Calvin Titus, Hero of Peking, Medal
of Honor Winner, First Man Over
Wall in Peking


Two articles on CALVIN P. TITUS from the Arkansas City Traveler, April 4, 1901
contributed by Jerry Wallace, Archivist Southwestern College, Winfield, KS. April 4, 2001.

President McKinley has appointed Calvin P. Titus to be a cadet-at-large at the United States military academy at West Point. Titus was the first solider to scale the wall at Peking and plant the American flag thereon. Titus was reared in Sumner county near Caldwell and was the coronet player in the Salvation Army [band] at Wichita, when he joined the 14th infantry. Titus has been ordered sent home from the Philippines.

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Calvin Titus, of Kansas, Has Been
Appointed to West Point
Calvin P. Titus has been appointed by President McKinley as cadet to West Point. This appointment comes as a reward for his bravery in the siege of Peking on August 15, 1900. On that day 30,000 Americans, Britons, Russians and Japanese assaulted the walls of the Chinese capital. Titus was the first man to scale those walls. He carried the stars and stripes with him and, standing on the top of the walls in sight o the whole army, unfurled Old Glory to the breezes.

Little or nothing is known of Titus’ parentage. He was reared by Bill Lee, who used to live at Caldwell and for many years served as deputy sheriff because of his intrepid bravery. When Lee became a Salvation Army captain, Titus engaged zealously in the same work. He was one of the faithful Salvation Army band in Wichita for a long time. Nelson Chaffee, a brother to General Chaffee, was bass drummer in the same corps. The two were companions and friends. Both have often visited this city and Chaffee at one time conducted a series of meetings here. During the Spanish war Titus served in the First Vermont Infantry and when the trouble in Cuba was over he re-enlisted and was sent to China.

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Information provided by Bob Davis.

There is a famous painting done for the army historical series, that shows Titus on the China Wall with the flag. Entitled "I'll try Sir", the work was done by H. Charles McBarron. Don't remember if he is identified in

the painting narrative. He also got the Medal of Honor for that action:


Rank and organization: Musician, U.S. Army, Company E, 14th U.S. Infantry. Place and date: At Peking, China, 14 August 1900. Entered service at: lowa. Birth: Vinton, lowa. Date of issue: 11 March 1902. Citation: Gallant and daring conduct in the presence of his colonel and other officers and enlisted men of his regiment; was first to scale the wall of the city."

that should answer where he was born.