Saturday, July 15, 1922 to Thursday, August 3, 1922
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 15, 1922. Front Page.
New York, July 15.Prediction that E. F. Grable, president of the brotherhood of maintenance of way employees and railway shop workers, would issue a strike order to the 400,000 men of his union at any hour, was made today by William Parker, leader of the New York Central maintenance of way and president of the union's association of eastern chairmen. The New York Central men, he declared, are "up in arms" against Grable's action in holding off on a strike for which they had voted overwhelmingly.
Washington, July 15.E. F. Grable, chief of the Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees, following his meeting with President Harding, sent out a call for early next week at the union's headquarters in Detroit, of all grand lodge and executive officers.
Arkansas City Traveler, Saturday, July 15, 1922.
Thirty-two men in the employ of the Santa Fe shops in this city, who were formerly employed in the maintenance and way departments, but were recently transferred to the classification of fire builders and oilers, walked out of the shops at ten o'clock this morning, to join the strikers who walked out two weeks from this morning, July 1. The men who quit work today are now members of the International Brotherhood of Stationary Firemen and Oilers. According to local union men, this walkout takes in all of the shop men in this city and noone but five of the foremen are now on the job there. These men had themselves transferred from the maintenance of way department, to the I. B. of S. E. and O. in order that they could strike at this time.
The 32 striking men walked out of the shops at the hour named and formed in line, marching to labor headquarters on Summit Street and at the head of the line the American flag was flying. There are now about 335 men on strike out of the local shops, according to the union officials here. It was stated today that the Santa Fe shops at this point now have about 30 strike breakers on the job and that only one of this number is a machinist. Several of this number are in the car department at present.
The office of the superintendent of the Oklahoma division gave out the information this afternoon that there were but ten men in the crowd that walked out this morning.
When the office of the master mechanic at the south yards was called over the phone, for information on the subject of the walkout this morning, the chief clerk stated that the master mechanic was busy in the shops, and that his office had nothing to give out.
The walkout this morning was carried out in a very orderly manner and the whistle at the round house was sounded at the hour of the strike. The men simply laid down their tools, picked up their personal belongings, and marched uptown, in the same manner as did the 300 men two weeks ago today.
Train service on all of the lines in and out of this city, which has been hampered considerably on account of the recent high waters in all of the streams in this locality, is still in a bad way although things were looking much brighter in this line today. Both the Arkansas and Walnut rivers are falling quite rapidly at present and by tomorrow it is expected there will be passenger trains in operation on all of the lines, which have been tied up for several days on this account.
Santa Fe Late Today
This morning the passenger trains on the Santa Fe were late in reaching this point, the south bound being twenty minutes behind and the north bound being thirty minutes late. No reason was given for the late trains on the main line of this road. The lateness of No. 17 also delays No. 7, the Shawnee train, from getting out on schedule time. The latter is made up here.
Midland and Missouri Pacific
Work on the bad track of the Midland Valley and the Missouri Pacific, east of the city, is progressing nicely at present and a large gang of section men on the job there, has the damage about repaired so that trains may be in operation Sunday. It is expected that the Midland Valley will at least restore train service from here to Wichita by tomorrow. The work train will be able to cross the bad track this evening and will be brought to this city.
Missouri Pacific Out
The Missouri Pacific does not expect to have regular trains in operation between this city and Dexter before next Tuesday, as there is a lot of track work to be done between Silverdale and Dexter before this can be accomplished. Regular passengers and extra freights were in operation between Conway Springs, on the D. M. & A. line today, however, it was reported from the local station. Passengers for the east out of this city have been compelled to go many miles out of their way for the past five days.
Frisco Is In Operation
The Frisco is now operating regular trains over Enid and Beaumont line, through this city. The west bound passenger this morning, however, was an hour and a half late, here, while the east bound came in on time, shortly after the noon hour.
Interurban In Operation
The interurban line between this city and Winfield was in operation again today, after a lay off of several days on account of a damaged bridge and track washed out at Hackney.
The K. S. Line Not Yet in Operation
The K. S. line, between this city and Anthony, is not yet in operation and its train did not get in today. This line operates out of the Frisco station in this city, but is under the supervi sion of the Frisco officials here.
Houston, Tex., July 15.A temporary injunction was signed by Federal Judge Hutcheson Saturday "straitly enjoining" the striking railway shop crafts and their members from intimidating workers and from interfering with the handling of the mails and interstate commerce; from congregating on the streets or in front of the homes of employees; from trespassing on railroad premises; and from conspiring to do any of these things. To "straitly enjoin" is to "narrowly restrict," it is explained.
Chicago, July 15.Virtually abandoning hope of an early settlement of the railroad strike, following the failure of last night's conference, railroad executives today prepared to make a determined effort to reopen shops with non-union employees, according to a high official of the United States Railroad labor board. This official, who declined to be quoted directly, said peace moves would be suspended for the present, as the carriers and strikers were unable to find any common ground for starting negotiations when Chairman Ben Hooper sought to get them together yesterday.
The stumbling block in the path of settlement, it was said at the railroad board, will be the union's demand for restoration of seniority and other privileges to the strikers.
The roads indicated to Chairman Hooper that the men who have stuck by their employers and the new employees enlisted will be protected in the seniority they have attained.
Scranton, Pa., July 15.One man was shot and slightly injured in connection with the shopmen's strike at Carbondale, 18 miles north of here early today. He is Joseph Walker, who was on his way home when he was fired upon, it is alleged, by strike breakers quartere in a foundry of the Delaware and Hudson railroad company.
Poplar Bluffs, Mo., July 15.Everything continued quiet in this city today. The 295 members of the 128th artillery, Missouri national guard, sent here to relieve 250 St. Louis infantrymen, continued to patrol the railroad property and the principal highways. Reports that several shots were fired at the infantrymen before their departure last night could not be verified.
Dallas, Texas, July 15.Several men were injured in disorders last midnight at Ennis, when strikers and sympathizers are said to have charged the Southern Pacific railroad shops there, according to W. D. Louthan, special agent for the company here. United States Marshal J. A. Baggett said his reports indicated the attacking party was dispersed in the darkness by guards. About 100 men attacked the shops, which were guarded by a dozen men, reports said.
St. Louis, July 15.The Missouri Kansas and Texas today informed Governor Hyde that protection at Hannibal, Mo., was lacking and that the road was unable to operate its round house there because of inability to get men to work. While no formal request was made for troops, officials of the road said they notified the governor the situation "could be solved" if guardsmen were kept there.
Parsons, July 15.Idle Parsons shopmen took a holiday today and joined in the public demonstration for Brig. Gen. C. I. Martin and the national guardsmen doing guard duty here. Commander Martin announced the Parsons situation was "highly favorable" this morning and called a review of the 300 men stationed here at 2:30 p.m.
St. Louis, July 15.The M. K. & T. today signed a wage agreement with its 2,700 clerks and it is the second road with general offices here to settle with the clerks, the Wabash having signed an agreement several weeks ago. Details of the agreement were not made public, but it was said the average wage would be 55 cents an hour. The contract can be ended on 30 days notice, it was added.
Denison, Texas, July 15.The sudden quietness of the railway shop situation in Denison which began last night, with the arrival of adjutant general Thomas D. Burton of the Texas national guards following a day of excitement incident to the escorting from town by alleged strikers of strike sympathizers of three purported strike breakers, continued this morning. General Barton, investigating conditions on instructions from Governor Pat M. Neff, expressed surprise over the outward calmness of the situation today and said he saw little indication that conditions were not under control of local officers.
Several shots were fired in the railroad shop district about 2:30 a.m., but officers said they had been unable to fix responsibility or the reason for the shooting.
General Barton expects to complete his survey this afternoon and probably will meet Governor Neff at Dallas tonight and report his finding. He said he would not make known his recommendations until he has conferred with the executive.
Ennis, Texas, July 15.First disorders here in connection with the shopmen's strike occurred shortly after midnight today when more than a hundred shots were exchanged between alleged strikers and sympathizers and thirty guards in the Houston and Texas Central (Southern Pacific) yards. No casualties were reported and the disorder was quelled in fifteen minutes.
The trouble started when a car inspector went into the yards to inspect a south bound passenger train. Strike leaders claim the first shot was fired by the railroad guards. In the ensuing fusillade pistols and rifles were used, the strikers or sympa thizers firing from a garage opposite the railroad yards.
This situation was quiet today.
Do you think the Ku Klux Klan is needed in Arkansas City, and why?
Dr. G. W. Frank I certainly think something is needed to help law enforcement officers in Arkansas City. There are a great many violators that the police cannot cope with that a private organization can.
Walter Ames, Fifth Avenue Book Store Evidently they are needed but I do not approve of their methods, or of masked rule.
Mrs. Virginia Hamilton, 107 North C Street I think our city needs law enforcement and if the Ku Klux will do what they claim, it will be all right.
T. P. Alford, 119 North First Street If the Ku Klux do only what they claim, good would result, but if they do what others say they do, they are a harmful organization.
Mrs. Bob Harrison, 726 South Summit Street The Ku Klux is a peaceful organization, seemingly one hundred percent American. In my opinion, they don't hurt any community unless they should resort to mob violence.
A few days since, the editor of the Traveler heard a heated argument between a colored man and a white man, at the corner of the Traders State bank, on the question of, whether it was right to keep Policeman Ketch on duty while under indictment, or remove him from office until after the case is settled.
The colored man thought it was the wrong thing to do, and we believe he put up the better argument. We do not think it the right thing to do, for a man to be on the police force, under indictment, charged with the killing of a fellow citizen.
In his argument, the colored man suggested a case of supposing. "Suppose," said he, "that a policeman was to steal my automobile, and he was caught with it in his possession, arrest ed, and released on bond, awaiting trial, would it be the proper thing to put this man on police duty again?" That virtually broke up the argument.
The crowd that listened concluded that the colored gentleman should have been a lawyer, as he stated his side of the question so thoroughly, comprehensively and convincingly.
We do not think any man under indictment should be on official duty. He should be relieved from duty until his innocence is established or he is removed from office by conviction.
Winfield, Kan., July 12.For passing a forged check at the Vincent and Sloan Grocery yesterday, O. F. Stewart of Arkansas City, was arrested at the South Winfield station by Chief Fred Hoover late in the afternoon. Stewart is said to have given a check on the First National purporting to be signed by Frank Gelvan. It was found that the bank had no funds in that name, and no one of that name is known in this locality.
Stewart told the police he had served half of a three year sentence in the federal penitentiary at Ft. Leavenworth for a larceny committed when he was in the military service, and had been paroled. He said, too, that he had recently given a ten dollar check at Arkansas City, had been arrested, and again released on his promise that he would not do it again.
Winfield, July 15.J. M. Purcell, parole office from the federal penitentiary at Leavenworth, came here to get Fred Stewart, who was arrested by Chief Hoover on a charge of passing a bad check here a few days ago.
Stewart will be taken back to Leavenworth to serve out a sentence there, the officers announced, after County Attorney Fink had turned the man over to federal representatives.
Stewart was arrested here after he had passed a $6 check at Vincent and Sloan's grocery. He was being held when it was discovered that he was out on parole from the federal pen.
Purcell states that Stewart was sent up for larceny in Panama canal zone. It is said that while in the army, he broke into a store and was sentenced to serve ___ years at Leavenworth. He had served eighteen months of this sentence when paroled four months ago.
Stewart's parents live at Arkansas City, it is said. Officers here say he was taken up there on a bad check charge, but was released. After that he came here and was lodged in jail on a similar charge here.
Purcell and his prisoner will go back to the federal pen tonight, it was stated at the sheriff's office today.
The federal penitentiary at Leavenworth is crowded now, J. M. Purcell, parole officer stated to local officers today, they say. There are at present 2,757 prisoners there, he is quoted as saying.
Originally the prison was supposed to hold between 1,200 and 1,500, but is now crowded. Most of the work exacted of the prisoners is in building additions to the prison.
Frank Hunt, of the Osage Sweet Shop, after an absence of a week at Bella Vista, Arkansas, arrived home at 6:30 this morning, having left Bella Vista at 4:30 yesterday morning. He reported the roads were very bad for automobile travel.
Mr. Hunt had not received any of the telegrams that had been sent to him from this city, in regard to the injury and death of his brother, J. B. Hunt, in Seattle. His partner, Quinn Terrill, had made every effort to reach him, and the chief of police had also sent a wire, but all efforts to convey the news to Mr. Hunt failed, until he received the news upon his arrival here.
His brother had lived in Seattle for a number of years, where he was an architect and builder. Mr. Hunt wired his younger sister at Los Angeles this morning for particulars. He does not expect to go to Seattle unless there should be special developments in connection with his brother's death, which would demand it.
The old home of the Hunt family is near Atlanta, Georgia, and there is a possibility that the body of the unfortunate brother may be shipped there for burial.
Mr. Hunt was accompanied to Bella Vista by Roy Smith, of the Britt hotel, the two having left here a week ago today. Mr. Hunt reports a fine time, and says Bella Vista is a great resort. While there he saw W. C. and J. H. Bardo of this city, also O. B. Seyster, ex- secretary of the chamber of commerce here. Mr. Hunt expects to receive full information in regard to his brother's death very shortly.
The route to the boy scout's camp at Camp Bishop, ten miles east of Arkansas City, and one and a half miles southeast of Silverdale, has been marked by scout executive Kraul, assisted by some of the scouts, so that parents or anyone desiring to visit the camp will have no difficulty in finding the way.
The route goes east out of Arkansas City on Madison Avenue to the stone school house on the southeast corner of the cross roads near Silverdale, following the road south from this point, which turns east entering Silverdale. Turn to left at third corner, go one block east, and turn to the right at general store and post office. Continue in that direction to fork in road and take road to left, turning east across railroad track. Follow this road till you enter farmyard and turn completely around to right, going through gate to right of one entering farm yard, and follow the fence until camp is in sight straight ahead.
The camp opens next Monday and will continue for twelve days. It will be open to visitors on week days from 7 p.m. until tatto [? taps ?] is sounded. No meals will be served for visitors, nor overnight accommodations furnished. The enrollment of scouts for the summer camp is to be completed today.
Claude H. Anderson of 527 North First Street entertained Chas. Ferguson of Hutchinson here on Friday. Anderson, Ferguson, and Thurlow Lieurance, the latter of Chanute, are Spanish-American war veterans and they served under Col. Frank Lindsay of Topeka. All three of these men are now noted composers of popular music. It was Thurlow Lieurance who wrote the popular piece of music, "On the Banks of Minnetonka." This piece is now on the market on the Red Seal Victor records and can be purchased from the local music dealers.
Dr. L. S. Morgan today will take Dr. Oechsli's place with the Arkansas City clinic. His specialty will be internal medicine. Dr. Oechsli has joined the United States public health service and will be stationed at Kansas City hereafter.
Twenty-four Arkansas City men were given jobs this morning at the Moore refinery. Over two hundred men are now employed at the big plant. The population of Arkansas City has been increased one thousand by the Moore plant.
Among the former employees taken on this morning were Tom Rhodes, George Smith, and Charles Lemmon.
Two pipe fitters were hurt yesterday afternoon. They are Clifford Haywood, who had two fingers mashed; and Robert King, whose hand was bruised. Both men were treated by Dr. E. A. Tufts, the company physician. They will not be able to work for several days.
The shifts of pipe fitters and electric welders have been working night and day in the receiving house, No. 2, in order to hurry the starting of old stills on battery No. 5. New manifold coils and improved boxes are being installed here, the same as on battery No. 3.
The parts of the Moore plant yet to be started are the wax plant, and the casing head plant. The wax and lubricating oil shipping building on battery No. 3 is being given a complete overhauling.
A big gang of contractors and teams began hauling sand today for the new constructions at the plant. Only the cold settlings division of the wax plant is running. This is to enable the lubricating plant to be operated. No wax is being produced yet.
The Moore plant is maintaining its daily run of five thousand barrels of crude daily, with about one half of the stills in operation.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harrison of 726 South Summit Street, haved moved the house which was located at 303 North First Street, to their lots in Enterprise addition, and will put this property on the market for sale or rent.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison are making arrangements to build a new residence for themselves this fall, which will be located at 303 North First Street. They are planning to build a two- story modern house.
Dr. C. H. House is having plans drawn for a fine new home, to be erected in the 200 block on South B street. The plans are being made by Architect W. T. Schmidt of Oklahoma City, who is well known here.
Frank Myers, the man who tried to get an order from the chief of police for morphine from a local doctor is still in jail. It is a pitiable case showing what "dope" will do to a human mortal. The city physician, Dr. E. F. Day, gave him medical treatment last night, which enabled him to rest easier. At police headquarters it was stated that he would be turned over to the state today.
The usually quiet city of Dexter was treated to quite a sensation today, when a deputy United States marshal arrived at that place to arrest Walter Armagost and a woman with whom he has been living as his wife, on a white slave charge. Armagost and the woman, whose name the Traveler was unable to obtain, have been living in Dexter about six months. The man ran a meat market, and they drifted into Dexter and located there. According to the officers, Armagost and the woman ran away from their home in a Pennsylvania town. They were taken to the Winfield jail this afternoon where they were questioned by the officers.
Dr. L. E. Brenz, the osteopathic physician, reported to the police today the theft of a tire, rim, and tube from his car while parked last night in front of the city building. This robbery was within a few feet of the police office.
County Commissioner Carl Dees reports that Trustee Smith, of Silverdale township, has sent word here regarding the new route to Maple City, from this point, occasioned by the recent high waters at Silverdale, and on account of the bridge over Grouse Creek at that point being out at present. The new route, which will be laid out by the county commissioners and who will repair the road and put it in shape, is as follows.
Leave the city on the East Madison Avenue road, and keep straight ahead to the foot of the Starkey hill, which is the first hill beyond Horseshoe hill, thence south to the state line, thence east on the state line road for four miles, thence north into Maple City. This makes a detour of eight miles, but it is the best route from here to the east at this time. It will take some time to repair the damage to the bridges around Silverdale and Cameron, but the county commissioners will have this done as rapidly as possible, it was stated by Commissioner Dees today.
The question of Policeman Frank Ketch staying on the police force was revived at the commissioners' meeting this morning when Commissioner Frank L. Thompson made a motion asking that Ketch be laid off until such time as he is exonerated on the charge against him resulting from the death of Everett Snodgrass in a police raid made in this city April 22.
"There is an undercurrent of sentiment againt Ketch staying on the job and numerous complaints have been made and are continuing to be made, and I believe that he ought to be laid off," Commissioner Thompson declared.
The mayor reiterated his original position. "The officer was put there to do his duty. He was doing his duty. Only a few days before he had taken a 45-gun off his (Snodgrass) brother, and the evidence shows that when Ketch commanded him to throw up his hands, he did not do so but reached for his pocket. If you lay off an officer for doing his duty, the time will come when you can't get a man to act as an officer who will do the city any good. They will argue that if they go out in a raid and have serious trouble incident to the raid, resulting in shooting and possibly killing, what's the use of risking their official positions if by doing their duty, they are likely to be laid off?" stated the mayor.
The opinion of City Attorney L. C. Brown tended to sustain the mayor in his position. "I see no reason why Ketch should be laid off. An officer of the force is supposed to do his duty." With refernce to the talk that was alleged to be going around, the city attorney stated: "People will criticize when they don't known anything about the facts in the case."
Commissioner L. A. Sturtz stated that while he though Ketch ought to be laid off, he did not want to do anything wrong, and suggested that the matter be laid over until the next meeting. No further action in the matter was taken at this time.
While Marion Smith, assistant postmaster, was looking over some old records of the Arkansas City post office recently, he dug up the record which showed when the money order business was established in this post office. It was just fifty years ago today. The first money order was written by the postmaster himself and was for $25, dated July 17, 1872. The postmaster at that time was Aylmer D. Keith.
According to Postmaster Hartley and Assistant Smith, Keith was the first postmaster, but according to some older residents, particularly M. N. Sinnott, the city clerk, the first postmaster was Capt. Norton. Both Captain Sinnott and Judge C. L. Swarts say that Captain Norton had the original post office in a combined store and residence at 104 North B Street, the corner now occupied by Senator R. C. Howard's modern residence.
The first uptown location of the post office, it seems, was on the corner of Summit Street and Central Avenue, in the William Rowan building. This building still stands the same as it was nearly half a century ago, except that it had a new roof put on it the other day.
During the reign of C. M. Scott as postmaster, the post office was moved to the location now occupied by the Saddle Rock cafe. It being the general tendency of the post offfice to travel southwest, its next location was in the 200 block on the west side of Summit Street, either in what is now Kuntz's clothing store or the building adjacent to it on the north occupied by the New Home restaurant.
When the post office was young, it was active and didn't like to stay in one place very long. It saw a good location on West Fifth Avenue in the building now occupied by the Fifth Avenue Book Store, and proceeded to move into it. After resting for a time, it then roamed up the avenue a little farther and stopped in the old Carder building, only three doors west of its previous location.
Here it stayed until a contract was entered into with the Odd Fellows for the occupancy of the first floor of their building, corner of Fifth Avenue and First Street. The first floor of this building was built especially for the home of the post office, and here it proceeded to stay and grow.
The majority of Arkansas City residents know the movements and conduct of the post office from that time on and know that it has behaved itself very well. Only a few years ago it made its last and final move for an indefinite time, when it went into a home of its own and stopped paying rent, made possible by an appropriation secured by Congressman P. P. Campbell of the third congressional district. Ever since, both the post office and Mr. Campbell have been doing business at the old stand.
The order in which the postmasters served Uncle Sam and the people of this community is said to be as follows: Captain Norton, Aylmer D. Keith, C. M. Scott, Dr. Hughes, J. C. Topliff, M. N. Sinnott, W. H. Nelson, M. N. Sinnott, R. C. Howard, C. M. Scott, C. N. Hunt, and George S. Hartley, the two-times being C. M. Scott and M. N. Sinnott.
Mail Carrier By Stage
The first mail was carried to Arkansas City by stage, the Santa Fe railroad not having been extended to Arkansas City till the late '70s. Billy Preston was the first stage driver. The mail was carried from Emporia, that being the terminus of the Santa Fe. Preston operated a two-horse-power stage between this city and El Dorado, and from there a four-horse stage was run to Emporia. They resembled an automobile in that they got stuck in the mud, but they were not equipped with speedometers.
The driver occupied a seat high and dry on top of the omnibus, and it is said that on some occasions when crossing streams raging with high water, the water would come up a foot or two in the stage, almost floating its occupants, and the matter would not be noticed by the driver until some of the passengers called his attention to it after getting on dry land.
By and by the Santa Fe was seized with worldly enthusiasm and extended its line west from Emporia, running a spur from its main line down to a little cow town called Wichita. Then a stage was operated out of Wichita to Arkansas City and a lot of other towns in the southwest. It was near 1880 when the Santa Fe ruthlessly competed the stage lines along its route out of business, little realizing that in forty years it would have a competitor in the automobile and aeroplane.
Business Doubled in Ten Years
The growth of the post office business is indicated in the cash receipts for years selected about five years apart as follows: 1907, $20,728.95; 1913, $27,460.70; 1916, $29,513.54; 1921, $53,258.24; ending December 31, 1921.
It will be seen from the above figures that the business of the office practically doubled in the last ten years. For the first quarter in 1922, the figures show a gain of $809.26 over the first quarter of 1921. "Regardless of war conditions and the stringency following the war, the post office has never shown a loss or slump, but has continued to increase each year," said Postmaster Hartley.
Pay Roll is $4,000 a Month
Money orders issued since the money order business was established amount to a total of $314,515. The post office force consists of the postmaster, assistant postmaster, superintendent, 9 clerks, 9 city carriers, 6 rural carriers, and 2 janitors. The payroll if about $4,000 a month.
Clerks and carriers receive from $1,400 to $1,300 per year according to length of time they have been in the service or in the case of rural carriers according to miles traveled. The pay of a rural carrier is $1,800 on a 24-mile basis, and $30 a year for each mile in excess of that. The carrier on route 6 makes 32 miles daily, drawing down pay for eight miles in excess of the 24-mile minimum, which would be $240 a year, thus making his annual income $2,040.
In the original record which the assistant postmaster dug up, some of the names familiar to the Arkansas City public are: E. D. Eddy, who is reported to be living in Chicago; H. O. Meigs, who has been dead several years; Amos Walton, whose widow is a resident here; E. J. Hoyt, "Buckeye Joe," who is dead; T. H. McLaughlin, who is a merchant in Pawhuska; Herman Godehard, who was a merchant here, but is now dead; I. H. Bonsall, dead; C. R. Sipes, hardware merchant, dead.
George S. Hartley's tenure in the post office will expire July 29, 1923. The present post office building was completed in 1915. Although there are no vacancies at the present time, twelve men took the civil service examination held in the post office building, Saturday. Those passing will be qualified as clerks to take any vacancy in that line that might occur here or anywhere in the country.
Winfield, July 17.Enraged because his wife chastised their three-year old son, Otis, for teasing a pet cat, Daniel Goode, 40, a farmer near Atlanta, Kansas, 25 miles northeast of here, last night beat his wife with a club, seriously but not fatally, drowning his son and mother-in-law, Mrs. Cary Newson, 65, in a nearby creek, and then killed himself with a high powered rifle.
Apparently becoming suddenly insane, Goode picked up a club and beat his wife over the head and shoulders. She escaped to tell neighbors of the affair. When they arrived on the scene, they found the body of Goode lying on a bed with the top of his head shot off. The rifle trigger had been pulled with his toe. The two bodies were found in the creek.
Sheriff Found Body
Sheriff C. N. Goldsmith, of Winfield, was called to the scene of the tragedy early this morning and he found the body of Goode in the house, on the bed, with a part of the head shot off and the Winchester by his side. The coroner of Cowley County, Dr. H. W. Marsh, is on the scene today and is making an investigation of the case.
The wife of the dead man was at the home of a neighbor when the drowning of the son and the mother-in-law occurred and it is not known how the crazed man accomplished the feat of drowning the two. Their bodies were found in the creek near the home, by neighbors, after Goode had told a neighbor, Jack Higgins, that he had committed this act and was going to end his own life.
Wife Has Fractured Arm
The wife, who is said to be in a serious, though not necessarily critical condition, has one arm broken in three places. She was badly beaten and bruised all over the body. Goode boasted to the neighbors who went to investigate the matter, after the wife had fled from the home with her 11 year old son, who is the stepson of Goode, that he had drowned the little child and the old lady. While carrying his Winchester on his arm, he gave Jack Higgins thirty dollars with which to pay his house rent to the owner of the place where he lived. The bodies of the three dead are in the undertaking establishment at Burden today.
Had Quarreled Often
It was reported today that the man and wife had quarreled often, and when he came home late last night and found the wife correcting the little son for abusing the cat, he flew into an insane fit and beat the wife in the manner stated above. Then he accomplished the drowning of the little boy and the mother-in-law while the wife was on the way to neighbors to relate the terrible experience she had undergone.
Wires were down in that vicinity last night and it was late in the night before the neighbors could convey the news of the terrible tragedy to the sheriff and the coroner.
How would you like to have two wells full of gold dust and not be able to get it out on a paying basis?
That is the predicament of Mrs. Belle Smothers, colored, residing at 701 North Third street, unless some scheme can be evolved to separate the gold from the sand at a lower cost than estimated by the U. S. assay office at Denver, Colorado.
The well is located on her farm, two miles northwest of the city on the Eight Street road. The gold lies in the sand of the wells and was discovered a few months ago. A sample was sent to Denver by Dr. R. Claude Young, for Mrs. Smothers, and returned with the information that it contained about 40 cents worth of gold to the ton of sand, but that it would have to be separated from the sand by a radio process which would make the cost so high that no profit could be derived from the gold.
Mrs. Smothers is not despondent by the report, however, and she believes that a way can yet be found to extract the gold in paying quantities for there is evidently a large amount of it in the wells, and especially a large quantity in one of them. The gold appears in one of the wells in a very large quantity and the sand is only about 15 feet deep.
In each of the wells there is a vein, the thickness of which is not known. The sand comes out with each pail of water and glistens with the gold, which apparently is in the refined state.
Chicago, July 17.Approximately 25,000 maintenance of way men have struck without permission from President Grable, J. C. Smock, vice president of the union estimated today. Mr. Smock said the strikers probably will be outlawed by their national officers. Mr. Grable, who conferred with President Harding Saturday is in Detroit today. New strike clouds appeared in the national railway crisis today as 80,000 stationary firemen and oilers swelled the striking shopmen's ranks and announcements from the clerks union and the American Federation of Railway workers indicated that nearly 50,000 more rail workers may join the walkout this week. Peace negotations were evidently deadlocked. Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the labor board, and voluntary intermediator, apparently had suspended activities today, following the failure of several stormy sessions with the strike leaders last week.
More than 30,000 members of the American Federation of railway workers, mostly employees of the New York Central, Philadelphia & Reading, and the Pittsburgh & Lake Erie are expected to join the strikers this week. The federation does not take a general strike vote, but acts by shops or systems, the disposition of the rank and file being the controlling factor, according to President Hoskins.
Dallas, July 17.Attempts to operate the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas railroad shops at Denison are to be abandoned and a temporary repair base will be established at Dallas, according to reports in railroad circles here today. Forty members of the stationary engineers, firemen, and oilers union of Dallas, went on strike this morning.
Chicago, July 17.Seventy new shop employees of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, and seven city policemen, were suffering today from poisoning as a result of eating food served to railway strike breakers. These men were stricken during the last three days, ten of them yesterday. A score of health department workers were assigned to rigidly inspect all food served to workers in Chicago yards to prvent recurrence of the trouble. The policemen stated that they had eaten lunch in dining cars provided by the railroad. C. S. Christopher, superintendent of terminals of the railway company, issued the following statement today.
"Our men are fed in dining cars in charge of regular crews which have been taken off our train staffs and the food is the best obtainable. It is the same as served on our diners. Men who have been employed in the commissary distribution and service departments for as long as twenty years have charge of the cars here, and everyone of them is a trusted employee. We fed 100 men on the day the first reports of the illness came in. Forty of them complained and we immediately started an investigation."
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
Joseph Goldenstern is the owner of the new store recently opened at the former Fultz stand, on West Birch avenue. He also operates the Lawson store on North Fifth street. Mr. Goldenstern recently sold out his store on South Summit street to M. L. Klinck, who also bought the ground on which the store is located and will make that his home in the future.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
The local dentists, and those of Winfield, have formed a study club, which will meet once a month. They will meet alternately in Arkansas City and Winfield. Tonight they meet in Winfield and those who will go are Noble T. McCall, H. J. Edwards, L. D. Mitchell, George W. Frank, C. H. House, R. M. Overstreet, J. E. O'Connor, L. B. Hill, R. L. Baker, A. C. Maxwell, and W. M. Henderson.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
The local strike situation was very quiet today and there were no new developments in conditions in and about this city. Mr. Dunnaway is on his way east and will leave this evening for Detroit, called there by President Grable, to attend the union conference. A number of the local men are in the harvest fields today and several were employed in the task of draining the Dixon orchard, west of the city, which was flooded by the overflow of the Arkansas River last week.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
The Midland Valley was operating trains over its line to the east yesterday and today for the first time since the floods of one week ago today. Freight trains were in operation yesterday and this afternoon the passenger train came in from the east, though it was an hour behind the schedule. The regular train will go out to the east tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. The track near Silverdale on this line has now been repaired.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
The fire Saturday night at ten o'clock was in the Cozy Corner Cafe, owned by Harve Easly, and there was but very little damage done on account of the blaze. There was no one at the place at the time the fire was discovered, as the proprietor had locked the doors and left for the night.
This was the third fire in the Cozy Corner inside of a few months and the owner is now under indictment on the charge of burning the place for insurance about two months ago. He was recently bound over for trial in the district court at Winfield on that charge and is now under an appearance bond.
There was no insurance on the place at this time, the fire chief reports. The blaze Saturday night is supposed to have started from the hot water heater, and the damage was slight, as the fire was discovered soon after it started, the chief reports. The fire department made a run to the cafe Saturday night and soon had the blaze under control.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
Guy Hadley, local contractor and builder, is at present doing his share of building for Arkansas City and in this line, he is going to do some splendid work to make the population 15,000 inside of another year. He has under contract, or is figuring on the following, which will all be completed this summer: For Walter Stoner, a remodeling job on house; for C. W. Adams, a garage; for Frank Peek at his East Fifth Avenue prop-erty, a double sleeping porch; repair work on the residence at 416 North Fourth Street for Mrs. Frank Peek; a fine new stucco home for B. W. Boardman, manager of the Badger Lumber Co., the location of which is 1209 North First street; a two stall garage and sleeping porch for Harry Green, and a six room bungalow for R. W. Harris.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
Over two hundred men are now employed. Shifts of pipe fitters and electric welders have been working night and day in receiving house No. 2, in order to hurry the starting of stills of No. 2. Improved manifold coils and look boxes are being installed here, the same as at receiving house No. 3. The units of the plant yet to be started are the wax plant, casinghead, wax and lubricating shipping building, and battery 3, which is being given a general overhauling. Fifteen new men went to work this morning. Twenty cars of refined products are being moved out today. Five additional cars of construction material were received this morning at the Moore refinery.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
The tire vulcanizing department of the Hockaday Supply company is being greatly enlarged and a special man in this work is being put in charge. The new method being installed is known as the dry cure system, requiring a special machine. With this installation the company will be enabled to handle all retread and section work on casings, according to the latest and most highly improved method. The equipment is being installed by Albert McClanahan of Wichita. According to D. V. Burton, the manager, this installation will represent a $4,000 improvement.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
About midnight last night the police station received a call stating that a dead man had been found in the road about eight miles west of this city on the West Chestnut Avenue road to Geuda Springs. Night Chief Atteberry and Officer Chadwell, together with Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, went out to make an investigation. The parties making the report had driven past the man and were greatly wrought up over the matter. On the way out, the officers met some parties who confirmed the report.
When the officers arrived on the scene, they found it to be a dummy that had been placed in the road. One of the officers stated that it looked very much like a dead man, and anyone passing in an automobile would in all probability take it to be a dead man.
Whether it was done as a joke, or whether it was the work of highjackers, the officers have not been able to determine. According to the police all the parties who saw the object in the road were much excited, and evidently all of them feared to make an inspection.
It is thought that this may have been a part of the play in case it was planned as a big joke. Deputy Sheriff Eaton named the supposed dead man "Hay," as the dummy was stuffed with hay.
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922
Judge F. W. Miller, who was an early day settler in this section of the state and well known here as a lumberman, real estate dealer, and for several years probate judge of Cowley County, with an office in Winfield, passed away Sunday evening at 6:15 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Earlougher, at 625 North Fourth Street. Funderal services will be held at the home; Rev. F. F. Busch will be in charge. Burial will take place in Riverview cemetery. Oldroyd undertaking firm in charge of body.
Judge Finley W. Miller was born in Waterford, Pennsylvania, June 8, 1844, and moved to Kansas, settling in Wichita in 1882. He came to Arkansas City in 1887 with the Oliver Lumber Co. and later was secretary for the F. J. Hess Real Estate Co. here. He was in the employ of this firm from 1897 to 1903. He filled the unexpired term as probate judge of this county, taking the place made vacant by the death of Judge Parry. This was in 1896. Then he was elected to that office for two successive terms and served from 1903 to 1907. He was a very efficient officer in this line of work.
Mr. Miller was engaged in the work of establishing new lumber yards in central and western Kansas, while he was located in Wichita. He was a veteran of the civil war and served his country in the 83rd Penn. infantry. He was a member of the local G. A. R. post.
For thirteen years Mr. Miller resided at New Ulysses, Kansas, where he served as register of deeds in Grant County, for two terms. He leaves to mourn his loss, the wife, one daughter, Mrs. H. W. Earlougher, and one sister, Mrs. Cochrane, of Ripley, New York, who is unable to be here at this time. His twin brother died four years ago and Mrs. Cochrane is the only surviving member of the family of ten children.
E. H. Armstrong, in charge of the affairs of the defunct Traders State bank, for the receiver, B. V. Curry, gave out the information this morning that he had received from the state bank commissioner's office at Topeka, from the state guaranty fund, certificates of deposit for about three thousand claims on the local bank, and that he and his force would be ready to give out these certificates on Friday morning of this week.
Before the certificates can be issued to the depositors, however, they must all be listed in a certain book and as they are to be written in only one book, this will require the work of but one person; therefore, the task will not be completed before Friday morning. Walter Olson was busy on this job this morning, soon after the certificates were received.
The Traders State bank was closed by the state bank commission on March 15 and Mr. Armstrong stated today that the work of checking the many accounts of this bank was far ahead of some of those of the other banks in the state, which were closed before that date. He is pleased with the manner in which the state bank commissioner and his force honored the certificates and sent out the slips from the Topeka office, for distribution to the Arkansas City depositors.
The certificates which were received this morning include checking accounts, savings accounts, and deposits. The total amount of the certificates is approximately $527,000 and they are divided as follows:
Time deposits, $181,000; savings accounts, $37,000; individual deposts, $308,000. Friday morning at nine o'clock is the time set for the distribution of the certificates and the bank force will be ready at that time, it was fully expected today.
There are about 700 claims of depositors that have not yet been made and these will be given only a limited time to call and sign up, Mr. Armstrong stated. Those who have so far failed to make claim will not draw interest on their certificates. Very soon those who have not called at the bank will be barred and it is essential that they make claim or they cannot draw the interest. Cashiers checks, bank drafts, escrow accounts, and the Christmas savings accounts have not yet been received by the men in charge of the bank here, Mr. Armstrong stated. He was of the opinion that these were in the lot received this morning, but later in the day he said they failed to arrive.
It will be absolutely necessary, Mr. Armstrong said, that the person who signed the claim for the account be on hand and sign the certificate at the bank. For instance, if a mother or a father signed for the child, that same person must sign for the certificate of guaranty. If a husband signed for the wife, he must sign this time, in order to receive the certificate. The certificate is transferable, and there is a place on the back where it must be signed. All certificates are signed by F. H. Foster, state bank commissioner, for the state guaranty fund.
These certificates draw interest in the following amounts: Checking accounts, 6 percent; certificates of deposit, 4 percent; savings accounts, 3 percent.
The time to call at the bank is Friday morning, July 21, at nine o'clock, Mr. Armstrong desires to impress on those interested.
These certificates of deposit will run until the time the bank is liquidated and then the holder will receive the face value and interest at the rates stated above, on the various kinds of accounts. It is probable that the holder, if he desires to dispose of the certificate, will have to sell at a discount. At Salina, the other bankers got together and in the matter of a failed bank there, they agreed to take certificates at par, and paid the holders cash for them.
Reports from Hackney this afternoon were to the effect that there was a Mexican laborer drowned in the high water of the small creek at that place at 9 this morning. The Mexican went in bathing and cramps seized him, it was stated, and his companions rescued him from the water. He was taken to a shack, but all efforts to revive him were fruitless and he died soon after. The name of the Mexican was not learned here. The body was taken to an undertaking home in Winfield.
The creek at Hackney was about one inch higher today than it was during the flood of last week. The road between this city and Winfield was impassible for some time this morning on account of the high water near Hackney. There was a rainfall of 3.20 inches at Winfield and the Walnut rose again this morning several feet. More rain, which was accompanied by a strong wind and much electricity, visited this section of the state early this morning. Both the Arkansas and Walnut rivers rose again. The deluge of this morning at Hackney washed out the interurban bridge again and today there was no freight being handled between the two towns. Passengers are being carried to the bridge, however, from either side of the stream and being transferred there. This bridge was washed out at that location last week and was repaired only last Saturday.
Topeka, July 18.Informed of the report signs are being posted, announcing sentiment in favor of the strikers, at Arkansas City, Governor Allen said:
"Persons displaying such signs in their shop windows or on their automobiles are violating the state law and will be arrested and prosecuted. By so doing they become accomplices in a conspiracy to interfere with keeping transportation lines open. It is merely another form of intimidation and picketing. The attorney general will be instructed to act at once."
Signs were placed in the windows of stores here and pasted on windshields of automobiles by striking shopment today, which read: "We are with the striking shopmen 100 percent."
Refusal by some of the stores to display the signs did not arouse any anger on the part of the striking shopmen. They simply wrote the names of these places on the back of the cards and continued their campaign, which was conducted in an orderly manner.
Late today it was reported that representatives of the railroads were getting the names of the businessmen who are displaying the cards, but to what purpose could not be
Some of the tradesmen argued that there were two sides to the strike situation and that they did not feel like taking any part in the controversy since it involved not only the strikers and railroads, but the government. They also declared that the Santa Fe had been a good friend to Arkansas City and that it would be antagonizing the company if they displayed signs expressing their sympathy for the men as against the railroad.
Muskogee, Okla., July 18.The Midland Valley railroad obtained a temporary injunction in the United States district court at Guthrie yesterday to restrain striking shopmen and sympathizers from picketing or molesting the employees and traffic of the road, it was learned here today. Hearing of the writ was set for July 18.
Wellington, July 18.Posters declaring "we are with the striking shopmen 100 percent," were placed in some Wellington business houses today at the request of striking shopmen.
New York, July 18.The Sinclair crude oil purchasing company today announced a further reduction of 25 cents a barrel in crude oil in the Kansas and Oklahoma territory, making the new price $1.50 a barrel. A similar reduction in price was announced last Saturday. The company also lowered its price for crude oil from the Healdton district, 25 cents a barrel, making the price 75 cents in that territory. These reductions followed reports of price cuts by the Magnolia Petroleum company for crude oil from the Cement, Okla., and Corsicana, Texas, districts.
Independence, Kans., July 18.Another expected cut in crude oil was posted this morning by the Prairie Oil and Gas company here. The new price is $1.50 for Kansas and Oklahoma and $1.75 for North Texas oil. Prairie tankage being filled and the railroad strike preventing oil car shipments are reasons given for the cut. Prairie has been putting sixty four thousand barrels daily into storage for several weeks.
Denison, Texas, July 18.Fifty non-union workers under heavy guard detrained here early today and were taken to the railroad shop district. There was no demonstration and the shopmen strike situation here is calm. Local officers of the Missouri, Kansas, and Texas railroad announced suspension of fourteen passenger trains in Texas, effective last midnight. Conservation of power was the reason assigned.
Single handed, Captain Tom Hickman, Texas Ranger, broke up a demonstration last evening when a crowd attempted to kidnap two deputy United States marshals who had just arrived on an interurban car. Hickman dashed into the crowd, scattering its members, and rescued the two officers who had been forcibly placed in an automobile.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922.
Representatives of the striking shopmen today were putting placards in the windows of business houses, on the front of taxicabs, and automobiles where they were permitted, reading, "We are for the striking shopmen 100 percent."
A number of the merchants permitted the placing of the cards in the windows, and others would not do so because of different reasons. Some thought that possibly the industrial court act might apply to those placing the signs in their windows, as a form of picketing. Others did not want the placards in their windows because they had no desire to take sides in the matter, and others because their sympathies were elsewhere.
We do not know who originated this idea of placarding or picketing in this city, but it is not a good one. It will not advance the interest of the strikers or get them anywhere, but it may get those doing it in trouble.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922.
The last sad rites over the remains of Finley W. Miller were observed this morning followed by burial in Riverview cemetery. Mr. Miller was a veteran of the Civil war. At his funeral it was noticeable that only three or four veterans attended, indicating the thinness of their ranks. At Riverview cemetery there is a flagstaff which is unused excepting on patriotic occasions. We believe it would be an appropriate and a nice thing to do whenever an old soldier is placed at rest to hoist Old Glory at half mast in his honor. Think the suggestion over.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922.
"When a citizen is arrested for speeding late at night, acknowledges to the oficer that he was speeding, and asks permission to report next morning at the police station to take care of the matter, is an officer justified in drawing his gun to compel immediate response to his command?" is the question raised in the city court last evening by Pete Gochis, of the Busy Bee candy kitchen.
The arrest of Mr. Gochis last Sunday night on a busy part of Summit street attracted considerable attention on account of the circumstances connected with the arrest. The motor officer was ordering Mr. Gochis to go to the police station on a speed charge, while the latter was arguing with him, explaining that he was busy and would go to the police station next day and take care of the matter.
The motor officer, Earl Chadwell, was insistent that his command be obeyed immedi ately. Mr. Gochis still refused until the motor officer took his gun out of his pocket, whereupon Gochis then acceded to his demands and proceeded to the police station.
Mr. Gochis, on the witness stand, told the following story to the court.
"At about 10:30 Sunday night I took one of the employees in the car with me to take him to his home on South Summit street. I was in a hurry and was speeding. On my way back the motor officer intercepted me and I told him I had to hurry back to my place of business and that I would go to the police station in the morning. I continued on my way, and at Fifth Avenue made the turn and parked the car in front of the Busy Bee. My wife and uncle were in the back seat of the car. The officer had followed us down the street. I got out of the car and he got off his machine.
"I told him that he knew who I was, that I was not going to run away from town, that my attention was needed in my place of business. The officer continued to demand that I get in my car and drive to the station. He then pulled his gun and held it in firing position. I saw that he was very mad, and that I would be in danger of my life if I continued to insist on waiting until next day. I then got in the car and went to the station. My wife was very badly scared."
Officer Chadwell made the following statement with reference to his part in the matter.
"I was on Madison avenue when Gochis' car went south on Summit street at about 30 miles per hour. I cranked the motor and took after him, but he had disappeared. I waited, and seeing him coming back, I turned out the light and followed about fifty feet behind him.
He came up Summit street at 35 to 40 miles per hour, but slowed down when north of Madison avenue. Near the Star candy kitchen, he made the turn and parked his car in front of the Busy Bee.
"I rode up by him and told him to go on down to the police station. He said he was busy and that he would report at the station in the morning.
"I told him the chief's orders were to bring parties arrested to the police station to make bond and have the trial date set.
"Gochis started to go into his place of business, and when I insisted that he get in his car and go to the police station, he backed off and showed fight. I had to use rough methods to induce him to get in his car and go to the police station, and he continued to exceed the speed limit down to the police station," concluded the motor officer.
Judge Harry S. Brown pointed out the danger of fast driving in the business section and stated that the fact that the candy kitchen was still open was evidence that there must have been some people on the street. He made the fine $15. It was Gochis' first time in court.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922
George Case located his Buick roadster that was stolen from this city on the Fourth of July, but it was not between Pawhuska and Shidler, as reported. He found the car about eight miles out of Kaw City, on a man's farm at the foot of a steep canyon, stripped of windshields, carburetor, transmission, starting motor, generator, ignition, steering wheel, cushion, wheelsthere being nothing left but the running gears and body.
The car had been reported to the officers here as being in safe keeping and that it was all right except the tires and battery were gone. On these representations Mr. Case paid the man who claimed the reward $25 before he could learn where the car was located. After finding the car completely stripped, he figured it would cost him as much to get the car out and replace the parts as it would to buy a new car.
Mr. Case and his brother, Earl, had gone down there with parts to replace those reported to be missing and equipped with tools to put the car in shape, and he was greatly disap pointed when he found it stripped of everything. He had no insurance on the car.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922
The Osage barber shop has undergone a change both as to location and management. It has been moved from the basement of the hotel to the first floor, occupying the room formerly occupied as a shining parlor. The new proprietors are A. T. Morris and E. L. Kline and son, Claude. It is one of the niftiest shops in the city, and is now quite advantageously located.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922
Out on West Madison Avenue there is one of the jewels in Arkansas City's crown. This is the big Moore refinery. Where Arkansas City people refine Oklahoma oil.
The building of this refinery was one of the chief factors in causing our city to forge ahead of our neighboring cities and now the reopening of this big plant is largely solving the unemployment question in Arkansas City.
Yesterday there were 225 men on the payroll out there. Fully 200 of these are home men. Each man represents on an average of five people at home. Therefore, 1,000 people are directly benefitted by the refinery pay checks.
Three-fourths of the men employed out there left other jobs in the city to accept positions with the Moore people, for refinery work is so attractive the company was able to choose its employees from among the very best grade of working men. Therefore, the opening of the big plant caused at least 150 vacancies in other industries of the city. Nearly 1,000 people have been benefitted by the other bread earners' getting the places left vacant by the men going to the refinery.
The Moore people are commencing construction on such a big scale that there probably will be 300 men working there by this time next month.
The people uptown will commence to feel the effect of the starting of the plant July 20th when over 200 pay checks are turned loose in the city. One merchant in the Third ward has 30 Moore men for his customers, and there is a place in the Third ward where one can stand and count 15 homes where men are Moore refinery employees.
The Moore company is liberal in its patronage of the local merchants. Every day trucks and commercial wagons come to the plant bringing supplies. One local lumber company whose truck comes nearly every day had a truck going for two days to fill one order from the plant.
Taken altogether the opening of the refinery is the biggest thing that has come to Arkansas City this year. If we could just develop the oil resources in Cowley county and land two more refineries like this and some oil supply houses and a few big oil companies, we would go ahead of any of our neighboring cities and would become a regular Tulsa.
Refinery men who come to this plant from other places all say that this has the best location of any refinery they know of. Among its advantages are sandy soil, making it easy to excavate to lay lines, unlimited water supply at shallow depth, nearness to the city, railway outlets, agricultural country surrounding, causing living to be cheaper, and the city in which it is located, for Arkansas City is known all over the west as being one of the best towns in the west.
The Moore people are starting out to make this a real refinery. The entire set of high pressure stills when they took charge were junked and a half million dollars will be spent installing a complete new set of high pressure stills.
Other parts of the plant are being overhauled and improved. For instance, on battery 3 enough work is started to keep a big force of men busy until September 1.
The concrete for the new high pressure stills is being run today at the Moore plant.
The first condenser tower is being hoisted into place on battery three today at the Moore refinery.
A local telephone exchange is being installed in the plant, with a central switchboard in the Moore office building, operated by one of the clerks. Up until this time an automatic intercommunicating phone system has been in use, but it was out of order so much as to be quite unsatisfactory.
TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1922
C. E. Curtis, chief engineer of the Kansas Gas and Electric company, came down from Wichita today to make an inspection of the company's canal at this place.
Some weeks ago the company started to build new headgates near the canal inlet opposite the big river dam, three and a half miles north of town. The work was getting well underway, when the late flood waters destroyed most of it as well as washing out the equipment and carrying the material down the stream. When the workmen saw that they could not handle the situation, they tied a rope to the engine and the rope is still there with the engine on the end of it; but the engine is submerged in ten or twelve feet of water. The location of the boiler which was washed out is not known. Mr. Curtis stated it might be nearby or it might have washed down the stream.
"Financially we have suffered a considerable loss, but physically we are just about where we were before we began this work," stated Mr. Curtis. "We will have the work all to do over again, besides having to replace the old equipment with new. I have just ordered sheet metal piling and other material, for the renewal work. It will take about two weeks for this material to arrive, and in the meantime we expect to have everything in shape to go to work upon its arrival.
"During the recent high water, the water level in the river only lacked about three inches of being on a level with the water in the canal at the old headgates. The high water mark, according to the company's readings, only lacked thirteen inches of reaching the record high water mark of 1904."
Late today Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, acting under instructions of County Attorney Fink, called on the businessmen displaying strike sympathy posters and asked them to remove the signs.
The county attorney was acting on orders from Gov. Allen, who has declared that the signs were a violation of the Industrial court law and that arrests and prosecutions would be made of those displaying them if they continued to leave the cards in their windows and on automobile shields where they have been pasted.
Ward Wright, attorney for the striking shopmen, and City Attorney Brown, declared that the display of the posters was no violation of the law.
Message From Allen
The county attorney, mayor of this city, and secretary of the local chamber of commerce received the following message from Governor Allen this morning, relating to the display of the posters, which says: "We are with the striking shopmen 100 percent."
"Am informed that merchants and others of Arkansas City are being requested to post signs in their places of business declaring that they are in one hundred percent support of railway stike law provides that any act is unlawful which to any extent interferes with the operation of railroads; such acts by merchants constitute conspiracy to interfere with and suspend efficient railway operation. Such persons should be warned of consequences of this kind of participation in the maintenance of this strike and if the same becomes general, it will necessitate state interference.Henry J. Allen, governor."
Signs Are Still Displayed
Despite the fact that the governor has taken a positive stand against the display of the strike sympathy posters in Arkansas City, they are continuing to be displayed in a number of the store windows.
Quite a number of them, however, were removed by storekeepers last night after ascertaining the position of the chief executive of state toward them, and his warning of arrest.
The governor announced in Topeka today that a representative of the state is on his way to Arkansas City today to investigate the situation here. Intimation is given from the office of the governor that troops may be sent to Arkansas City to enforce his orders against alleged picketing of striking shopmen.
Mayor McIntosh declared that he could see nothing wrong in the display of the posters and that he could not see how they would interfere in any way with the operation of trains.
Washington, July 19.An appeal was issued today by the executive council of the American Federation of Labor to all workers everywhere to support the railroad workers in their efforts to secure a just settlement of the railroad shops trade dispute. The appeal, which was issued by unanimous vote of the executive council and over the signatures of all members of the council including Samuel Gompers, federation president, has been forwarded to every labor organization in the United States, to every labor publication, and to all organizers of the federation, it was announced at federation headquarters. Organized labor is asked specifically in the appeal to refrain from doing any work formerly done by men now on strike while the workers on strike are urged to conduct themselves in a law abiding manner.
Topeka, July 19.Persistent picketing and threatening of workers may necessitate sending troops to Hoisington, Kansas, Governor Allen said this afternoon. A representative of the attorney general's office is in Hoisington today investigating strike conditions. Another state officer is on his way today to Arkansas City to prosecute a number of alleged pickets, Gov. Allen said. Reports to the governor stated the window posters are being withdrawn. As to the situation at Pittsburg, where shots are heard nightly in the vicinity of the Kansas City Southern shops, apparently to intimidate workers, Gov. Allen said decision on sending troops there awaits report from Adjutant Gen. Martin, who is in Pittsburg today.
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 19.A cut of 25 cents a barrel in the price of Pennyslvania crude and other grades of oil quoted here, was announced whtn the market opened today. The new prices are Pennsylvania, $3; Cabell, $1.86; Somerset, $1.65; Somerset light, $1.90; and Ragland, $1. Corning, which was cut 15 cents yesterday was unchanged at $1.90 today.
Gasoline Reduced Two Cents
Emporia, Kan., July 19.A two cent reduction in the retail price of gasoline was announced at filling stations this morning. The new price is 23.4 cents a gallon. Kerosene dropped one cent a gallon.
Gas Down Here
Arkansas City.
The Standard Oil Co. local filling station received notice today of a reduction in the retail price of gasoline, and the new price is 23.4 per gallon. This is a reduction of two cents per gallon and the new price now prevails here.
Springfield, Mo., July 19.Annullment of twenty-six trains on the St. Louis-San Francisco system was announced today by J. M. Kurn, president of the company. Virtually all of the trains are on branch lines in Missouri, Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. Service will be discontinued tomorrow. There will be no curtailment of mail service by reason of these annullments. The major-ity of the trains are in passenger service.
City commissioner Frank L. Thompson brought in the word about 5 o'clock last evening that the Sixth Street Bridge had washed out. This is the oldest bridge on the river at this point, having been built more than forty years ago, according to Mr. Thompson. The city commissioner, together with John Post, the street commissioner, and assistants, witnessed the washout. At about 4:15 two bents went out and fifteen minutes later four more bents were taken out, while several more bents were taken out between 3 and 4 o'clock this morning. When the first bents went out, Commissioner Thompson got in his car and went to the South Summit Street Bridge to be there when the wreckage and drift reached that bridge. He said the drift had taken a long and rather narrow shape and was headed directly toward the center pier of the Summit Street Bridge.
The center of the drift struck this pier, and Mr. Thompson said it seemed to divide and break up the drift. He watched it until it came to the Santa Fe Bridge, where it was pretty well scattered out and passed under the bridge without doing damage. It was a big drift that had lodged against the Sixth Street Bridge and seemed well toward the bottom of the river, according to Mr. Thompson. The river lacked about two feet of being as high as the high water mark of last week.
Just after the first two bents went out, Commissioner Thompson stated that there was a boy standing on the end of the next section. When this section went out a few minutes later, he was fearful that the boy might have gone down with it. He watched to see if the boy was on the drift, but saw nothing of him. It was later learned that the boy had got off this section before it went down.
Last evening Commissioner Thompson had left a watchman on duty to keep watch during the night with instructions to call him if help was needed. As the river was rising pretty rapidly about midnight, Commissioner Thompson was called, and a force of men was put to work to dam up the Third Ward ditch at its mouth to prevent the water from the river backing up. The men had an all night job of it. Along towards morning the river reached its crest, and the water began slowly to recede. The only damage was the washing out of the bridge.
Bridge Damages Great in County
County Commissioner Carl Dees stated this morning that the extent of damages to bridges in this county would reach around $100,000, and that there was no money available for rebuilding. He said that the only way the matter could be handled would be to call a special election for a bond issue to secure the necessary funds for reconstruction. It is doubted if the Sixth Street Bridge will ever be rebuilt, as plans have already been in contemplation for a new bridge on the West Madison Avenue road, and the road travel can easily be diverted to either the South Summit Street Bridge or the Madison Avenue Bridge.
Madison Avenue Bridge Closed
Commissioner Dees further reports that he is having difficulty in keeping people from using the West Madison Avenue Bridge, which he closed temporarily and is still closed. They tear down the barriers at the ends of the bridge, although the barriers are built of one by sixes and big spikes were used to nail them up. This morning the commissioner put up an additional barrier a half mile west of the bridge. At this point, it is only a question of detouring about four blocks to reach the Chestnut Avenue Bridge. Mr. Dees says that somebody is going to get drowned if they persist in using this bridge, which is as dangerous during high water periods as the bridge that went out, each of them being very old bridges and of similar construction.
Much Drift Wood
Yesterday afternoon and last night there was plenty of drift wood coming down the Walnut and there were also sprinkles of oil on the stream, which indicated that the high water was coming from as far upstream as the Butler County oil fields. Last night Emmett Green and a part of his force of county road workers, were on the job at the concrete bridge on East Kansas Avenue, dislodging the drift wood from around the structure and causing it to float on down the stream; and in this work, they had a large audience all during the evening until darkness drove the crowd back to the city. All the other bridges were watched the same way. It was reported this morning that the Walnut rose several feet in the night and was rising slowly all forenoon.
Gas estimated at a million feet per day was struck at 320 feet in the Dunkard mill well, J. N. Day reported this morning. Drilling will be continued to the next gas sand, which it is expected will be penetrated at a depth of 400 to 450 feet, and it is the intention to skid the rig at this depth if the gas production comes up to expectations and use this gas for fuel in drilling the new hole. A twenty inch hole is being drilled here, and according to Mr. Day, the twenty inch bit will be used so long as no serious caving is encountered. It was thought that the 20-inch hole would be maintained to a depth of at least 500 feet. There are some 35 to 40 wells now drilling in Cowley County, and new leases are being blocked up rapidly. The Dunkard mill test is considered one of the most important, and the conditions so far encountered look mighty good to the oil men interested. This well is eight miles northwest of Arkansas City.
Mrs. W. L. Baldridge, who has been visiting her cousin, Mrs. Geraldine Harry, at Ralston, Okla., returned home last evening. While there she had the experience of a narrow escape from drowning in the Arkansas River. Together with a party of lady friends, she went bathing in the river at a time when it was rising and the current was strong. She and another were the only two members of the party who could swim. She started to swim downstream and while swimming did not realize that the current was carrying her forward in addition to her progress through the current, until she suddenly noticed she was quite a distance from the rest of the party. She undertook to turn and swim against the current, but found she could not do so.
At about this time she was swept into a whirlpool, which took her round and round, and the suction of which drew her under the water. She stated that she never felt better in her life, that she had the sensation of being borne by a power not her own.
When she came to the surface in a partially strangled condition, she came into a sense of what was happening; then she began to fight for her life. The party, quite a distance up the stream, became almost frantic in their efforts to secure help. Mrs. Baldridge states that it took her utmost exertions to swim out of the whirlpool, but presently she began to reach the edge of it, and then realizing she could not swim against the current, began swimmming with it towards the bank. By this time the party had got to the bank and the one who could swim went in the water to her aid, and land was reached in safety.
Winfield, Kans., July 19.The last chapter in the ghastly incident which occurred four miles south of Atlanta Sunday night when Daniel Goode, 45, beat his wife, drowned his aged mother, Mrs. Carry Newson, and three-year-old son, Otis, afterwards killing himself, was written when Goode and his victims were buried at Burden at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the Gann Undertaking parlors there.
His wife, whose arm was broken in two places as a result of the beating she received, has been with neighbors near Atlanta since she escaped with her eleven-year-old son from the scene of the murders Sunday night. She and the boy are being brought to the county farm today. They will be given a room there so that she may receive treatment.
Fairfax, July 19.The last congressional act, passed in 1921, governing the payment of monies to the Osage Indians and extending the wardship of the government until 1935, is now being attacked by the new Osage tribal council, with the recently elected chief, Ne-kah- wah-she-tun-ka, as the leader. It is understood that an attorney has been employed by the council to attempt to break the provisions of the act, which permits the government's Indian department to withhold considerable funds from Indians, alleging that they are incompetent and therefore not able to handle their own finances.
In making this attack the Osages are relying, it is said, on a treaty made toward the close of the nineteenth century, which is said to have held the Osages competent and therefore able to attend to their own affairs. The congressional act, they maintain, is contrary to the provisions of the treaty. They declare they are treated "like dogs and spoiled children."
Winfield, July 19.Kern Warren of this city, Tuesday, filed suit in district court against Jas. R. Cary and others to annul a contract involving a real estate deal. He alleges he traded a Winfield home for Arkansas City property, and found it not as represented. He sues Cary and Mrs. Cary as parties to the deal, C. E. Houston, as the tenant in the property which he traded off, and D. J. Forsythe and F. E. Hitchcock as the real estate dealers. He wants possession of his former property and damages for withholding it from him.
A Frisco train of box cars loaded with wheat was partially derailed and two of the cars turned over on the mill track just back of the merchants' delivery barn, near the West Fifth Avenue street crossing, just before noon today. There were eight cars in the string, and the engine was backing up and pulled the string, intended for the New Era mill. Just after the locomotive had crossed a short bridge, which had been partly washed out and repaired, drivers spread the rails and the engine ran on the ties. The car next to the pilot remained coupled to the locomotive and while deraied was not overturned. The string of cars broke in two at the coupling to the rear of this car, and the next two cars were overturned. The two cars following were derailed, also the head trucks of the next car, the remaining cars staying on the track. The track was pretty badly torn up. There was a considerable grade at the point where the cars turned over and they landed on their sides several feet from the track. On one of them the roof burst open and allowed considerable wheat to run out on the ground. The other one still contained its load of wheat.
The engine crew consisted of R. N. Graves, engineer, and G. F. Johnson, fireman. The conductor was O. E. Williamson. The fireman, who was seen by the reporter, stated that he felt the drivers leave the rails. He was on the side next to the canal and fearing the locomotive would turn over, prepared to jump off into the weeds on the canal bank; but seeing that it continued to ride the rails, he stayed with it.
Word from the Frisco station this afternoon was to the effect that the wrecking car was at Enid with the crew on strike, and it was not known when the wreck could be cleaned up, but it was thought that in any event nothing would be done before tomorrow. Between the overturned cars three young kittens were found dead, but the mother cat could not be found.
J. S. Mowatt, of 516 North B street, left last night for Washington, D. C., on business.
Mrs. Chas. Trees and daughters, Claudine and Marsella, of Winfield, were shopping here yesterday.
A. V. Bigbee, of Wilmore, Kans., was in the city today. He formerly owned the Gladstone hotel here, which he has sold to Swan Sandstrum. Mr. Bigbee owns a farm west of here and is contemplating moving back soon.
Fred Frazee, a well known dry cleaner of this city, who has been working in his line at Eureka for some time, has returned to this city and today closed a deal for the purchase of the City Dry Cleaners, 415 South Summit Street. He will remodel the place and put in new equipment, and expects to be ready for business by August 1.
John Probst, manager of the Probst Elevator Co., was the victim of a practical joke which was played on him yesterday, to the extent that he was arrested on a state charge and was compelled to make an explanation to Judge J. W. Martin, of the local justice court, and to Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, who made the arrest. It happened this way.
Officer Eaton noticed that the new Dodge car of Mr. Probst was being operated on the streets of the city carrying a 1919 license tag and it was his duty, under the state law, to arrest the owner of the car on sight. This he did and then Probst was compelled to explain. He went at once before Judge Martin and offered the explanation that he did not know the tag in question was on the car, but thought the new tag was there, as he had placed it there himself. However, John's relatives came to his rescue and his two brothers-in-law, who are here on a visit, admitted that they placed the old tag on the car, after removing the regular tag. Under the circumstances the defendant was discharged without being fined; and the treats were on the members of the family, who pulled the joke.
C. T. Atkinson, local attorney, today filed in the district court of this county at Winfield, a damage suit against the city of Arkansas City, alleging that the city officials, during the year 1920, overcharged him and his wife on the assessment for certain paving in an alley back of his residence, located on South Second street, the sum of $455.45. This case was taken up with the city officials some time ago by the owners of the lots in question and Attorney Atkinson at the time called attention of the officials to the alleged overcharge and asked them for a settlement in the matter. This demand brought out an explanation of the financial affairs of the case by the city engineer, C. W. Lusk, which was published in the Traveler, and an answer by T. P. Alford, former city engineer. Atkinson threatened a damage suit at the time and now the petition has been prepared and was filed today.
C. T. Atkinson is the plaintiff, and the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, Charles W. Lusk, Charles N. Hunt, Lewis A. Sturtz, and the Stanton Construction Company are the defendants.
Following is a copy of the petition which is signed by C. T. Atkinson and Tom Pringle, for the Plaintiff.
The plaintiff states that he has resided in the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, for more than forty years and that said city is his residence and post office address; that he is the owner of lots 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 in block 88 in the original townsite of said city and that his wife, Jessie Atkinson, is the owner of lots 6, 7, and 8 in the same block, and that for a valuable consideration, she has conveyed to this plaintiff all her claims in the matters hereinafter stated; and for a cause of action against said defendants and each of them this plaintiff avers:
That the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, is a city of the 2nd class under and by virtue of the statutes of the state of Kansas; that Charles W. Lusk, was at all the times hereinafter mentioned, the appointed acting city engineer of said city; that the defendant, Charles N. Hunt, was at all said times, the duly elected and acting mayor of said city; that the defendant, Lewis A. Sturtz, was at all said times one of the commissioners of said city, the said city being at all of said times under the commission form of government; that the defendant, the Stanton Construction Company, was at all said times as this plaintiff is informed and believes, a corporation, and that it was hired by the other defendants to construct pavement on the streets and alleys of said city; that some time in the fall of 1920 the defendants entered a contract between said construction company and the other defendants to pave the alley separating block 88 in the city of Arkansas City, Cowley County, Kansas, the lots belonging to this plaintiff and his wife being a portion of the lots comprising said block, and that the price agreed upon between the defendants was the sum of $3.75 per square yard, apportioned according to law, and that each lot is twenty-five feet wide.
Plaintiff further states that after the said defendant had entered into a contract to pave said alley, with the design to cheat and defraud this plaintiff and his wife, in the paving of the 225 feet by 8 feet and which comprised the surface of that portion of the alley, which under the law fell to this plaintiff and his wife to pay, the entered into a conspiracy by which they would charge much more than the contract price, in this to-wit: that they would not pave the said alley the full width, but would and did pave the said alley only fifteen feet and ten and one half inches, thus cheating and defrauding the plaintiff and the public out of that portion of the contract price; that they charged for a surveyor and engineer, for services, when the city had employed the defendant, Charles W. Lusk, as city engineer at the modest salary of $4,200.00 per year, for such work, and that the said engineer was ably assisted in his said work by some two or three assistant engineers, drawing nearly equally remunerative salaries; that the defendant, Lusk, conspiring with the other defendants and intending to cheat and defraud said plaintiff and his wife the sum of $998.20, when the correct allotment was the sum of $807.27.
Plaintiff further states that the property of his wife and himself had been assessed for paving purposes when Adams Avenue, Washington Avenue, and Second Streets had been paved, and that he had always been notified by the city officers, namely the commissioner of streets and alleys, and by the city engineer of the amount assessed to their property, and that he had always paid the same in cash, that while the said alley was being paved, this plaintiff requested John Clay, then one of the commissioners of the city of Arkansas City, Kansas, to ascertain the amount assessed to his wife and himself on the alley paving, and also requested said Clay to notify the engineer and Sturtz, the commissioner, to send this plaintiff a statement of said assessment as soon as the same was ascertained, and that the said commissioner promised so to do, and that this plaintiff relied on said promise and on the usual custom of notifying the persons assessed, of the amount of their assessment, and ascertained some time after the completion of the paving that the defendants fraudently concealed the fact of the amount assessed to this plaintiff and had issued bonds on said property for the said false amount at the rate of 5½ percent interest and had sold said bonds for the purpose of evading any suit this plaintiff might bring to restrain the issuing of said bonds, and that said bonds run for the period of twenty years from the issuance thereof.
That by the fraud, deception, and artifice practiced upon this plaintiff by the defendants, as heretofore set forth, he was deprived of the knowledge of what the amount was that was assessed against said property and the issuance of said bonds and has been damaged in the following sums to-wit:
Original overcharge ...................... $190.93
"Change" to city engineer ............... 44.60
Shortage on contract ....................... 10.90
Interest on $190.93 for twenty years at
5 1/2 percent on bonds issued ...... 210.02
Total: $455.45
Whereof this plaintiff demands judgment against the defendants and each of them in the sum of four hundred and fifty-five and 45-100 ($455.45) dollars with five and one half percent per annum interest thereon from the ____ day of October 19-20 and for the costs of this action all other proper relief.
Ten men were hired this morning. One of them, Dan Potter, formerly city purchasing agent for the Mid-Co company, was given the job of timekeeper for the plant. This work has been done by Walter Brown, chief shipping clerk, who will now devote all his time to that work. Ed McCune, formerly foreman of the loading rack, will return from Augusta August 1 to take charge of the loading rack. Batteries 1 and 2 are now running at capacity and the daily run of the plant is 5,000 barrels. A large force of men is busy hoisting the condenser towers and installing new coils and lock boxes on battery 3 at the Moore plant.
Tipton Rodgers, of Oklahoma City, has located here and will make this his future home. He has purchased a half interest in the collecting agency of H. S. Hines and took charge of that business here today. He has a family and will move here at once, Judge Hines reports. Mr. Rodgers comes to this city highly recommended as a business man.
Mrs. A. W. Hester has opened up a grocery store at her home on West Chestnut Avenue near the Arkansas River Bridge and is doing a very nice business. In that neighborhood there are a number of residents who will be greatly convenienced by having the store there. Mr. Hester will continue his work at the Badger Lumber company.
Topeka, July 20.Following investigation at Pittsburg yesterday by Adjutant General Martin, it was announced by Governor Allen today that no move to send troops to Pittsburg is contemplated at this time. Strike situations at Goodland and Arkansas City are being closely watched and troops may be sent to these places if conditions are not improved within a few days, the governor said. The guard units sent to Hoisington today number about 250 men, it was reported here.
Topeka, Kan., July 20.(A. P.)"Henry and me," the one being Governor Henry J. Allen, and the other, William Allen White, close friends for many years, fellow travelers, both with na-tional reputations as publicists and editors, co-workers overseas during the world war, and two of the chief political leaders of Kansas, today differed materially. The Kansas court of indus-trial relations, of which Governor Allen was the chief sponsor, was the point of dissension.
Posts Card In Window
Mr. White, publisher of the Emporia Gazette, rising to a point of personal privilege, posted in the window of his newspaper's office, a placard espousing the cause of the striking railway shopmen, and expressing sympathy for their announced stand of "living wages and fair working conditions." Mr. White had been told that the state attorney general had ruled that such displays were in violation of the industrial and anti-syndicalism law.
"The order of the industrial court is an infamous infraction of the right of free press and free speech," Mr. White asserted. He proclaimed 49 percent sympathy with the strikers and said he would add one percent a day as long as the strike was continued.
Says Bill Is Funny
"We all know Bill," said Governor Allen, the "Henry" of Mr. White's book, "The material adventure of Henry and me," written after their return from overseas. If he insists on being funny, we will have to do something about it."
Further than that Governor Allen would not commit himself.
Richard J. Hopkins, attorney general, was somewhat more emphatic in his statement, although he did not say Mr. White would be arrested at once.
Courts Issue No Order
Judge McDermott of the industrial court said the court has issued no order regarding the posters, this issue involving the criminal provisions of the industrial court act, enforcement thereof being up to law enforcement officials and the attorney general as interpreter of those provisions, he said. Mr. Hopkins issued a statement last night declaring the displaying of strike posters represented a violation. "I believe Mr. White is wrong in the matter," said Judge McDermott. "In the first place he misinterpreted the meaning of free speech, and again he is lending his moral support to an unlawful act and thereby creating an atmosphere in favor of law violations."
Says White Violates Law
"Mr. White fails to distinguish the difference between legal and rightful free speech and wrongful speech," Judge McDermott said in a prepared statement. "If Mr. White desires to express his opinion as to the correctness of the labor board's decision, or his opinion as to the equities involved on either side of the controversy, no one has any objection, but when he gives his open and direct support to an unlawful act and its continuance, then he, like any other citizen, comes within the pale of the law which says: 'Any person who counsels, aids, or abets in the commission of an offense may be charged, tried, and convicted in the same manner as if he were a principal.' (Section 8029, general statutes 1915)."
The governor, Judge McDermott, and Attorney General Hopkins each decline to comment on the question whether Mr. White's arrest is contemplated.
Parsons, July 20.Company K, Wichita, and Company L, Kingman, Kansas, national guard, are enroute today to Hoisington to protect rail workers who have replaced strikers. The companies entrained late last night for the western Kansas point following a report to Brig. Gen. Martin, who had just returned from an inspection at Pittsburg. The companies are in command of Lieut. Col. H. K. Cassidy. The men will patrol the shop area in Hoisington. Brig. Gen. Martin said today that Hoisington was the only strike area in the state which showed evidence of trouble. He classed the Hoisington situation as "dangerous." Herrington and Parsons, he termed quiet, and the Pittsburg district yesterday, he said showed no bad developments. The guardsmen in Parsons will be paid off tomorrow.
Chicago, July 20.B. M. Jewell, president of the six federated shopcrafts, predicted today that the railroads will capitulate and settle the strike within two weeks. The strike is becoming more effective daily, he said, "and the roads will yield as soon as we bring them to their knees." The railroad executives' statements on the seniority question were character ized by Jewell as camouflage designed to cover up the real issuesa national adjustment board.
Late this afternoon fourteen of the Arkansas City businessmen still had the posters reading, "We are with the striking shopmen 100 percent," on display in their show windows, following the warning issued to most of them late yesterday afternoon by Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton, who performed this task under instructions from County Attorney Fink, of Winfield, who had orders to this effect from Governor H. J. Allen, of Topeka.
Officer Eaton stated today that he had called on most of those who still had the posters in their windows late in the afternoon of yesterday, but he did not know just how many of the posters were in the windows at that time. Some of those whom he called upon refused to take the posters down, while others took them down immediately, when they were told that the governor had said the display of the posters was a violation of the state industrial court law and the circular letter was read to them. Late today Officer Eaton had not reported to the county attorney on his work in his line.
County Attorney Fink stated this afternoon that he would take no further action in the matter at the present and he thought the matter would be ironed out in due time without trouble of a serious nature. So long as the affair is kept within bounds, he says, he does not anticipate any trouble growing out of the local situation in this regard.
This afternoon there were fourteen of the posters still on display in the windows of local stores. Some of this number have refused to take the posters down. On Tuesday evening at six o'clock there were 115 of the posters in the local store windows, and with the fourteen still remaining, there have been 101 taken down since the receipt of the governor's message here, in this regard.
One businessman stated today that when he was advised legally yesterday that he might get into trouble for displaying the poster in his window, he called in the committee from the local shop strikers who had placed the poster there, with his consent, and related the circumstances to them, in regard to the advice he had received. They told him that under the circumstances, they were perfectly willing that he should remove the sign, and this he did in the presence of the members of the committee. This businessman stated that he thought this a fair way to dispose of the matter and settle the dispute, insofar as he was concerned, and now he is perfectly satisfied with the result.
Topeka, July 20.W. L. Huggins, presiding judge of the Kansas court of industrial relations, took a hand in the game of "Henry and me" today in a statement to the press, taking to task both the other principalsGovernor Allen, who declared displaying strike-sympathy posters was a violation of the industrial court lawand William Allen White, Emporia, author and editor, who has displayed such a poster in his office window.
Judge Huggins asserts that Governor Allen is mistaken in his interpretation of the law and that Mr. White gave an erroneous impression by stating that "the order of the industrial court is an infamous infraction of the right of free press and free speech." Judge Huggins said the industrial court is not responsible for any order for the removal of the strike posters. Judge Huggins went to Emporia today and said he intends to put his friend, Mr. White, straight in the matter. "He is allowed to be either 49 percent or 99 percent in sympathy with the strikers," declared Judge Huggins, "and in my opinion, displaying posters indicating one's sympathy for the strikers is not a violation of the industrial court act."
Paris Park with its beautiful lake, shade trees, shrubbery, and flowers, comfort station, pavilion, and other improvements, has become a very popular resort. Crowds visit the park daily.
In view of these conditions, it was suggested by Mayor McIntosh that the forthcoming Sunday concert be held in this park instead of Wilson park, which has the advantage of a rotunda with large seating capacity. The mayor pointed out the advisability of holding the concert in Paris Park because of its facilities as an amusement resort and the consequent crowds that visit the park, its easy access to the business center, and the beauty of music in connection with water.
Following this suggestion Director George W. Jones announced next Sunday's symphony band concert to be held at this park, notwithstanding the facilities from the standpoint of a musical entertainment are not so good as at Wilson Park.
Director Jones has suggested a real need at this park, in the opinion of many who have been approached on the subject. His suggestion is a band stand built on the lake near the edge of the water. From the stand thus located, the crowd could be furnished with musical entertainment most advantageously, the director pointed out.
"The band stand could be built as a part of the park improvement and the cost would be an inconsequential item in comparison to the utility and service of the proposition in providing the crowds with entertainment," stated Director Jones. He thinks it is up to the city commissioners to take this matter under consideration, and is strong in his belief that it would be a valuable asset to the park as an amusement feature and at the same time the cost would be very little.
J. J. Putnam, of the Al G. Wright hardware store, has purchased 20 acres of the farm of G. W. Cottrill, located south of the city, in section 12-35-3, and he will erect a home there in the near future. The location is one mile south of the city on the Summit Street road. Mr. Putnam now resides at 715 North C Street and they will move from the city to the farm as soon as their house is erected there.
John W. Bigley purchased a half interest in the Midway lunch and cold drink stand at 114 South Summit street, this morning, and together with E. J. Dewitt, who retains a half interest, will operate as a high speed restaurant. The place is to be remodeled and painted and will serve regular meals, lunches, and cold drinks.
Guy Ecroyd, who with Mrs. Ecroyd, started down the Arkansas River in a row boat on Sunday morning, sends word to the Newman store that they had reached Kaw City on Monday afternoon and that there was plenty of water for the small row boat. Mr. and Mrs. Ecroyd will go down the river until they have had enough of that sort of outing, and will then ship the boat back to the city, and will return home on the train. They chose this novel method of spending a two weeks vacation.
The Geuda Springs Mineral Water Co. has moved from 224 North Summit Street to the basement of the building located at 108 North Summit. The move was made for the reason that the new location provides more room for the rapidly increasing business of the firm in and about Arkansas City.
E. H. Armstrong and his assistants at the Traders State Bank, fully expect to be ready tomorrow morning at nine o'clock for the distribution of the certificates on the state guaranty fund, for checking accounts, saving accounts, deposits, and Christmas club accounts. The Christmas club certificates were not here when the first announcement was made to the public on Tuesday, but these arrived here yesterday afternoon and will be given out with the others, which were named in the first instance. These certificates include more than half a million dollars in figures.
These certificates of deposit will run until the time the bank is liquidated and then the holder will receive the face value and interest at from 3 to 6 percent, on the various kinds of accounts. It is probable that the holder, if he desires to dispose of the certificate, will have to sell at a discount.
The local banks have made no arrangements, so far, to handle the Traders certificates, in any manner whatever.
Winfield, July 20.What seems to be an attempt to assist a jail break from the outside has been carried on for the better part of a week. During that time some of the prisoners at the county jail have been discovered with parts of saws in their possession. Last night the frame of a large hack saw was taken from one of the men.
According to Sheriff Goldsmith the equipment is probably brought to the outside of the windows and raised on a cord. There are no screens on the barred windows and there is little chance of a person being detected after night with as few lights as there are.
Winfield, July 20.B. V. Curry, receiver for the Traders State Bank of Arkansas City, was made a defendant in a suit filed today in district court by Frank C. Fierce. Fierce sues Douglass Wilson, Pearl Wilson, and the receiver. Fierce alleges that he painted the Wilson house, for which he was to have been paid $170, which he says is still owing. He asks judgment for that amount. He alleges the bank has a mortgage on the house, so includes the bank as a defendant.
Winfield, Kan., July 20.The poor houseits very name, to the ears of an independence-loving American, carries a strange note of dreadful fear, fear lest somewhere in life's course a trick of fate might send him to its doors, destitute, penniless, friendless. For failure, sorrow, trouble, and sickness it is a common synonymthe last place under heaven we want to gohunger, hardships, and sometimes life itself, but last of all the poor farm. Yet the poor houses, could they speak, would tell unbelievable tales of once wealthy and prominent men and women brought within their doors.
A poet, a university graduate, and a bank director and numbered among inmates of the Cowley County Poor Farmthree men, once highly respected, prosperous citizens, leaders of bygone days, forced into the care of charity during their last days by the pitiless hand of fortune.
Broken in body and spirit, all three are tramping far down the sunset trail which leads to the land where there are no poor housesto that land of eternal mansions not built with hands for those who have kept the faith.
Reluctantly they told their life stories to a reporterstories of blasted hopes and shattered dreamshow they had achieved success, enjoyed friends, met with adversity, and sank to the charity of the county.
The first had been gifted with musical and literary talents; the second, with a university degree, had practiced law in Winfield, once being city attorney; and the third was the first resident of Arkansas City and later became a director of a bank in that city.
John R. Harmon
John R. Harmon, though passing his 90th birthday this month, walks the two miles from the farm to Winfield at will. His broad square shoulders, firm upright step, fair eyesight, and excellent hearing stamp him as a once-powerful physical specimen, a fine representative of the hardy pioneers who conquered the western plains. His fellow-inmates tell with pride how he withstood the "bread and water" punishment, defying the poor farm authorities when they placed him on bread and water rations because he would not work.
In the summer of 1869, while the site of Arkansas City was Indian hunting grounds, Harmon, drawn from Indiana by the challenge of the west, drove into the Osage country to make his home. At that time the redmen were encamped in scattered villages roundabout the junction of the Arkansas and Walnut rivers.
Danger was imminent at all times, for the Indians were continually sending out hunting parties, and now and then by way of diversion, a war party, which evidenced its prowess by taking home fresh scalps instead of the usual supply of venison and buffalo steaks. At that time it was a common sight to see herds of buffalo across the river.
In September 1780, forty-two antelopes were observed grazing on the town site. The following month, the settlers' dogs had a pitched battle with wolves on a Summit Street corner, now occupied by a five-story business block.
Mr. Harmon tells with a gleam in his eye how he threw out of his cabin bodily seven Indians, and one look at his giant frame is convincing that he did it. The news that he had fed a hungry Indian one day spread until the lazy, hungry, braves besieged his cabin for food. Angered by their insistence, he used football tactics to clean them out. It was a dangerous move, but it turned out that boldness was the best policy for they bothered him no more.
At the memorable Manning claim meeting at Winfield in 1870, Harmon was one of the settlers who attended. He cast his vote in favor of Col. Manning, who retained ownership of his claim.
Counting the revolutions of his wagon wheel for measurements, Harmon assisted the party who staked out the first lots in Arkansas City. The town was then called Adelphi, later Walnut City, Creswell, and Arkansas City.
During his lifetime "Jake" Harmon was a well-known character in the city; sometimes, it must be admitted, being connected with shady enterprises. He prospered, accumulating as much as $50,000 in cash, at which time he was an influential director in an Arkansas City bank. The money slipped through his fingers, largely he claims, through the embezzlement of the bank's cashier. At the G. O. P. convention in Chicago, where Garfield was nominated, he met the cashier but the money had disappeared.
Five years ago, finding himself friendless and unable to work, Harmon was taken in at the county farm, which is destined to be his last home.
O. M. Seward
O. M. Seward, eighteen years the junior of Harmon, totters about the farm with feeble steps, leaning heavily on his cane every few steps. Unlike Harmon, he told a few meager facts of his life with hesitancy in answer to close questioning. Alone, all alone, hour after hour, day after day, he wanders about the farm, wrapped in his thoughts, neither giving nor asking companionship. The passersby, to whom the lonely bent figure patrolling the roads in solitude is a common sight, will be the only person to miss him when he is gone.
Seward was born in 1848 in Ohio of well-to-do parents, who educated him well. As a young man he headed his class in an Ohio college, from which he graduated with honors and went forth with his diploma to conquer the world. He specialized in law, prospered in the profession, came to Winfield, made good, and became city attorney. To the other inmates the remainder of his life is a blank and he chose not to reveal it, fearing that he might be made sport of before the public.
Harry Ferguson
Harry Ferguson, the third member of the "has-been" triumvirate, tells the saddest story of all. Inheriting many talents, he was destined by a cruel stroke of fortune to have not even a fighting chance to multiply them. For twenty-nine years he has milked the cows, made the soap, and acted as general flunky at the farm.
As an orphan, he had no education; but at sixteen years, he was making his living by singing and playing for the rough crowd of railroad men with whom he mingled. When he did not know the words, he composed them to fit his songs. His ambition led him to seek a musical education, but then came the spinal disease which made him a hunch-back, a weak and hopeless cripple forever. For a time he struggled along without friends nor money until finallythe inevitablethe poor farm.
Living alone in a little shack in the backyard of the main building, he suffers in solitude. He taught himself to read and on his table lies copies of Emerson's "Essays," Plutarch's "Lives," Aristotle's "Philosophy," and the Bible, which he has purchased from his meagre savings. About his room are scattered little bits of poetry, ditties, jingles, all credible pieces of writing.
Winfield, July 20.Charles Wilson, sentenced to the state penitentiary from this county for attempted theft of an automobile on Main Street here, escaped on July 17 from the pen, Chief of Police Fred Hoover announced today. The police have received notification from the penitentiary. Wilson escaped from the building department. No details of his escape were contained in the notification.
Wilson was arrested here in company with Bill Harvey, who was also convicted. Harvey stuck to his pard through thick and thin, refusing a separate trial. As a result, he was convicted and sent to the pen with his "partner." Now his pal has escaped and Harvey is still a prisoner.
Topeka, July 21.The proposed advance on the Emporia sector, all because William Allen White displayed a strike sympathy poster in the window of his newspaper office, has been temporarily called off. Although state officials involved were reluctant to discuss the situation, this afternoon it appeared that instead of sending state emissaries to Emporia armed with warrants for Mr. White's arrest, they will carry a white flag. It was re-
ported here that the strike poster, which Mr. White refused to remove on order from the attorney general, still held forth today, Mr. White carrying out his announced plan to increase the percentage of his sympathy one percent a day, making it ready today 51 percent.
McDermott to Emporia
Following the announcement early today that John G. Egan, assistant attorney general, had been delegated to go to Emporia and cause the arrest of the Gazette editor, this afternoon from the same source came the report that Judge J. A. McDermott probably will proceed to Emporianot to have Mr. White arrested, but "to investigate the situation." Mr. Egan is still in Topeka this afternoon. All morning there was much conferring behind closed doors at the state house over the announced plan to arrest Mr. White. It was apparent friends of both the governor and Mr. White interceded.
Complaint Was Drawn
Interviewers of the officials encountered many evasive replies, and in the vernacular "passing the buck." Although a complaint on which a warrant was to be demanded was drawn up last night, it was learned this afternoon that no one had signed it. To observers it was apparent that the governor, having taken into consideration advices of his counsellors, has at least for the present changed his plans about prosecuting his bosom friend, the Emporia editor.
Emporia, July 21.William Allen White, Kansas editor, awaited today the service of the warrant for his arrest for violation of the industrial court anti-picketing law, which he was informed last night by friends of Governor Allen, was in preparation by Attorney General Hopkins. It was understood the attorney general prepared the information lodging charges against Editor White last night.
Editor White and Governor Allen are life-long friends, both publicly and personally. Mr. White has supported the governor throughout his administration and even in the face of the impending action against him. He said yesterday, "There is no personal feeling between Governor Allen and me. He is making a splendid governor."
Is Still Defiant
Hearing of his impending arrest, Mr. White restated his defiance of the ruling of the court that to display signs in sympathy with the shopmen was against the law. Mr. White said that he would not take down the sign which he had placed in the window of the office of his paper, the Emporia Gazette. Mr. White raised the figures on the sign to 50 percent yesterday.
Both Gov. Allen and Mr. White have stated their personal friendship for each other has not been affected by the controversy. Mr. White said today:
"Judge J. A. McDermott of the industrial court declares that the card in my window is lending moral support to an unlawful act, and therefore creating an atmosphere in favor of
"The right to a free utterance of honest opinions is a fundamental right. Our fathers fought for it at Bunker Hill and at Gettsburg, and to restrict any man from the calm expression of an honest opinion merely because there is a strike on in Kansas is unwise. Industrial questions are not honestly settled by a suppression of free utterance, either of speech or the press, or of any other kind, so long as the opinion is orderly and temperate and decent.
"As a matter of fact, I am not for the striking railroad 100 percent. They have a just cause, but they have taken a foolish time for fighting for it.
"The governor thinks that 50 percent is an incendiary amount of sympathy. I do not. So I feel inclined to keep the card up and change the percent as the situation changes. So long as the strike remains peaceful, the percent of my sympathies would naturally rise. If they get out and burn cars and beat up strike breakers, it will fail. But so long as the right to express any opinion is regarded as incendiary, I feel an old fashioned American duty to stand up and be counted for free utterance."
The governor believes that Mr. White has the wrong "slant" entirely in placing the strike sympathy card in the Gazette window. The governor does not believe that forbidding display of the cards is an attack on free speech, he has indicated. He said today: "The Kansas court of industrial relations act prohibits a strike in an essential industry. It declares every form of picketing is a part of the conspiracy to deprive the public of transportation." Then he proceeded to point out that, as he viewed it, Editor White's display of the sympathy card was a form of picketing, and as such, was in violation of the law and that Mr. White was inciting others to violate the law by his open defiance.
Topeka, July 21.John G. Egan, assistant attorney general, will go to Emporia today for the announced purpose of causing the arrest of William Allen White on a charge of violation of the Kansas industrial court act, in displaying a strike-sympathy poster in the window of his newspaper office. This announcement was made at the office of Governor Allen this morning. As to what his instructions are, Attorney Egan said: "I can't discuss the matter at all."
The report is prevalent that the Santa Fe company has about 200 men at work in the shops and roundhouse at this point. The workmen are boarded and housed at the shops. According to the report there are three tables, each one capable of taking care of 32 men, being used at this time. The tables are set twice, and in this way almost 200 workmen are served at each meal. Three cooks are employed to prepare the meals.
It is said that eight new men were put to work yesterday here, by the Santa Fe. It is also reported that a number of the men who have been employed here have been sent to Purcell and are working there. The claim is made also that, with the exception of a number of skilled mechanics, the company has as many men as it needs at this time, at this point.
E. C. Harvey, of Topeka, who said he came here as a representative of Governor Allen to make an investigation of the local strike situation, was in the city late yesterday and held a short conference with Mayor Geo. H. McIntosh, at the city hall, at which time he put the matter of the removal of the posters reading, "We are with the striking shopmen 100 percent," squarely up to the mayor. According to Mayor McIntosh, the conversation between the two men on this subject was about as follows.
"What do you intend to do in regard to the posters?"
"I do not intend to do anything."
"Will you have them removed from the windows of the local stores?"
"I will not."
"Why will you not do so?"
"Because I do not see the need of such action and because I have no authority to do so."
Following this conversation there was a friendly visit between Mr. Harvey, the mayor, and other city officials at the city hall, at which time Mr. McIntosh informed the governor's representative, he says, that there was no trouble of any kind here, on account of the strike situation. Mayor McIntosh informed Mr. Harvey that the striking shopmen and carmen of this city were a very orderly crowd and that they had in no manner created any sort of disturbance since the date of the walkout here, on July 1. Mr. Harvey informed the mayor that there had been numerous reports sent to Topeka in regard to alleged trouble here by the strikers and that he was sent here to make an investigation of these reports and to report back to the governor.
The mayor stated to the Traveler reporter that he knew where these reports were being sent from in this city and that he also knew they were not true. One man, he says, is responsible for all these reports sent to the governor from Arkansas City; and Mr. McIntosh brands all such reports as "lies." He further says that he is not responsible for the posters in the windows and that he will not have them removed.
Mr. Harvey returned to Topeka last night for the purpose of submitting his report to the governor on the situation in this city, as he found it on the visit here yesterday.
Several of the special deputies, who have been employed here by the Santa Fe to watch the property of the railroad company, have recently quit the job for the reason that they object to looking after and caring for the strikebreakers. It is stated that some of the deputies, who are working under the supervision of the sheriff of the county, were told that they were to accompany members of the strikebreakers crowd to any part of the city they desired to go, and to protect them at all times.
The deputies claim they were hired to watch the railroad property only. This, one of the deputies at least, C. W. Sanderson, absolutely refused to do and last night he turned in his star and commission to the chief of special officers, Mr. Fry, at the south yards and left the place. It is said by Sanderson that the sheriff has instructed his deputies that they do not have to accompany the strikebreakers anyplace. This morning it was stated that there were about fifty strikebreakers in the employ of the company at the south yards, in the machine shops and the car repair department.
Striking shopmen here today said that the removal of the strike sympathy posters from the windows of business houses was perfectly satisfactory to them, for they felt that the object of the slogan had now been put across. This afternoon there were comparatively few of the posters on display here, while at the same time yesterday there were fourteen or fifteen of them seen in the store windows.
The local shopmen and carmen who are on strike have issued an invitation to the newspapermen to attend the morning meetings at labor hall in order that they may handle the stories in this connection from the viewpoint of a news item, hereafter.
The crowd around the doors of the defunct Traders State Bank this morning at 8 o'clock very much resembled those seen on occasions when there was a fire sale or a fifty percent discount sale at some big store; and it was several hours after the opening of the doors of the bank at nine o'clock that the crowd was thinned out. The occasion was the opening of the bank by the receiver, through his representative, E. H. Armstrong, of the state banking department for the issuance of the first certificates of deposit on the state guaranty fund. This bank was closed March 15. These certificates, amounting to more than $500,000, were received in the city several days ago and after the force at the bank had had time to make a complete list of the names and two different numbers on each of the certificates, the doors were open for the distribution of the paper to the depositors. E. H. Armstrong and his force at the bank were very busy all day long, and it will take several days work of the same kind to distribute the certificates here. The certificates being given out to the former customers of this bank are for the funds in time deposits, savings accounts, individual deposits, and Christmas club accounts. The total amount in these four funds is approximately $529,500. In order to secure the certificates, the claimant must sign for the same and the signature in this regard must be by the party who made the claim some time ago, and signed it at that time. These certificates will draw interest as follows, until the time the bank is liquidated, which length of time cannot be estimated at the present. Checking accounts 6 percent, certificates of deposit 4 percent, and savings accounts 3 percent. It has not yet been estimated just how long it will take for the holders of all the certificates to be waited upon at the bank. The certificates on the cashier's checks, bank drafts, and accounts in escrow, have not arrived here from the Topeka office, but as soon as they are sent to the city, the public will be notified by Mr. Armstrong.
Mr. Armstrong stated this afternoon that all of the certificates except those relating to cashier checks had arrived in the city. All depositors' certificates are here now and they will be given out as rapidly as possible. Late today there was no means of telling just how long it would take to wait on all those who have certificates to their credit in the bank. However, Mr. Armstrong probably will be able to give out something in this connection tomorrow, he states.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922
President Moore left for Chicago last night after a visit of several days at the plant. Sam Morton, pipe construction engineer from the Cosden company of Tulsa, has charge of the work of remodeling battery No. 3. C. A. Bliss, formerly of the Shaffer oil company, is manger of the warehouse and general purchasing agent. Six cars of construction material arrived yesterday for the new high pressure stills. Fifteen cars of warehouse material for the construction company has arrived, and when it is unloaded, the Moore plant will be stocked up the best it ever has been. Ed. Curtis is acting as bay crude gauger for the pipe line company during the absence of Mr. Smith, the regular bay gauger at the plant. The many friends of Ed. Rowe will be glad to learn that he has been promoted to the easiest job in the plant. He is operating the main air compressor, located on the Jenkins stills. Battery No. 2 is running full capacity and being used to rerun the stock from battery No. 1. The daily run of the plant will not be increased until battery No. 3 is put into operation. This will be some time yet due to the fact that it is being given a thorough overhauling and remodeling. Batteries 1, 2, and 3 constitute the main batteries of the plan. Fifteen carloads of refined products were being loaded out today at the Moore refinery.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922
Guy Ecroyd sends a post card message to the Traveler from Ralston, Oklahoma, under date of Wednesday, July 19, stating there is "plenty of water and going fine. Water fell the first two days and then came up again, about like it was on Sunday when we left the city. Camped the second night below Ponca City and last night on Turkey Island. Talk about eating, you should see us." Mr. and Mrs. Ecroyd started down the Arkansas in a row boat last Sunday morning, on a vacation trip.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922
Frank Schwartz, of the Schwartz Electric company, met with quite a painful accident this morning, while he was working on a switch board carrying a short circuit. His wrench slipped while he was at work on the board, and this caused the copper to become melted. The fumes from the copper affected his eyesight and he is unfit for duty at present. However, it is stated that the injury will not prove to be of a serious nature.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922
W. W. Penrose, who for some time past has been conducting an auto repair shop in the N. S. Martin building on South First street, closed the place there today and went to Augusta, where he has accepted a position as machinist for the Eagle refinery. He was in the employ of this company several years ago and the company made him such a flattering offer that he decided to go back to that town and work. He probably will move his family there later. The Eagle refinery employs from 150 to 200 men all the time, it is reported here.
FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1922
Samuel Brown and Jay Plumley, boy scouts, took a hike this morning to Camp Bishop, 10 1/2 miles east of the city. They went out to join the boys during the remainder of the camp period.
Topeka, July 22.The arrest of William Allen White, Emporia editor, for displaying a poster sympathizing with the striking shopmen, probably will be made today, it was announced by Governor Allen this morning.
The announcement followed a personal report to Governor Allen by Judge J. A. McDermott, of the industrial court, on his pilgrimage to Emporia late yesterday and of his failure to persuade Mr. White to remove from his office window a strike-sympathy poster.
Leroy Hull, governor Allen's stenographer, left on the noon train for Emporia to deliver to County Attorney Boynton the information for a warrant for White's arrest. The information was drawn in the attorney's office. When Hull left it had not yet been signed, the intention being to have the county attorney, who is Mr. White's nephew, sign it. In case he declines, Mr. Hull will sign it. The information charges Mr. White with entering into a conspiracy to encourage strikers to interfere with transportation. According to the information, the displaying of strike sympathy posters constitutes a form of picketing, a misdemeanor under the industrial court act.
The test to determine whether or not the display of the poster is a violation of the Kansas industrial court act will follow Mr. White's arrest; but meanwhile, the governor stated today, "the strike cards will have to come down from every window in Kansas."
According to the announced plans of procedure, County Attorney R. E. Boynton at Emporia, will file information direct in the district court; Mr. White will be arraigned there and the case probably set for the next term of the district court, which opens next October. Under this procedure there will be no preliminary hearing.
Following his conference with Judge McDermott, Governor Allen issed a statement, giving assurance that "the friendship of all these years cannot be broken by the difference in our opinion as to what constitutes a violation of the law."
The statement follows.
"I am sorry, of course, that my friend, Mr. White, refuses to distinguish the difference between free speech and a direct and cunning violation of the law. I would be willing for William Allen White to hang in his office window any expression he wished to hang there touching any subject. I would trust absolutely to his good taste and his citizenship as an individual to keep him from violating any of the laws of the land. But when he enters deliberately into a concert with the strike leaders to carry on in Emporia a form of picketing which they have tried to establish in all shop centers for the purpose of discouraging and menacing the men who are now trying to keep the transportation of this state moving, it is an altogether different matter.
"Many men, knowing of the long friendship between Mr. White and myself, have asked if this will disturb our personal relations. The friendship of all these years cannot be broken by the differences in our opinion as to what constitutes a violation of the law.
"Mr. White declares that he is not fighting the industrial court act. I believe this. Mr. White helped to frame this law and his attitude toward it in the past has been helpful. I believe he had taken a slant in this particular situation without giving due consideration to the serious results of his example in the matter.
"The arrest of Mr. White, which is the only arrest made thus far for this offense, will provide a friendly test of this feature of the industrial court act. After the courts have interpreted it in the light of this case, we will then know just what the phrase of the law prohibiting conspiracy against the public welfare embraces.
"In the meanwhile, it is the duty of every lawabiding citizen to obey the interpretation which the law officer of the state has given to this provision of the industrial act. The strikers cards will have to come down from every window in Kansas."
Emporia, July 22.Two striking shopmen, the men who distributed the sympathy posters in Emporia, will be arrested when the warrant for William Allen White is issued, according to County Attorney Roland Boynton. Attorney General Hopkins informed Boynton this morning that White, the two strikers, and several others would be prosecuted for posting the window cards. The information upon which the warrants will be based will be brought to Emporia this afternoon by Mr. Hull of the governor's office. White's attorney will appear for him and give bond for his appearance in the district court in October.
More than 100 strikers posters are in the windows of Emporia stores today.
For the second time since the strike of the shopmen and the carmen in this city, on July 1, Sheriff C. N. Goldsmith and Undersheriff Don Goldsmith, of Winfield, swooped down on Arkansas City this morning and made arrests on the charge of "picketing," which is a violation of the state industrial court act. There were nine men named in the warrant and complaint, which was issued from the district court of this county, by County Attorney Ellis Fink. They are Frank Nichols, D. M. Kimbrough, Oliver Burt, Rudolph Burt, F. Nichols, John Ballew, Clyde Moore, C. S. Helm, and William Conlin. All but Moore, who is sick in bed, were arrested and taken to Winfield this afternoon by the sheriff, his son, Don, and Deputy Sheriff F. A. Eaton.
Bonds for $750.
The men arrested left the city shortly after one o'clock, from the labor headquarters on South Summit street in autos, and they were accompanied by several car loads of their friends, who went along to sign the bonds. The county attorney said there were two counts in each case and that the bonds would be made $750 each. There was no disturbance of any sort in connection with the arrests here and all of the men, with the exception of Moore, went to the county seat in a joyful mood.
Charged With Threatening.
The charge against the Arkansas City strikers, according to the county attorney, is threatening and intimidating one W. J. Barber. It is alleged in the complaint that a crowd of some 20 or 30 men, including the above named, went to the Barber home on July 14 and threatened him, unless he would quit his work with the Santa Fe.
This case seems to be the second chapter to the case wherein there were seven strikers arrested here last week and taken into the district court, on the same charge. The county attorney said the cases probably would come up at the September term of court.
Was Fined in City Court
There also seems to be an echo in this case, from the city court case of July 13, at which time W. J. Barber was tried and found guilty of the charge of having liquor in his possession. He was fined $100 and was sentenced to serve thirty days in jail at that time. His attorney, J. E. Torrance, who is the attorney for the Santa Fe, filed notice of appeal in this case. At the trial of the Barber case, the records show Frank Nichols, one of the men arrested today, was a witness for the city and the attorney for the defendant attempted to show by his testimony that Nichols had tried to persuade Barber to quit work for the Santa Fe.
It is probable that some of the testimony, at least, which was given in the police court case, may be submitted at the trial of these men in the district court case.
Among Arkansas City's greater industries, the Kanotex Refining Company is making a most excellent showing. The plant is now averaging a run of 3,000 barrels of crude daily, according to a report given out at the office this morning. This week the company shipped 127 cars, including 41 cars of gasoline, 7 cars of gas oil, 10 cars of kerosene, 5 cars distillate, and 64 cars of fuel oil. Thirty-five cars were shipped yesterday and 21 cars today.
Topeka, July 21.Governor Allen today received a warning over the signature K. K. K. advising him to reform in regard to his interpretation of the industrial court law regarding the displaying of posters expressing sympathy for strikers. The letter, which bore a Wichita postmark, read as follows:
"We wish to state to you in the name of the law by the people, and for the people, that the merchants of Wellington, Arkansas City, and all of Kansas will hold up for the strikers and the rights of the good people of this country. We advise you to reform."
The report is being sent out tht Governor Allen has been sent a warning by the Ku Klux Klan. We are inclined to think that someone is endeavoring to perpetrate a joke on the governor, because it would be a mighty foolish thing for the Klan to attempt to perpetrate one of their stunts upon any high official. The people wouldn't stand for it.
There are a lot of things now being done under the name of the Klan which should not be credited to it. We are more inclined to think that the Klan would lend protection to the governor rather than attempt to chastise him.
The Moore refinery is fortunate in having an able chemist in charge of its laboratory. George Pfau, chief chemist, who hails from Indiana, is a graduate of Yale University, 1910. He specialized in chemistry at school, and during the past twelve years has been employed as chemist by the leading oil companies of the country.
Four men were added to the construction force this morning. They are all skilled workmen from the Cosden company plant at Tulsa. Three more cars of construction material came in late yesterday afternoon, for the remodeling work on battery three. Lubricating oil from the Moore refinery will be put on the market the first of next week, it is said.
The remodeling of Moore battery three, now in progress, is a tremendous work. Fifty men are employed there, Cosden and Company of Tulsa, having charge of the work. Home labor is employed. Ground was broken this morning for four new stills at this battery. Old refinery men working on the job say that on account of the vast amount of work to be done, production from this battery cannot be started before September 1st.
Fifty men are working on construction at the new high pressure stills, and carpenters are laying new forms.
Battery six, known as the Smith still, will soon be a thing of the past. Only the condenser pans remain. All the stills are gone, and a large force of men is hurrying the removal of this battery. Another force is dismantling battery five, known as the Jenkins still.
According to refinery men working at the Moore plant, the work now laid out at the plant will cost fully a million dollars.
W. B. Ranney, president of the Ranney-Davis Merc. Co., wholesale groceries, of this city, returned today from a several days business trip to Ponca City and upon his return home, he made the announcement that his company had purchased the Ponca City Wholesale Grocery Co.
The name of the branch house at Ponca will be the Ponca City Wholesale Grocery. It is the intention of Mr. Ranney, he states, to put in one of the best and most complete stocks of groceries for the wholesale trade at Ponca City. The branch house at that location will be a very valuable addition to the Ranney-Davis holdings in Kansas and Oklahoma, as the company already operates houses at Enid, Woodward, Anthony, and Wichita. The house at Ponca already has a well established business, but the new owners will endeavor to make this branch one of its largest distributing points in that section of Oklahoma. It has not yet been announced who the manager of the Ponca City house will be, but it is quite likely that one of the men from the office here will be placed in charge there, very soon.
The force on duty at the defunct Traders State Bank was still very busy today, giving out the certificates of deposit to the customers of that institution, but the rush was not nearly so great as on the first day. Yesterday there were 550 former patrons of the bank waited on in the issuance of the depositors certificates and this week will be continued until all have been given the paper in this connection. The force at the bank was about "all in" last night, after the day of strenuous work.
Captain M. N. Sinnott, city clerk, is now occupying his new residence at 319 North Third Street. His old dwelling house at this location has been converted into practically an entirely new residence and is now one of the nicest properties on the street. It has seven rooms and bath with extra lavatory and toile downstairs. It has four sleeping rooms and three other rooms and two porches.
Battery F of the Kansas National Guards, of this city, will go to Fort Sill, Okla., August 14, for the annual summer maneuvers. Recruits of the battery membership will be accepted up to July 24 and receive pay for target practice, artillery drills, field service, etc., incident to the yearly encampment, Captain Oliverson announced this morning.
J. A. Haney, of the Economy grocery, was fined $3.00 in the city court this morning for violation of the city ordinance relative to the display of merchandise on the sidewalk in front of a merchant's place of business. The ordinance requires that merchandise so displayed be at least eighteen inches above the sidewalk. The purport of the ordinance is to protect the goods so displayed from contamination. Complaint was made against the groceryman by J. F. Jones, the city food and milk inspector.
The state charter board at Topeka has granted a charter to the Barnard Dry Goods Co., of Arkansas City, with a capital stock of $25,000. The Barnard company recently purchased the stock and fixtures of the C. H. Devlin store and will soon be doing business at that location on South Summit Street.
Topeka, July 24.Whether action similar to that taken against William Allen White of Emporia for displaying strike sympathy posters will be taken against others who placed the cards in their windows and refused to take them down, depends on circumstances, Attorney General Hopkins said today. It is intended that the White case shall serve as a test whether or not displaying the cards is a violation of the anti-picketing provision of the industrial court act.
Following the technical serving of a warrant and arraignment of Mr. White Saturday, he took down from the window of his newspaper office the sign proclaiming 50 percent sympathy for the strikers. In a public statement, he urged that others also take down the sign until the case is determined.
"No arrests are contemplated at this time but whether others who display the posters will be arrested depends on conditions," said Attorney General Hopkins today. "In case it is evident that such signs are a menace to the strike situation, as we believe Mr. White's was, the arrest of persons displaying the signs may be ordered. I am of the opinion that most of the signs will come down without further threats of prosecution."
Whether a change of venure for the White case will be asked of the district court at Emporia is under consideration by the attorney general. The wide acquaintance of Mr. White in his home town and the fact that Judge W. C. Harris of the district court, although a democrat, has had the support of Mr. White's paper are factors entering into the situation. Mr. Hopkins today said however he believed it would be agreeable to all parties concerned to hold the trial in Emporia. It would be possible for a judge from some other district to sit in the case.
Unless the ordinary calendar of the court is altered, the case will not come to trial until the October term; but it was pointed out, arrangements probably could be made to have the case tried a month earlier.
There will be a mass meting at Wilson Park rotunda this evening, called by the local committee of the railway strikers, and the public is invited to attend. There has been a program arranged that will be of interest to all. Music will be furnished by the Jones orchestra and the speakers will include Rev. G. W. McQuiddy, U. S. Alexander, republican candidate for the north district of this county, Rev. Chas. Wentworth, Ex-Senator L. P. King, of Winfield, W. R. Stubbs, of Lawrence, republican candidate for governor. This is to be a public meeting, the committee states, in order that the people may hear the shopmen's side of the questions at issue. The meeting will begin at 8 o'clock and the public is cordially invited to attend.
Topeka, July 24."So far as the Santa Fe is concerned, the strike is about over," said W. K. Etter, general manager of the road, in a statement issued today. On the beginning of the fourth week of the strike, pre-strike averages are being maintained in car and locomotive repair work in the shops herethe largest on the Santa Fe system. "Eighty-seven percent of our trains arrived at their terminals on time during the third week of the strike. This is a fair average," the statement said.
No trains on the entire system have been annulled or embargoes issued "on any kind of traffic for any cause," according to Mr. Etter.
There was some excitement in Arkansas City late Saturday night when the news was scattered about the city that a patrol of the state battery, K. N. G., were being called together to combat with the local strike situation. However, there was nothing in connection with the matter at that time, to cause excitement or to make anyone believe that the situation locally, had gained such a troublesome point. It was learned after the passing of the word around that the battery was being called out, that Captain W. B. Oliverson had received a phone message from the office of Governor Allen, in Topeka, informing him that the governor had received a report from this city that there was to be an attack on a strike breaker at the Santa Fe shops.
Capt. Oliverson was asked by the head of the state government at Topeka to look into the situation at once and therefore he called together a number of his officers and men and proceeded to the Santa Fe shops to investigate.
Capt. Oliverson reported Sunday, and again today, that there was absolutely no trouble of any sort at the south yards and he so reported to the governor's office that night, after making a thorough investigation of the matter. He says there was no cause for alarm then nor now, as he had investigated the lay of the land here, from all points. The call of the battery Saturday night was not a formal call, but was informal in its nature, Capt. Oliverson says.
The following report of the arrests of the strikers, which were made on Saturday, was published in the Winfield Courier, of that day.
"Feeling ran high at Arkansas City this afternoon when warrants were issued by the county attorney for seven additional arrests among striking shopmen. Twenty-five or thirty men accompanied the arrested strikers to Winfield to go bond for them.
"The men arrested were Frank Nichols, D. M. Kimbough, Oliver Burt, Rudolph Burt, John Ballew, Clyde Moore, T. A. Helm, William Conlin. This was the second offense for Rudolph Burt. All of the men came to Winfield to furnish bail except Moore who was ill and unable to come.
"The information filed against the striking picketers names two separate counts. First, what the industrial court ruling interprets as comspiring to strike and persuade others to do so. Second, what is commonly known as picketing. The seven arrests this afternoon swell the total for the strike to fifteen from Arkansas City.
"According to the story of the men who were brought here this afternoon, the feeling is intense among the strikers and strike sympathizers this afternoon. 'We've got fifteen now,' stated Rudolph Burt, who was arrested for the second time on the same charge, 'we're just going to keep on till we've got fifty. Then they can bring us up to the county jail and keep us.'
"Although the striking shopmen have warned the businessmen of Arkansas City that they can keep the strike sympathy cards in the windows at their own risk, there are still quite a number in evidence according to the men who had just come from there.
Thomas McAdam, one of the local strikers, admitted this morning that he made the remark while in the courthouse yard, last Saturday afternoon, 'that when the authorities had arrested 40 or 50 of the men, they would just go to jail and not attempt to furnish bond,' which probably brought out the above statement from the Courier.
In regard to the news item in the Courier of Saturday, the local committee states that in the matter of the statement made by one of the Arkansas City men in the party there, pertaining to picketing, that it is false. Picketing by the railroad strikers was forbidden by the executive committee at the first meeting here after the strike was begun on July 1. The strikers say they expect to live up to the provisions of the industrial court law, as long as it is a law.
In regard to the men arrested on Saturday, the local committee gives out the following information.
Frank Nichols, boilermaker, was laid off by the company in March 1921; Oliver Burt, machinist helper, quit the company in May of this year; Rudolph Burt, laborer, quit the company in July; T. Helm, car apprentice, was laid off in July, and has been in Guthrie, returning to this city the day of his arrest. The other men arrested had been laid off for the month of July.
Emporia, Kas., July 24.W. H. Woolwine, officially representing the railroad strikers of Emporia, went this morning to all stores and banks in the town where the contraband signs were displayed and asked for them. "We cannot afford to be less law-abiding than the man who is fighting for the cause of free uttterance," Woolwine told the merchants.
"To show him that we are worthy of what he is doing, we propose to answer his letter by removing the signs at once." This was the answer to W. A. White's appeal for obedience to the law in Emporia. Nearly 100 signs were on display.
MONDAY, JULY 24, 1922
Emporia, July 24.William Allen White, editor of the Emporia Gazette, was charged with violating the Industrial court law by posting a placard sympathizing with the strikers, in a warrant for his arrest issued Saturday afternoon. Immediately after the warrant was signed by County Attorney Roland Boynton and verified by a representative from the governor's office, Mr. White's attorney filed a bond for White's appearance when the case is called for trial in district court next October.
White issued the following statement Saturday afternoon.
"The warrant for my arrest came Saturday in the hands of the county attorney and after the usual preliminaries, was served. The case will be tried in district court, and in the meantime, pending the legal settlement of the rights in the case, the objectionable placard, will not be posted. I have often criticized bitterly corporations that took advantage of the law's delay to continue practices questioned by officials. So while the matter which interests me most deeply is pending in court, I feel that it is the part of good citizenship to respect the duly constituted authorities and their opinion of the law.
"This waiting attitude is no compromise, absolutely no acknowledgement of the rights of the state to suppress free utterance, published in a decent and orderly manner. This action comes following a profound belief in law and legal process, and I feel that every citizen of Kansas while this matter is pending should obey what the governor and attorney general feel is the law.
"And now for a word to labor and the friends of labor. Force will win nothing. But the right of free utterance through speech and a free press are fundamental. If those rights are lost, labor can never hope to win. This action of the administrative officers of the government requires a test in the courts. We are going to have the test and while this case is pending strict observance of what the constituted authorities consider the law is the only hope for labor. The boycott will get nowhere; brute force will prejudice this case and the cooler heads of labor can do a great service to the cause of labor by taking the attitude that while a case is pending as this case in the district court of Lyon county, strict observance of the law as the administrative officers interpret the law is the only hope of their cause.
"Another thing. Kansas must realize the situation in which Governor Allen is placed. He feels that the strike imperils life and property. But it was not without a stress of heart and soul that he called out the troops. He knows that might mean bloodshed and to men of his fine sensibilities the prospect is a heavy burden. His administering the law as he sees it has been brave and patriotic. I do not agree with him in the action which seems to suppress the fundamental right of free speech. My protest was energetic and seems the only self respecting thing for a man to do who feels as I feel. But the difference in opinion about the wisdom of suppressing the fundamental right of American citizenship while the courts are trying to get at the truth and right, should not prevent me, nor all good citizens from upholding his hands and giving him the earnest support which loyalty requires.
"The idea of adjudicating industrial disputes is right. The laboring man in the end will lose when he resorts to force. The living wage of the unskilled laborer is the basis upon which wage adjudication must rest. The Kansas court has laid down that principle. If the national labor board had adhered to that basis of a living wage in its controversy with the shopmen, this strike would never have occurred.
"But that water has gone under the bridge. The shopmen are out in a just cause but an ill timed strike. The cause of labor can only win with public sentiment behind it and to revert to brute force now would be a disastrous mistake."
MONDAY, JULY 24, 1922
Winfield, July 24."Doc" O'Brien who, with Jack Burgess, was arrested earlier in the summer for the theft of an Arkansas City car, was caught by the chief of police at Pawhuska yesterday.
O'Brien and Burgess escaped from the county jail here where they were lodged pending their trial on the night of July 6th by working one of the bars loose and letting themselves down to the ground with an improvised rope made of their blankets.
O'Brien was identified and brought back last night by Sheriff Goldsmith. Burgess has not yet been located, he having escaped just prior to O'Brien's arrest in Oklahoma.
MONDAY, JULY 24, 1922
Charles Harrison has just joined the ranks of home owners in this city. Some time ago he decided to stop paying rent and build him a home of his own. This is a five-room modern brick house located at the corner of Tenth Street and Fifth Avenue, and which Mr. Harrison with his family now occupies. He made the move Saturday from 115 South B Street.
MONDAY, JULY 24, 1922
The case of Mike Crouse, arrested on a charge of being under the influence of liquor and which has been continued two or three times, came up in the city court at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Attorney Tom Pringle represented the defendant, and a stenographic record of the evidence was made by Hattie Franey.
The testimony seemed to indicate that the defendant was not badly under the influence of liquor, but in the arrest which was made by Policeman Atteberry he had resisted the officer, who had to resort to rough methods to get him to the police station, having knocked him down.
In view of the fact that he had already received considerable punishment, Judge Harry S. Brown made the fine $15.00.
MONDAY, JULY 24, 1922
Guy Thurman, an employee of the wax plant at the Moore Refinery, was badly scalded over the upper portion of his body Sunday morning. He had climbed up on a ladder to open a gate on a 6 inch steam line, which is eight or nine feet above the ground, when a hole nearly as large as a man's hand blew out in a reducer coupling almost overhead; the escaping steam striking him fairly on the head, shoulders, and upper half of his body. One arm was particularly badly scalded. The injured man was removed to the Arkansas City hospital, where his injuries were dressed. He was said to be doing as well as could be expected this afternoon. The attending physician reported that the injuries, while not of a critical nature, are very severe and painful. So bad were the burns that a part of the skin on Mr. Thurman's face, neck, and left arm peeled off soon after the accident occurred. Mr. Thurman has a wife and one child.
The work at the Moore refinery has entered its second phase. Up to last week the main efforts were directed in the work of starting batteries 1 and 2 and the lubricating wax plants. All these are in operation now, and the main work has shifted to the remodeling of a complete new set of high pressure stills. The refinery is running 5,000 barrels of crude daily, and the daily run will not be increased until battery 3 is put into operation, as battery 1 and 2 are running to capacity. On battery 3 new towers are being placed on the condensor pansone tower for each still. These towers are similar to steam domes. They are 35 feet high and when put into place their tops are about 60 feet above the ground. Battery 3 receiving house is being completely remodeled. A new and improved set of manifold coils and lock boxes is being installed there. Four new stills, together with the condensor pans which will have to be built for them, are going to be added to battery 3.
Ground for these new stills is broken. Constructing these four new stills will be a big work in itself, and frost will be here before this one task is completed.
When battery 3 is completed, it will consist of twelve big stills, and this battery will have a capacity of 10,000 barrels of crude daily. School bells will be ringing before any of the stills of battery 3 are in operation. Ordinarily battery 3 is the first battery through which the crude passes. When it is put into operation batteries 1 and 2 will be used for rerunning stock from battery 3. Battery 1 consists of steam stills for rerunning gaoline, benzine, and other high gravity stock. Now, the fires are roaring under its stills, and it is being used for first run of crude. Battery 1 is located west of the main boiler house. It has tall towers 80 feet high. Battery 2 is the first unit of stills south of the main boiler house, and battery 3 is the unit of stills directly south of battery 2. Anyone of these batteries would be a good refinery itself. There is not much to battery 4. It consists of coil stills, and was not used during the Mid-Co days. Battery 5 is the Jenkins high pressure stills, now being remodeled, and battery 6 is the Smith high pressure stills, which are almost completely removed. The high pressure stills are located at the extreme south end of the plant.
The new high pressure stills, which will take the place of old batteries 5 and 6, will be a vast work in themselves. One can judge this by seeing the foundations being constructed for these new high pressure stills. Some who are in a position to know say there will be eighteen stills in this new set of high pressure stills. Old refinery men who are working at the plant estimate the cost of new construction now commenced at a million dollars.
Construction work ceased over Sunday at the Moore plant.
David Lee and William Hollingsworth, hoisting foremen from the Cosden Co. plant at Tulsa, motored to Tulsa Saturday, and spent Sunday with their familes. They returned to Arkansas City Sunday evening. Messrs. Lee and Hollingsworth have charge of the hoisting work on battery 3.
Five skilled workmen from the Cosden company plant at Tulsa were put on the construction work at the Moore plant on battery three this morning. Bricklayers commenced work at the plant on battery three this morning. Two more cars of construction material for battery three have arrived.
Howard Bratches, who was captain of the basketball team of senior high school, is timekeeper for the construction gang at work on the high pressure stills. Bryan Davenport and Glenn Fisher were added to the water carrying force this morning. A number of school boys are engaged in this work.
They all come back, even if they have been gone a long time. In this instance, it was Chas. Spruil. Mr. Spruil was born here and after he grew up, his folks moved to Oklahoma. For the past several years he has been engaged in the real estate business at Shidler, Okla. A few weeks since, he took a position with the Moore Refinery company in this city and was sent here as night gauger of crude for the plant here. Mr. Spruil has moved his family here and gone to hosekeeping at 326 North C Street.
Emporia, Kan., July 25.The barrages "Henry and Me" heard on the battle front of France were mere echoes compared to the bombardment Governor Henry Allen cut loose on his pal, William Allen White, in a speech on the Kansas state normal platform. In a friendly yet convincing manner the governor took his political and war time companion to task for his defiance of the governor's and attorney general's interpretation of the industrial court law regarding the posting of strikers' placards which resulted in White's arrest last week.
The governor not only mauled White oratorically but took time to take a dig at former Governor Stubbs with whom the governor differs politically.
"If trouble should arise in Emporia," Governor Allen said, "Bill White would be a brigadier general in the posse which would go out to protect law and order. I've been with Bill under all conditions and know he is not dangerous. He wouldn't hurt a flea.
"The only time Bill White is dangerous is when he sits down before a double action typewriter at a time like this and writes out of his emotion.
"Bill or anyone else has the right to put up a card in his window if he wants to. But when Bill put up that sympathy card, he was joining in the move to break down the efforts of the railroads to keep the trains running. He became the most dangerous figure in that movement because of the faith so many have in his judgment. And so we had to single Bill out, because he is a leader. His arrest is a great compliment to him."
In his reference to Stubbs, the governor said that when Stubbs was governor and the miners struck, Stubbs checked the matter up to Howat. "Howat didn't do anything and no coal was mined," Allen declared. "The industrial court doesn't permit strikes to be settled in that way."
It was Governor's Day at the Kansas normal, opening a drive for $250,000 for a memorial student union building and stadium. Mr. White was on the program as a friend of the school. He introduced his friend of many years.
The governor and Mr. White met before the meeting in the auditorium. They shook hands and called each other "Bill" and "Henry" in their old friendly manner.
Editor TravelerRecently I have received several copies of a printed circular from the Ku Klux Klan, P. O. Box 30, Arkansas City. Since someone is so persistent in sending me this junk and at the same time, skulking behind a post office box, I take this opportunity of expressing my opinion of the Ku Klux Klan. In doing so I am exercising the right of free speech, conferred upon all citizens by the Constitution; and in writing this article, I am referring to the Ku Klux Klan as an organization, not to its members as individuals. I shall sign my name to and accept full responsibility for statements of opinion made.
I have lived in this city twenty-two years, during which time the life and progress of the community has always been marked by the spirit of cooperation, friendship, helpffulness and tolerance.
Now comes the Ku Klux Klan with its fiery cross, masks, shirt-tails, goblins, kleagles, wizards, and terrors, disseminating its venomous religious intolerance, an intolerance of a past age which should be abhorent to any good American of this age. From the propaganda recently distributed throughout this country, it is clearly evident that the mission of the Klan is to plant discord, racial hatred, and religious dissension. While parading its own Christianity, morality, pure Americanism, and patriotism.
As a humble follower of Him who said, "Love thy neighbor as thyself," respecting all sects and creeds as part of the Christian church without being attached to any particular one, and as an American who does not claim his Americanism to be any more pure than that of any other good citizen, I wish to point out some of the shams, sophistry, un-Americanism, and pure bunk of this Klan using their own circular.
The propaganda is designed to appeal to a person below the average mentality. It is conceivable that such an organization should take root among the illiterate mountaineers and cotton pickers of the south, but utterly inconceivable that it should take root in this community. It is my opinion that the record and doctrine of the Ku Klux Klan is incompati ble with good citizenship.
To quote the Kluxers' circular, "The fiery cross shines forth to illuminate the Stars and Stripes from Maine to California and from Canada to Mexico." Since the Ku Klux Klan is, in my opinion, a commercial proposition, this kind of flapdoodle is well calculated to make a yokel swallow his Adam's apple, at least twice, and dig up the necessary $10 to become a pure American, but it is evident that the fellow who wrote this stuff was never in the United States army, as any man who ever stepped into the ranks in defense of this country, Jew, Catholic, or Christian Scientist, knows that the Stars and Stripes is never flown at night by the United States government. He knows that the flag must be hauled down and sheathed before dark. Since the Kluxers' fiery cross appears in darkness only, and the Stars and Stripes in daylight only, the flag as an official emblem, is keeping out of bad company.
"Pure Americanism"Here is where he gulps again. The Ku Klux Klan has pure Americanism for sale; but should I ever feel the need of instruction in Americanism, I shall seek inspiration in the lives of such men as Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Roosevelt, not from Golden Kleagles and Wizards.
"Protection of Pure Womanhood"The word "pure" again. Only a man who thinks Easter Sunday is Billy Sunday's sister, would fall for this. Since when did it become necessary to join the Kluxers and put on a mask to be man enough to defend womanhood?
"White Supremacy"This is not worthy of notice. If the white race is not supreme in this country, what race is? Will the payment of $10 to an itinerant Kleagle make the white race any more supreme?
"Separation of Church and State"A high-sounding phrase to the ears of the ignorant, but almost everyone knows that the matter of separation of church and state was wisely provided for in the Constitution of the United States in the year 1789; therefore, it has been an established fact for 133 years.
"One country, one flag, and one people, and will forever hold sacred the traditions, ideals, and precepts of our forefathers."Fine, but Mr. Kluxer, we just got through fighting for that very thing. Where was the Ku Klux Klan while the fighting was going on? A short time ago our government called upon its citizens under and above a certain age, regardless of creed or race, to prove their patriotism upon the battlefields of France. Where was the Ku Klux Klan then? Are there any Kluxers buried in France? Today we see the bodies of American soldiers returned to our country and being buried under the services or ritual of every church and social organization in the land except under the banner of the Ku Klux Klan. Now that the war is safely over, there are Goblins, Kleagles, Cyclops, and Terrors in masks and shirt-tails ready to save the country. The money that has been wasted on this useless and foolish organization would help out materially on the soldiers' bonus.
"Bar from America the millions of ignorant foreigners"Our government is doing something along this line, but it was advocated long before the Ku Klux Klan originated. Suppose we had started doing this 100 years ago, where would we get our crop of Kluxers now?
"The Ku Klux Klan is not trying to run your country, but is doing its best to assist in upholding the law and American institutions and helping you to get rid of the evil things that are here."If this be true, why were several men killed in a Ku Klux Klan raid at Ingelwood, California? If the Klan were not implicated, why were thirty-seven of them indicted by the grand jury of Los Angeles County, California, and why did the Grand Goblin of California leave that state a fugitive from justice?
"The purposes of the Ku Klux Klan are beneficent and has no methods which would not meet the approval of any Christian gentleman."Very well, then, take off your mask. Since when do Christian gentlemen wear masks? In my mind the idea of masks has always been associated with footpads, burglars, bank robbers, and thugs in general.
"Controlled Press"It will require more than a Kluxer circular with no name signed to it to convince me that the American press is controlled by anyone nor do I place any cre dence in any statements made by or written by "a man of parts," "Mysticus," or "Madame Iteliem." Isn't it strange that this information is always for sale. Some months ago, someone by frequent newspaper attacks goaded National Commander Hanford McNider of the American Legion into striking back after which the gentleman was a man of parts. Several parts.
"Closer relationship of pure Americanism"What is pure Americanism anyway? As for closer relationship, the Kluxers are again too late as Uncle Sam beat them to it when he concentrated Americansjust ordinary Americans, into army camps. Inasmuch as the war is over, I presume they have had quite enough of it, the closer relationship was entirely free then. It costs $10 now.
"It is no guess as to the origin of all criticism"The Grand Goblin of California was not guessing when he fled the state, leaving a lot of misguided dupes to guess themselves out of jail.
"Cheap Advertising"I noticed a news item in the Tulsa World recently where the Ku Klux Klan was organized in a small town in Oklahoma, marched to a church forty strong, and presented the minister a donation of $17.50; less than 5 percent of the $400 paid into the Klan.
"Separate Graft from Public Life"A very interesting subject, but who ever heard of the Ku Klux Klan punishing one of its own votaries. Now, Mr. Kluxer, if you have an effective remedy for this evil, why sell it so cheap? The citizens of almost any large city would be willing to pay a much higher price for the recipe. I suggest you try Chicago for instance and since you have mailed me several dark warnings of the dangers surrounding this community, I shall reciprocate by warning you of the Chicago police. These police are mostly Irish who speak a strange jargon, their conversation runs largely to baseball, they are very rough and uncouth in their work, and spend a large part of their time searching for gentlemen who wear masks. They seem to be obsessed with a strange hallucination that such gentlemen should be sent to the morgue, not an undertaking establishment, just a morgue.
"Just laws, liberty, and law enforcement"Everyone wants just laws but without interference of the Ku Klux Klan or any other clan. Does not the Constitution of the United States provide all the liberty any good citizen is entitled to or wishes obedience to. Constituted law and constituted authority is liberty. Does past experience teach that mobs masked or unmasked ever respect constituted law? Decidedly not. Wherein lies the difference between a masked foreign born fanatic, who has never read the Constitution of the United States, and a native born masked fanatic who has not nor will not, read it?
In my opinion, any organization which tries a man or woman on hearsay evidence without giving the accused an opportunity of hearing the charge, being confronted by his accusers, and refusing him the right of employing counsel, and then without lawful authority, enforces its judgment upon him, is an unlawful and pernicious organization and an enemy of Constitutional government. If the Ku Klux Klan claims the liberty of trying and punishing citizens without judicial trial, what is to prevent other masked groups from committing other depredations?
"Guarantee Religious freedom, free speech, free press, and free public schools"Since the first these are already guaranteed by the constitution and have been for 133 years, and all property owners are being taxed for the support of the public schools. Why is it necessary for the Ku Klux Klan to guarantee them? Does not every American stand squarely behind these fundamentals. Inasmuch as this Klan circularized this community with scurrilous Seventeenth Century religious intolerance, I fail to see how it can consistently parade itself as an exemplar of religious freedom.
"Chief aim to make this nation a better place in which to live."Mankind has been in possession of an absolutely infallible rule concerning this for two thousand years. For my part, I fail to find it in the doctrine of the Ku Klux Klan. It is the golden rule, Mr. Kluxer. Did an exponent of the golden rule ever wear a mask?
Is this statment not true?
From time immemorial the mask has ever been the refuge of a coward, the badge of cowardice. Did the founders of this government, men whose courage and sagacity cannot be matched in history, the men who signed the Declaration of Independence and who formed the Constitution, ever wear masks?
Does history record that a single signer of these documents ever deny having signed them? Did an American soldier ever fall in battle in defense of this country with a mask upon his face unless it was a gas mask? There is but one reason why any man or party of men should go about at night masked, and that is to avoid responsibility for his or their acts. Isn't this a reasonable assumption?
The last plea of the Kluxers' circular is that the reader think it over. I have complied with the request and my conclusions are that there is nothing invisible about the Klan, as its membership here seems to be generally known; that the Ku Klux Klan as an organization is a commercialized fraud; that by its record it has proven itself an enemy of constitutional government; that it operates at night masked and is therefore cowardly; that its doctrine is false and repugnant to every sense of right and justice; and that its pretense of pure Americanism is all bunk. For my part I shall prefer just straight out daylight American ismunmasked.
J. P. Tighe, 125 North C Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Dick Speers, of this city, is in the toils of the law. Dick made the very serious mistake last night of going to the country south of the city; and after locating a fifteen gallon keg of corn whiskey in some mysterious manner, pouring two gallons of the liquor out of the keg into a jug, according to local officers. Just then the officers of the law swooped down on him and caught him with the goods. The wet goods were placed by Speers in a Ford car. The car was also taken in charge by the officers and removed to the county seat where the case of the man, the booze, and the Ford will be taken up in the justice court of O. A. Hott. County Attorney Fink issued a complaint and warrant in the case, and the man will be held on the charge of having liquor in his possession.
The capture of Speers was made, according to the local officers, in the following manner.
Deputy Sheriff F. A. Eaton and Chief Dailey, in some unknown manner, learned that there was a fifteen gallon keg of wet goods hidden in the weeds near the I. X. L. school. They went there late in the afternoon and lay in wait for the owner, or alleged owner, or the person who might know where it was. They remained on the job until four this morning; and then being almost exhausted on account of fighting mosquitoes and chiggers, they returned to the city. Policemen Jobe and Charles were then given the task of watching the keg; and they were soon rewarded by the approach of the man, Dick Speers. They waited until Speers had poured out two gallons of the contents of the keg into the jug, then they nabbed the man, booze, and Ford car. It was then a small job to convey the prisoner to Winfield, with the above result.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922
Four Arkansas City men were given jobs on construction work at the Moore refinery today. Three carloads of operating ma-terial were received today. Ed. Curtis has taken a job in the laboratory of the Moore refinery and commenced work there this morning. R. C. Gove commenced work this morning as stenographer. He is a native of England, having come to this country about six months ago. Twenty-five cars of refined products were being loaded out today. R. C. Miller of Wichita is the chief electrician at the Moore plant. He has had eighteen years practical experience in this work. W. L. Mayberry, who was electtrician for the Mid-Co company, is assistant electrician. Current is obtained from the Kansas Gas and Electric company. B. C. White, traveling freight agent for the C. M. & St. Paul railroad company, was a visitor at the Moore plant this morning. The explosion heard at noon today at the Moore refinery was the setting off of a dynamite charge used in removing some of the cement foundations at the Smith still. Guy Thurman, who was burned last Sunday morning, when a steam pipe burst and threw steam over the upper part of his body, was reported to be resting well today. He is a patient in the Arkansas City hospital.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922
Edgar A. Smith, one of the striking shopmen, received a badly crushed and broken index finger yesterday while working in the harvest field 12 miles west of Ponca City. He was assisting Charley Bowman, the owner of the threshing machine, in taking a fly wheel off a shaft, when the wheel fell on Mr. Smith's finger, inflicting serious injury. The owner of the machine brought the injured man to the city and the injured finger was dressed by a local physician.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922
Uncle Ed Johnson, the former custodian of the city building, sent a nice basket of peaches to the bunch at the building today.
Mrs. Ida White, the deputy city clerk, reports that she just received a letter from her father, H. H. Beacham, who is spending the summer in northwest Colorado, stating that on the 11th of July it snowed and he had to wear an overcoat. He is 84 years old, and is in a summer camp which has special facilities for fishing.
Capt. Sinnott, the city clerk, used to play ball after he came to this city some fifty years ago, and at one time caught a game that won the championship for the state. Major Searing was also a ball player in those days, the captain stated. Although well up in the eighties, Capt. Sinnott reads ordinary newspaper print without the aid of glasses. He was out of the city clerk's office for an hour or two this afternoon and some of the lady employees in the building swore he had gone to the circus.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922
Who in Arkansas City or elsewhere knows the present whereabouts of one Chas. Scott, who left this city some time ago? He is wanted by the receiver of the Traders State Bank, as he has a large account there, which is in cash and bonds, and his failure to report ot make claim to this property is delaying the process of liquidating the bank.
Chas. Scott, who is described as being red complexioned and with red hair, was for a long time the night clerk of the Windsor Hotel and he has had an account with the bank for several years. He is said to have left the city sometime in 1917, but was heard from once since that time, which was in 1919, so the report goes. But since the bank closed, he has not been heard from and the men in charge of the bank's affairs are very anxious to locate him at this time. Write or wire bank, at Arkansas City, Kans.
TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922
Swan Sandstrum and son, James, arrived in the city from Dexter yesterday, to make preparations to open the old Gladstone hotel building. They will redecorate the building throughout, the papering and painting contracts having been let. They will also furnish it throughout in modern style, this part of their plans involving a trip to Kansas City with a local furniture dealer.
Mr. Sandstrum and son expect to have charge of the business of the house in its entirety with the exception of the kitchen and dining room. Mr. Sandstrum has a party in view to whom he expects to lease this part of the business, and it will be equipped with a modern outfit and operated as a first class eating house.
"We are going to make a nice hotel institution out of it," said Mr. Sandstrum, "and our watchword will be courteous treatment. We are going to furnish a nice place and provide comfort and service for our patrons, and make it just as desirable in every respect as modern conveniences will afford."
Topeka, July 26.William Allen White and other Emporia businessmen may placard their shop windows with the Golden Rule with the approval of the attorney general. But augmenting the Golden Rule with strike propaganda on such a poster may outlaw it. This was the opinion expressed by Attorney General R. J. Hopkins this morning concerning the latest strike-poster proposal from Emporia. "I have not yet received Mayor J. C. Brogan's letter," said Mr. Hopkins. "I am in favor of the posting of the Golden Rule, but as to whether the balance of the proposed poster will meet with approval, I cannot state until I receive a copy of it." Mayor Brogan of Emporia, is pastor of a church in the railroad shop district and was the laboring men's candidate for mayor. The mayor is reported to have written to the attorney general seeking approval of a new poster designed by striking shopmen, in lieu of the strike-sympathy poster prohibited by the attorney general. The new poster reads: "We stand for the Golden Rule: Therefor all things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do ye even so to them; for this is the law of the people and the prophets. And we believe that this is interpreted in the present strike by justice and peace, a living wage, and fair working conditions."
Topeka, Kan., July 26.Orders were issued this afternoon to the county attorney at Goodland to cause the arrest of persons displaying a new brand of strike sympathy placards there, Attorney General Hopkins announced.
The letter from Mayor Brogan of Emporia reached the attorney general shortly after noon. At 3 o'clock Mr. Hopkins said he had not had time to determine what his answer will be.
H. S. Hines, as attorney for Mrs. Marguerite Snodgrass, of this city, mother of Everett Snodgrass, who was shot and killed by Policeman Frank Ketch, in a police raid on North Eighth street here, on the night of April 22, 1922, today filed a claim with the city clerk for expenses incurred in the case by the family, from the time of the shooting until the young man was buried. The bill is an itemized statement of the expenses complete and the city officials will be asked to pay the amount which is $613.30. In includes the doctor, the hospital, and the undertaker's bills and the petition on the case recites that the just claimant is Mrs. Snodgrass, mother of the deceased. The claim filed by the attorney further recites that the death of Everett Snodgrass was the direct result of a shot fired by Frank Ketch, that by reason of such act it became necessary to remove the said Everett Snodgrass to the Arkansas City hospital, where a surgical operation was performed. And further, that the claimant was compelled to pay the claim of the undertaking firm of Parman-Powell, after the death of said Everett Snodgrass.
At the time the statement was filed with the city clerk today, it had not been properly signed nor sworn to, but this matter was expected to be attended to at once. In connection with the filing of this claim, the attorney for Mrs. Snodgrass stated that, "This may not be the end as I may yet file a suit against the city under the mob law of the state of Kansas."
When asked whether or not the bill of Mrs. Snodgrass would be allowed by the city, Mayor McIntosh stated today: "We certainly will not allow the claim for if we did, it would practically be admitting that the city was wrong in the case, and besides the boy had no business being where he was on the night of the raid and the shooting."
Capt. M. N. Sinnott, city clerk, said: "Should the city allow the bill in this regard, it would lay the city liable in the case, for all of the contentions of the relatives of the dead boy; and further, the city is not liable for the acts of a policeman while the officer is on duty." Commissioner L. A. Sturtz: "I am in favor of allowing the claim." Commissioner
F. L. Thompson: "If it hadn't happened, the woman would not have such a bill to pay; but I will think it over before giving my views on the subject."
Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!
Johnnie whispered something in Steve's ear at the circus lot yesterday. "Ho, Hum," said Steve, and slipped into a side tent show where he watched five pretty girls frolic in a dance that would have made the original Salome turn green with envy. Not only Steve, but a number of other young bloods were feasting their eyes on the performance when in walked Dr. William Gardner, Rev. D. Everett Smith, and Dr. Geo. W. Frank, dentist. The ministers were not togged out in any garb to betray their calling. The girls danced on. They knew not the two clergymen were present. On went the dancing, each girl trying to be a bit more daring than the other. Whether it was because the day was so hot or not, it is not known, but they were dressed or rather undressed, for the occasion. One minister nudged the other. "Certainly this is a vile performance to be permitted in our clean and respectable city." "Quite so," agreed the other. They had formed a purity squad and came down to the lot to make an investigation of the shows. They had made the rounds when they slipped in to see the wild women perform. Rev. Smith had asked Justice Martin earlier in the day to be commissioned as a special officer so that he might make arrests if an occasion like this arose. The judge told him he would have to be deputized by the sheriff. So the two ministers went to the show without commissions. But they came uptown and had warrants sworn out for the five girls and man in charge, who were arrested and fined $100 in Martin's court. The fines were paid.
"Who suggested making the investigation of the shows? Dr. Gardner was asked. "What does it matter? I don't remember," he said. "Did you stay until the dance was concluded?" he was asked. "Why don't you ask Smith about it. I don't see that it makes any difference," he replied. "Yes, we saw all the side-shows and remained until the girls finished their dancing," Rev. Smith said when the same questions were put to him. "I signed the complaints," he added.
The charge against the performers read: "That they did then and there indulge in open gross lewdness and lacivious behavior and open and notorious acts of public indecency, grossly sandalous and contrary to the laws of the state of Kansas in such cases."
"Outside of that, I guess we are all right," one of the girls said after she heard the charge read.
Our friend J. P. Tighe steps out in a torrid letter, unloading himself of considerable to say about the Ku Klux Klan. We side with Joe in his argument. Only he forgot to explain how the idea originated of the Ku Kluxers wearing the pillow slip over their heads, as it was told by the New York World some months ago. One of the high officials in the Klan at Atlanta, Ga., it seems, took such a fancy to his secretary that he neglected his own family to pay attentions to her. The result was a police raid at the home of the secretary, where the official was found in bed. The couple were booked at the police station for immoral conduct. 'Tis said that the man tried to conceal his identity from the cops by covering his face with a pillow slip, but to no avail. Perhaps that's where the idea for wearing the pillow slip originated. Anyhow, the story goes that way.
Yesterday the Reverend Gardner and the Reverend Smith attended the side shows at the circus. Being pure in mind, as all ministers should be, they were given the shock of their lives by the sensational conduct of the female dancers. In fact, 'tis said by the gentlemen of the cloth that a string of pearls would have made a complete wardrobe in comparison with what the dancers wore. Moreover, the picture of September Morn is little short of the description one might use to give an idea of the costuming of the dancers. The clergymen, after remaining until the conclusion of the show, straightway went and had the whole gang arrested. Bravo' Brethern. We only regret that it was necessary for our reverend friends to submit to the embarrassment of entering such a den of iniquity to clamp the lid down on the evil performance. We might suggest that when these highly respectable gentlemen set forth upon such a pilgrimage again, they take along a newspaper man to throw about them the proper cloak of dignity and protection from these vile surroundings. We know a newspaper man who would volunteer to make the sacrifice at the risk of having his own morals questioned.
A. J. Abbot, alias Carl Roberts, 321 North Ninth Street, while hidden in a small cane patch near his place, peered out at the wrong instant; and as a result, he was picked up by the police on the premises together with a Ford car, which the officers state he had stolen. They also found a still in the house.
The officers, who "shook down the place," were a deputy from the sheriff's office at Enid, Sheriff Dan Bain from Newkirk, and Deputy Sheriff Fred Eaton ot this city. They went to Abbott's hangout between 6 and 7 o'clock last evening, at which time they found only the wife present at the home.
They made a search for Abbott in and around the premises. Deputy Sheriff Eaton went some distance to a residence on the opposite side of the street, where he told a small boy to keep watch and signal the police in case he saw the man. Presently the boy signaled and motioned to a cane patch, where the boy had observed the man peering out. In this way, the capture was made.
Abbott was turned over to the Enid officer, where he was wanted on a charge of jail breaking. Small keen hacksaws were sewed up on the seams of his trousers, the officers stated. With the Oklahoma officers were some other parties, including the owner of the Ford car, and the car was turned over to him. Abbott is said to have been in jail at Enid on a charge of burglary and grand larceny. They found whiskey mash in a 55-gallon barrel, which was all ready to run, and which the officers destroyed.
They also found a diamond necklace, which the wife claimed Abbott had given her as a present. She claimed it cost $30; but in the opinion of the officers, each stone was probably worth that much. The woman was much affected by what had happened and cried bitterly. According to the officers, she is a pretty woman. It was learned that her parents live in California, and one of the party gave her $5 to telegraph to them. She expressed her intention of going to them.
The original motor number on the Ford car was 2963070, two figures of which had been changed, making it read 2968670. The diamond necklace is held in custody of the officers.
It was a complete clean-up of the place. It was said at the police station this morning that when the Oklahoma officers came here last night, they had no idea as to the whereabouts of Abbott. "All officers in northern Oklahoma come to Arkansas City when on the hunt of an escaped criminal," said Chief Dailey. In this particular case, they did not have to go any further.
The bloodless affair between "Henry and me" is almost over. Henry has visited Emporia, and "Me and him" have kissed each other and made up, walked around the college campus with their arms around each other, and used the same powder puff.
Some of the papers have likened the case of "Henry and me" to Damon and Pythias, which if you stop to think about it, is an impossible comparison. In the case of Damon and Pythias, one of those historic guys who was under sentence of death, stood good for the other, while he went home to see his folks before the Ku Kluxers got him.
In the case of "Henry and Me," Me defied Henry and his industrial court law, and Henry had him cast into prison, figuratively speaking. The Damon and Pythias matter was a tragedy, the "Henry and Me" contretemps at Emporia, a slap stick comedy. It was about the best joke of the season, and would be appreciated more if the weather wasn't so awfully hot.
In the district court of Cowley County today, the following cases were filed, by B. V. Curry, receiver for the Traders State Bank, against stockholders of the bank: J. R. Hayden, $4,075.00; Mrs. M. C. Crouse, $1,300.00; Elizabeth Farnsworth, $1,600.00;
H. S. Collinson, $600.00; A. A. McFall, $5,000.00. Other petitions of a similar nature are to be filed by the attorney for the bank, Faulconer, Dale & Swarts, within the next few days, it was stated at the bank today.
Under the state banking laws, the petition in these cases recites, these persons are required to pay into the hands of the receiver, an amount equal to their shares of stock in the bank. All of the stockholders have paid their full amounts as the law states, but these suits are for the collection of the double liability, under the law, those in charge of the bank stated today.
Cases of similar nature have been filed by this bank in other counties in this state, and one has been filed in the state of Ohio against a stockholder of the local bank. These include one in Sedgwick County, against Margaret Anderson for $800, and one against J. W. Anderson for $5,900, one against Mrs. E. G. Olsen of Lions, Rice County, for $1,000, and one against H. H. Herrington, of Gallion, Ohio, for the sum of $1,100.
The cases in the district court of this county will be up for hearing in the near future, it was stated by those interested, today.
The Devlin's Ladies' Ready-to-wear company have leased the Duvall Store at 312 South Summit Street, and will equip it with a complete new outfit of fixtures for the conduct of their business. According to Mr. Devlin, the store will be ready to open in about thirty days with a choice line of ladies' coats, suits, dresses, and other articles of ladies' wear. This store room has recently been remodeled and is one of the nicest business rooms in the city. It is to be equipped with special fixtures, which are being made here in Arkansas City.
The West Madison Avenue Bridge across the Arkansas River is open for public travel, County Commissioner Carl Dees announced today. This bridge rests on wood piling and during flood periods the water comes up close to the floor of the bridge. Drift going downstream makes it dangerous for travel. A new bridge has been scheduled at this point by the county commissioners, sometime in the near future.
The hold-up and robbery of two young ladies of this city by an unknown young man in their room at 830 South A Street, last night, constitutes an unusual form of robbery, the victims of which were two sisters, Misses Minnie and Olive Childs. The house where the girls room is owned by Mrs. Anna McWilliams, a widow. The young man had gone to the house yesterday and engaged a room. He rested in the room for a time, then left. Some time after the girls had retired, he entered their room and at the point of a gun, demanded their money. He secured about $12.00 in cash and a ladies' watch, and fled to the street. Mrs. McWilliams had the door locked, and did not hear the disturbance. The young ladies got the fright of their lives.
Miss Minnie Childs is the telephone operator for the Lesh Oil Products company and Miss Olive Childs is a clerk at the Henneberry packing plant.
The young man, who is said to be about 30 years old, was not known by any of the parties who saw him in this city. No clue has been found as to his whereabouts.
A woman by the name of Owens, with two children, said to be traveling from Oklahoma to Iowa, stopped off in Arkansas City the latter part of the week, and secured rooms at 603 South B Street, stating that her husband was walking through to Kansas City.
The woman left Sunday and it was learned today that she had left some bad checks in this city. John E. Heard, the jeweler, was one of the victims. She purchased a wrist watch of him, giving him a check for $20, written on the Farmers' State Bank at Marshall, Oklahoma, and to which she signed the name of T. E. Driskell. The check came back marked "no authority to sign." It is reported that she passed checks at other business houses in the city. The name she signed to the checks is reported to be that of her father, and it is thought the woman signed the checks in good faith, thinking they would go through all right.
At the rooms where the woman was stopping, she tried to get Mrs. W. L. Baldridge to take a check with her downtown and cash it for her, but Mrs. Baldridge made the excuse that she was not coming downtown and did not take the check.
John Heard had a good laugh over the matter as he had just recently boasted that he had never been taken in by any check artist. Just why the wife and children rode on the train while the husband walked has not been learned.
A. H. Denton received a letter this morning from Jay Love, which conveyed the information that his father, J. Mack Love, was in a very serious condition. He was recently stricken with paralysis, and ever since has been unable to move either hands or feet. Mr. J. Mack Love lived in this city for many years, and was one of the leading lawyers of the state of Kansas.
Three Arkansas City men were given jobs today. The total now employed at the big plant is over 275.
R. C. Gove, who has been traveling for the Remington Typewriter Company, has started to work as a stenographer. Mr. and Mrs. Gove will reside at 313 South Summit Street.
Joe Taylor is pipe fitter foreman. He helped to build the reinfery and has been pipe fitter foreman ever since and knows the plant better than any other man there. Mr. Taylor has lived in Cowley County nearly all his life. His wife was raised near Burden. At one time he was foreman of the Santa Fe roundhouse at Winfield.
The remodeling construction work is in charge of experienced foremen, furnished by the Cosden company plant at Tulsa. These foremen are: Sam Norton, pipe construction engineer in charge; Jack Lebous, receiving house No. 3; Bill Cripes, boiler work; Jack Gilbert, pipe fitting; David Lee and William Hollingsworth, hoisting.
A. Cunningham, construction engineer, of Chicago, arrived today and took charge of the work of installing the high pressure stills at the Moore refinery. A. E. Winkler, construction engineer who has had charge of this work, left this morning for Cushing, to do similar work there.
A Chicago contracting company is building these high pressure stills. When they are completed, they will be operated by the Moore refinery company. They will probably be ready for operation some time in November. George Brown, expert high pressure still man from the Cosden company plant, is the foreman in charge of the work. He will also have charge when they are put into operation.
The stillmen on battery two are Geo. Christolear, Chester Harris, and Ray Baker. Stillmen's helpers on this battery are Ben Lewis, Robert King, and Jesse Barnes.
Henry Rogers, foreman of the tank car cleaning gang, has moved his family from 507 South Seventh Street to 413 South Sixth.
Lester Lewis, 1015 South Second Street, commenced work this morning as boiler maker and welder.
Winfield, Kan., July 27.Harve Eastin and Dick Speer, both of whom face liquor charges in district court, gave bond today. Each gave bond in the sum of $500. Eastin was arrested in company with three other men and is facing a felony charge. Speer was arrested at Arkansas City yesterday and his car is being held.
Harry Potter was in the city today from Maple City to receive medical attention for a very sore eye. The eye was injured in a peculiar manner. The young man had captured a snake and was in the act of whirling it around on a pitch fork when the snake struck him in the eye, in the same manner that a whip lash might strike any object. The eye became very sore, and at present the injured member is being treated here by the attending physician.
Mrs. Edith Hills, 124 North C Street, works at the Harvey House at $45.00 a month. She has her four children with her. She does not live with her husband. C. F. Hills, her husband, who at present is one of the striking shopmen, contributes $10.00 per week towards the support of the children and does not live with his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Hills have not lived together for about two years, according to testimony in the city court last evening.
Neither are they divorced, but a divorce action is pending in the district court, the action having been brought by the wife. The occasion for their appearance in the city court at this time was a complaint made by Mrs. Hills, alleging that her husband had disturbed her peace. The alleged disturbance grew out of a young man in the case, Jasper Faulkner, who about a month ago started to board at the residence of Mrs. Hills. According to testimony the young man had told another man that Hills was not paying alimony and that he (Faulkner) was keeping her up. Hills and his wife met on the street on circus day, and he brought this matter up. The wife denied that there was anything to the charge, whereupon the husband offered to prove it by bringing the party to the house, who had got his information from Faulkner. This Mr. Hills did, but according to the husband's testimony, the wife would not listen to the proof offered, and as a result of the altercation that followed, Mrs. Hills called the police. She had told him to leave the house, but after the police were called, he said he was not going to run, the husband testified. The 16-year-old daughter of the pair testified that her papa had brought a man to the house to "start an argument," and that her mama asked him to go away.
Attorney Tom Pringle represented the defendant. The court deplored the fact that it was an unfortunate family affair, but thought the testimony did not indicate any intention on the part of the husband to disturb the peace of the wife, and advised him to stay away from the house in the future. The man approached the judge and told him if he would give him permission to go to the house to see the children, he would promise that there would be no disturbance.
At this juncture it appeared that the judge of the district court had granted Mr. Hills that privilege, and the city court would have no power to take that right away from him. It was brought out in the testimony that Mrs. Hills had not secured her divorce, the district judge deferring the matter sixty days, in the hope that the couple would patch up their difficulties and again live together for the sake of the children.
A few weeks ago Chig Williams, a negro reputed to be a still operator, had pressing business which took him out of the city in a manner which did not permit the reporters of the city to interview him. But in the course of time it seems that Chig figured he had no more outside matters to look after and he returned to this city. The city extended him a special welcome and now he occupies a flat in the city building (basement apartment).
It all came about through the arrest of a young colored boy whose name is J. P. Ealey, charged with having whiskey in his possession. Young Ealey, according to his testimony in court, was a victim rather than the real culprit. Ealey's premises on Sixth street consists of three rooms and he had rented two of them to Chig Williams, occupying one room himself. The officers raided the place and found a still in the kitchen and a glass jar containing corn whiskey in Ealey's room.
Ealey testified that he had seen the still, but didn't know what it was. He also claimed that he had never seen the jar of liquor in his room. He told enough to convince the court that Williams was the party who should be on trial. At the time the court fined Ealey $100.00 and gave him a jail sentence, but paroled him on his promise that he would notify the officers if he should see Williams at any time.
Now Ealey is still at large, and Williams languishes in jail to await trial in the city court at 5 o'clock this evening, on the charge of having liquor in his possession.
Williams overlooked the fact, it seems, that officers who climb trees to waylay a choc beer manufacturer, who lay all night in the weeds fighting chiggers and mosquitoes, in order to catch a booze peddler, would not be likely to overlook his return to this city.
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922
B. V. Curry, receiver for the defunct Traders State Bank, filed petitions against three parties Thursday in district court at Winfield.
One was against V. E. Creighton, former president of that institution, in which the plaintiff alleges three causes of action. He asks judgments in each cause as follows: Cause one, $3,000 with interest at 10 percent since July 1. Cause two, $1,446.42 with interest at 10 percent since July 1. Cause three, $3,800 with interest at 10 percent since March 1.
The second petition named E. A. Waychoff and the Arkansas City Savings, Building and Loan association, as defendants, asking judgment of $1,323.13 with interest at ten percent from July 18.
The third was against Fred R. Walker and Mary E. Walker. The amount named in judgement was $500.00 with interest at ten percent since March 1.
Both of the last two ask for foreclosures of mortgages held by the bank.
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922
An ordinance with reference to campers at tourist park, regulating the length of time a camper will be allowed to remain at the park, is likely to be passed, according to Mayor George R. McIntosh's expressions in the matter yesterday.
"There is a camper there now who has been there since last February," said the mayor. "The wheels have been taken off his car, which is jacked up on horses, and the camper has the advantage of the comfort station and other facilities afforded at the park. He is a mechanic who has been employed in this city since coming here last winter, and he is getting away with his abode without paying rent or taxes imposed upon other citizens. I think there ought to be an ordinance limiting the time of a camper, without a special permit, to 72 hours," the mayor stated.
It is thought quite likely that such an ordinance will be passed.
[Y. W. C. A.]
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922
RECAP: Mrs. Ralph Oldroyd writes that something must be done about our Y. W. C. A., if Arkansas City is to have one. She goes on to say that she has never approved of endeavoring to dictate to anyone concerning their giving, whether it shall be at all, or as to the amount, and goes on to say that a last effort to keep the association is going to be made if funds are forthcoming.
FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1922
San Quentin, California., July 20, 1922.
Editor, Traveler: The July 14th issue of your paper has just reached me and in it was contained the 7th of a series of articles of the history of Arkansas City. [PROBABLY REFERS TO THE HENNEBERRY ADS.]
It brings vividly to mind many of the early day scenes and happenings of the "town" as we called it then, and of my early childhood. This being the horse thief and stage coach period of 1874, harks back to the man, C. M. Scott, and the incident mentioned of the rope and tree.
There are too many such in memory both of the white man and the red one also for me to relate at any length, but the closing observation and question "and then came the first steamboat, who remembers?" brings from the largest penitentiary in the world as I understand it, and most likely from the only living person who will ever see this article, that can hold up a hand and say "I."
Yes sir, I remember the "Aunt Sally," an old fashioned sidewheeler, and she came up the Arkansas river in 1874 after the high water had taken the north half of the old wooden bridge out, which was built across what is now Sixth street south.
By way of information, the 1874 raise in both the Arkansas and Walnut rivers was higher than either or both have ever been since. All of what is now the Santa Fe yards and shops, north of Mayor Channels berry patch, where my father tied his skiff, was under water. As well as I remember, father told me the river was one and one half miles wide.
Indeed, it was "exciting" when the "Aunt Sally" came up. The news spread like a prairie fire in a sixty mile wind, and everybody hitched up to the wagon and took the "brats", as we were then called, drove to the south bank of the river, where we could get a good look through the trees, saw the sight of our lives, and to my knowledge, that was the first, last, and only boat of that kind and size that ever visited Arkansas City.
In your account "next week" if this is in time, you may tell the world you have found one person who was there, and is still alive, is now in prison for life, and never expects to get out. He takes the Traveler through the kindness of Miss Fern Krebs of 516 South First Street, Arkansas City, Kansas. He is a personal and grateful friend of the president of your Home National Bank, Hon. Albert H. Denton, and is a lonely and old dejected man now of feeble years, and would welcome, oh, so much, just one look at your city which I know is out of my memory entirely, yet there are so many things in and around it that those who are there now, never dream of.
Every good wish to any who inquire. Yours truly,Chillion Bowen No. 23052.
The voters of Arkansas City will have submitted to them at a special election held on Primary day, next Tuesday, the proposition of a Junior College course for the young men and women of this city and adjacent territory.
Attorneys Faulconer, Dale & Swarts, for the receiver of the Traders State Bank, today ffiled three more suits on notes. Two of these were in the district court at Winfield and one was in Kay County court.
They are against Ethel Carlton LaSarge, for $492.81; A. A. McFall, for $9,214.61; and Nelson Thompson, for $1,664.49.
The receiver is also preparing to file a number of suits in the local justice courts on unpaid notes of the defunct bank.
Winfield, Kan., July 24, 1922.
Carl L. Dees, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Dear Sir:In compliance with your request that I give you a rough estimate of the probable cost of resurfacing the old rock road south of Arkansas City, with a bituminous binder, and review some of the laws vitally concerned, I beg leave to submit the following.
In the first place, a benefit district proposition would have to be started by a petition signed by 51 percent of the resident landowners in the district who own at least 35 percent of the land or signed by 35 percent of the resident landowners owning 51 percent of the land in the district. (Chap. 217-1921)
The distribution of cost and application of state aidautomobile fundis as follows.
The benefit road may receive state aid of 25 percent of total cost if the aid thus figured does not exceed $10,000 a mile. After the aid received is applied, the remainder of the cost is paid, 50 percent by the county, 25 percent by the townships involved, and 25 percent by the benefit district. The amount paid by the township is split two ways and proportioned according to the area of the township and also according to the length of the road in each particular township. (Chap. 218-1921)
In regard to the probable cost, it will be very difficult to say at this time as it depends largely upon how much is done and the type of construction adopted. I am enclosing letters from three parties giving their estimates based upon past experience, and different methods employed. The letter from Mr. Dykkel in Michigan and that from Mr. Blair Boyle represent practically the same cost. The method involves merely applying a surface treatment to an ordinary waterbound macadam to seal it against "raveling." The method advised by the Barrett company comprises building a bituminous macadam throughout for a thickness of two and one inches and accounts for the much larger cost.
I am inclined to think that the conditions mentioned by Bourbon County represent our case the more nearly. He states that it has cost them $1,670 a mile on a 14 ft. width. If we widen our road to 18 ft, that would make it come at about $2,200 a mile. Mr. Boyle mentions the great difference in the cost of preparing the old road for the surface treatment.
The South Summit street road is in about as bad shape as I could imagine it to be and I expect his greatest cost should be taken and added to that the cost of the additional four feet of width to make it a full 18 ft., say $800, making it come to $3,800 to get the old road in shape to receive the surface treatment. $3,800 plus $2,200 makes $6,000.
The law provides that entrance culverts be provided to entrances to fields and residences as well as to cross roads, besides the regular culverts across the road being improved. I do not know at this time how many there would need to be, but would say that $2,000 a mile ought to take care of this nicely. This brings the total up to $8,000 a mile. This seems rather high, but in a matter of this kind, I would rather be too high than too low and have tried to be on the safe side and allow for the unforeseen, since repairing an old road like this one has many uncertainties.
In regard to the cost per acre, assume that the benefit district is two miles wide on each side of the road. This will make four square miles of acreage for each mile of road. The total cost of the road figured at $8,000 a mile. Deduct $2,000 a mile for state aid and there is left $6,000. $3,000 is covered by the county at large and an additional $1,500 to be paid by the township, leaving $1,500 to be paid by 2,560 acres of land in the benefit district or an average of 58 and one half cents an acre. Call it 60 cents an acre for ease in computation. Divide this amount up into ten equal annual payments and it makes an average of six cents an acre, a year for ten years. The interest at 5 percent would raise these payments about one and one half cents an acre a year, making a total of seven and one half cents an acre a year. Of course, this is only an average as the land next to the road would be assessed a little higher and that farther away correspondingly less. Probably those next to the road would have to pay about ten cents an acre a year and those in the middle, the average, and those fartherest away five cents an acre a year.
Of course, those in the benefit district would have to pay their share of the township and county tax, but in this case it would be so small as to be ignored in this estimate.
I have tried to be conservative and fair in compiling these figures and I trust it covers the ground. Sincerely yours, W. S. Ruggles, Jr.
P. S. If the higher type tarvia road were built, double the figures given.
Probate Judge J. W. White was a visitor this morning.
The only shade the men working receive is at noontime, when they lounge under the porch roof surrounding the main office.
A. G. Brainard, master mechanic, is leaving by auto for Coter, Ark., for two weeks vacation and fishing along White river. Fred Morning will have charge while he is away.
C. R. Davenport, fire inspector at the plant, is helping in the warehouse in the afternoons. C. A. Bliss, formerly traveling representative of the Shaffer Oil Co., is manager of the ware house. James Knight is chief treater. Joe Hadley and Charles Moss are his assistants. Mr. Knight helped to build the refinery and has spent five years here. He has held the position of treater under every company which ever operated the plant. He returned two months ago from Chanute.
Twenty men are dismantling the Jenkins still. Dynamite charges are being set in the remaining brick work of the Smith still. The Smith still is three times as large as the Jenkins still, and it is thought it will be early fall before it will be completely removed.
A big force is at work on the high pressure stills. Brick layers there are working under canvas shades. Some new furniture has been received and installed in the office of the chief chemist. Thirty-eight cars of operating material, and over two hundred cars of refined products have been shipped out since the opening of the Moore plant the middle of June.
As a result of a threshing machine boiler explosion yesterday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, near Ashton, H. F. Peters was considerably injured. One of his eyes was punctured and the other was injured. No one else was injured. The explosion set fire to the three stacks of wheat, which were entirely burned, causing a loss of $200. The threshing machine outfit belonged to William Peters, but was being attended by H. F. Peters. The boiler was a twenty- two horsepower, and at the time of the explosion had on sixty pounds of steam. It was thought that Mr. Peters would not lose his eyesight, although it will take some time for it to get over the injury. He was attended by Dr. Beatson of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Davis of Sutherland, Oregon, are visiting in the city with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Parker, and other old time friends. Mr. Parker is a nephew of Mr. Davis.
Mr. Davis, many years ago was in the harness business here. His first shop was in the litttle frame building at the corner of Fifth Avenue and Summit Street, where the Sollitt and Swarts building is now located. Mr. Davis was a brother of A. A. Davis, who was well known in this community, and one of the early day settlers. It has been thirty-five years since Mr. Davis lived here. He has visited here several times, but the wonderful change in the city since he lived here is very surprising and pleasing to him.
Pawnee Bill, noted Indian scout and wild west showman, was in the city yesterday visiting a short time with friends. His home is now in Pawnee, Oklahoma. Prior to the opening of the Cherokee Strip, he lived in this city for several months, and is quite well known to our people.
Mayor George R. McIntosh yesterday authorized the purchase of a large fan for the rotunda in Wilson park, the order being made through the Kansas, Gas and Electric company. Shipment of the fan was made yesterday and it is the intention to have it in place for the Sunday evening union church services as well as for numerous political meetings to be held in the rotunda. The intention was to get a fan large enough to cool the entire auditorium, and it is expected that it will add greatly to the comfort of the crowds of people attending the various meetings being held there.
The commercial career of J. R. Curry received a severe jolt last night when a police squad consisting of Chief Dailey, Officers White and Chadwell, made a swoop on the premises at 413 North Seventh Street. They found two gallons of corn whiskey and a gunny sack which was about half full of empty bottles. Curry gave bond of $100, which was signed by John L. Heard. The case was set for hearing in the city court at the 5 o'clock session next Monday.
More trouble looms up before the sewer bonds for sewer district No. 5 are finally disposed of, according to indications at the meeting of the city commissioners this morning. Ward Wright, attorney, appeared before the board, and challenged the validity of the contract for the sale of the bonds to the Fidel-ity Trust company, of Kansas City. This contract was made early in the present year and the company's offer was $1,010.00 for each $1,000.00 of the issue.
According to Attorney Wright, the market value of the bonds at the present time is 106. He showed that with interest accruing from the date of the contract up to the present time, and with 30 days or thereabouts yet to elapse before the bonds can actually be delivered, it would be equivalent to selling bonds at about 94, or at a rating considerably below par. According to the attorney, bonds of this kind cannot be sold below par, a provision of late session laws preventing this.
The first trouble that arose in connection with these bonds was when the Brown- Crummer company of Wichita brought a mandamus action in the Kansas supreme court to compel the city commissioners to deliver the bonds to them on a contract, which they claimed they had with the city. Kirke Dale, attorney for the city, filed a motion to quash and the supreme court sustained this motion. The city commissioners claimed they had reserved the right to either deliver the bonds or to pay cash, and since the bonds went to a premium, they chose to pay cash.
The above transaction will have no bearing on the matter brought up by Attorney Wright. Mr. Wright stated that his purpose in appearing before the board and presenting this matter to them, was to give them a chance to take up the matter with the attorney for the Fidelity Trust company, to see if a satisfactory disposition could be made in order to avoid litigation. He gave notice that unless this was done, he would bring action to enjoin the commissioners from delivering the bonds to the Fidelty Trust company, on the grounds that the sale contract is, in his belief, void. Just whom he represents in this proposed action was not divulged, but he showed that if the bonds were sold at the present value instead of on the contract which he claims to be illegal, the city would realize somewhere between $8,000 and $10,000 more on the disposal of the bonds than they would on the contract entered into some months ago. Thus it resolves itself into an issue which concerns the public to the extent of several thousand dollars, and which, in the opinion of the attorney bringing this action, can be saved or accrue to the benefit of the city.
The matter was referred to the city attorney with instructions to check the matter up to the Fidelity Trust company through their attorney.
A petition was presented for the appointment of Mrs. Minnie Ramirez as police matron. This petition contained the signatures of a number of Arkansas City's leading citizens. A special recommendation of Mrs. Ramirez from Sheriff C. N. Goldsmith was also read in this connection. She had performed some services for the county sheriff at different times and this officer stated that her services had been very satisfactory. The mayor said there were some other applications, and stated that on account of the strike and everything being quiet at present, he thought the matter could go over, and be taken up again after the strike had been settled. The matter was accordingly laid over for future consideration. Mrs. Ramirez and Attorney Hattie Franey were present to see what action was taken at this time.
The bill of Mrs. Snodgrass was received and placed on file for further consideration. This is a claim presented by Mrs. Snodgrass for expenses incident to the death and burial of her son who was shot in a police raid and died a few days afterward.
The mayor read a letter from Attorney General Hopkins in regard to the legality of keeping Frank Ketch on the police force, while under a charge of murder, who in the capacity of an officer, shot and killed Everett Snodgrass in a raid on a place where complaint had been made about illicit whiskey operations. The attorney general wrote in answer to an inquiry which had been made by the mayor, and stated that there was "nothing in the law to prevent the policeman so charged form continuing his services as such officer."
The city engineer presented a plat of the new addition to the city cemetery, which was accepted. The city clerk was instructed to notify parties wishing to buy lots to come to the city clerk's office for same; also those owing for lots, or parties who have relatives buried there, are requested to come to the city clerk and make settlement for same. The city clerk was authorized to buy a new cemetery book to keep a record of burials, lot sales, etc., in the new cemetery.
To be confronted by a man carrying a revolver and to have the revolver drawn and pointed in their direction, was the experience of three young women at Wilson Park Saturday night about 9:30 o'clock.
The man who held up the three girls, Miss Cecil Miller, stenographer at the office of the Kininmonth Produce Co., Miss Mary Hight, of North Seventh street, and Miss Elizabeth Hausch, of Nowata, Okla., who is a cousin of Miss Miller, and who is on a visit here, appeared to be a young man, and the ladies say he looked to be about 18 years of age. He said not a word, but simply confronted them, while they were in the northwest corner of the park, and pulled the revolver on them. They say the lad wore a Polar Bear cap.
Of course, the girls were very much frightened and they ran for dear life. They ran in the direction of Mercy hospital and the lad followed them a short distance, they say. Chief Dailey and another city officer happened to be in that vicinity and they made a search for the holdup man, but he could not be found. Two of the nurses at the hospital also saw the alleged holdup man and they assisted the offficers in the search for the fellow.
This is the second holdup of the kind pulled off here within a week's time, the other being in the Second ward last Wednesday night, when a young man suddenly appeared in the sleeping room of Misses Minnie and Olive Childs, at 830 South A street, and after staging a holdup of the two girls, he took from their room a ladies' watch and $12 in money.
There seems to be no clue to either of these holdups.
MONDAY, JULY 31, 1922
The yard and construction men spent Sunday at home in the shade. The big plant made a run of 5,000 barrels of crude just the same. Another big condensor tower was hoisted into place today on battery No. 3. Still No. 1 of this battery is now ready to go, and will be put into operation tomorrow. Still No. 2 will be ready to go by next Thursday.
Ed McCune has returned from Augusta, where he was employed as loading rack foreman with the Lakeside refining company, and will take charge of the loading rack at the Moore refinery tomorrow. Mr. McCune helped to build the refinery, and has been loading rack foreman for every company that has operated the plant. Everett Long and David Lane will be his helpers.
L. E. Winkler, chief engineer of the Universal Oil Products company of Chicago, has returned from Cushing and will spend a few days at the Moore plant. This company is building the new high pressure still at the Moore plant.
W. W. Welman, blacksmith at the plant, is worthy of special mention. He helped build the plant. Mr. Welman is not only an expert blacksmith, but is also a minister of the gospel, being a licensed preacher of the Nazarene church. Mr. Welman has lived in Cowley county for forty years. He moved to Arkansas City twelve years ago from the South Bend neighborhood, where he was engaged in farming and well drilling.
The Smith high pressure battery is gone. Nothing remains but some debris that marks the site. This battery was designed and built as an experiment by A. D. Smith, founder and builder, and first superintendent of the Milliken refinery, now known as the Moore refinery. The still did not prove a success and was abandoned some three years ago.
Fred Mann, truck driver at the plant, is another Arkansas City boy, having been raised here.
Ed Curtis has been transferred from the laboratory to the treating plant, and James Beggs has taken his place in the laboratory. Mr. Curtis is one of our brightest young refinery men, and is learning all phases of the refinery business. He is a graduate of the Arkansas City high school, and has spent many years in the Moore laboratory.
J. C. Lytle, superintendent of pipe lines, was absent from his office today, having gone to Pershing on business.
MONDAY, JULY 31, 1922
"It sure was fine and I will try the same stunt another year, when I take my annual vacation," said Guy Ecroyd, of the Newman store this morning, who with Mrs. Ecroyd enjoyed the trip of two weeks down the Arkansas river in a boat. Guy returned Saturday and Mrs. Ecroyd stopped off at Tulsa, for a several days' visit with her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. Ecroyd left the city two weeks ago yesterday in a row boat, which they rented from Marvin Wells, of North Fourth street, and they started back on the train from Fort Smith, Ark. The boat was shipped back from that city. He stopped at Tulsa overnight and she remained there. They did not intend to get as far as Fort Smith in the limited time allotted for the trip, but rather took the advance report in regard to them going there as a joke. However, as the water was high all the time they were away, they made the trip to Fort Smith and had time to spare. In other words, they went downstream along with the high water, which was just beginning to recede here at the time they left Arkansas City. When they reached Muskogee, they were overtaken by a rise which was said there to be as much as ten feet, as other streams flowing into the Arkansas near there had caused another big flow in the river. On account of the high water and the swift current, there wasn't much rowing to do, but Guy shows the signs of the burning sun. They camped on the banks of the river each night and thoroughly enjoyed the outing. They made the trip to Fort Smith, which by the river route covers several hundred miles, in eleven days and 3 hours.
MONDAY, JULY 31, 1922
Ernest Hatley left the city today for Cincinnati, Ohio, to join the Lasses White minstrel show. He is director of the orchestra and will meet the other musicians there for a two weeks rehearsal, before the show starts on the road for the fall and winter season. Mr. Hatley's family will remain in the city.
MONDAY, JULY 31, 1922
Two women were injured in the auto accident late Saturday afternoon at the corner of A street and Madison avenue, when the Ford car driven by Mrs. J. Rex Ogborn, of 1011 South A street, was turned over, and strange to say each of them suffered a fractured left arm. The second woman, who was with Mrs. Ogborn at the time, was Mrs. Healey, who resides on the C. M. Baird farm west of the city. Neither of the women received serious injuries, however, and both are doing nicely today. They were attended at the office of a local physician late Saturday afternoon. The Ogborn car was turned over when the driver attempted to turn quickly, in order to avoid collision with another car.
MONDAY, JULY 31, 1922
Oil soaked corn cobs found in two places about the structure, revealed indendiary attempt to burn the new $50,000 Methodist church at Oxford, nearing completion, at 1 a.m. today.
Volunteer firemen saved the building after about $200 damage had been done. No reason can be assigned for the attempt to burn the church. A deputy fire marshal went to the scene from Wichita to make an investigation.
Arkansas City Traveler, Tuesday, August 1, 1922. Front Page.
The following 100 percent Americans were asked for their opinions on the article published by J. P. Tighe a few days ago.
A. H. Denton"I agree with Mr. Tighe. I think there is no place in this country for the Ku Klux Klan. If our government has to operate in the dark, then better turn the government over to the Ku Kluxers."
H. P. Farrar"I endorse Mr. Tighe's article. I think the Klan a meanace to the laws of the country, and an illegal proceeding. If we can't get law enforcement without Klan methods, then I think it is time to elect new officials."
A. M. Dean"I concur in Mr. Tighe's indictment of the Ku Klux Klan. Joe deserves, in my opinion, a vote of thanks for his timely and courageous attack upon the principle of masked government."
W. D. Kreamer"On general principles, I endorse the article of Joe Tighe. I think the Ku Klux Klan stand for some good things; but I object to their methods, and believe they are setting a bad precedent in adopting illegal methods for law enforcement. Americanism should be upheld in the open and not from behind a mask. The Klan methods are un- American and wholly wrong."
W. L. Cunningham"I have read Mr. Tighe's article with much interest. I admire his courage and frankness. This article can be read with profit by everyone interested in the welfare of the government and survival of free institutions."
C. L. Swarts"I think Joe Tighe's article is very timely and covers the case fully. Nothing can be more un-American than the methods adopted by the Ku Klux Klan and the fact that the organization has otherwise good citizens makes it all the more dangerous."
Ralph Sowden"The Joe Tighe article will bear the endorsement of all good American citizens. This government is of the people, by the people, and for the people, and stands for
liberty. Under our government this country affords greater opportunities than any other country on the face of the earth. If the present government agencies do not enforce the law, we have recourse through the ballot.
The case of J. R. Curry, who was arrested Friday evening at 413 North Seventh Street on a charge of having whiskey in his possession, was given a fine of $100.00 and a sentence of 30 days in jail in the city court last evening. The "evidence" submitted in the case consisted of two quart jars of corn whiskey and a gunny sack half full of empty bottles. The bottles were found in the house, while the two jars of liquor were found hidden in the grass near the southwest corner of the house. The defendant pleaded not guilty and was represented by Attorney H. S. Hines. Chief Dailey testified that he saw Curry empty the contents of a bottle into the sink, watching him through the window. He examined the sink and swore it was corn whiskey, judging both by taste and smell. Chief Dailey judged the two glass jars containing corn whiskey were on the premises by comparing the lot lines with the lot lines across the street. The cross questioning seemed to indicate this as a line of defense, the implication being that the whiskey might not have been on the premises of the defendant. The case was appealed to the district court, the defendant giving a bond of $250.00.
The case of Chig Williams, negro, charged with having liquor in his possession, came up in the city court last evening, Attorney Ward Wright appearing for the defendant. The first arrest in this case was that of a negro by the name of Ealey, who is only a boy, and is in the employ of the New Home restaurant as day porter. He and another negro were occupying the place on the lot back of 625 North Sixth street. They had rented two rooms to Williams, and the boy's partner had gone away to work, leaving Ealey in charge of the premises.
On account of a till and a jar of liquor having been found on the premises, Ealey was fined $100 and sentenced to 30 days in jail some time ago, but his testimony indicated that the man who was responsible both for the still and the whiskey was Chig Williams, who at the time of Easley's arrest had skipped out.
Promptly upon his return Williams was arrested. He denied all the statements made by Ealey.
Attorney Wright made a plea to the court on the law and the facts, the latter consisting of the testimony of the two wit-nesses, and the impossibility of arriving at the truth by the statements presented, one being against the other, and stated that no court could convict upon such evidence. The court dismissed the case and Chig Williams goes free.
Now if the law wants to locate the responsibility for that corn whiskey and the still, it will have to guess again.
Today is the beginning of a new pay period. Checks will be handed out next Saturday. Shift men change shifts today. The men who were on the day shift will now take the morning shift; those on the evening shift will take the day shift; and those on the morning shift, will take the evening shift. Shifts are changed twice a month. This is inventory day at the plant.
The crew of the lubricating plant at the Moore refinery consists of C. A. Halsey, foreman; Alva Bacastow, load rack man and gauger; E. E. Grimes, Jim White, and Gene Nye, firemen; Ed. Coulter, Charles Norton, and Taylor Stephenson, pumpers; Jim Bish and Carl White, filter cleaners. The wax is chilled out of the stock at the wax plant and the general treating department does the treating. The applicances for the filling of drums are not yet in use. Lubricating oils of all kins are being produced.
Director George W. Jones of the municipal orchestra is organizing a municipal band, the members of which will be made up out of the orchestra organization. There are some thirty- five members of the symphony orchestra, and from this membership Director Jones expects to secure a first class band that will be available for all occasions requiring a band instead of the symphony orchestra.
The director is already training the orchestra for Sunday concerts next winter, and according to indications this musical organization will rank as one of the very best in the state, and will be giving a class of musical performances far excelling anything yet undertaken in this city.
Chicago, Aug. 2.The federated shop crafts today voted approval of President Harding's plan to end the railroad strike and appointed a committee to draw up a reply accepting them.
The reply, however, will be subject to amendment by the more than 100 labor chiefs before going to the president.
The first announcement from the labor leaders simply said that they had voted acceptance. Later it developed that some opposition had sprung up in the meeting and that a fight against the acceptance might be made after the text of it is drawn up. For this reason it was made subject to amendment.
The actual vote was taken among the more than 100 chiefs of the six federated shop crafts under B. M. Jewell. Timothy Healy, president of the stationary firemen and oilers union, the only other organization on strike, announced that his organization would concur in the shop crafts action.
Topeka, Aug. 2.Assurance to all employees now in the service of the A. T. & S. F. railroad company that their senior-ity rights will be "fully protected," was contained in a notice posted at the Santa Fe shops here this morning.
County Commissioner Carl Dees reports that the low water bridge over Grouse Creek at Silverdale will be open for traffic this evening. Work on this structure has been going on ever since the high water there and now the county road men are about to complete the job. This bridge will be all right until there is high water again, such as there was three weeks ago, and in that event it may have to be built over again, but there is no likelihood of the water coming that high again. This is a wooden structure, but will answer the purpose; and those traveling on the road east of Silverdale will not have to detour out of the regular road any longer, the commissioners says.
Harold Skidmore, whose home is at Geuda Springs, and who has been in the employ of the Santa Fe here since the walkout of the shopmen and carmen, on July 1, as a special deputy to watch the property of the railway company, is in the Arkansas City hospital as the result of a gunshot wound in his right side, which was inflicted late in the day yesterday when he dropped his revolver. The wound is not dangerous, and the patient will recover, the attending physician stated today.
The young man sat down on the railroad track in the south yards last night at 6 o'clock, and while he was in the sitting posture, the revolver struck the iron rail and was discharged. The bullet entered the man's right side just above the eleventh rib, ranged upward and inward, and came out of the body a half inch from the spine. The bullet passed through several of the ribs and left a good sized hole in the right side of the body, the surgeon reports.
At the hospital, to which place the man was taken immediately following the accident, it was said today that the wound was not dangerous and that without any complications, the victim would be well within a short time. Late today the patient was reported to be resting well.
Harold Skidmore is 17 years of age. Both he and his father, John Skidmore, have been on duty as special officers with the Santa Fe since the strike began here. Their home is at Geuda Springs, and the father and son are well known in this city.
Chicago, Aug. 3.Ten thousand shopmen on the Santa Fe, who have formed an association of new employees, today telegraphed Chairman Hooper of the United States Labor Board, demanding their rights be safeguarded in any settlement of the shopmen's strike.
They are entitled, they say, to protection in the seniority rights acquired during the strike.
The appeal was embodied in a long set of resolutions wired to the president and signed by the heads of seven craft associations and George Frazer, their general president. The new "union" of shopmen have adopted the name "The Santa Fe Supervisers Association." In each department they include apprentices and helpers as well as the skilled workmen.
Topeka, Kans., Aug. 3.More than 7,000 shopmen now employed on the Santa Fe railroad system, organized into new craft associations, today appealed to President Harding to protect their seniority rights in the current negotiations for settlement of the rail strike.
Arkansas City Traveler, Thursday, August 3, 1922. Front Page.
Chicago, Aug. 3."Henry and Me," in letters to the Chicago Tribune, published today, defended their respective positions in the controversy over the placard recently displayed by William Allen White, the "Me" of the combination, in the window of his newspaper office at Emporia, Kansas.
"Henry"Governor Henry J. Allen of Kansassays in his letter, "I observe that you are laboring under the impression that William Allen White is being prosecuted for violation of some law which relates to free speech. This is not the case.
"The phase of the law which Mr. White violated was that which guarantees to every man freedom to work. He entered into a conspiracy with others to intimidate the men who are working. I don't wish to utter a disagreeable note, but it must be perfectly obvious that if you had had in Illinois a law of this character, there would not have existed at Herrin, Ill., freedom to murder those who were exercising their constitutional right to be employed in useful labor."
The Tribune in a published statement answers the letter of Governor Allen by saying "his opinion may be based on some facts which we do not know and which he does not state. Mr. White put a placard in his window expressing himself 49 percent in sympathy with the strikers. How that in the faintest way was part of a conspiracy to intimidate men at work we cannot see. If he did not have the right to make that statement in his paper or otherwise, then he did not have the right of free speech in an industrial controversy which admittedly is not yet settled even as to the equities involved.
"The Kansas law prohibiting strikes in certain essential industries, makes the method of their protest illegal in that state, but if it is applied to prevent an expression of opinion, it is tyranny."
The statement, taking up the governor's reference to Herring says:
"Illinois has laws which fully cover that case. Legal precautions were not taken and legal consequences may not follow, but that is not the fault of the law. It is the fault of a community which refuses to apply the law and we do not see how anything can be done about it without trespassing upon long tried American institutions."
Mr. White's letter says in part:
"My utterance did not need a poster, but what hurt me was my friends on Commercial street, businessmen, bankers, doctors, and private citizens, who own no newspapers and who were muzzled by the governor's order. That I might have the test with the sting outI mean the sting of being a radical strike sympathizerI cut down the percent of sympathy to 50 percent, which being trans-lated, was the average man's view. Then I defied the law because the legislature, not being in session, I could not take part in a fight to repeal it. Annullment was my only course. But after the case was filed, I took down the poster; it had achieved its end."
He continued by saying that the industrial questions must be settled by reason and not by force, and added "and if it is settled by reason, we must guarantee to every man free utterance of what he finds best suited to his place in the world. We must only make him be temperate." The letter continued in an explanation of Mr. White's views upon government and the rights of individuals under the government. It was published without comment by the newspaper.
Winfield, Kan., Aug. 3.Four local boys, all of good families, were fined one dollar and costs in police court this morning. The boys were charged with having held on to a street car while riding bicycles, a violation of the law.
All the boys protested they were ignorant of the law.
J. H. Reid Sheet and Metal Works Has
To 115 West 5th Avenue
-Rear of the Standard Auto Signal Co.-
Everything is in readiness for the departure of Battery F of this city, which leaves here at 4:20 p.m. tomorrow for the summer instruction camp at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. There are sixty-four battery members who will go to the camp. The duration of the camp will be two weeks. This unit of the Kansas national guard will be provided with two Pullman cars and a baggage car, which will be attached to No. 15 Santa Fe train to Oklahoma City, at which place they will join the troop train. The instruction camp will constitute a pleasant summer outing for the boys.
Mark Mollett, of the Union State bank, is among the local boys who will attend the camp party of the A. C. Battery, at Fort Sill.
George N. Moore, president, arrived at the plant yesterday afternoon, after an absence of about two weeks.
Lon Tennis has returned from Augusta, where he has been employed as chief boilermaker for the Lakeside refining company. He now has a similar job at the Moore refinery. He helped to build the refinery here, and has beenn chief boilermaker for every company which has operated it. He learned his trade in the Springfield, Mo., Frisco shops. Mr. Tennis also helped to build the Milliken refinery at Vinita, Okla., coming here from thhe Cosden company about five years ago.
Forty cars of refined products were shipped today. The wrecking crew has finished the dismantling of the Jenkins high pressure still. Workmen are now excavating the spot where the old high pressure stills were located. The power plant consists of 10 one hundred fifty horse power boilers, and not 10 fifty horse power boilers as stated in the Traveler yesterday. Guy Thurman, who was scalded at the plant July 25, is still confined to the hospital, and it is reported he will not be out for about ten days.
The wax plant has a daily capacity of 400 barrels. Its estimated cost is $600,000. It has a complete refrigerating system, and contains more machinery than other departments of the refinery. Located in the wax plant is the receiving switch board, where the electric current is switched to all other departments. The employees of the wax plant are C. A. Halsey, foreman; Fred Baird, Allen Ford, and Frank Kendrick, engineers; W. W. Lewis, Everett Abelott, Jesse Osborne, and Guy Thurman, engineers' helpers; G. H. Boyer, sweathouse man, and Claude and Paul Thurman, press room men. The crew of the plant is not yet completed.
Topeka, Aug. 3.W. T. Bloomhart of Arkansas City, in the supreme court today filed a petition for writ of mandamus against F. H. Foster, state bank commissioner, to compel the latter to issue him a certificate under the bank depositors guarantee fund for $2,700, representing liberty bonds, which he claims to have deposited in the Traders State Bank of Arkansas City prior to the bank's closing.