Documents by Howard Buffum
From a Display at The Winfield Public Library by Howard Buffam, Bob Hartung & Joan Cales.
The Following "Around And About" Articles are Reprinted from The Winfield Courier
- In The Beginning It Was Bricks (Sept 30, 2000)
- More on those ballplayers of old (October 7, 2000)
- At 100, local woman humble about her long life (October 14, 2000)
- A bet on limestone that never paid off (October 21, 2000)
- A wonderful new building (November 4, 2000)
- Abandon Ship (November 11, 2000)
- Grabbing a byte with J.J. (November 18, 2000)
- Causing a racquet on Sundays (November 24, 2000)
- Of voting machines and the three wisemen (December 9, 2000)
- Rumors of Fay's death greatly exaggerated (December 23, 2000)
- Armed with a camera (January 6, 2001)
- Oklahoman recalls days as cadet at Strother Army Air Field. (February 17, 2001)
- A Letter to Grandchildren, Mine and Others. (February 24, 2001)
- 'Around and About' writer succumbs to cancer (April 16, 2001)