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[Starting with Thursday, December 18, 1879.]


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 18, 1879. Front Page.

Wheat is looking fine. Mr. McKee is very sick.

Nute Yarbrow and Mr. Goodwell ran thieves from their stables recently.

Mr. D. Read is doing a good business in his store.

Better take a box at the post-office.

The doctor's horse says "neigh" when young ladies attempt to ride him.

The foundation of the new church is laid, and the greater part of the material for the edifice is on the ground. We hope the building may be finished ere many months as the school house is very inconvenient in size and congregations remaining outdoors receive little good preaching.

The Cottingham brothers have received intelligence of their father's dangerous illness, and Mr. John W. and family have gone to Kentucky to visit their parents.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Wirt W. Walton commences in his new field of operations at Clay Center, the editorial management of the Dispatch, on the first day of January. This paper, under the management of Mr. Campbell, brother of our Judge, has been ably edited, and is one of the best in the state. We think that Wirt will sustain its reputation and add something to its brightness. Mr. Campbell retains a half interest in the paper, but will devote his attention mainly to banking.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

On Saturday and Monday we succeeded in moving into our new office, and now we have plenty of room and very pleasant quarters. We have not got the rooms entirely fitted up yet, but think we will have them in trim by Christmas. We shall arrange to place our exchanges on file in the office, which will constitute quite a large variety of reading matter and will make an attraction to our friends when they have a spare hour, and we invite them all to avail themselves of this list.

We have to thank our friends throughout the county for their very liberal patronage, and especially the businessmen of Winfield, in that they have enabled us to run the best printing establishment in the state.

If any of our contemporaries doubt this fact, let them call and see. We shall be happy to meet them at any time and show them the elephant. Come and see us, ladies and gentlemen. The basement of the new bank building is not the worst place in Winfield to visit.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

On the evening of the 15th, at Topeka, at a ball given by the Capital Guards, that company was presented with a very heavy silver pitcher elaborately inscribed and ornamented, by the National Temperance Camp Meeting as a Bismarck Grove memorial. Gov. St. John made the presentation address, to which Wirt Walton responded in a happy manner.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Still they come, and there is always room for more. Mr. P. M. Waite's brother and sister are here visiting from Illinois. Also, a brother-in-law of Mr. Rupp, Wm. Powell and son, from Henry, Illinois, who are viewing the country preparatory to purchasing, if satisfied with the inducements offered.

Mr. Kellogg and daughter contemplate a pleasure trip to Chicago. About 25 of our jolly young people met at their residence last week, doubtless for a sweet good-bye, judging from the equestrians of the male persuasion seen going to Winfield for a lb. of candy each.

On going to church a short time ago, we noticed about a dozen Indians on their way to Wichita. Occasionally they stop at our homes. Some of the boys cannot see why they are allowed to traverse the country, as they are not permitted to go down to the Territory to make a raid on nuts, fish, and wood. A nice buffalo robe would suit us pretty well.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A fire alarm and a runaway made things lively Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Jap Cochran has resigned his position as foreman of Bliss' mills. He wants to rest.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Mr. G. W. Rogers has purchased the building of A. A. Jackson, on Main street, and will refit and refurnish it and run it as a restaurant.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Last Saturday a farmer was arrested and fined $12.25 for hitching his team to a shade tree on Ninth avenue.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Last Friday night Messrs. Wallis & Wallis had their delivery wagon and team stolen. They offer a reward of $100 for the return of the property.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Closing sale of Millinery at less than first cost for the next thirty days. I will sell felt hats, untrimmed, 25, 50, and 75 cents; felt hats, trimmed, 50, 75, and $1.00. These goods must be sold. MRS. KRETSINGER.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The artillery company is making fine progress with the organization. The influence of Hon. Thos. Ryan has been secured to assist in getting the guns, and the officers are working unceasingly. Winfield, with a company of infantry and one of artillery, will make things "boom" in reality.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The excavation for the buildings of Messrs. Morehouse and Baird Bros. is being pushed forward, notwithstanding the frosty weather.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A. A. Jackson has sold out his restaurant to George W. Rogers, and will soon take charge as station agent at Barstow, eight miles and a half north of this place, on the railroad. Jackson is enterprising; and will make a good station agent. We wish him success.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Ed. Bedillion does not like to keep his office on wheels, so he has concluded to stick to the courtroom, Manning's opera house, until after the court in January.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Will Allison is bound to have more room. The Telegram is in a crowded condition, and he proposes to move his office into the rooms now occupied by Pryor & Pryor, over Read's Bank; take out the partitions and vault foundation in the basement, and convert the whole room into a printing shop. This will be an improvement. TELEGRAM

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

It is expected that the railroad track will be laid into Arkansas City next week.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

M. L. Bangs has added a new `bus and baggage wagon to the southwestern transfer line at this place.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

On last Friday eighteen car loads of wheat were shipped from Winfield station.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Court adjourned Saturday evening to January 12th, when an extra session will be held.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The plate glass windows for the Winfield Bank have been put in and also the stained transoms.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

C. A. Bliss has shipped several car loads of brick to Wellington during the past week.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A cooper shop has been started on South Main street in the old blacksmith shop opposite Mater & Son's.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The addition to the Central Hotel is being pushed forward in spite of the inclemency of the weather, as the room is badly needed.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

On Saturday evening the trial of Charles H. Payson was concluded and the court issued an order of disbarment against him.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

George Miller has removed all his meat interests to Main Street and now occupies the stand which he purchased of James Allen. He says his say in another column.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Mr. W. N. Harding, of the firm of Harding & Pence, went back last week to his home in Indianapolis. We are sorry to know that Mr. Harding will not return to Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

At the council meeting on Monday evening a resolution was passed requesting the Mayor to instruct the Marshal to strictly enforce ordinances against gambling, and to promptly arrest persons violating the same for each offense.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A very pleasant little dinner party was given by Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pryor on last Thursday at their pleasnat home on South Manning street.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The city dads propose to pass an ordinance prohibiting boys from playing around in the vicinity of the depot, a violation of which will be a fine or imprisonment against the parents. If enforced this measure will be the means of saving the lives of some of these youngsters.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A laborer on the A., T. & S. F. road was in town Friday trying to learn the whereabouts of his wife, who had skipped out with another fellow a few days before, taking with her their little son, aged five years. The man seemed to be in a very unhappy state of mind and was swearing vengeance on the guilty pair should anything befall the child. The A., T. & S. F. furnished him a pass over their line of road.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Our enterprising citizen, J. F. Miller, has put up at a cost of $175, a most superb monument at Oxford to mark the last resting place of the late Dr. Coldwell. The base of the monument is of our Winfield marble, worked in Winfield, and is a model of fine work. The shaft is of Italian marble furnished by a firm in Topeka. If any of our citizens want to erect something fine and elegant in this line, they should, by all means, consult with Mr. Miller.

Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Last Monday a son of Mr. Weeks, living on South Main street, was run over by a freight car, and had his leg badly bruised. He, with other boys, was playing around the track, while the workmen were moving the cars, and in attempting to cross the track in front of them, his foot caught, and he was struck by the car before he could get out of the way. This will, perhaps, be a lesson to the swarm of boys who are continually hazarding their lives by jumping from car to car while the trains are being made up.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

A few Notes, Past, Present and Future of the New Town.
Having heard a great deal of talk in regard to the new town of Burden, we concluded to make a visit to that place and see for ourselves. After 10 miles drive through one of the most beautiful and fertile countries we have ever seen, we arrived there. The first thing that impresses one on coming in view of it is the fine location, the site being an elevated piece of prairie, with gradual slope in all directions.

On entering the town we noticed a large pile of rock, and upon inquiring as to what they were for were informed that they were taken from a well which has just been put down. The well is 45 feet deep, and they have struck an abundant supply of the water.

The store of Messrs. Ford & Leonard next engaged our attention. It is built of handsome white limestone, and with its finely-cut stone front and French glass windows makes a store which will put to shame many buildings in many larger and more pretentious towns.

Upon entering we were greeted by the proprietors and their gentlemanly and accommo dating clerks, one of whom, Mr. Tanner, is an old acquaintance of ours, we having known him when he had charge of a large general store in Elk Falls.

Mr. Tim Sullivan, another clerk, has had a large experience in mercantile business in St. Louis. He has full charge of the famous hydraulic, double-acting, brass-beam, anti-cat machine, and takes much pleasure in explaining the workings of the machine to all visitors. Don't forget to ask him for it.

Messrs. Ford & Leonard will put up an elevator, and open a large and complete lumber yard as soon as the railroad reaches the town.

Mr. Johnson of Eldorado, is having his large warehouse moved down, and will soon be ready to buy wheat and corn.

Mr. Hooker's large, two-story stone store is nearly ready for the roof.

A large frame building is being added to, painted, and put in thorough order for a hotel, and as a good landlord has already engaged it, they will soon have that most desirable of all things for a town, a good hotel.

Mr. E. M. Ford is agent of the Town company, and he informs us that many lots have been sold to parties contemplating building in the spring, and we predict a great "Burden Boom" at that time.

The growth of the town has been much retarded by the circulation of reports that no water could be found, and that a station would be located upon Grouse creek, three miles east; but as the first has been stopped by the well, and the second by the definite location of a town on Cedar creek, three miles east of Grouse creek, there will now be nothing to interfere with its very rapid growth.

Success, say we, to Burden.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

If you have anything to sell see Ford & Leonard, and if you want to buy anything, be sure you call at the big stone store in Burden.

If you want anything in the line of dry goods, groceries, boots and shoes, hats and caps, ready-made clothing, hardware, queensware, glassware, or tinware, go to Ford & Leonard, Burden.

16 yards of print for $1.00 at Ford & Leonard, Burden.

A good suit of Cassimere for $8.00, at Ford & Leonard.

A good Saxony wool hat for 50 cents, at Ford & Leonard.

Everything in the Notion line, from a toothpick to a seven dollar Doll, at Ford & Leonard, Burden.

Good Cassimere suitings at Ford & Leonard's big stone store, for 25 cents per yard.

A good Canton flannel for 8-1/2 cents per yard at Ford & Leonard's Big Stone Store, in Burden.

Don't forget those fine Wool Shawls, at Ford & Leonard's, in the new town of Burden.

For Table and Pocket Cutlery, go to Ford & Leonard, Burden.

Ford & Leonard will furnish you anything you want in the Hardware line.

Go to Ford & Leonard, in Burden, and get a kit of No. 1 Whitefish for 90 cents.

Go to the big stone store, in Burden, and buy your Cranberries for 12-1/2 cents a quart.

Ford & Leonard will sell you a good Kip boot for $2.25, at Burden.

2 can Oysters, only 20 cents, at the big stone store, Burden.

If you want a set of teas, plates, goblets, coffee-boiler, tin cup, or stove-boiler, or, in fact, anything in the hardware, queensware, glassware, or tinware line, call on Ford & Lenoard, at Burden.

Best Coffee, 4 P for 1$, at Ford & Leonard's, Burden.

A Sugar, 9 P for 1$, at the big stone store, Burden.

All kinds of Dried Fruit at Ford & Leonard's, Burden.

Buy your Paints and Oils of Ford & Leonard, at Burden.

Building Paper at Ford & Leonard's big stone store, in Burden.

If you want to water your "hoss," go to Ford & Leonard, at Burden, and get one of those paper pails, that never leaks nor fails to stand, at Burden.



Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

Mr. George Miller has removed from Ninth Avenue and consolidated his shops on Main street. He is refitting and refurnishing the shops throughout, and intends to make his meat market second to none in the country. George, from his long connection with this business in Winfield, has won the confidence and patronage of a large part of our citizens. He furnishes the best meats at the most reasonable prices.


Winfield Courier, December 18, 1879.

The officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., for 1880, are

W. M.: James McDermott.

S. W.: M. G. Troup.

J. W.: E. P. Kinne.

Treas.: C. C. Black.

Sec.: W. W. Perkins.

S. D.: R. C. Story.

J. D.: James Simpson.

S. S.: S. H. Myton.

J. S.: J. C. Roberts.

C.: E. T. Trimble.

T.: S. E. Berger.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, December 25, 1879. Front Page.

WALNUT TWP., DEC. 20, 1879.
EDITOR COURIER: In your issue of the 11th inst., under the head of "Bridge Bonds," you say things that are liable to mislead, and with your permission I will give all the facts in the case so far as I known them, and I was connected with the movement from first to last, and ought to know the motives which actuated those whom you are pleased to call "timid citizens."

The reasons for our actions are as follows.

1. Winfield township had built four bridges, issuing bonds and scrip to the amount of $25,000: $5,000 of which was scrip or township orders. (This is not claimed to be the exact amounts, but near enough to illustrate.)

2. Winfield City became a city of the second class, and by the law none but the real estate within the corporate limits of the city could be directly held for the indebtedness of Winfield township, thus leaving all that class of indebtedness known as scrip to be raised by the remainder of the townshipsay about $5,000and assuming that the real estate in the township and the real estate in the city were equal, then the taxpayer in the township would have to pay in addition a tax on his personal property which would make the taxes relatively about as follows.

A, being a citizen of the city, would pay on his real estate $1.00, and on his personal property, $0.00.

B, living in the township, would pay on his real estate $1.00, and on his personal property, $1.00. In addition thereto, B would pay 25 or 50 cents on his real property and 25 cents on his personal property for the purpose of liquidating the $5,000 of township orders.

Thus, they would stand:

A. bond tax: $1.00

B. bond tax: $2.00

B. order tax: $.50

These sums are only approximately correct and would vary only as the relative ratio of the different classes of property within the two corporations varied at the time the proper authorities apportioned the debt to each.

3. There were four bridges to maintain at an annual cost, taking 1878 as a criterion, of about $800, for the use of the whole county. It was useless to think of trying the county for assistance; the township had lost half or more of its taxable property, and was saddled with a heavy bonded debt and a large floating debtwhat could we do but as we did? Here was Vernon township on the west, with a large area of the best agricultural land in the state, and filled with an intelligent, go-ahead class of people that were, per force of location, compelled to use two of these four bridges all the year round. The same remarks are applicable to Pleasant Valley on the south with reference to one of the bridges, except that Pleasant Valley accepted the present of a new bridge with the best possible grace, while Vernon did not seem to appreciate the munificence of the donors in allotting two and a large additional territory to her domain.

4. After having made up our minds, the "coterie" went to work, got up a petition in legal form, made copies, and gave them to friends of the project. The petitions were duly circu-lated, and at the next meeting of the County Commissioners they were presented, and after laying the situation before that honorable body, they saw fit to grant the petition, and created a new township, giving two of the bridges to Vernon, which township by virtue of use ought to by right be compelled to maintain them, one to Pleasant Valley, and leaving one to the new township; thus dividing the cost of maintaining the four bridges among the three townships most interested in their use.

And now, as this article is already too long, I will close with a word as to the manner of circulating those petitions, as that seems to be a great "eye sore." Those who had charge of the project acted upon the principle that you only receive help from friends, and that enemies are at liberty to get all the information they can. This is a world in which all work for their own interests as they understand them, and neither do they publish all their projects broad- cast, but having made up their minds that a certain action is just and would result in bettering their condition, they set about to accomplish it in a legal (if you please) way, and he who says least does most. S. E. B.


Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

If the editors of the Eagle and Telegram are particularly anxious about the age of "Grandpa Millington," they are informed that he is fifty-six years old, just one year younger than General Grant, and younger by from one to twenty-five years than any prominent candidate for the presidency, save perhaps one, so if he should run for the presidency next year, he would expect the hearty support of the aforesaid editors, unless, indeed, they are too old to take interest in politics.


Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

George Walker came up from the territory last Friday. He looks like a veritable "Texas ranger."

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Seventeen car loads of wheat were shipped from the depot at this place Saturday.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

John D. Maurer, ex-county commissioner, and J. V. Hines, postmaster at Dexter, made our new office a pleasant visit last Friday.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The post office known as "Polo," in the north part of the county, is to be discontinued by order of the P. O. Department at Washington.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Mr. James Vance and A. W. Davis, of New Salem, have purchased the livery stable and stock of A. G. Wilson. Jim Vance is one of the most popular young men in town, an old liveryman, and will undoubtedly catch "the boys." We wish the new firm success.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

NOTICE: The dry goods firm of W. E. Chapman & Co., Newton, Kansas, have taken the agency for E. Butterick & Co.'s celebrated paper patterns. Catalogues mailed free of charge to any address.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The military ball to be given ty the Winfield Rifles, at the Opera House New Year's Eve, promises to be a grand affair. The committee are sparing no pains to make it a success.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The following named gentlemen are the commissioned officers of St. John Battery No. 1, at Winfield. Captain: Eugene E. Bacon; First Lieutenant and Chief of Caissons: N. A. Haight; First Lieutenant of the Line: John F. Burrows; Second Lieutenant Senior: John Hoenscheidt; Second Lieutenant Junior: Geo. W. Anderson. Commonwealth.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

S. H. Myton intends fitting his business house with gas.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Gilbert & Jarvis have completed a handsome insurance Map of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Fifteen bushels of good lime wanted. Enquire at this office.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

John Moffitt has gone to Peoria, Illinois, on business and pleasure.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

E. S. Torrance and E. C. Manning are in New Mexico buying up the mines and railroads.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The city pumps would be very effective in case of fire; provided the fire was started around the pumps.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Mr. A. P. Johnson has bought Frank Gallotti's residence property on 8th avenue.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Frank Shock, the young man who carved Foster at Frank Davis' recently, was admitted to bail last Monday, and is now at liberty.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The upper part of the Maris building back of the stairs is to be thrown into one room for the use of the Odd Fellow's Lodge.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

S. H. Myton has his new addition about ready for business. His hardware store is now the largest south of Topeka, being one hundred and thirty feet deep.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

A. T. Shenneman has sold the Bradish lot to John Witherspoon for $500. Mr. Witherspoon purchased the lot as a site for a livery stable.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

On Tuesday Mr. C. W. Jordan injured himself quite severely while descending the stairs in Baird's store. He cut a large gash in his head, and will be laid up for repairs for some time to come.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Pursuant to the instructions of the Mayor, Marshal Stevens closed all the gambling establishments in the city last week, and the "gentlemen of the green," have been compelled to hunt new fields for their labors.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The eight foot stone sidewalk on 10th avenue, between the Presbyterian church and the Courthouse, has been completed. This gives a first class sidewalk from Main street to the Courthouse.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The railroad has reached Arkansas City. We congratulate our wide awake friends of the seaport. By the way, cannot we have a celebration and go down there and help our neighbors shout.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Tuesday morning J. C. Walters, the restaurant man, stepped into our office and made ye local happy with a can of "extra selects." J. C. knows well how to gain the good grace of a printer man, and that nothing opens his heart so much as the prospect of an oyster fry.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Last week Mr. William Shrieves was thrown from a load of hay, severely fracturing his skull, and for a time it was feared his injuries would result fatally. He was placed under the care of Dr. Wright, and is now recovering slowly.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

A young man by the name of Frank Hay was arrested here, last week, by the Sheriff of Harper county, charged with having a hand in the murder of Prof. Harnest, at Harper, in October. His trial is now in progress at that place.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The Catholics of this city will hold a festival on January 13th, 14th, and 15th to raise funds to finish their church. We do not doubt this will be an enjoyable affair and a grand suc cess, for the Catholics are famous for getting up good festivals.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Last Tuesday W. G. Hodges purchased the Curns store room, being the north room in the union building on North Main street, paying $1900 cash for the same. We understand that Mr. Hodges has rented the building for two years to Brotherton & Silvers for fifty dollars per month.

Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

The three orders connected with Masonry, together with the Knights of Honor, have decided to have a grand banquet on Thursday evening, the 25th, at Manning's Hall. At that time a Public Installation of the officers of Adelphi Lodge, No. 110, A. F. & A. M., will take place. Every preparation is being made to make this the finest entertainment of kind ever given in Southern Kansas.


Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

We learn from the Emporia News of last week of the arrest of one T. W. Hughs, who for some time peddled pianos and organs in this and Sumner county. It appears that he had committed peculations while in the employ of Messrs. Fox & Co., of Emporia to the amount of over fifteen hundred dollars, and then left the country. After a most diligent search he was arrested in Arkansas, and is now lying in jail at Emporia.

He had mortgaged the team, wagon, and harness, which belonged to Fox & Co., to James Dewar of Eldorado, for $120; had sold a sample organ that cost $169 for $55 cash; sold another for $100; another for $65; sold a mare which the firm was having kept in the country, which cost $55, for $35, taking therefor a note payable to Fox & Co., and had sold the note to the Winfield bank, forging the endorsement; had made and forged a note on B. S. Phillips, of Oxford, for $250, on which he secured a loan of $75 from L. Gower, of Douglass, Butler County; forged a note on H. T. Dally of Belle Plaine, Kansas, for $175, which he left as se- curity for a livery bill at Douglass; had forged a note for $90 on T. Walker, of Goldore, Cowley county, which he sold to James Dewar, of Eldorado. He collected $147 of B. S. Phillips, of Oxford; $117.15 from J. J. Benepe, of Douglass, and $100 from Emeline True, of Douglass. This is the fellow who married Jessie True, of Douglass, for some time a page in the House of Representatives.


Winfield Courier, December 25, 1879.

Married at the residence of C. J. Brane, Pleasant Valley, Dec. 21st, 1879, by Rev. J. A. Rupp, Mr. Cassius Roseberry, and Miss Hattie Hostuttler, of Pleasant Valley.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Mr. E. A. Henthorn, of this township, received notice this week from Washington of his appointment as post master at Burden. He and his brother, A. N., have formed a partnership and will immediately establish a real estate, insurance, and loan agency at Burden.

We hear talk of naming the new town on Cedar creek "Grumble." Correct! Stand up again.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

VERNON TOWNSHIP, Dec. 27, 1879.
ED. COURIER: A communication signed S. E. B. in your issue of Dec. 25th, seems, under the circumstances, to require a few words of comment from someone. The writer sets out with the assertion that "in your issue of Dec. 11th, under the head of "Bridge Bonds," you say things liable to mislead."

He may have proved this charge to his own satisfaction, but no one reading his article would be able to perceive how. On the contrary, his statement of "facts" (already patent to everyone who has examined the subject), and the complications growing out of the action taken on these facts, more than justify your editorial in every essential particular.

The argument he makes to justify the course pursued, amounts to simply this: That himself, and a few others, becoming restive under a burden they had voluntarily assumed in the past, with full knowledge of the contingencies that might arise in the future, resolved to shift the same to other shoulders, by any means, fair or foul, so that it might be "legal," (if you please.)" In doing this, he has but used the means that have done "Yeoman's service" in plastering over the acts, and soothing the conscience, of every wrong doer since the days of Cain. Selfish interest, caprice, and passion are potent influences, and have swayed the minds and warped the judgment of greater men than those engaged in the "Gift" conern of which we complain.

The light in which the people of Vernon regard this matter is about this: If Winfield city and township, first settled, and possessing superior advantages, think that it will best serve and advance their interests to vote bonds and build bridges, thus attracting trade and travel; well, it is their undoubted right to do so, and displays commendable enterprise in their own behalf and public spirit as well.

And if the people of Vernon township, exercising their own judgment and from motives of prudence, prefer to suffer some inconvenience for a time rather than add to present embarrassments by building bridges, decline to do so, who shall say that it is not their undoubted right to so decide?

And if the people of Vernon object to accepting such responsibilities, on what rule of law or equity does S. E. B. base the right to "compel" such acceptance.

The people of Vernon township are not deficient in public spirit, nor do they lack enterprise, governed by prudence; but the remarks of S. E. B. on that point must be slightly ironical. There is a manifest lack of intelligence somewhere "there anent," and a disclaimer on his part at once convicts him of insincerity. Had this matter been gotten up in an open, manly manner, and on the principle that "it takes two to make a bargain," and after a fair hearing had been decided against us, whatever we might have thought, there would have been no opposition made.

But done as it was, by a few parties in the furtherance of their own selfish interests, and utterly regardless of the means employed to effect their purpose, we think we have good reason to object and shall not very soon cease to do so. VERNON.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

ED. COURIER: Seeing in your paper reports from several of the districts in the country, I concluded to send you the report of district No. 81 for the month ending Dec. 23d. No. of days school was in session, 17; No. of pupils enrolled, 32; average daily attendance, 23. The following are the names of those whose average standing at our last examination was 90 and upward.

Kate Martin: 95

Maggie Martin: 93

Ed. Kinnaman: 90

Belle Martin: 92

John Olmstead: 92

George Hopkins: 90

P. W. SMITH, Teacher.
Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The following are the names of scholars in district 48, who have an average standing of 90 percent, and upwards, in scholarship, deportment, and attendance, for the month ending Dec. 19th, 1879.

Anna McClung: 98

Virgil Taylor: 96

John Hess: 94

Charley McClung: 93

Godfrey Ward: 91

Rush McClung: 90

Mollie Taylor: 90

Arcadia Taylor: 90

JOHN BOWER, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

George Miller has just put an elegant counter in his meat market.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

E. S. Torrance returned from his New Mexico trip last week.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Read's Bank is fencing in its bookkeepers with an additional railing.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The keno men who were so summarily fired out of Winfield have taken refuge in Arkansas City.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Ed. Bedilion is talking of moving the District Clerk's office into the upper story of the new bank building.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

On Saturday, Ed. Walker pretty well cleaned out the balance of the B. E. Johnston bankrupt stock at auction sale.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Mr. Frank Greer, one of the clerks at Baird Bros., starts for a visit in the north part of the State Thursday morning.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Hon. J. W. McDonald, and family, and Miss Emma Thompson, spent several days last week in Wichita as guests of Judge and Mrs. Campbell.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Rev. C. J. Adams and wife left here on Christmas Day for their new home at Crystal Lake, Illinois. The best wishes of their numerous friends go with them.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

R. L. Walker rushed in upon us last Saturday evening, and as quickly disappeared. He is so full of business that he cannot stay long in a place. The Walker boys have sold their farm over toward Oxford, for $1,800.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Mr. Sadler has opened a large stock of clothing and gent's furnishing goods in the old Boyle building. Mr. Sadler is an old hand at the business, buys goods cheap and sells them cheaper.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Last Tuesday the C. S. & F. S. railroad company received its second installment of Cowley county bonds, $50,000, the amount due on the completion of the road to Arkansas City. This makes the total amount issued to that company $128,000.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Wirt W. Walton has been appointed Adjutant First Regiment Kansas State Militia. Wirt evidently has not read Prentis' squib on the "average militiaman," or he wouldn't be so rash about throwing himself among the dangers that beset their paths.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The "accommodation" train is becoming proverbial for its slowness; so much so, that an old lady en route from Wichita to Winfield last week, upon the appearance of darkness mildly asked conductor Simmons if "he would be kind enough to inform her where they would camp that night."

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Geo. Melville has appeared again upon our streets looking better than ever. He seems to have abandoned his Leadville mines for the present, while arctic winter reigns there supreme, to enjoy the mild climate of this Italy of America. George has sold out about $25,000 of his mining stock for cash in hand, but he has a plenty more of same sort. Boyle and Melville have made a very remarkable mining campaign, and their good fortune is due to good judgment, perseverance, and work.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The marble monument which has attracted so much attention at Oxford, which was erected by J. F. Miller, of this city, was furnished by P. Geraughty, of Leavenworth, who has probably the most extensive marble shop in the State, and which does the finest work. With the fine stone from our Winfield quarries for bases, and such fine work as he procures from Geraughty for the upper works, Mr. Miller is likely to work a revolution in that line for this vicinity.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Miss Capps is over from Wellington spending the holidays with Mrs. W. P. Hackney.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The moulder for the foundry of Clark & Dysert has arrived, and the foundry will soon be in operation.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

A large amount of flour is being shipped from here to points in New Mexico and Colorado.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The ice men have been reaping a rich harvest for the past few weeks. Ice to the thickness of seven inches has been taken out, and every available house filled with it.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The counters for the Winfield Bank are being put in and are certainly the finest in any bank in the country. They are of solid black walnut, paneled, and surmounted by a two-foot wire screen.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The S. K. & W. road would gain much in the estimation of the people of Winfield and Cowley county if its contractors were a little higher in the plane of morality. The class of thieves and blacklegs at present operating in this county under its management could be improved upon without much effort.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The Winfield Bank is now moved from its "one horse" frame building into its new and magnificent building on the corner. If you cannot find the place, please remember that it is over the COURIER office. The internal structure, fixtures, and furniture of the bank are more magnificent than even its outward appearance would indicate.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

M. G. Troup has secured one of the offices in the new bank building, and is completing his arrangements to step down and out and into a first-class law practice after the 12th day of January. His intimate knowledge of titles, together with his clear and concise ideas of law will soon place him in the foremost rank of attorneys at our bar.

Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

A Mrs. Hanson, wife of a well-to-do German farmer, living about ten miles southeast of this place, was arrested by Marshal Stevens last week for stealing goods from the counters and front of various dry goods stores in town. After her arrest the wagon was searched and a flour sack full of stolen articles was recovered. Our merchants have for some time missed various articles, and the Marshal has had an eye open for "shop-lifters." Mrs. Hanson begged piteously to be allowed to "go home to her babies," and was released on $300 bail. Her husband owns considerable property, and raised a large crop of wheat this year.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Mr. Rhonimus, proprietor of the "North end meat market," and a hired man, Henry, were arrested last week for stealing cattle. It seems that these gentlemen, in order to make the meat business as profitable as possible, have for some time been systematically stealing the beeves that supplied their market. It has been known among the stock men of this and Elk counties for some time that thieves were operating among their herds, and the matter was placed in the hands of Sheriff-elect Shenneman, who shadowed the above-named gentlemen, and at last caught them killing one of the missing beeves near the fair ground and promptly arrested them. Mr. Jones, of Windsor, has lost fourteen head of cattle by these depredations, and parties on the line of Elk county have missed as many more. It seems that the gentlemen were not partial as to the kind of meat taken, and sometimes stepped aside from their regular line of business to gobble a hog or two, and sometimes three, from the large herds of W. J. Hodges, at the stock yards, near the depot.

A preliminary trial was held before Justice Buckman, last Friday, but the case was continued till this week, and the prisoners remanded to jail in default of bail.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

The bold and daring manner with which the contractors on the S. K. & W. railroad have been attempting to beat our merchants out of the money due them for goods advanced on time checks brand them as thieves and rogues of the first water. The indignation of our citizens is justly excited against them, which, if these matters are not fixed up in some manner will work incalculable damage to the road. Everything seems to indicate that the scheme was premeditated and concocted for the special purpose of beating everybody out of every possible cent that could be extorted from them, and not from the miscalculation of contractors who took the work too low and were not able to pay out. The chief complaints seem to be laid to Corrigan, the principal contractor, through whose hands the money for the work had to pass, and whose duty certainly was to see that the debts of the sub-contractors were settled, and that they then received the balance. This was the course pursued by the chief contractor on the A. T. & S. F. road, every cent of indebtedness having been paid before the final settlement with the sub-contractors was made.

Suits are now pending against Corrigan and others for about $10,000.

We would advise our Sumner county exchanges to pass these fellows around and thereby put their people on their guard should the same game be attempted in that county.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880..

Mrs. W. C. Root, at her residence, corner of Millington and Sixth Sts., assisted by Misses Mattie and Jennie Coldwell.

Mrs. M. L. Robinson, on Mencrest, between Twelfth and Blanden, assisted by Misses Ella Holmes, Sarah Hodges, and Allie Klingman.

Mrs. Brown, on Elm Row, assisted by Mrs. Dr. Black and Mrs. E. P. Hickok.

Miss Maggie Dever, at the residence of J. M. Dever, on the corner of Millington and Tenth sts., assisted by Misses Jennie Hane and Clara Brass.

Mrs. J. C. Fuller, on Fuller and 10th sts., assisted by Mrs. A. T. Spotswood and Misses Jessie Millington and May Roland.

Mrs. Dr. Emerson, corner Eleventh and Fuller sts., assisted by Miss Jessie Meech.

Mrs. J. W. McDonald, corner Sixth and Manning sts., assisted by Miss Emma Thompson.

Mrs. J. E. Platter, on Fuller st., between 9th and 10th sts., assisted by Miss Nettie McCoy.

Mrs. W. P. Hackney, corner Millington and 12th sts., assisted by Miss Minnie Capps.

Mrs. B. F. Baldwin, 7th street, between Millington and Loomis sts., assisted by Mrs. Geo. A. Rhodes.

Mrs. C. A. Bliss, at her residence, corner of 10th and Fuller sts., assisted by Miss Allie Bull and Miss Celina Bliss.

Mrs. O. H. Herrington, at her residence, corner of 6th and Manning sts., assisted by Miss Ella Hodges and Miss Allie Herrington.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

On Christmas eve a couple called at the residence of Judge Gans to be married, and the judge proceeded to perform the ceremony, but whether in his judicial or clerical capacity we are not informed. Be that as it may, during the performance a goodly number of other persons headed by Treasurer Bryan, filed in and stood witnessing the proceedings, and Rev. Gans, supposing that they were present only to witness the marriage, after tying the knot, dismissed the congregation. "But hold on, Mr. Gans," said Bryan, "we have got something to say to you. We have been watching you for some time in your daily walk, as our pastor, and we have concluded that you need watching. We have therefore come here on purpose to watch you." During this speech the judge was searching over the leaves of memory to discover what he had done to deserve a reprimand from his parishioners, but his surprise was not less when the speaker produced a heavy and beautiful watch and chain of superb workmanship which he presented to the judge. We failed to get a report of the speech of Judge Gans on the occasion, but he intimates that he was just then taken with such a swelling of the throat that his speech would not come out except at his eyes.


Winfield Courier, January 1, 1880.

Just as we go to press we learn with pain of the death of Judge T. B. Ross, of Walnut township, in this county. Judge Ross was, we believe, the first settler in Cowley county, and the only man who dared to remain when the Indians drove out the few settlers in the fall of 1869. He has been a prominent and highly respected citizens of this county ever since, and had arrived at the ripe age of eighty-four, preserving his faculties in an eminent degree to the last. The immediate cause of his death was a violent cold.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

ROCK, Dec. 30, 1879.
The stone work of the Walnut Valley Presbyterian Church, two miles north of Little Dutch, is completed. The last rock was layed at half past four yesterday by Archie Stewart, of Winfield. They have worked faithfully to accomplish their ends. There was Rev. Graham riding north, south, east, and west drumming up money and material, and Coon with his water wagon, cold or hot, wet or dry, has stuck to his post. The neighbors are highly delighted with the building. We think it has the best walls for a church building in Southern Kansas, and that is saying a good deal for the builder, Archie Stewart. The lumber is on the ground for the roof and the carpenters were to commence work this morning. We must say something about the building committee. It is the first time that we ever saw a church built by subscription that the workmen were not delayed. But not a moment were they delayed by anything but cold weather. The people of the vicinity are to be praised for their faithfulness and courage in the cold weather, in drawing material, and last but not least, is our well- known boarding bosses, R. Hanlan and others, who have discommoded themselves to accommodate the workmen. Now one word to the committee. We will tell their names: Rev. Graham, Messrs. Coon, and Larkins. May prosperity follow them through this world and may they have better care in the next is our wish. We board at home and live at the same place. SIMON.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

A meeting of the citizens of Valverdi, Walton, and Bolton townships was held at Salt City, on the 27th of December, 1879, to take into consideration the subject of a railroad from some point to that place. The meeting was called to order by A. W. Burkey, and organized by the choice of T. C. Fernald for president and James M. Woodbury for secretary.

After a careful discussion of the subject, a committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Woodbury, Snyder, and Davis, representing the towns above named, were chosen to correspond and personally confer, if necessary, with railroad officials asking for a survey of the route from Winfield or Oxford to a point at or near the salt and mineral springs near Salt City. Thence south or southwesterly, if it should be deemed practicable, to the north boundry of the Indian Territory. The committee has power to invite propositions from any railroad company, and confer with town authorities relating to the issue of bonds. Also, the authority to call future meetings in towns above named. T. C. FERNALD, Pres.

