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[Starting Thursday, June 24, 1880.]

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Judge Campbell called at this office last Monday and stated that the inference that he had an interview with the prosecuting witness in the Payson case before sustaining the informa- tion is unjust. He says he never met or spoke to that lady; except when on the bench in open court, and one time when passing out of court he met her at the door, touched his hat in sign of recognition, and passed on without speaking. We accept this statement as the fact in the case, not only in justice to him, but to the witness.

The Judge announces to us that he is no longer a candidate for re-election to the office of Judge of this judicial court.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

During the last few weeks a very warm contest has been waged in this county for the nomination of a Republican candidate for Senator of the 25th district, which resulted last Saturday in the nomination of W. P. Hackney by the Republican convention.

Mr. Hackney was in the field four months ago, and for the first two months seemed to be without a competitor. It is true that many Republicans objected to him then, because his record as a Republican was not good. He had at times uttered sentiments not considered consistent with Republicanism, and had assisted to defeat one or more Republican nominees, notably, Col. Manning. We observed, however, that most of the men who stood by Manning and did the work for him were now enlisted under the banner of Mr. Hackney, while the balance were indifferent; and it seemed that the stalwart work which Mr. Hackney did for the whole ticket last year, and the stalwart position he has maintained for the last year or two, together with his acknowledged talents as a legislator, had won most of his old time opposers into active supporters. It then seemed that the party had practically united on Mr. Hackney, and we yielded our personal objections and concluded to fall in and favor his nomination, and so indicated in our columns.

Since then new objections have been raised against him, which, under the circumstances, have little weight with us. One is that he is opposed to the amendment. Coupled with his frank admission that such is the fact, is his pledge that if elected he will faithfully do what he can to carry the amendment, if adopted, into effect by suitable legislation. Our experience with him is that he always redeems his pledges, and we think that he is capable of doing as much as anyone in that direction. So that was no objection with us.

His opposers brought out, as a candidate against him, a man of high character and talents whom the people of this county have delighted to honor. No mud was thrown at him, and his reputation was a heavy weight in the scale as against Hackney; yet this, and the various objections above alluded to were not sufficient to carry the convention. It has pronounced for Mr. Hackney by a considerable majority, and it now seems to us that Republicans should yield all their objections so earnestly presented to the voice of the convention, fall into line, and support the nominee. In the heat of the canvass, many things have been said that should be forgotten, many charges and objections have been raised which should now be allowed to rest, and the whole party should turn their batteries against the common enemy. Let Mr. Hackney's acknowledged ability, courage, open frankness, late stalwart work for the whole party and the party nomination he has received, commend the earnest support of all Republicans in this district. We all know where to find him, know he will make his mark, know that he will do the most efficient work for his constituents. He has done much valuable work for our county, and will do more if we permit him.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Water is getting scarce on the upland.

There was a meeting at Summit school house on the night of the 12th instant, for the purpose of organizing a company of militia. Mr. W. C. McCormick being called to the chair, called the meeting to order and delivered a short address on the duties of citizens. Among those he named was the one most prominent, that of the protection the government owed itself. As in the past so in the future, we must depend upon the citizen soldier. He exhorted all to join, and his call was responded to by the acquisition of several names, and several dollars toward a fund to purchase musical instruments.

Mr. Winner, Frank Blue, and C. W. Doty have sheared their respective flocks of sheep. They report a good wool crop.

Delegates selected to the county convention were H. J. Sanfort, J. W. Miller, J. R. Cottingham, and N. J. Larkin. The alternates were S. M. Phoenix, D. Maher, I. N. Lemmon, and D. C. Stevens.

In one of my communications I was in error in saying that N. J. Larkin would not accept the renomination for Justice of the Peace. I was misinformed.

There is another candidate in the field for the nomination of Justice of the Peace. His name is J. W. Weimer. He is a very able young man, being a graduate of one of the law schools of the east, and a man of more than average talents. He would, if elected, make an excellent Justice of the Peace. M. C. SELTER.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

As we begin penciling these items we hear the clatter of a reaper over the hill, but the wonder arises, what are they cutting; for wheat in this section is almost a total failure. Many pieces will not be cut at all. What the dry weather left was taken by the indomitable chinch bug.

The chinch bugs are leaving the wheat fields, and entering the corn. Several acres have already been destroyed by them and the probabilities are that all the corn will be destroyed if a good rain does not soon come. Corn is growing very rapidly, weeds ditto.

FOUND: A girl at R. W. Pester's, and a boy at Henry Jackson's. The girl believes strongly in woman suffrage, but cannot vote; and the boy isn't old enough to vote.

A convention was held at this place on last Wednesday for the purpose of electing delegates to the Congressional and county convention. The delegates were instructed to vote for Hackney, Ryan, and Lemmon. Messrs. Ryan and Lemmon did not have a single opposing vote. A chinch bug convention was held just before the republican convention, and a temperance meeting immediately afterward.

The Omnia Township Association was organized last Wednesday, with the following officers.

President, Eld. R. S. Thompson; Vice President, Jno. L. Parsons; Secretary, Geo. F. Thompson; Treasurer, A. L. Crow.

Eld. R. S. Thompson and wife returned from Missouri about one week ago.

June 17th, 1880.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

See Goldsmith's new ad in this paper.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Chas. Black is busy perfecting the plans for the new hotel.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Will Wilson accompanied the delegation to Newton Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Dr. Fleming left for Topeka Tuesday to attend the druggist convention.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

John Randall is back from Colorado. He thinks that is no place for "prints."

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Miss Nellie Cole returned from Topeka, where she has been attending school, last week.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Louie Brown returned from a trip to his old home near Lawrence Saturday.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The repairs on the courthouse are about finished. It looks inside like a new building.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Millington left Tuesday afternoon to attend the congressional convention at Newton.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Judge Gans has received an invitation Monday to "fly the eagle" for the Grenola people on the 4th.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Ed Weitzel is letting the contract for his new building on south Main street. The plans are first-class.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Miss Emma Burden has been spending the past week in Winfield visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Gary.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

C. C. Harris left for his old home in Georgia last week. He will take in the Cincinnati convention on the way.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Cole's circus has erected very extensive bill boards on the lots made vacant by the fire. They advertise heavily.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The contractor for the new school house is already at work, and is excavating for the one in the East ward.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The new town of Hunnewell is all the talk now-a-days. Sixty car loads of cattle were loaded there on Monday.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Tom C. Copeland, of Elk Falls, came over last week, and spent several days among his many friends at this place.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Sloan, of St. Louis, are spending a few days in the city visiting their niece, Mrs. J. C. Fuller.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Over sixty car loads of cattle passed through here on the way to Kansas City Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

LOST: Two yards of drab silk on the streets of Winfield. The finder will confer a favor by returning the same to this office.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

H. Beck, the photographer, has an addition to his family. They are little girls, twins.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Will Briant, a son of Mrs. Lowry, and an old time resident of Winfield, returned last week. He will only remain a short time.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Henry E. Asp, made a fine speech in his nomination of Mr. Hackney before the county convention last Saturday. Henry is a good orator.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Winfield is to be represented in the new town of Hunnewell. Ed. Roland and Bob O'Neal will open a hardware and drug store there next week.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Misses Emma and Ella Wertgate, sisters of Mrs. J. G. Shrieves, are visiting here this week.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

E. C. Seward was out training his horse Monday evening. He will likely try for the 6:30 prize at the next fair, and is determined not to be distanced.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Mott C. Rogers leaves Monday for Newton, where he will go into business. During his stay he has made many friends who regret to see him leave.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Tuesday evening Mr. J. P. Baden and Ed. Goodrich were arrested for the crime of mahem. They have their preliminary trial this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

S. M. Martin, brother of Mrs. M. L. Robinson, and wife are visiting here. They will accompany M. L. and lady on their mountain tour. The party starts today (Wednesday).

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Several car loads of fat sheep were loaded at the A. T., & S. F. depot Saturday, for shipment to Colorado. They averaged 140 pounds each, and were the finest lot of sheep ever sent out of Cowley.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

A fourth of July celebration is to be held at Dexter on the 3rd in McDorman's grove. The people in that vicinity are taking a lively interest in the matter, and it bids fair to equal Winfield's celebrations.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

A bicyclist was on the streets Tuesday with one of his machines. He is making an effort to introduce them here. The exhorbitant price charged is the only thing that deterred several of the boys from purchasing.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

A young son of Capt. Stubblefield came near being drowned in Silver Creek last Sunday. He was swimming with a companion named Burt, and was taken with cramp. It was with difficulty that his companion succeeded in getting him out.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

One of the pleasantest socials of the season was held at the residence of Mr. Bliss Tuesday evening. The grounds were illuminated with Chinese lanterns and the tables set under the trees in the open air. A large number of citizens attended, which helped to make it a success financially as well as socially. The proceeds go into the Baptist building fund.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Mr. Frank Manny has fixed up near his brewery one of the finest parks in southwestern Kansas. He has laid it off into walks and drives, with beautiful beds of flowers, rustic arbors, swings, and other attractive features. His intention is to make it a place of resort where all classes can repair with their families and enjoy a pleasant afternoon, and so far he seems to be succeeding admirably. Mr. Manny allows no disreputable characters to enter the grounds, and upon our visit there we saw nothing that could be objected to by the most fastidious. The use of the grounds is offered free to the schools or Sunday schools for picnic purposes, the only proviso being that the children be accompanied by their teachers, who are expected to keep the flowers, arbors, etc., from being injured.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Samuel M. Martin and wife, from Jacksonville, Illinois, have been visiting Mrs. M. L. Robinson, in this city. They come from a very fine city and now in making a comparison, he says that Jacksonville has not much to boast of over Winfield. He has property interests in this county, which he has been looking after. Yesterday he joined a party composed of his wife, M. L. Robinson and wife, M. L. Read and wife, S. H. Myton and family, Dr. Black and Dr. Wright for an extended trip through Mexico and Colorado. It will be a splendid trip full of recreation and fun. Wish we could go with them.


Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Andy Paulsen, Jack Pearson, Phil Pearson, and Harry Clark got into a fight about five miles from Eldorado last week. A knife was brought into use, and Paulsen was cut in the arm, side, and thigh, the latter cut severing an artery, from which he bled to death in a few minutes. Clark claims to have endeavored to stop the fight, and that it was the Pearson boys who did the cutting. Clark and Phil. Pearson are under arrest. Jack Pearson has not yet been caught. Paulsen was about twenty-four years old and unmarried.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

L. F. Moon, of El Paso, exhibited in our office last Monday some of the finest, largest ripe peaches we have seen this year. They were of a new seedling variety that originated on his father's farm near El Paso, in Sedgwick County. They would weigh about five ounces each, were of a fine crimson color. Two years ago, a favorable season, these peaches reached the weight of seven ounces. They ripen from June 10th to 20th and are superior to other early peaches.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Considerable excitement was occasioned on the street Tuesday afternoon by an altercation between Mr. J. F. Miller and Mr. Ed. Goodrich, in which Goodrich jumped on Miller and bruised him up considerably. We do not know what the provocation in the case was, but it could not possibly have been great enough to give Goodrich, who is a stout young man, any excuse for striking an old gentleman like Mr. Miller.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The fire works committee are bound to make the exhibition on the evening of the 5th the best that has ever been in Winfield. They have purchased a magnificent lot of works, at a cost of one hundred and fifty dollars, and are making arrangements to send them off in first class shape. The committee are old hands at the business and will make a success of it.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

We received a very pleasant call from Mr. Osborne, of New York, last week. Mr. Osborne owns four hundred acres of land in Rock township, and is here for his health and to look after his property interests. It is to be hoped that he will be so well pleased with the country that he will conclude to remain among us.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Poor John Allen has been in a fever of excitement since his articles on the Campbell matter appeared, for fear someone would say something about him. Have no fears, John. You are too insignificant and your character is too well known to need ventilating. The fact of your championing a cause is all that is needed to condemn it.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The Library Association will give an Ice Cream festival at Manning's Hall on Thursday evening next. In connection with the above, several specimens of art will be on exhibition. A good time is anticipated, and all are cordially invited to attend. The proceeds are for the benefit of the Reading Room.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

Fred Hunt presented us with a photograph of the Abstract of Assessment rolls of Cowley County. The original was written in Fred's faultless style, and then photographed by Rodocker. We have it framed and hung up in our office, and it proves to be as useful as it is ornamental.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

The water works boom at Emporia last week was a big thing, and the committee which attended from here say that had we had one of the six streams thrown during the trial test, our late fire could have been subdued without one-tenth of the damage being done.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

LOOK OUT FOR MAD DOGS. We hear of mad dogs running at large in the counties east of this. Let everyone be on guard for one may be met at a time least expected. Take care of your own dogs.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

NOTICE. Winfield, Kas. June 21, 1880.

Notice is hereby given that my wife, Mary C. Delano has left my bed and board without cause or provocation, and that I will not be responsible to any person who harbors her, or gives her credit in my name or otherwise. Albert A. Delano.

Winfield Courier, June 24, 1880.

FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. There will be a Fourth of July celebration held in Blanchard and Geers' grove about three and one-half miles north of Winfield, on the Walnut river, on the 3rd of July, 1880. Speaking, music, and dancing will form a portion of the entertainments of the day. Let everybody come. The steamer will run between Bliss' mill and the grounds every two hours of the day.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Ed. Millard called Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

W. J. Hodges took in Hunnewell last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. G. S. Manser is back from his eastern trip.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Baird Bros. new stairway is one of the finest in the country.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Al Bisbee has opened a new shoe shop near Fahey's saloon.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mrs. Q. A. Glass left Saturday for a visit to her relatives in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Millington has been confined to his house by sickness for several days.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Curn's new residence on 11th avenue is being finished quite rapidly.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Chas. C. Black has purchased lots on which to erect a new office for the Telegram.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Hereafter the K. C. L. & S. will make up all their freight trains at this place.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

The Winfield Rifles will give a grand ball Monday evening after the fireworks.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

J. W. Randall returned from his Ohio visit Tuesday. He has been absent six months.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Charley Black has commenced breaking the ground for the new Telegram building.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Frank Jennings is repainting and refixing his residence property on 11th avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Hank Clay, enumerator for Harvey, has made his returns. They show a population of 607.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Will R. Stivers came down from Topeka Monday evening. He will spend Christmas with us.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Will Root has been enjoying a visit from his parents during the past week. They reside in Independence.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Quincy Glass is shelving his new store room in first-class shape. He proposes to have the neatest drug store in the city.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

The new Baptist church is progressing rapidly, and the corner stone will likely be laid the first of next month. It will be laid with the usual ceremonies.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Capt. Siverd keeps the courthouse square as clean as it well can be. Tuesday he had his boarders out in force mowing the grass and raking off the grounds.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

John Hoenscheidt has been in town several days looking up the interests of his paper. His energy will soon place it among the leading German papers of the country.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Frank Hanchet brought us in a piece of his cream cheese last week, and we are now ready to take issue with the man who says good cheese can't be made in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Z. T. Whitson and A. A. Knox, of Pleasant Valley, have cut over 480 acres of wheat with a header this season. They report a much better yield than was expected.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

We were mistaken in stating that Dr. Wright had started for Colorado last week. His practice is of such a nature that it is impossible for him to leave although he needs rest badly.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. N. B. Holden, who owns 1,900 head of sheep near Cambridge, called in Friday and added his name to our list. He brought his sheep from New Mexico last fall, and is well pleased with the change.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

The Winfield marble works are turning out some splendid work. Their work on tombstones, monuments, table-tops, etc., is as good as can be found anywhere and at more reasonable prices.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

We received a pleasant call from Mr. H. A. Cole and Mr. Alden, of Douglass, last Thursday. Mr. Cole is making arrangements to start another paper at that place. He is a practical printer and will no doubt make a success of it.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. W. W. Furhman, aged seventy-six, walked from below Maple City to Winfield, a distance of twenty-six miles, last Monday, leading a cow, which he sold with part of the proceeds of which he subscribed for the COURIER. He says he will now go home, eat three hearty meals a day, read his paper, hurrah for Garfield, and be happyand why shouldn't he?

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

The new town of Hunnewell is still booming badly. Over thirty houses are up and ready for business, conspicuous among them being a large two-story saloon and gambling house, a circus tent used for a dance hall, and other concerns for the entertainment of the festive cowboy. From two to three trains of cattle are being shipped from there daily.

Note: Courier called it "Honnewell." Have corrected. MAW]

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Baily, of the firm of Baily & Rinker, is lying very low at his residence in the north part of town. He is suffering with an abscess in the side, and the physicians pronounce his case hopeless.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Mr. Tim Sullivan is at Hunnewell in charge of Ford & Leonard's new business there. Tim is one of the best boys in Southern Kansas, is a first class businessman, and is fast becoming a necessity to the enterprising fim for whose interests he has worked so faithfully.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

The oft-postponed entertainment of the Library Association came off last Thursday evening, in spite of the weather. The attendance was large and the association reaped large profits. The "Art Gallery" was especially attractive and was a feature of the entertainment which will not soon be forgotten.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

Judge T. H. Soward will deliver the Fourth of July oration at Maple City. The Judge is one of our best orators and is thoroughly conversant with the political history of the county. The people of that vicinity are fortunate in securing his services.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

There will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Walnut Valley Fair Association at the office of Jennings & Buckman, on Tuesday, July 6th, 1880, at two o'clock sharp, for the transaction of important business. E. P. KINNE, President.

Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS: Those persons to whom we sent notices the first of January, and who have not settled their accounts, will please take notice that on and after August 1st, the accounts will be left with an attorney with instructions to collect. There was more...I skipped.


Winfield Courier, July 1, 1880.

A Mr. Straight, who lives near Burden, has received much notoriety through the Globe-Democrat. About a year ago he got a circular from a New York man offering him $1,000 in spurious bills for $150 in good money. Mr. Straight studied the matter over until a short time ago when he mortaged his team, secured the necessary funds, and started for New York. Arriving there he was taken in hand by his correspondent, who had been surprised of his coming, piloted to a room where he planked down his $150 and had counted out ten nice clean $100 bills. After the bills had been counted, the New York man suggested that they be wrapped up, placed in his satchel, and expressed to St. Louis, where he could get it as he passed through; at the same time, saying that it was very dangerous to carry that amount of money around on his person. This Straight readily acceded to and the obliging stranger took the bills into another room, wrapped them up neatly, and bringing out the bundle, placed it in Straight's satchel, went with him to the express office, and saw the precious package safely checked for St. Louis. Straight followed soon after, and arriving at St. Louis tried to get his satchel from the agent, but was refused until he could be identified. In his dilemma he called upon the Chief of Police, told his story, and asked the officer to help him get his money. A policeman was immediately dispatched for the package, which was opened, and contained only pieces of paper cut the size of bills. When Straight saw how badly he was sold, he broke down completely and wept like a baby. He has a wife and four children whom his idiocy will bring to want.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, July 8, 1880. Front Page.

