Articles on Various Subjects from the
Old Cowley County Newspapers and
Interviews With Oldtimers
by Dr. William W. Bottorff and Mary Ann Wortman
This is a series of articles on random subjects, extracted from the old newspaper files and from interviews which Richard Kay Wortman carried out with oldtimers before his death. These are still working files, but they may be of interest to entheusiaists because of their special nature and the fact that much of this material is only available on microfilm which in not easy to read or to work with.
- Movie Star Helen Gibson: 101 RANCH ROUND-UP and The Millers 1874 to 1922
- 3rd Hill, The Founding of Winfield State Hospital 1881-1885 "The asylum for imbecile and idiotic youths"
- U.S.A. Military Aeronautics - "JANE'S - 1919" - The Early Beginnings
- Air Craft and Air Ports in Cowley County
- Aviation History in Arkansas City, Kansas
- Aunt Sally the Steamboat Comes to Arkansas City, July 3, 1878
- The Baer Family name in Arkansas City, Kansas Newspapers
- The Bahntge Family in Cowley County, Kansas
- Balloons and Exhibitions, Winfield Courier, MARCH 20, 1874
- Bones Uncovered at South Haven 1876
- Brand Book - Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association 1883
- Bootlegging in Cowley County
- Breweries in Winfield, Frank Manny
- Henry Brown's Drug Store, 805 Main Street, Winfield, Ks. 1881 - 1894
- Buckingham and West India Soft String Bean Seeds
- Buckskin Joe Hoyt
- Cattle and Cowley County Cattle Drives, 1876 - 1880
- Central Hotel, Winfield 1880 - 1886
- Cowboy Strike, 1883
- Early Days in Winfield an Address by D. A. Millington, Before The Arkansas Valley Editorial Association At Winfield, Kansas April 17, 1880.
- Emporia News, Notes from November 5, 1869 to 1871 - First Santa Fe, then Mexico City!!!
- Floral Tornado - June 1881
- Freeze of 1886
- Ghost Visits the Mulford Family
- Hickock at Deadwood
- Hookers, Fair Soiled Doves & Ladies of the Night 1873 to 1887
- Ice Business in Cowley County 1877-1922
- Interurban - Winfield to Ark City 1922
- Klan in Cowley County, Kansas 1877 to 1922
- Luke Short, about whom the fuss at Dodge City was kicked up, arrived here on Monday.(THE CALDWELL JOURNAL, May 24, 1883)
- Lynching, Righteous Hanging? 1879 Editorial
- Manny, Frank - 1879 Brewer, 1881 Bootlegger
- Mayor M. G. Troup's Inaugural Address, 1881 and the Loss of Saloon Revenue do to Prohibition
- City Budget drops from $3,320.31 in 1880 to $635.00 1881, volunteers solicited for street maintenance.
- Rodeo - Cowboy and Indian Celebrations In Winfield - 1879 to 1886
- Sheriff A. T. Shenneman of Cowley County, Kansas 1880-1883
- Sheriff Shenneman's Murder and the Lynching of his Assassin
- Ships, Boats and Steamers in Cowley County
- Early News Items About Hugh H. Siverd
- Sybil Bolton Antecedents, Bill Conner and Angie Pyne, 1874
- Technology in Cowley County, 1879 to 1887
- Weddings in Cowley County
- Winfield Waterworks Committee Decides to Erect a Reservoir on Center Mound, 1880
- Wax as a Component of Cowley County Crude Oil
- Younger Boys in Wichita before The Northfield Robbery (the Wichita bank had closed,they couldn't rob it, so they went to Northfield, Minn.)