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[Starting Thursday, February 10, 1881.]

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

On Monday the commissioners awarded the county printing to the COURIER for the coming year. The matter will also be printed in the Cowley County Monitor and Arkansas City Traveler.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Wonder if Wirt Walton lost any money by the failure of that rattlesnake farm in Clay County.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Commonwealth: The Cherokee Indians will tax horses and cattle 40 cents per year in that portion of the Indian Territory where their title has not been extinguished, being all that portion west of the Arkansas River and North of the Cimarron, excepting the Pawnee, Ponca, and Nez Perces reserves.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Commonwealth: The Senate confirmation of John D. Miles as agent of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians will be heralded as a token of peace along the entire border of Kansas for without him the chances would be against them. Mr. Miles has been in the services at Cheyenne Agency for more than three years, and knows every trait of character of the restless and unruly wards left in his charge, making him one of the most valuable men in the Indian service.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

It is complained of the officers in charge of the Insane Asylum at Osawatomie that they refuse to admit persons though there are accommodations for 150 more persons. This matter should be investigated, and if any officers have refused or neglected to do their duty, they should have walking papers at once.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

On Monday morning the county commissioners again called an advisory meeting of the citizens to consider the matter of selling the S. K. & W. stock.

Met at the office of Jennings & Buckman at 11 a.m., about forty citizens being present. Col. J. M. Alexander was chosen chairman and C. C. Black secretary.

It appeared that only two offers were before the commissioners, that of W. N. Coler & Co., of New York, of 65 cents for the stock, in the county 7 percent, bonds at par, and that of Edwards & Bo., of St. Louis, of 68 cents in cash for the stock.

A long discussion ensued, in which was discussed the relative merits of the two offers, the probability of getting better, and of loss by delay, in which many citizens took part. Finally the meeting passed the following resolution almost unanimously and adjourned.

Resolved, That this meeting advises the county board to sell the $68,000 stock to-day at 68 cents cash or Cowley 7 per cent, bonds at par (unless a better offer is made) to such parties as it shall deem best.

The commissioners then met and agreed to sell the stock to W. N. Coler & Co. for 68 cents cash, amounting to $46,240, the exchange to be made at Read's Bank in Winfield without expense to the county, the bank becoming security that the purchaser shall consummate the trade immediately. As this arrangement saves the county all expense for exchange, transmission, etc., it is an advance over the St. Louis offier.

The treasurer drew on W. N. Coler & Co. for $46,240, accompanied with the stock, and Read's Bank gave a receipt on deposits to the credit of the county of $46,240 in New York exchange. It is known, we believe, that N. Y. exchange is generally at a premium; never sells for less than par.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.



Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Wilmot, Feb. 8, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: Situated in Richland township near the beautiful Big Dutch creek, 17 miles northeast of Winfield, is Wilmot P. O., which same is presided over by the venerable Mr. McPherson. Near McPherson's house is what is known as a natural well, 40 feet deep. To the east of McPherson's house a quarter of a mile is another natural well, and near the last named one is J. V. Curd's store. Mr. Curd, wishing to utilize the well near his store and to obtain water, employed two of McPherson's sons to go down in the well and clean it out. When the boys went to the bottom of the well, to their surprise they found a large cave.

After making the discovery the boys ascended, procured torches, again descended to the bottom of the well and found a large cave hewn from the solid rock, 50 yards long, 40 yards wide, and 25 feet high.

The news soon spread, about twenty men arrived, and then commenced a general exploration. They found, as above stated, a large cave, and strewn over the floor were skeletons of animals and men. In the center of the cave is a large pillar about 12 feet in circumference; this pillar, it is supposed, was intended as a support to the ceiling, and is covered with hieroglyphics. At the foot of the pillar is a large spring. The water from the spring flows to the west side of the cave, where it enters a large tunnel that leads by Mr. McPherson's house down to the creek. Among the relics obtained from the cave and on exhibition at McPherson's are the petrified body of a man 10 feet high, one large stone ax, weight 50 pounds, and the head of a mastodon with one tusk attached nine feet long.

There is great excitement at present in the neighborhood over the find and people are flocking in from all directions to see the wonders. More next week. M. C. SELTER.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Fresh apples at Jim Hill's.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Cowley is not behind in pre-historic relics.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Miss Kate Millington is visiting in Topeka.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. A. N. Deming spent Monday in the city.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Judge Torrance is the father of a bouncing boy.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

J. P. Short was appointed city assessor by the council Monday night.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Will Stivers came in Saturday and will spend a week.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Spring has come and H. C. McDorman, of Dexter, has begun putting up ice.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. John Brooks called Monday and left an ad.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. Peter Hollenbeck, a stock man at Ponca, Indian Territory, gave us a pleasant call Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Frank Jennings lives in Walnut township now. He has removed to east 12th avenue.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The agony is over and the county treasurer holds $46,240 to be invested in Cowley County bonds.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. Todd Pangle came up from Sac and Fox agency and spent Sunday with his Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The council has appointed Brotherton & Silvers as the city weighmasters. Their weight is official.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Miss Grace Scovill has returned to the Bethany College at Topeka after her short vacation.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

James Chandler left last week for Pueblo, Colorado. We hope Mr. Chandler will succeed in his new home.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The Arkansas river is reported to be "on a boom," and it is said that the pontoon bridge at Oxford is washed away.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Sheriff Shenneman sold two notes taken under execution for $1 each, last Monday. The face value of the notes was $200.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Since the vote on the propositions to sell our stock, it is claimed that the idiot asylum ought to be located at Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Louis Zenor is the proud possessor of a genuine Turkish pipe and is now the most popular man in town. They all want to smoke it.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Richland township will go down to history as the battle ground of David and Goliah, if that ten foot petrified man doesn't prove a canard.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Sykes says that the nine foot tooth discovered in the Wilmot cave must be from the jaw of an ancient politician and indicates a twenty-seven foot cheek.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The school board met Monday evening and appointed J. L. Horning as a member of the school board to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Frank Jennings out of the city.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

At their meeting on Friday the south boundry of Richland township was changed, two miles being added to it, as will be seen by referring to the commissioner's proceedings in another column.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

On Monday the hardware store of Mr. D. S. Rose was closed by the sheriff on an order of attachment. We understand that Mr. Rose is not very heavily encumbered and will probably come out all right.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Last week the commissioners released Dunham, who was confined in the county jail in default of fine. He was immediately arrested on another charge, convicted, and sentenced to three months more, and until the costs were paid.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. J. E. McEwen, of Walnut township, met with quite a severe accident last week. While hauling a load of poles, he drove on a side hill overlooking the creek, the poles rolled from under him, and he was thrown violently onto the ice below, striking on his head with such force as to crack the ice.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

CRYSTAL WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Shrieves celebrated the 15th anniversary of their marriage by inviting their friends to attend their crystal wedding on Tuesday evening, February 8th. Accordingly a merry party filled the omnibuses and proceeded to their residence, one mile east of town, and spent an evening of unalloyed pleasure. Mrs. Shrieves, assisted by her sisters, Mrs. Cummings and Mrs. Wm. Shrieves, entertained theirr guests in a graceful and pleasant manner. Although invitation cards announced no presents, a few of the most intimate friends presented some choice little articles in remembrance of the occa sion. The following were present: Mrs. Hickok, Mrs. Mansfield, Mrs. Butler, Miss Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Kinne, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Spotswood, Dr. and Mrs. Van Doren, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest, Mr. and Mrs. H. Brown, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, Rev. and Mrs. Platter, Mrs. Houston, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Millington, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson, Rev. and Mrs. Borchers, Mr. and Mrs. Meech, Mr. and Mrs. Mill- house, Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Linn, Mr. and Mrs. Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. Hendricks, and John Roberts.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

WINFIELD MARKETS. We have but little change to note in the way of market interests. The only excitement in the market was occasioned by our hog buyers, and that in a manner was cooled down. We note no change in the wheat market, and quote wheat at 60 to 68 cents; corn, 30 to 32; oats, 22 to 25. The produce market shows scarcely any change. Butter is plenty at 12-1/2 to 15 cents. Eggs are more plenty, being down to 15 cents. Potatoes 75 to 81; sweet potatoes, $1. Poultry in fair demand. Live chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen; dressed chickens and ducks, 5 cents per pound, turkey, 8 to 9 cents. Hides are a little off, with prices as follows: Green, 6 cents, green salt, 7 cents, dry flint, 12 cents, dry salt, 9 cents,; bulls and stags, one-half off. Pelts and furs in good demand and at fair prices. Wood, dry, $4.50 to $5.50; green $4.00. Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15. Hay, receipts exceedingly light: price, $4.50 to $6. The stock market is well supplied for butchers' use, who are paying from 2-1/4 to 2-1/2 cents per pound for cows; 3 to 3-1/2 for steers. The hog market though somewhat excited is a little off. Shippers today are paying $4.25 to $4.50. Dry goods and groceries remain the same, except in some instances where dealers are over stocked, cuts are made to clear for spring trade. Daily Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

MARRIED. The marriage of Mr. Joe E. Conklin and Mrs. L. A. Linticum was celebrated Tuesday, February 8th, at three o'clock p.m., at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Warnock, on North Millington street, Rev. J. A. Hyden, assisted by Rev. J. Cairns, officiating. This wedding had been kept so quiet by the high contracting parties, that it was not until the deed was done and the cards announcing the same had been received that the rumor was credited. The ceremony was performed in the presence of Mr. and Mrs. Fahnstock, Dr. and Mrs. Mendenhall, Rev. and Mrs. Hyden, J. B. Lynn, W. C. Robinson and R. R. Conklin. The bride was attired in a handsome wine colored traveling dress, her trouseau containing many elegant costumes. The bridal party left on the 4:35 train for Chicago and other places in Illinois, the former homes of both bride and groom. They will be at home after March 1st. Our hearty congratulations are extended to them, with a wish that their marriage may bring them the happiness they merit.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

We have received the first number of "The Wellingtonian," the successor of the Sumner County Democrat. It is a bright sheet and set up in the best style. W. M. Allison in his saluta tory talks sense. He says he starts in on purely business principles, he does not owe the people anything, and he has no claim upon them. He shall not beg for favors, but expects to give full value for everything received. He offers his paper and his work to the people just as a man in any other legitimate business should do, and solicits patronage on the merits of his paper and his work.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The result of the two years' labors of Rev. J. A. Hyden, pastor of the M. E. church in this city, may be seen by the following summary. During these two years 135 members have been received by letters into the church, 20 received on probation, and 38 dismissed by letter; whole number of members at this date, 201. He has preached 307 sermons, including 61 funeral sermons, and assisted Revs. Cairns and Platter in the week of prayer for each year. He has made 1,583 pastoral and 94 social visits, conducted 142 prayer and class meetings, and married 46 persons. Debts to the amount of $2,800 have been paid in full, and nearly $600 of other debts provided for. Probably no M. E. church in Southern Kansas stands higher socially, financially, or religiously than the M. E. church of Winfield at this writing.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

At the last regular meeting of Winfield Lodge No. 20, I. O. G. T., the following officers were installed for the ensuing term commencing February 7th, 1881.

W. C. T.: T. H. Soward.

W. V. T.: Mrs. Henry Rowland.

W. S.: J. C. Rowland.

W. F. S.: Mrs. M. L. Jewell [? Jowell ?].

W. T.: Professor E. P. Hickok.

W. C.: Rev. J. Cairns.

W. G.: Miss Mary Cairns.

W. Sen.: H. H. Siverd.

Asst. S.: Miss Ella Freeland.

I. M.: Miss Mary Clark.

I. H. S.: Miss Mary Cochran.

L. H. S.: Miss Libbie Smith.

P. W. C. T.: Professor E. T. Trimble.

L. D.: Frank W. Finch.



Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The board ordered duplicate tax rolls for Beaver, Bolton, Cresswell, Pleasant Valley, and Arkansas City. These rolls will be placed in the hands of Mr. James Huey, and the taxpayers of the above townships can pay next year's taxes either to Mr. Huey or the County Treasurer as most convenient. There will be no additional fees on the taxes paid to Mr. Huey, as Treasurer Harden pays him for such services. This will be a great convenience to the taxpayers of these townships, as it will save them much trouble and time. Treasurer Harden is trying to make arrangements to have a duplicate roll for the east part of the county. It will probably be at Dexter.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Wirt Walton, commenting upon the various newspapermen in the House, uses "our Fred" up in the following manner: "Fred Hunt is the `kid' of journalism, that is, he has never seen the necessity of swapping subscriptions for cord wood or exchanging job work for cabbage. He has been attached to the Winfield COURIER of late years for poetical and Sunday school purposes, and has given that journal the bulk of the moral tone it possesses. He does not drink, chew, or profane, except with an occasional `By Gosh.' Continuous service in his present line will tend to diminish his chances for final translation."

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Abe Steinbarger is trying to decide upon some plan to "fatten us up a little." He spent so much time worrying over the problem last week that he had to drop nonpareil and set his locals in Brevier. If he don't drop this subject mighty quick, we will tell about the time he was indicted for purloining a leg of mutton, and only got clear because the investigating committee couldn't discover anything in his transparent anatomy but a Bologna sausage and a piece of old cheese.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

A fact in connection with entering land is not generally known. The arrangement now is that entry can be made at the office of the Clerk of the District Court as well as the Land Office. Any person settling on land can immediately enter the same by appearing before Clerk Bedillion, making affidavit of actual settlement, and paying the requisite entry fee. Many do not understand this and go to Wichita to enter, thus spending unnecessary time and money.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

J. G. Shrieves and family will leave for Chanute, where they will make their future home after March 1st.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Last Friday the clothing store of B. Saddler was closed by the Sheriff on an order of attachment. We hope that Mr. Saddler will be able to arrange matters so that he can continue business. His liabilities are about $3,000.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

If the citizens of Grenola would look to their own interest a little, they would put at least one sidewalk on Main street to the depot. We are informed that the mud is of such a nature that over shoes are left all along the road uptown.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Col. McMullen tells of a storekeeper on the border who ordered four bibles in making up his stock in trade. He explained that there were no d d fools there now, but when the first Indian scare comes, all the settlers will want bibles.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

We have received vol. 1, No. 1, of the Cambridge Commercial, published at Cambridge in this county, by Messrs. Hicks Bros. It is a neat six-column quarto, with much reading matter. We hope the editor may grow and prosper, although his paper is the seventh in the county.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Capt. J. B. Nipp has consummated the sale of his stock farm to Mr. George L. Eastman for five thousand dollars cash. The farm contains six hundred acres, and is one of the finest places for stock in Cowley County. Mr. Eastman has a thousand head of fine sheep with which to stock it.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Ike Davis and John Thompson had a little "jamboree" on the streets Saturday night. They got under the influence of liquor and attempted to stand off the marshal with a knife. It is needless to say that they languished over Sunday in the cooler, and their spare change found its way into the city treasury.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. L. M. Brown, of Harvey township, called last week. Mr. Brown has voted for thirteen presidents of the United States and is pretty familiar with the history of the country for seventy years past. He is still as vigorous as a man of forty and takes an active interest in political affairs.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

W. A. Lee is putting in a large stock of implements at Grenola, Kansas. He has rented a large two store building near the railroad depot, and proposes to fill it with implements. Mr. Lee's long experience in buying farm machinery makes him one of the best judges of good qualities and enables him to buy cheap.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

In Bolton township the vote for trustee was a tie between James S. Sample and William Trimble, each having 70 votes. The board drew straws and it was decided in favor of Mr. Sample. Mr. Trimble will file a contest, alleging that Mr. Sample is not a resident of the township and cannot therefore serve in any official capacity for the township.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The Mulvane Herald makes Wirt W. Walton thirty-seven years old, a native of Wales, and a scion of the noble house of Isaak Walton. He is about thirty, a native of Ohio, and we have been expecting every day that President Hayes would appoint him to some foreign mission. Perhaps such a slander as the above is what has so long kept him out of his birth- right as an Ohioan.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

BURDEN, Feb. 5th, 1881.
I see an article in the Telegram of last week referring to some of our prominent citizens as the "Tennessee outfit," which I desire to answer through the columns of your paper. In the first place, these men from Tennessee are just as good law abiding citizens as there are in Kansas. I know them to be such, and any man who thus slurs them is slurring his betters. They came here several years ago and went to work and tried to help build up the county, and they deserve to be praised up instead of being pulled down. The writer of that article in the Telegram also tried to kick Mr. Henthorn down by abusing him. Because a man has lost his political influence and is down is no reason that people should continue to kick him, but say a good word to him and try to get him on his feet again. I think it is not becoming to any man to write such a letter about our citizens who have worked hard to improve our county, and I hope, Mr. Editor, you will publish this in justice to them, and oblige many of your sub scribers in Silver Creek township. FAIR PLAY.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Bad colds (who ever heard of good colds?) seem to be getting the better of some of our citizens, and several homes are being visited with fever, while one case of erysipelas in the face is reported.

The weather is about as usual: never weary of giving us something new each day. Old winter has been so severe that most of us will be ready to give three cheers for the merry springtime just as soon as circumstances will permit of such delightful demonstrations; but dear reader, do not don your linen coat and straw hat just yet or you may crowd the seasons.

Spelling-schools, Literaries, prayer-meetings, and church services are flourishing at Beaver Centre and Pleasant Grove.

The social event of the season was at the residence of Mr. Charles Bradbury on Monday, January 31st. For some time it has been rumored that Mrs. Bradbury's birthday and fifteenth wedding anniversary would be observed on the day mentioned, and time seemed to slide slowly yet surely, until we can now say we were among the favored ones present and had a pleasant day. About fifty invitations were given, most of the recipients on hand bringing tokens of their esteem, and all returned to their homes thanking the family for a good time and feast of good things. OCCASIONAL.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Mr. A. P. Sweet died February 3rd, aged 58 years. Mr. Sweet has been helpless for many years. He leaves a large family and many friends to mourn his loss.

The election at this place resulted as follows: Trustee, Jeremiah Gregory; Justices of the Peace, C. S. Cogswell and James Leper; Constables, Frederick Northrup and Daniel Jenkins.

There will be a discussion at this place on the night of the 23rd inst. between E. Harned and L. A. Daniels. Question: Resolved, That the Bible is the inspired work of God.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

As one of the sufferers from too much uncontrolled railroad, I take up the pen to speak my sentiments and to assert an individual right, and as a citizen of Cowley, as a reader of the COURIER, as a constituent of our Representative, the Hon. Mr. Lemmon, as a Republican, and as a railroad bond taxpayer, I ask the support of your paper in particular, and the press of the State in general, and also the support of Mr. Lemmon and the Legislature to protect me and every other citizen of the State, be he Republican or Democrat, against the encroachments of and damages of the railroads.

Although I do not wish to put the State to any needless expense, at the rate of $600 per day, or to swell the list of bills with needless ones, from one hundred to one thousand, yet I do ask Mr. Lemmon to introduce a bill to compel all railroads to fence their roads where they run through improved farms, and that as fast as farms are fenced or hedged along their roads, that they be compelled by law to fence the same, with sufficient penalty to insure compliance with the law.

Now, Mr. Editor, your Topeka correspondent says truly, "We need railroad legislation;" but, said he, "With $50 passes in the pockets of our legislators, what hope for legislation on railroads for the interests of the people." If our representatives so act during the present term, so as to convince the people of this inconstancy and neglect of, and unworthy guardianship of the people's rights and interests, I hope they will soon receive the combined and accumulated indignation and chastisement of their constituents as to brand them unworthy of respect and confidence ever after.

I have a farm of 80 acres and the railroad runs through two fields, containing 15 and 18 acres; and I have a head of stock which I have to tie out by the head. If the railroad was fenced, with $30 expense to my fences I could use the wheat field for winter and the prairie field for summer pasture, and it would sustain 18 or 20 head of cattle, instead of 8. Then judge of my inconvenience, expense, and damage by the railroad. Then suppose there are in this county one hundred more who are just in my condition, how many $50 passes would it take to make good our loss? CITIZEN.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

On the morning of the election, we determined to spend the day at the polls, as home business was not very pressing. The polls were not as well attended as the friends of the move to sell our railroad stock had hoped, though if all the townships do as well as Vernon, the stock will surely be sold.

One of the most important subjects of conversation of election day was in regard to the erection of a suitable building by the township for the education of the more advanced scholars in the higher branches. It will probably cost not less than $5,000 or $6,000, which will require a tax of .01 to .015 percent on the dollar for three years to build such a house, for a high school would not make our taxes burdensome, being supported ty the township. The project has many warm supporters, and really, with a population of 1,600 and many of our school houses too small to accommodate all the scholars, it is a real necessity and we believe will be built.

Before the election board were done with the count, the members of the Vernon Library Association began to gather. This organization is progressing very rapidly. In about two weeks the members of this society will be prepared to give several exhibitions for the benefit of the library.

Wheat looks well, even though the winter has been dry, cold, and severe, and our citizens look contented and happy for they love plenty to eat; and there is yet plenty of corn in the Egypt of Vernon.

There has been considerable improving going on the past few months. Mr. Overly's and W. C. Clark's residences look substantial and comfortable. Mr. J. H. Worden's barn and wind-pump, and also Mr. D. D. Kellogg's wind-pump can be seen for miles, and betoken prosperity and enterprise. Mr. J. M. Householder has just enclosed a neat little house, and if you value your pate, when you meet him, don't make a mistake and call him Sodholder, for if you do, we will not be responsible for the consequences.

Many of our people have sunk stock wells this winter. Ten years ago Vernon was one vast prairie, dotted only with bleaching buffalo bones; but today it is dotted with hundreds of houses, groves, orchards, and vineyards, and our citizens are justly proud of their homes.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Notice is hereby given to all persons not to hunt or fish on any of my land nor to cut or carry away any timber, without a permit in writing, or I will claim protection by law.

Respectfully, JOHN BROOKS.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Winfield, Kans., Feb. 4, 1881. )

Board of Commissioners met in special session as a board of commissioners.

Present: G. L. Gale, chairman; L. B. Bullington, commissioner; Frank S. Jennings, county attorney; J. S. Hunt, county clerk.

The following fees for judges and clerks of the election held February 1, 1881, were presented and allowed.




Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The Board of Commissioners met in called session last Friday, Messrs. G. L. Gale, chairman, and L. B. Bullington, commissioner, present. The canvass of the proposition to sell railroad stock gave for 2,132; against 724.

The valuation on lot 17, block 94, Winfield, reduced frm $2500 to $25 and a correspond ing amount of tax remitted.

The road tax of Tisdale township was remitted.

County Clerk was ordered to purchase an index to the commissioners' journal and have the same written up.

The valuation of lots 5, 6, 7, and 8, section 3, township 35, range 6, reduced from $278 to $174.

Valuation on southeast 1/4, section 3, township 35, range 6, reduced from $320 to $200.

Valuation on northeast quarter of southwest 1/4 and lot 3, section 15, township 35, range 6, reduced from $128 to $80.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

Married at Rock, Kansas, January 20th, 1881, by Rev. C. P. Graham, Mr. Charles E. Smith and Miss Anna E. Bradshaw.

Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

The Clay Center Dispatch announces that J. P. Campbell, former editor and proprietor of that paper, has sold out his interest to Mr. Del. Valentine. Del. is one of the bright and gentlemanly young men of Kansas, who are infusing new life into our institutions. He is a son of Justice Valentine of the Supreme Court, and has been a deputy clerk of the court. We congratulate him on his change of base and his business association with the versatile Wirt, and we also congratulate W. W. W. on his acquisition of so pleasant and talented a partner.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

H. Jochems is home from Atchison.

Last week Spotswood & Snyder shipped upwards of three thousand pounds of butter to Kansas City.

Col. Manning, we understand, is going to start a bank in El Paso, New Mexico. Hope it is true, for he will assist our Winfield fellows when they go there and get "busted."

J. C. Topliff, postmaster at Arkansas City, has removed the post office uptown and now has his office with the well known jeweler firm of Ridenour & Thompson.

Work has again commenced on the Brettun House, and if the present weather lasts, it will be enclosed in less than two weeks.

Wilber Dever has returned from Topeka to take charge of a loan office in Wellington for Gilbert, Jarvis & Co.

Timothy McIntire was elected J. P. in Arkansas City last Tuesday.

G. W. Childers brought in the returns from Cedar township. The total vote ws forty-eight, only two of which were against the proposition to sell the bonds. N. W. Dressil, republican, was elected trustee by eight majority.

The statement was made in regard to the special election for the sale of our railroad stock, that it required a two-thirds vote of all the legal voters of the county. This was an incorrect rendering of the statute. It reads two-thirds of the legal votes cast at such special or general election.

J. C. Roberts is one of the old wheel horses of the republican party and was last Tuesday reelected trustee of Walnut township.

E. F. Widner, publisher of the Oxford Weekly, has been sued by General Green for libel in the sum of five thousand dollars for making a statement about the Kimball stock. O. E. Kimball is joined in the suit for causing the publicatioon of the article, J. L. Abbot for writing it, and Dr. Cole and Ransford Wansey for calling attention to it. Mr. Widner is finding out the beauties of a publisher's life quite early.

On last Tuesday evening a number of our prominent citizens met in the council rooms to consider the water works question. There were a number of practical suggestions made and it was thought with the expenditure of twenty thousand dollars a reservoir could be made on the mound on the east end of Ninth avenue and the necessary mains laid. Committees were appointed and another meeting to hear their reports will be held at an early day.

The Senate committee on temperance has introduced a new bill in the place of Mr. Hackney's, which, while embodying the ideas of bill number twenty-eight, makes several modifications. The same committee has introduced a bill restoring the grand jury system simplified by reducing the number of jurors to seven, thus lessening the expense, and to more effectually promote a rigid enforcement of the law.


Winfield Courier, February 10, 1881.

A new music house has been opened in the McMullen building, with Miss Nettie McCoy as manager.

Clark and Magill have been having a legal battle for the possession of the Southwestern machine shops. The trial lasted for some days and ended in a disagreement of the jury. The property in dispute, properly handled, is one of the most profitable in this county.

Daniel Sheel took out a thousand dollars insurance on his stock with the Home insurance company, Gilbert, Jarvis & Co., agents, early in January, burned out on the 25th of last month, and was paid a thousand dollars by the company on the 1st of the month.

Last week the Senate considered Mr. Hackney's bill, recommending that a resolution be addressed to Congress, asking that Jas. Christian, of Arkansas City, be granted a pension with the rank of captain. It caused a lengthened debate, but was finally adopted. This action was right, and we heartily commend it. LATER: The House defeated it, which shows a lamentable lack of patriotism and sympathy with an old soldier.

The bill incorporating the road from Arkansas City to Fort Smith has been recommended for passage. The bill provides that the company must file its acceptance within two months after the bill has passed, work must commence within six months, and the road must be completed within two years. There is good prospect that the bill will pass at this section of Congress. If it does, then Cowley County will boom.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Arkansas river is up booming, bringing evidence of heavy rains or melting snows up West.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

We hear that in some parts of the county there is great discontent because the county commissioners sold the stock without at the same time taking up our bonds in exchange therefor. It is complained that the money received for the stock is laying idle while interest is accruing on our bonds, if indeed the money is not being stolen, lost, or squandered.

As we offered in a public meeting the resolution on which the commissoners have acted, and as we addvised them to act as they have done, we may as well state the reasons for such action for the benefit of our readers.

In the first place, there is no danger of the money being stolen, lost, or squandered. The proceeds of the stock is in the hands of county treasurer Harden, where the law requires it to be, and he is responsible on his bond that it shall be appropriated according to law. The law requires that it shall be applied to pay the bonded debt of the county on the orders of the commissioners and if he should pay it out for anything else, he and his securities must make it good.

In the next place it was much more important that the stock should be sold at once than that the bonds should be bought in at once. The price at which the railroad stock could be sold was very precarious and uncertain at best.

Some of this same stock had sold as low as twenty-five cents on the dollar, but the temporary demand for it, caused by the consolidation of the roads, the desire to get up this stock for consolidation stock for the Santa Fe company, caused the stock to advance. Seventy five cents on the dollar was offered for it in 5 percent Santa Fe unsecured bonds, which we did not want nor had any legal right to trade for, bonds which might now be worth 90 cents to par, but are liable to take a grand tumble on the first money stringency or financial panic that should occur.

But a few weeks ago some townships in Sumner County sold through a financial agent some of this same stock at 70-1/2 cents, but paid the agent a commission, so that the stock netted scarcely 69. Since that sale it has been impossible to get an offer of more than 68 cents. In fact, the tendency is evidently to decline; and had we not sold until now, it is doubtful if we could have got more than 65. Should a stringency or panic take place, this stock would go down, down, perhaps to 25 cents again, perhaps to mere nothing.

There is little probability that it will go higher than 68 and it is almost certain that sooner or later it will go down. But we are out of trouble about the future of this stock, for we have sold out for $68,000 of it at 68 cents on the dollar, and have got the money for it, $46,240, safe in the county treasury. If stocks should tumble now, instead of losing we should make money by it. A panic now would help us amazingly about paying our bonded debt, however damaging it would be to all our other interests.

The reason that the commissioners did not take up our bonded debt at once with the money was that the parties buying stock had an option on some $45,000 of our 7 percent 30 year bonded debt and would not sell it to us for less than 104-6/10 cents on the dollar. Our 6 percent bonds were offered at par, but it was better to take up 7 percent at par or what would be still better, get our old ten percent at par or any premium under 12 percent. If we should let the money lay idle a month and then have to take our 7 percent at 104, we should lose nothing for the 6/10 would pay the interest accrued on the bonds during the month. But we shall do better. Already we are offered our 7 percent and 6 percent half and half at par. This, if we accept, is a gain of 2-3/10 percent, sufficient to pay more than four months interest on the bonds. But we do not advise that this offer be accepted. We should reject it promptly. We fully believe that we shall next get an offer of the 7 percent at par, perhaps we may soon get 10 percent at a small premium.

There is not the slightest need of rushing things now. There is no danger that our bonds will advance. There is much more probability of a panic or a financial change that will cause stocks and bonds to go down. We are ready for it; we are in the market to buy, and if our bonds decline, we shall make money by it. Our $46,250 cash will only buy $44,200 of our bonds at the rate the buyers of our stock asked for them. Should our 7 percent decline to 90 cents, we could with our money take up $51,377. of them.

Please be easy, gentlemen. Things are working well. Winfield chaps are not smart enough to steal this money. They cannot give it to Jay Gould for another railroad. It is not so much money as to send our $227,000 of bonded debt up above our reach. Those fellows who bought our 7 percent at 85 will consider how little of our debts this money can pay at best and will not know that it will not be stolen or paid to Jay Gould by these border barbarians. They do know that this is drouthy Kansas and that some of the best counties in the state have scaled down their debts fifty percent. They will no doubt think they have done well if they sell even at 90 cents, having got their interest and five percent profit besides.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The bill levying a half mill tax for 1881 and the same for 1882 to continue the building of the state capitol has passed both houses, received the approval of the governor, and become a law.

RECAP: The apportionment committee of the two houses agreed upon a bill to apportion the state into representative districts. Cowley County got three representatives. Total: 125. They made 40 senatorial districts.

The senate passed the substitute temperance bill by a vote of 30 to 7. This was in the main features of Hackney's bill, but was modified by the committee in several particulars. It will without doubt speedily pass the house and become a law by the approval of the governor.

Senator Hackney has presented senate joint resolution No. 2 proposing an amendment to sec. 1, article 5, of the constitution of the state of Kansas prescribing qualifications of voters, giving females equal rights with males to vote.

[Courier Ed. stated: "All right, W. P. We are with you."]


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

At the annual meeting of the State Historical Society, the following directors were elected for the ensuing year: John P. St. John, Albert H. Horton, John Francis, Charles Robinson, D. R. Anthony, Ira F. Collins, Allen B. Lemmon, James F. Legate, Henry Inman, A. P. Riddle, George H. Case, J. S. Waters, Edwin Russell, F. P. Baker, E. N. Morrill, Sol. Miller, John A. Martin, N. Green, B. F. Simpson. The officers elected are T. Dwight Thacher, President; C. K. Holliday and J. F. Legate, vice-presidents; John Francis, treasurer; and F. G. Adams, secretary.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Below we give a list of township officers elected at the February election. In some of the townships the Justices hold over.

BEAVER: Trustee, S. D. Jones; treasurer, W. L. Lester; Justice, J. D. Hammond; Clerk, Thos. Lowe.

BOLTON: Trustee, J. M. Sample; treasurer, A. Mowry; Justice, J. H. Titus; clerk, A. Buzzi.

CRESSWELL: Trustee, U. Spray; treasurer, W. M. Sleeth; clerk,

W. D. Mowry; Justice, T. McIntire.

DEXTER: Trustee, W. R. McGreddy; treasurer, J. A. Million; clerk, R. Hite; Justice, J. V. Hine.

CEDAR: Trustee, N. W. Dressie; treasurer, N. Parisho; clerk, J. Smith; Justice, A. A. Nix.

FAIRFIEW: Trustee, W. B. Weimer; treasurer, B. B. Corson; clerk, J. A. Curfman; Justice, W. Metzger.

HARVEY: Trustee, E. Hayner; treasurer; W. F. Hall; clerk, J. M. Rivers; Justice, Gee Harris.

LIBERTY: Trustee, J. Fisher; treasurer, J. L. A. Darnell; clerk,

J. A. Cochran; Justice. A. H. Miller.

NINNESCAH: Trustee, G. S. Cole; treasurer, J. C. Drumm; clerk, L. Stout; Justice, A. A. Jackson.

MAPLE: Trustee, Jos. Craft; treasurer, G. A. Norman; clerk, S. L. Daugherty.

OMNIA: Trustee, J. Gregory; treasurer, A. Hatery; clerk, G. B. Darlington; Justice, L. S. Cogswell.

OTTER: Trustee, J. H. Serviss; treasurer, C. Myles; T. H. Alley.


PLEASANT VALLEY: Trustee, A. A. Becker; treasurer, D. Gramm; clerk, C. S. Secatt.

RICHLAND: Trustee, H. A. Stanford; treasurer, L. B. Stone; clerk, J. W. Miller; Justices, R. O. Stevens and N. J. Larkin.

ROCK: Trustee, J. F. Williams; treasurer, J. C. Snider; clerk, G. H. Williams, Justices, R. Booth and J. R. Richards.

SILVERDALE: Trustee, J. D. Harkelroad; treasurer, R. R. Herrington; clerk, H. L. C. Gilstrap.

SILVER CREEK: Trustee, J. F. Teter; treasurer, J. Chandler; clerk, H. N. Hulse.

SHERIDAN: Trustee, B. J. Johnson; treasurer, H. P. Snow; clerk, G. B. McClelland.

SPRING CREEK: Trustee, G. Eaton; treasurer, A. M. Schofield; clerk, R. J. Mead.

TISDALE: Trustee, J. H. Hall; treasurer, I. D. Black; clerk, W. C. Bryant; Justice, Geo. Wilson.

VERNON: Trustee, E. D. Skinner; treasurer, J. F. Prewitt; clerk, H. H. Wordon.

WALNUT: Trustee, J. C. Roberts; treasurer, Joe Mack; clerk, T. A. Blanchard; Justice, J. L. King.

WINDSOR: Trustee, A. B. Booth; treasurer, J. A. Irwin; clerk, Thos. Walk.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern Railroad now completed to Winfield, is 30 miles the shortest, 2 hours the quickest, and the only line running through trains between Winfield and Kansas City. It is the best route to all points east. Close connections are made with all trains at Union Depot, Kansas City. Trains on this line are always on time, thus making connections sure. Through tickets to all points are on sale at the Company's office in Winfield, at lowest rates. If any of your Eastern friends are coming West, write them to purchase tickets via the Through Route, the Kansas City, Lawrence & Southern R. R.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Will, preparatory to removal of his stock to Douglass about the 15th of February offer for sale his entire stock of HARDWARE, STOVES, TINWARE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AT COST! And all his heavy Stoves and Ranges at a GREAT SACRIFICE!



Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Winfield Mills are running with a full head of water.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

J. H. Service lost about forty head of sheep during the late storm.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Dave Dix had 3-1/2 feet of water in the Main street well Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The dam at the Oxford flouring mill and the pontoon bridge have gone down stream.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The L. L. & G. has put up a water tank near the stock yards, and now have it in running order.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

County Clerk Hunt put in Sunday getting out the certificates of election for township officers.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

MARRIED. Mr. Thomas L. Dickens and Miss Laura Barrister were married by Rev. D. Thomas last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

`Squire Barrick managed to get to town on Monday, after having been snowed in for several days.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Roland Conklin, the "wee brother," is running the Monitor during the hymenial frolics of its editor.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The saloon men are getting ready to shut up shop in case the supreme court decides the amendment constitutional.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Mr. Enos Henthorn, ye real estate and loan man of Burden, spent Tuesday in the city. He registered at the Williams House.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Mr. Tannehill, of Beaver, dropped into our sanctum Monday. He is the first person in from Beaver since the blockade.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The next meeting of the county teachers' association will be March 12. The storm interfered with the meeting Saturday.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Rev. J. A. Rupp, of Vernon, dropped into our sanctum for a few moments Monday. He reports things generally frozen up.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

It is said there were seventeen "dead" engines at one time between Emporia and Topeka during the recent snow blockade.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

SHEEP FOR SALE. Six hundred well wooled wethers, three years old. Inquire of S. C. Smith or address John Norris, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The city council is having the Main street wells deepened. This is a good move, for if there is one thing we need more than another, it is water.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Mr. A. J. Pickering was one of the "unfortunates" who were snow bound here Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. He returned home Monday morning.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Linus Webb is located at McPherson in the loan and land business and is doing well.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Mr. Reuben Boothe, of Rock, dropped in last week and took a look at our cylinder press.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The ladies have moved the library to the Morehouse building, over Spotswood's store.

They will have very pleasant apartments there and hope to make it much more attractive.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

We narrowly escaped a fire Monday. The house in which Mr. Scovill resides, on east 11th avenue, caught fire on the roof, but prompt work and plenty of water near at hand saved the building. After the fire was out, the hook and ladder truck appeared upon the scene. The fire engine at station No. 1 was frozen up so that it was not taken out of the fire department building. Probably the engineer had been out Sunday night and had not kept her steamed up. The damage to the building is slight.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

"BUCKING SNOW" is what the railroad boys call it, and it certainly was "bucking" on a big scale. Through the courtesy of Superintendent Barnes, we were permitted to ride out to the scene and witness the engines and men at work. The cuts were level full of snow, so solidly packed that it would hold a person up. The largest engine was placed in front to do the "butting." It would get back a half mile, take a run, and dive into the snow at the rate of forty miles an hour. It would generally dig through the snow about two hundred yards, when men were sent in with shovels to loosen it up. The other four engines would come up behind and after much puffing and blowing, the huge engine would be drawn back, ready for another dive.

The sight was one never to be forgotten. The engineer on the front engine was an old Kansas Pacific man, was used to blockades, and was as fearless at Satan. He knew the engine which he controlled, and felt his power to govern it. The cut just on the backbone of the divide where the road crosses from the Walnut slope to the Arkansas is about twenty feet deep. The snow here was more solid than usual, and so deep that it reached the headlight of the engine. They reached this last cut about eight o'clock at night, and after examining it, a consultation was held with the engineer as to whether he was willing to attempt to force it as he had the others. He debated the matter for some time and at last told them to "clear the track" and ordered the firemen to "fill her up with coal."

The start was to be made from the crossing, about a mile back. We took our stand opposite the cut on top of a mound about fifty feet above the track. The moon was almost full, and the track shone bright and glistening way down nearly to the crossing where the giant locomotive stood, with the grim engineer watching the finger of the dial plate on the steam gauge crawl slowly around as the two firemen shoveled in the coal. They were all ready, the finger on the dial showed one hundred and twenty pounds of steam, and the engineer, with one hand on the throttle, gave the signal that he was comingand he did come! We saw a puff of smoke, and in an instant the locomotive shot down the track toward us. The next thing we knew we were covered with snow from head to foot, with the engine just opposite buried in the drift up to its smoke stack.

It took nearly an hour shoveling and pulling by the other engines before she was released from her snowy prison. We were tendered an invitation from Supt. Barnes to ride in with the engineer on his next dive, but owing to a "very bad cold," we were compelled to forego the pleasure of such an excursion.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Last week Cowley County and Southern Kansas was visited by the severest snow storm ever before known. It commenced snowing Thursday evening; the wind was very high, and the snow soon drifted so that travel was completely blocked. The storm continued all day Friday and Friday night. The passenger train on the L., L. & G. came in all right Thursday night, but failed to get through to Wellington, getting stuck in a snow bank about two miles this side. Friday afternoon two large engines passed the depot going west to the rescue of the passengers. They found the train scattered along all the way from Oxford to Wellington, first digging out a coach, then a baggage car, and finally the engine stuck fast in a ten foot snow bank. Altogether, there were five engines and two trains snow bound between Winfield and Wellington, a distance of twenty-five miles. The Friday morning freight on the Santa Fe left Winfield all right, but failed to get through, as did the passenger coming down. No train came in on the Santa Fe until Tuesday. The passenger train came through from Wellington Monday morning, and also the train from Kansas City on the Monday night. This was the first mail from the east since the 10th.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The past week has been a rough one on business of all kinds, with no shipments of grain or stock, owing to the blockaded condition of the roads. Businessmen and tradesmen have felt the effects of bad weather to a great extent. Prices have undergone no change. We quote wheat at 60 to 68 cents; corn 30 to 33 cents; oats 22 to 25 cents. The produce market is dull. Butter is plenty at 12½ to 15 cents. Hogs are more plenty, at 15 cents. Potatoes, 75 to 81 cents; sweet potatoes, $1. Poultry, no demand; live chickens, $1.25 to $1.50 per dozen; dressed chickens and ducks 5 cents per lb.; turkey, 8 to 9 cents. Hides, but few offering, with prices as follows: Green, 6 cents; green salt, 7 cents; dry flint, 12 cents; dry salt, 9 cents; bulls and stags one-half off. Pelts and furs in good demand at fair prices. Wood, dry, $4.55 to $5.55; green, $4; very little on the market. Coal, soft, $6.50 to $7; hard, $15; market entirely out. Hay, receipts exceedingly light: price $4.50 to $6. The stock market is still supplied for butchers' use, who are paying from 2¼ to 2½ cents per pound for cows; and 3 to 3½ cents per pound for steers. The hog market is quiet on account of none shipping; prices are lower than last week ranging from $4 to $4.25. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

A man applied to Mayor Lynn for aid Monday, stating that he lived on East 8th avenue. The Mayor referred him to Councilman Hodges, and he was afterward furnished with provisions by Councilman Freeman. Marshal Stevens investigated the matter and found that he did not reside in the city at all but lived off Mr. Service's place east of town. It was also discovered that he was the possessor of a team and had an able-bodied son twenty years old; that they had twice been offered work with their team at $2.50 per day but had refused the job, preferring to live by charity. From what we saw of the man, he seemed as able to work as hundreds of others who make their living by honest labor. There are dozens of widows in Winfield with large families to support who struggle along without asking charity, but who are more entitled to it than this applicant.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

We hear of small pox in various places all over the country and it stands us in hand to look out for exposure. So many persons from all parts are traveling, that the disease will be carried by some of them wherever they go. We cannot tell how soon the infection will be brought into this county. The late snow storm has served as a quarantine for a few days, but will not serve in that capacity long. We would therefore caution everybody to avoid strangers and stay at home. You cannot always tell what traveling stranger has been exposed to the disease. Look out and avoid exposure as far as possible, for the disease is said to be injurious to the complexion.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Arkansas River boom proved a disastrous affair for our neighbors. At Sterling it struck the bridge and carried away several spans. At Nickerson it played havoc with the bridge, and what is more serious, destroyed a human life. A man was just driving across when the great mass of ice and water caught the middle span and carried it away, engulfing him and his team in the frightful vortex below. The man finally struggled out upon a large cake of ice, and was making a successful effort to get disentangled, when the cake struck a small island and threw him over into a watery grave. His name has not yet been learned nor the body recovered. The team was drowned.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

A meeting of the citizens of Winfield, irrespective of sect or party, will be held in the M. E. church, on Tuesday evening, February 22nd, to give expression, by a generous and liberal donation, of our appreciation of the ministerial labors of the Rev. J. A. Hyden, and of his social and moral worth and that of his estimable wife, who after two years of incessant labor will soon leave us for other fields. We invite Winfield to make her liberality felt on this occasion. There will be toasts, responses, music, etc.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Lovell Webb, Esq., of Winfield, a thoroughbred young lawyer, son of Hon. W. C. Webb, of this city, arrived this morning and will remain in Topeka a few days.

Captain H. W. Stubblefield, of Winfield, an old army comrade of the editor, made us a pleasant call today. Topeka Capital.

[Capt. Stubblefield returned Tuesday, having been absent a week. He has visited Kansas City and the Leavenworth penitentiary. How he escaped, he does not inform us. Ed.]

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Chicago Lumber Company should bring suit against the city of Winfield to recover damages for the injury done the frame building on the corner of Ninth avenue and Fuller street. The windows have been smashed into pieces, while holes here and there have been made in the ends of the house. This work can be traced to the boys who attend school in the east ward, to their shame be it said.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

For seventy-two hours Winfield was isolated from the rest of the world, and to many it seemed like an age. We have become so accustomed to daily communication with the outside world that a return to the days of the stage-coach and four-day-old papers would be unendurable. It is such occasions as these that make us realize the value of railroads and telegraph wire.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

A reporter comes in from the Wilmot cave, and gives us the following facts, to the truth of which he is willing to swear.

Many visitors went to the cave last week, and a thorough exploration was made.

One party, taking several day's rations in their haversacks, followed the northern prong. They had little difficulty in traveling after the first obstacles had been overcome. Within the cave the air was pure and delightful, in strong contrast to the blizzard which was tearing around just outside. The explorers caught fish, which supplied them with fresh meat. Of course, the fish were blind, living as they did in currents of water not visited by light. Fires were built of the bones of mastodons, which were numerous in all the rooms of this cave. The party followed the channel three days, coming out somewhere in Butler County.

Specimens of the stone age were to be seen on every hand. A large pair of snow shoes were found, turned to solid stone. Near these shoes there were also found a pair of garters, a night shirt, a pocket flask, and a huge demijohn, all turned to stone, and all of a pattern that indicated that those who used these ornaments were men of giant stature: stalwarts of the age of stalwarts.

In one chamber our explorers found a throne, surrounded by stone seats, evidently the reception room of the mastadon and the giant. On the walls could be faintly traced several poetical looking inscriptions, doubtless songs written in honor of the blushing maidens of that remote age. A little further on the explorers struck what was evidently a kitchen, for the utensils, all stone, resembled many of the articles that the good housewife now shies at her liege lord when he intrudes on her kingdom. One of the party picked up some fossilized biscuit as hard as dornicks; but one other, a skeptical fellow, vowed that they were exactly the article that he had at his boarding house for breakfast every day. Space forbids our giving more of these facts just now, but we hope to do better next week.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

February 4th we accepted an invitation to dine with other friends at the residence of Rev. P. B. Lee, in Vernon Township. The company consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Millspaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Case, and daughter, Carrie, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Evans and two children, and Mr. Frank Case and family.

Ere long Kansas gardeners will commence work. The price of lumber prevents many from having gardens protected from farm stock and poultry. The Arkansas bottom is full of willows, which cost little or nothing save a few hours labor, and if a few posts and poles are secured, these willows, when nailed on, complete a Kansas garden fence, costing about one dollar. Try it. OCCASIONAL.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Eggs are worth ten cents per dozen in this market.

It is a nice, plump baby boya regular nine-pounderand Joe Clover is the happiest man in town.

Dr. Chapman, of old Lazette, was out riding Thursday evening when his horse became frightened and ran away, throwing the doctor out of the buggy, bruising him about the head and face.

Uncle John Brooks has recently bought six hundred and fifty head of sheep from Mr. Yancy, of Grenola. As a stock country, Southern Kansas cannot be beat, and no one knows it better than Mr. Brooks.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

BURDEN, KANS., Feb. 15, 1881.
We see the Burden correspondents of the COURIER and Telegram are worrying considerably about the political influence of several of our citizens and particularly Mr. Henthorn. Now, we desire to say that the people referred to as the "Tennessee outfit" comprise a large number of our best citizens, and Mr. Henthorn is perfectly able to take care of himself without any assistance from the "bantam" crowd, who, with the assistance of the venerable Mayor, who never saw the smoke of battle, assume to "run" this township. The votes the latter gentleman carried in his vest pocket must have had a weakening effect on him, for he has been unable for some time to do any business other than relate the secrets of his success. We suppose the next thing on the program will be to beat Harvey Smith for Justice of the Peace. This will be a large contract and will take the combined influence of all the above gentlemen. We await the onset with fear and trembling. EBENEZER.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Night before last, only a few hours before midnight, as we reclined sadly in our three and a half legged nondescript, usually called easy chair, vainly seeking a plan to beat patent medicine men, we became conscious of a change in the atmosphere. The light glimmered and blinked at us through a fog. A stiffling, hasty pudding thickness filled the room, and clogged the avenues of the lungs. Vague and unaccountable terrors settled down like a wet horseblanket, and overwhelmed us with suffocation. The door opened. A tall, stern, military looking man stood there. The air thickened. His face was of the choleric exasperating red sometimes seen in never to be forgotten soap wrappers. His iron gray hair was short and stiff and stood up like bristles upon the fretful sow. His mustache was a reversed imperial, also gray. We knew our man, and his object. Our mind now returned to that playful little personal, which now took the proportions of a gigantic libel. The air took a blood curdling navy blue hue peculiar to coal oil barrels. His revengeful gaze was fixed upon us. Our eyes mucilaged themselves to his. An indefinable heaviness of horror, an intangible oppression of dread settled over and swallowed us. His eyes shot avalanches of gloom; an icy buzz saw stole up our back and pulled all our hair out. (That's what makes us bald-headed!) His nostrils belched blizzards of wrath; we congealed. He spoke! His voice resembled the low mutterings of the disgruntled porker; we wiggled in very ecstasy of agonizing despair. He ordered out a fifteen-cent paid local! We expired. No cards. Telegram.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

Yes, we had some snowstorm here last week.

Mrs. Miller contemplates removing back to her farm near New Salem as soon as the elements will permit. She will have her house moved from this place to her farm.

Mr. Urias Williams and Miss Anne Cottingham were united in matrimony on Tuesday of last week.

Married last Sunday, at the schoolhouse, immediately after service, by Elder Thomas, Mr. T. L. Dicken and Miss Laura Barrister.

Messrs. Hugh Montgomery and Theeodore Orud came in from Missouri last week. I believe they intend to stay.

Mr. Mount moved to your city a couple of weeks ago.

The mail carrier made the trip on horseback last Saturday.

Mr. J. S. Allen has been on the sick list the past week.

Rev. Irvin has been snow-bound and just returned from Sumner County today, where he had been to fill an appointment.

Our merchant, Mr. Read, has given the inside of his store a new coat of paint. I consider him a first-class country merchant.

Our schools enrolled only 15 pupils last Friday. SIMON.

February 13, 1881.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

VERNON, Feb. 16th, 1881.

E. Martin. A. J. Worden, D. Hawkins, V. Harlan, Charlie Martin, Mrs. Hawkins, Miss Lena Wellman, and Miss Emma Martin.

Also: Mr. Millspaugh, Miss Mertie Page.

Mr. Wilson is going to put up a front to his house, and build a large stone barn forty by sixty feet. M. L.


Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The people living in the neighborhood of the Wilmot cave pronounce the hoax of last week a good one. The only truth in the matter seems to be the hole in the ground and the water in the bottom of the hole. The hieroglyphics are said to be Jim Kelly's, while the other relics of the stone age are about equally antiquated; so says an unimaginative iconoclast who has been up that way.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

After further consideration, the commissioners rescinded the order allowing Treasurer Harden to place duplicate tax-rolls at Arkansas City and Dexter for the accommodation of tax-payers in those localities. The county attorney says that under existing laws, taxes cannot be collected at any but the treasurer's office at the county seat.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The Traveler is worried over a Winfield coal dealer giving an Arkansas City man short weight. Our neighbor should keep his temper and not worry over such a little thing as this, or perchance he may get a "couple of feet in the rear end" for his pains. That coal dealer weighs 210.

Winfield Courier, February 17, 1881.

The new town of "Grand View," over on the backbone of the flint hills, wants to promote immigration, and have a big "ad." in the Howard Courant. Cowley County needs a few more "beautifully located" and "future great" towns, and Grand View wants to come in for her share.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 24, 1881. Front Page.

AN ACT To Prohibit the Manufacture and Sale of Intoxicating Liquors, except the Medical, Scientific, and Mechanical Purposes, and to Regulate the Manufacture and Sale Thereof for such Excepted Purposes.

SECTION 1. Any person or persons who shall manufacture, sell, or barter any spirituous, malt, vinous, fermented, or other intoxicating liquors, shall be guilty of misdemeanor, and punished as hereinafter provided: Provided, however, That such liquors may be sold for medical, scientific, and mechanical purposes, as provided in this act.

SECTION 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to sell or barter, for medical, scientific, or mechanical purposes, any malt, vinous, spirituous, fermented, or other intoxi cating liquors, without first having procured a druggists' permit therefor from the probate judge of the county wherein such druggist may at the time be doing business; and such probate judge is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to grant a druggists' permit for the period of one year, to any person of good moral character, who is lawfully and in good faith, engaged in the business of druggist in his county, and who, in his judgment, can be intrusted with the responsibility of selling said liquors for the purposes aforesaid, in the manner hereinafter provided.

In order to obtain a druggists' permit under this act, the applicant therefor shall present to the probate judge of the county wherein such person is engaged in business, a petition, signed by at least twelve citizens of the township or city wherein such business is located, certifying that the applicant is a person of good moral character, and lawfully engaged in the business of a druggist. He shall also file with such petition a good and sufficient bond to the state of Kansas in the sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, conditioned that such applicant will neither use, sell, barter, nor give away any of the liquors mentioned in section one of this act in violation of any of the provisions of this act; and on such violation, said bond shall thereby become forfeited.

Such bond must be signed by the applicant, and by at least two of the persons signing such petition as sureties, and such sureties must jointly or severally justify in writing, under oath, in the sum of five thousand dollars over and above all their debts, legal exemptions, and liabilities:

Provided, That in cities, towns, and places of less than five thousand population, said bond may be in the sum of one thousand dollars, and the sureties shall justify as provided above in the sum of two thousand dollars. The probate judge shall consider such petition and bond, and if satisfied that the petition is true, and that the bond is sufficient under this act, may in his discretion grant a permit to the applicant to sell intoxicating liquors for medical, scientific, and mechanical purposes only, and thereupon, before delivering said permit, and before it shall be of any validity, the probate judge shall record upon the journal of his court the said permit, together with his order granting the same, and the bond filed therewith and justification thereon, which said permit shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the store where such business is carried on. The probate judge shall receive for said service the sum of five dollars, to be paid by the applicant.

SECTION 3. Any physician who is regularly engaged in the practice of his profession as a business, and who in cases of actual sickness shall deem any of the liquors mentioned in the first section of this act necessary for the health of his patient, may give such patient a written or printed prescription therefor. But no such prescription shall be made or given except in case of actual sickness, and when, in the judgment of such physician, the use of intoxicating liquor is necessary as a remedy. Whenever, in the treatment of a minor, it shall be necessary to use intoxicating liquor as a remedy, the same shall be procured by his parent or guardian, or some other person of full age, to whom such physician may deliver a prescription for that purpose.

Every physician, before making any prescription for intoxicating liquor, shall make and file with the probate judge of the county wherein he may practice his profession, an affidavit before some officer of the county authorized to administer oaths, in substance as follows. [EXAMPLE FOLLOWS OF AN AFFIDAVIT.]

SECTION 4. Any druggist having a permit to sell intoxicating liquors under the provision of this act, may sell for medical purposes only upon the written or printed prescription of a practicing physician, etc. HAD RULES FOR FALSE OATHS, PERJURY, ETC. ALSO MADE IT NECESSARY TO KEEP RECORDS...

The record so kept shall be open to the inspection of the public at all reasonable times during business hours...may sell such liquors in quantities not less than one gallon to any other druggist having a like permit.



SECTION 7. Any person, without taking out and having a permit to sell intoxicating liquors as provided in this act, who shall directly or indirectly sell or barter any spiritous, malt, vinous, fermented, or other intoxicating liquor, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days; and for a second offense shall be fined in any sum not less than two hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than sixty days nor more than six months. And for a third, and very subsequent offense, shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, or shall suffer both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

SECTION 8. Any person, without taking out and having a permit to manufacture intoxicating liquors, as provided in this act, who shall manufacture, or aid, assist, or abet in the manufacture of any of the liquors mentioned in section one of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall suffer the same punishment as provided in the last preceding section of this act for unlawfully selling such liquors.

SECTION 9. Every person having a permit to sell intoxicating liquors, or to manufacture and sell intoxicating liquors under the provisions of this act, who shall sell or barter such liquor in any other manner or for any other purpose than in this act, provided, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars nor more than three hundred dollars for the first offense, or be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, and in addition thereto shall forfeit his permit to sell under this act; for a second offense he shall be fined n a sum not less than three hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than thirty days nor more than ninety days, and forfeit his permit, and for a period of five years his right to obtain a permit to sell intoxicating liquors under this act; and for a third and every subsequent offense he shall be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dollars nor more than one thousand dollars, or shall be imprisoned in the county jail not less than three months nor more than one year, and shall forfeit his permit and his right forever to obtain a permit to sell intoxicating liquors in this state under the provisions of this act. In all cases where forfeitures are provided in this act, the court, in rendering judgment in the action, shall declare such forfeiture in fixing the punishment.

SECTION 10. All liquors mentioned in section one of this act, and all other liquors or mixtures thereof, by whatever name called, that will produce intoxication, shall be considered and hold to be intoxicating liquors within the meaning of this act.

SECTION 11. A permit to sell intoxicating liquor under this act shall continue in force for one year from the date thereof, unless sooner forfeited under the provisions of this act; and a permit to manufacture and sell intoxicating liquor under this act shall continue in force for a period of five years from the date thereof, unless sooner forfeited under the provisions of this act: Provided, That the probate judge may require a renewal of the bond of said manufacturer at the end of any year by giving thirty days' notice to the principal in such bond, requiring him to renew such bond, and in default of his giving a new bond with sureties, to the satisfaction of such probate judge, after having been so notified, he shall forfeit his permit to manufacturer and sell intoxicating liquor under this act; such forfeit shall be delcared by such probate judge, and entered of record in said probate court.

SECTION 12. It shall be the duty of all sheriffs, under-sheriffs, constables, marshall, and police officers of cities or towns, having any notice or knowledge of any violation of the provisions of this act to notify the county attorney of the county of such violation, with the name of any witness within his knowledge by whom such violation can be proven. If any such officer shall fail in any case to comply with the provisions of this section, he shall on conviction thereof be adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined in any sum not exceeding one hundred dollars, and such conviction shall be deemed a removal of such officer from office. If the county attorney of any county shall be notified by an officer or other person of any violation of any of the provisions of this act, it shall be his duty forthwith to diligently inquire into the facts of such violation, and if there is reasonable ground for instituting a prosecution, it shall be the duty of such county attorney to file a complaint in writing before some court of competent jurisdiction, charging the suspected person of such offense, and shall verify such complaint by affidavit, but it shall be sufficient to state in such affidavit that he believes the facts stated in such complaint to be true. If any county attorney shall fail or refuse to faithfully perform any duty imposed upon him by this act, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof in the district court shall be fined in any sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and on such conviction shall be deemed to be removed from office. . . .

[There were 24 sections. Act took effect May 1, 1881.]


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.


Jackson Burdette, Howard Fawcett, Elmer Million, Florence Goodwin, Hattie Laplin, Lucy Hite, Frank Gamel, Charlie Truesdell, Lewis Whiteside, Ida Black, Lennie Laplin, Geo. Million, Mattie Truesdell, Robert Alfont, Arthur Hockett, Willie Bryan, Alma Elliott, Willie Darst, Libbie Hutchinson, Metta Merydith, John Hite, Fannie McDorman, Belle Nichols, L. J. Bibler, Kinney Hines, D. Allison, Marshal Million, Oliver Nichols, Clara Church, Nellie Merydith, Augusta Bibler. NELLIE M. ALDRICH, Teacher.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

It is said at San Marcial, New Mexico, that fifty Indians attacked the settlement of San Francisco, on the river of the same name, eighty miles west, killing all the inhabitants: about thirty-seven.

It is reported from Fort Craig, New Mexico, that 300 Navajoes are on the warpath, but only a few renegades have painted. A scout from Black Range says the mountains are full of Indians.

It is said that since Victorio started out two years ago, with his handful of followers, the savages have killed six hundred persons and destroyed stock and property to the amount of $3,000,000 in New Mexico.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

On the 14th Senator Hackney introduced senate bill 213 to prevent betting and the use of gambling devices.

The report of the joint committee on apportionment of the two houses of the legislature on legislative apportionment contains the following:

"Cowley shall constitute the twenty second senatorial district, and elect one senator."

"The City of Winfield and the townships of Ninnescah, Vernon, Fairview, Walnut, and Tiscale, in the county of Cowley, shall constitute the sixty sixth representative district.

"The townships of Beaver, Cresswell, Bolton, Pleasant Valley, Liberty, Silverdale, Spring Creek, and Cedar in the county of Cowley, shall constitute the sixty seventh representative district.

"The townships of Maple, Rock Creek, Richland, Omnia, Silver Creek, Sheridan, Dexter, Otter, Windsor, and Harvey, in the county of Cowley shall constitute the sixth eighth representative district."


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

In making out the papers for the sale and transfer of the stock in the S. K. & W. railroad from the county to the purchaser, there were some errors which made the transfer defective and the papers were sent back for correction.

Commissioners Gale and Bullington met at the county clerk's office on Monday of this week and made the proper correction. It is said that they also sent Messrs. James Harden, treasurer, and M. L. Robinson to New York and Boston to buy bonds.

These two gentlemen started east on Monday eve, but we suppose on their own expense and for their own purposes for the Commissioners have no power or authority to put the county to any expense for such a mission. They probably have gone to see the inauguration of the president and other sights and can well afford to do so, but the idea that they expect the county to pay their expenses is preposterous. The idea that they would be of any particular use to the county in finding and buying bonds at a low rate is equally absurd. The state has a financial agency in New York and the bankers of that institution live in the midst of bonds and stocks and know now more about our bonds, where to get them and what they are worth, than two new men could learn in six months. All our Commissioners need to do is to send the funds to the financial agency and instruct them to buy our bonds to the best advantage for the interests of the county. The idea of sending men from here to do the business is absurd and ridiculous.

We suppose that the howl raised in some quarters because the bonds were not bought in when the stock was sold, might have worried the commissioners some and made them feel that they ought to hurry up the matter of buying in the bonds in some way, so that when asked to send these experienced intelligent men east to hurry up the matter, without looking up the law or considering the use of sending them, they in their individual capacity and not as commissioners told them to go. But the story soon got out that the commissioners had sent them on this wild goose errand at the expense of the county and then commenced a howl indeed. Almost every man we met made either an angry comment in condemnation or a ridiculous comment in disapproval.

We would ask the people interested to keep cool and not to get excited. The commission ers are trying to do the best thing for the interests of the county and will not pay out the people's money for any expenses not warranted by law.

The gentlemen named have a right to go east and buy bonds for that matter just as we fellows who stay at home have the same right.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The "Feeble minded children bill" which has passed the senate provides that the institution shall be started in the old college building at Lawrence and appropriates $16,000 to run it there for two years, but permanently locates the institution at Winfield to which place it shall be removed when our citizens shall have made the state a clear title to twenty five acres of land within two miles of the Winfield courthouse, and when suitable buildings shall be erected by the state. The bill as passed the senate does not make an appropriation for the buildings but should it pass the house, it is hoped that such appropriation may be made in the general appropriation bill. It was with difficulty it passed the Senate without being loaded down with the appropriation and it is thought that it will be much more difficult to pass the house.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.


The bill providing for an asylum for the feeble minded is also made a special order for Monday. The bill passed the Senate locating the institution for the present at Lawrence and permanently at Winfield, Mr. Hackney having succeeded in tacking on the latter provision in the Senate.


A bill has passed the Senate authorizing the Treasurer of Cowley County to pay to Walnut township the road and tax fund of old Winfield township, providing that Walnut township shall build an iron wagon bridge across Dutch creek, north of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Mr. Miller, a Topeka boy, conductor on the Arkansas City branch from Mulvane to Arkansas City, did a good job on Sunday and Monday in clearing the track on his own route, and then down the other branch from Mulvane to Caldwell, thus enabling the regular passenger train from Newton to make her trip on schedule time, on Monday.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The trains at last are running on time.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Mrs. Frank Williams has been ill for several days.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Dr. Wright has sold his residence on Manning street to Mr. Bookhalter.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

George Norman, of Red Bud, with an Iowa brother, was in our city Monday.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The hardware stock of D. S. Rose was sold to Horning, Robinson & Co. last week for $2,350.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

There is some pleasure in bringing a three hundred pound hog to town and getting $15.00 for it.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The fish in many of our streams have died this winter on account of the ice and shallow water.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

F. M. Cooper, M. D., Winfield, Kansas. Chronic diseases a specialty. Office South Main street.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Rev. Hyden made his farewell talk to his congregation Sunday evening. He leaves next week for conference.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The city authorities had the crossings cleaned off Monday so that pedestrians could travel without rubber boots.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Ralph Smalley left for Cincinnati, Ohio, last Friday. He goest to take a position in a large wholesale house in that city.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Some rascal threw a basket of eggs on Mrs. De Gear Call at Augusta last week. She had been lecturing on temperance.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

We do not publish the "Monitor" locals this week for want of space. Most of them are a repetition of the COURIER locals of last week.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The city council has appointed a committee to purchase a new fire bell. Let us have a good one this time: one that can be heard all over the city.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

With an increased wetness of the earth and the increased depth of the city wells, we will soon have more water than we know what to do with.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Will Wilson returned from Topeka on Saturday evening. Rumor says that he occupied a seat at the reporter's table during his stay at the capital.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

It is rumored that Rev. Nance, who formerly lived near Maple City, in this county, died at his home in Butler County last Friday. We sincerely hope the news is not true.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Treasurer Harden and M. L. Robinson, the committee appointed to buy our bonds, left on Monday's train for New York and Boston. If bonds are to be had, they will get them.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The hog market has been red-hot for the past few days. Last Saturday as high as $5.25 per hundred was paid. Monday the price ranged at $5.00, with but very little change since.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Five days more will wind up the constitutional fifty days allowed our representatives in which to transact the business of the State. If they stay longer they do it at their own expense.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The party who exchanged a pair of $1.75 overshoes for a pair of $3.00 shoes at Smith Bros. shoe store Monday will oblige the clerk by returning the same at their earliest convenience.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Capt. J. B. Nipp, of Arkansas City, made us a pleasant call Monday. He has recently built a handsome brick residence in the city and has, since the sale of his farm, transferred his stock to the territory.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

At the council meeting Monday evening Thompson's addition was taken into the city. This brings in the territory clear out on Ninth avenue to Thompson's house. It puts Frank Jennings in the city once more.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Business has commenced on the Arkansas City Canal. The contractor advertises for six thousand mattresses, with which to dam the raging Arkansas river. Arkansas City will dam him when she begins to pay taxes on the canal bonds.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Doctor Graham is still improving his beautiful home. This time it is to be a pump driven by a wind mill. The reservoir is to supply his house and stable, and to feed a couple of fountains in his yard. Who will follow this worthy example.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Mr. C. J. Brane is in town trimming up fruit trees, grape vines, and shrubbery. Mr. Brane is a first-class nurseryman, and parties wishing to have their trees and shrubbery treated by an experienced hand will do well to call on or address Mr. Brane.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Walnut township has been convulsed by a law suit between Tom Johnson and Charley Roberts, in which Charley sued Tom for $34.20. The jury gave him a verdict for 25 cents and the festive Charles is disconsolate. The suit will be before Justice King.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

WHAT BECAME OF JIM HILL'S OYSTERS. W. C. Root, wife, and child, came in from McPherson on Monday week, having been four days on the road. Between Peabody and Walton his train got stuck in a snow drift at about eight o'clock in the morning, and it was full forty-eight hours before all the efforts put forth succeeded in extricating it. There were 150 passengers on board who had to fast all the first day until eight o'clock in the evening, when the conductor went through the express car and got out everything in it that was edible. The passengers got outside of oysters, crackers, etc., with incredible dispatch. A can of Jim Hill's "selects" fell to the lot of our friend Root and family. The fair half of that family could never bear the sight of a raw oyster, but under the stress of circumstances, expressed her surprise that they could be so good. In the second morning more edibles were secured from the little farm houses scattered over the prairie, and the wolf did not get away with anyone.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

J. W. Nichols, Esq., a route agent of Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express, was in the city over Sunday, having come here to visit their office in the place and post Mr. Allen, their agent, in the affairs of the company and arrange facilities for the accommodation of their flourishing business, which is prospering finely under the hands of Mr. Allen. Mr. Nichols is an old expressman of many years experience and represents a company which is noted for its liberality to both its employees and patrons, and for fair and honest dealing with the public. Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express Company has a thirteen years' lease of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad and all its branches, and hopes by square dealing and close attention to business to win the confidence and patronage of the people in this section of country as it has elsewhere.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The donation for the benefit of Rev. J. A. Hyden and lady on Tuesday evening was one of the pleasantest gatherings of the season. Over 200 of their friends were out and showed by their liberal offerings the high esteem in which the minister and his lady are held. Singing, toasts, and select reading, with refreshments, served to make the evening pleasant. A general regret is expressed by the people that Rev. Hyden should decide to leave. After working unceasingly and getting the church on a splendid footing, both financially and spiritually, he should stay another year at least and reap some of the benefits of his labors. It is certainly a self-sacrificing spirit which prompts him to relinquish this finished work for the arduous labors of a new charge.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Land buyers are commencing to arrive.

Some stock was lost in the late severe storm, the sheep men being the heaviest losers.

A. B. Henthorn expects to plant cane enough to make ten thousand gallons of molasses next fall.

J. C. Stratton has a fine lot of cattle.

A colony of young men is forming here to go to Washington Territory next summer.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Snyder & Spotswood have had photographs taken of their patent folding coops, from which they will have cuts made. The coop is intended for shipping, and can be folded up and returned to the owner, thereby saving to shippers the price of the coop. It is an excellent thing.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Willie A. Fogg, the fifteen-year-old boy sentenced to the county jail for six months by Judge Campbell, at the last term of court, for grand larceny, was yesterday pardoned by the governor. Father Kelly made the application, has taken a great interest in him, and believes that he can reclaim him.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Topeka has her "Capital Guards," Wichita revels in the luxury of a "Lotus Club," Wellington consoles herself with the idea that she is destined to be the "future great" of the Arkansas valley, but the fact still remains to stare them in the face that Winfield raises more babies to the square foot of territory than all of them put together.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

"It is a girl," said R. D. Jillson last Friday morning in our office, "and weighs ten pounds."

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Mr. T. R. Bryan has opened a loan office in the Lynn & Loose building. Eastern capitalists have for some time been soliciting Mr. Bryan to place investments for them in this county, and have offered him money at rates that enable him to offer a very low rate of interest. Borrowers would do well to call on him before making their loans. His card appears in another column.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

The late Fernando Wood was six feet high, spare, and as straight as an arrow. His hair was gray, and he wore a mustache as white as snow. He had a pale complexion, regular features, and blue eyes. In his youth he was a remarkably handsome man. He was married three times, and leaves a wife and ten children.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Major F. Moss was brought in by Sheriff Shenneman Monday evening on a charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. This is the same gentleman that was tried by the Burden boys and found guilty of "chewing tobacco." He will catch it in earnest this time.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Major F. Moss, the Greenwood County patent right man who sold a mortgaged team to Dr. Wilson and then "skipped" to Missouri, was brought back upon requisition of the governor and is now in jail.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Henry Goldsmith received on Monday ten thousand "Little Sweethearts." He brought us a box of her as a sample, and we herewith pronounce Henry a prince of generosity and his "Little Sweetheart" the finest cigar we ever smoked.

Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Hogs dropped Wednesday morning to $4.50 with a prospect of a lower market. The recent high prices were largely due to the snow blockade, and it is not probable that they will again reach $5.00.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

Several of our young men left last week for Colorado.

The Methodists are talking of a festival, in the near future, for the beneift of Mr. Rose.

Mr. Henderson left last week for Kansas City and Lawrence. He will spend the most of his time in Lawrence, where he formerly resided.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

BALTIMORE, Feb. 19, 1881.
The wheat was looking quite green before the last storm.

Several of the farmers are buying corn, on account of the light crops of the past season.

The school board have adopted a rule to prohibit the use of tobacco in the school house at all times.

Mr. Ambrose Kinley has lately come from Illinois, and we suppose that he calculates to settle down from all appearances.


Winfield Courier, February 24, 1881.

We made a slight mistake last week in stating that Geo. Cunningham had shipped two car loads of baled hay to Leadville. It should have been sixteen car loads.

I. D. Harkleroad, of Silverdale township, sold fifty-seven head of fat cattle to C. Sink, of Pueblo, Colorado, this week, for twenty-two hundred dollars. Forty-one head were shipped this week.

The following young men from Bolton and Arkansas City took the "free train" last Thursday for Arizona, where they have been employed to work on the railroad: L. D. Skinner, Henry Gaswa, E. L. Parker, E. M. Gates, Chas. Wilson, Hub. Parsons, and Frank Winans.

We were right last week in stating that Dr. Hughes and Will Leonard had made arrangements to start a paper at Eureka Springs. The Doctor informs us that it will be a daily, and they will commence operation as soon as they can move their press and material to the Springs.

THE CANAL. Before another issue of our paper, work will have been commenced on the canal in earnest. Mr. J. Hill has all the blacksmiths in town employed sharpening plows and repairing tools, preparatory to the work, and will, as soon as a permanent survey can be made, commence operation.

Mr. Hill, the canal contractor, has advertised for six thousand mattresses, to be used at the head of the canal to dam the Arkansas. These mattresses are made of brush, bound together with wire, the same as used in jetty work. A good opportunity for someone to turn the underbrush in their timber into money.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

NEW CANTON, KS., Feb. 18, 1881.
Mr. and Mrs. Walker are still in the East.

Messrs. Adam Walck, Hiram Walck, and Hugo Shubarth are in Coloroado. Mr. Leonard Walck will have charge of the farm during his father's absence.

O. E. Null, Stanton Walck, and others will start for Colorado in a few days.

The mail carrier passed through the other day with Mr. McKinney's team, his having given out, and having been delayed before, he was anxious to make the trip. He reported an immense amount of snow near Augusta.

Sickness has prevaled to an alarming extent. Lung fever seems to have been the prevailing disease and mostly among children.

Mr. Thomas Daniels is one of the practical farmers of this township. He has big pens of corn-fed cattle and hogs, and plenty of them.

Mr. Hugo Shubarth and Miss Clara Daniels were married a few weeks ago.

Yesterday `Squire Martin joined together in holy matrimony Mr. Earnest L. Daniels and Miss Mary J. Jackson.

Mr. James Walker was to have been married, and just why the wedding did not take place is shrouded in mystery. A rumor is afloat to the effect that Jim went to Winfield, procured his wedding suit and license, and behind his magnificent span of mules drove to the home of the lady who it seems had promised to share her lot with him. He had no sooner crossed the threshhold of the house, in which he had spent the happiest moments of his life, than he was politely informed that Miss K. was married and gone East. "Mine gott, am dot so!" said Jim. It is said when a person meets with some startling or unexpected news, some sudden surprise, their left ear will kind of stick out. Well, Jim's left ear stuck out, but not very long. He went to his wagon uttering, or rather muttering, something like the following: "Lod lam such lod lam luck to ell and ham nation." He gave a few ponderous blows of the whip and started for home at a fearful rate, with one mule six feet before the other, and the lines on the doubletree. The famous trotters, Maud S. and St. Julian, could not have kept in sight. The clatter of the mules' feet, the noise of the wagon, the crack of the whip, and the startling yells of Jim made a noise that would have put to blush the thunder of Mt. Sinai.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Treasurer Harden telegraphs Capt. Hunt that he and Robinson have bought $35,000 of Cowley 7 percents on good terms.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Fred Hunt telegraphs that the House committee of the whole has recommended for passage the Senate legislative apportionment bill. This insures its passage, and it will become a law. It gives Cowley one Senator and three representatives.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Senator Hackney presented a joint resolution in the Senate last Saturday instructing Senators Plumb and Ingalls to use all honorable means to pass the Cherokee and Arkansas River Railroad bill through the U. S. Senate which lately passed the House. The Senate tabled the resolution then, but on Monday evening Hackney got the resolution lifted from the table and passed it through the Senate. So says his dispatch received Tuesday morning.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

We are very much surprised at an editorial in this week's COURIER in relation to the subject, "Our Stock and Bonds."

The following is the official action of the commissioners, and we want to say for Messrs. Gale and Bullington that neither of them were to blame for the necessity that caused the board to take the action detailed below.

On Feb. 21, 1881, the Board of county commissioners met in official session. Present: G. L. Gale, chairman, L. B. Bullington, member, and J. S. Hunt, county clerk.

The board directed the county clerk to correct the journal entry of February 4th and February 7th, 1881. Said entries were accordingly corrected. These errors were informalities in regard to the transfer of the stock of the Southern, Kansas and Western railroad.

On motion of the chairman it was resolved that James Harden, county treasurer of Cowley County, and M. L. Robinson be appointed and empowered as a special committee to take the corrected papers relating to the special election, held February 1st, 1881, and AT THE EXPENSE OF COWLEY COUNTY, proceed to Kansas City, Missouri, and have the same approved by Wallace Pratt, attorney, to whom the original papers had been referred by Charles Merriam, trustee; then proceed to New York and Boston and purchase for and in behalf of Cowley County, Kansas, forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth of the outstanding bonds of the said Cowley County, Kansas, provided the seven percent bonds of the said Cowley County can be purchased at a commission or premium of not more than two and one-half percent; the six percent bonds of said Cowley County at not more than par and accrued interest, and the ten percent bonds of the said Cowley County at a rate correspondingly beneficial to the interests of said county, or any of said specified bonds to the amount of forty-six thousand two hundred and forty dollars worth at as much better rates for the interest of said county as possible. And if the present purchase can be made at such rates or at most one percent of such rates, this committee shall ascertain as much as possible in relation to whom the holders are of such bonds at what rate and the lowest rate any of said bonds can be purchased, etc., and make a full report of all of said items on their return.

Board adjourned. J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.

We clip the above from the last Monitor and will remark that when we wrote the editorial in the COURIER alluded to and when we went to press we had not been furnished a copy of the commissioners' proceedings, and as they are usually furnished the county paper by the clerk, we had not been to the records to examine them. We had heard rumors on the street concerning the proceedings, which struck us as improbable for the reasons then given. Now that we have a copy of the official proceedings, we make the correction by publishing them as above.

We do not wish to do injustice to any parties connected with this matter and are disposed to give to all the credit of desiring in their action to accomplish the best interests of the county. We know that the commissioners would act in no other way but for the interests of the county according to their best judgment; but we must be permitted to dissent from the course taken and to hold that there was no use in sending delegates east to buy bonds, and that there is no law to authorize the payment of the expenses of such delegates out of the county treasury. We think a mistake has been made in trying to rush this matter and still believe that a considerable sum of money might be saved for the county by waiting awhile for the holders of our bonds to discover that we are not going to take the first offers at any price, and that they must come down in their prices to value or they cannot sell to us. We believe that we can do better than to pay par and expenses for our 7 percent bonds.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

On last Tuesday, Feb. 25, there was a panic in Wall street, resulting from the opposition of the national banks to the funding bill and their attempts to coerce the government, and stocks declined largely, ranging from two to seventeen percent decline. Messrs. Robinson and Harden must have arrived in New York at a good time, for we suppose there must have been a pressure to sell our Cowley 7 percent bonds as well as other bonds. If they have chanced upon a time when they could buy at 95, it may not be so bad a scheme after all.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Bill Passed the House. Tom Ryan Ahead.
The Cherokee and Arkansas River railroad bill passed the House on the night of the 21st, under a suspension of the rules by the necessary two-thirds vote, but it was a tight squeeze. It went through, however, in good shape. It has yet to pass the Senate, but this will give it such an impetus that we think it will pass the Senate and become a law.

It grants the right of way to the Cherokee and Arkansas river railroad company through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City down the Arkansas river to Fort Smith. It provides for a right of way 200 feet wide with necessary land for depots, shops, switches, etc., to be obtained by methods in harmony with the existing treaties and regulations with the Indian tribes.

Work must commence within six months and must be completed within two years. The enterprise is for the purpose of extending the C. S. & F. S., or in fact, the Santa Fe road to intersect with the Arkansas system of roads and furnish this section of country with a southern and southeastern outlet. The importance of this road to Cowley County cannot be overestimated.

In fact, it will be of the greatest consequence to all the southern and southwestern counties and of great value to the whole State. It will open up an easy and near market for our wheat, corn, pork, and other products for higher prices in the south and will give us easy access to southern seaports and to Europe. At the same time it will reduce the cost of transportation on our sugar, molasses, rice, coffee, and various other southern products which we have to buy. It will give us a new market nearer and better than the east and the west.

The credit of this is due to Hon. Thos. Ryan. It was his bill and he has put in more than two years of hard energetic work to secure its passage. He has met all kinds of opposition and hostility from the Gould and other railroad interests, and from various other sources; and it has needed all his tact, his personal popularity, energy, and perseverance, but in his bright lexicon, "there is no such word as fail." The fight was a long and hard one and he has won the battle in the House and added another to his many laurels.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Senator Thatcher introduced a bill to amend section 10 of the prohibition law lately enacted, to the effect that it shall not be construed to prevent any physician from administer ing to a patient intoxicating liquors without making a prescription; nor to prevent druggists from selling intoxicating liquors to physicians; nor to prevent any persons from making wine and cider from grapes and apples of his own raising and selling to druggists authorized to sell; nor to prevent the use of such liquors by the churches for sacramental purposes.

This bill ought to have been named "A bill to make it easy to evade the provisions of the temperance law."

One senator suggested that if this bill should pass, all the "owl clubs" and other social clubs would organize as churches and hold sacraments every night.

Senator Williams said he "was surprised to see the temperance men kicking their own children, knocking the stuffing out of the act they went to the very extreme to secure the enactment of. He should oppose any amendment that did not make the original act stronger."

Senator Hackney said he "believed that the last speaker justly characterized the position of certain members who are now exhibiting extreme cowardice; giving way to demands for changes in this law, which as yet has not had a week's trial; demands made only by drug stores. As to the sacramental amendment, he knew of no church member who did not vote for the amendment, and they knew what it meant. Stand up to the rack; to weaken in the face of the enemy is cowardice."

It would be a nice operation to allow druggists to sell to physicians in unlimited quantities and allow physicians to deal it out to their customers whenever they choose. Physicians and druggists are generally law abiding men, but they are human and it is wrong to expose them to the terrible temptation to get rich from the liquor traffic, besides it would cause a rush of the worse elements of society into the callings of druggists and physicians. Should this law pass, it would cripple seriously, if not entirely kill, the law already passed.

The senate struck out the clause in relation to sacramental purposes and then passed the bill. We don't think it can get through the house, nor get the governor's signature. The wisdom of the temperance men in the house in not amending the first bill as it came from the senate so as to give the senate another "whack at it" before it became a law, is now apparent.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

A farmer in this vicinity, who is a close observer, tells us that the habit of burning off prairies in patches from time to time in order to make clean, fresh, new grass for stock, does more toward exterminating prairie chickens and quails from this country than all the hunting which is ever done.

He says that burning off the first patch not only destroys what nests of eggs there were in that patch, but drives the chickens and quails to nest in the next adjoining grass and when that is burnt over it destroys the later nests of eggs, and the same is repeated as often as a new patch is burned over. He believes in preventing the burning of any prairie on those grounds alone without reference to the facts that it impoverishes the land and tends to produce drouth.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The following is Senate Concurrent Resolution, No. 17, by Mr. Hackney, as it passed the Senate.

WHEREAS, a bill incorporating the Cherokee and Arkansas Railroad Company, and giving that company the right to construct and operate a railroad from Arkansas City in Kansas through the Indian Territory to Fort Smith in Arkansas, has passed the lower House of Congress, and,

WHEREAS, the commercial and industrial interests of this State demand that such line of railroad be constructed at once, therefore,

Be it resolved by the Senate of Kansas, the House of Representatives concurring therein, That our Senators in Congress are requested to support said bill and use all honorable means to secure the passage.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

It will not do to buy the Cowley County 7 percent bonds for more than par for the people will never believe the thing well managed if a higher rate is paid at present. If Coler & Co. have a temporary control of these bonds, as they claim, they may easily prvent the sale at less than 2-1/2 percent premium; but if the County refuses to pay it, the bonds will soon be out of their control and the holders will then sell for what they are worth. Even if they then should refuse to take par or less, there are the ten percents and the six percents to the amount of about $160,000 from which enough can be found to employ our funds and not stand a grab game. There is no need of a rush about it; give a little time for the holders of the different bonds to get anxious and we shall save money by it.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company expected to make a connection with the Southern Pacific by the 1st of March, but, owing to the unusual inclemency of the weather and other obstacles encountered, the connection cannot be completed until about the 15th. The connection will be made at Rio Mimbres, a few miles west of Florida Pass. The point is sixty miles southwest from Fort Thorn, where the Santa Fe road leaves the Rio Grande, and some sixty-five miles northeast of El Paso.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Commonwealth: The effort made by Senator Hackney and Representatives Lemmon and Mitchell, to secure the location of the Asylum for Feeble Minded Children at Winfield, yesterday afternoon, was one of the most earnest and determined that has been made during the session. Senator Hackney left the Senate Chamber to assist the delegates from his county, and if hard work will locate it, Winfield will get it. The bill would have been defeated had it not been recommitted to the Committee of the Whole.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Leavenworth Times: The apportionment of the state school fund to the various counties of the state has just been made, the amount paid out being 35 cents per capita; i.e., 35 cents per child. Cowley County, with 7,454 children, receives $2,608.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Cambridge is building a new school-house.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Seymour Tarrant is again upon our streets.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Oscar Wooley, of Vernon, dropped in on us Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Ex-Commissioner Roseberry was in town Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Lots of wood on the streets Tuesday, worth $4.00 per cord.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Dr. Rothrock, of Pleasant Valley, was in town Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Daniel Read, ye Floral merchant, paid us a pleasant visit Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Daniel Read, of Floral, carries everything in the line of general merchandise.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Eli Youngheim received a large lot of goods Saturday, the first of his spring invoice.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Croco has purchased the Gary property on East Ninth avenue and occupied it Monday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Oscar Jettinger has gone into the mill business at Canton, on the A., T. & S. F. railroad.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Walter Denning has rented his farm in Tisdale township and removed with his family to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Henry Goldsmith left for Chicago and the east Monday afternoon. He goes to purchase a new stock.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Wheat is worth 75 cents for the best. There is but little coming in and the millers are the chief buyers.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Register Nixon, Mr. Crenshaw, and Fred Appling have new babies at their home since our last issue.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

John Stewart came up from the Territory Tuesday. He is in charge of John Whistler's Cimarron ranch.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

E. P. Young, of Tisdale, was in our city Wednesday last "drumming" his many customers for orders.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. W. R. Moore, one of our old Colorado subscribers, arrived in Winfield, Monday, and will locate here.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Jim Allen has deserted the restaurant and for the first time since its erection the brick restaurant is empty.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Dave Dix is doing good work on the city wells. They will be worth something when he gets through with them.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The property owners along Main street have been fixing their flues in accordance with the edict by the city council.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. John W. Curns left for Washington, Monday. He will see Hayes out and Garfield in and return in three weeks.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The people of Barbour County are discussing the practicability of fencing in the entire county with a wire fence.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The change in the Santa Fe time, which is noted in another column, is much more convenient than the old schedule.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. B. B. Vandeventer spent last week in Winfield settling up his business. He is at present residing in Versailles, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Short is mad, and he proposes blood and war to the first man who whittles on the "corners" stairs. No fooling this time.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The workmen are putting on the stone cornice on the Brettun House. It is elegant in design and sets the building off well.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Will Ro Stiver is being entertained by the public at the front delivery at the Post Office in the absence of Roy Millington at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

NOTICE. Pure bred, dark Bramah eggs for hatching $2.00 per dozen. Inquire at A. T. Spotswood. P. W. WAITE.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

J. C. Stratton, of Omnia, gives a glowing account of the wheat prospects in his section.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The saloons in Emporia have "shut up shop" and that classic burg is now liquorless. We pity Jake Stetler from the bottom of our heart.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Commissioner Harbaugh returned from Illinois last Friday. His visit was prolonged much beyond the time intended by sickness in the family.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

R. L. Adams, from Missouri, and Messrs. Ellis and Shaw, from Illinois, with their families, have recently settled just north of Cambridge on farms recently purchased.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. John S. Renfro, who has been administering on the estate of Jane Dinwiddie, made us a call Tuesday. He is making annual settlement of the affairs of the estate.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The lawsuit for the possession of the Foundry has at last been decided in favor of Magill & Mater. The matter was referred to a referee and satisfactorily settled by him.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The creditors of B. Sadler have taken a common sense view of the matter and divided the goods instead of selling them at fifty cents on the dollar. They were boxed up and shipped east Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

From all parts of the county we have reports that the wheat is coming forward rapidly and covers the ground thoroughly. There is none winter-killed and never was a better promise of a large crop.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The mad dog scare is still abroad in the land and we advise everyone to examine the color of a dog's nose before he goes near him. If it is a kind of pale blue, you want to pass by on the other side of the street.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Read, Floral's enterprising merchant, knows how to run a store. He has just put in his spring stock, and has added many new features. He is doing a good business and we know of no one whom we would rather see succeed than Dan. He deserves the patronage of the Richland people.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The Santa Fe time schedule No. 20, taking effect February 28th, makes some important changes in running of trains. Freight and accommodation which formerly left here at 8:05 a.m. now leave at 7 a.m., and connects at Mulvane, with train on Caldwell stretch, for that place 9:55 a.m., arriving at Caldwell at 11:45 a.m. Parties can now remain at Caldwell six hours and return to Mulvane at 5:45 p.m., reaching Winfield at 7:40 p.m. the same day. The express train leaving here at 4:25 p.m. also makes connection at Mulvane for Wellington, arriving at the latter city at 8:40 p.m. The morning train arrives at Wichita at 10:15 a.m., returning leaves Wichita at 4:10 p.m., arriving at Winfield at 7:00 p.m. Parties can go and return from Wichita the same day and have six hours in the latter city in which to transact business, and can be accomplished by day light. The morning train will also take passengers to Newton and return the same day, giving them one hour and fifteen minutes in which to remain at Newton. These are decided changes and greatly to the accommodation of the traveling public. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

News was received last week of the death of Shelly Hyde. He had been in Colorado for some time, and although his illness was known, it was not considered serious. He was a member of the Order of United Workmen, but his family are precluded from the $2,000 benefit because of his having failed to keep the assessments paid up. This is a matter which persons connected with these orders do not look to carefully. In case of death, with an assessment of over thirty days running unpaid, his family cannot collect the benefit from the order. It is of the greatest importance that they keep their assessments paid up, and that they do so promptly. Death waits for no man and will not stop to ask whether your family is provided for or not.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The firm of Gilbert, Jarvis & Co. has been dissolved, Mr. Gilbert retiring and Messrs. Jarvis & Conklin continuing the business. The new firm is "Jarvis, Conklin & Co." The change is caused by the failure of Mr. Gilbert's health and his desire to get into some outdoor business. Messrs. Jarvis and Conklin are accomplished businessmen and the large business of the old firm will not suffer in their hands.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mrs. Mansfield received through the mails Tuesday a box containing green peas and strawberries from her son, R. E. Mansfield, of the postal mail service, who is at present sta tioned in Florida. The peas were perfectly preserved, but the strawberries were somewhat decayed. The sight of such delicacies at this season of the year makes one long for the "orange groves of Florida."

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Will Leonard spent Friday and Saturday in the city. He is making preparations to remove to Eureka Springs, Arkansas. He has discovered within the past few weeks that the climate here is unhealthy and that the water is not good. We always thought the passage of the amendment would drive more or less capital from the state.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. C. A. Bliss, of the Winfield City Mills, in Cowley County, was in town Tuesday. Mr. Bliss was soliciting orders for his flour, much of which has aready been sold here. He was somewhat surprised to find that we had a mill here in Anthony that is in every way the equal of any in the southwest. Anthony Journal.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The "Amateur Dramatic Club" will give an entertainment at the Opera House Thursday evening for the benefit of the Vernon Library Association. The club has given several entertainments in Vernon township, which have been well attended and very entertaining.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. A. T. Spotswood has gone East and before many days we may expect to see the largest stock of groceries yet purchased by a Winfield firm.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Gen. A. H. Green has sold his stock of goods and has settled down to his real estate business with renewed energy. He proposes to make things boom this spring, and we know of no one more able to do it than Mr. Green. He has several land trades now on hand.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The "New Idea" is no more. On Monday the liquors were boxed up for shipment to another State. This is a good idea: decidedly the best yet offered, but one that the thirsty souls hovering about the door during the boxing up progress did not seem to appreciate.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

S. P. Case had three chickens which disappeared at the time of the late storm for 11 days, when they were found in a snow drift doing well. They had worked a small cave which gave them room to stir around some. Between them they had laid one egg.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Bergnauer of M. Hahn & Co., is in the East purchasing spring goods for the "Bee Hive."

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The attention of the city marshal is respectfully called to the condition of the house on the corner of Ninth avenue and Fuller street. A few more attacks by the mob and this house will look as if a cyclone had been interviewing it.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Thanks to our state constitution, the Supreme Court has knocked the bottom out of the law that undertook to protect the people from quacks and quackery. Who says that Kansas should not have a new constitution!

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The county treasurer received the State school fund for Cowley County Tuesday, amounting to $2,608.90, being 35 cents per scholar. The superintendent will have the fund ready for distribution in a few days.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

With Sam. Gilbert's retirement, Winfield loses one of her best businessmen. We are glad to know that he will remain in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The time is drawing near when any dog not wearing the great tag of the city should immediately prepare himself for eternity. The marshal, acting under the dog law, is merciless.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

AUCTIONEERS. Having removed to Winfield, I am ready to auction anytime that calls may be made. Those desiring my services can leave word at T. M. McGuire's.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The Wool growers and Sheep breeders association meets at the Courthouse, Winfield, on Saturday, March 5th, at 10 o'clock a.m. Let all interested attend.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

MARRIED: At the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Stickel, in Winfield, March 1st, 1881, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. James H. Caskey and Miss Leonora Stickel.

Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Cowley County voted to repeal the herd law. We have been unable to gather from the papers of that county whether the law is to expire at once or by a specified time. The fact is certain, however, that the farmers of Cowley have decided with rare good judgment, to dispense with that great drawback to their stock interests. Now let the farmers of Sumner follow their example. Caldwell Commercial.

We notice that other papers in our neighboring counties find the same fault with the Cowley County papers. Please pardon us, gentlemen, for our ignorance. Nobody in this county knows anything about that vote to repeal the herd law, and we have to go out of the county for information on the subject.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

Mr. Day moved his family back to Dexter last week. They will remain here during his absence in the mountains the coming spring and summer.

An unsuccessful attempt was made to break into the post office one night last week.

Mr. Rose leaves this week for conference. He has been here three years. He gave us his farewell address last Sunday evening. He will be greatly missed in Dexter and the surround- ing country. X.

March 1st, 1881.


Winfield Courier, March 3, 1881.

The Oxford City Mill will be in operation again today.

The Indians who have been camped near town for the past several days pulled up stakes and started north yesterday.

It is probable that the Oxford ferry will be in operation by next Tuesday, and the bridge will be repaired as soon as possible.

Two men from Winfield, whose names we did not learn, in attempting to cross the river on the ice with a team and buggy, last Monday, broke through and had quite a lively time for awhile, but succeeded in getting across without anything serious happening.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

RECAP: $350,000 DOLLARS, to be expended as follows: $100,000 for building one iron- hulled snag-boat; $50,000 for reparing one wooden snag-boat and fitting it up for working purposes; for working expenses on the Mississippi River, $90,000; for working expenses on the Missouri River, $75,000; and for working expenses on the Arkansas River, $50,000.

Amendment made to bill brought on by Hon. Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, in the House of Representatives.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The case in the Supreme court from Cowley of James Jordan versus Lena McNeil is continued until April.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The resolution asking that James Christian be placed on the pension rolls finally passed both Houses.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Senator Eugene Ware, the Fort Scott poet, was appointed by the governor, Major General of the State Militia, and was confirmed by the Senate.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

We get the following information from Col. M. L. Robinson, who, with Treasurer James Harden, returned from the east Monday night.

The prices paid for Cowley 7 percents, were $15,000 at par and $29,000 additional at par with 2 ½ percent commission to be paid if we keep the bonds, and with an option of the county to return this last $20,000 at any time within six months and receive the cash and accrued interest.

This gives the county a chance to buy $20,000 of other bonds at any time within six months in case they can be had at such rates that it would be a saving of money to return these on which we have the option.

The situation is that if the county, at the end of six months, decides to return the bonds and take par and accrued interest, it saves $700 interest for the six months; but if it concludes to keep the bonds, it must pay $500 commission, and in that case, it saves $200, net of interest over and above the commission, thus giving the county the vantage ground, all the option and six months to figure for better terms.

Before they left for New York, the best offer we had was $1.05. At that rate the $35,000 now bought would have cost us $36,750, but it has actually cost us only $35,000, a saving of $1,250.

There is still left of the proceeds of the stock $10,740 in cash in the hands of the county treasurer which will be used as fast as may be in buying any bonds which may be picked up at reasonable rates. At present it is impossible to buy more 7 percents at less than $1.05; but by watching for chances, it is thought the amount of $10,740 at less rates. Donnell, Lawson & Co., had $50,000 of our 6 percents for which they asked par but it would be a saving to the county to buy 7 percents at 5 percent premium rather than to pay more than 90 for 6 percents.

It appears that our 7 percents are straight 30 year bonds, while the vote which authorized the issue provided for 10-30s, that is, subject to call after ten years. This mistake in issuing would have proved quite serious had ten years run and were we now able to sell 5 percents at par, for by calling the 7 percents, we could save 2 percent per annum for 20 years or 40 percent, equal to $27,200.

We have not time now before going to press to find out whether the same mistake is true of our $128,600 of six percents. From the above we conclude that Messrs. Robinson and Harden have done well and fully justified the commissioners in sending them.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all of the lands known as the Osage Indian trust and diminished-reserve lands, lying east of the sixth principal meridian, in the State of Kansas, remaining unsold on the 30th day of June, Anno Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, shall be offered for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at not less than seventy-five cents per acre; and all of said lands remaining unsold on the thirty day of June, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, shall be offered for sale to the highest bidder for cash at not less than fifty cents per acre; and all of said lands remaining unsold on the thirtieth day of June, anno Domini, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, shall be offered for sale to the highest bidder for cash at not less than twenty-five cents per acre; and all of said land remaining unsold after the last said public offering shall be subject to be disposed of by cash entry at twenty-five cents per acre, and the Secretary of the Interior may offer the same as aforesaid, in such quantities as may seem to him best, and make all needful regulations, including the publication of notice of sale, as he may deem proper, to carry out the provisions of this act: Provided however, That no proceeding shall be taken under this act untill at least two thirds of the adult males of said Osage Indian tribes shall assent to the foregoing provisions.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Ex. Saint returned from New Mexico Friday.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

There have been 122 schools in session in Cowley County this winter.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. J. B. Goodrich, of Maple City, was in town Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Tom McGuire bought a car load of apples and ten thousand bushels of corn this week.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. S. Nauman, of Pleasant Valley township, made us a pleasant call Monday. Mr. Nauman owns one of the finest bottom farms along the Walnut.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The residence of Mr. James Mitchell, in Arkansas City, burned to the ground Tuesday morning. Almost all of the household effects were saved.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Over fifteen hundred sheep pelts have been brought in since the storm. This would indicate the loss to be much greater than was at first supposed.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The Methodist Conference at Wellington located Rev. J. A. Hyden at Larned, and suspended Rev. D. P. Mitchell. Rev. Tucker is assigned to this charge.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

J. C. Topliff, Post Master at Arkansas City, came up to the "hub" Friday. He reports the city is flourishing, and the people interested in the canal. They turned out en masse to help turn the first shovel-full of dirt.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. Frank Leland, a relative of Mr. Fuller, has been spending the past week in Winfield. His home is at Joliet, Illinois, within the frowning walls of the penitentiary. His father is superintendent of that institution.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Goods shipped by American express waybilled direct to Winfield from Boston, New York, Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago, St. Louis, and all large eastern points, received here through the Wells Fargo office. G. H. ALLEN, Agt.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

S. M. Fall. G. W. Ballou, and Wright Martin were among the Windsor people in town last Thursday. They came over with blood in their eyes, and we looked for a fight on township lines, but some how the thing was smoothed over.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The Arkansas City school house is to have a new fence and to be surrounded with trees. There are several verdant sprouts in that vicinity which need planting, and who would flourish under the shadow of an institution of learning.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Miss Anna Y. Thompson, late missionary to Egypt, lectured at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening. She is a fluent speaker and her lecture was very interesting. Miss Thompson is a daughter of Rev. Thompson of Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Col. E. C. Manning, formerly of Cowley County, but late of El Paso, Texas, visited the House yesterday afternoon. The Colonel reports the trains were stopped by cattle in the cuts in Western Kansas and it was with difficulty they got them out. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

One of M. L. Robinson's valuable carriage horses killed itself last week. It was running in the barn-yard and stepped on the end of a short stick, which flew up, striking the horse between the fore legs, and inflicting a deep wound from which the horse bled to death in a few minutes.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. J. B. Carson, who recently came to this county from Wisconsin and owns a large farm on the Arkansas bottom, is considering the project of establishing a sugar factory at this place. He has capital and experience, and if our citizens will second him, no doubt a factory could be established that would be of great value to this community.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The Wells Fargo express company are competing with "Uncle Sam." They sell a three cent stamped envelope for five cents, in which, if you are particularly anxious to have your letter delivered without delay, you can send it by express and the company will deliver it immediately after its arrival.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Recently a gentleman contributed several excellent articles to the COURIER from Arkansas City. They were of a local character, but were sound, sensible, and tended to harmonize and allay the factional feeling which exists in that community in regard to school matters. Upon their publication, a correspondent of the Traveler made a fierce onslaught on Prof. Phelps, the principal of their schools, as being the author. The correspondent jumped at his conclusion, but the authorship of those articles would have been creditable even to that classical (and apparently Biblical) Traveler correspondent. We do not know the correspon dent, but we do know and esteem Mr. Phelps. We know him to be a gentleman of rare natural gifts, a thorough scholar, and a faithful worker. He has had years of experience in school matters, and has the hearty endorsement of our county superintendent: more, perhaps, than the Traveler correspondent can boast of. The criticism was evidently written in a petty spirit of vindictiveness, without any real desire for the advancement of the school, and by one who apparently knew nothing of how a school should be conducted. It appears that the people sustain Mr. Phelps. . . .

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

A PUBLIC NOTICE. We are going to post the following in the post office for the benefit of "all whom it may concern."

"Eggs must be sent when new. Feather beds are not mailable. It is unsafe to mail apple or fruit trees with the fruit upon them, as some of the clerks have a weakness for such things. When eggs are sent through the mails and chickens hatched on the journey, the chickens become the property of the government. Parties are earnestly requested not to send postal cards with money enclosed, as large sums are frequently lost in that way. Nitroglycerine must really be sent at the risk of the sender; if it should blow up in the postmaster's hands, he cannot be held responsible. Ink bottles must be corked when sent by mail. Parties are compelled to lick their own postage stamps and envelopes: the postmaster cannot be required to do this. It is earnestly requested that lovers, writing to their girls, will please confine their gushing rhapsodies to the inside of the envelopes. When watches are sent through the mails, if the sender will put a notice on the outside, the postmaster will wind and keep them in running order. Burden Enterprise.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

One of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mr. J. L. Abbott, left Monday morning for Kansas City, his future home. Since our brief sojourn in Oxford, we have been with Mr. Abbott almost daily and have found him a true gentleman and a fine lawyer, and one who will be missed by all who knew him. We wish him success in his new field of labor.

Oxford Weekly.

You are right, Mr. "Weekly," he will be missed by all who know him." We shall miss him sadly, and in our loneliness can only console ourself with the thought that though he may not be with us in the flesh, still his name will always be remembered, for it rises up before us every time we open our ledger. It is on page 27 and is over an unbalanced account of $34.20. We sold him type three years ago while he was flourishing as editor of the "Independent." He promised to pay in thirty days, and two years afterward, when we mildly hinted that the time was up, he looked surprised. He thought it was thirty years: all his bills run thirty years. He is a very accomplished gentlemen: accomplished in all that goes to make up a successful liar and dead-beat, at least that is our experience with him.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. The commissioners met last Thursday for the purpose of hearing the Bolton township contest: The Full board was present. After a careful examination of the case, it was decided in favor of Mr. Trimble, and he was sworn in as trustee of Bolton township for the coming year. A delegation from the two mile strip recently cut off Tisdale township and added to Richland appeared before the board with an emphatic remonstrance against the change. After looking into the matter, the board decided that the change was not necessary and rescinded their former action, leaving the boundaries of Tisdale township the same as heretofore. J. S. Baker, J. J. Johnson, and W. C. Douglass were the remonstrators. A large number of Windsor people were present, and it was rumored that an attempt would be made to divide that township, but no petition was presented to the commissioners.

This changing of township lines without the knowledge of all of the parties concerned always creates more or less discord, and the commissioners have decided to make no more such changes until public notification of the time and character of the changes has been given. This will probably be done hereafter by publication in the official paper. The custom of circulating petitions is subject to abuse by not presenting the petitions to persons who would likely oppose the scheme, and leaving them in ignorance of it until the change is made, as was done in the old Winfield township matter. Everyone has a right to be heard, and if after having had their say it goes against them, they will submit more gracefully than if it had been done without their knowledge or consent.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

On Tuesday our office was graced with a presence which made it look like old times again. It was that of Vinnie Beckett: the same old Vinnie of seven years ago. He looks a little older and more fleshy, as if the rich living of Norton County was an improvement on the bread-and-milk diet with which he used to regale the inner man. He came without letting us know he was on the road, or we would have spent our last nickel to get Abe Steinbarger here to see him. He leaves today for New Mexico on a tour of inspection.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

T. M. McGuire has been looking out for the wants of the people. He purchased last week four hundred bushels of apples and ten thousand bushels of corn. Apples have been selling at $2.75 per bushel and corn at 45 cents. The effect of Tom's wholesale buying has been to reduce the price to something reasonable and still leave him a profit.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. Frank W. Finch came over last Saturday night and remained in town until Monday morning. We like Frank very much, but we fear he contemplates capturing one of Oxford's fair daughters, thereby lessening our population, and this is what we are taking exceptions to. Oxford Weekly.

Frank, rise and explain.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. Fred Nance dropped in to see us last week on his way home from Colorado. He was called back by the sudden death of his father, Rev. Nance. Fred is at present conductor of a train on the Denver and Rio Grande railroad, and we can safely say that ere long the company will find him to be one of the most efficient men in its service. He ran a train on the C. B. & Q. for thirteen years, and what he doesn't know about railroading isn't worth knowing. He has a leave of absence until April 1st and will spend the month among his many friends in this county.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

We received a pleasant call from Rev. Wm. P. Stowe, agent for the western Methodist book concern, last Tuesday. He is an old school-mate of Col. McMullen's, and in days gone by they ate their cornbread and molasses from the same slab in an old-fashioned Tennessee school-house. Rev. Stowe now occupies one of the most important positions in the gift of the M. E. church. He spent some time viewing the city, and is loud in his praise of the thrift and enterprise displayed by our people.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

At the Wool-Growers' meeting Saturday, Mr. Smith read a carefully prepared estimate of the number of sheep in the county. There are 69,200 owned by 110 persons or firms. The largest flock is 6,500. There are four flocks of between two or three thousand, fourteen flocks of more than one thousand and less than two thousand, and twenty-five flocks of more than five hundred and less than one thousand. It was decided to have a public sheep shearing and a committee was appointed to select the place and time at which it should be held.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Winfield will have to put her boom up to her ear this spring and summer in order to determine whether it is going or gone out. Traveler.

Winfield never had a boom, man. What are you talking about? Winfield keeps growing right along at the same rate she always did since she was born, but there is no boom about it. Her rule is to increase her population and improvments just twenty-five percent every year and she will do it this year.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

A large number of Doctor and Mrs. W. T. Wright's friends surprised them at their home Monday evening. The "sortie" was made from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Pryor, where the party gathered, about fifteen strong. After capturing the Doctor and his lady, the party took charge of the house, and until near midnight joy and pleasure reigned supreme.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The rumor of last week in regard to the death of Rev. Nance proved only too true. He died in Butler County week before last and was buried at Dexter with Masonic honors. Rev. Nance was an old resident of Cowley County and was one of our most respected citizens. He leaves friends all over the county, and in his death the community loses one of its most valued members.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

An unruly gentleman who has been dealing in rags and old iron fell into the clutches of the law Monday night. He had been fooling around the residence of a lady in the west part of town; and when she tried to drive him away, he flourished a revolver and declared all manner of murderous intentions. The lady notified the marshal and that arm of the law reached out and took him in.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Henry E. Asp has been admitted to practice by the Supreme Court of the state. His popularity as an attorney is rapidly increasing and he is kept busy early and late. Coupled with a naturally bright intellect, Henry possesses an unusal amount of energy and perseverance, qualifications which are paramount to all others in making a successful practitioner.

Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Our committee shipped their $35,000 bonds home at a cost to the county of $1.45. As illustrative of the saving to the county, W. N. Coler shipped the $12,000 Oxford township bonds at a cost of $45. Our committee shipped as "valuable papers," while Coler & Co. shipped as $12,000 currency.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The Wellington "Press," in speaking of the article in last week's "Monitor" on the Cherokee and Arkansas River railroad, objects to the assumption of that paper that it inaugurated the movement. It says:

"We are also compelled to inform the "Monitor" that it is off wrong in the assertion that it was `one of the first papers to advocate this important road.' The facts are, this matter was agitated, discussed, and warmly advocated by the press and people of the Arkansas Valley years before the inscrutable providence of Him whose ways are past finding out permitted the establishment of that redoubtable journal."

Did the "Press" man live in Cowley, he would not attempt to wrest from the "redoubtable journal" its sweetest morsel of contentment. The people around these parts allow by common consent that the "Monitor" man has an unusual amount of discernment, and that his "indications" are even more sure than those of Mother Shipton or the venerable Tice. Nothing ever happens but what he "indicates": and generally the strongest indications come after it has happened. If the Angel Gabriel were to blow his horn tomorrow, that "redoubtable journal" would be the first on deck with the information that it was "one of the first papers to advocate this important movement."


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Trustees of the several townships met at Winfield, March 7th, for the equalization of the personal property of Cowley. The following trustees were present: J. C. Roberts, Walnut township; J. Gregory, Omnia; E. Haynes, Harvey; U. Sparly, Cresswell; N. W. Dresse, Cedar; A. A. Becker, Pleasant Valley; J. F. Teter, Silver Creek; W. J. Johnson, Sheridan; S. D. Jones, Beaver; Joseph Craft, Maple; W. R. Wimer, Fairview; H. J. Sanford, Richland; A. B. Booth, Windsor; A. H. Serviss, Otter; J. Fisher, Liberty; J. D. Harkleroad, Silverdale; Wm. Trimble, Bolton; J. P. Short, Winfield City.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Mr. Walters and family, from Richland County, Ohio, are among the number of permanent citizens who have come here to make a home. Mr. Walters will purchase a farm near Burden and grow up with us.

It is a fact that can't be disputed that Burden has done more business in the past year than any other station between Winfield and Independence. And now it is in order for several little squirts like Grand View to jump up and "holler" liar.

We understand that work will be resumed on Ballou's building in Torrance soon and that it will be pushed to completion. The people of Torrance evince a spirit of enterprise and pluck rarely seen in small towns and they will succeed yet in building up and making a good town of Torrance.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

A. A. Wiley and J. W. Ledlie, both well known in this county, were in town Monday, on their way to Texas, where they will purchase stock.

About two weeks ago Robt. Ramsey bought a span of mules from two strangers, giving two ponies and $100 cash in exchange. It now transpires that the mules were stolen from a man in Reno County, who arrived last Monday in quest of them. Search is now being made for the thieves, whose parents reside in Kansas City.

The Gould railroad, the Santa Fe building from this place to Fort Smith, and from here to Dodge City, via Wellington, helped on by our $50,000 canal now in course of construc tion, are a few of the agents conspiring to make Arkansas City the center of business in Southern Kansas during the coming summer. Better come now while you can.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Uncle Sol. Smith and family have gone to Eureka Springs,

R. R. Longshore and family will go next week, and others are talking of going, that they may regain their health by that life-giving water. Others of our neighbors have rented their farms and located elsewhere, and many of our young men have the New Mexico fever and will soon start for that clime where mother earth looks up her golden treasure.

We have a library and reading association at Sheridan and will ere long give some public entertainment to raise funds for procuring books. The association is now furnished with reading matter from a loan of books by the members until books can be procured.

Some of our farmers have commenced plowing.

W. T. Beasley & Co. have ordered two new well drills. If it remains dry, they are bound to give the thirsty drink.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

The literary is almost dead. Some have proposed burying it next Thursday evening.

Oh! won't some of those fellows who love their whiskey want one little drop to quench their thirst ere they get it? But methinks they will see before long how much fatter their pocketbooks are since they had to leave off visiting "Old Joe's" and similar places. Women should fast forty days and nights to think that their men will have to drink water.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

We learn that a man living over on Cana, in Elk County, was bitten by a mad dog the first of the week. The dog was raving mad, but we understand the man, as yet, has shown no signs of the disease, although great fears are entertained by his friends.

Mrs. W. H. Primrose met with a very frightful accident Wednesday by her dress catching fire. There was no one present with her at the house at the time of the accident; and if she had lost her presence of mind, it might have ended in a very serious affair. We are glad to state, however, that she received no serious injuries.

This school district is the third in wealth in Cowley. There is over twenty-five thousand dollars worth of taxable railroad property in the district, besides a few of the wealthiest men in Southern Kansas. If you desire to locate in a town to educate your children, you can find no better inducements than are offered at this place.


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

I have often wondered why we never see anything in the papers from Prairie Home and have come to the conclusion that it is owing to our obscurity; no one ever takes the pains to write, and the editors do not know there is such a place in existence, so I take upon myself the responsibility of telling the COURIER that such a place really exists, and the people live, move, and do business just as they do in other places.

We have a good Sabbath school, superintended by D. Moffit, assisted by W. W. Brown; also an excellent singing class, under the tuition of V. P. Rounds, who, by the way, is hard to beat.

We expect in the near future to have the town of New Salem located so near us that we may have to change our name and become a New Salemite.

I understand that Lafe Brown is soon to return to Kansas City.

Mr. Sparrow and wife have returned from Iowa, where they spent the past winter.

J. S. Baker has commenced plowing for corn.

SHE COMMENTS ABOUT AN ARTICLE SHE HAD SEEN ON WOMEN SUF FRAGE: "I think she is on the wrong side of the question. Women can influence without the ballot; does influence more than the majority of women are aware of, and more than man likes to admit. I wish others would write upon this subject."


Winfield Courier, March 10, 1881.

Margaret J. Manning sues for divorce from Edwin C. Manning.

Minor children, Augusta V. and Maggie B.Manning.

Margaret J. Manning seeks title to Lot 12 in Block 108 and to Lot 2 in Block 8 of Manning's Addition. Costs of the action and $2,000 for Attorney's fees and other expenses incident to said suit.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Farmers have begun their spring plowing. A great many fruit trees are being put out this spring.

Several of the young men are going to New Mexico this month.

Mr. William Jenkins is fencing several acres to pasture with a stone fence.

Mrs. Alba is visiting her brother, W. Stolp, and family.

Mr. Gilman and family have returned from Chatauqua on a visit.

There will be a great deal of prairie broken this season.

Farmers have plenty of water in their wells since the snow has melted off. JULIUS.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Rev. Jacobs, of the Christian church, is holding a series of meetings at this place.

Wheat will not be more than half a crop according to present appearances, but there will be an unusual acreage of corn.

The mumps are raging in this and adjoining neighborhoods; also, the Colorado fever.

F. A. Aey returned from New Mexico last week. He reports everything lovely on the lower A. T. & S. F. line, where he has been for the past four months. He will return to Colorado in a short time, accompanied by others.

John Ballow and family will start for Arkansas in a few days.

The Peter Belveal farm has changed hands. OBSERVER.

March 7th, 1881.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

There are some persons in these parts who are dissatisfied and think where they came from is better than here.

Mr. Heinekin, of Timber Creek, left and went up to Wyandotte and Leavenworth counties. He has returned to Cowley perfectly satisfied.

Nobe Parkes, of Dutch Creek, moved to Indiana and has returned satisfied. There are lots of people who are never satisfied unless they are moving.

Mr. Hattery's son has moved from Indiana and has bought out Charley Holmes. Hattery says there will be a large immigration from Indiana to this county.

There was a discussion between E. Harned and L. A. Daniels on the subject, "Resolved, that the bible is the inspired word of God." Harned rather got away with him, as he had the affirmative of the question. GLEANER.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

While the 5-20 three percent, funding bill, requiring national banks to deposit only three percents for security of their circulation, was pending, after having passed the senate and before and after it passed the house, the national banks, for the purpose of raising a scare to defeat the bill made a rush to deposit greenbacks in the treasury to retire their own circula tion. The amount thus deposited in a few days was about seventeen millions of dollars.

Whatever effect this movement might have had on the action of President Hayes, he vetoed the bill; and then the banks wanted to withdraw their seventeen millions of green- backs and not retire their circulation. The question arose whether they could be permitted to do so and was discussed in a meeting of Garfield's new cabinet, and it was decided that it should not be done; that if the banks wanted to increase their circulation again, the law provided a way and they must go through the whole formula again.

Now, as M. L. Robinson says, we do not understand finance as well as we do some other things, and do not know but the best thing for Hayes to do was to veto the bill; but we do not sympathize with the banks in their bulldozing efforts to scare the house and the president to defeat the bill, and we are glad that they got picked up at their game.

It would be a dangerous precedent to allow them to deposit millions of treasury notes for the purpose of affecting legislation and then withdraw their funds as soon as the object was accomplished or defeated. Perhaps now that they find it is not so easy to get their money back, they will not be in so great a hurry to surrender their circulation and create a scare the next time.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

John Coulter, the Topeka legislative correspondent of the Leavenworth Times, in summing up the work, gives our boys the following notices.

"Fred Hunt, of Winfield, journal clerk of the house, is one of the strongest young Republicans in the state and has done good work for the party. He is faithful, efficient, and a thorough gentleman.

"Hon. C. R. Mitchell, of Cowley County, represents the eighty-ninth district, and is one of the central figures in the politics of Southern Kansas. He has served in the legislature before and is a strong man in every sense of the word. As an attorney, Mr. Mitchell stands high, and his legal attainments stand him well upon the floor of the house. As a prompt debater he held his own with all the other members upon the floor; quick at repartee, bold in attack, and with perfect confidence in himself, he is not a desirable opponent by any means. Mr. Mitchell is an old resident of Cowley County and has done as much as any other man there in building up and advancing their best interests.

"Hon. Allen B. Lemmon, of Cowley County, representing the eighty-eighth district, is one of the many bright young men Cowley County has given to the state, and one, too, who has made his way upward by his own efforts. Mr. Lemmon was twice elected to the superintendency of the state schools and as such officer made a record which do him good service in after life. The school system of the state was benefitted by his supervision and stands higher in the estimation of the country than ever before. As a legislator Mr. Lemmon did good service, being familiar with the rules of parliamentary practice, a good talker, and a clear headed thinker; earnest in his advocacy of any measure or determined in his opposition to it, he wins respect for the honesty of his convictions and singleness of purpose.

"Hon. W. P. Hackney, of Cowley County, representing the twenty-seventh district, is a very Rupert of debate, fiery, fearless, and determined. He made his record in the house and it is a record which stands him well in the senate. Senator Hackney is a man of strong feeling, with a sneer for his foes and an open hand and purse for his friends; his espousal of any cause means no half-hearted work with him, while his opposition to man or measure means the exercise of the entire energy of which his combative nature is capable. He is a man to compel respect and commands the admiration of even inveterate enemies; though young, he has fought his way to the front and by determined fighting, he maintains his position there."


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Winfield is to have a first-class carriage manufactory.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The track connecting the Santa Fe and K. C., L. & S. is almost finished.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Judge Torrance has been holding court in Butler County for the past week.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Judge Pyburn carries his arm in a sling, the result of an ugly boil on his elbow.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Jim Hill now blooms alone as the only bachelor representative of the days of `73.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

FOR RENT: A good farm near Winfield. Stone fence to build. Corn fence for sale.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Ex-Commissioner Burden was in the city Monday looking up the mistake in the 10-30 bonds.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Tom McGuire's apples are going off like hot cakes. He sold upwards of a hundred bushels last week.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. C. L. Harter, of Winfield, and Miss Annie Davis, of Hamilton, Ohio, were married Tuesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. C. M. Aley, of Otter township, came over Tuesday. He is making preparations to spend the summer in Chicago.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. D. P. Marshall, of Bolton township, made us a call.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Notion peddling wagon, nearly new, for sale at a bargain. Apply to Forrest V. Rowland, at A. T. Spotswood & Co.'s.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Rev. Fleming, of Arkansas City, was in the city Monday attending the committee meeting of the county temperance union.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Vinnie Becket left for New Mexico Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

T. R. Bryan has removed his office to the rear room in the Winfield Bank building and has formed a partnership with T. J. Harris.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Ehret moved the remnant of his whiskey out of his old saloon building Monday. It will be occupied by Butler's jewelry store.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Maj. John S. Shore, agent of the Sac and Fox Indians, accompanied by Mr. John Whistler, spent a few days of last week in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. J. E. Allen returned from a business trip to Topeka and Kansas City. He had several cases before the supreme court at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Baden shipped eighteen hundred and ninety dozen eggs Tuesday afternoon. He pays the highest price and offers a market for all that are brought in.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

A party of Winfieldites left for New Mexico on a prospecting tour Tuesday. The party consisted of Lafe Pence, Will Stivers, Lee Becket, and Vinnie Becket, of Norton.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Homer G. Fuller will furnish money to parties with which to enter their claims, and loan money on short or long time in small or large amounts on real estate security.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The proprietors of the Tunnel mill are making some long needed improvements in their mill. They are enlarging the flume and putting new walls under the building.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The Santa Fe company is building a "Y" in the junction of the Santa Fe and the K. C., L. & S. west of town. This is done so that trains may be run from one road to the other.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

D. Rodocker has leased his photograph gallery to Mr. I. N. Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs is a skillful artist and his work is excellent. He will, in a few days, have a young lady assistant.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. James McCloy, of Mississippi, arrived here last week. Mr. McCloy spent some time in this county last year and purchased land. He intends stock it with a very fine lot of sheep.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Jim Hill received twenty boxes of oranges last Saturday and he now proposes to "carry the war into Africa." If this thing keeps on, it will be cheaper to eat them than to let them alone.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

In another column will be found calls for ward primaries and a city convention. The primaries are to be held next Saturday.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

It is astonishing, the immense number of places where a hog, or a sheep, or a hen was snowed under during the late snow storm and lived in the drift just thirteen days growing away nicely.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Will Bryant leaves for his old home in Texas soon. He has disposed of the last remnant of his grocery stock. We had hoped that Will would make his home permanently with us, but Texas has charms for him that he can't resist.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Lovell H. Webb will be a candidate for city attorney at the spring election. We hope Lovell will be elected. He is a rising young attorney and is well qualified to fill the position. It looks now as if he would have no opposition.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. George Walton, of Oxford, made us a call Wednesday. It's the first time he has visited Winfield for many months, and he expressed surprise at the rapid improvements. He left for Arkansas City on the noon train.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Rev. Tucker, the new Methodist minister, preached his first sermon Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Frank Frye, one of "Our Boys," dropped in Monday. He has sold his paper, the Labette County Democrat, and is looking up a new location.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The residence of Mr. Elisha Miller, in Otter township, was destroyed by fire Monday evening. He was away from home at the time and lost everything he had. This is very hard on Mr. Miller, as he is a poor man and in debt and is left utterly destitute. Now is the time for his neighbors to show their humanity.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Messrs. Dorley & Myers have the credit of establishing Winfield's manufacturing enterprise. Their first carload of material arrived Tuesday evening. With the new additions they now have five rooms: a blacksmith shop, a wood-work shop, a paint shop, an office, and stock room. They will manufacture light work exclusively, such as buggies, phaetons, carriages, and light wagons. They are now building six light wagons, most of which are sold. They have already turned out two buggies, one of which was sold to John Whistler, of the territory. They will work at present from six to eight men and will add more help as a market is created for their work. Mr. Dorley is a thorough carriage builder and has at different times superintended many of the largest establishments of the United States. His object is to build up a large manufactory here, and in this he will be heartily seconded by our citizens.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. E. P. Kinne and Mr. McCloy were parties to a runaway Monday. They were out looking at the country and drove a little too far up on a side hill when the buggy tipped over. The horses stopped, they got out, and Mr. Kinne went to the horses' heads while Mr. McCloy righted the buggy. As soon as the horses saw the top of the buggy rising up from the ground, they became frightened and started off, dragging Mr. Kinne between them for a considerable distance. When he saw he could not stop the team, he grabbed the neck yoke, threw himself on his back in the middle of the road, and let them pass over him. It was an experience that Mr. Kinne does not care to repeat.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Fort Scott Monitor: While in Winfield recently in company with our old friend, C. C. Harris, we had the pleasure of spending an evening at the residence of Mr. W. C. Carruthers, at one time a citizen of this city, where we made the acquaintance of Miss Beatrice Carruthers and Miss Kate Cowey, formerly of Fort Scott. Miss Carruthers, although quite young when she left here, has developed into an amiable and charming belle, retaining all her beauty and ladylike ways of childhood days. Mr. Carruthers and family occupy a prominent place in Winfield society.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Eli Youngheim has been making some large improvements in his store room. He has enlarged it considerably and extended his shelves to accommodate the large stock of clothing and furnishing goods now on the way. Eli is a good businessman and has a healthy trade. He has kept on improving his stock from year to year since he came here, four years ago, until he now has one of the best stores in the southwest. We are glad to note Eli's success and hope prosperity may continue to smile on him as graciously as she has during the past four years.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The Winfield Bank has received two magnificent oil paintings, the work of Miss Schermerhorn, of Chicago, and one of the stockholders in the bank. One represents a scene on Lake Michigan and the other South Park, Colorado. The lady is one of the finest artists in the country, and these specimens of her work are certainly the finest paintings we have ever seen. They are valued at five hundred dollars. The pictures have been hung up in the bank and can be seen by any who desire to examine them.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The egg business is assuming gigantic proportions in Winfield. J. P. Baden, the largest shipper, keeps from five to eight hands packing continually. He shipped last week 74,520 eggs, for which he paid in cash and trade upwards of nine hundred dollars. These are large figures, but they can be verified. Mr. Baden is always prepared to pay the highest price for produce of any kind, and his large shipments and constantly increasing market enables him to do so. If you have butter, eggs, or produce for sale, take it to Baden.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

At last he's done it. We have been watching him with our left eye for the last ten years and as he began to grow older and older and to get grayer and grayer, we about concluded that he would breast the storm of life alone. We were mistaken, for he was married Tuesday afternoon. One of Ohio's handsomest ladies was too much for him and he surrendered unconditionally. The COURIER extends to Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Harter its warmest congratulations and future well wishes.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

We learn from the Arkansas City papers that so many people have recently moved from Winfield to Arkansas City that a large portion of the business houses and dwellings in Winfield are vacant and are to be moved to Arkansas City. This is no new hegira. Ever since Winfield began to be, we have been hearing from the same source of this grand rush, and so we conclude that the seaport and terminus city must by this time be a rival of Gotham both in population and buildings.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Captain Siverd will be a candidate at the spring election for constable. He is one of the best qualified men that could be selected for the position. Careful and thorough, a good pensman and an energetic man, he will accomplish everything he undertakes. If elected (and he will be), he will prove one of the most efficient officers the city has ever had. Let everyone who wants the right man in the right place turn out and help elect Capt. Siverd.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The K. C., L. & S. railroad have put elegant reclining chair cars on their through trains, running from Wellington to Kansas City. We had the pleasure of riding in one of them from Elk Falls to Winfield last week. They are models of neatness and comfort and make the trip to Kansas City a pleasure rather than a bore, as it has heretofore been.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Snyder & Spotswood are making preparations to put in a large garden this spring, and raise and sell their own produce. It is difficult to supply the home demand, and with the increased shipping facilities, we can get a market for all that is raised. They propose to sow several hundred dollars worth of seeds.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Miss Dickie, teacher in district No. 9, lost $45 Monday night. She left her pocketbook in the desk and in the night a couple of tramps entered the house and rifled it of its contents. The loss was not discovered until nearly noon the next day, when the thieves were far beyond reach.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Harper Times: Mr. H. Brotherton, of Winfield, was in the city last Monday and Tuesday buying millet. He purchased a carload here with the offer of as much at Danville if he wanted it. The price paid was 85 cents for the little and 90 cents for big millet.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Winfield has had quite a scare for the past week over the appearance of scarlet fever. Four of Mrs. Hamilton's family in the east part of the city were taken down with it last week, but it has been confined to the one family. The sick are recovering.

Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Mr. S. L. Brettun came in Tuesday and is stopping with his grandson, Charlie Black.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

By a petition presented me, I have been requested to call a meeting of the Republican voters of Second Ward, at the Opera House, on Saturday, March 19th, 1881, at 7:30 p.m., to put in nomination a candidate for member of the City Council, and member of the Board of Education for said ward, to be voted for at the coming city election. Also, to select a ward committee and elect twelve delegates to meet with the delegates of the First ward, at the Courthouse March 26th, 1881, at 7:30 p.m., to nominate candidates for the office of said city, common to both wards. O. M. SEWARD.

March 15th.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

H. F. Hicks, the senior proprietor of the "Commercial," recently purchased the house belonging to Mr. J. C. Gates, and had it moved from Torrance to this place Wednesday.

Dr. B. R. O'Connor, accompanied by his mother and six-year-old son, and also Mr. E. M. Baldwin, of St. Joe County, Indiana, arrived on the nine o'clock train Thursday night. The Doctor has purchased the Todd farm, seven miles southeast of this place on Otter creek, and will fit it up for a sheep ranch. His wife and daughter will arrive in about two months, accompanied by Mrs. Baldwin.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

The Republicans of the First Ward of the city of Winfield will meet in convention at the Courthouse, on Saturday evening, March 19th, 1881, at 7 o'clock sharp, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for member of the School Board and of Councilman, and a Republican Committee of three for said ward and thirteen delegates to attend a City Convention on the 27th of March, 1881, to place a full Republican city ticket in the field.

W. J. WILSON, R. R. CONKLIN, For Committee.



Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

. Mr. J. K. Walters, who recently came from Richland County, Ohio, has rented Harvey Smith's farm for a year. Mr. Walters is a good citizen and we welcome him among us.

Dempsey Elliott, Esq., one of the best farmers in the Grouse Valley, was in the city last Sunday night, having brought up twenty head of fat steers for Hodges, of Winfield. Mr. Elliott has undoubtedly the finest farm along the Grouse.

We learn that the R. R. Co. intend getting stone from the quarry near Torrance for bridge and other purposes and that a switch will be put in there.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Our whiskey saloons were closed last Saturday.

A mad dog was killed on our streets last week by Marshal Sinnott.

Mr. J. Hill, the canal contractor, is paying $2.50 per day for teams and $1 per day for men.

The last sad remains of the Oklahoma boom were found frozen to death last week, near the late site of that ill-starred colony. All else but him had fled. It is likely that the "colony" will never more assemble, unless the lands are lawfully open to settlement.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Misses Mattie Mitchell and Linnie Peed are at home now, enjoying a season of holidays, their schools having closed.

Dr. Leonard left town yesterday for Florida to see the country; and if he finds it satisfactory, may locate there.

One of the most notable additions to the northwestern part of town is the handsome brick residence lately erected by Capt. J. B. Nipp.

At the school meeting last Saturday, the vote on establishing a graded school in this city was almost unanimous. The new board elected are Messrs. A. C. Williams, director; Wm. Benedict, clerk; and P. F. Endicott, treasurer.

Yesterday morning about four o'clock Mr. James I. Mitchell was awakened only to learn that his house was on fire. By the time the members of his family were aroused and the alarm given, the fire had gained such headway as to make it impossible to save the building, and the efforts of those who had come to the rescue were directed to the furniture and other articles of value. Everything inside the house, excepting a small washstand upstairs, was saved when the building burned to the ground.

Will Leonard, in company with Mrs. Doctor Hughes and family, leave for their new home, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, tomorrow. We are indeed sorry to have the Doctor and his family leave our city. It will leave a vacancy not easily replaced in our business and social circle.


Winfield Courier, March 17, 1881.

Grouse is running again and Mr. Elliott will start his water mill this week.

Mr. Gamel expects to move to Arkansas City soon.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum