Convicts in the Kansas State
Penitentiary 1871-1894
Microfilm Roll No. 1. 1871-1894 [Janel Hutchinson, A. C. Public Library, got this from Kansas State Historical Society. [Company: CENSUS MICROFILM RENTAL PROGRAM, P. O. BOX 30, ANNAPOLIS JUNCTION, MD 20701-0030, TELEPHONE (301) 604-3699.]
From Cowley County. First Index, Alphabetical Listing.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
[Skipping Race, Color of Hair, Color of Eyes, Complexion]
2559 Armstrong, Thos. J.
1) November 21, 1881. 2) Murder 2nd Degree, 3) November 22, 1881.
4) 15 Years. 5) 36. 6) Carpenter. 7) 5'10-14" 8) Ohio. 9) Intemperate.
10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) [Not filled out]
14) Pardoned by Governor Martin September 2, 1885.
3067 Askins, John.
1) October 11, 1883. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) October 13, 1881.
4) 1 Year. 5) 18. 6) Farmer. 7) 5'10-1/2". 8) Illinois. 9) Intemperate.
10) Single. 11) [Not filled out.] 12) Good. 13) [Not filled out.] 14) September 7, 1884.
3374 Askins, John.
1) November 3, 1884. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) November 6, 1884.
4) 5 Years. 5) 20. 6) Farmer. 7) 5'11". 8) Illinois. 9) Left blank.
10) Single. 11) 2nd time. 12) Fair. 13) [Not filled out.] 14) Expiration Sept. 23, 1885.
4624 Abbott, Mattie.
1) December 30, 1887. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) January 1, 1888.
4) 1 Year. 5) 20. 6) Dressmaker. 7) 5'4-3/4" 8) Illinois. 9) Left blank.
10) Widow. 11) First time. 12) Good. 13) 42 Days. 14) Expiration. Nov. 17, 1888.
4709 Andrew, R. N.
1) April 17, 1888. 2) Forgery. 3) April 19, 1888.
4) One Year. 5) 22. 6) Carpenter. 7) 6'2-1/2" 8) Indiana. 9) Left blank.
10) Married. 11) First time. 12) Left blank. 13) 162 Days. 14) Expiration Sept. 18, 1890.
5072 Andrews, Milt.
1) April 12, 1889. 2) Unlawfully and feloniously one Viola Chatfield carnally and unlawfully know the said Viola Chatfield being then and there a female under the age of 18 years. 3)April 14, 1889. 4) 10 Years. 5) 21. 6) Farmer. 7) 6'2-3/4", 8) Indiana. 9) Left blank.
10) Single. 11) First. [Nothing more filled out. Skipped over 12, 13, 14, 15.]
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
5224 Askin, John.
1) September 17, 1889. 2) Larceny in a dwelling. 3) September 23, 1889. 4) 5 Years.
5) 27. 6) Farmer. 7) 5'10-3/4" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) Third Time.
12-15) Left blank.
3147 Bruner, William. Negro.
1) January 14, 1884. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) February 1, 1884. 4) 3 Years. 5) 18.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'7-1/4" 8) Kansas. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) Second Time. 12) Bad.
13) 45. 14) Expiration 15) Us or 27/84
3484 Black, R. H.
1) January 31, 1885. 2) Forgery 3rd Degree. 3) February 3, 1885. 4) 2 Years. 5) 23.
6) Broom Maker. 7) 5'8" 8) Pennsylvania. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12) Good. 13) 40. 14) Expiration 15) City Papers October 24, 1816.
4093 Boykin, Robert.
1) September 18, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) September 21, 1886. 4) 1 Year. 5) 25
6) Saddle tree Maker [?] 7) 5'9-3/4" 8) Louisiana. 9) Blank. 10) Married 11) 2nd Time.
12) Good. 13) 33. 14) Expiration. 15) August 7/of City Papers.
4896 Barrow, Job.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Burglary Railroad Car. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 6 Years. 5) 29
6) Laborer. 7) 5'7" 8) Indiana 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13-15) Pardoned by Gov. Humphrey August 5, 1891.
4900 Barrow, Perry [?].
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Larceny from Freight Car. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 4 Years. 5) 22
6) Laborer. 7) 5'10-1/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) Died in Hospital June 1891 at 5:55 a.m.
4901 Barrow, William.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Larceny from Freight Car. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 5 Years. 5) 22
6) Laborer. 7) 6' 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) All left blank ??? Looks like they lost sight of him from record sheet.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
5505 Basey, Wm. Negro.
1) May 3, 1890. 2) Poisoning intent to Kill. 3) May 6, 1890. 4) 7 Years. 5) 39.
6) Stone Cutter and Polisher. 7) 5'11-1/2" 8) Virginia. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) 2nd Time. 12-15) All left blank. ???
3065 Carder, Leonard.
1) October 11, 1883. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) October 13, 1883. 4) 3 Years. 5) 24.
6) Brick Maker. 7) 6'1/4" 8) Virginia. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 1st Time. 12) Good.
13) 162. 14) Expiration. 15) Feb. 18, 1884. [Three more words??? Pass No. No.???]
3373 Campbell, Wilson M.
1) November 3, 1884. 2) Rape. 3) November 6, 1884. 4) 10 Years. 5) 45. 6) Machinist.
7) 5'5" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First time. 12) Good. 13) 37.
14-15) Expiration August 5, 1885.
4007 Corrigan, Mathew.
1) June 7, 1886. 2) Breaking & entry in a Dwelling. 3) June 10, 1886. 4) 1 Year & 1 Day.
5) 31. 6) Stone Cutter. 7) 5'7-1/2" 8) DC or Delaware? 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) Reform School. 12) Good. 13) 33. 14) Expiration. 15) November 28, 1887.
1886-1887. Negro.
4625 Caldwell, Alise [?] Thornton Parker.
1) December 29, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) January 1, 1887. 4) 3 Years. 5) 25.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'9-1/2" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) Second Time. 12) Blank.
13) Blank. 14-15) Expiration September 8th, 1889.
4628 Clark, D.
1) September 24, 1887. 2) Incest. 3) January 1, 1888. 4) 1 Year. 5) 24 6) Farm Laborer.
7) 5'7-3/4" 8) Iowa. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 40.
14) No. Expiration. 15) November 21, 1888.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
4899 Carson, Milford.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Larceny from freight car. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 3 Years. 5) 22.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'20-1/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 4th [?] time. 12) Blank.
13) 120. 14) Expiration. 15) March 28th, 1891.
4902 Carson, John.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Larceny from freight car. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 4 Years. 5) 24.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'7-1/2" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 4th [?] time. 12) Blank.
13-15) All left blank.
5538 Chenoweth, Don.
1) June 6, 1890. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) June 10, 1890. 4) 1 Year. 5) 22. 6) Farmer.
7) 5'7-3/4" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank. 13) Blank.
14) Expiration. 15) April 25, 1891.
4272 Doe, John #1.
1) January 13, 1887. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) January 17, 1887. 4) 2 Years. 5) 27,
6) Laborer. 7) 6'1/2" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 162. 14) Expiration. 15) July 25, 1889.
3577 Estes, G. W.
1) May 4, 1885. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) May 6, 1885. 4) 3 Years. 5) 27, 6) Farmer.
7) 5'11-3/4" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 55
14) Expiration. 15) August 18, 1886.
3865 Englidon, Chas. E. [Not sure of name. Written over another entry.???]
1) January 27, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) January 31, 1886. 4) 1-1/2 Years. 5) 33.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'9" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank. 13) 52
14) Expiration. 15) May 28, 1887. Reported City Paper.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
2819 Freylinger, Mary.
1) December 4, 1882. 2) Murder First Degree. 3) January 21, 1883. 4) Life. 5) 51.
6) Housekeeper. 7) 5'3" 8) Germany. 9) Married. 10-15) Blank.
4096 Fields, George.
September 18, 1886. 2) Counterfeiting. 3) September 21, 1886. 4) 2 Years. 5) 30.
6) Stone Cutter. 7) 5'6-1/2" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 33. 14) Expiration. 15) August 3, 1887. City Papers.
4897 Frey, Curry.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 3 Years. 5) 19.
6) Laborer. 7) 6' 8) Maine [or Missouri?] 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 1st Time. 12) Good.
13) 51. 14) Expiration. 15) January 25, 1890.
3973 - Graham, Frank W.
1) May 6, 1886. 2) Forgery. 3) May 13, 1886. 4) 3 Years. 5) 23. 6) Bookkeeper and Office Work. 7) 5'-7/34" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) Pardoned by Gov. Martin September 21, 1887.
2557 - Harmon, Ewell.
1) November 21, 1881. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) November 22, 1881. 4) 4 Years. 5) 27.
6) Farmer. 7) 5'7-3/4" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 244 14) Expiration. 15) June 3, 1885.
2558 - Heywood, George. [Could be Haywood?]
1) November 21, 1881. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) November 22, 1881. 4) 7 Years. 5) 50.
6) Cigar Maker and Stone Cutter. 7) 5'11-1/2" 8) Pennsylvania. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 315 14) Expiration. 15) June 3, 1885.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
3482 - Hillman, Frank.
1) January 31, 1885. 2) Robbery 1st Dgree. 3) February 3, 1885. 4) 10 Years. 5) 20.
6) Farmer. 7) 5'10-1/2" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) Blank. 14-15) Pardoned by Govt. June 9, 1887.
3862 - Hutchinson, Francis.
1) January 27, 1886. 2) Fraud Larceny. 3) January 30, 1886. 4) 1 Year. 5) 30. 6) Laborer.
7) 5'9" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 33.
14) Expiration. 15) December 16, 1886.
3863 - Hutchinson, Reuben.
1) January 27, 1886. 2) Fraud Larceny. 3) January 30, 1886. 4) 1 Year. 5) 24. 6) Farmer.
7) 5'8-1/2. 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Bad. 13) 21.
14) Expiration. 15) December 29, 1886.
2554 - Jackson, James.
1) November 21, 1881. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) November 22, 1881. 4) 5 Years. 5) 24.
6) Shoemaker. 7) 5'5" 8) Pennsylvania. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 310. 14) Expiration. 15) Left Blank.
3864 - Johnston, Wm.
1) January 27, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) January 31, 1886. 4) 2 Years. 5) 33
6) Herding and Farming. 7) 5'8-1/4" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12) Good. 13) 75. 14) Expiration. 15) November 3, 1887.
4627 - Johnson, Charles #1 [Placement of #1 not understood.]
1) December 29, 1887. 2) Burglary, Grand Larceny. 3) January 1, 1888. 4) 5 Years.
5) 25. 6) Laborer. 7) 5'6-1/4" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) All left blank.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
3972 - Knickabocker, Jay.
1) May 12, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) May 13, 1886. 4) 2 Years. 5) 20. 6) Hotel Work and Laborer. 7) 5'6-1/2" 8) Scotland. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 87. 14) Expiration. 15) February 5 [?], 1888.
3068 - Lagle, No. B [?] (Appears to be No. B)
1) October 11, 1883. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) October 13, 1883. 4) 5 Years. 5) 26.
6) Barber. 7) 5'10" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10 Married. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 124. 14) Expiration. 15) May 17, 1885.
3578 Lewis, Charles. [Appears as though they wrote Chas t o OR Char t z??]
1) May 4, 1885. 2) Breaking Jail. 3) May 6, 1885. 4) 2 Years. 5) 29. 6) Liquor Dealer.
7) 5'5" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 78.
14) Expiration. 15) February 24, 1887.
4095 - Lewis, Willie. Negro.
1) September 18, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) September 21, 1886. 4) 1 Year. 5) 16.
6) Kitchen Cook. 7) 5'6-1/4" 8) Kansas. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13) Blank. 14) Expiration. 15) August 1, 1890.
3264 - Marston, F. G.
1) May 6, 1884. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) May 28, 1884. 4) 1 Year. 5) 21. 6) Farmer.
7) 5'10" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 49
14) Expiration. 15) June 3, 1885.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
3580 - Moreland, F. M.
1) May 14, 1885. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) May 6, 1885. 4) 3 Years. 5) 22. 6) Stone Mason.
7) 5'7" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 117 [or 112]
14) Expiration. 15) December 25, 1887.
3970 - Mowry, Henry..
1) May 12, 1886. 2) Murder First Degree. 3) May 13, 1886. 4) To Hang. 5) 42.
6) Laborer.7) 5'6-1/4" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) Left Blank except for “E”as last ent
4271 - W. M. [or H. M.]
1) January 13, 1887. 2) Assault with intent to kill. 3) January 17, 1887. 4) 5 Years.
5) 25. 6) Laborer. 7) 5'5-3/4" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12) Blank. 13) 314. 14) Expiration. 15) February 24, 1891.
4098 - McGraw, Martin.
1) September 18, 1886. 2) Counterfeiting. 3) September 21, 1886. 4) 1 Year. 5) 16.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'7-3/4" 8) Kansas. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) 30.
14) Expiration. 15) August 9, 1887.
4099 - McGraw, Archibald [?]
1) September 18, 1886. 2) Counterfeiting. 3) September 21, 1886. 4) 2 Years. 5) 53.
6) Laborer. 7) 6'1/2" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time.
12-15) Died of Chronic Alcoholism February 7, 1887.
4707 - McGuire, John.
1) April 17, 1888. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) April 19, 1888. 4) 5 Years. 5) 33. 6) Teamster.
7) 5'11-1/2" 8) Texas. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) All left blank.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
3481 - Newton, John.
1) January 31, 1885. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) February 3, 1885. 4) 2 Years. 5) 18.
6) Farmer. 7) 5'6" 8) Kansas. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 98. 14) Expiration. 15) Receipt of City Paper October 24, 1886.
3483 - Neal, Chas. [Also: Chas. E. Wells]
1) January 31, 1885. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) February 3, 1885. 4) 2 Years. 5) 18.
6) Stone Mason & Laborer. 7) 5'8-1/4" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 98. 14) Expiration. 15) Receipt of City Paper October 24, 1886.
4383 - Potter, Joseph.
1) April 21, 1887. 2) Burglary and Larceny. 3) May 3, 1887. 4) 5-1/365 Years. 5) 21.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'10" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13) 273. 14) Expiration. 15) July 12, 1891.
5225 - Powers, William.
1) September 21, 1889. 2) Rape. Girl under 18. 3) September 23, 1889. 4) 5 Years.
5) 21. 6) Railroad Laborer. 7) 5'10-3/4" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) First Time. 12-15) Pardoned by Gov. Humphrey April 18, 1891.
2820 - Quarles, Anna.
1) December 4, 1882. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) December 6, 1882. 4) 3 Years. 5) 17.
6) Housekeeper. 7) 5' 8) 8) Texas. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 169. 14) Expiration. 15) June 17, 1885.
4097 - Reece, Ernest.
1) September 18, 1886. 2) Grand Larceny in Dwelling. 3) September 18, 1886.
4) 1 Year. 5) 18. 6) Laborer & Horseman. 7) 5'9-1/2" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) First Time. 12) Fair. 13) 21 [?]. 14) Expiration. 15) August 20, 1887.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
4629 - Robert, John.
1) December 29, 1887. 2) Burglary and Grand Larceny. 3) January 1, 1888. 4) 2 Years.
5) 17. 6) Laborer. 7) 5'6-1/4" 8) New Jersey. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12) Blank. 13) 87. 14) Expiration. 15) September 22, 1889.
4708 - Reed, Henry.
1) April 17, 1888. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) April 17, 1888. 4) 5 Years. 5) 27. 6) Laborer.
7) 5'8-1/2" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time.
12-15) All left blank.
5073 [? last #] - Reynolds, Wm. L.
1) April 9, 1889. 2) Manslaughter 4th Degree. 3) April 14, 1889. 4) 2 Years. 5) 21.
6) Farmer. 7) 5'11" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13) 84. 14) Expiration. 15) January 3, 1891.
5337- Roe, Horace (Alias).
1) December 18, 1889. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) December 27, 1889. 4) 1 Year. 5) 28.
6) Farmer 7) 5'7" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13) 33. 14) Expiration. 15) November 2, 1890.
2953 - Smith, Dennis F.
1) June 4, 1883. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) June 6, 1883. 4) 3 Years. 5) 21. 6) Laborer.
7) 5'11-1/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 160.
14) Expiration. 15) December 25, 1885.
3485 - Slade, J. U.
1) January 31, 1885. 2) Forgery 3rd Degree, 3) February 17, 1885. 4) 1 Year. 5) 34.
6) School Teacher. 7) 5'9-1/2" 8) Kentucky. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time.
12) Good. 13) 36. 14) Expiration. 15) December 25, 1885.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
3976 - Swift, Charles.
1) May 11, 1886. 2) Forgery. 3) May 13, 1886. 4) 3 Years. 5) 23. 6) Farmer.
7) 5'9" 8) Missouri. [? looks like Meo] 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good.
13) 30. 14) Expiration. 15) March 22, 1887.
3976 - Swift, Charles.
To commence at Execution of above. 3)May 11, 1886.
Assault Intent to break Jail. 4) 5 Years. 5) 23. 6) Farmer.
[Rest of entries show ditto marks, indicating same as first entry on Swift. That is why it is so puzzling to see he was released March 22, 1887.]
4443 - Shults, John W.
1) June 13, 1887. 2) Forgery. 3) June 23, 1887. 4) 1 Year. 5) 24. 6) Laborer.
7) 5'4-1/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) First Time. 12) Good. 13) 30.
14) Expiration. 15) May 4, 1888.
4898 - Smith, Al. Negro.
1) October 3, 1888. 2) Assault Intent to Commit Rape. 3) October 5, 1888. 4) 10 Years.
5) 28. 6) Laborer. 7) 5'9-3/4" 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) Second Time.
13-15) All left blank.
5007 - Shelton, Charles.
1) December 29, 1888. 2) Assault with Intent to Kill. 3) January 17, 1889.
4) 3 Years. 5) 28. 6) Laborer. 7) 5'7-3/4 8) Missouri. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) First Time. 12) Blank. 13) Blank. 14-15) Pardoned.
5074 - Shinkle, F. A.
1) April 11, 1889. 2) Unlawfully and feloniously one Retta Snook carnally and unlawfully she the said Retta Snook then and there being a female under the age of 18 of law.
3) April 14, 1889. 4) 15 Years. 5) 47. 6) Farmer. 7) 5'11" 8) Illinois. 9) Blank.
10) Married. 11) First Time. 12-15) All left blank.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
5536 - Slusser, R. W.
1) June 6, 1890. 2) Forgery. 3) June 10, 1890. 4) 1 Year. 5) 48. 6) Farming.
7) 5'6" 8) Ohio. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Blank. 13) 33.
14. Expiration. 15) April 24, 1891.
5537 - Turner, E. W.
1) June 7, 1990. 2) Manslaughter 4th Degree. 3) June 10, 1990. 4) 1 Year. 5) 38.
6) Liveryman. 7) 5'8-3/4" 8) Iowa. 9) Blank. 10) Married. 11) First Time. 12) Blank.
13) Blank. 14) Expiration. 15) April 24, 1991.
2284 - Wilson, Frank. #2
1) August 28, 1880. 2) Gash inch to Kill with deadly Weapon. Escaped February 14, 1883, Recaptured June 23, 1883. 3) August 31, 1880. 4) 10 Years. 5) 24. 6) Laborer.
7) 5'7-1/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) Blank. 12) Blank. 13) 458
14) Sentence 6 years and 6 months. 15) Commutation by Gov. Martin March 19, 1886.
3975 - Wiggins, John David. [First Entry on Wiggins.]
1) May 11, 1886. 2) Passing Counterfeit Coin. 3) May 13, 1886. 4) 3 Years. 5) 25.
6) Laborer. 7) 5'6" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 1st Time. 12) Good. 13) 33.
14) Expiration. 15) March 25, 1887.
3975 - Wiggins, John David. [Second Entry on Wiggins.]
3975 - To continue at Extension of above. Assault with intent to kill and break Jail.
4) Changed to 5 Years.
4382 - Wisdom, Willard [WDillard? Attempt to correct messed up his first name.]
1) April 20, 1887. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) May 3, 1887. 4) 4 Years. 5) 22.
6) Farm Laborer. 7) 5'6-3/4" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 1st Time.
12) Blank. 13) 222. 14) Expiration. 15) August 30, 1890.
From Cowley County.
1) Date of Conviction. 2) Crime. 3) Date Received. 4) Term of Sentence. 5) Age.
6) Occupation. 7) Height. 8) Nativity. 9) Habits. 10) Married or Single. 11) Times in Prison. 12) Conduct. 13) Days Commutation Allowed. [Quite often, not filled out.]
14) How Discharged. 15) By Whose Authority.
4626 - Wade, E. W. Black.
1) December 28, 1887. 2) Burglary 2nd Degree & Grand Larceny. 3) January 1, 1888.
4) 10 Years. 5) 25. 6) Hotel Waiter. 7) 5'8-3/4" 8) Pennsylvania. 9) Blank. 10) Single.
11) 1st Time. 12) Blank. 13) Blank. 14-15) April 7, 1895. Commuted to 8-1/2 Years by Gov. Morrell.
5075 - Webb, George W. [Entry No. 1]
1) April 11, 1889. 2) Grand Larceny. 3) April 14, 1889. 4) 3 Years. 5) 30. 6) Barber & Farmer. 7) 5'-7/34" 8) Indiana. 9) Blank. 10) Single. 11) 1st Time. 12) Blank.
13-15) Died in Hospital August 28, 1889, at 8 p.m. from injury received before admittance and manumission. [? they had marusmus?]
5075 - Webb, George W. [Entry No. 2]
To Commence at Ex of above. Grand Larceny. 4 Years.
Listed by Prisoner Number.
#1799 (1879) - #10,000 (1901).
1) Date of Sentence. 2) Date Received at Prison. 3) Crime. 4) Pleads Guilty.
5) County Sent From. 6)Term of Sentence (Years. Months.) 7) Age. 8) Height.
9) Complexion. 10) Color of Hair. 11) Color of Eyes. 12) Occupation. 13) Where Born. 14) Parents. (Father. Mother.) 15) Parents’ Name and Residence. 16) Married. Yes or No. 17) Wife’s Name and Residence. 18) No. of Children. 19) Property Owned.
20) Residence in State. 21) Reads. (Yes or No). 22) Writes. (Yes or No.)
23) Time Confined in Jail. 24) Times in Prison. 25) Signature. 26) Remarks.
[Did not bother to go through this. Too much information.]
Cowley County.
1903 - Francis M. Small
Sentenced May 17, 1879. Received at Prison May 23, 1879.
Crime: Manslaughter, 2nd Degree. Term: 5 Years. Age: 34. Laborer. Born: Indiana.
Father dead. Mother living. (Deceinza [?] Small, Tisdale P. O. Wife: Mary J. Small, Tisdale, Kansas. One child. Time confined in jail: 3 months. First time in prison.
1976 - Isaac C. White
Sentenced September 5, 1879. Received at Prison September 9, 1879.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 3 Years. Age: 20. Laborer. Born: Illinois.
Both parents living: Jerimiah & Sarah Jane White, Puisville, [?] Missouri. Single.
1977 - John Prunkard
Sentenced September 5, 1879. Received at Prison September 9, 1879.
Crime: Assault with intent to commit a rape. Did not plead guilty. Term: 3 Years.
Age: 35. Occupation: Painter and mattress worker. Born: Pennsylvania.
Father dead. Mother living: Mary Prunkard, Attention Blair Co., Pennsylvania.
Widower: child living with its Grandmother, 14 years old. Resident, State: 18 months.
Time confined in jail: 4 months. First time in Prison.
2106 - Frank Schock [Signature: David F. Schock]
Sentenced January 22, 1880. Received at Prison January 26, 1880.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill. Did not plead guilty. Term: 10 Years. Age: 19
Laborer. Born: Iowa. Both Parents Living. [H. L. (?)] and Mary Schock, Little Dutch, Cowley Co., Kansas. Single. Time Consumed in Jail: 2 months. Times in Prison: First.
2127 - Micheal Reynold
Sentenced February 27, 1880. Received at Prison March 8, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 30. Height: 5'10".
Laborer. Born: Ireland. Parents: Don’t know. Single. Time Consumed in Jail: 1 month.
Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write. [No signature.]
2204 - John McMahan [McMahon shown on record sheet/signed McMahan.]
Sentemced May 13, 1880. Received at Prison May 15, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 3 Years. Age: 17. Height: 6'3-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Iowa. Father, dead. Mother, living. Mary E. McMahan, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Single. Times in Prison: Second Here. Signature: J. H. McMahan
2205 - James Moon
Sentenced May 13, 1880. Received at Prison May 15, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 1 Year. Age: 31. Height: 5'5-3/4".
Laborer. Born: Ireland. Parents: Both Living. John & Anna Moon, Furhan Kings Co., Ireland.
Single. Times in Prison: First. [No signature] Cannot read or write.
2214 - Chas. H. Payson
Sentenced May 13, 1880. Received at Prison May 20, 1880.
Crime: False pretenses. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 5 Years. Age: 24. Height: 5'10-3/4"
Lawyer. Born: Indiana. Parents both living: H L. & Marie [Marisco?] Payson, Ashkusa, Illinois. Time in Prison: 2 months. [Signature: Chas H Payson]
2282 - Francis Gray
Sentenced August 28, 1880. Received at Prison August 31, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 3 Years. Age: 22. Height 5'8" Clerk. Born: Pennsylvania.
Parents both living: Jas. & Ann Mariah Gray, Germantown, Pennsylvania. Single.
Time in jail: 3-1/2 months. Term: First. [Signature: John Gray ? J obscured: something written over it...maybe his name was Francis John or John Francis Gray?
2283 - David Waterman
Sentenced August 27, 1880. Received at Prison August 31, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 3 Years. Age: 32. Height 5'10-1/2" Stone Cutter.
Born: Michigan. Parents both living: Washington & Polly Waterman, Wichita, Kansas.
Single. Time in jail. 1 months. Term: Second. [Signature: D. B. Waterman]
2284 - Frank Wilson #2
Sentenced August 28, 1880. Received at Prison August 31, 1880.
Crime: Assault with deadly weapon. Term: 10 Years. Age: 24. Height: 5'7-1/4"
Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father living; mother dead. J. C. B. Wharton, Centropolis, Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 3-1/2 months. Term: First. Signature: Frank Wilson.
2285 - George Edwards
Sentenced August 28, 1880. Received at Prison August 31, 1880.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill. Term: 1 Year, 6 Months. Age: 22. Height: 5'10-1/4"
Complexion: Black. Cook. Born: Louisiana. Parents: Both deceased. Single.
Time in Jail: 1 month. Term: First. Cannot read or write. [No signature.]
2288 - Geo. E. Davis [? Signature different]
Sentenced August 27, 1880. Received at Prison August 31, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 2 Years. Age: 23. Complexion: Dark Copper. Cook.
Born: South Carolina. Parents: Both living: Jesse & Lavina Davis, San Antonio, Texas.
Married. Wife: Mamie Miller, Effingham, Kansas. Number of children: five.
Time in Jail: 5 months. Term: First. Signature: Robert Older Miller]
2377 - Thomas F. King
Sentenced December 6, 1880. Received at Prison December 20, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 18. Height: 5'4-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Ohio. Father living; mother dead. Michael King, Youngstown, Ohio.
Single. Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months. Term: First. [Thomas f King]
2378 - Robert E. Lewis
Sentenced December 18, 1880. Received at Prison December 20, 1880.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 16. Height: 5'9-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Missouri. Father dead; mother living. Step Father R. C. Dunham in Jail, Winfield, Cowley County. Mother: E. E. Dunham, Maysouth, Arkansas.
No children. Reads and writes a little. Time in Jail: 1 month. Term: First.
[Signature: R E Lewis]
2379 - Clinton Grimes
Sentenced December 18, 1880. Received at Prison December 20, 1880.
Crime: Burglary and Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 18. Height: 5'7-3/4"
Farmer. Born: Illinois. Parents both living: John S. Grimes and Margt. M. Grimes,
Parents’ address: Cederford, Butler Co., Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 6 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Clinton Grimes]
2451- Alexander May
Sentenced May 14, 1881. Received at Prison May 16, 1881.
Crime: Forgery. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 Years. Age: 36. Height: 5'4-3/4"
Wagon Maker. Born: Ohio. Parents both dead. Wife: Jennie May, Harts Mills,
Chautauqua County, Kansas. Three children. Cannot read or write.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [No signature.]
2452 - Allison Toops
Sentenced May 14, 1881. Received at Prison May 16, 1881.
Crime: Forgery. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year 6 Months. Age: 30. Height: 5'10"
Farmer. Born: Ohio. Father: dead. Mother: living. Ann Toops, Harts Mills,
Chautauqua County, Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Allison Toops]
2554 - James Jackson
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 Years. Age: 24. Height: 5'5"
Shoemaker. Born: Pennsylvania. Both parents living. (Names not given.) Single.
Time in Jail: 6-1/2 months. Times in Prison: Second time. [Signature: James Jackson]
2555 - Joseph Allhouse
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year, 6 Months. Age: 24. Height 5'6-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Iowa. Both parents living: Jonathan & Mina Allhour, Imogen, Freemont Co., Iowa. Time in Jail: 6 months. Times in Prison, First time:
Signature: Joseph Allshose or Allshone [?] That is what it looks like
2556 - Jefferson McDade
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 19. Height: 5'7"
Farmer. Born: Tennessee. Father: dead. Mother: living. Mary E. McDade, Winfield,
Cowley Co., Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 5 months. Times in Prison: First time.
Signature: Jefferson McDade.
2557 - Ewell Harmon
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 4 Years. Age: 27. Height: 5'7-3/4"
Farmer. Born: Kentucky. Father: dead. Mother: living. May Harmon, Rock P. O.,
Cowley Co., Kansas. Married. Wife: Luna [?] Harmon, Rock, Cowley Co., Kansas.
Two children. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First.
Signature: E. W. Harmon.
2558 - George Haywood
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Forgery Second Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 7 Years. Age: 50
Height: 5'11-1/2" Cigar Maker and Stone Cutter. Born: Pennsylvania.
Father: dead. Mother: living. Cornelia Lenox, Carthage, Illinois. Single.
Time in Jail: 5 months. Times in Prison: Third. Second was in Illinois.
[Signature: Richard Lenix.]
2559 - Thomas J. Armstrong
Sentenced November 21, 1881. Received at Prison November 22, 1881.
Crime: Murder Second Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 15 Years. Age: 36
Height: 5'10-1/4" Carpenter. Born: Ohio. Both parents dead. Single.
Time in Jail: 1 month. Times in Prison: First time. [Signature: Thomas J Armstrong]
2591 - Chas C. McLain
Sentenced January 9, 1882. Received at Prison January 13, 1882.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 26. Height: 5'4"
Salesman. Born: Indiana. Father: dead. Mother: living. Mary Farlico [?], Frankfort,
Clinton Co., Indiana. Married: Yes. Kate McLain, Wichita, Kansas, go to his mothers in Indiana. No children. Time in Jail: 1 week. Times in Prison: First Time.
[Signature: Charles C McLain]
2818 - Robert Herriott
Sentenced December 4, 1882. Received at Prison December 6, 1882.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 Years. Age: 32. Height: 5'9"
Farmer. Born: Kentucky. Both parents living. Askew Hanich Herriott [not at all sure
of first two names] followed by SW [mother’s initials?] of Lawrence, Kansas. Single.
Time in Jail: 5 weeks. Times in Prison: First Time. [Signature: Robt Herriott]
2819 - Mary Freylinger
Sentenced December 4, 1882. Received at Prison December 6, 1882.
Crime: Murder 2nd degree. Did not plead Guilty.
Term of Sentence: Time of Natural Life. Age: 51 [or 57?] Height: 5'3"
Housekeeper. Born: Germany. Parents both dead. Married: John Freylinger,
Arkansas City, Kansas. No children. [Lived in state 25 Years.] Time in Jail: 4 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Marea Farnglinger ? Frnglinger? Whew! ???]
2820 - Anna Quarles
Sentenced December 4, 1882. Received at Prison December 6, 1882.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 Years. Age: 17. Height 5'
Housekeeper. Born: Texas. Both parents dead. Married to T Quarles, No. “2821"
[Property in Texas] Cannot read or write. Time in Jail: 3 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[No signature.]
2821 - Thomas Quarles [Two entries] #1
Sentenced December 4, 1882. Received at Prison December 6, 1882.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 22. Height: 5'10-1/4"
Farmer [?] Born: Kansas. Father: living. Mother: dead. Father: J. T. Quarles, Winfield,
Cowley Co., Kansas. Married: Left blank. Property: 80 acres in Travis Co., Texas.
Time in Jail: 4 months? 4 weeks? [looks like Wa or Ma written] Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Thomas B Quarles]
2821 - Thomas Quarles [Two entries] #2
Sentenced: Left Blank. Received at Prison December 6, 1882.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty.
Term: 2 Years. Commencing at Expiration of above.
2952 - William H. Colgate
Sentenced June 4, 1883. Received at Prison June 6, 1883.
Crime: Arson in the Fourth Degree. [Guilty or Not Guilty]...left blank.
Term: 3 Years. Age: 31. Height: 5'5-1/2"
Complexion: Dark. Color of Hair: Black. Color of Eyes: Black Hazel [two words].
Occupation: Bookkeeper. Born: New York. Father: living. Mother: dead.
Father: James Colgate, New York City, 47 Wall St.
Married: Yes. Muimi? Miumi? Colgate, Winfield, Ks.
Number of children: Two. Property Owner: None. Residence in State: 18 months.
Reads and Writes: Yes to both. Time in Jail: Ten Days. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Wm. H. Colgate]
2953 - Dennis F. Smith.
Sentenced June 4, 1883. Received at Prison June 6, 1883.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Left blank: Guilty or not. Term: 3 Years. Age: 21.
Height: 5-11-1/2" Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father: Left blank. Mother: living.
Minerva Powell, Winfield, KS [looks sorta like KS] Single. Time in Jail: 3 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: D. F. Smith]
3065 - Leonard Carder
Sentenced October 11, 1883. Received at Prison October 13, 1883.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 Years. Age: 24. Height: 6'-1/4"
Brick Maker. Born: Virginia.Father: living. E. Carder, Arkansas City, KS. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: leonard Carder]
Note: He did write leonard instead of Leonard.
3067 - John Askins
Sentenced October 11, 1883. Received at Prison October 13, 1883.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 1 year. Age: 18. Height: 5'10-1/2"
Farmer. Born: Illinois. Both parents living. Wm. E. Askins, Winfield, Ks. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First.
Cannot read or write. No signature.
[Note: What was written initially for his name was erased. John Askins written over it.]
3068 - N B Lagle
Sentenced October 11, 1883. Received at Prison October 13, 1883.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 5 Years. Age: 26. Height: 5'10"
Barber. Born: Indiana. Father: living. Mother: no answer. Wm. Lagle, Bradford, Harrison Co., Ind. Married: Yes. Nellie [Mollie?] N. Lagle, Wichita, Ks
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Norman B Lagle]
3147 - William Bruner
Sentenced January 14, 1884. Received at Prison February 1, 1884.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 Years. Age: 18. Height 5'7-1/4"
Complexion: Mulatto. Color of Hair: Black. Color of Eyes: Black.
Laborer. Born: Kansas. Mother Living. Mary E Stervill [?], Leroy, Ks. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: Second.
[Signature: William Bruner]
3264 - Francis S. Marston
Sentenced May 6, 1884. Received at Prison May 28, 1884.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 1 Year. Age: 21. Height: 5'10"
Farmer. Born: Illinois. Parents: Both living. Wilmar and Lydia, Upper Lake, California.
Single. Owns 160 acres, lived in Kansas 8 years. Time in Jail: 3 weeks.
Times in Prison. First. [Signature: Frances S. Marston [No dot above e in Frances]
Am really confused over early renditions of Francis and often they spelled the man’s name as Frances.
3373 - Wilson M. Campbell
Sentenced November 3, 1884. Received at Prison November 6, 1884.
Crime: Rape. No answer to guilt. Term: 10 years. Age: 45. Machinist.
Born: Ohio. Father: dead: Mother: living. Lucinda, Iowa.
Married: Nancy Jane [Wellington? McLauglin?], Ks. Children: 2.
[Signature: Wilson M Campbell]
3374 - John Askins
Sentenced November 3, 1884. Received at Prison November 6, 1884.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Term: 5 Years. Age: 20. Height 5'11" Farmer.
Born: Illinois. Both parents living: L and Wm. Time in Jail: 3 weeks.
Times in Prison. Second. [Signature: John W. Askins]
3577 - G . W. Estes
Sentenced May 4, 1885. Received at Prison May 6, 1885.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 26. Height: 5'11-3/4"
Farmer. Born: Iowa. Both parents living. J. F. and Eliza [Allen] (1st line)
J. F., Harvard, Wayne Co., Iowa. Eliza, Columbus, Cherokee Co., Ks.
Single. Time in Jail: 3 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Estes]
3578 - Chas. Lewis #3
Sentenced May 4, 1885. Received at Prison May 6, 1885.
Crime: Breaking Jail. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 Years. Age: 29. Height: 5'5"
Liquor Dealer. Born: Kentucky. Both parents living. Chas & Sophia, Denver, Colorado.
Single. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Chas Lewis]
3579 - Thos. Corbin
Sentenced May 4, 1885. Received at Prison May 6, 1885.
Crime: Embezzlement. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 30. Height: 5'5"
Farmer. Born: Mississippi. Father living: yes. No response to Mother.
Father: T. J. Colburn, Dallas Co., Arkansas [Tulip written after state.]
Single. Time in Jail: 2 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signatures: two lines) 1st) T R Colburn ? 2nd) T R Corbin
3580 - F. M. Moreland
Sentenced May 4, 1885. Received at Prison May 6, 1885
Crime: Grand Larceny Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 22. Height: 5'7"
Stone Mason. Born: Missouri. Indicated both parents were dead. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: f M moreland]
3862 - Francis Hutchinson
Sentenced January 27, 1886. Received at Prison January 31, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 30. Height 5'9"
Laborer. Born: Illinois. Father: living. Mother: dead. Father: Francis G., Grenola, Elk Co., Kas. Married: Yes. Wife: Florena same as father. Children: 3.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Francis Hutchinson]
3863 - Reuben Hutchinson
Sentenced January 27, 1886. Received at Prison January 31, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 24. Height 5'-8/12"
Farmer. Born: Illinois. [Gave same answer to father/mother as brother Francis above.]
Single. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Could not read or write.]
3864 - William Johnson
Sentenced January 27, 1886. Received at Prison January 31, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 33. Height 5'8-1/4"
Herding and Farming. Born: Missouri. Parents both living: Wm. & Karen, Saline Co., Marshall P. O., Missouri. Single. Time in Jail: 3-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Mike Johnson]
3865 - Charles E. Engledon
Sentenced January 27, 1886. Received at Prison January 31, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year, 6 Months. Age: 21. Height 5'7-1/2"
Farming. Born: Indiana. Parents: dead. Uncle, P. O. in Rock. Sisters, Marion, Kansas.
Single. Time in Jail: 7 months. Times in Prison: First [Signature: Charley Engledon]
3970 - Henry Mowry
Sentenced May 12, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Murder 1st Degree. Plead not Guilty. To be Hanged. Age: 42. Height 5'6-1/4"
Farmer. Born: Ohio. Both parents living: W. J. and Rose A. Mowry, Arkansas City,
Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Henry Mowry]
3971 - William Matney
Sentenced May 11, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill to break jail. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 years.
Age: 20. Height: 5'8-1/2" Laborer. Born: ? Could be Colorado or California?]
Parents living: Yes. Jacob & Ellen, Joplin, Missouri. Did not answer, but assume he was single. Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Wm Matney]
3972 - Jay Knickabocker
Sentenced May 12, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 20. Height: 5'6-1/2"
Hotel work and Laborer. Born: Scotland. Indicated mother living: Jennie Shapley,
Ninescah, Kan. Single. Time in Jail: 6 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Jay Knickabocker]
3973 - Francis W. Graham
Sentenced May 6, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Forgery. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 23. Height 5'7-3/4"
Bookkeeping and office work. Born: Illinois. Father living: A. A. Graham, Eskridge, Kansas. Indicated he was married: her name not given. Time in Jail: 6 months.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: F. W Graham]
3974 - Jas. A. Meese
Sentenced May 12, 1886. Received at Prison May 12, 1886.
Crime: Bringing stolen property into County. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year.
Age: 18. Height 5'3" Laborer. Born: Indiana. Parents: Both living. J. [N or H] and R. L.,
Cedar Fork, Kansas. Gather from no response he was single.
Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: J. A. Meese]
3975 - John David Wiggins [Entry No. 1.]
Sentenced May 11, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Passing Counterfeit Coin. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 25.
Height: 5'6" Laborer. Born: Indiana. Indicated both parents dead. Single.
Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John D. Wiggins]
3975 - John David Wiggins [Entry No. 2.]
Crime: Assault to kill and breaking jail. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 Years.
To commence at Expiration of above.
3976 - Charles Swift [Entry No. 1.]
Sentenced May 11, 1886. Received at Prison May 13, 1886.
Crime: Forgery. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 23. Height 5'9"
Farmer. Born: Missouri. Indicated both parents dead. Single. Gave name of
his brother, J. P. Swift, Eureka, Kansas. Time in Jail: 3 months.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John D. Wiggins]
3976 - Charles Swift [Entry No. 2.]
Crime: Assault to kill in attempting to break jail. Plead Guilty.
Term: 5 Years. To commence at Expiration of above.
4007 - Matthew Corrigan
Sentenced June 7, 1886. Received at Prison June 10, 1886.
Crime: Burglary in a Dwelling. Plead Guilty. Term: One year and one day.
Age: 31. Height 5'7-1/2" Stone Cutter. Born: [D. C.?] Parents not living.
Gave name of Brothers: Jos. and Dan’l Corrigan, 209 Vine St., St. Louis, Mo.
Single. Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature Matthew Corigan]
4093 - Robert Boykin
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 Year. Age: 25. Height 5'9-3/4"
Bookkeeper and Clerk and Saddle Tree Maker. Born: Louisiana.
Both parents living: R. J. & F. J., Ft. Worth, Texas. Mother, West Plains, Ks.
Married: Josie, Leavenworth, Kansas. One child.Time in Jail: 1-1/2 months.
Times in Prison: Second. [Signature: Robt J. Boykin]
4094 - Charles Uhles
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 Years. Age: 21. Height 5'9-1/4"
Farm Laborer. Born: Illinois. Parents living: William & Nancy, Opolis, Kansas.
Single. Time in Jail: 8 Days. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Charles Uhles]
4095 - Willie Lewis [Negro?]
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 16. Height 5'6-1/4"
Complexion: Mulatto. Eyes and Hair: Black. Kitchen work. Born: Kentucky.
Father living: Yes. Orange, Trinidad, Colorado. Single. Time in Jail: 2 months.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: W. H. Lewis]
4096 - George Fields
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Counterfeiting. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 30. Height 5'6-3/12"
Stone Cutter and Laborer. Born: Kentucky. Parents dead. Brothers: Christopher and
Cornelius, Cattlesburg, Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: G. W. Fields]
4097 - Ernest Reece
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Grand Larceny in Dwelling House. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 18.
Height 5'9-1/2" Laborer and Houseman. Born: Missouri. Mother living: Mary E.,
Springfield, Missouri. Single. Time in Jail: 5 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Ernest Reese] Note difference in name/signature.
4098 - Martin McGrew
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Counterfeiting. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 16. Height 5'7-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Kansas. Father: Archibald, Box 2, Lansing, Kansas. Mother: Dead.
Single. Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Martin Mcgrew]
4099 - Archibald McGrew
Sentenced September 18, 1886. Received at Prison September 21, 1886.
Crime: Counterfeiting. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 Years. Age: 53. Height 6'1/2"
Laborer. Born: Indiana. Parents both dead. Widower. Has son. W. C. McGrew, Arkansas City, Kansas. Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Archibald McGrew]
4071 - W. M. Mason
Sentenced January 13, 1887. Received at Prison January 17, 1887.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 25
Height 5'5-3/4" Laborer. Born: Missouri. Both parents living: D. M. and Mary, Galina,
Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 1 month. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Willie Mason]
4272 - John Doe [Signature: J. E. Brittain]
Sentenced January 13, 1887. Received at Prison January 17, 1887.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 27. Height 6'1/4"
Laborer. Born: Indiana. Both parents living. Father: F. M. Brittain, Roann, Indiana.
Mother: Mahala Brittain, Greensford, Indiana. Single. Time in Jail: 4 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [As stated above, Signature: J. E. Brittain]
4443 - John W. Shults
Sentenced June 13, 1887. Received at Prison June 23, 1887.
Crime: Forgery. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 24. Height 5'4-1/4"
Complexion: Dark. Hair: Black. Eyes: Hazel. Laborer. Born: Indiana.
Parents both dead. Single. Brothers: Jim, Dell, Sanford, Cheney, Kansas.
Another brother: Harrison, Crooked Creek, Ford County, Kansas.
Time in Jail: 1-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: J W Shults]
4624 - Mattie Abbott
Sentenced December 20, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 20. Height 5'4-3/4"
Complexion: Dark. Hair: Dark Brown. Eyes: Black. Dressmaker. Born: Illinois.
Father: Samuel Rhodes, Torrance, Kansas. Mother: Dead. Widow.
Time in Jail: 10 Days. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Mattie Abbott]
4625 - Caldwell Alias Thornton Rasker [R Askes??]
Sentenced December 29, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 Years. Age: 25. Height 5'9-1/4"
Complexion Black. Hair and eyes: Black. Laborer. Born: Missouri. Parents dead.
Did not fill out box whether married or single. Time in Jail: 5 weeks.
Times in Prison: Second. [Signature: Thornton Caldwell]
Remarks: Escaped September 6, 1889. Recaptured September 30, 1889.
4626 - E. W. Wade
Sentenced December 28, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Burglary 2nd Degree and Grand Larceny. Plead not Guilty. Term: 10 years.
Age: 25. Height 5'8-3/4" Complexion Black. Hair and Eyes Black.
Hotel waiter. Born: Pennsylvania. Parents living. Sam and Mary A., Sudlow Street,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Did not fill out box (married or single).
Time in Jail: 5 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: E. W. Wade]
4627 - Charles Johnson
Sentenced December 29, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Burglary and Grand Larceny. Plead not Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 25
Height 5'6-1/4" Laborer. Born: Ohio. Parents living: Charles & Anna, Orville, Ohio.
Did not fill out box (married or single). Time in Jail: 4 months.
Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write. [No signature.]
4628 - D. Clark [Twice Received from January 1, 1888.] (Not sure what that means.)
Sentenced September 24, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Incest. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 24. Height 5'7-3/4" Farm laborer.
Born: Iowa. Mother: Yes. Mary. Florence, Iowa. Married: Yes. Mary, Arkansas City,
Kansas. Children: not filled out. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: D Clark]
4629 - John Roberts [Not his real name. See below.]
Sentenced December 29, 1887. Received at Prison January 1, 1888.
Crime: Burglary and Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 17.
Height 5'6-3/4" Laborer. Born: New Jersey. Parents dead. Brother: Wm. Morreson,
Muncie, New York. Sister: Elizabeth Wannemaker, Suferance, New York.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John Roberts.]
Comments: John Morreson (real name). Guardian Levi Hopper, [Name of City and County in New Jersey illegible.] [Note: Not even sure that John Morreson is correct.
Whoever wrote this made it almost illegible.]
4707 - John McGuire
Sentenced April 17, 1888. Received at Prison April 19, 1888.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 33. Height 5'11"
Teamster. Born: Texas. Parents dead. Single. Brothers: Jim and Joe, Fredricksburg, Texas. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John Mcguire]
4708 - Henry Reed [See Signature...Will Gervin]
Sentenced April 17, 1888. Received at Prison April 19, 1888.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 27. Height 5'8-3/4"
Laborer. Born: Kentucky. Parents dead. Single. Brother: Geo. Gervin, Owensborough, Kentucky. Time in jail: 9 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Will Gervin]
4709 - R. N. Andrew
Sentenced April 17, 1888. Received at Prison April 19, 1888.
Crime: Forgery. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 22. Height 6'2-1/2"
Carpenter. Born: Indiana. Parents living: Stanton and Luda, Atica, Harper Co., Kas.
Married: Lucy, Marion [Enunus?] Co., Ind. Time in jail: 7 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: R. N. Andrew]
4896 - Job Barrow
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Burglary Railroad Car. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 6 years. Age: 29.
Height 5'7" Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father dead. Mother: Pricilla, Winfield, Ks.
Single. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write. No signature.
4897 - Henry Frey [See signature, which is different.]
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 19. Height 5'10-1/2"
Laborer. Born: Iowa. Parents living. Father, Jarvis, Fairfield, Jefferson Co., Iowa.
Mother: Margaret, Lawson, Grant Co., Ks. Single.Time in Jail: 1 month.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Henry Fry]
4898 - Al Smith [Black]
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Assault with intent to rape. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 10 years. Age: 28
Height 5'9-3/4" Laborer. Born: Missouri. Parents living. Wm. & Amy, Ottawa, Kansas.
Single. Time in Jail: 5 months. Term: Second. Cannot read or write. Remarks: Same man Dis 2 yrs.
4899 - Milford Carson
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Larceny from a freight car. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 22 Height 5'10-1/4"
Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father dead. Mother: Mary, Winfield, Ks. Single. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Milford Carson]
4900 - Perry Barrow
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Larceny from a freight car. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 4 years. Age: 22.
Height: 5'10-1/4" Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father: dead. Mother: Mary, Winfield, Ks.
Single. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write.
4901 - William Barrow
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Larceny from a freight car. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 22.
Height 6'. Laborer. Born: Indiana. Father: dead. Mother: See “Job Barrow” above.
Single. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write.
4902 - John Carson
Sentenced October 3, 1888. Received at Prison October 5, 1888.
Crime: Larceny from a freight car. Plead Guilty. Term: 4 years. Age: 24. Height 5'7-1/2"
Laborer: Born: Indiana. Father: dead. Mother: Mary, Winfield, Ks. Single.
Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John Carson]
5007 -Charles Shelton
Sentenced December 29, 1888. Received at Prison January 17, 1889.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 28
Height 5'7-3/4" Laborer. Born: Missouri. Father: dead. Mother: Mary A. Witt, Montgomery Co., Ill. Single. Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Charles Shelton]
5072 - Milt Andrews
Sentenced April 12, 1889. Received at Prison April 14, 1889.
Crime: Unlawfully and feloniously one Viola Chatfield carnally and unlawfully know, she the said Viola Chatfield then and there being a female under the age of 18 years.
Did not plead Guilty. Term: 10 years. Age: 20. Height 6'2-3/4" Farmer. Born: Indiana.
Parents living: Stanton and Liddie, Attica, Kansas. Single. Time in Jail: 4 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Milton J. Andrew]
5073 - William L. Reynolds
Sentenced April 9, 1889. Received at Prison April 14, 1889.
Crime: Manslaughter 4th degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 21.
Height 5'11" Farmer. Born: Kentucky. Parents: Thos & Lidia, Burden, Kans. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: William Reynolds]
5074 - F. A. Shinkle
Sentenced April 11, 1889. Received at Prison April 14, 1889.
Crime: Unlawfully and feloniously and carnally know one Retta Snook, she the said Retta Snook being then and there a female under the age of 18 years. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 15 years. Age: 47. Height 5'7-1/4" Farmer. Born: Illinois.
Father: Clinstcaie [?] Springs, Johnson Co., Kas. [Entire entry very garbled...hard to tell if father’s name was given. said Johnston Co. [?] Wife: Ella, Peru, Kansas. Children: 7.
Time in Jail: 1 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: F A Shinkle]
Remarks: Commuted to 11 years and 2 months.
5075 - George W. Webb
Sentenced April 11, 1889. Received at Prison April 14, 1889.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 30. Height 5'7-3/4"
Farmer and Barber. Born: Indiana. Parents living: Jno. & Ednie, Bellemore, Indiana.
Married: Mary Jane, Rainville [?], Indiana. Children: 1. Time in Jail: 3 weeks.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Geo. W. Webb]
5075 - George W. Webb
Term: 4 Years. To commence at expiration of the above.
5224 - John Askin
Sentenced September 17, 1889. Received at Prison September 23, 1889.
Crime: Larceny in a dwelling. Plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 27. Height 5'10-3/4"
Farmer. Born: Illinois. Father living: Wm., Winfield, Ks. Single. Time in Jail: 3 months.
Times in Prison: Third Time. [Signature: John Askin]
5225 - William Powers
Sentenced September 21, 1889. Received at Prison September 23, 1889.
Crime: Rape girl under 18 years. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 5 years. Age: 21.
Height 5'10-3/4" Railroad Laborer. Born: Kentucky. Parents: dead.
[Listed: Sarah & Alice, Houstonville, Kentucky. Relationship not made clear.]
Single. Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Willie Powers]
5337 - Horace Roe [Real name unknown]
Sentenced December 18, 1889. Received at Prison December 27, 1889.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 28. Height 5'7"
Farmer. Born: Kentucky. Father living: John C. Graham, 720 Market St., Louisville, Ky.
Single. Time in Jail: 3-1/2 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Horris, Roe]
5505 - Wm. Basey [Black]
Sentenced May 3, 1890. Received at Prison May 6, 1890.
Crime: Intent to kill by Poisoning. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 7 years. Age: 39
Height: 5'11-1/2" Stone Cutter and Polisher. Born: Virginia. Parents not living. Single.
Time in Jail: 3 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: William A. Basey]
5536 - R. W. Slusser
Sentenced June 6, 1890. Received at Prison June 10, 1890.
Crime: Forgery. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 48. Height 5'6" Farmer. Born: Ohio.
Father living: Peter Slosser, Lawrence, Ka. Married: Mattie V. S., Oxford, Sumner Co., Ks.
Three children. Time in Jail: 4 weeks. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: R. W. Slusser] Note: Father listed as Slosser.
5537 - E. W. Turner
Sentenced June 7, 1890. Received at Prison June 10, 1890.
Crime: Manslaughter 4th Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 38.
Height: 5'8-3/4" Liveryman. Born: Iowa. Parents living: R. R. & Winnie, Cedarvale, Kas.
Married: Ida I. Turner, Dexter, Cowley Co., Ks. Children: 5. Time in Jail: 1 week.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: E W Turner]
5538 - Don Chenoweth
Sentenced June 6, 1890. Received at Prison June 10, 1890.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 22. Height: 5'7-3/4" Farmer.
Born: Ohio. Parents living: Lewis F. and Martha, Millerton, Sumner County, Kansas.
Single. Time in Jail: 2 weeks. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: D. K. Chenowith]
5605 - Jake Probasco
Sentenced October 2, 1890. Received at Prison October 6, 1890.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 23. Height 5'11"
Laborer. Born: Kansas. Mother living: Susan Strong, Arkansas City, Kansas. Single.
Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: jacob probasco]
5606 - Frank Handy
Sentenced October 2, 1890. Received at Prison October 6, 1890. Did not plead Guilty.
Term: 3 years. Age: 18. Height 5'8-1/2" Laborer. Born: Kansas. Mother living: Elizabeth Handy, Orlina, Oklahoma.
Single. Time in Jail: 4 months. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Frank Handy]
5840 - Wm. Curl [Signature a wee bit different.]
Sentenced April 27, 1891. Received at Prison April 28, 1891.
Crime: Burglary and Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 6 years. Age: 17.
Height 5'11-3/4" Laborer. Born: Illinois. Mother living: Lydia Curl, Arkansas City, Ks.
Single. Time in Jail: 2 months. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Willie Curll]
Remarks: Pardoned. [Date not given.]
5841 - J. C. Williamson alias Alex. Hodgeman
Sentenced April 27, 1891. Received at Prison April 28, 1891.
Crime: Burglary and Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 6 years. Age: 19.
Height: 5'9" Druggist and Architect. Born: Missouri. Mother: Jennie Hodgeman, 3842 Windsor Place, St. Louis, Missouri. [No answer to being married.] Time in Jail: 2-1/2 months. [Underneath: (1')] Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Alexander Hodgeman]
5842 - J. H. Smith
Sentenced April 27, 1891. Received at Prison April 28, 1891.
Crime: Burglary and Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 6 years. Age: 20.
Height 5'9-1/4" Barber and Cook. Born: Utah. Parents not living. Single.
Sister: Julia Smith, St. Joseph, Mo. Time in Jail: 2 months. [Underneath: (1')]
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: J. H. Smith]
5918 - Frank Smith #4
Sentenced July 14, 1891. Received at Prison July 21, 1891.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 21. Height 5'6-1/2"
Laborer. Born: Michigan. Parents not living. No response: married/single.
Time in Jail: 2 months. [Underneath (1")] Times in Prison: First.
Signature: Frank Smith
5919 - Ol. Webster
Sentenced July 14, 1891. Received at Prison July 21, 1891.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 16. Height 5'8-1/4"
Dish Washer. Born: Indiana. Parents: W. H. Webster & M. A. Webster, Winfield, Kan.
Single. Time in Jail: 3 weeks. [Underneath (1")] Times in Prison: First.
Signature: Ollie Lee Webster
5992 - C. C. Ross Alias [Signature shows Kostelecky]
Sentenced November 7, 1891. Received at Prison November 13, 1891.
Crime: Robbery 1st Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 10 years. Age: 31.
Height: 5'10-1/4" Laborer. Born: Iowa. Mother living: Annie Kostelecky, Iowa City,
Iowa. Single. Time in Jail: 2 months. [Underneath 3"] Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Burt Kostelecky] Remarks: They either said “Died” or “Out”
Began to change Items on Form Used by Pen and Ink.
“Where Born” changed to “Date of Where Born”
“Time Confined in Jail” changed to “At School”
6025 - John Doe Alias John Young
Sentenced November 30, 1891. Received at Prison December 2, 1891.
Crime: Burglary 3rd Degree. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 22. Height: 5'8-1/4"
Cook 3 years. Born: May 22, 1869, Ohio. [Next box: From Michigan.]
Parents: Ohio, both living: Joseph & Sarah Young, 30 Davis St., West Cleveland, Ohio.
Single. At school: 7 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John Young]
6059 - G. W. Reeves
Sentenced January 7, 1892. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Burglary 3rd Degree. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 43. Height 5'6-1/4"
Painter. Born June 11, 1849, Wisconsin. [Next box: from Iowa.] Parents from Wisconsin.
Both dead. Married: Mary A., Winfield, Kansas. One child. [Never attended school. Cannot read or write. Times in Prison: First. [No signature]
6060 - Wm. Lee
Sentenced January 7, 1892. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 23. Height 5'5-1/4"
Laborer. Born April 18, 1869, in Iowa. From Iowa. Parents both living, from Iowa.
Parents: R. H. & Emma, Arkansas City, Kansas. Married? Did not check. Name was
mentioned: Alice Lee, Arkansas City, Kansas. Attended school 8 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: W. Lee]
6061 - Richard Lee
Sentenced December 18, 1891. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 26. Height 5'5-3/4"
Laborer. Born September 8, 1866, Iowa. From Iowa. Parents from Iowa: R. H. & Emma,
Arkansas City, Kansas. Single. In school ½ year. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: richerd Lee]
6062 - H. C. Paul
Sentenced December 16, 1891. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Burglary 3rd degree. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 20. Height 5'5-1/2"
Laborer. Born September 19, 1871, in Texas. Parents: father dead.
Mother: Amanda Watts, Texarkana, Texas. Single. At school 7 months.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: H C Paul]
6063 - Lawrence Carson
Sentenced January 7, 1892. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Robbery 1st degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 10 years. Age: 21.
Height 5'4-1/4" Laborer. Born February 11, 1872, Indiana. From Indiana.
Parents: Ohio. Father dead. Mother: Mary J., Winfield, Kansas. Single.
At school 15 months. Times in Prison: Third Time here.
[Signature: Lawrence Carson] Remarks. Left here May 22, 1891. Out.
Do not understand what Remarks mean.
6064 - Geo. Hubert
Sentenced January 7, 1892. Received at Prison January 9, 1892.
Crime: Robbery 1st degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 10 years. Age: 23.
Height 5'7-3/4" Laborer. Born March 22, 1868, in Illinois. From Ohio.
Parents from Ohio: both dead. Sister: Maggie Phillips, Watseka, Illinois. Single.
In school 4 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: George W. Hubert.]
Remarks. (Out)
6183 - Chas. Wilson #5
Sentenced April 14, 1892. Received at Prison April 30, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 19. Height 5'4-1/2"
Machinist. Born October 19, 1873, Illinois. From Illinois. Parents: Illinois.
Father dead. Mother: Margaret Winters, Charleston, Illinois. Single.
In school 6 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Chas Wilson]
6184 - Henry Washington [Black? Not clear.]
Sentenced April 12, 1892. Received at Prison April 30, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 23. Height 5'6"
Born 1869 in Missouri. From Missouri. Parents from Maryland. Father dead.
Mother: Rachael Ann Baker, Winfield, Kansas. Married: Minerva Washington,
Terre Haute, Indiana. One child. In school one year. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: henry washington]
6185 - Wm. Herneman
Sentenced April 16, 1892. Received at Prison April 30, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 20. Height 5'10"
Laborer. Born November 10, 1872, in Kansas. From Germany.
Parents: From Missouri. Father: Dead. Mother: Lucy Herneman, 1610 South Manning Street, Winfield, Kansas. Single. In school: Never. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Wm Herneman]
6186 - John Doe alias G. W. Rauyan [See signature.]
Sentenced April 19, 1892. Received at Prison April 30, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 27. Height 5'10-1/4"
Farmer. Born April 25, 1865, Nebraska. From Denmark. Parents from Denmark. Dead.
Single. In school: 8 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: G W Runyun]
6235 - Geo. T. Eastin
Sentenced May 31, 1892. Received at Prison June 7, 1892.
Crime: Assauult with intent to kill. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 24.
Height 5'10" Book Binding. Born July 28, 1892, in Illinois. From Illinois.
Parents: From Kentucky. Henry M. and Betty P., Winfield, Kansas. Single.
At school: 6 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: George T. Eastin]
6284 - L. J. Cotton
Sentenced July 20, 1892. Received at Prison August 8, 1892.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 41. Height 5'6-3/4"
Engineer. Born May 13, 1851, West Virginia. From West Virginia.
Parents: From Pennsylvania. Both Dead. Married: Susie Cotton, Sedan, Kansas.
Two girls. At school 12 years. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: L. J. Cotton]
6299 - S. Dreyfus
Sentenced September 6, 1892. Received at Prison September 25, 1892.
Crime: Obtain money under false pretenses. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 39.
Height 5'7-1/4" Traveling Salesman. Born April 12, 1853, in Germany. From
German. Parents from Germany: both Dead. Brother: Marcus Dreyfus, 2802 Washington Avenue, St. Louis. Single. At school 12 years. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Sigueumt (?) Dreyfus. Remarks: Notify Sheriff at Expiration.
6375 - Gilbert Givens
Sentenced November 28, 1892. Received at Prison December 13, 1892.
Crime: Against Nature. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 20. Height 5'5"
Laborer and Waiter. Born July 19, 1872, Kentucky. From Kentucky.
Parents from Kentucky. Mother Dead. Father: Gilbert Givens, 11 Worth County, Kansas. [Trust that “11 Worth” used constant times means Leavenworth] Single.
At school 1 term. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Gilber Gvems or Givems]
6441 - Frank Wilson
Sentenced February 4, 1893. Received at Prison February 7, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1. Age: 25. Height 5'5" Farming.
Born March 26, 1867, Illinois. From New Jersey. Parents: From New Jersey.
Both living: Thos. & Sarah, Montrose, Missouri. Married: Belle Wilson, Silverdale,
Cowley County, Kansas. Two children. At school 8 years. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Frank Wilson]
6442 - John Whipple
Sentenced February 4, 1893. Received at Prison February 7, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 19. Height 6'1-1/2" Farming.
Born January 11, 1874, Missouri. From Rhode Island. Parents from South Carolina.
Father Dead. Mother: Carolina Whipple, Silverdale, Kan. Single.At school 3 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John Whipple]
6443 - John Boucher
Sentenced February 4, 1893. Received at Prison February 7, 1893.
Crime: Manslaughter 3rd degree. [Blank: Guilty or Not Guilty]. Term: 3 years. Age: 33.
Height 5'9-1/4" Horseman. Born August 22, 1859, Kansas. From Pennsylvania.
Father: Dead. Mother: Sarah E., Arkansas City. Married: Alice L., Ark. City.
No children. At school 1 year. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John H Boucher]
6455 - James Kelly
Sentenced February 24, 1893. Received at Prison February 26, 1893.
Crime: Assault with intent to kill. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 19. Height 5'7"
Laborer. Born July 4, 1873, Minnesota. From Ohio. Parents from Ohio: both Dead.
Single. Relative: Charles Kelly, 204 Shell St., St. Paul, Minnesota. At school 2-1/2 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: James Kelly]
6456 - Horace E. Wilson
Sentenced February 24, 1893. Received at Prison February 26, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 22. Height 5'5-1/2"
Clerk in Printing Office. Born December 30, 1870, Missouri. From West Virginia.
Parents born in Louisiana. Both living: T. W. & Mary, Dallas, Texas. Single.
At school 9 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: H. E. Wilson]
6545 - Phillip Killion [real name Philip Bub]. Write J. W. Wilstack, Attorney, Lafayette, Indiana, attorney for father’s estate.
Sentenced April 29, 1893. Received at Prison May 2, 1893.
Crime: Murder 2nd Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 25 Years. Age: 26.
Height 5'8-3/4" Farmer. Born August 6, 1865, Indiana. Father and Mother born in Germany. Parents both living. Indiana. Heath [?] P. O. Married: Della. Butler County,
Kansas. Augusta P. O. One Child. Never attended school. Times in Prison: First.
[Said he could read and write.] [Signature: Phillip Killion (Hard to read)]
6546 - J. F. McMullen
Sentenced April 29, 1893. Received at Prison May 2, 1893.
Crime: Embezzlement. Plead not Guilty. Term of sentence: 2 years. Age: 62.
Height 5'6-3/4" Complexion fair. Color of hair: Iron Gray. Color of Eyes: Gray
Lawyer. Born August 1, 1830, New York. Father from Ireland. Mother from Ireland.
Parents both dead. Married: Mary Margaret, Winfield, Kansas. Children: Six.
Property Owned: No. Residence in State: 12 [months? years? not clear]
Reads and Writes: Yes. At school 12 years.
Times in Prison: No. [Usually filled out showing “first” etc.]
[Signature: J. F. McMullen] Remarks: 96 cents
6656 - Frank Benson [looks more like Rensar by person who filled out record.]
Sentenced September 30, 1893. Received at Prison October 1, 1893.
Crime: Burglary. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 6 years. Age: 24. Height 5'8"
[Eyes: Brown...right eye injured. Heavy Cut over Nose.]
Laborer. Born June 24, 1869, Pennsylvania. From New York.
Parents from New York, both living: George Benson & Mary Benson, 242 North Central Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. Single. At school 3 years. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: Frank Benson]
6657 - Fred Hoffman [Signature different.]
Sentenced September 30, 1893. Received at Prison October 1, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 4 years. Age: 22. Height 5'8" Farmer.
Born February 9, 1871 in Germany. Parents from Germany. Parents living: Chriss Hoffman and Mary Hoffman, Wassentmidingen, Germany. Single. At school 10 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Fred Kaufman]
6658 - Geo. Rogers
Sentenced September 30, 1893. Received at Prison October 1, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 18. Height 5'10-3/4"
Waiter. Born October 28, 1874, in Ohio. From Virginia. Parents from Virginia: both
living. Byard & Lucy Rogers, Columbus, Ohio. Single. At school 8 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Geo. Rogers]
6659 - B. M. Miller
Sentenced September 30, 1893. Received at Prison October 1, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 16. Height 5'7"
Telegrapher Operation. Born January 28, 1877, Indiana. From Indiana. Father: Dead.
Mother: living. Mattie Miller, 3505 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. At school 8 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: B. M. Miller]
6660 - William Riem [?] [See signature.]
Sentenced September 30, 1893. Received at Prison October 1, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 4 years. Age: 30. Height 5'7-1/8"
Baker. Born March 13, 1863, in Germany. Parents: Germany. [Left dashes for area where father/mother are shown] “In Thetsh Amt Topwetjenyem” written for location of parents or relatives...hard to read...probably have it wrong. At school 16 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: William Heim]
6732 - A. W. Patterson [Signature looks like “G W”]
Sentenced June 5, 1873. Received at Prison November 27, 1893.
Crime: Murder 2nd Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 12 years. Age: 45.
Height 5'10-1/8" Liveryman. Born October 26, 1848, New York. From Massachusetts.
Parents from New York. Father: dead. Mother: Julia Gibby, Arkansas City.
Married: Mamie Patterson, Ark. City. Three children. At school 10 years.
[Left blank: Times in Prison.] [Signature: G W Patterson] Remarks. Cash 26.00
6772 - Chas Roberts #3
Sentenced December 27, 1893. Received at Prison December 28, 1893.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 2 years. Age: 25. Height 5'8-1/4" Laborer
Born April 23, 1868, in Missouri. From Kentucky. Parents from Illinois. Both alive: last he heard of them. Parents: Thomas & Elvira Roberts, last P. O. Winfield, Kansas.
Single. Never at school. Times in Prison: First. Cannot read or write.
[Long column where signature generally appears: When moved Nos. 6772 and 6774 falsely personated the other...much more written, but cannot read it.]
Kay had some correspondence over this particular case. Will have to see if I can find it. MAW Looked. Cannot find!
6773 - Wilbur Norton
Sentenced December 27, 1893. Received at Prison December 28, 1893.
Crime: Murder 1st Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Time of Sentence: Hang.
Age: 17, Height 5'6-3/4" Laborer. Born April 16, 1876, Illinois. From Ohio.
Parents both dead: from Illinois. Uncle. S. W. Norton, 1031 New Jersey Avenue,
Washington, D. C. Married. Marie Norton, Chetopa, Kas. Children: None. At school 7 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Wilbur Norton]
6774 - Morgan Wright
Sentenced December 27, 1893. Received at Prison December 28, 1893.
Crime: Murder 1st Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: Hang. Age: 21. Height t’6-1/4"
Complexion Dark, Color of hair Black. Eyes: Brown. Blacksmith and Machinist.
Born July 16, 1872, Kansas. From Missouri. Parents: live in Missouri. Tom and Maggie Wright, Joplin, Missouri. Single. At school 8th grade. Times in Prison: First.
Instead of a signature, following remarks were made in two columns (signature/remarks).
“Commuted to 25 years, has good time. (Morgan Write)” This was written by Charles Roberts, #6772, P. G. 5-15-1913, Diech, 12-1-13. Chaplain has recorded letters for Morgan Wright from a woman claiming to be his wife.”
6784 - Joe Spiers [See signature]
Sentenced January 3, 1894. Received at Prison January 4, 1874.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age 27. Height 5'7-1/4"
Laborer. Born March 26, 1867, Tennessee. From North Carolina. Parents from
Tennessee. Father: alive. Joseph Spiers, Carbondale, Illinois. Mother: dead.
[Left blank: boxes showing marital or single status.] At school 12 years.
Times in Prison: First. [Signature: J. C. Spires] Remarks. Cash 50...not clear
whether dollars or cents.
6785 - John C. Durrell
Sentenced January 3, 1894. Received at Prison January 4, 1894.
Crime: Obtaining money under false pretences. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 4 years.
Age: 30. Height 6'1-1/2" Laborer. Born November 26, 1884, Missouri.
From Tennessee. Parents from Tennessee. Father Dead. Mother: Emiline Durrell,
Davis County, Iowa. Married: Corinne Durrell, Winfield Kansas. One child.
At school 15 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: John C Durrell]
Remarks. Transferred to Hutchinson.
6786 - William St. Clair
Sentenced January 3, 1894. Received at Prison January 4, 1894.
Crime: Larceny and Burglary 2nd Degree. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 4 years. Age: 35.
Height 5'4-3/4" Cook. Born December 20, 1858, Massachusetts. From Maine.
Parents: Maine: both living. Richard and Mary Ellen, Rock Island Chops (?), Chicago,
Illinois. Single. At school 10 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature W F St Clair]
6905 - Peter Grim
Sentenced April 10, 1894. Received at Prison April 20, 1894.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Pleaded Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 42. Height 5'5-1/4"
Farmer. Born July 8, 1852, Ohio. From Germany. Parents from Germany. Father Dead.
Mother: Caroline Grim, Holyoke, Ohio. Married: Caroline Grim, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Children: 5. At school 5 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Peter Grim]
6906 - H. H. Brown
Sentenced April 14, 1894. Received at Prison April 20, 1894.
Crime: Embezzlement. Did not plead Guilty. Term: 3 years. Age: 33. Height 5'6-1/2"
Cabinet maker. Born March 6 [?], 1861 [?], New York. From New York.
Parents: from Vermont. Both Dead. Married: Sarah Ellen Brown, Bloomington, Illinois.
Three children. Resided in Kansas 8 years. At school 5 years. Times in Prison: First.
[Signature: H H Brown] Remarks. Pard. (Gather that means Pardoned.)
6907 - Chas Gardenhire
Sentenced April 14, 1894. Received at Prison April 20, 1894.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 20. Height 5'6-1/4"
Farmer. Born July 26, 1874, Kansas. From Tennessee. Parents from North Carolina.
Both parents living: Geo. and Rebecca Torrence, Cowley Co., Kansas. Single.
At school 7 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: Charley Gardenhire]
(Am confused. Parents: Geo. and Rebecca Torrence???)
6908 - O. Collins
Sentenced April 14, 1894. Received at Prison April 20, 1894.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 21. Height 5'6-1/4"
Farmer. Born May 26, 1873, Missouri. From Pennsylvania. Parents: from Missouri.
Both parents living: Chas C. and Mary Torrence, Cowley County, Kansas. Single.
At school 6 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: O. P. Collins]
(Again, am confused. Parents Chas C. and Mary Torrence???)
6909 William Grim
Sentenced April 10, 1894. Received at Prison April 20, 1894.
Crime: Grand Larceny. Plead Guilty. Term: 1 year. Age: 25. Height 5'6-1/4"
Farmer. Born June 10, 1869, in Ohio. From Germany. Parents from Germany.
Father dead. Mother living: Caroline Grim, Holgate, Ohio. Married: May Grim.
Children: 2. At school 2 years. Times in Prison: First. [Signature: William Grim]
Comments by MAW.
Very hard to read some entries. Impossible at times to define which letter of the alphabet was used by individuals who made entries. Going through roll I was amazed at the number of entries pertaining to military. Noted an influx at one time of people from England...must have been during the time Ellis, Russell, other counties were invaded by British with much money. People were coming from New Mexico, etc., as well as Kansas, to the Kansas State Pentientiary. Towards the end there were numerous entries pertaining to Oklahoma, Oklahoma Territory, etc. They were just not sure what to call the former Indian Territory.
Very interesting data, I believe. Did not undertake Roll No. 2 [1894-1906]. Must return this to Janel so she can finish her research.
Order form from Census Microfilm Rental shows:
Rental Fees: 1-4 rolls $3.25 each; 5-9 rolls $2.75 each; 10 or more $2.25 each.
Shipping Fees:
1-9 rolls: $3.00/order; 10-25 rolls $6.00/order; 25 or more $9.00/order.
The film rental period allows 30 days usage at your site. The return date to avoid overdue charges will be shown on the order invoice. A late fee of $3.00 per roll is charged for each week the film is overdue. After three weeks, a lost film fee of $18.00 will be charged. . . .
We have only the 1790-1920 Federal Population Census Records and a few Revolutionary War films; all others must be purchased directly from the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Kindly call the National Archives at (202) 501-5310 for more information.
Sally Jack, Customer Service Representative.
Finished July 26, 1999 - MAW