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[OCTOBER 25, 1883, THROUGH NOVEMBER 29, 1883.]

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

My last letter left me on the eve of starting from Maryville, Missouri, for Lincoln, Nebraska, and places adjacent, the route being by the way of Atchison. The route from Atchison is in a northwesterly direction, which I pursue comfortably seated in a coach of the A. & N. railroad, ready to note things as I see them. The train, on starting, glides round a curve and passes a pinch of hills to the left, and then drops into a stretch of low land, covered with Kansas sunflowers and willows, with here and there an uninteresting station. I feel a little uncomfortable and wonder if we will not soon make an ascension; but still it continues, and we find ourselves passing over a new made road, with squads of men who stop work to let the train pass. I am told that they are repairing the damages made by the recent heavy rains. We pass over this flat country for miles, which looks as if it was fit for nothing else but a railroad route. A newsboy seems to think this is a good time to sell books, and passes through with his arms full, distributing them promiscuously; but, feeling a craving for the real rather than the fictitious, I ask for Tourgee's late historical romance, "Hot Plow Shares." I proceed to peruse it and become oblivious to all surrounding objects in my search through labyrinths of love, courtship, and marriage, with political cause and effect woven in to portray the cause of our late war and its salutary effect upon the American people.

The shrill whistle arouses me and I find that we are passing over as lovely a country as the sun ever shown uponexcepting, of course, grand old Cowley County, Kansas,and stop at the beautiful town of Tecumseh, Nebraska, the county seat of Johnson County, con- taining about three or four thousand inhabitants. From this on we see the cheering emblems of civilization on every side, comfortable homes in groves of transplanted forest trees, sometimes a variety, but the inveterate cottonwood is seen even more in Nebraska than in Kansas. The corn is much better than in Missouri, and the stacks of wheat are numberless. Surely, if Kansas can't supply the foreign demand with winter wheat, Nebraska can put in a large share of spring wheat.

The names of the stations begin to sound familiar, among them being Firth, a neat little village of a few hundred inhabitants, and before I am able to reflect we reach Hickman, when I gather together my luggage and prepare for a hasty exit as the conductor calls out Roca. Here I meet what used to be familiar faces, but which I have not looked upon for two decades, and my heart rebounds from the joy of anticipation to the sadder contemplation of the havoc made by Father Time on form and feature. My friends seem to have made one grand leap from the strength and buoyancy of middle life to the infirmities of old age. But here comes the trooping young folks, nieces and nephews, full of hope and anticipation for the future. These extremes maintain the equilibrium of life until I find other food for thought.

Roca is a cleanly little town about fifteen miles south of Lincoln, possessing a school with two departments, and two organizations of christians, Methodist and German Reform Presbyterians. The former have a neat church building, where a protracted meeting was in progress, and which I was glad to have the privilege of attending, as also to witness that both denominations can and do work together in harmony, without destroying their identity, for the Master's kingdom, like two regiments fighting under the same flag.

While standing on an eminence looking over this beautiful country, near the place where I beheld it in 1859, I thought that Father Time had worked some changes in the country, too. Where was at that time unbroken prairie is now elegant homes and farms, with orchards laden with apples and all apparently at hand necessary to make home the desired spot on earth; all in hearing of the shrieking locomotive and in sight of the telegraph wire, with the people quickened by the accompanying hurry and enterprise of these two mediums for the transmission of thought and commercethe chariot wheels of civilization and the fulfillment of the prophecy of the great highway where men should run to and fro and knowledge be increased. The name Roca signifies rock, and was so called because of the fine rock quarries, which are a great source of wealth to the community, and caused me to wonder why Roca might not boast of a few miles of stone sidewalk, but I was told that the quarries yielded no "flagging." On visiting the quarries I found the rock immensely thick, and the only way of "getting it out" was by blastingquite different from the Winfield quarries, where the stone is taken out any thickness desired with the pick and crowbar.

In Roca I spent ten days visiting, eating and drinking, and enjoying myself generally

drinking nothing stronger, however, than water, tea, and coffee. I did not leave my consis- tency at home nor forget that I am a citizen of Prohibitory Kansas, even in the presence of sweet cider; but rather rejoiced that prohibition will prohibit those who have loyalty enough to be law abiding, and that it has an unsavory penalty for those who have not, as seen by eleven convictions of liquor vendors in the district court at Topeka some time ago, aggre- gating thirty-seven counts. This kind of medicine, if administered long enough, will purge the body politic and effect a cure.

I am reminded that this letter is long enough, and leave a description of a few of the prominent features of the capital of Nebraska, Lincoln, for another time. C. H. G.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.


Last week we said in relation to two exactly contrary objections which had been raised to Geo. H. McIntire for sheriff: "The latter objection is raised by a Republican of Vernon, who proposes to play into the hands of Gary. His simplicity in supposing that the Democratic nominee will not do less than his duty is sublime."

This caused one, Capt. J. B. Evans, of Vernon Township, to get up on his ear and inform us that he is not to be driven out of the Republican party again, that he will remain in the party, and we will remember? that he has always been a friend of the COURIER, but, will, etc. We told him that he was talking very foolishly, that we appreciated his friendship and favors, but that we were going to say what seemed to be the right thing and take the consequences, and that any covert threat would not affect our course. Capt. Evans has assumed the position of a "kicker," is vigorously working to defeat the Republican nominee for sheriff, and for the Democratic nominee and does not deny it. He is talking around that Vernon Township will vote almost solid against McIntire and for Gary. He may think so. He may believe that the whole township consider him the brains of the township and will vote just as he dictates. If so, he is cranky. There are plenty of Republicans in Vernon as brainy as he, who vote their own opinions and not his, and who will vote for a man like McIntire, who has always been efficient as an officer, instead of such a man as Gary, who is notoriously inefficient; who will certainly vote for a good Republican instead of a bad and uncertain Democrat. We shall be surprised if he influences a single Republican beside himself to vote against McIntire, for we have a high opinion of the good sense of the Republicans of Vernon. As to Capt. Evans remaining in the Republican party, we fear that now he has started on the downward road that he will tumble on downward with increasing rapidity, that next year he will be a Greenbacker and the year after a Democrat. Such is the usual course of kickers. We would like it if this would give him a job that would wake up his sleeping sense and reason.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Ex-Soldiers of War Organizations.

During the Soldiers' Re-union last week it was determined to effect a permanent organization, and the soldiers present from each state were requested to appoint one member of a committee to recommend a form for such organization and the officers for the first year. The committee met and organized by electing comrade James McDermott, chairman, and comrade A. H. Limerick, secretary. The roll of the committee was called and the following members were found present.

James McDermott, 4th Kentucky Infantry.

A. H. Limerick, 93rd Illinois.

Geo. W. Robertson, 3rd Missouri Cavalry.

A. V. Polk, 3rd Pennsylvania.

H. W. Stubblefield, 6th Kansas Cavalry.

S. F. Gould, 2nd Minnesota Cavalry.

J. C. Evans, 14th New York Infantry.

J. W. Millspaugh, 37th Iowa Infantry.

L. B. Aldrich, 12th Wisconsin Infantry.

G. H. Williams, 2nd Colorado Infantry.

John W. Wolfe, 8th Michigan Infantry.

J. B. Corson, 13th Maine Infantry.

Wm. White, 155 Ohio Infantry.

J. A. Brown, 12th Indiana Mounted Infantry.

C. F. Vaughn, 5th West Virginia Infantry.

The committee made the following report, which was adopted by the soldiers at dress parade on Friday evening, October 18, 1883. The committee of one person from each state represented at this Re-union, appointed to recommend a plan of organization for future Re- unions, beg leave to recommend the adoption of the following:

That an association be formed to be called "The Arkansas Valley Re-Union Association," for the purpose of holding annual re-Unions. The association shall be composed of all old Soldiers and Sailors of the United States residing in the counties of Chautauqua, Elk, Green- wood, Butler, Cowley, Sumner, Sedgwick, Harvey, Reno, Kingman, Harper, and Barber. The officers of the association shall be a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and one vice-president from each county. The officers named shall constitute an Executive Board. The officers shall be elected at the annual Re-unions and shall hold their offices until the next annual Re-union, and until their successors are elected. The Executive Board shall determine the time and place of each Re-union, but the time shall be between August 1st and October 1st, and the Re-union shall not be held in connection with any fair or other public gathering. The president, secretary, and three vice-presidents shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall have power to fill all vacancies in offices in the intervals between Re-unions.

The officers for the first year shall be:

President, T. H. Soward of Winfield.

Secretary, A. H. Limerick of Winfield.

Treasurer, James McDermott of Winfield.


Cowley County, H. W. Stubblefield.

Sumner County, John H. Wolfe.

Chautauqua County, Ward.

Butler County, Charley Durham.

Barber County, James Springer.

Harper County, J. P. Horton.

Vice-presidents for the other counties to be appointed by the Executive Board.

It is further recommended that the present Re-union be designated the first annual Re- union, and that future Re-unions be numbered accordingly.

Respectfully submitted, JAMES McDERMOTT, Chairman

A. H. LIMERICK, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

ABOUT CAPT. J. B. NIPP. WICHITA, KANSAS, October 15, 1883. ED. COURIER: I have learned that our old friend, Capt. J. B. Nipp of Arkansas City, has been nominated for the office of Treasurer of Cowley County. Allow me to say that for once the people of Cow- ley County have honored a man to whom honor is due. I know Capt. Nipp. I know him to be a man in every sense of the term. He has done more for the Republican part of Cowley than any man in it. He has been a "wheel horse" in every campaign ever held in the county. He wore the blue during the war, and no braver or truer man ever buckled on a sword than he. He never learned what fear was, and never did nor never will "go back" on a friend. Capt. Nipp is a man of principle, who never swerves from his duty. He is a man of great firmness. When he knows anything to be right, no power on earth can change him or pervert his judg-ment. He will make one of the best officers the county ever had. Republicans, when you go to the polls on November 6th, vote for Capt. Nipp, first, last, and always. Remember that you are voting for a man, and a true one, too, who will do his duty though the Heavens fail. I have known Capt. Nipp for years, and know whereof I speak. DYNAMITE.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Federal Grand Jury at Leavenworth, on the 19th inst., found a true bill against D. L. Payne, better known as "Oklahoma Payne," for conspiracy in violating the laws of the United States.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Standing Bear and Big Tree, two prominent Indian chiefs, have been camped at Geuda Springs for some time, for the benefit of their health. They have erected regular Indian wig- wams, which attract considerable notice.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The net earnings of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad for the eight months ending August 1st, were $4,821,500, an increase over the corresponding period last year of 37-1/2 percent. The Southern Kansas railroad, a branch of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, for the same period, shows net earnings increased 39-1/2 percent.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The St. Louis, Fort Scott & Wichita road has propositions out to vote aid to that road through the townships in Sedgwick County lying southwest of Wichita. It would seem from that, that it is the intention of the company to extend their line through to Kiowa, or Medicine Lodge, via Anthony. This will leave Caldwell in a bad shape unless we can hedge in some other direction. Caldwell Journal.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mrs. D. Berkey left Tuesday morning for a short visit with her son in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

R. S. Strother was over from Harvey last week and put in a day at the re-union.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

City lots for sale in COURIER PLACE and other portions of the city by H. G. Fuller.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mrs. Dr. Osborn, of California, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. W. O. Wright.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mrs. Albright has been in the city for the past week visiting her son, P. H. Albright.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. H. B. Lander and wife, of Chicago, former residents here, are visiting friends in the city.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

J. W. Henthorn, the lively young editor of the Burden Enterprise, took in the re-union on Thursday.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. Beemer, of Missouri, an old friend of J. A. Irwin's, came over with him to visit the county seat last week. He is well pleased with Cowley.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Dexter band serenaded Capt. Nipp on the streets Friday evening. The Captain acknowledged the honor with cigars and thanks. And the boys gave him three cheers and a tiger.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. Gary thinks there must be something wrong with a man when he can't carry his own township. On this theory the counting of the ballots in this City will make Mr. Gary feel very bad.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

C. C. Harris came in from a visit to his parents in Georgia, Tuesday. He says Georgia is still Democratic, with Mississippi and Kentucky following suit. This news will be cheering to Mr. Lynn.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Dexter Band added much to the pleasure of the re-union. The boys are progressing finely and are one and all perfect gentlemen. Winfield will welcome them heartily whenever they choose to come over.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Dr. G. P. Wagner, of Dexter, was among the Grouse Creek folks who took in the re- union. Dr. Wagner has been practicing at Dexter for thirteen years and enjoys a business that most of our physicians would like to duplicate.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. W. S. Matthias and wife, of Toledo, Ohio, and Mrs. A. F. Wood of Charleston, Illinois, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Doane. Mr. Matthias is prominent in railroad circles, having been connected for many years with heavy eastern roads.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Holmes is receiving a visit from his father, a prominent manufacturer of Wisconsin. He is wonderfully pleased with Cowley, her soil, productiveness, and people, and if he were a younger man, we might expect to see him locating here before many months.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Col. Charlie Robinson came in from the west last week, and his genial phiz has brought sunshine into our sanctum several times since. He is not as fleshy, but more hearty than when he left us, and is enjoying life in the mountains immensely. He is in the internal revenue department of the government.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Col. McMullen has favored us with a copy of a book of 300 pages entitled "The People vs. the Liquor Traffic," by Hon. S. D. Hastings. Lectures by Hon. John B. Finch, Hon. Oliver P. Mason, and Hon. Albert H. Horton. A supply of these books is left at the Winfield Bank for the life members of the Kansas State Temperance Union, who will please call and receive their copies.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. Hooker has been experimenting with the German Carp with unusual success. Last year he secured a dozen of the fish about as long as his finger, built a pond where it would be fed by a spring branch, and put them in. Not long ago the dam washed out and he sup- posed he had lost all his fish, but one day he happened to see one, and finally five or six. They had grown to ten times their original size. He caught one which weighed four and a half pounds. He will at once rebuild the dam and go extensively into the business of fish raising.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

As there is to be a Baptist Ministerial Union and State Convention in this city on Nov. 1st and 2nd, there will be a large number of clergymen of that denomination in our midst. Of course, every citizen will feel a pride in seeing them all handsomely entertained and the generous hospitality of our citizens of whatever name will of course be extended. Our Baptist friends have been ready to entertain distinguished visitors of other denominations and of other pursuits. Let us all help them in this case.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Gene Wilber returned from his rambles in the East last week. He took in Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois, and returns to Cowley better pleased than ever with her present and future prospects. All through Indiana and Illinois the people are restless and uneasy, and are looking anxiously toward Kansas as a place for future residence. Gene says that most of the places he visited will this year have to feed Kansas corn or go without.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. G. E. Vance, of Altoona, Pennsylvania, a brother of our Jim Vance, came in Monday and will spend a few weeks visiting here. He is accompanied by Mr. Boyd, a friend from Pittsburgh. They are both conductors on the Pennsylvania Central railroad. A duck hunt was improvised for their benefit Wednesday, and the boys will try to make it pleasant for them during their stay.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The next meeting of the South Kansas Medical Society will be held in Wichita, Tuesday, Nov. 6, 1883. By a change in the Constitution, it becomes necessary to hold another meeting this year. After this but two meetings will be held. This is an important one and a full atten- dance is desired. Election of officers and other business. T. J. Miller, M. D., Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

A small fire occurred at Charlie Black's residence Wednesday morning. The family were away and conductor Lockwood was sleeping in the house. He came in after leaving the train and built a fire in the parlor stove before retiring. The fire got too hot and set the wall ablaze. The siding had to be torn off and about $25 worth of damage done in putting it out.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. T. S. Green cleared $7,640 net as the result of his farming on his Fairview Township farm in 1882. He will clear about $10,000 net in 1883, by the time he has disposed of his corn and marketed his fatted stock. His experience is a good example of what can be accom- plished by an enterprising farmer in Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

One of the most noted veterans in attendance upon the reunion was Captain J. P. Stuber, of Richland. The Captain is a veteran of two wars, having served through both the Mexican War and the rebellion. He is a brave veteran and is highly esteemed by his old comrades-in- arms.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

About twenty-five of the young men of our city met on Wednesday evening of last week at the office of A. H. Doane & Co., and formed "The Happy Hour Club," for the enjoyment of the terpsichorean art semi-monthly during the winter. The club will have its first hop on Thursday evening, Nov. 9th.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., on last Saturday filed in the office of the Register of Deeds the first six percent mortgages ever placed in this county. The firm is doing a rushing business. With money at six percent, most anyone can afford to borrow.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Sam Watt returned last week from a visit to his old home in Illinois. He says lots of his old neighbors are preparing to come to Kansas, some of whom will be on this month. Their crops are poor and they are generally disheartened there.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The new loan broking firm of McDonald, Jarvis & Co., is creating a big stir in the loan market, with their six percent money. The senior member of the firm is J. Wade McDonald.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Santa Fe freight ran off the track near Mulvane Tuesday evening, delaying the Wednesday mail train two hours. The Santa Fe is having bad luck lately.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. Strahan, of the Red Front, has put in a big stock of notions this fall and is having a booming trade. Read his ads. in the special column.

8 x 10 Walnut Frames complete, only 75 cents. Red Front.

Boys, the price of French Harps is only 15 cents. Red Front.

Genuine Oil Paintings: only $3.00, cheap at $5.00. Red Front

One-fourth ream of the best Letter Paper reduced to 50 cents. Red Front.

Lyon's celebrated California Buckskin Gloves. Red Building.

15 doz. of Men's Fine Knit Shirts reduced to 50 cents; former price 75 cents.

Red Building.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

BIRTH. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crow was brightened on the 17th by the arrival of a six pound boy. Mother and son both doing well.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Woman's Suffrage Association of Winfield will meet in the Kindergarten rooms on Saturday, Nov. 3, 1883. M. R. HALL, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Mullen has gone into the land brokerage business and has his office one door south of A. H. Green's old office.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Rev. H. K. Stimson, D. D., will preach at the Baptist Church on Sunday morning.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood has gone East after his family, and there will be no preaching in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Deputy Treasurer Wilson left for the East last week to be gone some time.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Notice. For the accommodation of those desiring to register, I will be in my office on Thursday and Saturday evenings until 9 o'clock. G. H. BUCKMAN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Trying to Pass on the Same Track.
Monday forenoon a collision occurred near Seeley, eight miles north of Winfield on the Santa Fe between the regular passenger train and the pay train, which narrowly escaped being a very serious one in loss of life. The conductor of the pay car, Mr. Wells, had orders at Arkansas City to run through to Mulvane regardless of time, but to keep out of the way of the passenger. From Winfield he had eleven minutes to make Seeley, eight miles. He was cautioned to wait, but said he had plenty of time, and ordered the engineer to "let her go." After this it seems he stopped on the road to pay some section men. Meanwhile the passenger had arrived at Seeley and it is stated that the conductor, Mr. Bell, was there informed by the operator that the pay car was on the way up from Winfield. However, he was entitled to the track and pulled out. The two trains met on a curve about half a mile this side of Seeley. The pay car was running thirty or forty miles an hour and the passenger fifteen. The engineer of the passenger, Mr. Johnson, had presence of mind enough to put on the air brakes and reverse his engine. The pay car engine was not reversed. Both engineers and firemen jumped and the engines came together with terrific force. Both engines were nearly demolished, and the baggage car stoved in. Fireman Dorley, of the passenger, had his arm broken, and the cook on the pay car was bruised. The passengers and train men were badly shook up. The collision occurred just over a bridge. The two passenger cars were standing on the bridge, but were not derailed. Engineer Johnson's presence of mind and courage in sticking to his engine until the air brakes were set and the engine reversed probably saved the lives of many passengers. The main fault is due, as near as we can learn, to the conductor of the pay car. The passenger was entitled to the track and he had no business getting in its way or taking any risk. He claims that after he stopped to pay the section men, he still had two minutes in which to reach Seeley. The idea of his jeopardizing the lives of fifty people on the theory that his watch was right seems preposterous, but he did. Mr. Bell, of the passenger, is also somewhat to blame in the matter. Although he was entitled to the track, he ought never to have pulled out if he thought another train was coming down upon him. Human life is a precious article to handle, and railroad men should never take the desperate chance which both conductors took in this case. An engine was sent down from Newton and the cars brought in by way of Wellington. Arthur Bangs went up and brought the letter mail in. The track was cleared Tuesday morning in time for the regular passenger.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

From a Democratic Standpoint.
A prominent democrat, one of the "old liners" and one who leads in his township, said to the writer Monday evening: "I shall not vote for Mr. Gary, for several reasons. The first is, because he is no more a democrat than a vulture is an eaglehe is a republican deserter, a greenback deserter, and will remain a democrat only so long as we keep him in office. His main efforts for twenty years back, as near as I can learn, have been directed toward getting a living, some way or other, out of the taxpayers, not caring what party he espoused or what principles he advocated so they brought him office. The second is, because he is a failure as an officer, and hasn't the courage or the grit to run criminals down. The third is because he is a nincompoop, politically, officially, and personally. I would rather vote for a decent republican than such a man. It's bitter medicine, but it's better than the dose a lot of you republicans fixed up for us when you helped to get him appointed, thus saddling him onto our party. I believe that the democrats who have stood by the old party through the hours of her adversity, ought to unite in kicking out the roustabouts who are climbing on deck when victory seems ready to crown her banners."

Our democratic friends is certainly sound on the question from a political standpoint, but is mistaken in crediting Gary's appointment to "you republicans." Gary's appointment was purely a commercial transaction, secured for him by a few republicans and a few democrats, jointly, as a reward for his sudden, and at the time, inexplicable change of front on an impor- tant matter while a member of the Council of this city. These gentlemen themselves despise Gary for his action in the matter and announce their intention of voting for McIntire. They evidently feel that they have canceled their obligation to Mr. Gary and are now free to follow the dictates of their own consciences in casting a ballot.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Sheriff Out of Court.
One of the most notorious evidences of Mr. Gary's incompetence or utter disregard for the duties of his office, has been displayed all through the term of court now in session. The duties of sheriff in the courtroom are second only to those of the judge. Upon him devolves the carrying out of the rules and orders of the court, the maintenance of order and decorum, and the exaction of that proper and due respect for the court and its proceedings which is all important in impartial administration of law. During Mr. Shenneman's administration he was never absent from the court room while court was in session, except under circumstances which were positively unavoidable. Several times he has remarked to the writer that he could not attend personally to this or that until "after court," and at all times he was at his post helping to dispatch the business rapidly and correctly. During the present session of court this is all changed. The sheriff is rarely seen about the courtroom, but is constantly upon the streets canvassing voters and maneuvering for re-election, while the important duties of his position are entrusted to this deputy or that deputy as they may happen to be around. The judge has been impatient about this and several times during the term his disgust at the way matters were being allowed to run at "loose ends" has exhibited itself in both words and actions. This every lawyer who has been in close attendance upon court knows to be true.

Mr. Gary evidently has a wrong conception of what is necessary to secure the support of the people. If he makes a faithful officer and attends carefully to the duties of his position, it will affect them far more than personal solicitation for their votes. The officer who neglects his duties in order to follow men about the streets supplicating for support, can never win either their respect or their suffrages.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Hessian Fly. We are informed by Mr. G. L. Gale that the Hessian fly has made its appearance in his neighborhood, and is killing the wheat rapidly. It commenced on the fields of Mr. J. B. Holmes and has destroyed over a hundred acres for him, and is spreading in his and other neighboring fields. It is a fly about the size and appearance of a grain of chess. It deposits its egg on top of the leaf and it or the grub works down inside the stem into the roots and kills the roots. It is said that a heavy frost would arrest their ravages. Mr. R. J. Yeoman informs us that in the states east of here, when this fly appears, the farmers turn all the stock they can get upon the wheat fields and feed them down to the ground, so that the fly has no chance to deposit eggs where they will do hurt, and wait for frost. Mr. T. S. Green thinks that the damage was done before the rains set in and that since then no eggs have been deposited. He also thinks that only wheat sown very early will be affected.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

A Change of Heart. Of the Democrats in Cowley County who have been most active and loudest in the denunciations of republicans and the republican party, J. B. Lynn has been pre- eminently the leader. He has lost no occasion to indulge in his favorite pastime. Since his nomination he has experienced a wonderful change of heart toward republicans, occasioned, no doubt, by the knowledge that his political salvation must come through them. Republicans are quietly smiling in their sleeves, and only those with strong stomachs and short memories will touch him with a twenty foot pole. Mr. Lynn will have need of a "cave of gloom" badly.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The re-union last week in spite of the inclement weather, was a fair success. About six or seven hundred of the veterans gathered together and enjoyed a general good time. The executive committee of this post of the G. A. R. worked faithfully. Their arrangements were carefully planned and everything in readiness for a grand old-fashioned jubilee, but it com- menced raining a week before and continued to drizzle up to the second day of the re-union. It was decided on the first day to postpone it indefinitely, and visiting posts were telegraphed not to come, but the rain clearing up on the second day, it was resolved to go on with it. On Friday there were fully six hundred old soldiers on the grounds and several hundred visitors, including ladies. The exercises were interesting throughout. On Thursday evening Congress- man Perkins delivered a speech in the Opera House, which was the main feature of the occasion. Mr. Perkins is a splendid speaker and "knows how it was himself."

Taken altogether the re-union was a pleasant social gathering, and while not the success that it would have been had the weather been favorable, we hope to see it the beginning of regular annual meetings, which will grow in interest until time shall call the old soldiers to another world.

The registration lists show the names of over four hundred old soldiers.

Dr. H. L. Wells, as chairman of the Executive Committee, did good work. He was ably assisted by Messrs. Stone, Arment, Scott, Finch, and Stubblefield.

Dexter Post carried off the beautiful banner offered for the best drilled post. The boys deserve the honor.

Rev. Cairns, post chaplain, made one of the most eloquent and feeling speeches we have ever heard.

During the re-union thirty members were mustered into the Winfield Post G. A. R.

The chicken chase by Tony Agler and S. Cure was one of the most laughable things out, and only eclipsed by the sure enough chicken hunt the night before.

Levi Quier was in his glory and got as much fun out of the re-union as anyone.

The address of welcome delivered by T. H. Soward was excellent, and fired the boys with much of the old-time enthusiasm.

The re-union committee has money enough to pay all its bills and a balance in the treasury.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Winfield Gas Company.
Last Thursday afternoon the "Winfield Gas Company" was formed. It will build the Gas Works under the franchises granted by the City to Col. Whiting. The incorporators of the company are J. C. Fuller, Col. Wm. Whiting, J. B. Lynn, Ed. P. Greer, and Frank Barclay. The officers of the Company are J. C. Fuller, President; Wm. Whiting, Vice President; Ed. P. Greer, Secretary; J. B. Lynn, Treasurer. Steps were taken to push the work through as rapidly as the material can be laid on the ground. The works will be first-class in every respect, and will be built on a scale that will supply the city should it grow to four times its proportions. The cost of the Works when completed will be between forty and fifty thousand dollars.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Our Next Commissioner. Mr. J. A. Irwin, candidate for Commissioner in the Northeast district, was in the city last Friday and made us a pleasant call. Since his residence of several years in the county, this is the second time we have had the pleasure of meeting him. His trips to the county seat heretofore have been purely on business, but with little time for form- ing new acquaintances. He is a sound, solid, sensible farmer and is held in highest esteem by all who know him. He will make a first-class officer.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

At His Old Tricks. Mr. Gary said to some gentlemen in Fairview Township recently: "The worst thing about McIntire is that he won't carry his own township, and there must be something wrong with a man when he can't get his nearest neighbors to vote for him."

Small lies are always mean ones. Mr. Gary seems to have given himself over to a style of campaigning that is contemptible in its littleness. George McIntire will come out of Cres- well Township with a hundred and fifty majority, and Bolton will add another fifty to it. Wherever George McIntire is known, he is respected as a straightforward, upright man, and one who would not willfully misrepresent an opponent for all the offices in the gift of the people. He is not that kind of an office seeker.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

An Unfortunate Day.

A little son of Mr. J. S. Beswick, living seven miles west of the city, was carried into Dr. Taylor's office more dead than alive, on last Saturday evening. It seems he was thrown from a horse and as he fell, the horse kicked him in the face and cut a fearful gash close to his nose. A dangerous hemorrhage ensued, and in a deep swoon he was brought from the fair ground uptown, where by the use of styptics and restoratives his life, for the present, was restored. His father says that this is the fourth serious accident the child has met with, and he is now only about eleven years old. He must have been born under an "unlucky star."


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

After Election. "Where are those blank Republicans who were going to vote for me so blank lively? The blank fools never could be trusted anyway. I ought to have known better than to have thought that a blank lot of thieves who stole the presidency from honest Sammy Tilden would ever do a decent thing! I wonder if there is a political opening in Missouri?


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

What Will Mrs. Grundy Say? Rev. Charles Mitchell, of Marion, son of the late distin- guished D. P. Mitchell of this state, will deliver his humorous and entertaining lecture upon the above topic on Monday evening, October 29th, in the M. E. Church in this city. Admission: Adults, 20 cents; Children under 12 years, 10 cents. The proceeds to be used to purchase the Youth's Companion for children of the M. E. Sunday school.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Kansas Picture Book.

This is a beautiful work got up in the highest style of art by _____ Tewksbury, under the auspices of A. S. Johnson, Commissioner of the A., T. & S. F. Land Department. It is the best, truest, and most pleasing advertisement of Kansas that we have seen, and will tend to open the eyes of thousands to the advantages of our beautiful state.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

The Baptists.

The Ministerial Union will meet at the Baptist Church in this city, Nov. 1st, at 2 p.m., when the following exercises will take place, viz:

1st. Exegesis of James 11:24: Rev. J. D. P. Hungate.

2nd. Essay, "Pastoral Fellowship": Rev. C. H. Gregory.

3rd. Business of the Union.

4th. Welcome to pastors who have come into the state during the year.

5th. Question Box.

6th. Sermon for criticism: Rev. J. F. Howard; alternate, Rev. Geo. Merriam.