J. M. WOODBURY, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

We do not propose to assume the role of chronic grumbler, nor do we intend to call our city government hard names because we think something is not done as it should be. We suppose that they are acting their own judgment of what is the best interests of the city.

We now wish to call their attention to the crossings of Loomis street on the south side of 9th and the north side of 10th avenues. These crossings we pronounce "man traps" of a very serious character. They are located in the low place known as "the slough" next west of the courthouse block. The owners of lots along the south side of 9th and north side of 10th avenues have at considerable expense, graded up two or three feet, and constructed stone flag sidewalks eight feet wide up to Loomis street on each side. The city has connected these walks with a stingy crossing, only four feet wide. At the ends of the eight foot walks next to Loomis street are deep ditches which the city has bridged with flag stones only four feet wide, so that a person coming along the eight foot walk must travel in the middle of it or run into the ditch on one side or the other of the four foot bridge.

There is constant danger, in the night, of plunging off the ends of these 8 feet walks into a muddy ditch three feet deep, and even in the day-time, a blind man, or one whose thoughts are busy with some other subject, is liable to go down.

Now we want to ask the city authorities of this enterprising city of Winfield to remedy this evil at once, by at least making the ditch bridges eight feet wide. They tell us that these bridges are as wide as those along Main street. Well, what has that to do with it? The only question to consider is: Are the crossings on Loomis street sufficient for the situation? If not, they should be made so. If the crossings along Main street are sufficient, all right; but if not, they should also be made sufficient.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The following is a list of cases that will stand for trial at the adjourned December, 1879 term of the district court, beginning on Monday, the 15th day of January, 1880.

State vs. Frank Schock.

State vs. Daniel O'Leary.

State vs. Fames Fahey.

State vs. Charles H. Payson.


C. C. Harris vs. Sanford Day et. al.

C. C. Harris vs. J. B. Lynn.

W. H. H. Maris vs. T. W. Gant et. al.

James Kelly vs. Frank Manny.

T. C. Bird vs. H. C. Merrick et al.

J. A. Myton vs. S. H. Myton et. al.

Hackney & McDonald vs. T. E. Reed.

J. L. Burkey vs. A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co.



Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Court meets Monday in Manning's Hall.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Fred Hunt is "taking lessons" in the County Clerk's office, preparatory to taking charge of the clerical work.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Herman Jochems leaves this week for a visit to friends in Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The firm of Brown & Glass has been dissolved, Mr. Glass retiring, and Messrs. Brown & Son continuing the business.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

L. H. Hope has closed up his business at this place, and James G. Hope, his father, has taken charge of the balance of the stock.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Swain & Watkins have completed plans in detail for J. B. Lynn's new business building. They are first-class and reflect credit on the architects.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Henry, one of the cattle thieves, was tried last week and bound over to the District Court. Rhonimus' trial was postponed to the 23rd inst.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The school-house in district 53, Bolton township, was struck by lightning not long since, and the school stopped one week for repairs.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Prof. Farringer has three fine pianos which will be sold cheap for cash. They can be seen at his music rooms on South Main street.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

C. W. Jordan started Sunday morning for Las Vegas, New Mexico. He will remain there several months and return during the summer.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Chas. Bahntge and lady returned last Saturday evening, and will take up their residence among us. Mr. Bahntge has been engaged as assistant bookkeeper in Read's bank.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Ed. G. Cole, during his recent visit East, purchased the finest prescription scales in the market. One pair is so delicately constructed that one-twentieth of a gram can be weighed.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The contractors on the excavation for the new building next to Bliss & Co.'s, must be men of indomitable perseverence. They stop for neither cold nor wet, but keep digging away in spite of the weather.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Major Thompson has purchased the Winfield Restaurant from Mr. Hitchcok. This is one of the neatest and pleasantest places in the city, and under the management of Mr. Thompson, will soon be a popular resort.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

J. F. Miller is a success with trees. On Tuesday he hauled through town a wagon load of trees from ten to fifteen feet tall, dug up on the river bank for transplanting to several front yards about town.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The residence of C. A. Bliss was the scene of a pleasant social gathering on New Year's evening. A large number of their friends were present, and several hours were spent in conversation, music, and in disposing of the splendid line of refreshments prepared.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Major H. W. Lewis, one of the principal bankers of the Great City of Wichita, gave us a call last Monday. He is an enterprising, successful businessman, whom Wichita could not well spare, but it will not be strange if he should move to the live town of Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

George Miller is an artist in the decorating line. New Year's day he had his shop trimmed with evergreens and festooned with Bologna sausages till it looked as tempting as a millinery shop. He even went so far as to draw a crayon portrait of the "Village Parson" with which to adorn the walls.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The Hawkeye man says that lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place. While he is good authority on most subjects, he is "off wrong" on this. A Mr. Newton Wilson, living in Maple township, has a stone stable, which has been struck three times by the lightning. A couple of miles south of this stable is a stone quarry which has been struck by lightning some five or six times within the last two or three years.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Died. Captain A. A. Buck, who lately moved to this place from Cleveland, Tennessee, died at his residence last Sunday evening. His death, which was caused by consumption, is deeply mourned by a large circle of friends. The funeral took place from the Methodist church and was participated in by the Winfield Rifles, in token of respect for the brave soldier and honorable man. He leaves a wife and five children.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

For some time Deputy Finch has suspected that the prisoners in the jail were working to make their escape, and last Sunday evening he "laid for them" and discovered them drilling the bolts which hold the door. They had filed the cavities where they had been drilling with soap and blackened it with coal dust to look like the bolt head, and were only waiting for a favorable opportunity to make their escape.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Our young friend, Chas. E. Fuller, goes into the Winfield Bank as bookkeeper. He is a young man of unexceptional habits and an accomplished bookkeeper. It is a good place for him and we doubt not he will please his employers.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The artillery company was mustered into service by Lieutenant Kretsinger, A. A. G., Saturday evening. Capt. Bacon has received word that six guns and cassons have been shipped by the government direct from Washington to the company and that the side arms will be shipped from Fort Riley soon.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Quincy A. Glass, late of Brown & Glass, will in a short time open a drug store in the Martin building, next to Aubuchon's. He started east on Tuesday to purchase his stock. Mr. Glass is one of our most popular druggists and will be followed to his new quarters by many of his old customers.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mrs. Hanson, whose arrest we spoke of last week, was tried before Judge Boyer last Friday. She plead guilty, begged the leniency of the court, and was fined $25 and costs. This should be a warning to several other parties who are suspected of a like offense, and who, if detected, may not escape so easily.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Joel Mason, of Pleasant Valley, is one of our model farmers, and has demonstrated the fact that money can be made off of any farm in Cowley county, if gone at in the right manner. He is at present turning the proceeds of this year's wheat crop into a commodious barn and will in the spring begin the erection of a large addition to his dwelling.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Mr. Will R. Stivers, one of Winfield's brightest young men, left last week for Topeka, where he has accepted a position in State Supt. Lemmon's office. Will has been Deputy County Clerk for over six years.

Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The Arkansas City Democrat published an account of the discovery of gold bearing quartz in immense quantities about two miles from that place. We do not see what is the use of inventing such frauds. Is it possible that anyone is found fool enough to actually buy any land in the vicinity for more than it is worth because of the gold or silver story? What good will a temporary rush of visitors do when you know that they will be disappointed, and go away cursing the place and neighborhood?


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Married at the residence of the bride's mother, on New Year's eve, by Rev. J. E. Platter, Mr. Ira McCommon and Miss Nina Johnson.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

New Year's eve the Winfield Rifles held their first grand military ball, which was even more successful than the most sanguine of the members anticipated. The hall was tastefully decorated with flags, with the stage arranged to represent a company encampment. The crowd in attendance was immense, over a hundred tickets being sold.

At 12 o'clock an election for "Daughter of the Regiment" was announced, which was the most exciting feature of the evening. Five ladies were placed in nomination, and after a lively contest of half an hour, the friends of Miss Clara Brass carried the day and their favorite was declared "Daughter of the Regiment." The receipts of the entertainment amounted to two hundred dollars.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

Would it not be a matter of economy for the county commissioners to purchase a farm, somewhere in the neighborhood of the county seat, on which to keep the paupers that the county is compelled to support? The present system is a disgrace to the community, besides being a great expense to the county. By buying a good farm, erecting suitable buildings, and placing the whole in the hands of some good man, as superintendent, the institution would soon become self-supporting. With the advent of railroads, pauperism is largely on the increase, and before long, the cost of keeping them will be no small item.


Winfield Courier, January 8, 1880.

The liveliest crowd we encountered during the rounds was the "Pickwick Club." Their immense pasteboard cards, embellished with "original photographs" of the members, with the inimitable Nat. Snyder as "Mr. Pickwick," was the talk of all we met. Taken altogether, this was the biggest day, socially, Winfield has ever seen. It may be said, greatly to the credit of the ladies receiving, that no wines were served, and that no disturbances occurred to mar the pleasures of the day.


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

January 6th, 1880.
Ford & Leonard have completed the well of which we have heard so much, and now have an abundant supply of water for man and beast.

Mr. Hooker's fine two story stone building is about completed and will be filled with drugs about the first of February.

A substantial frame building, two stories, has just been completed on Main street, and will be occupied in a day or two by Mr. McCumber, who will furnish board and lodging to the weary traveler or gentleman resident.

Workmen are engaged on the hotel building to be completed in ten days. This building is a frame, 25 feet front and 70 feet deep, and will be occupied as soon as completed by a competent "Landlord," and supplied with all that is required to make it a first class hotel.

Messrs. Cunningham & Lane are doing a lively business in their restaurant and confectionery. They are preparing to build a large stable and put in a stock of fine horses and carriages to do a first class livery business.

Mr. E. A. Henthorn is putting the lumber on his lots for building the post office, in connection with which he will conduct a real estate and insurance business.

We notice the arrival from Eldorado of the elevator owned by Mr. Johnson, who will be ready in a few days to buy all the wheat in Cowley county. Mr. Johnson will erect corn bins sufficient to take care of all the surplus corn to be found.

Mr. E. M. Ford, agent for Burden town company, is selling a great many lots on which houses will be built as soon as the winter weather will admit.

Mr. West will erect a large stone building on the corner of Main and Fifth streets and put in a large stock of dry goods.

Ford & Leonard have contracted for a stone building duplicate of the one now occupied by them, and will put in a large stock of hardware, stoves, and agricultural implements.


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Mr. Berkey has built a warehouse in the rear of his store, to make room for more goods. Still his room looks as full as ever, thus showing the increase in his trade.

Mr. Holloway has worked up a good trade and is selling good goods at fair prices.

Mr. Berkey has also put in a pair of hay and stock scales to accommodate those who visit the springs and gain in flesh so rapidly as to be unable to weigh on the ordinary kind.

A new building has also been erected opposite the Salt City Hotel, and furnishes the public with hot meals, as well as fresh meat, by small or large quantities, being what is commonly called in the west a combination "restaurant and meat market."

Mitchell & Newman still continue to bring forward material for the improvement of the springs, and whenever the weather will permit, are at work.

Mr. Royal has returned from his trip to Indiana, where he has been for several weeks. He reports everything "booming."

Mr. Furgeson and wife, of Goschockton, Ohio, are here visiting their relatives, Messrs. Abram and Isaac Shurtz. The latter has been suffering of late with rheumatism.

Robert Mills will shortly move his command to his farm, where he intends to make a vigorous campaign against sunflowers, etc. But his place will be filled, in name at least, by another mill, to be built and operated by a Mr. Flemming. Work is to begin at once and the mill to be in running order by March 1st, 1880. The buhrs to be a new invention in the line of wind mills, said to have greater capacity than anything of the kind ever manufacturered.

The railroad meeting appointed a committee Dec. 27th to confer with the railroad officials with regard to the matter of running a line through here and on to the line of the state.

District 79 has built a school-house and have a full, interesting school now in operation, under the management of Mr. Sam. Gilbert.


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Someone has handed in the following assay of ores said to have been taken from new discovered mines near Dexter. We did not see the person who handed it in, and have no knowledge of the matter. As is probably well known by this time, we do not believe there are gold or silver mines in this county. The way to get gold and silver here is to raise wheat, stock, and other farm produce.

KANSAS CITY, Nov. 14, 1879.
This is to certify that we have made careful assays of the ore you left with us by S. N. Harden and find it to yield to the ton of ore as follows in silver and gold.

No. 1, small lot silver 1/4 oz. 1.16 ........... $ .87

No. 1, small lot gold 1/4 oz. 20 ................ $5.00

Total value No. 1: $5.87

No. 2, large lot silver, 1-1/4 oz. 1.16 ........ $1.45

No. 2, large lot gold, 1/2 oz. 20 ................ $6.66

Total value No. 2: $8.11


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

The S. D. Oliver farm, west of town, has been sold to Mr. S. D. Perry, of Ohio.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Mr. R. R. Phelps, the accommodating clerk at Giles Bros., is making arrangements to go into the drug business at Burden.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Bliss & Co., last week, sold their store building and lot to Mrs. Linticum for $1,575. The former owners hold possession until the first of May.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Mr. Will Root, our popular boot and shoe man, has been absent for several days, visiting his parents at Independence.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Ed. G. Cole has purchased the building now occupied by the Golden Eagle clothing house, of J. C. Fuller, paying therefor $2,200.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Simpson & Fowler have about completed their elevator, and will be running at the rate of a car-load an hour in a short time.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

W. W. Perkins, esq., att'y., etc., can "whip his weight in wild cats," and the one which came singly to steal his chieckens "stood no show."

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Our local left for Topeka Tuesday morning. He goes as a delegate from the Winfield Rifles to the military convention which convenes at that place on Wednesday.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Court convened Monday, and Judge Campbell not being able to be present until Wednesday, the members of the bar elected J. Wade McDonald Judge pro tem, and proceeded with business.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Tell W. Walton came over from Sumner last Tuesday and gave us a call. These Waltons naturally gravitate towards a printing office.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Read Robinson, who likes traveling too well to confine his usefulness to any one city, is in Winfield inspecting the banking business of the Read's and Robinson's.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Messrs. Hackney & McDonald on last Monday purchased Col. Alexander's office property on Ninth avenue. They will fit the upper story up for their office. They have also purchased Dan. Miller's property on South Main street.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Col. McMullen left on the 3 o'clock train Monday morning for Kansas City. He will be absent several weeks and will take in Denver during his rounds. Miss Nellie and Master Robbin accompanied him.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

The people of Little Dutch are making an effort to have their school graded, and Prof. Story was up last week looking after the matter. The district contains 76 scholars, and the present room is insufficient to accommodate them.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

CAPT. C. L. HARTER has vacated the office of Sheriff of this county, in which position he has served for two years with honor and urbanity. These qualities he will transfer to the Central Hotel, and add to its already wide popularity.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

The army is well represented at Topeka this week. Gen. Green, Captains Bacon aand Steuven, Lieutenants Finch, Friend, Hoenscheidt, Greer, and Crapster represent the troops stationed at Winfield. In case war is declared before they return, they will go right in and not wait for the consent of their wives and sweethearts.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

W. A. Lee is taking time by the forelock. He proposes to supply the reapers of this county for the year 1880 and has made arrangements for the best to be had in unlimited numbers, viz., the Empire and Excelsior, and he now comes before the farmers to inform them of these facts.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

W. M. Sleeth retires from the office of County Commissioner, in which he has served his county faithfully and efficiently. His own district has been especially well represented. He will now partake of the business prosperity of his town and county, which he has done much to promote, and we wish him abundant business and success.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

We are informed that Ed. Holloway and Ed. Lemmon have gone to Salt City to run Baird Bros.' store in that place. They are bright, active, reliable young men.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

We desire to call the attention of our readers to the new ad in this issue of Mr. B. Sadler, of the Famous Clothing House, in O. F. Boyle's building on South Main street.


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

From all accounts the boarders at the Hotel de Finch are getting a little unruly. Last Saturday evening they took pieces of wood and plugged up the padlocks to the cells so they could not be locked in. The result was that deputy Finch had to sit up all night in order to keep his birds caged.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Last Saturday Sheriff Shenneman returned from Missouri, bringing with him a horse and a mule stolen from Mr. Robinson, of Floral, recently. He received news of the theft while traveling in the east part of the county, and immediately started in pursuit. When A. T. goes for stolen property, it generally comes.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Last Saturday the Southwestern Machine works drew off the first blast from their new furnace, and cast the first metal in the history of Cowley county, within its limits. They are highly pleased with the working of their furnace and are satisfied that they can turn out casting equally as good as can be had at Atchison or Leavenworth.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

We are informed that Justin B. Porter has made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors. We regret to hear it, for we consider him a bright, active young man and one that would succeed, though quite young and inexperienced. It needs age and experience to grapple with the complexities of commercial pursuits, and we think this experience will help in future.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

M. G. Troup steps down and out of the County Clerk's office this week to give place to his successor. He has held the office for six years and leaves it with an honorable record. He has been one of the most accomplished and obliging officers we ever had. He will carry his energy and efficiency into this law and collection business and make it a success.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

E. P. Kinne has retired from the office of Register of Deeds with the respect and good will of all. He goes into the loan and real estate business and will make it a success.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Our readers will please note the new ad of Jenkins & Madden. Mr. Jenkins is well known as the former register of the land office at Wichita, where he achieved a wide popularity as a clear headed businessman and an obliging gentleman. Mr. Madden is a young gentleman of talent and reliability.


General Stock, Mining, Real Estate and Commercial Brokers,




Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Dr. W. T. Wright is getting up a big reputation throughout the country by his success in surgery. Some time ago he commenced treating a son of Mr. Hon, of Pleasant Valley, who has been a cripple for several years, and was unable to walk without crutches. In six weeks the boy has so far recovered as to be able to stand alone, and the doctor expects before long to have his limbs as serviceable as ever. The gratification of the parents at the recovery of their son, which had seemed almost hopeless, is incalculable.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

There is confined in the county jail an insane woman by the name of Mary Noalla, from near Arkansas City. She was refused admittance to the asylum because the authorities thought her case hopeless. Judge Gans made another application last week, stating the difficulties of keeping her here, and urging that they should receive her. It is to be hoped that the judge will be successful in his efforts to get her into the asylum, for her present gloomy quarters not only increase her malady but is ruining her health.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

There are a large number of deeds and mortgages lying in the recorder's office uncalled for. They have been recorded and paid for but the owners keep neglecting to call for them. This is something that should not be neglected. If the records should be destroyed by fire, all the deeds in the office would go with them, leaving no clue to the titles, whereas if the parties had the deeds in their possession they would be safe. We would again urge that parties having deeds at the recorder's office should call and get them, and thereby save endless litigation in case of fire.

Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

"St. John's Battery is making large preparations to celebrate Washington's birthday. They propose to give a grand entertainment in the opera house, at which will be rendered the military drama of the `Union Spy,' followed by a banquet and ball. The company will spare no expense to make the occasion one of the biggest Winfield has yet seen. The committees have been appointed and the preparations are being rapidly completed. One of the chief attractions will be a grand military drill and parade in which the Winfield Rifles will take part."


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

The District Court convened on Tuesday. Judge Campbell was detained at Wichita to finish up a criminal case on trial in that city, and had not arrived, therefore, the members of the bar elected J. Wade McDonald, Judge pro tem., who proceeded to try the case of the State vs. Isaac J. Henry, known as the North End Meat Market case. Torrance appeared for the prosecution and C. H. Payson for the defense. The case was ably conducted and resulted in the acquittal of the defendant. Mr. Payson's plea before the jury is spoken of as a very able argument and one of the finest oratorical efforts that have been presented in our courts.


Winfield Courier, January 15, 1880.

Last week the members of St. John's Battery, No. 1, made Captain Bacon a handsome present in the shape of a sword, with belt and sash. The adjutant then read the following resolutions.

WHEREAS, Capt. E. E. Bacon has, by his gentlemanly conduct and efficiency, won the respect and admiration of St. John's Battery, No. 1, of the State of Kansas; and

WHEREAS, The Battery desire to confer upon him some testimonial of their appre- ciation of him as an officer and as a man; therefore be it

Resolved, That the members of St. John's Battery, No. 1, K. S. M., present this sword and sash to Capt. E. E. Bacon, with the hope that he will ever be reminded by it of the friendly regard felt for him by his comrades. . . .



Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

January 19, 1880.
The railroad has struck us; came into the city limits about 5 o'clock, p.m.; will lay track through town tomorrow, put in side track or switch, and build a G. to turn the "iron horse" round on.

Mr. Henthorn has about completed his post-office building, and commenced a residence.

Mr. Legg, of Winfield, is putting the finishing touches to a large store building on Main street.

Mr. Bedell is here with his "Photo" Machine.

McAndrew is chiseling out the stone for a two-story business house, south of Hooker's drug store. The lower room will be used as a store, and the upper room as a public hall, where the preacher, the showman, the dancing men and women, or stump orator, can alike disport.

Messrs. Ford & Leonard commence, today, a new stone building, 25 x 80 ft.

James Fitzgerald sold five acres to Harvey Smith at $50 per acre.

Miss Kate Fitzgerald bought one acre just north of the town site, paying for it $100 cash.

Mike Ginley and Mike Dooley met with a severe accident which will disfigure both for life. In preparing for a blast, Dooley used a steel drill to pack the powder in the drill hole. The foreman told him not to use the drill, as there was flint in the rock. In spite of the warning, Dooley picked up the drill and lunged it in the hole, striking flint, and igniting the powder, which blew him several feet in the air. He will lose his eye sight. McGinley escaped with some slight bruises. Both were sent to Kansas City for treatment.

Thomas J. O'Connor died recently at Burden City, of pneumonia. Among the papers found were a check on an Indianapolis bank for $20, and some tax receipts of a farm near Independence. He was unknown: a quiet, unassuming man; about 45 years old; 5 feet 6 or 7 inches; light complexion. Supposed to have relatives in Connecticut.

Some fiend placed a plank 2 x 12 along the rail near Blueville, and by a mere chance the engineer discovered it in time to stop the train, loaded with men, only half a rail length from the obstruction.

Some imp of the devil stole the well-bucket and rope from the town well, and not satisfied with that, threw empty barrels and rubbish therein. I don't think it would be healthy for the cowardly miscreant if the Burden people could find him. MUGGINS.

[For want of space we are compelled to compress and suppress "Muggins," somewhat. Communications, to secure publication the same week, should reach this office not later than Monday evening.]


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Most of our readers will be interested in the letter on the first page of this paper from Mr. Ed. T. Johnson, in Arizona, giving a vivid pen picture of life and mining in that state. Mr. Johnson is a son of Mrs. S. D. Johnson, and the late Rev. Johnson, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of Winfield, a brother of Warner and Will. Johnson and of Mrs. McCommon and Mrs. Peadody. Ed. married Miss Eugenia Ward, a niece of Mrs. S. B. Bruner of this place, and owner of the Matthewson farm east of town. She is with her husband in the wilds of Arizona. We are glad that civilization is approaching them, and hope their venture will realize them untold sums of gold and silver.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1880. Front Page.

BEDROCK, Yavaipai Co., A. T., January 3rd, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Having had letters of inquiry about this far-off territory, and thinking that more of your many readers might, perhaps, like to hear something of the country, I take this means of answering their several inquiries.

We are here situated in what will ere long be as good a mining section as is found anywhere, but as in California, Nevada, Colorado, and elsewhere, it requires time and capital to develop the mines.

There are gold mines within half a mile of our cabin, that have kept their owners in plenty for years, by simply packing a few loads of quartz on two burros, from the ledge, which is several hundred feet up the side of the mountain, down to the arastra, the most primitive way of pulverizing quarts, and taking out by this crude process $500 a month, when they work steadily, which they seldom do. When questioned by me as to why they didn't keep the old horses going, they replied that they took out enough gold to keep them in grub and clothes, and that was all that they wanted. They were slowly developing their mines, and after awhile somebody would come along and give them a good price for them; and I suppose their logic was good for they are now in Prescott to receive $35,000 from a Chicago company for some of them, and say they have others just as good left.

A Mexican arastra is a circular bed of rock with an upright shaft in the center, to which arms are attached and to which heavy rocks are tied; to the upper arm an old horse is hitched, and dragging the rocks tied to the lower arms over the rock bed pulverizes the quartz, which is broken up into pieces about the size of Walnuts. Quicksilver is put in the cracks of the bed, and water thrown in to form a pulp, which causes the fine gold to sink and coming in contact with the quicksilver, is held there.

There are sevral silver mines that will work from $200 to $300 per ton. It seems almost incredible that such riches should be lying dormant, but considering the inaccessibility of the country a few months since, it is not to be wondered at. The murdering Apaches, too, a few years ago, made mining a very risky business, as several graves not far off conclusively show; but that is over now, and Mr. Indian is about as scarce here as with you in Winfield; and if the Santa Fe road runs through as the talk now is, the country will develop amazingly, and who knows but some time in the future, when Arizona's stores of gold, silver, copper, lead, etc., are opened out and her population more dense than it is at present, that Cowley will not contribute of her surplus wheat, corn, etc., in exchange.

This is not an agricultural country, nor will it ever be, though there is considerable good farming land, but farmers are never sure of a crop except by irrigating, and even that is uncertain as the streams often give out just when the water is most needed. There has already fallen more rain this winter than for any winter for several years, and the mountains are covered with a foot or two of snow; so there are hopes of better times for both farmers and miners another season.

It is a good deal harder pioneering here than it was in Cowley, for there a person could drive with a team nearly anywhere. Here, no roads; nothing but mountain trails that even a burro is squeamish about traveling over. My "pard" and I have managed to build a comfortable cabin of three rooms over two miles from the end of the wagon road, and had to pack everything on our shoulders; building materials, eatables, cooking utensils, etc. Your readers may judge this hunting for gold and silver is not all pleasure. Still there is a fascinating excitement about it, unexplainable to those who have never engage in it. Even the little ones soon learn it. Yesterday my little daugher (4 years old), picked up an old tin can and went down to the creek, saying she was going to "wash out some gold." Having seen me pan out some, she thought that she must.

We have a placer or gravel claim at which we are about ready to commence work. We have had to pack our lumber for sluices over two miles, but hope to get paid for it before long.

The climate here is very healthy and invigorating. Excellent drinking water, and any amount of timber; the hills are all covered with good pine timber, oak, walnut, juniper, alder, and ash: the latter all rather diminutive. Flour is $6.50 per sack of 98 lbs., butter 50 to 60 cents per lb., Bacon 25 cents, eggs, $1.25 per dozen, when they are to be had, potatoes 4 to 5 cents per lb., and green apples 25 cents per lb. So we don't have many green apple pies.

We are located on Big Bug Creek, 14 miles by mountain trail from Prescott, but over 30 miles by wagon road. Ladies are a scarce commodity: my wife and a lady four miles down the creek, being the only ladies in this section. Two or three companies are going to extensive operations in the spring, when population will come in, but it is a barbarous country, and as soon as we can sell out some mines for a good round figure, we want to go back to Winfield, and have some happy times with the old friends, "as in bright days of yore." E. T. JOHNSON.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, January 22, 1880. Front Page.

ED. COURIER: I have noticed in some of my papers lately, articles written in favor of organizing the Indian Territory into a territory like the other territories of Uncle Sam's domain.

It seems to me, and no doubt to thousands of others, that this would be a step in the right direction.

Here we have a vast extent of the finest country within the limits of the United States, given over to a pack of landless vagabonds. A country surpassing in the beauty of the climate, the fertility of its soil, and in general features, any State in the federal union, or in the world, abandoned and turned over to make hunting grounds for a few lazy savages.

Let us take into consideration the extent of this magnificent country, reveling in the luxuriousness of a semi-tropical climate, and see if there are not homes for every Indian old enough to need one.

The Indian Territory contains 68,991 square miles, or 44,154,240 acres, a larger area, by 410,520 acres than the six New England States together.

The population of the Territory was, in 1870, 68,152.

We find by division, that there are in the Territory 276,964 farms of 160 acres each, or 633 acres for every man, woman, and child in it. Just think of it! 633 acres of the finest land in the world parceled out to one Indian, and you without a foot that you can call your own.

How long is this going to last?

Just so long as the people will let it.

Why not give each Indian 80 acres of land for a home, and let him live on it, or die on it, just as he likes.

There is no provision made to feed and clothe a white man. It seems to us that he must do this himself, or, like the Dutchman's horse, he will die; or, like the man in Winfield, he will be kicked out of doors to lie in the cold, sick or well.

We say, let each Indian have a deed of 80 acres of land; let him make of it a home, just the same as thousands of white people have done and are doing. Do this, and still there are 38,702,080 acres left which might be thrown open for settlement.

The Territory as it is now is a great curse to the law-abiding citizens of the five states which join it. Robbers, cutthroats, and outlaws of all kinds, after committing deviltries of every description in the adjoining states, find a safe and convenient retreat in the territory. It is really the house of a vast number of plug-uglies, thugs, sharpers, swindlers, murderers, and horse-thieves, of every grade and color.

Now if we were telling a lie about this, I would say, hang us for it, but everyone knows that we are telling the unvarnished truth.

I hope someone else will come out on this subject, for or against; let us have the sentiment of the people all around. Remember that a white man must work or die.

Only a few days ago an old man in Wisconsin was taken up as a tramp simply because he was walking along the public highway. That was the only reason the man could give, when asked what he was doing. He was old and careworn. The cold winds of many a hard winter had blown over his poor old head, and had helped to silver his hair. Yes, he was somebody's grandpa, too, very likely, but the merciless tramp-law of that state condemned the innocent old man to be taken to Madison.

The rough usage on the road, combined with the cold weather, was too much for the old man.

So he died!

Oh! What a lasting disgrace this is to the law-making body of Wisconsin! May the curse of Almighty God be on such a law as that, is my prayer; but then, he was a white man, you know. He had $12.00 in his pocket, which was found after his death. The idiots did not have sense enough to ask the old man his condition.

Had he been an Indian he would have been taken in, sheltered, and fed, and sent on his way.

Now, I am not writing this because I hate the Indian. On the contrary, I respect him. But then, I certainly think the white man is as good as an Indian, but the way they are treated now (that is to say, the way the government intends to treat them), I think it a fine thing to be an Indian.

Yes, it looks as if they were getting royalty paid them for being Indians.

I am certain they would be in far better condition, in a short time, than they are now, were they given this land and made to stay on it, the same as they are on the reservations; then that infernal big fraud and swindle, the Indian Department, would be dead, DEAD! DEAD!!


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Prof. Smith, a nephew of E. E. Bacon, is at present stopping in Winfield.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Major Thompson has built an addition to his restaurant.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The office of the engineer of the S. K. & W. railroad has been established in the old Winfield Bank Building. This road has reached Burden, and the track-layers are pushing this way at the rate of a mile a day.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The handsome gilt sign in town now swings over the entrance to Henry Brown's drug store.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Col. Alexander has commenced excavating for a new business block near the north depot.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Baird Bros. let the contract for the stone work on their new store building last Monday to Messrs. Bullene & Co.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Mrs. Mansfield is getting the material on the ground for her new building. She has already had several offers for the lower story as soon as completed.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

On Monday Messrs. Pryor & Kinne moved their office into the second story of the new Bank building. They now have the finest office in town.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Mr. Wm. Shrieves was on the street Monday evening; the first time since the accident which came so near proving fatal.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Tuesday morning Simpson & Fowler started up their elevator, and ran through two car- loads of wheat. They are now ready to handle all the wheat that is brought to them.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

As a photographic artist D. Rodocker can't be beat in this country. He has some cabinet size pictures now on exhibition that equal, in style of work and finish, anything we have ever seen.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The State Journal, of Topeka, pays our young townsman, Henry E. Asp, a deserved compliment. Mr. Asp is one of our brightest lights and is bound to make his mark.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The authorities of the asylum have again refused admission to Mary Noalla. Something should be done to find her a suitable place, as she raves continually about having to stay in jail.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Quincy Glass has received his stock of drugs and with a corps of assistants is marking and shelving the goods. He will be ready for business the first of next week.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Judge Campbell has returned to Wichita, but Judge McDonald will keep right on with the court, trying all cases in which he has not been interested as counsel.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Charley Black, on Saturday night, was awakened by a burglar trying to raise his windows. He got out his pistol as soon as convenient and fired it twice to hurry up the retreating burglar.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Will. Hyden has taken a position with Hahn & Co., merchants of Winfield. Mr. Hyden is a good salesman and a popular gentleman, whose services are always valuable. Beacon.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The Shock case proved to be a long-winded affair. Over forty witnesses were examined, and the attorneys upon both sides have sifted the case thoroughly.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The new station on the railroad, one mile east of the Grouse crossing, is named "Cambridge." It is 1-1/4 miles south of Lazette, and the buildings of Lazette are to be moved over to Cambridge.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Mr. John Witherspoon has leased the Winfield House and is at work refitting and refurnishing it throughout. He has added an office and a wash room to the building and is giving it a new coat of paint both outside and in.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Gov. St. John has reappointed Major Hopkins as warden of the state penitentiary.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

W. H. Clay, of Sheridan, visited our office. We understand he will be a candidate for reelection to the office of trustee of that township.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Mr. Charles Bruner, who is doing a large mercantile business at Gliddon, Iowa, is visiting his wife in this city, who attends to the Winfield interests of the firm. He reports business splendid in Iowa, corn 25 cents per bushel and oceans of it, and wheat in abundance at good prices.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

It is true that the famous Pendery mine at Leadville has been sold for half a million of dollars. Boyle and Melville, who had an eighth interest, are not out of mining property by any means. They have interests in forty other mines, some of which are worth even more than the Pendery mine.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Frank Baldwin returned from his trip in New Mexico, Saturday evening. He met several Winfield people, among them Mr. McRaw. Col. Manning is at present out in the mountains with an exploring expedition.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

We have observed the Rev. J. E. Platter has been keeping hotel at his residence for a long time, but did not know he liked the business. But it seems he does, for he has bought the Occidental, of Wichita, for $6,000; a hotel which cost four or five times that amount of money.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The people in the southeast part of the county are in a fever of excitement over a mad dog which has been running at large in that vicinity, and which has bitten several other dogs and a little child. Parties owning dogs in that vicinity should look after them until danger is past.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Married. Monday evening Mr. A. D. Speed and Miss Thompson were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's sister, Mrs. Judge McDonald, by Rev. J. E. Platter. Only a few friends of the family were present.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Last Sunday morning, Mary Noalla, the crazy woman confined to the jail, attempted to run away. She was pursued by Mrs. Finch, and when overtaken, threw her arms around a fence-post and begged piteously to be allowed to go home, where, as she said, "her husband had 80 acres of land and lots of wheat." It was with difficulty that she was persuaded to go back to the jail.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

One of the most important property exchanges we have yet chronicled was made last week. Mr. Chas. C. Black purchased from W. H. Maris the building now being occupied by J. H. Lynn's store, the one occupied by W. C. Root & Co.'s boot and shore store, and his residence on Elm Row, for $12,000. Mr. Maris receives in part payment the J. G. Titus farm of 640 acres, southeast of town, and the balance, $5,000, in cash.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The funds accruing from the sale of school lands in this county are getting to be no small matter. Last Friday Treasurer Bryan settled with the State Treasurer and paid over the sum of $8,000, accruing from sale of, and interest on, school lands. When it is remembered that the Treasurer settles with the State every four months, it will be seen that Cowley pays no small revenue into the State School Fund.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

B. F. Baldwin returned from the west Saturday night, looking a little more rugged than he did when he left. He visited Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and the Cerrillo mines; heard of Manning, but did not see him; met several old acquaintances, and had a good time generally. He reports that the country looks rather barren, but a great many people are going in there, and the completion of the road will make business very lively both in the towns and mines.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Last Monday night Sheriff Shenneman arrested one Marion Roe for the seduction under promise of marriage, of Ella Onstott. He was brought before Justice Buckman, and his bail fixed at $1,000. "Coming events cast their shadow before."

LATER: Roe was released from custody Tuesday; and accompanied by the friends of the lady, repaired to the office of Judge Gans, secured a marriage license, and when last seen the party were in quest of a preacher.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The spirit of improvement seems to be general on north main street. Besides the three new store buildings now being completed, Mayor Linn has let the contract for the excavation and stone work on his building, and will push it forward as rapidly as possible. The excavation for Col. Alexander's building is being done by the L. L. & G. Railroad, and the dirt is being used in filling up around their depot grounds. We also hear rumors of a new brick to be built on the corner north of the American House.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Suss, Seward, Troup, and several others went up the river last Sunday on the little steamboat. When about two miles up, they spied a lame duck with a broken wing, and immediately started in pursuit. The duck proved to be a good swimmer, and for over an hour the contest for possession on one hand and life and liberty on the other, was waged with unequalled fierceness. But the duck was captured, and that evening seven tired but brave souls were tucked away in seven little beds, with a duck feather ornamenting each headboard as a trophy of this glorious victory. They now think of joining the militia.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The proprietors of the Buckingham grocery store had a big rumpus Tuesday morning, which resulted in McCord, Nave & Co. getting out an attachment on the stock for $700. It seems that the stock has belonged to Bartlett, the grain man, who hired Buckingham to run it in his name, and that Buckingham was trying to settle the debts of the store by turning over the stock to McCord, Nave & Co., when Bartlett came in, threw him out of the window, and took possession.

LATER: It is reported, as we go to press, that U. A. Buckingham still "holds the fort," and that E. V. Bartlett, to dodge a warrant, has "slid out." We do not know anything about the merits of the case, but U. A. Buckingham appears to us an honest gentleman, while E. V. Bartlett is considered sharp. We think it most probable that U. A. Buckingham is in the right.

Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Monday evening a young woman by the name of Fanny Ray was brought in and placed under the care of Deputy Finch. She does not appear to be over 23 years old, and was married some time since to a man by the name of Ray. They lived happily together until four months ago, when her husband disappeared. She waited long and anxiously for his return, and as days lengthened into months, and he did not come back, her reason began to give way, and also her health, and she was soon thrown upon the charity of kind neighbors, who cared for her until her malady became so pronounced that it was decided to apply for her admission to the asylum. She comes from Cedar township, near the Chautauqua County line.


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

A meeting was held at Manning's Hall last Wednesday evening to consider a memorial to Congress asking that a right of way for a railroad be granted through the Indian Territory from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.

Mayor Lynn was called to chair and J. E. Conklin chosen secretary.

A committee, consisting of C. C. Black, C. Coldwell, W. R. Davis, J. L. Horning, and M. L. Robinson, was appointed to prepare a memorial.

Senator Hewson, of Memphis, addressed the meeting, stating the advantages and impor- ance to this section of the country of such a road.

The committee reported a memorial as follows, which was adopted, and the committee instructed to procure signatures and forward.

"The undersigned citizens of Cowley county, in the state of Kansas, would respectfully represent, that this county and the adjacent counties of Kansas are producers of corn, wheat, oats, hay, hogs, and cattle; and that they have large quantities of the commodities named, over and above their own requirements for market; but on account of the present condition of things they are cut off and deprived of their proper and legitimate markets, which should be Memphis, Tennessee; New Orleans, Louisiana; and Little Rock, Arkansas; and the cities and country adjacent to said city. We would further show that our country is almost wholly destitute of timber, while in the state of Arkansas, only a short distance away, there is a superabundance wasting for want of transportation.

We would further show that by building a line of railroad from the line of Kansas at or near Arkansas City, to Fort Smith in the state of Arkansas, relief from all difficulties stated would be obviated.

We would further show that on the 17th day of Dec., 1879, the Hon. H. C. Young of Tennessee, introduced House bill 3032, in which the right of way and charter for said railroad is asked and provided for, and we respectfully request the said bill be enacted into a law and the company or body corporate thereby created be authorized to build a line of railroad and telegraph upon such terms and limitations as Congress may in its wisdom provide.

And we especially solicit and request the support and influence of the Representatives and Senators from the state of Kansas and our sister states, in prefecting and passing this bill.

All of which is most respectfully submitted."


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The importance to our section of a railroad down the Arkansas river to connect with the Southern railroads at Fort Smith cannot be overestimated. The millers of Little Rock and other cities below want our wheat, and have been paying ten cents a bushel above St. Louis prices. With a railroad connection direct the cost of transportation would be ten to fifteen cents less than it is to St. Louis, and our farmers would get hundreds of thousands of dollars more for their wheat than they would otherwise. Again, our corn, oats, and pork are wanted in the South, and we want their sugar and other products. We now have to pay transportation on all these in the circuitous routes by way of Kansas City and St. Louis, and the difference in freights would be a fortune to our farmers.

The measure proposed is in the right direction, but what should be done is the enactment of a general law of Congress providing for means of procuring right of way for any railroad through the Territory in any part or direction.


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The court has been occupied for most of the past week in the trial of Shock for the assault with dangerous weapon on Foster. J. Wade McDonald has occupied the bench, Torrance has managed the prosecution, and W. W. Perkins the defense. The testimony closed Saturday night. On Monday Judge McDonald gave a long and able charge to the jury and Torrance opened the argument for the prosecution, closing a very able effort with the session for the day. Tuesday the argument for the defense was given by W. W. Perkins, and was a powerful forensic effort.

The case was submitted to the jury on Tuesday and on Wednesday morning they brought in a verdict of guilty of assault with intent to kill. This will subject Shock to a sentence of imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years.


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

Mr. Ed. T. Johnson, now in Arizona, is a son of Mrs. S. D. Johnson, and the late Rev. Johnson, formerly pastor of the Congregational church of Winfield. He is a brother of Warner and Will. Johnson, and of Mrs. McCommon and Mrs. Peabody. Ed. married Miss Eugenia Ward, a niece of Mrs. S. B. Bruner of Winfield, and owner of the Matthewson farm east of town. Eugenia Johnson is with her husband in the wilds of Arizona. We are glad that civilization is approaching them, and hope their venture will realize them untold sums of gold and silver.



Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

On January 17th, the ladies who met for the purpose of organizing a public reading room and library, received reports from the four ward committees who had been canvassing the city.

The city had obtained 63 lady members at $3 per year and received $175.00 in books, $77.75 in cash, 10 papers (daily, etc.), 1 clock and bracket, 2 window shades, and several pictures. The southwest ward has been but partially canvassed.

A committee on constitution was appointed, consisting of Mrs. Van Doren, Mrs. Dr. Davis, Mrs. Wallis, Mrs. Trimble, and Mrs. Holloway. This committee is to report at next meeting.

Mrs. Earnest, Mrs. Hickok and Mr. Beach were made a committee on procuring a suitable room, to report at next meeting.

Meeting adjourned to meet at 4 p.m., Jan. 22nd, at the Baptist church.

Everybody interested in this important enterprise is earnestly requested to be present at this meeting. MARY A. BRYANT, Sec'y pro tem.


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

The Sumner county papers brag that their treasurer has just paid $15,000 over to the state treasurer and claim it as a great victory.

On the 16th Hon. T. R. Bryan, treasurer of Cowley county, paid to State Treasurer Francis $15,197.94.


Winfield Courier, January 22, 1880.

We are getting, from various parts of the United States, a great number of letters of inquiry concerning Winfield and Cowley County. We therefore answer in this article the questions most frequently asked and shall print a large number of extra copies of this issue so that others may obtain papers wherewith to answer similar letters of inquiry. The answers are made hurriedly, without any attempt at strict accuracy, but are approximately and practically correct.

What is the population of Winfield? 3,300.

How many buildings were built in the last year? 100.

How many stores have you? 100

How may dry goods stores? 6

How many hardware stores? 5

How many stove stores? 4

How many dealers in agricultural implements? 6

Are there any seed stores? Yes

How many drug stores? 6

How many saloons? 6

How many hotels? 4

Have you any prospect of getting a railroad? Have got two; expect more.

Are the Indians troublesome? "Nary red."

Is Winfield a good place for a tinner? This question is repeated with regard to carpenters, blacksmiths, and almost every other trade or profession. We can here only answer that all the trades, professions, and branches of business are well represented here. There are many mechanics and laborers, and sometimes, temporarily, more than get employment, but as a rule it is a good place for all kinds. Those who come prepared to furnish the capital as well as the labor, stand much the best show.

What fuel do you burn and price? Wood principally, $5 per cord; coal to some extent, $7 per ton.

What advantages for manufacturing? Abundant water power; good timber.

Have you any good building rock? Magnificent, abundant. Come and see our rubble, cut, and flag stone.

How deep do you dig for water? Twenty feet.

Is water scarce? Abundant and excellent.

Have you any brick? Yes, good at $6 per M.

Any brick buildings? Yes.

Any stone buildings? Yes.

Any lawyers? I should think so!

Any doctors? About a dozen.

Any churches? Cannot be beat for churches.

Any schools? Six large rooms full.

How large is your county? 1,144 square miles in square form.

What is the population? 23,000.

How near to Winfield can I get good homestead land? Not less than 100 miles.

Any government lands near Winfield? No. There is a small amount of Indian lands in the county, which may be preempted and entered at $1.25 per acre. These are the refuse of the county, and as a rule, one can do better buying it second hand. Bargains in lands can be had almost any day, as there are so many that want to change, go to their wives' relations, or to the mines, or to squat again.

What is improved land worth? $3 to $6 per acre.

What are improved farms worth? $5 to $25 per acre.

What crop do your farmers depend upon most? 1,500,000 bushels of wheat, 2,000,000 bushels of corn, hogs, cattle, horses, sheep, etc.

Are your farmers badly in debt? They have been, but are getting out. They are giving plenty evidence of thrift and good feeling.

Is Arkansas City as much of a town as is pretended? It is a lively, flourishing town and improving rapidly.

Is there such a town as Burden? Certainly, and it will become an important point.

Are you much troubled with grasshoppers? "Nary grasshopper."

How long and in what part of the year does the drouth continue? From Dec. 1st to Dec. 25th. If we have a dry time at all, it is in the winter. During the spring and summer we rarely have more than a week without heavy rains.

Is it very hot in summer and very cold in winter? They have hotter days in the New England states than we ever have here. Our winters are generally mild and pleasant. At the present writing, January 20th, there is green grass on the prairies, and the maple trees are putting forth buds.

Is there any newspaper printed in your county? If so send me a copy. Yes, six. I will.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Col. W. P. McClure, in a letter to the Commonwealth, says:

"The Manzanares Mining Company was organized a few weeks ago. It consists of the following gentlemen: Col. T. B. Mills, Col. McClure, E. F. Beecher, Col. E. C. Manning, E. S. Torrance, A. M. Coddington, Dr. A. G. Lane, Joel Huntoon, F. A. Manzanares, A. O. Robbins, John H. Mills, I. Gist, Capt. L. C. Fort, and N. L. Rosenthral.

"Col. Mills has returned from their mining district near La Jova, in the mountains of the same name, bringing some of the finest specimens that it has yet been our privilege to see. The mines staked off and held by this company are rich in silver, copper, and lead. Capt. Fort returns at once and Col. Mills will follow the latter part of the week."

He says their mines are located within three miles of the A., T. & S. F. railroad and within two miles of the Rio Grande, and that big bonanzas have been recntly found in this mountain consisting of true fissured leads.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The Occidental Hotel was sold last week by Judge Little, receiver of the First National Bank, to Mrs. Emma J. Houston, of Winfield. We have been informed that the building is to be fitted up immediately for a seminary or private boarding school. If this be true, we have no doubt but that it will meet with the hearty approval of the citizens of Wichita generally, and that such an institution would be well supported by them. However, the completion of the Wichita and Western, with their depot located on north Main street, would make it more valuable than ever as a hotel. Wichita Eagle.

It seems that Winfield folks have a higher idea of the value of Wichita property than you have yourselves. Should not be surprised if some Winfield lady should buy out your whole town. We have several ladies here who are liable to do such things.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The Dexter flouring mill is being repaired and refitted by Mr. Wallschmitt, an experienced miller, who promises to free the people of Dexter from the galling yoke of foreign oppression in bread stuffs.

Several of the businessmen of this place, in connection with a few farmers of Grouse, propose building a town where the railroad crosses Grouse, on west side. They have held several meetings and have elected and duly qualified all their officers, including postmaster and assistant, and nothing now remains to be done except simply to secure the site and build the town.

The merchants are doing a fair business, but Harden & Walker are taking the lead on coal oil, Arbuckle's coffee, etc.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Maple Tp., Jan. 23, 1880.
The station of Cowley is numbered with the things that were.

'Squire Norman has erected a neat little store building and has it well stocked with merchandise.

Mr. Seaman is erecting a nice, large barn on his model farm.

Scarlet fever has made its appearance over on the Walnut.

Mr. Weathersby has erected a neat, cosy residence on his little farm on section 16.

Mr. Dan. Haynes has erected a wind mill on his farm, and is now cracking corn for his neighbors' stock for every sixth bushel.

The Maple Township Cemetery Association has been organized and grounds purchased.

The Second Adventists are holding a three days protracted meeting at the Centennial.

'Squire Norman had an interesting trial before his court this week, which occupied part of two days. The parties were J. W. Lane and T. S. Greene; verdict for plaintiff.

A neat, new stone residence has been erected on the school land in section 36.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

My stock at cost for ten days only. MRS. BEACH.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

L. J. Webb has been appointed A. A. D. C., on Gen. Green's staff.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The Frazee Bros. have gone into the meat business and have opened a butcher shop on North Main street.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bliss leave for the East this week. They will be absent two or three months visiting friends.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Captain H. H. Siverd, of Rock, was among our callers last Saturday. Call again.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Died. Mrs. Sarah E. Sitton, formerly a teacher in the western part of the county, died recently near Maple City.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Harter & Horning have put a first-class elevator in their store room for the benefit of R. M. Snyder, the "south end" grocer.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

W. A. Lee is getting in five car loads of agricultural implements to supply the spring demand. His implement business is getting to be a big thing.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

We were pleased to receive a call from Mr. Beswick, who has recently located in our county. He came from Mahascaka county, Iowa.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

E. B. Poole, of Cedar township, raised last year 191 bushels of potatoes from one acre of ground. And they were "boss" potatoes, too!

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The wells and springs in all parts of the county are getting very low. The need of a few general rains is very great.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Messrs. Lovejoy & Co. have opened an auction store in the middle room of Union Row, on North Main street.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Some cheap jewelry frauds were operating on the street last week, and, as usual, found enough victims to make it profitable.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The prosperity of the past year can be seen no better than in the new and improved houses which may be seen in every direction throughout the county.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The gold fever in the eastern part of the county has caused no small number of claim- holders to deed their farms. "It is an ill wind that blows no good."

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The new Odd Fellows Hall over Lynn's store is being furnished in fine style. The O. F's seem determined to outdo all rival societies in the matter of fixing up.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

District No. 58 has voted bonds for a school house, and hopes soon to have school running under the direction of 'Squire W. E. Ketcham, whose school at Maple City closes this week.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Charlie Jones, late merchant at Benderville, has moved his stock to Burden.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

H. L. C. Gilstrap had a field of wheat last year that yielded a little over thirty-six bushels to the acre. The wheat was very fine, weighing sixty-six lbs. to the bushel.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Maple City, though not a railroad center, is pushing along in the world. Several valuable improvements have been made in the town in the last few months. The people in that section of the county should "go for" a tri-weekly mail.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Engineer Thomas, of the A., T. & S. F. corps, passed through town last Saturday evening en route to the Territory. He will examine the route from Arkansas City to Fort Smith and report to the company the best route to build over.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Married at Silver Creek township by 'Squire Smith: Mr. Benjamin F. Sandere and Miss Katie Hall.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

County Clerk Hunt is fitting up his office with a new book case.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Capt. C. M. Scott was up from the Territory Saturday evening.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Gen. Nettleton, the president of the L., L. & G., is in town.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Judge W. W. Martin is in the city again in the interest of the east and west railroad.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Mr. Frank Finch has been appointed to a deputyship under Sheriff Shenneman.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Don't fail to see Prof. Helphinstine's sun pictures Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

County Attorney Torrance left Wednesday morning for Pennsylvania. He was summoned to attend the sick bed of his mother.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Last Monday Rev. N. L. Rigby sold his residence property, on 11th avenue and Church street, to Mr. T. S. Ticer for $1,300.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Mr. Johnson, the General Agent for the Illinois-Central railroad, called on us Tuesday.

He is investigating the cattle trade.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Agent Garvey was around Wednesday morning refunding two dollars, the excess charged over half rates to those who bought tickets to Topeka during the military convention.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The school board has decided to submit a proposition to vote $12,000 bonds for the purpose of building a school house, in the second ward, and an addition to the one in the first ward.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Dr. Graham has his office in the Maris building. We say this for the benefit of several parties whom we have heard inquiring for the doctor since his removal from Tenth avenue.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Through some oversight the call for township convention of Walnut township was omitted last week. We publish it this week, however, and will try and let no such mistakes occur hereafter.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

We had the pleasure to meet Mr. A. W. Howard and Mr. Geo. W. Santee of Illinois, friends of Rev. Cairns. Mr. Santee is an accomplished miller and it is hoped that he will locate in this place.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Last Monday Judge Lacy was anxiously inquiring over town for the whereabouts of Annie Bishop. It seems that she left home Sunday for Sunday school, and instead of going, left for parts unknown.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Major T. J. Anderson told us the other day that Col. Manning is building a hotel at Belen, that he has a large interest in rich mines, that he is a lucky fellow, and is bound to become immensely rich.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

R. M. Snyder, the south end grocer, has purchased the Buckingham grocery stock, and is now running an uptown store "for the benefit of the north end trade." This is a good one on the north end grocers.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Several of our citizens are talking of sending their children away to school because of the insufficient accommodations afforded at home. Ourr school rooms are a blot on the fair fame of our city.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Dr. W. T. Wright is casting about for a location on which to erect an infirmary. If the doctor succeeds in establishing such an institution, it will not be long until his skill as a physician will give it a wide reputation.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The work on the Morehouse-Baird building is going forward rapidly. Bullene, the contractor for the stone work, is employing a large number of hands and the foundation walls rise as if by magic.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

A petition of the property owners on the west side of Ninth avenue for a sidewalk from 7th avenue to the S., K. & W. depot, was granted by the council on Tuesday evening, and the walk will be put down immediately. It will be a twelve foot walk.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

"The Winfield Rifles have chartered a passenger engine and two coaches, and will run an excursion train to Wichita this evening to attend the drama of the `Union Spy,' now being played by the Wichita Guards. The fare to Wichita and return is $1.50."

