Paul Davis Photos:
Historic Aviation in Winfield, Ks. and the Cowley County area
This page is based on a set of photographs from Jim Davis of Winfield, KS. These photos were taken by his father Paul Davis in the 1920's in and around Winfield. One roll of film was shot at an air show in Wichita, KS. One notable event at this air show was the crash of the Curtis Tanager which had just won the Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition which was awarded in March 1930. Thus, we know this show was after that date. There is a very good article about this competition in the November 1999 issue of "Aviation History" by C. V. Glines. Mr. Glines states in his article that the "Tanager flew briefly on a publicity tour until it crashed in a crosswind takeoff athe Wichita, Kan. It was rebuilt and subsequently lost in a fire." I hope that some of you aviation historians out there may be able to help us pinpoint some of the dates. Paul Davis was an avid pilot and an avid photographer. His friend Arlo Troup is still livin in Winfield and sat down and talked with Jim Davis and myself about these pictures.
When we first spoke, Arlo said he was pretty sure he wouldn't be able to help much with identifying people and places and planes in the pictures. As we talked he picked up picture wa03 and said that for example he didn't have any idea who this woman was. Then he looked again and said she did look kind of familiar. Finally, he inspected the photo closely and announced that this was his sister in law, Maggie Troup, formerly Maggie Meadows, who was married to his brother. The picture was taken when Arlo, his brother and his wife Maggie and Paul Davis and his wife all went to Wichita to see an air show.
Arlo also pointed out that pictures wa09 and wa10 were taken at the old Winfield Airport which was located just south of Highland Cemetary. The hanger in the background of wa09 was moved into town and is now located between 4th and 5th streets about 3 blocks east of Main Street in Winfield.
Arlo identified the man smoking the cigar in wa18 as Alan MacElroy. In Barnstorming The Boeing by Max F. Henderson on page 7 there is a picture of Clarence MacElroy who certainly look like a brother to Alan. One of the most interesting identifications Arlo made is in WA25 and WA26. He says these pictures are of a plane in which Curtis Tanager won a $125,000.00 prize for safety then crashed it at the air show after recieving the award. The pictures in WA20, WA21 and WA22 show Tanniger's plane in the hanger for repairs. The only visible damage it the tip top on the tail. Arlo says that picture WA23 shows the TravelAir Mystery S in which Frank Hawks set the speed record of 212 mph.
Many thanks to K. O. Eckland who provided much needed details on the photos below. (noted as KOE:)
KOE: Douglas C-1
KOE: Douglas C-1
KOE: Douglas DWC #4 (Douglas World Cruiser)
Quote from K. O. Eckland:
DT-4 192? = Export model with 525hp Wright T-2;
load: 2765# v: 107/x/53 range: 240. POP: 3.
KOE: Same DWC #4 as above.
Comment by K. O. Eckland: A badly out-of-trim Curtiss JN-4C (note drooping aileron on lower left wing and slight down-angle in aileron on top right wing -- should be angled upward)
KOE: Appears to be a different JN-4C
KOE: A Waco, hard to pinpoint exact model
KOE: Boeing 40B
KOE: Boeing 40B
KOE: that big 5-seat New Standard; think it is D-25.
KOE: Travel Air 10-D
KOE: Waco Taperwing, either CTO or HTO model.
Subject: Freddy Lund Taperwing
Date: Fri, 05 Apr 2002 00:03:13 -0500
From: Bill Jackson
About your photo of the WACO taperwing - owned by Freddie Lund...
Freddie was a famous barnstormer and air racer. He was the first civilian to do an outside loop in a WACO tapewing (not the one pictured). He was a small man, and by all accounts very daring. He was a test pilot and lead test pilot for WACO in the late '20s and early 30's. His wife was also an avid flyer.
He was killed while flying the Taperwing in your photo (which was painted Red, White and Blue) during an air race. Another plane got too close and cut his control wires. He died in the crash.
He has been inducted into the flying hall of fame of his home state which (I think) is Wisconsin. There is an aerobatic trophy named after him.
If you ever find yourself near Troy, Ohio (20 miles north of Dayton, home of the Wright Brothers) stop by the WACO Museum. You will find many photos of Freddie and his planes.
Bill Jackson
Subject: Waco Taperwing/Freddie Lund
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 10:47:01 -0700
From: george swaren
Dear Sir,
Are you interested in photo's of my father's cousin Freddie Lund?
He was a silent movie stunt pilot, a member of Gates Flying Circus and test pilot for Waco aircraft company.
Killed in a pylon race at Lexington KY on 3 Oct. 1931. Buried in the cemetery of his hometown of Nelson, Minnesota, (his home state.) Attached newspaper article is from the "Lake Region Echo", Alexandria MN. dated 22 Oct 1931
Regards. George A Swaren.
I don't think Freddie was ever involved with the Tanager, I think the author was just listing some of the aircraft participating in the Curtis Wright traveling airshow.
I'm including here a photo of Freddies wife Elizabeth, (Bettie)
Regards, George.
wife - Elizabeth (Bettie) Lund
Subject: More about Freddie Lund.
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 15:14:17 -0700
From: gerge swaren
Hello again Bill,
Bill Jackson's remarks on Freddie's size and daring are right on. He was 5ft. 5in.tall and according to Dad, he couldn't resist climbing a tree if there was a bee hive there so he could poke a stick into it.
Most of the correspondence from Freddie was after WW1 when he returned to the USA. from Germany. He signed his letters "Fritz" (his little joke.) He served with the Fourth Pursuit Sqn. on the Toul sector.
I'm attaching more photo's, yours to do with as you wish, they may not be useful to your web page, but may interest you personally.
George A Swaren.
Maple Ridge, British Columbia.
From Bob Lovell,
I just pulled up your information on the famous flier , Freddie Lund. When I learned to fly over 50 years ago in Ocala Florida at Taylor field, there was a monument dedicated to Freddie Lund. It simply said,"In Memory of Freddie Lund, Killed Oct. 3rd 1931". I and everyone else thought he was killed at Taylor Field in Ocala. I always wanted to know something about him and now the mystery is solved. I don't know who placed the monument at Taylor Field or what happened to it when the Field was abaandoned and a new airport constructed. I am going to see if I can get more information on Freddie and I believe he must have flown into Ocala in the Twenties as a barnstormer. Thanks for the information. Bob Lovell, City Commissioner, Leesburg, Florida.
KOE: Ford 4-AT Tri-Motor, one of Curtiss Flying Service's many Fords, probably [NC9608], judging from the insigne on its side.
KOE: Travel Air 4000, Curtiss Robin, Travel Air 10-D
KOE: Douglas C-1C
KOE: This Curtiss Tanager won the $100,000 1927 Guggenheim Safe Aricraft Competition which ran from April 30, 1927 to Oct 1, 1929.
wa19.jpg This is the Biplane shown wrecked in 25 & 26 below.
Note damage to top of vertical stalizer.
KOE: Curtiss Tanager
KOE: Curtiss Tanager
KOE: Curtiss Tanager
KOE: Travel Air model R
KOE:A rare Watkins Skylark
KOE: Curtiss Tanager which won the $100,000.00 Guggenheim Safe Aircraft Competition prize for safe flying (before this landing)
There is a very good article about this competition in the November 1999 issue of "Aviation History" by C. V. Glines. Mr. Glines states in his article that the "Tanager flew briefly on a publicity tour until it crashed in a crosswind takeoff athe Wichita, Kan. It was rebuilt and subsequently lost in a fire."
KOE: Travel Air 10-D in foreground, wrecked Curtiss Tanager in background.
KOE: Travel Air 4000 at left, Travel Air 10-D at right, center plane unknown It has a Kinner motor and looks familiar, but I can't pinpoint it with seeing a side view or a tail number, etc. If anyone can pinpoint this little biplane please let me know. K. O. Eckland
KOE: Standard J-1
KOE: Swallow TP (this was real head-scratcher!)
KOE: Naval Aircraft Factory PN-9, qv:
Of possible interest is that this shot was taken in Hawaii, showing PN-9 beached after being towed to Kauai by a Navy submarine.
KOE: Seems to be a scaled-down replica of a French SPAD 13 fighter from WW1
KOE: French Salmson 2A.2 recon from WW1