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[From Thursday, November 24, 1881, through December 29, 1881.]

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Coal is sold at $6 per ton on the Santa Fe road.

The State penitentiary contains 637 prisoners.

It is complained that Topeka's courthouse is too ugly and too small.

Thirty-two hundred acres of land in Butler County recently sold for $25,000.

The Methodist Episcopal church has voted for missionary purposes $5,500 to southern Kansas.

Thirty youthful culprits are now housed in the State Reform school opened last June at Topeka.

The penitentiary coal shaft furnishes to the various state institutions 4,500 bushels of coal per week.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The Commonwealth says that the new town of Robinson at the Black Range in New Mexico was named for Chief Engineer Robinson, of the A., T. & S. F. This is a mistake. Geo. O. Manchester named the town in honor of our M. L. Robinson, of Winfield, expressly stating that it was due him as the originator and chief promoter of the enterprise that the projected branch of the Santa Fe railroad to Robinson will be built. The following in relation thereto is clipped from the New Mexican.

"The engineers of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad, under N. M. Wells, have reached the Rio Grande with a preliminary survey for the Black Range branch from this place. The line will cross the river at the head of the rapids or go down to the mouth of the Cuchilio Negro River and go up the bottoms to the Cuchilio Negro mountains. However, the location of the road will be made as the engineers return, and it is presumed there will be a continuous survey."


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Geo. Robinson is out again after a severe illness.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Go to McGuire Bros. and buy a barrel of choice Michigan apples. They received a carload: 150 barrels and 13 different varieties. Drop in and buy a barrel for they are selling fast.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. Reuben Booth spent most of last week in Winfield attending court.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Senators Benedict and Ping, of the Kansas legislature, were in the city Monday.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

E. H. Bliss spent Sunday with his family, and left on the Monday train for the east.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. and Mrs. Snodgrass were divorced the other day on the ground of extreme cruelty.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Henry Goldsmith has published a beautiful calendar for the year 1882. It is a very fine one.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The voice of late Commissioner Le Duc is again heard, declaring that sorghum sugar is a success.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

MARRIED. In Winfield, Nov. 18th, by Rev. Thos F. Borchers, Mr. Edwin Gregory and Miss Lillie Perin.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. Glass against J. F. McMasters and school district 125, recovers pay for material furnished the district.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. William Carter and wife left Monday for a visit to friends at McVeytown, Pennsylvania. They will be absent about three months.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Subscriptions to the stock of the Building and Loan Association are coming in rapidly and the series will soon be exhausted.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Arrivals at the hotels are daily increasing and judging from the commercial travel our businessmen must be "whooping it up."

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

John Burroughs and Archie Stewart, of Winfield, have taken the contract to do the stone and brick work on the Caldwell schoolhouse.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The Commissioners finished their settlement with the treasurer last week. The books were found to be correct and everything in the best of shape.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

An addition has been made to the firm of McDermott & Johnson. It is a small one, but promises well for the future. It is a junior member from Johnson's side of the house.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Court is grinding along slowly and will probably remain in session part of next week. Judge Torrance will leave the docket in better condition than it has been for eight years.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. Charles H. Payson has received a pardon from the Governor and was released from the penitentiary about two weeks ago. He is now, we understand, in Illinois with his brother.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Conductor Miller had the address last Saturday evening to make 35 passengers, packed in a box car from Mulvane, feel comfortable and happy. His best passenger car was sent to Caldwell for troops.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Beaver Township ahead! John F. Miller has just finished threshing his crop of wheat of seventy acres, making seventeen hundred and fifteen bushels, averaging twenty-four bushels per acre. Beat that if you can.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

County Attorney Jennings' labors during this term of court have been excessive. He has been successful in every case but one, and furnishes the state with six wards and thirty-three and a half years service.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

One Samuel M. Jarvis, of the county of Jackson in the state of Missouri, was in the city Monday. It seems to us that we have seen the gentleman before, but in those days he didn't wear a white plug hat. The disguise is complete.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Sen. H. C. Sluss, of Sedgwick, was in the city Monday. Senator Sluss is one of the ablest men in Southern Kansas and the acknowledged leader of the bar in his county. He lives in Wichita, the home of great men. Our ex-Judge lives there also.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Rhinehart Erhart was tried and convicted before Police Judge Barnes this morning for keeping a tippling shop at the Pfefferie stand, and was sentenced to pay a fine of $50, and to imprisonment in the county jail for six weeks. This is just the kind of medicine the whiskeyites are crying for and we hope to see them accommodated. A man who is sordid enough to make a business of selling liquor may be reluctant to part with his ill-gotten gains, but he hates imprisonment worse. It may begin to dawn upon the minds of the rum venders by-and-by that the people of Emporia are in earnest about the enforcement of the prohibitory law. Emporia News.

Thus is the fame of Winfield men spreading day by day. Mr. Ehret sought "new fields and pastures green" in which he seems to have jumped from the frying pan into the fire. After a few more examples are made, saloon keepers and dealers in liquid lightning will come to the conclusion that the commonwealth of Kansas is a bigger man than they are, and that it is better to abide by the laws than to play checkers with their nose through the prison bars. While we regret to see Mr. Ehret suffer, we think he has got just what he deserved.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The new town of Robinson, New Mexico, is attaining a remarkable growth. Fifteen houses are now up and occupied, and dozens of others are contracted for and the prospective owners are impatient because material cannot be brought in fast enough. When it is remembered that the city is but six weeks old, and that as yet it has not got a post office, our eastern friends can get an idea of how a western town is built. The Socorro Miner lies before us containing a two-column article on Robinson and the mines surrounding it.

A careful perusal of this satisfies us that M. L. has "struck it rich," and that his town is bound to be the Leadville of New Mexico. Miners and speculators are flocking in by the hundreds and three newspapers will be footing within a fortnight. We are proud of Robinson and of its success for it is a Winfield institution, as it were, and we always sigh for provo- cation to assert that Winfield can beat the whole Arkansas Valley put together when it comes to building towns and railroads and other enterprises that require brains, capital, and energy.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Our Cowley County boys in Colorado all seem to be prospering. We have just received a letter from Mayginnis [?Maginnis] & Stover, at Canon City, dated Nov. 10. "We are in the winter out here. Have had 26 inches of snow and it is snowing at present. It makes us think of sunny Kansas." It would make most any of us think of sunny Kansas to be tramping around in 26 inches of snow the first of November. A little sleet and freeze is all the winter we have experienced as yet.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Charlie McIntire, editor of the Democrat, spent a pleasant hour with us Saturday. We always like to see Charlie and talk over the old days when we used to set type together on the "Plow and Anvil" at fifty-cents a day and board ourselves. Frequently when the business was dull and the receipts of the office didn't amount to enough to pay our salaries, we would jointly borrow enough from a friend to appease the boarding-house keeper until two or three delinquent subscribers could be chased down.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

A smooth-faced individual, supposed to be a detective from New York, was hanging around during the pendency of the Haywood forgery case. He left as soon as the prisoner was convicted. There would have been sport, had the jury brought in a verdict of "not guilty," over the possession of the prisoner, as Sheriff Shenneman had a requisition in his pocket from the Governor of Pennsylvania for him and the detective was certainly here for the purpose of getting hold of him if possible. We venture to say that Shenneman would have come out ahead.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

MR. GEO. W. MILLER has bought the Lindsay property in this city and located here as a permanent home. He is one of the leading cattle kings of this country and has now about 5,000 head of cattle on the range in the Territory. He has selected Winfield as his headquarters, because it has good society, churches, and schools, and a wide awake people, making it the most desirable place for his family, consisting of a wife and four children.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The prisoners were sentenced Monday.

Armstrong, for the murder of James Riley [Riely], gets fifteen years in the penitentiary.

Haywood, forger, gets seven years.

Harmon, stealing hogs from Larson's estate, four years.

McDade, stealing $20 from Al Horn, one year.

Jackson, horse stealing, five years.

Joseph Best, horse stealing, eighteen months.

Sheriff Shenneman started Tuesday with the six criminals for Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

MARRIED. Mr. Edwin Gregory and Miss Lillie M. Perrin, formerly of Kedron, Fillmore County, Minnesota, were married at the residence of Rev. Borchers Thursday evening, November 17th. Ed went about this business so slyly that even the newspapermen didn't know anything about it until the deed was done. Of course, ye local received a piece of the wedding cake. We wish them much happiness.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Last Saturday morning, about three o'clock, a residence on the west side, yet unfinished, belonging to John A. Case, was discovered to be on fire. The house was entirely consumed and was worth about $1,000. It had been insured but a few days before for $300. Mr. Case is a young man and was building the house for rent.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

We noticed two or three drays unloading barbed wire in front of Horning, Robinson & Co.'s hardware store Tuesday. They had just received a carload of wire alone. By the way, this extensive establishment is this fall laying in a stock of hardware and cutlery that is simply immense and is far ahead of anything we have seen in the state. They have jugs full of pocket knives and as much as twelve bushels of table knives, forks, butcher knives, and spoons of the most approved pattern. While investigating the knife business, we sat down to rest and happened to light on the edge of one of the "Old `76" axes; and if our endorse ment will add any to their fame, we can safely say they are the keenest cutters we have ever come in contact with. We are glad to say that Messrs. Horning, Robinson & Co. are realizing their fondest expectations regarding brisk trade. If it keeps up much longer, we are afraid the boys will never live to enjoy the fruits of their labors. Men who work eighteen hours a day always die early. However, it is a pleasure to deal with them for a customer always receives prompt and courteous attention and the fairest treatment.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mrs. A. W. Davis has gone to Geuda Springs in Cowley County for her health, which has been quite poorly for some time. Cherryvale Globe.

Which leads us to remark that the Geuda Springs are rapidly becoming famous as a health resort. A large number of buildings are being erected and the persons who have tried the Springs talk long and loud of their healing properties. We predict that by the end of another year, these springs will be more famous than the Eureka Springs, of Arkansas.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The markets this week are a little weaker than last, especially on hogs. They run from $4.50 for medium to $5.25 for choice butchers. Lard is worth 15 cents and bacon 16 cents. Wheat remains about the same: 70 cents for rejected and No. 4 to $1.00 and $1.10 for No. 2. The average price is $1.00. Corn sells readily at 53 cents. Potatoes are worth from $1.50 to $2.00 according to quality. Eggs are way up: 25 cents a dozen. Butter follows along at 30 cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The old case of Harris against Day, which was begun in this court about the time of the spread of Mohammedism, which was, we think, in 719 A. D., has at last been dismissed, each party paying his own costs. It looks to us as if the foundations of the court would be shaky without the case of Harris vs. Day to sit on. However, Judge Torrance has had the nerve to dismiss it.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Judge James Christian will lecture in the Opera House next Friday evening on the subject, "Ireland and the Irish." The Judge is a pleasant speaker and handles his subject well. He has met with affliction in the almost total loss of sight, and deserves, and we trust will secure, a large audience. The admission is twenty-five cents.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. Dan Hawkins and Miss Lena Wellman of Vernon Township will be married this (Thursday) evening. We heard Dan inquiring about the price of apples Wednesday. He did not get the price of potatoes and cord wood or he would have postponed the wedding indefinitely.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Subscribers to the Garfield Memorial Fund are entitled to a certificate. These certificates have been received at the Winfield Bank and are models of beauty. Those who have sub scribed should call and get their certificates.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

A number of young ladies gathered at the M. E. Church Monday evening and organized themselves into a society. They propose to call themselves the M. B. Society. The following officers were elected: Miss Jessie Millington, President; Miss Allie Klingman, Vice President; Miss Jennie Haine, Secretary; Miss Ida McDonald, Treasurer.

The society will give a New England supper Friday evening, November 25, at the M. E. Church. The M. B. ladies will be dressed in New England costume of the time of Washington.

The following committees were appointed.

Mrs. Austin, Mrs. Rinker, and Mrs. Copeland: to solicit and arrange for supper.

Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Dever, Mrs. Bedilion: to secure and prepare dishes.

Will Robinson, Will A. Smith, Miss May Roland, Miss Jennie Haine: to handle reception.

Mr. Crippen: to handle music.

Misses Allie Klingman, Jessie Millington, L. Graham, Annie Weaver, Emma Gridley, Amy Southern, M. Melville, Ida McDonald, Ida Trezise, Ella Bosley, M. Hamill, Emma Crippen, Miss Stebbins, and Miss Bard: to handle tables.

Those wishing a good supper in the good old New England style can be satisfied on Friday evening.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The agony is over. The Armstrong trial is finished. Twelve good men have carefully weighed the evidence and decided that Tom Armstrong, while in the heat of passion, deprived James Riley [Riely] of his life. The array of witnesses have returned to their homes, and curious lookers-on no longer haunt the courthouse halls to speculate as to the verdict and refix the penalty as each succeeding witness leaves the stand. In a few days the prisoner will receive his sentence and be consigned to a living death behind gloomy prison walls, walls his victim sleeps the sleep that knows no awakening.

This tragedy will always remain a black page in the history of Arkansas City. James Riely came to that place two years ago and opened a drug store. He seemed to be a young man of more than ordinary intelligence, and, although at times quarrelsome, his general manner was prepossessing, and he gathered about him a circle of friends and admirers. His business prospered, and a bright future lay before him. Away from home, and its restraining influences, with a nature passionate and high-strung, it is no wonder that he looked lightly upon customs and laws, a strict observance of which is necessary to the well-being of every citizen.

Fearless in the face of enemies, but generous and open-hearted with friends, Riely cared little for the wishes of the former and was confident of support from the latter. Soon he came into the possession of a horse and seemed to have formed a great attachment for the animal. A man from over east came along and a race was made. Riely was backed by his friends to a man, and the subject was talked over and over again, until an unusual interest was felt in the result. It was what horse men call "a race for blood." The day set for the race came around, hacks and carriages were brought forth, and everyone of a sporting disposition turned out.

Here Armstrong enters upon the scene. He goes to Riely's drug store and purchases two pint bottles of liquor. Armed with these he gets into a hack with four others and starts for the race track. He drinks several times on the road down. A crowd from one- to two-hundred are congregated to witness the race. Armstrong bets against Riely's horse and stations himself near the outcome. The horses are started. Riely's flies the track and the other goes through alone. Then there is much discussion as to whether the race was a fair one, or not, in which Armstrong takes an active part. Naturally of a braggadocio disposition, and inflamed with liquor, he seems desirous of impressing everyone around with the idea that he is "cock of the walk" and responsible for a large share of the fun.

Riely and the owner of the other horse are talking together apart from the crowd. Armstrong approaches them and volunteers some advice on the matter of the race. Riely says, "Go off, Tom, we're running this race," and Tom goes off. Soon he gets among a crowd of persons, talks loud, and offers to bet his coat. The name of Riely is mentioned, and he says, "G_d d_m him, I'll kill him. By G_d, I'll have him for breakfast."

After awhile Riely gets mad and calls someone a liar.

This is told to Armstrong, and he says, "I wish he would call me that: I'd like to knock a hole through him."

Soon the owners of the horses decide to run again, and Armstrong bets his watch with Riely against ten dollars. Riely is handed the watch, but turns it and the ten dollars over to Rile Farclo, as stakeholder. The race is run and Riely's horse is beaten. Armstrong asks Riely for the watch and money, and is referred to the stakeholder, who gives him the property.

Another circumstance happens between the races that bears upon the case. Armstrong is informed that Adams, a boon companion who came with him to the race, is lying under the hedge close by dead drunk. He goes out with a friend, they pick up the inebriate, and put him in the hack. While doing so Armstrong discovers a revolver in Adams' pocket, which he transfers to his own, with the remark that he (Adams) had better not have it while in that condition.

The race is over! Riely's horse is beaten; he has lost his money and his pride is wounded deeply. Human nature is much the same and he felt only as other men would feel under like circumstances: chagrined, defeated, and disposed to think harshly of those who helped to bring this disgrace upon him.

Armstrong had been loud-mouthed and arrogant, and his conduct was calculated to rankle in the mind of one more even tempered than Riely. On the other hand Armstrong had won. He had money in his pocket and must have gloried with the proud satisfaction of a successful bully over his success. A bully can make victory out of defeat by pure force of wind, and takes savage delight in administering draughts of gall and wormwood to the defeated when chance throws him on the winning side. Armstrong was a bully and Riely the least liable to take the draught without wineing. [HE WROTE WINEING.]

It is the evening of the day of the eventful race. Riely, the two Farclo boys, Capt. Rarrick, D. A. McIntire, and Charley Holloway, Riely's clerk, are gathered in the low one-story frame store, talking over the incidents of the day.

Armstrong and Adams come in. Adams is still drunk, although able to navigate. Armstrong is happy and doesn't care one cent whether the white-winged angel of peace is within one mile or fifty of the spot. He would like to see Riely squirm on general principles; and he proceeds to gratify this desire in the most subtle manner. He goes to the cigar case, calls out cigars for himself and Adams, and then turns to Riely with the query: "Riely, won't you smoke with me?" You who have studied human nature can analyze the feelings of these two men as they stood there eyeing each other over the cigar case: the victor, self-important at the other's expense, and spending with a lavish hand the money he had won.

No wonder Riely answered: "No. I won't smoke with any man who bet against my horse." A man of less spirit might have accepted the cigar as a peace offering; but no son of Erin would ever do it. He would hold out to the end and neither ask nor grant quarter. Hence, it is not strange that when Armstrong said, "You cannot smoke with a better man," that Riely was ready with money to "bet he was a better man than any two in town." This is the Irishman's way out of any difficulty; and if he can only have the privilege of fighting two, or ten, or a dozen, he will come up smiling at the end, and whether he carries the scalps or the bruises, will feel all the better for it.

Here the situation seems to have been comprehended by those around. Capt. Rarrick told them to put up their money and Charley Holloway suggested that it was time to close up the store. Riely said, "Yes, boys, let's close up," and began urging them out while Holloway commenced putting out the lamps.

Armstrong and Adams are among the last to go out. Adams is drunk and moves slowly: he gets almost to the door and Riely gives him a push and sends him out. He turns around and tries to come in again and Riely gives him another push and he falls over at full length on the sidewalk. Riely steps up and makes a side kick at him. During this time Armstrong has gone out and is standing near the south awning post in front of the building. He sees Adams come reeling out of the door and fall on the sidewalk, and Riely follow him up and kick at him.

Armstrong starts forward exclaiming, "Hold on, Riely: I can't stand that!" Riely takes a step forward, but before they come together, Marsh Farclo seizes Armstrong and hurls him off the sidewalk down eighteen inches into the street, where Armstrong falls on his hands and knees.

Riely sees that a fight is imminent and in an instant his coat is off and thrown against the side of the building. He sees Armstrong get up and face toward the north awning post, and he walks around in front of him and puts his left hand up against the post with the right thumb in the armhole of his vest and kicks out toward Armstrong, and says, "Go off home, Tom!"

Armstrong sees Riely step in front of him and sees him kick. He is blind with rage and a desire to teach people not to fool with him. He has the revolver he got from Adams in his pocket, and quick as lightning, it is brought out. The arm is raised, a loud report breaks out upon the still night air; and as the smoke clears away, he sees his victim sink down on the pavement, and the thought flashes across his mind that he is a murderer. He rushes away out into the darkness, while the bystanders carry Riely's lifeless form in and lay it on the counter.

These as near as we can write them, are the salient points brought out by the evidence. The jury brought in a verdict of murder in the second degree, and no more just and legal verdict has ever been rendered. That Armstrong intended to kill Riely ten seconds before the deed was done, we do not for a moment believe, nor do we think there was a particle of evidence to show that he did. The threats made on the race track were but in accord with the general character of the man, such as one would expect at the place and under the circumstances.

[The imaginative reporter failed to get the name of the victim correctly. It was Riely.]

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

It is not generally known among our readers that Stevenson, Emery & Taft have opened a very extensive Dry Goods and Carpet House in Topeka. It is conducted on the same principles as the large House in Kansas City, and being in our own state, is entitled to the support of our people.

Those who visit Topeka on business would do well to look through this establishment, as they will find a very large assortment and prices to compare with any of the largest houses east or west. Mail orders will receive prompt attention.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The Good Templars had another interesting meeting this week. The paper edited by Mrs. Beach was a gem. It sparkled with wit, eloquence, pathos, and instruction. The address by W. C. T. Finch startled the Lodge and electrified the members, but viewing it from a critic's standpoint, I think there is great room for improvement. We have been troubled with a smoky place for some time, and last night Capt. Siverd explained the mystery by saying, "that it was caused by one of Mr. Beach's ideas getting crosswise in the flue." I will say to those of the members who have stayed away on account of the smoke that they can come back now, as the obstacle will be removed and put to its legitimate use next Monday night during the debate. The attendance and interest are increasing. Let us have a full lodge at the next meeting. BY A MEMBER.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The people of District No. 9, "Excelsior" schoolhouse, are working up a fund with which to purchase an organ for the school. This is a worthy scheme and we hope to see them succeed.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The case of the State against A. H. Green for assault and battery on Rev. Tucker came up before Judge Torrance Tuesday evening. Mr. Green plead guilty and was fined $100, and costs.

Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. B. B. [or R. R.] Vandeventer is making his yearly visit to look over his Cowley County property.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The Supreme Court has given a decision on the purchase of apparatus by district boards that is of interest to both buyers and sellers. The clerk and director of District 51, Sedgwick County, purchased school apparatus, and gave therefor an order on the district treasurer for $47, with interest at 10 percent. The order was sold to a third party, who brought suit for collection.

The Supreme Court held the members of the school board "had no authority from the school district to purchase said apparatus, because they had never been authorized to do so by any vote or at any meeting of the school district."

"The mistake committed by all the parties was a mistake of law, and not a mistake of fact," and the defendants did not intend to make themselves personally liable thereon. And the supreme court so ruled.

This decision should be widely published by the press and by the public, for it will restrain book-agents, map-agents, apparatus, and lightning rod peddlers as well as school district officers in doing many things unauthorized by the school law.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Mr. Crawford has in his wheat field a pond, or rather a lake, which the people propose to enclose for him and fit the edge with seats, so that the young folks may have a magnificent skating rink. By the way, Mr. Crawford's new dwelling is nearing completion; and if it were not for the portico over the south door and the chimney in the center of the roof, the people would call it a schoolhouse.

It is talked that Mr. P. W. Crawford is about to leave us for Barbour County, though he may change his mind and remain with us until spring.

Mr. Albert Brookshire is expounder of truths at the Blue schoolhouse and wields the birch so heartily that it is rumored that several of his large scholars (mostly young ladies) have turned their footsteps to the schoolhouse at Seely over which Mrs. L. C. Turner presides with a gentle dignity and grace that wins the hearts of all her pupils.

I hear that Will Crawford and his carpenter lost a day last week and so worked on the new house all day Sabbath last, thinking, no doubt, that it was Saturday. P. J.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

Box City is booming. The largest establishment in the place is the variety store of H. Mathews and Robert Barker. They keep a general supply of groceries, dry goods, and notions. We have a post office with a semi-weekly mail.

Uncle Sam Stiles will soon have his mill ready to run, and will be able to furnish Harvey and surrounding country with material for "corndodgers," as we common country folks call it that have to eat it, but what polite folks call it I don't know. I once heard a little boy say, "Oh! Ma, Ann said a dreadful wicked word." "What, my dear?" "Why, she said corndodger." Well, I think the average Harveyite ought to be partially content with their present home comforts.

George Savage has finished his dwelling near the city and taken a housekeeper. Much better, George, than batching.

Corn is selling at 50 cents in the crib. OCCASIONAL.


Winfield Courier, November 24, 1881.

The weather is fine and corn is being cribbed as rapidly as possible. Good work hands are very scarce in the Bend. Anyone wanting labor would do well to apply.

Billy Inman found himself a frow while visiting in Illinois, but Frank Stansbury was gone considerable longer than Bill and was unable to find one that suited him.

George Corby smiles, but it's only a six pound boy.

Billy Baruth's father is out from Illinois, and he intends finishing up Billy's fine dwelling.

D. J. Bright has returned, and he and his wife are living happily together again.

A man while crossing at the Salt City Ferry the other day was shooting at some ducks up the river and shot one of the strands out of the long rope that is stretched across the river. This may cost Will Mc. a new rope.

David Bright, George Bigger, and Billy Lee went to the Territory last week. This cold snap will pinch their toes.

Irwin Cole was around shaking last week. He says the lambs are doing well on the range yet in Harper County. He leaves his son Lawrence in our district to go to school this winter.

Jesse Stansbury is rather uneasy about his wife. He is looking for her every day, but she does not appear.

We had a nice birthday party at Mr. Smalley's on the 18th inst. His wife presented him with a fine mustache cup and saucer.

We were greatly disappointed about the grand jury. We did not get a chance to sign the petition down our way. W. H.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

G. E. Patrick, professor of chemistry in the Lawrence University is a brick. Dr. Emerson readily found strychnine in the stomach of the late Peter Larson though he did not claim to be a practical chemist, but the great chemist of Lawrence was called in to settle the question. The professor made an analysis and pronounced that there was no trace of strychnine, months passed, and the supposed murderer is only tried for stealing hogs, is convicted, and sent for four years to the penitentiary; and now comes forward the said professor with the statement that he has analyzed the same matter again and found strychnine.

Either the chemicals or the chemist operate very slowly and with uncertain results!


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

In our last week's issue the proof sheet showed that J. D. Snoddy was elected judge of the 10th district. We ordered the foreman to take J. D. Snoddy out of the paragraph and insert W. R. Wagstaff. We took no more notice of it until the edition was run off, when we noticed that Snoddy remained and that Wagstaff was inserted in another paragraph in place of Snyder, who was convicted in Lawrence for violation of the prohibitory law.

We have been expecting all the week to be arrested three times for libel, once on complaint of Snoddy, again on complaint of Wagstaff, and lastly on complaint of Snyder.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Osage County is happy over the discovery of an old Indian lead mine.

Wichita is to have a telephone exchange.

Independence proposes to drill an artesian well for coal.

Geo. H. Herrington, of Wichita, has invented an improved type writer.

Salina is to be supplied by gas for heating and lighting purposes.

The Kansas Central, narrow gauge railroad, is running to Clay Center and Wirt is happy.

J. S. Danford's banks at Hunnewell, Caldwell, and Osage City are reported as suspended.

A new stock exchange bank has been started at Caldwell with $100,000 capital, John E. Woods, president, and Ed Hewins, vice president.

The Commonwealth office was a blaze of glory Thanksgiving night, being lighted for the first time with electricity. Sixteen carbons were used.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.


DISSOLUTION -OF- CO-PARTNERSHIP (BY LIMITATION) OF THE FIRM OF LYNN & LOOSE. Will take place on the 6th day of March, 1882. Our doors will be closed for inventory about February 1st. Preparatory thereto, we will offer our ENTIRE STOCK OF GOODS -AT- COST FOR CASH ONLY! for the next 60 days. Now is the time to get BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, QUEENSWARE, AND GROCERIES.

We wish to be distinctly understood that we will not sell to anyone goods at cost except for cash. Where time is given they will be charged at our regular prices. We have $25,000 WORTH OF GOODSWHICH WE WISH TO CONVERT INTO CASHand for that purpose we offer them to our trade and the public at COST FOR CASH! Hoping to see all our old customers and as many new ones that wish to buy goods cheap, we remain, respectfully, LYNN & LOOSE.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Mr. Henry Deidrich, of Vernon, made us a pleasant call Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Geo. Whitney and wife spent Thanksgiving with Mrs. Whitney's parents in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Mr. C. G. Furry, one of the live young men of Northwest Creswell, made us a pleasant call last week.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The old fraud and public demoralizer, Dave Payne, has gone to the Indian Nation alone and unattended.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Miss Clara Garvey spent the week visiting with Miss Jessie Millington. She returned to her home in Topeka Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Judge McDonald returned to the snowy mountains of Colorado Monday after a sojourn of one week with his family.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The net receipts of the M. B. Social was $35.68. This is a pretty good beginning and is encouraging to the ladies.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

THE MARKETS. Wheat holds about the same as last week: from 90 cents to $1.15 per bushel. Hogs, good heavy, bring $5.00. Corn 53 cents.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Stevenson, Emery & Taft have another four dollar advertisement in this issue. We call attention to this fact so that Abe will have a chance to yowl.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Mr. John Radcliff, of Dexter, was one of the panel of jurymen at this term of court and made this office his headquarters during his forced stay in the city.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD will be paid for the return to the undersigned of a pocket book lost Saturday evening, and no questions asked. W. T. WRIGHT.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Library Association will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 3 p.m., in the Library rooms. Officers and members please make an extra effort to be present.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

BIRTH. Mr. and Mrs. William Mulford, of Tisdale, are overjoyed at the advent of a young son Monday afternoon. There is about eight pounds of him. We will smoke with William.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Arkansas City is taking steps to organize a Building and Loan association. The City ought to maintain a prosperous association; one that will be a benefit to the stockholders and the town.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Rev. C. P. Graham, of New Salem, made us a call on Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Our Tisdale correspondent says Bullington & Elliot's Grouse Creek Mill flour is on sale there and is as fine as any in the market. We understand that the mills are now running at their fullest capacity.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The Court sat on the case of Kibble vs. Kibble last Friday. All the bald-headed lawyers in town had urgent business at court that day and Judge Brush came clear over from Grenola. The plaintiff got her divorce, however.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Messrs. Hodges, Myton, Rinker, et al., who invaded the Territory last week in search of game, returned Monday, bringing with them eight-seven wild turkeys and a deer. They report one of the jolliest trips on record and resolve to go again soon.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Would it not be well to form an association for the encouragement of onion culture? Unless something is done, the crop will fall short of the demand. We wish to call the especial attention of Amasa Speed, Oscar Seward, and Charlie Harter to this matter.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Hon. C. R. Mitchell was in town Thursday.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

We have received a card from C. M. Aley, at Colorado Springs. They have two feet of snow, the thermometer registers eight degrees below zero in the "Italy of America." He says the streets are dusty, but the mountains near by are weighted with the winter load of snow.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

One of our city officers tells us, while speaking of the necessity of city scales: "I realize that fraudulent weights prevail, but what can we do about it? The city has no money to build scales and the farmers wouldn't patronize them if they were built. They would go and weigh on the buyer's scales and would get cheated and squeal the same as ever."


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The Brettun House served a dinner on Thanksgiving day fit for a King. There was turkey, and soup, and hash, and bread and butter, and an array of delicacies too numerous to mention. The bill of fare was served by pretty waiters clothed in white aprons who tripped noiselessly around among the guests and in dulcet tones kept saying, "Roastbeefcorn- beefpickled pigs feetalafrancaise-fried liver with the chairon-peeled potatoesand slapjacksand repeating various other witty things for the edification of the guests. It was a day of feasting and rejoicing, and none enjoyed it more than the Brettun House folks.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Our Tisdale correspondent has something to say on the question of city scales, which we hope our city officers will read and carefully consider. That short weights occur, and that they are working an injury to Winfield and to farmers who sell their produce here no one but a deaf and dumb man will deny.

There is no question about the existence of the evil: the only question is, Shall it be corrected and what is the best method of correcting it? We ask that steps be taken in the matter at once. We should like to hear from farmers on this subject.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Dr. W. T. Wright mourns the fact that he didn't keep his hand on his pocket book last Saturday. While going around among his patients he lost it, and with it a considerable sum of money. He offers one hundred dollars reward for its return. If the finder is an honest man, he will return it, and if he isn't, he will likely get himself into trouble as the numbers of the bills are known and all the banks and business houses of the country will be furnished a list so the person who tries to use the money will get into a tight place. The penalty in a case of this kind is the same as for stealing.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

MARRIED. Mr. Dan Hawkins and Miss Lena Wellman were married last Thursday evening, at the residence of the bride's father, in Vernon Township. A large number of the friends were present, and "mirth and pleasure ruled the fleeting hours." A most generous supply of every kind of cake were reserved for the COURIER, and found its way to our table Friday morning. We wish Dan and his lovely bride a pleasant trip down the winding lane of life, and at the end may a multitude of sons and daughters, grandsons, and granddaughters be left to perpetuate an honored family and name.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

DIED. John Wiggins, of Walnut Township, died last week of malarial fever. John was an honest, Christian boy, and has been working faithfully to help support a large family of brothers and sisters. He was taken sick while working for a neighbor and was taken out of bed and hauled several miles to another place. We think this was very indiscreet and certainly anything but a human way to treat a fellow creature who was poor, friendless, and homeless. The people of the Limbacker district, however, took him in and did all they could to save him.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Judge Christian's lecture last Friday evening was tolerably well attended and the audience was very well pleased with it. Over a hundred tickets were sold that were not taken in at the door. The net proceeds were $80.35. Senator Hackney and all the members of the bar took hold of the matter with a will and furnished out of their own pockets money to pay half rent and other expenses, so that the Judge might get the total proceeds.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Mr. J. H. Olds returned from Eureka Springs last week. He came into our office, but had to prove his identity before we could believe it was the same man. We have never seen as remarkable a change in a person before. He looks twenty years younger, has shaved off his Burnsides, sports a luxuriant mustache, and is by long odds the handsomest man in town. We are almost tempted to try the Springs for a month.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The proprietors of the Clay Center Dispatch are spreading out at a remarkable rate. They have recently purchased a livery stable and outfit and will soon open up their magnificent Dispatch Hotel. With a Dispatch livery stable, a Dispatch Hotel, a Dispatch band, and a Dispatch military company, the boys seem to be in a tolerable good condition to keep the old bugle going for a time at least.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The Cambridge Commercial dies with last week's issue. The Burden Enterprise takes its subscription books. This leaves the Enterprise the only paper in the third representative with an excellent subscription list, and on a first rate paying basis. Enos, there are many anxious hearts who would like to know something about this business.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Henry Goldsmith is prepared to sell small dealers in and about Winfield Holiday goods at lower prices than they have been in the habit of buying. A call and inspection will be convincing. Our goods are bought from first hands in New York and are being sold at the very lowest prices.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The interior of the Capitol of Virginia is being repainted by a convict from the peniten- tiary. The man who painted the interior of the Capitol of Kansas ought to be a convict in the penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Silverine for nothing. Get it from George A. Schroeter, the only practical and experienced Jeweler in this city. It brightens Silver and plated goods splendidly, and even George will smile.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

The Dry Goods and Carpet House of Stevenson, Emery & Taft, of Topeka, to which we called the attention of our readers last week, are carrying a very large and complete Stock of Goods in their line. They are making the laudable endeavor to control and supply the retail trade of the state, and being centrally located at the Capital, are entitled to the patronage of those who are compelled to go down home to get special goods not kept by some merchants.

Among their specialties are Ladies' ready made Dresses and wraps, fine silks and satins. Wedding Trousseaus made to order. Party colors in silks and satins with appropriate Garnature always on hand. A call at their establishment when in the city will repay you.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

DIED. We are pained to learn of the death of Mr. George R. Neely, at his home near Leavenworth, last Sunday morning. Mr. Neely and the writer's father came to Kansas together in 1857 and settled at Leavenworth, where he has ever since resided. He was a man of a large heart, an earnest christian, a devoted husband and father, and a valued friend.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

We are in receipt of cards for a grand ball of the Locomotive Engineers at Chama, New Mexico, November 25th. Prominent among the reception committee, we notice the names of Col. E. C. Manning and C. C. Stevens. The ticket we received was punched, and fearing it would not be taken at the door, we did not attend.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

We are almost certain that cotton can be raised profitably in this county. Some of the exodusters who came up from Mississippi a year ago brought seed with them and planted a few hills about their houses last spring. It did well and those with whom we have talked say they are certain it can be raised here.



Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Joseph Fry is the proud father of a new girl three weeks old.

Sol Smith, Jr., is giving us a first class school.

Our two stores are doing a fair trade.

We notice Grouse Creek flour on sale, and understand that the mill at Bullington's has all it can do; the enterprise is bound to pay and reflects credit on the originators.

Our farmers are selling a great many hogs just now and by the way, are doing a great deal of complaining about the way certain buyers impose on them in the matter of weights. A certain man gets all the cussing. One man says d__n him, he stole a whole hog from me. Another, he cheated me out of five bushels of corn, and so on. All agree that the young man makes unwarrantable mistakes in weighing, and can't calculate what a 500 pound hog will come to at $5.15 per hundred without making a mistake in his favor.

Now such things ought not to be. Why can't Winfield have city scales as other towns of less importance have? Compel the farmer to weigh on them and the buyer to pay on that weight. You are fostering a set of rascals that are doing the city of Winfield a great injury, and will eventually ruin a trade that is of great importance. I have heard it said that the farmer would not use city scales. That is a mistake; if such measures were taken to protect the farmer, he would willingly pay for it. Winfield cannot afford to allow this swindling of her supporters to go unrebuked and the sooner something is done to remedy this evil, the better. I have spoken only of hog buyers: grain dealers are implicated as well in the steal.

Mrs. E. P. Young is away visiting her sister in Humboldt.

Bradley & Fluke are a little sensitive about their hunt in the Territory. The boys strongly suspect that the three turkeys they brought home were bought in Arkansas City.

Rease Moore has leased his fine farm to his son-in-law for the next year. Rease intends to rest next season.

But little property is changing hands this winter. Prices don't suit and we have no low priced farms in this part of the county. X.


Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

WANTED! Twenty teams to haul to Fort Reno, Indian Territory. Steady work for three months. Apply at once to R. C. Haywood, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

S. S. Holloway, living in Winfield, has a large, well made and handsome Norman stallion, eight years old, which he desires to sell or trade for a span of heavy work mares or mules. He also has a fine riding and driving horse to trade for a good, heavy work mare.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

When you want picture-frames, go to Johnston & Hill's, they are the only practical picture-frame makers in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Joe Bourdette has established a Red Hot Candy factory in connection with his lunch counter. Call and get your Red Hot candy.

Winfield Courier, December 1, 1881.

Wanted, the farmers to know that the Illinois Grocery gives the highest price for all kinds of produce and sells groceries at the lowest prices.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Fair but fickle was the caller who slipped her card under each neighbor's door last night. Her name was Beautiful Snow.

The corn is being gathered rapidly.

Hands are very scarce at present. Anyone out of employment can find plenty of it here at $1.00 per day.

Mr. and Mrs. Lahr are boarding at J. H. Curfman's while the protracted meeting lasts.

Taylor McKee has taken a contract for building a stone corral for Mr. Isom.

The people of Fairview suspect E. L. Wilson to be the author of Hawkeye's sayings. How absurd! You are not aware that the writer is within a hundred miles of Fairview. People should think twice before they speak once! I presume the people do not know it is a lady who writes HAWKEYE.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. S. Washington, who has enclosed 30 acres with post and wire fence, for pasture, has some nice calves in it.

Mr. Roach, the gentleman who bought J. F. Crawford's farm, is a man of energy and makes a good citizen, the kind we welcome to this county.

Mr. McKinley's family is pretty well scattered. Gertie is attending school in the district where her brother is teaching. Mr. McKinley has invested in 20 acres more, which makes 180 acres, and has quite a nice home.

Vara, Mrs. Knickerbocker's baby, is one of the handsomest and brightest babies in our township.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The farmers are improving the time cribbing their valuable bushels of corn.

Wheat looks nice in this vicinity and to prevent a large growth, the fields are pastured. There will be some pieces of volunteer wheat.

W. R. McPherson has rented the Casper farm at Floral and is moving this week.

There was a necktie festival at Summit last Thursday evening for the purpose of raising money to buy an organ for the Sunday School. The proceeds amounted to $38.25, and we now have $50 in the treasury. Our organ will be on in a few days.

Miss Lizzie Parmer carried off the cake. Mr. Hanekin got away with the other cake. Mr. John Sizemore's disappearance is still quite a mystery.

Quite a misfortune happened to Lafe McPherson last Friday evening. An iron pin glanced from under a sledge hammer (of which his brother struck), striking him over the left eye. He lay in a painful condition for several hours before aid from the doctor could be had. E. M.

November 28th, 1881.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Vernon never has shown greater signs of real permanent prosperity than those to be observed at present. Many fine residences have been erected, costing from six to fifteen hundred dollars. Among those who have built a residence are Mr. Jackson, Mr. John Dunn, Mr. Isaac Wood, Mr. Corson, Mr. H. H. Martin, A. J. Worden, Albert Hawkins, T. Thompson. Mr. Ed Allen and Mr. M. Croco have built themselves nice little barns.

Many farms are now so fenced in with hedge that the owners can utilize the rank, luxurious wheat fields for pasturing their cattle, and we see from five to thirty at nearly every farm lot instead of the solitary old cow staked out by the house as they used to be in the early days.

Mr. M. Croco has returned from Ohio looking very happy, having brought back a fine little Ohio lady to share with him the joys and sorrows of life.

Married, on the evening of the 24th, at the residence of the bride's father, Miss Lena May Wellman to Mr. Daniel Hawkins, all of Vernon, by Joseph E. Cain. One little boy, who was present, on being asked if he saw Dan married, said, "Yes, Dan is married and all kissed." There were eight young babies at the wedding, all boys but one. There were five of these put in one bed to rest, but did not learn of any mistake being made.

A. J. Worden and H. C. Hawkins are happy fathers, a son having been born to each of them. This notice is a little late, but better late than never.

Some of the boys concluded to give Daniel a waking up after the guests left (better manners than we expected), and on arriving at the house, proceeded to fire him a salute, but the old shot gun was over loaded, and bursted all to pieces, blowing one window light out of the house. Fortunately, or unfortunately, no one was hurt. If boys haven't got sense enough to leave their guns at home on such occasions, I think they should be arrested and fined heavily.

The Vernon library is prospering, and long evenings for reading is reviving the interest in the cause.

The United Brethern will soon have a fine church building completed; the first and only church building in Vernon. MORE ANON.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Col. E. C. Manning is still at Chama, New Mexico, and is continuing in the business of furnishing supplies for the employees and laborers on the D. & G. railroad. That company after fully examining the matter have paid him the money withheld and continue him in their full confidence.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Captain Payne and a large body of followers crossed the Red River into Oklahoma last Sunday.

Montpelier, the old house and burial place of President Madison, was sold at public auction for $19,000.

There are 1885 enlisted men in the navy service. Sixty-nine vessels have been wholly or partly equipped the last year.

A dispatch from Denison, Texas, says Capt. Payne, with a large party, crossed at Red River at the mouth of the Little Wichita, on Sunday, and is en route for Oklahoma.

Secretary Hunt is of the opinion that unless something is done in behalf of the navy, it must soon dwindle to insignificance. He estimates that $20,013,316 will be needed to defray the expenses of the department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1883.

An incendiary fire destroyed four business houses in Coffeeville.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Levi Quier, George Gardenhire, and others are in the nation hunting.

Seaman Terrill and Dan Hany have returned from Colorado where they have been during the past year.

Mrs. John Partridge received a visit from her brother and family from Michigan. They remained but a few days.

There have been more good stables put up in this part of the country this fall than anytime since the county was settled.

The Sheridan concert, thanks to the efforts of the Hall Bros. and their friends from Winfield, was a success.

Miss Sallie Caster, of Liberty, has returned home from Ponca Agency, much to the joy of her numerous friends.

Mrs. Stewart and family have returned from the Territory. They all look well and hearty, and say they enjoyed their trip.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moyer has been made happy by the arrival of a lovely little daughter.

Anyone having watches to be repaired would do well to call on Divine Terrill.

Mr. Bolae is the proud father of a brand new baby boy.

Wm. Reynolds has returned from Missouri with about 80 head of fine young cows.

Sheridan schoolhouse boasts of a handsome large clock.

Last Friday night a mush and milk festival was held at the Liberty schoolhouse.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

People mentioned at Thanksgiving observance: Miss Kate Martin, Rev. Brunker, Miss Lillie Marks, Mr. P. W. Smith, Jim Napier, Messrs. Freeman and Dale.

Miss Maggie Martin is spending the week in Udall.

Mr. George Walker gave a party attended by some of our young folks.

Miss Jennie Hicks is teaching in the Ninnescah schoolhouse.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mrs. L. L. Hamilton came in Thursday from Colorado.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. Ira McCommon lost a very valuable bull Monday evening by colic.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The pauper bills for the last year amount to $2,650.83. This would buy a very good pauper farm.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Joe Houston has gone over to Geuda Springs to bathe in mineral water and recuperate his wasted energies.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Charlie Holloway, of Arkansas City, who took Riely's drug store, has been granted a druggist's permit.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. J. B. Colgate, of New York City, a son-in-law of Mr. J. F. McMullen, is visiting here and will probably locate permanently among us.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Miss Minnie Capps and Mr. Leandro Guthrie were married at Wellington last week. The bride is a sister of Mrs. W. L. Mendenhall of this city.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

MARRIED. At the residence of Mr. D. Mater, in Winfield, Dec. 4, 1881, by Rev. J. H. Snyder, Mr. George B. Hixon and Mrs. Rose E. Cotrell.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Judge W. P. Campbell has assumed the control and editorial management of the Wichita Times.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The price of eggs has gone to join that of potatoes and cord-wood. They are thirty cents a dozen now, with butter a good second at 25 cents per pound.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. A. G. Wilson will do his own weighing hereafter and has purchased a new six ton Fairbank scale, which will be put in front of his transfer office.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The four weeks session of the District Court closed Saturday. Judge Torrance crowded an immense amount of work into the session and the docket is cleared.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mrs. Ed. Nelson, a daughter of Col. Whiting, came on last week from Cambridge, Illinois. Mr. Nelson will arrive in a few days and will make his home here in the future.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

E. Hite, of Dexter, will be allowed to sell spirits for medicinal, mechanical, and scientific purposes in accordance with a permit issued by Judge Gans Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. Ansel Gridley has, we understand, taken charge of the Douglass public schools.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

MARRIED. On Posey Creek, in Pleasant Valley, Nov. 29th, at the house of the bride's father, by Rev. Thos. N. Borchers, Mr. Wm. Barber and Miss Hattie Camp.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mrs. Fred Farrar, Mrs. Harry Farrar, and Mrs. J. L. Huey were in town Monday doing some shopping. Mrs. Huey went to Independence on the Tuesday evening train.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. E. E. Thorpe is pushing his tannery along rapidly, and expects to have it ready for business by January first. He will call it the "Kansas Tannery" as it will be the only one in the State.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

[Looks like this item is out of date in connection with before/after it!]

Winfield Courier, January 11, 1882.

"The case of McNeil vs. Buckman, over the possession of the old J. W. Curns house, which got Charlie Payson into his difficulty, has been decided in favor of Buckman. Geo. will take possession of the property and move his family in."

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. George Headrick came in last week and will spend several weeks visiting his many friends here. Since leaving here, George has resided a year in Colorado and is now located at Larned, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Quite a company came up from the terminus Monday, among whom we noticed Fred Farrar and wife and Mrs. James Huey. The ladies were the handsomest group we have seen on our streets for some time.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

This year may be an off one for potatoes but it is not off on comets. Within the space of eleven months, seven comets have made their appearance, and now another one has stepped into the arena for a brief spell.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. Sam Jarvis came in Saturday and spent several days in the city. He made arrangements to move his family to Kansas City. The firm of Jarvis, Conklin & Co. has moved into elegant new offices in Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

In the light of recent scientific discoveries, the architects who planned our three fine church buildings have made fatal mistakes. It is asserted as a scientific fact that the only healthy way to sleep is with the head to the north.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Owing to the fact that the lower departments of the schools are more crowded in the East Ward than in the West Ward, it has become necessary to send those children living west of Loomis St. to the West Ward schools. The Second Intermediate room in the East Ward had in attendance 48 pupils, while that in the West had 30; the First Intermediate in the East Ward had 70 pupils, while that in the West Ward had 39. It will be seen by the above comparison that the work of the teachers was very unfairly distributed and in some cases almost doubled. In addition to this was the inconvenience of crowded rooms and lack of seats. In the primary departments there are in the East Ward 132 pupils, in the West Ward 69. As there are two Primary teachers in the East Ward, a division in this department is not necessary. While the change may cause some temporary inconvenience, it was made with a view to the general welfare and advancement of the pupils.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

We see by the Winfield COURIER that the question of city scales is being agitated. We believe that it is a move in the right direction. The complaint of cheating in weight is not confined to any one town or city, but is general. When a grain dealer contracts to deliver a carload of wheat for $1.13, and pays $1.20 for the wheat, the farmer knows, or ought to know, that he is getting cheated in weight. When a hog buyer pays you for your hogs the price paid in Kansas City, you ought to know that he will cheat you in weight enough to make a good profit. Cities might take measures that would remedy this evil to a certain extent, but a state law is the only effectual remedy. Let the new Legislature make a law requiring every person who keeps a public scale, make and subscribe on oath and give a good and substantial bond for the faithful performance of his duty, to be filed and approved by the city or county officers, as the case might be. We believe something of this kind would remedy this evil. A. V. Democrat.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Judge Torrance has sustained County Attorney Jennings in rulings that will save the county thousands of dollars. One of them was the clause which most county attorneys in the state construe as requiring the county to pay the defendant's costs in criminal cases where acquittal is secured. When bills for such costs were presented to the commissioners, Attorney Jennings advised them that the statute did not require their payment by the county. They refused to allow the bills and they were carried up. Last week the cases came up for trial and Judge Torrance held that Mr. Jennings was right in refusing to endorse the bills. This is quite a feather in Frank's cap.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

"Uncle Joe" Likowski has gone on a trip to Florida for his health. He is suffering from a wound received in the army, which has broken out afresh, and we fear will in time result in his death. "Uncle Joe" is one of the old timers in Winfield, and for years until the passage of the amendment, dealt out liquid fire to our citizens. Although the calling was not a very lofty one, he followed it as decently as it could be done, and it was his only chance to make a living. He could never refuse a friend help when it was needed, and has given away enough in charity to make him wealthy.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The pupils of the public schools will give an entertainment Friday evening at the Opera House. A small entrance fee will be charged and the proceeds used in purchasing books and apparatus for the schools. The program will consist of songs, recitations, and tableaux, interspersed with music. We hope to see a large audience present.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

J. W. Schuman, with his parents and brother, has moved to Trinidad, Colorado, where he is foreman of the building department of the Santa Fe railroad. He has formerly lived in Winfield, where he will be missed.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. John Ferguson called on us Tuesday in regard to an item which appeared in last week's paper on the death of John Wiggins. Mr. Ferguson is the person at whose house John was taken sick, and at the patient's own request and not through any desire of his own to get rid of him, he took Wiggins over to Mr. Curfman's. Mr. Ferguson claims that the item referred to did him an injustice and we cheerfully give his statement of it.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The M. B. Society proposes to give something new in the way of entertainment during the holidays. They intend giving a Dickens party, consisting of a large number of ladies and gentlemen representing the most prominent characters from Chas. Dickens' books. These parties have been given successfully in other places and will no doubt strike our people favorably.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Judge Campbell went down to Caldwell to help Danford out of his difficulty, but about train time was waited upon by a committee who informed him that they did not wish to incur unnecessary expense in lawyer's fees and that he had better take the first train for the north: and to be careful and not miss the train. The Judge had become impressed with the unhealthy state of the atmosphere before, and did not miss the train.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

When the safe of Danford's bank was broken open, all that was found was a pile of nickels and a newspaperman's note for ten dollars. They seem to have carried away every- thing in which the bulk anywhere near equaled the value.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

According to George Miller, Winfield is blessed with one of those "too awfully utter" girls about which our exchanges rave so much. She went into George's butcher shop the other day while he was skinning a calf, and after watching for a moment, she exclaimed: "Oh, what a cute little beefe-weefe." George was so impressed with the remark that he made her a present of the beefe-weefe's tail.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Tell Walton dropped in Monday morning fresh from the seat of war at Caldwell. Having deposited all his money in Danford's Bank, it is fair to presume that he walked over. The conductor wouldn't accept a certificate of deposit as legal tender.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Conductor McBeth was very severely injured Saturday while coupling his train. His foot caught in a brake and his leg was twisted out of shape. He was brought here and kept over till Monday morning, when he was taken to Cherryvale, where his family now are. This is a very sad accident for Mc. and we fear will permanently injure him.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Amos Mounts, the seven year old son of J. H. Mounts, three miles southeast of this city, who was kicked by a mule six weeks ago, died Sunday morning; and his funeral took place on Monday. The little fellow suffered excessively, but bore it with remarkable fortitude.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

If Sam Wood was up to snuff, he would be building us a few flat eggs instead of blowing around in country schoolhouses. With this most indispensable fruit going at thirty cents per dozen, he would confer a favor on suffering humanity, and put ducats in his own pocket, by going industriously to work with pencil and paper on the egg market.

Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mrs. R. D. Jillson has opened a coffee and lunch room in the building formerly occupied by the Star Bakery. In making a delicious cup of coffee, Mrs. Jillson has never had but one equal in Winfield, and that was Mrs. Frank Williams.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The feeling among the farmers of Cowley County, who sell their produce here, on the subject of unjust weights, is gathering in force and volume as the frauds go on. The following resolution passed by the New Salem Farmer's Alliance at their meeting last Friday evening is but the forerunner of an avalanche that will come before many days unless steps are taken to protect them in the sale of their produce.

Resolved, That we, the members of the New Salem Alliance, do hereby favor the establishment of city scales in Winfield that we may receive a just weight for what we may have to sell. W. C. BRIANT, President.


The city council met Monday evening. A representative of the COURIER was present and placed the matter before them, and it was discussed at considerable length, though no action was taken. The council recognized the existence of the evil and seemed to think that something must be done to stop it, but as to what was the best course to pursue they could not decide.

The majority seemed to think that there was no way by which the city could compel buyers and sellers to use its scales; that unless there was some way, dishonest buyers would refuse to weigh on any other scales than their own scales, and farmers would sell to them if they got a little better bid than an honest buyer could possibly offer and give just weights; thereby taking from the city most of the weighing and throwing the burden of supporting a weighmaster on the tax-payers.

It seems to us that the council has full power to forbid the erection of scales on the public streets or alleys. The passage of such an ordinance would take all the scales off of the streets and city scales placed conveniently would naturally get most of the business. . . .


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The King Iron Bridge Co. has sued the townships of Vernon, Pleasant Valley, and Walnut, and the City of Winfield in the United States Circuit Court for the sum of $1,879.67 and interest, on five township orders of the old Winfield Township, all issued for building the approaches to the South bridge April 10, 1879, except $330.00, Dec. 31, 1878, for iron bridges. Rossington, Johnston & Smith of Topeka are attorneys for the plaintiff. The petition asks for the appointment of a master in chancery who shall take proof of the territorial extent and taxable property of the parts of the old Winfield Township now in each of the defendant limits and apportion the indebtedness to each, and that an order issue that each of the defendant municipalities pay their proportion immediately. This is in addition to the suit of Carpenter brought by M. G. Troup in the district court of this county for the payment of $2,036.10 of bridge scrip of Winfield Township and interest from October 15, 1881. This is one of the results of bad management in the past in the disruption of Winfield Township. Now there is no other way to pay the indebtedness legally except at the end of a suit in chancery.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Wheat is green and fine. This warm weather makes it liven up and makes one think of spring.

Joe Disser is the first man to get his corn all cribbed. Joe always tries to be ahead.

A good many hogs have been marked this and last week.

Art Leeper might be compared with the magnetic needle, he always faces the north only about two miles.

Will McCormick, with an outfit of men and dogs, started for the Territory on a hunt. Will will make the turkies fly with his fifty dollar shot gun.

Dave Carder and John Turner have done a rousing business in threshing wheat and oats this season. They threshed 20,720 bushels of wheat and 1,500 bushels of oats, which makes in all 22,220 bushels. This at 4 cents per bushel will bring them in some checks.

Let us have the city scales by all means. I don't see how the citizens of Winfield and the farmers can do without them as a great deal of complaint has been made about unfair weights.

Mr. Ramage is erecting himself a commodious dwelling.

Mr. Summervill's new corn crib adds much to the looks of his farm. He will have about 1,500 bushels of corn.

Ross Merrick has bought 80 acres more land of O. P. Houghton. This now makes him as good a farm as there is in the bend.

There is but very little more land for sale around here anymore.

Mr. Neal Fuller expects to leave us soon as he will move to his farm over on Crab Creek. The citizens of Crab Creek might be proud of getting as good and honorable a citizen as Mr. Fuller. NOVUS HOMO.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The proprietors of the carriage factory have invented and patented a new and valuable improvement in buggy and carriage springs, and are putting up a number of buggies with them. They now have ready to turn out, an elegant phaeton of the latest pattern and most elegant design.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

The markets this week are about the same as last. A large amount of corn and hogs are being marketed. Corn is worth from 52 to 55 cents per bushel. Hogs are active at $5.25 to $5.35; wheat receipts are not large and prices range from 90 cents to $1.15 per bushel. Butter and eggs are scarce, and high; eggs at 30 cents a dozen, and butter at 25 cents per pound.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

School has opened at Fairview with Miss Taplin as teacher. She seems to be liked.

Mr. William Meredith is preparing a basement for his house. He is also making extensive pastures for his cattle.

Mr. Hamet will soon move into Mr. Henry Coleson's house.

Mr. Thanill Moor is talking of moving to Arkansas City, where his brother has taken a contract on the canal.

Mrs. Burdette is quite sick.

Mrs. Hamel is convalescent.

Some farmers are plowing for corn.

There have been more beeves killed here this fall than usual.

Mr. Standford has moved his sheep to winter quarters.

It is said that some crops have failed. The crop of babies has not.

The saw mill on Cedar is doing good work.

Wheat looks well, though there was not enough sown on Crab Creek. B. H.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Bright, clear weather. Growing wheat. Pasture getting green. Plenty of game.

A little child of H. Hanson has been very sick, but is better.

Hunting parties are now the order of the day, and Mr. D. Green, who has not been out of the store for two years, is going to the Territory this week.

Mr. Bunker, the Congregational minister, held a protracted meeting last week, and will commence another next week.

Mr. Robert Gillett celebrated his 21st birthday Sunday, by a dinner. His mother can gladden the heart of a hungry man.

The Udall Sunday School Choir, of which P. W. Smith is chorister, had a meeting Wednesday eve. After the inhabitants of the village and the choir had retired, a lady told her husband she heard them singing at the schoolhouse yet. Her husband replied that it was a dog barking. "Well, I don't care," said she, "it sounded just like Smith's voice." It is understood the dog on which the unjust aspersion was cast, has since gone mad. T. C. ANTE.


Winfield Courier, December 8, 1881.

Mr. Beasley has painted his house and it is discernible miles away.

Mr. Pixley has concluded to have a dry time of it, or has put a new roof on his dwelling.

Mr. Buck and the Misses Nellie and Annie are combining pleasure and business in a trip to Missouri.

Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, from Indiana, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. Miller.

Mr. Hoag, of Moscow, calsomimed the schoolhouse, and the old discolored walls are now nice and clean; and it is beautiful to what it was.

Mr. Root, of Winfield, visited Mr. Brooking's lately, and also looked to the interest of his sheep.

Mr. Johnson recently sold quite a drove of calves to Mr. Hughston, of the Walnut.

Mrs. Crane has been quite indisposed and a victim to the chills lately.

Mrs. Dalgarn escaped being seriously hurt by a vicious cow throwing her down and trying to gore her; the timely passing of a neighbor probably saved her life.

The social at J. E. Hoyland's was largely attended and from all appearances was a very enjoyable affair. The next one will be at the home of Mr. J. A. Shields.

Mrs. Watsonberger has an addition to her family of a Mr. Smith. He is holding sheep in this vicinity.

Mr. Thomas Wilson is the champion corn husker in Salem.

Mr. Rowe and son are again in our neighborhood and think they cannot give up getting a home in our midst.

There are three new buildings going up near the (imaginary) station. Mr. Read, of Floral, is putting up a store. Mr. Allen intends to have a coal and lumber yard. Wonder who will be our editor! Well, we are not that far along yet.

Mr. James Demarel, an old time Salemite, is again in this vicinity. We are always glad to welcome back the temperance brothers and sisters too, if they chance to leave their homes for a time.

Mr. Q. E. Johnson has a pet toe that has to be slippered.

Mr. C. C. Chapell is still on the invalid list.

November 28, 1881.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

GRENOLA, KAS., Dec. 5, 1881.
EDS. COURIER: As time hangs heavily this evening, I thought I would pen you a few lines and extend to you an invitation to visit the Caney Valley Coal Mines, situated nine miles southeast of Grenola. If you are a geologist, you will find many things to interest you. As this is a Winfield enterprise, you are doubtless interested in its success.

We are beginning to take out coal, and are getting the mines in good condition to put in miners as fast as we can get them. Miners are rather scarce, and right here I will say that prohibition is in part the cause of it. Now don't go and say that I am talking against prohibition, for I am not. I only wish it was more rigidly enforced. But I must say that it makes coal miners in demand. There is a large local demand for coal, teams coming a distance of thirty miles for coal.

I do not think the coal company will be able to ship any coal this winter as the local trade will consume all that will be taken out at present. Coal sells here for 16-2/3 cents per bushel, and is in great demand.

The country around here is rather thinly settled, and is used principally for grazing purposes, as it is somewhat broken and hilly, although there is very good valley land. It has been rather lonesome for me here. I get the COURIER every week, which is a welcome guest, and read it, ads and all, until I wear the print out. I guess I had better close before I wear you out.

Again, extending to you the hospitalities of our shanty, I subscribe myself.

Very Respectfully, W. O. JOHNSON.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

J. P. Baden of Winfield wants turkies till you can't rest. He must have 300,000 between the 18th and 21st for cash at the highest prices. This means business.

The story that Judge Campbell escaped from Caldwell by riding a bicycle all the way to Wichita is a base slander.

The reform school has forty inmates.

Wirt Walton is trying Webb's "onion cure."

J. S. Danford was once a strict member of the M. E. church at El Dorado.

The State Institution for Imbecile Children, located at Lawrence, has eleven inmates, and applications for twenty-seven more are on file.

Danford is at home at Osage City with his family. It is thought that his matters will be amicably settled.

Sixty-five distillers in Kentucky have been indicted for manufacturing distilled spirits without complying with the requirements of the law.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Col. McMullen is in Kansas City this week.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Major Sleeth took in our city again last week.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. D. C. Stevens, of Richland, spent Tuesday in the city.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Ex. Saint and family are coming home to Winfield to spend Christmas.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Dr. Vawter, of Arkansas City, was up pulling teeth at Mulvane last week.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

100 pounds of wood for sale, call on or address John B. Walker, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. J. S. Loose enjoyed a visit from his brother, J. L. Loose, of Chetopa, last week.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. W. A. Freeman and son returned from New Mexico last week and will remain here this winter.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Dr. Irwin, of New Salem, has resumed practice and will open a drug store at the new railroad center.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Dr. Wilson left Friday morning for La Cygne, this State, where he has purchased a stock of merchandise.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Col. Alexander will leave for Florida January 1st, where he will spend the winter, and will return about April.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

25,000 feet of native lumber for sale. Enquire of James Nicholson, Dexter, or at my office, Winfield. T. R. Bryan.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mayor Troup and S. D. Pryor went over to Independence Tuesday morning to look after some cases in the Montgomery court.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The Hunnewell Independent is sick and has not been out for two weeks. It is probably "malaria," same kind that made Judge Campbell think it was unhealthy at Caldwell.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

MARRIED. Dec. 8, 1881, by Rev. P. B. Lee, at his residence in Vernon Township, Mr. Benson M. Rupp and Miss Nannie J. Ward.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Dr. Green has removed his office to very nice quarters in the second story of the McDougal building, and has fitted it up in fine style.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Hackney and Jennings have been over to Independence this week to attend to cases changed from the district court of this county.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

One of Vernon Township's citizens, Mr. Joseph Tyree, had his collar bone broken Saturday by being thrown from a horse. The injury is not serious.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

S. M. Fall, farmer, stock raiser, and one of Cowley's leading citizens dropped in to see us. He reported favorably on matters and things in Windsor Township.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The water was turned into the raging canal at Arkansas City last week. The banks and the fall gates stood the pressure first rate and the managers feel sanguine. The mills will not be ready to grind for a month.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Bring on your horse thieves! We notice in the clerk's statement of expenditures that the county has bought seventeen dollars worth of cemetery lots. Five dollars and a half a lot and six to the lot: it don't cost much.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

A proposition has been received from the Bell Telephone company to put up their wires and instruments in Winfield if twenty-five subscribers can be secured. The prices at which instruments are put in is $50 per year for one in a business house, and $36 in a private house. Wichita has an excellent exchange and the people are delighted with it. It is a splendid thing and if we once get it, people would not part with the privilege for twice fifty dollars a year.

Let every businessman take hold of this idea, hire an instrument, and in a few weeks we can sit in our offices and transact business all over town, at the depots, at the hotels, at the grocery stores, and everywhere else. When we don't want to go home to dinner, all we will have to do will be telephone the cook to send down a slice of cold ham and that piece of corn bread left over from breakfast.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The markets today (Wednesday) are stiff, with lively competition among hog buyers. Prices on hogs, $5.50 for extra choice, $5.25 for mediums, and $5.10 for light porkers. Sellers as a general thing weigh two or three times before selling. Wheat, choice, brings $1.28, medium 85 to $1.00; corn 51 to 52 cents. The produce market shows light receipts of butter and eggs; butter bringing 25 cents and eggs about the same. Turkeys are in great demand at 5 cents per pound, gross; the average weight of turkeys being received is 9 lbs., though Baden took in a bunch of thirty-five yesterday that averaged 11 pounds each. Chickens bring $1.50 to $1.75 per dozen.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The New Salemites are a wonderful people. They concluded some time ago to have a depot and switch, and made a proposition to the railroad company to do the grading if they would lay the track. The people did the grading at a cost of over $1,000, and the switch is laid. A depot is being built, several buildings are going up, and a general boom is about to take place. Sam Allen will open up a coal business. Dr. Irwin will run a drug store, and deal out physic, and Dan Reed will keep the grocery. Who will be the "village blacksmith?"

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The total indebtedness of the county is nearly a hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars. The assessed value of the county is nearly three and one-tenth millions of dollars. Therefore, if our creditors had the power and took a notion to foreclose on us, we could pay them off and have about ninety-three and one-fifth percent of our property left to start anew on. Not a very bad showing for a ten-year-old, is it? Besides, we have blocks of railroad stock, a good courthouse, and a lot in the cemetery in which to bury any man who says we are not good financiers.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Dawson & Son have just completed a double monument to be erected over the graves of William and E. Gilchrist, at Belle Plaine. It is formed of two beautiful marble columns connected at the top by an arch and set on a large marble pedestal. The engraving is on three sides and the front of the pedestal is lettered in large characters with the name "Gilchrist." It is a very fine piece of work and will stand for ages as a tribute from loving hearts to the memory of those who "are not dead but gone before."

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

R. W. Scott, a young man who for some time resided here, clerking for J. S. Mann and Eli Youngheim, has been arrested at El Dorado on a charge of forgery. He went from here to act as local agent for Jarvis, Conklin & Co. at El Dorado, and of late his actions have been suspicious and Mr. S. M. Jarvis came down to investigate, and found him a defaulter to the tune of two or three thousand dollars. He seems to have forged notes and mortgages and secured money on them.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Felix Duncan, Guy Solomon, and Hennesson Duncan, colored boys, were arrested last week for stealing goods from Mr. Higgin's second hand store. One was sentenced to jail for ten days and the others for thirty. These little colored boys have been blamed for a good deal of petty pilfering of late, and we hope this will be a lesson for them.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. O. F. Boyle came in from Colorado Saturday, and will remain a part of this week. He reports all of Winfield's people at Durango as doing well. Judge Boyer has lost a part of his clear-cut rotundity, but is still "phat an' jolly." Young Owens is there keeping books in a grocery store.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. Loomis and family returned from Colorado last week and are stopping with their daughter, Mrs. J. C. McMullen. Mr. Loomis is past eighty, but says he has come back to Cowley to "grow up with the country." He is still well and hearty and bids fair to reach a hundred.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. James Kelly resigned his position as Justice of the Peace Monday evening. The names of Messrs. Beach, Buckman, and Soward have been spoken of in connection with the succession.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

A little child of Mr. Lindsay's was run over on Main street Monday by a team and was knocked senseless. Fortunately no bones were broken, and the little one is able to be about again.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Judge Webb has just returned from a trip to Kansas City, and we learn is quite sick. Labette Democrat.

Judge Webb is old enough to have know better than to have visited Kansas City.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

BIRTH. Mr. E. E. Thorpe came down with the cigars right handsomely Monday, the cause of which was the advent of a bright little nine pound boy, come to gladden his home and make life worth living.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mrs. Will Holloway last week brought a habeas corpus action for the recovery of her child, now in possession of its grandparents. The case was adjusted Monday, by the voluntary surrender of the child.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The lady who will share the joys and sorrows of our friend, Lafe Pence, is Miss Clara Vawter, of Franklin, Indiana, a relative of Prof. Story. The ceremony will take place Thursday afternoon, December 22nd, at three o'clock. Lafe Pence will be married at his old home in Indiana to his old girl.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

A young son of Joe Furguson, of Walnut Township, received the premature discharge of a shot gun in his arm Monday, while out hunting with some companions. The arm was terribly mangled and had to be amputated near the shoulder.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mrs. Lavinia Mason, of Pleasant Valley Township, had a very severe stroke of paralysis last Thursday and is lying very low. One side of her body is completely paralyzed and she has almost lost all power of speech. But little hopes are entertained of her recovery.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Lovell H. Webb has taken a position with the firm of Hackney & McDonald, and will be found hereafter helping with the immense law business of the firm. Lovell has one of the best legal minds of our bar and will do valuable service for Messrs. Hackney & McDonald.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

I must have eighteen thousand dozen turkies to fill a contract for shipment west before Dec. 21st. I have got to have them and will pay the highest market price in cash. This is the best opportunity to sell your turkies you will ever have, and you cannot take advantage of it too soon. J. P. BADEN.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Charlie Payson delivered a lecture at Ummethums Opera House, in Leavenworth, Saturday evening, on the subject of "Crimes and Criminals." Mr. Payson is a very fine orator, and has had abundant opportunity to study the subject on which he lectures. Charlie has at least opened up a new field for lecture bureaus to draw from.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Mr. Fred C. Hunt has taken an editorial position on the Courant. As a writer Fred has no equal among the young men of southern Kansas. Possessed of extraordinary natural qualifi- cations, with a mind well-stored with information, and bright and keen as a Damascus blade, he must soon rise to a commanding position in the calling for which he is so well fitted.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

We publish on the fourth page this week a tabular statement of our schools by townships, instead of school districts. It shows the number of districts in each township, the school population, percent enrolled, average number of mills levied and last, but not least, the amount of property in each township that escapes taxation for school purposes. There is annual in this county property to the amount of nearly four hundred thousand dollars which escapes taxation for school purposes.

It is directly due to the negligence of district clerks, whose duty it is to make out a list of all persons owning personal property, for use by the county clerk in making up the tax rolls. This, district clerks have in a large measure neglected, as the discrepancy between their returns and those of the township assessors plainly show. District clerks should be more careful in this matter and make an effort to get all the property in their district. Our school interests are paramount to all others, and the greatest care should be exercised by those in whose hands these interests are placed.

The township of Creswell, with the immense school interests of Arkansas City and a very heavy school tax, has ninety thousand three hundred and eighty-eight dollars worth of personal property that bears no part of the burden. The township of Vernon has forty-five thousand dollars worth of property that pays no school tax. Pleasant Valley has twenty-seven thousand of the same kind, and Windsor follows with nineteen thousand. Parents and taxpay ers, examine this table and see that your district shows as much property taxed for school purposes next year as for any other. The table was prepared by Prof. Story, at a great expense of time and labor, and puts the matter in a better shape than it has ever been. This condition of affairs is not alone confined to Cowley, but is general all over the State. In fact, the law is a bad one and needs attention from our legislature.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.











#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

BEAVER 6 274 87.4 57 18-2/3 12.5 $9,589

BOLTON 7 337 81.8 47.1 22-7/8 12.5 $6,948

CRESWELL 8 522 86.2 50 18-1/2 10.5 $90,388

CEDAR 5 218 91.7 46.7 12-3/4 9.3 $18,735

DEXTER 6 289 83.23 51.55 22 16.6 $10,751

FAIRVIEW 5 231 87,87 49.77 23-1/4 16 $11,290

HARVEY 4 217 75.5 41.4 11-1/4 12.5 $4,364

LIBERTY 5 267 65.9 37.4 18-3/8 12.9 $2,219

MAPLE 5 171 76.6 48.53 17-7/8 9.7 $2,940

NINNESCAH 5 219 76.25 47.48 23-1/4 9.

OMNIA 4 143 73.42 40.55 16 9.6 $5,052

OTTER 3 149 62.4 34.8 13-1/2 5 $3,319

PLEASANT V. 6 295 76.61 46.4 26 8.9 $27,667

RICHLAND 7 309 96.1 61.8 23 14.75 $5,630

ROCK 5 226 88.49 54.4 25-3/8 12.6 $8,984

SILVERDALE 5 247 88.49 24 18.2 $3,239

SILVER CR. 5 333 76.57 42.34 24 13.5

SHERIDAN 4 209 84.68 44.9 16-7/8 10.9 $1,878

SPRING CR. 4 185 74.58 38.9 18 15 $13,389

TISDALE 6 329 91.79 50.75 26 10

VERNON 5 281 77.58 44.12 28 11 $45,100

WALNUT 4 156 66.6 43.94 29-1/2 12

WINDSOR 9 388 58.5 35.3 12 9.5 $19,906

WINFIELD 1 992 68.34 44.1 24 8.

NOTES: In the statement by townships Ninnescah, Silver Creek, Tisdale, Walnut, and Winfield show no property not taxed. This arises from the fact that districts lying in part only in these townships are estimated as belonging wholly to said townships. The rule followed has been to place the school district in that township to which the greater part of its population and property belong.

The fact stands out very clearly, that, by negligence or oversight of district clerks, $383,567 escape taxation for school purposes. This should not be.



Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The last social at J. A. Shields was quite largely attended, and although the host was compelled to be absent, the genial hostess made everything pass off pleasantly and the supper was so good that some had to be choked off almost. The next social will be held at the Salem schoolhouse on Tuesday night, December 20th, and all the vicinity are invited.

Rev. C. P. Graham surprised his friends lately by bringing home a nice, new buggy, and Banty was putting on all sorts of style in a new shining harness.

Some of our farmers are still husking, some are plowing, and each and all seem very busy.

Mr. Crowel was here to look after his sheep last week.

Mr. Miller and wife are boarding at Mrs. Watts.

Maggie Graham is seriously ill with fever.

Three new buildings in Salem, and the depot will soon be here.

December 10th, 1881.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The bold stand taken by the COURIER in exposing the frauds and swindles in the county has gained it many warm friends. Lay it on thick and heavy and the farmers and laborers of Cowley County will thank you for it.

Fall wheat looks well, but little sown.

Stock in good flesh.

Hogs sold off close. Corn scarce and high.

New Salem has got the "boom" bad, business and dwelling houses springing up as if by magic.

I notice your correspondent from New Salem calls our town an imaginary station, but am inclined to think that Olivia is a stranger to this vicinity. Olivia, let me say to you that the imaginary station you spoke of must be away up east where "youens" made such an effort to get a station and failed. But, Olivia, you and friends of the east come down and we will shake hands over the "bloody chasm" and then we will show you a "live town, and a station the result of the pluck, energy, and `bulldog' tenacity that characterizes the people of this


Our Sabbath school is still at work. Mr. Nichols is superintendent.

The Farmers' Alliance meets each Friday evening.

But this letter is longer than I intended it should be when I began. JOE K. LITTLE.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Here in Maple Township the subscribers to the Winfield COURIER are pleased at the efforts being made by yourself in favor of city scales and just weights. You, Mr. Editor, have some knowledge of the amount of complaint, and yet even you can scarcely realize the wide- spread dissatisfaction that exists among farmers on that subject. Some persons, I am sorry to say citizens of Winfield, are ready to pooh pooh the matter and treat it as of light consequence, averring that you could not give satisfaction even by city scales; that farmers as a class were ever grumbling, suspicious, and many of them downright dishonest; hence, their readiness to charge others with like practice, and that their grievance was more imaginary than real, etc.

Now, Mr. Editor, that there is substance to the complaints was verified by three of my neighbors last Friday, December 9, in this way. Two of them had each a load of wheat, the other a load of hogs; before offering to sell, each had their loads weighed on Brotherton & Silver's scales, taking tickets, then sold their loads, all weighing on the same scales. When these men had delivered their loads, each weighed their wagons on the B. & S. scales, taking tickets, then weighed on the scales they sold by. Result: one bushel of wheat short to each load and one dollar short on the load of hogs. When attention was called to the fact and B. & S.'s weigh bills shown, in justice be it said, the deficiency was paid over without demur.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

FARMERS, READ. Owing to the dissatisfaction existing in regard to weights, we take this means of soliciting your business for our scales. We keep them always accurately balanced and give none but correct weights. Having no connection with either buyers or sellers of produce, we have no other desire than to do justice and make a dime on each load weighed. BRADT & GIBSON, Champion Furniture House.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Messrs. G. B. Shaw & Co. have opened a coal office on South Main Street at the Champion Furniture House. They keep both wood and coal, and deliver twenty hundred for a ton.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

First class Stereoscopic views of the prominent public buildings, private residences, and streets of Winfield. Also a fine variety of Indian pictures at Beck's Gallery.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

LOOK HERE. If you want any piece or part of a sewing machine, whether the machine is an ancient or modern one, you can get it at D. F. Bests. Same is the case regarding musical


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

We are still loaning money to the farmers of Cowley County at as good rates as any firm in Kansas. If you think of negotiating a loan, drop into our office at our old stand and get our rates. Jarvis, Conklin & Co.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Hand painted "Jardinieres," plaques, toilet seats, etc., just received at George Schroeter's. Ladies please call and examine.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

Fresh bread and cakes at the Star Bakery on Tenth Avenue, east of Main street. [The Star Bakery has been removed to Tenth Avenue back of the McDougal building, where those wanting nice fresh bread and confectionaries can find what they desire.]

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

WHITING BROS., (SUCCESSORS TO SIMMONS & OTT), MEAT MARKET, -KEEP THE BEST- FRESH, SALT -AND- SMOKED MEATS (POULTRY, GAME AND FISH IN SEASON) - MAIN STREET, WINFIELD, KANSAS. We take the greatest care in the selection of beeves and stock for market, and are prepared at all times to furnish our customers with the very best. Farmers who have CHOICE STOCK FOR SALE, please call on us. Cash paid for Hides. WHITING BROS.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The following is a statement of county expenditures for which your Honors have issued orders on the general county fund.

County Treasurer: $3,269.14

County Clerk: $2,114.77

County Attorney: $1,300.00

County Superintendent: $1,070.38

County Commissioners: $400.50

Sheriff's fees: $2,080.70

District Clerk's fees: $135.60

Justices of the Peace: $63.90 (Fees in criminal cases)

Constables fees: $72.40 (Fees in criminal cases)

Coroner: $25.00

Grand Jury $307.80

Petit Jury: $784.40

Witnesses, Grand Jury: $94.40

Stenographer: $60.10

Bailiffs: $141.00

Duplicate tax roll: $200.00

County printing: $998.13

County maps: $300.00

FoundationSheriff's Office: $13.00

Architect, for vaults: $136.00

Books and stationery: $981.07

Fixtures for court house: $113.90

Survey & view, county roads: $348.40

Rent for jail: $60.00

Expenses of insane: $96.93

Express, freight, postage, etc. $138.03

Fuel: $513.98

Elections: $734.90

Completing vaults: $2,695.19

Repairing courthouse: $1,859.92

Drawing jury: $18.00

Drawing grand jury: $6.00

Examining county treasury: $22.00

Meals for jury: $41.90

Abstract of entries: $68.20

Journal index: $25.00

Bond Committee expenses: $243.73

Insurance: $150.00

Acknowledging tax deeds: $3.00

School examiners: $61.50

Road damages: $1,046.60

Assessors: $1,731.00

Repairs on jail: $63.60

Rewards: $50.00

Courthouse lots: $935.00

Lot in cemetery: $17.00

Dirt on courthouse lots: $222.80

Boarding, merchandise, and medical attendance of prisoners: $1,509.60

Pauper expenses: $2,659.83

Sheriff, Sumner County: $14.80

TOTAL: $29,859.10

The following is a report of the resources and financial condition of the county for the fiscal year beginning on the 12th day of October, 1880.

Amount of State tax levied: $15,394.43

Amount of County tax levied: $26,839.78

Amount of Bounty Bond tax levied: $3,078.64

Amount of Railroad tax levied: $13,185.49

Arkansas City sidewalk tax levied: $2,041.62

Winfield City sidewalk tax levied: $456.60

Bolton Township tax levied: $325.65

Bolton Township bond tax levied: $1,042.05

Bolton Township road tax levied: $80.86

Creswell Township tax levied: $1,325.72

Creswell Township bond tax levied: $3,314.32

Creswell Township road tax levied: $323.99

Dexter Township tax levied: $90.68

Old Winfield Township bond tax levied: $3,192.58

Liberty Township tax levied: $132.11

Liberty Township road tax levied: $75.50

Maple Township tax levied: $180.95

Otter Township tax levied: $100.98

Richland Township tax levied: $120.42

Rock Creek Township tax levied: $86.18

Vernon Township tax levied: $380.22

Walnut Township tax levied: $388.07

Walnut Township road tax levied: $272.57

Arkansas City tax levied: $314.36

Arkansas City bond tax levied: $1,571.80

Arkansas City interest fund tax levied: $471.53

Arkansas City sinking fund tax levied: $314.38

Winfield City tax levy: $1,409.54

School districts tax levied: $31,016.57

School districts bond tax levied: $11,445.19


Rate percent, on each $100: $3.86.
The following is the indebtedness of the county.

Ten percent county bonds $31,500.00

Six percent C. S. & F. S. RR Bonds $128,000.00

Seven percent S., K. & W. RR Bonds $29,500.00

County warrants outstanding $2,262.40





I hereby certify that the foregoing accounts and statements are correct.

Witness my hand and seal at Winfield this 12th day of December, A. D. 1881.

J. S. HUNT, County Clerk.

Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

A few days ago Messrs. Holmes, Clark, and Carson returned from Wisconsin with a fine herd of over a hundred head of young blooded stock, chiefly of the Shorthorn, Ayrshire, and Holstein breeds. This herd will prove to be a valuable acquisition to the animal kingdom of this locality.

Not appreciating the novelty of the customs of the inhabitants and the picturesque scenery in the wilds of the west, Gus Freeman will return in a few days. He proved to be too much of a "tenderfoot" to endure the hospitable (?) treatment of the natives of that locality. He will be welcomed back by his troops of friends.

Township avenue is achieving considerable notoriety in the way of sensational matters. Aside from a very interesting and romantic love affair, there has been a stabbing affray, a neighborhood wrangle, an explosion of a shot-gun which resulted disastrously to the eye of the shooter, and a second attempt to settle the dispute with the bowie-knife, since I last wrote you, all of which makes it quite lively on the Potomac.

Joe Poor's son, John, was the unfortunate victim of the shot gun explosion, his left eye receiving, it is feared, a fatal injury. At present writing the young man is suffering intense agonies and is in a very precarious condition. It is a sad commentary on the tendencies of humanity when parents will indulge boys who are still in their teens in a careless and reckless use of firearms, and permit them to carry about their person other dangerous weapons.

In a civil and peaceful community, such instruments for self defense are absolutely an unnecessary, and useless, appendage and can but result in injury to their possessors or those with whom they come in contact. Statistics amply prove that more accidents, trouble, and crime spring from this careless habit of persons carrying about with them dangerous weapons on the trifling plea of self protection than from any other cause. In the majority of cases, those individuals who imagine themselves unsafe unless bristling with knives and revolvers, place themselves in greater jeopardy than they could otherwise possibly be without the presence of such protectors. Criminals go to the penitentiary every year for the commission of crimes which are traceable to the fact of using a deadly weapon in a moment of passion, simply because it was about their person at the critical time. This spirit of recklessness is cultivated in the rising generation by reading the history of noted outlaws, bandits, and desperadoes, whose brilliant (?) adventures and dangerous exploits are depicted in glowing colors that excite and develop the phrenological bump of combativeness of juveniles. A law should be enacted prohibiting the publication of such pernicious literature. This is a subject on which much might be written, but I fear I have already occupied too much space in regard to it.

Mr. Jarvis, of Illinois, was out on a visit to his son and expressed himself as being much pleased with this part of the State.

Since the raising of poultry proves to be an unprofitable industry when carried on in connection with that of polecats, F. J. King has wisely concluded to embark in the colt business.

A dispute arose between two of our citizens respecting the ownership of a calf, and the case was amicably settled by arbitration. This is one instance in which the lawyers were cheated out of their fee. It would leave more money in the pockets of farmers if they would adjust all their various little differences, which is a fruitful source of neighborhood bickerings and petty quarrels, in a similar way.

T. J. Rude most emphatically declares that he will have his life insured before he again visits "Horatius." The difficulty with Tom is that his tastes are not sufficiently developed to appreciate the character of our entertainments.

A large number of the many friends of Mr. Orr turned out enmasse last Monday and organized a regular old time husking spree. He has been prostrated by rheumatism all fall, and is at present laboring under great disadvantages.

An oyster supper was indulged in by the frolicsome youths at Mr. Chas. McClugh's, last Wednesday evening. Although unable to be present, "Horatius" was remembered with some of the nicest cake he has eaten for many a day, for which he was truly grateful.

A sumptuous feast will be given tomorrow (Sunday) at Mrs. Philo Kent's in honor of Miss Hatcher, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this vicinity, when she returns to her home in the northern part of the State. I surmise that the pedagogue who holds forth at the Beaver Center schoolhouse will heave many a doleful sign.

An effort is being made to organize a literary in district 75.

Rev. Honiger will fire the gospel gun at the Easterly schoolhouse tomorrow, the 4th inst.

An interesting singing class has been organized at Beaver Center schoolhouse, with Buck Anderson as leader.


Winfield Courier, December 15, 1881.

The general health of the township, or rather, of its population is good. Some few are complaining of a bad cold, but that is nothing.

Robbie Hosborough has returned from his sojourn in Colorado and New Mexico looking lots better than when he left us eight months ago. He reports snow six feet in some places, and general winter everywhere. I'll wager a new hat that he has come back to get a "frou," for a certain young lady called his mother "ma" a few days before his return. Well, Robbie, you have reached the mature age of 21, now you may quit batching.

Why can't Ninnescah Township have a good Templar's Lodge as well as Winfield? To be sure she has not as many young folks, but there are enough to support a live lodge. Don't all speak at once, but somebody speak soon.

Now that his wheat is one half rotten and the other half grown, Mr. Will Crawford has succeeded in getting it threshed. Some of the young men of this township have expressed the wish that "they might shoot the assassin of our beloved president," and I presume they but echo the sentiments of many. If Guiteau is acquitted, I think his life will be short, for public indignation will not subside while he lives. P. J.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

To the stockholders of the Enterprise Gold and Silver Mining and Smelting Company of Sherman, Colorado.

You, and each of you are hereby notified that the annual meeting of the stockholders of above named company will be held at the office of said Company in the city of Winfield, Kansas, on Tuesday, the 10th day of Jan. A. D., 1882.

You and each of you are further notified that a Board of Directors for the year thence next ensuing will be elected at said meeting, and all business that may properly come before the said meeting will be transacted.

Dated at the company's office in the City of Winfield, Kansas, this 26th day of Nov. A. D., 1881. E. P. KINNE, Secretary.



Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Very pleasant weather prevails here. We have had the pleasure of witnessing a very fine shower, and it was a pleasure, to be sure.

Maple City was agreeably surprised on the 29th of last month by one of our most esteemed citizens, Mr. Drury, returning from a week's visit and bringing with him a bride. We're all glad to see him married, and he looks so happy; he now goes about town with a winning smile upon his countenance.

Mr. Martin, Jr., has returned from Illinois, where he and his wife have been visiting. They brought with them a surprise for the neighbors in the shape of a little girl; of course, we were glad to see them. Mr. Martin says he does not like Illinois near as well as "sunny Kansas."

A building is being repaired and cleaned up preparatory to receiving Mr. and Mrs. Smith as occupants.

A very select party met at Mr. Lowes for a dance the evening of the 9th.

Mr. S. B. Southard is bringing on a large stock of candies and toys for Christmas.

Mr. Ketcham, our schoolteacher, boards in town; people of this vicinity think themselves fortunate in securing so good a teacher.

Mr. Hasty has moved from his old dwelling and taken up his abode three miles south of Maple City.

Mr. Read had a sale on the 10th and sold off about all his goods; he starts for California next week, and hopes to reach there in time to eat Christmas dinner with his friends.



Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Caldwell has been laboring under another excitement during the last few days. Last Friday night a party of cowboys, among whom were Ike Sherman, more familiarly known as Jim Talbott, and one of the most desperate on the border; and Robert Mersey, Jim Morton, and Sam Lowe, were on a high jamboree, which lasted clear through the night and into the morning.

The effort made by the police, whose force had been increased by the addition of several specials, to maintain quiet, at first seemed successful; but in the afternoon the row again commenced. Talbott, who had a grudge against Mike Meagher, the marshal of the city, hid behind a building; and as the latter came along, not suspecting anything, Talbott shot him with deadly aim, Meagher being instantly killed. Meagher was one of the bravest men in the West, and had he been given half a chance, would not have allowed his cowardly assassin to have his shot without getting one in return.

One of the gang of cowboys was shot dead by a citizen as he was mounting his horse. By this time the town was fairly ablaze, and the cowboys seeing there was trouble ahead for them, secured horses and left town, closely pursued by the citizens. It was the aim of the cowboys to get into the Indian Territory, where they would be reasonably safe from pursuit; but the citizens were too quick for them, and corralled five of them a few miles south of there. One citizen was shot and mortally wounded in the fight there.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The military cemetery at Fort Scott contains 551 bodies; that at Fort Leavenworth, 1,763.

There was a $6,000 fire at Independence Sunday night. It threatened to be more serious.

The road bed of the Santa Fe is being put in first-class shape from one end of the state to the other.

John M. Steele, of Wichita, is after the cowboys with fifteen men. Four cowboys are under arrest at Caldwell, one is dead, and five are being pursued, two of whom are wounded.

It is reported that the cowboys who were besieged in the dugout south of Caldwell have escaped, and that the citizens of Caldwell have offered $1,000 reward for their bodies dead or alive.

New Mexico proposes to make an earnest movement this winter to be admitted as a State.

The Western Union telegraph company have declared a dividend of 1-1/2 for the quarter ending December 31. This shows a remarkable increase of business and unparalleled prosperity.

Senator Ingalls offered a resolution on Thursday instructing the committee on pensions to inquire and report what increase of pension, if any, should be allowed the wife of Abraham Lincoln.

The Garfield monument committee at Cleveland desires to raise $250,000 for the purpose of erecting an appropriate monument over the late president's grave. About half that sum has already been obtained.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The farmers are about all through gathering their corn, which crop is not as large as was expected, but hope there may be enough to carry us over the winter and some to spare.

Mr. H. Butler, of Iowa, is visiting relatives here, and is enjoying himself immensely. He and his cousins, the Limbocker boys, started for the Indian Territory on a hunt a few days ago, and expect to be gone until sometime during the holidays.

Our school, under the successful management of Prof. White, is progressing finely. Both teacher and pupils seem to cooperate together, and are assisted by the patrons which "is the one thing needful" for advancement of the cause of education in our common schools.

The young ladies of our neighborhood, or some of them at least, still continue their athletic sports; but they occasionally depart from the general rules of the club, and change the order of their business to practicing target shooting with a revolver, and substituting sticks for "pony horses," with which to chase down a poor, decrepit, and forsaken chicken.

Mr. C. L. McPherson, of Winfield, is sojourning with Mr. Isom, and rumor hath it that he will possess an estate in fee simple, in the near future. May he and his fair bride (if sich be the case) have a pleasant journey through life.

Mr. Bert Limbocker returned a few days ago from Boonville, Missouri, where he has been engaged for the last year in a woolen mill. He too is about to commit matrimony, and return to his place of business with one of our fairest belles about March 1st, 1822.

Uncle Tom Orr has sold his farm to his brother, W. J., and is contemplating migration in the near future. We all sincerely hope that such may not be the case, as we would be lonely without him.

H. U. Curfman, one of Fairview's brightest young men, and who recently went to visit relatives in Pennsylvania, whom he had not seen since quite a small boy ten years ago, writes that he is having a good time with his Dutch relatives, eating apples, drinking cider, and partaking of the many delicious viands of which only the Germans know how to provide.

Miss Sadie McIntire has gone from us to dwell in the Queen City of southern Kansas, namely, Winfield.

Mr. James Tweedle, of the Otoe reservation, Indian Territory, is abiding for the present with Mr. Henry Bowman.

The people of this community are seriously contemplating the propriety of taking steps toward assisting in the erection of scales at the New Salem station just east of here, as there seems to be a general disposition on the part of the hog and wheat buyers of Winfield to swindle the farmers out of what is justly theirs. If some honest buyer would locate at New Salem, he would get the greater part of the hog trade of this place, as well as that of communities adjacent thereto. JUSTICE.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

We are glad that Brotherton and Silver have been appointed and qualified as city weighers. This will fill the bill completely. Their scales have been the favorite with the farmers and under the stringent ordinance there can be no chance for complaint.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mrs. Conkling, widow of the murdered Socorro, New Mexico, editor, has sued Beckwith, of the Socorro Miner, for $20,00 damages for slander.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

LAWRENCE, KAS. Dec. 6, 1881.
ED. WINFIELD COURIER: An item that appeared in your paper some time since, relative to my analysis of the viscera of Peter Larsen [Larson], does me injustice.

I do not propose to enter into the details of the matter, as these are all contained in my reports to the county authorities, and will be produced at the proper time in court. Suffice it to say here that the organ declared by all the authorities to be by far the most valuable in an analysis for poison, i.e., the gall-bladder, was not given to me at all, but was used by the physician at Winfield in his analysis; that, by a process recommended by high authorities, and one that I have always considered reliable, I was unable to detect any strychnia, but by a slight modification of this process (substituting sulphuric acid for ascetic) I shortly after succeeded in obtaining two distinct reactions (color test) for strychnia; and finally, that the whole time occupied by the work was less than eight weeks.

Now, Mr. Editor, in any further criticisms you may wish to offer on this subject, I merely make the reasonable request that you will stick to the facts.

I am, yours, etc., G. E. PATRICK, Prof. Chemistry, State University.

P.S. Papers that copied your first item will do me justice by copying this also.

Above we print a letter from the chemist of the State University. He seems to be exercised over the COURIER'S remarks on his attempted analysis of Peter Larson's stomach, and calls for facts when we criticize his chemistry.

Dr. Emerson found unmistakable evidences of poison: the Professor wrote soon after the matter was submitted to him that there was strong evidence of poison, again that it did not seem so strong, and finally filed an official declaration with the probate Judge that he could detect no poison. He afterward came down to claim his $200 for the work, and met Dr. Emerson, who seems to have told him how to detect poison, for he immediately returned home, tried the job over again, and reported that he found poison. In the meantime the man held for the poisoning is brought into court, tried for stealing hogs, and sent up for four years.

The Professor claims that he had "only eight weeks" in which to make the analysis. Dr. Emerson only had five weeks, and boiled the liver down till it would kill flies. These are "the facts" the Professor seems so desirous of having brought out. If the Professor wishes to acquire fame and fortune making analyses of this kind, he should keep a cannibal to chew stomachs and livers given him to "analyze." If he dies, it's poison: if he feels around for more, the Professor can file an official paper that "no evidences of poison exist" and turn his attention to collecting his fee.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The bright, joyous Christmas time for which our little folks have been looking with eager expectancy is now close at hand. Before another issue of the COURIER, Santa Claus will have come and gone and left with each his little souvenir of remembrance. But while the more fortunate are enjoying the good gifts from loved ones, let them not forget the tired, worn mothers with hungry little babes to whom Christmas time brings only another season of want.

Let us not forget the poor. Life's battle is hard enough for the strong to bear, but how much harder must it fall on weak women with many little mouths to fill. We hope that those who can afford it will devote a part of Christmas day to look up the needy ones and do what they can to help them.



Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

At the council meeting Monday night an order was passed appointing Brotherton & Silver city weigh-masters for six months, "on complying with the ordinance and laws of the city." The council, in the present condition of the city finances, did not think it advisable to purchase scales or go to any expense that could be avoided. Although we think it would have been much more satisfactory for the city to have taken the scale matter into its own hands, so far as we know Messrs. Brotherton & Silver are honorable men, and being sworn officers of the city cannot do other than their duty. The ordinance relating to the duties of weigh- master requires him to give a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $580 to be approved by the council for the faithful performance of his duties. He is required to have his scales tested once each quarter by the county clerk and as often thereafter as may be deemed necessary by the council. Any false weights made by said weighmaster subjects them to a fine of $100 and costs and a forfeiture of the license. The charges are fixed at 10 cents for each load. The ordinance further provides that in cases of all disputes on weights, the city scales shall govern.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

J. H. Morgan was down from Omnia Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Ed Lemmon is lying very low at his home, in Independence.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Remember that Baden wants turkies and wants them bad.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Nearly all the districts in the county have schools in session.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. Ben Wright, of Pleasant Valley, came in Saturday to pay taxes.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. L. Weimer, of Tisdale, made us a call Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

100 cords of wood for sale, call on or address John B. Walker, Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

McGuire Bros. are the boss on Tobacco and don't you forget it. Only 50 cents per lb.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Sheriff Shenneman is trying the "onion cure" on his chin. It's beginning to show.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. William E. Rash, one of Windsor's good looking citizens, dropped in to see us Monday.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Money to loan on first class real estate security at very low rates by Gilbert & Fuller.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

A small number of the schools of the county will enjoy vacation one week during holidays.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The cheapest and best line of toys, fancy goods, suitable for holiday gifts at Goldsmith's.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. James Fahey came in from New Mexico last week and will spend the holidays with his family.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. Higgins has sold an interest in his second-hand store to Mr. Berkey. They will make a good team.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

M. M. Jewell came down to pay taxes and see his friends. He paid, and he saw, and went back Friday.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. S. Nawman, one of the men who are making Pleasant Valley bloom, came to see us last week.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Invitations are out for a grand "Masque Ball" by the Young Men's Social Club at the Opera House, December 30th.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

T. J. Watt, of Rock Township, came to the city the first time for a year. He has been too full of business to travel.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

25,000 feet of native lumber for sale. Inquire of James Nicholson, Dexter, or at my office, Winfield. T. R. Bryan.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. D. A. Pfrimmer, of Tisdale, came in to engage supplies of good reading matter and gave us some interesting items.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

W. J. Hodges starts tomorrow for Harper to bring his two thousand head of sheep and two goats in this county to winter.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Through tickets at Kansas City cut rates to all points in the East for sale at the A., T. & S. F. depot. W. J. Kennedy, Agent.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Commissioners Gale and Harbaugh were in town Friday looking after the improvements being made on the courthouse square.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Judge Campbell ran down Monday and spent an hour with us talking over newspaper matters. The Judge takes to the harness naturally.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

J. R. Cottingham, of Richland, brought in six February pigs Friday and pocketed $74.56 for them. Porkers this year are at a premium.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. S. M. Roseberry, of Beaver, left Monday for Indiana, where he will spend the winter.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. Al Millspaugh, one of the live, young Republicans of Vernon Township, dropped in on us Saturday. He is red hot for city scales and just weights.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

George Williams, Uncle Sam and the people's servant at Rock, called in to see us Tuesday. He reports business flourishing and everything lovely up north.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Judge Pyburn came in from Kansas City Thursday and will return today. He has still considerable law business in our court that has to be looked after.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The new schoolhouse in Seely is a model building, large, convenient, and well arranged. It is well filled with pupils, a most important factor in a good school.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The COURIER turned out this week the pass books for the Building and Loan Association. The stock subscribed for is being issued and the first assessment collected.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

James Service sold his flock of one thousand sheep to J. H. Saunders, of Tisdale Township, last week. The price was $3.00 per head. J. H. is getting to be a big sheep man.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Remember that the subscription price to the COURIER when not paid in advance or within three months after the expiration, is two dollars per year. If paid in advance, $1.50.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Miss Fannie McKinley, one of Cowley's charming school ma'ams, who wields the birch and ferrule at Darien schoolhouse, was in the city Saturday and called on the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

General Green had the pleasure of seeing $150 in Greenbacks reduced to ashes the other morning. Mrs. Green received a telegram calling her to attend her mother, who was very ill in Texas. Mr. Green had a roll of money in his pocket to give her for traveling expenses, and early in the morning while starting a fire, took out the roll, when in some way it was drawn into the stove, and in a minute he was reduced to a specie basis. The General borrowed money of every man he could find on the street at that early hour, stood the railroad off for a ticket, and Mrs. Green was enabled to get off on that train. Mr. Green now understands that old proverb, "riches take wings and fly" into the fire and up the flue.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

If we read the signs of the times aright, a woolen mill will be located in Sumner, Cowley, or Sedgwick county within the next ten months. The only question that disturbs us is will it come to Sumner County? Our county has lost more than one good thing in the past, because we simply sat still, while our neighbors were working hard for the local interests. We mildly suggest that an eye be kept open for this woolen mill project, which is being agitated throughout the Arkansas Valley. Wellington Press.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

District 50, Vernon Township, is moving in the right direction. A festival will be given by the school on the 30th inst., for the purpose of raising funds to buy library and reference books for the school. Thomas Rude is teacher, and that insures good work.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The COURIER enrolled thirteen new subscribers on its list Saturday, which is the largest number received in any one day for over two months. At this rate our list will reach three thousand by the first of March. It is very gratifying to us to see such substantial evidence that our work for Cowley and her people is being appreciated. We hope during the coming year to make the paper more worthy of the generous support accorded it than ever before.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

James Fahey has a bonanza in the western part of New Mexico on the St. Louis & San Francisco road. It consists of four sections of land all underlaid with a vein of coal from four to five feet thick. He is already delivering 30 tons a day at a profit of $1.75 per ton net, and will soon deliver 100 tons per day. If he can continue to make such a profit until his estimat ed 5,000,000 tons of coal are exhausted, he will be tolerably well heeled.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

DIED. Rev. McKee, Presbyterian minister, who had been preaching to the people of Dexter and vicinity for two years, died very suddenly last Saturday. He had been in delicate health for a long time, but had been holding meetings during the week preceding his death. His wife is known to many Winfield people, and was formerly Mrs. Black, her first husband being a brother of the great jurist, Judge Jerry Black.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Haley, the forger whom Shenneman captured last summer, and the authorities failed to convict, was sentenced to the penitentiary in Pennsylvania for nine years. It will be remembered that Shenneman rearrested Haley after his discharge and took him back.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

S. L. Gilbert was arrested last week, charged with opening a letter addressed to the old firm of Gilbert, Jarvis & Co., of which he was formerly a member. Sam does not seem to be much troubled over the matter and it will probably come out all right.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The statement of the resources and financial condition of the county published in last week's paper was for the fiscal year commencing November 1st, 1881. Some have mis- understood it to be for the fiscal year just past. The receipts and expenditures were for that year, but the resources and indebtedness is based on the last March assessment, and is for the year to come.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

At the annual meeting of the Knights of Honor in their hall Monday evening, the following were elected as officers for the ensuing year: W. C. Root, D.; J. S. Hunt, T. A.; R. E. Wallis, A. D.; Jacob Nixon, C.; J. W. Batchelor, G.; C. F. Bahntge, R.; J. W. Curns, F. R.; T. R. Bryant, T.; B. Brotherton, G.; D. Berkey, S.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Editor Henthorn, of the Enterprise, knocked a fellow who wanted to "see the man what writ that piece" all out of tune at Burden last week. When Enos straightens up and reaches out, every man in the block might as well lie down before the arm gets to him. Fellows who wield the quill generally know how to handle themselves when in action.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Judge Tipton is following the footsteps of Payson and Nat Coldwell in making greenback speeches and organizing clubs. He started a club of four members at Rose Valley last week.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. S. C. Cunningham, of Ninnescah Township, lost two horses week before last. They ate a handful of castor beans, and he thinks that was the cause of their death. Castor beans are death on stock everytime.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. J. D. Pryor has patented a new style of Journal for bookkeepers which does away with a large share of the labor necessary to run a complete set of double-entry books and greatly simplifies the work. It is the most complete thing of the kind we have ever seen. The COURIER has purchased one.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Someone stole a roll of veiling from the counter of one of our city milliners, kept it two weeks, cut off one veil for toll, and returned it to the counter secretly and in good condition. This shows an evolution in morals among thieves.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Miss Ella Bosley, our talented young lady typo, has written another charming story which will be published in the holiday edition of the Harper Times. Her powers as a writer are becoming known and appreciated all over Southern Kansas.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The long contested Tarrant vs. Hitchcock case over the possession of the restaurant property next to the Williams House was decided in favor of Tarrant in the Montgomery court. Hackney and McDonald were attorneys for Tarrant.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

John W. Tull, the ancient mariner from Windsor Township, called in last week. This was his yearly visit to the metropolis.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Mr. John Charles of Ozark, Missouri, spent several days of last week looking over our county and was so well pleased with it that he has arranged for the purchase of a farm and will settle here permanently.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

THE MARKETS. The weather today is such that no produce of any account is being marketed. However, a few loads of wheat and several hogs have come in. The choicest porkers bring $5.40, mediums $5 to $5.25. Wheat is running about the same as last week, from 80 cents to $1.10. Corn has dropped several cents and is now quoted at from 42 to 48 cents. It will probably rally again to fifty cents as soon as cold weather sets in. Butter, eggs, turkeys, and other produce hold the same as last week.

Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

OUR NEW JUSTICE. Yesterday afternoon Gov. St. John issued a commission appoint- ing Geo. H. Buckman Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of James Kelly.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Dressed Hogs Wanted at Holmes' Packing House. We will pay 6-1/2 cents per pound for well fatted hogs weighing 200 pounds and upward. Bring them in and get honest weights.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

TISDALE, Dec. 9th, 1881.
To The City Council of Winfield:

We, the members of the Tisdale Farmers Alliance, make the following resolutions:

Resolved, In justice to the farming community of the county, who are disposing of agricultural produce in your city, and who are justly indignant at the shameful manner by which they are swindled out of their just dues by fraudulent weights; and in justice to yourself and your city, that there be city scales.

Resolved, Further, Should such a measure be taken, that the farmers patronize it and give it their custom. M. ELLINGER, President.

J. H. HALL, Secretary.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

MARRIED: At the residence of the bride's father, in Otter Township, on Wednesday, December 7th, by Esq. Smith, Mr. James H. Wood to Miss Hattie Smith, all of Cowley County.

Dr. Emerson, of Winfield, operated for necrosis on a boy of Ed Collins, removing a large amount of the tibia, or shin-bone. The operation is a very important one, and those who witnessed it say that Dr. Emerson acquitted himself with credit. The boy will probably have a good limb.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

TO ALL PARTIES SO DISPOSED: I shall be thankful to you if you will leave your harvesters and reapers out in the field to rot where you cut your last wheat. My family is increasing and the acreage of wheat sown is less each year, consequently my only show to make a living out of the implement business is for all machinery to be left standing in the field to rot down. W. A. LEE, Implement Dealer.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

Our farmers are about through gathering corn. The corn has yielded beyond expectations. Many of the old cribs that had the swency [?] for the last year, had to be braced and propped up on both sides and each end, and were filled to overflowing; many new cribs have been built and filled to the brim, beside numerous piles without any cribs.

Quite a number of fat hogs have been delivered at Winfield during the week. Mr. Miller being a new buyer, bought the most of them at good prices. Miller and Wood made things lively last week.

There seems to be quite an emigration from Illinois to Beaver Township for the last few weeks, and I hear of more coming. Several farms have lately changed hands at good prices. Mr. Martin sold 160 acres to Mr. Stewart, Mr. Anderson 80 acres to Mr. Watts, Mr. Coons 80 acres to Mr. Boardner, and Mr. Rothrock 80 acres to Mr. Freeman.

A large amount of fruit trees are being set out this fall principally delivered from the Fort Scott nursery by Mr. Shinn. Several of the Beaver boys are in the Territory on a hunt; we expect soon a large supply of deer and wild turkeys.

Quite a sad accident happened to Johnny Poor last week, which came very near being fatal by the explosion of a shot gun which was entirely demolished. The gun had been loaded by his brother some days before. Johnny thought he would discharge the same prior to taking a hunt. It is thought, when it exploded, that the britch pin struck him across the eye, cutting a severe gash both above and below the eye. He has not been able to see out of it since, at the time we saw him a few days ago. We hope by the faithful nursing of his affectionate mother, who continually watches over him, he will finally recover.

The weather, being fine and pleasant, and the ground in fine order, many of our farmers are plowing new sod and stubble ground preparatory for a corn crop next season. The prospect for a wheat crop next year was never, in this township, so promising as at present, some fields entirely hiding the ground. Most of the farmers are turning their stock on it.

Mr. Warren Wood is now preparing a piece of land on his new farm for an extensive orchard. Mr. Wood is one of our energetic and science farmers, and generally makes things move.

Our schools throughout the township are running in the best of order and in good financial condition, most of the districts being out of debt.

Taxes is the next thing on docket, that is certain, which will happen on the 20th, inst. Gentlemen pay your taxes. However, many of our farmers are jubilant over the great reduc tion in taxes from last year.

We now have regular mail twice a week at Tannehill; Mrs. Marsh, Postmaster.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

I saw an article in your paper stating there were eight hundred names against the grand jury and five hundred for it. The facts in the case were that the petitions for the grand jury were not handed in, because the county commissioners met one week sooner than we thought, and there were hundreds of names that never came in. My petition was full of names.

I also saw a complaint from Tisdale against the weights that farmers have to stand. I have satisfied myself by testing two wagons that we have hauled in for 4 years in this county and town, and they vary from two to four bushels. I agree with the editor of the COURIER that the authorities ought to put in a pair of city scales at once, employ an honest man to do the weighing, and let the farmers have their just rights.

Cowley County is blessed with six mills now running, and three more on the way. I visited the Custom mill at the South Bend and found twelve teams waiting, but all appeared satisfied with their work. I am sure I was. D.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The readjuster party has sprung into existence in Walnut. Perhaps its success in the old dominion helped to quicken the energy here. "To pay or not to pay, is the conumdrum that puzzles the brain" of our leading politicians as they gather in squads of 3 or 5 on the corner of your streets on Saturday evenings.

Mr. M. A. Graham and wife, of Ohio, on a trip "utile dulce" are stopping with friends and relatives in Walnut.

Mr. John Parks has gone to visit the home and friends of his childhood.

Mr. G. W. Yount is building a barn 40 x 60 of stone. Mr. Prater has the carpenter work. Mr. Young proposes to go down into the Territory and bring up a mammoth menagerie of wild beasts and birds. It is thought that he will be successful as he has just purchased a barrel of salt.

Mr. George Youle and wife have gone on a visit to his father's in Illinois. Mrs. Youle will remain there while George visits England to look up an interest in an estate to the amount of $500,000. I hope he will be successful.

Mr. G. N. Searcy has nearly completed a residence, built in cottage style, and is conceded by all to be the handsomest residence in this vicinity. He intends giving a house warming as soon as it is ready for occupancy.

Mr. Jacob Binkey has returned from his visit to Pennsylvania. His father and mother came with him and will hereafter make their home here; the addition to his family rendered more room necessary, and Mr. Binkey is putting in an addition to his dwelling.

Mr. George Brown, not to be outdone by everyone, has just completed a neat residence, and George and his estimable lady are "at home" to their friends at all times.

Mr. R. I. Hogue is absent, attending the annual session of the State Horticultural Society at Lawrence, as a delegate from this county. Mr. Hogue is a live, wide awake horticulturist.

The prospect for a peach crop next year is good, the fruit buds have not been injured yet, and are in prime condition to pass the winter.

Circumstantial evidence points to a wedding soon. The young man wanders around listlessly during the week and on Sundays. Well, I will not tell where he goes to. He had a long talk with his father; straightway his father goes to the mill, stops in the city, and buys a barrel of sugar, a box of raisins, etc.

The inmates of the county poor house number five, viz; two insane, one idiot, one deformed, a young man, and an aged man, which is not so bad a showing for a county of 21,000 people; one of every 4,200 is a small average and speaks volumes for the thrift and energy of our people and of the ease whereby the necessaries, at least of life, may be obtained by all. Also the absence of unavoidable calamities, either public or to the individual, incapacitating from earning a living. Since the poor have been cared for in this township, the number admitted aggregates 26, of which four have died and seventeen were discharged.

The wheat is looking fine and but for the fact that the acreage is 25 percent short, would be the largest ever harvested. B.


Winfield Courier, December 22, 1881.

The literary portion of this vicinity met at the Mercer schoolhouse Wednesday evening and organized a literary society with Mr. H. S. Buckner as president.

Parties that have been rusticating and hunting in the Territory report an enjoyable time and plenty of game.

Mrs. Rice returned from Illinois last Thursday evening whither she was visiting friends and relatives. She took her family by surprise. She was not expected home for some time, and her sudden return produced very much the same effect as a bomb shell dropped into the "enemies camp."

Mr. Williamson, of Dakota Territory, was in this neighborhood on Thursday of this week. Mr. Williamson is looking at the country, and like everyone else that visits us, expressed himself highly pleased with the "Eden of America." CAESAR.

December 9th, 1881.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881. Front Page.

About the 16th of May, 1881, E. J. Cooper, a young man doing a general merchandise business at Trinidad, Colorado, went to the wholesale Boot and Shoe House of J. A. Cooper & Co., of Kansas City, and purchased over two thousand dollars worth of goods on ten days time, stating that he had inherited some money from his mother's estate and that he would then pay for the goods.

Some time afterward he wrote to the Kansas City House, saying he had met with some misfortune and would pay soon.

In September Cooper went before a Squire Walker in Trinidad, and there made a sale to his clerk, W. J. Bolin, had the transfer acknowledged, and Bolin paid the amount over the squire's table, twenty-three hundred dollars in cash. In less than five hours Cooper took the cars and "shook the dust" of Colorado from his feet.

In the meantime someone telegraphed to the Kansas City House and they attached the goods, locked up the store, and the sheriff of Las Animas County put the key in his pocket. Bolin then came onto the scene, produced his bill of sale and proved the purchase; the only witness that could back the contract was Cooper: and he had gone where the "woodbine twineth." Cooper & Co., began to hunt their faithless namesake.

As time wore away it was discovered that Cooper had an aunt living at Marshallton, Iowa; there they intercepted one of his letters, dated Winfield, October 16, 1881. In Novem- ber their agent on this route gave the case to Capt. Siverd with a description of the man.

Capt. Siverd watched and waited; time wore on, and at last a letter addressed to Cooper came here from Augusta, Kansas, and last Saturday a man called for that letter. Capt. Siverd soon discovered that he was the man he wanted, and sent a man to talk to him. Approaching him from behind, he said: "Hello, Cooper. I think I met you in Colorado." "Why, yes, guess you did. I did some business there for three years and think I shall go back."

The wires were called into use and last Monday night Cooper & Co.'s agent arrived; Hackney was called into service; a five thousand dollar bond was given from Kansas City through Read's Bank, and by noon Thursday the agent, Jake Boyles, and Capt. Siverd were "lighting out" through Vernon Township for the residence of John McMahan, where Cooper was employed as a farm hand.

His arrest was at once accomplished; his team, wagon, trunk, and clothing were attached, and Cooper invited to take a ride behind Jim Vance's best greys. The agent gave them a sumptuous supper at the Brettun, and then Cooper was invited to Mr. Hackney's office, where he showed his first dread of the jail. He soon lost his defiant air and "squealed." He told the whole story of the fraudulent transfer to Bolin, signed the proper paper, and that night slept in No. 5 at the Brettun, guarded by Boyes and Capt. Siverd.

The wires were again called into use between here and Trinidad. The clerk, Bolin, "threw up the sponge." J. A. Cooper & Co. will get back their money. E. J. Cooper goes back to his counter; the case will be dismissed; and Siverd will wear a new coat.

The probabilities are that Cooper and his clerk intended to meet somewhere after Bolin could convert the stock into cash, but did not see the difficulties in the way. And after the Trinidad attachment, Cooper drifted aimlessly into Cowley County, a fugitive from Justice, and went to work among strangers to keep from starving. He went back to Trinidad, Colorado, Friday.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Gen. John Pope, commanding the department of Missouri, informs the interior depart- ment that the story published to the effect that Capt. Payne had entered the Oklahoma Territory was unfounded. Gen. Pope intimates that the stories of Payne are published to keep up excitement, and the less notice taken of them by the interior department, the better.

[Editor of COURIER]: We wish to warn all our people to be vaccinated and to take all other precautions possible against contagion from the small-pox. The recent accounts all over the United States of the rapid spread of the disease are unusually large.

There is a report in town that Lippmann and Chatterson, who went from this county to Arkansas, have been convicted of purloining timber from government lands and sent up for twenty years. The report is from doubtful authority and we hope it is not true. They were regarded as good citizens here and we are slow to believe ill of them.

We understand that the people of Caldwell have come to the conclusion finally that wine and women are not profitable investments. Consequently, the prostitutes have been notified to depart, several of the desperate characters who have been loafing around have been invited to emigrate, and the whiskey shops are to be closed up. This step is in strong contrast with the late system of licensing houses of prostitution and tippling shops by the city government, and if carried out as vigorously as it has been instituted, will result in much good to the town. As a preliminary step. Henry Lee Bretum was brought before Squire John T. Showalter of this city last Monday evening when he plead guilty to violating the prohibition statute and paid his fine of $100 and costs. Newton Moore and W. M. Robinson have been arraigned before Squire I. N. King on the same charge, but obtained a continuance until next Monday. Mag. Woods was brought to Wellington Monday evening on the same charge, but obtained a continuance until the 30th. We are informed that it is her intention to set up an establishment in this city, until affairs quiet down somewhat at Caldwell. Wellington Press.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Newton has no omnibus line.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Topeka's new water works are nearly completed.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Jim Talbot, who shot Meagher at Caldwell, also threatened to "fix" Tell Walton, of the Post.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The worst is to come. It is said that Danford, the ex-banker of Caldwell, will enter the lecture field.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Lund whiskey case at Independence is the first successful prosecution of a druggist holding a permit.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Leavenworth Coal Company now operates two shafts, 716 feet deep, and have a full capacity of raising 75,000 bushels of coal per day, the present product being 8,000 bushels.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Twenty-seven pieces of bounty land scrip have been issued to the heirs of John Paul Jones in acknowledgment of his brave services.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Coroner John H. Folks, accompanied by County Attorney Charles Willsie and Dr. E. P. West, went to Caldwell last Saturday and during Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, held inquest on the dead bodies of Mike Meagher and George Spear. The jury in the Meagher case returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a gun shot wound inflicted by Jim Talbot, and held Jim Martin, Bob Munson, Doug. Hill, Bob Bigtree, Dick Eddleman, and Tom Love responsible as accessories to the crime. The verdict in the Spear case was that he was shot by some unknown person. Wellington Press.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Like many others we have been compelled to use soft coal in a base burner for three or four weeks. Last Saturday we obtained a small invoice of hard coal and attempted to clean the soot out of the stove. We tried zinc and it worked like a charm. When the fire was good, we put a nickel's worth of zinc scraps in it. In five minutes time all the inner parts of the stove were white as chalk and every vestige of soot decamped and gone up the flue. We give these results of our experiment for the benefit of our fellow sufferers from soot.

Wellington Press.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

As there is no one in this part of the moral vineyard that takes interest enough in passing events to inform the COURIER, I will try in my weak way to jot down a few items.

Health is good.

Weather fine.

Wheat looks splendid and farmers are busy.

Corn is all gathered and I notice a number of farmers are plowing.

Mr. Emerson is just recovering from a long spell of sickness.

The Burden school has a vacation this week.

Hogs are plenty and so are babies. Speaking of babies reminds me of an item I saw in the COURIER two weeks ago, from your Ninnescah correspondent. Now, out of respect for the duty we owe each other, I will just say to Lady Madge, if you had seen Pat Calaway about that time with blood in his eye, and Tom Mercer flying around trying to find his hat, you would have come to the conclusion that it was but a step between you and death's door. My advice to you is, think twice before you boast of handsome babies in the future.

Mr. and Mrs. George Haly's domestic affairs have been in an uncertain condition for some time, but the cry Siss came last Thursday. I didn't learn the exact weight of responsibility, but believe the affair was settled satisfactorily to all parties concerned.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The ladies of the Library Association have just received a lot of new and interesting books, which add much to the attractions of the institution. By the way, as the beginning of the year is at hand, now is the time to secure memberships and help along the good work. From the small beginnings this library is becoming very valuable and useful, but it has cost the noble ladies of Winfield a great deal of hard work.

Every man and woman in the city should do something to help the work forward; and while they are doing the best thing for the community, secure for themselves good reading matter at little expense.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Some time has elapsed since your Arizona correspondent has sent any items. So, as mining operations are somewhat suspended, owing to the heavy snowfall, a little time devoted to jotting down a few may perhaps be appreciated by your readers who take an interest in this Territory or its people.

The A. & P. railroad, which we expected to be into this country before this, is steadily pushing ahead and will undoubtedly be in the neighborhood of Prescott sometime next summer.

The Utah Southern have surveyed a route to Prescott.

The Southern Pacific managers say that they intend to run a branch from Maricopa to Prescott.

Until some of these railroad schemes are put through, we don't expect to make fortunes from our mines, though we have as good mines as there are anywhere. Monied men won't come in to take hold and invest their capital until it is less of an undertaking to get to the mines than it is at present.

Imagine a person in poor health taking a stage ride over two hundred miles, the stage, a buckboard, with no cover, and rock road, liable to be caught in a drenching rain, or snow, at any time, and half the time not able to get anything to eat. One of your townsmen was out here this past summer and went through all this and more.

The A. & P. is within a hundred and fifty miles of Prescott, and early next summer it will be but a short stage ride to be in the midst of a mining country that cannot be surpassed anywhere in the richness of its mines and facilities, for working timber and water being abundant all through this section.

A few mining experts have found their way here this past summer, who have been all through the other mining States and Territories, and they all say it is ahead of anything they have seen, if only the mines were opened out and worked as they ought to be; but until we get capital to do this, for us things must necessarily move slowly.

To show what a mine will do when it can be worked, I will give a short account of what one has done. The Tuscumbia Mine of Turkey Creek District, this county, is the subject. Mr. Holland of your town and the writer one morning about the end of last May each mounted a mustang and started from here for the Tuscumbia, about twelve miles, arrived in the after- noon after looking at two mines we have, about two miles on this side, and supposed to be on the same lead.

We found the mill had just arrived, and the wagons had just been unloaded. Several men were busy at work putting up the building. The mill, which is only a four stamp battery, was completed; and the stamps were put to pounding on the fifteenth of July. I heard the owners say in the fore part of October that they had paid up everything, over thirty thousand dollars, from the returns from the ore worked from their mine. The mill is kept constantly at work and the mine is turning out better rock all the time as development goes on.

There are hundreds of mines just as good that will turn out just as well in the near future; in the meantime, the old pioneers are plodding along keeping up assessments on their loca tions, living on Bacon and beans without society or amusement of any kind, waiting for that time when capital will come in.

Alas, it will be too late for many of them to long enjoy it, for several who came here fifteen and twenty years ago, whose hair long since whitened by the frost of age, will have to succumb to old times scythe and be cut down to a little claim of 2 x 6 before they see any of the ease and comfort they have so often pictured in their mind's eye, while working hard with pick and shovel or hammering away on a drill. Some newcomers will step into the place of these old-timers and reap the benefits of their discoveries, another application of the old truth, "To him that hath shall be given, and from him that hath not shall be taken away, even what he hath."

The ranchers have been blessed with good crops and high prices this season. Wheat, bar- ley, and corn are each five cents per pound, potatoes also the same price, and hard to get even at these figures. This is owing to the large force of men employed by the railroad contractors in grading the road north and northeast of Prescott, the merchants of which place have been greatly benefited thereby. Of course, this won't last: only while the road is building. When the railroad is through and supplies can reach us from the Western States, prices will have to come down. This communication will probably fill the space that can be made for it in your columns so will refer to another issue. More from this section. ARIZONA.

December 18, 1881.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Salem has exerted itself this year, and we have had a grand and lively time, and if bright smiling faces are a true criterion to judge from, everybody was happy. But sometimes a sad heart is hidden from the rude gaze of the world by putting on gaiety as we put on our holiday attire.

The social was a success even though the weather was very bad, and the way the goodies disappeared speaks well for Salem cooks and appetites; and the thirty-four pounds of candy all went like butter off a hot knife. Twenty dollars were cleared and then there was plenty left to take up twelve baskets. The section boss bought the ornamental cake; he realized that his supper would not last always, and prepared for future emergencies. Oh! How hard everyone seemed to work for the tree that the whole Sunday school might be remembered. Everything passed off pleasantly, and "Santa," his wife, and daughter were greeted with much merri- ment, and they certainly looked strange. The tree was well laden with beautiful gifts, and "Olivia" was the pleased recipient of a handsome box, or writing desk, containing paper, envelopes, pens, pencil, ink, etc., in abundance. And let me here, my dear friends, whoever you may be, return my thanks to you all for your kindness in remembering me so kindly in this very acceptable gift, and as it was very unexpected, it is more fully appreciated.

Oh! I forgot to say that Mr. John Davis, an old time Salemite, surprised the people assembled at the social by putting his smiling countenance in at the door, and the hearty shaking he received will certainly last awhile. Come again, John.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryant are busy entertaining a little guest, who intends staying with them for some time.

The Salem Depot has arrived, I hear, and is going up on double quick time.

Mr. Read has a full supply of groceries and invites all to come and test his variety and prices and save the long trip to Winfield.

Mr. Vance and family have moved into our vicinity and are pleased with Salem and its inhabitants. We welcome them.

Mrs. Gledhill has been quite ill, but at last report was mending slowly.

Miss Dalgarn is home again.

Mr. Clayton lately lost several large hogs by a cow hooking them to death.

Some dogs came in broad daylight and killed Georgie Hoyland's pet lamb.

Mrs. Bovee has been quite indisposed for several weeks.

The Martin Bros. are working on the section.

Mr. Shields is glad to get home to family and friends.

The schoolhouse in Prairie Home is nearing completion.

Mr. Osborn is also home again.

Mr. Nelson Peters is also building a new house on his farm in Moscow.

To the relatives and friends of Mr. Richard Winn, the sad tidings of his death in Colorado came, and later his poor body in its long last sleep came back. Oh! How sad! He left his home in good health and excellent spirits a short time ago, and now, alas for the bereaved ones, he comes back, lifeless clay! His funeral sermon was preached on Sabbath morning at the Pleasant Hill schoolhouse, and the body was interred at Floral in the afternoon. I extend my sympathy, as a dear relative of mine lately closed his eyes in that land of gold to open them in Heaven.

To the old home nest our friend, Mr. S. A. Chappell, has lately come from the hills or mountains of Colorado. How gladly we always welcome home the wanderers, and do not seem to think they are in so much danger if they are in our homes or where we can easily see them. Yet we have not the power to shield one of them from harm; but it is a comfort at least to know they are near. God bless them all!

Miss Annie Buck attended the Burden tree and cheered them with music. She is our organist and makes the echoes ring in the old schoolhouse on Sabbath mornings. She and Miss Amy were remembered at Burden with beautiful presents.

Mr. and Mrs. Goforth visited friends in this vicinity last week.

Mrs. Watt celebrated Christmas on Saturday by serving an excellent dinner to a very few intimate friends.

Mrs. Pixley entertained a few friends on Monday evening and regaled them with an exhilarating or delicious tea.

Service on Christmas morning was dispensed with on account of reorganizing S. S., and the late assembling of the audience. The old corps of officers were reelected. Those that have not been absent during the quarter are Messrs. McMillen, McClelland, Dalgarn, and Miss Mary Dalgarn; Tirzah Hoyland absent once on account of illness.

Mr. Dalgarn and wife of Winfield visited relatives here this week.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Christmas has come and gone, leaving many pleasant memories. We had a beautiful Christmas tree well filled with gifts for old and young, a splendid Santa Claus, with a good looking frow, who caused a great deal of fun for all. Music, furnished by Messrs. Lewis, Sellers, and Goodrich, brought down the house. Miss Mamie Young recited "The Dead Dolly" in a manner that would have done credit to a much older person. Miss Jessie Goodrich's select reading was first class in every particular. The evening passed almost before any were aware of it.

The boys had a shooting match the 24th. About 15 turkeys were disposed of, the boys beating the old men as usual.

The herd law was disposed of at the literary last Friday evening.

Our farmers are feeling good over the appointment of city weigh masters. All are satisfied with Brotherton & Silver. All that is needed now is to compel every farmer offering produce or stock on the street for sale, to weigh on the City scales. Such an ordinance would meet the approbation of the majority of sellers and buyers and would make the city scales a profit. They (the scales) should be under cover and should belong to the city. I think this is but one step in the right direction and trust soon more will be taken and your city well rid of the swindlers that have so long cursed your markets. All unite in praising the COURIER for the stand taken in regard to weights. Continue in the good work. Verily you shall have your reward.

Rev. McGee's death is a severe blow to the society here. He was a good man and much loved by his people and all who knew him well. He did what he deemed to be his duty regardless of consequences; he was no time server. Would we had more that dared to do right without regard to what a few good paying members would think of it. X.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

We learn that Mrs. Gilkie, of Maple City, is quite ill.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Choice hogs weighing 300 and over sold for $5.65 Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Dressed hogs wanted at Whiting Bros. Meat Market at 6-1/2 cents.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Don't forget to go to McGuire Bros. and get l lb. of Tobacco, only 50 cents.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The finest Almanac ever published free of cost at Cole Bros. Drug Store.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Rev. Borchers has been visiting an old Libby prison comrade in Topeka.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Ivanhoe Club will meet with Mrs. M. L. Robinson on next Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Prof. Story went up to Topeka Monday to attend the State Teachers' Association.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Joe Houston has formed a co-partnership with Judge Campbell in the law business in Wichita.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Miss Mattie Minnehan and a Mr. Harris, a conductor on the K. C. L. & S. road were married Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

About thirty thousand dollars worth of hogs have been shipped from Winfield during the last four weeks.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

S. P. Strong was down Tuesday. He was accompanied by Mr. Murry, a young Hoosier who is taking in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Dr. Vawter spent a day among acquaintances here last week. He has recently returned from a visit to Kentucky.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

T. S. Parvin, of Bolton, spared a day from his stock and plow to come to this city Wednesday. He called at this office.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

FOR SALE: A bull calf, from a fine milch cow and a thoroughbred Jersey bull. Call at Whiting's meat market.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

T. S. Green, of Rock Township, has added another quarter to his farm. He has purchased the Lumpkins place.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The genial phiz of Frank Akers graced our office for a moment Saturday. Frank grows handsomer as he grows older.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

We are very sorry to learn of the serious illness of Mr. S. Ingham, who is not expected to live through the day (Wednesday).

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Shepard Crabtree, who lives `tother side of the river in Beaver Township, was taking in the metropolis Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Will give twenty-five cents for authentic information as to the whereabouts of one Tell W. Walton while the cowboy fight was raging in Caldwell.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Joe Houston is talking of removing either to Wichita or Kansas City. During his stay in Arkansas City, Mr. Houston built up quite a lucrative practice.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Judge Campbell was down again Monday. The Judge is making the Times glisten and is proving himself to be one of the best newspapermen in the valley.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Cal Ferguson has sold his livery stable to Billie Hans, late of the Territory, and will hereafter devote his exclusive attention to his mail and stage routes.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Choice cuts from Kansas steers bring from 25 cents to 30 cents per pound in the New York market. We are glad to hear that somebody gets a choice cut from a Kansas steer.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

There is only one thing which makes the report about Lippmann and Chatterson seem probable to us. They both slid out without paying their little bills to the COURIER.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. Thomas Hart, of Richland Township, and one of the oldest settlers in the county, died Sunday before last. He was a Master Mason, and has lived here twelve years.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

M. J. Land sold six pigs, only seven months old, about two weeks ago, which average 200 pounds, for over eighty dollars. This beats Cottingham's lot all out. Try again, J. W.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

J. E. Snow was the recipient of a handsome watch from the members of Grace church Saturday evening, as a testimonial for the services he has rendered as leader of their choir.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Messrs. Curns & Manser sold the building and lot now being occupied by W. C. Best & Co., to L. F. Chandler for $2,250 last week. The building was formerly owned by Mr. West.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. S. L. Daugherty, of Maple Township, called Wednesday. He is an old typo and feels quite at home in a printing office.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. R. J. Mead, of Spring Creek Township, dropped in Wednesday. He tells us that the bunch of COURIERS did not reach Maple City last week. We are at a loss to know how they came to be missed.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Miller & Dix had a "Grand Soiree" at their Meat Market Tuesday evening. Band-a- playing: proprietors dressed in plug hats, and pork and beeves in undress uniform, the scene was animated and impressive. They had rigged up a mountain of lard with the proprietors sliding down and burying their adversaries under a cloud oflard. This seems to be a good week for the butchers.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

For the past year Mr. T. R. Bryan has been Superintendent of the Christian Sabbath school. He carried his accustomed energy into the work; and as a result, the school has prospered, and he has endeared himself to scholars and teachers. Several Sundays ago he was absent at Dexter and the school planned a Christmas surprise for him. Saturday evening after Mr. Bryan had assisted to distribute the presents on the Christmas tree, Judge Gans stepped forward and brought from its hiding place a mammoth easy chair, upholstered in silk and elegantly carved, and in a few appropriate remarks presented it to the superintendent as a gift from the school. Mr. Bryan didn't make a speech. He just sat down in the big chair and looked red in the face, but the happy little folks who had helped to bring the embarrassment upon him, forgave him for it.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

A neat little swindle was perpetrated on Cliff Wood and a hog buyer of Arkansas City last week. A fellow claiming to be J. Parr, of Grouse Creek, went to Arkansas City and sold a lot of hogs at a fixed price to be delivered at a certain time and secured twenty dollars down to bind the bargain. He then came to Winfield and repeated the sale to Cliff Wood, getting sixty dollars down. When the time came for delivery, the hogs were not brought in, and an officer was sent down to Grouse Creek to see about it. He found Mr. Townsend Parr, who was somewhat astonished to learn that he sold eighty dollars worth of hogs and got the money for them. He came to Arkansas City; but as soon as the hog buyers saw him, they said he wasn't the man. It was afterward learned that the fellow was a slick swindler.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

On Monday we enjoyed a call from P. G. Szirkowsky, of Rock Township. He is of Polish descent, his grandfather being an old Polish count, and his father a high officer in the Polish army and a participant in several battles against Napoleon. He has a sword given to his father by King William Henry, of Prussia, and his wife keeps in her china closet several cups from which the Polish heroes drank their chocolate. Mr. Szirkowsky is a very intelligent gentleman, one of our best citizens, and has been a weekly reader of the COURIER for years. He has a brother who is a captain in the U. S. regular army.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

We received a pleasant call from one of our old and valued subscribers, Mr. N. C. Heizer, of Beaver, last Saturday. He was accompanied by his brother, Mr. Samuel Heizer, of Fayette, Indiana, who is visiting here, and who still resides with his mother on the old farm, on which she first went to housekeeping in 1819. It seems rather strange to us Kansas folks to think of living on and farming one place for sixty-four years. Mr. Samuel Heizer is well pleased with the west and thinks his brother, N. C. Heizer, exercised good judgment when he settled in Cowley.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. J. L. Loose was the recipient of a Christmas present that even the editor of a patent outside couldn't object to. It was a draft for $1,000 from his father. Mr. Loose Sen. has eight children, and every Christmas presents each of them with one thousand dollars; and no matter how deep in business affairs the boys may be, it always brings them around to thoughts of home. Mr. Loose is an Illinois farmer and turned off about twenty thousand dollars worth of farm products this fall.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The premium lot of hogs that have been put on the market this year was brought in by Mart Mull, of Tisdale Township, Tuesday. There were fifty-eight hogs in the lot, and they weighed 17,450 pounds, an average of a little over three hundred each. The lot brought $985.92. Mr. Miller was the purchaser at $5.65 per hundred. Mr. Mull was offered eleven hundred dollars for the lot at the pens, but preferred to weigh them.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Silverdale Township is one of the most orderly, law-abiding communities in the county; so much so that the office of Justice of the Peace goes begging. Squire Miller served as J. P. for twenty-eight months without having a case, and became so disgusted with office holding that he moved four miles east and started a town. Whether the town will pay better than the office remains to be seen.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. M. V. Ayres, of Arkansas City, made us a pleasant call Friday. He is investing a large amount of capital in a mill on the canal and will have a most complete establishment when finished. We are glad to see such men as Mr. Ayres settling in our county. A judicious investment of capital in mills and other such enterprises cannot fail to benefit the whole county.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Ex-Commissioner Roseberry spent a week visiting in Nodaway County, Missouri, and returned a few days ago. He isn't ready to give up Cowley for Missouri yet; at least until she secures one conviction under the law passed last winter, prohibiting gambling. As a prohibition state, Kansas lays slow-going Missouri away in the shade.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Marshal invaded the domicile of Mollie Burk, in the south part of town, during the "wee sma' hours" of Friday night and captured the lady along with three female and two male friends. Judge Tansey fined them, but the girls hadn't money enough to pay up and so were placed in jail to await the mercy of the city fathers.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

W. J. Hodges is one of our most active businessmen. He buys hogs when there is a market in it, runs a big sheep ranch, and last week purchased an interest in the "Hoosier Grocery." His son, Charlie, will take hold of this branch of the business, and he and G. L. Rinker will continue to hold the fort at the old stand.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The old saying, "If you have tears prepare to shed them now," will apply to wood. If you have wood, prepare to shed it now, and don't forget to put a back-action lock on the shed door, for wood thieves are beginning to get in their work. Our wood pile was only out over two nights and it looks as vacant as a Greenback Congressman.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The pupils of the high school are going to give a supper Friday evening in the Bryan building, opposite the Brettun House. The proceeds will be used to purchase appliances for the use of the school. Businessmen are invited to come at six o'clock, get their suppers, and encourage the pupils in a good cause.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The M. E. Christmas tree commenced taking on its holiday load about noon Saturday and got so full before services commenced that it fell over in the aisle. A doll and a vase were broken, and the management became convinced that other things besides men can get too full on Christmas.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Captain Nipp lives in Arkansas City. Under prohibition he lives all over the State. Junction City Union.

And the Captain with a Nipp, is a better prohibition than the Presbyterian deacon of the Union, without. He practices what he preaches, and the Union man does not.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. E. D. Skinner, trustee of Vernon Township, talked old Winfield bridge scrip with us half an hour Saturday. As Vernon is not very largely interested in the matter, she will let Walnut and Winfield do what fighting there is to be done.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

As an indication of the prosperity of Cowley's people, one needs to look at the papers of Sumner and Sedgwick County where the sheriffs advertise from fifteen to twenty farms for sale under the hammer. Our sheriff has three for sale.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

BIRTH. Niten Jackson, of Tisdale Township, was presented by his lady with a brand new son, last week. It was a little too soon for Christmas, but was quite acceptable all the same.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. Allen Perrin, of Ninnescah, called last week and ordered a supply of reading matter for the coming year. He believes in keeping abreast of the times.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. W. C. Muzzle, of Spring Creek Township, came up to the Metropolis Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

We learn of a very amusing circumstance in connection with the weight question in which the seller tried to get away with the buyer but made a wrong calculation. A man brought in eight loads of hogs and sold them with the understanding that they were to be weighed on Brotherton & Silver's scales. These scales weigh both the team and wagon. The hogs were weighed on the B. & S. scales, then driven to the stockyards, unloaded, and weighed again. After unloading the eight teams drove down to the river to eat dinner, and while there the boys conceived the idea that it would be a good plan to water all the horses and weigh the water back at $5.25 a hundred. After watering they drove back, weighed the teams and wagons, and compared the results with the stockyard weights when their chuckling was turned into lamentations by the discovery that they were watered at the wrong time, and had lost three hundred pounds by the operation, or in dollars and cents $16.05. A bucket of water weighs about twenty pounds, so it seems that the sixteen horses drank an average of one bucket each. If the boys had watered just before they drove onto the scales, it might have been a slick thing. As it was, we are sorry the horses didn't drink three buckets apiece. It's only another endorsement of that old maxim "honesty is the best policy."

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Among the many nice displays made in show windows and shops Saturday, that of Whiting Brothers carried off the honors. In the evening it was lit up with Chinese lanterns and presented a beautiful sight. Great quarters of beef trimmed in evergreens, trees with little roast pigs crawling up the trunks, and stuffed birds swinging in the branches, live raccoons, and red-birds, and everything that would make the thing look cheerful, bright, and airy, filled the room and made it look more like a miniature forest than anything else. Crowds of people thronged the market all day looking at the display and congratulating Col. Whiting and his enterprising boys on the good taste exercised in the decorations.

Our reporter dropped in during the evening and went home with a roast pig under his arm, which played no small part in the festivities of the next day.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Miller & Dix had their meat market decorated in elegant style Monday. One of the features was a miniature meat market with two little pigs dressed up as a butcher and a customer. It was a funny little arrangement.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Misses Kate and Jessie Millington were the recipients of a very beautiful Christmas present, of which they are justly proud. It consists of a valuable collection of imported artifi cial plants in an elegant and unique vase. In the collection are Begonias, Colens, Wandering Jew, and other rich plants which are so perfect in form and colors that they are taken for natural plants by most who have seen them. Mr. Frank Manny is the kind and enterpris ing donor to whom they desire to express their cordial thanks.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Lafe Pence and his bride came in Monday and took rooms at the Brettun House. During the afternoon Lafe took a run around town and had a general hand shaking with the boys, and in the evening a large number of friends called on them at their rooms. They took the Tuesday train for their home in Rice, Colorado. We wish them many happy years.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

A meeting of the officers of Vernon, Pleasant Valley, Fairview, Walnut, and Winfield City was held last Saturday at the Council chamber, and all the townships agreed to pay their pro. rata share toward fighting the cases growing out of the old Winfield Township scrip business.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Judge Torrance spent Christmas with his family, but returned to Chautauqua County where he is holding court, Tuesday. He has been holding court now for seventeen successive weeks, part of the time holding evening sessions. After the Chautauqua County court is over, he will have a vacation until February.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The grand "Bal Masque" Friday night will be the biggest thing Winfield has yet seen. The lady is at the Brettun with the costumes today and they are being rapidly taken. Maskers must enter the hall through the Ninth Avenue dressing-room entrance.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Messrs. Zimmerman and Mumphries, of Ohio, spent last week looking over the county and think some of investing. Mr. Zimmerman has two sons located here and we hope he will decide to join them.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The Masonic lodge had a public installation of officers at the hall Tuesday evening. A large number of our people were present and addresses were delivered by Messrs. Black and McDermott. The Arion quartette rendered some excellent music.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Miller & Dix exhibited a fancy cow on the streets Saturday. She was preceded by a colored gentleman in a plug hat and a ribbon as outrider, and two urchins with banners brought up the rear. It made a beef-eater hungry to look at the display.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

And now comes Seth Chase with seven February pigs, which weigh sixteen hundred and sixty pounds: an average of 257-1/7 pounds each. Our friend, J. W. Cottingham, will have to do a little better. Seth's pigs brought $58.81.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Mr. Lee has ordered another carload of Hapgood Sulky Plows. To see a carload of these plows lying on the ground in one place, one can hardly realize how they can be sold in one season; but Mr. Lee is confident that nothing short of this number will supply the demand.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Floral, the great mercantile mart of Richland Township, on the flat iron shaped point of land formed by the junction of the mighty Timber and romantic Dutch creeks.

Since the recent fall rains, we are blessed with first class water privileges, a matter of no small moment when considering the various wants to which it is adapted.

Corn is about all fed, sold, or in the crib, and many farmers are plowing for their spring crop.

Read's store enjoys a good trade, fair treatment of customers, full weights, and jokes thrown in that are satisfactory to the customer.

The village blacksmith is duly appreciated and generally strikes while the iron is hot.

DIED. Mr. Hart, usually known as "Uncle Tom," died suddenly on the 18th inst., and was buried on the 20th with masonic honors; the ceremonies were impressive and instructive. Mr. Hart was an old time resident of Richland Township and was a good neighbor and citizen.

This school district rejoices in the fact that a substantial two-story stone schoolhouse is under roof, on the site of the one destroyed by the June cyclone; but one room will be seated for immediate use, as we are limited in funds, and the school season is so far advanced. We have an enrollment of 93 with plenty to recruit from.

New Salem, three miles southeast of Floral, is assuming proportions and is destined to be of benefit to quite a scope of country. A pair of three ton scales have been put in place and we will get fair weights at home at any rate. One thing greatly needed at this point is a flouring mill that will do custom work at a fair toll. An investment of that kind would draw custom from a large circle of country and would be a certain fortune to its owners. The idea of giving one-half of the wheat at the Winfield mill is about equal to blackmail or highway robbery. As much grumbling is occasioned by it as has been by the weighing process. Country mills are doing better B.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

The proprietor of the Dollar Store would like to take the opportunity to thank the thousands of patrons who visited us during the week and hope to see them many times during the coming year. We will soon have our stock replenished with new goods and hope to be able to sustain the reputation of our Dollar Store as being the cheapest place in the county to buy goods. Wishing you all a happy New Year, we respectfully ask you to come and see us. HOWLAND & CO.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Winfield Bank for the election of directors and for any other business that may come before them, will be held at the rooms of said Bank on Tuesday, the 3rd day of January, 1882, at 2 o'clock p.m.

J. C. McMULLEN, President.
Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

COWLEY COUNTY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. This society will hold its annual meeting for the election of officers, on Saturday, January 7th, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the courthouse. Other important business is to be attended to; also hearing a report of the doings of the late State Horticultural Society from our delegate. JAS. F. MARTIN, President.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

An examination of teachers will be held in the Courthouse Saturday, December 31, 1881. Work will begin at 9 o'clock a.m. R. C. STORY, Co. Supt.

Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

WELL DIGGING. Any person in the country who wants a well dug, walled, or repaired, can get a satisfactory job by calling on or addressing D. H. Dix, Winfield.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Taking fat hogs to market is occupying some of the time of leading farmers. Mr. Buss took 36 to town the other day; they averaged 290. Mr. Byers has sold some, one of them weighed 500 pounds. Mr. W. Crawford sold four hogs, which brought him $105.50, they were very large and fat.

Corn gathering will soon be a thing of the past as most of it is cribbed.

Wheat never looked more promising than at present.

In my last communication, Mr. Worthington and Knickerbocker were misspelled. I can't say whose fault it was.

Mr. Grant has bought the place adjoining him on the south.

Mr. P. W. Crawford is prospecting in Barbour County with a view of locating.

Several of our farmers have gone to the Territory. LADY MADGE.


Winfield Courier, December 29, 1881.

Wheat looks finer than I ever saw it in these parts.

Farmers are scared in relation to the disease that is among horses called Pink Eye. If anyone knows a cure, print it for the benefit of the county.

Star Valley Sunday School had a festival on Friday night for the benefit of a Christmas tree, the first ever held in that community. There were 125 who took supper, and many who did not eat, but all had an invitation to eat. Our receipts were about $33.00. We return our sincere thanks to the entire community for their liberal donations and good behavior, and last but not least, we thank the firm of Smith, Green & Co., of Udall, for their liberality in their donation, also in the prices of their sweet meats. May prosperity follow them wherever they go. SIMON.

Rock, Kansas, December 19, 1881.

Cowley County Historical Society Museum