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

C. W. and George Goodlander, contractors and former friends of ours at Fort Scott, have the contract for building the L., L. & G. depot at this place. They are skilled and experienced architects and builders and will make one of the largest and finest depot buildings in the state.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Mr. J. C. Roberts, trustee of Walnut township, made us a pleasant call Saturday. Mr. Roberts' friends are making an effort to put him in as trustee for another year. He is one of the best and most efficient officers that could be found and the business of the township could not be placed in better hands.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

J. M. Dever called us into his bakery Tuesday evening, and in less than 4-1/2 minutes we were marching proudly down 9th avenue with a loaf of his best "St. Louis brown bread" under our arm. It was only a sample to show what his new baker could do, and was nice as any we have ever eaten.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Henry Brown is bound to have the best drug store in town. He has thoroughly renovated and refitted the store inside and out, and is putting in a stock of drugs never before equaled in Cowley county.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The lumber for the S. K. & W. depot has arrived and the work on the same is being pushed forward rapidly. When finished this will be one of the finest depot buildings on the line. It will be 110 feet long, built on a solid stone foundation, with double platforms. They expect to have the cars running into it by the 7th of February.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The "old reliable" seed and agricultural implement house of Brotherton & Silver has been removed to the north room in Union Row, North Main street. With their new quarters comes a new stock, which for variety and quality has never been equalled in Cowley county. Their new storeroom is large, and will afford them space to accommodate their increasing trade.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Bob Beeney has a barrel of pure apple cider, brought all the way from "Elenoi," which he is retailing in quantities to suit the purchaser. It's nice.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

W. W. Andrews started Tuesday for the Black Hills. He will before long go into California on a prospecting tour as agent for a company of Wichita gentlemen.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

George Walker, of Winfield, and Miss Jennie Sleigh, of Oxford, were married in Winfield last week. George kept the matter very quiet; although he was around town several days, his marriage will be news to the public. Traveler.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, Feb. 3rd, 4th, and 5th, the Catholic people of Winfield will give a Fair in the Opera House for the purpose of raising means with which to complete their church, which is in an unfinished condition.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The Republicans of Walnut township will meet in convention on Saturday, the 31st of January, 1880, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the school house near Mr. Hoenscheidt's residence, to nominate the following officers: One township trustee, clerk, treasurer, two justices of the peace, and two constables. All voters of the township are earnestly requested to attend. By order of the committee. S. BURGER, Chairman. J. HOENSCHEIDT, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

Our enterprising butchers, Messrs. Simmons & Ott, aside from keeping their market supplied with all kinds of fresh meat and game, are always getting up something new to sharpen the appetites and bring out the pocket-books of their customers. Their latest drive has been in preparing mince meat, which they make up by wholesale, and which they retail atper pound. And right here let us say that it is as fine as we have ever seen and made from the best meat the market affords.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

BURDEN, Jan. 22, 1880.
Burden has got the "boom" badly.

We noticed Mr. H. C. McDorman, of Dexter, in town today, taking a look at the future town of eastern Cowley.

The Railroad Hotel is fast nearing completion.

Mr. McCumber proposes building a feed and livery stable immediately.

A butcher shop will be opened tomorrow by a gentleman from Douglass. He completes his building today.

The firm of Hooker & Phelps expect their stock of drugs next week.

The founders of Grouse City have taken one wise step. They use native lumber entire, and it being so inclined to twist, it will naturally twist the future queen of Grouse valley up the hills to Burden.

Charley Jones, of Benderville, took possession of Mr. Legg's new building today and commenced moving his goods in immediately.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

MAPLE CITY, Jan. 24, 1880.
The Republican voters of Spring Creek township met at Maple City on the 24th day of January, 1880, for the purpose of nominating township officers. The house being called to order, W. W. Thomas was chosen chairman and G. F. Gilliland, secretary. F. W. Nance was nominated for the office of Township Trustee, Wm. Bull and Daniels for Justices of the Peace, Harrison White for Clerk, Geo. Clayton and ___ Muzzy for Constables, Dr. Schofield for Treasurer. The folloowing gentlemen were nominated for Road Overseers: ___ Wilson in the Southwest district, Chauncy Robinson in the northwest district, J. R. Tobin in the southeast district, S. Clayton in the northeast district.

W. W. THOMAS, Ch'mn. G. F. GILLILAND, Sec'y.

Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

By special invitation we dropped into the Southwestern Machine shops last Thursday afternoon. It was the time set apart for casting in the new foundry, and Mr. Clarke concluded to call in the newspaper men to see the thing go off. About four o'clock the "blast" was turned on, and in less than half an hour the molten iron began to trickle down into the great iron ladle prepared to receive it, while men with metal dippers carried the sputtering, sizzling mass around and poured it into little round holes made in boxes of mud. A large number of people were present and seemed to take great interest in the process of casting iron. Clarke & Dysert have expended considerable money in putting in this foundry, mostly upon a venture, as they did not know whether they would be able to get enough work to pay expenses. The experiment has so far proved a success. They have orders for all the work they can do for some time, and we have no doubt that when people learn that they can get their repairs done at home as well as abroad, the Southwestern will be overrun with work.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

TOPEKA, Jan. 22, 1880.
There is considerable excitement in Topeka over the assembling of a large number of liquor dealers wholesale and retail, who have convened from all parts of the state, to the number of nearly two hundred. They met today with closed doors, but it is understood that the subject of their meeting is to organize against the prohibition measures to be voted on this year, and prepare to fight temperance litigation.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

The Republicans of Dexter township will meet in convention, on Saturday, Jan. 31, 1880, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the schoolhouse at Dexter, to nominate the following officers: One Township Trustee, one Clerk, one Treasurer, Justice of the Peace, and the rest of the township ticket. H. C. McDORMAN, Ch'm. J. A. BRYAN, Sec'y.


Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.

About three o'clock Monday afternoon the unwelcome sound of the fire bell brought everybody outdoors to see what was the matter. It proved to be a fire in Col. Manning's barn, a shed building near J. C. McMullen's residence, in the west part of town, which was nearly consumed before the alarm sounded. The stable contained a pony belonging to Benny Manning, a mule belonging to Mr. Lindsay, a pair of harness, saddle, and bridle, a lot of corn, and some household furniture that was stored in the granary. The fire was started by Freddie Manning, a little boy nine years old. He had rolled up some paper in the form of a cigar, and after lighting it, dropped the match into a bunch of straw. The sufferings of the animals in the barn were intense, but not very prolonged. This is the second time that our town has been treated to a first class fire through the carelessness of children playing with matches. The roof of Col. Manning's house nearby was scorched and the building narrowly escaped being burned.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

It seems that our county commissioners last fall forgot to make a tax levy on certain school districts to pay maturing school house bonds. District No. 90 is said to be one of them. It has a $100 bond maturing in June, and no money to pay it with. Perhaps the omission was another case of "want of authority."


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

With Col. Alexander we think it time something was done about the courthouse. The county has records that have cost thousands of dollars, and their loss would entail upon the citizens of the county hundreds of thousands of dollars in almost endless litigation. Were the courthouse the safest building in the county so far as the danger of falling is concerned, it is not a safe place to store the records. We commend the manly course of our correspondent in writing over his own proper signature. Like him we were skeptical about the dangerous condition of the courthouse, but we were always ready to urge that vaults should be con- structed to preserve the records. We think the time has come when the courthouse should be reconstructed under the supervision of a competent civil engineer in such manner as to save the present building and add to it what is needed, and we urge the matter upon the immediate attention of our county commissioners.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

It is becoming more and more evident every year that Cowley county has got to have a "poor farm," or rather a good farm on which to employ and support those who become a county charge. The present method of farming out the county paupers is expensive, and is becoming more expensive every year. At present rates of increase of expense, it will not be many years before the poor-tax of one year will be more than a farm reasonably well-stocked would cost now. Such a farm if now provided would be self-sustaining, and would nearly or quite release the county from further expense in the maintenance of our paupers. As a matter of economy it should be attended to at once. We hope that now while a suitable farm can be purchased at a reasonable price our commissioners will attend to this important matter.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

We have thus far escaped prairie fires this winter and the past fall, but from this time out there is more danger. This man wants a tract burned over to give his stock fresh range of green grass unmixed with dry in the spring. That man wants the dry grass burned off so that it will not be in the way of his plow. Another wants a strip burned to protect his property from a general fire that might sweep the country. Travelers and tramps are liable to set fires wantonly. The amount of old grass on the prairies is heavy, and fires once started make winds which carry burning fragments over barriers, and there is danger of wide-spread conflagrations. In such case the fires will be so hot as to destroy much of the roots of the grass, and the new grass which subsequently springs up will be thin and light, leaving the ground almost bare. The rays of the sun will heat the earth thus unprotected, and warm air will constantly rise, thus preventing the condensation of the vapors passing over us, and there will be no rain during the summer months, and our crops will fail.

A general fire passing over this county this winter or spring would damage our farmers millions of dollars in its immediate and remote effects, though not a building, stack, fence, or implement should be destroyed.

Then watch the fires. Do not set fires for any purpose. Prepare all the breaks and guards against fires possible. Punish everyone who sets fires to the extent of the law.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The call for a school-house bond election by the Board of Education, is as follows.

To: J. B. Lynn, Mayor of the City of Winfield, Kansas.

SIR: You are hereby, by the Board of Education of the said city, requested, in accordance with Section 173, Chapter 92, Dassler's Compiled Laws of Kansas, to call an election for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said city, the proposition of issuing Twelve Thousand ($12,000) Dollars worth of bonds, for the character and denomination, and for the purposes hereinafter set forth, as follows.

Said bonds are to be of the denomination of Five Hundred Dollars each, and to run Twenty years at the rate of six percent, per annum; the interest payable semi-annually on the first days of January and July of each year, and the principal payable at the end of Twenty years from the date thereof. Both principal and interest payable to the Commissioners of the Permanent School Fund at the office of State Treasurer of the State of Kansas. Said bonds to be sold at not less than 100 cents on the dollar, and the proceeds thereof used by the Board of Education of said city in purchasing a suitable site, and erecting a suitable ward school house, containing four school rooms, centrally located, in the second ward of said city of Winfield; and further, in erecting such an addition to, and making such alterations in, the present stone school building now located in the first ward of said city of Winfield, as will make said building a convenient and suitable school-house, containing six (6) school rooms for said first ward. And still further, if said proceeds be not all exhausted in the purchase of said site, and the erection of said buildings, in fencing and ornamenting the grounds of said ward school buildings.

Done by order of the Board of Education of the city of Winfield, this 19th day of January, A. D. 1880. F. S. JENNINGS, President of the Board.

Attest: FRED C. HUNT, Clerk of said Board.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Mr. R. M. Snyder is down with pneumonia.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The old Winfield House is now known as the "Lindell Hotel."

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

F. M. Burg was appointed a special police by the council Tuesday evening.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Mr. Geo. S. Coulter, a gentleman from Emporia, is in town getting up a city directory.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Cowley county furnishes five pupils to the State Agricultural College at Manhattan.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Prof. Trimble was one of seven who received State certificates at the recent examina tions.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The ladies are pushing the reading room matter along, and are making a success of it.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Messrs. Pyburn & Bush have removed their law office to the Bahntge building, No. 4, upstairs.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Sid is remodeling the parlors of the Central, and has to wrestle with "those ______ carpets" again.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Last Saturday evening Clarence Roberts was kicked by a horse, and had his head severely cut. He was placed under the care of Dr. Wright and is now doing well.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Messrs. Hughes, George, Carter, and Brown are fitting out an expedition for New Mexico. They intend going overland, and will start sometime during the week.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

It seems that Madam Du Pree found her match in Wellington. She walked until she found she could not win, and then walked off to the hotel with the stake money.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The new depot of the S. K. & W. is almost up. The roof is being put up, and the foundations for the platforms are about completed. This will be one of the finest depot buildings in this part of the country.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Elder Downs, of Methodist Church South, will on next Sunday, February 8th, at Bethel school house, preach the funeral sermon of Hon. T. B. Ross.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The A. T. & S. F. people are improving their depot grounds by filling in stone between the tracks and covering with sand. They intend to do away with the mud if possible.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Capt. Siverd of Rock has been appointed jailer, in place of Mr. Finch. The keys of the jail have been turned over to him, but as yet Mr. Finch holds the fort in the second story.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Mr. W. H. Smith has secured the new brick store building to be built by Mrs. Mansfield, at $720 per year in advance. The building is to be completed by April 1st, 1880. Good for the boot and shoe man.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

In this paper will be found the ad of Quincy A. Glass. Quincy is a druggist of large experience.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

C. A. Bliss started for Ottawa Monday morning via the S. K. & W. road; which he took at Burden. Mrs. Bliss starts Wednesday and will meet C. A. at Topeka, from which place they will go east together.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

An interesting communication from the Territory will be found in another column of this paper. The writer is a gentleman of intelligence and culture, and will likely keep our readers posted in Territorial matters.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The dress ball given by the social club last week was one of the finest affairs ever held in Winfield. The costumes of the ladies were simply superb, and the gentlemen alone resplendent in white vests, white neck-ties, and white kid gloves.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Jennings & Buckman are spreading themselves over considerable territory of late. They have enlarged their office by occupying the room adjoining, and have actually purchased a new table. The "boom" must have taken a new course.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The Catholic Fair opened Tuesday evening under very favorable auspices, and with a good attendance. The ladies had the hall tastefully decorated, and the company seemed to be enjoying themselves. The Fair closes Thursday evening with a grand ball.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The S. K. & W. railroad company has appointed Mr. Carruthers station agent at this place. Mr. Carruthers was formerly in the employ of the Fort Scott & Gulf railroad, and is a thorough railroad man.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Last Friday we took dinner at the English Kitchen, and were treated to one of the good, old-fashioned meals, which reminds one of "Grandmother's feasts." Mrs. Rodgers is at home in the kitchen and dining-room, and is lending all her skill toward making the "English Kitchen" one of the pleasantest resorts in the city.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Will Robinson is laid up with a sprained ankle. The mischief was done Sunday.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The bland and smiling countenance of Col. McMullen shines out from behind the wire screen of the Winfield Bank again. His two weeks ramble among the mountains of Colorado makes him look five years younger.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Our young friend, Lafe Pence, has recently "settled down" in his new quarters in the Winfield Bank building. Mr. Pence is one of our brightest young lawyers, and will make his mark in the profession. We are glad to see him prospering.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

A large part of the travel by railroad north from this place goes on the afternoon trains which lay over an hour or two at Wichita and afford the passengers an opportunity of getting the best kind of a supper which can always be had at the Tremont House, a couple of blocks west of the depot, kept by Col. A. N. Deming, the prince of landlords.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Mr. J. C. Hill has purchased his partner's share in the hardware stock of George & Hill, and will move the stock to Oxford. Mr Hill is at present building a store room at that place, and will move some time during next week.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The second railroad will reach us next week, and about that time will come a new crop of land-lookers and homeseekers from the more eastern states. Gen. A. H. Green is preparing for a brisk campaign in the land broker business, and will doubtless sell out his stock of farms readily and want more. He will take a few more farms to sell. Call soon.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Last week the counters of the Winfield Bank were completed by putting on the handsome wire screen which now surmounts them. The counters are models of cabinet work, being of seasoned black walnut, paneled, polished, and inlaid, the wood grown on the soil of Cowley, and manufactured by Cowley county skill. The Winfield Bank now has "room according to its strength," and its sound financial condition is rapidly gaining for it the entire confidence of the people.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Two railroaders, James Moore and Michael Reynolds, were arrested last week and brought before Justice Buckman on complaint of Dennis Murphy, charged with robbing him of $110.00. Henry E. Asp conducted the case for the State, and Charles H. Payson appeared for the defense. From the testimony of Dennis Murphy, he had got into a "bad crowd" as he furnished all the whiskey and his friends showed their appreciation of his generosity by robbing him of his money.

Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Last Thursday a couple of fellows confined in the jail came near making their escape. They had obtained a saw and sawed off the wooden window frames of the cell and with the piece were knocking a hole through the brick work. They had almost accomplished their purpose when they were detected. One of the fellows is John McMahon, lately brought from Arkansas City, and the other is Dick Rhonimus, the cattle thief.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

"The excursion to Wichita by the Winfield Rifles last Thursday evening passed off very pleasantly, barring a few hard characters, not belonging to the company, who got too much liquor aboard. The two coaches chartered by the company were comfortably filled by about 100 ladies and gentlemen. At the Wichita depot the Rifles were met by the Wichita Guards and were escorted to their armory where they stacked arms and dispersed to the various hotels for supper. The Tremont House seemeed to be the favorite with the boys, and A. N. Deming was compelled to enlarge his culinary department to accommodate them.

"After supper, in company with Frank Smith, of the Beacon, we took in the town, visiting the principal business houses, and finally bringing up at the Opera House, the pride and glory of Wichita, which is truly a magnificent building. The building is one-story, with very high ceilings, and will seat about 1,000 people. It has a gallery running about half-way around the building, and a large vestibule with box offices and waiting rooms complete. Last but not least is the stage, which is 40 x 60, and has been furnished regardless of cost. The scenery and fixtures will compare favorably with that of any theatre west of the Mississippi.

"The drama of the `Union Spy,' by the Wichita Guards, was simply immense. We had heard the piece spoken of highly by those who had seen it, but our anticipations were surpassed by the reality of the play. Judge Campbell as `Albert Morton,' in Andersonville prison, brought tears to the eyes of most of the audience, and even Krets, of the Telegram, was suspiciously handy with his pocket-handerchief.

"One of the Winfield boys, who had been through Libby prison, excused this unmanly condition by saying: `If you-you'd a b-b-been there like I was, y-y-you'd a cri-cried, too.' At half-past twelve the train started homeward, and the time was passed very pleasantly in the ladies' car, with music and singing. Special credit is due Conductor Siverd, of the A. T. & S. F. for his accommodating manners and gentlemanly conduct during the trip, and also the Southwestern Stage Co., which furnished free transportation to and from the depot."


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

The fight in this township was very lively, over 170 votes being polled. Both the Republicans and Democrats had tickets in the field. The following was the vote.

For Trustee, J. C. Roberts, 113; D. W. Ferguson, 63.

For Clerk, T. A. Blanchard, 116; C. A. Roberts, 62.

For Treasurer, Joel Mack, 158; A. J. Thomspon, 62.

For Justice of the Peace, John Hoenscheidt, 158; S. E. Burger, 112; G. W. Prater, 65.

For Constable, Frank Weakley and H. L. Thomas were elected.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

ED. COURIER: I think no one will accuse me of indulging in extravagance in my own affairs, or of advising, or approving the same in others. But all good businessmen will bear me out in the assertion that there are times and places in the affairs of every business individual when a dollar, rightly invested, will make, or save, ten for the investor.

What would we think of a householder owning a house needing repairs, who, instead of repairing it, would vacate it, and rent a house of his neighbor to live in? We should naturally think the man needed a guardian. Well, in all the business relations of life, the same rules that govern the life of the businessman apply to the affairs of corporations, municipal, as well as private.

I have been led to these reflections by the foolish, I might say almost criminal, negligence of our Board of County Commissioners in the policy it pursues in reference to the condition of our Courthouse. Individuals, pursuing the same line of policy in their personal and private afffairs, would be stigmatized as improvident and shiftless. And yet, our Commissioners are only improvident and shiftless in their public capacity. As individuals, working for their own private interests, they are all honest, thrifty, and responsible. They are also highly respectable, and first class as neighbors and citizens.

They were elected by their constitutents because they were good men, and the people had a right to believe that the interests of the county would fare as well in their hands as their own private interests. That such has not been the case will be admitted by every sensible person, when the present condition of county matters are once understood.

Look at the condition of our courthouse. When its unsafe condition was first made public, I, with others, was incredulous, and thought that, perhaps, the report was invented in order to give someone a job, or to satisfy somebody's personal convenience. But after our own citizen architect, Mr. Hoenscheidt, and a celebrated architect from abroad, Mr. Bartlett, had examined the courthouse and pronounced it unsafe in its present condition; and after learning from our District Court Clerk, Mr. Bedilion, that he had experimented with measures, and found that the walls were gradually spreading, I became convinced that something ought to be done immediately to make the building a safe one to occupy.

Judge Campbell will not hold the District Court in it, and the county is now paying Manning from $360 to $400 a year for his Opera House to hold the court in. Here is economy with a vengeance! But this is not the worst feature of it. The courthouse, unre- paired, is a death-trap in which the lives of our county officers are liable at any moment to be sacrificed. It is true, the structure might stand for years as it is. So might the Tay bridge, but it didn't; and how long brick walls may stand, that are gradually and surely spreading, the Lord only knows. I know this: that, if the courthouse should fall and destroy a single human life, I should thank my God that I was not one of the respectable and responsible Board of County Commissioners.

To repair the courthouse, means to make it better than it ever has been, and to enlarge it to meet the progressive demands of the county. It means, also, to provide a receptacle for the records of the county. And it can be done at an expense, trifling to the county; at an increase of taxes that might cover to the individual the cost of a single plug of tobacco. Yet, the Honorable Board plod along undisturbed, as though the county was too poor to own a respectable building, and pay out every year for rent enough to pay the interest on a much larger sum than would be necessary to make the courthouse what it should be.

Only think of it. The great county of Cowleythe banner county of the stateun- surpassed in her increase of population, her agricultural and horticultural productions; her superior standard of schools, education, intelligence, and refinement; with two railroads and the prospect of more; with a courthouse that could be built today for the paltry sum of $3,000, and in a shabby, tumble-down condition, which ought to bring the blush of shame to every citizen of the county. If the County Board believe that the people of the county prefer the "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish" manner in which this courthouse policy is con- ducted, I, for one, hope the Board is mistaken. Respectfully, J. M. ALEXANDER.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

UDALL, KS. Jan. 30, 1880.
Sometime during the night of the 27th, a new customer made his appearance in Udall, and finding the lights all out and doors all locked, he very dexterously took a light out of the window and entered the post-office building, belonging to Smith & Green, in which they kept groceries and hardware besides the post-office. There he seemed to make himself perfectly at home for some time, gathering the change from the office money box and their private drawer, looking at the goods; then putting their revolver in his pocket with a full supply of cartridges; next helping himself to oysters, then taking a couple of pocket knives, made his escape the back way, leaving the door open. According to Mr. Green's estimate, he took with him over thirty dollars in silver change. Some surmise that the goods went but a short distance, while others say it was the work of a tramp. At any rate, it was the doings of an experienced man. No trace has yet been discovered.

The people of Udall were happily disappointed by the not coming of the proposed saloon.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Several large bodies of cattle are feeding in Grouse Valley this winter. This makes a home demand for corn at 20 cents per bushel.

A move has been initiated looking toward the erection of a Presbyterian church.

The post-office at this place was considerably agitated last Friday morning by fire. The stove pipe burnt out and set fire to the roof. Immediate attention was given by the citizens, and the fire was extinguished before much damage was done.

The late rain was much needed, and came with a hearty welcome by everyone.

The railroad boom seems to have affected Dexter but little up to the present time.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

We can hear the whistle of the engine on the east and west railroad every day.

Mrs. T. D. Givier has sold, as the product of forty-four hens within the year 1879, 562 dozen of eggs. They were Black Spanish hens. Who can beat this with any kind of hens? The average price they were sold at in Winfield was 8-3/8 cents per dozen, amounting to $46.10, or over $1 per hen.

A law suit has just closed before N. J. Larkin between J. W. Meador and John Stalter. Warner was attorney for Meador and L. J. Webb for Stalter. The defendant, not being satisfied with the decision, appealed to the District Court.

The arm of the Baptist church at Floral, located at Richland, has moved across Dutch creek to Summit school-house. It has built up and been very prosperous at Richland, and now has sufficient numbers to lop off and form a separate church, which is about to be done. May her future be as prosperous as the past has been.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

VERNON, Jan. 30, 1880.
What we most desire to speak of is the railroad which is about to make its advent among us. Is there no way by which its unprincipled managers can be brought to justice? Be made to pay their honest debts? It is obvious that they are trying to swindle the people out of all they possibly can, the proceeds of which are probably shared between the contractors and company by previous arrangement. It would have certainly been very easy for the company (had they been so disposed) to have provided for the payment of all just claims against them. But their failure to do this proves conclusively that these swindles were premeditated. How different was the course pursued by the other company! They settled everything up fair and square.

But this high and mighty company can be reached. Let them beware! Desperate men with right on their side are not scrupulous as to the means employed to get even with such scoundrels. NED.

[We would remark that to suppose that the railroad managers had entered into a conspiracy with the conractors and sub-contractors to swindle the people, is simply absurd. General Nettleton and Major Gunn are men of too high character to be suspected of complicity in any such affair. They have dealt honorably with all and have followed the usual custom of letting contracts. Though it is a great undertaking to watch the debts of their contractors and sub-contractors, made in constructing the road, and withhold their pay until these debts were paid or secured, yet we think it should have been done. On the other hand, everyone who was dealing with these contractors should have used common business prudence, knowing it is impossible for the railroad managers to know the character and responsibility of all who work for them, and to have refused to credit strangers. There is no excuse for any illegal means to get even with the company, but there is great reason to commend the action of the managers of the Santa Fe road. ED.]


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

MAPLE CITY, Jan. 29, 1880.
If you think Maple City is dead, you are just a little off; that's all; for she is still improving.

She has doubled her population in the last year, and that is more than can be said of any other town in the county, I think.

We have two stores, which are doing a good business.

We understand that Mr. Hodges will put in a stock of drugs here in the spring. Hurrah for him! Then we can get the genuine rye for "snake bites," and John, you can save your wine for the boys.

Mr. J. B. Schofield is closing out his stock of goods. He intends leaving us the first of March for Indianapolis, his old home. Jimmy has done the square thing by the people here, hence has a great many warm friends. Don't go, Jimmy, don't go.

Jasper Smith's team ran away yesterday, doing considerable damage to the wagon.

Mr. Goodrich has had lightning rods put on his house. Too much gas, I presume, hence the necessity for rods.

No, thank you, George, we never indulge. We think Peter was wrong when he said, "Take a little wine for the stomach's sake."


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

Married by N. J. Larkin, at his office in Richland township, on the 24th of January, 1880, Mr. Hiram A. Stalter and Miss Anna E. Holmes.


Winfield Courier, February 5, 1880.

FORT SMITH, Ark., Jan. 28, 1880.
Though Ft. Smith, like most other southern towns, does throw its garbage into the street and then turns its hogs out to clean up, it has its good points, "Even the devil is not so black as he is painted," and if Fort Smith is dirty, it is also busy.

The cotton crop was good this season and brought good prices, $1,000,000 being paid out by the nerchants of this town for cotton alone. But in about two months the cotton will be all sold, and no business done fron then until next September; most too much of a vacation for a businessman. Here, as in Cowley county, the main hope of the people is in the Santa Fe coming down the Arkansas Valley.

South of this point some twenty miles, and within easy reach by rafts on the Poteau river, is the great pine region of Arkansas and the Choctaw Nation. The few mills between here and Texas turn out lumber at $7.50 per thousand. What a God send a few hundred million feet of it would be to Kansas! But if Kansas needs lumber, Arkansas needs flour and corn. Such an article of flour as Bliss or the Tunnel Mills turn out is not to be had here at any price. What flour there is for sale in town is poor, and worth $4 per cwt. Corn is worth 90 cents per bushel, and hay $20 per ton. Hogs, most fed, (Your true Southerner never feeds any stock; with him it is "root hog or die" in good earnest) are worth $4.50 to $5.00.

What this country needs, and must have, before it is even half developed, is the railroad from Kansas, and a few thousand such citizens as Kansas owes her prosperity to. With its present "poor white" population, a thousand roads wouldn't save Arkansas.

Fearing that I have already taken up too much of your valuable space, I am, with best wishes for the prosperity of Winfield and the COURIER, Yours etc., ARK TRAVELER.


Winfield Courier, Thursday, February 12, 1880. Front Page.

Farmers are getting ready for spring work. Present indications point to an early spring.

The Grouse Center folks have proposed to move any building from Dexter to that spot gratis. So our people have given them a few old houses that stood in the way of the fine stone church building that is going up this summer.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Pursuant to the call for a Republican convention for this township many of the leading men of the party assembled at the place appointed.

Mr. John Mentch was duly elected president, and Mr. John Hoenscheidt, secretary.

A number of high-headed democrats, with blood in their eyes, were also in attendance. They solicited one another of their own accord to join hands and mix in with the Republicans and to do their best licks to defeat J. C. Roberts for township trustee. Mr. Roberts received the unanimous vote of the Republicans, which caused the "Hotspurs" of Walnut township to boil over with rage. J. H. Curfman, a straight out Republican, was put in nomination against Mr. Roberts. Mr. Curfman politely informed the "democracy" that he would not be a candidate. They were then compelled to fall back on their own resources, and in conse- quence nominated David Ferguson, one of their own stripe and color. REPUBLICAN.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The editor started last Saturday for New Mexico, to see for himself and to report to his readers what there is in the great gold and silver sensation in that territory. Our readers may expect to hear more from him in our next.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

There is seemingly a very undecided feeling regarding the duty of citizens in reference to the pending election for school bonds, and we do not wish to influence the action of anyone against what he may conceive to be right in the matter.

Before the election was called a member of the school board was scarcely safe on the streets. Enraged parents, whose children were excluded from school privileges altogether, or were huddled, with a hundred others, in the cellar under the church, would attack them on every corner. There was a unanimous cry for more room. The board had no alternative but to take some steps, and so, after calmly and deliberately canvassing the subject, they decided on the present proposition, supposing that now when the need was so apparent, the opposition to a fair and reasonable proposition would be but slight.

But alas for human hopes! Although the Board had called meetingshad invited the citizens to be present and decide upon some plan, and had personally requested many to express their opinions on the matter, no one suggested anything.

But as soon as the proposition was before the people, there have been series of plans offered the Board by parties who did not know what was best before. Some even go so far as to condemn the Board for calling an election at all and deplore it as an unnecessary expense.

Whatever may be the result of this election, it cannot be denied that the Board has made an honest endeavor to better the present condition of our schools. It is with the people now to say what shall be done. We must not expect as a city to get a proposition that will exactly suit all, and the most we can expect is something that will suit the majority.

The amount of bonds asked, we think, is reasonable, when it is considered what is to be done. The interest is certainly low at 6 percent. The bonds can be paid at any time the district may be able. The buildings will be centrally located, neat, substantial, and comfortable. Now, what more can we expect in any proposition?

All we hope is that it will be fairly and intelligently considered, and if it is not worthy of support, let it be voted down.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

"Editorial Correspondence by Millington. We had good company last Saturday on the way up the railroad. Miss May and Mr. Robbie Deming were on their way home from the grand wedding in high life, at Arkansas City, of Mr. Gooch and Miss Hattie Houghton; Miss Minnie Capps, Miss Godfrey, Judge Martin, and Mr. Read Robinson were on their way to Wellington; and O. F. Boyle and wife were with us on our trip.

"At Wichita we called on Judge Campbell. The judge had gone to Newton with the Wichita troupe to play the `Union Spy' in the evening. We visited the burnt district. It was not large, but made a black spot just north of the post office. There was a syndicate of insurance officers on hand adjusting the losses. The insurance was light, which makes the loss quite serious on a few. [WICHITA HAD A BAD FIRE!] Did not see Dick Walker. He had been confined to his house by illness for several days.

At Newton we joined Lemmon and his wife, who had a complete outfit on hand and good quarters provided in the "Pullman."

The long train pulled out west at 9 o'clock p.m., and we arrived at La Junta at 12:30 o'clock today, from whence we now take the Santa Fe branch and expect to reach Las Vegas Monday morning.

The report of the marriage of Col. C. C. Harris was a rude hoax. He called on Lemmon at Topeka and Lemmon was chaffing him about being married, when a Commonwealth reporter came in, and hearing a part of the conversation, took it as a fact and so reported it. We think C. C. had better try to make the story a fact and escape that kind of a joke in future.

We have nothing of interest to relate as yet, but expect to pick up something in New Mexico to tell our readers about.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The business of Winfield for 1879 was nearly double that of the preceding year. That of the last quarter of 1879 was much more than double that of the last quarter of 1878. This increase was largely due to the excellent crops, excellent prices, and general prosperity and business activity in 1879, for the last quarter we had the additional stimulus of a railroad which made this place the shipping depot for wheat and other produce, hogs and cattle, which had formerly been hauled or driven to Wichita. The producers and sellers, having marketed in Winfield, in turn purchased their supplies in Winfield, and this made the trade of merchants exceedingly heavy.

From October 1 to December 31, 1879, there were shipped from Winfield

Car-loads of wheat: 406

Car-loads of flour: 21

Car-loads of hogs: 111

The amount of money paid for this property to the farmers of Cowley was about $300,000.

At present there is growing in this county about 80,000 acres of winter wheat, which covers the ground unusually well and promises a heavy crop. The bulk of the plowing for the spring crops was done in the fall, but a considerable has been done during the month of January. The acreage of corn to be put in the coming spring will approximate 80,000 acres. Last year the corn crop was remarkably heavy. Not less than 4,000,000 bushels were produced in the county, a considerable part of which is still on hand. The farmers are getting out of debt and are hopeful and jubilant.

Altogether the prospect is for a much heavier trade for 1880 than that of 1879.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

In the House proceedings of the 5th, we find the following.

Mr. Ryan presented a petition from 1,000 citizens of his State in favor of granting the great lines of railways which are constructed or may hereafter be constructed near the Indian Territory, the right of way through that country. The petitioners here state that they are willing the territory should remain a home for the Indians, but they ask that it should no longer be an obstruction to the commerce between the different States and Territories. The petition was referred to the committee on railways and canals.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

FEBRUARY 11, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Dear Sir: The Town Company of Torrance was organized on the 2d inst., and has among its members some of the most substantial businessmen of the county, and a lively interest is being taken by the people of this vicinity in the success of the town. This is undoubtedly the best location for a town on the line of the railroad east of Winfield, and the company cannot fail to realize this fact. When men of business put their capital and brains together, nothing but success can await their efforts. Torrance has more capital, more friends, and more energy than any town in the county east of Winfield, and I say let the few who oppose the town look well to their interests, for inside of five years the queen of the Grouse Valley will be the town of East Cowley, and where the town sites of Burden and Cambridge have been laid out will be nothing but fields of waving grain, to be manufacturered through the mills and carried through the elevators of TORRANCE. Some of the most substantial businessmen of the state are seeking investments at this point, and have flatly refused to invest a dollar either at Burden or Cambridge.

Very respectfully, EDWARD.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

We understand the township board are willing to appropriate all the law will allow them for the purpose of a free bridge across the Arkansas River at this point. We would be very glad to have a nice iron bridge, but that would cost $12,000 or $15,000, and that is beyond our reach.

We are satisfied a good pontoon bridge can be constructed for $500, exclusive of the cut on this bank and the approach on the other side of the river, both of which can be done by donated labor. The township should donate about $200 out of the treasury and the remaining $300 raised by subscription. This work should be attended to at once, before farmers are engaged with their teams on their farms. This kind of a bridge will probably answer our purpose for a few years, and then we hope to be able to build a more substantial structure.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Simmons & Ott are out with a new wagon.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Will. Robinson is visiting friends in Illinois.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Commissioner Burden came in on the S. K. & W. road Tuesday.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

As we go to press, the commissioners are still at work canvassing the votes.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Wallis & Wallis have replaced the stolen delivery wagon with a handsome new one.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

`76 Horning has purchased part of the Jim Hill Block on which to erect a residence.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Several families arrived from Indiana this week, and will locate permanently with us.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

A No. 1 butcher will get a steady job and good wages by applying to Simmons & Ott, meat market.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The Catholic fair held here last week was a grand success, both socially and financially. The net proceeds were $519.25.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

W. C. Briant, of Floral, came around again last Thursday. He is engaged in canvassing for the best churn ever made, and is meeting with large success. His churns are in demand.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

T. R. Bryan and Col. McMullen are making arrangements to build a brick business building on north Main street in the block south of the machine shop. It will be a one-story, 50 x 80.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Messrs. Wilson and Oldham have sold their dairy to Mr. George Heffron, late of Courtland county, N. Y. Mr. Heffron is an experienced dairyman, and an enterprising gentleman.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Last Saturday Curns & Manser sold three farms, two to gentlemen from Illinois, and one, the Charley Mann farm, to Mrs. Linticum, the lady who bought the Bliss property.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

David Dale has been appointed P. M. at the new town of Cambridge, on the Grouse. The post-office at Lazette has been discontinued, and that classic burg will soon be only of the past.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Last Monday Frank Barclay examined the city pumps and found that the reason they would not work was because there was no water in the wells. The greatest depth in the one on the corner near Harter & McCommon's was 4-1/4 inches.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Wyland J. Keffer (everybody knows Jake) was arrested last Tuesday on the complaint of one Joseph Morain, for assault with double-barreled shot-gun, on the person of the subscriber, Joseph. Mr. Keffer gave a bond in the sum of $200 for his appearance on the 19th.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Since County Attorney Torrance left for the east, Henry Asp has had his hands full. He has prosecuted six cases, with more criminals "panting for justice," and has been successful in every case but one. Henry is making a reputation about as rapidly as any young lawyer we know of.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

"Col. Temple arrived Monday evening and proceeded to make the casts for the `Union Spy,' to be played under the auspices of the Winfield Rifles and St. John's Battery, commencing on the 23rd inst. This will draw one of the largest houses ever seen in Winfield. Wichita was in a fever of excitement over it."

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

A man by the name of Snow, a painter, who worked here some time ago, was killed in Elk City by Jesse McFadden, a son of a lady who keeps a hotel at that place. As usual, there was "a woman in the case." Young McFadden was a nephew and former partner of Rhonimus, the cattle thief who escaped from our jail last week.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The meeting to consider the school-bond proposition, on Tuesday evening, was well attended, and a lively discussion was maintained for some time. The general feeling of the meeting seemed to be that we must have more school room at all hazards, and that the present proposition, although not suiting many, is the best that can be done.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Mr. John Ferguson, a native of bonnie Scotland, but who has been for the last fifty years a prominent citizen and successful farmer of Eastern Iowa, called at the courier office last Thursday. He came through here on a tour of inspection and was so delighted with this county that he stopped and bought a farm of Gen. Green for one of his sons. He will locate others of his family here as well as himself.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Old Mrs. Clarke, who lives on Posy creek in Pleasant Valley township, was arrested last Saturday on complaint of Chas. H. Payson, charged with having committed adultery with a man named McCrate. The case was tried before 'Squire Boyer, and was the most disgusting affair that ever encumbered the docket of a criminal court. If one-half the facts that come to our ears are true (and the neighbors seem to think they are), this Clarke outfit ought to be drummed out of the community.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Capt. Dick Walker and family are reported to be quite sick.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

C. W. Jordan returned from New Mexico Saturday. Mountain air has improved his looks wonderfully.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Judge McDonald started for New York Saturday morning on business. He will be absent about two weeks.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Mr. S. N. Harden, the "boss" merchant of Dexter, is going to remove his stock from that place to Torrance next week.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The law office of C. C. Black has been removed to the second story of the stone building on Main Street and Ninth Avenue. Last week Chas. C. Black removed to his new office, in the stone building which he recently purrchased of Mr. Maris. Charlie now has the neatest office in the city.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Married. Last week John Witherspoon, "mine host" of the Lindell, was married to Miss Spencer, daughter of the former proprietor of the house.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Mr. Eli Youngheim has sold his interest in the store of Youngheim Bros., to Charley, and will retire from business. Charley is now in the east, purchasing goods.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Adjutant General Noble and the Governor's staff will be down and attend the play of the "Union Spy." The rifles and artillery company intend to give a grand parade on their arrival.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Rev. J. F. Laverty, pastor of the M. E. Church, at Arkansas City, called on us Tuesday. Rev. Laverty has been very successful, having had upwards of forty accessions to the church during the past year.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Geo. J. Baltzell has bought the interest of Mr. Gooch, his partner in the blacksmith and wagon-repairing shop on 8th avenue, and will hereafter conduct the business in his own name.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Saml. Watt was elected trustee of Pleasant Valley Township by just one majority. That was a splendid victory. Just the way we used to beat them when we ran for mayor. Sam is a man after our own heart.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The Library Association have secured the rooms in the back part of the Winfield Bank building, and will fit them up as a public library. These are neat, airy quarters, and when filled with books and periodicals, and presided over by the ladies now so zealously at work in the matter, will present far more attraction for the young men than the billiard saloon.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Dr. Cooper's many friends in Winfield will be gratified to learn that he is expected home in a few days, having finished his course of lectures at the Keokuk Medical College. We learn that on his return he enters into partnership with Dr. W. T. Wright of the City Infirmary, where he will have ample opportunity to exercise his expanded powers as a physician. Winfield is blest far beyond most cities of its size with physicians who for character and ability are equal to any emergency.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

What is the matter in the southwest part of the county, that women get insane. In the last few weeks four insane ladies have been brought in from that section. Perhaps the opening up of the gold mines has something to do with it. Ex thinks there are more insane men than women in that section, but the men have more "method in their madness" and do not get picked up so readily as the women. How is this, Dr. Hughes?

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Last week a lady named Sarah E. James, whose home is near Tannehill, was brought before the Probate Judge on a charge of insanity. She appears like one who has seen better days and is the mother of three sons and a daughter. The sons are all grown, the daughter being the youngest and 12 years of age. Mrs. James has been living with her children on a rented farm since last August. The sons are industrious, hard-working boys, and everything seems to have gone along pleasantly in the family until about two weeks ago, when her mind seemed to go all to pieces, since which time she has been a raving maniac.

The sons have watched over and clung to her in the hopes of her getting better; but she has been getting worse and worse until they reluctantly sought her admission to the asylum. Her ravings and curses in the courtroom were simply horrible, and the Judge was compelled to have her removed to the jail and locked in one of the grated cells during the trial.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Last Wednesday, Dick Rhonimus, young McMahon, and another prisoner effected their escape from the county jail in a very mysterious manner. The next morning two horses were missing from Rev. Henderson's stable. Monday afternoon McMahon, one of the escaped prisoners, was brought in, together with one of the stolen horses, by Messrs. P. F. Haynes and J. B. Splawn, of Silverdale township. The particulars of his capture are as follows.

Thursday morning a man stopped at the house of Smith Winchel, in that township, and asked for his breakfast, stating that he was hunting a man with a horse on which he had a chattel mortgage. Mr. Winchel gave him something to eat, and went with him when he started to get his horse. He noticed that the horse had neither saddle nor bridle and was being ridden with a rope over his nose, which aroused his suspicions, and he called in several of the neighbors and stated the circumstances, when it was decided to go after the stranger and make him give an account of himself.

They came within sight of their man near the state line, and had their suspicions confirmed by his putting whip to his horse and making for Salt Fork. After following the thief for about a day, two of the party turned back, leaving Splawn and Haines [FIRST TIME THEY HAD HAYNES ... ???] to continue the pursuit. They followed the trail until dark and on the following morning were again on the track, determined to take him in if it took all summer. They followed the trail all day Friday and Friday night and Saturday discovered the horse, which the thief had abandoned while trying to get back into the state. They kept the trail by learning from time to time where the thief had tried to get something to eat. Sunday morning they rode into South Haven and found their man in a livery stable.

A warrant was procured and they started for home with the prisoner. On the way up they came through Arkansas City, where McMahon's mother resides, and the prisoner was allowed an interview with her. Mrs. McMahon is a respectable, hard-working woman, and her grief at seeing her boy under such circumstances was heartrending. She sold a cow, the only one she possessed, and purchased him a suit of clothes, the ones he had on being in tatters.

On the way home McMahon conversed freely with his captors, confessing the whole affair and stating that someone opened the jail door and let them out, but refused to tell who the party was. Monday afternoon the prisoner was turned over to Sheriff Shenneman by the captors, who received the $50 reward offered for his return. The smile that illuminated our Sheriff's countenance, when told that one of his birds had come home to roost, was a sight to behold. The most remarkable fact about the matter is that McMahon's time was almost out, and on the very day when he was returned to the jail as a horse thief, his time would have expired.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Monday evening the track-layers of the S. K. & W. reached the depot at this place, and Tuesday morning the boarding cars were moved down and placed on the switch. The completion of this road will completely settle the chronic croakers who have been so fearful about the future of Winfield. With a direct outlet to Kansas City or St. Louis, and two competing lines of road, one of which is only waiting for an opportunity to build on through the Territory and give us a direct outlet to the Gulf, we will ere long have facilities for marketing our produce second to no county in the state. This is indeed the dawn of an era of prosperity for the farmers of Cowley county.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The Cowley county Horticultural Society convened at the Baptist Church, February 2nd, and came to order with president Cairns in the Chair.

Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.

On motion J. Van Doren, J. A. Hyden, J. C. Platter, J. Service, and A. P. Johnson were appointed a committee to report on the practicability and necessity of planting fruit and forest trees and shrubbery; to make necessary arrangements for Arbor day, and to set the time and place for the next meeting.

On motion, Messrs. Cairns, Hyden, and Brane, were chosen a committee to make necessary arrangements with the Ladies' Library Association for a disposition of the Horticultural Society's Library.

Report of Mr. C. J. Brane on "small fruits," was presented, and ordered to be placed on file.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

DEXTER, Feb. 9, 1880.
ED. COURIER: Have not the true interests of Cowley county been shamefully ignored by those who have had the locating of towns on our lines of railway? Would it not be of great benefit to the county, to the whole people of the county, to have one good town, say in the neighborhood of the late Udall, and one other good town in the neighborhood of Grouse valley. What is the situation? A switch and a depot are a few miles northwest of Winfield, while there is no stopping place for trains, no shipping point for our products, no point about which capital and population can gather, beyond that station and the county line. This compels a large portion of our people to go far to markets, or else to go out of Cowley county to do their railroad business, and thus help build up a town that contributes not one cent to the wealth of our county. This could have been helped and should have been helped.

How is the situation on the east? Instead of getting one good, enterprising, pushing, thriving, towna town which would constantly grow in wealth and populationa town that would furnish a good local market for all farm productsa town that would sink no man's capital and smash up no man's business, we have three towns! Who will say that someone will not get scorched by this fire? Who will say that the best interests of eastern Cowley will not suffer by this failure to concentrate the wealth, the population, the trade, and the manufacturing and producing interests of that section in one locality rather than three? We have no interests in any one point more than another along the line of our railroads. The people of the county pay bonds for these roads, and the interests of the people as a whole should be consulted in whatever affects their interests so vitally as does the building up of towns and the consequent concentrations of capital and population. O. T. R.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Hall "boometh" in spite of its youth.

We were aroused on Wednesday of last week by the sweeping down through the city limits of a gentle zephyr from the north, bringing with it the horrors of a prairie fire, which called out all available force to fight it and save our little city, which is built in tall grass. The section men with their shovels, the station agent and operator with pen and message in hand, the merchant and the retiring proprietor of the farm on which we are located, all came nobly to the defense, and stayed the hand of the fell destroyer without the loss of a single man. "The colored troops fought nobly."

Mr. J. W. Peabody, having sold his farm to the A. T. & S. F. R. R. Co., is making preparations to leave us. We regret much to lose so good a citizen. Mr. Peabody is an honest, upright, straightforward man. The good old republican party of this township loses its main prop by his exit. In his new home we hope he and his most excellent family may live long and prosper.

James W. Hall, for whom our town is named, received his post-office commission last week, and will have his office open for the reception of mail matters in a day or two.

Mr. Hall has also brought on a stock of groceries and provisions, of which he keeps a full line, and is building up an extensive little trade.

The Hollister Brothers of this township shipped a car load of cattle and a car load of hogs on Tuesday last, which was quite encouraging to the station agent.

Hall and vicinity supports quite an interesting literary society, known as "Crooked Creek Lyceum."

The library association of this place is making preparations to give an entertainment, the proceeds of which will be used for the purchase of more books.

Mr. F. D. Davis has sold his farm adjoining our town site to a Mr. Jones, from Iowa, and gives possession in a few weeks.

Mr. Jackson, our station agent, has purchased lumber to build thirteen large corn pens, with a view to buying up corn, as he expects to engage extensively in the hog business.

Dr. Rothreck and lady, of Winfield, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. J. W. Peabody and family.

B. J. Downing, of Winfield, gave our little city a friendly call on Wednesday last.

Mr. D. A. Millington, of the COURIER, passed through this place on Saturday, enroute for New Mexico.

As our little city grows and business increases, we will write again. CITIZEN.

Feb. 9th, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

School report of district No. 81 for the month ending Jan. 30, 1880.

No. days school in session: 90

No. pupils enrolled: 33

Average daily attendance: 29

The following pupils deserve mention as being neither absent nor tardy: Chas. Hill, James Wiggins, Kate Hopkins, Esther Hopkins, Myrtle Martin, Kate Martin, Maggie Martin, and Nellie Silverthorn.

The following are the names of those whose average standing at our last examination was 90 and upwards.

Maggie Martin: 93

Kate Martin: 95

Esther Hopkins: 90

Myrtle Hopkins: 92

Belle Martin: 94

Izora Wentz: 94

John Olmstead: 98

James Silverthorn: 90

May Stanley: 90

During the past month we have had several visitors but no patrons to visit us.

P. W. SMITH, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

TISDALE, KS., Jan. 2, 1880.
ED. COURIER. The following is a report of the Tisdale school for the month ending Jan. 30.

No. pupils enrolled: 62

Average daily attendance: 54

The following named pupils have attained 100 in deportment.

GRADE A. Frank McKibben, Glen Moore, George Newton, C. P. Conrad, Nettie Handy, Lula Handy, Connie Gay, Stella Boatman, Jessie Goodrich, Ella Whistler, Effie Bartlow, Hattie Young, George Davis, Edna Davis.

GRADE B. Jay Gains, James Harris, Lula McGuire, Alice McKibben.

The pupils who have attained 90 percent and upwards in lessons and attendance.

Effie Bartlow: 93

Ella Whistler: 94

Ella Bradley: 91

Jessie Goodrich: 94

Stella Boatman: 91

Connie Gay: 90

Lula Handy: 93

Frank McKibben: 93

Edward Young: 93

John Bradley: 90

Nettie Handy: 95

Hattie Young: 95

George Davis: 94

Edna Davis: 93

Alice McKibben: 90

Ida Whistler: 90

Ida Divelbliss: 91

Lula McGuire: 90

James Conrad: 90

MRS. J. E. BROWN, Teacher.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

New Lumber Yard!





Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Great Disaster!

Three hundred persons lost their lives by the fall of the bridge across the Fay in Scotland, and hundreds of others are maimed for life by using old and worthless Harness. To avoid such a calamity,

Buy Your Harness of Sydal.
Opposite the Opera House.
Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Land, Loan and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public,


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.



Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

HENDRICKS & WILSON, Dealers in Shelf & Heavy Hardware, Stoves and Tinware. SOUTH MAIN STREET, 4 DOORS SOUTH OF 76 HORNING.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.



Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

The World-Renowned Excelsior & Empire Mower & Reaper...


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

A Man and Woman can save time and money by buying their hardware, stoves, and tinware of W. T. Roland & Son. They keep always on hand a full line of St. Louis and Quincy Cooking and Heating Stoves, the only place they can be found in the city. You can always find a full line of guns, revolvers, table and pocket cutlery, cartridges, powder and shot, at W. T. Roland & Son's. You can get a barrel of Tin Caps or a keg of Nails; in fact, you can get anything you want, from a harness needle to a box of Axle Grease, AT W. T. ROLAND & SON'S, PAGE BUILDING, MAIN STREET, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

A. T. SPOTSWOOD & CO., Wholesale and Retail Grocers.

We have just moved into our New Building, Opposite the Old Stand.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

SCOVILL & CO., are receiving one of the largest stocks of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, ever brought to Southern Kansas. NO OLD STOCK OUT OF STYLE, but fresh from the largest manufacturers of Clothing in the United States, and Sold at Prices to Suit the Times. Remember the One-Price, Square-Dealing Store

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

NEW STORE! NEW GOODS! B. SADLER, PROPRIETOR OF THE `Famous' Clothing Store. Citizens, Farmers and Mechanics! Come one, come all to the `Famous' when you want to buy good, honest, well-made custom Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps...[featured men's and boys' clothing.] B. SADLER.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


(Successors to Felix Aubuschon.)

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

JO'S SALOON. JOS. LIKOWSKI, Proprietor. The oldest house in the city. Choice Kentucky whiskies, wines, beer, and cigars always ready to be "set up" (for the cash) by "Old Joe."

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

QUINCY A. GLASS (Late Business Manager of the firm of Brown & Glass), Wholesale and Retail Druggist, SOUTH MAIN STREET.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

W. C. ROOT & CO., Largest stock of Boots and Shoes. [ADDRESS NOT GIVEN.]

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.



Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.



Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

Citizens of Winfield and Cowley County! We are selling dry goods, notions, hats & caps, clothing, boots and shoes, ladies' and gents' underwear, etc., at 50 cents on the dollar. Auction sales each evening at 7 o'clock. C. H. LOVEJOY & CO., UNION BLOCK (OPPOSITE LINDELL HOTEL), WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

THOMAS J. JONES, PRACTICAL PAINTER. House, Sign, and Carriage Painting, Graining and Papering. OFFICE UNDER READ'S BANK, WINFIELD, KANSAS.

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Coal delivered to any part of the City. Winfield, Kansas.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.

NOTICE. JOHNSTON & HILL have been appointed Agents for J. W. Stout & Co.'s Marble Works. All parties wishing Headstones, Tombstones, etc., call on them. Burial Cases, Metallic Cases, and Coffins. [NO ADDRESS GIVEN.]

Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.


Winfield Courier, February 12, 1880.



Cowley County Historical Society Museum