Winfield is to have a $12,000 hotel.

Cowley County stone is leaving at the rate of three car loads per day for the government buildings at Topeka.

William Ralston and three others have been arrested at Eldorado for counterfeiting and having in their possession counterfeiting tools.

George Flatt, formerly city marshal of Caldwell, Sumner County, was killed at that place last Saturday night by the friends of two Texan cow-boys, who were killed last summer by the ex-marshal.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

That long looked for rain came on last Sunday evening, causing the farmers to rejoice once more. It it had been a week later, corn would have nearly gone by the board in this neighborhood. The chinch bugs ceased their ravages upon the corn some time before the rain.

I understand that Mr. Hodges of Winfield was in the neighborhood last week buying hogs, and shipping them from Burden. Burden is a very convenient shipping point for us at this place.

`Squire E. M. Annett, of Harvey township, was around last week taking the national census of Omnia and Harvey townships. Mr. Annett is the right man for the position which he occupies.

Mr. Ed. Dee and wife have moved to Burden for the purpose of keeping a restaurant in the building vacated by C. W. Jones.

Elder R. S. Thompson was called to preach the funeral sermon of Mrs. Wm. Titsworth of Grouse creek, last Friday. For some time Mrs. Titsworth has been a great sufferer, and death only could relieve her of the pain. She leaves a bereaved husband and a large circle of friends and relatives who deeply mourn her loss.

We understand that J. C. Stratton of this township will be a candidate for the nomination of Probate Judge of this county. To be, or not to be; that's the question.

Mr. Jonas Messenger is hauling the material preparatory to completing his large stone barn which he began some time ago.

Messrs. Parks and Campbell sheared their sheep last week. They report the wool unusually heavy this year. A few yearlings gave a fleece of sixteen pounds each. Mr. McFadden has sheared his herd also; but I have heard no particulars about the wool.

Republicans hurrahing for Garfield; and everybody wondering who Hancock is. The Republican party is split in regard to State Senator in this township.

The true temperance Republicans of this part of the county are decidedly opposed to Mr. Hackney for State Senator. They know that their labors are in vain if they elect men to office who will not execute laws. Mr. Hackney says he will, if the majority wish him to, but it is evident that if the majority favor his sentiments and elect him this fall, he can advocate his ideas in the Senate. We speak from a temperance standpoint, and the fall election will give Mr. Hackney a disastrous defeat. X. Y. CAESAR.

June 29th, 1880.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Furnished rooms to rent. Mrs. Tucker.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Minnie Capps, of Wellington, spent the 4th in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Justice Kelly has removed his office to the Morehouse building.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. E. J. Redick, of Harvey, made us a pleasant call last week.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

General Green and family are visiting at his father's, in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. Garvey have been in Topeka during the past week.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Minnie Bacon has gone to Burlington, Kansas, to remain all summer.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. W. B. Skinner, of Vernon, and Mr. Kielholtz, of Bolton, called Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.


Will Hudson has returned from his Colorado trip much improved in health.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

R. A. O'Niel was up from Hunnewell last week. He reports everything lively in that place.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. A. T. Stewart is at home for a few days visiting his sisters. His headquarters are at Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Paris has a new water tank and will deliver fresh pure water to any part of the city for 8 cents per barrel.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Prisoners will hereafter be a little backward about attacking Jailer Siverd. He is never caught napping.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

W. W. Limbocker, living four miles northeast of Winfield, was severely injured by a mad bull a few days ago.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Julia Deming and Miss Greenlee, of Wichita, came down last week to take in the 4th and visit their many friends.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The Shawnee County institute opened with forty-five teachers. The Cowley County session began work with fifty-seven teachers.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. Millington left for Topeka Monday afternoon to attend to the contempt cases, which came before the Supreme Court Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Bliss left Friday morning for Buffalo, New York. She will meet C. A. Bliss and wife in Chicago, and they go on from there together.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The K. C. L. & S. passenger train was three hours late Tuesday night, owing to the train being ditched this side of Chanute. No one was hurt as yet reported.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. Buckingham, brother of "our Buck," dropped in on him very unexpectedly Tuesday. They had not met before in sixteen years and only came together by accident.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Quincy A. Glass is now occupying his new building. His store is the "Palace" drug store of the city. The room is large and airy, and is arranged in a faultless manner.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Chas. McDonald, son of Hon. B. P. McDonald, of Fort Scott, was in the city several days of last week. Charley was well pleased with Winfield and we were well pleased with Charley.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The Normal opened Monday with a large attendance. Prof. Story is making the Cowley County Normal one of the best in the state, and his success should be as gratifying to himself as it is edifying to the teachers.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. Miller is reported as being much worse and some fears are entertained of the injuries received by him at the hands of young Goodrich proving fatal. His right side is badly paralyzed, and his hand and arm are swollen.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

A serious accident happened to a little daughter of Mr. Bonwert, of Vernon, last Monday. While attempting to cross the race track, she was run over by one of the horses. It is thought that her injuries will not prove fatal.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The canon for St. John's Battery are on the road and will arrive in a few days. The members of the battery are all hardy, fine-looking men, are well uniformed, and when they get their guns, will be the boss military company of the state.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

R. M. Snyder has sold his grocery store to Messrs. Bryant & Bennett, late of Texas. Mr. Bryant is a son of Mrs. Lowry, of this place, and an old time resident of Winfield. They understand the grocery business and will make things boom in the grocery trade.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The Peabody "Mechanics Band," left for their homes on Tuesday afternoon. Before leaving they serenaded Mayor Lynn and the houses of several prominent citizens. The band, aside from being one of the best in Kansas, is composed of gentlemen of culture and intelligence, and it has been a pleasure to our citizens to entertain them.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Nettie Porter, daughter of Mrs. S. B. Bruner, and sister of our young friends, Justin and Jo. D. Porter, is in the city for the summer. Miss Porter has recently graduated at the Normal school of Normal, Illinois. Her presence will be a pleasant acquisition to the society of this place.

Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

A little daughter of Mr. Lane was injured Friday evening by a ball from a pistol, with which Mr. Geo. Gully was shooting at a cat. The ball is supposed to have glanced from some object, striking the little girl in the thigh, and passing through the fleshy part of the leg. No bones were broken, but the ball made an ugly flesh wound. She is now doing well.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

In Memoriam.
At the residence of his son-in-law, E. P. Kinne, Esq., Father McMullen, whose aged face was familiar to most of our citizens a few weeks since, departed this life at 4 p.m., July 3rd, 1880.

His life in many respects has been memorable. Born about the close of our War of Independence, he had met and conversed with many of the great men of the past. In 1814 he saw George III at Windsor Castle, and frequently heard William Pitt, Fox, and other cele- brated men of those days speak, when England was at war with her neighbors on the continent. He was a man grown when Waterloo was fought, and read the news spread through London by the Rothschilds that Wellington was defeated so that they could buy up at a great discount British consols.

In the early part of this century, he made several trips across the ocean to this country as chief officer's clerk, and his children have in their possession the log-book kept by him during these voyages.

He visited Jackson's memorable battle ground at New Orleans, before the cotton bales were removed, and though he was a subject of Great Britain, no one in all this land rejoiced more than he at the result of this conflict. He said "his heart fairly leaped for joy" when the news was communicated by the pilot who came aboard their vessel to take them into port.

About 1818 he settled in New York, and at the time Lafayette made his first visit to this country, had one of the best livery stables in the city. It was his pride and boast that he was one of those that welcomed the great friend of our Revolution to our shores, and he regarded it as the grandest moment of his life when he passed under that living arch of flowers that read "Welcome to Lafayette." He often spoke of the old wall that partially surrounded New York, after which Wall street was named, as being "out on the common," but now the busiest spot on this continent. He was present when the foundation of the Astor House was laid, and often saw such men as Webster, Clay, and Benton sup their coffee in its saloons, and heard them tell their jokes as they rode in his four-in-hand to Long Island or Rockaway. Those were the happy days of coaching, when people were not destroyed in over crowded steamers.

An incident in his career will illustrate how different the practices then from those of our times. Having lost all his earthly possession by the big fire in the city, and being reduced in an hour from affluence to penury, he was asked in after years why he had not insured. He said he had hardly heard of insurance, and on making inquiry of his neighbors, found that not one in a hundred was insured. Having lost all, he removed with his young family to Lewis County, New York, where some of the citizens of Cowley County knew him forty years ago as an old gentleman bowed down with the might and toil of years.

In 1846 he went to Chicago, "but the lands adjacent and even the village itself, were too swampy for farming;" hence he passed off to northern Wisconsin and settled in Sheyboygan County, where his youngest son now resides on a valuable farm purchased by him of the government thirty-three years ago.

In his extreme old age he came to Kansas to spend the last few months of his life among his children here. From the first he was enraptured by our broad and fertile prairies, and it was his common remark, that if these farms only had a "sugar bush" on them, they would be the finest in the world.

But few men have been blessed with a better constitution, or more happy and contented disposition. With an implicit faith in an over-ruling Providence and the promises of a Redeemer, he bore all the adversities of life in the spirit of a christian philosopher; with his deep abiding love for God and his fellow man, he saw blessings where others saw nothing but trials, and whenever, through his long life's journey he could alleviate human suffering by a kind or encouraging word or by any aid in his power to bestow, it was his delight to grant it. The last thirty years of his life was a blank in his memory, almost wholly forgetting the events of this period, his mind returning in great force to the early days of his boyhood and early manhood.

Surrounded by his children and grandchildren, with the beautiful prayers of his boyhood upon his lips, he died without a struggle. When too feeble to speak, he recognized by a bow the impressive emblem of a dying Savior almost in the last moment of his life. While we miss him, we believe his work was fully done and that he is now living in that Hereafter toward which he had turned his face for so many years with as much hope, trust, and asperance as he ever looked toward his earthly habitation. J.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

The Fourth in Winfield was duly celebrated, although the weather in the early part of the day was very inauspicious. About nine o'clock the clouds cleared away, the sun came out bright and warm, and the people from the country began to pour in from all quarters. Owing to the streets and roads being muddy, the procession was not formed until two o'clock, when, headed by the Peabody band they marched to the grove. The oration by Judge Caldwell was delivered in the Judge's faultless style, and was attentively listened to by a large audience. Prof. Story also made an address. About four o'clock the match game of baseball between the Wichita and Winfield clubs was called. This was the most exciting part of the program and was witnessed by an immense crowd of people. The players did their best, and the game proved a close one, the Winfield club beating the Wichitas by one, the score being 19 to 20. After the ball game the people repaired to the courthouse square, where there was an elegant display of fire-works, lasting until ten o'clock. After the fire-works came the grand military ball which was the affair of the day and lasted till the "wee sma' hours." Altogether the celebration was a success and fully sustained Winfield's reputation of never doing things by halves.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Over twenty members of St. John's Battery, under Capt. Bacon, participated in the parade at Kansas City last Saturday. They went up in a special car on the Santa Fe Friday afternoon and returned Saturday. During their stay in Kansas City, they were the guests of the Craig Rifles, and are loud in their praises of the hospitable manner in which they were treated. "The Craigs" will have the freedom of Kansas whenever they choose to come over.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Early Saturday morning Capt. Siverd, the jailer, had a severe tussle with one of the prisoners, who was attempting to escape. He went into the jail to carry the prisoners their breakfast, and while stooping over, was struck from behind by Frank Wilson, one of the Hoenscheidt horse stealers, with a stove leg. The blow staggered the Captain, but he atttempted to grapple with the prisoner, and received several more blows before so doing. Hearing the scuffle, Mrs. Siverd came to the rescue; but being unable to separate them, she called for help, and several men nearby took a hand in the affray and soon succeeded in landing Wilson in his cell, where he was decorated with a pair of cast-iron bracelets, and anklets with a ball and chain attached. Mr. Siverd is able to be about, but his head resembles a sore thumb all tied up. Had the prisoner been a little more accurate with his first blow, Sheriff Shenneman would now be receiving applications for the position of jailer. The Captain will hereafter keep his left eye open for these "quiet, unoffensive fellows." Had he hesitated in the least about grappling Wilson, he would undoubtedly have been killed.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Miss Lillian Hoxie, who will assist in the Normal Institute, arrived last Friday evening. She is stopping at the Olds House with her brother, S. E. Hoxie, who has been here some weeks. Miss Hoxie made many friends while here last summer, who will gladly welcome her return on account of her pleasant companionship as well as her able assistance rendered in the Normal Institute.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Mr. W. L. Pennington, of Vernon, brought into our office a relic of revolutionary times, last Monday. It was a large cane, once owned by old Ben Wethers, a colonel of infantry under Washington, and is now the property of Mr. John McMahon. Many efforts have been made by persons to get the cane, but Mr. McMahon persistently refuses to part with it. It has been an heirloom in the family for two generations.


Winfield Courier, July 8, 1880.

Married July 1st, at the residence of T. B. Ware, in Vernon township, by P. B. Lee, Mr. S. T. Ward and Miss Flora A. Ware.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

WINFIELD, June 18th, 1880.
Agreeable to request in tthe COURIER, I will give a little of my short experience in sheep and wool growing in Kansas.

I came to Cowley County in November 1878, bringing with me 60 pure bred Merino sheep from Vermont, having previously shipped two car loads from the same place; in all 309 head, 100 of which consisted of one and two year old bucks with a few exceptions that were four years old. Said bucks were bred by Mr. Hammond, of Middlebury, Vermont, and myself from stock purchased of him. Their first and second fleeces weighed in Vermont from 10 to 18 pounds. Sixty-eight of them cane out by the first shipment in February 1878, and were sheared here in May following, producing from 15 to 19 pounds of wool per head. In 1879 they were clipped in May, a part of them the first week and a part ran until the last of the month. At this time there remained but 42 head of the first shipment, which were thin in flesh yet gave an average yield of 22-1/2 pounds of wool per head, about 2-1/2 pounds per head more than 30 head of like quality and age yielded that came out in November 1878, though the latter were in high condition. During the season of 1879 I sold from my flock of bucks (after reserving 15 of those that I considered the most valuable) all but my yearlings and a few older ones. The first sale was made on the 19th of August to Mr. G. H. Wadsworth, of Larned, Kansas, who had the choice of 20, after the yearlings and 15 reserved ones were taken out. He after getting them home sold 8 head, leaving 12 which he now has, and are the same bucks noticed in the COURIER of the 17th.


The bucks reserved by myself sheared from 23 to 32 pounds.

Now there are two important questions concerning these sheep to be answered. First, why do they shear so much heavier than ordinary sheep? And how can the difference of more than 10 pounds per head be accounted for between the bucks reserved and those sold, the reserved being without question the best. As a whole, the first question is answered in the fact that the wool covers the entire body, many of them clipping more on the belly than some larger bucks shear on the whole body. Mr. Hammond, the gentleman to whose flock the pedigree of some of the best Merino sheep of the world may be traced, spent his long life in improving the Merino sheep, not only making two spears of wool grow where but one grew, but making wool grow where none grew before. He had in his mind a model sheep, and for a period of 50 years labored to produce it. In his start he purchased the best sheep then to be had, imported by Mr. Atwood, of Connecticut, after which he seldom, if ever, purchased a sheep, keeping the different families distinct, crossing from one to the other. A sheep showing a defect such as bare-belly or bare-face, etc., would be coupled with a sheep excelling in that point, thus the fault would be corrected. I have no doubt now that if Mr. Hammond had got in his mind a different model to breed to when he first set out; we might today have had a Merino sheep (buck) weighing 200 pounds and shearing 50 pounds. But he ignored large boned sheep altogether, and selected short legged, compact, strong constitutioned sheep.

As to the second question, much of it is explained in the treatment given the sheep. Mr. Wadsworth's 20 bucks after reaching Larned had free access to a 40 acre field of green rye, with a stack of early cut millet and an overflowing water trough near at hand, which from the time he took them until winter wrought such a change in them that they would hardly be recognized as the same sheep, and were unfit for service until reduced by dry feed. He writes me that for quite awhile before shearing that if one laid down and got a little on his side, he could not get up. My experience with my thoroughbred ewes is about the same as regards weight of fleeces, increasing on Vermont weight in about the same proportion.

Aside from these Merino sheep of which I have written, I have between seventeen and eighteen hundred of different grades, mostly first and second crosses from the Mexican and Missouri sheep, excepting the lambs, which are from said grade ewes crossed with my best bucks. From 700 grade Mexican ewes, purchased last fall of Mr. Wright at Brown's Grove, Kansas, we have raised over 600 lambs; from 220 grade Missouri ewes we have raised 175 lambs. The Mexican grade yielded an average of 4-1/2 pounds of wool per head; the 200 grade Missouri clipped an average of 5-1/2 per head.

The 700 grade Mexican ewes were wintered in three different lots and cared for by different men, there being two lots of 250 each and one of 200. One lot of 250 yielded an average of 5-1/2 pounds, the other of the same number yielded but 4-1/2, while the lot of 200 yielded a trifle less than 3-1/2 pounds. The said sheep were all of one class and same age, and the difference in weight of fleeces can only be attributed to the difference in the care and feed given them.

The first consideration to be taken into account by those contemplating sheep husbandry is to make a good selection of sheeps, then make them always comfortable with plenty of feed and dry quarters. Following this rule, the result will be satisfactory. EZRA MEECH.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.


Mrs. E. J. Page, of Canada, has been with us the past three weeks, visiting relatives and friends in Winfield, Arkansas City, and the country, and looking after her large property interests in this county.

Wheat threshing has commenced. Mr. Samuel Watt threshed his immense field, and it made the enormous yield of nearly five bushels per acre. And still he refused to be comforted.

Mrs. Hizer is prostrated on a bed of affliction, and her recovery despaired of.

Our grangers had a glorious jollification at the hall last Saturday afternoon. A feast of all the sweet, delicious eatables imaginable, which granger's wives alone know how to prepare, were indulged in by a good number of P's. of H. Outdoor games of croquet, etc., were also participated in by those of a sporting inclination. All went away pleased with the festivities of the occasion.