The Baptist State Convention will meet on Friday, November 2nd, at 10 a.m., and will close Sunday evening, November 4. The opening sermon will be preached Friday morning by Rev. J. H. Luke, or his alternate, Rev. J. A. Leavitt.

All the sessions will be open to the public and they are cordially invited to attend.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Teachers' Examination. An examination of applicants for teachers' certificates will be held at the High School building, Winfield, beginning at 8 o'clock a.m., November 3rd, 1883. Applicants will please appear promptly at that time.

A. H. LIMERICK, County Superintendent.
[G. A. R.]

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

October 20th, 1883.
WHEREAS, The Juvenile Band of Winfield, at the recent Re-union of old soldiers and sailors of Southern Kansas, held in this city, voluntarily offered their services and by their music cheered the hearts of the old veterans and assisted in making the Re-union a pleasant success, therefore be it

Resolved, 1st. That we thank these young men with all the warmth of our soldier hearts, and are proud of them as musicians.

Resolved, 2nd. That the old soldiers of Winfield Post and Cowley Co. will on all occa-sions do all in their power to advance their interest.

Resolved, 3rd. That we extend these young patriots a cordial invitation to accompany us to the next Re-union of the old soldiers of Arkansas Valley.

Resolved, 4th. That these resolutions be published in the Cowley Co. papers, and a copy sent to the leader of the Band. By order of the Executive Committee, H. L. Wells, Chairman.


Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Wanted. A good furnished room. Will pay a good price for good room. Address M & F, Box 826, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, October 25, 1883.

Dr. Van Doren took the blue ribbon at the Cowley Co. Fair, both for the best set of teeth, and best display of dental instruments. Moral: Patronize the best.

[AD: J. B. LYNN.]

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

J. B. LYNN has just returned from the East with the largest, best selected, and most judiciously bought stock of goods he ever offered to the people of Cowley County. My DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT is simply complete, and consists of SILKS, SATINS, CASHMERES, VELVETS, BROCADES, etc.

MY NOTION DEPARTMENT is just immense, and the goods in this department were bought with special care. I have made a specialty of Ladies' Hose, Ladies' Underwear, and Ladies' Neckwear. In this department we have almost everything a lady could ask for and at prices that will defy competition. I have a complete line of the celebrated

Cassimeres, Jeans, and Flannels; also a big line of the

the best fitting garments in the world I have a big line of

that I bought to sell, and I propose to make the prices sell the goods.

For Dress Goods, Notions, Flannels, Jeans, Cassimeres, Shirtings, Cloaks, Cloakings, Muslins, Prints, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Carpets, Trunks, Valises, Oil Cloths, and in fact everything, come to us and we will do you good.

N. B. Wheat, Oats, Corn, and Wood taken in exchange for goods or on account.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.


WM. L. BLAIR, President.

P. H. ALBRIGHT, Vice President.

O. C. EWART, Cashier.

M. H. EWART, Assistant Cashier.


Wm. L. Blair, President, Nevada Deposit Bank, Nevada, Ohio.

Robert Kerr, President, Farmers Bank, Marion, Ohio.

O. C. Ewart, of Kerr, Blair & Ewart, Bankers, Nevada, Ohio.

James A. Blair, of Commercial Bank, Tiffin, Ohio.

P. H. Albright, of P. H. Albright & Co., Winfield, Kansas.

The partners will be individually liable to the full extent of their private fortunes for the debts of the Bank.

N. Y. Correspondent: First National Bank.

Kansas City Correspondent: Bank of Commerce.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883. [Editorial. Front Page.]

The Burden Enterprise said so many good and true things last week that we have clipped largely from its columns and will excuse it for its flings at the COURIER and its representa- tions that this paper is inimical to the interests of Burden, which is very far from the truth.

[Gather all the following came from Burden paper.]

The Telegram calls Gary "a quiet, unassuming man; the candidate of no ring or clique; a man before you simply on his merits." Here is richness for those who have seen him, day after day, on the streets and in the country supplicating for votes and explaining his greatness to the almost total neglect of his duty as sheriff.

We suspect that Judge Tipton is a "lying fossil, whatever that is, for that is what he calls us because we predicted that he and his allies will drop their anti-monopoly candidate for sheriff and trade everything they can for Gary. It must be that we guessed his intentions very closely from the spiteful way in which he answers it: But as Teter is not that kind of a man and stoutly asserts that he will not get off the ticket for anybody, we conclude that no such program will be fully carried out. But we do not yet believe that the irate Judge will vote for either Teter, Walck, or Sandfort.

We have seen estimates of the number of Ohio Democrats who voted for the prohibitory amendment placed at the two extremes of ten thousand and one hundred thousand. If it were a fact that only those Democrats who were actually in favor of prohibition voted for the amendment we should say that the lower extreme, ten thousand, was not far from the figure; but it is asserted from places all over the state that prohibitionists in large numbers traded their votes on the state ticket to Democrats for their votes for the amendment, and in that way, it is figured by some up to the higher extreme, one hundred thousand Democrats who voted for the amendment. Now we do not believe that anything like 90,000 Democrats traded in that way with prohibitionists who would otherwise have voted the Republican ticket, but we do believe that a large amount of such trading was done and that this, while it did not carry the prohibitory amendment, did defeat the Republican state ticket. There was every reason to believe that Foraker would be elected by about the same plurality which Foster got in 1881, which was near 25,000. Instead of that he is in a minority of over 12,000, a change of 37,000 from what was reasonably expected up to the day of the election and 18,500 votes traded in that way would have accomplished that change of result. We have not a doubt that prohibitionists gained 18,000 to 20,000 votes for the amendment in that way and that Demo- crats gained from Republicans that many votes for the Democratic ticket by the same trades.

We are told that there are many Republicans in Winfield, Arkansas City, and other parts of the county who are ardent supporters of the balance of the ticket, yet will not vote for T. H. Soward on account of his prohibition principles. We do not, cannot believe it. The Repub- lican anti-prohibitionists have not been discriminated against in the convention and the nominations, but such were nominated in the convention by the aid of prohibition votes. No questions were asked as to a candidate's views on this question. The only questions asked were: "Is he capable? Is he honest? Will he do his duty?" In the judgment of the convention all the nominees stood these tests. No one has ever questioned Soward's ability, integrity, or devotion to duty. No one questions his devotion to the Republican party. Almost single handed and alone he has canvassed the county, not for himself but for the whole ticket. He has brought his great powers of oratory and persuasion to this work and has been constantly at it day after day and night after night for three weeks, doing a work that no other candidate was able to do. If McIntire or Nipp is elected, he will owe his election to T. H. Soward more than to all others. Each and every candidate on the ticket and the whole party will owe Soward much more than anyone else for the success of the campaign. Is it possible that any Republican who desires the election of the ticket or a favorite candidate on it, will stab this champion in the back while he is doing such work for that favorite candidate and ticket? It would be killing the goose which lays the Golden egg. It would be worse than ingratitude, it would be treachery. It is not strange that Democrats should dislike Soward for the heavy blows he has given them. It is not strange that they should try to communicate their ill will to Republicans, but it would be strange if any Republican should be weak enough to hear to them, and ungrateful enough to withhold a vote from Soward. Rather it should be the pride and duty of every Republican to work enthusiastically for Soward's election and give him a rousing majority; such a vote as will show that such services are appreciated.

Prohibitionists in our party have not made any prohibition issue in this county in the nomination and election of county officers, and anti-prohibitionists cannot afford to make such an issue in the Republican party. It would challenge prohibitionists to play at that game. In the Democratic party it is different. It has already tabooed its prohibitionists.

Curiously enough, we find some who do not like to vote for Soward because as a prohibi- tionist he is not radical and uncompromising enough for them, that he is a Republican more than he is a prohibitionist. We can say to them and to all others that he will do his duty and do it well, but that the office of Register of Deeds does not involve the duty of prosecuting violators of the law or legislating on the question of prohibition. He is a consistent Republi- can and prohibitionist. He is richly worthy of the best support every Republican can give him. Why should anyone vote for the Democratic nominee? We forget his name. No one seems to know him or that there is such a man. Yet this person or myth will be elected if Soward is not. Why should anyone vote for Sandfort? There is not the remotest possibility of his election.

Knowing that James A. Irwin, the Republican candidate for Commissioner of the Third District is too popular and high respected to be defeated by honorable means, his political opponents have resorted to innuendo and slander. Two weeks ago the Grenola Chief, edited by Bob Hicks, uttered the following:

"The Republicans of eastern Cowley County made a grand mistake when they put in nomination James A. Irwin, as their candidate for commissioner. We fear that the Republi- cans will regret this step after the election, if not before."

The Telegram seized upon this as a sweet morsel and added several innuendoes that there must be something bad in his old home record in Lewis County, Missouri.

The hostility of the Telegram to Mr. Irwin is easily explained by the fact that he is a Republican nominee and by its own admission in last week's issue that it is fighting Irwin for official patronage. Now comes the Burden Enterprise and fully explains the hostility of Bob Hicks in the following language.

"When Hicks was under arrest for embezzling post office funds, he went to Mr. Irwin and asked him to go on his bond. Mr. Irwin refused, giving as a reason that he had no confidence in Hicks, and did not care to risk what little property he had in such a manner. Again, at the reunion at Topeka, Hicks went to Irwin and wanted to borrow money from him, which was refused. This made the galled jade wince and if any person will take stock in a dirty personal fight upon a man of Mr. Irwin's standing, then we are very much mistaken in the intelligence of the citizens of Cowley County."

The Enterprise also squelched the insinuation that there is something bad in Mr. Irwin's Lewis County record by publishing the following testimonial from the leading men of that county.

"We, the undersigned citizens of Lewis County, Missouri, take pleasure in stating that James A. Irwin was a resident of this county for a number of years, and while he lived here was honored and respected as an honest, upright citizen, and fair in his transactions with his fellow man, and acted in such a manner as to command the respect and confidence of the people generally."

This was signed by B. F. Thompson, Probate Judge, J. A. Bowls, Treasurer; Chas. R. Magee, Clerk, Circuit Court; W. G. Allen, Postmaster, Monticello; W. G. Watson, Clerk County Court; L. W. Samuels, Sheriff; and fifty-six others. . . .

This complete and thorough vindication was not needed among the people who have known Mr. Irwin well for years, in Windsor Township, as an honorable, upright man, of rare intelligence and worth. With these, no slander or innuendoes against him would be believed, but it is well to publish the vindication for the benefit of such voters in that district who have not had the fortune to become personally acquainted with him.

A newspaper and a party which will resort to such means to defeat a candidate are un- worthy of support, and all friends of fair dealing of whatever party should rally and give Mr. Irwin such a vote at the polls as will show their disapproval of slander as a political engine.

The candidate for sheriff on the republican ticket needs no better recommendation than his record for efficient service in the discharge of his duties as deputy sheriff and U. S. marshal. The opposition is seeking to injure him by publishing his evidence before the coroner's inquest over the body of Shenneman's murderer. There is nothing in that to answer. McIntire gave his evidence for the public, and we say let it be published and repub- lished in the papers. The publishers, and the politicians who cause it to be published know that McIntire is a brave man, and that he dodged around with the prisoner, Cobb, day and night for a week to keep him from a mob. Then when he could no longer keep him from the jail, he returned and an armed mob took the prisoner from him by force. Where were these friends to Cobb then? Some of them were in the mob that murdered him. Some ignorant or prejudiced persons may talk this thing of "coward" or "accomplice," but it is false. McIntire knows all the routine of the sheriff's office, and will do it. Gary knows nothing of the duties of sheriff, can never learn it, and would not do anything if he didtaking his record as evidence. Give McIntire a rousing vote and get a sheriff that knows his duty and will do it.

[There were more Burden Newspaper Items, which I skipped. MAW]

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Note: The entire front page for the most part is full of items from the Traveler and Burden Politics.

The Traveler attacked Gary in three separate items:

Item No. 1:

"Why is it that the moment the republican party refuses to vote for a dirty republican and kicks him out of the party the democrats at once take him up and nominate him for an office? S. G. Gary was defeated in Mahaska County, Iowa, for treasurer, on the republican ticket, when that party had 1,200 majority, and then he turns democrat and comes to Kansas."

Item No. 2:

"Mr. Gary, Democratic sheriff of this county, has made arrangements with one Keiser to insert his (Mr. Gary's) name on the Republican ticket in place of Mr. McIntire. This instance has reference to the other voting precincts in this county, and too much care cannot be taken by the Republicans to examine their tickets before voting them. Careful attention will frustrate such despicable fraud, and beat the poor fools."

Item No. 3:

"Judge Torrance last Friday gave our most efficient (?) Democratic sheriff a very forcible hint to look after his business while he held the office. Asking the officers of the court to remain after adjournment, he told them he had become tired of performing the duties of both judge and sheriff in this county, and that hereafter if the sheriff could not find time to attend to his business, he would appoint one that could. At last accounts he had not found that worthy Democratic official."


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A Visit in the National Playground, or the Wonderland of America.
Yellowstone National Park, October 16th, 1883.
In giving a description of this trip, it will be remembered that only a plain sketch of the leading objectssuch only as would attract the notice of the most careful observercan be given, while an enthusiast or a lover of the beautiful or the curious would regale himself for weeks upon the thousand and one other objects herein omitted.

A large number of the tourists, or sight-seeing pilgrims, go in wagons provided for that purpose, and at great expense, being entirely at the mercy of the hotel and stage company, who, as might be expected, are here for the money there is in it, and their scruples for charg- ing have developed in like proportions. This mode of traveling not only prevents access to many objects of interest, but shortens the time on account of excessive expense. Others more daring, as well as wiser and more curious, avail themselves with aboriginal methods of traveling in the mountains. If any of you are ever fortunate enough to take a trip of this kind in a country where side-hill grades are only wide enough for a donkey to trail and steep enough to require his ears to be pried back to keep the bridle off, you will never wonder why Indians ride single file, even back in the states where roads are roomy and smooth.

Our party, four in number, Mr. Fish, an Adirondack scout, of Minnesota, Mr. Erret, an ex-army officer, another gentleman, and myself, with each a Bronco to ride and another to pack our supplies and camp equipage on, organized at the park headquarters, Mammoth Hot Springs. This place is so named, not from the size of the springs, but from the great number and the mammoth structures built by them.

Coming from the railroad, which is a branch of the North Pacific, built for park purposes, coming from Livingston, Montana, to the park limits on the north, the road is mountainous, at least you would think so had you been in the writer's place while coming over the same road with a wagon loaded with government supplies, drawn by eight mules in the care of John Hanahan, of Cedar Township, Cowley County, and seen the whole outfit go down over the mountain fully eighty feet, making four revolutions and alighting in the trees below. By a little forethought and a hasty application of leg bail, Mr. Hanahan and myself made a narrow escape by keeping ahead of the racket and going a little farther down.

The first to attract the attention of the tourist when he arrives at the last hill, which is considered as belonging to the park, is the government headquarters, occupied by the super- intendent, Major P. H. Conger, a log building one and a half stories high with shed rooms on three sides and a dome-like fixing of Octagon shape on top, on each side of which is a post-hole, intended for sentinels and self defense in Indian times; on top of this is a flag-pole ornamented with a large brass ball. This building occupies a very imposing site on what is called Capital Hill, and facing the great formation of the springs. A little to the right and still more imposing is a steaming mountain, ever faithful, carrying from the fiery interior of the earth a chalk-like substance, and with it building terrace above terrace in pulpit-like scallops one above the other until now a mountain of almost alabaster whiteness rises to a thousand feet, and defies the world for a similar structure.

The water of these numerous springs are of different temperatures, varying 100 to 175 degrees, and have a very different taste. They hold in solution a great amount of substance and are very transparent. The colors vary according to the substance held in solution, giving to each spring, basin, pool, or bowl, as you may wish to call them, a different color. The springs proper cover a level area of several acres; when viewed from the top of what is called Cleopatra's bowl, which is fifty feet higher, is feast to the observer's eye, of every hue and tint, as they blend their shimmering, shining waters, looking like great magnified diamonds in a snowy plain.

Other leading objects of interest are Cupid's Cave, right under Cleopatra's bowl, Devil's Pot, Devil's Frying Pan, and Sulphur Pit, at the last of which pure, dry sulphur is obtained hot enough to scald the hand by the steam; Bath Lake, used for bathing, and large enough to accommodate five hundred at one time, of swimming depth, and temperature to suit your own idea of comfort or health by approaching or receding from the heating source; Poison Cave, from which the writer has frequently taken dead birds and others that were nearly dead, also deer and other animals are said to have been found dead here; Orange Geyser, that one would readily name himself from its shape and color, is fifteen feet high, twenty feet wide, and has a small jet of hot water on the top, slowly though faithfully building higher and higher; Liberty Cap, a monumental-like rock sixty feet high, fifteen or twenty feet in diameter, evidently the product of a hot spring formed perhaps a thousand years ago, standing out by itself; now comes the Devil's Thumb and Hell-gate, the ever faithful sentinels at the point where the road begins its ascent to other parts. These names at first seem inappropriate. But one should hear the Rocky Mountain oaths and epithets that salute the ears of the overloaded team in trying to ascend at this place, which would surprise those of the Flanders, and can only be coined in the Rocky Mountains,

And if you wish to climb this terrace of snow

And to the top in safety go.

Get all the team you can command

Then, perhaps, you'll escape the Devil's Hand;

If halfway up you chance to stop,

Cease your lash and oaths, there's no hope,

For woe betide your creatures dumb,

You're fast beneath the Devil's Thumb.

This is all the reason I can see for naming these objects, and claim no authority for this. But a great deal of work has been done here, and these two last named sentinels receive fewer victims. Equipped as we were, we passed this place with perfect ease, and all went merrily for several hours while we climbed to the mountain top in Indian file. At the first small descent, we were for the first time introduced to the tricks of the Broncho pony, when our pack pony bethought himself of how he kept from doing any service for nearly a year, and he was not long in convincing us that his rehearsal was no failure, by sending his burden in loose parcels in every direction over the side of the mountain, plunging stiff-legged, head- long over rocks and logs, taking with him our faithful scout who was leading him at the time. He had the rope around the neck of his own horse. Cooking utensils, fresh bread, canned fruit, bacon, and blankets well seasoned with baking powder and pepperso was the pony, scout, and the side of the mountain. We stopped the fat rascal by entangling him in the ropes used for fastening the pack, called lash ropes.

It is now quite late, and when you hear from us again, we will be all straightened out and on our way to the Norris Geyser Basin.

Snowed for the last eight days, and it is now two feet deep in the valleys and four on the mountains, and still snowing. J. W. WEIMER.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

[Chicago Cor. K. C. Journal.]
The developments in regard to the new corn crop are such as to confirm all these dis-patches have said in regard to this crop since the stand was made in July. Then the crop was at its best. Since that time it has gone steadily down until we open the new crop with pros- pects of handling one of the poorest crops in quality on record, and a yield that will be disappointing in every state east of the Mississippi. Ohio, Michigan, and Wisconsin are already importing corn. It is simply a question of time when Iowa will follow suit, and before we grow another crop, Illinois will have to do the same thing, yet in the face of such a condition, the bears, until a very recent date, flooded the country with reports of enormous crops everywhere. The only state in the Union which can boast of a full crop of corn, ma- tured sound and ready for market early, is the state of Kansas. . . .

Special reports received from about 500 points by a well known commission house here indicate that the general conditions of the winter wheat crop of 1883-4 have decidedly improved within the last fourteen days. It is true that seeding still continues, and that the ground in some areas is not yet plowed, but the crop as a whole shows vigorous growth for the lateness of the season. Kansas is again at the high head of the procession. In some counties it is high enough to "hide a rabbit." The acreage in that state has been largely increased. . . .

These reports, added to the fact of the very large stacks of winter and spring wheat on hand, and the steady increase in the visible supply, give the bulls no encouragement, and they lack confidence, although the bears are not very active. The interior millers have created some demand, but the exports are very light, and prices are not expected to do much better for the present. Strong parties are still buying provisions.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883. Editorial Page.

We would call attention to the communication from Hon. J. W. Weimer on first page. His many friends in this county will read it with interest.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

GARY'S POLICY. Awhile after Gary had assumed the office of sheriff, some persons called his attention to some criminals whom Shenneman had traced up and was preparing to swoop down upon, but was prevented by the murderer, and Gary was asked to complete the jobs by making the arrests. Gary answered: "I am not going to set myself up for a target to be shot full of holes. I shall let the criminal business alone and attend to the civil business. There is more money in it and less danger. I am running this office for the money there is in it." Our informant is a life Democrat of good standing and undoubted veracity. He says he can swear to the above statement and bring two other witnesses who heard Gary make the statement. That Gary has acted on this policy is prominently apparent. Such was his policy when he kept away from where the horse thieves, Carder and Cooper, were supposed to be while Ed. Nicholson, a brave Dexter farmer went and arrested both and brought them in. Gary did not get any bullet holes in his skin, but he got the money which Nicholson earned in making the arrests and he gets his fees for his civil duties, every cent of them, you bet, while he neglects those duties and spends his time soliciting votes. Another Democrat says Gary is so infernal stingy that he will not vote for him. This stinginess is part of the above policy to get all the money there is in it and keep it too.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

SWINDLING TICKET. We have caught on to a large batch of tickets got up by Gary which purports to be the Republican ticket but leaves the place for sheriff blank evidently for the purpose of inserting Gary's name. It has neither of the Republican candidates given correctly. Don't vote any of these tricky tickets. Look out for them. It would seem that Gary has succeeded in hiring some pretended Republicans to peddle such tickets on election day. We are told he has offered ten dollars apiece for them. He seems to be selling out his Democratic colleagues for votes for himself.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

DEMOCRATIC ARGUMENT. We are informed that a former saloonist in this place returned to this city the other day, and on the way stated to a friend that he brought a large amount of money to be expended in securing votes for Gary and other democratic candidates. Whiskey, beer, and bribery are the weapons which the Republicans will have to contend with. It is time they were stirring around.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A CARD. To the Public: It has been charged by my opponents that I am a gambler, This is absolutely false. While in the army, I played cards with the boys in common with other soldiers. But I have not gambled for years. And the man who charges the contrary either cir- culates what he knows to be false, or is repeating what he knows nothing about. J. B. NIPP.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Capt. Gary furnished the Telegram last week with the following lie, which it endorsed and published for the benefit of the inventor.

"Some time since a horse was stolen at Arkansas City; the thief was arrested by the authorities at Fayetteville, Arkansas. When McIntire received word that his man had been caught, he engaged Mr. Milks, a resident of Arkansas City, to go with him, also engaging Milk's team to convey the party. On their return trip, McIntire, between Vinita and Big Cabin, Indian Territory, saw some berries growing by the wayside; the sight was too much for this political gourmand, whose appetite for grub seems to keep pace with his appetite for official `pap.' McIntire laid his revolver on the seat and jumped to the ground; no sooner had he struck the earth than the prisoner grasped the pistol and had the crowd covered. The bold, bad man then demanded Mr. McIntire's shekels, which were handed over with alacrity and haste. His companions were also persuaded to contribute their mite to the missionary's fund. These financial negotiations having been brought to a successful termination, this fellow, who had wantonly trifled with the feelings and pocket book of a constable of ten years standing and deputy sheriff to boot, coolly unharnessed Mr. Milks' best horse and jumping astride, rode off, bidding Mr. George H. McIntire a long, last, sad farewell as he disappeared. The horse that had been ridden off by the thief was shortly recovered, but died from the effects of the hard usage it had received. For this loss Mr. Milks never received a cent. There was a mortgage of $75 on this team and wagon of old man Milks; the remaining horse and the wagon were sold under this mortgage and after it was satisfied, Mr. Milks had $20 left. This man (a republican, by the way) declares that McIntire never paid Milks one cent for his trouble or loss, which he could illy afford, being an old man 50 years of age, and a cripple besides, caused by wounds received in the Army."

The Telegram was not smart, but published the lie too soon. It should have waited until the morning of the election when it would be too late to get the facts. Now comes the said Milks referred to therein and exposes the lie as follows.

The Telegram, in its last issue in an article purporting to come from an eye witness, charging G. H. McIntire with employing me to go with my team after a horse thief with him into Arkansas, and that he never paid me for the trip. That is a lie. McIntire never employed me to go with him; he never owed me a cent he did not pay. I was employed by J. Martin to go after his horse with McIntire. We found the man and horse at Fayetteville, Arkansas, and when on our way back near Vinita, the man jumped from the buggy. I was guarding the pris- oner at the time. I had McIntire's revolver under my leg, and the prisoner saw his opportunity and grabbed the revolver and jumped out of the buggy. My horse was being led behind the buggy. I untied him and started to a house to get a gun, and the prisoner, when I was off about fifty yards, started after me and took my horse away from me and rode him off. He never got a cent of money from McIntire and did not seem to want to undertake to unharness the horse that McIntire was holding. I never blamed McIntire for losing my horse, and the man that makes that statement in the Telegram and says he was an eye witness is an unmitigated liar. E. MILKS.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

For Sale or Trade. One breaking attachment to Cassady plow and three shares. Will sell or trade for good walking breaker. Vermilye Bros., Winfield, Kansas.

P. S. Reason: it cramps the hired man's legs to ride all the time.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A special from Chihuahua, Mexico, bearing date of Oct. 25th, says:

"The Apaches, under Jule and Jeranimo, have out-generaled the officers in command of troops at Casa Grande, the maneuvres being most skillfully executed. The Mexican officials endeavored to get both chiefs in camp at once with all their bucks, which would have ended the matter. Parlies had been made for days, yet Jule came into camp one day and Jeranimo another. In the meantime, both knowing that General Guera, commander of the forces in northern Mexico, had left the City of Mexico, planned and carried out the largest raid ever made by the Apaches. At the ranches of Escullias, owned jointly by Governor Terrasons and Henry Miller, the wealthiest citizens of the state, they surprised the herders and got away with seventy horses, well broken and valuable. The job was done by three Apaches. From one of Miller's ranches, fifteen miles west, they stole a horse and two mules, and got fifteen hours start of their pursuers. Along the foothills of the Sierra Madres, they worked the same desperate game, making for Arizona with 200 horses, including 60 Mexican cavalry horses. They are pursued by Mexican soldiers and citizens. It is hoped United States forces will head them off."


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. F. P. Mauris, of Maple Township, is putting up a new residence on his farm.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

J. S. Mann is making big preparations for his removal.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. Cassius Roseberry is erecting a neat residence on his farm in Creswell Township.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. J. B. Corson is putting up a large barn and granary on his farm in north Walnut Township.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A late report from A. H. Green announces that he has recovered and has gone on a visit to his parents.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

There will be preaching in the United Brethren Church in this city Sunday, Nov. 4th, 1t 11 a.m., by the pastor.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. J. A. Smith, one of the assistants at G. B. Shaw & Co.'s lumber yard, is erecting a residence on Sixth Avenue.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Geo. W. Wheeler sold his property in the east part of the city last week and will build another residence immediately.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mrs. Annie Wooden and children left Wednesday morning for a visit to her parents in Shelby County, Missouri. She will be absent some time.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. T. J. Johnson is erecting a house in the northeastern part of the city, for rent. The demand for tenement houses is causing many to be built.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Forest Rowland has purchased his partner's interest in the lunch room and is now the sole proprietor, and is doing a prosperous business.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

If Mr. Gary was as energetic in the pursuit of criminals as he is in the pursuit of office, he would be the best sheriff in the state of Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The Weakley brothers in Walnut Township are adding some new buildings to their farm this fall. Cowley farmers can afford some style this year.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The Farmers Bank has on exhibition a sweet potato a yard long, raised by Mr. Sumpter two miles northeast of the city.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

DIED. Through Johnson & Hill, undertakers, we learn of the death at Udall, on Oct. 24th, of Mrs. E. D. Dale, aged seventy-two years, mother of James Dale of that place.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mrs. Shepard is putting up three tenement houses in the northeastern part of the city. Mr. E. A. Gilbert is also building some houses for rent in the same part of the city.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A. W. Davis, for some time a resident of this city, is now one of the proprietors of the Occidental Hotel, at Wichita. He has associated with him a Mr. Popenoe of Topeka.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. W. O. Johnson, of G. B. Shaw & Co.'s lumber yard, sold a bill of lumber to a Mr. Manns, of Arkansas City, the other day. He couldn't make a dicker with the yards down there.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. Geo. Wilson bought a large bill of lumber at G. B. Shaw and Co.'s lumber yard recently and will erect a large barn, a granary, and a number of cattle sheds on his stock ranch near Udall.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A delegation of Newton officials, consisting of Messrs. N. J. Burdick, Jas. Geary, and W. P. Walters of the city council of Newton, Charles Bucher, city attorney, and W. D. Tourtillott, county commissioner, were in the city Tuesday, their object being to inspect our system of waterworks, with a view to adopting this or a similar system in that city. The waterworks officials took them in hand, showed them the extent of the pressure by attaching the hose to a fire-plug, and gave them facts and figures relative to the cost and success so far of our works. The gentlemen have examined the works at Topeka, Emporia, and other places. They expressed themselves highly pleased with our works, and it is probable that Newton will adopt the same system and have waterworks in the near future.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

George Eaton was elected trustee of Spring Creek Township, not because he was so distressingly popular, but to secure the defeat of a man who persisted in listing cattle held in the Indian Territory by prominent Republicans. These Republicans got tired of paying lawyers to undo the work of one crank, and out of spite they turned in and elected this George Eaton. Since then George Eaton has gone daft. Sudden local prominence hath made him mad, and he essays to ride on this little ripple across the ocean of Cowley's politics into the haven afforded by the office of register of deeds. He forgot that T. H. Soward is skimming along on a wave that will bury Eaton and his handful of votes so far out of sight that he will never be heard of more. Mark this: George Eaton will not carry his own township, and Soward will beat him in the county five hundred votes. This is official.



Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Col. Alonzo T. Stewart was in town a few days last week visiting his friends and relatives. He was one of the earliest and widest awake citizens of Winfield, but has been in the commission business in Kansas City for years. He is now a member of Chanslor Bros. & Co., No. 522, Delaware street. His name is all that people in this section will want to give full confidence in the firm. Shippers of grain and stock will do well to consign to his firm, and to call on him when in Kansas City for he is ever ready to help his friends and customers in any way.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mrs. Ordway has returned and will renew her class in painting in oil, water colors, and on China. One of the large rooms in the town clock building has been secured, and lessons will be given on Tuesday afternoons of each week, at one o'clock, and on Thursday morn- ings at 9 o'clock; and on Saturday mornings instruction in penciling. Arasene painting will also be taught, and an examination of her work by those interested is solicited. She would also like to state that she will be "at home" to her friends on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

We think it was Mr. Matthew who wrote: "In order to be successful, a man must select an object in life and bend all his energies to its accomplishment." The alleged sheriff of this county is a living example of the truth of this saying. His object seems to be office holding, and for twenty years, his energies have been directed mainly to its accomplishment. He manages by hook or crook to get an office, then neglects its duties while striving to secure a new lease of official life. His tenacity is bull-doggish; his methods contemptible.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The west bridge has been closed by the authorities as dangerous and will remain so until the necessary repairs can be made. The floor of the bridge is rotten and bad and the iron work loose. It will be perhaps two weeks before the plank for flooring can be got there. This will be a great inconvenience to the citizens of Vernon, Beaver, and the northwest, and the proper authorities should lose no time in putting it in shape.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Miss Lucy Cairns, daughter of Rev. J. Cairns of this city, met with a serious accident Tuesday morning. She was starting out for a horseback ride, and after mounting and before she had the reins fairly in hand, the horse started, running under a clothes line. The line threw her to the ground, breaking her collar bone. The injury will disable her for some time, though we hope not permanently.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Nate Robertson came down from El Dorado Monday and spent a day or two shaking hands with his many old friends here. Nate is doing a big transfer and bus business in El Dorado and is accumulating a goodly amount of this world's goods. May he and his esti- mable lady live long to enjoy them is the writer's hearty wish.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Dr. A. F. Henry arrived last Saturday from Alamo, Indiana, with his family and has lo- cated in this city in the practice of his profession. He is a pleasant and intelligent gentleman and his very interesting family will be a pleasant addition to the society of Winfield.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The general election November 6, 1883, in Walnut Township will be held at Frank Manny's stone building. Voters will govern themselves accordingly.

T. A. Blanchard, Trustee.
Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Election Returns. The COURIER office will be open Tuesday night, where the election returns will be received. Citizens are invited to call and get the news.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mrs. A. Groff, of Wellington, is spending a few days in the city, the guest of Mrs. Chester Collins.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. W. L. Mullen has gone into land brokerage business and has his office one door south of A. H. Green's old office.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Henry Goldsmith returned from the east Friday, bringing with him his mother and sister, who have been visiting there.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Frank Bessie, who had charge of the creamery here, has gone to Humboldt to run the new creamery just completed there.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Organs! A few second hand Organs (as good as new) are offered at half price at D. F. Best's Sewing Machine rooms, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

E. S. Bedilion was taken sick with malarial fever Monday and had to leave his desk in the courtroom. The records are being cared for by A. B. Taylor.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Like a leading general, Mr. Gary's headquarters are in the "field." The district court would like to have some citizen locate the sheriff permanently: at least during terms of court.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Sheriff Gary passed through this city Monday en route from Topeka to Arkansas City. He left the county last Friday, since which time the district court, in session here, continued to run itself.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The sheriff fight is being reduced to a one-sided affair. Scores of democrats have an- nounced their intention of voting against Gary, hoping to thereby rid the party of an incompetent parasite. The query now is: Where will Gary go after his defeat?


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. R. J. Yoeman brings us samples of beets from his garden. One is twenty-two inches long and would answer for a Zulu war club. It is a vegetable curiosity, and a good one.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The Ladies' Library Association has engaged Col. L. F. Copeland to lecture for them during the month of November. The date and place of lecture will be announced in due time.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

The Woman's Suffrage Association of Winfield will meet on Saturday, November 4th, at half past two o'clock in the Kindergarten room. All are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. M. R. HALL, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Read have been enjoying a visit from Mrs. Shelly, of Humboldt, Nebraska, and Mrs. Metz, of Rushville, Illinois, both sisters of Mrs. Read. Mrs. Metz is accompanied by her daughter.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

J. S. Mann is doing a land office business in clearing out his Clothing and Men's Fur- nishing Goods preparatory to moving into the new Torrance & Fuller building. Now is the time to buy your winter clothing at low prices.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Today (Nov. 1st) is All Saints Day, an important festival in the Episcopal Church. A sermon in reference to it will be preached in the Courthouse next Tuesday morning by Rev. Wm. Brittain, Rector of Grace Church. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

We received a pleasant call Monday from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hereford, of Penn Yan, New York. They are relatives of Mrs. Albro, and are highly pleased with our county. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gristlock of the same place are also visiting with Mrs. Albro.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Col. Whiting exhibits a pair of Texas steer horns, connected by a part of the skull, in natural position. They spread seventy inches from tip to tip and are nineteen inches in cir- cumference at the base. The steer who sported these horns weighed only eight hundred pounds.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Property is selling rapidly in the east part of the city. Judge Torrance purchased a ten acre tract of Mr. Howland for twenty-five hundred dollars. Henry E. Asp has sold his house in the Howland addition, and nine lots have changed hands in the Courier Place, since Monday.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Jacob Nixon has got the best farm team in the county. It is a span of mares, one Clydesdale, four years old, weighs 1720 pounds; the other, a Norman, three years old, weighs 1740 pounds. We count on some deep plowing and heavy crops on the Nixon farm hereafter.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

DIED. Mr. A. B. Arment, the South Main Street undertaker, informs us of the death in Walnut Township, on October 31st, of Mr. J. R. Martine, aged eighty-nine years, father-in- law of Mr. Adam Sipe. He seemed to have no disease, but having finished his journey, passed away as if going to sleep, without pain or suffering of any kind.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Rev. W. E. Penn, the Texas evangelist, with whom George, the son of Rev. J. Cairns, labors, will be in Winfield this week at the convention and will stay and conduct a series of revival meetings in the Baptist Church. During the eight years he has labored as an evangelist nearly twenty thousand have been converted. His labors have been abundant in Texas, California, Tennessee, and Missouri, and for the first time he comes to our state.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Some Potatoes.

A. T. Spotswood brought to our office Tuesday a sweet potato which weighs 14-1/2 pounds. It is a handsome, smooth potato, but it is a monster. It was raised by George Heffron on the very highest ground in this part of the county. In the same hill were other potatoes weighing from 6-1/4 to 9-1/4 lbs. Mr. Heffron says if anyone can beat this 14-1/2 pound potato he will open another hill: one which is swelled up to the proportions of a hay rick and cracked open all around. He is tunneling around a potato which he thinks he will exhume in a few days, and by the use of a derrick he hopes to get it loaded on a rock truck and bring it into town.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Fine Horses.

Messrs. Frank Darst and S. Allison came in from Illinois last week bringing with them a thoroughbred roadster stallion, an imported Norman stallion, an imported Clyde, two three- quarter Norman colts, and a fine Jack. It is by far the finest lot of horses ever brought to the county. Their thoroughbred stallion showed a 2:50 gait as a two-year-old. He is now three, and gives promise of rare speed. Messrs. Darst and Allison will locate here permanently with their horses.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Opera House Meeting.
There will be a political meeting at the opera house on Monday evening, November 5th. T. H. Soward and others will address the meeting. It is expected that Hon. Reuben Booth of Rock Township will speak in answer to Mr. Soward. If so, there will be fun. Turn out and hear whatever fun and argument may be presented.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

United Brethren Appointments.
The following are the appointments for the Winfield district, as made by the session of the Arkansas Valley Conference of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, held in the city of McPherson, October 25th to 29th.

Winfield District: R. W. Parks, Presiding Elder.

Winfield: J. H. Snyder.

Mount Zion: P. B. Lee.

Sheridan: J. L. Miller.

Salt City: A. Yeakle.

Wellington: J. B. Lowry.

Barbour: W. M. Friedly.

Haysville: O. W. Jones.

Mulvane: D. S. Henninger.

Sedgwick: F. P. Smith.

Peabody: T. C. Hahn.

Cottonwood: J. Z. Mann.

Rosalia: E. Hill.

El Dorado: T. W. Williams.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

List of Kansas Soldiers at the Re-union.

H. W. Stubblefield, Reg. 16, Co. H, Capt.

J. H. Finch, Reg. 13, Co. D, Private.

J. W. Sparks, Reg. 2, Co. D, Private.

J. C. Clarey, Reg. 12, Co. K, Private.

T. M. Williams, Reg. 2, Co. I, Private.

Enoch Henderson, Reg. 5, Co. D, Private.

Wm. Jones, Reg. 15, Co. K, Private.

James Kenzey, Reg. 5, Co. I, Private.

T. W. Tharp, Reg. 2, Co. F, Private.

Amos Walton, Reg. 9, Co. B, Private.

N. W. Dressie, Reg. 8, Co. C, Private.

J. W. Powell, Reg. 12, Co. D, Private.

Joseph Powell, Reg. 6, Co. H, Private.

W. S. Williamson, Reg. 9, Co. C, Private.

Dempsey Elliott, Reg. 9, Co. C, Private.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Dexter's Political Pot.
Dexter has once more taken up the line of march. It makes the citizens of Dexter and vicinity feel good to see the way the busy workmen are rearing up the many substantial buildings that add so much to the appearance of our little village. We welcome the strangers to stay with us and help us to improve and build here in the Grouse Valley, a flourishing town.

Now that the election is drawing near, candidates are becoming numerous. Last Friday and Saturday we were honored with about all the lofty politicians of the day. First came J. B. Lynn, Democratic candidate for Treasurer, who did his electioneering in a quiet way among his friends. Then on Saturday came the squad of Republican candidates, arriving early, to hold a Republican rally as per advertisement. Though the weather was very unfavor- able, they were not without a splendid audience; for at half past seven o'clock when the ring of the bell and music of our excellent band told the citizens that there was something rich for them at the schoolhouse that night, the masses poured into the house in a short time, would have told a stranger that there was a wide awake set of Republicans there and that some good speeches were anticipated. The meeting being called to order by H. C. McDorman, Chairman T. H. Soward was introduced and spoke for an hour and a half, making an able and eloquent speech, which was alike interesting to all classes and parties.

Our old friend, Booth, from Rock Township, then attempted a reply and in his comical way, gave the boys plenty of fun, and during his remarks gave the audience some instructions as to the way the knowing ones in Winfield get their drinks, since prohibition closed the saloons.

The band then struck up one of their favorite national tunes, and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and to leave well satisfied with their entertainment. J. B. Nipp and George McIntire each in a short speech asked the votes of the people, and Capt. Siverd followed in a humorous speech making some good points and plenty of fun. In short, everything done seemed the right thing for the occasion, and all the Republicans went home feeling that on the 6th of November next, Dexter Township would roll up a good round majority for every candidate on the Republican ticket. A. REPUBLICAN.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Ring and family now occupy the Brooks house.

There was a bussing bee at Mr. Bryant's last week.

Mr. J. W. Hoyland is at present down in the Cherokee Nation.

Messrs. Bryant and Wolf have returned from their hunt in the Nation.

If a cyclone should come, Dr. Irwin could skip into his new flour chest. It's a nice, big one.

Mr. Nelson of Indiana is visiting his sister, Mrs. Miller, and is combining business with pleasure.

Doctor Downs devotes himself to his books during his spare moments, so constantly that his eyes objected by getting seriously out of repair. Are better at present.

Who dares to call this drouthy Kansas at present? Corn husking would be the order of the day, but owing to the rainy weather it cannot be worked at regularly.

Mr. Avis and family of Illinois are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Avis at present, and they have come to stay. The father of the Avis Bros. is also a Salemite just now.

Mrs. Griever has been very ill, but under the treatments of Dr. Irwin, is recovering. A little gentleman that cannot speak the English language has come to board with them.

May the sunshine of love for friends and neighbors shine in our hearts, even if the days seem dark and gloomy. Sunshine and rainbows after storms. We welcome the rain and are thankful for the beautiful and pleasant days when they come.

Mr. Edgar was agreeably surprised when called out late one night, to find two friends from Tennessee: his captain, Mr. Fane, also his Orderly Sergeant, with whom he endured hardships during the Rebellion (in the Federal army). They are highly delighted with the wide prairies of Kansas, and are off sight-seeing in Sumner and Harper accompanied by Mr. Edgar. Mrs. Edgar and son are among the household of Mr. and Mrs. McMillen during the absence of the gentry.

Later. Mr. Edgar has returned from Sumner and Harper highly pleased with the country and thinks of soon going back to take a claim.

C. Hope of Prairie Home wants to know "how much territory New Salem includes," in his last items. Well, Mr. Hope, it is bounded on all sides by the Salem Post office. All who get their mail there are Salemites. You also ask if "Olivia" wants to purchase some more territory, and say you will sell, etc. Why, yes, of course I'll buy: will pay you when I sell my pet pig. But you say you have a large family to provide for. I don't want to buy any of them, although it must be nice to have so many bright little Hopes. Alas! my hopes all prove delusions and perish one by one, yet if "it were not for hope, the heart would break." Go ahead, Mr. Hope, with your items, we all enjoy them, and if Olivia trespassed, pay her back in her own coin. But here is one of yours you failed to gather: Mr. and Mrs. Marling are off on a visit to Missouri and Mrs. A. Doolittle is keeping house for them. OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Beaver Items.

Mr. Coulter is building a new house.

The Rev. Mr. Brown preached at Beaver Center Sunday evening. Subject: Immortality of the Soul.

Mr. Stimson will organize a singing class at this place if he gets the right sort of encouragement.

B. A. Wright is building a barn. G. H. Teter is also building a barn. Others are building or repairing. All are busy.

Wheat looks well; no fly here. We think the early wheat should be pastured. Corn is ready to be cribbed. Hands are scarce.

Some of our young bloods took in the Springs last Sunday. When they returned their conduct led us to think they had drunk something besides water. Young men should behave at meeting, and especially those that assume the role of teachers. R. E. PORTER.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Grand Prairie News.

This part of the "Garden" is seldom represented in your worthy paper, therefore we come to claim space to let your many readers know of our existence. Grand Prairie is the northwest corner district in Cowley County. Though we are far from Winfield, the great Center, we have many things which should entitle us to the notice of the admirers of "Sunny Kansas." We have as rich farms, as deep soil, as large orchards, as fine cattle, as fat hogs, as fast horses, as brave men, as pretty women, as big babies, and as good rabbit dogs as any district in the county. Our school this winter will register fifty (50) pupils. The crops here never were better nor the farmers in better spirits. New buildings are being built and more good men coming among us. If in the future we find space in your newsy columns, we will make you better acquainted with our people, but for this time we stop on account of our TIMIDITY.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

DIED. Laura, daughter of J. W. and A. A. Patterson, of this city, died Wednesday, October 31, 1883; aged 18 months.


Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Old fashioned Preserves in 5 lb. pails. Various kinds choice and nice, at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

A barrel of pure Illinois White Clover Honey, only 16-1/2 cents per lb. by the gallon at Wallis & Wallis.

Winfield Courier, November 1, 1883.

Lost. Between Winfield and Wilmot, a red pocket book containing a $20 bill, a $10 bill, a $5 gold coin, and some silver. The finder is requested to leave it at the COURIER office or with me at Wilmot and will be liberally rewarded. E. M. McPHERSON.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

V I C T O R Y !
Anguishing Democracy!
Bring 'em a "Cave of Gloom."
It's Badly Needed!
Last Tuesday scored another Grand Victory for the Republican party of Cowley County

more interesting than any one of former years because the democracy, incited by a faint prospect for office, put forth every effort to succeed.

The campaign was an exciting one and created a deep interest in the minds of voters. A very large vote was polled all over the county, resulting in a rousing republican victory. The full returns will be published next week.

[They gave majorities on three leading candidates by townships, which I skipped.]


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

In another column will be found the rates of taxation in this country and what for. The state tax levy is 4-1/2 mills. The county tax altogether amounts to 16-1/2 mills, of this 10 mills is for general purposes, 3 mills for sinking fund on old indebtedness of the county not railroads, 1 mill for interest on the same, 1-1/2 mills for county poor farm and only one mill for Railroad bond interest. The total state and county taxes are 21 mills. The heaviest tax is the school district, from 2 up to 33 mills, with five districts not taxed and a general average nearly equal to the total county tax. The township taxes are mostly light, but Creswell has 14 mills, Bolton 11, and Winfield City 7-1/2 to which must be added 6 mills for old Winfield township bonds and 5 mills on real estate for Carpenter judgment. The average total is about 33 mills.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.


"Instead of abolishing the tax on whiskey and tobacco, let congress reduce the postage on newspapers, or let them go to subscribers free altogether. That will be a real benefit to the people." Kansas City Journal.

Under the present law the enormous sum of two cents a pound is charged on newspapers sent outside of the county of publication, 3,000 miles or less, while under the two cent letter postage law now in force, only 6-1/2 cents a pound is the minimum rate for letters; but as the bulk of these two cent payments are for fractions of a half ounce, the real rate paid for letter postage is at least as much as a dollar a pound. Letter postage is fifty times as much as newspaper postage when sent out of the county from the office of publication. The weight and bulk of these papers considerably exceed that of the letters transported by mail, and it costs more to transport and handle the newspapers than it does the letters. So everytime a letter is mailed, the writer is taxed at least one cent to go into the pockets of the great monop- oly newspapers to pay for transporting their enormous edition.

Article continues like this...Millington has brought this matter up before...believes the great Eastern Monopolies have advantages over country newspapers.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

FROM ILLINOIS. EDS. COURIER: "I take my pen in hand," thinking a few items from this country might be acceptable. Through the kindness of a sister, we've been getting the COURIER all summer, and those reports of crops read like tales of some fairy land, for it has not been so with us. The Fourth of July the corn here was, as my father used to say, about "knee high to a grasshopper," and the grounds kept saturated with cold rains until August, which was dry, but as cool as could be. The eighth and ninth of September we had frosts which covered the ground, and ice was reported in some parts of the county. Oats were very good; we never raise any wheat here, and we had a grand crop of potatoes, but no fruit of any account. I tell you, Mr. Editor, I never appreciated Kansas and prohibition as I have since I came here. Perhaps it will interest some of your readers to hear the result of some foot racing here this summer. The 4th of July there were several prizes offered to Ashton on foot races, and Ed. Smith, formerly of Dexter, Kansas, came up from Leo Center, and thought to help the fun along he'd run. He did so, winning two prizes. So after that he ran several around his home, beating his man every time. When Mendota had her fair they offered $10 for the first one out on 80 rods. He went there and entered with six others, one from Chicago, one from England, two who were attending all the fairs just to run at the races, and he took that $10 in 59 seconds. When Kansas contends, stand back all ye countries, old and new.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Prairie Home Items.

Weather pleasant.

Cribbing corn is the order of the day.

The school in District 39 was visited by the Co. Supt., Prof. Limerick, one day last week.

Dr. Rising and wife have returned from their visit to Missouri.

Mr. McKinnon has rented his farm to Messrs. Read and Lewis, and Mc. has moved his family to Winfield.

Dame Rumor says there is to be a wedding in our neighborhood soon. Don't forget Charity when you pass the wedding cake.

Mrs. Christopher will soon have a quilting partyso says report, and that, you know, can always be relied upon.

Jack is becoming quite a successful marksman, judging from the game he brings in every day.

J. W. Conrad is putting up a fine residence. As soon as it is completed, we shall expect that good old fashioned quilting and oyster supper which you have so long promised us, Mrs. Conrad.

L. G. Brown has just completed an addition to his house. He is now building a barn for Henry Quier on Timber Creek.

Mr. Alvin Martin, an old acquaintance of Mr. John Shields, has been looking after his interests in Cowley County, but has now returned to his home in Wisconsin.

Mr. T. M. James, of Blackburn, Missouri, has been spending a week with his sister, Mrs. J. S. Baker, and looking at the country with a view to purchasing a home for himself and family. He thinks of locating near Arkansas City.

W. P. Hackney and Supt. Limerick addressed the people of Tisdale Township at the New Salem schoolhouse Friday evening, November 2nd. Olivia, am I trespassing? (We get our mail at New Salem.)

The Prairie Home Sunday School seems to be laid on the shelf for the present. Cause: lack of interest in S. S. work, or perhaps there are too many church organizations to work harmoniously.

Some of the Prairie Homeites attended church at Tisdale last Sunday and listened to an excellent sermon by Rev. Shleider of Dexter.

Miss Ida Crane had the misfortune to let one of her canaries get away a few weeks ago. He was a young bird and a fine singer. Anyone giving Miss Ida any information in regard to his whereabouts will be liberally rewarded.

Olivia, we are much obliged for information concerning the boundaries of New Salem. We were not aware that the little New Salem P. O. bounded so vast a territory. On the same principle, all who get their mail at Winfield would be Winfieldites, although they might live from five to ten miles from the city, which some do. If that is the case, we will take the pet pig and give you a clear title, but our family is not for sale. We have no Hopes to spare.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.


The sky bids fair to give us some regular old Orthodox weather before long.

Everything here is in readiness for an old regulation winter. Corn is splendid, but a small acreage as compared with Cowley County. Your correspondent having been at home in Otter Township for six weeks past, can testify to the splendid corn, luxuriant weeds, and good looking girls of Cowley County.

The Sedan schools are progressing finely under the direction of Prof. Woodward. And we challenge any city in the state to produce a finer lot of girls and boys to the population than this same progressive burg. With our small girls, school ma'ams, old maids, and grass widows, we could not advise New England girls to immigrate with a view to teaching school or getting married.

Court is coming on with a docket which, if properly ground out, would require at least six weeks. Including Jim Witt, who escaped jail a few days ago since, and who may be recaptured soon, there will be three separate indictments of murder in the first degree. Our authorities have done well to catch every offender. If we are only allowed a two weeks' term, we don't expect to reach any civil business this court at all, or even dispose of the criminal docket. JASPER.

[1883 TAX ROLL.]

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Skipped 1883 Tax Roll, Shown in Mills.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Winfield Markets Wholesale.

The following prices are realized on our streets by producers Wednesday, November 7.

EGGS: Fresh, per dozen, $.20.

BUTTER: Country, per lb.: $.20.

POTATOES: per bushel, Irish, $.80 & $.60.

POTATOES: per bushel, Sweet, $.60 & $.75.

ONIONS: per bushel, $.50.

CABBAGE: per lb., $.03.

HAMS: Country, per lb., $.16.

CHICKENS: per dozen, spring, $1.75 & $2.00.

CHICKENS: per lb., old, $.065.

LARD: per lb. $.02.

SORGHUM: per gallon, $.30.

WHEAT: per bushel, $.75 & $.78.

CORN: per bushel, $.25.

FLOUR: per 100 lbs., $2.25, $2.50, $2.80.

CORN MEAL: $1.20

OATS: per bushel, $.20.

HOGS: per 100 lbs.: $4.00.

CATTLE: 1-1/2 & 3.

STEERS: 3 & 3-1/4.

HAY: in bulk, $4.00.



Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Minutes of the Second Meeting of the Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers' Association. Winfield, Kansas, October 27, 1883.

Meeting called to order at 2 o'clock p.m., President A. Gridley in chair.

Prof. A. H. Limerick stated the object of the meeting in a few very appropriate remarks.

Moved and supported, That the programme for the second and third meetings be com- bined in one; the one to contain the more important topics of both.

Moved and supported, That the Saturday meeting convene at 9 o'clock a.m., and con- tinue till 1 p.m.

The propriety of continuing the Friday evening meeting was discussed to some length. It was decided to continue it by having a literary program on that evening; the program to consist in declamations, select readings, debates, etc.

Moved and supported, That the following resolution, presented by Mr. L. C. Brown, be adopted.

Resolved, That we, the teachers of the Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers Association, ask that the school boards of our respective schools allow us the privilege of closing our schools at noon on the Friday of each month set apart for the teachers' meeting, in order that the teachers may attend this meeting.

Moved and supported, That a committee of three be appointed by the chair to adopt a program for the next meeting. Miss Dickey, Prof. A. H. Limerick, and Mr. H. G. Norton were appointed.

On motion, the meeting was adjourned to meet on the evening of Nov. 23rd.

F. P. Vaughan, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Highest prices paid for corn on accounts or in goods. Headquarters for shipping grain and dressed poultry. Lightwater & Wilson, Udall.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Northwestern Teachers Association.

UDALL, November 3rd, 1883.
There being a political meeting in the schoolhouse Friday evening, no meeting was held by the teachers, but they met according to appointment on Saturday morning.

Those present were Misses Lida Strong, C. L. Cronk, Jennie Knickerbocker, Kate Martin, Hattie Andrews, and Fannie McKinley; Messrs. R. B. Corson, S. L. Herriott, J. W. Campf, J. W. Warren, C. A. Lewis, Chas. Daugherty, and L. McKinley.

The regular secretary being absent, L. McKinley was elected to fill the vacancy.

The discussion of the various topics was spirited, interesting, and instructive, most of the teachers taking part. At its close the general feeling was that it had been a great success.

It was decided to hold the next meeting at Akron schoolhouse, beginning on Friday evening, Nov. 30th. The program was arranged for that time as follows: Address of welcome, J. W. Warren; Response, J. W. Campf; Exercises by Akron school; Declamation, C. A. Lewis; Essay, J. W. Campf; Recitations, Misses Lida and Lou Strong; general discussion of the subject, "Needs of our School System."

The topics for Saturday's session were assigned as follows: "Methods of Teaching Primary Reading," Misses Jennie Knickerbocker, Leota Gary, and Lou Strong; "Causes of the Revolution," Mrs. Gammon, Miss Fannie McKinley, and Mr. J. W. Warren; "Franklin and Hamilton," Miss C. A. Cronk and Messrs. C. A. Lewis, C. Bradshaw, and J. W. Campf; "To What Extent Shall Teachers Share in Amusements?" Misses Lida Strong and Annie Barnes and Mr. L. McKinley.

School boards and patrons are cordially invited to attend. Come and see what your teachers think about these matters and exchange views with them, especially on Friday evening. Teacher! do not fail to come! McKINLEY, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.


GOODS WAY DOWN -AT- N. E. DARLING'S GENERAL STORE, AKRON, 2 miles East of Dunkard Mills.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

380 head of sheep for sale or rent by N. L. Rigby within the next 2 weeks.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

If Gary's latest defeat does not break him of sucking eggs, we do not know what will.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Amos Walton was the Democratic striker for Bolton Township. Behold the returns!

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

John F. Miller, of Beaver Township, sent us a few specimens from his turnip patch. They were as large as a peck measure.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mrs. Geo. A. Emery, sister of Mrs. Dillingham, left for her home in Chicago on the Santa Fe train Wednesday at three p.m.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

As a manipulator of colored votes, Jas. Jordan towers above all his democratic compeers. He has retired from the business now, however.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mrs. Geo. W. Robinson is in the east visiting friends and will probably be absent three months. George is now "one of the boys" at the Brettun.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The "Pleasant Hour Club" gives the first social "hop" of the season at the Opera House this Thursday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock sharp and closing at 12.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mr. George Blanchard sent to the COURIER office last week samples of the largest, fairest, roundest potatoes we have seen. They made us think of old times in Vermont.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The regular semi-monthly Union Temperance meeting will be held in the Methodist Church on next Sunday evening, under the auspices of the Good Templars of this city.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

A dramatic entertainment at the New Salem schoolhouse on Thursday, the 15th inst. "Sylvias Soldier" will be rendered by home talent. A full house is solicited. At the station schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The East ward of Winfield, S. G. Gary's home, gave McIntire a majority. Arkansas City, Mr. McIntire's home, gave him two hundred and eighty majority. Comment is unnecessary.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The South Kansas Holiness Association desire to tender their thanks to the brethern of the M. E. Church for the use of their house while holding their late convention. By order of Association, S. L. Daugherty, Secretary.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Rev. W. E. Penn, who is now holding meetings at the Baptist Church, designs preaching a sermon to skeptics on Thursday evening and invites all such to be present and promises to treat the subject fairly and in an entirely new manner. Let everybody hear him.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mr. John Mehan of Pleasant Valley Township made us a pleasant call Wednesday. He is one of the many Cowley County farmers who have "made it play." In two years he cleared eight hundred dollars, and to top the matter off bought a patch of wheat last year for $240, and in forty days threshed and sold it for $1,300.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

John H. Nichol, from Beardstown, Illinois, an old acquaintance of M. L. Read, who is here for the health of his son, which has been very much improved since coming, has bought the Charlie Stevens property on Menor Street, there being no rentable house in the city. The family will spend the winter here, and we hope this will be the cause of their locating with us permanently.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Johnson & Bosley have opened a new quarry on J. H. Land's place a little northeast of town, have purchased a steam engine and all the necessary fixings, and propose to furnish the best of dimension and building stone for the million at rates that will encourage builders. They are energetic gentlemen and builders will do well to see them before contracting for rock.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

UDALL. One of Cowley's Thriving Little Towns.
Last Friday the COURIER reporter visited the little town of Udall, thirteen miles north of Winfield on the A. T. & S. F. railroad. Having never visited the place before, we were surprised at the improvement and amount of business being done. The town was laid out the spring of 1881 by a town company composed of P. W. Smith, James T. Dale, Geo. A. Jennett, Jas. Chenoweth, Jas. H. Bullene, and Jas. Napier. With the exception of Mr. Bullene, all the members of the town company were farmers and residents of the vicinity. The land on which the town was laid out (40 acres) was purchased of P. W. Smith. Since that time three additions have been added to the original plattwo by E. L. Moffit and two by Lewis Fitzsimmons. From the commencement the infant town had an opponent in the Santa Fe railroad. They were not given a depot sidetrack or conveniences of any kind. The station was merely a platform alongside the track. In spite of this, the projectors went to work with a will. Every encouragement was offered to persons desiring to locate. Members of the town company put up buildings and soon the few new and scattered houses grew into a prosperous little town. Then began the struggle for a depot and sidetrack, and through the able assistance of Senator Hackney, these things were soon forthcoming. Today the tracks are lined with coal and grain cars and the railroad company is doing a better business than at any station between Winfield and Wichita. There are still many things that the railroad company should do for the town. They need stock yards properly equipped with water and scales and improvements about the depot. The town now has upwards of fifty buildings. Several large new stores are going up. The businesses of the town are well represented. There are four general merchandising stores, two hotels, two hardware stores, two coal yards, one lumber yard, one harness shop, one tin shop, four physicians, one land office, five grain dealers, one barber shop, one restaurant, a millinery store, a photograph gallery, a billiard hall, and a livery stable. The congregationalist are erecting a neat church at a cost of $2,000. The Baptist are also putting up a church building. The school interests of the town are well looked after. They have a large building with two well furnished rooms. The school is graded and is under the charge of Prof. Campf, with Miss Knickerbocker as assistant. One of the best men for the town is W. B. Norman. He has charge of the town company's interests and is doing a land and loan business. He has clear business ideas, a wide acquaintance, and exerts every influ- ence that can be brought to bear in favor of Udall. The town is surrounded by a splendid scope of country and the rich valley of the Walnut and Arkansas are tributaries to it. With such advantages it cannot fail to be a good business point.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Annual Hunt. The grand annual hunt of the Winfield sportsmans club came off last Thursday. The captains were Jas. H. Vance and Jas. McLain. There were twelve hunters on each side, but several could not go, leaving ten on Capt. Vance's side and only eight on Capt. McLain's. The count was as follows:

Jas. Vance, Captain: 1,520

Frank Clark: 1,910

J. S. Hunt: 1,835

Kyle McClung: 1,130

J. Cochran: 1,855

W. P. Beaumont: 1,010

Frank Lockwood: 370

A. T. Spotswood: 205

A. S. Davis: 1,125


Jas. McClain, Captain: 1,230

J. N. Harter: 1,120

C. C. Black: 715

G. W. Prater: 970

Fred Whiting: 1,245

Ezra Meech: 3,420

Judge E. S. Torrance: 865

Wilson Foster: 1,380


Capt. Vance's side having made 25 points the most was declared the victor.

The annual Banquet and presentation of the medals was held at the Brettun Saturday evening. It was an elegant affair and one of the most enjoyable of the season. In a neat and appropriate speech, Mr. C. C. Black presented the gold medal, awarded for the highest score, to Mr. Ezra Meech, who responded to the toast "How did you catch 'em?" with a full description of his days report and the methods he so successfully employed in bagging the festive little "cotton tail." Next came the presentation of the tin medal, by M. G. Troup, which was done in that gentleman's happiest vein. The recipient, A. T. Spotswood, re- sponded in a short speech. After other toasts the company adjourned for business at which it was decided to hunt again with the same sides, on November 22nd. This is the third annual hunt of the club, and has been more successful than its predecessors.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The wives, mothers, sisters, and daughters of the Union soldiers of our late war are arranging a grand entertainment to be held in the Opera House, Tuesday, November 21st, dinner to be served from 12 to 2 p.m. The evening entertainment at the same place will consist of a welcome to the soldiers and reply; a scene of camp life on the battlefield, tableaux, etc., to which we extend a cordial invitation to soldiers, their wives, mothers, and daughters of Cowley County and the state of Kansas. Any of the foregoing ladies wishing to show their loyalty to their country and respects to the soldiers, are asked to contribute to the dinner. The donation from the country is expected to be free will and we earnestly request that your names and what you will contribute be left at the COURIER office by the fifteenth inst., which will give us time to fill any deficit and make it what it should be: a grand success. Your presence is desired whether you contribute or not. This entertainment is under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Winfield for the benefit of Cowley County and its seat of government, in establishing a reading room and other enter- prises for the good of the people. Much is asked because much is needed. We therefore ask a liberal donation. By order of Committee.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The Grand Legion of the Select Knights of the Ancient Order of United Workman has just closed its session at Topeka. Our worthy county Supt., Limerick, was representative from the Winfield Legion. He reports that the session was conducted with great harmony and much useful work accomplished. The Grand Legion paid a handsome compliment to Win- field by electing J. F. McMullen, Esq., Grand Commander of the state. The Winfield Knights are much pleased with this action and a boom in the Legion here is expected. This is a uniformed order, standing to the Workman, about as the Knights Templar do to the Masons. They are very numerous in the eastern states, and are flourishing in Kansas, having already about forty Legions, with new ones rapidly instituted.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mrs. Mary H. Rogers, the noted Quaker evangelist so well known to our people, and Mrs. Amy Tulghum, a noted Quaker evangelist from Indiana, are holding religious services every evening in the M. E. Church of this city; also special meetings every afternoon at 2 o'clock p.m., in the lecture room of said church. These meetings are well attended and a deep spiritual interest is manifested by the people. They are not here in the interest of any religious sect, but only for the salvation of the people and for the building up of the Kingdom of Christ amongst us. They cordially invite all classes of our people to join with them in this work of love.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Last Wednesday evening quite a company of little folks, about twenty in all, got together and marched to the residence of Mrs. Trump, to make a surprise call on her daughter, Miss Hattie Trump, who received them graciously at the door, they shouting "birthday surprise to Hattie." The party were invited in and treated to a gay little feast. The table was spread with the nice things of the season and all was pleasure, lively chat, laughter, frolic, and enjoyment for about two hours. Their teachers, Miss Crippen and Miss Hamill, came in and enlivened the party.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

If the Republican boys didn't have a jubilee Tuesday night, we do not know what a jubilee is. They came from the valleys of Grouse, Silver, and the west, and made the streets of the "hub" mighty lively.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Kansas Baptist State Convention.

This body assembled in the Baptist Church at Winfield, Kansas, on Friday, November 2nd, 1883, at 10 a.m., and was called to order by the president, Prof. M. L. Ward, of Ottawa. Half an hour was devoted to prayer and praise under the direction of Rev. W. M. Barker of Wellington. A committee of one from each association represented was appointed to nominate officers. Rev. J. W. Luke, who was appointed to preach the annual sermon having failed to reach here, and his alternate, Rev. S. A. Leavit, also being absent, Rev. A. J. Essex, of Clifton, was appointed to the vacancy and delivered the annual sermon.

NOTE: Made a Vice President: Rev. C. C. Foote, Topeka; Rev. J. Cairns, Winfield.



Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Mrs. Ordway has returned and will renew her class in painting in oil, water colors, and on China. One of the large rooms in the town clock building has been secured, and lessons will be given on Tuesday afternoons of each week, at one o'clock, and on Thursday morn- ings at 9 o'clock; and on Saturday mornings instruction in penciling. Arasene painting will also be taught, and an examination of her work by those interested is solicited. She would also like to state that she will be "at home" to her friends on Monday and Wednesday afternoons.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Special meetings at Baptist Church each day and night until further notice, conducted by Major Penn, "The Texas Evangelist" (or Moody of the South) who for twenty-three years was a distinguished lawyer, but for the last eight years has been holding protracted religious meetings with remarkable success. We most cordially invite all the citizens and friends to come and hear him.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The recent election is another sad and solemn warning to S. G. Gary to forever forsake the treacherous walks of politics and retire to the peaceful shades of his furniture shop. He is at present a frightful example of political bankruptcy.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

A Horse on Eleventh Avenue, east, for sale cheap. Enquire at residence of Geo. W. Miller.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Green buys and sells horses and guarantees satisfaction.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Teachers' Association.

The Central Division of the Cowley County Teachers' Association will meet November 17th, 1883, at the High School building, Winfield. Following is the program.


1. Course of study: S. I. Herriott.

2. Adaptation of Methods: Miss Laura Elliott.

3. Libraries: S. W. Norton.

4. How to Teach Notation and Numeration: Jas. Hutchinson.

5. Methods for Primary Reading: Miss Mamie Garlick.

6. Franklin and Hamilton: F. P. Vaughan.

7. Needs of our School System: General Discussion.

8. Amusements for Teacher and Pupils: H. G. Norton.


1. Select Reading: Miss Mary Hamill.

2. Essay: Miss Anna Barnes.

3. Declamation: W. P. Beaumont.


An Address by President Taylor of the State Normal School.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

An Interesting Occasion.

Rev. W. R. Kirkwood, late financial agent of the University of Wooster, recently accepted a call to the Presbyterian congregation of Winfield, Cowley County, Kansas. The

Congregation numbers over two hundred members, and it has the finest house of worship in the Southwest. The people at Winfield will find in Rev. Kirkwood, not only an able minister of the gospel, but a man of excellent social qualities, as well. Mrs. Kirkwood and her two sons left Wooster on Thursday, to join Rev. Mr. Kirkwood in their new home. We very much regret the departure of this most excellent family. We need here just such influences as they were always exerting. Mrs. Kirkwood, as president of the Wayne County Woman's Christian Temperance Union, was one of the noblest and most untiring workers in behalf of the Prohibitory Amendment, in the late campaign, that could be found in the state. She believed in educating the people by the dissemination of literature and engaged in this branch of the work most enthusiastically, distributing thousands of papers and documents over the county. The result shows that her work had a splendid effect on the voters of the county. On Wednesday afternoon a large number of ladies, her co-workers in the temperance campaign, assembled at Music Hall, and, securing the attendance of Mrs. Kirkwood, made it the occasion of presenting to her an elegant black silk dress, as a token of their appreciation of her noble qualities of mind and heart, and of her active and untiring zeal in every good work. Mrs. W. A. Underwood, president of the W. C. T. U. of Wooster, made the presentation in a few well chosen and appropriate words. Mrs. Kirkwood was taken completely by surprise, and was almost overcome. She, however, succeeded in responding in words which came from her heart, for this manifestation of the love and kindly esteem of her sisters and co- workers. Good byes were exchanged, fare-well words were spoken, and the interesting occasion was closed with a touching prayer by Mrs. Underwood. We trust that this excellent family will have a safe and pleasant journey to their new home.

From the Wooster, Wayne County, Ohio, Herald.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Genuine Oil Paintingsonly $3., cheap at $5.00. Red Front.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

1/4 ream of the best Letter Paper reduced to 50 cents. Red Front.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

15 doz. of Men's Fine Knit Shirts reduced to 50 cents; former price 75 cents. Red Building.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

Rams for Sale. I have, on my ranch, three miles north of Maple City, 20 Merino rams from best Michigan and Wisconsin herds, and a few from Copeland, of Douglass. Will sell on reasonable terms. W. S. Crowell, P. O. address 844, Winfield, Kansas. My yearlings took first premium at Cowley County Fair.

Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

To all whom it may concern. I will be in Winfield, Kansas, November 13, 1883, for the purpose of organizing a class in instrumental music, and will say to all persons who wish to engage my service as music teacher, to call at M. J. Stimpson's music store at 2 p.m., and improve the opportunity as this will probably be my only trip to this city. Prof. E. W. Allen.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The following is a synopsis of the annual report of Indian Commissioner Price.

A decided advance has been made in the march of improvement among the Indian tribes, particularly in the matter of industrial school education. Some tribes have been persuaded to send their children to school that have heretofore resisted all efforts to induce them to do so. One question may now be considered settled beyond controversy and that is that the Indian must be taught to work for his own support and to speak the English language or give place to a people who do. Among the things needed to secure success and efficiency in solving the Indian problem are:

First: An appropriation to survey out the boundaries of Indian reservations, so that both Indians and white men may know where they have rights and where they have none.

Second: A law for the punishment of persons who furnish arms and ammunition to Indians. No such law now exists.

Third: More liberal appropriations for Indian police.

Fourth: An appropriation sufficient to defray the expenses of detecting and prosecuting persons who furnish intoxicating liquor to Indians.

No ardent spirits should be introduced into the Indian country under any pretense whatever, nor their sale permitted within twenty miles of an Indian reservation. But under the existing laws upon the subject it is a notorious fact that ale, beer, and preparations of alcoholic stimulants, disguised as medicines, are sold at military posts to soldiers and civilians, and although post traders are not permitted to sell it directly to Indians, yet it is an easy matter for Indians to obtain it from soldiers and civilians to whom it is furnished. The punishment imposed by law for this offense should be made more severe.

The practice of approving contracts to collect from the government money due Indians is one that ought not to exist. It has for years been the practice to approve contracts by which outside parties have taken from Indians hundreds of thousands of dollars for service which ought not to cost the Indians one cent. During the last four years agreements have been entered into between Indians and different attorneys by which these attorneys were to receive from Indians $75,521 for collecting from the government to see that the wards of the nation receive what is justly due them free of cost, and it is equally the duty of the government to see that no unjust claim is paid. Congress should confer both civil and criminal jurisdiction to the states and territories over all Indian reservations within their respective limits, and make the person and property of the Indian amenable to the laws of the state or territory in which he may reside, except in cases where such property is expressly exempted by treaty or act of congress, and give him all rights in the courts enjoyed by other persons.

Allotments in severalty to the number of 146 have been made to Indians during the year with the best results, and the commissioner will adhere to the policy of allotting lands where the same can be legally done and the condition of the Indians is such as to warrant it. The attention of congress is again invited to the necessity of legislation to enable Indians to make entries under the homestead law without cost to them. It is necessary that lands within certain reservations be subdivided, and it is important in some cases that this be done at once, although there is not a dollar available for this special purpose.

An amendment to the law in reference to the intruders, so as to punish by imprisonment as well as fine, is absolutely necessary. An intruder without property has very little fine. Notwithstanding his repeated expulsion from the Indian Territory, Payne and his party of "Oklahoma colonists" have twice, during the present year, made attempts at settlement in that country, requiring the aid of the military, at great expense to the government, to effect their removal.

The commissioner gives a detailed account of Payne's operations, and asks that the special attention of congress be called to these aggressive movements on Indian Territory lands as illustrating the urgent necessity for speedy and effective legislation in regard to trespassers.

The recommendations for legislation for the protection of timber on Indian lands are renewed.

During the year there was paid to Indians in cash, as annuity and otherwise, $745,000. Less than $200,000 of this amount was for the payment of annuities proper, many of which will expire in the near future by limitation in various treaties.

The increase in accommodation for Indian pupils, which the school appropriations for the last fiscal year made possible, has been followed by a corresponding increase in the attendance of pupils. Exclusive of five or six tribes, the number enrolled at boarding schools during the year just closed, is 5,143, an increase of 654 over last year. The attendance of day schools has been 5,015, an increase of 748 over the preceding year. Of the 5,143 boarding pupils, 4,306 attended school on the reservations and their immediate vicinity. Boarding and day schools on the reservations have made a creditable record. Eight new boarding schools have been opened, making the whole number now in operation, exclusive of training schools, seventy-seven.

An interesting event in the year has been the education inroad in the Ute tribe. The wild Southern Utes allowed twenty-seven youths to be taken to the Albuquerque boarding school, although not one of the tribe had ever before attended any school of any description. The organization of a system of day schools is meeting with favor among experienced agents, who have large agencies and desire to place all their Indians as speedily as possible under some sort of educational influence. The good results attending the maintenance of training schools at Carlisle, Hampton, and Forest Grove are very manifest and congress is urged to make appropriations for these schools, as each school has exceeded the number of scholars for which the appropriation was made. Training in the industrial and mechanical arts has been kept in the foreground, and the success attained is fully attested by the number of valuable articles manufactured in these workshops for use in the schools, and also by the fact that at Carlisle and Hampton they propose to furnish for the various Indian agents during the current fiscal year 2,000 pairs of shoes, 3,350 dozen articles of tinware, twenty-two dozen bridles and halters, and 450 sets of harness. During the year Carlisle has sent ten spring wagons to Indian agencies. Want of money and want of room compelled the refusal of many applications for admission to Forest Grove school, and it is hoped congress will appropriate at least $25,000 to erect a new building in the vicinity of the schools. Within another year new training schools will be in operation. Stone buildings to accommodate 150 pupils, at Chilocco in the Indian Territory, near the Kansas border and contiguous to a Kansas settlement, will be ready for pupils in December. At Lawrence, Kansas, three large stone buildings for 340 pupils will be completed in January. Near Genoa, Nebraska, the old brick Pawnee school building, standing on what was formerly the Pawnee reservation, is being thoroughly repaired and enlarged so as to furnish room for 150 pupils and will be finished next spring. Under the provision of the appropriation act of 1882 Indian pupils were divided in six different states with entirely satisfactory results, for the purpose, and an appropriation should be made that will enable the office to offer any suitable institution that will furnish buildings, teachers, and all the necessary machinery for the school, a compensation of not less than $28 per annum for each Indian pupil supported and taught therein.

Religious societies contributed $230,555 for educational work among the Indians, but this, the commissioner says, by no means expresses the assistance thus given to Indian edu- cation and civilization. The influence of men and women whose lives are devoted to uplifting the degraded and ignorant cannot be measured by dollars and cents. Moreover the fact that he represents a great religious denomination; that a Christian community is his constituency; and that the funds which came into his hands have been consecrated by prayer and self-denial give to a man and his work a moral force and momentum which government patronage does not impart.

The best hope for the Indian lies in bringing him into the closest possible relation with the various religious societies whose sole business consists in working for the elevation of humanity, and who from long experience, are presumably best informed as to the methods, men, and means to be employed in such work. The commissioner again calls attention to the need of a school for the Indians of Alaska.

The building of school houses has progressed fairly. Seven new boarding school build- ings were occupied the past year, six more will receive pupils this fall, and four more promise completion the current year. Seven new day school buildings have been completed and another commenced. Much better use could be made of the appropriation for educational purposes, if it were not for the restrictions of the law, which often defeats the ends sought by legislation. A comparison with preceding years shows an increase in the number of cases of sickness treated by agency physicians, but a small percentage mortality. The total number of cases under treatment for the year was 82,024; total number of deaths 1,306, total number of births 1,142. The peculiar custom prevailing among the Indians of maintaining strict secrecy in regard to births and deaths renders the collection of reliable information on these points extremely difficult.

The affairs of the different agencies are reviewed at great length. With reference to the mission Indians of California, the commissioner says he fully agrees with the findings of the inspector sent out to examine their condition and will incorporate them in a bill to be pre- sented to congress.

Concerning the Turtle Mountain Indians of Dakota, he recommends that two townships of the present reservation be reserved as a permanent reservation for those who do not desire to take homesteads.

The Indian tribes of the Indian Territory having failed to adopt freedom into their tribes, as contemplated by the appropriation act of 1882, it is recommended that legislation be asked authorizing their settlement in the Oklahoma district under some well defined jurisdiction and form of government, with power to the secretary of the interior to determine what freed- men should be allowed to settle thereon, or else such stringent laws be passed as will compel the respective tribes to adopt freedmen, as provided in their treaties.

It is also recommended that congress authorize the appointment and provide for the expenses of a commission, whose duty it shall be to visit these nations, consider the points of difference between the Indians and alleged intruders, or non-citizens, and, after determin- ing upon rules of procedure for final adjustment of the question, attend the councils of said nations, and submit said rules for consideration and action, which, when adopted by them and approved by the department, shall be final and conclusive.

The early attention of congress is invited to the deplorable condition of the Indians in Montana, that steps toward assisting them may be taken as soon as possible.

The report concludes with the recital of an agreement signed in this city in July 1st between Chief Moses and the secretary of the interior, which will, the commissioner says, if ratified by congress, restore to the public domain 2,243,300 acres in Washington Territory upon terms favorable to the government and for the best interest of the Indians.


Winfield Courier, November 8, 1883.

The full transfer of the command of the army from General Sherman to Lieutenant General Sheridan, took place in Washington on November 1st at noon. The headquarters of the army is the War Department building. General Sheridan spent the forenoon in making himself acquainted with the business of the office. General Sherman and the members of his staff rendered him every assistance.

Before 12 o'clock the two highest officers of the army called on the Secretary of War

General Sherman to take official leave, and General Sheridan to report for duty. The transfer was accomplished quietly and without any ceremony whatever, beyond the issuance of a General Order ratifying the change of army commanders.

Shortly after the transfer, General Sherman and General Sheridan held an informal reception, which was attended by all the officers of the army in Washington, also by the officers of the artillery stationed at Fort McHenry, and the Bureau office of the Department. All took official leave of General Sherman, and were by him presented to General Sheridan. Subsequently, General Sherman and General Sheridan, accompanied by the Secretary of War, made an official call upon the President.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.


In our peaceable neighborhood we have nothing thrilling to communicate this week, but we will report the common doings as they have met our notice.

Miss Annie Reddish and her brother, Charley, have just returned from a visit to Iowa.

The Dunkards have been holding a series of meetings at the Shiloh U. B. Church.

The school under the guidance of C. A. Lewis is progressing nicely. The schoolhouse will soon be refitted with new furniture.

Blanch, the little seven year old daughter of W. E. Smith, while out playing Saturday last, fell and broke her left arm just below the elbow. She bears her suffering like a soldier.

Mr. McDonald from Ohio has just finished a very nice residence which is now the north- west corner dwelling in Cowley County. Mr. McDonald's family is now here and will make a valuable addition to our social circle.

Your correspondent attended the Teachers' Association at Udall Saturday. The meeting was not very largely attended by the "wielders of the birch," but those present seemed to be striving to make a success of the organization. The next meeting will be held at Little Dutch, and the teachers, assisted by that school, will give an entertainment on the first Friday evening in December. We would give a full account of the proceeding of last meeting, but suppose it will be reported by the Secretary. TIMIDITY.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.


Total vote cast: 4,245

Average Republican vote: 2,345

Average Democratic vote: 1,688

Average Anti-Monopoly vote: 222

Average Republican plurality: 640

Average Republican majority: 455

Capt. Hunt is highest on Republican ticket: 2,524

Geo. Eaton is highest on Democratic ticket: 1,773

J. H. Land is highest on Anti-Monopoly ticket: 277


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Judge Tipton says that "a large number of Anti-monopolists voted the Democratic ticket in the hope of defeating the Republican ticket," and hopes they will see their error. We do not doubt the statement. We expected as much and have claimed that the only thing the Anti- monopoly party could effect was to assist the Democrats.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Col. Moonlight, Gov. Glick's Adjutant General and next friend, was downed in Leaven- worth County; Mr. Jack Watts, another gubernatorial appointee, was knocked down and run over by the voters of Douglas County. It looks as if the election was designed to convince the Governor, as Gen. Logan did Sitting Bull: "That he wasn't such a h ll of an Indian as he thought he was." Champion.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The most persistent attempts were made to bribe, hire, cajole, and induce the colored men of this city to vote the whole or part of democratic ticket at the late election. No means were left untried to corrupt them, and it was boasted that some of them at least would vote that ticket by platoons. But the only effect they had was to get one colored vote for their whole ticket, one other for Lynn, and keeping still another from voting at all, on the most frivolous excuse, while all the rest came up nobly and voted their principles and the straight Republi- can ticket. If the white voters had averaged up anywhere near as well as the colored men, there would have been a great deal less corruption. The colored men have won the admira- tion and respect of Republicans and fair minded Democrats.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

RECAP: Meeting of the stockholders and directors of the Denver, Memphis & Atlantic Railway Company was held at Topeka November 6, 1883. Elected as a permanent officer (Secretary) was M. L. Read, Winfield, Kansas.

On motion the Secretary was directed to give notice of thirty days for the opening of books at Winfield and Belle Plaine for the subscription of stock.

Communications were read from capitalists, iron manufacturers, and others in the east giving encouraging words to the enterprise.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

About sixty of the friends and neighbors assembled at the home of Dr. and Mrs. A. V. Polk, November 8, 1883; to unite with them in celebrating their crystal wedding. Dr. A. V. Polk and Miss Elizabeth Vallerschamp were married in Middle Smith Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Henry Little, on September 16, 1863. There they lived until December 1, 1868, then coming to Topeka, Kansas, December 4, 1868, and finally to Cowley County, February 12, 1869, and the next day settled on their present claim, where we find them this beautiful day. The wedding should have occurred September 16th, but as the Dr. was building, it was postponed until November 8th, which caused none the less enjoyment. The Dr. had beautiful apples for dinner of his own raising.

The occasion was a very pleasant one. All seemed to enjoy themselves and most heartily congratulated Dr. and Mrs. Polk in view of the prosperity which had attended them during the first fifteen years of wedded life. The dinner, which was abundant in variety and supply, and of the best quality, was served in good style, and was well received, as was evident from the manner in which the guests carried out their part of the programme.

After dinner, Prof. A. H. Limerick, in a beautiful and appropriate speech presented to Mr. and Mrs. Polk the following gifts.

Mrs. Abbie Tribbey, fruit dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Wall, 2 pickle dishes.

Frank Sperry, toilet set.

Mr. and Mrs. Akers, 2 pickle dishes.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Huston, fruit dish.

D. A. Huston, mug.

Mrs. A. B. Steinberger, pickle dish.

Nancy J. Baxter, butter dish.

Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Huston, ink stand.

Mrs. H. McGrow, fruit dish.

Mrs. E. J. Dawson, glass pitcher.

Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Kelsey, pepper box.

Miss Mary Huston, set sauce dishes.

Thos. C. Brown and Miss Emma Williams, set of glass dishes.

Robert and J. W. Hanlen, large lamp.

Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rogers, butter dish.

Mr. and Mrs. Martindale, glass cup.

Mrs. Alice Stump, glass pitcher.

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Limerick, glass pitcher.

Mr. Andrew Dawson, peck of apples.

Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McKibben, glass pitcher.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wimer, cake stand.

Mrs. S. Huston, tidy.

Mrs. W. O. Hammond (of Wichita), lace fichu.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Pember, jelly stand and set of goblets.

Miss Celia N. Lyons, pair mittens.

Miss Jessie Pember, cup and saucer.

Mr. and Mrs. W. F. M. Lacey, paper holder.

Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mann, a bread plate with the following words in gilt letters thereon: "Give us this day, our daily bread."

The following letter was with the plate given by Mr. and Mrs. Mann.

To Mr. and Mrs. Polk:

DEAR FRIENDS: Allow us to present you with this small token of our regard, hoping you will not measure our esteem by the intrinsic value of the gift, for then we would feel humble indeed. We trust the happy recurrence of thisone of the most important events of your livesmay as the years roll on, bring you each year renewed happiness. And may your daily bread be like the "Widow's cruis," never diminish, and may all the good things of this life be poured on you with lavish hands. And may the bountiful Giver of all good endue you with the bread of life, that when the Master shall call He may say, "Well done, thou good and faithful servants." GUEST.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The decision of the Supreme Court in the quo warranto case of the State vs. the City of Topeka, foreshadows a final decision that will make it difficult, if not impossible, for cities to evade the State law. County Attorney Vance, of Shawnee County, filed a petition, in the summer, charging the city with violation of the laws, etc., in answer to which the city's legal advisers filed a demurrer, denying everything. The court filed its decision Thursday, and the following is the syllabus of the opinion, delivered by Chief Justice Horton.

"Incorporated cities in the State have no power to license, or impose a license tax, on the business of selling intoxicating liquors contrary to the provisions of the constitution and statutes; and if the city assumes such unlawful corporate power, it may be ousted from the exercise thereof by proceedings in the nature of quo warranto."

The case must now be tried on its merits, and if the facts alleged in the petition of County Attorney Vance are proven, the city will be deprived of the power it has assumed.



Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The people of Tisdale and vicinity had a rare social treat on the evening of October 31. They gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Chance to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the wedding of that worthy couple. The gathering being a surprise to the lady and gentleman of the house added greatly to the enjoyment of the occasion. The time having arrived for the ceremony, the bride and groom took their position on the floor, the bride on the right, the groom on the left. The bride affirmed that she would (using her own sweet pleasure) use the wooden ware that her friends presented to her, as instruments of warfare to maintain her rights; and the groom consented to submit. When the single ladies and gentlemen of the company beheld this "court"-ship which after a successful voyage of five years on the calm sea of matrimony, was now lying in the beautiful port of Tisdale, waiting for some coming breeze to unfold the wonderful possibilities of the future, we imagined we heard them sigh:

"Oh for a life on the ocean wave,

A Home on the peaceful deep."

Mr. E. P. Young performed the ceremony. We had a doubt as to whether the right jovial gentleman could keep his face straight long enough to perform the office of a minister in any other emergency than that of doing his part at the table where chicken was the principal dish. We were, however, destined to be surprised; for had he served a long apprenticeship at the business, he could not have acted with more becoming solemnity.

The persons present and the gifts presented by each are as follows.

Mrs. Wycoff, hat rack.

Miss Ella Fray, shoe brush.

Mr. Bush, butter ladle.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, hat rack and match safe.

Mrs. Bartlow, hat rack.

Watts Young, box matches.

Mr. Davis, Mrs. Millhouse, and Mr. Huff, corner bracket.

Mrs. Burleston, clothes press.

M. D. Fluke, mouse trap.

Mr. Chandler, bread board.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Young, bracket and necklace.

Mr. F. P. Vaughan, faucet.

Mr. Ira Fry, wash board.

Mr. E. P. Young, rolling pin.

Mr. Ed. Young, potato masher.

Mr. and Mrs. Sellers, tub.

Miss Mamie Young, stove polish.

Mrs. Brush and Lorey, chromo.

Mrs. Milks, towel rack.

Miss Sorey, half bushel .

Miss Estella Fluke, bouquet of chrysanthemums.

Miss Edna Davis, tray.

Mr. Norman Sackett, matches.

After a few hours of merry-making, the company broke up, each one feeling that for the enjoyment of the occasion it had been one long to be remembered. W. X. Y. Z.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.


The agony is over. "Verily, verily," saith the preacher, "The spirit of righteousness is indestructible." For one bitter year it was hardly safe for a square, decent man to oppose the turbulent cussedness which prevailed in this county, but we are all home again as snug as a school of mackerel, and democracy is gone to the devil from whence it originally came. The Slogan rooster looks like a hen in a rain storm. But the boys came gracefully down and took defeat in the best of humor. It occurs to me that since the redeeming movement on the part of New York, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, Ohio ought to crawl under the porch and call her pups under after her. She must of necessity feel supremely mean. In this county, be it said to the credit of the people's movement that excepting a few instances of personal abuse, that party made a fair and generous race. Whiskey was employed of course on both sides, but in the main we believe the campaign to be the most decent and reasonable in the history of the county.

