All events are at the CCHSM museum, 1011 Mansfield, Winfield unless otherwise indicated.
Be sure to check the website frequently for updates, changes, and program information.
Ticket information for some events will also be available.
2024 Museum Wooden Ornament
2024 CCHSM Wooden Ornament for $16 (plus $3 S&H) |
Future CCHSM events through December 31, 2025
- February 15--New annual exhibit opens
“Gone but Not Forgotten—buildings, places, events, celebrations of Cowley County”
- Monday, March 17, 1:00 “Fun Hub School’s Out” event with Winfield Public Library and Winfield Recreation—school’s out event for elementary students
- Monday, March 17, 4:30 CCHSM, Museum Friends Program: “Old Winfield High bldg. gone—transitioning to NEW Winfield High” JoAnn Parsons and panel
- Thursday, March 20, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Thursday, April 17, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Monday, April 21, 4:30 and 6;00 CCHSM Museum Friends “Community Theatre at the Barn”
Melody Krueger (Notice 2 times for presentation) WATCH FOR POSSIBLE LOCATION CHANGE
- Thursday, May 15, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Monday, May 19, 4:30 CCHSM Museum Friends “Remembering the Udall Tornado” JoAnn Parson, Julie Mignone, Glenda Schmidt and clips from old oral history with Udall residents
WATCH for a possible tour scheduled at the Udall Museum shortly after this program
- Saturday, June 7—Fairytale Tea—Watch for details and ticket reservations. Reservations will be required. A time for grandmothers, mothers, and children to enjoy a Victoria Tea.
- Sunday, June 15—2:00-4:00—“Farmyard Olympics” Free event Fun Farmyard Competition—family teams, corporate teams, church teams are encouraged to participate. Island Park Watch for details!
- Thursday, June 19, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Saturday, June 21—Victorian Tea—Watch for details and ticket reservations. Adults only
- Thursday, August 21, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Sunday, September 7— “Pickin’ and Pie at the Pub” Special event at Ladybird Brewery Watch for details!
(Practice your pie making skills—there might be a pie tasting contest as well)
- Monday, September 8, 4:30 CCHSM Museum Friends “Remembering Geuda Springs Heyday”
- Thursday, September 18, 7;00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Sunday, October 12, “Voices from the Past Cemetery Tour” Highland Cemetery Watch for ticket information and additional details
- Thursday, Oct0ber 16, 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
- Monday, October 20, 4:30 CCHSM Museum Friends “HDU & EHU units of Cowley County”
- Sunday, November 9. CCHSM 1:00-4:00 “What’s it Worth?’ An opportunity to help you determine if your antique/collectible is valuable (Watch for details)
- Monday, November 18 4:30 CCHSM Museum Friends “The Chautauqua”
- Thursday, November 20 7:00 “Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War” camp mtg at CCHSM
A reminder to continually check event calendar for updates and details of events as well as other events. Also check out the CCHSM Facebook page as these events are created.
Dillons Food Stores
Community Rewards Program
Cowley County Historical Society Museum has enrolled in the Dillons Food Stores Community Rewards Program.
If you have a Dillons rewards card, log into the Dillons Food Stores account, search for Cowley County Historical Soc. Museum either by name or LM545 and then click Enroll.
If you do not have a Dillons Rewards card, you can click on the appropriate link to begin.
- For Dillons Stores - go to
- For Baker's Stores - go to
- For Gerbes Stores - go to
Create an account, which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. A rewards card is available at the customer service desk at any Dillons Food Store.
Thank you in advance for helping the museum.