The young limb of the law, (or D , as some people will have it), which Ann Arbor recently turned loose, without a guardian on the suffering public, will, after an attendance at the Normal Institute, take up his residence at Silver Lake, Colorado, having accepted the position of principal of the city schools at that place.

Mrs. N. Winton, this has a peculiar sound, last week started to Colorado in pursuit of her truant husband.

Yesterday, July 4th, it was our painful duty to attend the funeral of Mrs. Isaac Beach. She was a lady much respected and highly esteemed by all who knew her. Three sons and two daughters and an aged husband sadly mourn the loss of a dearly loved mother and wife. She was sixty years of age; a Methodist.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The Caldwell Commercial, in the interest of Judge M. S. Adams in a late number, has made a low attack on Mr. Torrance, and its article has been copied into the Daily Telegram. We think there is no other paper in the district so unfair as to have published that article. We are surprised beyond measure that C. C. Black, who has been treated with so much courtesy by his neighbors, should permit an article so untrue and discourteous toward one of those same neighbors to appear in his paper.

We have several reasons for believing that the article in question was inspired by Judge Adams himself. He has been promising to conduct an honorable campaign, but he has at the same time been dealing out insinuations against Torrance. His own record as a judge and a lawyer is such that if it was known to the people of this district, he could not get the vote of a single delegate; but the friends of Torrance have preferred to conduct the canvass on the merits of their candidate rather than on the demerits of Judge Adams. MORE SAID LIKE THIS.

E. S. Torrance is a man of high character and standing in this community, where he is best known. He has been well and prominently known here for ten years, and there is not a stain upon his record. Ten years ago he came to this county, a thoroughly well educated young man just entered upon the practice of his chosen profession, the law. Of course, he was not then a great lawyer, but he was bright, industrious, and ambitious. Each year he added largely to his knowledge of the law, of human nature, and of a wide range of practical subjects. Each year strengthened his judgment and cleared his intellect, until now he is one of the best, soundest, and clearest headed lawyers in this district, already famous for so many able attorneys which taken together perhaps constitute the ablest bar in the state.

For six years he has held the office of County Attorney of this county and has acquitted himself therein with signal ability. Here he has exhibited a clear judicial mind, great research, and conscientious independence.

The Commercial says he is the pet of Judge Campbell and that Campbell is playing into Torrance's hands. We have no doubt that Campbell respects Torrance as an able and honorable attorney, that he knows Torrance is far more fit for the office of judge than his opponent. but Torrance has never been his pet in any sense. MORE OF THE SAME. I SKIPPED THE REST!


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

It is reported that Capt. Payne has again invaded the territory, this time from Arkansas City with twenty-five men, and expects reinforcements. He thinks he is a "bigger man than Uncle Sam."


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The Omnia Township Sunday School Convention met at the Omnia school house on Friday, July 7th. Elder Thompson and Mr. F. E. Williamson were re-elected president and vice-president; Mrr. John Henry, elected treasurer. The secretary, Dr. G. V. Cadwallader, was permanently elected at the organization last April.

Dr. G. F. Cadwallader talks strongly of leaving us and going to Missouri soon. The doctor is an estimable young man, finely educated, and an ardent worker for the welfare of society. We sincerely regret to part with him, and hope that he will in the future make this his permanent home, as he leaves us now because of ill health in his family.

Rumor informs us that Mr. James F. Smith has ripe peaches; but we propose to keep it secret.

Mr. Loper is building a house, and W. H. Gilliard is attaching an addition to his dwelling in which he will keep his grocery store when completed. Haycraft & Co. are doing the work for Mr. Gilliard.

As we expect to see the law poured upon this district in "Torrance" this fall, we are not afraid our county will suffer in the least in the hands of that venomous (?) Asp.

The majority are in favor of R. F. Burden for commissioner. Mr. Burden has been a good officer, and his many friends propose to see him continue in it.

Mr. McFadden and family will start for Missouri in a few days. Mr. Albert McFadden, the owner of the sheep, will remain with us. They will have a sale on their farm implements next Friday.

We notice that Mr. Nolte and family have moved back on their farm. They moved out in Sedgwick county last spring. X. Y. CAESAR.

July 13th, 1880.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Corn is looking fine since the rains.

Mr. George Howard was here last week looking for a house to dwell in until spring, when he intends to emigrate to Washington Territory.

Mr. George Con has purchased the claim of Mr. Miller, north of Mr. Irvin's farm.

A couple of young bloods about the size of Thomas Walker and the Rev. Hustin Irvin engaged in a scuffle which resulted in the preacher having his neckbone almost dislocated; and he goes about with a knot the size of one's fist protruding under his ear saying we are never too wise to learn.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

VERNON, July 6th.
Though this season has been quite unfavorable for the farmer, land does not depreciate in value, and buyers still keep coming. Among others who have thought it to their advantage to settle in Vernon is Mr. James Patterson, who has bought a fine piece of land which he intends making one of the best stock farms in the county. Mr. Patterson has been a highly respected citizen of Peabody for the past few years, is a graduate of Bethany College, Virginia, and is just the kind of a man that will meet with a warm welcome from the people of Vernon.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

All is quiet on the Potomac. Nothing transpires worthy of note. It seems almost impossible to gather news since the close of the big convention that set Hackney afloat on a safe sea.

McDorman & Walker are raising their store and moving a little north of the old site. McDorman appreciates the fitness of things and is to be complimented for his wisdom. This will give the building a more commanding front and cannot fail to please.

We have had St. John's day, and a jolly, rousing time, too. The Davis family discoursed sweet music. Judge Adams' oration was fine and well received. Outside of the encampment was a circular swing, propelled by horse power and going around at the rate of 2.40. This swing was a paying institution, judging by the number who availed themselves of the pleasure of riding. Mr. McDermott officiated in a speech appropriate to the occasion, followed by the usual accompaniment of music. Right on the heels of St. John's day came the Fourth of July, in the same grove, and an oration by Mr. Asp, of Winfield.

The old public well has ceased its unearthly squawking. This state of things is due to its highly emotional temperament. Whenever the wheel revolved on its axis, the sound thereof was heard all over the land, screeching out a long, bitter wail, which could be identified from anything else. The difficulty is removed, the wheel works smoothly, no longer torturing our nerves and upsetting the gravity of the community.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The fourth has passed pleasantly by, passed down to be recorded by time in the memory of those who participated in the festivities of the occasion. The day was observed here on the third. The people living near here met in John Grooms' grove, and were the recipients of a treat that was unlooked for. It consisted of the reading of the Declaration by `Squire Larkin. Speeches by C. W. Doty, J. W. Weimer, H. J. Sanfort, John Watts, and C. W. McCormick, and a display by the Home Guards under the supervision of Sergeant John Flint. The speakers acquitted themselves with recognized ability.

We have two societies here now, the Chinch Bug Militia and base ball club, named the Dutch Creek Skippers.

Mrs. Parks, the ladylike and efficient postmistress, of Polo postoffice, informs me that the mail service has been increased by her office. We have mail here eight times per week. For the above facilities we are indebted to the Hon. Thos. Ryan.

Rain, plenty of rain. Corn growing nicely. Politics quiet. M. C. SELTER.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Hurrah for Maple City! Her first celebration was a grand success. About five hundred persons were present, being the largest crowd ever seen here. The oration by Judge Soward was listened to with marked attention. Judge Gans made us a good speech. This township will go for his re-election to the judgeship. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, presided over the exer- cises. The young folks took great delight in tripping to the sound of the violins. Blendon and Renfrow are experts with the bow, hence we had good music.

Frank Woodruff returned home yesterday from Arkansas, where he went for sheep. While riding along talking to a couple of men one day, he looked up to see two revolvers pointing at his head. Money or life was his choice, and he chose life and forked over the money, $47.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.


CHANGE OF FIRM. BRYANT & BENNETT, Having bought R. M. Snyder's stock of Groceries, and with large invoice coming in daily, are PREPARED TO COMPETE with any house in the county, EITHER WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. "Live and Let Live" is our motto. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR PRODUCE. Goods sold at bed rock prices. Give us a trial is all we ask. [NO ADDRESS GIVEN.]


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The "Auction store" has been removed to Topeka.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Rev. C. P. Graham filled Mr. Platter's pulpit last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Squire Norman, of Maple, registered at the Williams House Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. John C. Evans and Miss Hattie McGee were married last week.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

D. O. McCray, of the Burden Enterprise called on us last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Dr. Graham is making arrangements to build an office on Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. Will Root and Dan Maher left for a short trip to Nebraska last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The alley back of the Opera House should be looked after. It is the filthiest place in the city.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Col. Manning returned from New Mexico, Monday. He will not probably return for some time.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

H. C. McDorman, ye enterprising merchant of the Grouse Valley, made us a pleasant call Monday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Wright Martin, one of the stalwart Republicans of Windsor township, tarried in this city over Sunday.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. J. D. Green is selling Kansas apples at retail on the streets and will deliver them to any part of the city.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Harvey Smith, of Silver Creek, called on Tuesday. He is the popular candidate for commissioner of the third district.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Capt. C. M. Scott came up from the Territory Monday and spent an hour in our sanctum.

He reports "everything quiet on the border."

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. W. L. Mullen sent out nine cars of hogs over the Santa Fe last week, and is about ready to ship ten more. They were a magnificent lot of hogs.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Dr. Fleming has removed his drug store to the Hudson building on Main street. The Doctor has a neat way of arranging his store which makes it very attractive.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

A. W. Davis sold his interest in the livery stable of Vance & Davis to Sid. Majors on Monday. He leaves this Thursday morning for a visit to Denver, Colorado, accompanied by his wife.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. P. G. Smith, of Dexter, has been in town this week looking to his interests as a candidate for Probate Judge. He is favorably considered in that connection among his wide circle of acquaintances.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The case of Mrs. Josephine Smith, on trial for insanity, was held before Judge Gans last week. The jury found that her case was not bad enough to insure her being received at the state institution, and she was discharged.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. O. M. Watson has purchased his partner's interest in the painting business and will hereafter run to his own account. He is a good painter as the quality of the work done by him will testify.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Capt. Steuvens is drilling a squad of the Rifles, with the intention of competing for the $500 prize at the next Bismark fair. Capt. Steuvens is one of the best drill masters in the state, and if the Rifles do not carry off the prize, it will not be his fault.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Last week Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the J. P. McMillan half block south of the Baker House on Main Street to Col. Loomis for $2,500. The question now is what is the Colonel going to do with the cozy little residence. His many friends would like to have him "rise and explain."

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. E. M. Henthorn brought us in a peach branch about two feet long, Tuesday, on which were about forty fine large peaches. The branch was perfectly loaded down, with fruit of a fine quality; and was grown by Mr. Amos Henthorn, of Omnia. The fruit crop will not be as much of a failure as some would believe.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Miller & Cox have ornamented the front of their building with an immense chromo, the work of artist Herrington representing the "Great Arkansas Valley," with a fat steer right in the middle of it. The sign is a good one, and will catch many unwary boarding-house men who will be led to believe that the steer on the sign is a fair sample of the beef furnished to their customers.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Samuel Pennington, of Vernon, on Saturday last, found two snakes on his fanning mill on a bunch of hay, each 2-1/2 feet long and equal size, but one had swallowed the other completely, all but an inch of the tail. In order to escape the outside snake disgorged the inside one. We have this on the authority of Messrs. Reeder and McIntire, neighbors of Mr. Pennington.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Last Sunday morning a little child of Mr. Smith, the stone contractor, breathed its last. Mr. Smith was absent at Topeka at the time. He returned on the noon train Monday and the babe was laid to rest in the north cemetery the same afternoon.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

We would call the special attention of our readers to the announcement of Mr. P. G. Smith for the office of Probate Judge. Mr. Smith is one of the earliest settlers in this county and has gone through all the struggles incident to the settlement of a new county. He has built up a reputation for integrity and purity of character, strong common sense, sound judgment, and wide intelligence, and would fill the office with honor and ability. The tendency to nominate too many Winfield men to county offices renders it fit that his claims to the position should be fairly considered.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Persons who are skeptical about the value of printers ink would do well to note the success of Mr. Taylor Fitzgerald, who located here last March and opened a pension and U. S. Claim office. He has inserted through the advertising agencies, cards in all of his home papers and in several of the leading eastern papers, and as a result has claims in his hands for adjustment from New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, many of the southern states, and one from Canada. These claims are from parties unknown to him, and are obtained entirely through the agency of printers ink.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

In another column will be found an ad for the new grocery firm of Bryant & Bennett. These gentlemen purchased the grocery house of R. M. Snyder, one of the best in city; and have stocked it up with everything needed in the grocery line, and are preparing to do a large share of the business coming to Winfield. They are live, enterprising men, are thoroughly acquainted with the business, and will succeed.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The water works question is beginning to agitate our people. The city officers are surveying, viewing, and trying to decide on the best plans to pursue. $100 has been appropriated by the council to be used in testing the water supply. The proposition offered by Mr. Perkins contemplating a reservoir on the central mound east of town, the water to be pumped into it from a well on Dutch creek, seems to be the most available one.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Over five thousand people were in town Tuesday to attend Cole's Circus. The streets were crowded and it was with difficulty that persons could get along the sidewalks. Our people don't often take a holiday, but when they do, they turn out enmasse and make it as lively as possible.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

On Tuesday of this week Mr. W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, brought us the finest basket of peaches we have seen.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Baird had the misfortune to lose their little daughter last Thursday. The funeral was held from their residence Friday afternoon, attended by a large circle of friends.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The latest dodge was that of a man who bought a dollars' worth of coffee on credit Tuesday, and afterward sold it for ninety cents, and went to the circus on the proceeds. That beats crawling under the canvass.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

A young man named John Bell fell down in the street Monday with a sunstroke. He is now doing well and is on a fair way to recover.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

One of the mines in which Col. Manning is interested in New Mexico, the "Lajoya," lately assayed $19,000 per ton.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Enos Henthorn, ye post-master at Burden, came over to see the city Tuesday, and gave us a pleasant call.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

On Sabbath, July 25th, the Walnut Valley Presbyterian church will be dedicated. The new church is located ten miles north of Winfield, and on the Winfield and Eldorado stage route.

The dedicatory sermon will be preached in the morning at 11 o'clock, by the Rev. J. E. Platter, of Winfield.

At night, the Rev. Timothy Hill, D. D., of Kansas City, will deliver an address.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

The Normal Institute for 1880 has opened with a large attendance of teachers. Four instructors have charge of the divisions, and the aim of all is to make this summer's work especially practical. The morning exercises begin at 7:30, in the courtroom, and the recita- tions end at 1 p.m. There are at present enrolled 79 teachers as follows.

Arkansas City: Susie L. Hunt, Mrs. F. E. Phelps, Ella Grimes, Chas. W. Grimes, R. C. Gaily, Mattie F. Mitchell, Flora L. Finley, Linnie Peed, Blanche Marshall, Sadie E. Pickering, Elva Pickering, Rose Sample, Chas. Hutchings, Mary S. Theaker, Durwin Hunter, Jessie Sankey, Thirza Dobins, Chas. W. Finney, Mrs. L. M. Theaker, Alice M. Warren, Alto Maxwell, S. C. Murphy, Will M. Penderson, Jerry L. Adams, Frank Chapin, and Nellie Swarts.

Winfield: Ella Freeland, Mrs. W. B. Caton, A. E. Hon, Nannie McGee, Estella M. Cronk, Iowa Roberts, Maggie Stansbury, Ella Hittle, Fannie A. Pontious, Ray E. Newman, Amy Robertson, Mary J. Melville, Rosa Frederic, Lincoln McKinley, Mattie Gibson, E. L. Cook, Anna F. Cuppage, James Lorton, Alice Aldrich, Lena Bartlett, Nellie Aldrich, Ida G. Trezise, Nettie B. Porter, Sarah Hodges, Grace Scovill, Lou Lee, Lutie Newman, W. B. Dickerson, J. J. Stevens, Lena McNeil, Alice Bullock, Mary Randall, Hattie Andrews, A. B. Taylor, Ed Farringer, Ella Kelly, Mrs. A. M. Gillespie.

Burden: Arvilla Elliott, Richard L. Winn, Shadrach Chandler, Nannie A. Crum, E. A. Millard.

Dexter: Ada Overman, J. M. Merry, R. B. Overman.

Cambridge: R. C. Stearns.

Tisdale: Rosa A. Rounds and Mattie West.

Milton: Nellie D. Handy.

Silver Cliff, Colorado: C. C. Holland.

Grenola: Alice E. Dickie.

New Salem: L. C. Brown.


Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

STRAY TAKEN UP. A two year old mare colt, light-bay, 12 hands high, hind feet white, blaze face. The above stray was taken up and is now in the hands of J. P. Henderson, 1-1/2 miles east of Winfield. The owner can get the same by calling and paying expenses.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

FOR SALE. Four good farms near Winfield at reasonable figures. We have some choice town lots at low prices. Call on McDermott & Johnson.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

HAY WANTED. 8I have a good span of mules, a span of horses and wagon, a mowing machine and rake, nearly new, to trade for hay. To be delivered in Winfield or tacked in the field. For further information address E. L. HAZARD, Little Dutch, Ks.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

REMOVED. I have removed my stock to the building lately occupied by Spotswood & Co. I have added to my stock very largely, and have put in a full line of blank books and stationery. I now have the largest and best assorted stock in Winfield and shall be pleased to see all my old friends at my new stand. QUINCY A. GLASS, South End Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

All persons wanting the grass on the Drustle place northwest of Winfield will put in sealed bids for same before July 10th, 1880, or any information may be had of J. E. Allen.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Still at the old stand. I have concluded to continue my Ice Cream Parlor, at my old stand on Ninth avenue, where I shall be pleased to entertain all my friends and to furnish them Ice Cream in any quantities and all kinds. MRS. E. E. BACON.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

REMOVED. The New York Store can be found one door south of Bliss & Co's. store. With no rent and less expense, we can sell cheaper than any store in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

MONEY TO LOAN. On Real Estate on 2 to 5 years' time. Call and get terms before you borrow elsewhere. Office with Pryor & Kinne. H. E. SILLIMAN.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

FOR SALE: A good farm, 160 acres within one and one-half miles of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

FOR SALE: A second-hand Header. Will sell cheap. J. C. FULLER. At Winfield bank.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

WALL PAPER: Trimmed free of charge at HENRY BROWN'S drug store.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

Gilbert, Jarvis & Co. will insure your property at the lowest rates in the safest companies.

Winfield Courier, July 15, 1880.

NINTH AVENUE GROCERY. We have purchased the Ninth Avenue Grocery, and propose to make it herefter a first-class family grocery. Our stock is new and clean, and will be kept up to the highest notch. Give us a call and see for yourselves.

TRUE & SILVER. Ninth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Judge C. Coldwell has been brought forward by his friends as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge. We are informed that if the Republican Convention should tender him the nomination, he will accept.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Attention is called to the announcement of C. H. McCormick, as a candidate for Probate Judge. He was one of the original Republicans and has been an unwavering party man ever since. He has devoted much time and attention to the study of the law, and though a farmer, is well qualified to practice. He is a man of sound judgment and would make a competent and popular officer.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Editorial Convention at Wellington was not very largely attended, but was a very enjoyable affair. The editors, mayor, and good people of Wellington had made ample prepa- rations to entertain a much larger number of guests, and felt disappointed that the convention was not larger. We do not give the minutes of the proceedings, for these we shall probably give officially later. The excursions to Hunnewell and Caldwell were full of interest and pleasure. We were royally treated by Captain Folks and his brother, Will Leonard, Mr. Harpham, Mayor Bohannon, and others. Wellington is a flourishing city and will continue to grow. The most attractive building in the place is the new Press block, which would be a credit to any town.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The following requirements of the recent laws, relating to the public lands in this district, are published for the information of all concerned.

No persons will be permitted to file for any Osage Lands, prior to October 24, 1880, who was not an actual settler on the land May 28, 1880.

All actual settlers on the Osage Lands May 28, 1880, must give the usual notice, under act of March 3, 1879, and make proof and payment prior to October 24, 1880. They may pay in installments of one fourth the value of the land, or they may pay for all at once. Interest will be due from one year from date of settlement.

Any failure to pay the installments as they become due, will subject the land to sale to the highest bidder, at a subsequent public sale.

All said Osage lands remaining unsold and unappropriated October 24, 1880, will be subject to disposal to actual settlers having the qualifications of pre-emptors, under such regulations as are prescribed in the notices already published.

Especial attention is directed to the fact that no filings will be received prior to October 24, except from those who made settlement prior to May 26, 1880. All other declaratory statements received by the Register will be returned, and the fees enclosed will also be returned, at the risk of the parties sending them.

For the purpose of leave of absence, it will be sufficient to forward a written notice, signed by the party, giving the number of the filing or entry, description of the land, character of crops destroyed, and date of their destruction; but, it will be better for the party to make affidavit, corroborated by two witnesses, and retain a copy for future use.

in all cases, must be signed by the party and acknowledged before an officer with a seal. The acknowledgment must be such as is required for the transfer of land by deed. When this is done, the local officers will have power to cancel a filing or entry on the day of its receipt and another entry can be placed at the same time without awaiting return from the Com- missioner. No other character of relinquishment will be accepted. Eagle.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Richland is just now on needles: political needles I mean. The people waver in a balance between Jennings and Asp. Both, they say, are fine young men.

Mr. C. W. Doty has gone north to buy sheep.

J. W. Winner is hauling lumber for a new house.

We are having plenty of rain.

Phil. Stuber was laid up several weeks; cause, sprained arm.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

BROOKLYN, L. I., July 10, 1880.
EDS. COURIER. I had hoped to have a little leisure ere this to give my friends information of my whereabouts, and the passing events since I left them.

The four weeks in Michigan is memorable mostly by the downright solid visiting with dear old-time friends, and the effort they made to keep us all summer.

From there we took a night train and sleeper to Niagara Falls, where we stopped over to "take them in." To many, the anticipation of their wonderful grandeur comes far from answering the contract, inasmuch as they are induced by the rabble of hackmen to take a carriage and ride over the bridge to the Canada side, a view from which is absolutely necessary to comprehend the immense body of water falling. The grandeur is only seen by going on foot and keeping below the banks, looking up the cataract instead of down. At every turn there is a fee, so that visitors truly say "they are bled." Efforts are being made to remove all these fees, and make it free to all, even to an international bridge. We met the Royal party on the Canada side, composed of the Marquis of Lorne and Prince Louise, her brother, and three others. The Marquis was dressed in a plain black suit and black gloves, and the princess in a navy blue suit, with knife pleating, I should think, twenty inches deep on the skirt, a short overskirt and basque trimmed with the material, the same colored turban, with drab veil and gloves. One would not have noticed any dissimilarity to Americans, only from the florid countenance and robust figure.

From there we proceeded to Syracuse and Oswego county, where we passed three weeks with dear friends, and luxuriated on strawberries, morning, noon, and night; thence to Cape Vincent, and down the St. Lawrence river to Ogdensburg. Of all our journey no scenery compared with that of the Thousand Islands. (The government survey makes the number over 2,000 upon which vegetation grows.)

To attempt a description of the innumerable summer residences, reaching from Cape Vincent to Alexandria Bay, the fairy little yachts, and delicate row boats, in short, everything to make the time pass pleasantly and gaily, during the hot months of summer, would take too much space in your columns. A party on board, familiar with the river, explained everything and the names of the principle islands. The two which most attracted my fancy, were those of Geo. Pullman, of the palace car renown, and J. G. Holland, whose residence is known as Bonniecastle.

On the 24th of June we arrived at Governeur, and were met at the depot by a kind friend, whose wife was keeping her dinner waiting for us. Words are too feeble to express the agreeable and enjoyable visit of ten days, dining with one and supping with another, feeling I was a thousand times repaid for coming all the way from Kansas, and was sad at the necessity of separation.

Upon arrival, Albany friends gave me a hearty welcome, and took me all around to view the improvements during the years of my absence. The state capitol is foremost, and presents an appearance which surpasses most structures of American architecture. This is the eleventh year since its commencement, and it has already cost $12,000,000. It is believed that when completed, its real cost will reach $17,000,000. At the present time there are thirteen hundred men at work on it.

We have this day (Tuesday), visited the Bureau of Military Statistics, where are deposited all the regimental flags of our late war, discolored by use, and riddled by bullets, freshly suggesting the day of their presentation, when the stars and stripes were bright, and their bearers swore to them to the last. As Richie was looking over the photographs upon the walls, his eyes fell upon a large one of his father, which was placed there many years ago; to see this likeness so far from home, was a shock to him. The park, the cemetery, etc., gives evidence of the great desire of the people to beautify the grounds.

From here I go to Saratoga, and then to Brooklyn, from whence I will mail this.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

This is a very good year for picnics. We have just had another on Rock creek, and I will tell you a little about it. It was on the 17th of July, in a beautiful grove, on Mr. Chitwood's farm, gotten up the Rock Valley Sunday school. We were on the ground at a little before 10 o'clock. The marshal of the day and master of ceremonies, Mr. Schofield, had everything ready and in good order.

The next to arrive on the grounds was Summit school, 19 in number. Close after came Richland school, numbering 53. Soon came Prairie View school, numbering 22. Then came Lone Tree. Soon came the Douglass M. E. school, 43 in number. The next and last to come was the Douglass Union school, numbering 24. Every school as they came in were conducted to comfortable seats near together. The program was commenced with a song by the Summit school. Then there was a prayer by Rev. Ides, followed by a song by the Richland school. The Rev. Wilson then addressed the schools in a very animated and interesting manner. The Douglass M. E. school then sang a song. The Richland school infant class then sang "God is Love," after which Minnie Groom recited a poem. Then came a temperance song by three little girls, the daughters of Mr. Thomas Jones, of Richland school. This closed the exercises of the forenoon, and we all went for our dinner as people go only at a picnic out in the timber. At half past one, we had a song by Lone Tree school After that we had an essay by Mr. White. Then a song by the Douglass Union school After that there was a children's meeting, addressed by Rev. Winsted. This was followed with a song by Prairie View school and then Bellwood school These were followed by reports of the schools. They were mainly verbal, and show a good condition. Then the congregation all joined in signing the coronation, received the benediction, and closed. There was a free swing for all, without money and without price. There was plenty of ice cream and all sorts of refreshments on the ground. It was a very enjoyable affair.


X. Y. Caesar made the statement that Hackney would not receive the Republican vote in Omnia. Now then, Caesar is not a permanent resident in this township, is a beardless boy, and does not know anything aout it anyway you may take it.

There is an abundance of ripe peaches and blackberries here now, and the farmers are in better spirits. The farmers are beginning to plow for wheat, there will be a large crop sown this fall in spite of the failure last year. Their motto is "try, try, again."

Mr. Harrison Steele has removed to Winfield.

Land buyers are still coming in great numbers.

Mr. Sam Hayworth, of Tisdale, has taken up land in this part. Sam is a jolly boy and will run a first class Batchelor's Hall.

Mr. Luis Bocnme [? could be Bochme ?] is looking for his father here from Stafford county. He comes to look for a location for a stock farm.

Mr. Gillard [? I thought it was Gilliard ?] has removed his stock of goods in his new store room, where he sells at Winfield prices. NASBY

Baltimore 18th, 1880.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Washington, July 17. General Pope telegraphed to the War Department this morning of the arrest of Payne and 22 of his followers, and asked for instructions as follows. "Am I to understand that the goverment wishes this gang turned over to the U. S. Marshal at Fort Smith, Arkansas, for trial?" The Secretary of War will order the delivery of Payne and his men to the civil authorities for safe custody, and in the meantime, as some new questions are involved in the case, the matter will be referred to the Attorney General for his opinion as to the mode of civil prosecution to be instituted against them.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The account that comes to us of the hellish outrage perpetrated upon a helpless woman, at Hunnewell, is beyond comparison.

Arriving alone at Wellington, from the east, on her way to Ft. Reno, she was advised by a fiend to go by way of Hunnewell; arriving there she is compelled to remain at the depot to escape the villains. At early dawn, under pretence of being taken to breakfast, she is decoyed into a saloon, drugged, and taken out upon the prairie and in daylight outraged by six inhuman brutes, and left naked in the burning sun. She was afterwards cared for by other parties and sent on her way to Ft. Reno. The perpetrators of this affair are known and the good people of Hunnewell should see that they are punished. Belle Plaine News.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

W. W. Perkins returned home from Chicago Friday.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Moline Wagon has an automatic Brake that will lock by pushing lever.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Cal. Ferguson has a little girl, born Thursday morning.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. W. K. Hittle, living in the east part of town, has a large bear chained in his front yard.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. Wm. Ausbrook and Miss Ollie Wilson were married by Rev. N. L. Rigby, on the 12th.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Richie Boyer struck a snag while bathing in the Walnut last week, and now walks with a cane.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Birth. Mrs. Henry Brown presented our worthy druggist with a twelve pound boy Tuesday afternoon.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The K. C. L. & S. road is building new stock yards near their bridge on the Walnut. They will also put in a new tank.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Santa Fe time has been changed. The passenger train now leaves for Newton at 4:35 in the evening, and arrives here at 11:15 a.m.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

A party consisting of Louis Zener, Chas. Fuller, Chas. Burgomier, and Date Tansey left for the Territory on a hunting expedition Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. L. J. Webb has disposed of his household furniture, and broken up housekeepng for the present. Mrs. Webb is east visiting her relatives.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The "Boomers" of Elk Falls are thirsting for gore. If they should happen to fall in with our "Cyclones," their little "Boots" would immediately collapse.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. Jas. H. Bosley, one of our most respected citizens, died in this city of consumption last Thursday. He leaves a wife and several children who mourned his loss deeply.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

A young son of Mr. W. W. Smith fell from a horse last Friday and broke his arm. Dr. Wright was called to set the fractured bones and the little fellow is now doing well.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Wm. Alexander, a son of Dr. Alexander, of Arkansas City, attempted to commit suicide last week. He had been sick for some time, from the effects of which he had become partially deranged.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

We were pleased to meet this week Mr. W. H. Albro, a nephew of our old citizen, A. Howland, from Elmira, New York. Mr. Albro has engaged in business in Winfield, and will be a permanent fixture among us.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Lafe Pence returned from his wanderings Saturday. He was in at the naming of the next President at Chicago, went from there to Cincinnati, took a pull at Hancock's corset strings, and did various other things of national importance.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

R. P. Murdock could not stay at the Wellington Convention only two or three hours. While there he sat alone in a deep study. The fact was another Murdock had invaded his home in Wichita. Weight nine and a half pounds.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Burt Tabler and Brown Donnigan, of Maple City, were arrested last week for stealing horses from the Ponca Indians some time in April. They were taken to Winfield and lodged in jail, but Donnigan was afterward released on bail. Traveler.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

A Republican meeting will be held at the Jarvis school house Wednesday evening July 28th, for the purpose of organizing a Garfield and Arthur club. Speeches will be made by Col. Manning and Henry E. Asp. A large turnout is expected.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

We are in receipt of an invitation to attend the grand reception to be given in Chicago, in August, by the Knights Templar. This will be one of the grandest displays Chicago has ever seen. It is thought that over fifty thousand knights will be present on that occasion.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Died. Mr. Lewis Baily, of whose sickness we have spoken of before, died at his residence in this city last Thursday evening. He was surrounded by his children and grandchildren. He was buried with Masonic honors.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. Harrison Herril, of Cedar township, was arrested last week, for obtaining a pension fraudulently. Mr. Herril is an old man, and a cripple, and we sincerely hope that he may be able to free himself from the charge. His family are highly respected citizens of this county.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. Geo. Youle threshed his wheat last week. His yield was 14 bushels per acre, in all, over sixteen hundred bushels. Mr. Thos. Youle also threshed last week, and received a yield of 12 bushels per acre. Mr. Youle says this is a much better yield than he expected.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The mournful wail of the mangled cur will soon break the stillness of the summer eve. The above rambling thoughts are occasioned by the sight of Marshal Stevens rubbing up his old army musket, preparatory to obeying the injunction of our city dads, as set forth in ordinance No. 87.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Finch have the sympathy of the entire community, in the loss of their daughter, Ida, last week.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

A Young Men's Republican club was organized in Richland township last Monday night. Fred Hunt and Henry Asp went up in the afternoon. Mr. Asp went on to Baltimore, in Omnia, and organized a Reupblican club, and Mr. Hunt stopped at Polo and organized the club in Richland. The Richland club selected the following officers: President, James McLester; Secretary, L. C. Park; Treasurer, J. R. Weimer.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Mr. Ralph Smalley, will hereafter be found behind the counters at Scovill & Co.'s. Ralph is one of the best salesmen in Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The land agency of A. H. Green has been overrun with business for several weeks past. The fall tide of home seekers has already begun to arrive, and Mr. Green is making preparations to locate them as fast as possible. The list of lands in his hands for sale this fall contains some choice selections.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The pool between the two roads at this point has been broken and a "go-as-you-please" rate established. We hope that the differences between the two roads may be speedily adjusted, as the unsettled rates are as disastrous to the consumers as it is to the roads themselves. Let them adopt a fair impartial tariff and stick to it.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Winfield Library and Reading Association meets next Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Presbyterian church, this being the time to elect a Board of Directors. All persons holding membership cards are members, and it is very much desired to have as many attend as possible. By Order of Committee.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

While in Wellington last week, we were fortunate in being one of the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac G. Reed. In the matter of entertainment they are certainly proficient, and we shall long remember the pleasant evening spent in their company.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Boston Dollar store has changed hands, and is now under the management of Howland & Co. The new firm starts in with the advantage of a large acquaintance throughout the county, and will succeed.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The condition in which our cemetery is at the present time is a disgrace to the town. There is no attempt made to keeping the grounds in order, and the spot which should be sacred ground to all who have friends or relatives buried there is left to decay, and to be overgrown with weeds. Cannot the officers of the association, either by assessment upon lot owners, or by private subscription, raise money enough to build a small house to be occupied by a sexton, whose duty it would be to look after the grounds, and do such improving as private lot owners might pay him for. The amount paid him for digging graves, together with the rent of the house, and what work he could get to do for private persons, would bring him an ample salary. Let this matter be seriously considered, and let us take steps by which this "city of the dead" will be improved and made respectable.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Today (Thursday) at 2 o'clock p.m., the Masonic fraternity will lay the cornerstone of the new Baptist church in this city. Following the ceremonies will be short addresses fron neighboring preachers and others. Of course, everybody will turn out.

Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

The Masonic oration will be delivered by T. H. Soward, of Winfield. Masons will meet at one o'clock sharp. Song by the Union Quartette. Prayer by Grand Chaplain, E. T. Trimble. Laying the corner stone by Grand Lodge of Kansas. Singing by Quartette. Speaking, and other exercises under the direction of the building committee.


Winfield Courier, July 22, 1880.

Below we give an abstract of the enumerator's report. It shows about 300 larger population than the assesor's reports.


Beaver 128 718

Bolton 182 1,015

Cedar 122 699

Arkansas City 226 1,078

Cresswell 137 673

Dexter 155 981

Harvey 99 585

Liberty and Spring Creek 214 1,258

Maple 114 582

Ninnescah 119 576

Omnia 89 480

Otter 79 403

Pleasant Valley 171 1,094

Richland 102 1,052

Rock Creek 214 1,170

Silver Creek 141 855

Sheridan 146 604

Silverdale 130 712

Tisdale 164 821

Vernon 170 952

Walnut 227 1,253

Windsor 179 1,016

Winfield, 1st ward 286 1,428

Winfield, 2nd ward 275 1,314

Total: 21,421


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

As we understand the regulations of the U. S. Land Office for the disposal of the Osage lands under the law of May 28, 1880, they are:

1st, No filings will be permitted except from persons who were residing on the land on May 28, 1880.

2nd, No filings will be received after August 25, 1880.

3rd, All persons who have heretofore filed or shall file on or before August 25th, 1880, are required to prove up prior to October 25, 1880, and pay at least one-fourth of the purchase money. The lands thus entered will then be subject to taxation. Another fourth of the purchase money will be due in one year from entry, another in two years, and the last in three years. Interest will be charged from one year after first settlement. Any failure to prove up or to make a payment when due will subject the land to forfeit and sale to the highest bidder. Persons may pay up in full at any time after making proof and before due.

4th, The usual five weeks publication and the same proof as heretofore will be required before entry, therefore, all publications must commence as early as September 20th.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The letters submitted by Judge Gans are from S. Wilkins, J. H. Lee, Geo. Eaton, H. W. Stubblefield, and E. Shriver. Each says he has intimately known the Judge for fifteen or twenty years, and knows he has never been a rebel sympathizer or copperhead, but has ever been a strong union man. We deem it unnecessary to publish the letters entire.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Winfield, July 26, 1880.
EDITORS COURIER: I have seen an article in the last issue of the New Enterprise over the signature of Wright Martin, who assumes to be the spokesman in behalf of many Republicans. Now who these Republicans are does not appear from this article; and when I say to my friends that this same Martin with one or two other "congenial spirits," have openly boasted that they were ready to do anything in order to compass my defeat, the animus of the man will be apparent.

He starts out with the statement that "the Republicans of Windsor township, who first brought out H. D. Gans as a candidate for the office of Probate Judge, now protest against his being put forward again as a Republican." Because, says this anything-to-beat Gans advocate: "He was a rebel sympathizer during the war, and lived here two years a blatant copperhead of the most venemous type." He first says the Republicans brought me forward, and that I lived there two years (previous to my running of course) "a blatant copperhead;" now I wonder if he thinks the people would believe that the Republicans would take up a man such as he says I was, and endorse him.

"Again: He first ran for the office he now holds on a mongrel Democratic ticket and was elected." If I was "first put forward by the Republicans," as he says I was, how could I have first run for the office as mongrel ticket, etc." as he says I did, in the latter part of his article. Verily his article is its own refutation.

I voted for Abraham Lincoln, I voted for President Hayes. I was post master during Mr. Lincoln's administration, and Deputy U. S. Marshal during Gen. Grant's first administration. I have been in Kansas since April 1856, I never was a rebel. I never was rebel sympathizer. I never was a copperhead, and was never a sympathizer with them; but, on the contrary, I have ever been a friend of the Union. Six years ago I was elected on the peoples ticket. Four years ago my administration of the office gave such satisfaction that I was nominated by the Republicans, and endorsed some ten days afterward by the Democrats. And two years ago I announced myself as an independent candidate for the office long before any convention was held, and was elected by the people in November.

It seems to me that after nearly ten years' citizenship in this county and my long years of public service, I ought to be free from the malicious assaults of designing schemers, who boast their "determination to defeat me at all hazzards." But politics at this time has become such that no man, however exalted, can submit his chances to the people for an office without subjecting himself to the assaults of every man whom it may have been his misfortune to offend at some time in his life, whether intentional or not.

Respectively, H. D. GANS.
Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Winfield, July 26, 1880.
EDITORS COURIER: In answer to the question whether or not to abide the action of the convention, I will say that every man is in honor bound to abide by the action of a conven- tion when coming before it, and I certainly will. I only objected to an answer for the reason that Mr. Boyer, the son-in-law and late partner of Mr. Coldwell, wrote this question and signed it "many Republicans," and I thought as he was not my keeper, but the manager for another candidate, I would allow him to answer his own question, for I don't believe he is the embodiment of "many Republicans." Respectfully, H. D. GANS.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. Hizer have recovered, and are enjoying life.

Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Megin, and Mr. and Mrs. Land did not forget us during the blackberry season.

On the evening of the 21st we responded in person to an invitation to be present at the marriage of our friends, Levi Gault and Miss Emeline Hopkins, at the residence of Elder Hopkins.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

One day last week Willie Holtby narrowly escaped a glimpse of the mysterious panorama beyond the Rubicon, by approaching too near the business end of a mule. As it is, he carries his under jaw in a sling, minus front teeth.

The locomotive whistle frequently plays a tattoo to remind stock on the track that they are trespassing on forbidden premises; and quite often the piston must cease its motion and other persuasion used to convince the intruders that their room is more desirable than their company.

Commissioner Harbaugh, as usual, is ahead in the average yield of oats and wheat: the former averaging 30, and the latter 8 bushels per acre, which, considering the season, is a remarkably good yield. It would be to the advantage of some to investigate his method of raising small grain in a droughty season.

The young folks of the Victor Sunday school, under the management of Mr. Rorick, hold weekly singing exercises, in preparation for the grand consolidation picnic which will occur on the 12th of next month, on Posey creek. Sorry that I shall be sojourning in another clime, and cannot participate in the festivities of the occasion.

Beaver, not to be outdone in the line of picnics, has announced a rousing and pleasant time to transpire on the 29th inst., at Bradbury's grove. You, to whom square meals are like an oasis in the desert, better improve the golden opportunity to feast the inner man.

The gentleman against whose clerical robes the breath of suspicion was strongly blowing, was, by trial last Saturday at the Victor school house, proclaimed innocent, and exonerated of the grave charge brought against him. Has it come to pass that one cannot act charitably, and manifest a spirit of benevolence toward the needy creatures of humanity without causing the tongue of scandal to wag.

Today H. Holtby purchased seven head of fine cattle of W. W. Bush, one of the large stock men of the Indian Territory.

The depredations of horse thieves are apparently on the increase. Last Monday night C. J. Brane was deprived of a horse.

Keep your under garments on, "Caesar," and sharpen the other end of your saber, wheel into line and support the Republican nominee for State Senator; the amendment is an assured success.

Several of our farmers are organizing a Quail Protective Union, and intend to wreck vengeance on all those who willfully destroy the valuable friends to the farmers, on their premises. The farmers all over the county should make a decided move in this direction, and be a unit on the protection of those beautiful and useful little birds from the ravages of merciless sportsmen. HORATIUS.

July 26, 1880.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

BURDEN, July 26, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: Will you please allow me space in your columns this week to say that the charge in the Burden Enterprise, that I had promised the county printing to a Winfield paper in case I was elected commissioner, is without the shadow of a foundation in truth. I have never had any conversation or communication whatever with any newspaper man in relation to the county printing. I have announced my candidacy through two rival newspapers in Winfield, and I believe had I also announced through the Enterprise, the above false charge would not have been published. HARVEY SMITH.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

TISDALE, July 25, 1880.
EDS. COURIER: An article appeared in the Monitor, of July 20th, under the head of "Query" and signed "Justice," purporting to be from Tisdale, in which the Rev. S. S. Holloway was grossly misrepresented, and by the editor maliciously assaulted. I, with your kind permission, beg leave to reply through the COURIER to the unprovoked attack.

I, with many others, some of whose names will be found below to corroborate my statement, were present at a temperance meeting called at Tisdale, July 17th, at which time and place Mr. Holloway made the remarks referred to by "Justice," who states that Mr. Holloway said that he is opposed to Mr. Asp for two reasons: First, because Mr. Asp is opposed to the amendment; Second, because Mr. Asp was in favor of the nomination of Mr. Hackney. Now in justice to Mr. Holloway, whom I highly esteem for his many excellent traits of character, I will just say that he made no such statements. The only allusion he made to Mr. Asp whatever was in expressing his regret that Mr. Asp was not present at the meeting as was anticipated, saying that he understood Mr. Asp was for the amendment and he wanted to hear him define his exact position on the temperance question. The gentleman that wrote the article either was not present at the meeting or his listening apparatus was out of repair. Every reading man knows that Mr. Asp is in favor of the amendment; therefore, it is unreasonable to say that Mr. Holloway was ignorant of the fact. Yet it seems the writer was not positive on the subject.

In conclusion, I would advise Mr. Justice to never resort to injustice in order to carry out some petty motive. As to the remarks of Mr. Conklin, nothing better could be expected as it is habitual with him to abuse and villify every individual that does not cringe to his ideas, whether fanatical or otherwise. FAIRPLAY.

We, the undersigned, being present at the time above mentioned and distinctly hearing the address delivered by the Rev. Mr. Holloway, do emphatically endorse the above statement as being true in every particular.




Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Winfield, in Cowley county, which has the general reputation of being the best built of the lesser cities of the state, has a population of 2,739, and counting the suburbs, 3,500. Winfield is a handsome town, well located, and possesses some of the brightest business men in the state. It is growing rapidly and substantially and has a bright future before it.

Leavenworth Times.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Otter: George Webb.

Otter: George Hosmer.

Richland: J. I. Cottingham.

Cedar: Oliver Sparkman.

Maple: D. V. Killion.

Creswell: T. H. McLaughlin.

Vernon: N. C. Clark.

Sheridan: B. Shriver.

Vernon: J. S. Wooley.

Spring Creek: C. C. Robinson.

Spring Creek: Thomas S. Smith.

Liberty: Isaac Mendenhall.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

According to the state census of March 1, 1880, Cowley county is the fifth in the state in population. The five leading counties are:

Leavenworth: 31,400

Shawnee: 27,723

Atchison: 26,713

Douglass: 20,950

Cowley: 20,649

The population of the state according to the returns of that census amounts to 928,561. It is probable that the U. S. census taken in June will raise the total population to 950,000.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Ask Joe Conklin what he knows about leeches.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Charles L. Harter has gone to Cincinnati on a visit.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Dr. Cooper is left to "hold the fort" for the next few weeks.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Winfield Rifles gave a ball in the Opera House on Friday evening.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Arkansas City has a Garfield club with I. H. Bonsall as president.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

J. G. Bullen, of our city, is furnishing the rock for the new school-house at Wichita.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Methodists of the African persuasion propose to build a church in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The contract for the stone work of the new Telegram office is let to Mr. Chas. Smith.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Our young ladies have caught the archery fever, and efforts are being made toward starting an archery club.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Democrats of the third district have nominated John Leach, of Silver Creek township, for County Commissioner.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The new city of Torrance, at the railroad crossing of the Grouse, has a post office now and David Campbell is the postmaster.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The colored people will celebrate August 24, Emancipation Day, by an all day picnic in the woods, and will have a grand time.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The experiment well at the mound east of town is progressing, and at the depth of fifty to sixty feet was working in soap stone and fifteen feet of water.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The K. C., L. & S. railroad company are fitting up commodious and convenient stock yards near the bridge. The work is done in the superior manner usual for that company.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

There is nothing like competition in business. The `bus men of the two companies got into a substantial argument at the north depot last Thursday, which cost one of the parties $8.25.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, ten miles north of Winfield, was dedicated last Sunday. Services were conducted by Rev. C. P. Graham.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mrs. Bixby, mother of Mrs. Doctor Emerson, on Saturday evening, fell downstairs, bruising her head, hip, and shoulder seriously and rendered her insensible. Since then she has been improving, but has been seriously ill.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The county commissioners met last Friday and adopted plans and specifications for the courthouse vaults and additions. Bids are called for on excavations, masonry, etc. The plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

We regret to have to notice the failure of our friends in the hardware business, Messrs. W. T. Roland & Son. We understand that it was caused by the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. We hope that the matter will be manaaged so as to save something for Mr. Roland.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Lafe Pence made a speech accepting the nomination of the Democratic convention for County Attorney, which is said to have electrified the convention. Lafe has many charac- teristics of a Voltaic battery, and might have made the fossils there assembled squirm around considerably.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The local editor has been ill of fever during the past week, and the supply of local items has fallen on the principal editor in addition to his other duties. This will be our excuse for any shortcomings in these columns. Our Jessie has been useful this week, as she has been frequently at other times.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mrs. J. S. Chase has just returned to her home in this county, having been absent in Wisconsin and Minnesota for the last eight months on account of her health. She returns greatly improved and notices a great contrast between the cold and comparative dreariness of the country she has left, and the beautiful, fruitful Cowley county.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A Mr. Morriston died last Friday on Grouse creek, from injuries received several weeks ago while on a trip to Wichita, where he went to enter his land. He was met by a tramp who beat him senseless, robbed him of his money, and left him. Some stranger picked him up and helped him home, since which time he has been confined to his bed, and has finally died of his injuries.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Windsor township held her Republican primaries on Monday. The interest manifested was intense as shown by the fact that over 100 votes were polled. We are informed that the delegates elected stand on County Attorney two for Jennings and one for Asp; on Probate Judge, three for Gans; on Commissioner, two for Clay and one for Fall. The delegates are Shaw, Reynolds, and Denton.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A large party of young folks consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson, Misses May Roland, Nettie McCoy, Sarah Hodges, Kate Millington, and Miss Westgate, and Messrs. Will Robinson, Will Wilson, Roland Conklin, Fred Hunt, and W. A. Smith made Salt City lively by their presence the other day. Some of the party took dinner with Mrs. Holloway, and the rest repaired to the beautiful grove east of the town, and partook of a picnic dinner, thus spending a very pleasant day. Salt City is fast becoming a very popular resort; there were between twenty and twenty-five teams there Sunday, from Winfield, Wellington, and Oxford.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

We hear of a great mortality among cattle in the territory, twenty dying of Texas fever in one lot.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Messrs. Hertzell & Co., from Girard, are starting a shop for doing turning [?] and scroll work in the south part of town.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A first class brood mare and colt for sale. Inquire of J. C. Loomis, near Arkansas City, or of J. C. McMullen, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

M. H. Markcum goes this week to Iowa on a visit, after which he will return to the Agricultural College at Manhattan.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Rev. F. Gorsline favored this office with a call last Saturday. He is one of the old time itinerant workers and has been a success.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Dr. Wright loaded his family, hired girl and all, into a lumber wagon last week, and started out in search of health. He will travel around at random and until he finds it.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mr. A. B. Lemmon arrived in this city Wednesday morning. He cannot be here Friday evening on account of a previous engagement to address the Teachers Institute at Howard.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The clothing firm of B. Sadler & Co. has been dissolved. Mr. Sadler will continue the business. He is one of the best business boys we have yet met and we hope to see him succeed.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mr. John Witherspoon has purchased Mr. Fendenheim's interest in the Southwestern Foundry and Machine Shops. John is a good businessman, and will make the concern pay. Mr. Magill will still be one of the firm.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Miss Nettie Porter and Miss Jessie Millington spent several days of last week at Salt City, guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Holloway. They report Salt City in a flourishing condition and the baths as invigorating and refreshing.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A boy, about fifteen years old, was arrested Monday morning and lodged in the calaboose for stealing a saddle and bridle off a horse near one of the churches Sunday night. He gives his name as Wm. Starling and says he lives northeast of town.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

We are in receipt of an invitation to attend the wedding of Miss Mary Deming and Mr. Charles Bitting, which is to take place August 10 at the Tremont House, Wichita. Miss Deming has many friends here who will join with us in hearty congratulation.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Omnia township held her Republican primary meeting on Monday, with about fifty voters out. Jennings gets their two votes for county attorney, Fall gets two for commissioner, Gans and Coldwell get one vote each for probate judge. The delegates are Crow and Parsons.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Miss Clara Brass, accompanied by her sisters, Mrs. J. B. Sherman, of Springfield, Mo., and Miss Sallie Brass, of Lawrence, Kansas, has gone to Medicine Lodge for a week's visit with another sister who resides there. Upon their return Mrs. Sherman and Miss Sallie will spend some weeks in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The District Sabbath School Convention of Cresswell, Beaver, Bolton, and Silverdale townships will be held Aug. 5th, in Godfrey's grove near Arkansas City. Basket dinner in the grove. W. D. MOWRY.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mrs. Ada Saint and two children left last week for Las Vegas, New Mexico. Her husband, Ex., joined her at Trinidad and they proceeded; but before reaching Las Vegas, the train was stopped by a wash out. The impassible gap in the road was about twenty miles. The train backed up the road and the Saints went to Raton and there awaited the repairs to the road that they might proceed.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mr. Coulter's Winfield City Directory has appeared and is an excellent and valuable work. Considering the many changes of people and residences, the errors are few and unavoidable. It is a good job of printing, for which the Telegram office is entitled to the credit. Mr. Coulter has been very industrious in preparing this work, which is a credit to his skill, and has made many friends in this city.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Elder Cartwright, the pastor of the Christian church in this city, met with a serious, almost fatal, accident last week by falling on a wagon wheel, which ruptured him internally and caused a great loss of blood. Last Sunday he was believed to be near his end, but since then he has been improving and hopes are entertained of his recovery. He is a nephew of the celebrated Peter Cartwright and has high clerical ability.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Last Thursday morning, on Andrews' addition, Jesse Wilmot while cleaning a well was so overcome by noxious gases that he could not escape, and the man at the crank could not help him, but called loudly for help. Soon a crowd arrived, but none dared venture down into the malaria. A young man from Illinois named Herbert Lewis volunteered to go down, and succeeded in bringing the suffocating man to the surface, where under the treatment of physicians he recovered. All honor to Herbert Lewis.



Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Quite a lively freight war has been going on in Cowley and Sumner counties for some time. Cattle have been shipped from Caldwell and Hunnewell in large quantities at $10, $1, and even nothing per car load to Kansas City. Recently common freight rates from Kansas City to Winfield were put at ten cents per 100 pounds. We like competition, but so bitter a war and such spasmodic low rates, besides being damaging to the roads, are really injurious to shippers as placing them in such a state of uncertainty. Steady and fixed rates, as low as is reasonable, are better for everybody concerned.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A meeting was held at Maple City last Tuesday for the purpose of organizing a township Sabbath school association. M. B. Herman was chosen chairman, and E. A. Goodrich, secretary. Officers for the ensuing year: W. W. Thomas, president; James Gilkey, vice- president; A. J. Thomas, secretary; Mrs. Gilkey, Treasurer.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

A party of our citizens, comprising James Finch, Custer, Covert, and Walcott, with Patterson of Arkansas City, went to Arkansas City on a sort of a "jamboree." They had one of Terrill & Ferguson's best rigs, and on their return, when within four or five miles of town, managed by careless driving to upset the carriage, breaking the vehicle in divers places, and well nigh making it a complete wreck. The horses were not injured. Custer had a leg broken in two places. Patterson's collar bone was fractured, and Walcott's head serious bruised. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Democrats nominated M. R. Leonard for Representative from the 89th district. Two years ago he was elected on the grounds that he was a Greenbacker, a Democrat, and an Arkansas City man. He made an excellent member of the House and voted for Ingalls, but we don't think he will be elected this time, because the Greenbackers are largely Republicans this year, the Democrats cannot get up a fusion, and Bob Mitchell is just as good an Arkansas City man as he is.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

The Dexter township Republicans held their primary meeting last Saturday and had a large turn out, polling 102 votes. The delegates elected by 24 majority are for Jennings for County Attorney; three for Smith, one for Gans, and one for Coldwell for Probate Judge. The delegates elected are J. M. Reynolds, R. Maurer, O. P. Darst, T. J. Rude, and A. Elliott.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Brown Donnegan, when arrested for horse stealing and brought before Commissioner Hughes, placed in possession of his sister three horses and certain other truck, in consider ation of which she became security in the sum of $300 for his appearance for trial. Immediately after this was accomplished, Donnegan mounted one of the animals given his sister as security, and departed for parts unknown, as might have been expected. Telegram.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

N. C. Myers, formerly of Chatsworth, Illinois, has recently become a citizen of Winfield. Mr. Myers has brought with him the clebrated Percheron Norman stallion, "French Dick," weighing two thousand pounds; also the thoroughbred black Spanish jack, "Davy Crocket." Farmers will consult their interests by breeding a larger and better breed of stock.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Charles Coleman testified against Ireton in a case before Justice Kelly, and got badly whipped for it. His story is that the elder Ireton attacked him at Bliss' mill, and while he (Coleman) was only fencing against the attacks, the younger Ireton attacked him with a brick and bruised his head up frightfully. We have not heard the story of the other side.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

If the K. C., L. & S. railroad should ever take a notion to build a branch to Wichita, we suggest that the junction be made at Winfield and go up the Walnut Valley to Douglass, thence to Wichita. The cost would be much less by this route and the necessary aid could be easily raised.



Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Last Thursday a large concourse of people assembled in this city to witness the ceremonies of laying the corner stone of the new Baptist church, under the auspices of the Masonic fraternity.

Hon. James McDermott acted as master of ceremonies, and the ritual was beautiful and impressive. A box containing a variety of documents, statistics, and newspapers was duly deposited, and the heavy corner stone, weight 2700 pounds, was lowered to its place. At the conclusion of these ceremonies the crowd adjourned to the Methodist church, where a beautiful and historic address for the occasion was delivered by Judge Soward. Short addresses were delivered by other speakers, and the occasion was one of interest and enthusiasm.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

We intend to be fair and impartial as between candidates for Probate Judge, and as we have given personal explanations on the part of Judge Gans, we give below a part of a letter from Wright Martin giving his views of Judge Coldwell in strong, terse language, and written two weeks ago.

After objecting to Judge Gans because he has been in others than the Republican party, the writer says:

"We expect to place the office in charge of a man of such unquestionable loyalty to the Republican party that an honest and capable administration of the duties of the office will be the only electioneering needed in future campaigns.

"We have most happily found such a man in Judge Coldwell, of Winfield. A man whose name commands respect wherever it is spoken, and whose fine abilities as a lawyer and the excellencies of whose personal character it would be superfluous for me to dwell upon.

"It now remains to be seen whether the Republicans will close the door of a county office against such a man who has never sought it to make room a fourth term for an anti-third termer like Gans who is always seeking it."


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Mrs. A. B. Lemmon has a new boy more than a week old, and says he is just as nice a boy as was his two year old brother. We will go up to Topeka and take a look at the fellow, and if he answers the recommend of his partial ma, we will give him a puff.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

Col. Woodcock, of the 3rd Kansas Infantry, called on us yesterday. He is on a tour of inspection of his regiment, and reports that he finds all the companies in fine condition.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

W. L. Mullen shipped six cars of hogs over the Santa Fe Tuesday morning. He says the hog crop of this county is about all marketed.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

MARRIED: In Vernon township, at the residence of the bride's father, July 21st, 1880, by the Rev. J. A. Rupp, Mr. Levi E. Gault and Miss Z. Emeline Hopkins, daughter of Elder Hopkins.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

FOUND. A gold and coral cuff pin. The owner can have it by calling at this office proving property, and paying for this notice.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

R. Harbaugh, Secretary, announces that the Pleasant Valley Sunday School Convention will meet at the Odessa school-house on August 6, at 10 o'clock a.m., and proceed to the grove on Posey creek, where the business will be transacted and a picnic will be held. A general invitation is extended.


Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

FOR TRADE. A modern dwelling of 8 rooms, 2 halls, brick-walled cellar, barn, carriage house and out-buildings, and two acres of and situated in Harrisburg, Saline County, Illinois; free of incumbrance. Price, $2,500. Will trade for a farm near Winfield.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

WANTED. Girl for general housework. Best of wages will be given. Required at the residence of J. C. McMullen or at the Winfield Bank.

Winfield Courier, July 29, 1880.

STRAY TAKEN UP. A two year old mare colt, light-bay, 12 hands high, hind feet white, blaze face. The above stray was taken up and is now in the hands of J. P. Henderson, 1-1/2 miles east of Winfield. The owner can get the same by calling and paying expenses.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, August 5, 1880. Front Page.

The day we passed in Saratoga was too hot and the night too intensely brilliant to be passed without comment.

The height of the fasionable season has arrived, and it would seem that all the wealth and show of the world was there. Since the fire which destroyed the U. S. Hotel, another of more huge dimensions has been erected, as well as the Grand Central, the latter being an item of the estate of A. T. Stewart, and furnished in the most elegant manner, costing 1-1/2 millions. The grounds and building use the electric light, which is certainly a marvel of improvement, and reduces gas light to that of a tallow candle; its rays being very similar to the sun. The only strange thing, and to some people, unpleasant, is the peculiar blue cast it gives to surrounding objects.

The court is filled with fountains and lovely flowers, green lawns, trees, and fine music, so you see one can spend a day very pleasantly.

Aside from these two hotels, and the springs and lake, there is little to interest one.

Coney Island at the present day must not be left out to the tourist, as it is the fashionable New Yorker's resort. The briny surf has been familiar to me in years gone by, but to renew the acquaintance now is not as agreeable as it is with the good friends living near.

The hotels at Manhattan beach, Coney Island, etc., are not to be compared with Saratoga, yet the guests are far more numerous.

An elevator 300 feet high gives me an extensive view of New York harbor, Rockway, and its hotels, 1/4 of a mile long, Long Branch (where I go tomorrow), Staten Island with its forts, etc.

Among the 1,000 curiosities was an automatic machine for hatching eggs, the first successful one ever invented, showing chickens in all stages of hatching, and was very interesting.

Perhaps no band in the world can compete with those at these hotels. Levy, now playing at the Manhattan Beach hotel, is said to be the finest cornet performer; his instrument is solid gold, a present of course. Arbuckle plays at Coney Island Hotel, and lest "familiarity breeds contempt," he gives only two or three pieces.

Electric lights here too add greatly to the beauty of the evening promenades and the sandy beach, with its white surf rolling up to your very path.

Display, excitement, bewilderment, from weeks end to weeks end, almost seeming to crowd years into days, until life itself is hurried through, cutting off the hours at either end, which makes it short enough. Even the forced quiet of city life here finds you up at 12 at night, and breakfasting at 10 in the morning.

I have just returned from Hempstead Island, where I have had a delightful visit with friends, in the quiet of a charming household, whose head (the mother), I knew as a beautiful girl of 16, long years ago. Time has set her seal; lovely children have grown to be a blessing, but the mother is beautiful still.

Garden City, built by A. T. Stewart in his life time, for the purpose it is said of lessening rents for the men of moderate means, is a handsome place; most of the buildings correspond ing to the same architecture, that of two-stories and basement, with French roof, lawns with fountains playing on the commons, ornamental trees, shrubs, and flowers. Since his death his wife is erecting an Episcopal Cathedral to his memory, and believes that the remains of her stolen husband have been recovered and deposited in the vault built for the purpose within the church. The Crypt is of the finest Italian marble, and the most elaborate carving in America. A lover of art could pass a week admiring the columns and caps of the building.

Notwithstanding the hundreds of times I have passed Trinity Church in New York, until now I have never been inside the iron railing. Of course, I was anxious to see the noted stones of which I had heard so much. Charlotte Temple was carved on a slab, which lies flat over the grave.

[Note: Reference is made in next paragraph to Clinton and canal. He was writing about De Witt Clinton (1769-1828), an American lawyer and politician. His great service was the promotion of the Erie Canal project. A locomotive was named for him.]

Greenwood cemetery is too extensive to enter into detail. The tombs of Clinton, with carving of the canal being dug through the wilderness, and its completion; the lot where were deposited the remains of those who were burned at the destruction of the Brooklyn theater; Matthews, the soda fountain man; Horace Greeley; Soldier's Monument; Daner, the noted N. Y. gambler, etc., are all calculated to throw the expensive tomb of Charlotte Candee, which has been so much admired, into the shade.

The elevated railroads, the tunnel under the North river, etc., I have not time to discuss.

I have met Mrs. Waldron, and R. B. Saffold, who join a party for Long Branch.

From there I go to Newport and Boston and then commence my home trip.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Politics is the topic of general conversation around this place now.

Some melons are ripening already, and green corn is large enough to roast.

Mr. Henry Foster has sold his place to Mr. A. McFadden, who will winter his sheep here this winter.

Mr. Alexander McFadden and family started for Missouri last Tuesday.

It seems that my statement that Hackney would not get the solid Republican vote of Omnia, is disputed by a number of correspondents. One says I am not a citizen of Omnia; another that I am "beardless," "The atrocious crime of being a young man." I shall send for some "beard elixir" at once.

At the Hancock meeting Mr. John Stout was chosen president, and Frank Lacey secretary. Two of Omnia's staunchest Democrats addressed the meeting, stating that they were "Democrats, dyed in the wool, always were Democrats, and would be henceforth and forever. Is this principle?

Mr. H. E. Asp met with the Republicans at the Baltimore school house last Monday evening, and after a pleasant little speech, proceeded to organize a Garfield club. Mr. L. A. Daniels was elected president; John L. Parsons, vice-president; Geo. F. Thompson, secretary; Wm. Jenkins, Treasurer. X. Y. CAESAR.

July 24, 1880.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The Republican nominee for commissioner of the third district, is an intelligent and successful farmer, who lives on Grouse creek, seventeen miles directly east of the city of Winfield in Dexter township. He located there ten years ago and has resided there ever since. He is a man of unsullied character, good education, industrious habits, sound judgment, careful in financial matters, and every way well qualified to conduct the financial matters of a great county.

His farm consists of 400 acres, 200 of which are under cultivation. He raises wheat and corn, and keeps about 36 head of cattle and 100 hogs. He attends strictly to business and does not go in debt. Last June he had the misfortune to have his dwelling house destroyed by fire, losing much of his household furniture and $1,000 in greenbacks, but this did not discourage him in the least. He made a good record as a Union soldier during the war, and has always been a Republican. He will be elected with more than his full party vote.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Mrs. Ada Saint, writing from Las Vegas, New Mexico, gives an interesting account of the time she had in getting there, from which we extract the following.

"Talk about this being a dry country. When I left Newton it was raining, and has rained most of the time since. I arrived at Trinidad at 4 o'clock the next morning, and there Ex came on board and found me asleep. We took breakfast at Raton and the train went on as far as Tipton, where the telegraph reported washouts ahead. Tipton is a board with the name on it and a telegraph box. Here we remained until late dinner time, when the train went back to Raton for dinner. We put up at the hotel. The landlord treated us splendidly, gave us his best room, the best seats at the table, and personally attended to our wants.

"Next morning (Thursday) another train arrived from the east, bringing Mrs. T. A. Wilkinson and her children. In the evening T. A. came down from Springer and met his family here. Next morning we went forward again in the train. At Springer, T. A. and family stopped off. Mrs. Wilkinson had a coal oil stove with her and did her own cooking. We got to Tipton again about noon, where orders to stop were received, and we waited on the train until night without dinner and had a lunch for the children. The train then backed to Wagon Mound, the next station, for supper. We were not expected and no supper was prepared. While waiting the train had orders to go on again, and we were so anxious to get ahead that we were willing to give up the supper and start at once. We had not moved foward more than a mile when we came to a bridge over a creek bed, which was perfectly dry when we crossed it less than an hour before, but we found it now a big river swelled so as to submerge the bridge and track out of sight, and we could not tell whether it was a wash-out or not. I never saw or heard of such a thing before. The water rushed and roared so we could hardly hear each other's voices.

"We waited over an hour, when the water had subsided so that we could see the track, and the train then moved over safely, though we thought it very risky. We reached Tipton again and there the train got orders to stop overnight and then go back to Wagon Mound for breakfast; for, as the dispatch said, all the work just done to repair the wash-out in Moro Canon had been washed out again. It rained heavily all night.

"In the morning, when the train was about to move back to Wagon Mound, we heard that the track had washed out a mile or two back. The engineer went back with his engine to examine, and when he got there, found it true; and in attempting to return, found another wash-out between his engine and his train so that he could not get out either way, and we were without an engine and remained there on the train all day, living in the Tanner style.

"Finally the track was repaired between us and Wagon Mound and we got back there, where we stayed two days and devoured every edible about the place, climbed mountains, visited adobe houses, and had a gay time generally.

"The train then was finally ordered back to Springer, where we arrived Sunday night. Here we met Bert Crapster; I suppose he has told you about it. Sunday night was an awful time. The passenger cars in the train were two common cars and two sleepers. Nearly all the men on the two common cars and some on the sleepers were out in town and got on a big drunk and came noisily back to the train toward morning. Monday night the town was out of beer, but there was a freight car on the track loaded with kegs of beer. The crowd selected a number of men who pretended to be tramps and broke into the beer car; and then there was another big drunk. There were two or three who belonged to our sleeper. The conductor refused to let them come into the car in that condition; but they drew their pistols and secured their entrance. They made an awful racket and I was nearly scared to death.

"On Tuesday evening the train was ordered forward to Moro Canon, where the passengers would be transferred. We arrived at the canon about dark and had to walk a quarter of a mile and cross the river on a foot bridge. The walking was good. Ex carried Rene over and the porter carried Jesse. Here we met the Rev. J. E. Platter. (He promised to tell you about it.) It took a long time to get the baggage all transferred, as it had to be carried by men across the foot bridge; but at last it was over, and we arrived here at Las Vegas at two o'clock in the night. Here the train not being expected, all was quiet and we started to walk to the nearest hotel; but meeting a carriage, we took possession, went to the old town, and put up at the Summer House. On the whole I have enjoyed all this very much. The railroad employees have been very kind and helpful."


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

An old man and woman have been arrested and confined in the jail at Fremont, Iowa, who are supposed to be the old Bender and his wife who committed the Cherryvale murders in 1873.

It is stated that a Mr. Hoffman, who was a neighbor at Cherryvale, has visited them in the jail and identifies both. They told him that they had been among the Indians, and had a hard time, and now they were tramping east. They had arranged to meet John and Kate Bender in Iowa, as they had a team with which they could all travel east. John was to go to Cherryvale and dig up $700 that they had buried. The old man admits his murders and expects to hang. The old woman wants to escape the halter by turning states evidence. They are to be brought back to Montgomery county to be tried. Officers are on the track of John and Kate. Such are the telegraphic reports.

LATER: On August 12th, the authorities became satisfied that they they did not have the Benders!


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

W. M. Allison has gone on a visit to Iowa.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Wilbur Dever has returned from his visiting tour.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Dan Maher, of Richland, has returned from a visit to Nebraska.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The ten cent rates of freight from Kansas City still prevail.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

J. C. Fuller is in Leadville and reports the city in a state of decline.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

M. L. Bangs is employed by the K. C. L. & S. railroad at Wellington.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Mrs. B. F. Baldwin has gone to join her husband at Colorado Springs.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Hon. R. L. Walker was in town last Thursday and gave us a call.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Ed Holloway has been spending a few days in the city, but has returned to Howard.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

C. A. Bliss and wife are visiting at Watertown, New York. They will give Saratoga a trial.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The walls of the school building are up as high as the county superintendent: one Story.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The foreman in the building of Mr. Rigby's house suffered a sun stroke last Saturday.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The K. C. L. & S. have the track laid west of Wellington nearly to the Harper county line.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Our short-hand reporter, Knight, has returned from New Mexico. Victorio did not lift his hair.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

B. Sadler is playing "a lone hand" at the Boyle building, having dissolved with his late partner.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The last we heard of M. L. Robinson, he was at Colorado Springs, and M. L. Read was at Georgetown.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Elder Cartwright did not improve as was hoped last week, but he still lingers and now is really improving.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

W. D. Roberts has gathered this year from a half acre of ground thirty one and a half bushels of blackberries.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Col. J. C. McMullen brought us from Mr. Burrel's vineyard on the sand hills the largest Concord grape we ever saw.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Hudson Brothers are running the Arkansas City jewelry business in the Palace store, as well as their Winfield store.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Hon. Henry Keller, of Leavenworth, made us a pleasant call on Tuesday. He is an insurance adjuster for four states, including Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The Lynn & Loose building at the corner of Main and Eighth, has its magnificent cornice completed and presents an imposing appearance.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Messrs. Hendricks & Wilson have rented the Page building, and will move their stock of hardware as soon as the Roland stock can be removed.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The place of N. L. Rigby begins to look proudly down upon us. It is the most unique structure in the city and would attract attention in any city.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

They say Leadville is unhealthy, but Baden is not satisfied. He has shipped a car load of cucumbers to that delightful burg. That will finish them.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Mr. Lemmon addressed the Teachers Institute at Sedan Monday, at Independence Tuesday, at Chanute Wednesday, and is expected to be at Paola today.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Geo. Youle was whispering around the Probate Judge last Monday. We heard something that sounded like Ellen. The Judge sold him a paper for cash.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The county commissioners met last Monday to make the tax levy. Some of the school district reports were not in and they could not finish up their work.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Col. C. Wood Davis, the gentleman who worked up the San Francisco road through Sedgwick county, was in town last Friday in the interest of Cherokee coal mines.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Charles Clayton has returned from a visit to Hannibal, Missouri. He says they are all democrats there, which is about as usual, and that is why Kansas gets ahead of Missouri.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Will C. Root got home just in time to carry Winfield for Judge Coldwell last Thursday, eleven votes in one day. Had he got home four days sooner, he would have carried the county.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Prof. E. T. Trimble has gone to take charge of the Teachers Institute at Columbus and will be gone four or five weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

That cake of Maple sugar direct from the maple districts of the north, sent us by Mrs. J. S. Chase, reminds us of our boyhood days when we lived in the woods and knew what good sugar was.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

A. B. Sykes, the foreman of the COURIER office, and the best job printer in Southern Kansas, is now a grass widower. His other half and fractional members of his family are visiting friends in the East.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Master Bertie Lemmon entertained his little friends last Saturday at the residence of his grandmother. There were present John and Caro Emerson, Jimmie and Estelle Fuller, Lillian Bruner, Houston, Belle, and Maggie Platter, Laura and Maggie Hendricks, Maggie and Trudie Bedillion, Tommy and Jennie Wilson, and Egbert Moffitt. A nicer lot of little girls, or a manlier lot of little boys were never seen. Each did his best and made the party a very enjoyable one.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Rev. J. E. Platter returned from his visit in the East Wednesday noon.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