Dr. Endicott, People's candidate for treasurer, did not run up to the expectation of his friends, for the Doctor can defy any man in the county to show a better record than himself for fairness, frankness, and intelligence. Fortunately, he takes his defeat with characteristic cheerfulness and good sense. Mr. Reddon for Clerk is not widely known, but is well re- spected by those who are acquainted with him. Otis Stark has incurred some censure by not standing closely by his boys in the last moment. Our nominee for register of deeds is a man of as noble a heart and loyal, as ever graced the Republican party, but he defeated himself by his reckless deportment during the campaign. His first remark on hearing of his defeat was, "Republicans nominated me, Republicans butchered me, but next fall you will find me working shoulder to shoulder with the Republican party." Mr. Knapp steps from Clerk to Treasurer. Mr. Hilligosa steps from Deputy Sheriff to Clerk. Mr. Boyd succeeds himself as sheriff. Ben Henderson succeeds his own appointment to County Attorney, and everyone willing to make money within the sanction of the law and by no other means, is happy and contented. Jasper is as happy as an old sister at a camp meeting, and the goose hangs high. Let us pray for the soul of Democracy ere it takes its flight, that it may be kept in close quarters till the sun gets too cold to hatch out such a thing as a partisan movement on the face of the earth. JASPER.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.


Mr. Edgal's friends have returned to Texas.

A literary is being organized at the new schoolhouse.

Mr. Will Hodges was the guest of Joe Hoyland last week.

The McHenry brothers will have a nice barn when completed.

Mr. Crow's little boy has been very sick, but is better at present.

Mr. G. D. Vance is working at carpenter work in Salem with Mr. Shultz.

Finger stalls and half hands are very fashionable in this vicinity at present.

Mr. Funk intends shelling corn this week for Messrs. McMillen and Hoyland.

Mr. Hetrick has purchased a nice new carriage. He is also putting up a crib.

Mr. A. Doolittle has been seriously afflicted with earache or rather a severe gathering.

Our Sunday school is doing finely at present, not in a large attendance but in interest.

Mrs. J. J. Johnson has been quite ill, but has recovered her former health, or very nearly so.

Some of the young people met at Mr. J. E. Hoyland's new house, and report a very pleasant time.

If you want a potato as big as your head, Mr. Causey can furnish you, I am creditably informed.

Mr. Marling and wife have returned from Missouri, and a young lady friend accompa- nied them home, but I do not know her name.

Mr. W. B. Hoyland had a hard time of it with a deep, large gathering on his hand, but he is again able to gather in the golden corn.

Messrs. Wolf, Bryant, and Douglass Dalgarn have been off to the Nation on a hunt, but I am not prepared to report their success.

Mrs. Hodges of Winfield, but lately returned from Wisconsin, is the guest of the Hoy- lands and seems perfectly delighted to get back to spend the winter here.

Mr. Dudgeon of Salem came very near getting his leg broken by a large pile of lumber falling and knocking him down and making a prisoner of him till assistance came.

O, the beautiful, golden corn! Farmers are very busy gathering it, and new cribs are springing up as fast as they can, but with plenty of help from busy hands.

Our friend, Miss Christopher, we hear spoken of in the most flattering manner as an excellent teacher. The young people of Moscow are lucky in securing her services this winter.

Mrs. Buck is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Prinegar, also her mother, Mrs. White, from Wisconsin. The former will return in a short time, but Mrs. White intends to spend the winter at least in Sunny Kansas.

Mr. Irwin, a brother of the Doctor, has quite recently arrived in Salem. He and Doc talk of going into the drug business on an extensive scale, or at least keep a full stock in that line. Hope they will do so.

Messrs. Downs and Shultz have sold their lumber yard or lumber to the Shaw Company. An office is rapidly nearing completion and Salem is trying to boom. Quite a number of farmers intend putting in scales so they can do their own weighing when selling or shipping grain.

There will be a literary or dramatic entertainment at the new schoolhouse in Salem on Thursday evening, November 15th. A good time is anticipated and every soldier and his friends are requested to attend and see if Sylvia's soldier makes love in the modern way. Singing, declamations, and so on are on the program.

One gentleman in our vicinity was calling on some of his lady friends and his pony seemed to think he had not lip and chin enough to last the rounds, for breaking loose, it elevated its festive heels in the air and took its master spat on the mouth and chin. So he toddled on afoot and was obliged to salve his chin in place of his conscience for quite awhile. I think his pony needs to have a dose of "soothing syrup" applied with a stick.

For the present, "Au Revoir." OLIVIA.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.


Uncle Billy Moore is deadat least he has not been seen in Dexter since Tuesday.

I'll lay ten dollars down and count them one by one, if you will only show the man who struck Old Bill Mahone.

The corn husker is again with us, and viewing the broad dells on every hand, it really looks as if he had come to stay.

Real estate is enjoying a boom such as was never known here before. New houses and other substantial improvements to be seen everywhere.

Miss Shermia Salmon of Kentucky, niece of L. B. Bullington, is visiting friends and relatives in Dexter Township. Dame Rumor has it that the parents of Miss Salmon have disposed of their farm in Kentucky and will soon be en route for Cowley. Let them come. We have room and to spare.

The election is over, and as usual the Democratic "Will o' the Wisp victory" has perched upon the Republican banner. Someone hold our coats while we holler'Rah! As the smoke of battle cleared away, the discomfited Democracy was revealed far up toward the hope- lessly barren grazing grounds of upper Salt River. From the reports at hand they seemed to have started early Tuesday morning, not taking time in their fight to send up their customary cry of "Fraud." For several weeks prior to the election, they seemed to be imbued with a spirit of prophecy. Casting their eye about the political horizon, and diving down into the depths of their intellects, they brought forth the prediction, "The election will be close." Well, yes, it was closeAhemHah! They Haight to own it, but their fond hopes have again been Nipped, their annual defeat for more than twenty years, has without doubt Soward their temper, and the last Marsh they attempted to cross ought to be sufficient to sink them in oblivion. Hunt 'em downso say we all of us. More anon, perhaps.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

SOUTH FAIRVIEW, District 21.

W. C. Horton, of Pennsylvania, is stopping with his brother-in-law, Samuel David.

Our school is progressing nicely. Miss Randall understands the business of teaching the young urchins.

J. W. Curfman has been improving in the way of a corral. His son-in-law, Mike Mitchell, is helping him take in his corn.

It seems as if our old correspondent from this part has vamoosed. Perhaps he was a democrat. Politics are quiet since the late elections.

I. H. Curfman and wife are making quite a lengthy visit in Pennsylvania among their Dutch relativesperhaps will not return until spring work opens.

Mr. Hollingsworth is erecting the boss barn of Fairview Township. It will add much to the appearance of things about there. A good barn is something every farmer should have.

We are having splendid weather and the farmers are making good use of it taking in their corn. Wheat is looking better than it did a few days ago. Farmers of this locality think the insect that was working on wheat is disappearing.

Fairview Literary Society has opened up in full blast. At their last meeting they had quite a lively time. The following officers were elected: H. U. Curfman, President; Miss Randall, Secretary; W. C. Horton, Treasurer; Frank Wallis, Editor. The question for next eve: Resolved, That capital punishment should be abolished. There will no doubt be some able speeches on this question, as it is a good one. The literary bids fair to be a success, and a benefit to all who will attend. The Society adjourned to meet Friday evening, November 16. It has been well said that Fairview has had the best literary in the county.

As items are scarce, I will await the future development. AMANDA.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

[Skipped report for month ending November 9, 1883, A. Gridley, Jr., Supt. Could not read it. MAW


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Recap Divorce Petition: Mary A. Butler, Plaintiff, vs. Samuel E. Butler, Defendant, filed November 9, 1883. She wanted custody of minor children and alimony in the way of tracts of land. Her attorneys were McDermott & Johnson.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Recap: Official vote of Cowley County, Kansas, November 6, 1883.

For Sheriff: G. H. McIntire, R, 2309. Plurality: 594.

S. G. Gary, C, 1715.

J. F. Teter, G, 270.



For Register: T. H. Soward, R, 2199. Plurality: 426.

Geo. Eaton, D, 1773.

H. J. Sandfort, G, 258.

For Treasurer: J. B. Nipp, R, 2275. Plurality 516.

J. B. Lynn, D, 1759.

A. Walck, G, 193.

For Clerk: J. S. Hunt, R, 2524. Plurality 1020.

J. W. Hanlen, D, 1504.

C. C. Krow, G, 217.

For Surveyor: N. A. Haight, R, 2419. Plurality 603.

Ed Millard, D, 1810.

For Coroner: H. W. Marsh, R, 2365. Plurality 792.

W. I. Shotwell, D, 1573.

J. H. Land, G, 277.

For Commissioner: J. A. Irwin, R, 708. Plurality 282.

E. Haines, D, 426.

R. Stevens, G, 100.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Found at Hoosier Notion Store: full line of Elkhart Hosiery.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Mr. Crowell is offering some of his pure bred Merino bucks for sale.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Dexter gives forth no uncertain sound when it comes to politics.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

380 head of sheep for sale or rent by N. L. Rigby within the next 2 weeks.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Large stock of Ladies' Shawls, Cloaks, Circulars, Dolmans, at W. B. Pixley's.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

At Hoosier Notion Store: best assortment of Gent's Neckwear in the city.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Go to the Hoosier Notion Store for suits of Conde & Co.'s best knit underwear.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The greenback vote in this county has fallen off about a hundred since last year.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Mr. J. W. Patterson's child, on Silver Creek, was very ill with diphtheria last week.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Automatic, Langry, and Hertzog corsets at Hoosier Notion Store, South Main street.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Full line of Ladies' Fleece-lined Jersey and Foster kid gloves at Hoosier Notion Store.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Elegant line of Silk and Bordered Handkerchiefs cheap at Hoosier Notion Store.

T. K. Williams.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Miss Sadie Ketcham, of Maple City, is spending a few weeks in the city as the guest of Mrs. N. A. Haight.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Frank Lockwood received a beautiful eight and a half pound Parker gun Monday. It is one of the finest in the state.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Nipp's majority in Arkansas City was 288. It might have been larger, but the Poncas did not get in until after the polls closed.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Cal. Ferguson has sold his half interest in the 'bus business at this place to Arthur Bangs. Arthur is now "boss of his own concern."

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

We rise to remark that Beaver is no longer a Democratic stronghold. This is the bitterest dose the Democrats have swallowed this year.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

DIED. We have just learned of the death of Mr. and Mrs. John Stalter's little five year old daughter, Julia, which occurred two weeks ago. This is a sad loss to the parents.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Episcopal Sabbath School had a pleasant picnic last week at Mr. Sitters' grove down the Walnut. The day was very fine and everyone enjoyed themselves to the utmost.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Scientists who have investigated the matter say that it takes just three tons of coal to keep a ten cent geranium warm during a hard winter. We agree fully with this conclusion.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Mr. S. E. Robertson and family, of Chillicothe, Missouri, arrived last week and will probably make Cowley their future home. Mr. Robertson is a brother of D. Robertson, of Walnut Township.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Uncle Joe Likowski has at last recovered his half interest in the Riehl property on Main Street. This is right. We are glad that he has at last secured his just rights in the matter.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

There are still three fine quarter blocks in the COURIER PLACE remaining unsold. Persons who are looking for a good residence location should take a look at them before buying.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Through a letter from Mr. M. W. Ott, long a resident of this city, we learn that Jack Hyden is in a hardware store at Fort Scott. That city has captured several old Winfield people.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The sidewalk being put down in front of the Torrance-Fuller brick block is one of the finest in the city. It is being laid with flagstones eight by twelve feet in size and eight inches thick. The stones are from Moore & Sons' quarry.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Miss Cora Berkey returned home Saturday evening from an extended visit among friends in Ohio and Illinois. She is much improved in health and enjoyed the visit immensely. Many friends are glad to welcome her home.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Messrs. Welch & Stubblefield have purchased the Ninth Avenue Restaurant. They make popular caterers, and Saturday night their restaurant was the general rendezvous for all the hungry. They set a first-class lunch at very reasonable rates.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Miss Emma R. Bristol was in this city last Friday and exhibited at the COURIER office a line of plants, flowers, and bulbs from the conservatories of the Bristol Sisters, Topeka, Kansas. Through some error her notice was not received until shortly before she arrived, and our citizens were not advertised of her coming and therefore not many called on her. She left a few samples for sale at Brown & Son's drugstore.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

An entertainment will be given at the Opera House on Tuesday, the 20th, in honor of the men who fought our battles and gained the most glorious victory the world has ever known. It will be given under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Winfield, and the proceeds will be used for the benefit of Cowley County and its seat of government, in establishing a reading room and other enterprises for the good of the people. We desire to make this a grand entertainment, and feel sure that all who wish to do honor to the old soldiers, and assist us in establishing a reading room, will be present. To all soldiers, their mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters, we extend a cordial invitation. Dinner will be served from 12 to 3 p.m., price 25 cents. The evening entertainment will open at 8 o'clock with a home scene, and song by the choir, followed with a prayer by Rev. J. H. Snyder; address of welcome by Mrs. Emma Smith; response by Hon. T. H. Soward; song, "Star Spangled Banner;" a scene on battle field and dialogue by five soldiers; a night scene; music by choir; tableau, triumph of Peace over War; centennial song by children; closing tableau, Goddess of Liberty. Admission to evening entertainment 25 cents; reserved seats, 35 cents.

By order of Committee.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

McDonald, Jarvis & Co., have put up a handsome gilt sign in front of their loan offices, on which is emblazoned their legend, "six per cent money." This firm has accomplished a good thing for Cowley in practically bringing the surplus money of the East to our very doors at rates which all can afford to pay. They are enabled to do this by the fact that Cowley County real estate is rated at the best gilt-edged security in the East, and capitalists are all willing and anxious to put their money out when good security can be had. The firm is placing an immense amount of this cheap money at present.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

At the recent annual hunt of the Sportsman's Club, there were killed altogether one hundred and eighty-two rabbits, one hundred and thirty-five quails, eighty-one crows, thirty- eight ducks, twenty-two hawks, seventeen squirrels, seven prairie chickens, two owls, two 'possums, two skunks, one muskrat, one mink, one crane, and one snipe. It seemed to be a better day for rabbits than anything else. The killing of one hundred and eighty-two rabbits is that many fruit trees saved. Another Hunt will take place next Thursday.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. From the Center Point, Iowa, Courier-Journal, we learn of the marriage of Niel O. Fuller to Miss Alice Kuck, of New York. Niel is a brother of J. C. Fuller, cashier of the Winfield Bank, and was long a resident of this city, where he has many friends who congratulate him heartily on this happy event. Niel is at present assistant cashier of the Lynn County, Iowa, Bank. He is one of the most energetic and worthy young men of our acquaintance, and his future cannot fail to be a bright one.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Several nights ago Uncle Joe Likowski was roused from his slumbers about midnight by loud rapping on his chamber door. He got up, opened the door, and found a couple, male and female, standing there. They were after him to stand godfather for the bride. As he was in undress uniform, he climbed into bed, the couple were admitted, and Uncle Joe "gave the bride away" in the most approved fashion. It was a decidedly romantic affair.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Among the many young Republicans in Winfield who are always ready to do valiant work for the party and its principles, none have been more earnest than Spence Miner, of the firm of McDonald & Miner. He is a West Virginia Republican and comes from a place where Republicanism is not surrounded by many encouragements, hence he knows what it is to fight for a principle.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Sam Rash was over from Harvey Monday. Sam is one of the true-blue Republicans who stood by his colors regardless of personal feeling or prejudice, and as a result has hundreds of warm friends all over the county. With such men as Rash, McDorman, Moore, White, Siverd, and Wooley at the front, Democracy in Cowley County stands a mighty poor show.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Meetings continue at the Baptist Church, the interest increasing every night. Major Penn makes the scriptures so plain that whosoever runs may read. Several have been converted, and others are inquiring the way. No one but those desiring to be at ease in their sins can stay away. Sleepers will certainly be awakened if they come.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

A. T. Spotswood now has a beet which will go to St. Louis with his big potato. It weighs 19-1/2 poundsjust a half pound less than a half bushel. It is an immense vegetable, and was grown in Mrs. Dr. Scofield's garden in this city. We venture the assertion that it is the largest single beet ever grown in the United States.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Eastern roads went to slashing away on rates Monday, and as a result you can now buy a through ticket from here to Chicago for $17.35. How long the cut will hold we are unable to say, but Agent Branham, at the K. C. L. & S. depot, will cheerfully give informa- tion concerning rates to any who desire it.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Mr. John Ingram, of Cameron, West Virginia, came in last week and will remain some time, the guest of his nephew, Spence Miner. Mr. Ingram is a wealthy farmer and wool grower, and, like Spence, is a West Virginia Republican. We hope he will be so well pleased with Cowley that he will conclude to remain permanently.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Good Templars held their regular semi-monthly social on Tuesday evening, this time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Limerick. An interesting literary program was rendered, and with general sociability and the pleasant hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. Limerick, the occasion was very enjoyable.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Catholics of Winfield and county have decided to have a Fair for the benefit of the church here. It will be at the Opera House on the 27, 28, and 29 of this month. They will also have a grand dinner on Thanksgiving day. All are invited to come and partake of a good dinner on Thanksgiving.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Messrs. Shivvers & Linn have opened a real estate and insurance office in the rooms formerly occupied by Jarvis, Conklin & Co., over McDonald & Miner's store. They are energetic, responsible businessmen, and persons looking for a location or desiring to place land for sale should call on them.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

A special meeting of the Horticultural Society will be held at the COURIER office at 2 p.m., on Saturday, November 24th. Subject for discussion will be "The proper depth to plow in order to secure the best results." All persons interested are invited to come and participate.

Jas. F. Martin, President.
Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's parents, Wilmot, Kansas, October 31st, by Rev. W. H. Rose, Theodore Johnson and Viola J. McPherson. All of Cowley county.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Parties in need of a cultivator the coming spring, I will make a liberal discount on a few Standard Riding cultivators I have on hand. Will quote prices to only such men as wish to buy now. W. A. LEE, Implement Dealer.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the M. E. Parsonage November 10th, by Rev. P. F. Jones, King S. Wright and Ilona Corking, both of Cowley County.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. Married November 3rd at M. E. Parsonage by Rev. P. F. Jones, William A. Pervine and Rachel McGune, both of Cowley County.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Bridge Meeting.
For some time the iron bridge west of town has been in a bad condition, and last week the authorities of Vernon Township closed it until the necessary repairs could be made. Many of the people of Vernon objected strongly to the township having to stand all the ex- pense of keeping it in repair, and presented a petition, largely signed, to the trustee asking him to do nothing more with the bridge. Hearing of this, the businessmen of the city had a meeting Friday evening to devise ways and means for assisting Vernon to repair it. The meeting was largely attended and organized by electing A. T. Spotswood, chairman, and D. L. Kretsinger, secretary. Messrs. J. B. Lynn, J. P. Baden, and S. P. Davis were appointed as finance committee and S. H. Myton, A. D. Hendricks, and Ed. P. Greer as a committee to confer with the officers of Vernon Township and see whether an equitable arrangement could not be made whereby both parties could unite in keeping the bridge up. The finance commit- tee secured subscriptions to the amount of , which amount was placed with the treasurer, W. C. Robinson. The conference committee met H. H. Martin, trustee, and P. B. Lee, clerk, of Vernon Township, on Saturday and made an arrangement with them whereby the citizens of Winfield should pay for the lumber necessary to floor the bridge, and Vernon would put it down, build an abutment under the west end, tighten up the iron work, and fence the approaches. This will put the bridge in first-class shape for a year to come, after which some new arrangement will have to be made for taking care of it. This bridge is used more than any other in the county, and the repair bills are necessarily very heavy. Vernon spent $300 on the west approach last summer and the present work will cost upwards of $600.

At the Friday evening meeting a small fund was raised for temporary repairs, which was placed in the hands of Mr. Kretsinger, and by noon on Saturday he had the bridge in shape for travel.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Hydrophobia Case.
For some time the case of Amos Harris, of Harvey Township, has been attracting considerable attention. It appeared to be a case of hydrophobia, and for three weeks he had severe fits, barking like a dog and snapping at the attendants. Sometimes he would partially recover, get out and roam over the country, disturbing the peace of the inhabitants. Most all of the local physicians examined the case and pronounced it hydrophobia, he having been bitten by a dog some years ago.

Finally, Dr. Emerson was called, and after a brief examination, pronounced his hydro- phobic antics a sham, and that his ailment was a mental one. The Doctor came home at the instance of the township trustee and had the young man brought before the Probate Court on a charge of insanity. The trial was held before a jury and a verdict returned of idiocy, which will necessitate his being cared for by the county. The young fellow played the hydrophobia game nicely. He could tell when he had a fit coming on and would notify the attendants to tie him and get ready. After Dr. Emerson went up and looked at him, he prescribed the energetic application of a raw-hide when the next fit came on, since which time the fits have ceased. The best part of the thing is that Dr. Emerson is taxed up with the costs of the trial which amounts to twenty dollars.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Jubilee.
On election night the Republicans gathered in from all over the county to hear the news and the COURIER office was packed full all night. The night was spent with speeches and fun. As soon as returns enough were received to assure the election of the whole ticket from top to bottom, a quartette was organized to serenade the leading Democrats in the city. The serenading was done up in good shape, followed in each instance by a hearty Shanghai crow.

Then came more speeches, and finally at three o'clock the whole procession of over a hundred marched down to the depot, got the cannons out, and received the successful candidates for treasurer and sheriff with a grand hurrah. It was the best natured gathering we have ever seen.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Probate Judge has issued MARRIAGE LICENSES during the past week as follows.

N. V. Brubaker to Estella A. Crippen.

K. S. Wright to Liona Corkins.

Thos. Ward to Mrs. Elizabeth Jorden.

H. C. Buford to Mattie Berry.

C. A. Kennaday to Frances Kenedy.

P. Hall to Lou Harman.

John H. Fredrick to Mary F. Sitters.

W. A. Provinces to Rachael McGuire.

Charles Harris to Minnie Bellmore.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Drs. Green, Mendenhall, and Emerson attended the semi-annual meeting of the South Kansas Medical Society at Wichita on Tuesday. There was a large attendance and an interesting meeting. In the election of officers for the ensuing year, Dr. Geo. Emerson was made president and Dr. C. C. Green, secretary. Thus is Winfield honored.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the residence of the bride's father, B. F. Sitters, in Pleasant Valley Township, on Sunday, November 11, Mr. J. H. Fredrick to Miss Mary Sitters, Judge H. D. Gans officiating.

The COURIER extends its congratulations over a bountiful portion of wedding cake. May John and his bride enjoy all the blessings that life can bestow.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The celebrated "Blind Boone" will give one of his performances here next Monday evening. He is said to be fully the equal of Blind Tom on the piano and has been greeted by large audiences all over the state. He is a musical wonder and no mistake.

Blind Boone, the world renowned natural negro pianist, appears at the opera house next Monday evening, the proceeds partially for the benefit of the Winfield Juvenile Band.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The special meetings at the Methodist Church every afternoon and evening, under the direction of Mrs. Mary Rogers and Mrs. Amy Tulghum, evangelists, are resulting in much good great interest being manifested by all who attend.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Perhaps in view of the 282 majority given Mr. Irwin in the 3rd district, the Telegram will apologize for its endorsement of the flings made at him by the Grenola paper.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Congregation of the Presbyterian Church will give a reception in the church Thursday evening to their new pastor, Rev. Kirkwood and family.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at M. E. Parsonage by Rev. P. F. Jones, on November 13, Charlie Harris and Minnie Bellmore. Both of Indian Territory.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Henry Goldsmith is opening a fine line of Holiday Goods: the finest assortment that ever was brought to this city.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Latest and handsomest designs in Decorated queensware at the Tower Grocery.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Oil for Wagon Wheels.
A practical man says: "I have a wagon of which, six years ago, the fellies shrank so that the tires became loose. I give it a good coat of hot oil, and every year since it has had a coat of oil or paint, sometimes both. The tires are tight yet, and they have not been set for eight or nine years. Many farmers think that as soon as wagon fellies begin to shrink they must go at once to a blacksmith shop and get the tire set. Instead of doing that, which is often a damage to the wheels, causing them to dish, if they will get some linseed oil and heat it boiling hot and give the fellies all the oil they can take, it will fill them up to their usual size and tighten to keep them from shrinking, and also to keep out the water. If you do not wish to go to the trouble of mixing paint, you can heat the oil and tie a rag to a stick and swab them over as long as they will take oil. A brush is more convenient to use, but a swab will answer if you do not wish to buy a brush. It is quite a saving of time and money to look after the woodwork of farm machinery. Alternate wetting and drying injures and causes the best wood to decay and lose its strength unless kept well painted. It pays to keep a little oil on hand to oil fork handles, rakes, neck yokes, whiffle-trees, and any of the small tools on the farm that are more or less exposed."


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Barbers and Barber-shops.
The first thing I look at when going into a barber-shop is to its cleanliness, and then at the barber, and I have always found a clean looking barber one that understands his business. Too many men are careless about this, and will tumble into any dirty room, not knowing what risk they run by so doing. What frightful diseases are contracted there! For instance, Barber's Itch! It lurks in the dirty barber's razors, mugs, towels, chairsyes, his very touch is contaminating; still people will take these chanceswill patronize him. Now, if you want to avoid all this, go to C. E. Steuven, at the Brettun House shop, where everything is open for inspection; where you will find it neat and clean at all times, and where you can get the best of work, the latest styles, and it don't cost you anymore than in impure places. Hot or cold baths at all times. One that knows.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Mr. Irwin seems to be the runner in the county. 282 majority is a rousing endorsement for any man to receive.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Board at the meeting last week released M. David, Rosa Turner, and Jacob Case from custody in the jail.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Gene Wilbur was appointed trustee of Rock Township by the Board last week.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Cut Rates Via Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. Parties expecting to go East will do well to take advantage of present low rates. No change of cars via A. T. & S. F., from Winfield to Kansas City, and direct connection made with all through lines. Call on or address W. J. Kennedy, Agent, A. T. & S. F. Railroad, Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Notice. To whom it may concern: This is to certify that Mary Ann Lee, my wife, has left my house and bed and I will not be responsible for any accounts or debts that she may make.

W. M. LEE. Dated November 9, 1883.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Council Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to adjournment, Mayor Emerson in chair. Roll called. Present: Councilmen McMullen, McGuire, Kretsinger, and Wilson. Minutes of the last two regular meetings and adjourned meeting read and approved.

Ordinance No. for constructing sidewalk on west side of Andrews street, was indefinitely postponed.

Petition of M. J. Stimson for permit to erect frame building within fire limits, was rejected by the council.

Finance Committee reported police judge's report for September correct. Report adopted.

Claim of B. F. Herrod for services as assistant marshal for September was rejected.

The following bills were allowed and ordered paid.

Frank Barclay, piping, etc., to drinking fountains: $34.75.

W. A. Lee, room for election, $2.00.

L. H. Webb, Salary and Registering voters, $8.05.

G. W. Crane & Co., Registration Books, $4.00.

G. H. Buckman, salary, City Clerk and express, $5.55.

B. F. Herrod, salary, marshal, for October, $45.00.

W. L. Fortner, crossings, $14.22.

The following claims referred to Finance Committee.

Ella C. Shenneman, dirt on streets, $15.00.

C. H. Wooden, city scavenger for July, August, and September, $3.75.

J. W. Chaney, attending election board, $1.00.

The bond of B. F. Herrod as marshal and G. H. Buckman, city clerk, were approved.

The acceptance by Wm. Whiting of the gas ordinance was ordered filed and spread upon the council proceedings.

Police judges report for October was referred to finance committee.

Communication from manager of S. K. R. R. Co., received, and ordered filed.

The City Attorney was instructed to investigate as to the legality of the petition and ordinance relating to sidewalks on west side of Blocks 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, and 115, and Chairman of Common streets and alleys instructed to contract for the construction of same at once.

On motion the Council decided that the city should put in gutter in front of Newton's Harness Shop, where the city well is to be removed.

On motion Council then adjourned.

Attest: G. H. BUCKMAN, City Clerk.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

The Burgess Steam Washer does not wear your clothes, and bleaches them whiter every time. Lewis Conrad.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Thanksgiving. We want any number of Turkeys for Thanksgiving delivered from the 20 to 25. J. P. Baden.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Any lady who has the strength to rinse her clothing, can do her washing on the Burgess Steam Washer. Lewis Conrad.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Farmers, bring in your Turkeys for Thanksgiving Nov. 20 to 25, no later, will pay highest price in cash. J. P. Baden.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Wanted. I wish to find a man who has a good farm of at least fifty acres of cultivated land and a good house, who wants a housekeeper and a man to work his land. I have a good team and my wife would keep house. Address, W. J. Stock, Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Rams for Sale. I have, on my ranch, three miles north of Maple City, 20 Merino rams from best Michigan and Wisconsin herds, and a few from Copeland, of Douglass. Will sell on reasonable terms. W. S. Crowell, P. O. Address 844, Winfield, Kansas. My yearlings took first premium at Cowley County Fair.

Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Lost. Somewhere between Tannehill and Winfield or about this place, a calfskin pocket book containing a $860 certificate of deposit, another for $92, one dollar in silver, and papers of different kinds. If the finder will leave it with V. R. Bartlett on Main Street opposite the post office, he will be suitably rewarded. R. M. CLARK.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Wm. E. Martin, one of W. H. Dawson's marble agents, just returned, bringing in 47 orders for tombstones and monuments amounting to $1,875, the result of a ten days canvass. This lays in the shade anything in that line in the southwest and shows the reputation Mr. Dawson has acquired as a workman and the confidence the surrounding community have placed both in him and his agents.


Winfield Courier, November 15, 1883.

Proposals for Poor Farm.

NOTICE is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received and filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cowley County, Kansas, until January 1st, 1884, to furnish the County with from 160 to 320 acres of land, suitable for a poor farm for said county. The bids shall state:

1st. Location.

2nd. No. of acres and price per acre.

3rd. Character and value of land and improvements.

4th. Aggregate value of land and improvements.

The Board reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Done by order of the Board of Commissioners of Cowley County, Kansas, this 8th day of November, 1883.

J. S. HUNT. County Clerk and Clerk of said Board.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The State Railroad Commissioners and the freight managers of the several railroads in the state have been having at Topeka several days of conference, for the purpose of fixing by agreement upon freight schedules for the several roads of the state. It seems however that the principal work of the managers has been to try to show that the thing could not be done. They dwell upon "local rates," "through rates," "short haul rates," "long haul rates," "differ- ential rates," "commercial rates," and various other kinds of rates to show that the work is so complex and difficult that to any uninspired being it would be impossible. . . .

The Commissioners started off right in the Beloit decision. If they persist on the same line and move with a little more velocity so as to get through in a reasonable short time, the law is a success and the commissioners are worthy of their trust. If not, then both are failures and the people will attend to the question of maximum rates next election.

It looks too much as though the Commissioners are weakening. Anyway they seem to have allowed the freight managers to fool with them and delay their action far too much.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Gen. Grant has had two fine guns made, one for the viceroy of China, and the other for the mikado of Japan.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Mountain house, Commercial Hotel, and several other buildings at Eureka Springs, Arkansas, were destroyed by fire.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

It is rumored that the Southern Kansas railroad will put on an extra passenger train between Winfield and Kansas City. The passenger business has increased in the last ten months, until the company find it difficult to accommodate the traveling public with the present number of trains. The new train will go east from this place late in the evening.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.


We notice that Frank Chapin's new barn is almost completed.

The Holland school expect to give an entertainment at the Tannehill schoolhouse on Saturday evening, December 1st. Proceeds to be used toward the purchase of a bell for the new Constant Church. Admission 15 cents. All are cordially invited to come and bring your lady, and a quarter will let you in.

The wheat in the Valley is looking very fine. Some of the early pieces were pretty badly rusted and we heard some complaint of the Hessian Fly, but fine weather of the last three weeks has made it look fine again.

Potato harvest is almost over again and we have a fine yield. R. W. Anderson and Will Timberman have quite a surplus of the good old peachblow for sale.

On Friday evening, November 16th, the members of the Holland school gave an entertainment, proceeds for the purchase of a bell for the church now being built at Constant. They had a full house, an attentive audience, and all seemed well pleased with the per- formances. The pieces were many of them well performed and very entertaining. The program was so large we will not copy it, but name some of the best selections. There were twelve actors in all.

Song, Welcome; declamation, Warden, Keep a Place for Me, by Miss Edith Holland.

Declamation, On the Piazza, by Master Chas. Chapin.

Song, Grandpa's Spectacles, by Miss Nellie Midkiff.

Tableau, The Little Angel; music by Orchestra; song, Murmuring Sea, by Miss Inez Buck and Edith Holland.

Dialogue, grief too expensive, by Miss J. Holland and Zack Midkiff.

Tableau, Stealing a March on the Old Folks; declamation, The Gambler's Wife, by Cora Eastman.

Dialogue, The Boot Black, colored; tableau, Evening Prayer, closing song, Good Night.

Messrs. Miller and Albert furnished the music and were highly complimented by the audience. A COURIER PATRON.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Teachers' Association.
The Teachers' Association (Central Division) met in the East Ward school building Saturday, November 17th, at 10:30 a.m. S. L. Herriott presented some very valuable suggestions on course of study for our common schools. General discussion followed. Messrs. Limerick, Lucas, and Gridley were participants. Amusements for teachers and pupils was the next topic introduced by H. G. Norton, whose remarks provoked a very lively discussion, engaged in by Messrs. Limerick, Brown, Lucas, Herriott, and Gridley. At the close of this discussion, the Association adjourned to meet at 1-1/2 o'clock p.m. At the after- noon session there was a large attendance. A spirited discussion engaged in by various members of the Association, on the following topics: "Libraries" and "Defects in our School System." President Taylor of Emporia Normal School, being present, made an address to the teachers with much wholesome advice. An evening session was held at the Courthouse, with select reading by Miss Mary Hamill, declamation by W. P. Beaumont, and an excellent lecture by President Taylor of Emporia. It is to be regretted that more teachers and school officers did not hear the above lecture. The next meeting of the Association will be held December 21 and 22, to which all the teachers of the county are cordially invited.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Recap Administrator's Notice in the matter of the person and estate of Olive H. Gribben, a lunatic, dated July 24, 1883. telling those interested they must present their claims against estate. Handled by W. P. Hackney for Noah Gribben, Guardian.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Recap Suit handled by L. H. Webb for Plaintiff. William B. Anderson vs. Minerva C. Anderson. Divorce sought. Answer must come by January 2, 1884.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Ramsay is now offering bargains, for 30 days only.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

See those beautiful glass sets at the Tower Grocery.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

A gentleman up the Walnut had a horse stolen Monday night.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mr. W. R. McDonald and visitors took in the Indian Territory last week.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Presbyterian Sunday school has resumed its old hour, 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The bi-weekly hop of the Pleasant Hour Club occurs at the Opera House this Thursday evening.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

A large number of hunting parties are in the Territory at present. Game is reported very plenty there.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Chicago cut rates which were in force last week have been restored. The fight was of short duration.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Miss Zella Hutchins leaves for Kansas City today for a two weeks' visit among friends there.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

One gentleman from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, has sent in his guess and proposes to have that Chamber Set at Bryan & Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Ad. Powers is arranging to open a skating rink under McDonald & Miner's store. He will be ready for business next week.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The plastering on the Fuller-Torrance block is being done by John Craine. It is a big job and in his hands will be done well.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Blind Boone concert Monday evening was well patronized. The entertainment was a good one. Blind Boone is a very remarkable prodigy.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band furnished some excellent entertainment Tuesday night. They will be out again Thanksgiving Day.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Splendid assortment of decorated dinner tea and chamber sets, all of which must be sold before the official count of Peas November 29, at Bryan & Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mr. W. A. Ela received by express last week two thoroughbred Poland China hogs from the Moundville Herd, Iola. They were beauties and perfect in form.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Forest Rowland has purchased the McGlasson stock of groceries next to the English Kitchen and is now engaged in closing them out. He will put in a stock of notions and fancy goods.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Winfield and Dexter Posts G. A. R. had a big "bean supper" at Dexter last Friday evening. The Winfield post went over Friday, accompanied by the Juvenile Band. A grand time is reported.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Jersey cow which Mr. Meech sold to a Canada gentleman last week for $500 was a full sister to "Stoke Pogis 3rd," who sired "Mary Ann 3rd," which cow made 209 pounds of butter in sixty days.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Gen. A. H. Green returned home Saturday. He has about recovered and has fleshed up until he weighs forty pounds more than he ever has. He will not attempt to resume business for some time yet.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

A young man by the name of Samuel Smith was in town Thursday. He has had his nose entirely taken off by a cancer and is arranging to have a new nose made. He is a nephew of Mr. Arthur Smith, of Otto.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

A new bank has been organized at Sedan, with H. H. Albright, President; P. H. Albright, Vice President; E. W. Davis, Cashier; and M. B. Light, Jr., Assistant Cashier. This bank will be ready for business January 1st.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mrs. E. D. Garlick started yesterday afternoon for Chicago, being suddenly called away by the death of her father-in-law. She will be absent about two weeks, but the Kindergarten school will not be interrupted. It will continue under the charge of Miss Garlick.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The dinner by the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the Opera House on Tuesday and their entertainment in the evening were well patronized; and the ladies netted about fifty dollars therefrom. The welcome address in the evening by Mrs. Emma Smith was very interesting and appropriate, and the response in behalf of the old soldiers by Hon. T. H. Soward was practical, eloquent, and pathetic. The centennial song by the Kindergarten pupils and the goddess of liberty in tableau, the camp-fire scene with temperance dialogue, and the closing tableau of the triumph of Peace over War, were prominent features. The stage was nicely decorated, and everything passed off satisfactorily. The exercises were interspersed with music by the Presbyterian choir.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

"The supreme court of the United States now says that the civil rights bill which at the close of the war stated that a `nigger' was just as good as a white man, is unconstitutional and without effect in the territories. The general government has, in other words, a right to make this statement in its exclusive dominion but has no power to make the sovereign states agree with her. Here is the old states rights cropping out. Despite the law the fact remains that the well behaved negro is better than the white person who feels himself degraded by his company."

The above is clipped from the Black Range, the "democratic" paper which J. L. M. Hill helped to edit in New Mexico. It does not seem to be as democratic as the boys would make persons believe.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mrs. T. Edith Crenshaw, an accomplished elocutionist of this city, leaves tomorrow evening for Winfield, Kansas, where she will devote the winter to teaching Elocution. Mrs. Crenshaw has devoted some years to the study of elocution and voice culture, and has reached a degree of proficiency which eminently qualifies her for the duties of a teacher. We most heartily commend her to the people of Winfield. Toledo (Ohio) Bee.

We feel much pleasure in inserting the above notice, and in announcing to our readers that Mrs. Crenshaw will open a school of elocution and voice culture on the first of December. In the meantime she is to be found at the residence of her father, the Rev. Wm. Brittain, corner of Twelfth Avenue and Millington Street.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The reception given at the Presbyterian Church on last Thursday evening by the church and congregation to Rev. Kirkwood, their new minister, and family was a very enjoyable affair. Mr. Kirkwood was called away that evening to unite "two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one," and therefore could not be present. Mrs. Kirkwood and their sons, Sammy and Will, were presented to those in attendance and fully sustained all expectations. Refreshments formed a supplement to the evening's enjoyment.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

A Mr. Evans, grain buyer at Burden, was driving a nail into a box car that he was loading, and hitting it a glancing blow, the nail broke and struck him with the sharp end in the left eye, destroying the sight, and causing great pain. A week after the accident occurred, he came to this city to consult Dr. Taylor. The Doctor found the eye in a bad condition and performed an operation by which his disfigurement will be to a considerable extent over- come, but the eye is a total wreck.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The cattle thief, an account of whose exploits appear in another column, seems to have outwitted his pursuers in good shape. About eight o'clock Monday evening a horse was taken from the residence of Mr. Millspaugh in Vernon Township. The horse belonged to Mr. Lee, who was there to spend the evening and had tied his animal in the shed. It was no doubt taken by the cattle thief.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mr. Ezra Meech made a splendid stock sale last week. He sold on an order from Canada a thoroughbred Jersey cow and two calves for eight hundred dollars, the purchasers paying the freight clear to Canada. Mr. Meech's Jerseys are the finest strain of that breed of stock in the United States. Col. McMullen also owns some members of this famous family.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

W. J. Bonnewell had 110 acres of corn this year and has gathered more than half of it. Some of it runs 100 bushels to the acre and it will average full 80 bushels to the acre or 8,800 bushels in the aggregate. That is a pretty good showing for any other county than Cowley, but we do not mention this crop as anything remarkable here.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Word comes from El Dorado that Walter McKaig was killed on Saturday evening in a shooting scrape with James M. and Tennie Hampton, father and son, over an old feud growing out of the jumping of a claim in Hickory Township, Butler County. Tennie Hampton, a young man of 21, did the shooting. The Hamptons are under arrest.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

MARRIED. Mr. Harry Morton and Miss Polly Kretsinger were married Thursday evening at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. C. E. Stueven, in this city. The COURIER is remembered with a handsome wedding cake. We wish Harry and his bride a pleasant journey down the paths of time, and unite with many friends in congratulations.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

We have received a pleasant call from Dr. H. M. Winn, late of Corydon, Indiana. He is a graduate of the University of Louisville and has been a successful practitioner for several years. He has formed a business association with Dr. Park, and their card appears in this issue.

CARD. DRS. PARK & WINN, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Winfield, Kansas. Office over Hudson Bro.'s Jewelry Store. Residence on Eighth Avenue, 8 blocks east of Main street.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Our assortment of Holiday goods will be complete in a few days and everyone ought to purchase now and secure a guess in the Peas at Bryan & Lynn's.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The meetings at the M. E. Church are still in progress and much interest is being awakened. Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Fulgun are conducting them.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage November 11, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Thomas Ward and Mrs. Elizabeth Jorden. Both of Winfield.

[Note: Marriage Licenses from Judge Gans are riddled with errors. MAW]

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Bliss & Wood are daily purchasers of from fifteen hundred to two thousand bushels of wheat.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Catholic Fair.
The Catholic Fair to be held November 27, 28, and 29 promises to be a grand success. Several articles of use, ornament, and value to be disposed of during the three days. Some of the articles are for raffle and some are to be voted to prominent citizens of Winfield. Among the many things to be disposed of is a pair of Piebald ponies which will be raffled off at $2 a chance, or number. A lady's fine gold watch worth $150, beautifully and richly set with rubies, in fact the finest lady's watch ever brought to Winfield by Hudson Bros., the part donors thereof. The watch is to be voted for the contestants or candidates, being A. E. Baird's charming little daughter, and D. R. Green's charming Lucy. A $40 gold headed cane is to be voted to the gentleman of Winfield receiving the most votes. The candidates as far as ascertained are A. T. Spotswood, D. L. Kretsinger, J. B. Lynn, Jim Hill, Cal. Ferguson, Charlie Harter, and Charlie Black, gentlemen well known to the people of Winfield and county; and also a neat and handsome office chair is to be voted for, the contestants being Fred C. Hunt and Will T. Madden; and a pair of lady's gold bracelets to Jessie Smedley or Dora McRorey, whichever receives the most votes; also a fine wax doll to be voted to Mr. Hendrick's little daughter or Mable Siverd. A handsome gold ring donated by our genial jeweler, Mr. Ramsey, will be baked in a handsome cake, and disposed of at 10 cents a piece, one of which pieces will contain the ring. Some of the articles for raffle are a handsome rug donated by J. B. Lynn, a handsome easy chair donated by Frank Berkey, a fine silver castor donated by our young jeweler, Bobby Hudson, and many other articles of ornament and use too numerous to mention, donated by Jim Hill, Mr. Arment, and other parties whose names will be mentioned hereafter. The Thanksgiving dinner spoken of will be the finest ever served in Winfield, and it is to be hoped that all will avail themselves of a delicious meal. The Fair will close by a grand ball on Thanksgiving evening, giving the young folks a chance to enjoy the day wisely set apart by our President for amusement and social recreation.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Cattle Thieves.
Monday morning two men drove 47 head of cattle into Oxford and prepared to ship them. While they were being loaded, a gentleman who is buying hogs for Mr. Geo. W. Miller at Oxford noticed that the cattle bore Mr. Miller's brand. On questioning the parties, they said they had bought the cattle of Mr. Miller some days before. The cattle were loaded and came over on the morning train, together with one of the shippers. Mr. Miller's man also came over. Coming uptown he met George and happened to speak of his having seen two carloads of cattle bearing his brand loaded at Oxford that morning and that they were on the train then standing at the depot. George at once said that he had not sold any cattle and that they were certainly stolen out of his pasture. They then started to the depot on a run. The fellow who had the cattle seemed to be watching and when he saw them coming, jumped off on the opposite side of the train and made for the timber. He was followed by several parties, but up to this time they have failed to capture him. George had the stock switched off here and then went west after the old man with gray hair. He left his pal at Oxford to go east with the cattle while he went another way with the two ponies. The stolen cattle were worth about fifteen hundred dollars.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Fire Companies.
It is getting about time to organize fire companies in this city. We have the water, the hose, carts, and every necessary appliance except men to handle them. Let the Council, or someone in authority, arrange for the organization of rival companies, one in each ward, and get up some life and competition in the matter. The insurance rates have already been reduced from fifteen to twenty-five percent, but if some means of handling our fire protection is not speedily perfected, the old rates will be restored. Let everyone take hold of this matter and let us have two fire companies.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

That New Tariff.
We said last week that we did not understand the object of the new schedule of freight rates to take effect January 1, 1884, which is posted in the Southern Kansas Depot in this city, unless it was to induce shippers to hurry up their shipments at present rates, and before rates would have to come down. Agent Branhan informs us that Gen. Agent Hines instructed him that the object is not to advance through rates, but to establish a system of regular rates for short distances between stations, which should be higher than for long distances.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Farm and Home.
This is a new paper published by our old friend, N. T. Snyder, at Arkansas City, and the first number is before us. It gives a great many valuable and interest-ing facts in relation to Cowley County and Arkansas City and a summary of local and general news. It will be a good accessory to his real estate business. It is to be published monthly.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Coming Amusements.
We are happy in announcing the appearance, at the Opera House, Monday evening, Dec. 10th, of Whiteley's Original Hidden Hand Co., presenting an entirely new and original dramatic version of Mrs. E. D. E. N. Southworth's New York Leader story, "The Hidden Hand." Unlike all other companies who play the "Hidden Hand," in a repertoire of other dramas, this company make it a specialty, being expressly organized to produce this well known play, with a superb class particularly selected to make each individual part as perfect as possible. With special scenery for the entire play (and the steamboat scene and cotton picking scenes are said to be marvelous of beauty), a strong supporting company, and other realistic stage appointments, a fine performance can safely be expected.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The freight train due here Tuesday evening on the Southern Kansas road ran off the track near New Salem, which detained the west bound passenger until eight o'clock Wednesday morning. The trouble was caused by a coal car breaking down. No one was hurt.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Dr. W. T. Wright has rented the two front rooms in the Torrance-Fuller brick, upstairs, and will fit up a handsome office therein. The Doctor's present quarters are much too small for his immense practice.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Courier Cornet Band has ordered a new set of the celebrated "Kohn" instruments, heavily silver-plated, and the best that could be purchased. The boys will make some rare music when the set arrives.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

By direction of Presiding Elder, the ministers of the Wichita district of the M. E. Church will meet at Wellington on the 4th and 5th of December, for the purpose of organizing a ministerial association.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

There will be a Thanksgiving supper at New Salem on the evening of the twenty-ninth. Funds to be used for the purpose of purchasing an organ for the school. Admittance twenty- five cents.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The lumber for the repairs on the west bridge has been shipped and will be here in a few days. It is the best hard oak and will make a floor that will not soon give way.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Bliss & Wood mill is making and shipping four hundred barrels of flour every twenty-four hours. It takes a large part of the wheat marketed here.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Spencer Bliss is the Winfield representative on the merchants and shippers excursion to Memphis, given by the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad company.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Mrs. W. C. Garvey and her mother, Mrs. Dever, who have been visiting with Mrs. E. S. Bedilion, will return to their home in Topeka Saturday.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

We will publish an interesting letter next week from Mrs. E. T. Trimble descriptive of Washington Territory.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

The Pleasant Hour Club has decided to give a grand masquerade ball on January 10th.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Thanksgiving Festival.
A Necktie Festival will be held on Thanksgiving night, Thursday, November 29th, in the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church. A good time is anticipated and a cordial invitation is extended to all. Proceeds will be used for church purposes. By order Committee.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.


Passenger, going North, 3:14 p.m.

Passenger, going South, 12:37 a.m.

Freight, going North, 3:00 a.m.

Freight, going South, 7:45 p.m.

K. C., L. & S. K. RAILROAD.

(Going East.)

Passenger No. 2, 5:42 a.m.

Freight No. 12, 7:30 a.m.

Freight No. 28, 10:25 a.m.

(Going West.)

Passenger No. 1, 9:58 p.m.

Freight No. 27, 4:05 p.m.

Freight No. 11, 8:35 p.m.

New Meridian time which is 9 minutes faster than former railroad time and 28 minutes faster than mean time.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Kansas City Markets.


CATTLE: Texas steers.....$3.25 to $3.70.

CATTLE: Native steers....$6.00.

HOGS-lower: ...................$4.25 to $4.50.

SHEEP: ............................$2.75 TO $3.50.

WHEAT-No. 2, Red ........$.82-1/2.

CORN-No. 2 mixed .........$.37-1/2.

OATS-No. 2 .....................$.22-1/2.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Thanksgiving Services.
The annual union thanksgiving service will be held at the Methodist church commencing at eleven o'clock. The following program will be observed.


Scripture lesson: Rev. Jones.

Prayer: Rev. Kirkwood.

Scripture lesson: Rev. Cairns.

Thanksgiving sermon: Rev. Snyder.

Prayer: Rev. Gans.


Benediction: Rev. Brittain.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Prairie Home Productions.

Prairie chicken hunters roam at will regardless of the law to protect the game on a neighbor's premises.

The Dexter M. E. minister made a few calls recently in the neighborhood of New Salem and Prairie Home.

Thanksgiving is close at hand, and many a poor doomed turkey will soon have fulfilled its mission and ended its days.

Ed. Christopher has gone to Iowa to learn the jeweler trade with a brother-in-law engaged in the business there.

Prairie Home is too dull at present to star even a Literary. It might possibly sustain a singing school could the services of a good teacher be procured without any extra effort.

The Winfield pupils who spend their Sabbaths in the country with parents, will not find the early Monday morning rides quite so agreeable now as in the months just passed.

Little Mattie Conrad has been afflicted with hoarseness for more than a month past, much of the time unable to speak above a whisper. We are glad to learn she is better and was able to attend school last Friday.

The cars manage to get away with the farmers' stock occasionally, and we have never heard of one getting pay as yet. The controllers of railways seem to have their own way about such matters, and farmers submit.

The literary at New Salem station holds it sessions Saturday nights. At their last meeting, W. Lucas was elected president of the society; C. C. Krow, vice-president; Miss D. Gilmore, secretary, and Mr. Cox, treasurer. No question for discussion, to my knowledge.

After repeated breakdowns, contrary winds, and cold weather, Mr. Christopher has just completed quite an extensive job of threshing, having over twelve hundred bushels of wheat and oats. We did not learn the yield per acre.

DIED. Mr. T. M. James had the misfortune to bury a bright little daughter of three summers, only a few days after his return home from Cowley. She died of diphtheria, that disease which so often proves fatal to children. She was the second child buried from this disease.

Miss Cook, of Winfield, a former teacher at Prairie Home, made a flying visit out to Mr. Miles on Saturday last, returning on the evening train. We had heard she was coming and thought perhaps we might be favored with just a glimpse of her face, but were doomed to disappointment.

A cold wave, seemingly from the North Pole, swept down upon us last week, laying his icy hand upon pumps, well buckets, and the like, even attacking the milk in the pantry. A most unwelcome guest he was, but fortunately he did not tarry long. Look out for a longer call next time, for he may come in his fleecy old robe and insist on spending several months.

Mr. Ramage continues to sway the scepter and deal out knowledge to over fifty Prairie Home children, of all grades and ages, ranging from five to eighteen years. What a demand for tact, talent, and patience is a teacher! We think D. W. possessed enough of each to insure success with his school.

Mr. Gardener's fine new residence, now that it is completed, presents quite an imposing appearance to the passerby. The building mania must be contagious, judging from the number of houses in process of erection, both in Winfield and the surrounding country. The old claim house will soon exist only in memory.

We are glad to know there is one Sabbath school in Tisdale Township that neither melts in summer nor freezes out in winter, but steadily pursues its onward course. If I mistake not, it was the first one organized in the township. My wife and I used to claim a membership there. Success to the old Salem Sunday School.

I wish some correspondent would rise and tell us some never before heard of remedy for exterminating mice. Ours are too sharp to be trapped. The kitty gets clear discouraged with the burden before her and sits down in despair, while the mice scamper and run from cellar to garret, nibbling and tasting everything that comes in the way (if it happens to suit their not over fastidious taste) just as though it was prepared expressly for them. Destruction be on the mice, I say.

Perhaps some of the ladies would like my wife's recipe for pickling green tomatoes (by the way, Charity is a model cook and housekeeper, too). It is late in the season, I know, but just cut this out or write it in the back part of your cook book and try it next year; then if you like it, let me know, and I will ask her how she makes such splendid lemon pies and tell you the secret of it. But here is the recipe: Pare and slice one peck of green tomatoes, sprinkle with salt and let stand overnight; in the morning pour off the brine, and to three pints of good vinegar add one pound of sugar, one teaspoonful of cloves, cinnamon, and nutmeg; put the spices in a bag, then put all together and simmer slowly till the tomatoes are done. Seal up if early in the season. Later they will keep in open jars. C. HOPE.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Masonic Honors.
The following tribute to the memory of Mr. Isaac Loomis was received by his daughter, Mrs. J. C. McMullen, from his Masonic brethren in Wisconsin, last week. Mr. Loomis was one of the oldest Masons in the country and high up in the order.

At a Regular Communication of Ozaukee Lodge No. 17 F. and A. Masons, Port Washington, Wisconsin, held September 6th, 1883, the following preamble and resolution were adopted.

WHEREAS, Brother Isaac Loomis, Past Master, charter member, and for long years affiliated with this Lodge, well remembered by all older members, and who was so distin- guished and most respected among the Brotherhood, has departed this life and joined the great caravan of the dead. He died October 10, 1883, in the State of Kansas, nearly 80 years old. Therefore, be it

Resolved, That in him the State lost a good citizen, his family a kind and generous father, and the fraternity a true and noble Brother, that while we lament his death we still find consolation in it, for he has reached the good towards which we are all pressing on; his course is run, he sleeps in peace, and he may indeed be called happy, for he died after a long and well spent life, loved and honored by those that knew him. He has the peace of the dead, but lives in the memory of his friends and brothers by many, and esteemed by all.

It was by motion ordered that the foregoing be spread upon the records of the Lodge and a copy transmitted to the family of the deceased Brother.

In witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of said Lodge this 25th day of October, 1883. L. TOWSLEY, W. Master. ULRICH SANDOLT, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Lost. A Bay Pony with white hind feet, and lame in the left fore-shoulder, with a leather halter on. Will finder please notify W. L. Crowell, Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Go to J. F. McMullen, 9th ave., Winfield, Kansas, to insure against Fire, Lightning, Wind storms, Cyclone, or Tornado in the GERMAN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Peoria, Illinois.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Stockmen! I have for sale 75 tons of millet and wheat mixed as hay, and about 1,000 bushels of turnips, also stalks and wheat pasture, and prairie range, 2-1/2 miles south of Rock P. O. W. H. GROW.

Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

I have the testimonials of more than 500 persons who are using the Burgess Steam Washer and say, "The longer we use it the better we like it, and would recommend it to our neighbors and friends as a washer that will clean all parts of the garment, and will wash all kinds of goods perfectly; that it will save its cost in one year in the wear of clothes, as in the ordinary way of washing, clothing is rubbed out more than worn out." Lewis Conrad.

The following is a partial list of names of ladies in our vicinity who are using the Burgess Steam Washer: Mrs. Folts, Mrs. Irv Randall, Mrs. John McGuire, Mrs. Morehouse, Mrs. Cal. Ferguson, Mrs H. H. Hughes, Mrs. Franklin, Mrs. Thos. Youle, Mrs. R. J. Yeoman, Mrs. S. Compton, Mrs. W. R. McDonald, Mrs. West, Mrs. Stivers, Mrs. Searl, Mrs. E. J. Gilbert, Mrs. P. P. Powell, Mrs. Samuel Myton, Mrs. J. L. Baker, and 30 others, all of whom can be consulted. Lewis Conrad.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned under the firm name of D. Berkey & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The undersigned David Berkey and Ira Kyger continuing the business under the name of Berkey & Kyger, will collect all accounts due the late firm and pay all the debts of said form. David Berkey, Ira Kyger, Frank T. Berkey. November 14, 1883.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

NEW FIRM. SHIVVERS & LINN, Real Estate, Loan & Insurance Agents.

Write Insurance in the Best Companies.

Farm and City Property for Sale.

Office at the old stand of Jarvis, Conklin & Co., Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

We publish below the roll of old soldiers in this county drawing pensions from the government for injuries sustained on account of service, with monthly rate of allowance. It shows that there are one hundred and forty-six soldiers in the county drawing pensions, and that the government pays to them monthly the aggregate sum of $1,509.66-3/4. This is a record that no county but ours can show. It is certainly one that "Cares for him who has born the brunt of battle and for his widows and orphans."


LISTING "Number of Certificate." MAW]







Wimer, Welcome B., Akron, g s wds rt hip and lt leg, $6.00

Baker, Elmore Y., Arkansas City, heart dis, $6.00, July 1881.

Meinsau, Daniel, Arkansas City, g s w rt thigh, $4.00.

Davis, Amasa A., Arkansas City, amp rt leg above knee, $24.00, December 1879.

Annis, John, Arkansas City, paralysis rt hand, $15.00.

Bailey, Jefferson P., Arkansas City, g s w rt arm and shell wd of back, $3.00.

Reed, Frank, Arkansas City, wd rt hand, $18.00.

Coryell, Henry, Arkansas City, wd rt side, $4.00.

Daniels, John B., Arkansas City, wd lt hand, $6.00.

Foster, Henry H., Arkansas City, wd rt leg, $6.00.

Barlow, Mary, Arkansas City, widow, $8.00.

Ridenour, Wm. S., Arkansas City, g s w rt ankle, $2.00, November 1882.

Roberts, John M., Arkansas City, g s w head, $12.00.

Smalley, John A., Arkansas City, g s w rt leg and resulting in var veins, $6.00, March 1880.

Scott, Robt. B., Arkansas City, dis eyes and resultg dis of maxillary bone, $18.00.

Broadbent, John J., Arkansas City, ulceration rt ankle, $6.00, August 1876.

Beton, Donald, Arkansas City, g s w rt hip, $2.00, August 1881.

Alexander, John, Arkansas City, injury to abdomen, $8.00.

Kimmell, Andrew J., Arkansas City, g s w lt arm, $18.00.

Williams, Armintha, Arkansas City, widow, $8.00, May 1864.

Carlisle, Zachariah, Arkansas City, chr diarrh, $2.00, June 1882.

Engle, Gilmer D., Arkansas City, g s w lt arm, $15.00.

Hartsock, Elizabeth, Arkansas City, mother, $8.00, January 1870.

Nipp, James B., Arkansas City, g s w rt shoulder and paralysis of arm, $18.00.

McLaughlin, Tyler H., Arkansas City, amp lt leg, $18.00.

Roseberry, Chas. W., Arkansas City, partial loss sight lt eye, $4.00, March 1881.

Headley, James, Arkansas City, g s w left humerus, $4.00, June 1882.

Christian, James, Arkansas City, total blindness from sunstroke, $72.00, November 1882.

Crutchfield, James N., Arkansas City, g s w lt hip and chr diarrh, $4.00, June 1882.

Bowers, Martha A., Arkansas City, widow, $8.00, June 1882.

Feagins, Daniel, Arkansas City, dis eyes, $24.00.

Gregory, Wm. F., Baltimore, atrophy lt leg, $6.00.

Haritery, Andrew, Baltimore, injury to abdomen, $8.00.

Jones, Conrad, Box, wd lt lung, $8.00, January 1882.

Tharp, Geo. W., Box, g s w lt thigh, $4.00, December 1880.

Moser, John, Box, g s w both thighs, $8.00.

Rash, John S., Box, injury to abdomen, $4.00.

Lawson, John P., Burdenville, wd lt hand & ls index finger, $4.00.

Brown, Wm. Burdenville, wd lt forearm, $8.00.

Flattman, Harmann, Burdenville, g s w rt leg, $2.00, June 1879.

Kempton, Daniel, Burdenville, injury to abdomen, $8.00.

York, Pricious, Burdenville, widow, $15.00.

Railey, Elizabeth, Burdenville, widow 1812, $8.00, January 1879.

Powell, Joseph E., Burdenville, amp rt leg, $24.00.

Harrington, Cornelius, Burdenville, g s w lt hip, $2.00, February 1882.

Fitzgerald, Richard, Burdenville, g s w lt hip, $2.00, February 1882.

Harrington, Zachariah, Cambridge, g s w rt tthg & res var veins, $12.00.

Tull, John W., Cambridge, loss index and mid finger lt hand, $8.00.

Redick, Jackson, Cambridge, g s w lt thigh, $4.00.

Hicks, Sarah, Cambridge, widow, $8.00, June 1879.

Hendrickson, John C., Cambridge, g s w rt forearm, $2.00, June 1880.

Haworth, Joel R., Cambridge, paralysis rt arm and leg, $36.00.

McKee, John, Dexter, chr laryngitis & loss of voice, $2.00.

Smith, John R., Dexter, g s w lt hand, $8.00, June 1882.

Truesdale, Andrew J., Dexter, loss index & mid finger lt hand, $4.00, December 1878.

Darst, Oliver P., Dexter, g s w lt leg, $2.00, October 1882.

Greenwell, Doreas, Dexter, widow 1812, $8.00, September 1873.

McDonough, Thos., Dexter, g s w lt shoulder, $18.00, February 1867.

Hale, Chas. E., Dexter, g s w rt thigh, $10.00.

Calvin, Joseph W., Floral, wd rt thigh, $6.00.

Woods, Allen, Maple City, g s w lt hip, $8.00.

Fast, Henry, Maple City, minors of, $10.00, July 1881.

Wright, Margaret, New Salem, mother, $8.00, May 1869.

Southard, John B., Otto, g s w lt foot, $8.00.

Olsted, Allen, Otto, erysipelas r hand & sequelae of measles, $8.00.

McCormick, Wm. C., Polo, chr rheum in rt knee and leg, $6.00.

Wilson, Willis, Polo, chr diarr and dis of lungs, $8.00, October 1880.

Wilson, James C., Polo, g s w lt hip, $8.00, January 1880.

Haines, Jacob, Red Bud, father, $4.00, September 1866.

Bever, Joel, Red Bud, loss rt eye, $4.00, September 1866.

Morse, Lois, Red Bud, widow 1812, $8.00, October 1878.

Szirskowsky, Susan J., Rock, mother, $8.00.

Widener, Patience, Rock, widow 1812, $8.00, September 1879.

Jackson, Addison A., Seeley, g s w lt thigh, $2.00, September 1882.

Pfrimnier, Daniel A., Tisdale, wd rt groin, $20.00.

Bradley, Wm. R., Tisdale, ch rheu & res atrophy lt hip, $4.00, October 1880.

Dunham, Joseph, Tisdale, g s w rt thigh, $2.00.

Davis, Allen C., Tisdale, injury to abdomen, $6.00, June 1882.

McQuade, Preston, Udall, valvular dis heart, $12.00.

Cain, Mary A., Udall, widow, $8.00.

Carlton, David H., Udall, dis eyes, $12.00.

Paris, Chas. W., Udall, blindness, $72.00.

Orville, Geo., Wilmot, g s w lt leg, $18.00.

Mitchell, Johnson, Winfield, ch bronchitis & consumption, $8.00.

Olmstead, Wm., Winfield, g s w rt thigh, $4.00.

Abbott, Geo. W., Winfield, wd head, $4.00.

Limerick, Alexander, Winfield, wd rt arm, $4.00, September 1880..

Edgar, Samel H., Winfield, dis lungs, $8.00, June 1878.

Wells, Francis M., Winfield, dis throat and lungs, $4.00, September 1877.

Smacke, Samuel J., Winfield, g s w lt arm, $18.00.

Ruggles, James E., Winfield, w lt hand, $6.00.

Carnine, James, Winfield, wd rt arm, $2.66-2/3, August 1863.

Storey, Thos. H., Winfield, total loss sight & paral r side, $72.00.

Smith, Samuel C., Winfield, wd rt arm, $6.00, March 1865.

Myers, Lewis, Winfield, wd lt lung, $10.00.

Wade, Archable F., Winfield, loss rt eye, $6.00.

Wood, Wm. C., Winfield, wd lt leg, $6.00.

Robertson, Nathaniel B., Winfield, injury to abdomen, $4.00.

Jennings, Harvey S., Winfield, wd right thigh, $4.00.

Bailey, Chas. W., Winfield, dis heart, $4.00.

Crane, James, Winfield, wd lt foot, $4.00.

Simons, David B., Winfield, inj lt leg and results, $24.00.

Davis, Eliza, Winfield, mother, $27.00, September 1866.

Buck, Fannie F., Winfield, widow, $6.00, September 1880.

Skinner, Chas. M., Winfield, chr diarrh, $6.00.

Rife, Jacob E., Winfield, g s w lt leg, $2.00.

Short, James P., Winfield, g s w lt hand, $8.00.

Foughty, Geo. W., Winfield, amp lt leg, $18.00.

Trump, Cornelius, Winfield, inj rt ankle, $4.00, April 1868.

Beltz, John A., Winfield, g s w rt leg, $4.00, March 1865.

Beadles, Davis S., Winfield, g s w lt arm, $2.00, September 1880.

Bliss, Daniel W., Winfield, injury to abdomen, $6.00, June 1882.

Blair, Frank E., Winfield, g s w rt leg, $2.00, July 1882.

Anderson, John, Winfield, g s w rt arm, $8.00, October 1872.

Allen, Edward A., Winfield, chr rheumatism, $8.00.

Binkey, Jacob, Winfield, g s w rt arm, $6.00, May 1865.

Conrad, Lewis, Winfield, injury to abdomen, $6.00.

Bell, Nancy, Winfield, mother, $8.00, July 1879.

Harris, Martha A., Winfield, widow 1812, $8.00, November 1880.

Ross, Nancy, Winfield, mother 1812, $8.00, July 1879.

McCallen, Aner, Winfield, widow, $8.00, March 1867.

Stubblefield, Harvey W., Winfield, g s w lt side of head, $10.00, April 1879.

Jenkins, Blachly W., Winfield, injury to right shoulder, $2.00, May 1877.

Hackney, Wm. P., Winfield, g s w face and lt side, $4.00.

King, Charles, Winfield, g s w rt side, $8.00.

McFadden, Benj., Winfield, ch dia & dis livr & kidneys, $4.00, August 1880.

Writson, Elizabeth, Winfield, widow, $15.00, September 1881.

Weitzel, Hannah, Winfield, mother, $11.00.

Daugherty, Benj. B., Winfield, g s w lt shoulder, $11.00.

Evans, Jeremiah, Winfield, injury to abdomen, $4.00, September 1881.

Stuart, Jennie, Winfield, mother, $8.00, October 1864.

McInturf, Andrew, Winfield, g s w rt shoulder, $8.00.

Weber, Wm. H., Winfield, g s w lt hand, loss 4th finger, $2.00, August 1873.

Hunt, Samantha, Winfield, widow, $8.00, March 1864.

Agler, Rachel R., Winfield, widow, $4.00.

Roberts, John C., Winfield, g s w r thigh, $4.00.

Nixon, Jacob, Winfield, wd lt side of head, $4.00, September 1882.

Quarles, Marcus H., Winfield, dis lt eye, $4.00, September 1882.

Pennington, Samuel W., Winfield, dis of abdominal viscera, $4.00, November 1882.

George, Thos. C., Winfield, g s w lt arm, $34.00.

Hendricks, Abraham D., Winfield, sh wd lt side of neck & results, $18.00.

Graham, Geo., Winfield, g s w lt hip and rt side neck, $6.00.

Clayton, Joseph N., alias Howe, Winfield, g s w rt hand, $6.00, April 1883.

Hardzog, Henry, Winfield, g s w rt thigh, $18.00.

Hopkins, James, Winfield, diarr and chr rheumatism, $4.00, Nov. 1882.

Chatfield, Jessie, Winfield, g s w lt hand, $1.00, November 1818.

Wooden, Emily, Winfield, widow, $8.00, May 1867.

Lundy, Wm. J., Winfield, g s w r arm, $2.00, June 1879.

Certificate No. 99,508: Wm. P. Hackney.

Certificate No. 220,569: James Christian.

Certificate No. 60,911: Tyler H. McLaughlin.

Certificate No. 121,714: John W. Tull.

Certificate No. 9,217: David B. Simons...LOWEST ONE I COULD FIND.

Certificate No. 20,753: Nancy Ross, widow 1812, $6.00, July 1879.


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

[Skipped listing of fees of Judges and Clerks of the General County Election held in Cowley County November 6, 1883. This was on Page 4...same as list of pensioners.]


Winfield Courier, November 22, 1883.

List of Jurors in attendance at the October Term of the District Court.

Regular Jury.

D. N. Dressler, $50.70, H. H. Causey, $31.80, David Davy, $6.00, Thomas Tice, $58.20, J. R. Cottingham, $41.00, W. S. Williamson, $55.00, Rudolph Wellman, $17.60, W. H. Butler, $50.00.

Special Venire.

E. R. Chapin, $20.80, J. H. Guinn, $46.10, Levi Weimer, $40.00, Wm. May, $25.40, S. E. Maxwell, $40.40, J.. R. Sumpter, $17.60, W. C. Guyer, $17.00, Robert Richie, $29.20, L. J. Davidson, $11.60, A. F. Sitton, $49.60.

Talesmen. [Most paid $2.00 or $4.00...Not listing amounts.]

A. V. Polk, H. Brotherton, C. Trump, Wm. McCullock, H. B. Kizer, Walter Denning, Willis Cowen, F. J. Sydall, L. Moore, J. H. John, T. J. Harris, D. S. Huntington, Henry Noble, Frank Smith, T. L. Bartlow, John Mark, H. R. Branson, Geo. B. Green, S. P. Strong, G. W. Anderson, N. W. Dressie, Lafayette Wise, H. Baxter, S. S. Holloway, J. B. Morgan, J. H. Land, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, David Ferguson, Wm. Cohagan, B. W. Jenkins, M. Croco, J. L. M. Strange, M. V. Sitton, L. K. Bonewell, G. R. Stevens, L. T. Morgan, Israel Weakly [?Weakley], G. W. Anderson, M. F. Scott, Levi Wells, W. W. Brown, George Arnold, W. L. Burton, P. A. Sorey, Abrum Coffman, W. F. Jones, O. W. Keihiholtz, C. H. Wooden, F. H. Burton, Ephraim Sears, Samuel Eslinger, J. H. Hill, S. L. Smith, E. Custar, Jacob Miller, W. J. Bonnewell, J. F. Miller, A. V. Corbin, L. C. Harter, Arthur Orr, E. F. Sears, J. W. Hackleman, J. A. Cooper, D. A. Dale, W. I. Shotwell, James Kirk, W. J. Shrubshall, D. S. Fike, J. F. Miller, C. Castanian, Lewis Conrad, J. N. Harter, N. L. Edwards, Geo. Ordway, D. W. Frew, W. J. Bonnewell, Wm. Moore, M. J. Land, Lafayette Wise, N. W. Dressie, Jos. Singer, R. A. McKenna, J. H. Morgan, J. W. Hackleman, J. H. Land, W. N. Dressie, John Foregay, H. C. Reynolds, A. Hughes, T. E. Jones, Wm. Warren, L. C. Harter, Silick Cure, C. H. Wooden, C. A. Roberts, C. C. Pierce, Wm. B. Norman, W. L. Holmes, Lewis Conrad, E. C. Seward, Clark Bryant, W. H. Webster, D. Swift.

Total amount allowed for Jurors and Talesmen for the October 1883 term of the District Court of Cowley County: $1,162.00. J. S. HUNT, COUNTY CLERK.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

True to promise, I will now endeavor to tell something of our journey. Firstly, we left Pawnee Rock Thursday noon. This section of the state is quite a plain with, seemingly, no boundary, and we found no change during the day. Vegetation very scant and the country looked as though it could not support much. However, in every direction we could see large herds of cattle and horses. The river banks were destitute of trees and the river seemed to have risen out of its bed and was taking a bask in the sun, and to have done so to its own detriment, as it seemed to be small and lean as a skeleton, not amounting to much as a river but serving well enough for a frame upon which a good sized river might be built. In fact, everything seemed to have followed the example of the river and to be basking in the sun. It was not easy to do anything else, for there was not a leaf to screen from the fierce rays, and he poured down his darts in every direction in such a way as almost to blind the eyes and parch the skin. In the evening we reached the Colorado line and found ourselves for the first time in that state of world wide renown.

Though we could not see much of the topography of the country, owing to the darkness, yet we did see something new to us. It had rained during the evening and a dark, heavy bank of clouds hung along the northern horizon and the northeast, while the rest of the heavens were clear. As the moon near its full rose and attained the middle point in the heavens opposite the heavy dark clouds, it formed on the background a clear, distinct rainbow in all its beauty of color, as bright and beautiful as though its tints had been formed by the master hand of the sun painter and not by its agents. As we looked upon the beautiful sign of the covenant as it hung there over a dark and sleeping world, we could not but think of the many delights and blessings which await us in life in unexpected places. In darkness and sorrow they come unexpectedly to lighten the heart and cheer the weary toiler. Tired and worn out, we sought our berth in the sleeper and enjoyed a good night's rest and took breakfast on the morning of the 14th at Raton, a R. R. town, the rival of Trinidad.

This was our first glimpse of mountain scenery and we enjoyed it very much. After we started again we felt as though we were the heroes of some Arabian tale; that during the night we had been taken up and transported to a far away countryand indeed such was the case, though the power that had wrought the change was not a genie of the imagination but the "horse with nerves of brass and ribs of steel," which during the night had labored on, toiling up the mountain, shrieking through the valley, leaping deep chasms, shooting through dark tunnels, and curving around steep precipices, until we awoke and found ourselves indeed in a strange land peopled with strange beings. The mountains and the mesa had taken the place of the prairie, the Mexican with his goats and burros roamed over the grass in place of the herds of cattle and horses, and the airy, neat dwelling house was transformed into the adobe, while the trellis covered with morning glory or the rosebush before the windows and doors were represented by dirty, long haired, lazy Mexicans, who too indolent to stand erect, leaned against the house for support or sat on the ground. The corn, like the farmer, seemed too lazy to grow, and ashamed not to do something, made a compromise and sent out its ears about 18 inches from the ground, and fearing the husbandman might mistake it for a burrow, took especial care that these ears should be small. The shadows of the different objects as cast upon the ground were remarkably clear cut and defined at the edges. This is true of the outline of the mountains, a fact I presume owing to the state of the atmosphere, which is here remarkably rare.

At Glorieta we caught our first view of a snow covered peak, and after the summer's experience in Southern Kansas, it was indeed refreshing. As we passed on down the mountains the white capped peak seemed to follow, sometimes lost to sight behind an intervening foot hill, taller than his brothers, and again coming into full view. But as we rushed on we finally lost sight of our distinguished companion. Perhaps having his night cap on, he concluded to go to bed and take a sleep. As we hastened down the decline and through a deep and narrow canon, we came to Lamy and supper. The country here is mountainous and rough. The cactus makes its appearance and continues as your companion for many miles, even to near San Francisco.

We breakfasted at Deming, a small railroad and mining town, the connecting point of the A., T. & S. F. and Southern Pacific, though we were the losers by the change. Yet we could do no better so made ourselves at home. The country now commenced to put on an appearance of desolation such as we expected to find in the "desert," and in fact we were drawing near to that. About the only vegetation was the Spanish Dagger, which grows to the height of two or three feet, then sends out a large whorl of stiff, sharp-edged leaves with a point like that of a dagger. From the midst of these and rising to the height of 5 or 8 feet above the leaves is the flower stalk, which bears the flowers and pods of seeds arranged very much as the flowers of the hyacinth

We took dinner at Bowie, an eating station. About eight miles out in the foot hills is Ft. Bowie, garrisoned by U. S. troops, whose duty it is to look after the festive Apache, and sometimes they have a very difficult task. The life of a soldier in active service is one of toil and privation, but it seems to me that this is especially true there where water is scarce, the sun almost tropical, and the country rough. A campaign under such circumstances must demand endurance of no common character. We passed groups of Chinese laborers at work on the railroad as section hands. Their hats are splint baskets and have at least one qualitythat of durability. One hat ought to last a man a lifetime and continue on down the line of succession even to the tenth generation. The houses at the stations (these are the only ones) are double roofed with a porch all around the building. The roofs are two or three feet apart, thus leaving an air chamber and preventing the heat of the sun from penetrating as it otherwise would.

We passed along by the Santa Crus river, seen only by the vegetation that springs up, encouraged by the moisture. The river itself sinks into the ground and pursues its course by an underground channel, thus avoiding the stare of the sun, and it seems to me that is the only alternative left, for should it attempt to pursue its course as a decent, well mannered river should, old Sol would stare him out of existence in a jiffy. Pretty sharp river.

Sunday, Sept. 16, we breakfasted at Yuma, a Mexican town on the Colorado river in the southwest corner of Arizona. The town is composed of flat roofed adobe houses and is supplied with water from a reservoir located on the top of a sand hill overlooking the town. As we crossed the river, at the wharf lay some steamboats, about the only encouraging thing to be seen, but just across the river is California, the land of fruits and flowers, whose soil teems with plenty, and whose mountains conceal millions of goldbitter disappointment, the sands are not passed. If possible, the southern part of California is more barren and desolate than any part of New Mexico or Arizona. Sand in heaps and plains, gravel beds, and sage brush. The engine hauls a truck carrying a tank of water in addition to the water carried in the tender. The station houses stand alone on the wide waste and are supplied with water from tanks hauled there by passing trains. The stations are the headquarters for the section hands. No warehouse, no business, nobody to do any business. I have sometimes thought I understood the term desolation, but it required a view of Southern California to give my imagination a "local habitation and a name."

A picture that will always remain with me is that of a small telegraph station in the midst of those dreary sands. The building was small, indeed, but fitted up neatly and comfortably with white curtains, and neat carpets on the floor. The only occupant was a young lady, the operator. As we passed by, I caught a glimpse of her as she stood leaning out of the window to catch a farewell glance of the train, and I thought that it required more than ordinary courage for one to leave companions and friends and voluntarily take up the life of desolation and loneliness such as one would be compelled to live on those sands.

At Dos Palmos we were 280 ft. below the level of the sea; still sand and dust, sage brush, and heat. At Banning, 569 miles from San Francisco, the face of the country becomes more inviting. A short grass covers the surface, and could we forget the distance traveled, we might think ourselves in Western Kansas. As we look out over the fields, we see tiers of sacks of wheat piled up. Farmers with four and six horse teams are busy hauling wheat to the markets. At the R. R. stations the platforms are piled high with the sacks of wheat. These sacks contain one hundred pounds. Here wheat is not sold by the bushel but by the cental.

The various forms of cactus which were our companions in Mexico and Arizona, of which we counted seven varieties, are now represented by one, the "Prickly Pear" or "Devils Tongue," which here reaches a height of ten or fifteen feet.

Chinamen board the train at every station, always carrying bundles. Each Chinaman is a copy of every other one. The same "pig tail," the same shoes and hat, the shirt worn outside the pants. When you have seen one, you have a representation of all. To me they look alike, and I know not whether they are different ones that met us at the different stations or the same ones, who by some magic unknown to the "Melican Man" had been transported ahead and met us again with the same expressionless face and jabber. One of the passengers, a learned Southerner, holding a position of General Freight Agent on one of the branch roads, said he regarded the Chinaman as a cross between the Spaniard and the Indian, though I always thought that the Mexican of today was the product of that union.

We arrived at Los Angeles, a town of 11,000 inhabitants, though viewed from the cars it does not look as though it could contain half that number. As we pass on the mountains keep along at our right. At the base in little recesses are houses clustered in little villages and seemingly seeking protection from the sun and dust by clinging to the steep side of the mountain. The fields look bare and parched. Yet the cattle and sheep are in fine condition.

Sept. 17 we breakfasted at Merced. The country looks better and the wheat is piled up on every hand in the fields, on platforms at the stations, in warehouses, in the cars, on wagons, and it seems impossible that the fields which are so parched, bare, and dusty have produced such immense quantities of grain. Yet we saw California at her worse. When the rainy season comes on, the fields now barren will teem with new life, the farmer will sow and reap, the wheat now waiting transportation will be removed, and next year's crop will be piled up perhaps still higher.

At 2:30 p.m. we arrived at Oakland and were ferried over to San Francisco, the city of the golden gate. We went immediately to the Oregon Railway and Navigation Co.'s office to find all the cabins except one engagedNo. 85 on the lower deck directly over the wheel. Having no alternative we secured the cabin and went to our hotel to get some rest. As the steamer was to sail the next morning, we had no opportunity to see the sights of the city. At 10 a.m., Sept. 18, we went aboard the steamer "State of California." This is one of the four steamers owned by the O. R. & N. Co. The others are the "Queen of the Pacific," the "Oregon," and "The Columbia." They are all staunch iron vessels of the first class, built at Chester, Pennsylvania, for ocean navigation and each cost about one and one-half million of dollars. A few days before we sailed, the Queen ran aground at the mouth of the Columbia river, and the Company offered the tug boats $50,000 if they would draw her off. They did not succeed until they had thrown overboard the most of her cargo.

As we sailed out of the Bay, we were much disappointed as a thick fog came down upon us, completely shutting out the surrounding objects. We, however, caught a good view of the U. S. Fort, but did not get to see the golden gate. As we got fairly out into the open sea, the gong sounded and all that were able went below to dinner. I ate pretty heartily, as I had a premonition that I would not be there when the next meal was disposed of. After dinner we went on deck, having been told that the best way to keep off sea sickness was to keep in the fresh air. A head wind struck us and the sea commenced to get rough. White caps made their appearance; some of the passengers turned pale and hurried below, others, more determined, remained on deck, laid hold of the railing, and paid unwilling tribute to Neptune.

I determined, if possible, to keep my dinner, and looked far out at the mountains on the shore that I might thus keep a steady eye and level head. The wind grew strongerI became more determinedthe waves rose higher and higher. Many of the passengers had retired, but a few were still on deck. I felt like one of the old guard, and began to think that my dinner might soon have a companion in the form of supper. It blew harder and harder, the vessel began to pitch head foremost into the waves and throw the water over the deck. I began to feel that it was no place for me. About the time I came to this conclusion, my dinner, also, seemed to get dissatisfied with its location, and while I was before very anxious to retain it, I was now as eager to dispose of it anywhere, so I sought the side of the vessel, and holding on to the railing with both hands, I gently deposited it in the briny deep.

Just as I had thus quietly bid farewell to dinner, we were summoned to call at the office and secure meal-tickets. I did not feel that I had any need of meal-tickets. It did not seem to me that I cared to eat anymore; yet, remembering that we should not always trust present feelings, I thought it might be well to secure them anyway, and if I did not need them, no harm would be done; but if I should live to need them, I would have them. But then the question arose, how was I to get them. My position at the side of the vessel I did not care to leave, and the tickets were to be had only by calling at the office. Just then a passenger came along and kindly remarked that if I did not feel disposed to make the exertion necessary to call at the office, he would do so for me. I readily accepted his offer, and he soon returned with the tickets.

I finally concluded that I would seek the retirement of my cabin, there to ponder over the wonders of the deep. Once below I felt secure in one respectno curious gaze was fixed upon me, and I was free to act as I thought best. Having left my dinner, I now deposited my breakfast, and crawled into my berth, then yielded up the supper of the day before, laid down and took a sleep; awoke and gave up all the breakfast, dinner, and supper I had ever eaten; went to sleep again; awoke and mourned that I had no more meals to dispose of; as a compromise made an effort and again laid down. The vessel continued to pitch. It seemed that I was thrown clear from my berth and left to struggle in mid air only to alight and receive another toss. Night passed and morning came, but no ray of sun reached the depths of that cabin. Morning passed and the gong for lunch (the meals are breakfast, lunch, and dinner, the latter being served about five o'clock) sounded, but awakened no responsive chord in my bosom; to me it was a "sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal." Evening came on and as the rest went to dinner, I felt such a sense of loneliness that I rang the bell and ordered a glass of lemonade and an orange and disposed of both in the usual way. This was the first that I ate or drank for 36 hours. After all I was not sick compared with others. Some were sick before the vessel left her moorings and were not out of their berths all the time; others were affected for three days after leaving the vessel and I know not how much longer. I took some breakfast on Thursday morning and about 10 o'clock went on deck, having been below since 5 o'clock Tuesday evening.

The water was now smooth and the vessel rode easily, many of the passengers were again on deck. We were now drawing near the mouth of the Columbia River, which is obstructed by a dangerous bar where the "Queen" had gone aground. As we passed Ft. Stevens, a man was sent to cast the leadthe speed was slackened and slowly we made our way into the Columbia. As we passed in we saw to our left the wreck of "The Great Republic," which was stranded a year or two ago; her engines are still above water though she is fast sinking in the treacherous sand. After passing the bar we went below to lunch, after which we returned to the deck to find that we were opposite Astoria, where we made a landing.

Astoria is situated on the north bank of the Columbia. Its history dates as far back as 1811, when John Jacob Astor organized the Pacific Fur Company. He dispatched the ship Tonquin around Cape Horn. It arrived off the bar late in March and effected a landing early in April. In 1813, war having broken out between the U. S. and Great Britain, the business was sold to the Northwest Company and the British flag floated over the place, and the name was changed to Fort George.

In 1818 it was restored to the U. S. and the old name was again used. A custom house was established in 1849, the only one on the coast, and quite a little town rallied to its support.

In 1867, the business of canning salmon began. This business has increased greatly in the last few years. In 1882, there were packed 543,831 cases of 48 pounds each, average value $5.25. There are about forty canneries on the river. There are 1,500 boats engaged in fishing, costing on an average, including nets, etc., $650.00, or a total of $975,000. The average cost of the canneries is estimated at $15,000, a total of $600,000, thus making a grand total of $1,575,000. The fishing season lasts from April 1st to July 31st. The largest catch is in June. The average weight of the fish is 20 lbs., though fish are caught weighing 60 lbs. The fishing is done generally near the bar and many lives are annually lost among the breakers. The fishermen are chiefly Swedes, Norwegians, Dane, and Italians, while the factory hands are nearly all Chinamen.

Different machines are used for making the cans. The tops and bottoms are cut by dies and the sides by a knife cutter. After the sides are rolled into shape, they are taken to men who solder the seams and then to Chinese boys who put on the bottoms; a drop of solder is put in and a hot iron run around, thus fastening the bottoms. The fish are taken by a China- man who severs head and tail from the body and removes the entrails; the refuse falls into a receptacle, and goes thence to the oil refinery. The fish is dropped into a tank of water, another man now takes it; it is then passed through another tank and is again cleaned, then into a third tank of water. Thence they are taken to the slicer, a machine which at one stroke cuts a whole fish into pieces the height of a can. These pieces are then cut into slices and taken to the fillers, where they are pressed into cans. It is claimed that a Chinaman can fill 1,000 cans in a day. The filled cans are then taken to a washer, where they are revolved under a spray of water, after which they are dried. Then the tops are placed on by boys, who then place the cans in the soldering machine, where the tops are soldered by rolling across a brick furnace, the ends pass through a trough of melted solder, and thence to the testers.

After the cans are tested, they are placed for one hour and twenty minutes in boiling water; they are again tested, and the good ones are punctured to let the hot air escape, and are again sealed. They are then placed on a retort and cooked by steam for one hour and fifteen minutes. They are then placed into a vat or hog lye to remove the grease and then into cold water until they are perfectly cold. They are again tested and then placed into a bath composed of turpentine and varnish; then they are passed to girls who place the labels on when they are packed in boxes ready for shipment.

I give this description because I think it may be of interest to you as the salmon fishing is one of the leading industries of the northwest coast. I have taken the description from a paper called the West Shore.

Leaving Astoria, we proceeded up the Columbia. The scenery was grand. At some places the shores are steep and rugged; at others, seemingly perpendicular. The mountains are covered with evergreens and make a beautiful scene. Fishing stations are situated along the river for several miles and there are some saw mills. The head wind on the Pacific had delayed us so that we did not get to Portland until 10 p.m.

We remained there all night and at 6 o'clock next morning left for Colfax, but our journey was not ended. The road seems along the south bank of the Columbia a very rough and rugged country. The country is very heavily timbered for some distance from Portland. The railroad passes over some deep defiles, through several tunnels, and along some steep precipices. The banks of the river are so abrupt that the road bed is frequently cut out of the solid stone and the overhanging rocks tower far above. As you look out of the car window at the huge masses overhead, you shudder at the thought of what might be. The rocks are of basaltic formation and show very plainly the peculiar columnar structure. In places these columns rise in a compact mass for many feet above the surrounding surface and look as though they had been fashioned by the hand of man, so perfect are they. We stopped at the Dalles for dinner. This is where the railroad has its repair shops, a short distance above the river performs the freak which gives the place its name. Tired of flowing along between narrow banks, the waters make a break for libertyand striking out in various directionsthey cut several channels through the rocks, but a battle soon commences, the rocks refuse to be beaten down, the water froths and roars, dashing hither and thither in twenty different channels, the rocks lift each to the surface, and for awhile keeps them there, and finally as if to show what they can do, throws them down a series of cascades dashing from one side to the other until they are willing to follow the channels they find at the bottom, whence they pass quietly on to the sea.

An Indian encampment had been established at the falls and as we passed, some of the Indians were busy fishing while the others were drying the fish in the sun. And here I would remark that like the Chinaman, an Indian is the same wherever you find him; he illustrates the British doctrine of citizenshiponce an Indian always an Indian. The country now became barren of trees and the dust almost unbearable. The mountains began to recede and the land looked as though it was capable of cultivation.

We took supper at Walla Walla. Here we found the town in a state of excitement caused by an excursion of editors from the eastern cities. This is a beautiful town of about 6,000 inhabitants, well located in the Walla Walla Valley. It has good public school buildings, three denominational schools, and ten church buildings. A U. S. Fort is located here and at present garrisoned by four companies.

The town is in the midst of a rich agricultural region and is sure to have a prosperous future. We were taken in tow by Mr. H. Parker, who was determined to show us the town. He is a representative man, coming to the coast some 30 years ago. He has been at Walla Walla 21 years. He has a great deal of land and raises immense crops of wheat. He farms about 3,000 acres and is very much attached to his town and is always ready to introduce to its beauties and advantages. It has been very dry here this summer, no rain having fallen for a period of 108 days up to the first of September and but one light shower since then. Yet the crops have been quite good, grain growing well even on the tops of the hills.

From Walla Walla we went by railway to Texas Ferry on the Snake River, where we boarded the steam boat "John Gates," for the upward journey (this is called the upper country). After a good night's rest in our berth, we found ourselves once more on the way, though we moved very slowly as the water was low. It was so dark from smoke that we could see but a short distance and the sun looked like a brazen circle swinging in the air. The bluffs along the river are, in places, very steep and high.

The farmers have a very ingenious way of taking advantage of this to market their wheat. Long chutes are constructed mining style from the top down to the river where a platform is erected, the grain is poured in at the top and runs into a bin at the bottom and is then put into sacks and loaded on the boats. Lately a man has obtained a patent by which he causes the running grain to revolve a wheel and clean itself, thus coming out at the bottom "clean wheat."

About noon we landed at Almota and after some delay in making arrangements for conveyances, there being eight who desired to go to Colfax, we started upon the last stage of our journey. From Almota we commenced the ascent of the mountain, which required about 1½ hours. The road was very rough and the dust very bad, being several inches deep and so light that the wheels of the wagon kept the air full.

After a very tiresome journey, we, at last, about 7 o'clock p.m., arrived at Colfax, the object of all our journeyings. So with the end of the journey, I will close this letter. At some future time I will give some particulars in regard to the country, etc.


[NOTE: Mrs. Trimble was the wife of E. T. Trimble, who had been Principle of the Winfield schools. For some reason, she did not mention whether her husband got sea-sick or not.]


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

[Skipped a long article about the "Western Union Telegraph Monopoly." Article proposed ways to manage the monopoly. Mentioned: "The idea that the stocks of a great corporation or great millionaire, who has hoarded his millions by squeezing it out of the hands of toil by tricks of corners, gambling, and watering stocks, must be protected in its fictitious value by the government, is fast getting into disrepute. . . ."

NEVER MENTIONED GOULD BY NAME! Object: to get people to write to congress and press the matter of monopoly for their attention.]


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

We publish the following for the purpose of allowing those conversant with railroads an opportunity to present all the incongruities of the plan, if any there are, and to show what would be just. This railroad question is before us, and the most that is needed is the education of the people, to what is really for the best, for we take it that the Winfield COURIER, from which this is taken, desires this.

The second proposition that "no road can be allowed to charge more to any one station than they do to another station a greater distance," is fallacious and if adopted would work injury to the people of the state. We will restate a proposition we made a few days ago to prove this.

The Union Pacific has a direct line from Kansas City to Junction City, and naturally takes the freight between the two places. The A. T. & S. F., and the Missouri Pacific have a line which is longer via Emporia. They want some of the business, and cut on the Union Pacific rates and get freight at a low rate via Emporia to Junction. Ought they not be allowed to do this without being forced to carry Council Grove goods at the same price? If they are not allowed to do it, Junction will no longer be a competitive point and the recipient of low rates, and without any injury to Council Grove. Of course, if the Santa Fe and Missouri Pacific Railroads are barred from taking freight to Junction below Union Pacific rates, they will not get it, and then Council Grove will not be any better off and Junction placed in a worse condition. We think, but don't know for certain, that the same argument could be used in regard to Winfield rates. A cast iron schedule of so much per mile would work injury in the long run, and we don't believe it will ever be asked for by the Board.

Take another instance. We will suppose that corn is low in the eastern markets, and that Cloud County has a large surplus. The railroad company desires to give such rates to the farmers of that county as will enable them to get their corn to market. To do this they probably would be willing to take it at the bare cost of handling. Would you bar them from the privilege of doing this, by telling them if they do they must handle all freight to the county west of Cloud at the same rates? You see, Brother Millington, there are at least two sides to this railroad question. Commonwealth.

[Article refers to only the second proposition Millington put forth. I did not type up Millington's long editorial.]

Millington responds to the above as follows.

Yes, we see two sides, but fail to see any valid argument on your side. In answer to the above question: Ought not the M. P. and A. T. & S. F. roads to be allowed to cut on U. P. rates and get freight at low rates between Kansas City and Junction City by way of Emporia without being forced to carry Council Grove goods at same prices, we answer decidedly "No." They have no right as common carriers to discriminate against Council Grove to the extent of charging that city higher rates for an equal or shorter distance. They have no right to build up Junction City at the expense of Council Grove. If they can afford to carry to Junction City at the rates charged, they can certainly afford the same rates to Council Grove or any other shorter distance, and they have no right to kill Council Grove or any other town in the way.

To the last question, we answer "No." But if the Commonwealth means "east of Cloud," instead of west as stated, we answer "Yes." The railroad has no right to change intermediate points of shorter distance, higher rates than it charges Cloud County whether that rate is at cost or at more or less than cost. This we regard as one of the principles settled by the law and perhaps the most important one which has been contended for.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The long continued depression and decline in the produce markets has at length been arrested and prices now tend upward as we had expected. Nearly a week ago in the Chicago markets, the boom commenced and in a single day pork advanced 40 to 50 cents and corn advanced 11 to 12 cents. Wheat continuing to arrive in large quantities and the advance was not so marked, only 1 to 1½ cents. Little or no advance in cattle on account of heavy receipts. Since the power of the bears has been broken in upon we now anticipate firm prices and an advance as often as there is a change. We expect to see prices in the spring much higher than they are now.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Kansas City Markets. KANSAS CITY, NOVEMBER 28.

CATTLE. Texas steers $3.25 to $3.85.

Native steers: $5.00 to $6.10

Stockers: $3.75 to $4.40.

Cows: $2.75 to $3.50.

EGGS: 26 cents.

PORK: $12.00.

HOGS-lower: $4.60 to $4.90.

SHEEP: $3.00 to $3.50.

WHEAT-No. 2, Red: 83 cents.

CORN-No. 2 mixed: 40 cents.

OATS-No. 2: 23 cents.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.


The most successful merchants of the day are those who make it their constant study to furnish their many patrons such goods as they are in search of, and to sell them at the very lowest prices possible. We are in a position which enables us to make our dealings with our customers of interest to ourselves and profit to them. We present to the public an immense stock of goods for their inspection, and call attention to the following specialties.

M isses' and Ladies' Winter Wraps of every description.

H eavy Cloakings, Ladies' Waterproofs, and Fallenls.

A n endless variety of Dress Goods and Trimmings to match.

H osiery, Gloves and Neckwear in the latest novelties.

N ubias, Hoods, Knit Jackets, including Jerseys in colors.

A ll the new shades in Velveteens, Plushes, and Silk Velvets.

N umerous suitable articles for early buyers of Christmas presents.

D o not forget our large assortment of Blankets and Comforts.

C lothing to suit every taste and purse.

O vercoats of every size and quality at moderate prices.

M en's and Boys' Hats and Caps that bear inspection.

P antaloon Overalls, warranted never to rip.

A nd a fine line of Gent's Furnishing Goods.

N ew and elegant line of Carpets in our Ninth Avenue Store.

Y ou are cordially invited to call and see us.

SPECIAL OFFERING TO THE LADIES: An Eastern manufacturer has placed with us on commission twelve beautiful Satin Dolmans, which we are allowed to sell at a big sacrifice. Elegant Satin Dolman at $16 and $18, worth $25 and $30, and others in proportion.

Butterick's new Fashion Sheets are now in and will be furnished free of charge.

M. HAHN & CO.,
Main and 9th Avenue. Winfield, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

BRYAN & LYNN, GROCERS, NORTH MAIN STREET, Have something new to offer. They have a glass jar that contains thousands, yes "there are millions in it"peas they mean. Go and see it and make a guess how many there are.

Each one buying one dollar's worth of goods, or more, and paying cash therefore, will be entitled to a guess. The one coming nearest to the number will be presented with a hand- some bed-room set. The jar and set now on exhibition at their place of business, North Main street, Winfield, Kansas.

Official count to take place Nov. 29th, 1883, at 7 P.M.

Committee to make count: C. C. BLACK, E. P. GREER, W. A. TIPTON.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Wheat brings today (Wednesday) from 75 to 77 cents. The nominal price is 75 cents. Corn is up. One load sold Tuesday for 28 cents, but the regular price is 25 cents, which is an advance of 5 cents from last week. Every indication is that it has struck bottom. Hogs bring from $4.00 to $4.25.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Messrs. Burgess and Love, railroad men from St. Louis, were in the city Saturday.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

D. W. Smith and wife, of Troy, Pennsylvania, parents of Mrs. T. H. Soward, are visiting here.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The Water Company has closed a contract with the Brettun to furnish its supply of water.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The reservoir east of town will be completed and water turned in by the middle of December.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Mrs. Ed. Goodrich left for Colorado Monday, where she will remain a greater portion of the winter visiting her mother.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The building committee of the Episcopal Church are arranging for the purchase of ground and the erection of a neat, comfortable building.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

E. E. Greene, a nephew of Arthur H. Greene, accompanied him on his return from the east and will make a stay of some months at Magnolia farm.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The Pleasant Valley Stock Protection Union will meet at Odessa Tuesday evening, Dec. 4th, for election of officers. A full turn out is desired.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

In the hunt last week by the Sportsmen's Club, there were two hundred and eighty rabbits killed. One man brought in fifty. This has been an off year for rabbits.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Cal. Ferguson left last week for Hot Springs, Arkansas. His health has been bad for a long time and he goes south in the hopes of speedy and permanent recovery.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The farm insurance business is growing rapidly. Last week the new firm of Shivvers and Linn placed a $12,000 risk on the buildings and equipments of one farm in this county.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

There was an arrest for being drunk Sunday. If a man must get drunk on Sunday, he ought to have common decency enough to go out in the middle of some corn field and have it out alone.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

A. H. Doane & Co. have erected a mammoth coal house on the Santa Fe tracks. It has a capacity for forty cars, is furnished with scales, and connected by telephone with their uptown office. They are fixing for a big coal business this winter.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

A. T. Spotswood is receiving a visit from his brother, R. J., of Denver, Colorado. He is one of the western "cattle kings," and owns a large ranch just above Denver. He is thoroughly well pleased with Cowley and Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

MARRIED. Mr. Fred Fay and Miss Emma Elliott were married Sunday, the 17th, at the residence of the bride's brother in Dexter Township. On the day following a reception was held at the residence of the groom's father, many friends attending. The Dexter band was also present and serenaded the couple.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Dr. Taylor discovered an incipient fire on Tenth Avenue last week that might have proved very destructive. Someone had thrown hot ashes out in the alley running from 10th to 9th Avenues near the rear of Hendrick & Wilson's hardware store. The live coals in the ashes ignited some loose trash and the whole was just ready to break into a blaze when the Doctor passed by and gave the alarm. Had it got started, the row of wooden buildings between the Torrance-Fuller block and Baird's would have certainly gone, and while it would not have been much of a loss to the city, it would have been severe on the owners and occupants. The moral which adorns this tale is, don't throw live coals out until they are dead, or strangle them before you leave them.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

DIED. Chester Vanmeter, the young fellow who shot at Sheriff Shenneman here once, was killed near Caldwell last week. He had got into an altercation with his wife, beating her, and when her father interposed, turned on him. The officers of Caldwell went out to arrest him. He resisted and was killed. He was one of the "blood-and-thunder" kind of young men, and while in jail here entertained the prisoners with the plaintive melody of "The Outlaw's Bride," and kindred compositions. All such men end the same waybeat their wives and die with their boots on.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Dr. W. F. Baird was over from Howard last week to confer with the executive board of the Fair Association relative to bringing his splendid thoroughbred Kentucky Hambletonians over. He has sixteen of the finest horses ever brought to the state. Among them are "Blackwood" and "Little Fred." Mr. Baird is an excellent gentleman and will be a valuable acquisition to our city. He has not fully decided to come yet, but probably will.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The meetings at the Baptist Church are characterized by the straightforward and honest propositions presented by Major Penn. His meetings forever silences the man who will not investigate the matter of religion because of excitement. His addresses appeal not to the sentiments but to the reason. The public generally are invited to hear Mr. Penn Thursday night on the Second Coming of Christ.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

DIED. McGuire at Jonesburg near Sedan Sunday was shot and killed by a woman named Hendricks for talking about her. Both Mrs. Hendricks and her husband were arrested. McGuire was shot through the window with both barrels of a shotgun, blowing off about half of his head. Mrs. Hendricks is in jail. McGuire was considered a nice young married man. Hendricks and wife were considered a hard set.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The county officials have been rattling up the dry bones in Arkansas City during the past week for violation of the prohibitory law. Patterson, France, and W. T. Ketchim were arrested by the sheriff Saturday. There were three counts against Ketchim. The complaints against Patterson and France were dismissed and Ketchim plead guilty. His fines and the costs in the case amounted to $485.30.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Dr. H. J. Canniff, of Topeka, general manager of the Good Templars' Benefit Union, is in the city, and will meet with the Winfield Lodge on Friday evening next. The Benefit Union was inaugurated at the last session of the Grand Lodge and promises to become a very successful adjunct, affording cheap insurance to members and more thoroughly cementing the Order.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Wellington had a big fire Monday. The Phillips House, express office, and four stores went up. The buildings were all frame and just across the street from the splendid brick block which arose from the ashes of their last year's fire. Wellington is being unusually favored lately. If the blazes keep up, that city will soon be one of the most beautiful and substantial in the state.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Frank Brown, of Constant, has left with us samples of Mammoth Pearl potatoes, which are the best looking lot we have seen. They are very large, smooth, and fine in flavor. Mr. Brown is paying much attention to procuring and cultivating the best variety of potatoes, and has the above kind for sale for seed purposes, also the Early Ohio, another very excellent variety.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Attention is called to the graphic, rich, and racy letter on first page from Colfax, Washington Territory, giving an unique description of the trip from Winfield to that place. Mrs. E. T. Trimble, the author, is a close observer, a clear thinker, and a ready writer, and her many warm friends here will be deeply interested in this letter.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Some little lady has lost a little reticule or bag containing some money, Sunday school tickets, and a pendant. It was picked up on the street by Mr. Phillip Sipe, and left at this office. Now we are not going to charge her twenty cents a line for this notice, as it will be sufficient for us to see her eyes sparkle when she recovers her treasure.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The lumber for the west bridge repairs has arrived and the citizens of Winfield have paid for it in accordance with the agreement between their committee and the officers of Vernon Township. It now remains for Vernon to put the bridge in first-class shape and the problem will be solved for the present.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The Traveler thinks that Arkansas City is paying higher prices for wheat than Winfield. The young man who penned the paragraphs referred to probably does not realize in the full simplicity of his rustic imagination that one load of wheat cannot make a grain market.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

MARRIED. Married in the chapel of Lane University, at the close of the services of Kansas Conference, Sabbath evening, October 14th, 1883, by Rev. P. B. Lee, Rev. Geo. H. Smith of Kingman, Arkansas Valley Conference, and Miss Lillian M. Showalter, of Lecompton, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Mrs. Dr. Taylor has returned to the city for the purpose of joining her husband in the medical practice, and will be glad to see her friends at their office day or evening, socially or professionally.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Whiting's meat market had an invoice of fresh mackerel Tuesday, brought through by express from the sea-board. The little fish went off like hot cakes at thirty cents each.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Ed. Weitzel bought the lot just south of his hotel on which the hide house stands, Monday, for fifteen hundred dollars. The purchase was made through H. G. Fuller.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

MARRIED. Married at the Baptist parsonage on November 24th, 1883, by Rev. J. Cairns, Mr. Wm. J. Vizey and Miss Alice M. Lowe, both of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The official count of the peas at Bryan and Lynn's will take place this Thursday evening, commencing at 7 o'clock precisely.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

MARRIED. Married by Rev. P. B. Lee at his residence in Vernon Township, November 25, 1883, Mr. Lafayette Gibson and Mrs. Lydia A. Thorp.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Go to McGuire Bros. and get one of those fur caps. They are too awfully too too.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Give Us Another Mill.
One of the greatest needs of this country at present is another first-class flouring mill. The Bliss & Wood mill is now a daily consumer of fifteen hundred bushels of wheat. It is running full capacity, is making three hundred and fifty to four hundred barrels of flour per day, and finds a ready market greater than its product. It is making money for the proprietors and is the best investment in the county. For the man or men who will take hold of the old Tunnel Mill, there is a fortune in sight. Every citizen in Winfield is interested in seeing it done, and if properly approached, will take a hand in helping to do it. As the old mill stands, it is simply an old rookery, and of little value to the owners or the public. Its water power is the only valuable thing about it. If someone with the requisite amount of energy and forty to fifty thousand dollars in capital or backing will take hold of it, put a four hundred barrel roller mill on the site of the old building, he will reap an abundant harvest on his investment. Then the two mills could use all the wheat that legitimately belongs to this market, and farmers who hold their grain until after the shipping season would be assured of good prices. In short, another four hundred barrel roller mill would make this the best wheat market in Southern Kansas. There is no uncertainty in the investment. It is a gold mile without the perils of prospecting. Will not someone take hold of the matter at once?


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

An Advertisement Heard From.

For some weeks Bard & Harris have had standing in their bulletin of lands for sale in this paper, the following notice:

640 acres, under cultivation 300, timber 106, in grass 240, 300 acres first bottom land, 2 good houses, one 24 x 36, 7 rooms, one 16 x 24, 44 rooms; good corral, stable, 2 old box houses, 1-1/2 mile of hedge, watered by Silver Creek running through place, 400 fruit trees, plenty of government land close to place, ½ mile to school, 12 miles to Winfield. $1,200.

The notice was all right except the price, which was a misprint and should read $12,000 instead of $1,200. However, the mistake has succeeded in showing them one thing at least: that thousands of persons read their advertisements every week. Since the above notice has been standing among others in their list, they have received hundreds of letters about it. One person from New York wrote saying he would take it, and ordering them to draw on him for the amount. Others write for information concerning it, and one says he thinks he will take it if he can get "part time." The letters come from every locality, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Owing to the fact that but few of their correspondents send stamps for return, Messrs. Bard & Harris are crying loudly for us to correct the mistake, which will be done next week. It has cost them heavily in postage bills already.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

MARRIED. Married in Winfield, Thursday evening, November 22nd, at the residence of D. A. Millington, father of the bride, by the Rev. H. D. Gans, Mr. Willard J. Wilson and Miss Kate Millington.

Mr. Wilson is one of the best known and most popular young men in the county, has six years filled the position of Deputy County Treasurer, is bright, intelligent, and possessed of rare business and social qualifications. The bride is the daughter of the senior editor of this paper. They start in wedded life with bright prospects and a future full of joy and promise. That its fullest expectations may be realized is the writer's wish, and that of many friends. The wedding was a quiet one and as Will had given his friends no "official notification" of his serious intentions, their surprise on receiving the cards on the day following was complete.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Caught Him. One of the cattle thieves, an account of whose exploits was printed last week, was caught by Mr. Geo. W. Miller last week about twelve miles west of Wichita. His name is Hiram McCathalan, and he is an old penitentiary bird. He is the one who helped to load the cattle at Oxford and afterward took the horses away. Mr. Miller struck his trail and followed it all around over the country until he finally came up with him. He was riding along the road at the time and seemed very much surprised when George rode up, pulled his Winchester down on him, and ordered him to "throw up." He yielded gracefully, however, and George brought him to Wellington, where he now lies in jail. George is a good thief- catcher.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

"Boys Disorderly."

Three young men from Beaver Township were arrested last week, brought before the police court, and fined $19.50 each. They had gone out of town the Saturday evening before yelling and shooting off a revolver. An officer was sent out for them with the result stated above. The boys will find out after awhile that they can't run away from the city authorities.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The most delightful entertainment of the season was given by Dr. & Mrs. Geo. Emerson on Tuesday evening of this week. The guests present were: Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Ordway, Mr. & Mrs. J. Wade McDonald, Mr. & Mrs. E. A. Baird, Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Fuller, Mr. & Mrs.

M. L. Robinson, Mr. & Mrs. A. T. Spotswood, Mr. & Mrs. G. H. Allen, Mr. & Mrs. A. H. Doane, Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Bahntge, Mr. & Mrs. W. J. Wilson, Mr. & Mrs. D. A. Millington; Mrs. F. Mendell of Texas, Mrs. H. P. Mansfield of Burden, Mrs. Perkins, late of Australia, Mrs. Frank Barclay, Mrs. C. L. Harter; Misses Lizzie Wallis, Margie Wallis, Jennie Hane, Florence Beeney, Nettie R. McCoy, Huldah Goldsmith, Cloyd Brass, Sadie French, Julia Smith, Jessie Meech, Caro Meech, Jesse Millington; Messrs. M. J. O'Meara, D. L. Kret- singer, W. H. Smith, W. A. Smith of Wichita, E. H. Nixon, L. D. Zenor, W. C. Robinson, Geo. W. Robinson, E. Wallis, G. Headrick, F. F. Leland, H. Bahntge, E. Meech, Jr. It was an exceedingly lively party and the host and hostess had omitted nothing which could add to the general enjoyment. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson stand at the head of the list of those in Winfield who know how to entertain their friends.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Will Painter sold five hogs Tuesday that weighed 2890 pounds. They were all of one litter and tipped the beam at an average of 578 each. This is the heaviest lot of hogs ever brought to this market. T. E. Gilleland was the purchaser at $4.20 per hundred. They netted the owner $121.38.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

McGuire Bros. have moved a portion of their stock of clothing from their branch store at Tisdale to the main store at Winfield. You can save from three to five dollars by buying of them.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The ladies of the Presbyterian mite society will have an oyster supper at the schoolhouse at Tisdale Friday evening, November 30th. Come one and all and have a good time.

Order Committee.
Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Three No. 1 second-hand sewing machines, warranted good as new, for sale at a bargain. Call at Rowland's Variety Store.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The Rev. Wm. Brittain will hold Thanksgiving services in the Courthouse today at 11 o'clock. All are invited.

Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Mr. A. J. Thompson and family returned from an extended visit among friends in Ohio, last Saturday.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Grain Prices.

For some weeks farmers have been complaining that they could get from five to seven cents more per bushel for wheat at Arkansas City than here. Last week a grain buyer from here went down and investigated the matter. He found from the record of actual sales that such was not the case. On Wednesday morning one of the leading farmers of Beaver drove on the street with a load of wheat. Bliss & Wood at once put a bid of seventy-five cents a bushel on it. He said that wouldn't do, as he had sold a load of the same wheat in Arkansas City Saturday at 80 cents. Messrs. Bliss & Wood happened to have a complete record of the load he sold in Arkansas City Saturday, and turning to it found he had received just 75 cents per bushel. They then told him there was a hundred dollars on deposit in the bank subject to his check the moment he could prove that he had received over 75 cents for a load of wheat in Arkansas City Saturday, and he wilted. This is a bad game for any farmer to attempt to play.

As a matter of fact, Arkansas City buyers did pay ten and as high as fifteen cents above market price, but this was only a local fight among buyers and was soon brought down to a legitimate basis. The fights occur here frequently and almost every day from one to five or six loads are run way up, but these things do not make a grain market. It is based on what the wheat is worth that day in Chicago. The Winfield market can't be beaten.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Roller Skating.

I will open a skating rink Monday evening, December 3rd, 1883, in the basement under McDonald & Miner's dry-goods store. Roller skating is the most popular amusement of the day among the most refined class of society. And in introducing this graceful exercise in this city again, I beg leave to announce my intention to conduct the assemblies in the most elegant manner, and extend the freedom of the hall to the polite class of people only. It is the object to establish a pleasant place of resort, where ladies and gentlemen, parents and children, may meet for healthful exercise, safe and pleasant recreation. The assemblies will be select, the order perfect. The management, on behalf of the patrons, reserves the right to refuse admission and the use of skates to any objectionable person. Doors open at 3 and 7 p.m., and close at 5:30 and 10 p.m. A. F. POWERS, Manager.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

The Banks named below will close their places of business today, "Thanksgiving Day," as is their custom. Wishing their patrons a pleasant holiday and trusting that all have good and sufficient reason for happy thanksgiving, we are, Very truly,





Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

New Salem Pencilings.

Mr. Sutton lost a fine mare lately with lung fever.

Mr. Pixley's new house is looming up on the corner.

Mrs. Barnes, a sister of Mrs. Archer, is a Salemite, for the winter at least.

Mr. Will P. Hoyland and family, of Parsons, have come to Salem and are trying to find a stopping place, as they wish to stay.

There was a housemoving at the new house of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Chapell last week, and all declare they had an excellent time.

Quite a number of new arrivals in Salem lately. A Mr. Whetston and others, but as they are strangers, I cannot tell their names.

Mr. "Hope's" account of mice is good and true and, like him, they are too sharp at our house to be caught with traps, poison, etc.

Some of our young folks had the pleasure of being invited to a Sunday dinner at Mr. J. Johnson's. The goodies were served in fine style, and if they were not excellent, report is not to be relied on.

A friend of Mr. S. A. Marling has visited him recently. He was up in eighty and was so charmed with our country that he said if he remained any longer, he should stay always. So he hastened back to his home.

Mr. A. Doolittle is still suffering intensely with his ear. He and family are now nicely settled in the cozy new house of J. E. Hoyland and seem perfectly delighted with Kansas, as the children are now in excellent health.

Dr. Downs visited his home last week and had a fine time. During his absence several of the good matrons of Salem took possession of his office and gave it a regular house- cleaning reception, and on his return he found everything as tidy as you please.

A fine time is anticipated at the new schoolhouse on Thanksgiving evening. A good supper is on the program and the proceeds to buy an organ for the schoolhouse. It is a district supper and has no connection with the church socials recently held in this vicinity. A full attendance is solicited and if people do not enjoy themselves, the fault will certainly be their own.

I think if my old man is willing for us to leave our work long enough some day, we shall be pleased to visit Mr. "C. Hope" and his good wife, and test some of those goodies, as we are both particularly fond of lemon pie. I hope the pie will not be like my man. I don't mean sour, but imaginary. Bring your wife and yourself to our S. S. We will be pleased to see you, and if you whistle in time, I rather think we can furnish you a good dinner in the bargain: cookies and jelly cake, we are told, reach perfection in our humble home. Rabbits and quails have fallen to my lot lately with as little trouble on my part as to the Israelites of old.

The dramatic entertainment was a success in every way, as each one seemed just suited to his or her partor rather the parts seemed suited to them. Miss Allie Johnson astonished everyone, as she entered into the play with spirit, and seemed as though she was really the character she personated. Mrs. Earnest Johnson can put on sadness until you would think she was a sad-hearted, disappointed maiden. Messrs. Lucas, Downs, and Hoyland made excellent papa and lovers. Wonder how they perform when the "blinds are down" and no one is looking. The ovation of Dr. Downs was excellent and is deserving of praise, and had I been a shorthand reporter, it would have been noted down for "Olivia's" scrapbook. The Misses Jackson and Gilmore rendered their recitations in fine style. Nothing to mar the enjoyment of the doings except the loud and vulgar ha ha's of some young chap who seemed as though he wanted to personate an animal with very long ears.

Though it is early in the season, yet it has been fully decided to have a Christmas tree in the Salem hall and it is for anybody that wishes to attend, and all are invited to be on hand to receive their share of presents. All the girls will expect their sweet-hearts to drop a book, ring, locket, watch, chain, or something fine into old "Santa Claus's" budget, while the boys and bachelors will anticipate a supply of wristlets with loving thoughts knit in with each stitch, also book marks, watch cases, slippers, dressing gowns, etc., to the end of the chapter. How many will be doomed to disappointment; but, come, come, even if you only receive a little pop corn, take it, and be thankful that you are even remembered.

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Day

What memories crowd around each day;

Some sad, some sweet and joyful too;

And oh if hearts were only true,

This world would be too much like heaven

Too much joy would then be given,

Thanksgiving cup would then o'er flow,

If grief and pain we did not know.

But better far is some of life's sorrows, I presume, or here we would always wish to stay. Beautiful, peaceful, pleasant Salem! If content can anywhere be found, we think 'tis here.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Jas. Hill, of Arkansas City, has got the contract for the erection of Water Works in Newton.


Winfield Courier, November 29, 1883.

Mrs. T. Edith Crenshaw, Teacher of Elocution and Voice Culture. Mrs. Crenshaw respectfully informs the residents of Winfield that she will receive pupils in Elocution and Voice Culture at her room, No. 2, Town Clock building (upstairs). Terms can be had on application. Classes meet at 4-1/2 and 7 p.m. Engagements made for public and private readings.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum