Arkansas City Directory 1893


[Note: Years ago Larry Rhodes gave me a xeroxed copy that he had made of the 1893 Directory. I am going to try and copy it for the sake of those who are interested in history. There were many ads that appeared in various forms. Many mistakes were made on the Directory. I have corrected items where I could. MAW]



PRICE, $2.50.


News Publishing Company, Printers, Binders, and Blank Book Makers, Hutchinson, Kansas.

Arkansas City Directory.

WALTER Q. GRESHAM—Secretary of State
JOHN GRIFFIN CARLISLE—Secretary of the Treasury
HOKE SMITH—Secretary of the Interior
RICHARD OLNEY—Attorney General
HILARY A. HERBERT—Secretary of the Navy
JULIUS STERLING MORTON—Secretary of Agriculture
NELSON S. BISSELL—Postmaster General
ADLAI E. STEVENSON—Vice-President and President of the Senate
CHARLES F. CRISP—Speaker House of Representatives
MELVILLE W. FULLER—Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
J. M. SCOFFIELD—Senior Major-General U. S. Army



While this book will occupy less shelf room than the former edition, it contains several hundred more names in the alphabetical list of residents, a larger classified business list, and longer church and society rosters, corresponding to the increase in the City’s population. In the 1889 edition, large type and heavy paper were used. By printing in condensed type on lighter material, a greater amount of matter is here included in a smaller compass. Some new features have also been added among which is that portion of the Indian appropriation bill opening the Cherokee Outlet to homestead entry.
The support that the business men of Arkansas City have given this enterprise has been liberal, and that the work will meet their approval is the earnest desire of



Note: The page number was given for each listing. I have skipped this inasmuch as the page listings no longer apply to this copy. MAW
Abbott, A. A.
Arkansas City Bank
Arkansas City Bldg. & Loan Association
Arkansas City Gas & Electric Light Co.
Arkansas City Marble Works
Arkansas City Milling Co.
Arkansas City Music Publishing Co.
Arkansas City Stone Co.
Arkansas City Street Railway Co.
Arkansas City Telegraph College
Arkansas City Traveler
Arkansas City Water Power Co.
Arkansas City Manufacturing Co.
Arkansas Valley Democrat
Andrews, Septimus
Bonsall, I. H.
Cherokee Grocery Co.
Cherokee Strip Guide
Chicago Store
Covert, G. M.
Dale, J. E.
Davenport, J. S.
Dickson Bros. & Co.
Doan, W. E.
Dudley, J. D. F.
Dye, C. B.
Empire Steam Laundry
Fitch, A. H.
Fontaine, J. J.
Gilmer, R. A. & Co.
Gladstone Hotel, inside front cover.
Goertzen, H.
Grand View Hotel.
Griffis, H.
Hodge, Dr. L. D.
Home National Bank, outside front cover.
Kansas Mattress Co.
Kirkwood Wind Engine Co.
Kreamer, W. D.
Manley, Dr. H. M.
Matson, John
Means’ Roofing Paint
Mechanics Building and Loan Association
Miller, P. A.
Moore Bros.
Mo. P. Ry.
National Bond and Debenture Co.
Neal & Peek, inside cover front page.
Peckham, Beekman & Brown.
Peek & Son, inside cover front page.
Prettyman, W. S.
Repp Bros.
Royal Gorge Restaurant
Salisbury, C. E. & Co.
Santa Fe Grocery, inside front cover
Smith, J. T.
Smith’s Nine Cent Store
Squiers, Harry
Squiers, W. C.
Topliff, J. C.
Traveler, Scott
Turvey Bros., inside cover back page.
Vawter, Dr. M. B.
Williams, Chas.
Woods, Alex


Arkansas City Fruit Co.
Canal Planing Mills.
Cusick, the Photographer.
Danks Bros.
Duff & Oldroyd.
Elzina Lumber Co.
Farmers’ National Bank.
Guarantee Title and Abstract Co.
Hayford, H. T.
Hess Saddlery Co.
Matlack Mercantile Co.
McIntyre & Williams.
Newman Dry Goods Co.
Pfisterer, H. M.
Ranney, Alton & Co.
Snyder, Henry.
Sollitt & Swarts.
Upton, W. H.
Waugh, F. D.
White, Hill & Co.
[Note: They goofed! They showed “Sollitt & Swartz.”]


HARRY SQUIERS, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BOOTS, SHOES, RUBBERS, ETC.
210 South Summit Street, Arkansas City.
W. H. SQUIERS & CO., W. H. Makes a Specialty of Fine Dress Goods. Ladies and Gents’ Furnishing goods.
206 South Summit Street, Arkansas City.

The Arkansas City Bank,
Arkansas City, Kansas.
PAID UP CAPITAL, $50,000.00.
(Incorporated 1889.)
Geo. W. Cunningham, Arkansas City, Kansas
Geo. F. Britton, Massena, New York.
Charles A. Scruton, Arkansas City, Kansas.
James L. Britton, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Harry L. Coburn, Arkansas City, Kansas.
E. T. Phelps, Norwood, New York.
John H. Ewing, Bitter Creek, Kansas.
Thomas Spratt, Ogdensburg, New York.


G. W. CUNNINGHAM, President and Manager.
County, City and Real Estate Bonds, Tax Sale Certificates, Etc.
Office, East Fifth Avenue, Between Summit and First Streets.

A. A. NEWMAN, President.
W. H. UPTON, Vice-President
C. MEAD, Secretary and Treasurer.
C. H. SEARING, Manager.
J. LANDES, Supt. Milling Department.
Capacity 1,000 Barrels Per Day.

L. D. LEWELLING—Governor
PERCY DANIELS—Lieutenant Governor
R. S. OSBORN—Secretary of State
VAN B. PRATHER—Auditor of State
W. H. BIDDLE—Treasurer of State
JOHN T. LITTLE—Attorney General
H. N. GAINES—Superintendent of Public Instruction


WILLIAM A. PEFFER—Topeka, Kansas
JOHN A. MARTIN—Topeka, Kansas


First District—CASE BRODERICK—Holton
Second District—EDWARD H. FUNSTON—Carlysle
Third District—T. J. HUDSON—Fredonia
Fourth District—CHARLES CURTIS—Topeka
Fifth District—JOHN DAVIS—Junction City
Sixth District—WM. BAKER—Lincoln
Seventh District—JERRY SIMPSON—Medicine Lodge
Representative at Large—W. A. HARRIS.


First: J. D. Williamson, Troy.
Second: John M. Price, Atchison.
Third: Lucien Baker, Leavenworth.
Fourth: Edwin Taylor, Edwardsville.
Fifth: S. O. Thacher, Lawrence.
Sixth: J. W. Parker, Olathe.
Seventh: E. T. Metcalf, Colony.
Eighth: W. P. Dillard, Fort Scott.
Ninth: H. M. Reid, Fleming,
Tenth: M. A. Householder, Columbus.
Eleventh: John M. Reilly, Parsons.
Twelfth: D. McTaggart, Liberty.
Thirteenth, John C. Carpenter, Chanute.
Fourteenth, Chas. F. Scott, Iola.
Fifteenth, J. W. Leedy, Leroy.
Sixteenth, H. G. Jumper, Melvern.
Seventeenth, Wm. E. Sterne, Topeka.
Eighteenth, Hiram F. Robbins, Wheaton.
Nineteenth, James Sheares, Frankfort.
Twentieth, Wm. Rodgers, Barnes.
Twenty-first: Alden E. True, Vera.
Twenty-second: M. Senn, Enterprise.
Twenty-third: W. A. Morgan, Cottonwood Falls.
Twenty-fourth: Levi Dumbauld, Hartford.
Twenty-fifth: A. W. Dennison, El Dorado.
Twenty-sixth: Jason Helmick, Cloverdale.
Twenty-seventh: L. P. King, Tannehill.
Twenty-eighth: A. G. Forney, Belle Plaine.
Twenty-ninth: Ed. O’Brien, Wichita.
Thirtieth: S. T. Danner, Newton.
Thirty-first: R. E. Baldwin, Ada.
Thirty-second: Geo. D. Bowling, Belleville.
Thirty-third: A. S. Coke, Beloit.
Thirty-fourth: W. B. Helm, Ellsworth.
Thirty-fifth: John Armstrong, Great Bend.
Thirty-sixth: J. M. Leeds, Turon.
Thirty-seventh: H. F. Landis, Medicine Lodge.
Thirty-eighth: Milton Brown, Garden City.
Thirty-ninth: K. E. Wilcockson, Oakley.
Fortieth: G. E. Smith, Germantown.



  1. Jas. A. Campbell, Severance.
  2. John Seaton, Atchison.
  3. C. A. Woodworth, Muscotah.
  4. C. H. Phinney, McLoueth.
  5. L. H. Gest, Valley Falls.
  6. Stephen Meagher, Easton.
  7. H. C. F. Hackbush, Leavenworth.
  8. McConn Hunt, Leavenworth.
  9. J. J. McAleny, Kansas City.
  10. J. K. Cubbison, Kansas City.
  11. A. A. Burgard, Argentine.
  12. Nathan Zimmerman, Olathe.
  13. C. N. Bishop, Eudora.
  14. N. Simmons, Lawrence.
  15. R. H. Semple, Ottawa.
  16. J. B. Remington, Osawatomie.
  17. J. W. Tucker, Pleasanton.
  18. John G. Johnson, Garnett.
  19. L. B. Pearson, Humboldt.
  20. H. J. Butler, Fort Scott.
  21. J. A. Clark, Barnsville.
  22. Hugh Bone, Fleming.
  23. W. H. Ryan, Brazilton.
  24. M. W. Walters, Scammonville.
  25. Alex. Warner, Baxter Springs.
  26. John L. Humphrey, Mound Valley.
  27. P. A. Morrison, Altamont.
  28. F. M. Benefiel, Coffeyville.
  29. J. M. Dunsmore, Thayer.
  30. Jacob Lamb, Fredonia.
  31. J. H. Bayer, Yates Center.
  32. T. C. Ballinger, Burlington.
  33. John Graham, Peterton.
  34. Thomas Chappell, Scranton.
  35. A. C. Sherman, Rossville.
  36. W. B. Swan, Topeka.
  37. James A. Troutman, Topeka.
  38. Nicholas Kline, Muscotah.
  39. J. E. Pomeroy, Holton.
  40. W. W. Price, Everest.
  41. R. D. McCliman, Capiowa.
  42. Wm. Raemer, Jr., Herkimer.
  43. Alex. G. Axelton, Randolph.
  44. Wm. Knipe, Manhattan.
  45. Dr. P. Dougherty, Junction City.
  46. Joseph Tren, Halifax.
  47. D. W. Eastman, Emporia.
  48. Chas. Moss, Allen.
  49. E. W. Claycombe, Eureka.
  50. Geo. W. Crumley, Grenola.
  51. M. B. Chrisman, Wauneta.
  52. Ed. P. Greene, Arkansas City.
  53. F. G. Powers, Winfield.
  54. C. M. Noble, Freedom.
  55. R. H. Chandler, Bazaar.
  56. E. W. Hoch, Marion.
  57. H. E. Richter, Council Grove.
  58. M. P. Kelley, Chapman.
  59. A. A. Newman, Clay Center.
  60. D. M. Watson, Enosdale.
  61. J. M. Foster, White Rock.
  62. S. O. Everly, Graves.
  63. Geo. McConkey, Minneapolis.
  64. P. H. Dolan, Salina.
  65. C. J. Stromquist, Smoky Hill.
  66. John E. Frazier, Halstead.
  67. H. W. Ruble, Greenwich.
  68. George L. Douglass, Wichita.
  69. F. G. Rawson, Mount Hope.
  70. William Hobson, Conway Springs.
  71. J. M. Doubleday, Caldwell.
  72. J. H. Coulson, Anthony.
  73. T. S. Benchel, Nashville.
  74. William Garrison, Medicine Lodge.
  75. W. F. Brown, Caven.
  76. J. F. Greenlee, Hutchinson.
  77. J. W. Dix, Lerado.
  78. William M. Campbell, Antrim.
  79. M. W. Cobun, Great Bend.
  80. W. M. Kenton, Raymond.
  81. Joseph SeKave, Alliance.
  82. Otis L. Atherton, Russell.
  83. A. N. Whittington, Lincoln.
  84. George W. McKenna, Beloit.
  85. S. W. Hill, Alton.
  86. E. F. Barnett, Ezbon.
  87. J. M. Helm, Lebanon.
  88. P. C. Wagoner, Logan.
  89. James S. Shaw, Plainville.
  90. B. F. Repiogie, Hays City.
  91. Samuel L. Hale, La Crosse.
  92. A. H. Lupier, Larned.
  93. J. J. Wright, Kinsley.
  94. John W. Davis, Greensburg.
  95. T. G. Chambers, Coldwater.
  96. B. F. Morris, Lexington.
  97. M. W. Sutton, Dodge City.
  98. T. C. Bowie, Hodgeman.
  99. R. O. Etting, Kansada.
  100. A. H. Blair, WaKeeney.
  101. Levi Pritchard, Hill City.
  102. W. L. Kerr, Norton.
  103. Dan Caster, Oberlin.
  104. W. J. Barnes, Hoxie.
  105. R. D. Anderson, Grinnell.
  106. J. A. Bucklin, Oakley.
  107. Samuel Way, Mirage.
  108. L. J. Willitts, St. Francis.
  109. Fred E. Yearick, La Blanche.
  110. John F. Coulter, Russell Springs.
  111. W. D. Harris, Sharon Springs.
  112. William M. Glenn, Tribune.
  113. W. J. Chubbuck, Leoti.
  114. J. F. Pancake, Scott City.
  115. C. E. Lobdell, Dighton.
  116. W. R. Hopkins, Garden City.
  117. F. M. Kelley, Kendall.
  118. Alfred Pratt, Syracuse.
  119. T. M. Garrison, Johnson City.
  120. Peter Bowers, Ulysses.
  121. A. W. Stubbs, Santa Fe.
  122. Ora B. Douglass, Ingalls.
  123. James Wilson, Meade.
  124. H. V. Nichols, Liberal.
  125. A. H. Drew, Hugoton.


T. A. Milton, Ravanna, Garfield County.
Richard A. King, Richfield, Morton County.
CHIEF JUSTICE: Albert H. Horton.
ASSOCIATE JUSTICES: W. A. Johnson, S. H. Allen.

COMMISSIONERS SUPREME COURT: B. F. Simpson, J. C. Strang, George S. Green.
CLERK: C. J. Brown.





FIRST DISTRICT: L. A. Myers, Judge.
Leavenworth County: Third Mondays of April and September, and first Monday of December.
Jefferson County: First Monday of February, third Monday of May, and third Monday of October.
Jackson County: Third Monday of March, first Monday of June, and second Monday of November.


Atchison County: Second Monday of January, and first Mondays of April and September.


THIRD DISTRICT: Z. T. Hazen, Judge.
Shawnee County: Second Monday of January, and first Mondays of April and September.


FOURTH DISTRICT: A. W. Benson, Judge.
Douglas County: First Mondays of February and May, and second Monday of November.
Franklin County: First Mondays of April, October, and January.
Anderson County: First Mondays of March and September.


FIFTH DISTRICT: Wm. A. Randolph, Judge.
Lyon County: First Tuesdays of February and May, and first Mondays of September and December.


SIXTH DISTRICT: J. W. West, Judge.
Bourbon County: First Monday of January, fourth Monday of April, and first Monday of September.


SEVENTH DISTRICT: L. Stillwell, Judge.
Allen, Neosho, Woodson, and Wilson Counties.


EIGHTH DISTRICT: James Humphrey, Judge.
Davis County: Second Tuesday of January and third Tuesdays of April and October.
Dickinson County: First Tuesday of February, second Tuesday of May, and first Tuesday of September.
Morris County: Fourth Tuesday of March and third Tuesdays of June and November.


NINTH DISTRICT: F. L. Martin, Judge.
Reno County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.
Harvey County: First Tuesdays of January, May, and September.


TENTH DISTRICT: John T. Burris, Judge.
Johnson County: First Mondays of January, May, and September.
Miami County: First Mondays of February, June, and October.


Cherokee County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September.
Labette County: First Tuesdays of February, May, and October.
Montgomery County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.
TWELFTH DISTRICT: F. W. Sturges, Judge.
Cloud County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September.
Republic County: First Tuesdays of February, May, and October.
Washington County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.


Cowley County: First Tuesdays of April and September, and third Tuesday of December.
Elk County: First Mondays of February, May, and October.
Chautauqua County: Second Tuesday of November, fourth Tuesday of February, and second Tuesday of June.


Lincoln County: First Tuesdays of January and April, and third Tuesdays of September.
Ellsworth County: First Tuesdays of February and May, and second Tuesday of October.
Russell County: First Tuesdays of March and June, and second Tuesday of November.


Mitchell County: Second Monday of January, third Monday of April, and fourth Monday of September.
Osborne County: First Monday of February, second Monday of May, and third Monday of October.
Jewell County: First Mondays of March and June, and second Monday of November.
Smith County: Fourth Monday of March, first Monday of September, and first Monday of November.


SIXTEENTH DISTRICT: S. W. Vandivert, Judge.
Pawnee County: First Tuesday of April, third Tuesday of September, and first Tuesday of January.
Edwards County: Fourth Tuesday of January, first Tuesday of May, and third Tuesday of October.
Hodgeman County: Second Tuesday of February, first Tuesday of June, and third Tuesday of November.
Garfield County: Second Tuesday of March and first Tuesday of September.


Phillips County: Second Monday of January and first Mondays of May and September.
Norton County: First Monday of February, second Monday of May, and third Monday of September.
Decatur County: Fourth Monday of February, third Monday of May, and second Monday of October.
Rawlins County: Third Monday of March, fourth Monday of May, and second Monday of November.
Cheyenne County: First Mondays of April and June and fourth Monday of November.


Sedgewick County: First Tuesdays of January, May, and September.


Sumner County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September, and third Tuesday of November.
Rice County: First Tuesdays of January, May, and September.
Barton County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.
Stafford County: First Tuesdays of February, May, and October.


Riley County: First Mondays of January, April, and September.
Marshall County: First Mondays of February, May, and October.
Clay County: First Mondays of March, June, and November.


Doniphan County: First Mondays of January, April, and October.
Brown County: First Mondays of February, May, and November.
Nemaha County: First Mondays of March, September, and December.


Ellis County: Second Mondays of January, May, and September.
Trego County: Fourth Mondays of January, May, and September.
Gove County: Second Mondays of February, June, and October.
Logan County: Fourth Mondays of February, June, and October.
Wallace County: Second Mondays of April and November.


Harper County: First Tuesday of January, second Tuesday of March, first Tuesday of June, and first Tuesday of October.
Barber County: Second Tuesday of February, first Tuesday of May, first Tuesday of September, and third Tuesday of November.


McPherson County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September.
Marion County: First Tuesdays of March, September, and December.
Chase County: First Tuesdays of February and May and first Wednesday after the first Monday of November.


Butler County: First Tuesdays of March, June, October, and December.
Greenwood County: First Tuesdays of January, May, and September.


Finney County: First Tuesday of February, fourth Tuesdays of May and September.
Gray County: First Tuesdays of April and November.
Ford County: First Tuesdays of January, May, and September.
Kearny County: Third Tuesdays of April and November.
Hamilton County: First Tuesday of March and second Tuesdays of June and October.


Kingman County: First Tuesdays of April, September, and December.
Pratt County: Third Tuesdays of January, May, and October.
Kiowa County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.


Wyandotte County: First Mondays of March and June, third Monday of September, and first Monday of December.


THIRTIETH DISTRICT: R. F. Thompson, Judge.
Ottawa County: Second Monday of February, third Monday of May, and fourth Monday of October.
Saline County: First Tuesdays of April, September, and December.


THIRTY-FIRST DISTRICT: Francis C. Price, Judge.
Meade County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September.
Clark County: First Tuesdays of February, June, and October.
Comanche County: First Tuesdays of March, July, and November


THIRTY-SECOND DISTRICT: W. E. Hutchinson, Judge.
Seward County: First Tuesday of January, second Tuesday of June, first Tuesday of September.
Stevens County: Third Tuesday of January, fourth Tuesday of June, third Tuesday of September.
Morton County: Second Tuesdays of February and October.
Haskell County: Third Tuesday of May, second Tuesday of November.
Grant County: Second Tuesday of April, first Tuesday of December.
Stanton County: First Tuesday of May, third Tuesday of December.


THIRTY-THIRD DISTRICT: V. H. Grinstead, Judge.
Rush County: Second Tuesdays of January and April, first Tuesday of September.
Ness County: Fourth Tuesday of January, first Tuesday of May, fourth Tuesday of September.
Lane County: Second Tuesday of February, third Tuesday of May, second Tuesday of October.
Scott County: Fourth Tuesday of February, first Tuesday of June, fourth Tuesday of October.
Wichita County: Second Tuesday of March, third Tuesdays of June and November.
Greeley County: Fourth Tuesday of March, second Tuesdays of July and December.


THIRTY-FOURTH DISTRICT: Charles W. Smith, Judge.
Rooks County: Second Monday of January, first Mondays of May and September.
Graham County: First Monday of February, third Mondays of May and September.
Sheridan County: Fourth Monday of February, first Monday of June, second Monday of October.
Thomas County: Third Mondays of March and June, first Monday of November.
Sherman County: First Mondays of April and July, third Monday of November.


THIRTY-FIFTH DISTRICT: William Thompson, Judge.
Pottawatomie County: First Tuesdays of January, April, and September.
Wabaunsee County: First Tuesdays of February, May, and October.
Osage County: First Tuesdays of March, June, and November.


At Topeka—First Mondays of January, April, and September.
T. P. Anderson, Judge.
At Kansas City—First Mondays of February, May, September, and November.

Allen, 13,505; Anderson, 14,121; Atchison, 26,702; Barber, 7,941; Barton, 13,104; Bourbon, 28,444; Brown, 20,302; Butler, 23,971; Chase, 9,155; Chatauqua, 12,209; Cherokee, 27,604; Cheyenne, 4,186; Clark, 2,342; Clay, 16,099; Cloud, 19,238; Coffey, 15,812; Comanche, 2,534; Cowley, 34,729; Crawford, 30,160; Decatur, 8,305; Dickinson, 22,267; Doniphan, 13,512; Douglas, 23,457; Edwards, 3,599; Elk, 12,190; Ellis, 7,933; Ellsworth, 9,263; Finney, 3,346; Ford, 5,305; Franklin, 20,258; Garfield, 884; Gove, 3,089; Graham, 5,006; Geary, 10,383; Grant, 1,307; Gray, 2,419; Greeley, 1,250; Greenwood, 16,300; Hamilton, 2,009, Harper, 13,191; Harvey, 17,553; Haskell, 1,069; Hodgeman, 2,399; Jackson, 14,601; Jefferson, 16,800; Jewell, 19,326; Johnson, 17,367; Kearney, 1,571; Kingman, 11,811; Kiowa, 2,862; Labette, 27,520; Lane, 2,051; Leavenworth, 38,503; Lincoln, 9,699; Linn, 17,132; Logan, 3,377; Lyon, 23,177; McPherson, 21,587; Marion, 20,517; Marshall, 25,872; Meade, 2,514; Miami, 19,053; Mitchell, 15,015; Montgomery, 23,000; Morris, 11,356; Morton, 723; Nemaha, 19,211; Neosho, 18,539; Ness, 4,947; Norton, 10,524; Osage, 24,778; Osborne, 12,055; Ottawa, 12,509; Pawnee, 5,200; Phillips, 13,612; Pottawatomie, 17,681; Pratt, 8,094; Rawlins, 6,723; Reno, 27,059; Republic, 18,982; Rice, 14,417; Riley, 13,128; Rooks, 8,015; Rush, 5,198; Russell, 7,337; Saline, 17,326; Scott, 1,260; Sedgwick, 43,499; Seward, 1,502; Shawnee, 49,018; Sheridan, 3,726; Sherman, 5,220; Smith, 15,581; Stafford, 8,507; Stanton, 1,031; Stephens, 1,404; Sumner, 30,254; Thomas, 5,532; Trego, 2,526; Wabaunsee, 11,685; Wallace, 2,463; Washington, 22,840; Wichita, 1,825; Wilson, 15,258; Woodson, 8,961; Wyandotte, 54,151.

J. B. FISHBACK, County Clerk.
J. S. WILKIN, Treasurer.
O. P. FULLER, Clerk District Court.
J. B. NIPP, Sheriff.
EVA L. KIRKPATRICK, Superintendent Public Instruction.
R. S. STROTHER, Register of Deeds.
H. T. ALBERTS, Probate Judge.
J. M. MERRY, Surveyor.
GEORGE W. SCOTT, County Attorney.
S. S. McDOWELL, Coroner.


COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS: D. W. Pierce, J. D. Guthrie, J. W. Leach.
A. A. NEWMAN, Mayor.
O. INGERSOLL, City Clerk.
J. C. TOPLIFF, City Treasurer.
WM. THEOPHILUS, City Attorney.
C. F. LEECH, City Engineer, Street Commissioner, and Chief Fire Department.
O. S. RARICK, Chief of Police.
A. J. CHAPEL, President of Council.


FIRST WARD: Isaac Ochs, P. F. Yount.
SECOND WARD: John Landis, H. B. Addington.
THIRD WARD: W. P. Wolfe, George F. Rohr.
FOURTH WARD: A. J. Chapel, T. B. Oldroyd.


FINANCE: A. J. Chapel, chairman; T. B. Oldroyd, and H. B. Addington.
STREETS AND ALLEYS: W. P. Wolfe, chairman; T. B. Oldroyd and John Landis.
PRINTING: H. B. Addington, chairman; W. B. Wolfe, and John Landis.
ORDINANCES AND REVISION: John Landis, chairman; A. J. Chapel, and Isaac Ochs.
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS: George F. Rohr, chairman; Isaac Ochs, and P. F. Yount.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: John Landis, chairman; George F. Rohr, and H. B. Addington.
SANITARY: A. J. Chapel, chairman; Isaac Ochs, and P. F. Yount.
MANUFACTURING: T. B. Oldroyd, T. B. Wolfe, and P. F. Yount.
BUILDING: P. F. Yount, chairman; George F. Rohr, and W. P. Wolfe.
POLICE: Isaac Ochs, chairman; John Landis, and A. J. Chapel.


A. A. Newman, President; O. Ingersoll, Clerk; A. J. Chapel, M. D., Chairman; Wm. T. McKay, M. D., G. M. Covert, M. D.


O. S. Rarick, Marshal; Robert Neal, Assistant Marshal; Henry Endicott, Turnkey and Weighmaster; Geo. N. McIntire and Jesse Feagins, Policemen.
Police Court convenes daily at City Building, corner of Central Avenue and First Street.


OPERA HOUSE: Corner Fifth Avenue and B Street. L. E. Woodin, Manager.
HIGHLAND HALL: Highland block, Summit Street, between Central and Fifth
UNITY HALL: No. 208 South Summit Street.



FIRST WARD: C. C. Sollitt and L. D. Leasure.
SECOND WARD: H. T. Roberts and R. J. Rankin.
THIRD WARD: James Benedict and E. C. Gage.
FOURTH WARD: L. E. Woodin and Alex Wilson.
H. T. Roberts, president; C. C. Sollitt, vice-president; Alex Wilson, clerk; R. W. Maxey, treasurer. Prof. Thomas W. Conway, Superintendent.
Regular meetings in High School building on first Monday of each month.


FIRST WARD: B Street, between Walnut and Spruce.
SECOND WARD: Madison Avenue, between B and C Streets.
THIRD WARD: Sixth Street, between Jefferson and Madison Avenues.
FOURTH WARD: Chestnut Avenue, between Fourth and Fifth Streets.
HIGH SCHOOL: Corner of Central Avenue and Second Street.

Miss M. E. Coleman, Manager.
SCHOOL OF STENOGRAPHY: In Colorado building, corner Fifth Avenue and Summit Street. Miss Jennie M. Snyder, manager.


Corner of Fourth Street and Chestnut Avenue. U. T. Gamble, Pastor.
Board of Trustees: G. W. Smothers, T. B. Andrews, Wm. Kemp, W. M. Colwell, Eliza Carpenter, Ollie Colwell.
Stewarts: Willis West, Fred. West, Henry Carter, Allen Spickard, W. M. Kemp.
Sabbath Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sabbath school at 3 p.m., Mrs. E. Lee, superintendent. Prayer meetings Wednesday evenings at 7:30 p.m.


Corner Central Avenue and B Street. I. N. Merrifield, Pastor.
Board of Trustees: R. B. Baird, C. C. Hollister, J. M. Dilts, Jas. Lindley, A. Goff, H. T.
Roberts, Fred T. Horton.
Deacons: R. B. Baird, A. Goff, Fred T. Horton.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.; Sunday school at 12 noon, R. B. Baird, superintendent.


Meets in hall corner Walnut Avenue and Summit Street. Pastor, unsupplied.
Deacons: W. M. Hooker, Jacob Williams, and Anderson Toms.
Board of Trustees: Jas. Brown, Henry Keys, and P. A. Delano.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p.m.


Corner of Central Avenue and Summit Street. D. D. DeLong D. D., Pastor.
Midweek fellowship and praise service, Thursday evenings in the lecture rooms.
Y. P. S. C. E. meets Sundays at 6:30 p.m. O. H. White, president.
Pilgrim Association (ladies) meets Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m.
Board of Trustees: W. E. Dickson, president; O. H. White, secretary and treasurer; C. Mead, W. E. Moore, and J. G. Danks.
Deacons: G. B. Moore, Amos Spray, and Dr. J. A. Loomis.


North A Street between Pine and Linden Avenues. Father McKennon, priest, residence, Winfield.
Board of Trustees: W. F. Klopf, F. Trimper, and Mike Leonard.
Sunday Services: 8 and 10:30 a.m., Sunday school at 3 p.m., Miss Mary Cronin, superintendent.

Meets in Opera House, corner Fifth Avenue and B Street.


First Street between Central and Chestnut Avenues. W. B. Hendricks, pastor, residence, Wichita.
Elders: D. W. I. Pyle, I. J. Fitzpatrick, and D. J. Lewis.
Board of Trustees: E. Birdzell and D. G. Lewis.
Deacons: R. A. Maxey and U. S. Teeter.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school at 10 a.m., Mervin T. Miller, superintendent. Y. P. S. C. E., 6 p.m.


EPISCOPAL (Trinity Parish.)
Corner of Adams Avenue and B Street. Rev. J. S. Morgan, minister.
Sr. Warden: Julius F. Behrend. Jr. Warden: J. A. Kearney.
Vestry: Dr. A. J. Chapel, W. E. Gooch, Van R. Pond, W. Wright, Charles Hutchins, Jno. Landis, and S. Small.
Sunday services at 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school at 12:30 p.m.
Week day services Friday at 8 p.m. Ladies Guild meets every Wednesday at 3 p.m.


Corner of Central Avenue and Second street. E. A. Hoyt, pastor.
Board of Trustees: A. F. Hoyt, T. H. Tyner, D. H. Carder, E. A. Barron, L. S. Baugh, and J. F. Hoffman.
Board of Stewarts: T. B. Oldroyd, C. P. Duff, W. A. Thew, Jno. Hartman, Dr. F. A. Porter, D. G. Carder, Mrs. L. S. Baugh, Mrs. Dr. Covert, and Mrs. D. L. Means.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday School at 2:30 p.m., John Daniels, superintendent. Epworth League meets Tuesday evenings at 7:30.


No. 315 South First Street. D. H. Stewart, pastor.
Elders: D. P. Marshall, E. D. Eddy, W. H. Pottle, A. C. Gould, F. D. Waugh, J. W. Martin, O. P. Houghton, C. W. Burt, and J. C. Topliff.
Deacons: W. H. Henderson and O. H. Lent.
Board of Trustees: G. F. Rohr, president; C. N. Post, secretary; A. A. Newman, J. L. Huey, S. P. Gould. Church Treasurer: Miss Emma F. Theaker.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 12 noon.
Y.P.S.C.E. at 6:30 p.m. Weekly prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30.
GRACE CHAPEL—(Presbyterian Mission.)
Sleeth addition southeastern part of city. J. C. Sefton, Pastor.
Officers same as First Presbyterian Church.
Sunday services at 8 p.m. and Sunday school at 3 p.m.
S. P. Gould, superintendent.


Corner of Cedar Avenue and Fifth Street. D. M. Poor, Pastor. Fred Scott, district chairman.
Board of Trustees: B. R. Bittle, Secretary; D. J. Kennedy, S. N. Bone, Charles Clifton, E. R. Thomas.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., Sunday school at 9:45 a.m., E. R. Thos, superintendent.


Unity Hall, second floor, 206 South Summit Street. Rev. C. H. Rogers, Pastor.
Board of Trustees: Geo. Cunningham, president; H. S. Hayford, secretary and treasurer; E. S. Beavers, John Craig, David Tweedels, and Frank Weiler.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Ladies Auxiliary, Mrs. E. H. Rogers, president.


Corner of Fifth Avenue and B. Street. Dr. James White, Pastor.
Ruling Elders: Major Wm. Sleeth, Dr. R. Reed, Robert Marshall, J. H. Hamilton, S. G. Phillips, D. E. Campbell, and Harry Campbell.
Board of Trustees: Major Wm. Sleeth, Dr. G. S. Anderson, J. R. Wilson, J. R. Herron, S. E. Maxwell, Thos. White, and Jno. Patton.
Sunday Services: Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m.


Meets in the Y. M. C. A. rooms in Farmers’ Bank Building. W. E. Broadhurst, Pastor.
Preaching every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday school at 9:45 a.m.
Board of Trustees: C. C. Straughan, Daniel Bunnell, B. C. Straughan, J. L. Gibson, and J. W. Reynolds.
Stewart: C. C. Straughan.

W. C. T. C.—Meets in room 2 over 212½ South Summit Street.
Mrs. J. W. Ruby, Secretary.
Y. M. C. A.—Rooms rear Farmers’ National Bank, corner South Summit Street and Washington Avenue.
Wm. Baird, secretary; residence 309 South Third Street.
Y. W. C. A.—Meets in M. E. Church, corner West Central Avenue and Second Street.


A. F. & A. M.
CRESCENT LODGE No. 133.—Meets at Masonic Hall, Opera House block, corner East Fifth Avenue and B Street, first and third Wednesday evenings; James Benedict, secretary; office 123 South Summit Street.
Officers Crescent Lodge No. 133, A. F. & A. M.—T. B. Oldroyd, W. M.; James Benedict,
secretary; Chas. Howard, treasurer.

BENNETT CHAPTER No. 41, R. A. M.—Meets in Masonic Hall second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month. M. M. Rhodes, H. P.; James Benedict, secretary; Chas. Hutchins, treasurer.


ARKANSAS CITY COMMANDERY No. 30.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit Street every Friday evening.
H. A. Crouse, N. G.; S. C. Lindsay, secretary; W. M. Hay, treasurer.


I. O. O. F.
ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 160.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit Street every Friday evening.
H. A. Crouse, N. G.; S. C. Lindsay, secretary; W. M. Hay, treasurer.


CANAL CITY LODGE No. 352.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit Street, second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month.

O. H. Lent, N. G.; J. H. Eckert, secretary; J. P. Johnson, treasurer.


MYRTLE REBEKAH LODGE No. 88.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit Street, second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month.
Mrs. S. E. Eckard, N. G.; S. C. Lindsay, secretary; Mrs. Eva E. Brown, treasurer.


ARKANSAS CITY ENCAMPMENT No. 76.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit Street and Washington Avenue, first and third Thursday evenings of each month.
W. E. Dickson, C. P.; S. C. Lindsay, scribe; T. H. Dohrer, treasurer.

CANTON SUNFLOWER LODGE No. 13.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit Street and Washington Avenue, second and fourth Thursday evenings of each month.
J. D. Garrett, captain; W. E. Dickson, clerk; Julius Smith, accountant.

A. O. U. W.
ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 89.—Meet in their hall, Highland Hall block, every Friday night.
O. H. Lent, M. W.; L. E. Woodin, Jr., recorder; I. H. Bonsall, financier.


CRESWELL LEGION No. 15, S. K.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month.
W. P. Wolfe, S. K. C.; C. F. Leech, recorder; T. L. Mantor, treasurer.


DEGREE OF HONOR, ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 14.—Meets every Monday evening in A. O. U. W. hall.
Mrs. L. D. Leasure, C. of H.; Mrs. J. H. Akers, L. of H.; Mrs. May Buck, recorder; I. H.
Bonsall, financier.


TRIUMPH LODGE No. 116.—Meets in their hall northeast corner Summit Street and Washington avenue every Tuesday evening.
W. A. Kaser, C. C.; F. M. Stauber, K. of R. and S.; T. L. Hill, M. of E.


ARKANSAS CITY DIVISION No. 28, U. R.—Meets second and fourth Friday evenings of each month in K. of P. Hall.
Geo. W. Cunningham, Sir Kt., captain; J. R. L. Adams, Sir Kt. Recorder; Geo. S. Howard, treasurer.


ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 480. Meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month.
W. D. Kreamer, D.; J. A. Loomis, secretary; J. L. Huey, treasurer.


ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 46.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall first and third Thursday evenings of each month.
J. H. Clay, commander; P. A. Miller, recorder; E. D. Eddy, treasurer.

ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 11.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit Street and Washington Avenue, first and third Wednesday evenings of each month.
W. E. Miller, C.; G. W. Burgess, secretary.


ARKANSAS CITY LODGE No. 35.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall first and third Wednesday evenings of each month.
E. P. Hurford, C. P.; I. E. B. Mullen, secretary; Mrs. M. Jeffries, treasurer.


INAUGURAL CAMP No. 867.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit Street and Washington Avenue, second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month.
E. Leeper, clerk; James R. Duff, V. C.; T. B. Oldroyd, treasurer.


ARKANSAS CITY CAMP No. 10.—Assembles on call.
J. W. Sparks, C. C.; C. F. Leech, clerk.


I. O. R. M.
HIAWATHA TRIBE No. 7.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit Street, every Tuesday night.
W. S. Harned, Sachem; John Steinmeyer, C. of R.; H. H. Constant, K. of W.


G. A. R.
ARKANSAS CITY POST No. 158.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall, over 114 South Summit Street, second and fourth Wednesdays of each month.
G. B. Moore, commander; office 207 South Summit Street.
W. R. C. No. 56.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall second and fourth Saturdays.
Mrs. Hackley, secretary.


ANTI-HORSE-THIEF ASSOCIATION.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit Street, first Thursday night of every month.
L. D. Leasure, president; Julius Smith, secretary; H. Godehard, treasurer.


FRATERNAL AID ASSOCIATION, COUNCIL No. 44.—Meets in A. O. U. W. hall first and third Tuesday evenings of each month.
T. J. Mullen, president; S. P. Gould, secretary.


Note: Ads were inserted among the early pages of the directory.
C. B. DYE, Proprietor of the Arkansas City Carriage Manufactory.
West Madison Avenue, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Fifth Avenue Block, East Fifth, Arkansas City, Kansas.

LAURA J. SMITH, Notary and Stenographer.
Rooms 1, 2, 3 and 4 First National Bank Building, Winfield.
Rooms 1, 2 and 3, Heck Block, Arkansas City.

Horse Shoeing, Wagon and Plow Work and General Repairing.

CHAS. WILLIAMS, Merchant Tailor.
208 South Summit Street, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Wholesale Manufacturers of Excelsior Mattresses,
Spring Beds, Woven Wire Mattresses, Cots and Pillows.


add (addition), agt (agent), asst (assistant), ave (avenue), bds (boards), bet (between), bkpr (bookkeeper), bldg (building), blk (block), blksmith (blacksmith), clk (clerk), col (colored), cor (corner), e (east), emp (employed), ex (express), lab’r (laborer), mkr (maker), mnfr (manufacturer), mngr (manager), n (north), ne (northeast), nw (northwest), opp (opposite), pres (president), prin (principal), propr (proprietor), r (residence), rms (rooms), s (south), se (southeast), A T & S F (Santa Fe railway), sec’y (secretary), shoemkr (shoemaker), ss (south side), supt (superintendent), sw (southwest), tel opr (telegraph operator), treas (treasurer), Wash ave (Washington Avenue), wks (works), ws (west side).

A classified business directory will be found immediately after the residence directory.