A week ago today when Tisdale's large omnibus had just returned from a trip, was backed under the shed, and the hands had just got the four horses unhitched from it with the lines done up, an idiotic man, who had been sleeping in the shed, arose with a white blanket around him, which so frightened the horses that they jumped and ran, a trace or tug catching the iron on the end of the omnibus pole and taking the bus along, being drawn by one of the horses by one tug. The horses ran with the bus about town frightening everybody, but did no damage until they ran through Terrill & Ferguson's livery stable, where the opening was not high enough for the bus and the whole top of the bus was swept off and wrecked. The horses ran into the back yard and were there secured.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

There has been some complaint by some of the parties who go out serenading occasionally, about the ladies not acknowledging their efforts on their behalf. The parties who were out last Monday evening surely have no cause to complain. They started out, and stopping at the residence of one of our most popular ladies, sang their prettiest, and waited to be acknowledged, quite forgetting that it was the evening of Emancipation day. The lady, remembering the day, supposed it was some of her colored friends and sent out a generous donation in money. It is needless to say that the party made off as quickly as possible without waiting for further acknowledgment. We hope Messrs. Clayton, Roland, Pence, and the rest of them will not be discouraged however.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Last week Sheriff Shenneman took possession of the Roland stock of hardware and carried the key in his pocket. Last Monday Mr. Roland forced the lock, took possession, and put on a new lock. The Sheriff again took forcible possession and ejected Mr. Roland. Mr. Boyer than got in and the Sheriff ejected him; and in the tussel, tore his coat off. Boyer is too much like Hancock to enter into a rough and tumble. Mr. Boyer was in the hardware store as the attorney of Mr. Pugsley, the mortgagee, when he had the collision with the Sheriff.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Telegram: Among the large sheepherders of Cowley County are: A. D. Crowell, Winfield, 4,000; Mr. Raynold, Winfield, 1,700; Ezra Meech, Walnut, 1,200; S. C. Smith, Winfield, 1,000; Jake Statler, Rock, 2,500; Mr. Parks, Grouse Creek, 2,440; Dr. Wright, Omnia, 2,400. Besides these there are a number of persons who have flocks, ranging from 100 to 1,000, which will bring the aggregate well up to 40,000.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Under the law as it is understood the school districts through which the railroads run get all the benefit of the railroad taxation, while the greater number of school districts in the county, though paying their proportion of interest and principal on the R. R. bond debt, get none of the benefit of the taxation. This is wrong and should be righted.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

H. D. Gans received the Republican nomination for probate judge, notwithstanding the objection that he had made no record as a republican, because he has made a splendid record as a probate judge. He is now at least in full accord with the principles and objects of the Republican party, and will doubtless be elected.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Miss Lillian Hoxie has finished her labors here in the Institute and has returned to Fort Scott with the high respect and kindest wishes of all who know her. Would it not be a nice thing for Winfield if she could be made the head teacher of our new west school house.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

W. A. Lee lost his team the other day, supposed to be stolen. He had driven it down to the depot and there hitched it to a post, and forgetting his team, came home on foot. Not finding his team at home, he made a row until someone told him where he had left it.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

We hear a great deal of nonsense about Hot Springs, Eureka Springs, and other springs in the distance, while we have the best spring we know of right at our doors. We refer to the Geuda Springs near Salt City just across the Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The colored gentlemen complain that the stylish white young men of this city exclude them from white folks' balls, but crowd in and disturb colored folks' balls. They don't like this kind of treatment from the white trash.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Commissioner Burden says that Judge Coldwell's speech at the colored celebration was one of the neatest and best occasional addresses he ever heard, and that the whole affair was very interesting and enjoyable.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Levy, of the Philadelphia clothing house, starts east with his wife the beginning of the week to buy goods. His wife will visit friends in Philadelphia while he stocks up. They will be absent three weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Frank Gallotti has returned from the San Juan mines in Colorado as the agent of a stock company owning four mines. The stockholders propose to establish their headquarters at Winfield.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

On the first day of August 1834 the slaves in all the British colonies were emancipated, and last Monday the colored people of the Arkansas Valley celebrated the event in Winfield.

There were about 300 colored people present, mainly from Winfield, Wichita, Wellington, and Arkansas City.

Williamson Thomas was the president of the day; L. C. Scott was grand marshal; Wm. Brown and Carter, assistant marshals, and John Turner, Carter, and Brown the committee on arrangements.

A procession, led by the colored band of martial music, was formed at the Santa Fe depot and marched to the ground, Frank Manny's garden and park, where the Rev. Weir made an introductory address, and Rev. Daily made the opening prayer.

Judge Coldwell was the orator of the day and made an eloquent and appropriate address, which was listened to attentively and broadly applauded by his appreciative hearers. After the address a banquet was served, at which Judge Coldwell and the county commissioners were honored guests.

In the evening the religious part of the company held an entertainment at the courthouse and the others held a ball at Manning's Opera House. Both parties were conducted pleasantly and were highly enjoyed.

There are about 125 colored people in Winfield of whom about 50 are exodusters. The latter have plenty of work, are doing well, and feel that they have escaped untold barbarities. The colored people here are generally good citizens and industrious.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

On Tuesday the county commissioners let the stonework of the vault wings of the courthouse to Archie Stewart for $545, and the iron work of the vaults to John Seaton, of Atchison, for $430. The work will commence at once. John Hoenscheidt, the architect, was on hand with the plans and specifications.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

The Republican nominee for county attorney is a native of Delaware, Ohio. He is not to blame that President Hayes was born there too, for he could not help it. Frank was ten years old when the war commenced and was not a soldier in the war because his folks thought he was too young. However, he put in his time well in working on his father's farm and attending school. He was educated at the Ohio Wesleyan University and then went through a course of law studies at the Ann Arbor Law school. He practiced a short time with his old preceptor at Delaware and then struck out for the west to obey the injunctions of the venerable Horace Greeley. He struck Winfield between four and five years ago and went to work. With his bright scholarship, industrious habits, sound judgment, and quick percep- tions, he has become one of our best lawyers and is destined to rise to eminence as a jurist. He is a gentleman, one of the kind who regard the poorest laborers as equals, and acknowledge no superior class. He has made friends with all with whom he has become acquainted, and will poll more than the full strength of his party at the coming election.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Horning, assisted by their niece, Miss Emma Heimbaugh, entertained their many friends last Tuesday evening at their beautiful new home. There were between seventy and eighty guests, who reluctantly left at a late hour, all expressing themselves as having spent a delightful evening.


Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

At the Primary Republican Meeting held in Walnut township last Friday J. C. Roberts was elected chairman, and L. J. Webb, Secretary. John H. Morgan was elected a member of the County Republican Central Committee. J. C. Roberts, T. A. Blanchard, and Robert Weekly were elected a township Republican Committee.



Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

A first-class brood mare and colt for sale. Inquire of J. C. Loomis, near Arkansas City, or of J. C. McMullen, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.

On Saturday evening, August 7th, there will be held in Maple City a mass meeting to organize the township of Spring Creek into a temperance association.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The copious rains of the past few days give the farmer reason to rejoice and be glad. The corn crop is insured from drought now.

Mr. James Anglin has gone to Lyon county, where he will remain until fall.

Mr. M. G. Troup made a call on the Republicans congregated in their primary.

Mrs. Frances Elwood, daughter of W. R. Stolp (which wuz postmaster) is visiting relatives in this county. Mrs. Elwood has been absent from home nearly ten years, sojourning in Illinois, Iowa, and Minnesota.

Mr. William Jenkins has purchased two new sulky plows for the boys to engineer. Mr. Jenkins is one of Omnia's most enterprising farmers.

Anna Thompson has been having a very sore throat, but is convalescing under the skillful treatment of Dr. Daniels.

We really wonder who, in Richland township, has the audacity to use the name of Sir Roger DeCoverly as their pseudonym.

Willis McClung had the misfortune to fall out of a wagon and break his arm.

Mr. M. P. Hayworth and family have gone to Emporia on a visit.

August 3, 1880. X. Y. CAESAR.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Capt. Payne and three others who are arrested for the second time have been sent to Fort Smith for trial. Fifteen of the Oklahoma company who had been arrested but once were taken to the state line and ordered to skip.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

At the Republican convention held in Dexter on last Saturday to nominate a candidate for the office of Representative of the Eighty-ninth district, there were present many Republicans from all parts of the county, with a full attendance of delegates from that district. The meeting was a large and enthusiastic one.

Hon. W. P. Hackney, being present, was called on to make a speech, and responded with a ringing speech in behalf of the principles of the Republican party, claiming that its organization was inspired by the great truths of the declaration of Independence, and that it was the first and only party that ever dared accept those truths as a party platform. That the Democratic party was the champion of slavery before the war and its apologist since; that the Republican party was the champion of free speech and an untrammelled press, the defender of the liberties of the people and the purity of the ballot box; that the Democracy was cemented together by the coalition of the Northern and Southern wings of that party, the former willing to submit to the dictation of the latter for the sake of the spoils, while the latter, actuated by the sole desire of regaining in peace what they lost in war, permitted their mouths to be hermetically sealed during the last session of Congress for fear some of their hopes and aspirations would be unwittingly promulgated and the Northern mind startled.

He referred to the fact that the Democratic party was the same today that it alwys had been, the foe of the black man; the apologist of oppression, and unrelenting opponent to all election laws to protect our ballot boxes.

He referred to the fact that he has always been a Republican, and that he helped organize the Republican party in Cowley County, was secretary of the first Republican convention ever held in Cowley County, which met in Dexter in August 1870; that he was secretary of the Republican convention that nominated a Republican ticket in September of that year; that the opposition nominated a ticket with E. C. Manning, Judge Ross, A. A. Jackson, and John Devore, all Democrats except the former; that his ticket was elected, but the returns were thrown out and Manning declared elected, although defeated.

Here someone called out: "Where were you four years ago?" Hackney retorted: "Fighting for the Republican county ticket, except as to the man he fought ten years ago;" and that he four years ago bolted the nomination of that man, Col. Manning, and that by that act (although he had spent his time and traveled over the county every fall since making speeches for the Republican ticket) he had placed a club in the hands of enemies that they had freely used ever since, and referred in bitter tones to the fact that the beneficiaries of that act had omitted no opportunity to assault him at every turn made by him since in favor of the straight ticket.

He warned the Republicans, that while the Democratic party will fawn upon them now, if they will help them, yet the first time that they are pleased with the ticket and want it elected, and attempt to secure that object, they will be set upon by the jackals and scorpions that infest that party, and nothing will be too low and mean for them to do or say.

And when he closed he was greeted with thunders of applause. It was a timely speech, and well received by all, and everybody went home happy and pledging themselves anew to the election of our gallant candidate for the State Senate.

[AN ARREST: DR. D. W. BENAPE - Augusta.]

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Last Monday Dr. D. W. Benape, in company with several other citizens of Douglass, came to this city. During the evening of that day a deputy U. S. marshal arrived in the city with warrants for the arrest of the doctor. The case, as related to us by parties who claim to be posted, is as follows.

Some time ago Doctor Benape traded some property belonging to his wife for the stock of drugs owned by Gibbs & True, of Douglass, the business being conducted in Mrs. Benape's name. No license had been taken out in her name for the sale of liquor, but yet one was found there, appearing to be duly authenticated. The arrest was made on two separate charges: selling liquor without a license and forging a license for such sale; it being claimed that the doctor erased the name of Gibbs & True from an old license and inserted the name of his wife. The doctor was taken to Topeka on Tuesday morning. Augusta Gazette.



Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

"Hackney is a railroad attorney," is the whine of a few individuals who are engaged in the business of making political capital for Mr. Pyburn.

That the firm of Hackney & McDonald has been employed to transact some legal business for the Kansas City Lawrence and Southern railroad is a fact. The firm was retained for this purpose more than a year ago, long before Mr. Hackney was mentioned as a candidate for the State Senate. The engagement was for an indefinite period and is liable to terminate at any time. It was only for the prosecution of certain special cases. The firm was employed because of its recognized ability and not for any political reason. All who know Mr. Hackney are fully satisfied that such business transactions will not, in the least, influence his action as a legislator. Did they have any influence whatever, it would be to cause him to be more guarded of the people's interests. His ambition and his past fidelity to the public trusts confided to him are a sufficient guarantee of his future faithfulness.

How is it with his Democratic opponent? Was he employed as attorney for the A. T. & S. F. railroad because of his legal ability, or because of his occupying the position of State Senator? Does anyone acquainted with the bar of this city and county believe that this great corporation deliberately selected Mr. Pyburn, from among its members, because of his standing as an attorney? In other words, does one of our readers believe he would ever have been appointed attorney for the Santa Fe railroad at this place, if he had not been our State Senator? He is still our Senator, and while serving in that capacity, receives bread and butter from a railroad corporation. The query is: Did he prostitute his official position for a soft place with a great corporation?

Railroad companies do not employ attorneys because they look wise and are good fellows. It is only after the people have given such fellows the control of sacred interests by putting them into responsible official position that they become valuable to these great corporations.

Now, taking the records of these two men, which is most likely to prove true to the people? Mr. Hackney has never betrayed us, while Mr. Pyburn's position is, at best, a questionable one.

The private citizen, Mr. Hackney, has rendered honorable service as an attorney for both individuals and corporations. He has done this work for compensation. There has been nothing dishonorable in this. It has been such service as every attorney in the county would have been glad to render.

Mr. Hackney has been employed to do that work, because individuals and corporations have had confidence in his ability and integrity. No one can point to a public trust of any kind that he has ever betrayed.

Next winter we shall want just such a man as Mr. Hackney to look after our welfare at Topeka. His interests and ours are identical. He has pledged himself to stand by his constituents.



Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The excavations for the county vaults are completed.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Mrs. M. L. Robinson has returned from Colorado.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

A. J. Pickering, of Cambridge, was in town Monday.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Manser lost a child by death last week.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Misses Westgate leave for their home in Illinois this week.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Brettun House is commenced. The excavation is progressing.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The school building is progressing well, and shows two stories of wall.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Master Albert Shoeb last Thursday entertained a host of his young friends.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Parsons has fifteen saloons, Hunnewell eleven, Wellington nine, Winfield four.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

A little son of Perry Hill died Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Miss Minnie Bacon returned from a visit to old friends in Burlington last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Lynn & Loose building is the finest business building in Southwestern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Texas cow boys shoot and smash around generally and have their own way at Hunnewell.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Mr. Baker has rented the Weitzel building, and will move the Baker House "uptown."

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Read Robinson appeared on our streets last Saturday, direct from Colorado and New Mexico.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The youngest and proudest dad in the city is Charlie Bahntge. It's a boy, and was born Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Walter Deming started on a visit to Abilene Wednesday. He will be absent about three weeks.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Will Anderson, who was once in the lumber business in this city, has turned up in the ungodly town of Hunnewell.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The post office of New Salem has been ordered moved one mile to the railroad station, and John Coffey appointed postmaster.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Blacksmith Miller has removed to his new stone shop near the brewery. Klingman & Hiller occupy his old shop with the addition of a wagon-making business.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

John Moffitt sent around the cigars last Monday morning to celebrate the advent of a nine pound boy. That new house of his must be fully occupied.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The A. T. & S. F. railroad have complimented the Knights Templars by giving them free transportation over their roads for the great gathering at Chicago.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Taylor Fitzgerald has removed his office to larger apartments in the Morehouse building, is putting in a handsome safe, and fixing up for a grand rush of business.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Rev. J. E. Platter enjoyed his New Mexico trip very much notwithstanding the washouts. He visited some of the same mining districts which we visited last February.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Rev. Hyden leaves this week for a month's recreation in the mountains. His health has been very poor for some time, and his congregation kindly granted him a vacation.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The apple crop of Cowley county this year is splendid. A very large number of young trees are in bearing and heavily fruited, and the apples are large, beautiful, and excellent.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Date Tansey brought with him from Sac and Fox agency two handsome fawns for Mr. Ellesberry. He intends to take them East with him. They will be curiosities in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Gilbert, Jarvis & Co. had a gang of men at work Monday and Tuesday putting their new 3,500 pound safe into position in their office. It is one of the largest private safes in the city.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Mrs. E. A. Barbour, of Elgin, is canvassing the city for the sale of the life of the presidential candidates and other books. She has been very successful in Independence, and other towns east of here.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Young men who have not proved up on your claims should stir around, advertise, and get your fifty dollars ready. The sooner, the better; but you must commence the advertise ment by Sept. 20th, at the very latest.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Will Fry, a favorite compositor in this office, left last week for Labette county, where he has friends and relatives.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Winfield Library Association, now six months old, by continued efforts, has always paid it expenses promptly. The Association, purchased $25.00 worth of books about 3 months ago, and during the past week has sent off a considerably larger order for standard novels. There are at present about 230 volumes in the library, and while the greater part of the works of fiction among these are represented: the works of Mrs. Holmes, Marion Harland, Augusta Evans Wilson, May Agnes Fleming, Pansy, George Eliot, Wilkie Collins, and others; in the library are also Charles Dickens works, part of the Waverly Novels, and part of Mark Twain's novels. Any book may be drawn from the library by the holder of a library card. A library card may be purchased for $3.00 for one year, $1.75 for six months, or $1.00 for three months.

The reading room, the most important feature of the enterprise, is fully realizing the expectation of the Association and visitors will find it a cheerful, well lighted room. The table is covered with the standard monthlies, weeklies, and dailies of the day.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Prof. Hickock and his better half know how to travel. They have a good team and covered wagon, which serves for a sleeping room in the night, and a store room in the day time, and they carry along a coal oil cook stove, cooking utensils, and provisions, and travel when they please. They will visit such scenes as they deem worth seeing in the North and West, and return when they choose. They are perfectly independent of railroads and hotels, do not have to wait for trains or bad cooks, and will enjoy their summer vacation in the most rational way.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

B. F. Baldwin writes from Colorado Springs thusly: "As soon as I can find time, I will write you what I know and think of Colorado. I will say, however, that I like it much better for a place to sojourn during the hot months of summer than a permanent home. My family are here and quite well. I have much improved in health since I came here. J. L. M. Hill and S. H. Myton left here yesterday (August 4th) for New Mexico and home. M. L. Robinson, wife, and boy left for Alamosa and the San Juan country on same train."

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Monday Geo. Miller received a telegram from Wellington to look out for a couple of thieves who had stolen some green hides and started this way with them. Soon after two men entered his shop to sell some hides; and from the description, he judged them to be the thieves.Warrants were immediately put into Constable Finch's hands and the parties arrested. They claimed to have purchased the hides at Hunnewell. Mr. Finch took them to Wellington Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Gilbert, Jarvis & Co., are making arrangements to enlarge their office. They have rented the suite of rooms adjoining the ones they now occupy, and are having a connecting door put in. This will give them four elegant rooms, one of which will be fitted up as a reception room, another as a working room, a third as a consultation room, and the fourth as a private office for the firm. When furnished their offices will be the largest and most commodious of any loan agency in the state.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Last Friday afternoon the old bridge near Wood, Jettinger & Co.'s mill, fell in. It has been condemned for over a year as unsafe, and persons who used it were notified that they did it at their own risk. This was the first bridge built in the county, and has stood there since 1872. One of Al. Requa's teams had crossed the bridge only a few moments before it fell.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The last number of the Silver World published at Salt City in the San Juan county, Colorado, gives a glowing account of the riches of the mining lode, Black Wonder; assays being made as high as $167.84 gold, and $17,174.10 per ton. The dyke is said to be two miles long, 40 feet thick, and of unknown depth. Frank Gallotti says that is one of the lodes in which he is interested.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

J. C. Monforte and John Land have been cutting grass in the vicinity of the Todd place, four miles east of Winfield. On last Thursday evening some scoundrels broke up the mowing machine so as to make it a perfect wreck and carried away the smaller parts of it. The owners offer $50 reward for the apprehension of the perpetrators.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The duty of feeding the hungry horde of Representative makers which assembled at Dexter last Saturday fell to O. P. Darst, and right royally did he treat them. It was truly grati fying to see Jim Utt and Will Mowry stow away fried chicken and other dainties. If Dexter isn't visited by a famine, it will not be their fault.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Major Frenbath and lady are visiting friends in Winfield. He is the celebrated bridge builder and has lately returned from the New Mexico bridges. He will now attend the bridge building of the Santa Fe extension in Sumner and Harper counties.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The library association will give a festival at the Opera House Thursday evening. Preparations are being made to have a grand old fashioned time. Let everybody turn out.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Metty Weeks, the boy whose foot was crushed at the Santa Fe depot several months ago has been obliged to submit to amputation. He endured the terrors of his situation like a little man.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Workmen are at work tearing away the old Mullin barn and clearing the ground preparatory to beginning work on the new Palace Hotel.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Ed. Weitzel's building is fast approaching completion. The front is one of the most elaborate in the city, and attracts much attention.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

R. J. Hill, an attorney of Independence, spent several days of this week in the city.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The well borers at the mound are at work on their second hundred feet of depth.

Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Pryor & Kinne have a telephone from their office to the courthouse.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

Many are well acquainted with the way W. A. Lee, our well known implement dealer, began business when he located among us, and how against fearful opposition he has struggled, until today he has one of the finest implement houses in Southern Kansas. His ability to choose none but the best goods and throw out the poor is one great secret of his success; another, by his patience with the farmer and untiring energy he succeeds in holding his customers, and as a general thing farmers pay him promptly and willingly, showing that they are well pleased with their machinery. We can assure those who trade with Mr. Lee that in him they will find a fair and honorable gentleman, and can at least be assured of getting what he represents the goods to be.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

The Republicans of Elk county met in convention last week and John W. Riley, of Longton; Adrian Reynolds, of Howard; and W. C. Parker, of Moline, were then elected as delegates to the Judicial Convention, and instructed for Hon. E. S. Torrance of Winfield, and to use all honorable means to secure his nomination. The convention was nearly unanimous. Thus Torrance has the unanimous delegations from the three counties which have yet held their conventions: Chautauqua 4, Cowley 6, and Elk 3, making 13 delegates. It is believed that Butler will elect 6 delegates for Torrance on the 20th, in which case Sedgwick may give him her 6 delegates on the 21st, and Summer her 5 on the 23rd, making the nomination unanimous on the 24th.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

At the meeting of the Directors of The Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company, of Sherman, Colorado, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year.

Hon. W. P. Hackney, President.

John Service, Vice-President.

T. K. Johnston, Treasurer.

E. P. Kinne, Secretary.

F. Gallotti, General Manager.

Advisory Board: S. C. Smith, M. G. Troup, John D. Pryor.

Special Executive Committee: T. K. Johnston, E. P. Kinne, F. Gallotti.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

If the people of the different neighborhoods throughout the county will organize Stock Protection Associations and forward the Captain's Post Office address, I will take pleasure in forwarding descriptions of criminals or stock wanted here or elsewhere, and do all I can to aid them. A. T. SHENNEMAN.


Winfield Courier, August 12, 1880.

RECAP ONLY: The Tremont House at Wichita was on last week (Tuesday) the scene of festivity and gayety on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Charles W. Bitting and Miss Mary Deming. [Millington mentions that he and his wife attended in company with their daughter, Jessie, and Mrs. J. D. Pryor.] Bitting, he says, is a member of one of the leading mercantile firms of Wichita.

The bride, Mary Deming, is the oldest daughter of A. N. Deming, formerly of the Lagonda House in Winfield and now the prince of landlords of the Tremont.

Mr. Robert Deming acted as groomsman and Miss Jennie Bernard as bridesmaid. Rev. Mr. Sparks, the M. E. local clergyman of Wichita, performed the ceremony according to the beautiful ritual of the Episcopal church.

Some of the wedding gifts:

Cameo jewelry, by the groom.

Silver water set, A. W. Bitting.

Silver castor, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Deming.

Gold-lined spool-holder, Robert Deming.

Silver nut picks, Miss Julia Deming.

Celluloid comb and brush, Mrs. J. D. Pryor.

Linen napkins, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Gooch.

Silver card receiver, Jessie and D. A. Millington.

Cut glass bouquet holder, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Smith.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

UDALL, KANS., AUG. 16, 1880.
More houses are needed, as people are inquiring daily for vacant buildings.

The public well does not do its duty, but has almost entirely failed to supply the good people with Adam's ale, and as the drug store is now run by Dr. Mudgett, who refuses to handle intoxicating liquors, stating he does not need it in his practice, as a consequence Smith & Green must supply the demand for drink by means of melons.

Udall school district, one of the wealthiest districts in this part, voted for eight months school the coming year, to commence the first of September.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mrs. C. T. Beach has gone on a visit to Lawrence.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Ed. Greer returned from Kansas City Sunday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Rev. N. L. Rigby filled Rev. Cairns pulpit last Sunday.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Hendricks, of hardware fame, is proud of a new boy.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Judge Gans returned from Kansas City Monday evening.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mrs. Judge W. P. Campbell has returned from Santa Fe.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Rev. J. A. Hyden is off on a vacation. It will do him good.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Rev. J. Cairns has gone on a summer vacation. "Serves him right."

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

M. L. Lee got a leg broken at Seeley, while switching cars last week.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

E. C. Seward will run the business of W. H. Smith during his absence.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Miss Minnie Capps, of Wellington, was visiting in this city last week.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Dan Miller has opened a stone blacksmith shop near Manny's brewery.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Miss Minnie Bacon has returned from her long visit east, as bright as ever.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

J. Wade McDonald opened his Congressional canvas at Caldwell last Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Read's Bank is now guarded by a large black iron fence, the work of the foundry.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Charley does not seem to like any of the bids for building the hotel. Try again boys.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

The clerk of the Winfield school district reports 870 children of school age in this district.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

S. H. Myton has returned from his trip to Colorado and New Mexico, and complains of the hot weather here.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Geo. Anderson feasted the COURIER boys with big watermelons last Tuesday and now they look like Dr. Tanner.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

N. E. Stevens, the financial agent of the Leavenworth Times, was in town last week interviewing our businessmen.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Joe Greenlee has returned from his three year sojourn in Colorado. He did not tell us how many millions he has made.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mrs. W. R. Robinson, who has been visiting friends in this city for several weeks, has returned to her home in Fort Scott.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

John Moffitt's new residence on 11th street, between Fuller and Andrews, is now enclosed, and shows up as one of our fine residences.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

James Kelly and Frank Finch are the delegates of the Good Templars of this city to the Grand Lodge of the State which meets at Topeka.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Dr. Charles Hayes, one of the early residents of Winfield, but of late a surgeon in the Ossawatomie Asylum, has been visiting in this city a few days.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Yes, sportsmen have a legal right to kill prairie chickens, wild turkeys, or deer; but they have no right to trespass on the grounds of farmers who object.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

A horse belonging to Mr.McAfee was thrown from the railroad track last Saturday morning, and so seriously injured that it had to be killed. Arkansas City Traveler.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

J. L. M. Hill has returned from New Mexico and Colorado. He don't think much of the chances for speculation there, but imagines Old Mexico will "pan out" better.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Dr. Tanner is "going for" all sorts of provisions and is gaining six pounds a day in weight. When he gets so he can tip the beam for David Davis, he will take another fast.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

The A. M. E. Church people held a festival at the courthouse last week. The proceeds, $19.85, will be applied to incidental expenses of the church and the support of preaching.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Lovell H. Webb has received a commission as Commissioner of the United States Circuit Court. Lovell is a bright young man of unexceptionable habits and will make a first class officer.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

The census office has 31,000 enumerators to settle with. The force is able to prepare 500 vouchers a day. The enumerators are being paid as rapidly as the force can prepare the papers.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

The Telegram has compiled a history of the M. E. Church of this city, which will be read with interest by all the old settlers, the M. E.'s, and many others. We reckon it has got the facts substantially correct.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Pryor & Kinne have a telephone in good working order connecting their office with E. S. Bedilion's office at the courthouse. It saves them a great many journeys to the courthouse to make inquiries about the public records. They are agents for the Telephone Company, and will soon be in a position to put up more telephones.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

DIED: Of brain fever in this city on Friday evening, August 13th, Mr. Robert Beeny, aged 19. Mr. Beeny had so recently been on our streets, apparently well, that the news of his demise was startling and almost incredible. He was a native of Syracuse, New York, and came here with his father's family about two years ago, where he has made a great many friends. The funeral took place on Saturday, and was largely attended. The members of the Young Men's social club, of which he was a member, held a special meeting and passed resolutions relative to his death, signed by D. L. Kretsinger, President; Fred C. Hunt, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

We do not dispute the story of the Telegram concerning the doings of the Democratic crowd on the train when returning from their convention at Wichita. We presume they treated O. M. Seward in the manner stated and others in a similar way. We are told that the Telegram did not tell half the story; that they bamboozled strangers as well as friends, Democrats as well as Republicans. They even ruined the immaculate shirt front of their honored nominee for Congress, J. Wade, by throwing against it a large mass of watermelon slush. They turned everything upside down and made the car look worse than a stock car. We are told that the price of beer and such like beverages went up a hundred percent in Wichita before they left.

Seward ought to have known better than to be caught in a crowd of Democratic delegates. We were in Wichita the morning of the convention and guessed what was coming, so we "lit out" for home before they got up a full head of steam. Before we left we took J. Wade uptown and found a cane for him that he might defend himself, but it seems that it was not sufficient. We are for the amendment.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Winfield is partly depopulated by the great exodus to the Knight Templars triennial reunion in Chicago. Last Saturday and Sunday the trains were loaded with excursionists, many of whom were taking this opportunity to visit friends in the east with the excursion rates for fares. A great many went from here whose names have not been given us, but the following are some that we know of: Dr. W. G. Graham and wife, Capt. S. C. Smith, E. P. Kinne, J. E. Conklin, Capt. James McDermott, Rev. J. Cairns and wife, Rev. J. A. Hyden and wife, J. D. Pryor, R. D. Jillson and daughter, Mrs. D. A. and Miss Jessie Millington. C. C. Black and wife, J. W. Johnson and daughter, J. P. M. Butler and wife, Miss Jennie Melville, G. H. Buckman, J. C. and Miss Ioa Roberts, Will Baird and wife, Mrs. N. L. Rigby, Jacob Nixon and wife, J. S. Hunt, and T. R. Bryan.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

At the Democratic congressional convention of the third district held at Wichita, August 12, Hon. J. Wade McDonald was nominated on the first ballot. He accepted the nomination in an eloquent speech before the convention. There was a big ratification meeting in the evening. A hickory pole was raised, and a flag was presented by the ladies to the Hancock and English club. There was a fine torchlight procession, good music, good speaking, and lots of enthusiasm. There will come a time in November when votes will fall "like snow flakes on the sod" and J. Wade will disappear. A drift of 15,000 majority will appear, and beneath it will be heard J. Wade begging Elder Mitchell to pray for both.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

One of Lafe Pence's old Democratic friends brought him yesterday a big watermelon, two feet long. Lafe left it on the table in his office and went out to invite his friends to a treat. Jennings and other rats about the building got the melon, cleaned out the inside, and then fastened it together again, so it looked as good as new. Lafe returned with his friends, and with his big knife slashed open the melon, when lo! it was as vacant as Allison's skull. The friends did not like the joke, so they stood Lafe on his head and poured ice water down his


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mr. Clarence Whistler, the celebrated wrestler, gave an exhibition of his skill on the street Monday evening. He is undoubtedly a "strong man," and performed many astounding feats. His muscles are as hard as iron, and the doctors, who measured him, pronounce him the largest man they have seen, measuring 46 inches around the chest.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

J. C. Fuller writes from Leadville that he will be home about Sept. 1st. He does not appreciate the mountains as well as he did last year, and business is duller in Leadville. O. F. Boyle and lady are well.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

A little child of Mr. Frazer, a child of Mr. Deffenbaugh, and a child of Mr. Johnson were buried last Monday. There seems to be unusual mortality among children this hot weather.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

We do not think the visit of Miss Jennie Melville to her sister, Mrs. Carter, is so incredible that the Telegram need repeat it to gain credence.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mrs. Millington and her daughter, Jessie, have gone to Illinois and Iowa on a few weeks visit among friends and relatives.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mrs. Ed. P. Greer has gone on a few weeks visit to friends and relatives in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Taylor Fitzgerald has gone to Indianapolis on business.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

We are authorized by the judge and members of the bar to announce that the District Court will not convene until Wednesday morning, August 25th. Jurors, witnesses, and litigants will please take notice.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's parents, near Vinland, Douglass county, Kansas, on Monday, August 16th, H. Perrine Stultz, proprietor of the Wa-Keeny Leader, to Miss Effie Fawcett.

NOTE: Miss Fawcett was for some time with Mr. Raymond's family, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Hudson's bath house will be in trim and open anew. On Thursdays he will give free baths to gentlemen and on Fridays, free baths to ladies, when female attendants will be in charge. Call and try it.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Wanted: Information as to the whereabouts of one Joseph H. Opdycke, who left his home about June 10th, and has not been seen since. Age 16, fair complexion, very light hair, blue eyes, wore a dark suit of clothes, white shirt, gold shirt studs and sleeve buttons with "O" engraved in black on them, had a bundle with him fastened with a strap containing a pair of cotton pants and brown and white plaid shirt. Anyone knowing of his whereabouts who will send his anxious parents word, will be well paid for their trouble. Exchanges please copy.

A. R. OPDYCKE, Udall, Cowley Co., Kansas.

Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Died: In this city on Friday, August 13th, Elder T. L. Cartwright, aged 37.

Mr. Cartwright was a native of Warren County, Missouri, a nephew of the famous Peter Cartwright, and was early connected with the M. E. Church. In 1868 he connected himself with the Christian church, since when he has been one of its most energetic and faithful workers. He was thoroughly educated, had an extraordinary memory, and was one of the best biblical scholars in the country. He came to Winfield but a few months ago and assumed the duties of pastor of the Christian church in this city, where he has acquired an enviable reputation. About three weeks ago while about to alight he fell astride of a wagon wheel and was terribly injured, from the effects of which, after lingering three weeks in unspeakable suffering he has been relieved by death. He leaves a wife, but no children, to mourn his loss. His remains, in charge of Judge Gans, have been sent to Jonesburg, Missouri, for interment.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

There are two post offices of the first class and nine of the second class in the state of Kansas. Winfield is the tenth post office in the state in the order of amounts of business transacted during June 30, 1880. On this as a basis of readjustment, the salaries of the postmasters of the eleven leading post offices of the state have been established as follows.

Leavenworth: $3,000.

Topeka: $3,000.

Atchison: $2,900.

Lawrence: $2,800.

Wichita: $2,700.

Fort Scott: $2,400.

Emporia: $2,400.

Parsons: $2,100.

Wyandotte: $2,100.

Winfield: $2,000.

Salina: $2,000.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Mr. Hackney addressed the people assembled from Omnia township. He made a fine speech, and pretty thoroughly vindicated himself of all false charges. The men who were his most strenuous opposers before, in the Republican party, are now his supporters. We are glad that Mr. Hackney made us a speech at this point, and we request that no candidate for office will slight us. CAESAR.

August 14, 1880.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Supt. Lemmon has gone to the northwestern part of the state on his final trip visiting normal institutes. The remainder of his official term will be largely devoted to the prepara- tion of his forthcoming biennial report. Most of this work will be done here. When down last week he rented the residence of L. J. Webb, Esq., east of the city and will occupy the same until his own house on Ninth Avenue is vacated, enlarged, and repaired.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Please give notice that I have twelve or fifteen hundred bushels of peaches for sale in quantities to suit purchasers at twenty-five to fifty and one dollar per bushel; will sell by the tree, wagon load, or bushel. I am located ten miles north of Winfield. None go away empty who call upon us. JAMES O. VANORSDOL. Prairie Grove, Kansas, August 15.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Persons wishing to purchase lots in this cemetery or wishing to have graves dug, will please call on James H. Land, near Manny's brewery. W. G. GRAHAM, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, August 19, 1880.

Denver, Colorado, July 29: The Tribune's Santa Fe advices from Mexico, state that on the 21st inst., Col. Adolph Vales in command of three hundred and seventy cavalry and a hundred and fifty infantry of the Federal troops of Mexico, attacked the Apaches under Victorio about 40 miles from old Fort Quitman. The fight was indecisive; the Mexicans lost ten killed and ten horses. The Indians lost four warriors and six horses. On the 26th the Mexican force again attacked the Indians in the Pine Mountains, about fifty miles from the line. After a long fight the Indians retired. Their loss is not known. The Mexicans lost six killed. Col. Vales intends to follow and attack them again. He is of the opinion that they will try and get back to New Mexico, in which case Col. Grierson and eight companies of the Tenth cavalry, who are stationed within forty miles of their session place, will doubtless be on their trail in a few hours after they cross.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum