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[Starting with Thursday, May 5, 1881.]

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

May 1st, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: We may now say with some degree of certainty that spring has come to stay with us, till she be lost by mingling and blending into summer.

We now hear the pipings and carrolings of a dozen of more familiar songsters. But I think it strange we have no robins here, the mocking bird often fools me, and causes me to look and listen for the robin. How pleasant it is to enjoy spring arraying and clothing herself in beauty and splendor, how cheering was the first sight of the daisies and crocus; but how beautiful and fragrant are the blossoms of the apple, peach, plum, pear, and cherry trees as also how full of promise.

Mr. Editor, to be in the midst of all these and then to be receiving letters from Iowa and Nebraska telling of snow and ice, brings a chill in thought if not in bodily action. But judging from the musterings in the north, we may look for a large emigration this fall. All kinds of trees are bursting into leaf and bloom, and the corn planters are abroad in the land have been doing good execution for the past three weeks; but I presume the click-clack will continue for some two weeks to come so great will be the acreage planted, first planting is coming up nicely.

Wheat is improving wonderfully the last week or two.

Three happy Fathers: John Hawkins, Milton Rhoads, and Wm. E. Martin. The late arrivals are all boys. Now if the Fair Association gives a premium for the greatest number of boys born in 1881, we think Vernon will "knock the socks" from every other township in Cowley County.

Improvements still continue in Vernon. Joseph Corson will soon complete his cottage house of some five rooms and cellar, we believe. Mr. James Patterson has completed a small house and now resides on his newly made farm and enjoys the Kansas zephyrs, and can view the valleys of the Arkansas and Walnut.

If the weather continues warm, we think an ice cream supper for the benefit of the Vernon Library will be in order.

"Chant" speaks of "consistency being a jewel," and the Governor is on a boom. He certainly does not mean St. John, for St. John has been a consistent temperance man for the last eleven years, to my knowledge.

The Editors of the COURIER may not be getting rich advocating the temperance cause, but we know they are making hundreds of good temperance friends. But we must give your typo a scolding and then close, one he changed have to love, which was not so bad, as it did not change the truth of the sentence in which it occurred. But the next time he changed house to horse, and left the sentence meaningless as well as ridiculous. M. LEWIS.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Prohibition in Kansas.
How It Has Killed Winfield and Cowley County!
Statements of Businessmen of Winfield and Leading Citizens of Cowley County,
Kansas, in Relation to the Situation.
We have received many letters from Iowa and other states containing a letter written by Frank Manny, of this city, clipped from one newspaper or another, with the inquiry if the statements therein contained are true. We answered one of these briefly last week, but subsequently we learn that the Manny letter is being published widely in other states, not only as an argument against prohibitory liquor laws, but against emigrating to Kansas, and particularly against this city and county. It is known that Winfield and Cowley County are the

for prohibition. The vote on the prohibitory amendment last November was in Winfield 443 for, and 121 against. Majority for: 322. In Cowley County the vote stood, 3,248 for, and 870 against. Majority for, 2,373. No other city or county in the state gave anything like such majorities for, and most cities as large or larger than Winfield gave majorities against. If prohibition is disastrous to a community, it is fit that this city and county be the heaviest sufferers. If it is a good thing, this city and county should come in for a goodly share of the benefits. This city and county are only eleven years old. In that time they have risen from nothing to a population of 21,539 for the county, and 2,850 for the city, according to the U. S. census of 1880, and the population of the city today is not less than 3,300. Of these eleven years, nine of them have been years of magnificent crops of all kinds, and two of them have been years of partial failure. The first year of short crops was 1874, and the following spring showed a decrease of population and a stagnation of business. The other year of short crops was 1880, which was even worse than 1874, and the result on the population and business this spring will appear in the statements which follow. Either in consequence of, or in spite of the fact that intoxicating liquors have always been sold here in any abundance, we have arisen from nothing to one of the best and wealthiest counties in the west in eleven years. Was it whiskey, or was it our wonderfully fertile soil, fine climate, and attractive surroundings?

Here is the famous Manny letter.

"WINFIELD, KANS., April 1st, 1881.
Herewith I send you a car load of barley, which please sell for me and remit proceeds after deducting all expenses. I have tried my best to dispose of it in our neighboring towns, but have not succeeded. I have invested $20,000 in my brewery, and I do not believe I could get $500 for it now on account of the prohibition law. I have over $1,000 worth of beer in my vaults and am not allowed to sell a drop. My barley and malt cost me 95 cents a bushel, but I cannot get 50 cents for it now. You have no idea how our people are upset by the new law. A year ago our town was prospering, not a house or store to be had, and now you will find from 100 to 150 houses vacated. Stores that brought $50 a month rent are empty. The state of affairs is such that even our prohibition people are getting scared and regret what they have done. If you should find anything for me there, please let me know.

Below are statements of businessmen and leading citizens of this city and county.

Druggists: Our trade is better than it was a year ago, retail not so good but have done more jobbing trade. We account for a falling off in retail by the fact that people have less money and there is very little sickness. It is much healthier through the country than a year ago. Do not see that the prohibition affects the trade. We shall not take out a license to sell liquor for medical purposes until a supreme court decision defines what the law is. We do not think it safe to make the required bond under the present state of doubt. We will not evade the law in any particular.

My business has improved every month I have been here and this last month is the best I have had. There is not much sickness. The doctors say it is distressingly healthy, so our prescription business is not as large as it would otherwise be. I do not know as the prohibitory law has had any effect on our trade as yet, but after today (April 30) I shall not sell liquor for medical or other purpose and shall not take out a permit at least for the present. This will not reduce my sales perceptibly for very little liquor enters into prescriptions.

My general trade is better than it was a year ago. My prescription trade is less, because there is less sickness. I account for a better general trade by having a better stock and better location. I do not think the prohibitory law has affected my trade in any way. After May first I do not intend to sell liquor on prescriptions and that will effect my trade but slightly.

After the supreme court shall have defined the law, I shall decide my course, but at present I do not deem it prudent to give bond and take out a permit. The law is putting druggists in an unpleasant situation, but the idea that it will be a damage to the city and county is all nonsense.

Druggists and Booksellers: Don't think our trade is quite so good as it was a year ago, but it is very good, much better than we expected. Our trade would be much better ordinarily, but there is very little call for medicines and almost no sickness in the county. Physicians are all complaining of little business. We are going to take out a license, and sell for legitimate purposes in a legitimate way, and the prohibitory law will not affect this part of our trade in any way. We like the law and are going to support it. We have commenced to build a new house for our business. It will be 23 x 77, two stories and basement, of Winfield stone with brick front, iron columns, and plate glass, and will cost $3,500.

My trade is about 25 percent better than it was a year ago, on account of a wider acquaintance. The health of the country is better than it was a year ago, scarcely any ill health. I do not think prohibition effects my trade in any way.

There is a material falling off in my business as compared with a year ago. I think it is one third less. I do not attribute this to a bad year for crops last season. I do not think it was a bad year. The county produced a large corn crop, which has been fed out, and an unusually large number of hogs have been marketed at good prices. A great many cattle have been marketed, a great deal of flour and wheat has been turned off, an unusual amount of butter, eggs, etc., has been sold, and I believe the farmers received more money than ever before. I intend to go west and find a place where I can do business with some degree of freedom. Under the prohibition law it is not safe to give bond and sell drugs for there are so many things in the drug and medicine line which contain alcohol in some proportion that one will be caught by some enemy before he is aware of breaking the law and his bond is forfeited. The law prohibits the sale of drugs containing alcohol, except by going through a routine that I do not intend to undertake.

D. V. COLE, M. D.
I think the State Convention of Physicians will pass a resolution to refuse to take the oath required, and to prescribe alcoholic liquors. I have heretofore rarely prescribed such and then mostly at the request of patients. I have heretofore rarely prescribed such and then mostly at the request of patients. There is no necessity of prescribing such, except in very rare cases such as snake bite. In an emergency I would not hesitate to use the necessary means to save life. I do not think there is anything in the law to prevent me.

My business is double what it was a year ago. Since the saloons were closed, my business has been about double what it was before. There are as many grocery stocks in town as there were a year ago. I attribute the increase in my trade to having a better stock, a better location, and to not having a noisy saloon beside me to drive away my best customers, and to the fact some men spend more money for groceries than formerly. For the last two months my Saturday cash receipts for goods have run from $143 to $233 per day. I have been out in the surrounding country and find an unusual amount of farm work and improvements going on.

Our trade is good but not so good as a year ago. There are reasons why it should be less. Poor crops and less sickness, are principal. It is too early to tell what the effect of the prohibitory law is or will be. We shall not take a druggist's license at present, but await a decision of the supreme court to define the meaning of the law, and in the meantime shall not sell liquor for medical or any other purpose.

There is and has been very little sickness in this county all winter and spring, much less than usual. I do not attribute this to the operation of the prohibitory law. The State Medical Society meets on May 10th. Until then I do not intend to take the oath or to prescribe liquors. I do not intend to let anyone die on account of it, but shall administer it myself when neces sary. I think the law needs to be authoritatively defined by the courts and then our profession will fall in to help carry out the law. We hold off a little now as a matter of prudence.

Tunnel Water Mills: We are making 20,000 pounds of flour per day, which is about the same amount we were making a year ago. There are six flouring mills running in the county while only five were running a year ago. There is plenty of wheat in the county to keep the mills running until the next crop. There is much less wheat being shipped from this county than a year ago. I suppose about 1,200 bushels has been shipped within the last thirty days.

I don't think prohibition effects this business in any way as yet. I do not think the wheat crop of this county the past year was over 300,000 bushels. An average crop would have been over 1,000,000 bushels. The present promise is a very good crop for this year. The acreage is greater than last year and we may reasonably expect a crop of 1,200,000 bushels. Prices are about the same as a year ago and have been very steady for a year. We have formerly shipped much of our flour to Colorado and New Mexico.

Dealer in clothing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps, boots, and shoes: My trade is less than it was a year ago, but I have demand for a better class of goods than was wanted a year ago. I do not think that prohibition affects my trade in any way.

Loan agent: My business is better than a year ago, because of more confidence in the future of this county and in the value of securities. Men are building fine buildings and making substantial improvements who would not have done so had the saloons remained.

I live in Vernon township, Cowley County. There is more building going on than there was a year ago. Some of them are very fine improvements. There has much more farm work been done and better done than last year. The prospects for peaches, apples, and all kinds of fruits were never better. Corn is up and looking well. Oats look fine, but wheat is not as promising as it has been some years. Gardens are in excellent promise. There are several newcomers in this township and a demand for farms to rent much greater than the supply.

Real estate, loan, and insurance agents: Our business generally is about the same as a year ago. The value of real estate in both city and county, has appreciated during the last year. Farms are held firmer and at higher prices than a year ago. There is more being done in the way of building and other improvements than ever before. Farmers are doing their work better and putting in their crops in better shape. The cultivated acreage is much greater than a year ago. An immense amount of prairie breaking is being done. More tree planting is being done than ever before. We travel over the county frequently and have had plenty of opportunities to observe. A considerable number of new settlers have already located in the county this spring and we have correspondence which indicates that a great many more will soon be here. Those who have settled this spring are well fixed. Many of them say they came because of our prohibition laws.

We have a list of three hundred families who are coming from various states to settle in this state and probably in this vicinity. Notwithstanding we had last year the boom of two railroads just completed to this city, the demand for real estate is as great now as it was then. Some large and fine buildings will be erected in this city this year. One business house in our charge by McDougal will cost $8,000. Money is plenty here for loaning and can be had at as low rates as in any of the western states.

Dealer in clothing, gents furnishing goods, hats, caps, and trunks. My business is better than a year ago. I do not think that prohibition has affected it. I expect an increase of business right along and have full confidence in the future of this county. I think there are more goods in my line in this city than there was a year ago.

Police Judge: I came into this office on February 1st, just three months ago today. The saloons had closed the last week in January and the prohibition laws had just gone into practical effect here. During these three months, I have had before me two cases for drunkenness which occurred in my first week: one case for being found in a bawdy house, and 11 cases for quarreling, fighting, swearing, or carrying concealed weapons14 cases in all. The records of this office show that in the same three months of last year there were 76 police cases, of which 29 were for drunkenness, 21 for being found in a bawdy house, and 16 for quarreling and fighting.

Real estate agent: Though there is quite a number of vacant rooms in the city, there are more occupied buildings now than there were a year ago. There were a great many new buildings erected during the past year.

H. L. WELLS, M. D.
There is no sickness here which belongs to the country, nothing but chronic diseases which have been brought here with the patients. Chronic cases of catarrh and kindred diseases yield readily to treatment here by the aid of atmospheric influences. This is not a malarial country. I shall take the physicians oath and abide by and support the prohibitory law. Rents are high here, too high. Six months rent at the rate I pay for the office I occupy would build one as good.

W. A. LEE,
Dealer in Agricultural implements and machinery. My trade is better than it was a year ago. I am selling more wagons, more cultivators, and more of almost every other kind of farm machinery. I am giving less credit than a year ago not that there are fewer men whom I would credit, for it is a fact that there are many more farmers whom I would credit than there were a year ago. Then there were many farmers who were in town frequently, drinking and idling around, seeming to care little for their farm work, who are now rarely seen in town; and when they do come, attend to their purchases and leave. And when I see them at home, they are busily putting in their seed and improving their farms. I could name a large number of farmers who have reformed wonderfully in this particular. I travel over our county fre quently, and observe that an unusual amount of improvements are going on this spring.

My practice is not as good as it was last year because nobody is sick. It has really been healthy for the last two years. This is a healthy country. There is no malaria here and nothing to make it unhealthy. Cannot tell as yet what effect prohibition has or will have on the general health, but of course it will be favorable. I think I shall follow the advice of the Medical Association, which meets in Wichita soon, with regard to qualifying for and prescribing liquors for medicine.

City engineer. I have taken considerable pains to ascertain the situation of the sheep interest in this county. A year ago there were about 40,000 sheep in this county. Recently I got actual enumeration of 69,500 sheep in the county, and there were probably many that I did not get. The sheep are about two thirds graded merinos and one third native Colorado and Missouri. A large majority of the bucks are nearly full blood merinos called thorough breds. I think the wool crop of this county this spring will amount to 350,000 pounds and will net $70,000.

Pastor of the first Presbyterian church. My congregations average larger than they did a year ago. I note the presence of many whom I did not see in church a year ago. The attendance at the sabbath school is much greater than it was a year ago. The contributions of members of the congregation to pay the pastor and expenses are much larger and more readily paid and the finances of the church are in much better condition.

Real estate agent. I am selling more farms than I did a year ago. Almost all who buy pay entirely cash down. There are some vacant houses in this city, perhaps twenty five, but there have been built a great many more than that within a year. There are many more occupied houses in this city than there were a year ago.

Postmaster: The Winfield post office is a post office of the second class. The revenues of this office for the last three months ending April 30th were $1,851. For the corresponding months of last year they were $1,830.

Liveryman. Our business is starting out very good this spring. During the hard, cold winter it was rather dull. A year ago our business was booming on account of the recent completion of two railroads to this place. Now it is not so good, but it is excellent nevertheless. Could not say that the prohibitory law has any effect on our business. There are four livery stocks in this city the same as a year ago.

President of the board of trustees of the M. E. Church. The congregations assembled for services at this church average a considerable larger than a year ago. The seats are generally pretty well filled. The seating capacity of the church is about six hundred. I observe that many persons attend church who did not attend a year ago. This church is a fine, large building, 40 x 80 feet of Cowley County building stone, and the audience room is the whole size with a gallery. The financial condition of the church is excellent and the subscriptions for expenses are better and larger than they were a year ago. Our sabbath school is in a flourishing condition. The average attendance is 160, which is greater than a year ago.

Dealer in millinery stock, sewing machines, and organs. The business of this house is good, but not so good as a year ago. One man and three ladies are employed in this house and are kept very busy. The season is about a month later than last year and trade has hardly commenced. It is likely to exceed that of last spring in the outcome. There are four millinery stocks in town same as last year. The trade in sewing machines and organs is better than I had reason to expect. Do not see as the prohibitory law has affected our trade as yet, but think the effect will be to make better trade.

Farmer of Tisdale township. There is as much building going on in the county as ever, more trees are being planted than ever before, more corn is put in than ever before, more breaking going on, and more farm work generally being done. There is not an empty house to be had and the population is increasing.

General hardware, stoves, and tinware. Out trade is fully as good as it was a year ago. We expected a large falling off in trade on account of short crops last year. We account for the continued good trade by the arrival of men with money who are settling in the county. We get some of the money which was formerly spent for liquor.

Farmer. There is more corn put in than ever before and the stand is excellent. Many of the farmers have been through their fields with the cultivator for the first time.

While on my way to Winfield, I heard it frequently reported that this city was going down, and my surprise when I arrived here was great to find the large amount of building and other improvements going on, and the lively trade that is being transacted. Winfield is the liveliest and most flourishing city of the size which I have seen in my travels this spring.

Dealers in furniture. Our trade is better than it was a year ago, though we have more competition in the business than we had then. The tendency of the short crops of last summer to decrease the trade is fully made up by the tendency of those then in the habit of spending their money for liquor to now spend it for furniture and ornaments for their homes. We observe that there are fewer men on the streets and sidewalks nowadays than there were a year ago, and fewer men calling to examine and price our goods; but then men would lounge around awhile and leave without buying, while now they almost always buy something. We notice that many women who come in here have a more cheerful, happy look than they had a year ago. Our trade in coffins has fallen off.

Our trade is more than double what it was a year ago. We are carrying a larger and better stock than we did then. There are twelve grocery stores in town, the same number there were a year ago.

Seed store and agricultural implements. The seed trade is one-third better than it was a year ago. We have been paying less attention to the implement business than last year, and our trade is less. We are satisfied that prohibition is helping our trade considerably. Many are planting seeds who used to be loafing around, drinking more or less.

Pastor of the first Baptist church. My congregation average larger than it did a year ago, and our finances are in better condition. We have the foundation laid for a new church, which will cost $10,000, which we expect to erect in due time.

Trustee of the Christian church. The congregations at our church are larger than a year ago, and the church is in better financial condition. Our Sabbath school is better attended.

Pastor of the Protestant Episcopal church. This church had its beginning within a year. It is in a flourishing condition. We have no suitable place of worship yet, and our congregations are not as large as we would expect with a suitable room. They average about fifty. We think we shall be able to build a new church during this year.

General merchandise. Our trade is about the same as it was a year ago. Then we had a great amount of orders from men engaged in building the railroads, which we have not got now. Our trade in butter, eggs, chickens, etc., is immense. This city is shipping more of these kinds of produce than any other city in Kansas, and we will undertake to show it from our books if anyone doubts it. Most of our shipments are to Colorado and New Mexico. This is the best county in the West.

Think the closing of the saloons has reduced my oyster business very largely. When a squad of men have got pretty full of liquor, it makes them feel so rich that they will buy oysters by the quantity. My cigar and fruit business is better and increasing. Men who drink liquor do not buy fruit as a general rule.

Clothing and gents furnishing goods. Our trade is larger than it was a year ago. The present outlook for trade is much better than it was last year at this time. I do not see that prohibition has affected my business in any way. It cannot be that it has hurt this town in the least, and the country will soon be richer and more populous for it.

General merchandise. I am a newcomer here just commencing to build up a business. My trade is better than I expected it would be. I think prohibition is affecting the trade, that many children are wearing shoes who never had any before and get more bread and meat to eat.

Dealers in boots and shoes. Our impression is that our trade is just about as large as it was a year ago. Then the farmers had wheat and corn kept over, which they were selling and had plenty of money; now their last year's crop is exhausted. It is true that there are buildings for rent here now while a year ago it was difficult to get one, but rents are still about one-third higher than they ought to be. We have no means of knowing what effect prohibition has had upon our trade thus far. There are two more stocks of shoes and boots in town than there were a year ago.

Stock dealer. The acreage of corn planted this spring in this county is twenty to twenty-five percent greater than it was last year, and what is particularly noticeable, the work is better done. It has all come up and is looking splendidly. If nothing unusual happens to prevent, the crop will be one-third greater than ever before. My shipments of stock for the market are about the same as they were a year ago. In the last three months I have shipped: Fat hogs, 65 cars, 4,259 head, $48,813.33; fat sheep, 3,413 head, $15,944; fat cattle, 100 head, $4,500. Total amount paid, $69,307.33.

Principal of the public schools of Winfield. The attendance and interest in the schools of this city are much greater than they were a year ago. For the last three months the enrollment of pupils was 402 and the average daily attendance was 386. The corresponding three months of last year the enrollment was 236 and average daily attendance 226.

Produce dealers. Our business is much larger than it was a year ago. In the last two months we have shipped to Colorado and New Mexico 32,070 dozens of eggs and 6,761 pounds of butter, besides large quantities of dressed poultry. We are handling a large amount of fresh garden vegetables, and besides what we are able to buy we cultivate 12 acres in garden sauce. We raise a large amount of poultry and keep the best breeds.

M. HAHN & CO.,
Dealers in dry goods, carpets, clothing, and gents furnishing goods. Our trade is about the same it was a year ago. We had reason to expect it would be much less on account of the short crops. We do not know how to account for the continued good trade. Cannot tell what effect the prohibition law has upon it.

Dealer in books and stationary and news dealer. My business is generally better than it was last year, but I had reason from the short crops to expect a large decrease of trade. I sell more books, and more from my soda fountain. It is certainly too soon to make an estimate of the effect of prohibition upon my trade. Can tell better a year from now.

Dealer in clothing and gents furnishing goods. My trade is fully as good as it was a year ago though I had reason to expect a considerable falling off on account of the short crops. It is too early to estimate the effect of prohibition upon my trade. If we have plenty of rains this year as we now expect, the trade will be much better than it is now.

Dealer in general hardware, stoves, tinware, agricultural implements, and machinery. My trade during this month of April has not been materially different in the aggregate from that of April of last year. In planters, cultivators, and other tools for corn raising, my trade is better than ever before. Last year the season was about a month earlier than this year and now our heaviest trade has hardly commenced. It now appears that the aggregate of the spring trade will be better than it was last year. I apprehended a very much smaller cash trade than a year ago, because of the short crops last year. I did not expect there was anywhere near as much money in the country as there seems to be. I cannot tell yet whether the prohibitory law has the effect to increase my trade. Last year when it became evident that the wheat crop would be short, the sales began to fall off and profits to grow less, which continued until


My trade is better than it was a year ago. There are 12 grocery stocks in town, the same as a year ago. Had the crops been average crops last year, my trade would have been much larger. A year ago many merchants wanted to get out of business. There does not appear to be any such sentiment now. I do not know what effect the prohibition law has upon trade. I do not see as many men loafing around as formerly, and I presume much of the money formerly spent for liquor now goes for groceries and other goods.

Our business is hardly as good as it was a year ago. There are more groceries in town than a year ago, and the aggregate trade of the place in groceries is as large as then. We have just commenced a new building for our business to be of our Winfield stone, brick front, iron columns, 14 foot ceiling, 25 x 105 ft. with basement. We need more and better room for our business.

We are doing twice the amount of business we did a year ago, probably because we are carrying twice as many goods and are better known. Do not know as the short crops of last year has any effect on our trade. Have not noticed any particular effect of the prohibitory laws on our trade.

Hardware. Business larger than a year ago. It would doubtless be much larger had we full crops last year, but the prohibition law affects us favorably. Men who used to spend their money for liquor now buy a great many things in our line which they have heretofore done without. Our stock is much heavier than it was a year ago, and we expect a much larger trade than we have ever had before.

Member of the State legislature. I live in Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. The prohibition laws went into effect at that place on the first of February, three months ago. No one has left on account of it except the saloon keepers, but a great many have settled there, the population and business is increasing rapidly, and the city is on a boom.

Carpenters and builders. We have more work on hand in the way of building than we had last year notwithstanding the short crops of last summer. We think the amount of building going on is greater for the operation of the prohibitory law. Our workmen get along without liquor, are sober, and industrious; and most of them are settled in homes with their families. We think that within six months, we shall have large accessions of newcomers with capital who are coming here because of the prohibitory law, and will have many more good building contracts to offer. The tramp carpenters are steering clear of this place and that makes work for the resident carpenters steady and valuable.

Business in this line is about as good as it was a year ago, less country and more town trade. Don't think prohibition will make our business any less.

Real estate and loan agents. The demand for farms and the prices of real estate are about the same in this county as they were a year ago. There are many newcomers who appear to be men of standing and of more wealth than those who came last year. They do not hesitate to buy on account of prohibition, but express gratification on account of it. We believe prohibition is going to be a great benefit to our county by inducing the better class of people to settle here.

Well drillers. The demand for our work is about the same as it was a year ago. We drill wells in all parts of the county and travel all over the county frequently. I observe that the amount of building and other improvements going on in the county now is full as much as a year ago. I see full as many and I think more newcomers settling in this county than there were a year ago.

Those settling this spring are a good class of citizens having money, intelligence, and energy. Many of them have told us that they came to this state because they wanted to raise their children where they would not be contaminated by the influences of the liquor traffic. The promise for large crops the coming year is excellent and the farmers are in the best of spirits.

General merchandise. Our business is about the same as it was last year. We had reason to apprehend it would be less on account of the bad season last year. Cannot explain why business has kept up so well. Produce is bringing a better price, though there is much less of it, a considerable stock is being handled, and a considerable amount of eggs, butter, etc., is being sold. We do not observe that the prohibitory law has affected our business in any way. There are less people on the streets than a year ago, but more and better buyers in proportion to the crowd than last year. It is rather wonderful how our trade keeps up under the circumstances. As partly accounting for it, we have more goods, a larger, better, and more convenient room, and better facilities for showing goods. Our sale room is 25 x 140, well filled with goods, with basement same size for storage, a large carpet room in the second story, and an elevator from the basement to the second story. French plate glass front and lighted with gas throughout.

The business deposits in the bank are much better and larger in volume than ever before. We do not think the increase of the volume of business of the city is much over that of a year ago, but we attribute a considerable portion of the increase of our deposits to newcomers who have settled in this vicinity bringing with them large sums of money to invest. Many of these have told us that they would not have settled in Kansas but for the prohibition laws. This law is favorable to banks because it raises the value of names as securities. A man who is good for $1,000 now, is likely to be better a year from now, while formerly many such would be likely to be depreciated as sureties by liquor. All Kansas banks will stand better with their eastern correspondents because their home securities will be more valuable.

Our deposit business is better than it ever was before, which indicates that the general business of the city is larger than it was last year. The business of Winfield is in a healthier condition than it has ever been. The natural effect of the failure of crops last year would have been to reduce the present volume of business more than twenty-five percent, but the prohibitory laws or something else has neutralized this effect. We are anticipating a business boom as soon as the harvest is over.

State Senator. The prohibitory law has been in force here for three months and works to a charm. There is very little drinking apparent in the community and I am convinced that the law will be a success. I have changed my opinion on the matter, which was formerly adverse to the practicability of such a law. Our county will be wealthier, more populous, and a better place to live because of this law.

Grocers. Our business is nearly double what it was a year ago. We have a magnificent stock, much better than it was a year ago. If prohibition has had any effect on our business, it has been to increase it.

Pastor of the M. E. church, Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas. A year ago there were many vacant buildings in Arkansas City; many buildings have been erected since, but there are no vacant buildings there today. Our city marshal has now apparently nothing to do and it is probable that the office will be dispensed with. Prohibition went into practical operation there three months ago, and I think it will be strictly enforced.

of Bliss & Wood, Winfield City Mills. This mill is a large, substantial structure on the Walnut river at Winfield, built of stone. The fall of water is eight feet, and there is plenty of power except at rare seasons, when we use steam power, having a 100 horsepower engine. We can make 24,000 pounds of flour a day, doing more than we did a year ago. I think there is plenty of wheat in the county to keep the mills going until another crop is brought in. Prices are about the same as a year ago. We ship most of our flour to Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas. We can ship three carloads a week besides supply our home demand, which is considerably larger than it was last year. I do not know of anyone leaving here on account of the prohibitory law, except two saloon men. I know of many who are arriving and settling here, who express themselves gratified with prohibition. These are generally substantial men of means. One whom I recently met, William P. Yates, brings great wealth and appears a very intelligent gentleman. I think we are much better off for prohibition.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The peach crop in this township (Maple), if nothing befalls it, will be immense; and would be a source of good profit if someone could be induced to start a canning factory. Tomatoes, beans, and peas could be raised and together with the peaches would give such an establishment full employment the coming fall.

The wheat is all right and bids fair to be a remunerative crop.

A larger breadth of land than ever has been planted in corn, and a great deal is up showing a good stand.

It is now in order to ask that the herd law be limited as to time, let it run three years longer and stop; thousands of acres of grass flourishes and dies in this county annually and benefits no one for the reason there is no stock to eat it. The profits of hundreds of farms in this county goes back into the ground for the same reason. The gleanings of the fields and the after growth gathered by sheep, hogs, and cattleand converted into mutton, pork, beef, and woolwould place the owners out of debt and dot our prairies with fine houses and substantial barns, things not to be hoped for under the present system of farming. The herd law has been an undoubted benefit to the majority of Cowley County farmers, and a trial of it for seven years has given all ample time to hedge their farms if they wished. Now many persons, the writer included, are of the opinion that a repeal of the law would be to the best interest to the community and hope to see petitions to that effect circulating freely the present summer throughout the county. N.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Is he dry? He is dry.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Spotswood has a sign out: "Beer mugs at cost."

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Leland J. Webb came down to attend court this week.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Over seventy cases were disposed of the first day of court.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. Lemon, an attorney from Chautauqua County, is attending court here.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Lucian McMasters has a little ten-pound daughter at his house.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. Gridley has the excavating done for a new building on Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Condemned cavalry horses sold for $40 and $50 at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, April 25th.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

In the case of Allison Toops for forgery, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The man who has water for sale will soon begin the erection of a brick block.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. Joe Houston is looking after the interest of his clients at court this week.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

John Moffit has sold his livery business to Mr. James Schofield, late of Maple City.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Judge Brush came over from Grenola Tuesday and appeared in court Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The case of the State versus Willie Fogg was submitted to the jury Wednesday noon.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Ex-Sheriff Parker returned from Colorado last week, and will spend ten or fourteen days with his family.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Arkansas City had "free drinks" Saturday. Even the soda water men joined in and the boys had a hilarious time.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. John Roberts and Joel Mack keep order and help run the court. They have been appointed bailiffs for this term.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Judge Coldwell is in town, and will spend several days in visiting with his daughters. He seems as hale and hearty as ever.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The council will build a sewer under the crossings on Main street and Eighth avenue in order to let the drainage run east.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Grass is abundant in the "beautiful Indian Territory," and cattle are becoming frolick- some. The Dean Bros. have steers grass fat.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Judge Campbell came in Monday and appeared in court during the morning session. We understand that he has several cases before this court.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. A. J. Cessna, of Silverdale township, called last week. He leaves for Pueblo soon, to be gone all year.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

G. W. B. Lacey, pastor on Winfield circuit of the U. B. Church, acknowledges the receipt of a handsome donation on the evening of April 30th, by the people of his charge.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

A large part of Arkansas City people came up from the terminus Tuesday afternoon to attend a meeting of the Adelphia Lodge. They returned on a special the same evening.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Jim Hill interviewed ye local Saturday evening as to the merits of his ice cream. In the outcome we got the better of a dish of the finest ice cream we have tasted for many a day.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Winfield has been designated by the State Horticultural Society as the place for holding their next meeting, which convenes sometime next month.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

There will be an ice cream social and parlor concert at the residence of J. L. Horning Thursday evening of next week. The proceeds to go to the Library Association. All are invited to attend.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

More business was done during the first half day of the present term than is usually done in two days of court. Judge Torrance is very strict in the enforcement of order and the rapid transaction of business.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell came up Friday and exhibited several views of his salt lake and bathhouse. He has been making many valuable improvements and adding many conve niences for those who are seeking relief from disease at the springs.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

A man cried out: "Fight! Fight!" on east Ninth avenue Saturday afternoon. Everybody ran, and it looked so much like a fire that J. P. Short made a break for the engine house, and started east with the soda fountain. He returned the same evening.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

George McDonald, job press-boy at the Telegram office, had his hand badly mashed Tuesday. While feeding envelopes on their Franklin jobber, he caught his hand between the bed and platen, mashing his fingers and crushing his hand fearfully.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. Campbell, of Topeka, spent a day or two last week in this city. He was looking up the Weeks damage case against the A., T. & S. F. railroad company, and left the opinion that it would be a good many weeks before judgment would be rendered against them.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The calico ball, the last of the season by the social club, was a success. The ladies looked exceedingly fresh and handsome in simple calico and gingham. The improvement over preceding "full dress" balls was so marked that we wonder why calico balls are not the rule rather than the exception.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Hackney & McDonald sold their 3,140 acres of Cherokee strip of land in Spring Creek township last Tuesday for $2.50 per acre, spot cash. It was purchased by Illinois bankers, who will probably hold it for speculative purposes. Messrs. Hackney & McDonald purchased the land over a year ago at Government sale for $1.00 per acre.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Robinson entertained about 75 of the young folks, both married and unmarried, at their pleasant residence last Friday evening. Singing was rendered by Miss McDonald.

Some of the ladies and their outfits were described by editor:

Mrs. Read Robinson, white Cashmere trimmed in white satin, white kid gloves and shoes; Mrs. George Robinson, plain and brocaded pink silk, handsome lace, white kid gloves and shoes; Mrs. George Whitney, heliotrope satin trimmed in brocade of the same color and Valenciennes lace; white gloves; Miss Nettie McCoy, brocaded peacock blue and old gold silk, silver filigree ornaments; Miss Julia Smith, handsome black silk, jet passamenteri trimmings; Mrs. Emerson, white French bunting with lace trimming, and black silk velvet skirt.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The Democratic council let the city printing to the Democratic Daily "Telegram" Monday evening. Our bid was lower, but the Democracy was too strong for us. They allowed us the privilege of copying the ordinances if we so desired, but failed to restrain Krets from putting up jobs on us, so we will in self-defense be compelled to leave them alone. Our argument before the council was one of the most powerful forensic efforts ever listened to by that august body, but it fell as harmless as hail on a duck's back.

In fact, our strongest point in which we asserted, with the proper rhetorical flourishes, that the Daily hardly ever contained matter worthy of notice, was turned to the enemy's account by one of the councilmen saying that their object in giving it to the Daily was expressly to furnish the readers of that journal with matter worthy of their perusal. May the serpent tempt us if we ever again expend our energies on a council wherein the red-nosed, dye-in-the-wool Democracy have a majority.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The case of Buckman and Jordan against Lena McNeil, involving Buckman's title to the McNeil property, which he purchased of Chas. Payson, was decided in Buckman's favor by the Supreme Court, reversing the decision of the district court.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Cowley County stock men are largely represented on Red Rock and Black Bear creeks in the Territory. Among the number are: Wiley, Eaton, Potter, Estus, Tribby, and Warren; while in other parts of the Territory are Houghton, Henderson, Nipp, Walker Bros., Berry Bros., Dean Bros., Shriver, and others.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The latest spring style in ladies' head gear is out. It is as eccentric as Tice's weather. Turns up on one side and down at both ends and the other side hangs gracefully over the left shoulder, then turns up and outward like the antlers of a Rocky Mountain goat. It is trimmed with old leaves and is made of straw. The person who invented it is dead.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

The marshal came near capturing a lady of the "fair but frail" order Saturday evening. He worked the case up admirably, found out where she resided, and that she was "at home," etc., etc., but while he was gone after more men to make the arrest, the lady escaped. John now regrets that he didn't attempt to capture her with the force then at hand.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Judge Torrance starts off in a business-like manner. Court convened on time Monday morning and disposed of about fifty cases before dinner. The Judge instructed the bailiff to stop all whispering and moving about in the courtroom, and to allow no persons to go out while witnesses were on the stand. The Judge insists that court is held for the purpose of transacting business, and that everything is done to expedite it.

Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

MARRIED. On Saturday evening, April 23rd, 1881, by Rev. F. P. Smith, at his residence, Mr. John A. Smith and Miss Mary L. VanMeter, all of Cowley County, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

Court met promptly Monday morning. The first cases taken up were the indictments made by the grand jury at the last term. A plea of guilty was entered by all of the parties present, and a uniform fine of $10 and costs assessed against those indicted for gambling, and $25 each for three cases of selling liquor on Sunday. Civil cases were then taken up, and the following ones disposed of.

Vandeventer vs. S. K. & W. R. R., dismissed.

Stansberry vs. Rogers, change of venue to Montgomery County district court.

Smith vs. Onley, change of venue to Montgomery County district court.

Osborn & Co. vs. Mast et al, change of venue to Montgomery County district court.

McNeil vs. Shenneman, dismissed.

Fowler & Co. vs. Kinsley & Bowles, dismissed.

Himelspach vs. Kinsley & Bowles, dismissed.

Read vs. Tisdale, change of venue to Montgomery County court.

Godell vs. Godell, dismissed.

Fritch vs. Maddux, change of venue to Montgomery County court.

Allison vs. Finch, dismissed.

Wood vs. McIntire, continued.

Hackney & McDonald vs. Creswell and Bolton townships, judgment for plaintiffs, new trial granted and continued.

Walsh vs. Kinsley & Bowles, dismissed.

Brotherton & Silver vs. Stevens, dismissed.

Farrar vs. Gay, dismissed.

McDonald & Co. vs. Wilson, dismissed.

Kinsley vs. Shenneman, dismissed.

Sheel vs. Bradt, continued.

Brettun vs. McDeed, dismissed.

Waite vs. Lewis, dismissed.

Lowenstein vs. Sadler, dismissed.

Hughs vs. Marshall, dismissed.

Wallis vs. West, dismissed.

Rhodes vs. Quarrels, dismissed.

In the matter of the proceedings of Lewis Brown, order granted.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.

New Salem is situated ten miles northeast of Winfield on the K. C., L. & S. railroad, and consists of two grocery stores, a post-office, blacksmith shop, and several dwellings. There is a splendid opening for a store of general merchandise.

Services were held by Rev. Thomas last Sabbath at the Pleasant Hill school house, one- half mile north of New Salem.

Mrs. W. C. Douglas has been dangerously ill for the past week, but under the care of Dr. Phelps, of Burden, she is rapidly improving.

Miss Sadie Bovee is at home from a visit to Arkansas City.

There seems to be an insect working in the wheat in the shape of chintz bugs.

There will be an abundant crop of peaches, cherries, etc.

Cattle men are seen roaming over the prairie in search of grass for their stock.

Union Sabbath school at the Pleasant Hill school house every Sabbath at three o'clock p.m.

Visitors from Winfield to our Sabbath school last Sunday. Call again.

Farmers are nearly all through planting corn.

Messrs. Joice [? Jolce ?], Douglas, and Hickles have been appointed to secure a minister for Pleasant Hill. SALEMITE.


Winfield Courier, May 5, 1881.


Our postmaster, Catrell, had one of his valuable horses badly hurt last week. They took fright and ran away with the harrow, the rear horse fell, running three of the teeth into his hip; he will get well, but won't feel much like plowing corn.

Silverdale also had another runaway Monday night.

John Algeo and Mrs. Pingry left for the east. Mr. Pingry started in pursuit Monday, result not known. We should think John and his companion would feel rather "out in the cold" this showery weather in their open Barouche. Mrs. Pingry left a little boy about three years old. We suppose John fancies he is Herbert Bismarck and she is that countess (I forget her name).

J. J. Estus came up from Red Rock, Indian Territory, last week, and reports grass is coming up slowly, many cattle dying, especially cows and calves. After such a severe winter, they were in poor condition for such a cold backward spring and as a consequence cattle men will lose heavily. The round ups begin this week.

The funeral sermon of Mrs. Ellen Williams was preached to a full house yesterday. Mrs. Williams was a lady whom none knew but to love. SCHOOL BOY.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mentions renovation of the old paper mill (of which paper mill company E. C. MANNING was once secretary) into a flouring mill by the firm of Higinbotham, Stingley & Huntress at Manhattan.

Also, CAESAR mentions Dr. S. W. Williston, of whom Cowley people will be glad to learn. Dr. Williston and folks lived on Silver Creek for a few years, a few miles below where Burden now stands; but the dry weather of 1874 drove them to Manhattan, where Williston was born and raised. He graduated at Kansas State College in 1872 with high honors. After devoting a few years with the late Prof. Mudge in the study of science, he concluded to go to Yale College, where he graduated about a year ago. Immediately after graduation, he was employed as lecturer on anatomy and teacher of paleontology. Dr. Williston has worked his way up to this position by his own exertions, and will teach in Yale the coming year at a very good salary. He has been in Manhattan about a week visiting parents and friends. While here he delivered a fine lecture upon "Fossil wonders of America," under the auspices of the Webster Society, of which he was an organizing member. Everyone was well pleased with the lecture and wish him future success. X. Y. CAESAR.

April 30, 1881.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Judge Torrance is "old business" himself. Eighty cases disposed of on the first day of court. "How is that for high?"

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Our friend, Alonzo T. Stewart, formerly of Winfield, and one of the men who started this city on the road to glory, was recently married to Miss Jenny Smith, of Columbus, Kansas. The cards say: "At home in Kansas City, after June 10th."

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

H. J. Sandfort, Trustee of Richland Township, brought in yesterday one of the finest and best got up sets of assessment books we have ever seen. They bear evidence of great care to get full and complete statistics. We append the following abstract.

Horses and mules, 438, Value $11,414.

Cattle, 849, Value $9,202.

Sheep, 3,813, Value $4,915.

Hogs, 658, Value $1,231.

Valuation personal property, $30,214.

Acres of growing wheat, 4,900.

Acres of growing corn, 6,270.

Population, 1,072.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

We think the great cost to the county in the matter of awards to individuals by the courts for damages to farms from laying out roads, needs ventilation. The expense to the county is getting to be enormous. As a case in point, a year or two ago a petition for a new road two miles long in the south part of the county was presented to the commissioners and viewers appointed. Four men claimed damages and the viewers appraised the damages of Bell $15, Bird $10, Harmon $40, and Hollister $20, Total $85. The commissioners approved the report of the viewers and granted the road. The four claimants appealed on the matter of their damages, allowed by the commissioners, to the district court. The cases were submitted to arbitration, the county naming one referee, the claimants the second, and the two thus named

choosing the third. The referee named by the claimants was a father-in-law to one of them, we believe, and insisted that each claimant should be awarded $400 damages. The board of referees, finally, some time last December, we think, awarded to Bell $150, to Bird $175, to Harmon $250, and to Hollister $175, Total $750 and costs, which will amount to probably $150 in addition. The district court at the present term rendered judgment according to the award and we now suppose there is no way left for it but the payment of these judgments by the county. This is not a solitary case. One is reported from the north part of the county in which one of the commissioners was well acquainted with the claimant and his grounds of damages and was satisfied that the claimant was benefitted rather than damaged by the opening of the road, yet, on appeal Judge Campbell's court awarded him some $700 damages against the county. Now we venture to assert that there is no two miles of road in the county which should ever have cost over $200 and all such allowances as those named are extortions on the county.

The commissioners will be compelled to adopt new tactics to protect the county from frauds and extortions in the matter of road damages. Though it will be a great inconvenience and even damage in many cases, yet they must adopt the rule, never to grant a road until all questions of damages are settled beyond appeal, and then with a full knowledge of the exact liabilities of the county in the matter, they may determine whether the road is worth to the county what it will cost, and refuse to grant the road if in their judgement it is not.

We presume that the viewers may frequently, under the impression that they are to work for the county, assess damages too low, and that referees and jurors are apt to feel that they are on the other side and at work for the interests of their craft. This may account for the wide discrepancies between the awards of the one and those of the other. If all viewers, referees, and jurors had a just conception of their duties and responsibilities, these discrepancies would almost wholly disappear and few cases of appeal would occur. When they did, the appellants would pretty regularly have the costs to pay, because of not getting more damages than was allowed by the commissioners.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

(Special Dispatch to the K. C. Times.)
Dodge City, Kas., May 8. L. W. B. Johnson, county attorney of Gray County, was shot and instantly killed by A. J. Shumate, Deputy Sheriff. The difficulty originated in an old feud. It was done at Cimarron two hours ago. The Sheriff of this county starts on a special train to arrest Shumate. Both parties are well known, in good circumstances, and have families.

Mr. Johnson was a cousin of E. P. Kinne of Winfield, and was one of the guests at the editorial convention held in Winfield a year ago.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The way things are done in Winfield are peculiar. The City council of course want to encourage the digging of cellars and the building thereon of substantial brick and stone business houses; but it costs money to cart the dirt away where it is wanted, and it costs but little to pile it out in the middle of the street. So the enterprising builder is allowed to fill up the street in front of his improvement so high with dirt that it makes the gutters look too deep; then he is allowed to fill up the gutter nearly to the top of the curb to equalize things. Everytime there is a new cellar to dig, there is a new elevation of the streets, followed by a new filling up of the gutters. In time, flights of stairs by which one can climb, from the side walks up on to the streets, will be necessary. Next will follow the necessity of building new sidewalks high enough to step from them into the second stories of the buildings when the first stories will constitute basements and new upper stories will have to be raised above the roofs of the present buildings. The present cellars will then be caves deep down in the earth and a safe retreat from cyclones while the great elevation of the business part of the town will protect it from the floods.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

A few weeks ago the Burden Enterprise was opposed to the re-election of Sheriff Shenneman, but after a two hours consultation with him in a Winfield stable, its editor was convinced that the sheriff ought to have a second term and has ever since supported him. That paper, however, intimated that the other County officers did not come to see it and therefore were unworthy of re-election. In last weeks paper, it announced that it had received $1.50 from Treasurer Hardin for subscription and it was for Hardin a dollar and a half worth. It seems that the other officers had not "tumbled to the racket" at last accounts. Now, what we want to know is: How much support a dollar and a half is an equivalent for? And what is the price of a full support for all summer as we have never made up a schedule of prices, and have not the least idea of how much to ask? This new idea to us seems to be "old business boiled down." Tell us what the rates are. Give us a chance.



Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Some of our friends would believe as long ago as last summer that Dave Payne had been tried in the U. S. court at Fort Smith for trespassing on the Indian lands and acquitted. We informed them that such was not the case, but that he was awaiting his trial. That trial has recently taken place and he was found guilty and fined one thousand dollars and costs. Several other trespassers were found guilty.

Thus dies the Oklahoma boom just as all sensible persons were sure it would end. We do not think that Payne is very badly beaten. He and his clique probably made a good thing off the stupid fellows who were green enough to pay two dollars each for membership dues and those more stupid chaps who paid $25.00 each for a share in the Oklahoma town company.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

(From Supt. Lemmon's Report)
I see more difficulties in the way of inducing school boards to do anything in this direction than in presenting the details of some plan to be followed.

School grounds should be rectangular in shape, and should not contain less than one acre. A south slope is desirable, and the school house should front south. It should be in the middle of the grounds east and west, and only half as far from the front as the rear of the lot. A good well, capable of furnishing abundance of pure water for all purposes, should be provided, and the grounds should be surrounded by a good fence.

The first steps in the improvement of school grounds are grading and drainage. Thorough cultivation is necessary. It is a fact that most school boards have yet to learn, that trees planted in a school yard need as much attention, and as thorough cultivation, as if planted elsewhere.

Along the north side of the lot a thick grove should be grown for protection. The remainder of the front yard should be devoted to small trees and shrubs, the back yard being left for a play-ground. Large trees should not be planted near the house. Never shut out the sunlight, nor the south breeze. To do this, is to make a serious mistake.

How such a trifling expenditure of time and labor will do in this direction. It would transform our cheerless, uninviting school grounds into places of real beauty, and make them attractive to the children. Such grounds would be of themselves valuable educators. Shall we not have more of them?


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

T. B. Meyers is back from his Texas trip.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.


Mr. Black is expected to return tomorrow.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mr. Harold Mansfield has sold his drug business in Hunnewell and is again a resident of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The Mayor has issued a proclamation to clean up and pay your dog tax. He intends that these things shall be done.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

HARD TO READ: THINK IT SAYS...On Monday Mr. Jennings, brother of our county attorney, purchased the Holmes property adjoining the city on the south, for $3,150, cash in hand.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Will Robinson spent last week in Kansas City. He was too late to see the big waters, but observed some of the disastrous effects of too much wetness.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mr. T. J. Harris brought us a bunch of wheat from the field of Alex Graham, north of town. The wheat looked good.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Some action should be taken to get rid of the wastepaper nuisance. It gives a dirty appearance to the city to have wastepaper blowing on the streets.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Oscar Seward and Dr. Emerson are having their quarters renovated and repaired until the rooms look like parlors.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Dr. Mendenhall has an addition to his family, a boy, weighing about ten pounds.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Robert Hudson raised our cylinder press up about six inches.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The District Court has been grinding out matters quite rapidly during the past week. Judge Torrance hopes to clear the docket this term, but we do not think he can accomplish it.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mr. J. C. Walters has returned and taken charge of the commissary department of the jail. Mr. Walters is Mr. Shenneman's father-in-law. He has been living in Wellington for the past year.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

County Attorney Jennings got through with an immense amount of criminal business at this term of court. He was successful in every case and furnishes several candidates for the state penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The council should instruct the marshal to allow no teams to be tied on Main street. The side streets give plenty of room for teams without interfering with business and blockading the main thoroughfare.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The new fire bell has been hung in the new tower, and some new hand has been tormenting the life almost out of us by ringing it for the last three days. If the thing doesn't stop, we will demand our "devil" to give it a taste of real fire.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The marshal is doing some effective work for the people by enforcing the cleaning of alleys. Our alleys have been in a fearful condition and it takes hard work and lots of it to get them in decent order before the warm weather.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Hon. A. I. Reddin was elected judge pro tem last week to try the case of Pryor versus Reed, which had been tried by referee and decision rendered for defendant. Judge Reddin reversed the decision of the referee, deciding for the plaintiff.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mr. R. F. [?] Best was arrested Tuesday afternoon on complaint of the marshal for not removing filth from his alley after having been notified to do so. This is the right thing to do. The health of all in the city is jeopardized by leaving filth, manure piles, and garbage putrefying in our alleys.



Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Miss Ella Kelly, Miss Etta [? Elta ?] Johnson, Miss Anna Hunt, Miss Jennie Lowry, Addison Brown.

Brown delivered the valedictory; Miss Kelly the salutatory. Messrs. James Lorton and McClellan Klingman, graduates of last year, occupied positions on the platform.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Mr. Vandeventer has granted the city the use of his timber land north of town, known as "the bayou." The grounds are being cleaned up and put in order by E. P. Kinne. Funds enough were raised by the citizens to complete the work. The grounds will be used for the grand camp meeting this fall and for picnics and celebrations. This can be made a most attractive park at slight expense, and will be of superb benefit to the city.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

From the "Commonwealth" of Tuesday we heard of the marriage of Miss Bertha [?] Hahn, sister of M. Hahn, of this city, to Mr. Simon Bernheimer [?]. The bride and groom were the recipients of a long list of wedding gifts, among which we note "$1,000 in cash and set of silver table and tea spoons, M. Hahn, Winfield," and "silver butter dish, A. Berganer, Winfield." A large number of friends witnessed the ceremony.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

We have received a card from Frank Johnson, dated at Miles City, Montana Territory. Frank says: "You see from the date line of this card that I have strayed far from the fold, but no so far that I do not feel the loss of the COURIER. Please send it to me at this address." We wish Frank much success in his new field.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

There is a crowd of hoodlums in this city who regularly attend every entertainment and disturb the audience by stamping and keeping time to the music with their feet. This thing ought to be stopped and the manager of the opera house should see that it is.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The Ireton-Bliss case, in which Mr. Ireton sues Messrs. Bliss & Wood for damages to property, caused by back water from their mill dam, has occupied the attention of the court for two days. The case was submitted to the jury Tuesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

John Hyden returned from Larned Wednesday evening, where he was called to attend his father, who was quite sick. He left him getting better, with all danger past. John says Pawnee County is booming.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Grace church choir gave their third dime concert Tuesday evening to a very large audience. The choir, under the excellent leadership of Mr. Blair, is becoming one of the best in the community.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

J. C. Roberts says the Dutch Creek bridge will be here by June 1st. It will then take but a few days to complete it as the work of getting the parts is already done.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

For several days railroad officials in and around Wellington have been very active, and the people of Anthony, in Harper County, were led to believe that this activity meant the extension of the Wellington branch to that place. The Santa Fe company on Saturday congregated about 1,500 of their workmen at Wellington. The force were under secret orders not to be opened till noon Saturday. At that time the men were ordered to begin taking up the track from the Harper line to Wellington as fast as possible, and remove the ties, rails, etc., to the main line. This work was completed Sunday evening, and nothing was left of the fourteen miles of Harper County railroad but the dirt roadbed. It is probable that the secrecy and haste in which the work was done was to avoid injunctions or legal process to restrain them from so doing. The Wellington and Harper County people are greatly excited over the matter. Some efforts were made to stop the destruction of the track, but without effect. This will be almost a death-blow to Anthony.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The following cases have been disposed of by the court up to date.

Pat Harkins vs. D. F. Edmunds, judgment for plaintiff.

Harris vs. Day, continued.

Harris vs. Day, continued.

Mars vs. Gant, judgment for defendant.

Kelly vs. Manny, change of venue.

Bolton vs. Arnold, continued.

Pryor & Pryor vs. ReadA. L. Redden, judge pro temreport of referee set aside.

Tarrant vs. Hitchcock, change of venue.

Tarrant vs. Harter et al, change of venue.

Pittinger vs. Atkinson, judgment for plaintiff.

Vandeventer vs. S. K. & W. R. R., dismissed.

Haynes & Co. vs. Cowles, improperly on the docket.

Read vs. Breene et al, judgment for defendants.

Curns & Manser vs. Gilleland, judgment for plaintiffs for $50 and costs.

Stuart vs. Corrygan, judgment for defendant.

Geist vs. Corrygan, judgment for defendant.

Templeton vs. Corrygan, judgment for defendant.

Reagin vs. Brooks, change of venue.

Keffer vs. Brown, judgment for defendant.

Berkey vs. Wallis, case dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Dyer vs. Wilson, case dismissed for want of prosecution.

Smith vs. Onley, change of venue.

Appling & Burnett vs. Webb, judgment for defendant.

Stansberry vs. Rogers, change of venue.

Keffer vs. Shenneman, case dismissed at cost of plaintiff.

Osborn vs. West, change of venue.

Moffitt vs. Smiley, judgment for plaintiff.

Smiley vs. Wright, referred to M. G. Troup.

Pugsley vs. Shenneman, judgment for plaintiff.

McCord, Nave & Co. vs. Shenneman, motion overruled.

City of Winfield vs. Poor, not guilty.

Fleming vs. Krow, judgment for plaintiff; new trial granted, and appeal dismissed.

Moore vs. McBeth, verdict for plaintiff.

Byers vs. Seward, judgment for plaintiff.

Read vs. Rusbridge, judgment for plaintiff.

Tellman vs. Willis, judgment for plaintiff.

Richards and Miller vs. Littell, judgment for defendant.

Aultman & Taylor Co. vs. Hofer, judgment for defendant.

Winfield Bank vs. Burnett, judgment for plaintiff.

Coleman vs. Coleman, decree of divorce granted.

Fuller vs. Chick, judgment for plaintiff.

Aultman & Taylor Co., vs. Corman, judgment for plaintiff.

Mason & Tully vs. Clay, et al, judgment by default; execution to issue in 10 days.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Beautiful mud! Health is good. How easily it rains.

Farmers are feeling jovial over present prospects in the way of wheat, corn, grass, etc.

Mrs. Douglass, who has been sick with the inflammatory rheumatism for the past three weeks, is able to be out again.

Mr. Chas. Gains has moved his blacksmith shop out of town near his father's dwelling, where he may be found at all times. Charles is an enterprising young man respected by all.

J. S. Barr and John Kimer intend starting for New Mexico in a few days.

Deputy Sheriff Finch was in our neighborhood giving invitations to come to court.

Cedar Creek is running for the first time in more than a year.

Rev. Graham will fill the pulpit at Pleasant Hill, at 2 o'clock p.m., on next Sabbath.

Mr. Joice has been afflicted with sore throat for the past week, but is able to take his section again.

Mr. John Bell gave us a flying visit from Labette County. He reports everything lively in that part.

Mr. Watsonberger has friends from western Illinois, who intend locating near New Salem. SALEMITE.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

If someone wants to send his name down to posterity as a great public benefactor, let him go to work and kill about 375 dogs that daily roam the streets of Burden.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. A. F. Brooks, of this township, which occurred on last Sunday.

Our friend, James Jordan, of Winfield, was in Burden last Wednesday. He is very much surprised to find this such a lively and enterprising little town and is hopeful that it will soon make a first class business point.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The first work in the regular order on the spring's "round ups" in the Territory, commenced May 1st. Some preparations have been made to facilitate the work, and the boys will doubtless have a high time during the present month.

Mr. J. C. Topliff, our worthy postmaster, left on the train Monday for a trip to Chicago, and from there to New York and Boston. He expects to be absent about a month, during which time he will visit his friends and relatives in the above named cities.

The sale of condemned U. S. cavalry horses, at Fort Reno, Indian Territory, on Monday, April 25th, attracted a number of cattle men to the "Post," and the stock was sold for actually more than it could have been sold for in Kansas. One old black horse, with its sides contin- ually thumping, sold for $11, while the remaining ten head were bid in from $40 to $80.

Capt. C. M. Scott writes us from Red Rock Ranch, Indian Territory, under date of the 22nd. ult., as follows: "Only one herd has come up this spring, and that was eighty head of saddle ponies, for Hunter & Evans, on Eagle Chief creek. They drove from Fort Worth, Texas, on the grass without grain. The grass on Skeleton creek and Cimarron is four inches high, and some steers are beef fat.

Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

Of course those who have been making money from the sale of intoxicating liquors under the system which has heretofore existed, do not want the change which the prohibitory law makes in their business, and therefore, are opposed to the law.

We may therefore make very close estimates of who has been making money from the sale of intoxicating liquors, from the lists of those who are not trying to make the prohibitory law as odious as possible.

Of course, all saloon keepers will be found in this list, all wholesale and retail dealers in liquors, beer, and wines, and all brewers. Outside of these we find that many druggists are bitterly opposed to the law and desire to make it odious. The inference is that they have been making a great deal of money from the sale of intoxicating liquors. We do not think it true, however, that all druggists who refuse to give bond and take out permits to sell for legitimate purposes have been making money illegitimately in the sale of liquors. Many of them are straight forward law abiding men who would not descend to an illegitimate method of making money. Their fault is that they follow the behests of their State druggists' convention, which is led and controlled by men who have been selling intoxicating liquor as a beverage under the pretense of medical purposes, who have been keeping drugstore saloons without license, and whose business in that line will be damaged or destroyed by the stringent provisions of the prohibitory law. If honorable druggists follow the recommenda tions of such men, they need not complain if they are classed together with them.

The only thing which a sensible, honest druggist can do is to comply with the law in all respects and support it. A man who talks and acts as do those who violate the law, must expect to be classed with the violators.

"I will not kill thee, but I will give thee a bad name," said the Quaker to his dog. He then sent his dog into the street and cried, "mad dog." This is the plan adopted to throw odium on the prohibitory law and make it more difficult of enforcement. They say it prohibits the sale of spirit levels, spirits of turpentine, spirits of camphor, and all medicine in which the least drop of alcohol is used in their preparation. We took as a joke the story that a hardware man of Emporia had been arrested for selling a spirit level. The next day we were informed that he had been held to bail in the sum of $500. This may be true for aught we know, for the fools are not all dead yet. There may be justices of the peace in the state who can readily "be filled up" by smart lawyers intent on a joke by men complaining maliciously and by enemies of prohibition, and know no better than to hold men for trial who have sold spirits of camphor or a spirit level, even without the proof that there were any spirits in the level. Of course, such are very stupid asses, totally unfit for their positions, but unfortunately there may be such.

The object and intent of the law is to prohibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage. Experience has proved that the law must be guarded in every point and made very stringent or it will be violated with impunity. All these stringent provisions are aimed at the sale as a beverage and at nothing else. A sensible magistrate would make short work of dismissing a case when it appeared that the defendant had not violated the spirit and intent of the law.

They are those who desire to evade the interest and object of the law who find most fault with its stringent provisions. Those who desire to effect the object of the law are satisfied with it. We do not expect the law is perfect. It would be wonderful indeed if any untried law of so intricate a stature would be perfected in the first instance. It should be faithfully carried out and when its operations shall develop defects and their remedies, the law should be amended in the direction to make it more effective.


Winfield Courier, May 12, 1881.

The public sheep shearing held last Wednesday under the auspices of the Cowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders Association, proved to be a much greater success than the management had hoped for. Almost every flock in our county was represented, and several of the leading wool growers of Butler County were present with some of their finest sheep. Much interest was exhibited, and the shearing was visited by crowds of visitors all day long.

During the early part of the afternoon it was almost impossible for persons to move about, so thick was the crowd. The sheep exhibit and the interest manifested in the matter was a surprise to many, who had no idea of the magnitude the sheep business has attained in this county, nor of the excellent grade of stock. This shearing has done much for sheep breeding by awakening an interest in sheep raising among persons who have heretofore been indifferent as to the demands of sheep men for protection. We think that could half the counties in the state make as good an exhibit as Cowley sheep, men would have no difficulty in getting a dog law through the next legislature.

Perhaps the finest lot of sheep on the grounds were those of Mr. Copeland, of Butler County. His exhibit consisted of one three-year-old Merino weather and two two-year-old Merino bucks. The weather sheared 25 pounds and weighed after being sheared 117 pounds. His buck "Gen. Grant" yielded a fleece of 35-1/4 pounds, and weighed after shearing 113-1/4 pounds. "Phil Sheridan," another two-year-old Merino buck, weighed 128-1/2 pounds, and fleeced 36-1/2 pounds.

Senator Wilkie, of Butler County, brought two magnificent two-year-old Merino bucks, one of which was imported. Only one of his, "Captain Jack," was sheared, however. The "Captain" weighed, after shearing, 122-1/2 pounds, and his fleece tipped the beam at 28-1/4 pounds.

Mr. Uhl, Butler County's far-famed sheep man, was present with six of his thoroughbred Merinos. Only four were sheared. Two yearling ewes, one weighing 77 pounds and fleecing 18 pounds; the other weighing 66 pounds and fleecing 15. One three-year-old ewe, weight, 92, fleece, 19-1/2; and one yearling buck, weight, 103 pounds, fleece, 25-3/4.

Eight of our Cowley County flocks were represented. Messrs. Meech & Blue brought several thoroughbred two-year-old Merino bucks and three yearling lambs, a first cross between Merino buck and Colorado ewes. Two of these lambs were sheared and showed remarkable results. The first one weighed after shearing 51 pounds, and fleeced 9 pounds. The second weighed 48 pounds and fleeced 6-3/4. These lambs being from ewes which fleece at best from effect of the cross is apparent. One of their two-year-old bucks weighed after shearing 89 pounds and fleeced 24-1/2, the second best, according to weight of carcass, sheared on the grounds. Another of their two-year-old Merino bucks weighed 82-1/2 pounds, fleece 21-1/2.

Mr. Wimple made a good showing. One of his ewes, a two-year-old Cotswold, yielded 9 pounds of fleece, and pulled the scales at 151 pounds. One year-old Merino buck weighed after shearing 103 and left 26 pounds on the board.

Mr. Linn, one of Cowley's most energetic sheep raisers, exhibited two two-year-old bucks, thoroughbred Hammond stock, and several lambs. The bucks sheared 26-1/s and 24- 1/4 pounds, and weighed after shearing 63-1/2 and 24-1/4 pounds. The lambs were not sheared.

Mr. Linn carries off the palm, one of his Merino bucks having sheared more to weight of carcass than any on the grounds. Mr. Meech showed second best heaviest fleece to weight of mutton. In this respect our Cowley County folks laid it over Butler nicely.

Mr. John Stalter, Cowley's veteran sheep man and one of the largest owners, was on hand with two of his thoroughbred Merino bucks. They were fine-looking fellows, two year olds. One of them sheared 30 pounds and walked off with 123-1/2 pounds of carcass remaining. The other weighted 109 pounds, and dropped 20 pounds of fleece.

Mr. Taylor, another Butler County man, brought a yearling Merino buck, which sheared 24 pounds and weighed 99.

Mr. Brown exhibited three fine Cotswolds. One two-year-old buck and two two-year-old ewes. The buck only was sheared. It fleeced 16-1/2 pounds, weight after shearing, 195-1/2.

Mr. Newcomb had a two-year-old Colorado ewe sheared. It weighed after the operation 56-1/2 pounds and fleeced 3-1/2 pounds. Not enough to pay for shearing and the wear and tear of the sheep.

Mr. Saunders brought several Merino bucks and a ewe and a lamb; did not have any of them sheared.

When the shearing commenced, the Association offered premiums, $5 to the best shearer, $3 to the second, and $2 to the third. A committee was selected to award the prizes, and the boys sailed in. Those contesting for the prizes were John Snider, Lafe McPherson, J. E. Majors, M. M. Kennedy, A. S. Taylor, W. Cole, and W. N. Young. The committee chosen to award the prizes were W. Stapleton, of Ohio; W. A. Campbell and G. L. Gale, of Cowley; C. B. Vail, of Elk; and W. Snodgrass, of Butler. The way the wool flew around was a caution, and if there is any county round about that thinks it can trot out better sheep shearers than Cowley, we should like to have them give us a hint to that effect. The shearing closed about five o'clock, and the committee awarded the first prize to Mr. Cole, the second to Mr. Kennedy, and the third to Mr. Taylor. All the boys "shock" with the lucky contestants, and the first annual sheep shearing of the Cowley County Wool Growers and Sheep Breeders Association wound up in the pleasantest manner possible.

Our Butler County visitors went home feeling they had been well treated and left hearty invitations to attend their shearing at Douglass next week. Although we have to admit that Butler County beats us a little in average weight of fleece and heavy mutton this year, we give them fair warning that it is the intention of our sheep breeders to push them hard next year, and that due diligence will be used to accomplish this end.

The effects of this meeting will be felt by the flocks all over the county and will be made apparently by better exhibits and heavier fleeces next year. Although our reporter spent the largest part of the afternoon on the ground, he failed to get several important paragraphs. One of the most important which escaped his notice was quickly observed by the astute Telegram reporter. Here it is:

"The reporter heard a number of the sheep men regretting the lack of interest taken by the press of the county in not having reporters on the ground that a thorough publication of what was done might be given to the people throughout the county. The only reporters present were Mr. Hulse, of the Douglas `Index,' and the `Telegram' man."


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. Leonard Harned is the happiest man in the country. It is a ten pound boy.

Mr. John McClung and Miss Mollie Moore were married the 27th of last month, by Elder R. S. Thompson.

A nice large house is being put up on the school section in the southeast part of this township.

Mr. Eli Henthorn is drilling a well on his place about two miles north of the schoolhouse. He has gone down over 100 feet and has not found water yet. JULIUS.

May 7th, 1881.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

One Mrs. Jenkins attempted to commit suicide Saturday, it is supposed, by taking laudanum. She was boarding at Mrs. Parr's, and it seems had had some difficulty with her husband. They had separated, and she was stopping at the American House. We clip the following from the Telegram.

"Mrs. Jenkins has been low-spirited and frequently complained of her lot, and at times threatened to kill herself, but never assigned just what her reasons were. On Friday evening she went to bed as usual, occupying a room and bed with one of the girls of the house. On Saturday morning the girl got up at her usual time, leaving Mrs. Jenkins in bed, nothing unusual being noticed at the time. Between 8 and 9 o'clock it was discovered that Mrs. Jenkins had not come down to breakfast. Supposing she had fallen asleep, the girl went to the room to awake her, and the door being locked the alarm was at once given. Mr. Taylor happened to be at the breakfast table, and by request of Mrs. Parr broke open the door. Mrs. Jenkins was found laying on the bed in a seeming unconscious state, and on the floor lay the following note.

"MRS. CONSTANT: I heard that you had a note wrote to give to me or Jim, telling me to leave. That we owed you five dollars, and that you was going to keep everything we had. You are welcome to all I have got, for it will pay you a hundred times over what I owe you. Give Jim his clothes, but mine you can keep. You need not change mine, for what I have on is good enough for me, and it will leave the more for you. And when you see them, you can think of me and think what a good haul you made that time. You have children of your own, and this will come home to you a hundred fold. So good-bye, is the wish of

"Believing the woman had taken poison, or some stupefying drugs, Mr. Mendenhall was called. The woman lay as one asleep, as limp as a cloth, and seeming unconscious to the touch, nor would she speak a word. Her pulsation and respirations were natural and regular, and no manifestation of drugs were noticeable. Nothing was found about the room that would indicate suicide intentions on the part of the woman."

Mrs. Jenkins has since recovered, and stated that she took ten cents' worth of chloroform. This is the second time she has attempted to kill herself, the first attempt being some weeks ago, when she jumped into an old well but was pulled out unhurt.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. John Smalley had his filly pretty badly injured on a wire fence a few days ago.

Dr. McCormick, brother of Will McCormick, late of Indiana, has located at Salt City.

Dr. Marsh is seen making calls toward Salt City. He runs a branch office there.

Ed. Seper, late of this township, was married to Miss Avery King. They now reside in Pleasant Valley Township.

Mr. Hon is teaching our two months summer school. One month is already gone.

It is not an uncommon thing to see the women of the Big Bend riding a corn planter or the sulky plow, driving three big mules. NOVUS HOMO.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The much talked of canal is working about fifty teams at present.

The brick yard is started by P. F. Endicott. He contemplates making three thousand brick during the summer. P. F. means business when he says he will supply the city with all the brick they want.

P. F. Endicott also has a soap factory running, and controlled by G. Hurst & Co., late of Hutchinson. They make a first-class quality of soap.

The boys in charge of the snag boat say their captain will be up from Fort Smith by the first of next month with a steam snagger, ready for cleaning the Arkansas of snags. IKE.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

On the fourth page of this paper will be found an advertisement that is perhaps as familiar to our readers as the heading of the paper. It was set for the tenth number of the COURIER and stands to-day substantially the same as it was originally put up. Once in a while as a letter became damaged or worn out, it has been replaced by a better one, and sometimes the smashing of two or three "A's" or "U's" has necessitated the changing of a whole line. When the "ad" was first inserted, the advertiser occupied a little, old building, we believe, on the site of Brown and Son's new drug store, and was carrying about a seven or eight hundred dollar stock. To-day he does business in a large brick and stone building, carries a fifty thousand dollar stock, and is as familiarly known throughout the county as the paper which he has so materially aided in building up. When this "ad" was first inserted, the COURIER had a circulation of one hundred and fifty. The price the advertiser agreed to pay was about six times the regular rates. His argument was: "If we ever have a town, we must have a newspaper to help boost us, and a printer can't live on wind anymore than I can." The advertiser also subscribed for about one twelfth of the circulation of the paper. Not satisfied with this, he induced many others to subscribe and contribute support. The "ad" is still running at the same rate at which it was first charged, which is now much less than our regular price, as instead of one hundred and fifty, we now circulate over eighteen hundred copies. The "ad" has brought us since its commencement six hundred and twenty dollars, and S. H. Myton is the person who paid it.


Dealer in
Hardware, Stoves, Tinware,
Agricultural Implements,
John Deere and Garden City Stirring and
Breaking Plows.
Buckeye Drill for Sewing in Cornstalks.
Bain's Celebrated Wagons,
Glass, Putty, Pumps, Road Scrapers, Iron, Steel, etc.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The case of Ireton vs. Bliss was concluded on Tuesday by a verdict for the defendant. This was a case for damages claimed on account of back water occasioned by the dam of the Winfield Mills. We understand that the damage claimed was slight, and was only resisted as a matter of principle and precedent. We suppose the real case was adjudicated eight years ago when the permit was granted to put in the dam, and that all who were entitled to damages were then paid. The new dam built two years ago is of so substantial a nature, so tight and complete, that it arrests a considerable volume of water which went through the old dam, and the effect is to raise the water above the dam some higher than before, but the dam itself is not higher than was contemplated by the permit. If one was allowed additional damages on this account, a dozen others would have the same right and the aggregate would be large and onerous. Suits of this kind are bad as causing a large outlay of time, and money, for attorneys' fees on both sides, and for costs, and no one can gain anything by them. They are only making disturbance, bad blood, and expense. The Water power is a great benefit to the whole community, and it is a great advantage to the county that this site has fallen into the hands of enterprising men who are able and willing to improve it and make it the seat of great manufacturing interests. We hope to see cotton, woolen, and other factories run by this water power and deprecate these perplexing law suits as damaging to great public interests.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The "antiquated" brewer of Winfield is "on his ear," and is trying to revenge himself on the good people of the city of Winfield and Cowley County, because they will not buy his beer and barley. . . .

It was to be expected that Cowley County would be the order of attack, and falsification (for lying is the stock in trade of rum and the devil, those barbaric twins). This county was the banner county of the state on prohibition last November. It cast 3,243 votes for and 870 against the amendment and of course stands the impersonation of the greatest sinner against King Alcohol. But the Winfield COURIER of May 5th, comes to our office with statements of the leading businessmen of Winfield, and leading citizens of Cowley County, concerning the status of business there, which show that they are not only holding their own, but progressing finely, notwithstanding Mr. Manny's assertions. We counted in the COURIER of May 5th, sixty-six distinct statements in considerable detail of so many business houses, professions, trades, and occupations, as to their own business prosperity, thirty-nine of whom state that their business is better than it was a year agoa period with which Mr. Manny makes his comparison. Several of these report business much better, some of them double. Eight state that their business is about the same, five report theirs not as good. Three of these last are druggists, one a physician, and the fifth the police judge. Two of the druggists and the physician attribute the falling off in their trade to the excellent health of the city and county, and one druggist charges his diminished receipts to the prohibitory law, and says he will "go west" where he can do business with some "degree of freedom."sell, we suppose, whiskey under the guise of medicine, a la Hostetter Bitters, Ginger Bitters, etc. . . . .

But we must close this article already too long. Cowley is a great county and Winfield is a thriving city, and they are inhabited by a grand people. One reason for introducing so much local history in a paper of general circulation, is that Cowley is a representative county in point of natural resources and material wealthbut especially representative as a temperance county, and every slander uttered against her because of her grand temperance record, is aimed at the great principle of prohibition, and to put her right on the record is simply to place temperance in its true light. Kansas Methodist.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

WINFIELD, KAS., May 16, 1881.
To the Editor of the Courier:

It has been the custom for some time among a certain class of newspapers to take every opportunity of assaulting and vilifying the drug trade. Your paper has been no exception to the rest.

These assaults have generally been borne with silence, if not patience. Your editorial of May 12, contains a direct attack upon the course adopted by myself and the great majority of druggists in Kansas in regard to the new prohibitory laws. I should be false to myself as a man, and false to the reputation of the honorable business I follow, if I allowed this last article with its gross misstatements to pass unanswered.

Your assertion that our State Association is controlled by men who have been selling liquor as a beverage, under pretense of medical purposes, is untrue. Our president, Mr. R. J. Brown, of Leavenworth, bears as good a character as a Christian gentleman and temperance man as any man in Kansas, and the other officers and the members of the executive committee stand at the head of the profession in their respective localities. Our meeting at Topeka was held with open doors, and the proceedings were published in every paper in the State which chose to print them. I challenge you to find one sentence in the resolutions, or address of our president, recommending any violation of law. On the contrary, a strict compliance with the law was urged, and the recommendation to abstain from taking out permits was limited to the time necessary to make plain our status under the law by decisions in the courts.

I do not find in the law any requirement to take out a permit and sell whiskey. I find that a druggist may take out a permit if he chooses, but nothing compelling him to do so. To my mind, the druggist who takes out the permit and goes through the humiliating process necessary to obtain one, is the man who makes acknowledgment that it is impossible for him to live without the liquor trade, and not the man who refuses to sell at all. And I would most respectfully suggest that the place for you to look for violations of the law is not among those who are out of the liquor trade entirely, but among those who are furnishing it to the people by permits and prescriptions.

In conclusion, I will say that I have memoranda of at least one open violation of the law since May 1st, which is at the service of either yourself or the temperance committee if you have sand enough to engage in a prosecution which might make the law odious.

Very respectfully yours, QUINCY A. GLASS.
Mr. Glass is evidently a little excited about something. He grows warm over our last week's article on "Making the Law Odious," and rushes recklessly into print. Had he taken time to cool off before writing his article, what he has to say would have been entitled to greater consideration. We give place to his communication not because he has the right under any rule of newspaper courtesy to attack us in the columns of our own journal, but because he desires to be heard; and we are willing to gratify that desire so far as we can consistently.

When Mr. Glass asserts that this paper has taken "every opportunity of assaulting and vilifying the drug trade," he states what he and everyone of our readers knows to be false. To oppose legitimate drug trade would be puerile. It is true we have condemned the sale of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, whether by druggists or others. We have convictions in regard to this matter that we have spoken freely and which we expect to continue to express. In our doing so, we have not supposed that we were interfering in any manner with the trade of any honorable druggist. We have always supposed that Mr. Glass was doing a straight and legitimate business and are scarcely able to account for his sensitiveness in regard to this matter.

We have nothing to take back of what we said concerning the men who control the druggists' association of the State. The statement of Mr. Glass in regard to R. J. Brown, of Leavenworth, and the other officers of the association, is not conclusive evidence. We read the papers published at the homes of some of these men, and we have not forgotten the items they contained in regard to "long rows of well-filled jugs" sold for a day or two previous to the first of the present month.

Mr. Glass pretends to know of someone who since its taking effect has violated some provision of the prohibition law. If so, why does he not like a good citizen walk up to the County Attorney's office and give him the facts? That is the manly course for him to pursue. Others may hesitate to act until they know what they can prove. If he knows that the law has been violated, let him state the facts. He will soon discover that the friends of temperance have the "sand" to see the law enforced.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. Black returned from Illinois Friday.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. J. F. Martin, of Vernon called Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. J. C. Stratton, of Omnia, was in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

District 127 proposes to vote bonds and build a school house.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Beaver township has some of the best wheat growing in the county.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Some fine crossings are being put in on Main street and Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

J. P. Short can be found with M. G. Troup, upstairs, in the Winfield Bank building.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Salt City is getting quite a reputation as a resort for invalids and pleasure-seekers.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Ira C. Tichenor, for some time past a typo in this office, started Monday for Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Dr. Wells relieved 'Squire Kelly of a fifty foot tape worm Sunday. The doctor is death to worms and disease.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

WANTED: A girl to do general house-work. Best of wages will be paid. Inquire at the residence of J. C. McMullen.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The trees set out on the east school grounds do not appear to be doing well. Some one should be detailed to look after them.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

A. H. Green has been rushing his land business this spring. He has sold a large number of farms and considerable town property.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Col. E. C. Manning is home once more. He came in Saturday from Colorado. He looks heartier than we have seen him for many years.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. Millington, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Miss Jessie, left Friday for New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. James Reuben, a Nez Perces Indian, and a deacon in the Presbyterian church, passed through the city on his way to the agency. He is tolerably well educated and is a very intelligent man.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The Kansas State Wool Growers Association meets at Emporia, June 1st. The Santa Fe railroad will give greatly reduced rates to those who desire to attend. A large attendance is desired.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Judge S. Bard, a gentleman from Santa Rosa, California, arrived in our city last week and will perhaps locate among us. He brings considerable wealth and will make quite an acquisition to our community.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Jack Hyden has accepted a position in the hardware house of Evans & Krusen, at Larned, and started Wednesday for that place. Jack thoroughly understands the business and we congratulate the Larned firm on securing his services. The well wishes of a host of friends go with him.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. A. B. Taylor and Sammy Roberts were admitted to the bar last Friday, and Saturday evening the "event" was celebrated by ice cream, cake, etc., at Jim Hill's, which was partaken of by about fifteen members of the bar, Judge Torrance, and several of the press gang. The boys were heartily welcomed to their new vocation.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

The contract on the McDougal building was let to John Swain, on Monday and work was begun immediately. It is to be completed by September 1st. The work is in charge of a superintendent, and referees have been appointed to settle disputed questions between the contractor and superintendent. The referees appointed are A. B. Lemmon, M. G. Troup, and M. L. Robinson.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Messrs. Kirby & Libby, of Red Rock creek, Indian Territory, bring a suit to determine whether citizens of Kansas are obliged to pay a tax on cattle that are kept in the Territory. The case is in the hands of Hackney & McDonald, and the decision will be looked for with great interest by the people of border counties. The present interests are immense and will grow greater each year. Monitor.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

A pleasant party gathered at the residence of Capt. Lowry, last Tuesday evening, to shake hands with A. T. Stewart and form the acquaintance of his bride. Most of the company were "old settlers," persons who began here with Mr. Stewart ten to eleven years ago.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Hank Paris' mule team ran away down the street Tuesday and brought up with their noses against Jim Hill's store front. Fortunately neither team nor wagon were injured, but it caused a scattering among the omnibuses standing in front of the Williams House. The team scared at a piece of paper blowing on the street. Had anyone been run over and killed, persons who throw paper on the streets would regret that they did not heed our advice about burning the paper.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. E. F. Blair is in receipt of a letter from a southern gentleman stating that if he could get assurances from the farmers that 200 acres of cane would be planted and sold to him at $2 per ton, he would erect a sugar manufactory here. The proposal has been put into the hands of Messrs. Brotherton & Silvers and they will try to have that amount of cane pledged. Farmers residing in the vicinity of Winfield should call on Messrs. Brotherton & Silvers and confer with them as to the amount of cane that could be raised. A sugar manufactory would be a better than for the county than a railroad.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

A gentleman by the name of Rowley, of the insurance firm of Thompson & Rowley, and representing the farm department of the Phoenix of Brooklyn, called Saturday and laid his grievances before us. He claims that his business had been considerably injured by a local which appeared in the COURIER some weeks ago, warning the people to beware of itinerant insurance agents, as several gentlemen had been victimized by them. He claims to be doing a legitimate business and gives many recommendations to that effect. ARTICLE GOES ON AND ON...EDITOR ENDS UP:

In dealing with local insurance agents in Winfield, you can be certain to be fairly treated and the profits of the transaction will remain to help enrich our own community. An excellent motto is: "Work for home, fight for home, and patronize home."

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Gen. John McNeil with four Otoe Chiefs and F. M. Barnes, Trader, arrived in this city last Friday, and Saturday morning, with Frank Schiffbauer as guide, proceeded to the Indian Territory to spy out a reservation for the tribe. These Chiefs represent the different bands composing the tribe, and if they are satisfied with the country (they seem to be), the whole outfit will "migrate" to this locality in a short time. The General is of the opinion that they will want to be located as near the State line as possible, and will probably pick out a reservation in close proximity to the Nez Perces and Poncas. The tribe numbers between eight and twelve hundred, and if located near this point, will add much to the trade of our city. This is a good move, and we hope Uncle Sam will keep it up until every tribe on the Continent is located in the Territory. If we cannot have it opened up or a railroad through it, let it be filled up with Indians, so we can derive some benefit from it.

Arkansas Valley Democrat.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Messrs. Hackney & McDonald have been employed for the defense in the abortion case that is causing so much excitement in and around Oxford. Winfield Monitor.

That settles it. The accused might just as well be discharged without the farce of a trial for they will not be convicted. We judge thus because it was Judge McDonald, a member of this firm, who came over here and in three days time proved the prosecuting attorney clear out of court in the case of the State vs. Capps, charged with the murder of Waggoner. He did it with the state's witnesses, too, and that in face of the fact that the said prosecutor had had since the 10th day of last August in which to make up the case. Wellingtonian.

The above looks as if Brother Allison was after scalps, or something of that sort.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Henry Asp has added another laurel to his professional career by his manipulation of the Allison Toops case. Failing to clear his client, Henry went to work to get a new trial on some technicality and succeeded in doing so. He then went to work to get the matter compromised, and by agreement with opposing counsel, succeeded in getting his client's sentence fixed at eighteen months in the penitentiary. Henry never gives up. If he can't clear a client, he will ease him off as much as possible.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

We have received the news of the death of Mr. George Tomlinson, father of Dr. S. C. Tomlinson, of Rock, at his home in Marion County, Indiana, on the 11th inst. The doctor has been tending him for some months. Mr. Tomlinson was one of the oldest settlers of Marion County, Indiana, and died on the farm which he settled over fifty years ago. His wife died only a few weeks ago. The Doctor expects to return soon.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Dan Read, Floral's enterprising merchant, came to town Wednesday with some of the finest hogs we have seen. He intends to sell or ship them himself. Mr. Read is becoming considerable of a stock dealer in connection with his merchandising, and has a corral capable of holding 150 head of hogs. He will buy, sell, or trade, or any other way, to keep things going.

Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

BOY DROWNED. Sunday afternoon a little four-year-old [?] boy, George Eads, a son of Isaac Eads, was drowned near the Tunnel Mills. He had gone in swimming with several boys, got beyond the depth, and being unable to swim, was drowned.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. D. S. Williams, known by the boys as "Kate," and a brother of George Williams, of Rock, was married last week to Miss Galloti [?], a resident of the north part of the state.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Notice is hereby given that the stock books of the Caney Valley Prospecting Coal and Mining Company, of Elk and Chautauqua counties, Kansas, will be opened on the 21st day of June, A. D., 1881, at the office of the secretary of the company, in the city of Grenola, Elk County, Kansas, and at the Winfield Bank, in the city of Winfield, Kansas, for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to the capital stock of the company, and will be kept open at the above named places until all the shares of the stock are subscribed.

By order of the Board of Directors, J. C. McMULLEN, President.

W. S. MENDENHALL, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

C. W. Harris leaves for Burden on Monday morning, where he will break prairie for H. G. Fuller.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Mr. McDorman has sold his interest in the store to Mr. Walker, and the firm now is Walker Bros.

Mr. McDorman is buying and shipping hogs.

George Arnett has sold his store and lot to Richard Million for his corn crop, a house, notes, etc. George has purchased a span of mules to tend his corn with.

Mr. Barnes is doing good business if we may judge by appearances.

Corn looks well, especially the first planting.

Some pieces of wheat are being plowed up and corn put in. J. H.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Udall is all astir.

Three new buildings in process of erection.

We are informed that P. W. Smith will commence a residence in a few days.

The Udall town company is now thoroughly organized and ready for business. The plat may be seen at any time at our agents or at the recorder's office in Winfield.

The people of Douglass and vicinity are finding Udall a good market for produce.

A man wishing to go into business could not find a better opening than Udall. A dealer in hardware is needed badly.

Our farmers are now improving the time in cultivating their corn.

The wheat crop will be nearly an average crop, and considerably ahead of last year.

John Robinson's show came and went, only a portion of it coming to Udall in the evening, not being quite on time, consequently did not pitch their tent, only called at Smith, Green & Co's. to get some crackers for the weary animals. SOMETIME.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

Some people begin to grumble of too much rain. It is hard to please everyone. The wheat is coming out very well in this part. Some fields will be splendid while others are not so good.

People are generally done planting corn. Corn looks well, and there is a larger acreage planted than last year.

I see in your paper the testimony of many of the leading citizens of Cowley on the effects of prohibition. The effects can be plainly seen in this part of the county. After the town of Burden sprung up, there could be seen the young men of the neighborhood drinking and carousing and spending their money. A great many carried a pack of cards in their pocket. Since the groggeries have closed, the drunkenness has stopped.

I opposed the amendment and voted against it for reasons too numerous to mention here, and I know of parties who voted for the amendment that are dissatisfied with the present law. If a person is snake bitten, it is impossible to procure a drop in time to save life. A majority of our legislators were opposed to the law, but had to do something to appease their constitu ents. They made the law knowing full well that it would kill the object of the temperance people. I see the democracy is laughing in their sleeve and say they are going to engraft the whiskey plank in their next platform, and if they do, they will be likely to succeed. Democracy is always looking a little ahead for dissatisfaction.

The law has been the means of saving several dollars in this part, but, Mr. Editor, I do hate to do without my beer. GLEANER.


Winfield Courier, May 19, 1881.

MR. EDITOR: Please allow me through your paper to correct a little false report in regard to Sheriff Shenneman. It was circulated through town some two or three weeks ago that he had acted ungentlemanly in regard to allowing me to visit the prisoners at the jail. On the contrary, he has always acted a perfect gentleman with me, and I must say I think it would be a little difficult to find one who would act his part as well as he does.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Coffeyville has struck oil.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Leavenworth saloons are open again.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

The Dodge City saloons are in full blast.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Butler County is receiving many sheep.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Russell is bellowing for a woolen mill.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mad dogs are plentiful all over the state.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Winfield is shipping beef cattle to Denver.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Nearly all the saloons in Atchison remain open.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Parsons saloons were all draped last Saturday.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. Geo. D. Rogers, of Newton, the General train master of the roads from Newton to Caldwell and Arkansas City, placed us under many obligations last Saturday by holding a train at Newton, another at Wichita, and a third at Mulvane for five hours to enable our party to get home Saturday night. Had these trains left on time, we could not have got home until Monday noon. When editors and their ladies have been on a trip and are bound for home, a change on their behalf which carries them through thirty-six hours sooner is appreciated, and Gen. D. Rogers will be remembered by our party as the most obliging gentleman in Southern Kansas and can command us every time.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

One of the star routes in which fraud is charged in procuring increased service with increased pay, is that from El Dorado to Winfield. The original contract on this route was for $1,334, which was afterward increased to daily service (except Sundays) at $2,000 a year. We cannot see any grounds for suspecting fraud in this case. The daily service on this route has been needed and important, and $2,000 is certainly a small enough sum for such service.

H. Tisdale, we believe, has the contract and has well earned every cent of his money, and could not have afforded to have paid a fee to the Second assistant or anyone else for such a contract. If there are no worse cases than this, the Star route excitement is all "bunkum."

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

BOOMING COWLEY. During the past ten days we have made a trip of a thousand miles north and west, and while everywhere we found luxuriant vegetation for its locality, we nowhere found anything equal to Cowley County. As we approached this county on our return, the growth of grass, corn, and other vegetation became ranker and richer until we reached the climax here. There never was so grand a promise for crops as we have now. The wheat will be double the crop that has been predicted. Hundreds and hundreds of large fields promise twenty to thirty bushels per acre. The corn is magnificent. Large fields stand knee high and we have seen corn as high as three feet. Gardens are luxuriant and all kinds of crops are putting forward rapidly. Peaches and other fruits are promising abundance and everything is booming.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

At the close of the Convention of the Arkansas Valley Editorial Association at Dodge City on Saturday, May 14th, resolutions were adopted unanimously...I AM GOING TO SKIP.

THEY HAD AN EDITORIAL RECEPTION AT DODGE CITY AND FORT DODGE, AND THEN MADE AN EXCURSION TO NEW MEXICO. At Dodge City on May 14th they took possession of the splendid Pullman palace car, Wayne, and took off...D. A. Millington, wife, and Miss Jessie Millington of the COURIER; and R. R. Conklin, of the Monitor, in the party of editors. THEY WENT TO TRINIDAD, COLORADO..."ascending the 16 miles of the heaviest grade up a winding canyon with the best view of our trip around and behind us the Spanish Peaks and the peaks of the Sangre Da Christo looming up snow covered in the distance, we passed through the tunnel at the summit of the Raton mountains and passing downward into New Mexico, reached Las Vegas at 1 o'clock p.m. and at six o'clock reached Santa Fe."

AT SANTA FE, STAYED AT THE EXCHANGE HOTEL, TOOK IN SITES, AND WERE ATTENDED BY A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE, INCLUDING GENERAL LEW WALLACE, LATE GOVERNOR OF NEW MEXICO, U. S. CAVALRY BAND, ETC. ENTERTAINED THAT EVENING AT A HALL, THE "ENGLISH KITCHEN," AND THEN WENT TO SOCORRO, "one hundred and sixty miles to the southwest, down the valley of the Rio Grande. Before starting from Santa Fe, we telegraphed the people of Socorro that we were coming with the next express train. . . we visited the famous Torrance mine, up the side of the Socorro mountain about five miles from the city. . . .

Supt. J. A. Waller and Foreman James Richards, who armed us with a star candle each, led us into the mountain through long tunnels and passages and down and up deep pits and shafts until we were satisfied with subterranean exploration.

At Socorro the party met Mrs. Conkling, the widow of the editor who was assassinated by some Mexicans the previous winter. Millington states: "Our party only visited one mine, the Torrance. This was named by some young men from Torrance, in Cowley County, Kansas, and is a namesake of our District Judge Torrance, a grandchild as it were. At this mine a great deal of work has been done and has paid well, though the ore has to be carted five miles to the railroad and shipped 125 miles to Cerillos for reduction. There are many mines in this vicinity that seem to be paying well. They have bought all the material for a large stamp mill which will be soon put up and in operation. Socorro is the supply point of a very large number of leading mining camps: Madalina, Del Osa, and Black Range moun tains are the sites of the best mining camps tributary to this city. A railroad is projected from Socorro to the Black Range, 80 to 100 miles, which is pretty sure to be built, and railroads in other directions are projected and promising.

THEY NEXT WENT TO LAS VEGAS...STAYED AT THE ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL, TOOK IN BIG BANQUET AND BALL...NEXT DAY TOOK IN THE HOT SPRINGS. "Las Vegas is destined to become a second Denver. The new Hot Springs hotel is one of the finest in the whole country and contains some five hundred rooms."

"We left at 2 o'clock p.m. on Friday, and the writer reached Winfield, six hundred and fifty miles, in thirty-five hours."


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Before the Santa Fe railroad was opened up to Colorado and New Mexico, every spring our farmers were compelled to sell eggs at four or five cents a dozen, butter at seven or eight cents a pound, and chickens, lettuce, radishes, rhubarb, peas, potatoes, and other kinds of garden vegetables for almost nothing, and take pay in groceries at much higher prices than are asked now, because they could not get one cent of cash for their produce. Now mark the difference.

All fresh butter that is brought into Winfield finds a ready market at not less than 12-1/2 cents cash, eggs not less than 8-1/2 cents per dozen. Chickens, $2.60 per dozen; peas in pod, $1.75 per bushel, turkeys, dressed poultry, rhubarb, gooseberries, strawberries, onions, potatoes, radishes, lettuce, and other vegetables find ready market at high prices, and a large amount of money is being distributed among the farmers for truck that was formerly comparatively valueless.

A single firm in the city, Snyder & Spotswood, have shipped to Colorado and New Mexico within the last two months, 24,275 dozen eggs. 7,043 pounds of fresh butter, 250 dozen chickens, and quantities of all the other kinds of produce above mentioned.

J. P. Baden & Co., have shipped similar amounts, and others have shipped more or less.

During the summer large quantities of peaches, melons, cherries, grapes, blackberries, etc., will be shipped.

The Santa Fe railroad has created this market for us besides making a new and valuable market for hundreds of carloads of flour, corn, bacon, lard, and hay. This road is the principal factor in making Cowley and other counties rich and independent. It is a nice thing to have money coming in all the year round for all these things for which our county is so peculiarly adapted.

It is in some quarters the style to grumble at this road, to want to "kill the goose that lays these golden eggs," but when we consider the value of this road to us, the liberality with which it deals with us, the obliging spirit it manifests, the courteous treatment we always receive at the hands of all its officers and employees and the grandeur of its enterprise and its achievements, we feel that we cannot give this corporation with a soul, too much praise.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

A Salt City man reports that D. O. McCray has made a proposition to the citizens of that place to remove the "Enterprise" from Burden to Salt City. This will be sad news to the candidates for office who have invested their money in the concern.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

The Walnut was on a rise Saturday, but fell two feet Sunday.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. A. Berkey, Salt City's enterprising merchant, spent several days in the city.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Our young friend, Charlie Seeley, is clerking for T. E. Johnston, in his drug store.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Hogs dropped to $4.50 per hundred Wednesday, owing to large receipts at Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

A watch is on guard at the Brettun House night and day, now, to prevent fire or meddling with the building.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

We are under obligations to Mrs. John Walker for courtesies extended during our visit to Arkansas City Monday.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. E. M. Rice, of New Matamoros, Ohio, called on us Friday. He has property interests in this county.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

The hog market went up Tuesday. Several loads were sold as high as $5.20 per hundred. The average price Tuesday was $5.00.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

The walk on Ninth avenue east to the mound is a disgrace to a prohibition city. It looks as if the parties who put it down might have been drunk. If only for the looks of the street, it ought to be straightened.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. G. A. Scovill and family left for Colorado Monday. They have been residents of our city for nearly two years, and have added much to our social enjoyments during that time. We regret to see them leave.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mrs. Belle Harris, wife of Rev. W. H. Harris, of Cresswell township, died last Tuesday, May 10th, of consumption. Mrs. Harris has been a resident of the county for several years, and leaves a large circle of friends.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

We regret to announce the death of Mrs. J. V. Crenshaw, on Monday of this week. Mrs. Crenshaw has been a resident of our city for over a year and has made many friends who mourn her loss. Her relatives from Danville, Kentucky, arrived Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

While in Arkansas City, Monday, we met Dr. Vawter, the leading dentist of that place. The Doctor intends removing to Winfield soon. He is one of the best dentists in this part of the State; and we are glad to learn that he will make Winfield his future home.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. Will Frye left Monday for Omaha, where he will take a position on a daily paper.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Maxwell and Doty, of Seeley, got into a row between themselves, and their differences were brought before Judge Gans, who appointed J. L. Horning receiver, and the goods were on Monday removed to Winfield, and will be disposed of there. It would pay parties to adjust their little differences between themselves.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Henry Goldsmith, our enterprising bookseller, deposited on our table, Wednesday morning, a copy of the Revised New Testament. The new edition is a neat little book, and is sold in cloth for 25 cents, and boards for 50 cents. It is the regular authorized English edition.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. Chas. McNulty hired a span of horses and buggy of Speed and Schofield last Sunday and undertook to ford Timber creek just above the bridge which is in process of construction where the water was at least ten feet deep. The current floated the horses, who swam around twice, and finally drowned, with their heads near the bank in the direction from which they entered. Mr. McNulty clung to the buggy standing up in it with the water around his waist and was rescued by a boat which was rowed up to him from below.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Last Tuesday we noticed four drays loaded down with express matter, wending their way toward the depot, and concluded that it would be a good idea to find out how much produce our merchants were sending out. We forthwith proceeded to gather the facts, and learned enough to astonish even a newspaper reporter.

Messrs. Snyder and Spotswood were first visited. They reported the following shipments, with as much more on hand and not shipped, because of lack of express facilities: 600 dozen eggs, 621 pounds of butter, eight dozen chickens, and 100 pounds of vegetables.

J. P. Baden was next interviewed. He reported shipment of 1,750 pounds of butter, 1,200 dozen eggs, 24 dozen chickens, and 40 baskets of vegetables. While talking with Mr. Baden he remarked that he had paid out, on Monday, over eight hundred dollars for butter and eggs alone. We were inclined to scoff at this assertion, until Mr. Baden brought out his books and showed us stubs in his check book for $761.38 cash paid out, and charges for over $100 in goods. We count this a pretty good day's work. The total amount of eggs shipped Tuesday was 1,800 dozen, for which our farmers received $180. The total number of pounds of butter was 2,371, worth $308; thirty dozen chickens, worth $75, and eighty baskets of vegetables, worth $50. Total cash value of shipments, $613, and this was only an average day for butter and eggs.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Last Monday we paid Arkansas City a flying visit for the purpose of inspecting the "Canal," and giving the readers of the COURIER a fair understanding of it and of other improvements going on in our sister city. On our arrival we were welcomed by Joe Houston, Captain Scott, Charlie McIntire, and other old friends, who made it seem almost like home. We were then turned over to Mr. John Walker, in company with whom we drove over the city and inspected the canal, water-works, and other general improvements.

was first visited. The contractors have a small army of men and teams at work, and find work for more laborers than they can get. They pay $1.25 for men, and $3.00 for teams. The canal starts at the Arkansas river, west and a little north of the city, runs southeast, bends around the south end of the town, and empties into the Walnut a little south of east of the city. The length is about three miles, and the width is about twenty or thirty feet at the bottom, and seventy at the top.

The excavation resembled a railroad cut. The liveliest place on the work was at the Arkansas river where they are putting in wing dams and the gates that admit the water to the canal. They have excavated about five feet below the water-level, and are driving piles down to bed-rock. The stone-work will be built on the piles. Dozens of men are at work, day and night, bailing the water out of the excavation, and are relieved every five minutes. Another lot of men work on the stone, getting them ready to lay up as soon as the foundation is ready. Con. Glenn, an old resident of the county, and one of the best stone-masons in it, has charge of the stone-work. We noticed many other Winfield men at work along the canal.

The canal is the principal topic of conversation in and around the city at present, and a person who would stand on Summit street and publicly denounce the practicability of the scheme would be "fired" out of town in short metre. But we have no such opinions to express. The people have faith in it, and are spending their money for it. The engineers say it is bound to succeed, and we see no reason why is should not, so far as water-power is concerned. Whether they will be able to get mills enough to utilize the power, and make the investment pay, is another thing. One gentleman has already contracted for the erection of a large flouring mill, with four run of burrs, and will pay the Canal Company fifteen hundred dollars for the water privilege. Other flouring mills will certainly be erected, and Cowley county needs a woolen mill, which will in time be built there, if the power is secured. If by the investment of $20,000, which is the amount the city has put in so far, they secure large manufacturing interests, it cannot help being of benefit to them.

This enterprise cost $2,000, and is well worth the money. The water doesn't taste very good, but it keeps a fountain running in the post office and supplies several door-yards with water for trees, flowers, and fountains. Its practicability in case of fires we will not discuss, for we don't know anything about it. They tell us that it will throw a stream over Matlack's Block, which is about the largest building in the city. The works consist of a windmill and tank, similar to that in use at the Santa Fe Depot. The tank is raised on a high stone foundation, which gives the water a good head. It is conducted over town along Summit street.

We noticed many new buildings going up, and a general air of activity that speaks well for the future of the town. They are not dead, neither are they asleep, but are wide enough awake to get a government contract for a million pounds of flour, and the freighting thereof.

This draws more or less Territory business to the city, and Uncle Sam's wards are lavish with their moneywhen they have any. Of course, in the appreciation of all this prosperity, the newspaper must not be behind, and so Stanley will enlarge his "Traveler" to a nine column, and Arkansas City can boast of a blanket sheet equal in size to the COURIER. Charley McIntire also shows evidences of prosperity. He shows forth in immaculate linen and sorrel neck-tie, and has rented a post-office box. Speaking of post offices reminds us that Postmaster Topliff has the neatest one we have ever seen. It is carved and varnished, and has "didoes" all over the front, like a circus wagon. It's tasty, and a postmaster who can keep an office like that ought to get married. He can keep a wife.

In conclusion, we wish to congratulate Arkansas City on her evident prosperity, and her people on the grit and sand they exhibit in inaugurating and pushing to completion enterprises that tend to promote the interests of the town, and laugh at the risks accompany ing them. We are glad to see them prosper, and always shall be. Arkansas City is a part of grand old Cowley, and the mission of the COURIER is to work for Cowley County, and to fairly represent all of her people. We are glad that the old days of strife and bitterness between Arkansas City and Winfield are past; and that we can once more clasp hands across the "bloody chasm" of many fierce local struggles, and try to promote rather than destroy each other's prosperity.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Baird Bros., of the New York store, are preparing for a large business this year. This firm is one of the most substantial and prosperous in our city, and have built themselves up from a small beginning. They have done much for the town in the way of improvements and their beautiful store building is sufficient evidence of their faith in the future prosperity of Winfield. We always like to record the success of our businessmen when they are successful through honest work and fair dealing. We hope that Messrs. Baird Bros. will go on prospering and enlarging their trade until even their present commodious quarters will be too small.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

We have, during the week, had the pleasure of meeting Mr. L. E. Ecker, of Waveland, Indiana. Mr. Ecker is looking over the country in the interest of a colony of his neighbors, who contemplate moving westward. He has carefully examined different parts of the State, and will report his observations to those who intend removing.

These people have shown much wisdom in selecting Mr. Ecker for such an important mission. He has spared no pains to learn just what the status of affairs is in the local ties which he has visited, and the people can depend upon his representations. Mr. Ecker is favorably impressed with Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

We have received a poem relating to a social sensation which happened in Cedar township some time ago. We will be compelled to suppress it, because we do not think it is best for any of the parties concerned to carry the controversy further. It is a bad thing for all of them, and we suggest that the sooner the matter is dropped, the better. Persons have been unfortunate in all ages, and charity is one of the greatest Christian virtues.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

If you want to trade hogs, or a cow for a good cooking stove, call at this office. The stove cost, when new, $45, and has been in use but a short time. It bakes splendidly, burns coal or wood, has a warming oven, and water reservoir attached, and is just the thing for some young fellow who is contemplating matrimony. It is a bargain. Will sell cheap for cash or trade for stock.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Messrs. M. L. Read, S. C. Smith, Captain Lowry, and M. L. Robinson have purchased the grove west of town, known as Lowry's Grove, and will improve and throw it open for the benefit of the public as a park.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

On the 19th and 20th of this month we had an abundance of rain; so much so that the farmers have stopped cultivating their young corn, some of which needs working badly, and the farmers look sad, and wish for dry weather, and, if they don't get it soon, it will be good- by corn crop. Our health is fine: no sickness, no deaths, and no marriages to record this week, or babies born, to my knowledge, and this is strange.

We hear from some of our boys that went to Colorado almost every week. They seem to be doing well, but we think that they will return this fall, and take to themselves wives of the fair daughters of Liberty Township. NASBY NO. 2.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. Croco has corn knee high, and he is not a short man either: something over six feet, we believe. Rain, rain. If this continues, there will still be hope for late thin wheat.

I think, if not destroyed by hail, I will have the largest crop of grapes I have ever had.

On the 6th inst., M. L. Martin's team ran off, hitched to a wagon loaded with hedge brush, making a lively race till they took west on the railroad track, when one horse crowded the other up on the track, turning the wagon on its side; the hubs, dragging deep in the ground, soon stopped the team.

Mr. Cowpie, in Ninnescah township, has a neighborhood herd of cattle, of some 150 head, composed principally of calves, yearlings, and two-year-olds, in which M. L. Martin has two calves and two two-year-olds. One of his calves looked drowsy on the eve of the 16th, and died with "black leg" before noon on the 16th. We visited the herd about noon of the same day and Mr. Cowpie and Mr. Worthington busily employed, performing what they call "nerving" the cattle, as a cure and preventative of the disease, which consists in cutting a slit about one inch long just above the hoof of each foot, and lancing two small veins, causing them to bleed quite freely. Do any of the readers of the COURIER know whether there is any real virtue in the operation?

Mr. George Wilson was presented, recently, with a male heir, of which he is very proud. Said heir is about two weeks old, and doing well.

Joseph E. Cain, a Christian minister, preached at Vernon Center Saturday night and Sunday morning at eleven, and at four o'clock in the afternoon, and at Mount Zion school house at lamp lighting; and such will be his appointment once a month. He has been laboring for the Church of Christ at Vernon Center for over two years, and he is much esteemed by this congregation. His wife and family have been visiting friends here the past week, and on last evening there was a social given in their honor at the residence of Henry Hawkins. It is estimated that there were seventy-five or eighty persons present.

On the 12th inst., a number of our young folks attended the wedding of Mr. Richards and Miss Minnie Owens, at the residence of the bride's father, in Sumner County.

E. C. Martin is moving into his new house today, using a covered wagon, in consequence of the pouring rain. As he vacates, Mr. Croco's brother-in-law is to move in. (There is growing up, in Vernon, a "rag-carpet" aristocracy.)

We see nothing from the pen of "Blue Jay" anymore. We understand she has changed States. Though the rain ceases not, I must cease scribbling, and if this made the way to the wastebasket, it will only be a little paper and ink wasted. M. LEWIS.

May 18, 1881.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

A Merchants' Detective Association, Capital Stock, $10,000, was incorporated under the Laws of Kansas, George W. Cole, General Manager, Topeka, Kansas, according to the paper.

The business of this Association was to investigate all stages of crime committed, and to detect and to bring to justice criminals; to recover stolen property; to obtain such evidence as may exist in criminal and civil cases, and to ascertain the credibility and character of witnesses; to investigate and detect frauds perpetrated upon insurance and other companies, and to ferret out infringements of patents; to investigate and detect embezzlement from railroad, express, and transportation companies, corporations, banks, and individuals, and to ascertain the habits and associates of employees, or the transaction of any legitimate detective work. The Association investigated mysterious murders, blackmailing schemes, conspiracies against character or property; incendiary fires; the authenticity of deeds, wills, and heirs, traced and proven.

Particular attention was to be paid to furnishing attorneys with evidence in divorce cases, fraudulent sales, and transfers of property, tracing and ascertaining the whereabouts of absconding debtors, and making collections in any part of the United States.

The Association stated that they had agents situated in every locality; and would furnish a reliable statement of the financial condition of any person doing business in Kansas. Being situated at the State capital, and thoroughly organized throughout the State, they stated that they could reach every part on short notice. "Let no guilty man escape."


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Mr. A. B. Henthorn has had a well drilled in his pasture. He obtained plenty of water at thirty-five feet.

There are several breaking teams running about here this year.

Mr. Clark Brown is to start for Arkansas soon.

Mr. W. H. Gillard planted 3,000 cotton-woods this spring, and Mr. Amos Henthorn planted ten acres of a peach orchard.

Mr. George Wright, of Burden, is making a success in teaching school in North Omnia.

The peach crop will be the largest that has been known in the county. There will be some apples raised in this township this year.

Mr. Josiah Kelsby and Mr. T. Johnson have gone to Missouri this spring. NASBY.


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

EDITOR COURIER: Please announce to our contractors and builders that the Baptist church is ready to receive bids on their new church building. Plans and specifications can be had by calling upon A. B. Arment, one door west of post office. Bids to be opened June 1st, 1881. Building committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids.

A. B. ARMENT, for Com.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

We have removed our grocery stock to the building next door north of Curns & Manser's office. The change is made necessary by our deciding to erect a new business house upon the site of our old store. The quarters in which we now are, and will be compelled to stay for a few months, are not as commodious as the comfort or circumstances demand, but such inconveniences are unavoidable, so we trust that the trading public will bear with us for a little while. With the completion of our new building, we intend to run a model establish ment, and will be able to supply our large and increasing trade with the best the market affords, both in quality and prices. Respectfully, WALLIS & WALLIS


Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.

Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, will meet at the office of the county clerk of said county on Monday, June 6th, A. D., 1881, for the purpose of fairly and impartially equalizing the valuation of all property returned by the assessors for the year 1881, at which time and place, all persons feeling themselves aggrieved by their assessment can appear and have all errors in the returns corrected. J. B. HUNT, County Clerk.


MAY 26, 1881.

There is too much carelessness on the part of our citizens in relation to the scarlet fever which found lodgment in this city in one family some months ago, and has hung on and increased until now four or five families are afflicted with it. It is certainly contagious, and is one of the worst diseases that can get into a family of children.

Besides the great mortality which frequently attends it, the survivor is apt to become permanently deformed and to suffer from rheumatism and other pains in after life. Too much care cannot be taken to prevent the spread of this contagion. The city authorities should take immediate steps in that direction. The physicians should be organized as a board of health. Every house in which a suspicion of the disease exists should be placarded, and every precaution should be taken to avoid contact with its inmates, its furniture and clothing, and these precautions should not relax until a long time after the recovery of the patients; because the danger is even greater during convalescence than before, and the germs of the disease remain a long time in the clothing and furniture that has been in contact with the patient. We do not want to create a panic for there is no need of it, but feel it our duty to warn our people against this danger and to protest against their apathy in relation to the matter.

Winfield Courier, May 26, 1881.


You will now find
Remember the place.


-0F THE-
Hardware Store
to the room formerly occupied by
A large Additional Stock of Hardware, Stoves & Tinware.

Remember the Store -IS ON- MAIN STREET, NEAR 10TH AVENUE.




Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The corners are happy. Thirty-six hours of rain in Southern Kansas is well calculated to make the natives rejoice. We have a very fair prospect for wheat in this locality, especially on the bottom lands; and corn, well, it is immense. The Timothy meadows, what little we have, will be good. The weeds are outstripping the oat crop.

Rock supports a good Sunday school under the Superintendency of Thomas Harp, our village blacksmith. Our day school is being taught by Alex Limerick, one of Cowley's best teachers.

The store on the corners is still run by Geo. H. Williams, who does an immense business for a country store, keeping a general assortment of merchandise.

The Walnut river is on a rampage, marking a 15 foot raise.

Rock Creek Township will present the name of our present efficient chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, for renomination by the republican county convention this fall. His past record is an all sufficient guarantee for the future. Geo. I. Gale is the man for the place.

We note the arrival of a new M. D. at Rock, a young man from Michigan. Success to the Doctor. [NAME NOT GIVEN.] U. L. SEE.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The prospects for corn and wheat never were better in this part of the county.

Stephen Marsh has returned from Illinois. He says things have a much fairer prospect here than there, and that he was really glad to get back to Kansas.

Mr. Guiser has bought him a new Marsh Harvester with the wine binder attachment.

Ross Merrick returned from his labors in the Territory, but will resume as soon as harvest is over.

This week closes the term of A. E. Hon's school.

The Arkansas river has been up for some days and the people along the river are improving the time by setting large hooks and catching nice fish. Mr. Godfrey caught one that weighed near 50 pounds.

MARRIED: Last Saturday, at your city, Mr. Asbury Neer, of Salt City, to Miss Maggie Gilmore, of Big Bend. She is a step daughter of Mr. Stewart.

Why don't we have a county fair in Cowley County this fall. We have prospects of good crops all over the county, and we think that it would be a good time to revive the county fair. Get those who are interested in the matter to work and stir this thing up. Would like to hear from someone on this subject.

We notice in your last issue that the Texas legislature has passed a bill granting all confederate soldiers of that State a large tract of Texas land. It is true that under the act of annexation of Texas, it reserved the possession of its own public lands. Texas is nevertheless a state of the Union, and the constitution of the United States its paramount law there as elsewhere.

The fourteenth amendment of the constitution declares that "neither the United States nor any other state shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States." This surely makes the new law of Texas void.

It has not been more than a year since the people of Coles County, Illinois, commenced the work to have a monument placed over the grave of Thomas Lincoln, the father of our Martyred President. He was buried in the Southern part of Coles County, what is known as the Gordon Graveyard. We clip the following from the Charleston (Ill.) Plaindealer:

"On Saturday of last week, Thomas Donnell, of Mattoon, erected the monument over the grave of Thomas Lincoln. The inscription is as follows:

Born Jan. 6th, 1778.
Died Jan. 15th, 1851.
The whole structure is ten and a half feet high, of Italian marble. It is well proportioned, and the engraving is really fine, which speaks well for Mr. Donnell. The cost was $150.

Samuel Choning, who was an old settler living near the graveyard, and who helped dig the grave, which was over thirty years ago, was present and helped to erect the monument."


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The COURIER CO. has purchased the Monitor office of this city. Mr. Conklin will issue the last number this week with his valedictory. After this week the COURIER will supply the subscribers to the Monitor with a better paper than either has ever been. We shall say more about this matter next week.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Railroad valuation in Cowley County, Kansas, as appears from the records of the County Clerk, of said county, is $357,895.31.

State tax on same: $ 1,938.38

County tax on same: $ 3,578.89

County bond on same: $ 447.87

Railroad Bond on same: $ 2,505.23

Township tax on same: $ 926.30

Arkansas City tax on same: $ 66.58

School, and school bond tax: $ 3,854.41

Total tax on same: $13,417.16

The levy to pay interest, on R. R. bonds, is 7 mills: and the total amount of tax raised by said levy, is $20,502.05.

We take the above statement from the Traveler. When you take the above showing $20,502.05 as paid by the people in bond tax for R. R., and $13,417.16 paid by the R. R. in tax, you find the balance as paid by the people to be $7,102.89 in excess of what the R. R. pays in. There have been statements going the round of the press and among the people, that the R. R. was paying more into the county treasury than the people were paying out in interest on R. R. bonds. If the above showing is correct, the people need enlightenment. If not correct, who can rectify it? Arkansas City Democrat.

We can throw a little light upon that subject. The interest for one year on the $128,000 of Cowley, Sumner and Fort Smith indebtedness of this county amounted to $7,680, and one year interest on the $68,000 of Southern Kansas and Western $4,760. Total railroad bond interest: $12,440. Last year the county commissioners made a levy for a year and an additional half year to pay the interest up to July 1, 1881, which required $6,220 more and a total of $18,000 to pay the interest for the year and a half.

The 7 mills, if all collected, would raise $1,842 more than was needed, but that allowance was made for possible failures to collect. It turns out that $35,000 of the 7 percent, S. K. & W. bonds were taken up and interest stopped thereon four months before July 1, 1881, which saves the county in interest covered by last year's assessment: $816.33.

The levy this year will be for only one year's interest, and the total amount of interest and the total amount of interest for the year will not exceed $10,398.33, while the total assessment will probably reach $3,100,000.

A levy of 3-1/2 mills, or half as much as last year's levy, will produce $10,950 or $550 more than is needed, if all should be collected.

If we add to this the $816, saved by stopping interest under last year's assessment and a probable collection of at least one half of the allowance of $1,842, to help on the year ending July 1, 1882, a levy of 3 mills this year will pay the railroad bond interest up to that time and give a margin of $789.00 for failure to collect the tax.

We must bear in mind that there is no failure to collect any part of the tax on the railroads and no part of the allowance for non-collection is on their account.

The actual amount of taxes they pay on their property in this county is $13,417.16 and the total interest paid on railroad bonds for the current year is $11,623.67. They paid taxes on this property $1,798.49 in excess of what the county pays in interest on the railroad bonds.

Of this tax $1,988.38 is state tax and benefits this county only as it does the balance of the state, say about $145.00, which added to the balance of the tax, $11,478.78, will make the amount of the taxes paid by the railroads, which goes entirely to the benefit of this county, fully equal to the interest the county pays on its railroad bonds for the same time.

In the coming years the yearly interest will not exceed $9,290.00, though we should continue to hold our C. S. & F. S. stock, and though the rate of taxation should be reduced, the railroads will pay taxes for the benefit of the county yearly more money than that sum.

Should we sell our C. S. & S. F. stock anytime within the first ten years of the run of the bonds at not less than 40 cents on the dollar, and apply the proceeds and the interest saved thereby to the sinking of the debt, principal and interest will not have cost our county one cent. We shall have had all the benefits of two railroads which have made us ready markets for our produce at one fourth of our former cost of getting to market, all for a temporary loan of the credit of the county without the expense of a nickel.

We say this much because we have heard grumbling in some parts of the county because of the bond tax and because the COURIER urged people to vote for the bonds. We said then that the railroads would pay in taxes nearly as much as the county would pay in interest; and we are highly gratified by being able to show that our predictions are more than realized.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

A sack of Bliss & Wood's Winfield mills superior LILY flour was left as a sample at the house of the senior editor during his absence in New Mexico; and his attention was not called to it until too late for notice last week. Our wife has been into the sack and pronounces it the best flour she ever saw. We observe that our bread and other edibles in the flour line come to the table looking whiter and nicer and tasting better than ever. In the article of superior flour, Bliss & Wood cannot be beat.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The K. C. Journal in speaking of the egg market of this section says: "Winfield and Wichita hens are having a contest as to which barn yard society can produce the most eggs for the market. At present the score stands, Winfield hens, 48,360 dozen; Wichita hens, 20,640 dozen.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

ED. COURIER: There are parties at or near Oxford, Sumner County, engaged in catching fish by means of a set-net. They take nearly every fish that comes up the river. The market is glutted in this vicinity and they ship them off nearly every day by rail. Is this not in violation of law, and if so, why is such work permitted to go on unmolested? The river north of this will surely be nearly destitute of fish, for none can get by but such as they reject.

[If the people above do not complain, let them fish. ED.]


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The Walnut was on a rise, Saturday, but fell two feet Sunday.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Miss Thirza Dobyns, of New Salem, was in the city Saturday.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

W. J. Hodges shipped a flock of sheep and a carload of cattle to St. Louis Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Long trains of Texas cattle are being pulled over the East and West Road, from Hunnewell this week.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Mr. Harrison, one of the proprietors of the Little Dutch, returned from a visit to Douglass County this week.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Miss Bonnie Anderson has returned from Leavenworth, where she has been visiting for the past few months.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Mr. Seth Chase, of Tisdale township, called on us Monday. Seth will be a candidate for the office of Sheriff this fall.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Garvy have gone to housekeeping. They occupy Sheriff Shenneman's house near Mr. Lowry's.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Ground was broken Monday on Rhodes' new building. It will be a brick and stone, and will be pushed right along.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Senator Hackney and family left for Colorado Tuesday morning, and will be absent among the mountains for several weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

George Whitney has returned to Winfield, and will hereafter reside with us. George thinks Caldwell is entirely too rapid for his comfort.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Miss Mary Tucker finished, Friday last, her school in District No. 30, Silver Creek township. The mumps nearly depopulated her classes.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Messrs. McDonald & Walton opened their store for business last Friday. They have a very fine stock, and their store looks as neat as any in the city.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The carpenters and other mechanics in this city are crowded with work, and prices have advanced. One hundred thousand dollars will be expended in improving the city this year.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

A gentleman from the east has been in town this week buying ponies. He has purchased nearly all the delivery ponies in the city at high prices and will ship them to Cincinnati.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Thomas R. Carson, of North Richland, called. He is one of the most extensive farmers in the county and always has plenty of water for his stock because he runs a windmill pump.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Arthur Bangs is chief clerk at the Williams House since Robert Vermelye's departure.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Arthur Bangs, the manager of the Tisdale Omnibus and stage lines in this place, is one of the most popular, gentlemanly, intelligent, and obliging young men in Southern Kansas. We hear fine compliments for him daily.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Robert Vermelye left for St. Paul, Minnesota, last week, where he will take a position with some railroad company. Robert has been with us for nearly two years, is a capable and efficient young man, and has a bright future before him.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Dr. Vawter has secured an office in the Morehouse Block and will have dentistry office in operation this week.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

If this matter continues much longer, the entire bottom will be knocked out of fees for marriage licenses. Judge Gans now knows how it is himself, and bachelors and widows on the ragged edge ought to see the Judge before Mrs. Gans returns from the East.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

To meet the increasing demands in his business, Dr. Van Doren has added more room to his apartments and secured the services of Dr. C. B. Gunn, of Cincinnati, who comes highly recommended both as to character and skill in his profession, having received a thorough dental education together with several years practice. Drs. Van Doren and Gunn keep pace with all modern improvements in the use of appliances for facilitating the various operations on teeth, lessening pain, and make a specialty of treating teeth which have heretofore been considered worthless and restoring them to their original beauty and usefulness. They also carry a large stock of artificial teeth from which to select, and are prepared to insert them on gold, platina, continuous gum, celluloid, and rubber.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Sheriff Shenneman captured two horse thieves last week. They had stolen horses from Labette County, and Friday he took them to Chetopa. After turning his prisoners over to the proper authorities, he learned that the "Vigilantes" were gathering, and intended to hang the prisoners that night. He imparted this knowledge to the constable; but that officer, not seeming to heed the warning, prompted Sheriff Shenneman to take the prisoners around a back alley, get them into a hack, and he drove them to Oswego without being interrupted. He afterwards learned that about twelve o'clock that night, a large party of men surrounded the jail, and their cuss words were long and loud when they found that their prey had flown.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The east part of town had a mad-dog excitement Sunday morning. Dan Miller's dog was the victim. Dan noticed the dog running around with his head down and slobbering, and concluded that he had lived long enough for the safety of the community, so Dan buckled on his revolver and followed the dog. After firing several shots, he succeeded in bringing the dog down. His ears were all torn up, as if he had been fighting; and it is probable that we will have a deluge of mad dogs within a few weeks. Look out!

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Nat Robinson came down from El Dorado Tuesday. He drove up in front of Speed & Schofield's livery stable and alighted, giving the lines to the attendant, who started to unhitch the team. Not being used to strangers, they became frightened, started off down the street, and finally brought up against one of the carriage factory's new wagons. The injury was not very heavy.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

We have on our table four eggs, brought us by Mrs. Fawsett, of Dexter township, which are the largest we have ever seen. The four weigh fourteen and one-half ounces, and the largest one weighs four ounces. If any of our Cowley County ladies have hens that can beat this, we hope they will give us a record of the fact. The eggs were laid by Brahma hens.

Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

The wife of Rev. W. H. Harris, of Arkansas City, a son of Mr. Isaac Harris, of this place, died on Tuesday, the 17th inst., after a long illness. She leaves three children motherless. Mr. Harris' many friends in Bushnell extend to him the hand of sympathy.

(Bushnell, Illinois, Record.)


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Monday evening Mr. C. A. Bliss was purposely invited out to tea, and, returning home at about 8:30, found his parlors filled by about fifty of his personal friends.

When he entered, the Rev. Mr. Cairns, on behalf of the guests, in an appropriate address, presented him with twelve richly-bound volumes of standard literature. Mrs. Bliss, though absent, was remembered with a magnificent illustrated volume.

Mr. Bliss responded in a feeling manner: after which the leader of the surprise was himself made the victim of a surprise, by the presentation by Captain McDermott, on behalf of friends, with a splendid volume of "The Life of Christ."

Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mann acted the part of host and hostess; and ice cream, strawberries, cake, etc., were served amid music and general social enjoyment.

The whole affair was a neat recognition of the Christian, social, and business character of the recipients of the mementoes, which they so justly merit.

The married couples present were Mr. and Mrs. Wright, McDermott, Story, Johnson, Hendricks, Trimble, Wilson. D. Bliss, Baird, E. H. Bliss, Gilbert, Cairns, Jarvis, Adams, Tipton, Silliman, Stevens, Tresize, and Fuller. There were also present Messrs. Borchers, Arment, Applegate, Rigby, Wood, F. Finch, and Mrs. E. S. Bliss, Mrs. H. Bliss, Mrs. Jewell, Miss S. Bliss, Miss Smith, Miss Corson, and others, whose names we failed to obtain.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

City Assessor Short, has completed the city roll and turned the same over to the County Clerk. If possible, this is the best looking set of assessment books that has ever been returned in this county. The Assessor has taken the greatest care, and is willing to set up the cigars, if a mistake can be found.

The figures are as follows:

Total value of real estate: $266,587.00

Total value of personal property: $187,957.00


Total valuation for 1880: ............. $417,965.00

Increase: ............. $ 36,579.00

This being the odd year, real estate is not assessed, the improvements only being added, or taken of, where burned or otherwise removed. Taking this fact into consideration, and also the hotels and other buildings that were burned and have been taken off the roll, it is gratifying to note the increase. Taking the usual basis of valuation, the above shows that over $100,000 worth of buildings were erected in the city in the past year. Including the new hotel, more than half that amount of buildings are now under contract to be completed in ninety days; from which we infer that, in spite of last season's poor crops, and the prohibitory amendment combined, Winfield is steadily going forward.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

A first-class Restaurant, Ice Cream, Fruit and Confectionary business, with a good Cigar and Lemonade trade. Capital required from $800 to $1,000. Good reasons for selling. Apply at this office.


Winfield Courier, June 2, 1881.

Mr. Samuel E. Hanlan and Miss Alice Green were married at the residence of the bride's father, in Fairview township, last Thursday. The happy couple were the recipients of a list of wedding presents from Winfield friends. We wish them much joy.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881 - Front Page

Cowley County is situated on the south line of the state, and near its center east and west. Elk and Chautauqua counties bound it on the east, Butler County on the north, west by Sumner County, and on the south by the Indian Territory. It is one of the largest counties in the state, being thirty-three miles north and south, and thirty-four miles east and west, and contains forty-five hundred quarter sections of land, all suitable for farming purposes.

The western portion of the county is what is called first and second bottom lands, being the location of the valleys of the Arkansas and Walnut rivers. Some picturesque mounds and bluffs appear in places along the streams, but very little of the land is unsuitable for plowing. The central portion is more rolling, being a succession of gradual slopes, forming the fertile valleys of numerous small streams of water, but is mostly first-class land for the production of corn and wheat. The eastern portion is still more rolling, having very rich valley lands and high ridges. The flint hills extend along the east line of the county, but are intersected by many rich valleys, while the slopes are fertile and produce fine crops. This part of the county is especially adapted to stock raising, and large herds of sheep and cattle are already found here. The bottom lands of the county are considered the most valuable and usually produce the heaviest crops, but the uplands have produced heavy crops of corn and wheat and most other agricultural products; in fact, sometimes even better than those of the rich bottom lands.

Cowley County is well watered. No county in the state has more clear running streams of pure cold water, many of them being fed by springs of the purest water gushing forth from the hillsides. The Arkansas river flows through the western and southwestern portion of the county, while the Walnut (its principal tributary), one of the best mill streams in Kansas, extends entirely across the county from north to south, about ten miles east of its west line, while Grouse, Timber, Silver, and Rock creeks are important streams, and these together with other small streams here have never been known to fail in the driest of seasons. The average depth at which water is obtained in wells is from twenty to twenty-five feet, and of the best quality.

The county is well timbered, many of the trees along the streams being from two to four feet in diameter. The principal varieties are the walnut, elm, oak, sycamore, pecan, hackberry, mulberry, and cottonwood.

Cowley County is noted for its fine building stone, the supply of magnesia lime stone being inexhaustible in all parts of the county, and of the best quality. It is found at various depths below the surface from ten to forty feet and in many places along the bluff and streams, it is exposed and handy for quarrying. It is found in layers of from three to twenty- four inches thick, and can be easily cut in any shape. When first taken from the quarry, it is soft and easily worked with a hammer, chisel, or saw, but by exposure to the sun or air, it hardens and becomes durable, appearing much like marble. It is considered the best building stone in the state and large contracts have been made with builders in Leavenworth, Topeka, and Kansas City. Many of the public buildings of the state are being built of this stone. The price for dimension stone is $3 per cord and flagging five cents a foot delivered on the cars.

The climate is by no means a dry one, more complaints being made of too wet weather than too dry since the county was settled eight years ago. There is not a state in the west, if in the union, where there has been in the same length of time so little failure on account of drouths. The rains are usually as frequent and as abundant as could be desired. There is no finer climate, all things considered, in the world. After the hottest days, the nights are always cool, and no dew falls before 10 o'clock in the evening. The health of the county is good, there being no malarial diseases, as the county is free from swampy or marshy land. It always has a breeze generally light, but sometimes strong, and should be healthy as it is. Many persons have come here with lung complaints who have very soon begun to improve and have since quite recovered.

Cowley County has school houses, churches, courthouse, and her bridges are mostly all built and paid for, and the taxation for these purposes will hereafter be light.

At the present time Cowley County has two railroads, while there are two other roads pointing toward this county, with the utmost certainty of passing through it. It is the intention of the Santa Fe to extend its line from Arkansas City to Fort Smith, Arkansas. This will open up the entire southern railroad system, give them a natural market, and make them practically as close to eastern markets as Illinois.

About three-fourths of the people are agriculturists. Wheat, corn, and stock are the staple productions. The following is taken from the present census returns.

All the figures which can be gleaned, speak of the vigorous and prosperous growth of the county, a large increase in the value of real and personal property, increased acreage of culti vated ground, and a general increase in all departments of husbandry in the county, the increase in sheep husbandry alone is worthy of consideration, and shows the successful opening of a new and lucrative business. There were in the county last year 12,555 sheep. This year there are 21,766, an increase of 9,211. The wool-clip will undoubtedly be large this year, though the figures cannot be given at this time. There were sown in the fall of 1879, 71,222 acres of winter wheat, an increase over the year before of 15,212 acres. There are planted this spring 66,193 acres of corn, 531 acres of barley, 7,655 acres of potatoes, 517 acres of sorghum, and 6,883 acres of millet and hungarian. The orchards of the county contain bearing trees, 279,641, not bearing trees, 279,731; a total of over half a million trees.

The farmers, particularly in the eastern part of the county, are turning their attention to stock raising, and there are already quite large herds. As soon as the herd law is abolished, the eastern part of the county will become a great grazing country. The whole county is peculiarly fitted for such purpose. Its heavy growth of nutritious grasses and many fine springs and streams of running water especially recommend it. Cattle, sheep, and horses could not do better than they do in Cowley County. The stock of hogs is very fine, and no diseases of any kind has ever been among them. Much attention has been given to raising improved breeds of stock. There are six excellent flouring and several corn and saw mills in the county.

The new census shows the population of the county to be 20,649, an increase of 2,892 in one year. Generally they are intelligent, enterprising, go-ahead, move in the best society, and educated in the best schools of other states. They read the newspapers, support the schools and churches heartily, and think for themselves. They are the kind of people God sends to a country he intends to bless. The man who hesitates about coming to Kansas on account of society is fooling himself. It is as good and as cultivated as he will find anywhere.

This county contains one hundred and seventeen school districts, nearly all of which has good substantial school houses; most of them are paid for. In a few years every dollar of her school bond indebtedness will be paid. The people tax themselves freely for the support of schools, and keep them open as long each year as they can afford to. There are a large number of thoroughly well educated and efficient teachers, and the schools are noted for their good work. The schools are as convenient to all and as efficient as in most of the eastern states.

There is a church organization in nearly every neighborhood in the county. Most of these hold their services in school houses. A few have built excellent church edifices and others are "talking the matter up." There are already some very fine, large church edifices in the county. Many leading denominations are represented. The leading are Christian, Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian. The ministers are up to the average anywhere. Some of them are of great talent and culture. The man who preaches to the keen, shrewd, thinking people of the west, or who teaches their children must have brains, education, and grit.

There is an abundance of water power in this county, although but a small portion has bee utilized. Along the Walnut river, Rock, Timber, Grouse, and Silver creeks, are very many water mill sites with plenty of water power. At Lazette, Arkansas City, and some other places these sites have been utilized to some extent.

In the light of the history of the past seven years, who dares to attempt to foretell the future of this great county? With a soil that is equal in fertility to the valley of the Nile and from whose full bosom can be taken all the varied products of the temperate zone, with many in addition of a semi-tropical character. With the face of the county diversified with hills, and valleys, intersected in almost every direction by almost numberless rivulets whose bright and sparkling surface kissed in their murmuring meanderings of the bright rays of Kansas sun shine, and whose banks are fringed with the many trees indigenous to our clime, with towering bluffs whose sides contain the best of building stone easy of access, and for what we know to the contrary, much mineral wealth yet awaiting development, with an intelligent, industrious, and Christian people to whom additions are daily being made by men and women of a like character, would it not almost be presumptuous to say what Cowley County would be in the year 1900?

Winfield, the county seat, is a young city of 3,141 inhabitants. It is situated on the undulating prairie on the left bank of the Walnut river, it is bounded on the north, south, and west by a beautiful belt of timber, and the east by a line of finely rounded mounds, and in the midst of natural scenery of surpassing loveliness. It commenced to be built in 1870; the early buildings being of timber frames and rather small, but each year has more spacious and substantial buildings, until now it has many large and beautiful structures of brick and magnesia limestone which compare well with those of older and larger cities of the east. Winfield is the center of business for the county and has the reputation of being the liveliest city of its size in the state. The streets are generally well filled with teams, and the merchants are doing a very large business. Nearly all kinds of business are represented with good stocks. The citizens are enterprising, and intelligent, society is excellent, and one needs only to visit the splendid costly churches and the school rooms, where from 600 to 700 pupils are taught efficiently by the most approved modern methods, to be satisfied as to the tone of morals of the place. Winfield is sixteen and one half miles from the north line of the county, the same from the south line, and eight and one-half miles from the west line.

The future of Winfield is assured. It has the advantage of a beautiful and romantic situation; large additional amount of water power waiting to be utilized; two great lines of railroad which are doing all in their power to improve and develop both city and county; a body of businessmen who, for integrity and enterprise, are the equal of those of any other city in the state.

Winfield at this time has upward of a dozen brick and stone buildings in process of erection, two ward school houses that are to cost twelve thousand dollars; one stone hotel, the Brettun House, C. C. Black, proprietor, that is to cost from fifteen to eighteen thousand dollars, will be heated with steam, lighted with gas, hot and cold water in every room, and the electric enunciator. In the item of plumbing that enter into private dwellings, it has a larger amount than many cities in the east that number twenty thousand inhabitants. The elegant and costly residences that have been erected are the best possible indication that the men who have made their money here expect to stay. It has upwards of eighteen miles of stone sidewalks, half of which were put down the past year. On Main street they are twelve feet wide; on the avenues from three to five. Water works can be built at a cost of twenty-five thousand dollars; and the city is now preparing to commence work on them. Winfield takes a just pride in its newspapers. It has what probably no other city of its size has: three nine- column weekly papers, all printed at home, and one daily paper.

Winfield has five church buildings and six organizations. The Methodist Church is of stone, and cost seven thousand five hundred dollars. The Presbyterian is brick, and cost nine thousand. The Baptists are erecting a handsome edifice that is to cost eight thousand, and will be completed this summer. The Christian Church has a frame building erected several years ago. The society has outgrown it, and will soon erect another house of worship. The Catholic Church has a fine, substantial frame building, and parsonage adjoining. The Episcopalians have a parish at this point, and a resident clergyman, and use the courthouse for a place of worship.

Winfield, behind the large cities of the State in nothing, has taken a step ahead of them by the establishment of a pleasure ground for her citizens, to be known as Riverside Park. The park grounds include forty acres, situated but a quarter of a mile from the depot of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, and is easy of access from all parts of the State, from the fact of two lines of railroads running into the town. A splendid flagstaff has been planted in the middle of the park, from which will float the national colors, while a fine fountain of unique design is also to be erected. The river here affords splendid opportunities for boating, and a steam pleasure boat is to be put upon the waters soon, in addition to which will be several small boats, which will be let out to parties for a reasonable consideration. Rustic seats will be placed all around and through the park, which, with the beautiful, shaded and winding walks, fine lawns, the pleasures of the river, the luxuriant velvet grass upon the finest camping ground in the State, will render it the most favored spot in all the West. The citizens of Winfield have taken hold of the matter in earnest, and what they undertake they never fail to put through. A fine flag pavement is now being put down between the city and the park, while the highway between the two constitutes as fine a drive as can be found in the State.

The ground comprising the park was purchased a short time ago by Captain Lowry, Captain S. C. Smith, Messrs. M. L. Robinson, J. L. Horning, A. Spotswood, and M. L. Read, who give it to the city free, for the purpose of holding public gatherings of all kinds, Sunday and public school picnics, camp-meetings, and other pleasure and business assemblage. These gentlemen have shown a public spirit that is commendable, and deserve, as they have received, the thanks of the people of the city, for whom they have done so much.

This park is, without doubt, the finest place in the State for the holding of camp- meetings, as there are high and dry places for the putting up of tents, and shaded by lordly monarchs of the forest, making it delightfully cool and pleasant in every way. Over three miles of winding drives are now being built, which will add materially to the beauties and pleasures of this place. The spot selected for this park is in every way a delightful and superior one, and it will prove a joy forever, to no not only the good people of the enterprising city of Winfield, but to the whole State as well.

Of all the vast State of Kansas, the garden spot is unquestionably Cowley County. Of all the beautiful country within its boundary lines, the choicest and fairest lies in the southwestern portion. Here we have the greenest fields, which produce the most beautiful crops. The metropolis of this section of Cowley County is Arkansas City, a town of 1,200 inhabitants, beautifully situated on a gentle swell of land, between the Walnut and Arkansas rivers, near their forks, and in one of the most prosperous and delightful towns in the State. It is in the very best portion of the Arkansas and Walnut valleys. It has a class of citizens of unusual intelligence and culture; and many fine, large brick business houses with heavy stocks of goods. The men of Arkansas City are thorough-going, wide-awake businessmen, and will show you a class of goods equal to that found in any Eastern city four times its size. The terminus of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad, it is the great distributing point for the supplies for the different Indian agencies and military posts throughout the territory south, and with the unsurpassed grazing grounds of the Territory in such close proximity, its facilities as a shipping point for cattle are unexcelled. Business thrift and enterprise are characteristic of this community. Its people are free from that lawless and rowdy element which is so common to border towns. There can be no better place for the farmer, mechanic, merchant, or speculator than Arkansas City and Southern Cowley. Here the farmer, with limited means, can purchase a farm that will yield him better returns than three times the amount of land in any Eastern State; the mechanic can find steady employment at remunerative figures, with the cost of living greatly reduced; the merchant will have a trade opened up before him that will double discount his Eastern business, while the shrewd speculator can reap a golden harvest.

The town has three good-sized and well-furnished church edifices, two of brick and one of frame; denominations, First and United Presbyterians and Methodist. The ministers are men of talent, well fitted to preach to the thinking men of the West. In educational matters this community ranks high. The finest school-houses in Southern Kansas are to be found at Arkansas City, with a daily attendance of between 175 and 200 pupils.

There are two newspapers published in Arkansas City, the Traveler, a first-class (Republican) local paper of ten years' standing, with a circulation of 700 copies per week, and the Arkansas Valley Democrat, a live sheet, but yet in its infancy, it not having been published quite a year. The Traveler is the pioneer newspaper of the Arkansas Valley.

They have three large and elegantly fitted hotels, with several good boarding houses and restaurants, affording facilities for the convenience of the traveling public.

All kinds of professional and mercantile business are well represented, having ten as fine stone and brick stores as can be found in the State, to say nothing of frame buildings ad lib., all occupied by men doing a thriving and constantly increasing trade.

The Cowley County Bank manages the financial interests of the city and vicinity. The municipal organization of the town is A No. 1, and its financial condition is unexceptionable, there being nearly $2,000 in the treasury, and improvements in the way of stone sidewalks, street grading, and water-works are in progress. The supply of water is plentiful and of the best quality, while, from a sanitary point of view, nothing more is to be desired.

To all persons who, from any cause whatever, are desirous of changing their location, we can recommend Cowley as the county, and Arkansas City as the place par excellence to come to.

There are other smaller towns in the county, all giving promise of being points of importance in the near future. STEVE.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

John Hohenscheidt is issuing an evening, daily edition of his paper the Journal, in Atchison.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Cannon's livery stable and residence in Howard burned down last Friday night, in which his son, a young man of twenty years, lost his life. Nineteen horses were burned to death and seventeen carriages were destroyed. Only the omnibus was saved from the stable, but the furniture was all saved from the house. Loss $5,000, Insured for $1,000.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. Fred C. Hunt has helped us amazingly this week in our rush of editorial work, by giving us a two column editorial on the statistics of Cowley County. Fred's pencil is always ready for a good thing.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

We had lots of extra work the past week on account of straightening the Monitor in with our work, and the local editor has been ill, so help has been needed. R. C. Story also put in his quota, which is frequent on his part.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Burden is making arrangements to celebrate the 4th in grand style. Among the attractions will be a fat man's race and the editor of the Enterprise will "walk off on his ear." We have been mentioning him in the COURIER each week to stimulate him to a rehearsal of his part in the celebration. He does it well. He will rehearse again in his next issue, for we will here remark that we don't think he will move his paper to Douglass or Salt City until after the 4th.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

If anyone supposes that we bought the Monitor office for the purpose of keeping out competition in the newspaper and printing business in this city, we wish to set them right in the start. We could not keep out competition if we desired. This business is like any other and anyone may start in the business that shall choose to do so; besides, we have yet as lively a competition in the Telegram as can be found anywhere. The Telegram office is an institution worth ten thousand dollars and the work necessary to have been done to give it the large subscription list, the large advertising and job printing patronage, and the wide popularity which it enjoys would cost some five thousand more. Its proprietor has plenty more money to put into it and is able to employ the best mechanical and editorial talent and skill. If we can compete with such an institution, we need not be uneasy about other competition. We bought the Monitor office as a pure business transaction, just as one merchant might buy the goods of another who wanted to close out, not that he expects to suppress competition, but because he can buy the goods at such prices as make it an object for him to buy them. We bought it because we thought it a good bargain for us, that the stock, material, etc., would supplement the COURIER office and make one of the largest and best offices in the state. We expect other papers may be started here. Knowing the itching that many have to run newspapers and that scores of newspapers do not pay more than running expenses, we deem it probable that one or more of they may drop in here, canvass the businessmen, show that they are brainy and experienced newspaper men and will make things rip, promise to circulate five thousand copies in the county of a larger and better paper than was ever published here, and secure lots of business advertising and other patronage.

Many of our businessmen advertise in everything that comes along, whether it is probable it will do them any good or not, and subscribe to everything that starts or promises to start. In this way a new paper would get a start. We do not think, however, that anyone with money enough and brains enough to succeed in building from the ground up a paper that will compete on equal terms with the older established papers here will repeat the experiment of the Monitor. That paper was "well heeled" from the start. It had wealthy and influential friends who responded when called on. It had strong political leaders at its back and secured a large share of public and private patronage. Its editor was sagacious and enterprising, pushing its circulation widely over the county, and he was one of the ablest and hardest working editors in the state. The amount of effective work he did on both the local and editorial columns of his paper was phenomenal. Yet after three years of hard work, he found he could not make it pay and so he sold out.

We do not boast that the COURIER has been a paying institution. The money its proprietors have spent upon it has been largely derived from other sources and would have earned more profits had it been loaned out at ten percent. It now has the Monitor subscrip tions added to its own, making its subscription list well up towards three thousand, much the largest list of the County papers of the State, and is worth as an advertising medium about as much as the two papers have been. We shall now keep our advertisements down in space, running only those which pay, and fill up our columns more with reading matter. It will cost us more for editorial and other work than it did before, but far less than the two papers together did and therefore we shall make a saving to ourselves and a saving to our advertisers, while we shall make the paper more valuable to our readers.

The Monitor office was a comparatively new office. Its material in type, presses, machinery, furniture, etc., was nearly new and in good condition, having cost over $1,600 besides freight, most of which is wanted in our office, and the rest is salable. It had on hand paper and other printers stock which cost $300, exclusive of freight, nearly all of which is as good as cash to us. There was over $2,000 due it on its subscription list. It would have cost us at least $300 to publish the county business in the Monitor as we had agreed for this year. This sum we save to the COURIER by combining the lists. We get other work on which the profits are considerable in the aggregate which would have been given to the Monitor had it continued, but has been promised us as an inducement to buy.

For all this we paid $2,258.00 cash and it will cost us not over $100.00 to supply the Monitor subscribers who have paid in advance. While it was undoubtedly a good trade for the proprietor of the Monitor, we think it was a good trade for us even though a ten thousand dollar republican newspaper should start in competition with us tomorrow.

We wish to say here once and for all that there is no ring or net of men, no community officer or businessman, who owns one cent in the COURIER otherwise than through legitimate newspaper patronage. With the exceptions of a small amount of stock in the Winfield Bank, not one of the proprietors of the COURIER owns any interest in any other business than that of the COURIER office. But the COURIER is interested in the success of every legitimate business calling, competition, and industry in the county, and will do what it can for the success of all. It needs and desires the good will and support of all and will merit such by its support of all these and its fairness towards all. All we ask for the COURIER is the support and patronage it fairly merits. With this it will pay us well for our work and a fair interest on our investment.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The returns of the Township Trustees are now all in, and, from a compilation of the same, we are able to arrive at the general condition of our county: its present resources, and its increase or decrease in wealth and population over last year.

At this time last year our county had stored in her cribs half a million bushels of old corn; this year she has not two hundred thousand bushels. It has taken this decrease in corn, and ten thousand hogs, besides other wealth, to tide this county over a bad year; and this, too, without a material shock to business.

PROPERTY VALUATION. Total increase over last year of $150,173.50 which, considering the bad year through which the county has passed, is a most excellent showing. This increase comes altogether from the real estate, and railroad property, and covers a large decrease in the personal property. The real estate increase is $192,456, which is made up of 860 new entries and the additional improvements placed on the land during the yearthe rate of assessment not being changed this year. The increase of Railroad property is $37,002.55. The increase does not come from a raised assessmentfor the assessment per mile is lower this yearbut from nine additional miles of road running through Vernon township, which was not assessed last year, and additional improvements.

[Skipped breakdown on property/railroad valuations.]

The railroad and real estate increase amounts to $229,858.55, and this is cut down by a decrease in our personal property of $79,286.65, leaving the total increase as shown before. The decrease partly shows what the poor crops of last year cost the county, and the effect would have been more adversely felt had it not been for the increased amount of live stock raised last year. The raising of crops alone is not wise farming. Estimating the assessed valuation at one third of the actual value, it would show our county to be worth over nine million dollars.

CROP ACREAGE. This year shows a healthy increase of 24,059 acres. Summary is made up of the acreage of wheat, rye, corn, oats, potatoes, flax, millet and hungarian, and sorghum, the total number of acres being 177,791.

WHEAT. Last year the wheat acreage was 46% . This year, wheat is 35%. The wheat acreage this year is 62,710, a decrease from last year of 8,512.

CORN. Last year the corn acreage was 40%. This year, corn is 56%. The corn acreage this year is 98,303, an increase of 32,110 acres.


POTATOES: 1,501, an increase of 124.

FLAX: 1,359, an increase of 961.

MILLET AND HUNGARIAN: 8,582, an increase of 1,699.

SORGHUM: 957, an increase of 440 acres.

[There is no vital reason why this county should not raise twenty-five thousand acres of sorghum and manufacturer the same into sugar and molasses, adding greatly to our wealth and industry.]

The amount of taxable land this year has increased 75,745 acres, the total number of acres being 517,844. Of these 178,611 are under cultivation, an increase over the cultivation of last year of 26,962 acres.

The county, outside of Winfield, has erected 276 farm dwellings valued at $54,025, a slight increase over last year.

GARDEN PRODUCE VALUATION: $15,887, an increase of $2,888.

POULTRY AND EGGS VALUATION: $18,605, an increase of $8,573.

[Cowley has been the banner county in the production and shipment of poultry and eggs. The dairy products have also increased the number of pounds of butter made, being 425,629, an increase of over one hundred thousand pounds.]

LIVE STOCK. Aggregate increase of 33,319 animals. The number of hogs is 29,738, a decrease of over 10,000. This decrease and the decrease of over three hundred thousand bushels of old corn shows where the bulk of the loss in personal property has fallen. The number of horses is 7,569, a slight increase. Number of cows 6,256, and other cattle 11,197, an aggregate increase of the two of 1,124.

SHEEP. The returns show 53,222, an increase of 31,453. Our wool clip was 93,146 pounds, an increase of 62,488 pounds.

In 1878 Cowley County had 7,000 sheep. In 1879 there were 12,500, and in 1880 there were 21,700. The increase this year is 150%. Our wool increase is over 200%.

DOGS. The dog industry, we guess, is booming, though we have no way of making a comparison with last year. Cowley has 2,882 dogs, of probably three thousand different species (one dog sometimes represents two species).



BEARING TREES: Increase of nearly 44,000.

NOT BEARING TREES: Decrease of over 20,000.

[The fruit prospects are good. The cherry trees are now loaded with fruit, and we can confidently expect a large yield of peaches.]

FENCES. Our fence statistics will have to be compared with those of 1878, as there were none taken in 1879 or 1880.



[This shows a total increase of 124,028 rods; a decrease of the poorer rail fence and a large increase of stone, board, and hedge, though the largest increase is that of wire. This is a good showing and speaks well for the thrift of our people and especially so in the face of a herd law.]


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

In the southeastern part of Cowley County, in Cedar and Otto townships, are found many veins of coal. Several farmers mine their own fuel, while many others have dug through veins of coal in digging for wells. Coal has been found on the farms of Johnson, Acker, Childers, Harpole, Fisher, and Bartgis; and it crops out at many points in the hills and gulches back of the valleys. The coal burns well, and the quality improves as the mines deepen.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

In the article from the Leavenworth Times, will be found a description of Riverside Park. We hope to see this park developed and become as it may, one of the leading parks of the state.

This park is situated at the north end of Main street of the city of Winfield, only a few rods north of the K. C. T. & W. railroad depot, and scarcely over a hundred rods from the center of business of the city. It is an island of almost twenty acres in an almost exact circular form, surrounded by a bayou or older bed of Timber Creek forming a beautiful stream at high water. This stream is skirted with a gay fringe of luxuriant young trees. The island is reasonably high land, beautifully rounded over, and is well covered with a fine grove of forest trees mostly of moderate size, but many of them quite large. The grounds are dry, well shaded, and airy, and the grove is the most charming spot for fairs, picnics, and camp meetings to be found in the state of Kansas. The famous Bismarck grove is no comparison to it in any particular.

Men have been at work for the last three weeks in cleaning the underbrush, trimming up the saplings, training the vines, working the avenues and foot paths, and otherwise improving the grounds. It is proposed to make an eight foot stone flag sidewalk along each side of Main street to the grove, each passing over a rustic arch bridge into the grounds. On each side of each walk is to be planted a row of fine shade trees. The wagon road is to be ornamented by a fine bridge over the stream. A dam is to be built across Timber creek at the intersection of the bayou turning the whole stream into the circle around the grounds. Flowers will be cultivated, fine sylvan and ornamental buildings and stands will be erected, and everything will be done that will enhance its attractions. In a few years this park is expected to be known far and wide to the lovers of the beautiful of this and other states.

Winfield is destined to become famous as the City of the parks.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

On last Wednesday evening, Sheriff Verner returned from Cowley County with J. W. Bean, formerly a resident of Otter creek, this county. It will be remembered by many that some time in August, 1877, this man Bean, stole a herd of cattle from the south part of Greenwood County and drove them to Emporia, and sold them to Mr. James Kirkendall. He then returned home; but finding that he was suspected as being the thief, skipped out for parts then unknown.

It is now learned that after he left this county, he moved to Pratt County; but finding he could not make a living there, Bean removed to Cowley County, where he was arrested last Monday. It has been so long ago since this crime has been committed that both the offense and the name of the perpetrator had almost been blotted from the memory of every man in Greenwood County. But when Mr. Verner came into the Sheriff's office, he began to search for the whereabouts of the fugitive; and at last, after a search of eighteen months, captured Mr. Bean, while making a tour through Missouri, first learning of his whereabouts in Pratt County, and from there he tracked him to Cowley County.

Bean, of course, denies stealing the cattle. When he left Greenwood County, he was worth considerable property; but Mr. Verner informs us that he is very poorhardly worth anything. Mr. Verner is to be congratulated upon the successful capture of the thief.

Greenville Republican.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Miss Allie Decker is visiting friends in Grenola.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. T. G. Ticer is visiting at Burlington, Iowa.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The local has been on the sick list this week.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. J. C. Stratton, of Omnia, dropped in Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

W. C. Bryant, of New Salem, came to see us last Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Dr. Hawkins sold his buggy team last Monday to R. Wallis.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

August Kadau leaves for Colorado soon to be absent during the summer.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Miss Ella Hinsler, of Burden, has been visiting Winfield friends.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Though Cowley County has no whiskey this year, she is wonderfully corned.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

R. W. Stephens, of Richland, has a fine lot of blue grass growing on his farm.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

J. M. Reynolds, one of the substantial men of Dexter township, called on us Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. C. A. Walker has purchased the stock of goods of McDorman & Walker, of Dexter.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Hon. T. R. Bryan left for Illinois on business Wednesday. He will be absent ten days.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Will Smith, of Ekel's lumber yard, left for the east last Wednesday. He will be absent several weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

E. H. and Miss May Roland are enjoying a visit from their cousin, Mr. Geo. Shackelford, of Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

A. J. Pickering, of Cambridge, got loose from the mails long enough to spend last Tuesday in the city.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. Jesse Hines, postmaster at Dexter, made us a pleasant call last week. He reports Grouse Valley booming.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

M. S. Teter of Beaver called the other day and claimed that his township is the "boss" township for crops this year.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Last Thursday Saml. E. Davis returned from Columbia, Mo., where he has been attending school for the last six months.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Gooseberries are very plentiful at 5 cents per quart. There have been hundreds of bushels of them raised in Cowley this year.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Rev. Gorlan, of Liberty township, had a runaway as he was crossing Badger Creek Saturday evening. No one injured.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The dam of the Dunkard mill has been repaired and the mill is again running. They do excellent grinding and have a large custom.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

A large amount of delicious cherries are on the market now at from 8 to 12 cents per quart. Cowley is bound to be the best fruit county in the state.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Neal Fuller, of Beaver township, was in town Tuesday and thinks the wheat crop will have to hurry up to keep out of the way of the chinch bugs.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mrs. J. G. Shrieves of Chanute, is back in Winfield for a few weeks' visit. She arrived Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. Robert C. Bullington, of Kentucky, is visiting his son, L. B. Bullington, county commissioner, for a few weeks.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Dr. G. M. Hawkins of Dexter paid our city a visit this week. The doctor is one of the most successful physicians in southern Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Arthur Bangs is doing the agreeable to the guests of the Williams House in capacity of clerk, as well as running the bus line. He is the most gentlemanly hotel clerk we know of.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The Kansas State University authorities will hold an examination for admission, in Winfield, June 16th. This will let applicants for admission know their standing before going to Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

We wish to call attention to the new "ad" in this issue of the Dexter Flouring Mills of Bullington & Elliott, and assure our friends that this institution is strictly reliable and worthy of a generous patronage.

AD: GROUSE CREEK WATER MILLS, BULLINGTON & ELLIOTT, PROP'RS., DEXTER, KANSAS. This mill makes custom work a specialty and is prepared to attend to customers from a distance on call. It grinds for toll or exchangesflour for wheat to suit the

customer. Retail rates for flour and mill products as low or lower than can be had elsewhere in the county. Liberal discount on job lots. Highest market price paid for wheat.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

New Salem is pushing ahead with much vigor, despite the uncertainty of the railroad depot. This point is an excellent section of country, and the powers that be, should quit their foolishness about the location of the depot.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Dr. G. M. Hawkins says that the corn in the Grouse Valley is fifty percent better than ever before. Wheat is also excellent. Many fields looked so thin in early spring that they were plowed up, but what remain have become excellent crops.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Mr. Leonard Harned, of Omnia, purchased last fall 200 head of sheep for which he paid $1,590. He now has 306 lambs from the flock for which he is offered $1,000 at weaning time, and has yet to realize from the wool. This is what we call doing well.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Messrs. Beaton & Conner are doing an immense lot of building this spring. They now have on hand and are pushing forward the McDougal building, the Brown building, the Wallis building, and the Gridley building. They are splendid mechanics.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Hon. W. P. Hackney left his family in a nice new house at Manitou Springs, Colorado, in the Canyon leading up the Pike's Peak trail between the soda spring and iron spring, where he expects they will spend the summer. It is one of the most delightful places on the continent for a summer residence. He intends to return there next Tuesday, spending a week, then he will go to old Mexico, buy several of the best silver mines, and make his pile during the summer, when he will buy out W. H. Vanderbilt and Jay Gould, and set up in business as a billionaire. "Aim high and though you may not reach the mark, you will shoot higher than you will if you aim low." He needs relaxation and such a trip will tone him up after his long and severe hard work.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

William Null of Rock township last week mortgaged his property, and raised all the money he could on it, sold off what he could, and then left for Arizona, leaving his wife of sixty years old on a sick bed without attendance or provisions. It is said to be a case of brutal abandonment probably caused by whiskey. Capt. C. S. Story found her in such distress as to make her insane and took care of her, bringing her down here Monday to place her in the care of the proper authorities. Capt. Story's heart is in the right place.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Died. A little 14 year old daughter of Alexander Thompson died last week from the effects of snake bite. She was herding cattle and slid off her horse to the ground, lighting on top of a huge rattle-snake. Before she could get away from the snake, she was bitten nine times on the foot and ankle. She went home immediately and in less than half an hour liquor was secured and she was kept under its influence. The remedies seemed to do no good and the little girl died next day.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

We are informed by the immediate neighbors of the family in the southeast part of the county where a case of infanticide was suspected by a correspondent of this paper in the number of April 7th that there is not the slightest grounds for such a suspicion, that the mother arrived from Emporia the day before the birth of the child, which was premature, and that the family where it occurred, are of the highest respectability and moral worth.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Messrs. Bullington & Elliott have their mill in operation on Grouse Creek and the people are loud in their praises of the flour manufactured by them. The mill is an excellent one and the proprietors have spared no pains or money in putting in first-class machinery. They find it impossible to get wheat enough to keep the mill running both day and night.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

A. T. Spotswood shipped by express last Monday, June 6th, to the Board of Trade of Chicago and St. Louis, each, a bundle of wheat harvested that day by John F. Miller from a field of 72 acres of his which will yield 25 bushels to the acre. John F. Miller is ahead and leads the wheat boom for Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

A meeting of the Walnut township Stock Protection Union will be held June 18th at Black Crook school house at 7 o'clock p.m. All members are requested to attend as there will be important business to attend to. G. W. PRATER, Captain.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Ben Cox broke his leg between the ankle and knee Wednesday, while wrestling with A. D. Speed. He was immediately taken in charge by Dr. Davis and the bones reset. The injuries are very painful, but we hope will not prove serious.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Died. Mrs. Freeman, wife of Councilman Freeman, died last week of cancer. Mrs. Freeman was a most estimable lady and leaves many friends. The husband and son have the sympathy of the entire community.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The street commissioner has done considerable work on eighth avenue, and as it is the only street that leads directly to the roads east, it promises to grow in importance with its increase of travel.

Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Rol. Conklin is spending sometime now in Sumner and Kingman counties, and he reports crops in a magnificent shape and the people generally in a more hopeful condition than for years past.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Last Wednesday evening Mr. Adin Post, of Pleasant Valley township, had his team stolen. Thursday morning the captain of the Stock Protective Association of that township was notified of the fact and in a short time sixteen well mounted men were on the trail. The party was divided up, taking different roads. On Friday the party which took the Wichita road captured the thief near El Paso. He had an extra horse, which was afterward found to have been stolen from W. S. Marshall Marks, of the Territory. The thief gave his name as James Jackson. Messrs. J. L. Hon, Burt Eastman, Jerry Smith, and Mirian Croak were the parties who captured him. This is the second time the Pleasant Valley Stock Protective Union has caught their man. Horse thieves will give that neighborhood a wide berth.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The following are the arrangements for the celebration of the 4th of July in Winfield.

1. We appoint the ministers of Winfield to secure speakers.

2. We invite the Mayor and city council of Winfield, the militia of the city, and the soldiers of the late war to join with us to make a big day for Winfield and the county.

3. We appoint Jo. O. Johnson, T. B. Myers, and A. P. Johnson to secure the services of the city band.

4. We appoint J. L. Horning, G. T. Manser, H. S. Silvers, E. P. Hickok, D. L. Kretsinger, N. T. Snyder, and Albert Doane to obtain funds to defray the expenses of the celebration and have control of the fire works.

5. W. O. Johnson and the vice president of the Sunday school association of Winfield will act as marshals for the city Sunday schools.

6. We appoint Mrs. J. E. Platter, Mrs. Holloway, and Mrs. Trimble as a committee to select 38 ladies to ride in the procession and to represent the different states of the Union, and to select the same number of young men as their assistants, the whole number to ride in double file, two ladies in front, and then two gentlemen, and so on in this order.

7. We appoint Mrs. Caton and Miss Melville to select and drill a company of boys to march in uniform with appropriate banners as the Cold water army.

8. We appoint Mrs. E. P. Hickok to select five little girls from each Sunday school in the city, to march in procession as a representation of Kansas Past and Present.

9. We appoint G. H. Buckman as chairman to select and drill singers for the occasion.

10. We appoint Mr. Blair chorister to drill the Sunday school children and to select such assistants as he may desire.

11. We appoint Samuel Davis to read the declaration of Independence.

12. We appoint A. H. Green marshal of the day with power to select his own assistants.

13. We request the Vice Presidents of Sunday school districts, and of each township, and the several Superintendents of the schools to get out their entire forces and all others who will take part with them.

14. We request the District Vice President to march at the head of the district organiza- tion and the Vice President of each township at the head of his township organization.

15. We request all the delegations to be in the city by 10 a.m. sharp, and the Vice Presi- dents to report their arrival to County Superintendent S. S. Holloway, and form into line under his direction.

16. The order and line of march will in due time be reported.

S. S. HOLLOWAY, Chairman Committee
A. C. JOHNSON, Secretary


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

JUNE 3, 1881.
Mr. Stone has a piece of wheat that will be ripe enough to cut next week.

Capt. Stephens has the frame work of his house almost completed.

A large number of the citizens of this vicinity met for the purpose of improving and enlarging the cemetery.

Mr. Read has purchased from Mr. Crapster the property across the street from his store; he has also purchased the forty acres on the hill north of Floral, formerly owned by Mr. Cole.

Mr. Irwin, the road overseer, is making quite an improvement on the roads this spring.

A number of the dogs that were bitten a short time ago have gone mad. This ought to be a warning to the people to keep a close watch over their dogs.

A little son of Capt. Stephens fell down a flight of stairs and dislocated his shoulder joint. The boy is doing well under the treatment of Dr. Crane.

Miss Lillie Bowen, of Winfield, was taken very sick while visiting friends at this place. When last heard of, she was recovering.

Mr. West, of Winfield, is improving his farm with a new house.

Mr. Daniel Read took the train at New Salem last Tuesday for the east. He will return in a few days. Mr. Sandford is assisting in the store during his absence.

Messrs. Yarbrough and Dickens have been putting their sheep through the dipping process again.

Dr. Knickerbocker and wife made a short visit to their Seely friends.

Mrs. Jewel of Winfield is visiting her brother, Mr. Stone.

A large number of friends and acquaintances gathered at the residence of Capt. Stephens, where the evening was spent with music and plenty to eat.

Mr. Mahar, of Missouri, is spending a few days visiting his brother.

Married at the residence of R. N. Stephens by Rev. Thomson, Mr. Manuel Cor to Miss Dora Crane, both of Queen Village. MRS. RUSTIC.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

FAIRVIEW TP., June 7, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: Just 7 miles north of Winfield and 1-1/2 miles southeast of Little Dutch is a mound in the valley of Spring Branch, on Mr. A. Newbury's place, and in the gold excitement of 1879, Mr. Newberry found good prospects for gold at this place. So he started a mine 4 by 6 feet and dug it 16 feet deep and finding no gold he gave it up. I had an occasion to pass over this place, and two other gentlemen with a herd of ponies and we stopped at dinner time. So one of us had the curiosity to go down, which he found a good prospect for gold, so he called for a pick and shovel which was let down to him, he went to work and dug a foot deep when he said he smelt coal oil; the rest of us also went down and sure enough we could see it seeping in several places. So we dug a foot further and struck a very large vein of pure coal oil, and tested the oil and it is good, and we think there is an oil well of an inexhaustible supply. It has been visited by several men that pronounce it no humbug. So this place that could have been bought for $500 could not now be bought for $5,000. Other men think they have got the same thing, and if the people don't believe this, they can come out and see it free of charge, it is spreading like wild fire and great excitement prevails. With these few lines I will close at present and any person wishing further particulars address A. Newbury, Winfield, KAS. TRUE NAME.



Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

Farmers are all busy plowing corn, though some are through and ready to take a short rest before harvest, which will begin the first of next week.

Most all of the sheep men are through shearing their sheep.

William Huston will soon start to Missouri to buy cattle.

W. B. Wimer has the finest piece of wheat in the township.

Mrs. M. T. Cover is doing a lively merchandise business, and is working up a good trade with Pap Toon behind the counter.

William Palmer is running a boss blacksmith shop at the Dunkark mills. [? Dunkard ?]

It is reported that Norman Darling is lost. When last seen he was riding horseback fashion on Mr. Savage's boots.

Mr. S. E. Hanlin and Miss Alice Green were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on the 20th day of May. MURFEESBOROUGH.


Winfield Courier, June 9, 1881.

The 20th of June is close by when the additional five percent will be added to all taxes for 1880 not paid by that time. Those that have paid the December half are reminded that the last half will take the additional five percent, if not paid by June 20th.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum