The Old Log Store, First Building
in Winfield, Kansas


Cowley County Democrat, from Wirt Waltons Speech, July 4, 1876


The first political gathering in the county took place at the raising of the "old log store" (now the Winfield Courier and Post Office) on the 1st day of April, 1870. This was a citizen's meeting and was held to nominate candidates to be voted for on the 2nd day of May.


The question of a name for the new town puzzled its fathers for several days. A minority wanted it called "Lagonda," but the majority decided to honor Winfield Scott's christened name. He was at that time the minister in charge of the Baptist church, in Leavenworth. Within the next four months, following the organization, forty acres of Manning's claim was converted into lots, blocks, streets, and alleys. The old log store was built by Manning, which was occupied, in part, by Dr. Mansfield as a drug store, and by Baker and Manning with their goods. Soon Max Shoeb arrived, built a log cabin where Read's bank now stands, and opened a blacksmith shop. On August 20th J. C. Fuller and D. A. Millington bought A. A. Jackson's claim and proceeded, with Manning, to lay out that part of the town lying east of Main street. July 4, 1870, was a glorious day for Winfield. The first celebration in the county was held on that day, under an arbor in the rear of the old log store. Prof. E. P. Hickok was the orator of the occasion. From that time up to the present, Winfield has so rapidly increased in population that it is impossible, in this short sketch, to give even a synopsis of her growth; but I will endeavor, however, to name the first who engaged in the different branches of business.


E. C. Manning was the first settler and merchant; Max Shoeb, the first blacksmith; Frank Hunt, the first hardware dealer; W. Q. Mansfield, the first druggist and physician; J. P. Short, the first hotel keeper; A. J. Thompson, the first feed store keeper; B. H. Dunlap, the first livery man; T. H. Johnson, the first lawyer; D. A. Millington, the first engineer and surveyor; J. C. Fuller, the first banker; M. L. Palmer, the first tinner; C. A. Bliss & Co., the first mercantile firm; J. C. Monforte, the first painter.

Emporia News, January 14, 1870.




EDS. NEWS: With your permission, I will use your columns as a convenient medium for answering numerous questions concerning the Walnut and Arkansas valleys. Probably it will be hardly worthwhile to narrate all the ups and downs of a two weeks' camping expedition; the game which we did not shoot, the poor jokes, and short rations. I will rather follow Mr. Gradgrind's lead, and narrate the more important "facks."


El Dorado seems to be flourishing beyond her former experiences. Business is brisk, whiskey scarce, town lots rising. The town is yet in its rough infancy, a total stranger to white paint and pine siding. We found our old friend, Dr. White, suffering from a most gratifying presence of customers.


Below El Dorado the valley widens, and farms are being rapidly opened.


Augusta is less excited than El Dorado, but seems to be doing a good business. Douglass, near the Southern line of Butler County, has a beautiful site, three stores, extensive water- power, and one of the best hotels on the border.


Butler County is larger than the State of Rhode Island: too large for convenience or comfort. There is much talk about carving a new county out of it and Cowley; in which case, either Douglass or Augusta would probably be the county seat.


Three miles south of Douglass we enter Cowley County and the Osage Reserve. The valleys grow in breadth and beauty, and numerous squatter cabins are visible, as we approach Lagonda, better known on the border as Dutch Creek. The word Lagonda is said to signify clear water, in the language of the Osages, and the name is well applied to a most beautiful stream, but the border settlers are not poetical, and adhere to the old name. The town consists, at present, of one log house and a log store, the former being the residence of Mr. C. Wood, formerly of Cottonwood Falls, and the latter owned by Baker & Manning of Augusta. This is a pleasant site, has one of the finest water-powers in Kansas, and is surrounded by a good country.


While at Lagonda we were somewhat amused and interested by attending a "claim trial." The squatters on the Reserve are thoroughly organized for self-protection, and all claim disputes are referred to their league. Some fifty of the pioneers were present on this occasion, and the question was decided by vote. If legal forms were not very strictly adhered to, we at least concluded that substantial justice was done.


Below Lagonda the scenery changes. The Walnut Valley, still broad and beautiful, is bounded by vast precipices of white magnesian limestone. The stream is exceedingly tortuous in its course, and the timber large and abundant. Crossing the Walnut one mile below town, at the "Kickapoo Corral," we climb the divide, and driving ten miles to the southward, stand upon high bluffs overlooking the Arkansas.


The river here is about the size of the Kaw at Lawrence. The bottoms are broad and fertile and the grass wonderful in its growth. We measured single stalks over ten feet in height. The soil is a sandy loam, loose in texture, but with an increased proportion of clay at the depth of four feet, and therefore not liable to "leach." The settlers at Wichita tell wonderful stories about the adaptation of this soil to hoed crops. Immediately along the Arkansas, for a number of rods in breadth on each side, the soil is piled in sandy drifts, and dwarf oak and Chickasaw Plum are abundant. The Grouse, which flows into the Arkansas some ten miles southeast of the mouth of the Walnut, has broad bottoms, and even more timber than the Walnut. Its mouth is barely within the State. It flows for some distance parallel to the Walnut, about six miles from it.


Immediately east of the mouth of the Walnut, a range of limestone hills crosses the Arkansas, forming a gorge probably three-fourths of a mile in breadth, filled with timber from bluff to bluff. East of this range, we found hundreds of acres of oak openings, and very broad, fertile bottoms. Two other streams, the Neniskan and Shekaska, enter the Arkansas on the west side, within five or six miles above the mouth of the Walnut, each having broad bottoms, and abundance of timber. The Arkansas is far better timbered here than in the region further west. The uplands are generally smooth and fertile, based upon limestone.


The peninsula between the Walnut and Arkansas, towards its southern extremity, breaks off into a smooth swelling ridge, much like that upon which Emporia is situated, but narrower and somewhat lower. Timber, building-stone, sand, water power, all abound in the immediate vicinity. The site has every natural advantage to be found in Kansas; and here, on Monday, in the newest stage of the moon, and near the first day of the year, we laid the rude log foundations on which a thriving town may some day rise. We were spared the trouble of naming it; the charter of the Preston (Texas) and Salina railroad has already christened it Delphi.


The Sac and Fox and Osage Indians were camped close by. They are perfectly quiet and harmless; perhaps over-awed by the number of settlers. We made the acquaintance of a few of them: the superannuated chief, "Hard Rope," "Little Bear," E-keep-son-Ge, whose name is, translated, "Long-tailed Rat," and some others. Like all the other settled Indians, the Osages are a dying race. Very few children now grow to maturity. "Strike-axe," one of the principal chiefs, told one of our party that he had lost nine children, and only one remained. At the present rate of decrease, these tribes will soon disappear from the earth. "White man's food" and consanguine intermarriages are mentioned as the most apparent causes.


We have the best evidence that the number of the Osages has been greatly exaggerated by interested parties; that 2,000 is above the figure. While encamped near them for some days, we were particularly struck by a sort of prolonged and unearthly wail, which rose every morning at daybreak from their villagesa sound that wonderfully harmonized with the note of the owl and coyoterising and falling for several minutes in strange cadence. This was said by some to be their mode of worship; but Col. Manning, who has spent much time among them, told us that they were mourning for their dead. To us it seemed as if these pre- Adamite people were singing their own death-song.


Cowley County Censor, May 13, 1871.

THE NEW CHEAP STORE OF MYTON & BROTHERTON. We have just opened in the Log Store, corner Main and Ninth Avenue. BIG AD!

Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.

Everything in the provision line at the old Log Store; that is the place for bargains.

Cowley County Censor, July 1, 1871.

If you want to keep cool, go to Myton & Brotherton's and get a suit of those Dutch Linen clothes; they don't cost much.

Cowley County Censor, October 21, 1871.

Mud gone.
Beautiful weather.
Dale keeps fine cigars.
New Feed Store at Suare's [?]
The grand rush for goods still continues at the Old Log Store.


VOL. 1. - NO. 1.

Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.


One copy one year, --------- $2.00
One copy six months, ------- 1.00
Clubs of 10 (1 copy free to getter-up) $17.50
Clubs of 20 (1 copy free to getter-up) 35.00

Business Directory.

N. ROBERTSON. Manufacturer And dealer in Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, etc. Repairing done on short notice and in good order. Shop on Main street opposite Old Log Store.


April 24, 1873, was the COURIER's first experience in house-moving, and we are informed that "The COURIER office is now removed to the Old Log Store, and we are now in better shape than ever to entertain our friends."


For many years the Old Log Store continued as the COURIER headquarters, and from it each week issued scathing articles on the "Post Office Ring" and the "Court House Ring," and various and sundry other "rings," which then, as now, tried to gobble up everything in sight.


The subject which seemed to engross most of its attention during these pioneer times was that of encouraging immigration and railroads. Week in and week out we find one, two, and three column articles setting forth the beauty and fertility of Cowley County and the splendid commercial advantages of Winfield, while upon the fourth page was kept standing a long "Description of Winfield and Cowley County."


Winfield Plow and Anvil, November 19, 1874.


If you want good coffee, 4 lbs. to the dollar, you must patronize the Old Log Store. Or if you are in need of any articles in the grocery line, the Old Log Store is a first class place to go to find it at bed-rock prices.


Arkansas City Traveler, May 17, 1876. Front Page.


The storm on Friday night was the most terrific ever known in this place. The constant flash of lightning, together with the successive peals of thunder, made the night one long to be remembered. About 2 o'clock the air was so full of water that to one looking out of a window it resembled an old fashioned snow storm. At daylight the little branch east of town in many places was more than a quarter of a mile wide. It was a grand old sight to see the water flowing through the green branches of large cottonwood trees. Gardens and fields were several feet under water, and in some cases are very much damaged. Several families were compelled to leave their houses, which fortunately were not swept away, but the floors were washed without mop or brush. How is that for drouthy Kansas?


Sain's new drug store is a great improvement to Caldwell.


J. A. Blair & Co. have purchased the old log store formerly occupied by C. H. Stone. The old logs have become new, except the roof and floor.


Several claims have been taken recently, and still there is room; plenty of vacant land within three miles of town. R.

Arkansas City Traveler, March 20, 1878.


WINFIELD, March 16, 1878.


Our town looks lively and bustling every Saturday and Monday. Today is a little more so.


The usual crowds of gaping, idle country louts and village loafers are gathered around the cheap stationery man with tinsel helmet and coat of many colors, who is slyly taking in their quarters. The auction nuisance has its crowd of idlers listening to half a dozen whiskey- nozed gentlemen, all of them brawling at the top of their voices at the same time, trying to sell some wind-broken, spavined, hip shot, broken down, and worn-out horses.


Another attraction is added to this day's proceedings for the sightseers: The removal of an "Old Land Mark" in Winfield's history. The old log building belonging to Col. Manning, that has been used as a post office, printing office, courthouse, and I believe a hotel at one time, has been yanked out of its old place and carried up Main Street further.


Col. Manning's shirt sleeves are engineering the job, and Col. Hudson is the contractor.


Winfield Courier, March 21, 1878.


The old log store has gone to a more northeastern site. Robert Hudson put his log wheels under it last Saturday and it had to budge, heavy as it was. In 1870 this building was about all there was of Winfield. It has done service as store, church, political headquarters, law office, post office, schoolhouse, printing office, and almost everything else, but it had to give place to a more pretentious building. It looks lonesome around the old site.


Winfield Courier, July 11, 1878.


There is now confined in the jail at this place a man by the name of Louis Tournier, whose father was a Colonel under the first Napoleon and fought with him at Waterloo. After the exile of Napoleon, Colonel Tournier was banished and came to America in 1817. He had been here but a short time when he was notified by the French government that he was at liberty to return, but he would not go back.


The son, Louis, was born in 1812 and is now sixty-six years old. He speaks and writes the French, German, and English languages fluently, and is well versed in ancient and modern history. He has traveled over the greatest portions of both continents, and is a well- informed man.


Louis Tournier came to Cowley County when the only building in Winfield was the "Old Log Store," and settled on the Arkansas River about six miles below Arkansas City. His claim is on the strip, and he was about to enter it a short time since, when he learned that one of his neighbors, whom he had befriended and assisted in many ways, had secretly gone to the land office and entered on an 80 of it. The first knowledge the old man had of this fact was when the party who entered it began removing the timber and interfering with the crops, and in many ways annoying the old man, who at once took steps to contest the entry, and told the other party to keep away or he would hurt him. Thereupon he was arrested and bound over by Justice Bonsall, of Arkansas City, in the sum of $200 to keep the peace.


His friends proposed to give the bail; but the old man said he would not allow the prosecuting witness to trespass on the land, if he did so, he would hurt him, and rather than be bailed out and compelled to have trouble with the man, he chose to go to jail.


He has no relatives in this state, but has two daughters in Kentucky. When he was taken to jail he requested the privilege of keeping his bird dog with him, remarking, "I think a great deal of Caesar; he is my best friend."


Winfield Courier, August 29, 1878.


John Moffitt has moved the house formerly used as the office to his lumber yard to 8th avenue, east of the old log store, and has built a new office in its place.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.


J. A. Myton, of the old firm of Myton & Brotherton of the Old Log Store of "Auld lang syne," is here visiting his cousin, Sam, and his many friends. Mr. Myton is in business at Casey, Ill., and is very sorry he ever left Winfield.


Winfield Courier, January 2, 1879.

[This issue listed Courier advertisers.]


READ'S BANK. This is one of the institutions of Winfield. The bank occupies a large and fine brick building, keeps its funds in an enormous fire-proof safe, with burglar proof chest combination, and a time lock, and all modern safeguards. M. L. Read, the president, is a gentleman of character and abundant means. He owns a large amount of valuable real estate in this city and county, and is reputed one of the wealthiest men in the state. M. L. Robinson, the cashier, is one of the ablest financiers in the county, and under his skillful direction, success is sure. W. C. Robinson, his assistant, is an assistant indeed. Wilber Dever writes up the books. Each member of the force is a gentleman by instinct and habit.


ROBINSON, C. H., is one of the most genial, pleasant, large-hearted money loaners we have ever met. ROBINSON & MILLER occupy classic ground. They are in the old log store of historic associations, and they honor their hall by turning out to their customers the best kind of furniture at satisfactory prices.


Winfield Courier, February 20, 1879.


J. A. Myton, of the old firm of Myton & Brotherton of the Old Log Store of "Auld lang syne," is here visiting his cousin, Sam, and his many friends. Mr. Myton is in business at Casey, Ill., and is very sorry he ever left Winfield.


Winfield Courier, August 21, 1879.


(Commencing Monday, Aug. 25, 1879.)




Robert Hudson Torrance & Asp.


Francis R. Hudson




Winfield Courier, October 23, 1879.

We appeal to the honest voters of this county to vote for Shenneman, a capable and honest man, instead of one whose unfitness requires the aid of fraud to give him any chance. We appeal to them that they see that all attempts at fraud in the coming election be detected and punished.


Here following some of the affidavits.



Cowley County. ) ss.

Robert Hudson, after being first duly sworn, upon his oath, says that he is a citizen of Winfield, in said county and state, and has been for several years last past.


That his occupation is that of house mover, that during the year 1878 James Kelly, then postmaster of this city, employed affiant to move the old post office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. Dr. Mendenhall commenced an action in attachment against James Kelly, and the order of attachment was placed in the hands of Charles L. Harter, Sheriff of said county, to execute, and instructed him to levy upon said building. He came down to levy upon the building, affiant at the time being at work getting it ready to move away. James Kelly was present. Harter stated his business to him and said he was going to levy upon the building and for me to stop work, and for Kelly to get out.


Kelly ordered him to leave and told him he would put a head on him if he did not go and Harter taking him at his word left. Kelly told affiant to go ahead with the moving. Affiant did so and moved the building away and Harter never did get possession of the same, and further the affiant says not. ROBERT HUDSON.


Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of October, 1879.


HENRY E. ASP, Notary Public.



Cowley County. ) ss.

J. P. Mayfield, after being duly sworn upon his oath doth say, that I was one of the hands, and helped Robert Hudson move the old post-office building from Dr. Mendenhall's premises. I went there with the tools and went to work, the first man on the building. Hudson and Jim Kelly were present. Charles L. Harter came there and Kelly and he had some words. Kelly ordered us to hurry up and pay no attention to anyone but him. We did so, and we never stopped the building until we got it into the street. Harter left and never got possession, or levied upon the building at all that day, and the moving of the building went right along until we got it into the street, where we had to stop, waiting for the cattle to pull it away, and as soon as the cattle came we went ahead, and if Mr. Harter ever levied upon the building his levy did not interfere with our business, and none of us ever knew of it. It is certain he never took possession or attempted to do so. John E. Allen to the contrary notwithstanding.




Subscribed and swore to before me, this 29th day of October, 1879.


W. P. HACKNEY, Notary Public.


Cowley County Courant, November 17, 1881.


Mr. T. H. B. Ross took in Winfield last Friday in the interest of our school district. He says there have been many changes there, but few of the old "boys" are left, and Winfield does not appear now as it did in 1870-74. Caldwell Commercial.


Well, that's a fact; there have been a good many changes in and around Winfield since those days. The old log store has been reduced to ashes, and some of the boys who used to gather there evenings to play "California Jack" and speculate on the future price of corner lots in Winfield, now take their wives and children to the theater in the fine Opera House that has arisen on the site of the old store. Max Shoeb's blacksmith shop has given place to Read's bank; the Walnut Valley House, as a hotel, has passed away. Likewise, the firms of Manning & Baker, U. B. Warren & Co., Alexander & Saffold, Bliss & Middaugh, Hitchcock & Boyle, Maris & Hunt, Myton & Brotherton, and Pickering & Benning. S. H. Myton is about the only one that is left. Tisdale's hack, which came in whenever the river would permit, has given way to our two railroads; Tom Wright's ferry, south of town, has been replaced by a handsome iron bridge, and Bartlow's mill and its crew have disappeared.


Every new building erected on Main street now is not, as then, dedicated with a dance, nor do married women attend them with children in arms, nor do they deposit their kids in the laps of blushing bachelors and join in all hands around. Our Justices of the Peace, when about to unite a loving couple, don't tell them to "stan" up thar an' I'll fix you." Our butch ers, now, don't go down behind Capt. Lowery's house, shoot a Texas steer, cut him up with an axe and sell out the chunks before they are done quivering. The writer does not, on nights like Thursday last, rise up from his bed of prairie hay and water, in a little wall tent, and light out for the log store to get out of the wet. All of that kind of fun has passed away and we have had a new deal all around. Some of the men that in those days were frying bacon and washing socks in their bachelor shanties, are now bankers, postmasters, district judges, and palatial hotel keepers. The vigilantes are not now riding over the country every night making preparations to go to Douglass and hang its principal citizens. The bad blood stirred up by the memorable Manning-Norton contest for the Legislature has long since been settled. Winfield and Arkansas City have buried the hatchet; Tisdale, ditto. Our merchants don't sell Missouri flour for $6 per sack, corn for $1.50 per bushel, and bacon for 33½ cents per pound. Bill Hackney (now the Hon. W. P.) does not come up every week to defend Cobb for selling whiskey in Arkansas City without a license. Patrick, the editor of the Censor, (our first newspaper) and Walt Smith, the proprietor of the "Big Horn ranch" on Posey Creek, have both gone west to grow up with the country. Fairbanks' dug-out has been in ruins for years. Dick Walker is still running conventions, but not here. A. T. Stewart is no longer one of the boys. Speed, with his calico pony and big spurs, is seen no more on the Baxter Springs trail. Jackson has laid down the saw and plane and joined the ranks of the railroad monopolists. Colonel Loomis has shed his soldier overcoat. Zimrie Stubbs has climbed the golden stair, Nichols is married, Oak's cat is dead: in fact, Bent, there is nothing anymore like it used to was in Winfield.


Cowley County Courant, January 5, 1882.


The much expected and long _______ [part of article missing] of masquerade came off Friday evening and was a grand and perfect ________. There were at least one hundred ________ on the floor and the rear seats of the hall were crowded with visitors __________ jollier and happier crowd has never assembled in Winfield since the first country hoe-down in the "old log store." The beauty and chivalry of the city were there, the lights were good, the music was excellent, everybody was good natured, the ushers were obliging, the door- keepers were careful, the floor managers were watchful and active, and the whole hall was conducted without clash or discord, and fully met the expectations of those who had anticipated a first-class ball, and a lively, happy time. There were many rich and beautiful costumes, and many ludicrous representations that kept the visitors continually interested and overflowing with laughter.


The general march commenced at 8:30 o'clock with 41 couples on the floor, and formed a brilliant procession striking in its comic effect. Beautiful and rich costumes glittering with gold and silver trimmings, dukes and kings, knights and ladies, Indians, negroes, harlequins, grotesque figures, all commingled in one strange and startling crowd.


At 11 o'clock the command was given to form in procession for a march, a grand circle was formed in the hall, the order to face in was given, followed by the order to unmask, and for the first time the parties knew each other, face to face. The ejaculations of surprise, the mutual exclamations of "Well, I declare! Is that you?" attested the excellent manner in which the disguises were gotten up.


At twelve o'clock the hall was deserted for supper, after which the dancing was resumed until the well, that is the weeor ratheroh, what's the difference? "until the wee sma' hours," according to Hoyle, when everybody went home, rather broke up for the next day, but having had a glorious, happy time. The names and characters of those participating we give as follows as near as we could find out, with running comments.


Miss Libby Mansfield, pink and blue domino, very pretty
Mrs. Frank Sydal, Mary Stuart.
Mrs. Fred D. Whitney, domino.
Mrs. I. W. Randall, flower girl; neat and pretty.
Miss May Benedict, Maud Muller, rake and all, kept a sharp eye out, no doubt wished the Judge would come again.
Miss Jennie Lowry, highland lass, very neat and pretty costume.
John McGuire, Texas Bill.
John Hudson, Texas Jack.
Miss S. French, as Spanish girl, was very attractive, and tastily costumed.
Miss Florence Beeny, daughter of the regiment, one of the most brilliant costumes on the floor.
Miss Carrie Garvey, of Topeka, as Undine, a most beautiful costume of pale green, and unexcelled.
Miss Jessie Millington, queen of hearts, very pretty.
Mrs. J. E. Saint, Mother Hubbard, unique and a perfect disguise.
Miss Weitzel, sailor girl, pretty.
Miss May Roland, frost, a beautiful costume.
Miss Cora Berkey, Winfield Daily COURANT, dark red paper dress, trimmed with COURANT heads. Very unique, neat, and pretty, of course, and takes our individual cake.
Miss Jennie Hane, snow, clear white canton flannel, very pretty.
Miss Margie Wallis, flower girl, very pretty, indeed.
Miss Jessie Butler, fancy costume.
Miss Lizzy Wallis, skating girl, pretty.
Miss Mamie Tipton, country maiden, surprised her friends.
Mrs. Geo. A. Rhodes, butterfly, one of the daintiest and prettiest costumes on the floor.
Mr. G. H. Allen, country girl.
Mrs. D. L. Kretsinger, country girl.
Mrs. A. H. Doane, country girl.
Miss Amanda Scothorn, "My pretty red rose," very pretty.
Miss L. Bank, of Oxford, as light [?], looked very nice.
Miss Alice Herring ________ [SOME OF THIS MISSING/MESSED UP]
Beatrice Carruth __________REST ALL GARBLED.


James Lorton, C. E. Fuller, Fred Whitney, Sam. E. Davis.


Chas. Black, as a slant eyed heathen (John Chinaman) was one of the best characters, and was well acted out, few penetrating his disguise.

Jos. O'Hare, Robinson Crusoe.

Henry Noble and H. N. Jones, as Uncle Josh and Aunt Polly on stilts, brought down the house (these two characters were first rate).

T. R. Timme, as a merry boy, got the drop on the boys by padding himself.

W. P. Griffith, gentleman.

Lou Zenor, Spaniard.

Geo. Rhodes, as a rooster, was cock of the walk, and presented a grotesque appearance.

James Vance, base ballist.

Eli Youngheim, dandy, first rate.

Dave Harter, as a Dutch boy, with top, in our estimation, took the prize cake among the male masks. Dave stood them all off until he danced, when some of the boys caught on.

Abe Steinberger threw a gloom over the occasion as a huge, over-fed Dutch boy.

Frank Finch, as the "choice flour of the family," was evidently kneaded at the ball.

Though these are not all the maskers, the list is as complete as we could make it. A good many did not give in their names and characters and among them several visitors from adjoining cities, whose names we would like to have published.


Winfield Courier, October 11, 1883.




Leaving Winfield August 10th at three p.m., I arrived at Maryville, Missouri, at ten a.m., the following day, without any startling occurrences and nothing worthy of note save a few reflections, which were that the stations seem but a few miles apart, and at each but a few minutes are given for exit and admittance and for those going on to take in the outlines of things and quietly put them in shape as we jostle on to our destinations. Here my thoughts became retrospective.


The last time I traveled this road was in 1871, when the terminus was Cottonwood Falls, from which we "pursued the even tenor of our way" to Winfield in a two horse wagon, which we thought to be preferable to a stage coach, and which, with its white cover, was the unmistakable sign of emigration. After stemming the tide of wind and weather for three days, we arrived safely without the occurrence of anything which, at that time, seemed worthy of notice. But now we distinctly remember that the stations were far apart, and consisted generally of a single house, with a few acres of sod-corn about it, and the sight, which became almost monotonous, of a man with a few yoke of oxen or a span of horses, and sometimes a boy for driver, turning over the sod. Here and there on the road could be seen a pile of rock for a "foundation," or a few slabs set up on end, with one left out for a door and a hole sawed out for a window, striking emblems of what we hoped to do and of what we have accomplished, with vast acres of undulating prairie stretching out before the pioneer, bounded only by the misty horizon, and stimulating his ambition by the wealth and plenty there in store, if not for himself or his children.


I would not have the reader suppose that on this trip of 1871 I did not pass the then small towns of El Dorado, Augusta, and Douglass, and thence to Winfield, where we all brushed our hair and donned our nicest attire to peep out at the future seat of government of Cowley County. We found that we had only halted at a common-place log store, with the post office, dry-goods, groceries, etc., as the chief attractions. The upper story of this old building, I remember, was the birthplace of the Winfield Courier. Near by was the small frame bank of J. C. Fuller. On the corner where now stands a block of buildings containing the Winfield Bank and that of M. L. Read, the COURIER office and numerous offices in the upper story, was the bare prairie, so with the opposite corner where now stands the magnificent brick block containing our Opera House. These wonderful changes stand to the old settler a quiet recognition of the hasty rewards produced, not alone by perfect management, but by the progressive march of railroads and other modern inventions, which have so annihilated distance as to make it possible for us to travel many more miles in a day than in those pioneer times, and which enable us to tell a brother in New York or San Francisco at 6 o'clock that sister died in Arkansas City, on the border of the Indian Territory, at half past three.


But we are passing on to new scenes, and as the conductor enters calling out the stations, I awake from my reverie to think of the present.


The towns are now but a few miles apart, and at every one there are from three hundred to several thousand inhabitants, and always one or more churches and schoolhouses, attesting the fact that religion and education are twin sisters, and that our progress would be less and our civilization fall short of its wonderful achievements without either. So we pass over the beautiful, rolling prairies of Kansas. with comfortable homes, orchards laden with ripening fruit, more than was expected and enough for home and much for market; herds of fat cattle and horses grazing in the pastures, and, if my judgment is right, enough wheat to supply the foreign demand.


The shades of night here gather around us, and we are at Newton, not where Sir Isaac saw the apple fall, but where I take a sleeper to change my reflections on Kansas past, present, and future to the interpretation of the wheezing and sneezing of the engine, which I found beyond my comprehension and fell into fitful slumbers.


Daylight brought us to Atchison, which the early hour and location of the depot prevented us from seeing much of; enough, however, to prove it to be a large manufacturing and business center. At sight of the "Big Muddy," I could not help falling into another retrospection, when, in 1857, it was the great highway for commerce and emigration, and when the writer was left by a thoughtful husband in St. Joseph while he did business in Leavenworth, where were fought the early political battles between the powers of slavery and free state. It was at that time unpleasant if not dangerous for a woman to be in Leavenworth, though I sometimes made the venture in the quieter days, and well do I remember when the steamer would launch at Iatan, pass over to Atchison, and soon, with quickening anticipation, be landed in Leavenworth.


Here we are reminded that we are hungry, and after breakfasting, we slowly pass over that strongly built structure, the Atchison bridge, and wind our way to St. Joseph over a very flat road with the Missouri near on one side and high hills, covered with timber, on the other. The scene here is very different from that in Kansas. There is the same frequency of railroad stations and the same cheering emblems of civilization and religion; but hills, high and rough, with immense trees and thick underbrush. We soon arrive at Maryville, meet our friends, and leave further description for another letter. C. H. G.

The end of "The Old Log Store", the fire.