee Nation to Oklahoma land will be offered as an amendment to the sundry civil bill in the senate.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The reply of Senator W. P. Hackney to the Winfield hoodlums hit the nail every time. Hackney is our style of man. He has no policy except that of the public interests and no duties other than his sworn obligations. He is our next candidate for governor and when elected to that high office a faithful discharge of his duties; recognition of constitutional obligations, and faithfulness to his constituency may be expected. Under him the constitution of this state will not be like an old coat to be laid aside or hung up to dry at the pleasure of the owner. Larned Chronoscope.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Mr. Campbell, of Illinois, a prominent cattle man in the Indian Territory, has been in Washington for several days trying to lease a tract of thirty miles square in the Cherokee Nation. He offers $50,000 annually for fifteen years. The Secretary of the Interior refuses to grant the lease.

The question has been raised whether or not the Indians have the right to let their lands to white men, and it is said a decision will be made in the interior department which will prevent them. New leases are made and approved by the secretary if he feels so disposed.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The water-works craze seems to have struck half of the towns in the State. Places of not more than fifteen or twenty hundred inhabitants are moving for a complete system of water- works and grievous taxes. A town of less than eight or ten thousand people should not think of such a costly luxury, and then only the best system should be accepted. Emporia did the wisest thing when she erected her own water-works, which she operates and controls. Already the revenues pay all expenses and the interest on the bonds. Emporia has iron mains and pipes and the direct pressure. Eagle.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883. Editorial Page.

Skipped article by Millington re Tariff Revision being considered by Congress.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

It is reported that Capt. D. L. Payne, the great warrior who proposes to conquer the Indian Territory and the United States, has been brought a prisoner to Wichita in company with a few of his most prominent followers, and that he gives an account of the late expedition as follows.

"They at first made a determined stand upon their chosen grounds; having been met by United States troops before reaching their destination and being ordered back, but refusing to go, and taking the troops with them on to Oklahoma. The troops, however, were rein- forced, and Payne, with several of the oldest aggressors, placed under arrest. Capt. Osborn, the secretary of the colony, refusing to submit to an arrest, a rope was produced, and fearing lynching, he surrendered. At this juncture the colonists became demoralized, and many abandoned further efforts to make a stand and went home. One of the party was arrested for selling liquor openly and without any concealment, but the federal authorities, fearing that his prosecution on this charge would bring in issue the question as to the right of colonists upon these lands, he was summarily discharged, and all were once more escorted to the Kansas line. Payne states that there were five women and six hundred men in this raid, and they suffered but slightly from the cold, being well provided for such. He acknowledged that his last raid was a failure, many of the colonists being wholly discouraged in consequence of his utter failure, but firmly says that although they were routed this time, they will try it again."

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883. Editorial Page.

Skipped item re Bliss & Wood: price of wheat going up and price of flour going down.

Skipped item re effects of prohibition.

Skipped article by T. H. Soward re Grand Army of the Republic.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883. Editorial Page.

In assuming editorial duties it is customary for editors to start off by declaring a set of principles made expressly for the occasion. Following this time honored rule, we declare:

In religion we believe in a hell for hypocrites and a heaven for mothers.

On prohibition we are in favor of an amendment prohibiting manufacturers from using plug tobacco to give body to eight dollar whiskey.

In politics we favor free schools, National Banks, legitimate protection to American industries, protection against monopolies, civil service reform, two cent letter postage, and old Ben Butler for President.

Nothing will appear in this column that is crowded out by "Pap" Millington or Ed. Greer. Its teachings will be good and the whole work of such a character as will have a tendency to the elevation of the good people of Cowley County to the rooms over the Post Office, where they can borrow money at better rates and on better terms than from any person loaning money in this county . . . .

As an inducement to the payment of this mortgage we offered to release for the above figures. These people were very poor with a large family. In fact, Mrs. _____ was the mother of triplets and we think several pair of twins, and you know what the "good Book" says about being rough on the widows and twins. Yours truly, P. H. ALBRIGHT & CO.

We admit that we lied a little in this letter, as we might have got the whole bonus if we had stuck for it, but as we are not church members, and bound for hades anyway, we might as well go there for all there is in it. . . .


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

DIED. Marshal Herrod's little boy died last Sunday with the measles.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

"Uncle Reuben Lowder" at the Opera House Saturday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

"Catch On"Uncle Reuben Lowder Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Dr. Davis will have a sale next Tuesday, a notice of which appears in this paper.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Judge Soward has been appointed Chief Mustering officer of the G. A. R. in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Frank Berkey has sold his second-hand store at Wellington and moved back to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Jack Hyden is out again after a most severe and protracted illness. He looks much the worse for wear.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Miss Ella Kelly came down from Wichita last week and spent a few days with relatives and friends.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The Union Square Theatre Co. will give a benefit Saturday evening for the G. A. R. Widows and orphans fund.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Go to the matinee at the Opera House next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Admission 15 and 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Wallis & Wallis have received a barrel of the new process sorghum sugar and any who desire to try it can purchase from them.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

John Whistler shipped in a car-load of fine graded Durham bulls Monday, for his ranches in the Territory. He purchased them in Missouri.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Mr. Bobbett has purchased the three lots on the corner opposite the jail for eleven hundred dollars and will remove his livery barn to that location.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

We hear that Mr. & Mrs. M. M. Murdock, of Wichita, lost by death a bright and lovely little daughter. The afflicted parents have our warmest sympathies.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

With his bright and vivid imagination, S. G. Gary would shine resplendent as the editor of a circus poster. Such talent cannot long remain obscured.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Spencer Bliss left for Iowa Monday in the interests of the Winfield City Mills. He expects to put Winfield flour in the kitchens of four states before he returns.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

DIED. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sparkman lost their little baby daughter last Sunday. It had been taken with the measles and had a relapse, from which it never recovered.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Dick Gates is building a new house in the east part of town. D. Eliott has also bought property on Ninth Avenue and will erect a neat residence during the summer.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Colgate was brought before Justice Buckman for trial Tuesday, but owing to the absence of several witnesses the case was continued to next Tuesday and Colgate was remanded to jail.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

General Passenger Agent Hynes, of the K. C. L. & S., was in the city last week and paid the COURIER a very pleasant visit. Mr. Hynes is an accomplished railroad man and is making the K. C. L. & S. popular.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Only one hundred and fifty voters have registered thus far. Voters should attend to this at once. When the time comes to vote those who have failed to register will hire a cheap man to kick them around a block.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The suit of Doctor Mendenhall against the widow of Daniel Sheel for $344 for medical services while attending upon him, was had before Judge Buckman Monday. Judgment was rendered in favor of the doctor.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

"Olivia," our bright New Salem correspondent, with Miss Ella Randall, made the COURIER a pleasant call last week. They took a look into the mechanical department and were shown a few of the mysteries of the art preservative.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

It is not long since Earl Beaconfield died, and Gambetta's demise is of still more recent date, while Gortschanoff, the Russian prime minister is lying at the door of death; Bismarck's health is failing fast; Gladstone is threatened by disease; and M. L. Robinson is exciting deep concern by his worn and haggard appearance.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883. Editorial by Greer.

A Card.

My attention has several times been called to a card in the Telegram of last week from S. G. Gary to the effect that I had offered him ten thousand dollars worth of stock in a water company as a consideration for his vote and influence in support of my proposition. The statement is a Democratic lie, pure and unadulterated, without the usual embellishment given to utterances of like character.

As the gentleman has taken upon himself to draw so largely on his imagination for a question of fact, I may be pardoned for briefly referring to his official action in the water- works mattera thing I have refrained from doing thus far only through the personal solicitation of his friends.

When the Barclay ordinance was first proposed, I thought it was a steal. When I learned its origin and studied its provisions, suspicion became conviction. Observation had taught me that faith without works accomplished littleespecially when combated by wealth and the prestige of success. To defeat the proposition with three of the council pronounced in favor of water-works, was out of the question. A better proposition must be secured, and that speedily. On Tuesday evening the Barclay ordinance had been passed by sections, and adjournment was had until next Monday evening, when the question of final passage would come up. In the four succeeding days I traveled a thousand miles, secured the backing and necessary data for a proposition infinitely better for the city, and broke the Sabbath day getting the papers in shape to lay before the council. I did this at my own volition and at my own expense. When the council met on Monday evening and my banker friend had gathered himself there to carry away the spoils, my proposition was presented. It was received with derision and sneers by Mr. Robinson and his co-laborersthat gentleman going so far as to assert that it was simply a ruse to defeat, and that no man could build the works under such a proposition.

Up to this time Mr. Gary had been the sturdy defender of the city's interests. Messrs. Wilson and McMullen declared themselves in favor of water-works on the best terms that could be had. Mr. Read's position was conceded to be for it, regardless of the interests of the city, while Mr. Troup acted but at the beck and call of M. L. Robinson.

During the pendency of the question, I interviewed all of the council except Mr. Read. Councilmen McMullen and Wilson unhesitatingly said that my proposition was much the best and they would support it until a better one was offered. Mr. Gary said he wanted to "investigate," and when I put the question squarely to him whether he would support my proposition until a better one was offered, he evaded it by saying he would "support the best one." I had unbounded confidence in his integrity as a man and an officer, believed that he meant what he said, and did not question him farther. In this I erred. Others who had less confidence than I in integrity and official honor, were at work. Sunday evening a caucus was held and plans laid to "fix Gary." What those plans were I do not know, but they were eminently successful, and the results were clearly apparent at the council meeting on the following evening. Mr. Robinson then appeared with his ordinance modified to cover some of the salient improvements in mine and Gary seemed to be supporting him.

On Tuesday evening Mr. Robinson had further modified his ordinance until it embraced exactly the same material provisions contained in mine. I then reduced my proposition, making the terms of the franchise sixty years instead of ninety-nine, and the price on extension hydrants sixty-five instead of seventy-five dollars, making a better proposition for the city than any that had been presented by possibly five thousand dollars.

In this shape the two propositions were placed before the council in committee of the whole.

Before a vote was taken, Mr. Gary rose up and said that he wished to "explain himself." That he considered the two propositions about equal, but that the Robinson proposition had a little the best financial backing, and for that reason he should vote for it. I then told him that I would quiet his fears on that score and produced a paper signed by citizens representing probably two hundred thousand dollars of capital, guaranteeing the erection of the works under my ordinance if accepted by the council. In a rather confused manner Mr. Gary replied that "it was too late as he had indicated how he intended to vote." I told him he was supposed to be acting in the interest of the city, had not yet voted, and would be expected to cast his vote for the best proposition regardless of any previous condition of mind.

The question was called, Messrs. Gary and Read voted for the Robinson ordinance and Messrs. Wilson and McMullen against. Mr. Troup, after a lengthy apology for so doing, cast the tie for Robinson, and the council adjourned.

On the next evening the council again met for the consideration and final passage of the ordinance. Mr. McMullen was absent. When they came to the section relating to extension hydrants, Mr. Wilson moved to amend by making the price sixty-five instead of seventy-five dollars each, and stated that while he did not wish to obtrude his ideas upon the council, he must insist upon this reduction, as Mr. Greer had offered to do it for that and a contract for a higher price would never receive his vote. Mr. Gary would not second the motion. Without Mr. Wilson's vote, in the absence of Mr. McMullen, the ordinance could not pass, and after an hours' wrangle, Robinson consented to allow the reduction; and then, and not till then, did Mr. Gary consent to vote in the interests of the people whom he pretended to represent, as against the man whom he evidently was doing his utmost to assist.

Mr. Wilson, by his firm and determined stand, forced Robinson & Co., to consent that Gary should vote for the reduction.

The ordinance as finally passed is exactly the same in every material point as the one I proposed, with the exception of the term of franchise, which in mine was reduced thirty-nine years.

That some subtle influence guided Mr. Gary's actions in the matter, no sensible man will deny. What that influence was, no one but Mr. Gary and those interested will ever know. The facts will remain, however, and he will be regarded with distrust that it will take years of penance to remove.

The result of the water-works was not a disappointment to me. Mr. Gary's action was. I had always regarded him in the highest estimation and felt that his spirit of fairness, aside from his duty as an officer, would accord any citizen the common courtesy which a bidder at a street corner auction never fails to receivenamely, the precedence of bid until a better offer is made. When I found that he, too, could be suborned to act in the interests of a Shylock, regardless of every principle of justice, fairness, and his duty, I was painfully surprised and disgusted.

Mr. Gary claims to publish this card in order to refute certain "innuendoes" which have appeared in this paper against him. If any inuendoes appeared, it was at least five weeks ago. Since that time the assassin's bullet has taken from our midst a true, noble, honest officer one whose highest aim was to serve the people faithfully and well, and who would have scorned to do a questionable act. While his remains lay yet unburied, surrounded by weeping kindred and embalmed in the heartfelt grief of thousands of sympathizing friends, seventeen persons met at the call of men whom Mr. Gary's action had most benefitted, and nine of them decided upon him as a fit and proper person to fill the dead sheriff's place. One of the parties went immediately to Topeka, urged the appointment, and succeeded in having it made. The intelligence was conveyed by telegraph to M. L. Robinson, which telegram he exultingly displayed to me and industriously exhibited upon the streets.

Mr. Gary holds the office of sheriff of this county by virtue of his action in the water- works matter. Under such circumstances it is meet that he continue to do the master's bidding. He seems to have treasured up his righteous indignation for five long weeks, during which time the changes above referred to have taken place, and during which time the COURIER, aided by the people of this city and county, have been making it exceedingly warm for his benefactor.

It is but consistent that he do all he can, even to the sacrifice of his little remaining character, to assist in diverting public attention from a much abused subject. In the roll he has been following, this action is much more creditable to him than any he has yet attempted. I must at least accord him the one virtue of gratitude. If this seeming virtue proves but a cloak for avarice, then I know not where to turn for another. ED. P. GREER.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The brick yard in the south part of the city is assuming mammoth proportions. The proprietors, Messrs. Read and Robinson, are putting about ten thousand dollars into improve- ments. Large sheds have been erected, an immense boiler and engine put in, and a force of men are at work building patent kilns. The firm has contracts for a large amount of brick which go to other towns, and also for many miles of tile, which it will also manufacture. It will employ a large number of hands and is an important enterprise.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The engineer who was sent down by the Santa Fe management to look over the ground for our switches reported that we had the finest and most abundant rock quarries in the state, and urged that a switch be built from each road to the quarries. The railroad company will need two hundred car loads of fragments. The switches will undoubtedly be put in. The quarries will then furnish employment for several hundred laborers.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

An accident occurred on the K. C., L. & S. Railroad last Friday morning, near Elk City. The passenger train going east was caught by a broken rail on a down grade. Two of the cars were thrown from the track and rolled down an embankment, mixing the passengers up and injuring several, though not fatally. The cars were damaged badly. Several Winfield people were on the train but none of them were hurt.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

We see again on our streets the familiar face of Miss Waters, who spent a part of last summer here with her cousin, Mr. J. A. McGuire. She has visited many of our western towns and is well pleased with Kansas. She has not neglected to keep up a correspondence with her home papers to encourage emigration. We regret to learn that she will in a short time bid adieu to Winfield and return to her home in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The Valley View Dramatic Club will give an entertainment at Mt. Zion schoolhouse, Vernon Township, on Saturday evening, March 3rd. The popular Drama "Bread on the Waters," with "We will have to Mortgage the farm," dramatized, and excellent music will be rendered. Admission 15 cents; children 10 cents. An evening spent in listening to the performances will be both pleasant and profitable. M.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The Telegram editor has blossomed out in true aesthetic style, and appeared on the street last week in a beautiful, bob-tailed checked coat, with trimmings to match. He blooms early. 'Twould be a pity if the frost should nip him.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Senator Hackney's bill organizing Vernon Township into a high school district with powers to vote bonds and build and maintain a high school, has passed both houses and will become a law after its publication in this paper.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of John Flint in Richland Township on the 25th day of February, Mr. John W. Watt and Miss Mary C. Williams (both of Richland Township) by N. J. Larkin, J. P.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The heavy weather of the past few days has been hard on our physicians. Dr. Emerson nearly killed one of his horses last week. His practice keeps him going almost day and night.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

MARRIED. We learn of the marriage of C. L. Page, of Fairview Township, to Miss Ella Sanford, which occurred last Saturday evening. The COURIER wishes them much happiness.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

We hear of more fatal cases of measles this year than ever before. Several children in town have died with them during the past week and hundreds of others are down.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

DIED. Charley Seacat, living south on the Walnut, died last week. His death resulted from a severe attack of the measles with a kind of pneumonia following.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Mr. J. C. Page had a public sale of his stock in Fairview Township last Thursday and Friday. He sold over four thousand dollars worth.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Wanted. A boy of good habits to learn the drug business; one not afraid to work.

ROBT. R. PHELPS, Burdenville, Kansas.
Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The apportionment of State school fund has been made by Supt. Limerick. It amounts to 37 cents per capita. Winfield gets $333.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

About forty land seekers from the East were on the streets last Friday. They came in from Illinois and Indiana.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Superintendent Limerick is in luck. His cow is the mother of twin calves. He ought to go into the stock business.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Young Davis was brought before Judge Gans Monday and adjudged insane. He was very violent.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The funeral of Marshal Herrod's baby boy took place Monday from the residence of the parents.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

DIED. In this city, February 27, 1883, of pneumonia, Mrs. John Fortner, aged 23 years.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

P. H. Albright & Co., will edit a column of this paper during the next few months.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Sol Burkhalter has bought a lot of fine farm horses and is holding them for sale.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

John Pryor will start for Florida in a few weeks on a prospecting tour.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

A thoroughbred short-horn for sale at Smith's feed stable.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Around Town.

I. W. Randall is adding some improvements to his residence.

Six persons were baptized at the Baptist Church Sunday evening.

The Roberts brothers furnish the music at the Opera House this week.

James Kelley's house in the west part of town has been painted recently.

Billy Hands' new livery barn on East Ninth Avenue is going up rapidly.

McGuire Bros., have put up a neat grocery sign on East Ninth Avenue.

The family of Mrs. Levi Wells have been having a severe attack of the measles.

Geo. H. Crippen has composed another beautiful piece of music for the Courier Band.

Charlie Roberts, bass violinist of the Winfield orchestra, has been very low for the past three weeks with hemorrhage of the lungs.

Anna and Willie Doane have six white rabbits for pets which are perfect beauties. It is interesting to watch the manoevres of the little creatures, and they afford the children considerable amusement.

Mr. William Smith and his bride from New York have recently settled down to house- keeping in the west part of town. Mrs. Smith is an accomplished lady, and will find a warm welcome in the social circle.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Rip Van Winkle.

Waite's Union Square Theater, which is playing a week's engagement at the Opera House, and who are giving the best satisfaction of any Company that has ever been here, will play, on Thursday evening, the legendary drama of "Rip Van Winkle," with Jay W. Carner in the title role. . . .

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Ladies Library Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 6th, at 3 p.m., in the Library Rooms. Let all the members make an effort to be present. It is most earnestly desired that the citizens take hold of the Library Association, as the Ladies are making an effort to sell two hundred yearly tickets. Should they succeed they will at once proceed to open a Reading Room for one year. Let everyone show his interest, at least, to the amount of one membership ticket for the year. Our friends in the country, who love to read, should also take hold and help by buying tickets, then when they are in town they will have a pleasant place in which to meet friends, or to consult the latest papers or get a book to take to their homes to peruse at their leisure. Let us all rally around this enterprise and thus provide a place where all the lowly as well as the high may inform themselves upon the news of the day and enable our people to rise to a higher standard.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Merchant Tailoring. The undersigned has just received a full line of spring and summer goods of foreign and domestic manufacture, which he will make to order, and satisfaction guaranteed; also goods sold by the yard. He cordially invites all to call and examine his new stock of goods. A. HERPICH.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Dust. The publishers, Fords, Howard & Halburt, No. 27 Park Place, New York, have favored us with a copy of "Dust," a new novel by Julian Hawthorne. It is a well bound book of 400 pages, written in Hawthorne's best style, and is a work of thrilling interest and of moral and historical value at the same time. It is for sale for $1.25 at Henry Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Baptist Meetings. The series of meetings in the Baptist Church still continues and has met with great interest and success. Up to this time there have been thirty-three accessions to the church by baptism, four by experience, and some by letter. Several others are awaiting baptism. Rev. D. Bicknell will remain until Sunday evening, when he will deliver a discourse on "What the Baptists Believe."

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Good Bargains.

For Sale or Exchange. 120 acre farm, 35 acres in good cultivation, frame house, 1-1/2 acres orchard, good well, No. 1 land, 5 miles west of Cedarvale. Price $800.

For Sale or Exchange. 320 acre farm, 80 acres in cultivation, 2 houses and stables, 3 good wells, 3 acres bearing orchard, splendid location for stock farm. Price $1,000, per 1/4 sections, or $2,000, for whole tract.

For Sale or Exchange. 2 houses and lots in Winfield. Price $600 & $300, respectively. Will exchange for team in partial payment. S. L. GILBERT, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Spotswood received a car-load of fine potatoes Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

C. C. Pierce is building a handsome residence near the Santa Fe depot.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The greatest comedy in the world to be seen at half price on Saturday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Saturday Matinee at 2 o'clock. Parents should take the children and let them see "Uncle Reuben Lowder." Admission 15 cents and 25 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

In registering each voter must state the lot and block on which he lives. They should prepare themselves with this information before calling on the clerk.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The fat wheat prices are a special source of gratification to our farmersespecially those who have held their grain. Many are still holding for one dollar per bushel.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Dr. J. Jay Villiers, the American humorist, will deliver a lecture in Manning's Hall Thursday evening, March 8th, under the auspices of the National Union.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Waite's Theatre Company play for the benefit of the Knights of Pythias Lodge Friday evening. The play is to be "Damon and Pythias." The Courier Cornet Band will be one of the attractions.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The Water Works Company have begun work on the well near the river. They propose to have it twenty-five feet in diameter. Work will also be begun on the mound as soon as the surveys can be made.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

C. C. Harris returned from Milwaukee Tuesday. During his absence he purchased Mrs. Page's building next to Wallis & Wallis store. He seems bound to have possession of some- thing, even if it's only a brick block.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Mr. Hiram A. Odell, a young attorney of Minneapolis, Minnesota, spent Monday and Tuesday in the city on legal business. He was much pleased with the appearance of our city, and was specially loud in his praises of Bliss & Wood's mill.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 92-1/2 cents per bushel. This is a remarkable price and is within one and one-half cent of Kansas City prices. The quotation for Kansas City as noticed in our telegraphic report, in this column, is ninety-four cents. Bliss & Wood buy most of it. Corn brings 35 cents and hogs $6.00 per hundred. Butter is fifteen cents per pound and eggs fifteen cents per dozen. Potatoes bring $1.

[Paper has been printing Kansas City Markets: Printed first one. Skipping them as they almost impossible to read. MAW]


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. James Barr is convalescent.

Miss Dalgarn is still in the city.

Mrs. John Walker has been quite ill.

Mr. Pixley was quite indisposed at last account.

Mr. Shields bought two cows at Mr. Burden's sale.

BIRTH. Mrs. Osborn recently added to her family a fine little boy.

Salem stock is looking well, mostly, and feed is still plenty.

Mr. Bovee will not raise broom corn nor manufacture brooms this season.

Mr. Buck spent two days with his family last week. He likes his situation in town.

Mr. Will Christopher will be home from his labors as "school marm" the 10th of March.

Mr. Lafoons had a party in honor of their son's birthday, but I have forgotten the age and date.

Mr. and Mrs. Wesley McEwen have gone to housekeeping and are as "snug as two bugs in a rug."

Mr. A. W. Davis of Cherryvale has sold his Salem farm to a gentleman by the name of Mr. Powers.

Wonder what Mr. Bryant is going to shingle?

Mr. Vance has been delivering his wheat at the Salem station.

Mr. Jack Kelley has been riding around trying to buy wheat and corn. We do not know what success he had.

Mr. W. B. Hoyland has recovered and is now in usual health. Mrs. J. W. Hoyland is convalescent, but is still feeling quite badly.

Dr. Irwin has his hands full at present, as so many are down sick. Measles, mumps, and scarlatina are the prevailing maladies.

Mr. J. J. Johnson is ahead on the weight of cattle sold, and you are ahead of me, Mr. Editor, by getting that item in last week.

One of the neighboring dogs seems very much attached to S. A. C., as it follows him home. It evidently thinks he belongs to the family.

We all hope the reign of stern, old winter is over for this season and that the copious showers of late are tears of joy from gentle Spring.

The Doolittle brothers from the Nation, have returned to Salem. Their sister, Mrs. Marling, will not feel so lonesome now that two of her brothers are so near.

The McHenry brothers have trimmed their hedge fence nicely and are improving the looks of their farm. They have some calves that are hard to be beaten.

Mrs. Gilmore and family, consisting of one young man and two young ladies, have recently come from Illinois to make Salem their home. May they be pleased with their new home socially, at least.

Mr. Causey and wife have been quite indisposed of late.

Mr. McClelland has moved his sheep and is now boarding with the Watsonberger family, but his tent is still pitched on the farm of Mr. Douglass.

Mr. Henry Barr has sold his interest in the store to a young man from Illinois. He and Mr. John Cox are now the main merchants of Salem. (I did not learn the new man's name.) Mr. King still runs his store.

Mr. L. F. Brown has rented his farm to Mr. Robt. Crane; and Mr. Brown, we understand, will spend the summer in Colorado. By the way, Dame Rumor says Crane has married a wife. Shall we congratulate you, Rob?

When school is out and Mr. Lucas starts for home, it looks as though he was their leader in school and out, for such a gay company of merry lads and rosy lasses trots after him until he gains his own threshold and his company is claimed by his smiling wife.

A young man by the name of Johnson, from Illinois, has lately come into our vicinity and is at present in the home of Mr. Wolfe. I understand he is only seeing how he likes Kansas and its inhabitants and intends returning to his home in a few months. We Kansasites desire that all good people may be favorably impressed and conclude to stay. Perhaps Mr. Johnson may think so well of Salem that he will remain, or return.

Mr. McMillen and family returned on the 22nd inst., from their visit in Illinois and Eastern Kansas. They had a delightful time and enjoyed the generous hospitality of their many friends and kindred to the best of their ability, but they think as many do, "There's no place like home," and they came back better pleased with Kansas than they ever were. Their opinion of our fair state is certainly flattering, but it is candid. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

Score One for Valley View Amateurs.

On the 22nd it was our pleasure to be present at an entertainment given by the above troupe, at the schoolhouse at Valley View. This combination of amateur performers are composed of the lads and lassies of the best families of Valley View, and their acting proves them people of more than ordinary talent. When we consider that for the above entertain- ment, they had only been in training for a few evenings, we are the more astonished at the almost perfect representation of character. . . .

Only mentions one performer for good performance: Miss Nellie Martin.


Winfield Courier, March 1, 1883.

PUBLIC SALE. In order to pay my debts, I will at my place, three quarters of a mile east of Winfield, sell to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, March 6th, all of my personal property, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, farming utensils, stock and grain, as follows: Two buggies; two good milch cows; two nice young ponies; 50 or 60 excellent stock hogs; 2 to 3 hundred bushels of corn; one stack of hay; 25 shocks of corn in field, 20 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of wheat, grain sacks, plows, harrow, etc.; one nearly new Emerson piano.

Also at same time and place, 1 vacant lot in the city of Winfield. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock sharp. Terms. All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months will be given, purchasers giving bankable notes bearing 12 percent interest. My farm of 160 acres is for rent. The right man can probably have it for a term of years. Money rent will be required. Also for sale privately, an 80 acre farm 6 miles north of Winfield, a fair box house and never-failing spring, with twenty acres in cultivation on the place; good neighbor- hood and fair stock range. Will exchange for wagon and team and am prepared to offer a big bargain. If not sold by the 6th of March, will be rented, for money rent only. All persons knowing themselves indebted to me will call and settle at once, as I mean business.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883. Front Page.

Skipped a long article re Horticulture in Cowley County by J. F. Martin.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883. Editorial Page.

Skipped items about stock losses during storm in Sumner County.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883. Editorial Page.

Skipped most of article re Tariff Bill passing and becoming a law.

"It abolishes all internal revenue except on liquors and tobacco, reducing the tax on tobacco and reducing the tariff duties largely. It is estimated that the total reduction of revenues caused by this will be seventy millions of dollars. . . ."

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883. Editorial Page.

Skipped most of editorial re passage of The Railroad Law.

"A new section is added which provides for taxing railroads in organized counties, for the purpose of paying the commissioners, etc."

"The railroad companies are compelled to issue duplicate freight receipts to shippers. Right is given to any person to build a switch and connect with the track of a company. Sweeping penalties are provided for the enforcement of all provisions of the bill. Tariff sheets are required to be posted. There are several minor changes in the verbiage."

"Of course, the law will not suit everybody, but is a much better law than we had reason to anticipate. It is probably a better law than either the House or Senate bill would have been, and is probably the very best for the people that could have been passed. We are glad to note that Mitchell and Weimer voted for it; Johnston voted against it. Hackney voted for it."

[Law in full was given in another article, which I skipped. MAW]


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Atchison Champion said, a short time ago, that some newspaper man with detective instincts should find out the inspiration of Dave Payne's Oklahoma raids, and intimated that some railroad interests might be behind them. The Caldwell Commercial, published on the border of the Territory, says this supposition is not correct; that it knows no railroad com- pany has had anything to do with the raids. Payne, it says, has no money himself. It gives this account of Payne's operations. "He has depended entirely upon selling Oklahoma colony certificates and stock in his so-called town company. He has also gathered in considerable money from gullible parties to whom he represented that the territory was bound to be opened up at a certain time, and in consideration of said parties paying him twenty-five dollars in cash, he has agreed to select and hold for them a quarter-section of the Oklahoma lands, they thereby being relieved from accompanying any of the raiding expeditions. In all the raids he has made, the supplies have been furnished by the people accompanying him, or by a few individuals who have put up their money. In this last raid we are credibly informed that he sold at Arkansas City full six hundred certificates at two dollars each."


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

A letter from Senator Hackney informs us that the miscellaneous appropriation bill which passed the Senate on Monday contained therein an appropriation of one thousand dollars to Mrs. A. T. Shenneman as a testimonial on the loss of her husband, killed in the discharge of his duty. Senator Sluss made a grand speech in her behalf, eulogistic of the character of our late sheriff, and of his courage and devotion to duty.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

It will be observed that Cowley County is attached to the west end of the third congressional districtwhich is the district in the southeast corner of the state, consisting of the counties of Crawford, Cherokee, Labette, Neosho, Montgomery, Wilson, Elk, Chautauqua, and Cowley. The principal object of the legislature in attaching us to this long and narrow district seems to have been to offset Republican Cowley to the Democratic, Greenback, and mixed counties farther east. We have a big job on hand. Judge B. W. Perkins now becomes our member of Congress.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Hartford Courant wants to know if this farce of employing United States troops to capture "Oklahoma" Payne and turn him over to the civil authorities, only to see him walk out of jail and begin preparations for a new raid, hasn't lasted long enough. It seems to be fun for Mr. Payne.

Of course it is fun for Payne. One thousand dupes per trip who pay him three dollars each to conduct them to the promised land would pay him very well without such perquisite as sales of shares in Oklahoma City at twenty-five dollars each. The only strange thing about it is that he should find many "guys."

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

A Worthy Soldier.
In my tramping over Cowley County, I see many of our best farms and farmers. Some labor with many advantages, and their success is sure. Others labor with disadvantages, and success then is the index of pluck, skill, and perseverance. I see many able-bodied, strong armed men, whose farms are little better than when the plow first turned the green sward. In Cedar Township I met a farmer whose success had been a marvel, when we consider his condition. I refer to Nathan W. Dressie, who came to Cowley in 1878, and settled on a quarter of land in 1879. Though having but one arm, Mr. Dressie has put his farm in fine cultivation. His hedges are growing; his orchard is yielding its fruit; his vines are giving grapes, and his many improvements show energy, pluck, perseverance, and indomitable courage. All this Mr. Dressie has done single handed.

In 1856 Mr. Dressie came to Kansas a mere boy. He took part in the stirring events of those days, and when the war's alarms were sounded, he enlisted in the 9th [?] Kansas under the gallant John A. Martin, whom he followed until the fall of Atlanta. The fatal day that saw McPherson fall found Mr. Dressie severely wounded in the left arm. Amputation followed, and Nathan Dressie buried one of his arms.

From Nashville to Atlanta he bore his part in all the battles fought by the two armies. He was wounded at Chickamauga, but recovered and rejoined his command. After Atlanta he went to the hospital, hence home.

Though having but one arm, Mr. Dressie has made four different Kansas farms. But the wounds he received in the army have sapped his strength and have compelled him to look into other lines of industry for a livelihood.

Mr. Dressie has been a life-long Republican from principle. He never wavered on the field of battle, and he never wavers when in the discharge of political or civil duties.

He will go before the Republican Johnston convention, and before the people of Cowley County, for the nomination of Register of Deeds.

Comrades of 1861 and 1863, to you he looks for help. He is fitted for clerical labor. He would do well as Register of Deeds. Comrades in arms, let us remember this old soldier and this old Kansan, and let us give him our hearts, our hands, and our solid votes next fall.

March 5, 1883. DEXTER TOWNSHIP.
[Note: Article said Dresie. Elsewhere, he is called "Dressie." To be consistent, have called him "Dressie." MAW]


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Council Proceedings.


Council met in regular session, Mayor Troup in chair. Roll called. Present: Councilman Gary, Wilson, and Read; absent, Councilman McMullen.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. A petition from H. Goldsmith and others for a sidewalk along the north side of Seventh Avenue, on the south side of blocks 126, 146, and 166 was presented and read. On motion the prayer of the petitioners was granted and the City Attorney was instructed to draw an ordinance accordingly.

A petition from A. G. Wilson asking that he be appointed City Weighmaster for the ensuing six months was read, and on motion the appointment was made.

The proposed ordinance in relation to movers of buildings, reported at last meeting, was taken up as unfinished business, and on motion further consideration thereof was indefinitely postponed.

The Finance Committee reported the bill of the COURIER Co., for $75.95 for printing correct in the amount of $75.25; the bill of M. E. Knox for $20.50 for care city poor correct in amount of $20.00; the report of the Police Judge for December 1882 correct. The report of the committee was adopted and the bill of COURIER was ordered paid and the bill of M. E. Knox was recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.

The following accounts were presented and recommended to the County Commissioners for payment.

Vance & Collins, team to poor house: $2.25.

A. T. Spotswood & Co., goods for city poor: $21.65.

J. H. Land, digging grave for city poor: $4.00.

The following accounts were presented and allowed and ordered paid.

City officers' salaries, February: $67.90.

Beach & Denning rent Council room: $3.00.

The account of Horning & Whitney for $1.75 for stove grate was referred to Finance Committee.

The reports of Police Judge for January and February were referred to Finance Committee.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883. [Re City Council Meeting March 5, 1883.]

The City Clerk notified the Council that there had been filed with him and laid before the Council, an acceptance of the terms of the Ordinance in relation to Water Works, signed by all the persons named as grantees in such ordinance, and also a notice of an assignment by said individuals of their rights and privileges therein to the Winfield Water Company, and an acceptance of the terms of said ordinance by the Winfield Water Company. The Clerk was instructed to report the above facts in the journal.

The committee on streets and alleys was instructed to report at the next meeting as to the proper places for the location of the City's hydrants to be erected under the terms of the ordinance in relation to Water Works.

On motion the Council adjourned. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Attest: L. H. Webb, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Teachers' Examination.
An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the high school building in Winfield and in Arkansas City on the 16th and 17th of March.

A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.


Farmers have commenced plowing.

Mr. D. Pfrinner has moved to Harry Smith's farm on Silver Creek.

G. L. Brown has bought a farm in Chautauqua County and moved to it.

Early wheat good, late sown looks discouraging. Acreage less than last year.

E. J. Johnson's school in District 47 was closed out by the mumps three weeks ago.

J. R. Smith's school in district No. 2 was closed out with the measles. Both diseases have subsided.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Wanted. 100 yards of dirt to fill lot. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Brettun House wants two laundry women.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

R. R. Phelps has been elected mayor of Burden. Bob will wear his honors easy.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

W. A. Lee has ordered the second car load of Hapgood Sulky Plows and Listers.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Gen. A. H. Green is making some valuable improvements to his residence property.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. L. S. Cogswell, trustee of Omnia Township, made us a pleasant call while in the city.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

To exchange: 160 acre farm for house and lot in Winfield. Price $1,000. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

P. H. Albright is down with the mumps. Judge Bard has just recovered from a similar attack.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

E. P. Kinne came down from Kansas City Saturday and spent Sunday and Monday with friends here.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. Fuller says he locked his barn for a year and no one stole anything, so he concluded to keep it open.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Remember you can save 50 cents and $1.00 per pair on boots and shoes at the closing out sale of Smith Brothers.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The school bond election went off quietly, hardly a fourth of the taxpayers voting. Only six votes were cast against the bonds.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. Holman, who is feeding cattle on James Burns' place, has fed ten thousand bushels of corn this winter to one hundred and fifty head of cattle.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

M. L. Robinson has taken the advice of the COURIER, and on Monday purchased a bottle of Liver Regulator. We are in hopes that it will cure him. Our prescriptions hardly ever fail.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

A lady was thrown from her horse Sunday out west of the river and severely injured. She was carried into Mr. Tansey's home and finally recovered sufficiently to be taken home.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Col. J. C. McMullen brought in a carload of thoroughbred cattle Saturday evening for his stock farm. There were thirty-seven head in all. Among them were three short-horn and one Jersey bull.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

W. C. Root has sold his boot and shoe store to Pugsley & Zook, and will retire from the business. Mr. Pugsley is well and favorably known here, while Mr. Zook was for years in business in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Sorghum promises to be one of the most profitable crops of Western Kansas, and its production will pay in all parts of the State. Who knows but what we will yet be nick-named "sorghum lappers."

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Jay Gould is going to sail away in July on a two years' tour of the world. The anti- monopoly party would not be afflicted with sorrow should his yacht and its voyaging Croesus go to the bottom of the deep blue.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Wanted. To loan for three or five years in sums, as follows: two $500; one $8,000; two $1,000; one $1,500; one $2,000. The above money now ready. Bring your wife and get money the same day. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Two hundred and ten shares of stock in the new series of the Building & Loan Associa- tion have been subscribed, leaving only forty more to be taken. There were eight applications for loans at the directors' meeting Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The epidemic of thieving seems to prevail here to a large extent. In addition to the harness and saddles reported in another place, a gentleman from Dexter, stopping with Mr. Peabody, lost two fine saddles, worth forty dollars.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The measles have almost wiped out the schools throughout the county. We don't remem- ber ever having seen this disease so epidemic as now. The measles are ably seconded by the mumps in getting away with the district schools.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

J. L. Horning's elevator broke down last week. A defective cog wheel went to pieces, the pieces flew in between other wheels, and a general smash-up followed. The elevator is being thoroughly overhauled this week and will be running again soon.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The writer was so fortunate as to spend a night with Mr. James Burns at his home in Fairview Township last week. For generous hospitality Mr. Burns and his estimable lady cannot be outdone. Jim has one of the finest farms in the county.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. Frank Baldwin and family came down last week and will spend some time visiting friends here. Frank has improved in health since leaving us, but Mrs. Baldwin has not fared so well and thinks much more of Cowley than of the mountainous West.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. E. D. Skinner of Vernon is the oldest assessor in point of service in the county. He is now serving his tenth year in that position. He has now spent thirty years in official life, having been ten years Justice of the peace and ten years road overseer.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The House has passed a bill providing that no ordinance shall pass except by the vote of a majority of the councilmen, excluding the mayor from exercising the right of casting a vote. If this bill applies to cities of the second class, it will be a severe stab at Mayor Troup's usefulness.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The lady who was thrown from her horse near the west bridge Sunday evening was Miss Rose Patchen. The horse became frightened and ran about a mile with the reins broken. She held to the saddle until the horse made a sharp turn, when she was thrown.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The street peddler who held forth on the corner Saturday took out of town one hundred and eighteen dollars. Almost every article he sold was higher than the same things could be bought at the stores, and very many were absolutely worthlessnotably, the needles which bent like wire. It seems to us that the mayor would do a wise thing to put a license on these itinerant traders that would run them out of town. It would be a great protection to home merchants and also in the interest of buyers. On a street corner they have no opportunity to examine goods and often times things which seem so cheap turn out to be very dear. It seems to us that the government of this city should look to the interests of the businessmen and not to that of traveling hawkers.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Two of our west side citizens are in danger of coming together with great velocity soon. They live neighbors and both have fine flocks of chickens. Lately the hens have shown a disposition to go visiting, and a discussion has arisen over the question of division of eggs. One of the gentlemen penned up twelve of his hens the other day and claims to have got twelve eggs, and bases his claims on that product. The other claims that he picked out the laying hens and swears by his Coachin rooster that he will never divide on such a count. The first citizen is no bantam and we look for feathers to fly unless the hens can be prevailed upon to stay at home.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. George Crippen's new musical composition was taken up by the Courier Band at practice Monday evening and the boys are jubilant over it. They say it is the crowning musical achievement of George's life, and one that places him among the leading band composers of the west. Every member of the band is proud of its leader and justly so. George has the happy faculty of infusing into each member much of his own enthusiasm and love for harmony, and as a consequence Winfield will be the home of one of the finest bands in Kansas before the summer is over. This will be a matter of pride of every citizen and of material benefit to the community.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Leavenworth sugar factory is grinding about five thousand bushels of corn daily, which is purchased at about forty cents per bushel, making the expenditure for corn about seven hundred thousand dollars per year. They manufacture twelve thousand five hundred gallons of syrup daily, and ship on an average five carloads per day. The value of glucose manufactured yearly will reach the enormous sum of a million and a quarter of dollars. When we read these statistics, we feel almost like crying out in agony at the perfidy of our glucose Harris.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

We hear that Chambers, the playful operator who robbed so many of the boys here, lost all he had in Kansas City, including his watch, ring, and old clothes. He then went to the telegraph manager there and begged for work, and was finally assigned to the office at Wamego. The sooner this fellow finds out that he prospers best who earns his bread by the sweat of his brow, the better he will be off.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Arrangements have been completed for a grand calico ball to be held at the Opera House on the evening of the 23rd. It is to be a Courier Cornet Band benefit, the first of a series, and promises to be a brilliant affair. The arrangements are in the hands of leading citizens and no effort will be spared to make it the finest event of the kind ever given in our city. The invitations will be out this week.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Missouri Pacific has made the same arrangements regarding its dining station as has been in successful operation on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad. It has placed all its eating stations on its entire system under the control of one man, who has to see that passengers get decent meals, at exorbitant figures. A seventy-five cent dining station is a luxury that only a railroad can afford.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Bard & Harris sold the James L. Stewart farm in Pleasant Valley Township last week to Messrs. Fibbs and sons, of Indiana, for four thousand dollars spot cash. There was one hundred and sixty acres in the tract. They have also sold Mr. W. D. Crawford's farm of two hundred and forty acres in Ninnescah Township to Mr. Stewart for thirty-eight hundred dollars cash. These are two important sales.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. T. R. Bryan's new building is finished and on Monday J. B. Lynn's grocery stock was moved into it. The business will be under the management of Mr. Bryan and the firm will be Bryan & Lynn. A very heavy stock has been put in. With Tom Bryan at the helm and Lynn as first lieutenant, we may look for a booming business.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The notice of Will Root's retirement from business, which appears in another column, will be received with regret by the trading public. During his business career here he has won the confidence and esteem of every citizen. He is possessed of business ability of the highest order. We understand that ill health compelled his retirement.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

T. R. Timme has closed out his merchant tailoring stock and will retire from business for a time. Mr. Timme is one of the most successful tailors we have ever known and a thorough artist in his line. Should he decide to locate elsewhere, we take pleasure in recommending him as a first-class workman and a straight-forward businessman.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Courier Band has been presented with a splendid overture composed and written by Albert Roberts, one of its members. The composition exhibits many rare points of musical excellence and is a valuable acquisition to the band portfolio. Albert is a most thorough and painstaking musician, and the finest tuba player in Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Mr. Lewis C. Churchill called on us last Tuesday, fresh from Vermont. He is from the neighborhood of the nativity of the editor of this paper, where he left a week ago when the snow was eighteen inches deep. If he finds anything to suit, he will remain with his Yankee enterprise and "grow up with the country."

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Creamery Company have secured a new superintendent to succeed Mr. Babb. We are glad that this has been done. It is vital to the success of the institution that some new life be infused into it. With proper exertion the creamery can be made a success; without it, the concern will dwindle and die.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The famous lecturer, Dr. Villiers, will be here tomorrow (Thursday) evening. He is one of the most entertaining lecturers on the road and those who fail to hear him will miss a treat. The lecture is delivered in the interest of the National Union Lodge of this place.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

BIRTH. Irve Randall is very pleasant this week. For some time he has occupied himself building a handsome porch in front of his residence. Monday he was presented with a bright boy, and has now lost all interest in the porch. Irve is getting more than his share of blessings.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

We notice in the San Francisco Call the announcement of the marriage of R. B. Saffold and Miss Josie Finnell, which occurred in that city on February 20th. This event will be a surprise to his many friends here.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Jack Hyden has sold his interest in the confectionary business to Mr. J. C. Chilson, of Brookville, Kansas. Mr. Chilson is a relation of Billy Impson's.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Don't fail to hear Dr. Jay J. Villiers lecture Thursday evening. He is the most mirth provoking lecturer on the road.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Doctor Holland, of Geuda Springs, was in the city Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

A Big Day.

Saturday was one of the biggest business days in the history of Winfield. From early morning till late at night the streets were jammed with teams and people. The amount of grain handled was simply wonderful. Allen Johnson's elevator on the K. C. L. & S. Road received over two thousand bushels, while Messrs. Beck & Sipe filled all their cars and warehouses and stopped buying before the middle of the afternoon. Mr. Horning's elevator was out of order and not running. The wagons waiting to be unloaded at Johnson's elevator resembled a freight train and filled the street for a block. But perhaps the best illustration of the volume of business transacted that day is given us by the cashier of the Winfield Bank. He paid out during the day, in the regular course of business, fifty-six thousand dollars, and received in the way of deposits, fifty-five thousand five hundred dollars. This is a showing that does our city and county proud.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.


A lot of sneak thieves were abroad in the community Sunday night. They went into J. C. Fuller's barn and took his harness, lap robe, whip, and two saddles. They then visited Mrs. Randall's barn and took a new set of harness worth forty dollars. This is the first case of thieving that has occurred here for a long time. The season in which horse thieving is most active is almost here. It behooves our officers to be vigilant or there will be an avalanche of black-legs and sneak thieves swoop down upon us. Every border county has most active and fearless sheriffs. It will not be safe nor profitable for Cowley to prove the only weak place in the line.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Profits of Sheep Raising.

Mr. A. H. Baker, who has been living on the Brooks' farm near Grouse Creek in this county for the last three years, has been handling a few sheep during that time with the following remarkable results.

1879 paid for 185 ewes and 95 wethers: $392.00

1880 paid for 447 stock sheep: $112.25

1881 paid Meech for 4 rams: $140.00

Total cost: $644.25

1880 sold 280 fleeces of wool for $300.00

1880 sold 65 wethers for $195.00

1880 sold 26 ewes for $52.00

1881 sold wool: $400.00

1881 sold 100 wethers for $300.00

1882 sold wool: $600.00

1882 sold 740 sheep: $2,600.00

Total sales: $4,447.00

Less cost: 644.25

NET PROFIT: $3,802.75


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Nowadays when a subscriber gets so mad because an editor differs with him on some question that he discontinues his subscription and "stops his paper," we remind him of a good anecdote of the late Horace Greeley. Passing down Newspaper Row in New York City, one morning, he met one of his readers, who exclaimed: "Mr. Greeley, after the article you published this morning, I intend to stop your paper." "Oh! No," said Mr. Greeley, "don't do that." "Yes, sir, my mind is made up, and I shall stop the paper." The angry subscriber was not to be appeased, and they separated. Late in the afternoon the two met again, and Mr. Greeley remarked: "Mr. Thompson, I am glad you did not carry out your threat this morning." "What do you mean?" "Why, you said you were going to stop my paper." "And so I did; I went to your office and had your paper stopped." "You surely are mistaken; I have just come from there, and the presses were running and business booming." "Sir," said Thompson, very pompously, "I meant I intended to stop my subscription to your paper." "Oh, thunder!" rejoined Greeley, "I thought you were going to stop the running of my paper and knock me out of business. My friend, let me tell you something; one man is just a drop of water in the ocean. You didn't set the machinery of this world in motion, and you can't stop it; and when you are underneath the ground things on the surface will wag on just the same as ever." We would respectfully refer the words of the ancient philosopher to a certain irate gentleman nearer home. They are true as gospel.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Trustees' Meeting.
Twenty-two of the trustees of the different townships, together with the County Commissioners, Clerk, and Attorney, met at the Courthouse Monday to decide upon the basis of assessment. The meeting was organized by electing Capt. J. B. Nipp Chairman and Gus. Lorry, Secretary. A lengthy and animated discussion was indulged in and comparisons with former assessment made. Every trustee seemed interested in getting a fair, impartial, and equal assessment, and a united effort will be made to that end. Many of the abuses of former years were discussed and means to remedy them decided upon.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Buying Bonds.
Deputy Treasurer Wilson has been doing a good deal of effective work for the county lately in a quiet way. Some time ago he entered into correspondence with holders of the old Winfield Township bonds and succeeded in buying two thousand dollars worth at a saving of about fifty dollars and the fiscal agency fees. Last Monday he succeeded in effecting the purchase of seven thousand dollars worth of the bonds issued in aid of the Santa Fe road at $1.02. This drains the treasury of all its surplus cash and retires that much of the interest bearing debt.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat holds about the same as at last report. Several loads sold today (Wednesday) at 93 cents. The ruling price of corn is 35 cents, although several loads sold this morning for 36-1/2. Hogs bring $6.00 to $6.25. Butter is worth 15 cents and eggs 12-1/2 cents.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

M. E. Conference.
The Annual Conference of the Southwestern Division of the M. E. Church meets at the church in this place today (Thursday). About one hundred and fifty ministers will be present, many of them accompanied by their wives. A synopsis of the proceedings will be published next week.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Married. Married February 28th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Janet C. Carson, to Mr. Albin C. Monforte, Rev. P. D. Lahr performing the ceremony.

Mr. Carson and his family came from Scotland about a year ago and had purchased land, but had not as yet built a suitable residence, as he was undecided whether to remain or not. The house being so small, it was arranged to have the ceremony take place in the open air, in order that all the happy guests might see and hear. Accordingly, just as the stars were beginning to beam forth, the door opened and out stepped a radiant vision in ashes of roses silk, white lace, veil, orange blossoms, and all complete, beside the enraptured groom, followed by "Scotch lassie Jean" (beautiful in drab silk, white satin and lace), the bride's sister who acted as "maid," in company with Mr. Will Carson as "best man." The beautiful M. E. Service was read by the minister in a grave, clear voice, and soon the ring was on, the transformation was complete, and the "bonny wee wifie" and her "ain gude mon" were receiving the heartfelt congratulations of their friends. The scene was beautiful and impressive in the extreme. Soon a splendid feast was served in true Scotch fashion, after which Mr. Carson and his two sons, Jack and Robin, favored us with some very fine music on the violin, to which the Scotch lads and lasses kept time with merry feet, showing us how the "light fantastic" was "tripped" across the water. Appropriate songs were sung by Capt. J. C. Monforte, Mr. William Craig, and others, after which hot coffee was partaken of, and at last the tired but merry guests quitted the hospitable roof of Mr. Carson, well pleased with their first Scotch wedding. A. A.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Assessors Meeting.
On Monday, March 5th, 1883, the Assessors of Cowley County, Kansas, met at Winfield.


J. B. Nipp: Creswell Township.

I. D. Harkleroad: Silverdale.

L. Holcomb: Pleasant Valley.

Elisha Haynes: Harvey.

R. B. Corson: Fairview.

H. McKibben: Tisdale.

W. Senseney: Ninnescah.

Joseph Gorham: Maple.

S. L. Jones: Beaver.

J. A. Cochran: Liberty.

J. A. Irwin: Windsor.

D. Beard: Cedar.

L. S. Cogswell: Omnia.

E. D. Skinner: Vernon.

B. Shriver: Sheridan.

S. M. Wells: Dexter.

H. J. Sandfort: Richland.

J. P. Short: Winfield City.

P. A. Lorry: Bolton.

T. A. Blanchard: Walnut.

J. B. Nipp was chosen Chairman and P. A. Lorry, Secretary.

J. A. Cochran, I. D. Harkleroad, and S. D. Jones were chosen a committee on schedule of personal property assessments and reported as follows, which report was unanimously adopted as the basis of assessment for the year 1883.

The personal property committee reported same basis as last year, which was adopted.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

RECAP ONLY MONTHLY MEETING OF COWLEY COUNTY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, MARCH 9, 1883. Names mentioned: Jennings, Gillette, Robertson, Mr. Davis of Ohio, Martin, Millspaugh. J. F. MARTIN, President; J. NIXON, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

Otter Pencilings.
George Cleveland has moved to Cedarvale.

Mrs. Buckley has returned from her visit in Ohio.

Dr. Corwin has moved on the Harvey Serviss place.

Seven days more school closes the term in district 63.

The new drug store in Cedarvale is about completed.

Dame Rumor says W. H. H. Rathbun is afraid he won't be appointed Justice.

George Webb sold his hogs and two year old steers lately for which he realized $1,100.

George Webb and Mr. Nash, running short of feed, have taken their cattle to the Nation.

Lehre Guthrie intends to try renting this season, having rented the farm he formerly owned.

Our trustee, C. R. Myton, has been very unwell for the past few weeks, and appears but little better.

Montgomery & Co., have distributed a neat sum of money in this vicinity since last fall and will need most of the surplus corn yet remaining.

Why hasn't some Democrat made application to the Governor for the vacancy of Justice of the Peace?

Three bran, splinter, fire, new babies since our last.

BIRTHS: E. Zimmerman, a girl; J. J. Wilson and D. A. Bartgis, each a boy. TELLER.

Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.


Mr. John Wright is hauling material to build a house.

Mr. Geo. Darlington has just completed a new house on his farm and is living home.

J. C. Stratton has rented his farm and removed to one he has rented in Greenwood County. W. W. Crall has also taken flight in the same direction.

Mr. Wm. Jenkins had the misfortune to be thrown from a vicious horse last week, and was so severely injured that he has been almost helpless since, and serious apprehension was at first felt as to the result; but at last report he was regaining the powers of locomotion and will probably be out in a few days.

Peter Loy and family, Charlie Burden, and Jake Wingert left Monday for the Pacific slope, Washington Territory being their destination. Dr. Samuel Daniels and his son, A. L., and their families will start on the same route in the near future, and Rev. R. S. Thompson and family on or about the 15th inst. The doctor and preacher will be seriously missed by the people of this section: the former for his skill in relieving the ills to which flesh is heir to, and the latter for his good social and Christian qualities. His school district in losing Mr. Thompson will lose the main wheel in their school machinery, one that never failed to revolve, and but seldom to force the rest to move. CHAFF.


Winfield Courier, March 8, 1883.

In the Senate, February 22nd, in Reply to Senator Buchan's Charge That There Are
Eleven Saloons and Much Drunkenness in Cowley County.
A bill amendatory to the prohibitory law being the special order was then taken up and Senator Hackney took the floor and said:

MR. PRESIDENT: It was not my intention to say anything while the subject of prohibition was under discussion; but rather to listen to the many able men on the floor on both sides of this question, who I knew desired to be heard; and I would not now ask the indulgence of this body for a few moments only did I not deem it my duty to defend the grand people whom I have the honor to represent from the aspersions of the senator from Wyandotte. I am aware of the fact that in this assault upon the good name and fair fame of the people of Cowley, he is assisted by a former partner of mine, and by the present able partner of the county attorney of my county. And in reply to the statement of the latter, I will say that he is likewise the mayor of Winfield, and the deputy county attorney of my county. And when he says that there are eleven places in Winfield where intoxicating liquor is sold in violation of law, I answer, how does he know this? I further answer that I know of no prosecutions being commenced for a violation of that law since July 3, 1882, at which time my employment to assist the county attorney in liquor cases ceased. If there are eleven places in that city, and this mayor and deputy county attorney says there is, why has he not put a stop to it? Either he violates his oath of office in permitting such, or his statement is false. I would rather think the latter than the former. But I say to this senate, and the people of this state, that there is no place in Winfield or Cowley County today, and that there never has been since August, 1881, where liquors were kept and publicly sold in violation of the law.

Much complaint has been indulged in against the express offices, which ship in liquor to any and all persons ordering the same, but this class of business is beyond our reach, since any man out of the state may sell to any person in the state and ship it to him without violating the law. It is charged that drug stores violate the law in our town, and yet if they do, it is so slyly done that paid and expert detectives have been unable to detect the crime. From the very first in Cowley County, commencing with May, 1881, the law has been observed as well as any law in our statute books. With one exception no man ever has openly defied the law, and he lasted only a very few days, and his venture cost him nearly $1,000. But on the contrary, all of our saloons closed on that date, and the keepers left the country, or went into some other business.

The towns of Udall, Seeley, Dexter, Cambridge, Maple City, Burden, Torrance, and Arkansas City, in my county, all with populations ranging from 100 up to 1,500 people, never had a saloon or other places where liquors were sold in violation of law since the prohibitory law went into effect.

Senators upon this floor opposed now and always to the prohibitory law, tell us they speak from personal knowledge when they say that under prohibition more liquors are sold and more saloons exist now than under the old dram shop act. If this is true, I pity their condition indeed, and that of their constituents who submit to such a shame and disgrace. Under the old dram shop act, any, all, and everybody drank that wanted to; under that act every keeper of a saloon in Kansas openly and notoriously violated its provisions, and sold to drunkards and minors in violation of their bonds and of that law, and in spite of the pleadings of wives, fathers, and mothers, they trampled that law under foot and nobody molested them or made them afraid. Under the old dram shop act, in my town, our jail was occupied by drunken men, while our streets were thronged with men under the influence of liquor. In fact, drunkenness was so common with us as to cease to attract attention, while under prohibition, drunkenness is so uncommon that a man can attract universal attention. Under the old dram shop law saloons were licensed for the money that they paid the municipality and a harbor was thus formed for every cut-throat, horse thief, and dead beat in the land. A saloon is simply a harbor for the worst elements of society; it is a lounging place for the idle and the vicious everywhere; it furnishes a home for the gambler, the robber, and murderer; its surroundings are all vicious, all bad, and without one single virtue to recommend it in any way. A saloon is a monstrous crime against the people of a state, whether it be licensed or unlicensed, and whether a common doggery or a gilded palace of sin. And that community that tolerates either, simply sows the wind of human misery and will sooner or later reap crime and horror.

I know a man, and have seen him on this floor during this sessiona constituent of minea man of fine attainments, a courtly gentleman, and when sober an ornament to society, who under the saloon system reduced himself to beggary by strong drink, and who has lead a sober life in my county since the saloons were closed. He came to this city a few days ago, and finding open saloons here, the old habit came back, temptation was too strong, and he fell, and has not drawn a sober breath since.

I can name a hundred cases in my county of men who under prohibition have ceased to drink, and are now respectable and sober men, who formerly were always found around the old saloon of my town. Go to them and ask them what they think of prohibition, as I have done, and they will tell you as they do me, to stand by the old ship, and never to go back to that damnable blot upon our civilization. Go to their wives, ask them what prohibition has done for them, and they will point to a happy home and reunited family.

Go ask the votaries and supporters of saloons, what saloons have done for them, and their answer will be impoverishment of my family, degradation and shame to myself. In the wake of the saloon system follows degradation and shame, and yet men of sense and respectability are found who defend the crime.

With the experience that nearly two years has brought me under prohibition, I could not, and would not under any circumstances go back to the saloon system. I have found from experience that the financial question involved in it, is a delusion and a snare, and if it were not, I would rather, with the experience I have gained by a fair and practical test of the question, vote for a pest house in my town than to vote for saloons.

And, in conclusion, permit me to say that as far as the people of my county are concerned, that they are a sober, law-abiding, and industrious peoplea people that any senator on this floor might well be proud to serve, and of whom I am justly proud, and they are today as of yore, sound and solid for prohibition, and they do not want this law changed in any manner, whereby licensed saloons may once more disgrace our fair name and honorable fame as a prohibition county. We have tried the saloon system, we have tried prohibition, and I know from experience that a licensed saloon never made a sober or better man of anyone. I know from experience that prohibition has benefited hundreds in my county, and I know from experience that prohibition can be enforced in Cowley or any other county in this state, when the officers of the law love their duty and fear to commit perjury. When the officers of the law think more of their pledges to honest men than they fear the frowns of the venal and the vile, this law is enforced. It is a good, a grand, and a wholesome law, and receives the support of the best men in all counties, while time-serving and venal scribblers everywhere will continue to howl at and against it, the debased, and venal every- where despise it, but justice and right will prevail yet and make this law a success.

Questioned by Senator Williams: "I desire to ask the gentleman a question."

Senator Hackney: "Very well."

Senator Williams: "Is it not a fact that prior to your election to the senate, you were the paid attorney of all the saloons in your county? I demand a square answer."

Senator Hackney: "I will answer the senator by saying that prior to my election, I was the paid attorney of all or nearly so of the saloon keepers of my county. But I am unlike the senator from Doniphan in this, that in this senate I represent the better portion of the people of my county, and not the saloon bummers as he does."


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Torrance Items.
Messrs. Lyons and Galaway are both doing a good grocery business.

Our spring term of school commenced Monday with a fair attendance.

H. M. Branson has retired from the mercantile business, and Bryant & Northcut take his place.

Measles and mumps haven't struck our neighborhood yet; consequently, health is good at present.

Scarcely a day passes but what some newcomer is seen on our streets looking for land or a location to go into business.

Foster & Peabody have shipped a number of car loads of cattle and hogs, and there has also been a large amount of grain shipped, and more to ship.

There is a strong talk of Dexter moving his stock of goods to this place. We bid him welcome and also anyone else that will make a good citizen. Torrance needs a seed and implement store and must have one.

Farmers seem to be alive to the fact that early planting is necessary for a sure crop, as several have commenced plowing and a few have planted potatoes. The ground is in good condition for plowing. Wheat looks well. Stock wintered splendidly, and every prospect favorable for an early spring.

Torrance is neither dead nor asleep, but has assumed the undisputed rights of a full- fledged station. The depot was opened the 1st day of this month, with J. D. Maurer as agent. Passengers will no longer have to stop at Cambridge and foot it to Torrance, and vice versa. The depot has received two good coats of paint, which rather sets the rest of the houses in the shade.

Everybody is pleased with the way Hackney goes for the whiskeyites, and I don't believe he is the man that will be spoiled by the flattering remarks that we see daily concerning his wise proceedings. I wish we had more such men as he and St. John. I don't believe prohibition will lose anything by St. John not being elected, for now he can travel and lecture, which will strengthen many a weak place, besides the world will be better acquainted with the great and good man who leads the prohibition party in Kansas. Then Hackney will have double cause for being glad he took the stand he did with the whiskey ring.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Cambridge Crumbs.
Lyceum every Thursday night. Come one and all and make it more interesting.

Business lively, weather immense, roads getting better, and it causes the farmers to smile.

Mr. Joe Leedy has sold his property and will leave for the east in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Leedy will leave a host of friends behind them that will regret their departure.

Mr. A. B. Fisher, late of Holden, Missouri, is moving on the Brook's farm lately occupied by W. L. Koons. From what we have seen of Mr. Fisher, we judge that he is a fine gentleman and will make a good neighbor. MOSS BACK.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Otter Creek News.
The saw mill on Mr. Gammon's farm is turning out lumber at a lively rate.

Mr. James Nash has driven his cattle into the Territory and is having them herded there.

Jonas Stockdale, of Lincoln, Nebraska, made his brother, John Stockdale, a flying visit last week.

T. L. Thompson has moved on his new farm on Plum Creek. He is very well satisfied with his purchase. Mr. Harper has moved into T. L.'s old house.

Mr. Hempy talks of building another kitchen. He has two already. This will make one kitchen apiece for his wife and two daughters. Young man, there is the place for you to go to select a good cook. NED.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Omnia Jottings.
Spring time has come again and with it many changes.

Omnia school closed very quietly at the expiration of the term.

Mr. Shaw is preparing to move and Mr. John Flint will move on Mr. Shaw's farm.

Mr. J. C. Stratton has moved to Greenwood County, and a Mr. Brown takes charge of his farm.

A. L. Crow has moved in Silver Creek Township. His house here is for the present unoccupied.

Joseph Baker and Mr. Wilson moved on Mr. Peter's farm near New Salem. A. N. Henthorn has rented Mr. Baker's farm.

Omnia has a new railroad boom and all the cry is, "Railroad! Railroad! It's coming sure! We are sure to get it!" So mote it be.

The mump and measle epidemic which has been playing such sad havoc all around has not struck here yet and we hope it will not.

Notwithstanding the near approach of Wiggin's prediction, the larks still sing and the farmers plow, and if we are left to tell the tale, you will hear from us again. ELIZA.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The thanks of all good citizens are due Senator Hackney for the passage of his bill to preserve the purity of the judiciary. That is what the framers of the constitution intended. That is its spirit, its true intent and meaning, but it has been most shamefully spurned and spit upon. The framers of the constitution intended to say that no judge while holding the office should be a candidate for any political office; that judges should not become politi- cians. Senator Hackney's bill effectually prevents the judiciary of this State from disgracing their positions by becoming ward politicians. A political judge ought to be looked upon with the same disgust that a political military officer is. Leavenworth Press.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The new law, just passed, to suppress drunkenness, reads as follows:

SECTION 1. If any person shall be drunk in any highway or street, or in any public place or building, or if any person shall be drunk in his own house, or any private building or place, disturbing his family or others, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not exceeding twenty-five dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding thirty days.

SECTION 2. Prosecution under this act must be commenced within thirty days after the said misdemeanor is alleged to have been committed.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The new law to suppress the small boy's pistol reads as follows.

SECTION 1. Any person who shall sell, trade, give, loan, or otherwise furnish any pistol, revolver, or toy pistol by which cartridges or caps may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie-knife, brass-knuckles, slung-shot, or other dangerous weapons to any person of notoriously unsound mind, shall be deemed guilty to a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction before any court of competent jurisdiction, be fined not less than one or more than ten dollars.

SECTION 2. Any minor who shall have in his possession any pistol, by which cartridges may be exploded, or any dirk, bowie-knife, brass-knuckles, slung-shot, or other dangerous weapons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction before any court or competent jurisdiction, shall be fined not less than one nor more than ten dollars.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

A grand surprise was in store for a number of cattle men at Caldwell, March 8th, when the Cherokee Strip Stockmen's association was called to order, and the report of the committee on constitution and bylaws, through its chairman, submitted its report in the shape of articles of the incorporation, accompanied by the constitution and bylaws. The board of directors and a full set of officers were elected and sworn in. The charter was filed with the secretary of state, of Kansas, on Friday morning. This corporation is chartered to conduct a general live stock business in Kansas and other states and territories, to lease lands, etc. A motion to adopt the committee's report was ably discussed and finally adopted by a vote of sixty-five to nine by the old association, and, upon the announcement of the vote by the president the association known as the Cherokee Strip Stockmen's association died, and in its place the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association arose from the ashes, with E. M. Hewin, of Cedarvale; A. Drennan, of Kansas City; A. J. Day, M. H. Bennett, Ben S. Miller, Caldwell; J. W. Hamilton, Wellington; Charles H. Eldred, Carrollton, Illinois; and E. W. Payne, Medicine Lodge, as a board of directors. Ben S. Miller is president; John A. Blair, secretary, and M. H. Bennett, treasurer. Seventy-three members were taken into the corporation on payment of a $10 fee. An undisputed stock ranch on the Cherokee Strip in the Indian Territory constitutes the qualification of a member. A board of arbitration is provided for in the bylaws that will settle all disputed lines of ranchmen of ranches on these lands. No firm, corporation, or company can have but one vote in the deliberations of the corporation so that the member who holds 200 cattle on the range has just the same voice in all things as the ranchman who has 20,000 head of stock.

The corporations and monopolies are outwitted in this deal, and the ranchmen who have worked faithfully the past years on their ranges and gathered up a few cattle have the same show as their more powerful neighbors. The small stockmen are rushing into this corporation pell-mell, while the strong companies are more careful, but finally have to come under the sway of its workings.

A meeting of the board of directors is in session discussing the appointing of the various committees and preparing for future work. The corporation proposes leasing the Cherokee Strip if it can legally be done from the Cherokees direct. . . .


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The ministers of the Methodist conference having on Monday, the last day of their session, a time in the afternoon in which they had no special business to transact, concluded that they wanted to hear a prohibition speech from Senator Hackney. They therefore got after him, and after a considerable urging, they got him out, and without preparation he appeared before them in the M. E. Church and gave them the most pronounced and ringing prohibition speech we ever heard. He did not mince matters, but spoke right out in meeting. He rehearsed the history of the saloon rule in our city and strongly contrasted the improved condition of things since prohibition took effect; stated that he started in for prohibition because he was pledged, not only to his constituents but by his oath of office, to support the constitution of his state, though he did not believe in prohibition as a practicable state policy; that his experience and observation and the history of the prohibition movement for the last two years had since fully convinced him that prohibition was the only right and true policy, and that it can and must be a complete success in this state. He is now a prohibitionist from conviction and principle and shall stand by the flag and hold the fort; that hereafter he intends to be not only a prohibitionist but a temperance man in the strictest sense of the term. He cautioned his hearers not to draw the line at temperance. Many men who totally abstain from the use of intoxicating drinks will vote for prohibition and do as much good with their votes as the preachers before him. The place to draw the line is at prohibition. Preaching and lecturing and singing and playing are all good; organization and funds are better, but it is the votes that count. The hardest of the battle is yet to be fought; the enemy are organized, have the funds for the campaign, and will vote together and poll every vote. The prohibitionists are doubtless in a good majority in this state and when thoroughly organized and polling a full vote in harmony they will win, and the time will then come when, as in Maine, no political party will dare to go before the people without a prohibition plank. The Senator called things by their right names. To him black was black and perjury was perjury by whatever prettier names they may be called. It was the duty of every citizen to aid in every way to enforce the law as it is.

No sketch would begin to do justice to this speech. It was received with the greatest enthusiasm. As but few had notice of it when it commenced, the audience was not large, but as it became noised about the streets, people came crowding in and filled the House.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.


My brewery having been closed for two years, in compliance with the law, hoping for some change to be made by the legislature, but in their wisdom they saw fit to make noneand it having become the settled conviction that all beer used in this county must come through the new and undisputed channels, viz; the express offices and railroads; therefore, I would like to enquire of you the amount of sugar cane grown in this county, and the probable expense of turning my brewery into a syrup and sugar factory. I make this public request for the reason that your paper reaches many farmers, and they may be able to give me information as to the amount of cane raised in this section. Very respt.,

We cannot answer Mr. Manny's question but hope this will call out some information on the subject. We are disposed to treat this matter seriously for we are satisfied that the works could be utilized in that way to make them pay handsomely on the investment and that our citizens would gladly give any assistance and encouragement possible. A sorghum sugar works is the most important material want of this city and would do the farmers as much good as any other factory. But if Mr. Manny is serious in this matter, he must expect that some will be skeptical on the subject of his intentions for a while until he has shown by his acts that he really means it.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The roundhouse of the Santa Fe Company at Dodge City, Kansas, burned with two locomotives.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The tobacco tax is reduced, but as the cost of raising cabbage remains the same, there will be no reduction in the selling price of pure Havana cigars.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

"Grip" at 9th Avenue Lunch Room; the best 5 cent cigar ever made.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Everything good to eat at Bryan & Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The principle of planting corn with a lister is booming.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mr. W. R. McDonald left for the east Tuesday on a business trip.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Weighmaster Wilson has put down a new floor on the city scales.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mr. Wm. Benedict is lying very low at his home in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The Brettun House wants two laundry women. Apply at once.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

County Clerk Hunt is lying very low with a severe attack of neuralgia.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Agent Kennedy has sold thirteen tickets to California during the past month.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Rev. Fleming passed through town Tuesday on his way to Sedan on church business.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Farmer Young, of Tisdale, was drawing inspiration from the Bishop's discourse Sunday.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Dr. C. C. Greene has removed his residence to Mr. Harden's brick on Eighth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

To exchange: 160 acre farm for house and lot in Winfield. Price, $1,000. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Miss Mary Berkey gave a pleasant party to about twenty of her friends Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

J. Ex. Saint arrived Wednesday from New Mexico. His family have been here for two months past.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

We see by the Arkansas City Democrat that J. P. Baden talks of opening up a branch store at that point.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Best assortment of mixed paints, lead, and oil; best mixed paints $1.25 per gal.; common $1. Harter's Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The Park College Society will give a social in the basement of the Presbyterian Church Friday evening. Admission 5 cents.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

For Sale. One elegant 4 room cottage business. Price $850. One 3 room, price $800. A 3 acre tract cheap. H. G. FULLER.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mrs. Garlick will be ready to receive pupils to the kindergarten on Monday the 19th inst. Children taken from three to ten years of age.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Herman Jochems came in Tuesday evening and spent a day among his many friends here.

Herman is now one of Atchison's leading merchants.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Col. Whiting furnishes a market for all of Frank Manny's vegetables this year. He has a home-made fountain which keeps the vegetables fresh and wholesome.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

H. W. Howe, the new manager of the creamery, is wide awake and will make the institution a very valuable aid to the farmers and citizens in the cream and butter line.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Five car loads of immigrants with their goods have arrived over the Santa Fe during the week. In most cases they bring good grades of stock with them and good wads of greenbacks.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

An excursion train from Wellington, carrying about a hundred from that city and Oxford, came in Sunday morning and remained until after the evening services. It was a Welling-tonian enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The ladies of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union will give a social, with refresh- ments, at the residence of Mrs. J. C. McMullen on Thursday evening next, March 22nd. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

M. Ezekiel of Topeka, Grand Master Workman of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, is announced to visit Winfield Lodge No. 18 Thursday evening, March 15th. The gentleman is also Grand Commander of the Select Knights of the A. O. U. W., and will meet that order at conclusion of Workmen Lodge.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Atkinson The Tailor (successor to Timme) is opening up a large line of Piece Goods for the spring trade, embracing the latest designs and novelties of the season. The entire stock is fresh from the mills, nothing old in the house. Mr. Atkinson is favorably known as a practical cutter and first class tailor, and he will be pleased to submit his elegant stock to the inspection of the public. He guarantees satisfaction in every particular. Respectfully,

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mr. William McRaw and wife returned from Florida last week. They brought back some specimens among which is a sample of the best Mt. Dora soil which is left in this office for examination of the curious. It is a very fine brown sand, but does not look like anything could grow on it. Mr. McRaw says he has got tired of looking for a better place to live than Cowley, and now he is here to stay.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

In another place we publish an announcement of the marriage of Jesse Kistler and Miss Lizzie Heffner. We have been suspecting this of Jesse for many months. As a personal friend of the bride and groom, the writer wishes to extend his congratulations and earnest wishes for their prosperity and happiness.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mr. Wm. Atkinson has returned to Winfield and we are authorized to announce him as a candidate for the patronage of the public in the Merchant Tailoring business. He has for four years been a successful and artistic tailor and will undoubtedly satisfy our dressy community. He guarantees satisfaction in every instance.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

John Mack, of Cedarvale, dropped into our office Tuesday and exhibited his new patents: a double rotary windmill and a nut-lock of bolts. The last named device is a very simple one and forever stops the slowing of working on nuts or bolts. He has been offered a flattering price for his bold invention.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

DIED. Mr. C. R. Myles, one of Cowley's old and prominent citizens, died at his home in Cedar Township, Saturday evening. His disease was typhoid fever. C. R. Myles was well known and as highly respected, and his loss deprives the community of a most valuable citizen.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Messrs. O'Meara & Randolph have bought out the Boot & Shoe store of Smith Brothers three doors north of the post office and propose to rush off goods on hand at the lowest prices to make room for a fresh new stock which will surprise the natives.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

M. L. Robinson and J. L. Horning start for St. Louis today on business connected with the M. W. & W. Railroad. Mrs. Robinson will accompany M. L. as far as Jacksonville, where she will meet her sister and go on to Chicago with her.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The new grocery house of Bryan & Lynn starts off with a grand flourish and is already one of the most popular in the city. Mr. Bryan's multitude of old friends together with the customers that J. B. Lynn has gathered around him make a big crowd.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Dr. W. T. Wright, assisted by Dr. W. O. Wright, removed an immense cancer from the breast of a lady in Walnut Township last week. The operation was successfully and effi- ciently performed and the lady is doing well.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Rev. J. D. Woods of Anthony filled Rev. Rose' pulpit at Walnut Valley Church last Sunday evening. The house was crowded and Rev. Woods delivered a very able and interesting sermon.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

One of those confidential soap men applied to Mayor Troup for a license Tuesday, but he didn't get it. Fellows of his ilk have victimized the town several times in the past, but it won't be done again.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Six good men can obtain steady employment and earn high wages by applying at once to David C. Beach.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mr. Mentch sold twelve hundred bushels of wheat to Bliss & Wood Monday for $1.00 per bushel.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Mrs. Philip Stump and her daughter, Miss Rosa, of Chanute, are visiting friends in this city.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

The Markets. Wheat brings today (Wednesday) 95 cents for best, and corn 36 cents. Hogs bring $6.00 to $6.25 per hundred pounds. Eggs bring 10 cents per dozen and butter 15 cents per pound. Potatoes are worth $1.00; apples $1.40; and onions $1.00.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

School Orders. Holders of school orders on the Winfield City district are requested to bring them at once to the Treasurer, J. D. Pryor, for cancellation.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Vernon Township High School.

A meeting was held at Vernon schoolhouse last Monday evening to consider the advisability of proceeding to the organization of a High School. Considerable enthusiasm was elicited and a committee was appointed to prepare a plan for house, estimate expense, etc. The meeting adjourned to meet in two weeks, to hear the report of committee. Let everybody interested be present Monday evening, March 26, at Vernon schoolhouse.

J. W. MILLSPAUGH, Chairman.
F. WORDEN, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

About Milling.
EDS. DEMOCRAT. Sir: Looking over the COURIER of the 22nd inst., I find the new mill of Bliss & Wood to have been started with flattering results. It is truly a beautiful structure, one that the citizens of Winfield may justly be proud of, and I may here add that to appreciate the magnificence of its furniture is but to see and behold that vast amount of machinery in motion and examine the result.

Having been interested in the flour business for some time past, I take great pleasure in looking over the advantages of one system over another. In looking over the figures given of the capacity of the mill, I find that they will use 1,500 bushels of wheat daily and also the manufactured products.

1st. We find that the mill make 50 percent best Patent, 45 percent Bakers flour, and five percent low grade, as they stated "Cowley County Grit." This shows a very small percent low grade and a very large percent Patent. Also 25 packages of ships or shorts; and 75 packages of bran containing 196 lbs. each. Now, Mr. Editor, I have always been led to believe that there was considerable water in wheat, and in summing up the amount of pounds of stuff produced from 1,500 bushels of wheat by Bliss & Wood, I find an evaporation and waste to amount to 11,600 lbs. daily, which amount equals 193-1/2 bushels of wheat. Copying the capacity of the mill, I find the figures as follows:


Bushels of wheat: 1,503 daily; 450,000 yearly.

Bris. Best Patent flour: 110 daily; 45,000 yearly.

Bris. Bakers' flour: 125 daily; 40,500 yearly.

Barrels of "Cowley County Grit" flour: 15 daily; 4,500 yearly.

196 lbs. Packages shorts: 25 daily; 7,500 yearly.

196 lbs. Packages of bran: 75 daily; 22,500 yearly.

Total barrels of Products: 403 daily; 120,000 yearly.

Total value of Products: $1,500 daily; $450,000 yearly.

By the above estimate of products we find 400 packages of flour, bran, and ships, each containing 196 lbs., which makes 78,400 lbs. manufactured from 90,000 lbs. Of raw material, having for evaporation, waste, etc., 11,600 lbs. Of stuff daily, and yearly, figuring 300 working days, 3,480,000 lbs., or 58,000 bushels yearly, going where? It is readily seen that to make a barrel of flour, 196 lbs. (all grades) that it requires 300 lbs. of wheat, by estimate given.

Now, Mr. Editor, will some of your readers initiate me into the mysterious disappearance of this 193-1/2 bushels of wheat? If it requires that amount of wheat to produce the amount of flour given in the figures by Bliss & Wood, I will not kick if I receive 35 lbs. of flour in exchange from the mills on the canal. A FARMER.

We clip the above from last week's Arkansas City Democrat. There is a pretty big question in the above figures which "Farmer" has so nicely handled. We have questioned Messrs. Bliss & Wood on the matter, and find that there is an absolute disappearance of 190 bushels of wheat each day's 1,500 bushels ground. About two pounds in each bushel is water, another two pounds is sand and dirt, and about three pounds is shriveled and cracked grains which must be removed before grinding. Thus it will be seen that the mill will lose nearly two hundred bushels of wheat a day, when the daily consumption is fifteen hundred bushels.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Coroner's Inquest.

DIED. The Coroner was called suddenly Tuesday morning to hold an inquest on the body of Mrs. Rachel Ann Cunningham, who dropped dead in her house in Ninnescah Township, Monday evening. The following jury was summoned: A. A. Jackson, E. H. Jones, Jesse Isenogle, John A. Hood, James Rothrock, D. W. Pierce. The investigation was careful and searching and the following facts were elicited. During the evening Mrs. Cunningham was very much excited and used abusive language toward her husband, who was trying to quiet her. About eight o'clock she went out doors and soon Mr. Cunningham heard someone moaning and heard a fall. He sent one of the children out to see what was the matter. The child returned and said her mother had fallen down. Mr. Cunningham then went out and found her lying on her face. He picked her up, brought her into the house, tried with camphor and water to restore her, and finding it was of no use, sent for the neighbors. A post mortem examination was made by Dr. Emerson, who ascertained that her death had been caused by heart disease, and the jury found a verdict in accordance therewith. Mrs. Cunningham was about forty years old and leaves five children.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

A Double Wedding.

MARRIED. At the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, Sunday evening, March 11, by Rev. W. H. Rose, Thos. G. Vallerschamp and Elmira Kistler.

MARRIED. Also, at the same time and place, Jesse B. Kistler and Elizabeth J. Heffner.

The church was crowded with friends who witnessed the ceremony and offered their congratulations to the happy couples. The many friends of the contracting parties in this city offer their congratulations.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Notice. To property owners on both sides of Main Street between Seventh and Tenth Avenues. You are hereby notified that unless the gutters in front of each lot as provided for by ordinance are completed on or before the 15th day of April next, the city will let the contract. M. G. TROUP, Mayor.

Winfield, March 15, 1883.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

If S. C. Priest will call at the Winfield Bank he will find something of interest to him.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Baptist Church. Preaching at the Baptist Church next Sabbath morning and evening. In the evening the Deacons will be ordained. The following order will be observed.

