The Mystery Hotel on
East Ninth Avenue


Here is a good example of the kind of mystery with emerges after you start comparing pictures of the the same sites. The picture that got me started seems to show several horse carriages sitting waiting in front of 110 East 9th. It looks like the 1890's.


The image I am interested in is:


mystery hotel


mystery hotel


According to the note below from Jerry Wallace, the business to the left of the hard awning is a drug store. In 1900 it was owned by W. H. Somermier. It looks like the red and yellow umbrella may shade a shoe shine stand or some similar enterprise.


A note from Jerry Wallace:

Subject: RE: OLD HOTEL
Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2001 12:57:32 -0500
From: "Jerry Wallace"
To: "'bbott'"

Bill, This might be of interest: In 1900, the Ninth Avenue Drug Store, operated by W. H. Somermier, was located at 109 E. 9th Avenue. Also, from the same time, I found a Snyder Brothers "Palace Livery Barn" located on East Ninth Avenue, but no number given.
Jerry Wallace


An enlargement of the front of what I think is a hotel.




Another picture that shows the same entry way.



The enlargement on this one.



Here is an earlier picture of the same area but I can't see the same awning.




And a nightnime picture about the same period.




Here is a question, was the Albright building that burned?
Albright Building, Dec 14, 1898.




Albright Building, Dec 14, 1898. Back side of Photo.
Across the alley east from this hotel? That would be on the
north side of 9th in the 100 block east. (south side of Block 128)

The pertinent fire maps are the 1893 map:



and the 1899 map:



most of the eastern half of the block is vacant, only one building standing. Note on the 1893 Map, the name J. C. Fuller, Blk.

The address of the building I think was a hotel is 110 E. 9th. I can't quite make out what the lettering on the map says. The next logical step would be to scour the City Directory for Hotels, and look for what business is located at 110 e. 9th. So many mysteries, so little time.


Bruce Hedrick scanned another picture, which I have misplaced, which is the original photo from which 3a2210 was taken. It is interesting because the telephone lines have been taken out as has been a father and son in the foreground. They didn't have PhotoShop 6.0, but they did a top notch job of retouching and colorizing.


Here is another picture which comes from a postcard donated by Mary Scott Jarvis




From the presence of the trolley we know this is after 1910. Here is a blow up of the suspected Hotel.




This looks a lot like J. W. Hiatt Realty Co.



Subject: RE: OLD HOTEL
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 09:12:57 -0500
From: "Jerry Wallace"
Bill, I came up with this information, which may be of interest.


Up from #110 is "The Ferguson Block," constructed ca. 1900. It housed #112 and #118 on first floor. Calvin Ferguson was the builder. For details see 1901 Courier History, p. 73. Note: Mr. Ferguson was quite an individual, having a most varied and interesting life. Among his business activities was owning a saloon. He wanted, I think, respectability, which, alas, was not to be his. 112 E. Ninth Ave. First floor, northwest side of the Ferguson Block. W. A. Farringer's Drug Store. Mr. Farringer had moved into his new quarters from his place at 811 Main on Jan. 1, 1901. See 1901 Courier History, p. 84. 118 E. Ninth Ave. First floor, northeast side of the Ferguson Block. D. H.

Sickafoose' Grocery. Mr. Sickafoose may have been at this location since 1894. In 1898, his store burned down (Albright Bldg.?). When Mr. Ferguson built his block upon the site of the old store, he moved back in. See 1901

Courier History, p. 73. In my research, I have come across a turn-of-the-century hotel, whose name, I believe, was the Hotel Alexandria. Unfortunately, I have no exact address. It seems to have been a place out of which traveling men and women could do business; thus, one would suppose that it would have been centrally located downtown.

As best I can make it out, the Street Sign reads as follows: "J. W. Hiatt...Realty Co....[unreadable]....City Property." See 1901 Courier History, p. 127.
Jerry Wallace



Subject: RE: OLD HOTEL
Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2001 10:25:08 -0400
From: davisr1
To: Jerry Wallace
Jerry and all,
"Cal" Ferguson was also a "detective" who figured in the Twigg Massacre. Don't know what type, whether a city detective or private "eye". Apparently, from the way the massacre was written in the Courier, he was quite influential and with some (?) authority.
Bob Davis
Bill Bottorff