ABBOTT, A., blksmith, 208 w Central ave, r 213 n D st.
Abbott, D. M., fire builder, A T & S F shops, r 1327 s J st.
Abbott, G. N., lab’r, r 1227 s J st.
Abbott, O. U., lab’r, r 1327 s J st.
Abernathy, Almore, student, r 208 n C st.
Abernathy, A. N., stonemason, 208 n C st.
Acker, C. S., physician, office rm 2 Colorado bldg., rms at Gladstone.
Acton, Miss Mary, waitress, A T & S F depot hotel.
ADAMS, J. R. L., manager, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 313 n B st.
Adams, Miss Maud, bkpr, r 402 n 3rd st.
Addington, H. B., agent, A T & S F, r 603 s B st.
Adriansens, Mary, cook, Central ave Hotel.
Adkerson, Tom (col), r cor Adams ave and 6th st.
Agan, Glover, lab’r, r 818 n B st.
Agan, Frank, lab’r, r 621 s Summit st.
Agan, James, lab’r, r 818 n B st.
Akers, J. H., engineer, A T & S F, r 324 s C st.
Akers, Miss Maud, student, r 324 s C st.
Alburn, Jas. W., car repairer, A T & S F shops, r 1313 s H st.
Alexander, Mrs. M., widow, r 117 n Summit st.
Alfred, stonemason, r 1014 n 4th st.
Alfrey, Mollie, domestic, r 903 s 2nd st.
Alkire, D., tel opr, A T & S F, bds 321 e Central ave.
Allabaugh, Geo., lab’r, r 522 n 4th st.
Allabaugh, Geo. O., lab’r, r 522 n 4th st.
Allen, Geo. O., painter, 116 s Summit st., r 209 n Summit.
ALLEN, D. E., proprietor, Grand View Hotel, r 222 n C st.
Allen, Lewis E., clk, Smith’s grocery, r 402 s A st.
Allen, Miss Anna, r 521 s D st.
Allen, Jno. C., fireman, A T & S F, r 521 s D st.
Allen, J. F., clk, A T & S F, r 521 s D st.
Allen, J. E., brakeman, A T & S F, r 521 s D st.
Allen, Geo., carpenter, r Linden ave bet 1st and 2nd st.
Allen, Fred, painter, r 209 n Summit st.
Allen, Miss Estell, r 209 n Summit st.
Allen, G. W., farmer, r 832 n 1st st.
Allen, Frank, student, r 832 n 1st st.
Allen, Daisy, printer, bds 401 s A st.
Allen, C. D., salesman, Newman Dry Goods Co., r cor Washington ave and 1st st.
Allen, L. E., deliveryman, J. G. Smith’s grocery, r cor Adams ave and Summit st.
Allen, Hollis, clk, Davenport’s grocery, r 402 s A st.
Alston, Paul, cook, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
ALTON, S. T., of Ranney, Alton & Co., r 425 s C st.
Ames, Henry, confectioner, cor Central ave and Summit st, r 120 e Central ave.
Ames, Miss Lena, student, r 120 e Central ave.
Ames, Lucie E., r 828 s 2nd st.
Ames, Miss Susie D., bkpr, Home National Bank, r 828 s 2nd st.
Anderson, Miss Ada, dressmaker.
Anderson, D. C., atty, office over 1st National Bank, rms 301 n B st.
Anderson, G. L., office and r 301 s Summit st.
Anderson, Henry, carpenter, r 219 s B st.
Anderson, Leander, r 203 n 7th st.
Andrews, Miss Agnes, student, r 828 s Summit st.
Andrews, Frank, lab’r, r 414 n D st.
Andrews, C. C., bkpr, r 828 s Summit st.
Andrews, John, r 304 n 9th st.
Andrews, John, real estate agt, office rear of Home National ban, r 403 n 1st st.
Andrews, Miss Jennie, student, r 414 n D st.
Andrews, Miss J. E., r 414 n D st.
Andrews, Lewis, lab’r, r 414 n D st.
Andrews, S. S., farmer, 414 n D st.
ANDREWS, SEPTIMUS, proprietor, Andrews Harness Shop, 114 s Summit st, r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Anglemeyer, A., carpenter, 819 s B st.
Ansel, John, clk, Saddle Rock restaurant, rms 107 s Summit st.
Anstine, E. M., r 103 n 10th st.
Anthony, Frank, foreman, A T & S F shops, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Anthony, F. S., machinist, r 700 s D st.
Antle, Wm., section foreman, Frisco Ry., r 415 n 6th st.
Antoine, Joseph, cook, rms 720 s Summit st.
ARKANSAS CITY BANK, J. L. Britton, president; Harry Coburn, cashier.
ARKANSAS CITY FRUIT CO., M. L. Wells, J. Lindon, and E. W. Gantt, 320 s Summit st.
ARKANSAS CITY TRANSFER CO., R. F. Fitzpatrick, manager.
Arkansas City Bottling Works (R. T. Fitzpatrick, propr), basement 212 s Summit st.
ARKANSAS CITY MANUFACTURING CO., (Frank Theaker, mngr), foot of canal.
ARKANSAS CITY BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, (T. J. Mullen, pres; W. A. Kaser, sec’y), office rear of Farmers National Bank.
ARKANSAS CITY MILLING CO., mills and office at foot of canal, uptown office in Hess building, w 5th ave.
ARKANSAS CITY CANNING AND PRESERVING CO., (Jno. Kroenert, pres; C. C. Straughan, sec’y and treas; B. C. Straughan, sup’t), packers of fruits, vegetables, etc., cor Madison ave and Summit st.
Arkansas City Lumber Co., 314 w Madison ave.
Arkansas City Furniture Co., (J. R. Duff, manager), 401 s Summit st.
Armstead, Belle, r 502 n 3rd st.
Armstead, Miss Grace, r 502 n 3rd st.
Armstead, O. B., r 502 n 3rd st.
Armstrong, Denton, r 1207 n 2nd st.
Armstrong, Edward, r 1207 n 2nd st.
Armstrong, Mrs. Ella (widow), clerk in Dollar store, r 709 s 4th st.
Armstrong, Mrs. Emma (widow), r 1207 n 2nd st.
Armstrong, George, r 1207 n 2nd st.
ARMSTRONG, Z. T., atty, office over 1st National Bank, r cor n 5th and Kansas ave.
Arnett, Ed, farmer, r 500 s 7th st.
Arnold, Miss Beatrice, teacher, bds 112 s 3rd st.
Art, Wm. E., student, r 615 s 5th st.
Art, Wm. T., lab’r at A. C. Mills, r 615 s 5th st.
Asbell, C. H., lab’r, r 114 s B st.
Ashby, S. W., traveling salesman, r 824 n 1st st.
Ashley, H. J., speculator, r 511 n D st.
Ashworth, Miss Grace, teacher, r 202 s B st.
Ashworth, J. H., clk at Hayford’s grocery, r cor Birch ave and C st.
Ashworth, Miss Rose, dressmkr, r 202 s B st.
Ashworth, Miss S. B., dressmkr, r 202 s B st.
Ashworth, Walter, clk, Sollitt & Swarts’ drug store, r 725 n C st.
Ashworth, W. D., r 202 s B st.
Atkins, Mrs. Ada, r 1108 s 2nd st.
Atkins, Hiram, r 1108 s 2nd st.
Atkins, J. G., head blksmith, A T & S F shops, r 1108 s 2nd st.
Atkins, Miss Mollie, r 1108 s 2nd st.
Atkinson, Mrs. Almetia, laundress, r 116 n 1st st.
Atkinson, atty, rms 2 and 3, Farmers’ National Bank bldg., r 206 n 2nd st.
Atwood, C., of Atwood & Hutchinson, grocers, r Syndicate block.
Atwood & Hutchinson (C. Atwood and A. P. Hutchinson), grocers, 115 n Summit st.
Austin, , (col), cook at Fifth Avenue Hotel, r 818 n 2nd st.
Austin, F. D., traveling salesman, r 403 n A st.
Avery, C. W., conductor, A T & S F, r 815 s D st.
Avery, Lewis, student, r 815 s D st.
Badger Lumber Co., 111 w Adams ave., D. J. Buckley, agt.
Bady, Thomas, (col), dishwasher, Gladstone Hotel.
BAILLOD, G. E., watchmaker, 123 s Summit st, r north end of 8th st.
Baer, David, contractor, r cor Washington ave and 13th st.
Baer, Miss Maude, r cor Washington ave and 13th st.
Bailey, Benn, (col), porter at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Bailey, Mrs. E., dressmkr, 113 w 5th ave, r rooms 4, 5 and 6 Hess blk.
Baird, Martin, packer, A. C. Mills, r 403 n 5th st.
Baird, R. B., contractor, r 402 n A st.
Baird, Robert, carpenter, r 302 s 6th st.
Baird, William, secretary, Y M C A, r 309 s 3rd st.
Baker, C. A., carpenter, r 425 n 2nd st.
Baker, C. L., farmer, r 414 n 9th st.
Baker, Emanuel, musician, r 416 n 9th st.
Baker, George, speculator, r 416 n 9th st.
Baker, H. E., farmer, r 414 n 9th st.
Baker, Miss Jessie, r 414 n 9th st.
Baker, John, stonemason, r 427 s D st.
Baker, Lizzie, r 425 s A st.
Baker, Miss Pearl, r 414 n 9th st.
Baker, Mrs. S. E., dressmkr, 222 s Summit st., r 717 n B st.
Baker, T. L., farmer, r 414 n 9th st.
Balcom, Chas., proprietor, second hand store, r 310 s D st.
Balcom, Lota, r 310 s D st.
Balcom, Joe, engineer, A T & S F, r 609 s C st.
Baldwin, lab’r, r 404 n 1st st.
Bales, A., Jr., delivery clerk, McDowell & Co., bds Commercial Hotel.
Ball, George F., printer, r 422 s D st.
Ball, Mrs. Hattie, r 422 s D st.
Ball, Lester, printer, r 422 s D st.
Ball, L., grocer, r 625 s 6th st.
Ball, George F., car carpenter, A T & S F shops.
Ball, G. H., carpenter, r 1313 s J st.
Ball, Mr. , teamster, r 105 s D st.
Ball’s Grocery, 604 s 6th st.
Ball, O. F., carpenter, 422 s D st.
Ball, O. F., printer, r n 1st st.
Ball, Oscar, Jr., printer, r 813 n 1st st.
Ballard, Robert, emp, A T & S F yard, r s 1st st.
Ballow, Geo, fireman, A T & S F, bds 1327 s H st.
Ballow, Joe, engineer, A T & S F, r 609 s C st.
Ballow, Miss, r 609 s C st.
Ballow, S. H., machinist, A T & S F shops, r 609 s D st.
Ballow, Wm., engineer, A T & S F, r 609 s C st.
BALYEAT, F. E., of Balyeat & Cree druggists, r 126 n B st.
BALYEAT & CREE DRUGGISTS, (F. E. Balyeat and J. S. Cree), 222 s Summit st.
Bamber, W. M., stock dealer, r 110 s C st.
Banks, Mrs. Brezler (col), r 402 n 5th st.
Banks, Willard, butcher, emp Star meat markets, rms 217 s Summit.
Barber, E. M., lab’r, r 527 w Madison ave.
Barkley, Mrs., r 101 s Summit st.
Barkley, Miss Grace, r 101 s Summit st.
Barkley, Miss Eva, r 101 s Summit st.
Barlow, L. G., clk, Ranney & Alton, r 221 s 3rd st.
Barlow, Mrs. Martha (widow), r 221 s 3rd st.
Barlow, R. H., wks for Ranney, Alton & Co., r 221 s 3rd st.
Barnett, B. G., farmer, r 808 n 5th st.
Barnett, Claude, farmer, r 1417 s 1st st.
Barnett, Ira, livestock agt, A T & S F, r 321 e Washington ave cor C st.
Barnett, Will, marble cutter, r 321 e Washington ave.
Barnett, Wm., guard in U. S. treas dept, r 1417 s 1st st.
Barrett, Mrs. W. T., cook, rm 25 Hill blk.
Barrick, Ed, lab’r, 721 s C st.
Barrick, N. S., wks at A T & S F shops, r 1028 s A st.
Barrick, Mrs. S. A., r 1028 s A street.
Barricklow, D. W., tel opr, Western Union office.
Barron, E. A., insurance agt., office 5th ave rear of Home National Bank, r 805 n 7th st.
Barrow, J. G., teamster, r 425 n E st.
Barrow, Mrs. Mary, r 425 n E st.
Barrow, Miss Priscilla, r 425 n E st.
Barta, John, tailor, wks for Williams, 824 n B st.
Barta, Antonie, dressmkr, r 824 n B st.
Bartlett, G. G., lab’r, r 302 n 7th st.
Bartley, Ben, printer, r 422 s D st.
Bass, E. G. (col), janitor, Home National Bank, r 113 s 1st st.
Bassett, Wm., supt. street car line, r 125 n 2nd st.
Bassett, Miss Nellie, r 125 n 2nd st.
Bateman, John (col), cook, r 417 n Summit st.
Bateman, Chas. (Col), r 415 n Summit st.
Bates, Miss Hattie, waitress, A T & S F eating house.
Bauer, C. A., meat market 125 n Summit st., r 609 s Summit st.
Baugh, L. S., miller, Arkansas City mills, r 723 s C st.
Baumgardner, , wks for White, Hill & Co., bds 307 n Summit st.
Baxter, Wm., painter, r 210 e Birch ave.
Beach, C. E., of Beach & Tucker, grocers, r cor A st and Harrison ave.
Beacham, H. H., real estate broker, r 113 n 2nd st.
Beacham, Harry H., 113 n 2nd st.
Beacham, Miss Ida, 113 n 2nd st.
Beal, Bradford, clk at Hayford’s grocery, r 123 n A st.
Beal, Frank, conductor, A T & S F, rms e Central ave.
Beal, Miss M. L., 123 n A st.
Beal, S. L., r 123 n A st.
BEARD, GEO. L., gunsmith, shop 303 s Summit st, r ne cor C st and Kansas ave.
Beard, C. S., student, r cor C st and Kansas ave.
Beard, J. G., machinist, r cor C st and Kansas ave.
Beavers, E. S., farmer, r 503 s B st.
Beck, C. F., clk at Wickliffe Bros., r 402 n 7th st.
Beck, Clarence, driver, Wickliffe Bros., r 402 n 7th st.
Beck, Frank, r 306 n 11th st.
Beck, J. E., pension agt, r 306 n 11th st.
Beck, Vinian, printer, r 306 n 11th st.
Beckwell, Henry, lab’r, r 1113 n B st.
Bedkey, Charles, fireman, A T & S F, bds 407 e Harrison ave.
Bedkey, Fred, fireman, A T & S F, bds 407 e Harrison ave.
Beech & Tucker, grocers, 312 s Summit st.
Beecher, J. F., stone mason, r 703 s C st.
BEEKMAN, J. V., attorney, of Peckham, Beekman & Brown, office in Hess blk, r 814 n 3rd st.
Beekman, Miss Mattie, student, r 814 n 3rd st.
Beeks, Frank, r 610 n 5th st.
BEHREND, JULIUS, clothier, store cor Washington ave and Summit st, r over Farmers National Bank.
Behrens, Henry, hide and fur dealer, 322 w Adams ave.
Belford, Thomas, mngr, Elzina Lumber Co., r 731 s 4th st.
Bell, Daniel, farmer, r 317 s C st.
Bell, Fred, conductor, A T & S F, r 317 s C st.
Bell, Joe, clk at Wickliffe’s grocery, r 325 s C st.
Bell, L. C., storekeeper, A T & S F round house.
Bell, L. F., emp, Pacific and Wells-Fargo Express Co.
Bell, Priscilla, r 502 n E st.
Bellamy, Albert, cabinet mkr, A C Mfg Co.
Bellamy, Charles, asst sec’y, Y M C A, r 401 s 7th st.
Bellamy, John, of Fleece, White & Co., r 401 s 7th st.
Bellamy, Geo., merchant, r 401 s 7th st.
Bellamy, Jas., wks at A C Mfg Co., r 401 s 7th st.
Bellamy, Miss Leona, student, r 401 s 7th st.
Bellamy, Lee, wks at A C Mfg Co., r 401 s 7th st.
Bells, John, clk, Newman’s, r 315 5th st.
Bendar, Frank J., shipping clk, Ranney, Alton & Co., rms Hill blk.
Benedict, Albert, clks for Behrend, r 215 s 1st st.
Benedict, H. M., student, r 217 s B st.
Benedict, James, loan and insurance agt, 123 s Summit st., r 215 s 1st st.
Benham, Jno., lab’r, r 113 s 1st st.
Benner, Daniel, lab’r, r 515 s 1st st.
Bennett, Chas, pruner, r 201 s 1st st.
Bennett, Chas. E., painter, r 223 n 2nd st.
Bennett, H. S., conductor, bds 5th Ave. Hotel.
Bennett, J. W., fireman, water wks, r 309 s 5th st.
Bennett, Miss Mabel, student, bds 707 n A st.
Bennett, Margaret E., r 223 n 2nd st.
Bennett, Oscar, drug clk, r 223 n 2nd st.
Bennett, Orlando R., painter, r 223 n 2nd st.
Benshoof, H. S., butcher, 501 n Summit st.
Benton, Mrs. L., milliner, wks for Mrs. VanSickler.
Berkey, Miss I., compositor, Democrat office, r 519 s B st.
Berks, Pleny, ticket agt, A T & S F depot, r cor Chestnut ave and C st.
Berner, C. A., lab’r, r 508 n 1st st.
Berrick, Jas. E., caller, A T & S F.
Bertchy, Gus, brakeman, bds 1124 s E st.
Berry, S. W., emp, Elzina Lumber Co., r 721 s E st.
Berry, Shepard, shoemkr, r 624 s 2nd st.
Betts, C. F., carriage maker, r 217 n D st.
Biggs, Miss Carrie, domestic, r 1107 n 4th st.
Biggs, Jno., student, r 1107 n 4th st.
Biggs, Lawrence, harness mkr, r 1107 n 4th st.
Biggs, Joseph, teamster, 1107 n 4th st.
Bigley, M. J., lab’r, r 1007 n B st.
Bigley, J. W., lab’r, r 1007 n B st.
Bills, Miss C. L., domestic, r 419 s C st.
Bills, Miss Edith, r 125 s 3rd st.
Bills, Miss Eliza, r 421 s 7th st.
Bills, Isaac, lab’r, r 421 s 7th st.
Bills, Jno. A., salesman, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 315 s 5th st.
Binkley, E. S., wks at A T & S F round house, r 321 s 7th st.
Binkley, F. M., baker at Gray & Gibson’s, r 321 s 7th st.
Binkley, James, speculator, r 321 s 7th st.
Binkley, Thomas, shoemaker, r 321 s 7th st.
Binkley, W. H., propr., Poultry Farm, r 321 s 7th st.
Binkley, Will, lab’r, r 321 s 7th st.
Binning, S. J., plasterer, r 404 n 1st st.
Birdsell, Arthur, student, 301 n 3rd st.
Birdsell, Orissa, student, 301 n 3rd st.
Birsack, John, of C. E. Bauer & Co.
Bishop, Miss Viola, r 503 n 5th st.
Bittle, A. R., r 825 n 7th st.
Black, W. C., clk, Gladstone Hotel.
Blackshere, E. E., brakeman, A T & S F, r 804 s B st.
Blackshere, R. E., r 804 s B st.
Blackwell, J. A., barber, emp 121 s Summit st., r 207 s 6th st.
Blackwell, John, barber, with Deets, r 305 s 6th st.
Blakey, Ed., r 726 n 7th st.
Blakey, Miss Hattie, student, r 726 n 7th st.
Blakey, Henry, r 726 n 7th st.
Blakey, Nathan, r 726 n 7th st.
Blakey, Oscar, r 726 n 7th st.
Blanchard, John J., asst cashier, Farmers National Bank, r 303 s 2nd st.
Blanden, clerk, Central Avenue Hotel.
Blubaugh, Ella, widow, r 126 n 3rd st.
Bly, Arthur, student, r 504 n 5th st.
Bly, G. W., Jr., student, r 504 n 5th st.
Bly, Fred, student, r 504 n 5th st.
Boans, E. A., lab’r, r 921 n B st.
Boans, J. C., lab’r, r 801 n 5th st.
BOANS, JOHN, grocer, r 602 s 5th st.
Bodine, A. S., phonograph man, r 201 s 1st st.
Bogardus, Wm., foreman, A T & S F round house, r 915 s A st.
Bogle, Wallace, wiper, A T & S F shops, r 513 s 1st st.
Boone, N. F., cashier and ticket agt, Mo P Ry, r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Booth, Mr., with Cunnick & Murray, r 620 n 5th st.
Booth, D. E., printer, sec’y Typographical Union, r 412 n 1st st.
Booth, Miss Ethyl, student, r 224 n 2nd st.
Booth, Miss Maud, student, r 224 n 2nd st.
Booth, H. A., printer, r 412 n 1st st.
Booth, H. L., carpenter, r 224 n 2nd st.
Booth, T. P., of Cunnick & Co., r 412 s Summit st.
Bonner, , conductor, A T & S F, rms 1124 s E st.
BONSALL, I. H., U. S. Commissioner and notary public, office over 206 s Summit st.
Border City Restaurant, Gilgas Bros., 117 s Summit st.
Bosley, Mrs. Almira, r 208 s B st.
Bosley, Miss Cora, r 208 s B st.
Boughton, Fred, conductor, A T & S F, r 3rd st., Charles building.
Bower, Fred, grocer, 312 s Summit st., r 810 n Summit st.
Bowersock, D. A., bridge foreman, Frisco Ry, r 127 n 8th st.
Bowley, Chas., lab’r, r 307 s 6th st.
Bowley, Andy, lab’r, r 307 s 6th st.
Bowley, A. C., lab’r, r 307 s 6th st.
Bowman, Allie, student, bds 707 n A st.
Bowman, J. H., r 313 e Adams ave.
Bowman, John, student, r 202 n C st.
Bowman, J. R., farmer, r 202 n C st.
Boyd, Miss E. N., teacher, bds 203 n B st.
Braggins, Mrs. Ella, dressmaker, r Home National Bank bldg.
Brainard, Florence, domestic, r 726 n B st.
Brainard, J. M., carpenter, r 726 n B st.
Brainard, Loraine, student, r 726 n B st.
Brainard, Miss Nora, r 726 n B st.
Brakey, J. P., lab’r, r 509 n 1st st.
Brandon, Addie, domestic, Grand View Hotel.
Brandon, Miss A. B., r 226 n D st.
Brandon, Ben, student, r 226 n D st.
Brandon, Miss Martha, teacher, r 403 n 1st st.
Brandon, Tom, student, 226 n D st.
Brandon, S. F., lab’r, r 226 n D st.
Brannen, M. J., brakeman, A T & S F, r 505 s Summit st.
Braymer, Sam, lab’r, r 504 s 7th st.
Brayton, Geo., brakeman, r 613 e Madison ave.
Brazil, C. D., farmer, r 803 s A st.
Brecount, A. S., physician, office 222 s Summit st., r 312 w Central ave.
Brecount, Ira S., r 312 w Central ave.
Brecount, Miss Ina, r 312 w Central ave.
Breene, J. J., constable, r 422 n 2nd st.
Breene, Wm., r 422 n 2nd st.
Breene, Frank, r 422 n 2nd st.
Brewster, Geo., lab’r, A T & S F machine shops, r 418 n D st.
Briggle, George, mechanic, A T & S F, bds at Farmers Home.
Briley, J. N., lab’r, r 1702 s 6th st.
Briley, William, horse dealer, r 1702 s 6th st.
Brindle, Levi, lab’r.
Britt, N. E., stockman, Grand View Hotel.
BRITTON, J. L., president, Arkansas City Bank, 120 s Summit st, r 810 s A st.
Broadhurst, W. E., pastor M. E. church South, r 112 s 3rd st.
Brockell, Thomas, paper hanger, r 207 n 3rd st.
Brodie, Miss Myrtle, r 713 n 3rd st.
Brofft, H. W., stonemason, r 614 n B st.
Brooks, C., lab’r, r 1106 s 2nd st.
Brooks, Miss Delila, r 1106 s 2nd st.
Brooks, Opal, r 810 e 5th ave.
Brooks, W. B., lab’r, r 1106 s 2nd st.
Broughton, Andrew J., car repairer, A T & S F shops, r 109 s D st.
Brown, Mrs. A. C., widow, r 301 s 9th st.
Brown, Al, bill clk, A T & S F depot, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Brown, Arthur (col), porter, Gladstone Hotel.
Brown, Miss Bertha, r 306 w Madison ave.
Brown, Bert, ticket agt, A T & S F depot, rms Colorado building.
Brown, D. T., oil merchant, r 619 n Summit st.
Brown, Miss Dora, telegrapher, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Brown, Ed., miller, Arkansas City mills, r 114 s C st.
Brown, Miss E. A., propr. boarding house 407 e Harrison ave.
Brown, Miss Ella, dressmkr, r 114 s C st.
Brown, Mrs. Dellie, teacher, r 211 s 12th st.
Brown, C. B., clk, St. Louis Bargain Store, r 308 n Summit st.
Brown, Cora, domestic, 401 s A st.
Brown, , safe clk, A T & S F depot, rms Colorado bldg.
Brown, C. D., physician and druggist, 107 n Summit st., r 204 w Central ave.
BROWN, CHAS. L., of Brown Bros. and Troupe & Brown.
BROWN, GEO. L., of Brown Bros., r 802 s A st.
BROWN BROS., (Geo. L. and Chas. L. Brown), real estate and insurance agts, 120 w 5th ave.
Brown, Geo., fireman, A T & S F, rms 510 s D st.
Brown, G. A., r 616 n 6th st.
Brown, Geo., cook, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Brown, Geo., wks in A T & S F freight depot, r 811 n 2nd st.
Brown, Frank, student, r 211 s 12th st.
Brown, Henry, teamster, r 513 n 1st st.
Brown, Henry O., r 411 n 10th st.
Brown, J. H., stonecutter, r 326 n 2nd st.
Brown, James, lab’r, r 211 s 12th st.
Brown, Miss Jennie (col), r 303 s 3rd st.
Brown, J. R., farmer, r 1701 s 4th st.
Brown, John, propr., Green House, n extension of 8th st.
Brown, J. H., second hand store, 118 n Summit st.
Brown, J. H., speculator, bds at Gladstone Hotel.
Brown, L. C., stenographer office, rms 2 and 3 Farmers National Bank bldg., r 207 s B st.
Brown, L. C., lawyer, r 201 s 1st st.
Brown, Miss Lucy, student, r 211 s 12th st.
Brown, Mrs. Mary A., widow, r 321 n 3rd st.
Brown, Neal A., book agt, r 905 n 3rd st.
Brown, Nona, r 303 w Madison ave.
Brown, Miss Rose, student, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Brown, Miss Sadie M., r 411 n 10th st.
Brown, Shelley (col), porter, Gladstone Hotel.
Brown, V. H., of Peckham, Beekman & Brown attys, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Brown, E. P., bds Grand View Hotel.
Bruce, Jas., emp, A T & S F, r 321 s D st.
Brunner, Edward, emp, Central Avenue Livery barn, r 513 s 1st st.
BRYANT, C., propr, Hotel Bryant, Fifth Avenue blk.
Bryant, Frank, teamster for C. R. Sipes, r 522 n A st.
Bryant, Howard, clk, Hotel Bryant.
Bryant, Miss Lizzie, dressmkr, r 522 n A st.
Buchanan, A. T., real estate agt, under First National Bank, r 323 n 1st st.
Buchanan, Harold, r 323 n 1st st.
Buchanan, Wm., r 323 n 1st st.
Buchanan, Goldin, emp, Central Avenue Livery barn, r 118 s 1st st.
Buchanan, W. J., propr, Central Avenue Livery barn, r 118 s 1st st.
Buchanan, William, r 118 s 1st st.
Buck, L. A., student, r 1008 s A st.
Buck, N., drayman, r 1008 s A st.
Buck, Ed., lunch counter, r 615 n 1st st.
BUCKLEY, D. J., agt, Badger Lumber Co., r 720 s C st.
Bumgardner, Amos, wks at A T & S F shops.
Bundy, H. W. (col), barber, r 914 n 6th st.
Bunnell, Dan, trader, r 322 n 4th st.
Bunnell, Wm., student, r 322 n 4th st.
Burch, Allen, r 415 n D st.
Burch, Mrs. C. R., r 415 n D st.
Burch, R. M., teacher, r 612 n A st.
Burch, Miss Edith, r 415 n D st.
Burch, Wm., r 415 n D st.
Burch, Miss Lillie, r 415 n D st.
Burdick, Miss Anna, 1127 s 1st st.
Burdick, Geo., wks at A T & S F round house, r 1127 s 1st st.
Burdick, Mrs. Mary, widow, r 1127 s 1st st.
Burdick, John, boilermkr, A T & S F shops, r 1127 s 1st st.
Burdick, J. F., boilermkr, r 1105 s 2nd st.
Burgen, Miss Bessie, r 508 n 2nd st.
Burgen, Miss Edna, r 508 n 2nd st.
Burgen, Miss Hattie, r 508 n 2nd st.
Burgen, Miss Jennie, r 508 n 2nd st.
Burgen, S. M., physician, r 508 n 2nd st.
Burgess, G. W., traveling salesman, r 225 s B st.
Burke, Mrs. C. W., r 626 n 1st st.
Burke, C. W., miner, r 626 n 1st st.
Burke, Milo W., bookkpr, r 626 n 1st st.
Burke, Miss Clara, r 626 n 1st st.
Burke, Mrs. Gussie, widow, r 106 n 4th st.
Burke, Miss Hattie, teacher, r 626 n 2nd st.
Burke, Miss Mary, teacher, r 626 n 2nd st.
Burkholder, Miss Zillah, r 303 n 5th st.
Burley, Miss Liddy, student, r 1103 n 43th st.
Burley, Miss Lucille, student, r 1103 n 4th st.
Burley, Miss Lucille, student, r 1103 n 4th st.
Burley, Miss Ora, student, r 1103 n 4th st.
Burley, R. F., carpenter, r 1103 n 4th st.
Burley, Robt, gardener, r 1103 n 4th st.
Burns, Noble, speculator, r 120 n C st.
Burray, Frank, cook, r 1124 s E st.
Burress, S. B., baggage master, A T & S F depot, r 310 s 1st st.
Burroughs, J. J., carpenter, r 721 s E st.
Burt, A, lab’r, rms 515 n C st.
Burt, Miss Anna, student, r 515 n 4th st.
Burt, C. W., cattleman, r 515 n 4th st.
Burt, C. E., barber shop and confectionery store, 101 n Summit st., r 203 n 5th st.
Burt, Miss Nellie, student, r 515 n 4th st.
Burton, Z. L., mathematician, r 1010 n 4th st.
Burton, Miss Carrie, emp Border City restaurant.
Bush, F. A., student, bds 525 n B st.
Bushfield, C. T., printer, r 1006 s B st.
Bushfield, Chas., printer, r 1006 s B st.
Bushfield, T. M., traveling salesman, r 1006 s B st.
Bussey, Ed., traveling salesman, bds at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Butler, Tom, wks at gas wks, r 210 n 8th st.
Byrons, J., brakeman, bds 1124 s E st.
Cadle, C. W., lab’r, r 227 s 7th st.
Cadle, J. R., lab’r, r 227 s 7th st.
Cadle, L. E., lab’r, r 227 s 7th st.
Caldron, Pat, fireman, r 1326 s G st.
Caldwell, Frank, cook, Border City restaurant.
Caldwell, G. M., brickmoulder, r 1613 s 6th st.
Caldwell, G. N., farmer, r 1613 s 6th st.
Caldwell, J. B., lab’r, 1613 s 6th st.
Call, H. J., propr, blksmith shop, 410 s Summit, r 816 n A st.
Callahan, R. W., bridge carpenter, Frisco Ry, r 304 n 9th st.
Campbell, J. E., farmer, r 812 n A st.
Campbell, J. W., bkpr, First National Bank, r 919 n 3rd st.
Campbell, L. E., barber, emp 121 s Summit st.
Campbell, Mrs. Bertha, r 1008 s C st.
Campbell, Miss Daisy, student, r 812 n A st.
Campbell, Miss E. L., dressmkr, r 812 n A st.
Campbell, Miss M. E., r 812 n A st.
Campbell, W. D., feed yard, cor Washington ave and 1st st, bds Commercial Hotel.
Cantrell, Miss Bessie, milliner, r 414 n 3rd st.
Carder, D. G., capitalist, r 721 s B st.
Carder, C. L., student, r 721 s B st.
Carder, John, retired farmer, r 603 s C st.
Carey, W. B., engineer, A T & S F, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Carlisle, Kitty, student, bds 502 s C st.
Carrell, John, gardener, r 325 n 10th st.
Carrell, J. W., gardener, r 325 n 10th st.
Carroll, L. F., machinist, A T & S F, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Carter, Henry C., lab’r, r 504 s 3rd st.
Carter, Robt., machinist, r 104 s C st.
Carter, W. F., switchman, A T & S F, r 621 s E st.
Case, Emmett, drug clerk at Hay & Dohrer, rms 217 s B st.
Case, Ed., farmer, r 510 s 8th st.
Casette, Jackson, student, r 704 n A st.
Casette, Miss Mertia, r 704 n A st.
Casette, Miss Phoebe, student, r 704 n A st.
Casette, Winfield, farmer, r 704 n A st.
Cash, John, switchman, r 809 n 4th st.
Cash, W. C., farmer, r 809 n 4th st.
Cassedy, Eugenia, milliner, bds 401 s A st.
Cassedy, John, brakeman, A T & S F, r 832 s C st.
Cavanagh, Bessie, r 1023 s B st.
Cells, Henry, speculator, r 113 n D st.
Central Avenue Livery stable (W. J. Buchanan, propr), r 112 w Central ave.
Chadwell, Miss Gertie, student, r 314 n 6th st.
Chambers, F. A., blksmith shop, e 5th ave., r 518 n B st.
Chambers, C. F., blksmith, e 5th ave., r 518 n B st.
CHANEY, G. R., propr, Saddle Rock restaurant.
CHAPEL, A. J., physician, office rms 5 and 6 226 s Summit st., r 578 n B st.
Chapin, Mrs. J. E., tailoress, r 608 s A st.
Chapin, Guy, student, r 414 n C st.
Chapin, J. R., clks for White, Hill & Co., r 608 s A st.
Chapman, R. A., carpenter, r 405 n 10th st.
Chapman, Z., dealer in confections and cigars, 309 s Summit st., r 100 s C st,
Chase, Will T., clks at Almighty Dollar store, bds 401 s A st.
Cheney, Don, emp, A T & S F, r cor D st and Harrison ave.
CHEROKEE GROCERY CO., (A. C. Fog, propr; L. F. Hoop, mngr), 427 s Summit st.
CHEROKEE STRIP GUIDE, newspaper and job office, cor Summit st and Washington ave.
Cherry, Jas. R 112 e Central ave.
Chesebro, Mrs. Mary, r 106 5th st.
CHICAGO STORE, (John Masterson mngr), wholesale and retail, 103 n Summit st.
Childs & Co., (B. F. Childs and Jno. B. Hull), druggists and stationers, 209 s Summit st.
Childs, B. F., of Childs & Co., druggists, 209 s Summit, r cor Central ave and B st.
Choisseur, T. W., A T & S F, r 721 s D st.
Chose, Oscar, lab’r, r 405 n E st.
Chose, Wm., clk, r 401 s A st.
Christian, Dr. R., physician, office at r 625 n A st.
Christian, Jacob, teacher, r 404 n 1st st.
Christian, Jas., atty, r 325 s A st.
Christy, Andy, stockman, r 325 n A st.
Christy, Chas., stockman, r 325 n A st.
Christy, Ed, plumber.
Christy, John, Sr., stockman, r 325 n A st.
Christy, Miss Ida, r 325 n A St.
Christy, J. M., fireman, A T & S F, r 525 s D st.
Christy, Mrs. Mollie, r 1105 s 2nd st.
Cissney, Jas., Indian inspector, bds at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
CITY MEAT MARKET, (Alex Woods, propr), r 300 s Summit st.
Claflin, Mrs. A. L., r 211 N B st.
Clampett, A. A., deliveryman for ice factory, r 621 s 7th st.
Clapp, H. B., grocer, 122 n Summit, r 608 n Summit st.
Clark, Carl, engineer, r 225 s 1st st.
Clark, Mrs. C. D., widow, r 717 s C st.
Clark, Chas., carpenter, r s end of Summit st., west side.
Clark, G. W., shoemkr with Master Bros., r 602 s 5th st.
Clark, Joseph, farmer, r 201 s 1st st.
Clark, J., emp A T & S F, r 321 s D st.
Clark, J. J., mail carrier, r 717 s C st.
Clark, Kern, r 225 s 1st st.
Clark, Ray, clk, Royal Gorge Restaurant, r 225 s 1st st.
Clasby, L. F., carpenter, r 426 n A st.
Clawson, J. W., lumberman, r 1011 s C st.
Clay, Miss Genie, r 1327 s H st.
Clay, John, foreman, gas and electric light works, r 701 s 1st st.
Clay, Tobias, lab’r, r 511 6th st.
Clemmer, C. E., boilermkr, A T & S F, r 611 s 5th st.
Clemmer, Miss Ida, student, r 1625 s 7th st.
Clemmer, John, well digger, r 1625 s 7th st.
Clemmer, Jacob, lab’r, r 1625 s 7th st.
Clemmer, Joseph, car carpenter, A T & S F shops.
Clevinger, Mrs. H. M., widow, r 509 n B st.
Cline, C. W., real estate agt, office cor 5th ave and Summit st.
Cline, Will, real estate agt, 624 s 5th st.
Cline, W. S., atty and J. P., office rm 4 Colorado bldg, r cor D st and Birch ave.
Clinton, Frank, brakeman, A T & S F, r rm 18 Hill blk.
Coburn, H. S., cashier, Arkansas City Bank, rms 123 n A st.
Cochran, Miss Elsie, student, r 525 n 6th st.
Cochran, S., clk, r 525 n 6th st.
Cochran, J. W., lab’r, r 525 n 6th st.
Cochran, Nancy, r 127 n 5th st.
Cochran, R. C., farmer, r 120 n 6th st.
Coffee, Martha E., r 911 n 5th st.
Coffey, J. W., lab’r, r 613 s 1st st.
Coffey, Mrs. Effie, milliner, rm 6 Summit blk.
Cole, Chas. A., miller, A. C. Mills, r 1227 s L st.
Cole, Grover, grain inspector, A. C. Mills, r 1227 s L st.
Cole, J. H., miller, A. C. Mills, r 1227 s L st.
Cole, Miss Lilly, waitress, Gladstone Hotel.
Cole, Miss Stella, r 215 n 3rd st.
Cole, Mrs. Hattie, widow, r 215 n 3rd st.
Cole, Mrs. M. A., widow, 1 door w of Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cole, Peter, emp, A T & S F, r 201 s 1st st.
Cole, Wm., transfer man, bds at 411 s 2nd st.
Coleman, Fred (col), lab’r, r 213 s 6th st.
Coleman, John, teamster, r 503 s 5th st.
Coleman, Miss Lucy, r 307 s 6th st.
COLEMAN, MISS M. E., commercial and telegraph college, Opera House block, 5th ave, r 311 s 6th st.
Coleman, Mrs. Martha, widow, r 311 s 6th st.
Coleman, Rose, 407 s 6th st.
Collins, Ed, lab’r, r 414 n 2nd st.
Collins, John, propr, A T & S F boarding house, Sleeth’s add.
Collins, Maud, clks at Fair store, r 414 n 2nd st.
Collins, Clyde, student, r 414 n 2nd st.
Columbia, Mrs. Angeline, r 807 n 2nd st.
Columbia, Miss Edith, r 807 n 2nd st.
Columbia, J. C., r 807 n 2nd st.
Columbia, Miss Lennie, r 807 n 2nd st.
Columbia, Martha, widow, r 807 n 2nd st.
Comfort, Jno., fireman, A T & S F, rms 1124 s E st.
COMMERCIAL AND TELEGRAPH COLLEGE (Miss M. E. Coleman, propr.), 5th ave Opera House block.
Congdon, Chas, conductor, A T & S F, rms 1027 s C st.
Congdon, Mrs. Nana, widow, r 1503 s 3rd st.
Conley, Frank, lab’r, r 721 s 6th st.
Conley, Wm., yardmaster, Mo P Ry, r 1301 s 1st st.
Conrad, Burton L., emp, Arkansas City Furniture Co., r 216 n 2nd st.
Conrad, Miss Bessie, r 216 n 2nd st.
Conrad, Miss Hattie, r 216 n 2nd st.
Conrad, W., butcher, r 114 n 3rd st.
Constant, H. H., propr., restaurant, 221 s Summit st., r 226 n E st.
Constant, John, clk, Moore’s grocery, rms Colorado Building.
Conway, Frank, brakeman, r 1124 s E st.
Conway, W. J., r nw cor Washington ave and 6th st.
Conway, Will, brakeman, r 1124 s E st.
Cook, , r 502 s 3rd st.
Cook, R. C., stockman, r 926 n 3rd st.
Coombs, P. O., lab’r, r 512 s 7th st.
Coonrod, George, emp, Mattress factory, r 1204 n 1st st.
Cooper, Benj., clk, Sep. Andrews, bds at Border City Restaurant.
Cooper, Mrs. Catharine, widow, r 222 n 6th st.
Cooper, Curtis, student, r 513 s C st.
Cooper, D. R., deliveryman, A. C. Mills, r 573 s C st.
Cooper, Mary, widow, r 425 s 7th st.
Cooper, Nat (col), cook at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cooper, Nelson, student, r 573 s C st.
Cooper, J. W., fireman, A T & S F, r 1301 s H st.
Copeland, Miss Annie, student, r 206 n E st.
Copeland, Miss Annie, student, r 120 s B st.
Copeland, John, street car driver, r 206 n E st.
Copeland, Miss Sadie, student, r 206 n E st.
Copeland, Willie, student, r 206 n E st.
Copeland, Wm., lab’r, r 206 n E st.
Cordell, F. H., clks for Repp Bros., r 1300 s J st.
Corkins, Homer, cigarmkr, r 615 n 1st st.
Corkins, Rob, r 615 n 1st st.
Corkins, Wheeler, r 615 n 1st st.
Corletti, Robt., brick mason, r 214 n C st.
Cornish, A. B., artist, r 316 n 5th st.
Cornish, Miss Alice G., teacher, r 316 n 5th st.
Cornish, George, photographer, r 316 n 5th st.
Cornish, J. E., r 316 n 5th st.
Cornish, James, carpenter, r 316 n 5th st.
Cornish, Miss Mabel, r 316 n 5th st.
Cottar, William, horseman, r 120 n 2nd st.
Cotter, Miss Amanda, wks at Grand View Hotel.
Cotten, Miss Cora, r 505 n A st.
Cottrel, car carpenter, A T & S F shops, r 311 n 6th st.
Countryman, Mollie, chambermaid, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cover, Miss Addie, student, r 725 s 3rd st.
Cover, E. M., carpenter, r 725 s 3rd st.
Covert, Claude, student, r 709 s A st.
COVERT, G. M., physician, office in Worthley block, r 709 s A st.
Coverington, Miss Susie, chambermaid, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cowles, Mrs. S. C., widow, r 320 n 5th st.
Cox, Miss M. L., milliner, 507 s Summit st.
Cox, R. P., tailor, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cox, Walter, harnessmkr, wks for Sep Andrews, r 507 s Summit st.
Cox, William, stonecutter, r 507 s Summit st.
Craig, Andy, fireman, A T & S F, r 1008 s C st.
Craig, C. C., printer, Dispatch office, r 621 n 3rd st.
Craig, Mrs. Fanny, r 720 s Summit st.
Craig, John, oil merchant, r 621 n 3rd st.
Craig, John, r 602 n 1st st.
Craig, W. B., clk, Fifth Avenue Grocery Co., 115 n Summit st.
Craine, Mrs. Lizzie, laundress, r 312 n 1st st.
Crane, Ed, fireman, cor w Polk ave and s 2nd st.
Cramer, J., farmer, r 201 s 1st st.
Crawford, Miss Anna, emp Chicago store, r 624 s E st.
Crawford, J., clk, 419 s Summit st.
Crawford, M., propr, grocery, 419 s Summit st, bds St. Charles Hotel.
CREE, J. S., of Balyeat and Cree, druggists, r 222 s Summit st.
Criger, A. P., lab’r, r 207 s 8th st.
Criger, Miss Gertie, student, r 207 s 8th st.
Criger, Geo., lab’r, r 207 s 8th st.
Crinine, J. E., conductor, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Criss, R. A., plasterer, r 1107 n C st.
Criswell & Duvall, blksmiths, 109 e Central ave.
Crites, William, blksmith, emp of Wm. Malernee, r 208 n 8th st.
Croft, W., student, r 1326 s H st.
Croft, T., photographer, r 1326 s H st.
Cronin, Eliza, widow, r 201 s 8th st.
Croninger, Mrs. A. E., r 120 n 2nd st.
Croninger, Miss Zylpha, 120 n 2nd st.
Cronk, Mrs. M., r 710 s B st.
Cronk, Miss Mabel, r 710 s B st.
Cross, Dick, barber, r 800 e 5th ave.
Cross, Miss Effie, r 800 e 5th ave.
Crouse, Hiram A., car carpenter, A T & S F, r Sleeth add.
Crouse, C. W., emp, A T & S F, r 216 n e st.
Crouse, Lewis, student, r 825 s F st.
Crouse, Manford D., blksmith, A T & S F, r 825 s F st.
Crouse, W. A. carpenter, r 825 s F st.
Crow, John, round house foreman, Mo. P. Ry., r 1205 s 2nd st.
Crowley, J. J., ex-city marshal, r 104 s 2nd st.
Crull, Elydea, laundress, 116 n 1st st.
Crull, Douie, r 116 n 1st st.
Crumley, D. J., 1627 s 6th st.
Crumley, Newton, lab’r, r 1627 s 6th st.
Crumley, Sarah, r 1627 s 6th st.
Crumley, Thomas, r 1627 s 6th st.
Culver, A. C., lab’r, r 1001 n 2nd st.
CUMMINGS, H. D., attorney, rms 1 and 3 Colorado Building, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Cummings, L, farmer, r 310 n 5th st.
Cummings, Retta, student, r 810 n 5th st.
Cummings, Will, waiter, rms 1124 s F st.
CUNNICK & CO., (J. W. Cunnick, E. G. Murray, and T. P. Booth), general merchandise, 412 s Summit St.
Cunnick, J. W., attorney, office 412 s Summit, r same.
CUNNINGHAM, GEO., (pres. National Bond & Debenture Co.), r 215 s 2nd st.
Currier, Mrs. M. J., r 524 s A st.
Currier, Miss Lola, r 524 s A st.
Curlette, J. E., harnessmkr, em Sep. Andrews, bds 201 s 1st st.
Curry, J. C., traveling salesman, A. C. Milling Co., r 208 s B st.
Curry, Harry, student, r 208 s B st.
Curtis, C. F., clk for Harry Squires, r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Curtis, W. L., bus driver, r 223 s 3rd st.
Cusey, Miss Ollie, clk, Newman Dry Goods Co., r Chilocco schools.
Cusick, J. L. photographer, cor Central ave and Summit st.
CUSICK, LEE, photographer, cor Central ave and Summit st.
Dakin, G. O., clk, A T & S F office, r 207 e Central ave.
Dakin, O. L., clk, Godehard’s grocery, r 612 n B st.
DALE, DR. J. E., dentist, office and r cor Washington ave and Summit st.
Danhauer Feed yard, cor Washington ave and Summit st., r 718 n 4th st.
Danhauer, Miss Esta, student, r 718 n 4th st.
Daniels, Eva, waitress, Central Avenue Hotel.
Daniels, Al, blksmith, 212 s A st, r 706 n 5th st.
Daniels, John, U. S. mail carrier, r 702 n 5th st.
Daniels, Miss Emma, r 221 n 2nd st.
Daniels, Mrs. Merinda, widow, r 221 n 2nd st.
Daniels, Thos., emp at A T & S F shops.
Daniels, W. A., clks for Behrend & Co., r 511 s B st.
Danks, Alfred, student, r 219 n 5th st.
DANKS BROS., foundry and machine wks, 1st st bet Chestnut and Walnut aves.
DANKS, JOHN G., of Danks Bros. foundry and machine wks, r 219 n 5th st.
Danks, Walter, merchant, with Danks Bros., r 219 n 5th st.
Danley, B. F., farmer, r 1300 s H st.
Danley, Miss Amy, r 1300 s H st.
Danley, Miss Mollie, r 1300 s H st.
Danley, Mrs. S. J., keeps boarding house, r 1300 s H st.
Danvers, W. F., clk, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 411 n 2nd st.
Danvers, traveling salesman, r 111 n 2nd st.
Dargitz, Dell, stonemason, r 511 n 5th st.
Darrigh, stonemason, r Grand View Hotel.
DAVENPORT, H. S., grocer, 318 s Summit st., r 813 s A st.
Davenport, J. O., baker, emp Gray & Gibson, r St. Charles Hotel.
Davidson, E. A., barber, emp 121 s Summit st., r 212 n 2nd st.
Davidson, J. S., farmer, r 601 n D st.
Davis, A. A., r 303 n 4th st.
Davis, A. C., deliveryman for Wiley & Fye, r 215 w Central ave.
Davis, A. W., engineer, r 609 n 1st st.
Davis, J. Y., carpenter, r 415 n 2nd st.
Davis, Mary, domestic, r 211 n B st.
Davis, Wm., Well digger, r 124 n 11th st.
Davison, Wm., farmer, r 714 n Summit st.
Davisson, P., farmer, r 919 n 8th st.
Dean, A. N., r 510 n 5th st.
Dean, Calvin, vice president, First National Bank, r 224 s B st.
Dean, Eli, traveling salesman, r 514 n 2nd st.
Dean, Miss Lorena, r 514 n 2nd st.
DeBruce, A. B., blksmith, shop on Central ave, r 321 e Central ave.
DeBruce, Miss Ella, r 321 e Central ave.
DeBruce, Miss Jennie, r 321 e Central ave.
DeBruce, Miss Vinnie, r 321 e Central ave.
DeBruce, Oscar, student, r 321 e Central ave.
DEEM, ELMER E., of Allen & Deem, Grand View Hotel.
Deem, James, conductor, A T & S F, r 519 w Madison ave.
Deering, F. C., clk, Hill Investment Co., r 214 n A st.
DEETS, H. C., propr, barber shop, 121 s Summit st, r 407 n Summit st.
Delano, G. H., gardener, r 729 n Summit st.
Delano, P. A. (col), r 523 n 6th st.
Delano, Miss Mamie (col), student, 523 n 6th st.
DeLay, Laura, seamstress, Kansas Mattress Co., r 301 n 4th st.
DeLong, Rev. D. D., pastor Pilgrim Congregational church, r 101 n 4th st.
Delzell, Andy, turner for C. R. Sipes, r 410 s A st.
Deming, Jay, r 212 n 2nd st.
Deming, J. R., r 212 n 2nd st.
Deming, Polly, r 212 n 2nd st.
Dengler, Bertha, r cor Central ave and Summit st.
Dengler, J. E., r cor Central ave and Summit st.
Denton, Albert, farmer, r 303 s 2nd st.
Denton, A. H., clk, 4-C drug store, r 303 s 2nd st.
Depew, L., painter, r 818 n B st.
Derry, J. M., clks for Repp Bros., r 528 n 1st st.
Derrick, J. R., conductor, A T & S F, r 1101 s 1st st.
Dew, Clyde, machinist, A T & S F shops, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Deweese, Mrs. Kate, domestic, r 326 s 1st st.
DICKSON BROS. & CO., plumbers, store bet 5th ave and Summit st.
Dickson, G. H., engineer of Dickson Bros., r 614 s D st.
DICKSON, JAMES, plumber, of Dickson Bros., r 614 s D st.
DICKSON, W. E., of Dickson Bros., r 322 n 2nd st.
Dickson, James, student, r 814 s B st.
Dickson, Ralph, student, r 814 s B st.
Dickson, Kate, bkpr for Dickson Bros., r 613 s D st.
Diggs, Elmer, lab’r, r 500 s 8th st.
Dillon, J. H., bds 313 e Adams ave.
Dillon, Wm., brakeman, A T & S F., bds 829 s C st.
Dilts, Edwin, moulder, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 813 n 4th st.
Dilts, Henry, student, r 813 n 4th st.
Dilts, John, teacher, r 813 n 4th st.
Dilts, Wm., student, r 813 n 4th st.
Dimmers, A., engineer, A T & S F, r 611 s B st.
Dimmers, Miss L., student, r 611 s B st.
DISPATCH PRINTING CO., (Wagner Bros., proprs.), w 5th ave.
Dixon, Mrs. Harriet, r 413 n 4th st.
DOAN, W. E., agt, Frisco Ry., dealer in coal and sand, r west suburb.
Dodd, Miss Nancy, r rm 10 Opera House block.
Dodson, Ellen, widow, r 201 s 8th st.
Dohr, Adam, speculator, r rm 4 Summit block.
DOHRER, T. H., of Hay & Dohrer, druggists, r 419 n 2nd st.
Dolde, L. M., bds Bryant Hotel.
Dolde, Louise, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Dolphin, Tom, switchman, A T & S F, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Donlay, A. J., r 720 n A st.
Donlay, Wm., plumber, r 720 n A st.
Donnelly, Frank, clk, r 117 n 2nd st.
Dorsch, John, lab’r, r 527 n 1st st.
Dorsey, Samuel, plasterer, r 223 n 2nd st.
Doty, S. A., fireman, A T & S F, bds 1327 s H st.
Douglas, Harry, bell boy, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Downey, Fred L., student, r 610 s 6th st.
Downey, Henry, carpenter, r 610 s 6th st.
Downey, J. E., conductor, A T & S F, r 829 s B st.
Downey, Miss Lizzie, seamstress, r 610 s 6th st.
Downey, Mrs. M. C., widow, r 610 s 6th st.
Downing, C., fireman, A T & S F, r 1301 s G st.
Downing, H., student, r 1301 s G st.
Downing, Miss I., r 1301 s G st.
Downing, J., planer, A T & S F shops, r 1301 s G st.
Downing, Will, stonemason, r 710 s 7th st.
Downing, Wm., fireman, A T & S F shops, rms 832 s C st.
Downing, Miss T., r 1301 s G st.
Doyel, D. G., musician, leader Doyel’s orchestra, r 405 n 1st st.
Doyel, Dennis, clks for C. E. Salisbury, r 405 n 1st st.
Drake, Frank, lab’r, r 611 s Summit st.
Drake, Mrs. May, widow, r 611 s Summit st.
Drake, Will, lab’r, r 611 s Summit st.
Draper, Miss Lou, bkpr at Hayford’s china store, r cor Washington ave and s A st.
Draper, Edwin, r 1014 n 4th st.
Drennan, Joe, engineer, A T & S F, r 710 s B st.
Drennen, Mrs. E. R., r 1312 s G st.
Drew, J. D., switchman, A T & S F, r 623 s E st.
Druitt, Mrs. G., brd housekpr, 500 e Monroe ave.
Drum, E. M., carriagemkr, r 215 n 3rd st.
Drummons, Wm., lab’r, r 225 s 7th st.
DUDLEY, J. D. T., optician, office 308 s Summit st. upstairs, r 902 n C st.
Duer, E. F., agt, Standard Oil Co., r 621 n 3rd st.
DUFF, C. P., of Duff & Oldroyd, furniture and undertaking, r 212 s B st.
Duff, J. R., mngr, A. C. Furniture Co., r 203 s 3rd st.
DUFF & OLDROYD, (C. P. Duff and T. B. Oldroyd), 306 and 308 s Summit st.
Duncan, C. A., bkpr, r cor Washington ave and A st.
Duncan, D. D., r 415 n 10th st.
Duncan, W. J., emp, A T & S F shops.
Duncan, J. D., of Pickering & Duncan, rm 425 s Summit st.
Dunlap, D., r 620 n 5th st.
Dunn, Miss Ada, cashier, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 915 s 2nd st.
Dunn, C. M., printer, foreman Traveler office, r 119 n 1st st.
Dunn, M. W., tel opr, r 915 s 2nd st.
Dunn, John H. salesman, Newman Dry Goods Co.
Dunn, Miss Pearl, student, r 412 n 9th st.
Dunn, W. R., teamster, r 412 n 9th st.
Dunnagan, Cal, brakeman, A T & S F, bds 832 s C st.
Dunning, Charles, surgeon, A T & S F, office rm 1, 126 s Summit st., r 323 e Washington ave.
Duree, Ralph, fireman, A T & S F., r 829 s 8th st.
Durie, R. C., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Dutcher, John, brakeman, A T & S F, bds 1124 s E st.
Duty, James, lab’r, r 509 s 1st st.
Duvall, Will, blksmith, r 711 s 7th st.
Dwyer, Michael, lab’r, r 411 n D st.
Dwyer, Mike, wks at Opera House, r 717 s 6th st.
Dwyer, W. H., second hand store, r 726 n A st.
DYE, C. B., propr, Arkansas City Carriage Works, shops Madison avenue bet 1st and 2nd sts; r 701 s 4th st.
Dyer, S. B., butcher for Turvey Bros., r 420 w Central ave.
Eades, Isaac, emp, A T & S F, r 414 n E st.
Eades, Sherman, emp, A T & S F, r 414 n E st.
Earl, Elvira A., widow, r 403 n 1st st.
Earlougher, Mrs. C. A., r 903 s 1st st.
Earlougher, Miss Emma, clk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 903 s 1st st.
Earlougher, Harry W., student, r 903 s 1st st.
Earlougher, Miss Katharine, r 903 s 1st st.
Earnest, H. P., shoemkr, shop and r 305 s Summit st.
Eash, James, emp, A. F. Huse, Huse coal yards, bds at Farmers’ Restaurant.
Easter, E. D., brakeman, bds at 1124 s E st.
Eastman, L. D., lab’r, r 708 n C st.
EATON, POLLOCK & LOVE, attorneys, (Jno. A. Eaton, J. C. Pollock, and Mack Love), office over 112 w 5th ave., Arkansas City, and 9th ave., Winfield.
Eaton, Mrs. M. A., bds 815 s D st.
Eaton, E. A., constable, r 217 n 6th st.
Eaton, Miss Bertha, student, r 117 n 4th st.
Eaton, Mrs. M. J., widow, r 117 n 4th st.
Eaton, Miss Linna, student, r 217 n 6th st.
Eckard, J. B., conductor, A T & S F, r 511 s A st.
Eckels, Jacob, r 402 n A st.
Eckert, J. H., atty, office cor 5th ave and Summit st over Matlack’s, r 217 S 3rd st.
Eckert, Miss Lee, student, r 407 s 1st st.
Eckert, Miss May, domestic, r 109 n 1st st.
ECKERT, T. W., editor, Traveler, r 307 s 1st st.
Eddy, E. D., propr, drug store, 106 s Summit st, r 313 s B st.
Eddy, Miss Bertha, student, r 313 s B st.
Edmonds, Bert, emp, A T & S F, bds 1426 s G st.
Edwards, Wm., springmkr, Kansas Mattress Co., r Sleeth add.
Edwards, John, machinist, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 1227 s H st.
Edwards, J. N., general mngr, Peerless Steam Cooker, r 407 s C st.
Edwards, Levi, lab’r, r 1726 s 6th st.
Edwards, Mrs. L. Nichols, widow, r 407 s C st.
Edwards, Levi, farmer, r 1023 s C st.
Edwards, W. C., emp, Kansas Mattress Factory.
Egan, plasterer, r 319 N E st.
Elder, J. N., farmer, r Garfield add.
Elerding, E. W., packer, A. C. Mills, r 307 n Summit st.
Elgin, Herbert, student, r 724 n 6th st.
Elgin, Henry H., moulder, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 727 n 6th st.
Elgin, H. H., engineer, r 724 n 6th st.
Elgin, Miss Maud, student, r 724 n 6th st.
Elgin, Radcliff, student, r 724 n 6th st.
Elliott, Geo., switchman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Elliott, Miss Emma, seamstress, r 312 n 3rd st.
Ellis, B. H., lab’r, r 702 e Central ave.
Ellis, Tom, section man, A T & S F, r 702 e Central ave.
Ellis, Miss Isabella, r 218 s Summit st.
Ellis, Mrs. M. H., proprietress, Commercial Hotel, 218 s Summit st.
ELZINA LUMBER CO., (Geo. F. Rohr, pres., Guy Rohr, sec’y., Thos. Belford, mngr), 111 w Jefferson ave.
Embree, O., carpenter, r 825 n 7th st.
Empire Steam Laundry (C. N. Hunt, propr), 209 n Summit st.
Enderweisen, Phil, engineer, A T & S F, r 504 s A st.
Endicott, A. J., student, r 801 s D st.
Endicott, C. C., farmer, r 801 s D st.
Endicott, Mrs. G. P., millinery store, 111 n Summit st., r same.
Endicott, G. P., propr, Feed yard, 825 s Summit st., r 111 n Summit st.
Endicott, H., clks for Wiley & Fye, grocers, r 711 s C st.
Endicott, Miss L. E., student, r 801 s D st.
Endicott, J. C., clk, C. T. Thurston’s grocery, r 714 s 6th st.
Endicott, Jake, wks for Wiley & Fye, r 713 s 6th st.
Endicott, Lon, student, r 801 s D st.
Endicott, Sam, farmer, r 1012 s 3rd st.
Endicott, P. P., brick mnfr., r 801 s D st.
Engberg, Antoine, lab’r, r 500 s 3rd st.
Ernest, H. P., shoemkr, shop and r 305 s Summit st.
Estel, Mart, stonemason, bds at Hotel Bryant.
Etheridge, Emma, domestic, r 803 s C st.
Evans, Nadie, teacher, r 717 s A st.
Evans, Frank, emp, A T & S F shops
Evans, C., boilermkr, r 1400 s G st.
Evans, Jno. J., head blksmith, A T & S F shops, r 1400 s G st.
Evans, E. V., construction foreman, Frisco Ry., bds at Central Avenue Hotel.
Evans, W. F., emp, A T & S F shops, r cor J st and Polk ave.
Evans, Miss Maggie, dressmkr, r 1400 s G st.
Evans, Tom (col), lab’r, r 509 s 2nd st.
Eversall, Chas., brakeman, A T & S F, r rm 8 St. Charles building.
Fairclo, A., propr, sale stable, 414 s Summit st., r Syndicate block.
Fairclo, Miss Carrie, emp telephone exchange, r 214 n 4th st.
Fairclo, J., bds 207 e Central ave.
Fairclo, M., r 214 s 4th st.
FAIR STORE, (Julius Smith, propr), 220 s Summit st.
Famous Clothing Co., (L. Jacobs, mngr), 122 s Summit st.
Fanning, Miss Flora, milliner, 925 n 7th st.
Fanning, Miss Minnie, r 925 n 7th st.
Fanning, Sam, auctioneer, r 925 n 7th st.
Farley, A. M., clk, r 202 n 3rd st.
Farmer, Fred, emp, A T & S F shops, r 621 s 6th st.
Farmer, Mrs. F. J., r 405 e Harrison ave.
Farmer, Mrs. Kate (col), r 300 s 3rd st.
FARMERS NATIONAL BANK, (H. F. Hatch, pres; H. J. Hatch, cashier), cor Summit st and Washington ave.
Farnsworth, Miss Grace M., student, r 326 s 1st st.
Farnsworth, S. G., emp, A T & S F shops, r 1227 s K st.
Farrar, Arthur H., student, r 122 s 2nd st.
Farrar, B., student, r 620 s A st.
Farrar, Fred W., asst cashier, First National Bank, r 224 n A st.
Farrar, Mrs. M. J., r 620 s A st.
FARRAR, HARRY P., cashier, First National Bank, r 122 s 2nd st.
Farrar, J. P., janitor, High School building, r 214 n A st.
Farrar, Miss O. B., dressmkr, r 620 s A st.
Farrar, Miss Pearl, r 122 s 2nd st.
Fast, J. E., emp, A T & S F, r 208 n D st.
Feagins, Jesse, policeman, r 323 n A st.
Fee, Mrs. Hanna, r 321 e Washington ave.
Feidler, Albert, clk, r 115 s 4th st.
Felton, J. C., painter, r 722 n Summit st.
Fenn, Chas., train dispatcher, A T & S F, r 324 n B st.
Fenton, Everett, machinist, A. C. Mnfr. Co., rms Syndicate block, s Summit st.
Fenton, John, section foreman, A T & S F, r 707 n C st.
Ferguson, R. P., brakeman, A T & S F, r cor e Madison ave and F st.
Ferguson, Mrs. Mary, r 302 n Summit st.
Fiedler, H. E., clk, bds 415 s 4th st.
FIFTH AVENUE GROCERY CO., (W. B. Learnard and H. E. Smith, proprs), 207 5th ave. w.
Finefrock, Lula, domestic, r 1022 s 3rd st.
Finefrock, M. E., teamster, r 1022 s 3rd st.
Finefrock, M. L., foreman, Polar Ice Works, r 1022 s 3rd st.
Finefrock, Miss Millie, r 1022 s 3rd st.
Finnell, J. W., conductor, A T & S F, r 114 n C st.
Finley, Ora, student, r 114 n C st.
Finney, Miss Ellen, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Finney, J. E., conductor, A T & S F, r 114 n C st.
Finney, Margaret, r 510 e Monroe ave.
FIRST NATIONAL BANK, (W. M. Sleeth, president, H. P. Farrar, cashier), cor Summit st and 5th ave.
Fish, Anson, stock dealer, bds at Central Avenue Hotel.
Fisher, C. D., farmer, r 413 s D st.
Fisher, C. E., packer, A C Mills, r s L st.
Fisher, Miss Emma, r 715 s 3rd st.
Fisher, Miss Kate, r 715 s 3rd st.
Fisher, Miss Jennie, r 715 s 3rd st.
Fisher, L. L., farmer, r 715 3rd st.
Fisher, Lewis, r 715 s 3rd st.
Fisk, Miss Ina, r 402 n 6th st.
Fisk, Miss Myrtle, student, r 402 n 6th st.
Fisk, farmer, r 402 n 6th st.
FITCH, A. H., dealer in musical instruments and sewing machines, 300 s Summit, r 311 s 3rd st.
Fitch, O. B., clk, A. H. Fitch, r 311 s 3rd st.
Fitzpatrick, B. W., r Garfield add.
Fitzpatrick, C. F., farmer, r Garfield add.
Fitzpatrick, Joe, emp, A C Mfg Co., r 847 n Summit st.
Fitzpatrick, Isaac, stone mason and well driller, r Garfield add.
Fitzpatrick, Marshall, emp, A C Mfg Co., r 847 n Summit st.
Fitzpatrick, Miss May, student, r 915 n 3rd st.
Fitzpatrick, R. F., propr, A C Transfer Co., r 915 n 3rd st.
Fitzpatrick, Sam, lab’r, r 847 n Summit st.
Flambas, H. J. traveling salesman, bds Grand View Hotel.
FLEECE, WHITE & CO., (J. C. Fleece, P. C. White, and Jno. Bellamy), 2nd hand store, 324 s Summit st.
FLEECE, J. C., of Fleece, White & Co., 2nd hand store, r 528 s 5th st.
Fleischer, Earnest, fireman, A T & S F, r 1201 s K st.
Fleming, Thos., road master, Frisco Ry., r 127 s 12th st.
Fletchall, James, fireman, A T & S F, r 834 s Summit st.
Fletcher, C. P., harness maker, emp Sep Andrews, r 844 n 1st st.
Fletcher, May, domestic, emp 820 s B st.
Fletcher, Miss Myrtle, domestic, emp cor 5th ave and 12th st.
Fletcher, W. R., lab’r, r 119 s 9th st.
Fletcher, W. B., bds Grand View Hotel.
Fogarty, J. S., brakeman, A T & S F, r 418 s B st.
FONTAINE, J. M., coal and grain dealer, 116 w Central ave, r 310 n A st.
Foote, J. S., stone cutter, r 602 s D st.
Ford, Miss M. M., r 610 s C st.
Ford, Frank, emp A T & S F, r 610 s C st.
Ford, Hugh S., brakeman, A T & S F, r 610 s C st.
Foreman, H., emp, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 214 s C st.
Forsyth, Wm. O., student, r 409 n 4th st.
Fort, M. R., conductor, A T & S F, r 721 [?] s A St.
Forth, Miss Mary, chambermaid, Gladstone Hotel.
Foster, Clyde (col), porter, Fifth Avenue Hotel, r 613 n 3rd st.
Foster, D. W., clk, r 202 [?] s B st.
Foster, Miss Ida, domestic, rms Eagle block.
Foster, Mrs. Lydia, rms Eagle block.
Foults, Guy, student, r 409 s 6th st.
Foults, John, student, r 409 s 6th st.
Foults, Salem, clk at Wiley & Fye, r 409 s 6th st.
Fountain, Tom, bridge carpenter, r cor Washington ave and 9th st.
Fowler, Alex, janitor, Farmers National Bank, r 411 s 2nd st.
Fowler, Chas., student, r 411 s 2nd st.
Fowler, J., rms 100 n C st.
Fox, May, domestic, r 425 N B st.
Foy, A. C., brakeman, A T & S F, rms 16, St. Charles Hotel.
FOY, A. C., prop, Cherokee Grocery Co., r 911 s B st.
Franey, P. H., timekeeper, A C Mills, r 703 s 7th st.
Franey, Hattie, r 703 s 7th st.
Franey, Miss Nettie, r 703 s 7th st.
Frank, Rosa, domestic, r 402 n A st.
Franklin, A. B., clk, H. Godehard & Co., bds Commercial Hotel.
Franklin, Tony, salesman, r 218 s Summit st.
Franklin, Mrs. T. J., r 113 n B st.
Frazier, Thos., car carpenter, A T & S F, bds 1426 s G st.
Frederick, J. H., brakeman, A T & S F, r 300 s C st.
Freels, Miss M. A., student, r 324 n D st.
Freels, W. H., bridge carpenter, r 324 n D st.
Freeman, Ellena, r 919 s B st.
Freeman, I. O., millwright, r 407 s 6th st.
French & Snyder, (R. I French and P. L. Snyder), insurance agents, office, rm 8 Colorado bldg.
French, John, clk, r 411 n A st.
French, J. W., contractor, r 421 n A st.
French, Miss Sophia, teacher, Indian service, r 411 n A st.
French, R. I., of French & Snyder, r 411 n A st.
Frey, F. F., engineer, A T & S F, r 516 s C st.
Friedberg, M., mngr, Kansas Mattress Co., r 1025 s 2nd st.
Friedley, Frank, r 917 n 5th st.
Friend, Grant, machinist, r 1327 s G st.
Fuller, L. D., barber (col), shop cor 1st st and Chestnut ave, r cor 1st and Chestnut ave.
Fuller, W. H. (col), barber, rms cor 1st st and Chestnut ave.
Fullerlove, Harry, emp, A T & S F, r 314 n D st.
Fullerlove, Wm., emp, A T & S F, r 212 n D st.
Funk, Miss Allie, music teacher, r 405 n 8th st.
Funk, H. B., printer at Traveler office, r 405 n 8th st.
Funk, Fred, printer at Traveler office, r 405 n 8th st.
Funk, Miss Allie M., music teacher, r cor Spruce ave and 8th st.
Furguson, Minnie, domestic, r 201 e Central ave.
Fye, Levi, of Wiley & Fye, grocers, r 401 s A St.
Gage, E. C., emp, First National Bank, r 325 s 2nd st.
Gallagher, John, emp, A T & S F, r 705 n D st.
Gamble, M. C., planer, A T & S F shops, r 829 s D st.
Gamble, Rev. N. T., pastor, A M E church, r 507 w Chestnut ave.
Gamey, James, farmer, bds 105 n F st.
Gammie, James, stone mason, r 701 n C st.
Gant, Miss Ruth M., clk, St. Louis Bargain store, r 213 n 2nd st.
Gant, W. T., carpenter, r 213 n 2nd st.
Gant, Miss Laura, teacher, r 213 n 2nd st.
Gantt, E. W., A C Fruit Co., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Garber, Jno., emp, Polar Ice Works, r 1125 s 1st st.
Gard, C. E., clk, A T & S F depot, r 124 n C st.
Gardner, Mrs. J. A., dressmkr, 214 n A st.
Garrett, J. D., clk, Home National Bank, bds 207 n A st.
Garris, Mrs. N., r 316 s D st.
Garrison, E., traveling salesman, r 601 n 3rd st.
Gartside, Mrs. C., r 813 n 1st st.
Gassaway, Susie, domestic, r 100 n C st.
Gavin, Mrs. Emma, r 525 s A s st.
Geagan, Miss Ona, bds at Bryant Hotel.
Geisler, E., student, r 803 n 4th st.
Geisler, F. G., carpenter, r 803 n 4th st.
Geisler, Arry, r 803 n 4th st.
George, N. H., brakeman, A T & S F, r 613 s B st.
Gerbrick, Andy, stock dealer, r 201 s 1st st.
German, E. H., emp, A T & S F, rms 830 s C st.
German, ed., foreman, A T & S F round house, rms 1124 s E st.
Gibbs, Walter (col), lab’r, r 402 n 5th st.
Gibby, Wm., capitalist, r 402 n 4th st.
Gibson, J. N. L., of Gray & Gibson, r 310 n 6th st.
Gibson, J. N., emp, Central Avenue livery barn.
Gibson, Robt., clk for Hamilton & Rankin, r 322 s 3rd st.
Gibson, Miss Ada, teacher, r 714 n D st.
Gibson, Fred, lab’r, r 714 n D st.
Gibson, Miss Effie, student, r 714 n D st.
Gibson, Mrs. Nancy, r 714 n D st.
Gilbert, S. J., clk, C. R. Sipes, r cor 5th ave and A st.
Gilbert, Leon, student, r 425 n A st.
Gilbert, Miss Leona, student, r 425 n A st.
Gilbert, M. E., r 425 n A st.
Gilbert, Ray, student, r 114 n 5th st.
Gilbert, Allen, student, r 114 n 5th st.
Gilbert, J. W., plasterer, r 113 n 5th st.
Gilgas, P. S., of Border City Restaurant, r 214 n B st.
Gilgas, S. L., of Border City Restaurant, r 214 n B st.
Gill, Alex (col), lab’r, r 1111 s 3rd st.
Gill, Mrs. Elmira (col), widow, r 1111 s 3rd st.
Gill, Miss Lula (col), 1111 s 3rd st.
Gill, Miss Manerva (col), r 1111 s 3rd st.
Gilliland, Miss Lillie, bds 225 s 2nd st.
GILMER, R. A. & CO., (R. A. Gilmer and C. N. Post), real estate, loan, and insurance agents, office, basement, 126 w 5th ave.
GILMER, R. A., of Gilmer & Co., r 703 n 5th st.
Gilmer, Miss Fanny, student, r 703 n 5th st.
Gilmer, Miss Clara, student, r 703 n 5th st.
Gilmer, Jasper, student, r 703 n 5th st.
Ginney, Geo., brakeman, bds 1124 s E st.
Glasscock, Mrs. Sarah, tailoress, r 206 w Central ave.
Gleason, Ed., engineer, A T & S F, r 1015 s B st.
Glover, G. R., emp, A T & S F, r rm 20 Hill block.
Goas, Joe, clk at Upton’s book store, bds at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Goatley, Miss L. G., student, r 318 n D st.
Goatley, Miss Louvina, laundress, r 116 n 1st st.
Goatley, Wm., lab’r, r 318 n D st.
Goddard, Joe, emp, A T & S F lunch counter, r 704 s 3rd st.
GODEHARD, H. & CO., grocery and bakery, 213 s Summit st.
GODEHARD, HERMAN, of H. Godehard & Co., r 208 s 1st st.
Godehard, Miss Minnie, student, 208 s 1st st.
Godfrey, J. W., switchman, A T & S F, bds 200 e Monroe ave.
Godfrey, Mrs. Maud, r 221 s 3rd st.
GOERTZEN, H., baker and confectioner, r 403 s Summit st.
Golden, Miss Cora, seamstress, r 502 s Summit st.
Golden, Miss Josie, stenographer, r 501 s Summit st.
Golden, Mrs. H. E., r 501 s Summit st.
Goldsborough, C. N., machinist, A T & S F shops, r cor Harrison ave and C st.
Goley, Miss Ida, domestic, r 706 s B st.
Gooch, Harold, salesman, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 925 s 2nd st.
GOOCH, WYARD E., vice-president Newman Dry Goods Co., bds 303 s 2nd st.
Good, A. B., lab’r, A. C. Mills, r 212 s B st.
Good, Chas., student, r 903 n 4th st.
Good, Miss Hattie, student, r 903 n 4th st.
Good, Miss Mary J., r 903 n 4th st.
Good, Mrs. M. V., r 903 n 4th st.
Good, W. J., farmer, r 903 n 4th st.
Goodnight, E., cook, A T & S F Depot Hotel, r 109 s D st.
Goodnight, J. O., porter, A T & S F depot, r 101 s D st.
Goodnight, Miss H. T., r 101 s D st.
Goodwin, C. J., lab’r, bds 125 s C st.
Goodman, Jno., farmer, r 526 n C st.
Gordon, Miss Ena, r 1004 n 5th st.
Gordon, E. B., lab’r, r 1004 n 5th st.
Gordon, Ed., lab’r, r 1026 n 4th st.
Gordon, J. J., teamster, r 1026 n 4th st.
Gordon, Miss Nellie, student, r 1004 n 5th st.
Gordon, Ben, r 1026 n 4th st.
Gorman, Edward H., night foreman, A T & S F shops.
Gould, A. C., farmer, r Garfield add.
Gould, C. P., capitalist, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
GOULD, S. P., insurance agent, office A C Bank, r 403 s 2nd st.
Grady, Jennie, domestic, r 204 s A st.
Grady, Edward, dealer in coal, lime, and feed, r cor Adams ave and Summit st.
Grady, W. E., student, r cor Adams ave and Summit st.
Grady, J. S., farmer, r 625 s 3rd st.
Graham, F. W., coal dealer, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Graves, All., brakeman, A T & S F, r 215 n 3rd st.
Graves, Chas., lab’r, r 721 n 6th st.
Graves, Miss Eldora (col), r 820 n 4th st.
Graves, Jas. (col), lab’r, r 618 w Birch ave.
Graves, Mrs. Minerva, widow, r 215 n 3rd st.
Grace, Joseph, lab’r, r cor 9th st and Adams ave.
Gray, Miss A. B., r 117 s B st.
Gray & Gibson, bakers and confectioners, 211 s Summit st.
Gray, Ed., U S Indian service, 209 s 2nd st.
Gray, E. F., clk, r rms 7 and 8, Copple block.
Gray, W. J., constable, r rms 1 and 2, Opera House block.
Grayson, Miss Myrtle, r 210 s 2nd st.
Greene, Emmett, lab’r, r 325 n D st.
Greene, William, engineer, A T & S F, r 623 s B st.
Greene, D. C., r cor Walnut ave and 10th st.
Greene, Roy F., publisher, r cor Walnut ave and 10th st.
Greenlee, Hampton, r cor Birch ave and 2nd st.
Greenlee, John, stockman, r cor Birch ave and 2nd st.
Greenlee, John M., r cor Birch ave and 2nd st.
Greenlee, Mira, r cor Birch ave and 2nd st.
Greenrig, Miss Dora, domestic, r 226 n B st.
Greenwood, G. S., stonemason, r 922 n 3rd st.
Greer, Isaac, student, r 410 n 4th st.
Greer, John, r 410 n 4th st.
Greer, M. I., farmer, r 410 n 4th st.
Greer, Miss May, r 410 n 4th st.
Greffey, Miss Anna, r 320 s A st.
Gregory, Miss Anna, waitress, Hotel Bryant.
Gregory, Miss Ella, waitress, Hotel Bryant.
Gregory, Miss Lula, r Salvation Army Hall, s 1st st.
Griffin, Mrs. Susan (col), domestic, r 210 s 2nd st., works 510 s 3rd st.
GRIFFIS, H., grocer, 417 s Summit, bds Adams ave bet Summit & 4th.
Griffith, Miss Lucy, r 702 s 7th st.
Griffith, Mrs. Mary, widow, r 702 s 7th st.
Grimes, C. W. carpenter, r 408 n 7th st.
Grimes, Mrs. J. T., widow, r 408 n 7th st.
Gross, Guy, lab’r, r 303 n 12th st.
Gross, Wm., lab’r, r 303 n 12th st.
Grover, L. M., lab’r, r Woodlawn add.
Grow, Joseph M., U. S. mail carrier, r 203 n 2nd st.
GUARANTEE TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., (J. L. Britton, pres; A. C. Post, abstracter; Z. T. Armstrong, atty), office with Arkansas City bank.
Guerin, Dave, lab’r, r west end of Chestnut ave.
Guinn, Dr. J. H., physician and surgeon, office in post office block, r 119 n A st.
Gunter, Laura J., stenographer and notary public, r 609 s 5th st.
Gunter, Mrs. P. B., widow, r 609 s 5th st.
Gunter, Miss Belle, r 609 s 5th st.
Guthrie, Wm., lab’r, r 1708 s 2nd st.
Guyer, J. B., carpenter, r 605 n 5th st.
Guyer, W. C., miller with A. C. Milling Co., r 605 n 5th st.
Guyers, Miss Amanda, milliner, Commercial block, bds 303 s 2nd st.
Guyers, Miss Anna, milliner, Commercial block, bds 303 s 2nd st.
Haas, Geo., engineer, A T & S F, r 1006 s 2nd st.
Hackley, Bert, r 1027 s C st.
Hackley, J. F., carpenter, r 1027 s C st.
Hackner, J., lab’r, r Garfield add.
Haetcker [?], H. E., lab’r, r 413 N A st.
Haines, Chas., r 602 n 1st st.
HALL, S. F., real estate and employment agency, office and r Commercial block over Newman’s.
Hall, Oscar, harnessmkr, emp Hess Saddlery Co., bds 600 n Summit st.
Hallaway, P. C., baker, r 1005 n Summit st.
Hallowquist, W. L., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Hamilton, C. A., speculator, r 703 s 3rd st.
Hamilton, Chas., tel opr, r 705 s 3rd st.
Hamilton, Frank, A T & S F shops, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Hamilton, F., emp, A T & S F, rms 817 s B st.
HAMILTON-RANKIN HARDWARE CO., (J. H. Hamilton and R. J. Rankin), 302 and 304 s Summit st.
Hamilton, J. H., of Hamilton-Rankin Hardware Co., r 830 s C st.
Hamilton, J. M., student, rm 8 Hill block.
Hamilton, J. M., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1020 s C st.
Hamilton, Mrs. L. H., cashier, St. Louis Bargain store, r 109 n 1st st.
[Note: According to Directory pagination the following pages are missing: pages 84 through 89. Names skip from Hamilton to Holloway.]
Holloway, Charles H., emp,  A T & S F.
Holmes, Dr. E. B., office and r 603 s B st.
Holmes, C. A., brakeman, A T & S F, r 121 s C st.
Holmes, Frank, plumber for Dickson Bros., r 314 n 4th st.
Holmes, Frank, machinist, bds 613 s D st.
Holmes, George, butcher, r 603 s B st.
Holmes, George, teamster, r 523 n D st.
Holt, Howard, emp, A T & S F, r 121 s C st.
Holt, Lem (col), lab’r, r 225 n 7th st.
Holt, John, shoemkr, r 305 s Summit st.
HOME NATIONAL BANK, (F. M. Strong, president; Howard Ross, cashier), cor 5th ave and Summit st., see map.
Hoober, J. H., lab’r, r 1017 s 6th st.
Hood, James, emp, A T & S F, r 1127 s G st.
Hood, Jas., car carpenter, A T & S F shops, r Sleeth add.
Hooker, Wm. (col), barber, r 304 n 4th st.
Hooker, Thomas (col), propr barber shop, 125 n Summit st, r 304 n 4th st.
Hooper, James E., brakeman, A T & S F, r 400 s D st.
HOOPS, L. F., mngr, Cherokee Grocery Co., r 113 E Adams ave.
Hoops, Mary A., baker, r 113 e Adams ave.
Hopp, Aaron, musician, r 1003 n 4th st.
Hopp, G. W., cigarmkr with T. B. Marshall, r 326 n 10th st.
Hopp, Jas., lab’r, r 1003 n 4th st.
Hopp, Harry, lab’r, r 1003 n 4th st.
Hopper, G. E., supt., Water Works, r 327 n 2nd st.
Horbach, Jake, janitor, A T & S F depot, r 110 n D st.
Horn, Albert, dealer in boots and shoes, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Horn, Lilly, dressmkr, r 202 s B st.
Horner, Harry, traveling salesman, store 115 s Summit st, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Horton, Tom, train dispatcher, A T & S F, r 409 n B st.
Horton, J. M., switchman, A T & S F, r 1407 s J st.
Hostetter, Geo., butcher, emp,  McDowell & Co., bds 217 s Summit st.
Houghton, Miss Cora, student, r 325 s 1st st.
Houghton, Miss Gladys, r 314 n 3rd st.
Houghton, Miss Maud, r 314 n 3rd st.
Houghton, O. P., merchant, r 325 s 1st st.
Houghton, T. R., furniture dealer, r 314 n 3rd st.
HOWARD BROS., (C. A. and G. S. Howard), dealers in hardware, 203 s Summit st.
Howard, G. S., of Howard Bros., r 203 s B st.
Howard, C. A., of Howard Bros., r 713 s B st.
Howard, B. M., student, r 713 s B st.
Howard, Charles, cook, r 902 n 6th st.
Howard, Mrs. J. A., r 414 n A st.
HOWARD, R. C., local editor Daily Traveler, r 414 n A st.
Howell, John, lab’r, r 325 n D st.
Howerton, Earnest, emp, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 625 s 4th st.
Howerton, G. A., salesman, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 625 s 4th st.
Howland, E., capitalist, rms 207 n A st.
HOYT, A. F., propr, Santa Fe Grocery, r 809 s B st.
Hoyt, Mrs. Belle, r 126 n 3rd st.
Hoyt, Rev. E. A., pastor M. E. church, r 103 s 2nd st.
Hoyt, Ed., clk, Santa Fe Grocery, r 809 s B st.
Hoyt, Miss Laura E., r 103 s 2nd st.
Hoyt, Frane, r 103 s 2nd st.
Hoyt, Joe, r 126 n 3rd st.
Hoyt, Miss Flatina, r 126 n 3rd st.
Hoyt, Mrs. M., r 103 s 2nd st.
Hubbard, Stewart, hack driver, Central Avenue livery, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Hubbard, teamster, r 404 s 8th st.
Huckleberry, C. F., book agent, r 1108 n C st.
Huckstep, Mrs. P. W., r Garfield add.
Hudson, Grace L., r 716 s 5th st.
Hudson, Miss Lena D., dressmkr, r 716 s Summit st.
Hudson, R. L., contractor and builder, r 716 s Summit st.
Huey, B. V., student, r 107 n A st.
HUEY, JAMES L., real estate, loan, and insurance agent, Colorado building between Summit and A streets.
Huffman, W. R., clk, Davenport’s grocery, r 407 s A st.
Hughes, Miss Winnefred, r 325 n B st.
Hughey, L. A., stenographer, Johnson L. and T. Co., bds cor Washington ave and 2nd st.
Hulit, L. C., brakeman, A T & S F, r 825 s A st.
Hulit, Miss G., r 825 s A st.
Hull, Agnes, teacher, r 224 s C st.
Hull, Miss Gertie, student, r 224 s C st.
Hull, John V., pharmacist of Childs & Co., r 224 s C st.
Hulse, Henry, blacksmith, emp 410 s Summit st, r 616 s A st.
Hulse, Mrs. E., r 616 s A st.
Hulse, H., carriagemkr, r 616 s A st.
Hume, W. H., train dispatcher, A T & S F, r 507 n B st.
Hummel, O. D., cigarmkr, r 219 n B st.
Humphries, Chas., emp, A T & S F, r 113 e Madison ave.
Humphries, Henry, foreman, A T & S F yards, r 818 s B st.
Humphries, Wm., emp, A T & S F, bds 818 s B st.
Humphries, Emma, teacher, r 818 s B st.
Hunsenger, Jacob, machinist, A T & S F, bds 405 e Harrison ave.
HUNT, C. N., propr Empire Steam laundry, r 309 n A st.
Hunt, Miss Lilly, student, r 418 s D st.
Hunt, N. G., marble cutter, A C Marble Works, r 307 n Summit st.
Hunt, Wm. H., machinist, A T & S F, bds 405 e Harrison ave.
Hupp, L. E., emp, carriage factory, bds 601 s 6th st.
Hurr, W. W., blksmith, r 407 n D st.
Hurrell, Wm. H., emp, Cherokee Guide.
HURFORD, E. P., butcher, shop 117 s Summit, r 102 s 5th st.
HUSE, A. F., dealer in agricultural implements, coal, and feed, 423 and 428 s Summit st., r 701 s A St.
Huston, T. R., physician, office and rms, Central Avenue Hotel.
Hutchins, Chas., emp, First National Bank, r 427 s 1st st.
Hutchins, Dick, clk, bds 401 s A st.
Hutchinson, R. H., salesman, Matlack Mercantile Co., rms over Duff & Oldroyd’s.
Hutchinson, Miss M. S., teacher, r 203 n B st.
Hutchinson, A. P., of Atwood & Hutchinson, r 225 n 3rd st.
Hutchinson, Finley, student, r 225 n 3rd st.
Hutchinson, Morse, clk in Salisbury’s shoe store, r 225 n 3rd st.
Hutchinson, Miss Mary A., student, r 225 n 3rd st.
Hutchinson, Walter, clk, St. Louis Bargain Store, r 225 n 3rd st.
Hutchison, J. W., of J. W. Hutchison & Son, r 207 s 3rd st.
Hutchison, Frank B., of J. W. Hutchison & Son, r west of city.
Hutchison, Kittie, r 207 s 3rd st.
Hutchison & Son, (J. W. and Frank Hutchison), office, basement First National Bank bldg.
Hutchison, Myrtle, r 207 s 3rd st.
Hutton, Miss Clara, r Linden ave bet 1st and 2nd st.
Hutton, Miss F., r 401 n 9th st.
Hutton, Sam, carpenter, r 401 n 9th st.
Hutton, Miss Sarah, r 401 n 9th st.
Hyskell, Harry, printer, r 325 n 4th st.
Hyskell, Ralph, waiter, r 325 n 4th st.
Hyskell, J. F., tinner, r 325 n 4th st.
Hyatt, Miss May, artist with W. S. Prettyman, r 407 s 6th st.
Hyatt, Chas., brakeman, r 625 s 3rd st.
Hyatt, Miss Emily, r 407 s 6th st.
Hyatt, H. H., contractor and builder, r 407 s 6th st.
Hyatt, L. R., lab’r, r 708 s 7th st.
Imell, Wilber E., fire builder, A T & S F shops.
Ingraham, E. J., blksmith, 410 s Summit st., r 300 s 1st st.
Ingraham, Mrs. E. J., widow, r 328 n 1st.
INGERSOLL, O., city clerk, r 323 e Washington ave.
Ingles, Mary M., r 224 s C st.
Irby, Thomas, lab’r, 1507 s 4th st.
Ireton, W. C., millwright, A. C. Mills, r 416 n 4th st.
Irwin, Miss Kate, student, bds 314 s B st.
Irwin, Miss Maggie, teacher, bds 315 s B st.
Irwin, N., r 1316 s K st.
Irwin, W. O., r 1316 s K st.
Irwin, Claude, caller, A T & S F, r 1316 s K st.
Ish, Miss Rosa, milliner, rms Summit block.

Isham, Miss Jessie, r 619 s 5th st.
Isham, Miss Mattie, r 619 s 5th st.
Isham, O. H., lab’r, r 619 s 5th st.
Isham, Will, printer, r 619 s 5th st.
Ishmael, J. L., propr, billiard hall Gladstone Hotel, r 109 n 4th st.
Ishmael, Miss Lula, student, r 109 n 4th st.
Ishmael, Miss Maude, student, r 109 n 4th st.
Jacobs, Bessie, bds 609 s C st.
Jacobs, L., mngr, Famous Clothing Co., r 403 n B st.
Jack, Hugh, emp, A T & S F shops, r s F st.
Jack, Wm., fireman, A T & S F, r s F st.
Jackson, E. E., tinner, emp, Hamilton & Rankin Hardware Co.
Jackson, lab’r, r 300 s 7th st.
Jackson, Thomas, farmer, r 1225 s 6th st.
Jackson, C. C., r 1225 s 6th st.
Jackson, Harry, farmer, r 1225 s 6th st.
Jackson, Robert, farmer, r 1225 s 6th st.
Jackson, E. D., grocer, 411 s Summit st., r 110 s A st.
Janes, J. M., clk, r 511 n B st.
Jarboe, Dan’l W., blksmith, A T & S F shops.
Jay, E. A., plasterer, r 300 n 12th st.
Jeffries, Mrs. C. P., r 125 n C st.
Jenkins, F. W., clothier, r 401 s A st.
Jenkins, Thos., stonemason, r 218 s Summit st.
Jewel, J. T., farmer, r 417 s 3rd st.
Johnson, , lab’r, r 211 s G st.
Johnson, Chas., cook, rms Eagle block.
Johnson, Harry H., caller, emp, A T & S F.
Johnson, C. B., stonemason, r 723 n D st.
Johnson, Mrs. M. E., r 726 n C st.
Johnson, Rosa A., dressmkr, r 620 n C st.
Johnson, Mrs. Laura, r 406 n E st.
Johnson, James, emp, A T & S F, r 620 n C st.
Johnson, W. J., farmer, r 524 s C st.
Johnson, J. W., farmer, r 620 n C st.
Johnson, J. P., capitalist, r 326 s 1st st.
JOHNSON, C. N., agent Mo P Ry., r 919 s 1st st.
Johnson, Albert, student, r 315 n 6th st.
Johnson, Mrs. A. B., widow, r cor Washington ave and A st.
Johnson, Dell, clk, St. Louis Bargain store, r 512 s C st.
Johnson, Miss Jessie, student, rms Summit block.
Johnson, Lillie, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.

Johnson, Henry (col), head porter, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Johnson, Joseph, farmer, r 624 s Summit st.
Johnson, Susan (col), r 112 n 1st st.
Johnson, A. H., r 315 n 6th st.
JOHNSON LOAN AND TRUST CO., (J. P. Johnson, pres and A. D. Prescott, sec’y), office 112 w 5th ave.
Johnson, W. D., rms Summit block.
Johnston, John, lab’r, r 413 s 3rd st.
Johnston, F. E., student, r 410 n 9th st.
Jones, Ben, of Jones & Mathews, hotel and restaurant, 1121 s E st.
Jones, C. W., brakeman, A T & S F, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Jones, Ellis, lab’r, r 721 e Central ave.
Jones, Frank, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 1124 s E st.
Jones, Harry, foreman, Fifth Avenue livery stable.
Jones, J. N., speculator, r 407 e Harrison ave.
Jones, Lizzie, domestic, r 800 e 5th ave.
Jones, Mary, r 719 n Summit st.
Jones, Mathew (col), farmer, r 620 w Birch ave.
JONES & MATTHEWS, (Ben Jones and L. B. Matthews), Railroad Restaurant, 1124 s E st.
Jones, W. G., of Racket store, r 125 s 3rd st.
Jones, Lewis, fireman, A T & S F, bds 1327 s H st.
Jones, Oliver (col), lab’r, r 613 n 3rd st.
Jones, T. L., painter, r 313 n D st.
Jones, Phillip, lab’r, r 310 n D st.
Jones, W. H., street car driver, r 427 s D st.
Jones, W. D., clk at Thurston’s grocery, r 416 n 9th st.
Jones, W. W., painter and paper hanger, r 310 n D st.
Jordan, G. B., carpenter, r 609 n D st.
Jordan, John, r 629 n D st.
Jordan, Lew, painter, r 228 n 1st st.
Joyce, Harry K., foreman, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 316 n 7th st.
Joyce, L. B., machinist, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 316 n 7th st.
Justice, Albert, real estate agent, r 109 n Summit st.
Justice, Miss Maud, r 109 n Summit st.
Justice, A. O., emp of C. D. Stoll real estate agent.
Kaiser, Miss Mary, student, r 924 s 2nd st.
Kane, Larry, fireman, A T & S F, bds Santa Fe boarding house.
Kane, Mrs. M., r 216 n E st.
KANSAS MATTRESS CO., (M. Friedberg, sec’y), location foot of Canal.
KASER, W. A., sec’y, Arkansas City Bldg and Loan Association, r 119 s A st.
Kearney, J. S., propr, Cold Storage, r 915 s 1st st.

Keenan, J. C., baggage master, Mo P Ry, r 727 s 3rd st.
Keene, M. V., propr, shooting gallery, r 221 s Summit st., rms Hill bldg.
Keeves, Lena, r 820 s C st.
Keeves, Arthur, farmer, r 820 s C st.
Keffer, Burt, emp, A T & S F machine shops.
Keller, Miss Anna, r 723 s 2nd st.
Keller, Lon, student, r 314 n Summit st.
Keller, W. W., lab’r, r 314 n Summit st.
Kelley, Charles, farmer, r 308 n 10th st.
Kelley, Charles J., stone cutter, bds at Hotel Bryant.
Kelley & Lane (Richard Kelly and S. O. Lane), lunch counter, 109 n Summit st.
Kelley, Richard, of Kelley & Lane lunch counter, r 308 n 10th st.
Kelso, Van R., baker, A T & S F eating house.
Kelso, William, baker, bds 901 s C st.
Kemp, Cynthia, r 119 s B st.
Kemp, Chas., of Kemp Bros., livery barn, r 119 s B st.
Kemp Bros. (Chas. Kemp and Norman Kemp), livery barn, 114 s A st.
Kemp, Miss Ella, r 119 s B st.
Kemp, Mrs. Melinda (dol), r 620 n 6th st.
Kemp, Norman, of Kemp Bros., livery barn, r 119 s B st.
Kemp, Wm. (Col), cook, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Kemp, Miss Willie (col), r 620 n 6th st.
Kemp, Wm. (col), lab’r, r 423 n 1st st.
Kendall, Miss Laura, student, bds 420 s B st.
Kennedy, Jas., janitor, 4th ward school bldg., r 215 n 5th st.
Kennedy, L. W., baggage master, A T & S F depot, r 711 n 4th st.
Kennedy, O. J., lab’r, 601 n 6th st.
Kenser, J. W., emp, A T & S F shops, r cor D st and Harrison ave.
Kerns, Abraham, lab’r, r 911 n 5th st.
Kerns, R. A., lab’r, r 911 n 5th st.
Kersey, Rudolph, printer in Democrat office, bds 307 n Summit st.
Keys, Henry (col), cook, r 210 s 9th st.
Kilpatrick, Arthur, student, r 126 n 2nd st.
Kilpatrick, Miss Lula, r 126 n 2nd st.
Kilpatrick, Robert, clk, insurance office, bds 207 n A st.
Kilpatrick, Wm., clk, Santa Fe grocery, r 124 n 2nd st.
Kimmel, N. W., stockman, r 503 s D st.
King, G. W., stonemason, r 307 e Chestnut ave.
King, Mrs. J. E., r 910 n 6th st.
King, J. R., physician, r 101 s Summit st.
King, L., street car driver, r 215 n 3rd st.
King, Miss Laura, r 307 e Central ave.
King, M., engineer, r 307 e Central ave.

King, Miss Martha, emp, A T & S F boarding house.
Kinman, Miss Anna, r 800 n 4th st.
Kinman, J. M., r 800 n 4th st.
Kinman, Miss Ora, r 800 n 4th st.
Kinney, Andrew, speculator, r 504 n C st.
Kinney, John, bds Farmers’ Home.
Kinney, Ed., speculator, r 514 n 4th st.
Kinsey, Miss Anna, student, r 521 n B st.
Kinsey, J. A., farmer, r 521 n B st.
Kinsey, Jno., stockman, bds 321 e Chestnut ave.
Kirby, Mrs. E. A., physician, office rm 5, 114 s Summit st.
Kirby, H., specialist, office rm 3, 114 s Summit st.
Kirby, H. J. K., contractor and builder, r 615 n 5th st.
Kirby, M., propr boot and shoe shop, 221 s Summit, rms in Hill block.
Kirby, shoemkr, bds 2nd & Central ave.
Kirk, Earl, machinist, A T & S F shops, r 818 s C st.
Kirk, Ed, fireman, A T & S F, r 818 s C st.
Kirk, John, master mechanic, r 818 s C st.
Kirk, John D., master mechanic, r 818 s C st.
Kirk, Thos., farmer, r 624 s 2nd st.
Kirkpatrick, A. E., real estate dealer, r 220 n 4th st.
Kirkpatrick, Blaine, student, r 220 n 4th st.
Kirkpatrick, Miss Ella, r 610 n 5th st.
Kirkpatrick, J. P., teamster, r 217 n 2nd st.
Kirkpatrick, John, r 220 n 4th st.
Kirkpatrick, Miss Myrtle, 217 n 2nd st.
Kirtley, Miss Mattie, domestic, r 313 n B st.
Kiser, Elsie, student, r 828 s C st.
Kiser, Ivan, fireman, r 828 s C st.
Kiser, Mary, domestic, r 403 s B st.
Kiser, W., emp, A T & S F shops, r 828 s C st.
Kitchen, Trout, deputy sheriff, r 417 s 6th st.
Kite, Anna, r 427 s 6th st.
Kite, John, teamster, r 427 s 6th st.
Kite, Michael, r 427 s 6th st.
Kite, Noah, teamster, r 427 s 6th st.
Kite, Willis, teamster, r 425 s 5th st.
Kling, Geo., boilermkr, r 1307 s 1st st.
Klopf, Wm. F., salesman, A. C. Milling Co., r 206 n 3rd st.
Knight, J. L., bridge carpenter, A T & S F, r 408 n C st.
Knoles, C. M., lab’r, r 1505 s 4th st.
Knowles, M. J., lab’r, r 1006 n Summit st.
Knowlton, Fred, clks at Howard Bros., 319 s 6th st

Knowlton, Joseph, clks at Racket store, r 202 n 3rd st.
Knox, Mrs. Jennie (col), widow, laundress, r 401 s Summit st.
Kotterman, Miss Lydia, r 514 n 3rd st.
Kotterman, Isaac, farmer, r 514 n 3rd st.
KREAMER, W. D., atty and pension agent, office 113 w 5th ave., r two miles west of city.
Krebs, Aola, clks for A. H. Fitch, bds 311 s 3rd st.
Krebs, Lee, student, bds 311 s 3rd st.
Kress, W. A., painter and paper hanger, shop 207 w 5th ave., r 316 n A st.
KROENERT, JOHN, pres, A C Canning and Preserving Co., r 114 n B st.
Krutzinger, Leroy, student, bds 210 s B st.
Krutzinger, N. E., milliner, r 507 s Summit st.
Kuhn, Frank, lab’r, r 621 s 4th st.
Kuns, D. F., carpenter, A T & S F shops, r 824 s F st.
Kuns, Frank, student, r 824 s F st.
Kuns, Roy, student, r 824 s F st.
Lack, Ed., r 713 n 6th st.
Lack, G. W., teamster, r 713 n 6th st.
Lack, Miss Olivia, student, r 713 n 6th st.
Lake, Miss Ella, domestic, r 312 n 1st st.
Lamb, A. J., lab’r, r 909 n 1st st.
Lamb, Elmer, lab’r, r 909 n 1st st.
Lamb, Miss Minnie, r 909 n 1st st.
Lamb, Will, lab’r, r 909 n 1st st.
Lamb, Munson, farmer, r 719 n Summit st.
Lamb, W. W., emp, Cherokee Guide.
Lambert, S. S., r 115 n A st.
LANDAU, I., of the A C Wholesale Fruit Co., r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Landcraft, H. H., cigar mnfr, r 325 n Summit st.
Landcraft, Ray, clk, r 325 n Summit st.
Landcraft, Miss Ethel, r 325 n Summit st.
LANDES, H. J., propr, Royal Gorge Restaurant, r 209 s 1st st.

[NOTE: The following individual’s name was given as “John Landes.”
I have a problem with this: many of the early newspapers and records reflect that his name was “John Landis.” MAW]

LANDES, JOHN, supt A C Mills, r 513 s A st.
Landes, John, student, r 513 s A st.
Lane, Mrs. C. E., teacher, r 203 n B st.
Lane, Ed., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1025 s B st.
Lane, Miss Maggie, student, r 1025 s B st.
Lane, W. J., lab’r, r 207 n D st.

Lane, S. O., lunch and confectionery, 109 n Summit st.
Lannord, W. A., clk, C. P. Thurston, r 316 n 2nd st.
Larkins, Anna, r 714 n A st.
Larkins, John, lab’r, r 714 n A st.
Lashbrook, Charles, butcher, emp 117 s Summit st.
Lathrop, Z. T., emp, A T & S F, r 317 n E st.
Latlin, Alfred, r 324 n 9th st.
Latture, Mrs. Mary, widow, r 112 n 3rd st.
Lawton, Everett, fireman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Lay, Jacob, tailor, emp, Chas. Williams, r Adams ave bet Summit and 1st st.
Layne, E. T., r cor n 8th st and Birch ave.
Layne, Henry, r cor n 8th st and Birch ave.
Layne, T. M., r cor n 8th st and Birch ave.
Leach, W. E., brakeman, A T & S F, r 601 s A st.
Leaf, Miss Bertha, r 408 w Linden ave.
Leaf, Miss Nannie, r 408 w Linden ave.
Leaf, Levi, lab’r, r 408 w Linden ave.
Learned, W. B., of Fifth Avenue grocery.
Leary, Ed., emp, Kemp’s livery barn, r 114 s A st.
Leasure, Miss Anna, teacher, r 125 n B st.
Leasure, J. B., shoemkr, r 125 n B st.
Leasure, Miss Nettie, student, r 125 n B st.
Leasure, L. D., propr shoe store, 101 s Summit, r 113 n B st.
Lee, Arthur (col), r 304 n 4th st.
Lee, Hugh, shoemkr, r 303 s 9th st.
Leech, Ada, r 619 w B st.
Leech, C. F., city engineer, r 215 n B st.
Leech, Miss Minnie, student, r 215 n B st.
Leech, Miss Jennie, teacher, r 207 s 3rd st.
Leech, Miss Agnes, r 902 n 2nd st.
Leech, Miss Grace, r 902 n 2nd st.
Leech, Guy, r 902 n 2nd st.
Leech, Hannah J., widow, r 902 n 2nd st.
Leech, Miss May, r 902 n 2nd st.
Leeper, Edgar, collector for Newman Dry Goods Co., clerk of camp No. 867,
Modern Woodman, r over 216 s Summit st.
Leeper, Jacob A., r 212 n 2nd st.
Leeper, Mrs. E., milliner, r over 216 s Summit st.
Lent, B. C., of O. H. Lent & Co., r 100 n C st.
Lent, O. H., of O. H. Lent & Co., r 100 n C st.
Lent, O. H. & Co. (O. H. and B. C. Lent), 115 e Central ave.
Leonard, Miss Cora, r 316 n 2nd st.
Leonard, M., conductor, A T & S F, r 707 s B st.

Leonard, W. E., grocer, r 316 n 2nd st.
Leonard, Walter, clk, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 311 n 3rd st.
Leper, Fred, carpenter, r 422 s D st.
Lester, Albert, lab’r, r 306 n 2nd st.
Lester, Charles, r 306 n 2nd st.
Lester, John, r 306 n 2nd st.
Lester, Margaret, r 306 n 2nd st.
Lester, Miss Vea, r 306 n 2nd st.
Lewis, A. O., teamster, r 1003 n Summit st.
Lewis, C. H., conductor, A T & S F, r 607 s A st.
Lewis, Charles, bkpr, r 1003 n Summit st.
Lewis, D. G., emp, Pond & Co., r 510 s A st.
Lewis, E. R., teller, Farmers National Bank, r cor Washington ave and A st.
Lewis, Harry, switchman, A T & S F, bds 1124 s E st.
Lewis, J. D., clk for Balyeat & Cree, r 119 n B st.
Lewis, John, clk, lumber yard, r 221 n D st.
Lewis, Miss Lewsetta, r 221 n D st.
Lewis, Miss Nellie, r 1209 s 1st st.
Lewis, Oscar, clk, r 1003 n Summit st.
Lewis, Miss Sibbie, r 510 s A st.
Lewis, S. M., stenographer, A. C. Mills, r suburban.
Lewis, T. J., lab’r, r 410 n E st.
Lewis, W. D., carpenter, r 518 n A st.
Light, Miss Nellie, teacher, r 210 s 2nd st.
Linaberry, Mrs. C. B., r 211 n B st.
Lindley, Lillis, lab’r, r 206 w Central ave.
Lindley, J. O., clk, Sipes Hardware Co., r 120 n 4th st.
Lindsay, S. C., pension agent, r 300 n 1st st.
Lindsay, Sid, r 300 n 1st st.
Liston, Chas., elevator man, A C Mills, r 306 n 3rd st.
Litten, Tom, painter, r 808 s 6th st.
Litten, W. T., emp, Badger Lumber Co., r 808 s 6th st.
Lively, Ben, student, r 111 n 1st st.
Lively, Joseph, lab’r, r 111 n 1st st.
Livergood, Miss Mattie, domestic, r 817 s A st.
Livingston, Alex, lineman, Electric Light Co., r 617 s 6th st.
Livingston, H., engineer, A T & S F, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Livingston, Miss Maud, r 902 n 1st st.
Livingston, Wm., teamster, r 902 n 1st st.
Lockwood, C. D., engineer, A T & S F, r 836 s C st.
Lockwood, H., shoemkr, with C. E. Salisbury, r 522 n 3rd st.
Lockwood, L. A., shoemkr, r 522 n 3rd st.
Lockwood, Lou, shoemkr, r 522 n 3rd st.

Logan, H., lab’r, r 601 s 3rd st.
Logan, Jeremiah, plasterer, r 601 s 3rd st.
Logan, Miss Mary, r 601 s 3rd st.
Logan, Miss Maggie, r 601 s 3rd st.
Logan, Miss Maggie, r 202 s B st.
Logan, Miss Laura, r 516 n 1st st.
Logan, Miss Olive, r 516 n 1st st.
Logan, J. B., plasterer, r 516 n 1st st.
Logan, Wm., plasterer, r 516 n 1st st.
Logan, Will (col), emp, Woods’ barber shop, r 615 n 5th st.
Long, L. D., stonecutter, r 1101 n 4th st.
Long, Oscar, r 1101 n 4th st.
Loomis, Mrs. H. R., widow, r 127 n 5th st.
Loomis, J. A. dentist, office over First National Bank, r 116 n 4th st.
Lout, L. W., fireman, bds 1327 s 8th st.
Love, Miss A. M., student, r 1001 n B st.
Love, Miss Grace, stenographer for Eaton, Pollock & Love, r cor Washington ave and 13th st.
LOVE, J. MACK., of Eaton, Pollock & Love, r cor 5th ave and 12th st.
Love, George, farmer, r cor Adams ave and 14th st.
Love, J. J., farmer, r 618 n D st.
Love, Jefferson, lab’r, r 1001 n B st.
Love, Miss Mary, r cor Washington ave and 13th st.
Love, Miss M. A., r 618 n D st.
Ludwick, drayman, r 221 n 6th st.
Lukens, Rev. J. C., shoemkr, shop, 103 w Central ave, r 707 n A st.
Luttrell, H. W., clk, Jackson’s grocery, r 629 s 1st st.
Lymons, John E., emp, A T & S F shops.
Lyons, Ira, boilermkr, A T & S F shops, r 826 s 1st st.
Lyons, Allen, emp, A T & S F shops, r 321 s 1st st.
Lyons, Henry, brakeman, A T & S F, r 712 s C st.
Lyons, Miss Ida, r 821 s 1st st.
Lyons, Joseph, student, r 821 s 1st st.
Lyons, Miss Mollie, r 821 s 1st st.
Lyons, M. D., farmer, r 821 s 1st st.
Mace, Frank, lab’r, r 847 n Summit st.
Mack, Carl, engineer, A T & S F, r 306 s C st.
Macumber, Clarence, farmer, r 413 s D st.
Macumber, Gile, farmer, r 413 s D st.
Macumber, L. A., farmer, r 413 s D st.
Macumber, Mrs. S. E., r 413 s D st.
Madden, John, blksmith, r 716 n 1st st.

Maddox, Miss Clara, student, r 716 s 6th st.
Maddox, Miss Delia, student, r 716 s 6th st.
Maddox, J. C., speculator, r 716 s 6th st.
Mahin, Chas., r 910 n 7th st.
Mahin, Jno. B., student, r 910 n 7th st.
Mahin, M. T., broommkr, r 910 n 7th st.
Mahin, Melvine, student, r 910 n 7th st.
Mahin & Henning, broom factory, 908 n 7th st.
Mahin, Miss Laura, dressmkr, r 910 n 7th st.
Mahlo, C., emp, F. Trimper, r 214 Birch ave.
Malernee, Wm., blksmith, r 203 n D st.
MALLET, C. P., Fifth Avenue stables, r 320 n 4th st.
Malone, Jim, brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Maltby, Mrs. Nina, r 1028 s A st.
MANLEY, H. M., propr of Manley Bros. Veterinary Hospital, r 621 s A st.
MANLEY, W. S., of Manley Bros. Veterinary Hospital, r 123 w Chestnut ave.
Manley, Wm., emp, Manley Bros. Veterinary Hospital, r Geuda Springs.
Mann, Miss Daisy, student, r 515 n C st.
Mann, Miss Mary, student, r 515 n C st.
Mann, P. H., farmer, r 515 n C st.
Mansfield, Miss Grace, r 213 e Chestnut ave.
Mansfield, J. W., carpenter, r 217 e Central ave.
Mansfield, W., farmer, r 1031 s C st.
Mantor, T. L., clk, St. Louis Bargain store, r 302 n A st.
Manwarin, Miss Anna, domestic, r 509 n 3rd st.
Manwarin, Miss Laura, domestic, r 509 n 3rd st.
Maple, Ezra, r 925 n 7th st.
Marcy, W. L., traveling salesman, r s 3rd st.
Marrow, David, student, r 625 n 5th st.
Marrow, John, blksmith, r 625 n 5th st.
Marrow, Miss Maggie C., r 213 n 2nd st.
Marsh, D. N., brakeman, A T & S F, r 201 e Central ave.
Marsh, Miss Eliza, dressmkr, r 721 s 3rd st.
Marsh, H. C., farmer, r 721 s 3rd st.
Marsh, Miss Maud, r 721 s 3rd st.
Marsh, Mrs. Nellie, r 201 e Central ave.
Marsh, Rufus, student, r 721 s 3rd st.
Marsh, Miss Viola, r 721 s 3rd st.
Marshall, Alvin, r 17 s 4th st.
Marshall, C. H., carpenter, r McLaughlin’s add.
Marshall, D. P., r 117 s 4th st.
Marshall, Miss Daisy, student, r 109 s 3rd st.
Marshall, Ed., farmer, r 825 n 1st st.

Marshall, H. C. (col), lab’r, r 227 n 7th st.
Marshall, E. D., mngr, Telephone Co., r 119 n D st.
Marshall, T. B., cigar mnfr, 109 w Central ave, r Wellington.
Marshland, Bert, clks for Henry Snyder, bds Bryant Hotel.
Martin, Miss Birdie, r 201 w Central ave.
Martin, D. D., physician, r 209 w Central ave.
Martin, Etta May, r 319 n 9th st.
Martin, John, Janitor, 3rd ward school house, cor Jefferson ave and 9th st.
Martin, John, r 614 n C st.
Martin, Jack, conductor, A T & S F, r 816 s A st.
Martin, J. P., emp A T & S F shops, r 615 e Madison ave.
Martin, J. W., farmer, r 319 n 9th st.
Martin, Mrs. Tillie, r 816 s A st.
Martin, I. C., r 708 s 3rd st.
Martin, Minnie B., student, r 816 s A st.
Martin, Miss M. E., r 124 s A st.
Martin, U. S., collector, r 201 w Central ave.
Martin, Thomas S., carpenter, A T & S F, r 708 s 3rd st.
Martin, Wm., cattleman, r 302 n 3rd st.
Masey, James P., emp, A T & S F shops, r Sleeth add.
Mason, A. L., machinist, A T & S F, r 1327 s D st.
Mason, Lula, bds 1031 s C st.
Mason, R. E., blksmith, r 403 s 3rd st.
Masse, St. Leger, electrician, r 1005 s 1st st.
Masters, Miss Estella, r 526 n 3rd st.
MASTERS BROS., (James and C. Masters), boots, shoes and gent’s furnishing goods, 322 s Summit st.
MASTERS, C., of Masters Bros., r 526 n 3rd st.
MASTERS, JAMES, of Masters Bros., r 526 n 3rd st.
Masters, Miss Jennie, r 526 n 3rd st.
Masters, Miss Lillie, r 526 n 3rd st.
Masters, Miss Nannie, r 526 n 3rd st.
Masters, Wm., r 526 n 3rd st.
Masters, W. H., r 426 n 9th st.
Masterson, Edward, student, r 812 n 3rd st.
Masterson, Miss Fanny, emp, St. Louis Bargain store, r 812 n 3rd st.
MASTERSON, JNO. S., propr, Chicago Store, r 812 n 3rd st.
Masterson, Joe, farmer, r Woodlawn add.
Masterson, M., plumber, emp Dickson Bros., r Johnson add.
Masterson, Simeon, farmer, r Woodlawn add.
Mastin, Miss Alvah, r 612 n 3rd st.
Mastin, Miss Ima, r 612 n 3rd st.
Mathews, Chas., carpenter, r 730 s 8th st.

Mathews, John, teamster, r 725 s 6th st.
MATLACK MERCANTILE CO., dry goods, gent’s furnishing goods and carpets, etc., cor 5th ave and Summit st.
Matlack, Miss Mary, student, r 1113 s 2nd st.
Matlack, Stacy, of Matlack Mercantile Co., r 1113 s 2nd st.
Matney, Carl, carpenter, r 324 n 2nd st.
Matney, Mary J., laundress, r 116 n 1st st.
Matson, John, painter, shop in Copple block, 117 e Central ave, bds 601 n A st.
Matthews, L. B., of Jones & Matthews Restaurant, r 1124 s E st.
Matthews, Theodore, cook at Gladstone Hotel.
Matthews, Mrs. Viola (col), r 202 n 1st st.
Matthews, Joseph, physician, office and r First National Bank building.
Matthews, Florence, physician, office and r First National Bank building.
Maxey, Craver, student, r 705 s 5th st.
Maxwell, A. R., emp, Wells, Fargo Express Co., r 503 s C st.
Maxwell, S. L., agent, Pacific and Wells-Fargo Express Co., r 503 s C st.
May, John, emp, furniture factory, r 721 n D st.
May, John, emp, Kansas Mattress Co., r n 3rd st.
May, Geo., barber, r 118 n 2nd st.
May, W. E., propr, barber shop, 111 n Summit, r 118 n 2nd st.
May, Mrs. M. C., r cor Madison ave and 7th st.
Mays, B. J., r 413 n 3rd st.
Mays, Martha, r 112 n 1st st.
MECHANICS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION., (R. J. Rankin, pres; W. A. Kaser, sec’y), office, rear Farmers National Bank.
MEAD, C., of Searing & Mead, A C Milling Co., r 509 n 3rd st.
Mead, Chas., student, r 509 n 3rd st.
MEANS, D. L., contractor, office 124 s Summit st., r 403 n 2nd st.
Means, Orvie, r 403 n 2nd st.
Means, Miss Wilma, r 403 n 2nd st.
Meek, Laura, chambermaid, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Meeker, Miss Mollie, domestic, St. Charles Hotel.
Meigs, B. H., clks for Julius Behrend, r n C st.
Meikel, H. O., tailor, bds Hotel Bryant.
Meinke, Chas., tailor, emp, Chas. Williams, bds Saddle Rock Restaurant.
Melburn, Geo., brakeman, A T & S F, bds 424 s E st.
Mellinger, John, blksmith, of Thomas & Mellinger, bds Central Avenue Hotel.
Mendenhall, J. C., of Mendenhall & Smith, r 217 s 6th st.
Mendenhall, Miss P. A., emp, Mendenhall & Smith, r 217 s 6th st.
Mendenhall & Smith (J. C. Mendenhall and W. J. Smith), dealers in Pianos, organs, and sewing machines, 207 w 5th ave.
Mercer, Geo., house mover, r 303 s 3rd st.
Mercer, Robt. W., emp, A T & S F shops.

Merriman, J. C., car inspector, A T & S F, r 1400 s J st.
Merrifield, J. N., pastor Baptist church, r 829 s B st.
Meyers, H. K., agent, Merrell washing compound, office 210 n Summit st., bds at Central Avenue Hotel.
Michael, J. L., baker, r 403 n 1st st.
Middlecoff, C. W., blksmith, r 216 n E st.
Midkiff, C. M., farmer, r n 5th st.
Mildrum, N., nursery agent, r 713 s 5th st.
Miller, Annie, waitress at Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Miller, B. F., conductor, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Miller, Chas., printer, r 821 n 4th st.
Miller, Chas., moulder, r 619 n B st.
Miller, Cyrus, iron moulder, r 821 n 4th st.
Miller, Mrs. Eliza, r 403 n A st.
Miller, Miss Etta, r 108 s Summit st.
Miller, Finley, r 108 s Summit st.
Miller, G. W., traveling salesman, r 318 w Central ave.
Miller, Geo. W., carpenter, r 620 s 5th st.
Miller, Harry, emp, Palace barber shop, rms 327 s 3rd st.
Miller, Miss Ida, r 118 n 5th st.
Miller, J. P., r 619 n B st.
Miller, Miss Jessie, student, r 819 n 4th st.
Miller, John, speculator, r 402 w Linden ave.
Miller, Miss Josie M., r 318 w Central ave.
Miller, Miss Lizzie, r 118 n 5th st.
MILLER, MERVINE T., mngr, Kirkwood Wind Engine factory, r 318 w Central ave.
MILLER, P. A., propr, Miller’s Photograph Studio, in Commercial block, r 271 n 5th st.
Miller, Peck (col), cook, r 515 n Summit st.
Miller, W. E., foreman, A T & S F freight office, r 116 n D st.
Miller, W. B., carpenter, r 602 n 6th st.
Miller, W. A., car inspector, Mo P Ry.
Miller, Wm., emp, A T & S F shops, r 915 s A st.
Miller, W. A., propr, Buffington House, 112 e Central ave.
Miller, Wm., r Buffington House, 112 e Central ave.
Miller, D., r Buffington House, 112 e Central Ave.
Miller, F. A., r Buffington House, 112 e Central Ave.
Millis, Will, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 610 s C st.
Mills, Robert, switchman, A T & S F, r 703 s D st.
Mills, Miss Anna, propr, D. M. & A. Hotel, s Summit st.
Miner, Mrs. J. W., r 1019 s B st.
Misner & Walker, confectionery stand, e 5th ave.
Missouri and Kansas Telephone Co. (J. W. Wilson, mngr), 112 w Central ave.
Mitchell, D. B., barber, r 327 s 3rd st.

Mitchell, D. V., propr, Palace barber shop, r 327 s 3rd st.
Mitchell, Miss Dollie, r 727 n 3rd st.
Mitchell, Frank, student, r 903 n 5th st.
Mitchell, Henry, lab’r, r 727 n 3rd st.
Mitchell, Luke, lab’r, rms 125 s C st.
Mitchell, Moses, farmer, r 727 n 3rd st.
Mitchell, Moses, Jr., lab’r, r 727 n 3rd st.
Mitchell, J. A., physician, office over Newman Dry Goods Co.’s store, r. 204 e Central ave.
Mitchell, T. S., farmer, r 903 n 5th st.
Moberly, Henry, traveling salesman, r 401 n 3rd st.
Moffat, James, train dispatcher, r 403 n 5th st.
Mohler, A. B., emp, A T & S F shops, r 1035 s B st.
Monaghan, John, emp, Saddle Rock Restaurant, rms 107 s Summit st.
Monks, Henry, emp, Geo. Bly, r 504 n 5th st.
Monroe, Geo., printer, r Garfield add.
Monsey, J., tailor, shop 305 s Summit, r 401 s 5th st.
Monsey, Miss Mary, r 401 s 5th st.
Moody, G. E., watchmaker, Crescent Jewelry Store, r 209 s 1st st.
Moomey, Miss Carrie, r 324 w Linden ave.
Moomey, Miss Emma, r 324 w Linden ave.
Moomey, Joseph, farmer, r 324 w Linden ave.
Moomey, Miss Minnie B., r 324 w Linden ave.
Moon, Frank, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 1124 s E st.
Moon, R. R., lab’r, r 322 n 7th st.
Moore, Mrs. A. E., seamstress, r 207 n D st.
Moore, A. H., clk, Moore Bros., r 802 s B st.
Moore, Mrs. A. M., r 124 s A st.
Moore, Clara, r 300 n 2nd st.
MOORE BROS., (G. B. and W. E. Moore), grocers, 207 s Summit st.
MOORE, G. B., of Moore Bros., r 802 B st.
Moore, G. O., clk, Cherokee Grocery Co., r 510 s C st.
Moore, G. W., lab’r, r 902 s 6th st.
Moore, J. E., r 218 s Summit st.
Moore, J. P., emp, A. C. Mills, r 1201 s K st.
Moore, J. C. carpenter, r 300 n 2nd st.
Moore, Harry, mail carrier, r 802 s B st.
Moore, L. B. engineer, bds 510 s C st.
Moore, Otis, clk, Cherokee grocery, r 510 s C st.
Moore, O. B., clk, Godehard & Co., r 124 s A st.
Moore, Rodney, lab’r, r 625 s 6th st.
MOORE, W. E., of Moore Bros., r 502 s C st.
Moore, Will, brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Morgan, Rev. J. S., minister Trinity Episcopal church, r B st, bet Adams and Jefferson aves.

Morgan, C. F., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1227 s H st.
Morgan, L. W., emp, A T & S F shops, r 1216 s K st.
Morgan, Miss Mary, r 720 n 1st st.
Morgan, Wm., r 720 n 1st st.
Morgan, Wm., Jr., r 720 n 1st st.
Morgan, Wm., speculator, rm 1 Summit block.
Morman, J. B., conductor, A T & S F.
Morrell, W. H., merchant tailor, east room Colorado building, 5th avenue, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Morris, J. E., r 302 n Summit st.
Morris, G. S., physician, office 222 s Summit st., r s A st bet Adams and Jefferson ave.
Morris, H., propr, music store, r 704 s 3rd st.
Morris, Willis, r 526 n 3rd st.
Morse, A. B., student, r 403 s B st.
Morse, Miss Bessie B., student, r 403 s B st.
Morse, Mrs. C. N., widow, r 403 s B st.
Morse, Miss Rose, milliner, r 403 s B st.
Morse, Sherb, electrician, r 403 s B st.
Morton, R. W., clk, Beach & Tucker’s, r cor Harrison ave an A st.
Mosse, A. W., r 1005 s 1st st.
Moten, B., lab’r, r 807 w Washington ave.
Mullen, Mrs. T. J., city mngr, Western Union telegraph office, r Farmers National Bank bldg.
Mullen, T. J., tel opr, Western Union telegraph office, r Farmers National Bank building.
Munahan, J. C., brakeman, A T & S F, r 525 s A st.
Munday, Miss Jennie, waitress, A T & S F eating house.
Mundwiller, J., deliveryman, A C Milling Co., r 316 s D st.
Murphy, D. J., miller, A C Mills, r 218 n C st.
Murphy, Miss Pearl, student, r 208 n 6th st.
Murphy, W. T., r 208 n 6th st.
Murphy, J. M., watchmaker and jeweler, 225 s Summit st, bds 419 s A st.
Murphy, Miss Kate, rm 3, Summit block.
Murray, Miss Blanche, student, r 205 n B st.
Murray, E. G., of Cunnick & Co., r 411 n 4th st.
Murray, Frank, clks for W. H. Squires, r 203 n B st.
Musick, L. E., bds Grand View Hotel.
Myer, C. N., capitalist, bds Grand View Hotel.
Myers, Mrs. Elizabeth, widow, r 226 n 4th st.
Myers, Daniel, lab’r, r 310 n 2nd st.
Myers, Miss Ella, r 710 s 5th st.
Myers, F. W., fireman, A T & S F, r 1327 s H st.
Myers, John, farmer, r 710 s 5th st.
Myers, Miss Mary, teacher, r 226 n 4th st.
Myers, Ralph, r 710 s 5th st.

Myers, Virgil, r 310 n 2nd st.
Myers, T. C., conductor, A T & S F, r 417 s D st.
McAdoo, William (col), barber, r 424 s 2nd st.
McAslin, Frank, lab’r, r 709 s 4th st.
McBoyle, Geo., r 207 [?] 3rd st.
McCaslin, F. N., barber, shop 211 s Summit st., r 714 s 5th st.
McClain, Foster, porter, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
McClaine, James, miller, A C Mills, r 423 n 5th st.
McClaine, Martha, emp, A C Mills, r 425 n 5th st.
McCleery, B. F., teamster, r 1612 s 6th st.
McCleery, Miss Harriet, r 1612 s 6th st.
McClure, J. M., attorney, r 125 n 1st st.
McClurg, Robert, teamster, r 1612 s 6th st.
McComas, John, car carpenter, A T & S F shops.
McComas, C. T., car inspector, r 1227 s 1st st.
McComas, J. M., car repairer, r 1426 s G st.
McComas, Robert, lab’r, r 1227 s 1st st.
McConahey, R. L, druggist, r 109 s 4th st.
McConn, printer, r 711 n 4th st.
McConn, Horace, tinner, Sipes Hardware Co., r 223 n 5th st.
McConn, Will, attorney, office w 5th ave., r 807 n 4th st.
McConn, foreman, Polar Ice factory, r 419 s 3rd st.
McConnell, Charles, printer, r 711 n 4th st.
McCormick, Miss Ida, r 225 n 6th st.
McCormick, John, teamster, r 800 s 8th st.
McCormick, W. V., teamster, J. M. Fontaine, r 723 n 2nd st.
McCoy, Bert, barber, rms 221 s 3rd st.
McCoy, M. C., engineer, Polar Ice works, r 413 s 3rd st.
McCoy, Will, bus driver, r 221 s 3rd st.
McCoy, J. A., barber, emp 211 s Summit st., r s 4th St.
McCoy, Miss Mary, r 400 s 6th st.
McCoy, Wm., horse dealer, r 400 s 6th st.
McCrea, H. M., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
McCune, Wm., speculator, r 817 s 1st st.
McDevitt, Albert, teamster, r 615 n A st.
McDevitt, Maude, r 615 n A st.
McDonald, James, planer, A T & S F shops.
McDonald, Miss Rosa (col), r 603 n 1st st.
McDonald, Walter, clk, A T & S F yards, r 607 s A st.
McDoo, W. M., propr, barber shop, 125½ s Summit st., r 425 s 2nd st.
McDowell, Dewitt, Star Meat Market, r 325 n 7th st.
McDowell, Wm., Star Meat Market, rms Sheridan block.

McDowell, E. L., propr, Crescent Jewelry Store, r 206 w Central Avenue.
McDowell, F. F., stockman, r 203 n 6th st.
McDowell, Joseph, lab’r, r 622 s 6th st.
McDowell, W. E., reporter for Traveler, r 408 n 2nd st.
McDowell, S. S., coroner, r 119 n 1st st.
McDowell, Harry, cook, Saddle Rock Restaurant, rms Bittle block.
McDowell, Fred, r 218 s Summit st.
McDunn, printer, r 201 n 1st st.
McFadden, S. F., foreman, A T & S F gravel pit, r 816 n A st.
McFadgeon, Finly, lab’r, bds 522 n Summit st.
McGimpsey, David, clks for Harry Squires, r 216 n D st.
McGinnis, Robert, musician, office under National Bond & Debenture Co., r. 408 n 1st st.
McGinnis, Wm. (col), farmer, r 301 n 1st st.
McGinnis, Miss Estella, r 310 n 1st st.
McGovern, Wm., teamster, r cor Summit st and Vine ave.
McGuire, Ella, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
McIntire, Miss Amy, r 828 n 1st st.
McIntire, Albert, student, r 620 n 7th st.
McIntire, A. T., city way master, r 211 n 1st st.
McINTIRE, C. F., editor, Arkansas Valley Democrat, r 707 n 7th st.
McIntire, D. A., confectionery stand, r 306 n C st.
McIntire, Howard, grocer, r 121 n D st.
McIntire, G. H., city policeman, r 620 n 7th st.
McIntire, I. N, traveling salesman, r 828 n 1st st.
McIntire, Miss Lennie, student, r 620 n 7th st.
McIntire, Miss Mattie, r 828 n 1st st.
McINTIRE, TIMOTHY, police judge, office in city building, r 213 n A st.
McIntire, Roy, r 211 n 1st st.
McIntire, William, r 211 n 1st st.
McIntyre, I. S., train dispatcher, A T & S F, r 411 e Jefferson ave.
McINTYRE, H. S., of McIntyre & Williams, harnessmkrs, s Summit, r. K. P. block, corner Washington avenue and Summit Street.
McIntyre, Mrs. Jennie, widow, r 410 n 3rd st.
McIntyre, Miss Nellie, teacher, r 410 n 3rd st.
McKaig, Frank, emp, A T & S F shops, r 1703 s 1st st.
McKay, Chas., clk, Sollitt & Swarts, r 411 s B st.
McKay, Wm. T., physician, office rm 6 Colorado bldg., r 411 s B st.
McKee, Jerry, speculator, r 513 s 1st st.
McKenney, Geo., lab’r, r 722 s 7th st.
McKenney, T. J., lab’r, r 722 s 7th st.
McKinney, Miss Florence, r 601 n A st.
McKinney, J. W., clk, r 601 n A st.

McKinnon, Miss Anna, r 621 n 4th st.
McKinnon, Stanley, student, r 621 n 4th st.
McKinnon, S. B., r 621 n 4th st.
McKinnon, M., merchant, r 621 n 4th st.
McKinsey, Wm., stone cutter, r 218 s Summit st.
McKnight, G. H., carpenter, r cor Adams ave and 9th st.
McLaughlin, Fred, switchman, A T & S F, r se cor Washington ave and 2nd st.
McLaughlin, Harry, student, r 302 s A st.
McLaughlin, Mrs. H. A., r se cor Washington ave and 2nd st.
McLaughlin, T. H., r 302 s A st.
McLaughlin, Miss Fay, r 302 s A st.
McLaughlin, James, oiler, A C Mills, r 123 n 5th st.
McMillen, E. G., emp, G. N. Vaughan, r 200 n 4th st.
McMillen, Frank, lab’r, 620 n 5th st.
McMillen, G. W., traveling salesman, r 318 s C st.
McMillin, Miss Clara, r 517 n 1st st.
McMillin, H. W., lab’r, r 200 n 4th st.
McMillin, John, teamster, r 517 n 1st st.
McMillin, Will, teamster, r 621 s 5th st.
McMillin, Oscar, teamster, r 517 n 1st st.
McMillin, D. E., emp, A T & S F shops, r 102 s C st.
McMinn, M. P., barber at Newman’s barber shop, rms 14 and 15 Opera House block.
McMorris, T. N., lab’r, r 300 n 12th st.
McMurray, engineer, A T & S F, r 815 s C st.
McMurray, O. H., emp, Kansas Mattress factory, r Sleeth add.
McNeonley, J., lab’r, r 708 s D st.
McNurley, W., emp, A T & S F, r 608 s D st.
McWilliams, David, r 308 n 6th st.
McWilliams, R. A., propr, second hand store, 318 n Summit st., r 309 n 4th st.
Nail, Ed., lab’r, r 733 s 6th st.
Nance, Ed., emp, Kansas Mattress Co., rms Sheridan block, Summit st.
Nash, L. E., Empire Laundry, r 309 n A st.
NATIONAL BOND AND DEBENTURE CO., (Geo. W. Cunningham, president), office between Summit and A st.
Neal, Miss Cora, waitress, A T & S F eating house.
Neal, E. J., farmer, r 407 n D st.
Neal, J. M., farmer, r 407 n D st.
Neal, Warren, of Neal and Peck, blksmiths, r 707 s 6th st.
Neal & Peck, (Warren Neal and F. M. Peck, Jr.), blksmiths, 110 w Central ave.
Neale, Robert, assistant city marshal, r 816 n B st.
Neale, Miss Maggie, student, r 816 n B st.
Neale, Miss Mabel, student, r 816 n B st.

Nealy, A. V., machinist, A T & S F shops, r 1313 s K st.
Nealy, Abner L., machinist, A T & S F shops, r Sleeth add.
Neff, Col. E., stock buyer, office Farmers’ National Bank.
Neil, John, r 111 n 5th st.
Neil, Jas. T., r 111 n 5th st.
Nelson, J. R., teamster, r 312 n E st.
Nelson, Miss Rosa, r 312 n E st.
Nelson, W. H., postmaster, r 3 [?] s B st,
Newberry, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 610 s C st.
Newland, A. T., lab’r, r 611 s 4th st.
Newland, Mrs. Martitia, r 1227 n 3rd st.
Newland, Miss Winnie, student, r 1227 n 3rd st.
Newman, Earl, student, r 319 n B st.
Newman, John, propr, barber shop, 113 s Summit st., r 324 s A st.
Newman, Miss Pearl, student, r 319 n B st.
NEWMAN, A. A., mayor, president Newman Dry Goods Co., r 319 n B st.
NEWMAN DRY GOODS CO., (A. A. Newman, president; J. R. Adams, manager), 212, 214, and 216 s Summit st.
Newport, H. P., r 314 n 2nd st.
Newport, Lee, r 314 n 2nd st.
Newport, Roy, r 314 n 2nd st.
Nichols, Chas., emp, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co.
Nichols, J. A., packer, A C Mills, r 707 n A st.
Nickerson, Miss Ada, rm 5, Hill block.
Nichols, John, bds 707 n A st.
Niel, T. A., lab’r, r 409 s 5th st.
Nightingale, Ed., switchman, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Nile, Joseph, emp, Street Car Co., r 621 s 6th st.
Nile, Martin, emp, A T & S F shops, r 621 s 6th st.
NINE CENT STORE, (E. S. Smith, propr), 415 s Summit st.
Nix, Miss Ella, dressmkr, r 614 n 5th st.
Nix, F. S., clk, Atwood & Hutchinson, r 611 n 5th st.
Nix, W. A., carpenter, r 614 n 5th st.
Nixon, Miss Maggie, domestic, r 309 s A st.
Noble, E. G., farmer, r 307 n Summit st.
Noble, Miss Mary, clk, r 307 n Summit st.
Noble, Tom, r 700 s C st.
NOLAN, T. J., proprietor, Hotel Gladstone.
Nolan, Miss Renna, r Hotel Gladstone.
Nolan, Robert, clk, Hotel Gladstone.
Norman, Thomas B., janitor, Colorado block, r 511 s 2nd st.
Norman, Miss Nellie, student, r 511 s 2nd st.
Norman, W. M., emp, A T & S F machine shops, r 126 n D st.

Norris, Geo., engineer, r 825 s 1st st.
Norris, Geo., fireman, A T & S F, bds 832 s C st.
Norton, R. B., insurance agent, r 409 n B st.
Nudd, E. H., foreman, Kansas Mattress factory, r Sheridan block s Summit st.
Nye, Mrs. C. M., widow, r 115 n 5th st.
O’Brien, W. S., traveling salesman, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Ochs, Miss Edith, student, r 611 n C st.
Ochs, Miss Hattie, student, r 611 n C st.
Ochs, Herman, clks at Famous store, r 611 n C st.
Ochs, Isaac, insurance agent, r 611 n C st.
Oens, Albert, fisherman, r 522 s 8th st.
Ogden, Mrs. J., r 803 s C st.
Oldham, G. W., bkpr, Godehard, r 419 n 3rd st.
Oldham, Oran, student, r 419 n 3rd st.
OLDROYD, T. B., of Duff & Oldroyd, r 303 n 5th st.
OLIVER, CHARLES J., emp, 4-C Drug store.
Oliver, Mrs. Minnie, r 300 n 1st st.
Olmstead, H., miller, A C Mills, r 1031 s C st.
O’Niel, P. G., clk at Famous, r 814 n A st.
ORMISTON, G. D., propr Almighty Dollar store, r 415 n 3rd st.
Ormiston, Guy A., student, r 415 n 3rd st.
Osborn, A. P., real estate agent, r 209 n 5th st.
Osborn, Miss Mertie, r 209 n 5th st.
Osgood, Miss Dora, r 824 n B st.
Osgood, Charles, cigarmkr, with T. B. Marshall, r 119 n 5th st.
Osgood, E. A., carpenter, r 824 n B st.
Osgood, Frank, cigarmkr, with T. B. Marshall, r 824 n B st.
Ott, D. H., druggist, with Sollitt & Swarts, r 213 n B st.
Ott, Mrs. B. E., widow, r 203 n B st.
Owen, D., real estate agent, r 1000 n 2nd st.
Owen, Miss Fay, r 1000 n 2nd st.
Owen, Miss Lily, r 1000 n 2nd st.
Owen, Miss May, r 1000 n 2nd st.
Owen, Miss Nellie, seamstress, r 1000 n 2nd st.
PACIFIC AND WELLS-FARGO EXPRESS CO., office 118 w 5th ave.
Paden, Wm., r 1st st s suburb.
Page, Mrs. L. B., r 813 s A st.
Palm, J. M., carpenter, r 728 n S [?] st.
Palmer, C. A., grocer, r 1621 s 6th st.
Parker, J. C., salesman, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 620 n 5th st.
Parker, C. F., carpenter, r 1111 n 4th st.

Parker, J. W., clk, r 116 n 3rd st.
Parker, Miss Gertrude, r 620 n 5th st.
Parker, George, clk, Santa Fe grocery, bds 207 e Central ave.
Parker, Gustine, emp, Atwood & Hutchinson, r 620 n 5th.
Parker, Miss Laura, domestic, r 617 s E st.
Parker, M. T., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1009 s D st.
Parker, John, carpenter, r 1111 n 4th st.
Parker, I., clk, Atwood & Hutchinson, r 620 n 5th st.
Parks, Augusta, domestic, r 832 s C st.
Parmer, Miss Cappie, student, r 500 n 6th st.
Parmer, Miss Nettie, student, r 500 n 6th st.
Parmer, W. A., carpenter, r 500 n 6th st.
Parr, Jacob, farmer, r 419 n E st.
Parr, Thos., farmer, r 419 n E st.
Parry, D. D., justice of the peace and notary public, office over Upton’s, r 215 s C st.
Parry, Miss J. M., music teacher, r 215 s C st.
Parry, Wm., r 511 s 2nd st.
Parry, Walter, clk, Almighty Dollar store, rms 3, 4, and 5 Opera House block.
Parsons, S. B., physician, office 222 s Summit st., r 510 s B st.
Parsons, J. N., speculator, r 713 n 3rd st.
Parvin, Thos. S., printer, r 101 s Summit st.
Patterson, A. W., bds Hotel Gladstone.
Patterson, Chas., switchman, A T & S F, r 510 e Monroe ave.
Patterson, J. T., photographer, r 424 n 9th st.
Patterson, Miss Leoti, r 402 n 4th st.
Patton, Chas., janitor, First National Bank, bds 622 n A st.
Paull, Miss Ida, r 302 n 6th st.
Paull, W. M., section foreman, Mo P Ry, r 302 n 6th st.
Pearson, Peter, furniture dealer, r 219 e Washington ave.
Peckham, Chas. J., of Peckham, Beekman & Brown, attorneys, r Winfield.
PECKHAM, BEEKMAN AND BROWN, attorneys, office in Hess block, w 5th ave., and at Winfield.
PEEK & PEEK, (F. M. and Chas. Peek), blksmiths, shop 519 s Summit st.
PEEK, CHAS., of Peek & Peek, blksmiths, r 120 n D st.
PEEK, F. M., blksmith, r 120 n D st.
Peek, John, lab’r, r 120 n D st.
Peek, F. M., Jr., blksmith, of Neal & Peek, r 120 n D st.
Peek, Lewis, blksmith, emp Al Daniels, r 120 n D st.
Pegg, Miss B. M., student, r 218 n E st.
Pegg, J. W., carpenter, r 218 n E st.
Pendleton, Michael, blksmith, A T & S F shops.
Penfield, Walter, emp, A T & S F shops, bds 1226 s K st.
Penick, John, hack driver, Central Avenue livery barn, bds Central Avenue Hotel.

Pennington, , Capt., Salvation Army, r 113 n 1st st.
Penwell, H. G., stockman, rms Eagle block.
Percival, Albert, emp, Danks Bros., r 715 n 7th st.
Percival, Miss Lillie, r 715 n 7th st.
Percival, T. C., carpenter, r 715 n 7th st.
Perkins, Miss Ruth, rms 503 s A st.
Perkins, Wyatt, boilermkr, bds 1426 s G st.
Perrine, Edward. [No further information.]
Perrine, Miss Lizzie, domestic, wks 829 s D st.
Perry, Hank (col), lab’r, r 402 n 5th st.
Perryman, F., propr, Palace barber shop, r 414 n C st.
Perryman, Frank, barber, r 414 n C st.
Pervis, W. M., lab’r, r McLaughlin add.
Peters, Chas., bell boy, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Pettit, Chas., r 427 s 2nd st.
PFISTERER, H. M., painter, shop 112 s 1st st.
Phelps, Miss Alma, dressmkr, r 717 n 3rd st.
Phelps, Mrs. C., r 414 n C st.
Phelps, John, clk, Godehard & Co., r 717 n 3rd st.
Phelps, Newman, clk, Godehard & Co., r 717 n 3rd st.
Phelps, R. R., clk, 4-C drug store, cor Adams ave. and Summit st.
Phelps, Miss Susie, r n C st.
Phelps, James, lab’r, r 314 s 3rd st.
Phillips, Jas., engineer, A T & S F, r 511 s C st.
Phillips, J. W., blksmith, rms 404 n 1st st.
Phillips, W. S., train dispatcher, r 325 n B st.
Phippen, Thos., carpenter, r 209 s 3rd st.
Phipps, Dr. W. C., office and r 103 s Summit st., upstairs.
Pickering, J. C., of Pickering & Duncan, r 125 s 4th st.
Pickering & Duncan (J. C. Pickering and J. D. Duncan), 425 s Summit st.
Pickering, Walter S., brakeman, A T & S F, r 125 s 4th st.
Pierce, D. L., porter, Ice works, r 1630 s 1st st.
Pierce, Miss J. F., dressmkr, r 602 s 5th st.
Pierce, Miss Jennie, seamstress, rms 602 s 5th st.
Pierce, Walter, clk, post office, rms 414 n 2nd st.
Pierce, F. R., conductor, A T & S F, r 704 s D st.
Pilcher, L. A., r 834 s F st.
Pile, George, switchman, A T & S F, r 400 s D st.
Pile, Miss May, student, r 400 s D st.
Pile, Kitty, r 400 s D st.
Pillsbury, Mrs. C. G., r 326 s 1st st.
Pinkerton, M., emp, street railway, rms Worthley block.
Piper, Mrs. Mary, widow, r 716 s 8th st.

Platt, Miss Lucy, r 200 s 8th st.
Plumb, Miss Maggie, student, r 320 n 5th st.
Poe, Wm., cattleman, r 404 n 1st st.
Pogue, Miss C. A., clk, Racket store, r 629 s 1st st.
Poland, Jessie, r 512 n 1st st.
Pollard, A. C., conductor, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Pond, Van R., attorney, office 120 w 5th ave., bds 303 s 2nd st.
Pond, W. M. & Co., dealers in lumber, R. R. Maxey, agent, yard 400 s Summit st.
Pool, Charles, student, r 1711 s 1st st.
Pool, C. W., lab’r, r 1711 s 1st st.
Pool, Frank, fisherman, r 1711 s 1st st.
Pope, Samuel, lab’r, r 404 n 1st st.
Pogin, Miss L. A., clk, Racket store, r 629 s 1st st.
Porter, F. A., physician, office rms 4 and 5 over First National Bank, r 113 n 3rd st.
Porter, F. S., packer, A. C. Mills, r 1313 L st.
Post, A. C., abstracter, Guarantee Abstract Co., r 802 n 8th st.
POST, C. N., of R. A. Gilmer & Co., r over 120 w 5th ave.
Pottle, Miss Grace, student, r 623 n 4th st.
POTTLE, W. H., propr, Boston store, r 623 n 4th st.
Powell, N., stockman, r 703 n B st.
Powers, J. W., painter, r 816 n 4th st.
PRESCOTT, A. D., sec’y, Johnson Loan and Trust Co., r 507 s 1st st.
Prescott, A. J., harnessmkr, emp Sep Andrews, r 507 s 1st st.
Prescott, Horace, clk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 507 s 1st st.
Prescott, Miss Ida, student, r 507 s 1st st.
PRETTYMAN, W. S., photographer, office over post office, r 500 n A st.
Prewett, Sherman, fireman, A T & S F, r 325 s 8th st.
Price, John Jay, planer, A T & S F shops.
Price, Samuel, propr grocery store, 109 s Summit st., r 620 n A st.
Price, Walter, clk, r 620 n A st.
Prindle, A. A., carpenter, r 426 n 6th st.
Prindle, Amos, lab’r, r 713 s 4th st.
Prindle, Miss Frank, r 426 n 6th st.
Prosser, Chas. A., student, r 904 n 3rd st.
Prosser, W. G., grocer, r 904 n 3rd st.
Prosser, David H., student, r 904 n 3rd st.
Pruitt, O. E., switchman, A T & S F yards, r 1015 s C st.
Purcival, Mrs. L. J., r 117 s B st.
Putnam, J. D., gardener, r 1120 n C st.
Putnam, W. R., shoemkr, r 1025 n C st.
Putnam, R. F., farmer, r 1120 n C st.
Purvis, Chas., lab’r, r McLaughlin add.

Quick, A. B., drayman, r Sleeth add.
Quick, emp, A C Mnfr Co., r 1326 s J st.
Quick, J. F., lab’r, Kansas Mattress Co., r 1326 s J st.
Quick, J. C., emp, Kansas Mattress Co., r 1326 s J st.
Quick, R. S., printer, r 1326 s J st.
Quick, O. C., lab’r, r 1400 w Washington ave.
Quick, Thos., conductor, A T & S F, r 314 s B st.
Quick, W. B., lab’r, r 1400 w Washington ave.
Quinsey, Moses, lab’r, r 320 s 6th st.
Quizzenbury, M., capitalist, 218 s Summit st.
Ragland, John, emp, A T & S F.
Rain, Geo., engineer, A T & S F, r 813 s C st.
Rain, John, engineer, A T & S F, r 709 s B st.
Rain, Lewis L., carpenter, s 1st st., r 1215 s 1st st.
Rackerd, R. W., bds at Grand View Hotel.
Randall, S., lab’r, r 313 [?] 8th st.
Randles, C. W., speculator, r 308 e Madison ave.
Randles, J. R., physician, office and rm 308 e Madison ave.
Ranesburg, Miss Georgia, r 1108 s 2nd st.
RANKIN, J. E., of Wholesale Fruit Co., r 218 s Summit st.
RANKIN, R. J., of Hamilton Rankin Hardware Co., r 613 s C st.
RANNEY, ALTON & CO., (J. A. Ranney and S. T. Alton), wholesale grocers, 208 and 210 w 5th ave.
RANNEY, J. A., of Ranney, Alton & Co., r 309 s A st.
Ranney, Miss Lottie, student, r 309 s A st.
Ranney, Miss Maud, r 309 s A st.
Ranney, S., emp, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 309 s A st.
Rarick, J. L., r 703 n B st.
Rarick, Miss Lilly, milliner, r 703 n B st.
RARICK, O. S., city marshal, r 703 n B st.
Rash, W. E., blksmith, r 1001 n 3rd st.
Rath, Ed., teamster, A C Mnfr Co., bds at Farmers Home.
Rathburn, Alfred, bkpr, A C Mills, r 510 n 4th st.
Rathburn, Chas. S., student, r 510 n 4th st.
Ray, Amos, lab’r, r 207 n 5th st.
Ray, Alvin, lab’r, r 207 n 5th st.
Ray, Miss Mary, r 207 n 5th st.
Ray, Miss Millie, r 207 n 5th st.
Rector, W. M., emp, A C Mills, r 730 s 7th st.
Redinger, Frank, lab’r, r 309 n Summit st.
Reece, A. J., deliveryman, A C Milling Co., r 327 s D st.
Reece, Miss Carrie, student, r 327 s D st.

Reed, Bert, student, r 718 n Summit st.
Reed, F. C., dyer, rm 5 Worthley block.
Reed, Geo. W., lab’r, A C Mills, r Sheridan block, s Summit St.
Reed, J. W., yard master, A T & S F, bds 419 s A st.
Reed, R. H., physician, 715 n 8th st.
Reed, Ray, clks Boston store, r 718 n Summit st.
Reed, W. B., r 226 s 3rd st.
Regan, John, engineer, A T & S F, bds 524 s A st.
Regnier, Edward, r 833 s 5th st.
Regnier, , lab’r, r 823 s 5th st.
Reid, Miss A. C., r 312 w Central ave.
Reinberger, T. A., emp, A T & S F shops, r 302 n Summit st.
Reinberger, Alma, r 302 n Summit st.
Remick, J. O., emp, Johnson Loan and Trust Co., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
REPP BROS., (W. A. and C. E. Repp), furniture and undertaking, 204 s Summit st.
REPP, C. E., of Repp Bros.
REPP, W. A., of Repp Bros., r 408 s B st.
Reyner, D. P., grocer, r 600 s 7th st.
Reynolds, Bruce, emp, Telephone Exchange, bds 321 e Central ave.
Reynolds, E. B., upholsterer, A C Manufacturing. Co., r 215 s C st.
Reynolds, Mrs. E. P., music teacher, r 215 s C st.
Reynolds, Geo., lab’r, r 410 s 7th st.
Reynolds, , carpenter, r 112 s 3rd st.
Reynolds, G. W., brakeman, A T & S F, r 829 s F st.
Reynolds, John, horse dealer, r 402 n 6th st.
Reynolds, Mrs. R. A., r 1327 s H st.
Reynolds, Wm., stone mason, r 918 n 3rd st.
Reynolds, W. R., lab’r, r 721 n 7th st.
Reynolds, W. R., r 609 s 6th st.
Rhode, Wm., fruit dealer, r 729 n 7th st.
Rhodes, Morris M., sec’y and treas., A C Lumber Co., r over 302 s Summit st.
Rice, Frances, r 728 n Summit st.
Rice, Gilas, lab’r, r 721 e Central ave.
Rice, Mamie, r 303 w Madison ave.
Rice, Wilbur, of Watts & Rice, liverymen, r Syndicate block, s Summit st.
Richard, John, brakeman, A T & S F, bds 1312 s G st.
Richards, A. M., lab’r, r 618 n 4th st.
Richards, J. F., carpenter, bds cor 5th ave and 1st st.
Richards, W. C., farmer, r 717 n C st.
Richards, , r 411 s 2nd st.
Richardson, Miss Anna, stenographer, r 705 s 5th st.
Richardson, Miss Edith, milliner, r 705 s 5th st.
Richardson, Thomas, farmer, r 710 s 5th st.

Riddell, S. M., bds St. Charles Hotel.
Riddle, A. L., farmer, Garfield add.
Ridenour, Sam, printer, bds 422 s D st.
Rider, Miss Birdie, waitress, Central Avenue Hotel.
Rider, Charles, emp, Star livery barn, bds Central Avenue Hotel.
Rider, N. P., propr, Central Avenue Hotel.
Ridorex, Edmond, pawnbroker, office and r 112 s Summit st.
Riepen, Henry, plasterer, r 1011 n 3rd st.
Riffe, Mrs. Mollie, dressmkr, 404 n 1st st.
Rigby, F. K., traveling salesman, rms 100 n C st.
Rigg, A. B., traveling salesman, rms 100 n C st.
Rigg, B. C., clk, Master Bros., r 223 n 2nd st.
Rigg, T. B., miller, A C Mills, r 413 n 5th st.
Rike, Miss Ella, milliner, emp Miss Guyers, r 518 s D st.
Rike, J. L., emp, A C Mills, r 518 s D st.
Rinerson, R., bds Farmers Home.
Rinker, E. W., electrician, r 525 s D st.
Rinker, A. J., r 525 s D st.
Ritter, Mary, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Robbins, Maggie, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Roberson, Jesse, caller, emp A T & S F, r 122 s 4th st.
Roberson, Leonard, student, r 122 s 4th st.
Roberson, Margaret E., widow, r 122 s 4th st.
Roberts, George, student, r 419 s C st.
ROBERTS, H. F., propr, Canal Planing Mill, r 419 s C st.
Robertson, Carrie, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Robertson, Ida, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Robinson, Mrs. B. A., propr, St. Charles Hotel.
Robinson, Gilbert, lab’r, r 225 s 7th st.
Robinson, Harve, lab’r, r 326 n E st.
Robinson, Miss May, r St. Charles Hotel.
Robinson, Wm., engineer, A T & S F, r 326 n E st.
Robinson, Miss Stella, r St. Charles Hotel.
Robison, Ed., emp, Gas works, r 621 s 5th st.
Robison, , lieutenant, Salvation Army, r 113 s 1st st.
Rockhold, S. N., farmer, r 702 n B st.
RODERICK, M. E., propr, A C Marble Works, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Rogers, Chas., student, r Walnut block, w 5th ave.
Rogers, Rev. C. H., pastor Unitarian church, r Walnut block, w 5th ave.
Rogers, Miss Fannie, clk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r Walnut block, w 5th ave.
Rogers, F. A., coppersmith, A T & S F, r 1416 s G st.
Rogers, Miss Madge, student, r Walnut block, w 5th ave.
Rogers, Miss Maude, r Walnut block, w 5th ave.

Rogers, Frank, fireman, A T & S F, bds 832 s C st.
ROHR, GEO. F., president, Elzina Lumber Co., member of city council, r 224 s 2nd st.
Rohr, Miss Edith M., student, r 224 s 2nd st.
Rohr, Guy, sec’y, Elzina Lumber Co., r 224 s 2nd st.
Rohr, Miss Lina, r 224 s 2nd st.
Rolf, Joe, emp, A T & S F shops.
Root, J. W., butcher, rms 24 Commercial block.
Rose, Wm., shoemkr, r 415 n 5th st.
Rose, C. H., merchant, r 117 n B st.
Rose, Geo. B., clk, Cherokee Grocery Co.
Rosebaugh, Miss L., clk, W. H. Squires & Co., r 708 s A st.
Rosebaugh, Theo., brakeman, A T & S F, r 708 s A st.
Roseberry, J. E., dealer in real estate, office 123 s Summit st., r 418 n C st.
Rosencrans, H. A., speculator, r 300 s 1st st.
ROSS, HOWARD, cashier, Home National Bank, r 903 s 2nd st.
Ross, Chas., farmer, r 924 n 1st st.
Ross, Thomas, lab’r, r 426 n E st.
Rossbottom, R., boilermkr, A T & S F shops.
Roth, , butcher, rms 24 Commercial block.
Round, Chas., clk, bds 109 n Summit st.
Rounds, J. D., farmer, r 1025 n A st.
Rounds, Albert, clk, C. T. Thurston, r 1025 n A st.
Rowland, J. C., shoemkr, r 201 s 1st st.
Rowland, T. M., emp, S. F. Ray, r 625 s D st.
ROYAL GORGE RESTAURANT, (J. J. Landis, propr), 219 s Summit st.
Ruby, Miss Bertha, student, r 1121 s 1st st.
Ruby, , machinist, A T & S F, r 309 e Harrison ave.
Ruby, E. E., fireman, A T & S F.
Ruby, J. W., teacher, r 1121 s 1st st.
Ruby, Mrs. M. H., propr, boarding house, 832 s C st.
Ruby, Robert L., shop clk, A T & S F, r 1121 s 1st st.
Ruf, August, clk, Al Horn’s boot and shoe store, bds Central Avenue Hotel.
Rugh, W. D., cook, Royal Gorge restaurant, r 402 n 6th st.
Rush, E. E., rms Eagle block.
Rushmore, C. D., real estate agent, r 411 n 3rd st.
Rusk, Miss Macie, r 204 w Central ave.
Russ, Wilbur, propr, Summit Street livery barn.
Rutherford, Joseph, emp, A C Mills, r 301 n E st.
Rutherford, W., farmer, r 301 n E st.

Sackett, T. H., emp, A. C. Mnfr Co., bds Farmers Home.
Sackett, Tim, emp, A. C. Mnfr. Co., bds Farmers Home.
SADDLE ROCK RESTAURANT, (G. R. Chaney, propr), s Summit st.
Saffer, Clarence, r 609 s 6th st.
SALISBURY, C. E., boot and shoe dealer, 202 s Summit st., r 226 n B st.
Saltmarsh, J. S., farmer, r 733 s 6th st.
Salthouse, Mrs. Jane, nurse, r 217 n 2nd st.
Samson, John, emp, A. C. Mnfr Co., bds A T & S F boarding house.
Sanborn, Fred, student, r 307 n 7th st.
Sanborn, Geo., contractor and builder, r 307 n 7th st.
Sanborn, Harry, emp, Colorado block, r 307 n 7th st.
Sanborn, P., carpenter, r 307 n 7th st.
Sanborn, Jno., harnessmkr with McIntyre & Co., r 202 s B st.
Sanburn, Mary, domestic, r 818 s C st.
Sanders, Austin, lab’r, r 121 n 4th st.
Sandusky, W. H., farmer, r Garfield add.
Sandusky, Miss Ella, r Garfield add.
Sandusky, Miss Lily, r Garfield add.
Sandusky, N. E., farmer, r Garfield add.
SANTA FE GROCERY CO., (A. F. Hoyt, propr), dealer in groceries, flour, and feed, 105 n Summit st.
Sargent, Miss Cora, r 303 n 7th st.
Sargent, H. H., lab’r, r 303 n 7th st.
Savage, C. L., engineer, A T & S F, r 1023 s B st.
Schiffbauer, Charles, merchant, r 715 s A st.
SCHIFFBAUER, FRANK P., ex-mayor, r 216 s 1st st.
SCOTT, C. C., clk, 4-C Drug Store, r 622 s 7th st.
Scott, Ed., printer, bds 422 s D st.
Scott, Jennie, domestic, r 802 s A st.
Scott, E. M., printer, bds 422 s D st.
Scott, W. G., salesman, Matlack Mercantile Co.
Scott, S. B., teamster, r 423 n 6th st.
Scott, Chas., U. S. Mail Carrier, r 312 n 3rd st.
Scott, Mrs. Sara, widow, carpet weaver, r 118 n 5th st.
Scott, W., clk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r Walnut block, w 5th ave.
Scott, Capt. C. M., r east of Walnut river.
SCRUTON, CHARLES A., capitalist, vice president, Arkansas City Bank, r 504 n 4th st.
Scruton, Clyde, r 504 n 4th st.
SEARING, C. H., president and manager, Arkansas City Milling Co., r 212 s 2nd st.
Seaton, Charles, stewart, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Secord, V. C., engineer, r 925 s 3rd st.
Secord, V. C., Jr., student, r 925 s 3rd st.
Secord, F. C., student, r 925 s 3rd st.
Sedenberg, Miss Nola, r 817 n 1st st.
Sederland, Geo. D., planer, A T & S F shops.
Sedgebeer, Mrs. Anna M., r 1027 s 1st st.
Sedgebeer, C. M., r 1027 s 1st st.
Sefton, Miss Addie S., student, r 506 n 3rd st.
Sefton, Frank H., student, r 506 n 3rd st.
Sefton, Miss Emma, student, r 506 n 3rd st.
Sefton, James K., student, r 506 n 3rd st.
Sefton, Miss Lelah, student, r 506 n 3rd st.
Seitz, Mrs. M. M., r 708 s A st.
Sells, R. E., freight and ticket agent, Mo P Ry, r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
SHAFFER, J. C., chief train dispatcher, A T & S F, r 403 s C st.
Shaffer, J. B., billiard hall, 110 s Summit st., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Shaffer, Miss Mertie, r 312 n 1st st.
Shaffer, Roy J., machinist, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 217 s B st.
Shanks, Albert, tailor, emp Chas. Williams, Adams ave between Summit and 1st st.
SHANNON, D. W., proprietor, Farmers’ Home, 523 s Summit st.
Shannon, May, student, r 523 s Summit st.
Sharp, C. E., brakeman, A T & S F, r 821 s B st.
Sharp, Sam, brakeman, A T & S F, r 821 s B st.
Shaw, Cora, domestic, r 710 n Summit st.
Shaw, Douglas, fruit merchant, stand 123 Summit st., r 106 n 1st st.
Shaw, J. W., farmer, r 710 n Summit st.
Shaw, Jim, gardener, r 303 n 12th st.
Shearer, Mrs. M. J., r 403 n 6th st.
Shearer, W. G., r 403 n 6th st.
Shedd, Mrs. Mary, r 1101 s 1st st.
Sheel, Mrs. B. L., widow, r 313 s 8th st.
Sheldon, A. N., propr, marble works, r 702 s B st.
Shelton, James, carpenter, r 714 n 4th st.
Shepard, Mrs. H., r 623 s E st.
Shepard, James, physician, office and r 814 s B st.
Shepard, Kate, r 526 s 6th st.
Shepherd, , fireman, A T & S F, r 903 s C st.
Sherburne, J. H., post trader, Ponca Agency.
Sherburne, Mrs. B. W., r 313 s B st.
Sherman, J. R., emp, Saddle Rock Restaurant, rms over 107 s Summit st.
Sherman, Miss Jessie, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Shiland, Howard, lab’r, A T & S F, bds 407 e Harrison ave.
Shirley, Frances M., lab’r, r 907 n 5th st.
Short, Miss K. C., dressmkr, bds 820 s C st.
Shoup, J., boilermkr, A T & S F, r 1426 s G st.
Shoup, Mrs. M., r 702 n C st.
Showalter, Dora B., r over 103 s Summit st.
Showalter, Alice, r over 103 s Summit st.
Showalter, John, clk, Smith’s grocery, r over 103 s Summit st.
Shupe, Miss Emma, student, r 1023 s C st.
Shupe, Mary, student, r 1023 s C st.
Shupe, Martha, student, r 1023 s C st.
Shupe, Joseph, farmer, r 1023 s C st.
Shupe, A. J., farmer, r 1023 s C st.
Shupe, Ewing, student, r 1023 s C st.
Shuster, Jno., machinist, A T & S F, r 1209 s 2nd st.
Sibert, Laura, r east Central ave, between F and G sts.
Sibert, John, cattleman, r east Central ave, between F and G sts.
Sibert, Miss Sarah, r east Central ave, between F and G sts.
Sidekum, C. O., janitor, A T & S F Depot Hotel.
Siderlin, C., machinist, A T & S F shops, r 1010 s B st.
Sierman, Chas., section foreman, A T & S F, r 526 n D st.
Sierman, Miss Clara, r 526 n D st.
Sifers, A. G., clk, Fifth Avenue Hotel, bds same.
Sifferd, Geo., blksmith, r 325 n 5th st.
Simmons, Mary (col), laundress, r 601 n 2nd st.
Simmons, John, machinist, bds 407 e Harrison ave.
Simmons, James, machinist, bds 813 s B st.
Simmons & Thew (H. L. Simmons and W. A. Thew), druggists, 114 w 5th ave.
Simmons, H. L., of Simmons & Thew.
Simmons, Ollie, student, r 503 n 1st st.
Simmons, William, r 503 n 1st st.
Simpson, Albert, carpenter, r 1722 s 6th st.
Simpson, Alfred, student, r 426 n D st.
Simpson, Elene E., bds 618 n D st.
Simpson, Elma, domestic, bds 611 n C st.
Simpson, Geo., lab’r, r 126 n 3rd st.
Simpson, Mrs. Laura, r 1102 n C st.
Simpson, J. F., lab’r, r 404 n E st.
Sims, A. H., merchant, r 201 s 1st st.
Sims, Geo., stonemason, r 612 s D st.
SINNOTT, M. W., of Arkansas Valley Democrat, r 319 n 3rd st.
SIPES, C. R., of Sipes Hardware Co., r 803 s C st.
Sipes, Geo., student, r 803 s C st.
SIPES HARDWARE CO., (C. R. Sipes, proprietor), 102 s Summit st.
Slack, Mrs. Mary E., r 828 s 2nd st.
Slane, O., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Slane, J. H., carpenter, r 722 n B st.
Sleeth, Wm. M., president, First National Bank, r 328 s Summit st.
Sleeth, Watt, student, r 328 s Summit st.
Slink, Will, student, r 1300 s G st.
Slink, F. T., switchman, A T & S F, r 1300 s G st.
Slink, Frank, student, r 1300 s G st.
Sloat, Geo. E., harnessmkr for Septimus Andrews, bds cor 5th ave and 4th st.
Small, Samuel, fireman, r 1011 s 3rd st.
Smith, J. C., conductor, A T & S F, r 821 s A st.
Smith, Julius, propr, Fair store, r 320 s B st.
Smith, D. C., farmer, r 207 e Central ave.
Smith, Miss Nellie B., teacher, r cor Spruce ave and 5th st.
Smith, A. C., president, Typographical Union, r 519 s B st.
Smith, Mrs. Aurela, widow, r 509 n Summit st.
Smith, Chas. H., lab’r, r 509 n Summit st.
Smith, Burton, student, r 1700 s 5th st.
Smith, B. F., lab’r, r 411 n 10th st.
Smith, C. E., broommkr, r 915 n 7th st.
SMITH, C. S., proprietor, Nine Cent Store, office and r 415 s Summit st.
Smith, D. A., car carpenter, A T & S F, r 813 n B st.
Smith, D. A., broommkr, r 915 n 7th st.
Smith, E. J., dealer in cigars, r 710 n 1st st.
Smith, Edith J., r 211 e Central ave.
Smith, F. R., bds Grand View Hotel.
Smith, Geo. E., emp, A T & S F, r 403 n D st.
Smith, G. F., harnessmkr, Hess Saddlery Co., r 600 n 4th st.
Smith, Geo. G., painter, bds 517 n 1st st.
Smith, Geo., brakeman, A T & S F, bds 1124 s 5th st.
Smith, Homer, blksmith, r 211 e Central ave.
Smith, Howard, blksmith, r 211 e Central ave.
Smith, H. D., printer, r 415 s 8th st.
Smith, Herman, grocer, r 505 s 5th st.
Smith, H. E., of Fifth Avenue Grocery Co., r 505 s 5th st.
Smith, John, tailor, emp, Chas. Williams, bds Central Avenue Hotel.
Smith, J., porter, Grand View Hotel.
SMITH, J. G., grocer, 318 s Summit st., r cor Adams ave and Summit st.
Smith, Joe, grocer, r 303 s 5th st.
Smith, J. T., blksmith, r 211 e Central ave.
Smith, Mrs. Maria J., r 211 e Central ave.
Smith, I. M., emp, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 727 s 6th st.
Smith, Lee, lab’r, r 1224 s 6th st.
Smith, L. M., carpenter, r 517 n D st.
Smith, Milton, lab’r, r 1422 s 6th st.
Smith, Miss Mary, domestic, r 117 s 3rd st.
Smith, Milton, farmer, r 523 s 2nd st.
Smith, Mrs. Nellie, widow, r 405 s 8th st.
Smith, Miss Ota, seamstress, 4 120 n 4th.
Smith, R. E., lab’r, r 206 n 4th st.
Smith, Miss Rose, r 1224 s 6th st.
Smith, S. C., r 108 s Summit st.
Smith, , opr, A T & S F, r 203 n B st.
Smith, Miss Julia, r 108 s Summit st.
Smith, W. T., clk, Boston store, r 303 s A st.
Smith, W. A., book agent, r 201 s 1st st.
Smith, W. A., emp, Mendenhall & Smith, bds 201 w 5th ave.
Smith, W. J., of Mendenhall & Smith, rms No. 8, Pearson block.
Smith, Wm., lab’r, r 1700 s 5th st.
Snea, Wm., student, bds 703 n B st.
Snodgrass, W. H., bridge carpenter, r 225 n 9th st.
Snow, John, Jr., student, r 105 n F st.
Snow, John, lab’r, r 105 n F st.
Snyder, Alexis, student, r 408 n Summit st.
Snyder, C. C., farmer, r 622 n A st.
Snyder, Clarence, brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Snyder, C. L., clk, Wickliffe Bros., r 408 n Summit st.
Snyder, Frank, brakeman, bds 1224 s E st.
Snyder, G. A., emp, A C bottling works, r 622 n A st.
SNYDER, HENRY, dealer in buggies, wagons, and farm machinery, east 5th avenue between Summit and 1st st., r 306 n 6th st.
Snyder, Ira, student, r 408 n Summit st.
Snyder, J. H., proprietor, flour and feed store, 210 n Summit st.
Snyder, M. H., cattleman, r 408 n Summit st.
Snyder, N. T., real estate agent, r 328 n 1st st.
Snyder, Miss Pearl, r 328 n 1st st.
Snyder, P. L., insurance agent, r 1007 n Summit st.
Snyder, Mrs. L., cashier, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 1007 n Summit st.
Snyder, W. H., deliveryman, Jackson’s grocery, r 625 n A st.
Snyder, Wm. M., r 615 n B st.
SOLLITT, C. C., of Sollitt & Swarts, druggists, r 415 n B st.
SOLLITT & SWARTS, (C. C. Sollitt and Charles Swarts), druggists,
Colorado block, 200 s Summit st.
Somers, H. W., lab’r, bds at Farmers Home.
Sorenson, John, foreman, A C Mfg Co., rms at factory.
Sorrick, Frank, conductor, rms 1124 s E st.
Souligney, J. P., real estate dealer, r 815 s A st.
Southerd, Joseph, transfer man, r 717 n 6th st.
Sparkman, J. T., lab’r, r 702 n C st.
Sparks, Fred D., student, r 225 n 5th st.
Sparks, H. B., switchman, A T & S F, r 907 s C st.
Sparks, J. W., physician, office over 114 s Summit st., r 225 n 5th st.

Speers, Miss Anna, r 313 s 2nd st.
Speers, W. H., r 313 s 2nd st.
Speers, Frank, painter, r 114 s 2nd st.
Speiser, Julia, waitress, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Spickard, Allen, lab’r, r 701 w Chestnut ave.
Spinaugle, M. M., engineer, A T & S F, r 819 s C st.
Spinay, J. M., capitalist, bds Grand View Hotel.
Spore, W. A., cabinetmaker, r 201 s 1st st.
Spore, Sylvester, farmer, r 1000 s 6th st.
Spray, Amos, traveling salesman, r 801 s B st.
Spray, Cora, student, r 801 s B st.
Spray, Uriah, U. S. Indian Service, Kaw Agency.
Spriggs, I., manager, Polar Ice works, r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Spruill, Ben, carpenter, r 522 n C st.
Spruill, G. B., teamster, r 419 n D st.
Spruill, W. F., carpenter, r 419 n D st.
SQUIERS, W. H., of W. H. Squiers & Co., dry goods and notions, 206 s Summit st.
SQUIERS, HARRY, boot and shoe dealer, 210 s Summit st., r 209 S 2nd st.
Stafford, Miss Bertha, student, r 216 s 1st st.
Stafford, Mrs. M. L., housekpr, Commercial Hotel.
Stafford, S. E., bus driver, rms 208 n C st.
Staley, Peter, machinist, A T & S F shops, r 1327 s G st.
Stanford, Guy, cooker agent, r 314 s C st.
Stanford, Miss Titia, student, r 314 s C st.
Stanford, J. M., manager, J. M. Fontaine’s coal yards.
Stanford, Wm., bds Gladstone Hotel.
Stanford, W. T., speculator, r 523 n 3rd st.
Stanley, J. C., attorney, 114 s Summit st.
Stanley, Wm., fruit dealer, store and r s Summit st.
Stanley, A. P., stockman, r 302 n 6th st.
Stanley, Chas., emp, Kansas Mattress factory, r 302 n 6th st.
Stanley, Miss Hattie, student, r 302 n 2nd st.
Starkey, Emma, bds 121 s C st.
STAR LIVERY BARN, (Frank Thompson, proprietor), w 5th ave.
Starks, H., wiper, A T & S F shops, r 1024 s 2nd st.
Stauber, Miss Daisy, student, r 1221 s 1st st.
Stauber, F. M., bkpr, Stauber & Uhl Building Co., r 1221 s 1st st.
Stauber, Miss Nellie, r 1221 s 1st st.
Stauber, S. J., president, Stauber & Uhl Building Co., r 1221 s 1st st.
Stauber & Uhl Building Co., The, (S. J. Stauber, president; Fred Uhl, secretary), contractors and builders, office 216 s A st.
Stauffer, W. H., physician, office 226 s Summit st., r 703 s B st.
Steele, Daniel, horse trainer, r 219 n 3rd st.
Steele, Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, r 219 n 3rd st.
Stein, Seth, farmer, r 926 n 1st st.
Steiner, Lyman, r 108 s 1st st.
Steiner, J. M., teamster, r 416 n 1st st.
Stephens, Sara J., widow, r 1611 s 3rd st.
Stephens, Wm., lab’r, r 710 n 1st st.
Sterling, Jack, conductor, Mo P Ry, chief conductor, O. R. C., bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Stevens, Chas., student, r 419 s A st.
Stevens, Mrs. D. W., r 419 s A st.
Stevens, Miss Delia, student, r 419 s A st.
Stevens, Jas., teamster, A C Transfer Co., r 1025 n 2nd st.
Stevenson, Miss Anna, r 404 n 1st st.
Stevenson, J. A., painter, r 404 n 1st st.
Stevenson, James, emp, A T & S F shops, r 1427 s H st.
Stewart, A., emp, A T & S F, r 825 n B st.
Stewart, A., lab’r, r 302 n F st.
Stewart, Chas., clk, r 413 n 5th st.
Stewart, D. H., pastor First Presbyterian church, r 117 s 3rd st.
Stewart, Miss E., dressmkr, r 825 n B st.
Stewart, Lillian, r 825 n B st.
Stewart, James, lab’r, r 302 n F st.
Stice, G. L., clk, H. Griffis grocery, r 302 e Adams ave.
Stiner, Hugh, contractor, r 300 s 7th st.
Stingley, Eliza, r n 2nd st., near Linden ave.
Stobaugh, J. D., teamster, r 508 s 7th st.
Stockwell, Warren, blksmith, r 425 n A st.
Stoddard, Mrs. J. A., r 629 s 1st st.
Stokes, John F., lab’r, A T & S F shops.
Stoll, C. D., real estate agent, office 5th ave bet Summit and 1st sts, r 112 e Central ave.
Stone, D. C., fireman, A T & S F, r 516 s C st.
Stone, F. W., painter, r 601 n B st.
Stone, J. C., emp, Saddle Rock Restaurant, r 107 s Summit st.
Stoner, Geo., conductor, A T & S F, r 500 s B st.
Stoner, Golding, student, r 500 s B st.
Stoner, Miss Nettie, r 521 s D st.
Stout, E. T., machinist, r 810 s B st.
Stout, J. O., lab’r, r 1400 w Chestnut ave.
Stout, Miss Nora, student, r 1400 w Chestnut ave.
Straight, Al, brakeman, A T & S F, r 1124 s E st.
Strain, Miss Kate, milliner, Racket store, bds 125 s 3rd st.
Stratton, Ross, bkpr, bds Hotel Bryant.
STRAUGHAN, B. C., superintendent, A C Canning and Preserving Co., r 112 n A st.
STRAUGHAN, C. C., sec’y and treas, A C Canning and Preserving Co., r 120 n A st.
Straughan, Miss Tillie, student, r 120 n A st.
Straus, Carl Albert, bill clerk, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 401 s A st.
STRONG, F. M., president, Home National Bank, r Stronghurst villa east of Walnut river.
Strother, C. B., trainmaster, A T & S F, r 119 n C st.
Strotts, Jesse, barber, emp Del Woods, rms over 103 s Summit st.
Strotts, Miss Ella, r over 103 s Summit st.
Stryker, W. M., compositor, Traveler office, r 608 n B st.
Stuart, Charles, engineer, A T & S F, r 507 s C st.
Sullivan, J. T., lab’r, r Linden ave west of 1st st.
Summit Street Sale and Feed Barn, (Bert Watts and Wilbur Rice, proprietors), 422 s Summit st.
Sumner, C. H., clerk, Famous Clothing House.
Sutherland, John, stone mason, r 609 s 4th st.
Sutton, Tom, speculator, r 504 n C st.
Swank, Rebecca, widow, r 401 n 3rd st.
Swarts, Miss Addie, r 615 n 2nd st.
SWARTS, CHAS. M., of Sollitt & Swarts, druggists, r 501 n A st.
Swarts, C. L., attorney, office over Matlack Mercantile Co., r 618 n 3rd st.
Swarts, Miss Eva, r 615 n 2nd st.
Swarts, Rev. B. C., M. E. presiding elder Oklahoma district, r 615 n 2nd st.
Swearinger, , barber, shop 307 s Summit st, r over 320 s Summit st.
Swearinger, John, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 16 St. Charles building.
Swearinger, C. H., barber, rms 10, 11, and 12, Summit block.
Sweitzer, Lem, proprietor, boarding house, r 201 s 1st st.
Syfert, Miss Minnie, r 803 n 2nd st.
Syfert, John, real estate agent, r 803 n 2nd st.
Syfert, Williams, r 803 n 2nd st.
Taggart, Miss Inez, school teacher, rms 109 s 3rd St.
Tappy, Henry, emp, McDowell & Co., bds Commercial Hotel.
Tate, John H., emp, carriage factory, bds Bryant Hotel.
Taulbee, Mary, domestic, wks 903 s D st.
Taylor, A. W., emp, Royal Gorge Restaurant, bds same.
Taylor, Chas., lab’r, r cor G st. and Central ave.
Taylor, Ella, waitress, A T & S F eating house.
Taylor, Harry, lab’r, r cor G st and Central ave.
Taylor, John, painter, r 818 n B st.
Taylor, Miss Lizzie, r 1010 n 4th st.
Taylor, Mrs. T. A., bds 911 s B st.
Taylor, Thomas, student, r 409 n A st.
Taylor, Wm., lab’r, r 207 s G st.
Taylor, Wm., stonemason, r 509 n A st.
Teeter, U. S., clk, Hamilton-Rankin, r n Summit st. bet Walnut and Spruce avenues.
Tellburg, Menzo, machinist.
Teller & King, (R. R. Teller and J. R. King), specialists, office Bittle block, s Summit st.
Teller, R. R., of Teller & King, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Ternan, Joseph, lab’r, bds Farmers Home.
Terwilliger, Mrs. C. W., boarding house keeper, 401 s A st.
Terwilliger, C. W., bkpr, Ranney, Alton & Co., r 401 s A st.
Theaker, Miss Emma, bookkeeper, National Bond and Debenture Co., r cor Summit st. and Adams ave.
THEAKER, FRANK, manager, A C Manufacturing Co., r cor Summit st and Adams ave.
THEOPHILUS, WILLIAM, attorney, office rms 1 and 2, First National Bank building, r 105 n Summit st.
Thew, W. A., of Simmons & Thew, r 519 n 2nd st.
Thomas, Charles, farmer, r 611 s 4th st.
Thomas, Dan, blksmith, roundhouse, r 704 s C st.
Thomas, David, head shop clerk, r 1215 s 1st st.
Thomas, E. R., grocery man, r 800 n 3rd st.
Thomas, Frank O., clerk, E. D. Eddy’s, r same.
Thomas, H. A., U. S. Deputy Marshal, bds 321 e Central ave.
Thomas, J. C., carpenter, r 512 n A st.
Thomas, Lee (col), porter, Fifth Avenue Hotel, bds same.
Thomas, Metta, student, r 512 n A st.
Thomas, P. H., r 703 n 8th st.
Thomas, W. A., carpenter, r 807 n 5th st.
Thomas, Will, fireman, A T & S F, bds 704 s C st.
Thomas, Will, carpenter, r 807 n 5th st.
Thompson, Ben F., painter, r 902 n 3rd st.
Thompson, Ben (col), lab’r, r 820 n 4th st.
Thompson, C. G., of Star Livery Barn, r 415 s 1st st.
THOMPSON, FRANK, proprietor, Star Livery Barn, r 415 s 1st st.
Thompson, Frank Lee, emp, A. C. Mfg. Co., r cor Madison ave. and F st.
Thompson, Harry, r 323 n 2nd st.
Thompson, Harry, carpenter, r 625 n B st.
Thompson, J. E., proprietor, restaurant, rms in Eagle block.
Thompson, J. K., clerk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 323 n 2nd st.
Thompson, Miss Edith, r 625 n B st.
Thompson, Miss Malinda (col), r 820 n 4th st.
Thompson, Miss Sadie, student, r 902 n 3rd st.
Thompson, W. B., farmer, r 902 n 3rd st.
Thompson, A. D., blksmith, r 205 n D st.
Thompson, D. M., carpenter, r 625 n B st.
Thompson, M., Star Livery Barn, r 415 s 1st st.
Thompson, Tom, farmer, r 625 n B st.
Thorpe, A. J., brakeman, A T & S F, r 817 s A st.
Thorpe, Otto, student, r 817 s A st.
Thorpe, S., conductor, A T & S F, r 817 s A st.
Thurston, Miss Agnes, r 402 n 3rd st.
THURSTON, C. T., grocer, s Summit st., r 402 n 3rd st.
Thurston, Daniel, r 402 n 3rd st.
Thurston, Geo. W., planer, A T & S F shops.
Tinnen, Henry, lab’r, r 225 s 7th st.
Tinsley, C. W., student, r 117 n D st.
Tinsley, T. B., emp, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 117 n D st.
Tisdale, Clarence, student, r 320 n 4th st.
Tisdale, Miss Delia, r 223 n 3rd st.
Tisdale, Elizabeth, widow, r 223 n 3rd st.
Titsworth, C. E., conductor, r 703 s D st.
Tolliver, F. W. (col), cook, r 202 n 1st st.
Tucker, J. B., r rm 10, Pearson block.
Tucker, J. T., of Beach & Tucker, r 321 e Central ave.
Tudor, Frank L., teamster, r 1116 n 1st st.
Tulley, Miss C. D., r 612 n 3rd st.
Tulley, Miss Etta, clk, Boston store, r 613 s B st.
Tulley, H. M., emp, Wickliffe Bros., r 612 n 3rd st.
Tulley, Mrs. M. A., r 612 n 3rd st.
Turner, Miss Anna, milliner, r 802 s 6th st.
Turner, Felix, lab’r, r 600 s 6th st.
Turner, George W., emp, 117½ s Summit, r 204 n B st.
Turner, Herbert, r 802 s 6th st.
Turner, John, butcher, r 204 n B st.
Turner, Miss Lola, student, r 204 n B st.
Turner, Sarah A., r 802 s 6th st.
Turvey, Geo., of Turvey Bros., r 607 s 6th st.
Turvey, Samuel, of Turvey Bros., r 526 n A st.
Tyler, A. W., r 221 s B st.
Tyler, Tom, emp, Hayford’s grocery, r 911 n 4th st.
Tyler, Mary, r 221 s B st.
Tyler, W. H., brakeman, A T & S F, bds 419 s A st.
Tyner, Charlie, fireman, A T & S F, r 213 e Van Buren ave.

Uhl, Fredrick, contractor, sec’y and treas, Stauber & Uhl Building Co., r 1103 s 3rd st.
Uhl, Rudolph, student, r 1103 s 3rd st.
Ullom, Ezra, farmer, r cor 10th st and Adams ave.
Ulrich, G. W., carpenter, A C Mills, r suburban.
Ulrich, J. J., carpenter, A C Mills, r suburban.
Umpleby, C. B., engineer, r 924 s 2nd st.
Underwood, Mrs. Caroline, widow, r 109 s 3rd st.
Underwood, Earl, emp, J. M. Murphy, r 109 s 3rd st.
Upton, James, farmer, r 200 s 8th st.
Upton, W. H., proprietor, Fifth Avenue Book Store, 106 w 5th ave, r 219 s 8th st.
Upward, Mr., machinist, A T & S F, r 570 e Monroe Ave.
Ultz, Samuel, fireman, Polar Ice factory, r rm 22 Colorado building.
Valett, Henry, lab’r, r 519 s 4th st.
Vance, J. H., emp, A T & S F, r 302 n C st.
Vandeveer, Miss Laura, dressmkr, rms Commercial block.
Van Fassen, John, propr, confectionery, 123½ n Summit st., r 100 s C st.
Vangilder, F. E., conductor, r 426 n 3rd st.
Vanguilder, J. E., conductor, bds Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Van Pelt, John, farmer, r 1014 s 6th st.
Vansickler, Miss Bertha, propr, millinery store, 118 s Summit st., r 315 w Central ave.
Vansickler, Wm., r 315 w Central ave.
Van Winkle, F. H., grocer, 108 n Summit st., r 116 n A st.
Van Winkle, J. M., grocer, 108 n Summit st., r 508 n Summit st.
Van Winkle, T. H., clerk, r 116 n A st.
Van Winkle, M. N., student, r 116 n A st.
Van Winkle, W. H., grocer, r 116 n A st.
Varney, Wm., emp, carriage factory, r 515 n 5th st.
Vaughan, Chas., butcher, r 211 s 8th st.
Vaughan, John, butcher, r 211 s 8th st.
Vaughn, G. W., propr, grocery store, 123 n Summit st., r 113 n 4th st.
Vaughn, Miss Mattie, stenographer, Farmers Bank building, r 206 n 2nd st.
Vawter, Dr. Jamison, office, Worthley block, r 425 n B st.
VAWTER, M. B., dentist, r 525 n 3rd st.
VETERINARY HOSPITAL, (H. M. Manley, proprietor),
west Chestnut avenue between Summit and 1st street.
Viering, Miss Maggie, student, r 607 n 3rd st.
Viering, Peter, emp, F. D. Waugh’s lumber yard, r 607 n 3rd st.
Vincent, Chas., merchant, r 201 s 1st st.
Vise, T. J., artist, r 1112 n 1st.
Von Thaden, Wm., emp, A T & S F, r 505 s Summit st.
Von Wolfe, Albert, car painter, bds 407 e Harrison ave.
Wade, G. W., farmer, r 1010 n 4th st.
Wade, Miss Lula, domestic, r 1001 n 3rd st.
WAGNER, B. A., of Daily Dispatch, r 505 n A st.
Wagner, Mrs. C. H., housekpr, r 325 n B st.
Wagner, Elmer, printer, r 325 n B st.
WAGNER, WILL, of Daily Dispatch, r 321 s 6th st.
Wagner, W. H., engineer, A T & S F, r 321 s A st.
Wagner, G. R., stone mason, r 523 n 5th st.
Wagner, George, of Daily Dispatch, r 325 n B st.
Wahlenmaier, Chas., carpenter, r 812 n 4th st.
Wahlenmaier, Fred, r 812 n 4th st.
Wakefield, J. D., lab’r, r 1526 s 6th st.
Wakefield, J. M., lab’r, r 1526 s 6th st.
Wakefield, J. T., lab’r, r 516 s A st.
Walburn, J., merchant, r 921 n 3rd st.
Waldo, Edward J., emp, H. H. Landcraft’s cigar factory, bds St. Charles Hotel.
Waldo, H., r 302 s A st.
Waldo, S. J., r 302 s A st.
Waldschmidt, Chris., foreman, A C Mills, r 500 e Monroe ave.
Walker, Mrs. Melinda, housekpr, r 205 s G st.
Walker, Tom, carpenter, r 616 s 2nd st.
Walker, T., blksmith, r 212 s A st.
Wallace, J. C., teamster, r 1109 n 4th st.
Wallace, James, fireman, A T & S F, rm 15 Hill block.
Wallace, J. W., proprietor, billiard room, r 604 n A st.
Walters, J. P., fireman, A T & S F, r 113 s C st.
Waltman, W. G., speculator, r 426 n D st.
Wanner, Chas. V., r 326 n 3rd st.
Wanner, Miss Etta, musician, r 326 n 3rd st.
Wanner, Frank, clk, Fifth Avenue Hotel, r 704 s C st.
Wanner, John D., r 326 n 3rd st.
Wanner, J. E., stage manager, r 704 s C st.
Wanner, Miss Minnie, r 704 s C st.
Wanner, Miss Mae, r 326 n 3rd st.
Wanner, Miss Siddell A., r 326 n 3rd st.
Ward, C. E., emp, A T & S F, r 915 s C st.
Ward, C. E. (col), r 526 n 4th st.
Ward, C. W., farmer, r 1121 n 1st st.
Ward, Ed., lab’r, r 320 s 3rd st.
Ward, J. D., attorney, r 400 s 5th st.
Ward, Jerry, policeman, r 122 n 5th st.
Ward, J. W., farmer, r 915 s C st.
Ward, J. W., farmer, r Garfield add.
Ward, Richard, waiter, Gladstone Hotel.
Ward, R., r 915 s C st.
Ward, Miss Rena, r Garfield add.
Ward, Seward, lab’r, r 320 s 3rd st.
Ward, W., house mover, r 306 s 3rd st.
Ward, W. F., lab’r, r 523 n 1st st.
Ware, Arthur, clk, Newman Dry Goods Co., r 321 n 5th st.
Ware, Miss Mary, r 321 n 4th st.
Ware, Sarah M., r 321 n 5th st.
Ware, Willie, r 321 n 5th st.
Ware, William, clk, C. T. Thurston, r 321 n 5th st.
Wark, Alex (col), r 427 s 2nd st.
Wark, Miss Lizzie, teacher, r 302 n D st.
Wark, Miss Lutie, domestic, r 810 s A st.
Wark, Miss B., r 302 n D st.
Wark, Chas. E., r 302 n D st.
Wark, Theo., painter, Kirkwood Wind Engine Co., r 302 n D st.
Wark, Mrs. Maggie, stenographer, r 220 n 4th st.
Warner, L. L., emp, A T & S F, r 125 n F st.
Warren, Sarah, r 402 s A st.
Washington, Geo., lab’r, r 225 s 7th st.
Waterhouse, John, lab’r, 910 n 6th st.
Waters, Ed., speculator, bds Gladstone Hotel.
Watkins, B., engineer, A T & S F, r 917 s B st.
Watson, L., physician, office and r over 115 n Summit st.
Watson, W. J., lab’r, r 604 w Vine ave.
Watts, Bert, of Watts & Rice, r 325 n 6th st.
Watts & Rice, (Bert Watts and Wilbur Rice), Summit Street Livery Barn, 421, 423, and 425 s Summit st.
Watts, Thomas, r 325 n 6th st.
Watts, James, lab’r, r 606 s 5th st.
Watts, T. B., conductor, A T & S F, r 419 s A st.
Waugh, Andy, secretary, Pryor Cattle Co., r 607 n 3rd st.
Waugh, A. M., baker, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
WAUGH, F. D., lumber merchant, 112 e 5th ave., r 607 n 3rd st.
Waves, Mrs. Mary, dressmkr, r 707 n A st.
Waves, , carpenter, r 707 n A st.
Way, Chas. L., clk, Gladstone Hotel.
Wealand, M., lab’r, r Garfield add.
Wealand, Miss Kate, r Garfield add.
Wealand, F., lab’r, r Garfield add.
Webb, Glasgon, rms Summit block.
Webb, Geo., works Santa Fe Lunch Counter, rms Summit block.
Webbert, Stella, r 510 s B st.
Webster, Jud, teamster, r 503 n 2nd st.
Webster, Julia, r 503 n 2nd st.
Webster, A. A., teamster, r 503 n 2nd st.
Webster, J. A., emp, Duff & Oldroyd, r 405 n 2nd st.
Weddle, Albert, machinist, r 1628 s 1st st.
Weeks, Mrs. Alice, dressmkr, r 113 e Jefferson ave.
Weeks, E. H., bkpr, Hess Real Estate Co., r 113 e Jefferson ave.
Weidenhamer, L. B., brakeman, A T & S F, r 1325 s 2nd st.
Weidenhamer, Miss Anna, student, r 1325 s 2nd st.
Weidenhamer, Wm., r 1325 s 2nd st.
Weiler, Frank, traveling salesman, Ranney, Alton & Co., rm 7 Hill block.
Weir, D. L., attorney, office over Matlack Mercantile Co., r 114 e Central ave.
Weir, Everett, student, r 114 e Central ave.
Welch, Miss Daisy, student, r 613 e Madison ave.
Welch, J. B., r 613 e Madison ave.
Weldon, G. A., foreman, Andrews Harness Shop, r 321 n Summit st.
Weldon, G. A., harnessmkr, r 321 n Summit st.
Weldon, George, r 321 n Summit st.
Wellman, John, lab’r, r 211 s 7th st.
Wells, A., brakeman, bds 1124 s E st.
Wells, Miss Bertha, bds 212 n 2nd st.
Wells, Mrs. E., r 206 w Central ave.
Wells, M. L., wholesale fruit dealer, 320 s Summit st., r Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Wells, Paulina, r 907 s C st.
Welsh, J. N., mechanic, r 408 s D st.
Wendermuth, Gus B., painter.
West, Willis H. (col), lab’r, r 320 w Linden ave.
West, H. (col), farmer, 2nd house w of cor 2nd st. and Linden ave.
West, Miss Ida, clerk, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 315 w Central ave.
West, Lewis, lab’r, r 1628 s 1st st.
West, Miner, carpenter, r 1628 s 1st st.
West, Miss Maude (col), r Linden ave. between 2nd and 3rd streets.
WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., Mrs. T. J. Mullen, manager, office 118 w 5th ave.
Whaler, W. E., brakeman, A T & S F, rm 18 Hill block.
Wheat, R. C., emp, A T & S F, r 815 s B st.
Wheeler, Nettie, student, r 714 n Summit st.
Wheeler, Phoebe, student, r 714 n Summit st.
Whistler, J. H., traveling salesman, r Garfield add.
White, Elmer, student, r 915 s 5th st.
White, Mrs. E., rms 208 n C st.
White, Rev. H., r 915 s 5th st.
White, James, pastor U P church, r 120 s B st.
White, J. J., emp, Hess Saddlery Co., bds Grand View Hotel.
White, Miss Henrietta, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, Miss Della, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, Joe, U. S. mail carrier, r 712 s B st.
White, Miss Minnie, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, L. F., farmer, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, Thomas, farmer, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, Wilson, student, r 111 w Walnut ave.
White, Ransom, student, r 409 n 4th st.
WHITE, HILL & CO., (O. H. White and Henry Hill), dealers in agricultural implements, buggies, wagons, farm machinery, field and garden seeds, 308 and 310 s Summit st.
WHITE, O. H., of White, Hill & Co., r 914 s B st.
WHITE, T. C., of Fleece, White & Co., r 409 n 4th st.
Whiting, Fred A., butcher, r 116 e Central ave.
Whitney, Miss D. B., r 523 s B st.
Whitteker, E. N., emp, Kansas Mattress Co., r Sheridan st.
Wickliffe, H. L., of Wickliffe Bros., grocers, r 603 n 1st st.
Wickliffe, J. H., of Wickliffe Bros., grocers, r 603 n 1st st.
Wickliffe Bros., (J. H. and H. L. Wickliffe), grocers, 111 s Summit st.
Wickliffe, Miss Maude, r 603 n 1st st.
Wickline, , student, r 213 n A st.
Wikle, Cap, lab’r, r 1605 s 3rd st.
Wikle, Margaret, r 1605 s 3rd st.
Wilber, H. J., conductor, A T & S F, r 916 s C st.
Wilber, Geo., cook, r 1125 s E st.
Wilcox, Arthur R., bkpr, Farmers’ National Bank, r 322 n Summit st.
Wilcox, W. E., clerk, Home National Bank, r Farmers’ National Bank building.
Wiles, J. B., miller, A C Mills, r 426 n 5th st.
Wiles, Fred, student, r 426 n 5th st.
Wiles, Miss Maude, r 926 n 7th st.
Wiles, Solomon, lab’r, r 1706 s 6th st.
Wiley, A. A., cattleman, r 425 s A st.
Wiley, A. C., of Wiley & Fye, grocers, r 404 n 2nd st.
Wiley, Geo., cattleman, r 425 s A st.
Wiley & Fye, (A. C. Wiley and Levi Fye), grocers, 108 s Summit st.
Wiley, J. S., insurance agent, rm 9, Opera House block.
Wiley, Miss Lula, student, r 425 s A st.
Wilhelms, John, stone mason, r 822 n 4th st.
Wilhelms, John, Jr., r 822 n 4th st.
Wilkinson, Miss Ella, domestic, r 309 n A st.
Willard & Vaughan, (C. B. Willard and C. C. Vaughan), 109 n Summit st.
Willard, C. B., of Willard & Vaughan meat market, r 211 s 8th st.
Willard, Miss Maude, r 211 s 8th st.
Williams, Miss Alice (col), student, r 1002 n 4th st.
WILLIAMS, CHAS., merchant tailor, 208 s Summit st., r 717 s A st.
Williams, Mrs. Carrie, r 916 n 3rd st.
Williams, Geo., bds 207 e Central ave.
Williams, Henry (col), student, r 1002 n 4th st.
Williams, Miss Ida, clerk, Gray & Gibson, r 406 n C st.
Williams, J. L., emp, McIntyre & Williams, r 310 s Summit st.
Williams, Jayson, saddler, bds 207 e Central ave.
Williams, Jake, lab’r, A C Mills, r 526 n 5th st.
Williams, J. L., bridge carpenter, A T & S F, r 406 n C st.
Williams, John C., r 916 n 3rd st.
Williams, Miss Mary, student, r 314 n 6th st.
Williams, Miss Minnie, housekpr, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Williams, P. J., r 314 n 6th st.
Williams, Thornton (col), lab’r, r 1002 n 4th st.
Williams, W. M., tailor, foreman for Chas. Williams, r cor Washington ave and A st.
Williamson, F. P., emp, A T & S F shops, r 1427 s H st.
Willits, C. F, painter, r 718 n 7th st.
Willits, Miss Maude, student, r 718 n 7th st.
Willits, Miss Minnie B., student, r 718 n 7th st.
Wills, W. H., brakeman, bds 1124 s E st.
Willson, A. A., emp, Pickering & Duncan, r 302 n D st.
Wilmans, J. S., of Heard & Wilmans, Polar Ice factory, r Oklahoma City.
Wilson, Geo., cigar store, r 218 s Summit st.
Wilson, Alexander, emp, A. F. Huse, r 301 n 6th st.
Wilson, Ambrose, brakeman, A T & S F, rms 823 s C st.
Wilson, Anna, student, r 501 n 6th st.
Wilson, Angie, r 418 n 3rd st.
Wilson, Clarence, deliveryman, r 523 s 2nd st.
Wilson, Ed., student, r 701 s 3rd st.
Wilson, Edwin, student, r 207 n 6th st.
Wilson, Elliott, harnessmkr, emp, McIntyre & Williams, r 219 e Washington ave.
Wilson, E. P., lab’r, r 1525 s 6th st.
Wilson, Frank, student, r 207 n 6th st.
Wilson, Geo., dealer in cigars and tobacco, 219 s Summit st., bds Commercial Hotel.
Wilson, G. W., machinist, A T & S F shops, r 1305 s C st.
Wilson, J. F., conductor, r 614 s Summit st.
Wilson, James, lab’r, r 207 n 6th st.
Wilson, James A., traveling salesman, r 418 n 3rd st.
Wilson, J. W., manager, Missouri and Kansas Telephone Exchange, r 219 s C st.
Wilson, J. M., packer, A C Mills, r east suburb.
Wilson, John, carpenter, r 103 n 4th st.
Wilson, Miss Lillie, r 119 n A st.
Wilson, Lewis, painter, r 1035 s C st.
Wilson, Maggie, chambermaid, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Wilson, Murtie, student, r 501 n 6th st.
Wilson, Oliver, student, r 207 n 5th st.
Wilson, Maj. O. M., attorney, office over 222 s Summit st., r 701 s 3rd st.
Wilson, Miss Olive, r 701 s 3rd st.
Wilson, Robert, manager, pop factory, r 501 n 6th st.
Wilson, Miss Ruth B., r 701 s 3rd st.
Wilson, Sherman, lab’r, r 207 n 6th st.
Wilson, Sadie, r 616 s 2nd st.
Wilson, Wm., emp, Western Union telegraph office, r 219 s C st.
Winchester, Miss Ada (col), r 626 n 6th st.
Winny, Susan, r rm 10, Opera House block.
Wing, S. F., teamster, A. C. Mills, r 409 e Madison ave.
Winn, Robt., porter, Fifth Avenue Hotel.
Wintermute, W. H., plasterer, r 1665 s 6th st.
Winters, H. A., carpenter, r 423 n 6th st.
Winters, Miss Jessie, waitress, Gladstone Hotel.
Wirth, Geo., machinist, emp A T & S F shops, r 820 s C st.
Wisdom, H. M., lab’r, r 730 s 7th st.
Wolf, Andy, lab’r, r 316 n E st.
Wolfe, Geo., lab’r, r 316 n E st.
Wolf, Lizzie, student, r 316 n E st.
Wolf, Emmett, r 106 s 5th st.
Wolfe, W. P., architect, office 226 s Summit st., r 106 s 5th st.
Wood, Wm., harnessmkr, Hess Saddlery Co., r 127 s 1st st.
Wood, Albert, farmer, r 512 s B st.
Wood, Carrie, r 512 s B st.
Wood, Mrs. C. E., r 221 e Central ave.
Wood, Chas., barber, emp Dell Woods, rms Summit block.
Wood, Chas. D., well-driller, r 525 n B st.
Wood, Frank, farmer, r 512 s B st.
Wood, Fred, lab’r, r 710 s Summit st.
Wood, Henrietta, widow, r 710 s 7th st.
Wood, John B., lather, r 221 e Central ave.
Wood, J. T., ice cream and confections, 121 n Summit st., r 123 n Summit st.
Wood, J. W., farmer, r 512 s B st.
Wood, Marion, lab’r, r 710 s Summit st.
Wood, Mattie, dressmkr, r 127 s 1st st.
Woodin, Miss Birdie, r 625 n 2nd st.
Woodin, Chas., post office clerk, r 625 n 2nd st.
Woodin, Maj. L. E., manager, opera house, r 625 n 2nd st.
WOODIN, L. E., JR., secretary, A C Land and Improvement Co., r 733 n 2nd st.
WOODS, ALEX., proprietor, City Meat Market, 307 s Summit, r 603 s 6th st.
Woods, Charles, barber, rm 6, Summit block.
Woods, Elmer, r 111 s D st.
Woods, Miss Gertrude, clerk, St. Louis bargain store, r 127 s 1st st.
Woods, A. E., carpenter, r 111 s D st.
Woods, Chas., tailor, emp, Chas. Williams, r Adams ave. between Summit and 1st st.
Woods, Miss Bertha, student, r 127 s 1st st.
Woods, Myrtle, seamstress, r 710 s 7th st.
WOODS & BIRDSALL, proprietors, ice cream and confectionery, 121 n Summit st.
WOODS, DELL, proprietor, barber shop under Farmers National Bank, r 922 [?]
Woods, Miss Ella, domestic, r 223 n 2nd st.
Woods, Wm. M., harnessmkr, r 127 s 1st st.
Woodward, Thos, J., r 703 s Summit st.
Wooldridge, Mrs. M. E., dressmkr, r 117 n 3rd st.
Wooldridge, carpenter, r 301 n D st.
Woolsey, A. B., horseman, r 311 n 1st st.
Woolsey, Miss Pearl, r 311 n 1st st.
Work, Lawrence, lab’r, r 125 s C st.
Work, Nettie, domestic, r 314 s C st.
Worthley, Albert, salesman, Matlack Mercantile Co., r 525 s B st.
Worthley, Miss J. E., student, r 525 s B st.
Wright, Charles, lab’r, r 926 n 6th st.
Wright, Frank, sweeper, A C Mills, r cor 12th and Birch sts.
Wright, Geo. E., of Stansbury & Wright, bds at Gladstone Hotel.
Wright, Geo. W., r 526 n 7th st.
Wright, Miss Martha (col), r 926 n 6th st.
Wright, Col. Wm., assistant postmaster, r 209 s C st.
Yost, Wm., lab’r, A C Mnfr Co.
Young, Miss Dora, milliner with Miss Leeper, r 216 n 4th st.
Young, Miss Laura, r 216 n 4th st.
Young, G. M., harnessmkr, 216 n 4th st.
Young, Orma, student, r 225 n B st.
Young, Wm., cooper, A C Mills, r 510 n B st.
Young, J. L., barber, emp 115 s Summit st., rms in Copple block.
Young, Dr., physician, office and r 225 n B st.
Yount, John, switchman, A T & S F, r 715 n D st.
Yount, Miss M. E., r 615 n D st.
Yount, P. Y., switchman, A T & S F, r 615 n D st.
Zinn, C. E., lab’r, r 318 n C st.
Zinn, Geo., lab’r, r 318 n C st.


GUARANTEE TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., office in Arkansas City Bank building.
Anderson, D. C., over First National Bank.
ARMSTRONG, Z. T., over First National Bank.
ATKINSON, C. T., over Farmers National Bank.
CLINE, W. S., rm 4, Colorado building.
CUMMINGS, H. D., Colorado building,
Cunnick, J. W., 412 s Summit st.
EATON, POLLOCK & LOVE, 112 w 5th ave.
Eckert, J. H., over Matlack Dry Goods Co.
Hess, Edwin, 114½ s Summit st.
HOOPS, L. F., 427 s Summit st.
KREAMER, W. D., in rear, Hess Real Estate Co.
McClure, J. M., over Farmers National Bank.
McCONN, W. V., 112 w 5th ave.
PECKHAM, BEEKMAN & BROWN, over 115 w 5th ave.
Pond, Van R., 120 w 5th ave.
Stanley, J. C., 114½ s Summit st.
Swarts & Wier, over Matlack Dry Goods Co.
THEOPHILUS, WM., City Attorney, over First National Bank.
Troup & Brown, 120 w 5th ave.


Bly, G. W., r 504 n 5th st.
Fanning, Sam, r 925 n 7th st.


GODEHARD, H. & CO., 213 s Summit st.
Gray & Gibson, 211 s Summit st.
GOERTZEN, H., 403 s Summit st.
HOOPS, MARY A., 113 e Adams ave.
Taft, C. H., 119 n Summit st.


ARKANSAS CITY, 120 s Summit st.
FARMERS NATIONAL, nw cor Washington ave. and Summit st.
First National, nw cor 5th ave. and Summit st.
HOME NATIONAL, ne cor 5th ave. and Summit st.


DEETS, H. C., 121 s Summit st.
Hill, Hugh, 116 n Summit st.
Hooker, Nat, cor Chestnut ave. and Summit st.
May & May, 111 s Summit st.
McCaslin, Frank, 211 s Summit st.
Mitchell, D. V., proprietor, Palace shop.
Neuman, John, 115½ s Summit st.
Swaringer, H. C., 407½ s Summit st.
WOODS, DELL, 221 s Summit st.


Billiard Halls.
Ishmael, J. L., Gladstone Hotel.
Shaffer, J. B., 100 s Summit st.
Wallace, James, Copple block, e Central avenue.
Waltman, Wm., under Bryant Hotel.


ABBOTT, A. H., 208 w Central ave.
Call, H. J., 410 s Summit st.
Chambers, F. A., 121 e 5th ave.
Criswell & Duvall, 109 e Central ave.
Daniels, S. A., 212 s A st.
DeBruce, A. R., w Central ave.
Finley, Drum & Varney, 110 n Summit st.
Hulse, Henry, 410 s Summit st.
Ingraham & Call, Summit st.
NEAL & PEEK, 110 w Central ave.
PEEK & PEEK, 519 s Summit st.
SMITH, J. T. & SON, 113 e Central ave.


Books and Stationery.
BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
Childs & Co., 209 s Summit st.
SOLLITT & SWARTS, 200 s Summit st.
UPTON, W. H., 106 and 110 w 5th ave.


Boots and Shoes.
Earnest, H. P., repairs, 305 s Summit st.
Horn, Al., 115 s Summit st.
Jones, W. G., & Co., 123 s Summit st.
Kirby, M., repairs, 223½ s Summit st.
Leasure, L. D., 101 s Summit st.
Lee, H., repairs, 117 w 5th ave.
Lockwood, L. A., repairs, 202 s Summit st.
Lukens, J. C., repairs, 102 w Central ave.
MASTERS BROS., 322 s Summit st.
ORMISTON, GEO. D., 118 s Summit st.
SALISBURY, C. E. & CO., 202 s Summit st.
THE NEWMAN DRY GOODS CO., 212-216 s Summit st.


Building and Loan Associations.
T. J. Mullen, president; W. A. Kaser, secretary; Howard Ross, treasurer.
R. J. Rankin, president; W. A. Kaser, secretary; T. W. Fenn, treasurer.


Bauer, C. E. & Co., 125 n Summit st.
Central Market, 109 n Summit st.
Hurford, E. P., 117 s Summit st.
McDowell Bros., 217 s Summit st.
Turvey Bros., n Summit st., between Central and Chestnut avenues.
Willard & Vaughan, 109 n Summit st.
Woods, Alex, 309 s Summit st.


Carriage Works.
DYE, C. B., Madison avenue, west of canning factory.

China, Glass, and Queensware.
CHICAGO STORE, 103 n Summit st.
CHINA HALL, 114 n Summit st.
GODEHARD, H., & CO., 213 s Summit st.


Cigars, Tobacco, Etc.
Foy, A. C., 427 s Summit st.
Landcraft, H. H., 121 s Summit st.
Marshall, T. B., 109 w Central ave.
UPTON, W. H., 106 w 5th ave.
WILSON, GEO., 219 s Summit st.


City Building.
Corner Central avenue and 1st street.


City Carriages.
Transfer Line Passenger.


BEHREND, JULIUS F., 226 s Summit st.
Famous, The, 122 s Summit
MASTERS BROS., 322 s Summit st.
MATLACK MERCANTILE CO., corner 5th ave. and Summit st.
NEWMAN CO., THE, 212, 216 s Summit st.


Club Rooms.
Business Men’s.
Lotus Club, social, 3rd floor, Colorado building.


Coal and Feed.
FONTAINE, J. M., 116 w Central ave.
Frick Bros., cor w Central ave. and 1st st.
Grady, Ed., e Adams ave.
Graham, F. W., cor Chestnut ave. and Summit st.
HUSE, A. F., cor Jefferson ave. and Summit st.
Snyder, J. H., 210 n Summit st.


COMMERCIAL AND TELEGRAPH, Miss M. E. Coleman, manager,
Opera House block, e 5th ave.
Typewriting and Shorthand, Miss Jennie Snyder, proprietor,
Colorado building.
Ames, Henry, 100 s Summit st.
Burt, C. E., 101 n Summit st.
Chapman, F., 309 s Summit st.
Constant, H. H., n Summit st.
Gray & Gibson, 211 s Summit st.
Landis & Co., 219 s Summit st.
Lane, S. O., 109 n Summit st.
Marshall, T. B., 309½ s Summit st.
McIntire, D. A., 306 n C st.
Misner & Walker, e 5th ave.
Shaw, Doug, 123 s Summit st.
The Fruit Depot, 123 s Summit st.
Van Fossan, E., 123½ n Summit st.
WOODS & BIRDSALL, 121 n Summit st.
Contractors and Builders.
Hudson, R. L., 716 s Summit st.
Hyatt, H. H., 407 s 6th st.
MEANS, D. L., 228 s Summit st.
Stauber & Uhl, 216 s A st.
Sanborn, George and P., 207 n 7th st.
Stiner, Hugh, 300 s 7th st.
Trask, John R., 108 s 4th.
Wolfe, W. P., 226 s Summit st.
Dale, J. E., rooms 2 and 3, K P building, 226 s Summit st.
HODGE, L. D., 120 w 5th ave.
Loomis, J. A., over First National Bank.
VAWTER, J., 118 w 5th ave.


Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, cor 5th ave. and F st., H. B. Addington, agent.
Missouri Pacific, s Summit st.
St. Louis & San Francisco, cor 5th ave. and 8th st., H. B. Addington, agent.


Ashworth Sisters, 202 s B st.
Bailey, Mrs. E., over 113 w 5th ave.
Baker, Mrs. S. E., rooms Houghton block.
Braggins, Mrs. Ella, Home National Bank Building.
Brennan, Mrs., 505 s Summit st.
Coulter, Mrs. R., over Farmers National Bank.
Heald, Mrs. Joe, Gladstone Hotel.
Johnson, Mrs. C., rooms 1, 2, and 3, Summit block.
Marsh, Miss Eliza, 721 s 3rd st.
Nickerson, Mrs. Ada, room 5, Hill block.
Short, Miss Kate, 820 s C st.
Steele, Mrs. Mary, 210 n 3rd st.
Vandeveer, Miss, 212½ s Summit st.


BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
Brown, C. D., 107 n Summit st.
Childs & Co., 209 s Summit st.
Eddy, E. D., 106 s Summit st.
HAY & DOHRER, 105 s Summit st.
PHELPS, R. R., corner Adams avenue and Summit street.
Simmons & Thew, 114 w 5th ave.
SOLLITT & SWARTS, 200 s Summit st.


Dry Goods.
Cunnick, J. W. & Co., 413 s Summit st.
Jones & Co., first door north of First National Bank.
MATLACK MERCANTILE CO., corner 5th avenue and Summit street.
NEWMAN DRY GOODS CO., THE, 212-216 south Summit street.
Ormiston, George D., 118 s Summit st.
POTTLE, W. H., 224 s Summit st.
SQUIERS, W. H. & CO., s Summit st.
ST. LOUIS BARGAIN STORE, 112 s Summit st.


Employment Agency.
HALL, S. F., room 19, Commercial block.


Express Companies.
Adams Express Co., 118 w 5th ave.
Pacific Express Co., 118 w 5th ave.
Wells, Fargo & Co., 118 w 5th ave.


Furniture Stores.
DUFF & OLDROYD, 306 s Summit st.
FLEECE, WHITE & CO., 324 s Summit st.
REPP BROS., 204 s Summit st.


Brown, Mrs. J. W., north end 8th st.


Gents Furnishers.
BEHREND, JULIUS F., 226 s Summit st.
Famous, The, [address not given.]
MASTERS BROS., 322 s Summit st.
MATLACK MERCANTILE CO., cor 5th ave. and Summit st.
SQUIRES, W. H. & CO. (ladies), 205 s Summit st.
St. Louis Bargain Store. [address not given.]


Retail Groceries.
Atwood & Hutchinson, 115 n Summit st.
Ball, Mr., 604 s 6th st.
Beach & Tucker, 312 s Summit st.
Bellamy, Geo., 401 s 7th st.
BOAN, JOHN, 602 s 5th st.
Boomers’ Co., 112 n Summit st.
CHEROKEE CO., cor Jefferson ave. and Summit st.
Clapp, Mrs. N., 608 n Summit st.
Crawford, T. H., 419 s Summit st.
CUNNICK & CO., 413 s Summit st.
DAVENPORT, H. S., 316 s Summit st.
GODEHARD, H. & CO., 213 s Summit st.
GRIFFIS, H., 417 s Summit st.
HAYFORD, H. F., 116 n Summit st.
Jackson, E. D., 411 s Summit st.
McIntyre, Howard, 121 n D st.
MOORE BROS., 207 s Summit st.
Pickering & Duncan, 425 s Summit st.
Price, Samuel, 109 s Summit st.
Prosser, W. G., 904 n 3rd st.
Ryner, D. P., 600 s 7th st.
SANTA FE CASH GROCERY CO., 105 n Summit st.
SMITH, J. G., 318 s Summit st.
Smith & Learnard, 207 w 5th ave.
THURSTON, C. T., 103 s Summit st.
Van Winkle, F. H., 108 n Summit st.
WAUGH, G. W., 123 n Summit st.
Wickliffe Bros., 111 s Summit st.
Wiley & Fye, 119 s Summit st.


Gun Shops.
BEARD, GEORGE L., 303 s Summit st.


Hardware Merchants.
HAMILTON-RANKIN HARDWARE CO., 302-304 s Summit st.
Hollingsworth, D. H., 112 n Summit st.
HOWARD BROS., 203 s Summit st.
SIPES, C. R., 102 s Summit.


Harness and Saddlery.
ANDREWS, SEP., 114 s Summit st.
Henderson Bros., 307 s Summit st.
HESS Co., 104 s Summit st.
McINTYRE & WILLIAMS, 116 s Summit st.


A T & S F Eating House, in depot.
BRYANT, 119 e 5th ave.; rates, $1.50 and $2.00.
Central Avenue, corner Central avenue and Summit streets; rates, $1.00.
Commercial, 218 s Summit st.; rates, $1.00.
FIFTH AVENUE, corner 5th avenue and 2nd street; rates, $2.00 to $3.00.
GLADSTONE, corner Chestnut avenue and Summit street; rates, $2.00.
GRAND VIEW, one-half block west A T & S F depot; rates, $1.00.


HUSE, A. T., 423 s Summit st.
Ingraham & Call, 410 s Summit st.
Lent, O. H. & Co., 115 e Central ave.
SNYDER, HENRY, 117 e 5th ave.
WHITE, HILL & CO., 308 s Summit st.


Barron, E. A., 104 e 5th ave.
Benedict, James, 123 s Summit st.
FRENCH & SNYDER, room 8, Colorado building.
GOULD, S. P., Arkansas City Bank building.
Hess, F. J., 113 w 5th ave.
HUEY, J. L., 105 e 5th ave.
Hutchison, J. W. & Son, under First National Bank.
Norton, R. B., 409 n B st.
Ochs, Isaac, over Post office, with Dr. Covert,
TOPLIFF, J. C., 122 s Summit st.
Wiley, J. S., office, Colorado building.

EMPIRE STEAM, one door north of Gladstone Hotel.

Livery Stables.
Buchanan, W. J. & Son, 112 w Central ave.
Campbell & Danhauer, corner Washington avenue and A street.
Fairclo, A., 414 s Summit st.
Kemp Bros., 112 s A st.
MALLET, C. P., corner west 5th avenue and 2nd street.
Russ, Wilber, n Summit st.
THOMPSON, M., 119 west 5th avenue.
Trusdale, M., corner Cedar avenue and Summit street.
Watson & Rice, 423 s Summit st.

Loan Brokers.
Buchanan, A. T., under First National Bank.
GILMER, R. A. & CO., 120 w 5th ave.
Hill Investment Co., 112 w 5th ave.

Lumber Yards.
Arkansas City, w Madison ave.
Badger, 111 w Adams ave.
ELZINA, 111 w Jefferson ave.
Pond, W. M. & Co., 400 s Summit st.
WAUGH, F. D., corner 5th avenue and A street.

Lunch Rooms.
A T & S F, in depot.
Buck, Ed., 109 e Central ave.
GILGIS BROS., 117 s Summit st.
Gray & Gibson, 211 s Summit st.
LANDIS & CO., 219 s Summit st.
Marshall, T. B., 309½ s Summit st.
Miller, B. O., 111 e Central ave.
SADDLE ROCK, 107 s Summit st.

Marble Works.
RODERICK, M. E., 120 n Summit st.
Sheldon, A. M. [no address given.]

Merchant Tailors.
Heitkam, G. A., 118 s Summit st.
Monsey, J., 303 s Summit st.
Morrell, W. H., east room, Colorado building.
WILLIAMS, CHAS., 208 s Summit st.

Cox, Mrs. M. H., 507 s Summit st.
Endicott, Mrs. G. P., 111 n Summit st.
Guyer, Misses, 212½ s Summit st.
Leeper, Mrs. E., 216½ s Summit st.
Strain, Miss Kate, Racket Store.
Van Sickler, Miss Berta, 118 s Summit st.


FITCH, A. H., 300 s Summit st.
McGinnis, R. R. H., manufacturer and teacher of guitar, 108 e 5th ave.
Mendenhall & Smith, 207 w 5th ave.
Morris, H., 704 s 3rd st.

ARKANSAS VALLEY DEMOCRAT, weekly, McIntyre & Sinnott, publishers, 107½ s Summit street.
DISPATCH, daily and weekly, Wagner Bros., publishers, basement, 110 w 5th ave.
TRAVELER, daily and weekly. Eckert & Howard, publishers; also web printing, 110-114 s 1st st.
CHEROKEE GUIDE, A. C. Harding, proprietor, corner Washington ave. and Summit st.
HOME SEEKERS GUIDE, Gilmer & Co., publishers.

Notaries Public.
GILMER, R. A., office, 120 w 5th ave.
LINDSAY, S. C., office under First National Bank.
PARRY, D. D., J. P., over First National Bank.
SWARTS & WEIR, over Matlack Dry Goods Co.
THEOPHILUS, WM., over First National Bank.


FAIR STORE, 218 s Summit st.
MASTERSON, J. S., 103 n Summit st.
SMITH, E. S., 415 s Summit st.
ST. LOUIS BARGAIN STORE, 112 s Summit st.

Oil Companies.
Standard Oil Co., E. F. Duer, manager, Star Livery barn.

Allen, Geo. O., 116 s Summit st.
Felston, J. C., 722 n Summit st.
KRESS, W. A., Walnut block, w 5th ave.
MASTON, JOHN (Carriage), 117 e Central ave.
PFISTERER, C. M. (House and Sign), 112 s A st.

Croft, T., 1026 s 4th st.
CUSICK, J. L., northwest corner Summit street and Central avenue.
MILLER, P. A., over 214 s Summit st.
PRETTYMAN, W. S., 118 w 5th ave.

Acker, C. S., 214 s Summit st., r same.
Anderson, G. L., office and r 301 s Summit st.
Brecount, A. S., 221½ s Summit st.
Brown, C. D., 107 n Summit st.
Burgen, S. M., 508 n 2nd st.
CHAPEL, A. J., 226 s Summit st.
Christian, R., 625 n A st.
COVERT, G. M., office in Worthley block.
Dunning, Chas., surgeon, A T & S F, 325 s Summit st., r cor Washington ave and C st.
Guinn, J. H., county physician, 112 w 5th ave., r 119 n A st.
Harrow, S., 406 n 7th st.
Hart, H., 221 e Central ave.
Haston, F. R., Central Avenue Hotel.
Holmes, E. B., 603 s B st.
King, J. R., 101 s Summit st.
Kirby, Mrs. E. A., room 5, Highland Hall block.
Kirby, H., room 3, Highland Hall block.
Martin, C. D., office and r 209 w Central ave.
Mathews, Jos., First National Bank Building.
McKay, Wm. T., Colorado building, r 411 s B st.
Mitchell, J. H., office over 214 s Summit st.
Morris, G. S., 222½ s Summit st.
Parsons, S. B., 222½ s Summit st.
Phipps, W. C., 103 s Summit st.
Porter, F. A., over Home National Bank, r 113 n 3rd st.
Randles, J. R., 308 e Madison ave.
Reed, R. H., 713 n 8th st.
Shepard, James, 814 s B st.
Sparks, J. W., 114½ s Summit st., r 225 n 5th st.
Stauffer, W. H., 226 s Summit st., r 703 s B st.
Teller, R. R., Bittle block.
Vawter, Jamison, office above Post office.
Watson, L., office and r 115½ n Summit st.
Young, , office and r 225 n B st.

Pleasure Resorts.
Harmons Villa, east of city on Walnut river.
Santa Fe Park, on Walnut river, east of city.

DICKSON BROS. & CO., 115 e 5th ave.
Heath, Josiah (Joe), 115 w 5th ave.
ROWAN, W. M., 114 w Washington ave.

Post Office.
Nelson, W. H., postmaster, 116 w 5th ave.

Real Estate Agents.
Andrews, John, office, rear of Home National Bank.
Barron, E. A., office, rear, Home National Bank, e 5th ave.
Beacham, H. H., 113 n 2nd st.
Berkey & Grow, over First National Bank.
BROWN, G. L., ne cor 5th ave. and Summit st.
GILMER & CO., ne cor 5th ave. and Summit st.
GOULD, S. P., Arkansas City Bank.
HALL, S. F., 212½ s Summit st.
Hess, F. J., 113 w 5th ave.
Hutchison & Son, under First National Bank Building.
Justice, A., 109 n Summit st.
McCONN, T. V., 120 w 5th ave.
Owen, D., under First National Bank Building.
Parry, D. D., over First National Bank Building.
ROSEBERRY, J. E., 123 s Summit st.
Souligney, J. P., office and r 815 s A st.
Stoll, C. D., & Co., 112 e 5th ave.

Border City, 117 s Summit st.
ROYAL GORGE, 219 s Summit st.
SADDLE ROCK, 107 s Summit st.


Second Hand Store.
Arkansas City Furniture Co., corner Adams avenue and Summit street.
Balcom & Stewart, 109 e Washington ave.
FLEECE, WHITE & CO., 324 s Summit st.
Martin, John, 112 n Summit st.
McWilliams, R. A., 318 n Summit st.
Trimper, F., 421 s Summit st.

Sewing Machine Agents.
FITCH, A. H., 300 s Summit st.
Mendenhall & Smith, 207 w 5th ave.

Neff, Col. E., office in Farmers National Bank Building.

Telegraph Office.
WESTERN UNION, 118 west 5th avenue and railroad depots.

Tin Shops.
HAMILTON-RANKIN CO., 302 s Summit st.
HOWARD BROS., 103 s Summit st.
SIPES, C. R., 102 s Summit st.

Transfer Lines.
ARKANSAS CITY TRANSFER CO., office under 212 s Summit st.

DUFF & OLDROYD, 306 and 308 s Summit st.
REPP BROS., 204 s Summit St.

Water Works.
Arkansas City Water Works, corner 5th street and Washington avenue.


Wall Papers.
BALYEAT & CREE, 222 s Summit st.
Kress, W. A., 207 w 5th ave.
PFISTERER, H. M., 112 s A st.
SOLLITT & SWARTS, 200 s Summit st.

Watchmakers and Jewelers.
BAILLOD, G. E., 118 w 5th ave. [Note: He evidently moved as the address is different in regular listing. In one place the directory had “Baellod” and in another “Baiellod.”]
Crescent Jewelry Store, 113 s Summit st.
Dudley, J., optician, 308½ s Summit st.
Murphy, J. M., 225 s Summit st.

Wholesale Dealers.
Landcraft, H. H. (Cigars), 121 s Summit st.
Marshall, T. B., 109 w Central ave.
RANNEY, ALTON & CO., 208-212 w 5th ave.
SIPES, C. R. (Hardware), 102 s Summit st.
SQUIRES, HARRY (Boots and Shoes), 210 s Summit st.

Y. M. C. A.
Rooms over Home National Bank.

ARKANSAS CITY CANNING & PRESERVING CO., cor Madison ave and Summit st.
ARKANSAS CITY MILLING CO., grist mill, office 113 w 5th ave.
Central Telephone Office, 112 w 5th ave.
Employment Bureau, S. F. Hall, 212½ s Summit st.
DANKS BROS., foundry and machine shops, corner 1st street and west Walnut avenue.
MUSIC AND ART, Misses Ethel and Alice Martin, corner Jefferson ave. and Summit st.
VETERINARY SURGEONS, Manley Bros., 125 w Chestnut ave.
WESTERN PACIFIC TEA CO., teas, coffees, etc., 320 s Summit St.
Where the canal empties its waters into the Walnut river, at the extreme southeastern part of the city, are located a roller mill, chair factory, windmill factory, mattress factory, planing mill, the city electric plant, and a sawmill, all run by water power.

BUSINESS MEN’S CLUB.—Meets in their room, Fifth Avenue Hotel block, second Monday evening of each month.
A. J. Chapel, president; Jno. Andrews, secretary; F. W. Farrar, treasurer; W. A. Kaser, corresponding secretary.
LOTUS CLUB.—Meets 1st Monday evening of each month in their rooms, Colorado block.
Geo. W. Cunningham, president; W. A. Kaser, secretary; W. E. Wilcox, treasurer.

FORTNIGHTLY CLUB.—Meets Mondays at 3 p.m., fortnightly.
Mrs. H. F. Hatch, president; Mrs. W. H. Nelson, secretary; Mrs. H. P. Farrar, treasurer.


B. L. E.
BORDER CITY LODGE No. 462.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall northwest corner Summit street and Washington avenue every Monday at 2 p.m.
Jas. Phillips, C. E.; Carl Mac, first assistant; Geo. Haas, second assistant; Wm. B. Carey, chairman, local board of adjustments.

B. L. F.
CANAL CITY LODGE No. 255.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit street and Washington avenue, first and third Wednesdays of each month at 2 p.m.
Edward Gleason, master; W. S. Ballou, secretary; S. S. Small, Rec.; A. Craig, Col.

O. R. C.
CANAL CITY LODGE No. 245.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit street and Washington avenue, second and fourth Tuesdays of each month at 2 p.m. 
J. A. Sterling, C. C.; S. Thorp, secretary and treasurer.

B. R. T.
WALNUT VALLEY LODGE, No. 354.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit street and Washington avenue, every Saturday.
W. S. Harned, master; John Fogarty, secretary; Ed. Finney, Fin.

S. M. A. A.
BORDER CITY LODGE, No. 98.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, 105 South Summit street, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month.
Chas. Patterson, master; Robert Mills, recording secretary; Geo. Hammond, financial secretary; P. F. Yount, treasurer.

N. B. of B. M.
WALNUT VALLEY LODGE, No. 89.—Meets in I. O. O. F. hall, northwest corner Summit street and Washington avenue, second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Geo. Cling, president; E. T. Stout, secretary; M. W. Higgins, treasurer.

I. A. F. M.
ARKANSAS CITY LODGE, No. 35.—Meets in A. O. U. W. library rooms, first and third Saturday evenings of each month.
P. F. Staley, M. M.; G. Wirth, secretary; James McKnight, treasurer.

B. M. H. of A.
BORDER CITY LODGE, No. 28.—Meets second and fourth Tuesday evenings of each month.
John Burdick, president; W. Perkins, secretary; Frank Evans, treasurer.

Arkansas City Typographical Union, No. 322.
A. C. Smith, president; D. E. Booth, secretary and treasurer.
Executive Committee: L. C. Ball, B. P. Hartley, W. B. Wagner.
The Cherokee Outlet and the Pawnee and Tonkawa reservations were opened by an amendment to the Indian appropriation bill, approved March 3, 1893. The following are the provisions of the bill, which are of interest to those who intend making settlement on said lands.
SECTION 10. That the sum of two hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars payable as hereinafter provided is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to contract to pay eight million three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary in addition, to pay the Cherokee Nation of Indians for all the right, title, interest, and claims which the said nation of Indians may have in and to certain lands described and specified in an agreement concluded between David H. Jerome, Alfred M. Wilson, and Warren G. Sayre, duly appointed commissioners on the part of the United States, and Elias C. Boudinot, Joseph A. Scales, George Downing, Roach Young, Thomas Smith, William Triplett, and Joseph Smallwood, duly appointed commissioners on the part of the Cherokee Nation of Indians in the Indian Territory, on the nineteenth day of December, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, bounded on the west by the one hundredth degree of west longitude; on the north by the State of Kansas; on the east by the ninety-sixth degree of west longitude; and on the south by the Creek Nation, the Territory of Oklahoma, and the Cheyenne and Arapaho reservation, created or defined by executive order dated August tenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine; which said agreement is fully set forth in the message of the President of the United States, communicating the same to Congress, known as executive document numbered fifty-six, of the first session of the Fifty-second Congress, the lands referred to being commonly known and called the “Cherokee Outlet;” and said agreement is hereby ratified by the Congress of the United States, subject, however, to the constitution and laws of the United States and the acts of Congress that have been or may be passed relating trade and intercourse with the Indians, and subject, also, to certain amendments thereto, as follows:
Amend the same by adding to the first paragraph of article two of said agreement the following words: “And provided further, That before any intruder or unauthorized persons occupying houses, lands, or improvements, which occupancy commenced before the eleventh day of August, Anno Domini eighteen hundred and eighty-six, shall be removed therefrom, upon demand of the principal chief or otherwise, the value of his improvements, as the same shall be appraised by a board of three appraisers, to be appointed by the President of the United States, one of the same upon the recommendation of the principal chief of the Cherokee Nation, for that purpose, shall be paid to him by the Cherokee Nation; and upon such payment such improvements shall become the property of the Cherokee Nation: Provided, That the amount so paid for said improvements shall not exceed the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars: And provided further, That the appraisers in determining the value of such improvements may consider the value of the use and occupation of the land.”
Further amend the same by striking out paragraph three of article two of said agreement and changing the numbers of the subsequent paragraphs to correspond.
And the provisions of said agreements so amended shall be fully performed and carried out on the part of the United States: Provided, That the money hereby appropriated shall be immediately available and the remaining sum of eight million three hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as is required to carry out the provisions of said agreement as amended and according to this act, to be payable in five equal annual instalments, commencing on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety five, and ending on the fourth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, said deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of four per centum per annum, to be paid annually and the amount required for the payment of interest as aforesaid is hereby appropriated: And provided further, That of the money hereby appropriated a sufficient amount to pay the Delawares and Shawnees their pro rate share in the proceeds of said outlet shall remain in the Treasury of the United States until the status of said Delaware and Shawnee Indians shall be determined by the courts of the United States before which their suits are now pending; and a sufficient amount shall also be retained in the Treasury to pay the freedmen who are citizens of the Cherokee Nation or their legal heirs and representatives such sums as may be determined by the courts of the United States to be due them. Nor shall anything herein be held to abridge or deny to said freedmen any rights to which they may be entitled under existing laws or treaties. The acceptance by the Cherokee Nation of Indians of any of the money appropriated as herein set forth shall be considered and taken and shall operate as a ratification by said Cherokee Nation of Indians of said agreement, as it is hereby proposed to be amended, and as a full and complete relinquishment and extinguishment of all their title, claim, and interest in and to said lands; but such relinquishment and extinguishment shall not inure to the benefit of any railroad company nor vest in any railroad company any right, title, or interest in or to any of said lands: Provided, Said railroad shall be relieved from any further payments of compensation to said Cherokee Nation as required by law for running said railroad across said Cherokee Outlet.

And said lands, except the portion to be allotted as provided in said agreement, shall, upon the payment of the sum of two hundred and ninety-five thousand seven hundred and thirty-six dollars, herein appropriated, to be immediately paid, become and be taken to be and treated as a part of the public domain. But in any opening of the same to settlement, sections sixteen and thirty-six in each township whether surveyed or unsurveyed, shall be, and are hereby reserved for the use and benefit of the public schools to be established within the limits of such lands, under such conditions and regulations as may be hereafter enacted by Congress: Provided, That if the legislative Council of the Cherokee Nation shall deem it more advantageous to their people they may issue a loan for the principal and interest of the deferred payments pledging said amount of interest and principal to secure payment of such debt.
Sections thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight, and the east half of sections seventeen, twenty, and twenty-nine, all in township numbered, twenty-nine north, of range numbered two, east of the Indian Meridian, the same being lands reserved by executive order dated July twelfth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four, for use of and in connection with the Chilocco Indian Industrial School, in the Indian Territory, shall not be subject to public settlement, but shall, until the further action of Congress, continue to be reserved for the purposes for which they were set apart in the said executive order. And the President of the United States, in any order or proclamation which he shall make for the opening of the lands for settlement, may make such other reservation of lands for public purposes as he may deem wise and desirable.
The President of the United States is hereby authorized, at any time within six months after the approval of this act and the acceptance of the same by the Cherokee Nation as herein provided, by proclamation, to open to settlement any or all of the lands not allotted or reserved, in the manner provided in section thirteen of the act of Congress approved March second, eighteen hundred and eighty-nine, entitled, “An act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, in the year eighteen hundred and ninety, and for other purposes;” and also subject to the provisions of the act of Congress approved May second, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled, “An act to provide a temporary government for the Territory of Oklahoma to enlarge the jurisdiction of the United States district court in the Indian Territory, and for other purposes; and also, subject to the second proviso of section seventeen, the whole of section eighteen, of the act of March third eighteen hundred and ninety-one entitled, “An act making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Department, and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, and for other and specified purposes;” except as to so much of said acts and sections as may conflict with the provisions of this act. Each settler on the lands so to be opened to settlement as aforesaid shall, before receiving a patent for his homestead, pay to the United States for the lands so taken by him, in addition to the fees provided by law, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre for any land east of ninety-seven and one-half degrees west longitude, the sum of one dollar and a half per acre for any land between ninety-seven and one-half degrees west longitude, and ninety-eight and one-half degrees west longitude, and the sum of one dollar per acre for any land west of ninety-eight and one-half degrees west longitude, and shall also pay interest upon the amount so to be paid for said land from the date of entry to the date of final payment therefor at the rate of four per centum per annum.

No person shall be permitted to occupy or enter upon any of the lands herein referred to, except in the manner prescribed by the proclamation of the President opening the same to settlement; and any person otherwise occupying or entering upon any of said lands shall forfeit all right to acquire any of said lands. The Secretary of the Interior shall, under the direction of the President, prescribe rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this act, for the occupation and settlement of said lands, to be incorporated in the proclamation of the President, which shall be issued at least twenty days before the time fixed for the opening of said lands.
The allotments provided for in the fifth section of said agreement shall be made without delay by the persons entitled thereto, and shall be confirmed by the Secretary of the Interior before the date when said lands shall be declared open to settlement; and the allotments so made shall be published by the Secretary of the Interior, for the protection of proposed settlers. And a sum equal to one dollar and forty cents per acre for the lands so allotted shall be deducted from the full amount of the deferred payments, hereby appropriated for: Provided, That D. W. Bushyhead, having made permanent or valuable improvements prior to the first day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, on the lands ceded by the said agreement, he shall be authorized to select a quarter section of the lands ceded thereby, whether reserved or otherwise, prior to the opening of said lands to public settlement; but he shall be required to pay for such selection, at the same rate per acre as other settlers, into the treasury of the United States in such manner as the Secretary of the Interior shall direct.
The President of the United States may establish in his discretion, one or more land offices to be located either in the lands to be opened, or at some convenient place or places in the adjoining or organized Territory of Oklahoma; and to nominate, and by and with the consent of the Senate, to appoint registers and receivers thereof.
The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be immediately available, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay for the services of the appraisers to be appointed as aforesaid, at a rate not exceeding ten dollars a day for the time actually employed by each appraiser, and their reasonable expenses, and to enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to effect the removal of intruders required by the first paragraph of article two of said agreement as amended.
The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, the same to be immediately available, is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to enable the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to employ such expert person or persons to properly render a complete account to the Cherokee Nation of moneys due said nation, as required in the fourth subdivision of article two of said agreement.


SEC. 11. That the sum of thirty thousand six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be immediately available, to pay the Tonkawa tribe of Indians in the Territory of Oklahoma for all their right, title, claim, and interest of every kind and character in and to four townships of land, containing ninety thousand seven hundred and ten and eighty-nine one-hundredths acres, more or less, ceded, conveyed, and relinquished to the United States by article one of an agreement concluded on the twenty first day of October, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, between David H. Gerome, Alfred M. Wilson, and Warren G. Sayre, duly appointed commissioners on the part of the United States and said Tonkawa tribe of Indians, which agreement is contained in the message of the President communicating the same to Congress, and known as Executive Document Numbered Thirteen, first session Fifty-second Congress, to be paid and applied in the manner provided for in said agreement. And such portion of said amount as may be deposited in the treasury of the United States shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum which interest shall be applied as provided in said agreement; and said agreement is hereby accepted, ratified, and confirmed.


SEC. 12. That the sum of eighty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be immediately available, to pay the Pawnee tribe of Indians in Oklahoma, formerly a part of the Indian Territory, for all their right, title, claim, and interest of every kind and character in and to all that tract of country between the Cimarron and Arkansas rivers embraced within the limits of seventeen specified townships of land, ceded, conveyed, and relinquished to the United States by said Pawnee tribe of Indians, by article one of an agreement concluded on the twenty third day of November, eighteen hundred and ninety-two, between David H. Jerome, Alfred M. Wilson, and Warren G. Sayre, duly appointed commissioners on the part of the United States, and said Pawnee tribe of Indians, which agreement is contained in the message of the President communicating the same to Congress, and known as executive document number sixteen, second session Fifty-second Congress, to be paid and applied in the manner provided in article four of said agreement. And the further sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, the same to be immediately available, to pay the expense of making the allotments provided for in said agreement, including the pay and expenses of necessary special agents hereby authorized to be appointed by the President for the purpose of making such allotments, and to pay the expense of necessary re-surveys therefor. Said agreement is hereby accepted, ratified, and confirmed. And the residue of the proceeds of the surplus lands mentioned in said agreement shall be placed to the credit of said tribe in the treasury of the United States, and shall bear interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, said interest to be paid and distributed to said tribe as provided in said article four.
SEC. 13. That the lands acquired by the agreements specified in the two preceding sections are hereby declared to be a part of the public domain. Sections sixteen and thirty-six in each township, whether surveyed or unsurveyed, are hereby reserved from settlement for the use and benefit of public schools, as provided in section ten, relating to lands acquired from the Cherokee Nation of Indians. And the lands so acquired by the agreements specified in the two preceding sections not so reserved shall be opened to settlement by proclamation of the President at the same time and in the manner, and subject to the same conditions and regulations provided in section ten, relating to the opening of the lands acquired from the Cherokee Nation of Indians. And each settler on the lands so to be opened as aforesaid shall, before receiving a patent for his homestead, pay to the United States for the lands so taken by him, in addition to the fees provided by law, the sum of two dollars and fifty cents per acre; and shall also pay interest upon the amount so to be paid for said land from the date of entry to the date of final payment at the rate of four per centum per annum.


SEC. 14. Before any of the aforesaid lands are open to settlement it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior to divide the same into counties which shall contain as near as possible not less than five hundred square miles in each county. In establishing said county lines the Secretary is hereby authorized to extend the lines of the counties already located so as to make the area of said counties equal, as near as may be, to the area of the counties provided for in this act: Provided, That range one west and ranges one, two, three and four east, in township twenty, shall be attached to and become a part of Payne county. At the first election for county officers the people of each county may vote for a name for each county, and the name which receives the greatest number of votes shall be t he name of such county: Provided further, That as soon as the county lines are designated by the Secretary he shall reserve not to exceed one-half section of land in each county, to be located for county seat purposes, to be entered under sections twenty-three hundred and eighty-seven and twenty-three hundred and eighty-eight of the Revised Statutes, and all reservations for county seats shall be specified in any order or proclamation which the President shall make for the opening of the lands to settlement.


SEC. 15. The consent of the United States is hereby given to the allotment of lands in severalty not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to any one individual within the limits of the country occupied by the Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, and Seminoles; and upon such allotments the individuals to whom the same may be allotted shall be deemed to be in all respects citizens of the United States. And the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to pay for the survey of any such lands as may be allotted by any of said tribes of Indians to individual members of said tribes; and upon the allotment of the lands held by said tribes respectively the reversionary interest of the United States therein shall be relinquished and shall cease.


SEC. 16. The President shall nominate and, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint three commissioners to enter into negotiations with the Cherokee Nation, the Choctaw Nation, the Chickasaw Nation, the Muscogee (or Creek) Nation, the Seminole Nation, for the purpose of the extinguishment of the national or tribal title to any lands within that Territory now held by any and all of such nations or tribes, either by cession of the same or some part thereof to the United States, or by the allotment or division of the same in severalty among the Indians of such nations or tribes, respectively, as may be entitled to the same, or by such other methods as may be agreed upon between the several nations and tribes aforesaid, or each of them, with the United States, with the view to such an adjustment, upon the basis of justice and equity, as may, with the consent of such nations or tribes of Indians, so far as may be necessary, be requisite and suitable to enable the ultimate creation of a state or states of the Union which shall embrace the lands within said Indian Territory.
The commissioners so appointed shall each receive a salary, to be paid during such time as they may be actually employed, under direction of the President, in the duties enjoined by this act, at the rate of five thousand dollars per annum, and shall also be paid their reasonable and proper expenses incurred in prosecution of the objects of this act, upon accounts therefor to be rendered to and allowed by the Secretary of the Interior from time to time. That such commissioners shall have power to employ a secretary, a stenographer, and such interpreter or interpreters as may be found necessary to the performance of their duties, and by order to fix their compensation, which shall be paid, upon the approval of the Secretary of the Interior, from time to time, with their reasonable and necessary expenses, upon accounts to be rendered as aforesaid; and may also employ in like manner and with the like approval, a surveyor or other assistant or agent, which they shall certify in writing to be necessary to the performance of any part of their duties.
Such commissioners shall, under such regulations and directions as shall be prescribed by the president, through the Secretary of the Interior enter upon negotiation with the several nations of Indians as aforesaid in the Indian Territory, and shall endeavor to procure, first, such allotment of lands in severalty to the Indians belong to each such nation, tribe, or band, respectively, as may be agreed upon as just and proper to provide for each such Indian a sufficient quantity of land for his or her needs, in such equal distributions and apportionment as may be found just and suited to the circumstances; for which purpose, after the terms of such an agreement shall have been arrived at, the said commissioners shall cause the lands of such nation or tribe or band to be surveyed and the proper allotment to be designated; and, secondly, to procure the cession, for such price and upon such terms as shall be agreed upon, of any lands not found necessary to be so allotted or divided, to the United States; and to make proper agreements for the investment or holding by the United States of such moneys as may be paid or agreed to be paid to such nation or tribes or bands, or to any of the Indians thereof, for the extinguishment of their title therein. But said commissioners shall, however, have power to negotiate any and all such agreements as in view of all the circumstances affecting the subject, shall be found requisite and suitable to such an arrangement of the rights and interests and affairs of such nations, tribes or bands, or Indians, or any of them, to enable the ultimate creation of a territory of the United States with a view to the admission of the same as a state in the Union.
The commissioners shall at any time, or from time to time, report to the Secretary of the Interior their transactions and the progress of their negotiations, and shall at any time, or from time to time, if separate agreements shall be made by them with any nation, tribe or band, in pursuance of the authority hereby conferred, report the same to the Secretary of the Interior for submission to Congress for its consideration and ratification.
For the purposes aforesaid there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury of the United States, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately available.
Neither the provisions of this section nor the negotiations or agreements which may be had or made thereunder shall be held in any way to waive or impair any right of sovereignty which the government of the United States has over or respecting said Indian Territory or the people thereof, or any other right of the government relating to said Territory, its lands, or the people thereof.
Approved March 3, 1893.


Scattered through the directory were advertisements, some of which were full-page advertisements. Others appeared on the borders of pages listing people, addresses, etc.
Following are different ads that appeared in the directory. MAW
North Summit Street, Opposite Gladstone, Hotel, Arkansas City, Kansas.

SEPTIMUS ANDREWS, Successor to E. N. Andrews.
Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in HARNESS AND SADDLES,
Bridles, Whips, Lap Robes, Turf Goods, Cattlemen’s Supplies, Etc.
Headquarters for Tents and Wagon Covers.

And the Mechanics’ Building and Loan Association, Of Arkansas City, Kansas.
Save Your Money! Own Your Home!
Offer the safest and most profitable investment known to modern finance.
Loans made on short notice at a low rate of interest.
For further particulars call on or address,
W. A. KASER, Secretary.

Popular Vocal and Instrumental pieces...
Bright Dreams of the Future, Henry B. Funk. (Solos, Duetts and Chorus. 50 cents.)
Darling Magdalena. Sentimental. Henry B. Funk. (Song and Chorus. 35 cents.)
Happy Laughing Darkey. Henry B. Funk. (Solo, Chorus and Waltz. 35 cents.)
Rockey my Soul in de Cradle. Henry B. Funk. (Serio-Comic End-Song and Quartet. 35 cts.)
For God, Home & Native Land. Henry B. Funk. (Temperance Rallying Song. 30 cents.)
Little Sunshine. Henry B. Funk. (A Beautiful Song and Chorus. 40 cents.)
That Beautiful Land of Rest. C. E. Balcom. (Sacred Quartet. 40 cents.)


Arkansas City March. Henry B. Funk. (For Piano or Organ. 50 cents.)
Sons of Veterans and G. A. R. March. C. E. Balcom. (For Piano or Organ. 40 cents.)
Descriptive March to Oklahoma. Henry B. Funk. (Introducing Indian Pow-Wow, War-Dance, Discharge of Musketry, Military March, Cattle Train with Bells, Cowboys, Jackrabbits, Hounds, Emigrants’ March, Cattlemen’s March, Opening Proclamation, and Settlers’ Grand March to the Promised Land. For Piano. 60 cents.)

Music Composed, Arranged, Harmonized and Published, to Order for
Piano, Organ, Band, Orchestra.
Manuscript Arrangements made for Any Kind or Number of Instruments.
Orders Promptly Filled for Any Book or Sheet Music, no matter Where Published.
Any Instrument to Order.
Prof. H. B. Funk, Manager.


Successors to PLUMMER CHAIR CO.,
Extension Tables, Breakfast Tables, Kitchen Tables, Beds, Wardrobes, Kitchen Safes,
Reclining, Hammock and Folding Chairs.

M. E. RODERICK, Proprietor.
120 N. Summit St., Arkansas City, Kansas.

Finest Flagging, Dimension and Ruble Stone in the West.

Daily Traveler.
-The Largest and Only Associated Press Paper in the Third Congressional District.-
Job Printing and Book Binding

Arc and Incandescent Light.
Special Rates to Gas Stove Consumers.
Gas Stoves a Specialty.

W. A. BASSETT, Superintendent.
Tickets Can be Procured at the Home National Bank.
Secretary’s Office at the Works.
C. M. HOLLIDAY, President. HOWARD HESS, Secretary.
L. E. WOODIN, JR., Assistant Secretary. J. H. CLAY, Superintendent.

A Canal Five Miles in length, extending from the Arkansas to the Walnut rivers, with a fall of Twenty-five feet, and a capacity of


The Finest and only efficient Water Power in the State. The Factories now using the water power to turn their immense machinery may be mentioned: the large Roller Mills of the Arkansas City Milling Company and Elevators with a capacity of a quarter of a million bushels; Canal Planing Mills, Kansas Mattress Company, the Kirkwood Wind Engine Company’s factory, Arkansas City Manufacturing Company’s works, and the Electric light Company’s machinery.
These factories are not using one-tenth of the power furnished.
All correspondence may be addressed to
W. M. SLEETH, President.

Established in 1879.
Circulation 2,500.
First-Class Job Office.

I. H. BONSALL, U. S. C. C. Commissioner,
Justice of the Peace and Notary Public.

The Best Daily in the City.
The Largest Weekly Circulation IN THE COUNTY.
Fine Job Printing a Specialty.
Office, basement of Johnson Loan and Trust Co. Building.

Manufacturer and Dealer in

A. C. FOY, Proprietor. L. F. HOOPS, Manager and Attorney at Law.
Groceries, Flour, and Feed.
The Cherokee Baking Powder Guaranteed Equal to any on the Market.
Twenty-five Cents per lb.

A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interest of the Cherokee Strip and prospective settlers therein.
Subscription Price, $1.50 Per Annum.
HARDING & RIDDELL, Publishers and Proprietors.

Chicago Star Store,
Wholesale and Retail
The place to buy Notions, Glassware, Crockery, Tinware, Hardware, Tents, Wooden Ware, and Willow Ware. Christmas Goods and Toys a specialty. The place for Boomers’ Outfits. The Cheapest place to buy goods.

G. M. COVERT, M. D., Physician and Surgeon.
RESIDENCE, 700 South A Street. Entrance to office by Post Office.
OFFICE HOURS: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2:30 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m.
Office in Worthley Block, No. 118 West Fifth Avenue.

CUSICK, Photographer.
Children’s Work a Specialty. All Work Guaranteed.
Gallery at Cor. Central Ave. and Summit St.

Staple and Fancy Groceries.
5, 10, 25, and 50 Cent Bargain Counters.
Arkansas City.

DR. J. E. DALE, DENTIST. Office Rooms, K. of P. Block.

Iron Fronts and General Machinery.

Adapts Glasses after Examining Eyes. Difficult Eyes a Specialty.


ELZINA LUMBER CO., Dealers in Lumber, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Lath, Shingles, Etc.

Telephone No. 25.
C. N. HUNT, Proprietor.

Only N. R. P. A. Daily in Kansas.

CAPITAL $100,000.00.

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Coal, Grain, Flour and Feed.

R. A. GILMER & CO., Real Estate Agents.
Farm loans negotiated for eastern parties. Money always on hand to loan on farms. Farms, ranches, city property and merchandise, pay taxes, furnish abstracts, make collections, etc. Correspondence solicited.
Office, 120 Fifth Ave. West, basement,

Groceries, Fruits and Provisions.

Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

One-Half Block West of Santa Fe Depot.
Save Hack Fare by Stopping with Us.


Wholesale & Retail China Hall.


L. D. HODGE, D. D. S.,
Second Stairs West of Post Office, Arkansas City.

THE KIRKWOOD has been on the market since 1882 and is the PIONEER STEEL MILL. Beauty, Strength, Durability and Power are combined in the KIRKWOOD, which makes it the Mill to Buy.
Are Light, Strong, Simple in Construction, much Cheaper than wood and will
Buy no other until you have investigated the claims for the KIRKWOOD.
Write us, mentioning this Directory, for prices and illustrated circulars describing the simplest and strongest Steel Mills and Towers on the market.

Notary Public and Pension Agent.
Prompt Attention Given to Bank and Foreign Collections.
Office, Hess Block, Fifth Avenue West,
Arkansas City, Kansas.

DR. H. M. MANLEY, Veterinary Hospital.
Chestnut Avenue Opposite Gladstone Hotel.

Matlack’s Mercantile Co., Stacy Matlack, Manager.

Fine Carriage Painting a Specialty.

McIntyre & Williams, HARNESS.
Horse Furnishing Goods.
116 South Summit.

Fire and Waterproof Roofing Paints.
Five Years Guarantee.
D. L. MEANS, Proprietor and Manufacturer.
MAIN OFFICES, 124 S. SUMMIT, Arkansas City, Kansas.
First National Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Farmers National Bank, Arkansas City, Kansas.
Fitzsimmons & Kinder, millers and bankers, Jacksonville, Illinois.
Capps & Sons, proprietors, Woolen Mills, Jacksonville, Illinois.


Connecting the Commercial Centers and rich farms of
The Broad Corn and Wheat Fields and Thriving Towns of
The Fertile River Valleys and Trade Centers of
The Grand, Picturesque, and Enchanting Scenery,
and the Famous Mining Districts of 
The Agricultural, Fruit, Mineral, and Timber Lands,
and Famous Hot Springs of
The Beautiful Rolling Prairies and Woodlands of the
The Sugar Plantations of
The Cotton and Grain Fields, the Cattle Ranges,
and Winter Resorts of
Historical and Scenic
And forms with its Connections the Popular Winter Route to
For full descriptive and illustrated pamphlets of any of the above States, or Hot Springs, Arkansas, San Antonio, Texas, and Mexico, address Company’s Agents, or
General Passenger & Ticket Agent,
Local Freight and Ticket Agent, Arkansas City, Kansas.


Dry Goods, Clothing, Carpets, Boots and Shoes.

Wall Paper and Painting,



W. A. REPP, President, Kansas State Undertakers Association.
C. L. REPP, Practical Embalmer.

And Short Order Lunch Room.
H. J. LANDIS & CO., Proprietors.
Everything Strictly First-Class.

Fine Shoes and Slippers.

Best Short Order and Lunch Counter in the City.

Ladies’ and Children’s Furnishing Goods.
Everything in TINWARE and NOTIONS.
No. 415 South Summit Street.

CARTS, and All Kinds of Farm Implements.

SOLLITT & SWARTS, The leading Druggists.

J. C. TOPLIFF, (Successor to J. L. Huey.)
Agent for a number of the most Reliable Insurance Companies in the Country.
Business transacted for Non-residents.

W. H. UPTON, Books, Stationery, and Periodicals.

F. D. WAUGH, LUMBER. Corner Fifth Avenue and A Street.

Everything in Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Seeds, Etc.
308 and 310 South Summit St.

City Meat Market
Keeps for sale the Best Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Game, Etc., that the market affords.
307 South Summit St., Arkansas City, Kansas.
A number of pages were devoted to producing photographs of various buildings in Arkansas City. The following were identified.
Arkansas (not Arkansaw) City is one of the few cities of the State that has increased in population and wealth since the collapse of the dizzy inflation that prevailed from 1885 to 1888. Many towns of considerable pretensions boast of the fact that their population has diminished but little since the boom and that their reduction in capital is only apparent.
The increase in the number of our inhabitants since the government census does not exceed twelve or fifteen hundred; but what is more important, the foundations have been laid for a more rapid and permanent advance in the future.
The rank we now hold among the cities of the State has been acquired and maintained with but half of the territory to draw from that which is naturally tributary to us. Rivals say that our continual growth is due to the fact that ours is a border town. Ordinarily to be a border town implies many advantages in the way of trade; for, beyond the border there usually lies a long stretch of country that yields a rich harvest from the trade of ranchmen, cowboys, and Indians, who cease to be customers when the country is opened. But Arkansas City is not a border town in this sense. With the exception of the Kaws and Osages, whose reservations lie southeast, we have but little trade of that kind and that will not be diverted from us by the opening of the outlet.
For miles south of the State line the country is uninhabited and might as well be a portion of the Sahara desert so far as present business is concerned. The coming opening will easily double our retail trade without infringing upon the prosperous towns (now unnamed and unborn) which will soon have an existence in the new territory. Our retail dealers are alive to this fact and are preparing to meet the demands soon to be made upon them.
Beside this there are a number of firms with a largely increasing wholesale trade in almost every line of merchandise.
The canal of the Arkansas City Water Power Company starting at a distance of five miles up the Arkansas river and terminating with a fall of more than twenty-two feet, furnishes unlimited power for manufacturing purposes. It now turns the wheels of the largest flouring mill in the State, besides nearly a dozen other large establishments. But notwithstanding this, steam still holds its own and the rumbling of the turbine wheel is answered by the shrill whistle of the steam engine.
The Santa Fe shops located here and at the end of three divisions of their lines do almost every class of work required by the road. This, and an extensive iron foundry, the City Water works, an artificial ice plant, and a number of other establishments are run by steam.
The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Missouri Pacific, and Frisco railroads furnish excellent service to the city, the Santa Fe extending south through Oklahoma and Indian Territory. One branch of the Frisco extends westward to Anthony, the other south terminating at Cale on the State line. The Missouri Pacific terminates here. The last two lines mentioned will doubtless be extended southwest at an early date. This will give Arkansas City the best railway service to be found in Southern Kansas.
Here as elsewhere in the building of a prosperous city the newspapers are among the main factors in bringing it about.
The Traveler evening daily is stalwart Republican. The Dispatch evening daily is an able advocate of the new gospel of government according to Weaver. The Arkansas Valley Democrat, weekly, is a believer in old fashioned Jeffersonian Democracy. The Cherokee Guide, weekly, recently stopped here on its way to the outlet, but it and the climate agree and it is liable to take root and stay. The Home Seeker’s Guide is a monthly real estate journal and is what its name indicates.
In political matters our papers have never been known to agree. In matters which pertain to everyday life their opinions only occasionally coincide. But on religious questions they seldom dispute and they are all for Arkansas City, all the time.