Sermon: Rev. Dr. Bickkell. Charge to the church: Rev. Prof. Hickok. Charge to the Deacons: Rev. M. Wood. Prayer and hand of fellowship by the pastor, Rev. J. Cairns.

[Bickkell?? Do they mean Bicknell??]

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Winfield Telephone Office.

1. Allen Johnson.

2. Dr. Davis' residence.

3. M. L. Read's.

4. Whiting's meat market.

32. Transfer office.

33. A. H. Doane & Co.

34. Telegram office.

35. Dr. C. C. Green's office.

36. A. T. Spotswood.

37. City mills.

38. Read's bank.

41. Courier office.

42. A. T. & S. F. Depot.

43. K. C. L. & S. Depot.

44. Manny's residence.

45. Brettun House.

46. J. P. Baden's store No. 1.

46. J. P. Baden's store No. 2.

47. Millington's residence.

48. Curns & Manser.

49. Miller Dicks & Co.'s meat market.

50. D. Berkey's residence.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

To the Public.

Having sold out our Boot & Shoe business to Messrs. Pugsley & Zook, we take this occasion to thank you for the very liberal patronage extended to us, and trust you will favor our successors whom you will find worthy of your esteem and confidence, a continuance of the same. Yours truly, W. C. ROOT & CO.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Conference Notes.
The beautiful flowers which were grouped around the pulpit came from Mrs. E. P. Hickok's fine collection.

Newton is to be the next place of Conference meeting. There was quite a contest between that place and Wichita.

Rev. Tucker was with us a few days in attendance upon the Conference. He now belongs to the South Kansas Conference, and stays a second year at Ottawa.

Before announcing the appointments, Bishop Harris spoke at length upon the question of ministers crowding for good places. He made a good many hard hits.

Bishop Harris is one of the grandest looking old men we have ever seen, but he rules the preachers with a rod of iron. However, his strict discipline is most excellent in the dispatch of business.

During its last hours the meeting passed resolutions thanking the citizens of Winfield for their liberal entertainment, the choir for its excellent music, the secretaries and others for efficient services.

Bishop Harris was entertained by M. L. Robinson during his stay in the city and every courtesy possible was extended to him. He leaves with a high appreciation of Winfield and Winfield people.

In his little tilt with the Bishop Saturday, Rev. W. H. Rose carried off the laurels. He returned that gentleman's sally with a brightness of repartee rarely equaled. It was the best point scored during the Conference.

Rev. Hyden and his most estimable lady spent the week among their many friends here. There is a warm place in the hearts of Winfield Methodists for Mr. and Mrs. Hydenand this feeling is not confined entirely to the church.

During the morning session of the Conference on Monday, Senator Hackney dropped into the church. He was immediately taken in hand by Rev. Jones, led to the front, and introduced to Bishop Harris, who in turn introduced him to the Conference. He was received with hearty applause, most of the ministers rising to their feet.


Arkansas City: I. N. Moorhead.

Douglass: W. H. Rose.

Oxford: E. B. Abbott.

Winfield: P. F. Jones.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.
Mrs. Gilmore has moved.

Miss Mollie Chapell is quite indisposed lately.

Mrs. Sitton is suffering with the third day ague.

BIRTH. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks a little baby recently.

Miss Belle Cayton has just recovered from the mumps.

Miss Ella Nichols was very ill with the measles at last accounts.

One of Mr. Demaree's horses got quite badly cut on a barbed wire fence.

Mr. Vance attended the sale of Dr. Davis and bought a family buggy.

Mr. Watsonberger and wife will soon move onto the north part of their farm.

Mrs. John Brooks has been dangerously sick, but is now considered out of danger.

Mrs. J. W. Hoyland is mending slowly. She is under the medical care of Dr. Davis.

Miss Mary Dalgarn is home from Winfield and thinks Salem life is preferable to city life.

Mr. Shields lately bought another team of mules, but sold them in a few days, making a nice profit.

Mr. and Mrs. E. Miller will soon leave us. We do not like to give up good neighbors. May happiness attend them.

Mr. Kelly has resigned his position as station agent and it is now filled by a young lady, but I have not learned her name.

Mr. McMillen was lucky in keeping his wheat until recently as he received a higher price than those did who sold in the fall.

There is a magnetic influence about a young lady now in Salem that draws a young man clear up from Timber Creek. "Good bye, Joe, " etc.

MARRIED. Miss Anna Allen and Mr. Fireball of Prairie Home were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Feb. 25th. May their life be full of sunshine.

Mr. Garnett of Glenn Grouse was recently the guest of Mr. J. W. Hoyland, and he bought most of the latter's hogs and trotted them on home on foot.

Most of the farmers here have sown their oats. Plowing corn is now the order of the day. Wheat is looking quite well, but not so well as last spring.

Mr. W. B. Hoyland is entertaining his old friend and chum, Mr. J. A. Woodie of Monroe, Wisconsin. Mr. Woodie expresses himself highly delighted with our beautiful prairies.

Mr. Avis has built a little house on his farm and the Salemites are glad he is still in the vicinity. He and his happy little family are now settled in the new home. His cousin, Mr. Wm. Kine, lately arrived from Illinois and is domesticated in Salem.

We think Mr. McClelland must feel guilty when he gave a nice little lamb into the care of a Wolf, and the said lamb ran away but the owner was seeking it, but not with savageness intent. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe have bought a nice new kitchen stove.

Mr. C. Miller's baby recently climbed up and got a box of concentrated lye and ere the parents noticed, it had some of the contents in its poor little mouth and was nearly wild with pain. They applied proper remedies and stopped the burning and perhaps saved the life of the little one.

Mr. Will Christopher will teach the rising generation of Pleasant Hill or of New Salem, while Miss Mary Randall of Winfield will keep the youngsters of old Salem from going wild for three months. Miss May Christopher is again the Moscow teacher. Success to the teachers of this vicinity.

DIED. Everyone seemed stricken with grief at the unexpected death of our kind neighbor, Mrs. Charles Peters. On Monday night I heard he was very sick with measles, yet we all hoped he would recover; but alas! On Wednesday evening came the sad and startling news, "Charlie is dead." Oh! How sad for his loved ones; and he just in the prime of life cut down and gathered the same as those that are aged, into the silent grave. How sad the human heart can be and yet live on was fully demonstrated when we stood beside that silent form and witnessed the unspeakable grief of the aged father, the tears and endearing words of the stricken wife, the sobs and cries of the fatherless little ones, the pale face and heart-breaking sobs of the lonely brother, and from the sad faces of his dear kindred, his loving friend, as dear as a brother, and the many kind and sympathizing neighbors. I turned my face homeward, but my heart went out in silent sympathy to the sorrowing ones lingering around the new made grave, and my thoughts ran thus:

"Do any hearts ache there, beyond the peaceful river?

Do fond souls wait with longing in their eyes

For those who come not, will not come, forever,

For some wild hope whose dawn will never rise?

Are tears turned to smiling beyond the blessed river,

And mortal pain and passion drowned in its flow?

Then all we who sit on its hither banks and shiver,

Let us rejoice, we shall go home and know." OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Rock Twinklings.
The "old boys" had some fun last week.

Wheat looks well and a fine prospect for a crop.

Lambs are as plentiful as sands by the sea shore.

Spring is now here, the roads are good, farmers are plowing.

S. P. Strong has purchased a nice one horse buggy. Sam is too large for his grey pony.

A surprise party was given to Mr. and Mrs. Gale last week. All came away highly pleased.

Gale and Wilbur sold 500 head of fat weathers to Smith of Augusta, averaging 108. Price $5.15.

MARRIED. James Walker and Miss Daniels are married. Success to them. Jim is one of our successful teachers.

Tom Harp, our blacksmith, is fullof work. Tom is a good workman and they come for miles around.

"Kate" Williams and his lieutenant are on the war path. Look out if you want to buy a good sawing machine cheap.

Mr. Szirkoskey has moved onto his farm east of here, and MASE (Mase) Railsback has gone to housekeeping where he lived.

Ed. Pentecost, who has been living with Gene Wilbur, has moved to Winfield. Ed. is a genial companion and full of business. We are sorry to lose him.

A gentleman from Topeka has been among us for some few days with a Norman horse, trying to get a company of ten to take shares in him. Price $10,000. He made a failure, only getting five names.

Mr. Hollingsworth, formerly living on J. B. Holmes' farm, gave a dance. M. Hollingsworth, though a man of 40 odd, had never seen but one dance, and it struck him as a tip-top invention, so he had one. All had a good time.

Geo. M. Turner sold his farm of 160 acres to S. P. Strong. Consideration $4,000. Mr. Turner is going into the cattle business. Geo. is a No. 1 citizen and he will be missed. The worst thing about him is that he is a Democrat. JIM.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Those desiring the services of a practical house-painter should call on J. R. Scott, shop under 9th Avenue Hotel. Paper hanging and kalsomining a specialty.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Sorghum Growers. Best feed and cane mills in use, also celebrated Stubb's Evaporator awarded $75 at St. Louis Fair 1882. Send your address for price list and catalogue to J. R. Cole, Floral, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Strayed. From R. P. Burt, Akron, Cowley co., a black horse 16 hands high, white spot in face, shod on fore feet; seen last in Douglass on 10th. Information of his whereabouts will be liberally rewarded.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Eclipse Wind Mills manufactured by Fairbank Scale Co., for sale by G. B. Shaw & Co.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Wanted to buy. Two or three yoke of good work cattle. Address N. F. Scott, Seeley, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

Eight choice grade yearling Durham bulls for sale by John A. Smith, Silverdale, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

F. K. Raymond, Court Stenographer, will give instruction in shorthand writing. Resi- dence Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

PUGSLEY & ZOOK, (SUCCESSORS TO) W. C. ROOT & CO., have just received for their Spring trade a larger, more complete, and finer stock of BOOTS AND SHOES than ever. All of the latest novelties have been introduced, and by paying cash for same, we have been enabled to purchase these goods at prices that cannot fail to sell them. In fact, our whole stock is complete, and we know we can save you money. Please call and see us.

N.B. Mr. R. E. Brooking will remain with us and would be pleased to meet his old friends and make new ones.

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

THESE ARE FACTS! In these days of progress almost everything is being put up in cans. The economical housewife can spread her table with all the delicacies of the season at slight cost and with but little labor. Hence canned goods are becoming very popular. Appre- ciating this fact we have taken great pains with our stock this spring and have secured at once the largest and best varieties of canned goods in the market. We now have on hand: POTTED TURKEY, POTTED HAM, POTTED CHICKEN, FRENCH PEAS, FRENCH MUSH- ROOMS. POPULAR BRANDS. CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS, JAMS OF ALL KINDS, JELLIES, PICKLES, SAUCES, KETCHUPS, CHOW CHOW, CANNED FISH, CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS, HONEY, PRESERVES, WHITE FISH & MACKEREL.

We also keep a large stock of WOODENWARE .

In the way of TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! We offer extra inducements. We offer one of the best Teas ever opened in this market at FORTY-FIVE CENTS PER POUND.

This is a big reduction of price on this staple. We have other teas as low as twenty cents and as high as two dollars per pound.

THE "LEADER" CIGAR is the best in the world for 5 cents.

TOBACCOS. One line of Tobaccos must be seen to be appreciated. It is complete in the best brands of the known world. We buy Tobacco in larger invoices than any merchant in this judicial district, and can sell it for less and make as much profit. Don't fail to see our stock before you buy.

CRACKERS. We keep a big stock of the best brands of Crackers made. In Syrups and Sorghum molasses, we have a full line of the best goods. Call and see our stock and be convinced that we have the best and cheapest in the city. At the

Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

BOOTS AND SHOES. I am just receiving the best assortment of MEN'S FOOT GEAR YET SHOWN IN WINFIELD. And at Prices that will Secure Your Trade.


Outfitter to all Mankind.


Winfield Courier, March 15, 1883.

WINFIELD CORN MEAL & FEED MILL is now running, and farmers can get their corn ground either into meal or feed at very reasonable rates.

Our Choice Graham Flour and Corn Meal can be had of all grocers in the city.

Winfield Corn & Feed Mills,

JAMES KIRK, Proprietor.


West of Lynn's store, Winfield, Kansas.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum