Rigby Residences
Winfield Directory 1880.
Rigby, N. L. Baptist minister, r. Millington, w. s. bet 10th and 11th avenues;
will move to 10th avenue, s. w. corner Andrews.
Note: Rev. N. L. Rigby, pastor of the Baptist church at Winfield, was married on March 31, 1874, by Rev. A. M. Averill, of Emporia, to Mrs. Jennie S. Tousey.
Winfield Courier, June 26, 1874.
The year for which the Rev. N. L. Rigby was engaged as pastor of the Baptist church in this city expired, we believe, last Sunday. In that time Mr. Rigby has done a great deal to build up the church, raising it from a membership of 16 up to 34; more than double. We hope the arrangements to secure his services for another year may be consummated. Mr. Rigby has in the twelve months spent with us, endeared himself to our people, by his Christian walk and conversation, besides being a clever social gentleman. We sincerely hope that he may be retained in Winfield not for a year, but many years to come.
Winfield Courier, January 29, 1880.
Last Monday Rev. N. L. Rigby sold his residence property, on 11th avenue and Church street, to Mr. T. G. Ticer for $1,300.
Winfield Courier, March 11, 1880.
Rev. N. L. Rigby has commenced excavating for his new residence on 10th avenue in Fuller block. He intends putting up a handsome building.
Benjamin J. Bartlett, Iowa, architect for Rigby's new dwelling...
Winfield Courier, April 15, 1880.
The School Board adopted the plans of Benjamin J. Bartlett, of Des Moines, Iowa, for the new schoolhouses to be erected in this city. The new building in the second ward will be two stories high with four rooms. An addition to the old building in the first ward, of two stories, with four rooms, halls, and anterooms, will be built. The architect guarantees the buildings to cost less than $10,000, with the heating and ventilating apparatus all complete. Mr. Bartlett is an architect of acknowledged ability and has furnished the plans for some of our best buildings. He is the architect for Mr. Rigby's new dwelling.
Winfield Courier, August 5, 1880.
The foreman in the building of Mr. Rigby's house suffered a sun stroke last Saturday.
The place of N. L. Rigby begins to look proudly down upon us. It is the most unique structure in the city and would attract attention in any city.
Winfield Courier, September 9, 1880.
Mr. Rigby has his bell in place on the tower of his new rock palace.
Winfield Courier, January 19, 1882.
Mrs. Rigby goes to Topeka Saturday to meet her husband. They will be located there this year and Mr. Rigby will preach to the people along the line of railroad this side.
Rigby residence rented by Abe B. Steinberger, publisher, Cowley County Courant...
Winfield Courier, March 16, 1882.
Abe Steinberger has rented the elegant residence of Rev. Rigby, near J. C. Fuller's. He moved in Tuesday. The senior editor of this paper, who lives across the way, wants to buy a large dog.
[Note: From the above was able to get some addresses.]
Winfield Directory 1885.
Fuller J C, president, gas company, res 403 e 10th
Millington D A, proprietor, "Courier," and postmaster, res 420 e 10th
Mrs. Rigby looks after Mrs. Bliss...
Winfield Courier, March 23, 1882.
Mrs. Bliss is gradually sinking. She is constantly attended by Mrs. Rigby.
Rev. Rigby at Topeka...
Winfield Courier, May 4, 1882.
Rev. N. L. Rigby came down from Topeka Friday and filled the pulpit in the new Baptist Church Sunday. He is delighted with the new church and says it is the most perfect church building he had ever seen.
Mrs. C. A. Bliss was a sister-in-law of Mrs. N. L. Rigby according to next account...
Cowley County Courant, June 29, 1882.
In another column will be found the announcement, with appropriate remarks by her pastor, of the death of Mrs. C. A. Bliss. And while, ordinarily, such notice would be sufficient, yet we cannot let the matter pass without contributing our tribute of respect, however slight it may be. We have been, as the world goes, intimately acquainted with Mrs. Bliss since the year 1870. She was one of the few that are altogether too rare, a woman that everyone loved. Kind, affectionate, and always considerate of others, she speedily found her way into the heart and affections of all who were in any manner worthy of such excellence. The history of Winfield or Cowley County could not be written without her name, and indeed that of her sorrowing sister, Mrs. Rigby. And it is only to be regretted that someone entirely capable of so doing, cannot be found to do justice to so noble a pair of pioneers. We are fast passing away. And those of us who erstwhile were young and bid fair for a long life are graying for the tomb. Mrs. C. A. Bliss will live in the memory of many of us when indeed she has been forgotten by those who knew her not. This writer is doubly tied to her dear memory. Always the same, always herself, always the true loving Christian, whether neighbor or friend. Some day we will meet the dear departed in heaven.
Rev. Rigby staying in Topeka...
Winfield Courier, August 17, 1882.
Revs. Rigby and Gregory spent most of this week visiting friends here. Rev. Rigby has been called to and accepted the charge of the Madison Street, Topeka, Baptist Church, and will go there September 1st. Rev. Gregory is very well pleased with his location in North Topeka.
Mrs. Rigby visited in Topeka by niece of C. A. Bliss...
Winfield Courier, April 19, 1883.
Miss Della Tuttle, a niece of C. A. Bliss, is in Topeka visiting with Mrs. Rigby.
Rev. and Mrs. Rigby moving from Topeka to Los Angeles, California...
Winfield Courier, September 18, 1884.
Rev. and Mrs. N. L. Rigby came down from Topeka last week and have been spending several days previous to a removal to Los Angeles, California, where they will reside hereafter. Mr. Rigby filled our Baptist pulpit Sunday evening. He has resigned his Topeka charge and will seek renewed health in other vocations on the Pacific slope.
Schuler, President of Winfield Bank, permanently settles in Rigby house...
Winfield Courier, September 25, 1884.
The family of Mr. H. B. Schuler, President of the Winfield Bank, arrived last week from St. Louis, and are permanently settled in the commodious Rigby residence.
Senator Hackney purchases Rigby residence...remodeling it!
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 7, 1885.
Senator W. P. Hackney purchased the Rigby residence next door to J. C. Fuller's yesterday for five thousand dollars. He will remodel the house so it will look less like a castle and more like a home, fix up the grounds, and make it his permanent abode. It is one of the most desirable places in the city.
Rev. Rigby living on a ranch near Los Angeles, California...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, May 14, 1885.
Rev. N. L. Rigby, formerly of Winfield, and builder of the stone "chateau," which Bill Hackney captured the other day, is located on a ranch six miles from Los Angeles, California.
Hackney transforms Rigby residence in Winfield...
Winfield Courier, Thursday, March 11, 1886.
A NEW DRESS. Senator Hackney, since purchasing the Rigby residence, has transformed it wonderfully, and a force of workmen are yet improving it. From a very homely, though large and imposing edifice, he has made one of the handsomest and most attractive homes in the city. Dormer windows, modern roof adornment, artistic porches, etc., have completely changed the premises. The interior has also been remodeled and now the Senator has a capacious home whose beauty and appointments are unexcelled in this city of elegant homes. Those offsets willed with appropriate statuary will complete the exterior effect.